InfoWater Student Analysis and Design Workbook

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and Design
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InfoWater is a registered trademark of Innovyze. Esri, ArcView, ArcMap, ArcGIS, ArcObjects,

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1.0 Overview............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 InfoWater Software Capabilities ................................................................................................... 5
2.0 Modeling Background/Preliminaries ................................................................................................. 6
2.1.0 General Flow Characteristics .................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Conservation of Mass............................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Conservation of Energy ......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.0 Summary of Basic Equations ..................................................................................................... 7
3.0 Modeling Background ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 References .................................................................................................................................. 16
4.0 Case Study I ........................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.0 Adequate Pressures in Water Distribution Systems .......................................................... 17
4.1.1 Steady State Test for Adequate Pressure ........................................................................... 19
4.1.2 Design a Parallel Pipe to Meet Pressure Constraints .......................................................... 29
4.1.3 Locating New Storage Tank ................................................................................................. 31
5.0 Case Study II .................................................................................................................................... 37
5.1.0 Sufficient Pump Power in Water Distribution Systems......................................................... 37
5.1.1 Extended Simulation Test for Sufficient Pump Power ........................................................ 38
5.1.2 New Pump Design ............................................................................................................... 53
5.2.0 Emergency Response ............................................................................................................ 62
5.2.1 Fireflow Analysis Exercise ................................................................................................ 62
5.2.2 Discussion of Fireflow Results ......................................................................................... 67
5.2.3 Fireflow Design Problem .................................................................................................. 68
5.2.4 Pipe Break Analysis Example ........................................................................................... 70
6.0 Case Study III ................................................................................................................................ 74
6.1.0 Water Quality Analysis .......................................................................................................... 74
6.1.1 Standard Water Quality Analysis ..................................................................................... 74
6.1.2 Decision Support for Water Quality Analysis .................................................................. 79

1.0 Overview

This manual is designed to engage students in a hands-on learning approach to water distribution systems
analysis. Students will discuss the fundamental theory behind water distribution system analysis and how
to apply it to design problems using the InfoWater software package developed by Innovyze.

Built atop ArcGIS (Esri, Redlands, CA), InfoWaters innovative network modeling technology addresses
every facet of utility infrastructure management and protection delivering the highest rate of return in
the industry. The software seamlessly integrates sophisticated predictive analytics, systems dynamics and
optimization functionality directly within the powerful ArcGIS setting. From fire flow and dynamic water
quality simulations, valve criticality and energy cost analysis to pressure zone management and advanced
Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm optimization, the suite comes equipped with everything water
utility owner-operators need to best plan, design, operate, secure and sustain their distribution systems.

InfoWater also serves as a base platform for advanced smart network modeling, operation, capital
planning and asset management extensions. Among these critical applications are IWLive (real-time
operations and security); InfoWater UDF (unidirectional flushing); CapPlan (risk-based capital planning);
InfoMaster and InfoMaster Mobile (asset integrity management and condition assessment); InfoWater
MSX (multi-species modeling); InfoWater BTX (event/particle backtracking); InfoSurge (surge/transient
analysis); Sustainability (carbon footprint calculation); BalanceNet (real-time energy management and
operations optimization); PressureWatch (real-time network hydraulic integrity monitoring); QualWatch
(real-time network water quality integrity monitoring); SCADAWatch (real-time business intelligence and
performance monitoring); DemandWatch (water demand forecasting); and DemandAnalyst (real-time
water demand and diurnal pattern estimations).

1.1 InfoWater Software Capabilities

InfoWater offers DIRECT ARCGIS INTEGRATION enabling engineers and GIS professionals to work
simultaneously on the same integrated platform. It allows you to command powerful GIS analysis and
hydraulic modeling in a single environment using a single dataset. You can create, edit, modify, run, map,
analyze, design, and optimize your water network models and instantly review, query, and display
simulation results from within ArcGIS. InfoWater powerful ArcGIS integration features:

Build/Run Network Model in ArcGIS

Provide Native ArcGIS Model-Building Tools
Construct/Update Models Directly from Geodatabase and Geometric Network or Any External
Data Source
Allow Complete or Filtered Data Exchange on Geometric and/or Non-Geometric Data with
Geodatabase or RDBMS
Treat Pumps and Valves as Nodes (Points)
Create/Edit Multiple Scenarios in the Same Geodatabase

View fully Animated Extended Period Simulation (Dynamic) Results Sequentially Using VCR-Style
Controls Directly in ArcGIS
Generate Contours, Graphs and Tables of Modeling Results Directly in ArcGIS
Combine Input and Output Attribute Tables
Use Relational Database and Geodatabase to Store Model Data
Fully Automate GIS Data Exchange with ESRI Data Sources (e.g., Valve Status)
Pick any GIS Attributes Automatically Without Mapping any Fields
Automatically Publish Simulation Results to Enterprise Geodatabase and/or RDBMS
Fully Compatible with Intergraph GeoMedia and GeoMedia Professional

2.0 Modeling Background/Preliminaries

This section will look at the main principles, theories, and equations governing water distribution systems
and hydraulics. Specifically, this section will discuss general flow characteristics and several of the
governing equations used when analyzing fluids.

2.1.0 General Flow Characteristics

In order to sufficiently understand and analyze hydraulic systems, it is first necessary to understand the
general principles that govern flow characteristics.

Water distribution networks can generally be analyzed and solved using the three conservation laws:
mass, energy and momentum. The basic analysis can generally be accomplished with mass and energy
conservation principles. InfoWater strategically applies these principles to solve and analyze water
distribution networks, hence a brief overview is discussed.

2.1.1 Conservation of Mass

The principle of conservation of mass states that the mass in a closed system must remain constant over
time. The quantity of mass in a system cannot change unless more mass is added to a system or mass has
been removed from a system. As most networks primarily deal with water, we assume a constant density,
or the fluid is incompressible. Hence for open systems, the mass flow rate into the system must equal the
mass flow rate out of the system (no internal storage since the working fluid is incompressible). For
example, if water were to flow into a pipe at 10 cubic feet per second, it must exit the pipe at a flow of 10
cubic feet per second. The principle of conservation of mass (based on volumetric flow) can be
summarized by the following equation:

Qin is the mass/volumetric flow rate entering the system
Qout is the mass/volumetric flow rate exiting the system

This equation assumes that the change in storage of the system is equal to zero.

By definition, volumetric flow is equal to the average velocity of the fluid entering a pipe multiplied by the
cross sectional area of the pipe. This is summarized by the following equation:

Q represents volumetric flow
V represents cross sectional averaged velocity
A represents the cross section of the pipe (if the pipe flows full)

Therefore, by multiplying the velocity of a fluid traveling through a pipe by the cross-sectional area of the
inside of the pipe (assuming that the system is a closed conduit), the flow of the fluid can be found.

If the pipe does not flow fully, then the flow can be found by multiplying the average velocity that the
fluid travels with the cross sectional area of the fluid in the pipe.

2.1.2 Conservation of Energy

The principle of conservation of energy states that the total energy at a certain location in a system equals
the energy at a further point in a system plus the energy change due to losses (i.e, friction) or gains (i.e.,
pumps). This principle is derived from Newtons second law of motion, or the Thermodynamic Laws. The
conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but that it transfers from
one form to another. In water distribution systems, energy can be measured using the Bernoulli Equation.

2.2.0 Summary of Basic Equations

Extended Bernoullis Equation

While energy can be expressed in two fundamental forms in a distribution system: potential and kinetic
energy, there are several detailed components that show up in the Bernoulli Equation:
Static Head the potential energy gained from the elevation of the fluid
Pressure Head the potential energy from the pressure on the fluid
Velocity Head the kinetic energy gained from the movement of the fluid
Head Gains energy gained from an external input, such as a pump
Head Losses energy lost due to friction, fittings, valves, or turbines, etc.

When a term is expressed as a head, it has dimensions of length [L], representing a depth of water.
Typically, the units of head are in feet or meters.

The following equation shows the extended Bernoulli Equation:

1 12 2 22
+ 1 + + = + 2 + +
2 2

is equal to the Pressure Head [L]

Z1 is equal to the Elevation Head [L]
is equal to the Velocity Head [L]
HG is equal to the Head Gain [L]
HL is equal to the Head Loss [L]

In order to solve this equation, typically two points along a network are analyzed. Flow and pressure
monitoring devices such as manometers (or pressure gages) and Pitot tubes (velocity doppler meters)
help to analyze these points. Similarly, there are several simplifying conditions/assumptions that can be
made pertaining to the energy equation at specific points along a water distribution network that help to
analyze a system. For example, water that is exposed to the atmosphere has zero gauge pressure.
Typically, water is exposed to the atmosphere at elevated storage tanks and reservoirs. Also, water at the
surface of an elevated storage tank or reservoir is assumed to move very slowly. This means that the
velocity head is assumed to be zero at the surface of these elevated storage tanks and reservoirs.

Hydraulic/Energy Grade Line

The energy grade line is a term that represents the summation of the pressure head, elevation head, and
the velocity head. It represents the total amount of energy at a certain location in a water distribution
system. Head gains and head losses can be quantified between two points by finding the difference in
hydraulic grade line between the two points. The following equation shows the energy grade line:

= ++


is equal to the Pressure Head

z is equal to the Elevation Head
is equal to the Velocity Head

The hydraulic grade line represents just the potential energy terms, namely pressure and elevation.

= +

Energy Loss
In pipe flow, the energy loss between two points is defined as total head loss ( ). Total head loss consists
of frictional head loss ( ) due to the fluids contact with the pipe wall, and minor head losses ( ) due
to various pipe network components/form (i.e. valves, bends, fittings, etc.). In most systems, frictional
head loss accounts for the vast majority of energy losses. Minor losses are often assumed to have a
negligible effect on the system. The equation for total head loss is shown below:

= +

Quantifying Frictional Head Loss

There are several ways to account for the frictional losses. The Darcy Weisbach Equation and Hazen
Williams Equation are two widely accepted methods for quantifying frictional head loss in pipe flow. Both
equations calculate head loss as a function of the fluid velocity, pipe length, diameter, and pipe roughness.

Darcy Weisbach Equation

The Darcy Weisbach Equation for frictional head loss is:


f is the friction factor, an empirical quantification of the friction-causing elements of the pipe or
L is the length of pipe, typically measured in meters or feet
D is the diameter of the pipe, measured in meters or feet
V is the velocity of the fluid, measured in meters per second or feet per second
g is the gravitational constant
HLf is the head loss measured in meters or feet

The pipe roughness is imbedded in the friction factor (f), which can be quantified by a variety of
approaches (i.e. Moody Diagram, Colebrook-White Eq., Jain Eq., Wood Eq., etc.). Friction factors generally
vary from 0.008 to 0.038.

Hazen Williams Equation
The Hazen Williams Equation for head loss represents the pipe roughness through the Hazen Williams C
Coefficient. C coefficients generally vary between 100 and 140. The Hazen Williams head loss equation is
shown below:

= 1.85

L is the length of the pipe measured in feet or meters
C is the Hazen Williams C coefficient
D is the diameter of the pipe measured in feet or meters
Q is the volumetric flowrate measured in cubic feet per second or cubic meters per second
HLf is the head loss measured in feet or meters
Cu is the units coefficient, 4.73 for SI, 10.68 for English

The Hazen Williams Equation is an empirical equation, hence the need for the units coefficient.

