(Magic) Reginald Scot - The Discovery of Witchcraft PDF

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, 8, 3d SCOTS -: Difcovery of VVitchcraft: PROVING The common opinions of Witches con- trading with Divels, Spirits, or Familiars ;_ and their power to kill,rorment, and confume the bodies of reer omen, and children or other cresares by dials, ree fyingin te Ay Ses To be tr gory” tne! aad hovers - WHEREIN ALSO, te end, eutin pale of Wichnongerstpon ec tin difeoveratherrers fo dethfuper- {ition sod ignorance in ine breed them, dnd concerning ibe opinonsof ach wil ha iguorence ould rather bbenuinteined, thaw krowledge buy fsrched for, be~ canfe thereby offence sy grow ante jhst e412 com. ‘muted. by Chrifi himfdftofearch for kwowlodge : for Jin + Fiat Kings Bevour (e+ Selon faith ta fearch a a !00"%" thing. ripifotleaidto Alexander, theta mind mel fursi- ford set more autful hon abody richly arsed. What van be more odious $0 man,or ofenfivrto God, thaw ig- So races for shrongbiguorance the Jeares did put Chri 8043s, Jordeath, Which ignorance obo acer forfaketh.ie promi" fed life cacrlsfting : and berefore among Chriftians it oould be abborred. above all ober things. For even a¢ Spl we sorefile in the derk,se tumble in the mire, Ore, ‘forhen we fe not the tratb,ove wallowe im errors. A blind, ran rey feck leg ithe roies ee be sd andl sed ‘i fovn « doubt dial by iquorencs. Fidly, trash ‘tho foover fouud auto jegorcoceus + fives fever se dunsbily . Avdsf thy mil alae vorkvorledse, and ‘give them io leaveto ae it, men sere much better be ‘without it than aveit. For it is.as to haves talentand tobideitunder theearth s or to put a candle wider a Nai.2st Infbell: or as to have afbipand to let ber Ire alraierin Wee" * the dockswbich thing how profitableit is, Veam fay fome- "°°" what by experience. An eat ‘TheBpiie, ahead omc meni a nonccan be happy who hwomabet what felicity mean ai i Mr aecerichs sid wote bce then bereof? ‘Truly the heathen herein deferoed more eee ncxatioethen many chrillant, for thy pared no pain no coft nor al toattainto korwlede Pytbagen Bei ea them to Legend sferwrrds ite foCrote and Lacedemonia ; and Plate out of Athens in Totaly and pti inet sowledge which when a man bath, he fecmethte be eparated from mortality, For pretiows STones, andl ‘lber ceecrures of what value foever, are bt counter~ LSS PEGS SEE: Totheright worlhipfal his loving friends, Matter Dodtor coldmd! Deancot TRochelfer, and Malter DoGtor Read-oant ‘Archedeacon of Cantarbury, Be. Aig ond fb Mgt a ft A atc ordering tence ice Tmo wea re ie) wo ngs Fe 5 Re eer bin) il accep of mgood wll {foie ovbis joel: ney are mortal, corraptibleand i= Sinha Cook or expeieney a nto wm aan, thieis mmortapare and certain.Wherefore Wie mater een ach eat appertaine bate 20 seein nant Disiniy ad Philo= if Thave fearched and found out any good thing she i ae er ac bal (mothe sbe[ume commend unto you: tomhows shough Lowe al that I bavesyet am 1 Told o make others partakers with youin this poor gift. open canfieed of Pe errr ibe ground- work of my book i lid. Wbere- Hedagb Tne bono be oy ficiently informed st dh jmtbejadgemencand centre of se cone [oro pet mts erway mba fare teen a gotenpreeic A cee abel others tht Tk of er elingt = andi thal re ‘Yourlovingcoufen Syl anid oyne you witb im, Benga cond neighbours TRegeScot, _{fgeibr nibs coromon eal andliving lends ni me T reefer ant yoy. bce dames for Jus, Bt for tet sue epee for Come) 0 Jagan it, de fee encore ha wb hand stmecer Co, nt te ame o ifcountenance a aeseneneneneseensneceuenerencagune |ftiannven cai, ale diene mfr Jenteal tbo en bay (Aig nt ening) Yo i teria af ld sa wien mF Seereerenten: [fru benmy fe ignorance ys courte, Ce cy er Per etm ener er a toma aitargomenty ae cae isthe frangr= Elegrent words may Pa ecb ea mae ero ear Sf Testis ‘ebofjone drink ough 1 be all in cen dil ib faithfol handy Tivp dil beat well accepted » a Brong vine feelin «filer bole wit fltering bert. ‘Andjel tt Wap argearberaiy trina Win, thane My ity and ‘The pittle. ‘TheEpinle. fy,_ ate give an iba re end fly ef boul seh eon iw hyd then 161 form | i a ge dl nantes ih i lpr fa my vee Fear, Tis pra Dicnstas wrt bated fob a0 rachael rng einwiou. Ainge poe If deacon, iit apy that th wih is ft sce i chive eg SRT ccc pf a ia oe ie agg poe of oa eed 32 Ct a Ge acl Po Saou eye Jel Lf | offen foie Be gol 008, ef rapt of im rive get samen nod wih Oe CO i Ty | ee eeepc moot ne man nd of olay fe Won a ltt edt Bena Cm RO ga a cmcome cw ce Dk? We fd t Beene Site: a cat aml a mame fo» Le mon Ie mene ac Sreniee tains ape dmanded ofS that ‘elem fe orate ned bok bittne dk ba upite manly, meh at \ sede ee ony. snr mim cong eC TE kiya ing elie ein marae lo ei, ime eb oni wit a efeitos a Zaaincine o elas by ta Ey, alba Al Samy an fed eb ma eh sph nd anata nde rbewcced, oh fekt maa, ce 7 No ee pce Tm fe i hme int aml cin cd enc eg fu an oie» Ht he le mee cong 2 a et i Ew a aad my on iN A ed srsatatcrl bene weet ntfrcraincowasde, 2b IS ei soein tem and ibe sraes: wily Fee a ‘come behind ny back and bite me. say oles inion i vemnena at ome behind my a an Cy gay fly fete re ad mace lef chs i 1 nda ¢und ing man) ies wie He Dr Xch miraciloas works ear imp ibe mf ool tet matersy aremat fools ; ete eo gach a NE i email gd oe cy a meee oe a ct so eed oy 4 | j ‘Matthew 5 oncam yoxr enemie maime yo4y {i ae pha eal communis be ele I lami ten by hoe temporal biti ee ic ie ae ive | a ea er pecay on Sb Pal tend Sa Mee thf er males dtl “onl cher qreer eeopted fom ewe, thet te lary ag pine rama wom f Sie mialeseprfed in bck al cnflantls reported i qratelrhes 7 Hf fds 9 them ae T Javed 7 sretcn sbtolavely, ar by. meanca cen ecomplifeall shoes | ‘hat ee armani wal Ja 1 fama nt be daubedof (bch ral comer miliqnaginations, wt ‘ney + aud lauaring to ered «earch accrding to theron f= ftp mieten rder condemned and nel) ter magical sordt ‘ind cures dietons advanced say wold anes eoerbca the free Clateh. dnd pen a th(einchotng Paracefians anf he peg in iru order of pack te bir charm es ate a ain fm ee Tike teditonn Ando tis ed the eee ontbr athis ime me beteegereensnsesesereseneeteeeet es si eta tne Seesssessses see oat seen ng dace steer eth Hegeeene ne eheeed oO 14) aire ite di “ To theReaders. omaage tere left ae mitt i Re. rahe eles cy ycunba a We BSc \ Ile cefer Daal fib be was not@pminier of Teter, bao helt ‘Thos at oe jeliver unto the world, and to yew, th j ee some egumene ch bee eet Me aber my felfegs Maine fal cd, na mie trot ecoe wan koowledgts #3 see ain ive into te heaven Pa ee we wii pean ans iy Peers knowledge bs fed. Ber iar a pace ay, Toe el ea ly oF aneBruwrs, «Saghivd, amet cover fr Mfc bcedabart, se Artaniad yn dtc wigan ee ge! Gach one dg ns yf EEO eft ahs i Benen thy: Reis eer tute waa ple youto cad y book with eerrcice sitneer ime coesveaadhring anes hs See ety Eonrayor ene or omar tema ie yeihmermlicurnad og ett ay Yo sod wi oer: ceo lonke wn-ny Wed a Ta td me impoyede For thould m9 mote vos sca themifaimdred yea ce ful are inca Bera ee lee tat odin goed Cel ha est and ESE ie acne eee dnt “i Styouldgotoa Pai sn Ga tray yon bleep wing etna poh ce, coroner Dre. BREET nofency robe elon and of pone fy a Sion ann con oGoas eras |ouldashuly her ae oe eran fren oain citar ou" Newt. se et etree mer» thea well be maemo ie tere wictmonge orn» fallbothe shad of ‘Beieproidion. 