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Food Hydrocolloids 33 (2013) 58e65

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Highly acetylated pectin from cacao pod husks (Theobroma cacao L.)
forms gel
Lcia C. Vriesmann, Carmen L.O. Petkowicz*
Universidade Federal do Paran, Departamento de Bioqumica e Biologia Molecular, CP 19046, 81531-980 Curitiba-PR, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A pectin (OP) obtained from cacao pod husk with a high acetyl content, which is a structural feature that
Received 27 September 2012 could disturb the pectins gel formation, was able to form gels at low pH and a high sucrose content. Pectin
Accepted 20 February 2013 gels (1.32% GalA equivalent, w/w) were prepared at pH 2.5e3.3 in the presence of 60% sucrose (w/w).
Rheological analyses were performed to determine the optimal pH for further studies. Next, the OP
Keywords: samples were prepared at pH 2.7 in concentrations ranging from 0.33 to 1.98% GalA (w/w) with 60% sucrose
(w/w) and subjected to rheological analysis. Dynamic oscillatory experiments at 25  C indicated the
High acetyl
presence of gels for all of the analysed concentrations. Measurements of the elastic (G0 ) and viscous (G00 )
Cacao pod husks
Theobroma cacao
moduli at 25  C also indicated that increasing the pectin concentration resulted in stronger gels. Rotational
Gel experiments revealed a shear-thinning behaviour in which the apparent viscosities of the samples
Rheology increased as the concentration increased. Although the OP had a high degree of acetylation, this pectin was
able to form gels, which suggests its potential for use as a gelling and thickening additive.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction pectins: DE > 50%) pectins have distinct gel formation mechanisms
(Axelos & Thibault, 1991; ONeill, Darvill, & Albersheim, 2001; Rolin,
Cacao pod husks (Theobroma cacao L.), which are considered an 1993).
undesirable waste product of the cocoa industry, have been After heating, the HM pectins gel at a low pH (frequently
investigated as a new source of pectins. Pectins have been isolated pH < 3.5) in the presence of high co-solute concentrations (typi-
from cacao pod husks by aqueous (Vriesmann, Amboni, & cally 60e65% sucrose), whereas the gelation of LM pectins occurs in
Petkowicz, 2011) and acid extractions (Vriesmann, Telo, & the presence of calcium ions (ONeill et al., 2001; Oakenfull, 1991;
Petkowicz, 2011). Experimental design and statistical approaches Rolin, 1993; Thakur, Singh, & Handa, 1997). In the rst case, the
using response surface methodology were employed to optimise gelling mechanism primarily involves hydrogen bonding combined
the nitric-acid-mediated pectins extraction from the cacao pod with hydrophobic interactions (Oakenfull, 1991), while ionic in-
husks to improve the pectin yield and uronic acid content teractions play an important role in the gelation of LM pectins
(Vriesmann, Telo et al., 2011). The optimised pectin (OP) was (Axelos & Thibault, 1991).
composed of a homogalacturonan (degree of esterication, DE HM pectins are very important in the food industry because
56.6  1.4%) with rhamnogalacturonan insertions possessing side many processed fruit products are acidic and contain a high sucrose
chains primarily containing galactose. The polymers were highly content (e.g., jams and jellies) (ONeill et al., 2001). Therefore,
acetylated (degree of acetylation, DA 17.1  0.5%) indicating a several studies have investigated the gelling properties of low-pH,
chemical pattern that differs from that of commercial pectins. high-sugar HM pectin gels by varying the sucrose concentration
In addition to the temperature, pH, pectin concentration and (El-Nawawi & Heikel, 1997; Evageliou, Richardson, & Morris, 2000;
presence of co-solutes and ions, pectin gelation is affected by Sharma, Liptay, & Le Maguer, 1998; Vriesmann, Silveira, &
several parameters related to the pectin structure, including the Petkowicz, 2010), pH (El-Nawawi & Heikel, 1997; Evageliou et al.,
molar mass, charge distribution along the backbone, presence of 2000; Sharma et al., 1998), pectin concentration (Ptitchkina,
side chains, DA and DE. DE is a particularly important parameter; Danilova, Doxastakis, Kasapis, & Morris, 1994; Sharma et al., 1998;
low-methoxyl (LM pectins: DE < 50%) and high-methoxyl (HM Vriesmann et al., 2010) and the type of co-solute employed
(Evageliou et al., 2000; Tsoga, Richardson, & Morris, 2004).
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 55 41 3361 1661; fax: 55 41 3266 2042. However, few studies have investigated the gelling properties of
E-mail address: (C.L.O. Petkowicz). HM pectins with high acetyl content (high DA), which is known to

