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Reference Addictive Media - AM /S-09/16/02A


Subject: Website Designing Proposal for Pretnext

Dear Ameet,

This has reference to our ongoing discussions for website designing for
Pretnext. we at Addictive Media are very enthusiastic about the
opportunity to work with you in this effort.

Please review the enclosed website designing proposal. This will give
you a complete understanding of the services offered.

We look forward to a long-lasting and fruitful relationship.

Best Regards
For Addictive Media

Uday Handa

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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! To create an online ecommerce interface

[B]Target Domain

! Customers across India

! Alliances & Service Partners

[C]Scope of Work

1) Design & development of the Ecommerce website, with Homepage +

Dynamic Sections, with responsive design.

2) Addictive Media will provide the custom theme for the website.

3) Pretnext. management will provide / approve the suggested sitemap

before starting the project.

4) Pretnext. will provide product pictures, product videos for the website
and the brand guidelines. We will refine the content as per the
standards. We will use Google free images to make banners and other
creative for the website and will bill for images if by any chance we
end up buying out some pictures. Will send all images for approval
before giving you the final delivery.

5) Pretnext will provide the raw content for the website which Addictive
Media will refine for the website use/purpose.

6) Website will be SEO friendly with white hat techniques.

[D] Proposed Sitemap

Top band

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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There will be a top band above all pages that will consist of the
following links:

Toll free No.

Social media icons

Contact us link


Top navigation

Top navigation will consist of the following links:

This is tentative site map, Can be changed as per the clients



Shop for

o Pretline

o Ethinic

o Western


Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
Page 4 of 15

Special Offer

User Registration
User Id

Newsletter Subscription(Form)

Contact Us
Contact us Info
Contact form

Social Networking Channel


[E] Website Modules

Website broadly consists of following modules

1. User/Customer Module
2. Product Module
3. Category Module
4. Measurement Module
5. Cart Module
6. Order Management Module
7. Search Module
8. Newsletter subscription module
9. Discount Module
10. Content Module
11. Search Engine Module
12. Shipping Module

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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13. Payment Gateway

14. Invoice Module
15. Tax/Analytics Module
16. Banner Module
17. Reporting Module

User Module
1. Old User
a. Login
b. Password
i. Forgot password
c. Guest Checkout
2. New User
a. Name
b. Email
c. Mobile No
d. Address

This module will enable the front end user to register themselves in
case of a new user and then log-in to the website, else if he is a old
user he can straight away log-in into the website.

Product Module

Product Module is precisely divided into two parts:

1. Category
2. Product details

User first needs to select the category

After selecting the category user needs to select the product:

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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As this is the dynamic section, admin can add as many products and
many categories as he wants.

Measurement Module

This module is precisely for storing the specific measurements of a

product. User at the frontend will have a form with different fields to
fill which will be send to admin along with the order of the product.

This module will also give an option to admin to upload the PDF file for
the particular product on how to take measurements. This will be a
help guide for a user. PDF can be same for all product or could be
different too.


Cart gives lot of features to the user like:

1. One page checkout

2. Guest checkout
3. Shipping choice like: Free, Normal or Express delivery.
4. Gift Card
5. Different payment gateways
6. Email Confirmation: On successful order, declined order etc.
7. Payment Gateway: Acceptance of payment through credit card,
net banking, Debit cards, cash card etc.
8. Order Tracking

Order Management

User from the front end makes the order and the admin from the
backend manages the order. Admin will have below features:

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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1. Order detailed lists

2. Print Invoices
3. Package Slips
4. Shipping Labels
5. Customize Order Status
6. Email Notification of Orders
7. Return Orders
8. Cancel orders

Search Module

User will have following options under the advance search feature:

1. Keyword search
2. Filters like: Category, Product, and Price etc.
3. Auto suggestion search item

Newsletter Subscription Module

Newsletter section is the one where user enters his user Id to receive
promotional email from the your side.