Quantifying Minor Head Loss

Energy losses from pipe fittings, transitions, bends, valves, etc., are called minor losses. These are termed
minor losses due to the fact that they are often insignificant with respect to frictional head loss. The
equation for minor head loss is shown below:


K is the minor head loss coefficient,
g is the acceleration due to gravity
V is the velocity of the water

Minor head loss is also in units of length. Minor head loss coefficients vary for different types of
bends, fittings, valves, etc, and are typically given by the manufacturer.

3.0 Modeling Background

Networks are comprised of a collection of pipes, nodes, and other components. The equations developed
in the previous section apply to the network in general, but they are specifically implemented in pipes. In
network modeling, each pipe must be represented by the appropriate head loss-discharge relationship
(i.e., Darcy-Weisbach Equation).

There are a number of methods that have been developed to analyze water distribution networks for
flows and pressures (e.g. hardy cross, simultaneous node, simultaneous pipe). InfoWater uses a method
called the Global Gradient Algorithm (GGA) which was developed by Todini and Pilati in 1987. This is also
called the Gradient Method or the Simultaneous Network Method, which is a variant of the Newton-
Raphson Method.

The GGA utilizes a set of mass balance equations for each junction node, and energy equations for each
pipe, which are solved in matrix form for the change in flow () and the change in head () in the
system. New flow values are then calculated (updated) and used as inputs for the next iteration. The
system is iterated until the and values converge to zero (or a small error tolerance). When the
and converge to zero, the flows and grades in the network are known, and the appropriate head loss-
discharge relationship is maintained in each pipe.

Example of the Global Gradient Algorithm:

Figure 3.0.1 below shows a simple network layout, comprised of pipes, nodes, outflows, and a supply
reservoir (top left of figure). The following tables detail the characteristics of each network component.

Figure 3.0.1: Example Network

Table 3.0.1: Pipe Characteristics

Table 3.0.2: Junction Characteristics

The continuity and energy equations for the junction nodes in the network are shown below for junctions
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively.

Continuity Equations:

1 2 7 = 0

2 3 8 = 1

3 4 = 1

4 + 5 = 1

6 + 8 5 = 1

7 6 = 1

The energy equations for each pipe are shown below for pipes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, respectively.
Whether or not the Q terms are positive or negative is a sign convention based on (assumed) flow

Energy Equations:

1 |1 | + 1 = 0

2 |2 | + 2 1 = 0

3 |3 | + 3 2 = 0

4 |4 | + 4 3 = 0

5 |5 | + 5 4 = 0

6 |6 | + 6 5 = 0

7 |7 | + 6 1 = 0

8 |8 | + 5 2 = 0

The table of initial heads, flows, and calculated gradients and head loss terms is shown in the next table.
The right hand side term for each pipe is calculated by first calculating the value of the left hand side of
the energy equation (shown above), and multiplying by negative 1. These values will ultimately become
part of the B matrix. Units for elevation, head (H), diameter, length, and head loss are all feet. Flow is in
cubic feet per second.

Node Elev. H Pipe Length Diameter C K Qi nK|Q|^n-1 KQ^n RHS

1 100 150 1 1000 1.166667 130 0.27418 5.000 1.999 5.401663 44.59834
2 90 150 2 500 1 130 0.290426 3.000 1.370 2.221593 -2.22159
3 90 150 3 500 1 130 0.290426 1.500 0.759 0.615399 -0.6154
4 90 150 4 700 1 130 0.406597 0.500 0.417 0.112631 -0.11263
5 80 150 5 900 1 130 0.522767 0.500 0.536 0.144811 -0.14481
6 80 150 6 600 1 130 0.348512 1.000 0.645 0.348512 -0.34851
A 200 200 7 300 1 130 0.174256 2.000 0.582 0.629064 -0.62906
8 400 1 130 0.232341 0.500 0.238 0.06436 -0.06436

Initial Q values are based on assumed flows which satisfy the mass conservation equations. The next step
is to set up the A and B matrices based on the continuity and energy equations and the values calculated
in the table above.

The A matrix can be divided into four quadrants (as shown below). The upper left quadrant consists of
diagonal terms, which are the gradient terms (derivative of the energy equation) for each pipe, and all
other terms in the upper left quadrant are zeros. The upper right quadrant includes the coefficients for
the continuity equations. A positive 1 means flow is into the junction and a -1 means flow is out of the
junction. Once this section of the matrix is constructed, the upper right quadrant may be transposed to
obtain the lower left quadrant. The lower left quadrant may also be obtained from coefficients of the
energy equations for each pipe. The lower right quadrant is comprised of all zeros. The B matrix is
comprised of the RHS terms from the table values and then zeros for the bottom section of this matrix.

A Matrix
1.999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1.370 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.759 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.417 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.536 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0.645 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.582 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.238 0 -1 0 0 1 0
1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B Matrix

The solution vector is comprised of the dQ and dH terms, the updated information for flows and heads.
By solving the system of equations [A]{x}=[B], the following results are obtained for the {x} matrix.

X Matrix
0.0000 dQ1
-0.4889 dQ2
-0.3258 dQ3
-0.3258 dQ4
0.3258 dQ5
0.4889 dQ6
0.4889 dQ7
-0.1631 dQ8
44.5983 dH1
43.0466 dH2
42.6785 dH3
42.7016345 dH4
43.0210333 dH5
43.6847762 dH6

New Q and H values are calculated using dQ and dH terms. The new flow and head values were
then substituted into the same procedure and the system was iterated until the dQ and dH values
converged to zero. The tables below show the values for Q, dQ, H, and dH as they were updated
for each iteration until they converged. The values for all 4 iterations are in the tables below, with
the final answer highlighted in green. These tables illustrate the robustness of the solution

Node # H
Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4
1 44.5983 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
2 43.0466 -0.0630 0.0000 0.0000
3 42.6785 -0.0835 -0.0001 0.0000
4 42.7016 -0.1220 -0.0001 0.0000
5 43.0210 -0.0715 -0.0001 0.0000
6 43.6848 -0.0197 0.0000 0.0000

Node # H
Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4
1 150 194.5983 194.5983 194.5983
2 150 193.0466 192.9836 192.9836
3 150 192.6785 192.5950 192.5949
4 150 192.7016 192.5796 192.5796
5 150 193.0210 192.9496 192.9495
6 150 193.6848 193.6651 193.6651

Pipe # Q
Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4
1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
2 -0.4889 0.0142 0.0000 0.0000
3 -0.3258 -0.0038 0.0000 0.0000
4 -0.3258 -0.0038 0.0000 0.0000
5 0.3258 0.0038 0.0000 0.0000
6 0.4889 -0.0142 0.0000 0.0000
7 0.4889 -0.0142 0.0000 0.0000
8 -0.1631 0.0180 -0.0001 0.0000

Pipe # Q
Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4
1 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000
2 3.000 2.511 2.525 2.525
3 1.500 1.174 1.170 1.170
4 0.500 0.174 0.170 0.170
5 0.500 0.826 0.830 0.830
6 1.000 1.489 1.475 1.475
7 2.000 2.489 2.475 2.475
8 0.500 0.337 0.355 0.355

3.1 References

Nicklow, J.W. and Boulos, P.F. Essential Water and Wastewater Calculations for Engineers and Operators,
1st edition, MWH Soft (Innovyze), Broomfield, Colorado, 2007, 372 pp.

Lansey, K.E. and Boulos, P.F. Comprehensive Handbook on Water Quality Analysis in Distribution Systems,
1st edition, MWH Soft (Innovyze) Press, Broomfield, Colorado, 2005, 448 pp.

Lansey, K.E., Boulos, P.F. and Karney, B.W. Comprehensive Water Distribution Systems Analysis Handbook
For Engineers and Planners, 2nd Edition, MWH Soft (Innovyze) Press, Broomfield, Colorado, 2006,
660 pp.

4.0 Case Study I

With a general look at how the network is setup and solved, the robustness of InfoWater can be shown
through various examples. The examples are also used to illustrate the types of analysis and design
considerations the practicing engineer would encounter.

4.1.0 Adequate Pressures in Water Distribution Systems

One of the main purposes of water distribution systems is to adequately deliver water to a utility
companys customers. How do we know when water is adequately delivered? There are a few criteria that
can be assessed to see if the water distribution system is doing everything that it should. Firstly, water
must be delivered at adequate pressure. This concept will be the subject of this case study. If pressures in
the system are too low, paying customers may become upset, and more importantly, the system may not
be able to combat fires, which is another criterion that must be assessed. We will look more into fireflow
analyses in Section 5.2.1. If pressures are too high, then there may be damage to check valves and pipe
infrastructure. In order to prevent these problems from occurring, it is the job of the engineer to design
the water distribution system such that pressures within the system are within a set of constraints. For
example, in the following case study, pressures of KYTown must be greater than 40 psi and less than 100
psi. Through the use of hydraulic modeling software like InfoWater, it is possible for the design engineer
to test pressures in the system and analyze junctions where problems of possible high or low pressures
may occur.

Also, distribution systems should limit inconveniences to the utility companys customers. It is most
convenient for pipes to follow streets and city-owned property edges. This prevents water lines from
existing on private property something that could delay construction and maintenance on pipes and
cause pipe installation to be tedious. Water must also be delivered at good quality. Water quality will be
discussed more in Section 6.0 Case Study III.

Often time, problems with pressure are a result of too much or too little energy existing within the
distribution system. When pressures are lower than the allowable constraint, there are too many energy
losses in the system. One way to model energy losses is through the use of the Darcy-Weisbach equation,
which was introduced in Section 2.2.0:

8 2
2 5

Here, hf represents head loss in dimensions of length (ft or m), f is a dimensionless friction factor and can
be found using the Moody Diagram, L is the length of pipe in question (ft or m), Q is the flow of water
through the pipe (cms or cfs), g is the gravity constant (ft/s2 or m/s2), and D is the diameter of the pipe (ft
or m).

There are a few options that help to lower the amount of head loss through pipes. Firstly, head loss can
be reduced by increasing pipe diameter. Notice from the Darcy-Weisbach equation that head loss and
pipe diameter are inversely related. Therefore, increasing the diameter of the pipe will decrease the
amount of head loss. This is not always a pragmatic option in the real world, however, since pipe price
increases dramatically as diameter increases.

Another common practice to reduce head loss is to install additional pipes parallel to existing pipes. This
is especially practical when pipes have previously been installed or when the installation of large pipes is
too expensive. The installation of parallel pipes involves implementing new pipe parallel to pipes that may
already exist. This allows for more water to be delivered to junction without decreasing the pressure. This
practice effectively increases the diameter of the pipe while minimizing cost and inconvenience to

Another option to account for low pressure (energy) in a system is to simply add more energy to the
system. More energy can be added to a system through the use of pumps. If there is too little energy in
the system, engineers can choose to implement a new, more powerful pump that can increase the overall
energy of the system or implement a booster pump that can increase energy in a specific section of the
water distribution system. This option can quickly become expensive when considering life cycle and
operational costs, however, and may be unnecessary if there is only one junction with low pressure in a
distribution system.

An indication of too much energy in the system is seen whenever pressures are greater than the allowable
constraint. Keeping the Darcy-Weisbach equation in mind, there are a few solutions to problems of high
pressure: pipe sizes can be decreased, pump size can be decreased, or more valves and fittings (loss
devices) can be added to the system.

With this in mind, it is now possible to analyze the system of KYTown. It will be the engineers job to
analyze the system for adequate pressure. If pressure constraints are not met in KYTown, then it will be
the engineers job to find a solution that brings pressures within those constraints.