0268-005X/$ e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.C. Vriesmann, C.L.O. Petkowicz / Food Hydrocolloids 33 (2013) 58e65 59

modify pectin solubility and gelation properties (Voragen, Pilnik, measurements were evaluated using the HAAKE RheoWin 4 soft-
Thibault, Axelos, & Renard, 1995; Willats, McCartney, Mackie, & ware. All of the experiments were repeated at least twice. The re-
Knox, 2001). A content value of 4% acetyl was considered the crit- ported results are the averages of these multiple trials and
ical limit for gel formation for previously studied systems (Iglesias exhibited excellent reproducibility.
& Lozano, 2004; Pilnik & Voragen, 1992).
Therefore, a high degree of acetylation appears to be important 3. Results and discussion
for the gelling capacity of pectin. This factor has been a limitation in
the use of sugar beet pectin as a gelling additive (Mc Cready, 1966; Rheological analysis was employed to characterise the OP in
Pippen, McCready, & Owens, 1950; Rolin, 1993). Many studies have solution and as a gel and will provide important information for
investigated the chemical or enzymatic removal of acetyl groups future studies on their properties and applications.
from sugar beet pectins and various extraction procedures to
improve their gelling properties (Faulds & Williamson, 1990; 3.1. OP solution
Matthew, Howson, Keenan, & Belton, 1990; Oosterveld, Beldman,
Searle-van Leeuwen, & Voragen, 2000; Pippen et al., 1950; The viscosity curve of an aqueous solution containing 5% OP (w/
Turquois, Rinaudo, Taravel, & Heyraud, 1999, 2000; Williamson w) is shown in Fig. 1. OP exhibited a low initial viscosity (<1 Pa s),
et al., 1990). which is similar to the 5% pectin solutions chemically extracted
Because the characteristics of pectin can determine its applica- from apple pomace (Min et al., 2011). A non-Newtonian shear-
tions, e.g., as a gelling agent, the analysis of its physicochemical thinning behaviour was observed for OP, with decreases in the
properties is essential for its optimal use. Therefore, we report the viscosity with increases in shear rate, as described for other pectin
rheological properties of the highly acetylated pectin (OP) previ- solutions (Evageliou, Ptitchkina, & Morris, 2005; Hwang & Kokini,
ously obtained from cacao pod husk under optimised conditions. 1992; Min et al., 2011; Sengkhamparn et al., 2010; Singthong,
Ningsanond, Cui, & Goff, 2005).
2. Materials and methods The viscoelastic properties of the 5% OP were evaluated using
frequency sweeps (Fig. 2). G0 refers to the elastic (solid) behaviour,
2.1. Pectin sample and G00 refers to the viscous (liquid) behaviour. The 5% OP solution
exhibited G00 > G0 in the analysed frequency range, which indicated
OP is a highly acetylated HM pectin (DE 56.6  1.4%; DA the predominance of the liquid behaviour. The value of both moduli
17.1  0.5%). The OP used in this study was obtained by the opti- increased proportionally with the frequency.
mised nitric-acid-mediated extraction from cacao pod husk and The predominance of the liquid behaviour was also observed for
previously characterised (Vriesmann, Telo et al., 2011). the 5% solutions of the pectins from apple pomace (58 and 69% DE;
Min et al., 2011). However, the apple pomace samples exhibited
2.2. Preparation of pectin for rheological analysis higher elastic properties at higher frequency oscillations.

