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Hum an
Third Edition
The Complete Desk Reference
for HR Executives, Managers,
and Practitioners
Hum an
Third Edition
The Complete Desk Reference
for HR Executives, Managers,
and Practitioners

William R. Tracey, Ed.D.

HRE of Cape Cod


A CRC Press Company
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Tracey, William R.
The human resources glossary : the complete desk reference for HR executives, managers
and practitioners / by William R. Tracey.3rd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-57444-351-8 (alk. paper)
1. Personnel managementDictionaries. I. Title.

HF5549.A23T73 2003

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International Standard Book Number 1-57444-351-8
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For my mother, Pauline Eva (Burgoyne) ONeill,

my foster mother, Josephine Mary (Burgoyne) Tracey,
my godmother, Elsie Alice (Burgoyne) Woods,
my wife, Kathleen Lucille (Doheny) Tracey,
and my friend and companion, Else-Marie Birgit Bowe.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with respect to the
subject matter covered. It should be used with the understanding that it is not the intent of the
author or the publisher to provide legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal, account-
ing, or other forms of expert advice and assistance are needed, the services of a qualied and
competent professional should be engaged.
The lexicon of human resources continues to grow at a meteoric pace. Since the publication of the
second edition of the Glossary in 1998, literally hundreds of new terms have appeared. Signicant
changes in the roles and functions of HR managers and practitioners, notably as corporate team
players no longer limited to the areas of compensation and benets, employee services, and training
and development, require them to understand and be able to use the language of business the
vocabulary of nance, marketing and sales, project management, and purchasing and contracting,
among others.
This third edition of the comprehensive glossary of human resources acronyms, abbreviations,
terms, and their denitions offers readers the information they need to make sense of the complex,
fast-paced world of human resources management, development, and utilization. It contains more
than 10,300 entries, including over 1700 abbreviations and acronyms, and covers 57 subject areas.
Each entry explains the context and application of an acronym, abbreviation, or term; in the case
of terms rooted in federal law, the applicable legislation is cited.
The book contains brief denitions of the terms that apply to the HR function in business,
industry, government, education, and nonprot organizations. At rst glance, many of the words
included in the glossary appear to be terms that are common and generally understood. However,
some common words have uncommon meanings their usage is unique to the HR discipline.
Also, because this volume is intended for global use, some terms that are readily understood by
English-speaking Americans would be puzzling, if not incomprehensible, to many for whom English
is a second language.
The book also includes the names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, purposes, and other
pertinent information, including e-mail and Web site addresses, of professional associations,
unions, military and veterans groups, and research organizations and institutes of interest to HR
The Human Resources Glossary is designed to help readers get maximum results from their
HR programs, services, and activities, and assist them to interact and deal effectively with other
HR professionals. Every effort has been made to make this book as accurate, complete, and easy
to use as possible.
The writer has often had to make arbitrary decisions on the inclusion of terms and their
denitions. Inevitably, some users will disagree with the denition given a particular term. In some
cases, they may nd more complete information on the term in a standard HR text or reference work.
The body of the Glossary contains acronyms, abbreviations, and terms arranged alphabetically
by subject or topic. Wherever necessary, different terms for the same entity are cross-referenced.
Abbreviations and acronyms for organizations and laws and their full titles appear in both forms
under the appropriate letter of the alphabet.
About the Author
William R. Tracey is president of HRE of Cape Cod, an interna-
tional management, training, and education consulting rm based
in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. He has more than 50 years
experience as a human resources professional, educator, and
trainer and holds a doctorate in education from Boston University.
Dr. Tracey is also a graduate of the National Cryptologic School,
United States Army War College, and the United States Army
Management School.
His consulting career has included assignments with ESSO
Resources Canada in Alberta and the Northwest Territories; Per-
tamina, the petroleum exploration and production company in
Jakarta, Indonesia; Les Roches, the Swiss Hotel Associations
School of Hotel Management in Bluche Crans-Montana located
in Switzerlands Valais Canton; and many other assignments in
the United States. He has also served three terms as a member of the Commission on Technical
and Career Institutions, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, the regional accrediting
A veteran of World War II, he served as a naval ofcer aboard an amphibious ship (Landing
Ship Tanks) in the Pacic Theater of Operations, participating in landings in the Philippines. He
remained in the Naval Reserve following the war, serving as Aviation Technical Training Ofcer
for antisubmarine warfare squadrons. He retired from the Navy in December 1982.
Dr. Tracey has been a classroom teacher at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels,
supervisor of student teaching, and professor of education at the undergraduate and graduate levels
of higher education. His last full-time position in public education was an assignment as professor
of education and director of teacher training at the Fitchburg (Massachusetts) State College and
with collateral assignments at the Worcester, Lowell, Salem, and Boston State Colleges. He also
served in consecutive assignments as psychologist, educational consultant to the commandant,
director of instruction, deputy commandant for training and education, and director of training and
doctrine at the U.S. Army Security Agency Training Center & School and the U.S. Army Intelligence
School, Fort Devens, Massachusetts, where he was responsible for the training of 3000 to 5000
ofcers and enlisted personnel of all services annually.
Dr. Tracey has published 14 books, including the Human Resources Glossary: The Complete
Desk Reference for HR Executives, Managers, and Practitioners, 1st and 2nd Editions; The AMA
Human Resources Management & Development Handbook (editor and principal author of two
editions); Critical Skills: The Guide to Top Performance for Human Resource Managers; Leadership
Skills: Standout Performance for Human Resources Managers; Designing Training and Develop-
ment Systems (three editions); Training Employees with Disabilities: Strategies to Enhance Learning
& Development for an Expanding Part of Your Workforce, and more than 100 journal articles. He
has also been a newspaper columnist on communication and business management for the Barn-
stable Patriot of Hyannis, Massachusetts.
His professional afliations include the American Management Association, American Society
for Training and Development, Society of Human Resource Management, Phi Delta Kappa, Cape
Cod Writers Center, and the International Society of Poets.
How to Use This Book
This book is divided into two parts. The main body of the Glossary consists of acronyms and
abbreviations with their literal translations heading the entries under each letter of the alphabet.
They are followed by the terms with their denitions, including the translations of the acronyms
and abbreviations in alphabetical order. Part II is an index of key terms listed alphabetically under
57 headings, each representing a major area of interest for HR managers and practitioners. Under
each heading, key terms are listed, again in alphabetical order.
Acronyms and abbreviations. If you want to check on an acronym or abbreviation, go rst
to the initial entries under the appropriate letter of the alphabet in the main body of the Glossary.
When you nd the correct entry and its meaning, you can then decide whether you need more
information. If you do, go directly to the entry for the translated acronym or abbreviation in the
Prospecting. If you are unfamiliar with a particular area of HR and want to see a sample of
what is included, go to the table of contents and scan the major headings in the index of key terms
until you nd the area of interest. Then, go to the appropriate page(s) in the index of key terms
and check the listing(s) to nd entries and their page numbers that are of potential interest. Go
back to the body of the Glossary and nd the entries and their denitions. Terms within a denition
that are included in the Glossary are set in boldface type.
Aiding recall. If you know the term you want but have temporarily forgotten it (we all get a
mental block sometimes), follow the steps described in Prospecting.
Look up. If you nd a word in your reading or hear it in a presentation or conversation and
do not know its meaning, go directly to the Glossary and look it up. For more detailed information
on any term, consult standard HR texts and reference works.
Feedback. If you do not nd the word you need in the Glossary, if you know of an important
word that is not included, or if you think the denition of a word in the Glossary misses the mark
or is lacking in clarity, please drop the author a note so it can be revised in the next edition. Send
to: William R. Tracey, Ed.D., Fifty-four Evergreen Street, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-5612 (phone
508-394-9509; fax 508-760-1103; e-mail
Part I Denitions ......................................................................................................................1

Part II Index of Key Terms ..................................................................................................747

Associations ...................................................................................................................................748
Budgeting .......................................................................................................................................754
Child Care and Elder Care ............................................................................................................754
Communication ..............................................................................................................................755
Computer-Related Terms ...............................................................................................................757
Cost Management ..........................................................................................................................762
Creativity and Innovation...............................................................................................................763
Desktop Publishing ........................................................................................................................763
Disability ........................................................................................................................................764
Employee Development .................................................................................................................767
Employee Discipline ......................................................................................................................768
Employee Participation ..................................................................................................................768
Employee Services .........................................................................................................................768
Equal Employment Opportunity....................................................................................................769
Ethics ..............................................................................................................................................770
Finance and Accounting.................................................................................................................770
Forecasting .....................................................................................................................................773
Health Care ....................................................................................................................................774
Health, Fitness, and Wellness ........................................................................................................779
Instructional Strategies and Techniques ........................................................................................780
Instructional Systems Development ..............................................................................................781
Job Analysis and Job Evaluation ...................................................................................................781
Jobs and Functions.........................................................................................................................782
LaborManagement and Industrial Relations................................................................................785
Laws and Legal Terms...................................................................................................................786
Leadership ......................................................................................................................................794
Learning and Behavior...................................................................................................................794
Management ...................................................................................................................................796
Marketing, Pricing, and Sales........................................................................................................797
Measurement and Evaluation.........................................................................................................799
Medical Terms................................................................................................................................800
Meeting Management ....................................................................................................................803
Military and Veterans Organzations ..............................................................................................804
Motivation, Incentives, and Awards...............................................................................................805
Organization Design.......................................................................................................................806
Organization Development ............................................................................................................807
Performance Appraisal...................................................................................................................807
Problem Solving.............................................................................................................................808
Productivity, Standards, and Quality Control................................................................................808
Professional Journals......................................................................................................................809
Project Management ......................................................................................................................810
Purchasing and Contracting ...........................................................................................................810
Recruiting, Hiring, and Promoting ................................................................................................811
Research Organizations and Institutes...........................................................................................812
Research, Statistics, and Information Systems..............................................................................812
Safety and Security ........................................................................................................................814
Service and Information.................................................................................................................814
Substance Abuse.............................................................................................................................815
Teams and Team Building .............................................................................................................816
Technology .....................................................................................................................................816
Tests and Testing............................................................................................................................819
Training ..........................................................................................................................................820
Travel Management........................................................................................................................822
Work Measurement ........................................................................................................................824
Part I
AA 1. Afrmative action. ABET Accreditation Board for
2. Alcoholics Anonymous. Engineering and Technology,
3. Associate of Arts. Inc.
AAA 1. American Arbitration ABM Applied behavior management.
Association. 2. Area Agencies on ABMS American Board of Medical
Aging. 3. Abdominal aortic Specialties.
aneurysm (screening). ABO Accumulated benets
AAAA Army Aviation Association of obligations.
America. ABR Accelerated benet rider.
AAACE American Association for Adult ABS Asset-based securitization.
and Continuing Education. ACA 1. American Compensation
AADB American Association of the Association. 2. American
Deaf-Blind. Counseling Association.
AAF American Action Fund for Blind 3. American Chiropractic
Children and Adults. Association. 4. American
AAFES Army Air Force Exchange Creativity Association.
Service. ACAA Air Carrier Access Act of 1986.
AAFM The American Academy of ACB American Council of the Blind.
Financial Management. ACC Asynchronous computer
AAHE The American Association for conferencing.
Higher Education.
ACCEDI Association of Collegiate
AAIM Association for Applied
Conference and Events
Interactive Multimedia.
AAMR American Association on Mental
ACDUTRA Active duty for training.
ACE 1. American Council on
AAOHN American Association of
Education. 2. Angiotensin
Occupational Health Nurses.
converting enzyme inhibitors.
AAP 1. Afrmative action plan. 2. The
American Academy of ACHE Association for Continuing
Psychoanalysis. Higher Education, Inc.
AAPCC Adjusted average per capita cost. ACIP American Council on
AARP American Association of Retired International Personnel.
Persons. ACL Access control list.
AAUP American Association of ACME ACME World Association of
University Professors. Management Consulting Firms.
A.B. Bachelor of Arts. ACPA American Cleft Palate-
ABA 1. American Bar Association. Craniofacial Association.
2. Architectural Barriers Act of ACR Adjusted community rate.
1968. 3. The Association for ACS American Cancer Society.
Behavior Analysis. ACT American College Test.
ABCB Architectural Barriers ACTE Association of Corporate Travel
Compliance Board. Executives.
ABCD Accomplishment-based ACUR Ambulatory care utilization
curriculum development. review.

ADA 4 A.M.

ADA 1. Age Discrimination Act of AFGE American Federation of

1975. 2. Americans with Government Employees.
Disabilities Act of 1990. AFL-CIO American Federation of
3. American Dental Association. Labor Congress of Industrial
4. American Diabetes Relations.
Association. AFPA Armed Forces Procurement Act
ADAA Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. of 1947.
ADARA American Deafness and AFPI Air Force Procurement
Rehabilitation Association. Instructions.
ADBs Accelerated death benets. AFSA Air Force Sergeants Association.
AD&D Accidental death and AFSCME American Federation of State,
dismemberment insurance. County, and Municipal
ADD 1. Attention decit disorder. Employees
2. Agreed delivery date. AFT American Federation of Teachers
ADEA Age Discrimination in AFWOA Air Force Women Ofcers
Employment Act of 1967. Association.
ADHD Attention decit, hyperactivity AGBAD Alexander Graham Bell
disorder. Association for the Deaf.
ADL Advanced distributed learning. AGI Adjusted gross income.
ADLs Activities of daily living. AHA 1. American Heart Association.
Adm. Admiral O10 (Navy civilian 2. American Hospital
abbreviation). Association.
ADM Admiral O10 (Navy military AHH Acute health hazard.
abbreviation). AHLA American Hotel & Lodging
ADME Association of Destination Association.
Management Executives. AHP Association health plan.
ADR Alternative dispute resolution AI 1. Articial intelligence.
procedures. 2. Appreciative inquiry.
ADSL Asymmetrical digital subscriber AIA Anti-Injunction Act of 1932.
line. AIAS Academy of Interactive Arts &
AECT Association for Educational Sciences.
Communications and AICPA American Institute of Certied
Technology. Public Accountants.
AED Automated external debrillator. AIDA Attention, interest, desire, and
AEDP Adult External Diploma action.
Program. AIDS Acquired immune deciency
AEE Association for Experiential syndrome.
Education. AILS Articial intelligence learning
AERA American Educational Research systems.
Association. AIMR Association for Investment
AES Advanced Encryption Standard. Management and Research.
AESC The Association of Executive AIT Advanced individual training.
Search Consultants. AITP Association of Information
AFA Air Force Association. Technology Professionals.
AFB American Foundation for the AJB Americas Job Bank.
Blind. AL The American Legion.
AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent ALD Assistive listening device.
Children. ALN Asynchronous learning network
AFG Al-Anon Family Group ALOS Average length of stay.
Headquarters, Inc. A.M. Master of Arts.

AMA 1. American Management ART Assisted reproductive

Association. 2. American technology.
Marketing Association. A.S. Associate of Science.
3. American Medical ASA 1. American Stroke Association.
Association. 2. Autism Society of America.
AMD Age-related macular ASAE American Society of Association
degeneration. Executives.
AMEX American Stock Exchange. ASAP As soon as possible.
AMP Association of Meeting ASCAP American Society of Composers,
Professionals. Authors & Publishers.
AMPS Advanced mobile phone service. ASCII American Standard Code for
AMSUS Association of Military Surgeons Information Interchange.
of the United States. ASEAN Association of South East Asian
AMVETS American Veterans. Nations.
ANA American Nurses Association. ASHA American Speech-Language-
ANCC American Nurses Credentialing Hearing Association.
Center. ASHC American Self-Help
ANSI American National Standards Clearinghouse.
Institute. ASHHRA American Society for Healthcare
AOCFI The Association of Outplacement Human Resources Administration.
Consulting Firms International. ASIS American Society for Industrial
AP American Plan. Security.
APA American Psychological ASL American sign language.
Association. ASO Administrative services only.
APEC Asia-Pacic Economic ASP Application service provider.
Cooperation. ASPA American Society of Pension
APEX Advance purchase excursion Actuaries.
fare. ASPR Armed Services Procurement
APFT Army Physical Fitness Test. Regulations.
APH American Printing House for the ASQ American Society for Quality.
Blind, Inc. ASTA American Society of Travel
API Application programming Agents.
interface. ASTD American Society for Training
APQC American Productivity and and Development.
Quality Center. ASVAB Armed Services Vocational
APP Army Procurement Procedure. Aptitude Battery.
APR 1. Average payment rate. AT Assertiveness training.
2. Annual percentage rate. ATB 1. Automated ticket/boarding
APS Advanced photo system. pass. 2. Americas Talent Bank.
APTA American Physical Therapy ATEA American Technical Education
Association. Association.
APY Annual percentage yield. ATM 1. Automated teller machine.
AQL Acceptable quality level. 2. Adobe Type Manager.
AQP Association for Quality & 3. Asynchronous transfer mode.
Participation. ATP Authorization to participate.
ARC AIDS-related complex. ATS Applicant tracking system.
ARCD Age-related cognitive decline. ATSA Aviation and Transportation
ARIA Arthritis Research Institute of Security Act of 2001.
America. AUSA Association of the U.S. Army.
ARL Action-reection learning. AV Audiovisuals.
AVA 6 abstract reasoning

AVA 1. American Vocational devices for all types of disabilities. Contact:

Association. 2. Activity value ABLEDATA, 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 930,
analysis. Silver Spring, MD 20910 (phone 800-227-
AVRS Automated voice response 0216 or 301-608-8912; fax 301-608-8958;
system. e-mail; Web site
AWHP Association for Worksite Health
Promotion. AboutFace USA An information and support
AWLP Alliance of Work/Life organization dedicated to providing individual
Professionals. and family support to people who have facial
AWOL Absent without leave. differences. Offers information, practical
AWP Any willing provider. advice, and the opportunity to network with
others who share similar concerns and expe-
Abacus An Asian airline computer reservation riences. Contact: AboutFace USA, P.O. Box
system (CRS) consortium formed by Cathay 969, Batavia, IL 60510-0969 (phone 888-486-
Pacic, China, Malaysian, Philippine, Sing- 1209; e-mail AboutFace2000; Web
apore, and Royal Brunei Airlines. site
abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screen- absence management metrics A means of
ing A procedure that visualizes the existence comparing absentee problems across compa-
of an enlargement in the abdominal aorta that nies. According to Richard Lewis, senior part-
could lead to a ruptured aortic artery. An ner of LewisCo and a member of the Wash-
acoustic gel is applied to the abdomen and a ington Business Group on Healths council on
painless instrument called a transducer is used employee health and productivity and drafter
to visualize the aorta. of the councils original absence measurement
ability test In training and development, test recommendations, the metrics fall under seven
instruments used to measure an individuals
categories: cost per employee, average cost
physical or mental skills or abilities, such as
per claim, costs as a percentage of payroll,
manual dexterity, reasoning, visual acuity, or
lost days per 100 employees, average claim
problem solving. Examples are Revised Beta
duration, claim incidence (frequency), and
Examination, 2nd Ed. (Beta-II), Industrial
claim management metrics and performance
Reading Test, Minnesota Clerical Assessment
Battery, Seashore-Bennett Stenographic Pro-
absent without leave (AWOL) Unauthorized
ciency Test, Personnel Tests for Industry
(Verbal and Numerical), and Watson-Glaser absence from ones workplace. Usually pun-
Critical Thinking Appraisal. ished by docking pay.
ability to benet The likelihood that an indi- absolute ratings Rating systems that require
vidual will complete a program of occupa- the rater to assign a nite value (on a xed
tional or remedial training in a successful scale) to the trait or performance being rated
manner. The ability to benet may be mea- without reference to any other person. See
sured by aptitude, ability, or achievement also behaviorally anchored rating scale;
tests. checklist; descriptive scale; forced-choice
ability to pay In compensation and contract scale; graphic scale; numerical rating.
negotiations, the capability of an organization absorption costing The oldest method of cost
to fulll a wage and salary increase while accounting in which all costs are absorbed
remaining protable and competitive in its into a unit of production or charged against a
industry. single product or operation within the
ABLEDATA An information and referral business.
project operated by Macro International, Inc., abstract reasoning In education and training,
the company that operates the National Insti- the ability to perceive problems and issues in
tute on Disability and Rehabilitation symbolic terms and to solve problems and
Research. Provides free information from a resolve issues in a theoretical rather than in
database listing of more than 20,000 assistive an applied or veriable manner.
abuse/suppression program 7 accessorial services

abuse/suppression program An employee personal training, or personal professional

benet, such as a company-sponsored pro- development strategies.
gram addressing weight control, smoking ces- accent-reduction training A new benet
sation, chemical and substance abuse, or gam- offered by a growing number of companies to
bling addiction control. help employees with heavy foreign accents or
academic year As dened by the U.S. Depart- strong regional American dialects to improve
ment of Educations Student Financial Assis- their pronunciation and enunciation of the
tance Programs, a period of at least 30 weeks English language. Courses typically last as
of instructional time during which a full-time long as 20 weeks.
student is expected to complete at least 24 acceptability The level of satisfaction
semester or trimester hours, at least 36 quarter expressed by consumers with the availability,
hours, or, at an institution that measures pro- accessibility, cost, quality, continuity, and
gram length in clock hours, at least 900 clock degree of courtesy and consideration afforded
hours. them by the health care system.
Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences acceptable quality level (AQL) A method of
(AIAS) A not-for-prot organization that specifying quality level used by engineers.
provides a voice for individuals comprising Largely replaced by Cpk.
the worldwide interactive community. Its mis- acceptance In contract law, consenting to an
sion is to promote and advance the common offer under terms agreed to by the offeror,
interests of the worldwide interactive commu- which creates a binding contract.
nity and to recognize outstanding achievement access In benets, an individuals ability to
in interactive content. Contact: AIAS, 9343 obtain needed health care services.
Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 (phone access code An alphanumeric code that
310-441-2280; fax 310-883-3196; e-mail allows the user to gain entry to a computer; Web site www.inter- system, program, folder, or le. access control Procedures performed by
accelerated benet rider (ABR) See living hardware, software, and personnel to monitor
benet rider. access to facilities, equipment, computers, or
accelerated death benets (ADBs) Payment containers; identies users requesting access;
of insurance death benets before death. The records attempts at access; and grants or
amount varies from 100% of the face coverage denies access.
of the policy to a small percentage of the death access control list (ACL) A means of con-
benet with a possible monetary cap. When trolling access to computer les. ACLs can be
the advance payment is less than the face created on a router or on a server to deny entry
value, the balance is paid to the beneciary to persons who must not be privy to les.
on the death of the insured. accessible format Materials prepared for peo-
accelerated learning 1. Learning designed to ple with disabilities in formats other than ordi-
be effective and achievable in a short span of nary print (e.g., Braille for the blind and extra-
time by making the learning environment pos- large print for the visually impaired).
itive, interesting, supportive, comfortable, access management software Identity man-
nonthreatening, multidimensional, and suc- agement tools that allow cleared individuals
cessful. Also called speed learning. 2. A mul- access to an enterprise network or e-business
tisensory, brain-congruent, collaborative site while managing the content and the busi-
learning methodology in which the learners ness they conduct online. An effective system
are the focal point of the learning experience. incorporates one or more methods of authen-
It involves both the packaging of the knowl- tication to certify the user, including pass-
edge and skills to be learned and the prepara- words, digital certicates, or hardware or soft-
tion of the learners so that they can absorb ware devices.
and retain the material faster and more easily. accessorial services In employee relocation,
3. Typically uses one-on-one training, coach- moving services other than the actual trans-
ing, mentoring, small group instruction, portation of household goods, such as
accessory apartment 8 accounts-receivable days

packing, custom-crating, elevator usage, stair contributions (based on a percentage of pay)

carries, and servicing home appliances. are allocated and fund earnings are credited
accessory apartment An alternative way of to the account under a plan formula. Fully
enabling older persons to remain in their own vested participants may receive the account
homes. It involves adding a separate, self-con- balance in a lump sum upon termination of
tained apartment unit to the house. Rental of employment; upon retirement, participants
the original dwelling provides the owner with may take the accumulated balance as a lump
additional nancial resources and the security sum or in the form of an annuity.
of living apart but not alone. accounting A nancial control that involves
access-to-care A means of cutting abuse in the processes of collecting, recording, classi-
medigap insurance. The measure requires all fying, and summarizing transactions, events,
individuals to have health insurance provided and activities that are, at least in part, dollar-
through either their employers or a public oriented, analyzing and interpreting the data,
plan. and reporting the results to interested manag-
accidental death and dismemberment ers or others.
(AD&D) In benets, group insurance that Accounting Industry Reform Act of 2002
provides coverage for accidental loss of life, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, signed by
limbs, or sight. the president on July 30, 2002. The legislation
accidental injury An injury caused by an (1) creates criminal penalties and prison terms
external force or element such as a blow or for company executives who sign fraudulent
fall that requires immediate medical attention.
nancial reports and for document shredding;
Usually includes animal bites and poisonings.
(2) establishes an independent, private-sector
accomplishment-based curriculum develop-
board to oversee the accounting industry;
ment (ABCD) A step-by-step system for
(3) imposes restrictions on accounting rms
developing a curriculum from analysis
providing consulting services for corporations
through the design, development, delivery,
whose books they audit; (4) mandates audit
and evaluation phases. It differs from instruc-
partner rotation and establishes a one-year
tional systems development in that it looks
employment restriction on accountants;
rst at the goals of the organization, then at
(5) prohibits corporate loans to company
what exemplary employees produce, and
executives; (6) requires company ofcials to
nally at how top performers behave when
they produce their results. Attributed to Joe certify periodic reports, subject to civil and
Hurless, a member of the Human Resources criminal penalties; (7) orders new rules for
Development (HRD) Hall of Fame. nancial analysts designed to prevent conicts
accordion management The ability of a com- of interest; (8) extends the time in which
pany to expand or contract its work force defrauded investors may bring lawsuits
quickly to accommodate changing business against companies; (9) creates a federal
conditions. account for defrauded investors that will take
accountability 1. Responsibility imposed on in all civil nes, payments, and assets from
a group or individual or assumed by a work corporate wrongdoers; (10) calls for the
team or individual for the effectiveness or suc- immediate disclosure of stock sales by com-
cess of a program, activity, or project in terms pany executives; and (11) increases the Secu-
of results achieved, such as new or improved rities and Exchange Commission budget for
skills, productivity, cost benets, or employee auditors and investigators.
motivation. 2. An implied or explicit require- account representative See director of sales.
ment to accept responsibility for performance, accounts-payable days In calculating the
progress, and accomplishment. cash conversion cycle, the payables balance,
accountability statement See job description. divided by the last 12 months cost of goods
account balance pension (ABP) Benet plan sold, multiplied by 365.
similar to a dened contribution plan. Benets accounts-receivable days In calculating the
are accumulated in an account to which cash conversion cycle, the receivables balance,
accounts receivable supervisor 9 acquired citizenship

divided by the last 12 months sales, multiplied and concern for order and quality. See also
by 365. cognitive competencies; helping/service com-
accounts receivable supervisor The hotel petencies; inuence competencies; manage-
functionary responsible for presenting the ment competencies; personal effectiveness
nal bill and for explaining charges to the competencies.
person responsible for a meeting. achievement-motivation theory A theory
accreditation Certication by a recognized that holds that challenging tasks and their suc-
body that individuals, institutions, or pro- cessful completion elicit feelings of pleasure;
grams have voluntarily undergone compre- therefore, the solution to motivation is to hire
hensive examination by objective, impartial, people with a high need to achieve, give them
and qualied evaluators and have demon- challenging tasks, and provide unambiguous
strated that they competently perform the feedback on degree of success.
functions that they claim. Accreditation stan- achievement need A strong need of most
dards are usually dened in terms of physical knowledge workers, characterized by a will-
plant, governing body, administration, and ingness to take moderate risks to attain the
medical and other staff. Federal student aid satisfaction that accompanies task completion
programs require that participating schools and positive feedback, particularly with dif-
and colleges be accredited. cult or challenging tasks.
Accreditation Board for Engineering and achievement test A test that measures the
Technology, Inc. (ABET) Established to extent to which a person has acquired certain
serve the public through the promotion, information or skills as a result of formal or
advancement, and accreditation of engineer- informal training, experience, or self-study.
ing, technology, and applied science programs The most common type of test used by HR
and to promote quality and innovation in engi- managers, it measures the knowledge, skills,
neering, technology, and applied science edu- and abilities of people in specic subject-mat-
cation. Contact: ABET, 111 Market Pl., Suite ter areas. Most often used to determine
1050, Baltimore, MD 21202 (phone 410-347- whether a trainee has achieved the learning
7 7 0 0 ; f a x 4 1 0 - 6 2 5 - 2 2 3 8 ; We b s i t e objectives of a course or training module or to determine the general effects of previous
accretive merger A merger that immediately learning experiences, but also used in screen-
increases the acquiring companys earnings ing and selection to test job knowledge.
per share. See also dilutive merger. acid reducers Over-the-counter drugs that
accrued benet The funds or other form of prevent or relieve heartburn associated with
benet that a plan participant has accumulated acid indigestion and sour stomach.
to a particular point in time. For example, for acid test A metric of the results of corporate
a dened contribution plan, it is the amount operations that measures immediate solvency
of money accumulated in the individuals pen- or nancial soundness. The acid test is calcu-
sion account. lated by dividing cash plus marketable secu-
accrued interest The amount of interest that rities plus receivables by current liabilities
accumulates on the unpaid principal balance [acid test = (cash + marketable securities +
of a loan. receivables)/current liabilities].
acculturation In multinational operations, the acknowledgment card A postcard or letter
adoption by expatriate managers of the cul- sent to the moving customer by most van lines
tural traits, mores, practices, and social pat- soon after the customer sends a damage claim
terns of the host country. form to the mover. The card acknowledges
accumulated benets obligations (ABO) that the damage claim has been received and
The amount needed to nance pension bene- is being processed by the customer service
ts already earned by workers. department.
achievement competencies Capabilities that acquired citizenship Citizenship conferred at
portend success in professional, technical, birth on children born abroad to a U.S. citizen
and managerial jobs. They include initiative parent.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome 10 actives

acquired immune deciency syndrome to some degree how it is to be done. In some

(AIDS) A viral illness, until recently assumed applications, time and the costs are included
to be terminal, that attacks the bodys immune in the plan.
system, leaving it vulnerable to infection. In action-reection learning (ARL) A small-
1996, combination drug treatments became group, team approach to learning in which the
available that changed the prospects for peo- learners learn by by solving actual business
ple with HIV disease, making it a treatable problems.
and largely survivable infection. The disease action research 1. The scientic application
cannot be transmitted by casual contact, but of the methods of behavioral science to the
only by the exchange of body uids such as solution of practical problems. Involves the
through sexual contacts, needles, cuts in the processes of diagnosis, data collection and
skin, and transfusions of infected blood. analysis, feedback, and action planning.
acquisition See merger. Attributed to Kurt Lewin. See also action plan.
acquisitions software A computer program 2. In organization development, action
written to perform management tasks associ- research involves identifying and selecting the
ated with the purchase of information systems organizational and interpersonal issues and
reference materials. problems that need to be addressed and nd-
action learning 1. Usually facilitated by a ing and applying solutions to those problems
consultant, it is a systematic and orderly prob- in a planned and systematic way.
lem-solving process. A group of trainees action skills Skills that are associated with
jointly identies a problem, experiments with doing or taking action in situations as they are
a solution, monitors results, and critiques the analyzed. They include such specic skills as
process. Results are used by the learners to planning, changing organizational conditions,
redene the problem and try out alternative
and behaving effectively in interpersonal
solutions. 2. A middle management training
strategy that involves giving trainees released
active duty The status of personnel of any
time to work full-time on problems in depart-
component of the Armed Forces assigned to
ments other than their own. Trainees meet
units either indenitely, for a specied enlist-
periodically with a project group to discuss
ment period, or for some other contractual
their progress and solutions. 3. A learning sys-
time commitment.
tem in which (1) learning is tied to a specic,
important, and current project; (2) there is no active duty for training (ACDUTRA) A
instructor and trainees learn from and with period of training required of most members
each other in teams (often cross-functional) as of Reserve Component Forces of the military
they deal with an issue or problem; (3) empha- services. A certain number of drills is
sis is placed on questioning previous assump- required annually to fulll a reservists mili-
tions; and (4) teams continually review their tary commitment typically one 2-hour
progress and the process itself and question period per week or four 4-hour periods per
and test their hypotheses. month (1 weekend) plus 14 days of annual
action or performance learning A learning active duty.
strategy used by humans (and to some degree active listening In counseling or other person-
by learning machines). It is learning by see- to-person contacts, concentrating on the other
ing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and person and the message, not on oneself; giving
doing. the other individual total, undivided attention;
action plan Applies to any organization or looking at the person directly but not staring;
area of concern following evaluation, such as listening for the central idea, listening for feel-
self-assessment. An action plan is essentially ings as well as facts, separating facts from
a detailed (sequenced and prioritized) solution opinions, listening ahead, listening between
for a problem: what is to be done, who is to the lines, and responding appropriately.
do it, when it is to be started, when it is to be actives Current workers; preretirement em-
nished, what resources will be required, and ployees.
activities 11 adaptive testing

activities A type of knowledge object, these actuating See directing.

are actions performed by the learner on some acupressure An alternative Eastern form of
entity. Attributed to Utah State professor M. medical treatment that involves light nger,
David Merrill. thumb, and hand pressure and massage based
activities of daily living (ADLs) The basis on the theory that energy ows along 12 major
for determining need for long-term care ser- nerve paths through the body. Illness or stress
vices. Include continence (control of bowel is believed to cause blockages in energy ow
and bladder functions), dressing, feeding (tak- that can be relieved through massage.
ing nourishment), toileting, and transferring acupuncture An alternative form of manipu-
(getting in and out of a chair or bed). lative medicine developed by the Chinese to
activity ratio One of the traditional tests of relieve pain. Practitioners insert very thin nee-
operating performance, activity ratio empha- dles into the body and just under the skin at
sizes ow rather than nancial position. It is specic locations to treat various kinds of pain
calculated by dividing assets into sales indi- and addictions. Practitioners believe that it
vidually or in groups, and the result can be restores or improves the ow of chi, or vital
expressed as a percentage of sales or a ratio life energy, along the 12 major energy path-
of sales. ways, each linked to specic organ systems.
activity value analysis (AVA) A cost man- acute care Medical treatment of individuals
agement strategy that involves quantifying the whose illness or health problems are epi-
amount of time and personnel required to sodic. Acute care facilities are hospitals that
accomplish a task and includes that number mainly serve persons with short-term health
as a part of the total cost of that activity. problems.
actual charge The amount a physician or sup- acute disease A disease that is characterized
plier actually bills a patient for a particular by a single episode of a relatively short dura-
medical service or supply. The actual charge tion from which the patient returns to his or
may differ from customary, prevailing, or rea- her normal or previous level of activity.
sonable charges (e.g., under Medicare). acute health hazard (AHH) A s u b s t a n c e
actual cost projections In project manage- that has a rapid and adverse effect on the body
ment, a means of determining project costs. characterized by severe symptoms.
The projections are based on prior knowledge ADA Guidelines for Tests See Enforcement
of costs involved in a similar project and Guidance on Preemployment Disability-
include various raw material vendor price Related Inquiries and Medical Examinations
quotes. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
actual to date In project management, the adaptive learning Learning whose purpose is
amount of resources (people, time, materials, to adapt to what is perceived or known: what
or funds) expended on a project from its is occurring now. For example, a company
inception to the most recent reporting date. uses adaptive learning when it employs cus-
actuarially sound In benets, pension funds tomer feedback to improve its technical ser-
that are adequate to meet accrued and accru- vices. Also called adjustment learning.
ing liabilities, considering the amount accu- adaptive media For visually disabled per-
mulated in the fund, current levels of contri- sons, adaptive media include large-type soft-
bution, and assumptions made about interest ware and learningware, speech synthesis or
or return on investment. talking software, tactile displays, and Braille
actuarial reduction A r e d u c t i o n i n t h e printers.
amount of earned pension income payable at adaptive test A usually computer-based test
age 65 applied when a member of a retirement in which the choice of test items depends on
plan retires prior to age 65 and begins to the testees responses to earlier items on the
receive pension benets. It compensates for same test.
the longer period of time that such employees adaptive testing A testing model where an
will receive benets compared to those who individual testees cumulative pattern of
retire at age 65 or older. responses is iteratively assessed and scored.
ADARA 12 administrative support services

