Students' Preferences On Non-Native Speaker English Teacher and Native Speaker English TEacher

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Native and Non-Native Speaker English Teacher in Darul Hikam

International School:
Satria Aji
From year to year, the school has had so many graduates. Each graduate
attended a three years of school programs and one of them is the Intensive
English Program, which contains three parts: Conversation, Writing and
Grammar, but the only subject that uses the native speaker English teacher is
Conversation, so the rest do not use the native speaker English teacher. This
research is purposed and aimed to measure students satisfaction among native
speaker English teacher (NSET) and non-native speaker English teachers (non-
NSETs) skill and the effectiveness of how they teach, because in some
developing countries it is assumed that native speaker English Teacher are the
best standard of teaching written and spoken language, but in the fields, some of
them are having difficulties in adapting with the culture so their effectiveness in
teaching is sometimes doubted. Deep analysis result of students satisfaction
about native speaker English teacher skill and their effectiveness way of
teaching through the questionnaire shows that there is a significant difference
between the native speaker English teacher and non-native speaker English

The stereotype that native language correctly and
speaker is better from the non- appropriately to accomplish
native speaker in teaching English communication goals. (p. 243).
is still become a warm From the statement implied,
controversial issue among nowadays the fundamental
teachers and students, especially mission of learning or teaching
in Indonesia. Many people think English is to make the students
non-native speaker English become proficient in English, and
teachers are apparently not cannot simply conclude that
proficient in English, and native native speaker or non-native
speaker English teachers is speaker is better or not.
clearly proficient because they
We live in the country
have more skills and experiences
where English is a foreign
in teaching English. This
language (EFL). It means
stereotype is should not become
students, wherever they are, need
something that is easily believed
to struggle to be able to speak
because we need to see it from
English. We can see that EFL
different point of view, as Omar
learners obviously have limited
(2013) wrote, Nowadays
interactional opportunities so
language teaching is based on the
whenever the students have the
idea that the goal of language
opportunity to practice the
acquisition is communicative
language, the conversation is
competence: the ability to use the
often filled with errors. It is also
related to the nations culture The purpose of the Study
where native speaker needs to
There are so many studies
adapt with the culture so they can
that investigate about the
fit with the students
dichotomy between native
characteristics, while non-native
speaker English teacher and non-
speakers do not have to adapt,
native speaker English teacher.
and this becomes the advantage
Widely believed among students,
for them because they come from
learning with native speaker is
the same mother tongue with the
more fun because they prioritize
students. Another thing to think
to learn with practice and
about is the fluency. Although
somehow it is become more
native and non-native speaker
effective for the students to learn.
may have fluent in English, there
While the non-native speaker is
is still a chance that they cannot
also more effective because they
teach more about the structure of
are good in translating English.
the language itself. In the name of
This study is intended to know
being honest, still, an objective
how much satisfied the students
and balanced view is needed to
are with the native or non-native
decide which one is better.
speaker in learning English, and
On the other hand, students to examine how skill and the way
in Darul Hikam International of teaching between non-native
School has some serious and native speaker affect the
problems in English. The students confidence in using
environment is quite challenging English and how their skills are
because all components of the improving.
school have not been aware of
Significance of the Study
the importance of using English in
relation with the schools vision The findings of this study
and mission. From researchers will explain how the students are
point of view there are only 20- satisfied by the native speaker
30% of the students who are English teachers skills and their
fluent in English. So native effectiveness of teaching.
speaker or non-native speaker are Students also have different
need to be able to handle the opinions on native speaker and
students, understand each of non-native speaker skills and
their characteristics so the effectiveness of teaching. By
teachers are allowed to plan on knowing the result, it is important
how to trigger the accurate for native speaker or non-native
method of teaching. The speaker to always improve their
effectiveness of teaching is skills and effectiveness of
seriously needed here, as the teaching, and understand their
studies in Tennessee and Texas flaws from students point of view.
produced strikingly great findings: Thus, the result will be important
Highly effective teachers are able for the school because they will
to produce much greater gains in know how the teachers
student achievement.
performance in teaching and it is While Marek (2014), said
useful for the schools evaluation. that It is a myth that only NESTs
can provide a good language
Reviewed Literature
model. What I find troubling is
The reviewed literature that many in the profession
shows that the native speaker assume language proficiency to
English teacher is more preferable be tantamount to being a good
from the non-native speakers for teacher, trivializing many other
some reasons. However, from all important factors such as
of the studies that has been experience, qualifications and
investigated, it is known that we personality. That means the
cannot easily judge that the non- important thing for the teacher,
native speakers are not good in no matter they are native speaker
teaching English. Meanwhile, it is or not, the only thing that is
