Louie S Personality Test

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Louies Personality Test

1. You find it difficult to introduce yourself to other people.

2. You often get so lost in thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings.
3. You try to respond to your emails as soon as possible and cannot stand a messy inbox.
4. You find it easy to stay relaxed and focused even when there is some pressure.
5. You do not usually initiate conversations.
6. You rarely do something just out of sheer curiosity.
7. You feel superior to other people.
8. Being organized is more important to you than being adaptable.
9. You are usually highly motivated and energetic.
10. Winning a debate matters less to you than making sure no one gets upset.
11. You often feel as if you have to justify yourself to other people.
12. Your home and work environments are quite tidy.
13. You do not mind being at the center of attention.
14. You consider yourself more practical than creative.
15. People can rarely upset you.
16. Your travel plans are usually well thought out.
17. It is often difficult for you to relate to other peoples feelings.
18. Your mood can change very quickly.
19. In a discussion, truth should be more important than peoples sensitivities.
20. You rarely worry about how your actions affect other people.
21. Your work style is closer to random energy spikes than to a methodical and organized approach.
22. You are often envious of others.
23. An interesting book or a video game is often better than a social event.
24. Being able to develop a plan and stick to it is the most important part of every project.
25. You rarely get carried away by fantasies and ideas.
26. You often find yourself lost in thought when you are walking in nature.
27. If someone does not respond to your e-mail quickly, you start worrying if you said something
28. As a parent, you would rather see your child grow up kind than smart.
29. You do not let other people influence your actions.
30. Your dreams tend to focus on the real world and its events.
31. It does not take you much time to start getting involved in social activities at your new
32. You are more of a natural improviser then a careful planner.
33. Your emotions control you more than you control them.
34. You enjoy going to social events that involve dress-up or role-play activities.
35. You often spend time exploring unrealistic and impractical yet intriguing ideas.
36. You would rather improvise than spend time coming up with a detailed plan.
37. You are a relatively reserved and quiet person.
38. If you had a business, you would find it very difficult to fire loyal but underperforming
39. You often contemplate the reasons for human existence.
40. Logic is usually more important than heart when it comes to making important decisions.
41. Keeping your options open is more important than having a to-do list.

42. If your friend is sad about something, you are more likely to offer emotional support than
suggest ways to deal with the problem.
43. You rarely feel insecure.
44. You have no difficulties coming up with a personal timetable and sticking to it.
45. Being right is more important than being cooperative when it comes to teamwork.
46. You think that everyones views should be respected regardless of whether they are
supported by facts or not.
47. You feel more energetic after spending time with a group of people.
48. You frequently misplace your things.
49. You see yourself as very emotionally stable.
50. Your mind is always buzzing with unexplored ideas and plans.
51. You would not call yourself a dreamer.
52. You usually find it difficult to relax when talking in front of many people.
53. Generally speaking, you rely more on your experience than your imagination.
54. You worry too much about what other people think.
55. If the room is full, you stay closer to the walls, avoiding the center.
56. You have a tendency to procrastinate until there is not enough time to do everything.
57. You feel very anxious in stressful situations.
58. You believe that it is more rewarding to be liked by others than to be powerful.
59. You have always been interested in unconventional and ambiguous things, e.g. in
books, art, or movies.
60. You often take initiative in social situations.
Evidence from Unbroken

# Quotes # Quotes
1 At training camp he easily introduced 31 For each day in the air, the crew got a
himself to others and made friends right day off. They played poker, divvied up
of of the bat Cecys care packages, and went to the

2 Louie is able to quickly react and 32 On August 7th, Louie lay facedown in
provide a solution in his surroundings, the infield of the Olympic stadium,
he can be distracted but always has a readying himself for the 5000 meter
part of his head focused on the present final.

3 Neutral--------------- 33 Curbing his irritation, Louie told Mac

that he was disappointed in him.

4 the cheering and the accumulation of 34 Neutral----------------------

so many months of humiliation brought
something in him to a hard point. He
lengthened his stride, seized the lead,
and crossed the finish line.

5 He is able to easily start up a 35

conversation and is comfortable with
learning more about people.

6 Louie was scared of planes and just 36 The thought hooked all three of them.
decided to fly it They decided to make a run for it,
commandeer a plane, and get out of
Japan. (made elaborate plan to
Before each race he thought it out in
his head

7 Spilling over with eagerness, he 37

babbled to other athletes about his
training regimen, his race strategy, and
how fast he would go.

