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Platform Management

For ControlDesk 5.6

Release 2016A May 2016

How to Contact dSPACE
Mail: dSPACE GmbH
Rathenaustrae 26
33102 Paderborn
Tel.: +49 5251 1638-0
Fax: +49 5251 16198-0

How to Contact dSPACE Support

To contact dSPACE if you have problems and questions, fill out the support request form
provided on the website at
The request form helps the support team handle your difficulties quickly and efficiently.
In urgent cases contact dSPACE via phone: +49 5251 1638-941 (General Technical

Software Updates and Patches

dSPACE strongly recommends that you download and install the most recent patches for
your current dSPACE installation. Visit for software
updates and patches.

Important Notice
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights
are reserved. The document may be printed for personal or internal use provided all the
proprietary markings are retained on all printed copies. In all other cases, the document
must not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic
medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent
of dSPACE GmbH.
2010 - 2016 by:
Rathenaustrae 26
33102 Paderborn
This publication and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice.
CalDesk, ConfigurationDesk, ControlDesk, MicroAutoBox, SCALEXIO, SYNECT,
SystemDesk, TargetLink and VEOS are registered trademarks of dSPACE GmbH in the
United States or other countries, or both. Other brand names or product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.

About This Document 13

Conventions Used in the Documentation............................... 14
Accessing Online Help and PDF Files...................................... 15
Related Documents............................................................... 16

New Features 19
New Features of Platform Management and
Platforms/Devices (ControlDesk 5.6).................................. .... 19

Basics and Instructions 23

Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices................................... 24
Basics of Platforms/Devices......................................................... 24
Basics of Platforms/Devices.................................................... 25
Basics of Platform/Device States............................................. 28
Reconnecting to Platform/Device Hardware Automatically..... 33
Synchronized Platform Management with Several dSPACE
Products................................................................................ 36
Switching the Simulation Platform and Reusing
Experiment Parts............................................................... .... 38
Refreshing Platform/Device Configurations................................. 41
How to Refresh Platform/Device Configurations..................... 42
Supported Interfaces for Accessing a Communication Bus.......... 43
Supported CAN Interfaces..................................................... 44
Supported LIN Interfaces................................................... .... 46
Supported FlexRay Interfaces................................................. 46
Supported KLine Interfaces................................................... 47
Adding Platforms/Devices............................................................... 49
How to Add a Platform/Device to an Experiment................... 49
How to Add Multiple Platforms/Devices in Virtual
Validation Scenarios.............................................................. 55
Handling Platforms......................................................................... 58
Basics of Handling Platforms...................................................... 58
Basics on Platforms................................................................ 59

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 3

s Contents t

How to Register a Platform.................................................... 60

How to Assign dSPACE Real-Time Hardware or VEOS to a
Platform................................................................................ 66
Updating and Repairing the Firmware of dSPACE RealTime
Hardware................................................................................... 72
Basics on Firmware................................................................ 73
How to Prepare the Firmware Update.................................... 81
How to Update Firmware...................................................... 83
How to Repair Firmware........................................................ 84
DS1007 Platform Configuration................................................. 85
Basics on the DS1007 PPC Processor Board Platform.............. 85
Working Concept Differences Between DS1005 and
DS1007................................................................................. 89
Multiprocessor System Platform Configuration........................... 96
Basics on Multiprocessor System Platforms............................ 96
Working with Multiprocessor Systems with Optional
Processors............................................................................. 98
SCALEXIO Platform Configuration............................................ 104
Basics on the SCALEXIO Platform......................................... 104
Accessing the SCALEXIO System with Several
dSPACE Products Simultaneously......................................... 107
XIL API MAPort Platform Configuration.................................... 111
Basics on the XIL API MAPort Platform................................. 111
How to Register and Configure an XIL API MAPort
Platform.............................................................................. 113
Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications............... 115
Basics on Handling Simulation Applications......................... 116
Basics on Offline Simulation Applications............................. 123
Real-Time Application Demos.............................................. 124
Autobooting Real-Time Applications on dSPACE Hardware.. 126
How to Load an Application to the Flash Memory of
dSPACE Real-Time Hardware............................................... 127
How to Clear an Application from the Flash Memory of
dSPACE Real-Time Hardware............................................... 130
Handling Applications via Command Line............................ 132
Handling Devices.......................................................................... 137
Specifics of Devices.................................................................. 137
Consistency Checks (EPK Checks)......................................... 138
How to Customize Calibration Memory Segments............... 139

4 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Contents t

Basics on Byte Order Formats and Bit Positioning................. 142

CalDemo............................................................................. 150
Accessing ECUs........................................................................ 154
Accessing an ECU with dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing
Service.............................................................................. .. 155
Accessing an ECU with XCP Service..................................... 156
Accessing an ECU with CCP Service..................................... 157
Accessing an ECU with Implemented Diagnostic Protocol.... 158
Bus Device Configuration......................................................... 158
How to Configure a CAN Bus Monitoring Device................. 159
How to Configure a FlexRay Bus Monitoring Device............. 162
How to Configure a LIN Bus Monitoring Device................... 164
CCP Device Configuration........................................................ 168
How to Configure a CCP Device........................................ .. 168
DCI-GSI1 / DCI-GSI2 Device Configuration............................... 172
How to Assign a DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 Device.................. 172
How to Assign a DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 Device.................. 174
Getting Status Information on the ECU and ECU Interface... 177
ECU Diagnostics Device Configuration..................................... 178
Basics of the ECU Diagnostics Device................................... 179
Requirements for Measurement and Calibration via the
ECU Diagnostics Device....................................................... 182
How to Configure an ECU Diagnostics Device...................... 184
Video Capturing Device Configuration..................................... 203
Basics on Video Capturing Devices....................................... 203
How to Configure Video Capturing Devices......................... 206
XCP Device Configuration........................................................ 210
How to Configure an XCP on CAN Device......................... .. 211
How to Configure an XCP on Ethernet Device................... .. 215
How to Configure an XCP on FlexRay Device....................... 217
Programming the ECU Flash Memory........................................... 221
How to Start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool....... 221
How to Program the ECU Flash Memory via a Diagnostic
Protocol............................................................................ .. 223

Reference Information 229

Platform/Device Descriptions...................................................... .. 230
CAN Bus Monitoring......................................................... .. 231
CCP..................................................................................... 233

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 5

s Contents t

DCIGSI1............................................................................. 234
DCI-GSI2............................................................................. 236
DS1005 PPC Board.............................................................. 238
DS1006 Processor Board................................................... .. 240
DS1007 PPC Processor Board............................................... 242
DS1103 PPC Controller Board.............................................. 245
DS1104 R&D Controller Board............................................. 246
DS1202 MicroLabBox.......................................................... 248
ECU Diagnostics.................................................................. 251
FlexRay Bus Monitoring....................................................... 252
LIN Bus Monitoring.............................................................. 254
MicroAutoBox..................................................................... 255
Multiprocessor System......................................................... 258
SCALEXIO............................................................................ 260
VEOS................................................................................... 262
Video Capturing.................................................................. 265
XCP on CAN........................................................................ 266
XCP on Ethernet.................................................................. 268
XCP on FlexRay.................................................................... 271
XIL API MAPort.................................................................... 273
Platform/Device-Related Properties............................................... 275
Active ODX Database / ODX Database Properties................. 279
Advanced Settings Properties............................................ .. 280
Assignment Properties......................................................... 281
Audio Settings Properties.................................................. .. 284
Backplane Properties........................................................... 284
Board Details Properties....................................................... 285
Board Hardware Properties.................................................. 286
Camera Characteristics Properties........................................ 287
Camera Control Settings Properties................................... .. 287
Camera Properties............................................................... 288
Camera Settings Properties.................................................. 289
CAN Interface Properties................................................... .. 290
CAN Settings Properties....................................................... 291
Capture Mode Settings Properties..................................... .. 292
CCP Settings Advanced Properties....................................... 293
CCP Settings Checksum Calculation Properties..................... 297
CCP Settings Properties..................................................... .. 298

6 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Contents t

CCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties.................. .. 300

Channels Properties............................................................. 301
Common Properties............................................................. 301
Compression Settings Properties.......................................... 304
Connection Settings Properties............................................ 304
DAQ Settings Properties...................................................... 305
Diagnostics Settings Properties............................................ 306
ECU Information Properties............................................... .. 306
Ethernet Settings Properties................................................. 307
Failrail Segment Switch Properties..................................... .. 308
Firmware Version Property................................................... 308
FlexRay Interface Properties................................................. 308
FlexRay Settings Properties................................................ .. 309
FPGA Properties................................................................ .. 312
General Properties............................................................... 313
General Settings Properties.................................................. 313
Gigalink Information Properties........................................... 323
GSI Interface Properties....................................................... 324
GSI Settings Checksum Calculation Properties...................... 325
Host Interface Properties................................................... .. 325
I/O Board Properties.......................................................... .. 326
I/O Module Details Properties............................................ .. 326
Identification Properties....................................................... 327
Image Quality Settings Properties...................................... .. 328
Inheritance Settings Properties............................................. 329
IOCNET Router Properties.................................................... 331
LIN Interface Properties........................................................ 331
LIN Settings Properties......................................................... 332
Logical Link Selection Properties.......................................... 333
Member Overview Properties............................................... 335
Memory Properties.............................................................. 337
Model Access Port Properties............................................... 337
Network Adapter Properties................................................ 338
Online Details Properties...................................................... 339
Overlay Management Properties.......................................... 339
Real-Time Application Properties....................................... .. 340
Simulation Properties........................................................... 341
Speed Properties............................................................... .. 342

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 7

s Contents t

Topology Information Properties.......................................... 342

Transport Layer Settings Properties...................................... 343
Uplink and Downlink Connections Properties....................... 344
Vehicle Selection Properties................................................. 345
VEOS Simulation Properties................................................. 345
VEOS Simulation Time Options Properties............................ 346
Version Properties............................................................. .. 347
VPU Properties.................................................................. .. 348
XCP Instance Properties....................................................... 349
XCP on CAN Settings Properties........................................ .. 349
XCP on Ethernet/GSI2 Ethernet Settings Properties.............. 350
XCP on FlexRay Settings Properties...................................... 351
XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties.................. .. 353
XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties............................... 353
XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties.......... .. 358
XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property................... 360
XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property................................ 361
Platform/Device-Related Commands............................................. 363
Activate Application............................................................ 367
Activate Data Page Freezing................................................ 368
Activate ODX Database....................................................... 369
Add Multiple Platforms/Devices........................................... 370
Add ODX Database............................................................. 372
Add to Active Experiment.................................................... 397
Assembly View.................................................................... 398
Calibration Memory Dialog.................................................. 398
Check EPK........................................................................... 401
Check Gigalink Topology..................................................... 402
Clear Flash........................................................................... 403
Clear Quick Start Configuration........................................... 404
Clear System..................................................................... .. 405
Collapse.............................................................................. 406
Configure ODX Database.................................................. .. 406
Configure Platform/Device................................................... 431
Connect Platform/Device..................................................... 467
Create Support Info............................................................. 468
Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)................... 469
Disable Platform/Device....................................................... 469

8 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Contents t

Disconnect Platform/Device................................................. 471

Edit Processor Names........................................................ .. 471
Enable Platform/Device........................................................ 473
Expand................................................................................ 474
Explore to USB Flight Recorder.......................................... .. 474
Filter.................................................................................... 475
Flash ECU............................................................................ 476
Flash ECU (ECU Diagnostics)................................................ 477
Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device.................................. 479
Manage Platforms............................................................... 483
MAPort - Disconnect........................................................... 486
MAPort - Load and Configure.............................................. 487
MAPort - Reload.................................................................. 488
Memory Segments.............................................................. 489
Network View..................................................................... 491
Pause.................................................................................. 491
Platform Management Page................................................ 492
Platform/Device Manager.................................................... 494
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog................................ 500
Properties (Platform/Device)................................................. 501
Real-Time Application - Load............................................... 502
Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
(DS1005/DS1006/DS1104/MicroAutoBox)......................... .. 503
Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
(DS1007/MicroLabBox)........................................................ 504
Real-Time Application - Load to Flash and Start
(DS1007/MicroLabBox)........................................................ 505
Real-Time Application - Reload............................................ 506
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application -
Add to Experiment.............................................................. 507
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application -
Load.................................................................................... 508
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application -
Load and Start..................................................................... 509
Refresh Interface Connections............................................. 510
Refresh Platform Configuration......................................... .. 511
Register Platforms............................................................. .. 513
Reload................................................................................. 520
Reload and Start.................................................................. 520

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 9

s Contents t

Reload Application.............................................................. 521

Reload System..................................................................... 522
Remove Application.......................................................... .. 523
Remove ODX Database..................................................... .. 524
Rename Platform/Device...................................................... 524
Replace Application............................................................. 525
Set MicroAutoBox System Time........................................... 526
Show Licensed Platforms/Devices Only................................. 527
Single Step.......................................................................... 528
Start.................................................................................... 528
Start (XIL API MAPort)....................................................... .. 529
Stop.................................................................................... 530
Stop (XIL API MAPort).......................................................... 530
Stop RTP........................................................................... .. 531
Stop RTPs............................................................................ 531
Unload................................................................................ 532
Update Firmware................................................................. 533
Upload Flash Flightrecorder Contents................................ .. 537

Automation 539
Programming ControlDesk Automation........................................ 540
Automating Platform Management and Variable
Management.................................................................... .. 540
Platform Management Automation API Versions................. 545
Platform Handling........................................................................ 551
Platform-Related Interfaces.................................................. 551

Troubleshooting 553
Hardware Access Problems........................................................... 554
Problem with Accessing, e.g., SCALEXIO Hardware........... .. 554
Real-Time Application Handling Problems..................................... 555
Problem with Starting DS2201 Slave DSP Applications......... 555
Problems with Handcoded Applications............................... 555

Limitations 557
General Limitations for Platform Management.................. .. 557
Limitations for Platforms...................................................... 558
Limitations for Devices......................................................... 563

10 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Contents t

ControlDesk Glossary 567

ControlDesk Glossary........................................................ .. 567

Index 611

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 11

s Contents t

12 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

About This Document

Contents This document introduces you to ControlDesk's platform


Required knowledge Knowledge in handling the PC and the Microsoft Windows operating
system is assumed.

Legal information Note

Legal Information on ASAM binaries and ASAM documentation
dSPACE GmbH draws your attention to the fact that installing
dSPACE software also installs components that are licensed and
released by ASAM e.V. (Association for Standardization of
Automation and Measuring Systems).
dSPACE GmbH hereby confirms that dSPACE is a member of
ASAM and as such entitled to use these licenses and to install
the ASAM binaries and the ASAM documentation together with
the dSPACE software.
The customer is not authorized to pass the ASAM binaries and
the ASAM documentation to third parties without permission.
For more information, see

Where to go from here Information in this section

Conventions Used in the Documentation 14
Accessing Online Help and PDF Files 15
Related Documents 16

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 13

s About This Document t

Conventions Used in the Documentation

Admonitions The following admonitions may be used in this document.

Admonition Description
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if
not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if
not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if
not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury.
NOTICE Indicates a hazard that may cause
property damage if you do not avoid
it by following the instructions given.
Note Indicates important information that
should be kept in mind, for example,
to avoid malfunctions.
Tip Indicates tips containing useful
information to make your work

Naming conventions The following abbreviations and formats are used in this document:
%name% Names enclosed in percent signs refer to environment
variables for file and path names.
< > Angle brackets contain wildcard characters or placeholders for
variable file and path names, etc.

Precedes the document title in a link that refers to another

Indicates that a link refers to another document, which is available
in dSPACE HelpDesk.

Special folders Some software products, for example, ControlDesk Next Generation
and AutomationDesk, use the following special folders:
Common Program Data folder A standard folder for application-
specific configuration data that is used by all users.

14 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Accessing Online Help and PDF Files t

Documents folder A standard folder for user-specific documents.

%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\dSPACE\<ProductName>\
Local Program Data folder A standard folder for application-
specific configuration data that is used by the current, non-roaming

Accessing Online Help and PDF Files

Objective After you install your dSPACE software, the documentation for the
installed products is available as online help and Adobe PDF files.

Online help You can access the online help, dSPACE HelpDesk, as follows:
Windows Start menu Select Start (All) Programs
<ProductName> dSPACE HelpDesk (<ProductName>) to open
dSPACE HelpDesk with the start page of the selected product
displayed. You can also navigate and search in the user
documentation of any other installed software product and its
supported hardware.
Context-sensitive Press the F1 key or click the Help button in the
dSPACE software to get help on the currently active context.

In some software products, context-sensitive help is not

Help menu in the dSPACE software In dSPACE software that

provides ribbons instead of menus, for example, ControlDesk Next
Generation, you can access the online help as follows:
n In the right upper corner of the user interface, click to open
dSPACE HelpDesk at the start page of the currently active product.
n In the Backstage view of your product (leftmost ribbon tab), click
Help to get general access to dSPACE HelpDesk to navigate
through its documentation structure or search for a text.
n If your product provides a Start Page in its working area, it
contains links to productspecific information in dSPACE HelpDesk.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 15

s About This Document t

PDF files You can access the PDF files as follows:

dSPACE HelpDesk Click the PDF link at the beginning of a
document or on a topic pane's header:

dSPACE software with ribbon In the Backstage view of your

product (leftmost ribbon tab), click Help to get general access to
dSPACE HelpDesk. Click to open a folder containing the user
documentation in PDF format.

Related Documents

Objective Below is a list of documents that you are recommended to read when
working with ControlDesk:
Information in other documents
dSPACE Release documentation
New Features and Migration
Provides information on the new features of all the dSPACE software
products in the current dSPACE Release. It also gives you an
overview of software products with no or minor changes. There are
instructions on migrating from older dSPACE releases, especially
from older product versions, if required.
Software Installation and Management Guide
Provides detailed instructions on installing and handling the dSPACE
software. It also shows you how to manage dSPACE licenses.

16 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Related Documents t

ControlDesk basic practices

ControlDesk Next Generation Project and
Experiment Management
In ControlDesk, projects and experiments allow you to carry out and
structure experimental tasks according to your needs.
ControlDesk Next Generation Platform 1
In ControlDesk, platforms/devices are used for carrying out
calibration, prototyping, measurement, and/or ECU diagnostics tasks.
A ControlDesk platform/device is the software representation of a
hardware component (dSPACE real-time hardware, ECU, or DAQ
module) or a VPU.
ControlDesk Next Generation Variable
ControlDesk lets you handle the variables of the variable descriptions
of platforms and devices.
ControlDesk Next Generation Layouting
ControlDesk layouts are used for visualizing variables in instruments.
ControlDesk Next Generation Instrument Handling
You can use ControlDesk's instruments to visualize the values of
measurement variables and change the values of parameters.
ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data
Set Management
ControlDesk allows you to calibrate parameter values on dSPACE
real-time hardware, on VPUs, and on ECUs.
ControlDesk's data set management lets you handle data sets, which
are complete sets of the parameters of, for example, an ECU.
ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and
ControlDesk provides a number of functions for measuring and
recording data.
ControlDesk Next Generation User Interface
ControlDesk's user interface provides various commands and dialogs,
which are accessible via the ribbon and the context menus of the
ControlDesk components.
ControlDesk Next Generation Message Handling
ControlDesk lets you handle messages such as errors and warnings.
ControlDesk advanced practices
ControlDesk Next Generation Bus Navigator
You can use ControlDesk's Bus Navigator to handle CAN messages,
LIN frames, and FlexRay PDUs.
ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics
The ControlDesk ECU Diagnostics Module lets you communicate
with an ECU via the diagnostic interface.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 17

s About This Document t

ControlDesk Next Generation Signal Editor

ControlDesk's Signal Editor lets you edit signal description sets to be
used as signal generators for stimulating model variables of
simulation applications.
ControlDesk Next Generation Electrical Error
Simulation via XIL API EESPort
Electrical error simulation is used to disturb the signals that are
transmitted between a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator and a
device under test (DUT), which is usually an ECU.
ControlDesk Next Generation Failure Simulation
You can simulate failures in the wiring (physical layer) of the external
devices, for example, the ECU, which are connected to the simulator.
ControlDesk Next Generation Automation
ControlDesk lets you automate most of its features via its
automation interface.
You should be familiar with using ControlDesk's features via the user
interface. You also should have experience with the Python
programming language, because this is used in the example scripts
in this section.
ControlDesk Next Generation MCD-3 Automation
ControlDesk's ASAM MCD-3 compatible interface lets you automate
calibration, measurement, and diagnostic tasks.
ControlDesk Next Generation Variable Editor
The Variable Editor lets you visualize and edit variable description
files of ECUs.
ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement Data
ControlDesk's Measurement Data API lets you view and edit the
content of measurement data files.
ControlDesk Next Generation Customization
ControlDesk can be customized.

18 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

New Features

New Features of Platform Management and

Platforms/Devices (ControlDesk 5.6)

Information in this topic CAN/LIN channels of SCALEXIO and VEOS as bus interfaces on page 19
LIN Bus Monitoring device: Support for FIBEX and AUTOSAR system
description files on page 20
LIN Bus Monitoring device: Variable observer functionality on page 20
SCALEXIO and DS1007 platforms: Naming processing unit/processor
board during registration on page 21

CAN/LIN channels of CAN/LIN channels of SCALEXIO and VEOS can now be selected as bus
SCALEXIO and VEOS as bus interfaces for the following devices:
interfaces n Bus monitoring devices
n CAN Bus Montoring device
Refer to How to Configure a CAN Bus Monitoring Device
on page 159.
n LIN Bus Montoring device
Refer to How to Configure a LIN Bus Monitoring Device
on page 164.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 19

s New Features t

n Measurement and calibration devices

n CCP device
Refer to How to Configure a CCP Device on page 168.
n XCP on CAN device
Refer to How to Configure an XCP on CAN Device
on page 211.

LIN Bus Monitoring device: The LIN Bus Monitoring device now also supports the following
Support for FIBEX and variable description file formats in addition to LDF:
description files
n Version 4.1.0, 4.1.1
n Version 3.1.0, 3.1.1
n Version 3.0.0
n AUTOSAR system description files according to the
AUTOSAR system template:
n Version 4.2.2
n Version 4.2.1
n Version 4.1.1 ... 4.1.3
n Version 4.0.3
n Version 3.2.1 ... 3.2.3
n Version 3.1.4

n Keep the migration aspects in mind when you reuse an
experiment that was originally created with ControlDesk 5.5
or earlier and contains a LIN Bus Monitoring device. Refer to
Migrating from ControlDesk 5.5 to 5.6 ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Migration).
n LDF files (format version 1.2 and earlier) were supported by
the LIN Bus Monitoring device for the last time with
ControlDesk 5.5 (dSPACE Release 2015B).

LIN Bus Monitoring device: ControlDesk's variable observer functionality is now also supported
Variable observer for the LIN Bus Monitoring device.
functionality Refer to Observing Variables ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording).

20 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s New Features of Platform Management and Platforms/Devices (ControlDesk 5.6) t

SCALEXIO and DS1007 You can specify a name for each processing unit of a
platforms: Naming SCALEXIO system and processor board of a DS1007 system during
processing unit/processor system registration.
board during registration Refer to Register Platforms on page 513.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 21

s New Features t

22 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

Basics and Instructions

Where to go from here Information in this section

Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices 24
Basic information on platforms/devices, variable descriptions and
accessing ECUs, and how you can add a platform/device to an
experiment and add a variable description to the platform/device.
Adding Platforms/Devices 49
In ControlDesk, you have to add platforms/devices to an experiment.
Handling Platforms 58
Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications 115
ControlDesks platform management provides functions to load, start,
reset and reload applications running on dSPACE real-time hardware or
Handling Devices 137
Programming the ECU Flash Memory 221
You can program the flash memory of ECUs. This allows you to store a
modified data set or a new ECU software revision on an ECU
permanently. The modified data set also remains active after you stop
using a calibration tool.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 23

s Basics and Instructions t

Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices

Basic information on platforms/devices, variable descriptions and

accessing ECUs, and how you can add a platform/device to an
experiment and add a variable description to a platform/device.

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics of Platforms/Devices 24
Refreshing Platform/Device Configurations 41
ControlDesk refreshes the hardware configuration, and checks whether
the disconnected platforms/devices in your experiment can be assigned to
hardware or a VPU.
Supported Interfaces for Accessing a Communication Bus 43

Information in other sections

Connecting the Hardware ( ECU Interfaces Hardware
Installation and Configuration)
Make sure to perform the various hardware installation steps in the
correct order.

Basics of Platforms/Devices

Objective ControlDesks platform management lets you handle

platforms/devices in the Project Manager (see Handling projects with
the Project Manager ( ControlDesk Next Generation Project and
Experiment Management)) or in the Platform/Device Manager.

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics of Platforms/Devices 25
Platforms and devices are software components used for carrying out
calibration, measurement, ECU flash programming, or ECU diagnostics
tasks. They are software representations of hardware components
(dSPACE real-time hardware, ECUs) or VPUs.
Basics of Platform/Device States 28
Platforms/devices in ControlDesk have multiple states for different

24 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

Reconnecting to Platform/Device Hardware Automatically 33

If a platform/device is in the unplugged state, ControlDesk can
automatically reconnect to the platform/device hardware and resume
Synchronized Platform Management with Several 36
dSPACE Products
Several dSPACE products support synchronized platform management.
The platform management instances in these products are synchronized.
Switching the Simulation Platform and Reusing 38
Experiment Parts
When you switch from one simulation platform to another, for example,
from VEOS to SCALEXIO, you can reuse parts of the ControlDesk

Basics of Platforms/Devices

Information in this topic Objective on page 25

Platform/device types on page 25
Bus monitoring devices on page 25
ECU Diagnostics device on page 26
Measurement and calibration devices on page 26
Video Capturing device on page 26
Platforms on page 26
Experimentspecific and projectglobal platforms/devices on page 27
Limitations on page 28

Objective Platforms and devices are software modules in ControlDesk used for
carrying out calibration, measurement, ECU flash programming, or
ECU diagnostics tasks. They provide access to dSPACE real-time
hardware, ECUs, etc., and also to VEOS.

Platform/device types There are different types of platforms/devices in ControlDesk.

Bus monitoring devices Bus monitoring devices access
communication buses such as CAN to monitor their data streams.
ControlDesk provides monitoring devices for the CAN, LIN and
FlexRay buses.
When you assign a database file to a Bus Monitoring device, you can:
n Visualize the signal values of the connected bus members defined
in the database file in ControlDesk instruments

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 25

s Basics and Instructions t

n Monitor the signals defined in the database file with the

monitoring list of the Bus Navigator
ControlDesk currently provides the following bus devices:
n CAN Bus Monitoring
n FlexRay Bus Monitoring
n LIN Bus Monitoring
ECU Diagnostics device An ECU Diagnostics device accesses ECUs
for ECU diagnostics or flash programming purposes. ECUs are
accessed via ISOstandardized diagnostic protocols. Communication
between the ECU Diagnostics device and the ECUs connected to the
ControlDesk PC is via CAN or KLine.
ControlDesk provides the ECU Diagnostics v2.0.2 device, which
supports the ASAM MCD-3 D V2.0.2 standard.
Measurement and calibration devices Measurement and
calibration devices access electronic control units (ECUs) for
measurement and/or calibration purposes by using a communication
protocol (for example, XCP) or a debug interface (for example,
ControlDesk currently provides the following measurement and
calibration devices:
n XCP on CAN
n XCP on Ethernet
n XCP on FlexRay
Video Capturing device A device that provides access to video
signals and allows you to record video data synchronously to signals
from other platforms/devices.
Platforms Platforms in ControlDesk provide access to
n dSPACE real-time hardware such as the DS1006 Processor Board
(for HIL simulation) or MicroAutoBox (for function prototyping
n Environment VPUs for virtual ECU testing purposes
ControlDesk currently provides the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board
n DS1006 Processor Board

26 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

n DS1007 PPC Processor Board

n DS1103 PPC Controller Board
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board
n DS1202 MicroLabBox
n MicroAutoBox
n Multiprocessor System
For information on which platform type supports which dSPACE real-
time hardware, refer to Basics on Platforms on page 59.

Experimentspecific and ControlDesk can hold platforms/devices for each experiment

projectglobal individually. However, you can reuse a platform/device in other
platforms/devices experiments of a project if the platform configuration matches.
ControlDesk then holds the actual platform/device in the project and
references the projectglobal platform/device in the corresponding
experiments. In the Project Manager, a reference to a global
platform/device is marked by an additional symbol.
The illustration below shows the Project Manager with a project
containing one global device which is referenced twice, and one
experimentspecific device.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 27

s Basics and Instructions t

Global device

References to
global device


You can specify a platform/device as a projectglobal platform/device

when you add it to an experiment. For instructions, refer to How to
Add a Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.

Limitations There are some limitations for handling platforms/devices with

ControlDesk. Refer to General Limitations for Platform Management
on page 557.

Basics of Platform/Device States

Objective Platforms/devices in ControlDesk have multiple states for different


28 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

Visualization of ControlDesks Project Manager and Platform/Device Manager

platform/device states visualize states for each platform/device individually:

Visualization Description
Platform/ Status Bar
Device Icon
(Any status n No logical connection is established between ControlDesk
indicated in the and the platform/device hardware or VPU.
status bar) n When a platform/device is disabled, ControlDesk does not
try to establish the logical connection for that
platform/device. Any communication between the
platform/device hardware or VPU and ControlDesk is
n Online calibration is impossible. Offline calibration is
n Platform/device configuration is possible.
(Any status n A continuous logical connection is established between
indicated in the ControlDesk and the platform/device hardware or VPU.
status bar) n A platform/device must be in the 'connected' state before it
can change to the 'measuring/recording' or 'online
calibration started' state.
n Online calibration is impossible. ControlDesk did not yet
adjust the memory segments containing calibration data in
the platform/device and on the corresponding hardware or
VPU. Offline calibration is possible.
n Platform/device configuration is not possible. However, you
can invoke platform/device configuration for a
platform/device that is in the connected state. ControlDesk
temporarily sets the platform/device to the disconnected
(Any status n No logical connection is established between ControlDesk
indicated in the and the platform/device hardware or VPU.
status bar) n When a platform/device is in the disconnected state,
ControlDesk does not try to reestablish the logical
connection for that platform/device.
n Online calibration is impossible. Offline calibration is
n Platform/device configuration is possible.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 29

s Basics and Instructions t

Visualization Description
Platform/ Status Bar
Device Icon
Measuring / Recording
or n A continuous logical connection is established between
ControlDesk and the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n Online calibration is possible. Parameter values can be
changed directly on the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n A measurement (or recording) is currently running.
n Platform/device configuration is not possible.
Online Calibration Started
n A continuous logical connection is established between
ControlDesk and the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n Online calibration is possible. Parameter values can be
changed directly on the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n Platform/device configuration is not possible.

30 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

Visualization Description
Platform/ Status Bar
Device Icon
(Any status n The logical connection between ControlDesk and the
indicated in the hardware was interrupted, for example, because the
status bar) ignition was turned off or the ControlDesk PC and the
hardware were disconnected.

A device whose connection between ControlDesk and
the device hardware is currently interrupted is also set
to the 'unplugged' state when you start online
calibration if both the following conditions are fulfilled:
n The device's Start unplugged property is enabled.

n The Start online calibration behavior property is set

to 'Ignore differences'.
This is possible for CCP and XCP devices. For details on
these two properties, refer to General Settings
Properties on page 313.

n If the automatic reconnect feature is enabled for a

platform/device and if the platform/device is in the
'unplugged' state, ControlDesk periodically tries to
reestablish the logical connection for that platform/device.
n Online calibration is impossible. Offline calibration is
n Platform/device configuration is possible.
1) Not all platform/device types can reach the 'unplugged' state. Refer to Reconnecting to Platform/Device Hardware
Automatically on page 33.

Platform/Device state The following illustration shows the platform/device states and their
transitions relationships. You can see the predecessor and successor states for
each platform/device state together with information on what caused
the state transition.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 31

s Basics and Instructions t

Start calibration &

measurement 3)
Stop calibration &
measurement 3)

Go online 1) / Start measuring 1) /

Start online calibration 2) Online calibration Start measurement 3)
Connected Measuring
Go offline 1) / started Stop measuring 1) /
Stop online calibration 2) Stop measurement 3)

4) 5)


Disconnected Unplugged




1) Global state transition for ControlDesk.

2) State transition for a single platform/device. Possible only if online
calibration was started globally for ControlDesk.
3) State transition for a single platform/device. Possible only if
measuring was started globally for ControlDesk.
4) Logical connection between ControlDesk and the hardware was
5) Automatic reconnect functionality is enabled for the
platform/device, and the logical connection between ControlDesk and
the hardware has been reestablished.

32 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

Reconnecting to Platform/Device Hardware Automatically

Objective For unplugged platforms/devices, ControlDesk can automatically

reconnect to the platform/device hardware and resume

Unplugged platform/device A platform/device state defined by the following characteristics:

state n The logical connection between ControlDesk and the hardware
was interrupted, for example, because the ignition was turned off
or the ControlDesk PC and the hardware were disconnected.
n Before the state of a platform/device changes to 'unplugged', the
platform/device was in one of the following states:
n 'Connected'
n 'Online calibration started'
n 'Measuring' / 'Recording'

A device for which the connection between ControlDesk and
the device hardware currently is interrupted is also set to the
"unplugged" state when you start online calibration if both
the following conditions are fulfilled:
n The device's Start unplugged property is enabled.
n The Start online calibration behavior property is set to
"Ignore differences".
This is possible for CCP and XCP devices. For details on the
two properties listed above, refer to General Settings
Properties on page 313.

n If the automatic reconnect feature is enabled for a platform/device

and if the platform/device is in the 'unplugged' state, ControlDesk
periodically tries to reestablish the logical connection for that
n Online calibration is impossible. Offline calibration is impossible.
n Platform/device configuration is not possible.
Platforms/devices with the unplugged device state are marked by the
symbol in the Project Manager and Platform/Device Manager.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 33

s Basics and Instructions t

Reconnecting automatically When a platform/device is in the unplugged platform/device state,

to platform/device ControlDesk periodically tries to reestablish the logical connection to
hardware the platform/device hardware. After the platform/device hardware is
reconnected to the ControlDesk PC, ControlDesk reestablishes the
logical connection and automatically resumes online calibration and
continues measuring without equalizing the memory contents, if the
measurement is still running. If the measurement is not running on
the hardware any longer (because the hardware was reset),
ControlDesk starts online calibration according to the platform/device
configuration (see below), and starts a new measurement.
The automatic reconnect functionality can be configured individually
for each platform/device during platform/device configuration. The
relevant settings are:
n Automatic reconnect behavior: Enables or disables the automatic
reconnect functionality.
n Resume online calibration behavior: Specifies ControlDesk's
default behavior when online calibration is started after an
automatic reconnect and memory contents must be equalized.
n Initial page: Specifies which memory page is to be the active page
in ControlDesk and on the ECU after online calibration is started
or after an automatic reconnect.

After the ECU reboots, the default page is activated on the
ECU. For this reason, the currently active page on the
hardware can differ from the page that was last active in
ControlDesk before the ECU shutdown.

Refer to General Settings Properties on page 313.

For DS1007 PPC Processor Board, DS1202 MicroLabBox,
MicroAutoBox, and SCALEXIO platforms, the automatic
reconnect functionality is always enabled. You cannot change
this setting, but you can specify the Resume online calibration
behavior for the platforms.

Example Suppose a measurement is running and the connection to

the ECU is interrupted temporarily because the ignition is turned off.
The automatic reconnect functionality is enabled for the
platform/device, so ControlDesk automatically tries to reestablish the
connection to the ECU. After the ignition is switched on again,

34 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

ControlDesk automatically reconnects to the ECU, and measurement

is continued.
The following illustration shows the Plotter used to display the values
of the measurement variables graphically. The last data point before
the ignition was switched off is connected with the first data point
captured after it was switched on again.

Supported The automatic reconnect functionality is supported for the following

platforms/devices platforms/devices:
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board
n DS1202 MicroLabBox
n ECU Diagnostics
n MicroAutoBox
n XCP on CAN
n XCP on Ethernet
n XCP on FlexRay

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 35

s Basics and Instructions t

Related topics Basics

Basics of Platform/Device States on page 28
Basics on Starting Online Calibration ( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
Configure Platform/Device on page 431
General Settings Properties on page 313

Synchronized Platform Management with Several dSPACE


Objective Several dSPACE products support synchronized platform

management. The platform management instances in these products
are synchronized.

Synchronization of platform Several dSPACE products have a Platform Manager or

management instances Platform/Device Manager that displays all the registered platforms
with their components and running applications that can be accessed
via the products. There are functions to register platforms, to manage
the platform configuration, and to handle the realtime applications
loaded to the platforms.
If you work simultaneously with several of these dSPACE products,
each of them has its own platform management instance running.
The instances contain consistent information about the connected
platforms. This means that when you perform a platform
management activity in one instance, the contents of all the other
currently running platform management instances are synchronized

A platform management instance provides information on
platforms and the applications loaded to them only for those
platforms that are supported by the respective dSPACE product.

Performing platform The following table shows the platform management activities that
management activities are synchronized between the platform management instances. You
can see which platform management activities are possible even if
another platform management activity in another dSPACE product is
currently running. Depending on the activity you perform,

36 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

simultaneous access to the hardware and realtime applications from

several dSPACE products can be restricted, because exclusive access
to a single platform or to all registered platforms might be necessary.

Not every platform management activity is available in every
dSPACE product.

Activity You Want to Perform in Activity That is Currently Running in Platform Management
Platform Management Instance A Instance B

Manage Recent Platform Configuration

Load/Reload Real-Time Application

Refresh Platform Configuration
Refresh Interface Connections

Unload Real-Time Application

Online Calibration is Started

Explore USB Flight Recorder
Register Platforms

Update Firmware
Clear System

Stop RTP(s)

Clear Flash
Register Platforms
Refresh Interface Connections
Refresh Platform Configuration
Clear System
Manage Recent Platform Configuration
Load Real-Time Application 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
Stop RTP(s) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
Unload Real-Time Application 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
Update Firmware 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
Clear Flash 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
Explore USB Flight Recorder 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
Go Online / Start Online Calibration 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
1) Only possible for different platforms since the activity you want to perform requires exclusive platform access.

dSPACE products Platform management synchronization is performed when you access

supporting platform dSPACE platforms simultaneously using any combination of the
management following software products:
synchronization n AutomationDesk as of Version 3.6p2
Note that automated access via Platform Management library and
XIL API library might also require exclusive access to a platform.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 37

s Basics and Instructions t

n ConfigurationDesk as of Version 4.4

n ControlDesk Next Generation as of Version 5.0
n Firmware Manager as of Version 1.0
n ModelDesk as of Version 3.1
n RTT Manager as of Version 2.1

Firewall settings To enable platform management synchronization, the firewalls of the

PCs must be configured to allow communication for simultaneous
platform access.
Windows firewalls During the installation of dSPACE software,
Windows firewalls are automatically configured to allow
communication between the platform management instances for
synchronization. You do not have to configure Windows firewalls
manually. The first time you start a product involved in platform
management synchronization, the firewall asks you to allow access.
Confirm the product as trusted software.
Other firewalls If the host PC has a firewall different from the
Windows firewall, configure that firewall manually to allow
communication between the platform management instances of the

Switching the Simulation Platform and Reusing Experiment


When you switch from one simulation platform to another, for

example, from VEOS to SCALEXIO, you can reuse parts of the
ControlDesk experiment.

Information in this topic Experiment parts that can be reused on page 38

Preconditions for reusing experiment parts on page 39
Separate experiments for the simulation platforms on page 39
Reusing experiment parts on page 40

Experiment parts that can When you switch from offline to real-time simulation, you can reuse
be reused the following parts of a ControlDesk experiment:
n Layouts for variable visualization
n Data sets for parameter calibration

38 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

n Signal generators (including signalto-variable mappings) for

variable stimulation with the Signal Editor
n Calculated variables

Preconditions for reusing Reusing experiment parts is possible if ControlDesk can restore
experiment parts variable connections. A variable connection is the connection of a
variable to an instrument or a signal of a signal generator, for
When you switch from offline to real-time simulation, ControlDesk
restores variable connections successfully if the following conditions
are fulfilled:
n The Platform name in experiment property is the same for the
platforms/devices in the offline and the real-time simulation.

n ControlDesk lets you rename platforms, which lets you
equalize the Platform name in experiment property of the
simulation platforms. Refer to Rename Platform/Device
on page 524.
n If you do not want to equalize the Platform name in
experiment property of the simulation platforms, you can
assign a platform manually. Refer to Assign Platforms
( ControlDesk Next Generation Layouting).

n The paths and names of variables are the same in the variable
descriptions for the platforms/devices in the offline and the
realtime simulation.

Separate experiments for You should create separate ControlDesk experiments when you
the simulation platforms switch the simulation platform.
As an example, the following illustration shows the platforms and
devices to be created in the two separate experiments when you
switch from offline simulation on VEOS to real-time simulation on

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 39

s Basics and Instructions t

Experiment for Experiment for

offline simulation real-time simulation

platform platform Environment model
Environment VPU
application process

XCP on Ethernet XCP on Ethernet

device device

XCP on Ethernet XCP on Ethernet

device device
V-ECU2 Real ECU2

Reusing experiment parts To reuse experiment parts, export the parts to be reused from the first
experiment and import them to the second experiment.
The following table lists the related commands:

Parts to Be Reused Export Command Import Command

Layouts Export Layout / Export1) Import Layout/Import2)
Data sets Export Data Sets / Export Import Data Sets
Signal generators Export Import3)
Calculated variables Calculated Variables - Export Calculated Variables - Import
Selected Items
1) After you export the layouts to be reused, remove them from the original experiment and reimport them as a link. Refer to
Import Layout/Import ( ControlDesk Next Generation Layouting). You can then synchronize the settings of the layouts to be
reused. Refer to Synchronize (Layout) ( ControlDesk Next Generation Layouting).
2) Import the layouts as a link. You can then synchronize the settings of the layouts to be reused. Refer to Synchronize (Layout)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Layouting).
3) If the Platform name in experiment property is not the same for the platforms/devices in the offline and the real-time
simulation, the Signal Editor lets you change the platform and check the mapping. Refer to Change Platform ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Signal Editor) and Check Mapping ( ControlDesk Next Generation Signal Editor).

40 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

ControlDesk tries to restore the variable connections. You should

repair the variable connections that ControlDesk could not restore.
You can now reuse the experiment parts.
Replacing a single-processor platform by a multicore or
multiprocessor platform The steps described above apply to
replacing a single-processor platform by another single-processor
To replace a single-processor platform by a multicore or
multiprocessor platform and reuse layouts, perform the following
1. In the first experiment, export the variable connections of the
layouts to be reused to a CONX file.
Refer to Export Connections ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Layouting) and Export Active Layout Connections ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Layouting).
2. Open the exported CONX file in an XML file editor.
3. Adapt the paths and names of variables in the CONX file
according to the structure of the variable description of the
multicore or multiprocessor application.
This enables ControlDesk to restore the variable connections.
4. Exchange the simulation platforms as described above.
5. In the second experiment, import the previously exported variable
Refer to Import Connections ( ControlDesk Next Generation

Refreshing Platform/Device Configurations

Objective ControlDesk refreshes the hardware configuration, and checks

whether the disconnected platforms/devices in your experiment can
be assigned to platform/device hardware.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 41

s Basics and Instructions t

How to Refresh Platform/Device Configurations

Objective ControlDesk refreshes the hardware configuration displayed in the

Platform/Device Manager, and checks whether the disconnected
platforms/devices in your experiment can be connected to
platform/device hardware.

Platform/device ControlDesk scans the recent hardware configuration and tries to

configurations check register hardware that is not yet registered. ControlDesk also searches
for registered platforms or platforms connected to your host PC
without having to be registered in ControlDesk which are not
displayed in the Platform/Device Manager yet, and adds them to the
Platform/Device Manager.
Afterwards, ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device
hardware for each disconnected platform/device in the experiment is
physically connected to the host PC. If it is, ControlDesk assigns the
hardware to the platforms/devices.

For bus devices, ControlDesk checks only if the corresponding
CAN, LIN or FlexRay interface is connected to the host PC.

Method To refresh platform/device configurations

1 On the Platforms ribbon, click Platform Management Refresh
Platform Configuration.
ControlDesk performs the platform/device configurations check.
If a ControlDesk experiment containing at least one
platform/device in the 'disconnected' state was open, ControlDesk
opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog displaying the
current connection state individually for each examined
platform/device. The dialog looks similar to the following:

42 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

Connecting to the platform/device hardware was possible only for

the platforms/devices whose platform/device state is .
2 Select OK or Cancel to close the dialog.

Result You have refreshed the platform/device configurations. The view of

the structure shown in the Platform/Device Manager is updated.

Related topics Basics

Basics of Platform/Device States on page 28
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500
Refresh Platform Configuration on page 511

Supported Interfaces for Accessing a

Communication Bus

Where to go from here Information in this section

Supported CAN Interfaces 44
ControlDesk supports various interfaces for accessing a
CAN communication bus.
Supported LIN Interfaces 46
ControlDesk supports various interfaces for accessing a
LIN communication bus.
Supported FlexRay Interfaces 46
ControlDesk supports various interfaces for accessing a
FlexRay communication bus.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 43

s Basics and Instructions t

Supported KLine Interfaces 47

ControlDesk supports KLine interfaces to access ECUs via KLine for
diagnostics or flash programming purposes.

Supported CAN Interfaces

Objective ControlDesk supports various interfaces for accessing a

CAN communication bus.

Supported CAN interfaces PC-based CAN interfaces The following PCbased CAN interfaces
are supported:

Supplier Interface
dSPACE n DCI-CAN1 (USB-toCAN converter)
n DCI-CAN2 (USB-toCAN/CAN FD converter)
n Calibration Hub (USB hub with two USB-toCAN interfaces)
Vector Informatik n CANcardXL
n CANcardXLe
n CANcaseXL
n VN16xx1)
n VN56101)
n VN76001)
n VN89001)

To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with
bus interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following steps:
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in
Vector Informatik's hardware configuration tool. The tool is
accessible via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

Kvaser n Leaf Professional

n Leaf Light HS
n USBcan II
n USBcan Professional
n Memorator Professional
n LAPcan
n LAPcan II

44 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

Supplier Interface
Eberspcher Electronics n FlexCard Cyclone II
(formerly TZM) n FlexCard Cyclone II SE
n FlexCard USB

KPIT Technologies GmbH eCOM2)

The ECU Diagnostics device supports the first two CAN channels of the interface.
Supported by the ECU Diagnostics device only.

To use thirdparty PCbased CAN interfaces with ControlDesk, you

need the appropriate driver software versions. Refer to Required
Third-Party Software ( Software Installation and Management
CAN channels of dSPACE platforms The following CAN channels
are supported as CAN interfaces:
n CAN channels of a SCALEXIO system
n CAN channels on VEOS

n CAN channels on VEOS do not support CAN FD.
n The ECU Diagnostics device does not support CAN channels
of dSPACE platforms.

Configuring virtual devices To test your ControlDesk experiment with a virtual device that is
simulated on the host PC, such as the CalDemo ECU, you must select
the Virtual CAN interface. Virtual devices do not require external
hardware. You do not need to specify CAN settings, such as the baud
rate or CAN channel. However, you must specify message identifiers
for a virtual XCP on CAN ECU.

n Do not mix up the Virtual CAN interface with
CAN channels on VEOS.
n The Calibration Hub cannot be configured for virtual devices.

Limitations There are some limitations when you use PCbased CAN interfaces.
Refer to Limitations for Devices on page 563.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 45

s Basics and Instructions t

Supported LIN Interfaces

Objective ControlDesk supports various interfaces for accessing a

LIN communication bus.

Supported LIN interfaces PC-based LIN interfaces The following PCbased LIN interfaces are

Supplier Interface
Vector n CANcardXL
Informatik n CANcaseXL
n VN8900

To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with bus
interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following steps:
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in Vector Informatik's
hardware configuration tool. The tool is accessible via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

Kvaser n Leaf Professional LIN

n LAPcan
n LAPcan II
To use LIN interfaces with ControlDesk, you need the appropriate
driver software versions. Refer to Required Third-Party Software
( Software Installation and Management Guide).
LIN channels of dSPACE platforms The following LIN channels are
supported as LIN interfaces:
n LIN channels of a SCALEXIO system
n LIN channels on VEOS

Supported FlexRay Interfaces

Objective ControlDesk supports various interfaces for accessing a

FlexRay communication bus.

46 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Introduction to Managing Platforms/Devices t

Supported FlexRay The following PC-based FlexRay interface modules are supported:

Supplier Interface
Eberspcher n FlexCard Cyclone II
Electronics (formerly n FlexCard Cyclone II SE
TZM) n FlexCard USB
Vector Informatik n VN7600
n VN8900

To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with bus
interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following steps:
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in
Vector Informatik's hardware configuration tool. The tool is accessible
via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

To use FlexRay interfaces with ControlDesk, you need the appropriate

driver software versions. Refer to Required Third-Party Software
( Software Installation and Management Guide).
For instructions on installing a specific FlexRay interface, refer to its

Supported KLine Interfaces

Objective ControlDesk supports KLine interfaces to access ECUs via KLine for
diagnostics or flash programming purposes.

Supported KLine interfaces The following KLine interface modules are supported:

Supplier Interface
dSPACE DCI-KLine1 (USBtoKLine interface)1)
KPIT Technologies GmbH eCOM1)
1) Supported by the ECU Diagnostics device only.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 47

s Basics and Instructions t

To use KLine interfaces with ControlDesk, you need the appropriate

driver software versions. Refer to Required Third-Party Software
( Software Installation and Management Guide).
For instructions on installing a specific KLine interface, refer to its

48 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Adding Platforms/Devices t

Adding Platforms/Devices

Objective In ControlDesk, you have to add platforms/devices to an experiment.

Where to go from here Information in this section

How to Add a Platform/Device to an Experiment 49
To access the variables of a platform/device in an experiment, you must
add that platform/device to the experiment.
How to Add Multiple Platforms/Devices in Virtual 55
Validation Scenarios
ControlDesk provides platform/device configuration assistance for virtual
validation scenarios performed on VEOS or SCALEXIO.

How to Add a Platform/Device to an Experiment

Objective To access the variables of a platform/device in an experiment, you

must add that platform/device to the experiment.

Experimentspecific and ControlDesk can hold platforms/devices for each experiment

projectglobal individually. However, you might want to reuse a platform/device in
platforms/devices multiple experiments so that it has an identical configuration in all of
them. In this case, ControlDesk holds the actual platform/device in
the project and places references to it in the experiments.
For general principles of platforms/devices, refer to Basics of
Platforms/Devices on page 24.

Preconditions An experiment must be active. Refer to How to Activate an

Experiment ( ControlDesk Next Generation Project and Experiment

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 49

s Basics and Instructions t

Method To add a platform/device to an experiment

1 On the Platforms ribbon, click Insert Platform.
The Project Wizard opens, starting with the Add Platform/Device

2 From the Supported platforms/device types list, select the

platform/device type.
n If you want to assign a registered platform to the current
platform/device or use an existing global platform/device as the
current platform/device, select one from the corresponding
Available platforms/devices dropdown list. The dropdown list
for each platform/device type contains the related platforms
that were registered in the system, but are not assigned to any
experiment in the project yet and the global platforms/devices
that exist in the current ControlDesk project but not in the
currently active experiment.

50 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Adding Platforms/Devices t

n If you do not want to add or assign any of the listed

platforms/devices or if no assignable platform/device is
available, select the entry from the Available
platforms/devices list to create a new platform/device.
The Name displayed in experiment entry shows the name which
will be displayed for the platform/device in the experiment.
3 If you want to make the platform/device a global platform/device
which can be reused in other experiments of the project, select the
Make platform/device available to other experiments of this
project checkbox.
Since an ECU Diagnostics device cannot be made available to
several experiments of the same project, you should not make it a
global device.
4 If you want to configure the selected platform/device, click
Configure. Depending on the selected platform/device type,
different dialog pages open for you to configure the
platform/device. For ECU Diagnostic devices, Multiprocessor
System platforms and registered platforms you cannot start device
configuration from here.
If you skip this step the configuration is initialized with default
values, which you can check and modify later on.
5 If you are adding an ECU Diagnostics device or a Video Capturing
device, skip to step 12.
6 If you do not have the variable description for the platform/device
yet, skip to step 12.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 51

s Basics and Instructions t

7 Click Next >.

The Select Variable Description dialog opens.

8 Select or import the variable description file with the following

n Import from file: Opens a standard Windows open dialog for
you to choose one of the following files:

Platform/Device Type Supported Variable Description File Type1)

Platforms (except for XIL API MAPort SDF
XIL API MAPort platforms MAPort configuration file type
Measurement and calibration devices A2L

When an XCP on FlexRay device is used, the
configuration parameters are specified in the A2L file
and in an additional FIBEX file. Usually the FIBEX file is
referenced by the A2L file. If necessary, you can
specify an external FIBEX file during device
configuration. If you want to use the FIBEX file
referenced in the A2L file, ControlDesk expects the
FIBEX file to be located in the same folder as the A2L

CAN Bus Monitoring devices n DBC

n AUTOSAR system description

52 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Adding Platforms/Devices t

Platform/Device Type Supported Variable Description File Type1)

FlexRay Bus Monitoring devices n FIBEX
n AUTOSAR system description
LIN Bus Monitoring devices n LDF
n AUTOSAR system description
For information on the supported file versions, refer to Variable Descriptions Supported by ControlDesk ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Variable Management).

n Import from database (Available only if storage of projects in

database is enabled): Opens the Select Item to Import dialog
for you to select one of the following files:

Platform/Device Type Supported Variable Description File Type

XCP on Ethernet (accessing a VECU) A2L
(Optionally) In the Select Item to Import dialog, click Update
Client Cache to check whether there are new variable
descriptions in the database.
9 If you are adding a platform or a bus device, skip to step 12.
10 Click Next >.
The Select ECU Image File dialog opens:

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 53

s Basics and Instructions t

11 Enter or select the ECU Image file which contains the initial
parameter values for the application.

If the ECU Image file of a device does not provide initial
parameter values for the entire memory region described by
the memory segments of the device, ControlDesk sets the
remaining parameter values to "0" in the mirrored memory
and in the initially created data sets.
Do not download such data sets to the connected device
hardware when you start online calibration, since this may
cause property damage or even personal injury in connection
with the connected system. Upload the parameter values
from the connected device hardware instead.

12 Click Finish to close the dialog.

13 (Only for XCP and CCP devices) If you have already configured
your device and added a variable description to it, and if the Read
XCP settings from ECU or Read CCP settings from ECU property is
selected for the device, the service configuration information is
uploaded from the ECU. If there are inconsistencies between the
current configuration information (taken from the variable
description) and the information on the ECU, a dialog opens for
you to specify whether to use the current value or the one from
the ECU for each inconsistent ECU interface setting.

Result You have now added a new platform/device to the experiment or


Next steps n If you have not added a variable description to the

platform/device, you have to add one later on. Refer to How to
Add a Variable Description to a Platform/Device ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Variable Management).
n If you have not configured the platform/device in step 4, you can
configure it later on. Refer to:
n Handling Devices on page 137
n Handling Platforms on page 58

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479

54 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Adding Platforms/Devices t

How to Add Multiple Platforms/Devices in Virtual

Validation Scenarios

Objective ControlDesk provides platform/device configuration assistance for

virtual validation scenarios performed on VEOS or SCALEXIO.

Basics The Add Multiple Platforms/Devices command offers a simplified way

to add and configure platforms and devices that refer to an
application containing virtual ECUs and optionally an environment
model. Using the command includes the following steps:
n For each virtual ECU contained in the simulation application,
ControlDesk creates an XCP on Ethernet device. The devices
reference the associated A2L files.
n A parent platform (VEOS or SCALEXIO) is added to the
experiment, regardless of whether the simulation application
contains an environment model or not.
n For the XCP on Ethernet devices, inheritance is enabled by default.
This means that the devices inherit the property settings from the
parent platform.

Preconditions An experiment must be active. Refer to How to Activate an

Experiment ( ControlDesk Next Generation Project and Experiment

Method To add multiple platforms/devices in virtual validation

1 In the Project Manager, rightclick the active experiment or the
Hardware Configurations folder.
2 From the context menu, select Add Multiple Platforms/Devices.
The Add Multiple Platforms/Devices dialog opens.
3 Click Import from file to navigate to the application containing the
virtual ECUs and optionally an environment model, select the RTA,
OSA or SDF file to be used, and click Open.
If you select an SDF file, the hosting platform will be added with a
variable description to the active experiment. If you select an
OSA/RTA file, the hosting platform will be added with an
application to the active experiment

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 55

s Basics and Instructions t

If you select a simulation application file although the folder also

contains the corresponding variable description file, a dialog is
opened informing you that measurement or calibration is not
possible for platforms without a variable description.

Choose whether to switch to the variable description file or to

keep the selection of the application file.
After importing the variable description or simulation application,
ControlDesk analyzes the OSA/RTA information, determines the
required platform (SCALEXIO or VEOS) and XCP on Ethernet
devices (used to access the virtual ECUs) and displays them for

4 Select the platform and devices that are to be added to the

experiment. Selection is done via the Add column. A selected
checkbox indicates that the platform/device is selected for the
experiment. Because the hosting platform must always be added
to the experiment, it is selected by default and you cannot change
this setting.

56 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Adding Platforms/Devices t

A warning icon is displayed next to the checkbox if the

configuration of the platform/device is not valid (for example, if
the file specified in the File path field does not exist or could not
be imported).
5 If necessary, change the names to be used for the platform and
the selected devices in the current experiment. The platform
names must be unique within the experiment.
6 For each XCP on Ethernet device selected for being added to the
experiment, in the File path field the name and path of the
variable description of the associated virtual ECU are preset. If the
file path does not exist or the file import fails, the field is displayed
with a red background color. You can specify a different variable
description, if necessary.
For the VEOS or SCALEXIO platform, the file path is not editable. It
corresponds to the imported variable description or simulation
application file.
7 Via the checkboxes in the Inheritance column, specify for each
XCP on Ethernet device selected for being added to the
experiment whether to inherit the property settings from the
parent VEOS or SCALEXIO platform. Inheritance is enabled by
8 If necessary, specify further configuration settings for the
platform/devices. After you click the Configure button,
ControlDesk opens a dialog for you to configure the selected
9 Click OK to confirm your settings and close the dialog.

Result You have added a new hosting SCALEXIO or VEOS platform and the
selected XCP on Ethernet devices representing the simulated virtual
ECUs to the experiment. The application and variable descriptions are
added to the experiment and assigned to the platform and newly
created devices.

Related topics References

Add Multiple Platforms/Devices on page 370
Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329
Reload System on page 522

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 57

s Basics and Instructions t

Handling Platforms

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics of Handling Platforms 58
ControlDesk can access platforms only if they are configured correctly.
Updating and Repairing the Firmware of dSPACE 72
RealTime Hardware
DS1007 Platform Configuration 85
Multiprocessor System Platform Configuration 96
SCALEXIO Platform Configuration 104
XIL API MAPort Platform Configuration 111

Basics of Handling Platforms

Objective Via platforms, ControlDesk lets you access applications running on

dSPACE real-time hardware or on VEOS. This allows you to perform
HIL simulation, function bypassing and parameter calibration.

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics on Platforms 59
How to Register a Platform 60
After installing dSPACE realtime hardware or VEOS, you have to make it
known to ControlDesk.
How to Assign dSPACE Real-Time Hardware or VEOS to a 66
To use dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS in an experiment, you have
to assign the dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS to a platform in that

58 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Basics on Platforms

ControlDesk uses platforms to access dSPACE real-time hardware and


Platforms supporting ControlDesk provides platforms that support dSPACE real-time

dSPACE real-time hardware hardware:

dSPACE Real-Time Hardware Platform Used in ControlDesk

Modular system based on a single DS1005 PPC Board DS1005 PPC Board
Modular system based on multiple DS1005 PPC Boards Multiprocessor System
Modular system based on a single singlecore DS1006 Processor DS1006 Processor Board
Modular system based on a single multicore DS1006 Processor Multiprocessor System
Modular system based on multiple DS1006 Processor Boards Multiprocessor System
Modular system based on a single multicore or multiple DS1007 DS1007 PPC Processor Board
PPC Processor Boards
DS1103 PPC Controller Board DS1103 PPC Controller Board
DS1104 R&D Controller Board DS1104 R&D Controller Board
MicroAutoBox (all variants) MicroAutoBox
MicroLabBox DS1202 MicroLabBox
SCALEXIO system (with one or multiple processing units) SCALEXIO
DS802 support With the DS802 PHS Link Boards, you can spatially
partition the PHS bus by arranging the I/O boards of a modular
system in several expansion boxes. ControlDesks Platform/Device
Manager indicates whether your system contains DS802 boards and
displays the I/O boards connected to them.

Platform supporting VEOS ControlDesk provides the VEOS platform.

ControlDesks platform For platforms, ControlDesk provides functions that allow you to:
support n Register the platforms
n Configure the connection type: bus or network connection
n Load, start and stop applications
n Change parameter values and measure measurement values of the
n Manage the firmware of dSPACE realtime hardware

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 59

s Basics and Instructions t

Simultaneous bypassing Many dSPACE systems provide one or more ECU interfaces, for
and calibration example:
n Several variants of MicroAutoBox
n Modular systems including at least one DS4121 ECU Interface
n Modular systems with dSPACE CAN board (e.g., DS4302)
You can access an ECU for bypassing purposes via one of the above
systems, and simultaneously access the same ECU via one of the
available ECU interfaces. This allows you to perform function
bypassing and parameter calibration on one ECU at the same time.

Features of platforms for For the features of the platforms supported by ControlDesk, refer to:
accessing dSPACE real-time n DS1005 Features
n DS1006 Features
n DS1007 Features
n DS1103 Features
n DS1104 Features
n MicroAutoBox Features
n MicroLabBox Features
n SCALEXIO System Overview

How to Register a Platform

Objective After installing dSPACE realtime hardware or VEOS, you have to

make it known to ControlDesk.

Unlike for other platforms, the registration of the XIL API MAPort
platform is not described in this topic. It is described in How to
Register and Configure an XIL API MAPort Platform
on page 113.

60 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

You do not need to register boards that support the plug & play
feature. The Platform/Device Manager automatically registers
them. This applies to:
n DS1104

Preconditions n To register a platform to access dSPACE real-time hardware, the

hardware must be connected to the host PC.
n MicroAutoBox II: Before you register MicroAutoBox, you should
configure it using the DS1401ConfigGUI.exe utility, for example, to
change MicroAutoBox's default IP address. The utility is located in
<RCP_HIL_InstallationPath>\Exe. For configuration details, refer
to Connecting MicroAutoBox to the Host PC via Ethernet
( MicroAutoBox II Hardware Installation and Configuration).

You can add the DS1401ConfigGUI.exe tool as a user function.
Refer to How to Add External Programs or Scripts as User
Functions to ControlDesk ( ControlDesk Next Generation

n To register a platform to access VEOS, VEOS must be installed on

the host PC.

Method To register a platform

1 On the Platforms ribbon, click Platform Management Register
The Register Platforms dialog opens.

As an alternative, you can select the Register Platforms
command via the context menu of the Platform/Device

2 From the Platforms list, select the type of the platform you want
to register.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 61

s Basics and Instructions t

The registration settings vary according to the selected platform

type. The following illustration shows an example for the DS1007
platform type.

3 Specify the registration settings for the dSPACE hardware or VEOS

you want to register. The number and kinds of properties depend
on the selected platform type.
Property Description / Refer to
Common Properties
Multiprocessor type Common Properties on page 301
Platform name Lets you specify a unique name for the selected platform. After
registration, the name is displayed in ControlDesk Next Generation's
Platform/Device Manager.
The valid characters are 'a ... z', 'A ... Z', '0 ... 9', '_', '-' and ' '. The
name must not start or end with an underline, hyphen or blank.
If you do not specify a platform name, ControlDesk displays a default
name in the Platform/Device Manager.
Platform type Common Properties on page 301
Topology check General Settings Properties on page 313
Connection Settings Properties
Alias name Assignment Properties on page 281
Board name Assignment Properties on page 281

62 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Property Description / Refer to

Connection Lets you select one of the following connection parameters for
parameter registration:
n Alias name
n Board name
n IP address
n MAC address
The selected parameter is used to register the member processing units
(SCALEXIO), processor boards (DS1007), or platforms (DS1202
Connection type Assignment Properties on page 281
IP address Assignment Properties on page 281
MAC address Assignment Properties on page 281
Network client Assignment Properties on page 281
Platform Lets you specify the platform belonging to the DS1202 MicroLabBox
The platform has an edit field to specify its connection parameter value.
Port address Assignment Properties on page 281
Processor board Lets you specify the processor boards belonging to the DS1007

platform. Click to add a processor board, or click to delete the

selected processor board.

You cannot subsequently add processor boards to a DS1007
system that is already registered.

Each processor board has an edit field to specify its connection

parameter value and an edit field to specify a unique name for it. After
registration, the name is displayed in ControlDesk Next Generation's
Platform/Device Manager.
The valid characters are 'a ... z', 'A ... Z', '0 ... 9', '_', '-' and ' '. The
name must not start or end with an underline, hyphen or blank. If you
do not specify a custom name for a processor board, ControlDesk
displays a default name for it in the Platform/Device Manager.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 63

s Basics and Instructions t

Property Description / Refer to

Processing units Lets you specify the processing units belonging to the SCALEXIO

platform. Click to add a processing unit, or click to delete the

selected processing unit.

You cannot subsequently add processing units to a SCALEXIO
system that is already registered.

Each processing unit has an edit field to specify its connection parameter
value and an edit field to specify a unique name for it. After registration,
the name is displayed in ControlDesk Next Generation's Platform/Device
The valid characters are 'a ... z', 'A ... Z', '0 ... 9', '_', '-' and ' '. The
name must not start or end with an underline, hyphen or blank. If you
do not specify a custom name for a processing unit, ControlDesk
displays a default name for it in the Platform/Device Manager.
Scan for available Lets you scan the local network for connected platform hardware.
processor boards/ Depending on the platform type to be registered, ControlDesk opens
processing units/ the Scan Local Network for Processor Boards, the Scan Local Network for
platforms Processing Units or the Scan Local Network for Platforms dialog and
displays all the platform hardware found in the network. Refer to Scan
Local Network for Processor Boards/ Processing Units /Platforms dialog
on page 518.
Model Access Port Properties
Implementation Lets you select the MAPort implementation for the XIL API MAPort
The list displays all the supported XIL API MAPort implementations. The
XIL API MAPort platform analyzes the IMF files in the standard XIL API
folder (ProgramData\ASAM\XIL\Implementation) to determine the installed
XIL API MAPort implementations.
Product name Model Access Port Properties on page 337
Product version Model Access Port Properties on page 337
Vendor name Model Access Port Properties on page 337
XIL API version Model Access Port Properties on page 337
Multiprocessor Configuration Properties
Network client Assignment Properties on page 281
Processors Lets you specify the number of processors belonging to the

multiprocessor system. Click to add a processor, or click to

delete the selected processor.
The type of the board to be added (DS1005 or DS1006) depends on the
Multiprocessor type property.

You cannot subsequently add members to a multiprocessor system
that is already registered.

64 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Property Description / Refer to

Processor name Common Properties on page 301
Port address Assignment Properties on page 281

ControlDesk helps you to avoid erroneous entries. Affected
registration property settings are marked with the symbol.
Move the mouse pointer over the symbol to open a tool tip
with information on the reason for the error.

4 Click Register to complete the registration.

The registered platform is displayed with its registration settings in
the Registered platforms list.

If you register a platform with corrupted boot firmware or
with hardware components containing different firmware
versions, a message box containing warning messages about
the detected firmware problem is displayed. The warning
messages are also displayed in the Log Viewer. In the
Platform/Device Manager, the affected hardware
components are marked with the symbol. Its tool tip also
provides information on the detected firmware problem. You
should check the entries and perform firmware updates, if
necessary. Refer to Update Firmware on page 533.

5 Repeat steps 2 ... 4 for all the platforms you want to register.
6 Click Close to close the Register Platforms dialog.

Result You have registered platforms independently of ControlDesk

experiments. The platforms are displayed in the Platform/Device
Manager and can be added to ControlDesk experiments later on. The
registration data is stored in the recent platform configuration.

Next steps n You can add registered platforms to a ControlDesk experiment.

Refer to How to Assign dSPACE Real-Time Hardware or VEOS to a
Platform on page 66.
n You can manage the previously registered hardware or VEOS. For
example, ControlDesk lets you remove it from the recent platform
configuration or export the recent platform configuration. Refer to
Manage Platforms on page 483.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 65

s Basics and Instructions t

Related topics Basics

Accessing the SCALEXIO System with Several dSPACE Products Simultaneously
on page 107
Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications on page 115
Manage Platforms on page 483
Register Platforms on page 513

How to Assign dSPACE Real-Time Hardware or VEOS to a


Objective To use dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS in an experiment, you

have to assign the dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS to a platform
in that experiment.

Preconditions n An experiment must be active. Refer to How to Activate an

Experiment ( ControlDesk Next Generation Project and
Experiment Management).
n With Method 1, the dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS you
want to assign must be registered, but it must not be used in the
active experiment yet. Refer to How to Register a Platform
on page 60.
Hardware that supports the plug & play feature (DS1104) and
therefore does not need to be registered must be connected to
the host PC.
n When Method 2 is used to assign a Multiprocessor System
platform, the system you want to assign must be registered.

Possible methods n You can assign dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS by adding the
registered platform to an experiment. Refer to Method 1
on page 66.
n You can assign dSPACE realtime hardware or VEOS to an existing
platform. Refer to Method 2 on page 67.

Method 1 To assign dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS by adding the

registered platform to the experiment
1 Select the dSPACE realtime hardware or VEOS you want to assign
to your experiment in the Platform/Device Manager.

66 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

2 From the context menu of the platform, select Add to active

The Define Platform Name dialog opens.

3 Specify the name to be used for the platform in the current

experiment. The platform name must be unique within the
4 Click OK to confirm your setting and close the dialog.
ControlDesk adds the platform to the currently active experiment,
using the specified platform name. The dSPACE realtime
hardware or VEOS is assigned to the platform. The assignment
properties of the platform match the connection settings of the
assigned hardware or VEOS. The platform is in the connected

As an alternative, you can add a platform to the experiment
using the Add Platform/Device command, and assign the
hardware or VEOS to the platform by selecting the registered
platform from the Available platforms/devices list in the Add
Platform/Device dialog.

Method 2 To assign dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS to an existing

platform in the experiment
1 Select the platform in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the platform, select Configure
ControlDesk opens a dialog for you to assign dSPACE real-time
hardware or VEOS to the selected platform. The following
illustration shows the Assignment dialog for a DS1005 platform as
an example.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 67

s Basics and Instructions t

3 If you assign hardware to a DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, or

SCALEXIO platform, ControlDesk provides the Available Platforms
list, offering already registered and suitable platform hardware for
assignment. The list contains the hardware that was registered in
the system but is not yet assigned to any experiment in the
project, and the global platforms that exist in the current
ControlDesk project but not in the currently active experiment.

68 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

n If you want to assign one of the platforms, select it from the

list. The associated system configuration settings are displayed.
Skip to step 6.
n If you do not want to assign any of the listed platforms or if no
assignable platform is available, skip to the next step.
4 In the dialog, specify the assignment mode for the platform:
Assignment Description
Assign to first (Not available for the Multiprocessor System platform) ControlDesk automatically assigns the platform to the
available platform first registered and unassigned platform of the relevant platform type it finds.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 69

s Basics and Instructions t

Assignment Description
Assign to any ControlDesk assigns the platform to a registered and unassigned platform of the relevant platform type,
equal platform according to the following assignment settings:
n Alias name
n Board name
n Connection type
n Net client
n Port address
n XIL API MAPort implementation
The above assignment settings are platform-type-specific. The list below shows the settings available for the
platform types:
n DS1005, DS1006, DS1103: Port address and/or Board name, Connection type, Net Client (only for the
Net connection type)
n DS1104: Board name
n MicroAutoBox: Board name (optional), Connection type, Net Client
n Multiprocessor System: Connection type
Multiprocessor System members: Port address
n DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: IP address or Board name
n VEOS: none
n XIL API MAPort platform: XIL API MAPort implementation
Assign to identical (Not available for the VEOS and XIL API MAPort platforms) ControlDesk assigns the platform to registered
platform and unassigned dSPACE hardware of the relevant platform type, according to the following assignment
n Connection type
n Serial number
n MAC address
The above assignment settings are platform-type-specific. The list below shows the settings available for the
platform types:
n DS1005, DS1006, DS1103, DS1104, MicroAutoBox, Multiprocessor System members: Serial number
n Multiprocessor System: Connection type
Multiprocessor System members: Serial number
n DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: MAC address

If several platforms are assigned to dSPACE hardware in one
step (for example, if you call the Refresh Platform
Configuration command), the assignment modes are applied
to the platforms in a certain order:
1. Assign to identical platform
2. Assign to any equal platform
3. Assign to first available platform

70 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

5 Specify the connection type, if necessary:

n If the dSPACE hardware is connected to the host PC via
Ethernet, select NET as the Connection type and enter the
network client to be used. The network client is identified by its
IP address or alias specified in the host table.
For details on setting up the Ethernet connection for your
specific dSPACE hardware, refer to the relevant
n Setting Up an Ethernet Connection Between PC and
Expansion Box ( DS100x Hardware Installation and
Configuration Guide or DS1103 Hardware Installation and
n Connecting MicroAutoBox to the Host PC via Ethernet
( MicroAutoBox II Hardware Installation and
n If the dSPACE hardware is installed in the host PC or in an
expansion box connected to the host PC via a bus interface,
select BUS as the Connection type.

n Since a DS1104 R&D Controller Board is installed in a PCI
slot in the host PC, no connection type (BUS or NET) has
to be configured for the DS1104 platform.

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.

Result You have assigned registered hardware or VEOS to a platform in the

active experiment.

Next steps n Add a variable description to the platform. For instructions, refer
to How to Add a Variable Description to a Platform/Device
( ControlDesk Next Generation Variable Management).
n If necessary, you can modify general settings for the platform. In
the Project Manager, select Configure Platform/Device from the
platform's context menu.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 71

s Basics and Instructions t

The state of the platform changes to disconnected, and

ControlDesk opens a dialog for you to assign dSPACE real-time
hardware or VEOS to the selected platform.
In the dialog, view and specify the settings that are relevant for
your platform:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display the DS1005/DS1006 processor boards that form the selected Member Overview Properties on page 335
Multiprocessor System platform, or the DS1007 PPC Processor Boards
that constitute the selected DS1007 platform, with their configuration

Related topics Basics

Basics on Platforms on page 59
Add to Active Experiment on page 397
Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500

Updating and Repairing the Firmware of dSPACE

RealTime Hardware

Objective Before you start a firmware update, you have to decide whether to
update the firmware to a later version or to repair the currently
installed firmware version.

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics on Firmware 73
Gives you information on the different kinds of firmware.
How to Prepare the Firmware Update 81
Before you start an update or repair process, some preparations have to
be made.
How to Update Firmware 83
Gives you the instructions for the firmware update mode.

72 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

How to Repair Firmware 84

Gives you the instructions for the firmware repair mode.

Basics on Firmware

Objective You can execute a realtime application on dSPACE realtime

hardware only if the different kinds of firmware are available. The
loaded firmware version has to provide the functionality implemented
in the realtime application.

Firmware features The firmware for a hardware component provides basic functionality
that is stored in a nonvolatile memory. For example, it includes
functions for the communication between the host PC and the
hardware, and can also provide I/O functions such as CAN or LIN
protocol support, or complex I/O functions for an FPGA component.
Firmware components The following firmware components are
used with dSPACE realtime hardware.

Firmware Meaning
Firmware for the main hardware components
Boot firmware Provides essential functions to access the hardware system
connected to the host PC.
It also contains functions to provide a hardware inventory and to
load and start a realtime application.
Relevant for any hardware.
CN boot firmware Provides essential functions for the computation node (CN) to
configure the initial hardware settings and to load the CN
Relevant for DS1007 and MicroLabBox.
CN firmware Provides the functionality for a realtime processor (computation
Relevant for DS1007 and MicroLabBox.
CN CPU configuration Provides the hardware configuration of a realtime processor.
Relevant for DS1007 and MicroLabBox.
System FPGA firmware Provides the system functions for the programmable logic device
of the processor board.
Relevant for DS1007 and MicroLabBox.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 73

s Basics and Instructions t

Firmware Meaning
HCN boot firmware Provides essential functions for the host communication
coprocessor (host communication node) to configure the initial
hardware settings for communication and to load the HCN
Relevant for DS1007 and MicroLabBox.
HCN firmware Provides the host communication functionality for the host
communication node and other services such as USB flight
Relevant for DS1007 and MicroLabBox.
Host IF firmware Provides functions that allow the communication between the
host PC and dSPACE realtime hardware that has an
Ethernetbased host interface.
Relevant for MicroAutoBox.
Host IF PLD firmware Provides functions for the programmable logic device that
controls the host interface communication.
Relevant for MicroAutoBox.
System PLD firmware Provides functions for the programmable logic device that offers
system functions, for example, watchdog handling or accessing
onboard sensors.
Relevant for MicroAutoBox.
DSx86_32 UserFirmware Provides essential functions to access the hardware system
connected to the host PC.
It also contains functions to provide a hardware inventory and to
load and start a realtime application.
Relevant for SCALEXIO.
Firmware for additional hardware components
AIO TYPE 1 PLD firmware Provides functions for accessing analog input and output signals
via the programmable logic device of the AIO Type 1 module.
Relevant for the DS1513 I/O board of MicroAutoBox.
ADC TYPE 4 PLD firmware Provides functions for accessing analog input signals via the
programmable logic device of the ADC Type 4 module.
Relevant for the DS1511 and DS1513 I/O boards of
CAN slave firmware Provides functions for CAN communication via a slave processor
or a connected I/O board.
Relevant for DS1103, DS2202, DS2210, DS2211, and DS4302
CAN TYPE 1 firmware Provides functions for CAN communication via the CAN Type 1
Relevant for MicroAutoBox and MicroLabBox.

74 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Firmware Meaning
DIO TYPE 3 PLD firmware Provides functions for accessing digital input and output signals
via the programmable logic device of the DIO Type 3 module.
Relevant for the DS1511 I/O board of MicroAutoBox.
DIO TYPE 4 PLD firmware Provides functions for accessing digital input and output signals
via the programmable logic device of the DIO Type 4 module.
Relevant for the DS1513 I/O board of MicroAutoBox.
DS4342 firmware Provides functions for CAN communication via the DS4342 CAN
FD Interface Module mounted on a DS4505 Interface Board or
DS<xxxx> UserFirmware Provides the basic functions for the related SCALEXIO board, for
example, for accessing digital input and output signals or the bus
Relevant for SCALEXIO boards.
DS<xxxx> UserIplFirmware Provides the bootloader for the related SCALEXIO board.
Relevant for the SCALEXIO DS6101 MultiI/O Board.
DS<xxxx> UserFpga Provides the functions realized on an FPGA module.
Relevant for SCALEXIO boards.
DS<xxxx> IoFpga Provides the I/O functions realized on an FPGA module.
Relevant for the SCALEXIO DS2680 I/O Unit.
FPGA Code Provides the system and I/O functions realized on an FPGA
Relevant for DS1006.
FPGA TYPE 1 PLD firmware Provides basic functions for initializing and accessing the FPGA
Type 1 module.
Relevant for the DS1512 and DS1514 I/O boards of
I/O Clock Buffer Configuration Provides functions for processing the clock signal on the local
Relevant for MicroLabBox.
I/O CPLD firmware Provides functions for controlling and accessing the I/O modules.
Relevant for MicroLabBox.
I/O FPGA firmware Provides the I/O functions realized on an FPGA module.
Relevant for MicroLabBox.
LIN slave firmware Provides functions for LIN communication via a connected I/O
Relevant for DS4330.
Slave DSP firmware Provides system and I/O functions for the slave DSP units.
Relevant for DS1103 and DS1104.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 75

s Basics and Instructions t

Details on the firmware The following firmware archives are available.

archives DS1005FwArchive.arc The firmware archive for a modular system
based on a DS1005 PPC Board contains the following firmware
n DS1005 boot firmware
n DS2202 CAN slave firmware
n DS2210 CAN slave firmware
n DS2211 CAN slave firmware
n DS4302 CAN slave firmware
n DS4330 LIN slave firmware
n DS4342 firmware

Using DS802 PHS Link Board
You can update the firmware of I/O boards only if they are
supported by the DS802 PHS Link Board. For example, you
cannot update the above mentioned CAN slave firmware
components, if the boards are connected via DS802 PHS Link
Board. For an overview of the supported I/O boards, refer to
DS802 Data Sheet ( PHS Bus System Hardware Reference).

DS1006FwArchive.arc The firmware archive for a modular system

based on a DS1006 Processor Board contains the following firmware
n DS1006 boot firmware
n DS1006 FPGA Code
n DS2202 CAN slave firmware
n DS2210 CAN slave firmware
n DS2211 CAN slave firmware
n DS4302 CAN slave firmware
n DS4330 LIN slave firmware
(see the note above)
n DS4342 firmware

76 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

DS1007FwArchive.arc The firmware archive for a modular system

based on a DS1007 PPC Processor Board contains the following
firmware components:
n HCN Boot Firmware
n HCN Firmware
n CN Boot Firmware
n CN Firmware
n CN CPU Configuration
n System FPGA Firmware
n DS2202 CAN slave firmware
n DS2210 CAN slave firmware
n DS2211 CAN slave firmware
n DS4302 CAN slave firmware
n DS4330 LIN slave firmware
(see the note above)
n DS4342 firmware
DS1103FwArchive.arc The firmware archive for a modular system
based on a DS1103 PPC Controller Board contains the following
firmware components:
n DS1103 Slave DSP firmware
The slave DSP firmware can be enlarged by user functions, see
User firmware. This firmware component must also be used for
restoring the boot firmware.
n DS1103 CAN slave firmware
DS1104FwArchive.arc The firmware archive for a modular system
based on a DS1104 R&D Controller Board contains the following
firmware components:
n DS1104 boot firmware
n DS1104 Slave DSP firmware
MABXFwArchive.arc (for MicroAutoBox) The firmware archive
for MicroAutoBox contains the following firmware components:
n DS1401 boot firmware
n DS1401 System PLD firmware
n DS1401 Host IF PLD firmware
n DS1401 Host IF firmware
n ADC TYPE 4 PLD firmware

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 77

s Basics and Instructions t

n DIO TYPE 3 PLD firmware

n DIO TYPE 4 PLD firmware
n FPGA TYPE 1 PLD firmware
n AIO TYPE 1 PLD firmware
n CAN TYPE 1 firmware
n DS4342 firmware

To program the firmware that supports the RTI DS1552 I/O
Extension blockset for the DS1552 MultiI/O module, you have to
use the DS1401UpdateExtIO command, which is described in the
MicroAutoBox RTLib Reference.

DS1202FwArchive.arc (for MicroLabBox) The firmware archive

for MicroLabBox contains the following firmware components:
n HCN Boot Firmware
n HCN Firmware
n CN Boot Firmware
n CN Firmware
n CN CPU Configuration
n System FPGA Firmware
n CAN Type 1 firmware
n I/O clock buffer configuration
n I/O CPLD firmware
n I/O FPGA firmware
SCALEXIOFwArchive.arc The firmware archive for SCALEXIO
systems contains the following firmware components:
n DSx86_32 UserFirmware
n DS2502 UserFpga
n DS2551 UserFpga
n DS2601 UserFirmware and DS2601 UserFpga
n DS2621 UserFirmware and DS2621 UserFpga
n DS2642 UserFirmware and DS2642 UserFpga
n DS2655 UserFirmware and DS2655 UserFpga
n DS2655M1 UserFpga
n DS2655M2 UserFpga

78 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

n DS2656 UserFirmware and DS2656 UserFpga

n DS2671 UserFirmware and DS2671 UserFpga
n DS2672 UserFirmware and DS2672 UserFpga
n DS2680 UserFirmware, DS2680 UserFpga, and DS2680
IoFpga1 3
n DS2690 UserFirmware and DS2690 UserFpga
n DS2907 UserFirmware and DS2907 UserFpga
n DS6051 UserFpga
n DS6101 UserFirmware, DS6101 UserIplFirmware, and DS6101
n DS6201 UserFpga
n DS6301 UserFpga

n The archive format for DS1007 and MicroLabBox changed
with Firmware Archives 2.0 contained in dSPACE
Release 2015B. To open an archive in the new format, you
must use Firmware Manager 2.0 or later.
n The archive format for SCALEXIO changed with Firmware
Archives 2.1 contained in dSPACE Release 2016A. To open
an archive in the new format, you must use Firmware
Manager 2.1.

Special firmware The firmware archives installed with your dSPACE software provide
the standard firmware type. There might be other firmware types to
be managed with the Firmware Manager.
Custom firmware The Firmware Manager allows you to install
custom firmware that dSPACE provides for solutions or engineering
User firmware

When you use a SCALEXIO system, this term is used for the
standard firmware. The following restrictions refer only to
customized firmware.

User firmware is a firmware that is based on dSPACE firmware but

extended with your own functionality. The Firmware Manager does
not support loading user firmware.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 79

s Basics and Instructions t

dSPACE accepts no liability for incorrect operation or property
damage when using user firmware with dSPACE hardware.

If you want to add user functions to the slave DSP firmware of a

DS1103 PPC Controller Board, follow the descriptions in
You find this application note, in
C:\Program Files <(x86)>\Common Files\dSPACE\HelpDesk <ReleaseV
Default factory firmware MicroAutoBox, MicroLabBox, DS1007,
and SCALEXIO are providing a secured mode for using the default
factory firmware. If firmware is corrupted, the hardware,
automatically reboots, if necessary, and loads the default factory
firmware that lets you access the board and retry the firmware
For further information, refer to:
n Using MicroAutoBox: How to Start MicroAutoBox to Secured
Mode ( MicroAutoBox II Hardware Installation and
n Using MicroLabBox: How to Force a Restart with Factory Firmware
( MicroLabBox Hardware Installation and Configuration)
n Using modular system based on DS1007: How to Start the
DS1007 to Secured Mode ( DS1007 Hardware Installation and
Configuration Guide)

Note the following restriction if you use DS1007, MicroAutoBox,
or MicroLabBox.
In secured mode, for example, caused by an interrupted
firmware repair or update process, you cannot repair or update
the firmware components of the I/O components of the board
(connected I/O boards, internal I/O modules, or the I/O FPGA).
You firstly have to repair or update the firmware components of
the base board and then reboot the board to leave the secured
mode. Error messages regarding to the repair or update process
of the I/O components can be ignored. After reboot, you can
continue the repair or update process for the firmware of the I/O

80 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

If your realtime hardware does not provide a secured mode for using
the default factory firmware, you have to repair the board's boot
firmware. You can do this via the command line interface of the
firmware management or via the Platform Manager. To repair the
corrupted boot firmware via the command line interface, refer to
Examples of ScriptBased Firmware Management ( Firmware
Manager Document).

How to Prepare the Firmware Update

Objective The preparation of a firmware update consists of specifying some

general firmware settings.

Preconditions The following preconditions must be fulfilled for configuring the

general firmware settings:
n The realtime hardware must be connected to the host PC.
n The realtime hardware must be switched on.
n The required firmware archive must be available.
You can find the latest firmware archives on the dSPACE website
n If a realtime application is loaded to the board's flash memory, it
is recommended to clear the flash before starting the update
process to avoid unpredictable output signals.
If a realtime application is running, it is stopped by the firmware

n The archive format for DS1007 and MicroLabBox changed
with Firmware Archives 2.0 contained in dSPACE
Release 2015B. To open an archive in the new format, you
must use Firmware Manager 2.0 or later.
n The archive format for SCALEXIO changed with Firmware
Archives 2.1 contained in dSPACE Release 2016A. To open
an archive in the new format, you must use Firmware
Manager 2.1.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 81

s Basics and Instructions t

Method To prepare the firmware update

1 Open the Platform Manager.
2 If no realtime hardware is displayed in the Platform Manager,
register the realtime hardware that you want to update.
3 Choose Update Firmware in the platform's context menu to open
the Update Firmware Wizard.
The wizard starts with the Select Mode dialog.
4 Select the firmware update mode.
By default, the Update mode is set to update all firmware
components of your realtime hardware with later firmware. With
the Repair mode enabled, you can select the firmware
components to be repaired.
To switch to the repair mode, select Firmware repair mode in the
Select Mode dialog.
5 Click Next to continue with the Select Firmware Archive dialog.
The latest firmware archive for the selected platform is
automatically set. Optionally, browse for another firmware archive.
This might be useful if you want to update to a firmware version
other than the latest or repair user firmware, for example.
6 Click Next to continue with the Select Firmware Components

Result You have configured the settings which are required for a firmware
update process in update or repair mode.
If you use a multiprocessor or a multicore system, note the following
n If you have registered a multiprocessor system, you can update
only one processor at a time.
n If you have registered a multicore system with additional I/O
boards, you have to select the core to which the I/O boards are
connected for the update of the entire system. The other cores will
be updated too.

