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An Important Note from the Teacher

For the Parents and Guardians of: ______________________________

Date: _____________

Franzen Intermediate School has high expectations for all students. We expect students to be
respectful, responsible, and safe.

**Some behaviors require an immediate phone call home or office intervention.

This note is to inform you that your child chose not to follow one or more of these
Excessive talking
Calling out/ not raising hand
Getting out of seat without permission
Talking back
Off task
Refusal to do work
Hitting or pushing another student
Verbal confrontation with another student
Failure to follow hallway rules
Refusing to follow directions
Inappropriate language or gestures
Inappropriate bathroom behavior

_____________________ _______________________ ______________________

Teacher Signature Parent Signature Student Signature

Please discuss the importance of responsibility and positive behavior with your child. Thank you
for your cooperation and support. If you have any questions, please contact me at school.

Thank you,
Third Grade Teachers

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