Mentors Lesson Feekback

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Cycle 6 Mentor Teacher Feedback

Now that this Cycle has ended, please give meaningful, specific feedback on your resident using the text fields
Note: This information is visible to the student. If there are concerns that you would like to discuss with the
Mentor Coordinator, please follow directions at the bottom of this form.
Cycle 6 Support Team 03/10/2016
Meeting Date: *
Mentor Attending? *


Checklist Completed? *


Building Administrator
Attending? * Yes


Western Resident
Attending? * Yes


Western Regional
Coordinator Attending? * Yes


Other Attending?
Do you have any
concerns regarding the Yes
student's progress or
performance? * No

Please comment on your resident's progress in the following areas to confirm satisfactory growth and success
in this cycle. (*NOTE: if there are concerns, please follow instructions below immediately):
Teaching: * Jess has performed very well in the start of her solo time in the classroom, I am
confident with the skills she has demonstrated.

Jess has been working hard planning the details and learning targets for our month-
long Economics unit. She is making literacy games, incorporating movement and using
the smartboard to engage and make learning fun. Jess has also been using depth and
complexity concepts to enhance her lessons; like digging into the Big Idea or the Details
of a topic. She is working with other first grade teachers on a craft sale for parents to
come purchase the products.

Management: * I like the way Jess has assimilated our existing behavior system while making it her own.
She stays firm but fair when working to redirect student behaviors. The students respect
her and follow her directions. I think Jess understands the importance of establishing the
rules, or agreements, that guide students in having a postive learning environment. She
hasa been reinforcing the school rules as well.
Professionalism Jess continues to collaborate successfully with all of our staff and classroom families.
Communication She has been contributing to our grade level meetings, and Jess has invited the
Collaboration: * Principals to come to see a lesson. She has also invited our literacy coach to come
teach a lesson on Learning Targets. We just had our parent/student/teacher conferences
and Jess effectively led each meeting by; assisting the student presenting work,
establishing a relationship with parents, while relaying positive and negative data and
keeping it light.
Additional Comments:
(FOR RESIDENCY CANDIDATES ONLY) Amount of time resident spends in the classroom/residency
Amount of time resident 35-40 hrs
spends in the
Time spent co- 7-12 hrs
(please refer to
Guidebook, Semester-at-
a-Glance, for suggested
Time spent 13-24 hrs
teaching/planning alone
(please refer to
Guidebook, Semester-at-
a-Glance, for suggested

Please add any comments you feel would be helpful to the Support Team below:

I see Jess has many strengths in the classroom, and a creative approach to making
subjects fun and exciting. She is very comfortable and hard working.
No file attached
*IF THERE ARE ANY CONCERNS around this candidate, please send immediate email the Mentor Coordinator,
Caroline Forrest, at

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