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410 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2014, 8, 410-415

Open Access
The Application of Improved Duncan-Chang Model in Unloading Soil

Yi He1,2 and Xuejun Chen1,3,*

Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan 430074, China; 2Civil Engineering Depart-
ment, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China; 3Civil Engineering Department, Guilin
University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China

Abstract: On the basis of the representative samples of slity clay in Wuhan, China. The lateral unloading soils stress path
which is produced by excavating foundation pit engineering, is simulated through triaxial experiment. A series of consoli-
dated-drained true triaxial test and normal triaxial test has accomplished. According to the results of test, Studies are done
to decide the parameter of the Duncan-Chang Model. Use a modulus formula for the foundation soil in the lateral unload-
ing stress path tests to replace the modulus formula of Duncan-Chang Model based on the  3 = cons t . Apply the Duncan-
Chang hyperbola nonlinear elastic constitutive model to simulate the plane strain test, a method to improve the ability
of Duncan-Chang model to take into account the effects of the intermediate principal stress on the strength and defor-
mation have been presented and all the model parameters have been determined. The adaptability of the model to
the stress path of unloading engineering is verified by comparing the theoretical stress-strain relationship and test stress-
strain relationship.
Keywords: Foundation pit excavation, lateral unload, improved Duncan-Chang model.


In excavation engineering, soil is in the unloading state, OF UNLOADING SOIL
excavation pit bottom upheaval, the lateral displacement of
soil problems induced by unloading and general geotechnical 2.1. Two Dimensional Stress-Strain Test
loading problem performance characteristics are obviously This test mainly research foundation pit surrounding ac-
different. Carries on the foundation pit excavation with the tive area soil properties, should simplify the force state ap-
conventional earth applying loading test parameter numerical proximation for vertical load unchanged, lateral unloading.
analysis and the design calculation will bring big error inevi- Undisturbed soil samples taken from Wuhan Shahu Power
tably. District high-rise residential building foundation pit con-
In this paper, excavation process of actual pit is simulat- struction site with the test, for the city of Wuhan is repre-
ed. A series of consolidated-drained true triaxial test and sentative of the Yangtze River I terrace alluvial silty clay, the
normal triaxial test has accomplished. According to the ex- physical and mechanical indexes such as shown in Table 1.
perimental results under the condition of drainage of founda-
Table 1. Physical and mechanical parameters of soil samples.
tion pit lateral load shedding the constitutive model of soil is
studied by the excavation of foundation pit, the deformation
modulus of lateral unloading process in the calculation for-  (% )  ( g / cm 3 ) c ( kpa )  ( ) e Ip
mula [1] of tangent modulus formula is deduced based on the
instead of Duncan-Chang model [2, 3], and the Duncan- 33.4 1.9 21.6 22.7 0.97 13.0
Chang nonlinear elastic model is applied to the plane strain
condition, in view of the influence of principal stress in the The sample was saturated, respectively by 50, 100, 150,
Duncan-Chang model cannot reflect, on the Duncan Chang 200, 250, 300 KPa confining pressure of isotropic consolida-
model has been improved, and the parameters in the model tion, stay after consolidation, immediately shear the sample,
were determined, and the income shall be income relation- constant vertical pressure control in the process of shearing,
ship curves of stress-strain and testing curves of stress - to the classification of unloading, each stage of unloading
strain comparative analysis with the theoretical calculation, grade is 10 KPa, the stress as the control variable, record the
in order to validate the model for unloading engineering of stress, displacement measurement in each load case, the
this special stress path adaptability. whole test process  1 >  2 =  3 .Tests of the stress-strain
curve as shown in Fig. (1).
2.2. Triaxial Loading Stress-Strain Test
Three dimensional test soil stress state tests carried out
on the ZSY - 1 type true triaxial test apparatus, samples with