First, OP was solubilised in deionised water at 5% (w/w) with 3.2. OP gels

agitation over 16 h at 25  C. The solution was allowed to rest for 4 h
prior to the rheological experiments. The OP is composed of highly acetylated HM pectins and is ex-
The OP samples were then processed under the appropriate pected to form gels at low pH in the presence of a high content of
conditions to obtain HM pectin gels. The OP solutions were pre- low-molecular-weight co-solutes (i.e., sucrose). Acidic pH (<3.5)
pared at 1.32% (as galacturonic acid equivalents in the fraction, w/ leads to the protonation of the carboxylate groups of the unes-
w) with 60% sucrose (w/w) at various acidic pH values (2.5e3.3) to teried galacturonate units, reducing the negative charge along the
determine the appropriate pH for future experiments. Weighed pectin chain and minimising the electrostatic chain repulsion. In
amounts of the sample were hydrated in aqueous citric acid with addition, a high sucrose concentration decreases the water activity,
agitation over 16 h at 25  C. After solubilisation, the mixtures were
heated and sucrose was added in the appropriate proportion. The
mixtures were heated in a boiling bath with continuous stirring for
15 min and cooled to room temperature. Next, their pH was
measured, and the samples were stored under refrigeration for 16 h
and analysed at 25  C. The OP solutions were also prepared with
different GalA quantities (0.33e1.98%) at pH 2.7 and processed as
described above.

2.3. Rheological analyses

The rheological measurements were performed using a Rheo-

Stress1 rheometer (Haake GmbH, Germany) equipped with a Haake
DC30 circulating bath at 25  C using a C60/2 spindle (cone and
plate geometry) with a 1 mm gap between the cone and the plate.
The mechanical responses of the materials were determined by
subjecting them to a frequency sweep from 0.01 to 10 Hz at 25  C
under strain in the viscoelastic-linear region (g < 5%; obtained by
strain sweep tests at 1 Hz) where the network structure was pre-
served. The ow behaviour of the samples was evaluated using
continuous shear rate curves in the CR mode (controlled shear
rate). The sensor was programmed to increase the shear rate from Fig. 1. Inuence of shear rate on the apparent viscosity of the 5% OP aqueous solution
0 to 300 s1 over 360 s at 25  C. The data from the rheological at 25  C.
60 L.C. Vriesmann, C.L.O. Petkowicz / Food Hydrocolloids 33 (2013) 58e65