Related topics HowTos

How to Repair Firmware on page 84
How to Update Firmware on page 83

82 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

How to Update Firmware

Objective Gives you the instructions for the firmware update mode.

Preconditions The firmware update process has to be prepared with the Update
Mode specified as described in How to Prepare the Firmware Update
on page 81.

Method To update firmware

1 In the Select Firmware Components dialog, click Update to start
the firmware update process.
In the Update column, the firmware components to be updated
are marked and red. The components are not marked for update if
the version of the currently installed firmware is identical to or
later than the firmware available in the specified firmware archive.

Result If there are updatable firmware components, the update process

starts. You can see the progress in the Status column. The initial '--'
entry is replaced by a percentage. If the progress information cannot
be detected continuously, only the states 50% and 100% are
displayed. If the process successfully finished, an OK is shown,
otherwise an error message is displayed.
If the firmware update will require more than 40 minutes, an estimate
of the time is displayed. Then you can decide whether to start the
process. Interrupting a running firmware update process is not

You must not switch off the hardware during the firmware
update process. This will cause a corrupted firmware.

Follow the given instructions to complete the firmware update. For

example, some firmware components require a hardware reboot.

Related topics HowTos

How to Prepare the Firmware Update on page 81
How to Repair Firmware on page 84

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 83

s Basics and Instructions t

How to Repair Firmware

Objective Gives you the instructions for the firmware repair mode.

Preconditions The firmware update process has to be prepared with the Repair
Mode specified as described in How to Prepare the Firmware Update
on page 81.

Method To repair firmware

1 In the Select Firmware Components dialog, select the firmware
components to be repaired in the Update column.
You can select only firmware components, whose current and
available versions are identical. If the versions differ, the
components are not displayed at all.
2 In the Select Firmware Components dialog, click Repair to start
the firmware repair process.
This command is enabled only if at least one firmware component
is selected for repairing.

Result If there are updatable firmware components, the repair process starts.
You can see the progress in the Status column. The initial '--' entry is
replaced by a percentage. If the progress information cannot be
detected continuously, only the states 50% and 100% are displayed.
If the process successfully finished, an OK is shown, otherwise an
error message is displayed.
If the firmware repair process will require more than 40 minutes, an
estimate of the time is displayed. Then you can decide whether to
start the process. Interrupting a running firmware repair process is not

You must not switch off the hardware during the firmware
repair process. This will cause a corrupted firmware.

Follow the given instructions to complete the firmware update. For

example, some firmware components require a hardware reboot.

Related topics HowTos

How to Prepare the Firmware Update on page 81
How to Update Firmware on page 83

84 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

DS1007 Platform Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics on the DS1007 PPC Processor Board Platform 85
General information on working with a DS1007 PPC Processor Board
Working Concept Differences Between DS1005 and 89
There are some differences in the working concepts for the DS1005 and
the DS1007.

Basics on the DS1007 PPC Processor Board Platform

Objective General information on working with a DS1007 PPC Processor Board


DS1007 system There are two types of DS1007 systems:

n DS1007 single processor systems consist of one DS1007 PPC
Processor Board.
n DS1007 multiprocessor systems consist of two or more DS1007
PPC Processor Boards, which are interconnected via external
Each DS1007 PPC Processor Board contains a dualcore processor.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 85

s Basics and Instructions t

The illustration below shows the topologies of a DS1007 single

processor system and a DS1007 multiprocessor system with two
DS1007 PPC Processor Boards as examples:
DS1007 single DS1007 multiprocessor
processor system system

DS1007 PPC DS1007 PPC

Processor Board Processor Board
Cores Cores

DS1007 PPC
Processor Board

Representation of a DS1007 system in ControlDesk In

ControlDesk, a DS1007 system (single processor or multiprocessor
system) is represented by a DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform.
During platform registration, you must specify the DS1007 PPC
Processor Boards that belong to the system. After registration, the
Platform/Device Manager displays the system (without the individual
processor cores).
The illustration below shows a DS1007 multiprocessor system
consisting of two DS1007 PPC Processor Boards in the
Platform/Device Manager.

DS1007 PPC Processor

Board platform (with
loaded application)

DS1007 PPC
Processor Boards

Gigalink information When you select the DS1007 PPC Processor

Board platform in the Platform/Device Manager, ControlDesk displays
information on the Gigalink connections of a DS1007 multiprocessor
system in the Properties controlbar. Refer to Gigalink Information
Properties on page 323.

86 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Loading applications to a To load a realtime application to a DS1007 system, you must load it
DS1007 system to the DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform (not to the individual
DS1007 PPC Processor Boards).
The illustration below shows a DS1007 multiprocessor system with
two DS1007 PPC Processor Boards. In the example, the datatypes_id
application is loaded to the DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform.

DS1007 PPC Processor

Board platform

Real-time application

DS1007 PPC
Processor Boards

Several realtime applications (RTAs) can be loaded to a DS1007 PPC

Processor Board platform, but each RTA must be loaded from a
different host PC. Each DS1007 PPC Processor Board can be used by
one RTA at a time only.

Application processes and Each real-time application contains one or more application
cores processes. Each application process runs on a separate processor core
of a DS1007 PPC Processor Board. Because the DS1007 PPC Processor
Board has a dualcore processor, up to two application processes can
run on a DS1007 PPC Processor Board.
The following illustration shows a DS1007 multiprocessor system with
two DS1007 PPC Processor Boards. In the example, the datatypes_id
application is loaded to the platform. The application contains the
four application processes master.ppc, slave.ppc, slave_b.ppc and

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 87

s Basics and Instructions t

Real-time application

DS1007 PPC
Processor Boards

Application processes

Assigning DS1007 processor cores to application processes If

you load the realtime application to the DS1007 PPC Processor Board
platform, its contained application processes are assigned to the
DS1007 PPC Processor Boards' cores. If you use a DS1007 single-
processor system, the application processes are assigned
automatically. If you use a DS1007 multiprocessor system, you can
configure the assignment between application processes and the
cores. To do so, you have to name the individual cores of the DS1007
system via the Edit Processor Names command after registration. You
can access the command when you select the DS1007 PPC Processor
Board platform in the Platform/Device Manager. The cores must be
named according to the CPU names specified in the multiprocessor
model underlying the application.
The following illustration shows an example for configuring the core

88 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

The assignment of the application processes to the processor cores is

based on the processor names. The illustration below shows an
Real-time application (RTA) DS1007 multiprocessor system

DS1007 PPC Processor Board

Application process 1
Core 1
Core 2
Application process 2
slave.ppc DS1007 PPC Processor Board
Core 1
Application process 3 Core 2

Application process 4

Related topics HowTos

How to Assign dSPACE Real-Time Hardware or VEOS to a Platform on page 66
How to Register a Platform on page 60
Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Edit Processor Names on page 471

Working Concept Differences Between DS1005 and DS1007

There are some differences in the working concepts for the DS1005
and the DS1007.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 89

s Basics and Instructions t

Information in this topic Migrating models on page 90

Reusing experiments originally created for the DS1005 on page 90
Differences for managing platforms and handling applications
on page 90
Loading and starting applications on page 93
Platform representation in the Platform/Device Manager on page 93
Registering the hardware on page 90
Stopping applications on page 93
Differences in measurement and recording on page 94
Performing triggered measurements on page 94
Uploading flight recorder data on page 94
Differences in tool automation on page 94
Accessing a registered DS1005 board via automation on page 95
Accessing a registered DS1007 board via automation on page 95
Two platform automation API versions on page 94

Migrating models For information on how to migrate a model for a DS1005 for use
with a DS1007, refer to Migrating from DS1005 to DS1007
( DS1007 Features).

Reusing experiments Experiments that were originally created for the DS1005 platform can
originally created for the be reused for the DS1007 platform.
DS1005 For details, refer to Switching the Simulation Platform and Reusing
Experiment Parts on page 38.

Differences for managing Registering the hardware Registering a DS1005based system is

platforms and handling different from registering a DS1007based system.
applications To register a DS1005:
n You specify the connection type (either BUS or NET).
n You specify the network client as an IP address if the connection
type is NET.

90 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

n You specify the port address.

The illustration below shows an example:

n A DS1005-based multiprocessor system has to be registered via

the Multiprocessor System platform.
To register a DS1007:
n You select and specify a connection parameter, e.g., IP address.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 91

s Basics and Instructions t

The illustration below shows an example:

As an alternative, you can scan the network for available DS1007


n To register a DS1007-based multiprocessor system, you also use

the DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform by adding further
processor boards. For details, refer to Basics on the DS1007 PPC
Processor Board Platform on page 85.

92 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Platform representation in the Platform/Device Manager The

representation of the DS1005 and the DS1007 platforms in the
Platform/Device Manager is slightly different.
As shown in the illustration below, unlike for the DS1005, the
application loaded to the DS1007 board and the application
processes loaded to the cores of the DS1007 are displayed:

DS1005 platform
DS1007 platform
DS1007 board
Application processes

Loading and starting applications There are differences in

loading and starting an application for the DS1005 and DS1007.
When you load a real-time application to a DS1005, the application is
started automatically if the simState parameter is set to RUN (2).
Using the DS1007, you can decide whether to load the application
with or without subsequent start of the application:
n To load the application to a DS1007 via the Platform/Device
Manager and let the application start automatically after it is
loaded, select Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
Application - Load and Start.
n To load the application to a DS1007 via the Platform/Device
Manager without an automatic application start, select Real-Time
Application / Offline Simulation Application - Load.
To start the loaded application manually later on, select Start from
the application's context menu.
Stopping applications When you stop a real-time application
running on a DS1005, the application is also unloaded.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 93

s Basics and Instructions t

When you stop a real-time application running on a DS1007, the

application is not unloaded. To unload it, select Unload from the
application's context menu.

Differences in measurement Performing triggered measurements Performing measurements

and recording on the DS1005/DS1006 and on the DS1007 is similar. However, the
DS1007 provides more options for defining trigger conditions for
triggered measurements. You can define XIL API-compliant trigger
condition strings.
For instructions, refer to How to Configure a Platform Trigger
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording).
Uploading flight recorder data Unlike the DS1005, the DS1007
does not write flight recorder data to its internal flash memory but to
a USB mass storage device connected to the DS1007.
Uploading flight recorder data to the host PC is slightly different. For
instructions, refer to How to Upload Flight Recorder Data Written to a
USB Mass Storage Device ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording).

Differences in tool Two platform automation API versions Handling the DS1005 via
automation tool automation is possible via Platform Management's platform API
version 1.0 and 2.0.
Unlike for the DS1005, handling the DS1007 via tool automation is
possible only via platform automation API version 2.0.
The version can be selected on the Platform Management Page in the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog.

The version can also be selected via automation:

# Select platform automation API version 2.0
Application.PlatformManagement.PlatformAutomationAPIVersion = Enums.AutomationAPIVersion.APIVersion2

94 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Accessing a registered DS1005 board via automation The

Python listing below shows how to access a registered DS1005
processor board in the Platform/Device Manager. It is presupposed
that the platform has the index "1".
# Access a registered DS1005
DS1005Platform =
Getting DS1005 processor board details is possible via the
DS1005Platform object.
Accessing a registered DS1007 board via automation The
Python listing below shows how to access a registered DS1007
processor board in the Platform/Device Manager. It is presupposed
that platform automation API version 2.0 is preselected, and that the
platform has the index "0".
# Access a registered DS1007
DS1007Platform =
DS1007ProcessorBoard = DS1007Platform.ProcessingUnits.Item(0)
Getting DS1007 processor board details is possible via the
DS1007ProcessorBoard object.

The two platform automation API versions are incompatible.
Reusing automation scripts originally created for handling the
DS1005 via platform automation API version 1.0 therefore
involves some migration steps.
For migration details, refer to Platform Management Automation
API Versions on page 545.

Related topics Basics

Basics on the DS1007 PPC Processor Board Platform on page 85

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 95

s Basics and Instructions t

Multiprocessor System Platform Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics on Multiprocessor System Platforms 96
General information on working with multiprocessor systems based on
DS1005 or DS1006 processor boards.
Working with Multiprocessor Systems with Optional 98
You can configure the use of CPUs in DS1005-/DS1006-based
multiprocessor systems.

Basics on Multiprocessor System Platforms

Objective General information on working with multiprocessor systems based

on DS1005 or DS1006 processor boards.

Adding and changing the The variable description (SDF file) of a Multiprocessor System platform
platform's variable contains information on:
description n The type of the multiprocessor system (DS1005 or DS1006)
n The number of processors/boards belonging to the multiprocessor

The number of processors/boards specified in the SDF file
must not exceed the number of members that are specified
for the multiprocessor system during platform registration.
Otherwise, the multiprocessor system cannot be assigned to
the Multiprocessor System platform using the SDF file.

n The processor names of the boards belonging to the

multiprocessor system
n The state of the processors (enabled or disabled) belonging to the
multiprocessor system

96 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

When a variable description is added to a Multiprocessor System

platform, ControlDesk extracts the SDF file information to the
platform (for example, the processor names are taken from the
variable description).
You can replace the variable description after you configure the
platform. Consider the following points:
n The changed variable description must reference the same
multiprocessor system type.
n If the processor names in the SDF file that was added first differ
from the names in the changed SDF file, the names are taken from
the changed SDF file.

Assigning processors to When you download a multiprocessor application, the processor

applications names are used to assign the realtime application files referenced in
the SDF file to the individual boards belonging to the multiprocessor
You can subsequently change the assignment between processors
and applications by changing the port addresses in the Member
Configuration dialog during platform configuration. Refer to
Configure Platform/Device on page 431.

Checking the topology of During platform registration or in the platform properties, you can
the multiprocessor system enable the topology check. If enabled, ControlDesk checks if all the
DS1005/DS1006 processor boards of the multiprocessor system are
interconnected via Gigalinks.

ControlDesk does not check whether the topology of the
connected boards is compatible with the topology required by
the realtime application to be loaded to the system, i.e., it does
not check whether the correct Gigalink ports of the processor
boards are used for interconnection.

ControlDesk also lets you execute a Gigalink topology check on

demand. Details of this check are displayed in the Properties
controlbar of the selected Multiprocessor System platform. Refer to
Check Gigalink Topology on page 402.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 97

s Basics and Instructions t

When you perform a Gigalink topology check on demand,
ControlDesk also does the following:
ControlDesk generates topology information that you can use in
connection with RTI-MP to specify the multiprocessor system's
topology. Refer to Multiprocessor Topology Setup Dialog ( RTI
and RTI-MP Implementation Reference).

Working with a ControlDesk allows you to work with a DS1005-/DS1006-based

multiprocessor system with multiprocessor system containing one or more optional processors.
optional processors For further information, refer to Working with Multiprocessor Systems
with Optional Processors on page 98.

Related topics Basics

Working with Multiprocessor Systems with Optional Processors on page 98
How to Assign dSPACE Real-Time Hardware or VEOS to a Platform on page 66
How to Register a Platform on page 60
Configure Platform/Device on page 431

Working with Multiprocessor Systems with Optional


Objective Typically, all the processors in a DS1005-/DS1006-based

multiprocessor system application are used in a real-time simulation.
However, RTI-MP lets you generate an SDF file in which one or more
of the processors are optional (refer to How to Specify Optional CPUs
in RTI-MP ( DS1005 Features)). This lets you disable the real-time
applications of specific multiprocessor system members without
having to rebuild the real-time application.

Working with optional processors is supported for multiprocessor
systems based on DS1005 or DS1006 processor boards only. It is
not supported for multiprocessor systems based on DS1007 or

98 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Disabling/enabling optional To disable or enable the real-time application of specific

processors in ControlDesk multiprocessor system members, perform the following steps:
1. Open the SDF file of the multiprocessor system application in a
text editor.
2. In the file, specify disabled or enabled as the state of the optional
3. Save the SDF file under a new name.

If you already added a variable description to the platform, it
is not sufficient to save the changed SDF file under its original
name and reload the variable description. Instead, you must
specify a new file name and add the file as a new variable

4. Add the changed SDF file to the Multiprocessor System platform.

It is recommended to add the variable description with all the
processor states set to enabled in the first step. This lets you
visualize variables from all processors in instruments. When you
disable processors later on, variables of the disabled processors
are displayed in the novalue view in instruments, but their
variable connections remain valid.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 99

s Basics and Instructions t

Example for a The following example applies to a multiprocessor system with three
multiprocessor application processors, where all the optional processors are enabled.
subset in which each In the SDF file, the state is enabled for each processor.
optional processor is

The illustration below shows a running measurement based on the

above SDF file. The Plotters visualize signals from the three
multiprocessor system members. There is one Plotter for each

100 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 101

s Basics and Instructions t

Example for a The following example applies to a multiprocessor system with three
multiprocessor application processors where the second processor is disabled.
subset in which one In the SDF file, the state of the second processor is disabled. The
optional processor is state of the other processors is enabled.

The illustration below shows a running measurement based on the

above SDF file. Only the variable descriptions of the enabled members
are available in the Variable Browser. Since Platform_2, which
corresponds to the SLAVE member in the SDF file, is disabled, its
variable description is not available and the signal in the Slave Plotter
is displayed in the no-value view.

102 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

When you reactivate the variable description in which the state
of each member is enabled, values for signals originating from
Platform_2 are displayed again.

Related topics Basics

Basics of Topological Subsets ( DS100x Features)
Basics on Multiprocessor System Platforms on page 96

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 103

s Basics and Instructions t

SCALEXIO Platform Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics on the SCALEXIO Platform 104
General information on working with a SCALEXIO platform.
Accessing the SCALEXIO System with Several 107
dSPACE Products Simultaneously

Basics on the SCALEXIO Platform

Objective General information on working with a SCALEXIO platform.

SCALEXIO system A SCALEXIO system can consist of one or more processing units, each
of which contains a number of processor cores.
Representation of a SCALEXIO system in ControlDesk In
ControlDesk, a SCALEXIO system is represented by a
SCALEXIO platform. You must specify the processing units belonging
to the system during platform registration. After registration, the
Platform/Device Manager displays the system (without the individual
processor cores).

Loading applications to a To load an application to a SCALEXIO system, you must load it to the
SCALEXIO system SCALEXIO platform (not to the individual processing units). Several
realtime applications (RTAs) can be loaded to a SCALEXIO platform,
but each RTA must be loaded from a different host PC. Each
processing unit can be used by one RTA at a time only.

104 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

The illustration below shows a SCALEXIO multiprocessor system with

four processing units.

Real-time applications

SCALEXIO processing unit

Application processes

SCALEXIO processing unit

Application processes

SCALEXIO processing unit

SCALEXIO processing unit

Application process

In the example, two RTAs are loaded to the platform:

n Application_MP_DAQ requires the processing units with board
names 'SCALEXIO Processing Unit (3)' and 'SCALEXIO Processing
Unit (4)'.
The application contains the following application processes:
n Model1.x86 loaded to SCALEXIO Processing Unit (3)
n Model2.x86 loaded to SCALEXIO Processing Unit (3)
n Model3.x86 loaded to SCALEXIO Processing Unit (4)
n Model4.x86 loaded to SCALEXIO Processing Unit (4)
n Scalexio_Demo requires the processing unit with board name
'SCALEXIO Processing Unit (1)'.
It contains the scalexio_demo.x86 application process.
The two RTAs can be controlled independently of each other.

Application processes and Each real-time application contains one or more application
cores processes.
Assigning processing units to application processes To
download a SCALEXIO application, the target processing units to run

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 105

s Basics and Instructions t

the application processes on must be clearly defined. The board

names of the processing units and the names of the racks the
processing units belong to are used to assign the application
processes to the individual processing units belonging to the
SCALEXIO system.
You can subsequently change the assignment between processing
units and application processes by changing the board names and
rack names for the processing units via the Properties controlbar
when selecting the processing units in the Platform/Device Manager.
Refer to Identification Properties on page 327.
Assignment of processor cores to application processes Each
application process runs on a separate processor core of a SCALEXIO
processing unit. The maximum number of application processes
running on a SCALEXIO processing unit is number of processor
cores - 1, since one core of each processing unit is reserved for the
execution of system services.
ControlDesk automatically assigns each application process to one
core of a processing unit. You cannot change this core assignment.
The following illustration shows the mapping of application processes
to a SCALEXIO system consisting of three quadcore processing units
as an example. The realtime application is a multiprocessor
application consisting of four application processes, two of which run
in parallel on the same processing unit.

106 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Real-time application (RTA) SCALEXIO hardware

SCALEXIO processing unit

Application process 1
Cores available for
executing application
Application process 2 processes

Core reserved for

Application process 3 executing system services

Application process 4

Related topics HowTos

How to Assign dSPACE Real-Time Hardware or VEOS to a Platform on page 66
How to Register a Platform on page 60
Configure Platform/Device on page 431

Accessing the SCALEXIO System with Several

dSPACE Products Simultaneously

Accessing the You can access a SCALEXIO system by using the following
SCALEXIO system from dSPACE products at the same time, if they run on the same PC:
one PC n ConfigurationDesk
n ControlDesk Next Generation
n AutomationDesk
n ModelDesk
n rtplib2 Test Automation Python module

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 107

s Basics and Instructions t

n dSPACE HIL API MAPort implementation

n dSPACE XIL API MAPort implementation

The products to access the SCALEXIO system must be installed
from the same dSPACE Release.

Accessing the Another person can also access the SCALEXIO system by using
SCALEXIO system from a ControlDesk Next Generation running on a second PC.
second PC
Consider the following restrictions when accessing the system
from a second PC:
n Do not execute platform management functions from a
second PC.
These are functions such as:
n Downloading a real-time application to the
n Starting/stopping the real-time application on the
n Access to the SCALEXIO system from a second PC is restricted
to measurement and recording tasks:
n Do not use ControlDesk's Signal Editor from a second PC
to stimulate variables of the real-time application running
on the SCALEXIO system.
n Do not use RealTime Testing from a second PC to
perform tests synchronously to the real-time application
running on the SCALEXIO system
n Do not use ControlDesk's Failure Simulation Module from
a second PC to control the failure simulation hardware of
the SCALEXIO system
n The products to access the SCALEXIO system (incl.
ControlDesk Next Generation running on a second PC) must
be installed from the same dSPACE Release.

108 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

When you use AutomationDesk to carry out automated tests on
a SCALEXIO system, do not use ControlDesk Next Generation to
change the values of model parameters that influence the
currently running test, because this will falsify the results.
The person carrying out automated tests will not even be able to
detect whether the SCALEXIO system is currently being accessed
by ControlDesk Next Generation.

Access levels Access levels are provided by the system for accessing the:
n SCALEXIO system
n Real-time application (executable on the SCALEXIO system)
Depending on the action you perform, other users' access to the
hardware and real-time application can be restricted. There are two
access levels:
n Exclusive access
Other users have no access.
n Shared access
Other users have shared but not an exclusive access. Actions
which need shared access can be carried out by several users at
the same time.

Access required for specific The following table shows actions in ConfigurationDesk, ControlDesk
actions Next Generation, AutomationDesk and ModelDesk for which each
user needs exclusive or shared access to the hardware and/or to the
real-time application.

Action Required Access Level

To SCALEXIO To Real-Time
System Application
Registering hardware Exclusive None
Changing properties of the Change the system name Exclusive None 2)
hardware 1) or names of hardware
components (for example,
real-time PC or I/O unit)
Change internal load Exclusive None 2)
description of a channel 3)
Change load rejection Exclusive None 2)
settings of a channel 3)

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 109

s Basics and Instructions t

Action Required Access Level

To SCALEXIO To Real-Time
System Application
Handling real-time applications Load application Shared Exclusive
Unload application Shared Exclusive
Start application Shared Shared
Stop application Shared Shared
ControlDesk Next Generation's Start online calibration Shared Shared
device state changes 4) Start measuring/recording Shared Shared
Updating the firmware Exclusive None 2)
If you change a property, the hardware is accessed only when the new value is applied by ConfigurationDesk. The more
properties are changed, the longer the update (and therefore the access) takes.
2) Not possible when a real-time application is loaded
Only possible in ConfigurationDesk
Only possible in ControlDesk Next Generation. Each access level applies for the entire duration of the corresponding device

The required access levels are independent of the status of the
ConfigurationDesk application (Connected to hardware or Not
connected to hardware).

Examples of handling real-time applications

n While you load a real-time application, other users cannot unload
it. However, they can start and stop it.
n While you start a real-time application, other users can access it,
for example, to stop it.
n While one user starts ControlDesk Next Generation's online
calibration, other users cannot load or unload the real-time
application. However, they can start and stop it.

Error messages Whenever access is not possible, ConfigurationDesk, ControlDesk

Next Generation, AutomationDesk or ModelDesk displays an error

110 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

XIL API MAPort Platform Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics on the XIL API MAPort Platform 111
General information on working with an XIL API MAPort platform.
How to Register and Configure an XIL API MAPort 113
To access a simulation platform via the XIL API MAPort for working with
it in ControlDesk, you must register an XIL API MAPort platform and
configure it accordingly.

Basics on the XIL API MAPort Platform

Objective General information on working with an XIL API MAPort platform.

XIL API MAPort platform The XIL API MAPort platform provides access to a simulation platform
via an ASAM XIL API implementation that is installed on your host PC.
Platform access is done via the model access port (MAPort). The
standardized hardware access is possible for any simulation platform
that supports an XIL API MAPort implementation supported by the XIL
API MAPort platform.
If access to the simulation platform via the XIL API MAPort platform is
configured, the XIL API MAPort platform can be used in ControlDesk
experiments. Basically, you can use it to perform measurements and
recordings, calibrate parameters, and manage data sets (manually or
via tool automation).

Supported XIL API versions The following XIL API versions for the MAPort implementation are
n XIL API version 2.0.1

Supported XIL API MAPort The standard XIL API folder (ProgramData\ASAM\XIL\Implementation)
implementations contains information on the XIL API implementations that are installed
on the host PC. The XIL API MAPort platform analyzes the IMF files
located in this folder to determine the installed and supported XIL API
MAPort implementations.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 111

s Basics and Instructions t

Registering an XIL API An XIL API MAPort platform is registered with an MAPort
MAPort platform implementation. During registration, ControlDesk displays all the
supported XIL API MAPort implementations for selection.
ControlDesk 5.6 supports the dSPACE XIL API implementation
delivered with dSPACE Release 2016A.

Configuring an MAPort After the XIL API MAPort platform is registered with an MAPort
implementation, the MAPort must be configured accordingly. You
have to load an appropriate MAPort configuration file. Depending on
the selected MAPort implementation, the MAPort configuration file
must have a specific file format and specific contents. Contact the
vendor of the XIL API MAPort implementation for details.
Using the dSPACE XIL API implementation If you want to access
simulator hardware via the dSPACE XIL API MAPort implementation,
the MAPort configuration file must be an XML file. The MAPort
configuration file mainly references the SDF file of the real-time
application and the simulator hardware.

The file path to the SDF file can be absolute or relative. However,
relative paths must not contain subfolders.

For further information, refer to Basics on the MAPort ( dSPACE XIL

API Implementation Guide).

Adapting the XIL API The dSPACEspecific XIL API implementation offers features that
implementation to exceed the standard XIL API functionality. For example, it is possible
ControlDesk to measure subelements of value blocks and measurement arrays,
which the standard functionality does not support. Another example
is that all the files which are in the same folder as the selected
MAPort configuration file are attached as related files to the variable
description. This ensures that the corresponding realtime application
can be automatically loaded to the simulation platform when online
calibration is started, regardless of whether you entered the file path
of the SDF file as a relative or an absolute path in the MAPort
configuration file. To make the enhancements and modifications of
the dSPACE XIL API implementation available for your work in
ControlDesk, some configurations have to be made.
ControlDesk supports further XIL API implementations. You probably
need dSPACE engineering support for putting them into operation
and adapting ControlDesk to them. Contact dSPACE Support.

112 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Platforms t

Related topics HowTos

How to Register and Configure an XIL API MAPort Platform on page 113

How to Register and Configure an XIL API MAPort Platform

Objective ControlDesk can access a simulation platform via an XIL API MAPort
platform only if the platform is configured correctly.

Preconditions n The XIL API MAPort implementation to be used with the platform
must be installed on the host PC.
n The XIL API MAPort implementation to be used with the platform
must be threadsafe to let ControlDesk perform tasks such as
measuring and observing variables in parallel.
n A suitable MAPort configuration file must be available.

Method To register and configure an XIL API MAPort platform

1 On the Platforms ribbon, click Platform Management Register
The Register Platforms dialog opens.
2 From the Platforms list, select XIL API MAPort.
3 In the Implementation field, select the XIL API MAPort
implementation to be used with the platform. ControlDesk
displays all the supported XIL API MAPort implementations for
Afterwards, you cannot change the assignment of the MAPort
implementation for a registered XIL API MAPort platform. To use
another MAPort implementation, you have to register a further XIL
API MAPort platform.

You can register several XIL API MAPort platforms with the
same MAPort implementation. In contrast to other dSPACE
platforms, hardware assignment does not take place during
the platform registration, only after the MAPort has been

4 Click Register to complete the registration.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 113

s Basics and Instructions t

5 Select the XIL API MAPort platform in the Platform/Device

6 From the context menu of the platform, select MAPort Load and
ControlDesk opens the Select Model Access Port Configuration File
7 Choose the MAPort configuration file to be used for

Make sure that the selected MAPort configuration file is
suitable for the MAPort implementation selected for the XIL
API MAPort platform.
For example, if you work with a dSPACE XIL API MAPort
implementation, the MAPort configuration file must have the
XML format. The name of the simulation platform in the
XML file must match the platform name that is used for the
registration in ControlDesk. Refer to Basics on the MAPort
( dSPACE XIL API Implementation Guide).

Result You have registered the XIL API MAPort platform and configured the
MAPort. The platform is displayed in the Platform/Device Manager.

Next steps You can add the registered XIL API MAPort platform to a ControlDesk
experiment, and then add a variable description referenced by an
MAPort configuration file to the platform.
Unlike other platforms, the following conditions must be fulfilled
when calling the Add Variable Description command for an XIL API
MAPort platform:
n The registered XIL API MAPort platform must be assigned to the
platform in the experiment.
n ControlDesk must be physically connected to the simulation
platform referenced in the MAPort configuration file.

Related topics Basics

Basics on the XIL API MAPort Platform on page 111

114 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation


Objective ControlDesks platform management provides functions to load, start,

reset and reload applications running on dSPACE real-time hardware
or VEOS.

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications 116
Basics on Offline Simulation Applications 123
Real-Time Application Demos 124
Demonstrate ControlDesk's measurement and calibration features in
connection with dSPACE real-time hardware connected to the host PC.
Autobooting Real-Time Applications on dSPACE 126
Some dSPACE real-time systems support autobooting a real-time
application. Autobooting allows you to use such a system as a stand-
alone system without a connection to the host PC.
How to Load an Application to the Flash Memory of 127
dSPACE Real-Time Hardware
Various dSPACE real-time hardware contains flash memory. Loading an
application to the flash memory allows you to use dSPACE real-time
hardware as a stand-alone system without a connection to the host PC.
How to Clear an Application from the Flash Memory of 130
dSPACE Real-Time Hardware
You can clear an application that is currently in the flash memory. This
prevents the dSPACE real-time hardware from booting a flash
Handling Applications via Command Line 132
You can download and start applications on dSPACE platforms via the
cmdloader command line tool. The tool runs in the command shell of the
operating system, so you can use it in batch files or makefiles.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 115

s Basics and Instructions t

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications

Information in this topic Simulation application and variable description on page 117
Loading an application on page 117
DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms on page 117
XIL API MAPort platform on page 118
All other platforms on page 118
Starting an application on page 118
DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms on page 118
XIL API MAPort platform on page 119
All other platforms on page 119
Reloading an application on page 119
DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms on page 119
XIL API MAPort platform on page 119
All other platforms on page 119
Pausing the simulation application on page 119
VEOS on page 119
All platforms except for VEOS on page 119
Running a pausing simulation application stepwise on page 119
VEOS on page 119
All platforms except for VEOS on page 119
Stopping an application on page 119
DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms on page 119
XIL API MAPort platform on page 120
DS1005, DS1006, DS1103, DS1104, and MicroAutBox platforms on page 120
Multiprocessor System platform on page 120
Unloading an application on page 120
DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms on page 120
XIL API MAPort platform on page 120
All other platforms on page 120
Detecting terminated applications on page 120
Handling applications on a slave DSP on page 121
No offline calibration if variable description has no initial data set
on page 121
Adding additional initial parameter values on page 121
Access to mask and workspace parameters on page 122
Flash memory for standalone operation on page 122
Flight recorder on page 122

116 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

Simulation application and A simulation application is specified by a variable description, which

variable description you usually add to the related platform/device. Refer to How to Add a
Variable Description to a Platform/Device ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Variable Management).

Loading an application There are different ways to load an application to realtime hardware
and VEOS. The status of an application after loading is closely related
to the way the application is loaded to the hardware or VEOS.
DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms
To load an application to the dSPACE realtime hardware or VEOS,
you have the following possibilities:
n Via the Platform/Device Manager: You can decide whether to load
the application with or without subsequent start of the
n Select the Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
Application - Load and Start command from the platform's
context menu, or drag an application file from Windows
Explorer to the platform node.
The application is always started automatically after it is loaded.
n Select the Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
Application - Load command from the platform's context
menu, or use the right mouse button to drag an application file
from Windows Explorer to the platform node.
The application is not started after it is loaded. After
downloading, the application state is STOPPED.
n When starting online calibration (Go Online) and starting
measuring (Start Measuring): When you start online calibration,
the realtime application is loaded to the hardware (if it is not
loaded yet). If an application is already loaded when online
calibration is started, it is not loaded again.
If the application is not yet loaded when online calibration is
started, it is started automatically after it is loaded if the platform's
Start application automatically after loading property is enabled.
If the application is already loaded when online calibration is
started, it is started automatically if the platform's Enforce starting
real-time application property is enabled.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 117

s Basics and Instructions t

XIL API MAPort platform To load an application to the simulator

hardware accessed via the XIL API MAPort platform, you have the
following possibilities:
n Via the Platform/Device Manager: Select the MAPort - Load and
Configure command from the XIL API MAPort platform's context
menu, or use the right mouse button to drag an MAPort
configuration file from Windows Explorer to the platform node.
The MAPort is configured with the selected MAPort configuration.
A connection to the simulator hardware referenced in the MAPort
configuration file is established, and the application specified in
the MAPort configuration is loaded. After the configuration is
loaded, simulation is stopped at the MAPort.
n When starting online calibration (Go Online) and starting
measuring (Start Measuring): When you start online calibration,
the application that is specified in the MAPort configuration file
selected for the XIL API MAPort platform is loaded to the simulator
hardware (if it is not loaded yet). If an application is already loaded
when online calibration is started, it is not loaded again.
If the application is already loaded when online calibration is
started, it is started automatically if the platform's Enforce starting
simulation property is enabled.
All other platforms To load an application to the hardware, you
have the following possibilities:
n Via the Platform/Device Manager: Select the Real-Time
Application - Load command from the platform's context menu,
or drag an application file from Windows Explorer to the platform
n When starting online calibration (Go Online) and starting
measuring (Start Measuring): When you start online calibration,
the realtime application is loaded to the hardware (if it is not
loaded yet). If an application is already loaded when online
calibration is started, it is not loaded again.
The application is started automatically after it is loaded to the related
dSPACE real-time hardware by the ways listed above if the simState
parameter is set to RUN (2). If the parameter is not set to RUN, you can
visualize it in an instrument and change its value to start the

Starting an application DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms

To start an application loaded to the platform, select the Start
command from the application's context menu in the Platform/Device

118 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

XIL API MAPort platform To start an application loaded to the

simulator platform accessed via the XIL API MAPort platform, select
the Start (XIL API MAPort) command from the MAPort configuration's
context menu in the Platform/Device Manager. The simulation of the
MAPort is started, and with it the application on the simulator
All other platforms Manual start of an application loaded to the
platform is not possible.

Reloading an application DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms

You can decide whether to reload the currently loaded application
with or without subsequent start of the application:
n To reload the application and start it automatically, select the
Reload and Start command from the application's context menu.
n To reload the application without starting it afterwards, select the
Reload command from the application's context menu. After
reloading, the application state is STOPPED.
XIL API MAPort platform To reload the application currently
loaded to the simulator platform accessed via the XIL API MAPort
platform, you must reload the current MAPort configuration. Select
the MAPort - Reload command from the XIL API MAPort platform's
context menu in the Platform/Device Manager.
All other platforms To reload the currently loaded application,
select the Real-Time Application - Reload command from the
platform's context menu.

Pausing the simulation VEOS To pause the offline simulation application loaded to VEOS,
application use the Pause command.
All platforms except for VEOS Pausing the real-time application
loaded to the platform is not possible.

Running a pausing VEOS To run a pausing offline simulation application loaded to

simulation application VEOS stepwise, use the Single Step command.
stepwise All platforms except for VEOS Pausing the real-time application
loaded to the platform is not possible.

Stopping an application DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms

To stop the application loaded to the platform, select the Stop
command from the application's context menu in the Platform/Device

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 119

s Basics and Instructions t

The application is not unloaded automatically from the platform

when it is stopped. You can unload it manually. Refer to Unload
on page 532.
XIL API MAPort platform To stop the application loaded to the
simulator platform accessed via the XIL API MAPort platform, select
the Stop (XIL API MAPort) command from the MAPort configuration's
context menu in the Platform/Device Manager. Simulation is stopped
at the MAPort, and with it the application referenced in the MAPort
configuration on the simulator platform.
DS1005, DS1006, DS1103, DS1104, and MicroAutBox platforms
To stop the realtime application loaded to the platform, select the
Stop RTP command from the platform's context menu in the
Platform/Device Manager.
Multiprocessor System platform To stop the realtime application
loaded to the platform, select the Stop RTPs command from the
platform's context menu in the Platform/Device Manager.

Unloading an application DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS platforms

To unload the application from the memory of the platform, select
the Unload command from the application's context menu in the
Platform/Device Manager.
XIL API MAPort platform To unload an application loaded to the
simulator platform accessed via the XIL API MAPort platform, select
the MAPort - Disconnect command from the XIL API MAPort
platform's context menu in the Platform/Device Manager.
All other platforms The application is unloaded automatically from
the platform when it is stopped. You cannot unload it manually.

Detecting terminated When you start online calibration, ControlDesk automatically detects
applications whether an application has been terminated. If ControlDesk detects a
terminated application, it cannot start measurement.
When ControlDesk detects a terminated application, you have the
following options:
n You can start online calibration without reloading the application.
The application remains terminated. Selecting this option can be
useful, for example, to investigate why the application has been
n You can reload the application and then start online calibration.

120 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

Termination can be detected only if the application was built
with dSPACE Release 7.3 or later.

Handling applications on a The DS1103 and DS1104 boards contain a slave DSP.
slave DSP ControlDesk Next Generation supports slave DSP applications of the
DS1103 and DS1104. When you download a main application
containing a slave DSP application to a DS1103 or DS1104, the slave
DSP application is loaded, too. An application for a slave DSP is
started and stopped together with the realtime application loaded on
the corresponding main processor.
If an application is loaded on the slave DSP, the current status of the
slave DSP is displayed in the Properties controlbar. Refer to Board
Details Properties on page 285.

No offline calibration if Variable descriptions of platforms often do not contain initial

variable description has no parameter values. You therefore cannot calibrate the parameters of
initial data set the application for these platforms as long as ControlDesk is offline.
Parameter calibration is possible only if you start online calibration:
ControlDesk then uploads the parameter values from the dSPACE
real-time hardware or VEOS and lets you change the values.

RTI coming with dSPACE Release 4.1 and later provides the
Include initial parameter values option, which allows you to
make initial parameter values available in the variable description
to be generated. This lets you calibrate parameters of the
application even if ControlDesk is offline. For details, refer to the
RTI variable description file options category on the Code
Generation Dialog (Model Configuration Parameters Dialogs)
( RTI and RTI-MP Implementation Reference).

Adding additional initial Depending on the settings in the Simulink CoderTM, ControlDesk
parameter values allows you to add an additional set of initial parameter values on the
basis of a data set (or sub data set). This allows you to change initial
parameter values in the real-time application without rebuilding the
application via the Simulink CoderTM. For details, refer to How to
Create an Application Image ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Calibration and Data Set Management).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 121

s Basics and Instructions t

Access to mask and To access mask parameters and workspace parameters, you can use
workspace parameters MATLAB/Simulink's Inline parameters option and specify the
parameters as non-inline. As a result, the parameters are available in
the Tunable Parameters group of the real-time application's SDF file,
and can be changed during real-time simulation.

The access is the same for all dSPACE tools and requires no
MATLAB installation during real-time simulation since it is
calculated directly in the real-time application.

For details and instructions, refer to

Flash memory for MicroAutoBox, MicroLabBox, the DS1005 PPC Board, the DS1006
standalone operation Processor Board, the DS1007 PPC Processor Board and the DS1104
R&D Controller Board contain a flash memory. Loading an application
to the flash memory allows you to use dSPACE real-time hardware as
a stand-alone system without a connection to the host PC. When you
reboot dSPACE real-time hardware, the application loaded to the
flash memory is first copied to the RAM of the hardware. Then the
application is started.
Refer to Autobooting Real-Time Applications on dSPACE Hardware
on page 126.

To prevent the dSPACE real-time hardware from booting a flash
application, you have to clear the application from the flash
memory. If there is no application in the flash memory, the
hardware enters the idle state after powerup.

Flight recorder For some platforms, the flash memory can also be
used for flight recording. You can upload the flight recorder data to
the ControlDesk PC and store it in a measurement data file. Refer to
How to Upload Flight Recorder Data Written to the Internal Flash
Memory ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and

122 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

For some platforms, flight recorder data can also be written to a
USB mass storage device connected to the platform hardware.
ControlDesk lets you upload flight recorder data from a USB
mass storage device. Refer to How to Upload Flight Recorder
Data Written to a USB Mass Storage Device ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Measurement and Recording).

Related topics HowTos

How to Start and Stop Online Calibration ( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration
and Data Set Management)

Basics on Offline Simulation Applications

Using VEOS for offline VEOS is dSPACE software for the C-code-based simulation of virtual
simulation ECUs (V-ECUs) and environment VPUs on a PC.
To perform offline simulation with ControlDesk in conjunction with
n You need VEOS to be installed on your host PC. For further details
on VEOS, refer to VEOS Guide.
n You have to register a VEOS platform in the Platform/Device
Manager. For further details, refer to How to Register a Platform
on page 60 and VEOS on page 262.

Offline simulation An offline simulation application is an application for simulating a

application and simulation simulation system, i.e., virtual ECUs and/or environment VPUs, on a
system PC. An offline simulation application can be built, for example, by
SystemDesk, and is run by VEOS.
Virtual ECUs A virtual ECU (V-ECU) usually comprises the same
application software components and parts of the basic software
components that will run later on a real ECU. A virtual ECU is a type
of VPU whose variable description is an A2L file. In ControlDesk
experiments, V-ECUs are accessed by XCP on Ethernet devices.
For further information, refer to How to Configure an XCP on
Ethernet Device on page 215.
Environment VPUs A virtual processing unit (VPU) that represents a
part or all of an ECU's environment in an offline simulation scenario is

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 123

s Basics and Instructions t

called an environment VPU. Variable descriptions of environment

VPUs are usually based on SDF files. In ControlDesk experiments,
environment VPUs are accessed by a VEOS platform.
For further information, refer to Basics of Handling Platforms
on page 58.
VPU representations in ControlDesk NG VPUs running in VEOS

XCP on
Ethernet V-ECU 1
device 1
.. ..
. .
XCP on
Ethernet V-ECU n
device n

VEOS Environment
platform VPU 1 - m

Related topics HowTos

How to Add Multiple Platforms/Devices in Virtual Validation Scenarios on page 55
VEOS on page 262
XCP on Ethernet on page 268

Real-Time Application Demos

Opening demo projects For instructions on opening demo projects, refer to Opening a demo
project ( ControlDesk Next Generation Introduction and Overview).

Description of the demo The RT application demo projects allow you to work with ControlDesk
projects and use all of its features in connection with dSPACE real-time
hardware connected to the host PC, and in connection with VEOS.
Required licenses Working with this demo requires:
n A license for the ControlDesk Basic Version
n A license for the ControlDesk Standard Platforms Module

124 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

n (If you work with a SCALEXIO system) A license for the SCALEXIO
Platform Module
Demo projects The RT application demos consist of the following
demo projects:
n DS1005 project (including the DS1005 Demo experiment). To
access a DS1005 PPC Board connected to the host PC, the
experiment contains a DS1005 PPC Board platform.
n DS1006 project (including the DS1006 Demo experiment). To
access a DS1006 Processor Board connected to the host PC, the
experiment contains a DS1006 Processor Board platform.
n DS1007 project (including the DS1007 Demo experiment). To
access a DS1007 PPC Processor Board connected to the host PC,
the experiment contains a DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform.
n DS1103 project (including the DS1103 Demo experiment). To
access a DS1103 PPC Controller Board connected to the host PC,
the experiment contains a DS1103 PPC Controller Board platform.
n DS1104 project (including the DS1104 Demo experiment). To
access a DS1104 R&D Controller Board connected to the host PC,
the experiment contains a DS1104 R&D Controller Board platform.
n DS1202 project (including the DS1202 Demo experiment). To
access a MicroLabBox (DS1202) connected to the host PC, the
experiment contains a DS1202 MicroLabBox platform.
n DS1401 project (including the DS1401 Demo experiment). To
access a MicroAutoBox (DS1401) connected to the host PC, the
experiment contains a MicroAutoBox platform.
n Scalexio project (including the Scalexio Demo experiment). To
access a SCALEXIO system connected to the host PC, the
experiment contains a SCALEXIO platform.
n Scalexio MC project (including the Scalexio MC Demo experiment).
To access a SCALEXIO MC system connected to the host PC, the
experiment contains a SCALEXIO platform.
n VEOS project (including the VEOS Demo experiment). To access
VEOS, the experiment contains a VEOS platform.
Throttle control implemented on the dSPACE real-time
hardware The application running on the dSPACE real-time
hardware implements a throttle control.
SDF and executable file When you open a real-time application
demo project, ControlDesk automatically loads an SDF file to the
corresponding platform. The SDF file describes measurement variables
and parameters of the throttle control application running on the

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 125

s Basics and Instructions t

dSPACE real-time hardware. It also references an executable file with

the throttle control application.

Running a demo project After you have opened a demo project, you have to configure the
experiment's platform according to the dSPACE real-time hardware
connected to the host PC. For instructions, refer to How to Assign
dSPACE Real-Time Hardware or VEOS to a Platform on page 66.
Then you can start a measurement to run the demo project. When
you start a measurement, the executable file with the throttle control
real-time application is downloaded to the dSPACE real-time
hardware and then started. For instructions, refer to How to Start
Measuring ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and

Related topics Basics

Handling Platforms on page 58
Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications on page 115

Autobooting Real-Time Applications on dSPACE Hardware

Objective Some dSPACE real-time systems support autobooting a real-time

application. Autobooting allows you to use such a system as a stand-
alone system without a connection to the host PC.

Basics on autobooting You can enable dSPACE hardware to start an application from flash
dSPACE hardware memory or from a USB mass storage device, for example. On power-
up or restart of the hardware, this application is automatically
downloaded to the hardware and started on it.
After a real-time application autoboots on dSPACE hardware, you can
connect ControlDesk to the hardware. ControlDesk then detects the
running real-time application. ControlDesk therefore does not unload
the application when online calibration is started.

Autobooting support for The following table shows which dSPACE hardware supports
hardware autobooting.

Hardware Autobooting Via

DS1005 Flash memory1)
DS1006 CompactFlash card1)

126 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

Hardware Autobooting Via

DS1007 n Flash memory1)
n USB mass storage
DS1103 3)
DS1104 Flash memory1)
MicroAutoBox Flash memory1)
MicroLabBox n Flash memory

n USB mass storage

To prepare autobooting, you must load the application to the flash memory. For
instructions, refer to How to Load an Application to the Flash Memory of dSPACE
Real-Time Hardware on page 127.
To prepare autobooting, you must load the application to the USB mass storage
device. Refer to Running an Application from a USB Mass Storage Device
( DS1007 Features).
3) No flash memory available
4) To prepare autobooting, you must load the application to the USB mass storage
device. Refer to Running an Application from a USB Mass Storage Device
( MicroLabBox Features).

No support of the AutoBoot Unlike ControlDesk 3.x, ControlDesk Next Generation does not
Option support the AutoBoot Option, which enables a DS1005 or DS1103
installed in an expansion box to start a realtime application without
any user interaction.
ControlDesk Next Generation cannot detect a running real-time
application on a DS1005 or DS1103 if the application was started via
AutoBoot Option. As a consequence, ControlDesk Next Generation
unloads the application when online calibration is started.

How to Load an Application to the Flash Memory of

dSPACE Real-Time Hardware

Objective Various dSPACE real-time hardware contains flash memory. Loading

an application to the flash memory allows you to use dSPACE real-
time hardware as a stand-alone system without a connection to the
host PC.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 127

s Basics and Instructions t

Basics When you load an application to the flash memory, the application is
copied to the RAM and then started. This also happens whenever you
reboot the dSPACE real-time hardware.
If you work with a DS1007 system or MicroLabBox, ControlDesk lets
you load an application to the hardware with or without a
subsequent start of the application. In the latter case the application
remains in the STOPPED state after it is loaded. This can be useful if
you have to specify parameters on the hardware before the
application is started, for example.

Loading an application to the flash memory is not supported for
DS1007 multiprocessor systems.

ControlDesk can detect a running real-time application if the

application was started from flash memory. As a consequence,
ControlDesk does not unload the application when online calibration
is started. Refer to Autobooting Real-Time Applications on dSPACE
Hardware on page 126.
When you start online calibration, ControlDesk checks whether the
currently running application matches the variable description. If not,
the matching application is loaded if you confirm this.

An application that was already in RAM is overwritten when you
load an application to the flash memory.

128 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

You can store calibrated parameter values to the flash memory
of the DS1005 and MicroAutoBox. Using the Store Calibration
Parameter to Flash solution, you can let a flash application store
calibrated parameter values during the regular shutdown process
or when you switch the SimState from RUN to STOP in
When the application restarts from the DS1005/MicroAutoBoxs
flash memory, the application starts with the parameter values
recently calibrated. Without the solution, the application would
start with the original parameter values as defined in the
Simulink model.
For detailed information on the solution, install it from the
dSPACE Solutions DVD and read the user guide. For information
on installing it, refer to the ReadMe.txt file.

Preconditions n Your dSPACE realtime hardware must contain a flash memory.

n The appropriate dSPACE real-time hardware must be connected to
the host PC.

Method To load an application to the flash memory of dSPACE real-

time hardware
1 Select the corresponding platform in the Platform/Device
2 From the context menu of the platform, select one of the
following commands:
n (DS1005, DS1006, DS1104, and MicroAutoBox) Real-Time
Application - Load to Flash
n (DS1007 and MicroLabBox, if the application is not to be
started after it is loaded) Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
n (DS1007 and MicroLabBox, if the application is to be started
after it is loaded) Real-Time Application - Load to Flash and
A standard Open dialog opens.
3 In the dialog, specify the application file to be loaded to the flash
memory, and click OK.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 129

s Basics and Instructions t

Result You have loaded an application to the flash memory of the selected
dSPACE real-time hardware. The application is copied from the flash
to the RAM, and then started (the latter is optional for DS1007 and

The state icon next to the platform icon (for DS1007 and
MicroLabBox platforms: next to the application icon) indicates that
the running application is loaded to the flash memory.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116
How to Clear an Application from the Flash Memory of dSPACE Real-Time Hardware
on page 130
Real-Time Application - Load to Flash (DS1005/DS1006/DS1104/MicroAutoBox)
on page 503
Real-Time Application - Load to Flash (DS1007/MicroLabBox) on page 504
Real-Time Application - Load to Flash and Start (DS1007/MicroLabBox) on page 505

How to Clear an Application from the Flash Memory of

dSPACE Real-Time Hardware

Objective You can clear an application that is currently in the flash memory.
This prevents the dSPACE real-time hardware from booting a flash

Basics If there is no application in the flash memory, the dSPACE real-time

hardware enters the idle state after powerup.

Preconditions n The appropriate dSPACE real-time hardware must be connected to

the host PC.

130 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

n Online calibration must be stopped. Refer to How to Start and

Stop Online Calibration ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Calibration and Data Set Management).
n The realtime processor (RTP) of the dSPACE real-time hardware
must be stopped and the application must be unloaded.

Method To clear an application from the flash memory of dSPACE real-

time hardware
1 Select the corresponding platform in the Platform/Device
2 If not already done, stop the realtime processor (RTP) of the
dSPACE real-time hardware and unload the application. To do so,
call the appropriate command::
n (DS1005, DS1006, DS1104, and MicroAutoBox) From the
context menu of the platform, select Stop RTP.
n (Multiprocessor System platform) From the context menu of
the platform, select Stop RTPs.
n (DS1007 and MicroLabBox) From the context menu of the
realtime application, select Unload

The state icon next to the platform icon (for DS1007 and
MicroLabBox platforms: the state icon next to the application
icon) indicates that the realtime processor of the dSPACE real-
time hardware is stopped.
3 From the context menu of the platform, select Clear Flash.
The Clear Flash dialog opens.
4 In the dialog, select Clear flash application memory, then click the
Clear memory button.

Result You have cleared the application that was in the flash memory of the
selected dSPACE real-time hardware.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 131

s Basics and Instructions t

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116
How to Load an Application to the Flash Memory of dSPACE Real-Time Hardware
on page 127
Clear Flash on page 403

Handling Applications via Command Line

Information in this topic Basics on page 132

Supported platforms on page 132
Message output on page 133
Precondition for using the cmdloader tool on page 133
Using the cmdloader tool on page 133
Example on page 133
Syntax and command line parameters on page 133
Syntax on page 133
Command line parameters on page 134
Return value on page 136
Examples on page 136

Basics You can download and start applications on dSPACE platforms via
the cmdloader command line tool. The tool runs in the command shell
of the operating system, so you can use it in batch files or makefiles.
Supported platforms You can use the cmdloader tool to download
and start applications on the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board
n DS1006 Processor Board
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board
n MicroAutoBox
n DS1202 MicroLabBox
n Multiprocessor System (DS1005-based and DS1006-based)

132 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

Message output Status messages of the cmdloader tool and
messages from the error check mechanism of the dSPACE platform
are displayed in a DOS window, which acts as the standard output.
Messages are also recorded in the log file.

Precondition for using the You must have registered the dSPACE system(s) since the cmdloader
cmdloader tool tool requires registration information.

Some platform types can be registered via the rnc parameter of
the cmdloader tool.

Using the cmdloader tool The cmdloader tool is located in the .\Main\bin folder of your
ControlDesk installation. When you use the tool, you have to specify
the entire path to it. If the path contains blanks, you have to enclose
the path in quotation marks.
Example For example, to display the cmdloader help, enter
"C:\Program Files (x86)\dSPACE ControlDesk 5.6\Main\bin\cmdloader" -?

in a DOS window.

To use the cmdloader tool in a DOS window without having to
specify the path to the tool, select All Programs -
dSPACE ControlDesk 5.6 - Utilities - Platform Management
Loader from the Windows Start menu.
This opens a DOS window. You do not have to specify the path
as long as this DOS window is open.

Syntax and command line Syntax The cmdloader tool has the following syntax:
parameters cmdloader <{application [-suppress_start]} | -start | -stop>
<-p platform_name | {-rnc net_client -t platform_type}>
[-go seconds] [-fl] [-ol output_level] [-q] [-ra] [-?]

<...> Mandatory parameter

[...] Optional parameter
{...} Combination of parameters

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 133

s Basics and Instructions t

Command line parameters You can use the cmdloader tool with
the following parameters:

Parameter Description
application1) The application to download to the selected platform. You must specify the
file extension (SDF, PPC, RTA or x86).
You also have to specify the relative or absolute path to the application. If
the path contains blanks, you have to enclose the path in quotation marks,
"C:\Program Files\dSPACE ControlDesk 5.6\Demos\RTApplications\DS1005\ds1005_demo.sdf"
-suppress_start4) To suppress the start of the application (specified via the
application parameter) after it is downloaded to the target.

This parameter is relevant only for DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox,
SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms.

-start1) To start the application loaded to the target.

This parameter is relevant only for DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox,
SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms.

-stop1) To stop the application loaded to the target.

This parameter is relevant only for DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox,
SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms.

-p platform_name2), 3) To scan the recent hardware configuration for the platform (specified via
platform_name), to try to register the platform, and to load the application
(specified via the application parameter) to the platform.
-rnc net_client2) To register a platform that is connected via net connection and that is not
yet registered, and add the platform to the recent hardware configuration.
Valid net_client values (depending on the platform type to be registered):
n IP address

n Alias name

If you use the -rnc parameter, you also have to specify the -t

134 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Real-Time and Offline Simulation Applications t

Parameter Description
-t platform_type2) To specify the platform type for the -rnc parameter.
Valid platform_type values:
n DS1007

n DS1202

n DS1401


SCALEXIO systems with multiple processing units cannot be
registered in this way.

Other platform types such as DS1006 cannot be registered using the -
rnc and the -t parameter combination.

-go seconds4) To specify the time during which the standard output can display error
messages returned by the error check mechanism of the platform. You have
to specify the time value in seconds. The maximum time value is 120 s.
Messages are also recorded in the log file.
-fl4) To load the application (specified via the application parameter) to the
flash memory of the platform (specified via the -p platform_name
-ol output_level4) To specify the output level of cmdloader messages.
Valid output_level values range from 0 to 5. As an example, specifying -ol
0 selects the quiet mode.
-q4) To select the quiet mode, in which cmdloader messages are not displayed in
the standard output but are recorded in the log file.
-ra4) To scan the recent hardware configuration for platforms that are not yet
registered and to try to register them.
-?4) To display the cmdloader help.
1) One of the following parameters is mandatory: application, -start, -stop.
Mandatory parameter
3) The platform name as displayed in the Properties controlbar:

The platform can be a dSPACE single- or multiprocessor system.

4) Optional parameter

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 135

s Basics and Instructions t

Return value The cmdloader tool returns the following values:

Value Meaning
0 No error
1 Error loading the application
2 Error returned by the error check mechanism of the

Examples The following examples show how to use the cmdloader tool for
batch operations.
n cmdloader -p ds1104 ds1104_demo.sdf
The cmdloader tool loads the ds1104_demo.sdf application to a
platform named ds1104 and starts the application.
n cmdloader -p ds1401 -fl ds1401_demo.sdf
The cmdloader tool loads the ds1401_demo.sdf application to the
flash memory of a platform named ds1401 and starts the
n cmdloader -ra
The cmdloader tool scans the recent hardware configuration for
platforms that are not yet registered and tries to register them.
n cmdloader -ra -p ds1005 ds1005_demo.sdf
This example combines the use of the following parameters:
n -ra
n -p platform_name
n application

136 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Handling Devices

Where to go from here Information in this section

Specifics of Devices 137
Accessing ECUs 154
Different interfaces are available for ECU access.
Bus Device Configuration 158
CCP Device Configuration 168
DCI-GSI1 / DCI-GSI2 Device Configuration 172
ECU Diagnostics Device Configuration 178
Video Capturing Device Configuration 203
XCP Device Configuration 210

Specifics of Devices

Where to go from here Information in this section

Consistency Checks (EPK Checks) 138
To ensure the reliability of the data used for calibrating parameters, ECU
software consistency checks are supported for measurement and
calibration devices.
How to Customize Calibration Memory Segments 139
You can specify the memory segments that contain the adjustable
parameters and that are mirrored on the host PC.
Basics on Byte Order Formats and Bit Positioning 142
A CAN database (DBC) file defines the messages to be transmitted or
received by a CAN device. Up to 8 bytes of data can be transferred in a
CAN message. Data within a CAN message is divided into one or more
CAN signals.
CalDemo 150
Demonstrates ControlDesk's measurement and calibration features
without a real ECU connected to the host PC.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 137

s Basics and Instructions t

Consistency Checks (EPK Checks)

Objective To ensure the reliability of the data used for calibrating parameters,
ECU software consistency checks are supported for measurement and
calibration devices.

Principle of EPK checks ControlDesk performs consistency checks for measurement and
calibration devices, if the EEPROM (EPK) identifier is specified. Without
these checks, ECU behavior could be unpredictable.
Check on A2L and ECU Image file (EPK check) To check whether
the A2L file and the ECU Image file of the platform/device are
consistent, the ADDR_EPK and EPK attributes of the MOD_PAR element are
evaluated. These are optional attributes of A2L files and also
contained in ECU Image files.
The ADDR_EPK and EPK attribute values in the A2L file are compared to
the values in the ECU Image file. If they differ, the files are
inconsistent and you get a warning. Specify a consistent set of A2L
file and ECU Image file.

The consistency check is not possible if no ADDR_EPK and EPK
attributes are defined in the A2L file and the ECU Image file.

The EPK attribute value is displayed in the Properties controlbar
of the platform/device. Refer to Common Properties
on page 301.

Check on A2L and application (EPK check) ControlDesk performs

a further EPK check to determine whether the experiment is consistent
with the application on the ECU. The EPK string in the A2L file is
compared with the EPK string read from the hardware. If they differ,
the application is not consistent with the experiment. A warning
message is displayed, but you can continue calibrating and measuring

Automatic consistency ControlDesk performs automatic consistency checks as follows:

checks n Whenever you add an A2L file and an ECU Image file to a
platform/device (see How to Add a Variable Description to a
Platform/Device ( ControlDesk Next Generation Variable

138 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Management)), ControlDesk checks the consistency of the A2L

and ECU Image files.
n When online calibration is started, ControlDesk checks both the
consistency of the A2L and ECU Image files and the consistency of
the A2L file and the application.
n When you import a HEX, MOT or S19 file, ControlDesk checks the
consistency of the A2L file and the imported data set, if possible.

Manually triggered Besides automatically performing consistency checks as described

consistency checks above, ControlDesk lets you trigger EPK checks manually via the Check
EPK command. You can call the command
n For devices
n For data sets with the MMF file extension.
Manually triggered consistency checks are possible at any time,
whether the related device is online or offline. For further
information, refer to Check EPK on page 401.

Related topics References

Check EPK on page 401

How to Customize Calibration Memory Segments

Objective You can specify the memory segments that contain the adjustable
parameters and that are mirrored on the host PC. The ECU Image file
can contain the data according to these memory segments.
ControlDesk can calculate checksums on the hardware and the
mirrored memory according to the segment definitions. The memory
segments will be up- or downloaded if the checksums differ. If no
ECU Image file is available, the memory segments are uploaded when
online calibration is started for the first time.

Basics on memory segments The memory of an ECU consists of different segments, such as code
segments, data segments, internal RAM, and segments for adaptive
parameters. A consistent A2L file contains information on the
different segments, their memory addresses and sizes. Different
segments of the same type may exist, because of noncontinuous
memory segments or a subdivision of larger units.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 139

s Basics and Instructions t

Memory segments are usually defined in the A2L file. Nevertheless,

the definition might not exist in the early phase of prototyping. In this
case you might need to initially define new memory segments.

ECU Image file with code In some cases the ECU Image file contains code and data. Such an
and data ECU Image file is much larger than the file that holds only the
calibration parameters. Usually such a file is used to initially flash the
ECU with a new program version.
ECU Image file and memory segment definition

If the ECU Image file of a device does not provide initial
parameter values for the entire memory region described by the
memory segments of the device, ControlDesk sets the remaining
parameter values to "0" in the mirrored memory and in the
initially created data sets.
Do not download such data sets to the connected device
hardware when you start online calibration, since this may cause
property damage or even personal injury in connection with the
connected system. Upload the parameter values from the
connected device hardware instead.

For details, refer to Basics on Starting Online Calibration

( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data Set

Preconditions n An experiment containing a calibration device must exist.

n A very good knowledge of the ECU hardware and memory size is
essential for proper memory segmentation and to avoid

140 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Method To customize calibration memory segments

1 Select the device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Memory Segments.
The Memory Segments dialog of the device opens.

3 Select the memory segment you want to edit.

n To change the segment name, select the appropriate cell and
enter the modified name.
n To change the segment start address, select the appropriate
cell and enter an appropriate value in hexadecimal notation.
After you have edited the start address, the end address is
automatically adjusted to the modified start address.
n To change the segment size (in byte), select the appropriate cell
and enter an appropriate value in hexadecimal notation. After
you have edited the segment size, the end address is
automatically adjusted to the modified size.
n To change the type of the memory segment, select the
appropriate cell and select a different type.
n To change the memory type of the memory segment, select
the appropriate cell and select a different memory type.
n To specify whether the memory segment is used to evaluate
the memory pages of your ECU when online calibration is
started, select the appropriate Page Consistency Verification
cell and select or clear the checkbox. If the checkbox is
selected, the contents of the segment are compared with the
segment contents of the device's mirrored memory when
online calibration is started.
n To specify whether the memory segment is exported when an
ECU Image file is generated, select the appropriate ECU Image
Creation cell and select or clear the checkbox. If the checkbox

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 141

s Basics and Instructions t

is selected, the memory segment is included in the ECU Image


This setting is evaluated only if the ECU Image Creation
column is displayed. If the column is hidden (because the
Memory-segment-based ECU Image creation checkbox is
cleared), this setting is not evaluated but the whole ECU
memory image is exported.

n To enter a description for a memory segment, select the

appropriate cell and enter your description.
4 Click Add to add a new memory segment.
5 To remove a memory segment, select it and click Remove.
6 Click OK to confirm your settings.

Result You customized the memory segments of the calibration device.

Memory segments that were manually edited are marked by a
symbol to the left of the segment name.

Related topics References

Memory Segments on page 489

Basics on Byte Order Formats and Bit Positioning

Objective A CAN database (DBC) file defines the messages to be transmitted or

received by a CAN device. Up to 8 bytes of data can be transferred in
a CAN message. Data within a CAN message is divided into one or
more CAN signals.

Information on CAN signals DBC files provide information on the CAN signals contained in a CAN
in DBC files message. Among other things, the following information is provided:
n The DBC file defines the start bit and length in bits for each signal.
n The DBC file defines the byte order format (Motorola or Intel) for
each signal.
n The DBC file defines whether CAN signal values are interpreted as
signed or unsigned.

142 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

CAN signal subformats DBC files contain no information on byte

order subformats for CAN signals such as Motorola Forward LSB,
Motorola Backward. The byte order subformats are used for
interpreting the start bit and length information of a CAN signal.
The byte order subformats used by default are:
n Intel: Intel Standard
n Motorola: Motorola Forward MSB
You can configure the CAN signal subformat via the Properties
controlbar of the device. Refer to DAQ Settings Properties
on page 305.
For more information on CAN signal formats and subformats, see

Signal formats in a CAN The signals within a CAN message can be arranged according to the
message Motorola or Intel format. In both formats the bit significance within a
byte is equal.
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
msb lsb

msb = most significant bit

lsb = least significant bit

MSB and LSB The most significant byte (MSB) of a signal is the byte
that contains the most significant bit (msb) of the signal.
The least significant byte (LSB) of a signal is the byte that contains the
signal's least significant bit (lsb) of the signal.
Motorola format (also referred to as MSB first or big endian
format) In this format, the byte transmitted first of a signal in a CAN
message is the signals most significant byte.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 143

s Basics and Instructions t

CAN message data

CAN message data bytes

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Bit transmitted CAN signal Bit transmitted

first last

Signals most Signals least

significant byte significant byte

Intel format (also referred to as LSB first or little endian format) In

this format, the byte transmitted first of a signal in a CAN message is
the signals least significant byte.
CAN message data

CAN message data bytes

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Bit transmitted CAN signal Bit transmitted

first last

Signals least Signals most

significant byte significant byte

Subformats for CAN signals Several CAN signal subformats are possible for the signals defined in
a DBC file. The positions of a signals start bit and all the other signal
bits within a message depend on the subformat. Since the DBC file
contains no information on byte order subformats, you have to
specify the subformat for CANbased measurement devices such as
the CAN Bus Monitoring device. This lets ControlDesk index the start
bits of the CAN signals defined in the DBC file correctly.
ControlDesk supports the following CAN signal subformats:

144 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Motorola format The following CAN signal subformats are

n Motorola Forward MSB
The table below lists the characteristics of this format:
Indexing start At bit 0 of byte 0
Indexing of bits in a byte From right to left
of bytes in a message From left to right
Start bit of a CAN signal Signals msb
The illustration below shows the layout of a CAN message with 8
bytes of data. As an example, the illustration also shows the
position of a CAN signal starting at bit 28 and 14 bits long.
Bit transmitted Bit transmitted
first last

Indexing start
7 Bit 0

0 Byte transmitted

Start bit



7 Byte transmitted
Start bit: 28
Length: 14

n Motorola Forward LSB

The table below lists the characteristics of this format:
Indexing start At bit 0 of byte 0
Indexing of bits in a byte From right to left
of bytes in a message From left to right
Start bit of a CAN signal Signals lsb

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 145

s Basics and Instructions t

The illustration below shows the layout of a CAN message with 8

bytes of data. As an example, the illustration also shows the
position of a CAN signal starting at bit 47 and 14 bits long.

Bit transmitted Bit transmitted

first last

Indexing start
7 Bit 0

0 Byte transmitted


Start bit

7 Byte transmitted
Start bit: 47
Length: 14

n Motorola Backward
The table below lists the characteristics of this format:
Indexing start At bit 0 of the last data
Indexing of bits in a byte From right to left
of bytes in a message From right to left
Start bit of a CAN signal Signals lsb
The illustration below shows the layout of a CAN message with 8
bytes of data. As an example, the illustration also shows the
position of a CAN signal starting at bit 23 and 14 bits long.

146 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Bit transmitted Bit transmitted

first last

7 Bit 0

0 Byte transmitted


Start bit

7 Byte transmitted
Start bit: 23
Length: 14 Indexing start

In this format, the number of data bytes in a CAN message
affects the position of the signal in the message since
indexing starts with the data byte transmitted last.

n Motorola Sequential
The table below lists the characteristics of this format:
Indexing start At bit 7 of byte 0
Indexing of bits in a byte From left to right
of bytes in a message From left to right
Start bit of a CAN signal Signals msb
The illustration below shows the layout of a CAN message with 8
bytes of data. As an example, the illustration also shows the
position of a CAN signal starting at bit 27 and 14 bits long.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 147

s Basics and Instructions t

Bit transmitted Bit transmitted

first last

Indexing start
7 Bit 0

0 Byte transmitted

Start bit



7 Byte transmitted
Start bit: 27
Length: 14

Intel format The following CAN signal subformats are supported:

n Intel Standard
The table below lists the characteristics of this format:
Indexing start At bit 0 of byte 0
Indexing of bits in a byte From right to left
of bytes in a message From left to right
Start bit of a CAN signal Signals lsb
The illustration below shows the layout of a CAN message with 8
bytes of data. As an example, the illustration also shows the
position of a CAN signal starting at bit 28 and 14 bits long.

148 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Bit transmitted Bit transmitted

first last

Indexing start
7 Bit 0

0 Byte transmitted

Start bit



7 Byte transmitted
Start bit: 28
Length: 14

n Intel Sequential
The table below lists the characteristics of this format:
Indexing start At bit 7 of byte 0
Indexing of bits in a byte From left to right
of bytes in a message From left to right
Start bit of a CAN signal Signals lsb
The illustration below shows the layout of a CAN message with 8
bytes of data. As an example, the illustration also shows the
position of a CAN signal starting at bit 27 and 14 bits long.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 149

s Basics and Instructions t

Bit transmitted Bit transmitted

first last

Indexing start
7 Bit 0

0 Byte transmitted

Start bit



7 Byte transmitted
Start bit: 27
Length: 14


Information in this topic Opening demo projects on page 150

Description of the demo project on page 150
Required licenses on page 151
Demo setup on page 151
Demo layouts on page 153
Measuring and calibrating variables on page 153

Opening demo projects For instructions on opening demo projects, refer to Opening a demo
project ( ControlDesk Next Generation Introduction and Overview).

Description of the demo The CalDemo project lets you work with ControlDesk and use its
project measurement and calibration features even without a real ECU
connected to your host PC.

150 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Required licenses Working with this demo requires:

n A license for the ControlDesk Basic Version

No license for ControlDesk's ECU Interface Module is required.

Demo setup The CalDemo project includes three experiments. Each

experiment contains a different device to access a simulated ECU
(CalDemo ECU), which is part of the ControlDesk software
environment and which ControlDesk starts automatically when you
open the CalDemo project.
n XCP on CAN device
The device is part of the XCP on CAN experiment in the CalDemo
project. Since the CalDemo ECU runs on the same PC as
ControlDesk Next Generation, the device is preconfigured to
communicate with the CalDemo ECU via a virtual CAN channel
implemented on the host PC.

n XCP on Ethernet device

The device is part of the XCP on Ethernet experiment in the
CalDemo project. Since the CalDemo ECU usually runs on the
same PC as ControlDesk Next Generation, the device is
preconfigured to communicate with the CalDemo ECU via the
localhost loopback address.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 151

s Basics and Instructions t

n DCI-GSI2 device
The device is part of the DCI-GSI2 experiment in the CalDemo
project. The DCI-GSI2 device is used to access the CalDemo ECU.
If you have no DCI-GSI2 connected to the host PC, the Interface
Selection page of the device's Interface Selection dialog is empty.
However, starting online calibration is possible since the device
uses the localhost loopback address to communicate with the
CalDemo ECU.
The illustration below shows the demo setup in ControlDesk's Project

152 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Demo layouts Each experiment contains the following layouts:

n bit signals layout
The layout shows how to handle the Time Plotter and the Variable
n signal generator layout
The layout shows how to handle the Time Plotter and the Variable
n throttle controller layout
The layout shows how to handle the Time Plotter and the Variable
n working point layout
The layout shows how to handle the Table Editor.
n xy plotter layout
The layout shows how to handle the Time Plotter in xy mode.

Measuring and calibrating You can measure and calibrate variables.

variables To measure and calibrate variables, perform the following steps:
1. On the Home ribbon, click Status Control Start Measuring to
start measuring.
The Time Plotter on the throttle controller layout displays variables
that originate from the CalDemo ECU.
2. On the Home ribbon, click Status Control Working Page to
activate the working page of the CalDemo ECU.

3. On the throttle controller layout, click below Signal Form to

change the SignalForm parameter value to sawtooth.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 153

s Basics and Instructions t

You can observe the effect of the changed parameter value in the
Time Plotter.

Related topics Basics

Calibrating Parameters ( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording

Accessing ECUs

Objective Different interfaces are available for ECU access.

Where to go from here Information in this section

Accessing an ECU with dSPACE Calibration and 155
Bypassing Service
Accessing an ECU with XCP Service 156
Accessing an ECU with CCP Service 157
Accessing an ECU with Implemented Diagnostic Protocol 158

154 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Accessing an ECU with dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing


The following illustration shows ways of accessing an ECU with

implemented dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing Service:

ControlDesk Calibration
ECU flash programming

with dSPACE Calibration
and Bypassing Service

Bus connection
or Ethernet dSPACE LVDS Bypass
prototyping interface


1) n DCI-GSI1: Connection via USB (directly or via Calibration Hub)

n DCI-GSI2: Connection via Ethernet
2) n A DCI-GSI1 or DCIGSI2 can be used for simultaneously
calibrating and bypassing the same ECU.
n A DCI-GSI1 or DCIGSI2 can be used for calibration and
programming the flash memory of the same ECU.
3) ECU flash programming on an ECU with DCIGSI1 or DCIGSI2 does
not necessarily require the integration of the dSPACE Calibration
and Bypassing Service. For details, refer to the ECU Flash
Programming document.
4) DCI-GSI1, DCIGSI2, or plug-on device (POD). A DCI-GSI1 or
DCIGSI2 can be used for simultaneously calibrating and bypassing
the same ECU.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 155

s Basics and Instructions t

Accessing an ECU with XCP Service

The following illustration shows ways of accessing an ECU with

implemented XCP service:

USB Interface

Ethernet 1

USB or Ethernet Interface

module CAN

ControlDesk Calibration
ECU flash programming 3


ECU with XCP service

Bus connection
or Ethernet dSPACE

Bypassing 4

1) PCbased interface (DCI-CAN1, DCICAN2, or Calibration Hub), or

CAN channel of a SCALEXIO system or on VEOS.
2) Various interface modules are supported. Refer to Supported
FlexRay Interfaces on page 46.
3) Possible only for XCP on CAN and XCP on Ethernet
4) Possible only for XCP on CAN, XCP on Ethernet (UDP/IP) and XCP
on FlexRay

156 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Accessing an ECU with CCP Service

The following illustration shows ways to access an ECU with

implemented CCP service:

USB Interface
(directly or via module
Calibration Hub) 1

ControlDesk CAN

with CCP Service

Bus connection
or Ethernet dSPACE


1) PCbased interface (DCI-CAN1, DCICAN2, or Calibration Hub), or

CAN channel of a SCALEXIO system or on VEOS.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 157

s Basics and Instructions t

Accessing an ECU with Implemented Diagnostic Protocol

The following illustration shows ways to access an ECU with

implemented diagnostic protocol:

USB Interface
(directly or via module
Calibration Hub) 1

ControlDesk ECU diagnostics CAN or K-Line

ECU flash programming

with implemented
diagnostic protocol

1) DCI-CAN1, DCICAN2, or Calibration Hub (for a CANbased

diagnostic protocol), or DCIKLine1 (for a KLinebased diagnostic

Bus Device Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

How to Configure a CAN Bus Monitoring Device 159
ControlDesk can use a CAN Bus Monitoring device for accessing a CAN
bus only if the device is configured correctly.
How to Configure a FlexRay Bus Monitoring Device 162
ControlDesk can use a FlexRay Bus Monitoring device to access a FlexRay
bus only if the device is configured correctly.
How to Configure a LIN Bus Monitoring Device 164
ControlDesk can use a LIN Bus Monitoring device for accessing a LIN bus
only if the device is configured correctly.

158 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

How to Configure a CAN Bus Monitoring Device

Objective ControlDesk can use a CAN Bus Monitoring device for accessing a
CAN bus only if the device is configured correctly.

You can use dSPACE's simulation program CANGenerator to
experiment the CAN Bus Monitoring device without a
connection to real hardware devices. For information on the
CANGenerator, refer to CANGenerator on page 572.

Basics ControlDesk supports various CAN interfaces to access CANbased

device hardware. Refer to Supported CAN Interfaces on page 44.
For details on the different CAN signal formats used in CAN database
(DBC) files, refer to Basics on Byte Order Formats and Bit Positioning
on page 142.

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.
n To monitor the CAN communication of a SCALEXIO system or on
VEOS, the following conditions must be met:
n The SCALEXIO or VEOS platform must be registered in
ControlDesk. Refer to How to Register a Platform on page 60.
n A suitable application must be loaded to the SCALEXIO or
VEOS platform. Refer to Basics on Handling Simulation
Applications on page 116.
n To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with
bus interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in
Vector Informatik's hardware configuration tool. The tool is
accessible via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 159

s Basics and Instructions t

Method To configure a CAN Bus Monitoring device

1 Select the CAN Bus Monitoring device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure
The Interface Selection dialog opens.

3 Select the physical interface to be assigned to the device.

ControlDesk provides various options. What to do also depends on
the interface you use:
Interface Type Interface Assignment
Connected PCbased n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a connected PCbased interface
interface (e.g., automatically.
DCICAN2 or Vector n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the connected
CANcardXL) PCbased interfaces from the list to be assigned to the device.
Currently not Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select Offline configuration to select a PCbased interface
connected PCbased to be assigned to the device while the interface is currently not connected to the host PC. ControlDesk
interface then prompts you to make some offline configuration settings.
Bus channel of Bus channels of a SCALEXIO system or VEOS must be made available to the device before they can be
SCALEXIO or VEOS assigned to the device.
n If the bus channel to be used has not been configured for the device yet:
1. Select the Automatic assignment checkbox.
2. Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.

160 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Interface Type Interface Assignment

3. If the current experiment contains a SCALEXIO or VEOS platform with suitable bus channels, you
can specify to inherit the settings from the platform and thus make the bus channels of the platform
available to the device:
n Select the Inheritance checkbox.
n The Inherit from platform property lists all the possible platforms in the current experiment.
Select the SCALEXIO or VEOS platform to inherit the settings from.

If the current experiment does not contain a suitable SCALEXIO or VEOS platform or if you want to
assign another bus channel to the device, you have to specify the IP address of the corresponding
SCALEXIO system or VEOS platform manually:
n Expand the Interface search attributes property to show the IP addresses property.

n Click or select Add from the context menu to add an edit field for an IP address.
n Enter the IP address of the SCALEXIO system or VEOS platform whose bus channel you want to
assign to the device.

If the bus channel of SCALEXIO that you want to use is also used in the model underlying the
application currently loaded to the SCALEXIO platform, you must enter the IP address that is
specified in the model.
To use a bus channel of VEOS, always enter as the IP address.
4. Specify the connection option for the specified bus channel. Click the Browse button of the
Interface selection property to open the Interface Selection dialog.

n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a bus channel of a SCALEXIO

system or on VEOS automatically.
n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the listed bus
channels to be assigned to the device.
5. Click OK to close the Interface Selection dialog.
n If the bus channel to be used has already been configured for the device:
n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a bus channel of a SCALEXIO system
or on VEOS automatically.
n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the listed bus
channels to be assigned to the device.
Virtual interface (for Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select a virtual interface that is simulated on the host PC
testing purposes) (possible for CAN interfaces only).

Do not mix up the Virtual CAN interface with CAN channels on VEOS.

For further information, refer to the Interface Selection (CAN-,

LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices) page on page 451.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 161

s Basics and Instructions t

4 Click Next >.

The All Properties dialog opens.
5 In the All Properties dialog, specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To select the CAN interface for the selected device. CAN Interface Properties on page 290
To specify CAN settings for the selected CANbased device. CAN Settings Properties on page 291
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify the byte order format for the DAQ data. DAQ Settings Properties on page 305
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.

Result You have now configured a CAN Bus Monitoring device.

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500

How to Configure a FlexRay Bus Monitoring Device

Objective ControlDesk can use a FlexRay Bus Monitoring device to access a

FlexRay bus only if the device is configured correctly.

Basics ControlDesk supports various FlexRay interfaces to access FlexRay-

based device hardware. Refer to Supported FlexRay Interfaces
on page 46.
Monitoring with the FlexRay Bus Monitoring device is signalbased,
i.e., FlexRay frames/PDUs themselves are not monitored.

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.

162 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

n To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with

bus interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in
Vector Informatik's hardware configuration tool. The tool is
accessible via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

Method To configure a FlexRay Bus Monitoring device

1 Select the FlexRay Bus Monitoring device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure
The Interface Selection dialog opens.

3 Select the physical interface to be assigned to the device.

ControlDesk provides the following options:
n Select Automatic assignment to select a connected interface
n Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of
the connected interfaces from the list to be assigned to the

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 163

s Basics and Instructions t

n Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select Offline

configuration to select an interface to be assigned to the
device while the interface is currently not connected to the
host PC. ControlDesk then prompts you to make some offline
configuration settings.
n You can also select a virtual interface for testing purposes
(possible for CAN interfaces only).
For further information on selecting physical interfaces, refer to
Configure Platform/Device on page 431.
4 Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
5 In the dialog, specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To select the FlexRay interface type for the selected device. FlexRay Interface Properties on page 308
To specify FlexRay-specific settings for the selected device. FlexRay Settings Properties on page 309
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.

Result You have now configured a FlexRay Bus Monitoring device.

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500

How to Configure a LIN Bus Monitoring Device

Objective ControlDesk can use a LIN Bus Monitoring device for accessing a LIN
bus only if the device is configured correctly.

Basics ControlDesk supports various LIN interfaces to access LIN-based

device hardware. Refer to Supported LIN Interfaces on page 46.

164 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.
n To monitor the LIN communication of a SCALEXIO system or on
VEOS, the following conditions must be met:
n The SCALEXIO or VEOS platform must be registered in
ControlDesk. Refer to How to Register a Platform on page 60.
n A suitable application must be loaded to the SCALEXIO or
VEOS platform. Refer to Basics on Handling Simulation
Applications on page 116.
n To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with
bus interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in
Vector Informatik's hardware configuration tool. The tool is
accessible via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

Method To configure a LIN Bus Monitoring device

1 Select the LIN Bus Monitoring device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure
The Interface Selection dialog opens.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 165

s Basics and Instructions t

3 Select the physical interface to be assigned to the device.

ControlDesk provides various options. What to do also depends on
the interface you use:
Interface Type Interface Assignment
Connected PCbased n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a connected PCbased interface
interface (e.g., automatically.
DCICAN2 or Vector n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the connected
CANcardXL) PCbased interfaces from the list to be assigned to the device.
Currently not Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select Offline configuration to select a PCbased interface
connected PCbased to be assigned to the device while the interface is currently not connected to the host PC. ControlDesk
interface then prompts you to make some offline configuration settings.
Bus channel of Bus channels of a SCALEXIO system or VEOS must be made available to the device before they can be
SCALEXIO or VEOS assigned to the device.
n If the bus channel to be used has not been configured for the device yet:
1. Select the Automatic assignment checkbox.
2. Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
3. If the current experiment contains a SCALEXIO or VEOS platform with suitable bus channels, you
can specify to inherit the settings from the platform and thus make the bus channels of the platform
available to the device:
n Select the Inheritance checkbox.
n The Inherit from platform property lists all the possible platforms in the current experiment.
Select the SCALEXIO or VEOS platform to inherit the settings from.

If the current experiment does not contain a suitable SCALEXIO or VEOS platform or if you want to
assign another bus channel to the device, you have to specify the IP address of the corresponding
SCALEXIO system or VEOS platform manually:
n Expand the Interface search attributes property to show the IP addresses property.

n Click or select Add from the context menu to add an edit field for an IP address.
n Enter the IP address of the SCALEXIO system or VEOS platform whose bus channel you want to
assign to the device.

If the bus channel of SCALEXIO that you want to use is also used in the model underlying the
application currently loaded to the SCALEXIO platform, you must enter the IP address that is
specified in the model.
To use a bus channel of VEOS, always enter as the IP address.
4. Specify the connection option for the specified bus channel. Click the Browse button of the
Interface selection property to open the Interface Selection dialog.

166 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Interface Type Interface Assignment

n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a bus channel of a SCALEXIO
system or on VEOS automatically.
n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the listed bus
channels to be assigned to the device.
5. Click OK to close the Interface Selection dialog.
n If the bus channel to be used has already been configured for the device:
n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a bus channel of a SCALEXIO system
or on VEOS automatically.
n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the listed bus
channels to be assigned to the device.
Virtual interface (for Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select a virtual interface that is simulated on the host PC
testing purposes) (possible for CAN interfaces only).

Do not mix up the Virtual CAN interface with CAN channels on VEOS.

For further information, refer to the Interface Selection (CAN-,

LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices) page on page 451.
4 Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
5 In the dialog, specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329
To select the LIN interface type for the selected device. LIN Interface Properties on page 331
To specify LIN settings for the selected device. LIN Settings Properties on page 332

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.

Result You have now configured a LIN Bus Monitoring device.

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 167

s Basics and Instructions t

CCP Device Configuration

How to Configure a CCP Device

Objective ControlDesk can access an ECU with CCP only if the CCP device is
configured correctly.

Configuring a CCP device Configuring a CCP device means selecting the CAN interface and
configuring CCP features. CCP service parameters such as CAN
identifiers are taken from the variable description. You can change
them if necessary.
For details on working with an ECU with CCP service in connection
with ControlDesk's CCP device, refer to the CCP Feature
Reference. For details on CANrelated settings, refer to Supported
CAN Interfaces on page 44.

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.
n To use a CAN channel of a SCALEXIO system or on VEOS as the
CAN interface, the following conditions must be met:
n The SCALEXIO or VEOS platform must be registered in
ControlDesk. Refer to How to Register a Platform on page 60.
n A suitable application must be loaded to the SCALEXIO or
VEOS platform. Refer to Basics on Handling Simulation
Applications on page 116.
n To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with
bus interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in
Vector Informatik's hardware configuration tool. The tool is
accessible via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

168 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Method To configure a CCP device

1 Select the CCP device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure
The Interface Selection dialog opens.

3 Select the physical interface to be assigned to the device.

ControlDesk provides various options. What to do also depends on
the interface you use:
Interface Type Interface Assignment
Connected PCbased n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a connected PCbased interface
interface (e.g., automatically.
DCICAN2 or Vector n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the connected
CANcardXL) PCbased interfaces from the list to be assigned to the device.
Currently not Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select Offline configuration to select a PCbased interface
connected PCbased to be assigned to the device while the interface is currently not connected to the host PC. ControlDesk
interface then prompts you to make some offline configuration settings.
Bus channel of Bus channels of a SCALEXIO system or VEOS must be made available to the device before they can be
SCALEXIO or VEOS assigned to the device.
n If the bus channel to be used has not been configured for the device yet:
1. Select the Automatic assignment checkbox.
2. Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 169

s Basics and Instructions t

Interface Type Interface Assignment

3. If the current experiment contains a SCALEXIO or VEOS platform with suitable bus channels, you
can specify to inherit the settings from the platform and thus make the bus channels of the platform
available to the device:
n Select the Inheritance checkbox.
n The Inherit from platform property lists all the possible platforms in the current experiment.
Select the SCALEXIO or VEOS platform to inherit the settings from.