The model is used to determine the effective- each county in the U.S., for each Medicare
ness of training and the remedial treatment member, an HMO or CMP is paid 1 of 122
needed to improve performance. monthly capitation amounts, which can vary
ADARA: Professionals Networking for signicantly. The AAPCC represents an actu-
Excellence in Service Delivery with Individ- arial projection of what Medicare expenses
uals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing would have been for a given category of Medi-
Promotes and participates in quality human care beneciary had the subscriber remained
service delivery to deaf and hard-of-hearing in traditional fee-for-service Medicare.
people through agencies and individuals. adjusted community rate (ACR) In health
ADARA is a partnership of national organi- care, a computation that results in a gure
zations, local afliates, professional sections, indicating the premium an HMO or CMP
and individual members working together to would charge for providing exactly the same
support social services and rehabilitation Medicare-covered benets to a community-
delivery for deaf and hard of hearing people. rated group account, adjusted to allow for the
Contact: ADARA, P.O. Box 727, Lusby, greater intensity and frequency of utilization
Maryland 20657 (phone 410-495-8440; by Medicare recipients (due to their age) and
fax 410-495-8442; e-mail ADARAorgn a normal prot.; Web site adjusted funding ratio The ratio of pension
additional benets See ancillary benets. plan assets to the accumulated benet obli-
add-on fare A fare calculated from the gations, adjusted to average out companies
home city to a consolidation point that is differing assumptions about interest rates.
then combined with a negotiated group fare adjusted gross income (AGI) The total of
from that point to the nal destination. taxable income, less adjustments, that must be
ad hoc query A question posed to a database reported on U.S. income tax returns.
for information that is not covered in a stan- administrability An essential characteristic
dard report. of a psychological test. A test is administrable
adhocracy An organization that cuts across when it can be given to a group with relative
conventional bureaucratic lines to accomplish ease and with excellent potential for commu-
a goal or objective. Originally coined by futur- nicating clearly to the test administrator and
ist Alvin Tofer. testees what is to be done and how.
adjoining In meeting management, two hotel administration The organization function
rooms located side by side, with or without a concerned with doing things right. It involves
connecting door. the expert execution of policies established by
adjunct program In training, supplemental a higher authority, such as a board of trustees.
instructions accompanying an instructional administrative employee Under proposed
system or program designed to guide the Labor Departments overtime rules changes
trainee to specic modules of the main pro- (Fair Labor Standards Act), one who holds a
gram or to provide additional information or position of responsibility instead of someone
practice of a skill. who would exercise discretion and indepen-
adjustable annuity An insurance contract dent judgment is exempt from time-and-one-
that guarantees a minimum payment to the half pay for hours worked over 40 in a week.
holder at the end of the accumulation stage. administrative services only (ASO) R e f e r s
Remaining income payments may vary to the practice of outsourcing only adminis-
depending on the performance of the managed trative services, typically in connection with
portfolio. short-term disability programs, to reduce the
adjusted average per capita cost (AAPCC) duration of disability and associated costs.
In health care, serves as the basis for administrative support services Ofce sup-
monthly capitation payments to health main- port staff. Traditionally staff have been
tenance organizations (HMOs) or competitive composed of clerical and secretarial person-
medical plans (CMPs) under contract to the nel, but now they include word processing and
Health Care Financing Administration. For other administrative specialists.
administrator 13 advanced distributed learning (ADL)

administrator 1. A person responsible for the adoption benets See adoption assistance
execution of policies established by higher plan.
authority, such as a board of control. Admin- adoption leave Time off from work granted to
istrators typically direct and control the imple- the father or mother of a newly adopted child.
mentation of policy. Administrators ordinarily See also paternity leave.
do not make policy, but when they do the adoptive program See adoption assistance
scope of their authority is limited. Their char- plan.
ter is to do things right. For example, a school adult day care One of ve settings of long-
administrator does not make policy; that is the term care, such a facility provides socializa-
function of the school board or school com- tion and some health care during the day. See
mittee. 2. In estate planning, one who settles also assisted living; home care; nursing home;
an estate for an individual who either died respite care.
without a will or whose will-named executor adult day care center A center operated by a
could not serve. Performs the same duties as hospital, nursing home, religious group, or
an executor. private care organization that provides a vari-
admission The period from entry into a hos- ety of health care and social services for peo-
pital or other covered medical facility until ple who need assistance for a few hours or all
discharge. day. Services include grooming and toileting.
Adobe Type Manager (ATM) I n d e s k t o p If licensed by a state and meeting minimum
publishing, a utility that can make every size stafng and record keeping requirements, its
of type look approximately as clear on the services may be covered by a long-term care
computer screen as it will when printed to a insurer. Not covered by Medicare.
PostScript printer. It does this by using the adult education See andragogy; continuing
same rasterizing capability that the printer education; human resources development.
uses. It goes to the printer font, gets the out- Adult External Diploma Program (AEDP)
line data to create the characters, and raster- A program that enables workers with suf-
izes them to the screen rather than rastering cient work or life experiences to earn high
the output to the computer. school credits without taking a written test or
adopt-a-country program A means of devel- attending class. The program uses a prescreen-
oping in-house executive expertise to support ing assessment of basic reading, writing, and
globalization plans and programs. Participants math skills and the opportunity to demonstrate
become expert in a specic country by inten- 64 general life skills to a trained assessor.
sive reading and study of the total culture, adult foster home See licensed group home.
language, economy, politics, mores, and tra- adult learner Anyone beyond secondary
ditions and by making frequent visits to the school age, either employed or seeking
country. employment, who is engaged in any type of
Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 formal or informal learning activity.
Promotes the adoption of children in foster ad valorem tax A tax based on the value of a
care, including adoption incentive payments. property.
Approved November 19, 1997. advance booking A computer program that
adoption assistance plan Financial assistance allows an information system or center to
provided to employees to pay expenses asso- book materials in advance for patrons so that
ciated with adoption, such as agency, place- the items are available when needed or on a
ment, attorney, and other required legal fees, specic date and time.
physical exams for prospective parents when advanced distributed learning (ADL) Ini-
required, maternity fees of the natural mother, tiative A public-private sector effort spon-
and temporary foster care charges immedi- sored by the Department of Defense and the
ately preceding adoption. May cover White House Ofce of Science and Technology
adoptions through an agency, private Policy. Its purpose is to design (1) standards
adoptions, or adoptions of children from prior for computer-based training tools and content
marriages. and (2) a common technical framework that
advanced editing 14 advertorial

will support new distributed learning environ- scaling four-story-high trees, white river raft-
ments in a cost-effective manner. ing, running obstacle courses, and engaging
advanced editing A computer program that in group problem solving (physical problems).
allows the staff to add, edit, or delete, in one adverse action Disciplinary action in the
process, specic data contained in any number form of formal sanctions to correct or modify
of material records. unacceptable employee behavior. Includes
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) A written reprimand, written warning, suspen-
secret-key cryptographic method, approved sion, and termination.
by the National Institute of Standards and adverse impact The negative effects of
Technology, designed to protect wireless net- employment practices. Although not obvi-
works from unauthorized intrusion. ously discriminatory, they do affect a pro-
advanced individual training (AIT) Tr a i n - tected group differently, signicantly, and
ing provided by the armed forces to entry- unfavorably.
level personnel to qualify them for award of adverse medical event Treatment by a health
a military occupational specialty. practitioner that is designed to help but instead
advanced manufacturing technology Tech- causes illness, injury, or death, whether from
nology that has been recently developed or is surgical or drug administration mistakes,
currently under development for use in prod- infections, side effects, misdiagnosis, negli-
uct or part design, fabrication, assembly, qual- gence, or incompetence. Also called iatro-
ity control, or improving the original analog genic injury.
cell phone standard, which transmits voice as
adverse selection 1. Screening and selection
an FM radio signal. Being supplanted by dig-
policies and procedures established that tend
ital transmission.
to favor one group over another or affect a
advanced photo system (APS) Uses leader-
protected group differently and unfavorably.
less cartridge lm that loads and rewinds
2. In health care, the problem of attracting
itself. Takes photos in three formats: pan-
members to a plan who tend to be sicker than
oramic, wide angle, and traditional. Devel-
the general population. 3. Occurs when an
oped lm is accompanied by a print index
optional insurance plan, such as COBRA, is
with a small print of each shot. Negatives are
stored in the cartridge. designed in such a way that it will be logically
advance purchase excursion fare A dis- selected by the workers most likely to make
counted fare for individuals or groups who the largest claims against the plan.
meet certain specic requirements, such as advertising 1. Announcing publicly, via print,
tickets purchased three or seven days in radio, television, computer screen, signs, post-
advance of travel. Applies primarily to inter- ers, or other media, the availability of products
national travel. or services, emphasizing their desirable qual-
adventure education See adventure training. ities or attributes to arouse a desire to purchase
adventure learning See adventure training. or invest. 2. Any form of paid nonpersonal
adventure training A means of training and presentation or exhibit and promotion of
developing staff, easing them through corpo- ideas, goods, or services.
rate change, building teamwork, improving advertorial A single- or multiple-page infor-
communication, or strengthening leadership mational piece that features a companys
to build trust, delegation, and risk-taking. It unique product, service, or business approach
removes challenges people can control and in a professionally designed news format.
replaces them with genuinely frightening Advertorials can be used for magazine inserts,
tasks and obstacles that can be completed or reprints, sales presentations, brochures, Web
overcome only if participants have faith in sites, e-mail, direct mail, and sales presenta-
themselves and their fellow trainees. Con- tions. Sometimes identied with the following
ducted in the wilderness or the woods, rather notation at the top of each page: Special
than in a traditional classroom setting. Partic- Advertising Feature or Special Advertising
ipants learn by doing: swinging from ropes, Supplement.
advisory committee 15 affirmative action (AA)

advisory committee 1. A method of training sadness and melancholy (depression) or

needs assessment. A committee representing excitement (mania).
all levels of management (rst-line supervi- affective domain 1. Applied to learning, the
sors, middle managers, and executives), func- learners feelings, attitudes, values, morals,
tional specialists (marketing, sales, manage- ethics, human relationships, and self-esteem.
ment information, production, and so on), or 2. Instructional objectives relating to trainees
organizational levels (supervisors, technicians, interests, attitudes, and values.
staffers, and other workers) is convened to afdavit A written or printed declaration or
identify, discuss, and set priorities for training. statement of facts made under penalty of
A variant of the method is to convene a panel perjury. Used in both civil and criminal cases
of outside experts to perform the same func- and intended to provide factual information or
tion. In both cases the committee provides allegations known to the person who provides
recommendations; it does not make decisions. the afdavit.
2. A means of keeping training programs cur- afliation An agreement between two or more
rent and consistent with the needs of users. In independent entities or individuals that denes
this sense, an advisory committee consists of how they will relate to each other. For exam-
a group of six to ten employers of the products ple, afliation agreements between hospitals
of the training system convened periodically may specify procedures for referring or trans-
to provide advice regarding course content, ferring patients from one facility to another or
equipment, and materials. Most often used by sharing of records or services.
vocational-technical schools, institutes, and afnity card A credit card issued jointly by
colleges. an airline or hotel and a bank that gives fre-
Advisory Council for Health Care Quality quent iers or travelers a mile or so for every
Created in 1998 (on recommendation of a dollar charged on the card.
presidential commission) to establish national afnity diagram A management and plan-
goals for improving health care quality and ning tool that helps group and organize similar
develop strategies to achieve those goals. The items in columns and provides a title or theme
council emphasizes ensuring that consumers for each group of ideas. Used following
have access to information needed to make brainstorming or imagineering to capture
decisions about health plans and health care the thread of ideas and make them clear and
providers, identifying strategies to reduce concise.
avoidable medical errors, reducing variations afnity plan A Medicare health maintenance
in health care services, and promoting evi- organization plan formulated by the HMO
dence-based medicine. Contact: AHRQ, industry that turns the responsibility for pro-
Executive Ofce Center, Suite 600, 2101 East viding health care to Medicare-eligible uni-
Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20852 (phone formed services retirees over to Medicare
301-594-6662; fax 301-594-2283; e-mail HMO rms and allows them to contract selec-; Web site tively with military treatment facilities to pro-
aerobic exercise Any activity that increases vide some health services to uniformed ser-
heart and respiratory rates, such as aerobics vices retirees enrolled in their HMOs.
classes, running, some kinds of walking, afrmative action (AA) In equal employ-
cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing, ment opportunity, the right of employees,
jumping rope, dancing, and climbing stairs. regardless of their sex, religion, race, or phys-
An effective means of conditioning the heart, ical or mental ability, to be treated equally
arteries, and respiratory system and burning and without discrimination in matters of hir-
calories to lose weight. ing, pay, and promotion. Also relates to the
affect In reference to mental illness, emotional obligation of employers to make positive out-
feeling, tone, and mood attached to a thought, reach efforts to assist protected groups to
including its external manifestations. achieve parity in hiring, pay, and promotion
affective disorder A mental illness character- to compensate for past discrimination. Afr-
ized by changes in mood marked by extreme mative action policy has taken two forms:
affirmative action plan (AAP) 16 age-based defined contribution plan

(1) deliberately favoring qualied minorities v. Harleysville Life Insurance, the Third Cir-
when hiring or promoting employees and (2) cuit Court of Appeals ruled that after-acquired
establishing quota systems to regulate the evidence should not be used to defend discrim-
proportion of minority members hired or pro- ination charges under any circumstances. The
moted in accordance with an ideal distribu- court emphasized that the defense of federal
tion of employees on the basis of sex, race, civil rights law superseded employers rights
creed, or ethnicity. The courts enforce race relating to employee misdeeds and that
and sex classications when necessary to cor- employee misconduct was relevant only to
rect past discriminatory practices and pat- determine damages should employers be
terns. When an employee or labor union is found guilty of discrimination. In 1995, the
ordered by the court to make concerted Supreme Court reviewed a similar case,
efforts to hire minorities who have tradition- McKennon v. Nashville Banner Publishing
ally been discouraged from seeking employ- Co., and unanimously held that employees
ment, the employer is required to to hire or who lose their jobs due to discrimination are
promote additional members of that minority entitled to back pay even if the employer later
group. See also Gratz v. Bollinger; Grutter v. discovers evidence of misconduct that would
Bollinger; Regents of the University of Cali- have justied ring the employee if it had been
fornia v. Bakke. known at the time. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court
afrmative action plan (AAP) A n y c o m - of Appeals has subsequently set a standard for
pany plan designed to correct EEO imbal- employers seeking to prove that they would
ances or the effects of discriminatory practices have discharged an employee for wrongdoing.
on protected groups (women and minorities). Rejecting arguments that employers should be
It usually involves issuing a corporate policy required to meet a clear and convincing evi-
statement; assigning responsibility to a top dence standard, the court ruled that an
ofcial; publicizing the plan; determining the employer can show that an employee would
status of minority employment; identifying have been discharged by producing only a
areas of underutilization; establishing goals, preponderance of evidence. Note: courts in
specic objectives, and timetables relating to other federal circuits have yet to rule on this
job assignments, functions, and levels, promo- question and are not bound by this decision.
tions, and compensation; implementing the after-hours trading Buying and selling stock
plan; and monitoring and evaluating progress. outside of normal trading hours (9:30 A.M. to
affordability index A measure of the afford- 4:00 P.M. for the New York Stock Exchange).
ability of home ownership; that is, having suf- A popular after-hours market is the electronic
cient means to purchase property and the system Instinct.
ability to bear the expenses of ownership. It aftermarket performance A means of mea-
is calculated by determining the ratio of aver- suring the price appreciation or depreciation
age per capita income to median housing of an initial public offering by tracking per-
prices. formance from the rst days closing price.
African-Americans Black persons having aftermarket trading A term used to describe
origins in any of the black African racial trading in an initial public offering subse-
groups not of Hispanic origin. quent to its offering.
after-acquired evidence A rule established Age 60 rule A Federal aviation administra-
by a federal court decision, Welch v. Liberty tion regulation that requires commercial air-
Machine Works (Eighth Circuit Court of line pilots to give up their jobs when they
Appeals). The court ruled that after-acquired reach age 60. Although a group of pilots has
evidence of employee misrepresentation can challenged the rule, both the airlines and the
be used to defend Title VII liability under the Airline Pilots Association support it.
Civil Rights Act of 1964, but only if the age-based dened contribution plan A plan
employer proves that it would not have hired that allows employers to make higher contri-
the employee had the misstatements been butions to pension plans on behalf of older
known. However, in as similar case, Mardell key employees, independent of compensation,
age-based profit sharing 17 age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

thereby focusing the dollars on those who will and older constitute the fastest-growing seg-
need them soonest. The plan is said to offer ment of the work force.
the best income-replacement features of tra- agency obligations Debt instruments issued
ditional dened benet pension plans and pro- by federal agencies other than the U.S. Trea-
vides the simplicity and exibility of prot sury. Examples are mortgage-backed securi-
sharing plans. ties issued by the Government National Mort-
age-based prot sharing S e e a g e - b a s e d gage Association (Ginnie Maes), which are
dened contribution plan. backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S.
Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (ADA) A n government, and securities issued by the Fed-
act that prohibits discrimination on the basis eral Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Fred-
of age in programs or activities receiving fed- die Macs), which are not backed by the full
eral nancial assistance. faith and credit of the U.S. government but
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of are generally considered lower risk.
1967 (ADEA) An act designed to promote the agency relationship Occurs when a third
employment of older persons based on their party acts as an agent (e.g., by contracting
ability rather than age and to prohibit arbi- with an accredited travel agency to handle a
trary age discrimination. The Act makes it companys reservations and ticketing).
unlawful to refuse to hire, discharge, or oth- agency shop In labor-management relations,
erwise discriminate against any individual an arrangement whereby employees who do
with respect to compensation, terms, condi- not belong to the union must pay union dues
tions, or privileges of employment because of because it is assumed that the efforts of the
age. As amended in 1978, the Act prohibits collective bargaining unit benet all workers,
the involuntary retirement because of age in not just members of the union.
the protected age category of 40 to 70 with agent A person, group, or rm authorized to
the exception of (1) bona de occupational perform services for a person, group, or orga-
qualications necessary to the business and nization.
(2) executives entitled to an employer-pro- agents A new kind of software under devel-
vided annual retirement income of $27,000 or opment that will monitor the outside world,
more. The Act also proscribes job discrimina- gathering relevant information, screening out
tion in terms of hiring, promotions, and lay- unwanted data, tracking appointments, and
offs against workers 40 to 70 years of age and providing advice and assistance. Also known
applies to employers of 20 or more employees as personal assistants.
who are engaged in interstate commerce. age out Describes children of employees cov-
Effective January 1, 1987, ADEA prohibited ered by an insurance plan who reach a certain
mandatory retirement at any age, and the Act age; for example, age 19 for nonstudents and
continues to prohibit age-based discrimination age 23 for students. Also called emancipation
in all other employment conditions and prac- age.
tices. Formerly the province of the Depart- age-related cognitive decline (ARCD) A
ment of Labor, the Equal Employment syndrome common among people entering
Opportunity Commission now has jurisdic- their sixties. It is characterized by a minor
tion. As of 1997, states and local governments increase in forgetfulness, slower recall, and a
may establish mandatory retirement ages and decrease in retention of inconsequential infor-
maximum entry-level ages for police, re- mation. It is not an indicator of the onset of
ghters, prison guards, and other public safety senility or Alzheimers disease but only a nat-
employees. Under the new law, public safety ural part of aging for many people.
ofcers may be retired as early as age 55, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
the typical entry-level age cutoff for recruits A disorder of the macula, a tiny light-sensing
is 30 to 35 years. Job applicants older than 35 spot in the center of the retina, the thin tissue
can be rejected solely because of their age. that lines the back of the eye and sends visual
ageism A new diversity issue for employers: signals to the brain. The macula is responsible
discrimination on the basis of age; workers 55 for central vision, thus the condition makes it
age wave 18 airfare groups

difcult to drive, read, sew, watch TV, or do in the provision of air transportation.
anything that requires frontal vision. Designed to prohibit discrimination on the
age wave The dramatic increase in the num- basis of disability and create a framework
ber of individuals between the ages of 45 and within which the Department of Transporta-
64 (25% or more) that occurred in the decade tion can monitor the conduct of the airline
of the 1990s. Attributed to gerontologist/psy- industry. Conduct monitored ranges from
chologist Ken Dychtwald (Age Wave: The airline practices in assisting passengers with
Challenges and Opportunities of an Aging disabilities to the design of new aircraft.
America, with J. Flower, Jeremy P. Thatcher, Air Carrier Accessibility Regulations Writ-
1989). ten by the Department of Transportation to
age-weighted dened contribution plan implement the Air Carrier Access Act of
See age-based dened contribution plan. 1986, these regulations establish rules in three
aggregative statistics Data recorded for a categories: aircraft and airport accessibility,
given period of time, using graphics, that requirements for services, and administrative
present highly incisive information on considerations. New aircraft must be designed
ongoing, continuing enterprise operations to include movable armrests, stowage space for
found useful in guiding the organization. Also a folding wheelchair, at least one accessible
called report statistics. lavatory, and an on-board wheelchair. Existing
agreed delivery date (ADD) I n e m p l o y e e aircraft are required to conform only if there
relocation, the date agreed to by the moving is a replacement scheduled for cabin interior,
agent and the customer usually 2 to 5 days seats, or lavatories. Portions of airports or air
during which the household goods deliv- terminals owned, leased, or operated by one or
ery will be made to the residence or agency more airlines must meet the Uniform Federal
warehouse. Accessibility Standards and six additional
agricultural worker As a nonimmigrant class items: terminal design, baggage facilities, tick-
of admission, an alien coming temporarily to eting system, TDDs, terminal information sys-
the U.S. to perform agricultural labor or ser- tems, and gate-aircraft interface. In terms of
vices, as dened by the Secretary of Labor. services, the regulations spell out what is and
agricultural worker law See Migrant and is not allowed in such areas as advance noti-
Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act cation, seat assignments, stowage and treat-
of 1983. ment of personal equipment, and accommoda-
AIDS-related complex (ARC) An early and tions for persons with hearing impairments.
mild form of the AIDS disease when symp- The rules also require 48-hours notice to the
toms begin to appear that may or may not airline when 10 or more people with disabili-
develop into full-blown AIDS. Symptoms ties are traveling together and if a passenger
include loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, wishes to have an on-board wheelchair. Rules
night sweats, skin rashes, diarrhea, fatigue, relating to administrative considerations
lack of resistance to infection, or swollen include requirements for comprehensive train-
lymph nodes. Positive results on an HIV-anti- ing programs for air carrier personnel, written
body test are also necessary for a diagnosis. programs covering all requirements, and com-
See also AIDS. plaint resolution procedures.
AIDS tests Laboratory tests for the presence Air Carrier Liability Cap Twelve airlines
of HIV antibodies. (American, American Eagle, AMR Coombs,
Aid to Families with Dependent Children Continental, Delta, Hawaiian, Micronesia,
(AFDC) A joint federal and state program Northwest, Tower Air, TWA, United, and
for low-income families with children under USAir) received approval from the Depart-
age 5 that has no premiums or deductibles. ment of Transportation to raise the $75,000
Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 (ACAA) liability cap set by the 70-year-old Warsaw
States that no air carrier may discriminate Convention for passengers suffering losses.
against any otherwise qualied individual airfare groups Pricing groups for airfares.
with a disability, by reason of such disability, They include business class, business coach,
air fares 19 Al-Anon

business discount fare, economy class, rst Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 A ff e c t e d
class, full coach, leisure discount fare, and the rights of travelers, the ability of meeting
negotiated meeting fare. planners to negotiate fares, and the viability
air fares Various methods used to quote air of the airline industry. The law specically
fares: add-on, advance purchase excursion, stated that to maximize reliance on compet-
constructed, convention, day-of-the week dis- itive market forces and thereby enhance
count, group/convention, hidden-city, joint, efciency, innovation and low prices in the
nonrefundable, penalty, promotional, round- airline industry, Congress would prohibit
trip, star numbers, unpublished/preferential, states from enforcing any law relating to air-
and zone fares. line rates, routes or services of any air carrier.
Air Force Association (AFA) An organiza- airside hotel A hotel located in an air terminal
tion of 200,000 members, all of whom have specically designed for business travelers in
served in the U.S. armed forces. Its purpose is transit to ease the transition from one time
to promote public understanding of aerospace zone and continent to another. Typically offers
issues and national security requirements to guest rooms, cafe, swimming pool, health
ensure support of the national defense and the club, fully equipped business center, secre-
men and women of the U.S. Air Force. Con- tarial services, and sometimes a nursery.
tact: AFA, 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA Air Travel Industry Enforcement Guide-
22209-1198 (phone 703-247-5800; Web site lines Standards governing the content and format of airline advertising, the award of fre-
Air Force Procurement Instructions quent ier premiums, and the payment of
(AFPI) In contracting and marketing, pro- compensation to passengers who are bumped
curement procedures promulgated by the U.S. or voluntarily yield their seats on overbooked
Air Force to supplement the Armed Forces ights. Adopted in 1987 by the National Asso-
Procurement Act of 1947. ciation of Attorneys General, an organization
Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) composed of the chief law enforcement of-
An association of 167,000 active and retired cials of all states. The U.S. Supreme Court
enlisted personnel of the Air Force, Air reviewed an airline suit (Morales v. TWA,
National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Army Air et al.) against the Texas Attorney General to
Corps, and Army Air forces. Its mission is to bar him from attempting to enforce the guide-
serve as the voice of Air Force enlisted per- lines and supported the carriers in their posi-
sonnel. Contact: AFSA, 5211 Auth Road, tion that the guidelines were preempted by
Suitland, Maryland 20746 (phone 800-638- federal law. In effect the court said that only
0594 or 301-899-3500; fax 301-899-8136; the federal government, not the states, other
e - m a i l s t a ff @ a f s a h q . o r g ; We b s i t e airlines, or private citizens, has rights against
www.afsahq,org/). the airlines for violation of any law except
Air Force Women Ofcers Association federal law.
(AFWOA) Organized to foster comradeship a la carte benets See exible benets/ex
through reunions, maintain ties between benets program.
active and retired women ofcers, preserve the Al-Anon An established community resource
history and promote recognition of the role of for anyone, including Alateen for teenagers,
military women, and lend support to women whose life is or has been affected by a problem
engaged in education and training programs. drinker. The Al-Anon program offers informa-
Active duty, retired, and separated women tion and help whether the alcoholic is still
ofcers of the regular Air Force and its reserve drinking or not. Although adapted from Alco-
components are invited to join. Contact: holics Anonymous, Al-Anon is a separate
AFWOA, P.O. Box 780155, San Antonio, recovery program that helps the relatives and
Texas 78287 (e-mail; friends of alcoholics lead happier, more pro-
Web site ductive lives. It is not allied with any sect,
airline bereavement policies See bereave- denomination, political entity, organization, or
ment fare. institution. There are no dues for membership,
Alaskan Natives 20 alcohol testing

and there are groups in most cities and towns accidents or injuries, unusual behavior,
across the U.S. Contact: Al-Anon Family unkempt appearance, poor nutrition, failure to
Group Headquarters, Inc., 1600 Corporate function in job or family life, obvious hang-
Landing Pky, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617 overs, blackouts, and cirrhosis of the liver. The
(phone 800-344-2666 or 757-563-1600; fax causes of alcoholism include psychological
757-563-1655; e-mail; problems and excessive tension, and there
Web site may be a hereditary element. Self-help and
Alaskan Natives Persons who have origins in support groups, such as Alcoholics Anony-
any of the original peoples of Alaska and who mous, have proved to be helpful to people
maintain cultural identication through afli- who have an alcohol problem. For some cases,
ation or community recognition. however, intensive treatment, either in a resi-
Alateen An integral part of Al-Anon, it is a dential facility or outpatient clinic, is required
family group created to help teenage chil- to detoxify, reeducate, and provide the needed
dren affected by the drinking of parents, sib- psychological support.
lings, or others. Its members follow the same alcohol testing Final rules were promulgated
program as member of Al-Anon. by the Transportation Department in Decem-
Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody A 1975 land- ber 1992 in response to a Congressional man-
mark case relating to testing and discrimina- date passed in 1991 following the Exxon Val-
tion. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that dez oil spill in 1989 and several other
merely because a psychologist found that tests accidents involving alcohol. The rules became
administered to minorities were valid predic- effective in April 1993 and apply to truck driv-
tors of on-the-job success that claim was not ers, railroad employees, pilots and air trafc
a sufcient basis for their use. controllers, merchant mariners, and others in
alcoholic A person who has become addicted safety-related jobs. All people starting trans-
to alcohol, who is powerless over alcohol, portation jobs must be tested for alcohol use
and whose life is seriously affected by the before they are hired, and afterward as many
addiction. as half of them will be subject to random or
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) A fellowship periodic tests each year. In addition, any
of men and women who have found a solution worker who is involved in an accident or
to their drinking problem. The only require- whose supervisors suspect drinking will be
ment for membership is a desire to stop drink- tested. Department of Transportation rules
ing. There are no dues or fees; AA is sup- require testing to be done through evidential
ported by voluntary contributions of its breath testing devices approved by the
members, neither seeking nor accepting out- National Highway Trafc Safety Administra-
side funding. Members observe personal ano- tion. These devices could be applied to saliva,
nymity at the public level. Alcoholics Anony- breath, or other body uids. In January 1995,
mous is located in all cities and most towns new Department of Transportation rules went
nationwide. Contact: A.A. World Services, into effect. They require employers to conduct
Inc., P.O. Box 459, New York, NY 10163 random testing just before, during, or imme-
(phone 212-870-3400; fax 212-870-3003; diately after an employees performance of
Web site safety-sensitive duties. Selection for testing is
alcoholism A disease in which a person random; however, the number of random tests
becomes physically addicted to alcohol (eth- conducted each year by employers must equal
anol). It affects people of all ages and socio- at least 25% of all the safety-sensitive employ-
economic backgrounds. The symptoms of ees. The rules also require breath testing using
alcoholism are regular or binge drinking evidential breath testing devices (EBT) that
and the fabrication of intricate strategies to have been approved by the National Highway
obtain alcohol or conceal the fact that it was Trafc Safety Administration. Two breath
consumed. As the disease develops, other tests are required to reach a nding with
symptoms appear, such as absenteeism and respect to the prohibited alcohol concentra-
tardiness, lapses in memory, frequent tion. A reading of less than 0.02 is considered
Alexander Graham Bell Association 21 allowable expense

negative, but a reading over that amount of productivity of the workers who suffer from
requires a second test. A reading of 0.04 or it.
higher disqualies an employee from continu- allergy and clinical immunology A medical
ing in a safety-sensitive position. specialty for the diagnosis and treatment of
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the allergies, asthma, chronic cough, eczema, hay
Deaf (AGBAD) A nonprot organization fever, nasal congestion, and sinus problems.
comprised of individuals who are hearing alliance See joint venture; network; strategic
impaired, parents, professionals, and other alliance.
interested persons. Established to empower Alliance of Work/Life Professionals (AWLP)
persons who are hearing impaired to function A membership organization of professionals
independently by promoting universal rights who work in business, academia, or in the
and optimal opportunities for such persons, public sector to promote a healthier balance
from infancy through adulthood, to learn to between work and personal life. Contact:
use, maintain, and improve all aspects of their AWLP, 515 King Street, Suite 420, Alexandria,
verbal communication, including their abili- Virginia 22314 (phone 800-874-9383; fax 703-
ties to speak, speechread, use residual hearing, 684-6048; e-mail dwoodbury@clari-
and process both spoken and written lan-; Web site
guage. Contact: AGBAD, 3417 Volta Place, allied health personnel Specially trained and
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007-2778 (phone often licensed health workers other than phy-
202-337-5220; TTY 202-337-5221; fax sicians, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors,
202-337-8314; e-mail; Web podiatrists, and nurses.
site all-inclusive A tour that includes transporta-
Alexander technique An alternative form of tion, hotels, most meals, a full-time tour direc-
medical treatment that uses training to tor, sightseeing, transfers, and most gratuities.
improve poor posture to relieve pain. Does not include personal expenses such as
algorithm 1. In measurement and evaluation, laundry, extra beverages, and personal tips.
the art of calculating with any class or type of allopathic medicine Mainstream, regular, or
mathematical notation, including rational and scientic medicine.
irrational numbers. 2. In multimedia, a series allotment system A budgetary control system
of dened steps that executes an action by that allocates funds on a monthly or quarterly
input; for example, drawing a pattern of rect- basis, rather than allocating the total share of
angles for an organization chart. 3. In com- the annual budget to the organizational ele-
munication, a mathematical formula that uses ment at the beginning of a scal year. The
a key (a series of characters) to transform data system ensures that obligations and commit-
into cipher text, mixing and blending the data ments will not exceed the annual budget by
until they look like gibberish. On the other imposing controls on the amounts to be
end, another key unscrambles the data, mak- expended during a specic period of time.
ing it readable plain text. allowable charge Under the Civilian Health
alien Any person not a citizen or national of and Medical Programs of the Uniformed Ser-
the U.S. vices (CHAMPUS), the amount on which
alien employment laws See Immigration and CHAMPUS gures beneciaries cost share
Nationality Act of 1952; Immigration Reform for covered care. The allowable charge is cal-
and Control Act of 1986. culated from all bills received during a year
alimony A monthly payment made by a per- from medical care providers.
son to an ex-spouse pending or following a allowable costs In contracts, costs that are
divorce or legal separation. payable or reimbursable to the bidder or con-
allergic rhinitis The most common of the tractor. They customarily include direct costs,
allergic diseases characterized by sneezing salary costs, equipment costs, trainee costs,
and itching and watering eyes. Although not and indirect costs.
life threatening, it is costly in terms of absen- allowable expense In benets, any item of
teeism, treatment, and, most important, loss expense covered by the benets plan that is
allowance 22 alternative method

necessary, reasonable, and customary. Such athletics, business education, and music; pro-
items are typically reimbursable. ciency testing in language; and competency
allowance 1. Probate court acceptance and testing for pilots, dentists, auto mechanics,
certication that a deceased persons will is and other professions and trades. Also called
valid. 2. Court acceptance of the nal account authentic assessment; direct assessment; per-
of an executor, which is necessary to close an formance assessment.
estate. alternative compensation Pay system changes,
alpha geek The most technically knowledge- such as skill-based pay, pay for knowledge,
able and skillful person in an organization or group incentives, individual incentives, prot
ofce. sharing, gain sharing, key contributor pro-
alpha state A condition of relaxed wakeful- grams, job rates, and lump sum payments.
ness when the mind is essentially thought- alternative computer input devices Devices
free; a meditative state. used by people with physical disabilities to
alteration As dened by the Americans with enter commands and run software and learn-
Disabilities Act of 1990, a change to a build- ingware. Examples are single-switch
ing or facility that affects or could affect the devices, touchscreens, and talking software
usability of or access to the building or facility and learningware.
or any part thereof. Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 1998
alternate-form reliability The correlation Amends Title 28, United States 41 Code,
between results of the administration of alter- with respect to the authorization and use of
nate forms of a test that provides an indication alternative dispute resolution processes in
of the degree to which the test measures con- U.S. District Courts. Approved October 30,
sistently. 1998.
alternate long-term care facility A health alternative dispute resolution (ADR) proce-
care facility that provides one or more neces- dures Procedures designed to settle wrong-
sary or medically necessary diagnostic, pre- ful discharge claims and avoid costly litiga-
ventive, therapeutic, maintenance, or personal tion. The arbitration procedure involves a
care services in a setting other than an acute three-step complaint procedure for any
care unit of a hospital, such as a nursing adverse personnel action, other than dis-
home or hospice, whether free-standing or charge, and a written complaint step, an auto-
part of a life care community. Such facilities matic appeal to arbitration in termination
provide ongoing care and related services, cases, and a nal and binding decision in all
have a trained and responsive staff on duty to cases. Peer review ADR procedures involve
provide the needed care 24 hours per day, use of a peer review board convened for each
provide three meals per day and accommodate proceeding in which the employers chal-
special dietary needs, and are licensed by the lenged personnel decision is reviewed by a
appropriate licensing agency. board with representation chosen by the
alternation ranking In job evaluation and employee and management and a facilitator
performance appraisal, a modied form of rel- or proctor.
ative rating that requires the rater to select alternative medicine See acupressure; acu-
alternatively the best employee and then the puncture; allopathic medicine; Alexander
worst employee from a list of workers until technique; aromatherapy; Ayurvedic medi-
all workers have been appropriately ranked cine; bioenergetics; biofeedback; chiroprac-
from top to bottom, best to worst. tic; color healing; crystal healing; guided
alternative assessment Means of evaluating imagery; holistic medicine/therapy; homeop-
educational attainment by other than tradi- athy; hypnotherapy; macrobiotics; medicinal
tional, multiple-choice standardized achieve- herbalism; osteopathic medicine; reexology;
ment tests. Involves direct examination of stu- rolng; shiatsu. Also called complementary
dent performance on signicant tasks that are medicine.
relevant to life outside of school. Examples alternative method In training and develop-
include oral tests; judging performance in ment, an instructional approach that may be
Association for Career/Technical Education 23 American Academy of Psychoanalysis

used as a substitute for the primary or sup- ambulatory setting An institutional orga-
porting methods when circumstances or nized health setting in which health services
resource availability do not permit the use of are provided on an outpatient basis. May be
the optimum method. mobile (when the facility can be moved to
alternative therapies Include such treatments different locations) or xed (when the person
as biofeedback, acupuncture, and homeopa- seeking care must travel to a xed site).
thy. Typically lack sufcient documentation ambulatory surgical facility A facility that
on safety and effectiveness against specic provides surgical services not requiring a hos-
diseases and conditions, are not generally pital stay. It may be independently operated
taught in U.S. medical schools, and are not or afliated with a hospital. Part B Medicare
usually reimbursed by health coinsurance helps pay for certain types of surgery per-
providers. formed at approved centers.
alternative work options See compressed Amended Value Home Sale Program In
workweek; exiplace; extime; job shar- employee relocation, a program that typi-
ing/job splitting; phased or partial retirement; cally uses a combination of real estate
V-time programs; work sharing. appraisals or market analyses to determine
alternative work schedule See alternative the initial offer to purchase property from a
work site; extime. transferring employee. If the employee is
alternative work site A location other than able to negotiate an independent, bonade
on company premises where employees are offer that exceeds the initial offer, the acquir-
permitted to work (e.g., at home). ing company will amend its offer to match
alts Alternative newspapers weeklies, the independent offer. The amended value is
sometimes free, sometimes countercultural used to acquire the property regardless of
tabloids that feature investigative reporting, whether the independent offer closes.
arts, and entertainment. amenities In meeting management, compli-
amateur auditor plan A health care cost mentary items provided by a facility for its
reduction program that rewards employees for guests, including toilet articles, writing sup-
reviewing their own medical bills and report- plies, bathrobes, fruit baskets, in-room coffee,
ing overcharges or other discrepancies. and emergency personal items such as razors,
Amber Alert Act of 2003 Legislation that toothbrushes, and other toiletries.
funds a national Amber Alert System and The American Academy of Financial Man-
impose severe penalties on child predators. agement (AAFM) An association of
The system broadcasts information aimed at board-certied nancial professionals, man-
law enforcement personnel and motorists agers, and nancial analysts chartered by
about abducted children and is used only for professors, faculty, and businessmen. Offers
abductions with descriptions available of the board certication and charters as a nancial
victim, a suspect, and a vehicle. Signed by professional, wealth manager, market ana-
President George W. Bush April 30, 2003. lyst, nancial and investment planner, asset
ambulatory care Health services that are pro- manager, or trust and estate planning ana-
vided on an outpatient basis, in contrast to lyst. Contact: Web site www.nancialcerti-
services provided in the home or to persons
who are inpatients. See also ambulatory set- The American Academy of Psychoanalysis
ting and outpatient. (AAP) An organization of psychoanalysts
ambulatory care utilization review (ACUR) and psychiatrists established to provide a
A type of utilization review designed to pro- forum for the expression of ideas, concepts,
vide employers with the same type of control and research in psychoanalysis and dynamic
over outpatient costs and services that they psychiatry in all other respects and to develop
have over employee in-hospital care. Applica- communication among psychoanalysts, psy-
ble strategies include preauthorization, post- chiatrists, and their colleagues in other disci-
treatment/service auditing, and physician plines in science and the humanities. Contact:
proling. AAP, One Regency Drive, P.O. Box 30,
American Action Fund for Blind 24 American Association on Mental Retardation

