Agniveer Intro

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About Agniveer

Children of mother India. Children of mother Dharma. Children whose mother is not at
all safe. Children whose mother is under attack since 1300 years from outside and
within. Children whose mother was partitioned multiple times on swords point.
Children who believe enough is enough. Children who have vowed to protect the mother.
No more attacks. No more insults. No more disrespect. Agniveer is the group of such
children of mother India. Now on mission of going to every son and daughter of Bharat
Mata who are soundly sleeping without knowing that the mother will be on death bed
soon if not rescued right now.

Agniveer was started to protect Dharma. The glorious golden principles of humanity.
The glorious Hinduism. The glorious Vedas. The incredible Geeta. The unmatched
wisdom of Upanishads and Darshans. For centuries, the Vedas were burnt. Geeta was
desecrated. Temples were destroyed. Cows were slaughtered. Women were abducted.
Children were enslaved. Men were converted. The same has been happening even today.
With even more zeal. Only thing that changed is the strategy.

Why is it that the land of Ram does not belong to Ram today in Ayodhya? Land of
Krishna does not belong to Krishna in Mathura? Land of Shiva does not belong to Shiva
in Kashi? Why dont the laws of India apply on a particular minority? Why are Kashmiri
Hindus living in tents despite Kashmir being the integral part of India? Why are the
roads being blocked in name of prayers of a particular community? Why was Durga
called a prostitute in name of freedom of speech while Kamlesh Tiwari was jailed for
calling prophet gay under the national security act? Nobody is willing to answer. What
one feels is the silence of political correctness and a cowardly negligence.

This has to change. And changes starts with Agniveer.

Agniveer is now one of the leading opinion makers in India in matters of extremism and
national integrity. Its bold stance against terrorism, extremism and suicidal political



correctness has inspired thousands to join Agniveer and change situations on ground.
Ultimate objective is to protect India and Dharma from all visible and invisible forces
which most people fear to even discuss about.

Agniveer is hailed as the most impactful force today to revitalize

passion for Hinduism among Hindus, attract non-Hindus towards
Vedas and thwart the conversion racket.

Agniveer is not a jingoistic organisation. Instead it is considered the

most logical and holistic face of Hinduism. Known for its impeccable
reasoning and convincing arguments, Agniveer has thousands of
testimonials of transformation it has brought in lives.

Attacks on Hinduism are more rampant than ever from all sides. Be it media,
evangelists or vote-bank inspired politicians. Agniveer is the most effective counter to all
these answers in modern era of reason, rationality and science.

The evidence of a brilliant IIT-IIM mind starting Agniveer is present in every word of
Agniveer. As founder Sanjeev Newar puts : Hinduism, in fact, is not a religion in first
place. It is neither a philosophy or an ideology. Religions, philosophies and ideologies
are too time-bound, too specific, too geographical. Hinduism, in contrast, is
a celebration of being human. It is all about justifying being human.
Hinduism, in fact, is synonym for being human.



Agniveer is here to provide Hinduism as a rational way of living among

global citizens

Agniveer has obtained a cult-following owing to its scientific interpretation of Hinduism

that is built on foundation of tolerance, respect for personal faith, constructive approach
to challenges of life, social responsibility, personal character and collaboration with all.
This has won hearts of eminent personalities of all faiths across the globe. With its
foundation on Vedas, Agniveer has nurtured a movement where the youth wants to be
an Agniveer herself.



Why Agniveer?
Hinduism is being attacked

There are thousands of religious centres in India that have started threatening Hindus
of hellfire. Hate-literature is being distributed on bus stands, railway stations and
streets that I will burn in Hell forever. I will be punished forever. I am the worst creature
on planet. Even if I die, no one must wish that God have mercy on me. The only way I
can save myself from hell is to accept their religion.

Hindu texts are being questioned

A relatively new propaganda seems to be on rage these days that Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) has been prophesised in Hindu Scriptures. This seems to be a great hit in major
anti-India radical organisations over last few years.



First, it is proved that the Kalki Avatar mentioned in Bhavishya Puran is none other
than Prophet Muhammad. Second, it is also demonstrated that Vedas, the final
authority in Hinduism, themselves sang praise of Prophet Muhammad.

The most popular promoter of this hoax is none other than the stage-performer Dr Zakir
Naik who can recite page number, chapter number and verse number for any book on
earth. His style is so hypnotic and entertaining that the audience no more has the space
to check relevance of his references. The same style is evident in his writing as well,
which form the basis of his memorized speeches.

And now, the confused youth has found a new passion that confirms their seat in
Paradise. They would simply copy-paste from his articles and spread the good word
around on internet forums, blogs and social networking sites. The print outs are
circulated in colleges and schools. This is often very effective against certain less-well-
versed Hindus who fall under the ploy.



No effective response to protect our culture, traditions and texts

Despite a lot of noise regarding Hindus and Hindu rights,

the truth is nobody except Agniveer has been able to
silence this brainwashed terrorist-breeding cult.