1874-1495/14 2014 Bentham Open

The Application of Improved Duncan-Chang Model in Unloading Soil The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2014, Volume 8 411

saturation, with the consolidation of normal three axial test 2.3.1. Analysis of Duncan-Chang Model Parameters
confining pressure of isotropic consolidation, stay after con-
solidation, immediately shear the sample,  1 unchanged and
Li Shoude, Zhang Tuqiao, et al. Through the lateral un-
 2 to vertical deformation of pressure control in the process loading stress path test, and analysis of the deformation laws
of shear (namely:  2 0 )),  3 is grade unloading, each
of the soil behind the wall lateral natural foundation consoli-
dation in foundation pit excavation unloading process, ac-
stage of unloading is 10KPa, the stress as the control varia-
cording to the hyperbolic hypothesis, and cited the calcula-
ble, recording the stress and displacement measurement in
each load case, the whole test process  1   2   3 .
tion parameters of Duncan-Chang model deformation modu-
lus formula is deduced for the natural soil excavation in
foundation pit lateral unloading process is as follows:

(1  sin  )(1  k0 ) 1

E = Ei 1  R f 
 2 c cos  + 2k0 1 sin 
(1 + sin  )( k0 1   3 )
1  R f 1 

2c cos  +
 2sin   (1 + sin  )(1  k0 )  1 

In the formula, Ei is a function of K 0 consolidation state of

the  1 , by the following formula:

Fig. (1). The stress-strain curves for drained test of normal triaxial.  
Ei = kpa  3 
According to the drainage of lateral plane strain condi-  pa  (2)
tions were true triaxial instrument under the unloading test
data analysis calculation, the stress strain relation curve as Using the true triaxial and normal triaxial in this topic are
shown in Fig. (2). isotropic consolidation, i.e.  1 = 2 =  3 , so K 0 = 1, then (1)
type into:

(1 + sin  )(1   3 ) 
lg E = Ei 1  R f 1  (3)
pa  2c cos  + 21 sin 

In addition, the lateral unloading stress path test process,

test curve volume deformation is more complex, difficult to

ascertain the practical expression of the Poisson ratio . But

tests showed that the lateral unloading stress path, variable
smaller [4].
By formulas (2) and (3) can be seen, there are seven pa-
rameters in the Duncan-Chang model, i.e.:
Fig. (2). The stress-strain curves for drained test of true triaxial. k, R f , kb , m, n, c, and  .
2.3. Experimental Study on Constitutive Model of Un- 2.3.2. To Determine the Parameters of the Duncan-Chang
loading Soil Model [5, 6]
At present, the nonlinear elastic model in engineering ap- 1) C ,  value determination
plications the most is the Duncan-Chang [2, 3] model. But
because the soil has the complicated deformation features, According to the data of normal triaxial test results, ob-
such as dilatancy, anisotropy, and the influence of stress tained under different confining pressure and principal
path. In some soil nonlinear elastic or elastic-plastic model, curves of stress difference and axial strain, rendering the
for general loading conditions, the satisfactory results can be molar under different confining pressures and stress circle,
obtained, but for the special loading condition, there will be available:
no reasonable case. In addition, the model is based on the c = 16.77 kpa,  = 22.30 ,
failure criterion of Mohr-colun which is  2 =  3 , without
considering the middle stress of  2 , so if the original Dun- 2) Ei , R f value determination
can Zhang model verification application - deformation test
of soil under plane strain condition is inevitably exist certain Because the actual stress-strain relationship in line with
the basic assumptions of the hyperbola, so will the stress-
errors. Therefore, to make the model can simulate the actual
( )
strain hyperbolic  1   3  1 is converted into a linear
( )
soil engineering properties, must make some improvements.
relationship between 1  1   3  1 and different confin-
By unloading soil deformation modulus formula [1] side ing pressure the intercept under the a and b values are shown
of foundation pit excavation. in Table 2.
412 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2014, Volume 8 He and Chen

Table 2. E i and R f parameters of lg (  3 p a ) silty clay.

