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By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

a. Describe project management process and its benefits
b. Use project management vocabulary and terminology
c. Identify the characteristics of successful a successful project
d. Create an Initial project plan
e. Complete the five steps of the Logical Framework Approach
f. Identify key areas of successful Monitoring and Evaluation systems
g. Identify and perform the major aspects of project initiation, project monitoring and close out
h. Review the strengths, weaknesses; opportunities and threats projects face
Course Outline:
1. Foundation Concepts
Project Management Process Overview
Focus and benefits of PM
Critical PM Skills
Concept of Triple Constraints
Project Life Cycles
PLC Overview
Phases, Tasks, Deliverables and Steps
Variations on the life cycle including an introduction to the LFA
Checkpoints and milestones
2. Project Initiation
Initiating the project and developing the project charter
Project governance, program management and portfolio management
Roles and responsibilities of the project manager and project sponsor
Roles and responsibilities of the team
3. Project PlanningAnalysis and Strategy Development
Introduction to LFA
Conducting stakeholders Assessment
Developing Objective Trees
Conducting Alternatives Analysis
Control Environments
4. Project Planningthe LogFrame Matrix
Step One: Top Down (Goal, Objectives, Outputs, Activities)
Step Two: Work Across (Measurable Indicators and means of verification)
Step Three: Bottom Up (Assumptions and Risks)
Benefits of Risk Management in PM (internal and external)
Risk Management Processes and Tools
5. Project Planningthe Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
The iterative nature of Project Planning
The central role of the WBS
Extending your LogFrame to a WBS
Developing a usable WBS
Using the WBS to clarify product constraints and activities
Using the WBS to facilitate project development
6. Project PlanningEstimating Resources
Defining an estimate
Specific types and methods of estimating (top down VS bottom up)
The estimating process
Final estimate development
Validating an estimate
7. Project PlanningScheduling
Scheduling Techniques (Milestones, GANTT Charts)
Using WBS
Critical path method
Risk assessment and logical schedule alternatives
8. Project Monitoring and Change Control
Reasons for PM M&E
Elements of PM M&E
Status Reporting
Financial M&E
Change Control
9. Project Execution (Under Development)
Procurement and vendors (tentative)
HRM and Team Development (tentative)
Quality Assurance (tentative)
Integrated Management (tentative)
10. Project Costing
Project Closing (administrative)
Project Transition and/or handover
Post Project evaluator
11. Success and Failure of Projects
Strengths and Opportunities
Weaknesses and Threats

Leadership and Team Building:

A case study!!!
Introduction to Management
Management Functions
Leader VS Manager
Leadership Styles
Leadership theories
Effective Leaders/Quality Leaders
Leadership in Asian Countries
Definition: Strategy
10. Mission/Vision
Effective Mission
Components of mission
Writing and evaluating of mission statements
What is leadership strategy?
Creating the leadership strategy
Creating the leadership development strategy
Formulating strategies
Team Building
Importance of Team
Tuckmans Model
Some general skills for leaders
o Motivation and motivation theories
o Effective communication
o Teambuilding
o Leading change in organization:
Change processes
Different types of organizational change
Influencing organizational culture
Developing a Vision
Implementing change
Increasing innovation and learning

Trainer and Class Room:

Highly qualified with enough training experience in Thailand, Singapore, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and
United Arab Emirates.

Class room is totally practical and there is no space for THEORY.

Teaching Medium
English will be the medium of instruction for this training.
Training Venue:
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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