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The Greedy Dog

One day, a dog stole a big piece of meat and he was very proud of
it.Then, he ran off until he reached the bank of the river. He looked down into
the river water carefully and he saw another dog with a piece of meat in its
mouth. Funnily enough, the dog did not realize that it was his own reflection
in the water. When he was full, he threw himself on the other dog to steal his
meat as well. Unfortunately, when he was in the water, he had to let go the
remains of the meat to avoid drowning, and so was left with nothing.

1. What kind of text is it?

a. Recount c. Descriptive
b. Procedure d. Narrative
2. How did the dog feel when he got a big peace of meat?
a. He was angry c. He was very sad
b. He was very proud of it d. He looked very exhausted
3. What can we learn from the story?
a. Dont be greedy c. Dont get angry easily
b. We should be humble and kind d. Never steal what other people have
4. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To retell past events c. To inform a story of a stolen dog
b. To describe a dog d. To amuse the readers

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