viscosities decreased as the shear rate increased. The apparent

viscosity of all of the samples was more than 1000-fold higher than
that of the OP solution at 5%. The highest apparent viscosity was
observed for the sample prepared at pH 2.7 (Fig. 4).
According to Rolin and de Vries (1990), pH 3.1 is typical for HM
pectin gelation. A very low pH is critical for HM pectin gelation, and
a gel will not form above pH 3.5 (Rolin & de Vries, 1990). Evageliou
et al. (2000) observed that the gel strength increased with
decreasing pH. Sharma et al. (1998), who studied the gelation of
HM pectins obtained from tomato pulp with different sucrose
contents (50e70%) and pH values (2.0e5.0), observed that gels
were formed with 60% sucrose at pH < 3.0.
Fig. 5A shows the elastic moduli (G0 ) of the OP samples prepared
at different pH values, and Fig. 5B shows the respective viscous
moduli (G00 ). In contrast to the 5% OP solution, all of the mixtures
exhibited an elastic modulus that was higher than the viscous
modulus (G0 > G00 ) for the studied oscillation frequencies. In addi-
tion, G0 was found to be less dependent on the frequency than G00 ,
which is characteristic of gel-like behaviour. At lower frequencies,
Fig. 2. Frequency sweep of the 5% OP aqueous solution at 25  C. G0 is more than three times higher than G00 .
A high concentration of acetyl groups has been reported to
competing with the pectin for hydrogen bonding to water and disturb pectin gelation (Mc Cready, 1966; Pilnik & Voragen, 1992;
allowing more interactions between the distinct pectin chains Voragen et al., 1995; Willats et al., 2001). Williamson et al. (1990)
compared to the interactions of the chains with water. Therefore, proposed that the presence of acetyl groups inhibits the gel for-
the formation of junction zones is facilitated through the stabilising mation of both HM and LM pectins by steric hindrance of the chain
hydrophobic attractions between the methoxyl groups and the association. According to Sengkhamparn et al. (2010), acetylation
hydrogen bonding between undissociated carboxyl and secondary plays a signicant role in increasing the viscosity of okra LM and
alcohol groups (Thakur et al., 1997; Voragen et al., 1995; HM pectin solutions by promoting hydrophobic associations.
Walkinshaw & Arnott, 1981). However, the gelation of these pectins was not evaluated. In this
In this work, the rheological properties of the OP prepared with work, the OP displayed gel-like behaviour despite having a high
a conventional procedure for preparing the gels of HM pectins (i.e., acetyl content.
low pH and high sucrose content) were evaluated. Initially, the When the gels prepared at different pH values are compared,
mixtures were prepared with a xed sucrose (60%, w/w) and pectin the mixture at pH 2.7 formed the gel with the highest G0 values and
(1.32% GalA, w/w) content at a pH ranging from 2.5 to 3.3. the greatest difference between the moduli, while the mixture
prepared at pH 3.3 displayed the opposite behaviour. The mixtures
3.2.1. Effect of pH on OP rheological behaviour with a pH of 2.5e2.6 and 2.8-3.0 exhibited similar behaviour. Fig. 6
The viscosity curves of the OP samples prepared under low-pH,
high-sucrose conditions are shown in Fig. 3. The OP samples
exhibited a non-Newtonian shear-thinning behaviour in which the

Fig. 3. Inuence of the shear rate on the apparent viscosity of the OP at 1.32% GalA, Fig. 4. pH dependence of the apparent viscosity at 0.003 s1 of the OP at 1.32% GalA
60% sucrose (w/w) at 25  C and various pH values. and 60% sucrose (25  C).
L.C. Vriesmann, C.L.O. Petkowicz / Food Hydrocolloids 33 (2013) 58e65 61

Fig. 6. pH dependence of G0 and G00 at a frequency of 0.1 Hz (25  C) for the OP prepared
with 1.32% GalA and 60% sucrose (w/w).

reports cited above, as the pectin in OP fraction has a DE of

56.6  1.4% and the gel with highest elastic behaviour was obtained
at pH 2.7, followed by that obtained at pH 2.6 (Fig. 6).
After ANOVA and t-test analysis (p < 0.05), a pH of 2.7 was
selected to prepare the OP gels with different pectin concentrations.

3.2.2. Effect of pectin concentration on the OP rheological behaviour

The ow behaviour of OP samples at different concentrations
(0.33e0.98% GalA, w/w) at pH 2.7 was evaluated at 25  C (Fig. 7). In
the low-shear-rate region, the samples exhibited a Newtonian
plateau followed by a decrease in viscosity with an increase in shear
rate. This result is characteristic of a shear-thinning ow behaviour
under the examined conditions, in which the apparent viscosities of
the samples increased as the concentration increased. The largest
difference in the apparent viscosity was observed at lower

Fig. 5. Frequency sweeps at 25  C of the OP with 1.32% GalA (w/w) and 60% sucrose
(w/w) at different pH values: (A) Elastic modulus, G0 , and (B) Viscous modulus, G00 .

