The Role of Vashti in The Purim Story: Deena Rabinovich, Edd

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The Role of Vashti

in the Purim Story

T he Mishna, Megillah 2:3,
records a dispute regarding
how much of the Megillah
must be read:
Deena Rabinovich, EdD
Director, Jewish Education Program, Stern College
, for Women
; , --
); , ( ,
The halakhah at the end of the The Midrashic View of Vashti
.), ( ,
day requires us to read the entire
From where must one begin reading The text tells us virtually nothing
Megillah.1 If we focus on the plot
the Megillah in order to fulfill ones about Vashti other than that she was
alone, we realize that it is not really
obligation? R. Meir says one must read beautiful and that, clearly, she had
possible to conceive of the Megillah
the entire Megillah. R. Yehuda says [one more than a little backbone. The
without the initial narratives, just
must begin no later than] there was a meaning or derivation of her name
as it is not possible (Rashis famous
certain Jewish man (2:5). R. Yosi is uncertain.4 As with other minor
question at the start of his Bible
says [one must begin no later than] characters in the Megillah, Vashti is
commentary notwithstanding)
After these events (3:1). not introduced with any biographical
to conceive of starting the Torah
The unspoken question that the or genealogical data. Here the
in the middle of Parashat Bo and
tannaim in this Mishna allude to has midrashim step in. Vashti was, we are
leave out the entire Sefer Bereishit.2
been frequently asked by modern told, the daughter of Belshazzar5 and
Megillat Esther is a creative tour
readers what was the point of the granddaughter of Nevuchadnetzar,
de force, richly detailed and chock
including chapter one [or, according the king of Babylon who destroyed
full of literary tricks that scholars,
to R. Yosi, chapters one and two] in the First Temple.6 Nevuchadnetzar
particularly in recent decades, have
Megillat Esther? The basic plot of the is, from the perspective of Chazal,
been uncovering and noting with
Megillah details the threats to, and among the most wicked of men.7 In
no apparent end in sight.3 Our focus
the salvation of, the Jewish people. tying Vashti to such a man, Chazal
here is the episode involving Queen
The Megillah could have begun with hinted at their assessment of her.
Vashti who, in 1:9-12, is summoned to
the rise of Haman and any necessary They did not give her much credit for
appear before the king and his guests
background information could have defending human dignity. As Michael
at the royal banquet and refuses to do
been added there. R. Yehuda and R. Fox observed, the rabbis thoroughly
so. Only these details are provided.
Yosi see the opening of the Megillah approve of feminine reserve
The remainder of chapter one
the ostentatious display of the but they could not believe that a
describes the reaction of the king and
wealth of the Persian monarch, the gentile the granddaughter of King
his advisers to the shocking refusal
great banquet that goes on, month Nebuchanezzar would have shown
by the queen, but Vashtis role in the
after month, the story of the deposing true modesty.8
story essentially begins and ends with
of Vashti the Queen after the public
those four verses. What do they teach Unlike Vashti, Achashverosh, in the
humiliation that she caused the king,
or allude to? What light do these midrashic view, was a commoner who
the selection of a new queen as
verses shine on the dnouement of began his career in the royal stables.
non-essential, at least be-di-avad
Esthers story? When his father, Darius, wrested

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777
control of Babylonia from Belshazzar, have given the women an opportunity replaced by Esther, who goes on to
Vashti was selected as Achashveroshs to engage in illicit relations.10 save her people. Vashti, under this
wife.9 Thus Vashti provided a veneer view, is the anti-Esther.
As for Achashveroshs drink-infused
of legitimacy for the new royal demand that Vashti appear at his party
family. The difficulties (not to speak Contemporary Scholarship
so that he could show her off, the
of internal inconsistencies) in the midrash once again fills in the blanks.
midrashic reading of the historical Contemporary critics, though, reading
Vashti was required to appear in the
record are not our issue here. It is the Megillah without the midrashic
nude that was the manner in which
true that Darius, the father of Xerxes, additions, have suggested alternative
the king wished to display her beauty
was not a descendant of Cyrus the understandings of the Megillah as a
following some banter with some of
Great, and that might be the nugget whole and of its various characters,
his guests. And, the Gemara tells us,
of history behind this particular including Vashti. While their textual
Vashti would have ordinarily agreed
midrashic tradition. inferences are noteworthy and
to her husbands demand were it not
The Megillah tells us that while for the fact that she had developed appreciated, their conclusions seem
Achashverosh was hosting his second leprosy (or sprouted a tail).11 By to fall short of the mark in explaining
party for the male citizens of Shushan, this interpretation, Vashtis refusal the role of Vashti in the Megillah.
Vashti was hosting a party for the was not based on the impropriety Adele Berlin, for instance, argues that
women [Esther 1:9]. Here, too, details of her husbands demand but on the Megillat Esther must be read as a
are supplied by the aggadah. Vashti contingency of her condition.12 The farce and that we cannot appreciate
took the women on a tour of the private midrashim, then, provide a backstory the story fully unless we realize it is
chambers of the King to satisfy their identifying Vashti as a hater of Jews meant to be funny. The subject of
prurient curiosity. The tour may also who was punished appropriately and the farce is the Persian empire and


Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777
Persian court where a major policy reduces Haman to an archetypal elements. These themes include the
decision, the annihilation of the Jews comic villain not darkly evil survival of the Jewish people in exile,
is made casually, but a small domestic of whom we are not meant to be struggle with foreign cultures and
incident, Vashtis non-appearance at a threatened since he is doomed from mores, the end of the age of miracles
party, becomes a crisis of state, with all the start.14 and facing down anti-Semitism.
the bureaucratic trappings that can be Berlins reading also does not take Farce does not quite do justice to the
mustered.13 into account the history the Jews have Megillah.
While it is certainly plausible to read had with the Amalekite forbears of Timothy Beal, another contemporary,
the character of Achashverosh as a Haman, nor with the centuries of anti- acknowledges the farcical nature of
fool and that of Mordecai as a wise Semitism that have followed. Berlin Megillat Esther, but also sees it as a
man, labeling all of the characters as feels that the nature of the festival, the strange sometimes deadly serious
types ignores the growth of Esther. holiday of Purim, is the main force book of questions that arise in the
When we first meet Esther she is a behind the book and is content with context of exile.15 The main question
passive young woman, an orphan classifying the book as one of comedy of the book, in his view, is one of
under the protection of her cousin. with the message that all is right with identity. Beal argues that the book
She is dragged off to the palace and the world. But is that all that a book of Esther reflects a context in which
she continues to listen to the various of Tanakh should be? To affirm that the traditional means of self-construal
people who give her advice. In the all is right with the Jews? To sum up have lost their meaning.16
course of the story, she becomes a Megillat Esther as a feel-good farce According to Beal, Purim teaches us
brave, confident courier who is thrust ignores the more serious themes and to recognize, and even to celebrate,
onto the largest of stages and performs dark elements that exist alongside the otherness within us that we so
as an expert. Berlins reading also the admittedly comical and farcical

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777
often try to repress or hide and as He notes the anti-Semitic horrors of and her fateful choice helps us
such, the holiday of Purim is not the the twentieth century the pogroms understand how her example may
force, or reiteration of Esther, but is in Russia, the murders in the Ukraine, have influenced Mordecai and Esther.
a it is a survival of Esther.17 Beal sees the Persecutor of the Jews now The more surprising comparison is
Vashti as an object to the male subject, not vizier but supreme leader who with Mordecai. Vashti embarrassed
a special object, a quintessential almost realized Hamans goal to the king in the presence of his boon
something to bounce off in order to slaughter, slay, and destroy all the companions: Mordecai publicly
remind him of how solid he is. She is Jews, young and old.23 The literary snubs Haman by refusing to bow to
the grounding for his own identity forces of the narrative help him him in the presence of a group of
whose refusal to come reveals the believe that there will be relief and gossiping courtiers. Both offenses
male subjects special and highly deliverance for the Jews, even when result in international edicts that are
problematic dependence on her as God appears to be hidden. enacted by the king and publicized by
fixed object.18 Vashti refused to Like Berlin and Beal, Fox comments
runners dispatched throughout the
come into the kings presence to be empire. Vashti insults her husband,
on the tone of humor and farcical
the object of the pleased male ogle and suddenly all women are suspected
elements present in the opening
and as a result she will never again be scene. Rather than dictate the tone
of despising their husbands and
present, and someone more pleasing commanded to show their spouses
of the entire book, the comical
[presentable, objectifiable] will fill the honor.
opening, in Foxs reading, causes
space left by her.19 Vashti, in short, was the audience to lower its guard and ... , -