8 -When Louie is coming into a new 38 At the last moment, an enlisted man
situation, he naturally adapt and doesn't ran to the plane and asked if he could
need to worry about it. At the army base hitch a ride to Palmyra. There were no
he enjoyed being organized and objections..
carefully planned the layout of his
possessions. He likes knowing where
his things are.

9 Each morning, he rose with the sun, 39 He is somewhat straightforward and

picked up his rifle, and jogged into the though he can be a dreamer, he
sagebrush. He ran up and down hills, doesnt wander off that much.
over the desert, through gullies.

10 40 He turned down the offer of escaping

Omori to be a propaganda officer out of
heart and loyalty, disregarding the
logical conclusion that it could save his
life and protect him from the Bird

11 41 Louie doesnt focus on academics, and

isn't concerned with keeping a good
reputation, so he would rather focus on
one thing instead of keeping his options
open. He likes having a checklist of
things he should get accomplished. On
the raft, he is very quick to establish a
rationing schedule and is very methodic
and organized about it, not leaving
options open

12 Look at #8 42

13 He hated running, but the applause 43 Louies success in carrying them off
was intoxicating, and the prospect of had given him the conviction that he
more was just enough incentive to keep could think his way around every
him marginally compliant. boundary.

14 If the sharks were going to try to eat 44 Louie came up with ground rules. Each
him, [Louie] was going to try to eat man would eat one square of chocolate
them. in the morning, one in the evening.
Louie allotted one water tin per man

15 Louie has a strong sense of self and is 45 Curbing his irritation, Louie told Mac
not insecure. He is able to shake off the that he was disappointed in him.
Birds insults and still live in many

16 -Louie and his friends make a plan to 46

escape and they have every aspect
planned and sorted out. When they
found a problem that was hard to get
around, they abandoned the plan. He
also planned his voyage on the raft
carefully, the rations, roles and their

17 Understanding that Mac had acted in 47

panic, he reassured him that theyd
soon be rescued.
For a moment, Louie felt furious with
the airmen who had not seen them.
But his anger soon cooled. From his
days searching for missing planes, he
knew how hard it was to see a raft

18 48

19 Louie thought it would be disrespectful 49 His will to live, resilient through all of
to lie to Mac Louie told him that he the trials on the raft
thought hed die that night Phil and
Louie lay down, put their arms around
Mac, and went to sleep.

20 [look at #17 and #45] 50 He has plans made for killing the bird,
and being in the olympics etc.

21 He ran longer distance, which takes 51 In his head, he could roam anywhere,
stamina and method, rather than sprints and he found that his mind was quick
which take short energy spikes and clear, his imagination unfettered
and supple.
Before every race he thought through it Louie laid plans to buy the Torrance
in his head train depot and turn it into a restaurant.

22 ***When he is at the olympics, he is not 52

at all envious of his experienced
competitors. He admires Jesse Owens
and Cunningham, but does not feel

23 Louie swam in the lakes, ate appalling 53

quantities of food, and socialized.

24 Though they both knew that they were 54 [look at #29]

in an extremely serious situation, both
had the ability to warn fear away from
their thoughts, focusing instead on how
to survive and reassuring themselves
that things would work out.

25 Now he latched onto a wildly audacious 55

goal: the 1936 Olympics, in Berlin./
In his head, he could roam anywhere,
and he found that his mind was quick
and clear, his imagination unfettered
and supple.
26 -When Louie is on the raft, he is able to 56
be very present and helpful in solving
dilemmas. He can let his mind wander
off but he tends to keep on track and
focus on situations.

27 Neutral--------------- 57 Louie had demonstrated that if they

were persistent and resourceful, they
could catch food, and both he and Phil
felt inspired.

28 -Louie is always very invested in 58

providing support and being kind to his
peers, and he does not show much
interest in intellectual pursuits. He
values his kindness over academics.

29 His coach had forbidden him to run 59 He tried reading [the Bible] to cope
hills on the mistaken but common belief with his anxiety, but it made no sense
that it would damage his heart, but to him, and he abandoned it.
Louie didnt buy the warnings.

30 Now he latched onto a wildly 60

audacious goal: the 1936 Olympics, in
Louie laid plans to buy the Torrance
train depot and turn it into a restaurant

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