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3.1.1 Introduction

The balancing of an engine or machine is important to avoid vibrations.

When a rotating body is not well balanced, it will put stress on the bearing and other
parts on the bodies.

In heavy industrial machines such as steam turbines and electric generators, vibration
could cause catastrophic failures.

In practical case, when a motorist is riding a motorcycle round a circular track, he

will lean inwards to balance the centrifugal force that pull him outwards.
The centrifugal force is a reaction force resulting from the inertia of the body.
In the case of a simple wheel, balancing involves moving the centre of gravity to the
centre of rotation.
For more complex bodies, balancing involves more than that.
Therefore, for a body to be completely balanced, it must have two things;

1. Static Balance This condition can be achieved when the resultant centrifugal
force is zero and the centre of gravity acts on the centre of rotation.
mr 0 that is m1r1 m2 r2 m3 r3 0
2. Dynamic Balance This occurs when the resultant turning moment along
the axis is zero.
m 2 rl 0 that is m1 2 r1l1 m2 2 r2 l 2 m3 2 r3l3 0
When a body is in static balance, it is not a guarantee that it is in dynamic balance,
but when a body is in dynamic balance then it is also in static balance.

Consider a shaft on Figure 1 below.

An unbalanced mass m was on the disc at radial distance, r from the centre of
When the shaft rotates, centripetal force Fn will act towards the centre of rotation
Thus, for the force Fn , there must be another force of the same magnitude but
acting outward from centre of rotation based on the Newton Third Law.
This is the centrifugal force, Fc that is not balanced.

Figure 1
If the system is a simple disc, the system has to be in static balance.
Consider a thin disc or wheel on which the centre of gravity is not the same as the
centre of rotation.
Simple test for static balance is to place the wheel in frictionless bearing.
The centre of gravity will always come to rest below the centre of rotation as in
Figure 2.
It will remain stationary no matter which position it is turned to, if it is balanced.
If the centre of gravity is at distance r from centre of rotation, when the disc rotates at
certain angular velocity, centrifugal force will be produced.
Thus; Centrifugal force = m 2 r where m is the mass of the disc.

Centre of rotation
Centre of gravity

Figure 2

3.2 Balancing in One Plane

o Example of this type of body is fan blade, wheel rim and flywheel.

o The body is located on a single plane only.

o From Figure 3, if m1 , m2 , m3 . m n are the unbalanced masses and r1 , r2 , r3 ...

rn are the radius from the centre of rotation respectively,

o Thus for dynamic balance, the sum of all vector component of centrifugal force
must be zero that is m r 0 where is the disc angular velocity.

o Or mr 0 since is constant.

m1 1
m2 m 2 r2 3
r1 m3 r3
b r2 2
2 1 b
m1 r1
b 3
m3 Force vector polygon

If a force vector polygon with the length is the magnitude of m n rn with the respective
direction is drawn, then the closing vector force Bb with B is the additional mass and b
is the radius from the centre of rotation is the balancing force required to balance the
resultant centrifugal force arise from the system with the direction is b from the centre of
m 2 r2 3
m3 r3 m 2 r2 3
2 m3 r3
m1 r1 Resultant 1
centrifugal force m1 r1 Balancing Force

This balancing force Bb must be added or reduced from the system for dynamic balance to
be achieved in the system.
Example 1 (Solved Problem)
A, 00

m1 b=60

r2 m2
Figure 3

Figure above shows a disc with unbalanced mass m1 and m 2 with r1 and r2 is the radius
of the mass from the centre of rotation, O respectively. The direction of the masses is listed in
table. If the disc rotates with constant speed rad/s, balance the disc.

Step 1 Put in a table all the given data (25%)

Mass Mass, m (kg) Radius, r (mm) mr (kgmm) Direction,

m1 4 2 8 0
m2 2.5 2 5 60

Select reference plane

Reference plane : OA
Reference angle : AO ( 0 O )

Step 2 Draw force vector polygon from mr column from the table.
Start drawing from reference angle 0 0, plane A. Make sure select proper scale and draw it
according to scale. In this example, scale used is (1 kgmm: 1 cm).

From the scaled drawn force polygon,

Bb=11.4 cm 5 cm length of Bb is 11.4 cm or magnitude
60 of 11.4 kgmm for the force polygon to
8 cm close up.
If B = 5 kg (by selection), thus Where B = mass of balancing mass
Bb = 11.4
b = radius of balancing mass
b = 2.28 mm with B = 2020
Step 3 Balance the disc by adding or reduced the mass. from centre of rotation.
1. Addition of balancing mass, B
r1 Put mass B = 5 kg at direction of
b b = 2020 from the reference angle.
Distance of B from the centre of
rotation is b = 2.28 mm.

b 2. Reduction of balancing mass, B
r2 Remove mass B = 5 kg at direction of
b = 220 from the reference angle.
Distance of B from the centre of
rotation is b = 2.28 mm.

