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Goose Creek Friends

Newsletter March 2017

Goose Creek Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Lincoln, Virginia

Queries for Third Month: Integrity

How do we seek truth by which to live? How do we recognize it?
In what ways does my life speak of my beliefs and values?
Do I strive to be truthful at all times, avoiding judicial oaths?
In what way is my life out of harmony with truth as I know it?

Monthly Meeting for Worship with

a Concern for Business, Third Month:
Friends approved with thanks the annual report of the Hospitality and Housekeeping Committee.
Nancy Uram presented the Membership Report for 2016. We lost four members to death during the past year,
and one by transfer of membership.
Friends decided to decline again this year to provide Baltimore Yearly Meeting with a breakdown of race/
ethnicity in our annual membership report to them. BYM has also sent a membership/attender survey for our
recommended use. The Ministry and Oversight Committee was asked to return to business meeting with a
recommendation about the survey.
Continued on next page !

Goose Creek Friends Scholarship Day, March 4, 2017

Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | March 2017 | Page 2

Continued from page 1

The Goose Creek Meeting Spiritual State of the Meet-
ing Report for 2016 was read and approved, with
thanks to Caroline Pelton for preparing and writing it.
Meeting was advised that the Friends who have been
helping regularly at Mobile Hope are no longer find- TIME ALERT!
ing a useful role there, following recent changes in Daylight Saving Time begins
that groups location and organization. We will stay this Sunday, March 12!
in touch with Mobile Hope, in case we can be of use
again in the future. Immigrant and Refugee Voices:
Friends approved publication of our name as spon-
sors of the Immigrant and Refugee Voices event on
A Local Loudoun Response
March 12. March 12, 5:30 7 pm
St. James Episcopal Church, Leesburg
Friends approved inviting Jed Shillings associate
Meeta, of the Mountain Institute, to speak to us about This event is sponsored by Loudoun Interfaith
the Institutes work in Nepal. She will be in the area BRIDGES and the Loudoun Clergy Gathering. The
in June. program draws from the work of the many Loudoun
faith community and civic leaders that work to build
March 19 Margaret Fisher bridges of respect and understanding.
Margaret Fisher of Herndon Monthly Meeting is a We will be invited to listen deeply to our community
physician, an organic gardener, and a vegan. Her members Muslim immigrants and refugees, and
Pendle Hill Pamphlet (#440), Enlarging Our Circle of Spanish-speaking immigrants from Latin America.
Love, was published last year. The Unity with Nature
Committee has invited her to speak with us after the Meditation at Goose Creek
rise of Meeting about right relationship with animals. March 26, April 2, and April 9
Three consecutive Sunday afternoons, 3:30-5:00
pm, Liz Huntington will offer free meditation clinics
at the Meeting House for members of the Meeting
as well as anyone else who wants to attend. If you
cant join all three, come to whichever ones fit your
schedule. See last months newsletter for more
Registration is required. For more information
call Liz at 304-229-8603 or email eahuntington@
The S.P.I.C.E.S. Traveling Peace Troupe Rehearses in February

The S.P.I.C.E.S. Traveling Peace Troupe

We meet every Monday at the Meetinghouse from 6:00 to 7:00 PM

Our mission is to engage audiences of all ages in live, interactive

performances of stories built on the themes of simplicity, peace,
integrity, community, equality and stewardship as a way to sow
love and nurture these values in ourselves and the community.
Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | March 2017 | Page 3