4.1.1 Steady State Test for Adequate Pressure

Through the use of hydraulic modeling software, it is possible to model pressure throughout a water
distribution system. In this first case study, you will analyze a system given various nodal demands to see
if pressure constraints are met everywhere within the system. If a pressure constraint is not met, it will
be your job to find a solution that brings pressures within the required range. This is the type of problem
that design engineers may face on a day-to-day basis. The system that will be used in this case study will
be provided from Innovyze as an extension in the Examples folder. The system that will be used for this
case study is titled, CaseStudy1.mxd and can be found in the downloaded InfoWater Student Analysis
and Design Workbook folder.

Step 1: Open and Set Up the CaseStudy1.mxd Project

The first step is to open the CaseStudy1.mxd file in InfoWater. Many of the following steps are
supplemental to the InfoWater Users Guide. It is assumed that the InfoWater Users Guide has been read
before starting this workbook. If you feel as though basic set up procedures are unnecessary, you may
skip the next seven steps:
1. Choose the Start menu, select Programs, choose the InfoWater Version X program group and
choose InfoWater. Choosing InfoWater automatically starts your version of ArcMap since
InfoWater is an extension of ArcMap.
2. In the ArcMap window, select An Existing Map option in the Start Using ArcMap With area and
then click the OK button. This can also be accessed by choosing File Open from the ArcMap
command menu.
3. Navigate to the directory containing the CaseStudy1.mxd project and choose that file. The
directory containing the CaseStudy1.mxd file was specified in the introduction of Section 4.1.1.
4. The KYTown network, which will be the primary model for the subsequent case studies, will
now be displayed in the ArcMap window.

Figure KYTown Pipe Network

5. It is now necessary to initialize InfoWater. This is found on the InfoWater Control Center toolbar
that was previously installed following the steps in the InfoWater Users Guide Quick Start
Tutorial. Press the Red Down Arrow icon to initialize InfoWater.
6. Make sure that the InfoWater Control Center toolbar and the InfoWater Edit Network toolbar
are shown. To do this, choose Customize from the Menu bar in ArcMap. Click Toolbars, and then
make sure that InfoWater Edit Network and InfoWater Control Center are selected as shown

Figure Opening the InfoWater Control Center and

InfoWater Edit Network Toolbars

7. It is also important that the Model Explorer and Table of Contents windows are open. To open
the Model Explorer window, click the icon on the InfoWater Control Center toolbar. To open
the Table of Contents window, which should open by default, click the icon on the Standard
toolbar. The Standard toolbar should be available by default, but if it is not, click Customize
Toolbars Standard. The following image shows what your screen should look like when the
Table of Contents and Model Explorer windows have been properly opened. Note that the
aforementioned icons have been denoted by a red box:

Figure Opening the Table of Contents and Model Explorer Windows

Now that InfoWater has been initialized and the CaseStudy1.mxd file has been opened in ArcMap, the
next step is to prepare the KYTown system for an analysis. It is necessary to first define the basic project
units and hydraulic properties. You will also input the demands that are located at each node/junction.
Information pertaining to pipe diameters, roughness, minor loss coefficients, and lengths has previously
been entered. Similarly, information pertaining to nodal and reservoir/tank parameters has already been
entered. It is not necessary for the user to input information pertaining to the KYTown system unless
explicitly stated otherwise. Information pertaining to an element of the system can be inspected by
clicking the DB Editor icon in the InfoWater Control Center toolbar or by selecting the Select Element
icon from the InfoWater Edit Network toolbar and then selecting an individual element. This
information can then be viewed in the Model Explorer Attribute Tab.
1. In this system, Standard English units are used. Flow is measured in Gallons/Minute. Head loss is
measured using the Hazen-Williams equation. Pressure is measure in psi. These settings are the
default for InfoWater, but we should make sure that the CaseStudy1.mxd file follows the
default settings.
2. From the Model Explorer window, select the Operation tab located at the bottom of the
window. Next, select Simulation Options BASE, Base Simulation Option. The following screen
will appear:

Figure Changing Analysis Units for KYTown

3. Make sure Gallon/Minute is chosen from the Flow Unit drop down list. By choosing
Gallon/Minute, all input data, such as elevations and diameters, will be in Standard English
units. Similarly, make sure that Hazen-Williams is chosen from the Head loss Equation drop-
down list and psi is chosen from the Pressure Unit drop-down list. All other parameters should
match those shown in the Simulation Options window.
4. Click the Save icon and press the OK button to close the window.
5. Next, it is necessary to enter the demands located at each node. This can quickly be done by
choosing the DB Editor icon Element Hydraulic Data Junction Demand (Modeling) Data.
The entire table should be displayed showing all nodes in the system.
6. Enter the demands for each of the nodes. Since this is a steady state simulation, it is only
necessary to enter information in the Demand 1 column of the Junction Demand (Modeling)
Data table. The following table shows the demands at each junction in the system:
J10 J12 J14 J16 J20 J22 J24 J26 J28
20 30 50 60 30 20 25 15 50
J30 J32 J36 J38 J40 J42 J44 J46 J48
25 50 45 15 15 35 25 20 50

7. After entering this information in Junction Demand (Modeling) Data table, the table will appear
as follows:

Figure Inputting Junction Demands

8. The system is now ready to be analyzed. Save the system as CaseStudy1Analysis1.mxd. This
file will be used in subsequent exercises, so it is important that these changes have been saved
so that they can later be edited.

An additional satellite image has been provided with the CaseStudy1.mxd file so that the user has an idea
of the topographical lay of the land surrounding the KYTown system. It is possible to load this image by
completing the following steps:
1. In the same directory mentioned previously, you will find a .jpg file that has been included in
this folder. The name of this file is KYTown.jpg (be sure to keep the KYTown.jpg.aux.xml file in
the same directory as the .jpg to ensure a spatial matching of the image with the network).
2. Drag the .jpg file from the aforementioned folder into the ArcMap window. The following image
shows the KYTown system with satellite images placed behind it.

Figure KYTown with Satellite Images

Note that by checking or unchecking the box in the Table of Contents window pertaining to the satellite
image, the layer can be turned on or off.

Figure Turning off the KYTown.jpg Layer

Step 2: Test the KYTown System for Adequate Pressures

Using the nodal demand input from the previous step, it is possible to run a steady state simulation to
determine if pressure constraints are met throughout the KYTown system. For this particular case study,
we will assume that in order to maintain adequate pressure in the system, pressures must be greater than
40 psi and less than 100 psi. It is now possible to analyze the system by running a simulation. It is first
necessary to identify this simulation as steady state. This means that all conditions in the system are
assumed to be constant and unvarying over the simulation time.
1. In order to specify that the simulation is steady state, choose the Operation tab from the
Model Explorer window. Next, click Simulation Time BASE, Base Simulation Time. Click the box
next to Steady State. The simulation will now run as a steady state analysis.

Figure Specifying a Steady State Simulation

2. Click the OK button to close the Simulation Time window.

3. Next, it is necessary to run the simulation. Click the InfoWater button in the
InfoWater Control Center toolbar, then choose Tools Run Manager. The following dialog box
will appear:

Figure Use the Run Manager to Run a Simulation

4. Choose the Run icon at the top of the screen. The stoplight on the Run Manager should

indicate a green light if the simulation has run successfully. Click the OK button to
close the Run Manager window.

It is now possible to review the results of the simulation. There are several ways to look at these results.
They can be viewed individually, as a table, or directly on the map.
1. In order to view each nodes individual information, select the Select Element icon from the
InfoWater Edit Network toolbar and then select an individual node. The information pertaining
to the pressure of the node can be seen in the Model Explorer Attribute tab under the Output
section . For example, at J48 (the north-most node), the pressure is determined to
be 41.41 psi (as highlighted in Figure
2. In order to view these pressures in tabular form, select the Report Manager icon . Next,
choose New *Active*:Standard Junction Report. The following table has been generated:

Figure Results from a Steady State Analysis

3. To view the pressures on the map, click the Map Display icon . Next, choose Junction. Under
the Classes tab, choose Active Output. The Data Field drop down list should read PRESSURE:

Figure Process of Showing Results on the Map

4. Click Apply OK. You should see the following results.


Figure Results from a Steady State Analysis [Graphical]

After viewing the pressures at each node, it is evident that all pressures in the system are between 40 psi
and 100 psi. Therefore, there is adequate pressure throughout the KYTown system.

In the next step of this case study, it is assumed that a new development causes an increased demand at
certain nodes. You will analyze the system given these changes and determine if the pressure in the
system falls within the allowable constraints.

Step 3: Test for Adequate Pressures Given a New Development

We will now consider that a new development has been implemented in northern part of KYTown near
the node J48. Because of this new development, a new demand of 150 gpm now exists at J48. This is 100

gpm higher than the previous demand that existed at J48. As a reminder, J48 can be seen in the following

Figure Location of J48

It is necessary to once again analyze the system for adequate pressures. This is done using the same
methods previously mentioned in Step 1 and Step 2.
1. It is first necessary to update the demand at J48. This can quickly be updated by choosing the
Select Element icon from the InfoWater Edit Network toolbar and then choosing J48.
2. Under the Modeling section , Demand 1 (gpm) should be changed from 50 to
150. Once this has been done, click the Save Current Record icon in the Model Explorer
Attribute tab.
3. Next, we will run the simulation using the same parameters as before. Go to InfoWater Tools
Run Manager. All previous inputs should remain unchanged, i.e. this simulation will also be run
at steady state.
4. Click the Run icon and then press OK .
5. After pressing OK, the new pressures should automatically update on the ArcMap window.
Note that the pressure at J48 changes from 41.41 psi to 38.78 psi. Figure shows the
model results on the following page.
6. The system can now be saved using the same file name as before.

Figure Second Analysis Results

This increase in demand has caused a pressure decrease throughout the system. Most notably, the
pressure at J48 has decreased below 40 psi, which is below the minimum allowable pressure for the city
of KYTown. It now becomes the designers task to propose and design a practical solution to this problem.
Before continuing, recall the discussion from Section 4.1.0, which identifies possible solutions to pressure
issues in water distribution systems.

4.1.2 Design a Parallel Pipe to Meet Pressure Constraints

When dealing with problems of low pressure, it is often common practice to install a parallel pipe next to
the existing pipe to help fix the pressure issues. Adding parallel pipes helps to deliver more flow to a
certain location while reducing head losses. It also allows for the original line to remain in place -
something that is beneficial because water can still be delivered to customers even when construction is
taking place.

Step 1: Implement a Parallel Pipe

In this section of the case study, we will show a step-by-step solution in the creation of a parallel pipe to
reduce losses and hence solve the problem of low pressure that exists at J48.
1. First makes sure that the Auto Length Calculation is turned off. By default, InfoWater
automatically calculates the length of pipe based on their position. We want to specify the
length ourselves, so it is necessary to turn Auto Length Calculation off. This can be done by
choosing InfoWater Tools Project Preferences. The box next to Auto Length Calculation
should be unchecked . Click the OK box to close the Preferences dialogue box.
2. We will now add in a parallel pipe between J36 and J48 to solve the issue. First, click the Add
Pipe icon on the InfoWater Edit Network toolbar.
3. Next, left click node J36. Follow the existing pipe towards J48. The pipe you implement should
have the same contour as the existing pipe between J36 and J48 labeled P89.
4. By clicking the left button on the mouse a single time, it is possible to add bends in the pipe.
Since the Auto Length Calculation has been turned off, the exact location of where you click
does not have an effect on the length of the pipe.
5. Double click on J48 to connect the J36 and J48. A window labeled Pipe Identification will appear.
In the box next to Pipe ID, type, P100, New Pipe.