If the current experiment does not contain a suitable SCALEXIO or VEOS platform or if you want to
assign another bus channel to the device, you have to specify the IP address of the corresponding
SCALEXIO system or VEOS platform manually:
n Expand the Interface search attributes property to show the IP addresses property.

n Click or select Add from the context menu to add an edit field for an IP address.
n Enter the IP address of the SCALEXIO system or VEOS platform whose bus channel you want to
assign to the device.

If the bus channel of SCALEXIO that you want to use is also used in the model underlying the
application currently loaded to the SCALEXIO platform, you must enter the IP address that is
specified in the model.
To use a bus channel of VEOS, always enter as the IP address.
4. Specify the connection option for the specified bus channel. Click the Browse button of the
Interface selection property to open the Interface Selection dialog.

n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a bus channel of a SCALEXIO

system or on VEOS automatically.
n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the listed bus
channels to be assigned to the device.
5. Click OK to close the Interface Selection dialog.
n If the bus channel to be used has already been configured for the device:
n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a bus channel of a SCALEXIO system
or on VEOS automatically.
n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the listed bus
channels to be assigned to the device.
Virtual interface (for Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select a virtual interface that is simulated on the host PC
testing purposes) (possible for CAN interfaces only).

Do not mix up the Virtual CAN interface with CAN channels on VEOS.

For further information, refer to the Interface Selection (CAN-,

LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices) page on page 451.

170 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

4 Click Next >.

The All Properties dialog opens.
5 In the dialog, specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To select the CAN interface for the selected device. CAN Interface Properties on page 290
To specify CAN settings for the selected CANbased device. CAN Settings Properties on page 291
To specify CCP-specific settings for the selected device. CCP Settings Properties on page 298
To specify advanced settings for the selected CCP device. CCP Settings Advanced Properties on page 293
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected CCP device. CCP Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
on page 297
To specify seed and key settings for the selected CCP device. CCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties
on page 300
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.
7 If the Read CCP settings from ECU property is selected for the
device, the ECU interface settings are uploaded from the ECU
when connecting the device. If there are inconsistencies between
the configuration information currently used by the device and the
information on the ECU, a dialog opens for you to specify whether
to use the current value or the one from the ECU for each
inconsistent ECU interface setting.

Result You have now configured the CCP device.

Related topics References

CCP Feature Reference
Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 171

s Basics and Instructions t

DCI-GSI1 / DCI-GSI2 Device Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

How to Assign a DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 Device 172
If you have several DCIGSI1s connected to the host PC, you have to
assign each DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 device in ControlDesk.
How to Assign a DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 Device 174
If you have several DCIGSI2s connected to the host PC, you have to
assign each DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 device in ControlDesk.
Getting Status Information on the ECU and ECU Interface 177
dSPACE ECU interfaces provide system variables to give you status
information on the ECU and the connected ECU interface. You can
measure these variables in ControlDesk.

How to Assign a DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 Device

Objective If you have several DCIGSI1s (dSPACE Calibration Interface Generic

Serial Interface) connected to the host PC, you have to assign each
DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 device in ControlDesk. Otherwise,
ControlDesk cannot access the connected DCIGSI1s correctly.

If you have only one DCIGSI1 connected to the host PC, you do
not have to assign it to a DCIGSI1 device in ControlDesk. It is
assigned automatically.

Features of the DCI-GSI1 For the features of the DCIGSI1, refer to DCI-GSI1 Feature

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.
n To assign a DCIGSI1, the DCIGSI1 hardware must be connected
to the host PC via USB. Refer to Connecting an ECU with DCIGSI1
( ECU Interfaces Hardware Installation and Configuration).

172 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Method To assign a DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 device

1 Select the device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure
The Interface Selection dialog opens:

3 Select a DCIGSI1 connected to the host PC from the list. If only

one DCIGSI1 is connected, it is automatically selected.
4 Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
5 In the dialog, specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To select a connected DCI-GSI1 interface and assign it to the device. GSI Interface Properties on page 324
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected DCI-GSI1 GSI Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
device. on page 325
To specify the settings of the overlay elements. Overlay Management Properties on page 339

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.

Result You have assigned a DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 device.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 173

s Basics and Instructions t

Next steps n To configure an ECU interface, use the DCI Configuration Tool.
You can start it via Start Programs dSPACE DCI Configuration
Tool dSPACE DCI Configuration Tool. The tool lets you configure
the DCI-GSI1.
However, you should modify the configuration only if you are
familiar with ECU interface hardware.
n Name of the device
ControlDesk Next Generation identifies the device via its name.
The following cases are common:
You want to reuse the same configuration with several
identical ECUs, so the devices must have identical names.
You have specific configurations for different ECUs, so the
devices must have different names.
n Address and memory settings (experts only)
Preconfigure these settings according to the specifications
provided by the software vendor of your ECU.
For details on the DCI Configuration Tool and how to carry out the
configuration, refer to the DCI Configuration document.

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
DCI-GSI1 Feature Reference
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500

How to Assign a DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 Device

Objective ControlDesk can access an ECU equipped with a DCIGSI2 only if the
DCIGSI2 is assigned to a DCIGSI2 device in ControlDesk. Otherwise,
ControlDesk cannot access the connected DCIGSI2 correctly.
Since the DCIGSI2 is connected to the host PC via XCP on Ethernet,
you can alternatively use the XCP on Ethernet device. However, it is
recommended to use the DCIGSI2 device because it provides some
DCIGSI2specific features.

Features of the DCI-GSI2 For the features of the DCIGSI2, refer to DCI-GSI2 Feature

174 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Assigning a DCIGSI2 The DCI-GSI2 supports three separate XCP service instances. Each
instance behaves as an XCP slave, providing independent access to
the ECU resources, i.e., the DCIGSI2 provides three ports to connect
the ECU with DCIGSI2 with up to three tools. Two of the ports can
be used to assign the DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 device in ControlDesk.
Assigning a DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 device means selecting the
DCIGSI2 and its Ethernet port to be used for communication, and
configuring XCP features.

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.
n To assign a DCIGSI2, the DCIGSI2 hardware must be connected
to the host PC via Ethernet. Refer to Connecting an ECU with
DCIGSI2 ( ECU Interfaces Hardware Installation and

Method To assign a DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 device

1 Select the device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure
The Interface Selection dialog opens, displaying all the DCIGSI2s
currently connected to the host PC:

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 175

s Basics and Instructions t

3 From the DCIGSI2 to be assigned to the device, select the port to

be used for communication with the ECU.
4 Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
5 In the dialog, specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To specify Ethernet settings for the selected platform/device. Ethernet Settings Properties on page 307
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify network adapter settings for the selected platform/device. Network Adapter Properties on page 338
To specify the settings of the transport layer on the ECU with XCP/DCI- Transport Layer Settings Properties on page 343
To specify the communication settings of the selected platform/device. XCP on Ethernet/GSI2 Ethernet Settings Properties
on page 350
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties
on page 353
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
DCIGSI2 device. on page 358
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement. XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property
on page 360
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property
on page 361

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.

Result You have assigned a DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 device.

Next steps To set and modify the configuration settings of your DCIGSI2, use
the dSPACE DCI Configuration Tool. Refer to the DCI
Configuration document.
For information on connecting a DCIGSI2 to the host PC, refer to
Setting up the Ethernet Connection Between a DCI-GSI2 and the Host
PC ( ECU Interfaces Hardware Installation and Configuration).

176 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
DCI-GSI2 Feature Reference
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500

Getting Status Information on the ECU and ECU Interface

Objective dSPACE ECU interfaces provide system variables to give you status
information on the ECU and the connected ECU interface. You can
measure these variables in ControlDesk.
System variable A type of variable that represents internal variables
of the device or platform hardware and that can be used as
measurement signals in ControlDesk to give feedback on the status of
the related device or platform hardware. For example, an ECUs
power supply status or the simulation state of a dSPACE board can be
visualized via system variables.

System variables are provided by the DCIGSI1 and DCIGSI2.

Data acquisition rasters for In most cases, system variables of ECU interfaces are automatically
system variables assigned to a particular internal data acquisition raster, which is used
exclusively for measuring system variables. It triggers sampling at a
fixed interval of 10 ms. Since this raster is executed on the device
without ECU service, it is possible to measure system variables even
when the ECU is not running.
For the DCIGSI1, the gsi_daq_time_raster_<raster_name> system
variables are an exception to this rule. For each measurement raster
that is defined in the IF_DATA DCIGSI1 element in the ECUs A2L file,
ControlDesk automatically creates an appropriate system variable,
named gsi_daq_time_raster_<raster_name>. It is automatically
assigned to the data acquisition raster that is specified in the ECUs
A2L file for the <raster_name> measurement raster.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 177

s Basics and Instructions t

n For the DCIGSI1, the automatically assigned data acquisition
raster for system variables is named DCI_Timer. The DCI_Timer
raster is available only for the system variables.
n For the DCIGSI2, you can use any available data acquisition
raster for measuring system variables as long as the assigned
data acquisition raster is based on a DCIGSI2s internal clock
event and is used exclusively for measuring system variables.

System variables in the tree System variables are contained in the Variable Browser. If the tree
view view is enabled, the structure of the variable description file is
displayed. The tree view contains the SystemVariables node as a
subnode of the variable description file. If you select the
SystemVariables node in the tree view, only system variables are
shown in the variable list.
System variables can be visualized in instruments like other
measurement variables. You can select a system variable from the
tree node and place it on a layout in the usual way.
For further information on system variables, refer to
n Status Information on the ECU and DCI-GSI1 ( DCI-GSI1 Feature
n Status Information on the ECU and DCI-GSI2 ( DCI-GSI2 Feature

ECU Diagnostics Device Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics of the ECU Diagnostics Device 179
Requirements for Measurement and Calibration via the 182
ECU Diagnostics Device
If you want to measure or calibrate diagnostics variables via the ECU
Diagnostics device, a variable description must be generated from the
ODX database specified for the device.

178 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

How to Configure an ECU Diagnostics Device 184

ControlDesk can access an ECU with diagnostic protocol only if the ECU
Diagnostics device is configured correctly.

Basics of the ECU Diagnostics Device

With ControlDesks ECU Diagnostics device, you can access an ECU

for diagnostics purposes, and to program a new software revision or
new calibration data to its flash memory. ECU access is via the
diagnostic interface.

Information in this topic ECU Diagnostics device on page 179

ECU diagnostics based on ODX on page 179
ODX database on page 179
Vehicle information on page 180
Logical link on page 180
Working with several ODX databases on page 180
Hierarchical layers of an ODX database on page 180
Supported diagnostic protocols on page 181

ECU Diagnostics device ControlDesk provides the ECU Diagnostics v2.0.2 device, which
supports the ASAM MCD-3 D V2.0.2 standard.
ControlDesk supports the following ODX database standards:
n ASAM MCD-2 D V2.0.1
n ASAM MCD-2 D V2.2.0 (ISO 229011)

ECU diagnostics based on ECU diagnostics with ControlDesk are completely based on Open
ODX Diagnostic Data Exchange (ODX), the ASAM MCD-2 D (ISO 22901)
diagnostics standard. The ODX database contains the description of
the diagnostic services implemented on the ECU, and the settings for
communication between ControlDesk and the ECU.
ODX database Abbreviation of Open Diagnostic Data Exchange, a
diagnostics database ( Diagnostics database on page 577) that is
the central ECU description for working with an ECU Diagnostics
device ( ECU Diagnostics device on page 251) in ControlDesk. The
ODX database contains all the information required to perform
diagnostic communication between ControlDesk and a specific ECU
or set of ECUs in a vehicle network. ControlDesk expects the
database to be compliant with ASAM MCD-2 D (ODX).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 179

s Basics and Instructions t

Vehicle information The ODX database ( ODX database

on page 179) can contain information for one or more vehicles.
Vehicle information data is used for vehicle identification purposes
and for access to vehicles. It references the access paths (logical links)
to the ECUs.
Logical link A representation of an ECU specified in the diagnostics
database. A logical link contains information on the ECU itself, and all
the information required for accessing it, such as the diagnostic
protocol ( Diagnostic protocol on page 577) used for
communication between the ECU and ControlDesk. Each logical link
is represented by a unique short name in the ODX database ( ODX
database on page 179).

Working with several ODX If you work with an ECU Diagnostics device, you can specify several
databases ODX diagnostics databases for it and switch between them. This
means you can manage multiple diagnostics databases for one device
in ControlDesk, but only one of them is active at a time. In the Project
Manager, all the diagnostics databases used in an experiment are
displayed below the ECU Diagnostics device. The currently active
database is displayed in bold letters with a or symbol
(depending on whether it has the ODX data or the binary format)
next to it. You can activate a diagnostics database via the Project
Manager or the Properties controlbar.
Working with several ODX databases enables you to check a further
ODX diagnostics database within an existing experiment without
having to modify or copy the experiment. After a successful test, you
can easily make the new diagnostics database the only diagnostics
database for the device by removing the other databases.

Hierarchical layers of an An ODX database contains several layers that are defined in the
ODX database ASAM MCD-2 D standard:
n The Protocol layer describes the information that is usually defined
in a vehicle manufacturer's protocol specification or international
standard (for example, KWP2000). This layer typically contains all
the information that is used by all a vehicle manufacturer's ECUs.
n The Functional group layer describes the information that is
relevant for a group of ECUs with similar functionality. This layer
typically contains all the information that is used by a group of a
vehicle manufacturer's ECUs.
n An ECU base variant contains data for all the variants of a specific
n An ECU variant contains data for one specific variant of an ECU.

180 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

To avoid data redundancy, the layers are structured hierarchically and

an inheritance mechanism is supported:
More general


Functional group
ECU base variant

ECU variant
More specific

n A functional group inherits data from one or more protocols.

n An ECU base variant can inherit data from one or more protocols
and/or one or more functional groups.
n An ECU variant inherits data exclusively from one ECU base

Supported diagnostic ControlDesks ECU Diagnostics device communicates with ECUs

protocols connected to the ControlDesk PC via diagnostic protocols
implemented on the ECUs. Communication is via CAN or KLine. ECU
access is possible via the following diagnostic protocols:

Diagnostic Protocol Description

Diagnostics on CAN (ISO 15765) Diagnostics on CAN / KWP2000 on CAN
KWP2000 on KLine (ISO 14230) KWP2000 on KLine
OBD On-Board Diagnostics for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 1.6 Transport Protocol TP 1.6 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 2.0 Transport Protocol TP 2.0 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
UDS (ISO 14229) UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services)

Related topics Basics

Requirements for Measurement and Calibration via the ECU Diagnostics Device
on page 182

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 181

s Basics and Instructions t

Requirements for Measurement and Calibration via the ECU

Diagnostics Device

Objective You can measure and calibrate diagnostics variables via the ECU
Diagnostics device. This requires that a variable description is
generated from the ODX database specified for the device.

Variable description You can enable or disable the generation of a variable description
generated from the ODX from the ODX database during device configuration via the Create
database variable description for selected logical links checkbox in the Select
Logical Links dialog, or via the Properties controlbar (refer to Logical
Link Selection Properties on page 333).
The variable description is saved in the Variable Descriptions folder in
the Project Manager. The generated variable description is named
after the ODX database, followed by "Variables".
The ODX database must meet some requirements so that
ControlDesk can create a variable description from it. For details, refer
to Conventions in Connection with ODX Databases ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).

Removal or replacement of Cases in which a generated variable description is removed or

a generated variable replaced A previously generated variable description is removed
description from the project or replaced by a new variable description in the
following cases:
n If generation of the variable description is enabled in the Select
Logical Links dialog, the following actions cause the generation of
a new variable description:
n Modifying an ODX database (adding, replacing, or removing
n Adding an XML configuration file for variable generation to the
ODX database configuration for your device, or replacing or
removing the XML configuration file
n Selecting another vehicle
n Selecting other or deselecting logical links
n Modifying the configuration settings for generating the
variable description from the ODX database (selecting or
clearing the Use additional protocol information, Generate
Diagnostic Trouble Code variables, Add additional

182 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

measurements for parameters or Use ECU base variant name

instead of ECU variant name checkbox)
n Selecting another diagnostic protocol for an active logical link,
if the Use additional protocol information and/or Generate
Diagnostic Trouble Code variables options are enabled
The previously generated variable description is replaced by the
new one. The old variable description is removed from the project.
Because you have performed an action which causes the removal
of an existing variable description, ControlDesk displays a warning.
n If you clear the Create variable description for selected logical links
checkbox while reconfiguring the ECU Diagnostics device, a
previously generated variable description is removed from the
project. ControlDesk displays a warning beforehand.
n You can add multiple diagnostics databases to one ECU
Diagnostics device. You can generate a variable description from
each individual diagnostics database. Since only one diagnostics
database, and therefore at most one variable description, can be
active for an ECU Diagnostics device at a time, only the settings
from the currently active diagnostics database apply to the project.
If you switch to another diagnostics database, the previously active
variable description is deactivated. If a variable description was
generated from the newly selected diagnostics database, it is
Consequences of removing or replacing of a generated variable
description ControlDesk removes or replaces a generated variable
description in some cases, which has the following consequences:
n Depending on the size of the ODX data, regenerating the variable
description can take some time.
n Data sets created for the removed or replaced variable description
are lost.
n After a variable description is replaced due to a modification of the
ODX database, connections between variables of the newly
generated variable description and instruments are lost if the paths
and/or names of the variables have changed.

Related topics Basics

Basics of the ECU Diagnostics Device on page 179

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 183

s Basics and Instructions t

How to Configure an ECU Diagnostics Device

Objective ControlDesk can use the ECU Diagnostics device for accessing an ECU
via CAN or KLine for ECU diagnostics purposes only if the device is
configured correctly.

Renaming or modifying the If you modify (add, replace or remove) the files of an ODX database,
ODX database the ODX database is automatically reloaded, its proprietary binary
format (if specified) is regenerated, and the variable description (if
enabled) is regenerated.
When reloading a database, ControlDesk checks whether the
following configuration settings are still valid for the reloaded
n Selected vehicle
n Selected logical link(s)
n Configuration of the diagnostic protocol, physical connection and
hardware settings for each selected logical link
Validity is checked hierarchically: A logical link can be valid only if the
corresponding vehicle information is still valid. The diagnostic protocol
and physical connection settings can be valid only if the
corresponding logical link is still valid. The hardware interface settings
can be valid only if the corresponding logical link, diagnostic protocol
and physical connection are still valid. Settings from the previous
configuration that cannot be applied are reset, and you must
reconfigure them via the configuration dialogs.

Variable description You can measure and calibrate diagnostics variables via the ECU
generated from the ODX Diagnostics device. A variable description must be generated from the
database ODX database specified for the device for this purpose. For further
information, refer to Requirements for Measurement and Calibration
via the ECU Diagnostics Device on page 182.

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.
n You must have a database compliant with ASAM MCD-2 D V2.0.1
or V2.2.0 (ISO 22901). For further information, refer to
Conventions in Connection with ODX Databases ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).

Method To configure an ECU Diagnostics device

1 Select the ECU Diagnostics device in the Project Manager.

184 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure

The Configure Platform/Device wizard opens, starting with the
Select ODX Files dialog.

3 Enter a name for the ODX diagnostics database, if desired. If you

do not enter a name, ControlDesk uses a default name for the

You can specify several diagnostics databases for an ECU
Diagnostics device. You should then change their default
names for clarity and better handling.

4 Specify the diagnostics database for the device by importing the

files belonging to it. All the files imported so far are displayed in
the files list. The list represents the diagnostics database the ECU
Diagnostics device works with.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 185

s Basics and Instructions t

As an alternative, you can add an ODX database template.
An ODX database template is a valid ODX database with
fixed contents that cannot be modified. ControlDesk provides
built-in ODX database templates for different diagnostic
protocols and also supports custom ODX database templates.
Built-in templates let you access your ECU via the ECU
Diagnostics device without having to provide an ODX
database yourself. Custom templates let you use an ODX
database that is available on your file system.
For further information on adding ODX database templates,
refer to Add ODX Database on page 372.

ControlDesk supports different ODX versions. However, the

diagnostics database for your device must contain only files
belonging to one of the supported ODX version. If you import files
of different or unsupported ODX versions to the diagnostics
database, an error message is displayed when you click Next or

ControlDesk can detect the ODX version automatically using
the files you imported for the diagnostics database for your
ECU Diagnostics device. Alternatively, you can specify the
ODX version to be used with your ECU Diagnostics device
manually. Refer to Add ODX Database on page 372.

186 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

You can add further files to the database via the Add Files button.
To remove one or more files from the diagnostics database, select
them from the files list and click Remove or press the Delete key.
To remove all the files from the diagnostics database in one step,
click Remove All.
If you want ControlDesk to reload files in the diagnostics
database, select them from the files list and press the Reload
button. ControlDesk reloads the files from their original file source
paths, if possible.
Modifying (adding, replacing, or removing) the files belonging to
an ODX database that was already configured for the device
causes a reload of the ODX database.
5 You can specify to use a proprietary binary format (generated
from the ODX data) instead of ODX data for the diagnostics
database. Using the binary files allows faster experiment loading
and lets you work with large ODX databases since memory usage
is reduced. However, transforming the ODX data into the binary
format takes some time, so you should think carefully whether to
use ODX data or the binary format with your experiment.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 187

s Basics and Instructions t

Using the binary format is useful in the following cases:
n Experiments that are frequently loaded, and whose
diagnostics database is modified only rarely
n Experiments that require large ODX databases

To generate the binary format for the ODX 2.0.1 diagnostics

database and use it with your experiment, click the Database
Settings button at top right in the Select ODX Files dialog and
select the Optimize database checkbox in the Database Settings

For ODX 2.2.0 diagnostics databases, database optimization
is always performed. You cannot change this setting. So if
you work with an ODX 2.2.0 database, ControlDesk always
uses the binary format instead of ODX data for the
diagnostics database.

For further information on specifying the diagnostics database,

refer to Configure Platform/Device on page 431.
6 Click Next >.
ControlDesk analyzes the specified ODX diagnostics database, and
then displays it as the active diagnostics database in the Project
Manager (indicated by the or symbol, depending on
whether the ODX data or the binary format is used for the
database). It also adds a folder with the name of the ODX
database to the projects folder structure on your file system,
containing all the files belonging to the specified ODX database
and, if needed, the generated binary files. Do not make any
changes to the files on the file system. Changes to the ODX
database or the generated binary files must be made exclusively
via the Select ODX Files dialog.

188 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

The Select Vehicle dialog opens, displaying all the vehicles

contained in the specified ODX database.

If no vehicle information is specified in the ODX database, a

default vehicle named "VI_GlobalVehicleInfor" (short name) or
"Global Vehicle Information" (long name) is generated
automatically for further use.
7 Select the vehicle to be used with the ECU Diagnostics device from
the vehicles list.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 189

s Basics and Instructions t

8 Click Next >.

The Select Logical Links dialog opens, displaying the logical links
available in the ODX database for the selected vehicle.

The logical links are displayed hierarchically according to the

structure of the hierarchical layers (protocol, functional group,
ECU base variant, ECU variant) of the ODX database. For clarity,
you can reduce the display to the logical links to ECU base variants
and ECU variants via the Hide Protocol and Functional Group
command (available from the context menu).
If the ODX database contains no vehicle information specification
and the VI_GlobalVehicleInfor (short name) or Global Vehicle
Information (long name) vehicle is selected for use instead, the
logical link list contains only automatically generated logical links.
Logical links are generated according to a specified pattern
(described here with the logical links short names):
n GeneratedLogicalLink_ProtocolShortName
n GeneratedLogicalLink_FunctionalGroupShortName_
n GeneratedLogicalLink_BaseVariantShortName_

190 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

n EcuVariantDiagLayerShortName_GeneratedLogicalLink_

The pattern depends on the structure of the underlying

A logical link is generated for each possible combination. Thus, the

number of generated logical links depends on the layer definitions
available in the ODX database.

ControlDesk supports logical link selection via ODX variant
identification. If the ODX database contains one or more ECU

variants for an ECU base variant (indicated by a button

next to the ECU base variant), you can open the ECU Variant
Identification dialog via the button and start the
identification process. If an ECU variant is identified, you can
select it for use with the ECU Diagnostics device.
Additionally, you can specify to apply the configuration of the
ECU base variant to the selected identified ECU variant.

For further information, refer to Configure Platform/Device

on page 431.

9 Specify whether a variable description is to be generated from the

ODX database by selecting or clearing the Create variable
description for selected logical links checkbox. If you want to
measure or calibrate variables via the ECU Diagnostics device later
on, the checkbox must be selected.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 191

s Basics and Instructions t

If the checkbox is selected, you can specify further variable

description configuration settings. Click Configure Variable
Description to open the Diagnostic Variable Description
Configuration dialog. For example, you can specify to generate
DTC measurement variables which allow you to measure changes
on diagnostic trouble codes. For further information on the
configuration settings, refer to Configure Platform/Device
on page 431.
10 Specify the logical links to be used with the ECU Diagnostics
device by selecting or clearing the checkboxes to the left of the
Logical Link Names. An activated checkbox indicates that the
logical link is selected for ECU diagnostics.
Each logical link that is selected for ECU diagnostics must then be
configured as described in the following steps.
11 Choose a selected logical link and specify its diagnostic protocol.
The following diagnostic protocols are available:

Diagnostic Protocol Description

Diagnostics on CAN (ISO 15765) Diagnostics on CAN / KWP2000 on CAN
KWP2000 on KLine (ISO 14230) KWP2000 on KLine
OBD On-Board Diagnostics for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 1.6 Transport Protocol TP 1.6 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 2.0 Transport Protocol TP 2.0 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
UDS (ISO 14229) UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services)
The diagnostic protocol setting is preset with data from the ODX
database the first time you open the Select Logical Links dialog
during device configuration, provided that the ODX database
contains appropriate data. If no protocol setting can be associated,
the diagnostic protocol is set to 'None' and you must specify it
12 Select the physical connection that is to be used for the logical
link. The available physical connections depend on the selected
diagnostic protocol.
The physical connection is preset with data from the ODX
database the first time you open the Select Logical Links dialog
during device configuration, provided that the ODX database
contains appropriate data. If no physical connection setting can be
associated, the physical connection is set to 'None' and you must
specify it manually.

192 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Your logical link selection must not contain more than one
simulated logical link. If you select two or more logical links
for which "Simulation" is specified as the physical
connection, the selection is invalid and ControlDesk opens a
dialog for you to define a valid logical link selection.

The selected ECU connection requires further interface

configuration settings, corresponding to the selected physical
n For a CANbased logical link, see next step.
n For a KLinebased logical link, skip to step 16.
n For the "Simulation" physical connection, no further settings
are required; skip to step 19.
13 Click Configure.
The Interface Selection dialog opens.

14 Select the physical interface to be assigned to the logical link.

ControlDesk provides the following options:
n Select Automatic assignment to select a connected interface
n Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of
the connected interfaces from the list to be assigned to the
logical link.
n Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select Offline
configuration to select an interface to be assigned to the
logical link while the interface is currently not connected to the

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 193

s Basics and Instructions t

host PC. ControlDesk then prompts you to make some offline

configuration settings.
n You can also select a virtual interface for testing purposes
(possible for CAN interfaces only).
For further information on selecting physical CAN interfaces, refer
to Configure Platform/Device on page 431.
15 Click OK.
The Interface Selection dialog is closed; skip to step 19.
16 Click Configure.
The KLine Interface Selection dialog opens.

17 Select the physical KLine interface to be assigned to the logical

link. ControlDesk provides the following options:
n Select Automatic assignment to select a connected interface
automatically. If only one KLine interface is connected to the
host PC, ControlDesk assigns it to the device, regardless of the
serial number of the interface. If you have several KLine
interfaces connected to the host PC, ControlDesk assigns the

194 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

ECU Diagnostics device to the interface that has the smallest

serial number.
n Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of
the connected interfaces from the list to be assigned to the
logical link. All the KLine interfaces that are connected to the
host PC are listed with their serial numbers.

ControlDesk can use only one (physical) K-Line interface at a

For further information on selecting physical KLine interfaces,

refer to Configure Platform/Device on page 431.
18 Click OK to close the KLine Interface Selection dialog.
19 Repeat steps 11 18 for all the logical links that are selected for
use with the ECU Diagnostics device.
20 Click Next >.
The Active Logical Links dialog opens, displaying the
Communication Parameters page.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 195

s Basics and Instructions t

For each logical link selected to be used with the ECU Diagnostics
device, the relevant communication parameters are displayed with
the original values specified for them in the ODX database and
their manually configured values. By default, the configured values
are equal to the ODX values. You can switch between the active
logical links via the dropdown list at the top of the dialog.
21 If necessary, specify userdefined values for single communication
parameters by overwriting the appropriate entries in the
Configured Value column. To make the Configured Value fields
editable, the Use configured ComParam values checkbox must be
selected. To reset the configured value of a communication
parameter to its original ODX value, you can click the appropriate
Reset button.
Via the Use configured ComParam values checkbox, you can
specify to use the configured values for the communication
parameters. If the checkbox is cleared, the original ODX values are
You can modify the userdefined values or switch between the
ODX values and userdefined values later on via the Properties
controlbar. Refer to Logical Link Selection Properties on page 333.
22 Open the Connection Check page in the Active Logical Links
dialog to specify, for each individual active logical link, whether
and how to perform the (re)connection check and the cyclic ECU
communication check after the device is connected.

196 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

The connection check settings are made of two steps:

The global settings let you activate or deactivate the logicallink-
specific settings for executing the StartCommunication control
primitive and/or the TesterPresent service during the
connection/reconnection check and for executing the cyclic ECU
communication check when the device is connected. If an option
is globally enabled, the associated logicallink-specific properties
are activated and evaluated. You can then specify the option
individually for each active logical link (see below). If an option is
globally disabled, it is disabled for all logical links, and any
associated logicallink-specific settings are always deactivated and
do not take effect.
Via the logicallink-specific settings, you can disable the checks for
single active logical links or specify how to perform the enabled
checks for single active logical links.
n Execution of StartCommunication control primitive during the
connection check:
n To let ControlDesk execute a StartCommunication control
primitive during the connection check, ensure that the
Execute StartComm checkbox is selected for the logical link.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 197

s Basics and Instructions t

Enabling the Execute StartComm option ensures that

ControlDesk activates the cyclic transmission of
TesterPresent messages to the ECU if specified in the ODX
database. You can disable the cyclic transmission via the
configuration of the COMPARAMs.
n Clear the Execute StartComm checkbox to disable the
execution of the StartCommunication control primitive
during the connection check for the selected logical link.

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the
StartCommunication control primitive must be executed to
initialize the bus. So if you want to access an ECU via
KLine, you should not disable this option, because
otherwise communication with an ECU via KLine might
be impossible.

n Execution of a TesterPresent service during the connection

n To let ControlDesk execute a TesterPresent service with a
specific semantic, ensure that the Execute TesterPresent
checkbox is selected for the logical link, select Execute a
service with the specified semantic from the TesterPresent
behavior list and, in the Semantic for service identification
edit field, select the semantic that classifies the service to be
used for the connection check (default setting:
n To let ControlDesk execute a TesterPresent service that
matches the selected diagnostic protocol, make sure that
the Execute TesterPresent checkbox is selected for the
logical link, and select Send the protocol-specific
TesterPresent service from the TesterPresent behavior list.
For details on the used request PDU and response PDU
values, refer to Active Logical Links - Connection Check
page on page 388.
n To let ControlDesk send a custom request PDU to the ECU
and react to the ECU's response in a defined manner,
ensure that the Execute TesterPresent checkbox is selected
for the logical link, select the suitable Send a custom PDU,
accept ... entry from the TesterPresent behavior list and
specify the request PDU to be executed via the hex service
in the Request PDU edit field. If only one specific response

198 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

PDU means a successful connection check, specify that PDU

in the Response PDU edit field.
n Clear the Execute TesterPresent checkbox to disable the
execution of a TesterPresent service during the connection
check for the selected logical link.

For CANbased diagnostic protocols, the connection check
that is performed during the state transition from
"disconnected" to "connected" is done by executing a
TesterPresent service for the logical links. So if you want to
check the access to an ECU via CAN, you should enable
this option and specify the TesterPresent configuration

n Cyclic connection state check:

n To let ControlDesk execute a TesterPresent service to check
the ECU communication cyclically after the logical link is
connected, ensure that the Cyclic connection state check
(executes TesterPresent) checkbox is selected for the logical
link. ControlDesk then transmits a message (according to
the TesterPresent Configuration you specified for the logical

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 199

s Basics and Instructions t

link) cyclically to the ECU to check whether ECU

communication is available.

n ControlDesk comes with default configuration settings for
the connection check according to the diagnostic protocol
used. Via the Reset to default button you can reset the
logicallink-specific configuration settings for the
connection check behavior to their default values.
n In some cases, ControlDesk displays symbols that mark
specific configurations. The tool tips of the symbols
provide corresponding information.

n A symbol next to a property indicates that you can

get more information on a certain setting. For
example, if an option is globally disabled, ControlDesk
displays the symbol next to the associated logicallink-
specific properties.
n StartCommunication control primitives with the
NoOperation property set to True are indicated by a
symbol, indicating that the control primitive is not
suitable for the connection check since it does not
send a request to the ECU.

n A symbol indicates that a recommended setting

has been switched off or modified, which can result in
deactivated functionality. For example, if you disable
Execute StartComm, but there are StartCommunication
control primitives with the NoOperation property set to
FALSE, ControlDesk displays the symbol.

23 Specify whether and when the diagnostic job for preparing the
ECU for security access is to be executed (with every online
calibration start, or only if a variable description was generated
from the ODX database for the ECU Diagnostics device). To do so,
select the appropriate value from the Security access execution
behavior list.

200 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

24 Click Next >.

The Advanced Settings dialog opens.

25 Select whether diagnosticsspecific checks are to be performed

when working with the ECU Diagnostics device and specify
general settings for the device.
For further information, refer to Configure Platform/Device
on page 431.
26 Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
27 In the dialog, view and specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify diagnostics settings for the selected device. Diagnostics Settings Properties on page 306
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To select logical links for ECU diagnostics, to display the active logical Logical Link Selection Properties on page 333
links of the ECU Diagnostics device with their configurations, and to
specify connection check settings and configure communication
parameters individually for each active logical link.
To display and configure the ODX database specified for the selected Active ODX Database / ODX Database Properties
ECU Diagnostics device. on page 279
To display the vehicle that is selected to be used with the selected ECU Vehicle Selection Properties on page 345
Diagnostics device and to select another vehicle.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 201

s Basics and Instructions t

28 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.

Result You have now configured the ECU Diagnostics device. The logical
links which are selected for use with this device are displayed in the
Project Manager.

ControlDesk displays the settings you specified during device
configuration hierarchically in the device's Properties controlbar.
You can also (re)configure an ECU Diagnostics device via the
Properties controlbar. Refer to Platform/Device-Related
Properties on page 275.

Next steps You can now place instruments on a layout and perform ECU
diagnostics tasks, or, if a variable description was generated from the
ODX database for the device, measure and calibrate scalar diagnostics
variables via the ECU Diagnostics device. Refer to
n ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics
n ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording
n Calibrating Parameters ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Calibration and Data Set Management)
n How to Program the ECU Flash Memory via a Diagnostic Protocol
on page 223
You can specify multiple diagnostics databases for the device. Only
one database can be active at a time. Refer to
n Add ODX Database on page 372
n Activate ODX Database on page 369
n Configure ODX Database on page 406

Related topics Basics

Basics of the ECU Diagnostics Device on page 179
Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500

202 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Video Capturing Device Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

Basics on Video Capturing Devices 203
With ControlDesks Video Capturing device, you can capture video
signals synchronously to signals from other platforms/devices.
How to Configure Video Capturing Devices 206
ControlDesk can access a Video Capturing device only if the device is
configured correctly.

Basics on Video Capturing Devices

With ControlDesks Video Capturing device, you can record video

data synchronously to signals from other platforms/devices.

Camera view


Sensor and
control unit
LIN, CAN, FlexRay

Ethernet, USB
ControlDesk Next Generation

In addition, you can simulate a real camera by playing video streams

or replaying already recorded videos synchronously to signals from
other platforms during measurements.

Supported cameras ControlDesks Video Capturing device supports all the cameras using
DirectShow. DirectShow is a multimedia framework and API for

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 203

s Basics and Instructions t

Microsoft Windows operating systems to handle media files and

streams. The supported cameras are usually Plug and Play cameras
connected via USB or Ethernet. When you connect a camera using
DirectShow for the first time, Microsoft Windows automatically
installs the driver. Make sure that it is the correct driver for the
camera (check manufacturers name and product name), otherwise
some functions of the camera may not be available.
Some cameras need special drivers that you must install and activate
manually. For example, cameras from IDS (http://www.ids- need special drivers to work with ControlDesks
DirectShow interface. For more information, refer to Required Third-
Party Software ( Software Installation and Management Guide).

Integrated and separate You can choose between two methods to save video data in
capture modes ControlDesk:
n Integrated means that the video data is saved in the measurement
data file (MF4 or IDF file) together with other measurement data.

To record large videos with high resolution and high quality,
it is recommended to use the Separate capture mode to
reduce the size of the measurement data files. However, to
work with large MF4 or IDF files in ControlDesk, you can split
them using the DSSIGCONV tool. Refer to How to Extract
Data from a Measurement Data File ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Measurement and Recording).

n Separate means that the video data is saved to a separate AVI

video file. Select this option if you want to prevent the
measurement data file from becoming too large. Information for
synchronizing video data with data from other platforms/devices is
saved in the measurement data file.

Video data saved separately with the Separate capture mode
is not saved with the Save Buffer command.

Supported video codecs The Video Capturing device lets you specify a video codec to
compress/decompress video data. In Separate capture mode, you can
use any of the video codecs that are installed on the host PC for the
Video Capturing device. For example, you can use the Xvid codec
( By default, the Microsoft Video 1 codec is the used. It
is available on all Microsoft Windows operating systems. For more

204 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

information, refer to the Codec Setting property in the Compression

Settings Properties on page 304.

Recording and replaying If your recording also contains measurement data from other
measurement data devices/platforms, the video data is automatically synchronized to the
synchronously measurement data. As shown in the illustration below, the time
cursors of the Plotter and the Video Monitoring instrument are

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 205

s Basics and Instructions t

Virtual cameras to play The Video Capturing device lets you specify a virtual camera to replay
streamed video data or recorded videos or play data from video streams. This is particularly
replay a recorded video useful if you want to simulate a real video recording and synchronize
synchronously to signal it to signal measurements.

File size and quality of your The Video Capturing device provides several properties that influence
video the file size and the quality of a video in both, the integrated and the
separate capture mode. Some of those properties are listed below.

Property Description
Image width and Lets you specify the video resolution in
Image height pixels [px]. Higher resolutions provide
better quality but they also increase the file
size of the video.
Frame rate Lets you specify the frames per seconds
[fps]. Higher frame rates provide better
quality because motion is smoother, but
they also increase the file size of the video.
Color mode Lets you specify the color mode.
RGB 24 bit color provides better quality
because of the color spectrum, but also
increases the file size of the video.
Grayscale 8 bit provides lower quality
because of the missing colors, but it
reduces the file size of the video.

Capturing audio data The Video Capturing device can also record audio data in addition to
the video stream. If you use the Separate capture mode, you can
activate audio capturing, select an audio device, and specify further
audio capturing settings, for example, the audio format. For further
information, refer to Audio Settings Properties on page 284.

How to Configure Video Capturing Devices

Objective ControlDesk can access a Video Capturing device only if the device is
configured correctly.

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.

206 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

n Some cameras need special drivers that you must install and
activate manually. For example, cameras from IDS (http://www.ids- need special drivers to work with ControlDesks
DirectShow interface. For more information, refer to Required
Third-Party Software ( Software Installation and Management

Method To configure a Video Capturing device

1 From the context menu of a Video Capturing device in the Project
Manager, select Configure Platform/Device.
The Camera Selection dialog opens.
2 Select the camera you want to assign to the device. ControlDesk
provides the following options:
n Select Automatic assignment to let ControlDesk select a
camera automatically.
n Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of
the cameras from the list. You can select:

n Direct Show cameras: Cameras connected to your PC

using ControlDesk's DirectShow interface in order to record
and replay videos.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 207

s Basics and Instructions t

n Virtual camera: A virtual camera to simulate a real video

recording and synchronize it to signal measurements.

3 Click Next.
The All Properties dialog opens.
You can use the default properties or set them according to your
needs. For example, you can select the Integrated or Separate
capture mode.

For further information on the properties, refer to Video Capturing

on page 265.
4 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Virtual Camera Settings The Video Capturing device lets you specify a virtual camera to replay
already recorded videos or use data from video streams as input.

n If you choose a virtual camera to replay recorded videos ( ),

you must select the video file you want to display. The supported
video formats are AVI, MPG and WMV. In addition, you can set
the behavior of the video:

208 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Setting Description
Auto-repeat Once finished, the video is automatically repeated.
Online Calibration The video starts after you have started online calibration.
Restart Video on Measurement Start The video automatically restarts with every new measurement.
Measurement The video starts upon initializing a measurement.

n If you choose a virtual camera to use streaming media as the video

input ( ), you must specify the streaming source. The
supported format is MJPEG (Motion JPEG).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 209

s Basics and Instructions t

Result You have configured a Video Capturing device.

If a camera is already connected to another Video Capturing
device in the current experiment, it is displayed under Cameras in

Related topics Basics

Basics on Video Capturing Devices on page 203
Video Capturing on page 265

XCP Device Configuration

Where to go from here Information in this section

How to Configure an XCP on CAN Device 211
ControlDesk can access an ECU with XCP on CAN only if the XCP on
CAN device is configured correctly.
How to Configure an XCP on Ethernet Device 215
ControlDesk can access an ECU with XCP on Ethernet only if the XCP on
Ethernet device is configured correctly.
How to Configure an XCP on FlexRay Device 217
ControlDesk can access an ECU with XCP on FlexRay only if the XCP on
FlexRay device is configured correctly.

210 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

How to Configure an XCP on CAN Device

Objective ControlDesk can access an ECU with XCP on CAN only if the XCP on
CAN device is configured correctly.

Configuring an XCP on CAN Configuring an XCP on CAN device means selecting the CAN
device interface and configuring XCP features. XCP service parameters such
as CAN identifiers are taken from the variable description. You can
change them if necessary.
For details on working with an ECU with XCP on CAN in connection
with ControlDesk's XCP on CAN device, refer to the XCP Feature
Reference. For details on CANrelated settings, refer to Supported
CAN Interfaces on page 44.

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.
n To use a CAN channel of a SCALEXIO system or on VEOS as the
CAN interface, the following conditions must be met:
n The SCALEXIO or VEOS platform must be registered in
ControlDesk. Refer to How to Register a Platform on page 60.
n A suitable application must be loaded to the SCALEXIO or
VEOS platform. Refer to Basics on Handling Simulation
Applications on page 116.
n To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with
bus interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in
Vector Informatik's hardware configuration tool. The tool is
accessible via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

Method To configure an XCP on CAN device

1 Select the XCP on CAN device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 211

s Basics and Instructions t

The Interface Selection dialog opens.

3 Select the physical interface to be assigned to the device.

ControlDesk provides various options. What to do also depends on
the interface you use:
Interface Type Interface Assignment
Connected PCbased n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a connected PCbased interface
interface (e.g., automatically.
DCICAN2 or Vector n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the connected
CANcardXL) PCbased interfaces from the list to be assigned to the device.
Currently not Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select Offline configuration to select a PCbased interface
connected PCbased to be assigned to the device while the interface is currently not connected to the host PC. ControlDesk
interface then prompts you to make some offline configuration settings.
Bus channel of Bus channels of a SCALEXIO system or VEOS must be made available to the device before they can be
SCALEXIO or VEOS assigned to the device.
n If the bus channel to be used has not been configured for the device yet:
1. Select the Automatic assignment checkbox.
2. Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
3. If the current experiment contains a SCALEXIO or VEOS platform with suitable bus channels, you
can specify to inherit the settings from the platform and thus make the bus channels of the platform
available to the device:
n Select the Inheritance checkbox.

212 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Interface Type Interface Assignment

n The Inherit from platform property lists all the possible platforms in the current experiment.
Select the SCALEXIO or VEOS platform to inherit the settings from.

If the current experiment does not contain a suitable SCALEXIO or VEOS platform or if you want to
assign another bus channel to the device, you have to specify the IP address of the corresponding
SCALEXIO system or VEOS platform manually:
n Expand the Interface search attributes property to show the IP addresses property.

n Click or select Add from the context menu to add an edit field for an IP address.
n Enter the IP address of the SCALEXIO system or VEOS platform whose bus channel you want to
assign to the device.

If the bus channel of SCALEXIO that you want to use is also used in the model underlying the
application currently loaded to the SCALEXIO platform, you must enter the IP address that is
specified in the model.
To use a bus channel of VEOS, always enter as the IP address.
4. Specify the connection option for the specified bus channel. Click the Browse button of the
Interface selection property to open the Interface Selection dialog.

n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a bus channel of a SCALEXIO

system or on VEOS automatically.
n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the listed bus
channels to be assigned to the device.
5. Click OK to close the Interface Selection dialog.
n If the bus channel to be used has already been configured for the device:
n Automatic assignment: Select Automatic assignment to select a bus channel of a SCALEXIO system
or on VEOS automatically.
n Manual assignment: Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of the listed bus
channels to be assigned to the device.
Virtual interface (for Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select a virtual interface that is simulated on the host PC
testing purposes) (possible for CAN interfaces only).

Do not mix up the Virtual CAN interface with CAN channels on VEOS.

For further information, refer to the Interface Selection (CAN-,

LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices) page on page 451.
4 Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 213

s Basics and Instructions t

5 In the dialog, specify the settings:

Purpose Refer to
To select the CAN interface for the selected device. CAN Interface Properties on page 290
To specify CAN settings for the selected CANbased device. CAN Settings Properties on page 291
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329
To specify XCP on CANspecific communication settings for the selected XCP on CAN Settings Properties on page 349
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties
on page 353
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
DCIGSI2 device. on page 358
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement. XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property
on page 360
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property
on page 361
To specify seed and key settings for the selected XCP device. XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties
on page 353

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.
7 If the Read XCP settings from ECU property is selected for the
device, the ECU interface settings are uploaded from the ECU
when the device is connected. If there are inconsistencies between
the configuration settings currently used by the device and the
configuration information on the ECU, a dialog opens for you to
specify whether to use the current value or the one from the ECU
for each inconsistent ECU interface setting.

Result You have now configured the XCP on CAN device.

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500
XCP Feature Reference

214 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

How to Configure an XCP on Ethernet Device

Objective ControlDesk can access an ECU with XCP on Ethernet only if the XCP
on Ethernet device is configured correctly.

ControlDesk also lets you access XCP on Ethernet-based
measurement modules via the XCP on Ethernet device.

Configuring an XCP on Configuring an XCP on Ethernet device means selecting the Ethernet
Ethernet device device and configuring XCP features. XCP service parameters are
taken from the variable description. You can change them if
For details on working with an ECU with XCP on Ethernet in
connection with ControlDesk's XCP on Ethernet device, refer to the
XCP Feature Reference.

Preconditions Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.

Method To configure an XCP on Ethernet device

1 Select the XCP on Ethernet device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 215

s Basics and Instructions t

The Network Adapter dialog opens.

3 Select the Network Adapter to be used for communication with

the ECU. ControlDesk automatically selects a network adapter on
the basis of the ECU IP address if you added a variable description
to the device.
4 Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
5 In the dialog, specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To specify Ethernet settings for the selected platform/device. Ethernet Settings Properties on page 307
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329
To specify network adapter settings for the selected platform/device. Network Adapter Properties on page 338
To specify the settings of the transport layer on the ECU with XCP/DCI- Transport Layer Settings Properties on page 343
To specify the communication settings of the selected platform/device. XCP on Ethernet/GSI2 Ethernet Settings Properties
on page 350
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties
on page 353
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
DCIGSI2 device. on page 358

216 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

Purpose Refer to
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement. XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property
on page 360
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property
on page 361
To specify seed and key settings for the selected XCP device. XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties
on page 353

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for
the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the
Platform/Device State Overview dialog.
7 If the Read XCP settings from ECU property is selected for the
device, the ECU interface settings are uploaded from the ECU
when the device is connected. If there are inconsistencies between
the configuration settings currently used by the device and the
configuration information on the ECU, a dialog opens for you to
specify whether to use the current value or the one from the ECU
for each inconsistent ECU interface setting.

Result You have now configured the XCP on Ethernet device.

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500
XCP Feature Reference

How to Configure an XCP on FlexRay Device

Objective ControlDesk can access an ECU with XCP on FlexRay only if the XCP
on FlexRay device is configured correctly.

Configuring an XCP on Configuring an XCP on FlexRay device means selecting the FlexRay
FlexRay device interface and configuring XCP and FlexRay features. The
configuration parameters are taken from the variable description (A2L
file which includes an appropriate IF_DATA section for XCP on FlexRay)
and the FIBEX file which is referenced in the variable description file.
You can change the settings if necessary.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 217

s Basics and Instructions t

For details on working with an ECU with XCP on FlexRay in

connection with ControlDesk's XCP on FlexRay device, refer to the
XCP Feature Reference.
ControlDesk supports various FlexRay interface modules. Refer to
Supported FlexRay Interfaces on page 46.

Preconditions n Add the device to the experiment first. Refer to How to Add a
Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49.
n To use ControlDesk's timer resynchronization in connection with
bus interfaces from Vector Informatik, perform the following
1. Enable the Software time synchronization option in
Vector Informatik's hardware configuration tool. The tool is
accessible via the Control Panel.
2. Restart the interface driver.
For details, refer to Vector Informatik's user documentation.

Method To configure an XCP on FlexRay device

1 Select the XCP on FlexRay device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Configure
The Interface Selection dialog opens.

218 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Handling Devices t

3 Select the physical interface to be assigned to the device.

ControlDesk provides the following options:
n Select Automatic assignment to select a connected interface
n Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select one of
the connected interfaces from the list to be assigned to the
n Clear the Automatic assignment checkbox and select Offline
configuration to select an interface to be assigned to the
device while the interface is currently not connected to the
host PC. ControlDesk then prompts you to make some offline
configuration settings.
For further information on selecting physical interfaces, refer to
Configure Platform/Device on page 431.
4 Click Next >.
The All Properties dialog opens.
5 In the dialog, specify the settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To select the FlexRay interface type for the selected device. FlexRay Interface Properties on page 308
To specify FlexRay-specific settings for the selected device. FlexRay Settings Properties on page 309
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify the settings of the transport layer on the ECU with XCP/DCI- Transport Layer Settings Properties on page 343
To specify XCP on FlexRayspecific communication settings for the XCP on FlexRay Settings Properties on page 351
selected device.
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties
on page 353
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
DCIGSI2 device. on page 358
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement. XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property
on page 360
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property
on page 361
To specify seed and key settings for the selected XCP device. XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties
on page 353

6 Click Finish to close the dialog.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks whether the platform/device is in the
"connected" state. If the connection cannot be established,
ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State Overview dialog for

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 219

s Basics and Instructions t

the platform/device. Click OK or Cancel to close the

Platform/Device State Overview dialog.
7 If the Read XCP settings from ECU property is selected for the
device, the ECU interface settings are uploaded from the ECU
when the device is connected. If there are inconsistencies between
the configuration settings currently used by the device and the
configuration information on the ECU, a dialog opens for you to
specify whether to use the current value or the one from the ECU
for each inconsistent ECU interface setting.

Result You have now configured the XCP on FlexRay device.

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog on page 500
XCP Feature Reference

220 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming the ECU Flash Memory t

Programming the ECU Flash Memory

Objective You can program the flash memory of ECUs. This allows you to store
a modified data set or a new ECU software revision on an ECU
permanently. The modified data set also remains active after you stop
using a calibration tool.

Where to go from here Information in this section

How to Start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool 221
Using the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool, the flash memory of
ECUs can be programmed via ECU interfaces. You can access the tool
from within ControlDesk.
How to Program the ECU Flash Memory via a Diagnostic 223
With the ControlDesk ECU Diagnostics Module, the flash memory of
ECUs can be programmed via diagnostic protocols. ControlDesk uses the
flash programming information contained in the ODX database for this.

How to Start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool

Objective Using the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool, the flash memory of
ECUs can be programmed via ECU interfaces. You can access the tool
from within ControlDesk.

Restrictions Programming the flash memory of ECUs using the dSPACE ECU Flash
Programming Tool is possible only for various ECU types. Refer to
Supported ECU Interface Types ( ECU Flash Programming).

Preconditions To program the flash memory of an ECU, you must have an ECU
Image file which contains the calibration data, ECU application code
and/or ECU boot code to be flashed to the ECU. For example, you can
create an ECU Image file out of the data set to be programmed to the
flash memory. Refer to How to Create an ECU Image File
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data Set

Possible methods n You can start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool via the
Windows Start menu. Refer to Method 1 on page 222.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 221

s Basics and Instructions t

n You can start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool from
within ControlDesk. Refer to Method 2 on page 222.

Method 1 To start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool via the
Windows Start menu
1 From the Windows Start menu, select Programs dSPACE ECU
Flash Programming Tool dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool.

Method 2 To start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool from within
1 From the context menu of the device, select Flash ECU.

Result The dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool is started, displaying the
last selected flash project.

If you want to use the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool
with a specific ECU Image file as the flash data source, you can
use one of the following alternative methods to start the tool:
n You can start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool from
ControlDesk Next Generation. Doubleclick the ECU Image
file to be used as the flash data source in ControlDesks
Project Manager, or select Open from its context menu.
n You can start the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool from
Windows Explorer. Navigate to the ECU Image file to be used
as the flash data source in Windows Explorer and doubleclick

222 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming the ECU Flash Memory t

The HEX, MOT, S19, and SREC file name extensions are
automatically associated with the dSPACE ECU Flash
Programming Tool, if you confirmed this when installing the
dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool. If the dSPACE ECU Flash
Programming Tool does not start when you use one of the
methods of opening the tool from an ECU Image file described
above, check whether the file name extension of the selected
ECU Image file is associated with the dSPACE ECU Flash
Programming Tool, that is, whether the dSPACE ECU Flash
Programming Tool has been selected for opening files of this
type. If it is, a small icon indicating the dSPACE ECU Flash
Programming Tool is displayed beside the ECU Image file in
Windows Explorer.

Next steps You can now select an existing or define a new flash project for ECU
flash programming or testing purposes. For details on the dSPACE
ECU Flash Programming Tool and how to carry out the ECU flash
programming, refer to the ECU Flash Programming document.

Related topics References

Flash ECU on page 476
Open (External Document / ECU Image File Created in ControlDesk) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment Management)

How to Program the ECU Flash Memory via a Diagnostic


Objective With the ControlDesk ECU Diagnostics Module, the flash memory of
ECUs can be programmed via diagnostic protocols. ControlDesk uses
the flash programming information contained in the ODX database
for this.

Preconditions n An ECU Diagnostics device must be available in the active

n The appropriate ECU must be connected to the host PC.
n The device must be configured correctly. Refer to How to
Configure an ECU Diagnostics Device on page 184.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 223

s Basics and Instructions t

n The device must be in the disconnected state.

n The flash programming information in the ODX database must be
valid, and the compiled Java file (CLASS or JAR files) containing the
flash job must be available in the database.
n You can import a PDX package to specify an ODX diagnostics
database. If you do so, note the following: To execute diagnostic
jobs and/or perform ECU flash memory programming, it is not
sufficient that the related files (such as CLASS, JAR, or HEX files) are
in the PDX package. You have to import these files in addition to
the PDX package.

Restriction DiagnosticsManagementEvents / IXaDiagnosticsManagementEvents

<<Events>> events are not triggered when you perform ECU flash
programming as described below. The events are triggered only when
you execute an ECU flash programming session via automation.

Method To program the ECU flash memory via a diagnostic protocol

1 Select the ECU Diagnostics device in the Project Manager.
2 From the context menu of the device, select Flash ECU.
The ECU Flash Programming dialog opens.

224 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming the ECU Flash Memory t

3 Specify the ECU to be flashed by selecting the appropriate logical

link from the list. The list contains all the logical links that were
selected for use with the device during device configuration.
4 Select a flash session from the list of all the flash sessions defined
in the ODX database for the selected logical link.
The flash data files belonging to the selected flash session are
displayed on the Flash Data Files tab.
5 You can replace a flash data file on the list by any other ECU
Image file that matches the selected ECU, provided that the flash
data file's latebound settings in the ODX database allow this. To
specify a flash data file, type text in the File edit field, or click the
Browse button and select the ECU Image file in the Flash File
dialog. If the flash data file selection is not modifiable, the Browse
button is disabled.

6 The Input Parameter tab displays the input parameters of the flash
job belonging to the selected flash session. You can change the
settings of writable input parameters before the flash operation is
7 On the Options tab, you can specify whether the flash job
contains the StartCommunication control primitive or ControlDesk
must execute the control primitive before the flash job is started.
n With the checkbox selected, ControlDesk starts the flash job
(which is expected to execute the StartCommunication control
primitive) without having to execute any control primitives
n With the checkbox cleared, ControlDesk executes the
StartCommunication control primitive before it starts the flash

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the
StartCommunication control primitive must be executed first
to initialize the bus. Otherwise, communication with an ECU
via KLine is impossible.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 225

s Basics and Instructions t

8 Click Execute to start the flash operation.

Information on the current status, warnings, error messages, etc.,

about the flashing operation are displayed in the Output field
according to the implementation of the flash job. The progress of
the ECU flash programming operation is shown at the bottom of
the dialog, and the elapsed time of the running operation is
You can cancel the ECU flash programming operation by clicking
the Cancel button. However, this may lead to unpredictable results
or conflicts, depending on the point in time the ECU flash
programming process is aborted. For example, aborting a flashing
operation while ECU boot code is being flashed to the ECU may
make the ECU completely unflashable. If you abort a flashing
operation while ECU application code is being programmed to the
ECU, the application might not run.
9 When ECU flash programming is completed, click Close.
ControlDesk closes the ECU Flash Programming dialog.

Result You have supplied the ECUs flash memory with the latest software
revision and/or new calibration data.

226 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming the ECU Flash Memory t

Related topics References

Flash ECU (ECU Diagnostics) on page 477

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 227

s Basics and Instructions t

228 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

Reference Information

Where to go from here Information in this section

Platform/Device Descriptions 230
Platform/Device-Related Properties 275
Platform/Device-Related Commands 363

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 229

s Reference Information t

Platform/Device Descriptions

Where to go from here Information in this section

CAN Bus Monitoring 231
Provides a description of the CAN Bus Monitoring device.
CCP 233
Provides a description of the CCP device.
Provides a description of the DCIGSI1 device.
DCI-GSI2 236
Provides a description of the DCIGSI2 device.
DS1005 PPC Board 238
Provides a description of the DS1005 PPC Board platform.
DS1006 Processor Board 240
Provides a description of the DS1006 Processor Board platform.
DS1007 PPC Processor Board 242
Provides a description of the DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform.
DS1103 PPC Controller Board 245
Provides a description of the DS1103 PPC Controller Board platform.
DS1104 R&D Controller Board 246
Provides a description of the DS1104 R&D Controller Board platform.
DS1202 MicroLabBox 248
Provides a description of the DS1202 MicroLabBox platform.
ECU Diagnostics 251
Provides a description of the ECU Diagnostics device.
FlexRay Bus Monitoring 252
Provides a description of the FlexRay Bus Monitoring device.
LIN Bus Monitoring 254
Provides a description of the LIN Bus Monitoring device.
MicroAutoBox 255
Provides a description of the MicroAutoBox platform.
Multiprocessor System 258
Provides a description of the Multiprocessor System platform.
Provides a description of the SCALEXIO platform.
VEOS 262
Provides a description of the VEOS platform.

230 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Video Capturing 265

Provides a description of the Video Capturing device.
XCP on CAN 266
Provides a description of the XCP on CAN device.
XCP on Ethernet 268
Provides a description of the XCP on Ethernet device.
XCP on FlexRay 271
Provides a description of the XCP on FlexRay device.
XIL API MAPort 273
Provides a description of the XIL API MAPort platform.

CAN Bus Monitoring

CAN Bus Monitoring device A device that monitors the data

stream on a CAN bus connected to the ControlDesk PC.
The CAN Bus Monitoring device works, for example, with PC-based
CAN interfaces such as the DCICAN2.
The device supports the following variable description file types:
n AUTOSAR system description

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to Bus Device
Configuration on page 158.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To select the CAN interface for the selected device. CAN Interface Properties on page 290
To specify CAN settings for the selected CANbased device. CAN Settings Properties on page 291
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify the byte order format for the DAQ data. DAQ Settings Properties on page 305
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 231

s Reference Information t

Related commands The CAN Bus Monitoring device provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

232 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t


CCP device A device that provides access to an ECU with CCP

connected to the ControlDesk PC via CAN, for example, for
measurement and calibration purposes via CCP (CAN Calibration

Introduction to CCP and the For an introduction, refer to Introduction to the Features of CCP and
CCP device the CCP Device ( CCP Feature Reference).

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to How to Configure
a CCP Device on page 168.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To select the CAN interface for the selected device. CAN Interface Properties on page 290
To specify CAN settings for the selected CANbased device. CAN Settings Properties on page 291
To specify CCP-specific settings for the selected device. CCP Settings Properties on page 298
To specify advanced settings for the selected CCP device. CCP Settings Advanced Properties on page 293
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected CCP device. CCP Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
on page 297
To specify seed and key settings for the selected CCP device. CCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties
on page 300
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329

Related commands The CCP device provides the following commands:

Purpose Refer to
To save calibration data from the active memory page to the ECUs Activate Data Page Freezing on page 368
nonvolatile memory.
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To initiate a consistency check (EPK check) manually. Check EPK on page 401
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 233

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the memory Memory Segments on page 489
of the selected device.
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

Related topics References

CCP Feature Reference


DCIGSI1 device A device that provides access to an ECU with

DCIGSI1 connected to the ControlDesk PC for measurement,
calibration, and bypassing purposes via the ECU's debug interface.

234 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Feature overview For a feature overview of the DCIGSI1, refer to Features of the
DCIGSI1 ( DCI-GSI1 Feature Reference).

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to How to Assign a
DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 Device on page 172.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To select a connected DCI-GSI1 interface and assign it to the device. GSI Interface Properties on page 324
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected DCI-GSI1 GSI Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
device. on page 325
To specify the settings of the overlay elements. Overlay Management Properties on page 339

Related commands The DCIGSI1 device provides the following commands:

Purpose Refer to
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To initiate a consistency check (EPK check) manually. Check EPK on page 401
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To open the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool. Flash ECU on page 476
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the memory Memory Segments on page 489
of the selected device.
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 235

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

Related topics References

DCI-GSI1 Feature Reference


DCI-GSI2 device A device that provides access to an ECU with DCI-

GSI2 connected to the ControlDesk PC for measurement, calibration,
and bypassing purposes via the ECU's debug interface.

Feature overview For a feature overview of the DCI-GSI2, refer to Features of the DCI-
GSI2 ( DCI-GSI2 Feature Reference).

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to How to Assign a
DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 Device on page 174.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To specify Ethernet settings for the selected platform/device. Ethernet Settings Properties on page 307
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify network adapter settings for the selected platform/device. Network Adapter Properties on page 338

236 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Purpose Refer to
To specify the settings of the transport layer on the ECU with XCP/DCI- Transport Layer Settings Properties on page 343
To specify the communication settings of the selected platform/device. XCP on Ethernet/GSI2 Ethernet Settings Properties
on page 350
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties
on page 353
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
DCIGSI2 device. on page 358
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement. XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property
on page 360
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property
on page 361

Related commands The device provides the following commands:

Purpose Refer to
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To initiate a consistency check (EPK check) manually. Check EPK on page 401
To clear the quick start measurement configuration in the ECUs Clear Quick Start Configuration on page 404
nonvolatile memory.
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To open the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool. Flash ECU on page 476
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the memory Memory Segments on page 489
of the selected device.
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 237

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

Related topics References

DCI-GSI2 Feature Reference

DS1005 PPC Board

DS1005 PPC Board platform A platform that provides access to a

DS1005 PPC Board connected to the host PC for function prototyping
and HIL simulation purposes.

Feature overview For a feature overview of the DS1005 PPC Board, refer to Feature
Overview ( DS1005 Features).

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.

Platform properties The platform provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To display details of the selected board. Board Details Properties on page 285
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To display the connection settings of the selected platform. Connection Settings Properties on page 304

238 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Purpose Refer to
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display the memory settings of the selected platform. Memory Properties on page 337
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently Real-Time Application Properties on page 340
loaded to the platform.
To display module version information for the selected platform. Version Properties on page 347

Related commands The DS1005 PPC Board platform provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in part. Clear Flash on page 403
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To load a real-time application to the RAM of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load on page 502
and start it automatically.
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
and start it automatically. (DS1005/DS1006/DS1104/MicroAutoBox)
on page 503
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To reload the currently loaded application. Real-Time Application - Reload on page 506
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 239

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the application running on the selected platform. Stop RTP on page 531
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533
To upload flight recorder data and save it to a measurement file. Upload Flash Flightrecorder Contents on page 537

Related topics Basics

DS1005 Features

DS1006 Processor Board

DS1006 Processor Board platform A platform that provides access

to a DS1006 Processor Board connected to the host PC for HIL
simulation and function prototyping purposes.

Feature overview For a feature overview of the DS1006 Processor Board, refer to
Feature Overview ( DS1006 Features).

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.

Platform properties The DS1006 Processor Board platform provides the following
properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To display details of the selected board. Board Details Properties on page 285
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To display the connection settings of the selected platform. Connection Settings Properties on page 304
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313

240 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Purpose Refer to
To display the memory settings of the selected platform. Memory Properties on page 337
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently Real-Time Application Properties on page 340
loaded to the platform.
To display module version information for the selected platform. Version Properties on page 347

Related commands The DS1006 Processor Board platform provides the following
Purpose Refer to
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in part. Clear Flash on page 403
To load a real-time application to the RAM of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load on page 502
and start it automatically.
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
and start it automatically. (DS1005/DS1006/DS1104/MicroAutoBox)
on page 503
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To reload the currently loaded application. Real-Time Application - Reload on page 506
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 241

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the application running on the selected platform. Stop RTP on page 531
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533

Related topics Basics

DS1006 Features

DS1007 PPC Processor Board

DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform A platform that provides

access to a single multicore DS1007 PPC Processor Board or a DS1007
multiprocessor system consisting of two or more DS1007 PPC
Processor Boards, connected to the host PC for HIL simulation and
function prototyping purposes.

The DS1007 PPC Processor Board is the successor to the DS1005
PPC Board. For the differences in ControlDesk's working
concepts for the DS1005 and the DS1007, refer to Working
Concept Differences Between DS1005 and DS1007 on page 89.

Feature overview For a feature overview of the DS1007 PPC Processor Board, refer to
Feature Overview ( DS1007 Features).

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.
For further general information on working with a DS1007 platform,
refer to DS1007 Platform Configuration on page 85.

242 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Platform properties The DS1007 Processor Board platform provides the following
properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To display details of the selected board. Board Details Properties on page 285
To display hardware information on the selected component of the Board Hardware Properties on page 286
DS1007, MicroLabBox, or SCALEXIO system.
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To display the connection settings of the selected platform. Connection Settings Properties on page 304
To display information identifying the hardware-related software. Firmware Version Property on page 308
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display information on the Gigalink connections of the selected Gigalink Information Properties on page 323
DS1007 multiprocessor system.
To display information on the host interface settings. Host Interface Properties on page 325
To display details on the selected component of the DS1007, Identification Properties on page 327
MicroLabBox or SCALEXIO system or VEOS simulator for identification
To display the DS1005/DS1006 processor boards that form the selected Member Overview Properties on page 335
Multiprocessor System platform, or the DS1007 PPC Processor Boards
that constitute the selected DS1007 platform, with their configuration
To display the memory settings of the selected platform. Memory Properties on page 337
To display information on the hardware that is assigned to the selected Online Details Properties on page 339
active member of the multiprocessor/multicore system, and state
information on the application process that is currently loaded to the
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently Real-Time Application Properties on page 340
loaded to the platform.

Related commands The DS1007 Processor Board platform provides the following
Purpose Refer to
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in part. Clear Flash on page 403
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 243

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To specify processor names for the boards of a DS1005based, Edit Processor Names on page 471
DS1006based, or DS1007based multiprocessor system.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To save the flight recorder data currently available in a USB mass storage Explore to USB Flight Recorder on page 474
device connected to the platform hardware.
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To load an application to the RAM of the selected hardware or to VEOS. Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
After downloading, the application is not started. Application - Load on page 508
To load an application to the selected hardware or VEOS, and start it Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
automatically. Application - Load and Start on page 509
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware. Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
After loading, the application is not started. (DS1007/MicroLabBox) on page 504
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load to Flash and Start
and start it automatically. (DS1007/MicroLabBox) on page 505
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the Reload on page 520
application is not started.
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the Reload and Start on page 520
application is started.
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start the selected application. Start on page 528
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the selected application. Stop on page 530
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To unload the selected application. Unload on page 532
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533

244 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

DS1103 PPC Controller Board

DS1103 PPC Controller Board platform A platform that provides

access to a DS1103 PPC Controller Board connected to the host PC
for function prototyping purposes.

Feature overview For a feature overview of the DS1103 PPC Controller Board, refer to
Introduction to the Features of the DS1103 ( DS1103 Features).

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.

Platform properties The DS1103 PPC Controller Board platform provides the following
properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To display details of the selected board. Board Details Properties on page 285
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To display the connection settings of the selected platform. Connection Settings Properties on page 304
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display the memory settings of the selected platform. Memory Properties on page 337
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently Real-Time Application Properties on page 340
loaded to the platform.
To display module version information for the selected platform. Version Properties on page 347

Related commands The DS1103 PPC Controller Board platform provides the following
Purpose Refer to
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 245

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To load a real-time application to the RAM of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load on page 502
and start it automatically.
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To reload the currently loaded application. Real-Time Application - Reload on page 506
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the application running on the selected platform. Stop RTP on page 531
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533

Related topics Basics

DS1103 Features

DS1104 R&D Controller Board

DS1104 R&D Controller Board platform A platform that provides

access to a DS1104 R&D Controller Board installed in the host PC for
function prototyping purposes.

Feature overview For a feature overview of the DS1104 R&D Controller Board, refer to
Introduction to the Features of the DS1104 ( DS1104 Features).

246 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.

Platform properties The DS1104 R&D Controller Board platform provides the following
properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To display details of the selected board. Board Details Properties on page 285
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To display the connection settings of the selected platform. Connection Settings Properties on page 304
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display the memory settings of the selected platform. Memory Properties on page 337
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently Real-Time Application Properties on page 340
loaded to the platform.
To display module version information for the selected platform. Version Properties on page 347

Related commands The DS1104 R&D Controller Board platform provides the following
Purpose Refer to
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in part. Clear Flash on page 403
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To load a real-time application to the RAM of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load on page 502
and start it automatically.
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
and start it automatically. (DS1005/DS1006/DS1104/MicroAutoBox)
on page 503
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To reload the currently loaded application. Real-Time Application - Reload on page 506

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 247

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the application running on the selected platform. Stop RTP on page 531
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533

Related topics Basics

DS1104 Features

DS1202 MicroLabBox

DS1202 MicroLabBox platform A platform that provides access to

a MicroLabBox connected to the host PC for function prototyping

Feature overview For a feature overview of MicroLabBox, refer to Feature Overview

( MicroLabBox Features).

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.

248 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Platform properties The DS1202 MicroLabBox platform provides the following properties
and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To display details of the selected board. Board Details Properties on page 285
To display hardware information on the selected component of the Board Hardware Properties on page 286
DS1007, MicroLabBox, or SCALEXIO system.
To display channel details of the selected FPGA I/O module of Channels Properties on page 301
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To display the connection settings of the selected platform. Connection Settings Properties on page 304
To display information identifying the hardware-related software. Firmware Version Property on page 308
To display information on the selected FPGA module of MicroAutoBox FPGA Properties on page 312
or MicroLabBox or the userprogrammable FPGA base board.
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display information on the host interface settings. Host Interface Properties on page 325
To display details on the selected component of the DS1007, Identification Properties on page 327
MicroLabBox or SCALEXIO system or VEOS simulator for identification
To display information on the hardware that is assigned to the selected Online Details Properties on page 339
active member of the multiprocessor/multicore system, and state
information on the application process that is currently loaded to the
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently Real-Time Application Properties on page 340
loaded to the platform.

Related commands The DS1202 MicroLabBox platform provides the following

Purpose Refer to
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in part. Clear Flash on page 403
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 249

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To save the flight recorder data currently available in a USB mass storage Explore to USB Flight Recorder on page 474
device connected to the platform hardware.
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To load an application to the RAM of the selected hardware or to VEOS. Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
After downloading, the application is not started. Application - Load on page 508
To load an application to the selected hardware or VEOS, and start it Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
automatically. Application - Load and Start on page 509
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware. Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
After loading, the application is not started. (DS1007/MicroLabBox) on page 504
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load to Flash and Start
and start it automatically. (DS1007/MicroLabBox) on page 505
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the Reload on page 520
application is not started.
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the Reload and Start on page 520
application is started.
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To unload the selected application. Unload on page 532
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533

250 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

ECU Diagnostics

ECU Diagnostics device A device that provides access to ECUs

connected to the ControlDesk PC via CAN or K-Line for diagnostics or
flash programming purposes.
ControlDesk provides the ECU Diagnostics v2.0.2 device, which
supports the ASAM MCD-3 D V2.0.2 standard.
ControlDesk supports the following ODX database standards:
n ASAM MCD-2 D V2.0.1
n ASAM MCD-2 D V2.2.0 (ISO 229011)

Managing tasks with the For information on managing tasks with the ECU Diagnostics device,
ECU Diagnostics device refer to Basics and Instructions on page 23.

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to ECU Diagnostics
Device Configuration on page 178.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify diagnostics settings for the selected device. Diagnostics Settings Properties on page 306
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To select logical links for ECU diagnostics, to display the active logical Logical Link Selection Properties on page 333
links of the ECU Diagnostics device with their configurations, and to
specify connection check settings and configure communication
parameters individually for each active logical link.
To display and configure the ODX database specified for the selected Active ODX Database / ODX Database Properties
ECU Diagnostics device. on page 279
To display the vehicle that is selected to be used with the selected ECU Vehicle Selection Properties on page 345
Diagnostics device and to select another vehicle.

Related commands The ECU Diagnostics device provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To add a new diagnostics database to the selected ECU Diagnostics Add ODX Database on page 372
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 251

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To execute an ECU flash programming operation based on an ODX Flash ECU (ECU Diagnostics) on page 477
database and diagnostic protocol.
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

FlexRay Bus Monitoring

FlexRay Bus Monitoring device A device that monitors the data

stream on a FlexRay bus connected to the ControlDesk PC.
The FlexRay Bus Monitoring device works only with PC-based FlexRay
The device supports the following variable description file types:

252 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

n AUTOSAR system description

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to How to Configure
a FlexRay Bus Monitoring Device on page 162.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To select the FlexRay interface type for the selected device. FlexRay Interface Properties on page 308
To specify FlexRay-specific settings for the selected device. FlexRay Settings Properties on page 309
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313

Related commands The FlexRay Bus Monitoring device provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 253

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

LIN Bus Monitoring

LIN Bus Monitoring device A device that monitors the data stream
on a LIN bus connected to the ControlDesk PC.
The LIN Bus Monitoring device works, for example, with PC-based LIN
The device supports the following variable description file types:
n AUTOSAR system description

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to Bus Device
Configuration on page 158.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329
To select the LIN interface type for the selected device. LIN Interface Properties on page 331
To specify LIN settings for the selected device. LIN Settings Properties on page 332

Related commands The LIN Bus Monitoring device provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)

254 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Purpose Refer to
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)


MicroAutoBox platform A platform that provides access to a

MicroAutoBox connected to the host PC for function prototyping
purposes such as bypassing.

Feature overview For a feature overview of MicroAutoBox, refer to Feature Support

( MicroAutoBox Features).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 255

s Reference Information t

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.

Platform properties The platform provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To display details of the selected board. Board Details Properties on page 285
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To display the connection settings of the selected platform. Connection Settings Properties on page 304
To display information on the selected FPGA module of MicroAutoBox FPGA Properties on page 312
or MicroLabBox or the userprogrammable FPGA base board.
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display details of the selected I/O board of MicroAutoBox. I/O Board Properties on page 326
To display details of the selected I/O module. I/O Module Details Properties on page 326
To display the memory settings of the selected platform. Memory Properties on page 337
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently Real-Time Application Properties on page 340
loaded to the platform.
To display module version information for the selected platform. Version Properties on page 347

Related commands The MicroAutoBox platform provides the following commands:

Purpose Refer to
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in part. Clear Flash on page 403
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To save the flight recorder data currently available in a USB mass storage Explore to USB Flight Recorder on page 474
device connected to the platform hardware.
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set

256 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Purpose Refer to
To load a real-time application to the RAM of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load on page 502
and start it automatically.
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load to Flash
and start it automatically. (DS1005/DS1006/DS1104/MicroAutoBox)
on page 503
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To reload the currently loaded application. Real-Time Application - Reload on page 506
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To display the system times of MicroAutoBox and the host PC, and to Set MicroAutoBox System Time on page 526
set the system time on MicroAutoBox to the system time of the host PC.
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the application running on the selected platform. Stop RTP on page 531
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533
To upload flight recorder data and save it to a measurement file. Upload Flash Flightrecorder Contents on page 537

Related topics Basics

MicroAutoBox Features

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 257

s Reference Information t

Multiprocessor System

Multiprocessor System platform A platform that provides access

n A multicore application running on a multicore DS1006 board
n A multiprocessor application on a multiprocessor system consisting
of two or more dSPACE processor boards interconnected via
A multiprocessor system can be based on DS1005 processor
boards, or on DS1006 processor boards.
ControlDesk handles a multiprocessor/multicore system as a unit and
uses one system description file (SDF file) to load the applications to
all the processor boards/cores in the system.

Feature overview For a feature overview of multiprocessor systems, refer to:

n DS1005 Multiprocessor Systems ( DS1005 Features)
n DS1006 Multiprocessor Systems ( DS1006 Features)

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.
For further general information on working with multiprocessor
systems based on DS1005 or DS1006 processor boards, refer to
Multiprocessor System Platform Configuration on page 96.

Platform properties The Multiprocessor System platform provides the following properties
and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display the DS1005/DS1006 processor boards that form the selected Member Overview Properties on page 335
Multiprocessor System platform, or the DS1007 PPC Processor Boards
that constitute the selected DS1007 platform, with their configuration
To display the processor boards of the multiprocessor system and their Topology Information Properties on page 342
interconnections via Gigalinks.

258 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Related commands The Multiprocessor System platform provides the following

Purpose Refer to
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in part. Clear Flash on page 403
To collapse the platforms/devices and subnodes of the node selected in Collapse on page 406
the Platform/Device Manager.
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To specify processor names for the boards of a DS1005based, Edit Processor Names on page 471
DS1006based, or DS1007based multiprocessor system.
To expand the collapsed platforms/devices and subnodes of the node Expand on page 474
selected in the Platform/Device Manager.
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To load a real-time application to the RAM of the selected hardware, Real-Time Application - Load on page 502
and start it automatically.
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To reload the currently loaded application. Real-Time Application - Reload on page 506
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 259

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the applications running on the selected Multiprocessor System Stop RTPs on page 531
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533


SCALEXIO platform A platform that provides access to a single-

core, multicore or multiprocessor SCALEXIO system connected to
the host PC for HIL simulation and ECU testing purposes.

Feature overview For a feature overview of the SCALEXIO hardware, refer to

Component Descriptions ( SCALEXIO Hardware Installation and

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.
For further general information on working with a SCALEXIO
platform, refer to SCALEXIO Platform Configuration on page 104.

Platform properties The platform provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To display the properties of the backplane. Backplane Properties on page 284
To display hardware information on the selected component of the Board Hardware Properties on page 286
DS1007, MicroLabBox, or SCALEXIO system.
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To display information on the failrail segment switch. Failrail Segment Switch Properties on page 308
To display information identifying the hardware-related software. Firmware Version Property on page 308
To display information on the selected FPGA module of MicroAutoBox FPGA Properties on page 312
or MicroLabBox or the userprogrammable FPGA base board.
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display information on the host interface settings. Host Interface Properties on page 325
To display details on the selected component of the DS1007, Identification Properties on page 327
MicroLabBox or SCALEXIO system or VEOS simulator for identification
To display the properties of the unit's IOCNET router. IOCNET Router Properties on page 331

260 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Purpose Refer to
To display information on the hardware that is assigned to the selected Online Details Properties on page 339
active member of the multiprocessor/multicore system, and state
information on the application process that is currently loaded to the
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently Real-Time Application Properties on page 340
loaded to the platform.
To display information on the speed for an angle operating range of Speed Properties on page 342
360 / 720 for the selected SCALEXIO angle unit.
To display information on the uplink and downlink connections. Uplink and Downlink Connections Properties
on page 344

Related commands The SCALEXIO platform provides the following commands:

Purpose Refer to
To activate an application. Activate Application on page 367
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To add an application file to a platform in the experiment. Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
Application - Add to Experiment on page 507
To load an application to the RAM of the selected hardware or to VEOS. Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
After downloading, the application is not started. Application - Load on page 508
To load an application to the selected hardware or VEOS, and start it Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
automatically. Application - Load and Start on page 509
To reload the currently loaded application. Reload Application on page 521
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the Reload on page 520
application is not started.
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the Reload and Start on page 520
application is started.
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To remove an application from the platform. Remove Application on page 523

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 261

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To replace the application of the platform. Replace Application on page 525
To start the selected application. Start on page 528
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the selected application. Stop on page 530
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To unload the selected application. Unload on page 532
To update the firmware of the selected platform. Update Firmware on page 533

Related topics Basics

SCALEXIO System Overview


VEOS platform A platform that configures and controls the

offline simulation application (OSA) running in VEOS and that
also provides access to the application's environment VPU.

Configuring the platform For instructions on configuring the platform, refer to Basics of
Handling Platforms on page 58.

262 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Platform properties The VEOS platform provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display details on the selected component of the DS1007, Identification Properties on page 327
MicroLabBox or SCALEXIO system or VEOS simulator for identification
To display information on the hardware that is assigned to the selected Online Details Properties on page 339
active member of the multiprocessor/multicore system, and state
information on the application process that is currently loaded to the
To display the properties of the offline simulation application that is VEOS Simulation Properties on page 345
currently loaded to the platform.
To specify timing settings for the VEOS simulation for the selected VEOS Simulation Time Options Properties
platform. on page 346
To display the properties of the selected VPU. VPU Properties on page 348

Related commands The VEOS platform provides the following commands:

Purpose Refer to
To activate an application. Activate Application on page 367
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To pause an offline simulation. Pause on page 491
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To add an application file to a platform in the experiment. Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
Application - Add to Experiment on page 507
To load an application to the RAM of the selected hardware or to VEOS. Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
After downloading, the application is not started. Application - Load on page 508

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 263

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To load an application to the selected hardware or VEOS, and start it Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation
automatically. Application - Load and Start on page 509
To reload the currently loaded application. Reload Application on page 521
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the Reload on page 520
application is not started.
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the Reload and Start on page 520
application is started.
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To remove an application from the platform. Remove Application on page 523
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To replace the application of the platform. Replace Application on page 525
To run a pausing or stopped offline simulation stepwise. Single Step on page 528
To start the selected application. Start on page 528
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the selected application. Stop on page 530
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To unload the selected application. Unload on page 532

Related topics Basics

Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123

264 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Video Capturing

Video Capturing device A device that provides access to video

signals from a connected camera and allows you to record video data
synchronously to signals from other platforms/devices.

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to How to Configure
Video Capturing Devices on page 206.

Introduction to the Video For an introduction, refer to Basics on Video Capturing Devices
Capturing device on page 203.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the advanced settings of the device. Advanced Settings Properties on page 280
To specify the audio settings of the device. Audio Settings Properties on page 284
To specify the camera properties of the device. Camera Properties on page 288
To display the camera characteristics of the device. Camera Characteristics Properties on page 287
To specify the camera control settings. Camera Control Settings Properties on page 287
To specify the camera settings of the device. Camera Settings Properties on page 289
To specify the capture mode settings of the device. Capture Mode Settings Properties on page 292
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify the compression settings of the device. Compression Settings Properties on page 304
To specify the image quality settings of the device. Image Quality Settings Properties on page 328

Related commands The Video Capturing device provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 265

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)


XCP on CAN device A device that provides access to an ECU with

XCP connected to the ControlDesk Next Generation PC via CAN.
Using the XCP on CAN device, you can access the ECU for
measurement and calibration purposes via XCP (Universal
Measurement and Calibration Protocol).

Introduction to XCP and the For an introduction, refer to Introduction to the Features of XCP
XCP devices ( XCP Feature Reference).

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to How to Configure
an XCP on CAN Device on page 211.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To select the CAN interface for the selected device. CAN Interface Properties on page 290
To specify CAN settings for the selected CANbased device. CAN Settings Properties on page 291
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301

266 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Purpose Refer to
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329
To specify XCP on CANspecific communication settings for the selected XCP on CAN Settings Properties on page 349
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties
on page 353
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
DCIGSI2 device. on page 358
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement. XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property
on page 360
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property
on page 361
To specify seed and key settings for the selected XCP device. XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties
on page 353

Related commands The XCP on CAN device provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To save calibration data from the active memory page to the ECUs Activate Data Page Freezing on page 368
nonvolatile memory.
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To initiate a consistency check (EPK check) manually. Check EPK on page 401
To clear the quick start measurement configuration in the ECUs Clear Quick Start Configuration on page 404
nonvolatile memory.
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To copy the reference page to the working page. Copy Reference Page to Working Page
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To copy the working page to the reference page. Copy Working Page to Reference Page
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To open the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool. Flash ECU on page 476

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 267

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the memory Memory Segments on page 489
of the selected device.
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

Related topics References

XCP Feature Reference

XCP on Ethernet

XCP on Ethernet device A device that provides access to an ECU

or VECU with XCP connected to the ControlDesk PC via Ethernet.
The XCP on Ethernet device provides access to the ECU/V-ECU via
XCP (Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol) for
measurement and calibration purposes.

Introduction to XCP and the For an introduction, refer to Introduction to the Features of XCP
XCP devices ( XCP Feature Reference).

268 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to How to Configure
an XCP on Ethernet Device on page 215.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To specify Ethernet settings for the selected platform/device. Ethernet Settings Properties on page 307
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device. Inheritance Settings Properties on page 329
To specify network adapter settings for the selected platform/device. Network Adapter Properties on page 338
To specify the settings of the transport layer on the ECU with XCP/DCI- Transport Layer Settings Properties on page 343
To specify the communication settings of the selected platform/device. XCP on Ethernet/GSI2 Ethernet Settings Properties
on page 350
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties
on page 353
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
DCIGSI2 device. on page 358
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement. XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property
on page 360
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property
on page 361
To specify seed and key settings for the selected XCP device. XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties
on page 353

Related commands The XCP on Ethernet device provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To save calibration data from the active memory page to the ECUs Activate Data Page Freezing on page 368
nonvolatile memory.
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To initiate a consistency check (EPK check) manually. Check EPK on page 401
To clear the quick start measurement configuration in the ECUs Clear Quick Start Configuration on page 404
nonvolatile memory.
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To copy the reference page to the working page. Copy Reference Page to Working Page
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 269

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To copy the working page to the reference page. Copy Working Page to Reference Page
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To open the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool. Flash ECU on page 476
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the memory Memory Segments on page 489
of the selected device.
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

Related topics References

XCP Feature Reference

270 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

XCP on FlexRay

XCP on FlexRay device A device that provides access to an ECU

with XCP connected to the ControlDesk PC via FlexRay. The XCP on
FlexRay device provides access to the ECU via XCP (Universal
Measurement and Calibration Protocol) for measurement and
calibration purposes.

Introduction to XCP and the For an introduction, refer to Introduction to the Features of XCP
XCP devices ( XCP Feature Reference).

Configuring the device For instructions on configuring the device, refer to How to Configure
an XCP on FlexRay Device on page 217.

Device properties The device provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device. ECU Information Properties on page 306
To select the FlexRay interface type for the selected device. FlexRay Interface Properties on page 308
To specify FlexRay-specific settings for the selected device. FlexRay Settings Properties on page 309
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To specify the settings of the transport layer on the ECU with XCP/DCI- Transport Layer Settings Properties on page 343
To specify XCP on FlexRayspecific communication settings for the XCP on FlexRay Settings Properties on page 351
selected device.
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties
on page 353
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties
DCIGSI2 device. on page 358
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement. XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property
on page 360
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device. XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property
on page 361
To specify seed and key settings for the selected XCP device. XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties
on page 353

Related commands The XCP on FlexRay device provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To initiate a consistency check (EPK check) manually. Check EPK on page 401

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 271

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To copy the reference page to the working page. Copy Reference Page to Working Page
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To copy the working page to the reference page. Copy Working Page to Reference Page
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the memory Memory Segments on page 489
of the selected device.
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501
To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

272 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device Descriptions t

Related topics References

XCP Feature Reference


XIL API MAPort platform A platform that provides access to a

simulation platform via the ASAM XIL API implementation that is
installed on your host PC.

