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Acceptance Procedures

Description of Acceptance Tests & Processes

BTS / BSC, Node B / RNC, MW Links

Issued by
Information and Communication Mobile
Hofmannstrasse 51
D-81359 Munich


1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 3

2. Acceptance Test Plan............................................................................................ 5

3. Tools & Test Equipment........................................................................................6

4. Acceptance Tests................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Factory Acceptance.................................................................................................. 7
4.2 System Acceptance Test.......................................................................................... 7
4.3 Unit Acceptance...................................................................................................... 8
4.3.1 Unit Acceptance & Microwave Link Acceptance................................................8
4.3.2 Construction Site Acceptance............................................................................8
4.3.3 Site Documentation Delivery.............................................................................9
4.4 Cluster Acceptance.................................................................................................. 9
4.4.1 Network and Radio Frequency Integration........................................................9
4.4.2 Cluster Acceptance.......................................................................................... 10
4.5 Network Acceptance...............................................................................................11
5. Closing Notes on Acceptance Procedures........................................................12


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1. Introduction
Siemens has developed a sophisticated set of acceptance test specifications to confirm
that each deliverable item (site, network element, cluster or network) meets our
stringent quality and performance standards.
It is Siemens focus to define and agree with our Customers upon all necessary
acceptance tests, processes, time frames and documents during contract negotiations
in order to ensure a smooth rollout. This will also help us to have a clear understanding
of the Customer requirements and to properly staff and train acceptance test
The Siemens Acceptance Procedures are general processes and will provide our local
projects and Customers with a guideline to define their individual acceptance test
processes according to project specific needs and contractual requirements.
The Siemens Acceptance Procedures described in this document focus on radio (BTS /
Node B, BSC / RNC) and microwave equipment.
The basis for all acceptance test activities will be a project specific Acceptance Test
Plan (ATP) contractually agreed between the Customer and Siemens. It will define all
required acceptance tests, processes, responsibilities and documentation.
Following the Installation and Commissioning of the equipment and dependent on the
scope of work defined in the Contract, Siemens will support the Customer in
acceptance testing. Testing is carried out in three stages:

Unit Acceptance which is performed to verify the quantity and quality of each
network element as stand-alone item. Depending on the Scope of Work delivered
by Siemens it can also include Microwave Link Acceptance and Construction
Site Acceptance.
Cluster Acceptance which is performed to verify that the radio network planned
and built by Siemens meets the quality requirements defined in the Contract.
Prerequisite of Cluster Acceptance is that a certain number of sites is integrated
into a cluster and connected to the OMC / Radio Commander.
Network Acceptance where the Customer approves the network consisting of a
number of Clusters contractually defined as a Network. This occurs automatically
after a certain number of Cluster Acceptances has been achieved. With Network
Acceptance the quality of the network planned and built by Siemens and the
interworking with network elements of other vendors is verified.

Prior or in parallel to these acceptance procedures performed in the field, Siemens

supports the Customer with further acceptance testing:

Factory Acceptance is carried out prior to the delivery of the equipment into the
project country to verify that the equipment delivered is manufactured according to
international and Siemens own quality standards.
System Acceptance is basically considered as acceptance testing of the
contracted Software Release including the contracted Sales features. It is carried
out only once per system software release.


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The following picture illustrates the generic Siemens Acceptance Process and related

NDD = Network Definition Document

NCP = Nominal Cell Plan
System NTP = Nominal Transmission Plan
System System NFP = Nominal Fixed Network Plan
Acceptance Acceptance ODD = Objects Definition Document
Test Manual
Test Certificate VAM = Verification & Acceptance Methodology
VOD = Verification of Objectives Document
IMN = Installation Manual
ITMN = Instllation Test Manual
ATMN= Acceptance Test Manual
PAC = Provisional Acceptance Certificate

Factory Test Factory Factory Acceptance

Specifications Acceptance Test Certificate
*) in case of Lean NDD
Project Implementation
Design, VAM
NDD Construction ATMN Cluster Accept.
VAM & Material Checklists Certificates

Network Site Unit Accept Network & Cluster

Construction I&C (NE, MW, Network
Planning Acquisition RF Integration Acceptance Acceptance

