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I.1 Background

Practical work is one of the subjects in the Department of Materials and Metallurgical
Institute of Technology Surabaya. This course is a compulsory subject that can be taken if the
student has taken the course of 80 credits. Practical work is so that students can gain practical
experience in the world of work to support the theoretical mastery that has been gained in
college. This practical work program expects students can be directly involved in the
activities in a company that is in accordance with the scope of the environment.

In the current era of globalization is a tough challenge for each element in the
community. The development is so rapid forcing individuals, especially students to improve
themselves both academic and non-academic. It requires all of us to prepare well in order to
compete in the era of globalization. For students, preparedness for both academic and non-
academic is important.

As the next generation, students are not only required to have academic intelligence
alone, but also non-academic intelligence. Owned academic intelligence will be more perfect
if it was offset by non-academic intelligence are good also.

Realizing this, the Institute of Technology Surabaya especially Materials and

Metallurgical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology. Job weighted
curriculum with 2 credits. This practical work shall be carried by all students on condition
have completed at least 80 credits. Therefore, the application of the theory that has gained
over in college is very important for students to be able to maintain a balance between the
intelligence of academic and non-academic. For this purpose, the activities carried out
practical work.

In order aplication that goal required cooperation between the Institute with the
relevant authorities as a place for students to apply knowledge and give you an idea of reality
to be faced when completing his studies at the college. One of the agencies associated PT.
Freeport Indonesia.

PT. Freeport Indonesia the process in the field of extractive metallurgy; gold, silver
and copper refinery; maintaining process. Operating in the area Tembagapura, Papua 99930

I.2. Purpose
Here are the objectives of this program :

a. To participate partially by implementing all integrated learning subjects from Institute

about process in the field of extractive metallurgy; gold, silver and copper refinery;
maintaining process.

b. To increase students knowledge, skill and experience correlating with career about the
process in the field of extractive metallurgy; gold, silver and copper refinery;
maintaining process.

c. To increase mutual cooperation of education between ITS and PT. Freeport Indonesia

And then the particular purposes of job training are

a. As the academic requirements that must be adopted in the curriculum in the Department
of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering FTI - ITS.

b. Increase knowledge and technologies relevant to the field of study in the Department of
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering FTI - ITS and its application in industry
especially in PT. Freeport Indonesia

c. Understand more about the production process in the industrial world especially in
about the process in the field of extractive metallurgy; gold, silver and copper refinery;
maintaining process.


In order to inform the company about the activities that we hope can be achieved
during the internship program, here we describe some important ideas to be noted.

II.1. Place of Internship Program

The Internship program will be held in PT. Freeport Indonesia in the area
Tembagapura, Papua 99930

II.2. Timeline of Internship

We hope that the internship would be held from July to August 2017. And for the
company consideration, participant enclose the schedule in the 2nd semester of 2016-2017.

February until June 2017 : Regular Lectures time.

July until August 2017 : Allocation for practical work program.

II.3. Candidate of Participants

Participants of the internship program are
Name NRP Phone Number Email
Fahny Ardian 2714100037 0838-3105-1092

Training are the student college of

Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department
Faculty of Industrial Technology
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

The participants candidate propose to start internship program at
Sangatta, Kutai Timur
Kalimantan Timur - Indonesia
Telp: +62 549 52 1155
Fax: +62 549 52 1701
Date On 3 July 30 August
The expected activities of this program are as follows :
Introduction of company
Study of literature
Site Observation
Collecting data
Discussion / consultation with the supervisor and Reporting
No Activity July August
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Introduction of
2. Study of literature
3. Site Observation
4. Collecting Data
5. Discussion with
the Supervisor
and Reporting

As for the details and schedule of activities to be carried out as follows:

1. The introduction of the company and the adjustment to the work environment
practice (field).
2. Literature study and Observation of an enterprise environment.
3. The collection of data on the targeted areas of work.
4. Implementation of the task areas of work and consultation to counselors.
5. Practical work of writing the report.

II.4 Expected Subject

According all learned subjects in university, the candidate of participants propose to have
internship program placement at entity which dealing with one of below subjects :

Mineral Ore Dressing

Extraction Process
Refining Process
Maintenance / Non Destructive Test
Operations Research and Production Management
Industrial Process Design
Transport Phenomena
Machine Element
Engineering Mechanics
Occupational Safety and Health
Phase Diagrams
Thermodynamics Material
And other knowledge as long as it is related to Materials and Metallurgical
Engineering application.