Configuring the platform For instructions on registering and configuring the platform, refer to
XIL API MAPort Platform Configuration on page 111.

Platform properties The platform provides the following properties and settings:
Purpose Refer to
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to Assignment Properties on page 281
a registered platform.
To specify common properties of the platform/device. Common Properties on page 301
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device. General Settings Properties on page 313
To display information on the model access port (XIL API MAPort) Model Access Port Properties on page 337
implementation that is used.

Related commands The XIL API MAPort platform provides the following commands:
Purpose Refer to
To add a registered platform to the currently active project. Add to Active Experiment on page 397
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment. Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479
To add a new variable description, and (if applicable) a new ECU Image Add Variable Description ( ControlDesk
file, to a platform/device. Next Generation Variable Management)
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to Configure Platform/Device on page 431
the available hardware or VEOS.
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected Connect Platform/Device on page 467
platform/device hardware or VPU.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment. Disable Platform/Device on page 469
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471
VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.
To activate the platform/device in the experiment. Enable Platform/Device on page 473
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 273

s Reference Information t

Purpose Refer to
To import the entire contents of a data set container (variable Import Data Set Container ( ControlDesk
description, data sets, ECU Image files). Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
To disconnect the MAPort. MAPort - Disconnect on page 486
To configure the MAPort with an MAPort configuration. MAPort - Load and Configure on page 487
To reload the currently loaded MAPort configuration to the selected MAPort - Reload on page 488
To view the properties of the selected platform/device. Properties (Platform/Device) on page 501

To remove an item from the currently loaded project. Remove (from Project) ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Project and Experiment
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment. Rename Platform/Device on page 524
To start the simulation at the MAPort. Start (XIL API MAPort) on page 529
To start online calibration and measurement for the currently selected Start Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To start measurement for the selected platform/device. Start Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To start online calibration for the selected platform/device. Start Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
To stop the simulation at the MAPort. Stop (XIL API MAPort) on page 530
To stop measurement and online calibration for the currently selected Stop Calibration & Measurement (for Single
platform/device. Platform/Device) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
To stop measurement for the currently selected platform/device. Stop Measurement (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
To stop online calibration for the selected platform/device. Stop Online Calibration (for Single Platform/Device)
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

274 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Platform/Device-Related Properties

In the operator mode, none of the properties related to
platforms/devices can be changed. All the properties are read-

Where to go from here Information in this section

Active ODX Database / ODX Database Properties 279
To display and configure the ODX database specified for the selected ECU
Diagnostics device.
Advanced Settings Properties 280
To specify the advanced settings of the device.
Assignment Properties 281
To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment to a
registered platform.
Audio Settings Properties 284
To specify the audio settings of the device.
Backplane Properties 284
To display the properties of the backplane.
Board Details Properties 285
To display details of the selected board.
Board Hardware Properties 286
To display hardware information on the selected component of the
DS1007, MicroLabBox, or SCALEXIO system.
Camera Characteristics Properties 287
To display the camera characteristics of the device.
Camera Control Settings Properties 287
To specify the camera control settings.
Camera Properties 288
To specify the camera properties of the device.
Camera Settings Properties 289
To specify the camera settings of the device.
CAN Interface Properties 290
To select the CAN interface for the selected device.
CAN Settings Properties 291
To specify CAN settings for the selected CANbased device.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 275

s Reference Information t

Capture Mode Settings Properties 292

To specify the capture mode settings of the device.
CCP Settings Advanced Properties 293
To specify advanced settings for the selected CCP device.
CCP Settings Checksum Calculation Properties 297
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected CCP device.
CCP Settings Properties 298
To specify CCP-specific settings for the selected device.
CCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties 300
To specify seed and key settings for the selected CCP device.
Channels Properties 301
To display channel details of the selected FPGA I/O module of
Common Properties 301
To specify common properties of the platform/device.
Compression Settings Properties 304
To specify the compression settings of the device.
Connection Settings Properties 304
To display the connection settings of the selected platform.
DAQ Settings Properties 305
To specify the byte order format for the DAQ data.
Diagnostics Settings Properties 306
To specify diagnostics settings for the selected device.
ECU Information Properties 306
To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device.
Ethernet Settings Properties 307
To specify Ethernet settings for the selected platform/device.
Failrail Segment Switch Properties 308
To display information on the failrail segment switch.
Firmware Version Property 308
To display information on the firmware running on the hardware.
FlexRay Interface Properties 308
To select the FlexRay interface type for the selected device.
FlexRay Settings Properties 309
To specify FlexRay-specific settings for the selected device.
FPGA Properties 312
To display information on the selected FPGA module of MicroAutoBox or
MicroLabBox or the userprogrammable FPGA base board.
General Properties 313
To view details of the selected application.
General Settings Properties 313
To specify general settings of the selected platform/device.

276 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Gigalink Information Properties 323

To display information on the Gigalink connections of the selected
DS1007 multiprocessor system.
GSI Interface Properties 324
To select a connected DCI-GSI1 interface and assign it to the device.
GSI Settings Checksum Calculation Properties 325
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected DCI-GSI1 device.
Host Interface Properties 325
To display information on the host interface settings.
I/O Board Properties 326
To display details of the selected I/O board of MicroAutoBox.
I/O Module Details Properties 326
To display details of the selected I/O module.
Identification Properties 327
To display details on the selected component of the DS1007,
MicroLabBox or SCALEXIO system or VEOS simulator for identification
Image Quality Settings Properties 328
To specify the image quality settings of the device.
Inheritance Settings Properties 329
To specify inheritance settings for the selected device.
IOCNET Router Properties 331
To display the properties of the unit's IOCNET router.
LIN Interface Properties 331
To select the LIN interface type for the selected device.
LIN Settings Properties 332
To specify LIN settings for the selected device.
Logical Link Selection Properties 333
To select logical links for ECU diagnostics, to display the active logical
links of the ECU Diagnostics device with their configurations, and to
specify connection check settings and configure communication
parameters individually for each active logical link.
Member Overview Properties 335
To display the DS1005/DS1006 processor boards that form the selected
Multiprocessor System platform, or the DS1007 PPC Processor Boards
that constitute the selected DS1007 platform, with their configuration
Memory Properties 337
To display the memory settings of the selected platform.
Model Access Port Properties 337
To display information on the model access port (XIL API MAPort)
implementation that is used.
Network Adapter Properties 338
To specify network adapter settings for the selected platform/device.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 277

s Reference Information t

Online Details Properties 339

To display information on the hardware that is assigned to the selected
active member of the multiprocessor/multicore system, and state
information on the application process that is currently loaded to the
Overlay Management Properties 339
To specify the settings of the overlay elements.
Real-Time Application Properties 340
To display the properties of the selected real-time application currently
loaded to the platform.
Simulation Properties 341
To display information on the selected MAPort configuration and the port
Speed Properties 342
To display information on the speed for an angle operating range of
360 / 720 for the selected SCALEXIO angle unit.
Topology Information Properties 342
To display the processor boards of the multiprocessor system and their
interconnections via Gigalinks.
Transport Layer Settings Properties 343
To specify the settings of the transport layer on the ECU with XCP/DCI-
Uplink and Downlink Connections Properties 344
To display information on the uplink and downlink connections.
Vehicle Selection Properties 345
To display the vehicle that is selected to be used with the selected ECU
Diagnostics device and to select another vehicle.
VEOS Simulation Properties 345
To display the properties of the offline simulation application that is
currently loaded to the platform.
VEOS Simulation Time Options Properties 346
To specify timing settings for the VEOS simulation for the selected
Version Properties 347
To display module version information for the selected platform.
VPU Properties 348
To display the properties of the selected VPU.
XCP Instance Properties 349
To specify the transport layer instance.
XCP on CAN Settings Properties 349
To specify XCP on CANspecific communication settings for the selected
XCP on Ethernet/GSI2 Ethernet Settings Properties 350
To specify the communication settings of the selected platform/device.

278 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

XCP on FlexRay Settings Properties 351

To specify XCP on FlexRayspecific communication settings for the
selected device.
XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties 353
To specify seed and key settings for the selected XCP device.
XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties 353
To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device.
XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties 358
To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2
XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property 360
To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement.
XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property 361
To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device.

Active ODX Database / ODX Database Properties

Purpose To display and configure the ODX database specified for the selected
ECU Diagnostics device.

Properties Activate diagnostic database (Available only for an inactive ODX

database of an ECU Diagnostics device) Lets you activate the selected
diagnostics database. The previously active diagnostics database is
deactivated and the selected one is activated when you click the
Activate button.
File date (Available only for an inactive ODX database of an ECU
Diagnostics device) Displays the date of the selected ODX database
File name extension (Available only for an inactive ODX database
of an ECU Diagnostics device) Displays the file name extension of the
selected ODX database file.
File source path (Available only for an inactive ODX database of an
ECU Diagnostics device) Displays the original path of the selected
ODX database file.
ODX database files (Available only for an inactive ODX database of
an ECU Diagnostics device) Displays the names of the files imported
so far for the selected ODX database.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 279

s Reference Information t

ODX database name (Available only for an inactive ODX database

of an ECU Diagnostics device) Displays the name of the selected
inactive ODX diagnostics database
ODX version Displays the ODX version of the selected ODX
database. 'Undefined' is displayed until an ODX database has been
Optimize database (Available only for an inactive ODX database of
an ECU Diagnostics device) Displays whether diagnostics database
conversion to binary format is activated for the selected ODX

For ODX 2.2.0 diagnostics databases, database optimization is
always performed. You cannot change this setting. So if you
work with an ODX 2.2.0 database, ControlDesk always uses the
binary format instead of ODX data for the diagnostics database.

Select ODX files (Available only for the currently active ODX
database of an ECU Diagnostics device) Displays the name of the
currently active diagnostics database of the ECU Diagnostics device
and lets you open the Select ODX Files dialog to modify the active
database. Refer to Select ODX Files page on page 373.
Selected ODX template (Available only for the currently active
ODX database of an ECU Diagnostics device) Displays the name of the
database template selected for the active ODX database. If no ODX
template is assigned to the active ODX database, 'No ODX database
template selected.' is displayed.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n ECU Diagnostics on page 251

Advanced Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the advanced settings of the device.

Properties Transport buffer size (Available only if the Use custom size
property is activated) Lets you specify the size of the image buffer (in
KBytes) used to transport the video data. If you use the Integrated
capture mode, the image buffer size equals the measurement array

280 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

ControlDesk automatically determines the buffer size to allocate

sufficient memory for video data. If you do not see the whole video
(temporary black/gray areas at the top of the instrument), you can
increase the size until the video is displayed correctly. If you have a
video with a low level of detail, you can lower the image buffer size
to save memory.
Simultaneous recordings (Available only in Separate capture
mode) Lets you specify the number of video data recordings that can
run simultaneously from the same video source into different video
files (.avi). Each recorder that records the same video signal requires
hardware resources to generate a video file. To save resources, you
should therefore limit the number of simultaneous recordings. You
can specify up to 20 simultaneous recordings. If you do not want to
record the same video signal in different recorders, you can specify
only one simultaneous recording.
Use custom size Lets you specify whether to use a customized size
or an automatically calculated size for the image buffer array.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

Assignment Properties

Purpose To specify the assignment of the selected platform in the experiment

to a registered platform.

Properties Alias name Lets you specify the alias name of the connection that is
used for assignment.
Board name Lets you specify the board name used to identify the
board or processing unit.
Connection type Lets you specify the connection type of the
platform hardware.
n Select BUS if the platform hardware is installed in the host PC or in
an expansion box connected to the host PC via a bus interface.
n Select NET if the platform hardware is connected to the host PC
via Ethernet.
IP address / Net client Lets you specify the network client for
assignment as an IP address.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 281

s Reference Information t

Lets you specify the network client for assignment as an IP address or
MAC address Lets you specify the MAC address of the selected
processing unit of the SCALEXIO system, the selected processor board
of the DS1007 platform, or selected platform of the DS1202
MicroLabBox platform. The MAC address is used to uniquely identify
the hardware.
Mode Lets you select the assignment mode for the platform. The
available assignment modes depend on the platform type.
Assignment Description
Assign to first (Not available for the Multiprocessor System platform) ControlDesk automatically assigns the platform to the
available platform first registered and unassigned platform of the relevant platform type it finds.
Assign to any ControlDesk assigns the platform to a registered and unassigned platform of the relevant platform type,
equal platform according to the following assignment settings:
n Alias name
n Board name
n Connection type
n Net client
n Port address
n XIL API MAPort implementation
The above assignment settings are platform-type-specific. The list below shows the settings available for the
platform types:
n DS1005, DS1006, DS1103: Port address and/or Board name, Connection type, Net Client (only for the
Net connection type)
n DS1104: Board name
n MicroAutoBox: Board name (optional), Connection type, Net Client
n Multiprocessor System: Connection type
Multiprocessor System members: Port address
n DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: IP address or Board name
n VEOS: none
n XIL API MAPort platform: XIL API MAPort implementation
Assign to identical (Not available for the VEOS and XIL API MAPort platforms) ControlDesk assigns the platform to registered
platform and unassigned dSPACE hardware of the relevant platform type, according to the following assignment
n Connection type
n Serial number
n MAC address
The above assignment settings are platform-type-specific. The list below shows the settings available for the
platform types:
n DS1005, DS1006, DS1103, DS1104, MicroAutoBox, Multiprocessor System members: Serial number
n Multiprocessor System: Connection type
Multiprocessor System members: Serial number
n DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: MAC address

282 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

If several platforms are assigned to dSPACE hardware in one step
(for example, if you call the Refresh Platform Configuration
command), the assignment modes are applied to the platforms
in a certain order:
1. Assign to identical platform
2. Assign to any equal platform
3. Assign to first available platform

Model access port implementation Displays the XIL API MAPort

implementation to be used with the selected XIL API MAPort
Port address Lets you specify the base address of the board as set
with the DIP switches or the rotary switches on the board.
Product name Displays the product name of the XIL API MAPort
Product version Displays the product version of the XIL API MAPort
Serial number Lets you specify the serial number of the board. The
number is used to uniquely identify the hardware.
Vendor name Displays the vendor of the XIL API MAPort
XIL API version Displays the XIL API version of the MAPort

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n MicroAutoBox on page 255
n Multiprocessor System on page 258
n SCALEXIO on page 260
n VEOS on page 262
n XIL API MAPort on page 273

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 283

s Reference Information t

Audio Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the audio settings of the device.

Properties Audio codec (Available only in Separate capture mode) Lets you
choose an audio codec to compress audio data. If audio data capture
is enabled, you can select any of the audio codecs that are installed
on the host PC for the Video Capturing device.
Audio device (Available only in Separate capture mode) Lets you
select the audio device, if audio data capture is enabled. The list
contains all the audio devices that are currently connected to the
host PC (microphones integrated in the connected cameras and
stand-alone microphones). If you have selected a virtual camera to
stream video data, Virtual Audio is displayed. If audio data capture is
disabled, 'No Audio' is displayed.
Audio format (Available only in Separate capture mode) Lets you
specify the audio format to be used. If audio data capture is enabled,
you can select a suitable combination of sample rate, bits per sample,
and mono or stereo mode from the list.
Capture audio (Available only in Separate capture mode) Lets you
enable or disable the capturing of audio data. If you select the
checkbox, you can specify further configuration settings for audio
data capture. If the checkbox is cleared, no audio data is captured
with the Video Capturing device.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

Backplane Properties

Purpose To display the properties of the backplane.

Properties Product version Displays the revision number of the backplane.

Firmware version Displays the version number of the firmware that
is currently installed on the hardware.

284 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Serial number Displays the unique identification number of the


Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n SCALEXIO on page 260

Board Details Properties

Purpose To display details of the selected board.

Properties Battery voltage (Available only for the MicroAutoBox platform)

Displays the voltage of the battery. The limits as set on the board are
listed in brackets (n.b. means no border.)
Board temperature (Available only for the MicroAutoBox platform)
Displays the temperature of the board. The limits as set on the board
are listed in brackets (n.b. means no border).
Board version Displays the board version.
Bus frequency (Not available for the DS1007 and DS1202
MicroLabBox platforms) Displays the frequency of the internal bus.
PHS bus address (Available only for the DS1005, DS1006, and
DS1007 platforms) Displays the PHS bus address of the selected I/O
Port address (Available only for the DS1005, DS1006 and DS1103
platforms) Displays the base address of the board as specified with
the DIP switches or the rotary switches on the board.
Processor frequency Displays the processor clock frequency.
Processor state (Not available for the DS1007 and DS1202
MicroLabBox platforms) Displays the state of the processor.
Processor temperature (Not available for the DS1007, DS1104,
and DS1202 MicroLabBox platforms) Displays the temperature of the
processor. The value is updated cyclically.
Processor type Displays the processor type.
Runtime counter (Available only for MicroAutoBox) Displays the
run time counter of the board in days, hours and minutes.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 285

s Reference Information t

Serial number Displays the serial number of the board.

Slave processor state Displays the current status of the slave DSP
of the selected platform. A status (running, reset) is displayed only if
an application is currently loaded on the slave DSP.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n MicroAutoBox on page 255

Board Hardware Properties

Purpose To display hardware information on the selected component of the

DS1007, MicroLabBox, or SCALEXIO system.

Properties Connector panel (Available only for MicroLabBox) Displays the

variant of the connector panel.
CPU (Available only for the DS1007 PPC Processor Board, the
DS1202 MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO processing units) Displays the
type of the board's central processing unit (CPU).
Flash (Available only for SCALEXIO processing units) Displays the
total size of the flash memory on the board.
Number of cores (Available only for the DS1007 PPC Processor
Board, DS1202 MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO processing units)
Displays the number of processor cores of the hardware.
Processor frequency (Available only for the DS1007 PPC Processor
Board, DS1202 MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO processing units)
Displays the clock frequency of the hardware.
Product version (Available only for SCALEXIO) Displays the revision
number of the board.
RAM size (Available only for SCALEXIO processing units and
SCALEXIO I/O boards) Displays the total size of the board's RAM.

286 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n SCALEXIO on page 260

Camera Characteristics Properties

Purpose To display the camera characteristics of the device.

Properties Data rate Displays the data rate for placing data in the
measurement data file in MByte/min. The rate depends on the
selected capture mode, the resolution of the video, the frame rate
and other parameters. Note that the data rate is not calculated in real
time. If you change parameters that influence the data rate, such as
the resolution of the video, it may take a moment until the data rate
is refreshed.
Exposure time range Displays the camera's minimal and maximal
supported exposure time for each image frame in ms.
Frame rate range Displays the camera's minimal and maximal
supported frames per second [fps]. The framerate range depends on
the selected capture mode.
Viewport height range Displays the camera's minimal and
maximal viewport height in pixels [px].
Viewport width range Displays the camera's minimal and maximal
viewport width in pixels [px].

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

Camera Control Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the camera control settings.

Properties Focus Lets you specify the focus value in millimeters [mm]. Select
Automatic to enable autofocus.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 287

s Reference Information t

Iris Lets you specify the iris value in millimeters [mm]. The iris is an
adjustable opening which controls the amount of light passing the
Pan Lets you specify the pan (horizontal) angle value in degrees [].
Reset category to default Lets you set all the Camera Control
Settings properties to their default values.
Roll Lets you specify the roll angle value in degrees [].
Tilt Lets you specify the tilt (vertical) angle value in degrees [].
Zoom Lets you specify the zoom value in millimeters [mm].

Related devices These properties are available properties for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

Camera Properties

Purpose To specify the camera properties of the device.

Properties Camera selection Lets you assign a connected camera or a virtual

camera to the selected Video Capturing device. For more information,
refer to Camera Selection page on page 448.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

288 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Camera Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the camera settings of the device.

Properties Auto exposure Lets you enable/disable the camera's automatic

exposure time configuration. Deactivate this property to adjust the
value in the Exposure time property.

If you place the camera in a dark environment while the
AutoExposure property is active, the exposure time for each
single frame is raised. This may lower the frame rate of the

Color mode Lets you select one of the following color modes:
n RGB 24 bit color
n Grayscale 8 bit
This property affects the quality of your video as well as the amount
of size it requires.
Exposure time (Available only if the Auto Exposure property is
deactivated) Lets you specify how long the camera is exposed to light
in ms. Cameras in dark environments need more exposure time than
cameras in well-lit environments.
Flip horizontal Lets you flip the image horizontally.
Flip vertical Lets you flip the image vertically.
Frame rate Lets you specify the camera's frame rate in frames per
second [fps]. Depending on the lighting conditions of the
environment, the camera will then try to achieve the nominal values.
This property affects the quality of your video as well as the amount
of size it requires.
Height Lets you specify the height of the video. This property
affects the quality of your video as well as the amount of size it
Reset category to default Lets you set all the Camera Settings
properties to their default values.
Viewport Lets you specify the viewport of the image.
Width Lets you specify the width of the video. This property affects
the quality of your video as well as the amount of size it requires.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 289

s Reference Information t

X-offset Lets you specify a viewport. This is useful if your camera

has a static resolution and you want to have a specific display detail.
The x-offset defines the horizontal position of the viewport.
Y-offset Lets you specify a viewport. This is useful if your camera
has a static resolution and you want to have a specific display detail.
The y-offset defines the vertical position of the viewport.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

CAN Interface Properties

Purpose To select the CAN interface for the selected device.

Properties Interface search attributes Lets you specify the search attributes
for interface selection.
Interface selection Lets you select the type of the CAN interface.
Refer to Interface Selection (CAN-, LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices)
page on page 451.
IP address Lets you enter the IP address used as the search attribute
value for interface selection. CAN interfaces which have this IP
address are searched for. The found interfaces are displayed for
selection in the Interface Selection dialog.
IP addresses Lets you specify IP addresses as search attributes for
CAN interface selection. Select Add in the context menu or click
to add an edit field to specify an IP address, or click to delete the
selected IP address.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CAN Bus Monitoring on page 231
n CCP on page 233
n XCP on CAN on page 266

290 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

CAN Settings Properties

Purpose To specify CAN settings for the selected CANbased device.

Properties Baud rate (Not available for the ECU Diagnostics device) Lets you
specify the baud rate.

The baud rate must be the same for each bus member of a CAN

Bit time segment 1 Lets you specify the period of time before the
sample point in tq (time quantum).
Bit time segment 2 Lets you specify the period of time after the
sample point in tq (time quantum).
CAN Lets you specify CAN settings for the selected CAN-based
device. The CAN settings are used to define the standard data rate.
CAN FD Lets you specify CAN FD settings for the selected CAN-
based device. The CAN FD settings are used to define the data rate
for the data phase. The data phase can be configured to have a
higher bit rate than the arbitration phase. During the arbitration
process, the standard data rate is used.
Clock frequency Lets you specify the clock frequency.
Enabled Lets you enable CAN FD mode. If the checkbox is selected,
you can configure the data rate for the data phase of CAN FD
Nominal bit time Lets you specify the time period of one bit in tq
(time quantum). The nominal bit time consists of two time segments
(time segment 1 and 2) and a synchronization segment.
1 bit time

Seg TSeg1 TSeg2

1 time quantum Sample point

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 291

s Reference Information t

Prescaler Lets you specify the value of the baud rate prescaler.
Sample point Lets you specify the sample point within the bit time,
that is, the point in time at which the bus voltage level (CAN-H, CAN-
L) is read and interpreted as a bit value.
Samples Lets you specify the number of samples per bit for the
selected device.
n When you select '1', the CAN controller of the selected device
samples each bit once to decide whether it is recessive or
n When you select '3', the CAN controller of the selected device
samples a bit three times and uses the majority to decide if a bit is
recessive or dominant.
Synchronization jump width Lets you specify the synchronization
jump width in tq (time quantum), which defines how far the CAN
controller can shift the location of the sample point to synchronize
itself to the other bus members.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CAN Bus Monitoring on page 231
n CCP on page 233
n XCP on CAN on page 266

Capture Mode Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the capture mode settings of the device.

Properties Capture mode Lets you specify one of the following modes of
capturing video data:

292 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

n Integrated means that the video data is saved in the measurement

data file (MF4 or IDF file) together with other measurement data.

To record large videos with high resolution and high quality,
it is recommended to use the Separate capture mode to
reduce the size of the measurement data files. However, to
work with large MF4 or IDF files in ControlDesk, you can split
them using the DSSIGCONV tool. Refer to How to Extract
Data from a Measurement Data File ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Measurement and Recording).

n Separate means that the video data is saved to a separate AVI

video file. Select this option if you want to prevent the
measurement data file from becoming too large. Information for
synchronizing video data with data from other platforms/devices is
saved in the measurement data file.

Video data saved separately with the Separate capture mode
is not saved with the Save Buffer command.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

CCP Settings Advanced Properties

Purpose To specify advanced settings for the selected CCP device.

Properties Read CCP settings from A2L Lets you specify to use the CCP
service configuration information from a variable description that you
add or reload. Using information from the new/reloaded variable
description overwrites the configuration information that is currently
used by the device. If there are inconsistencies between the currently
used configuration information and the corresponding information
contained in the new/reloaded A2L file, a dialog opens for you to
specify whether to still use the current value or to use the value from

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 293

s Reference Information t

the new/reloaded A2L file for each single inconsistent ECU interface
n If enabled, ControlDesk reads the CCP service configuration
information from the new/reloaded A2L file. If this differs from the
currently used ECU interface settings, ControlDesk lets you specify
whether to use the current value or the value from the
new/reloaded variable description for each single ECU interface
setting concerned.
n If disabled, ControlDesk does not read the CCP service
configuration information from the new/reloaded variable
description, but continues to use the ECU interface settings
currently used by the device.
Read CCP settings from ECU Lets you enable or disable the upload
of CCP service configuration information from the ECU when the
CCP device connects to the ECU. Uploading information from the
ECU overwrites the configuration information that is currently used by
the device. If there are inconsistencies between the currently used
configuration information and the corresponding configuration
information on the ECU, a dialog opens for you to specify whether to
use the current value or to upload the value from the ECU for each
single inconsistent ECU interface setting.
n If enabled, ControlDesk reads CCP service configuration
information from the ECU when the CCP device connects to the
ECU. If it differs from the currently used ECU interface settings,
you can select to use the current value or upload the value from
the ECU for each inconsistent setting.
n If disabled, ControlDesk does not read the CCP service
configuration information from the ECU, but continues to use the
ECU interface settings currently used by the device.
Cyclic status detection Lets you enable or disable the cyclic
transmission of ECU status detection requests. If enabled,
ControlDesk cyclically sends requests to get the current status of the
ECU as soon as the CCP device is in the connected state.
Split array into base types Lets you enable or disable splitting the
measurement array into single measurement variables of base types
according to the size of each measurement value in the measurement
Service byte order Lets you specify the byte order used by CCP
commands. Select one of the formats below:
n Intel
n Motorola

294 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

The CCP byte order usually is defined in the ECUs A2L file and
displayed in the edit field.
Overload indication Lets you enable or disable the overload
indication. Depending on the amount of data to be transmitted and
on the ECU hardware, new data might be sampled before data
transmission for the previous sampling step has finished. In other
words: the ECU's DAQ processor might be overloaded. If the MSB is
set in the DAQ messages to indicate overload and overload indication
is enabled, ControlDesk issues a warning when overload occurs.

Page concept properties Lets you specify the ECU page settings.
Reference page Lets you specify the reference page settings.
Reference page - Address Lets you specify the address of the
ECUs reference page.
ControlDesk requires the address to carry out the SELECT_CAL_PAGE
CCP command for activating the reference page.
The ECUs reference page address usually is defined in the ECUs A2L
file and is displayed in the edit field.
Reference page - Address extension Lets you specify the address
extension of the ECUs reference page.
ControlDesk requires the address extension to carry out the
SELECT_CAL_PAGE CCP command for activating the reference page.
The address extension of the ECUs reference page usually is defined
in the ECUs A2L file and is displayed in the edit field.
Working page Lets you specify the working page settings.
Working page - Address Lets you specify the address of the ECUs
working page.
ControlDesk requires the address to carry out the SELECT_CAL_PAGE
CCP command for activating the working page.
The ECUs working page address usually is defined in the ECUs A2L
file and is displayed in the edit field.
Working page - Address extension Lets you specify the address
extension of the ECUs working page.
ControlDesk requires the address extension to carry out the
SELECT_CAL_PAGE CCP command for activating the working page.
The address extension of the ECUs working page usually is defined in
the ECUs A2L file and is displayed in the edit field.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 295

s Reference Information t

Protocol layer logging Lets you specify how to save the protocol layer logging information.
properties Configuration Lets you specify the logging level of the CCP
configuration. The following options are available:
n Off: No logging message is written.
n All: Detailed information on connected devices and the selected
device is written to the CCP_Configuration_<device name>.log file
located in the log file path.
Communication Lets you specify the logging level of the CCP data
communication. The following options are available:
n Off: No logging message is written.
n All: The CCP configuration and all communication data is written
to the CCP_ProtocolTrace_<device name>.log file located in the log
file path.
n Exclude DAQ data: Detailed information on connected devices and
the selected device except DAQ data is written to the
CCP_ProtocolTrace_<device name>.log file located in the log file
Log file path Lets you specify a folder to save the log files. The
default folder is the Logs folder in the user-specific Local Program
Data folder. The log files located in the default folder can be selected
for being collected by the dSPACE Installation Manager.
Maximum file size Lets you specify the maximum size of the log
files. The default file size is 32 MB.

Timeout settings properties Lets you specify timeout settings.

Timeout settings - Commands Lets you specify a timeout value for
CCP commands.
The CCP protocol specification defines a default timeout value of
25 ms for CCP commands. In some cases, this value does not give
enough time for the ECU to react. You should specify a longer
timeout in these cases.
Timeout settings - BUILD_CHKSUM Lets you specify a timeout
value for checksum calculation.
The CCP protocol specification defines a default timeout value of
30 ms for checksum calculation. In some cases, this value does not
give enough time for the ECU to react. You should specify a longer
timeout in these cases.
The timeout value usually is defined in the ECUs A2L file and is
displayed in the edit field.

296 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CCP on page 233

CCP Settings Checksum Calculation Properties

Purpose To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected CCP device.

Properties Algorithm Lets you select a standard checksum algorithm. The

default is the checksum algorithm specified in the BUILD_CHECKSUM
element in the ECU's A2L file.
If you select a specific checksum algorithm from the dropdown list,
the settings from the variable description are overwritten and
ControlDesk uses the selected algorithm instead. For details on the
available algorithms, refer to Features of Operational Reliability
( CCP Feature Reference).
If a proprietary algorithm is to be used for checksum calculation, you
must select the 'user defined (DLL)' entry from the list. ControlDesk
then uses the algorithm defined in the DLL file that is specified in the
Checksum DLL edit field.
If necessary, you can disable checksum calculation by selecting the
'disabled' entry from the list. If the ECU's A2L file does not contain a
BUILD_CHECKSUM element, checksum calculation is disabled
Checksum calculation Lets you enable or disable the usage of the
checksum calculation.
Checksum DLL Lets you specify the path and name of a DLL file
defining a userspecific checksum algorithm. ControlDesk takes the
algorithm defined in the specified DLL file into account only if the
'user defined (DLL)' entry is selected in the Algorithm dropdown list.
Maximum block size Lets you specify the maximum block length
for checksum calculation. The maximum block length usually is
defined in the ECUs A2L file. In this case, it is displayed in the edit
When you start online calibration, ControlDesk checks whether the
parameter values on the host PC (mirrored memory) differ from those
on the ECU. ControlDesk calculates checksums to check for this. If it
detects differences, you have to equalize the values by uploading
them from the ECU to the host PC, or downloading them from the

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 297

s Reference Information t

host PC to the ECU. Only the memory blocks for which ControlDesk
calculates different checksums are equalized.
If a memory segment for which a checksum is to be calculated
exceeds the maximum block length, ControlDesk automatically splits
the segment into smaller parts before checksum calculation.

If the ECU has large calibration memory segments, defining a
block length smaller than the memory segment length can
significantly reduce the amount of data to be transferred. This
saves time when you start online calibration.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CCP on page 233

CCP Settings Properties

Purpose To specify CCP-specific settings for the selected device.

Properties CCP version Displays the CCP protocol version of the CCP service
implemented in your ECU code.
Master identifier Lets you specify the master CAN identifier for the
selected CCP device. ControlDesks CCP device sends its CCP
commands using this CAN identifier. You can also specify whether
the identifier is sent according to the 'Standard' (11 bit, compliant
with the CAN 2.0 A specification) or 'Extended' (29 bit, compliant
with the CAN 2.0 B specification) identifier format.

ControlDesk does not block ECU access by more than one CCP
device. If you have one ECU with CCP connected to the host PC,
and two CCP devices in ControlDesk with the same CCP
identifier pairs, both CCP devices can access the ECU. This may
lead to unpredictable calibration results.

Prepare quick start Lets you prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for
quick start measurement.

298 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Before you can perform a quick start measurement on an ECU with

CCP, you must configure the measurement in ControlDesk. The
configuration must be transferred to the ECUs nonvolatile memory.
n If you select the checkbox, you can prepare the experiment and
the ECU for quick start measurement. ControlDesk's behavior
when starting measurement is as follows:
n ControlDesk does not start an actual measurement, that is, no
measurement data is displayed in the ControlDesk instruments.
n The current measurement configuration is transmitted to the
ECU. The ECU is triggered to store the configuration in its
nonvolatile memory. The ECU saves the configuration later, for
example, during the next shutdown.
n ControlDesk saves the measurement configuration in the
current experiment.
n If you clear the checkbox, the experiment and the ECU cannot be
prepared for quick start measurement.
For instructions on preparing and performing a quick start
measurement on an ECU with CCP, refer to:
n How to Prepare a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with CCP
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording).
n How to Perform a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with CCP
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording).
Quick start Lets you activate or deactivate the quick start mode in
To perform quick start measurement, ControlDesk must be in the
quick start mode.

ControlDesk can perform quick start measurement on an ECU
with XCP/CCP/DCI-GSI2 only if the ECU and the loaded
ControlDesk experiment were prepared for quick start
measurement beforehand. The ECU must have stored the
appropriate quick start measurement configuration to its
nonvolatile memory, and the current experiment must contain
information on this configuration.

For instructions on preparing and performing a quick start

measurement on an ECU with CCP, refer to:
n How to Prepare a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with CCP
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 299

s Reference Information t

n How to Perform a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with CCP

( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording).
Slave identifier Lets you specify the slave CAN identifier for the
ECU with CCP. The ECU with CCP sends its CCP responses to
ControlDesk using this CAN identifier. You can also specify whether
the identifier is sent according to the 'Standard' (11 bit, compliant
with the CAN 2.0 A specification) or 'Extended' (29 bit, compliant
with the CAN 2.0 B specification) identifier format.

ControlDesk does not block ECU access by more than one CCP
device. If you have one ECU with CCP connected to the host PC,
and two CCP devices in ControlDesk with the same CCP
identifier pairs, both CCP devices can access the ECU. This may
lead to unpredictable calibration results.

Station address Lets you specify the CCPspecific station address of

the ECU. Specify the station address as a number in the Intel format.
CAN Acknowledge Lets you specify CAN acknowledge settings.
Acknowledge check Lets you specify whether to evaluate the
acknowledge for the successful transmission of a CAN message.
Timeout Lets you specify the time to wait for an acknowledge after
a CAN message was copied to the send buffer.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CCP on page 233

CCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties

Purpose To specify seed and key settings for the selected CCP device.

Properties Calibration Lets you specify the path and name of the Seed&Key
DLL file that controls access to the ECU calibration (CAL) resources.
Data acquisition Lets you specify the path and name of the
Seed&Key DLL file that controls access to the ECU data acquisition
(DAQ) resources.
Programming Lets you specify the path and name of the Seed&Key
DLL file that controls access to the ECUs flash programming (PGM)

300 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CCP on page 233

Channels Properties

Purpose To display channel details of the selected FPGA I/O module of


Properties ADC Class 1 channels Displays the number of ADC Class 1

channels available on the selected I/O module.
ADC Class 2 channels Displays the number of ADC Class 2
channels available on the selected I/O module.
Adjustment date Displays the date the module's ADC Class 1, ADC
Class 2, and DAC Class 1 channels were adjusted last.
DAC Class 1 channels Displays the number of DAC Class 1
channels available on the selected I/O module.
DIO Class 1 channels Displays the number of DIO Class 1 channels
available on the selected I/O module.
DIO Class 2 channels Displays the number of DIO Class 2 channels
available on the selected I/O module.
Resolver channels Displays the number of resolver channels
available on the selected I/O module.
UART channels Displays the number of UART channels provided by
the selected I/O module.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248

Common Properties

Purpose To specify common properties of the platform/device.

Properties Active variable description Displays the variable description

currently active on the selected platform/device.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 301

s Reference Information t

Board version Displays the board version of the selected I/O board.
CAN channels (Available only for the MicroLabBox platform)
Displays the number of CAN channels available on the selected CAN
Configuration check (Available only for the DCIGSI2 device)
Displays the result of the DCIGSI2 configuration consistency check.
Configuration consistency is checked automatically when a
connection to the DCIGSI2 is established, if the check is enabled in
the IF_DATA DSPACE_XCP entry in the A2L file.
Description (Available only for some I/O boards and I/O modules)
Displays a description of the selected board.
ECU image file (Available only for measurement and calibration
devices) Displays the ECU Image file if available.
ECU state (Available only for the DCIGSI1 device) Displays the ECU
EPK A2L (Available only for measurement and calibration devices)
Displays the value of the optional EPK attribute of the ECUs A2L file.
EPK ECU (Available only for measurement and calibration devices)
Displays the value of the EPK string of the ECU.
EPK image (Available only for measurement and calibration devices)
Displays the value of the optional EPK attribute of the ECU Image file.
Memory segments (Available only for measurement and
calibration devices) Opens the Memory Segments dialog, which lets
you manage the memory segments of the selected device. Refer to
Memory Segments on page 489.
Module description (Available only for FlexRay and CAN FD
interface modules) Displays a description of the selected I/O module.
Module type Displays the type of the selected I/O module.
Module version Displays the module version of the selected I/O
Page concept (Available only for measurement and calibration
devices) Displays the calibration memory pages provided by the ECU.
This property value is read from the A2L file.
Platform name Displays the name of the selected platform/device.
The name was specified during platform registration.
Platform name in experiment Displays the name of the
platform/device in the currently active experiment.

302 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Platform type Displays the type of the selected platform/device.

Processor name (Relevant only for the Multiprocessor System
platform) Displays or lets you specify the name of the selected
processor board.
When you register a multiprocessor system based on DS1005 or
DS1006 boards, the default processor names and board port
addresses are specified like this: MASTER, 0x300 (first board), SLAVE,
0x310 (second board), SLAVE_B, 0x320 (third board), SLAVE_C,
0x330 (fourth board), ... You should change the processor names
according to the variable description to be used with the
Multiprocessor System platform.
Processor name (Relevant only for the DS1007 PPC Processor
Board platform) Displays the name of the CPU.
System type (Available only for the Multiprocessor System
platform) Displays the processor board type the selected
Multiprocessor System platform is based on. The value can be either
'DS1005' or 'DS1006'.

Related platforms/devices These properties are available for the following platforms and devices:
n CAN Bus Monitoring on page 231
n CCP on page 233
n DCIGSI1 on page 234
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n ECU Diagnostics on page 251
n FlexRay Bus Monitoring on page 252
n LIN Bus Monitoring on page 254
n MicroAutoBox on page 255
n Multiprocessor System on page 258
n SCALEXIO on page 260
n VEOS on page 262
n Video Capturing on page 265

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 303

s Reference Information t

n XCP on CAN on page 266

n XCP on Ethernet on page 268
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271
n XIL API MAPort on page 273

Compression Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the compression settings of the device.

Properties Image compression Lets you turn the image compression on/off
for the video data. You can modify the image compression using the
Quality property. In the Separate mode, this property is always active
to save hardware resources during the transfer of video data.
Image compression settings Lets you specify the image
compression settings for the device.
Quality Lets you specify the image compression quality in percent
[%]. The default image compression quality setting is 75%.
Video codec (Available only in Separate capture mode) Lets you
choose a video codec for compressing video data. You can select all
the video codecs that are installed on the host PC for the Video
Capturing device. For example, you can use the Xvid codec
( The default codec is Microsoft Video 1.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

Connection Settings Properties

Purpose To display the connection settings of the selected platform.

Properties Connection type Displays the connection type of the platform.

MAC address (Available only for DS1007 and DS1202 MicroLabBox
processor boards) Displays the MAC address of the selected processor
Network client Displays the network client as an alias or IP address.

304 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n MicroAutoBox on page 255

DAQ Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the byte order format for the DAQ data.

Properties Intel format Lets you specify one of the following byte order
n Forward
n Sequential
Motorola format Lets you specify one of the following byte order
n Forward MSB
n Forward LSB
n Backward
n Sequential
For details, refer to Basics on Byte Order Formats and Bit Positioning
on page 142.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CAN Bus Monitoring on page 231

Related topics Basics

Basics on Byte Order Formats and Bit Positioning on page 142

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 305

s Reference Information t

Diagnostics Settings Properties

Purpose To specify diagnostics settings for the selected device.

Properties DiagCom parameter limits check Lets you select whether the
limits of the DiagCom parameters in the Diagnostics Instrument are
n If the checkbox is cleared, ControlDesk does not check the value
limits defined in the ODX database. All the values that are valid for
the current data type are permitted.
n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk checks for valid parameter
values and lets you use only values that are within the allowed
value range defined in the ODX database.
In both cases the computation method specified in the ODX database
is applied to the parameter values. By default, the parameter limits
check is enabled.
For some parameter types (for example, parameters which use the
SCALE-LINEAR computation method) the value limits cannot be fully
determined since there can be more than one valid value interval for a
parameter. Currently, ControlDesk supports working with one valid
value interval only. For this reason, not all valid intervals might be
available for such a parameter. You can prevent ControlDesk from
checking the value ranges by clearing the checkbox, but remember
that the physical datatype-specific value ranges are still active and
the computation method is still applied to the value.

Related devices These properties are available for the following device:
n ECU Diagnostics on page 251

ECU Information Properties

Purpose To specify ECU-specific settings for the selected device.

Properties ECU resources (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Displays the
available XCP resources on the ECU. A green icon before an ECU
resource indicates that it is supported on the ECU. A red icon
indicates that it is not supported on the ECU.

306 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

ECU state Displays the ECU session state as the returned value of
the GET_STATUS XCP command. A green icon before an ECU state
indicates that it is active on the ECU. A red icon indicates that it is
Protocol layer version Displays the XCP protocol layer version as
returned by the connect command.
Slave identification Displays the identification of the ECU as a
result of the GET_ID XCP command, or the EXCHANGE_ID CCP
command. The ECU returns this value to ControlDesk when the
device changes from the disconnected to the connected state in
Transport layer version Displays the version number of the
transport layer. The version number is taken from the transport
layerspecific IF_DATA element in the ECU's A2L file.
Unlocked resources (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device)
Displays the protection states of the CCP or XCP resources on the
ECU. A green icon before a resource indicates that it is accessible. A
red icon indicates that it is not accessible.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CCP on page 233
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on CAN on page 266
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

Ethernet Settings Properties

Purpose To specify Ethernet settings for the selected platform/device.

Properties Ethernet protocol Lets you specify the Ethernet protocol to be

used. You can choose the UDP or the TCP Ethernet transmission

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 307

s Reference Information t

Failrail Segment Switch Properties

Purpose To display information on the failrail segment switch.

Properties Board type Displays the type of the module.

Configuration name Displays the detected configuration state of
the failrail segment switch.
Product version Displays the revision number of the module.
Serial number Displays the unique identification number of the

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n SCALEXIO on page 260

Firmware Version Property

Purpose To display information on the firmware running on the hardware.

Properties Firmware version Displays the version number of the firmware

running on the selected hardware.

Related platforms This property is available for the following platforms:

n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n SCALEXIO on page 260

FlexRay Interface Properties

Purpose To select the FlexRay interface type for the selected device.

Properties Interface Selection Lets you select the type of the FlexRay
interface. Refer to Interface Selection (CAN-, LIN-, and FlexRay-based
devices) page on page 451.

308 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n FlexRay Bus Monitoring on page 252
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

FlexRay Settings Properties

Purpose To specify FlexRay-specific settings for the selected device.

Properties Controller configuration Lets you select the controller

configuration method. You can select one of the following options:
n FIBEX file referenced by A2L: All the configuration parameters are
taken from the FIBEX file which is referenced in the specified A2L
n External FIBEX file: The configuration parameters are taken from
an external FIBEX file. You must specify the file via the External
configuration file property. The FlexRay configuration parameters
that are specified in the external FIBEX file are not saved in the
ControlDesk experiment. The FIBEX file will be parsed before
ControlDesk connects to the device.
n External CHI file: The configuration parameters are taken from an
external controller host interface (CHI) file. You must specify the
CHI file via the External configuration file property. The FlexRay
configuration parameters that are specified in the external CHI file
are not saved in the ControlDesk experiment. The configuration
file is parsed each time ControlDesk connects to the device.
n External dSPACE configuration file: The configuration parameters
are taken from a header file which was generated by the dSPACE
FlexRay Configuration Package. You must specify the
configuration file via the External configuration file property. The
FlexRay configuration parameters that are specified in the external
configuration file are not saved in the ControlDesk experiment.
The configuration file is parsed each time ControlDesk connects to
the device.
Communication controller settings / Property value (Available
only for the FlexRay Bus Monitoring device) Displays the FlexRay
communication controller settings. The values of the FlexRay
communication controller settings displayed are taken from the FIBEX
file which is referenced in the A2L file. They match the settings for

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 309

s Reference Information t

the controller node to be used, which is identified by the Cluster ID

and Initial CMD Slot ID properties.

If you specified an external FIBEX file for use with the current
device, this property contains an empty list. The communication
controller settings specified in the external FIBEX file are not
displayed here.

For detailed information on the properties displayed on the

Communication Controller Settings page, refer to the FIBEX
specification at
Communication controller settings / Property value (Available
only for the XCP on FlexRay device) Displays the FlexRay
communication controller settings. The values of the FlexRay
communication controller settings displayed are taken from the FIBEX
file which is referenced in the A2L file. They match the settings for
the XCP master controller node to be used, which is identified by the
Cluster ID and Initial CMD Slot ID properties specified in XCP on
FlexRay Settings Properties on page 351.

If you specified an external FIBEX file for use with the current
device, this property contains an empty list. The communication
controller settings specified in the external FIBEX file are not
displayed here.

For detailed information on the properties displayed on the

Communication Controller Settings page, refer to the FIBEX
specification at
External configuration file Lets you specify the path and name of
the external configuration file (FIBEX file, CHI file or dSPACE
configuration file) to be used for controller configuration.
FIBEX file referenced by A2L Displays the path and name of the
FIBEX file which is referenced in the A2L file. If the referenced FIBEX
file is to be used for configuration, the FIBEX file and the A2L file
must be located in the same folder. The FlexRay configuration
parameters taken from the referenced FIBEX file are saved in the
ControlDesk experiment.

310 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Update bit evaluation (Available only for the FlexRay Bus

Monitoring device) Lets you specify to evaluate or ignore the update
bit when a PDU/frame is received.
n If the checkbox is selected, the update bit is evaluated. If the value
of the update bit of a PDU changes to '0', the value of a signal of
this PDU measured by the FlexRay Bus Monitoring device is frozen
to the last signal value when the update bit changed. The value
remains frozen until the update bit value changes to '1'.
n If the checkbox is cleared, the update bit is ignored.

Key slot properties Lets you specify the key slot usage settings.
Slot identifier Lets you specify the slot to be used as the key slot. If
you selected Startup sync or Sync in the Key Slot Using Type property,
you must enter a slot ID.
Type (Available only for the FlexRay Bus Monitoring device) Lets you
select whether the key slot specified by Key Slot ID is to be used for
cluster startup and synchronization, for cluster synchronization only,
or not used at all.
Usually, the key slot usage information is taken from the FIBEX file.
However, it can be useful to specify it manually, for example, when
an ECU is to be put into operation not using the complete FlexRay
Type (Available only for the XCP on FlexRay device) Lets you select
whether the key slot specified by Key Slot ID is to be used for cluster
startup and synchronization, for cluster synchronization only, or not
used at all.
Usually, the key slot usage information is taken from the FIBEX file.
However, it can be useful to specify it manually, for example, when
an ECU is to be put into operation not using the complete FlexRay
cluster but only the XCP master controller.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n FlexRay Bus Monitoring on page 252
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 311

s Reference Information t

FPGA Properties

Purpose To display information on the selected FPGA module of

MicroAutoBox or MicroLabBox or the userprogrammable FPGA base

Properties Block RAM size (Available only for FPGA modules of MicroLabBox,
the DS2655 FPGA Base Board, and the DS2656 I/O Solution Base
Board) Displays the size of the block RAM available on the selected
FPGA module or the userprogrammable FPGA chip.
Default version (Available only for the DS2655 FPGA Base Board
and the DS2656 I/O Solution Base Board) Displays the default
bitstream version of the userprogrammable FPGA. The default
bitstream is used internally during the initialization phase.
Device type (Available only for FPGA modules of MicroLabBox, the
DS2655 FPGA Base Board, and the DS2656 I/O Solution Base Board)
Displays the FPGA device type provided by the selected FPGA module
or the FPGA chip device type provided by the userprogrammable
FPGA base board.
DSP slices (Available only for FPGA modules of MicroLabBox, the
DS2655 FPGA Base Board, and the DS2656 I/O Solution Base Board)
Displays the number of DSP slices available on the selected FPGA
module or userprogrammable FPGA chip.
FPGA application information (Available only for FPGA modules
of MicroAutoBox) Displays information on the FPGA application.
FPGA firmware version (Available only for FPGA modules of
MicroAutoBox) Displays the version of the FPGA firmware.
FPGA type (Available only for FPGA modules of MicroAutoBox)
Displays the type of the FPGA module.
Logic cells (Available only for FPGA modules of MicroLabBox, the
DS2655 FPGA Base Board, and the DS2656 I/O Solution Base Board)
Displays the number of logic cells available on the selected FPGA
Module count (Available only for the DS2655 FPGA Base Board and
DS2656 I/O Solution Base Board) Displays the maximum number of
FPGA I/O modules that can be mounted on the FPGA base board.

312 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n MicroAutoBox on page 255
n SCALEXIO on page 260

General Properties

Purpose To view details of the selected application.

Properties Date Displays the date when the selected application was created.
Source Displays the path and file name of the selected application.

Related platforms These properties are available for applications that are added to the
experiment and assigned to the following platforms:
n SCALEXIO on page 260
n VEOS on page 262

General Settings Properties

Purpose To specify general settings of the selected platform/device.

You can specify general settings for a platform/device only if it is
in the 'disconnected' state.

Properties Automatic reconnect behavior (Available only for measurement

and calibration devices and the ECU Diagnostics device, and the XIL
API MAPort platform) Lets you specify ControlDesk's default behavior
when the unplugged state is detected for the selected
n Resume measurement and online calibration: ControlDesk
periodically tries to reestablish the logical connection. When the
platform/device is reconnected to the platform/device hardware,
ControlDesk resumes measurement and online calibration.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 313

s Reference Information t

n Disconnect Platform/Device: ControlDesk does not try to

reestablish the logical connection for the platform/device, but sets
the platform/device state to disconnected.

The automatic reconnecting feature is always enabled for
MicroAutoBox platforms. If a MicroAutoBox platform is in the
unplugged state, ControlDesk tries to reestablish the connection
to the hardware.

Confirm automatic page switch (Available only for the following

devices: CCP, DCIGSI1, DCIGSI2, XCP) Lets you specify automatic
page switching when online calibration is started, with or without
user confirmation.
When you start online calibration, ControlDesk compares the memory
pages of the ECU with the corresponding pages in ControlDesk via
checksums. To calculate the checksums on all pages of the ECU,
ControlDesk has to perform a page switch. You can specify to let
ControlDesk perform the page switch with or without asking you for
n If you select the checkbox, you have to confirm automatic page
switching by ControlDesk whenever you start online calibration.
n If you clear the checkbox, ControlDesk performs automatic page
switching without asking you for confirmation.
Cross read (Available only for measurement and calibration devices)
Lets you enable or disable automatic cross read for write operations
to the ECU. If enabled, a consistency check is performed for each
write operation from ControlDesk to the ECU. Each value written to
the ECU is immediately read again by ControlDesk for comparison.
Display status information (Available only for measurement and
calibration devices, the ECU Diagnostics device, and MicroAutoBox)
Lets you specify whether to bring up message boxes displaying status
information for the selected platform/device.
n If you select the checkbox, message boxes containing
platform/devicespecific status information are displayed.
n If you clear the checkbox, the display of message boxes is
suppressed. This can be useful, for example, if you want to
automate calibration, measurement, and diagnostic tasks using
ControlDesk's remote-control interface.

314 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Enable platform/device Lets you enable or disable access to the

platform/device from the experiment.
n If the checkbox is selected, the platform/device is activated in the
experiment. Communication to the platform/device from the
experiment is possible.
n If the checkbox is cleared, the platform/device is deactivated in the
experiment. The connection to a disabled platform/device from the
experiment is blocked. For example, this means that ControlDesk
does not connect itself to the platform hardware or VPU when the
experiment is loaded and online calibration is not started for the
disabled platform when online calibration is started globally.
Later on, you can use the Project Manager to reenable the
platform/device, connect ControlDesk to the platform/device
hardware or VPU, and start online calibration and measurement
for it.
Disabled platforms/devices are displayed with the symbol in the
Project Manager.
Enable resynchronization Lets you enable or disable timer
resynchronization for the selected platform/device if resynchronization
is enabled globally. You can enable/disable resynchronization globally
on the Data Acquisition page of the ControlDesk NG Options dialog.
Refer to Data Acquisition Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording).
Enforce starting real-time application (Available only for the
DS1007 PPC Processor Board, DS1202 MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO
platforms) Lets you specify whether to start the real-time application
automatically on starting online calibration and starting
measurement. Enabling this option starts an application that is
already loaded but not yet started when online calibration is started.
Enforce starting simulation (Available only for the VEOS and XIL
API MAPort platforms) Lets you specify whether to start an offline
simulation (VEOS) or simulation (XIL API MAPort) automatically on
starting online calibration and starting measurement. This option is
useful to start an application/simulation model that is already loaded
but not yet started.
Ignore missing I/O hardware on start online calibration
(Available only for the SCALEXIO platform) Lets you specify
ControlDesk's behavior when online calibration is started for a
SCALEXIO platform that has I/O hardware missing. If the checkbox is
selected, the missing I/O hardware is simulated automatically and
ControlDesk continues starting online calibration without displaying a
message box. If the checkbox is cleared, the start of the online

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 315

s Reference Information t

calibration is interrupted and ControlDesk displays a message box

prompting you to select the required I/O hardware.
Initial page (Available only for measurement and calibration
devices) Lets you specify which memory page is to be the active page
in ControlDesk and on the ECU after online calibration is started or
after an automatic reconnect:
n ECU defined: The memory page which is currently active on the
hardware is activated in ControlDesk.
n Tool defined: The memory page which was last active before
online calibration was started or before the device's unplugged
state was detected becomes the active page in ControlDesk and
on the ECU.
n Working page: The working page is activated in ControlDesk and
on the ECU.
n Reference page: The reference page is activated in ControlDesk
and on the ECU.
Limit calibration access (Available only for the DCIGSI1 device)
Displays whether calibration is limited to parameters that are located
inside the defined memory segments, or if calibration access outside
the calibration memory segments is allowed, too.
Measurement service (Available only for the following platforms:
DS1005 PPC Board, DS1006 Processor Board, MicroAutoBox,
Multiprocessor System) Displays the measurement service used for
data acquisition with the selected platform.
Model is executed in real time (Available only for the following
devices: CCP, CAN Bus Monitoring, LIN Bus Monitoring, XCP on CAN,
XCP on Ethernet; disabled if the Model is executed in real time
inheritance setting is selected. Refer to Inheritance Settings Properties
on page 329.) Lets you specify whether ControlDesk treats the
application running on the selected device as being executed in real
time, or as being executed in an offline simulation on VEOS.
n If the option is selected, ControlDesk treats the model running on
the selected device as being executed in real time.
Select this option if you use the selected device to access a real
ECU or a real CAN or LIN communication bus.
Selecting this option has the following consequences:
n ControlDesk initially synchronizes the time stamps from the
selected device and all the other active platforms/devices on
measurement start.

316 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

n Periodic resynchronization of measurement data can be

enabled/disabled for the selected device via the (global and
local) resynchronization setting.
n If the option is cleared, ControlDesk treats the model running on
the selected device as being executed in an offline simulation on
Clear this option if you use the selected device to access a virtual
ECU or a virtual CAN or LIN communication bus.
Offline simulations on VEOS are performed in a simulation time
which is independent of real time and the synchronized time base
used by ControlDesk for data measurement.

Add all the devices and the VEOS platform created for an
offline simulation application to a simulation time group, and
ensure that the Model is executed in real time setting is
cleared for all the devices in that group.

Clearing this option has the following consequences:

n ControlDesk does not initially synchronize the time stamps
from the selected device on measurement start. However, if
the selected device is a member of a simulation time group, the
time stamps of the members are synchronized.

n Since no synchronized time base is used, you should
not perform a measurement on VEOS and on another
simulation platform at the same time.
n Using hardware polling rasters and the OnChange
raster is not useful in virtual validation scenarios
involving the VEOS platform and/or XCP on Ethernet
devices accessing V-ECUs since there is no time
reference between the values measured with these
rasters and values measured with other measurement

n Time stamps start with '0' on simulation start (not on

measurement start) in an offline simulation if the measurement
is started before the start of the simulation.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 317

s Reference Information t

This allows you to investigate start-up scenarios in an
offline simulation, for example.

n Periodic resynchronization of measurement data is disabled for

the selected device independent of the (global and local)
resynchronization setting.
n Performing a stepwise offline simulation is possible.
Read settings from variable description (Available only for CAN
Bus Monitoring and LIN Bus Monitoring devices) Lets you specify to
use the communication configuration information from a variable
description that you add or reload. Using information from the
new/reloaded variable description overwrites the configuration
information that is currently used by the device. If there are
inconsistencies between the currently used configuration information
and the corresponding information contained in the new/reloaded
variable description file, a dialog opens for you to specify whether to
use the current value or to use the value from the new/reloaded
variable description file for each single inconsistent setting.
n If enabled, ControlDesk reads the communication configuration
information from the new/reloaded variable description file. If this
differs from the currently used settings, you can select to use the
current value or the value from the new/reloaded variable
description for each inconsistent setting.
n If disabled, ControlDesk does not read the communication
configuration information from the new/reloaded variable
description. It continues to use the settings currently used by the
Resume online calibration behavior (Available only for
measurement and calibration devices, the ECU Diagnostics device,
and DS1007 PPC Processor Board, DS1202 MicroLabBox,
MicroAutoBox, SCALEXIO, and XIL API MAPort platforms) Lets you
specify ControlDesk's default behavior when online calibration is
started and measurement is resumed after ControlDesk has
performed an automatic reconnect to the platform/device hardware.
You can specify how parameter values are to be up/downloaded if
the parameter values in ControlDesk and on the hardware differ. The
available options depend on the ECU's memory page concept, the
selected platform/device type, and on whether calibration memory
segments are defined in the ECU's A2L file or not.

318 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

For information on the possible default behaviors, refer to Start online

calibration behavior on page 319.
Start application automatically after loading (Available only for
the DS1007 PPC Processor Board, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO
and VEOS platforms) Lets you specify whether to start an application
automatically after loading it to the selected hardware. This setting
applies only to loading an application on starting online calibration
and starting measurement. It does not apply to loading an application
via the Platform/Device Manager.
Start online calibration behavior Lets you specify ControlDesk's
default behavior when online calibration is started. You can specify
how parameter values are to be up/downloaded if the parameter
values in ControlDesk and on the hardware or VPU differ. The
available default behaviors depend on the ECU's memory page
concept, the selected platform/device type, and on whether
calibration memory segments are defined in the ECU's A2L file or not.
Start Online Calibration Behavior Data Consistency Description
Prompt user ControlDesk opens the Calibration Memory Dialog,
prompting you to upload or download the parameter
Upload2) 3) ControlDesk uploads the parameter values from the
hardware or VPU to ControlDesk. If no initial data set
is available for the platform/device, ControlDesk
creates a working data set during the upload, and
also a reference data set if the hardware or VPU
supports this.
Download 4) 3) ControlDesk downloads the parameter values from
ControlDesk to the hardware or VPU.
Upload WP, Upload RP 3) For the memory pages whose contents differ from
the contents of the mirrored memory, ControlDesk
uploads the parameter values from the connected
hardware or VPU to ControlDesk. 5)
Download WP, Upload RP 4) 3) For the memory pages whose contents differ from
the contents of the mirrored memory, ControlDesk
equalizes the parameter values as follows: 5)
n For the working page, the parameter values are
downloaded from ControlDesk to the hardware or
n For the reference page, ControlDesk uploads the
parameter values from the hardware or VPU to

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 319

s Reference Information t

Start Online Calibration Behavior Data Consistency Description

Upload WP, Download RP 4) 3) For the memory pages whose contents differ from
the contents of the mirrored memory, ControlDesk
equalizes the parameter values as follows: 5)
n For the working page, ControlDesk uploads the
parameter values from the hardware or VPU to
n For the reference page, the parameter values are
downloaded from ControlDesk to the hardware or
Download WP, Download RP 4) 3)
For the memory pages whose contents differ from
the contents of the mirrored memory, ControlDesk
downloads the parameter values from ControlDesk
to the connected hardware or VPU. 5)
Upload connected variables2) ControlDesk uploads the values of all the parameters
and writable measurements that are currently
selected for calibration from the hardware or VPU to
the host PC. These are the parameters and writable
measurements that are currently connected to an
instrument and visualized on a layout. They are
shown in the Variable Browser with a red chain

For a platform/device without a working data
set, selecting the 'upload connected variables'
option the first time online calibration is started
prevents ControlDesk from creating a working
and a reference data set. However,
ControlDesk needs a working data set to save
calibration data in ControlDesk. Use the
'upload' option for the first online transition

Download connected variables 4) ControlDesk downloads the values of all the

parameters and writable measurements that are
currently selected for calibration from ControlDesk to
the hardware or VPU. These are the parameters and
writable measurements that are currently connected
to an instrument and visualized on a layout. They are
shown in the Variable Browser with a red chain

320 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Start Online Calibration Behavior Data Consistency Description

Ignore differences4) (Available only if memory segments are defined in
the ECU's A2L file) Online calibration is started
without a data consistency check and without
equalizing the contents of the memory pages and
the mirrored memory. ControlDesk lets you calibrate
parameters even if the parameter values on the
connected hardware or VPU and in ControlDesk are

You must ensure data integrity yourself.

Not possible for the following platforms: DS1005 PPC Board, DS1006 Processor Board, DS1007 PPC Processor Board, DS1103
PPC Controller Board, DS1104 R&D Controller Board, MicroAutoBox, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, VEOS.
2) If you selected one or more data sets for downloading on calibration start, the parameter values of these data sets are
downloaded in any case. They are downloaded even if you specified, for example, Upload as the Start online calibration
behavior for the related platform. Refer to How to Select Additional Data Sets for Downloading on Online Calibration Start
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data Set Management).
3) ControlDesk compares the parameter values on the connected hardware or VPU and in ControlDesk by calculating CRC
checksum values for the defined memory segments.
4) If no initial data set is available for the platform/device, ControlDesk nevertheless opens the Calibration Memory dialog the
first time you start online calibration.
5) ControlDesk uploads/downloads only memory segments that differ. Memory segments that are equal on the ECU memory
and on the mirrored memory are not up/downloaded. This speeds up the up/download.

Before specifying the start online calibration behavior of a
platform/device, you must decide between safe and fast online

For further information on memory pages and starting online

calibration, refer to Introduction to Offline and Online Calibration
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
Start unplugged (Available only for CCP and XCP devices) Lets you
set a device to the 'unplugged' state at the start of online calibration
if its hardware is currently not connected to ControlDesk. To use this
feature, the Start online calibration behavior property must be set to
'Ignore differences'.
Topology check (Available only for the Multiprocessor System
platform) Lets you specify if ControlDesk checks the topology of the
selected DS1005/DS1006-based multiprocessor system. If enabled,
ControlDesk checks if all the processor boards of the system are
interconnected via Gigalinks. ControlDesk does not check whether
the topology of the connected boards is compatible with the

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 321

s Reference Information t

topology required by the realtime application to be loaded to the

system, i.e., it does not check whether the correct Gigalink ports of
the processor boards are used for interconnection. ControlDesk
performs the check when the multiprocessor system is connected.
Verify page consistency (Available only for measurement and
calibration devices) Lets you specify whether ControlDesk is to
perform a data consistency check after up/downloading the
calibration memory contents when online calibration is started. The
check is done by calculation CRC checksum values.
n If you select the checkbox, ControlDesk compares the contents of
the mirrored memory of the device with the memory pages of the
connected ECU after the memory contents are up-/downloaded to
verify whether the upload/download operation was successful.
n If you clear the checkbox, ControlDesk does not perform a
consistency check after the upload/download process.

Related platforms/devices These properties are available for the following platforms and devices:
n CCP on page 233
n DCIGSI1 on page 234
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n ECU Diagnostics on page 251
n MicroAutoBox on page 255
n Multiprocessor System on page 258
n SCALEXIO on page 260
n VEOS on page 262
n XCP on CAN on page 266
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271
n XIL API MAPort on page 273

322 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related topics Basics

Basics on Synchronized Data Acquisition ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
Observing Variables ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording)
Reconnecting to Platform/Device Hardware Automatically on page 33

Gigalink Information Properties

Purpose To display information on the Gigalink connections of the selected

DS1007 multiprocessor system.

Information on the Gigalink connections is updated
automatically as long as no real-time applicaton is loaded to the
system. If an application is currently loaded and you change
Gigalink connections, the display is not updated. Therefore,
change Gigalink connections only if no application is currently

Properties Gigalink 0 Displays the processor board that is connected to

Gigalink port 0 of the selected DS1007 processor board. If the port is
used for Gigalink connection, the serial number and the used Gigalink
port of the connected processor board are displayed. Data on
processor boards that are not part of your own registered DS1007
multiprocessor system is displayed in bold and italics. 'NC' indicates
that there is no plugged connection for this port.
Gigalink 1 Displays the processor board that is connected to
Gigalink port 1 of the selected DS1007 processor board. If the port is
used for Gigalink connection, the serial number and the used Gigalink
port of the connected processor board are displayed. Data on
processor boards that are not part of your own registered DS1007
multiprocessor system is displayed in bold and italics. 'NC' indicates
that there is no plugged connection for this port.
Gigalink 2 Displays the processor board that is connected to
Gigalink port 2 of the selected DS1007 processor board. If the port is
used for Gigalink connection, the serial number and the used Gigalink
port of the connected processor board are displayed. Data on
processor boards that are not part of your own registered DS1007

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 323

s Reference Information t

multiprocessor system is displayed in bold and italics. 'NC' indicates

that there is no plugged connection for this port.
Gigalink 3 Displays the processor board that is connected to
Gigalink port 3 of the selected DS1007 processor board. If the port is
used for Gigalink connection, the serial number and the used Gigalink
port of the connected processor board are displayed. Data on
processor boards that are not part of your own registered DS1007
multiprocessor system is displayed in bold and italics. 'NC' indicates
that there is no plugged connection for this port.
Gigalink information unavailable Indicates that no Gigalink
information is available. The selected DS1007 platform represents a
DS1007 single-processor system, i.e., only one DS1007 PPC Processor
Board was selected during platform registration.
Processor Board (Serial Number) Displays the processor boards
that constitute the selected DS1007 multiprocessor system with their
serial numbers. The serial numbers are displayed in brackets.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242

GSI Interface Properties

Purpose To select a connected DCI-GSI1 interface and assign it to the device.

Properties Interface selection Lets you assign a connected DCIGSI1 interface

to the selected DCIGSI1 device. Refer to Interface Selection
(DCIGSI1) page on page 453.

If you have only one DCIGSI1 connected to the host PC, you do
not have to assign it to a DCIGSI1 device in ControlDesk. It is
assigned automatically.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCIGSI1 on page 234

324 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

GSI Settings Checksum Calculation Properties

Purpose To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected DCI-GSI1


Properties Algorithm Displays the algorithm ControlDesk uses for checksum

Checksum calculation Lets you enable or disable checksum

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCIGSI1 on page 234

Host Interface Properties

Purpose To display information on the host interface settings.

Properties IP address Displays the IP address of the hardware component.

IP mode Displays whether the Ethernet network configuration to
the host PC is set by a DHCP server or a static network configuration
is used.
MAC address Displays the particular MAC address of the selected
processor board of the DS1007 system, the selected platform of the
DS1202 MicroLabBox platform, or the selected processing unit of the
SCALEXIO system.
Subnet mask Displays the subnet mask (network mask) of the
DS1007, MicroLabBox, or the SCALEXIO Real-Time PC.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n SCALEXIO on page 260

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 325

s Reference Information t

I/O Board Properties

Purpose To display details of the selected I/O board of MicroAutoBox.

Properties I/O board revision Displays the revision of the I/O board of
I/O board serial number Displays the serial number of the I/O
board of MicroAutoBox.
I/O board type Displays the type of the I/O board of MicroAutoBox.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n MicroAutoBox on page 255

I/O Module Details Properties

Purpose To display details of the selected I/O module.

Properties Date of adjustment (Available only for the ADC_TYPE4 module

type) Displays the date the I/O module was adjusted last.
FPGA version (Available only for FlexRay and CAN FD interface
modules) Displays the FPGA version number of the selected I/O
I/O module name Displays the name of the I/O module.
Module interrupts Displays the number of interrupts that are set
for this I/O module.
Module position Displays the position of the I/O module to identify
modules of the same type.
Module revision Displays the revision of the I/O module of
Module speed Displays the speed of the I/O module of
Slot number (Available only for FlexRay and CAN FD interface
modules) Displays the number of the COM module or the slot
number the selected interface module is connected to.

326 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n MicroAutoBox on page 255

Identification Properties

Purpose To display details on the selected component of the DS1007,

MicroLabBox or SCALEXIO system or VEOS simulator for identification

Properties Board name (Available only for SCALEXIO processing units and for
VEOS) Lets you specify the board name of the selected platform. The
board name must match the setting specified in the application to be
loaded. For VEOS platforms, the board name is displayed and cannot
be changed.
Board type Displays the board type.
DS number (Available only for the DS1007 PPC Processor Board,
DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO processing units, and SCALEXIO I/O
boards) Displays the dSPACE identity number.
Identifier (Available only for SCALEXIO processing units) Displays
the serial number/identifier of the selected SCALEXIO processing unit.
IP address (Available only for SCALEXIO processing units and for
VEOS) Displays the IP address of the board.
MAC address (Available only for SCALEXIO processing units)
Displays the MAC address of the SCALEXIO processing unit.
Max. number of cylinders (Available only for SCALEXIO angle
units) Displays the maximum number of cylinders/pistons the virtual
combustion machine can have.
Member of rack (Available only for SCALEXIO processing units and
SCALEXIO I/O units) Lets you specify the name of the rack the
SCALEXIO processing unit belongs to (the rack name must match the
setting in the application to be loaded), or displays the rack the I/O
unit or the DS2907 controller is installed in.
Member of unit (Available only for SCALEXIO I/O boards) Displays
the name of the I/O unit the board is inserted into.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 327

s Reference Information t

Name (Available only for SCALEXIO I/O units) Lets you specify or
displays the name of the selected I/O unit.
Resolution (Available only for SCALEXIO angle units) Displays the
resolution of the angle counter.
Serial number (Not available for the SCALEXIO Processing Unit)
Displays the serial number of the board.
Slot(s) (Available only for SCALEXIO I/O boards) Displays the slot
number the board is installed in. If the board uses more than one slot,
all required slots are listed.
Solution (Available only for the DS2656 I/O Solution Base Board)
Displays the name of the current FPGA I/O solution.
System name (Available only for SCALEXIO processing units)
Displays the system name of the SCALEXIO processing unit.
Type (Not available for VEOS) Displays the type of the selected
board, I/O unit, SCALEXIO processing unit, IOCNET router, or IOCNET
link board.
Unit name (Available only for the DS2551 IOCNET Router and the
DS2680 I/O Unit) Displays the I/O Unit the DS2551 IOCNET Router or
DS2680 I/O Unit belongs to.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n SCALEXIO on page 260
n VEOS on page 262

Image Quality Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the image quality settings of the device.

Properties Backlight compensation Lets you specify the backlight

compensation value. Bright light from behind an object causes the
light meter to underexpose the main object. Cameras that support
automatic backlight compensation increase the exposure time by a
predefined value.

328 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Brightness Lets you specify the brightness value.

Contrast Lets you specify the contrast value.
Gain Lets you specify the gain value.
Gamma Lets you specify the gamma value. Gamma correction
controls the overall brightness of an image and the ratios of red to
green to blue.
Hue Lets you specify the hue value. Hue is defined as the variation
of the tint or shade of a color.
Reset category to default Lets you set all the Image Quality
Settings properties to their default values.
Saturation Lets you specify the saturation value. Saturation is the
amount of gray in a color. The more gray in a color, the less saturated
and the less vivid it appears.
Sharpness Lets you specify the sharpness value.
White balance Lets you specify the white balance value. White
balance is the process of removing unrealistic color casts.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n Video Capturing on page 265

Inheritance Settings Properties

Purpose To specify inheritance settings for the selected device.

Properties Application process (Relevant only for XCP on Ethernet devices)

Lets you specify the name of the application process of the VECU
represented by the selected XCP on Ethernet device.
Inheritance Lets you specify whether to inherit property settings
from a VEOS or a SCALEXIO platform. For example, inheriting
property settings is useful if a selected XCP on Ethernet device is used
to access a VECU executed on VEOS or on SCALEXIO.
Inherit from platform Lets you select the name of a VEOS or a
SCALEXIO platform in the current experiment to inherit settings from.
IP address Lets you specify whether to inherit the IP address from
the VEOS or SCALEXIO platform that settings will be inherited from.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 329

s Reference Information t

Relevant only for XCP on Ethernet devices:

n Selecting this option also disables the ECU IP address setting. Refer
to XCP on Ethernet/GSI2 Ethernet Settings Properties
on page 350.
n If the platform has several IP addresses (e.g., a SCALEXIO platform
accessing a multiprocessor SCALEXIO system), you also have to
specify the Application process property.
Model is executed in real time Lets you specify how ControlDesk
treats the application running on the selected device:
n If selected, ControlDesk treats the application running on the
selected device according to the parent platform that settings will
be inherited from:
n If SCALEXIO is the parent platform, the application is treated as
being executed in real time.
n If VEOS is the parent platform, the application is treated as
being executed in an offline simulation.
Selecting this option also disables the device's Model is executed
in real time general setting. Refer to General Settings Properties
on page 313.
n If cleared, ControlDesk treats the application running on the
selected device according to the Model is executed in real time
general setting. Refer to General Settings Properties on page 313.
Simulation time group membership (Only relevant if VEOS is the
device's parent platform) Lets you specify whether to insert the
selected device into the simulation time group that contains the VEOS
platform that settings will be inherited from.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n CAN Bus Monitoring on page 231
n CCP on page 233
n LIN Bus Monitoring on page 254
n XCP on CAN on page 266
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268

330 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

IOCNET Router Properties

Purpose To display the properties of the unit's IOCNET router.

Properties Firmware version Displays the version number of the firmware

running on the board.
Product version Displays the revision number of the board.
Serial number Displays the unique identification number of the
unit's IOCNET router.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n SCALEXIO on page 260

LIN Interface Properties

Purpose To select the LIN interface type for the selected device.

Properties Interface search attributes Lets you specify the search attributes
for interface selection.
Interface selection Lets you select the type of the LIN interface.
Refer to Interface Selection (CAN-, LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices)
page on page 451.
IP address Lets you enter the IP address used as search the attribute
value for interface selection. LIN interfaces which have this IP address
are searched for. The found interfaces are displayed for selection in
the Interface Selection dialog.
IP addresses Lets you specify IP addresses as search attributes for
LIN interface selection. Select Add in the context menu or click to
add an edit field to specify an IP address, or click to delete the
selected IP address.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n LIN Bus Monitoring on page 254

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 331

s Reference Information t

LIN Settings Properties

Purpose To specify LIN settings for the selected device.

Properties Baud rate Lets you specify the baud rate. The baud rate is usually
defined in the variable description and displayed in the edit field. You
can change the baud rate, if necessary. The following baud rates are
n 1200 bps
n 2400 bps
n 4800 bps
n 9600 bps
n 19200 bps
n You can also specify a custom baud rate. It must not exceed the
range from 1000 bps to 20000 bps and must be a multiple of
Protocol version Lets you specify the LIN protocol version.
ControlDesk reads the value from the LDF file. You can specify a
different LIN protocol version, if necessary.
ControlDesk supports the following protocol versions:
n 2.1
n 2.0
n 1.3
Checksum calculation Displays all the LIN communication frames.
Checksum calculation - Frame identifier Displays the identifiers
of the LIN communication frames. The identifiers of LIN
communication frames are in the range 0 59.
Checksum calculation - Checksum type Lets you specify the
checksum calculation type individually for each LIN communication
frame. The following checksum calculation types are available:

Checksum Calculation Description

Classic The checksum is calculated from the data bytes of a LIN frame.
Enhanced The checksum is calculated from the data bytes of the LIN frame and
its protected frame identifier. 1)

332 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Checksum Calculation Description

Autodetect Automatic checksum detection is performed. This means that the LIN
frame is valid if either the classic or the enhanced checksum
calculation provides a valid checksum value.
Ignore ControlDesk always accepts the LIN frame. Checksum errors that are
passed by the LIN interface are ignored.
Enhanced checksum calculation is supported as of LIN protocol version 2.0. If you specified an earlier LIN protocol version on
the Protocol Version, ControlDesk displays a warning.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n LIN Bus Monitoring on page 254

Logical Link Selection Properties

Purpose To select logical links for ECU diagnostics, to display the active logical
links of the ECU Diagnostics device with their configurations, and to
specify connection check settings and configure communication
parameters individually for each active logical link.

Properties Active logical links Displays all the logical links that are currently
selected for use with the ECU Diagnostics device and also the links'
configurations. The list is sorted according to hierarchical layers. The
listed logical links can be used for diagnostic communication via the
Diagnostics and Fault Memory Instruments.
Whether the long names or short names of the logical links are
displayed depends on the settings made on the Diagnostics
Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to
Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU
Communication parameters Lets you open the Communication
Parameters page of the Active Logical Links dialog to specify
configuration settings for the communication parameters (COMPARAMs)
that are relevant for the active logical links. You can define
userdefined values for the communication parameters, and specify
whether to use the userdefined value or the ODX value for
communication individually for each communication parameter. Refer
to Active Logical Links page on page 386.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 333

s Reference Information t

You can change the communication parameter settings via the

Properties controlbar if at least one logical link is selected for ECU
Connection Displays the physical connection type specified for the
selected active logical link.
Connection check Lets you open the Connection Check page of the
Active Logical Links dialog to specify global connection check settings
and to configure for each active logical link how the connection
check is to be performed during the state transition from
'disconnected' to 'connected'. These settings also apply to automatic
reconnection of the ECU Diagnostics device. Refer to Active Logical
Links page on page 386.
You can change the connection check settings via the Properties
controlbar only if the device is disconnected and if at least one logical
link is selected for ECU diagnostics.
Interface Displays a description of the hardware interface selected
for the selected active logical link.
Protocol Displays the diagnostic protocol specified for the selected
active logical link.
Select logical links Lets you open the Select Logical Links dialog to
select and configure the logical links to be used with the selected ECU
Diagnostics device. Refer to Select Logical Links page on page 379.
Type Displays the hierarchical layer of the selected active logical link.
An ODX database contains several layers that are defined in the
ASAMMCD 2D standard:

Layer Icon Description

Protocol layer
Functional group layer
ECU base variant layer
ECU variant layer

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n ECU Diagnostics on page 251

334 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Member Overview Properties

Purpose To display the DS1005/DS1006 processor boards that form the

selected Multiprocessor System platform, or the DS1007 PPC
Processor Boards that constitute the selected DS1007 platform, with
their configuration settings.

Properties CPU (Available only for the DS1007 platform) Displays the CPU of
the processor boards belonging to the selected DS1007
multiprocessor system.
Name (Available only for the Multiprocessor System platform)
Displays the names of the DS1005 or DS1006 boards that form the
selected multiprocessor system. These are the platform names which
are used for the processor boards in the experiment.
Platform name (Available only for the Multiprocessor System
platform) Displays assignment information for the members of the
DS1005based or DS1006based multiprocessor system. If the
member is currently assigned to hardware, the platform name of the
assigned processor board is displayed. If the member is currently not
assigned, 'unassigned' is displayed.
Port address (Available only for the Multiprocessor System platform
and only for the 'Assign to any equal platform' assignment mode)
Displays the base address of the board as specified with the DIP
switches or rotary switches on the DS1005 or DS1006, or lets you
specify the base address of the board. When you register a
multiprocessor system, the default processor names and board port
addresses are specified like this: MASTER, 0x300 (first board), SLAVE,
0x310 (second board), SLAVE_B, 0x320 (third board), SLAVE_C,
0x330 (fourth board), etc. You should set a port addresses suitable
for your realtime hardware.
Processor board (Available only for the DS1007 platform) Displays
the names of the DS1007 boards that constitute the selected DS1007
multiprocessor system.
Processor name (Relevant only for the Multiprocessor System
platform) Displays the name specified for the selected processor
board during hardware registration.
When you register a multiprocessor system based on DS1005 or
DS1006, the default processor names and board port addresses are
specified like this: MASTER, 0x300 (first board), SLAVE, 0x310 (second
board), SLAVE_B, 0x320 (third board), SLAVE_C, 0x330 (fourth
board), etc. You can change the names manually. When a variable

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 335

s Reference Information t

description is added to a Multiprocessor System platform, the

processor names are taken from the SDF file.
Processor name (Relevant only for the DS1007 platform) Displays
or lets you specify the name of the selected processor board.
When you register a multiprocessor system based on DS1007 PPC
Processor Boards, the default processor names are empty. If you load
the real-time application to the DS1007 PPC Processor Board
platform, its contained application processes are assigned to the cores
of the DS1007 PPC Processor Boards. You can configure the
assignment between application processes and the cores by naming
the cores according to the CPU names specified in the multiprocessor
model underlying the application. In special cases, however, you
cannot edit the processor names.
Processor name unavailable (Available only for the DS1007
platform) Indicates that no processor name information is available.
The selected DS1007 platform represents a DS1007 single-processor
system, i.e., only one DS1007 PPC Processor Board was selected
during platform registration.
Serial number (For the Multiprocessor System platform available
only for the 'Assign to identical platform' assignment mode) Displays
or lets you specify the serial number of the board. The number is used
to uniquely identify the hardware.
Trace file (Available only for the Multiprocessor System platform)
Displays the name of the variable description (TRC) file that is
currently active for the selected board that belongs to the
multiprocessor system.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n Multiprocessor System on page 258
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242

336 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Memory Properties

Purpose To display the memory settings of the selected platform.

Properties Flash EEPROM size Displays the size of the boards flash memory.
Global RAM size Displays the size of the boards global RAM.
L2 cache size Displays the size of the boards L2 cache.
Local RAM size Displays the size of the boards local RAM.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n MicroAutoBox on page 255

Model Access Port Properties

Purpose To display information on the model access port (XIL API MAPort)
implementation that is used.

Properties Product name Displays the product name of the XIL API MAPort
Product version Displays the product version of the XIL API MAPort
Vendor name Displays the vendor of the XIL API MAPort
XIL API version Displays the XIL API version of the MAPort

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n XIL API MAPort platform on page 610

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 337

s Reference Information t

Network Adapter Properties

Purpose To specify network adapter settings for the selected platform/device.

Properties Network adapter selection Lets you select the network interface
card to communicate with the ECU or VPU. The names and IP
addresses of the network interface cards currently available on your
host PC are displayed. You can select one of the network interface
cards available in the host PC.
Bind to local port Lets you enable or disable the communication
with the ECU or VPU via a certain local port of the host PC.
Generally, the Ethernet port for outgoing communication is assigned
by the system randomly and you can keep the property disabled.
However, if a firewall is installed on the PC and a specific port is
mandatory for communication, you can enable the property to bind
to a specific local port. You must then specify the local port number.

Keep in mind that this port is on the host PC, not on the ECU.

Local port Lets you specify the local port number of the host PC if
the property Bind to Local Port is enabled.

A local port can be used for communication by only one process
on the host PC. You must therefore ensure that the local port
number is not used by another program or another
device/platform within ControlDesk to avoid assignment

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268

338 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Online Details Properties

Purpose To display information on the hardware that is assigned to the

selected active member of the multiprocessor/multicore system, and
state information on the application process that is currently loaded
to the hardware.

Properties IP address Displays the IP address of the hardware component the

application process is loaded to.
Loaded application part state Displays the current state of the
loaded application process.
Unique name Displays the unique name of the hardware
component the application process is loaded to. The unique name
was specified during platform registration.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n SCALEXIO on page 260
n VEOS on page 262

Overlay Management Properties

Purpose To specify the settings of the overlay elements.

Properties Assigned (Automatically filled) Displays the assignment status of the

selected overlay element.
The assignment status can be one of the following:
n Assigned: The overlay element is currently used for ECU parameter
changes or parameter connection to instruments.
n Not assigned: The overlay element is currently not used. It is
available as a free overlay element for further ECU parameter
End Address (Automatically filled) Displays the end address of the
selected overlay element.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 339

s Reference Information t

Overlay elements (Automatically filled) Displays the assignment

status, start address, end address, and size in bytes of each overlay
Overlay management Lets you enable or disable automatic
management of the overlay elements for the selected DCIGSI1
device. If it is disabled, the overlay elements are immediately checked
and reserved only during online calibration. Offline calibration is
performed without checking the required overlay elements, so
downloading the working page may fail due to an insufficient
number of available overlay elements.
n If you select the checkbox, automatic overlay element
management is active.
n If you clear the checkbox, automatic overlay element management
is inactive.
For further information on ECU calibration via overlay units with the
DCIGSI1, refer to Calibration Features ( DCI-GSI1 Feature
Size (Automatically filled) Displays the size in bytes of the selected
overlay element.
Start Address (Automatically filled) Displays the start address the
selected overlay element.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCIGSI1 on page 234

Real-Time Application Properties

Purpose To display the properties of the selected real-time application

currently loaded to the platform.

Properties Application Displays the name of the real-time application related

to the selected application process.
Build date Displays the date and time when the real-time
application was built.
Full path Displays the full path to the real-time application file on
the PC.
Load date Displays the date and time when the real-time
application was loaded.

340 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Name Displays the name of the real-time application loaded to the

hardware of the selected platform.
Participants Displays the IP addresses of the hardware components
the application processes belonging to the real-time application are
loaded to. If several applications are loaded, the IP addresses are
displayed in a comma-separated list.
State (Available only for DS1007 PPC Processor Board, DS1202
MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO platforms) Displays the current state of
the selected realtime application.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n MicroAutoBox on page 255
n SCALEXIO on page 260

Simulation Properties

Purpose To display information on the selected MAPort configuration and the

port status.

Properties Configuration full path Displays the configuration file used to

configure the XIL API MAPort with its full path.
Configuration name Displays the name of the XIL API MAPort
configuration file. The configuration file provides information on the
simulation platform and simulation model.
Simulation state Displays the current state of the simulation

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n XIL API MAPort platform on page 610

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 341

s Reference Information t

Speed Properties

Purpose To display information on the speed for an angle operating range of

360 / 720 for the selected SCALEXIO angle unit.

Properties Max. speed 360 Displays the lower (reverse rotation) and upper
limits of speed measurement for the 360-angle operating range.
Max. speed 720 Displays the lower (reverse rotation) and upper
limits of speed measurement for the 720-angle operating range.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n SCALEXIO on page 260

Topology Information Properties

Purpose To display the processor boards of the multiprocessor system and

their interconnections via Gigalinks.

Properties Processor Displays the processor names.

Gigalink 0 Displays which member of the multiprocessor system is
connected to Gigalink port number 0 of the selected processor board.
NC indicates that the port is not used for connection via Gigalinks.
Gigalink 1 Displays which member of the multiprocessor system is
connected to Gigalink port number 1 of the selected processor board.
NC indicates that the port is not used for connection via Gigalinks.
Gigalink 2 Displays which member of the multiprocessor system is
connected to Gigalink port number 2 of the selected processor board.
NC indicates that the port is not used for connection via Gigalinks.
Gigalink 3 Displays which member of the multiprocessor system is
connected to Gigalink port number 3 of the selected processor board.
NC indicates that the port is not used for connection via Gigalinks.
Gigalink topology unavailable (Available only if no topology
check has been performed yet) Indicates that currently no Gigalink
topology information is available for the multiprocessor system. To
get topology information, you must execute a Gigalink topology
check. Refer to Check Gigalink Topology on page 402.