written out of the palace, and written thus compounds the shock as we , -
- - -
out of the Megillah. Her absence, Beal see pride, egoism, royal instability , :
contends, leaves the reader in the mutate into murderous hatred and - -- -
company of Persian fools, at the center sinister scheme.24 The role of Vashti - - , .....
of whom is a dangerous power vacuum becomes important since even a - , - --
called the king and that we mourn
scanty presentation of a character , - :
the blank space left by Vashti.20 can be suggestive of a larger quality .
The role of Vashti is thus one of a
and the authors attitude toward it
palimpsest, a story that is written, then a literary figure does not exist Vashti the queen hath not done wrong
erased, and then a new story is written in isolation the actions and to the king only ... For this deed of the
over the old, erased one Vashti will
experiences of one figure, even when queen will come abroad unto all women,
survive her own end in the narrative. these do not affect the outcome of to make their husbands contemptible in
She will haunt the rest of the story. The the main action, alter the readers their eyes, when it will be said: The king
story of Esther and Mordecai never understanding of other parallel Ahasuerus commanded Vashti the queen
shakes her memory.21 characters.25 Fox suggests that we try to be brought in before him, but she came
For Michael V. Fox, it is not merely to understand Vashti by pairing her not... for he sent letters into all the kings
the character of Vashti that proves with characters with whom she is provinces, into every province according
haunting it is the entire story that contraposed in conflict like the men to the writing thereof, and to every
revisits every year as he hears the of the court and those with whom she people after their language, that every
Megillah read in shul: is in correspondence, like Esther.26 man should bear rule in his own house,
and speak according to the language of
Indeed, I relive its truth and know its
Vashtis Influence on his people.
actuality. Almost without an effort of
Mordecai and Esther Esther 1:16-17, 22
imagination, I feel something of the
anxiety that seized the Jews of Persia The root b-z-h appears both in the
upon learning of Hamans threat to their Indeed, Vashtis role in the Purim description of Vashtis alleged offense
lives, and I join in their exhilaration at story can be understood by pairing against her husband, and in Hamans
their deliverance. Except that I do not her with other characters. However, reaction to Mordecais snub (Esther
think of their but my22 unlike Foxs conclusion, a closer 3:6). Mordecai insults Haman and
look at the text dealing with Vashti

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777
suddenly all Jews are suspect of conscience in the face of tyranny and [bowing] a non-option.28 As Yoram
treason against the king. oppression. Vashti knew that no good Hazony notes:
could result from her appearance at a
As long as Achashverosh took decisions
drunken, all-male party. Her options
; through broad consultation with a
were not promising. She could
, -
range of advisers, there was every
acquiesce to the command of the king,
, -
. , reason to hope that the laws of the
lose her dignity and help him lose
. Persian state would tend towards at
his as well (which would no doubt
There is a certain people scattered least the roughest approximation of a
anger him at a later time). Or she
abroad and dispersed among the peoples just settlement among the competing
could refuse on principle, angering the
in all the provinces of thy kingdom; perspectives in the empire. Hamans
king and exposing herself to a harsh
and their laws are diverse from those of installation suppressed the search
consequence, but maintaining both
every people; neither keep they the kings for a greater truth on the part of the
her dignity and that of the king. Faced
laws; therefore it profiteth not the king to state; henceforth it would become that
with a lose-lose situation, knowing
suffer them. If it please the king, let it be defined by the perspective and desires
that one way or another she was
written that they be destroyed. of a single man, Haman. Since it would
doomed to fall, she opts to fall with
Esther 3:8-9 be his desires rather than truth which
dignity and refuses to appear.
would now determine right and wrong
The money belonging to the Jews will
While it would seem that Mordecai for much of mankind, his elevation
be taken from them and used to enrich
had no prior compunctions about transformed him (and Achashverosh as
Hamans coffers.27 The plot similarities
bowing to Achashverosh, the elevation well) into a usurping god an idol. To
between Vashti and Mordecai
of Haman as the key political adviser serve his whim would be as service to
underscore their common goal to
to the king made prior behavior the Canaanite gods, for whom men had
uphold human dignity and freedom of

