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Intercultural Communication Research Paper

Intercultural Communication, PCM330-OB

Caroline Hudson

November 16, 2016

Intercultural Communication Research Paper

Focus on Women (Worldview, religion, intercultural communication)

Countries vary on not only different cultural views, but also different customs, tra-

ditions, and languages. One of the most incredible differences to look at is the way

women, men and children are regarded in different cultures or on an intercultural level.

In America, women for centuries have had to fight for their rights that most take for

granted on a daily basis in 2016. Taking a look at American women in comparison to

those in the Middle East, specifically Saudi Arabia, in regards to their rights and privi-

leges, it would almost seem as if their women are still living in the 1800s compared to

what freedoms women in the United States are granted. Simple, everyday acts one in

America might consider a chore like driving or going to school are rights that women in

Saudi Arabia are still deprived of. Where women in America may be stressing over what

to wear on a hot or cold day, women there are choosing which floor length garments will

cover almost all of their skin in order to avoid breaking a law that Quran forbids. This is

because of its culture bases its legal system off of Islamic Law (Wermuth). Saudi Arabia

is a country that has a completely different worldview and therefore attitude towards

women than those in the United States based on a difference in culture.

The idea of modesty in Saudi womens dress requirements does not seem so

bad, but the real reason behind it is in fact sexist and oppressive. Clothing is a freedom

of expression but it does not matter in their culture because of the religion and respect

for the Quran, which states that women should avoid bring attention to men who are not

their husbands based on how they dress (Wermuth). While hair covering is not techni-
cally a requirement, many women choose to do so when they leave their home. In the

United States there are women still facing some degree of sexism, but because there

are no religious doctrines or practices they are being forced to follow by law it makes it

much easier to have freedoms when it comes to dressing. Not only can women dress

for most events whether it be work, school, or a social event however she wants as long

as her genitalia is covered, there are advocates in different social groups still advocating

for more quality for women in the country. While conservatives still exist whom are typi-

cally religious, they have the freedom to oppose groups and amendments like the Equal

Rights Amendment (ERA), and the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all

Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (Htun 210). No one in the U.S. is be-

ing persecuted or arrested for having opposing viewpoints and disagreeing as long as

people remain civil over their differences. In Saudi Arabia differences in opinions to-

wards women are not allowed, as their culture and regard for religion counters this


Education is a right that all young girls in America grow up receiving, and many

even dread having to wake up and go right to school every morning whether they are

young in preschool or in their senior year of college. Educators, by American standards,

are required nothing less than a Bachelors degree and many even have Masters de-

grees. College professors have their doctorate. Classes, unless at a private or Catholic

school, do not involve religion whatsoever in the learning experience. People are free to

practice their religion on their own but are not required to identify or speak of religion let

alone be religious at all in a school setting. In Saudi Arabia, while women are allowed to

go to school, it is tremendously more men than women enrolled in school and all of the
classes especially for women are Quran or law of Islam based- any that are not can be

considered dangerous or even useless, according to Amani Hamdan in Women and

Education in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Achievements.

Individualism pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are

loose: everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate

family (Wermuth). The United States has the record for being the most individualistic

society which is generally regarded as a negative thing. While it is not a good thing to

be selfish, because America is so individualistic there are more freedoms being fought

for and granted to all in society but especially women. Women are probably the most

progressive in America in comparison to other societies and cultures, as they can vote,

work, and do everything but make the same amount of money as a man. In Saudi Ara-

bia, women still are not allowed to drive. While many are granted chauffeurs and are

able to still go where they want to go, it is always at the hand of someone else. Women

have hardly any independence not only when it comes to driving but also when it comes

to working, going to school, and choosing their clothes.

While language is completely different between the United States and Saudi Ara-

bia, even the nonverbal communication styles differ between cultures. Simple things like

kissing on the cheek are considered very normal in conversation in Saudi Arabia but

would be considered odd and unexpected in an everyday conversation in the United

States, where waving or hand-shaking are considered the norm (Wermuth). This would

be true regardless of gender in the United States, it would not be normal to kiss a per-

sons cheek when starting a conversation but would be normal to shake the hand

whether or not it is two people of the same gender or two people of opposite gender.
Overall, the Quran and law of Islam take precedence in peoples behaviors and

everyday life in Saudi Arabia, especially the attitudes towards women. While tradition

and religion can be beautiful influences in peoples lives, the importance put on it in

Middle Eastern countries, especially Saudi Arabia, only oppresses women rather than

bringing the country and all genders together.

Hamdan, A. (2005). Women and Education in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and

Achievements. International Education Journal, 6(1), 42-64.

Htun, M., & Weldon, S. (2010). When Do Governments Promote Women's Rights? A

Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Sex Equality Policy. Perspectives on Poli-

tics, 8(1), 207-216. Retrieved from

Wermuth, C. (n.d.). Chapter 1: Culture in Saudi Arabia. Retrieved 2016, from

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