Bloomeld, CT 06002 (phone 888-691-8281; administrators, and students from all sectors,
fax 860-286-0787; e-mail; as well as policy makers and leaders from
Web site foundations, government, and business. Con-
American Action Fund for Blind Children tact: AAHE, 1 Dupont Cir. Ste. 360, Wash-
and Adults (AAF) Provides direct assis- ington, DC 20036-1110 (phone 202-293-
tance to blind and deaf-blind persons, schol- 6440; fax 202-293-0073; e-mail
arships and study grants to enable blind stu- Web site
dents to continue their education, a Hot-Line American Association of Occupational
to the Deaf-Blind (a biweekly news service in Health Nurses, Inc. (AAOHN) An associ-
Braille), and Twin Vision books with print and ation whose mission is to advance the profes-
Braille text and pictures so that blind parents sion of occupational health nursing by pro-
can read with their sighted children and blind moting professional excellence through
children can read along with their sighted par- education and research, establishing profes-
ents. Contact: American Action Fund for sional standards of practice and a code of eth-
Blind Children and Adults, 1800 Johnson St., ics, inuencing legislative and regulatory
Ste. 100, Baltimore, MD 21230-4998 (phone issues that impact health and safety, and fos-
410-659-9315; fax 410-685-5653; e-mail tering internal and external communications; Web site www.action- to facilitate ASOHNs goals and objectives. Contact: AAOHN, 2920 Brandywine Road,
American Arbitration Association (AAA) Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30341-5539 (phone
A public service, not-for-prot organization 770-455-7757; fax 770-455-7271; e-mail
dedicated to the resolution of disputes through; Web site
the use of arbitration, mediation, negotiation, American Association of Retired Persons
elections, and other dispute settlement tech- (AARP) An organization that helps mem-
niques. With 38 ofces nationwide and coop- bers make the most of their lives after age 50
erative agreements with arbitral institutions in by focusing on health and wellness, economic
52 other countries, the association offers hun- security and work, long-term care and inde-
dreds of education and training programs each pendent living, and personal enrichment. Con-
year throughout the world. Contact: AAA, tact: AARP, 601 E Street, N.W., Washington,
335 Madison Avenue, Floor 10, New York, DC 20049 (phone 800-424-3410; Web site
New York 10017-4605 (phone, 212-716-5800;
fax 212-716-5905; e-mail Website mail@ American Association of the Deaf-Blind; Web site (AADB) A national consumer advocacy
American Association for Adult and Con- organization for people who have combined
tinuing Education (AAACE) The mission hearing and vision impairments. AADBs mis-
of AAACE is to promote adult learning and sion is to ensure that a comprehensive, coor-
development by providing leadership in uni- dinated system of services is accessible to all
fying individual adult education practitioners; deaf-blind people, enabling them to achieve
fostering the development and sharing of their maximum potential through increased
information, theory, research, and best prac- independence, productivity, and integration
tices; promoting professional identity and into the community. Contact: AADB, 814
growth; and advocating policy initiatives. Thayer Ave., Room 302, Silver Spring, MD
Contact: AAACE, 4380 Forbes Boulevard, 20910-4500 (phone 800-735-2258 or 301-
Lanham, MD 20706 (phone 301-918-1913; 495-4403; TTY 301-495-4402; fax 301-588-
fax 301-918-1846; e-mail; 8705; e-mail; Web site.
Web site
American Association for Higher Education American Association on Mental Retarda-
(AAHE) A national organization of more tion (AAMR) AAMR is an interdiscipli-
than 8500 individuals dedicated to improving nary organization of 9500 professionals and
the quality of American higher education. others in the U.S. and 55 other countries con-
AAHEs membersip includes faculty, cerned about mental retardation and related
American Bar Association (ABA) 25 American College Test (ACT)

disabilities. AAMRs mission is to advance cancer support groups, transportation, and lim-
the knowledge and skills of professionals in ited nancial assistance. Contact: ACS, 1599
the eld of mental retardation by exchanging Clifton Rd., NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 (phone
information and ideas. Contact AAMR, 444 404-320-3333, 800-ACS-2345, or check the
North Capitol St., N.W. Suite 846, Washing- Yellow Pages for the nearest ACS ofce; fax
ton, DC 20001-1512 (phone 202-387-1968 404-636-2317; Web site
or 800-424-3688; fax 202/387-2193; e-mail American Chiropractic Association (ACA); Web site A professional organization representing Doctors of Chiropractic, its mission is to pre-
American Bar Association (ABA) A n o n - serve, protect, improve, and promote the chi-
prot, national organization of the legal pro- ropractic profession and the services of Doc-
fession with a membership of 360,000, com- tors of Chiropractic for the benet of patients
posed principally of practicing lawyers, they serve. ACA accomplishes its mission by
judges, court administrators, law teachers, effecting public policy and legislation, by pro-
public service attorneys and many nonpractic- moting high standards in professional ethics
ing lawyers who are business executives, and and quality of treatment, and by carrying out
government ofcials. ABAs mission is to be a strategic plan to help ensure the professional
the national representative of the legal profes- growth of Doctors of Chiropractic. Contact:
sion, serving the public and the profession by ACA, 1701 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA
promoting justice, professional excellence, 22209 (phone 800-986-4636; fax 703-243-
and respect for the law. Contact: ABA, 541 2593; e-mail;
N. Fairbanks Ct., Chicago, IL 60611 or ABA Web site
740 15th Street, N.W., Washington, DC American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Associa-
20005-1019 (phone 312-988-5522; fax 312- tion (ACPA-CPF) Established to encour-
988-6281; e-mail; Web age the improvement of scientic clinical ser-
site vices to persons with cleft palate and associ-
American Board of Medical Specialties ated deformities. Membership is open to
(ABMS) Provides recognition to 24 medical qualied professionals who are involved in the
specialty boards, such as the American Board treatment or research of cleft lip, cleft palate,
of Family Practice. Each board requires that and other craniofacial anomalies. Approxi-
certied physicians complete a minimum of 3 mately 2600 members from 40 countries
years of education in their specialties follow- include 30 health care disciplines such as sur-
ing medical school and pass a comprehensive geons, dentists, and speech pathologists. Con-
examination for qualication. Some boards tact: ACPA/CPF National Ofce, 104 South
require physicians to pass additional exami- Estes Drive, Suite 204, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
nations every few years to demonstrate their (phone 919-933-9044; fax 919-933-9604;
continuing competency. Contact: American e - m a i l c l e f t l i n e @ a o l . c o m ; We b s i t e
Board of Medical Specialties, 1007 Church
Street, Suite 404, Evanston, IL 60201-5913 American College Test (ACT) A 3-hour test
(phone 847-491-9091; phone verication 866- battery sponsored by the American College
ASK-ABMS; fax 847-328-3596; Web site Testing Program as an alternative to the Scho- lastic Aptitude Test. The ACT Assessment
American Cancer Society (ACS) A nation- is designed to assess high school students
wide, community-based voluntary health orga- general educational development and their
nization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a ability to complete college-level work. It tests
major health problem by preventing cancer, English, reading, science reasoning, and
saving lives from cancer, and diminishing suf- mathematics knowledge and skills. Contact:
fering from cancer through research, education, ACT National Ofce, 2201 North Dodge
and service. Provides resources, information, Street, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, IA 52243-
and guidance, programs for women with breast 0168 (phone 319-337-1000; fax 319-339-
cancer, the Look GoodFeel Better program, 3021; Web site
American Compensation Association 26 American Creativity Association

American Compensation Association (ACA) voluntary and professional associations, and

See World at Work. the military and recommending credit for the
American Competitiveness and Workforce learning, if appropriate (Program on Non-
Improvement Act of 1998 (ACWIA) Collegiate Sponsored Instruction), and by
Provides penalties for improper recruiting administering the international General Edu-
and failure to meet labor condition application cational Development (GED) high school
requirements of the Department of Labor. equivalency testing program in cooperation
Includes $1,000 (per violation) civil money with the states and Canadian provinces. Con-
penalty and debarment for 1 year from the tact: ACE, One Dupont Circle, N.W., Ste. 800,
H-1B program and may authorize additional Washington, DC 20036 (phone 202/939-
penalties of up up to $35,000 (per violation) 9300; e-mail; Web site
and debarment for 5 years if a company fails
to comply with wage, working conditions, The American Council on International Per-
notications, and hiring attestations and that sonnel, Inc. (ACIP) An organization of
failure displaces an American worker. The act more than 250 corporate and institutional
also forbids U.S. companies from passing on members with an interest in the movement of
any fees and costs of the H-1B program to the international personnel across national bor-
employee. ders. Provides information relating to immi-
American Competitiveness in the 21st Cen- gration, publishes a newsletter, holds confer-
tury Act of 2000 Amends the Immigration ences and seminars, provides job referral
and Nationality Act of 1997 with respect to services, and sponsors an umbrella Exchange
H-1B nonimmigrant aliens. Includes a tempo- Visitor Program designed to permit member
rary increase in visa allotments, special rules institutions to bring foreign nationals to the
for universities, research facilities, and gradu- U.S. for a period of up to 18 months of train-
ate degree recipients, and increased portability ing. Contact: ACIP, 515 Madison Ave., 6th
of H-1B status. Approved October 17, 2000. Floor, Suite 800, New York, NY 10022 (phone
American Council of the Blind (ACB) A 212-688-2437; fax 212-593-4697) or 1212
consumer organization that acts as a national New York Ave., Washington, DC 20045
clearinghouse for information. Provides refer- (phone 202-371-6789; fax 202-371-5524;
rals, legal assistance, advocacy support, schol- e - m a i l a r n o l d @ a c i p . c o m ; We b s i t e
arships, and consultative and advisory ser-
vices to individuals, organizations, and American Counseling Association (ACA)
agencies. Contact: American Council of the A private, nonprot partnership of associa-
Blind, 1155 15th Ave., N.W., Ste. 720, Wash- tions representing nearly 60,000 professional
ington, DC 20005 (phone 800-424-8666 or counselors. ACA provides educational pro-
202-467-5081; fax 202-467-5085; e-mail grams, publications, and conferences to; Web site expand professional knowledge and expertise;
American Council on Education (ACE) An promotes recognition of counselors to the
independent, nonprot association represent- public and the media; and represents mem-
ing more than 1800 institutions of higher bers interest before government bodies at the
learning as well as national and regional national level. Contact: ACA, 5999 Stevenson
higher education associations. ACE seeks to Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304-3300 (phone
advance the interests and goals of higher and 800/347-6647 or 703-823-0252; TDD 703-
adult education by providing leadership and 823-6862; fax 800-473-2329 or 703-823-
advocacy on important issues, representing 0252; e-mail;
the views of the higher and adult education Web site
community to policy makers, and offering ser- American Creativity Association (ACA) A
vices to its members. The Council also assists nonprot association of approximately 500
adult learners by reviewing the learning members in 40 states and 21 countries whose
acquired through courses, programs, and mission is to promote creativity in every sector
training offered by businesses, labor unions, of society. Provides a monthly newsletter,
American Deafness and Rehabilitation 27 American Federation of State, County

discounted creativity materials, and an annual improving the educational process by encour-
convention. Contact: ACA, P.O. Box 5856, aging scholarly inquiry related to education
Philadelphia, PA 19128 (phone 888-837- and by promoting the dissemination and prac-
1409; fax 502-254-5746; e-mail acainfor- tical application of research results. Contact:; Web site www.amcreativ- AERA, 1230 17th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036-3078 (phone 202-223-9485; fax 202-
American Deafness and Rehabilitation 775-1824; e-mail aera@gmu.edv; Web site
Association (ADARA) A nonprot mem-
bership organization established to promote American Federation of Government
development and expansion of services for Employees (AFGE) The largest federal
deaf persons, ADARA offers a forum for pro- labor union afliated with the AFL-CIO.
fessionals, students, parents, and laypersons AFGE represents bargaining unit employees
to develop better understanding; encourages from many government departments and
research to advance understanding of deaf agencies, including the Departments of Agri-
people and result in improved rehabilitation culture, Defense, Education, Health & Human
and related services; encourages recruitment Services, Housing & Urban Development,
and training of professionals skilled in work- Justice, State, Veterans Affairs, Homeland
ing with deaf persons; sponsors publications Security, Ofce of Personnel Management,
aimed at professionals; and supports the leg- Social Security Administration, and others.
islative interests of deaf people. Contact: Contact: AFGE, 80 F St., N.W., Washington
ADARA, PO Box 6956, San Mateo, CA DC 20001 (phone 202-737-8700; fax 202-
94403-6956 (TTY 410-495-8440; fax 410- 639-6490; e-mail; Web
495-8442; e-mail; site
Web site American Federation of Labor Congress
American Dental Association (ADA) A pro- of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
fessional association of dentists with more A voluntary federation of national and inter-
than 138,000 members. Its mission is to national labor unions in the U.S. established
encourage the improvement of the health of to organize workers; speak for the labor move-
the public and to promote the art and science ment before Congress and other branches of
of dentistry. Contact: ADA, 211 East Chicago government; coordinate activities such as
Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 (phone 312-440- community services, political education, and
2500; fax 312-440-2800; e-mail www.ada. voter registration; and represent American
org/email; Web site labor in world affairs. Since its establishment,
American Diabetes Association A nonprot the AFL-CIO has expanded to 13.3 million
organization dedicated to preventing and cur- members in more than 100 national unions.
ing diabetes and improving the lives of all Unions afliated with the AFL-CIO represent
people affected by diabetes through research bakers, barbers, bottlers, auto workers, actors,
and education. The American Diabetes Asso- accountants, construction workers, steelwork-
ciation funds research, publishes scientic ers, machinists, garment workers, engineers,
ndings, and provides information and other pilots, public employees, janitors, sales clerks,
services to people with diabetes, their fami- letter carriers, truck drivers, grocery workers,
lies, health care professionals, and the public. computer operators, and state and federal gov-
Contact: American Diabetes Association, ernment employees, among others. Contact:
ATTN: Customer Service, 1701 North AFL-CIO, 815 16th St., N.W., Washington,
Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311 DC 20006 (phone 202-637-5000; fax 202-
(phone 800-342-2383or 202-331-8303; 637-5058; Web site
e-mail; Web American Federation of State, County, and
site Municipal Employees (AFSCME) A union
American Educational Research Association within the AFL-CIO representing public
(AERA) A 23,000-member international employees and health care workers in the
professional association concerned with U.S., Puerto Rico, and Panama. With about
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 28 American Management Association (AMA)

1.3 million members, it is the largest public tion and information for its members and
employee union in the AFL-CIO. Provides informs the public about hospitals, health sys-
collective bargaining and representation for tems, and health care networks. AHA has over
public service workers at every level of gov- 5600 institutional and 37,000 individual mem-
ernment and in the private sector, including bers. Contact: AHA, One North Franklin,
clerical employees, social workers, correc- Chicago, IL 60606-2431; (phone 312-422-
tional ofcers, school employees, and health 3000 or 312-280-6000; Web site www.hospi-
care and hospital workers. Contact:
AFSCME, 1625 L St., N.W., Washington, DC American Hotel & Lodging Association
20036-5687 (phone 202-429-1000; TTY 202- (AHLA) A coalition of state and city lodg-
659-0445; fax 202-429-1293; e-mail ing associations throughout the U.S., Puerto; Web site Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Provides opera-
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) A tions, technical, educational, marketing, and
union within the AFL CIO with 907,000 communications services and government
members, including teachers and school sup- affairs representation to the lodging industry.
port staff, higher education faculty and staff, Contact: AHLA, 1201 New York Ave., N.W.,
health care professionals, and state and Ste. 600, Washington, DC 20005-3931
municipal employees. Works to improve edu- (phone 202-289-3100; fax 202-289-3199;
cation, health care, and public services and e-mail; Web site
the working conditions for employees in those
areas. Contact: AFT, 555 New Jersey Ave., American Indian or Alaska Native An eth-
N.W., Washington, DC 20001 (phone 202- nic or racial category used for federal statis-
879-4400; fax 202-879-4556; e-mail tical reporting and the 2000 census. Includes; Web site persons who have origins in any of the original
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) peoples of North America and who maintain
An organization whose mission is to enable cultural identication through afliation or
persons who are blind or visually impaired to community recognition.
achieve equality of access and opportunity
American Institute of Certied Public
that will enable freedom of choice in their
Accountants (AICPA) A professional soci-
lives. AFB accomplishes its mission by taking
ety of more than 330,000 accountants certied
a national leadership role in the development
by the states and territories. The AICPA estab-
and implementation of public policy and
lishes auditing and reporting standards and
legislation, informational and educational
prepares and grades national Uniform CPA
programs, diversied products, and quality
services. Contact: AFB, 11 Penn Plaza, Examinations for state licensing bodies. Con-
Suite 300, New York, NY 10001 (phone tact: AICPA, 1211 Avenue of the Americas,
212-502-7642; fax 212-502-7773; e-mail New York, NY 10036-8775 (phone 212-596-; Web site 6 2 0 0 ; f a x 2 1 2 - 5 9 6 - 6 2 1 3 ; We b s i t e
The American Heart Association (AHA) A
not-for-prot, voluntary health organization The American Legion (AL) A community-
funded privately. Its mission is to reduce dis- service organization that numbers nearly
ability and death from cardiovascular diseases 3 million men and women in nearly 15,000
and stroke. These include heart attack, stroke American Legion Posts worldwide. Member-
and related disorders. Contact: AHA, ship eligibility is based on honorable service
National Center, 7272 Greenville Avenue, with the U.S. Armed Forces between specic
Dallas, TX 75231 (phone 800-242-8721; dates. Contact: American Legion, 700 N.
e-mail; Web site Pennsylvania St., P.O. Box 1055, Indianapo- lis, IN 46206 (phone 317-630-1253; fax
American Hospital Association (AHA) A 317-630-1233; Web site
not-for-prot organization that serves as a American Management Association
national advocate for hospitals, health (AMA) An international education organi-
networks, and their patients. Provides educa- zation, membership-based and not-for-prot.
American Marketing Association (AMA) 29 American Printing House for the Blind

Provides educational forums worldwide 202-293-8020; fax 202-293-9287; Web site

where members and their colleagues learn
practical business skills and explore best prac- American Nurses Association (ANA) Nurs-
tices of world-class organizations through ings national professional association repre-
interaction with each other and expert faculty senting 2.2 million Registered Nurses through
practitioners. AMAs publishing program pro- its 53 constituent state associations and 13
vides tools individuals use to extend learning organizational afliate members. Advances the
beyond the classroom in a process of life-long nursing profession by fostering high standards
professional growth and development through of nursing practice, promoting the economic
education. Contact: AMA, 1601 Broadway, and general welfare of nurses in the workplace,
New York NY 10019-7420 (phone 212-586- projecting a positive and realistic view of nurs-
8100; fax 212-903-8168; e-mail ing, and lobbying the Congress and regulatory; Web site www.ama- agencies on health care issues affecting nurses and the public. Contact: ANA, 600 Maryland
American Marketing Association (AMA) Ave., S.W., Ste. 100 West, Washington, DC
An international professional society of 20024-2571 (phone 800-284-2378; fax 202-
40,000 members in 82 countries and 400 chap- 651-7001; e-mail; Web
ters throughout North America. The purpose site
of AMA is to promote education and assist in American Nurses Credentialing Center
personal and professional career development (ANCC) A subsidiary of the American
Nurses Association (ANA). The ANCCs mis-
among marketing professionals and to advance
sion is to improve nursing practice and pro-
the science and ethical practice of the market-
mote high-quality health care services through
ing disciplines. Sponsors the SPIRE awards.
voluntary credentialing programs and related
Contact: AMA, 250 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 200,
services. The ANCC certies nurses in dened
Chicago, IL 60606 (phone 800-262-1150 or
functional and clinical areas of nursing,
312-648-0536; fax 312-993-7542; e-mail
accredits continuing education providers and; Web site or
approval bodies, and recognizes nursing ser-
vices that meet specied standards. Contact:
American Medical Association (AMA) A ANCC, 600 Maryland Ave., S.W., Ste. 100
partnership of physicians and their profes- West, Washington, DC 20024-2571 (phone
sional associations dedicated to promoting the 800-284-2378; fax 202-651-7004; e-mail
art and science of medicine and the betterment; Web site www.nursing-
of public health. Serves physicians and their
patients by establishing and promoting ethi- American Physical Therapy Association
cal, educational, and clinical standards for the (APTA) A national professional organiza-
medical profession and by advocating for the tion representing more than 63,000 physical
integrity of the physicianpatient relationship. therapists, physical therapist assistants, and
Contact: AMA, 515 No. State St., Chicago, students. APTAs goal is to foster advance-
IL 60610 (phone 312-464-5000; e-mail ment in physical therapy practice, education,
We b A d m i n @ a m a - a s s n . o rg ; We b s i t e and research. Contact: APTA, 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1488
American National Standards Institute (phone 703-684-2782; fax 703-684-7343;
(ANSI) An organization that has overseen TDD 703-683-6748l; e-mail webmas-
standards development in the U.S. since; Web site
1918, serves as the U.S. member body of the American Plan (AP) In meeting manage-
International Standards Organization, and ment, a room rate that includes a bed and three
has accredited the American Society for meals.
Quality Control as a standards developing American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
organization. Contact: ANSI, 1819 L Street, (APH) Offers Braille, computer disk, large
NW, 6th Fl., Washington, DC, 20036 (phone type, recorded, and regular print books for
American Productivity & Quality Center 30 American Society for Quality (ASQ)

purchase. Also manufactures the Speaqual- Criminal Court to encroach on U.S. author-
izer, a completely hardware-controlled speech ity over its own people. It also authorizes the
access system for IBM personal computers president to use military force to liberate any
and compatibles. Contact: APH, 1839 Frank- American detained anywhere on behalf of the
fort Ave., P.O. Box 6085, Louisville, KY International Criminal Court. Signed by Pres-
40206-0085 (phone 502-895-2405 or 800- ident Bush on August 2, 2002.
223-1839; fax 502-899-2274; e-mail American Sign Language (ASL) The lan-; Web site guage of the culturally deaf, a visual-gestural
American Productivity & Quality Center language that combines the use of space, hand
(APQC) An organization of approximately shapes, arms, and movements, ngerspelling,
450 corporate members that provides research, facial expressions, eyes, head, body posture,
educational, and advisory services to organiza- and body movements. These shapes and
tions in the public and private sectors to movements serve as the words and intonation
improve productivity and the quality of work of the language. It is not English; rather, it is
life. Sponsors courses, research publications, a language in itself, with its own grammar and
newsletter, and a library. Contact: AP&QC, structure. Sometimes called Amesian.
123 North Post Oak Lane, 3rd Fl., Houston, American Society for Healthcare Human
TX 77024 (phone 800-776-9676 or 713- Resources Administration (ASHHRA) A
681-1182; fax 713-681-1182; e-mail 5000+-member organization founded in 1964; Web site and dedicated exclusively to meeting the pro-
American Psychological Association (APA) fessional needs of human resource managers
A 142,000 member association dedicated to in health care. Afliated with the American
the advancement of the science and practice Hospital Association (AHA), ASHHRA pro-
of psychology in the public interest. One motes society development, professional
major division is instructional/organizational development, professional relationships, and
psychology. Publisher of Applied Psychology research and monitors public policy. Contact:
and Educational & Psychological Test Stan- ASHHRA, One N. Franklin, 31st Floor, Chi-
dards. Contact: APA, 750 First St., N.E., cago, IL 60606 (phone 312-422-3725; fax
Washington, DC 20002-4242 (phone 800- 312-422-4579; e-mail; Web
374-2721 or 202-336-5500; TDD 202-336- site
6123; fax 202-336-6069; e-mail webmas- American Society for Industrial Security; Web site (ASIS) A professional membership organi-
American Self-Help Clearinghouse An orga- zation of management-level security profes-
nization established to reduce human suffering sionals. The association offers an executive
and isolation by increasing the awareness, uti- referral service for corporations wishing to
lization, and development of self-help support hire full-time security specialists. Contact:
groups in dealing with a variety of medical and ASIS, 1625 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA
other stressful life problems. Provides group 22314-2818 (phone 703-519-6200; fax 703-
information services and contacts for any 519-6299; e-mail; Web
national self-help group, a directory of national site
and demonstrational model self-help groups, American Society for Quality (ASQ) A soci-
and group/network development assistance. ety of 109,000 individual and 1100 corporate
Publishes The Self-Help Sourcebook. Contact: members worldwide. ASQCs mission is to
American Self-Help Clearinghouse, Northwest facilitate continuous improvement and
Covenant Medical Center, 25 Pocono Rd., increased customer satisfaction by identifying,
Denville, NJ 07834-2995 (phone 201-625- communicating, and promoting the use of
7101; Web site quality principles, concepts, and technologies.
American Servicemembers Protection Act Administers the Malcolm Baldrige National
of 2002 Empowers the president to dispatch Quality Award under contract to the National
American troops abroad only if allies guaran- Institute of Standards and Technology. Con-
tee that they will not use the International tact: ASQ, 600 North Plankinton Avenue,
American Society for Training 31 American Stock Exchange (AMEX)

Milwaukee, WI 53203 or P.O. Box 3005, Mil- consultants, administrators, and other benets
waukee, WI 53201-3005 (phone 800-248- professionals and to preserve and enhance the
1946 or 414-272-8575 outside the U.S. and private pension system as part of the develop-
Canada; fax 414-272-1734; e-mail; ment of a cohesive and coherent national
Web site retirement income policy. Contact: ASPA,
American Society for Training and Devel- 4350 North Fairfax Dr., Ste. 750, Arlington,
opment (ASTD) A 70,000 member non- VA 22203-1619 (phone 703-516-9300; fax
prot professional association that provides 703-516-9308; e-mail; Web
leadership to individuals, organizations, and site www.
society to achieve work-related competence, American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)
performance, and fulllment. ASTD serves An organization of 24,000 members in 136
practitioners, managers, administrators, edu- countries whose mission is to enhance the pro-
cators, and researchers who work in the eld fessionalism and protability of member
of training and human resource development agents through effective representation in
in more than 100 countries. Contact: ASTD, industry and government affairs, education,
1640 King St., Box 1443, Alexandria, VA and training and to identify and meet the needs
22313-2043 (phone 703-683-8100; fax 703- of the traveling public. Contact: ASTA, 1101
683-8103; e-mail; King St., Ste.200, Alexandria, VA 22314
Web site (phone 800-275-2782 or 703-739-2782; fax
American Society of Association Executives 703-684-8319; e-mail astasysop@asta-
(ASAE) A 25,000+-member organization; Web site
representing about 10,000 associations estab- American Speech-Language-Hearing
lished to enhance the competency of associa- Association (ASHA) A national professional,
tion executives, promote the recognition of the scientic, and credentialing organization of
role of associations in society, improve the
103,000 speech-language pathologists and
effectiveness of member organizations, and
speech, language, and hearing scientists. Its
lead in the resolution of public policy issues
mission is to ensure that all people with
affecting associations. Offers the Certied
speech, language, and hearing disorders have
Association Executive designation. Contact:
access to quality services to help them com-
ASAE, 1575 I St., N.W., 12th Floor, Wash-
municate more effectively. ASHA awards the
ington, DC 20005-1103 (phone 202-626-
2723; TDD 202-626-2803; fax 202-371-8825; Certicate of Clinical Competence to audiol-
e-mail; Web site ogists and speech-language pathologists who meet strict requirements. Contact: ASHA,
American Society of Composers, Authors & 10801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852
Publishers (ASCAP) A membership orga- (phone or TDD 800-638-8255; fax 301-
nization of 68,000 composers, song writers, 571-0457; e-mail; Web
lyricists, and music publishers. Established to site
protect the rights of members by licensing and American Standard Code for Information
paying royalties for the public performance of Interchange (ASCII) An eight-bit code
their copyrighted works at meetings, confer- for the interchange of information that can
ences, and exhibits, whether held in a hotel, operate at any standard transmission baud
restaurant, conference center, or cruise ship. (Baudot) rate, including 300, 1200, 2400, and
Check your local telephone listings for the higher. Provides a means of transmitting infor-
nearest ofce. Contact: ASCAP, One Lincoln mation between computers and computer
Plaza, New York, NY 10023 (phone 212-621- components and a standard for data storage
6000; fax 212- 595-3276; e-mail on magnetic tape or disk.; Web site American Stock Exchange (AMEX) Con-
See also Broadcast Music Inc. ducts trading through an advanced centralized
American Society of Pension Actuaries specialist system and is committed to provid-
(ASPA) An organization of 4700 members ing a superior marketplace for the investing
established to educate pension actuaries, public and its members. Contact: AMEX, 86
American Stroke Association (ASA) 32 Americas Job Bank (AJB)

Trinity Place, New York, NY 10006 (phone ple with speech or hearing disabilities and
212-306-1000; Web site people using ordinary telephones. In 1994, the
American Stroke Association (ASA) A divi- Equal Employment Opportunity Commis-
sion of the American Heart Association that sion published guidelines on disability-related
focuses on reducing disability and death from inquiries and medical examinations focusing
stroke through research, education, fund rais- on the hiring process. In general, the guide-
ing, and advocacy. Works with the American lines require employers to limit their preoffer
Heart Associations afliates nationwide and questions to those concerning an applicants
establishes alliances with other organizations ability to perform job functions. They are also
to use resources effectively. Contact: ASA, prohibited from making disability-related
National Center, 7272 Greenville Avenue, inquiries at the preoffer stage. In 1999, the
Dallas TX 75231 (phone 888-478-7653; Web Supreme Court made these rulings: (1) people
site with correctable physical impairments gener-
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ally cannot rely on the ADA to sue their
(ADA) Signed into law by President G. H. employers for discrimination; (2) modied the
W. Bush on July 26, 1990, this Act became 1990 law that required states to place mentally
effective in 1992. The legislation extends to disabled persons in the most integrated set-
disabled persons including persons with ting appropriate, but only after taking into
hearing and visual impairments, paraplegia account the resources available and the needs
and epilepsy, AIDS victims and carriers of the of others with disabilities. For ADA technical
HIV virus, alcoholics, and past users of drug assistance materials, state and local building
the same kinds of protections and guaran- codes, and new and proposed regulations, see
tees that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 granted
African Americans and other minorities. That American Technical Education Association
is, employers may not refuse to hire or pro- (ATEA) A national professional association
mote a person who is qualied to do a job of 2,000 members dedicated to excellence in
simply because that person is disabled. The postsecondary technical education with
bill also requires employers to make reason- emphasis on the concerns of business and
able accommodations, without incurring great industry. Provides professional development
expense or difculty, to enable a disabled per- opportunities for teachers, administrators,
son to do a job. The bill denes a disabled and support personnel in postsecondary edu-
individual as a person with physical or mental cation and networking opportunities for the
impairment that substantially limits a major exchange of ideas among persons in educa-
life activity, such as walking, talking, or tion, business, and industry. Contact: ATEA,
working. It excludes current users of illegal North Dakota College of Science, 800 North
drugs, homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, Sixth St., Wahpeton, ND 58076-0002 (phone
transvestites, and people with emotional dis- 701-671-2240 or -2301; fax 701-671-2260;
orders such as kleptomania, gambling com- e-mail; Web site
pulsions, and pedophilia. It became effective
in 1992 for employers with 25 or more work- American Vocational Association, Inc.
ers and in 1994 for employers with 15 or more (AVA) See Association for Career and Tech-
workers. The only exceptions are churches nical Education.
and church-run schools. The legislation America On-Line Provides access to the
requires that employers make the workplace Internet.
accessible to all employees, forces most pub- AmeriCare A proposed joint state and federal
lic-service businesses to provide wheelchair program that would replace Medicaid. It
access, and requires that buses and a percent- would offer a basic health insurance package
age of train and subway cars be modied for to people who are not covered by an
handicapped access. After 1993, telephone employer-provided health care plan.
companies were required to establish relay Americas Job Bank (AJB) A job listing ser-
services between special telephones for peo- vice available on the Internet. AJB collects job
Americas Talent Bank (ATB) 33 analog

listings from 1,800 nationwide state employ- provided in the ordinary course of a taxpayers
ment ofces and offers companies the oppor- trade or business.
tunity to enter their job listings directly. amphetamines A class of legal prescription
Employers can post job listings, create cus- drugs used in the treatment of colds, hay fever,
tomized job orders, and search resumes auto- depression, and obesity. Also commonly used
matically to nd the right people. Web site as uppers, they can be highly addictive and dangerous if abused. Also called speed;
Americas Talent Bank (ATB) A nationwide uppers.
electronic rsum system that allows job seek- AMVETS National Headquarters
ers to market their qualications by entering (AMVETS) A congressionally chartered,
their rsums into this national network, which nonprot association of more than 175,000
is then searched by employers for workers who members who served honorably in the Army,
meet their needs. Supported by the Department Coast Guard, Navy, Marine Corps, or Air
of Labor, ATB is a product of state employ- Force after September 15, 1940, or are still
ment service agencies. (Web site serving on active duty in the National Guard
or or Reserves. Its purpose is to help veterans
AmeriCorps Legislation signed by President through a variety of services, promote world
Clinton on September 21, 1993 (Public Ser- peace, and preserve the American way of
vice Act of 1993) that allows students who life. Contact: AMVETS National Headquar-
complete 2 years of community service to ters, 4647 Forbes Blvd., Lanham, MD
earn $4725 per year to apply toward college 20706-4380 (phone 877-726-8387 or 301-
tuition or student loans. Participants in the 459-9600; fax 301/459-7924; Web site
program may also earn living allowances of
at least $7400 per year and health care and amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS) A neuro-
child day care benets. The plan funded muscular disease characterized by degenera-
20,000 students in 1994, 33,000 in 1995, and tion of a select group of nerve cells and path-
47,000 in 1996 with spending limited to $300, ways in the brain and spinal cord that leads
$500, and $700 million, respectively, in each to progressive wasting and paralysis of the
of the 3 years. muscles that control movement. There is cur-
amicus curiae A legal term that literally rently no cure, and it is almost always fatal
means friend of the court. An amicus curiae within a few years. Also called Lou Gehrigs
brief is a petition, declaration, or statement of disease.
position on an issue led by a party not anaerobic exercise Activities such as weight-
involved in the litigation under consideration lifting, yoga, and golf that use muscles but do
by the courts but who may be affected by the not signicantly increase heart rate for an
outcome. Such briefs usually involve an issue extended time.
that has far-reaching implications, often anagogic or metaphorical learning A learn-
involving public policy. ing strategy used by humans (and to some
amortization The process of paying off a degree by learning machines). It is learning
debt, usually by equal installments at regular by means of analogy, metaphors, comparison
intervals over a specic period of time. with past experience, or reminders.
amortization of training expenses In Decem- analog 1. In data processing, a computer that
ber 1997, the Internal Revenue Service ruled calculates by using physical analogs (such as
that certain training expenses incurred in the amount of electrical resistance) of the vari-
unusual circumstances must be amortized ables of a problem and provides solutions in
over a minimum of 5 years rather than a graphic representation (such as an oscillo-
expensed in the year the costs were incurred. scope pattern). For most data processing
The term unusual circumstances was applications today, digital computers are used.
dened as when training costs were incurred 2. In video, the variation of an electrical signal
to obtain future benets signicantly beyond to represent the original image or sound that
those traditionally associated with the training is being processed and reproduced. 3. In
analysis 34 andragogical e-learning

multimedia, information and communication They include the ability to reason both deduc-
technology that uses a continuous scale that tively and inductively.
is incompatible with digital computers. Data analytical survey A research methodology in
are stored and retrieved as a continuous signal which data collected in a polling survey are
rather than in bits (e.g., videocassette and subjected to statistical analysis to determine
audiocassette recorders and tapes). whether there are similarities, differences, or
analysis Assessments performed by an orga- relationships between and among groups.
nization or its work units to provide a basis analytical thinking The ability to differenti-
for decision making. Overall organization ate between unimportant and critical details,
analysis provides the guidance needed by recognize discrepancies and variances
management to achieve key business results between facts, and draw correct inferences
and attain strategic goals and objectives. and conclusions from information.
analysis exercise Used in assessment centers analytics Use of software tools to analyze col-
and other screening and selection strategies. lected information to help top management
Participants are given information on a situa- make better business decisions. Rapidly
tion and asked to recommend appropriate becoming a part of many human resource sys-
courses of action. Exercises test ability to sift tems. Software may include workforce ana-
through information, determine critical facts, lytics, benchmarking tools, and scorecards.
come to a conclusion, and present a logical anatomical gift Designation of the use of an
argument to support the conclusion. organ (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, cornea,
analysis of variance A statistical means of skin, and so on) or donation of the body for
determining the proportion of explained vari- medical use following death. May be arranged
ance or dispersion between and among treat- by completion of special forms or entered in
ment (experimental) and control groups. In a will, or (in some states) the authorization
general, the technique helps users to discrim- may be inscribed on the donors drivers
inate between causality and mere chance. The license.
complexity of the methodology precludes a anchoring The disposition of people to look
cookbook description of its calculation. Com- back to their spiritual foundations to recapture
puter programs are available to perform the what was soothing and supporting and use it
calculations. to moor themselves securely in the future.
analyst recommendation A professional Attributed to Faith Popcorn and Lys Marigold,
opinion as to whether an investor should buy Clicking: 16 Trends to Future Fit Your Life,
or sell stock. Also used as a means of promot- Your Work, and Your Business.
ing buying or selling decisions that have ancillary benets Include such employee
already been made. Reputable analysts can benets as dental care, dependent care, home
move the price of stock just by issuing a report care, prepaid legal plans, prescription drugs,
or adjusting an estimate of earnings. and vision care. Also called additional bene-
analytical decision See logical decision. ts, corollary benets, and fringe benets.
analytical skills The ability to use logic and ancillary medical benets Dental benets,
inquiry and past experience, research, or home care, speech/hearing benets, prescrip-
experimentation to get the information needed tion drug benets, vision care.
to solve problems, make decisions, innovate, ancillary probate Additional probate done in
and evaluate. Analytical skills can also be used another state where, for example, the decedent
to clarify objectives, separate the judgment owned real estate in his or her name alone.
and idea generation phases of creative ancillary services Medical services such as
endeavor, provide cues for association, dis- laboratory tests, radiology, physical therapy,
cover relationships, and examine similarities and inhalation therapy provided in conjunc-
and differences. They involve observing, lis- tion with medical or hospital care. Also called
tening, diagnosing, analyzing, and assessing support services.
situations together with the ability to predict andragogical e-learning E-learning designed
directions that situations are likely to take. to meet the needs and hold the interest and
andragogic learning 35 Annuitants Protection Act of 1994

attention of adults. It is learner-centered, angiogram A medical diagnostic procedure in

