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Bawang putih : Iman Abdurahman = BP

Bawang merah : Arifin Siregar = BM
Princess kunyit : Dwi Alfina = PK
Lengkuas : Angga Pratama (Bawang putihs father) =L
Merica : Selfianti (Bawang merahs mother) =M
Jahe : Maya Ermawati (Bawang putihs servant) =J
King : Pandi Pranoto =K
Queen : Anis Rita Pratiwi =Q

1. One day, there lived a rich family. They were Bawang putih and his father,
Lengkuas. Bawang putih was a good boy and follower. In enjoy room,
BP : Dad, what do you think now?
L : My son, do you want to have new mother?
BP : What do you say dad?
Are you not love with Mom again?
L : No, not like that.
I think you need someone to take care you if I go to the other town.
You know, Dady are very busy.
BP : Our servant, jahe. . .
Always take care me.
L : That is different my son.
I want to we have the complete family.
BP : Yes, I know that.
This is up to you, if that is the best for us.
L : Thanks my son.
2. In different place, their neighbour, lived a poor woman and her son. She was
Merica and Bawang merah. Merica was a widow, when they at home. . .
BM : Mom, do you want to marry again?
M : What do you mean?
My age is very old to marry.
Who man want to marry me?
BM : Oh no Mom, you still look as like teenagers.
M : Isnt right?
Oh no, but if I look in mirror, thats ok. . .
Like Luna Maya maybe. .
BM : Thats right Mom.
I have an idea!
How about our neighbour, who are very rich in our village.
He have divorced man, widower Mom! And still look handsome.
M : O, thats great idea my son.
I think we have a same thinking (money)
BM+M : Hahaha. . . .
3. Tomorrow morning. . . .
M : Good morning Bawang putih!
Where is your father?
BP : Who are you?
M : Oh dear, actually I am poor woman.
Do you never meet with me, but my home beside your home, I know
You are Bawang putih and you are famous in our village.
BP : Oh thank you for it.
But sorry, what can I do for you?
M : Oh, I just want to give something for you and your father.
I know, your servant back to her home and I think, you and your
father havent ate.
BP : Oh, thank you
M : Where is your father?
BP : Oh, I want to call my father, wait a moment.
L : Whats up Mrs. Merica?
You give us many foods. Thank so much.
M : Oh, it doesnt matter.
With neighbour, we must always take and give.
L : Oh, you are very kind
M : Oh, this is usual, you are welcome.
Every morning, Merica always give some foods for BP and his father before their
servant back to home. And since that, Lengkuas always thought about Merica
and he planned to marry her.
4. Tomorrow morning, at school, BP and BM met in the class. They are one school
and study at the same class.
BM : Hello BP! How are you today?
Are you fine?
BP : Yes, I am very fine. . .
How strange that you ask me. I think you always hate me and unkind
with me. .
BM : Oh, that is in the past. But now its not wrong if we become
friendship even thought you still yaah. . . (Belittle).
Do you want to forgive me? Friendship?
BP : (Think a moment) Oh yes, we are friendship. I believe you have
changed be better than before. . .
After that happen, they didnt fight again, but BP didnt know, what the mean of
BM want to be friend with him.
5. Some months later, in BP hause after his servant back to home from her village.
On afternoon in BP hause his father was enjoying while read newspaper, after
that. . .
L : Bibik, please make a cup of coffee for me. .
J : Ok Boss. . . (some moment later)
Here you are!
L : Bibik, I want to ask with you, if I marry again, is it good for Bawang
putih, isnt it?
J : Hah, marry again Boss?
Who is she that make you falling in love again?
L : Hohoho. . .
Yes, there is a woman who have good heart!
J : Hmmm. . .
How with young Boss? Does he agree?
L : He agree if that is the best way for us.
J : Oh, like that. Up to you Boss
(In heart, actually I dont like everyone change Mrs. Bawang putih
position and I also like with Mr.)
6. Tomorrow, on the way. When Merica back from market and jahe want to go to the
M : Hi jahe, How are you?
When you back to here?
J : Hi. . .fine.
Yesterday. . .
M : Oh. . .
J : Why do you know I back to my village?
M : Hohoho. . . Of course I know, because every morning I go to Mr.
Lengkuas home. . .
J : Oh like that, what did you do?
M : An usually, give some foods, because I know they dont eat in the
morning, because you back home. Yeah I just change us position for a
J : Oh, I understand. Of course I know you have the other mean to do
But no woman who change my position during I still work at there. . .
