Prison of Alcatraz

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Prison of Alcatraz

Text 4: What happened to the three men who escaped from Alcatraz?

In June 1962, brothers Clarence and John Anglin and Frank Morris
attempted to escape from the inescapable water-bound prison, Alcatraz,
located on Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay on the coast of
California. Made popular by the movie, Escape From Alcatraz, starring
Clint Eastwood, this escape attempt is noteworthy in that the three men
were never found and it is still unknown whether or not they actually
made it across the bay to the city of San Francisco. Signs point to a
successful escape, despite the FBI's determination that the men likely
died due to exposure in the bay.

Initially, four men were to be part of the escape, but the fourth man was
unable to dig through the wall in his cell to the unused service corridor
behind the cell walls, which left him in the lurch when the time came for
the men to make their flight for freedom. They had spent months
making papier-mache dummy heads with soap, toilet paper, and real
human hair, which they placed in their beds on the night of their escape
to fool the guards during bed checks. They made their way to the shore
of Alcatraz Island where they inflated a raft they'd patched together out
of raincoats and tarps and set sail for the San Francisco shoreline.

Following the escape, remnants of their raft and the Anglin brothers'
personal effects were found on Angel Island. The FBI stated that no cars
were stolen in the Bay area and concluded that the drift of tides and the
temperature of the water would indicate that the men succumbed to the

In a National Geographic documentary, it was reported that footprints

were found near the raft and a car WAS stolen from the San Francisco
area following the escape, despite the FBI's claim that no cars were
reported stolen. Also, one would wonder - if the raft pieces and personal
effects made it to Angel Island, why would the tides have supposedly
taken the men out to sea? It seems the tides would've taken them right
where they wanted to go.

In 2003 the TV show MythBusters attempted the escape on a raincoat

raft and deemed it to be possible, so why wouldn't three men have made
it in the same fashion?
In 1979, the three were declared legally dead and the FBI closed the
case. The case was transferred over to the United States Marshals
Service and, in 1993, it was reopened. The official position of the
marshals service is that the inmates likely drowned in their attempt,
however, their spokesman, Dave Branham was quoted as saying, we
think there is a possibility they are alive.

Alcatraz was called an escape-proof prison, as for the escapees

themselves - they go down in history as possibly succeeding in their

Tipo de texto: Argumentativo

Es un texto argumentativo porque defiende y justifica la opinin de que

posiblemente los tres reclusos hayan escapado y sobrevivido.

Propsito del autor: Contar la historia de los tres reclusos que escaparon
de Alcatraz y probar que posiblemente hayan escapado con vida.

Tema general: La historia de los 3 hombres que escaparon de Alcatraz.

Representacin grfica:

Qu sucedi con los tres

hombres que escaparon de
Frank Morris,
John y Clarence
Escapan en Nunca EL FBI los Sus destinos
junio de 1962 fueron Nombra son
encontrad muertos, desconocidos y
os, pero si pero existen existe la
encontraro pruebas de probabilidad de
n objetos que no que hayan
personales murieron. logrado
en la isla sobrevivir.

Resumen: En junio del ao 1962, los hermanos Clarence, John Anglin y

Frank Morris trataron de escapar de la prisin de Alcatraz ubicada en la
baha de San Francisco en la costa de California. La historia del escape
se hizo popular por la pelcula Escape from Alcatraz, protagonizada por
Clint Eastwood. Lo notable de este escape radica en que los cuerpos
nunca fueron encontrados y a pesar del nfasis del FBI en que los
hombres murieron ahogados, existen pruebas que demuestran lo

Tras meses de planeaciones y preparativos tres de los cuatro hombres

que tenan planeado salir lo logran, habiendo quedado atrapado el
cuarto hombre en su propia celda. Con muecos de ellos mismos logran
engaar a los guardias para que la falta de su presencia pasara
desapercibida. Ya en la costa de la isla inflan una balsa que haban
creado y parten.

El FBI encontr al da siguiente del escape, restos de la balsa y objetos

personales de los hombres en la isla Angel. El FBI asegura que debido a
las condiciones ambientales los hombre debieron morir.

En distintos programas de TV se han hecho pruebas que concluyen que

el probable que hayan sobrevivido al escape.

La prisin de alcatraz fue llamada a prueba de escapes, pero estos

hombres pasaran a la historia como posibles escapistas exitosos.


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