VOD Network Accept

NCP PAC Site Documentation Cluster Accept Certificate
NTP Delivery to Customer*)
ODD *) contains all site-related documents
produced during the Turnkey process


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2. Acceptance Test Plan
Before starting any acceptance activities Siemens and its Customers will discuss and
define a detailed Acceptance Test Plan. Purpose of the Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) is
to define the responsibilities, processes, specifications and tests to be followed and
results that must be achieved by Siemens for each contractually defined acceptance
test. All of these acceptance phases will need to be agreed upon by the Customer and
Siemens prior to the start of acceptance activities.
In general each of the Acceptance Tests should contain the following:

Acceptance scope of work

Acceptance schedule
Acceptance organisation
Acceptance test items (SW, FW, HW, version and features)
Acceptance test manuals including hand-over documents and deliverables
Acceptance test checklists and / or certificates
Acceptance training schedule
Acceptance suspension and resumption requirements
Classification of defects & defect tracking
Response and correction times
Necessary tools and test equipment
Entry and Exit criteria
Support for other vendors equipment
Procedures for handling of defects related to other vendors equipment

As part of this Acceptance Test Plan the Customer and Siemens will also agree upon an
Acceptance Strategy defining whether the Customer will carry out acceptance by himself or
whether Siemens is leading acceptance testing and the Customer will take part in each
acceptance step, complete random checks after acceptance testing has been completed or
will only perform exemplary checks. This will have a major impact on the amount of training
required for Customer acceptance personnel.


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3. Tools & Test Equipment
Unless defined otherwise in the Contract, Siemens will also provide the tools and test
equipment required to perform the acceptance processes as mutually agreed and
described in the Acceptance Test Plan. The Acceptance Test Plan will also define the
provision of additional test equipment required by the Customer. The Customer shall
support Siemens in locating special equipment such as other vendors equipment,
other vendors mobiles, etc.


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4. Acceptance Tests
The following chapter provides an overview of all acceptance procedures related to the
Siemens Turnkey Process a modular solution covering all activities from Network
Planning to Network Acceptance but of course the project specific acceptance tests
will depend on the contractually agreed scope of work.
The actual acceptance phase starts with the Unit Acceptance of the radio equipment
and / or Microwave Link Acceptance after Installation & Commissioning. In cases where
Siemens is responsible for network planning, Cluster and Network Acceptance Tests
will prove that the network is in line with the planning parameters and meets the
defined quality requirements.
The acceptance tests mentioned above are subsequent steps, therefore a thorough
planning and tracking of the different acceptance steps and dates is absolutely
necessary for a smooth rollout. In general, Siemens Project Management will follow the
acceptance processes described in the Siemens Turnkey Process Manual (TPM).
Siemens foresees the possibility to project specifically adapt these processes and
document them in the agreed upon Acceptance Test Plan. The use of our project
management tool CAPRI 2000 will provide our local acceptance teams and the
Customer continuous transparency of the actual status and progress of the acceptance
tests for each site, network element, cluster or contractually defined network. Due to
their modular structure, the Turnkey Process Manual and CAPRI 2000 can be used for
all mobile network rollouts no matter whether the project is full Turnkey or partial
Turnkey. This will also cover Installation & Commissioning Only projects.
Factory and System Acceptance Tests will be performed independently from the site-
by-site network rollout, either prior or in parallel to the actual acceptance phase.

4.1 Factory Acceptance

The Factory Acceptance Test is a pre-defined test performed for each network element
produced in the factory. Siemens will issue a document that certifies that the network
element being tested is manufactured according to European or other relevant
standards. A test protocol, which guarantees the specification values were achieved,
will be added with each delivery. Modifications to the factory tests according to specific
Customer requirements are not possible. The Factory Specifications and a sample of
the Factory Acceptance Test Certificate will be part of the Acceptance Test Plan.

4.2 System Acceptance Test

During System Acceptance, Siemens assists the Customer in verifying the functionality
of the contracted Software release and the contracted features. System Acceptance
will be carried out only once per system release and Customer, either in Siemens
diagnostic center (central or regional), at the Customers test bed or in the first life
system element. The duration of System Acceptance tests is typically 1-4 weeks,
depending on the contents of the Software release.
Following the System Acceptance Test a test report is made including test logs. The
results will be evaluated together with the Customer and shall release the system in the
operators network. Siemens recommends completing System Acceptance in Siemens
test bed in advance of the rollout. This enables the Customer to verify the functionality
of the network months before the sites are placed On Air.