focuses on the acquisition of content that is which a catheter is threaded through an artery
job- and task-oriented, and allows students to into the heart, a dye is injected, and an x-ray
control their own learning experiences. It asks is taken. The procedure shows blockages in
these questions: What do you want to learn? the arteries of the heart.
and How and when do you want to learn? angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhib-
andragogic learning See andragogy; didactic itors Prescription medications that ease
learning; pedagogic learning. pressure inside blood vessels so the heart does
andragogy A way of looking at adult learning. not have to pump as hard. Often prescribed
It views adults as needing to be self-directing; for congestive heart failure.
as having interests and experiences that can animation A means of describing (or view-
provide a sound basis for learning. It also con- ing) and clarifying a visible or invisible pro-
siders their need to know or to do to fulll cess or procedure a situation in which an
their role in society as linked to their readiness element changes or evolves over time to
to learn; their orientation to learning as life-, facilitate comprehension of the relationships
work-, and problem-centered rather than sub- between events.
ject-centered; and their motivation to learn as ankylosing spondylitis A type of arthritis, it
directed by internal factors such as self- affects an estimated 300,000 Americans, usu-
esteem rather than by external rewards. Attrib- ally young men. It is a spinal inammation
uted to Malcolm Knowles, a member of the that can spread throughout the body.
Human Resources Development Hall of annual exclusion The $10,000 per year, per
Fame. gift allowed by law that an individual can give
anecdotal Process information that lacks spe- to another and incur no federal tax liability.
cic and objective methods, measures, and annual leave The number of hours, days, or
evaluative factors. Relies primarily on obser- weeks of vacation with pay allowed employ-
vation and description of individual activities ees by an organization. Based on length of
rather than on systematic processes. service with the organization, it ranges from
anecdotal records Individual records that 1 week to 6 weeks per year, but the most com-
emphasize items and episodes of behavior and mon vacation period is 2 weeks.
performance that are important to the evalua- annual percentage rate (APR) The percent-
tion and development of employees, clients, age rate charged by lending institutions, such
and trainees. Trainers, supervisors, counse- as banks, for loans of all types.
lors, and medical and health providers may annual percentage yield (APY) The average
maintain such records. In addition to being amount of monthly interest paid to investors
condential, factual, and objective, such over a 1-year period, expressed as a percentage.
records should include signicant items of annuitant A former employee who receives a
conduct and performance, not be limited to monthly or annual payment for services ren-
substandard behavior or performance, and dered upon retirement for which he or she
report positive and constructive episodes. made weekly or monthly contributions while
anesthesia Drugs administered by a specially employed.
trained physician or nurse before surgery to Annuitants Protection Act of 1994 Techni-
block pain. cally, an amendment to the Employee Retire-
angel An individual, usually over the age of ment Income Security Act of 1974. Gives
40 and afuent, who provides start-up funding retirees and the Secretary of Labor the right
(venture capital) for a business undertaking to sue their former employers to obtain relief
mainly for excitement and challenge. from ERISA violations involving the purchase
angina pectoris Pain or tightness in the chest of annuities following the termination of a
(sometimes radiating to other parts of the pension plan. The legislation was considered
upper body) that occurs when the arteries are by the Secretary of Labor and many members
partially blocked, resulting in temporary of Congress as a rst step toward correcting
reduction of the blood supply to the heart. erroneous interpretations of ERISA, which
annuity 36 antitakeover statutes

have had the effect of narrowing the rights and Workers Benet Protection Act of 1990;
remedies made available to participants and Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978; Reha-
beneciaries under the law. bilitation Act of 1973; Vietnam Era Veterans
annuity 1. Specied amounts of income paid Readjustment and Assistance Act of 1974;
in a lump sum, yearly, or at other regular Title VII of the Civil rights Act of 1964.
intervals. A person receives an annuity for life Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 (ADAA)
or for a specic period of time in consider- Enacted in October 1986, the Act provided
ation of services rendered, outstanding perfor- $1.7 billion to be used for law enforcement,
mance, or accident or injury. 2. Contracts pur- treatment for drug abusers, drug research, and
chased from insurers that provide for periodic school and community education programs.
payments or surrender options. See also vari- antiemetics Over-the-counter drugs for the
able annuity, deferred xed annuity, immedi- prevention or treatment of nausea, vomiting,
ate xed annuity. 3. An investment contract or dizziness caused by motion sickness.
with an insurance company that the buyer uses antigen tests Test for the presence of antibod-
for retirement income. ies in the blood in which the test chemicals
annuity, joint and survivor See contingent react directly with proteins on the coat of the
annuity. virus to give a denite indication of its pres-
ANSI X12 A universal health care claims for- ence. Used to detect HIV antibodies.
mat adopted by the Medicare overseers at the
antihistamines Over-the-counter drugs that
Health Care Financing Administration and
temporarily relieve nasal discharge or reduce
ofcials with The Travelers and Blue Cross
sneezing, itching of the nose or throat, and
and Blue Shield Association. Using electronic
itchy eyes due to allergies, hay fever, or other
data interchange, ANSI X12 eliminated hun-
upper respiratory problems.
dreds of different claims forms formerly used
Anti-Injunction Act of 1932 (AIA) Estab-
by major payers.
lished and protects the right of employees to
antacids Over-the-counter drugs for relief of
participate in union activities by prohibiting
acid indigestion, heartburn, or sour stomach.
yellow-dog contracts. It also denes and lim-
anti-angiogenesis Treatments designed to
its the power of the courts to issue injunctions
slow or block the growth of blood vessels for
spreading tumors, which may prevent lethal against certain actions and permits either party
metastases elsewhere in the body. Often com- to sue if its collective bargaining contract is
bined with chemotherapy and surgery. violated. The law also makes unions immune
anti-cutback rule Provides protection against from antitrust laws (interpreted by the courts
elimination or reduction by plan amendment to mean when a union acts in its self-interest
of certain benets provided under a qualied and not in conjunction with nonlabor groups
plan. Applies to benets already accrued to achieve its goals). Also known as the
under the terms of the plan, early retirement Norris-LaGuardia Act.
benets, early retirement-type subsidies, and Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 An act passed to
optional forms of benets. Does not apply to deter subcontractors from making payments
life, accident, or health insurance; Social and contractors from accepting payments for
Security supplements; pre- and posttax the purpose of improperly obtaining or
employee contributions and direct invest- rewarding favorable treatment in connection
ments; and plan loans. with either a contract or subcontract relating
antidiscrimination laws See Age Discrimi- to a prime contract. This provision is designed
nation in Employment Act of 1967; Ameri- to ensure fair and equal competition among
cans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Civil both prime and subcontractors.
Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights Act of 1991; antitakeover statutes State laws that protect
Equal Pay Act of 1963; Executive Order companies from takeovers by acquisitive cor-
11246; Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938; porations. Examples are control-share laws,
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978; Older merger-moratorium laws, and expanded
Americans Acts of 1965 and 1978; Older duciary laws.
antitrust and fair trade legislation 37 Apple Internet Connection Kit

antitrust and fair trade legislation Legisla- any willing-provider law A state law that is
tion directed at prohibition of deliberate com- a barrier to managed care. The law permits any
mercial injury, such as the acquisition of provider holding required credentials and will-
monopoly power, resulting from unfair, uneth- ing to conform to the terms and conditions of
ical, manipulative, dishonest, or corrupt busi- a network contract to be admitted to that net-
ness practices including conspiracy, coercion, work. Such legislation restricts payers ability
and the elimination of competition. With the to contract selectively with a limited number
exception of Section 5 of the Federal Trade of providers to save on premiums. On April 2,
Commission Act of 1914 and the Robinson- 2003, the Supreme Court ruled that states can
Patman act of 1936, which are enforced by pass laws forcing the managed care industry
the Federal Trade Commission, only the to open its networks to more health care pro-
Department of Justice can institute criminal viders, thereby giving patients broader choices
proceedings under the antitrust laws. of doctors and hospitals.
antitrust laws Laws designed to counter aperture The part of a camera that controls
monopolies (trusts) and other devices to the amount of light allowed in.
suppress competition. Lack of success in deal- aphasia A speech defect that results from
ing with such powerful combinations as Rock- injury to certain areas of the brain. It is the
efellers Standard Oil led to the passage of the most disruptive of all communication disabil-
rst federal antitrust law, the Sherman Anti- ities. People with aphasia see, hear, and feel
trust Act of 1890. This was followed by the but they cannot integrate this sensory infor-
enactment of the Clayton Act and the Federal
mation into logical experience patterns. Apha-
Trade Commission Act, both passed in 1914.
sia results in inability to use or comprehend
antitussives Over-the-counter medicines that
words. There are two types of aphasia: expres-
temporarily reduce cough due to minor throat
sive and receptive. An individual who can
and bronchial irritation that may accompany
understand what is said but cannot express his
a cold.
or her own thoughts is said to have expressive
antivirus software Utility programs that scan
aphasia. An individual who cannot receive or
les, boot sectors, and other sections of a com-
understand speech has receptive aphasia.
puter disk for virus signatures or code
Receptive aphasia has its roots in sensory de-
strings. If the program nds a virus, it noties
ciencies, including vision or hearing impair-
the user and removes the virus. Some pro-
ments, or both. Aphasia may be partial, called
grams monitor the computers memory for
signs of infection. Others immunize the sys- dysphasia, or total. The most common causes
tem by running checks (checksums) on each of aphasia are brain tumors, cerebral hemor-
executable le and, if the checksum changes, rhage, and cerebral thrombosis.
the program alerts the user to the potential Apollo In travel management, a computer
presence of a virus. reservation system (formerly Covia). Also
anxiety A persistent feeling of painful uneasi- provides hardware and software to enhance
ness of mind, apprehension, dread, and communications, management reports, qual-
impending disaster in response to repressed ity control, and productivity.
feelings or internal attitudes. It differs from fear apparent authority Established when an
in that it is not referable to specic objects or individual appears to be authorized to act on
events. The individual does not know its source. an organizations behalf but is not specically
anxiety attack Sudden, acute, terrifying, authorized to do so.
panic-like feelings lasting from a few appeal In health care, a special complaint
moments to an hour. Victims report rapid made to a Medicare health plan or the Original
heartbeat, palpitation, nausea, dizziness or Medicare Plan by an individual who disagrees
faintness, diarrhea, and a feeling of suffoca- with any decision made by the plan.
tion or choking. Apple Internet Connection Kit A software
any-willing-provider (AWP) See any-will- system that allows access to and navigation of
ing-provider law. the Internet simply by pointing and clicking.
applets 38 applied person-day

applets Small computer applications pro- letters and reports, data sharing, equal employ-
grams that allow new and powerful interac- ment opportunity applicant ow, electronic
tions between Web servers and Web clients. posting of job descriptions, invitation sched-
appliance A low cost personal computer ules, letter history, past employer retrieval,
designed specically for Internet access or recruiter statistics, rsum scanning, routing
some specialized business use. Examples are status, school and college retrieval, skills
the Apple iMac and Compaq iPAQ. Often retrieval, source statistics, and standard letters.
called a network appliance. application A computer program written to
appliance service In employee relocation, perform specic functions, such as inventory
preparing household appliances before they control, preparation of spread sheets, and
are loaded onto the moving van. May include word processing.
draining the washing machine and securing its application forms Tools for screening appli-
tumbler, disconnecting and reconnecting any cants for positions. They are also mine elds
appliance, or proper drainage and hose care for the unwary because of the danger of vio-
for a portable dishwasher or refrigerator ice lating equal employment opportunity laws
maker. such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
applicant les Files initiated upon receipt of 1964, Executive Order 11246, Age Discrim-
applications for positions and les of persons ination in Employment Act of 1967, and
who were not selected or who withdrew their Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
applications before a selection was made. Areas of potential difculty include education
Although their useful life is relatively short (dates of attendance and graduation indicate
(usually 1 or 2 years), they can be a lucrative age), military background, arrest record, rel-
source of candidates for vacant positions. atives, physical handicaps, marital and paren-
Sometimes mistakenly called active les. tal status, and housing arrangements.
applicant specications A stafng document application programming interface (API)
that describes: (1) what an applicant for a A set of software interfaces that allows unre-
specic position should know the technical, lated applications to communicate with each
professional, and managerial knowledge other and diverse services.
needed to perform the job; (2) what the appli- application service provider (ASP) A busi-
cant should be able to do the technical, ness that develops a software application for
professional, and managerial skills required to use over the Internet for a rental fee. Subscrib-
enter the position; (3) what the applicant ers can log onto its Web site and use their
should be the educational background, browsers to gain access to the software.
kind and amount of training and experience, application software Computer programs
and the personal qualities essential for success that perform tasks for users. Personal produc-
at the entry level; and (4) what the applicant tivity software includes spreadsheets, word
can expect the nature of the job, compen- processing, and databases. Functional or
sation offered, job functions, duties, authority, departmental applications include benets,
and responsibility, position in the hierarchical human resources, information, and payroll.
structure, and potential for advancement. applied behavior management (ABM) A n
They are used in recruiting, screening, select- organizational and individual change process
ing, training, assigning, developing, and pro- used to assist the organization to involve
moting personnel. employees in improving quality, productiv-
applicant tracking system (ATS) A comput- ity, and prots. It focuses on individual and
erized system used to track applicants for posi- team performance improvement in areas
tions from receipt of an application, directly related to the goals and objectives of
through the initial interview, to offer and the organization.
acceptance/rejection and tabulate evalua- applied billing entry Time spent on specic
tions of the organizations recruiting process projects, activities, or clients that can be billed.
by the candidates. Some applications provide applied person-day In calculating HR costs
activity statistics, applicant proles, custom and benets, an employees cost per applied
applied rate 39 A.P.R.A. Fuel Oil Buyers Group

person-day is that persons full cost per day A potential craftsman, such as a cabinet
divided by his or her applied rate. The calcu- maker, is apprenticed to a recognized arti-
lation should include training costs incurred san for a period of years, during which the
in preparing for the assignment. Usually for apprentice learns the skills by observing and
HR professionals with a 70 to 75% applied performing the work under the tutelage and
rate, the applied person-day will equal about guidance of the master craftsman. Currently
four times the direct salary cost per day. there are about 1200 apprenticeable occupa-
applied rate In calculating HR costs and tions. Each state has a director who, together
benets, a workers applied rate is the number with eld representatives, works with state
of hours billed to applied projects or clients government, business, industry, organizations,
divided by the total number of hours paid in and labor to establish and maintain complete
a given time period. For HR professionals, it training programs. Apprenticeship program
is unquestionably the single most important standards are established jointly by the orga-
productivity indicator. For them it should nization, and, where appropriate, labor unions
remain in the 70 to 75% range. and the U.S. Department of Labor.
applied research Research directed at discov- appropriateness Health care for which the
ering new scientic knowledge that has direct expected health benet exceeds the expected
application to specic problems and issues or negative consequences by a margin sufcient
the development of new products, processes, to justify treatment.
and services that relate to the goals and objec- appropriate penalty A legal doctrine pertain-
tives of the rm. ing to cases of unlawful discharge. It asks,
appraisal See performance appraisal. Was the degree of discipline administered by
Appraised Value Home Sale Program I n the employer reasonably commensurate with
employee relocation, a program that uses a the seriousness of the offense and the
combination of real estate appraisals or market
employees record of performance with the
analyses to determine the value of a property
being acquired from a transferring employee.
appropriations bills Annual legislation that
appraising Assessing and evaluating objects,
provides the funds for the operation of the
processes, products, services, and people.
federal government. There are 13 regular
appreciative inquiry (AI) A theory of orga-
appropriations bills (such as those for defense
nizational change. It involves ve principles:
and agriculture) and an indenite number of
(1) principle of constructionism fact and
special or supplementary appropriations bills
reality are created by common consensus, not
to provide funds for unanticipated expenses.
by individual perception and opinion; (2) prin-
ciple of simultaneity asking questions about approved amount See approved charges.
an organization is not a neutral event because approved charges Medical insurance pay-
inquiry is an intervention; (3) poetic principle ments based largely on what the policy (or law
organizations must be studied as social sys- in the case of Medicare) denes as reason-
tems, not machines; (4) anticipatory principle able charges or the amounts approved by the
the future we anticipate is the future we carrier.
create; and (5) positive principle ferreting apps Computer applications that provide users
out positive experiences and past successes, access to databases; for example, workforce
rather than problem solving, and attempting to management systems, customer relationship
build the future upon those ndings. management, and scheduling.
apprenticeship programs Developed in the A.P.R.A. Fuel Oil Buyers Group, Inc., et al.
Middle Ages by the trade guilds. Although A 1996 National Labor Relations Board deci-
they have declined since the Industrial Revo- sion that entitled illegal immigrants red for
lution, apprenticeship programs remain an union activity to sue for denial of their right
important source of skilled workers in the U.S. to engage in union organizing and collective
The system is used primarily to train laborers, bargaining activities and ordered their rein-
craftsmen, mechanics, and some technicians. statement with back pay.
aptitude 40 area chart

aptitude A combination of innate or acquired assistance regarding accessibility and stan-

abilities that indicates a persons ability to dards for facilities for people with disabilities.
develop skill or prociency in a specic area Monitors and enforces compliance with the
if appropriate training is provided. Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and inves-
aptitude test A psychological test used in hir- tigates complaints about the inaccessibility of
ing, selecting people for training, and career buildings. Developed the ADA accessibility
planning. Similar to tests of general ability but guidelines. Created by a 1974 amendment to
more specialized. Examples of aptitudes are the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Contact:
mechanical, space perception, mathematics, Access Board, 1111 18th St., Ste. 501, Wash-
art, music, and so on, as distinguished from ington, D.C. 20036 (phone 202-272-5434;
general learning ability. Examples of stan- TDD 202-653-7834; fax 202-272-5447;
dardized aptitude tests are Bennetts Test of e-mail; Web site
Mechanical Comprehension, Clerical Abili-
ties Battery, Purdue Mechanical Adaptability Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA)
Test, SRA Tests of Mechanical Aptitude, An act that mandated the design, construc-
Revised Minnesota Paper Form Board Test, tion, or modication of public buildings and
and the last four parts of the MacQuarrie Test facilities owned or leased in whole or in part
for Mechanical Ability. by the federal government (or nanced or
arbitrage Simultaneous purchase and sale of aided by federal funds) to provide means of
two or more different, but closely related, access to handicapped individuals. See also
securities in different markets to take advan- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990;
tage of price disparities. Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
arbitration A formal form of negotiation architectural privacy The physical privacy
used to resolve individual and group disputes (or lack thereof) afforded by ofce workspace.
including labor-management disagreements. Believed to have an impact on employees job
Although it involves a neutral third party, the satisfaction and productivity.
arbitrator, his or her role is considerably dif-
architecture The set of technical standards
ferent from that of a mediator. When the par-
that dene the hardware, system software,
ties to a disagreement accept the arbitration
application software, and communication
process, they also agree to accept the decision
links of a computer system.
of the arbitrator as nal and binding. Arbi-
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) C o u n t r y -
tration is less expensive and time-consuming
wide government-sponsored agencies that
than mediation or litigation, enforcement is
serve as focal points for housing and service
rarely required because both parties agree
options for the aging.
before the proceedings to accept the decision,
and arbitrators are usually better qualied area chart A means of displaying data graph-
than the courts to rule on specic labor ically. Employs geometric gures, drawings,
issues. or pictures to demonstrate the magnitude of
archetypes In systems thinking, there are an effect by the area of the illustration rather
common patterns or themes among large sys- than its length or height. Most often used to
tems, just as there are common themes in art provide an overview of a trend or the cumu-
and music. These generic systemic structures lative effects of individual items over time.
are named for the effects they create, such as
limits to growth, drifting goals, and escalation.
Archie On the Internet, a computer search sys-
tem created by McGill University that scans
le transfer protocol sites around the world
for downloadable les.
2 to 4
Architectural and Transportation Barriers 11 to 13
8 to 10
Compliance Board (ABCB) A f e d e r a l 5 to 7
entity that provides information and technical Cartoon Viewing by Age Group
area counseling services 41 aromatherapy

area counseling services See destination ser- services, food services, lawn and garden
vices company. shops, department stores, owers, dry clean-
area differential An allowance paid to ing, barber shops and beauty services, tax
employees assigned to a foreign country or preparation, video rental, car rental, wedding
certain geographic areas in the U.S. for hard- registry, photo developing, and optical shops.
ship factors in the former case and different Accepts cash, personal checks, and several
average pay levels or cost of living in the latter major credit cards.
case. Army Aviation Association of America
area studies See cross-cultural training. (AAAA) An organization of approximately
area wage survey A formal or informal sur- 16,000 members open to all persons who
vey of the going rate for jobs in a particular desire to support the advancement of U.S.
geographical area used to price benchmark Army aviation or its allied pursuits. The pur-
jobs. Surveys may be made by individual pose of AAAA is to advance the status, overall
rms, professional and technical organiza- esprit, and the general knowledge and ef-
tions, and the U.S. governments Bureau of ciency of persons who are professionally
Labor Statistics. BLS conducts area wage sur- engaged anywhere in the overall eld of US
veys annually. Army Aviation. Contact: AAAA, 49 Rich-
Armed Forces Procurement Act of 1947 mondville Ave., Westport, CT 06880-2000
(AFPA) In purchasing, contracting, and (phone 203-226-8184; fax 203-222-9863;
marketing, a statute covering all Department e - m a i l a a a a @ q u a d - a . o r g ; We b s i t e
of Defense procurement authority. It gives the
Department of Defense authorization to pub- Army College Fund A program of educa-
lish its Armed Services Procurement Regu- tional benets. If a service member enlists in
lations, which establish the broad guidelines one of about 50 Military Occupational Spe-
under which military procurements are made. cialties, the Army will contribute up to
Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act of 2003 $14,400 toward the individuals college edu-
Legislation would (1) ease capital gains cation, the total amount depending on the
taxes on military members home sales by number of years served.
exempting up to 5 years spent away from Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Mea-
home on military orders from counting toward sures general overall tness: the muscular
the requirement to have occupied the home endurance of two upper body muscles, the
for at least 2 of the 5 years immediately pre- pectorals major and the triceps, and anaerobic
ceding sale; (2) exempt from taxation the full and aerobic tness levels.
$6000 death gratuity paid to survivors of Army Procurement Procedure (APP) In
members who die on active duty (now limited contracting and marketing, procurement pro-
to $3000); (3) authorize a tax deduction for cedures promulgated by the U.S. Army to sup-
drill-related travel and lodging expenses for plement the Armed Forces Procurement Act
reservists who must drill at another location. of 1947.
Passed by the House on March 20, 2003. Army Reserve Tuition Assistance Program
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery A program for which reservists attending
(ASVAB) A battery of aptitude tests admin- college may apply. If they qualify and com-
istered to men and women prior to their enlist- plete required military training, reservists may
ment in the Armed Forces. It is used to select be eligible to receive a part of their tuition for
military occupational/career elds and to approved college courses.
qualify for training in those elds. aromatherapy A botanical form of alternative
A r m y A i r Fo rc e E x c h a n g e S e r v i c e medical treatment involving the use of oils
(AAFES) A non-pay benet for active and from palms in conjunction with facial, mas-
retired military personnel and their depen- sage, or inhalation treatment. Believed to
dents and some military reservists. Provides enhance circulation, relieve tension, and
substantial savings on products and services, improve the skin by stimulating the olfactory
including gasoline stations and automotive nerves.
arrangement item 42 ASCII file

arrangement item An objective test item that Ave., Ste. 240, Clearwater, FL 34615 (phone
requires the testee to arrange terms, numbers, 727-461-4054; fax 727-449-9227; Web site
symbols, phrases, or sentences in order in
accordance with some principle or scheme. Article 15 See nonjudicial punishment.
array In video, a grouping of storage devices, Article 32 investigation The military version
such as a hard disk array. of a grand jury. The convening authority,
arrhythmia Irregular heartbeat that occurs usually a ag ofcer, appoints an ofcer to
when the electrical system of the heart is dis- conduct a preliminary investigation to deter-
turbed. Often caused by a buildup of choles- mine whether a case against a service member
terol plaque inside the coronary arteries, should be dropped or prosecuted. However,
which prevents adequate oxygen from getting the hearing ofcer can only recommend a
to parts of the heart. course of action, which may be accepted or
arteriography An x-ray technique used to rejected by the convening authority.
obtain detailed close-ups of affected areas in articulation disorder A s p e e c h p r o b l e m
arteriosclerosis. A special dye is injected in manifested in unclear, imprecise voicing of
the leg or arm and the x-ray reveals the arterial sounds. For example, words involving the s
sections that the dyes cannot easily penetrate sound and its voiced correlative z (the most
due to blockage. common error); r with a w substitute; l with
arteriosclerosis A type of coronary artery dis- an s substitute; and the sh and zh sounds.
ease (hardening of the arteries) caused by Lallation is a common problem of articulation
accumulation of fatty deposits (triglycerides in which the r, l, t, d, and/or s sounds are
and cholesterol) inside the arteries. The depos- defective.
its narrow the blood vessels and may lead to articial intelligence (AI) The general term
spasm of the arteries with partial or complete applied to systems and research in the elds
obstruction, which in turn may cause conges- of robotics, machine vision, speech recogni-
tive heart failure, stroke, or heart attack. tion, natural languages, and EXPERT sys-
arthritis A disease that affects one in seven tems that attempt to emulate or duplicate the
Americans (36.2 million). It takes several various forms of human activity or human
forms: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, thought processes that do not have computa-
gout, bromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, tional aspects. Business uses include comput-
scleroderma, and polymyalgia rheumatica. erized stock market analysis, e-commerce
Arthritis Foundation A not-for-prot organi- data mining, and medical diagnosis.
zation whose mission is to support research Articial Intelligence Learning Systems
to nd the cure for and prevention of arthritis (AILS) A means of enhancing learning.
and to improve the quality of life for those Applications include automated online test-
affected by arthritis. The Foundation also con- ing, diagnosis, and feedback; business simu-
ducts education programs for health profes- lations; information management; and learn-
sionals, provides community education and ing networks.
support services for people with arthritis and articial reality See virtual reality.
their families, informs the public about arthri- Asbestos Regulations Regulations issued by
tis, and advocates the interests of people the Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-
affected by arthritis. Contact: Arthritis Foun- tration that cover employees who are exposed
dation, P.O. Box 7669, Atlanta, GA 30357- to asbestos at work. 29CFR1910.1001 covers
0669 (phone 800-283-7800 or 404-872-7100; such requirements as air monitoring, ventila-
e-mail; Web site tion, and engineering controls; use of respira- tory protection, protective clothing, and
Arthritis Research Institute of America equipment; and clean-up procedures and safe
(ARIA) A research organization devoted to work practices.
eliminating the pain and suffering of osteoar- ASCII le A computer data le that contains
thritis through research. Sponsors research on only ASCII characters with no special code
related topics. Contact: ARIA, 300 S. Duncan for formatting, page layout, and so on. Nearly
Asian 43 assigned sale program

every computer application program can read self-evaluation exercises; group interaction;
and store these les. assertiveness exercises; and feedback on
Asian An ethnic or racial category used for assertive-responsive behavior patterns.
federal statistical reporting and the 2000 cen- assessment See evaluation.
sus. Persons having origins in any of the Far assessment center A structured method of
Eastern, Southeast Asian, or the Indian sub- screening and selecting people for assignment
continent countries (e.g., Cambodia, China, or promotion to executive, managerial, or
India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Phil- supervisory positions. Over a period of 2 or 3
ippines, Thailand, and Vietnam). days, and under the direction of a team of
Asia-Pacic Economic Cooperation (APEC) evaluators, participants deal with a variety of
A coalition of 18 nations similar to the Euro- realistic management problems and situations.
pean Community established to promote eco- They engage in simulations and business
nomic health and free trade within the area by games, in-basket exercises, role playing,
2020. mock staff meetings, and decision making
Ask-a-Nurse A toll-free, medical and health exercises; undergo psychological tests and
hot line operated nationwide. It is staffed by projective techniques; and engage in group
experienced and specially trained registered discussion and self-evaluation. Evaluators
nurses around the clock, seven days a week. observe, assess, and record participants
The service provides answers to questions behavior and performance, critique group
about illnesses, injuries, and general health as exercises, interview participants, and combine
well as information on local medical and their appraisals in a formal report. Assessment
health resources, including referrals to area centers can also be used to diagnose training
physicians, hospitals, and community ser- and development needs.
vices. Nurses stafng the hot line use a com- asset allocation The process of dividing money
puter database of clinical protocols approved between and among different types of assets,
by physicians as the basis for the advice and such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash.
assistance they provide. Ask-a-Nurse is a reg- The purpose is to generate the desired overall
istered trademark of McKesson Corporation. return while minimizing risk.
(Web site asset appreciation plan See book value plan.
assault In law, an apparent offer, attempt, or asset-based securitization (ABS) A low-cost
threat to harm another person without actually alternative to traditional nancing. Allows
carrying out the violent act. companies to lower working capital without
assembly line manufacturing A system of pressuring customers and clients.
workstations operated by workers who per- asset disposition A means of taking a com-
form only one or two closely related tasks in pany out of the market and going private. It
the manufacturing sequence. The product is involves the purchase of all of a companys
moved between workstations on tracks or assets by acquisition companies through a
belts. Designed to simplify and speed up planned liquidation that returns funds to
production. shareholders.
assertiveness training (A/T) Training pro- assets Items owned by a company such as cash
vided to build assertiveness (not aggressive- and bank deposits, marketable securities,
ness), improve the job performance and satis- accounts receivable, inventories, and invest-
faction of managers and supervisors, establish ments in other companies; land, plant, and
models of managerial behavior, reduce anxi- equipment; and, sometimes, goodwill or other
eties in handling interpersonal relationships intangibles, all stated on the basis of purchase
on the job, enhance employees self-image, prices and not on current or market value.
and help managers protect themselves from assigned sale program In employee reloca-
manipulation or aggression. Strategies are tion, a program that typically uses a combina-
rooted in behavior modication and include tion of real estate appraisals or market analy-
personal inventory of participants skills, atti- ses to determine an initial offer to purchase a
tudes, habits, and values; self-analysis and property from a transferring employee. If the
assignment 44 The Association for Behavior Analysis

employee is able to negotiate an independent, help in walking or moving around. An exam-

bona de offer that exceeds the initial offer, ple is closed-caption video. Medicare may pay
the employee will assign his or her position for all or a part of the cost if the device is
in the closing to the acquiring company. The prescribed by a physician.
assigned value is used to acquire the property assistive listening device (ALD) A device
only if the independent offer closes. for people with hearing impairments man-
assignment A process through which a physi- dated for availability by the Americans with
cian or medical supplier agrees to accept an Disabilities Act of 1990 during all meetings
organizations (or Medicares part B) payment and conventions. Examples of ALDs are infra-
as payment in full except for specic coinsur- red and FM systems, both of which can be
ance and deductible amounts required of the moved from meeting room to meeting room
patient. Medicare usually pays 80% of the or permanently installed.
approved amount directly to the physician or assistive product See assistive device.
supplier after the beneciary meets the annual assistive technology See assistive device.
part B deductible of $100. The beneciary Assistive Technology Act of 1998 Supports
pays the other 20%. programs of grants to states to address the
assignment of benets In health insurance, assistive technology needs of individuals with
authorization by an enrollee or spouse for the disabilities. Approved November 13, 1998.
insurer to issue payment of benets directly association One of the basic forms of learning
to the provider. in which the learner is helped to make con-
assistant-to assignment See understudy nections between related objects, ideas, or
assignment. other items or recognize a sequence that must
assisted housing See board and care home; be followed.
congregate housing; continuing care retire- association discrimination clause A provi-
ment community; independent living center. sion of the Americans with Disabilities Act
assisted living One of ve settings for long- that prevents an employer from taking adverse
term care. A housing arrangement in which action against an employee or job applicant
room, meals, and help as needed with bathing, based on the knowledge that the employee has
dressing, getting in and out of bed, and pro- a relationship or is associated with someone
tective oversight are provided. See also adult with a disability.
day care; home care; nursing home; respite Association for Applied Interactive Multi-
care. media (AAIM) An international organiza-
assisted reproductive technology (ART) tion established to support professionals who
Procedures that enable a woman with other- use and develop interactive multimedia for
wise untreatable infertility to become preg- education and training, including members
nant through any articial conception proce- with backgrounds in K12 education, higher
dures, such as articial insemination, in vitro education, business, industry, health care, and
fertilization, and embryo transfer. Neither the government. AAIM has recently expanded its
procedure nor services and supplies related to role to include professionals in commerce and
the procedure are typically covered by health information. Promotes communication
care plans. through workshops, conferences, and a Web
Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of site. Contact: AAIM, P.O. Box 892 Charles-
1997 Claries federal law with respect to ton, SC 29402-0892 (e-mail;
restricting the use of federal funds in support Web site
of assisted suicide, including euthanasia and The Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA)
mercy killing. Approved April 30, 1997. A 2500-member international association, its
assistive device A service or product pur- mission is to promote the experimental, theo-
chased or rented to help older or disabled per- retical, and applied analysis of behavior and
sons to function better or more safely at home. provide a forum for the discussion of issues and
May include devices for people with hearing the dissemination of information pertinent to
and vision impairments and those who need the interests of members. Also called Society
Association for Career and Technical Education 45 Association for Worksite Health Promotion

for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis. 877-677-AECT or 812-335-7675; e-mail

Contact: ABA, 213 West Hall, 1903 West; Web site
Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49008- Association for Experiential Education
5301(phone 269-387-8341/42; fax 269-387- (AEE) A not-for-prot, international, pro-
8354; e-mail; fessional organization with approximately
Web site 2000 members in 35 countries. AEE has roots
Association for Career and Technical Edu- in adventure education; is committed to the
cation (ACTE) Formerly the American development, practice, and evaluation of
Technical Association. An organization whose experiential learning in all settings; and serves
mission is to provide educational leadership as a national resource for experiential educa-
in developing a competitive work force. Spe- tion, including service learning. Provides
cic purposes are to encourage career devel- materials, training, networking, and informa-
opment, professional involvement, and lead- tion. Contact: AEE, 2305 Canyon Blvd. Ste.
ership among members; foster excellence in 100, Boulder, CO 80302-5651(phone 303-
vocational-technical education; advocate 440-8844; fax 303-440-9581; e-mail cathe-
national public policy to benet vocational-; Web site
technical education; and market vocational- Association for Investment Management and
technical education. Contact: ACTE, 1410 Research (AIMR) An international, non-
King St., Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 703- prot organization of over 50,000 investment
683-3111; fax 703-683-7424; e-mail acteon- professionals in 100 countries, including
line@org; Web site research analysts, investment counselors,
Association for Continuing Higher Educa- portfolio managers, and others in the industry.
tion, Inc. (ACHE) An institution-based Offers professional conduct services, continu-
organization of colleges, universities, and ing education programs, and publications for
individuals in 48 states, the District of Colum- investment professionals. Sponsors the Insti-
bia, and 10 foreign countries and with 1944 tute for Financial Analysts, which awards
individual members representing over 699 dif- the Chartered Financial Analyst designa-
ferent institutions and organizations. ACHE is tion. Contact: AIMR, P.O. Box 3668, 560
dedicated to the promotion of lifelong learn- Ray C. Hunt Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22903-
ing and excellence in continuing higher edu- 0668 (phone 800-247-8132 or 434-951-5499;
cation. It encourages professional networks, fax 434-951-5262; e-mail;
research, and exchange of information and Web site
advocates continuing higher education as a Association for Quality and Participation
means of enhancing and improving society. (AQP) A 8000+-member nonprot profes-
Contact: ACHE, Trident Technical College, sional association dedicated to serving all
P.O. Box 118067, CE-M, Charleston, SC phases of quality improvement and participa-
29423-8067 (phone 800-807-ACHE; fax 843- tion though training, national and regional
574-6470; e-mail irene.barrineau@trident- conferences, publications, and local chapters.; Web site AQPs mission is to serve as an advocate and
Association for Educational Communica- learning resource for individuals, teams, orga-
tions and Technology (AECT) An inter- nizations, and communities to design, imple-
national professional association of 5,000 ment, and sustain quality and participation
members, the leading organization represent- processes for high performance. Contact:
ing instructional technology professionals. AQP, P.O. Box 2055, Milwaukee, WI 53201-
The mission of AECT is to provide leader- 2055 (phone 800-733-3310 or 513-381-1959;
ship in educational communications and fax 513-381-0070; e-mail; Web
technology by linking professionals holding site
a common interest in the use of educational Association for Worksite Health Promotion
technology and its application to the learning (AWHP) An organization of 2500 members
process. Contact: AECT, 1800 N. Stonelake whose mission is to enhance the personal and
Dr. Suite 2, Bloomington, IN 47408 (phone organizational health and well-being of
association health plan (AHP) 46 Association of Management Consulting

employees and their families throughout the standards; further professional development;
world. AWHP advocates the value of worksite increase activity in corporate, government,
health promotion, supports health promotion and community affairs; and increase commun-
professionals through education, provides ication among members. Contact: ACTE, 515
resources to those who offer health promotion King Street, Suite 340, Alexandria, VA 22314
at the workplace, and serves as a catalyst to (phone 800-228-3669 or 703-683-5322; fax
advance research and learning. Formerly the 703-683-2720; e-mail; Web
Association for Fitness in Business. Contact: site
AWHP, 60 Revere Dr., Ste. 500, Northbrook, Association of Destination Management
IL 60062 (phone 847-480-9574; fax 847-480- Executives (ADME). A professional associ-
9282; e-mail; Web site ation that includes location-specic profes- sionals whose work complements the efforts
association health plan (AHP) A proposed of meeting planners. The association includes
plan to enable groups of small businesses to 2400 representatives from more than 40 of the
band together under trade association auspices estimated 4500 destination management com-
to purchase health plans at more reasonable panies in the United States. Contact: ADME,
rates than they might otherwise get. 3401 Quebec Street, Ste. 4050, Denver, CO
association management company An orga- 80207 (phone 303-394-3905; fax 303-394-
nization that manages business, trade, service, 3450; e-mail; Web site
and professional associations and provides
meeting and conference management services The Association of Executive Search Con-
for those organizations. Such organizations sultants (AESC). An organization of profes-
provide another career track for meeting man- sional retained executive search rms world-
agement professionals. wide. Membership is granted only to rms
association meeting A meeting attended by that have been evaluated by the AESC as hav-
members of a professional, scientic, or trade ing the highest standards of conduct, compe-
association, often including an exposition of tence, and professionalism within the execu-
products and services by vendors who provide tive search community. Firms admitted to
those products and services to the profession membership in the AESC have passed a rig-
or trade. orous admission review by their professional
The Association of Career Management peers. Contact: AESC, 500 Fifth Avenue,
Consulting Firms International See The Ste. 930, New York NY 10110-0900 (phone
Association of Outplacement Consulting 212-398-9556; fax 212-398-9560; e-mail
Firms International.; Web site
Association of Collegiate Conference and Association of Information Technology Pro-
E v e n t s D i re c t o r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l fessionals (AITP). An organization of about
(ACCEDI) An organization of 1400+ mem- 9500 members and more than 5000 student
bers representing 600 institutions who provide members representing information systems
conference and special event services at col- professionals throughout the U.S. and Canada.
leges and universities. Established to improve, AITPs mission is to promote effective and
promote, and recognize excellence in the col- responsible management of information tech-
legiate conference and events profession. nology for the benet of its members, their
Contact: ACCEDI, Colorado State University, employers, and society. Formerly the Data
Fort Collins, CO 80523-8037 (phone 970- Processing Management Association. Con-
491-5151; fax: 970-491-0667; Web site tact: AITP, 401 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 2200, Chicago, IL 60611-4267 (phone 800-224-
Association of Corporate Travel Executives 9371 or 312-245-1070; fax 312-527-6636;
(ACTE) A professional international associ- e - m a i l a i t p _ h q @ a i t p . o r g ; We b s i t e
ation of 2400 members in more than 30 coun-
tries involved in the business travel industry. Association of Management Consulting
ACTEs objectives are to advance educational Firms (AMCF) An international association
Association of Meeting Professionals (AMP) 47 ASTD Member Unit Awards