1. View & Manage & Export Subscriber list

Discount Module

Discounts can be fixed by admin for a particular day, festival offer or

discount for a particular user. Admin can generate the code from
backend and can circulate the same to users, so that they can avail
the same. Admin will manage the same from:

1. Flexible Coupons with ability to restrict customer group on

product and categories.
2. Manage Discounts codes and gift cards.

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
Page 8 of 15

Content Module

Content module is one of the important modules in order to manage

text-based pages like: About Us, Contact Us, Terms & Conditions,
Policy etc. CMS does contain an editor called what you see what you
get, which helps the admin to change the font style, size, color etc.
Even admin can use bold or italic with the help of editor. In backend
admin will have:

1. Categorize pages
2. Menu Management
3. SEO & Meta manager

Search Engine Module

This is also one of the important modules which will help the admin to
edit important things in regards to the successful SEO friendly website.
With the help of this module website will be:

1. 100% Search engine friendly

2. Google site map can easily be generated.
3. Search engine friendly URLs
4. Meta information for products, categories and content pages
5. Auto generated sitemap for display on site.

Shipping Module

This helps user to select the shipping mode for the product he has
ordered. ie: Free shipping, Normal Shipping or Express Delivery.
Admin can manage this module with following:

1. Integrated shipping rates.

2. Manage shipping modes.
3. Shipping by weight and destination.

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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Payment Gateway

With this module, Customer/user will end up making the payment for
the product. We can integrate more than 1 payment gateway also.
This will in-turn help user to select his choice of payment gateway to
pay the amount. Like international user will prefer Pay Pal for the
payment and domestic user will prefer to pay by other gateways like:
CCavenue etc.

Invoice Module

Invoice Module help user to get the invoice for the product he has
ordered and also for the admin it ease out the matter of keeping and
maintaining records. It can be managed from:

1. Manage Invoices
2. Send invoices
3. Pending Invoices

Tax/Analytics Module

This is one of the modules, which help admin to maintain tax for
different things. He can maintain this by:

1. Add / Manage Tax Rate

a. Per location
b. Per customer group
c. Per product
d. Per category

Banner Module

This help the admin to publish promotional banners for the website:

1. Add banner & location

2. Manage banner

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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Reporting Module

This is one of the modules which will help the admin to find out how
his business is doing. Admin will be able to generate reports like:

1. Sales reports
a. Monthly
b. Annually
c. Quarterly
d. Half yearly
2. Tax Reports
a. Monthly
b. Annually
c. Quarterly
d. Half yearly
3. Low Stock Report
4. Inventory Report
5. Coupon Usage Report
6. Total Sales Invoiced
7. Total Sales Refund
8. Product Review Report
9. Geographical Reports
a. State wise reports
b. Country wise reports

[F] Technology Platform

Customized PHP based ecommerce CMS will be developed. Though the

choices of platforms to design, develop and deploy a virtual presence
are varied, we have considered the project requirements and expected
timeline and finalized the following technologies to execute the website
design and development process.

Function Technology
Content editing Dream Weaver
Markup languages HTML, DHTML

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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Client-side scripting VB Script, Java Script

Server-side scripting PHP (Magento)
Graphics/Images/Visuals Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Multimedia animations Adobe Flash

Other Specifications

Websites HTML code will be in Div (table less structures)

Use CSS 2.0 standards
Top & bottom Navigation will be in one file
Site will be compatible with all prominent browsers, namely
Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Safari
Google Analytics installation

[G] Division of Work

This website project will be successfully executed only by close

coordination and integration of the efforts of Addictive Media and
Pretnext in delivering their respective scope as listed below:

Activity Addictive Media Pretnext

1. Project Management &

2. Design Approval
3. Content
4. Development
5. Hosting & Server
(Optional service)
6. Technical Support

Technical support is limited to online IM support, email

support, Telephonic support and bug fixing.

