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Jay 6hree Tea 6 Industries [td.


sHR/21l February 8,2017

The Secretary,
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.,
Corporate Relationship I)epartment,
Rotunda Building, 1't floor,
New Trading Ring,
Dalal Street.
Mumbai 400 001

Dear Sir,
Sub : Unaudited Financial Results alongwith Segmentwise revenue results
and capital employed for the quarter ended 31"t December 201 6
Review" bv Auditors of the Comoanv

we are pleased to enclose Unaudited Financial Results alongwith Segmentwise results

and capital employed of the Company for the quarter ended
alongwith previous quarter ended 30u September, 2016 and the
for the previous year and that of financial year ended 3 l rt March 2
33 of SEBI Listing obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations (LODR
Regulations) 2015. The same has been approved by the Board of Directors in their
meeting held today. Please note that the accounts have been reviewed by the Auditors of
the Company.

A copy of the Review Report is also enclosed.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
President & Secretary

Encl : As above

Rcgd & H. O.: lndusttt House, | 5th Ftoor, 10, C,omoc Succ\ lotkoreTll 0l7,lndto.Ph.:+9t 332282753t4 Fox:+9t 1322827535
E-moil: webmostet@ioyshreeteo.comWebsitc : wvv.joyshr.caco.cdm, CIN : 115491W8 Lg4SpLCOl277l
er.;P+ Hul,l:y
Regd.Off: .,Industry House", 10, Camac Street, Kolkata -7OO O1-7
ph.r +91 gg2ZS27S3L_4, Fax: + 91
E-mail : webmaster@jayshreetea,@m, Website :
CIN No, : L15491WB194SqLCOL277L

Nine Mol :hs ended Prvious Year

Particulars ended 31st
31-12-20L6 30-o9-2016 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2015 March,2O16
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) fAuditedl
Income from Operations
a) Net Sales/Income from ODerations 16861 15331 23737 40728 55617 68785
(Net of Excise Duty)
b) Other Operating Income
Total Income from Operations (Net)
115 106 3t4 287 524 814
16976 15437 2405r 41015 56141 69s99
a) Cost of materials consumed 24LL 2381 530s 6307 11269 19873
b) Purchase of stock-in-trade 2696 2267 1664 5903 6468 7027
c) Changes in anventories of finished goods, r42a (2841) 3688 (ss14) 484iO 1535
work-in-progress & stock-in-trade
d) Employee benefits expense 5512 6068 5458 16946 16240 2t486
e) Depreciation and amortisation expense 352 356 427 to42 1265 1638
f) Power & Fuel 1099 1446 1100 3554 3539 4086
s) Consumption of Stores and Spare-parts 816 1015 975 3118 3I7a 4336
h) Other Expenditure 2048 2057 220,0 5799 5928 9167
Total Expenses 16362 L274 2rar7 37165 52727 69148
3. Profit/(Loss) from Operations before Other Income, 614 2688 2234 38s0 34t4 451
finance costs & exceptional items (1-2)
Other Income 4r2 504 293 1499 1589 2375
Profit/(Loss) from ordinary activities before finance costs 1026 3192 2527 5349 5003 2426
and exceptional items (3+4)
Finance Costs looT 8s6 1113 2715 3547 4453
Profit/(Loss) from ordinary activities after finance costs 19 l4L4 1455 (1627)
but before exceptional items (5-6)
8, Exceptional Items
9. Profit/(Loss) from ordinary actiyities before tax (7-8) 19 L4t4 1456 ( 1627)
10. Tax Exoenses:
Cul]ent Tax
Deferred Tax : 46
Tax adjustment for earlier years (Net)
11. 133
Net Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after tax (9-10)
12. Extraordinary items (net of tax expense)
13. Net Profit/(Loss) for the period (11-12)
Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face Value Rs.5/- per share)
15, Reserves excluding Reyaluation Reserve as per balance 'l44
sheet of previous accounting year
16. Earnings per share (before & after extraordinary items)
(of Rs.5/- eachXnot annualised)
a) Basic 0,05 8.O9 9.12
b) Diluted 0,06 8.09 9.12

