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Managerial Auditing Journal

Auditing the indirect consequences of rework in construction: a case based approach

Peter E.D. Love
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To cite this document:
Peter E.D. Love, (2002),"Auditing the indirect consequences of rework in construction: a case based approach", Managerial
Auditing Journal, Vol. 17 Iss 3 pp. 138 - 146
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(2004),"Determinants of rework in building construction projects", Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,
Vol. 11 Iss 4 pp. 259-274
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(2003),"Capturing rework costs in projects", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 18 Iss 4 pp. 329-339 http://
(2007),"Defects and rework in new build: an analysis of the phenomenon and drivers", Structural Survey, Vol. 25 Iss 5 pp.

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Auditing the indirect consequences of rework in
construction: a case based approach

Peter E.D. Love

Department of Information Systems, Edith Cowan University, Churchlands, Perth,

Keywords construction projects. A novel taxonomy for

Construction industry, Introduction categorising the indirect consequences at an
Indirect costs, Contract,
Rework can adversely affect the performance individual level, organisational level and
Defective premises
project level is presented. Based on the
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and productivity of design and construction

Abstract organisations. In addition, it is a major findings from examples derived from the case
There is little known about the study, it is suggested that the incidence of
contributing factor to time and cost overruns
indirect consequences of rework
on construction projects (Chan and rework can have a multiplier effect of up to
in construction projects,
especially the financial costs. Kumaraswamy, 1997; Love, 2001). Numerous six times the actual (direct) cost of
Therefore, this paper uses studies have attempted to quantify the direct rectification.
examples from a case study to
costs of rework in building and engineering To reduce the costs of rework it is
demonstrate the potential indirect suggested that design and construction
consequences and costs that are projects (Burati et al., 1992). These direct
associated with undertaking costs (of rework) have been found to be as organisations implement a quality
rework in building construction high as 25 percent of contract value (Barber et management system, which is supported by a
projects. A novel taxonomy for
al., 2000). A number of factors contribute to quality cost system. Only when organisations
categorising the indirect begin to measure (and therefore really
consequences at an individual such large variance in these reported
findings. These include the extent of quality understand) their rework costs, will they
level, organisational level and
fully appreciate the economic benefits of
project level is presented. Based management practices implemented, the type
on the findings from examples achieving quality. That is, ``getting it right
of project, the form of procurement method
derived from the case study, it is first time'' provides tangible economic
suggested that the incidence of used, and project complexity. Moreover,
benefit to the entire project coalition, as well
rework can have a multiplier effect there is a lack of uniformity in the way in
of up to six times the actual
as satisfying the client's aspirations.
which rework cost data have been collected
(direct) cost of rectification. To
because of the various interpretations as to
reduce these costs it is concluded
that design and construction what constitutes rework. Consequently, the
organisations must improve their rework costs that have been reported in the Defining rework
quality management systems by normative literature should not be Terms such as quality deviations (Davis et
including a quality system for
considered to be indicative but rather used as al., 1989; Burati et al., 1992), non-
continuously auditing, analysing
and presenting direct as well as a source of reference (Burati et al., 2000). conformances (Abdul-Rahman, 1995), defects
indirect rework costs. Noteworthy, the measurement of rework (Josephson and Hammarlund, 1999), quality
costs in itself does not cause improvement failures (Barber et al., 2000) and repairs are
it is merely the starting point for establishing often used to infer rework. Ashford (1992)
new knowledge (Love and Holt, 2000). Thus, defines rework as ``the process by which an
the success of management is based upon an item is made to conform to the original
ability to become scientific, where knowledge requirement by completion or correction''.
is characteristically acquired through The Construction Industry Development
systematic observation, experiment and Agency (CIDA) (1995), however, defined
deductive reasoning. rework as ``doing something at least one
To date there has been limited research extra time due to non-conformance to
that has sought to determine the indirect requirements''. Similarly, Love and Li (2000a)
costs of rework in Australian construction defined rework ``as the unnecessary effort of
projects. Therefore, examples are drawn re-doing a process or activity that was
from a case study to demonstrate the indirect incorrectly implemented the first time''.
consequences and costs that can be Repairs, which are defined as ``the process of
Managerial Auditing Journal associated with rework in building restoring a non-conforming characteristic to
17/3 [2002] 138146 an acceptable condition even though the item
# MCB UP Limited may still not conform to the original
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
[ISSN 0268-6902] requirement'', may also involve rework.
[DOI 10.1108/02686900210419921]
Essentially, rework can result from errors,
[ 138 ]
Peter E.D. Love omissions, failures, damage, and change that 10 percent of the quality failures that
Auditing the indirect orders throughout the procurement process were experienced accounted for 90 percent
consequences of rework in (Love and Li, 2000a). their total cost. Here significant proportions
construction: a case based
approach of the quality failures were attributable to
Managerial Auditing Journal design-related (76 percent) issues, such as
17/3 [2002] 138146 Rework costs erroneous documentation and poor
communication between project team
Josephson and Hammarlund (1999) reported members.
that defect costs of residential, industrial and As mentioned above, rework can also
commercial building projects range from 2 originate from change orders (Knocke, 1993;
percent to 6 percent of their contract values. Love and Li, 2000a). However, the extent to
Similarly, Love and Li (2000a), in their study which change orders contribute to rework
of rework costs for a residential and costs remains relatively unexplored.
industrial building, found the costs of rework Research undertaken by Zeitoun and
to be 3.15 percent and 2.40 percent of contract Oberlander (1993) found that the median
value respectively. In addition, Love and Li costs of change orders for 71 fixed price
(2000a) found that when a contractor projects were 5.3 percent of the contract
implemented a quality assurance system in value and 6.8 percent for 35 cost reimbursable
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conjunction with an effective continuous projects. Similarly, research undertaken by

