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ENGLISH DEPARTMENT a. Satisfying Document Specifications

b. Writing for the Audience
English 8 Preliminary Examination c. Using Efficient Wording
d. Making Ideas/Information Accessible
Test I. TRUE OR FALSE. Read the following
statements, then write A if they truthfully define or 3. Technical documents should be clear and
describe Technical Writing, otherwise write B. concise, never wordy and flowery.

TECHNICAL WRITING a. Satisfying Document Specifications

b. Writing for the Audience
1. Also considers outlines and layouts or c. Using Efficient Wording
formats of reports. d. Making Ideas/Information Accessible
2. Uses precise, clear, and concise point of
view. 4. Document specifications include: Adherence to
3. Has two major aspects, the end products document type and Format.
and the skills necessary to prepare technical
documents. a. Satisfying Document Specifications
4. Is dictated by the need of the writer or b. Writing for the Audience
reporter. c. Using Efficient Wording
5. Is about scientific subject matters. d. Making Ideas/Information Accessible
6. Mainly aims to inform or explain.
5. Sentences must have a single meaning with no
7. Is crucial in the workplace.
room for ambiguity. Technical writing should be
8. Is exactly the same as fictional writing.
9. Is only about written report forms. direct, not suspenseful.
10.Is an expressive form of writing.
11.Is a formal kind of writing. a. Understanding Why You are Writing
12.Is highly imaginative or artistic. b. Providing Accurate Information
c. Organizing Information Logically and Linearly
13.Makes use of special techniques, such as,
d. Expressing Information Clearly
definition, description of mechanisms and
processes, classification and partition and 6. Is the purpose of writing to inform? to instruct?
14.Uses precise sentences most of the time. to propose? to recommend? or to persuade?
15.Stresses the importance of clarity and a. Understanding Why You are Writing
precision in style. b. Providing Accurate Information
16.Standardizes reports like the progress c. Organizing Information Logically and Linearly
reports, recommendation reports, and other d. Expressing Information Clearly
form reports.
7. ALL technical documents have a clear
17.Supports technical communication needs
introduction, body, and conclusion.
of professionals.
18.Maintains an altitude of impartiality and a. Understanding Why You are Writing
objectivity. b. Providing Accurate Information
19.Makes use of special features or visual c. Organizing Information Logically and Linearly
effects, like, boldfacing, underlining, d. Expressing Information Clearly
italicizing, bulleted forms and other
techniques to draw attention. 8. Technical writing is rarely about opinion.
20.Involves complex important writing and Technical and scientific writing is grounded in
oral presentation techniques. fact. It always wrong and unethical to falsify
information and data, and that is
Test II. Characteristics of Technical Writing. Choose particularly true in technical writing.
the letter of the answer that best fits the description
a. Understanding Why You are Writing
above it. b. Providing Accurate Information
c. Organizing Information Logically and Linearly
1. It is important to understand who is reading d. Expressing Information Clearly
the document so that the information you convey
is transferred effectively. 9. Nothing is more irritating to a reader than
sorting through misspellings, poorly written
a. Satisfying Document Specifications sentences, typos, and punctuation problems.
b. Writing for the Audience Errors such as these make the writer look
c. Using Efficient Wording uneducated and unprofessional.
d. Making Ideas/Information Accessible
a. Understanding Why You are Writing
b. Eliminating noise
2. Technical writing is known for its use of c. Organizing Information Logically and Linearly
headings and subheadings and for the way d. Using Appropriate Writing Style
information is made easily accessible by grouping
material into chunks.
10. Technical writing tends to be rather dry. This 1. This guy, Hewson, right, he says that
is because, compared to other types of writing, people that speak English, like native
the purpose of technical writing is to inform speakers, dont think about when to use
rather than to entertain. words like the, they just do it.
2. The project will be completed next year.
a. Understanding Why You are Writing 3. I showed that his arguments didnt hold
b. Eliminating noise water.
c. Organizing Information Logically and Linearly 4. I wonder why he put up with those terrible
d. Using Appropriate Writing Style conditions for so long.
5. Five more tests will be necessary before
11. Anytime you can make information visual the experiment can be concluded.
by creating figures and graphics, try to do so. 6. It is possible to consider the results from a
Figures and tables provide visual relief from different viewpoint.
all of the text on the page and help the 7. It has been proved that the arguments so
reader to access important data. far are without foundation.
8. Hell have to do another five tests before
he can stop the experiment.
a. Satisfying Document Specifications
9. It is not clear why such terrible conditions
b. Writing for the Audience
were tolerated for so long.
c. Using Efficient Wording
10. There are a number of reasons why the
d. Making Ideas/Information Accessible
questionnaire should be revised.
11. Well finish the job next year.
12. Expressing information clearly is crucial;
12. The total price for the order is $350.75
you NEVER want to make your reader work including shipping and handling.
harder than necessary to understand the 13. When you buy books theyre so
message/idea/information you are expensive.
conveying. 14.The house, which was damaged during
the storm, was sold for $180,000.00 to an
a. Understanding Why You are Writing undisclosed buyer.
b. Providing Accurate Information 15. Boil the potato slices along with the rest
c. Organizing Information Logically and of the ingredients until soft.
d. Expressing Information Clearly TEST IV. Identify the end product of Technical
Writing being described.
13. Careful editing and proofreading are
1. A formal agreement between two or more
essential steps in the writing process.
2. Provides useful information about a
a. Understanding Why You are Writing complete program of work, for reference and
b. Eliminating noise permanent record.
c. Organizing Information Logically and 3. A record of procedures and results of
Linearly laboratory tests.
d. Using Appropriate Writing Style 4. Refers to pictures, graphs, charts and
other materials used in illustrating important
14. Always choose words and phrases that points in a report.
are simple and straightforward. 5. Written communication or message used
to transact business.
a. Satisfying Document Specifications 6. Summarized form of a long piece of
b. Writing for the Audience writing.
c. Using Efficient Wording 7. A research paper written for a professional
d. Making Ideas/Information Accessible paper or magazine.
8. A form of written communication
15. As a writer, it is crucial to have an circulated within a company.
awareness of the readers knowledge, ability 9. A thorough study of any subject.
level, and interest in the information being 10. An account of a business or professional
Test V. Identify whether the direction of
a. Satisfying Document Specifications the end product of technical writing is
b. Writing for the Audience UPWARD, LATERAL, DOWNWARD, or
c. Using Efficient Wording OUTWARD. Some may go in more than
d. Making Ideas/Information Accessible one direction.

Test III. Write A if the sentence is 1. Brochure

FORMAL and B if INFORMAL 2. Laboratory Report
3. Contract
4. Technical report 8. Proposal
5. Business letter 9. Progress Report
6. Abstract 10.Memorandum
7. Instructional Manual

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