shows the predominance of G0 over G00 for OP mixtures at all of the

studied pH values (0.1 Hz). A maximum G0 value is reached at pH
2.7. For G00 , only a slight difference is observed for the different pH
values. The OP exhibited the worst gelling ability at pH 3.3.
Evageliou et al. (2000) evaluated the rheological properties of an
HM pectin (70.3% DE, 65% sucrose) at pH values ranging from 3.0 to
4.7. They observed that both G0 and G00 decreased sharply when the
pH was increased above w3.4, which is the pKa of the galacturonate
units in the polymer.
Pectins with 65.9e73.7% DE have been reported to exhibit little
difference in gelation at pH w3.0 and a loss of the ability to form
gels at higher pH values (Smit & Bryant, 1968). According to the
literature, at lower DEs, stronger gels were obtained when the pH
value decreased (El-Nawawi & Heikel, 1997; Smit & Bryant, 1968).
For a DE of 43.7%, Smit and Bryant (1968) found the best gel
forming ability at pH 2.2. For pectins with DE of 51% the jelly grade
was higher at pH 2.5e2.3 (El-Nawawi & Heikel, 1997). Pectins with
61% DE exhibited a higher jelly grade at pH values of 2.7 and 2.3,
and a slightly lower jelly grade was observed at pH 2.5 (El-Nawawi Fig. 7. Inuence of the shear rate on the apparent viscosity of the OP prepared at
& Heikel, 1997). Our results appear to be in agreement with the different GalA concentrations at pH 2.7 and 60% sucrose (w/w) (25  C).
62 L.C. Vriesmann, C.L.O. Petkowicz / Food Hydrocolloids 33 (2013) 58e65

At low shear rates, the sample with the highest concentration

(1.98% GalA) exhibited an apparent viscosity value over one hun-
dred times higher than that with the lowest concentration (0.33%
GalA) under the same experimental conditions. Fig. 8 shows the
variation in the apparent viscosity (Pa s) with pectin concentration
at 0.003 s1. The magnitude of the viscosity increased as the GalA
concentration increased. For this shear rate, the 1.98% GalA sample
exhibited an apparent viscosity of 6228 Pa s, while the 0.33% GalA
sample exhibited a value of 42 Pa s. Therefore, a 6-fold difference in
concentration generated a 148-fold difference in the apparent
viscosity for this shear rate, which indicates the presence of more
entanglements at a higher concentration.
Fig. 9A and B show the variation in elastic (G0 ) and viscous
moduli (G00 ) as a function of frequency at 25  C for OP with different
concentrations prepared at pH 2.7 with 60% (w/w) sucrose.
Although acetyl groups are believed to hamper gelation, the fre-
quency sweeps of the OP (degree of acetylation of 17.1  0.5%)
demonstrated gel behaviour at all of the concentrations analysed
(Fig. 9). G0 was higher than G00 over the entire frequency range and
less dependent on the frequency than G00 , which indicates the
predominance of a solid response similar to that present in elastic
networks (Endress, Dschl-Volle, & Dengler, 1996; Morris, 2008).
Polymer gels and networks can be divided into three main classes:
covalently cross-linked materials, entanglement networks and
physical gels. For entanglement networks at low frequency, G0 N f2;
in contrast, G0 is frequency insensitive for cross-linked networks,
with G0 N f0 (Kavanagh & Ross-Murphy, 1998). In the present work,
G0 N fp where p ranges from 0.1448 to 0.1917 (R2 > 0.98, data not
shown). According to Kavanagh and Ross-Murphy (1998), pectin
gels are classied as physical gels.
Pippen et al. (1950) prepared partially acetylated pectins from
commercial citrus pectin. They observed that the presence of acetyl
inhibited gel formation with acid/sugar in samples containing 5%
acetyl, while samples with 3.5e4% acetyl formed weak gels upon
resting for from one to four weeks. They also veried that the
percentage of acetyl required to prevent gelation was not
signicantly inuenced by the DE of the pectins. In addition, the
removal of the acetyl groups restored the gelling ability when the
percentage of acetyl dropped to 2.4 or less. The same authors
studied the inuence of removing the acetyl groups from the
sugar beet pectin and found that gelling pectin was produced

Fig. 9. Frequency sweeps at 25  C of the OP at 0.33e1.98% GalA (w/w) with 60% su-
crose (w/w): (A) Elastic modulus, G0 , and (B) Viscous modulus, G00 .