342 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n Multiprocessor System on page 258

Transport Layer Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the settings of the transport layer on the ECU with

Properties Communication thread priority Lets you specify the priority of the
communication thread in the transport layer. The following priorities
are available:
n Normal (default)
n Above normal
n Highest
Ethernet receive buffer size (Available only for XCP on Ethernet
and DCIGSI2 devices) Lets you specify the size of the receive buffer
for Ethernet messages in bytes. The maximum size of the receive
buffer is 10 MB.
Ethernet send buffer size (Available only for XCP on Ethernet and
DCIGSI2 devices) Lets you specify the size of the send buffer for
Ethernet messages in bytes. The maximum size of the send buffer is
10 MB.
Interpolate time stamp values (Not available for the DCIGSI2
device) Lets you enable or disable the interpolation of time stamp
values for XCP packets that are received from the receive buffer at
the same time.
Message buffer size Lets you specify the size of the internal
message buffer.
n XCP on FlexRay device: The default size is 100 messages. You can
select a value in the range 1 10,000.
n DCI-GSI2 and XCP on Ethernet devices: You specify the size of the
internal message buffer as a multiple of the receive buffer by
entering the factor. The default factor is '1', which means the size
of the internal message buffer matches the receive buffer size.
You can select a factor in the range 1 10.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 343

s Reference Information t

Packet counter validation Lets you activate/deactivate the packet

counter of the device. You can select one of the following options:
n Select the checkbox to activate the packet counter. ControlDesk
checks the packet counter of the XCP header to detect missing
packets in the transport layer. This is the default setting of the XCP
n Clear the checkbox to deactivate the packet counter. ControlDesk
will not check the counter in the XCP header.

Transport layer logging Lets you specify how logging information is saved to log files.
properties Configuration Lets you specify the logging level of the XCP
configuration. The following options are available:
n Off: No logging message is written.
n All: Detailed information on connected devices and the selected
device is written to the XCP_<TransportLayer>Configuration.log
file located in the log file path.
Communication Lets you specify the logging level of the XCP data
communication. The following options are available:
n Off: No logging message is written.
n All: The XCP configuration and all transport layer data is written to
the XCP_<TransportLayer>NetworkLayer.log file located in the log
file path.
Log file path Lets you specify a folder to save the log files. The
default folder is the Logs folder in the user-specific Local Program
Data folder. The log files located in the default folder can be selected
for being collected by the dSPACE Installation Manager.
Maximum file size Lets you specify the maximum size of the log
files. The default file size is 32 MB.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268

Uplink and Downlink Connections Properties

Purpose To display information on the uplink and downlink connections.

344 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Properties Downlink 1 ... Downlink x (Available for SCALEXIO processing

units and SCALEXIO I/O units) Displays the downlink connections.
Downlink means the direction to other slot units, MultiCompact I/O
units, or SCALEXIO Real-Time PCs.
Uplink (Available for SCALEXIO IOCNET routers, SCALEXIO
I/O units, SCALEXIO I/O boards, and the DS2907 Battery Simulation
Controller) Displays the unit name of the uplink connection. Uplink
means the direction to the SCALEXIO processing unit or I/O unit.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n SCALEXIO on page 260

Vehicle Selection Properties

Purpose To display the vehicle that is selected to be used with the selected
ECU Diagnostics device and to select another vehicle.

Properties Select vehicle Displays the name of the vehicle currently selected
for the ECU Diagnostics device, and lets you open the Select Vehicle
dialog to select another vehicle. Refer to Select Vehicle page
on page 379.
Whether the long name or short name of the vehicle is displayed
depends on the settings made on the Diagnostics Management page
of the ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics
Management Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n ECU Diagnostics on page 251

VEOS Simulation Properties

Purpose To display the properties of the offline simulation application that is

currently loaded to the platform.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 345

s Reference Information t

Properties Build date/time Displays when the offline simulation application

(OSA) file was built or modified.
Full path Displays the full path to the offline simulation application
(OSA) file in the file system.
System name Displays the name of the simulation system of the
loaded offline simulation application.
Simulation state Displays the state of the offline simulation.

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n VEOS on page 262

Related topics References

VEOS on page 262
VEOS Simulation Time Options Properties on page 346

VEOS Simulation Time Options Properties

Purpose To specify timing settings for the VEOS simulation for the selected

Properties Break time Lets you enter a time in seconds where the simulation
breaks automatically. You can resume the simulation via the Start or
Single Step command. Infinity indicates that the simulation must not
pause automatically.
Real-time acceleration factor Lets you specify a factor to
accelerate or decelerate the simulation run in relation to real time.
With a factor of 1, the simulation run is (nearly) executed in real time.
A factor greater than 1 accelerates the simulation run, a factor less
than 1 decelerates it. A value of 0 means that the simulation run is
executed as fast as possible.
Single step time Lets you specify the duration of one simulation
step in seconds. The duration specification is used when you perform
a single-step simulation, refer to Single Step on page 528. If you
specify a duration of 0 seconds, one single simulation command is
executed per simulation step.
Stop time Lets you specify the simulation duration in seconds.
Specify infinity for an endless simulation run.

346 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n VEOS on page 262

Related topics References

VEOS on page 262
VEOS Simulation Properties on page 345

Version Properties

Purpose To display module version information for the selected platform.

Description Displays the versions of hardware and software modules of the

platform hardware. Available only if the platform is in the 'connected'
platform/device state.

Properties FPGA type Displays the FPGA type of the selected hardware.
Piggy-back module version Displays the version of the selected
piggy-back module.
Version Displays the software versions and statuses related to the
Version Displays the module versions of the hardware and the
software of a DS1005 PPC Board, DS1006 Processor Board, DS1103
PPC Controller Board, DS1104 R&D Controller Board, or
MicroAutoBox, the application and the connected periphery boards
(I/O modules in the case of MicroAutoBox).

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n MicroAutoBox on page 255

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 347

s Reference Information t

VPU Properties

Purpose To display the properties of the selected VPU.

Properties Author Displays the author of the selected VPU.

Build date Displays the date and time when the selected VPU was
Description Displays the description for the selected VPU.
Drift Displays the timer drift value of the selected VPU. The value
specifies the drift between the local VPU time and the global
simulation time.
n A drift value less than 0 means that the local VPU timer is slower
than the global simulation timer. For example, if the timer drift
value is -0.5, the global simulation time runs twice as fast as the
local VPU time.
n If the timer drift value is 0, the local VPU time and the global
simulation time are identical.
n With a drift value greater than 0, the local timer runs faster than
the global timer. For example, if the timer drift value is 1, the local
VPU time advances twice as fast as the global simulation time.
Name Displays the name of the selected VPU.
Offset Displays the timer offset value. The value specifies the timer
offset between the local VPU time and the global simulation time. For
example, a positive timer offset value means that the global
simulation time is in the future in relation to the local VPU time.
Type Displays the type (V-ECU or environment VPU) of the selected
VpuHost PID Displays the process identifier (PID) of the current VPU
process (VpuHost.exe).

Related platforms These properties are available for the following platforms:
n VEOS on page 262

348 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

XCP Instance Properties

Purpose To specify the transport layer instance.

Properties Transport layer (Available only if the current variable description

contains an IF_DATA XCPplus element) Lets you select the transport
layer instance whose protocol parameter configuration is to be used
in the experiment. The list contains all the suitable transport layer
instances that are defined in the currently active A2L file. After you
select a transport layer instance, the protocol parameter values are set

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n XCP on CAN on page 266
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

XCP on CAN Settings Properties

Purpose To specify XCP on CANspecific communication settings for the

selected device.

Properties Master identifier Lets you specify the master CAN identifier for the
ECU with XCP on CAN. The ECU with XCP on CAN sends its XCP
commands to ControlDesk using this CAN identifier. You can also
specify whether the identifier is sent according to the 'Standard' (11
bit, compliant with the CAN 2.0 A specification) or 'Extended' (29 bit,
compliant with the CAN 2.0 B specification) identifier format.

ControlDesk does not block ECU access by more than one XCP
on CAN device. If you have one ECU with XCP on CAN
connected to the host PC, and two XCP on CAN devices in
ControlDesk with the same XCP identifier pairs, both XCP on
CAN devices can access the ECU. This may lead to unpredictable
calibration results.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 349

s Reference Information t

Slave identifier Lets you specify the slave CAN identifier for the
ECU with XCP on CAN. The ECU with XCP on CAN sends its XCP
responses to ControlDesk using this CAN identifier. You can also
specify whether the identifier is sent according to the 'Standard' (11
bit, compliant with the CAN 2.0 A specification) or 'Extended' (29 bit,
compliant with the CAN 2.0 B specification) identifier format.

ControlDesk does not block ECU access by more than one XCP
on CAN device. If you have one ECU with XCP on CAN
connected to the host PC, and two XCP on CAN devices in
ControlDesk with the same XCP identifier pairs, both XCP on
CAN devices can access the ECU. This may lead to unpredictable
calibration results.

Maximum DLC required Lets you enable or disable sending all the
XCP packets with a data length code of 8.
Set DAQ identifier Lets you enable or disable sending the XCP
SET_DAQ_ID command.
CAN Acknowledge Lets you specify CAN acknowledge settings.
Acknowledge check Lets you specify whether to evaluate the
acknowledge for the successful transmission of a CAN message.
Timeout Lets you specify the time to wait for an acknowledge after
a CAN message was copied to the send buffer.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n XCP on CAN on page 266

XCP on Ethernet/GSI2 Ethernet Settings Properties

Purpose To specify the communication settings of the selected


Properties ECU IP address (Disabled for the XCP on Ethernet device if the
IP address inheritance setting is selected. Refer to Inheritance Settings
Properties on page 329.) Lets you specify the IP address of the
connected ECU or VECU (XCP on Ethernet device) or the connected
DCIGSI2 (DCIGSI2 device).

350 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

ECU port Lets you specify the port number of the connected ECU or
VPU (XCP on Ethernet device) or the connected DCI-GSI2 (DCI-GSI2

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268

XCP on FlexRay Settings Properties

Purpose To specify XCP on FlexRayspecific communication settings for the

selected device.

Properties Cluster identifier Lets you select the cluster (FlexRay bus) to be
used for controller configuration. The Cluster ID is initially taken from
the specified A2L file. If you did not specify an A2L file for the device,
you can enter the ID.
Header type Lets you select the header type of the FlexRay
transport layer. The possible types are defined in the XCP on
FlexRayspecific AML file. The value is taken from the A2L file.
Master controller node Displays the name of the FlexRay controller
node which is identified as the XCP master by the CMD Slot ID in the
FIBEX file and the cluster ID.
NAX Lets you specify the network access extension. The ID is used
for identifying the ECU.
Packet alignment Lets you select the packet alignment to be used
in building transport layer data packets. The possible packet
alignments are defined in the XCP on FlexRay-specific AML file. The
value is taken from the A2L file.
T1 FLX Lets you specify the timeout for connecting to the FlexRay

Pool buffer properties Lets you specify the pool buffer properties.

Add/Delete Click to add a new pool buffer, or click to delete

Buffer identifier Lets you specify the ID of the selected pool buffer.
Channel Lets you specify the FlexRay channel for receiving DAQ
data. You can select channel A or B.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 351

s Reference Information t

Cycle repetition Lets you specify the cycle repetition value for the
pool buffer.
DAQ Lets you specify whether the pool buffer is used for data
Length Lets you specify the maximum length of the data to be
transmitted using the pool buffer.
Offset Lets you specify the cycle offset value for the pool buffer.
Slot identifier Lets you specify the FlexRay slot to be used as the
pool buffer. The slot is used for receiving DAQ data from the ECU.

Initial CMD buffer Lets you specify settings for the initial CMD buffer, which is used for
properties sending commands to the ECU.
Channel Lets you specify the FlexRay channel for the CMD slot used
to transmit commands to the ECU.
Cycle repetition Lets you specify the cycle repetition value for the
CMD slot.
Length Lets you specify the maximum length of the data to be
Offset Lets you specify the cycle offset value for the CMD slot.
Slot identifier Lets you specify the FlexRay slot to be used for CMD
messages. This slot is used for sending commands from the XCP
master to the ECU.

Initial RES_ERR buffer Lets you specify settings for the initial RES_ERR buffer which is used
properties to send responses from the ECU to ControlDesk.
Channel Lets you specify the FlexRay channel the ECU uses to
transmit the response of an XCP command.
Cycle repetition Lets you specify the cycle repetition value for the
RES_ERR slot.
DAQ Lets you specify whether the initial RES_ERR buffer can be
used for receiving DAQ data or not. If you specify 'FIXED', a transport
layer command is sent to the ECU to enable the ECU buffer for DAQ
data transmission.
Length Lets you specify the maximum length of the data to be
Offset Lets you specify the cycle offset value for the RES_ERR slot.
Slot identifier Lets you specify the FlexRay slot to be used for
RES_ERR messages. This slot is used for receiving responses from the

352 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

XCP Settings Seed and Key Settings Properties

Purpose To specify seed and key settings for the selected XCP device.

Properties Seed and Key DLL Lets you specify the path and name of the seed
and key DLL file that controls access to the ECU calibration (CAL) and
DAQ resources.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n XCP on CAN on page 266
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

XCP/GSI2 Settings Advanced Properties

Purpose To specify advanced settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2 device.

Properties Cyclic status detection Lets you enable or disable the cyclic
transmission of ECU status detection requests. If enabled,
ControlDesk cyclically sends requests to get the current status of the
ECU as soon as the XCP device is in the connected state.
MAX_DTO (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Lets you specify
the maximum size of an XCP data transmission object (DTO) packet.

The MAX_DTO value you specify must be equal to the value
internally used by the ECU. Otherwise, ControlDesk's
measurement data might be incorrect.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 353

s Reference Information t

MAX_CTO (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Lets you specify
the maximum size of an XCP command transmission object (CTO)

The MAX_CTO value you specify must be equal to the value
internally used by the ECU. Otherwise, the behavior of
ControlDesk is unpredictable.

Optional commands (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Lets

you enable or disable some optional XCP commands.
PID_OFF (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Lets you enable or
disable the PID OFF mode.
n If you enable the PID OFF mode, the transmission of the packet
identification field is turned off for DTO packets (data transmission
objects, for example, containing ECU measurement data). More
bytes of the XCP message can be used for transmitting
measurement data of DAQ lists. The PID OFF mode must be
enabled by implementing the dSPACE XCP Service.
n If you disable the PID OFF mode, all XCP messages contain the
XCP packet identifier (PID).

n PID OFF is not supported for the XCP on Ethernet device.
n To enable the PID OFF mode, some preconditions must be
met. Refer to Measurement Features ( XCP Feature

Read XCP settings from A2L (Not available for the DCIGSI2
device) Lets you specify to use the XCP service configuration
information from a variable description that you add or reload. Using
information from the new/reloaded variable description overwrites
the configuration information that is currently used by the device. If
there are inconsistencies between the currently used configuration
information and the corresponding information contained in the
new/reloaded A2L file, a dialog opens for you to specify whether to
use the current value or to use the value from the new/reloaded
A2L file for each single inconsistent ECU interface setting.
n If enabled, ControlDesk reads the XCP service configuration
information from the new/reloaded A2L file. If this differs from the
currently used ECU interface settings, you can select to use the

354 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

current value or the value from the new/reloaded variable

description for each inconsistent setting.
n If disabled, ControlDesk does not read the XCP service
configuration information from the new/reloaded variable
description, but continues to use the ECU interface settings
currently used by the device.
Read XCP settings from ECU (Not available for the DCIGSI2
device) Lets you enable or disable the upload of XCP service
configuration information from the ECU when the XCP device
connects to the ECU. Uploading information from the ECU overwrites
the configuration information that is currently used by the device. If
there are inconsistencies between the currently used configuration
information and the corresponding configuration information on the
ECU, a dialog opens for you to specify whether to use the current
value or to upload the value from the ECU for each single inconsistent
ECU interface setting.
n If enabled, ControlDesk reads XCP service configuration
information from the ECU when the XCP device connects to the
ECU. If it differs from the currently used ECU interface settings,
you can select to use the current value or upload the value from
the ECU for each inconsistent setting.
n If disabled, ControlDesk does not read the XCP service
configuration information from the ECU, but continues to use the
ECU interface settings currently used by the device.

To support enhanced memory page handling, ControlDesk
requires memory page information, such as the number of
pages, in the ECU's A2L file. The information must be consistent
with the configuration of the XCP service that is implemented in
the ECU code.

Service byte order (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Lets you
specify the byte order used by XCP commands. Select one of the
formats below:
n Intel
n Motorola
The XCP byte order usually is defined in the ECUs A2L file. In this
case, it is displayed in the edit field.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 355

s Reference Information t

Split array into base types (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device)
Lets you enable or disable splitting the measurement array into single
measurement variables of base types according to the size of each
measurement value in the measurement array.
XCP driver version Displays the XCP driver version as the returned
value of the XCP command GET_COMM_MODE_INFO.

Communication modes (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Lets you specify the master
properties and slave block transfer mode settings.
Slave block mode Lets you enable or disable the slave block
transfer mode.
Master block mode Lets you enable or disable the master block
transfer mode.
MAX_BS Lets you specify the maximum block size for transferring
data in the master block transfer mode.
MIN_ST Lets you specify the minimum time interval between two
data packets in the master block transfer mode.

Protocol layer logging Lets you specify how to save the XCP protocol logging information.
properties Configuration Lets you specify the logging level of the XCP
configuration. The following options are available:
n Off: No logging message is written.
n All: Detailed information on connected devices and the selected
device is written to the XCP_Configuration_<device name>.log file
located in the log file path.
Communication Lets you specify the logging level of the XCP data
communication. The following options are available:
n Off: No logging message is written.
n All: The XCP configuration and all communication data is written
to the XCP_ProtocolTrace_<device name>.log file located in the log
file path.
n Exclude DAQ data: Detailed information on connected devices and
the selected device except DAQ data is written to the
XCP_ProtocolTrace_<device name>.log file located in the log file
Log file path Lets you specify a folder to save the log files. The
default folder is the Logs folder in the user-specific Local Program
Data folder. The log files located in the default folder can be selected
for being collected by the dSPACE Installation Manager.

356 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Maximum file size Lets you specify the maximum size of the log
files. The default file size is 32 MB.

Timeout settings properties Lets you specify timeout settings.

Commands Lets you specify a timeout value. This value is usually
taken from the device's A2L file. If the value does not give enough
time for the ECU to react, you should specify a longer timeout.
BUILD_CHECKSUM Lets you specify a timeout value for checksum
calculation. In some cases, this value, which is taken from the devices
A2L file, does not give enough time for the ECU to react. You should
specify a longer timeout in these cases.
BUSY Lets you specify a timeout value for ControlDesk after the
ECU sent a BUSY event.
If the ECU sent an ERR_CMD_BUSY (command was not executed) or
ERR_PGM_ACTIVE (command rejected because PGM is running) error
code, ControlDesk waits for the specified timeout before executing
the next commands. A welldefined state can be recovered during the
In some cases, this value, which is taken from the devices A2L file, is
not sufficient. You should specify a larger waiting time in these cases.

Time stamp settings (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Lets you specify the time
properties stamp settings.
Resolution Lets you specify the resolution of the XCP time stamps.
Size Lets you specify the size of the XCP time stamps.
Time stamps Lets you specify how the data measured from the
connected ECU gets time stamps.
n When XCP timestamping is enabled, ControlDesk uses the XCP
time stamps generated by the ECU with XCP.
n When XCP timestamping is disabled, measured data gets time
stamps from the interface between the host PC and the ECU with

With XCP on CAN, XCP timestamping significantly decreases
the data throughput on the CAN bus. To get the optimum data
throughput, you should disable XCP timestamping.

Ticks Lets you specify the ticks of the XCP time stamps.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 357

s Reference Information t

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on CAN on page 266
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

XCP/GSI2 Settings Checksum Calculation Properties

Purpose To specify checksum calculation settings for the selected XCP or

DCIGSI2 device.

Properties Algorithm Lets you specify the algorithm which is used by the ECU
for checksum calculation. ControlDesk provides the following options:
n ECU defined
By default, the checksum calculation configuration is ECU defined.
ControlDesk uses the checksum algorithm of the ECU.
n User defined DLL
ControlDesk uses the checksum calculation specified in the
Checksum DLL configuration.
n Disabled
You can disable checksum calculation. ControlDesk also disables
checksum calculation if the BUILD_CHECKSUM command is not
defined in the A2L file.
n Checksum algorithm
You can select one of the checksum algorithms from the drop-
down list. ControlDesk overwrites the ECUdefined checksum
algorithm in this case.

For DCIGSI2 devices, the algorithm is always set to 'ECU
defined' and cannot be changed.

Checksum calculation Lets you enable or disable the usage of the

checksum calculation.

358 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Checksum DLL (Not available for the DCIGSI2 device) Lets you
specify the path and name of a DLL file defining a custom checksum
You must specify a DLL file if userdefined checksum calculation is
specified in the XCP service via the XCP_CHECKSUM_USER_DEFINED
ControlDesk reads the name of the DLL file from the devices A2L file.
ControlDesk uses the A2L file path as the path for the DLL file.

The algorithm defined in the specified DLL file must correspond
to the algorithm that is implemented in the ECU code.

MAX_BLOCK_SIZE Lets you specify the maximum block length for

checksum calculation. The maximum block length usually is defined in
the ECUs A2L file. In this case, it is displayed in the edit field.
For DCIGSI2 devices, the maximum block length is preset with the
value from the A2L file and cannot be changed.
When you start online calibration, ControlDesk checks whether the
parameter values on the host PC (mirrored memory) differ from those
on the ECU. ControlDesk calculates checksums to check for this. If it
detects differences, you have to equalize the values by uploading
them from the ECU to the host PC, or downloading them from the
host PC to the ECU. Only the memory blocks for which ControlDesk
calculates different checksums are equalized.
If a memory segment for which a checksum is to be calculated
exceeds the maximum block length, ControlDesk automatically splits
the segment into smaller parts before checksum calculation.

If the ECU has large calibration memory segments, defining a
block length smaller than the memory segment length can
significantly reduce the amount of data to be transferred. This
saves time when you start online calibration.

Related devices These properties are available for the following devices:
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on CAN on page 266

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 359

s Reference Information t

n XCP on Ethernet on page 268

n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

XCP/GSI2 Settings Prepare Quick Start Property

Purpose To prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for quick start measurement.

Property Prepare quick start Lets you prepare ControlDesk and the ECU for
quick start measurement.
Before you can perform a quick start measurement on an ECU with
XCP or DCIGSI2, you must configure the measurement in
ControlDesk. The configuration must be transferred to the ECUs
nonvolatile memory.
n If you select the checkbox, you can prepare the experiment and
the ECU for quick start measurement. ControlDesk's behavior
when starting measurement is as follows:
n ControlDesk does not start an actual measurement, that is, no
measurement data is displayed in the ControlDesk instruments.
n The current measurement configuration is transmitted to the
ECU. The ECU is triggered to store the configuration in its
nonvolatile memory. The ECU saves the configuration later, for
example, during the next shutdown.
n ControlDesk saves the measurement configuration in the
current experiment.
n If you clear the checkbox, the experiment and the ECU cannot be
prepared for quick start measurement.
For instructions on preparing and performing a quick start
measurement on an ECU with XCP or DCIGSI2, refer to:
n How to Prepare a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with XCP
or DCI-GSI2 ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and
n How to Perform a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with XCP
or DCIGSI2 ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and

360 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Properties t

Related devices This property is available for the following devices:

n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on CAN on page 266
n XCP on Ethernet on page 268
n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

XCP/GSI2 Settings Quick Start Property

Purpose To specify quick start settings for the selected XCP or DCIGSI2

Property Quick start Lets you activate or deactivate the quick start mode in
To perform quick start measurement, ControlDesk must be in the
quick start mode.

ControlDesk can perform quick start measurement on an ECU
with XCP/CCP/DCI-GSI2 only if the ECU and the loaded
ControlDesk experiment were prepared for quick start
measurement beforehand. The ECU must have stored the
appropriate quick start measurement configuration to its
nonvolatile memory, and the current experiment must contain
information on this configuration.

For instructions on preparing and performing a quick start

measurement on an ECU with XCP or DCIGSI2, refer to:
n How to Prepare a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with XCP
or DCI-GSI2 ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and
n How to Perform a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with XCP
or DCIGSI2 ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and

Related devices This property is available for the following devices:

n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n XCP on CAN on page 266

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 361

s Reference Information t

n XCP on Ethernet on page 268

n XCP on FlexRay on page 271

362 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Platform/Device-Related Commands

Where to go from here Information in this section

Activate Application 367
To activate an application.
Activate Data Page Freezing 368
To save calibration data from the active memory page to the ECUs
nonvolatile memory.
Activate ODX Database 369
To activate a diagnostics database.
Add Multiple Platforms/Devices 370
To add and configure all platforms and devices that are required to
experiment with virtual ECUs simulated by a VEOS/SCALEXIO application.
Add ODX Database 372
To add a new diagnostics database to the selected ECU Diagnostics
Add to Active Experiment 397
To add a registered platform to the currently active project.
Not available in the operator mode!
Assembly View 398
To display a component-based view of the registered hardware in the
Platform/Device Manager.
Calibration Memory Dialog 398
To get identical parameter values in ControlDesk's mirrored memory and
on the device.
Check EPK 401
To initiate a consistency check (EPK check) manually.

Check Gigalink Topology 402

To check the topology of the DS1005based or DS1006based
multiprocessor system.
Clear Flash 403
To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in part.
Clear Quick Start Configuration 404
To clear the quick start measurement configuration in the ECUs
nonvolatile memory.
Clear System 405
To clear the entire system you are currently working with.
Collapse 406
To collapse the platforms/devices and subnodes of the node selected in
the Platform/Device Manager.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 363

s Reference Information t

Configure ODX Database 406

To configure the currently active diagnostics database for the ECU
Diagnostics device, or to change the vehicle selection and/or logical links
selection related to the currently active diagnostics database.
Configure Platform/Device 431
To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it to
the available hardware or VEOS.
Not available in the operator mode!
Connect Platform/Device 467
To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the selected
platform/device hardware or VPU.
Create Support Info 468
To generate an XML file containing textual information on
platforms/devices that are currently detected by the Platform/Device
Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager) 469
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it.
Disable Platform/Device 469
To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment.
Not available in the operator mode!
Disconnect Platform/Device 471
To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or VEOS
that belongs to the selected platform/device.
Edit Processor Names 471
To specify processor names for the boards of a DS1005based,
DS1006based, or DS1007based multiprocessor system.
Enable Platform/Device 473
To activate the platform/device in the experiment.
Not available in the operator mode!
Expand 474
To expand the collapsed platforms/devices and subnodes of the node
selected in the Platform/Device Manager.
Explore to USB Flight Recorder 474
To save the flight recorder data currently available in a USB mass storage
device connected to the platform hardware.
Filter 475
To filter the platform/device list.
Flash ECU 476
To open the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool.
Flash ECU (ECU Diagnostics) 477
To execute an ECU flash programming operation based on an ODX
database and diagnostic protocol.
Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device 479
To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment.
Not available in the operator mode!

364 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Manage Platforms 483

To display and manage the platforms that were registered in your system.
MAPort - Disconnect 486
To disconnect the MAPort.
MAPort - Load and Configure 487
To configure the MAPort with an MAPort configuration.
MAPort - Reload 488
To reload the currently loaded MAPort configuration to the selected
Memory Segments 489
To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the memory of
the selected device.
Not available in the operator mode!
Network View 491
To display a network-based view of the registered hardware in the
Platform/Device Manager.
Pause 491
To pause an offline simulation.
Platform Management Page 492
To specify general settings for seeking the platforms during ControlDesk
startup, to specify whether to display message boxes containing
messages on the realtime hardware or on VEOS, and to specify whether
the Platform/Device State Overview dialog is displayed when online
calibration is started.
Platform/Device Manager 494
To show or hide the Platform/Device Manager.
Platform/Device State Overview Dialog 500
To get details on the configuration and connection state for each
platform/device in the active experiment.
Properties (Platform/Device) 501
To view the properties of the selected platform/device.
Real-Time Application - Load 502
To load a real-time application to the RAM of the selected hardware, and
start it automatically.
Real-Time Application - Load to Flash 503
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware, and
start it automatically.
Real-Time Application - Load to Flash 504
To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware.
After loading, the application is not started.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 365

s Reference Information t

Real-Time Application - Load to Flash and Start 505

To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware, and
start it automatically.
Real-Time Application - Reload 506
To reload the currently loaded application.
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application - 507
Add to Experiment
To add an application file to a platform in the experiment.
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application - 508
To load an application to the RAM of the selected hardware or to VEOS.
After downloading, the application is not started.
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application - 509
Load and Start
To load an application to the selected hardware or VEOS, and start it
Refresh Interface Connections 510
To refresh the interface connections between ControlDesk and the
Refresh Platform Configuration 511
To refresh the hardware configuration, and to check whether the
disconnected platforms/devices in the active experiment can be
connected to suitable platform/device hardware or VEOS.
Register Platforms 513
To register dSPACE realtime hardware and VEOS.
Reload 520
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the
application is not started.
Reload and Start 520
To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the
application is started.
Reload Application 521
To reload the currently loaded application.
Reload System 522
To reload the active application and variable descriptions of all platforms
and devices that refer to a virtual validation scenario performed on VEOS
Remove Application 523
To remove an application from the platform.
Remove ODX Database 524
To remove a diagnostics database from an ECU Diagnostics device.
Rename Platform/Device 524
To change the name of the selected platform/device in the experiment.
Not available in the operator mode!

366 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Replace Application 525

To replace the application of the platform.
Set MicroAutoBox System Time 526
To display the system times of MicroAutoBox and the host PC, and to set
the system time on MicroAutoBox to the system time of the host PC.
Show Licensed Platforms/Devices Only 527
To limit the selection in the Supported platform/device types list to
licensed platforms/devices.
Not available in the operator mode!
Single Step 528
To run a pausing or stopped offline simulation stepwise.
Start 528
To start the selected application.
Start (XIL API MAPort) 529
To start the simulation at the MAPort.
Stop 530
To stop the selected application.
Stop (XIL API MAPort) 530
To stop the simulation at the MAPort.
Stop RTP 531
To stop the application running on the selected platform.
Stop RTPs 531
To stop the applications running on the selected Multiprocessor System
Unload 532
To unload the selected application.
Update Firmware 533
To update the firmware of the selected platform.
Upload Flash Flightrecorder Contents 537
To upload flight recorder data and save it to a measurement file.

Activate Application

Access This command is available only for SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms,
and only in combination with an inactive application. You can access
it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform inactive

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 367

s Reference Information t

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To activate an application.

Result The previously active realtime application (SCALEXIO) or offline

simulation application (VEOS) is deactivated, and the selected one is
In the Project Manager, an active application is displayed in bold
letters with a symbol next to it.

Description Only one application can be active for a platform at a time. All the
other applications are inactive.
When you add a new application to a platform in the experiment via
the Real-Time Application - Add to Experiment, Offline Simulation
Application - Add to Experiment, or Add multiple platforms/devices
command, the application is automatically activated. To change back
to an older one later on, you have to activate it manually.

Related topics References

Reload Application on page 521
Remove Application on page 523
Replace Application on page 525

Activate Data Page Freezing

Access This command is available only for the XCP and CCP devices whose
device hardware is connected to the host PC. You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager XCP on CAN device,
XCP on Ethernet device, XCP on FlexRay
device, and CCP device
n Platform/Device Manager XCP on CAN
device, XCP on Ethernet device, XCP on
FlexRay device, and CCP device
Shortcut key None
Icon None

368 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Purpose To save calibration data from the active memory page to the ECUs
nonvolatile memory.

Result Calibration data from the active memory page is saved to the ECUs
nonvolatile memory.

To use the Activate Data Page Freezing command, the service
implemented in the ECU code (XCP or CCP service) must support
data page freezing.

Description When you use the Activate Data Page Freezing command,
ControlDesk requests the ECU to save calibration data to nonvolatile
memory. Data storage is handled completely by the service
implemented in the ECU code. Data is usually stored at a later point
in time, for example, during the next ECU shutdown.
n For an ECU with XCP, ControlDesk sets the STORE_CAL_REQ bit
using the SET_REQUEST XCP command.
n For an ECU with CCP, ControlDesk sets the STORE bit using the

Activate ODX Database

Access This command is available only for the ECU Diagnostics device, and
only in combination with an inactive diagnostics database. You can
access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager ECU Diagnostics device
inactive diagnostics database
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To activate a diagnostics database.

Result The previously active diagnostics database is deactivated, and the

selected one is activated.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 369

s Reference Information t

In the Project Manager, an active ODX database is displayed in bold

letters with a or symbol (depending on whether it has
the ODX data or the binary format) next to it.

Description Only one diagnostics database can be active for an ECU Diagnostics
device at a time. All the other diagnostics databases are inactive. A
diagnostics database must be active to be used with an ECU
Diagnostics device.
When you activate a diagnostics database, ControlDesk activates its
variable description, if available.

Related topics References

Add ODX Database on page 372
Configure ODX Database on page 406
Remove ODX Database on page 524

Add Multiple Platforms/Devices

Access This command is available only if online calibration has not been
started. You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager active experiment

n Project Manager active experiment

Hardware Configurations folder
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To add and configure all platforms and devices that are required to
experiment with virtual ECUs simulated by a VEOS/SCALEXIO

Description This command lets you add and configure platforms and devices that
refer to an application containing virtual ECUs and optionally an
environment model, executed on VEOS or SCALEXIO. After importing
a variable description or simulation application, ControlDesk analyzes
the OSA/RTA information and identifies the required hosting platform
(VEOS/SCALEXIO) and XCP on Ethernet devices (used to access the
virtual ECUs). The platforms/devices are displayed for selection for the
active experiment and configuration. For each selected XCP on

370 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Ethernet device, you can specify with a single click to inherit the
settings from the parent VEOS or SCALEXIO platform.
ControlDesk lets you add an OSA or RTA file instead of a variable
description file in the experiment. This can be useful if you work with
an application without an environment model, for example. However,
performing measurement or calibration is not possible for platforms
without a variable description.

Result ControlDesk opens the Add Multiple Platforms/Devices dialog for you
to import the variable description or simulation application file to be
used. After you select and configure the relevant platform and
devices, ControlDesk performs the following steps:
n The parent platform (VEOS/SCALEXIO) and the selected XCP on
Ethernet devices are added to the experiment.
n In the case of offline simulation with VEOS, the VEOS platform
and the XCP on Ethernet devices are automatically added to a new
simulation time group.
n The application and variable descriptions are added to the
experiment and assigned to the platform/devices.

Add Multiple Selected File Displays the path and name of the selected variable
Platforms/Devices dialog description or simulation application file.
Import from file Opens a standard Windows Open dialog for you
to choose one of the following files:
n SDF: If you select an SDF file, the variable description is added to
the platform. Selecting a variable description file lets you perform
calibration and measurement with the platform later on.
n OSA/RTA: If you select an OSA or RTA file, the simulation
application file is added to the platform. Selecting a simulation
application file prevents you from performing measurement or
calibration with the platform later on.

You cannot add a variable description file to the platform
after the platform is added to the experiment.

Add Lets you specify whether to add the platform or device to the
currently active experiment. A warning icon is displayed next to the
checkbox if the configuration is not valid (e.g., if the file specified in
the File path field does not exist or could not be imported).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 371

s Reference Information t

Platform name in experiment Displays or lets you specify the

name of the platform/device in the experiment.
Platform type Displays the type of the selected platform/device.
File path Displays or lets you specify the name and path of the
variable description or simulation application file:
n For the VEOS or SCALEXIO platform, the file path is not editable. It
corresponds to the imported variable description or simulation
application file.
n For an XCP on Ethernet device selected for being added to the
active experiment, the file path of the variable description of the
associated virtual ECU must be specified. ControlDesk displays a
default file path that corresponds to the imported variable
description or simulation application file. If the file path does not
exist or the file import fails, the field is displayed with a red
background color.
Inheritance Lets you specify for the selected XCP on Ethernet
device whether to inherit the property settings from the parent VEOS
or SCALEXIO platform.
Configure Platform/Device Opens a dialog for you to configure
the selected platform/device.

Related topics HowTos

How to Add Multiple Platforms/Devices in Virtual Validation Scenarios on page 55
Reload System on page 522

Add ODX Database

Access This command is available only for the ECU Diagnostics device. You
can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager ECU Diagnostics device

n Platform/Device Manager ECU

Diagnostics device
Shortcut key None
Icon None

372 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Purpose To add a new diagnostics database to the selected ECU Diagnostics


Description For an ECU Diagnostics device, only one diagnostics database can be
active at a time. The new diagnostics database is automatically
activated, and the previously active diagnostics database is
deactivated. To change back to an older one later on, you must
activate it manually.

Result ControlDesk opens a wizard containing the following pages:

n The Select ODX Files page lets you specify a new diagnostics
database for the selected ECU Diagnostics device.
n The Select Vehicle page lets you select a vehicle to be used with
the new diagnostics database.
n The Select Logical Links page lets you select the logical links to be
used with the new diagnostics database, and specify their physical
connections and diagnostic protocols.
n The Active Logical Links page lets you reconfigure the
communication parameters specified in the ODX database for the
active logical links and specify connection check settings for the
active logical links.

Select ODX Files page To specify a diagnostics database for the selected ECU Diagnostics
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
ODX database name Lets you enter a name for the ODX
diagnostics database. The default is 'ODX DB'.
When database selection has finished, the ODX database with the
specified name is displayed in the Project Manager. ControlDesk also
adds a folder with this name to the projects folder structure on your
file system. The folder contains all the files belonging to the ODX

You can specify several diagnostics databases for an ECU
Diagnostics device. You should then change their default names
for clarity and better handling.

Database Settings Opens the Database Settings dialog for you to

specify settings for the ODX version and database optimization.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 373

s Reference Information t

Database Settings Automatic detection Lets you select the

ODX version used with your ECU Diagnostics device automatically. If
the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk finds the ODX version by using
the files imported for the ODX diagnostics database for your
ECU Diagnostics device. If the checkbox is cleared, you must select
the ODX version manually.

Disable automatic ODX version detection only if you are very
familiar with ODX databases and the used database files.

Whether the Automatic detection option is the default for newly

created ODX databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Database Settings ODX version Lets you select the ODX version
to be used with your ECU Diagnostics device manually. If automatic
detection of the ODX version is disabled, you can select one of the
ODX versions supported by ControlDesk from the list. If automatic
detection is enabled, the detected ODX version is displayed.
'Undefined' is displayed until an ODX version has been detected or
If automatic detection is disabled, the default ODX version for newly
created ODX databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Database Settings Optimize database for ODX version 2.0.1
(Available only for ODX version 2.0.1) Lets you specify to use a
proprietary binary format instead of ODX for the diagnostics
database. If the checkbox is selected, binary format is generated after
you selected the ODX files and when you click Next or Finish on the
Select ODX Files page. Both the ODX data and the generated binary
files are copied to the experiment, but only the binary files are used
with the experiment (indicated by the symbol in the Project
Manager). If the checkbox is cleared, only the ODX data is copied to
and used with the experiment (indicated by the symbol in the
Project Manager).
While converting the ODX database into the proprietary binary
format, ControlDesk displays the progress in the Optimize ODX
Database dialog. You can click Details to see information such as the

374 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

current status, warnings, and error messages. After conversion, the

dialog closes automatically unless an error occurred or the details are

Using the binary format results in faster experiment loading, and
allows you to work with large ODX databases because memory
usage is reduced. On the other hand, generating the binary
format takes some time.
Using the binary format is useful in the following cases:
n Experiments that are frequently loaded, and whose
diagnostics database is modified only rarely
n Experiments that require large ODX databases

Whether the Optimize database option is the default for newly

created ODX 2.0.1 databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).

For ODX 2.2.0 diagnostics databases, database optimization is
always performed. You cannot change this setting. So if you
work with an ODX 2.2.0 database, ControlDesk always uses the
binary format instead of ODX data for the diagnostics database.

Files list Displays all the files imported so far for the ODX
diagnostics database for your ECU Diagnostics device. The following
information is shown for each file:
n Intended action (column on the left)
Displays the action that is to be performed on the file according to
the ODX database configuration currently active for the ECU
Diagnostics device. Each action is indicated by a symbol.

Intended Action Symbol Description

Add The file is to be added to the
ODX database.
Reload The file is to be reloaded from
its original source path, or
replaced by another file with
the same file name.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 375

s Reference Information t

Intended Action Symbol Description

Remove The file is to be removed from
the ODX database.1)
Remain unchanged None The file remains unchanged in
the current ODX database
configuration. It is to be
neither added, nor replaced,
nor removed.
The files to be removed are displayed in the files list only if the Show Removed
Files option is enabled (see below).

n File name
n File type
An ODX database typically contains files of the following types:

Extension Description
ODX File format for all the files containing ODX data
ODX-D File format for specifications of diagnostic services and diagnostic jobs
ODX-C File format for communication parameter specifications (COMPARAMSPEC)
ODX-V File format for vehicle information specifications (VEHICLEINFOSPEC)
ODX-M File format for specifications of multipleECU jobs (MULTIPLEECUJOBSPEC)
ODX-F File format for ECU flash programming specifications (FLASH)
PDX File container for ODX data (also called PDX package). All the files to be exchanged are
packaged in one file container. The content of the container is described in a container
catalog (PDX package catalog), which is also stored in the PDX package. Besides the
ODX data, a PDX package can contain files of any format.

To execute diagnostic jobs and/or perform ECU flash memory programming, it is
not sufficient that the related files (such as CLASS, JAR, or HEX files) are in the
PDX package. You have to import these files in addition to the PDX package.

The folder with the ODX database can also contain the following file
types and files:

File Description
CLASS, JAR File formats for diagnostic jobs
HEX, MOT, S19, File formats for flash data (ECU Image files)
simulation.txt Contains the simulated ECU.
This file can be used for simulating ECU diagnostics.

376 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

File Description
DS_Service_Config<...>.xml Maps ODX semantics to ControlDesk functions.
This configuration file is required for setting up services others than
the default services provided by ControlDesk, for example, for reading
the fault memory and environment data, clearing fault memory entries
and performing measurement and calibration, which can then be used
in ControlDesk. For further information, refer to Basics of the XML
Configuration File ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
File info field Displays information on the file currently selected in
the files list.
Database Template Displays information on the selected ODX
database template (if one is currently selected).
Files Add (Not available if an ODX database template is used) Lets
you import one or more files to the ODX diagnostics database. The
imported files are added to the files list.
The command is also available via context menu. As an alternative,
you can press the Insert or + key.
Files Reload (Not available if an ODX database template is used)
Lets you reload the selected files. If possible, ControlDesk loads the
selected files from their original source paths again.
The command is also available via context menu.
Files Remove (Not available if an ODX database template is used)
Removes the selected files from the files list. File deletion does not
take effect on the diagnostics database configuration currently active
for the ECU Diagnostics device until you click Next or Finish.
The command is also available via context menu. As an alternative,
you can press the Delete or - key to remove the selected files from
the files list.
Files Remove All (Not available if an ODX database template is
used) Removes all the files from the files list.
The command is also available via context menu.
Template Add (Available only if no files have been imported for
the ODX diagnostics database, or if an ODX database template is
used) Lets you import an ODX database template. An ODX database
template is a valid ODX database that cannot be modified.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 377

s Reference Information t

The ODX Database Templates dialog opens for you to select the ODX
database template.

Via the Select template source dropdown list, you must select
whether to import a builtin or a custom ODX database template.
ControlDesk provides builtin ODX database templates for different
diagnostic protocols (some in binary format). They are displayed for
selection. If you select to add a custom ODX database template,
ControlDesk lists all the custom ODX database templates on the
custom ODX database template source path. The source path is
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog.
After you select an ODX database template, the Database Template
tab displays information on the selected database template. The files
contained in the ODX database template are displayed in the files list.
Template Remove (Available only if an ODX database template is
used) Removes the currently selected ODX database template.
Sort By File Name (Ascending) (Available via context menu) Lets
you sort the files list alphabetically in ascending order by the File
Name column.
Sort By File Extension (Ascending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in ascending order by the File
Type column.
Sort By File Action (Ascending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list in ascending order by the file action type.
Sort By File Name (Descending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in descending order by the File
Name column.
Sort By File Extension (Descending) (Available via context
menu) Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in descending order by
the File Type column.

378 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Sort By File Action (Descending) (Available via context menu)

Lets you sort the files list in descending order by the file action type.

You can also sort the files list alphabetically in ascending or
descending order by clicking the appropriate column header.

Show Removed Files (Available via context menu) Lets you specify
to display files that are to be removed from the diagnostics database
configuration currently active for the ECU Diagnostics device in the
files list. If enabled, the files selected for deletion are displayed in the
files list, marked with the symbol. This allows you to check the
files selected for deletion.

Select Vehicle page To select a vehicle for the selected ECU Diagnostics device.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
Vehicle list Displays all the vehicles related to the specified ODX
database, and lets you select a vehicle for the selected ECU
Diagnostics device.
If no vehicle information is specified in the ODX database, a default
vehicle named "VI_GlobalVehicleInfor" (short name) or "Global
Vehicle Information" (long name) is automatically generated and
added to the list.
Vehicle info field Displays information on the vehicle selected in
the vehicle list.

Select Logical Links page To select the logical links to be used with the selected ECU
Diagnostics device, and specify their physical connections and
diagnostic protocols.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
Logical Link Name Displays all the logical links available for the
selected vehicle in the ODX database, and lets you select the logical
links that are to be used with the ECU Diagnostics device.
The names of the logical links are specified in the ODX database.
Whether the logical links short names or long names are displayed,
depends on the settings made on the Diagnostics Management page
of the ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics
Management Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU
You can select the logical links that are to be used with the ECU
Diagnostics device via the checkboxes on the left of the list. An

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 379

s Reference Information t

activated checkbox indicates that the logical link is selected for ECU
diagnostics. ControlDesk does not allow you to work with more than
one simulated logical link. If you select two or more logical links with
"Simulation" as the physical connection, a dialog opens for you to
specify a valid logical link selection.
If the ODX database contains no vehicle information specification and
the VI_GlobalVehicleInfor (short name) or Global Vehicle Information
(long name) vehicle is selected for use instead, the logical link list
contains only automatically generated logical links. Logical links are
generated according to a specified pattern (described here with the
logical links short names):
n GeneratedLogicalLink_ProtocolShortName
n GeneratedLogicalLink_FunctionalGroupShortName_
n GeneratedLogicalLink_BaseVariantShortName_
n EcuVariantDiagLayerShortName_GeneratedLogicalLink_

The pattern depends on the structure of the underlying

Thus, the number of generated logical links depends on the layer

definitions available in the ODX database. A logical link is generated
for each possible combination. For consistent handling the device also
represents ECU variants as logical links.
VI (vehicle identification) Lets you perform logical link selection
via ODX variant identification. If the ODX database contains one or

more ECU variants for an ECU base variant (indicated by a

button next to the ECU base variant), click the button to open the
ECU Variant Identification dialog to specify configuration settings and
start the ODX variant identification mechanism.

An identified ECU variant is marked by the symbol in the VI

column. ODX variant identification is based on criteria specified in the
ODX database.

380 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

You can select an identified ECU variant to be used with the ECU
Diagnostics device.

ECU Variant Identification ECU base variant (Available only if

the ODX database contains one or more ECU variants for the selected
ECU base variant) Displays the ECU base variant the variant
identification process is to be performed for.
ECU Variant Identification Identified ECU variant Displays the
result of the ODX variant identification process. If identification was
successful, the name of the identified ECU variant is displayed.
ECU Variant Identification Identify Lets you start the ODX
variant identification process. The status of the ODX variant
identification process is visualized by the progress bar. Different colors
indicate whether the identification process was successful:

Color of Description
Progress Bar
Green Identification process ran successfully.
Yellow Identification process has finished, no ECU
variant has been identified.
Red Error occurred during identification process.

Variant identification is possible only if communication with the
ECU is available. This means that the ECU is connected, and the
physical connection and the communication parameters have
suitable settings for the logical links.

ECU Variant Identification Copy configuration from ECU base

variant to identified ECU variant after selecting the ECU
variant Lets you specify to apply the configuration of an ECU base

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 381

s Reference Information t

variant to an identified ECU variant when the ECU variant is selected

for use with the ECU Diagnostics device. If the option is selected, the
following information is applied to the selected identified ECU
n Diagnostic protocol
n Physical connection
n Interface settings
n ComParam values of the active logical link
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
ECU Variant Identification Select (Available only if variant
identification was successful) Lets you select the identified ECU
variant to be used with the ECU Diagnostics device. If the Copy
configuration from ECU base variant to identified ECU variant after
selecting the ECU variant checkbox is selected, the ECU base variant
configuration is applied to the identified ECU variant when it is
Protocol Lets you select the diagnostic protocol. The following
diagnostic protocols are supported:

Diagnostic Protocol Description

Diagnostics on CAN (ISO 15765) Diagnostics on CAN / KWP2000 on CAN
KWP2000 on KLine (ISO 14230) KWP2000 on KLine
OBD On-Board Diagnostics for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 1.6 Transport Protocol TP 1.6 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 2.0 Transport Protocol TP 2.0 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
UDS (ISO 14229) UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services)
The diagnostic protocol setting is preset with information from the
ODX database the first time you open this page during device
configuration, provided that appropriate information is contained in
the ODX database. If ControlDesk cannot associate a diagnostic
protocol from the database, the diagnostic protocol is set to 'None'
and you must specify a valid protocol setting manually.

382 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Connection Lets you select the physical connection for the logical
link. The available physical connections depend on the selected
diagnostic protocol:

Diagnostic Protocol Possible Physical Connections

ISO 14230 n KLine
n Simulation 1)
ISO 14229 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
ISO 15765 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
TP 1.6 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
TP 2.0 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
n Simulation 1)
1) ControlDesk provides a demo ODX database containing a simulated static ECU
(simulation.txt). To access the static demo ECU, you must select the Simulation
physical connection for the logical links of the ECU Diagnostics device.

The physical connection setting is preset with information from the

ODX database the first time you open this page during device
configuration, provided that appropriate information is contained in
the ODX database. If ControlDesk cannot associate a physical
connection from the database, the physical connection is set to
'None' and you must specify it manually.
Interface Lets you specify the interface settings for the current
logical link. If CAN or KLine was selected as the physical connection,
the Configure button is enabled. When you click the button,
ControlDesk opens the relevant Interface Selection dialog for you to
specify the KLine or CAN interface settings for the current logical link
(see KLine Interface Selection page on page 453 or Interface
Selection (CAN-, LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices) page on page 451).
Create variable description for selected logical links Displays or
lets you specify whether a variable description is to be generated from
the ODX database for the selected logical links. A variable description
is necessary for measuring and calibrating diagnostics variables via the
ECU Diagnostics device. To enable ControlDesk to create a variable
description from the ODX database, the ODX database must meet
some requirements. For details, refer to Conventions in Connection
with ODX Databases ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 383

s Reference Information t

Whether the Create variable description for selected logical links

option is the default for newly created ODX databases depends on
the setting specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Configure Variable Description (Available only if the Create
variable description for selected logical links checkbox is selected)
Opens the Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration dialog for
you to specify configuration settings that are relevant for generating
the variable description from the ODX database.

Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Use additional

protocol information (Available only if the Create variable
description for selected logical links checkbox is selected) Lets you
specify to also use information from the protocol specification for
variable generation. If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk
generates variables not only according to the default ODX semantics
and service configurations in the XML configuration file(s), but also on
the basis of the protocolspecific identification of services. However,
selecting this checkbox can significantly increase the number of
variables to be generated. As a result, the generation of the variable
description and also later uploads may take some time. If the
checkbox is cleared, no variables are generated on the basis of the
protocol information.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).

Fault read services and DTC variables always use the information
from the protocol specification, regardless of whether the Use
additional protocol information option is enabled or not.

384 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Generate

Diagnostic Trouble Code variables (Available only if the Create
variable description for selected logical links checkbox is selected) Lets
you specify to generate diagnostic trouble code (DTC) measurement
variables. DTC variables can be used to measure changes on DTCs,
and for triggering measurements. You can find the DTC variables in
the Variable Browser in the <Diagnostic Trouble Codes> nodes
located below the logical link nodes.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Add
additional measurements for parameters (Available only if the
Create variable description for selected logical links checkbox is
selected) Lets you specify to generate a measurement variable for
each generated parameter. The generated measurement variables are
displayed in the Variable Browser in the read service nodes located
below the logical link nodes. This allows quick and easy access to the
measurement variables of a read service. A parameter and the
associated generated measurement variable are not synchronized. If
the checkbox is cleared, no additional measurement variables are
generated for parameters.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Use ECU base
variant name instead of ECU variant name (Available only if the
Create variable description for selected logical links checkbox is
selected) Lets you specify to use the name of an ECU base variant as
the name for all the variants of the ECU. Using the same name
prevents the connection to the variables being lost when a variable
description is reloaded after you switch to another ECU variant.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Logical link info field Displays information on the logical link
currently selected for being configured.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 385

s Reference Information t

Expand All (Available via context menu) Lets you expand all the
nodes and subnodes of the logical links tree. If enabled, all the logical
links to all hierarchical layers available for the selected vehicle are
displayed in the tree.
Expand Selected Logical Links (Available via context menu) Lets
you display only the selected logical links and their superordinate
nodes in the logical links tree. All the other nodes of the logical links
tree are hidden.
Collapse All (Available via context menu) Lets you collapse all the
subordinate nodes in the logical links tree. If enabled, only the logical
links of the topmost hierarchy level are displayed.
Hide Protocol and Functional Group (Available via context menu)
Lets you specify whether all the logical links to all hierarchical layers
(protocol, functional group, ECU base variant, ECU variant) or only
the logical links to ECU base variants and ECU variants are to be
displayed. If enabled, the logical links to the protocol and functional
group layers are hidden.

Active Logical Links page To specify connection check settings and configure communication
parameters for the logical links selected to be used with the selected
ECU Diagnostics device.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device.
ControlDesk provides the following pages for configuration:

Purpose Property Page

To display the communication parameters specified in the Active Logical Links - Communication
ODX database for each individual active logical link with Parameters page on page 386
their configurations, and to specify userdefined values for
single communication parameters.
To specify connection check settings for the active logical Active Logical Links - Connection Check
links. page on page 388

Active Logical Links - To display the communication parameters specified in the ODX
Communication Parameters database for each individual active logical link with their
page configurations, and to specify userdefined values for single
communication parameters.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device. It is located on
the Active Logical Links page.
Select logical link Lets you select one of the logical links selected to
be used with the selected ECU Diagnostics device for further

386 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Use configured ComParam values Lets you specify to activate the

user-defined values for ECU communication for all the
communication parameters belonging to the selected logical link. If
the checkbox is selected, the configured values are set automatically
as the active values during the device state transition from
'disconnected' to 'connected'. If the selected logical link is in the
'connected', 'online calibration started' or 'measuring' state, the
configured values are set as the active values when you exit the dialog
via the OK button. If the checkbox is cleared, the configured values
are not taken into account for ECU communication, but the default
ODX values are set as the active values.
Reset All Values Lets you reset all the configured values for the
communication parameters belonging to the selected logical link to
their original ODX values in a single step. After you click the Reset All
Values button, the configured value is equal to the ODX value for
each communication parameter.
Communication parameters list The list displays all the
communication parameters available in the ODX database for the
selected logical link with their configurations, and lets you specify
userdefined values for the single communication parameters. The list
provides the following predefined columns:

Column Description
Name Displays the name (short name without the prefix "CP_") specified for the
communication parameter in the ODX database.
Active Value1) Displays the currently active value of the communication parameter. A value is
displayed only if the selected logical link is in the 'connected', 'online
calibration started' or 'measuring' state.
Diff (compared Displays a symbol indicating whether the currently active value and the
Active with configured value for the communication parameter are equal or unequal.
n indicates that the currently active value and the userdefined value
specified for the selected communication parameter are equal.
n indicates that a value different from the userdefined value is currently
active for the communication parameter.
Configured Value Lets you specify a user-defined value for the selected communication
parameter. If you did not specify a user-defined value, the configured value is
equal to the ODX value.
The tendency symbol in the Diff column makes it easy to see whether the
configured value is equal to or differs from the ODX value.
The Configured Value fields are editable only if the Use configured ComParam
values checkbox is selected.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 387

s Reference Information t

Column Description
Reset Lets you reset the configured value of the communication parameter to its
original ODX value. After you click Reset, the configured value and the ODX
value are identical for the selected communication parameter. Resetting the
configured value does not affect the currently active value until the device
state changes from 'disconnected' to 'connected' with the Use configured
ComParam values checkbox selected.
Diff (compared Displays a symbol indicating whether the configured value and the ODX value
Configured with for the communication parameter are equal or unequal.
n indicates that the userdefined value and the original value specified in
the ODX database for the selected communication parameter are equal.
n indicates that a userdefined value different from the default ODX
value has been specified for the communication parameter.
ODX Value Displays the value specified for the communication parameter in the ODX
Unit Displays the unit specified for the communication parameter in the ODX
Value Range Displays the value range specified for the communication parameter in the
ODX database.
Class Displays the COMPARAM class of the communication parameter. The classes are
specified in the PDU API specification. If no appropriate class is available, the
general COM class is used.
1) Column is available only if the Communication Parameters page of the Active Logical Links dialog is opened via the Properties

You can sort the parameters list alphabetically in ascending or
descending order by clicking the appropriate column header.

Info field Displays the description specified for the currently

selected communication parameter in the ODX database.

Active Logical Links - To specify connection check settings for the active logical links.
Connection Check page This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device. It is located on
the Active Logical Links page.
Global (Re)Connection Check To specify globally to execute the
TesterPresent service and/or the StartCommunication control primitive
for the ECU Diagnostics device during the connection check and the
reconnection check.

388 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

The specified global connection check settings are used as the
default settings for all logical links. If an option is enabled, the
associated logicallinkspecific properties are activated and
evaluated. You can specify this setting individually for each active
logical link (see Logicallink-specific (Re)Connection Check
on page 391). If an option is disabled, it is disabled for all logical
links. Thus, the associated logicallinkspecific properties are
deactivated and do not take effect.

Execute StartComm (global setting) Lets you specify to execute

the StartCommunication control primitive for the ECU Diagnostics
device during the connection check and reconnection check, i.e.,
during the device state transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected'
and the device state transition from 'unplugged' to 'connected'.

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the StartCommunication
control primitive must be executed to initialize the bus. So if you
want to access an ECU via KLine, you are recommended to
select the checkbox, because otherwise communication with an
ECU via KLine might be impossible.

n If the checkbox is selected, the logicallink-specific Execute

StartComm property is activated for each active logical link. You
can enable/disable the execution of the StartCommunication
control primitive during the (re)connection check for the single
logical links via the logicallink-specific property.

For example, enabling the Execute StartComm option ensures
that ControlDesk regularly sends TesterPresent messages to
the ECU if enabled in the ODX database. You can disable the
cyclic transmission via the configuration of the COMPARAMs.

n If the checkbox is cleared, the execution of the

StartCommunication control primitive during the connection check
is disabled for all logical links. You cannot override the setting
individually for the active logical links.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 389

s Reference Information t

Disabling the Execute StartComm option can be useful in
connection with test automation. It lets you prevent
ControlDesk from sending TesterPresent messages to the
ECU without having to disable cyclic transmission of
TesterPresent messages in the ODX database or in the
configuration of the COMPARAMs.

If there are logical links which have the StartCommunication control

primitive with the NoOperation property set to FALSE, you should not
disable the execution of StartCommunication control primitives. If you
do, a symbol is displayed.
Execute TesterPresent (global setting) Lets you specify to
execute a TesterPresent service for the ECU Diagnostics device during
the connection check and reconnection check, i.e., during the device
state transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected' and the device
state transition from 'unplugged' to 'connected'.
n If the checkbox is selected, the logicallink-specific Execute
TesterPresent property is activated for all logical links. You can
enable/disable the execution of the TesterPresent service during
the (re)connection check individually for the single logical links via
the logicallink-specific property. If a logical link has TesterPresent
execution enabled, the service is executed during the connection
check with the logicallink-specific TesterPresent behavior you
specified. This means that an associated request is transmitted to
the ECU to check whether ECU communication is available.
n If the checkbox is cleared, the execution of the TesterPresent
service is disabled for all logical links. You cannot override the
setting individually for the active logical links.
Cyclic connection state check (global setting) Lets you specify to
check ECU communication cyclically for the ECU Diagnostics device
when the device is connected.
n If the checkbox is selected, the cyclic connection state check
property is activated for each active logical link. You can
enable/disable the check for the single logical links via the
logicallink-specific Cyclic connection state check property. If a
logical link has the cyclic connection state check enabled,
ControlDesk performs the check with the TesterPresent
Configuration you specified in the logicallink-specific connection
check settings (see below).

390 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n If the checkbox is cleared, the cyclic connection state check is

disabled for each active logical link. You cannot override the
setting individually for the active logical links.
The cyclic connection state check property affects the automatic
reconnect behavior of the device specified in the General Settings
Properties on page 313, because the specified reconnect behavior can
be applied to the device only if ControlDesk knows that the ECU is in
the unplugged state. Disabling the cyclic connection state check also
disables the automatic reconnect functionality for the ECU
Diagnostics device.
The cyclic connection state check property does not influence the
checks that are performed during the device state transition from
'disconnected' or 'unplugged' to 'connected'. These checks are
configured via the Execute StartComm and Execute TesterPresent
The requests (for example, TesterPresent) that are sent for the ECU
communication check do not affect the automatic transmission of
TesterPresent indications by the diagnostic tester configured via a
COMPARAM in the COMPARAM-SPEC. These TesterPresent indications are
used to indicate to an ECU that a diagnostic tester (such as
ControlDesk) is present. For further information, refer to Conventions
in Connection with ODX Databases ( ControlDesk Next Generation
ECU Diagnostics).
Logicallink-specific (Re)Connection Check To specify the services
and control primitives to be executed for the selected active logical
link during the connection check and the reconnection check.
The final result of the (re)connection check for a logical link is made
up of the partial results of the TesterPresent and StartComm checks
that are performed for the logical link. If every executed partial check
is successful, the whole connection check is regarded as successful. If
at least one of the executed partial checks fails, the whole connection
check has failed. A partial result is considered successful if the
execution of TesterPresent/StartComm was successful or if the
execution of TesterPresent/StartComm was disabled (globally or for
the logical link).
Execute StartComm Lets you select to execute the
StartCommunication control primitive for the selected active logical
link during the connection check (i.e., during the device state
transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected' and during the
reconnection check).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 391

s Reference Information t

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the StartCommunication
control primitive must be executed to initialize the bus. So if you
want to access an ECU via KLine, you should not disable this
option, because otherwise communication with an ECU via
KLine might be impossible.

n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk uses the

StartCommunication control primitive with the logical link to start
communication with the ECU. If the ODX database contains
several control primitives with DIAGNOSTIC-CLASS = STARTCOMM,
ControlDesk uses the first control primitive it finds. ControlDesk
executes the control primitive during the device state transition
from 'disconnected' to 'connected'. If execution is successful, the
device state changes from 'disconnected' to 'connected'.
Otherwise, the connection check fails for the logical link. If the
check fails for all logical links, the device remains in the
'disconnected' state.
If the ODX database does not contain a control primitive classified
as DIAGNOSTIC-CLASS = STARTCOMM or contains such a control
primitive with the NoOperation property set to TRUE, ControlDesk
makes a corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the connection
check is regarded as successful.

StartCommunication control primitives with the NoOperation
property set to True are indicated by a symbol.

For example, enabling the Execute StartComm option ensures that

ControlDesk regularly sends TesterPresent messages to the ECU
after the device state is set to 'connected' (provided that cyclic
transmission of TesterPresent messages is activated in the ODX
within the COMPARAMs). Cyclic transmissions of TesterPresent
messages from the device to the ECU prevent the ECU from
switching back to the default diagnostic mode.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no StartCommunication control primitive
is executed for the logical link during the connection check.

392 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

For example, disabling the Execute StartComm option can be

useful in connection with test automation. It lets you prevent
ControlDesk from sending TesterPresent messages to the ECU
without having to disable cyclic transmission of TesterPresent
messages in the ODX database or in the configuration of the

You should not disable the execution of StartCommunication
control primitives whose NoOperation property is set to FALSE.
If you do, a symbol is displayed.

This setting takes effect only if the global Execute StartComm
option is enabled. If it is, the logicallink-specific property is
available (not grayed out), and you can override the setting

Execute TesterPresent Lets you select to execute a TesterPresent

service for the selected logical link during the connection check and
the reconnection check.
n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk performs the
communication check according to the TesterPresent behavior you
specified for the logical link. This means that an appropriate
request is transmitted to the ECU to check whether ECU
communication is available.
If you selected to execute a service with a specific semantic and
your ODX database contains several of these services, ControlDesk
uses the first service it finds. If the ODX database does not contain
the specified service, ControlDesk makes a corresponding entry in
the LOG file, and the connection check is regarded as successful.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no TesterPresent service is executed
during the connection check for the logical link.

This setting takes effect only if the global Execute TesterPresent
option is enabled. If it is, the logicallink-specific property is
available (not grayed out), and you can override the setting

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 393

s Reference Information t

Cyclic connection state check (executes TesterPresent) Lets you

specify to check ECU communication cyclically for the selected active
logical link when it is connected.
n If the checkbox is selected, a message is transmitted cyclically to
the ECU to check whether ECU communication is available.
ControlDesk performs the communication check for the active
logical link according to the TesterPresent Configuration you
specified for it.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no message is transmitted and it cannot
be determined whether ECU communication is available or
interrupted for the logical link.
If the cyclic connection state check is enabled and you selected to
execute a TesterPresent service with a specific semantic, but either
your ODX database does not contain the specified service to perform
the ECU communication check or your ECU does not support this
service, the connection check does not work. ControlDesk makes a
corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the device disables the
automatic reconnect functionality.

This setting takes effect only if the global cyclic connection state
check option is enabled. If it is, the Cyclic connection state check
(executes TesterPresent) property is activated (not grayed out),
and you can override the setting individually. For example,
different TesterPresent configurations can be used for different
logical links, or the check can be disabled for single logical links.

TesterPresent configuration To specify the TesterPresent service

settings. The configuration is used for both the (re)connection check
and the cyclic status detection.
TesterPresent behavior Lets you specify how to perform the
TesterPresent service for the selected logical link during the
(re)connection check and the cyclic ECU communication check when
the logical links is connected.
n Execute a service with the specified semantic: ControlDesk
executes a service classified by a specific semantic (specified in the
Semantic for service identification field) to check the connection
to the ECU. If the ECU sends a positive response, the service
connection check was successful.

394 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n Send a custom PDU, accept any response: ControlDesk executes

the hex service by sending a specific request PDU (specified in the
Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends any response
(whether positive or negative), the service connection check is
interpreted as successful.
n Send a custom PDU, accept only positive responses: ControlDesk
executes the hex service by sending a specific request PDU
(specified in the Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends a
positive response, the service connection check is interpreted as
successful. A response is positive if the value of its first byte is
(0x40 + value of the first byte of the request).
n Send a custom PDU, accept only specified response: ControlDesk
executes the hex service by sending a specific request PDU
(specified in the Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends a
specific response (specified in the Response PDU field), the service
connection check is interpreted as successful.
n Send the protocol-specific TesterPresent service: ControlDesk
executes the TesterPresent service that matches the selected
diagnostic protocol to check the connection to the ECU. This
means that ControlDesk sends TesterPresent messages with
suitable request and response PDU values.

Diagnostic Protocol Request PDU Response PDU

n Diagnostics on CAN 3E 7E
(ISO 15765)
n KWP2000 on KLine
(ISO 14230)
n TP 1.6
n TP 2.0
n UDS (ISO 14229) 3E 00 7E 00
n OBD1)
1) OBD uses the default settings of UDS, but this has no effect because sending
TesterPresent messages is disabled for OBD.

Semantic for service identification (Available only if "Execute a

service with the specified semantic" is selected as the TesterPresent
behavior) Lets you select the semantic to identify the service to be
executed for the connection check during the (re)connection check
and the cyclic connection state check. The list contains all the service
semantics that are available for the logical link. After the ECU sends a
positive response to the service request, the connection check is
successful. If the ECU does not send a positive response, the
connection check fails. If there is no service with the specified

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 395

s Reference Information t

semantic, ControlDesk makes a corresponding entry in the LOG file

and the connection check is regarded as successful.
If there are several services using the specified semantic, ControlDesk
uses the first service it finds.
A listed service semantic might not be available in the ODX database.
For example, this can occur if your ODX database does not contain
the TESTERPRESENT semantic, or if you load an existing ControlDesk
experiment in which an unavailable semantic was set. In such cases,
ControlDesk displays an additional information text after the semantic
name in the list.
Request PDU (Available only if "Send a custom PDU, accept any
response", "Send a custom PDU, accept only positive responses", or
"Send a custom PDU, accept only specified response" is selected as
the TesterPresent behavior) Lets you specify the request PDU for the
connection check in hexadecimal notation. The specified PDU is sent
to the ECU using the hex service to check whether ECU
communication is available. The ECU's response is interpreted
according to the specified TesterPresent behavior setting.
If the hex service cannot be executed, ControlDesk makes a
corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the connection check fails.
Response PDU (Available only if "Send a custom PDU, accept only
specified response" is selected as the TesterPresent behavior) Lets you
specify the ECU response PDU expected for a successful connection
check in hexadecimal notation. After the ECU sends exactly the
specified response to the service request, the device state changes
from "disconnected" to "connected". If the ECU sends no or a
different response PDU, the connection check fails.
Security access execution behavior Lets you specify whether
ControlDesk executes a diagnostic job for security access when online
calibration is started for the ECU Diagnostics device.
n Execute no security access: No diagnostic job for getting security
access for parameter calibration is performed when online
calibration is started.
n Execute security access: The diagnostic job for getting security
access is executed each time online calibration is started for the
n Execute security access if variable description exists: The diagnostic
job for getting security access is executed when online calbration
is started and a variable description was generated from the
ODX database specified for the device.

396 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Reset to default Lets you reset the logical-link-specific

configuration settings for the connection check behavior to their
default values.

Related topics References

Activate ODX Database on page 369
Configure ODX Database on page 406
Remove ODX Database on page 524

Add to Active Experiment

Access This command is available only for platforms that are registered but
not yet added to the currently active experiment of the open project.
You can access this command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

This command is not available in the operator mode.

Purpose To add a registered platform to the currently active project.

Result Before adding the platform to the active project, ControlDesk opens
the Define platform name dialog prompting you to specify a name for
the platform to be used in the experiment. The name must be unique
within the experiment.

Define platform name Enter a platform name Lets you enter a platform name that is
dialog used for the platform in the experiment. The platform name must be
unique within the experiment.
OK Adds the registered platform to the currently active experiment,
using the specified name as the platform name.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 397

s Reference Information t

Assembly View

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To display a component-based view of the registered hardware in the

Platform/Device Manager.

Result The Platform/Device Manager displays the physical assembly of the

registered hardware.

Related topics References

Network View on page 491

Calibration Memory Dialog

Access This dialog opens when one of the following commands is invoked:
n Go Online ( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data
Set Management)
n Start Measuring ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording)
n Start Immediate (Recording) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
n Start Triggered (Recording) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
provided one of the following conditions is true:
n The parameter values on the hardware or VPU and in ControlDesk
n The active experiment contains at least one platform whose start
online calibration behavior is set to 'Prompt user'.

398 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n Parameters outside the defined memory segments are selected for

n No memory segments are defined in the A2L file.

If you specified a different default start online calibration
behavior for a platform/device, ControlDesk equalizes the
parameter values in ControlDesk's mirrored memory and the
connected hardware or VPU without opening the Calibration
Memory dialog and prompting you. For information on this
configuration setting, refer to General Settings Properties
on page 313.

Calibration Memory dialog To get identical parameter values in ControlDesk's mirrored memory
and on the platform/device.
Platform/Device/Page Lists the platforms/devices (and their
memory pages) whose parameter values on the connected dSPACE
real-time hardware, VPU or ECU differ from those in ControlDesk's
mirrored memory.
Data Set CRC Lists the CRC checksum values of the memory pages
in ControlDesk's mirrored memory.
ECU CRC Lists the CRC checksum values of the memory pages on
the connected dSPACE real-time hardware, VPU or ECU.
Command Lets you specify for each individual platform/device and
memory page whether parameter values should be uploaded from
the connected hardware or VPU to ControlDesk, or downloaded from
ControlDesk to the hardware or VPU. The commands that are actually
available depend on the selected platform/device type and the ECUs
memory page concept.

Command Description
Upload1) ControlDesk uploads the parameter values from the hardware or VPU to
Download ControlDesk downloads the parameter values from ControlDesk to the
hardware or VPU.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 399

s Reference Information t

Command Description
Upload connected ControlDesk uploads the values of all the parameters and writable
variables1) measurements that are currently selected for calibration from the hardware
or VPU to the host PC. These are the parameters and writable measurements
that are currently connected to an instrument and visualized on a layout.
They are shown in the Variable Browser with a red chain symbol.

For a platform/device without a working data set, selecting the 'upload
connected variables' option the first time online calibration is started
prevents ControlDesk from creating a working and a reference data set.
However, ControlDesk needs a working data set to save calibration data
in ControlDesk. Use the 'upload' option for the first online transition

Download connected ControlDesk downloads the values of all the parameters and writable
variables measurements that are currently selected for calibration from ControlDesk to
the hardware or VPU. These are the parameters and writable measurements
that are currently connected to an instrument and visualized on a layout.
They are shown in the Variable Browser with a red chain symbol.
1) If data sets are selected for downloading on calibration start, their parameter values are always downloaded. Refer to How to
Select Additional Data Sets for Downloading on Online Calibration Start ( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data
Set Management).

Measurement only Leaves the parameter values in ControlDesk's

mirrored memory and on the hardware or VPU inconsistent, and
closes the Calibration Memory dialog. As a result,
n ControlDesk connects to the hardware or VPU.
n Online calibration is not started.
n Measuring variables is possible.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Starting Online Calibration ( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)

400 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Check EPK

Access This command is available only for measurement and calibration

devices. You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager device

n Project Manager data set

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To initiate a consistency check (EPK check) manually.

Result Consistency is checked. If the compared values differ, a warning

message is displayed.

Description ControlDesk automatically performs consistency checks (see

Consistency Checks (EPK Checks) on page 138). Additionally, you can
trigger consistency checks manually via the Check EPK command. You
can select the command for a device or a data set with the MMF file
extension. Manually triggered consistency checks are possible at any
time, whether the related device is online or offline. ControlDesk
performs those EPK checks that are possible at the moment.
n Calling the Check EPK command for a device:
n If online calibration is not started for the selected
platform/device, the ADDR_EPK and EPK attribute values in the
A2L file are compared to the values in the active data set.
n If online calibration is started for the selected platform/device,
ControlDesk compares the ADDR_EPK and EPK attribute values in
the A2L file to the values in the active data set, and performs
an EPK check on A2L and application.
n Calling the Check EPK command for a data set:
n If online calibration is not started for the related
platform/device, the ADDR_EPK and EPK attribute values in the
A2L file are compared to the values in the selected data set.
n If online calibration is started for the related platform/device,
ControlDesk compares the ADDR_EPK and EPK attribute values in
the A2L file to the values in the selected data set, and performs
an EPK check on A2L and application.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 401

s Reference Information t

For further information on the EPK check principle, refer to

Consistency Checks (EPK Checks) on page 138.

Related topics Basics

Consistency Checks (EPK Checks) on page 138

Check Gigalink Topology

Access This command is available only for the Multiprocessor System

platform, and only if online calibration has not been started. You can
access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager Multiprocessor System
n Platform/Device Manager Multiprocessor
System platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To check the topology of the DS1005based or DS1006based

multiprocessor system.

Result n ControlDesk checks immediately whether all the DS1005/DS1006

processor boards of the system are interconnected via Gigalinks.

ControlDesk does not check whether the topology of the
connected boards is compatible with the topology required
by the realtime application to be loaded to the system, i.e., it
does not check whether the correct Gigalink ports of the
processor boards are used for interconnection.

n ControlDesk generates topology information that you can use in

connection with RTI-MP to specify the multiprocessor system's
topology. Refer to Multiprocessor Topology Setup Dialog ( RTI
and RTI-MP Implementation Reference).

Description ControlDesk opens a dialog which displays whether the topology

check was successful. Details of which members of the multiprocessor
system are connected to which Gigalink ports are displayed in the

402 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Properties controlbar of the selected Multiprocessor System platform.

Refer to Topology Information Properties on page 342.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Multiprocessor System Platforms on page 96

Clear Flash

Access This command is available only for platforms (except for DS1103 and
SCALEXIO platforms). The hardware must be connected to the host
PC. You can access the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platforms

n Platform/Device Manager platforms

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To clear the flash memory of the selected platform, in whole or in


Result ControlDesk opens the Clear Flash dialog, which lets you completely
or partly clear the flash memory of the selected platform. The
realtime processor(s) must be reset for this. If an application is
running on the selected platform when the Clear Flash dialog opens,
you are asked to stop the running RTP(s).

Clear Flash dialog To clear the flash memory.

Clear complete flash memory/Clear complete flash memories of
all member platforms Lets you select whether the application(s)
loaded to the flash memory/flash memories, the nonvolatile data and
flight recorder data are to be cleared. The data is cleared when you
click the Clear Memory/Clear Memories button.
Clear flash application memory/Clear flash application
memories of all member platforms Lets you select whether the
application(s) loaded to the flash memory/flash memories is/are to be
cleared. The data is cleared when you click the Clear Memory/Clear
Memories button.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 403

s Reference Information t

Application in flash Displays the real-time application currently

loaded to the flash memory with its full path. For Multiprocessor
System platforms, the applications loaded to all the processor boards
in a system are displayed separately.
Clear flight recorder flash memory/Clear flight recorder flash
memories of all member platforms (Available only for the
following platforms: DS1005, Multiprocessor System based on
DS1005, MicroAutoBox) Lets you select whether flight recorder data
from the flash memory/flash memories is to be cleared when you click
the Clear Memory/Clear Memories button.
Clear nonvolatile data flash memory/Clear nonvolatile data
flash memories of all member platforms (Available only for the
following platforms: DS1005, Multiprocessor System based on
DS1005, MicroAutoBox) Lets you select whether nonvolatile data
from the flash memory/flash memories is to be cleared. The data is
cleared when you click the Clear Memory/Clear Memories button.
Clear Memory/Clear Memories Lets you execute the selected
clearing option.

Related topics HowTos

How to Clear an Application from the Flash Memory of dSPACE Real-Time Hardware
on page 130
Upload Flash Flightrecorder Contents on page 537

Clear Quick Start Configuration

Access This command is available only for XCP and DCIGSI2 devices whose
device hardware is connected to the host PC. You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager device
n Platform/Device Manager device

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To clear the quick start measurement configuration in the ECUs

nonvolatile memory.

Result All DAQ lists in the ECUs nonvolatile memory are cleared.

404 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Description When you use the Clear Quick Start Configuration command,
ControlDesk requests the ECU to clear the quick start measurement
configuration from its nonvolatile memory. Use the command to clear
a measurement configuration that was stored before into the ECUs
nonvolatile memory, and that you do not want to use any longer.
ControlDesk sets the CLEAR_DAQ_REQ bit using the SET_REQUEST XCP

Related topics HowTos

How to Perform a Quick Start Measurement on an ECU with XCP or DCIGSI2
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording)

Clear System

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon Platforms - Platform Management
Context menu of None
Shortcut key None

Purpose To clear the entire system you are currently working with.

Result ControlDesk clears the system by erasing the recent platform

configuration. The Platform Manager and the device drivers are reset
to their initial states.

n This command deletes any registered platform from the
recent platform configuration and not only the platform you
are currently working with.
n Clearing the recent platform configuration is relevant to each
dSPACE software installed on your PC that provides platform

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 405

s Reference Information t

Before clearing the system, you can use the Manage Recent
Platform Configuration dialog, to export the currently active
recent platform configuration. Importing this configuration
allows you to recover the system after you have cleared it.
Refer to Manage Platforms on page 483.

Related topics References

Refresh Interface Connections on page 510


Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager (platform/device
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To collapse the platforms/devices and subnodes of the node selected

in the Platform/Device Manager.

Result ControlDesk hides the subnodes and platforms/devices of the node

selected in the Platform/Device Manager.

Configure ODX Database

Access This command is available only for the ECU Diagnostics device, and
only in connection with the currently active diagnostics database for
the device.
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager ECU Diagnostics device
active diagnostics database

406 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To configure the currently active diagnostics database for the ECU
Diagnostics device, or to change the vehicle selection and/or logical
links selection related to the currently active diagnostics database.

Result ControlDesk opens the Configure ODX Database wizard containing

the following dialogs:
n The Select ODX Files page lets you modify the currently active
diagnostics database for the selected ECU Diagnostics device.
n The Select Vehicle page lets you change the vehicle selection
related to the currently active diagnostics database for the selected
ECU Diagnostics device.
n The Select Logical Links page lets you select other logical links to
be used with the selected ECU Diagnostics device, and specify
their physical connections and diagnostic protocols.
n The Active Logical Links page lets you reconfigure the
communication parameters specified in the ODX database for the
active logical links and specify connection check settings for the
active logical links.

Select ODX Files page To specify a diagnostics database for the selected ECU Diagnostics
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
ODX database name Lets you enter a name for the ODX
diagnostics database. The default is 'ODX DB'.
When database selection has finished, the ODX database with the
specified name is displayed in the Project Manager. ControlDesk also
adds a folder with this name to the projects folder structure on your
file system. The folder contains all the files belonging to the ODX

You can specify several diagnostics databases for an ECU
Diagnostics device. You should then change their default names
for clarity and better handling.

Database Settings Opens the Database Settings dialog for you to

specify settings for the ODX version and database optimization.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 407

s Reference Information t

Database Settings Automatic detection Lets you select the

ODX version used with your ECU Diagnostics device automatically. If
the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk finds the ODX version by using
the files imported for the ODX diagnostics database for your
ECU Diagnostics device. If the checkbox is cleared, you must select
the ODX version manually.

Disable automatic ODX version detection only if you are very
familiar with ODX databases and the used database files.

Whether the Automatic detection option is the default for newly

created ODX databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Database Settings ODX version Lets you select the ODX version
to be used with your ECU Diagnostics device manually. If automatic
detection of the ODX version is disabled, you can select one of the
ODX versions supported by ControlDesk from the list. If automatic
detection is enabled, the detected ODX version is displayed.
'Undefined' is displayed until an ODX version has been detected or
If automatic detection is disabled, the default ODX version for newly
created ODX databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Database Settings Optimize database for ODX version 2.0.1
(Available only for ODX version 2.0.1) Lets you specify to use a
proprietary binary format instead of ODX for the diagnostics
database. If the checkbox is selected, binary format is generated after
you selected the ODX files and when you click Next or Finish on the
Select ODX Files page. Both the ODX data and the generated binary
files are copied to the experiment, but only the binary files are used
with the experiment (indicated by the symbol in the Project
Manager). If the checkbox is cleared, only the ODX data is copied to
and used with the experiment (indicated by the symbol in the
Project Manager).
While converting the ODX database into the proprietary binary
format, ControlDesk displays the progress in the Optimize ODX
Database dialog. You can click Details to see information such as the

408 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

current status, warnings, and error messages. After conversion, the

dialog closes automatically unless an error occurred or the details are

Using the binary format results in faster experiment loading, and
allows you to work with large ODX databases because memory
usage is reduced. On the other hand, generating the binary
format takes some time.
Using the binary format is useful in the following cases:
n Experiments that are frequently loaded, and whose
diagnostics database is modified only rarely
n Experiments that require large ODX databases

Whether the Optimize database option is the default for newly

created ODX 2.0.1 databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).

For ODX 2.2.0 diagnostics databases, database optimization is
always performed. You cannot change this setting. So if you
work with an ODX 2.2.0 database, ControlDesk always uses the
binary format instead of ODX data for the diagnostics database.

Files list Displays all the files imported so far for the ODX
diagnostics database for your ECU Diagnostics device. The following
information is shown for each file:
n Intended action (column on the left)
Displays the action that is to be performed on the file according to
the ODX database configuration currently active for the ECU
Diagnostics device. Each action is indicated by a symbol.

Intended Action Symbol Description

Add The file is to be added to the
ODX database.
Reload The file is to be reloaded from
its original source path, or
replaced by another file with
the same file name.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 409

s Reference Information t

Intended Action Symbol Description

Remove The file is to be removed from
the ODX database.1)
Remain unchanged None The file remains unchanged in
the current ODX database
configuration. It is to be
neither added, nor replaced,
nor removed.
The files to be removed are displayed in the files list only if the Show Removed
Files option is enabled (see below).

n File name
n File type
An ODX database typically contains files of the following types:

Extension Description
ODX File format for all the files containing ODX data
ODX-D File format for specifications of diagnostic services and diagnostic jobs
ODX-C File format for communication parameter specifications (COMPARAMSPEC)
ODX-V File format for vehicle information specifications (VEHICLEINFOSPEC)
ODX-M File format for specifications of multipleECU jobs (MULTIPLEECUJOBSPEC)
ODX-F File format for ECU flash programming specifications (FLASH)
PDX File container for ODX data (also called PDX package). All the files to be exchanged are
packaged in one file container. The content of the container is described in a container
catalog (PDX package catalog), which is also stored in the PDX package. Besides the
ODX data, a PDX package can contain files of any format.

To execute diagnostic jobs and/or perform ECU flash memory programming, it is
not sufficient that the related files (such as CLASS, JAR, or HEX files) are in the
PDX package. You have to import these files in addition to the PDX package.

The folder with the ODX database can also contain the following file
types and files:

File Description
CLASS, JAR File formats for diagnostic jobs
HEX, MOT, S19, File formats for flash data (ECU Image files)
simulation.txt Contains the simulated ECU.
This file can be used for simulating ECU diagnostics.

410 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

File Description
DS_Service_Config<...>.xml Maps ODX semantics to ControlDesk functions.
This configuration file is required for setting up services others than
the default services provided by ControlDesk, for example, for reading
the fault memory and environment data, clearing fault memory entries
and performing measurement and calibration, which can then be used
in ControlDesk. For further information, refer to Basics of the XML
Configuration File ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
File info field Displays information on the file currently selected in
the files list.
Database Template Displays information on the selected ODX
database template (if one is currently selected).
Files Add (Not available if an ODX database template is used) Lets
you import one or more files to the ODX diagnostics database. The
imported files are added to the files list.
The command is also available via context menu. As an alternative,
you can press the Insert or + key.
Files Reload (Not available if an ODX database template is used)
Lets you reload the selected files. If possible, ControlDesk loads the
selected files from their original source paths again.
The command is also available via context menu.
Files Remove (Not available if an ODX database template is used)
Removes the selected files from the files list. File deletion does not
take effect on the diagnostics database configuration currently active
for the ECU Diagnostics device until you click Next or Finish.
The command is also available via context menu. As an alternative,
you can press the Delete or - key to remove the selected files from
the files list.
Files Remove All (Not available if an ODX database template is
used) Removes all the files from the files list.
The command is also available via context menu.
Template Add (Available only if no files have been imported for
the ODX diagnostics database, or if an ODX database template is
used) Lets you import an ODX database template. An ODX database
template is a valid ODX database that cannot be modified.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 411

s Reference Information t

The ODX Database Templates dialog opens for you to select the ODX
database template.

Via the Select template source dropdown list, you must select
whether to import a builtin or a custom ODX database template.
ControlDesk provides builtin ODX database templates for different
diagnostic protocols (some in binary format). They are displayed for
selection. If you select to add a custom ODX database template,
ControlDesk lists all the custom ODX database templates on the
custom ODX database template source path. The source path is
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog.
After you select an ODX database template, the Database Template
tab displays information on the selected database template. The files
contained in the ODX database template are displayed in the files list.
Template Remove (Available only if an ODX database template is
used) Removes the currently selected ODX database template.
Sort By File Name (Ascending) (Available via context menu) Lets
you sort the files list alphabetically in ascending order by the File
Name column.
Sort By File Extension (Ascending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in ascending order by the File
Type column.
Sort By File Action (Ascending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list in ascending order by the file action type.
Sort By File Name (Descending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in descending order by the File
Name column.
Sort By File Extension (Descending) (Available via context
menu) Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in descending order by
the File Type column.

412 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Sort By File Action (Descending) (Available via context menu)

Lets you sort the files list in descending order by the file action type.

You can also sort the files list alphabetically in ascending or
descending order by clicking the appropriate column header.

Show Removed Files (Available via context menu) Lets you specify
to display files that are to be removed from the diagnostics database
configuration currently active for the ECU Diagnostics device in the
files list. If enabled, the files selected for deletion are displayed in the
files list, marked with the symbol. This allows you to check the
files selected for deletion.

Select Vehicle page To select a vehicle for the selected ECU Diagnostics device.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
Vehicle list Displays all the vehicles related to the specified ODX
database, and lets you select a vehicle for the selected ECU
Diagnostics device.
If no vehicle information is specified in the ODX database, a default
vehicle named "VI_GlobalVehicleInfor" (short name) or "Global
Vehicle Information" (long name) is automatically generated and
added to the list.
Vehicle info field Displays information on the vehicle selected in
the vehicle list.