Figure Pipe Identification

6. The length of this pipe automatically defaults to 100 feet. Enter 2000 into the Length (ft) field.
Enter 8 into the Diameter (in) field. Lastly, enter 120 into the Roughness field. All of this
information can be edited in the Model Explorer Attribute tab. Once this has been done, click
the Save Current Record icon in the Model Explorer Attribute tab.

Figure New Pipe Specifications

7. Run a new analysis on the system. Go to InfoWater Tools Run Manager. All previous inputs
should remain unchanged, i.e. this simulation will also be run at steady state.
8. Click the Run icon and then press OK .
9. Note that after pressing OK, all pressures have been updated. The following image shows the
updated system. Note the addition of the parallel pipe between J36 and J48.

Figure Analysis Results

The parallel pipe that you have implemented has brought pressures within the allowed constraints. All
nodes have pressures within the allowable range of 40 psi to 100 psi. It should be noted that though the
problem has been solved, this is not the only procedure that can increase energy in a water distribution
system. It is advised to the user to attempt to add in parallel pipes in other locations or to change the pipe
sizes in some locations. Changing a pipes size can easily be done by changing the Diameter (in) field in the
Model Explorer Attribute tab. This is an action that can be easily modeled, but not easily implemented
in the field.

4.1.3 Locating New Storage Tank

Developers have begun construction of a new Veterans Center at the north end of KYTown. It is estimated
that a demand of 180 gallons per minute (gpm) will be required at the establishment once construction is
complete. A 6 inch pipe has been already been placed along the road leading to the veterans center as
shown in Figure to deliver water to residents in the area. Your job is to add the 6 inch waterline to
the model, and assess the systems response based on the new demand at the veterans center. With the
exception of the veterans center, which requires a minimum pressure of 50 psi due to the buildings
multiple floors, everywhere else in the system must maintain pressure between 40 psi and 100 psi.

Step 1: Model New Additions to System

As shown in Figure, a 6 inch waterline should be modeled along the road leading to the veterans
center. From an aerial view, waterlines typically follow roads because they are often placed in state right-
of-way for practical reasons such as cost and obtaining easements.

Figure Schematic of Waterline to Veterans Center

Model the addition to the system by following the procedure below:

1. Add aerial imaging to the map by following the steps presented in Section 4.1.1. If aerial
images are already saved under Folder Connections, just drag and drop them into the map
2. Choose the Add/Insert Junction icon and left click just above the northern-most corner of
the veterans center to add junction J56 to the system as shown in Figure
3. Next, we must add elevation and demand data at junction J56. Left click on junction J56 and
edit the elevation and demand cells in the Model Explorer Window with the following data.
Junction J56 Characteristics
Elevation (ft) 915
Demand 1 (gpm) 250

4. Choose the Add/Insert Pipe icon to connect the new junction to the rest of the system.
Left click junction J24 and follow the road on the aerial imaging to the veterans center. Left
click when you need to change directions, as this will add intermediate nodes to the pipe.
When you arrive at the veterans center, double click junction J56 and name the pipe
5. Next, we must add characteristic data to pipe P113. Left click on P113 to select it, and edit
the length, diameter, and roughness cells in the Model Explorer Window with the following
Pipe P113 Characteristics
Length (ft) 3500
Diameter (in) 6
Roughness 120

Step 2: Test System for Adequate Pressures

Once the model has been updated, click the Save icon to save your progress. Run a steady state
analysis with the same input parameters as before. When the analysis is complete, check all pressures in
the system to ensure the constraints are still satisfied. Run the steady state analysis by following these
1. Open the Run Manger Window by clicking InfoWater, Tools, and Run Manager, or by clicking the
Run Manager icon in your Model Explorer Window.
2. Make sure simulation options and time settings are the same as previous runs (these should not
change between simulations unless they are manually changed).
3. Click the Run icon ; make sure the stoplight is green which indicates a successful run, and
press OK to close the Run Manager window.
4. Check the analysis results by clicking the Report Manager icon ; select New
*Active*:Standard Junction Report. The table shown in Figure will be generated.

Figure Junction Report Table with Inadequate Pressures

Pressures for all junction nodes are shown in the far right column of the junction report table as shown in
Figure Pressures which are lower than the minimum constraint are indicated by red arrows.
Junctions J48 and J56 are in violation of the minimum pressure constraint, thus action must be taken to
solve these issues.

Adding a parallel pipe along the road to the veterans center will decrease the head loss enough to meet
the minimum pressure constraint at junction J56. However, the pressure at junction J48 will still violate
the minimum pressure constraint. Adding parallel pipes from tank T5002 to junction J48 will lower head
loss thus allowing the pressure constraint to be satisfied, however any additional development in the
north end of town will cause more problems with low pressures. To mitigate the pressure issues in the
north end of town due to increased development, you will install a new storage tank.

Step 3: Design a New Storage Tank

A land permit has already been approved for the new storage tank at the location shown as the red square
in Figure Your job is to design a new storage tank using the software (maximum and minimum
tank elevations; not capacity) in order to mitigate the pressure issues at nodes J48 and J56.

Figure Location of New Storage Tank

The storage tank you will be designing will be an elevated storage tank, commonly known as a water
tower. Elevated storage tanks are typically used in areas with flat topography where a man-made
structure is needed to elevate the water to ensure the system maintains adequate pressure. For modeling
purposes, the elevated storage tank has 5 main input parameters: elevation, minimum level, maximum
level, initial level, and capacity. Capacity issues are mainly related to extended period simulations which
will be covered in a later section; for now we will look at the first 4 parameters.

Elevation of the storage tank is the elevation of the ground on which the storage tank is built. For storage
tanks that are not elevated, this will also act as the minimum water level. However, the elevated storage
tanks minimum water level is located at the bottom of the tank which holds the water which is often

elevated 50 feet or more into the air. The maximum water level is the top of the water tank and the initial
level is the distance from the ground to the water surface in the tank. A graphical explanation of the
elevated storage tank characteristics can be viewed below in Figure

Figure Graphical Representation of Modeling Parameters for

Elevated Storage Tank (original image taken from USACE)

To add the elevated storage tank to the system model, you will need to add a tank node and a pipe
connecting the tank another junction in the system. We will add this tank to the area depicted by the red
square in Figure Follow the steps below to add the tank to your model.
1. Click the Add/Insert Tank icon in the InfoWater Edit Network Toolbar and click in the area
depicted by the red square in Figure to add the tank and name it T5.

2. Next we must input characteristic data for the new tank, which you will see cells for in the
Model Explorer Window. Left click on tank T5 to select it and match the values for the following
characteristics in the table below. (Note: The values for diameter and minimum volume are an
arbitrary estimate for a half million gallon tank.)

Storage Tank T5
Elevation (ft) 940
Minimum Level (ft) 100
Maximum Level (ft) 150
Initial Level (ft) 130
Diameter (ft) 50
Minimum Volume (ft3) 67,000

3. Now we must connect the tank to the system by adding a pipe between tank T5 and junction
J56. Click the Add/Insert Pipe icon and click on the tank T5 to start drawing the pipe. Double
click on junction J56 and name the pipe P115 to finish drawing the pipe.
4. Next, add characteristic data to pipe P115. Left click on P115 to select it, and edit the length,
diameter, and roughness cells in the Model Explorer Window with the following data.

Pipe P115 Characteristics

Length (ft) 500
Diameter (in) 8
Roughness 120

Step 4: Test System for Adequate Pressures with Tank

Once the model has been updated, click the Save icon to save your progress. Run a steady state
analysis with the same input parameters as before. When the analysis is complete, check all pressures in
the system to ensure the constraints are still satisfied. Run the steady state analysis by following these
1. Open the Run Manger Window by clicking InfoWater, Tools, and Run Manager, or by clicking the
Run Manager icon in your Model Explorer Window.
2. Make sure simulation options and time settings are the same as previous runs (these should not
change between simulations unless they are manually changed).
3. Click the Run icon ; make sure the stoplight is green which indicates a successful run, and
press OK to close the Run Manager window.
4. Check the analysis results by clicking the Report Manager icon ; select New
*Active*:Standard Junction Report. The table in Figure will be generated.

Figure Junction Report Table with Adequate Pressures

With the addition of the elevated storage tank, all pressures now fall within the constraints. Junctions J48
and J56 have pressures above 40 psi and 50 psi, respectively. Also, the tank did not increase pressures
above the maximum constraint of 100 psi. (Note: These results are for a steady state analysis with a set
value for the Tanks initial level; pressures will change with increases or decreases in water elevation.)

5.0 Case Study II

As we have mentioned, one of the main purposes of a water distribution system is to adequately deliver
water to a utility companys customers. In previous examples, you have only analyzed systems under a
steady-state analysis. In this case study, you will analyze the KYTown system when conditions change
throughout the day. This better models the way that a water distribution system behaves in reality since
demands fluctuate throughout the day. It should be noted that there is a similarity between the challenges
seen during steady state simulations and extended period simulations; i.e. no matter the type of
simulation, water must be delivered at adequate pressure to customers. Recall from previous discussion
that if pressures in the system are too low, paying customers may become upset, and more importantly,
the system may not be able to combat fires. We will look more into fireflow analyses in Section 5.2.1. On
the other hand, pressures too high could cause the failure of check valves and damage pipe infrastructure.

5.1.0 Sufficient Pump Power in Water Distribution Systems

In order to prevent these types of problems from occurring, it is the job of the engineer to design the
water distribution system such that pressures within the system are within a set of constraints. For
example, in the following case study, we will see that the pressures of KYTown must be greater than 40
psi and less than 100 psi. Through the use of hydraulic modeling software, it is possible for the design
engineer to simulate pressures in the system and analyze junctions where problems of possible high or
low pressures may occur.

When pressures are lower than the allowable constraint, it is possible that not enough energy is input into
the system or there is too much energy loss in the system. There are multiple indicators of a system where
not enough energy is supplied. Firstly, pressures at individual nodes will decline over the course of
extended periods. This means that even if the initial pressures are within the required constraints, they
eventually will lower to a point where they no longer are acceptable. Secondly, the elevation of water in
tanks will not refill to its initial position over the course of a day. This is an immediate indicator of too little
energy in the distribution system. If the tank is supplying more water than it is receiving, meaning that
the tank does not fill back up over the course of the day, then the system requires more energy than the
pump can provide. There are multiple solutions to this type of problem.

Firstly, design engineers may increase the diameter of the pipes transporting fluid. Recall from the Darcy-
Weisbach Equation that head loss and diameter are inversely related. Therefore, increasing the diameter
of the pipe will decrease the amount of head loss. This is not always a pragmatic option in the real world,
especially when considering an extended period simulation. When not enough energy exists, pressures
throughout the system will decline as daily usage patterns continue. By replacing sections of the system
with pipes of larger diameter, it is possible to reduce the amount of head loss in the system. However,
this quickly could become very expensive considering that pipe prices greatly increase as diameter
increases. Therefore, trying to solve this issue by replacing the pipes in the system is not a practical

One of the most pragmatic solutions to issues concerning low pressures throughout a water distribution
system is to simply increase the amount of energy input into the system. More energy can be added to a
system through the use of pumps. There are several actions design engineers can take to increase the
amount of energy input into the distribution system:
The pump can be replaced with a new, more powerful pump that supplies more head/energy
into the system,
more pumps could be implemented at the pump station in series or parallel with the original
or booster pumps can be installed to increase energy in specific locations of the distribution
Adding pumps in parallel at the pump station is commonly practiced by hydraulic design engineers. This
is because pumps in parallel add more flow to the system and in the event of a malfunction or necessary
maintenance, one pump can still operate while the other is shut down. This means that the distribution
system can still be supplied with water even if there are issues with one of the pumps.

