Instruction: This Exercise Consists of Two Sections. Answer ALL Questions

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Prepared by: Nurul Shahida Mohd Shalahim

Instruction: This exercise consists of two sections. Answer ALL questions.

Section A Multiple Choice Questions (20 Marks)

1. Who is known as Father of Quality Control Circle (QCC)?

a. Juran
b. Deming
c. Ishikawa
d. Pareto

2. If Q is quality, P is performance, E is expectations, then what do you understand

by Q > 1?
a. Performance is less than expectations
b. Performance is more than expectations
c. Performance is at par
d. None of the above

3. A defect is known as
a. Physical damage
b. Aesthetic non conformance
c. Non-conformance to parameter
d. All above

4. Process flow diagram is a tool to

a. Audit process
b. Identify potential trouble spots
c. Locate control activities
d. All above

5. The tool used to show movement of product is

a. Histogram
b. Control chart
c. Process flow chart
d. Scatter diagram

6. Skewness in the data is presented by

a. Process flow chart
b. Histogram
c. Pareto diagram
d. Cause and effect diagram


7. Which tool is also known as 80-20 rule?

a. Histogram
b. Pareto diagram
c. Cause and effect diagram
d. Scatter diagram

8. Which tool is also known as Fishbone diagram?

a. Pareto diagram
b. Scatter diagram
c. Ishikawa diagram
d. Histogram

9. If the value of r = 0.92, then the two variables have

a. High degree of positive correlation
b. Low degree of positive correlation
c. High degree of negative correlation
d. Low degree of negative correlation

10. For mean chart, UCL is

a. Mean + Std. dev.
b. Mean +3Std. dev.
c. Mean Std. dev.
d. Mean 3Std. dev.

11. For range chart, UCL is

a. Mean + Std. dev.
b. Range + Std. dev.
c. Range + 3Std. dev.
d. Mean + 3Std. dev.

12. Accuracy is
a. Closeness of individual data points
b. Closeness of data points to target value
c. Closeness of mean value to target value
d. None of the above

13. Precision is
a. Closeness of individual data points
b. Closeness of data points to target value
c. Closeness of mean value to target value
d. None of the above

14. Which is NOT a cost of quality?

a. Prevention cost
b. External failure
c. Extended service contracts
d. Internal failure
e. Appraisal costs


15. An internal failure cost is

a. Warranty costs
b. Cost of returns
c. Cost of prequalifying suppliers
d. Scrap and rework costs

16. In statistical process control (SPC) chart, special or assignable causes of

a. Are outside, non-random problems such as breakdown of machinery,
material variation, or human error.
b. Are intrinsic to the process and will always be there unless the process is
c. Have everything to do with the underlying process and can only be
eliminated by changing the process.
d. Are of secondary importance in quality control procedures used to detect
and eliminate variation.
e. Can be present in a process that is fully capable of meeting specifications

17. The best type of inspection to use is:

a. 100 percent inspection
b. Carried out by a commercial testing laboratory
c. Dependent on the nature of the purchase
d. Sequential sampling

18. ISO 9000:2008

a. Provides common quality standards across all sectors
b. Was established by the International Supply Organizational to focus
quality efforts on supplier relationships
c. Provides guidance for continuous improvement of quality management
systems to achieve sustained customer satisfaction
d. Was developed and first issued in the US and later adopted worldwide
e. Was designed to recognize organizations that excel in quality
achievements and quality management

19. TQM tools include

a. Kaizen
b. Continuous improvement
c. Quality function deployment (QFD)
d. a, b and c

20. All quality improvement programs are initiated by a desire to:

a. eliminate incoming inspection
b. lower costs
c. increase prices
d. reduce incoming inspection
e. beat the competition


Section B Subjective Questions

1. The Specialty Chemical Company is concerned about the number of customer

complaints about the following:

Customer received improperly labelled shipments

Customer received improperly packaged shipments
Customer received off-specification shipments
Customers shipment was late