Select Logical Links page To select the logical links to be used with the selected ECU
Diagnostics device, and specify their physical connections and
diagnostic protocols.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
Logical Link Name Displays all the logical links available for the
selected vehicle in the ODX database, and lets you select the logical
links that are to be used with the ECU Diagnostics device.
The names of the logical links are specified in the ODX database.
Whether the logical links short names or long names are displayed,
depends on the settings made on the Diagnostics Management page
of the ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics
Management Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU
You can select the logical links that are to be used with the ECU
Diagnostics device via the checkboxes on the left of the list. An

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 413

s Reference Information t

activated checkbox indicates that the logical link is selected for ECU
diagnostics. ControlDesk does not allow you to work with more than
one simulated logical link. If you select two or more logical links with
"Simulation" as the physical connection, a dialog opens for you to
specify a valid logical link selection.
If the ODX database contains no vehicle information specification and
the VI_GlobalVehicleInfor (short name) or Global Vehicle Information
(long name) vehicle is selected for use instead, the logical link list
contains only automatically generated logical links. Logical links are
generated according to a specified pattern (described here with the
logical links short names):
n GeneratedLogicalLink_ProtocolShortName
n GeneratedLogicalLink_FunctionalGroupShortName_
n GeneratedLogicalLink_BaseVariantShortName_
n EcuVariantDiagLayerShortName_GeneratedLogicalLink_

The pattern depends on the structure of the underlying

Thus, the number of generated logical links depends on the layer

definitions available in the ODX database. A logical link is generated
for each possible combination. For consistent handling the device also
represents ECU variants as logical links.
VI (vehicle identification) Lets you perform logical link selection
via ODX variant identification. If the ODX database contains one or

more ECU variants for an ECU base variant (indicated by a

button next to the ECU base variant), click the button to open the
ECU Variant Identification dialog to specify configuration settings and
start the ODX variant identification mechanism.

An identified ECU variant is marked by the symbol in the VI

column. ODX variant identification is based on criteria specified in the
ODX database.

414 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

You can select an identified ECU variant to be used with the ECU
Diagnostics device.

ECU Variant Identification ECU base variant (Available only if

the ODX database contains one or more ECU variants for the selected
ECU base variant) Displays the ECU base variant the variant
identification process is to be performed for.
ECU Variant Identification Identified ECU variant Displays the
result of the ODX variant identification process. If identification was
successful, the name of the identified ECU variant is displayed.
ECU Variant Identification Identify Lets you start the ODX
variant identification process. The status of the ODX variant
identification process is visualized by the progress bar. Different colors
indicate whether the identification process was successful:

Color of Description
Progress Bar
Green Identification process ran successfully.
Yellow Identification process has finished, no ECU
variant has been identified.
Red Error occurred during identification process.

Variant identification is possible only if communication with the
ECU is available. This means that the ECU is connected, and the
physical connection and the communication parameters have
suitable settings for the logical links.

ECU Variant Identification Copy configuration from ECU base

variant to identified ECU variant after selecting the ECU
variant Lets you specify to apply the configuration of an ECU base

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 415

s Reference Information t

variant to an identified ECU variant when the ECU variant is selected

for use with the ECU Diagnostics device. If the option is selected, the
following information is applied to the selected identified ECU
n Diagnostic protocol
n Physical connection
n Interface settings
n ComParam values of the active logical link
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
ECU Variant Identification Select (Available only if variant
identification was successful) Lets you select the identified ECU
variant to be used with the ECU Diagnostics device. If the Copy
configuration from ECU base variant to identified ECU variant after
selecting the ECU variant checkbox is selected, the ECU base variant
configuration is applied to the identified ECU variant when it is
Protocol Lets you select the diagnostic protocol. The following
diagnostic protocols are supported:

Diagnostic Protocol Description

Diagnostics on CAN (ISO 15765) Diagnostics on CAN / KWP2000 on CAN
KWP2000 on KLine (ISO 14230) KWP2000 on KLine
OBD On-Board Diagnostics for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 1.6 Transport Protocol TP 1.6 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 2.0 Transport Protocol TP 2.0 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
UDS (ISO 14229) UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services)
The diagnostic protocol setting is preset with information from the
ODX database the first time you open this page during device
configuration, provided that appropriate information is contained in
the ODX database. If ControlDesk cannot associate a diagnostic
protocol from the database, the diagnostic protocol is set to 'None'
and you must specify a valid protocol setting manually.

416 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Connection Lets you select the physical connection for the logical
link. The available physical connections depend on the selected
diagnostic protocol:

Diagnostic Protocol Possible Physical Connections

ISO 14230 n KLine
n Simulation 1)
ISO 14229 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
ISO 15765 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
TP 1.6 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
TP 2.0 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
n Simulation 1)
1) ControlDesk provides a demo ODX database containing a simulated static ECU
(simulation.txt). To access the static demo ECU, you must select the Simulation
physical connection for the logical links of the ECU Diagnostics device.

The physical connection setting is preset with information from the

ODX database the first time you open this page during device
configuration, provided that appropriate information is contained in
the ODX database. If ControlDesk cannot associate a physical
connection from the database, the physical connection is set to
'None' and you must specify it manually.
Interface Lets you specify the interface settings for the current
logical link. If CAN or KLine was selected as the physical connection,
the Configure button is enabled. When you click the button,
ControlDesk opens the relevant Interface Selection dialog for you to
specify the KLine or CAN interface settings for the current logical link
(see KLine Interface Selection page on page 453 or Interface
Selection (CAN-, LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices) page on page 451).
Create variable description for selected logical links Displays or
lets you specify whether a variable description is to be generated from
the ODX database for the selected logical links. A variable description
is necessary for measuring and calibrating diagnostics variables via the
ECU Diagnostics device. To enable ControlDesk to create a variable
description from the ODX database, the ODX database must meet
some requirements. For details, refer to Conventions in Connection
with ODX Databases ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 417

s Reference Information t

Whether the Create variable description for selected logical links

option is the default for newly created ODX databases depends on
the setting specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Configure Variable Description (Available only if the Create
variable description for selected logical links checkbox is selected)
Opens the Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration dialog for
you to specify configuration settings that are relevant for generating
the variable description from the ODX database.

Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Use additional

protocol information (Available only if the Create variable
description for selected logical links checkbox is selected) Lets you
specify to also use information from the protocol specification for
variable generation. If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk
generates variables not only according to the default ODX semantics
and service configurations in the XML configuration file(s), but also on
the basis of the protocolspecific identification of services. However,
selecting this checkbox can significantly increase the number of
variables to be generated. As a result, the generation of the variable
description and also later uploads may take some time. If the
checkbox is cleared, no variables are generated on the basis of the
protocol information.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).

Fault read services and DTC variables always use the information
from the protocol specification, regardless of whether the Use
additional protocol information option is enabled or not.

418 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Generate

Diagnostic Trouble Code variables (Available only if the Create
variable description for selected logical links checkbox is selected) Lets
you specify to generate diagnostic trouble code (DTC) measurement
variables. DTC variables can be used to measure changes on DTCs,
and for triggering measurements. You can find the DTC variables in
the Variable Browser in the <Diagnostic Trouble Codes> nodes
located below the logical link nodes.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Add
additional measurements for parameters (Available only if the
Create variable description for selected logical links checkbox is
selected) Lets you specify to generate a measurement variable for
each generated parameter. The generated measurement variables are
displayed in the Variable Browser in the read service nodes located
below the logical link nodes. This allows quick and easy access to the
measurement variables of a read service. A parameter and the
associated generated measurement variable are not synchronized. If
the checkbox is cleared, no additional measurement variables are
generated for parameters.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Use ECU base
variant name instead of ECU variant name (Available only if the
Create variable description for selected logical links checkbox is
selected) Lets you specify to use the name of an ECU base variant as
the name for all the variants of the ECU. Using the same name
prevents the connection to the variables being lost when a variable
description is reloaded after you switch to another ECU variant.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Logical link info field Displays information on the logical link
currently selected for being configured.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 419

s Reference Information t

Expand All (Available via context menu) Lets you expand all the
nodes and subnodes of the logical links tree. If enabled, all the logical
links to all hierarchical layers available for the selected vehicle are
displayed in the tree.
Expand Selected Logical Links (Available via context menu) Lets
you display only the selected logical links and their superordinate
nodes in the logical links tree. All the other nodes of the logical links
tree are hidden.
Collapse All (Available via context menu) Lets you collapse all the
subordinate nodes in the logical links tree. If enabled, only the logical
links of the topmost hierarchy level are displayed.
Hide Protocol and Functional Group (Available via context menu)
Lets you specify whether all the logical links to all hierarchical layers
(protocol, functional group, ECU base variant, ECU variant) or only
the logical links to ECU base variants and ECU variants are to be
displayed. If enabled, the logical links to the protocol and functional
group layers are hidden.

Active Logical Links page To specify connection check settings and configure communication
parameters for the logical links selected to be used with the selected
ECU Diagnostics device.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device.
ControlDesk provides the following pages for configuration:

Purpose Property Page

To display the communication parameters specified in the Active Logical Links - Communication
ODX database for each individual active logical link with Parameters page on page 420
their configurations, and to specify userdefined values for
single communication parameters.
To specify connection check settings for the active logical Active Logical Links - Connection Check
links. page on page 422

Active Logical Links - To display the communication parameters specified in the ODX
Communication Parameters database for each individual active logical link with their
page configurations, and to specify userdefined values for single
communication parameters.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device. It is located on
the Active Logical Links page.
Select logical link Lets you select one of the logical links selected to
be used with the selected ECU Diagnostics device for further

420 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Use configured ComParam values Lets you specify to activate the

user-defined values for ECU communication for all the
communication parameters belonging to the selected logical link. If
the checkbox is selected, the configured values are set automatically
as the active values during the device state transition from
'disconnected' to 'connected'. If the selected logical link is in the
'connected', 'online calibration started' or 'measuring' state, the
configured values are set as the active values when you exit the dialog
via the OK button. If the checkbox is cleared, the configured values
are not taken into account for ECU communication, but the default
ODX values are set as the active values.
Reset All Values Lets you reset all the configured values for the
communication parameters belonging to the selected logical link to
their original ODX values in a single step. After you click the Reset All
Values button, the configured value is equal to the ODX value for
each communication parameter.
Communication parameters list The list displays all the
communication parameters available in the ODX database for the
selected logical link with their configurations, and lets you specify
userdefined values for the single communication parameters. The list
provides the following predefined columns:

Column Description
Name Displays the name (short name without the prefix "CP_") specified for the
communication parameter in the ODX database.
Active Value1) Displays the currently active value of the communication parameter. A value is
displayed only if the selected logical link is in the 'connected', 'online
calibration started' or 'measuring' state.
Diff (compared Displays a symbol indicating whether the currently active value and the
Active with configured value for the communication parameter are equal or unequal.
n indicates that the currently active value and the userdefined value
specified for the selected communication parameter are equal.
n indicates that a value different from the userdefined value is currently
active for the communication parameter.
Configured Value Lets you specify a user-defined value for the selected communication
parameter. If you did not specify a user-defined value, the configured value is
equal to the ODX value.
The tendency symbol in the Diff column makes it easy to see whether the
configured value is equal to or differs from the ODX value.
The Configured Value fields are editable only if the Use configured ComParam
values checkbox is selected.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 421

s Reference Information t

Column Description
Reset Lets you reset the configured value of the communication parameter to its
original ODX value. After you click Reset, the configured value and the ODX
value are identical for the selected communication parameter. Resetting the
configured value does not affect the currently active value until the device
state changes from 'disconnected' to 'connected' with the Use configured
ComParam values checkbox selected.
Diff (compared Displays a symbol indicating whether the configured value and the ODX value
Configured with for the communication parameter are equal or unequal.
n indicates that the userdefined value and the original value specified in
the ODX database for the selected communication parameter are equal.
n indicates that a userdefined value different from the default ODX
value has been specified for the communication parameter.
ODX Value Displays the value specified for the communication parameter in the ODX
Unit Displays the unit specified for the communication parameter in the ODX
Value Range Displays the value range specified for the communication parameter in the
ODX database.
Class Displays the COMPARAM class of the communication parameter. The classes are
specified in the PDU API specification. If no appropriate class is available, the
general COM class is used.
1) Column is available only if the Communication Parameters page of the Active Logical Links dialog is opened via the Properties

You can sort the parameters list alphabetically in ascending or
descending order by clicking the appropriate column header.

Info field Displays the description specified for the currently

selected communication parameter in the ODX database.

Active Logical Links - To specify connection check settings for the active logical links.
Connection Check page This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device. It is located on
the Active Logical Links page.
Global (Re)Connection Check To specify globally to execute the
TesterPresent service and/or the StartCommunication control primitive
for the ECU Diagnostics device during the connection check and the
reconnection check.

422 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

The specified global connection check settings are used as the
default settings for all logical links. If an option is enabled, the
associated logicallinkspecific properties are activated and
evaluated. You can specify this setting individually for each active
logical link (see Logicallink-specific (Re)Connection Check
on page 425). If an option is disabled, it is disabled for all logical
links. Thus, the associated logicallinkspecific properties are
deactivated and do not take effect.

Execute StartComm (global setting) Lets you specify to execute

the StartCommunication control primitive for the ECU Diagnostics
device during the connection check and reconnection check, i.e.,
during the device state transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected'
and the device state transition from 'unplugged' to 'connected'.

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the StartCommunication
control primitive must be executed to initialize the bus. So if you
want to access an ECU via KLine, you are recommended to
select the checkbox, because otherwise communication with an
ECU via KLine might be impossible.

n If the checkbox is selected, the logicallink-specific Execute

StartComm property is activated for each active logical link. You
can enable/disable the execution of the StartCommunication
control primitive during the (re)connection check for the single
logical links via the logicallink-specific property.

For example, enabling the Execute StartComm option ensures
that ControlDesk regularly sends TesterPresent messages to
the ECU if enabled in the ODX database. You can disable the
cyclic transmission via the configuration of the COMPARAMs.

n If the checkbox is cleared, the execution of the

StartCommunication control primitive during the connection check
is disabled for all logical links. You cannot override the setting
individually for the active logical links.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 423

s Reference Information t

Disabling the Execute StartComm option can be useful in
connection with test automation. It lets you prevent
ControlDesk from sending TesterPresent messages to the
ECU without having to disable cyclic transmission of
TesterPresent messages in the ODX database or in the
configuration of the COMPARAMs.

If there are logical links which have the StartCommunication control

primitive with the NoOperation property set to FALSE, you should not
disable the execution of StartCommunication control primitives. If you
do, a symbol is displayed.
Execute TesterPresent (global setting) Lets you specify to
execute a TesterPresent service for the ECU Diagnostics device during
the connection check and reconnection check, i.e., during the device
state transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected' and the device
state transition from 'unplugged' to 'connected'.
n If the checkbox is selected, the logicallink-specific Execute
TesterPresent property is activated for all logical links. You can
enable/disable the execution of the TesterPresent service during
the (re)connection check individually for the single logical links via
the logicallink-specific property. If a logical link has TesterPresent
execution enabled, the service is executed during the connection
check with the logicallink-specific TesterPresent behavior you
specified. This means that an associated request is transmitted to
the ECU to check whether ECU communication is available.
n If the checkbox is cleared, the execution of the TesterPresent
service is disabled for all logical links. You cannot override the
setting individually for the active logical links.
Cyclic connection state check (global setting) Lets you specify to
check ECU communication cyclically for the ECU Diagnostics device
when the device is connected.
n If the checkbox is selected, the cyclic connection state check
property is activated for each active logical link. You can
enable/disable the check for the single logical links via the
logicallink-specific Cyclic connection state check property. If a
logical link has the cyclic connection state check enabled,
ControlDesk performs the check with the TesterPresent
Configuration you specified in the logicallink-specific connection
check settings (see below).

424 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n If the checkbox is cleared, the cyclic connection state check is

disabled for each active logical link. You cannot override the
setting individually for the active logical links.
The cyclic connection state check property affects the automatic
reconnect behavior of the device specified in the General Settings
Properties on page 313, because the specified reconnect behavior can
be applied to the device only if ControlDesk knows that the ECU is in
the unplugged state. Disabling the cyclic connection state check also
disables the automatic reconnect functionality for the ECU
Diagnostics device.
The cyclic connection state check property does not influence the
checks that are performed during the device state transition from
'disconnected' or 'unplugged' to 'connected'. These checks are
configured via the Execute StartComm and Execute TesterPresent
The requests (for example, TesterPresent) that are sent for the ECU
communication check do not affect the automatic transmission of
TesterPresent indications by the diagnostic tester configured via a
COMPARAM in the COMPARAM-SPEC. These TesterPresent indications are
used to indicate to an ECU that a diagnostic tester (such as
ControlDesk) is present. For further information, refer to Conventions
in Connection with ODX Databases ( ControlDesk Next Generation
ECU Diagnostics).
Logicallink-specific (Re)Connection Check To specify the services
and control primitives to be executed for the selected active logical
link during the connection check and the reconnection check.
The final result of the (re)connection check for a logical link is made
up of the partial results of the TesterPresent and StartComm checks
that are performed for the logical link. If every executed partial check
is successful, the whole connection check is regarded as successful. If
at least one of the executed partial checks fails, the whole connection
check has failed. A partial result is considered successful if the
execution of TesterPresent/StartComm was successful or if the
execution of TesterPresent/StartComm was disabled (globally or for
the logical link).
Execute StartComm Lets you select to execute the
StartCommunication control primitive for the selected active logical
link during the connection check (i.e., during the device state
transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected' and during the
reconnection check).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 425

s Reference Information t

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the StartCommunication
control primitive must be executed to initialize the bus. So if you
want to access an ECU via KLine, you should not disable this
option, because otherwise communication with an ECU via
KLine might be impossible.

n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk uses the

StartCommunication control primitive with the logical link to start
communication with the ECU. If the ODX database contains
several control primitives with DIAGNOSTIC-CLASS = STARTCOMM,
ControlDesk uses the first control primitive it finds. ControlDesk
executes the control primitive during the device state transition
from 'disconnected' to 'connected'. If execution is successful, the
device state changes from 'disconnected' to 'connected'.
Otherwise, the connection check fails for the logical link. If the
check fails for all logical links, the device remains in the
'disconnected' state.
If the ODX database does not contain a control primitive classified
as DIAGNOSTIC-CLASS = STARTCOMM or contains such a control
primitive with the NoOperation property set to TRUE, ControlDesk
makes a corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the connection
check is regarded as successful.

StartCommunication control primitives with the NoOperation
property set to True are indicated by a symbol.

For example, enabling the Execute StartComm option ensures that

ControlDesk regularly sends TesterPresent messages to the ECU
after the device state is set to 'connected' (provided that cyclic
transmission of TesterPresent messages is activated in the ODX
within the COMPARAMs). Cyclic transmissions of TesterPresent
messages from the device to the ECU prevent the ECU from
switching back to the default diagnostic mode.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no StartCommunication control primitive
is executed for the logical link during the connection check.

426 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

For example, disabling the Execute StartComm option can be

useful in connection with test automation. It lets you prevent
ControlDesk from sending TesterPresent messages to the ECU
without having to disable cyclic transmission of TesterPresent
messages in the ODX database or in the configuration of the

You should not disable the execution of StartCommunication
control primitives whose NoOperation property is set to FALSE.
If you do, a symbol is displayed.

This setting takes effect only if the global Execute StartComm
option is enabled. If it is, the logicallink-specific property is
available (not grayed out), and you can override the setting

Execute TesterPresent Lets you select to execute a TesterPresent

service for the selected logical link during the connection check and
the reconnection check.
n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk performs the
communication check according to the TesterPresent behavior you
specified for the logical link. This means that an appropriate
request is transmitted to the ECU to check whether ECU
communication is available.
If you selected to execute a service with a specific semantic and
your ODX database contains several of these services, ControlDesk
uses the first service it finds. If the ODX database does not contain
the specified service, ControlDesk makes a corresponding entry in
the LOG file, and the connection check is regarded as successful.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no TesterPresent service is executed
during the connection check for the logical link.

This setting takes effect only if the global Execute TesterPresent
option is enabled. If it is, the logicallink-specific property is
available (not grayed out), and you can override the setting

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 427

s Reference Information t

Cyclic connection state check (executes TesterPresent) Lets you

specify to check ECU communication cyclically for the selected active
logical link when it is connected.
n If the checkbox is selected, a message is transmitted cyclically to
the ECU to check whether ECU communication is available.
ControlDesk performs the communication check for the active
logical link according to the TesterPresent Configuration you
specified for it.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no message is transmitted and it cannot
be determined whether ECU communication is available or
interrupted for the logical link.
If the cyclic connection state check is enabled and you selected to
execute a TesterPresent service with a specific semantic, but either
your ODX database does not contain the specified service to perform
the ECU communication check or your ECU does not support this
service, the connection check does not work. ControlDesk makes a
corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the device disables the
automatic reconnect functionality.

This setting takes effect only if the global cyclic connection state
check option is enabled. If it is, the Cyclic connection state check
(executes TesterPresent) property is activated (not grayed out),
and you can override the setting individually. For example,
different TesterPresent configurations can be used for different
logical links, or the check can be disabled for single logical links.

TesterPresent configuration To specify the TesterPresent service

settings. The configuration is used for both the (re)connection check
and the cyclic status detection.
TesterPresent behavior Lets you specify how to perform the
TesterPresent service for the selected logical link during the
(re)connection check and the cyclic ECU communication check when
the logical links is connected.
n Execute a service with the specified semantic: ControlDesk
executes a service classified by a specific semantic (specified in the
Semantic for service identification field) to check the connection
to the ECU. If the ECU sends a positive response, the service
connection check was successful.

428 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n Send a custom PDU, accept any response: ControlDesk executes

the hex service by sending a specific request PDU (specified in the
Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends any response
(whether positive or negative), the service connection check is
interpreted as successful.
n Send a custom PDU, accept only positive responses: ControlDesk
executes the hex service by sending a specific request PDU
(specified in the Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends a
positive response, the service connection check is interpreted as
successful. A response is positive if the value of its first byte is
(0x40 + value of the first byte of the request).
n Send a custom PDU, accept only specified response: ControlDesk
executes the hex service by sending a specific request PDU
(specified in the Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends a
specific response (specified in the Response PDU field), the service
connection check is interpreted as successful.
n Send the protocol-specific TesterPresent service: ControlDesk
executes the TesterPresent service that matches the selected
diagnostic protocol to check the connection to the ECU. This
means that ControlDesk sends TesterPresent messages with
suitable request and response PDU values.

Diagnostic Protocol Request PDU Response PDU

n Diagnostics on CAN 3E 7E
(ISO 15765)
n KWP2000 on KLine
(ISO 14230)
n TP 1.6
n TP 2.0
n UDS (ISO 14229) 3E 00 7E 00
n OBD1)
1) OBD uses the default settings of UDS, but this has no effect because sending
TesterPresent messages is disabled for OBD.

Semantic for service identification (Available only if "Execute a

service with the specified semantic" is selected as the TesterPresent
behavior) Lets you select the semantic to identify the service to be
executed for the connection check during the (re)connection check
and the cyclic connection state check. The list contains all the service
semantics that are available for the logical link. After the ECU sends a
positive response to the service request, the connection check is
successful. If the ECU does not send a positive response, the
connection check fails. If there is no service with the specified

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 429

s Reference Information t

semantic, ControlDesk makes a corresponding entry in the LOG file

and the connection check is regarded as successful.
If there are several services using the specified semantic, ControlDesk
uses the first service it finds.
A listed service semantic might not be available in the ODX database.
For example, this can occur if your ODX database does not contain
the TESTERPRESENT semantic, or if you load an existing ControlDesk
experiment in which an unavailable semantic was set. In such cases,
ControlDesk displays an additional information text after the semantic
name in the list.
Request PDU (Available only if "Send a custom PDU, accept any
response", "Send a custom PDU, accept only positive responses", or
"Send a custom PDU, accept only specified response" is selected as
the TesterPresent behavior) Lets you specify the request PDU for the
connection check in hexadecimal notation. The specified PDU is sent
to the ECU using the hex service to check whether ECU
communication is available. The ECU's response is interpreted
according to the specified TesterPresent behavior setting.
If the hex service cannot be executed, ControlDesk makes a
corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the connection check fails.
Response PDU (Available only if "Send a custom PDU, accept only
specified response" is selected as the TesterPresent behavior) Lets you
specify the ECU response PDU expected for a successful connection
check in hexadecimal notation. After the ECU sends exactly the
specified response to the service request, the device state changes
from "disconnected" to "connected". If the ECU sends no or a
different response PDU, the connection check fails.
Security access execution behavior Lets you specify whether
ControlDesk executes a diagnostic job for security access when online
calibration is started for the ECU Diagnostics device.
n Execute no security access: No diagnostic job for getting security
access for parameter calibration is performed when online
calibration is started.
n Execute security access: The diagnostic job for getting security
access is executed each time online calibration is started for the
n Execute security access if variable description exists: The diagnostic
job for getting security access is executed when online calbration
is started and a variable description was generated from the
ODX database specified for the device.

430 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Reset to default Lets you reset the logical-link-specific

configuration settings for the connection check behavior to their
default values.

Related topics References

Activate ODX Database on page 369

Configure Platform/Device

Access This command is available only if online calibration is stopped, a

platform/device is selected and an experiment is active. You can
access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform/device
Shortcut key None
Icon None

This command is not available in the operator mode.

Purpose To configure the platform/device selected in ControlDesk and assign it

to the available hardware or VEOS.

Description ControlDesk successively opens the following dialogs, which let you
configure the selected platform/device:

Purpose Property Page

To specify connection check settings and Active Logical Links page on page 432
configure communication parameters for the
logical links selected to be used with the
selected ECU Diagnostics device.
To specify diagnostic settings and general Advanced Settings page on page 443
settings for the selected ECU Diagnostics device.
To specify the assignment of dSPACE real-time Assignment page on page 445
hardware or VEOS to the selected platform.
To select a connected camera or a virtual camera Camera Selection page on page 448
for the selected Video Capturing device.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 431

s Reference Information t

Purpose Property Page

To specify general multiprocessor configuration General Configuration page on page 449
settings for the selected Multiprocessor System
To select the physical interface for the selected Interface Selection (CAN-, LIN-, and FlexRay-based
device. devices) page on page 451
To select a connected DCI-GSI1 interface. Interface Selection (DCIGSI1) page on page 453
To select a connected DCIGSI2 for the selected Interface Selection (DCIGSI2) page on page 453
To select the physical KLine interface for the KLine Interface Selection page on page 453
selected logical link.
To view the members that belong to the Member Configuration page on page 454
selected Multiprocessor System platform and
specify configuration settings for them.
To select the network adapter for the selected Network Adapter page on page 454
To select the logical links to be used with the Select Logical Links page on page 454
selected ECU Diagnostics device, and specify
their physical connections and diagnostic
To specify a diagnostics database for the Select ODX Files page on page 461
selected ECU Diagnostics device.
To select a vehicle for the selected ECU Select Vehicle page on page 467
Diagnostics device.

Whenever you finish the configuration of a platform/device,
ControlDesk checks if the currently configured platform/device is
in the "connected" state. If the connection cannot be
established, ControlDesk displays the Platform/Device State
Overview dialog on page 500 for that platform/device.

Active Logical Links page To specify connection check settings and configure communication
parameters for the logical links selected to be used with the selected
ECU Diagnostics device.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device.

432 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

ControlDesk provides the following pages for configuration:

Purpose Property Page

To display the communication parameters specified in the Active Logical Links - Communication
ODX database for each individual active logical link with Parameters page on page 433
their configurations, and to specify userdefined values for
single communication parameters.
To specify connection check settings for the active logical Active Logical Links - Connection Check
links. page on page 435

Active Logical Links - To display the communication parameters specified in the ODX
Communication Parameters database for each individual active logical link with their
page configurations, and to specify userdefined values for single
communication parameters.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device. It is located on
the Active Logical Links page.
Select logical link Lets you select one of the logical links selected to
be used with the selected ECU Diagnostics device for further
Use configured ComParam values Lets you specify to activate the
user-defined values for ECU communication for all the
communication parameters belonging to the selected logical link. If
the checkbox is selected, the configured values are set automatically
as the active values during the device state transition from
'disconnected' to 'connected'. If the selected logical link is in the
'connected', 'online calibration started' or 'measuring' state, the
configured values are set as the active values when you exit the dialog
via the OK button. If the checkbox is cleared, the configured values
are not taken into account for ECU communication, but the default
ODX values are set as the active values.
Reset All Values Lets you reset all the configured values for the
communication parameters belonging to the selected logical link to
their original ODX values in a single step. After you click the Reset All
Values button, the configured value is equal to the ODX value for
each communication parameter.
Communication parameters list The list displays all the
communication parameters available in the ODX database for the
selected logical link with their configurations, and lets you specify
userdefined values for the single communication parameters. The list
provides the following predefined columns:

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 433

s Reference Information t

Column Description
Name Displays the name (short name without the prefix "CP_") specified for the
communication parameter in the ODX database.
Active Value1) Displays the currently active value of the communication parameter. A value is
displayed only if the selected logical link is in the 'connected', 'online
calibration started' or 'measuring' state.
Diff (compared Displays a symbol indicating whether the currently active value and the
Active with configured value for the communication parameter are equal or unequal.
n indicates that the currently active value and the userdefined value
specified for the selected communication parameter are equal.
n indicates that a value different from the userdefined value is currently
active for the communication parameter.
Configured Value Lets you specify a user-defined value for the selected communication
parameter. If you did not specify a user-defined value, the configured value is
equal to the ODX value.
The tendency symbol in the Diff column makes it easy to see whether the
configured value is equal to or differs from the ODX value.
The Configured Value fields are editable only if the Use configured ComParam
values checkbox is selected.
Reset Lets you reset the configured value of the communication parameter to its
original ODX value. After you click Reset, the configured value and the ODX
value are identical for the selected communication parameter. Resetting the
configured value does not affect the currently active value until the device
state changes from 'disconnected' to 'connected' with the Use configured
ComParam values checkbox selected.
Diff (compared Displays a symbol indicating whether the configured value and the ODX value
Configured with for the communication parameter are equal or unequal.
n indicates that the userdefined value and the original value specified in
the ODX database for the selected communication parameter are equal.
n indicates that a userdefined value different from the default ODX
value has been specified for the communication parameter.
ODX Value Displays the value specified for the communication parameter in the ODX
Unit Displays the unit specified for the communication parameter in the ODX
Value Range Displays the value range specified for the communication parameter in the
ODX database.

434 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Column Description
Class Displays the COMPARAM class of the communication parameter. The classes are
specified in the PDU API specification. If no appropriate class is available, the
general COM class is used.
Column is available only if the Communication Parameters page of the Active Logical Links dialog is opened via the Properties

You can sort the parameters list alphabetically in ascending or
descending order by clicking the appropriate column header.

Info field Displays the description specified for the currently

selected communication parameter in the ODX database.

Active Logical Links - To specify connection check settings for the active logical links.
Connection Check page This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device. It is located on
the Active Logical Links page.
Global (Re)Connection Check To specify globally to execute the
TesterPresent service and/or the StartCommunication control primitive
for the ECU Diagnostics device during the connection check and the
reconnection check.

The specified global connection check settings are used as the
default settings for all logical links. If an option is enabled, the
associated logicallinkspecific properties are activated and
evaluated. You can specify this setting individually for each active
logical link (see Logicallink-specific (Re)Connection Check
on page 438). If an option is disabled, it is disabled for all logical
links. Thus, the associated logicallinkspecific properties are
deactivated and do not take effect.

Execute StartComm (global setting) Lets you specify to execute

the StartCommunication control primitive for the ECU Diagnostics
device during the connection check and reconnection check, i.e.,
during the device state transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected'
and the device state transition from 'unplugged' to 'connected'.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 435

s Reference Information t

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the StartCommunication
control primitive must be executed to initialize the bus. So if you
want to access an ECU via KLine, you are recommended to
select the checkbox, because otherwise communication with an
ECU via KLine might be impossible.

n If the checkbox is selected, the logicallink-specific Execute

StartComm property is activated for each active logical link. You
can enable/disable the execution of the StartCommunication
control primitive during the (re)connection check for the single
logical links via the logicallink-specific property.

For example, enabling the Execute StartComm option ensures
that ControlDesk regularly sends TesterPresent messages to
the ECU if enabled in the ODX database. You can disable the
cyclic transmission via the configuration of the COMPARAMs.

n If the checkbox is cleared, the execution of the

StartCommunication control primitive during the connection check
is disabled for all logical links. You cannot override the setting
individually for the active logical links.

Disabling the Execute StartComm option can be useful in
connection with test automation. It lets you prevent
ControlDesk from sending TesterPresent messages to the
ECU without having to disable cyclic transmission of
TesterPresent messages in the ODX database or in the
configuration of the COMPARAMs.

If there are logical links which have the StartCommunication control

primitive with the NoOperation property set to FALSE, you should not
disable the execution of StartCommunication control primitives. If you
do, a symbol is displayed.
Execute TesterPresent (global setting) Lets you specify to
execute a TesterPresent service for the ECU Diagnostics device during
the connection check and reconnection check, i.e., during the device
state transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected' and the device
state transition from 'unplugged' to 'connected'.

436 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n If the checkbox is selected, the logicallink-specific Execute

TesterPresent property is activated for all logical links. You can
enable/disable the execution of the TesterPresent service during
the (re)connection check individually for the single logical links via
the logicallink-specific property. If a logical link has TesterPresent
execution enabled, the service is executed during the connection
check with the logicallink-specific TesterPresent behavior you
specified. This means that an associated request is transmitted to
the ECU to check whether ECU communication is available.
n If the checkbox is cleared, the execution of the TesterPresent
service is disabled for all logical links. You cannot override the
setting individually for the active logical links.
Cyclic connection state check (global setting) Lets you specify to
check ECU communication cyclically for the ECU Diagnostics device
when the device is connected.
n If the checkbox is selected, the cyclic connection state check
property is activated for each active logical link. You can
enable/disable the check for the single logical links via the
logicallink-specific Cyclic connection state check property. If a
logical link has the cyclic connection state check enabled,
ControlDesk performs the check with the TesterPresent
Configuration you specified in the logicallink-specific connection
check settings (see below).
n If the checkbox is cleared, the cyclic connection state check is
disabled for each active logical link. You cannot override the
setting individually for the active logical links.
The cyclic connection state check property affects the automatic
reconnect behavior of the device specified in the General Settings
Properties on page 313, because the specified reconnect behavior can
be applied to the device only if ControlDesk knows that the ECU is in
the unplugged state. Disabling the cyclic connection state check also
disables the automatic reconnect functionality for the ECU
Diagnostics device.
The cyclic connection state check property does not influence the
checks that are performed during the device state transition from
'disconnected' or 'unplugged' to 'connected'. These checks are
configured via the Execute StartComm and Execute TesterPresent
The requests (for example, TesterPresent) that are sent for the ECU
communication check do not affect the automatic transmission of
TesterPresent indications by the diagnostic tester configured via a
COMPARAM in the COMPARAM-SPEC. These TesterPresent indications are

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 437

s Reference Information t

used to indicate to an ECU that a diagnostic tester (such as

ControlDesk) is present. For further information, refer to Conventions
in Connection with ODX Databases ( ControlDesk Next Generation
ECU Diagnostics).
Logicallink-specific (Re)Connection Check To specify the services
and control primitives to be executed for the selected active logical
link during the connection check and the reconnection check.
The final result of the (re)connection check for a logical link is made
up of the partial results of the TesterPresent and StartComm checks
that are performed for the logical link. If every executed partial check
is successful, the whole connection check is regarded as successful. If
at least one of the executed partial checks fails, the whole connection
check has failed. A partial result is considered successful if the
execution of TesterPresent/StartComm was successful or if the
execution of TesterPresent/StartComm was disabled (globally or for
the logical link).
Execute StartComm Lets you select to execute the
StartCommunication control primitive for the selected active logical
link during the connection check (i.e., during the device state
transition from 'disconnected' to 'connected' and during the
reconnection check).

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the StartCommunication
control primitive must be executed to initialize the bus. So if you
want to access an ECU via KLine, you should not disable this
option, because otherwise communication with an ECU via
KLine might be impossible.

n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk uses the

StartCommunication control primitive with the logical link to start
communication with the ECU. If the ODX database contains
several control primitives with DIAGNOSTIC-CLASS = STARTCOMM,
ControlDesk uses the first control primitive it finds. ControlDesk
executes the control primitive during the device state transition
from 'disconnected' to 'connected'. If execution is successful, the
device state changes from 'disconnected' to 'connected'.
Otherwise, the connection check fails for the logical link. If the
check fails for all logical links, the device remains in the
'disconnected' state.

438 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

If the ODX database does not contain a control primitive classified

as DIAGNOSTIC-CLASS = STARTCOMM or contains such a control
primitive with the NoOperation property set to TRUE, ControlDesk
makes a corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the connection
check is regarded as successful.

StartCommunication control primitives with the NoOperation
property set to True are indicated by a symbol.

For example, enabling the Execute StartComm option ensures that

ControlDesk regularly sends TesterPresent messages to the ECU
after the device state is set to 'connected' (provided that cyclic
transmission of TesterPresent messages is activated in the ODX
within the COMPARAMs). Cyclic transmissions of TesterPresent
messages from the device to the ECU prevent the ECU from
switching back to the default diagnostic mode.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no StartCommunication control primitive
is executed for the logical link during the connection check.
For example, disabling the Execute StartComm option can be
useful in connection with test automation. It lets you prevent
ControlDesk from sending TesterPresent messages to the ECU
without having to disable cyclic transmission of TesterPresent
messages in the ODX database or in the configuration of the

You should not disable the execution of StartCommunication
control primitives whose NoOperation property is set to FALSE.
If you do, a symbol is displayed.

This setting takes effect only if the global Execute StartComm
option is enabled. If it is, the logicallink-specific property is
available (not grayed out), and you can override the setting

Execute TesterPresent Lets you select to execute a TesterPresent

service for the selected logical link during the connection check and
the reconnection check.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 439

s Reference Information t

n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk performs the

communication check according to the TesterPresent behavior you
specified for the logical link. This means that an appropriate
request is transmitted to the ECU to check whether ECU
communication is available.
If you selected to execute a service with a specific semantic and
your ODX database contains several of these services, ControlDesk
uses the first service it finds. If the ODX database does not contain
the specified service, ControlDesk makes a corresponding entry in
the LOG file, and the connection check is regarded as successful.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no TesterPresent service is executed
during the connection check for the logical link.

This setting takes effect only if the global Execute TesterPresent
option is enabled. If it is, the logicallink-specific property is
available (not grayed out), and you can override the setting

Cyclic connection state check (executes TesterPresent) Lets you

specify to check ECU communication cyclically for the selected active
logical link when it is connected.
n If the checkbox is selected, a message is transmitted cyclically to
the ECU to check whether ECU communication is available.
ControlDesk performs the communication check for the active
logical link according to the TesterPresent Configuration you
specified for it.
n If the checkbox is cleared, no message is transmitted and it cannot
be determined whether ECU communication is available or
interrupted for the logical link.
If the cyclic connection state check is enabled and you selected to
execute a TesterPresent service with a specific semantic, but either
your ODX database does not contain the specified service to perform
the ECU communication check or your ECU does not support this
service, the connection check does not work. ControlDesk makes a
corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the device disables the
automatic reconnect functionality.

440 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

This setting takes effect only if the global cyclic connection state
check option is enabled. If it is, the Cyclic connection state check
(executes TesterPresent) property is activated (not grayed out),
and you can override the setting individually. For example,
different TesterPresent configurations can be used for different
logical links, or the check can be disabled for single logical links.

TesterPresent configuration To specify the TesterPresent service

settings. The configuration is used for both the (re)connection check
and the cyclic status detection.
TesterPresent behavior Lets you specify how to perform the
TesterPresent service for the selected logical link during the
(re)connection check and the cyclic ECU communication check when
the logical links is connected.
n Execute a service with the specified semantic: ControlDesk
executes a service classified by a specific semantic (specified in the
Semantic for service identification field) to check the connection
to the ECU. If the ECU sends a positive response, the service
connection check was successful.
n Send a custom PDU, accept any response: ControlDesk executes
the hex service by sending a specific request PDU (specified in the
Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends any response
(whether positive or negative), the service connection check is
interpreted as successful.
n Send a custom PDU, accept only positive responses: ControlDesk
executes the hex service by sending a specific request PDU
(specified in the Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends a
positive response, the service connection check is interpreted as
successful. A response is positive if the value of its first byte is
(0x40 + value of the first byte of the request).
n Send a custom PDU, accept only specified response: ControlDesk
executes the hex service by sending a specific request PDU
(specified in the Request PDU field) to the ECU. If the ECU sends a
specific response (specified in the Response PDU field), the service
connection check is interpreted as successful.
n Send the protocol-specific TesterPresent service: ControlDesk
executes the TesterPresent service that matches the selected
diagnostic protocol to check the connection to the ECU. This
means that ControlDesk sends TesterPresent messages with
suitable request and response PDU values.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 441

s Reference Information t

Diagnostic Protocol Request PDU Response PDU

n Diagnostics on CAN 3E 7E
(ISO 15765)
n KWP2000 on KLine
(ISO 14230)
n TP 1.6
n TP 2.0
n UDS (ISO 14229) 3E 00 7E 00
n OBD1)
OBD uses the default settings of UDS, but this has no effect because sending
TesterPresent messages is disabled for OBD.

Semantic for service identification (Available only if "Execute a

service with the specified semantic" is selected as the TesterPresent
behavior) Lets you select the semantic to identify the service to be
executed for the connection check during the (re)connection check
and the cyclic connection state check. The list contains all the service
semantics that are available for the logical link. After the ECU sends a
positive response to the service request, the connection check is
successful. If the ECU does not send a positive response, the
connection check fails. If there is no service with the specified
semantic, ControlDesk makes a corresponding entry in the LOG file
and the connection check is regarded as successful.
If there are several services using the specified semantic, ControlDesk
uses the first service it finds.
A listed service semantic might not be available in the ODX database.
For example, this can occur if your ODX database does not contain
the TESTERPRESENT semantic, or if you load an existing ControlDesk
experiment in which an unavailable semantic was set. In such cases,
ControlDesk displays an additional information text after the semantic
name in the list.
Request PDU (Available only if "Send a custom PDU, accept any
response", "Send a custom PDU, accept only positive responses", or
"Send a custom PDU, accept only specified response" is selected as
the TesterPresent behavior) Lets you specify the request PDU for the
connection check in hexadecimal notation. The specified PDU is sent
to the ECU using the hex service to check whether ECU
communication is available. The ECU's response is interpreted
according to the specified TesterPresent behavior setting.
If the hex service cannot be executed, ControlDesk makes a
corresponding entry in the LOG file, and the connection check fails.

442 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Response PDU (Available only if "Send a custom PDU, accept only

specified response" is selected as the TesterPresent behavior) Lets you
specify the ECU response PDU expected for a successful connection
check in hexadecimal notation. After the ECU sends exactly the
specified response to the service request, the device state changes
from "disconnected" to "connected". If the ECU sends no or a
different response PDU, the connection check fails.
Security access execution behavior Lets you specify whether
ControlDesk executes a diagnostic job for security access when online
calibration is started for the ECU Diagnostics device.
n Execute no security access: No diagnostic job for getting security
access for parameter calibration is performed when online
calibration is started.
n Execute security access: The diagnostic job for getting security
access is executed each time online calibration is started for the
n Execute security access if variable description exists: The diagnostic
job for getting security access is executed when online calbration
is started and a variable description was generated from the
ODX database specified for the device.
Reset to default Lets you reset the logical-link-specific
configuration settings for the connection check behavior to their
default values.

Advanced Settings page To specify diagnostic settings and general settings for the selected
ECU Diagnostics device.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics device.
DiagCom parameter limits check Lets you select whether the
limits of the DiagCom parameters in the Diagnostics Instrument are
n If the checkbox is cleared, ControlDesk does not check the value
limits defined in the ODX database. All the values that are valid for
the current data type are permitted.
n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk checks for valid parameter
values and lets you use only values that are within the allowed
value range defined in the ODX database.
In both cases the computation method specified in the ODX database
is applied to the parameter values. By default, the parameter limits
check is enabled.
For some parameter types (for example, parameters which use the
SCALE-LINEAR computation method) the value limits cannot be fully

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 443

s Reference Information t

determined since there can be more than one valid value interval for a
parameter. Currently, ControlDesk supports working with one valid
value interval only. For this reason, not all valid intervals might be
available for such a parameter. You can prevent ControlDesk from
checking the value ranges by clearing the checkbox, but remember
that the physical datatype-specific value ranges are still active and
the computation method is still applied to the value.
Start online calibration behavior Lets you specify ControlDesk's
default behavior when online calibration is started. You can specify
how parameter values are to be up/downloaded if the parameter
values in ControlDesk and on the hardware or VPU differ. The
available default behaviors depend on the ECU's memory page
concept, the selected platform/device type, and on whether
calibration memory segments are defined in the ECU's A2L file or not.
Display status information (Available only for measurement and
calibration devices, the ECU Diagnostics device, and MicroAutoBox)
Lets you specify whether to bring up message boxes displaying status
information for the selected platform/device.
n If you select the checkbox, message boxes containing
platform/devicespecific status information are displayed.
n If you clear the checkbox, the display of message boxes is
suppressed. This can be useful, for example, if you want to
automate calibration, measurement, and diagnostic tasks using
ControlDesk's remote-control interface.
Automatic reconnect behavior (Available only for measurement
and calibration devices and the ECU Diagnostics device, and the XIL
API MAPort platform) Lets you specify ControlDesk's default behavior
when the unplugged state is detected for the selected
n Resume measurement and online calibration: ControlDesk
periodically tries to reestablish the logical connection. When the
platform/device is reconnected to the platform/device hardware,
ControlDesk resumes measurement and online calibration.
n Disconnect Platform/Device: ControlDesk does not try to
reestablish the logical connection for the platform/device, but sets
the platform/device state to disconnected.
Resume online calibration behavior (Available only for
measurement and calibration devices, the ECU Diagnostics device,
and DS1007 PPC Processor Board, DS1202 MicroLabBox,
MicroAutoBox, SCALEXIO, and XIL API MAPort platforms) Lets you
specify ControlDesk's default behavior when online calibration is
started and measurement is resumed after ControlDesk has

444 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

performed an automatic reconnect to the platform/device hardware.

You can specify how parameter values are to be up/downloaded if
the parameter values in ControlDesk and on the hardware differ. The
available options depend on the ECU's memory page concept, the
selected platform/device type, and on whether calibration memory
segments are defined in the ECU's A2L file or not.

Assignment page To specify the assignment of dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS to

the selected platform.
This page is available for the following platforms: DS1005 PPC Board,
DS1006 Processor Board, DS1007 PPC Processor Board, DS1103 PPC
Controller Board, DS1104 R&D Controller Board, DS1202
MicroLabBox, MicroAutoBox, SCALEXIO, VEOS. The appearance of
the page depends on the selected platform type.
Available platforms (Available only for DS1007, DS1202
MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO platforms) Displays the platforms of the
selected platform type that were registered in the system but are not
yet assigned to any experiment in the project, and lets you select one
of them to assign. If no assignable platform is available, the list is
empty, and '-' is displayed. If you select a platform from the list, the
platform's configuration settings are displayed as the system
Mode/ Assignment mode Lets you select the assignment mode for
the platform. The available assignment modes depend on the selected
platform type.
Assignment Description
Assign to first (Not available for the Multiprocessor System platform) ControlDesk automatically assigns the platform to the
available platform first registered and unassigned platform of the relevant platform type it finds.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 445

s Reference Information t

Assignment Description
Assign to any ControlDesk assigns the platform to a registered and unassigned platform of the relevant platform type,
equal platform according to the following assignment settings:
n Alias name
n Board name
n Connection type
n Net client
n Port address
n XIL API MAPort implementation
The above assignment settings are platform-type-specific. The list below shows the settings available for the
platform types:
n DS1005, DS1006, DS1103: Port address and/or Board name, Connection type, Net Client (only for the
Net connection type)
n DS1104: Board name
n MicroAutoBox: Board name (optional), Connection type, Net Client
n Multiprocessor System: Connection type
Multiprocessor System members: Port address
n DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: IP address or Board name
n VEOS: none
n XIL API MAPort platform: XIL API MAPort implementation
Assign to identical (Not available for the VEOS and XIL API MAPort platforms) ControlDesk assigns the platform to registered
platform and unassigned dSPACE hardware of the relevant platform type, according to the following assignment
n Connection type
n Serial number
n MAC address
The above assignment settings are platform-type-specific. The list below shows the settings available for the
platform types:
n DS1005, DS1006, DS1103, DS1104, MicroAutoBox, Multiprocessor System members: Serial number
n Multiprocessor System: Connection type
Multiprocessor System members: Serial number
n DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: MAC address

If several platforms are assigned to dSPACE hardware in one step
(for example, if you call the Refresh Platform Configuration
command), the assignment modes are applied to the platforms
in a certain order:
1. Assign to identical platform
2. Assign to any equal platform
3. Assign to first available platform

Multiprocessor configuration (Available only for the SCALEXIO

platform) Lets you view the processing units that belong to the
selected SCALEXIO platform with their board names, IP addresses or
MAC addresses.

446 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Processing units (Available only for the SCALEXIO platform) Lets

you specify the processing units belonging to the SCALEXIO platform.
Click to add a processing unit, or click to delete the selected
processing unit.
Platform configuration (Available only for the DS1007 and
DS1202 MicroLabBox platforms) Lets you view the processor boards
that belong to the selected DS1007 or DS1202 MicroLabBox platform
with their board names, IP addresses or MAC addresses.

Currently, only DS1007 systems containing one DS1007
processor board are supported.

Processor boards (Available only for the DS1007 and Ds1202

MicroLabBox platforms) Lets you specify the processor boards
belonging to the DS1007 or DS1202 MicroLabBox platform. Click
to add a processor board, or click to delete the selected processor

Currently, only DS1007 systems containing one DS1007
processor board are supported.

Port address Lets you specify the base address of the board as set
with the DIP switches or the rotary switches on the board.
Board name Lets you specify the board name used to identify the
board or processing unit.
Serial number Lets you specify the serial number of the board. The
number is used to uniquely identify the hardware.
Connection type Lets you specify the connection type of the
platform hardware.
n Select BUS if the platform hardware is installed in the host PC or in
an expansion box connected to the host PC via a bus interface.
n Select NET if the platform hardware is connected to the host PC
via Ethernet.

n Since a DS1104 R&D Controller Board is installed in a PCI slot
in the host PC, no connection type (BUS or NET) has to be
configured for the DS1104 platform.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 447

s Reference Information t

Net client Lets you specify the network client for assignment as an
IP address or alias.
Alias name Lets you specify the alias name of the connection that is
used for assignment.
IP address Lets you specify the network client for assignment as an
IP address.
MAC address Lets you specify the MAC address of the selected
processing unit of the SCALEXIO system, the selected processor board
of the DS1007 platform, or selected platform of the DS1202
MicroLabBox platform. The MAC address is used to uniquely identify
the hardware.

Camera Selection page To select a connected camera or a virtual camera for the selected
Video Capturing device.
This dialog is available for the Video Capturing device.
Automatic assignment Lets you select a connected camera
DirectShow List of Camera Lets you select one of the cameras
connected to your PC to be assigned to the selected device. All
cameras that are available with DirectShow are listed below the
DirectShow object.
Cameras in Use Displays the cameras already associated to another
Video Capturing device in the current experiment. They cannot be
Virtual File Lets you select a virtual camera to replay recorded
videos and specify the video file you want to display. If you select the
checkbox or double-click the entry, the Select a video file to serve as a
virtual camera dialog opens for you to select the video file. The
supported video formats are AVI, MPG and WMV. You can specify
the video behavior settings for the selected file:

Setting Description
Auto-repeat Once finished, the video is automatically repeated.
Online Calibration The video starts after you have started online calibration.
Restart Video on Measurement Start The video automatically restarts with every new measurement.
Measurement The video starts upon initializing a measurement.
Virtual Stream Lets you select a virtual camera to play streamed
video data. If you select the checkbox or double-click the entry, the
Select streaming source dialog opens for you to specify the streaming
source setting. The supported format is MJPEG (Motion JPEG).

448 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Setting Description
URL Lets you specify the URL of the streaming source.
User Displays the user name extracted from the specified URL, if available, or lets you
subsequently enter or modify the user name if the specified URL requires the user
name specification.
The field is editable only if Use input assist is selected.
Password Displays the password extracted from the specified URL, if available, or lets you
subsequently enter or modify a password if the specified URL requires the password
The field is editable only if Use input assist is selected.
Use input Enables or disables the User and Password edit fields. If the checkbox is selected, the
assist fields are writable, and there is a bidirectional link between the URL and the
user/password values. If the specified URL does not contain a user/password
combination in the appropriate syntax, the URL is updated with the user and password
values when you have entered them. If the checkbox is cleared, the User and Password
fields are readonly.

General Configuration page To specify general multiprocessor configuration settings for the
selected Multiprocessor System platform.
This page is available for the Multiprocessor System platform.
Available platforms Displays the registered multiprocessor
platforms that match the current configuration but are not yet
assigned to any Multiprocessor System platform in the current
ControlDesk project, and lets you select one of them to assign the
Multiprocessor System platform. After selection, the members of the
selected multiprocessor system and their settings are displayed on the
Multiprocessor Configuration page.
Mode Lets you select the assignment mode for the platform.
Assignment Description
Assign to first (Not available for the Multiprocessor System platform) ControlDesk automatically assigns the platform to the
available platform first registered and unassigned platform of the relevant platform type it finds.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 449

s Reference Information t

Assignment Description
Assign to any ControlDesk assigns the platform to a registered and unassigned platform of the relevant platform type,
equal platform according to the following assignment settings:
n Alias name
n Board name
n Connection type
n Net client
n Port address
n XIL API MAPort implementation
The above assignment settings are platform-type-specific. The list below shows the settings available for the
platform types:
n DS1005, DS1006, DS1103: Port address and/or Board name, Connection type, Net Client (only for the
Net connection type)
n DS1104: Board name
n MicroAutoBox: Board name (optional), Connection type, Net Client
n Multiprocessor System: Connection type
Multiprocessor System members: Port address
n DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: IP address or Board name
n VEOS: none
n XIL API MAPort platform: XIL API MAPort implementation
Assign to identical (Not available for the VEOS and XIL API MAPort platforms) ControlDesk assigns the platform to registered
platform and unassigned dSPACE hardware of the relevant platform type, according to the following assignment
n Connection type
n Serial number
n MAC address
The above assignment settings are platform-type-specific. The list below shows the settings available for the
platform types:
n DS1005, DS1006, DS1103, DS1104, MicroAutoBox, Multiprocessor System members: Serial number
n Multiprocessor System: Connection type
Multiprocessor System members: Serial number
n DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: MAC address

If several platforms are assigned to dSPACE hardware in one step
(for example, if you call the Refresh Platform Configuration
command), the assignment modes are applied to the platforms
in a certain order:
1. Assign to identical platform
2. Assign to any equal platform
3. Assign to first available platform

Connection type Lets you specify the connection type of the

platform hardware.
n Select BUS if the platform hardware is installed in the host PC or in
an expansion box connected to the host PC via a bus interface.

450 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n Select NET if the platform hardware is connected to the host PC

via Ethernet.
IP address Lets you specify the network client for assignment as an
IP address.

For Multiprocessor System platforms, the connection type and
IP address are specified for the multiprocessor system. Thus,
these settings are valid for all the processor boards belonging to
the multiprocessor system. Changes made for one processor
board automatically affect the settings of all the other processor
boards of the multiprocessor system.

System type Displays whether the selected Multiprocessor System

platform is based on DS1005 or DS1006 boards.

Interface Selection (CAN-, To select the physical interface for the selected device.
LIN-, and FlexRay-based This dialog is available for devices that require a CAN, LIN, or FlexRay
devices) page interface.
Lets you select the physical CAN, LIN, or FlexRay interface to be
assigned to the selected device. Connected interfaces are listed with
their IDs and serial numbers (S/N).
CAN and LIN channels of SCALEXIO or VEOS are listed only if they
were explicitly made available to the device before. Refer to:
n How to Configure a CAN Bus Monitoring Device on page 159
n How to Configure a LIN Bus Monitoring Device on page 164
n How to Configure an XCP on CAN Device on page 211
n How to Configure a CCP Device on page 168
For an overview of the interfaces for accessing a communication bus
supported by ControlDesk, refer to Supported Interfaces for
Accessing a Communication Bus on page 43.
Automatic assignment Lets you select a connected interface
If several interfaces are connected to the host PC, ControlDesk selects
an interface in the following way:
1. A connected bus channel of SCALEXIO or VEOS takes priority over
connected PCbased interfaces.
If CAN FD mode is enabled, CANFDcapable channels have

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 451

s Reference Information t

2. A connected PCbased interface from dSPACE takes priority over

connected PCbased interfaces from any other vendor. A
connected DCICAN2 interface takes priority over a connected
DCICAN1. A connected DCICAN1 interface takes priority over a
Calibration Hub.
3. A connected interface from Vector takes priority over connected
interfaces from Kvaser. If multiple interfaces of the same provider
are connected, the interface connected first is assigned.
Vendor - Offline configuration Lets you select an interface to be
assigned to the selected device while the interface is not connected to
the host PC. When you select this option, ControlDesk opens the
Offline Configuration dialog.

Setting Description
User identifier Lets you specify the user ID of the interface
to be assigned to the selected device.
Controller index Lets you select the interface's controller to
be assigned to the selected device.

n The user ID string is limited to 124 characters.
n If you work with an interface which is connected to the host
PC via Ethernet, specify the user ID as an IP address.

When you connect interfaces later on, ControlDesk assigns the

interface with the specified ID to the device.
n If only one interface is connected to the host PC, ControlDesk
automatically assigns that interface to the selected device,
regardless of the interfaces ID or S/N.
n If several interfaces are connected to the host PC, ControlDesk
assigns the interface with the matching ID or serial number to the
selected device. If no interface with the matching ID or S/N is
connected, no interface is assigned to the device.
Vendor - Interface Lets you select one of the connected interfaces
to be assigned to the selected device. Connected interfaces are
displayed with their IDs and serial numbers (S/N).
Vendor - Virtual (Available only for CAN interfaces) Lets you set up
a virtual CAN interface for testing purposes. This is not possible for
Calibration Hubs. With Vector CAN interfaces, this works only if you
provide the necessary test application yourself.

452 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Interface Selection To select a connected DCI-GSI1 interface.

(DCIGSI1) page This dialog is available for the DCIGSI1 device.
Lets you select a connected DCIGSI1 interface and assign it to the
selected device.

Selecting a specific ECU interface (DCIGSI1) is necessary only if
you have several DCIGSI1s connected to the host PC.

List of DCIGSI1s hardware Lists all the DCIGSI1s that are

currently connected for you to select one.

Interface Selection To select a connected DCIGSI2 for the selected device.

(DCIGSI2) page This dialog is available for the DCIGSI2 device.
Lets you select a connected DCIGSI2 to be assigned to the selected
device, and the Ethernet port to be used for ECU communication.
List of DCIGSI2s Lists all the DCIGSI2s that are currently
connected to the host PC with their IP addresses or host names. For
each connected DCIGSI2, the Ethernet ports available for ECU
communication are listed for you to select one.

KLine Interface Selection To select the physical KLine interface for the selected logical link.
page This dialog is available for the ECU Diagnostics device.
Lets you select the physical KLine interface to be assigned to the
selected logical link. All the KLine interfaces that are connected to
the host PC are listed with their serial numbers.
For information on the supported interfaces, refer to Supported
KLine Interfaces on page 47.
Automatic assignment Lets you select a connected KLine
interface automatically.
n If only one KLine interface is connected to the host PC, it is
assigned to the logical link regardless of its serial number.
n If several KLine interfaces are connected to the host PC, the
interface that has the smallest serial number is assigned to the
logical link.

ControlDesk can use only one (physical) K-Line interface at a

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 453

s Reference Information t

Vendor - Interface Lets you select one of the connected KLine

interfaces to be assigned to the selected logical link. Connected
interfaces are displayed with their serial numbers.

Member Configuration To view the members that belong to the selected Multiprocessor
page System platform and specify configuration settings for them.
This page is available for the Multiprocessor System platform.
Multiprocessor configuration Lets you view the processors that
belong to the selected Multiprocessor System platform with their port
addresses or serial numbers.
Processor name Displays the name of the selected member. The
name is taken from the variable description (SDF file) of the selected
Multiprocessor System platform.
Port address (Available only if "Assign to identical platform" or
"Assign to any equal platform" is selected as the assignment mode)
Lets you specify the board's port address as specified with the DIP
switches or the rotary switches on the board. You can adapt the port
addresses to the requirements of your realtime hardware, since the
assignment between processor names and port addresses determines
which application is assigned to which processor.
Serial number (Enabled only if the "Assign to identical platform"
assignment mode is selected) Lets you specify the serial number of
the board. The number is used to identify the identical hardware.

Network Adapter page To select the network adapter for the selected device.
This dialog is available for the XCP on Ethernet device.
Lets you select the network interface card to communicate with the
ECU or VPU. The names and IP addresses of the network interface
cards currently available on your host PC are displayed. You can select
one of the network interface cards available in the host PC.

Select Logical Links page To select the logical links to be used with the selected ECU
Diagnostics device, and specify their physical connections and
diagnostic protocols.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
Logical Link Name Displays all the logical links available for the
selected vehicle in the ODX database, and lets you select the logical
links that are to be used with the ECU Diagnostics device.
The names of the logical links are specified in the ODX database.
Whether the logical links short names or long names are displayed,
depends on the settings made on the Diagnostics Management page

454 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

of the ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics

Management Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU
You can select the logical links that are to be used with the ECU
Diagnostics device via the checkboxes on the left of the list. An
activated checkbox indicates that the logical link is selected for ECU
diagnostics. ControlDesk does not allow you to work with more than
one simulated logical link. If you select two or more logical links with
"Simulation" as the physical connection, a dialog opens for you to
specify a valid logical link selection.
If the ODX database contains no vehicle information specification and
the VI_GlobalVehicleInfor (short name) or Global Vehicle Information
(long name) vehicle is selected for use instead, the logical link list
contains only automatically generated logical links. Logical links are
generated according to a specified pattern (described here with the
logical links short names):
n GeneratedLogicalLink_ProtocolShortName
n GeneratedLogicalLink_FunctionalGroupShortName_
n GeneratedLogicalLink_BaseVariantShortName_
n EcuVariantDiagLayerShortName_GeneratedLogicalLink_

The pattern depends on the structure of the underlying

Thus, the number of generated logical links depends on the layer

definitions available in the ODX database. A logical link is generated
for each possible combination. For consistent handling the device also
represents ECU variants as logical links.
VI (vehicle identification) Lets you perform logical link selection
via ODX variant identification. If the ODX database contains one or

more ECU variants for an ECU base variant (indicated by a

button next to the ECU base variant), click the button to open the
ECU Variant Identification dialog to specify configuration settings and
start the ODX variant identification mechanism.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 455

s Reference Information t

An identified ECU variant is marked by the symbol in the VI

column. ODX variant identification is based on criteria specified in the
ODX database.
You can select an identified ECU variant to be used with the ECU
Diagnostics device.

ECU Variant Identification ECU base variant (Available only if

the ODX database contains one or more ECU variants for the selected
ECU base variant) Displays the ECU base variant the variant
identification process is to be performed for.
ECU Variant Identification Identified ECU variant Displays the
result of the ODX variant identification process. If identification was
successful, the name of the identified ECU variant is displayed.
ECU Variant Identification Identify Lets you start the ODX
variant identification process. The status of the ODX variant
identification process is visualized by the progress bar. Different colors
indicate whether the identification process was successful:

Color of Description
Progress Bar
Green Identification process ran successfully.
Yellow Identification process has finished, no ECU
variant has been identified.
Red Error occurred during identification process.

Variant identification is possible only if communication with the
ECU is available. This means that the ECU is connected, and the
physical connection and the communication parameters have
suitable settings for the logical links.

456 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

ECU Variant Identification Copy configuration from ECU base

variant to identified ECU variant after selecting the ECU
variant Lets you specify to apply the configuration of an ECU base
variant to an identified ECU variant when the ECU variant is selected
for use with the ECU Diagnostics device. If the option is selected, the
following information is applied to the selected identified ECU
n Diagnostic protocol
n Physical connection
n Interface settings
n ComParam values of the active logical link
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
ECU Variant Identification Select (Available only if variant
identification was successful) Lets you select the identified ECU
variant to be used with the ECU Diagnostics device. If the Copy
configuration from ECU base variant to identified ECU variant after
selecting the ECU variant checkbox is selected, the ECU base variant
configuration is applied to the identified ECU variant when it is
Protocol Lets you select the diagnostic protocol. The following
diagnostic protocols are supported:

Diagnostic Protocol Description

Diagnostics on CAN (ISO 15765) Diagnostics on CAN / KWP2000 on CAN
KWP2000 on KLine (ISO 14230) KWP2000 on KLine
OBD On-Board Diagnostics for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 1.6 Transport Protocol TP 1.6 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
TP 2.0 Transport Protocol TP 2.0 for CANbased ECU diagnostics
UDS (ISO 14229) UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services)
The diagnostic protocol setting is preset with information from the
ODX database the first time you open this page during device
configuration, provided that appropriate information is contained in
the ODX database. If ControlDesk cannot associate a diagnostic
protocol from the database, the diagnostic protocol is set to 'None'
and you must specify a valid protocol setting manually.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 457

s Reference Information t

Connection Lets you select the physical connection for the logical
link. The available physical connections depend on the selected
diagnostic protocol:

Diagnostic Protocol Possible Physical Connections

ISO 14230 n KLine
n Simulation 1)
ISO 14229 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
ISO 15765 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
TP 1.6 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
TP 2.0 n CAN
n Simulation 1)
n Simulation 1)
1) ControlDesk provides a demo ODX database containing a simulated static ECU
(simulation.txt). To access the static demo ECU, you must select the Simulation
physical connection for the logical links of the ECU Diagnostics device.

The physical connection setting is preset with information from the

ODX database the first time you open this page during device
configuration, provided that appropriate information is contained in
the ODX database. If ControlDesk cannot associate a physical
connection from the database, the physical connection is set to
'None' and you must specify it manually.
Interface Lets you specify the interface settings for the current
logical link. If CAN or KLine was selected as the physical connection,
the Configure button is enabled. When you click the button,
ControlDesk opens the relevant Interface Selection dialog for you to
specify the KLine or CAN interface settings for the current logical link
(see KLine Interface Selection page on page 453 or Interface
Selection (CAN-, LIN-, and FlexRay-based devices) page on page 451).
Create variable description for selected logical links Displays or
lets you specify whether a variable description is to be generated from
the ODX database for the selected logical links. A variable description
is necessary for measuring and calibrating diagnostics variables via the
ECU Diagnostics device. To enable ControlDesk to create a variable
description from the ODX database, the ODX database must meet
some requirements. For details, refer to Conventions in Connection
with ODX Databases ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU

458 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Whether the Create variable description for selected logical links

option is the default for newly created ODX databases depends on
the setting specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Configure Variable Description (Available only if the Create
variable description for selected logical links checkbox is selected)
Opens the Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration dialog for
you to specify configuration settings that are relevant for generating
the variable description from the ODX database.

Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Use additional

protocol information (Available only if the Create variable
description for selected logical links checkbox is selected) Lets you
specify to also use information from the protocol specification for
variable generation. If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk
generates variables not only according to the default ODX semantics
and service configurations in the XML configuration file(s), but also on
the basis of the protocolspecific identification of services. However,
selecting this checkbox can significantly increase the number of
variables to be generated. As a result, the generation of the variable
description and also later uploads may take some time. If the
checkbox is cleared, no variables are generated on the basis of the
protocol information.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).

Fault read services and DTC variables always use the information
from the protocol specification, regardless of whether the Use
additional protocol information option is enabled or not.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 459

s Reference Information t

Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Generate

Diagnostic Trouble Code variables (Available only if the Create
variable description for selected logical links checkbox is selected) Lets
you specify to generate diagnostic trouble code (DTC) measurement
variables. DTC variables can be used to measure changes on DTCs,
and for triggering measurements. You can find the DTC variables in
the Variable Browser in the <Diagnostic Trouble Codes> nodes
located below the logical link nodes.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Add
additional measurements for parameters (Available only if the
Create variable description for selected logical links checkbox is
selected) Lets you specify to generate a measurement variable for
each generated parameter. The generated measurement variables are
displayed in the Variable Browser in the read service nodes located
below the logical link nodes. This allows quick and easy access to the
measurement variables of a read service. A parameter and the
associated generated measurement variable are not synchronized. If
the checkbox is cleared, no additional measurement variables are
generated for parameters.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Diagnostics Variable Description Configuration Use ECU base
variant name instead of ECU variant name (Available only if the
Create variable description for selected logical links checkbox is
selected) Lets you specify to use the name of an ECU base variant as
the name for all the variants of the ECU. Using the same name
prevents the connection to the variables being lost when a variable
description is reloaded after you switch to another ECU variant.
For a newly created ODX database, the option has the default setting
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management
Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Logical link info field Displays information on the logical link
currently selected for being configured.

460 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Expand All (Available via context menu) Lets you expand all the
nodes and subnodes of the logical links tree. If enabled, all the logical
links to all hierarchical layers available for the selected vehicle are
displayed in the tree.
Expand Selected Logical Links (Available via context menu) Lets
you display only the selected logical links and their superordinate
nodes in the logical links tree. All the other nodes of the logical links
tree are hidden.
Collapse All (Available via context menu) Lets you collapse all the
subordinate nodes in the logical links tree. If enabled, only the logical
links of the topmost hierarchy level are displayed.
Hide Protocol and Functional Group (Available via context menu)
Lets you specify whether all the logical links to all hierarchical layers
(protocol, functional group, ECU base variant, ECU variant) or only
the logical links to ECU base variants and ECU variants are to be
displayed. If enabled, the logical links to the protocol and functional
group layers are hidden.

Select ODX Files page To specify a diagnostics database for the selected ECU Diagnostics
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
ODX database name Lets you enter a name for the ODX
diagnostics database. The default is 'ODX DB'.
When database selection has finished, the ODX database with the
specified name is displayed in the Project Manager. ControlDesk also
adds a folder with this name to the projects folder structure on your
file system. The folder contains all the files belonging to the ODX

You can specify several diagnostics databases for an ECU
Diagnostics device. You should then change their default names
for clarity and better handling.

Database Settings Opens the Database Settings dialog for you to

specify settings for the ODX version and database optimization.
Database Settings Automatic detection Lets you select the
ODX version used with your ECU Diagnostics device automatically. If
the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk finds the ODX version by using
the files imported for the ODX diagnostics database for your
ECU Diagnostics device. If the checkbox is cleared, you must select
the ODX version manually.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 461

s Reference Information t

Disable automatic ODX version detection only if you are very
familiar with ODX databases and the used database files.

Whether the Automatic detection option is the default for newly

created ODX databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Database Settings ODX version Lets you select the ODX version
to be used with your ECU Diagnostics device manually. If automatic
detection of the ODX version is disabled, you can select one of the
ODX versions supported by ControlDesk from the list. If automatic
detection is enabled, the detected ODX version is displayed.
'Undefined' is displayed until an ODX version has been detected or
If automatic detection is disabled, the default ODX version for newly
created ODX databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Database Settings Optimize database for ODX version 2.0.1
(Available only for ODX version 2.0.1) Lets you specify to use a
proprietary binary format instead of ODX for the diagnostics
database. If the checkbox is selected, binary format is generated after
you selected the ODX files and when you click Next or Finish on the
Select ODX Files page. Both the ODX data and the generated binary
files are copied to the experiment, but only the binary files are used
with the experiment (indicated by the symbol in the Project
Manager). If the checkbox is cleared, only the ODX data is copied to
and used with the experiment (indicated by the symbol in the
Project Manager).
While converting the ODX database into the proprietary binary
format, ControlDesk displays the progress in the Optimize ODX
Database dialog. You can click Details to see information such as the
current status, warnings, and error messages. After conversion, the
dialog closes automatically unless an error occurred or the details are

462 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Using the binary format results in faster experiment loading, and
allows you to work with large ODX databases because memory
usage is reduced. On the other hand, generating the binary
format takes some time.
Using the binary format is useful in the following cases:
n Experiments that are frequently loaded, and whose
diagnostics database is modified only rarely
n Experiments that require large ODX databases

Whether the Optimize database option is the default for newly

created ODX 2.0.1 databases depends on the setting specified on the
Diagnostics Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options
dialog. Refer to Diagnostics Management Page ( ControlDesk
Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).

For ODX 2.2.0 diagnostics databases, database optimization is
always performed. You cannot change this setting. So if you
work with an ODX 2.2.0 database, ControlDesk always uses the
binary format instead of ODX data for the diagnostics database.

Files list Displays all the files imported so far for the ODX
diagnostics database for your ECU Diagnostics device. The following
information is shown for each file:
n Intended action (column on the left)
Displays the action that is to be performed on the file according to
the ODX database configuration currently active for the ECU
Diagnostics device. Each action is indicated by a symbol.

Intended Action Symbol Description

Add The file is to be added to the
ODX database.
Reload The file is to be reloaded from
its original source path, or
replaced by another file with
the same file name.
Remove The file is to be removed from
the ODX database.1)

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 463

s Reference Information t

Intended Action Symbol Description

Remain unchanged None The file remains unchanged in
the current ODX database
configuration. It is to be
neither added, nor replaced,
nor removed.
The files to be removed are displayed in the files list only if the Show Removed
Files option is enabled (see below).

n File name
n File type
An ODX database typically contains files of the following types:

Extension Description
ODX File format for all the files containing ODX data
ODX-D File format for specifications of diagnostic services and diagnostic jobs
ODX-C File format for communication parameter specifications (COMPARAMSPEC)
ODX-V File format for vehicle information specifications (VEHICLEINFOSPEC)
ODX-M File format for specifications of multipleECU jobs (MULTIPLEECUJOBSPEC)
ODX-F File format for ECU flash programming specifications (FLASH)
PDX File container for ODX data (also called PDX package). All the files to be exchanged are
packaged in one file container. The content of the container is described in a container
catalog (PDX package catalog), which is also stored in the PDX package. Besides the
ODX data, a PDX package can contain files of any format.

To execute diagnostic jobs and/or perform ECU flash memory programming, it is
not sufficient that the related files (such as CLASS, JAR, or HEX files) are in the
PDX package. You have to import these files in addition to the PDX package.

The folder with the ODX database can also contain the following file
types and files:

File Description
CLASS, JAR File formats for diagnostic jobs
HEX, MOT, S19, File formats for flash data (ECU Image files)
simulation.txt Contains the simulated ECU.
This file can be used for simulating ECU diagnostics.

464 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

File Description
DS_Service_Config<...>.xml Maps ODX semantics to ControlDesk functions.
This configuration file is required for setting up services others than
the default services provided by ControlDesk, for example, for reading
the fault memory and environment data, clearing fault memory entries
and performing measurement and calibration, which can then be used
in ControlDesk. For further information, refer to Basics of the XML
Configuration File ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
File info field Displays information on the file currently selected in
the files list.
Database Template Displays information on the selected ODX
database template (if one is currently selected).
Files Add (Not available if an ODX database template is used) Lets
you import one or more files to the ODX diagnostics database. The
imported files are added to the files list.
The command is also available via context menu. As an alternative,
you can press the Insert or + key.
Files Reload (Not available if an ODX database template is used)
Lets you reload the selected files. If possible, ControlDesk loads the
selected files from their original source paths again.
The command is also available via context menu.
Files Remove (Not available if an ODX database template is used)
Removes the selected files from the files list. File deletion does not
take effect on the diagnostics database configuration currently active
for the ECU Diagnostics device until you click Next or Finish.
The command is also available via context menu. As an alternative,
you can press the Delete or - key to remove the selected files from
the files list.
Files Remove All (Not available if an ODX database template is
used) Removes all the files from the files list.
The command is also available via context menu.
Template Add (Available only if no files have been imported for
the ODX diagnostics database, or if an ODX database template is
used) Lets you import an ODX database template. An ODX database
template is a valid ODX database that cannot be modified.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 465

s Reference Information t

The ODX Database Templates dialog opens for you to select the ODX
database template.

Via the Select template source dropdown list, you must select
whether to import a builtin or a custom ODX database template.
ControlDesk provides builtin ODX database templates for different
diagnostic protocols (some in binary format). They are displayed for
selection. If you select to add a custom ODX database template,
ControlDesk lists all the custom ODX database templates on the
custom ODX database template source path. The source path is
specified on the Diagnostics Management page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog.
After you select an ODX database template, the Database Template
tab displays information on the selected database template. The files
contained in the ODX database template are displayed in the files list.
Template Remove (Available only if an ODX database template is
used) Removes the currently selected ODX database template.
Sort By File Name (Ascending) (Available via context menu) Lets
you sort the files list alphabetically in ascending order by the File
Name column.
Sort By File Extension (Ascending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in ascending order by the File
Type column.
Sort By File Action (Ascending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list in ascending order by the file action type.
Sort By File Name (Descending) (Available via context menu)
Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in descending order by the File
Name column.
Sort By File Extension (Descending) (Available via context
menu) Lets you sort the files list alphabetically in descending order by
the File Type column.

466 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Sort By File Action (Descending) (Available via context menu)

Lets you sort the files list in descending order by the file action type.

You can also sort the files list alphabetically in ascending or
descending order by clicking the appropriate column header.

Show Removed Files (Available via context menu) Lets you specify
to display files that are to be removed from the diagnostics database
configuration currently active for the ECU Diagnostics device in the
files list. If enabled, the files selected for deletion are displayed in the
files list, marked with the symbol. This allows you to check the
files selected for deletion.

Select Vehicle page To select a vehicle for the selected ECU Diagnostics device.
This page is available for the ECU Diagnostics devices.
Vehicle list Displays all the vehicles related to the specified ODX
database, and lets you select a vehicle for the selected ECU
Diagnostics device.
If no vehicle information is specified in the ODX database, a default
vehicle named "VI_GlobalVehicleInfor" (short name) or "Global
Vehicle Information" (long name) is automatically generated and
added to the list.
Vehicle info field Displays information on the vehicle selected in
the vehicle list.

Related topics Basics

Handling Devices on page 137
Handling Platforms on page 58
Supported Interfaces for Accessing a Communication Bus on page 43
Supported KLine Interfaces on page 47

Connect Platform/Device

Access This command is available only for enabled platforms/devices that are
currently in the 'disconnected' state. You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform/device

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 467

s Reference Information t

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To establish a logical connection between ControlDesk and the

selected platform/device hardware or VPU.

Result ControlDesk tries to connect itself to the platform/device hardware or

VPU, so that you are directly accessing the hardware or VPU. If
successful, connecting a platform/device sets the hardware or VEOS
to the 'connected' state.
For details on the possible platform/device states, refer to Basics of
Platform/Device States on page 28.

Related topics References

Disconnect Platform/Device on page 471

Create Support Info

Access You can access the command via:

Ribbon Platforms - Platform Management
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager
Shortcut key None

Purpose To generate an XML file containing textual information on

platforms/devices that are currently detected by the Platform/Device

Result To help dSPACE Support in analyzing an observed problem,

Platform/Device Manager generates the SupportInfo.xml file. The file
contains relevant information on all the platforms/devices that are
currently detected by the Platform/Device Manager. The file is saved
automatically, and the path is displayed in a message.
The SupportInfo.xml file is overwritten each time you call the Create
Support Info command.

468 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it.

Result ControlDesk opens a dialog displaying the columns that can be added
to the list. To add a column, drag it from the dialog to the
platform/device list header. To remove a column from the list, drag its
header below the list.

Disable Platform/Device

Access This command is available only for platforms/devices that are currently
enabled and for which online calibration is stopped. You can access it
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform/device
Shortcut key None
Icon (Checkbox)

This command is not available in the operator mode.

Purpose To deactivate the platform/device in the experiment.

Result ControlDesk disconnects itself from the platform/device hardware or

VPU, and deactivates the platform/device in the experiment.

Description When a platform/device is disabled in the experiment, it is displayed

with the symbol in the Project Manager. ControlDesk blocks the
connection to a disabled platform/device from the experiment, so

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 469

s Reference Information t

there is no communication to the platform/device from the

experiment. This means, for example, that ControlDesk does not try
to establish a logical connection for disabled platforms/devices when
an experiment is loaded, and disabled platforms/devices are ignored
when online calibration is started globally for ControlDesk.

n A disabled platform is disconnected and deactivated for the
experiment. It is still available in your recent hardware
n All accesses to a disabled device are blocked. A disabled
device is not displayed in the Platform/Device Manager.

Multiprocessor or multicore systems are disabled as a whole. If you

disable a single processor/board belonging to the system, the whole
system is disabled.
A disabled platform/device can be re-enabled later on (refer to Enable
Platform/Device on page 473). After you enable the platform/device,
communication with it from the experiment is possible again.
For details on the possible platform/device states, refer to Basics of
Platform/Device States on page 28.
Disabling and enabling platforms/devices in the experiment can be
useful in cases such as the following:
n Loading an experiment without waking up specific devices
n Configuring platforms/devices without a logical connection
between ControlDesk and the platform/device hardware or VPU
n Selectively starting online calibration for specific platforms/devices
n Subsequently activating platforms/devices for online calibration
and measurement

Related topics References

Enable Platform/Device on page 473

470 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Disconnect Platform/Device

Access This command is available only for platforms/devices that are currently
in the 'connected' state. You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform/device
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To stop communication between ControlDesk and the hardware or

VEOS that belongs to the selected platform/device.

Result ControlDesk stops communication with the hardware or VEOS that

belongs to the selected platform/device. This allows the hardware or
VEOS to be accessed by a tool other than ControlDesk without having
to close ControlDesk.

Description Once ControlDesk has started communication with platform/device

hardware or VEOS connected to the host PC, the hardware or VEOS is
in the 'connected' state. This is a preparatory step for starting online
calibration. After you stop online calibration, the platform/device
remains in the 'connected' state.
Disconnecting a platform/device sets the hardware or VEOS to the
'disconnected' state. The hardware or VEOS can be accessed by
another tool without having to close ControlDesk.
For details on the possible platform/device states, refer to Basics of
Platform/Device States on page 28.

Related topics References

Connect Platform/Device on page 467

Edit Processor Names

Access This command is available only for DS1007 platforms (representing a

DS1007 multiprocessor system) and Multiprocessor System platforms.
It is not available for global platforms. You can access it via:

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 471

s Reference Information t

Ribbon None
Context menu of n Platform/Device Manager DS1007
n Platform/Device Manager Multiprocessor
System platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To specify processor names for the boards of a DS1005based,

DS1006based, or DS1007based multiprocessor system.

Result The Edit Processor Names dialog opens for you to enter processor
names and apply them to the processor boards belonging to the
multiprocessor system.
The processor names are editable only if online calibration has not
been started, if no application is currently running on the selected
platform, and if the platform is not yet assigned to the experiment.
Otherwise, the processor names are only displayed.

Edit Processor Names dialog To specify processor names for the boards of the selected
multiprocessor system.
Platforms Lists the selected DS1007 or Multiprocessor System
platform with all its members.
Processor Name Displays the processor names already specified for
the members of the multiprocessor system, and lets you enter new
processor names and modify existing names of the members. Only
the edit fields that are marked by colored background are writable.
The processor names must be unique for each member of a
multiprocessor system. The valid characters are 'a ... z', 'A ... Z',
'0 ... 9', and '_'. A processor name must not exceed 8 characters.
After you click OK or Apply to confirm the new valid processor
names, the names are stored in the recent platform configuration.

472 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Enable Platform/Device

Access This command is available only for platforms/devices that are currently
disabled. You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform/device
Shortcut key None
Icon (Checkbox)

This command is not available in the operator mode.

Purpose To activate the platform/device in the experiment.

Result ControlDesk activates the platform/device in the experiment, and the

hardware or VEOS belonging to the selected platform/device is set to
the 'disconnected' state.

Description After you enable the platform/device, connection to it from the

experiment is no longer blocked. Communication with it from the
experiment can be established again. You can connect ControlDesk
to the platform/device hardware or VPU and start online calibration
and measurement for the platform/device.
For details on the possible platform/device states, refer to Basics of
Platform/Device States on page 28.
Multiprocessor or multicore systems are enabled as a whole. If you
enable a single processor/board belonging to the system, the whole
system is enabled.
You cannot enable an XCP on Ethernet device that accesses a virtual
ECU as long as its parent SCALEXIO or VEOS platform is disabled.

Related topics References

Connect Platform/Device on page 467
Disable Platform/Device on page 469

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 473

s Reference Information t


Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager (platform/device
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To expand the collapsed platforms/devices and subnodes of the node

selected in the Platform/Device Manager.

Result ControlDesk now displays the hidden subnodes and platforms/devices

of the node selected in the Platform/Device Manager.

Explore to USB Flight Recorder

Access This command is available for the following platforms:

n MicroAutoBox platform
n DS1202 MicroLabBox platform
n DS1007 platform
The hardware must be connected to the host PC. You can access the
command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform

n Platform/Device Manager platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To save the flight recorder data currently available in a USB mass
storage device connected to the platform hardware.

Result ControlDesk opens the USB Flight Recorder Contents dialog, which
displays the connected platform hardware and lists the files which
were written to the USB mass storage device during flight recording.
Flight recorder data is written in BIN format. You can select BIN files

474 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

from the list and upload them to the host PC. Multiple selection is
possible by pressing Ctrl or Shift when clicking a file. The target
folder is selected in a standard Windows dialog. After uploading, you
can import the BIN files and save them to measurement data file via
the Measurement Data folder in the Project Manager. Refer to Import
(Measurement Data File) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording).
You can also delete obsolete BIN files from the USB mass storage

Description The dialog's status bar displays information on the selected file (file
type, modification date, and size).

USB Flight Recorder To display the files stored in a USB mass storage device, and to
Contents dialog upload BIN files to the host PC or delete BIN files from the USB mass
storage device. In the dialog, you can access the following commands
via the context menu:
Upload Lets you upload the selected BIN files to the specified target
folder on the host PC.
Delete Lets you delete the selected BIN files from the USB mass
storage device.

Related topics HowTos

How to Upload Flight Recorder Data Written to a USB Mass Storage Device
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording)


Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To filter the platform/device list.

Result ControlDesk opens the Filter dialog for you to filter the
platform/device list.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 475

s Reference Information t

Dialog settings You can filter the platform/device list via the Filter dialog. The
platform/device list shows the platforms/devices that match the
specified filter settings, and the Platform/Device Manager displays the
specified filter.

You can select one or more of the following filters.

Platforms/Devices in experiment Lets you filter the
platforms/devices that belong to the currently active experiment.
Platforms/Devices connected Lets you filter the platforms/devices
that are currently connected to the platform/device hardware or to
VEOS. For details on platform/device states, refer to Basics of
Platform/Device States on page 28.
Online calibration started Lets you filter the platforms/devices for
which online calibration is currently possible, or for which a
measurement is currently running. For details on platform/device
states, refer to Basics of Platform/Device States on page 28.
Measurement started Lets you filter the platforms/devices for
which a measurement is currently running. For details on
platform/device states, refer to Basics of Platform/Device States
on page 28.
Select all Lets you select all filters.
Deselect all Lets you deselect all filters.

Flash ECU

Access This command is available only for DCIGSI1, DCIGSI2, XCP on CAN,
and XCP on Ethernet devices, and if online calibration has not been
started. You can access it via:

476 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager device

n Platform/Device Manager device

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To open the dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool.

Result The dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool allows you to program the
flash memory of ECUs equipped with a DCIGSI1 or DCIGSI2, ECUs
with XCP on CAN, or ECUs with XCP on Ethernet. For details on the
dSPACE ECU Flash Programming Tool and on how to work with it,
refer to the ECU Flash Programming document.

Flash ECU (ECU Diagnostics)

Access This command is available only for the ECU Diagnostics device, if the
device is in the disconnected state, and if at least one logical link is
selected in the active ODX diagnostics database for the device. You
can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager ECU Diagnostics device

n Platform/Device Manager ECU

Diagnostics device
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To execute an ECU flash programming operation based on an ODX

database and diagnostic protocol.

Result ControlDesk opens the ECU Flash Programming dialog, which lets you
specify the ECU to be flashed, select the flash session and the data to
be programmed to the ECU, and start the ECU flash programming

ECU Flash Programming To specify the ECU to be flashed and the data to be programmed to
dialog the ECU, and start the ECU flash programming operation.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 477

s Reference Information t

Select logical link Lets you specify the ECU to be flashed by

selecting the appropriate logical link.
Select flash session Lets you select the flash session from the flash
session list. The list contains all the available flash sessions in the ODX
database related to the selected logical link.
Flash Data Files Displays the flash data files related to the selected
flash session. The flash data files contain the data to be programmed
to the ECU flash memory during the flashing process.
You can replace a flash data file on the list by any other ECU Image
file that matches the selected ECU before ECU flash programming is
started, provided that the flash data file's latebound settings in the
ODX database allow this. You can type text in the File edit field, or
select a flash data file via the Browse button. If a flash data file must
not be replaced, the Browse button is disabled.
Set Flash Files to Default Lets you reset the flash data files to the
default flash data files specified in the ODX database.
Input Parameter Displays the input parameters of the flash job that
belongs to the selected flash session, and lets you modify the settings
of the writable input parameters.
Set Input Parameters to Default Lets you reset the values of the
input parameters of the flash job to their default values. The default
values are specified in the ODX database.
Options Lets you specify whether the StartCommunication control
primitive is included in the flash job.
n With the checkbox selected, ControlDesk starts the flash job
(which is expected to execute the StartCommunication control
primitive) without having to execute any control primitives
n With the checkbox cleared, ControlDesk executes the
StartCommunication control primitive before it starts the flash job.