An indication of too much energy in the system is seen whenever pressures are greater than the allowable
constraint. Keeping the Darcy-Weisbach equation in mind, there are a few solutions to problems of high
pressure: pipe sizes can be decreased, pump size can be decreased, or more valves and fittings (loss
devices) can be added to the system.

With this in mind, it is now possible to analyze the system of KYTown. It will be your job to analyze the
system for adequate pressure. If pressure constraints are not met in KYTown, then you will find a solution
that brings pressures within those constraints.

5.1.1 Extended Simulation Test for Sufficient Pump Power

Another important use of hydraulic modeling software is running extended period simulations. In water
distribution systems, nodal demands are not constant throughout the day. There are instances where
elevated storage tanks fill up and other instances when elevated storage tanks drain. Typically, demand
patterns follow a diurnal curve. This curve is consistent with the times of the day when people are most
active at their homes. Typically, there are two peak demand periods throughout the day one during the
morning and one at the start of the evening. In this second case study, you will analyze a system given
various nodal demands that change throughout a day to see if pressure constraints are met at all locations
and at all times. If a pressure constraint is not met, it will be your job to design a solution that brings
pressures within the required range. The system that will be used in this case study will be provided from
Innovyze as an extension in the Examples folder. The system that will be used is titled, CaseStudy2.mxd
and can be found in the downloaded InfoWater Student Analysis and Design Workbook folder.

Step 1: Open and set up the CaseStudy2.mxd Project
The first step is to open the CaseStudy2.mxd file in InfoWater. Many of the following steps are
supplemental to the InfoWater Users Guide. If you feel as though basic set up procedures are unnecessary,
you may skip the next six steps:
1. Choose the Start menu, select Programs, choose the InfoWater Version X program group and
choose InfoWater.
2. In the ArcMap window, select An Existing Map option in the Start Using ArcMap With area and
then click the OK button. This can also be accessed by choosing File Open from the ArcMap
command menu.
3. Navigate to the directory containing the CaseStudy2.mxd project and choose that file. The
location of this file can be found in the Introduction section of 5.1.1.
4. The KYTown network, which will be the primary model for the subsequent case studies, will
now be displayed in the ArcMap window:

Figure KYTown Pipe Network

5. Note that this system has been altered from the previous case study, although it looks similar.
DO NOT use the previous system saved from Case Study 1 for this case study, or your results will
differ from the ones provided in this case study.
6. It is now necessary to initialize InfoWater. This is found on the InfoWater Control Center toolbar
that was previously installed following the steps in the InfoWater Users Guide Quick Start
Tutorial. Press the Red Down Arrow icon to initialize InfoWater.
7. Make sure that the InfoWater Control Center toolbar and the InfoWater Edit Network toolbar
are shown. To do this, choose Customize from the Menu bar in ArcMap. Click Toolbars, and then
make sure that InfoWater Edit Network and InfoWater Control Center are selected as shown

Figure Opening the InfoWater Control Center and
InfoWater Edit Network Toolbars

8. It is also important that the Model Explorer and Table of Contents windows are open. To open
the Model Explorer window, click the icon on the InfoWater Control Center toolbar. To open
the Table of Contents window, which should open by default, click the icon on the Standard
toolbar. The Standard toolbar should be available by default, but if it is not, click Customize
Toolbars Standard. The following image shows what your screen should look like when the
Table of Contents and Model Explorer windows have been properly opened. Note that the
aforementioned icons have been denoted by a red box:

Figure Opening the Table of Contents and Model Explorer Windows

Now that InfoWater has been initialized and the CaseStudy2.mxd file has been opened in ArcMap, the
next step is to prepare the KYTown system for an analysis. To do this, first define the basic project units
and hydraulic properties. You will also need to define the demand pattern for the system throughout a
24-hour day. Information pertaining to pipe diameters, roughness, minor loss coefficients, and lengths
has previously been entered. Similarly, information pertaining to nodal and reservoir/tank parameters has
already been entered. It is not necessary for the user to input information pertaining to the KYTown
system unless explicitly stated otherwise. Information pertaining to an element of the system can be
viewed through the DB Editor icon in the InfoWater Control Center toolbar or by selecting the Select
Element icon from the InfoWater Edit Network toolbar and then selecting an individual element.
Information pertaining to the selected element can then be viewed in the Model Explorer Attribute Tab.
1. In this system, Standard English units are used. Flow is measured in Gallon/Minute. Head loss is
measured using the Hazen-Williams equation. Pressure is measured in psi. These settings are
the default for InfoWater, but you should make sure that the CaseStudy2.mxd file follows the
default settings.
2. From the Model Explorer window, select the Operation tab located at the bottom of the
window. Next, select Simulation Options BASE, Base Simulation Option. The following screen
will appear:

Figure Changing Analysis Units for KYTown

3. Make sure Gallon/Minute is chosen from the Flow Unit drop down list. By choosing
Gallon/Minute, all input data, such as elevations and diameters, will be in Standard English
units. Similarly, make sure that Hazen-Williams is chosen from the Head loss Equation drop-
down list and psi is chosen from the Pressure Unit drop-down list. All other parameters should
match those shown in the Simulation Options window.
4. Next, it is necessary to enter the demand pattern for the KYTown system throughout the 24
hour day. This defines how demands will change throughout the system over the day.
5. In order to enter this demand pattern, go to the Model Explorer Operation tab . Right
click on Pattern New. The Pattern Identification window will open. Type, 2, New Pattern in
the Pattern ID box.

Figure Pattern Identification

6. Next, define the number of rows by clicking the icon. The Pattern window will then open. In
the Value box, enter 24. This indicates that at each hour of the day, a new demand will exist.
Click OK to close the Pattern window that specifies the number of pattern factors. The Pattern
window should look as follows:

Figure Pattern Window without Factors

7. Enter the following 24 factors in the Value column in the currently opened Pattern window:
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6
0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 1
Factor 7 Factor 8 Factor 9 Factor 10 Factor 11 Factor 12
1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2
Factor 13 Factor 14 Factor 15 Factor 16 Factor 17 Factor 18
1.1 1 1 1.1 1.2 1.4
Factor 19 Factor 20 Factor 21 Factor 22 Factor 23 Factor 24
1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.8 0.6

8. The Pattern window should now look as follows:

Figure Pattern Window with Factors

9. Click the save icon and press the OK icon to close the Pattern window.

10. Next, apply this pattern to the system. In order to do this, click the DB Editor icon , choose
Junction Demand (modeling) Data, choose Entire Table in the Data Scope box, and press OK.
11. The DB Editor window will open. Select the entire Pattern 1 (Char) column by clicking in the
space surrounding the text at the top of the column. Next, click the Block Editing icon .
12. The Block Edit window will now open. In the Value box, enter 2. This will indicate that the
pattern that you labeled as 2 will be used during the simulation. The DB Editor window should
look as follows:

Figure Applying the Pattern to the Demands

13. Save the Junction Demand (Modeling) Data by clicking the save icon and close the DB Editor.
The system is now prepared for an extended period simulation to be run.

An additional satellite image has been provided with the CaseStudy2.mxd file so that the user has an
idea of the topographical lay of the land surrounding the KYTown system. It is possible to load this
image by completing the following steps:
1. In the same directory mentioned previously, you will find a .jpg file that has been included in
this folder. The name of this file is KYTown.jpg (be sure to keep the KYTown.jpg.aux.xml file in
the same directory as the .jpg to ensure a spatial matching of the image with the network).
2. Drag the .jpg file from the aforementioned folder into the ArcMap window. The following image
shows the KYTown system with satellite images placed behind it.

Figure KYTown with Satellite Images

Note that by checking or unchecking the box in the Table of Contents window pertaining to the satellite
image, the layer can be turned on or off.

Figure Turning off the KYTown.jpg Layer

Step 2: Run the Extended Period Simulation

Using the pattern set up previously, it is possible to run an extended period simulation to see if pressure
constraints are met throughout the KYTown system at all times. If the pressure at a node falls outside of
the allowable constraints, it is likely that the pump does not supply sufficient horsepower to the system.
For this particular case study, we will assume that in order to maintain adequate pressure in the system,
pressures must be greater than 40 psi and less than 100 psi. It is now possible to analyze the system by
running the extended period simulation.
1. We will first need to identify this simulation as an extended period simulation. This means that
conditions in the system are dynamic as time changes.
2. In order to specify that the simulation is an extended period simulation, choose the Operation
tab from the Model Explorer window. Next, click Simulation Time BASE, Base
Simulation Time. Make sure that the box next to Steady State is unchecked. Make sure that
under the Unit column, each is specified as being in Hours. In the Duration row, make sure that
the Decimal Time column states 24. This represents the 24 hours of the day. The following figure
shows what the Simulation Time window should look like prior to the EPS analysis:

Figure Simulation Time Window
3. Click the OK button to close the Simulation Time window.
4. Next, we will run the simulation. Click the InfoWater button in the InfoWater Control
Center toolbar, then choose Tools Run Manager. The following dialog box will appear:

Figure Run Manager Window

5. Choose the Run icon at the top of the screen. The stoplight on the Run Manager should

indicate a green light if the simulation has run successfully. Click the OK button to
close the Run Manager window.

It is now possible to review the results of our simulation. We have generated individual nodal and flow
results for the entire system over the course of 24 hours. Through the use of the Model Explorer
Attribute tab, it is possible organize the data by time. By doing this, you can see the flow and pressure
results in the entire system at a specific hour. There are a few ways that you can specify the time. Firstly,
by clicking the Time dropdown menu, it is possible to choose a specific time for which we wish to see

Figure Time Dropdown Menu Specification

For example, by choosing 00:00 hrs, the results for the initial hour will be displayed. Alternatively, it is
possible to change the simulation hour by moving the slider bar to a desired time. This is located to the
right of the Time drop down menu in the Model Explorer Attribute tab.

Figure Time Slider Bar

After we have chosen a specific time, there are several ways for us to view these results. They can be
viewed individually, as a table, or directly on the map.
1. In order to view each nodes individual information, select the Select Element icon from the
InfoWater Edit Network toolbar and then select an individual node. The information pertaining
to the pressure of the node can be seen in the Model Explorer Attribute tab under the Output
section . The output information for J48 at hour 12 is shown below:

Figure J48 Results Information

2. As a reminder, J48 can be seen in the following figure:

Figure J48 Location

3. In order to view these pressures in tabular form, select the Report Manager icon . Next,
choose New *Active*:Standard Junction Report. The following table has been generated:

Figure Pressures at Hour 12:00

Similarly, it is possible to define a specific time at which the results are shown. In this instance,
click the Time dropdown menu located on the Junction Report [*Active*:Standard] table and
choose a specific hour of the day. This table shows the results for hour 12:00.
4. To view the pressures on the map, click the Map Display icon . Next, choose Junction under
the Element Type box. Under the Classes tab, choose Active Output. The Data Field drop down
list should read PRESSURE:

Figure Setting the Map Display

5. Click Apply OK. The pressures are now displayed on the screen. For the map at hour 12:00, you
should see the following results:

Figure Pressures at Hour 12:00

After viewing the pressures at each node, it is necessary to do an analysis of the results. It is evident that
all pressures are located between 40 psi and 100 psi for the 12:00 hour. Therefore, it is possible to see
that all pressure constraints are met for this particular hour. By viewing the data for each hour interval, it
is evident that for the first 24 hours, all pressure constraints are met for the KYTown system.