The courses that can be used to support the internship program are :
1. Metallurgy I
Course title which learning about material physical structure and the related phenomena.
The subjects are crystal structure and related, transformation diagram, heat treatment,
metal reinforcement and phase transformation.
2. Metallurgy II

Course title which learning about various types/classifications of steel and ferrous alloy,
the influence of composing element, and non ferrous alloy. The subjects are metallurgy of
iron-steel and its related, stainless steel and its related, tool steel and its related, cast iron
and its related and non ferrous and its related.
3. Electrochemistry
Course title which learns about electrochemical dimensions. The subjects are ionic
solutions, electrochemical cell, electrodes, electrodes reaction and polarization.
4. Material Mechanics Behavior
Course title which learns about material mechanical properties and apply mechanical
testing. The subjects are technical material classification, material property and testing,
stress concept, combined stress and material mechanical property enhancement)
5. Material Characterization
Course title which learns about the basic concepts of material characterization and
analyzing method of testing results. The subjects are micro structure analysis,
spectroscopy, X-Ray powder diffraction and thermal analysis.
6. Phase Diagram Transformation
Course title which learns the basic concept and application a phase diagram to
determine the possible phase in material transformation process. The subjects are binary
phase diagram, solidification process and structure, phase transformation mechanism and
phase diagram construction.

7. Heat Treatment
Course title which learning the changes during heating and alloys, the transformation
diagram and its application, the measurement and the application of hardenability,
thermal and stress transformations, and alloying effect.

Benchmark of Success

The success benchmarks of this internship program are:

a. Participants are able to implement all knowledge from institute

b. Participants understand the project in proper manner

c. Participants are able to provide specific and measurable recommendation in

accordance with anomalies found in the project

d. Participants cooperate well with all company's personnel during internship program.

e. Participants are able to deliver a proper internship projects report in defined time.


The candidate participants write this proposal as a reference to participate to

internship program at PT. Freeport Indonesia. The candidate participants hope to participate
this program in order to gain more knowledge about industrial and technological especially in
about the process in the field of mining, maintaining, processing and exploration of the coal.
The facilities that we expected for this internship program are:

1. Guidance along the internship program

2. Facilitation to do observation and to take the necessary data we need.
The response on the request of the companys internship program can be delivered through:

Enclosing this proposal, we would like to thank you for your help and consideration.

Surabaya, December 5th 2016


Fahny Ardian
NRP. 27 14 100 037



Surabaya , December 5th 2016


NRP: 2714100037
Materials and Coordinator of Job Internship Training
Metallurgical Engineering Departement Materials and Metallurgical Departement


Dr. Agung Purniawan, S.T., M.Eng. Dr. Sigit Tri Wicaksono, S.Si., M.Si.

NIP : 197605282002121003 NIP : 197801132002121003




Address :
Gang Makam Blok - H no 19A, Keputih Sukolilo,

Surabaya, East Java, 60111

Mobil Phone : 0838-3105-1092


Personal Data
Place, date of birth Sukoharjo, June 16th 1996
Gender Male
Religion Islam
Nationality Indonesian
Marital Status Single
Motto Go hard or go home, share so much more
Hobbies Reading some kind of books (biography, history, science
fiction), travelling, foreign language study, and
Health Healthy, there is no physical disability and not
color blind
GPA 3.14
Education Background
2014 now Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of
Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember, Surabaya
2011 2014 SMA Negeri 1 Sukoharjo (Senior High School)
2008 2011 SMP Negeri 1 Mojolaban (Junior High School)
2002 2008 SD Negeri 01 Demakan (Primary School)
2001 2002 TK Islam BATIK Bekonang (Kindergarten)

2016 - 2017 Vice Chairman of IKEMAS SURABAYA

2015 2016 Staff of MTC Department HMMT FTI ITS

2015 2016 Member of Materials Techno Club ITS

2015 - 2016 Member of BERKAH Surabaya
2014 - 2016 Member of IKEMAS SURABAYA
Seminar and Training Experience
2016 Guest Lecture Corrosion Problem During Gas Production
and Its Mitigation Indocor ITS
2015 INI LHO ITS Campus Roadshow 2015 ; National; as a
2014 ESQ (Emotional and Spiritual Quotient Management)
2014 Gerigi ITS
2014 LKMM Pra TD XXVI (Skills Practice Management Pre-
Primary Level Student) by BEM FTI ITS
2014 Training Student for Scientific Paper by HMMT FTI ITS
2014 Training Student for Jurnalistic by HMMT FTI ITS
2014 PERLIT (Soft Skill and Spiritual Training) by LDJ Material
and Metallurgical Engineering ITS
2014 Training Student for Entepreneurship by HMMT FTI ITS
2007 Winner Of Science Contest in RRI Surakarta
Committee Experience
2016 Liasion Organizer (LO) Wisuda 113 by Himpunan
Mahasiswa Teknik Material dan Metalurgi FTIITS (2015)

2016 Chief Executive of SUKOHARJO CAMPUS FAIR

2015 Koor. Equipment Committe PKTI (Scientific Paper

Training 2015 by Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Material
dan Metalurgi FTIITS
2015 Equipment Committee Malam Keakraban by Himpunan
Mahasiswa Teknik Material dan Metalurgi (2015)

2015 Liasion Organizer (LO) Silver Parade by Himpunan

Mahasiswa Teknik Material dan Metalurgi FTIITS (2015
2014 Equipment Committee of Magnificient (Material Roadshow
for Public at Surabaya)




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