7 aoe me desicaed 10 ax) witb more good will, And i Joe ar yu ave ity Hall be nt you (upon elves Of i Tp ccoain arule, peelatycecescharms,or.t0 defend ij from all inchantment, — : deeb mle dg | ‘Yourloving friend rei YetheGetck | . Reg, Seohe eng cen and oct ODS felt gengace pier ae hehe Sorento Revie Suda rss pyyyd Sane eee uy Sergaipteccre gnats tee aan ar ieaeeresetnee Terh ae od ac Pekieraieceoeits tian ona . Retro ra unraa tans goat ose miicsieg ly aya ie aga oi ana od pa 3 ‘othe Readers. conofthe ignorant 10 inforce mine aves argument vo agrivate “fone "eden econ he one, Im aettbe anh and wickedncc of thew which ae cled witcher, ome ns A ready bok hal be no mats bt ! oy spear ‘en fee HZstcgocyof oe which uke ae them coworke wonders the dee jienceyand alo with t if you fad your flees tet. esha have tol ‘vo fach miracoloas matters, unt ein Sateen dwt a ete SRE arity ome es age estrarontacbeseofore yO Held coast} to Anes Th nance of cuales, the ancient wid aniverfall hate conceived againit et se prgoe get Ronee a Bese a hatte, cent tell weds he wou mate san eet youre ciestng Sy Pinna, ne cca emu omen Fg ensbatwich persevere | SESSA aes ny le ear onbe once dieing om held ine ft eT bn: the aeration and nd er deena ‘cat eg tence th any By basen NE, fe, peal by Bp, and man er he cane 8 Woe sei are he re tages tte an desc ‘a Sau ee es ter IB 51) Kom th colon oie rp fhe endenaion dons ircharees male intimes and thet beggee teeny Gah uae et ofRobiagoodclelow and the fey wiih Were Wont WE Shc tow Iemma eek ese | MCA Ta catia hsk, ect shaehenter etjtiots at cer ok pgs Ge, Yer and alo he or EG wich mone allt td, ard alamo en hey mulch ee galletas ict deteg! Theme, nl cuter the faethe cae ier gy wari paca couraehe oo omiptne oe eo We wean eugene uch ho hoe el ch oly i te al pl on wen ny of EA lend sy Fu gal es hese aceon em oe a LSD Rea och teil) Rat ti Re pr ones Toe mini Eat teal) pe maya lae Gea ers ter : ieee he Non kh OA EMM afte eon a Reese ac coy Reming gt rh oath) queasy aot abine ee Re Wa mci eee ed a de nce ul Ege on orice varomma ham Be ew teen ca lhe ucapterit ese ita el od inher marci Tied ag tet ntl ena sy ten tnt ean etm oh, eens oe trea gcc ee Se! wn doa hea ft a won edt eb tt 4:30 cant aac abeanshtewics bemen, Sonor mohin| in mime cham of aor ee preter EO cr mesllegdcttetiertrsa tect michyt ale inn cecal ett nt a tae W, See fy soon feast bende mt nr rami, means es MGM Weta bag! on ce manhunt 0% beemlc aman Nem a Senn ng hora pened tained Seem del mont Tener aes Sm wa hced fn mete 8 nih wi rolene ofinjry fo a woman in which efpet Vg a aril arese a ed eT eh ise BH ES AL) don merce men feminine pblem 396 cee ees Se SAHA | Meneame Pt ay se wy Qed COO™ here ae a ore isbabci one of whe af uly har me de nd prc i inet a enmar ie, earls dere Fe diac the goey tod power ef God be nor fsbidy : | Sa eet ty | Sat ete Fa er Stes ede oj Rimi ERR", Raat it ti ew REA phe werk: ehh Crear fol be attred rhe power of 3 ‘Sean Seeonly. shut the sexton tobe plpell may he eno fund ‘Sidra peel tome berYTedig har Mf fone and ch gm conpsion bern tow eyo fathom a ‘Eneuige Becasfeieyy,whishreconmoalyaccafed of wich cay /'%o the Rerdeat. A amented wih texts For (Go knowet) sanyo he poor wretthes agente wee releved, hun cuffed; and moe meet te rd ih tems chs ae toKeep them and « pie The Epifile areshele cee ofa ot promt, ak seme hing ie wot bsteand fine eon ofall fers he exe ‘Eg ging hm eet oe, cr pete ek tc og Schiele Utten Cm being void fy Other may of tevente) ch a eay to Ree hy than an enceuenetO OTRCRL sees tes Cong sid ne, Pleas onc] angemeldet Seed rer dch te way tc onfeonny thar hey ea aor tag oa orev (ee tern han) wihanae wiih estat eetinotmes ev cy ogy Re ta ‘Sforagia ee tc iim ae ot sas earch he ih ble sla gern ol nessa ft ennene Nema hve, eae hea te Sa Tegr That endo mypor aly) cate eet tat coum rer eed foe tin oy Me csepe Fo the wait ome ac pacer ged on ine wan afc) rm se tna tela sche ean wee ted be Hie hese oy Pepe sed ad umf now, a see agai we fotonhy bese of wc cher ee ee er ence rah day of fl chunegurcntl emai tere oy 2 ic Er bmn fot oem ci wren ory he Fea ty a Soenimen cashecomfell of whole fate prlring ‘abi sipetn ne kee wows be oe i on) ew mvc mt on nets altel and ended ih eo eee he ip cour Pao Whi china pete tee Pec coms bor ghd te Fe ae estate end ler home (lathe) ace Feet eet tse maine of ec et Soma, shin ty win ar tne tee Sitecmitednce Tetch ams teeny Sey esa fahseates hee fal md Faecal ncat thy sd Git n steel see ees atonmtige Neti Eos aera ceed uhaig berm of ic wil Fe ee abe se pment ee ‘hetame fx or gender i Bh of on father reporth, at BEY ib.$.ap. rar beng mc vr ole oa rode bata MES Bde wt ned gee regent (end i tae wpe acely beloved oA NAH giberrom, Fees tear ed wire could im 0 whe dete fom fe tt Se iaing ale riathe knew all cog amd cod Cane eee pales ecole eta count peopi fered > Panes adcontely ms fpyting by Hs own ky thc Be cold ff re are e wa Candeined cb based: which C0 sone pene lle tft than 10 loo hisefimaton Fees ore ater ang comattonapon Bin and being Fae ecs evar peicving sconce treed af ME. Tikal ahutved relic afexccaionorcveay due ln wbich ine Sra te: bom ob with omy aed dh ih mate eit wah (weet win wicca be for fo Set aeakesbedy. and being recor on ng tat the Fee tee rte sei be wm ey wom toa salad ai dangerom Pea ee OT creathwfd hmagtions + and concing Bs TT" ‘SEIRSD fm he wba before oo men ec emo im By ay Pt Sag cdo, be toga podrmeney he Coy Rave ewig aad de if Kein mre cee ta Sag eyo alae tlchreach ot to ticenling ache amp 10 ena ods lay. For iff be woe, whch hey time, aE Seago Seite hund ofa witch le gato ma Sees Tce har by him we uve oun oa frme of te see dnt daca meds be ely the eurmey28 10 pai big lingo man ov women han he erence (ine ean and exng ey of ne ad Th ac oct iis sce, me NC Re oe ee hah Oe tasers wecnbeelonidect An) Richaeeh onan worng an Uy Nobnnd me et ur he fi Fa Te ee iyknn sdf] Seed on eth ah ah eM hah mae 3 3 feria ft eh it, nage wa] yb ei a re a en ad eas 9 ane wo lh hoe a ea eibeed waved] Senehmen scene oa be carg An ter Ade 9 Boe eaten ghee ee Io amnynseh (am) taeda, ba bono Oe ecm ten ep etnccot eaten vi eter ame wer, Teamame dy, wo ed OB Em eh Rocca 2 mal cag in ia mun nye powt ee ad ers ee ih Bisse ncn Eagan me nsecondemathy and ou rvs acqucetl § rd cel hen get tare mre Src wl ch ne i shaggy Sige a Sen ot fn aiten ec de wernt dak nt | evra be doldcd wih anger) yes bck cacy eo ele Bs Now TT ae Eile de. exeac ively ed yp ome of ie rquirs hemilves) i willbe, tee dic to gny wich whatone ‘iopely of themy wich aside oot roy fepoty teh a toad inthe Senate? Bren fa eo nd wus, roahem eich dey ha seypmi ece ae te, ing here tame) neo WC dory nt di ewe wich en onion cour wey os ai cog hu homer to Ged whch ey ae tery axed we crt witches senate ane een ym om ir Ingenceeed ne er ha kno ty he walt af muchas enh {incepta tna honda ele pedeny michele soseoe ingen ie, aad asm ier” whch yee all a0 Tcemiiedcoumelghgnat er OnPlen Seth mala] eve tobeuedby ancien ssc: Perk ten ie RSH, oheae al cea, 4°77 ty aownaflemrhinatbewin snc ty cae and abd essa mew weedy We Halle 0 cstng Caf "Thea seater Be pones Gan ea sey cm ced pc obegat Nano nhc mdfto h tm ok eve yh) Sm Srmitateertackrespacgqscigaa| Si swateucursae mazen mats Seeihes Homber hte bean) in BELO ANS tamanfh ty sion Seemed the hal and sly af he agtsontees He {ecy mcnivcraand cate SN tng ig wich nfl arbceihe cen oie} andscomenen ed pape ee, Se acaeatcesn chm, Mea crag cites pene ere, Sree en paseo inthe cle Hee acme the snlar od confenancy ofc ak ad es Ease Te SER ee hte ths ean myc ba nil an nan ie Sod ‘a a ee eater idence bun thebodsandetcvl ene re a le ges tl genet fombis cay itch poms extend oto do ach ss mo Tio: ie onen ich moma Sy or orn end nag ote ek ea geen nd ov econo) Aa face wee het re tb cae Hess Fecteau glsagtdl ee atch ceca aah ee oe a Togea gee Src tern ronan eee Bett edt locke yon en ayia ol ele mabe, theres AA For ss! a a opt fe occ a rch ak commen ie ny i ef dedy wa ole a Pip, - Troma Be nike Wy fold i ics Tey th dtl le neh ay ince hol Sagi he ven es Bh ice es sina St whi te 1 oh ac aibsth oa ch Se is GOD fecal ich mo etree pperanciane COD (NG a nee Sy aint a sghenes an 3 se olde gone end oi fo aa iow rans hit e Rod apee thar ch eon can weve) ianlore ngewe wil image secs wee ne Eich, whch mnuvicand kates imratee ees sec gnecer comet [estan Scns ne cas eS Ki agi ese th ig pan comes SEAR en ate Macey eB fee or ey eal ‘Riles era lois commonly fo maker dese PURE Hi trentiem att oe, Se ey empaths ene wee eee Seat hdc natant 1 mn singed alts hep, ae DoE ata aa acd ene 1 fee be wey me fo hey ior a EnEgeaiReegeat ected mgt ices ro ‘onl their eth be made poubles “Oke