improvement strategy, rework costs were Cox et al. (1999) in the UK revealed that the
found to be less than 1 percent of the contract costs of design-related change orders could
value. Love and Li (2000b) suggested a range from 5 percent to 8 percent of the
contractor will invariably always try to off- contract value even when projects are
load any additional costs that they may incur managed effectively, as most of the changes
onto their client and subcontractors. are initiated by clients. The costs of change
Furthermore, Love and Li (2000b) noted that orders in the research reported by Zeitoun
a contractor's estimate/tender figure might and Oberlander (1993) and Cox et al. (1999) are
also allow for some degree of rework (in the similar to the rework costs previously
form of a contingency) based on their reported. A degree of change can be, and to a
knowledge and experience from previous and certain extent, should be, expected in
similar projects that they have undertaken. construction, as it is difficult for clients to
Thus, according to Love and Li (2000b) the visualise the end product that they procure.
actual cost of rework to a contractor may However, almost all forms of rework (with
even be negligible, especially for projects exception of those caused by weather) are
procured under a design and construct preventable with the implementation of
arrangement with a guaranteed maximum quality management concepts (Ashford, 1992;
price. CIDA, 1995; Love and Li, 2000a), since poor
The costs of quality deviations in civil and management of the design and construction
heavy industrial engineering projects, process typically causes such costs to occur.
however, have been found to be significantly While there has been a plethora of research
higher. For example, Burati et al. (1992) that has sought to determine the direct
studied nine major engineering projects to (tangible) costs of rework, the indirect
determine the cost associated with correcting (intangible) costs of it remain unexplored in
deviations to meet specified requirements. construction. This is because it is difficult, if
The results of their study indicated that, for not impossible, to quantify such costs in pure
all nine projects, quality deviations monetary terms. Campanella (1990) reported
accounted for an average of 12.4 percent of that the Westinghouse Electric Corporation
the contract value. A significantly lower found that a multiplier effect of at least three
figure was reported by Abdul-Rahman (1995), to five was directly related to the indirect
who found non-conformance costs (excluding effects of a quality failure (e.g. rework).
material wastage and head office overheads) CIDA (1995), for example, estimated the
in a highway project to be 5 percent of the direct cost of rework in construction to be
contract value. Abdul-Rahman (1995) greater than 10 percent of project cost. Thus,
specifically makes the point that the non- if a 10 percent rework value was applied to
conformance costs may have been the annual turnover of the Australian
significantly higher in projects where poor construction industry in 1996, which was
quality management is implemented. estimated at $A43.5 billion per annum (DIST,
Notably, Nylen (1996) found that when poor 1998), then the direct cost of rework can be
quality management practices were approximated at $A4.3 billion per annum.
implemented in a railway project, quality Bearing this in mind, and assuming the
failures were found to be 10 percent of the indirect costs of rework are three to five
contract value. Nylen (1996) further found times the actual cost of rectification, then the
[ 139 ]
Peter E.D. Love indirect cost of rework could range from $A12 was visited three times a week throughout its
Auditing the indirect to $A20 billion. duration.
consequences of rework in The negative impact of indirect rework on Two block visits of four days to each
construction: a case based
approach profits can have serious consequences on project were included. These block visits
Managerial Auditing Journal projects' and an organisations' costs. For were undertaken during times of increased
17/3 [2002] 138146 example, once design errors or omissions are site activity. Interviews were primarily used
identified in contract documentation, rework to determine those causes and effects of
will occur. This process may continue to rework. Direct observations, and
magnify until ultimately, the design firm documentary sources provided by the
finds itself in serious financial difficulties contractor, consultants, subcontractor and
due to the prolonged impact of an unheeded suppliers were also used to derive data.
increase in rework costs, coupled with a Numerous other sources such as variation
declining professional image and low morale. lists, site instructions, day work sheets,
extension of time claims and non-
conformances contributed also to identifying
Research methodology rework events, which were used to determine
the costs associated with rework.
Besides the research undertaken by
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Josephson and Hammarlund (1999) and Love Case study validity