3.3 Balancing for Masses Not In the Same Plane

Consider two masses on a disc aligned on a shaft, statically balanced as shown in Figure 4
but acting at different places along the axis
Bearing Centre of gravity


Figure 4

For Static Balance, thus m A rA m B rB

But even with static balance, centrifugal force will produce a turning moment about
the centre of gravity for the shaft system.

The shaft tends to twist thus cause uneven forces at all the bearings.

In this simple case, the problem is solved by adding equal and opposite forces at the
two points as shown in Figure 5,

thus the system now in dynamic balance.


Figure 5

For this particular case, consider unbalanced masses m1 , m 2 , m3 as Figure 6 below, is on a

shaft with distance of l1 , l 2 , l 3 respectively from one reference plane on the shaft.
Thus, all the forces m1 r1 , m 2 r2 , m3 r3 can be referred to the reference plane, A with
additional moment of magnitude m1 r1l1 , m2 r2 l 2 , m3 r3 l 3 also referred to the reference
plane, A on the shaft.


r1 l2
m2 r2 l3
r3 m3

Figure 6

Hence, to achieve total balance, the system must be in dynamic balance that is mrl 0 as
well as static balance.

Two types of polygon that is Moment Vector Polygon and Force Vector polygon must be
drawn and is closed up to achieve a total balance to the system.

Example 1

Four masses A, B, C, D are carried by a rotating shaft at radius of 10cm, 20 cm,

15cm and 15 cm respectively. The planes which the masses revolve are spaced 50 cm apart.
Given the masses of B, C, and D are 12kg, 8kg and 3 kg respectively, find the required mass
A and the angular settings relative to a plane so that the shaft is in complete balance.


1. Put the data given in a table

Plane Mass,m Radii, r mr (kgm) Length, l mrl (kgm2 Angle ()

(kg) (m) (m)
A mA 0.1 0.1mA 0 0 A
B 12 0.2 2.4 +0.5 1.2 B
C 8 0.15 1.2 +1.0 1.2 C
D 3 0.15 0.45 +1.5 0.675 D


50 cm 50 cm 50 cm

2. Construct Moment Polygon from mrl column since all the data for mrl column is known.
Set Plane B as reference plane and angle (0). Since the angle is not given, thus a closed
polygon for three forces must be drawn to get the static balance of the masses on the shaft.

12 cm

12 cm 0

a,d 6.75 cm

Moment polygon

Scale used is 1 kgm2 = 10 cm.

From measurement, from plane B, the angular
B position of the masses to obtain static balance


3. Put all the measured data into table

Plane Mass,m Radii, r mr (kgm) Length, l mrl (kgm2 Angle ()

(kg) (m) (m) from B
A mA 0.1 0.1mA 0 0 A
B 12 0.2 2.4 +0.5 1.2 0
C 8 0.15 1.2 +1.0 1.2 148.5
D 3 0.15 0.45 +1.5 0.675 254
4. Construct Force Polygon using mr column and known angle. Set plane A as starting point
and plane B as reference angle (0).

3.6 cm
7.2 cm
d 254

3.85 cm

Force polygon

Scale used is 1 kgm = 3 cm, from measurement, vector od is 3.85 cm that is equivalent to
1.2833 kgm.
Thus 0.1m A 1.2833 kgm, m A 12.83 kg. at A 188 from plane B.
The final position of all the masses on the shaft is as shown in Figure.


254 188

Example 2
A shaft is rotating with constant speed rad/s carries four masses A, B, C , D with
radius of each masses from shaft axes is rA 80 mm, rB 120 mm, rC 150 mm, rD 120
mm. Each mass is arranged 0.5 m to each other on the shaft and mass A 12 kg and mass
D 5 kg. Angle between mass A and D is 90 0 as shown in Figure 8. Find the value of
masses B and C and its direction relative to mass A for system to be completely balance.


50 cm 50 cm 50 cm

Figure 8


Step 1 Construct mr and mrl table.