sana ete grain cernonesy lomedarey beconmeh sah ee ire int praieand neatye oN ‘ink wwithee forges) Dawes. of Witchera, 36 3: Book, —Thedicovery rahe cin ftp ih ene i by Bo i a tin one a ‘th ” sl tine of thewitchesenegrte the del eccuptt he lecoltbewich info pred aiitod, a he haband it be Tier sng pec a conten ea hey fom owar. th i in writen by led ie Peare of bewieromag done et wen ed fo he wieSVelac wt dpc ox ofr abode armen inet pif and ei men) cen Tench beet inhr omy. Where he Ince Sree and henry and namely of Lavin oo ee ei hve tery body inthe ed pay anda ps mone aloof hi exces. ‘bed ibe wees an yer ero) te hae Re Mhect a hd Keyes Gh) also CHAR UT em witches re emma ape Bie th devils te Tie ey ir ne x fetes: ceding nDaneny Eilat Hien chet earepeeecrte ar, eet eer Hecke eer eet ct, Eee Sa eee eee remae seanerparins Se eemie: pment: ich ii i aa fe Eogugeltewdyongt wetcn be lech tcassee atte, Wek intone Senet Orctines iho Ppeine for cree Somes Kn Sec te ft mec, Thee ea iden anal a orgs cf oscineiistorte i dba i ete Fomine oe Te tay mld Dot cal ‘ape fone th) etd ox wie cae 2 Bai ih) ety et thy ae dial ae seu Ace Pes et ai de | Malate oe Siicomres ‘ ited] Hakone eh ean fu evry one, exch witch uh i CRT ee otk chevy end hey hs ete Sor re a en vee niche gan tema tite tsi ubrtti iey ry ON GACY aA snag te Sea onde thames etna] Seainaarttt att od eae dy i, as tee mg Yeon a Bs, edge And ye elewhere he thee mater ey do at eae ee | ae eet ee et «iid wl sfonde whch gy oc ao a Hen cde haat geet Oe mca ce Meo sane tie aie ih hey po a mc eb aS oe Tilndeheeon tt coin mel Wri ve seemed gs Pacers acne Sec Ms rte ee tee ee tn abt De a ek Srntunced ake eT “eheer acincrokh ater ma Bee witness fee ‘he porwith she Bloody hen bare they she ‘tab iteviie md @ eee set ee rn matt caata eae aay ia, hanger 8 See Heatbits rh oe the alaekhs es eet onca ene Down Pore om sae to ye tance te CHES 8 Fare em ped an wd wii oman wee Titcherprivsteteague. of Witcherale. Chap.” 99 ‘el a) endnote ie eit it Rist pes renee rb 3B Book, Thedlleoveny | sesnitagming fom coat estat aman, te, Muerte, 1] diag? Mpaneccnee amy se mbna Tatler it ttt sine led REG Gecgciae || eartateeraichacmnt ie Erker te erent 5 td whien they xcon sepa Sagi tga se ise = i Pedic) te emsioe ceca i Ofte private league vere tle of Badinecomernng a Freche ‘ i we ston pl» omog acy mil lie Na coal Tioga er Ae nd me he nd econ ett Selon wihtm maton’ shreamo they eae pm, ™ ‘and come not inco the fires affembly. a " ‘Adit ee thnk) he deviomctiney ch exert, cexctporl hag Ssadenewth foe wo nc eat he SSE Cao ncn rae tetracaine led fenbicsdnaithe wetesberapen sane s ad Bln ah re ile wane "a eben omar. TTT nner oftheir privat league fetid tobe, when the devil iavi- THE, Sane c aie cet cag mal th il if Tie er eine eau eteasek he Sone ticks reat mega i 4 tor ape te Janes . it * Fraeamee ny, ee gt, ses Tosegetiretes eal Secret ruse, Bow foely heim i Wu me gO. esa teeeuictirenes veeaeceeie ' be madebewixtscatall bod svete and wl WB them wth shanks and odd es} among Haber whet { eimai oe a Gerdivetenle rette one. the mother where wi ere i i ir fk Stel cadena Linn ht oe 9 Bb width dee gid pt ges Se lt gfe heath iptv pecind her wharedne Oe: Aa hoe althonghe ‘were noo apertitins yah ot ony wont fhe hin with ce | {ecvad inhib yer bythe eta oft Snmene {hed ores ‘ew imedincly comeyedo Line, nt the ambi) of wre ong ‘Which when be abe wa sedan isthe ae eGo ht fy inuke ize? hed oon she words the ioe en walne ay, on done {ec him tere alone farke ned and own be oc by toe Tie," Bc hd good confine sr younay preci byte fo he ofthe files fe was avery honeh mam tube sce acre lepine Tiretoca wi "Aa cedber tobe tured: ‘Bae forte adae yet hee peel or Bde do once foot a pee iathedrae toe veste | thet irae Ic apex roaghonral edn book, thas eer fede wih wore gel arpa ne her Ire acte © arpe gut nt Rete ciett enh mtinbedigtccntiny WE cl ari tar matric se ti cere Hern i mle eitcomaremenns, ment ugtey an psy 8 He Bch ade | eecaleny eeinaronc yl a folic tee cap | Ken Rlvgehcoumeon nee wheter Then te done ok St tlm Menthe fe Lenk ee) eanaaiey ae dred heb ane eeu argent eehedgen ial OB 9 ‘er bed- Flow ola te evdet heteoh, ibe sat ofbirbeds tae i ashen re ene trata te ee 1H opae, sapcct ations SSS Se eee 1) eet rues ircy ge cent beget PP box os na ic the ets eel enecred Thc i viviote! tee nse, aa ay cae ne oo iki pcm, urna nny OE a seal eter te Seen alte Mie een eeeaeta = TAS gaa eye tical athe nar pe pe rovimerh i ie wei ve + x ey testi ano i ‘Melancholy. of Wit . Cha fe ato, Tinton ef eatin ne nictescisatncee ' sealing ef eames tfc eh NE, ° esting weal Esp ces eens ape ek eee ete aii iri moa A oe a roe a Tad eda Muaen ah ame se tsvint od ni pase enti a ple, contained by force, eonpeted by far inka pa Ee ome imani eel barat Seneca deel heme cell nancy ‘Piatenanre dle cits nde estar de el ey ae: trae ett tac Snes epee em ay fenjn nan pete commniti neque injuria fine anim ‘schat is, There! shn Bed. thee iene ire ceed ea eee a etn hen amd be ‘ERIE Meeps rae ral a no tae ii diconetion be xine by nin, pty (eerie and ine Ey feel ne sca Sonn aon cn ey } 2 ep a rs. Tal cep cam £; bare haem we er amet ruched with ae ah aha out ody unto ene hal IS ey dg i chr 8 om wih gb ce aa areal tse arma cate, Co ead std pve that he sige cotta Qe de ‘ry for ih bs ey Dencaceo eesecae raatige RUMI wa pte lemen And yet foot wee nee Een sly ih sah 0 hh Gcheatts ders for wor keeping promi wih hher for an old cloak, co uh Sdtinge fled und tee waanged ft et boo Beale Hep mle) afl wom ee te ee ely fae coins, and ge- ign te heady a wiaenin Ag VI tind te etoce wich meleiety hats ad okt a moss. a festa fan erkshia he bolt of amoeratr o &wontet ae ath as fly ere fr we tem Toran one of ie machtheperoorotac ain is ‘0 enidnte fuc intolerable tortures for wo gait and by wiceh craft can worke wonders; and do. wh tena ege Ss ht ne Moa ‘dle ee id ely cet onc thy beta eeea pe pen eee hes foe, Mer neh cet he Ea Woes deb ied ther ht ef hom te aes feto had upheld Ae Taps elect iam te tener restate Spa Mae gt ef Sa a eerste inane emis oe eee atta te Seg et oceirsice tel ec Se Net ala ete ne Sueeie MEN Ba oa Se ty ntti tty Se Sn lel cea Scie Matt od ne ae vic’ spite troop of mld ad) apie bed Freche st marae eked 2 rte oer hd aa ace eg patent iter pate hs oe Beith, fond wah pe pe ” SS 44 3-Book. ‘Thedifcovery Melancholj} Th gc dtt BOOM, ng tistewmn Ue mato: Moma aot i through ‘32 Pukiia could deliver tm from ths concep, fs ies Meee eet aera a fe ‘) | ek, Sksicumeaeineh ah Se cit cece ly te i oe Medes men, eh Hae Slee ened ater fede iit ee fe dememed gels) tia alee i Teta. insie mune Si pga nae eet er bef owe A JOR ADARNE at ome gods the co \ fbr tei eta ola {ease a | ieee fe te ae hn dd bn 4 Cheeta pao ilo {esta ede his panna en gas ‘tbat tvers wh i Sikes cyerwere bound uP are ye eng done tis agin OSE ee eto quien che man i ie ay da aie ted ert or naivety tal eb Fear eh inbomachnbi woul mane Frente wee Mgr eamping x ee Fe a ta The alarms al Denes it Pie heMonachy wae voted it wreocke} there fol, mM tons Sn ea tii dev Tike Smaginaion Irom oe. thie nen: Seer, bodys 9 oF whic ell Sha ey om Tondo fecal bing fo eat eet RTS net eye ty em came ' ineeine i, ets e lce ' Ss Se ery a aa a, ts me Well (ad the PD eo de my ny om me, WEL nk uy, being Coxe oye with Se hci called Trail beng OG one SiaiMidihe The tnneer ome, Di ‘himielf reportest feahe "that affirmed conftantly. thee hes th eis th wee lena rue of amelneotice pon nay Be ese ‘ cies why tui old witch De paui.r? othe bane nd pte Yh Se ae ition eines ve 1 in fubeareth 1 ernest ces es Weionffionsconfoted, »0f Witcherale. Chup.10.