and Li (2000a), little is known about the The use of interviews, documentary sources,
causes and costs of rework in building and observations indicates that internal
projects, particularly the indirect validity needed to be addressed. Interviews,
consequences and costs. In fact, most rework in particular, were used to identify rework
related research has tended to focus on civil events, which had been discovered during
engineering projects (Davis et al., 1989; the interviews and through observations that
Burati et al., 1992; Abdul-Rahman, 1995; had been made by the researcher. Each
Barber et al., 2000) and housing projects interview was tape-recorded and
(BRE, 1982; NEDO, 1987; Hammarlund and subsequently transcribed. These were given
Josephson, 1991). So in order to determine the to each person that had been interviewed to
indirect costs of rework in building projects check and resolve any discrepancies that
there was a need for a methodology that may have arisen and eliminate any
would enfranchise those project participants interviewer bias. Bearing in mind the array
that had been involved with a particular of evidence that was accumulated, great care
rework event so that the full impact of was undertaken by the author to ensure that
rework could be assessed. Considering the the data collected converged on similar facts
originality of the research, a case study was as described by Jick (1979).
adopted (Hakim, 1987; Yin, 1989). A
description of the case study project used is
presented below.
Findings and discussion
Case description The direct cost of rework that occurred in the
The case-study project consisted of two, six- project was found to be 3.15 percent of
storey residential apartment blocks, which contract value. Details about how this cost
contained a total of 43 units. Underground was derived can be found in Love and Li
parking, a landscaped podium and swimming (2000a). To illustrate the multiplier effect,
pool were among the facilities incorporated examples of rework that occurred as a result
into this development. The contract value for of poor contract documentation and
the development was $A10.96m, with a workmanship are presented in detail below.
contract period of 43 weeks. The project was With the exception of the contractor, all
procured using a traditional lump sum organisations involved in the project did not
contract, with the client employing a project have a quality management system or
manager to act as their development quality cost system in place.
Poor contract documentation
Data collection Requests for information (RFIs) in terms of
Data were collected from the time time were costly for all concerned with the
construction commenced on-site until the procurement of the structural steel sub-
completion of the defects liability period. contract, as a result of errors, omissions and
Interviews (unstructured and semi- inconsistencies in the contract
structured) were conducted with the site documentation. For example, the draftsman
management team, consultants, raised a total of 90 RFIs; the sub-contractor
subcontractors and suppliers. The project raised 20; and the contractor 15. In total, 125
[ 140 ]
Peter E.D. Love RFIs were raised and the number of queries drafting office, in terms of resources. The
Auditing the indirect on each RFI varied from one to 20. proliferation of administrative costs was
consequences of rework in Over a two-month period, the contractor considered to be a symptom of poor
construction: a case based
approach estimated that they had spent a total of one documentation for all parties involved (in the
Managerial Auditing Journal week dealing with the problems associated procurement of the structural steel sub-
17/3 [2002] 138146 with the structural steel sub-contract. In contract). These particularly took the form of
addition, the project architect estimated that costs relating to additional telephone calls,
they had employed a graduate for two faxes, letters and duplication of drawings,
months, working full time, answering RFIs. and couriers. While these costs may appear
Similarly, the structural engineer had a to be relatively minor, they can have an
graduate engineer provide answers to RFIs adverse impact on a firm's cash flow,
throughout this period. These costs can be especially if it is a small firm. In the case of
quantified to some degree, but the costs the drafting firm, it estimated that the costs
associated with losses in productivity, the for copying and couriering drawings to the
negative effects on morale and stress, loss of contractor, architect and structural engineer
income, etc., are more difficult to obtain and increased its typical monthly expenditure
even more difficult to quantify. For reasons threefold for these items.
of confidentiality, both the architect and The architect and structural engineer
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engineer were reluctant to comment in detail suggested that productivity and employee