Hmm, excuse me!
M : Oh yeah?
We look later.
Bye.(In heart, she dont know anything)
7. Not so long time, about one month later. Merica marry with lengkuas and Jahe
was very unbelieve and know she shy with herself. Their marriage party was so
great and among us people in the village go to their party. . . .
BP dont understand why his father choose BMs mother but he just positive
thinking because now he and BM have been relative, BM became his brother. . .
And they also huge together that marked they become my family and will always
together. But BM just pretend of all event, and his mother did too.
8. On many years, they live harmonious and thats happen if Lengkuas do at home,
but if Lengkuas go to the other town for his work. . . BP will get torture from BM
and M. And the bad life will begin for BP,
BM : Bawang putih!
Help me now!
Take my shoes and cloth until very clean. If not yet clean, you dont
go to school with me.You must walk with your foots!
BP : I dont want.
BM : You!
Do you dare to fight me?
BP : BM, I dont suppose that you become like that. We are brother, Bibik
jahe can help you!
BM : But, I want you to do that. If you dont want, I call my Mom!
M : Whats up dear!
In the morning like that, have noisy. . .
BM : Look BP Mom!!
She dont want to help me clean my shoes. .
M : Is it right BP?
BP : Sorry mom, but bibik Jahe can help him, Bik. . .!!!
Clean BMs shoes please!
J : Yes young. . .
Let me clean it Merica!
Uppss sorry, I mean Mrs!
( In heart, uaghh)
BM : I want BP to do that
M : Stop!!!
BP, do it!
BP : But Mom. . .
M : Dont call me Mom, if you dont want do it. . .
You must go to school with yourself. Jahe dont help him. . .
9. 5 years later. . . Lengkuas die because he sick. An that day, they mourning with
thats happen. . .
Let alone BP, he was very sad but BM with her Mom just pretended to sad. They
happy because heritage asset will be their own. . .
Actually, before Lengkuas die. He make the heirloom letter for his was BP. But
just his lawyer who know it. After that BPs life become more horrible because
every day he always get torture from BM and his mother. And just Jahe who can
help him. And Jahe always prevent with BM and his mother (Merica).
10. One day, in the market. . .
Kunyit (Princess of Bombay kingdom) go to shopping, but when she want to take
her money, he wallet stealed by thief. She soon shouted Thief. . thief. . ..
And went BP were buying something too. He heard the shouted and soon to help
Kunyit. After that, the fight happen. . . . BP was succesfull take kunyit;s wallet
from thief. . .
PK : Thank so much, you have helped me. . .
I have effort debt with you, oh yeah. . . .
Who is your name?
Suddenly, not at all. . .
BP : Oh sorry, I late to home.
I go formerly, good by nice to meet you!
11.King and Queen in Bombay kingdom were talking about Princess match planning
when Princess kunyit went home. . .
K : Oh may dear, come here we want to talk something.
Q : Yes dear, We want to search your match, Do you agree?
PK : Oh Mom, Dady. I have stealed in market a moment ago and a man
help me. I like his brave.
Q : But my dear, dont hope who not sure.
Mom and dady will search certain match for you.
You know, who is his name?
PK : I dont know. . .
K : Yes dear and we will search the best for you
PK : Oh, this time is not Siti Nurbaya period Mom, Dody but I just follow
I still hope him. . .
Q : My dear dont say like that. We look later, who is the best macht for
K : Now, ready. . .
Go to bedroom and think about your future.
At the Bawang merah hause. . .
M : My son, listen me carefully!! I have a good information for you.
Ha. . . this is a good news for you. . . .!!
BM : Whats up Mom??
M : You know my son. The princess who are very beautiful in our village
searching a man to be her husband.
BM : Areyou really Mom? Hohoho. . . .
I believe that I could be his husband because all of the people in here
know that Im the most handsome and rich in our village.
M : Yes right and if that became real we will be rich and to be a famous
J : What??? Isnt right? I must give this information with BP, because I
think he is very suitable with Princess.
The next day, BM and his mother prepared theirselves to went the palace.
M : My son BM. . . ! What are you doing know? Are you ready to go to the
BM : Not yet Mom. . .., I still make over my face.
M : Wow. . ., you are very violence my son. You must be King in the
princess palace. I hope our dream became real my son.
BM : Yes Mom, I believe we can success.