°43 reeds fo enfly xamioed wid ich oils off whereby Rah ns fey aera ene cree aa eat fe, youre the exeations done pon witches ihe, ints pat sg rhe uray ot lately in th ands Yo Ma ef impli ix Usonceds one, hing hs ght wit wilbeeeen “Amore Re td coneions wend the hare was witch cond the ‘fee fet deah or excetiony tae head red all the teae 394 [porwed thes and ard weather dha Happened inthe wine 3565 Endchaemaoygrareand. wie men belered Be CHAP. x “That vaentngenfefns maybe wntrly made, to tbe anda of te nfs end of the range operation of melanchely, povtd bya alien andlate example Bieteng ame ce sy olin sore re ace een et ical bes ae arcana sige nog nce Fee Se ie re a wag eA eh se de ea erent A ee ret bef sed neo oe pen ee beamed relic i elle ara Serenata Seni, wh aah soon ret yee te ctteah gtd eis ae Cag leafon to be witheawne from her, cheough fighing and fecret lamentati Bei ieee meer ag yo ce No ch soca ieee ceepepenaeee ae Sate cence cca anaeanmyene sie ticoeaeel satay 2 _allgood chil tothe injury of him, and fpecially to the Tolfe voter Note the aranie preitis pita sec ee, Webco ise Gaia mone ets band ARetfet old tics none of ine'¢o} fell 5 Gil ie belonged co Sis wife wiicinmeitak ses ie tthe ntel cok, —Thedifcovery ——_‘Waleagueconfute Witches tempeticy of Witcheratts Chapitg 1 tl ley towns he neo eee iced parte of, {Dibe semen watcha oonefuiin way Sd pis ae We eke fineia bea eigesap in tecahy ad parabens Se Aiethcaboatoih ber tget 5 erboicinbon cree ek HE Se, Bs onary Y Avnfuaon of ike eos, oily cowering aie Eee! fam and min. Wen fo) athe we spo hth cls can makers or balleswen ad wie | Mea Ae iiny othe way of He aki are und of minds ab et fe0k 09 hits Heathed whee ened ie She dy of er svc wh Tr ‘dlc callanybodiethereok. He aed hes how her fe'She anfered would at any ed Mala Bragiats mother eughe MTA? “hn her mother comme heros es 29 hing er. Why ten aid ey valk nor i “ fener Chih Jeon break hs commandment, walk ‘clever cata ets eng a wf Heceeh dle e eteraeRe a ‘| asec en Sia enone thie cpaetien mut te ve or elle sey would wos make 12GB See og satceru, thatalitle gle walking abroad wishher SZ BAT ic re yee Hl tei a iii ae ng 1 amet hei wey fe ea ec exc ti lin uh wit \ eno ee | tema eeae teh“ od | Benge one fh ee eepesag ae tate’ Get SiO ear hel aaa gids Antigen oe eo themed he Fee Sender tat athe heen cet amgendmdc ace hn ede flected ihe ence ean ; a pes TE ee equ scape sented sw aol cael Ie tok beds ‘hanno itened eh Spies ehth senioce ee fron aon ft md wih monger ant were he ee inca we poner ao ctactaic mero ea ee edie collec ite tinge tw fle te eae henge hy ats be impedutems eto he coe fale apn othanessppeced by Gods ase ea peat ih ons nd A ese tiny ihe dine poner bons taxon vie toe as eS ict me caniereaenor dae oe eo Methinks Seneca: might & were fom or portageand the effet thereoidcic good Hidayes meen) ecuton en ect ci cae caine onc tet ey uma ait my ora er ee ph mec es ngttle a aa mge artes, cx omen dened ee oe A Gye ae ‘gabe ge et pale a Fee cd tacewith, eam cacy folk inthe at? Theic ouble wm aa ana ch mer ia ac Hethatcan ‘obeld open scm fetes ica fie thee crelos or rather asaroos \ Ret on by te opin al pts Pye eer stoner hit nay ora ser hele i self a ngon yn, te Baty auc ty aad mt them fhe don ‘ “et ae apo, ee Maca hy nee eee guinea one ace Cun ue ee, mn a be eel flees a oe fenton firccan ashing te wcities oes om sen een o eran: om eam the confoxton tere: pony embed of Godt wend al ht ie Jer edd rt meen ha ttn opin, ag eB ey ewoyonng th od tn eta Tone oF gh de raion es Acnorteaee ine c Lr Pe Thee ia nh ra dren mera cig | my a, fr wth ene tac ete tpn oh cE dr scm ha mae pene ‘ar hen ite meron cwAP. xiTE i! one making emo enfant a te a vee poner ode ig a La ngs i shieteeletee tient a element fient 10 winches and at thei andemes , SESS le dest emt dere erate trots | ‘Thee ‘iecontaneey ‘Ufeof Witches. of Witchcraft. Chap.15. st ory in nasetgmr alas iecoh comet ktm She Je Ma ur cretgeategconin! ier paac ices eee eae nes sinc th tat cee . zt ni halt ws be eur ithe Poe haa A Tt new ny gr a uoneignedehy tse teeth he inact eae a Simei) Slhctanentnd ti a a eb ‘And sheefoe tna et down cit eh me, waries were july maintained, and religion duly abfere Midesieaeiclibaieasaceccnnsaail Sin oy ates mma ee Bonet ote cet aS neaigetenos (MGM iN Goudmerscaniens cae A MN 46 3Book. _Thedifeovery witches ionpeachea communion ral ae Js ath 3 A yoo-sne athe ey eran ies and a Frcs de co ein ve, A lal et ete ag thts Red ne at ms Mt fd oh, Ge ed ah Na MN 2s ot festte Pipette vod feta cok na wel pose mR ea ach peta welt bee nd Ee en cee Lima Ne ee mong det ae ewe | HALAS gritos ek cei CHAP. MILLE Excapls of ereign nations, bs i tee wares wed be affce Pets ing wi neni ach ot the Witches in [Smeaton etiam nt ela 364 re Laue ana pata sg autmaean eran i sdaoes quid eckciibla yeti enbtieeet ee i sate sectarian ata ace sO he | ogee arf cased tanya cee icine aman ari i cde a amsee, oA Si net t a he ® ‘Bot chele Pp igwere te that witshes cont eBid eves fave ME) thc acl re (as they calle epbiten, when wc. || Bitte [eetseaee ae steaed meh ellie onc aude ce ey need {| Seam Eekeaeercemiress waiihcnce ena magnon an tarn yc gmat ile aerate Galen Bing sch we ed aa doh de enterica sRching Bec pont ne able olga of ve hee Boro maneeniantenae ts acter sty a files ain st rows three of semen 25:1 ing over the walls of Pamber =m Thetis icing sre ch we bette ing tat mcs ec teal Fine te ee em San iicgsh omineen he ge le fe eta wes ey coe Maleidetes ls daliogs mds wot nee oeiee ws tie eee gael ere site saci eine wit ‘etl wie ca cr cb ie be er dele that ways aniwenttat f05 PN i one ce a tamara Seas los ferchar hsv hy edhe o,f a By tnce sag ania te snes me sted Tha wae The toc ara reap nti ome head td meet antes, toh hg he Dake Rng atcmmedad And dnb tecnico fastener tm footage rete why Seite celta nk dt mee tmnt hong iced mace no Wich ry mo tees or dificly enitedterias ance oa at 4 i 52 3:Book. ‘Thedifcovery witekes confuted | iritches wonders, of Witchcraft. Glispa7: $3 vig Again ry cm ei wt Aayed hems tile eat 0 the hove ofthe neihou, which feeme Vat Ra eoe ae See kare cen gee coma | So eicemninn hm ah nbn ey hee ee 4 cht Town angi enone OM are herby he emf Sine hese fae womens Wich i vere mera RA fm wile men, and afew olan Foricwnintrmed ade Wf icgh ve wel o cute hs thew meesiog nd miperalkings Beale ethos once he mMeN tt Sheresicts vk Hl frie deisel prem nteeet fwytee at | Fe sgn tenes dae | ee tnt pe ete Gai. An bcs eco hearer ofr ees Wf Bac cae th ohm Senge an ify in she ch Male Nomar al ‘ ‘etc ce cmon hoot iene Mi: by mehaacn he) Hiram neo kk down ol) 2 yong Uc” Mal. as SS Ce pata tinge Qnecte er eole) pin sieht (lta gt acinar sel ng cots onne ching And herons REC nite te men ceeoapense orcs ands thw Bebe offices tur pec othe overvow of wet, And nu ‘inca our mare hl cnanxv bs eaten fniell eons of wich eatin pnd ios ae in yeu come i deisel i Ces nah re cca obra ec { ‘ang Gbulows. “And even thofewhich ate yatsel of hein leaguss wher Sera ade ens tne mua Tee ee eae rs at aae sg Benegee eet ee el i th {oor thet casing efchdren, sod thee polling of chem Kom thei se Ee neti sila enc fea! ated Ett feratmans Sine famade wee leat bete ode figs eedots deeqianshihecoumnn, Wea cnc anes iho. Auli alley caweh theyore eithha heels, fing tyon o3gy Free tt comes iad eens dete dot froreth fom the Poh catchy ands not athena x: apoctypte fing tho uly eta oul wasn eed bythe comme demeocandpeatreo the Fone, notated by hs auoiyy wich (Gib i ent dima eomecn Rot tea i er, ‘ich his inane acelin) Whe, wors of ool Mrereto beard, both is andl my pedcects had plied mo {rou no sommied wny nj exectonss hereby the Fount ply betel fae en ote Be Se exbeliqe bl ia tha beac. Marry be fh, that ahah the Mal male. redhat ef fd coonel be quire coacar eo caandhis (9.2230 Spiion eee wil mean exptcion terete al fame mie ef Sgucihc lewcte ot shee sand sabe ath wnocorey lowes Sb tralo meio iake beaut we os geismens- ee cua. xvsr. «hgtse enter Pad ay tae Sa BRR Aerie bees wet] Baca ee feecitetthaeruin wicked wong flloing Sua proves bela et] Dies” bythellotomof diy elect ut felis in tbe ihe a Dian, bythe loon of dey eles a eel isi ifr a ity th scot dtr wee ab Qicsied thst eps iy tctore cote tnt OH Fb, f ‘Aside fieabrond with Diane the godaete ofthe Fegany or ell wi 5) Pillay HER SSSSSGS Leeai Ue sale Ocesae zectiycinmaciergaais yl Ge ap win namerule, on ao wae remem Tce Caeo hse