about the impact that rework had had on morale had been adversely affected by having
their organisations' indirect costs. However, to constantly revise their documentation. The
considering the time that was spent architect suggested that in some instances
addressing RFIs for each of the they found themselves having to re-design
aforementioned participants, and using the elements because of errors in the structural
costs for staff provided by the contractor, the documentation. This could have been avoided
direct cost of labour was estimated to be: if the documentation process had been
Project manager @ $11,000 (on-costs) per effectively managed from the outset.
month 6 1 week $A2,500; The drafting firm also experienced a
Graduate architect @ $4,000 (on-costs) per decrease in productivity and morale as a
month 6 2 month $A8,000; result of having to constantly ask for more
Graduate structural engineer @ $6,000 (on information from the architect. Some staff,
costs) per month 6 1 month $A6,000. who were employed on a part-time contract
Total $A16,500 basis, resigned and obtained jobs with
another drafting organisation because they
Simply spending additional monies in were frustrated with having to rework their
correcting and modifying design changes, drawings and wait for information to arrive.
errors and omissions during the contract will For the drafting firm, the most significant
inevitably reduce a firm's profit margin. indirect cost related to the extension of its
Both the architect and structural engineer original contract period for the project. This
stated that their fees for the case-project were affected its capacity to take on new contracts.
low (they had tendered competitively for In addition, when information was made
their commission), though this should not available, additional resources had to be
have influenced the quality of service employed and overtime paid, as deadlines
provided. Hoxley (2000) has stated that while needed to be met. This subsequently had a
fee levels have fallen since the introduction negative impact on the morale of all
of competitive fee scales, service quality has employees within the drafting office. In total,
not declined, which suggests that it was estimated that an additional direct cost
profitability has fallen and/or consultants of rectifying the shop drawings due to design
have become more efficient. In fact, poor changes, errors and omissions, was $16,000.
documentation has always been an area of The contractor and draftsman stated that
concern in projects, prior to the introduction the production of poor quality
of compulsory competitive tendering for documentation was not an industry problem,
professional services (Dalty and Crawshaw, but rather, an organisation-specific one. The
1973; Crawshaw, 1976). draftsman stated that before tendering its
The contract documentation that was services the firm takes into account its
produced for the case-project contained previous experience with the consultants
errors and omissions, primarily because the involved. The draftsman stated that it often
documentation process was not co-ordinated refuses to tender for a project if it is to work
by the client's representative. When these with a particular consultant, or if the
errors were identified, design documentation consultant has a record of producing poor
was revised on a sporadic basis, that is, as quality documentation. In such instances it
and when there was spare capacity in the typically adds 10 percent to the value of its
[ 141 ]
Peter E.D. Love tender. In this particular case, the drafting Table I
Auditing the indirect firm was not familiar with the consultants The cost and magnitude of defects
consequences of rework in involved. The drafting firm stated that in
construction: a case based Number of Defect costs
approach future it would only deal with consultants
and contractors it had worked with Subcontract package defects ($)
Managerial Auditing Journal
17/3 [2002] 138146 previously (thereby underlining its Structural steel 6 300
dissatisfaction in this instance). Metalwork 6 300
There may be a danger that recurring Aluminium windows 3 150
documentation errors will creep up and settle Balustrades 6 300
in at an insidiously comfortable level, which Timber doors 6 300
may be accepted as an industry ``norm''. An Toilet partitions 6 300
analogy with plant management can be Parquetrya 7 350
drawn here: if plant maintenance costs do not Roofing 4 200
increase significantly on the last year's costs, Plumbing and drainage 9 450
then they are generally accepted as ``normal'' Ceiling and partitionsa 9 450
regardless of whether they are artificially Mechanical 7 350
high or not (Edwards et al., 1998). If design Electrical and fire 16 800
consultants repeatedly produce error- Painting 10 500
Downloaded by President University At 00:56 13 September 2016 (PT)