4.3 Unit Acceptance


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4.3.1 Unit Acceptance & Microwave Link Acceptance
With Unit Acceptance, Siemens verifies that the installed and commissioned radio
network element as stand-alone item is complete, passes power-up and stand-alone
tests, and is ready to be integrated into the network environment. These tests cover
documentation completeness checks, hardware and software checks such as power-
up and diagnostics of the hardware, as well as cabling and site-specific adjustment
checks. Upon acceptance or conditional acceptance in case of minor items to be
corrected, the Customer issues the Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC). With
signature of the PAC or in case the Customer takes the unit into commercial use,
whatever occurs first, the contractual warranty period for the specific network element
starts. After the expiration of the equipment warranty period a Final Acceptance
Certificate (FAC) will be signed by the Customer and delivered to Siemens.
In case Siemens is responsible for the transmission network, a Microwave Link
Acceptance will be performed to verify the quality of each Microwave Link as stand-
alone item. Prerequisite for this acceptance test is that both sides of the microwave link
are installed and commissioned. If possible, Microwave Link Acceptance is carried out
as part of the Unit Acceptance.
The project specific scope of unit acceptance testing is defined in the Acceptance Test
Plan and depends on the scope of deliveries. The Acceptance Test plan contains the
appropriate Acceptance Test Manuals per network element type and technology as well
as the Installation Manuals (IMN) and Installation Test Manuals (ITMN) and the
Microwave Link Commissioning Test Sheets used for installation and commissioning.
Attached to the Acceptance Test Plan are furthermore Installation & Commissioning
Checklists, a template of the Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) and the Final
Acceptance Certificate (FAC).
In order to reduce the number of site visits, Siemens offers its Customers Lean Project
Implementation (LPI). Upon approval by the Customer, Unit Acceptance will already be
performed in the Regional Logistics Center (RLC). The Acceptance Test results will be
provided with the network element documentation.

4.3.2 Construction Site Acceptance

If Siemens carries out construction works, we suggest performing Construction Site
Acceptance together with Unit Acceptance in order to reduce the Customers trips to
the site. Construction Site Acceptance is carried out for each site to verify the quality of
the site construction works and the completeness of the construction documentation
package. These Construction Site Acceptance Tests will be either based on technical
specifications provided by the Customer or on Siemens specifications for Design,
Construction and Materials.


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In order to meet technical, country specific and other quality requirements, each
specification needs to be thoroughly reviewed and approved by the Customer and
Siemens prior to its use in the project. The adapted design, construction and material
specifications as well as acceptance checklists for rooftop and greenfield sites will be
included in the Acceptance Test Plan.

4.3.3 Site Documentation Delivery

Upon Unit Acceptance Siemens will provide the Customer with the Final Site
Documentation which includes all original site specific-documents produced during the
Turnkey process. The content of this documentation package is determined by the
scope of work provided by Siemens and defined in the Master Site File Index. Once the
Master Site File Index is approved by the Customer and included into the Acceptance
Test Plan, Siemens will establish a Document Control structure to compile the required
documents and establish the system for delivery.

4.4 Cluster Acceptance

If Siemens is responsible for network planning, Cluster Acceptance will be performed to
prove to the Customer that the network satisfies the coverage and quality requirements
as set forth in the Contract. Cluster Acceptance will be performed for a pre-defined
group of sites. These Clusters are usually created using geographical boundaries or
BSC / RNC areas and can range in size. Siemens and the Customer will agree upon
the particular Cluster prior to start of the acceptance tests. To start with Cluster
Acceptance a certain percentage of sites of the Cluster must be network integrated and
On Air.
Cluster Acceptance will not be applicable if single BTS or Node B elements are added
to the cluster or in case existing network elements will be modified or extended.

