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2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Cognitive Informatics

Model Predictive Control of Distillation Column based Recursive Parameter

Estimation Method Using HYSYS Simulation


Department of Automation & Instrumentation, Petroleum University of Technology (PUT), Ahvaz , IRAN
Department of Engineering, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, IRAN,,

Abstract Some chemical plants such as distillation column model of system available online while the system in
have highly nonlinear behavior. these processes demand a operation. The main goal of this paper consist on
powerful identification method such as linear and obtaining a mathematical model that adequately
nonlinear models. In this paper, a distillation column is describes the stream composition variation process
simulated in a rather realistic environment by HYSYS
inside a distillation column by using system
and the obtained data is in connection with MATLAB for
identification and control purpose. In this case, the identification techniques. The distillate and bottoms
identified model is characterized by two structures, Linear streams compositions can be inferred by measuring the
model structure based on ARX ( Autoregressive with temperature of trays near each of the column. The tray
external input) and nonlinear model structure based on temperature measurement dynamics are typically more
neural network. For control goals, two linear and rapid than the product stream composition
nonlinear model predictive controllers are applied. measurements, so tighter disturbance rejection may be
General predict control (GPC) and nonlinear predict possible with this strategy. The paper is organized as
control (NPC) are compared based adaptive identification follows. The system identification procedure is
of model. Since, practical systems change with time and
described in Section 2. Section 3 discusses the Adaptive
the parameters of system are time varying, using real-time
identification based recursive parameter estimation is identification methodology and recursive estimation
necessary, although, desired control strategy is reached method. predictive control based real-time
with a good parameter estimation. The algorithm has been identification is introduced in Section 4. System
tested on an distillation column. The resulting identification and control of a distillation column is
performances show the successful and promising developed in Section 5 and the conclusion is given in
capabilities of the proposed algorithm . the last section.
Keywords Adaptive identification, Kalman filter, Distillation
column, Neural network, predictive control, Parameter
estimation, HYSYS.
2 System Identification Procedure

1 INTRODUCTION System identification is the task of inferring a

mathematical description and a model of dynamic
system from a series of measurements on the system.
The analysis, design, operation, control, and
By using system identification techniques it is possible
optimization of distillation columns have been
to obtain models that are in agreement with the physical
extensively studied for almost a century. There are very
few design techniques that can be proven to stabilize reality and are also useful for model-based control
processes in the presence of nonlinearities and systems design (Martin Sanchez & Rodellar, 2005).
constraints. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is one of 2.1. Experimental design
these techniques. There are three general approaches to
predictive control design. Each approaches uses a In order to identifying the process, data is collected
unique model structure. Transfer function models give a from a distillation column that is simulated in HYSYS.
more parsimonious description of process dynamics and Steady-state calculations indicate that a reflux to feed
are applicable to both stable and unstable plants [1]. ratio scheme should do a pretty good job of maintaining
Representatives of transfer function model-based product purities in the face of feed composition
predictive control include the predictive control disturbances and of course, feed flow rate changes [5].
algorithm of Peterka (Peterka, 1984) and the Fig.1 shows the simulated distillation column.
generalized predictive control (GPC) algorithm of Mathematical model of distillation column has been
Clarke and colleagues. System identification is an discussed in [6, 7].Whereas, top tray temperature is a
integral part of any control designs and deals with the good indicator of product compositions, is used for
problem of building reliable mathematical model of control aims. It is assumed that experimental data has
dynamic process based on observed input-output data
[2]. In many cases it is necessary, or useful, to have a

978-0-7695-4014-6/10 $26.00 2010 IEEE 308

DOI 10.1109/ICICCI.2010.133
been obtained before hand with a proper choice of Parameter estimation constitutes a procedure that make
sampling frequency: it possible to adjust a model with a specific structure.
Z N = {[u (t ), y (t ) ] | t = 1,..., N } (1) The most common strategy is to pick the model that
provides the best one-step ahead predictions in terms of
the smallest expected squared error between observed
Where t specifies sampling instance number.
outputs and predictions. The process of picking a model
from the model structure is in the statistical literature
known as estimation. The prediction error can be
represented by the following expression (Ljung, 1999):
e (t , q ) = y (t ) - j T (t )q (7)
A well-defined scalar valued function of the model
parameter q is introduced as:
1 N
Fig. 1. Simple distillation column schematic. VN (q , Z N ) =

