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Name of the Student: Hemant Parmar

Name and Address of the College: K.P.B. HINDUJA COLLEGE OF


Name of the Project in which student had enrolled: SWS

Title of the Project Report: Survey of Womens Status in Society

Submitted to: DLLE, University of Mumbai

Signature of the Student Signature of the


Signature of Field Coordinator Signature of Principal with

College Seal

Signature of the Director, DLLE with Seal


I would like to thank Dr. Kailas Kagade, Prof. Sanjay Ghodke and Prof.
Jamshed Khan for their valuable support in conducting survey and the
project writing till the final project reporting and also for their valuable

Being the Student Manager, this project would not have been complete
without the support of the participants who not only responded actively
but encouraged me with their open replies and sparing their time for
the same. It is my pleasure to thank all my teammates who
participated in the survey for the study undertaken by us.

My reason for joining the Extension Work Activity

An experience of last year towards the Extension Work Activity helped

me develop many skills and in order to broaden my skills, I was given
an opportunity of being the Student Manager. Thus as it was a golden
opportunity for me to learn many more things other than mastering
those done last year, I eagerly joined the DLLE Programme.

Signature of the Representative of the DLLE with the seal of Certification, if

approved for 10 grace marks.

*Name of the college & community level activities in which student has taken
active participation: K.P.B. Hinduja College

*Name of the activities such as: street play, songs, poster, allocution, speech
lesson, industrial visit etc (any other)

*Topic of the activity: (AIDS, Child Labor, Environment, pollution etc)

*participation for/ as: writing, directing, performing, music or singing, poster

designing, painting etc

*Location/ Place of performance where the activity held.

*Date and timings (Use the following table if needed)

Sr. Name of Yes Date Place/ Topic/ Participated as No. of

N the / Location Subject Participa
o Activity No nts
1 Exibition
2 Seminar
3 Talk,
4 Street Play
5 Poster
6 Survey Yes 17-9- Mumbai (SWS) Surveyor/ 40
15 to Investigator
25-12- and Student
15 Manager
7 Interview Yes 17-9- Mumbai Questionn Surveyor/
15 to aire investigator/Stu
25-12- Method dent Manager

*Data Collection: Being the Student Manager, Data was collected from the
teammates and they were given guidance on analysis by me.

*Poster Prepared: Yes No. of Posters: One

Part A: For the Students who enrolled for Traditional Extension Activities

Had you enrolled for extension activities in the past?

What were your expectations about extension activity?

I, as the Student Manager expected the extension activity to be one

of the ways of enhancing my leadership skills. At the same time, it
would help me organize work and be a good manager when it comes
to Human Resources at my disposal.

Are your expectations fulfilled?

To some extent, yes they are fulfilled. I have learnt a lot of practical
things on management. The due credit should be given to all the
students under me who showed great support and completed the
task allotted to them with enthusiasm.

Problems you faced (if any):

Lack of attendance of students in meetings due to petty issues was
one major drawback as we were not being able to get a quorum for
a meeting many a times but overall it was just about time
management. The Professor allotted to us for DLLE lacked
experience so the pressure for training was a big burden for me due
to lack of support on one side.
Did you like the extension activities? Yes/ No, Please mention why?
Yes. It was really a wonderful experience. I got an opportunity to
communicate with people of different backgrounds, thoughts,
cultures. It helped me to improve my analytical skill while managing
them and also help me enhance my communication skills while

conducting a meeting. Also, as the topic was, Status of Women the
problems of women were known to the masses, which otherwise
would have been ignored in a metropolitan city like Mumbai where
90% of the women are liberated and only 10% respondent are aware
of their rights.
In future, I would like to such survey projects as well as act as the
Student Manager so that many other issues can be discussed and
the impacts can be found. Also it helps me update my knowledge of
software EXCEL and SPSS to some extent.
Are you satisfied with the overall extension activity?

In which mode, will you participate in extension activity if given

opportunity again- online/ offline please mention why?

I would definitely go for offline activity. Going offline helps you to

explore the various places as well having an oral face to face
communication is always better. There is not much chance of a vague
answer and also you can ask various other questions,on the spot
related to the topic. Though it is a time consuming method, but it is
highly recommended as well as reliable.

How did you carry out these activities?

At first, the topic i.e. Status of Women in Society was selected with
majority approval of students and a questionnaire was prepared for
the interview to collect the data. I established good repo with
prospective respondents. After the interview and data collections by
the students, an excel worksheet was prepared for further analysis
and the observations were thus obtained with the help of softwares
EXCEL and SPSS. Lastly, the report was prepared systematically as
per the required formats which laid down the observations, analysis,
conclusions and suggestions.

What do you learn by Extension Activities ?(Gain/ Loss) Gain

I learnt lot of things like how to improve communication skill with
people having vide range of educational, cultural and economic

background. I could also enhance management skills that can be
very helpful for me in future
How will Extension Work help you to contribute to the society?
Extension work has many activities under itself which helps develop
the overall personality of a student as well as it has topics related to
social issues. Spreading awareness about the topics can help
contribute the society to some extent.
What do you say about improving Extension Work: (Your Experience,
view, suggestions, etc)

Various such topics are being discussed on a higher level but at ground
level awareness is very much required. Not only students but any
laymen people should be encouraged to take part in this so that
personally even they can benefit and finally society in large scale will

Your opinion about festival( UDAAN)

Udaan is one of the best festivals in Mumbai where people from

different places come together to express their thoughts. On a higher
note, it is a NATIONAL platform to showcase your talents and skills and
also, it is a great platform to learn by example.

F. Any other innovative topic would you like to suggest?

1. Make in India

2. Awareness about Blood Donation Drive

G. Remarks & feedback for extension work with suggestions:

Overall it was a nice experience. I would like to undertake similar

surveys and analyze them in my future study.

Sign. of Extension Teacher, Sign. of Field Co-ordinator, Sign. of Principal of
the College with Seal

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