Projectile Motion2

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Introduction to Projectile Motion

A physics projectile is an object moving in space under the effect of gravitational effect of earth
alone is called the projectile motion and the object is called the projectile. A projectile is project
the object at once till its original inertia occur and gravity is attracts downward. The another
object does not projected by force. The gravity project the object in both horizontal and vertical
directions and both has velocity and displacement.

When we consider the projectile motion, the following assumptions are made:
1)There is no resistance due to air.
2) The effect due to curvature of earth is negligible.
3) The effect due to rotation of earth is negligible..
4) For all points of the trajectory, the acceleration due to gravity "g" is constant in magnitude and

Projectile Motion : Types

Two types of projectiles -  The projectile motion are divided into two types
1) Horizontal projectile
If a body is projected horizontally from a certain height with a certain velocity, then the body is
called a horizontal projectile
2) Oblique projectile
If a body is projected at a certain angle with the horizontal, then the body is called an oblique
Projectile Motion : Horizontal Projectile
 Horizontal Projectile motion- Nature of Trajectory of Horizontal Projectile

Consider a ball projected with velocity     in a horizontal direction from point P at height h from
the ground. During gravity force   is perform in vertically downward for ball acceleration. Due to
this acceleration the ball follows a curved path and after sometime t, the ball reaches at point Q
with velocity    . The magnitude and direction of     are quite different from those of   . The
change in velocity Δ   during this time may be evaluated by subtracting   from . It may be noted
that change in velocity Δ    is directed along    . This indicates that the horizontal velocity
imparted to ball remains unaffected by the vertical motion caused due to gravitational
acceleration    .
Nature of Trajectory of Horizontal Projectile
Suppose a body is thrown horizontally from a point O with a velocity " v" , at a certain height
from the ground. Let x(t) and y(t) be the horizontal and vertical distances  respectively covered
by the projectile in time "t".
Then the equation of motion of projectile for the horizontal direction is
the equation of motion for vertical direction is
y(t)=Vy(0)t + 1/2at2  -----(2)
y(t)=1/2 gt           ------ (3)    { since at t= 0 sec Vy(0)= 0 m/sec}
  Combining equation 1 and 2, we get
Y(t)=1/2 g(x/v)2 = Kxt2                 ----(4) ,
which is a second degree equation in x and first degree in y , Hence the equation of parabola.
so, we conclude that a body thrown horizontally from a certain height above the ground follows
a parabolic trajectory till it hits the ground.

                Let the ball fall on ground at point R. The distance OR is the horizontal range. If T is
the time taken by ball to reach the ground, than keeping in mind that initial velocity in vertical
direction is zero, we have for vertical distance h,

                         h =   gT2 , that is T = 

Therefore horizontal range R = Horizontal velocity x Time

                                  R  = vT = v  .

Projectile Motion : Oblique Projectile

Oblique Projectile motion- Trajectory of an Oblique Projectile
Consider a projectile thrown with velocity v(o) at an angle theta with the horizontal , which can
be resolved into two components
(i) V(0) cos(θ) along X- axis
(ii) V(0) sin( θ) along Y -axis.
The horizontal motion of the projectile is uniform motion and the vertical motion is controlled by
the force of gravity

This is a first degree in "y" and second degree in "x. hence the trajectory of projectile is 
Maximum height- H= V(0)^2 sin(θ)^2/2g
Time of flight- T= 2 v(0)sin(θ)/g
Horizontal range- R= v(0)^2sin(2θ)/g                       {when θ- 45 °, R= Rmax= v(0)^2/g}

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