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DATE: LESSON UNIT 5: Be clean, be green

TEACHER: LESSON TOPIC: How green are you?
SCHOOL: TYPE OF LESSON: combined/mixed-
CLASS: X L2 (1 class/week) communication class on the environmental
LEVEL: lower intermediate problems and solutions
CLASS SIZE: 18 students TIME: 50 minutes
TEXTBOOK: Click on 4

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: My Ss may need help in explaining new words/ phrases

LANGUAGE FOCUS: Making effective use of words and phrases associated with
environment and environmental problems
- To learn or revise vocabulary relating to environment, environmental problems
- To develop questionnaire on current behaviour using present perfect forms
- To understand the actions learners can take on an everyday basis to reduce impact on
climate change
- To listen to dialogues and fill in comprehension sheet
SKILLS: listening, speaking, reading, writing,
METHODS: brainstorming, conversation, explanation, observation, vocabulary exercises
TEACHING AIDS: handouts, notebooks, notes, interactive whiteboard, flipchart, dictionaries,
INTERACTION: lockstep, pair work, individual work, group work

Organizational moment: the student on duty tells the absent Ss; the T writes the absent Ss in the
register; then she checks the homework and Ss correct the mistakes, if necessary. Ss had to write
an alternative to the title Be clean, be green. T listens to some possible eco- titles and writes
some on the flipchart.
Timing: 3 min.

Activity 1 Warm up
Aim: to increase Ss interest in the topic, T presents a clip of 2 min about a school project to lead into the topic

Timing: 5 min.
Interaction: lockstep T Ss, Ss- T; individual work
* T asks the SS to guess what the students in that school are doing for the environment. T hands
out worksheet A and students need to tick the correct item.
* Ss tick the correct item and then write it on the flipchart.

Activity 2 Vocabulary activity speaking activity

Aim: to brainstorm what they can do, or are already doing to be green
Timing: 8 min.
Interaction: Pair work T Ss, Ss- T; GW, Ss- Ss.
* T groups the class in 3 groups of 5 students and then in pairs.(1 student will be the leader of the
* T asks her Ss to brainstorm and write on the Worksheet B 1 action they have done themselves
recently in order to be green. Eg: I have used my bicycle going to school.
* once they have done this, T asks them to look at the environmental problems mentioned at ex
1/c on page 70 and match each one with the solutions mentioned in ex 2/a page 70.
* T asks the Ss to make sentences with them. Each PW must have built a sentence. Leader of the
group will write the sentences on the flipchart.

Activity 3 Listening and comprehension activity

Aim: to listen to the dialogues A, B and C in ex. 5/ page 70 and mark statements true or false
Timing: 3 min.
Interaction: Ss- Ss, T Ss, S- T;
* T divides the class in 3 groups of 5 students. Each group will have to mark on Worksheet C
True or false the statements of the dialogues.
* Ss tick T or F and they will assign one member of the group to write the answers on the

Activity 3 Reading and comprehension activity

Aim: to act the dialogues A, B and C in ex. 5/ page 70 and give synonyms of the words in BOLD
Timing: 7 min.
Interaction: Ss- Ss, T Ss, S- T;
* T divides the class in 3 groups of 5 students. Each group will have to read in pair one of the
dialogues. The 2 Ss will come in front of the class and act/read the dialogues.
* T hands out to the rest of the team Worksheet D with the words in BOLD from the text for
which they need to give the synonyms.
* Ss work in pairs and they will assign one member of the group to write them on the flipchart.

Activity 4 Group survey- which group is the greenest?

Aim: to carry out a survey among the groups to find out if they are doing enough to be green
and to report the findings, to use the present perfect forms for interrogative and affirmative.
Timing: 5 min.
Interaction: group work, pair work, T Ss, Ss- Ss;
* T divides the class in 3 groups (A, B, C)of 5 students. Each group assigns one interviewer who
will have to fill in the survey himself at first in the column Me.
* Once done interviewer A will interview group members B, interviewer B will interview group
members C and interviewer C will interview group member A. they will each record a for Yes
and X for No. The interviewed members will have to answer with Yes, I have or No, I havent.
Learners can help each other with the meaning of the questions. From monitoring T will clarify common
* The last question is blank for groups to discuss and write their own question they should worry too
much about accuracy at this stage, T helps them with vocabulary.
* T will model and drill the first two questions and possible answers Yes I have. Yes,
every day. etc.
* In their original group, interviewers count and record the number of ticks and cross answers for each
question and add them together.

Activity 5 Speaking and writing task reporting findings

Aim: to report findings and to write the results on the flipchart.
Timing: 10 min.
Interaction: individual work, S-T
* Reporting the findings: T uses the cline on worksheet B to test learners understanding of the
phrases, Ss should identify that they only use has if they are referring to one person. The
example uses None of the people have, but Ss may want to use nobody has and they may use
everybody has. T writes the possible answer frames on the flipchart.
* T Gives feedback and deal with any common errors Answers:
All of the people / Most of the people
Half of the people / Some people
Only a few people / Only one person / None of the people

Activity 6 Evaluation - writing

Aim: to use present perfect when talking about current behavior and incomplete time frames
Timing: 5 min.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss group work (4 groups of 6 students)
* T hands out to each Ss evaluation sheet C.
* Ss will have to find the past simple forms of the verbs mentioned in the questionnaire and
complete the table on evaluation sheet C.
* T will collect the papers with the Ss answers.

Activity 7 Homework assignment / marking the students

Aim: to give out the next English class homework
Timing: 5 min.

Interaction: T Ss
*T asks her Ss to choose one item of recyclable material (rubber, can, and tin, paper) and give
suggestions of what is can be reused for.
*T gives good marks to the students who have participated most actively in the lesson.

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