Choose Starting plane: Plane B (since B have unknown)
Reference angle: Plane A (00), plane D (900)

Plane m (kg) r (m) mr (kgm) l (m) mrl ( kgm 2 ) Angle 0

from A
A 12 0.08 0.96 -0.5 -0.48 0
B mB 0.12 0.12 m B 0 0 B
C mC 0.15 0.15 mC +0.5 +0.075 mC C
D 5 0.12 0.6 +1.0 +0.6 90

Step 2 For dynamic balance, at constant speed,

mr 02
or mr 0
m rl 0
or mrl 0
Both polygon must be drawn and must be CLOSED to achieve total balance.
Step 3 Construct Moment Polygon using mrl column.
Start constructing moment polygon from plane C since there is unknown mC , then A, B and
D. D Scale used is 1 kgm2 = 10 cm.
Vector DC is needed to close the polygon.
From measurement 0.075mC 0.768 at an angle 51.5 from
plane A (downward angle measured)
Thus mass of C, mC 10.24 kg C 308.5 from reference
plane A.

7.68 cm
6 cm

-4.8 cm 0

D The angular positions of the masses now

can be positioned as Figure beside.
A Put the new value of mC and C into the
0 table.

Plane m (kg r (m) mr (kgm) l (m) mrl ( kgm 2 ) Angle 0 from A

A 12 0.08 0.96 -0.5 -0.48 0
B mB 0.12 0.12 m B 0 0 B
C 10.24 0.15 1.55 +0.5 +0.775 308.5
D 5 0.12 0.6 +1.0 +0.6 90

Step 4 Construct Force Polygon from mr column.

Use plane B as reference since there is unknown m B there.
Using the same scale. Start drawing from plane B, then A, C and D.

9.6 cm A
B From measurement of Force Polygon, vector DB;
23 cm 0.12m B 2.3 kgm

Thus, mass of B is
D m B 19.17 kg at direction of

15.5 cm 6 cm B 162 0 from reference angle A.


Example 3

B1 B2

0.6 m 1.2 m 1.2 m 0.6 m

A shaft carries three pulleys A, B, C with mass of 90 kg, 70 kg and 50 kg respectively as

Figure above. The centre of gravity of each mass is 3.75 mm, 6.35 mm and 5 mm
respectively with the mass. The shaft is supported by two bearings B1 and B2. If the pulleys
are arranged as to give static balance, determine the relative angular positions of the pulleys,
and the dynamic forces produced on the bearings when the shaft rotates at 300 rpm.


1. Put into a table all the given data

Plane m (kg) r (m) mr (kgm) l (m) mrl ( kgm 2 ) Angle 0

from A
A 90 0.00375 0.3375 0.0 0.0 0
B 70 0.00635 0.4445 1.8 0.8 B
C 50 0.00500 0.2500 3.6 0.9 C

2. Construct Force polygon using Pulley A as reference plane and angle. Using two force
from mr column, B and C, arranged and construct a closed force polygon as below. Use scale
of 1 kgm = 10 cm.

C 84
4.44 cm A
2.5 cm B

B 00
3.37 cm A
Figure 1 Figure 2

By measurement, the relative angular position of mass A, B and C on the shaft can be drawn
as above Figure 2. Thus
C 84 measured from reference plane A.
B 214 measured from reference plane A.

3. Construct Moment polygon using mrl column and using the same scale. Construct using
the measured angle between all the masses as in Figure 2. Set plane A as reference point and
7.2 cm

9 cm

8 cm

By measurement from moment polygon, vector CA measures 0.72 kgm2

2 300

Thus, out of balance moment = mrl 2 0.72 710.61 N
out .of .balance.moment 710.61
Load on each bearing = dis tan ce.between.bearing 2.4 296.08 N

3.4 Balancing Of Reciprocating Masses

This section deals with a method to balance the shaking force due to the inertia force
of a reciprocating mass. Consider a horizontal reciprocating engine mechanism as shown in
Figure 7 rotating at rad/s in anti clockwise direction.

O x


Figure 7

1. Displacement of piston from O is

x r cos l cos .. (1)

But, r sin l sin , thus sin sin

2. Substituting n l , then sin .. (2)
r n

3. From the identity sin 2 cos 2 1 , then


cos 1 sin
2 1 sin ..... (3)

4. Using Binomial Theorem to expand (3), result with

cos 1 sin 2 . (4)
2 n

5. Hence displacement of x is

x r cos l 1 sin 2 . (5)

2 n

6. Differentiate wrt time to get velocity

x r sin sin 2 (6)

7. Differentiate again wrt time to get acceleration of the piston

x 2 r cos cos (7)

8. Force to accelerate the piston by taking m = mass of piston

m 2 r
F m x m r cos
cos 2 ... (8)

From Newton Third Law, there is a reaction force from F that is FI acting in the direction
reverse of F but has same magnitude. The force FI is the unbalanced force and is called the
inertia force of the reciprocating masses.

m 2 r
FI m 2 r cos cos 2 FM 1 FM 2 .. (9)


FM 1 m 2 r cos (Primary disturbing force).... (10)

m 2 r
FM 2 cos 2 (Secondary disturbing force)... (11)

From observation from the engine system, it is found that

1) Magnitude of FM 2 < FM 1

2) FM 1 achieves its maximum value at 0 and 180

3) FM 2 achieves its maximum value at 0 ,90 ,180 ,360 .

