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The Sources of History: Archives and Artifacts

Davy T. Aplan, MATSS 1

Why study History?

History helps us understand people and societies. It offers a

storehouse of information about how people and societies behave.
History helps us understand change and how the society we live in came
to be. Only through studying history can we grasp how things change;
only through history can we begin to comprehend the factors that cause
change; and only through history can we understand what elements of an
institution or a society persist despite change. One of the best ways
in studying and/or teaching history is through the use of ARCHIVES AND

Definition of Terms

1. Archive/s

A place in which public records or historical materials (such

as documents) are preserved
A repository or collection especially of information
A collection of data moved to a repository for backup, to
keep separate for compliance reasons or for moving off
primary storage media. It can include a simple list of files
or files organized under a directory or catalog structure
An accumulation of historical records or the physical place
they are located. Archives contain primary source documents
that have accumulated over the course of an individual or
organization's lifetime, and are kept to show the function of
that person or organization.
A place where people go to find information. But rather than
gathering information from books as you would in a library, people
who do research in archives often gather firsthand facts, data,
and evidence from letters, reports, notes, memos, photographs,
audio and video recordings, and other primary sources

2. Artifact/s
A man-made object that has some kind of cultural significance.
A usually simple object (such as a tool or ornament) showing
human workmanship or modification as distinguished from a
natural object; especially: an object remaining from a
particular period..: something characteristic of or
resulting from a particular human institution, period, trend,
or individual..: something or someone arising from or
associated with an earlier time especially when regarded as
no longer appropriate, relevant, or important .
A handmade object, as a tool, or the remains of one, as a shard of
pottery, characteristic of an earlier time or cultural stage,
especially such an object found at an archaeological excavation.

Why are archives important?

Archives are important because they provide evidence of

activities and tell us more about individuals and institutions.
They tell stories.
They also increase our sense of identity and understanding of
They can even ensure justice.
They can often influence our views of previous governments.
They are evidence of historically significant events.
Archives can even be used as evidence in hearings on human rights
Some people destroy archives, knowing their value as evidence or
for social justice.

Different types of repositories?

National archives
County/Regional archives
Municipal/Community archives
University/College archives
School archives

Church archives

Business archives

Charity archives

Gallery archives

Museum archives

Police archives

Theatre archives

Why are artifacts important?

Artifacts serve as remnants of past civilizations

Artifacts give us a clue as to the scientific and engineering
progresses in ancient civilizations.
They help us understand where modern day tools or processes come
They can be sources for better understanding our history
Artifacts tell their own stories.
Artifacts connect people.
Artifacts mean many things.
Artifacts capture moments.
Artifacts reflect changes.

Who uses archives and artifacts?

1. Students and academics still use archives when writing their

dissertations, books or journal articles. It is not only history
students - other subjects researched using archives include
literature, art and economics, to name a few.
2. Television programmes like Who do you think you are? have greatly
increased the popularity of archives for family history research. It
has been argued that this increases peoples sense of identity and
3. Local history researchers carry out research to gain a better
understanding of the area in which they live.
4. Artists and designers have used art and design archives to inspire
their work.
5. Enthusiasts visit archives to find out more about their hobbies. For
example people who are interested in travel or engineering might use
shipbuilding, Post Office or railway collections.
6. Businesses use archives for marketing purposes.

7. Solicitors, town planners, developers and architects use archives

when considering how to manage the built environment, restore
buildings or plan new ones.
8. Journalists often use archives to research their stories or obtain
copies of archival documents to illustrate their stories or

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