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Medway Y3 Spanish 30 minute Lesson Plans Term 1

Lesson one

Resources/preparation: Early Start DVD part 1

ICT Pilote Numero Uno CD ROM Intro clip
Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New
Activities KAL
refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language
O3.1 sing Learn greetings *#Can do around * Teach words Buenos das, * Sing buenos Spanish Passive
songs culture; the class Buenas Noches and Hola using das, buenas has a Classroom
O3.2 listen, To say and #standard repetition strategies noches, hola, silent h instructions
identify understand * Watch video clip and discuss buenos das to show them
phonemes, hola, culture of greeting. the tune of hola so
speak clearly buenos das, * Activity 1: pupils move around the Brownie Bells they know Active
O3.4 repeat buenas class greeting each other and the whilst swinging it is silent. Hola
words, use noches teacher to see how many buenos arms. Buenos
physical To be aware das and hola can be collected in das
response that in Spanish one minute. Buenas
IU3.4 view h is silent * Activity 2: teacher says word, noches
video pupils respond with action i.e. wave
for Buenos das, thumbs up for hola
hands asleep for buenas noches.
Then reverse, the teacher prompts
with an action (wave or thumbs up)
and the pupils respond with the
words Buenos das, buenas noches
or hola.
* Activity 3: paired pupils repeat
activity 2 taking turns to mime.
Repeat for register daily
Repeat whenever seeing pupils
Repeat with other adults
Medway Y3 Spanish 30 minute Lesson Plans Term 1

Lesson two

Resources/preparation: Early Start DVD part 2;

ICT Pilote Numero Uno CD ROM
Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New
Activities KAL
refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language
O3.1 sing To revise Listen to song from * Introduce adis, hasta luego Listen to Adis Silent h for Passive
songs greetings early start hola hola gracias using #standard repetition song and join in hasta Classroom
O3.2 listen, To say and buenos das a few strategies. when ready. Introduce instructions
speak clearly understand times get pupils to * Teacher models actions for each ee sound
O3.3 ask and adis, join in when ready. phrase turn and wave, rolling for the
answer hasta luego, hands, receiving something letter i. Active
questions gracias * Activity 1: teacher says words Adis Adis
O3.4 repeat pupils mime actions. Introduce Hasta
words, use * Activity 2: teacher mimes and th sound luego
physical pupils say phrase. for c. Gracias
response * Activity 3: #True or false - teacher gracias
does action and says phrase,
pupils repeat phrase ONLY if


Include in register greetings.
Play # 007 in spare time.
Could use a-va? as a question when checking understanding in any subject.
Medway Y3 Spanish 30 minute Lesson Plans Term 1
Lesson three

Resources/preparation: Early Start DVD part 3; Flashcards (faces); Whiteboards/pens

ICT Pilote Numero Uno CD ROM
Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New
Activities KAL
refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language
O3.1 sing To revise Sing Adis song. * Introduce qu tal? bien,muy Recognise Passive
songs greetings bien,mal, mas o menos using ? and Classroom
O3.2 listen, To say and flashcards and #standard repetition negatives instructions
speak clearly understand strategies. Spanish
O3.3 ask and qu tal ? * Teacher models actions for each has an
answer bien phrase (i.e.) two thumbs up for upsidedown Active
questions muy bien one for bien, etc. question qu tal ?
muy bien mark at the bien
O3.4 repeat * Activity 1: teacher mimes action,
words, use mal pupils record face on whiteboard beginning muy bien
physical muy mal and show. of a mal
response Mas o * Activity 2:,teacher mimes and question muy mal
menos pupils say phrase. mas o
* Activity 3: teacher asks que tal? menos
pupils respond as a class
depending on which flashcard the
teacher is holding up.