when the percentage of acetyl decreased below a value of 1

(Pippen et al., 1950). However, the conditions used to prepare the
gels were not described by the authors.
In contrast to the results reported by Pippen et al. (1950), the OP
fraction containing a DA of 17.1  0.5% exhibited gelling ability even
at the lowest concentration analysed (0.33% GalA w/w). It should be
noted that the total inhibition of pectin gelation occurs at
DA  12.5% (Rolin, 1993). However, gel formation was observed for
the OP fraction pectins, which have a higher DA, suggesting that
other molecular factors must assist in the gelation or that the high
acetyl content only modies the gel characteristics of the sample.
Not only the DA but also the distribution of the groups can play
an important role in the gelling properties of the pectins. Depending
on the plant source, acetyl groups may be present in HG or RG-I
Fig. 8. Dependence of the apparent viscosity at 0.003 s1 on the concentration of the regions, attached to galacturonic acid units at O-2 and/or O-3
OP samples. (Bonnin et al., 2008; Willats et al., 2001). However, in okra pectins,
L.C. Vriesmann, C.L.O. Petkowicz / Food Hydrocolloids 33 (2013) 58e65 63

the acetyl groups were not only attached to galacturonic acid units The highly acetylated pectins in OP fraction demonstrated
in HG and RG-I, but also to rhamnose and/or galactose units in side weaker gel properties than other HM pectin samples prepared with
chains of RG-I (Sengkhamparn, Verhoef, Schols, Sajjaanantakul, & an acidic pH and a high sucrose content (Lfgren et al., 2002;
Voragen, 2009). It is possible that in OP, acetylated units of gal- Ptitchkina et al., 1994; Vriesmann et al., 2010).
acturonic acid might be arranged in blocks. Also, the acetyl groups A high acetyl content is known to negatively affect pectin
could be mainly attached to neutral sugar units of RG-I. In this way, gelation (Matthew et al., 1990; Mc Cready, 1966; Oosterveld et al.,
long runs of unacetylated material could exist along the HG back- 2000; Pilnik & Voragen, 1992; Pippen et al., 1950; Rombouts &
bone chains and the gel formation could take place by the typical Thibault, 1986; Voragen et al., 1995; Willats et al., 2001) and can
mechanism for HM pectins (low pH in the presence of a high content inuence the gel characteristics of OP samples.
of sucrose). Other features related to the pectin structure can affect the
Furthermore, the results in Fig. 9 indicate that a higher pectin gelling properties, such as the presence of side chains, the DE, the
concentration in the OP gels results in a G0 value with a larger charge distribution along the backbone and the degree of poly-
magnitude (Fig. 9A), which indicates the presence of stronger gels merisation (Axelos & Thibault, 1991; Rolin, 1993).
at higher concentrations, as observed for other pectins (Lfgren, The gel strength of the pectins is positively related to the molar
Walkenstrm, & Hermansson, 2002; Ptitchkina et al., 1994; mass of the molecule. If this molar mass is very low, the pectin will
Sharma et al., 1998; Vriesmann et al., 2010). A doubling of the not form a gel under any conditions, whereas increasing the pectin
concentration of the OP gels resulted in an approximately 5-fold molar mass promotes the formation of strong gels (ODonoghue &
increase in G0 and an approximately 4-fold increase in G00 . When Somereld, 2008; Pagn & Ibarz, 1999). Low molar mass
the concentration of the OP samples was increased 6-fold (from (<5.104 g/mol) has been used to explain the poor gelling properties
0.33% GalA to 1.98% GalA), G0 increased by at least 70-fold. of sugar beet pectins (Michel, Thibault, Mercier, Heitz, & Pouillaude,
Lfgren et al. (2002) reported that HM pectin gels are greatly 1985; Phatak, Chang, & Brown, 1988; Pilnik & Voragen, 1992;
inuenced by changes in concentration. In their study, doubling the Thibault, 1986). However, this explanation does not hold for OP,
concentration from 0.75% to 1.5% increased the G0 by 3-fold and the which has a high molar mass (3.498  105 g/mol; Vriesmann,
G00 by 4-fold. These authors observed the presence of a denser gel Telo et al., 2011).