induced rework, they may become invisible Landscapea 5 250

or come to be regarded with complacency, as Total 100 5,000
the cost of doing business. Whatever Note: a Defects considered to be the responsibility of
percentage increase is taken up by rework, the contractor
that percentage will be added to a design
firm's costs. Thus, if rework accounts for 10
indirect costs associated with them were
percent of regular work of a design firm, this
significant. For example, while walking
would lead to everything being increased by
round the site with the project manager prior
10 percent: supervision, cycle time for
to the issue of the certificate of practical
administrative procedures, answering RFIs
completion, numerous marks and unpainted
and so on. The time element obviously
patches could be seen on the walls of various
translates into costs, which are then buried
units. As a result, the foreman requested that
in what would be considered normal
the sub-contractor return to site, because the
operating costs.
purchaser was eager to move into the now
``finished'' apartment.
Poor workmanship
The subcontractor complained to the
It was found that defects due to poor
project manager that he had to travel over 25
workmanship accounted for 1.5 percent of the
km to rectify the damage that another sub-
total cost of rework experienced in the case-
contractor had done, while ignoring the fact
study project. While this may appear to be a
that they had also to return to attend to some
relatively minor cost, the indirect costs and
patches of their own work, which were
consequences of having to rectify the work
considered of poor quality. The sub-
were significant for those concerned.
contractor stated ``it's taken nearly half a day
Defects were those items that were
to fix this up. An hour-and-a-half here in peak
identified by the architect and project
hour traffic and an hour back just for an
manager during their walk around the site
hour's work, and nobody pays for your
prior to issuing the certificate for practical
travelling time''. When the sub-contractor
completion. In total, 100 minor defects were
was probed they estimated the indirect cost
identified. Table I denotes the costs and
of rectifying the defect to be:
magnitude of defects for various sub-contract
Waiting and travelling time (3 hours @ $35
trade packages. The defects that were
per hour) $A115
considered to be the responsibility of the
Additional materials (1 litres of paint @
contractor, are denoted by (a) in Table I.
$20 per litre) $A30
Essentially, these related to the cleaning and
Loss of productivity (4 hours @ $35 per
removing of stains to the parquetry flooring
hour) $A170
in units, replacing damaged tiles to the
Total $A315
suspended ceiling in the foyer area, and
replacing damaged ferns to landscaped areas. Considering the direct cost of rectification
The project manager estimated the cost of was $50, then the indirect cost was found to
rectifying these to be $5,000 and suggested be six times this amount. Assuming that was
that each defect would cost approximately the case for each defect, the indirect cost for
$50 to rectify. defects identified for the case-study project
The defects identified may appear minor may well have exceeded $25,000. However,
and relatively inexpensive to rectify, but the most contractors acknowledge and
[ 142 ]
Peter E.D. Love understand the difficulties of asking sub- It is impossible to set aside a monetary
Auditing the indirect contractors to return to site to rectify defects. value for each of the factors that have been
consequences of rework in
construction: a case based Thus, to minimise any disruption to a sub- identified. However, it is important to realise
approach contractor's workload they invariably that the rework can seriously affect an
Managerial Auditing Journal attempt to package defects so that as many as individual, an organisation and a project's
17/3 [2002] 138146 possible can be rectified in one visit. There performance. At the individual level, stress,
are also physiological and psychological fatigue, absenteeism, de-motivation, and poor
consequences associated with undertaking morale were found to be the primary indirect
rework. For example, increased stress due to consequences of rework. In fact, when an
the additional financial burden and the loss individual is subjected to having to work
of profit, as well as having to do something longer because of errors, changes or
again, can have de-motivating consequences. omissions, fatigue and stress may emerge,