 3 ( kpa ) (1 -  3 )f (kpa ) a Ei ( kpa ) b (1 - 3 )ult (kpa) R f (kpa ) Average

50 0 3.08E-05 32457.35 0.018044 55.42 0.902219

100 20 3.24E-05 30835.27 0.012385 80.74 0.990803

250 160 2.54E-05 39416.50 0.006173 161.99 0.987647 0.96

300 200 2.47E-05 40467.75 0.004857 205.88 0.971314

Table 3. lg (  3 pa ) and lg ( Ei pa ) parameters of silty clay in different cell pressure.

 3 ( kpa )  3 / pa lg (  3 / pa ) Ei ( kpa ) Ei / pa lg ( Ei / pa )

50 0.5 2.511215 32457.35 324.5 -0.301

100 1 2.488974 30835.27 308.3 0.000

250 2.5 2.595496 39416.50 394.0 0.398

300 3 2.607026 40467.75 404.6 0.477

Fig. (3). The relationship between lg ( 3 pa ) and lg ( Ei pa ) . Fig. (4). The relationship between lg ( 3 pa ) and lg ( B pa ) .

3) K , n value determination Thus, Parameters of Duncan-Chang model obtained by

experiment of soil are listed in Table 5.
Take the atmospheric pressure Pa =101.3 Kpa, obtained 5) Duncan-Chang hyperbola model for plane problems
the and
Duncan Chang hyperbolic E-K model parameter by the
lg ( Ei pa ) normal triaxial test to determine if the deformation calcula-
tion, ordinary three specimen with its natural, compared with
values of confining pressure, as shown in Table 3, and the the measured results, the calculation of deformation of plane
lg ( 3 pa )  lg ( Ei pa ) strain s K b pecimen parameters today with three axis test for
determining, for  3 , the simulation of excavation process
linear relation mapping, as shown in Fig. (3), can be used to will the deviatoric stress is divided into several components,
obtain the parameters K, n value, K=308.8, n= 0.254. each increment in mean stress on the hyperbolic model for
Ei and , the formation of flexibility matrix
4) Kb , m value determination
[c ] = [ D ]

Take the atmospheric pressure Pa=101.3 Kpa, ,

( ) (
B =  1   3 3V , obtained the lg B Pa and B values of )
confining pressure, as shown in Table 4, and the lg  3 pa ( ) wherein:
( )
 lg B pa linear relation mapping, as shown in Fig. (4),
3K + E 3K  E 0
can be used to obtain the parameters K b , m value, K b  [ D] = 3K  E 3K + E 0 
9K  E 
66.24, m=0.764.  0 0 E 
The Application of Improved Duncan-Chang Model in Unloading Soil The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2014, Volume 8 413

Table 4. lg (  3 pa ) and lg ( B pa ) parameters.

 3 ( kpa ) lg (  3 / pa ) (1 -  3 ) f (kpa ) (1 -  3 ) (kpa ) v (% ) B ( kpa ) B / pa lg ( B / pa )

50 -0.301 50 35 0.0070 3333.33 33.33 1.522

100 0.000 80 56 0.0048 7777.77 77.78 1.891

250 0.398 160 112 0.0055 13575.76 135.76 2.132

300 0.477 200 140 0.0011 84848.48 848.48 2.929

Table 5. Parameters of Duncan-Chang model.

C ( kpa )  Rf K n Kb m

16.77 22.3 0.96 308.8 0.254 66.24 0.764

! # ! #
  "!   "!


! !
" "
 !  !
"! "!

$ $'&(

(3 50 KPa) (  3 100 KPa)

 " !

!  !
 ! ! #

#&%' $'&(
(3 150 KPa) (  3 300 KPa )

Fig. (5). The curves for (  1 - 3 ) 1 .

is obtained under various load of 1 accumulation, can draw soil will be in the specific calculation process, the calculation
the corresponding stress-strain curves. The curve and the test of large deformation of soil. Therefore, many domestic and
curve of Duncan Chang model income theory really three foreign scholars have put forward various methods in the
shaft under plane strain conditions as shown in Fig. (5). application of the model at the same time, trying to improve
the model, overcome its weaknesses. At present, the modi-
2. The main effect of stress  2 consideration
fied elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio and modified Mohr-
Because the Duncan-Chang model does not consider the colun two kinds of methods [6-8] have been proposed, this
intermediate principal stress on strength and deformation of topic here only one correction method for elastic modulus to
the  2 effect, thus resulting in low deformation modulus of simulation of plane strain test results, reflects the complex
414 The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2014, Volume 8 He and Chen

Table 6. Parameters of improved Duncan-Chang model.

