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Maverrick B Javier Maam Padilla

Significance in RLE
- The significance of this study is to promote prevention of spreading and also safety of
the nursing students with regards to the exposure with their RLE to their respective
affiliations/shift. More over The study is essential especially to the students because it
focuses on, primarily their safety in handling patients with airborne diseases especially
here in the Philippines where the standard of safety between nurse and patient is not
very ideal considering that we are living in a developing country.
Implications to Nursing Care
- With regards to patient care, this does not only focuses on the primary TB patient
alone but also to their relatives and other people that can be a susceptible victim of the
diseases. Not all hospitals in the Philippines can provide private isolation of patients
with these kind of cases due to that some hospitals cannot provide adequate room for
all the patients that will be admitted so they are forced to mix TB patients with non-TB
patients that is why risk of passing/spreading TB throughout the hospital is high.
Intervention used in the study
- The intervention that was involve in the study is the ideal isolation practices of
infectious diseases. It was stated that it would improve the TB infection control
measures practiced by healthcare workers at hospitals in Vhembe district and reduce
the risk of acquiring TB.
Does the intervention support the current nursing practice
- It definitely supports the PROPER nursing practice because us nurses we also have
the goal of prevention rather than cure itself. Most of the time, nurses today are not
actually practicing the IDEAL setup and one of the reason of such is that the lack of
resources in the hospital so they have to improvise and their improvisations, sacrifices
the Idea setup which can now cause poor prevention rather than cure.
Does the study, change patient care?
- Overall, not necessarily but in a developing country like the Philippines it really can
change patient care especially in rural and provincial hospitals which can be susceptible
to overcrowding and breaking the rules of patient isolation.

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