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Title: Technological Virtue

Stephen: The student that needs perseverance.
Min: Bad student.
Giang: Teacher.
Hanh: Narrator.
Uyen: Good student
Long: TA
Materials needed: Microphone, iPad, 4 chairs, tie, A+ on A4 Paper

Hanh: Once upon a time, about 2 weeks ago.
Giang: Hello students, today we are going to revise for our upcoming exams.
Please take out your revision material paper, and we will look through the
Min: Umm.. I didnt bring it Mr Giang
Stephen: Do you want to share mine?
Min: Sure, come here to me.
Hanh: Min and Stephen sat next to each other and talked the whole lesson, they
didnt listen to Mr. Giang. Min is a very bad student that always plays and doesnt
take studies seriously. In the meantime, Uyen was a good student and studied
Chinese properly and succeeded in her previous exams.
Long TA: Mr. Giang!!!! Min and Stephen are talking together.
Mr. Giang: Hey, Stephen and Min, be on task, please.
Min:[mumbles with an attitude] I dont care about Chinese.
Stephen: Not me, I do care about it.
Mr. Giang: Then should you be talking and joking in my class?
Stephen: No[looks down onto the table]
Mr. Giang: Look at Uyen. You should be like her.
Uyen: Seeeeeee!!!!!![says proudly sticking out her tongue]
Hanh: The Semester 1 exam came.
Mr. Giang: This time, everyone did very well.
Mr Giang: Except for Stephen, Im very disappointed about you, why do you have
only 51%?
Stephen: Because I didnt know the Chinese characters.
Mr Giang: You need to concentrate on the lesson.
Scene change- Students move to stage left
Long/Giang and Uyen move off stage

Hanh: After that, Stephen tried very hard to learn Chinese.

Stephen: This is so difficult
Min: Lets play soccer.
Stephen: No, I need to study my Chinese for the exams coming up.
Min: Why, Chinese isnt important to you.
Stephen: I care about my grades, I cant play until I revise my Chinese and score
at least 80%.

Hanh: So he continued revising his work. Everyday, he got better and better at
Chinese. He used his computer to translate the Chinese characters that he didn't
know and memorized it.

After many weeks revising for chinese exam, he found out that the characters
are easier for him. Mr Giang could see his improvement in Chinese. He was
surprised of this change. Stephen can answer most of the question Mr. Giang
asked him.
Acting during the narration:
Stephen - studying using ipad- pretends to score big on a study game.

Teacher enters the room, Stephen walks over and sits down in a chair.

Uyen reenters room and also sits. They pretend to do work in class.

Stephen hands Long a paper, he pretends to grade it, then hands it back.
Stephen holds up a score of A+ for all the room to see.

The final exam came.

After the exam.
Mr. Giang: Finally the end of the year has come. Today, I have good news and
bad news for our class, which would u like first?
Min: The bad news, please
Mr Giang: The bad new is Min has failed the exam with a really bad grade.
Min: I really dont care!
Mr. Giang: If you dont care you will get bad grade in all your whole subjects.
Mr. Giang: Finally, the good news is Stephen got the highest grade in class, he
even beat Uyen.
Uyen: Nooooooooooooooooooooo
Stephen: I have perseverance that why I beat you, Uyen. Now you have to look
at me. Muahahahaha.(laughs proudly)

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