of rms engaged in the practice of consulting The Association of Outplacement Consulting

to management. Its mission is to promote Firms International (AOCFI) Also known
excellence and integrity in the profession and as The Association of Career Management
better understanding of the profession within Consulting Firms International. The trade
the business community, government, aca- association for the career management indus-
demia, and the general public. AMCF serves try, AOCFI is an association whose members
as the voice of the industry on major issues. provide a wide range of services: career man-
Contact: AMCF, 380 Lexington Avenue, Suite agement, human resource consulting, execu-
1700, New York, NY 10168 (phone 212-551- tive coaching, leadership development, suc-
7887; fax 212-551-7934; e-mail info@amcf. cession planning, outplacement, workforce
org; Web site deployment, and assessment. Contact:
AOCFI, 204 E Street, N.E., Washington, DC
Association of Meeting Professionals (AMP)
20002 (phone 202-547-6344; fax 202-547-
With a membership of more than 350 planner
6348; e-mail; Web site
and service providers, AMP is a nonprot
association established to meet the educa-
Association of South East Asian Nations
tional and professional needs of individuals (ASEAN) A 25-year-old economic and
working in meeting management and related tourism alliance of six East Asian countries:
elds. Educational and networking programs Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
cover such topics as technological advances Singapore, and Thailand.
in the industry, contract negotiations and legal Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) A pri-
issues in meeting planning, association certi- vate, nonprot educational association of
cation, and international meeting planning. 112,000 individual and 225 industrial mem-
Contact: AMP, 2025 M Street, NW, Washing- bers open to all active, reserve, and civilian
ton, DC 20036 (phone 202-973-8686; fax personnel in the Army and anyone who sub-
202-973-8722; e-mail AMPS@courtesyas- scribes to the association bylaws. Its mission; Web site is to foster public understanding and support
Association of Military Surgeons of the of the Army and the people who serve in it.
United States (AMSUS) An association of Contact: AUSA, 2425 Wilson Blvd., P.O. Box
13,000 members. Open to past and present 1560, Arlington, VA 22210-3385 (phone 800-
enlisted personnel in grades E-5 through E-9; 336-4570 or 703-841-4300; e-mail ausa-
Regular, Reserve, or National Guard commis-; Web site
sioned and warrant ofcers; GS-7 and above association skills In creative problem solving,
civilians in the medical services of the U.S. the ability to do chain thinking: gearing the
Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, US. Coast imagination to memory, using sounds rather
than words, and causing one thought to lead
Guard, U.S. Public Health Service, and
to another rather than concentrating on a
Department of Veterans Affairs; ofcers of
sequential series of steps characteristic of log-
military medical services of other nations;
ical thought.
and past and present medical consultants to
ASTD BEST Awards Presented annually by
the chiefs of the federal medical services. Its
the American Society for Training and Devel-
mission is to advance the knowledge of fed- opment to honor organizations that foster a
eral health care and increase the effectiveness learning culture and demonstrate enterprise-
and efciency of its membership by mutual wide success or achievement as a result of
association and by the consideration of mat- employee learning and development. For
ters pertaining to constituent services in peace more information, go to
and in war. Contact: AMSUS, 9320 Old virtual_communityawards.
Georgetown Rd., Bethesda, MD 20814-1653 ASTD Member Unit Awards Awards pre-
(phone 800-761-9320 or 301-897-8800; fax sented annually to members of the American
301-530-5446; e-mail; Society for Training and Developments Pro-
Web site fessional Practice and Network organizations
asthma 48 atherosclerosis

who have contributed to the human resource transmission to a location using standard tele-
development profession and for service to a phone wiring already in place. Used in enter-
specic unit area. Areas included are Career tainment, education, healthcare, and multi-
Development, Instructional Technology, media retrieval.
International, Management Development, asymmetric encryption Uses two keys to
Organization Development, Sales and Mar- transmit an electronic message: a public key
keting, Technical and Skills Training, Auto- to scramble and a private key to unscramble,
motive Industry, Disabilities Awareness, or vice versa.
Employee Involvement, Mind/Brain Network, asynchronous 1. In multimedia, communicat-
Multicultural Network, Secretarial and Cleri- ing in other than real time (e.g., by e-mail).
cal Trainers Network, and Womens Network. 2. In training, instruction that is not provided
Selected by an awards committee from nom- in real time, such as CBT, CD-ROM, and more
inees by reviewing documentation and direct traditional self-study modes (books, manuals,
contacts with the nominating individual and audio, and video).
other persons with direct knowledge of the asynchronous computer conferencing (ACC)
accomplishments of the individual or group. A training delivery option. Uses computers to
Contact: ASTD National Awards Program,
provide trainee-to-trainee interaction in a
Attn: Dawn Temple, 1640 King St., Box 1443,
high-tech setting, ranging from specially
Alexandria, VA 22313-2043 (phone 703-683-
designed classrooms to individual worksta-
8100; fax 703-683-8103; e-mail info.cen-
tions. An effective means of providing team; Web site
training. Enables trainees to learn when they
asthma A disease that occurs when the mus-
need to or when it is convenient for them.
cles surrounding the bronchial tubes contract,
System can incorporate graphics and video
when the membranes that line the interior of
asynchronous learning Learning in which
the tubes expand, or when excess mucus is
interaction between instructors or teachers
secreted by the mucous glands inside the
bronchial walls. These conditions prevent air and trainees or learners occurs intermittently
from passing freely to and from the lungs. with a time delay (e.g., e-mail or course mod-
astigmatism Distortion of curvature of the ules learned by means of CD-ROM). Online
eyeball and its lens, leading to distorted focus- examples include demonstrations and learning
ing and blurred vision, often accompanied by labs, on-site coaching, mentoring, and home
eyestrain and headaches. Correctable by eye assignments.
glasses or contact lenses. asynchronous learning network (ASL) A
asylee An alien in the U.S. or at a port of entry network for learning that combines self-study
who is found to be unable or unwilling to with signicant and meaningful asynchronous
return to his or her country of nationality or interactivity with others.
to seek the protection of that country because asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) A com-
of persecution or a well-founded fear of per- munications technology that uses high-band-
secution. Persecution or the fear thereof must width, low-delay switching and multiplexing
be based on the aliens race, religion, nation- techniques. Using dedicated media connec-
ality, membership in a particular social group, tions, ATM is said to be able to provide simul-
or political opinion. For persons with no taneous transport of voice, video, and data
nationality, the country of nationality is con- signals more than 50 times faster than current
sidered to be the country in which the alien systems.
last habitually resided. Asylees are eligible to atherosclerosis Accumulation of deposits of
adjust to lawful permanent resident status fats and cholesterol (plaques) inside the blood
after 1 year of continuous presence in the U.S. vessels, especially the arteries. May cause
These immigrants are limited to 10,000 hypertension, kidney failure, narrowing of the
adjustments per scal year. coronary arteries (angina pectoris), leg
asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) cramps, dizziness and headaches, diminished
A term used to describe one-way digital intellectual capacity, and stroke symptoms. A
ATM card 49 audience analysis

part of the aging process and ultimately the identied by other means. The survey can
cause of death for many persons. uncover the causes of problems, probe feel-
ATM card A card issued by a bank that allows ings about situations or conditions, and elicit
the user, by paying a fee, to withdraw cash ideas for preventive actions.
from an automated teller machine. Some attorney-in-fact The agent appointed by the
ATMs sell airline tickets, postage stamps, and principal or creator of a power of attorney
travelers checks. to act on the principals behalf.
at-risk student A person who will most likely attribute bundles A collection of knowledge,
not graduate from high school whether due to skills, and attitudes or tasks, outputs, and
a disadvantaged home, poor self-esteem, or an results. Examples are encompassed by such
undetected learning disability. terms as leadership and decision making.
attention decit disorder (ADD) A learning (Attributed to Patricia A. McLagan, Compe-
disability characterized by any eight of the tencies for the Next Generation, Training &
following symptoms: disorganization, dis- Development, May 1997, p. 41. American
tractibility, impulsiveness, overactivity, argu- Society for Training & Development,
mentativeness, low frustration tolerance, reprinted with permission.) See also knowl-
mood swings, forgetting, problems with rela- edge, skills, and attitude competencies; output
tionships, frequent job changes, under- competencies; result competencies; superior-
achievement, high intelligence quotient, performer differentiators; task competencies.
increased creativity, and compensation for any attribute listing A group ideational technique
of the foregoing. The syndrome is believed to involving the simple listing of the parts and
be genetic in origin, most likely a neurochem- then the properties, characteristics, basic qual-
ical failure in the system of the brain that ities, distinguishing features, or attributes of
controls attention. the part and the whole object, concept, prob-
attention decit, hyperactivity disorder lem, or idea on a chalkboard for individual
(ADHD) A form of attention decit disor- attack. Attention then turns to each of the
der. A neurological syndrome that is charac- entries, using them as a checklist to force
terized by impulsive and excessively chaotic group members to look at all aspects of the
and uncontrolled movement (sometimes play- item and systematically generate ways to
ful, oftentimes destructive), distractibility, change, modify, or improve its characteristics.
and hyperactivity or excess energy. Consid- attrition Usually expressed as attrition rate,
ered by some experts as a motivational disor- which is the percentage of trainees dropped
der. Treatment includes medication (either from training due to failure to maintain normal
stimulants, such as dextro-amphetamine sul- progress or achieve established standards.
phate [trade name, Ritalin], or antidepres- attrition charge A fee assessed by hotels for
sants, such as desipramine [trade name, Nor- failure to ll rooms reserved for meetings.
pramin]), behavior management techniques, attrition clause In meeting planner contracts
and psychotherapy. with hotels, a clause that states how a decrease
attention, interest, desire, and action in attendance and the number of rooms and
(AIDA) A four-point guide used by special- meals booked between the signing of the con-
ists when advertising job openings: (1) attract tract and the dates of the event will be handled.
attention, (2) develop interest; (3) create Some planning rms have begun including a
desire; and (4) stimulate action. clause in their group booking contracts that
attestation clause The nal paragraph of a requires hotels to pay full commission on
will where the witnesses sign. income from penalties assessed to groups that
attitude and opinion survey A device de- did not use their entire room blocks. Also
signed to elicit information about employee called slippage clause.
ideas, feelings, attitudes, concerns, expecta- attrition penalty See attrition charge.
tions, and preferences on a broad range of at-will-employment See employment at will.
managerial issues, from problem identication audience analysis Scrutinizing and assessing
to in-depth analysis of potential problems an audience in terms of composition (sex, age,
audioconferencing 50 authentication

occupation, and so on), objectives, and rea- audit 1. A planned and systematic means of
sons for attending a presentation or training assessing the managerial, nancial, or other
session for planning and preparation to ensure aspect of the status of company planning,
that objectives, content, structure, methods, operations, and control and the extent to
materials, language, and examples are appro- which corporate policies, procedures, and
priate. practices are being carried out. It invariably
audioconferencing Voice-only interactive involves interview and observation; review of
communication among three or more sites by records and reports; and administration, tabu-
telephone. See also Voice Over Internet lation, and analysis of questionnaires and sur-
Protocol. veys. When possible, it includes measurement
audiographics A technology that permits against standards; identication and analysis
simultaneous transmission of voice communi- of shortfalls, deviations, and violations; deter-
cations and graphic images by means of tele- mination of causes; identication, selection,
phone or radio links. and execution of remedial actions, including
audiographics conferencing Connecting improvements to systems and procedures; and
graphic display devices to allow participants follow-up to ensure that corrections have been
in an interactive conference to view high-res- made. 2. A complete review and analysis of a
olution, still-frame visuals, such as facsimile, human resources information system to
slow-scan TV, and 35-mm slides) at different ensure that it is meeting user and corporate
sites. needs.
audiographic transmission Using electronic auditbots Automated (computerized) auditing
means to convey images such as text, num- processes, embedded software in enterprise
bers, and graphics (pictures, diagrams, graphs, resource planning systems, that offer a
tables, and so on) from point to point. Devices means of catching accounting improprieties.
include computers, word processors, and fac- The software runs in sync with standard nan-
simile machines. cial application programs, monitoring trans-
audiologist A hearing care professional who actions conducted by the application, and
specializes in prevention, identication, and watching for violations of preprogrammed
assessment of hearing disorders and provides rules and practices. If and when the software
treatment and rehabilitative services. Practitio- detects a violation, it issues a warning report
ners test and diagnose hearing disorders; pre- to top management.
scribe and dispense hearing aids and assistive auditing 1. The process of taking an objective
listening devices; instruct people in their use; and searching look at an organizations plans,
develop and implement hearing conservation objectives, nancial position, accounting sys-
programs; provide aural rehabilitation services tem and procedures, personnel, facilities,
such as auditory training, speechreading, and products, programs, services, operations,
sign language instruction; and conduct accomplishments, and deciencies. 2. In edu-
research into environmental inuences on cation and training, the practice of sitting in
hearing, new testing methods, and new reha- on classes as if the individual were a student
bilitative devices such as cochlear implants. but not participating in class discussions or
audio mixing In audio and video production, exercises, writing term papers, or taking
combining sound from several sources to cre- exams. Auditors are guests or visitors; they
ate the effect desired by the producer. receive no grades or credits.
audiovisuals (AV) Refers to audio visual authentic assessment See alternative assess-
equipment and materials such as projectuals ment.
(slides, lmstrips, and motion pictures); audio authenticate Establishing the validity of a
and video tapes, cassettes, and discs; photo- user of a service, facility, or a piece of equip-
graphs, drawings, maps, graphs; and so on. ment (such as a server).
audiovisual technician The hotel functionary authentication The process of establishing
responsible for audiovisual equipment rental the validity of a user before allowing access
and ensuring its trouble-free operation. to requested information or a facility. May
authentication systems 51 automated data collection

involve tokens, identication cards, pass- tobacco, pet food, paper goods, alcoholic bev-
words, or account numbers. erages, and soap cannot be purchased with the
authentication systems Technology stan- stamps.
dards for automatically authenticating users to authorized provider Under the Civilian
multiple Web sites (e.g., Sun Microsystems Health and Medical Programs of the Uni-
Identity Server 6.0). Some systems are based formed Services (CHAMPUS), a physician
on the Security Assertion Markup Language. or other individual care provider, or a hospital
authentication token A d ev i c e u s e d t o or supplier, approved by CHAMPUS to pro-
authenticate a user of a secure system by some vide medical care and supplies.
means of challenge/response, time-based code autism A developmental disability whose
sequences, or one-time passwords. manifestations include absence of language or
authentic evaluation S e e p e r f o r m a n c e language delays, resistance to affection, and
assessment. other problem social behaviors. About 70% of
authoring platform The operating system, individuals with autism also have mental
such as Windows or Operating System 9, that retardation. Although the causes of autism are
runs on the computer equipment used to unknown, there is some evidence that it is
develop informational, educational, or enter- linked to brain abnormalities. However, fol-
tainment multimedia programs. lowing intensive education and training focus-
authoring system or software 1. A program ing on communication, usually in an institu-
used to develop computer-based training. It tional setting, autistic behavior can be
typically provides for analysis, management, changed.
branching, graphics, and, sometimes, anima- Autism Society of America (ASA) The lead-
tion. 2. In multimedia, the process of program- ing source of information and referral on
ming text, images, audio, and motion picture autism. Over 20,000 members are connected
clips into a sequenced program. through a working network of over 200 chap-
authorization The process of determining ters in nearly every state. The mission of ASA
what types of activities are permitted in a is to promote lifelong access and opportunity
secure area or with equipment or facilities. for all individuals within the autism spectrum,
authorization bills Legislation that creates and their families, to be fully participating,
and funds new federal programs, extends included members of their community. Con-
authorized programs, or amends programs. tact: ASA, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite
Although some authorization bills are effec- 300, Bethesda, MD 20814-3067; phone 301-
tive for only 1 year, most are multi-year. 657-0881 or 800-3AUTISM; fax 301-657-
authorization cards Cards used by union 0869; e-mail; Web
organizers to sign up the number of employees site
needed to petition for a union election (30% autogenetic training or learning Learning
must sign up). that is unprompted and unforced, self-gener-
Authorization for Use of Military Force A ated and initiated, and spontaneously
joint resolution of Congress authorizing the activated.
use of U.S. Armed Forces against those autologous transfusion Blood transfused
responsible for recent attacks against the U.S. during or following surgery that is obtained
Approved September 18, 2001. in advance from the patient early enough to
Authorization to Participate (ATP) An iden- allow the body to replenish its supply of
tication card issued to persons enrolled in the blood. It is the safest type of transfusion
Food Stamps Program that states how many because the blood is totally compatible.
stamps they are authorized to receive and is automated data collection A means of col-
valid only for the month issued. The card is lecting data for work measurement that
brought to an issuing center, usually a bank, involves programming computers whose
store, or post ofce, where the food stamp terminals are used to perform tasks to record,
coupons are issued. The coupons can be used tabulate, summarize, and report employee per-
to buy food at any store that accepts them, but formance of those tasks (e.g., key strokes per
automated external defibrillator (AED) 52 avatar

minute, lines of type produced per hour, errors (CAM), computer-aided process planning
per hour, and so on). (CAPP), automated handling systems (AMH),
automated external debrillator (AED) A and automated storage and retrieval systems
device used to deliver a machine-controlled (AS/RS).
shock to the heart to restore normal rhythm automobile handling charge In employee
following a sudden cardiac arrest or episode relocation, a charge for the movement of an
of severe heart brillation (a disorganized, automobile that is in addition to charges for
ineffective heart rhythm that interferes with the transport of household goods.
the pumping of blood). The device electroni- autonomous work groups See work teams.
cally assesses the patient and determines autopoesis The principle that says that an
whether the reason no pulse is felt is because organisms deepest motivation is to renew
the heart has stopped or the rhythm is disor- itself continually in such a way that its inner
ganized. It prepares to release an electric nature is maintained.
shock that can interrupt the poor rhythm and auto-regression A statistical technique used
then delivers a debrillating shock only if it to identify a general trend in data rather than
is needed. individual values.
automated teller machine (ATM) A 24-hour, auxiliary aids and services As dened by
7-day-per-week source of cash to persons hav- the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
ing an account and a personal identication a wide range of services and devices for
number (PIN). Each machine holds from ensuring effective communication (but use of
$20,000 to $50,000 in cash in walk-up or advanced technology is not required), such as
drive-up vending machines. qualied interpreters, note takers, computer-
automated ticket/boarding pass (ATB) I n aided transcription services, written materials,
travel management, a card that matches the telephone handset ampliers, assistive listen-
size of an airline ticket. Usually processed at ing systems, telephones compatible with hear-
the boarding gate, it contains an electronic ing aids, closed caption decoders, open and
strip encoded with information and is used in closed captioning, telecommunications
place of a ticket/boarding pass. devices for deaf persons (TTYs) videotext dis-
automated voice response system (AVRS) plays, or other effective methods of making
A telephone system that enables a caller to aurally delivered materials available to indi-
obtain information, such as product, corporate viduals with hearing impairments. Auxiliary
or personal account, or tax information 24 aids and services also include qualied read-
hours per day without waiting for a customer ers, taped texts, audio recordings, Braille
service representative. Such systems some- materials, large-print materials, or other effec-
times require subscribers to enter a conden- tive methods of making visually delivered
tial personal password identication number, materials available to individuals with visual
using a touch-tone telephone and a menu of impairments.
options, and they are talked through each auxiliary personnel See temporary employees.
step in the process. availability forecast Used in human resources
automatic camera A camera that performs the forecasting. Availability is determined by
functions of loading, setting shutter speed and computer analysis that projects the future
lens aperture, and rewinding automatically. capability of the current personnel pool over
automatic enrollment A system for enrolling a specied time frame. The analysis takes into
employees in training programs in which peo- account all anticipated changes in the organi-
ple are automatically and routinely enrolled zations personnel pool due to such factors as
in appropriate training upon hiring, job projected terminations, hires, and transfers
change, promotion, and so on. using historical data and statistics to arrive at
automation Use of programmable machines, the projections.
devices, or robots that can perform certain avatar A three-dimensional graphical design
functions. Examples are computer-aided that represents the physical self. Sometimes
design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing used in virtual chat rooms on the Internet.
average cost 53 Azusa

average cost The total dollar cost incurred purchases through September 30, 1997,
during some relevant period of time divided regardless of the travel date.
by the total number of units produced in that aviophobia Fear of ying.
period. AV Video Multimedia Producer: Creating
average nal compensation A retirement Dynamic Media for Business Published
plan provision that bases retirement benets monthly by PBI Media, LLC, 1201 Seven
on a members earnings in the years immedi- Locks Rd., Potomac, MD 20854 (Corporate
ately preceding retirement. Typically, the Circulation: phone 301-354-2000; fax
average of the 5 highest earning years in the 301-738-7581. Subscriptions: AVVMP,
last 10 years or the highest 3-year average is P.O. Box 3034, Northbrook, IL 60065-3034;
used for the calculation. phone 847-559-7314; fax 847-291-4816;
average length of stay (ALS) In health care, e - m a i l v i d @ m e d i a . c o m ; We b s i t e
the mean number of days of hospitalization
required for a specic procedure or the aver- award An award is a form of reward. It is
age number of days patients at a given facility something bestowed or given, granted for
remain hospitalized. something done. It is not compensation,
average maturity The average maturity of a although it can be either nancial or nonmon-
etary. It is a prize a bonus, trophy, medal,
funds bond portfolio is the average time it
decoration, citation, honor, premium, gift,
takes those bonds to mature. A bond matures
present, grant, or testimonial. Awards are
when it stops paying interest and repays the
given to improve efciency; encourage, rec-
investors principal.
ognize, and reward outstanding achievement
average payment rate (APR) In health care,
or performance; and improve employee moti-
the amount the Health Care Financing Admin-
vation and morale. Awards include cash
istration could pay to a HMO or CMP per
bonuses, savings bonds, jewelry, merchan-
member per month (PMPM) under a Medicare dise, travel, certicates of merit, plaques and
contract, although not the actual amount trophies, and diplomas.
because the law requires HMOs and CMPs to Award for Professional Excellence See
compare the average payment rate to the SHRM Award for Professional Excellence.
groups adjusted community rate to deter- axes Professional stock analysts who can
mine whether the PMPM is an appropriate move the price of stock by issuing a report or
amount. See also adjusted average per capita adjusting an earnings statement.
cost. ayurvedic medicine An alternative form of
Aviation and Transportation Security Act of medical treatment that originated in India
2001 (ATSA) Signed into law November more than 4000 years ago. It involves use of
19, 2001, the Act requires that: (1) most of herbs, diet, and massage therapies by body
the nations 28,000 baggage screeners and type.
security guards become federal employees by Azusa A computer virus that infects oppy
November 19, 2002; (2) baggage screeners disks. It is caught by booting from an
and security guards meet citizenship, educa- infected oppy disk. When it has infected 32
tion, and language requirements; (3) the disks, it scrambles the serial and parallel ports
Department of Transportation (DOT) hire (an on the host system so that peripherals no
estimated 12,000) new air marshals; and (4) longer work.
the DOTs newly formed Transportation
Security Agency (TSA) hire 429 federal secu-
rity directors, one for each of the nations air-
ports, by February 2002.
Aviation Excise Tax of 1997 Reinstated avi-
ation excise taxes, including both the 10%
ticket tax and the $6.00 international depar-
ture tax. The taxes were levied on all ticket
B2B Business-to-business. BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics.
B.A. Bachelor of Arts. BMI 1. Body mass index. 2. Broadcast
BAA-UC Birth and Adoption Music Inc.
Unemployment Compensation. B.Mus. Bachelor of Music.
BAC Blood alcohol concentration. BNA Bureau of National Affairs.
BARS Behaviorally anchored rating BPE Business process engineering.
scale. B.P.E. Bachelor of Physical Education.
BAT Breath alcohol technician. BPH Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
B.B.A. Bachelor of Business BPM Business process management.
Administration. BPMI Business Process Management
BBB Better Business Bureau. Initiative.
BBIC Behavior-based incentive bps Bits per second.
compensation. BRI Basic rate interface.
BBS Bulletin board system.
Brig. Gen. Brigadier General O7 (Air Force,
BCBP Bureau of Customs and Border
Army, and Marine Corps civilian
BCIS Bureau of Citizenship and
B.S. Bachelor of Science.
Immigration Services.
BSE Breast self-exam.
BCNU Be seeing you (Internet
B.S.Ed. Bachelor of Science in
B.D. Bachelor of Divinity.
B.E. 1. Bachelor of Education. BSEP Basic Skills Education Program.
2. Bachelor of Engineering. B-to-B Business-to-business.
BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis. B-to-e Business-to employee.
B-ECM Business electronic B-to-I Business-to-individual.
countermeasures. B-to-m Business-to-mobile.
B.E.E. Bachelor of Electrical BTV Business television.
Engineering. BTW By the way (Internet
BEI Behavioral event interview. abbreviation).
BEO Banquet event order. BUSG Burns United Support Groups,
BFOQ Bona de occupational Inc.
BG Brigadier General O7 (Army B-1 Non-immigrant visa See Immigration
military abbreviation). and Naturalization Service B-1 status.
BHI Better Hearing Institute. B-2 Non-immigrant visa See Immigration
BI 1. Brookings Institution. and Naturalization Service B-2 status.
2. Background investigation. baby blues A postpartum disorder charac-
BIA Braille Institute of America. terized by a sense of teariness that occurs
BIC Bank investment contract. within days after birth and usually disappears
BICE Bureau of Immigration and without treatment within two weeks.
Customs Enforcement. baby boomers The thirty-something gener-
BITC Basic Instructor Training Course. ation of post-World War II adults born
BLD Bottom-line discount. between 1945 and 1965 who produced the
BLN Business Leadership Network. baby boom of the 1970s and 1980s. They are

baby busters 56 balance billing

the optimistic soul-searchers who are con- back-to-back ticketing A faring practice in
cerned with self more than with money. which two discounted round-trip tickets are
baby busters The twenty-something gen- booked and the ight coupons are mixed to
eration of young adults born between 1961 achieve savings. Considered by some a smart
and 1972, the period when the U.S. birth rate saving strategy and by others illegal.
fell to one half the rate of the post-World War back up The practice of making a copy of
II peak, resulting in a labor shortage in the computer or word processor data or docu-
1990s. Also known as baby busts. ments (usually on external magnetic disks or
Baby UI See Birth and Adoption Unemploy- tapes or on optical disks for off-site storage)
ment Compensation. to protect them in case the original data are
backbone The main trunk of a wide area net- lost or damaged.
work. Smaller local area networks feed into bacterial meningitis Severe infection, with
the backbone. one of several bacteria, of the membranes that
back-dating In travel management, putting a cover the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms
false validation date on a discount ticket that include rapid onset of fever, headache, leth-
requires advance purchase. argy, irritability, stiff neck, vomiting, and loss
backdoor rationing A term used by critics to of consciousness over several hours. Poten-
describe a federal rule that would add cost tially life-threatening and with potentially
effectiveness to factors considered by the serious long-term effects including brain dam-
Health Care Financing Administration age. See also meningitis and viral meningitis.
(HCFA) when deciding whether Medicare bad boy clauses Punitive contract clauses in
will pay for new medical procedures, devices, executive compensation agreements designed
and drugs. Appropriateness, safety, and effec- to protect the employer from such practices
tiveness are the current criteria. as recruiting key employees following or at
background check The process of screening the time of the executives termination. Such
job applicants nationwide (and, to a growing clauses include noncompete agreements,
extent, internationally) for criminal records, denial of special pension arrangements for
outstanding wants and warrants, misrepresen- recruiting employees, and delaying a portion
tation of employment or academic credentials, of bonus award plans until the executive
and credit reports. May be performed by com- retires.
panies in-house or outsourced to background bad trip Frightening or panic-inducing crises
screening companies. precipitated in some persons by taking a hal-
background investigation (BI) The processes lucinogen or a narcotic.
of verifying the accuracy of information pro- bait and switch An illegal sales and pricing
vided on application forms and in interviews strategy advertising a product at a low price
by job applicants. Background investigations and then only offering higher-priced goods to
vary in thoroughness from simple reference the customer.
checks to verify an applicants current posi- balance and reex performance check A
tion and salary to contact with the applicants nonmedical drug test sometimes used as a
present supervisor by phone or in person. In substitute for urine tests to determine on-the-
the case of extremely sensitive positions (such job impairment.
as those involving security clearances), com- balance billing The practice of submitting a
plete checks of FBI les, the applicants bill to the patient for the difference between
hometown police records, and credit records the original charge for health care services and
and interviews with current and former the amount allowed and paid by Medicare.
employers, friends, and acquaintances may be Part B, Medicare, pays 80% of the allowed
performed by the Federal Investigative Ser- amount. The remainder is paid by supplemen-
vice. tal (medigap) insurance, Medicaid, or the
back ofce system In travel management, patient. Practitioners can bill patients for the
computer software that is used by a travel 20% if they have no supplemental insurance.
agency for accounting purposes. However, it is illegal in some states for
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 57 balloon payment

practitioners to bill for anything more even if balance sheet A nancial document that pre-
the costs of providing the treatment or service sents a tabular statement or summary of the
are higher than the amount allowed and status of a company in terms of its assets,
received. liabilities, and equity. It compares the status
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 Education: of the assets and liabilities of the company at
Allowed a tax credit of up to $1500 for the a given point in time, usually at the end of an
rst two years of college or vocational school accounting period, such as a scal year. It also
(Hope Scholarships on tuitions paid begin- provides the most accurate picture of a com-
ning January 1, 1998) and up to $1000 a year, panys nancial status.
rising to $2000 in 2002 (for those who owe balance sheet insurance An insurance policy
federal income tax). Credits begin to phase purchased (usually by large companies) to
out when adjusted gross income on a joint protect a corporations overseas balance sheet,
return exceeds $80,000 ($40,000 on a single specically customer and client payments.
return) and drops to zero credit when family Baldrige Award See Baldrige National Qual-
income tops $100,000 and individual income ity Program.
exceeds $50,000. The bill also allowed a tax Baldrige National Quality Program
credit of up to $1000 per year for the third Designed to improve national competitive-
and fourth years of college and for graduate ness, promote quality achievements of U.S.
study beginning in July 1998. The maximum companies, and publicize successful quality
credit rose to $2000 after 2002. Employers strategies. Awards are made annually to rec-
can provide a worker up to $5250 per year ognize U.S. companies for performance
excellence and quality achievement and are
tax-free (beginning December 31, 1996) for
given only to organizations that apply for it in
undergraduate education; graduate students
writing, are willing to undergo a rigorous on-
must pay taxes on the value of tuition paid by
site evaluation of their operations and share
the employers. Education IRAs could be
condential information with examiners and
opened beginning January 1, 1998, for chil-
judges, and agree to reveal their quality secrets
dren under age 18; families can contribute up
with other organizations if they win the award.
to $500 per year per child and pay no taxes
Awards are made in the following eligibility
on interest as long as the money is spent on
categories: manufacturing businesses, service
education. The full tax break is limited to joint businesses, education organizations, and
lers with income below $150,000 and single health care organizations. Contact: Baldrige
parents with income below $90,000. Interest National Quality Program, National Institute
on student loans is deductible during the rst of Standards and Technology, Technology
ve years of repayment; maximum deduction Administration, U.S. Department of Com-
was $1000 in 1998 and rose by $500 each merce, Administration Bldg., Room A600,
year to a maximum of $2,500 in 2001. Mili- 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1020, Gaithersburg,
tary health care: Authorized the Department MD 2089-1020 (phone 301-975-2036; fax
of Defense (DoD) to test Medicare subven- 301-948-3716, e-mail; Web
tion for three years at six sites around the site
country, starting in January 1998. Medical Balkanized group or society A group of
Savings Accounts: The bill allowed 300,000 people that has been segregated or divided by
Medicare recipients to establish medical sav- race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, or
ings accounts as a trial of that solution. Medi- some other attribute.
care: Saved Medicare for ten years and balloon angioplasty A medical diagnostic
slowed its growth over ve years. Expanded procedure in which a deated balloon is
plan options for eligible seniors. Established inserted into an artery and inated to com-
a demonstration project of 390,000 medical press fatty deposits to eliminate blockages and
savings accounts. The Medicare Part B pre- prevent a heart attack.
mium was permanently set to cover 25% of balloon payment A large extra payment that
the cost of the program. may be charged at the end of a loan or lease.
banding 58 baseline performance

banding See broadbanding. survey organizations, and automating scoring

bandwidth The range of frequencies within a in schools. Bar codes are self-contained mes-
band. Determines the amount of data that a sages composed of bars and spaces printed in
medium, such as video, can transmit in a given a specic pattern on an item of equipment,
period of time. It is usually measured in bits container, package, envelope, or form. The
per second or kilobits. Bandwidth is deter- codes are binary: the black bars and white
mined by the types of cable used (copper, spaces represent ones and zeros. Uses an opti-
coaxial, or ber optic) and the speed of the cal mark reader or optical scanner and
switching mechanism that routes the data. associated software to provide data input to a
Bandwidth is the main obstacle to the wide- computer.
spread use of interactive multimedia commu- bare bones policy See no frills health plan.
nications, due to the large le sizes needed for bargaining See collective bargaining; negoti-
graphics, audio, and video media. ation; unions.
bank investment contract (BIC) Issued by bar manager The hotel contact with whom
banks instead of insurance companies, they meeting planners work out the details of of
are similar to guaranteed investment reception and hospitality suite arrangements,
contacts. including bar setups, bartenders, liquor
bankruptcy The legally afrmed situation or brands, and the types and sizes of drinks.
condition of being unable to meet ones nan- More important, the bar manager is the indi-
cial obligations. vidual responsible for enforcing responsible
banner A type of advertisement used on the serving practices that, if violated, could be
Internet, mainly, but not exclusively, by busi- grounds for legal suits. May also be called
ness-to-business marketers, such as Web page hospitality manager, beverage manager.
design and domain registration, business tech- barriers As dened by the Americans with
nology, business portals, advertising agencies, Disabilities Act of 1990, architectural and
and services and data communication. The ads communication barriers that are structural in
occupy only a small horizontal space on a Web nature in existing facilities, where such
site. Effective banner ads use a simple clean removal is readily achievable. The Act
layout that is attractive, may employ very sim- requires the removal of physical barriers
ple animation, and may use the familiar 3-D caused by the location of temporary or mov-
button to get the viewer to interact or respond. able structures, such as furniture, equipment,
See also skyscraper ad. and display racks.
banquet event order (BEO) I n m e e t i n g barrister In the United Kingdom, a law pro-
planning in the U.S., detailed instructions for vider, one who has the right to plead at the
a particular event. Typically generated by the bar in superior courts of law. Equivalent of a
catering director and circulated to the kitchen, licensed lawyer in the U.S.
stewarding, banqueting, housekeeping, secu- Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence
rity, maintenance, audiovisual, and in-house in Education Program of 2000 A scholar-
orists. Internationally, it is a summary of all ship program to foster and encourage excel-
the particulars relating to a meeting need. Also lence in science and mathematics established
known as a function sheet, event order, or by Congress on January 23, 2000, as a tribute
rsum sheet. to the leadership, courage, and vision of Sen-
banquet manager The hotel functionary who ator Barry Goldwater.
handles meal functions on the day of a meet- base camp One model of a teaching, learning,
ing event. Responsible for organizing the and technology center. A place where faculty
room setup and supervising the wait staff. and academic support professionals form
bar code technology A means of automating teams, plan, and train each other.
a great variety of tasks in almost all industries, baseline performance An organizations ac-
such as checkout stations in supermarkets, tual and current performance level as deter-
inventory control in factories and warehouses, mined by objective measurement, not subjec-
vehicle registration, scanning printed forms in tive judgment.
base pay 59 bean-counter

base pay See base rate. basis point A means of measuring the dollar
base rate The hourly rate or salary paid for a amount of investments that are smaller than
job performed. It does not include payments 1%; that is, one percentage point equals 100
for overtime, incentives, or other differentials. basis points.
Basic Instructor Training Course (BITC) batch To batch-process computer data accord-
Training provided by the military services to ing to a xed frequency of preparation; trans-
convert ofcers, technicians, and other mili- actions are collected and held until processing
tary personnel and civilian employees into time, often overnight, instead of being pro-
instructors. Typically a two- to four-week cessed immediately or on-line, to reduce
course. costs.
basic medical coverage Insurance coverage batch processing Computerized monthly
provided by an organization to its employees record keeping for employee savings plans
whether employer-funded or partially paid by that involves two functions: (1) editing partic-
the employees. It typically covers visits to ipant data to reect terminations, new hires,
physicians and outpatient clinics for treatment and so on and (2) updating all participant
of illnesses and injuries and hospitalization. accounts to reect investment fund earnings
basic rate interface (BRI) Basic rate inter- and recent employee and company contribu-
tions. This type of processing results in delays
face for Integrated Services Digital Network
of four or more weeks in responding to par-
(ISDN) lines, consisting of two 64-kpbs lines
ticipants requests for information.
and a 16-kpbs data channel.
batch program A series of commands initi-
basic research Research directed at the dis-
ated by a single user command that is carried
covery of new scientic knowledge that has
out sequentially without the need for further
no direct application to the current goals and
objectives of the organization, although such
battery 1. In law, hitting, beating, or negli-
research may be aimed at areas in which the
gent touching of anothers person or clothing
company has a commercial interest.
or anything attached to or held by him or her.
basic seven Mathematical, statistical, and 2. A group of tests that have been validated
graphic tools used to study a problem, display on the same sample population so that results
its elements, and communicate the results of on the several parts of the battery are
its analysis. The tools are cause-and-effect comparable.
diagram, check sheet, control chart, histo- baud A measure of the speed with which a
gram, Pareto chart, run chart, and scatter- modem transmits data. Same as bits per sec-
gram. Attributed to Kaoru Ishikawa, one of ond. The higher the baud rate, the faster the
the leaders of Japans quality movement. information is transmitted and received and
Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP) A the lower the online charges.
U.S. Army program designed to provide reme- Baudot A seven-bit code, only ve of which
dial training in the basic skills of reading and are information bits, used by some text tele-
arithmetic for newly enlisted personnel with phones to communicate with each other at a
skills deciencies. 45.5 baud rate.
basic skills training Traditionally seen as Bayesian statistics A system of statistics that
encompassing only reading, writing, and com- provides an advance assessment of the poten-
putation. Now dened as training provided to tial value of information to managers in deci-
upgrade workers skills, equip them to deal sion making when confronted by alternative
with changes in technology and work pro- paths to a goal or objective.
cesses, and overcome educational decits. Be All You Can Be Program Established by
basic training Initial or entry-level training the Higher Education Reauthorization Act
provided by the U.S. Army and Air Force to of 1992. It is a program to advertise college
introduce those enlisted to military life and to opportunities.
develop physical stamina and basic military bean-counter A term mockingly applied to
skills. corporate nancial managers or staffers,
bear market 60 behavioral risk management

including accountants, auditors, comptrollers, to observe and record specic incidents of ef-
controllers, and treasurers. fective and ineffective performance during a
bear market Occurs when the stock market rating period. Those observations are matched
loses value for an extended period of time, against a set of predetermined critical inci-
typically one year or more. dents, called a BARS. BARS items are devel-
Beck case A 1988 Supreme Court ruling that oped as follows: (1) important dimensions of
established the principle that nonunion work- effective performance are identied by work-
ers, who are required to pay dues to organized ers and supervisors; (2) a second group re-
labor under collective bargaining agreements views the incidents to identify effective, aver-
in 29 states that lack right-to-work laws, can age, and ineffective performance; (3) a third
be charged only for activities that directly group is given the products of the rst two
involve the unions collective bargaining groups efforts and asked to sort the incidents
activities. However, the court failed to specify into the dimensions they best represent; (4) a
which nonrelated activities were included or fourth group places a scale value (usually
how they should be broken out for accounting seven or nine points ranging from highly ef-
purposes. fective to very ineffective) on each incident in
bed and breakfast (B&B) See Continental each dimension; and (5) the scale is tested by
plan. using it with a group of workers, each of
Bedeaux plan An incentive plan that provided whom is rated independently by at least two
for productivity bonuses to be shared; with the qualied supervisors.
workers typically receiving 75% and the behavioral objective A training objective that
remainder being divided between supervisors species clearly, precisely, and unambigu-
and the employer. It is not in common use ously what the trainees must be able to do,
today. the conditions under which they must be able
behavior 1. What a person says or does: what to perform, and the standard or criterion of
is audible or observable and reportable not acceptable performance, both at critical points
motive, values, personality, or thoughts. during the development of job skills and at the
Although behavior is an integral part of per- end of the training program.
formance, it is not the performance itself. behavioral psychology or behaviorism A
2. The rst element of a behavioral objective, theory of human behavior that holds that the
the terminal behavior; exactly what trainees actions of people are determined solely by
must be able to do; things that can be seen stimuli (stimulusresponse) and that when
and measured. Associated with a verb, such behavior is reinforced and rewarded the
as to operate or to calculate. behavior will be repeated; when ignored or
behavioral event interview (BEI) A selec- punished, the behavior will be extinguished.
tion interview that provides detailed accounts That is, human behavior is the result of its
of how superior and average performers have consequences whether immediate or delayed.
acted in their most important job successes behavioral risk management A strategy for
and failures and how they felt about the inci- managing workplace behavioral problems,
dents. Interview transcripts are analyzed to such as excessive absenteeism, high accident
assess personal traits, self-concept, motiva- rate, work slowdowns, stress-related disabili-
tion, and skills that differentiate between ties, complaints and grievances, sabotage, or
superior and average performers. other forms of dysfunctional employee behav-
behavioral health care Prevention and alter- ior. The process of behavioral risk manage-
native treatments and interventions provided ment involves the identication of the organi-
for employees with mental, developmental, zations risks, quantifying and analyzing those
and emotional conditions. risks, and activating new or modied interven-
behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) tions, such as workplace services, benets,
An expensive and time-consuming but ex- programs, policies, and procedures designed
tremely effective modication of the critical to prevent or remedy behavioral problems.
incident approach to rating. Raters are asked Attributed to Rudy M. Yandrick, Behavioral
behavioral simulation 61 BE&K Construction Co. v. NLRB