This is especially true when a sub-contractor which can increase the likelihood of further
has to rectify somebody else's poor or rework occurring (Abdul-Hamid and
unfinished work. Madnick, 1991; Love et al., 2000). At the
In fact, once practical completion was organisation level, reduced profit,
issued most purchasers requested to move diminished professional image, inter-
into their units. It was revealed that the organisational conflict, loss of future work
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development's sales staff had encouraged and poor morale were identified as indirect
purchasers to do this without consulting with consequences of rework. At the project level,
the contractor. Once practical completion is work inactivity (e.g. waiting time, idle time,
granted the contractor's liability with respect travelling time etc) and end-user
to time and liquidated damages and public dissatisfaction were identified as indirect
liability ceases, and also the defects liability consequences of rework. It is suggested that
period commences. In effect this is the date the indirect costs identified in the case study
upon which the transfer of the risk of the will invariably be experienced by almost all
property to the client is effected. projects that experience rework, though the
The contractor found it difficult to organise degree to which they occur will depend on
many of the subcontractors to return to site to the management practices of those
rectify defective and incomplete work, as most organisations involved in the project
were working on other projects. Consequently, coalition.
some work such as re-installing general
purpose outlets, sanitary appliances,
re-installing locks to doors, and painting, Rework cycle
had to be undertaken after purchasers had To understand the multiplier effect better,
moved into their units. Many of the Cooper's (1993) rework cycle will be used to
purchasers found this to be an inconvenience demonstrate how and why rework can occur
and consequently blamed the contractor for during the design stage of a project with
the incomplete and poor quality work. The respect to the production of contract
intangible costs in this respect, i.e. to the documentation. Figure 2 illustrates the
contractor's image, are greater than may at rework cycle for the production of contract
first be appreciated. Ineffective documentation. The boxes in Figure 2
communication on behalf of the client's represent activities that are undertaken
representative was the primary contributing during the contract documentation process.
factor that caused this disruption to At the start of the documentation phase, all
purchasers. The need for effective intra-and activities will invariably reside in a pool of
inter-organisation communication in work to be undertaken. As designers begin
construction has been previously underlined the documentation process, changing levels
(Nesan and Holt, 1999; Holt et al., 2000); the of staff (people) working at varying
case in point is evidence of such assertion. If, productivity (output) levels may determine
in advance, the contractor had been given a the progress of the work being undertaken
schedule of dates for when purchasers wanted (Abdul-Hamid and Madnick, 1991). This is
to move in, then completion of their respective especially the case when staff involved in the
units could have been programmed better. As documentation process either leave the
it was, many sub-contractors had to re-visit design organisation (turnover) or become
the site to rectify work on an ad hoc basis, unavailable (due to illness or recreational
which had an adverse effect on their leave) and replacement staff are needed to
productivity and morale. complete the documentation process.
A summary of the indirect consequences of The discontinuity of design staff can have a
rework experienced in the examples from the significant impact on the performance of the
case study project can be seen in Figure 1. design process (Chapman, 1999). This is
[ 143 ]
Peter E.D. Love because all knowledge and information that a include the design firm's workload, the
Auditing the indirect staff member has acquired about the project design fee value, time allowed for the design
consequences of rework in process, staffing levels, the amount of time
construction: a case based cannot be passed directly from one
approach individual to the next, even if a hand-over allocated to prepare documentation and the
Managerial Auditing Journal period and/or de-briefing occurs from the procurement method.
17/3 [2002] 138146 departing staff member (Chapman, 1999). Documentation that is considered to be of