It would appear as though there is sufficient pump horsepower for the system to function sufficiently for
24 hours. However, you may notice something peculiar about the system over the 24 hours. When the
Model Explorer Attribute tab reads a time of 00:00 hrs, open the Report Manager . Choose New
*Active*:Standard Tank Report. Make sure that Complete Report/Graph is indicated, and click Open. The
following report should appear:

Figure Tank Levels at Hour 0:00

Notice from the Tank Report [*Active*Standard] table that at 00:00 hrs, T5 is 60% full and T5002 is 53%
full. Now, click the Time drop down menu and indicate a time of 24:00 hrs. Notice that at the end of the
day, T5 is 39.03% full and T5002 is 31.03% full.

Figure Tank Levels at Hour 24:00

Over the course of the day, the tanks do not refill to their original height. This means that over extended
periods, it is likely that the pressures in the system may fall below the minimum constraint. If this trend
continues, it is also likely that the tanks in the system will drain entirely.

In the next step of this case study, you will further analyze the system for sufficient pressures at a length
of time greater than 24 hours.

Step 3: Run the Extended Period Simulation for 72 Hours

Next, run the extended period simulation for 72 hours to test for adequate pressure.

1. In the Model Explorer Operation tab, choose Simulation Time BASE, Base Simulation Time.
2. Make sure that the box next to Steady State is unchecked. Make sure that under the Unit
column, each is specified as being in Hours. In the Duration row, make sure that the Decimal
Time column states 72.This means that the simulation will now represent three days, rather
than just one. Save the Simulation Time by pressing the Save icon , and then press OK .
3. Next, we will run the simulation. Go to InfoWater Tools Run Manager.
4. Click the Run icon and then press OK .
5. To view the pressures on the map, click the Map Display icon . Next, choose Junction under
the Element Type box. Under the Classes tab, choose Active Output. The Data Field drop down
list should read PRESSURE.
6. Click Apply OK. The pressures are now displayed on the screen. View pressures at hour 72 by
indicating 72:00 hrs from the slider on the Model Explorer Attribute tab.

Figure Tank Levels at Hour 72:00

Notice that at hour 72, pressures have fallen below the minimum allowable pressure of 40 psi at node
J48. The system does not operate efficiently because there are too many losses.

It is possible to also view graphical data regarding the tank heights over the course of the 3 days.
1. Use the Select Element tool from the InfoWater Edit Network toolbar to select tank T5002 in
the western part of the city.

Figure Tank T5002

2. In the Model Explorer Attribute tab, click the Graph icon to open the Report Manager
window. A Tank Graph now appears. We want to see the head at the tank, so under the drop
down menu that states Flow, choose Head.

Figure Specifying Head on Tank Graph

3. The graph of the head in the tank over the course of the 72 hours can then be seen.

Figure Graph of Tank Head over 72 Hours

Through this graph, it is possible to see that the tank does NOT refill over the course of 24 hours. This
means that throughout the day, the water elevation in the tank is lowering. Recall from Section 5.1.0 that
this is indicative of a few different things. Firstly, this could indicate that the head losses in our system are
too high. It could also mean that our pump does not supply enough energy to overcome these losses and
refill the tanks over the course of the day. Essentially, this means that the pump does not supply enough
horsepower to maintain the system. If this trend continues, it is likely that the elevated storage tanks in
KYTown will empty completely. This is very problematic for two reasons. Firstly, it will cause the decline
of pressure in the system as time progresses and secondly, it will not allow the tanks to store sufficient
water to combat fires.

It is evident that the pump in the system has not been sized correctly since the pressure in the system
falls outside of our allowable constraints. It now becomes the task of the design engineer to figure out a
way to increase the energy of the system. Before continuing, recall the discussion from Section 5.1.0,
which identifies possible solutions to poorly sized pumps in systems.

5.1.2 New Pump Design

When dealing with problems such as declining water elevations in elevated storage tanks, it is necessary
to recognize that a lack of energy is the root of the problem. Since the elevation of water in both elevated
storage tanks declines, it is indicative that there is too little pressure throughout the entire system, rather
than just at one node, which was the case in case study 4.1.1. Therefore, it would be impractical to
implement parallel pipes, as was the suggested solution in Section 4.1.2. Typically, when energy is too low
throughout the system, booster pumps or additional pumps at the pump station are commonly
implemented to input more energy into the system. In this section of the case study, we will show a step-
by-step solution in the creation of a parallel pump at the pump station to reduce losses and increase
energy in the system. By inputting this parallel pump and sizing it correctly, the water in the tank should
rise and drain to about the same elevation over the course of the day. If the tanks do this and all pressure
constraints are met within the system, then you have successfully designed this aspect of a water
distribution system. This also means that our water distribution system is very stable.

Step 1: Create a New Pump Station

1. First makes sure that the Auto Length Calculation is turned off. By default, InfoWater
automatically calculates the length of pipe based on their position. You will specify the length of
pipes yourself, so it is necessary to turn Auto Length Calculation off. This can be done by
choosing InfoWater Tools Project Preferences. The box next to Auto Length Calculation
should be unchecked . Click the OK box to close the Preferences dialogue box.
2. Next, add in nodes before and after the previously installed pump, U7000, to replicate the pump
station. To do this, click the Add/Insert Junction icon and click in between the pump and the
reservoir. A Confirmation dialog box will appear. Click, Yes.

Figure Confirmation Box

3. Next, a Junction Identification box appears. In the Junction ID box, input, J58 and in the Pipe ID
box, input, P117.

Figure Junction Identification Box

4. Repeat the previous two steps and implement a node between J28 and the pump. To do this,
click the Add/Insert Junction icon and click in between the pump and the reservoir. A
Confirmation dialog box will appear. Click, Yes.

Figure Confirmation Box

5. Next, a Junction Identification box appears. In the Junction ID box, input, J60 and in the Pipe ID
box, input, P119.

Figure Junction Identification Box

6. To see the labels of each node, navigate to the InfoWater Control Center toolbar and click
InfoWater View ID Labeling Node. The pump station should then appear as follows:

Figure Map Display Near Pump Station

7. Make sure that the junction elevation for the new nodes (J58 and J60) is 893 ft (the default
elevation for this model) in the Model Explorer Attribute tab.

Figure Model Explorer Junction Attribute tab

8. It is now necessary to specify the lengths and diameters of each of the pipes that we divided.
Since the Auto Length Calculation is turned off, new pipes default to 100 feet in length. Match
each pipe length to the following table:

Pipe Length (ft) Diameter (in) Roughness

P69 230 10 120
P117 230 10 120
P103 230 10 120
P119 230 10 120

9. Next input a new pipe that connects J58 to J60. First, click the Add Pipe icon . Then, left click
J58. Create the pipe so that it looks as follows. Double click on J60 to end the editing sequence.
First, a Pipe Identification window appears. In the Pipe ID box, type, P121. Click OK. Your
map will appear as follows:

Figure Parallel Pipe Station Implemented

10. With the pipe in place, it is now possible to implement a pump. In order to do this, click the Add
Pump icon . Then, specify a place that you wish your pump to be located. This should be
approximately half way between J58 and J60. A Confirmation box will appear. Click Yes.

Figure Confirmation Box

11. A Pump Identification window then appears. In the Pump ID box, type U7002 and in the Pipe
ID box, type P123. Then click OK

Figure Pump Identification Box

12. The pump has now been implemented into the water distribution system. Our system now looks
as follows:

Figure System with Pump New Pump Station

13. Make sure to specify the length of each pipe around the pump station using the following table:

Pipe Length (ft) Diameter (in) Roughness

P121 400 10 120
P123 400 10 120

14. Next, it is necessary to define the pump characteristics. Specify a pump that has the same
qualities as the previously implemented pump. In the Model Explorer Attribute tab, it is
possible to specify the parameters of the pump.
15. Under the Modeling row in the Model Explorer
Attribute tab, we will edit several pump attributes. In the Type box, click the drop down and
choose 2: Exponential 3-Point Curve. In the Elevation (ft) box, type, 893. In the diameter box,
type, 10. In the Shutoff Head (ft) box, type, 200. In the Design Head (ft) box, type, 150. In
the Design Flow (gpm) box, type, 860. In the High Head (ft) box, type, 70. Finally, in the High
Flow (gpm), type 1720. Your Model Explorer Attribute tab should look as follows:

Figure Specifying Pump Attributes

Through this process, you have specified the pump curve for this newly installed pump. This curve is based
on a standard pump curve, where an operating point was identified i.e. the design head and the design
flow. In this standard pump curve, the shutoff head is 133% of the design head and the high flow is twice
the amount of the design flow. We have matched the pump curve that pertains to the pump previously
installed. This is beneficial for a few reasons. Firstly, from our first analysis from Section 5.1.1, we know
that one of these pumps can sustain the system for at most one day (although the pressure does decrease
over time). In addition, if one pump were to go out of commission, it would give maintenance crews at
least 24 hours to work on the pump and fix the issue while the other pump could still supply energy to the
system. This may lower the probability of a transient event occurring. We will discuss transient events in
detail in a subsequent workbook.

Step 2: Run another Extended Period Analysis

Now it is necessary to see how the system responds to this newly installed pump.

1. Run an extended period simulation. Click the InfoWater button in the InfoWater
Control Center toolbar, then choose Tools Run Manager. The following dialog box will appear:

Figure Run Manager Window

2. Choose the Run icon at the top of the screen. The stoplight on the Run Manager should

indicate a green light if the simulation has run successfully. Click the OK button to
close the Run Manager window.
3. You can now review the results from this analysis. To view the pressures on the map, click the
Map Display icon . Next, choose Junction under the Element Type box. Under the Classes tab,
choose Active Output. The Data Field drop down list should read PRESSURE:

Figure Setting the Map Display

4. Click Apply OK. The pressures are now displayed on the screen. Use the slider in the Model
Explorer Attribute tab to view the pressures for the 72 hour analysis. Notice now that all
pressures are within the required constraints. At hour 72, you should see the following results:

Figure Results for Hour 72

5. Note that the pressure at node J58 before the pumps exhibits a low pressure; this is common
and acceptable as there is no demand at this junction.
6. Since the pressures in the system are within the allowable constraints, we likely have enough
energy input into the system for it to be considered stable. Lets now look at graphs showing the
elevation of water in the tanks.
7. Use the Select Element tool from the InfoWater Edit Network toolbar to select tank T5002 in
the western part of the city.

Figure Tank T5002

8. In the Model Explorer Attribute tab, click the Graph icon . A Tank Graph will open. We want
to see the head at the tank, so under the drop down menu that states Flow, choose Head.

