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7B11B Focus Student Selection (C-4)

DIRECTIONS: For this lesson series, use the entry-level assessment data to select students representing the range of

abilities in your class. Student selection should include a high, medium, and low student to show your ability to
differentiate your instruction. Identify three focus students and an alternate for each on the inquiry:
Focus student 1: English learner
Focus student 2: Special populations
Focus student 3: Teachers choice
In the boxes below, record first names (last initial if necessary) of selected students.

Must Include Below Grade Level At Grade Level Above Grade Level
Aligned CA State Minimal Partial Understanding Adequate Thorough
Testing Levels Understanding ALD 2 Understanding Understanding
Focus Student 1:
English Learner
Evelyn O.
Alternate: Alex S.
Focus Student 2:
Special Populations
Victoria R.
Alternate: Crystal G.
Focus Student 3:
Maris T.

Alternate: Yoyo S.

Describe instructional or behavioral considerations for each focus student. Additional considerations may include work habits,
interpersonal skills, academic ability, personal interests, etc.

Evelyn O. is a part of the IB Diploma Program at the school, so she takes 6

Focus Student 1: extremely rigorous courses. She did not take part in AP courses as a
English Learner sophomore, as did many of her peers. She is extremely active in multiple
sports, including volleyball. Participation in class is one of her strengths,
although she frequently appears tired.
What support/resources (e.g., EL coach, translation materials, primary language textbook, etc.) do you anticipate this
student will need?

This student speaks English well, but sometimes struggles with formal writing. She needs frequent
assistance with structuring her arguments / expressing her thoughts in an organized and coherent
fashion but often does not have the time to come in for tutoring. During group activities, she is
placed with students who excel in formal writing whenever possible in order to model effective
Victoria R. was a part of the IB Diploma Program at the school before she
Focus Student 2:
decided to drop out of it and only take individual IB courses. She has anxiety
Populations before exams, and often finishes too soon and does not complete / support her
written thoughts with appropriate evidence.
What support/resources (e.g., Paraprofessional, designated instructional support, adaptive technologies, etc.) do you
anticipate this student will need?

Victoria R. needs to speak with the school counselor in order to assist her with anxiety. All school
faculty and support personnel should consistently welcome her and try to ease her stress during
exams by focusing on the positive.
Focus Student 3: Maris T. passed the AP U.S. Government and AP English Literature exams as a
Choice sophomore. She is a part of the Junior Class Board and excels in her classes.
What support/resources [Entry-Level Assessment (C-3.1), School and District Resources (A-3), etc.] do you anticipate
this student will need?
Maris T. will need to be consistently challenged, as she can become bored if the
assignments are not rigorous enough. I should provide her with supplemental
resources to encourage further academic development in the field of history.
Copyright Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education
Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) 2015-16
Inquiry into Teaching and Learning Focus Student Selection

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