3.4.1 Partial Balancing of Primary Inertia forces.

The unbalanced force that exists in a reciprocating mass mechanism FM 1 must be balanced.

FM 1 acts from P to O. Therefore a balance mass is required to balance this reaction.

A balance mass B is placed diametrically opposite to crank pin at radius b.

The centrifugal force due to the balance mass B is equal to B 2 b.

From Figure 8, the addition of balancing mass B causes the existence of centrifugal force
component that is;

B 2 b cos acting along the line of stroke.

B 2 b sin acting perpendicular to the line of stroke.

Figure 8

If mr .r B.b , then the resultant is zero and there is no disturbing force in the
direction parallel to the line of stroke. The vertical component of centrifugal force
B 2 b sin remains unbalanced. When 90 and 270 , the value of B 2 b sin is
maximum and is equal to B 2 b which is the same as the maximum value of the primary
force m r 2 r .
Therefore the introduction of the balancing weight balances the horizontal component
of forces but induces a vertical unbalanced force. Thats why in practice, only a fraction k
of the reciprocating mass is balanced to make B.b k .mr .r . Normally the value of k varies
from 2 4
5 to 5 .

These unbalanced forces cause the pressure between the driving wheels and rails to
vary. Since the unbalanced force is a function of the engines speed, thus a hammer blow
effect is generated. The balancing of unbalanced force FM 2 normally not is done on the
single cylinder engine.

3.4.2 Balancing of Multiple Cylinder Engine. Inline Engine.

Inline engine have a number of cylinder with its piston connected to the same crankshaft
within a straight line.

For each cylinder, the primary disturbing force is equivalent to a balancing mass located at
the end of each crank.

Therefore, an engine with multiple cylinders can be viewed as a shaft carrying a number of
rotating masses.

Thus, the concept of balancing of masses not in the same plane in section 3.3 applies to
multiple cylinder inline engines.

A closed moment polygon is equivalent to a dynamically balanced system. For a multiple

cylinder inline engine to have a complete balance, then;

Primary disturbing force, FM 1 ;

m 2
r0 and m 2
rx 0
Secondary disturbing force, FM 2

m 2 r m 2 rx
n 0 and n 0
= angular velocity of crankshaft
r = crank radius
n = ratio of l
x = plane distance from reference point
m = mass of cylinder

3.4.3 Firing Order

Multiple engine operation normally has its own firing order to achieve its power
stroke sequences. Each firing order sequence may have its implication to the balancing of
engine. However in this section, the firing order sequencing will be used to determine the
proper location of each balancing mass on each cylinder.

(a) 2 stroke engine

This engine needs one complete revolution to complete one engine operation cycle. Thus
relative angle of each balancing mass is;


(b) 4 stroke engine

This engine needs two complete revolutions to complete one engine operation cycle. Thus
relative angle of each balancing mass is;

Where X is the number of cylinder.

Example 1

A 4 stoke, 6 cylinder engines with each of piston cylinder have masses of 1 unit and crank
radius of 1 unit. Figure 9 shows the plane location of each cylinder. The firing order is 1, 3, 5,
6, 4, 2. Check whether the engine is in complete balance or not.

1 2 3 4 5 6 120

1 1 1 1 1

Figure 9 Figure 10

1. The relative angle of each balancing mass on the crankshaft for a 4 stroke engine is;
720 120 (For primary disturbing force)
2 240 (For secondary disturbing force)

2. Construct the relative angle of each balancing masses as in Figure 10.

A) Balancing of Primary Inertia force;

3. Construct mr and mrx table from the data given;

Plane Mass , m Radius, r mr Distance, x mrx

1 1 1 1 0 0
2 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 2 2
4 1 1 1 3 3
5 1 1 1 4 4
6 1 1 1 5 5

Set reference plane : plane 1

Reference angle : plane 1 ( 0 ).
Scale used : (1:1)
4. Draw moment polygon and check whether it forms a closed polygon or not.

5 6 The moment polygon shows

that using firing order
240 0
120 sequence of 1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2, it
0 forms a closed polygon.
Moment polygon Thus the moment polygon is
5. Draw force polygon and check whether it is closed or not.