The supervisor in charge of loading and shipping investigates the complaints

over a 6-month period and finds the complaints include all forms of loaded and
shipped products. There are complaints about rail cars, tank trucks, tote bins,
and barrels. To bring about a quick reduction in complaints and focus on the
major problem areas, the supervisor decided to use several quality tools to
analyse the problem. He gathered the data and placed in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Errors in loading and shipping

Type of Shipment Number of Errors

Tank trucks 4
Rail cars 2
Tote bins 12
Drums 18

From the data, please:

a) Construct histogram (3 Marks)

b) Discuss the depicted histogram (3 Marks)
c) Construct Pareto chart (4 Marks)
d) From the Pareto chart, what is the greatest problem they had?
(2 Marks)
e) From the Pareto chart, where should he concentrate their efforts for
improvement? (3 Marks)


2. A recent survey of 519 adults who flew in the past year with TH airlines found
the following number of complaints about flying. The complaints are
summarized in Table 2 below.

Table 2 Complaints about flying

Complaints Number
Cramped seats 45
Cost 16
Dislike of flying 57
Security measures 119
Poor service 12
Connecting flight problems 8
Overcrowded planes 42
Waiting time 57
Food 7
Lost luggage 7
Others 51

From the data, please:

a) Develop a Pareto chart summarizing these responses. Your analysis

should be included with the passengers who do not complaint at all. (5
b) Use the four Ms method to construct a fish-bone diagram for the 10
specific categories of dislikes (exclude other and no complaints). (5
c) If you were managing an airline, what are the three specific issues
would you tackle to improve customer service? Please justify.
(5 Marks)

3. Discuss the types of variations given below that might occur in manufacturing

a) Equipment (2 Marks)
b) Material (2 Marks)
c) Environment (2 Marks)
d) Operator (2 Marks)


4. A team in an accounting group has been working on improving the processing

of invoices. The team is trying to reduce the cost of processing invoices by
decreasing the fraction of invoices with errors. The team developed the
following operational definition for a defective invoice: an invoice is defective
if it has incorrect price, incorrect quantity, incorrect coding, incorrect address,
or incorrect name. The team decided to pull a random sample of 100 invoices
per day. If the invoice had one or more errors it was defective. The data from
the last 25 days are given in Table 4.

a) Construct a p chart. (10 Marks)

b) Discuss what you observe from the chart. (5 Marks)

Table 3 Investigation on Invoices

Day Invoices Inspected Number Defective Fraction Defective

Number (n) (np) (p)
1 100 22 0.22
2 100 33 0.33
3 100 24 0.24
4 100 20 0.20
5 100 18 0.18
6 100 24 0.24
7 100 24 0.24
8 100 29 0.29
9 100 18 0.18
10 100 27 0.27
11 100 31 0.31
12 100 26 0.26
13 100 31 0.31
14 100 24 0.24
15 100 22 0.22
16 100 22 0.22
17 100 29 0.29
18 100 31 0.31
19 100 21 0.21
20 100 26 0.26
21 100 24 0.24
22 100 32 0.32
23 100 17 0.17
24 100 25 0.25
25 100 21 0.21


5. Wafiq Wafer Enterprise would like to investigate the nonconforming wafers

produced in the factory. As a manager, Wafiq has appointed you to inspect 25
successive wafers, each containing 100 chips. Here the wafer is the inspection
unit. The observed number of defects is depicted in Table 5.

a) Plot a c chart. (10 Marks)

b) Discuss what you observe from the chart. (5 Marks)

Table 4 Data on Investigated Wafers

Wafer Number Wafer Number

Number of Defects Number of Defects

1 16 14 16
2 14 15 15
3 28 16 13
4 16 17 14
5 12 18 16
6 20 19 11
7 10 20 20
8 12 21 11
9 10 22 19
10 17 23 16
11 19 24 31
12 17 25 13
13 14

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