For KLinebased diagnostic protocols, the StartCommunication
control primitive must be executed first to initialize the bus.
Otherwise, communication with an ECU via KLine is impossible.

Set Options to Default Lets you reset the Flash job contains start
communication option for the selected flash session to its default
value. The default value is specified on the Diagnostics Management
page in the ControlDesk NG Options dialog. Refer to Diagnostics

478 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Management Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU

Output Displays information, warnings, etc., about the flash
operation and information on its current status according to the flash
job implementation. Output from the flash job during a running ECU
flash programming operation and its final result are also displayed.
Execute Starts the ECU flash programming operation.
You can cancel the ECU flash programming operation by clicking the
Cancel button.
Cancel (Available only during a running ECU flash programming
operation) Cancels the running ECU flash programming operation.
Elapsed time Shows the elapsed time of the running ECU flash
programming operation in seconds.

Related topics HowTos

How to Program the ECU Flash Memory via a Diagnostic Protocol on page 223

Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device

Access This command is available only if a project is open. You can access it
Ribbon Platforms Experiment
Context menu of Project Manager
Shortcut key None

This command is not available in the operator mode.

Purpose To insert a platform/device into the active project or experiment.

Result ControlDesk opens the Project Wizard consisting of the following

1. The Add Platform/Device dialog on page 480 lets you add a
platform/device to the experiment or project.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 479

s Reference Information t

2. The Select Variable Description dialog on page 481 lets you select
an A2L, DBC, SDF, or LDF file corresponding to the
3. The Select ECU Image File dialog on page 483 lets you select a
corresponding HEX, MOT or S19 file. This dialog is available only
for measurement and calibration devices.
These dialogs are not all required by every platform/device type. The
Project Wizard displays only the dialogs needed by the
platform/device type you have selected.
You must configure the selected platform/device appropriately to
associate it with the hardware if you want to work online (see
Configure Platform/Device on page 431).

Add Platform/Device dialog To specify the type and name of the platform/device to be added to
the experiment and/or project.
Platform/device name Displays the default name for the
platform/device, or lets you specify a different name to be used for
the platform/device in the current experiment.

The platform/device name must be unique within the
experiment. It must differ from other platform/device names by
at least one character. Differences in upper/lower case are not

Make platform/device available to other experiments of this

project Lets you add the platform/device to the project, which
makes it a projectglobal platform/device. The platform/device is
referenced in the currently active experiment. You can add a
reference to a global platform/device to other experiments via the
Available platforms/devices list (see below).

n It is recommended to not enable this option for
multiprocessor platforms.
n Since an ECU Diagnostics device cannot be made available to
several experiments of the same project, you should not
make it a global device.

480 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Supported platform/device types list Displays all the

platform/device types supported by ControlDesk and lets you select
the platform/device type to be added to the experiment and/or
project. The list is subdivided according to use cases.
You can limit the selection in the platform/device types list to
platforms/devices you have a valid license for. Select Show Licensed
Platforms/Devices Only from the list's context menu for this.
Available platforms/devices list Displays the available
platforms/devices in dropdown lists according to platform/device
types, and lets you select one of them to be assigned or added to the
current experiment. The dropdown list for each platform/device type
contains the platforms that were registered in the system, but are not
assigned to any experiment in the project yet, and the related global
platforms/devices that exist in the current ControlDesk project but are
not already in the current experiment. If no assignable
platform/device is available, the list is empty, and only the
entry is displayed.
Name displayed in experiment Displays the name under which
the platform/device is displayed in the experiment. The name consists
of the following elements: platform/device name [platform/device
type, assignment information].
Configure Opens the configuration wizard for the selected
platform/device. If you want to configure the platform/device later on
or change the settings, choose Configure Platform/Device
on page 431 from the platforms/devices context menu.
< Back Opens the previous dialog. This button is disabled if you add
a platform/device to an open experiment.
Next > Opens the next dialog.
Finish Confirms the adding of the platform/device to the
experiment and/or project and closes the dialog without selecting a
variable description for the platform/device. To select a variable
description for the platform/device, click Next > instead.
Cancel Closes the dialog without creating a new platform/device.

Select Variable Description To select a variable description for a platform/device.

dialog Variable description list Displays the variable descriptions (A2L,
DBC, SDF, and LDF files) available in the Variable Descriptions folder
of the ControlDesk project.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 481

s Reference Information t

Variable descriptions that do not match the selected platform/device

type or that are already assigned to another platform/device of the
current experiment or to a global platform/device are not displayed in
the list.
Import/Import from file Imports a variable description file (A2L,
DBC, SDF, LDF file, ). The imported variable description file is added
to the list of variable descriptions in the Variable Descriptions folder
of the ControlDesk project.

In the ControlDesk NG Options dialog, you can specify import
options for variable descriptions in the SDF and FIBEX formats.
Refer to Variables Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Variable Management).

Import from database (Available only if storage of projects in a

database is enabled) Opens the Select Item to Import Dialog
( ControlDesk Next Generation Project and Experiment
Management) for you to import a variable description file like SDF or
A2L, depending on the ConfigurationDesk build result that contains
the file. The imported variable description file is added to the list of
variable descriptions in the Variable Descriptions folder of the
ControlDesk project.

In the ControlDesk NG Options dialog, you can specify import
options for variable descriptions in the SDF and FIBEX formats.
Refer to Variables Page ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Variable Management).

Remove (Available in the context menu of the variable descriptions

in the list) Removes the selected variable description from the list of
variable descriptions. Only variable descriptions that are not assigned
to any platform/device in the project can be removed.
Variable description info field Displays information on the
variable description selected in the variable description list.
< Back Opens the previous dialog. This button is disabled if you add
a variable description to a platform/device.
Next > Opens the next dialog.
Finish Confirms the selection and closes the dialog without adding
an ECU Image file to the selected variable description. To add an ECU
Image file to the selected variable description, click Next > instead.

482 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any of your settings.

Select ECU Image File dialog (Available only for measurement and calibration devices) To specify an
ECU Image file for the selected variable description.
Select ECU Image file Enter the path and name of the ECU Image
file (HEX, MOT, S19, file) or select it via the BROWSE button.
ControlDesk can handle ECU Image files that contain code and data
or only data.
< Back Opens the previous dialog.
Finish Confirms the specified configuration and closes the dialog.
This button is enabled only if an ECU Image file is specified.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any of your settings.

Related topics Basics

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management on page 1
How to Add a Platform/Device to an Experiment on page 49
Show Licensed Platforms/Devices Only on page 527

Manage Platforms

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon Platforms - Platform Management
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager
Shortcut key None

Purpose To display and manage the platforms that were registered in your

Result ControlDesk opens the Manage Recent Platform Configuration

dialog, which lets you manage your recent platform configuration.
You can remove elements from the recent platform configuration and
hide registered platforms in the dropdown lists in ControlDesk. You
can import configurations for registered platforms from an XML file
or export the recent hardware configuration to an XML file.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 483

s Reference Information t

Description When you register a single dSPACE processor or controller board, a

multiprocessor system, a SCALEXIO system, or a XIL API MAPort
platform, ControlDesk stores the registration data in the recent
platform configuration.
After you close the Manage Recent Platform Configuration dialog,
ControlDesk may open a dialog prompting you to refresh the
interface connections. If so, call the Refresh Interface Connections
command. Refer to Refresh Interface Connections on page 510.

Manage Recent Platform To manage the registered platforms and import or export the
Configuration dialog configuration of registered platforms.
Recent Platform Configuration Lists the platforms that were
registered in your system and whose registration data is stored in the
recent platform configuration, and displays some information on the
registered platforms. The platform list also provides an Active switch
for each platform. Via the switch, you can specify whether to display
the platform as an assignable platform during platform addition or
configuration in ControlDesk. If the switch is 0, the platform is
hidden. It is neither contained in the Available Platforms dropdown
lists in the Add Platform/Device or Configure platforms dialog, nor
displayed in the Platform/Device Manager. If the switch is 1, the
platform is listed in the Available Platforms dropdown lists and
displayed in the Platform/Device Manager.
Commands The following commands are available via buttons and
from the menus or context menus:

Command Access Description

Activate n Context menu of an Lets you activate the selected inactive platforms. An
inactive platform active platform is displayed as an assignable platform
n Shortcut key: Alt+A during platform addition or configuration in
ControlDesk. It is displayed in the Platform/Device
Collapse Context menu of a Lets you collapse the member items of the platform
platform selected in the platform list.
Deactivate n Context menu of an Lets you deactivate the selected platforms. An inactive
active platform platform is hidden. It is neither contained in the
n Shortcut key: Alt+D dropdown lists in the Add Platform/Device dialog or
Configure platforms dialog, nor displayed in the
Platform/Device Manager.
Expand Context menu of a Lets you expand the collapsed elements of the platform
platform selected in the platform list.

484 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Command Access Description

Export n Button Lets you select the XML file you want to export the
n File menu recent platform configuration to.
n Shortcut key: Alt+E

Group by Active View menu Lets you group the platforms according to their Active
State state.
Group by View menu Lets you group the platforms according to their
Platform Type platform type.
Import n Button Lets you select the XML file containing the platform
n File menu configuration you want to import. The currently active
n Shortcut key: Alt+I platform configuration is replaced by the content of
the imported XML file.

You are recommended to import only recent
platform configurations that you previously

Refresh n View menu Lets you refresh the visualization of the recent platform
n Context menu of a configuration in the dialog.
n Shortcut key: F5
Remove n Button Lets you remove the currently selected platform from
n Edit menu the recent hardware configuration. The platform is no
n Context menu of a longer available as an assignable registered platform
platform and is no longer displayed in the Platform/Device
n Shortcut key: Del Manager.

You are recommended to perform the Refresh
Interface Connections command after removing a
platform that required registration at the device

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 485

s Reference Information t

Command Access Description

Remove All n Button Lets you remove all listed platforms from the recent
n Edit menu hardware configuration. The platforms are no longer
n Shortcut key: available as assignable registered platforms and are no
Shift+Del longer displayed in the Platform/Device Manager.

You are recommended to perform the Refresh
Interface Connections command after removing a
platform that required registration at the device

Remove Context menu of a Lets you remove the selected Multiprocessor System
Multiprocessor Multiprocessor System platform from the recent hardware configuration.
platform However, all the DS1005 or DS1006 processor boards
of the multiprocessor system are converted to single
platforms, which are then listed as separate platforms
in the platform list.
Select All n Context menu of a Lets you select all the items in the platform list.
n Shortcut key: Ctrl+A

Sort View menu Lets you sort the platform list alphabetically in
Alphabetically ascending order by platform names.

Related topics References

Register Platforms on page 513

MAPort - Disconnect

Access This command is available only for the XIL API MAPort platform, and
if an MAPort configuration is loaded. You can access this command
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager XIL API MAPort
n Platform/Device Manager XIL API
MAPort platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

486 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Purpose To disconnect the MAPort.

Result ControlDesk stops communication with the simulation platform

assigned to the selected XIL API MAPort platform.

Related topics References

MAPort - Load and Configure on page 487
MAPort - Reload on page 488

MAPort - Load and Configure

Access This command is available only for the XIL API MAPort platform and
only if online calibration has not been started. You can access this
command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager XIL API MAPort
n Platform/Device Manager XIL API
MAPort platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None
Mouse Use the right mouse button to drag an
MAPort configuration file from Windows
Explorer to the platform in the
Platform/Device Manager.

Purpose To configure the MAPort with an MAPort configuration.

Result ControlDesk opens a dialog for you to select the MAPort

configuration file. The MAPort is configured with the selected MAPort
configuration. A connection to the simulator hardware referenced in
the MAPort configuration file is established, and the application is
loaded. After the MAPort has been configured, simulation is stopped
at the MAPort.

Description The MAPort configuration to be used with an XIL API MAPort

platform must fit the selected MAPort implementation. It must have a
specific file format (e.g., working with the dSPACE XIL API MAPort
implementation requires an XML file format) and specific contents.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 487

s Reference Information t

If the MAPort is already configured when the command is called,

ControlDesk first disconnects the MAPort and then configures the
MAPort with the selected MAPort configuration file.

Related topics Basics

Basics on the XIL API MAPort Platform on page 111
How to Register and Configure an XIL API MAPort Platform on page 113
MAPort - Disconnect on page 486
MAPort - Reload on page 488

MAPort - Reload

Access This command is available only for the XIL API MAPort platform, and
if an MAPort configuration is currently loaded. You can access this
command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager XIL API MAPort
n Platform/Device Manager XIL API
MAPort platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To reload the currently loaded MAPort configuration to the selected


Description ControlDesk disconnects the MAPort, and then reloads the MAPort
configuration from its original source path.

Related topics References

MAPort - Disconnect on page 486
MAPort - Load and Configure on page 487

488 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Memory Segments

Access This command is available only if a calibration device is selected and if

online calibration has not been started. You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager calibration device

n Platform/Device Manager calibration

Shortcut key None
Icon None

This command is not available in the operator mode.

Purpose To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the

memory of the selected device.

Result ControlDesk opens the Memory Segments dialog, which lets you
manage the memory segments of the selected device.
For instructions, refer to How to Customize Calibration Memory
Segments on page 139.

Memory Segments dialog To view, customize, add, and delete memory segments of the
memory of the selected device.
List of memory segments Lets you view, add, and customize the
names, start and end addresses, sizes, segment types, memory types,
and descriptions of the memory segments for the selected device. The
end address of a memory segment cannot be edited directly but
results from the segment's start address and size. You can also specify
individually for each memory segment whether it is used to evaluate
the memory pages of your ECU when online calibration is started,
and whether it is to be exported when an ECU Image file is
generated. A symbol representing the memory segments origin is
displayed to the left of the segment name. The symbols have the
following meanings:

Symbol Description
The memory segment was taken from the A2L file.

The memory segment was manually added or edited.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 489

s Reference Information t

Name Lets you specify the name of the selected segment.

Start Address Lets you specify the start address of the selected
segment as a hexadecimal number.
Size Lets you specify the size of the selected segment as a
hexadecimal number.
End Address Displays the end address of the selected segment as a
hexadecimal number. The address is calculated by the start address
and the size of the segment.
Type Lets you select the type of the selected memory segment.
Memory Type Lets you select the memory type of the selected
memory segment.
Page Consistency Verification Lets you select whether the
contents of the selected memory segment are to be compared with
the segment contents of the device's mirrored memory when online
calibration is started.
ECU Image Creation (Available only if Memory-segment-based ECU
Image creation is selected) Lets you specify whether the selected
memory segment is to be included in a newly generated ECU Image
file. If the checkbox is selected, the memory segment is exported
when you create an ECU Image file.

To apply your selection, the ECU Image Creation column must
remain displayed. If it is hidden (because the Memory-segment-
based ECU Image creation checkbox is not selected), the whole
ECU memory image is always exported.

Description Lets you specify a description for the selected segment.

Add Lets you add a memory segment to the calibration memory.
The default size of a new segment is 100 byte. You can change the
size afterwards.
Remove Lets you remove the selected memory segment from the
calibration memory. If no memory segment is selected, the first
memory segment from the segments list is removed from the
calibration memory.
Memory-segment-based ECU Image creation Lets you enable
the option to select single memory segments to be included in an
ECU Image file. If the checkbox is selected, the ECU Image Creation
column is displayed for you to specify individually for each memory
segment whether it is to be exported when an ECU Image file is
generated. Your selection is applied as long as the ECU Image

490 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Creation column is displayed. If the checkbox is cleared, the ECU

Image Creation column is hidden and the whole ECU memory image
is exported.

Related topics HowTos

How to Customize Calibration Memory Segments on page 139

Network View

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To display a network-based view of the registered hardware in the

Platform/Device Manager.

Result The Platform/Device Manager displays the logical network of the

registered hardware.

Related topics References

Assembly View on page 398


Access This command is available only for the VEOS platform, and if an
application is currently running. You can access this command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager VEOS platform -
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To pause an offline simulation.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 491

s Reference Information t

Result The offline simulation pauses.

You can restart the offline simulation with the Start command or
continue it stepwise with the Single Step command.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application - Load on page 508
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application - Load and Start on page 509
Single Step on page 528
Start on page 528
Stop on page 530

Platform Management Page

Access This page is part of the ControlDesk NG Options dialog.

The dialog can be opened via the Options Command ( ControlDesk
Next Generation User Interface Handling).

Purpose To specify general settings for seeking the platforms during

ControlDesk startup, to specify whether to display message boxes
containing messages on the realtime hardware or on VEOS, and to
specify whether the Platform/Device State Overview dialog is
displayed when online calibration is started.

Dialog settings Seek connected platforms on startup Lets you specify whether to
search for registered platforms when ControlDesk is started manually
(Platform Seeking) or via automation (Platform Seeking via Tool
n If the checkbox is selected, ControlDesk scans the recent hardware
configuration and searches:
n For registered platforms connected via bus interface
n For connected platforms that do not need to be registered
(MicroAutoBox connected via bus, and DS1104)
n For registered and connected SCALEXIO systems, DS1007
boards, MicroLabBoxes, and VEOS
The platforms that are found are displayed in the Platform/Device

492 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n If the checkbox is cleared, ControlDesk does not search for

connected and registered platforms during startup.
Seek MicroAutoBox II and platforms connected via slot CPU,
too (Available only if Seek connected platforms on startup is
selected) Lets you specify whether ControlDesk should also search for
registered MicroAutoBox IIs and registered platforms connected via
slot CPU during manual startup (Platform Seeking) or automated
startup (Platform Seeking via Tool Automation).

When you enable this option, the startup process can be
affected by long timeouts.

Display platform message dialogs Lets you specify to display

message boxes containing messages on the realtime hardware or
VEOS. If selected, message boxes display messages generated by the
realtime hardware or VEOS due to errors that might result from your
application. If the checkbox is cleared, no message boxes are
ControlDesk shows the messages in the Log Viewer in either case.
Display Platform State Overview dialog before starting online
mode Lets you specify to open the Platform/Device State Overview
dialog if you start online calibration but online calibration is not
possible for at least one platform/device or VPU in the current
experiment. If the checkbox is cleared, the dialog is not displayed, and
ControlDesk starts online calibration for the platforms/devices for
which this is possible.
Select platform automation API version Lets you select one of
the following API versions for automated platform management:
n Version 1.0:
API version 1.0 is compatible with the platform management
automation version of ControlDesk 5.1 and earlier.

n API version 1.0 does not support the DS1007,
MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO systems with multiple
processing units. Use version 2.0 instead.
n API version 1.0 is provided for compatibility reasons only.
It is being supported for the last time with dSPACE
Release 2016A.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 493

s Reference Information t

n Version 2.0:
API version 2.0 was introduced with dSPACE Release 2014A. It is
the successor of API version 1.0 and has all its features. Unlike
API version 1.0, API version 2.0 will be developed further.
Version 2.0 is selected by default.

Platform automation API versions 1.0 and 2.0 are incompatible.
To migrate to API version 2.0 and reuse automation scripts
originally developed according to API version 1.0, you might
have to perform some migration steps.
Refer to Platform Management Automation API Versions
on page 545.

You can select the version via automation, as shown in the following
Python listing:
# Select platform automation API version 2.0
Application.PlatformManagement.PlatformAutomationAPIVersion = Enums.AutomationAPIVersion.APIVersion2

Related topics Basics

Options Command ( ControlDesk Next Generation User Interface Handling)

Platform/Device Manager

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon View Controlbar Switch Controlbars
Context menu of None
Shortcut key Alt+Shift+5

Purpose To show or hide the Platform/Device Manager.

494 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Description Platform/Device Manager A software component represented by

a controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574). It provides functions to
handle devices, platforms, and the applications assigned to the

Network client
DS1005 platform
SCALEXIO platform
SCALEXIO application
Application processes
SCALEXIO processing unit
XCP on CAN device

Platform/Device list Lists the platforms/devices available in your

system that are currently connected to the platform/device hardware
or corresponding simulators. The list contains all the platforms that
were registered in ControlDesk or that are connected to your host PC
without having to be registered (MicroAutoBox connected via bus,
and DS1104), including the boards, modules and units belonging to
the platforms' inventories. Platforms/devices that are contained in the
current ControlDesk project but are currently disconnected are not
displayed. The platform/device list also provides information on the
platform/device state and on the platform/device membership:

Platform/Device Icon Platform/Device Description

State Icon

, , , , , , , (None) Platform/device is connected.

, , , , (None) Platform/device is disconnected.

(None) Platform/device is unplugged.

, , , , (None) Platform/device is disabled.

, , , , Online calibration is started.

, , , , Measurement is running.
1) An application is running on the
, , , ,
hardware or in VEOS. XIL API MAPort
platform: The simulation has been
started at the MAPort.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 495

s Reference Information t

Platform/Device Icon Platform/Device Description

State Icon

2) An application was loaded from the flash
memory of the dSPACE real-time
hardware. The application is running.
, , , , The application is stopped, and the
hardware or VEOS is reset. XIL API
MAPort platform: The simulation at the
MAPort is stopped.
4) The application that was loaded from the
flash memory of the dSPACE real-time
hardware is stopped. This icon is
available for DS1007 and MicroLabBox
platforms only.
(None) The application is loaded on the
hardware, but it was terminated. It must
be reloaded.
(None) 6) The status of the application is undefined
or unknown.
n The undefined status is only a
temporary status. For example, it can
occur when the application is loaded
but not all application processes
belonging to the parent application
are loaded, started or stopped yet.
When the loading process is
completed, the status of the
application changes from undefined
to running (from flash), stopped (from
flash), or unknown.
n The unknown status occurs if not all
the application processes belonging
to the parent application can be
found (e.g., because they are
missing), or if the contained
application processes have different
statuses(e.g., some application
processes are running, some are

496 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Platform/Device Icon Platform/Device Description

State Icon

, , , , , 7) The realtime hardware has corrupted

boot firmware, or it has been started
with the factory firmware and is in
secured mode, or there are firmware
inconsistencies (for example, the
firmware version of a SCALEXIO
processing unit differs from the firmware
version of your current RCP and HIL
software installation, or hardware
components belonging to the SCALEXIO
platform contain different firmware
versions). You can move the mouse
pointer over the icon to open a tool tip
with information on the associated
warning message. The warning messages
are also shown in message boxes or in
the Log Viewer.
You should check the entries and
perform firmware updates, if necessary.
Refer to Update Firmware on page 533.
For the DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms, the icon is displayed next to the application icon,
not next to the platform icon. For the XIL API MAPort platform, the icon is displayed next to the icon of the MAPort
configuration file.
2) For the DS1007 and DS1202 MicroLabBox platforms, the icon is displayed next to the icon of the realtime application
only. The application processes are marked with the icon. To determine whether an application process was started from
the flash memory or not, check the current state of the corresponding real-time application.
3) For the DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms, the icon is displayed next to the application icon,
not next to the platform icon. For the XIL API MAPort platform, the icon is displayed next to the icon of the MAPort
configuration file.
The icon is displayed next to the icon of the realtime application only. The application processes are marked with the
icon. To determine whether an application process was stopped from the flash memory, check the current state of the
corresponding real-time application.
5) Available only for DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO platforms. The icon is displayed next to the application or
application process icon.
6) Available only for DS1007, DS1202 MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO platforms. The icon is displayed next to the application
or application process icon.
If the hardware has been started with the factory firmware and is in secured mode, the platform icons are grayed out.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 497

s Reference Information t

For details on platform/device states, refer to Basics of

Platform/Device States on page 28.

Platform/Device Description
Platform/device that belongs to the currently
active experiment.
Global platform/device that belongs to the
project and also to the currently active
Global platform/device that belongs to the
project but not to the currently active
Platform that is registered or connected to
the host PC without having to be registered,
but does not belong to the project.
For platforms/devices that belong to a ControlDesk experiment, the
name used for the platform/device in the experiment is displayed next
to the membership icon.
For details on experimentspecific and projectglobal
platforms/devices, refer to Basics of Platforms/Devices on page 25.
Views of platforms For SCALEXIO platforms, the Platform/Device
Manager provides two views of the displayed platforms. You can
switch between them via context menu.
n Assembly view: The platform's mechanical topology is displayed.
The platform is displayed with assembly components, such as
racks and units arranged according to the assembly structure.
n Network view: The networkbased view of the registered
hardware is displayed. The platform is displayed without assembly
components like racks and units.
Positioning the controlbar You can shift controlbars to any
position inside the working area or dock them at the border of the
working area. For instructions on positioning controlbars, refer to
How to Customize the Screen Arrangement ( ControlDesk
Next Generation User Interface Handling).

498 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Related commands The Platform/Device Manager provides the following commands:

Purpose Refer to
To display a component-based view of the registered hardware in the Assembly View on page 398
Platform/Device Manager.
To generate an XML file containing textual information on Create Support Info on page 468
platforms/devices that are currently detected by the Platform/Device
To collapse the platforms/devices and subnodes of the node selected in Collapse on page 406
the Platform/Device Manager.
To add columns to the platform/device list or to remove them from it. Customize Columns (Platform/Device Manager)
on page 469
To expand the collapsed platforms/devices and subnodes of the node Expand on page 474
selected in the Platform/Device Manager.
To filter the platform/device list. Filter on page 475
To display and manage the platforms that were registered in your Manage Platforms on page 483
To display a network-based view of the registered hardware in the Network View on page 491
Platform/Device Manager.
To register dSPACE realtime hardware and VEOS. Register Platforms on page 513

There are commands that are platform/devicespecific. Refer to:

n CAN Bus Monitoring on page 231
n CCP on page 233
n DCIGSI1 on page 234
n DCI-GSI2 on page 236
n DS1005 PPC Board on page 238
n DS1006 Processor Board on page 240
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board on page 242
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board on page 245
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board on page 246
n DS1202 MicroLabBox on page 248
n ECU Diagnostics on page 251
n FlexRay Bus Monitoring on page 252
n LIN Bus Monitoring on page 254
n MicroAutoBox on page 255
n Multiprocessor System on page 258
n SCALEXIO on page 260
n VEOS on page 262
n XCP on CAN on page 266

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 499

s Reference Information t

n XCP on Ethernet on page 268

n XCP on FlexRay on page 271
n XIL API MAPort on page 273

Platform/Device State Overview Dialog

Access This dialog opens when

n Online calibration is not possible for at least one platform/device
and one of the following commands is invoked:
n Go Online ( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and
Data Set Management)
n Start Measuring ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
n Start Immediate (Recording) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
n Start Triggered (Recording) ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Measurement and Recording)
n You finish the configuration of a platform/device, and the state of
the configured platform/device does not change to 'connected'.
Refer to Configure Platform/Device on page 431.
n The Refresh Platform Configuration on page 511 command is
invoked, and ControlDesk cannot connect to the hardware of at
least one platform/device in the current experiment.

Platform/Device State To get details on the configuration and connection state for
Overview dialog platforms/devices in the active experiment.
State Displays a symbol representing the current configuration and
connection state individually for each platform/device. The symbols
have the following meanings:

Symbol Description
The platform/device hardware or VEOS is connected
and configured correctly. Starting online calibration
for the platform/device is possible. 1)

500 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Symbol Description
The platform/device hardware or VEOS is either not
connected or not configured correctly. Starting
online calibration for the platform/device will fail. 2)
For an ECU Diagnostics device containing more than one logical link selected for use
this means that at least one of the logical links is connected and configured
correctly, and that online calibration is possible for these logical links. The Project
Manager displays status information individually for each logical link.
2) For an ECU Diagnostics device this means that none of the contained logical links
selected for use is connected or configured correctly, and that starting online
calibration will fail for each logical link.

Platform/Device Lists all the platforms/devices in the currently

active experiment.
Description Displays the current state.
Details Lets you get a complete list of error messages for the
platforms/devices for which starting online calibration currently is not
Cancel Lets you close the dialog without starting online calibration.
This lets you reconfigure the platforms/devices of your experiment or
connect missing hardware to the host PC, for example, before you try
to start online calibration again.

Related topics References

Refresh Platform Configuration on page 511

Properties (Platform/Device)

Access This command is available only if a platform/device is selected. You

can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager platform/device
Shortcut key Enter
Icon None

Purpose To view the properties of the selected platform/device.

Result The platform/device properties are displayed in the Properties

controlbar. You can also change the properties using the controlbar.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 501

s Reference Information t

For reference information on the properties, refer to Platform/Device-

Related Properties on page 275.

Related topics References

Configure Platform/Device on page 431

Real-Time Application - Load

Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1005,
DS1006, DS1103, DS1104, MicroAutoBox, and Multiprocessor
System. The platform hardware must be connected to the host PC.
You can access the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform
n Platform/Device Manager platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None
Mouse Drag an application file from Windows
Explorer to the platform in the
Platform/Device Manager

Purpose To load a real-time application to the RAM of the selected hardware,

and start it automatically.

Result ControlDesk opens a standard Open dialog that lets you select an
application or variable description file. The file must be in the PPC/x86
or SDF file format.

Description The selected application is loaded to the RAM of the selected

hardware. After downloading, the application is started automatically
if the simState parameter is set to RUN (2). If the parameter is not set
to RUN, you can visualize it in an instrument and change its value to
start the application.
Before the application is loaded, ControlDesk checks whether an
application is already running. If one is, you are prompted to stop it
and load the new application.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116

502 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Real-Time Application - Load to Flash


Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1005,
DS1006, DS1104, MicroAutoBox, and Multiprocessor System. The
platform hardware must be connected to the host PC. You can access
the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform
n Platform/Device Manager platform

Shortcut key None

Icon Use the right mouse button to drag an
application file from Windows Explorer to the
platform in the Platform/Device Manager.

Purpose To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware,

and start it automatically.

Result ControlDesk opens a standard Open dialog that lets you select an
application. The application file does not need to be within an
The application is loaded to the flash memory, copied to the RAM
and then started.

Description Before the application is loaded, ControlDesk checks whether an

application is already running. If one is, you are prompted to stop it
and load the new application.

An application that was already in the RAM will be overwritten
when you load an application to the flash memory.

The platform state icon next to the platform icon in the

Platform/Device Manager indicates that the application that is
running was started from the flash memory. If the platform is
rebooted, the application in the flash memory is automatically started.

Related topics HowTos

How to Load an Application to the Flash Memory of dSPACE Real-Time Hardware
on page 127

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 503

s Reference Information t

Real-Time Application - Load to Flash


Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007
and DS1202 MicroLabBox. The platform hardware must be connected
to the host PC. You can access the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform
n Platform/Device Manager platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None
Mouse Use the right mouse button to drag an
application file from Windows Explorer to the
platform in the Platform/Device Manager.

Purpose To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware.

After loading, the application is not started.

Relevant for DS1007 platforms: The command is available only
for DS1007 systems registered as a single processor system.
Loading an application to the flash memory of a DS1007 system
consisting of two or more DS1007 PPC Processor Boards is not

Result A standard Open dialog is opened for you to select an application file
or the corresponding variable description file. The file must be in the
RTA or SDF file format. After loading, the application state is STOPPED.

Description Before the application is loaded, ControlDesk checks whether an

application is already running. If one is, you are prompted to stop it
and load the new application.

An application that was already in the RAM will be overwritten
when you load an application to the flash memory.

The platform state icon next to the application icon in the

Platform/Device Manager indicates that the application was loaded

504 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

from the flash memory to the RAM. If the platform is rebooted, the
application in the flash memory is automatically started.

Related topics HowTos

How to Load an Application to the Flash Memory of dSPACE Real-Time Hardware
on page 127

Real-Time Application - Load to Flash and Start


Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007
and DS1202 MicroLabBox. The platform hardware must be connected
to the host PC. You can access the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform

n Platform/Device Manager platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None
Mouse Use the right mouse button to drag an
application file from Windows Explorer to the
platform in the Platform/Device Manager.

Purpose To load an application to the flash memory of the selected hardware,

and start it automatically.

Relevant for DS1007 platforms: The command is available only
for DS1007 systems registered as a single processor system.
Loading an application to the flash memory of a DS1007 system
consisting of two or more DS1007 PPC Processor Boards is not

Result ControlDesk opens a standard Open dialog that lets you select an
application. The application file does not need to be within an
The application is loaded to the flash memory, copied to the RAM
and then started.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 505

s Reference Information t

Description Before the application is loaded, ControlDesk checks whether an

application is already running. If one is, you are prompted to stop it
and load the new application.

An application that was already in the RAM will be overwritten
when you load an application to the flash memory.

The platform state icon next to the application icon in the

Platform/Device Manager indicates that the application that is
running was started from the flash memory. If the platform is
rebooted, the application in the flash memory is automatically started.

Related topics HowTos

How to Load an Application to the Flash Memory of dSPACE Real-Time Hardware
on page 127

Real-Time Application - Reload

Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1005,
DS1006, DS1103, DS1104, MicroAutoBox, and Multiprocessor
System. An application must be currently loaded. You can access the
command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform

n Platform/Device Manager platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To reload the currently loaded application.

Result ControlDesk reloads the application that belongs to the currently

active SDF file of the selected platform. The application always starts
automatically after it is reloaded.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116

506 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application -

Add to Experiment

Access This command is available only for SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms,
and only if an experiment is active and no variable description has
been added to the selected platform yet. You can access this
command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To add an application file to a platform in the experiment.

Result ControlDesk opens a standard Open dialog for you to add a realtime
application (RTA) file to the selected SCALEXIO platform or an offline
simulation application (OSA) file to the selected VEOS platform,
The new application is inserted into the project tree under the
platform node and automatically activated.

Description ControlDesk allows you to add an application file instead of a variable

description file to a platform in the experiment. This can be useful if
you work with an application without an environment model, for
You can add either application files or variable description files to a
platform. You cannot mix application files and variable description
files for one platform. A subsequent change is not possible. However,
performing measurement or calibration is not possible for platforms
without a variable description.
When online calibration is started, the RTA/OSA file is loaded to the
SCALEXIO hardware/VEOS. The platform's Start application
automatically after loading and Enforce starting real-time
application / Enforce starting simulation properties for simulation
control are taken into account.
ControlDesk provides these commands to handle simulation
applications added to a platform in the experiment:
n Activate Application on page 367
n Reload Application on page 521

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 507

s Reference Information t

n Remove Application on page 523

n Replace Application on page 525

Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application -


Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007,
DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS. For DS1007,
MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO platforms, the platform hardware must
be connected to the host PC. You can access the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform
n Platform/Device Manager platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None
Mouse Use the right mouse button to drag an
application file from Windows Explorer to the
platform in the Platform/Device Manager.

Purpose To load an application to the RAM of the selected hardware or to

VEOS. After downloading, the application is not started.

Loading an application to a SCALEXIO system requires a valid
SCALEXIO_RTLIB license on the host PC. The version of the
license must match the version of the RTLib (real-time library)
used on the SCALEXIO processing unit. For details, refer to
Experimenting Using a SCALEXIO System ( SCALEXIO System

Result A standard Open dialog is opened for you to select an application file
or the corresponding variable description file:
n DS1007, MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: You can select an RTA or SDF
n VEOS: You can select an OSA or SDF file.

508 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

The selected application is loaded to the RAM of the selected

hardware or to VEOS. After downloading, the application state is
VEOS: The Platform/Device Manager displays the loaded offline
simulation application, the virtual ECU(s) and the (optional)
environment VPU contained in the OSA file.

Description Before the application is loaded, ControlDesk checks whether an

application is already running. If one is, you are prompted to stop it
and load the new application.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116
Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123

Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application -

Load and Start

Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007,
DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS. For DS1007,
MicroLabBox, and SCALEXIO platforms, the platform hardware must
be connected to the host PC. You can access the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform
n Platform/Device Manager platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None
Mouse Drag an application file from Windows
Explorer to the platform in the
Platform/Device Manager1)
1) If you use the right mouse button to drag and drop the application file, a context
menu is opened for you to select an action.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 509

s Reference Information t

Purpose To load an application to the selected hardware or VEOS, and start it


Loading an application to a SCALEXIO system requires a valid
SCALEXIO_RTLIB license on the host PC. The version of the
license must match the version of the RTLib (real-time library)
used on the SCALEXIO processing unit. For details, refer to
Experimenting Using a SCALEXIO System ( SCALEXIO System

Result A standard Open dialog opens for you to select an application file or
variable description file:
n DS1007, MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO: The selected file must be in the
RTA or SDF file format.
n VEOS: The selected file must be in the OSA or SDF file format.
The selected application is loaded to the RAM of the selected
hardware or to VEOS. After downloading, the application is started
VEOS: The Platform/Device Manager displays the loaded offline
simulation application, the virtual ECU(s) and the (optional)
environment VPU contained in the OSA file.

Description Before the application is loaded, ControlDesk checks whether an

application is already loaded. If one is, you are prompted to unload it
and load the new application.

Refresh Interface Connections

Access You can access the command via:

Ribbon Platforms - Platform Management
Context menu of None
Shortcut key None

510 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Purpose To refresh the interface connections between ControlDesk and the


Result n For the VEOS and the SCALEXIO platform, using the command
interrupts the connection to the platform temporarily.
n For all the other platforms, ControlDesk refreshes the interface
connections by resetting the device drivers of the platform
connections (via bus interface or Ethernet) and reinitializing the
Platform/Device Manager with the information from the recent
hardware configuration. The device drivers for bus connections are
always reset, but the device drivers for network connections are
reset only if at least one platform using the network connection is

Related topics References

Clear System on page 405

Refresh Platform Configuration

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon Platforms - Platform Management
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager
Shortcut key None

Purpose To refresh the hardware configuration, and to check whether the

disconnected platforms/devices in the active experiment can be
connected to suitable platform/device hardware or VEOS.

Result The platform/device configurations are refreshed. The view of the

structure shown in the Platform/Device Manager is updated.

Description ControlDesk scans the recent hardware configuration for hardware

that is not yet registered and tries to register it. ControlDesk also
searches for registered platforms or platforms connected to your host
PC without having to be registered in ControlDesk which are not
displayed in the Platform/Device Manager yet, and adds them to the
Platform/Device Manager.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 511

s Reference Information t

ControlDesk checks each platform/device in the active experiment

that is in the 'disconnected' state to determine whether it can
establish a connection to the platform/device hardware.
n VEOS: If VEOS is installed on the host PC, ControlDesk assigns
VEOS to the platform/device.
n XIL API MAPort platform: ControlDesk tries to configure the
MAPort with the MAPort configuration, and then assign the XIL
API MAPort platform accessing the simulation platform to the
platform in the experiment. If an XIL API MAPort platform is not
yet available in the Platform/Device Manager, ControlDesk
automatically registers one (if the XIL API MAPort implementation
is installed on the host PC) and assigns it to the platform in the
n All other platforms/devices: If the corresponding platform/device
hardware is physically connected to the host PC, ControlDesk
assigns the hardware to the platform/device.

For bus devices, ControlDesk checks only if the corresponding
CAN, LIN or FlexRay interface is connected to the host PC.

Registered platforms are assigned to the disconnected platforms

according to the assignment modes specified for the platforms (see
Assignment Properties on page 281). The hardware assignment order
is as follows:
1. Assignment of Multiprocessor System platforms to the hardware
2. Platform assignment according to "Assign to identical platform"
assignment mode
3. Platform assignment according to "Assign to any equal platform"
assignment mode
4. Platform assignment according to "Assign to first available
platform" assignment mode
If a ControlDesk project is open when you call the refresh command,
and at least one platform/device in the active experiment is in the
'disconnected' state, ControlDesk opens the Platform/Device State
Overview dialog on page 512. The dialog displays the current
connection state individually for each examined platform/device in the
active experiment.

Platform/Device State To get details on the configuration and connection state for
Overview dialog platforms/devices in the active experiment.

512 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

State Displays a symbol representing the current configuration and

connection state individually for each platform/device. The symbols
have the following meanings:

Symbol Description
The platform/device hardware or VEOS is connected
and configured correctly. Starting online calibration
for the platform/device is possible. 1)
The platform/device hardware or VEOS is either not
connected or not configured correctly. Starting
online calibration for the platform/device will fail. 2)
For an ECU Diagnostics device containing more than one logical link selected for use
this means that at least one of the logical links is connected and configured
correctly, and that online calibration is possible for these logical links. The Project
Manager displays status information individually for each logical link.
2) For an ECU Diagnostics device this means that none of the contained logical links
selected for use is connected or configured correctly, and that starting online
calibration will fail for each logical link.

Platform/Device Lists all the platforms/devices in the currently

active experiment.
Description Displays the current state.
Details Lets you get a complete list of error messages for the
platforms/devices for which starting online calibration currently is not
Cancel Lets you close the dialog without starting online calibration.
This lets you reconfigure the platforms/devices of your experiment or
connect missing hardware to the host PC, for example, before you try
to start online calibration again.

Related topics HowTos

How to Refresh Platform/Device Configurations on page 42

Register Platforms

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon Platforms - Platform Management
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager
Shortcut key None

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 513

s Reference Information t

Purpose To register dSPACE realtime hardware and VEOS.

Result ControlDesk now recognizes the registered platform.

Description The registered platform is displayed in the Platform/Device Manager.

The registration data is stored in the recent hardware configuration.
The Platform/Device Manager can remember the configuration when
ControlDesk is restarted.
Whether ControlDesk searches for connected and registered
platforms during startup depends on the settings made on the
Platform Management page of the ControlDesk NG Options dialog.
Refer to Platform Management Page on page 492.

You do not need to register boards that support the plug & play
feature. The Platform/Device Manager automatically registers
them. This applies to:
n DS1104

Platform hardware can be registered independently of ControlDesk

experiments, that is, without any ControlDesk project and experiment
being open. You can add a registered platform to a ControlDesk
experiment later on.

Register Platforms dialog To specify the register settings for a single processor or controller
board, a multiprocessor system, MicroAutoBox, MicroLabBox, or a
SCALEXIO system, and to get information on the platforms registered
so far.
Platforms Lets you select the platform type being registered.
Platform properties Lets you view and specify the register settings
for the platform. The available properties depend on the selected
platform type.
Property Description / Refer to
Common Properties
Multiprocessor type Common Properties on page 301
Platform name Lets you specify a unique name for the selected platform. After
registration, the name is displayed in ControlDesk Next Generation's
Platform/Device Manager.
The valid characters are 'a ... z', 'A ... Z', '0 ... 9', '_', '-' and ' '. The
name must not start or end with an underline, hyphen or blank.
If you do not specify a platform name, ControlDesk displays a default
name in the Platform/Device Manager.

514 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Property Description / Refer to

Platform type Common Properties on page 301
Topology check General Settings Properties on page 313
Connection Settings Properties
Alias name Assignment Properties on page 281
Board name Assignment Properties on page 281
Connection Lets you select one of the following connection parameters for
parameter registration:
n Alias name
n Board name
n IP address
n MAC address
The selected parameter is used to register the member processing units
(SCALEXIO), processor boards (DS1007), or platforms (DS1202
Connection type Assignment Properties on page 281
IP address Assignment Properties on page 281
MAC address Assignment Properties on page 281
Network client Assignment Properties on page 281
Platform Lets you specify the platform belonging to the DS1202 MicroLabBox
The platform has an edit field to specify its connection parameter value.
Port address Assignment Properties on page 281
Processor board Lets you specify the processor boards belonging to the DS1007

platform. Click to add a processor board, or click to delete the

selected processor board.

You cannot subsequently add processor boards to a DS1007
system that is already registered.

Each processor board has an edit field to specify its connection

parameter value and an edit field to specify a unique name for it. After
registration, the name is displayed in ControlDesk Next Generation's
Platform/Device Manager.
The valid characters are 'a ... z', 'A ... Z', '0 ... 9', '_', '-' and ' '. The
name must not start or end with an underline, hyphen or blank. If you
do not specify a custom name for a processor board, ControlDesk
displays a default name for it in the Platform/Device Manager.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 515

s Reference Information t

Property Description / Refer to

Processing units Lets you specify the processing units belonging to the SCALEXIO

platform. Click to add a processing unit, or click to delete the

selected processing unit.

You cannot subsequently add processing units to a SCALEXIO
system that is already registered.

Each processing unit has an edit field to specify its connection parameter
value and an edit field to specify a unique name for it. After registration,
the name is displayed in ControlDesk Next Generation's Platform/Device
The valid characters are 'a ... z', 'A ... Z', '0 ... 9', '_', '-' and ' '. The
name must not start or end with an underline, hyphen or blank. If you
do not specify a custom name for a processing unit, ControlDesk
displays a default name for it in the Platform/Device Manager.
Scan for available Lets you scan the local network for connected platform hardware.
processor boards/ Depending on the platform type to be registered, ControlDesk opens
processing units/ the Scan Local Network for Processor Boards, the Scan Local Network for
platforms Processing Units or the Scan Local Network for Platforms dialog and
displays all the platform hardware found in the network. Refer to Scan
Local Network for Processor Boards/ Processing Units /Platforms dialog
on page 518.
Model Access Port Properties
Implementation Lets you select the MAPort implementation for the XIL API MAPort
The list displays all the supported XIL API MAPort implementations. The
XIL API MAPort platform analyzes the IMF files in the standard XIL API
folder (ProgramData\ASAM\XIL\Implementation) to determine the installed
XIL API MAPort implementations.
Product name Model Access Port Properties on page 337
Product version Model Access Port Properties on page 337
Vendor name Model Access Port Properties on page 337
XIL API version Model Access Port Properties on page 337
Multiprocessor Configuration Properties
Network client Assignment Properties on page 281
Processors Lets you specify the number of processors belonging to the

multiprocessor system. Click to add a processor, or click to

delete the selected processor.
The type of the board to be added (DS1005 or DS1006) depends on the
Multiprocessor type property.

You cannot subsequently add members to a multiprocessor system
that is already registered.

516 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Property Description / Refer to

Processor name Common Properties on page 301
Port address Assignment Properties on page 281

If you register a multiprocessor system based on DS1005 or
DS1006 boards, the connection type is specified for the
multiprocessor system, so this setting is valid for all the
DS1005/DS1006 processor boards belonging to the
multiprocessor system. The network client is specified individually
for each processor board belonging to the multiprocessor

Hide/Show registered platforms Lets you hide/show the

registered platforms list.
Register Lets you complete the registration. The registered platform
is displayed together with the platform properties in the Registered
platforms list. The registered platform is also displayed in the
Platform/Device Manager.
Registered platforms list Displays all the registered platforms with
the following information: platform name, platform type, serial
number/identifier, MAC address, network client, port address, and
processor name.
You can customize the display in the Registered platforms list using
the following commands available from the context menu of column
n Best Fit: Lets you optimize the width of the selected column.
n Best Fit (all columns): Lets you optimize the widths of all columns
according to the width of the editor or browser.
n Column Chooser: Lets you open a dialog for customizing the
columns of the platforms list. To add a column to the list, drag it
from the opened dialog to the list header. To remove a column
from the list, drag its header to the dialog.
n Sort Ascending: Lets you sort the list alphabetically in ascending
order according to the selected column.
n Sort Descending: Lets you sort the list alphabetically in descending
order according to the selected column.

Register DS230X Platform To specify the port address of a DS230x board connected to the
dialog processor board to be registered. When you register a DS1005,
DS1006 or DS1007 processor board connected to a DS230x board,

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 517

s Reference Information t

ControlDesk automatically detects the DS230x board. For a DS1005

or DS1006 processor board, the DS230x board must be registered to
be accessed. ControlDesk opens the Register DS230X Platform dialog
for you to register the board manually, if necessary. For a DS1007
processor board, the DS230x board does not need to be registered.

Unlike the DS1005 or DS1006, the jumper on a DS230x board
connected to a DS1007 processor board must be closed. This
ensures that the PHSbus connection functions correctly. Refer to
Board Overview (as of Revision DS2302-04) ( PHS Bus System
Hardware Reference)

You need not register I/O boards which support the plug & play
feature. These boards are registered by ControlDesk

Platform type Displays the type of the DS230x board to be

Port address Lets you specify the port address adjusted to the I/O
base address of the DS230x board as a hexadecimal number. As an
alternative, you can click the rotary switches to set the address.
Register Lets you complete the registration.

Scan Local Network for To scan the local network for connected platform hardware and
Processor Boards/ select one or more platforms to register.
Processing Units /Platforms Type Lets you select the filter item type you want to use to filter the
dialog results list. If you select 'None', no filtering is applied.
Value Lets you enter a filter string.
Match whole word Lets you specify to search only for a matching
pattern substring.
(Re)scan Lets you start a new scan process. ControlDesk scans the
subnetwork your host PC is connected to for connected processor
boards/processing units/platforms matching the specified filter
settings, and refreshes the results list.
List of available processor boards/processing units/platforms
Displays all the processor boards, processing units and platforms that
the specified filter found in the network during the scan process. The
results list contains the IP address, MAC address, board name, system

518 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

name and serial number for each processor board, processing unit or
platform that was found.
To select a processor board, processing unit or platform for
registration, click its entry and then press the button. The
selected element is moved to the list of selected processor
boards/processing units/platforms, where you can transfer its
connection parameter value to the Register Platforms dialog.

You can multiselect processing units and processor boards.

List of selected processor boards/processing units/platforms

Displays all the processor boards, processing units or platforms
selected for registration so far. When you click Apply, the listed
platform hardware is assigned to the platform you want to register,
and the connection parameter value of each list item is transferred to
the Register Platforms dialog.
The following buttons are available to move elements from one list to
the other:
Moves the selected element(s) from the Available processor
boards/processing units/platforms list to the Selected
processor boards/processing units/platforms list.
Moves the selected element(s) from the Selected processor
boards/processing units/platforms list to the Available
processor boards/processing units/platforms list.
Apply Lets you confirm the selection of processor board(s),
processing unit(s), or platform for registration. When you click this
button, the connection parameter value of each element in the
Selected processor boards, Selected processing units or Selected
platforms list is stored in the Register Platforms dialog.

Related topics HowTos

How to Register a Platform on page 60
Manage Platforms on page 483

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 519

s Reference Information t


Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007,
DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS. An application must be
currently loaded. You can access the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the

application is not started.

Loading an application to a SCALEXIO system requires a valid
SCALEXIO_RTLIB license on the host PC. The version of the
license must match the version of the RTLib (real-time library)
used on the SCALEXIO processing unit. For details, refer to
Experimenting Using a SCALEXIO System ( SCALEXIO System

Result ControlDesk reloads the selected realtime application/offline

simulation application on the selected platform/to VEOS. After
reloading, the application state is STOPPED.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116
Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123

Reload and Start

Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007,
DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS. An application must be
currently loaded. You can access the command via:

520 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To reload the currently loaded application. After reloading, the

application is started.

Loading an application to a SCALEXIO system requires a valid
SCALEXIO_RTLIB license on the host PC. The version of the
license must match the version of the RTLib (real-time library)
used on the SCALEXIO processing unit. For details, refer to
Experimenting Using a SCALEXIO System ( SCALEXIO System

Result The selected application is reloaded. After reloading, the application

state is RUNNING.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116
Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123

Reload Application

Access This command is available only for SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms,
and if an experiment is active and an active application is selected.
You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform application
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To reload the currently loaded application.

Result The selected application is reloaded.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 521

s Reference Information t

Description ControlDesk reimports the active application, using the path of the
initially imported application file.

If you know that the application has a new path, use Replace
Application on page 525 to reach your destination faster.

Related topics References

Activate Application on page 367
Remove Application on page 523
Replace Application on page 525

Reload System

Access This command is available only for VEOS/SCALEXIO platforms and

XCP on Ethernet devices that are related to virtual validation
scenarios, i.e., that are connected to each other through an
inheritance relationship. An application must be loaded. You can
access the command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager SCALEXIO/VEOS
platform active variable description or
active application
n Project Manager XCP on Ethernet
device active variable description
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To reload the active application and variable descriptions of all

platforms and devices that refer to a virtual validation scenario
performed on VEOS or SCALEXIO.

Result ControlDesk checks whether the application and variable description

files for the hosting SCALEXIO or VEOS platform and all the
XCP on Ethernet devices representing the simulated virtual ECUs are
available. If they are, ControlDesk reloads them to the platform or

522 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

If at least one application or variable description file cannot be found,

ControlDesk opens the Reload Multiple Platforms/Devices dialog for
you to specify the appropriate files or exclude a platform or device
from the reload process.

Reload Multiple Reload Lets you specify whether to reload the specified file for the
Platforms/Devices dialog selected platform or device in the currently active experiment. A
selected checkbox indicates that the platform or device will be
A warning icon is displayed next to the checkbox if the configuration
is not valid (e.g., if the specified file does not exist).
Platform name in experiment Displays the name of the platform
or device in the currently active experiment.
Platform type Displays the type of the selected platform or device.
File path Displays the name and path of the simulation application
or variable description file that is currently loaded to the platform or
device. Click the Browse button to select another file to reload.
If there is a problem with the file currently loaded to the platform or
device, a warning icon is displayed next to the file path entry. Its tool
tip provides information on the reason.

Related topics References

Add Multiple Platforms/Devices on page 370

Remove Application

Access This command is available only for SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms,
and only in combination with an inactive application. You can access
it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform inactive
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To remove an application from the platform.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 523

s Reference Information t

Result The selected application is removed from the experiment.

Related topics References

Activate Application on page 367
Reload Application on page 521
Replace Application on page 525

Remove ODX Database

Access This command is available only for the ECU Diagnostics device, and
only in combination with an inactive diagnostics database. You can
access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager ECU Diagnostics device
inactive diagnostics database
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To remove a diagnostics database from an ECU Diagnostics device.

Result The selected diagnostics database is removed from the experiment. If

a variable description was generated from it, that is also removed.

Related topics References

Activate ODX Database on page 369
Add ODX Database on page 372

Rename Platform/Device

Access This command is available only if online calibration has not been
started. It is not available for global platforms/devices. You can access
it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager platform/device
Shortcut key F2
Icon None

524 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

This command is not available in the operator mode.

Purpose To change the name of the selected platform/device in the


Result The Rename Platform/Device dialog opens for you to rename the
selected platform/device.

Rename Platform/Device To specify another name for the selected platform or device in the
dialog experiment.
Enter a platform name Lets you enter a new name for the selected
platform/device. After you click OK to confirm the new
platform/device name, the platform/device name is updated wherever
it is used in the experiment.
Since platform/device names must be unique within an experiment,
the OK button is enabled only if the new platform/device name is

Global platforms/devices cannot be renamed.

Replace Application

Access This command is available only for SCALEXIO and VEOS platforms,
and if an experiment is active and an active application is selected.
You can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Project Manager platform application
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To replace the application of the platform.

Result The selected application is replaced with a new one. The new
application is activated.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 525

s Reference Information t

Description ControlDesk opens a standard Open dialog, which allows you to

select a new application. The new application file can have a different
path and a different name than the initially imported one.
To reload/replace an application, the experiment must be saved.

Related topics References

Activate Application on page 367
Reload Application on page 521
Remove Application on page 523

Set MicroAutoBox System Time

Access This command is available only for the MicroAutoBox platform. You
can access it via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager MicroAutoBox
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To display the system times of MicroAutoBox and the host PC, and to
set the system time on MicroAutoBox to the system time of the
host PC.
Synchronizing the system times of your MicroAutoBox and your
host PC is useful if you want to use flight recording.

Result The Set MicroAutoBox System Time dialog opens for you to display
the current system times on MicroAutoBox and the host PC and to
synchronize the system times.

Set MicroAutoBox System To display the current system times of MicroAutoBox and the host PC,
Time dialog and to set the system time on MicroAutoBox to the system time on
the host PC.

526 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Host PC date and time Displays the date and system time of the
host PC.
MicroAutoBox date and time Displays the date and system time
of the MicroAutoBox.
Set Time Lets you set the system time on MicroAutoBox to the
system time of the host PC.

Show Licensed Platforms/Devices Only

Access You can access this command via:

Ribbon None
Context menu of Add Platform/Device dialog (Supported
platform/device types list)
Shortcut key None
Icon None

This command is not available in the operator mode.

Purpose To limit the selection in the Supported platform/device types list to

licensed platforms/devices.

Result You can specify whether the Supported platform/device types list
contains all the installed platform/device types or only those you have
a valid license for. If the option is selected, only the licensed
platform/devices types are available for selection.

Related topics References

Insert Platform / Add Platform/Device on page 479

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 527

s Reference Information t

Single Step

Access This command is available only for the VEOS platform, and if an
application is currently pausing or stopped. You can access this
command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager VEOS platform -
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To run a pausing or stopped offline simulation stepwise.

Result The next step of an offline simulation is executed. You can run all the
steps separately in consecutive order.

Description You can use this command to inspect an offline simulation in detail.
Each time you use the command, the next simulation step is

Related topics Basics

Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123
Pause on page 491
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application - Load on page 508
Real-Time Application / Offline Simulation Application - Load and Start on page 509
Start on page 528
Stop on page 530


Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007,
DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS, and if an application is
loaded. You can access this command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager - platform

528 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To start the selected application.

Description ControlDesk starts the selected application loaded on the platform.

Relevant for VEOS: An offline simulation starts from the beginning, or
a pausing offline simulation continues.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116
Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123

Start (XIL API MAPort)

Access This command is available only for the XIL API MAPort platform, and
if an MAPort configuration is loaded. You can access this command
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager - platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To start the simulation at the MAPort.

Description ControlDesk starts the application, which is specified in the selected

MAPort configuration file, on the corresponding simulation platform.

Related topics Basics

Basics on the XIL API MAPort Platform on page 111
Stop (XIL API MAPort) on page 530

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 529

s Reference Information t


Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007,
DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS, and if an application is
currently running. You can access this command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager - platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To stop the selected application.

Description ControlDesk stops the selected application running on the platform.

The application is not unloaded automatically when it is stopped. If
you want to unload it, choose Unload from the application's context

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116
Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123

Stop (XIL API MAPort)

Access This command is available only for the XIL API MAPort platform, and
if an application is currently running. You can access this command
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager - platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To stop the simulation at the MAPort.

Description ControlDesk stops the application, which is specified in the selected

MAPort configuration file, on the simulation platform.

530 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Related topics Basics

Basics on the XIL API MAPort Platform on page 111
Start (XIL API MAPort) on page 529

Stop RTP

Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1005
PPC Board, DS1006 Processor Board, DS1103 PPC Controller Board,
DS1104 R&D Controller Board, and MicroAutoBox, and only if online
calibration has not been started. You can access this command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform
n Platform/Device Manager - platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To stop the application running on the selected platform.

Description ControlDesk stops the realtime application on the currently selected


Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116

Stop RTPs

Access This command is available only for the Multiprocessor System

platform, and only if online calibration has not been started. You can
access this command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform

n Platform/Device Manager - platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 531

s Reference Information t

Purpose To stop the applications running on the selected Multiprocessor

System platform.

Description ControlDesk stops the realtime applications on the currently selected

Multiprocessor System platform.

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116


Access This command is available only for the following platforms: DS1007,
DS1202 MicroLabBox, SCALEXIO, and VEOS. An application must be
loaded, but online calibration must not have been started. You can
access this command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of Platform/Device Manager platform
Shortcut key None
Icon None

Purpose To unload the selected application.

Description ControlDesk unloads the application from the memory of the selected

Related topics Basics

Basics on Handling Simulation Applications on page 116
Basics on Offline Simulation Applications on page 123

532 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Update Firmware

Access This command is available only for dSPACE real-time platforms and
only if online calibration has not been started. You can access this
command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform

n Platform/Device Manager - platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To update the firmware of the selected platform.

Result The firmware is updated to the latest firmware version.

n It is recommended to perform the Refresh Interface
Connections command after updating the firmware.
n After updating the MicroAutoBox firmware, you have to turn
off MicroAutoBox. The firmware changes take effect after

Description ControlDesk checks whether the ControlDesk installation contains

appropriate firmware which is later than the firmware that is currently
installed on the hardware. If a later version is available, the firmware
is updated.
The Update Firmware Wizard opens for updating or repairing
firmware components for the following realtime platforms:
n DS1005
n DS1006
n DS1007
n DS1103
n DS1104
n MicroAutoBox
n MicroLabBox

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 533

s Reference Information t

For the other platforms the dialog settings vary or you have to use
another tool.
n RapidPro system:
How to Update RapidPro Firmware ( RapidPro System Hardware
Installation Guide)
n DS1552 MultiI/O Module of a MicroAutoBox:
The Update Firmware Wizard provides the following dialogs to
configure and start a firmware update.
Specifics for SCALEXIO platforms To ensure real-time applications
are downloaded without restrictions or side effects, and with proper
functionality, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
n All the processing units of a SCALEXIO platform contain the
firmware version that is available in the current RCP and HIL
software installation.
n All the components of a SCALEXIO system (for example, real-time
PC and I/O boards) contain the same firmware version.
Firmware version deviations for a SCALEXIO platform are indicated in
the Platform/Device Manager. The affected hardware components
are marked by the symbol. You can find associated warning
messages in the Log Viewer.

534 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

Note the following restrictions when you use a SCALEXIO
n The Update Firmware Wizard supports SCALEXIO systems as
of dSPACE Release 2015B. If you want to update the
firmware version on a SCALEXIO system to an earlier version,
you have to use ControlDesk Next Generation from an earlier
dSPACE Release.
n If your SCALEXIO system contains a DS2655M2 Digital I/O
Module, a firmware update from firmware version 3.2 or
earlier to a firmware version 3.3 or later, might lead to an
error and the update process is then stopped.
To finish the firmware update you have to do the following
n Reboot the SCALEXIO system.
n Call the Refresh Interface Connections command in the
Platform Manager.
n Repeat the firmware update process.
n If your SCALEXIO system contains one or more new hardware
components that are not already supported by the currently
active firmware on the SCALEXIO RealTime PC, a firmware
update might lead to an error and the update process is then
To finish the firmware update, perform the following steps:
n Restart the SCALEXIO system.
n Call the Refresh Interface Connections command in the
Platform Manager.
n Repeat the firmware update process.

Select Mode dialog Lets you select the firmware update mode.
n Firmware update mode
The firmware handling process is configured for updating all
firmware components of the realtime hardware to a later version.
n Firmware repair mode
The firmware handling process is configured for repairing the
selected firmware components of the realtime hardware by
reloading the same firmware versions.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 535

s Reference Information t

Next > Opens the next dialog.

OK Closes the Update Firmware Wizard without starting a firmware

Select Firmware Archive To select the firmware archive to be loaded.

dialog Currently selected archive Displays the selected firmware archive.
If the firmware archives are installed on the default installation path,
either the latest firmware archive for the registered and selected
realtime hardware is displayed, or the firmware archive that you
specified manually via the Browse for archive button.
Archive selection Lets you select the firmware archive to be used
for firmware update.
n Select an archive from installation
By default, the latest firmware archive is selected that corresponds
to the active dSPACE release installation.
n Select an archive from file system
Lets you select a firmware archive in another version or from
another path.
< Back Opens the previous dialog to change the update mode.
Next > Opens the next dialog.
OK Closes the Update Firmware Wizard without starting a firmware

Select Firmware To start the prepared firmware update.

Components dialog Name Displays the names of the selected platform, its hardware
components, and the related firmware components.
Current FW Displays the firmware versions currently loaded to the
listed hardware components.
Available FW Displays the firmware versions available in the
specified firmware archive.
n In firmware update mode, the firmware components to be
updated are marked. You cannot modify the selection.
n In firmware repair mode, you have to select at least one firmware
component to enable the repair process.
Status Displays the status of the firmware update process. If the
firmware component does not provide progress information, only the
states 50% and 100% are displayed. If the update process finished
successfully, the status is set to OK.

536 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform/Device-Related Commands t

n In firmware update mode, the Update button is enabled to start a
firmware update process if later firmware versions are available in
the firmware archive than those currently loaded to the hardware.
n In firmware repair mode, the Repair button is enabled to start a
firmware repair process, if the firmware versions of the loaded
firmware components and the versions of the specified firmware
archive are identical, and if you have selected at least one
firmware component in the Update column to be repaired.
< Back Opens the previous dialog to change the selected firmware
OK Closes the Update Firmware Wizard without starting a firmware

Related topics Basics

Firmware Manager Document

Upload Flash Flightrecorder Contents

Access This command is available only for MicroAutoBox and DS1005

platforms. The hardware must be connected to the host PC, but
online calibration must not have been started. You can access this
command via:
Ribbon None
Context menu of n Project Manager platform

n Platform/Device Manager - platform

Shortcut key None

Icon None

Purpose To upload flight recorder data and save it to a measurement file.

Result If the flash memory contains flight recorder data, the data is uploaded
and saved to a measurement data file.

Description If an application is running on the selected platform when the

command is called, you are asked to stop the running RTP first.
The data is saved to a measurement data file using the storage
settings defined via the properties of the Acquisition element on the

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 537

s Reference Information t

Measurement Configuration controlbar. Refer to Acquisition

Properties ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and
When flight recorder data is uploaded, the data is not deleted from
the flash memory. You must delete it explicitly. Refer to Clear Flash
on page 403.

Related topics HowTos

How to Upload Flight Recorder Data Written to the Internal Flash Memory
( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement and Recording)

538 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016


Where to go from here Information in this section

Programming ControlDesk Automation 540
Platform Handling 551

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 539

s Automation t

Programming ControlDesk Automation

Where to go from here Information in this section

Automating Platform Management and Variable 540
The main tasks of ControlDesks platform management are to add
platforms and/or devices to an experiment, to configure their
communication settings, and to add variable descriptions to
Platform Management Automation API Versions 545
There are two platform management automation API versions in

Information in other sections

Tool Automation Demos ( ControlDesk
Next Generation Introduction and Overview)
Demonstrate how to automate ControlDesk and use ControlDesk events.

Automating Platform Management and Variable


Objective The main tasks of ControlDesks platform management are to add

platforms and/or devices to an experiment, to configure their
communication settings, and to add variable descriptions to
Unless otherwise indicated, the program listings below consist of
excerpts from the demo script.

Information in this topic Registering a platform on page 541

Adding a registered platform to an experiment on page 542
Adding a platform/device on page 542
Editing the processor names in a DS1007-based multiprocessor system
on page 543
Adding a global platform/device on page 543
Adding a variable description on page 543
Connecting and online calibration on page 545

540 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming ControlDesk Automation t

Registering a platform The following listing shows you how to register a platform.

To use the listing below in a script to register a platform:
n You must specify the platform type and further information
in the section Define constants used to register a
platform. The platform must not have been registered yet.
n Platform automation API version 2.0 must be selected. For
details on the platform automation API versions, refer to
Platform Management Automation API Versions
on page 545.

# Define constants used to register a platform.

# Platform type to register. Uncomment the line with the platform you want to register.
PlatformTypeString = None
#PlatformTypeString = "DS1005"
#PlatformTypeString = "DS1006"
#PlatformTypeString = "DS1007"
#PlatformTypeString = "DS1103"
#PlatformTypeString = "MABX"
#PlatformTypeString = "SCALEXIO"

# Addresses to use to register the platform.

# IP address format: ""
IPAddress = None
PortAddress = 0x300
class MainDemoController(object):
def __init__(self):
# The registered platform.
self.RegisteredPlatform = None

def RegisterPlatform(self):
if None != PlatformTypeString:
# Show platform window.
if self.ControlDeskApplication.MainWindow.Windows.Contains(Resources.PlatformTab):

# Evalute the platform type

PlatformType = eval("self.Enums.PlatformType.%s" % PlatformTypeString)

# Create the registration information object.

RegistrationInfo = self.ControlDeskApplication.PlatformManagement./

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 541

s Automation t

# Configure the registration information object.

if self.Enums.PlatformType.MABX == PlatformType and None != IPAddress:
RegistrationInfo.NetClient = IPAddress
elif self.Enums.PlatformType.SCALEXIO == PlatformType and None != IPAddress:
SubRegistrationInfo = RegistrationInfo.RegistrationInfos.Add()
SubRegistrationInfo.IPAddress = IPAddress
RegistrationInfo.PortAddress = PortAddress
if None != IPAddress:
RegistrationInfo.ConnectionType = self.Enums.InterfaceConnectionType.Net
RegistrationInfo.NetClient = IPAddress
RegistrationInfo.ConnectionType = self.Enums.InterfaceConnectionType.Bus
# Register the platform.
self.RegisteredPlatform = self.ControlDeskApplication.PlatformManagement./

# Create dictionary with platform information.

PlatformInformation = {}

# Add UniqueName.
PlatformInformation['name'] = self.RegisteredPlatform.UniqueName

# Add ConnectionState.
PlatformInformation['displayname'] = self.RegisteredPlatform.DisplayName

Adding a registered The following listing shows you how to add a registered platform to
platform to an experiment an experiment.
class MainDemoController(object):
def __init__(self):
# The registered platform.
self.RegisteredPlatform = None

# The registered platform used in the experiment.

self.UsedRegisteredPlatform = None
def AddRegisteredPlatform(self):
if None != self.RegisteredPlatform:
# Add the existing registered platform to the experiment.
Platforms = self.ControlDeskApplication.ActiveExperiment.Platforms
if Platforms.AddExistingPlatform(self.RegisteredPlatform.UniqueName):
# Get the platform object from the experiment platforms collection.
# This object implements the same interface but only on this object
# properties like VariableDescriptions and Name could be used.
self.UsedRegisteredPlatform = Platforms[1]

Adding a platform/device The following listing shows you how to add an XCP on CAN device
and configure some of its properties.
class MainDemoController(object):
def __init__(self):
# The ControlDesk Application object.
self.ControlDeskApplication = None
# The enums object.
self.Enums = None
# The platform used in this demo.
self.DemoPlatform = None

542 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming ControlDesk Automation t

def Initialize(self):
# Start ControlDesk.
self.ControlDeskApplication = Dispatch("ControlDeskNG.Application")
# Create the enums object.
self.Enums = Enums(self.ControlDeskApplication)
def CreateAndEditPlatform(self):
# Add XCPonCAN platform.
self.DemoPlatform = self.ControlDeskApplication.ActiveExperiment.Platforms.Add(
# Change the baud rate.
self.DemoPlatform.CANSettings.BaudRate = 100000
# Select virtual CAN interface (needed to start the online calibration with the CalDemo device).
self.DemoPlatform.GeneralSettings.StartOnlineCalibrationBehavior = self.Enums./

Editing the processor names The following listing shows you how to edit the names of the
in a DS1007-based processors in a DS1007-based multiprocessor system. The listing is
multiprocessor system not part of the demo script.
It is presupposed that a DS1007-based multiprocessor system with
two DS1007 boards, each of which provides two cores, is registered.
class MainDemoController(object):
def EditDS1007ProcessorNames(self):
DS1007Platform = self.ControlDeskApplication.PlatformManagement.Platforms[0]
ProcessorNames = DS1007Platform.GetProcessorNames()
ProcessorNames[0][0].Name = "Master"
ProcessorNames[0][1].Name = "Slave_B"
ProcessorNames[1][0].Name = "Slave"
ProcessorNames[1][1].Name = "Slave_C"

Adding a global The following listing shows you how to add a CCP device as a global
platform/device device to a project.
class MainDemoController(object):
def AddAndRemoveGlobalPlatform(self):
# Add a global CCP platform.
GlobalPlatform = self.ControlDeskApplication.ActiveProject.Platforms.Add(self.Enums.PlatformType.CCP)
# Remove global platform
GlobalPlatformName = GlobalPlatform.Name
GlobalPlatform = None

Adding a variable The following listing shows how to add three variable descriptions
description and ECU image files to an XCP on CAN device and activate the
second one.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 543

s Automation t

It also shows how to add a variable description to the registered

# Get the root path
ScriptPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
if len(sys.argv) > 0:
ScriptPath = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])

# Define CalDemo .a2l image path.

A2lImagePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ScriptPath, "..\..\..\CalDemo\CalDemo.a2l"))
# Define CalDemo .mot image path.
MotImagePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ScriptPath, "..\..\..\CalDemo\CalDemo.mot"))

# Define DS1005 .sdf file path.

DS1005SDFPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ScriptPath, "..\..\..\RTApplications\DS1005\ds1005_demo.sdf"))
# Define DS1006 .sdf file path.
DS1006SDFPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ScriptPath, "..\..\..\RTApplications\DS1006\ds1006_demo.sdf"))

# Define DS1103 .sdf file path.

DS1103SDFPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ScriptPath, "..\..\..\RTApplications\DS1103\ds1103_demo.sdf"))
# Define DS1401 .sdf file path.
MABXSDFPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ScriptPath, "..\..\..\RTApplications\DS1401\ds1401_demo.sdf"))

# Define SCALEXIO .sdf file path.

SCALEXIOSDFPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ScriptPath, "..\..\..\RTApplications\Scalexio\Scalexio_demo.sdf"))
class MainDemoController(object):
def __init__(self):
# The registered platform.
self.RegisteredPlatform = None
# The registered platform used in the experiment.
self.UsedRegisteredPlatform = None
def AddAndEditVariableDescriptions(self):
# Add three variable descriptions with data sets from CalDemo.
for Index in range(3):
self.DemoPlatform.VariableDescriptions.AddWithImage(A2lImagePath, MotImagePath)
# Access the second variable description.
VarDes = self.DemoPlatform.VariableDescriptions.Item(1)
# Activate variable description.
ActiveVarDes = VarDes.Activate()
if None != self.UsedRegisteredPlatform:

# Add the matching variable description.

if self.Enums.PlatformType.DS1005 == self.UsedRegisteredPlatform.Type:
elif self.Enums.PlatformType.DS1006 == self.UsedRegisteredPlatform.Type:
elif self.Enums.PlatformType.DS1103 == self.UsedRegisteredPlatform.Type:
elif self.Enums.PlatformType.MABX == self.UsedRegisteredPlatform.Type:
elif self.Enums.PlatformType.SCALEXIO == self.UsedRegisteredPlatform.Type:

544 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming ControlDesk Automation t

Connecting and online The following listing shows how to connect to the XCP on CAN
calibration device of the CalDemo ECU and then start and stop online
# Import: The os module is used to start the CalDemo process.
import os
# Path of the CalDemo exe.
CalDemoPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ScriptPath, "..\..\..\CalDemo\CalDemo.exe"))
class MainDemoController(object):
def ConnectAndStartOnlineCalibration(self):
# Access the XCPonCAN platform by the item method.
XCPonCANPlatform = self.ControlDeskApplication.ActiveExperiment.Platforms.Item(self.DemoPlatform.Name)
# Start CalDemo platform.
# Connect device.
# Start online calibration.
# Stop online calibration.
# Disconnect platform.

Platform Management Automation API Versions

Two platform management There are two platform management automation API versions in
automation API versions ControlDesk.
Platform management automation API version 1.0 API
version 1.0 is compatible with the platform management automation
version of ControlDesk 5.1 and earlier.

n API version 1.0 does not support the DS1007, MicroLabBox,
and SCALEXIO systems with multiple processing units. Use
version 2.0 instead.
n API version 1.0 is provided for compatibility reasons only. It is
being supported for the last time with dSPACE Release

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 545

s Automation t

Platform management automation API version 2.0 API

version 2.0 was introduced with dSPACE Release 2014A. It is the
successor of API version 1.0 and has all its features. Unlike
API version 1.0, API version 2.0 will be developed further.
Version 2.0 is selected by default.
As an example, the Python listing below shows how to count the
number of application parts in an application running on a
SCALEXIO system.
SCLXPlatform = Application.PlatformManagement.Platforms.Item(0)
SCLXProcessingUnit = SCLXIOPlatform.ProcessingUnits.Item(0)

API version 2.0 lets you access platform properties from the
ControlDesk experiment context via the AssignedPlatform
property, which is available only in ControlDesk. Do not use this
property without the ControlDesk experiment context.
As an example, the following Python listing shows how to use
the AssignedPlatform property to count the number of
application parts in an application running on a
SCALEXIO system. It is presupposed that the SCALEXIO system is
assigned to a SCALEXIO platform in the experiment.
SCLXExp = Application.ActiveExperiment.Platforms.Item(0)
SCLXProcessingUnit = SCLXExp.AssignedPlatform.ProcessingUnits.Item(0)

Incompatibility of the API versions Platform automation API

versions 1.0 and 2.0 are incompatible. To migrate to API version 2.0
and reuse automation scripts originally developed according to
API version 1.0, you might have to perform some migration steps.
Switching from API version 1.0 to 2.0 mainly changes the behavior of
the SeekedPlatforms / IPmSeekedPlatforms
<<Collection>> collection:
n When version 1.0 is selected, you have to use the interfaces
named IPm<Boardname>Platform.
n When version 2.0 is selected, you have to use the interfaces
named IPmRegistered<Boardname>Platform.
As an example, the following Python listing shows how to use the
SeekedPlatforms / IPmSeekedPlatforms <<Collection>> collection:
FirstRegisteredPlatform =

546 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming ControlDesk Automation t

For migration information, refer to Migrating platform management

automation on page 547.

Selecting the platform Via ControlDesk NG Options dialog You can select the platform
management automation management automation API version on the Platform Management
API version Page in the ControlDesk NG Options dialog, as shown in the
following illustration:

Version 2.0 is the default.

Via automation You can select the version via automation, as
shown in the following Python listing:
# Select platform automation API version 2.0
Application.PlatformManagement.PlatformAutomationAPIVersion = Enums.AutomationAPIVersion.APIVersion2

Migrating platform Platform automation API versions 1.0 and 2.0 are incompatible. To
management automation migrate to API version 2.0 and reuse automation scripts originally
developed according to API version 1.0, you might have to perform
some migration steps.
Migrating Python scripts If you use Python and want to migrate
to platform management automation API version 2.0, you do not
have to perform any migration steps unless you access a
SCALEXIO system and/or VEOS in the Platform/Device Manager
context via automation.
To access a SCALEXIO system and/or VEOS via automation from the
context of the Platform/Device Manager, you have to adapt your
automation scripts.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 547

s Automation t

The table below shows an example of SCALEXIO access via

API version 1.0:
API Version 1.0
Registering a SCALEXIO Platform with One Processing Unit
SCLX_Reg_Info = Application.PlatformManagement.CreatePlatformRegistrationInfo(Enums.PlatformType.SCALEXIO)
SCLX_Reg_Info.NetClient = ""
SCLX_Platform = Application.PlatformManagement.RegisterPlatform(SCLX_Reg_Info)
Accessing a Processing Unit
# Access a registered SCALEXIO processing unit via API version 1.0
SCALEXIOPlatform = Application.PlatformManagement.Platforms.Item(0)
u'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920'
Accessing an Application Loaded to a Platform
# Access a loaded SCALEXIO real-time application via API version 1.0
SCALEXIOPlatform = Application.PlatformManagement.Platforms.Item(0)
RTA = SCALEXIOPlatform.RealTimeApplication

This table shows the SCALEXIO access via API Version 2.0:
API Version 2.0
Registering a SCALEXIO Platform with One Processing Unit
SCLX_Reg_Info = Application.PlatformManagement.CreatePlatformRegistrationInfo(Enums.PlatformType.SCALEXIO)
SCLX_PU_Info = SCLX_Reg_Info.RegistrationInfos.Add()
SCLX_PU_Info.IPAddress = ""
SCLX_Platform = Application.PlatformManagement.RegisterPlatform(SCLX_Reg_Info)
Accessing a Processing Unit
# Access a registered SCALEXIO processing unit via API version 2.0
SCALEXIOPlatform = Application.PlatformManagement.Platforms.Item(0)
SCALEXIOProcessingUnit = SCALEXIOPlatform.ProcessingUnits.Item(0)
u'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920'
Accessing an Application Loaded to a Platform
# Access a loaded SCALEXIO real-time application via API version 2.0
SCALEXIOPlatform = Application.PlatformManagement.Platforms.Item(0)
RTA = SCALEXIOPlatform.RealTimeApplications.Item(0)

Migrating when using other languages If you use programming

languages other than Python, such as C#, and you want to migrate to
platform management automation version 2.0, you have to perform
migration steps if you access platforms from the context of the
Platform/Device Manager. No migration steps have to be performed
if you access platforms from within the experiment.
To access platforms from the context of the Platform/Device Manager
via automation, you have to adapt your automation programs by
using interfaces specific to version 2.0. For example, to access a
registered SCALEXIO platform from the context of the

548 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Programming ControlDesk Automation t

Platform/Device Manager, you have to use the

IPmRegisteredSCALEXIOPlatform interface instead of the version 1.0-
specific IPmSCALEXIOPlatform interface.
This table shows how to register and access a SCALEXIO processing
unit via API Version 1.0 (in connection with the C# programming
language) as an example:
API Version 1.0
public void RegisterSCALEXIOPlatformV1()
// Set API version explicitly to version 1.
this.Application.PlatformManagement.PlatformAutomationAPIVersion =
IPmSCALEXIORegisterInfo registrationInfo =
registrationInfo.NetClient = "";

// Registering and accessing the platform.

IPmSCALEXIOPlatform platform =
string uniqueName = platform.UniqueName;

The table below shows how to register and access a SCALEXIO

processing unit via API Version 2.0 (in connection with the
C# programming language):
API Version 2.0
public void RegisterSCALEXIOPlatformV2()
// Set API version explicitly to version 2.
this.Application.PlatformManagement.PlatformAutomationAPIVersion =
IPmSCALEXIORegistrationInfo registrationInfo =
IPmProcessingUnitRegisterInfo processingUnitRegisterInfo =
processingUnitRegisterInfo.IPAddress = "";

// Registering and accessing the platform.

IPmRegisteredSCALEXIOPlatform platform =
string uniqueName = platform.UniqueName;

The C# listing below shows how to avoid using a version-specific
platform interface by accessing the platform dynamically:

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 549

s Automation t

public void RegisterSCALEXIOPlatformV2Dynamic()

// Set API version explicitly to version 2.
this.Application.PlatformManagement.PlatformAutomationAPIVersion =
IPmSCALEXIORegistrationInfo registrationInfo =
IPmProcessingUnitRegisterInfo processingUnitRegisterInfo =
processingUnitRegisterInfo.IPAddress = "";

// Identical code for version 1 and 2 due to dynamic platform access.

dynamic platform =
string uniqueName = platform.UniqueName;

550 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Platform Handling t

Platform Handling

Objective The main tasks of ControlDesks platform management are to add

platforms and devices to an experiment, to configure their
communication settings, and to add variable descriptions to

Platform-Related Interfaces

Objective The Platform Management object implements the

IPmPlatformManagement interface. It is used to handle the available
platforms and devices in ControlDesk.
The Platforms object in the active experiment or project implements
the IPmPlatforms interface. It is used to get the platforms that are
used in an experiment or project.
The Platforms object in the Platform Management implements the
IPmSeekedPlatforms interface. It is used to get the seeked platforms
in the system.

Related interfaces

Interface Description
PlatformManagement / IPmPlatformManagement IPmPlatformManagement Interface
<<Interface>> ( ControlDesk Next Generation
Platforms / IPmPlatforms <<Collection>> Interface to access the platforms.
( ControlDesk Next Generation Automation)
SeekedPlatforms / IPmSeekedPlatforms This interface is to access the sought platforms.
<<Collection>> ( ControlDesk Next Generation

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 551

s Automation t

Related documentation

Topic Description
Automating Platform Management and Variable The main tasks of ControlDesks platform
Management on page 540 management are to add platforms and/or devices
to an experiment, to configure their
communication settings, and to add variable
descriptions to platforms/devices.
Platform Management Automation API Versions There are two platform management automation
on page 545 API versions in ControlDesk.

552 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016


Where to go from here Information in this section

Hardware Access Problems 554
Real-Time Application Handling Problems 555

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 553

s Troubleshooting t

Hardware Access Problems

Problem with Accessing, e.g., SCALEXIO Hardware

Problem dSPACE systems might unexpectedly become inaccessible to dSPACE

software such as AutomationDesk and ControlDesk even if the
network connection used to interface the hardware was working
This applies to the following dSPACE systems:
n DS1007
n MicroLabBox

Reason The process of the dSPACE software has used more than 2 GB, or
allocated memory in an area above 2 GB. This leads to a problem
with certain Windows network functions, and might make the
dSPACE system inaccessible.

Solution A Microsoft hotfix, which is not included in the automatic updates,

will solve this problem. For details on the problem and a download
link to the hotfix, refer to

554 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Real-Time Application Handling Problems t

Real-Time Application Handling Problems

Where to go from here Information in this section

Problem with Starting DS2201 Slave DSP Applications 555
Problems with Handcoded Applications 555

Problem with Starting DS2201 Slave DSP Applications

Problem An application for the DS2201 slave DSP is not started automatically.

Description The real-time application was built with RTLib of dSPACE Release 7.1
or earlier. As a result, an application for the DS2201 slave DSP cannot
be started automatically.

Solution Rebuild the real-time application for the modular system including the
DS2201 with RTLib of dSPACE Release 7.2 or later.

Problems with Handcoded Applications

Information in this topic Unavailable measurement rasters on page 555

No generation of time-stamped measurement data on page 556

Unavailable measurement Problem ControlDesk's Measurement Configuration controlbar

rasters displays measurement rasters of a real-time application only if they
are defined in the application's TRC file. Otherwise, measurement
rasters are not available in the controlbar.
Solution Add the sampling period(s) of the application's
measurement raster(s) to the application's TRC file.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 555

s Troubleshooting t

The listing below is an example definition of a time-based

measurement raster with a sampling period of 0.005 s and the
5ms alias.
value: 0.005
alias: "5ms"
The listing below is an example definition of an event-based
measurement raster with the Engine alias.
value: 0.0
alias: "Engine"

No generation of time- Problem A handcoded application must contain a host service if it is

stamped measurement data to be used with ControlDesk. Measuring and calibrating are not
possible without one.
To display and analyze measurement signals in ControlDesk's Plotter,
time-stamped data has to be transmitted. This requires some
additional code before you call the host service.
If you load a handcoded application that does not contain this
additional code, the application running on the dSPACE real-time
hardware does not send time stamps to ControlDesk.
Solution Add the additional code to your handcoded application.
The sample code below shows the additional code (in bold letters):
void isr_func()
ts_timestamp_type ts;
/* sample step calculation */

For details on implementing a host service, refer to host_service
( RTLib Reference (board-specific)).

556 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016


Where to go from here Information in this section

General Limitations for Platform Management 557
Limitations for Platforms 558
Limitations for Devices 563

General Limitations for Platform Management

There are some general limitations for managing platforms/devices

with ControlDesk:

Information in this topic No resynchronization for some platforms/devices on page 557

Automatic reconnect aborts when interrupted on page 558

No resynchronization for ControlDesk provides periodic timer resynchronization for the

some platforms/devices platforms/devices connected to it. You can enable or disable timer
resynchronization on the Data Acquisition page of the
ControlDesk NG Options dialog.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 557

s Limitations t

By default, timer resynchronization is enabled.

However, timer resynchronization is not possible for CANbased

devices using Kvaser CAN interfaces if the measurement time exceeds
11 hours 55 minutes.
The individual timers of these devices may drift apart during long-
term measurements.

Automatic reconnect aborts When a platform/device that supports the automatic reconnect
when interrupted functionality is in the unplugged platform/device state, ControlDesk
periodically tries to reestablish the logical connection between the
ControlDesk PC and the platform/device hardware.
If the platform/device hardware is plugged and unplugged again
while ControlDesk is trying to reestablish the logical connection
(starting from when ControlDesk checks whether a new detected
platform/device is the unplugged one and whether online calibration
or measurement has to be resumed), the automatic reconnect process
is canceled and the platform/device is set to the disconnected state.
ControlDesk does not start a new automatic reconnect process.

Limitations for Platforms

There are some limitations for working with platforms in ControlDesk:

558 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Limitations for Platforms t

Information in this topic Warning when accessing dSPACE hardware by several dSPACE products
on page 559
Limitations for managing the firmware of dSPACE systems on page 559
Limited number of host services on page 559
Access to mask parameters and workspace parameters on page 559
Limitation for rebuild detection on page 560
DS1103, DS1104: Downloading a slave DSP application on page 560
DS1007: Loading an application to the flash memory on page 560
DS230x limitations on page 560
Multiprocessor System platform: automation via MCD 3 on page 561
VEOS platform: limitations on page 561
XIL API MAPort platform limitations on page 561

Warning when accessing

dSPACE hardware by
several dSPACE products There is no synchronization when you access dSPACE real-time
hardware simultaneously using any combination of the
following software products:
n CalDesk
n ControlDesk 3.x
n ControlDesk Next Generation
The following actions are not synchronized:
n Registering the hardware
n Downloading real-time applications to dSPACE hardware
n Reading back parameter values that have been written to the
dSPACE hardware

Limitations for managing Refer to Limitations ( Firmware Manager Document).

the firmware of
dSPACE systems

Limited number of host The number of host services in an application running on dSPACE
services real-time hardware is limited to 32.

