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0 Positive Effects Of Parent Involvement In Their Children Schooling

According to Henderson and Berla(1994), the most accurate predictor of a students

achievement in school is not income or social status but the extent to which that students
family is able to create a home environment that encourages learning,express high but real
expectations for their childrens achievement and future careers and become involved in their
childrens education at school and in the community.Parental involvement in childrens
education from an early age has signicant effect on educational achievement roughly and it
continues to do so into adolescence and adulthood.Here are some positive effects that we can
look at to if the parent get in involve in their children schooling.

Basically,fathers have a critical role to play in ensuring positive outcomes for their
children.There is consistent evidence that fathers interest and involvement in their childrens
learning which was measured in terms of interest in education,outings and reading to the
child is statistically associated with better educational outcomes.The children will get better
exam results,a higher level of educational qualifications ,greater progress at school and higher
educational expectations among their teacher at school.The children also will develop more
positive attitudes.For instance,they tend to enjoy more their school life with their parents
supportation to do better at school and achieve high academic qualification.The children
behaviour also are in controlled if the parent get involved in their children schooling .This
will reduced risk of suspension or expulsion at school.

Another positive effect of parent involvement at school is,the children will have
better self-esteem and more self-disciplined.They will show higher aspirations and
motivation toward school.The children from diverse cultural backgrounds tend to do better
when parents and professionals work together to bridge the gap between the culture at home
and the culture in school.The children can comfortably mixed and interact with other children
who come form different races and cultural.Most likely junior high and high school students
whose parents remain involved usually make better transitions and are less likely to drop out
of school.

The positive effect of parent involvement for parents itself is the interaction of the
parent and their children will get better.This is because when they get involved with their
children schooling,the parents increase their interaction and discussion with their children and
are more responsive and sensitive to their childrens social,emotional and intellectual
developmental needs.The parents also become more confident in their parenting and improve
their decision-making skills.

Furthermore,when the parents gain more knowledge of child development then

there is more use of affection and positive reinforcement and less punishment on their
children.This also develop a good relationship between the parents and the children.When
parents are aware of what their children are learning,they are more likely to help when they
are requested by teachers to become more involved in their childrens learning activities at
home.Parents perceptions of the school also improved and there are stronger ties and
commitment to the school if the parent support the school activities such as PIBG, gotong-
royong,annual school sport day and any other schools activities.

In addition,when the schools have a high percentage of involved parents in and out
of schools, the positive effect is teachers and principals are more likely to experience higher
morale and they also earn greater respect for their profeesion from the parents.Consistent
parent involvement can lead to the improvement in communication and relations between
parents,teachers and administrators basically.The teachers and principals report an increase in
job satisfaction and bring better of their name.

Lastly,the positive effect of parents involvement in their children schooling at

school perspective basically is,the schools will experience better community support.With the
parent support and involvement will bring the school name to the higher place.As we
know,parents usually comes from different background,some of them may be well-known
and good reputations in community,their involvement surely bring a good school
reputation.Usually school programs that encourage and involve parents usually do better and
they have higher quality programs that programs that do not involve with parents.The quality
an input of the programs also may be differs.
Reference :

Retrieved December 15, 2016, from

Olsen, G., & Fuller, M. L. (2010, July 20). The benefits of parent involvement: What research
has to say. Retrieved December 15, 2016, from

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