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The Dangers of Smoking

Talking about the dangers of smoking In our country, the rule of law for the regulation
of cigarettes or smoking prohibitions like information about infertility and impotence only
seem to be the words of sweetener. If we look at other countries regarded as free Nations such
as United States, it has been enforcing the rule of law for smoking and heavy sanctions.

A ban on smoking in public places like the area around the Office, shopping and
others, has been put in place. Business restaurant or bar that do not follow these new rules
will be fined by US $ 2,000 that not a bit of the fine. We should learn from them if we
remember how dangerous smoking to our health.

Director of Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases not the Ministry of

Health, Dr. Lily Sriwahyuni Sulistyowati said, Term previous smokers in Indonesia are
currently reach 90 million people. Based Research Tobacco Atlas, Lily said, Indonesia ranks
with highest smoker in the World.

The first factor of smoking is a bad habit and containing toxins. We must not consume
smoking because it is not good for health. I'm sure you know that there are many substances
in cigarette that is dangerous. For example, nicotine is the substance. Substances are
extremely dangerous and can cause a variety of ailments. Not only harmful to smoker, it is
also dangerous for us if we close to the smoker. So if there is a smoker near you. Talk to him
to turn off his/her Smoking a moment well offensively.

Next, I will talk about the second factor. Smoking causes many diseases such as
cancer, disorders of pregnancy, fetal abnormalities, and etc. One factor that a lot of people
died in Indonesia is being smoked. The majority are students. Many students who died
because of smoking and drugs are very disappointed. One of the youths died in the wrong

The habit of smoking also produces the effect of a bad behavior for smokers. So, there are
many negative effects of Smoking. Smoking is not a positive event for the young generation.
From now, let us say stop smoking, dont try to smoking and live with the healty lifestyle.

Thats all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you found many
mistakes in my speech please forgive me.

EVI FEBRI R / 15040024/ 2G5

1. Supporting Material

- Statistics : Director of Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases not the

Ministry of Health, Dr. Lily Sriwahyuni Sulistyowati said, Term previous smokers in
Indonesia are currently reach 90 million people. Based Research Tobacco Atlas, Lily said,
Indonesia ranks with highest smoker in the World.
- Examples :
a. For example, nicotine is the substance. Substances are extremely dangerous and can
cause a variety of ailments. Not only harmful to smoker, it is also dangerous for us if we
close to the smoker.
b. Smoking causes many diseases such as cancer, disorders of pregnancy, fetal
abnormalities, and etc. One factor that a lot of people died in Indonesia is being smoked. The
majority are students. Many students who died because of smoking and drugs are very
disappointed. One of the youths died in the wrong way.
c. The habit of smoking also produces the effect of a bad behavior for smokers. So,
there are many negative effects of Smoking.
2. Question of fact : - A ban on smoking in public places like the area around the Office,
shopping and others, has been put in place. Business restaurant or bar that do not follow these
new rules will be fined by US $ 2,000 that not a bit of the fine. We should learn from them if
we remember how dangerous smoking to our health.
- smoking is a bad habit and containing toxins. We must not consume
smoking because it is not good for health. I'm sure you know that there are
many substances in cigarette that is dangerous. For example, nicotine is the
substance. Substances are extremely dangerous and can cause a variety of
ailments. Not only harmful to smoker, it is also dangerous for us if we close to
the smoker. So if there is a smoker near you. Talk to him to turn off his/her
Smoking a moment well offensively.
- Smoking causes many diseases such as cancer, disorders of
pregnancy, fetal abnormalities, and etc. One factor that a lot of people died in
Indonesia is being smoked. The majority are students. Many students who
died because of smoking and drugs are very disappointed. One of the youths
died in the wrong way.

3. Question of value : - The first factor of smoking is a bad habit and containing toxins.

- The habit of smoking also produces the effect of a bad behavior for smokers.

4. Question of policy : - Talking about the dangers of smoking In our country, the rule of
law for the regulation of cigarettes or smoking prohibitions like information about infertility
and impotence only seem to be the words of sweetener. If we look at other countries regarded
as free Nations such as United States, it has been enforcing the rule of law for smoking and
heavy sanctions.
- A ban on smoking in public places like the area around the Office,
shopping and others, has been put in place. Business restaurant or bar that do
not follow these new rules will be fined by US $ 2,000 that not a bit of the
fine. We should learn from them if we remember how dangerous smoking to
our health.

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