Access to mask parameters ControlDesk 3.x versions up to and including ControlDesk 3.7.1
and workspace parameters supported mask parameters and workspace parameters in dSPACE
real-time applications via RTIs Include mask and workspace
parameters TRC file option. ControlDesk Next Generation does not
support mask parameters and workspace parameters in this way.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 559

s Limitations t

RTIs Include mask and workspace parameters TRC file option is

discontinued with dSPACE Release 7.2.
Workaround To access mask parameters and workspace
parameters, you can use MATLAB/Simulink's Inline parameters option
and specify the parameters as non-inline. As a result, the parameters
are available in the Tunable Parameters group of the real-time
application's SDF file, and can be changed during real-time

The access is the same for all dSPACE tools and requires no
MATLAB installation during real-time simulation since it is
calculated directly in the real-time application.

For details and instructions, refer to

Limitation for rebuild Downloading a real-time application after ControlDesk detects an

detection application rebuild fails in the following cases:
n The I/O of the real-time hardware does not match the I/O required
by the application to be downloaded.
n Another client application is accessing the real-time hardware.

DS1103, DS1104: You cannot download a slave DSP application directly to a DS1103 or
Downloading a slave DSP DS1104. Instead, you have to download the main application
application containing the slave DSP application to the DS1103 or DS1104. For
details, refer to Basics on Handling Simulation Applications
on page 116.

DS1007: Loading an You cannot load an application to the flash memory of a DS1007 if
application to the flash the DS1007 is part of a multiprocessor system.

DS230x limitations Downloading a DS230x application You cannot download a

DS230x application directly to a DS230x. Instead, you have to
download the main application containing the DS230x application to
the processor board that the DS230x is connected to.
DS2302 in a DS1007-based system: No display of DS2302
modules Plugon ADC and/or DAC modules mounted on a DS2302
are not displayed in the Platform Manager if the DS2302 is part of a
DS1007based modular system.

560 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Limitations for Platforms t

Multiprocessor System When you perform automation via ControlDesk's MCD 3-compatible
platform: automation via interface, you have access to the individual boards belonging to a
MCD 3 Multiprocessor System platform.
However, you do not have access to the Multiprocessor System
platform itself.

VEOS platform: limitations n Only one VEOS platform in an experiment can be assigned to
VEOS at a time.
n When an operating system process related to VEOS, e.g.,
VEOSDaqManager.exe, is stopped, the connection between the
offline simulation application and the related VEOS platform in
ControlDesk is interrupted. Reconnecting to the VEOS Simulator,
e.g., by refreshing the interface connection or reregistering the
VEOS platform, will fail.
To reconnect to the VEOS core, you have to stop the
VEOSKernel.exe manually.

XIL API MAPort platform Unsupported data types The following XIL API data types are not
limitations supported by the XIL API MAPort platform:
n Curve
n Map
n String vector
n String matrix
n Write-only vector
n Write-only matrix
No measurement support for measurement arrays and value
blocks Due to a limitation of the XIL API standard, you cannot
measure measurement arrays and value blocks by using the XIL API
MAPort platform.

Measuring the individual elements of measurement arrays and
value blocks with ControlDesk is possible in connection with the
dSPACE XIL API implementation delivered with
dSPACE Release 2015A, and in connection with other XIL API
implementations that offer features exceeding the standard
XIL API functionality.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 561

s Limitations t

No downsampling support for multiprocessor systems

Downsampling is not supported in connection with simulators based
on multiple processors (multiprocessor systems).
No support of the "Immediate" autorepeat behavior The
Immediate autorepeat behavior is not supported: i.e., measurement
data is not displayed correctly with this setting.
Limitations for write-only variables The following limitations
apply in connection with write-only variables. A write-only variable is
a variable that can be written to the platform hardware but not read
n Write-only variables can be added to the measurement signal list.
Write-only variables, however, cannot be measured.
n When you add a variable description to a XIL API MAPort platform,
ControlDesk automatically assigns default values to write-only

Do not download these default values to the XIL API MAPort
platform hardware when you start online calibration.

Variable types and their limits Due to a limitation of the XIL API
n The data type of variables available in ControlDesk's Variable
Browser is Int64, UInt64, or Double data type, independent of the
variable's data type in the realtime application.
n The variable limits available in ControlDesk's Variable Browser are
the limits of the Int64, UInt64, or Double data type, independent
of the variable's limits in the realtime application.
Memory consumption in long-term measurements Due to a
limitation of the XIL API standard, the available memory might not be
sufficient in long-term measurements.

This limitation does not apply in connection with the dSPACE
XIL API implementation delivered with dSPACE Release 2015A.

562 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Limitations for Devices t

Limitations for Devices

There are some limitations for working with devices in ControlDesk:

Information in this topic General limitation on page 563

DCI-GSI1 limitations on page 563
XCP and CCP limitations on page 564
Limitations for devices that access specific ECUs on page 565
Limitation for devices using PCbased CAN interfaces on page 565
Video Capturing device limitations on page 566

General limitation No blocking of multiple device hardware access ControlDesk

does not prevent access to hardware by more than one ControlDesk
For example, suppose you have only one ECU with one DCIGSI1
connected to the host PC, but you have two DCIGSI1 devices
configured in your ControlDesk experiment. When online calibration
is started, both DCIGSI1 devices will refer to the same hardware. In
ControlDesk, both devices will show the same serial number. This
may lead to unpredictable calibration results.
To avoid multiple hardware access, ensure that devices are configured
differently. For example, to avoid an ECU with DCIGSI1 being
accessed by several DCIGSI1 devices, check the serial number for
each DCIGSI1 device. To avoid an ECU with XCP on CAN being
accessed by several XCP on CAN devices, check the master/slave
identifiers for each XCP on CAN device. Refer to Configure
Platform/Device on page 431.

DCI-GSI1 limitations Quick start measurement with hardware polling rasters

Hardware polling rasters cannot always be used for performing quick
start measurement with the DCI-GSI1 device. To use hardware polling
rasters in these scenarios, start online calibration in ControlDesk with
the ECU powered up. This activates the use of hardware polling
rasters. You can then power down the ECU to perform a quick start
measurement at a later time.
For details, refer to How to Perform a Quick Start Measurement on an
ECU with DCIGSI1 ( ControlDesk Next Generation Measurement
and Recording). For basic information, refer to Quick Start
Measurement ( DCI-GSI1 Feature Reference).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 563

s Limitations t

Automatic overlay management enabled If automatic overlay

management is enabled, warning messages about parameters which
cannot be calibrated may appear twice if an experiment is loaded or a
new variable description is added. There are no functional problems.

XCP and CCP limitations XCP: No support for ADDRESS_MAPPING The ADDRESS_MAPPING
keyword is not supported for XCP devices (XCP on CAN and XCP on
Ethernet). This keyword is used to map the addresses of the
parameters in the ECU flash memory to the corresponding addresses
in the ECU RAM.
XCP: No consistency check for MAX_CTO/ MAX_DTO For XCP
devices (XCP on CAN and XCP on Ethernet), ControlDesk does not
check whether the MAX_CTO value you specify during device
configuration is equal to the value internally used by the ECU. You
must ensure consistency yourself. The same applies to the MAX_DTO
For details on the MAX_CTO and MAX_DTO settings, refer to XCP/GSI2
Settings Advanced Properties on page 353 dialog.
XCP on CAN and CCP: Downloading invalid data to the ECU if
"Confirm Automatic Page Switch" is enabled The following
limitation applies to XCP on CAN devices and CCP devices if the
following conditions are met:
n The related ECU has two memory pages.
n The related ECU has memory segments.
n You did not specify an ECU Image file during the configuration of
the XCP on CAN or CCP device.
n You enabled the "Confirm Automatic Page Switch" option for
that device. This lets ControlDesk perform the page switch
necessary to start online calibration with a prompt for
If you select "Upload WP upload RP" the first time online calibration
is started and if you then do not confirm the subsequent page switch,
ControlDesk creates only one data set for both memory pages.
Depending on the page currently active on the ECU, a working or a
reference data set is created.
If you select "Download WP download RP" the next time online
calibration is started, invalid data is downloaded to the ECU memory
page that was inactive during the first online transition.

564 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Limitations for Devices t

XCP on FlexRay: One FlexRay interface for each ECU You

cannot instantiate more than one XCP on FlexRay device for a FlexRay
interface. If you want to communicate with several ECUs, you have to
use one FlexRay interface for each ECU. Each interface has to be
configured separately.
XCP on FlexRay: Automatic reconnect for a running
measurement If a FlexRay interface card has been removed from
the PC, ControlDesk cannot resume a running measurement after an
automatic reconnect successfully. After reconnection, the Plotter
receives obsolete time stamps and displays wrong plots.

Limitations for devices that ECUs with one readonly memory page: no offline calibration
access specific ECUs in some cases Suppose you have an ECU with one readonly
memory page and without an initial data set. If you select "Upload
connected variables" in the Calibration Memory Dialog the first time
you start online calibration, parameter values are displayed as
readonly in calibration instruments even if online calibration mode is
To perform offline calibration, you have to select "Upload" in the
Calibration Memory Dialog when you start online calibration. This
allows ControlDesk to upload the parameter values from the
hardware to the host PC and create an initial data set.
For details, refer to Basics on Starting Online Calibration
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data Set
ECUs with one readwrite memory page: no download of
connected variables in some cases Suppose you have an ECU
with one readwrite memory page and without an ECU Image file,
and you select "Upload connected variables" in the Calibration
Memory Dialog the first time you start online calibration.
When you start online calibration again ControlDesk does not let you
download the values of connected variables. You can select only
"Upload" or "Upload connected variables".
For details, refer to Basics on Starting Online Calibration
( ControlDesk Next Generation Calibration and Data Set

Limitation for devices using Problems with automatic reconnect Problems with the automatic
PCbased CAN interfaces reconnect functionality can occur if you are using a Kvaser CAN
interface simultaneously with a DCI-CAN1, DCICAN2, or a
Calibration Hub and you disconnect the Kvaser CAN interface from

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 565

s Limitations t

the host PC. After reconnection, a running measurement might not

be restarted or you cannot close the experiment, etc.
No hot plugging for Kvaser CAN interfaces Kvaser CAN
interfaces do not support hot plugging. When a ControlDesk project
is currently open, ControlDesk cannot check whether the connection
between the PC and a Kvaser CAN interface is opened or closed. To
let ControlDesk find newly connected Kvaser CAN interfaces, you
have to close the project and then reopen it.
dSPACE CAN interfaces: 5 Vline If you connect a dSPACE CAN
interface (DCI-CAN1 or Calibration Hub) to an active CAN bus while
the interface is not yet powered via its USB connector, the interface
may transiently decrease the voltage on the 5 Vline (pin 1 of the
interface's 9pin SubD CAN connector) from +5 V to < +4.75 V. This
may temporarily interrupt the CAN communication between the
currently active CAN bus members.
As a workaround, you can disconnect pin 1 from the CAN bus, and
connect only the signals CAN-L (pin 2) and CAN-H (pin 7) to the bus.
You can also contact dSPACE for a customer-specific dSPACE CAN

Video Capturing device IDS cameras: Supported driver software version The driver
limitations software version for cameras from IDS (
must be lower than 4.50.
Pretriggered recording only in the "integrated" capture mode
The following limitation applies only when you use the Video
Capturing device in the separate capture mode:
When you specify a negative trigger delay (pretrigger) for triggered
recording, data recording for a Video Capturing device does not start
until the trigger condition is met. Data of the pretrigger time is not
To perform pretriggered recording, you can use the integrated
capture mode instead.
Low frame rates only in the "integrated" capture mode The
following limitation applies only when you use the Video Capturing
device in the separate capture mode:
When you specify a frame rate that is below the minimum frame rate
supported by the camera hardware, this does not reduce the rate of
frames actually used.
To work with low frame rates, you can use the integrated capture
mode instead.

566 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

ControlDesk Glossary

ControlDesk Glossary

A Acquisition An object in the Measurement Configuration

( Measurement Configuration on page 589) controlbar that
specifies the variables to be measured and their measurement
Active variable description The variable description that is
currently active for a platform/device. Multiple variable descriptions
can be assigned to one platform/device, but only one of them can be
active at a time.
Additional write variable A scalar parameter or writable
measurement variable that can be connected to an instrument in
addition to the main variable ( Main variable on page 588). When
the value of the main variable changes, the changed value is also
applied to all the additional write variables connected to the
Airspeed Indicator An instrument for displaying the airspeed of a
simulated aircraft.
Altimeter An instrument for displaying the altitude of a simulated
Animated Needle An instrument for displaying the value of a
connected variable by a needle deflection.
Application image An image file that contains all the files that are
created when the user builds a real-time application. It particularly
includes the variable description (SDF) file. To extend a real-time
application, ControlDesk lets the user create an updated application

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 567

s ControlDesk Glossary t

image from a data set. The updated application image then contains
a real-time application with an additional set of parameter values.
Artificial Horizon An instrument displaying the rotation on both
the lateral and the longitudinal axis to indicate the angle of pitch and
roll of a simulated aircraft. The Artificial Horizon has a pitch scale and
a roll scale.
Automatic Reconnect Feature for automatically reconnecting to
platform/device hardware, for example, when the ignition is turned
off and on, or when the physical connection between the
ControlDesk PC and the ECU is temporarily interrupted.
If the feature is enabled for a platform/device and if the
platform/device is in the 'unplugged' ( Unplugged on page 605)
state, ControlDesk tries to reestablish the logical connection to the
platform/device hardware. After the logical connection is
reestablished, the platform/device has the same state as before the
unplugged state was detected. A measurement started before the
unplugged state was detected is resumed.
Automation A communication mechanism that can be used by
various programming languages. A client can use it to control a server
by calling methods and properties of the server's automation
Automation script A script that uses automation to control an
automation server.
Axis point object Common axis on page 573

B Bar An instrument for displaying a numerical value as a bar

deflection on a horizontal or vertical scale. Also available as a value
cell type of the Variable Array ( Variable Array on page 607).
Bitfield A value cell type of the Variable Array ( Variable Array
on page 607) for displaying and editing the source value of a
parameter as a bit string.
Bookmark A marker for a certain event during a measurement or
Browser An instrument for displaying HTML and TXT files. It also
supports Microsoft Internet Explorer plug-ins that are installed on
your system.
Bus communication replay A feature of the Bus Navigator ( Bus
Navigator on page 569) that lets you replay logged bus
communication data from a log file. You can add replay nodes to the
Bus Navigator tree for this purpose. You can specify filters to replay

568 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

selected parts of the logged bus communication ( Bus logging

on page 569).
Bus connection A mode for connecting dSPACE real-time hardware
to the host PC via bus. The list below shows the possible bus
n dSPACE real-time hardware installed directly in the host PC
n dSPACE real-time hardware installed in an expansion box
connected to the host PC via dSPACE link board
Bus Instrument An instrument available for the Bus Navigator
( Bus Navigator on page 569). It can be configured for different
purposes, for example, to display information on received messages
(RX messages) or to manipulate and transmit messages (TX
messages). The instrument is tailor-made and displays only the
message- and signal-specific settings which are enabled for display
and/or manipulation by ControlDesk during run time.
Bus logging A feature of the Bus Navigator ( Bus Navigator
on page 569) that lets you log raw bus communication data. You
can add logger nodes on different hierarchy levels of the Bus
Navigator tree for this purpose. You can specify filters to log filtered
bus communication. The logged bus communication can be replayed
( Bus communication replay on page 568).
Bus monitoring A feature of the Bus Navigator ( Bus Navigator
on page 569) that lets you observe bus communication. You can
open monitoring lists and add monitor nodes on different hierarchy
levels of the Bus Navigator tree for this purpose. You can specify
filters to monitor filtered bus communication.
Bus Navigator A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574) for
handling bus messages, such as CAN messages, LIN frames, and
FlexRay frames and PDUs on the dSPACE real-time hardware.
Bus Navigator Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation for handling bus messages, such as
CAN messages, LIN frames, and FlexRay frames and PDUs.
Bypassing A development method by which individual parts of the
controller/ECU code are shifted either to a rapid prototyping system
connected to the controller/ECU (external bypassing) or to a specific
memory area of the controller/ECU itself (internal bypassing). The
original ECU application executes all the functions that remain
unchanged, while new algorithms are executed on the prototyping
system or in the specific memory area of the ECU.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 569

s ControlDesk Glossary t

C Calculated variable A variable that is derived from one or more

input variables. Input variables are measurement variables
( Measurement variable on page 590), single elements of
measurement arrays/value blocks, scalar parameters ( Parameter
on page 595), or existing calculated variables. The value of a
calculated variable is calculated via a userdefined computation
formula that must contain at least one input variable from the related
variable description ( Variable description on page 607).
Calculated variables are added to the variable list of the Variable
Browser ( Variable Browser on page 607). They can be visualized,
measured, and recorded like "normal" variables in ControlDesk.
Calculated variables are represented by the symbol.
CalDemo ECU A program that runs on the same PC as ControlDesk
Next Generation. It simulates an ECU on which the Universal
Measurement and Calibration (XCP) protocol ( XCP on page 609)
and the Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) protocol are implemented.
The CalDemo ECU allows you to perform parameter calibration,
variable measurement, and ECU diagnostics with ControlDesk Next
Generation under realistic conditions, but without having to have a
real ECU connected to the PC. Communication between the
CalDemo ECU and ControlDesk Next Generation can be established
via XCP on CAN or XCP on Ethernet, and UDS on CAN.

If communication is established via XCP on Ethernet, the
CalDemo ECU can also run on a PC different from the PC on
which ControlDesk Next Generation is running.

The memory of the CalDemo ECU consists of two areas called

memory pages ( Memory page on page 590). Each page contains
a complete set of parameters, but only one page is accessible by the
CalDemo ECU at a time. You can easily switch the memory pages of
the CalDemo ECU to change from one data set to another in a single
step ( Data set on page 575).
Two ECU tasks run on the CalDemo ECU:
n ECU task #1 runs at a fixed sample time of 5 ms. In ControlDesk
Next Generation's Measurement Configuration,
ECU task #1 is related to the time-based 5 ms, 10 ms, 50 ms and
100 ms measurement rasters of the CalDemo ECU.

570 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

n ECU task #2 has a variable sample time. Whenever the CalDemo

ECU program is started, the initial sample time is 5 ms. This can
then be increased or decreased by using the dSPACE CalDemo
ECU task #2 is related to the event-based extEvent measurement
raster of the CalDemo ECU.
The CalDemo ECU can also be used to execute diagnostic services
and jobs, handle DTCs and perform measurement and calibration via
ECU diagnostics.
The CalDemo ECU program is run by invoking CalDemo.exe. The file is
located in the .\Demos\CalDemo folder of the ControlDesk Next
Generation installation.
Calibration Changing the parameter values ( Parameter
on page 595) of real-time applications ( Real-time application
on page 598), ECU applications ( ECU application
on page 580), or VPUs ( VPU on page 609).
Calibration Hub A hardware device that makes it possible to
connect several devices (measurement, calibration, and CAN-
monitoring devices) via a single USB interface to a host PC.
Calibration memory segment Part of the memory of an ECU
containing the calibratable parameters. Memory segments can be
defined as MEMORY_SEGMENT in the A2L file. ControlDesk can use the
segments to evaluate the memory pages of the ECU.
ControlDesk lets you perform the calibration of:
n Parameters inside memory segments
n Parameters outside memory segments
n Parameters even if no memory segments are defined in the A2L
file. However, ECUs with DCI-GSI1 always require memory
CAN Bus Monitoring device A device that monitors the data
stream on a CAN bus connected to the ControlDesk PC.
The CAN Bus Monitoring device works, for example, with PC-based
CAN interfaces such as the DCICAN2.
The device supports the following variable description file types:
n AUTOSAR system description

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 571

s ControlDesk Glossary t

CANGenerator A program that simulates a CAN system, that is, it

generates signals that can be measured and recorded with
ControlDesk. The program runs on the same PC as ControlDesk.
The CANGenerator allows you to use the CAN Bus Monitoring device
under realistic conditions, but without having to have any device
hardware connected to the PC.
The CAN (Controller Area Network) protocol is used for
communication between the CANGenerator and ControlDesk.
However, since the CANGenerator runs on the same PC as
ControlDesk, ControlDesk does not communicate with the device via
a real CAN channel, but via a virtual CAN channel implemented on
the host PC.
The CAN generator program is run by invoking CANGenerator.exe. The
file is located in the .\Demos\CANGenerator folder of the ControlDesk
Capture A data packet of all the measurement variables assigned to
a measurement raster ( Measurement raster on page 589). The
packet comprises the data that results from a single triggering of the
CCP Abbreviation of CAN Calibration Protocol. This protocol can be
implemented on electronic control units (ECUs) and allows users to
access ECUs with Measurement and Calibration Systems (MCS)
The basic features of CCP are:
n Read and write access to the ECU memory, i.e., providing access
for calibration
n Synchronous data acquisition
n Flash programming for ECU development purposes
The CCP protocol was developed by ASAM e.V. (Association for
Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems e.V.). For the
protocol specification, refer to
CCP device A device that provides access to an ECU with CCP
connected to the ControlDesk PC via CAN, for example, for
measurement and calibration purposes via CCP (CAN Calibration
Check Button An instrument (or a cell type of the Variable Array
( Variable Array on page 607)) for displaying whether the value of
a connected variable matches predefined values or for writing a
predefined value to a connected variable.
cmdloader A command line tool for handling applications without
using the GUI of ControlDesk Next Generation.

572 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Common axis A parameter ( Parameter on page 595) that

consists of a 1dimensional array containing axis points. A common
axis can be referenced by one or more curves ( Curve (variable type)
on page 575) and/or maps ( Map on page 588). Calibrating the
data points of a common axis affects all the curves and/or maps
referencing the axis.
Common axes are represented by the symbol.
Common Program Data folder A standard folder for application-
specific configuration data that is used by all users.
Computation method A computation method is a formula or a
table that defines the transformation of a source value into a
converted value (and vice versa). In addition to the computation
methods defined in the variable description file, ControlDesk Next
Generation provides the __Identity computation method which
means the converted and the source value are equal.
CompuVTab In the ASAM MCD-3 object model, a CompuVTab
object defines a conversion table ( Conversion table on page 574)
that specifies the computation of numerical values into strings. The
following table shows an example.

Source Value Converted Value

0 off
1 idle mode
2 partial load
3 full load
Connected A platform/device state defined by the following
n A continuous logical connection is established between
ControlDesk and the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n A platform/device must be in the 'connected' state before it can
change to the 'measuring/recording' or 'online calibration started'
n Online calibration is impossible. ControlDesk did not yet adjust the
memory segments containing calibration data in the
platform/device and on the corresponding hardware or VPU.
Offline calibration is possible.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 573

s ControlDesk Glossary t

n Platform/device configuration is not possible. However, you can

invoke platform/device configuration for a platform/device that is
in the connected state. ControlDesk temporarily sets the
platform/device to the disconnected state.
The 'connected' platform/device state is indicated by the icon.
Connection mode dSPACE realtime systems can be installed
within the host PC or connected to the host via a bus interface and/or
via Ethernet. When the Ethernet is being used, different network
clients might exist. The connection type being used and, in the case
of Ethernet, the network client being used, determine the dSPACE
systems that can be accessed.
Control primitive A special diagnostic communication object for
changing communication states or protocol parameters, or for
identifying (ECU) variants.
Controlbar A window or pane outside the working area. Can be
docked to an edge of the main window or float in front of it. A
controlbar can contain a document, such as a layout, or a tool, such
as the Log Viewer. It can be grouped with other controlbars in a
window with tabbed pages.
ControlDesk Next Generation Basic Version A version of
ControlDesk Next Generation for creating and running experiments.
The functionality can be extended by optional software modules.
ControlDesk Next Generation Loader Version A license-free
version of ControlDesk Next Generation for registering platforms and
handling real-time/offline simulation applications.
ControlDesk Next Generation - Operator Version A version of
ControlDesk Next Generation that provides only a subset of
functionality for running existing experiments. The functionality can
be extended by optional software modules.
Controller board Singleboard hardware computing the real-time
application. Contains a real-time processor for fast calculation of the
model and I/O interfaces for carrying out the control developments.
Conversion table A table that specifies the computation of a
source value into a converted value. In the case of verbal conversion,
the converted value is a string that represents one numerical value or
a range of numerical values.
Conversion type The type of a computation method (
Computation method on page 573), for example a linear function or
a verbal computation method.

574 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Curve (variable type) A parameter ( Parameter on page 595)

that consists of
n A 1dimensional array containing the axis points for the xaxis. This
array can also be specified by a reference to a common axis.
( Common axis on page 573).
n Another 1dimensional array containing data points. The curve
assigns one data point to each axis point.
Curves are represented by the symbol.

D DAQ module A hardware module for the acquisition of physical

Data set A set of the parameters and their values of a
platform/device derived from the variable description of the
platform/device. There are different types of data sets:
n Global data set on page 584
n Reference data set on page 599
n Sub data set on page 603
n Unassigned data set on page 605
n Working data set on page 609
Data set container A ZIP archive that contains a variable
description ( Variable description on page 607) together with a
number of data sets ( Data set on page 575) and/or ECU image files
( ECU Image file on page 581) belonging to it. A data set
container makes it easy to consistently exchange the results of
parameter calibration.
Data Set Manager A software component that manages the data
sets of an experiment.
Data type Record layout on page 598
Database A database is an organized collection of data. In this case
the data consist of projects, experiments and the filebased items
( File-based item on page 584) used in them. Projects are
contained in workspaces ( Workspace on page 609). The
SYNECT server ( SYNECT server on page 603) provides a central
DCI-CAN1 A dSPACE-specific interface between the host PC and
the CAN bus. The DCICAN1 transfers CAN messages between the
CANbased devices and the host PC via the universal serial bus (USB).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 575

s ControlDesk Glossary t

DCI-CAN2 A dSPACE-specific interface between the host PC and

the CAN bus. The DCICAN2 transfers CAN and CAN FD messages
between the CANbased devices and the host PC via the universal
serial bus (USB).
DCIGSI1 device A device that provides access to an ECU with
DCIGSI1 connected to the ControlDesk PC for measurement,
calibration, and bypassing purposes via the ECU's debug interface.
DCI-GSI2 device A device that provides access to an ECU with DCI-
GSI2 connected to the ControlDesk PC for measurement, calibration,
and bypassing purposes via the ECU's debug interface.
DCI-GSIx Abbreviation of dSPACE Calibration Interface - Generic
Serial Interface. A dSPACE-specific interface for ECU calibration,
measurement and function bypassing.
DCI-KLine1 Abbreviation of dSPACE Calibration Interface - K-Line
Interface. A dSPACE-specific interface between the host PC and the
diagnostics bus via K-Line.
Debug interface An ECU interface for diagnostics tasks and
Default raster A platform-/device-specific measurement raster
( Measurement raster on page 589) that is used when a variable
of the platform/device is connected to a Plotter or a recorder, for
Deposition definition A definition specifying the sequence in
which the axis point values of a curve or map are deposited in
Device A software component for carrying out calibration
( Calibration on page 571) and/or measurement ( Measurement
on page 589), bypassing ( Bypassing on page 569), ECU flash
programming ( ECU flash programming on page 581), or ECU
diagnostics ( ECU diagnostics on page 580) tasks. ControlDesk
provides the following devices:
n CAN Bus Monitoring device on page 571
n CCP device on page 572
n DCIGSI1 device on page 576
n DCI-GSI2 device on page 576
n ECU Diagnostics device on page 581
n FlexRay Bus Monitoring device on page 584
n LIN Bus Monitoring device on page 587
n Video Capturing device on page 608

576 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

n XCP on CAN device on page 610

n XCP on Ethernet device on page 610
n XCP on FlexRay device on page 610
Each device usually has a variable description ( Variable description
on page 607) that specifies the devices variables to be calibrated
and measured.
The devices in ControlDesk can be experiment-specific or project-
global. A projectglobal device can be reused in multiple experiments
of a project and has an identical configuration in all of them.
Diagnostic interface Interface for accessing the fault memory of an
Diagnostic job (often called Java job) Programmed sequence that is
usually built of a sequence of diagnostic services ( Diagnostic
service on page 577). A diagnostic job is either a single-ECU job or
a multiple-ECU job, depending on whether it communicates with one
ECU or multiple ECUs.
Diagnostic protocol A protocol that defines how an ECU
communicates with a connected diagnostic tester. The protocol must
be implemented on the ECU and on the tester. The diagnostics
database ( Diagnostics database on page 577) specifies the
diagnostic protocol(s) supported by a specific ECU.
ControlDesks ECU Diagnostics device supports CAN and KLine as
the physical layers for communication with an ECU connected to the
ControlDesk PC. For information on the supported diagnostic
protocols with CAN and KLine, refer to Basics of ECU Diagnostics
( ControlDesk Next Generation ECU Diagnostics).
Diagnostic service A service implemented on the ECU as a basic
diagnostic communication element. Communication is performed by
selecting a service, configuring its parameters, executing it, and
receiving the ECU results. When a service is executed, a defined
request is sent to the ECU and the ECU answers with a specific
Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) A hexadecimal index for the
identification of vehicle malfunctions. DTCs are stored in the fault
memory ( Fault memory on page 583) of ECUs and can be read
by diagnostic testers.
Diagnostics database A database that completely describes one or
more ECUs with respect to diagnostics communication. ControlDesk
supports the ASAM MCD-2 D (ODX) database ( ODX database
on page 593) format, which was standardized by ASAM e.V.
(Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 577

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Systems e.V.). For the format specification, refer to
Proprietary diagnostics database formats are not supported by
Diagnostics Instrument An instrument for communicating with an
ECU via the diagnostic protocol using diagnostic services, diagnostic
jobs, and control primitives.
Disabled A platform/device state defined by the following
n No logical connection is established between ControlDesk and the
platform/device hardware or VPU.
n When a platform/device is disabled, ControlDesk does not try to
establish the logical connection for that platform/device. Any
communication between the platform/device hardware or VPU
and ControlDesk is rejected.
n Online calibration is impossible. Offline calibration is possible.
n Platform/device configuration is possible.

The 'disabled' platform/device state is indicated by the icon.

Disconnected A platform/device state defined by the following
n No logical connection is established between ControlDesk and the
platform/device hardware or VPU.
n When a platform/device is in the disconnected state, ControlDesk
does not try to reestablish the logical connection for that
n Online calibration is impossible. Offline calibration is possible.
n Platform/device configuration is possible.

The 'disconnected' platform/device state is indicated by the icon.

Display An instrument (or a value cell type of the Variable Array
( Variable Array on page 607)) for displaying the value of a scalar
variable or the text content of an ASCII variable.
Documents folder A standard folder for user-specific documents.
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\dSPACE\<ProductName>\
DS1005 PPC Board platform A platform that provides access to a
DS1005 PPC Board connected to the host PC for function prototyping
and HIL simulation purposes.

578 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

DS1006 Processor Board platform A platform that provides access

to a DS1006 Processor Board connected to the host PC for HIL
simulation and function prototyping purposes.
DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform A platform that provides
access to a single multicore DS1007 PPC Processor Board or a DS1007
multiprocessor system consisting of two or more DS1007 PPC
Processor Boards, connected to the host PC for HIL simulation and
function prototyping purposes.
DS1103 PPC Controller Board platform A platform that provides
access to a DS1103 PPC Controller Board connected to the host PC
for function prototyping purposes.
DS1104 R&D Controller Board platform A platform that provides
access to a DS1104 R&D Controller Board installed in the host PC for
function prototyping purposes.
DS1202 MicroLabBox platform A platform that provides access to
a MicroLabBox connected to the host PC for function prototyping
DsDAQ service A service in a real-time application ( Real-time
application on page 598) or offline simulation application (
Offline simulation application (OSA) on page 594) that provides
measurement data from the application to the host PC. Unlike the
host service ( Host service on page 585), the DsDAQ service lets
you perform, for example, triggered measurements with complex
trigger conditions.
The following platforms support applications that contain the DsDAQ
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board
n DS1202 MicroLabBox
dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing Service An ECU service for
measurement, calibration, bypassing, and ECU flash programming.
The dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing Service can be integrated on
the ECU. It provides access to the ECU application and the ECU
resources and is used to control communication between an ECU and
a calibration and/or bypassing tool.
With the dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing Service, users can run
measurement, calibration, bypassing, and flash programming tasks on
an ECU via the DCIGSI1 or DCIGSI2. The service is also designed for

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 579

s ControlDesk Glossary t

bypassing ECU functions using dSPACE prototyping hardware by

means of the RTI Bypass Blockset in connection with DPMEM PODs
and the DCIGSI1. The dSPACE Calibration and Bypassing Service
allows measurement, calibration, and bypassing tasks to be
performed in parallel.
dSPACE Internal Bypassing Service An ECU service for ontarget
prototyping. The dSPACE Internal Bypassing Service can be integrated
in the ECU application. It lets you add additional functions to be
executed in the context of the ECU application without the need for
recompiling the ECU application.
dSPACE system A hardware system such as MicroAutoBox or
SCALEXIO on which the realtime application ( Real-time
application on page 598) runs.
Duration trigger A trigger ( Trigger on page 605) that defines
a duration. Using a duration trigger, you can, for example, specify the
duration of data acquisition for a measurement raster
( Measurement raster on page 589). A duration trigger can be
used as a stop trigger ( Stop trigger on page 603) only.

E ECU Abbreviation of electronic control unit.

ECU application A sequence of operations executed by an ECU. An
ECU application is mostly represented by a group of files such as
ECU Image files, map files, A2L files ( ECU Interfacing
Overview) and/or software module description files.
ECU calibration interface Interface for accessing an ECU by either
emulating the ECU's memory or using a communication protocol (for
example, XCP on CAN).
ECU diagnostics Functions such as:
n Handling the ECU fault memory: Entries in the ECUs fault memory
can be read, cleared, and saved.
n Executing diagnostic services and jobs: Users can communicate
with an ECU via a diagnostic protocol using diagnostic services,
diagnostic jobs, and control primitives.
ControlDesk provides the ECU Diagnostics device ( ECU Diagnostics
device on page 581) to access ECUs for diagnostic tasks.
Communication is via diagnostic protocols ( Diagnostic protocol
on page 577) implemented on the ECUs.
ECU diagnostics with ControlDesk are completely based on Open
Diagnostic Data Exchange (ODX), the ASAM MCD-2 D diagnostics

580 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

ControlDesk provides the Fault Memory Instrument ( Fault Memory

Instrument on page 584) and the Diagnostics Instrument (
Diagnostics Instrument on page 578) for ECU diagnostics tasks.
ECU Diagnostics device A device that provides access to ECUs
connected to the ControlDesk PC via CAN or K-Line for diagnostics or
flash programming purposes.
ControlDesk provides the ECU Diagnostics v2.0.2 device, which
supports the ASAM MCD-3 D V2.0.2 standard.
ControlDesk supports the following ODX database standards:
n ASAM MCD-2 D V2.0.1
n ASAM MCD-2 D V2.2.0 (ISO 229011)
ECU Diagnostics Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation that facilitates the calibration and
validation of ECU diagnostic functions.
ECU flash programming A method by which new code or data is
stored in ECU flash memory.
ECU Image file A binary file that is part of the ECU application. It
usually contains the code of an ECU application and the data of the
parameters within the application. It can be stored as an Intel Hex
(HEX) or Motorola SRecord (MOT or S19) file.
ECU Interface Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation for calibration and measurement access
to electronic control units (ECUs). The module is also required for
calibration and measurement access to virtual ECUs (VECUs) used in
virtual validation scenarios.
EESPort Configurations controlbar A controlbar ( Controlbar
on page 574) for configuring error configurations ( Error
configuration on page 582).
Electrical Error Simulation port (EESPort) An Electrical Error
Simulation port (EESPort) provides access to a failure simulation
hardware for simulating electrical errors in an ECU wiring according
to the ASAM AE XIL API standard. The configuration of the EESPort is
described by a hardware-dependent port configuration and one or
more error configurations.
Environment model A model that represents a part or all of the
ECU's environment in a simulation scenario. The environment model
is a part of the simulation system.
Environment VPU The executable of an environment model
built for the VEOS platform. An environment VPU is part of an offline
simulation application (OSA).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 581

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Error An electrical error that is specified by:

n An error category
n An error type
n A load type
Error category The error category defines how a signal is disturbed.
Which errors you can create for a signal depends on the connected
failure simulation hardware.
Error configuration An XML file that describes a sequence of
errors you want to switch during electrical error simulation. Each error
configuration comprises error sets with one or more errors.
Error set An error set is used to group errors (pin failures).
Error type The error type specifies the way an error category i.e.,
an interruption or short circuit of signals is provided. The error type
defines the disturbance itself.
Ethernet connection A mode for connecting dSPACE real-time
hardware to the host PC via Ethernet. The list below shows the
possible Ethernet connections:
n dSPACE real-time hardware installed in an expansion box
connected to the host PC via Ethernet.
n MicroAutoBox and MicroLabBox connected via Ethernet.
Event An event that is triggered by an action performed in
Event context The scope of validity of event sources ( Event
source on page 582) and events ( Event on page 582). There is
one event handler ( Event handler on page 582) code area for
each event context.
Event handler Code that is executed when the related event
( Event on page 582) occurs.
Event management Functionality for executing user-written code
according to actions triggered by ControlDesk.
Event source An object providing and triggering events ( Event
on page 582). LayoutManagement is an example of an event source.
Event state State of an event ( Event on page 582). ControlDesk
provides the following event states:
n No event handler ( Event handler on page 582) is defined
n Event handler is defined and enabled
n Event handler is defined and disabled
n Event handler is defined, but no Python code is available

582 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

n Event handler is deactivated because a run-time error occurred

during the execution of the Python code
Expansion box A box that hosts dSPACE boards. It can be
connected to the host PC via bus connection or via network.
Experiment A container for collecting and managing information
and files required for a parameter calibration and/or measurement
task. A number of experiments can be collected in a project but only
one of them can be active.
Extension script A Python script (PY or PYC file) that is executed
each time ControlDesk starts up. An extension script can be executed
for all users or user-specifically.

F Failure class A specific failure type, such as broken wire or short

circuit to ground. Only one failure class can be configured at the
same time for any specific ECU pin.
Failure insertion unit Hardware unit used with dSPACE simulators
to simulate failures in the wiring of an ECU, such as broken wire and
short circuit to ground.
Failure pattern A set of the ECU pins selected for failure
simulation, the assigned pin failures, and external connections such as
Rsim, Measurements, Source. Only one failure pattern can be
activated at the same time for any specific failure simulation system
( Failure simulation system on page 583). When a failure pattern
is activated, the pin failures in it are simulated simultaneously.
Failure Simulation controlbar A controlbar ( Controlbar
on page 574) for configuring failure simulation systems ( Failure
simulation system on page 583).
Failure Simulation Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation for simulating failures in the wiring of
an electronic control unit via a dSPACE Failure Insertion Unit.
Failure simulation system A combination of failure patterns
( Failure pattern on page 583), ECUs, and ECU pins that are
enabled for failure simulation.
n For non-SCALEXIO systems, a failure simulation system is based on
one or more signal files, which contain information on the wiring
between the failure insertion unit and the ECU.
n For SCALEXIO systems, a failure simulation system is based on the
information included in the real-time application file (RTA file) you
configured with ConfigurationDesk.
Fault memory Part of the ECU memory that stores diagnostic
trouble code (DTC) entries with status and environment information.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 583

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Fault Memory Instrument An instrument for reading, clearing,

and saving the content of the ECUs fault memory.
File-based item A file that belongs to a project, such as a layout or
Python file. You submit it to the database ( Database on page 575)
together with the project.
Firmware update An update for the firmware installed in the
boards flash memory. Firmware should be updated if it is older than
required by the real-time application to be downloaded.
Fixed axis An axis with data points that are not deposited in the
ECU memory. Unlike a common axis ( Common axis on page 573),
a fixed axis is specified within a curve ( Curve (variable type)
on page 575) or map ( Map on page 588). The parameters of a
fixed axis cannot be calibrated.
Flash job A specific diagnostic job for flashing the ECU memory. A
flash job implements the process control for flashing the ECU
memory, such as initialization, security access, writing data blocks,
FlexRay Bus Monitoring device A device that monitors the data
stream on a FlexRay bus connected to the ControlDesk PC.
The FlexRay Bus Monitoring device works only with PC-based FlexRay
The device supports the following variable description file types:
n AUTOSAR system description
Flight recording The recording of data on a hardware device that
does not require a physical connection between the host PC and the
hardware device.
Frame An instrument for adding a background frame to a layout,
for example, to visualize an instrument group.

G Gauge An instrument for displaying the value of the connected

variable by a needle deflection on a circular scale.
Gigalink module A dSPACE board for connecting several processor
boards in a multiprocessor system. The board allows high-speed serial
data transmission via fiber-optic cable.
Global data set A data set that is independent of a variable
description and can be compared to and merged with other (global)
data sets.
Group A collection of variables that are grouped according to a
certain criterion.

584 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

H Heading Indicator An instrument displaying the heading direction

of a simulated aircraft on a circular scale.
Hex Editor An editor that displays the memory segments of a
device. A data set represents the memory segments of one device.
The memory can be edited if the data set is writable.
Host service A service in a realtime application ( Real-time
application on page 598) that provides measurement data from the
application to the host PC.
The following platforms support applications that contain the host
n DS1005 PPC Board
n DS1006 Processor Board
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board
n MicroAutoBox
n Multiprocessor System

I Index Plotter An instrument for displaying signals that are

measured in an event-based raster (index plots).
Input quantity A measurement variable that is referenced by a
common axis and that provides the input value of that axis.
Instrument An on-screen representation that is designed to
monitor and/or control simulator variables interactively and to display
data captures. Instruments can be arranged freely on layouts (
Layout on page 587) .
The following instruments can be used in ControlDesk:
n Airspeed Indicator on page 567
n Altimeter on page 567
n Animated Needle on page 567
n Artificial Horizon on page 568
n Bar on page 568
n Browser on page 568
n Bus Instrument on page 569
n Check Button on page 572
n Diagnostics Instrument on page 578
n Display on page 578

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 585

s ControlDesk Glossary t

n Fault Memory Instrument on page 584

n Frame on page 584
n Gauge on page 584
n Heading Indicator on page 585
n Index Plotter on page 585
n Invisible Switch on page 587
n Knob on page 587
n Multistate Display on page 592
n Multiswitch on page 593
n Numeric Input on page 593
n On/Off Button on page 594
n Plotter on page 596
n Plotter Array on page 597
n Push Button on page 598
n Radio Button on page 598
n Selection Box on page 600
n Slider on page 602
n Sound Controller on page 602
n Static Text on page 603
n Steering Controller on page 603
n Table Editor on page 604
n Time Plotter on page 604
n Variable Array on page 607
n Video Monitoring instrument on page 609
n XY Plotter on page 610
Instrument Navigator A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574)
that displays a tree with all the instruments ( Instrument
on page 585) of the active layout ( Layout on page 587) and all

586 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

the variables that are connected to them. The Instrument Navigator's

main function is easy selection of instruments in complex layouts.
Instrument Selector A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574) that
provides access to ControlDesk's instruments ( Instrument
on page 585). The instruments can be placed on a layout ( Layout
on page 587) via double-click or drag and drop.
Instrumentation The entirety of functions, menus, commands, and
dialogs for working with instruments.
Interpreter ControlDesk's built-in programming interface for
editing, running and importing Python scripts. It contains a controlbar
( Interpreter controlbar on page 587) where the user can enter
Python commands interactively and which displays output and error
messages of Python commands.
Interpreter controlbar A controlbar that can be used to execute
line-based commands. It is used by the Interpreter to print out Python
standard error messages and standard output during the execution or
import of Python scripts.
Invisible Switch An instrument for defining an area that is sensitive
to mouse operations.
IOCNET (I/O carrier network) A dSPACE-specific high-speed serial
communication bus that connects the processing unit with all the
other boards in a SCALEXIO system.

K Knob An instrument for displaying and setting the value of the

connected variable by means of a knob on a circular scale.

L Label list A list of user-defined variables that can be used for taking
snapshots, etc.
Layout A window with instruments connected to variables of one
or more simulation models ( Instrument on page 585).
Layout Navigator A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574) that
displays all opened layouts ( Layout on page 587). It can be used
for switching between layouts.
Leading raster The measurement raster ( Measurement raster
on page 589) that specifies the trigger ( Trigger on page 605)
settings for the Plotter ( Plotter on page 596) display. The leading
raster determines the time range that is visible in the Plotter if a start
and stop trigger is used for displaying the signals.
LIN Bus Monitoring device A device that monitors the data stream
on a LIN bus connected to the ControlDesk PC.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 587

s ControlDesk Glossary t

The LIN Bus Monitoring device works, for example, with PC-based LIN
The device supports the following variable description file types:
n AUTOSAR system description
Load type The load type specifies the option to disturb a signal with
or without load rejection.
Local Program Data folder A standard folder for application-
specific configuration data that is used by the current, non-roaming
Log Viewer A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574) displaying a
history of all error and warning messages that occur during work with
Logical link A representation of an ECU specified in the diagnostics
database. A logical link contains information on the ECU itself, and all
the information required for accessing it, such as the diagnostic
protocol ( Diagnostic protocol on page 577) used for
communication between the ECU and ControlDesk. Each logical link
is represented by a unique short name in the ODX database ( ODX
database on page 593).
Look-up table A look-up table maps one or two input values to
one output value.
Generic term for curves and maps.

M Main variable A scalar variable that is visualized in an instrument

that can be used to change parameter values. In addition to the main
variable, additional write variables ( Additional write variable
on page 567) can also be connected to (but not visualized in) the
same instrument. When you change the value of the main variable in
an instrument, the changed value is also applied to all the additional
write variables connected to that instrument.
Map A parameter ( Parameter on page 595) that consists of
n A 1dimensional array containing the axis points for the xaxis. This
array can also be specified by a reference to a common axis (
Common axis on page 573).

588 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

n A 1dimensional array containing the axis points for the yaxis. This
array can also be specified by a reference to a common axis (
Common axis on page 573).
n A 2dimensional array containing data points. The map assigns
one data point of the array to each pair of xaxis and yaxis points
Maps are represented by the symbol.
Map file A file that contains symbols (symbolic names) and their
physical addresses. It is generated during a build process of an ECU
MCD3 Automation Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation that enables users to automate
ControlDesk Next Generation according to the ASAM MCD3
Measurement Viewing and analyzing the time traces of variables
( Variable on page 606), for example, to observe the effects of
ECU parameter changes.
ControlDesk provides various instruments ( Instrument
on page 585) for measuring variables.
Measurement (variable type) A scalar variable that can be
measured, including individual elements of a measurement array.
Measurement variables are represented by the symbol.
Measurement array A 1, 2, or 3dimensional array of
measurement variables. In variable lists, ControlDesk displays entries
for the measurement array itself and for each array element.
Measurement arrays are represented by the symbol.
Measurement Configuration A controlbar ( Controlbar
on page 574) that allows you to configure measurement and
Measurement data API Application programming interface (API)
for accessing measurement data (stand alone: access is possible
without ControlDesk).
Measurement Data Pool A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574)
that provides access to measurement data recorded in measurement
data files.
Measurement raster Specification of how often a value of a
variable ( Variable on page 606) is updated during a
measurement ( Measurement on page 589). A measurement raster
is derived from a measurement service ( Measurement service
on page 590).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 589

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Measurement service The generic term for the following services:

n CCP service ( CCP on page 572)
n DsDAQ service ( DsDAQ service on page 579)
n Host service ( Host service on page 585)
n XCP service ( XCP on page 609)
Measurement signal list A list containing the variables to be
included in subsequent measurements and recording. The list is global
for all platforms/devices of the current experiment.
Measurement variable Any variable type that can be measured
but not calibrated.
Measuring / Recording A platform/device state defined by the
following characteristics:
n A continuous logical connection is established between
ControlDesk and the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n Online calibration is possible. Parameter values can be changed
directly on the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n A measurement (or recording) is currently running.
n Platform/device configuration is not possible.
The 'measuring' / 'recording' platform/device state is indicated by the
Memory page An area of a calibration memory. Each page
contains a complete set of parameters of the platform/device
hardware or VPU, but only one of the pages is visible to the
microcontroller of the ECU, the realtime processor (RTP) of the
platform hardware, or to the VPU at a time.
ControlDesk supports platform/device hardware with up to two
memory pages. These are usually the working page ( Working page
on page 609) and the reference page ( Reference page
on page 599). The parameter values on the two memory pages
usually are different. ControlDesk lets you switch from one page to
the other, so that when parameters are changed on one page, the
changes can be made available to the ECU or prototyping hardware
via a single page switch.

Some platforms/devices provide only a working page. You
cannot switch to a reference page in this case.

590 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

MicroAutoBox platform A platform that provides access to a

MicroAutoBox connected to the host PC for function prototyping
purposes such as bypassing.
Mirrored memory A memory area created by ControlDesk on the
host PC that mirrors the contents of the available memory pages of
calibration and prototyping hardware or VPUs. For hardware with two
memory pages, the mirrored memory is divided into a reference and a
working page, each of them containing a complete set of parameters.
When a calibration or prototyping platform/device is added to an
experiment, ControlDesk initially fills the available memory pages of
the mirrored memory with the contents of the ECU Image file ( ECU
Image file on page 581) (initial filling for calibration devices) or with
the contents of the SDF file (initial filling for platforms).
n Mirrored memory for offline calibration
Parameter values can even be changed offline ( Offline
on page 594). Changes to parameter values that are made
offline affect only the mirrored memory.
n Offlinetoonline transition for online calibration
For online calibration, an offline-to-online transition must be
performed. During the transition, ControlDesk compares the
memory pages ( Memory page on page 590) of the hardware or
VPU of each platform/device with the corresponding pages of the
mirrored memory. If the pages differ, the user has to equalize
them by uploading them from the hardware or VPU to the host
PC, or downloading them from the host PC to the hardware or
n Mirrored memory for online calibration
When ControlDesk is in the online mode, parameter value
changes become effective synchronously on the memory pages of
the hardware or VPU and in the mirrored memory. In other words,
parameter values on the hardware or VPU and on the host PC are
always the same while you are performing online calibration.
Mixed project A project that contains experiments or applications
of different dSPACE software products.
Modular system A dSPACE processor board and one or more I/O
boards connected to it.
Multi-capture history The storage of all the captures ( Capture
on page 572) acquired during a triggered measurement ( Triggered
measurement on page 605). The amount of stored data depends
on the measurement buffer.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 591

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Multi-pin failure A feature of the SCALEXIO failure simulation

concept that lets you simulate a short circuit between three or more
signal channels and/or bus channels. The channels can be located on
the same or different boards or I/O units. You can simulate a short
circuit between:
n Channels of the same signal category (e.g., four signal generation
n Channels of different signal categories (e.g., three signal
generation channels and two signal measurement channels)
n Signal channels and bus channels (e.g., two signal generation
channels, one signal measurement channel, and one bus channel)
Multiple failures A feature of the SCALEXIO failure simulation
concept that lets you switch electrical failures at the same time or in
succession. For example, you can simulate an open circuit for one
channel and a short circuit for another channel at the same time,
without deactivating the first failure.
Multiprocessor Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation which provides access to the multicore
and multiprocessor features of dSPACE modular systems based on the
following dSPACE real-time hardware:
n DS1005
n DS1006
n DS1007
n MicroLabBox
Using the Multiprocessor Module requires that you also have a valid
license for the Standard Platforms Module.
Multiprocessor System platform A platform that provides access
n A multicore application running on a multicore DS1006 board
n A multiprocessor application on a multiprocessor system consisting
of two or more dSPACE processor boards interconnected via
A multiprocessor system can be based on DS1005 processor
boards, or on DS1006 processor boards.
ControlDesk handles a multiprocessor/multicore system as a unit and
uses one system description file (SDF file) to load the applications to
all the processor boards/cores in the system.
Multistate Display An instrument for displaying the value of a
variable as an LED state and/or as a message text.

592 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Multistate LED A value cell type of the Variable Array ( Variable

Array on page 607) for displaying the value of a variable as an LED
Multiswitch An instrument for changing variable values by clicking
sensitive areas in the instrument and for visualizing different states
depending on the current value of the connected variable.

N Numeric Input An instrument (or a value cell type of the Variable

Array ( Variable Array on page 607)) for displaying and setting
the value of the connected variable numerically.

O Observing variables Reading variable values cyclically from the

dSPACE real-time hardware and displaying their current values in
ControlDesk, even if no measurement is currently running. Variable
observation is performed without using a measurement buffer, and
no value history is kept.
For platforms that support variable observation, variable observation
is available for parameters and measurement variables that are
visualized in single-shot instruments (all instruments except for the
Plotter). If you visualize a variable in a singleshot instrument, the
variable is not added to the measurement signal list. Visualizing a
parameter or measurement variable in a Plotter automatically adds
the variable to the measurement signal list.
ControlDesk starts observing variables if one of the following
conditions is true:
n Online Calibration is started for the platform.
All the parameters and measurement variables that are visualized
in singleshot instruments are observed.
n Measurement is started for the platform.
All the visualized parameters and measurement variables that are
not activated for measurement in the measurement signal list are
observed. Data of the activated parameters and measurement
variables is acquired using measurement rasters.
ODX database Abbreviation of Open Diagnostic Data Exchange, a
diagnostics database ( Diagnostics database on page 577) that is
the central ECU description for working with an ECU Diagnostics
device ( ECU Diagnostics device on page 581) in ControlDesk. The
ODX database contains all the information required to perform
diagnostic communication between ControlDesk and a specific ECU
or set of ECUs in a vehicle network. ControlDesk expects the
database to be compliant with ASAM MCD-2 D (ODX).

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 593

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Offline State in which the parameter values of hardware or a VPU

in the current experiment cannot be changed. This applies regardless
of whether or not the host PC is physically connected to the
The mirrored memory ( Mirrored memory on page 591) allows
parameter values to be changed even offline.
Offline simulation A PC-based simulation in which the simulator is
not connected to a physical system and is thus independent of the
real time.
Offline simulation application (OSA) An offline simulation
application (OSA) file is an executable file for VEOS. After the build
process with a tool such as the VEOS Player, the OSA file can be
downloaded to VEOS.
An OSA can contain multiple VPUs, each of which contains either a
VECU or environment VPU. Each VPU runs in a separate process of
the host PCs operating system.
On/Off Button An instrument (or a value cell type of the Variable
Array ( Variable Array on page 607)) for setting the value of the
connected parameter to a predefined value when the button is
pressed (On value) and released (Off value).
Online calibration started A platform/device state defined by the
following characteristics:
n A continuous logical connection is established between
ControlDesk and the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n Online calibration is possible. Parameter values can be changed
directly on the platform/device hardware or VPU.
n Platform/device configuration is not possible.
Before starting online calibration, ControlDesk lets you compare the
memory pages ( Memory page on page 590) on the
platform/device hardware or VPU with the corresponding pages of
the mirrored memory ( Mirrored memory on page 591). If the
parameter values on the pages differ, they must be equalized by
uploading the values from the hardware or VPU to ControlDesk, or
downloading the values from ControlDesk to the hardware or VPU.
However, a page cannot be downloaded if it is readonly.
The 'online calibration started' platform/device state is indicated by
the Symbol.
Operation signal A signal ( Signal on page 600) which
represents the result of an arithmetical operation (such as addition or
multiplication) between two other signals.

594 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Operator mode A working mode of ControlDesk Next

Generation Basic Version in which ControlDesk provides only a
subset of functionality. You can work with existing experiments but
not modify them, which protects them from unintentional changes.
Output parameter A parameter ( Parameter on page 595)
whose memory address is used to write the computed value of a
calculated variable ( Calculated variable on page 570) to.

P Parameter Any variable type that can be calibrated.

Parameter (variable type) A scalar parameter ( Parameter
on page 595), including individual elements of a value block.
Scalar parameters are represented by the symbol.
Parameter limits Limits within which parameters can be changed.
Parameters have hard and weak limits.
n Hard limits
Hard limits designate the value range of a parameter that you
cannot cross during calibration.
The hard limits of a parameter originate from the corresponding
variable description ( Variable description on page 607) and
cannot be edited in ControlDesk Next Generation.
n Weak limits
Weak limits designate the value range of a parameter that you
should not cross during calibration. When you cross the value
range defined by the weak limits, ControlDesk Next Generation
warns you.
In ControlDesk Next Generation, you can edit the weak limits of a
parameter within the value range given by the parameters hard
PHS (Peripheral High Speed) bus A dSPACE-specific bus for
communication between a processor board and the I/O boards in a
modular system. It allows direct I/O operations between the processor
board (bus master) and I/O boards (bus slaves).
PHS-bus based system A modular dSPACE system consisting of a
processor board such as the DS1006 Processor Board and I/O boards.
They communicate with each other via the PHS bus ( PHS
(Peripheral High Speed) bus on page 595).
Pin failure A failure of a failure class ( Failure class on page 583)
specified for a specific ECU pin.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 595

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Only the pin failures of one failure pattern can be activated at the
same time for any specific failure simulation system ( Failure
simulation system on page 583).
Pitch variable A variable connected to the pitch scale of an
Artificial Horizon ( Artificial Horizon on page 568).
Platform A software component representing a simulator where a
simulation application is computed in real-time (on dSPACE real-time
hardware) or in non-real-time (on VEOS). ControlDesk provides the
following platforms:
n DS1005 PPC Board platform on page 578
n DS1006 Processor Board platform on page 579
n DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform on page 579
n DS1103 PPC Controller Board platform on page 579
n DS1104 R&D Controller Board platform on page 579
n DS1202 MicroLabBox platform on page 579
n MicroAutoBox platform on page 591
n Multiprocessor System platform on page 592
n SCALEXIO platform on page 600
n VEOS platform on page 608
n XIL API MAPort platform on page 610
Each platform usually has a variable description ( Variable
description on page 607) that specifies its variables.
The platforms in ControlDesk can be experiment-specific or project-
global. A project-global platform can be reused in multiple
experiments of a project and has an identical configuration in all of
Platform trigger A trigger ( Trigger on page 605) that is
available for a platform ( Platform on page 596) and that is
evaluated on the related dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS.
Platform/Device Manager A software component represented by
a controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574). It provides functions to
handle devices, platforms, and the applications assigned to the
Plotter An instrument for displaying and postprocessing both
analog and binary variable values.

596 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Plotter Array An instrument for working with a group of Plotters.

Port configuration To interface the failure simulation hardware, an
EESPort needs the hardware-dependent port configuration file
(PORTCONFIG file). The file's contents must fit the connected HIL
simulator architecture and its failure simulation hardware.
Postprocessing The handling of measured and recorded data by
the following actions:
n Displaying measured or recorded data
n Zooming into measured or recorded signals with the Plotter
n Displaying the values of measurement variables and parameters as
they were at any specific point in time
Processor board A board that computes real-time applications. It
has an operating system that controls all calculations and
communication to other boards.
Project A container for collecting and managing the information
and files required for experiment/calibration/modification tasks in a
number of experiments. A project collects the experiments and
manages their common data.
Project Manager A software component represented by a
controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574). It provides access to projects
and experiments and all the files they contain.
Project root directory The directory on your file system to which
ControlDesk saves all the experiments and documents of a project
( Project on page 597). Every project is associated with a project
root directory, and several projects can use the same project root
directory. The user can group projects by specifying several project
root directories.
ControlDesk uses the Documents ( Documents folder on page 578)
folder as the default project root directory unless a different one is
Properties controlbar A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574)
providing access to the properties of platforms/devices,
layouts/instruments, and measurement/recording configurations.
Proposed calibration A calibration mode in which the parameter
value changes that the user makes do not become effective on the
hardware or VPU until they are applied. This allows several parameter
changes to be written to the hardware or VPU synchronously. Being
in proposed calibration mode is like being in the offline calibration
mode temporarily.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 597

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Push Button An instrument (or a value cell type of the Variable

Array ( Variable Array on page 607)) for setting the value of the
connected parameter by push buttons.
Python Editor An editor for opening and editing PY files.

Q Quick start measurement A type of measurement in which all the

ECU variables configured for measurement are measured and
recorded, starting with the first execution of an ECU task.
ControlDesk supports quick start measurements on ECUs with
DCIGSI1, DCIGSI2, CCP, and XCP (except for XCP on Ethernet with
the TCP transmission protocol).
Quick start measurement can be used to perform cold start
measurements. Cold start means that the vehicle and/or the engine
are cooled down to the temperature of the environment and then
started. One reason for performing cold start measurements is to
observe the behavior of an engine during the warmup phase.

R Radio Button An instrument for displaying and setting the value of

the connected parameter by radio buttons.
Real-time application An application that can be executed in real
time on dSPACE realtime hardware. A real-time application can be
built from a Simulink model containing RTI blocks, for example.
Record layout A record layout is used to specify a data type and
define the order of the data in the memory of the target system (ECU,
for example). For scalar data types, a record layout allows you to add
an address mode (direct or indirect). For structured (aggregated) data
types, the record layout specifies all the structure elements and the
order they appear in.
The 'RECORD_LAYOUT' keyword in an ASAP2 file is used to specify
the various record layouts of the data types in the memory. The
structural buildup of the various data types must be described in such
a way that a standard application system will be able to process all
data types (reading, writing, operating point display etc.).
Record layout component A component of a record layout. A
structured record layout consists of several components according to
the ASAP2 specification. For example, the AXIS_PTS_X component
specifies the x-axis points, and the FNC_VALUES component describes
the function values of a map or a curve.
Recorder An object in the Measurement Configuration (
Measurement Configuration on page 589) controlbar that specifies
and executes the recording ( Recording on page 599) of variables
according to a specific measurement configuration.

598 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Recording Saving the time traces of variables to a file. Both

measurement variables and parameters can be recorded. Recorded
data can be postprocessed ( Postprocessing on page 597) directly in
A recording can be started and stopped immediately or via a trigger:
n Immediate recording
The recording is started and stopped without delay, without
having to meet a trigger condition.
n Triggered recording
The recording is not started or stopped until certain trigger
conditions are met. These conditions can be defined and edited in
Reference data set A read-only data set assigned to the reference
page of a device that has two memory pages ( Memory page
on page 590),. There can be only one reference data set for each
device. The reference data set is readonly.
Reference page Memory area containing the parameters of an
ECU. The reference page contains the readonly reference data set (
Reference data set on page 599).
Resynchronization Mechanism to periodically synchronize the
drifting timers of the platform/device hardware ControlDesk is
connected to. Resynchronization means adjustment to a common
time base.
Roll variable A variable connected to the roll scale of an Artificial
Horizon ( Artificial Horizon on page 568).

S Sandbox The folder where your project files are stored locally when
you work with a database ( Database on page 575).
SCALEXIO Multicore Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation that provides access to real-time
applications that are computed on multiple cores of a single-
processor SCALEXIO system.
Using the SCALEXIO Multicore Module requires that you also have a
valid license for the SCALEXIO Platform Module.
SCALEXIO Multiprocessor Module An optional software module
for ControlDesk Next Generation that provides access to real-time
applications that are computed on multiple cores of a multiprocessor
SCALEXIO system.
Using the SCALEXIO Multiprocessor Module requires that you also
have a valid license for the SCALEXIO Platform Module.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 599

s ControlDesk Glossary t

SCALEXIO platform A platform that provides access to a single-

core, multicore or multiprocessor SCALEXIO system connected to
the host PC for HIL simulation and ECU testing purposes.
SCALEXIO Platform Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation that provides access to the dSPACE
real-time platform SCALEXIO.
SCALEXIO system A dSPACE hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) system
consisting of a real-time industry PC as the processing unit, I/O
boards, and I/O units. They communicate with each other via the
IOCNET (I/O carrier network) on page 587. The system simulates the
environment to test an ECU. It provides the sensor signals for the
ECU, measures the signals of the ECU, and provides the power
(battery voltage) for the ECU and a bus interface for restbus
SDF file The variable description file that describes the files to be
loaded to the individual processing units of a simulation platform. It is
generated automatically when the TRC file is built.
Segment The minimum part a segment signal ( Segment signal
on page 600) can consist of.
There are different kinds of segments to be used in segment signals:
n Segments to form synthetic signal shapes (sine, sawtooth, ramp,
n Segments to perform arithmetical operations (addition,
multiplication) with other segments
n Segments to represent numerical signal data (measured data)
Segment signal A signal ( Signal on page 600) consisting of
one or more segments ( Segment on page 600).
Selection Box An instrument for selecting a text-value entry and
setting the respective numerical value for the connected variable.
n Representation of a variable ( Variable on page 606) measured
in a specific measurement raster ( Measurement raster
on page 589).
n Generic term for segment signals ( Segment signal on page 600)
and operation signals ( Operation signal on page 594).
A signal is part of a signal description set ( Signal description set
on page 601) which can be displayed and edited in the working

600 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Signal description set A group of one or more signals ( Signal

on page 600).
A signal description set and its signals can be edited in the working
area by means of the Signal Editor. Each signal description set is
stored as an STZ file ( STZ file on page 603) either in the Signal
Description Sets folder or in the Signal Generators folder.
Signal Editor Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation for the graphical definition and
execution of signal generators for stimulating model variables of real-
time/offline simulation applications.
Signal file A file that contains the wiring information of a simulator
and that is part of the standard dSPACE documentation of dSPACE
Simulator Full-Size. Normally, dSPACE generates this file when
designing the simulator. Before using a failure simulation system,
users can adapt the signal file to their needs.
Signal generator An STZ file containing a signal description set
( Signal description set on page 601) and optional information
about the signal mapping ( Signal Mapping on page 601), the
description of variables, and the real-time platform.
The file is located in the Signal Generators folder and used to
generate, download, and control Real-Time Testing sequences, which
are executed on the real-time platform to stimulate ( Stimulation
on page 603) model variables in real time.
Signal Mapping A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574) of the
Signal Editor to map model variables from the Variable Browser to
signals ( Signal on page 600) and variable aliases ( Variable alias
on page 607) of a signal generator ( Signal generator
on page 601).
Signal Selector A controlbar ( Controlbar on page 574) of the
Signal Editor. The Signal Selector is a graphical instrument providing
signals ( Signal on page 600) and segments ( Segment
on page 600) for arranging and configuring signal description sets (
Signal description set on page 601) in the working area.
Simulation application The generic term for offline simulation
application (OSA) and Real-time application.
Simulation system A description of the composition of VECU
models, environment models, real ECUs, and their interconnections
required for simulating the behavior of a system. A simulation system
is the basis for the generation of a simulation system for a given
simulator platform.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 601

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Simulation time group Group of platforms/devices in an

experiment whose simulation times are synchronized with each other.
If resynchronization ( Resynchronization on page 599) is enabled,
ControlDesk synchronizes a simulation time group as a whole, not the
single members of the group individually.
Simulator A system that imitates the characteristics or behaviors of
a selected physical or abstract system.
Single-processor system A system that is based on one dSPACE
processor or controller board. The other system type is a
multiprocessor system ( Multiprocessor System platform
on page 592).
Slave application An application assigned to the slave DSP (
Slave DSP on page 602) of a controller or I/O board. It is usually
loaded and started together with the realtime application ( Real-
time application on page 598) running on the corresponding main
Slave DSP A DSP subsystem installed on a controller or I/O board.
Its slave application ( Slave application on page 602) can be loaded
together with the realtime application ( Real-time application
on page 598) or separately.
Slider An instrument (or a value cell type of the Variable Array
( Variable Array on page 607)) for displaying and setting the value
of the connected variable by means of a slide.
Snapshot The current values of selected ECU variables captured at a
specific time and stored in a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Sound Controller An instrument for generating sounds to be
Standard axis An axis with data points that are deposited in the
ECU memory. Unlike a common axis ( Common axis on page 573),
a standard axis is specified within a curve ( Curve (variable type)
on page 575) or map ( Map on page 588). The parameters of a
standard axis can be calibrated, which affects only the related curve
or map.
Standard Platforms Module An optional software module for
ControlDesk Next Generation which provides access to the following
dSPACE real-time platforms:
n DS1005
n DS1006
n DS1007
n DS1103

602 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

n DS1104
n DS1202 MicroLabBox
n MicroAutoBox
No platform module is required to access VEOS.
Start trigger A trigger ( Trigger on page 605) that is used, for
example, to start a measurement raster ( Measurement raster
on page 589). A platform trigger ( Platform trigger on page 596)
can be used as a start trigger.
Static Text An instrument for displaying explanations or inscriptions
on the layout.
Steering Controller An instrument for changing variable values
using a game controller device such as a joystick or a steering wheel.
Stimulation Writing signals to variables in real-time models during
a simulation run.
Stop trigger A trigger ( Trigger on page 605) that is used, for
example, to stop a measurement raster ( Measurement raster
on page 589).
String A text variable in ASCII format.
Strings are represented by the symbol.
Struct A variable with the struct data type. A struct contains a
structured list of variables that can have various data types. In
ControlDesk, a struct variable can contain either parameters and
value blocks or measurement variables and measurement arrays.
ControlDesk supports nested structs, i.e., structs that contain further
structs and struct arrays as elements.
Structs are represented by the symbol.
Struct array An array of homogeneous struct variables.
Struct arrays are represented by the symbol.
STZ file A ZIP file containing signal descriptions in the STI format.
The STZ file can also contain additional MAT files to describe
numerical signal data.
Sub data set A data set that does not contain the complete set of
the parameters of a platform/device.
Symbol A symbolic name of a physical address in a map file. A
symbol can be associated to a variable in the Variable Editor, for
example, to support an address updates.
SYNECT server Server that provides the database ( Database
on page 575) that you can connect to.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 603

s ControlDesk Glossary t

System variable A type of variable that represents internal variables

of the device or platform hardware and that can be used as
measurement signals in ControlDesk to give feedback on the status of
the related device or platform hardware. For example, an ECUs
power supply status or the simulation state of a dSPACE board can be
visualized via system variables.

T Table Editor An instrument for displaying and setting values of a

connected curve, map, value block, or axis in a graphical and a
numerical view. The Table Editor can also display the values of a
measurement array.
The Table Editor can be used for the following variable types:
n Axis points ( )
n Curve ( )
n Map ( )
n Measurement array ( )
n Value block ( )
Template An existing variable description file which can be used as
the draft of a new variable description.
The Variable Editor offers predefined templates that contain default
interface data. You can also create your own templates on condition
that they are A2L-compatible.
Time Plotter An instrument for displaying signals that are measured
in a time-based raster (time plots).
Timing sequence A specification of the time duration between
state changes during failure simulation. Timing sequences are
necessary for pulsed switching (simulating loose contacts or switch
Topology A description of the processor boards belonging to a
multiprocessor system and their interconnections via Gigalinks. The
topology also contains information on which Gigalink port of each
processor board is connected to the Gigalink ports of other processor
boards in the multiprocessor system.
Topology information is contained in the real-time application
(PPC/x86/RTA) files of the multiprocessor system's processor boards.
TRC file A variable description file with information on the variables
available in an environment model running on a
dSPACE platform.

604 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Trigger A condition for executing an action such as starting and

stopping a measurement raster ( Measurement raster on page 589)
or a recorder ( Recorder on page 598).
The generic term for the following services:
n Duration trigger ( Duration trigger on page 580)
n Platform trigger ( Platform trigger on page 596)
Trigger condition A formula that specifies the condition of a
trigger ( Trigger on page 605) mathematically.
Triggered measurement The measurement of a measurement
raster ( Measurement raster on page 589) started by a platform
trigger ( Platform trigger on page 596). The data flow between the
dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS and the host PC is not

U Unassigned data set A data set that is assigned neither to the

working page nor to the reference page of a platform/device. An
unassigned data set can be defined as the new working or reference
data set. It then replaces the old working or reference data set and
is written to the corresponding memory page, if one is available on
the platform/device.
Unplugged A platform/device state defined by the following
n The logical connection between ControlDesk and the hardware
was interrupted, for example, because the ignition was turned off
or the ControlDesk PC and the hardware were disconnected.
n Before the state of a platform/device changes to 'unplugged', the
platform/device was in one of the following states:
n 'Connected'
n 'Online calibration started'
n 'Measuring' / 'Recording'

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 605

s ControlDesk Glossary t

A device for which the connection between ControlDesk and
the device hardware currently is interrupted is also set to the
"unplugged" state when you start online calibration if both
the following conditions are fulfilled:
n The device's Start unplugged property is enabled.
n The Start online calibration behavior property is set to
"Ignore differences".
This is possible for CCP and XCP devices. For details on the
two properties listed above, refer to General Settings
Properties on page 313.

n If the automatic reconnect feature is enabled for a platform/device

and if the platform/device is in the 'unplugged' state, ControlDesk
periodically tries to reestablish the logical connection for that
n Online calibration is impossible. Offline calibration is possible.
n Platform/device configuration is possible.

The 'unplugged' platform/device state is indicated by the icon.

Untriggered measurement The measurement of a measurement
raster ( Measurement raster on page 589) not started by a platform
trigger ( Platform trigger on page 596). The data flow between the
dSPACE real-time hardware or VEOS and the host PC is continuous.
User function An external function or program that is added to the
Automation - User Functions ribbon group for quick and easy access
during work with ControlDesk.

V Value block A parameter ( Parameter on page 595) that consists

of a 1 or 2dimensional array of scalar parameters ( Parameter
(variable type) on page 595).
In variable lists, ControlDesk displays entries for the value block itself
and for each array element.
Value blocks are represented by the symbol.
Value conversion The conversion of the original values of simulator
or ECU variables (source values) to the corresponding scaled values to
be displayed by the instrument (read connection) and vice versa (write
Variable Any parameter ( Parameter on page 595) or
measurement variable ( Measurement variable on page 590)

606 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

defined in a variable description ( Variable description

on page 607). ControlDesk provides various instruments (
Instrument on page 585) to visualize variables.
Variable alias An alias name that lets the user control the property
of a segment ( Segment on page 600) by a model parameter of a
real-time application.
Variable Array An instrument for calibrating parameters and
displaying measurement variable values.
The Variable Array can be used for the following variable types:
n Measurement ( )
n Measurement array ( )
n String ( )
n Struct ( )
n Value ( )
n Value block ( )
Variable Browser The Variable Browser is a controlbar that
provides access to the variables of the currently open experiment.
Variable connection The connection of a variable ( Variable
on page 606) to an instrument ( Instrument on page 585). Via the
variable connection, data is exchanged between a variable and the
instrument used to measure or calibrate the variable. In other words,
variable connections are required to visualize variables in instrument.
Variable Database (VDB) A Variable Database (VDB) file is the file
format in which Variable Editor projects are saved.
Variable description A file describing the variables in a simulation
application, which are available for measurement, calibration, and
Variable description template Template on page 604
Variable Editor A tool for viewing, editing, and creating variable
descriptions in the ASAM MCD-2MC (A2L) file format. The Variable
Editor allows you to create A2L files from scratch, or to import
existing A2L files for modification.
Variable Filter A variable filter contains the filter configuration of a
combined filter, which is used to filter the variable list in the Variable
Browser using a combination of filter conditions.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 607

s ControlDesk Glossary t

VECU Abbreviation of virtual ECU.

An executable element in a simulation system that emulates a real
ECU in a simulation scenario. The VECU comprises components from
the application and the basic software, and provides functionalities
comparable to those of a real ECU.
Vehicle information The ODX database ( ODX database
on page 593) can contain information for one or more vehicles.
Vehicle information data is used for vehicle identification purposes
and for access to vehicles. It references the access paths (logical links)
to the ECUs.
VEOS A simulator which is part of the host PC and allows the
user to run an offline simulation application (OSA) without relation
to real time.
VEOS platform A platform that configures and controls the
offline simulation application (OSA) running in VEOS and that
also provides access to the application's environment VPU.
VEOS Player An application running on the host PC for editing,
configuring and controlling an offline simulation application (OSA)
running in VEOS.
Verbal conversion In ControlDesk, verbal conversion means that a
variable uses a conversion table ( Conversion table on page 574) to
specify the computation of numerical values into strings. The verbal
conversion table is used when you switch the value representation
from source to converted mode and vice versa.
In the ASAM MCD-3 object model, a CompuVTab object (
CompuVTab on page 573) defines a verbal conversion table.
Version A state of a project. You can release versions to archive
them. To submit a released project, you have to create a new version
of it. You can directly submit a new version to the database
( Database on page 575).
Version control A mechanism for holding a second set of files in
addition to the local working files. The two sets of files are
synchronized by means of check out and check in commands. This
allows a team of people to work together on a project and save
various development stages. The team members can examine the file
history, add comments as revision descriptions, restore any previous
version of a file, etc, via the version control system's user interface.
Video Capturing device A device that provides access to video
signals from a connected camera and allows you to record video data
synchronously to signals from other platforms/devices.

608 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s ControlDesk Glossary t

Video Monitoring instrument An instrument for displaying video

View set A named configuration of the controlbars ( Controlbar
on page 574) of ControlDesk. A view set has a default state and a
current state that can differ from the default state. The configuration
includes the geometry, visibility, and docking or floating state of
Virtual validation Offline and real-time simulation scenarios that
involve virtual ECUs ( VECU).
Visualization The representation of variables ( Variable
on page 606) in instruments ( Instrument on page 585):
n Measurement variables ( Measurement variable on page 590)
are visualized in instruments to view and analyze their time traces.
n Calibration parameters ( Parameter on page 595) are visualized
in instruments to change their values.
VPU Abbreviation of virtual processing unit.
Part of an offline simulation application in VEOS. Each VPU runs in a
separate process of the host PC.

W Working data set The data set currently residing in the memory of
a platform/device hardware or VPU. There can be only one working
data set for each calibration platform/device. The working data set is
Working page Memory area containing the parameters of an ECU,
VPU, or prototyping hardware ( Memory page on page 590). The
working page contains the read/write working data set ( Data set
on page 575).
Workspace A set of projects in the database ( Database
on page 575).
Writable measurement A scalar variable that can be measured
and calibrated.

X XCP Abbreviation of Universal Measurement and Calibration

Protocol. A protocol that is implemented on electronic control units
(ECUs) and provides access to ECUs with measurement and
calibration systems (MCS) such as ControlDesk. The X stands for
the physical layers for communication between the ECU and the
MCS, such as CAN (Controller Area Network) and Ethernet.

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 609

s ControlDesk Glossary t

The basic features of XCP are:

n Read and write access to the ECU memory, i.e., providing access
for calibration
n Synchronous data acquisition
n Synchronous data stimulation, i.e., for bypassing
n Flash programming for ECU development
The XCP protocol was developed by ASAM e.V. (Association for
Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems e.V.). For the
protocol specification, refer to
XCP is often used together with an A2L variable description.
XCP on CAN device A device that provides access to an ECU with
XCP connected to the ControlDesk Next Generation PC via CAN.
Using the XCP on CAN device, you can access the ECU for
measurement and calibration purposes via XCP (Universal
Measurement and Calibration Protocol).
XCP on Ethernet device A device that provides access to an ECU
or VECU with XCP connected to the ControlDesk PC via Ethernet.
The XCP on Ethernet device provides access to the ECU/V-ECU via
XCP (Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol) for
measurement and calibration purposes.
XCP on FlexRay device A device that provides access to an ECU
with XCP connected to the ControlDesk PC via FlexRay. The XCP on
FlexRay device provides access to the ECU via XCP (Universal
Measurement and Calibration Protocol) for measurement and
calibration purposes.
XIL API EESPort Electrical Error Simulation port (EESPort)
XIL API MAPort platform A platform that provides access to a
simulation platform via the ASAM XIL API implementation that is
installed on your host PC.
XIL API MAPort Platform Module An optional software module
for ControlDesk Next Generation that provides access to test benches
by using an ASAM XIL API MAPort Server for reading, writing and
capturing variables.
XY cursor Cursors that can be displayed in the analog and in the
binary view area of a Plotter after a measurement has been
performed. The XY cursors allow the specific observation of measured
values. They can also be used for specifying a zoom area.
XY Plotter An instrument for displaying signals as functions of
other signals.

610 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Index t

DCIGSI1 device 172 DS1104 R&D Controller Board platform

A DCIGSI2 device 174 246
FlexRay Bus Monitoring device 162 DS1104FwArchive 77
accessing ECUs 154 LIN Bus Monitoring device 164 DS1202 MicroLabBox platform 248
accessing hardware simultaneously XCP on CAN device 211 DS1202FwArchive 78
access levels 109 XCP on Ethernet device 215 DS802 support 59
error messages 110 XCP on FlexRay device 217 DSx86_32 UserFirmware 73
ADC Type 4 PLD firmware 73 DCI-GSI1 / DCI-GSI2 devices 172
Add Platform/Device dialog 480 DS1007 platform 85
Add Platform/Device to Experiment
ECU diagnostics devices 178
dialog 480 multiprocessor system platforms 96 ECU Diagnostics device 179, 251
adding platforms/devices to an SCALEXIO platforms 104 ECU Flash Programming dialog 477
experiment 49 video capturing devices 203 experiments
Advanced Settings page 443 XIL API MAPort platforms 111 reusing 38
AIO Type 1 PLD firmware 73 configuring a CAN Bus Monitoring
assigning a DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 device 159 F
device 172 configuring a CCP device 168
assigning a DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 configuring a FlexRay Bus Monitoring firmware
device 174 device 162 updating in secured mode 80
assigning dSPACE real-time hardware to a configuring a LIN Bus Monitoring device firmware components 73
platform 66 164 firmware limitations
assigning VEOS to a platform 66 configuring an ECU Diagnostics device using DS802 PHS Link Board 76
Assignment page 445 184 flashing via diagnostic protocols 223
automatic reconnect 33 configuring an XCP on CAN device 211 FlexRay Bus Monitoring device 162, 252
configuring an XCP on Ethernet device FlexRay-based devices
FlexRay interface 47
B 215
FPGA Code 73
configuring an XCP on FlexRay device
basics 217 FPGA Type 1 PLD firmware 73
DS1007 PPC Processor Board consistency checks
platforms 85 EPK and ADDR_EPK 138 G
Multiprocessor System platforms 96 ControlDesk
platforms 59 glossary 567 General Configuration page 449
SCALEXIO platforms 104 Platform/Device Manager 494 getting status information on ECU and
simulation applications 116 custom firmware 79 ECU interface 177
XIL API MAPort platforms 111 customizing calibration memory glossary
boot firmware 73 segments 139 ControlDesk terms 567

Calibration Memory dialog 398 DBC file handling platforms 58
Camera Selection page 448 CAN signal formats 143 handling real-time applications
CAN Bus Monitoring device 159, 231 DCIGSI1 device 172, 234 via command line 132
CAN signal formats 143 DCIGSI2 device 174 HCN boot firmware 73
Intel 143 default factory firmware 80 HCN firmware 73
CAN Slave firmware 73 device handling 137 Host IF firmware 73
CAN Type 1 firmware 73 Device Properties dialog Host IF PLD firmware 73
CAN-based devices Calibration Memory page 489
CAN interface 44 devices I
virtual devices 45 specifics 137
CCP device 168, 233 I/O clock buffer configuration 73
DIO Type 3 PLD firmware 73 I/O CPLD firmware 73
Clear Flash dialog 403 DIO Type 4 PLD firmware 73
cmdloader 132 I/O FPGA firmware 73
Documents folder 15, 578 Instrument Selector 587
CN boot firmware 73 DocumentsFolder 15, 578
CN CPU configuration 73 Intel format 143
DS1005 PPC Board platform 238 Intel Sequential 144
CN firmware 73 DS1005FwArchive 76
command line tool Intel Standard 144
DS1006 Processor Board platform 240 IoFpga 73
cmdloader 132 DS1006FwArchive 76
Common Program Data folder 14, 573 DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform
CommonProgramDataFolder 14, 573 242 K
configuring DS1007 PPC Processor Board platforms
bus devices 158 KL15 handling 33
basics 85 K-Line interface 47
CCP devices 168 DS1007FwArchive 77
communication settings DS1103 PPC Controller Board platform
CAN Bus Monitoring device 159 245 L
CCP device 168 DS1103FwArchive 77 LIN Bus Monitoring device 164, 254

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 611

s Index t

LIN Slave firmware 73 communication settings DCIGSI2 Select Logical Links page 379, 413,
LIN-based devices device 174 454
LIN interface 46 communication settings for ECU Select ODX Files page 373, 407, 461
loading an application from the flash Diagnostics device 184 Select Variable Description dialog 481
memory of a platform 130 communication settings XCP on Select Vehicle page 379, 413, 467
loading an application to the flash CAN device 211 starting the dSPACE ECU Flash
memory of a platform 127 communication settings XCP on Programming Tool 221
Local Program Data folder 15, 588 Ethernet device 215 VEOS platform 262
LocalProgramDataFolder 15, 588 communication settings XCP on XCP on CAN device 266
Log Viewer 588 FlexRay device 217 XCP on Ethernet device 268
configuring a CAN Bus Monitoring XCP on FlexRay device 271
M device 159 XIL API MAPort platform 273
configuring a CCP device 168 platform/device configuration
MABXFwArchive 77 configuring a FlexRay Bus Monitoring refreshing 42
Measurement Data Pool 589 device 162 platform/device management
measurement modules configuring a LIN Bus Monitoring Camera Selection page 448
XCP on Ethernet-based 215 device 164 General Configuration page 449
Member Configuration page 454 configuring an ECU Diagnostics device Member Configuration page 454
MicroAutoBox platform 255 184 Platform/Device Manager 494, 596
Motorola format 143 configuring an XCP on CAN device platforms
Motorola Backward 144 211 basics 59
Motorola Forward LSB 144 configuring an XCP on Ethernet platforms/devices
Motorola Forward MSB 144 device 215 bus devices 25
Motorola Sequential 144 configuring an XCP on FlexRay device CAN Bus Monitoring device 159
Multiprocessor System platform 258 217 CCP device 168
optional processors 98 consistency checks 138 connected state 28
Multiprocessor System platforms customizing calibration memory consistency checks 138
basics 96 segments 139 DCIGSI1 device 172
DCIGSI1 device 234 DCIGSI2 device 174
O DCI-GSI2 device 236 disconnected state 28
DS1005 PPC Board platform 238 ECU Diagnostics device 26
optional processors DS1006 Processor Board platform 240 EPK checks 138
Multiprocessor System platform 98 DS1007 PPC Processor Board platform experimentspecific platform/device
242 27
P DS1103 PPC Controller Board FlexRay Bus Monitoring device 162
platform 245 global platform/device 27
platform DS1104 R&D Controller Board LIN Bus Monitoring device 164
configuring 66 platform 246 measurement and calibration devices
platform handling 58 DS1202 MicroLabBox platform 248 26
platform management ECU Diagnostics device 251 measuring state 28
accessing ECUs 154 ECU Flash Programming dialog 477 offline state 28
Add Platform/Device to Experiment EPK checks 138 online state 28
dialog 480 flashing via diagnostic protocols 223 platforms 26, 59
adding platforms/devices to an FlexRay Bus Monitoring device 252 states of a platform/device 28
experiment 49 getting status information on ECU and status information on ECU and ECU
Advanced Settings page 443 ECU interface 177 interface 177
assigning a DCIGSI1 to a DCIGSI1 handling devices 137 system variables
device 172 handling platforms 58 data acquisition raster 177
assigning a DCIGSI2 to a DCIGSI2 LIN Bus Monitoring device 254 unplugged state 28
device 174 loading an application from the flash Video Capturing device 26
assigning dSPACE real-time hardware memory of a platform 130 XCP on CAN device 211
to a platform 66 loading an application to the flash XCP on Ethernet device 215
assigning VEOS to a platform 66 memory of a platform 127 XCP on FlexRay device 217
Assignment page 445 MicroAutoBox platform 255 programming the ECU flash memory via
batch operation 132 Multiprocessor System platform 258 diagnostic protocols 223
Calibration Memory dialog 398 programming the ECU flash memory programming the ECU flash memory via
CAN Bus Monitoring device 231 via diagnostic protocols 223 ECU interfaces 221
CCP device 233 programming the ECU flash memory project and experiment management
Clear Flash dialog 403 via ECU interfaces 221 Add platform/device dialog 480
cmdloader 132 refreshing platform/device Select ECU Image file 483
configuring configurations 42 Select Variable Description dialog 481
communication settings CCP device registering Project Manager 597
168 platform 60 Properties controlbar 597
communication settings DCIGSI1 SCALEXIO platform 260
device 172 Select ECU Image File dialog 483

612 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016

s Index t

R XIL API MAPort platforms

basics 111
reconnecting to platform/device hardware
automatically 33
reconnecting unplugged devices 33
configurations of platforms/devices 42
platform 60
experiments 38

SCALEXIO platform 260
SCALEXIO platforms
basics 104
SCALEXIOFwArchive 78
Select ECU Image file 483
Select ECU Image File dialog 483
Select Logical Links page 379, 413, 454
Select ODX Files page 373, 407, 461
Select Variable Description dialog 481
Select Vehicle page 379, 413, 467
simState variable 117
simulation applications
basics 116
simulation platform
switching 38
Slave DSP firmware 73
starting the dSPACE ECU Flash
Programming Tool 221
states of a platform/device 28
simulation platform 38
System FPGA firmware 73
System PLD firmware 73
system variables
data acquisition raster 177

user firmware 79
UserFirmware 73
UserFpga 73
UserIplFirmware 73

Variable Browser 607
variable management
Select ECU Image File dialog 483
Select Variable Description dialog 481
VEOS platform 262
Video Capturing 26
Video Capturing device 265

XCP on CAN device 211, 266
XCP on Ethernet device 215, 268
XCP on Ethernet-based measurement
modules 215
XCP on FlexRay device 217, 271
XIL API MAPort platform 273

ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016 613

s Index t

614 ControlDesk Next Generation Platform Management May 2016


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