Include in register greetings.
Play # 007 in spare time.
Could use qu tal? as a question when checking understanding in any subject.
Medway Y3 Spanish 30 minute Lesson Plans Term 1
Lesson four

Resources/preparation: Early Start DVD part 6; Flashcards (numbers),

ICT Pilote Numero Uno CD ROM 0 - 12
Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New
Activities KAL
refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language
O3.1 sing To say and Play #Fruit Salad * Watch video clip Play #Elevens Passive
songs understand with Qu tal? terms. * Use flashcards and chant Classroom
O3.2 listen, numbers 0 numbers, pupils repeat. instructions
speak clearly to 12 * Sing numbers to #Frere Jacques
O3.4 repeat or #Londons Burning.
words *Learn song from video Active
* Play #007. Uno dos
tres cuatro
cinco seis
siete ocho
nueve diez
once doce


P.E. warm up, getting into groups of (Spanish) numbers.
Answer register as a number.
Numeracy simple calculations using numbers 0-12 and y (ee) for +
Numeracy warm up #Play your cards right.
The songs and #Noughts and Crosses are good time fillers.
Play #Bingo.
Medway Y3 Spanish 30 minute Lesson Plans Term 1
Lesson five

Resources/preparation: Early Start video part 6; Flashcards (numbers), digit cards

ICT Pilote Moi CD ROM 0 - 12
Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New
Activities KAL
refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language
O3.1 sing To reinforce * Sing numbers to * Use flashcards and question Write a few Passive
songs numbers 0 #Frere Jacques or Cuntos? to elicit responses. calculations on Cuntos?
O3.2 listen, to 12 and use #Londons Burning. * Play #Elevens the board and
speak clearly them to * #Mexican wave *Model mathematical vocabulary say together. Active
O3.4 repeat undertake * #Fruit Stall and make a simple addition Ask the class to Uno dos
words simple together on the board. In pairs the share a few that tres cuatro
calculations pupils should use digit cards to they made up cinco seis
using y and create simple addition calculations themselves. siete ocho
equivalen and say them out loud. nueve diez
once doce


P.E. warm up, getting into groups of (Spanish) numbers.
Answer register as a number.
Numeracy simple calculations using numbers 0-12 and y (ee) for + .
Numeracy warm up #Play your cards right.
The songs and #Noughts and Crosses are good time fillers.
Play #Bingo.
Medway Y3 Spanish 30 minute Lesson Plans Term 1
Lesson six

Resources/preparation: Dice, cuddly toy, finger puppets; Early Start video part 4
ICT Pilote Numero Uno CD ROM Cmo te Ilamas?
Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New
Activities KAL
refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language
O3.1 identify To understand * Using dice, throw *Chant Cmo te Ilamas? a few Throw a cuddly Passive
rhyming and be able to two numbers, add times using body percussion to toy around the Classroom
words, sing ask the together. Aim to internalise the rhythm of the phrase. room. When a instructions
finger question make as many * Display it on the board. Ask the class child catches
rhymes Cmo te addition calculations to ask the question all together.. Walk the toy
around the class replying to a few
O3.2 listen, Ilamas? as possible in two everyone asks Active
confident pupils Me Ilamo
speak clearly To understand minutes. Cmo te Cmo te
Seora/Seor/Seorita X y t?
O3.3 recall and be able to * Watch video clip Model a response for them either Me Ilamas? The Ilamas?
vocabulary, say Me Ilamo or just their name. When most child holding the Me Ilamo
ask and Ilamo or Yo of the pupils have introduced toy replies Me Yo soy
answer soy themselves in this way to you, do it Ilamo or with Y t?
questions again, this time they turn to their just their own
O3.4 repeat neighbour and say, Me Ilamo y name
words, t? Then give each child a finger depending on
remember a puppet and get them to repeat the how confident
exercise using a variety of names
sequence of they are.
(Spanish ones from board or
words nonsense names if they prefer).
*Sing vocabulary to tune of Londons
Answer register using Me Ilamo
Play #WILDFIRE extension.

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