Quaker Events Saturday, April 8: Spring Work Day at Friends

Wilderness Center
Baltimore Yearly Meetings Third Month
Interim Meeting: Richmond Friends Meeting, Come for food, fun, and fellowship and help out with
March 18, 2017 spring maintenance chores that range from cleaning
windows, to cutting limbs, grass and weeds, to
March 19: Intervisitation Travelers Gathering painting and light carpentry. If you have a chain saw,
at Richmond Friends Meeting Do you travel we need to cut some logs that are just a bit too long
among Friends? Have you ever wanted to? Please to fit into the stove. There are also logs that need to
join Baltimore Yearly Meetings Working Group be split. Many hands make light work and working
on Intervisitation for The Travelers Gathering on beneath a lovely Blue Ridge sky makes it a real joy.
March 19, 12:30-4:00pm, at Richmond Friends Please RSVP to Sheila Bach (
Meeting. This is the day after Interim Meeting, in to aid her in determining how many will be having
the same location. Registration is not necessary, but lunch (home-cooked and FREE for participants).
an RSVP to would
be appreciated.
Congratulations to Cameron Hughes
March 31-April 2: Young Friends Conference and Jacob Svedlow on the birth of their son
at Fox Haven Retreat Center (Frederick, MD) Everett Davis Svedlow on February 13.
For information, check the Young Friends website And congratulations, Landon, on
( becoming a big brother!
yfs/yfcon.html) or contact Jocelyn Dowling (301-
774-7663). Please remember that the deadline to
register and be guaranteed a slot is two weeks before
the conference (March 17). Anyone registering after
that date will be placed on a waiting list and may not
be able to attend. March 12
April 1: BYM Peace and Social Concerns SOUP & BREAD LUNCH
Networking Day, Friends Meeting School in
Ijamsville, MD The interactive Debate into Dialog
after Meeting for Worship
program, beginning at 10am, will give Friends
practice in a technique to resolve controversies within
our own Meetings and in our communities. Friends
will then be invited to attend two of our four 1-hour- Easter Breakfast
plus workshops:
April 16, 8:00
Addressing climate/environmental issues
Making a difference in criminal justice
Helping refugees and immigrants
Working for economic and racial justice
A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided
(donations invited to help with the cost). Please
RSVP by emailing on or before You are invited to the Meeting House for
March 20 and letting us know your name(s), your coffee and breakfast on Easter Sunday!
Meeting, and your two preferred workshops. Also Meeting will provide eggs, sausage, and
email if you have any questions. beverages. Friends are encouraged to bring
yogurt, bread, fruit, etc.
Page 4 | March 2017 | Goose Creek Friends Newsletter

Sundays Facing Bench

Meeting for worship at 9:45 a.m. MARCH
First Day School at 10:00 a.m. Sheila Kryston
Fellowship at 10:45 a.m. APRIL
Caroline Pelton
March First Day
3.12 Sunday 11 am Soup and bread lunch School
3.19 Sunday 11 am Margaret Fisher: Right Relationship with Animals 03/05/17
3.26 Sunday 11 am Ministry & Oversight Committee meeting S.P.I.C.E.S. Peace Troupe
April 03/12/17
4.02 Sunday 11 am Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business Bicentennial Timeline
4.16 Sunday 8 am Easter breakfast 03/19/17
4.23 Sunday 11 am Continuing discussion: What Do I Believe? Friends World Travel
First Day School, March 2017 Quakers in Politics?
03/05/17 S.P.I.C.E.S Students will resume writing plays, developing their puppets
and perhaps experiment with some stop-motion animation techniques. It
is the hope that by engaging in the process of activities focused on
Quakerisms core values of simplicity, peace, integrity, community,
equality and stewardship, students will understand them better and
how to live them daily.
03/12/17 Goose Creek Friends Bicentennial Timeline In preparation for
Meetings exciting bicentennial celebration this fall, students will The Goose Creek Friends Newsletter
commence a written and visual timeline outlining the Meetings is published monthly by the
development throughout the past 200 years in the context of the Goose Creek Friends Meeting,
events of the times. 18204 Lincoln Road, P.O. Box 105,
Lincoln, VA 20160.
03/19/17 Friends and World Travel Friends Carolyn and John Unger will answer
students questions and share their experiences traveling to many parts Debbi Sudduth, 540.338.3363
of the world.
03/26/17 Quakers in Politics? What leads someone to run for political office? ASSISTANT CLERK
Friend Chuck Hedges will answer this question and many more while Patricia Barber, 301.432.5706
sharing his experience as a Quaker in the Community.
Teen Discussion Group Annie Carlson
If three or more teens (ages 13-17) are present, they are welcome to head over to
Allen's shop next door for a youth-led discussion group. Students and FAPs are Catherine Cox, 301.834.6892
encouraged to make sure the conversation stays related to Quakerism.
The intent of all speaking is to bring into the life, and to walk 540.751.0323
in, and to possess the same, and to live in and enjoy it, and to feel DONATIONS
God's presence. George Fox, 1657 Please direct donations for
Goose Creek Friends Meeting to
Annie Carlson, P.O. Box 105
Lincoln, Virginia 20160

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