India has lost half of its territory, people and wealth

in war that is going on since last 1400
years. War between the Hindus- the native Indians and
Arabs/ Central Asians, Afghans and their Indian slaves
(who had to convert to Islam at swords point that form
majority chunk of the population of Indian, Pakistani and
Bangladeshi Muslims) is still on. All these anti-humans
forces today have single-point agenda of making India
the land ruled by Islam, which, according to the holy
texts of Islam, is the gateway to heaven. Jihad by
Pakistan, Taliban, LeT, Jaish etc against India is the part
of the plan. Soft Jihad by the likes of Zakir Naik that weakens the faith of Hindus is also
the part of the bigger plan. That is why you see an open admission by Zakir Naik on
Osama Bin Laden being hero of Muslims. Idea is to wage war from outside with guns,
bombs and swords and in the meantime, shake the faith of Hindus so that they can be
conquered easily.

Deep confusion among youth regarding Hinduism, its essence, its purpose and direction
of life. This confusion is misused to nurture disdain for Hinduism. This is how
evangelists and proselytizers thrive. And anti-Hindu media earns TRP.



Is this for you?

If you are a human concerned about humanity, this is for you.

If you feel your women should not be the slaves of dacoits, this is for you.

If you feel your men should not be killed in bomb blasts or riots, this is for you.

If you feel your next generation should breathe free, this is for you.

If you are forced to listen to Arabic prayers multiple times in a day while sitting in
India or Europe or US, this is for you.

If you have ever stuck in traffic jam because of blocked roads while Friday
prayers of a community, this is for you.

If you have ever noticed that 100 out of 100 terrorists belong to a particular
ideology, this is for you.

If you know that only one community is allowed to keep 4 wives at a time in India
as per law and rest are jailed for same, this is for you.

If you know who created Pakistan, this is for you.

If your forefathers belonged to Punjab, Sindh and Kashmir valley once and now
you are in Delhi, Jammu or anywhere in India, this is for you.

If you are concerned about the fact that majority of Non Muslim population of
India has gone down below 80% for the first time in recorded history of
subcontinent, this is for you.

If you wonder why India was attacked for continuous 1300 years by islamic
invaders without any provocation, this is for you.

If you are worried about the fact that out of 600 Indian districts, 86 are either
Muslim majority or are on the verge of becoming one in few years, this is for you.

If you are worried why as per Allahabad High Court, there are 22 cases of Hindu
girl marrying Muslim boy against 1 case of Muslim girl marrying Hindu boy in UP,
this is for you.



If you are brave, this is for you.

In a nutshell, if you love your motherland more than political correctness, this is
for you.

How you can help us

Volunteer for Agniveer works

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Raise Funds for Agniveer Mission
Buy and gift Agniveer literature from Amazon
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Join Agniveer chapters in your location. Create a chapter, if it is not there.
Make viral each Agniveer post. Comment, share, like, tweet as much as you can.
Circulate Agniveer articles to your email list
Organise Agniveer events at your location
Organise Agni coffee meets every Sunday



Our Mentors
Agniveer is the group based in India founded by Shri Sanjeev Newar in 2008, IIT-
IIM alumnus for defeating evil designs of extremists of painting whole India in green
color that feed off a cowardly political correctness of most politicians, a section of
media and intellectuals. In 2008, a Jihadi preacher named Dr Zakir Naik, funded by
Saudi Arabia was on mission of converting Hindu-Sikh-Christians to Islam. He
would openly insult Hindu gods and support Osama Bin Laden. He encouraged his
followers to enslave non-believing women for sex and kill apostates. He would
elaborate in detail how a Hindu or any Non Muslim would be treated under Sharia
law as 3rd grade citizen. He would conduct his conversion programs in full police
protection across India.

It was this time, Shri Sanjeev Newar decided to knock the terrorist out. He
spearheaded the campaign against the terrorist single handed. Agniveer published
the series of more than 100 articles exposing Zakir Naik, his fraud and anti national
forces. The series is still a record on cyberspace. This series also holds the record of
not being refuted after so many years. Shri Sanjeev declared this man a threat to
national security and mentor of terrorists in 2010. Intelligence agencies have now
vindicated his stand in 2016 after his alleged connection with Dhaka attacks and ISIS
fighters. It was Mr Sanjeev's golden brain and iron hands that made this chicken-
heart flee and take refuge in Saudi Arabia like cowards.

Apart from being a leader of this anti Jihad crusade, Shri Sanjeev is a data scientist
by profession. He is the greatest expert on Hinduism, Yoga, Geeta and Kashmir
today. He has authored 15 books on Hinduism explaining greatness and busting
myths about same. Thousands of people have written letters to him on how he
changed their lives!

Shri Sanjeevs courage, knowledge and love for India inspired Dr Vashi Sharma, an
IIT alumnus who joined him in 2009. Dr Vashi is respected Energy Scientist with



Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. He is the awardee of most prestigious

INSPIRE Faculty Award by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of
India. He is considered as one of the best brains in India viz a viz terrorism,
extremism and political Islam. He is an expert on deradicalization and has
successfully brought back hundreds of youths from the path of fanaticism to
humanity. Many people who converted to Islam by lies of Zakir Naik and sword of
Aurangzeb few centuries back have been returned to Hindu fold because of him. He
is the Head- Operations, Agniveer.



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