Figure Specifying Head on Tank Graph

9. The graph of the head in the tank over the course of the 72 hours can then be seen as follows.
Note that the tank rises and drains to the same peak and trough every day. This means that the
tank is not emptying:

Figure Graph of Tank 5002 Head over 72 Hours

10. Next, look at the tank graph for T5 using the same method previously described. You should see
the following results. As you can see from this graph, the tank rises and drains to the same peak
and trough every day. This means that the tank is not emptying:

Figure Graph of Tank 5 Head over 72 Hours

After viewing all nodes in this system and the elevations of water in the tanks over 72 hours, it is evident
that this new pump implementation has solved the problem. All nodes have pressures within the
allowable range of 40 psi to 100 psi and the tanks drain and fill to the same level every day. As we have
mentioned, there are other solutions to this type of problem. For example, it would be possible to take
out the original pump and input a completely new one with more power. At times, however, this can
become quite expensive. It is advised to the user to attempt to add in pumps with different pump curves
or to change the pipe sizes in certain locations to see how the system responds.

5.2.0 Emergency Response

There are two types of emergency responses relating to water distribution systems. One type of response
is directed at correcting a failure of one or more components of the system (i.e. pipe, pump, valve, etc.).
The other type of emergency response uses the water in the distribution system to mitigate effects of a
societal emergency (i.e. fire).

In Section 5.2.1 we will simulate a societal emergency (i.e. fire) and analyze residual pressures in the
system. In Section 5.2.4, we will also simulate an internal system failure (i.e. pipe break) and identify the
best emergency response plan.

Problems in a distribution system which require a designed solution will generally deal with high or low
pressures. Low pressures in a system are simply the result of not having enough energy in the system. In
this instance, there are two things we can do: 1) we can increase the energy in the system, or 2) we can
decrease the energy losses in the system. If high pressures are an issue, we can either 1) increase the
losses in the system, or 2) decrease the amount of energy we put into the system.

Another problem that may arise in a distribution system is a pipe break. If a pipe breaks, water will
continue to flow out of the system through the break until that portion of the system is isolated (i.e.
specific valves are closed). The InfoWater model of your system will allow you to know exactly which
valves to close, and where each valve is located. This can help you minimize the water that is lost and also
help shut down your system quickly in order to repair the break.

5.2.1 Fireflow Analysis Exercise

Fire emergencies are unexpected events, meaning that we wont know when or where a fire is going to
start. This is where the genius in our distribution systems really shows itself. Distribution systems provide
a constant supply of water anywhere there is a water main installed, which is near most buildings,
structures, and other things which tend to catch fire. Our systems also have a fast and easy way to access
large quantities of water from the mains when needed via fire hydrants. Does this idea pose any other
problems? Is there a limit to how much water can be used to fight a fire?

Consider if a fire occurs in a neighborhood in the middle of the day. Firefighters will access the nearest
hydrant and start using a large amount of water to put out the fire. This fire demand may cause the
residual system pressure at another house to drop to the point that water could not be accessed. This
would be considered a type of internal failure in the system. The point of this scenario is to show that an
emergency response to fire demand should not cause internal system failures. There are regulations
which state that residual pressures in the system should not fall below a certain threshold. There are also
fireflow regulations which require a certain flow rate for a specific amount of time at a hydrant without

causing internal failures. Note that regulations for fireflow depend on the type of building (e.g. residential,
commercial, etc.) and often vary from city to city and state to state.

In this exercise, you are an engineer working for a water utility company. Say that your boss, the director
of the company, asks you to run a fireflow analysis to ensure the system meets regulations and to report
the results back to him. The first thing you should do is understand the fireflow requirements and how to
input these constraints into the model.

You will apply fire demands to all junction nodes within the system and analyze residual pressures. The
minimum residual pressure in the system will be 20 psi (i.e., 20 psi is the minimum pressure requirement).
To analyze the system for fireflow, follow the steps hereafter.

Step 1: Applying Fire Demands

In order to add fire demands at every junction in the system, you must first select all junctions in the
system at once. This is done using the Domain Manager.
1. Click the Domain Manager icon on the InfoWater Edit Network Toolbar.
2. Select Network and All Junctions from the drop down menu as shown below. Click Add to add all
junctions. All junctions on the map should now appear red.

Figure Selecting Fire Nodes

3. Next Select Map Selection and click Remove on the right side. This will bring you to the map.
Drag a box over the new nodes created for the second pump (adjacent pipes will be included).
Selected elements will turn yellow. Right click on the map and select Enter from the drop down
menu. The two nodes should become green, while all other nodes are colored red signaling they
are in the domain (shown below). You may now close the Domain Manger by clicking Close.

Figure Remove Nodes

4. Next click on the Group Editing icon in the InfoWater Edit Network Toolbar. Make sure
Domain is selected at the top and click Fireflow. Enter the value 1000 in the empty cell
and click Apply. Click Close to exit the Group Editing window.

Figure Editing Fireflow

Now that all junction nodes in the system have a fire demand of 1,000 gpm, we can run a fireflow analysis
to check residual pressures and the maximum allowable flow rate. Follow the steps below to run the
fireflow analysis. Note that the simulation only applies one fire demand to the system at a time; there are
never multiple fires simulated together.

Step 2: Analyze System with Fire Demands

1. Click on the Run Manager icon in the Model Explorer Window to open the Run Manager
2. Click the Fireflow tab , check the Design Fireflow option, and make sure all the
values match what is displayed in Figure

Figure Fireflow Analysis Input Parameters

3. Click the Run icon and press OK to close the Run Manager Window.
4. The Report Manager Window should automatically appear on your screen and you can
maximize it to view all of the results on one screen. To include the Fireflow Analysis Results,
click New in the top left, and in the Output Report Window select *Active*:Fireflow and
Fireflow as shown below.

Figure Output Fireflow Results

5. You should now have the Fireflow and Fireflow Design reports available as shown below in
Figures and

Figure Fireflow Report

Figure Fireflow Design Report

The Fireflow Report in Figure shows the results for each node when both static and Fire-Flow
demand are applied. Based on the total demand at the fire node (Static demand in Column 2 plus fire
demand in Column 5), InfoWater calculates residual pressure at that fire node (Column 6), and computes
the available flow at hydrant (Column7) to keep that fire node pressure at the minimum pressure

The Fireflow Design Report in Figure shows the most critical node (Column 4) in the system which
is not the fire node and the critical node pressure (Column 5). If the critical node pressure is below the
minimum pressure, InfoWater will adjust the fireflow at the fire node to maintain the minimum pressure
at the critical node. The design flow (Column 7) is the minimum value of the available flow at hydrant
(Column 3) and the adjusted fireflow.

5.2.2 Discussion of Fireflow Results

Now that we have performed our fireflow analysis, we can analyze our results to see if we have any
potential issues in our system. Remember that the minimum pressure and residual pressure due to any
fire demand must be above 20 psi. If we look at the Residual Pressure column in the Figure, we
see that pressure falls below the minimum constraint at nodes J12, J14, J40, and J44, when the fire
demand is applied to the junctions J12, J14, J40, and J44, respectively. InfoWater automatically calculates
the Available Flow at Hydrant in order to bring the Residual Pressure up to 20 psi.

The Fireflow Design table (Figure takes into consideration the pressure at critical nodes in the
network, since it is desired that no nodes throughout the system fall below 20 psi. If we look at the

Critical Node Pressure when fireflow is drawn from each fire node, we see that nodes J38, J14, and J48
fall below the minimum pressure. InfoWater automatically adjusts the fire flow at the fire node to
maintain the Critical Node Pressure at 20 psi. Notice that when Critical Node Pressure falls below 20 psi,
the Design Flow becomes lower than the Available Flow at Hydrant.

If we wanted to look at just one of these columns to analyze our fireflow analysis, the best column to look
at would be the Design Flow column. This column lets us know how much flow our hydrant can handle
without violating a low pressure constraint in the system. We can then compare these flows to our fireflow
requirements to make sure they are greater than or equal to the required fireflow.

5.2.3 Fireflow Design Problem

When you report the fireflow analysis back to your boss, he is impressed with how quick you got him the
results and now asks you to provide him with a solution to mitigate the fireflow issues at junctions J14
and J44 before the end of the work day.

Remember that in the last exercise, we applied a fire demand of 1,000 gpm to each node. However, based
on fireflow codes for the area, it is found that junctions J14 and J44 are required to supply only 600 gpm
and 700 gpm during an emergency event respectively. These values will be our constraints for this design

Based on the results you handed your boss, you know that the fire demand at either of those nodes drops
the pressures below the minimum 20 psi requirement (available flow is less than required flow). Based on
your understanding of water distribution systems you know that the fire demands cause too much head
loss through pipes P29 and P59, resulting in a decrease in pressure. In order to bring the pressure back up
to standards, we must refer back to Section 5.2.0 when we discussed theoretical solutions to design
problems. Based on that discussion, there are two ways we can fix the low pressure situation: 1) we can
add energy to the system (i.e. booster pump), or 2) we can decrease the losses in the system (i.e. larger
or additional pipe).

Similar to Section 4.1.2, this seems like a great time to add a parallel pipe. However, by digging around in
the companys historical database you find that pipes P29 and P59 were installed in 1932, and should be
nearing the end of their usable lives. Now you realize that you can knock out two birds with one stone by
replacing the two pipes with larger diameter mains. This solution will decrease head loss enough to satisfy
the fireflow pressure requirements, and it will eliminate the imminent need for pipe replacement.

Instead of deleting the old pipes and adding new ones to the model, the existing pipe sizes can simply be
increased. Increase the pipe diameters and analyze the system by following the steps below.

Step 1: Change Pipe Diameters
1. Click the Select Element tool located in the InfoWater Network Edit toolbar and left click on
pipe P29.
2. Left click in the Diameter (in) field and enter the number 8. Press Enter.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for pipe P59.
4. Once the diameters for pipes P29 and P59 have been changed, repeat step 2 in Section 5.2.2 for
analyzing a system for fireflow.

Figure Fireflow Results with Adjusted Pipe Diameters.

As you can see in the figure above, the available flow at hydrant for nodes J14 and J44 are greater than
600 gpm and 700 gpm respectively. Thus, the constraints for fireflow are now met at these nodes and the
new design is deemed adequate.

5.2.4 Pipe Break Analysis Example

Now that we have looked at a societal emergency, we will now focus on an internal system failure,
specifically a pipe break. There has been much research in recent years on pipe breaks, nevertheless it is
still very difficult to predict which pipes will break and when. Since we cannot fully predict the future
breaks, we must be ready to respond to an unexpected pipe break in order to minimize damage, loss of
water, contamination, etc. Having an accurate schematic of your systems components, especially valves,
will help utilities to efficiently shut down whatever part of the system experiences a break. The model will
also be able to run a hydraulic analysis of the system to analyze pressures and flows with parts of your
system shut down for repair.

Open the demo map in InfoWater called PipeBreakDemo.mxd. The model can be found in the
downloaded InfoWater Student Analysis and Design Workbook folder. This is mostly the same system
which we have been working with for previous exercises, except for the addition of valves. Each of these
valves has a specific ID as you can see by selecting a valve and observing the information in the model
explorer window. With this detailed schematic of your distribution system, you can be prepared to give
specific instructions to your emergency response team in order to shut down a segment of the system.
The system should look like Figure below.

Figure Pipe Break Demo Network with Valves

Before we analyze a pipe break scenario, go ahead and run a steady state analysis and observe the
pressures in the system. Refer back to Section 4.1.1 for how to run a steady state analysis.

