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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Drew Doig

Artifact Title: Classroom Policies

Teaching Standard: 6

Demonstrates competence in classroom management.

Standard Criteria: B

Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible student


I choose this artifact to show:

_____ Growth in the standard

___X_ Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria:

The artifact that I chose to demonstrate my competency in standard 6B is my classroom

policies. My classroom policies clearly lay out what is expected of each student inside
my classroom. The students know what I expect of them and what they should expect
out of me.

Reflection on the artifact:

My classroom policies mainly revolve around one thing, respect. I believe that if you
can truly have respectful relationships inside of the classroom then most behavior
issues will disappear. Giving the students the policies on the first day of school
establishes and communicates with the students the expectations.

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