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It is important to focus your feedback on learning, not performance. Give praise or
feedback on the process, be specific. Never give generalized non-specific praise
or praise the person. Modify the following statements to give feedback or praise
rather than telling students they are smart/talented/athletic/artistic:

1. I know youve been working hard to improve ____, and this is where I see
you succeeding.
2. I remember how overwhelmed you seemed by ____. Tell me what you did
to overcome the hurdles you faced. Youre inspiring me.
3. I wouldnt have thought to use that approach. You really know how to
think outside of the box.
4. Wow that was brave. Your willingness to take a risk there really paid off.
5. That must have been a hard choice to make. You have a lot of integrity.
6. You should share that idea with Luke. He would really appreciate learning
this from you.
7. Your patience is a real gift. It will continue to serve you well as a learner.
8. You are one of the most reflective learners I know.

9. That problem was really tricky to solve. I like how you tinkered around
with a bunch of approaches before you settled on one.

10. When you gave a Mike feedback on his work, you framed it so
respectfully. I like how you referenced his work specifically, too. This takes real
skill. I can tell youve been thoughtful here.

11. I know that situation must have left you feeling very frustrated. Im
impressed by how well you managed your emotions.

12. Youve become quite a role model for others. Your classmates are
looking up to you because ___________.

13. I admire the time you invested in learning.

14. You truly know how to practice active listening.

15. I recognize how deeply youve revised your thinking and your work
here. That shows how much youve learned.

16. It takes a real leader to do what you just did. I know others are inspired
by your actions.

17. Thank you for recognizing Daniels point of view. I sense that you
might disagree with him, yet you did an excellent job of putting your biases aside
in order to hear him out.

18. You are so detail-oriented. I can always tell which pieces are yours.

19. Your voice comes through loud and clear in this piece.

20. Youve really mastered________. Will you share your process with the rest of
the class so we might learn from you?

21. You are so tenacious. That perseverance is really paying off.

22. I was listening in on your exchange with Jennifer. You know just how to
encourage people.

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