When BM and his mother went to the palace, jahe give the information wuth BP. . .
J : Hi. . .Bawang putih, please came here. . .
BP : Yes, whats up Jahe?
J : have you know that the princess searching a man who to be her
BP : What?? Isnt right??
But I think, I am not suitable with the Princess, many the other man
who more suitable than me. The princess is beautiful, I think many
people who to be her husband.
J : Sssttt. . . ., you must be optimist. I believe that you can be Her
husband, and I think you are very suitable with the princess. Dont
worry!!! I will accompany you go the palace.
BP : Ok. . . I will try it.
J : Now, lets change your clothes, you must look neat. If you have
finished please call me and after it we go to the palace.
BP : Yes, thank you Jahe for your helping.
J : No matter. . .
In the palace BM and his mother talking with the King. . .
BM+M : Good afternoon King and Queen. . .
K+Q : Good afternoon. . .
M : Let me introduce ourselves. This is my son, his name is Bawang
BM : Yes your majesty. We are came here to propase your daughter.
K : Hmmm. . . my daughter, Dady agree if yow marry with BM, How
about you? Do you like him?
PK : Please give me time Dad, because love need process.
K : Ok,, BM and M. My daughter want to think for several times.
At moment BP and Jahe came to the palace. . .
BP+J : Good afternoon your majesty. . . .
K : Good afternoon, whats your purpose came to the my palace?
J : We want to propose your daughter, your majesty. . .
K : Oh. . ., you late. . .
I have choose the best husband for my daughter. He is BM. . .
BM : Yes thats right BP. It will be better if you go out from here. . .!!!
PK : Dady, I am sorry I can accept it. . .
( run from the palace with BP)
In the park. . .
BP : Why you choose me princess?
PK : Because. . ., I interest with you at first sight.
BP : Isnt right?
PK : Yes, how about you?
BP : Actually, I like you too but I conscious who is me.
I am not suitable with you. . .
PK : Dont say like that. We will marry without my parents. I think this is
the best way for us.
BP : But. . . .
PK : Dont worry BP. I believe we can!!!
And finally BP and PK married. They are very happy. But in the palace the king and
Queen very confused to search their daughter. In the afternoon BM and his
mother came to the palace again,
BM : Good afternoon your majesty. . .
K : Good afternoon BM, What do you want?
M : I am sorry majesty. We disturb your activity, we are come here to
talking about our child wedding ceremony.
Q : Oh. . ., I am sorry Mrs. Merica. I think we must canceled our plan to
marry our child, because my daughter not yet come back in this
palace. She are very love with BP. We are so sorry Mrs. . .
BM : What??? Your Majesty, I think this is not fair. I am the first, why must
K : I am sorry, I cant. . .
BM and M come back to their home and they are very disappointed because their
plan failed.
At the morning PK and BP with J go to BM hause. Tok. . .tok. .tok. . .
BM : (Open the door and scared) What??? BP, why you come back again,
what do you want?
J : Be calm BM. We are just want to tell you something and know please
call your mother, because this is very important!!
BM : Mom. . .!!! came here please. . .
M : Whats up my son??
Hah. . .,,, BP????
BP : Hi Mom? How are you?
BM : Dont be good pretend. Please, say what is your purpose came to my
J : Your home?? Are you sure that this is your home??
BP : This is my home and my wife. . .
BM :Oh, no. . .no. . .no. . . This our home. Isnt right Mom?
M : Yes sure my son, because your father have given this hause for us
not for BP.
J : First I want to tell with you that BPs father give all of his wealth for
BP. You can look it!! There isnt your name and your son.
BP : Ok. . . If you cant read it my wife will be read it for you.
BM : No thanks, I smarter than you.
M : Oh my son. . . what must we do? We dont have hause and we will be
a poor people.
Oh, no. . . .
BM : Yes Mom. . .
Hu. . hu. . .hu. . .

(Lyla, Percayakan)
Hello everybody in here
We want to show
The best from our group
Double mix
We hope you pay attention

With study English in our class

We have fun
With Mom Masda we can enjoy together. . .
Narrative dialog
The lesson for today
In here everyone
Perform the best talent from us
You are million
Always give new story
Yeah. . .4X

We will be happy
And be funny
And always together2X
Yeah. . .
With 12 sains 1
Best love of class
Full colour character in our life
Yeah. . .
Always remember with our group
This is double mix

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