t =1 2
y (t ) - j T (t )q (8)
2.2. Model structure selection and parameter estimation
This is the least-squares criterion for the linear
Model structure selection constitutes one of the most regression. N is the total number of input-output data
important and difficult decisions that has to be made used in the estimation process. 1000 samples of data
within the system identification procedure, since model are used for parameter estimation. The ARX structure is
complexity can affect the exactitude at which the model chosen as a candidate structure to obtain the
describes the real process (Ljung, 1999). Several mathematical model of the process under study.
different model structures were evaluated, including
structures of the following types: OE, ARX, ARMAX 3 Adaptive identification methodology and recursive
and Box-Jenkins. (t) is a vector containing the estimation method
regressors and is a vector containing the parameters.
For convenience a generalized model structure is used: An important reason for using adaptive methods and
B (q ) C (q) recursive identification is that the properties of the
A(q) y (t ) = u (t ) + e(t ) (2)
F (q) D (q) system may be time varying and that the identification
algorithm is wanted to track the variations. Three basic
Polynomial A(q), B(q), C(q), D(q) and F(q) are defined and common classes of recursive methods can be
distinguished as [4]:
in terms of the backward shift operator q -1 . e(t) is the
white noise sequence with zero mean value, used to 1. Recursive prediction-error methods (RPEM)
characterize mathematically the dynamic behavior of 2. Recursive pseudolinear regressions (RPLR)
disturbances. The ARX structure can be represented by 3. Recursive instrumental-variable methods
using the following polynomial expression (RIV)
(Johansson,1993, Ljung, 1999):
B (q) - nk 1 Recursive algorithms include, two important quantities
y ARX (t ) = q u (t ) + e (t ) (3) that may have a considerable effect on the quality of the
A(q) A(q) estimates: the update direction and the gain. The
asymptotic properties obtained by a RPEM on a
According to Ljung (1999) a system is called linear if it constant system, using a Gauss-Newton update
is possible to describe it by a model that takes the form: direction, that, is a very good choice of update
y (t ) = G ( q -1 )u (t ) + H ( q -1 )e(t ) (4) direction. The Kalman filtering process has been
designed to estimate the state vector in a linear model.
Where G and H are transfer functions in the time delay If the model turns out to be nonlinear, a linearization
operator, q -1 . If the system is linear the objective of the procedure is usually performed in deriving the filtering
identification procedure is to determine good estimates equations. The kalman filter is very closely related to
of the two transfer functions G and H. For the general the RLS algorithm with forgetting factor. Usually the
linear system described by (4), it is easily verified that kalman filter is applied as an observer for the estimation
the one-step ahead prediction is given by [4]: of states, not parameters. However, formally the
parameter estimation problem can be stated in the
y (t | t - 1,q ) = H -1( q -1, q )G( q -1 ,q )u (t ) + 1 - H -1 ( q -1,q ) y(t ) (5)
following state space form [8]:
for ARX model structure the G and H are considered q ( k + 1) = q (k ), y (k ) = xT (k )q (k ) + e(k ) (9)
as :
B( q -1 ) 1 If the noise e(k) in (9) is white and Gaussian, then the
G ( q -1, q ) = q -d , H ( q -1, q ) = (6)
A( q -1 ) A( q -1 ) kalman filter theory tells us that the posterior
distribution of q (k ) , given z k -1 , is Gaussian with mean