Risk Management. San Francisco, CA: condence in those situations. For example,
Centralink and Jossey-Bass, Inc, 1996. training may be provided to help managers
behavioral simulation A controlled exercise improve the work environment and the behav-
used in screening and selecting candidates for ior and productivity of their people by dem-
positions in which applicants display directly onstrating and practicing the proper methods
observable behaviors relating to selected of interviewing candidates for positions, ori-
dimensions of job performance. Examples are enting new employees, conducting perfor-
planning, selling, and instructing. There are mance appraisals, and counseling employees.
several types of behavioral simulations: anal- Strategies include small group discussion;
ysis exercises, in-basket exercises, interview demonstration and performance; simulations
simulations, scheduling exercises, and job and role playing; team training; lm, video-
replica tests. tape, and multimedia; case studies; exercise
behavioral technology See behaviorism. and practice of skills; and feedback.
behavioral theory of learning The stimu- behavior modication Rooted in the psy-
lusresponse theory of learning. chology of behaviorism. Involves a conscious
behavior-based incentive compensation attempt to change or modify the behavior of
(BBIC) A relatively new and exible people to improve their performance by spec-
approach to compensation that uses the power ifying the desired result, identifying the spe-
of pay as a motivator by sharing the benets cic human behaviors that are needed to
of company growth and return on investment achieve the result, and immediately reinforc-
with the employees who made it happen; that ing and rewarding the behavior whenever it
is, compensation is tied to the achievement of
appears. Examples of results include training
stated performance criteria. It is considered to
people to be unbiased, to understand diversity,
be a self-funding plan because the gains in
to contribute to the community through com-
company productivity, service, and prot pro-
munity service, to respect and protect the envi-
vide the incentive compensation budget.
ronment, and to be quality producers of goods
behavior-based performance appraisal A n
and services.
approach to employee performance appraisal
Beit Din A Jewish system of alternative dis-
that focuses exclusively on the individuals
pute resolution. The term literally means
behavior that is, what the person does
rather than on what he or she is like in terms house of judgment. Rather than go to court,
of personality, traits or characteristics, or the two sides in a dispute agree to allow a
skills and abilities. rabbinical tribunal (typically three rabbis) to
behavior evaluation An approach to training hear the case and decide the outcome. The
evaluation that measures the kind and amount system has been used by business organiza-
of behavioral change that can be attributed to tions, such as tour operators and resorts, to
the training provided. settle civil cases.
behaviorism See behavioral psychology. BE&K Construction Co. v. NLRB The Su-
behavior management training An approach preme Court ruled unanimously on June 24,
to managing the observable on-the-job behav- 2002, that the National Labor Relations Board
ior of workers to achieve a planned, measur- applied the wrong standard by nding guilty
able, and consistent behavioral outcome that of an unfair labor practice an employer that
is translatable into bottom-line payoffs (e.g., unsuccessfully sued the unions pressure cam-
increased productivity). It makes use of adult paign against the company. The NLRB applied
learning theory, behavior modeling and mod- a standard that allowed it to penalize employ-
ication, performance engineering, goal set- ers for reasonably based but unsuccessful law-
ting, organization development interventions, suits led with a retaliatory purpose. The court
and feedback systems. determined that there is nothing in the Na-
behavior modeling training Training that tional Labor Relations Act (which prohibits
focuses on specic situations that the learner employers from interfering with employees
must deal with on the job to build skills and right to act collectively) that supports the
bell-shaped curve 62 benefits

NLRBs blanket rule and therefore the based on historical data pertaining to perfor-
NLRBs standard was declared invalid. mance on the same or similar jobs or tasks.
bell-shaped curve The normal distribution 3. Processes and results that represent best
curve showing the percentage of cases falling practices and performance for similar activi-
within certain portions of the curve of any ties either within or outside an organizations
distribution of scores or ratings. It extends industry.
from 3 standard deviations (SD) to +3 SD benchmark studies Research studies con-
from the midpoint of the distribution. Between ducted by independent research organizations
3 and 2 SD accounts for 2% of the cases; and think tanks. They provide a nancial
between 2 and 1 SD, 14%; between 1 and sketch of an industry group that allows indi-
0 SD, 34%; between 0 and +1 SD, 34%; vidual business owners to compare their oper-
between +1 and +2 SD, 14%; and between +2 ations to others of similar size and type. Such
and +3 SD, 2% of the cases. studies typically include performance ratios
that allow owners to focus on nancial rela-
tionships rather than on absolute numbers,
such as annual sales.
beneciary The person for whose benet a
trust is created or designated to receive the
19% 19% proceeds or benets accruing from an annuity,
insurance policy, or will.
15% 15% benet limit The lifetime maximum number
of days for which a beneciary will be paid
under a long-term care policy for conne-
5% 5%
2% 2% ment in a nursing home or alternative long-
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 term care facility.
benet period A means of measuring a ben-
bell staff supervisor The hotel functionary eciarys use of hospital and skilled nursing
who supervises the bell staff and provides facility services covered by Medicare. A ben-
assistance to guests at check-in and check-out et period begins the day the insured is hos-
times. pitalized. It ends after the beneciary has been
benchmarking Determining what competi- discharged from the hospital or other facility
tors and other reputable organizations are that primarily provides skilled nursing or
doing in such human resources areas as com- rehabilitation services for 60 consecutive
pensation and benets, customer service, days. If the beneciary is hospitalized after 60
employee assistance programs, orientation, days, a new benet period begins, most Part
training and development, and so on. Under- A benets are renewed, and the beneciary
taken by on-site visits and document research must pay a new inpatient hospital deductible.
and then establishing policies, procedures, Benet periods are unlimited.
and standards in those areas. benets Benets are economic goods
benchmarks 1. In job evaluation and compen- granted to employees in addition to base pay.
sation, a term used to describe jobs that pro- They include nancial benets such as
vide an acceptable basis for interorganiza- bonuses, merit salary increases, cost-of-living
tional comparisons because they occur in adjustments, stock ownership plans, prot-
several organizational elements, are reason- sharing plans, paid holidays, paid vacations,
ably similar in knowledge and skills require- paid sick leave, paid bereavement leave, group
ments, and compare reasonably well with life insurance, group health insurance, group
respect to accountability and responsibility. dental insurance, workers compensation,
Benchmarks are used to anchor a rms pay unemployment insurance, pension plans, sur-
scale and slot other jobs based on their relative vivor benets, disability benets, maternity
worth. 2. In project management and produc- leave, child and elder care, and tuition assis-
tivity, productivity and quality standards tance and reimbursement, whether paid in
benefits administrator 63 bereavement fare

whole or in part by the employer. Nonmone- Benets Professional of the Year Award
tary benets include exible work schedules, See Benny Awards.
rest periods and coffee breaks, legal assis- benet trigger Certain specic conditions
tance, leaves of absence, medical examina- that actuate eligibility for benets after an
tions and treatment, parking facilities, recre- insureds coverage becomes effective.
ation facilities and programs, travel services benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) A com-
and opportunities, credit and banking ser- mon medical condition in men in which the
vices, discounts on products, training and prostate becomes enlarged but is noncancer-
development, savings plans, and perquisites. ous. However, the growth of the gland may
Sometimes called fringe benets. cause urination problems by constricting the
benets administrator The person responsi- urethra.
ble for the administration of one or more bene- Bennett Amendment An amendment to the
ts programs. Typically advises employees on Equal Pay Act of 1964. States that it is not a
eligibility for corporate-supported benets, violation of the Act for an employer to differ-
amounts of coverage, and claim procedures. entiate (in pay) upon the basis of sex if such
Maintains benet records and prepares forms differentiation is authorized by the provisions
and other documents needed to implement of the Equal Pay Act.
coverage. Benny Awards Annual awards presented by
Benets & Compensation Solutions A monthly Employee Benet News and a corporate spon-
journal: $50.00 per year. Address: AMR Inter- sor, Vision Service Plan, to the benets pro-
national, Inc., 10 Valley Drive, Building 9, fessional of the year and recipients of benets
Greenwich Ofce Park, Greenwich, CT leadership awards. The former is given to the
06831(phone 203-661-0101; fax 203-661- individual who has demonstrated a consistent
8472; e-mail; Web site pattern of creativity and achievement in ben- et plan design, administration, communica-
benets disclosure Reports required by tion, and staff management, as well as for his
Department of Labor regulations (summary or her contributions to the employee benet
plan descriptions and Form 5500) covering profession. The leadership awards are given
plan documents, including severance benets. for excellence in developing and managing
The Employee Retirement Income Security programs in three categories: health care,
Act of 1974 calls for nes of up to $1000 per retirement planning, and judges choice
day for failure to le properly. (drawn from the full spectrum of benets pro-
benets laws See employee benets laws. grams). Winners are chosen by a panel of
benets manager The corporate manager Employee Benet News editorial advisors and
responsible for evaluating strategies for staff members from nominations submitted by
keeping abreast of developments and govern- employers, coworkers, consultants, and bene-
ment regulations, improving the quality of t suppliers. Contact: Employee Benet News,
employee benets, identifying and correct- 1325 G St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005
ing access problems, balancing the needs of (phone 202-504-1111; e-mail david.albert-
management and employees, communicating s o n @ t h o m p s o n m e d i a . c o m ; We b s i t e
policies and procedures, and managing and
containing costs, particularly health care bequest A gift of personal property under a
costs. See employee benets manager. will. Also called a legacy.
benets planning analyst The individual bereavement fare In travel management, a
responsible for analyzing and developing pol- special fare for family members of deceased
icies and benets plans covering health and persons. Although policies of airlines differ
accident insurance coverage, retirement and and are subject to change without notice, all
pension plans, income continuance, and holi- major carriers require immediate family
days and vacations. Determines and maintains members to prove their relationship to the
status with regard to current benet trends and deceased and furnish the name, address, and
legislated requirements and programs. phone number of the funeral home for
best practice group 64 bid document

verication. For some airlines, bereavement (phone 703-276-0100; fax 703-525-8277;

fares are fully unrestricted and tickets are e-mail; Web site
fully refundable; others require a Saturday Better Hearing Institute (BHI) A nonprot,
night stay and a conrmed return date with tax-exempt educational organization sup-
charges for changes. Others have no set pol- ported by philanthropic funds that informs
icy, leaving decisions up to reservations persons with impaired hearing, their friends
supervisors on a case-by-case basis. Some and relatives, and the general public about
airlines require a death or doctors certicate hearing loss and available help through med-
or an obituary stating the relationship of the icine, surgery, amplication, and other reha-
deceased to the passenger. Also called com- bilitation. Contact: BHI, 515 King Street,
passionate fare. Suite 420, Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 703-
best practice group An offspring of the 684-3391; e-mail;
U.S. quality movement. It is a form of keiretsu Web site
in which a group of companies bands together Betts Decision A 1989 Supreme Court deci-
to discuss and exchange information about sion (Public Employees Retirement System of
their management strategies and practices. Ohio v. Betts) that says an employer is not
BetaSP A professional video format. required to meet a cost-justication test for
beta testing A decision support and customer benets; rather, a worker must show that an
collaboration solution that addresses the new employee benet plan was intended to dis-
criminate. In other words, the high court ruled
product/service introduction phase of the
that employee benet plans do not violate the
product/service lifecycle. The approach pro-
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
vides an environment for collecting, manag-
1967 if they make age-based distinctions.
ing, and acting on customer feedback gener-
Betts legislation See Older Workers Benet
ated during focus group surveys, individual
Protection Act of 1990.
interviews, and early eld trials, thereby val-
bicultural A person who behaves or acts
idating product/service stability and market
according to the cultural orientation, customs,
readiness in real-world customer environ-
mores, and expectations of his or her own
ments before launch.
country when that is appropriate and accord-
beta-test software In travel management, a ing to those of a host country when that is
computer system undergoing tests at a users appropriate.
site before its release to the public for general bid In purchasing and contracting, the written
use. statement to a customer or client about a
beta version New or upgraded software that project, such as a statement of work, sched-
is ready for release to users for testing before ule, resources, assumptions, and costs. It usu-
it is marketed. ally is a response to a request for proposal.
Better Business Bureau (BBB) A system of bidding 1. In employee selection, a means of
142 independent, local BBBs working with recruiting that increases the number of inter-
businesses and consumers to promote ethical nal transfers and promotions, called job bid-
business standards and voluntary self-regula- ding. Lists of all current job openings are
tion of business practices. Accepts and records posted to give current employees the rst
consumer complaints of fraud, misrepresenta- option to apply for vacant positions. 2. In pur-
tion, poor business practices, or substandard chasing and contracting, the process of select-
products or services in the area. Has no power ing a source of products or services by inviting
to prosecute but will furnish information about bids. 3. In marketing and sales, offering to
any business (or charity organizations) in its provide a product or service in response to a
area upon request. Ofces are located in most request for proposal.
U.S. cities. Check your local telephone direc- bid document In meeting management, a pro-
tory. For an out-of-state BBB, contact Council posal submitted by a destination or property
of Better Business Bureaus, 4200 Wilson to a potential client group inviting the organi-
Blvd., Ste. 800, Arlington, VA 22203-1838 zation to meet in its venue.
bid manual 65 bit

bid manual In meeting management, a writ- his associates of the Center for Creative
ten document specifying the requirements of Leadership.
an organization for an event sent to potential biometric access control A means of control-
destinations or properties. Similar to a request ling access to facilities or equipment through
for proposal. human measurements, such as ngerprinting,
big-cap stocks Stock of companies whose voiceprinting, facial scanning, or eye scans.
market value, the total number of shares out- biometric security systems Virtually fool-
standing, multiplied by their price is more proof systems that control access to buildings,
than $10 billion. rooms, and vaults by means of computerized
billing by vendor A means of controlling machines that can recognize personal charac-
travel and entertainment costs. Direct billing teristics of people seeking entrance: nger-
systems are offered by airlines, hotels, car prints, handprints, blood-vessel arrangement
rental rms, travel agencies, and restaurants. in the eyes retina, and voice patterns. The
bill of lading In employee relocation, the machines have special sensors that pick up the
original shipping contract that lists the dates, characteristics, convert them into digital code,
services, and actual charges involved in the and compare them to data stored in the com-
movement and delivery of a customers goods puter. Unless the information matches the
and furnishings. characteristics of an authorized person,
Bill of Rights See Landrum-Grifn Act. entrance is denied.
bin In video, a group of clips to be incorpo- bipolar disorder A serious mental illness,
rated into a program. periodic and recurrent with intervening peri-
binding third-party dispution resolution A ods of complete normalcy; a disorder of mood
long-term care term. Allows individuals to rather than of thought, which involves mood
appeal disputes with an insurer over benets swings from depression (lows) to mania
eligibility or claims decisions to a third party, (highs). Also called manic depressive illness
whose decision is binding on the insurer. or manic depressive disorder. Not to be con-
biobucks Money earned in the biological tech- fused with schizophrenia. See also manic epi-
nology industry. sode; depressive episode.
bioenergetics An alternative form of medical Birth and Adoption Unemployment Com-
treatment involving the exchange of energy pensation (BAA-UC) In December 1999,
between patient and therapist. See also bio- the Department of Labor issued a regulation
feedback. that allowed states to use unemployment
biofeedback 1. An alternative form of medical insurance trust funds to provide current
treatment that makes use of machines or elec- employees with paid leave for the birth or
tronic feedback devices to train patients to adoption of a child. On July 24, 2002, a busi-
consciously control such involuntary func- ness community attempt to block the regula-
tions as circulation in the hands, jaw tension, tion failed when a U.S. District Court judge
blood pressure, heart rate and pulse, digestion, dismissed the case based on its lack of ripe-
brain waves, and muscle responses. 2. A stress ness, thereby leaving the issue unresolved. In
management technique that makes use of spe- December 2002, the Department of Labor
cially designed electrical or electronic equip- published a notice in the Federal Register of
ment to reduce strain, tension, and pressure. its intent to repeal the regulation. Often called
Also used in treating chronic pain. the Baby UI.
biographical action-research A research Birth Defects Prevention Act of 1998 Pro-
methodology that combines studying individ- vides for surveillance, research, and services
ual executives and helping them in their pro- aimed at prevention of birth defects and autho-
fessional development. It involves studying rized appropriations for that purpose for FY
people in their current work and collecting data 1999 through 2002. Approved April 21, 1998.
on their early history and present life away bit The smallest piece of information in a
from work. Attributed to Robert E. Kaplan and computer le. A bit is a binary digit that is
bitBit 66 blended learning solutions

either a one or a zero; the one turns the circuit able for such broad performance indicators as
on, and the zero turns it off. cost, access, and patient satisfaction, assum-
bitBit Bit-block transfer. In graphics, a means ing that fear of liability will restrain providers
of moving an entire block of pixels as a single from abuses and shoddy practices.
unit, such as scrolling a graphics image or Black or African American An ethnic or
sliding a window around a screen. racial category used for federal statistical
bitmap font In typography, a font that is dis- reporting and the 2000 census. A person with
played by transmitting minuscule electronic origins in any of the black racial groups of
bits of information to certain pixels (dots) on Africa. Terms such as Haitian, or Negro
the screen and turning those pixels on or off. can be used in addition to Black or African
The on/off information is mapped to a grid of American.
pixels on the computer screen. On Macintosh blackout period A period of time during
computers, bitmap fonts are known as screen which the right of participants in a retirement
fonts. plan to switch their investments is suspended.
bit-mapped graphics In desktop publishing, For example, when changing 401(k), a black-
early versions of computer graphics software out is ordered so that during the changeover
wherein every single point in a drawing or accounts can be valued and switched. The
illustration had to be dened. Although more Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 gave compli-
precise than vector graphics, this made the ance oversight responsibilities for regulating
process slower and required more computer the auditing, nancial disclosure, executive
memory. compensations, and corporate governance
bitnick A person who uses a coin-operated practices to the Department of Labors Pen-
computer terminal in a coffeehouse to log onto
sion Welfare Benets Administration, which
published nal rules that went into effect Jan-
bitslag The worthless junk one must wade
uary 26, 2003. The rules require that employ-
through on the Internet to get any worthwhile
ees receive a 30-day advance notice of any
blackout period that suspends their right to
bits per second A measure of bandwidth.
direct investments, take loans, or obtain
Black Book A directory of corporate travel
product and services providers published
blanket In offset printing, a rubber-surfaced
annually by Business Travel News. Catego-
fabric that is clamped around a cylinder, to
ries are hotel chain and management rms,
which the image is transferred from the plate
airlines, airline clubs, car rental companies,
payment systems providers, consultants and and from which it is transferred to the paper.
lawyers serving corporate travel, ground bleed In desktop publishing, described as
transportation providers, industry associa- extending an object off the print area to ensure
tions, afliates of the National Business when the printed paper is trimmed ink cover-
Travel Association and Association of Cor- age extends to edge of paper. Bleeds are some-
porate Travel Executives, technology ven- times intentional, specied by the designer.
dors, tele- and videoconferencing vendors, blended learning Learning interventions that
major travel agencies and consortia, and travel combine aspects of online and face-to-face
security consultants. Contact: Business Travel instruction.
News, One Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10119- blended learning solutions Tailored reme-
1198 (phone 212-615-2704). dies that match the desired learning outcomes
black box approaches Strategies used by of dened business problems. They involve
employers to control health care costs by hold- delivery methods such as classroom training,
ing providers accountable for the quality of synchronous learning, and asynchronous
clinical procedures and processes without get- learning and supporting learning services
ting bogged down in detailed evaluation of such as remote e-labs, e-mentoring, peer
products and services at the clinical level. communities, content customization, and
Instead, employers hold providers account- learning management systems.
blended workforce 67 Bloodborne Pathogens Standard

blended workforce A combination of full- and hand-offs over time. It helps people see
time, part-time, temporary, and outsourced how work moves among individuals and
employees, including independent contractors groups of people.
used by employers to save money, improve blocked space In meeting management,
productivity, increase exibility, and enhance sleeping rooms, meeting rooms, exhibit space,
customer service. and other function rooms reserved for use by
blender learning E-learning that allows the an organization for a meeting.
designer to repurpose, mix and match, to cre- blogging 1. A technology term that is short for
ate learning hybrids. Attributed to Eric Parks, weblog. Can be used as either a noun or a
CEO (and Web-based training designer) Ask verb. Essentially a blog is a frequently updated
International, Fair Oaks, CA (Web site Web page that consists of brief, dated entries, with newer ones moving the old to the bottom
blendo A mixture of different media, such as of the page. 2. Web pages with these charac-
graphics, text, scanned images, and anima- teristics: commentary (terse sentences or para-
tion. Also called meltomedia. or muchomedia. graphs or lengthy treatises), hyperlink connec-
blind As dened under Social Security, a per- tions to other Web pages, discussion subjects,
son whose vision cannot be corrected to better a search online capability, even advertising.
than 20/200 in the better eye or whose visual Use may grow in business and other organi-
eld is 20 or less, even with corrective lenses. zations because of its simplicity and ease of
blind ad An advertisement in a newspaper or use, built-in motivation, and ability to
magazine that does not include the name of empower and because it is less disruptive than
the company placing the ad. Readers are asked e-mail. See also personal blogs and portal-like
to mail their responses to a post ofce box blogs. See, www.move-
number., and
blind and vision impaired People who are blood alcohol concentration (BAC) T h e
totally or partially blind and whose loss of percentage of alcohol found in a persons
vision places limitations of varying severity blood after drinking. In most states, a person
on personal, social, or occupational pursuits. with a BAC of 0.10 is considered legally
Gordon M. Bliss Memorial Award An award drunk.
presented annually to a national member of bloodborne diseases Diseases contracted
the American Society for Training and from exposure to infectious materials borne
Development who has excelled in human by human blood or other body uids (e.g.,
resource development over a signicant HIV and hepatitis B).
period of time. Selected by an awards com- Bloodborne Pathogens Standard An Occu-
mittee by reviewing documentation and direct pational Health and Safety Administration
contacts with the nominating individual and standard that requires employers to determine
other persons with direct knowledge of the which job classications or specic tasks and
accomplishments of the nominee. Contact: procedures can reasonably be expected to
ASTD National Awards Program, 1640 King cause worker contact with blood or other
St., Box 1443, Alexandria, VA 22313-2043 potentially infectious materials and to devise
(phone 703-683-8100). exposure control plans to minimize or elimi-
block busting The process of overcoming nate occupational exposure to bloodborne
blocks to creativity. pathogens. The Standard also requires organi-
block diagram A chart or graphic that depicts zations to train all employees, such as workers
the route that information, documentation, or in laboratories, hospitals, clinics, emergency
materials take from supplier to customer or response units, and physicians ofces, and
from one function or department within an safety ofcers, athletic trainers, rst aid pro-
organization to others. It is produced by iden- viders, and other at-risk employees who may
tifying the key steps in the process or system; have occupational exposure to blood, body
indicating the ofces, departments, teams, or uids, and other potentially infectious
individuals involved; and depicting the steps material.
Blooms taxonomy 68 body work

Blooms taxonomy A classication of in- program and passed a certifying examination

structional objectives that deals with the recall in a particular medical specialty.
or recognition of knowledge and the devel- Board Certied Financial Analyst See The
opment of mental skills and abilities (as con- American Academy of Financial Management.
trasted with the affective domain, which has boarding care home See licensed group
to do with a trainees interests, attitudes, and home.
values, and the psychomotor domain, which Board of Education of Independent School
focuses on objectives relating to motor District No. 92 of Pottsawatomie County,
skills). Attributed to Benjamin Bloom (Taxon- et al. Petitioners v. Lindsay Earls et al.
omy of Educational Objectives: Handbook I, On June 22, 2002, the Supreme Court held
Cognitive Domain, 1956). See also cognitive that the Student Activities Drug Testing Policy
domain. implemented by the Board of Education,
blue-chip stocks Stocks in the biggest and requiring that all students who participate in
most consistently protable companies. competitive extracurricular activities, is con-
blue-collar technical workers M e c h a n i c s , stitutional because the policy reasonably
repairers, precision production workers, serves the school districts important interest
extractive workers (mining, oil and gas, and in detecting and preventing drug use among
timber), craft workers, and operator and its students.
assembly workers in high-tech industries. body fat measurement Assesses how much
blue-collar workers Wage earners, rather of a persons body weight is fat, providing a
than salaried employees. In earlier years, it fairly accurate means of determining how
referred to employees who wore work clothes much he or she needs to lose (or gain). Means
instead of more formal attire. of measurement include skin-fold calipers,
Blue Cross Plan A nonprot, tax-exempt which measure fat under the skin at selected
insurance plan that provides coverage for hos- body sites; bioimpedence, which uses a pain-
pital care and related services. less electric current; and hydrostatic weigh-
blues In desktop publishing, one-color proofs ing, in which a person is weighed while under
of a document or illustration. water.
Blue Shield Plan A nonprot, tax-exempt body language Visible signals of an individ-
insurance plan that provides coverage for phy- uals attitude, interest, emotional state, and the
sicians services. Blue Shield coverage is like. Includes dress, hair style, voice cues
sometimes sold in conjunction with Blue (tone, volume, and pitch), posture, gestures,
Cross coverage. facial expressions, body movements, blush-
Bluetooth The code name for a technology ing, contraction of the facial muscles, squirm-
that allows users to connect a wide range of ing, blinking, or forced smiles.
computing and telecommunications devices body mass index (BMI) A composite calcu-
easily without the need to connect cables. It lation of a persons height to weight to deter-
delivers opportunities for rapid connections mine whether that person is overweight. A
and the possibility of automatic, seamless BMI between 19 and 25 is considered
connections, via direct connectivity or the healthy. Established by the National Insti-
Internet, between devices such as speakers, tutes of Health.
printers, and projectors. body type In typography, type used for exten-
board and care home A plan by which, in sive composition, usually from 6 to 14 point.
exchange for rent, an elderly or disabled indi- Also called text type.
vidual receives room, meals, utilities, house- body work Types of alternative medicine that
keeping and laundry, and daily contact with encompass hundreds of methods of improving
staff. In addition to a private room, common- the structure and functioning of the body
user space is also provided. through therapies such as massage, deep-tis-
board certied A designation indicating that sue manipulation, movement awareness, and
a physician has completed a residency energy balancing.
bold/boldface 69 boomerangers

bold/boldface In typography, type that is bonus After-the-fact, discretionary, extra cash

heavier and darker than the text type with compensation (in addition to base salary) paid
which it is used. to employees based on productivity, prots,
bona de occupational qualication savings, cost avoidance, or a combination of
(BFOQ) A legal term used to describe law- two or more of these factors, for a period of
fully permissible discriminatory job require- 12 months or less.
ments as an exception to Title VII of the Civil bonus payment A type of executive incentive
Rights Act of 1964. Job applicants may be plan whereby bonuses are paid in cash or are
classied based on BFOQ, which permits deferred.
employers to discriminate in hiring and pro- booking agent In employee relocation, the
motion only if they have a valid reason agent who sells and registers the move with
directly related to performance of the job. the carrier (van line).
bona de residence test As dened by Sec- booking code In travel management, an
tion 911, Internal Revenue Code, a U.S. citi- alphanumeric code used by travel agents to
zen who has established a permanent home or reserve a specic fare. Such codes vary by
living quarters in a foreign country while agent or agency.
working abroad for an extended or indenite booking software Software that supports and
period of time that includes at least one full enhances computer reservation system
tax year, even though the individual intends information or graphic displays at the point of
to return to the U.S. eventually. Brief trips or sale. Such systems enable travel agents to
vacations in the U.S. or other locations do not book reservations faster and more accurately.
interrupt this period. bookmark 1. An icon or position on a com-
puter desktop that allows the user to return to
bonanza babies People born in the 5-year
a specic Web site by simply clicking the
period before 1977 who are the recipients of
mouse. 2. A metaphor borrowed from Web
higher Social Security payments than the
browsers that means to make note of an indi-
notch babies, who receive lower benets due
vidual for future reference.
to legislation passed in 1977 that established
book-unit award plan See book value plan.
a new benet formula designed to correct an
book value The ratio of the total sharehold-
earlier computation. Between 1972 and 1977
ers equity in an organization divided by the
retirees had been paid more than they should
number of outstanding shares.
have received.
book value plan A type of long-term execu-
bond A legal document under which an indi- tive incentive plan in which the company sells
vidual, corporation (such as an insurance its stock to an executive at current book value.
company), or government agrees to pay, The executive receives dividends on the stock
within stated limits, for nancial loss caused and, as the book value increases, the execu-
to another by the principal, default of a third tives equity also increases. When the execu-
person, or other contingency over which the tive leaves the company, he or she must sell
principal may have no control. The bond back the accumulated shares at the current
issuer is borrowing money from the buyer and book value.
pays interest at regular intervals until the Boolean logic A system used by most large
bonds mature, at which time the investors get search engines to locate and retrieve informa-
their principal back. tion from a database. Uses and combines such
bonding Occurs when two or more people join terms as and, or, and and not to sort
and remain together out of respect, regard, and data.
concern for each other. Boolean search A World Wide Web search
bond rating A means of measuring a bond that allows the inclusion or exclusion of doc-
issuers ability to make good on its commit- uments containing certain words through the
ments to buyers. The primary bond rating use of such operators as and, not, and or.
agencies are Standard & Poors Corp. and boomerangers Young, single men or women
Moodys Inc. who live with their parents.
boomerang workers 70 bots

boomerang workers Retirees who return to counterproliferation studies, and other inter-
work. Attributed to outplacement rm Chal- national elds that are critical to the nations
lenger, Gray & Christmas of Northbrook, IL. interest; (3) produce an increased pool of
boomers The post-World War II generation, applicants for work in the departments and
born between 1943 and 1960. Characteristics: agencies of the United States Government
driven, optimistic, team players who value with national security responsibilities; (4)
health and wellness, personal growth, work, expand, in conjunction with other federal pro-
and involvement. grams, the international experience, knowl-
boom mike An electronic amplifying device edge base, and perspectives on which the U.S.
fastened to a long pole, which allows it to be citizenry, government employees, and leaders
positioned above the head of the speaker and rely; and (5) permit the federal government to
out of camera range. Usually hard-wired. advocate the cause of international education.
boot camp The US Navy and Coast Guards Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002
version of basic military training provided to The Act ensures that infants who are born
enlistees to introduce them to military life, alive, at any stage of development, are indi-
improve their physical stamina and condition- vidual human beings entitled to the full pro-
ing, and teach them basic military skills. tection of the law and are guaranteed legal
bootleg contract An agreement between protection whether or not the infants delivery
union and management designed to circum- was natural or the result of an abortion. The
vent or evade the unions statutory security bill denes a child as born alive only if he
limitations. or she displays a heartbeat, respiration, or vol-
bootleg operation 1. An unlawful or prohib- untary movements after the complete expul-
ited proceeding or action, such as producing, sion or extraction from his or her mother.
selling, or distributing products or services Approved August 5, 2002.
illicitly or hiring illegal aliens. 2. A program, Boss Lift A program designed to inform
service, funding scheme, or action deliber- employers about National Guard and Reserve
ately and covertly put into effect by an exec- Training. Trips lasting 1 to 3 days allow
utive, manager, supervisor, other employee or employers to witness life in the military ser-
group of workers without prior authorization vices rsthand. Each state is authorized one
by the individual or group having jurisdic- National Committee for Employer Support
tional authority. of the Guard and Reserve-sponsored Boss
boot up The process of turning on a computer Lift per year. Participants are transported to
and initiating its start-up sequence. The users the training site by military aircraft. They are
rst command is initiated by loading a pro- reimbursed for meals, incidentals, and travel
gram, application, or set of instructions into to and from aircraft pickup points. Most states
the computer. The computer then completes conduct additional trips using state committee
the start-up process. funds. On state-sponsored lifts, participants
borderline intelligence A category of per- are responsible for their own expenses, includ-
sons with mild mental disabilities. As mea- ing payment for the use of bachelor ofcers
sured by an intelligence test, the condition is quarters.
represented by an intelligence quotient (IQ) Boston arm A prosthesis for amputations that
of between 70 and 90. is attached surgically. The arm is controlled
David L. Boren National Security Education by the individuals own nerves.
Act of 1991 The purposes of this Act are to: Boston Business Journal Published weekly.
(1) provide the necessary resources, account- Subscription: $99.00 (professional discount
ability, and exibility to meet the national rate). Contact: Boston Business Journal, 200
security education needs of the U.S., espe- High Street, Boston, MA 02110-3006 (phone
cially as such needs change over time; (2) 617-330-1000; fax 617-330-1015; Web site
increase the quantity, diversity, and quality of
the teaching and learning of subjects in the bots Shopping robots. Software tools that
elds of foreign languages, area studies, instantly scan hundreds of Internet retail sites
bottom line discount (BLD) 71 brain training

to nd the lowest price for a given product. can also be used to treat breast, esophageal,
Currently there are more than 50 bots biliary, and cervical cancer.
available. Braille Institute of America, Inc. (BIA) A
bottom line discount (BLD) In employee private, nonprot, privately funded organiza-
relocation, a pricing program that may be tion established to provide training and ser-
offered by an interstate carrier. The BLD vices at no charge to people who are legally
applies to rst priviso shipments moving blind or visually impaired. Services include
within the U.S. (except for Hawaii) or to or child development/youth programs, visual
from Canada. Under this option the charges aids, career service, adaptive technology,
to the customer are discounted by a single counseling, classes for independent living,
percentage on both transportation and acces- and Braille publishing. Also sponsors a talk-
sorial charges. ing book library for blind and physically or
bounty program An internal recruitment and reading disabled people. Contact: Braille
placement method in which current employ- Institute of America, Inc., 741 North Vermont
ees are paid a nders fee for a referral who Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90029-3594 (phone
is hired by the company. 800-272-4553; fax 213-663-0867; e-mail
boutique health care Do it yourself/pay for it I n f o @ B r a i l l e I n s t i t u t e . o rg ; We b s i t e
yourself health care. Includes cosmetic
surgery. brain cycles Variations in the brains focus of
Box-Jenkins technique A form of time-series attention (from close attention to the outside
forecast that combines auto-regression with world to inward-looking thoughts, images,
the moving average approach and then and reveries) over a period of time measured
follows a three-step process: (1) identify the in minutes.
forecasting model that best ts the data, brain disease Serious forms of mental ill-
(2) ne-tune the model, and (3) make the fore- ness such as bipolar disorder (manic
cast based on the analysis. Approach is most depressive illness), major depression, and
appropriate when data are not highly irregular. schizophrenia.
Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale On brain drain Refers to the (employment-
June 28, 2000, the Supreme Court overturned based) immigration of skilled professionals,
the judgment of the New Jersey Supreme engineers, scientists, and technicians to North
Court that New Jerseys public accommoda- America and Europe from developing coun-
tions law requires that the Boy Scouts accept tries, principally from India, China, and
Dale as an assistant scoutmaster. Dale is an Taiwan, manifesting a continuing need for
adult whose position was revoked when the technology workers.
Boy Scouts learned that he is an avowed brain injuries See autism; Down syndrome;
homosexual and gay rights activist. In its perceptually disabled.
decision, the Court maintained that the ruling brainstorming A free-wheeling group ide-
of the New Jersey Court ran afoul of the ational technique designed to produce as
Scouts freedom of expressive association. many ideas as possible within a short period
The judgment of the New Jersey Supreme of time. A group of seven to ten, under the
Court was reversed and the case remanded for direction of a leader, generates ideas using
further proceedings not inconsistent with that four basic rules: no criticism, free-wheeling,
opinion. quantity, and combination and improvement.
brachytherapy A treatment for lung cancer Ideas are recorded and subsequently presented
that uses a computerized machine (Gam- to a separate group for evaluation and use.
mamed 12i) to deliver a high-intensity dose Attributed to Alex Osborn.
of radiation to cancerous tissue. The radioac- brain training Learning how the brain works
tive source travels through a catheter (a hollow to enable people to use it to improve their
tube) directly into or near a tumor and elimi- lives. For example, an understanding of brain
nates the danger of exposing medical person- cycles can be directly applied to human per-
nel to radiation. The procedure and equipment formance management.
brainwriting 72 brand name