ee 1 Bee ita taf alg 9 OB aaa Sse ere ny ea eee asta ome i we HEME les ade on cen ple to Gode Pes bes and ac, We according co he eaicon no hal Suber alain vlc ee oe yee Nth, an in ih tac aah Fricend wa coaly | ieee pete inn mpi ae i Bla nels aia camry ce ria et BAS, elation Tess ie ye nn beter og isan im ane a gn hey bre | Grids eae ct yams i tt ain wn der ier he pip al Ronse Wie Gear hin walledly anne and wot a0 Pea, Where oppofeh his iy geen God nd heart apf he RE, seorhitces ale det gman au aes wh endait al pofiniy. “Barney ‘tlm cis how ee glk el eS etch eae ana apical fhe cnc hey i RES ag ea ih 4 OP 2 oe haf ls hy, mrad hogs wn aby ered 8 ne Bercy on ela heya me id iitivor such» bogarde es nl ie i mee 4 Book,” ‘Thedifcovery Wiehe eonfifins conf “pros de viny appr so iyou ead Atel De em feel Veet ret Act else 0 et Ane © se thn opt a copa ‘ie gq nach acy cn eon aca ey magne, wR SPS sy a Ve ere (nig wih agi 0 ey accompa vie ole CHAP XVII “hat the confi ofthe ioe in iil andcommen en ee ate jana diielyand deco cnt eerie in hs cof. eth li Hirt AS pce in on ese 7 ik ae ae i ahane ofcourse} do} tee BYP conte ing suc pei aa ihe ev Tika. epee te eta ean robe elke cel xg crea ge mot eDNY ea sre arenes ey roth nuh ped eee and mach more ep bee of ead, Paro any ers si wuaappeatl tic tc ete ine wuld be. comencd ce ata retin eres gh be wrested em eras fa acne, (ah et NS i Eifies baaeee jee ne ier : feat ae Se ety te tme enough oFepest LO tect ee cle ey they wold Pe ieee tee dat, Selcam m Fach wave aban govo melo, Now hn Tee eson iy Me, taker the ie dnp de tos body och cei ae iin ad fe, De en Gere sla, Bac y ith pein ‘gach ae wooo by wit inet Eur cere connec a AO rece ation, And the sa 2 23a, fick che ae ae Bolas ict eget Tapani eye ee Some ce ee ie pects we ore Ba ee uci MEN cdoeunnots Baal ete OS ca ite eka itn ncst acc Boge Set rec eae Se ete tuo feb Besa) cael lee real ta eet eet dary tari en acs Binet gag ener fle, acetates eaunsngaterge ty [etaiarenucgmcaeenom oh rourcrimesobjedel. of Witcheraft. — Chap.rg. 3 Fe i cactamerveng rae sn se yids chs SS whe a ean sola il hc eaten i Se Semple i awh sili elias eae ah Seok cet ay ere a sei a ae cane Say mara gaara ati a loa ot dhtsy beef of sr eatllcoycon wih the devil Pr Baldi mad cle they are to be panifhed a hevevick:, four nannes of waiess deleg: ee eae ee Rae hy Sd ay and provide mene eed ro minsine Dima eee Rte ow meee the epee ante Cap ‘eothe faith, they may noc be retained aivey ot kept im perpetuall pr mu BRO Senos am sat ices Ei few titiena Mab tats Fe ee aot deleted nrivce abla othe cal Edel drenoflipuels orat the leat-wile, thas he exhibited noe ‘commune fatter!” Sens ere Rent cedble at thee celia Ea eoceren fac theprenteh oad be Toc n em she wicdvmongrem concen, te, hjion con: Nt et rie alta pence: Mie Sor prevale, t9 imbrue the magitrates hands i fo much biood w thei nit, fe eee so tae naan Se ea a ne Toove colour vo malatsin does malicious fry me cmap. xi fem cal ce eed alt witbey all fall anfred veering, tn EitSrtacsci teat tant Esritinteuierntaaaicle dy Soedeamiattaatned a ee = Seducing Brepeon, ‘onal ual Thealteivery, The ig Ht mer, ‘pur eoafe few words hereins Thor yaa undetand that chey 2ficine aod gutter er ge aoe te eat fy i Ign ure he da ona Ks the te regen ato on an oer ginal mao uaa (0 Reco ra eighth a ‘exceedingly » fhe mad ot iphod-ife of te owes, hie comjstin| Rees ES Cate rt ee cel a ii a Rdg. Fa nae Te sed ene He wl Tae wore eda covctnoer anne wiser MaDe esa tboenainn, Wit Me A Seta Fern oped ems nneid at ice ‘ieee ae obo en sai OS cop Seti BR a Rael og cs ES aon fone eee are a ener a Ea a se Be eS Ee ge an de ea of eh in do remanent ih ca pe tan, TN A ced hme ered wetiong ees? Ea mest Sy Uo hc snexdnane Got cop wil rc mene aaj ee tence Sn eee nhs see edn ey eae YA veel eric seem mel Lapa eb hs iu oN ar hl ewe IER cHar xe Tarte i «tral fee widen ft be fame Tes mace es treba ea Ce viv hse waa, ee (Oh en aif i cote acta : gigi Blogster mie tor Mie aot DS hc ye ee Shey macy eure te re oem epoca heigl 2 Seedy ehh on reteintchant se cma aed Se ee Se ele ieee ee eee SiR ete Gece tay tacge te Recareti tackse ict re pr re rc rt al em the cad coven songs seonoreamtart . difcovered=Ineubur. of Witchstbttr Use easier Hobe and hehe bad” Bi pad oreo ape Chapsas by WherexS. George om Indie i Yrtereas. Gers car inte alga gsm tee enn ans cle a Ae AS pl ee fiche ore hei cr bent cy lead nM. lh tll sober tnany Gare wi ri {adhe a whtin a sy arene yt ork Tabs uta wey segs inna or Mma Sin tect fe deel thch ie emnon ek tds amnesty toes ro Semcon Guar occa feat ne nt techn ae eerie int fi Defias heeum, qd. eget ery seperti ag eee a ‘ain wp ear tars pinion 3 and ex the ent 9 ions duct ta catenin seea hana naam wae ele ‘asin canfa deftiruinur, on ‘Seeder fare Fe nic aid Tet pica po ti om wis gi Seas ate “uct ee ‘ro be apy en Rise te vex CHAR. XIE Sie its Dati at pice Tana eG tl och Taos rte 1 as ep So a eet Sle Be bred babe iehione Eien ‘Tov cenfaneof Chaucer xp tbe hgeveryof Tear. eerie ait on pe ink caine TN es Cer vt priehoedeslodte ti ech slg nh Sony i ne aby and hehe wuld ln theif an flood at wie ex ane he res cht the escheat lien be it hrkethn ev nd td ey ene chemo icheemeoeney i ie dded fh hte tei oes tales " Blitug Ga eBook Thedilcovery BuwniatAieoveet I wrorenfubfontiatons, of Witchenft. — Chap.t. 69 ity iaie ecaenenetn if ities,borroughes,caftles and high towetsy ‘The Fift Book. i Sector ent, eae Rare ean tr of mania sen exemple ong be corres a goer rosa sis eagle browgh he ebrne for i ‘hecho rete He cnfmaon| hifi dotrine. Feces a mora ‘Ad ani macens an is ly cigs ao Gow that | may with she very abfadicies, contained in ‘ Ate pnt tifirson a own thot af cre inthe pial does 5 ‘ome eo to fy SI NVSDE, Sia oe aber then te mane 1 In every bully and under every sree es ‘eanfubftantiations of witches «{ will fhew you cevtain. | ‘Phare none other eb bas ey Re : open sich Bn Gir ek anion of Be b+ Fee a ec agastaul eens age 4 Sey te beso fai tig ij vee andres tales wae dene of Ent s ' tng dei uni) dhe sone opty Baa 1 pt tedloy imp chiens the gran sol Ely bere tee ee edn fy fo oe e+ i Penge Srics te Comesmes sons sede he ype of Pasa } Dialec, ani ah Need appear to Mer rae, Kae Dac eeprom Jd ie aril ot acre she devil ree neem 1 es hea he spear nthe kenes of manjer whether God creates, rca ie Seal wich. Arfor wich, Beta ty Tec ame eiatie hemfsing wales sod them wbow ey bone iro ; rs ine ceri: he aes foncobrhecn ow Waller Bat AS ENS! S| tule atime thas imay be naorly boughe ro alley ut ile si becowes ey and th yen! ay ete the les . ere ih ine nein nosey wah yeahs ner be ah " ona tere wey woninnechand che nae Sump se, pi turone Gant he bape oft wolchled sul of he ope ok ‘ rele yey i ex ey soca et tied eh resi eas ta Pee aa Micha rn ong Thales ica an gat ute nabs oops Way Wier daha eon ft Tl joule ead econ whether Poe cold ea aw Hedy MAES 1 iar ecto geil feb onde my thee wat aa sin ace igh wh sera Hea red iva ethic of sin ws oe ihe, wthbe tow ai iy Fhe ce te ke ey wee em it sn bing eenibprin forme ofall ad woe fee ete a ; spipeergre nome Bcc xan shana coe oe | Micah onc fine mc wie eitendome, ven eridns i betre toe Keds fon hrc oe f te imo a wll rng he ryed ete } cao performs ta vilany caf he would cone the ing ch Me aca th anbaniaion is moi comnon Ge 70 400k, ‘Thedifcovery Weavansformationn ll wy, transformations. of Witchcraft. Chap.t outa Af, amacane frag are repose Hi ; ted suowh uta fu sera i ea tare mah UH HY Se oeay hte fer ey he He dan Dam a Uy ee cose ht tel Serica eassincoco nic fine (pcan none feck ie of etn wh Sepals ome ace my esha ory he ich ‘ur ofthe chyim hefenne ORE OPE Pn sonar trudge) he manranedhtor ve he toll Yue sum mapreloncon me cai te a ey coe ah er impees Fr He a een eri Poni heck {i eles by he Rory Resear he Wish me a conte vanced Ena Cee {i he) ecelrcar comet (rn pean cena taeeteae etree ReprneA UGA hres tls teneng Seen i eg a ina cea Earner aa eeeg eh pai ma ae, Sone |, SR See SR ea ie a ing nig iene ne Tea eo daaStougr endian sl eng