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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Drew Doig

Artifact Title: Seventh Grade Curriculum

Teaching Standard: 3

Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction.

Standard Criteria: A

Uses student achievement data, local standards, and the district curriculum in planning
for instruction.

I choose this artifact to show:

_____ Growth in the standard

__X___Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria:

The artifact that I chose to include to demonstrate my competency in standard 3A is the

curriculum for the seventh grade. The artifact meets the standard because this the
curriculum for seventh grade social studies that was approved by the district. The
curriculum shows the standards that each student is expected to achieve during each

Reflection on the artifact:

This artifact was created to ensure that all students receive that same curriculum
regardless the instructor. This was created collaboratively within my professional
learning community team. We worked together to ensure that the standards were vital
to student learning. This is a great resource to have to refer to for all teachers that will
be teaching the subject matter.

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