Eight Areas of Intelligence Business Leaders Should Leverage

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The Multiple Intelligent Business Leader

I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only
thing one can be sure of changing is ONESELF. Aldous Huxley

Prof Basil C Leonard - 20 August 2009

The Multiple Intelligent Business Leader

The Starting Point: The S-P-I-S-E Concept
Moral, Cultural and Environmental Intelligence
Questions, Comments, Suggestions and Reflections


The Multiple Intelligent Business Leader

The Starting Point: The S-P-I-S-E Concept

Public behaviour is merely private character writ large.

Stephen Covey

The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S S Social Intelligence

Social Intelligence - the ability to get along with people in general, social
technique or ease in society, knowledge of social matters, sensitivity to
stimuli from other members of a group.


The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S S Social Intelligence

The Company You Choose To Keep

Eagles dont flock, you have to If you go looking for a friend, you're
find them one at a time. going to find they're very scarce. If
H Ross Perot you go out to be a friend, you'll find
them everywhere. Zig Ziglar

The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S S Social Intelligence

The Company You Choose To Keep

When considering your close associates, do they add value to your
Personal SPISE or do they drain your Personal SPISE?


The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S Social Intelligence
1 Level 1: Intrapersonal/Self
Level 2: Interpersonal/Team/Family
Level 3: Organisational/Societal

Each of the S-P-I-S-E Components

Evident at Three Levels

The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

PQ is the ability to listen to ones bodily needs as well as all we do to

make the physical dimensions of our lives as comfortable as possible.
Includes all tangible items in our lives: body, assets, career


The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

The Way You Have Elected To Live

If I am what I have and I loose what If my hands are fully occupied in
I have, what am I?. holding on to something, I can
Eric Fromm neither give nor receive.
Dorothy Solle

The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

The Way You Have Elected To Live

Will an assessment of your physical intelligence show an alignment
between your current lifestyle and the values you espouse?


The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient

IQ is the intelligent quotient and is a measure of relative intelligence

determined by a standardized test.

The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient

We must learn to think together in

an integrated, synergistic fashion,
rather than in fragmented and
competitive ways. Joanna Macy
What You Regularly Feed Your Mind

Many highly intelligent people are

poor thinkers. Many people of
average intelligence are skilled
thinkers. Edward De Bono


The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient

What You Regularly Feed Your Mind

Excluding all academic endeavours, how have you kept yourself on par
intellectually with developments in your field of expertise?

The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

SQ is the intelligence with which we balance meaning and value and place
our lives in a wider context. It is the ultimate intelligence, as without it
the other intelligences appear to crumble!


The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S There are only two lasting bequests

we can give our children... one is
roots, the other wings. Stephen Covey
The Legacy You Leave Behind
The country clubs, the cars the
boats, your assets may be ample, but
the best inheritance you can leave
your kids is to be a good example.
Barry Spilchuk

The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

The Legacy You Leave Behind

What is currently happening with regard to your legacy formation?

Are you content with the direction in which your legacy is developing?


The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence

EQ is the mental ability underlying the emotional sensitivity, awareness

and management skills which help us maximise our long term health,
happiness and survival.

The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence

How You Decide To Reflect Your EQ It is very important to understand

that emotional intelligence is not
Your intellect may be confused, but the opposite of intelligence, it is not
your emotions will never lie to you. the triumph of heart over head - it
Roger Ebert is the unique intersection of both.
David Caruso.


The S-P-I-S-E Concept

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence

How You Decide To Reflect Your EQ

How evident are the core EQ competencies in the Personal and
Professional aspects of your life? If not, why not?

Assessing Your Own S-P-I-S-E

S Social Intelligence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

P Physical Intelligence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I Intellectual Quotient
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

S Spiritual Intelligence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

E Emotional Intelligence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


The Multiple Intelligent Business Leader

Moral, Cultural and Environmental Intelligence
Lone eagles, soaring in the clouds, fly with silent, peaceful poise,
while turkeys, in their earth-bound crowds, fill the atmosphere with noise.
William Arthur Ward

Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
M Moral Intelligence

MQ is the ability to determine how universal human principles should be

applied to our values, goals and actions. It is, in the simplest terms, the
ability to differentiate right from wrong as defined by universal principles.


Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
M Moral Intelligence

Doing The Ethically Correct Thing

The only thing necessary for the You have a moral responsibility when
triumph of evil, is for good men to youve been given far more than you
do nothing. Edmund Burke need, to do wise things with it and
give intelligently. J K Rowling

Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
M Moral Intelligence

Doing The Ethically Correct Thing

Who or what sets the moral standard for your words and actions? Is this
standard open to assessment, criticism or judgment by others?


Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
C Cultural Intelligence

CQ is the ability to grow through continuous learning and understanding

of cultural diversity and values, and to deal effectively with people from
different cultural backgrounds and understanding.

Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
C Cultural Intelligence

To Think and Live Like Close Associates

I am because we are. Building a better you is the first
We are because I am. step to building a better SA.
African Proverb. Adapted from Zig Ziglar


Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
C Cultural Intelligence

To Think and Live Like Close Associates

How easily are you being influenced by those with whom you associate on
a regular basis? Are you experiencing the impact of their influence as
positive or negative?

Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
E Environmental Intelligence

EnvQ is an awareness and understanding of the impact of environmental

and global forces. This comes from recognising that we live in an
interconnected world and that taking personal responsibility is important.


Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
E Environmental Intelligence

Respect the Impact of Outside Forces As more and more people

understand what's at stake, they
become a part of the solution, and
share both in the challenges and
opportunities presented by the
climate crises. Al Gore

Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
E Environmental Intelligence

Respect the Impact of Outside Forces Global warming is much more than
just a real effect, its something
deadly that will threaten nearly all
of us. James Lovelock


Three Additional Intelligences

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
E Environmental Intelligence

Respect the Impact of Outside Forces

As a global citizen, are you aware of the impact of global/environmental
forces on your business? Are you sensitive to these forces and do you
respond appropriately?

Assess Your MQ, CQ, EnvQ

M Moral Intelligence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

C Cultural Intelligence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

E Environmental Intelligence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered
by the still small voice of conscience. Mahatma Ghandi


Components of Multi-Intelligence

S P S Social Intelligence
P Physical Intelligence

I Intellectual Quotient
S Spiritual Intelligence

S E Emotional Intelligence
M Moral Intelligence
C Cultural Intelligence
E Environmental Intelligence

The Multiple Intelligent Business Leader

Concluding Comments
The seeds were already sown in my personal life,
and then they came into my business life.
Stella McCartney


Concluding Comments

We recognise that there are at least 4 dimensions to leadership.

BEing DOing
If something is not
part of your BEing,

it is not sustainable Character Behaviour

in your DOing Competence Reflections


Concluding Comments

We recognise that there are at least 4 dimensions to leadership.

The multiple intelligent BE If something is not

leader is the one who
part of your BEing,
has centred all these
different intelligences
it is not sustainable
in the core of his/her
BEing. in your DOing
Competence Reflections



Concluding Comments

We recognise that there are at least 4 dimensions to leadership.

When judged by others, DO

we will not be judged If something is not
by what we say was in part of your BEing,
our BEing, but rather
by what they observed it is not sustainable
in our DOing in your DOing
(behaviour). Behaviour
Competence Reflections
Surprise! Surprise!
Actions still speak
louder than words!


Thank facilitate
for the opportunity to
this experience
You of growth for all of us!
Basil C Leonard


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