tay ag mnkndnlucteoca cine nth 8, Mee ne || wpe See Rito em oh a oy adi et Ae mio forsee hums ye ‘esta yn fame sepa nt inenne ener a0 fryer EER co aura Tenth font Sea "ett lc atte may teas oe Oc" DO ” Reena em eine we are tacit mdb toe ll oes chea mics orpoer Hem a fact sou ape shlong and dna of UY eh Sa Nee ieee erodes waters be abe 6 old cape ete TS mah mote mal ay Cayenne each TTA { fons rar men willnac begeve i, For many Poetsafime it yeh fe why other are tal rrmed ine afl, 13 for thar fach have be'en MP 25 roa seme Cateye lds ate imercmsenanleiette wiped wal seas elt escactees ai he eam Arche iy achancat Soe ay un Bele sec wee ein ese a noe et mn dees a ee Baca tangent ue peri eorchngcn et era wl Deaty yeoman eneaert GTM fol heal aoe itv tint ony hehe eh bed Eat drat ee Sain tow coc ell cans wom te es cn alo winacinos moma? i Beal agen ASE pene a wae ef Het “e tran er tnt Ce AG ha Har. It Hi fcevechaca fearing wee jini Dl hy fo cairn i sees a eR gm OF Wicherafte::' Chapa. Sa EAA ce ee hang en man Warde Be es rte gst ete ien ol rae ean et Feet tt ron sea end ed ee A teal ene erence pierce min, ns eae amy RTS oh in pe rouching the cammunicacion betwixt, God and the devil, 4 LCatvine ie trea oman ort St cp pentn 8 ‘plice, Whereupon they chink they ha feacadvantage + When Satan #1" 8 Id sere i Se ei oleae Cats oe fener acieh crore ot ake Gare, a Seah deh cepa mele Feo be ett poe ese Cee act nero oe Sr earth ag ene ted Bo Books Thedileovery thebiftory of Hb oo cotewich mesiosedinabe whoo, al pay $2 Om deenge now inline a ely ee siemens Fo fh gece riche Jb mre ong aed yaw ig oe Job 1.14 lace andthe Sabeane came eked and took them Year he Bey nd Sei caine rds bec Loney oe Bt rane yeti wo a, 24 see had lc mc ea bb 90) Tape Got le och mi: nc om ree vvetiestss RNa while he was yet (peaking, another cams and Gidy The Cheldeae| And whe ems Pet tea oun ey 23 ary barony a Set ta hem ec, sexes Mae Tp) Sai, oe lam 6 Rat Gee sak ed om te thes acca ne be ot vn clin acl Tet diy te are oneal = Te fet inn ick Aakash ay pn, fll reel pans ete ot Se foo othe rorment acd of Gog nna Sey he praca women eco wld Og wernt oe he edn operey Be, hi eer a elbamen acted eo Bienes where le i ee wine ot ree mons rs Farmers th ty were sous ome wicked atthe) Gy} ol come them, hoy to body ingapre thems bu hg God Meld gi 3m Fam ep Cantu tc devin ot nec aour wi Code Sean foe egal ai ane et ae or whch Pal a rik cere ine derily aac. ceil ake eae of God £0 ps ach ce er nn ne ad ec \ hide : veil iw ben 2 Sec taecnne poo sca gh capa fesse talent uel Bert stenoses Sela eg in HC ala eth te en i fee's. rie, Neth oy ings fohumeshesihe wish Pie x om worke 5 yen caer tans Tada ids deny thar hee were ay wichs in I! a sore en ath seta ere cts tema cus at te ren ean che el bt fae drerangtncso Sa great ine Text tne a a Haha nde ake tekca nee Cate tes eral as oa LGaluinin Bae asteb (aid 5 Daminny det: fo aid he wot > ob c4ps421 Demninns abftabt- | Whic rch with the cenot ofthe text wt Seo Chay, aa dopne mh om tn cr Kao Se eae (uti feel einai, Wetec foie toana tare wlem tae Ndomitidem. ete ca foie and fofond an aero ne rch oa eto he ed fos ign fu hada peoe S re peak wily sin Aeron pol ge ah Renate nf a sem fone coer gy duce ys here had Ben ny ere ee J a eg a el Ae et ite ome taxi i i te Joye oe, Heo he a ct pope! rote ere the caren of rebum Cok nen ee ee i od wed inte np hon iach) ee sweet ay wit were Ate or Exe of Witchcraft. Chap. 2. 85 _ $B90K ‘Theditpovery:... obslaphexp chafaph sar icc an bevel he pore of Saree at ‘The fect Book. PRE ae cts TS har ones ng ee Tehinelewa ome anche afd te pole ug hem bo ema TOILE mnie, crear athe ceuld do ch Dect ie Hees tC ntl al Nb, ectcekels dtaery showed fie ojconcnained i Exes 22, twit: Tho ol a OM edge ped wih mo) power ote Holy Gilt co ork eda ty endef Simo Megs, Aah 8 Toner A 4 in ‘ ie hits : “Te willbe Gid, the people had reslon to beleeve him, becaute itis bigamy pods led ell wie, chet ge habe hen wit eis SO gga ey et whceedes eerie atin be a arg both he tv Some cewifencence writen. IU iran, and tall other that are cofened o: bewitched ehrough fle do~ cre eniceowill (2pm ie whl ey send sche, ey si ui Geengacine ignorance, ato ome be ed wih hem 2939 Pee eeu sbndon aches adele ia chal ih ve een one, yl eres ny goer ele ripe ested ten occ goannas tn Reni a i para eicn ns G Bee aie wre hey Chl wh oc, ach Nato Aman Win isi lening an ia ii ei find ney od onal workeh rex woodes, whith ae 13.252 we ger monies ea sii ee ere Fett Ge ie RH fi Moe map ph Pp puted le wih ach hl, a pow aye or Bette isha whi be mean doco them Het the Rain cpaion ea ef he wt hey all are soe Ro alae fae Slee ong acetate ta Aiewaa tie co eee hemor gens on ‘ig xe i weg fia. sit ee ga sie et See eel Seamer a bar any al ek ” ao sana aa! Fe tis a Retinal befailled whoa och ie, God commanded the people, apues.&3e tad becante | will voad prolixiey and conrencion both at once: 1 ‘thi they thould noc regard chem that wrought with fpirity mor fooch- Lak 11.29 “Garg byt creme hohe Se Gn essed hem ns Sebel leben excel eae ee cuaeen Eee Seagate ace Speecel tate Sen tes Sree ie meee ccnin TEM The pace f Deters expoudedywhrin ae reid all kn of Tage ng lie le i is cite, WH ld hat ibe bythe mime of wicca, ‘acconsagy The ichmivacles at are imputed unto them. Devtd.ate iene ed othe Olan mht wot, i ele ih Tal a erect cole) "P He ete Sef common bein titer er oto, ere ee enhelyarf comenah D wteeead wove otemrases treme ny te eek ite) eee tus eB a re edged abn eco ah a psn et meg yt a Oe hd eh fo whey ie vc os 2 ST. yea, arse oo uch wicca baat of ingore me ee go ees ee ea hel in ci tac aur, rnp eae eter a re ae hogy niece ae eth shen ce deat batt oc Uc) i ence de nah te dd, Be ne Pn thee wid an al 3. Ne & St hcp: tch they vn oe macy oe fal bee Fee ee ce mac Se a ile mel, eco aang ees 86 6Books ‘Thedifcovery Cafening Witchied iam, cher ee ee eraed sect, ye Or coal Oe eee mnstrgmpra Chap3. 87 Plag.10- bag hades rhe ext a Coy sh enon cas Pham clea Serer ed re mia wrk te pave ofS, rhe mane ee OL ‘ind te et Silsagveb la wong eee, big Mas en cane eet. eri pcmenc bythe ey ge do ek HT anythin wn th meine heh cota ey ny ie fd Tol eae 2 appt tines to be are DM a he tea ale fn Fe et eer ot and shipping neice, $0 a alk Pe ment Ii ou ey ‘hep hi Sarge a feeddean lt all og yap ete eg Re eo ws enc Bene m e delament we oa dl et ohoing on nd coe he qeont, fc be Ged Coe: Fy ha wander won ton) Deshhe sal SS Ege ee eee eons he Ey death wily an wih oe worthy condemned tefl can dar etch pear Godt en fe cacnges Be, Cone Sie incipnc uch wach marke te ng of fork? WU ceng oe: pre ich pertineth ro God, and for sofenagey Bc. Cone seaman pone tata Saitama at sei Freche ete ae ee Beg leten cn wv iene ane ral edccont gt. Meena cal eg itn tae aoe a Ge act ten St may a dT oe a couating rita ed creed nd “tes ar doth ve cede ro any face ren canes Cea ee ai cay Stel eae aah eee cote eget oy andres + Eat Sef en sige orca, cehgintage om che : eleane rete each, kt ison emencs (nce Se ro le ore orice Beers oes berate eh saber eee ean eeD ae eae mately eset and unermig watchin te That women bave ujed sing ila sicher cepa So heme fein, mec nna evo (eearnn ne ne ahh AB fo ihn as Ey nee ie AA ae me Kaan a cea oe pat eat pence ing oa Merrie ote lnt My cl eet arn! al TN beh ih acnilgiiien Ean fru nm Some eae Beara hon fanart Rati Cer Be ata Sore ead se age rn es an Wet lie bt de ed ef th a of polenng Arteta afi emnog PaO. Bier maha Sr ean! acts Ginetta tte Sie ed ona en ch taro cad coin Seite Sni reso Seiler Lstrmnemaniethfcy Sel ee a Ne a sich you hal Ge, iyo ‘The difcovery chafapl Chefaph. cof Witeicraft. ‘Chap. IV. eae the people with, tat he id done «ood a met “Thetedenmer and tort age Relea and debreley may were fobewichey diy toophe he flea and wich SEG) wel herein stn Scbelicarwiterh of shoubte pooniag Nighcrting eyo Tel gh ‘mutism by women 4 Roney where Were exceed (et ecm ea oro Tac ecnjndion, 1724, women t one tee} Bderag. women of thar 81 ‘once who wee Yvon mir ploned wich bad ree for 4 tee tree) oie