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NAME: _____________________________________________ FORM:____________






1. This paper consists of 4 sections

- A : 1 question (Question 1)
Section : 2 questions (Question 2 and
- B Question 3)
Section : 2 questions (Question 4 and
- C Question 5)
Section : 2 questions (Question 6 and
- D Question 7)
2. Please answer ALL questions
3. Answers should be written in this paper. Students must send this
question paper at the end of the period.

Prepared by, Vetted by, Verified by,

_________________________ ________________________ _______________________

This paper consists of 14 printed pages including the cover page
[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 15 minutes]

Question 1

The text below is about the writers passion for cooking.

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines there is one
grammatical error in each line.

Choose one word from the choice of words given in the space provided. An example has
been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no
spelling and punctuation errors in this text.

Pret-A-Manger are a UK company and one of the e.g. are/ is / am

worlds leading sandwich chains. It sell freshly made a) sell / sells / selling
sandwiches in busy city centres. It only use ingredients that
b) use / uses / using
are freshly prepared each morning. At the end of each day,
c) give / gives / giving
the shops gives any unsold products to the homeless.
Currently, Pret is do very well in the south of England. Pret d) operate
/ operates /

operate a total of 232 UK outlets, and this year it is plan

e) plan / plans / planning
new outlets for London. In the US, it have 23 outlets in New
f) have / has / having
York and another 10 in Hong Kong. Prets international
activities are grow in importance. This month, as part of the g) grow / grows / growing
next stage of expansion, Pret open its first two shops in h) open / opens / opening
Paris. At the same time, the marketing team is work with i) work / works / working
Lewis PR, a global PR company, an effort they takes to
j) take / takes / taking
improve the brands international image.

(10 marks)

[30 marks]
[Time suggested: 40 minutes]

Question 2

Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) (j)

Questions (a) (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.

(10 marks)

Question 3

Read the travel brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

Places to visit near Kuala Lumpur

Genting Highlands Resort is accessible

by car from Kuala Lumpur in an hour or
by Genting Skyway, the 3.4km long cable
car ride. Attractions include a casino,
indoor and outdoor theme parks,
performance venues for concerts and
events, and five different world class

Cameron Highlands is two hours and

forty- five minutes by car from Kuala
Lumpur. Visit the Boh Tea Plantation to
see the processes behind tea leaves
picking and processing. Enjoy tea and
scones at the caf overlooking the tea
plantations. Visitors can also visit the
strawberry, honey and butterfly farms.

Bukit Tinggi is an hours drive from

Kuala Lumpur. Visit the Rabbit Farm
where rabbits roam free for visitors to
pet and feed them. Participate in a
traditional tea ceremony in the Japanese
village or take a stroll around Colmar
Tropicale, the French-themed village.

Questions (a) (d)

Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

(a) It takes an hours flight to get to Genting Highlands. _______________

(b) The Boh Plantation is famous for coffee bean roasting. _______________

(c) There is a rabbit farm at Bukit Tinggi. _______________

(d) Bukit Tinggi has many French-themed buildings. _______________

[4 marks]

Questions (e) (i)

Read the brochure carefully and answer the questions below.

(e) How long is the Genting Skyway?

[1 mark]
(f) Where can visitors participate in a traditional tea ceremony?

[1 mark]
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the text.

Meaning Word / Phrase

(i) able to be reached

(ii) take part

[2 marks]

(h) Which place will you visit if you like rabbits?

[1 mark]
(i) Why do you think tea leaves grow well in Cameron Highlands?

[1 mark]

(10 marks)

(j) You plan to invite your friend to visit a place near Kuala Lumpur next month. In about 50

words, write a message to your friend. In your letter:

state the place you plan to visit

give reasons to support your choice
add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Dear _______________,



(10 marks)

[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 20 minutes]

Question 4
Read Amys diary entry below.



Line 10

Line 15

Line 20

Read the diary entry carefully and answer questions (a) (h)

a) What time did Amy have to be in school by? (Line 2)


(1 mark)

b) How many schools took part in the competition? (Line 4)

_____________________________________________________________________ ( (1
c) How many schools took part in the competition? (Line 5)


(1 mark)

d) List two things the participants did in the library. (Line 8 and Line 9)



(2 mark)

e) How was Amy feeling while waiting for her turn to perform? (Line 15)


(1 mark)

f) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the diary entry.

Meaning Word / Phrase

i. feeling anxious Put on a brave face

ii. showing courage A really big round of applause

iii. cheering and Feeling nervous

(6 marks)

g) Why did the audience give a big round of applause for Amys performance? (Line 19)


(1 mark)

h) Why do you think Amy felt relieved after the performance was over? Give two reasons.



(2 marks)

(15 marks)

Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) (d).

Sad I Ams by Trevor Millum

I am I am
the ring the battery in which no charge is left
from an empty Cola can the starter motor which remains inert
the scrapings the tyre on which the tread is worn
from an unwashed porridge pan the sparkling plug which shows no sign of spark
the severed arm the carburetor chocked by bits of dirt
of last years Action man the chromium trim from which the shine has gone
I am I am
the envelope a garden
on which the gum is gone overgrown with weeds
the sellotape a library book
where you cant find the end that no one ever reads
the toothless stapler a stray
springless bulldog clip which no one thinks to feed
the dried up liquid paper the piece of good advice
that mars instead of mends which no one seems to need
the stamped addressed reply
that you forgot
to send.

a) Who is the writer of the poem?


(1 mark)

b) How does the persona feel in the poem?


(1 mark)

c) Name two things in the poem that are parts of a car:


ii. ____________________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

d) What will you do if you feel sad and useless? Why?


(1 mark)
(5 marks)

[40 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
The picture below shows some students on their first day at their new school. Based on the picture
given, write an informal letter to your best friend to share your first day of school.

When writing the informal letter, you should:

describe what happened during your first day of school

express your feelings and emotions
use the correct format for the informal letter
write between 120 to 150 words

You may use the words below to help you:

Greetings to your friend share purpose of the letter - the first day of school woke up nervous
but excited walked to school met my old friends reached school assembly learnt new
school song and rules entered new class new teacher introduced herself I was chosen to be the
class monitor recess break tried the nasi lemak with my friends explored my new school
relaxing day end of school walked back home cannot wait to share my stories with my mother
ask your friend to share his first day of school to you final salutation







(30 marks)

Question 7

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

3 best __________________, Raj, Lee and Sam live next door to each other. One day, Raj found

out that the __________________ has come to town. He invites Sam and Lee to join him to the

carnival. Rajs father will take them there. They are excited to go on the ghost train, ride on the big

wheel, and eat lots of __________________. Sams dad gives permission to Sam to go to the

carnival, but Lees mother said she doesnt have any __________________ for the carnival. Lee

felt __________________, but Sam and Raj said they will do some __________________ together

for their moms and dads to get some money. They proposed to wash __________________, do

some __________________, and take a __________________ for a walk. Lee felt

__________________ because then, he will have some money for the fair!

jobs cars dog shopping carnival

candy floss happy money friends frustrated

(10 marks)

-------------------------- END OF EXAM PAPER. BEST OF LUCK! -----------------------------


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