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Name: Aimee Smith

Grade Level: 3rd grade
Content Area: Life Science
Standards Addressed: S3L1. Students will investigate the habitats of different organisms and the
dependence of organisms on their habitat.

(a.) Differentiate between habitats of Georgia (mountains, marsh/swamp, coast, Piedmont, Atlantic
Ocean) and the organisms that live there.

Student Response Technology Used:

NearPod Socrative PollEverywhere iRespond TodaysMeet Other: Quizlet
Technology that students will use to respond to questions/prompts:
Computer Hand-held student response system (such as iRespond) Phone
Tablet (such as iPad Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Describe the instructional activities that will occur prior to the SRS activity and how you will
introduce the SRS activity: I will begin by teaching a lesson about the different habitats of Georgia and
the organisms that live there. Then I will explain and demonstrate to the students how to use quizlet, and
the students will use that as a study aid at school and at home.
Describe the purpose of the SRS activity (check all that apply):
Assess Prior Knowledge Anticipatory Set (Create Interest in a Topic) To Illuminate Common
Misconceptions Formative Assessment of Content Knowledge (for purposes of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) Summative Assessment of Content Knowledge Test Preparation
Survey/Poll Discussion Starter Homework Collection Other

Type of session: Teacher-Paced Student-Paced

Identification of students:
Students will log-in so their individual scores will be available to you after the session
SRS activity will be anonymous
Briefly describe what will happen during the SRS activity: Students will all have their own individual
ipads at their desks. After the lesson students will login to quizlet to do an online study guide individually
to see what they know and to prepare for their assessment. The teacher will walk around and monitor
students progress. The teacher will get a report to determine if students are ready for their assessment or if
the students are struggling with the information, and if so what needs to be reviewed again with them.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Types of questions/prompts (Check all that apply):
Multiple choice Multiple Select True/False Yes/No Short open-ended response
or fill in the blank Longer open-ended response

Provide samples of questions/prompts to be given to students:
This is a few examples of the flashcards that the students will be using:

organism: Any living thing

Habitat: Place where an organism lives

Ecosystem: A community of organisms and their nonliving environment

Environment: All the living and nonliving things with which an organism interacts

Right/Wrong Answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions? Yes No

Mixed (Some will have correct answers, others will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback:
Will you pre-select correct answers to some or all of the questions and display correct response to the class
after the SRS activity? Yes No
Why or why not? I will have correct response displayed to the class because this activity will be used for
study purposes before an assessment. If they are incorrect, I want them to have the correct information.
Use of data: This data will be collected by the teacher only to determine the students level of
understanding, and no grade will be awarded. This information will not be discussed with parents or with
students on an individual level, however, I will discuss any of the areas that the students seemed to struggle
with as group so they can be better prepared for their assessment. This data will be used for differentiation.
If I see that some students have a complete understanding of the content, I will have them go further and
expand their knowledge while I work with the other students that are struggling.
Describe what will occur after the SRS activity: After the activity. I will send a letter home to parents
letting them know that we will be testing over this lesson soon. I will let parents know that quizlet is
available online to use as a study tool, but I will also be attaching a paper study guide to the letter to
accommodate any students that do not
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity: I have never used quizlet before. I hope this will
be a fun interactive tool for students to use to study with.

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