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Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777
murdered their children king and Haman should come, Esther
According to Hazony, the elevation 5:7), careful with both her choice of .
of Haman as sole advisor to the king words and her timing. She approaches -
dramatically changed the political the king, waiting for Achashverosh to
landscape in Shushan, adding acknowledge her presence, and then .
idolatrous overtones where none graciously invites both Achashverosh
had previously existed. Before, the and Haman to first one party and then . , ,
king had many advisors and he another. It is only at the second party ,
would listen to their advice before that she begins to describe the threat ,
acting. Now, Haman was in complete she and her people are facing. Esther .
control, the sole adviser, the only and Vashti differ, then, in tone and . , ,
voice. Multiple opinions were no tactics.
longer desired or allowed Hamans
Even the struggles the two women
was the only opinion that carried
face are fundamentally different. ,
any authority. Mordecai views
Where Vashtis struggle was
this behavior as a form of idolatry
personal with national implications .
and refuses to acquiesce. When The purpose of including Megillat Esther
(because of her refusal, an edict
Mordecairemains seated, refusing in Tanakh is to raise the question: Who
is passed impacting all women),
to rise and bow to Haman, he, too, is in control in a topsy-turvy world?
Esthers struggle was national with
is aware that there are bound to If the Tanakh had not included Megillat
personal implications (she will only
be consequences, although it may Esther, we would recognize God only in
be in danger once she reveals her
not have occurred to him that he places and situations where we could call
connection to the Jews who are about
was endangering the entire Jewish Him by name. Megillat Esther comes
to be destroyed). It is Vashtis original
people. Mordecai is aware that he has to fill this gap. It teaches us that God is
vulnerability that sets the scene for
entered a lose-lose situation where found in hidden places, in places where
Esthers. Vashtis weakness was related
the only choice is to fall. Like Vashti, it is not possible to name Him by name.
to her gender (a woman in a mans
he decides that when the fall is all Even in those situations where it is not
world) while Esthers vulnerability is
there is, it matters.29 Vashtis brief possible to mention a prayer, a halacha,
threefold [she is a woman, an orphan
appearance on the screen, her refusal or anything indicating kedusha. Megillat
and a Jew]. But, at this time, it is
to relinquish her belief in what was Esther shows us the path of hashgacha
Vashtis failure that teaches Esther
right, enables us to understand the even in a kingdom of opposites,
how to work within the system. Esther
scope and rationale of Mordecais hashgacha that works through intrigue,
learns what steps she must take, what
refusal and his commitment to his coincidence and lotteries.
words she must use. Where Vashti
beliefs. Megillat Esther completes Tanakh. It
fails, Esther will succeed.
If Vashti and Mordecai, at least in was purposely written in a secular and
this sense, complement one another, exaggerated manner to teach us that
The Megillah of Opposites Gods hashgacha is to be found in places
Vashti and Esther are contraposed.
Where Vashti refuses to appear when and situations that are far removed
Rav Yoel Bin Nun refers to Megillat
ordered, Esther dares to appear where from kedusha and that the Hand of God
Esther as Megillat HaHephech, the
not invited. Where Vashti was silent, directs the world even in places where
megillah of opposites. Why do we
Esther succeeds with her skillful His Face is hidden. 31
need such a megillah in Tanakh? The
speech.30 Where Vashti obstinately In a topsy-turvy world, where the
Megillah comes to remind us who is in
refuses to engage, Esther approaches ruler is impulsive and governs by
control in a topsy-turvy world:
the king with trepidation and narcissism, where the Jews are mired
in exile and God seems far away,
meekness. Where Vashti is blunt va-
- He is still, in fact, present. Why do
ti-maen she refuses (Esther 1:12),
? Vashti and Mordecai have different
Esther is subtle, ...
, outcomes despite the same approach
( If it pleases the king the

