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State Report

Note Taking Packet

Name: _________________
My State: _______________
Fast Facts
State Name:

Region of United States:


State Number/Year Added:

State Motto:

State Flag and meaning of Colors/Design: (draw a picture of the flag)

Other Facts (State bird/tree, presidents from this state, state parks,etc.)

1. _________________, _____________. _________________________

(Authors last name , first name) (Title of Book - underlined)

__________________ : ____________________, ________________.

(City) (Publisher) (Copyright Date)

2. _________________, _____________. _________________________

(Authors last name , first name) (Title of Book - underlined)

__________________ : ____________________, ________________.

(City) (Publisher) (Copyright Date)

3. _________________, _____________. _________________________

(Authors last name , first name) (Title of Book - underlined)

__________________ : ____________________, ________________.

(City) (Publisher) (Copyright Date)

1. _________________, ________________. _____________________________

(Authors last name, first name) (Name of Site)

____________________, ______________, ____________________________,

(Publisher) (Date Created) (URL)

(Date Accessed)

2. _________________, ________________. _____________________________

(Authors last name, first name) (Name of Site)

____________________, ______________, ____________________________,

(Publisher) (Date Created) (URL)

(Date Accessed)

3. _________________, ________________. _____________________________

(Authors last name, first name) (Name of Site)

____________________, ______________, ____________________________,

(Publisher) (Date Created) (URL)

(Date Accessed)
Body Paragraph 1 - Brief History of State Notes

Body Paragraph 1 - Brief History of State DRAFT
Body Paragraph 2 - What is the state best known for? Notes

Body Paragraph 2 - What is the state best known for? DRAFT
Body Paragraph 3 - Famous Americans Notes

Body Paragraph 3 - Famous Americans DRAFT
Body Paragraph 4 - _________________________ Notes

Body Paragraph 4 - _________________________ DRAFT
Body Paragraph 5 - _________________________ Notes

Body Paragraph 5 - _________________________ DRAFT
Body Paragraph 6 - _________________________ Notes

Body Paragraph 6 - _________________________ DRAFT
Introduction Paragraph DRAFT
Conclusion Paragraph DRAFT
State Report
Name: _________________________________

Final Copy Due: _______________ Student Checklist Due: _____________

Requirement 1: Overall Report

Report must be typed into MyAccess. When printed it should be between 2 and 4 pages in length
(double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman or size 11 Arial). Your report must include the following:
A title page
A Fast Facts Page (you already have the requirements for this)
A written content section including the following:
An introductory paragraph
A concluding paragraph
6 additional paragraphs in the body
A bibliography

Requirement 2: Body of Report

The body must include the following:
An introductory paragraph
A paragraph on each of the following three topics:
A brief history of your state
What is the state best known for? (economy - industry, crops/products, tourism)
Famous Americans from this state and what theyre known for
Three additional paragraphs which include information from any of the following topics:
State flag and its meaning
Famous events that were held or took place in this state
Current events in this state
The natural landscape, wildlife, and climate
What natural resources does your state have?
Other state symbols (bird, tree, song, motto, etc.)
Other interesting and unusual facts
A conclusion paragraph

Requirement 3: Writing Process

Read the resource books and write notes
Be sure each paragraph has at LEAST 4 sentences: a topic sentence and at LEAST three supporting
From your notes write a rough draft. Use the My Editor tool in MyAccess to find and correct errors and
make revisions. Read your paper aloud to yourself to find any additional errors.
Proofread your work (punctuation, capitalization and spelling) and have an adult check it.
Write a final draft and submit through MyAccess.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________

Student Checklist
My State is: _____________________________________
My resource books are: _____________________________________
Additional Resources: _____________________________________
My Body Paragraph Topics Are: 1. A Brief History of the State - required
2. What is the state best known for?
3. Famous Americans from this state
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________
6. ___________________________________

I have completed the following DRAFTS:
Introductory Paragraph
Body Paragraphs (6 of them)
Conclusion Paragraph

I have typed my paper in MyAccess and made edits: _____________________________

(Date Completed)

I have completed the following FINAL DRAFT:

Title Page
Fast Facts (typed or NEATLY written)
The Final Copy - Intro, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion, Bibliography (Typed or NEATLY written)
State Brochure (see additional requirements page)

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________

My State Brochure
Through your research youve found out some very interesting things about your state. In many
states, a brochure (or information booklet) is published to teach people about the state and to get
them to come for a visit (tourism). You will create your own tri-folded brochure with information
about your state.

Brochure Requirements:
Front page
Name of state
Picture of state/relating to state
Inside of Booklet
Use your organizer (each heading on brochure is listed in the organizer).
All pictures inside must be colored if hand drawn, or include some color if printed.
Pictures in all required areas (colored)
Pages can include information in paragraph form or with bullet points

Brochure Checklist
Front page (name of state, picture of/from state, in color)
Inside pages of booklet (information under all topic headings)
Pictures in all required areas (colored)
Picture on Cover
State Symbols
Map of State
Famous Americans/Presidents

State Report and Brochure Assessment Rubric

Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________

Item Points Possible Points Earned Comments

Title Page - State, Name,
Date, Mr. Cramer's Class 5
Fast Facts Sheet 10
Introduction - Introduces
topics to be discussed,
contains a fun/interesting
hook/topic sentence 5
Body Paragraphs - Brief
history, know for?, famous
citizens, 3 others, contains
topic sentence and
supporting sentences,
variety of word choice,
proper sentence structure
30 (5 points
(capitals, punctuation,
etc.) per paragraph)
Conclusion - restates
main points and mentions
something you learned 5
Bibliography - has at last
one book source, has at
least one web source,
correct formatting 5
Brochure - created by
hand and in color 20
Appearance - Typed
neatly, attached correctly 5
Total 85 points Final Grade =

Online Resources

Use these, along with your text resources, to aide you during your research. You
do not need to exclusively use these, but you will need to show me any additional
resources you plan to use.

General State information:

Famous People:

Other Facts:

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