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Continuous Assessment Test - 2, June 2016

B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), Summer Semester, 2015 - 16

Course Code : MEE 202 Duration : 90 Minutes.

Course Name : Engineering Mechanics Max. Marks : 50
Faculty-In-Charge: Sridharan.K Slot : A + TA

1. Block A supports a pipe column and rests as shown (Fig. 1) on wedge B Knowing that the coefficient of
static friction at all surface contact is 0.25 and = 45 0, determine the smallest force P required to raise
block A [15]
750 N

Fig. 1
2. a. Determine by direct integration the centroid of the area shown in Fig 2. Express your
answer in terms of a and h. [8]
b. Determine the volume and total surface area of the body shown in Fig. 3 [7]

Fig. 2 Fig. 3
3. Determine moment of inertia of the area shown in Fig. 4 with respect to centroidal axes respectively
parallel and perpendicular to side AB. [10]

Fig. 4

4. A 6.5 m ladder AB leans against a wall as shown Fig. 5. Assuming that coefficient of friction s is the
same at A and B, determine the smallest value of s for which equilibrium is maintained.

Fig. 5

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