strongly confessed that more needed by the students is
effective the teachers are, the experience of the teachers and
stronger and wider impact will be also good personality. David
felt by the students. (2014) said All sorts of people
are fluent, but only a tiny
There is a study, done by proportion of them are sufficiently
Medgyes (1992) attempt to aware of the structure of the
differentiate native speakers and language that they know how to
non-native speakers, arguing that teach it.' This also means that the
non-native speakers can never grammatical knowledge of each
achieve a native speakers teacher is must be considered
competence because they can and even a native speaker whose
never be as creative and original fluent in English may have
as those whom they have learnt problem in teaching structure of
to copy (pp. 342- 343). Besides the language.
that, Luk (2001) reported on a
study she carried out in two Pamela (2005) stated on the
secondary schools in Hong Kong book, Effective teachers are able
on the Native English Teacher to envision instructional goals for
Scheme by collecting the their students, then draw upon
information on the project from their knowledge and training to
the students. Her findings showed help students achieve success.
that the NESTs were viewed as a Having a highly qualified teacher
valuable thing to the students. would be a good starting point,
Native-speaker teachers were but obviously the highly effective
welcomed because of the teachers are more preferable by
linguistic model and interaction the parents, because their effort
opportunities they provided. The will be more valuable.
majority of the subjects in her
study felt that being taught by
NESTs can gain their linguistic The current study draws on
knowledge and experience. qualitative short-response
questionnaire data because
researcher wished to explore 3. Berikan pendapat anda
certain classrooms terhadap kemampuan yang
representative beliefs. dimiliki tenaga pengajar asing /
Questionnaire will not become non asing dalam mengajar
rigid than the interview if we ask Bahasa Inggris?
their own answer on the
4. Apakah kemampuan yang
dimiliki oleh tenaga pengajar
Participants asing / non asing dapat
membantu anda dalam
Nine participants from five
meningkatkan kemampuan
different classrooms, ranged from
Bahasa Inggris anda?
Secondary 1 until Secondary 5
were involved on this study. The 5. Apakah kemampuan yang
main focus is to know whether dimiliki oleh tenaga pengajar
they are satisfied or not with the asing / non asing dapat
native speaker or non-native membantu anda dalam
speaker and to know their opinion meningkatkan kepercayaan diri
about the performance done by anda dalam menggunakan
the teachers and to compare each Bahasa Inggris?
performances. They are also
B. Keefektifan dalam mengajar
needed to differentiate which one
is more effective. 1. Apakah anda puas dengan
keefektifan tenaga pengajar asing
Data Collecting Instrument
/ non asing dalam mengajar
The instrument for data Bahasa Inggris? (Puas / Tidak
collection was an anonymous self- Puas)*
report questionnaire. Accurate
2. Dalam skala 0 sampai 10,
data can be gained from the
seberapa puas anda dengan
questionnaire because of it is
keefektifan tenaga pengajar asing
aimed questions. Respondents
/ non asing / non asing dalam
are needed to write a brief
mengajar Bahasa Inggris?
descriptive answer to each of the
following questions: 3. Berikan pendapat anda
terhadap keefektifan tenaga
A. Kemampuan
pengajar asing / non asing / non
1. Apakah anda puas dengan asing dalam mengajar Bahasa
kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh Inggris?
Tenaga pengajar asing / non asing
4. Apakah keefektifan yang
dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris?
dimiliki oleh tenaga pengajar
(Puas / Tidak Puas)*
asing / non asing / non asing
2. Dalam skala 0 sampai 10, dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris
seberapa puas anda terhadap dapat membantu anda
kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh meningkatkan kemampuan
tenaga pengajar asing / non asing berbahasa inggris anda?
dalam mengajar Bahasa inggris?
5. Apakah keefektifan tenaga satisfied with the effectiveness.
pengajar asing / non asing / non While the rate is very good on
asing dalam mengajar Bahasa NSETs skills, but it is quite
Inggris dapat membantu anda normal on the effectiveness.
meningkatkan kepercayaan diri
anda dalam berbahasa inggris?
The questionnaires were written
and responded in English.
Students were volunteered to
participate and invited to
complete the questionnaire,
which took 15 to 20 minutes to
complete. Questionnaires were
anonymous and no other
identifying data were collected. Meanwhile, native speaker
The data is directly processed in English teachers skills can
spreadsheet and charts. certainly boost students
Findings and Discussions confidence in using English, but it
cannot guarantee that native
Students Satisfaction NSET speakers skill can improve the
Total Score / Number of students skill.
participants = result
Skills 71.5/9 = 7.9 out of
Efficiency 66.5/9 = 7.4 out of

The students satisfaction

percentage shows that the
non-native speaker English
teachers skill and
effectiveness are equal.

As we can see the result,

students are fully satisfied with
the native speaker english
teachers skills, and they also
The effectiveness of how NSET The students satisfaction rate
Non-native speakers skill can
teach can boost students shows that the non-native
certainly boost students skill,
confidence more than 80% while speaker english teachers skills do
while their skill can boost
students skills can only boost up not make the students satisfied
students confidence more
no more than 66% enough, but the satisfaction rate
than 75%
of the effectiveness is higher than
Students Satisfaction NNSET
the native speaker english
Skills 63/9 = 7 out of 10 teacher.
Efficiency 67.5/9 = 7.5 out of The results show that the non-
10 native speakers effectiveness
way of teaching can improve
students skill more than 85%
but can only boost students
confidence no more than 80%.
Compared to the native
speaker, non-native speaker is
better on improving students
skill, but the native speaker is
better on improving students

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