5,2 1,6 The force polygon shows

120 that using firing order

sequence of 1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2, it
forms a closed polygon.
Thus the force polygon is
Force polygon

6. As a conclusion, the engine is in complete balance since both polygons are closed.

B) Balancing of Secondary Disturbing Force.

Since the relative angle of secondary disturbing force is 2 240 , thus the orientation of
secondary balancing masses is as Figure 11.

7. Draw the force polygon.

120 120

5,2 1,6

Figure 11. Force polygon

8. Draw the moment polygon.

3 The moment polygon shows that using

120 firing order sequence of 1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2, it
120 4 forms a closed polygon. Thus the engine is
in complete balance since both force and
5,2 1,2
moment polygon forms a closed polygon.
Moment polygon

** if you need more examples and exercises, kindly refer to

i. Roslan Abd Rahman, Che Abbas Che Ismail and Mohd Yunus ABdullah
(2007), Mekanik Mesin Teori, Contoh Penyelesaian dan MasalahUTM..
ii. B.K. Sarkar,(2002) Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill

1. Rajah 1 menunjukkan dua ceper A dan B di pasang pada satu rotor pada jarak
1.5m. Tiap- tiap ceper berjisim 50 kg. Jarak pusat jisim A dari paksi rotor ialah
4 mm sudut 0 dan jarak pusat jisim B dari paksi rotor ialah 6mm pada sudut
270. Jisim 0.5 kg dibuang daripada ceper A pada jejari 400 mm dan pada
sudut 90 dan sebanyak 1 kg dibuang daripada ceper B pada jejari 600 mm
dan pada sudut 180.
Jika sistem ini hendak diimbangkan sepenuhnya, dapatkan jisim yang
mesti diletakkan pada satah imbangan L dan R pada jejari 500 mm. (taken
from Roslan,Che Abas and Yunus Abdullah, UTM, 2001).

2. Syaf disokong oleh dua bearing A dan B yang membawa tiga takal P1, P2 dan
P3 seperti dalam Rajah 2. Takal P1 dan P3 masing-masing mempunyai jisim
90 kg dan 50 kg, dengan pusat graviti terletak pada 3.75 mm dan 5 mm,
mengikut aturan daripada paksi syaf. Takal P2 mempunyai jisim 70 kg dan
pusat gravitinya 6.35 mm daripada paksi syaf. Jika takal disusun untuk
memberi imbangan statik, dapatkan daya dinamik yang wujud pada bearing
apabila syaf berputar dengan kelajuan 300 psm.(taken from Roslan,Che Abas
and Yunus Abdullah, UTM, 2001).
Rajah 1 Rajah 2

3. A shaft caries four masses A,B,C and D are 200, 300, 240 and 260 kg
respectively, and revolving at radii 9,7, 10 and 12 cm in planes measured from
A at 300mm, 400mm and 700mm. The angle s between the cranks
measured anticlockwise are A to B 45, B to C 75, C to D 135. The
balancing masses are to be placed in planes at 12cm and 10 cm from A and D
respectively. The distance between them being 50 cm. Find the balancing
masses and their angular positions. (taken from B.K.Sarkar, (2002), Theory
of Machines, Mc-Graw Hill).

4. Sebuah enjin 5 silinder segarisan ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 3. Untuk tiap-tiap

silinder, jejari engkol ialah 0.2m dan rod penyambungnya adalah 0.6m. Jiim
gerak salingan untuk silinder 1 ialah 2.5 kg; silinder 3, 3 kg; silinder 5, 2.5 kg.
Sudut engkol 3 ialah 90 dan 5 ialah 270, diukur daripada engkol 1. Dapatkan
jisim gerak salingan untuk silinder 2 dan supaya imbangan daya dan daya
pasangan utama dicapai.

Untuk enjin yang sama, dapatkan daya sekunder yang tak imbang dalam
sebutan putaran enjin.(taken from Roslan,Che Abas and Yunus Abdullah,
UTM, 2001).

5. Sebuah enjin 4 silinder, 4 lejang segarisan dengan aturan nyalaan 1,4,2,3

mempunyai jisim gerak salingan 1 kg, jejari engkol 100 mm dan rod
penyambung 400 mm untuk setiap silinder. Jarak di antara silinder ialah
200mm.Selidik tentang keadaan imbangan enjin ini dan berikan nilai yang tak
imbang dalam penyatan halaju putaran enjin. (.(taken from Roslan,Che Abas
and Yunus Abdullah, UTM, 2001).
Rajah 3

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