io core il ee a ee en i ae yg . BOs Wr ened eh, ipa . conan. tn. i ee ec ome anor Of dul paige eel emi Seas wy pfremee ical! chin leh Grenade bm hy werent CM tt oem anc on tia print, cine Crossed i sence in hie ead we have hoge-turd and chervily a8 che ovely thing eet i ga oa pocalitey ee he Nee by gu techs ork ile ai ches is mot ill o> Venda or wtebesbeing of one confederacy renewed a peeve agen ice Varfcnm, a oben wl A ential cdateopci Suet wl e sti hy ec ei lh Sr tp alae W's ety he a Re he exo een te ey a opel tay toe iereger or fess Frio shen i wed sey Mlb Eats ole ge ete Set a faerie ah btn oo be ec ete ion fede hued eh, By in neg age pechnie is eli acu Aan hei an bps ab efit ra [thewed. The lke villiny was atetwards praétifed acGenua, and execu- isco) my fae grneunt sid gente a Mn tt et ug ret aft Savanna, eta eden ire Why a ttchnsel ie peknng fer order mien erate ey sd nt otc doy pose teenie, owe Sema 1 Fes tee abr me einige ri carne a eee ioe Ms! rr Borate was betape ces Theeeting tore, et Reais nd of morte} according the ying of Ovi ‘oid mete. fer aint and do miccey have experience ter bales "Voc Ke net MERGE TE en, pratas re ie ee “Abraham Fleesphe hott che of bis guelt persoracksyor ele ng fees ft tn, vetsencentocet oitnadea ite esha ys aman eeite Tn GT Dh fins tiger fei Ee ih ani deh gs meee hae ain see of a substan ee fone o herb ar baba bog er oes a} 0F aba Titec hepis py gael inet tr ae feo en soar loge cali Setepacs Ros, Newson yy leds ps eli "ie ic hhc won st la een ay Rest es shinee dae hepernenty ty aos er oe ei sofpiags cot i tn nc rk poe ea vie ak ton poencd King Jee, sash Vents WO oa wheats bc pled Kes Tos Wee on thtad smarter: forbekiledihe hing wit yom me ot go ‘Bool “The difcovery ‘Vout renin. of Witchcraft. -Chap.V. 9 sex pres onde five poor women tele we weld fc A aac marc meen fin Tebow ee Mase, Rfnen, Cire eausfer Vion, . SOILS tas rar carina pe amr: “aye ition ecg nde wcrc detain ele aplin Venecem. Phir net emi oingferets baeny fo dno to a, voted, deter. wee compchended wd he all TA tinea Eealbetty Tete, ey ladle eh and gt doh plck sl te feo forth a law agaialt V exeficas I. fram fore ecoltt . ine a ee Seesta oghr the pel Medea hl ns cre sme aes ea) ener ara acl hcl ale Al ha veal. they ha eae ay rh nk of malt hcped psn ech ma ‘Bar he tha hall read che law of jer, oF she Teftsmenr of hei Sticke ares the ue can gre: sis kind of reperition and reiteration of ci kaw mich witch Medea had fal ‘ Th ed foc evepig ng fe tva ean ed ero Sao began ico Sound ener in bei 19-4 pling an ing fe es ah wasn pci maa yes, alone aichaes maa and kept ghee Rwrinenin Seren in et Dus bres peeray bide in Ae ral tm get ick x ee sie ited tas a ert Mi as me rinse Petite tants escenario ee ‘efor eee oe ‘firenbesow nd bane ; Gwar. ve : : rides Smo f quis male abla tera inh kind of oto ta withafy tif cad YOURE anc resp usere ovihibde ttm, conpfetb: af love-CiPly colin cog B img at se ae ; Sn a aves’ ten sean mitigate couch tian of wicca te people here ioe eed ich Seine eee ce yetaed Oy eed foe pap icon ep abslenig. Paitin cancer poigrn beestagfme of bang Ie im mae proce wa io ed ec an terandag of ie {ireland i ett vce cabon eo Lee genera ate Se Fe amnesic BAT ibap ae eco on 2 sede ayes eee At yn fal wa die cater ty ell, tha cn Fe haters tae oe outage Bato mi Fi wr ee fran atgygnd a tee fee reve! ' ena unt ana Medes rey “Mate ea pcdent den, dnt Ove se thf epg cone tah be il ne Hn ead tan Soh oats tanner es Petre oflones apd teare scolar them tha re era infu oe mnt ta ce hi i cei i e trace meee ames mail fl coe lena ey “tow amiable bey, . vag ene, athe wih one imyiqar thelr oft 7Book. —Thedifoovery Ven CHAE. Wile iis puoved by more eveille rites tal lavescnps rather | da bongo vane ben 0: By aisand wi wba defo cael prc eve Bucs ian tar aot ros, oy, se aiing we cues To asaeed the wile may pe chefapbe ofWitcheraft. Chaps VIII. 93 eine hau onbe bt i Bai bg oan Job er ele wi fl ep ringed Jn erie ee Mie tartans ts ee erat plain, fee femence upon him jb he ferric word 0 ot Fe enee reeeth or iercdeh vein mach more for fee at Gicck ing tarkecalth Vener gequaatéeve, WHC rettroc asthe eof hn repor and ables of wicca iracles Conait eS ok of denn dees erin ute hah m0 ac word Boe taney sce cal! peraefen Sees oud VE payne yeas scene Dein omliced y andy being Serpe Waid? ir eoldtave been Ie ce: Which i noting tothe lbltace of the os aya needs be the Press : Her efencthin ieee} paquanie fetes pat oF aceon Preis + Ergrin she sraion othe Spain is ee ae he cin mane ibe Logik ere hen he fo ee on well nm the edn his omg ical pape tonne tre a onde dc gue Von gators medicine Wich "Seal de airs ae 0 a "aie way ant otng proper Th beer erexans 2S anette atom deiions let os fee that other giver anor Feet oer ar Calne wsierh wh the poe Let er-wa eter eft loves pooned cup Hime report hx oe cia emt ler naan oho fe fo hated peri om fs oo ich loved Calfeny Killed Exc |! Bee Bee ifr sae asec iain co ted ae is 5 RAO atcha al which isbelvered soa Jil a teh ain ie tena ty he oa ana ecr tt pes te, Sey tee se acca Fated ibe eee ae Page Hees detbaet eat tener ms se ln sel yore bon on the ge edb Be. 4 a mrs nerfed Cogichy and od found Grek {Scart boven eth Terman tidy. gah thongenronay ovat mere Md amc il (wy aod foe wil inka he a eke Ger irefowo Hehe when aves word ihe “hich ergmen belagvan, sree well With BikO- ir eee cu The Souci bad been er) deta of word rend for this, porpole: Baif no proper word could have ‘been found sd ft ocean open wichcrat nec raesiony Ney ey cation Wand therefore elite he ee ome sR recat hawt linen clay nade Ios bat a ‘angel op tie inbred heb. sAnoite expcrincn ' touted tics whereof one rod of being ake sd ih ema rahe ond ty be aed up they hat Ja cre ene caged Tove hey whl mown ae Fe En ci lace ke ooo ht naa agoene t'mored the | we cet ote nal he pen of te de nis OTE eat eee rea poral te Cosel wedi whee deat \ fowne or fockt into thei Mee ‘diver other thingy ' foune cr oct fear and In rfp of he cee edt aoe ere egion, then, om pwbich (Jou ead ride UES t ths tare pyran) yoo may ea ug,” ise eo ee deceth to ee moe experiment ceneraing on seer tr Vande facing new this relent Ye ing de ee kine when esha inion oh) he ie fainting ci SE a a Eee gamentand witha och yay be 5 borg | GELv TEieialtochame end inch ermine, resxperencand examples ere fwd, Fis word Ob is afned Pts oF Fybeies "Beate 98 ig. os 2 Sum 28. a Rep 23. Re ' ‘ine,_theagh onpfoperly Maga 382 Su | oP tet wel propery aborted ed oF 7fods, _ ‘Thedieovery Vent the feventh book, 4 \ cnart : | te Hebrew word Ob, what it ignifietl, where itis | Or et ase oe et et Pe eh soetae lteter a | ree femnats ee unch res EinaaN eerie ae Viccutich side ek tet Teste el eng eb et nay a fh tsb ib ey eeriae e a Ten en es ate ‘ 'a9- they are difpleafed. For crial hurecfy letting paffe a hundred | fered, orl eet aera elope a tein tlie eae athe apg ant ot tr co en el ee ee ee chee ce ce ei eencas aes pices tanita | Win ee te ee | gaponsn lit teats stat inane dames ion tte eee de Fae rhe eek sa Ree eae Reeder Be eat Confer this made chi praiers anto Grd» to afit them in hae needful cafes epaulets the werman Of Jota, Chiifl, co fpeak with fach a voice #8 they might un iesfland) Endots} Sart co declare from whence he came. But he would mor fpeak 8 and fer and cried philly ocHe2t-, orig, ying Hetingy and laing of tects an ether Cent ee ee ee tenn he fyi ne ee Scud fence bol ber dow iiacq aft of to hours So fometing, we (inp Sidondocune paying ome COB hochn ve Ines bar ver ranglys soc ws hos S05, wth Sood ey “hong wei ome na Cn ‘whether the the same cfGouy an fis ton ftssCh iy amd iis might yowe lancwiipea et foal nile og hug bo Iewfgs xh vole eaten, and was feng ithe ml ‘ands conned 8 iat cer mst tepesee) ade goe be gece an ie ob expounded. of Witchraft. Cpr urge! Himcotell who enthine And be i ty lacy ke hewtaclthe ne etre, bus Lei ctf er” Aa etd we esate God kee her id hewhen camel ton they Wee tonigicinhcr bed hither Thea we charged bin as bore, fe hat hea, 0d lent, ad wig sna Wa A