Even staff recruited from the same office adequate quality will enter the pool of
cannot acquire project knowledge documentation that is completed, which may
not need re-doing unless the client or
immediately they commence on the project.
contractor requests changes to the design.
In practice, documentation activities are
Design changes may cause schedule
executed at varying levels (due to the skill
pressures and place designers under
and experience of the designer) and as a
considerable stress, which can result in poor
result this is likely to affect the quality of
morale, conflict and fatigue due to overtime.
documentation that is produced. Noteworthy, Detailed explanations as to the impact that
however, is that the completeness and level rework (or changes) can have on productivity
of documentation quality that is achieved can be found in Moselhi et al. (1991).
depends on many factors and conditions in The remaining completed documentation
the organisation and the project environment will subsequently need some rework, but for a
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(Love et al., 2000). For example, these may period of time the documentation remains in
the pool known as ``undiscovered rework''.
Figure 1 This pool contains undetected errors and is
Taxonomy of the indirect consequences of rework therefore perceived to be error free. However,
errors and omissions may be discovered in
several ways. For example, through design
checks and reviews during the preparation of
bills of quantities by the quantity surveyor or
on-site by contractor/subcontractor. The
rework discovery period may occur over
weeks, months or even years later (depending
on the size of the project) during which time
dependent work may have incorporated these
errors. Once discovered, the known rework
will have to be addressed, which may require
additional resources or overtime to be
undertaken. This may lead to an individual
becoming fatigued and stressed, which can
lead to more errors being made.
In addressing the identified rework, the
work to be undertaken will enter the flow of
work in progress, and will be subject to
similar productivity and quality variations.
In addition, there is a chance that reworked
items may flow through the same cycle.
Figure 2 Indeed, poor quality contract documentation
The structure of the rework cycle may cause more cycles of rework, and
require additional resources to rectify.
Design organisations that are not able to
produce good quality documentation will not
be able to maximise their return from fees.
The rework cycle can also be applied to
activities being undertaken on-site. Errors
and omissions can affect contractor and
subcontractors the same way in which they
affect design organisations, especially if
preliminary items such as supervision,
scaffolding, and cranage are required for
extended periods. Clearly, there is a need to
implement effective strategies to prevent the
occurrence of rework in projects as it can
have an adverse impact on individual,
organisational and project performance.
Construction organisations, particularly
design consultants, must realise that quality
[ 144 ]
Peter E.D. Love improvement results in cost improvement. Abdul-Rahman, H. (1995), ``The cost of non-
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supported with a quality cost system. Only Building Research Establishment (BRE) (1982),
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hence appreciate) their rework costs, will Investigation into Faults and Their Avoidance,
they really understand the economics of BRE, Garston.
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has sought to determine the indirect Principles, Implementation and Use, ASQC
consequences of rework events. While the Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI.
research presented in this paper has been Chan, D.W.M. and Kumaraswamy, M.M. (1997),
exploratory in nature, it has demonstrated ``A comparative study of causes of time
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significant as they can have a cost multiplier projects'', International Journal of Project
effect of three to six times the costs of actual Management, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 55-63.
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could not be assigned any monetary value,
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problems associated with quality Documentation, Sydney, pp. 77-89.

[ 146 ]
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