[H] Effort Estimation

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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Following are the details of various manpower resources that will be

deployed by Addictive Media during the project cycle and their
estimated efforts in man-days. Total estimated effort for this project is
expected to be 45-60 working days:

Resource Role Qty Effort

Project Research, client interaction, team 1 person

60 days
Manager coordination, quality assurance etc. (part-time)
45 days
Creative Strategy & theme creation, logo & 1 person
Head stationery design (if applicable) etc. (full-time)
45 days
Graphic Home page creative, Inner pages 2 persons
Designer creative, Image editing etc. (full-time)
45 days
HTML 2 persons
HTML conversions, Forms coding etc.
Developer (full-time)
45 days
Modules Module development, Modules 2 persons
Programmer Implementation, coding & testing etc. (full-time)

Some of the above mentioned activities would be carried on

simultaneously, whereas others will have predecessor-
successor relationship

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
Page 13 of 15

[I] Cost Estimate

Cost Estimate Cost Nature Amount (INR)

1. Strategy
o Research & intelligence acquisition
o Site architecture and content
o Functional and technical One-time
o Project co-ordination & management
o Content

2. Theme & template

o Website creative theme One-time 3,25,700
o Home page design
o Internal pages designs
o Admin template (if applicable)

3. HTML conversion &

o Template to HTML Conversion One-time
o CSS Coding
o Internal Page Authoring

4. Magento Development One-time

Total 3,25,000

[J] Terms & Conditions

1. Service tax: Extra @ 15% (or as per govt. norms)

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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2. Payment terms:
q 40% advance
q 30% on design approval
q 30% on final approval but before making website live.

3. Delivery: The project will be delivered within 45-60 working days

from the date of receipt of advance.

4. Third Party involvement which is not included in above cost:

q Photo-shoot
q Video-shoot
q 3D modeling etc.

General Terms and Conditions

All payments to be made in the name of Addictive Media.

Any bugs in the website will be taken care of till 90 days from
the date of live and after that AMC would be charged extra on
monthly basis.

Advance once received is non-refundable.

Specifications have been jointly laid out and agreed to by

Addictive Media and you before commencement of work. Any
changes in scope shall be charged extra.

Project costing has been done after thorough effort estimation of

man-hours to each activity and task. Therefore, cost once
agreed is non-negotiable during the project cycle.

At any point of time no verbal commitments will be entertained.

Raw content for the website is to be provided by the Pretnext

and Addictive Media will refine the same for website purpose.

Any copyright or other content related issue would not be

Addictive Medias responsibility.

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.
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Pretnext should provide feedbacks to Addictive Media within

two working days, This will help us to keep the
timeline sacrosanct. Any delay in approvals/ feedbacks would
need to be factored in for the overall project timeline and

Addictive Media will not be responsible for any delays in project

delivery caused by delays in inputs from Pretnext end. And
from Addictive media side the overall project timeline will not be
affected if we are able to achieve desired design & functionality
in the given timeline. We would be providing a detailed project
plan, which would help in planning and executing the project on
time. This timeline will be mutually agreed upon.

Any further changes or enhancements after the website is

handed over will be charged extra as per nature of work.

Website hosting and domain registration charges are not a part

of project costing; its an optional service that can be purchased
by the Pretnext separately.

Website maintenance charges will be charged as per the

maintenance packages, which can be purchased by the
Pretnext t separately.

Cost for any third party software has to be paid by the Pretnext
over and above the total cost of the project. No maintenance will
be provided for any third party software / application. Addictive
Media will guide Pretnext for website hosting.

Project management will be taken care by Addictive Media. A

SPOC from your side would be needed for project communication
who would work with the addictive media project manager for
approvals, feedback, Data base, payment gateway details etc.

Addictive Media, 2016. All rights reserved. This publication and its content are strictly
confidential and proprietary to Addictive Media. No part of this document may be reproduced in
whole or part in any form or by any means, without written permission of Addictive Media.

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