4.4.1 Network and Radio Frequency Integration

Once the network elements and microwave links required to complete Network
Integration are functional and the OMC / Radio Commander has been installed and
commissioned, Network Integration can start. If Siemens is responsible for Network
Integration, this process can run in parallel with Unit Acceptance. Network Integration
will cover the physical connection of the network element to the OMC / Radio
Commander without any assurance as to the quality of the coverage or hand-offs to
other sites. As soon as the site is network integrated it could be put On Air, either for
commercial use by the Customer or within a test network.
Siemens will perform Radio Frequency Integration to verify that a specific site can
interact with and handover to neighboring sites. Radio Frequency Integration does not
mean that a Cluster or Network provides continuous coverage but only ensures that all
technical settings of this site are correct. Measurements with a test mobile will be
carried out in the immediate surroundings of the site, using a checklist to verify cell
orientation (swap of sectors only), frequency per cell, handover function and signal
strength assumed in the coverage area. Radio Frequency Integration will only be
performed if Siemens is responsible for network planning.


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4.4.2 Cluster Acceptance
As soon as the above mentioned preconditions for Cluster Acceptance are met, the
Cluster Acceptance Tests can begin.
The cluster acceptance tests will be based on the following documents as defined and
agreed upon with the Customer in the Acceptance Test Plan.

The Network Definition Document (NDD) contains all general rules, assumptions
and guidelines defined by the Customer and Siemens prior to Nominal Network
Planning such as subscriber information, network quality requirements, services to
be provided, license and Customer conditions, migration strategy and other
information. There will be a separate NDD for Radio, Transmission and Fixed
Network / Core Planning.
The Verification & Acceptance Methodology (VAM) details the measurements and
testing procedures by which the performance of a cluster of sites or the entire
network are measured. It will generally define the requirements for test calls, drive
test equipment and methods for collecting data as well as thresholds for
measurements such as receive and transmit levels and quality, call set-up success
rate, dropped call rate, handover success rate and call blocking rate.
The Objective Definition Document (ODD) will be completed for each Cluster and
defines the area to be covered, the process, test routes, parameters to be tested
and acceptable values. The ODD will be based on the approved upon Nominal Cell
The Verification of Objectives Document (VOD) describes the measurements and
results of the testing completed for each Cluster.

Within Cluster Acceptance Siemens will carry out field measurements for the Cluster
to verify that the contractually agreed network planning requirements are met. Siemens
drive test teams will complete drive tests according to the Objective Definition
Document (ODD) in order to collect data. Siemens Radio Planning experts will analyze
the collected data according to the Verification and Acceptance Methodology (VAM).
The results of the Cluster Acceptance Tests will be presented to the Customer in the
Verification of Objectives Document (VOD). The VOD declares the compliance with the
Customer requirements as set forth in the ODD. Upon thorough review and approval of
the VOD the Customer will sign the Cluster Acceptance Certificate.
In some cases, the Customer may require system measurements to provide statistical
information about the Cluster / Network behavior and performance. For system
measurements it will be mandatory that a certain number of subscribers are using the
network to generate sufficient load to provide accurate samples of system performance
such as traffic value and tendency, blocking, drop call rate, call success rate, handover
failure and types of handovers. System measurements are not part of the Siemens
Acceptance Procedures but are offered separately within Siemens Network
Optimization Services.


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4.5 Network Acceptance
The definition of Network Acceptance is always heavily dependent on the Contract
signed between Siemens and its Customers. The Contract can determine that each
phase, region or even a specific number of sites can represent a network.
The Siemens Acceptance Procedures define Network Acceptance based on the
number of Clusters included in one Contract Phase. Network Acceptance will
automatically occur when Siemens provides the Customer proof, that the required
number or percentage of Clusters defined as a Network have been cluster accepted
and integrated into the Customers network. This includes also the interworking to
network elements of other vendors. Upon approval of this documentation the Customer
will accept the Network and issue the signed Network Acceptance Certificate to
Siemens. The Acceptance Test Plan will contain a description of the Network
Acceptance Tests and the Network Acceptance Certificate.


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5. Closing Notes on Acceptance Procedures
The Acceptance Procedures described in this document will help Siemens and its
Customers to faster and more efficiently define project specific acceptance test
processes and documentation. This results in a proper preparation and training of both
parties, having a major impact on the project rollout and the quality of materials,
services and the whole network to be delivered.


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