network at increased concentrations. However, they reported that The presence of a-1,2 rhamnopyranose units (which possess
the nature of the network structure did not change. neutral sugar side chains at O-4) interspersing the a-1,4 poly-
Fig. 10 shows the variation in the rigidity (G0 ) of the OP samples galacturonate backbone was suggested introducing kinks that limit
as a function of the pectin concentration measured at 0.1 Hz. The the junction zone size or interrupt it in pectin gels (Rees & Wight,
magnitude of G0 increased as the GalA concentration increased, 1971; Walkinshaw & Arnott, 1981). Rhamnose is localized in re-
indicating an increase in the quantity of elastic junction zones. In gions of GalAeRha disaccharide repeating units (rhamnogalactur-
addition, G0 was found to be power-law dependent on the GalA onan segments) along the HG regions of pectins. Single rhamnose
concentration, G0 N C2.4. units interspersing HG regions are scarce (Nakamura, Furuta,
Although the nature of the intermolecular junctions in a Maeda, Nagamatsu, & Yoshimoto, 2000; Voragen, Coenen,
network depends signicantly on the primary structure of the Verhoef, & Schols, 2009; Yapo, 2011; Yapo, Lerouge, Thibault, &
polymer, this type of plot exhibits a slope of 2 at high concentra- Ralet, 2007; Zhan, Janssen, & Mort, 1998). The presence of 10%
tions, which is a common pattern for most gelling polysaccharides Rha in the OP (Vriesmann, Telo et al., 2011) could also inuence
and indicates a (concentration)2 dependence of the gel strength gel formation.
(Morris, 2008). According to Morris (2008), the value of the slope The presence, length and distribution of side branches in pectins
increases when the polymer concentration decreases towards the can interfere with their gelation because junction zone formation is
minimum critical gelling concentration (c*), which is the lowest only possible via smooth regions in the molecule (Hwang, Pyun, &
concentration at which gel formation is possible. Kokini, 1993; Keenan, Belton, Matthew, & Howson, 1985; Matthew
et al., 1990; Schmelter, Wientjes, Vreeker, & Klaffke, 2002; Thibault,
Guillon, & Rombouts, 1991; Thibault & Ralet, 2008). Schmelter et al.
(2002) observed that pectins with shorter side chains exhibited
better gelation properties than those with longer side branches.
However, the dimension or length of the side branches must be
sufcient to provide additional interchain entanglements in the
polymer network compared to those of linear polymers with
similar molecular weight because the backbone of these chains is
shorter than that of linear polymers (Schmelter et al., 2002). It has
been reported that neutral sugar side chains could be directly
involved in the gelation mechanism of HM pumpkin pectin
(Ptitchkina et al., 1994). However, the long backbone in citric-acid-
extracted squash pectin may have counteracted the interference of
the side chains in its gelation in low-pH, high-sugar solutions
(ODonoghue & Somereld, 2008). Neutral sugar side chains are
present in OP (Vriesmann, Telo et al., 2011), but their length and
distribution are not yet known.
On the other hand, the presence of rhamnose and neutral sugar-
branched regions along with the HG regions in pectins from OP
fraction may also prevent undesirable phenomena in the gels.
Thibault and Ralet (2008) proposed that these components are
junction-zone-terminating structural elements that prevent
Fig. 10. G0 as a function of the GalA concentration of the OP gels at different fre- turbidity, precipitation or syneresis in acidic gels with 55e65%
quencies (25  C). sugar contents.
64 L.C. Vriesmann, C.L.O. Petkowicz / Food Hydrocolloids 33 (2013) 58e65

Furthermore, the DE and the distribution of methyl-esteried References

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intermolecular arrangements of ester groups strongly affected the El-Nawawi, S. A., & Heikel, Y. A. (1997). Factors affecting gelation of high-ester citrus
gelation properties of pectins. In particular, there were clear dif- pectin. Process Biochemistry, 32, 381e385.
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