brainwriting A group or individual ideational brand to earn greater and more sustainable
technique similar to brainstorming. It encour- market share, sales volume, and prot margins
ages people to engage in free association to than it could without the brand name. 2. Assets
improve their creative thinking abilities and and liabilities linked to a brands name and
generate new ideas. Ideas are produced by symbols that add to or subtract from the value
allowing thoughts to be ungoverned, uncon- provided by a product or service to a company
trolled, and unevaluated. or its customers and clients. 3. Categories of
branching program 1. A form of pro- brand equity include brand name awareness,
grammed instruction in which the steps brand loyalty, perceived brand quality, and
leading to the acquisition of knowledge or brand associations.
skill are determined by the learners responses brand exploratory Research and inquiry
to each of the program items. See also linear designed to identify potential sources of brand
program. 2. A type of instructional program- equity by providing detailed information
ming that permits trainees to complete train- about what customers think of and feel about
ing efciently by skipping whole learning the brand.
modules (training activities) that represent brand extension Occurs when a company
skills and knowledge already mastered, uses an established brand name to enter a new
thereby avoiding duplication or waste of time, market. It takes two forms: (1) line extension,
and spending more time and effort on modules when the current brand name is used to enter
that represent unknown or unmastered areas the market in the existing product class, and
of learning. (2) category extension, when the current brand
brand A uniquely identiable grade, class, or name is used to enter a different product class.
make of an economic good, such as a product brand hierarchy Displays the number and
or service. nature of both common and distinctive brand
brand attributes Distinctive characteristics elements across the companys products,
or features that mark a product or service. thereby revealing an explicit order or ranked
They include product-related attributes, such sequence of brand elements.
as the elements or components needed to brand identity A unique set of brand associ-
accomplish the function of the product or ser- ations created and maintained to represent
vice, and non-product-related attributes, such what the brand stands for and implies the
as external properties of products or services brands promise to customers. Identity is
related to their purchase or consumption. designed to help establish a relationship
brand awareness The strength of a brands between the brand and its customers by pro-
impact in terms of its memorability, as evi- ducing functional, emotional, or self-expres-
denced by consumers ability to identify the sive benets.
brand under different conditions. brand image Consumers perceptions of a
brand book An ofcially recognized record brand as indicated by the brand associations
of all legitimate brands registered by stock retained in their memories.
owners. branding Placing a name, term, design, sym-
brand contract A listing of all commitments bol, or other mark on a product to identify and
made to customers by the brand that helps differentiate ones goods or services from
dene consumer perceptions and expectations those of another.
and, in turn, forces marketers and managers brand loyalty Demonstrated when customers
to be honest about their products and services. or clients purchase the same product or ser-
brand doom loop Describes the posture of a vice repeatedly.
company that is not prosperous enough to be brand measurement Any metric used to
able to invest in its brand and cannot establish measure the success of a brand as indicated
the brand well enough to drive its business. by increasing market share, prices, sales, prof-
brand equity 1. The associations and behav- its, or return on investment.
iors of the brands customers, clients, associ- brand name The most valuable of all intan-
ates, and parent corporation that permit the gible company assets. The name given to a
brand name drug 73 briefing center

product often transcends its physical proper- breakout Describes when a stock price moves
ties in the minds of customers. When managed out of its usual trading range.
wisely, brand names provide long-term breakout session In conference and meeting
revenue. planning, a session convened to accommodate
brand name drug A drug that is sold under a a small group discussion in which the essen-
specic trademark name. Usually costs more tials of a subject are explored and in which
than its generic equivalent. For example, Mot- learning points are expanded and reinforced.
rin is the brand name for ibuprofen. Attendees at a larger concurrent session,
brand personality Reects how people feel general session, or plenary session are
about a brand rather than what they believe divided into several groups, either in separate
the brand is or does. rooms or within the main meeting room. Strat-
brand recall The ability of customers or cli- egies include interactive training, brainstorm-
ents to remember the brand when given the ing, hands-on practice, role playing, team
product grouping, the needs fullled by the building, and strategy sessions.
genre, or some other prompt or cue. Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and
brand recognition The ability of customers Treatment Act of 2000 Amends Title XIX
or clients to identify and distinguish the brand of the Social Security Act to provide medical
when given the product grouping, the needs assistance for women screened and found to
met by the category, or some other pointer or have breast or cervical cancer under a feder-
lead. ally funded screening program. Approved
brand strategies 1. The means used by com- October 24, 2000.
panies to differentiate themselves from their breast self-exam (BSE) A means of detecting
competitors. They may do that by using the cancer of the breast by frequently and system-
Web medium to communicate clear messages atically palpating the breasts.
that employ well-designed identity and navi- breath alcohol technician (BAT) An indi-
gating systems that showcase a sites purpose vidual trained and certied to conduct alcohol
and provide for intuitive user interface. 2. tests. Required by Department of Transporta-
Three bases for decision making for the effec- tion rules pertaining to the testing of safety-
tive promotion of brands: (1) a single brand sensitive transportation workers.
for all of the organizations products; (2) fam- bridge 1. A device that transparently connects
ily branding; or (3) individual brand names dissimilar computer networks. 2. A hardware
for all products. device or software product that interconnects
breach Any failure to perform as agreed. A three or more telephone lines; used to link
minor breach may entitle the other to damages multiple locations in distance learning
but is probably not enough to allow the other applications.
party out of the contract. See also material bridging pay See severance pay.
breach. brieng A formal oral presentation to others,
breach of contract A legal basis for suit such as decision makers, employees, and staff.
when an express oral or written contract is The purpose may be to inform (familiarize,
broken. interpret, clarify, or report on something of
break-even analysis A means of determining importance or concern) or to obtain a verdict
the point at which revenue derived from sales or judgment on an issue from an individual or
equals the total cost of producing the product group empowered to make that decision.
or service. Beyond the break-even point, an brieng center A customized, innovative,
organization begins to show a prot. technically sophisticated, nicely appointed,
break-even chart A planning and control and often experiential (interactive) meeting
device that graphically shows the relationship room used to tell a companys story its
among sales volume, costs, and prots. For vision, values, and strategy to its potential
the average business, this relationship is the customers. In addition to multimedia capa-
single most important factor in planning for bilities, brieng centers often include wire-
prots. less, high-speed Internet access, audio- and
briefing room program manager 74 browser

videoconferencing, electronic white boards, all copyrighted music represented by BMI,

digital cameras, and printers. Formerly whether taped music at a general session or a
known as demo rooms. band performing at a party. The license fee is
brieng room program manager Operates based on attendance at all events where music
a brieng center and works with sales hosts was played during the past year. Check your
to create customized presentations, using local telephone listings for the nearest ofce.
experts from the company who understand broadsheet A standard newsprint page mea-
customers and clients specic business suring 12 21 inches.
issues, problems, and concerns. Brock Commission A commission estab-
brightness In video, the intensity of light, lished by the Secretary of Labor in 1990 to
independent of hue or saturation. Also called study the skills that young people must master
luminance. to have sufcient knowledge in the workplace.
broadband An analog transmission technique bronchodilators Over-the-counter drugs for
for data or video that provides multiple chan- the temporary relief of shortness of breath,
nels for users. Has the capability of sending chest tightness, and wheezing due to bronchial
and receiving information over the Internet at asthma.
high speed. bronze parachute S ev e r a n c e p a c k a g e s
broadbanding A compensation strategy orig- designed for upper-level managers. They are
inally used primarily in the public sector but somewhat less lavish than golden parachutes
to an increasing degree now used in private received by top executives but more generous
companies, mainly for salaried exempt than the basic severance plans that cover
employees, salaried nonexempt employees, lower-level employees. In addition, they may
and executives, in that order. Broadbanding is be activated by resignation for good reason
used to overcome the constraints of a rigid (such as company relocation or change in
pay structure (general schedule) to meet local compensation) as well as by involuntary ter-
market compensation. Most often, large num- mination.
bers of pay grades are merged into a few broad The Brookings Institution (BI) A private,
bands of pay (usually three or four) with larger independent, nonprot organization devoted
salary ranges. Another broadbanding to research, education, and publication in eco-
approach, career bands, employs relatively nomics, government, foreign policy, and the
few bands, involves even wider salary ranges, social sciences. Its principal purpose is to
and emphasizes career development. improve the performance of American institu-
Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) An organiza- tions, the effectiveness of government pro-
tion that issues licenses (for a fee based on grams, and the quality of U.S. public policies.
the number of events or number of attendees) Brookings is nanced largely by an endow-
to perform any of more than 2 million pieces ment and by the support of philanthropic foun-
of copyrighted music (live or recorded) at dations, corporations, and individuals.
meetings, conferences, and exhibits, whether Contact: Brookings Institution, 1775 Massa-
held in a hotel, restaurant, conference center, chusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-
or cruise ship. Represents the rights of song- 2188 (phone 202-797-6000; fax 202-797-
writers, composers, and music publishers. 6004; e-mail; Web site
Signed a blanket agreement with the Ameri-
can Society of Association Executives, Meet- brown-collar jobs Jobs disproportionately
ing Professionals International, the Profes- held by Hispanic immigrants, such as cooks,
sional Convention Management Association, gardeners, and painters.
and the Religious Conference Management brownout A condition that occurs when volt-
Association, which cuts the costs and simpli- age drops below the level needed by comput-
es paperwork for the use of music at meet- ers to operate. Brownouts usually result in
ings,conventions, and exhibitions. As of 1997, damaged or lost unsaved data.
signatory meeting planners will pay BMI browser Software used to explore (surf) the
annually for a license that covers any use of World Wide Web using a point-and-click
browsing 75 bulletin board system or service (BBS)

interface that allows the display of text and budget chart In meeting management, an
graphics. Most come with e-mail software. estimate of total revenues and expenditures
Examples are Mosaic, Netscape Navigator, divided into subject categories and used to
Apple Internet Connection Kit, and project cash needed to meet expenses on spe-
Microsoft Internet Explorer. Some browsers cic dates. Also called cash ow chart and
can be downloaded from the Web at no charge phased budget.
except for the phone call and any connection budget resolutions Set out annually in gen-
charges, others can be purchased for relatively eral terms by the Congress, the amounts of
little as part of retail software packages that revenues and expenditures the federal govern-
also include connection software, and others ment will receive and spend in a scal year.
are part of the chief commercial on-line com- They are binding only on the Congress. Con-
puter services. gressional authorization and appropriation
browsing See scanning. committees have the discretion to change pro-
B-school A school that offers the master of posals in the budget resolution as long as the
business administration (MBA) degree. Orig- spending and reduction targets are met. Actual
inally developed to provide a common lan- funding is provided by appropriations bills
guage for specialists in accounting and busi- or reconciliation bills.
ness, the MBA is now considered by many buffet 1. Self-service: a type of meal service
to be an important credential for a career in whereby food is presented on a table and guests
business, including the human resources serve themselves. Popular for receptions,
discipline. refreshment breaks, and continental breakfasts
when time is limited and networking is desired.
B to B: Advertising Ages Newspaper of the
2. Served: a type of meal service whereby most
Marketing Revolution Published biweekly
of the food is displayed on a table and certain
by Crain Communications, Inc., 740 N. Rush
items, such as meats, are carved and/or served
St., Chicago, IL 60611-2590. Cost: $59 per
by chefs or waitpersons.
year (free to qualied subscribers). Contact:
bug An error or malfunction in computer soft-
phone 888-288-5900; fax 313-446-6777;
ware that causes it to yield incorrect results.
e-mail; Web site
building block curricula Standard 1- or
2-week training programs required of
The Bubble Generation Japanese term for employees prior to assignment or promotion
Generation X. to new or more responsible positions. Typi-
buddy system An executive, managerial, or cally there is a block for rst-line supervisors,
supervisory development approach in which another for middle mangers, and another for
a young executive, manager, or supervisor executives.
may choose or be assigned a senior executive, building-occupant survey A survey designed
manager, or supervisor as a coach and role to explore employee concerns about the work
model. environment, such as air quality, building
budget 1. A comprehensive numerical plan for noise, lighting, ofce noise, and thermal com-
the allocation of resources to achieve corpo- fort. Undertaken to increase worker produc-
rate goals and objectives. It is a statement of tivity, demonstrate managements interest in
expected results expressed in numerical terms. employee well-being, and avoid lawsuits.
It determines what resources should be bulky article charge In employee relocation,
expended by whom and for what (planning) a charge to the moving customer to move an
and what resources are being expended where, item that takes up excessive van space. The
by whom, and for what (control). 2. In project item must be specically listed in the tariff
management, the nancial or resource con- for the charge to apply. Such items include
straints under which a project will be carried motorcycles, farm equipment, mowers, sheds,
out, typically divided into resource require- and grandfather clocks.
ments for major tasks or materials, equipment, bulletin board system or service (BBS) In
travel, and so on. telecommunications and on the Internet, a
bull market 76 Bureau of Immigration and Customs

system in which messages are posted for bundled software Programs sold with a com-
subscribers to elicit responses using a puter as a hardware and software package,
modem. Files can be sent from the users typically at a reduced price to increase attrac-
computer to the other system (uploaded) or tiveness to buyers.
copied from the remote system into the users bundling The practice of pooling the purchas-
system (downloaded). ing of products and services by several orga-
bull market A market that gains value for an nizations as a cost-cutting strategy. Also called
extended period of time, often several years. cooperative buying and group purchasing.
The opposite of a bear market. burden of proof In legal actions, the obliga-
Donald Bullock Memorial Dissertation tion of one of the litigating parties to establish
Award An award presented annually by the an alleged fact or claim by veriable evidence
American Society for training and Devel- or proof.
opment in recognition of the outstanding dis- Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Ser-
sertation in human resource development. vices (BCIS) Formerly an agency of the
Candidates must be nominated by their com- Department of Justice, the Immigration and
mittee chair for a degree granted between July Naturalization Service has been replaced by
1 and June 30 of the preceding year. The study three agencies, which are now part of the
must fall within one of the following areas: Department of Homeland Security: Bureau of
(1) training and development; (2) work Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS),
design; (3) organization development/learn- which handles petitions for immigration bene-
ing; (4) human resource planning; (5)
ts and naturalization applications; Bureau of
employee assistance; or (6) career develop-
Customs and Border Protection (BCBP);
ment. Selected by an awards committee. Con-
and Bureau of Immigration and Customs
tact: ASTD National Awards Program, 1640
Enforcement (BICE). Contact BCIS, 425
King St., Box 1443, Alexandria, VA 22313-
I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20536 (Web site
2043 (phone 703-683-8100).
bullying federal law protections I n c l u d e
Bureau of Customs and Border Protection
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title
(BCBP) On March 1, 2003, the border
II, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
and Individuals with Disabilities Education inspection functions of the U.S. Customs Ser-
Acts of 1975, 1991, and 1997. vice, the Immigration and Naturalization Ser-
bump/bumping 1. Displacement of an vice, and the Animal and Plant Health Inspec-
incumbent employee, such as through layoff tion Service, along with the U.S. Border
or demotion, to make room for an employee Patrol, were transferred to the Bureau of Cus-
with seniority or a Title VII litigant (a person toms and Border Protection. BCBP is respon-
who has successfully charged discrimina- sible for immigration enforcement at U.S. bor-
tion). Bumping is specically allowed by the ders and ports of entry. Contact: Web site
National Labor Relations Board and the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commis- Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) T h e
sion. See also involuntary bumping; voluntary agency of the Department of Commerce
bumping. responsible for the preparation and publica-
bundled case rate In health care reimburse- tion of the estimates of gross domestic prod-
ment, the practice of combining institutional uct and gross national product.
and professional charges (e.g., for cardiac sur- Bureau of Immigration and Customs
gery, surgeon, technicians, anesthesiologist, Enforcement (BICE) An agency of the
and pre- and postoperative care) into a single Department of Homeland Security, BICE
payment. Also called package pricing. brings together about 14,000 federal employ-
bundled services In-house, complete package ees who focus on the enforcement of immi-
(investment management, record keeping, and gration and customs laws within the U.S., the
custody) 401(k) investment services offered protection of specied federal buildings, and
to employees by companies. air and marine enforcement. Contact: Web
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 77 business center

site heavy workload, short deadlines, interper-

enforcement/investigative_priorities/bice.xml/. sonal problems, or family or nancial
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) The prin- problems.
cipal fact-nding agency for the federal gov- Burns United Support Groups, Inc. (BUSG)
ernment in the broad eld of labor economics A national organization established to provide
and statistics. It has a dual role as the statis- information, assistance, and support to those
tical arm of the Department of Labor and as who have survived being burned and their
an independent national statistical agency that families and friends. Services include out-
collects, processes, analyzes, and dissemi- reach visitation, phone support, and a news-
nates sensitive economic and statistical data letter. Contact: Burns United Support Groups,
to the American public, Congress, other fed- Inc., P.O. Box 36416, Grosse Pointe Farms,
eral agencies, state and local governments, MI 48236-0416 (phone 313-881-5577; fax
business, and labor. Contact: U.S. Department 313-417-8702; e-mail 156/@concentric.NET;
of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave., N.W., Wash- Web site
ington, D.C. 20210 (phone 202-523-6098; burrowing Describes the practice of getting
Web site stats.bls.govblshome.html/). ones status in the federal bureaucracy
Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) An inde- changed from political appointee (one who
pendent publisher of nonpartisan news and serves at the pleasure of the administration in
information. Produces more than 200 print ofce) to a bona de career civil service posi-
and electronic products covering legislative, tion (one that cannot be terminated for polit-
international, and economic developments, ical reasons).
including Human Resources Library and Business 2.0 Published monthly (bimonthly
Human Resources Library Lawyers Edi- in December and January) by Business 2.0
tion, available on CD and the Web. Contact: Media, Inc.. Annual subscription: $29.98,
BNA, 1231 25th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. $49.98 in Canada. Contact: Business 2.0.,
20037 (phone 800-372-1033; Web site www. P.O. Box 64449, Tampa, FL 33664-4449 (phone 800-437-6363 or 212-522-7886; Web
burial instructions/checklist A detailed site
statement of who should be contacted; what Business & Health:Keys to Workforce Produc-
funeral service to employ; whether the tivity Published monthly by Medical Eco-
remains are to be cremated or buried; the nomics, Montvale, NJ 07645 (phone 201-358-
clothing to be worn; the type of ceremony and 7200). For further information, contact the
the name of the church, mosque, synagogue, Washington Business Group on Health
or chapel where the services are to be held; (WBGH), 777 N. Capitol St., Ste. 800, Wash-
where burial is to take place; what newspapers ington, D.C. 20002 (phone 202-408-9320).
are to be given the information for the obitu- Business Brand Leadership: How Leading
ary; what organizations and government agen- Brands Stay That Way Published by HR
cies are to be notied; what charities should Business to Business, Inc., 300 E-Business
be suggested for gifts in memory of the dece- Way, Ste. 500, Cincinnati, OH 45241 (phone:
dent; which hymns should be sung and pas- 800-243-2648; e-mail; Web
sages read; and any other instructions that will site
simplify and make the appropriate nal business card A means of controlling travel
arrangements. and entertainment costs, revolving or nonre-
burnout Physical, mental, or emotional debil- volving corporate cards are issued by banks
itation characterized by exhaustion, frustra- (such as Visa and MasterCard) and offer a
tion, insensitivity to others, detachment, list- standard package or customized reports.
lessness, loss of concentration, irritability, business center In meeting management, the
discouragement, depression, negativism, irri- area in a hotel or convention center that con-
tability, low morale, and lack of commitment. tains ofce equipment, such as copiers, fax
It is the result of excessive and prolonged machines, computers and printers, modems,
stress generated by such things as pressure of and secretarial or clerical services for clients.
business class 78 Business Leadership Network (BLN)

business class An unrestricted air fare for but are limited in number because they depend
travel in a special section of the aircraft that on seat availability.
costs less than rst-class travel. business ecosystem An arrangement in which
business class amenities Include such extra two or more companies work cooperatively to
courtesies as 24-hour business center free to support new products, satisfy clients and cus-
guests with fax, copier, and printer, automated tomers, and develop new and innovative prod-
check-in and check-out, boardroom and meet- ucts, services, and strategies in key market
ing rooms, expanded complimentary break- segments.
fast, comfortable and well-lighted work space, business electronic countermeasures
cordless phone, free local calls and long-dis- (B-ECM) Electronic strategies and tactics
tance access, in-room coffee maker, ironing designed to achieve content security to protect
board, safe exercise room with whirlpool, and an organization from theft or corporate espi-
two-line speaker phone. onage. Include such devices as lockouts, pass-
business class club Offers a 24-hour mini words, identication systems, codes, crypto-
business center, a private lounge, and a sepa- graphic systems, scramblers, secure
rate dining area for use by any hotel guest telephones, and decoy messages.
willing to pay a $40 to $50 per night premium business espionage The collection and analy-
in addition to the regular room rate. sis of information about other organizations
business class services Includes such items by illegal or unethical means such as wiretap-
as upgraded bedroom and private lounge with ping, visual, acoustical, and electronic surveil-
buffet breakfast and late-afternoon hors lance, moles (planted spies), or payment of
doeuvres and cocktails. Also called concierge bribes to employees or former employees of
services. the target organizations.
business coach 1. An economy class fare with business ethics Focuses on business practices,
purchase rules that are not too costly to busi- institutions, and actions and evaluative judg-
ness travelers. 2. A person who contracts with ments about those actions in light of some
another to provide counseling services for a basic human good or concept of human value.
monthly fee. Also called personal coach, business format franchising Occurs when
executive coach, or developmental coach. franchisees buy into an entire business con-
business coaching Helping clients examine cept and program, adopting standardized and
abstract, philosophical, and practical issues prescribed operating procedures, marketing
and, in the light of that assessment, clarify strategies, and management systems (e.g.,
their goals, values, and vision and develop specialized training programs, tness centers,
action plans to achieve them. real estate, and computer outlets).
business continuity A term used to describe business intelligence The collection and anal-
a companys response to disaster or crisis ysis of information from legitimate and ethical
(e.g., actions taken following the September (legal and open) sources about the plans, oper-
11 terrorist attacks). Other scenarios include ations, achievements, problems, products, and
disruptions in transportation, telecom outages, processes of other organizations. The infor-
oods, res, and earthquakes. Such responses, mation may be obtained from the companies
in addition to recovering lost data, worker themselves or from secondary sources such as
availability, productivity, and nancial issues trade and professional associations.
(lines of credit, public/private sector cooper- Business Leadership Network (BLN) An
ation, and so on), must be addressed. Formerly employer-led venture of the U.S. Department
called disaster recovery. of Labor, Ofce of Disability Employment
business costs Total expenditures determined Policy. Its mission is to raise employer aware-
by ordinary accounting methods. ness by using employer experience to increase
business discount fare An airfare group that career opportunities for people with disabili-
affords a small discount to business travelers ties and access to the disability community
who book their ights 3 to 7 days in advance. market. Using resources of the partnership
The fares rarely carry restrictions or penalties between the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and
Business Marketing Association (BMA) 79 Business Records Act of 1999

the U.S. Department of Labor, employers employment in the U.S. (i.e., engaged in inter-
implement strategies that result in full inclu- national commerce on behalf of a foreign rm,
sion. Contact: Carol Dunlap, Manager, Busi- not employed in the U.S. labor market, and
ness Leadership Network, 1331 F Street, receiving no salary from U.S. sources).
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004-1107 (phone business practices training Training pro-
202-376-6200, ext. 35; fax 202-376-6868; vided employees in such areas as benchmark-
TTY 202-376-6205; e-mail dunlap-carol@ ing, business fundamentals, business process; web site engineering, change management, nancial
Business Marketing Association (BMA) fundamentals, ethics, resource planning, time
The leading professional resource for busi- management, and total quality management.
ness-to-business marketers and communica- business process engineering (BPE) S e e
tors. With active members worldwide, BMA process engineering.
offers marketers broad information and edu- business process management (BPM) A
cation resources, in addition to networking Web-based system that provides application
opportunities through local chapters, confer- integration, straight-through processing,
ences, and seminars. Contact: BMA, 400 N. workow, support for dynamic process
Michigan Ave., 15th oor, Chicago, IL 60602. change, and process monitoring and reporting.
(phone 800-664-4BMA; fax 312-409-4266; Enables businesses to adjust to change with-
Web site www. out interrupting operations; all functions are
business matchmaking See matchmaker/ conducted through a browser.
matchmaking agencies. Business Process Management Initiative
business meeting Dened by the Internal (BPMI) A non-prot consortium of soft-
Revenue Service as an event (meeting semi- ware and service vendors that enables compa-
nar, workshop, or convention) where the tax- nies of all sizes and all industries to develop
payer (sponsor or attendee) is beneting or and operate business processes that span mul-
advancing the interest of his trade or business tiple applications and business partners,
and where business is the primary purpose for behind the rewall and over the Internet. Its
attendance. In addition, any meetings (lec- mission is to promote and develop the use of
tures, panel discussions, committee meetings, Business Process Management establishing
product displays, or similar activities) qualify standards for process design, deployment,
as substantial and bona de business discus- execution, maintenance, and optimization.
sions. Such meetings, including travel, lodg- Contact: BPMI, 1155 S. Havana Street,
ing, food and beverage, entertainment, and #11-311, Aurora, CO 80012 (phone 303-
recreation, can be deducted by the taxpayer if 364-8595; fax 303-341-7014; e-mail info@
the items are directly related to the active con-; Web site
duct of business or directly preceding or fol- Business Records Act of 1999 Allows any
lowing a substantial and bona de business business, institution, member of a profession
discussion, according to the IRS. However, or calling, or any department or agency of
the costs of business meals and entertainment government that, in the regular course of busi-
are subject to a 50% deductibility limit. ness, has kept or recorded any memorandum,
business necessity Relates to equal employ- writing, entry, print, representation, or combi-
ment opportunity. It involves demonstrating nation thereof of any act, transaction, occur-
that there is an overriding business purpose rence, or event, and has caused any or all of
for any discriminatory practice and that the the same to be recorded, copied, or repro-
practice is therefore acceptable. If a practice duced by any photographic, photostatic,
cannot be defended as a bona de occupa- microlm, micro-card, miniature photo-
tional qualication, it is usually justied as graphic, or other process that accurately
a business necessity. reproduces the original, to destroy the original
business nonimmigrant An alien coming in the regular course of business unless its
temporarily to the U.S. to engage in commer- preservation is required by law. Such repro-
cial transactions that do not involve gainful duction is as admissible in evidence as the
business television (BTV) 80 by the way (BTW)

original itself in any judicial or administrative Buttereld Ruling A 1996 ruling of the
proceeding whether the original exists or not. National Labor Relations Board (O.E. Butter-
The introduction of a reproduced record, eld, Inc.) that reversed a 34-year-old prece-
enlargement, or facsimile does not preclude dent (Pacic Tile & Porcelain Co.) that pre-
admission of the original. Passed January 5, sumed all striker replacements to be
1999. permanent employees. The ruling placed the
business television (BTV) 1. A form of tele- burden of proof on employers to determine
conferencing set up by an organization or whether replacements for economic strikers
group of companies in a specic industry for are permanent workers eligible to vote in a
one-way video used in conjunction with two- union certication election.
way audio for conferences, communication, buy-and-hold. A strategy used by long-term
and training over long distances. The signals investors whereby they maintain their holdings
are transmitted by telephone lines or satellite. and ignore short-term market uctuations.
2. An information service that includes buy-back plan. A program designed to cut the
descriptions of computer software packages costs of absenteeism by buying back unused
with business applications for use with micro- sick leave time.
and minicomputers. buy-back program. In travel management,
business-to-business (B2B) Activities and paying employees cash (usually 50 to 60% of
programs conducted directly between the lowest airfare) for earned frequent ier
businesses rather than through intermediar- tickets turned in to the company.
ies. Often linked by computer networks. buydown. A lump sum payment made to the
creditor by the borrower or by a third party to
Business Travel News: The Newspaper of the
reduce the amount of some or all of the con-
Business Travel Industry A journal published
sumers periodic payments to repay the
semimonthly in January, February, April, June,
July, August, and December and three times in
Buyer Value Option. In employee relocation,
March, May, September, October, and Novem-
a popular home sale program that uses a pur-
ber. Cost: $95.00 per year (free to qualied
chase offer from an independent buyer to
subscribers). Contact: Miller Freeman Inc., 600
determine the value of a property sold by a
Harrison St., San Francisco, CA 94107 (phone transferring employee.
415-905-2200; fax 415-905-2233; e-mail
buy right. A type of purchasing reform, or 74117.126@com- applied primarily but not exclusively to health; Website care projects, that relies heavily on the use of
business unionism See union. patient outcome measures as the basis for mak-
Business Week A weekly journal (51 issues ing buying decisions. Used to select health
per year). Cost: $49.95 per year. Contact: care providers that can provide the highest
Business Week, 1221 Avenue of The Americas, quality and most efcient care for the lowest
39th Fl., New York, NY 10020 (phone 800- price. Outcome measures include such items
635-1200 or 212-512-2511; Web site as major and minor morbidity and mortality and patient evaluation of care. The emphasis
bust-out A strategy used by unscrupulous is on quality, not discounts. The focus of buy
entrepreneurs and businesses that involves this right is shifting from managing costs to man-
sequence of events: buy a healthy business aging quality improving the quality of care
(preferably one that has been family-owned and eliminating unnecessary variation.
for many years and has a large cash ow); buzz session. See huddle group.
have the purchase nanced by the owner and Byrd Scholarship Program. See Robert C.
a bank; do not invest anything in the business; Byrd Honors Scholarship Program.
use credit to the maximum; fail to pay bills; byte. The smallest unit of access (addressable
pocket the cash ow; drain the equity; declare unit of storage) in many computers; typically
Chapter 7 (liquidation) bankruptcy; and move eight bits in length.
on to the next business. by the way (BTW) Cyberspeak on the Internet.
CA Communications assistant. CATCAP 1. Medicare Catastrophic
CAA 1. Clayton Antitrust Act of Coverage Act of 1988.
1914. 2. Clean Air Act. 2. Catastrophic cap.
CAD Computer-assisted design. CAT/UB Center for Assistive
CAE 1. Certied Association Technology/University of
Executive. 2. Computer- Buffalo.
assisted engineering. CAV Constant angular velocity.
CAEL Council for Adult and CBD Commerce Business Daily.
Experiential Learning. CBE Computer-based education.
CAI Computer-aided (-assisted) CBI Computer-based instruction.
instruction. CBL Computer-based learning.
CAJE Computer-assisted job CBLR Computer-based learning
evaluation. resources.
CAM 1. Computer-assisted CBP Certied Benets
manufacturing. 2. Catchment- Professional.
area management. CBR Computer-based reference.
3. Certicate of Advanced CBT Computer-based training.
Mastery. CBVE Competency-based
CANS Commission on Achieving vocational-technical
Necessary Skills. education.
CAO Chief accounting ofcer. CCA/ACR Canadian Compensation
CAP 1. Closing Agreement Association/Association
Program. 2. Claims assistance Canadienne de Remuneration.
professional. CCAC Child Care Action Campaign.
CAPPS II Computer Assisted Passsenger CCB Carroll Center for the Blind.
Prescreening System. CCD Charged-coupled device.
Capt. 1. Captain O3 (Air Force, CCL Center for Creative
Army, and Marine Corps Leadership.
civilian abbreviation). CCLVI Council of Citizens with Low
2. Captain O6 (Navy civilian Vision International.
abbreviation). CCP 1. Certied Compensation
CAPT 1. Captain O3 (Army military Professional. 2. Coordinated
abbreviation). 2. Captain O6 Care Program.
(Navy military abbreviation). CCRC Continuing care retirement
C&R Consultation and referral. community.
CAR Computer-assisted retrieval. CCR&R Child care resource and
CARC Carcinogen. referral programs.
CASA Center on Addiction and CCTE Certied Corporate Travel
Substance Abuse. Executive.
CASE Computer-aided software CD 1. Compact disc. 2. Career
engineering. development. 3. Chemical
CAT Computerized axial dependency. 4. Certicate of
tomography. deposit.


CDA Communications Decency Act CFP Board Certied Financial Planner

of 1996. Board of Standards.
CDC Centers for Disease Control CFROI Cash ow return on
and Prevention. investment.
CDH Consumer-driven health CFS Chronic fatigue syndrome.
(plans). CG Character generator.
CD-I Compact disk interactive. CGA Color graphics adapter.
CDMA Code division multiple access. CGCPOA U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty
CDME Certied Destination Ofcers Association.
Management Executive. CGI Common gateway interface.
CDO Chief diversity ofcer. CGS Cost of goods sold.
CDP Compact disc player. CHAMPUS Civilian Health and Medical
CDR 1. Continuing disability Program of the Uniformed
review. 2. Commander O5 Services.
(Navy military abbreviation). CHAMPVA Civilian Health and Medical
CD-R Compact disc-recordable. Program of the Veterans
CD-ROM Compact disk read-only Administration.
memory. CHCO Chief human capital ofcer.
CD-ROM XA Compact disc, read only CHEA Council for Higher Education
memory extended architecture. Accreditation.
CD-RW Compact disc-rewritable. CHF Congestive heart failure.
ChFA Chartered Financial Analyst.
CE Conformity Europe.
CHP Comprehensive health
CEAP Certied Employee Assistance
CHPI Certicate in Human
CEBS Certied Employee Benets
Performance Improvement.
CHRIE The Council on Hotel,
CEDAW Convention on the Elimination
Restaurant and Institutional
of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women.
CHRP Common hardware reference
CedMA Computer Education
Management Association.
CHTML Compressed hypertext markup
CEM Customer experience language.
management. CIA Central Intelligence Agency.
CEO Chief executive ofcer. CIC 1. Catastrophic illness
CEP Color electronic prepress. coverage. 2. Cooperative
CEPAA Council on Economic Information Clearinghouse
Priorities Accreditation and Library. 3. Convention
Agency. Industry Council.
CERCLA Comprehensive CIM 1. Certicate of Initial
Environmental Response, Mastery. 2. Computer-
Compensation, and Liability integrated manufacturing.
Act of 1980. CIO 1. Corporate information
CETA Comprehensive Employment ofcer. 2. Chief information
and Training Act of 1973. ofcer.
CEU Continuing Education Unit. CIPA Childrens Internet Protection
cf Cystic brosis. Act of 2000.
CFA Chartered Financial Analyst. CIPP Context-Input-Process-
CFCs Chlorouorocarbons. Product.
CFO Chief nancial ofcer. CKO Chief knowledge ofcer.
CFP Certied Financial Planner. CLC Convention Liaison Council.

