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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Social Studies Central Focus: United States Constitution - Preamble

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:

4.C&G.2 Analyze the North Carolina Constitution.
4.C&G.2.1 Analyze the preamble and articles of the Date submitted: 03/14/2017
North Carolina Constitution in terms of rights and Date taught: 03/15/2017

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance- Students will answer a variety of questions on the Preamble of the US Constitution through a mini quiz.

Conditions- Independently

Criteria- Students are expected to complete at least 3 out of the 4 questions correctly.

Students will work independently to answer questions on the Preamble of the United States Constitution through a mini
four question quiz. Students are expected to complete at least 3 out of the 4 questions correctly.

21st Century Skills:

Supporting a balance of assessments, including Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
effective classroom formative and summative Vocabulary): Preamble, United States Constitution, Justice,
assessments. Tranquility
Students will use Chrome Books throughout this
Prior Knowledge: Some background on what a government is and how the United States is run.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

To begin the class I will direct students to take out their Chrome Books and 10 minutes
follow my directions promptly. I will tell students to pull up the website and place
together the pieces of the puzzle to create the overall picture. Once the puzzle
has been made I will show the completed puzzle on the board. I will ask 1
student to read what the puzzle revealed. Once the student has read the
1. Focus and Review puzzle I will then prompt the class by asking the questions
Does anyone know what the document you have just created is?
Are there any words in this document that you dont recognize?
What do you think a document like this could be used for?

I will then instruct the students to close their Chrome Books and focus their
attention on the board and myself.
2. Statement of Objective I will turn to the students and state Today we are going to be learning about
for Student the Preamble of the United States Constitution.
In this portion of the lesson I will begin by asking students 5 minutes
Does anyone know what the United States Constitution is?
Does anyone know who created the United States Constitution?
Does anyone know why the Constitution was created?

I will then say:

The United States Constitution is a document that was created in 1787 by
very important people. These important people were apart of the Committee
of Style which included James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, William
Johnson, and Rufus King. The US Constitution establishes Americas
national government and fundamental laws. the constitution also guarantees
3. Teacher Input
certain basic rights for American citizens.
What we have just created through our puzzle is called the Preamble to the
United States Constitution
**Place Preamble on the overhead/board.
The preamble is the beginning statement of the Constitution and lists all the
reasons why the document was created.

As I am talking about the US Constitution I will write everything down

through an Anchor Chart. The Anchor Chart will be compiled of
What, Who, When, Why, and Where
I will then place the sheet The Preamble on the board where all the 10 minutes
students can see it. I will then begin to break apart the Preamble.
Okay so the preamble has some pretty big words in it so lets see if we can
put each of these terms into our own words to see what the framers of the
constitution were really saying.

I will then go through each word on the worksheet and have students tell me
what they think the word means in the context of the Preamble.
I will provide the definition of each word and have students tell me which
4. Guided Practice
word of the definition best described the overall vocabulary word.
I will fill out the chart on the board as the students and I discuss each aspect
and word.
Students will begin to fill out their worksheets along with me as I fill the
same form out on the board for the whole class to see.
Once all of the vocabulary words have been determined and broken down the
students and I will create an Updated Version of the Preamble at the
bottom of the worksheet in order to better understand the document.

To begin this portion of the lesson plan students will be working with the 10 minutes
people at their tables.
The students will be instructed to create their own preamble for their
classroom that includes their classroom rules and functions.
Students you will be creating a preamble for your own classroom. This
preamble should be somewhat like the preamble to the constitution but
should incorporate the rules and functions of your classroom. This preamble
5. Independent Practice
should be a few lines long. *List all the rules of the classroom on the board*
I will then allow for the students to begin brainstorming in their groups of
what to write in their preamble.
When students have completed their preambles they will be able to share
them with the class.

**Provide an example on the board**

Formative: I will check understanding by asking students questions.
Summative: I will provide a mini quiz that students will be able to access
from their Chrome Books. The mini quiz will contain the following
questions. After each question we will discuss as a class the correct answer.

Game Pin: 3461816 (??)

1. What is the Preamble?

a. An introduction that explains the purpose of the Constitution
b. A statement of grievances against the Confederation government
c. A restatement of the Declaration of Independence
d. The Bill of Rights

2. When was the preamble we have today added to the Constitution?

a. The Committee of Style added it after the main part was written
b. It was the FIRST thing the Founding Fathers wrote
6. Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills: c. In the middle of writing the Constitution
d. It was added 100 years after the Constitution was made

3. What are the first few words of the preamble?

a. We the Government
b. We the States
c. We the United States
d. We the People

4. If the Constitution were apart of an essay for Writers Workshop class, the
Preamble would be
a. The body
b. The conclusion
c. The supporting details
d. The introduction

Students will complete this mini quiz and keep their results up on their computer
screen for me to check after completion.
For closure I will discuss with the students that we have now learned the
basic information of the Preamble and the introduction to the United States
7. Closure Constitution. I will then ask the students to each write down on a sticky note
that I will provide ONE thing that they have learned about the preamble.
*Place all sticky notes on the anchor chart*

8. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills:
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
Materials/Technology: Lined Paper, Pencil, Sticky Note, Puzzle Pieces, Individual Preambles, Large paper for the class
Reflection on lesson:

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

Preamble Puzzle:
Quiz Questions:

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