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Nataly Casillas


Lesson 2: Build-A-Character Workshop!

W.S.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and
information clearly and accurately through the effective concepts, and information clearly and
accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. selection,
organization, and analysis of content.
W.S.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

To Kill a Mockingbird has various insights to the type of society that was constructed throughout
the novel. As we have learned, this society has specific morals and ideas about what a person
should and shouldnt do, think, wear or say. You will be able to choose from 4 different
characters in the novel and construct 1 picture on one character. The picture will capture the true
characteristics and essence of who and what the character is in their society. Then you will write
a paragraph showing how your picture contrasts the beliefs and ways their society works.
App Utilized:
Microsoft Word
Websites/Resources Utilized:
TKAM novel/your notes
List of Characters:
1. Jean Louise (Scout)
2. Boo Radley
3. Miss Maudie Atkins
4. Tom Robinson
1. Choose one of the four characters from above.
2. View each website presented above and gather information about the character of your
choice to help you better understand the character. You may also use your novel and notes
for more information.
3. Find at least 5 key pictures for the picture collage which represents the character and their
place in society. Analyze their personality, role in the novel, actions and importance to
the theme and overall plot of the novel.
a. Picture 1: Find 5 pictures that show the characters appearance, personality, and
b. You may use different fonts, colors, text sizes, etc., to properly help emphasize
your points if your pictures do not explain what you want them to.
4. After you have made each picture, use the app PicsArt and use the Collage option and
chose Grid and place your 5 pictures, and once done save the collage.
a. Crop, adjust, and size your pictures to be able to see each picture clearly. You may
use different fonts, but make sure they are legible. Be as creative as you want.
5. After you have finished your picture. Open the Word app and create a new document.
6. Add your name, class, date, and Title on the upper left hand corner. Then add the picture
youve created underneath.
7. After you have added your picture, write two paragraphs about the context of your
a. In the first paragraph explain what your words are, why you chose them and how
your character is different or like societys expectations.
b. In the second paragraph, write about how society shapes a person, and how that
can either be limiting or rewarding. Use your character as supporting evidence.
8. Upload the word document to Lesson 2 found in our class units website.

Character: Atticus Finch

Atticus represents the words of being someone who is equal, helpful, open minded,
intelligent, a teacher and a person who is not racist. Unlike the town of Maycomb, Atticus
believes in teaching Scout how to read at a young age which shows how he believes in gender
equality. He also helps Tom Robinson as he represents him in court which shows that Atticus is
believes in racial equality making him not racist. He is also a teacher to his children showing
them to be open minded like he is and allowing them to do things that society does not let them
Society shapes a person because the morals that it inflicts can cause a person to limit
themselves and be afraid of showing their true character. Atticus acknowledged the morals of
society but he did not abide by them. He believed in his own opinions which led him to do things
such as stay outside of Toms jail cell for him to be safe from those who wanted to hurt him.

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