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Yogyakarta is a city and the capital of Yogyakarta Special Regionin Java,
Indonesia. It is renowned as a center of education (Kota Pelajar), classical
Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, and
puppet shows. One of the districts in Yogyakarta, Kotagede, was the
capital of the Mataram Sultanate between 1575 and 1640. Until today,
Yogyakarta continues as a city which runs a kingdom system, so this
makes Yogyakarta is different than other city on Java Island. Kingdom on
Yogyakarta commonly called as Yogyakarta Sultanate which is located at
Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

Meanwhile, before the independence of Indonesia, Yogyakarta is an area

that has a self-governing or called Zelfbestuurlandschappen / Autonomous
Regions, namely the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta and Duchy Pakualaman.
Ngayogyakarta Sultanate was founded by Prince Mangkubumi who holds
lane I in 1755, while the Duchy Pakualaman founded by Prince
Notokusumo (brother lane II) which holds the Duke of Paku Alam I in 1813.
Dutch East Indies government recognizes the Sultanate, and Pakualaman
as kingdom with the right set its own domestic politics stated in the
contract. Political contract last Kasultanan listed in Staatsblaad 1941 No.
47, while the political contract Pakualaman in 1941 Staatsblaad No. 577.
The existence of the two kingdoms have received international
recognition, both in the Dutch colonial period, Britain, and Japan. When
the Japanese left Indonesia, both the kingdom was ready to become an
independent state itself, complete with a system of government (original
composition), area, and population.

After the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI),

lane IX and Sri Paku Alam VIII declared to the President, that the Region of
Yogyakarta Sultanate, and the Regional Pakualaman into the territory of
the Republic of Indonesia, merge into a single entity that is declared as a
Special District of Yogyakarta (DIY)
The area of the city of Yogyakarta is 32 square kilometres. While the city
spreads in all directions from the Sultan's palace, the core of the modern
city is to the north, centring around Dutch colonial-era buildings and the
commercial district. Yogyakarta is a small city. It is between two city,
Magelang and Surakarta. Yogyakarta city is an administrative part of the
Yogyakarta Special Region which has the status of a province in Indonesia.
The regencies of Bantul and Sleman have population densities far higher
than the surrounding countryside. Yogyakarta is on the equator. It is a
tropical city. The sun shines brightly everyday, so it is mostly hot. It has
two seasons, the rainy season, and the dry season.

The Special Region is located near the southern coast of Java, wholly
within the province of Central Java. The population at the 2010 Census
was 3,452,390, but according to the latest official estimate (for January
2014) thisa has since risen to 3,594,290. It has an area of 3,133.15 km2,
making it the second-smallest area of the provinces in Indonesia, after the
Jakarta Capital Region. Along with surrounding areas in Central Java, it has
some of the highest population densities of Java.

Mount Merapi is located to the immediate north of the city of Yogyakarta

and Sleman Regency. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has
erupted regularly since 1548. It last erupted in OctoberNovember 2010,
killing and injuring many people and temporarily displacing approximately
100,000 residents
Yogyakarta is home to more than 100 institutions of higher education in
Indonesia, the highest number of higher education institutions of any
province in Indonesia. Hence, Yogyakarta earned its nickname "Kota
Pelajar" (The City of Students).

The Special Region is also the home of the first-established private

university in Indonesia, the Islamic University of Indonesia, which was
founded in 1945. The Indonesia Institute of Arts, the first-established
university in fine arts, is also in the region. Other large universities include
Gadjah Mada University, Institute of Science & Technology AKPRIND in
Yogyakarta, University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa in Yogyakarta,
Yogyakarta State University, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta and
Atma Jaya University in Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta has become the second most important tourist destination in
Indonesia after Bali, Most tourists come to Yogyakarta as an
accommodation base on visiting Borobudur and Prambanan and also for
its strong Javanese culture and tradition. Not only Borobudur and
prambanan, there are so many tourism place on Yogyakarta, such as
Water Castle in Taman Sari, Ratu Boko complex in Sleman, Pindul cave in
Pindul, and many more. Borobudur Temple In Yogyakarta is the one of the
major temples in Indonesia, even up the greatest temple in the world.

Many cultures in jogja, like Gamelan music, Wayang, Sinden, puppet show,
and many more. But the most famous cultural is Gamelan music. Gamelan
Music has adhered to the spirit of community. Many people who always
wanted to learn Gamelan Music, because gamelan music make us be
relaxed, cozy, and be happy.

After the cultures, tourism, geography, and administration, Yogyakarta

also have a many cuisine. Start from gudeg, Kalasan Chicken, Sego
Kucing, Ronde, till the Kopi Jos. It makes Yogyakarta more different again
from the other city.

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