) In this method, the search direction is introduced:
value q (k ) and covariance matrix as follow (Ljung,
f ( ) = - B ( ) G (U ( ) ( t ))
i i i
t -1 -1
P (t ) = [ j ( k )j T (k )] = p -1 (k - 1) + j (k )j T (k ) (10)
k =1
-1 Where, G is gradient vector and B specifies the
= p (k - 1) - p ( k - 1)j (k ) I + j T ( k ) p ( k - 1)j (k ) j T ( k ) p ( k - 1)
approximation of the inverse Hessian [1].
So the kalman filter gives the conditional expectation of 6 System identification and control of a distillation
q (k ) as : column
) ) )
q ( k ) = q ( k - 1) + K ( k ) y ( k ) - j T ( k )q ( k - 1) (11) In this Section, two types of predictive control are
investigated and their corresponding results are
Where the K is introduced kalman gain as follow: compared. To link between MATLAB and HYSYS, a
MATLAB file from O.T.Berglihn with some
p(k - 1)j (k )
K (k ) = (12) modifications is used [9]. In this paper, an online
1 + j (k ) p(k - 1)j (k ) connection between HYSYS and MATLAB is
implemented to control of Distillate product
The problem of time varying parameters of system is composition. In industrial application, control of
tackled by assigning less weight to older measurements product composition was accomplished by top tray
that are no longer representative for the system [4]. temperature control . whereas, accessing to product
composition data needs an expensive sensors and
4 model predictive control based real time implement large lag to the plant , using top tray
identification temperature is more common to use .Hence top tray
temperature will be used to control of product
4.1 Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) composition . In distillation column, reflux mass flow is
selected as a manipulated variable. Reflex mass flow,
GPC is predictive control approach with linear models has direct effect on the top tray temperature and
such as ARX, ARMAX and ARIX. In GPC consequently on the product composition. The steady
implementation the first step is system identification. state value of reflux mass flow is 100 kg/h and the top
ARIX model has been chosen for this algorithm. The tray temperature is 58.93C. Earlier, discussed that using
structure of ARIX models has been demonstrated model for GPC algorithm is known as Auto Regressive
below: and Moving Average (ARIX) model. Thus, the process
model adopted by GPC is:
y ( k ) = G ( z -1 )u ( k ) + H ( z -1 )e ( k )
A( z -1 ) 1 z - k B( z -1 ) C ( z -1 )
G ( z -1 ) = , H ( z -1 ) = y (t ) = -1
u (t ) + e(t ) (16)
B ( z -1 ) 1 - z -1 (13) A( z ) A( z -1 ) D

y% ( k + 1) = H ( z -1 ) -1 G ( z -1 )u ( k ) + (1 - H ( z -1 ) -1 ) y ( k ) Where, D = 1 - z -1 is differencing operator and the

y% ( k + 1) = G ( z ) Du ( k ) + z y ( k )
-1 -1
disturbance model is claimed to be appropriate for
many industrial applications. Control of distillation
As you can see from the equations for deriving a ARIX column based GPC is comparatively investigated by
model, first a derivate from the input and output data implementing two algorithm. One is the common GPC,
can be taken then use the ARX algorithm for parameter that the identification procedure is implemented by
estimation. Least square approach has been used for static identification based ordinary least square
parameter estimation algorithm. estimation while, the other algorithm concerns the real
time identification based recursive least square
4.2 Neural Network Predictive Control (NPC) estimation. Investigating on behavior of Adaptive GPC
and ordinary GPC, is implemented by assuming that
By using the descriptions mentioned about neural the system changed during the time. Whereas, GPC
network, the desired plant with neural network can be algorithm needs a prior data, the change must be
modeled. Minimizing the GPC criterion when the exerted to system smoothly because of, large change in
predictions are nonlinear in the control inputs is a quite process will led to confusing in controller. In this paper,
elaborate optimization problem. In order to determine the change is exerted to Temperature of Azeo Feed that
the minimum it is necessary to apply an iterative search is a inlet Feed of Distillation column and its steady state
method similar to the strategies used when training value is 77C. the change is increased from 100th to 350th
neural networks: sample from 77C to 700C. The results of ordinary GPC
consist of reference trajectory is shown in Fig .2 .
U (i +1) = U ( i ) + m (i ) f (i ) (14) Figure .2 illustrate that, ordinary GPC algorithm can

track the reference when the exerted changes are small. 2

Increasing in size of change will led to controller 0


confusing and oscillation. Now adaptive GPC is 0


investigated. The results of adaptive GPC consist of -

re at
f da
y at
reference trajectory is shown in Fig .3. Figure .3
10 da
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
0 0 0 0 Sample
0 0 0 0 0

demonstrate that, the parameters of system that are

0 u at
update based on real time identification with recursive 15

parameter estimation can track reference better than 10

ordinary GPC without oscillation. 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
0 0 0 0 0
Sample 0 0 0 0
4 t

Fig .4. NPC reference trajectory and manipulated variable

7 Conclusion:
40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
In this paper, the task of applying model predictive
0 control based a complete system identification
procedure for a distillation column process is
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
considered. Whereas, distillation column has strong
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
nonlinearity and wide range of operating points, Real-
time identification based recursive parameter estimation
Fig .2. Ordinary GPC reference trajectory and manipulated variable
is used. The results show that adaptive GPC based
output recursive parameter estimation has successful and
promising capabilities in real-time identification and



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