C ( kpa )  Rf K n Kb m

16.77 22.3 0.96 308.8 0.254 66.24 0.764

stress strain characteristics of the stress state of degree to 2) Duncan Chang nonlinear elastic model is set up based
verify the improved model. Thus, provides the reference for on the normal triaxial loading test and constant confining
the selection of numerical analysis in geotechnical engineer- pressure conditions, for general loading conditions, the satis-
ing constitutive model. factory results can be obtained, but for the special loading
condition, there will be no reasonable case. The excavation
In order to consider the influence of intermediate principal
of foundation pit engineering, function of soil load mode is
stress of  2 , the original Duncan model of confining pres-
( )
sure  3 ,  2 +  3 2 instead, partial stress  1   3 , ( ) different from the general loading, so the model is used to
( )
 1   2 +  3 2 instead, keep the Mohr-colun standards
study the deformation of soil under the condition of plane
strain loading unloading is unreasonable.
unchanged, in order to consider the intermediate principal
stress  2 to the influence degree of stress strain characteris- 3) Tests of the plane strain damage deviatoric stress ratio
tics of stress paths. ( )
of  1   3 f three axial test is high, the failure strain corre-
The improved model for considering the influence of in- sponding than three triaxial test is slightly low, according to
termediate principal stress  2 model, so the corresponding the Mohr-colun failure criterion, plane strain test of  angle
parameter change. Change the improved expression of tan- than three triaxial test is high, the three axis measured 
gent modulus of elasticity model corresponding to: angle for plane strain problem is low, this is because the
main stress on the strength of the Mohr-colun does not con-
(1 + sin  )   1  2 3

sider the error produced in, and application of hyperbolic
 model and plane strain problem mainly lies in the failure
E = Ei 1  R f 1  2 
strength of selection, thereby causing calculation curve and
 2c cos  + 2 1 sin   experimental curve of income difference.
 4) In view of the influence of middle principal stress of
1) The parameters of the improved model Duncan Chang model without consideration, through im-
proved Duncan Chang model to consider the influence of
The improved Duncan Chang model parameters is still intermediate principal stress on the strength of soil, the cal-
seven original parameters of Duncan Chang nonlinear mod-
el, namely K, K b , m, n, f , c and , the improved model
culated curve derived from it can be seen that the Duncan-
Chang model curve after improvement is located in the for-
parameters can still obtained from the normal triaxial test. mer Duncan-Chang model, i.e. tangent the elastic model
The nonlinear elastic model of improved parameter values as curve after correction for the calculated was higher than the
shown in Table 6. original Duncan-Chang model results, this also makes the
2) Duncan-Chang modified hyperbola model for plane calculation more close to the curve of plane strain test curve,
problems but although the improved model improves the tangent mod-
ulus curve, but from the contrast can be seen from the graph,
The Duncan-Chang hyperbola model improved the
strain calculation prediction is still smaller than the experi-
method still uses such as for verification before unloading
mental value this can be explained, Duncan-Chang model for
soil in plane strain side of foundation pit excavation, the cal-
complex stress state of the stress strain properties reflect the
culated and experimental curves and the original Duncan
capacity is limited, has yet to be further improved.
Chang model calculated curves are drawn together, as shown
in Fig. (5).
CONCLUSION The authors confirm that this article content has no con-
flict of interest.
From the contrast can be seen from the graph, Duncan-
Zhang model calculated value and experimental value is
larger, and even with the modified Duncan-Chang model, the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
calculated value and experimental value and anastomosis Declared none.
cannot be very good, the reason for this difference has the
following several aspects: REFERENCES
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Received: July 09, 2014 Revised: October 12, 2014 Accepted: November 1, 2014
He and Chen; Licensee Bentham Open.

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