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777
to their lose-lose situation? Because Routledge, 1997; Aaron Koller, Esther in 23 Beal, p. 12.
God orchestrated a different outcome. Ancient Jewish Thought, New York: Cambridge
24 Fox, p. 25.
University Press, 2014; Yoram Hazony, The
Vashti needed to be replaced, but not Dawn: Political Teachings of the Book of Esther, 25 Fox, p. 167.
before teaching us what ordinarily Jerusalem: Shalem Press, 2000; S. Talmon,
happened in Shushan when one 26 Fox, p. 167.
Wisdom in the Book of Esther, Vetus
stood on principle. Her story gives Testamentum 13 [1963], pp. 419-455, Jeffrey 27 Berlin notes that according to Haman, the
us a greater appreciation of the Cohen, Vashti, The Unsung Heroine, Jewish Jews were not currently providing any income
Bible Quarterly 24:2, 1996, 103-106; and to the king and understands that the king is
salvation of the Jewish people as a Yonatan Grossman, Esther: Scroll of Secrets, not only giving Haman authority over the
whole and specifically of Mordecai. Israel: Maggid Publishers, 2013 [Hebrew]. Jews but also permission to keep any tribute
It also provides insight into Esthers But the list of articles and books about the he collected from them. [Commentary on
reasoning for trying a more diplomatic Megillah goes on and on. Esther 3:11, p. 42]
approach. Yet even while Esther 4 The name is often said to mean beauty 28 There are many midrashim that help to
learned from Vashtis story to confront or its equivalent, but that is apparently an explain why Mordecai refused to bow. One
the king in a more soft-spoken anachronism. J. Dynely Prince, Note on is Esther Rabbah 6:2, which suggests that
manner, we cant lost sight of the fact Vashti, Journal of Biblical Literature, Boston, Haman wore an idol around his neck so
1914 33:2, p. 87-90. bowing to Haman would be, in fact, idolatry.
the she risked her life in confronting Esther Rabbah 5:9 suggests a prior altercation
the king and it was only through Gods 5 Esther Rabbah 3:5.
between Mordecai and Haman and places
providence that she was successful. 6 TB Megillah 10b. These identifications both Haman and Mordecai in Jerusalem
are tied in with the chronology sketched out at the beginning of the construction of the
Vashti appears only briefly in the by the rabbis , many of whom saw the events Second Temple. When the enemies of the
Megillah but, like a palimpsest, she of the Megillah as taking place between Jews disputed the right of the Jews to begin
leaves behind traces. On one level, she the destruction of the First Temple and construction, both sides agreed to send
is an object lesson for other women the construction of the Second. Belshazzar messengers to the king to resolve the issue.
[or Bel-shar-usur], historically, was the son Haman was chosen to represent the enemies;
throughout the kings dominion, to of Nabonides, the last king of the Neo- Mordecai was chosen to represent the Jews.
keep their places in the household Bablyonian Empire. [Amelie Kuhrt, The On the journey, Haman ran out of food and
economy.32 But more to our point, Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources of the begged bread from Mordecai. Mordecai
she emerges as a major influence Achaemenid Period, London: 2009]. agreed to share his rations with Haman,
on Mordecai and Esther, and as the on the condition that Haman become an
7 See Sanhedrin 92b and various other
indentured servant of Mordecais. Haman
key for our understanding of the references.
agreed and the document of indenture was
challenges they faced and overcame. 8 Fox, p. 164 written on the bottom of Mordecais shoe.
Many years later, in Shushan, when Haman
9 TB Megillah 12b; Esther Rabbah 3:14;
Endnotes would walk past Mordecai and expect that
Yalkut Shimoni Esther 1049.
Mordecai would stand up and bow down,
1 Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 690:3. 10 TB Megillah 12a. Mordecai would extend his foot, displaying
the sole on which the document was written.
2 Jon D. Levinson [Esther: A Commentary, 11 TB Megillah 12b.
This filled Haman with rage. If the first
London/Louisville, 1997], 1, is surely correct 12 See Fox, p. 165. midrash gives Mordecai a warning that there
that Esther is a complex piece of literature would come a time when he would need
with few and perhaps no scenes that could be 13 Berlin p. xix.
to take a stand, the second midrash helps
omitted without damage. 14 Berlin, p. xx. to explain the personal nature of Hamans
3 Among the works which I examined while revenge.
15 Beal, p. 49.
thinking about Vashti were Michael V. Fox, 29 John Goldman, A Lion in Winter: A
Character and Ideology in the Book of Esther, 16 Beal, p. 111.
Comedy in Two Acts. New York: Samuel
Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 17 Beal, p. 124. French, Inc., 1966.
1991; Adele Berlin, The JPS Bible Commentary
Esther, Philadelphia, JPS Society, 2001; 18 Beal, p. 21. 30 S. Talmon, (1963). Wisdom in the
Charles D. Harvey, Finding Morality in the Book of Esther. Vetus Testamentum, 13(1937),
19 Beal, p. 23.
Diaspora: Moral Ambiguity and Transformed 419455.
Morality in the Books of Esther, Berlin/New 20 Beal, p. 26.
31 Rav Yoel Bin Nun, Megillat HaHephech
York, Walter DeGruyter, 2003; Timothy K. 21 Beal, p. 29 in Hadassah hi Esther, p. 52, 54 [Hebrew]
Beal, The Book of Hiding: Gender, Ethnicity,
Annihilation, and Esther, London/New York: 22 Beal, p. 11. 32 Beal, p. 25.

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5777

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