Tea Industry being seasonal in character, the figures above cannot be indicative for the full

2. As per requirement of revised Accounting Standard (AS) 10 "property, plant and Equipment",
effective from 1't April, 2016, depreciation amounting to {32.82 lakh and {98.13 lakh on
bearer plants has been provided during the quarter and nine months ended 31" December,
2016 respectively. Further, replantation expenditure amounting to <G1.G2 lakh and {248.84
lakh which was hitherto charged to statement of Profit & Loss, has been capitalized in this
quarter and nine months ended 31't December, 2016 respectively. As a result, profit for the
quarter and nine months ended 31st December, 2016 is higher by t28.80 lakh and <150.71
lakh respectively.
3. In view of approval of scheme of arrangement for demerging the sugar division of the
company by Hon'ble High court at Calcutta effective from 1't April, ZOL6, the results for
quarter and nine months ended 31tt December, 2016 does not include the performance of
Sugar Division. Accordingly results for quarter & nine months ended 31st December, 2016 are
not comparable with corresponding period.
A As per note (1) above, it is difficult to estimate taxable profit for the year and hence Current
and Deferred Tax shall be provided at the year end which is reported by the Auditors in their
revrew reoort.

5. Previous year/period figures have been regrouped/ rearranged, wherever necessary.

6. The above results are after "Limited Review" by the Statutory Auditors of the Company.

The above results for the quarter and nine months ended 31't December,201G have been
reviewed by audit committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the company at their
meeting held on 8th February,2017.

For Jay Shree Tea & Industries Limited

8th February, 2017 D.P. Maheshwari

Kolkata (Ma naging Director)
DrN NO. 02203749
Segmentwise Revenue Results & Capital employed
for the Ouarter and Nine Months ended 3lst December. 2016

Ouarter endec Previous Year

ended 31st
Pa rticulars 31-12-2016 30-09-2016 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 March,2016
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
1. Segment Revenue
( Net Sales/Income from erch Scgnent )

a) Tea 13077 13275 15037 34049 36159 46277

b) Chemicals & Fertilisers 38r2 2tt4 3727 6788 6839 8375

c) Sugar s235 1301s 14772

d) Others 187 133 149 423 351 479

Less : Inter Segmental Revcnue 100 85 97 245 223 304

Total 16976 15437 240sr 41015 56141 69s99

2. Segments Results
( Profi0t(Loss) beforc tar & interest )

a) Tea 688 2828 1991 4stl 6162 3459

b) Chemicals & Fertilisers 243 186 68 365 6 131

c) Sugar 467 (1s61) (e47)

d) Others J5 19 39 75 39 ))
Total 986 3033 2565 4951 4646 2665

Less : Interest (net of Interest Income) 837 682 977 2225 3172 3923
Add : flnallocable Income net off
flna llocable expenditure (130) (1s) (r74) (e2) (18) (36e)

Total Profit/(Loss) before Tax t9 2336 r4t4 2634 1456 (r6271

Segment Caoital Emploved

a) Tea 31349 3033s 28921 31349 28921 22977

b) Chemicals & Fertilisers 3853 4605 4812 3853 4812 4076

c) Sugar r2755 127s5 14s69

d) Others 2479 2354 1209 2479 1209 2237

e) Unallocable 33805 29742 29978 33805 29978 29590

Total 71486 67036 77675 71486 77675 73449

slNctfl & co,
161, Sarat Bose Road
Kolkata - 100026 1 1 0/F Ne raj i, o,rr"fi"#flhT,TffiT
Kolkata. 7000,10

For Slnghl & Co"

For Jitendra K Agarwal & Associates
Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration No.302049E Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration No. 3180g6E
A /^\
(Adltya Slnsht) \\ .y{-
Partner ie
(Abhtshek Mohhr)
Membership No.30516j.
Kolkata Partner
Dared: the ito day of rebr uary,20!7
Mcmbershlp No.066653
Kol ka ta
Dated: the 8th day af February,2OtT

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