Now lets go back to the example scenario where you are an engineer working for a water utility company.
As one of the directors most trusted engineers, you are given the responsibility of managing the
emergency response team. In the case of a pipe break, the emergency response team will be ready to
leave at a moments notice to close the appropriate valves. Say that you are notified of a pipe break in
pipe P121 (this is between junction J20 and valve V8004). The break is shown by the red explosion symbol

below in Figure

Figure Location of Pipe Break

The emergency team gets in their trucks and starts driving toward the site of the break. It is now your
responsibility to tell them exactly where to go, and which valves to shut in order to isolate the break.

Ideally, you would only like to shut down the broken pipe, pipe P121, however the placement of valves
on your map indicates that other segments of pipe must also be shut. To isolate the break, valves V8004,
V8030, and V8032 must all be closed. You relay this information to the emergency response team, telling
them exactly where to go in KYTown to find the appropriate valves. Figure shows the location of
the break as well as the appropriate valves to close and the isolated pipe segment.

Figure Pipe Break with Closed Valves and Isolated Pipe Segments

Now that you have figured out which valves are going to be closed to isolate the break, you need to
analyze the systems response (i.e. how the pressures react to the valve closures). To model the closed
valves in InfoWater, follow these steps:

Step 1: Close the Valves

1. Click the Select Element tool located in the InfoWater Network Edit toolbar.
2. Click on the Valve you want to close.
3. Select the Initial Status button located in the Model Explorer Window.
4. Select Closed and click Update.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each valve you want to close.
6. For the last step, all junctions which are located within the isolated pipe segment must have their
demand removed. The reason that the demand must be removed for these junctions, is because
a non-zero demand violates the conservation of mass law. A demand is a flow out of the system.
However, because the junction is isolated from the rest of the system, there is no flow into the
demand. To remove the demand, simply select the junction you wish to edit, then enter 0 in the
demand box in the Model Explorer window.

After the valves are closed, run another steady state analysis and observe the resulting pressures. Note
the general decrease in pressures for junctions J16, J12, J44, and J14 on the right side of the network. The
decrease in pressure is a result of the same flow which used to travel through pipe P121 being re-routed
through pipe P145 due to the valve closures. If you click on pipe P145 you will notice that this is a much
smaller pipe than P121 (3 inch diameter vs. 6 inch diameter). This increases head loss between the water

source and the junctions on the right side of the system, thus lowering pressure by the time it reaches
junctions J16, J12, etc.

Even though the pressure has been significantly reduced, customers at junction J14 will still have access
to water while pipe P121 is being repaired. Thus we are able to give the green light to our emergency
response team, who are now at the proper locations, to close the valves.

The valves will remain closed until the pipe is fixed. Once the pipe is fixed, valves may be reopened and
the system can go back to its original steady state scenario. Another important thing to consider is
transient events which can be caused by pipe breaks and valve closures. The topic of transient events is
covered in the InfoSurge student manual.

6.0 Case Study III
Another criterion of water distribution system design is to make sure that water is supplied to customers
with adequate quality. InfoWater has the capability to model water age and chemical concentrations
within the bulk flow, at the pipe wall, in storage tanks, and mass transport between the bulk flow and the
pipe wall. In this case study, you will analyze water quality conditions in KYTown and create a design that
will improve impaired water quality conditions.

6.1.0 Water Quality Analysis

In the mid 1980s, water distribution system modelers began to add water quality capabilities to their
software. Using the results of extended period simulations, researchers were able to apply water quality
calculations to the flow dynamics to track various constituents and their concentrations throughout a
water distribution system. Water quality modeling generally consists of identifying a constituents
transport through a system, representing how water with different concentrations are mixed at junctions,
and accounting for the decay or growth of constituents within a system. Water quality modeling can also
be used to track the water age (i.e. time since leaving the treatment plant) in a system.

InfoWater has the capability to model multiple constituents throughout a system, among many other
advanced features, with its Multi-Species eXtension (MSX). However, we will use the standard capabilities
of InfoWater to model the fate of a single constituent for this introductory case study to water quality

The first part of this case study will cover the basics of water quality analysis, specifically tracking chlorine
residual through an extended period simulation of a distribution system. The second part of this case
study will deal with implementing a booster station in order to raise the chlorine residual to an acceptable

6.1.1 Standard Water Quality Analysis

There are many sources of water pollution. Many surface waters such as lakes and rivers, which we get
our drinking water from, are polluted with sediment, chemicals, and fecal material, among other things.
To avoid illness, we must spend time and money treating our water prior to drinking it. Water treatment
plants consist of a series of treatment processes which remove pollutants. The last step before water is
pumped into the distribution system is disinfection, where a disinfectant such as chlorine or chloramine
is added to kill viruses and other pollutants that sneak through the treatment plant.

Now that the water has been thoroughly purified at the treatment plant, you can turn on your faucet with
confidence that clean water will flow into your glass, right? Despite thorough cleansing at the water
treatment plant, your drinking water could become contaminated before it gets to your home through
many different scenarios. These include pipe breaks, biofilm buildup on the inside of pipes, system
pressure drops that cause water to enter through leaks, chemical reactions with the pipe walls, and even
birds taking up residence in your local water tower.

In order to provide a safety factor against post treatment contamination, operators add a strong dose of
chlorine at the treatment plant which naturally decays as it travels through the system. Chlorine found in
the system after it leaves the treatment plant is referred to as the chlorine residual. Maintaining certain
chlorine residual throughout your system acts as a good safety factor for unplanned (or unknown)
contamination of the water, as it will still disinfect some pollutants.

For the first part of this case study, we will observe the fluctuation in chlorine residual at various points in
a system over a 24-hour time period.

Step 1: Open and set up the CaseStudy3.mxd Project

The first step is to open the CaseStudy3.mxd file in InfoWater. Many of the following steps are
supplemental to the InfoWater Users Guide. If you feel as though basic set up procedures are unnecessary,
you may skip the next six steps:
1. Choose the Start menu, select Programs, choose the InfoWater Version X program group and
choose InfoWater.
2. In the ArcMap window, select An Existing Map option in the Start Using ArcMap With area and
then click the OK button. This can also be accessed by choosing File Open from the ArcMap
command menu.
3. Navigate to the directory containing the CaseStudy3.mxd project and choose that file. The
location of this file can be found in the downloaded InfoWater Student Analysis and Design
Workbook folder.

Step 2: Set up the Water Quality Analysis

The second step involves setting up the model to run the water quality analysis. This includes setting your
constituent and decay information, initial concentrations, and your constituent source, as well as ensuring
you are set up to run an extended period simulation.
1. We will first need to identify this simulation as an extended period simulation. This means that
we are modeling the system dynamics over a specified time period.
2. In order to specify that the simulation is an extended period simulation, choose the Operation
tab from the Model Explorer window. Next, click Simulation Time BASE, Base
Simulation Time. Make sure that the box next to Steady State is unchecked. Make sure that
under the Unit column, each is specified as being in Hours. In the Duration row, make sure that
the Decimal Time column states 24. This represents the 24 hours of the day. The following figure
shows what the Simulation Time window should look like prior to the EPS analysis:

Figure Simulation Time Window

3. Click the OK button to close the Simulation Time window.

4. Next, set parameters for the water quality analysis. Choose the Operation tab from the
Model Explorer window. Next choose Simulation Options and double click BASE, Base Simulation
Option. Choose the tab and select Chemical/Temp. Enter Chlorine as the Chemical
Name and ensure the Mass Unit is mg/L. Set the Global Bulk parameter to -1 and the Global
Wall to -0.5. The window should match Figure below.

Figure Simulation Options Window

5. Click the OK button to close the Simulation Options window.

6. Next you will assign all junction nodes in the system an initial chlorine residual concentration of
0.5 mg/L. Select InfoWater Tools Domain Manager. Click Network and then select All
Junctions and click Add. This will add all junctions in the network to the domain for group
editing. Also select the All Tanks option and click Add to add tanks to the domain.
7. Change the initial quality value for all junctions and tanks in group editing. Choose the Group
Editing icon . Select Initial Quality and input the value 0.5 into the Initial Value box. Click
Apply and Close.
8. Next you will add a Quality Source to model chlorine dosing at the treatment plant. Choose
the Select Element icon and select the reservoir in the network. Click the Tools icon and
select Quality Source. Choose Concentration and input a value of 1.2 in the Baseline
Concentration box. Leave the Concentration Pattern blank. Click Update to apply this change.
9. Now you are ready to run the model. Click the Run Manager icon and the Run icon .A

successful run will be indicated by a green light . Close the Run Manager window by clicking
the OK button.

Step 3: Analyze the Results

Once you have successfully run the water quality analysis, you may view the results in either a tabular or
graphical format.

1. Choose the Select Element icon and select junction J46. Click the Graph icon to display a
graph of J46. Change the parameter being graphed to Chlorine and observe the drop and rise of
the chlorine residual over the 24 hour time period. The graph should look like Figure

Figure Chlorine Residual Plot at J46

2. Select other nodes and follow step 1 to observe their chlorine residual plot. Or use the group
graphing tool in the Report Manager window.
3. If you are going to take a break, make sure to save your work. Section 6.1.2 builds directly from
this section.

6.1.2 Decision Support for Water Quality Analysis

Recall the chlorine residual levels at Junction J46 from the previous section. It is plotted vs. time in Figure After the dosing at the reservoir reaches the junction, the chlorine residual concentration rises to
1.0 mg/L and fluctuates around this value for the rest of the 24 hours. Lets assume that 1.0 mg/L is our
target value (i.e., the appropriate chlorine residual concentration for safe drinking water) which should
be applied to all junctions in the system.

Now lets look at Junction J14. The chlorine residual plot for J14 for the same analysis shows that the
concentration drops significantly at first and then fluctuates around 0.5 mg/L for the remained of the
simulation. The chlorine residual plot of J14 is shown below in Figure

Figure Chlorine Residual Plot at J14

What are some actions that we (as the system operators) can take to boost our chlorine residual in this
part of the system? One option is to increase the dose at the water treatment plant. However, this is likely
a bad solution because it will also raise chlorine residual levels everywhere else in the system (too much
chlorine has negative effects).

Another option that we could take is installing a chlorine booster station. A booster station boosts the
chlorine residual level at a specific location in the distribution system which is away from the treatment
plant. We will select junction J44 as a location for the booster station. To model this booster station, follow
these steps:

Step 1: Insert Booster Station into Model

The first step is to insert the booster station into the model. The junction for which we have selected to
place the booster station is J44.

1. Choose the Select Element icon and select the junction J44.
2. Choose the Tools icon and select Quality Source.
3. Select Setpoint Booster and insert a value of 1 in the Baseline Concentration box. Click Create.

Step 2: Run the Water Quality Analysis and Investigate the Results
Now the booster station has been inserted into the model at junction J44, run the analysis and investigate
the results.
1. Click the Run Manager icon and the Run icon . A successful run will be indicated by a

green light . Close the Run Manager window by clicking the OK button.
2. Choose the Select Element icon and select junction J14. Click the Graph icon to display a
graph of J14. Change the parameter being graphed to Chlorine and observe the drop and rise of
the chlorine residual over the 24 hour time period. The graph should look like Figure

Figure Chlorine Residual Plot for J14

3. As you can see from Figure the chlorine residual for J14 fluctuates around 0.85 mg/L
after the booster station is added, which is much better than our original plot which fluctuated
around 0.5 mg/L. The chlorine residual levels at J14 may be adjusted by increasing or decreasing
the dose at the booster station.


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