the Biettnedety the deni, "The me sarge efor The Revacd and led before and ese tebe weds wl ley enki heys lee erin pce Il exer pce We Wprinatatnc tore bere He ast wil kl ou al ie Pow {Bike pve of als ‘Then we cfd him ase. Then lad, Jen greme ore | Welay Tota fave mone hay Yr tht Jehan ey the fran God = beeline namect Gob Sou te and. ene the! Theahe lad ewoud carer eer Gretiy Thow falsvor barter Then he bid sgn be rou lhe Weta ein ‘outils hare none of oa eye tne evnsofGod Wand we hyd hm bee” Aad he Erste gene no eh aay Tow Ba enone reiether de ot ners oer fa no a tn Rey ih 5% Cn athredeemed her it fs bloodand te betangeh chins setters tay nue snd who ee ie? He ad imam at rawr ‘We bids Who fox tee? He fad, Old Alc older Si ol Alte, fad we? Ot Alin tid he Where dc hc, Hee tn ifeal het aide. Webi, How ong how beh ine Tew a ee wk pwr da i? Insvo che Whe be sey. dye tne ber hae dha.” Inwhaepces de? Under the wa fidhes Wacrenthcober? Inkeangen Init pcs, lade fnshe omits Uidhe. "Then weased him, whit the die ine ae wil, her wi. What did ie bie dosti we He ad, {het mide where did Thebid tee ll ery fw? Reale didoot love hg Ghd. Weld; How log Kayo, nce he tee ccs Me then yen dhe Where hut we? At rr fade Wilch ater fd we! athet ctr Bree arog id be How fewer cea hrey (ad we many ines ide Where it ide athe dened be: Wherethe ccd ime? todhe fas. Werethe hrc? In herbed hee fcfoushtne’ inthe fd Where fhe Beene? Inthe core? cre the fede? inthe wats where et ec in the motes hte rhe event tive? Inher bed, Wweakedhinapin whe Pe ih in Wiel "Where thet, fa whe vari, ide’ wheretheres tn elo How came hau tober, fd we? aibelitenetecttvo wd tide Who et theo hu place fd 7 OF At, ide. Whar ote ps weré mh tee Shere, id o'Mnferan adhe, What shisnametid we? Hea tle dee i wha hy mate id we? Seam fide vc doth old Aey hes id we? Barer, id hes” Wi Ssh he pie thes (ak itil id he ow ay al thou led fore, ode? fdhe"Whowe hey td We? A man nd ised ad ‘he 9 jellies ‘of Witchcraft. Chapa: 97 ciel! Howbeit, Sit Pal hy they fl be aga te - fo Neve een, ad chit, he been een Sinn ius wey dc ry oan meen fog fics whcrol Uncen mete ingly ac pce, ota, by thew {mal ofc ake at nace tobe oe ett Ausbny tot thepopes who mio cotay tex fc ploy, da dee Seng af tad eng a ecu pay inabre ews eratviy tt comms» ey + ert Be paed icin hemo to sear ea peg ‘inal een pers els or on ander a ple, Bat dere 7. Book, Thedifcovery Ven fe, wha were teenamcy, id we? The ls mame Manat araticn Clee we! Ered Ae de ae aim pide! Rg be. Wiat nates ta enamine ae dl hema edhe Ce se Aeneid fer aig wo Geb fn ued yey, fey tek an te wold Sccriiarate! heteel rte eed Wh sectiicl or an iwc) iolue oietodbe, "Woced Fe ee ec adhe arco have rhea Seng Wales ides what dee? cee Tite ahs whee we ' Bra, dhe Mise hehe de? Ar at Fe | ett ign adimety hile fer dave oom Suey the aed of thsi ip notin to tasind tor icynich wit hs be Bed cao he memories cre either itenmmon pope ele ofthe eed. "How buy wil sho: yf deed ng eRinony ofch schoo)? ow cd mots inthevancf seh eodepr fombes and never 0 Ey msc yam cesT ad wel fe won i feymars am mele iy ate pale wd rly ction ding tanga os ae ai iader" ier ioe dye Tuned mas cermin hence sam cea \ {ieee down aed pres ths wih te code iain te fh: specie ‘i ow ong over hse tie be penned or wit The vaso. | cv octet woth tn pin desing, tite may be fom quuch wee | inch sce miter ema Se the cnn kanye elder cede ve bea cmp decree a aly cd anoed om the ced Gh cog ud whtour rex an caves en iden 5 thar Cod wos exp het am Sco pone anda er wich ‘Ard oorng hae spe ol ater, wedepace | Sam oie ‘ena fom the us soe and allt ute, waa Sime ile ho : Witneffes to this, that heard. for thiewhale matter, a1 flloseh: i agra o> Io allen Fe a Cl ie py ers | ie (ssa) (ihe. taeda uihesolac Bt Se th antag | 4 Brarentrd 3 orem, p Perea gt ditt panels | % tar of Kenington. © liam Spooner. “ie mel wid " co t [Hm tr | [Sobers | tc ey Gao | ey talon inet te Ta Detar aren et ticle ade fini deters tena whe cee fe twine since aad Googe Dad eee ee rie rd erate oft tae ns‘ nw Te Py ny he lene ced wo the eg condi nen. Pe wae cnfion money ccd Then of Sp! ion weap cei oe oe ac A ey ny elmo rte ied yen a eo eVect belo ws manly Sdn (ay ° sci pu etd cif nh He i eed ae fr dale | eet aa a ain Mat. 04-44- or ig written, that im the latter daies there (hall be fhiewed Rohe seatuasentebtiter 2 Book. —Thedifeovery saul ard she ey Hn ge fed peti, and fe: iat ins che cn eaielame eat utd oo eke bees ae er ped Warn. Now cone ohis wench wi 1 Tee ro Lican g Me Back! let Befpirits. of Witchcraft. ‘Chap.IV, 9 mals inn aes tn ners cm fan ee, pr taco, tn hn, bn a alee rhee nase fe nati tkege ls La tee itn sel anid tcc tnd cramer tenga ee” Cache ficient atraMen lie hire eta feat ec cece tat ene ee one a hy reiteet, dentin cak tuscan ei anwery tua the ther = a fo aie oy beqrat oes Ape Eb ed ow me of rs Ecler die be iden he ses then sssonabe pean a rah taken apes . tinted And Nyt dl NT nels wit ae yt ae et ‘ aed he cos ehh teen sect odie at bev, oat ge i Tarecane re eed le el eee erie amin rch po n= | Bia ee ahs hen kad cat cee aig pln Ral i eed aos Fiche hadi i ae ge me nde it hee, paige mete mieten ce LS aatiteehemtanrgcris a geet, idcterbaren Be fay nah oe aed eat ee Later ae Tene eh Tee Gy ad eee eid ae hs este hy 20> sdeneremed acm, 3 jhusinebole sad imate °F OU = SSL Ae keer sect eam he ee fan eeam ene era saat th sr eg Wikia ec ek eaten tp cere eae rest of let hr i ae Vy CHAP. 10 ‘Badin fae concerning the Ribot of En ‘cunterfit Datcimae ene lohan sadn US eaten an dan02.3:24P ppiggeulous works of divers maidenss that would frac ie into cash a wegen ion ca ergata leat ag Sateen rete ‘fea kth A wonderfull and fran i 1 -acle of God (bewed upon.a Dutchman ae fag years, which was poled of shay ra ! anaes ir ane avo intent ih, vd dct etn Ce ieee pean of tor Pane Ser Oe } SSS 1 100 7-Book. ‘Thedifcovery oracles attd {pit ob. of Witchcraft. he routing an invecerare pions received of heir eden ‘witon: doll egies were all deceived eon Chri coe a ty ‘when he walled Mark. i Rt weet eye ece ntsc ea. obe ti aot tay | See ences mee) ein les trash KN i Peer oct alge hier me Guero tM ie a eg, wipes laa Sei edawm gh nescaatacetiandestes ! pes teem ni et a wos ert 4 i a avoted fou he marer of ah was moc therby by hem acon * Pies aa ig stalk dae cua. | rete at ah ate ee ea air nt Ce suaurcaktysnwbo ewe eel ' ng ney te ee OM gs reg Di eH | pecibaafe i ainoey deters yeaagg mehr oreo sane ne iota i Se ee itd Siena mente cr cae MRynrenag gears apatite | muGuaiiong math mages cimpbenss oki aneado ae atthe: | eloiicdetraagtines comes sctdadanir camataciecaie | s” | siege coe ne Mc te tata eeeptn betes oth mer cata teer emigre iaeclnte aa na aad ts wage Suck tae a MG tri to cee een erat apf ee Sep re Teal aver be seo anit 0 Se rocecding fmm al dd BE FC ee en, he nt "Scot hn Se ma cco ate seo age epi he errata ty \ REM canton ia oe ns cacy ter i Gidea gare hal in inherent a Saeco iow ole hapten rea, fee th ita ae Ron sk een seep a Cn Fee Rn nS et dec Scr i een cee pelomeh cil at en tiene et Wen alta pci in gmt “brat foi$2- Bodlng ce thar evil pie ents til ro vai sng oe re or ath cana the te ete de eed Seat ey i Lakag.37- the like: How the eleven | “npoltles were in this cafe deceived i Teike Merde nbakan vse hh TS Eee bo eomemit he rae et won ie pice eo, anode John hm eno cies andy he ie waa carnal the ale 2 ‘Sache more cay be woos. scouted in Gs et i eich dnb fon ec ing accel isc if cael The tpi toa ai ofa he ea aby, cc toie eh te cota ha bah ior psa Hzent or palpo FOM, ime, fe th ad tlt make aes formed De i ee eed re leg gre ack rt cd whine, aoa Greed econ fh tee Let. othe dev a Na Deal co ani ade: Toberhort his imparanky wa Gc, hr feaisiet lowe ih tance eobaned ae werd rod rman ve 9 eat Tn um concen oe rat wont, medi pe te spe antec U9 be wot cso ane exon of all i ht rage ad stn wel i cnn gen Erp arin iv Ay ea ademas bce orton ey epee 4 reese grennenioiowiny whey the lcs cHAP. ve roe the eo: Teameot.

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