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Experiencing the Pesach Seder

T he Pesach Seder is one of the

greatest opportunities we have
for experiential education.
The Seder is interactive, includes lots
of symbolism, uses different senses,
Mrs. Aliza Abrams Konig
Assistant Principal, Central, Yeshiva University
High School for Girls
encourages the asking of questions
and involves a lot of singing.
Whos Who at the Seder everyone that we were once slaves in
Each year our family challenges itself
Mitzrayim, and now we have all the
to come up with something fun and Throughout the Haggadah we are freedoms and rights we could want.
creative to do differently at the Seder. introduced to a number of different Share with everyone what you are
Weve created our own box of makot, personalities: Rabbis, the people thankful for as a Jewish person this
played Seder bingo, and have enjoyed involved in the story of Yetziat Pesach.
chocolate-shaped frogs for dessert. Mitzrayim, the Four Sons.
This Pesach, I am thankful for
As busy as the Pesach prep is, making Take some time before Pesach to ______________.
time to ensure that there are fun and assign family members to do research
interactive activities at your Seder, on each of these personalities, and
will enhance your familys Seder DIY Symbolism at the Seder
then to represent these figures when
experience. Below are a few ideas that their name is mentioned in the
you and your family may enjoy doing by Aaron Steinberg
to make things even more exciting at This is an instruction guide for an
your Pesach Seder! When you get up to the part in the activity that places a stuffed elephant
Seder where your character appears, on the Seder table, and asks every
stand up and do your best to represent participant to think of their own
Pesach: Say What?
them; consider dressing up, sharing explanation as to why a symbolic
This is a game of word association. their biographical history, or what you elephant might belong at the Seder.
imagine it would be, and what you [Obviously the elephant can be
Each person takes a few cards and has think they would bring if they were a replaced by any item you want, but
to get everyone else at the Seder to guest at your Seder table. you will need to have some reason
guess the word at the top of their card
prepared as to why you chose it.]
without using the words below the
Thanksgiving Dinner at the Stage One Instructions for
Pesach Seder Facilitator
If they use any of the words below the
line they have to give up the card to Most of Hallel is said after Shulchan 1. Please place a toy/stuffed elephant
the player on their left. Orech is done and the afikoman is on the Seder table preferably
eaten. By that time, many kids, and toward the beginning of the Seder.
A set of cards is available at
likely many adults, are already on 2. Dont intentionally draw attention Remember
the tired side, and some have even to the elephant wait for someone
to print and cut out the cards before
fallen asleep. Take the opportunity to ask.
Pesach begins. If you didnt cut out
during Shulchan Orech, for everyone
the cards, you can improvise using the 3. If someone asks about it at a good
to go around and share what they are
page at the end of this article. time, great. If they ask about the
thankful for over Pesach.
elephant too early, tell them youll
Begin the prompt by reminding

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Pesach-Yom Haatzmaut 5777
explain a little later. they have very large brains, and elephant Say What? Cards
4. When youre ready to explain the matriarchs are able to remember where
elephant, go to stage two. their watering holes are over very large

Stage Two Explanation of the

areas. But the elephant is just the symbol, SEDER PLATE
right? The real point is about memory.
Elephants Role at the Seder On Passover, we are fulfilling the Biblical
When youre ready to explain the commandment to remember what
God did for us when he took us out of Round
game, read the following:
Egypt. We are required every day, and
The Passover Seder is filled with symbols particularly on Passover, to remember Food
and symbolism. We have a ritual something that happened thousands of
washing of the hands, there is a Seder years ago to our ancestors. But why do Symbolic
plate filled with symbolic items, and we need a Seder to remember this story?
maybe even Savta will symbolically On Purim, we remember the story by
(and literally) whip us with scallions. reading Megillat Esther. Couldnt we do
The symbols are present to remind us of the same on Passover by just going to HagGadah
themes related to the Passover holiday, synagogue and reading relevant portions
and to serve as a stimulus for discussion from the Torah? Whats with the whole
and reflection. production? Some psychiatrists say that
But who said the symbols are limited to research into memory tells us that when
those prescribed in the Hagaddah? Many we remember things, we re-encode them Story
families have their own traditions of in our brains. Its not simply an act of
symbols that they bring out at the Seder recall; we have the potential to rewrite
each year to bring the Seder to life. For the memory in our heads. The more
example, there are those who decorate involved and elaborate the recollection,
their table to look like the Splitting of the the more impactful the re-encoding can
Sea, others who wear masks representing be. By talking about and acting out the
the Ten Plagues. Whatever the symbol Seder, in some small way we are actually Pesach
is, its there to promote conversation, and making ourselves part of the story. So
bring more meaning to the Seder. when you look at this little cute elephant
on the table, think about how your Holiday
The literal elephant in the room is
memory and connection with Passover
an example of a new symbol on the
and Jewish heritage and values can be Leaving Egypt
Seder table. I have one explanation
affected by participation in the Seder.
for the presence of an elephant on the
Think about ways to internalize the Bnei Yisroel
Seder Table, but first we should all take
lessons oftonight.
some guesses as to what the elephant
symbolizes. Later on, Ill share my Stage Four If everything went well,
explanation. So, who has any ideas for encourage each participant to think
what an elephant might symbolize? of (or bring) their own symbolic item Matzah
they think belongs on the table. Each
Stage Three An Elephant
person will have a chance to argue
for the relevance of their symbol, Crunchy
Why did I put an elephant on the table? and we can even vote on which item
To symbolize memory. We have all is the best Passover symbol. Who Round
heard about elephants having a good knows? Maybe that symbol will win
memory, but I personally never knew a spot on the table for the next Seder Square
a serious answer (its not because they (tomorrow or next year).
keep things in their trunk...). Apparently

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Pesach-Yom Haatzmaut 5777
Afikoman Mah Nishtanah Four Sons

Hide Hagaddah Boys

Dessert Four Evil

Present Questions Doesnt know how to ask

Kiddush Bedikat Chametz Biur Chametz

Wine Hide Bread

Grape Juice Search Burn

4 Cups Candle Morning

Chametz Marror Chol Hamoed

Bread Bitter Great Adventure

Rise Horseradish Trips

Prohibited Romaine Lettuce Bagged lunch

Macaroons Chad Gadya Dayeinu

Coconut Goat Song

Sweet Song Sufficient

Cookie Malach Hamavet Hashem

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Pesach-Yom Haatzmaut 5777
Urchatz Karpas Yachatz

Water Green Matzah

Hands Vegetable Break

No Bracha Ground Afikoman

Maggid Makot Pesach

Sing Ten Holiday

Story Blood Chametz

Leaving Egypt Frogs Seder

Seder Night Shulchan Oreich Eliyahu Hanavi

Matzah Food Cup of Wine

Order Hungry Door

Singing Dinner Mashiach

Yerushalayim Hallel Paroah

Kotel Singing Egypt

Next Year Fourth Cup Slavery

Israel Praise Heart

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Pesach-Yom Haatzmaut 5777

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