CLD Causal loop diagram. COBOL Common business-oriented

CLEP College-Level Examination language.
Program. COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Reconciliation Act of 1986.
Amendments of 1988. CODA Cash or deferred arrangement.
CLMPC Canadian Labour Market and CODEC Compressor/decomposer.
Productivity Centre. COHRMA Council on Human Resource
CLO Chief learning ofcer. Management Associations.
CLV Constant linear velocity. Col. Colonel O6 (Air Force, Army,
CM Contact manager. and Marine Corps civilian
CMC Certied Management abbreviation).
Consultant. COL Colonel O6 (Army military
Cmdr. Commander O5 (Navy civilian abbreviation).
abbreviation). COLA Cost of living allowance.
CME 1. Continuing medical COLI Corporate-owned life
education. 2. Certied insurance.
Manager of Exhibits. CON Certicate of need.
CMF Career management eld. CONAP Concurrent Admissions
CMI Computer-managed Program.
instruction. COO Chief operating ofcer.
CMIIW Correct me if Im wrong COP Continuation of pay.
(Internet speak). COPD Chronic obstructive
CMM 1. Certicate in meeting pulmonary disease.
management. 2. Corporate COPPA Childrens Online Privacy
memory manager. Protection Act of 1998.
CMMA Communications Media COQ Cost of quality.
Management Association. CORF Comprehensive outpatient
CMO Case management rehabilitation facility.
organization. CORPA Commission on Recognition
CMP 1. Certied Meeting of Postsecondary
Professional. 2. Competitive Accreditation.
medical plan. 3. Complete CPA Certied Public Accountant.
meeting package. CPAE Council of Peers Award for
CMR Center for Military Readiness. Excellence.
CMS 1. Centers for Medicare & CPAF Cost-plus-award fee contract.
Medicaid Services. 2. Color CPC Certied Personnel
management system. Consultant.
CMT Computer-managed training. CPDT Certied Professional
CMYK Cyan, yellow, magenta, and Development Trainer.
black. CPF Cleft Palate Foundation.
CNCM Computerized numerically CPFF Cost-plus-xed-fee contract.
controlled machining. CPI Consumer Price Index.
CNM Certied Nurse-Midwife. CPIF Cost-plus-xed-incentive-fee
CNO Cost-no-fee contract. contract.
COA 1. Certicate of authority. CPI-W Consumer Price Index for
2. Commissioned Ofcers Urban Wage Earners and
Association of the U.S. Public Clerical Workers.
Health Service. 3. Cost of CPM 1. Critical path method.
attendance. 2. Corporate performance
COB Coordination of benets. management.
CPOA 84 Caesarean section

CPOA U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty CT 1. Computerized (computed)

Ofcers Association. tomography. 2. Cycle time.
CPR 1. Customary, prevailing, and CTD Cumulative trauma disorder.
reasonable. 2. Cardiopulmo- CTI Corporate Travel Index.
nary resuscitation. CTO 1. Chief training ofcer.
CPS Creative problem solving. 2. Chief technology ofcer.
CPSA Consumer Product Safety Act 3. Chief Transformation
of 1972. Ofcer. 4. Cognizant technical
CPT 1. Current Procedural ofcer.
Terminology, 4th Edition. CTS 1. Certied Temporary
2. Common procedural Stafng Specialist. 2. Carpal
terminology. tunnel syndrome.
CPU Central processing unit. CTT Certied Technical Trainer.
CR Continuing resolution CU Corporate university.
CRA Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and CUA Common user access.
1991. CUI Common user interface.
CRC Cost-reimbursable contractor. CUPA College and University
CRCA Copyright Remedy Personnel Association.
Clarication Act of 1991. CV Curriculum vitae.
CRM 1. Crew resource management. CVB Convention and visitors
2. Customer relationship bureau.
management. CWA 1. Communications Workers
CRP C-reactive protein. of America. 2. Clean Water
CRS Computer reservation system.
CWBS Contract work breakdown
CRT Cathode ray tube.
CS 1. Cost-sharing contract.
CWHSSA Contract Work Hours and
2. Customer service.
Safety Standards Act of 1962.
CSAD Client/server application
CWV The Center for Women
CSAE Canadian Society of
CW&WOA Chief Warrant and Warrant
Association Executives.
Ofcers Association, U.S.
CSB Customer Satisfaction Coast Guard.
Barometer. CYA Cover your anterior.
CSE Child support enforcement.
CSHCN Children with Special Health cabana In meeting management, a hotel room
Care Needs. that is located next to the pool area that may
CSLR Computer-supported learning or may not have sleeping facilities.
resources. cabin air See toxic air.
CSM Convention services manager. cable modem A modem designed for use in
CSP Certied Speaking transmitting audio and visual signals via TV
Professional. coaxial cable. For a fee, users can dial up one
CSR Customer service of the commercial online Internet services. It is
representative. much faster than standard telephone modems.
CSRA Civil Service Reform Act of cable television 1. Transmission of television
1978. signals by cable technology. 2. In training, a
CSRS Civil Service Retirement form of learning technology.
System. Caesarean section Surgical birth of a fetus.
CSRSEA Civil Service Retirement Taking a child from the uterus by cutting
Spouse Equity Act of 1984. through the walls of the abdomen and uterus.
CSS Customer service specialist. Employed when labor is prolonged or normal
cafeteria 85 campaign management

birth is likely to injure either the child or the call-back pay Guaranteed pay for a minimum
mother. number of hours when employees are called
cafeteria A level of food service in which food back to the workplace at a time when they are
is placed behind a shield and main dishes are not scheduled.
served by waitpersons. call brand In meeting management, a con-
cafeteria plan An employee benet plan that tract provision. A brand of liquor, as distin-
allows employees to select from an array of guished from house brand, selected by the
benets, within a specied dollar limit, those customer by name.
that most closely match their requirements call center An organizational element that
and to choose the form in which incentive handles customer service, telemarketing, col-
payments are to be received. Usually a com- lections, and other customer-focused functions.
mon core of benets is required, such as min- call-girl principle Applies to selling and
imum levels of disability, health, retirement, negotiating: the value of services is greater
and death benets. before they are delivered than after; therefore,
calculating product liability loss See United it is important to establish the terms of an
Dominion Industries, Inc., Petitioner v. United agreement (the offer) before consideration is
States. provided. (Attributed to Chester L. Karrass,
calibration One of the three major components Give and Take: The Complete Guide to Nego-
of a color management system in desktop tiating Strategies and Tactics, Thomas Crow-
publishing. Adjusts measurable deviations ell Publishers.)
from a scanners, monitors, printers, or image calling card A phone card that allows users to
setters normal color rendering so that the sys- dial a special toll-free number for quick long-
tem consistently conforms to the devices spec- distance connections, including overseas calls
ications and ts the specied color space. (some one-way, others both ways).
California Civil Rights Initiative See Prop- call-in pay Guaranteed pay for a minimum
osition 209. number of hours when an employee reports to
The Calix Society An international society the workplace and no work is available.
established in 1947 (now with 52 chapters) to call letter A letter released annually by the
help Catholic alcoholics achieve and maintain Ofce of Personnel Management (OPM) to
sobriety through a 12-step fellowship. every health benets plan of the Federal
Focuses on total abstinence, spiritual develop- Employees Health Benets Program
ment, and sanctication of the whole person- (FEHBP). The letter sets forth basic guide-
ality of each member. Publishes a bimonthly lines for the plans and thereby determines plan
newsletter. Contact: Calix Society, 2555 benets and premium proposals for the fol-
Hazelwood Ave., St. Paul, MN 55109 lowing year.
(phone/fax 800-398-0524 or 651-773-3117; call option Gives a buyer the right to buy or
e-mail; Web site sell 100 shares of the underlying security at a xed price before a specied expiration date.
call and put options An investment tech- call price The price at which a bond or pre-
nique in which a fund invests a small percent- ferred stock can be called in by the issuing
age of its assets (say, 5%), represented by the authority.
premium paid, in the purchase of call and put camcorder Audiovisual equipment that com-
options in respect of specic securities. A call bines a video camera and recorder in a single
option gives the purchaser of the option the unit.
right to buy, and obligates the writer to sell, camera-ready 1. In desktop publishing, copy
the underlying security at the exercise price at that is ready for photography. 2. In marketing,
any time during the option period. A put an ad ready to be inserted into a publication
option gives the purchaser of the option the with no further production required.
right to sell, and obligates the writer to buy, campaign management Software tools
the underlying security at the exercise price at designed to help plan, execute, and evaluate
any time during the option period. marketing campaigns. May also be used to
Campus-Based Programs 86 capital accumulation plan

dene market segments, select targets, plan It takes one of more than 100 forms, the most
communications, and track results. common of which are bladder, bone, brain,
Campus-Based Programs Federal student breast, cervical, colon, esophagus, Hodgkins
nancial aid programs administered by a lymphoma, kidney, larynx, leukemia, lip,
schools nancial aid administrator. They liver, lymphomas (non-Hodgkins), malignant
include the Federal Supplemental Educa- melanoma, mouth, ovary, pancreas, prostate,
tional Opportunity Grant Program, the rectum, skin (basal cell and squamous cell),
Federal Work-Study Program, and the Fed- stomach, testicle, thyroid, and uterus.
eral Perkins Loan Program. cannabis Mood-altering drugs that make time
Canadian Goods and Services Tax S e e seem to pass more slowly and make sounds,
Goods and Services Tax. colors, and tastes seem more vivid. Includes
Canadian Labour Market and Productivity marijuana (pot, grass), tetrahydrocannab-
Centre (CLMPC) An independent, national inol (THC), hashish (hash), and hashish
organization working with and for the Cana- oil (hash oil).
dian labor and business communities. With a canon A model standard of exemplary con-
mission to contribute to economic growth and duct. Canons express the general concepts and
betterment of society, CLMPC works to principles, accepted as true, fundamental, and
improve management-labor relations; pro- in conformity with good taste, from which
mote joint strategies and solutions at the more specic rules and regulations are
workplace, sectoral, and national levels; and derived.
contribute business-labor perspectives to pub- Can-Spam Act of 2003 Introduced by Sen.
lic policy. Contact: CLMPC, 6-66 Slater Conrad Burn (R-Montana) and Sen. Ron
Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H1 (phone 613- Wyden (D-Oregon), the bill would make it
234-0505; fax 613-234-2482; e-mail easier for people to have their e-mail; Web site workinfo- addresses removed from mass spam lists and for Internet service providers to take action
Canadian Society of Association Executives against spammers. It would require mass
(CSAE) A knowledge-based organization e-mailers to have valid e-mail return addresses
that promotes excellence in association man- so recipients can ask to be removed from their
agement and, as the representative for associ- lists. The bill would also give the Federal
ations and other not-for-prot organizations, Trade Commission authority to impose civil
advocates legislators and policy makers on nes on anyone who does not comply, and
issues impacting the effectiveness of the sec- states could sue on behalf of consumers vic-
tor. CSAE serves as the model for associations timized by violators.
in Canada and the primary resource for mem- cap The upper limit set on a variable interest
bers to maximize their effectiveness. Contact: rate.
CSAE, 10 King Street East, Suite 1100, Tor- capital Fixed or durable nonlabor inputs or
onto, Ontario, Canada M5C 1C3 (phone 416- factors used in the production of goods and
363-3555 [Toronto area] or 800-461-3608; fax services, the value of such factors, or the
416-363-3630; e-mail; Web money specically allocated for their acquisi-
site tion or development. Capital costs are costs
cancellation clause In contract law, a clause for acquiring, developing, or installing capital
that identies cut-off dates, advance notice, assets, which are tangible and have a useful
and monetary penalties, if any, if the activity, life greater than 1 year. They include, for
event, or other contracted item is canceled. example, the buildings and equipment used in
cancellation fee A fee charged by travel infor- the production of farm equipment. They also
mation networks, computer reservation sys- include data processing equipment, telecom-
tems, hotels, and car rental companies for can- munications equipment, and software.
celed bookings. Also known as kill fee. capital accumulation plan A l o n g - t e r m
cancer A disease in which cells grow uncon- benets plan designed to motivate and reward
trollably and may spread throughout the body. management and encourage employees to
capital appreciation 87 carcinogen (CARC)

save a portion of their income for a time when capitalization of interest The addition of
they will need it to meet capital needs or for unpaid interest to the principal balance of a
supplemental retirement income. loan.
capital appreciation The growth of the prin- capitation 1. In compensation or reimburse-
cipal (increase in value) of an investment. ment for services, paying a consultant or pro-
capital costs Expenditures for land, facilities, vider a set amount of money per member per
and major equipment. They are distinguished month. It is calculated by determining the
from operating costs, which include such expected volume of referrals, the average cost,
items as labor, supplies, and administrative the organizations ability to control utilization,
expenses. and negotiating strength. 2. A form of man-
capital depreciation The decrease in the aged care, viewed by many as a means of
value of capital assets (assets of a permanent controlling health care costs. Instead of a fee
or xed nature, e.g., goods and plant) with use for each treatment, health care providers
over time. The rate and amount of deprecia- receive a xed single payment for services per
tion are calculated by several different meth- member of their health maintenance organi-
ods (e.g., straight line, sum of the digits, and zation regardless of the type or number of
declining balance). services (ambulatory, in-patient, or home
capital expenditure A dispersement for the care) they provide. The plan provides an
acquisition, replacement, modernization, or incentive to providers to curb costs by increas-
expansion of facilities that, under generally ing emphasis on prevention.
accepted accounting principles, is not prop- capitation payments In health care, a system
erly chargeable as an expense of operation and in which the health care provider receives a
maintenance. xed amount per year per enrollee, for which
capital expense budget Deals with capital the provider agrees to furnish a predened
expenditures, which are budget items that rep- health care package.
resent requests for new, upgraded, rehabili- capping A method of containing Medicaid
tated, or new or replacement facilities or costs, adopted by 20 states, described by some
equipment for which a predetermined dollar as cruel and arbitrary. Cap states disqualify
value has been xed and that has a relatively anyone with income over a certain amount
long life expectancy. Budgets for constructing (even $1 per month over the maximum). The
or improving physical plant and facilities limit applies even if the individual has no sav-
(classrooms, shops, laboratories, libraries, and ings, no property, and no other assets.
ofce space), furniture, furnishing, and equip- captains mast The Navys version of an
ment fall into this category. Article 15 nonjudicial punishment
capital gain A prot made on the sale of administered by the commanding ofcer of a
investments and property, such as stocks, ship, station, squadron, or other unit for mis-
bonds, collectibles, jewelry, and real estate. conduct not serious enough to warrant a
Capital-gains income is currently taxed at a court-martial.
taxpayers regular income tax rate, but no captives A strategy to reduce the costs of lia-
higher than 28%. However, homeowners who bility insurance coverage (and sometimes
are 55 or older can shelter up to $125,000 workers compensation). Captives involve the
prot on the sale of their primary residence creation of group insurance companies by cor-
from federal income taxes, a once-in-a-life- porations. They are industry-supported insur-
time tax exclusion. ance ventures or insurance companies owned
capital gains tax A tax placed on actual sales by a group of competing rms in an industry.
of property (not paper prots), including They may also share cost-control ideas, man-
stocks. In the case of stocks, the tax is used age claims and reserves, and generate return
to discourage short-term trading, and the tax on investment premiums.
is lower if the seller waits at least 1 year before carcinogen (CARC) Any substance that has
taking the gain. been found to cause cancer.
cardiac rehabilitation program 88 career development (CD)

cardiac rehabilitation program A program helps employees examine why they do what
operated by a clinic or hospital licensed by the they do, how to take responsibility for their
state to treat cardiovascular disease through own careers, and how to identify the resources
cardiac rehabilitation treatment or therapy. they need to manage a career in a changing
cardiac rehabilitation treatment Cardiovas- environment.
cular services and therapy that involve teach- career centers 1. Ofces set up in organiza-
ing and monitoring to reduce risk; adjust life- tions, usually by outplacement rms, to help
style to cardiovascular disease; provide proper employees displaced by downsizing actions
exercise, diet, and prescription drugs; and nd new jobs. The centers provide desks and
offer self-assessment and self-help skills. phones, counselors, and workshops to help
cardiac surgeon A medical doctor who spe- employees prepare for job searches or retire-
cializes in surgery of the heart, such as ment. 2. Established by the Department of
bypasses, valve replacement, and the insertion Labor to make the re-employment process
of pacemakers. easier. The system helps employers by provid-
cardiologist A medical doctor who special- ing computerized labor market information,
izes in the diagnosis and treatment of heart including job vacancies, worker availability,
and circulatory disorders ranging from abnor- and salary and wage rates, to improve the
mal heart rhythms to congestive heart failure. process of matching worker skills to job open-
cardiopulmonary resuscitation A life-sav- ings. To help people manage their work lives,
ing technique frequently taught to supervisory the centers provide one-stop access in 25
personnel and other workers in rst aid, safety states to a full array of employment-related
training, and employee wellness programs. It services, including consumer reports on local
involves mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and education and training, help in ling initial
rhythmic pressure on the chest to restore claims for unemployment insurance, informa-
heartbeat and breathing in heart attack and tion on job training and education, job coun-
other life-threatening situations. seling, and self-help information.
cardiovascular exercise See aerobic exercise. career counseling Helping employees learn
card system The traditional method of con- about their own capabilities, assets, limita-
taining the costs of providing prescription tions, preferences, and objectives, where they
drugs for employees. It uses a pricing formula stand in the organization, what opportunities
that includes the average wholesale price and are available to them within and outside the
adds a nominal dispensing fee to each pre- organization, and what training and develop-
scription. The pharmacy les the claim. ment they need to employ their talents and
care attendant See personal care attendant. make the most of their opportunities. Employ-
care coordinator Licensed health-care practi- ees are assisted in developing individual
tioner who assesses, plans, and approves an career plans based on specic career require-
insured individuals need for long-term care. ments, career ladders, organizational needs,
career advising See career counseling. available development opportunities, and their
career anchors Describes concerns or values own interests and needs.
that an individual will not abandon. In addi- career curves See maturity curves.
tion to two primary career supports, technical career development (CD) The process of
and functional competence and managerial assessing, aligning, and balancing organiza-
competence, others include autonomy and tional and individual needs, capabilities,
independence, creativity, and security. Attrib- opportunities, and challenges through multi-
uted to Edgar H. Schein (Career Dynamics: ple approaches and methods. CD emphasizes
Matching Individual and Organizational the person as an individual who performs,
Need, Addison-Wesley, 1978). congures, and adapts various work roles. Its
career audit An annual, semiannual, or quar- major interventions are self-assessment and
terly review of career plans and progress. It is development processes that affect individual
a management strategy to help an individual and organizational abilities to generate opti-
look at the realities of his or her work life. It mal matches of people to jobs.
career ladder 89 carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

career ladder A carefully sequenced series of career transition program A d ow n s i z i n g

jobs from the lowest to the highest level (in strategy in which salaried employees are
terms of responsibilities, compensation, and offered paid leaves of absence, ranging from
challenges) in a career eld available within 6 to 15 months, while receiving salaries,
an organization. It marks a clear path for health care benets, and outplacement ser-
development and promotion. Also called vices, during which time they can search for
career path. new jobs.
career management eld (CMF) A term caretaker An individual upon whom an eld-
used by the military services to identify major erly person relies for substantial care, includ-
categories of positions, such as intelligence, ing one or more of the necessities essential
aviation, electronic maintenance, and the like. for physical, intellectual, and emotional well-
career management prole A means of being, such as food, clothing, shelter, social
storing and communicating data about an contact, personal care, and medical care. A
individual employee, such as appraisal of caretaker may be a paid live-in companion or
performance and potential, training and a spouse, child, sibling, or other relative liv-
development needs, and primary and alter- ing with the elderly person or providing sub-
nate career paths. stantial assistance. A caretaker relationship
career mobility The tendency of people to may also be present when a person is a
make several career changes in a lifetime conservator, guardian, or holder of a power
rather than committing to a lifelong career in of attorney.
a given eld.
Carnegie Corporation of New York Created
career path The typical hierarchical structure
by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 to promote the
of a career eld that reects the sequence of
advancement and diffusion of knowledge and
positions lowest to highest in that occupation
understanding. The last of Carnegies great
or profession.
endowments, it is the only one to be estab-
CareerPath Contains newspaper ads from six
lished as a grant-making foundation. Grants
major newspapers in large urban markets
must benet the people of the United States,
(Web site
although up to 7.4% of the funds may be used
career planning The process of establishing
to benet the people of some countries that
short- or long-term career goals and objectives
are or have been members of the British over-
and dening the specic steps required to
achieve them (the positions, training, devel- seas Commonwealth. Contact: Carnegie Cor-
opment, and other experiences that will assist poration of New York, 437 Madison Ave.,
in attaining the goals and objectives). It may New York, NY 10022 (phone 212-371-3200;
be done by the employee alone or in concert fax 212-754-4073; Web site www.carn-
with a mentor or advisor.
career plateau Reaching a dead end in an carotid surgery The most common procedure
organization, with no promotion prospects. It for the relief of carotid blockage or athero-
may occur because the individual has reached sclerosis of the main arteries carrying blood
the top position available in the organization to the head. The carotid is exposed by opening
or in the industry or because of age discrimi- it along a short section of the affected area,
nation, downsizing, restructuring, or lack of the plaque is removed, and the incision is
skills or motivation. stitched shut.
career progression chart See progression carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) Said to be
charts. the fastest growing occupational injury of the
career stages Refers to the stages through last decade. A neurological disorder or nerve
which people transit during their work-lives. disease, it is caused by repetitive motion inju-
Examples for HRD personnel might be stu- ries that cause tendons and nerves in the
dent, apprentice, practitioner, helper, and cre- hands, wrists, elbows, or shoulders to swell.
ator. (Attributed to McLagan, Training and Unless treated, CTS can cause a person to lose
Development Journal, July 1987.) the functions of his or her hand or arm. The
carrel 90 cash account pension plan

tunnel is a narrow conduit located at the center therapy; and (3) monitoring treatment. The
of the wrist that encloses tendons and a major process involves the patient, the attending
nerve. medical professional, the family, and a case
carrel An individual learning environment manager and typically includes client assess-
typically found in learning centers. One carrel ment, planning, implementation, tracking and
consists of a partitioned area containing a desk evaluation, and follow-up. 2. Also describes a
and chair; a computer terminal or PC and method of managing the care of members of
associated disc drive, cables, telephone, a health care plan who have costly physical
modem, or other devices; and audio, visual, or mental conditions or episodes of illness.
and other materials in document form. Usually triggered when a patient exceeds a
carrier A private insurance organization that plan-determined cost threshold.
contracts with a company or the federal gov- case management organizations (CMOs)
ernment to handle claims from physicians and Health care management organizations that
suppliers for services covered by the medical review medical products and services to help
benets package (or Medicare). corporations determine their therapeutic value
Carroll Center for the Blind (CCB) Pro- and cost-effectiveness.
vides publications and rehabilitation and edu- case manager The key person in a case man-
cational programs for persons who are blind agement program. Usually a registered nurse
or visually impaired. A computer training pro- or physician, the case manager works with the
gram, Project CABLE, provides computer attending health care professional and the
assessment, training on adaptive devices, and employee and his or her family to coordinate
software and word processing training. Sum- medical care. Serves as the patients advocate
mer training courses for youth are also with the insurance company, the physician or
offered. Contact: CCB, 770 Centre Street, other medical provider, other care givers,
Newton, MA 02458 (phone 800-852-3131 or
community organizations, and health care
617-969-6200; fax 617-969-6204; e-mail
agencies.; Web site
case method See case study method.
case rate In health care reimbursement
carve-outs A means of cutting medical and
arrangements, a at rate negotiated for a well-
health care costs, particularly mental health
dened set of procedures.
care, substance abuse benets, chiropractic
and physical therapy claims, diagnostic test- case study A research methodology in which
ing services, organ transplants, and drug uti- systematic investigation is made of a specic
lization. Similar to managed care strategies, situation and the events, circumstances, and
such as health maintenance organizations consequences associated with it. Data are col-
and preferred provider organizations, but lected by means of document analysis, inter-
carve-outs emphasize precertication, utiliza- views, and observations.
tion review, and case management in specic case study method A special participative
areas of medical treatment that require more training method that involves in-depth group
intensive and specialized approaches. discussion of real-life situations. It makes use
case-based reasoning software See EXPERT of case reports factual and accurate word
system. pictures (or visualizations using videocas-
case management 1. A program designed to settes) of a situation that portrays people act-
facilitate cost-effective treatment and care and ing, interacting, and reacting. It requires read-
an optimum level of recovery for injured or ing, study, analysis, discussion, and free
ill employees. The goal is to identify and coor- exchange of ideas as well as decision making
dinate all the resources needed to offer quality and the selling of decisions to others.
options to the patient and maximize the effec- cash The actual amount of currency held in a
tiveness of the health care provided. There are bank, safe, or cash register.
three steps in the process: (1) diagnosis and cash account pension plan See account bal-
assessment; (2) planning and coordinating ance pension.
cash advance 91 cash or deferred arrangement (CODA)

cash advance A means of controlling travel cash is unavailable and is the rst step in cal-
and entertainment costs. Funds are issued to culating the amount needed in a revolving line
employees prior to trips to cover anticipated of credit.
expenses. cash-deferred [401(k)] plan A savings plan
cash arrangement See Section 401(k) plan. under which employees are given the options
cash balance pension plan A dened benet of either deferring part of their income to be
plan. Works like a 401(k) in that it is portable. invested in a group plan or receiving that same
It differs in that the company funds the plan, amount in cash on a current basis. Originally,
takes responsibility for investing the funds, the deferred amount and accumulated interest
and eliminates the complex formulas of con- and dividends could be completely sheltered
ventional pension plans. The annuity at retire- from current taxation. The deferred amount
ment is based on earnings of a phantom invest- was considered a reduction in salary and con-
ment account that must be credited stituted a reduction in the individuals gross
periodically at current market rates. Those cal- taxable income. However, in 1989 Congress
culations give plan participants an estimate of tightened its control by including 401(k) con-
their accrued benets on a dened contribu- tributions in the measurement of taxes due
tion equivalent basis. This makes it easier for under the Federal Insurance Contributions
employees to track the value of their accounts Act of 1935 (FICA).
and eliminates the all or nothing aspect of cash ow The movement of cash derived from
most traditional plans whereby full benets operations into and out of a total rm or activ-
are available only to those who stay with the ity. It is a useful measure of a change in liquid-
company for a full career and few or no bene- ity of assets (convertibility of assets to cash
ts are available to those who leave before or negotiable instruments) because it is a
reaching an eligibility milestone.
change in working capital.
cash balance plan Combines the benets of a
cash ow return on investment (CFROI) A
dened contribution plan with the invest-
means of assessing the value of a companys
ment security of a dened benet. See also
assets and measuring the effectiveness of
account balance pension.
nancial management activities. Formerly
cash budget An analysis of the ow of cash
used almost exclusively for making acquisi-
in a company over a short or long time. It is
tion bids. Also called cash ow metrics.
a forecast of expected cash intake (receipts)
Attributed to Franco Modigliani (winner of a
and outlays (disbursements) against which
Nobel Prize in economics) and Merton H.
actual cash experience can be measured. It is
Miller more than 40 years ago.
not an operating statement or an income
statement. cashing out Refers to working men and
cash conversion cycle The number of days women who question the value of a high-pow-
from the time a business pays cash for raw ered career and opt for a simpler way of life.
materials until cash for the nished product is Attributed to Faith Popcorn and Lys Marigold,
received. It is an important factor in obtaining Clicking: 16 Trends to Future Fit Your Life,
a revolving line of credit from a lending insti- Your Work and Your Business.
tution. It is calculated as follows: (1) Accounts cash investment A short-term loan to a bor-
receivable days: the receivables balance, rower who has a high credit rating. Offers
divided by the last 12 months sales, multi- investors stability of the principal but little
plied by 365; (2) Inventory days: the inventory long-term growth.
balance, divided by the last 12 months cost cashless exercise Giving stock options to a
of goods sold, multiplied by 365; (3) Accounts stock broker who buys the stock, sells it to
payable days: the payables balance, divided someone else, and delivers the prots, less
by the last 22 months cost of goods sold, payroll taxes and brokerage fees, to the option
multiplied by 365; (4) Cash conversion cycle: holder.
receivable days, plus inventory days, minus cash or deferred arrangement (CODA)
payable days. This yields the number of days See cash deferred [401(k)] plan.
cash plan 92 cathode ray tube (CRT)

cash plan A type of prot-sharing plan in TRICARE, the upper limit placed on bene-
which a certain percentage of the prots is ciaries share of CHAMPUS-covered med-
distributed in cash to participants in the plan ical bills in any scal year. Charges beyond
at predetermined times. the CHAMPUS allowable charge, or
casting Selecting the talent (nonprofessional charges for care not covered by CHAMPUS,
or professional actors) for a live dramatization are not covered by the cap and must be paid
or TV production, whether broadcast, corpo- in full by the family members or their military
rate, or educational TV. sponsors. 2. The upper limit on beneciary
casual attire Typically includes casual slacks, out-of-pocket expenses for TRICARE Stan-
sport shirts, jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts, sweat- dard-covered medical bills in any scal year
pants, and shorts. Evidence of a relaxed for an individual and family. The annual
employee dress code. limit for retired families is $3000 effective
casual day A popular employee benet of the October 1, 2000 (before that date the limit
1990s. One day each week, usually Friday, the was $7500).
organization suspends its normal workplace catastrophic health insurance Insurance that
dress code and allows employees to wear provides protection against the high cost of
something more comfortable and casual than treating severe or lengthy illnesses or disabil-
their usual business clothing. Touted as a ities. Such policies usually cover all or a
morale builder. Also called dress down day. specied percentage of medical expenses
casual employment program Offering skilled above an amount that is the responsibility of
or experienced retirees the opportunity to another insurance policy up to a maximum
work up to a specied number of hours per limit of liability. Also called catastrophic ill-
year (typically 1000) without jeopardizing ness coverage (CIC) or catastrophic protec-
their employment benets. tion/coverage.
catalog sales A form of direct marketing used catchment area A geographic area dened
extensively by book publishers, software and served by a health program or institution
developers, and producers of computer and such as a hospital or community mental health
audiovisual equipment, supplies, programs, center that is delineated on the basis of such
and software. factors as population distribution, natural geo-
Catalyst A nonprot organization with a dual graphic boundaries, and transportation acces-
mission: to enable women in business and the sibility.
professions to achieve their potential and to catchment-area management (CAM) The
help employers capitalize on womens talents. U.S. Navys method of implementing the
Conducts national research, works with cor- Department of Defenses Coordinated Care
porations and professional rms to provide Program. It places responsibility for the
advice on womens advancement, and spon- delivery of health care services at the local
sors a speakers bureau. Catalysts Corporate command level.
Board Placement identies qualied women catering director The hotel functionary who
for board directorship. Contact: Catalyst, 120 arranges and provides overall supervision of
Wall Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10005 meals and receptions. In the absence of a con-
(phone 212-514-7600; fax 212-514-8470; vention services department, the catering
e-mail; Web site director may also be responsible for assigning and setting up meeting rooms. May be called
cataract A clouding of the normally clear lens a catering manager, catering sales manager,
of the eye, resulting in such symptoms as glare or conference services manager.
or hazy or blurred vision. The most common catering manager See catering director.
type of cataract is related to aging of the eye. cathode ray tube (CRT) 1. The viewing
Surgery is the only cure for cataract. component of a PC or workstation, located
catastrophic cap 1. Under the Civilian just behind (or serves as) the screen. Similar
Health and Medical Programs of the Uni- to the picture tube of a television set, it dis-
fo r m e d S e rv i c e s ( C H A M P U S ) a n d plays information and graphics. 2. A basic
The Cato Institute 93 Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950

technology used in large-screen projection. a problem are methodically listed in catego-

Projectors based on CRTs use phosphor- ries and subcategories as a means of identify-
coated tubes, much like conventional televi- ing the root problem. Also known as an
sion; however, instead of viewing the image Ishikawa diagram.
directly off the CRT, it is projected onto a
screen. People Materials
The Cato Institute A nonpartisan public pol-
Cause A Cause D
icy research foundation. The Cato Institute
seeks to widen public policy debate to allow Cause B Cause E

consideration of more choices that are consis- Cause C Cause F

Effect or
tent with the American principles of limited Cause G Cause J Problem
government, individual liberty, and peace.
Cause H Cause K
Toward that goal, the Institute strives to
achieve greater involvement of the lay public Cause I Cause L

in questions of policy and the proper role of

Processes Equipment
government. Contact: The Cato Institute,
1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washing-
ton, D.C. 20001-5403 (phone 202-218-4633; caveat emptor A legal term that literally
fax 202-371-0841; e-mail; means buyer beware. It indicates that an
Web site item offered for sale comes with no warran-
causal-comparative study Research under- ties, so the buyer assumes all risks following
taken to establish likely causes for certain the purchase.
changes or effects. For example, to ascertain C-band satellite A type of satellite used in
the characteristics of students who go into business or corporate television, similar to a
marketing, compared with students who go commercial AM radio system or signal. See
into other areas of specialization, the investi- also Ku-band satellite.
gator might give tests and questionnaires to C corporation A corporation whose prots
college juniors and seniors and later compare are taxed separately from the owners income.
the data for marketing students to the data for CD-recordable (CD-R) A compact disc that
other graduates. The researcher would use allows users to write permanently to the disc
averages and distributions from the groups for using their computer. Made possible by a four-
each trait shown in the tests and question- layer disc that features a light-sensitive dye
naires and then compare the groups in terms layer made of cyanine, ptalocyanine, or azo.
of averages and spread. CD-rewritable (CD-RW) A compact disc
causal loop diagram (CLD) A circular dia- that allows users to write and rewrite to the
gram that shows the relationships between the disc as many as 1000 times. Instead of a light-
elements of a system and emphasizes feed- sensitive dye, these discs use a phase-change
back dynamics. In systems thinking, simple alloy layer composed of silver, indium, anti-
Cartesian input/output, cause-and-effect mod- mony, and tellurium.
els of processes are considered inadequate for cease-and-desist order An order, issued by
representing the operation and interaction of an appropriate federal regulatory agency after
complex organizations and processes. notice and opportunity for hearing, that
cause-and-effect analysis A brainstorming, requires a depository institution, a holding
brainwriting, and quality circle technique company, or a depository institution ofcial
involving the construction of a diagram to aid to terminate unlawful, unsafe, or unsound
in recording, organizing, and using the ideas banking practices.
generated during a session. Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950 Proscribes
cause-and-effect diagram A quality control stock and asset acquisitions, whether horizon-
tool used widely in Japan to study a problem, tal, vertical, or conglomerate, when the effect
display its elements, and communicate the may be to substantially reduce competition. It
results of its analysis. All possible causes of also covers interlocking directorates.
cell manufacturing 94 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

cell manufacturing A manufacturing process Forces. CMR membership consists of civilian,

used along with or in place of assembly line active duty, and retired military people in all
manufacturing. Two or more workers are 50 states. Contact: CMR, P.O. Box 51600,
assigned to each cell or workstation where Livonia, MI 48151 (phone 734-464-9430; fax
products are totally built, tested, and shipped. 734-464-6678; e-mail; Web-
The process requires better trained and higher site
paid workers and full sets of tools for each The Center for Women Veterans (CWV).
cell and is therefore more expensive than an Established to ensure that women veterans
assembly line. However, the approach is more receive benets and services on a par with
exible, providing the ability to make changes
male veterans, encounter no discrimination in
and manufacture different models each day,
their attempt to access those services, and are
and results in increased employee output (by
treated with respect and dignity by VA service
as much as 20%) and product quality (by as
providers and to act as the primary advisor to
much as 25%).
cell phone A device that uses radio signals, the Secretary for Veterans Affairs on all mat-
rather than copper wires, to transmit and ters related to programs, issues, and initiatives
receive voice and e-mail communications and for and affecting women veterans. Contact:
access phone books, lists, appointments, and Department of Veterans Affairs, Central Ofce
information from the Internet. (00W), 810 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washing-
Center for Assistive Technology/University ton, D.C. 20420 (phone 800-827-1000; Web
of Buffalo (CAT/UB) Provides informa- site
tion, service, research, and education regard- Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
ing all types of assistive technology for per- (CASA). The National Center on Addiction
sons of all ages with disabilities. Contact: and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
CAT/UB, University of Buffalo, 515 Kimball was founded in 1992 to work with experts in
Tower, 3435 Main St.. Buffalo, NY 14214- health policy, medicine, nursing, law
3079 (phone 716-829-3217 or 800-628-2281; enforcement, business, law, economics, soci-
fax 716-829-3217; e-mail cat-webmas- ology, anthropology, communications, teach-; Web site ing, social work, and the clergy to determine
Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) A n and combat the impact of substance abuse on
international nonprot educational institution the courts, housing, prisons, children, health
devoted to behavioral science research and care, crime, business productivity, and edu-
leadership education. CCL has branches in cation. Contact: CASA, 633 Third Avenue
Colorado Springs, San Diego, and Brussels in 19th oor, New York, NY 10017-6706
addition to its Greensboro headquarters and
(phone 212-841-5200; fax 212-956-8020;
maintains contact with more than 40 network
Web site
associates and other partners in the U.S. CCL
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
is one of the largest institutions in the world
focusing on leadership. The Center conducts (CDC). An independent agency of the Public
research, produces publications, and provides Health Service, a division of the Department
a broad variety of programs and products to of Health and Human Services. Provides
leaders and organizations in the public, cor- researchers and investigators to search for the
porate, and nonprot sectors. Contact: CCL, causes of epidemics or the outbreak of new
One Leadership Place, P.O. Box 26300, diseases and provides educational and preven-
Greensboro, NC 27438-6300 (phone 336- tion programs, particularly in the areas of
545-2810; fax 336-282-3284; e-mail AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse, accidental; Web site injuries, and occupational and health hazards.
Center for Military Readiness (CMR) An See also Food and Drug Administration. Con-
independent, nonpartisan educational tact: CDC, 1600 Clifton Rd., Atlanta, GA
association established to promote sound mil- 30333 (phone 800-311-3435 or 404-639-
itary personnel policies in the U.S. Armed 3534; Web site
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 95 Certificate in Human Performance

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services centralization In organization design, down-
(CMS) A federal agency within the U.S. sizing, restructuring, or consolidating business,
Department of Health and Human Services industrial, training, or other types of opera-
that operates the Medicare and Medicaid pro- tions and decision making at a central location
grams. With the Health Resources and Ser- or headquarters. Centralization consolidates
vices Administration, CMS runs the State authority in the organization by giving man-
Childrens Health Insurance Program agers of subunits less autonomy in planning
(SCHIP), which is expected to cover many of and decision making.
the approximately 10 million uninsured chil- centralized billing In travel management, a
dren in the U.S. In 2002, CMS started report- system of invoicing whereby the travel sup-
ing on the quality of care in nursing homes. plier sends one bill for all charges incurred by
It also provides information for Medicare all travelers to the client organization.
health plans and dialysis facilities. Contact: centralized network A computing environ-
CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, ment in which all processing functions are
MD 21244-1850 (phone 800-633-4227; TTY centrally located and the connected worksta-
877-486-2048; Web site tions input instructions and display responses
and select Nursing Home Compare, Medi- but do no processing.
care Personal Plan Finder, or Dialysis Facil- central processing unit (CPU) The mecha-
ity Compare). nism that directs and controls a computers
centers of excellence. Organizations that have processing capabilities. It consists of a control
unit and an arithmetic/logic unit.
developed expertise in disciplines and areas
of expertise that are critical to growth, pro- central tendency A type of rating error used
to describe the situation when raters assign
ductivity, protability, and viability. Identied
average ratings to all those being evaluated.
by using industry databases and then applied
The full range of ratings is not used. See error
as a quality control process. For example, in
of central tendency.
attempting to control health care costs, some
cerebral palsy A large group of movement
organizations have used databases to identify
and balance disorders that result from brain
providers that have developed expertise in
injury just before, during, or shortly after
expensive surgical procedures and provide
birth. A person with cerebral palsy usually has
excellent care.
an awkward gait, poor balance, and impaired
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The CIAs control of movements. Other effects include
primary mission is to collect, evaluate, and drooling, facial grimaces, involuntary move-
disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the ments, convulsive seizures, absent or poor
president and senior U.S. government policy- speech, visual and hearing impairments, and
makers in making decisions relating to delayed intellectual development. With
national security. The CIA engages in advancing age, some muscles become rigid
research, development, and deployment of and controlled movements become difcult, if
high-leverage technology for intelligence pur- not impossible.
poses. As a separate agency, CIA serves as an Certicate in Human Performance Improve-
independent source of analysis on topics of ment (CHPI) A ve-course program that
concern and also works closely with the other offers comprehensive, targeted coverage of
organizations in the intelligence community human performance improvement topics
to ensure that the intelligence consumer presented in an interactive, hands-on style.
whether Washington policymaker or battle- Recognized for setting the industry standard
eld commander receives the best intelli- for HPI training. Contact: ASTD, 1640 King
gence possible. Contact; CIA, Ofce of Pub- St., Box 1443, Alexandria, VA 22313-2043
lic Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505 (phone (phone 703-683-8100; fax 703-683-8103;
703-482-0623; fax 703-482-1739; Web site e-mail; Web site
Certificate in Meeting Management (CMM) 96 Certified Compensation Professional (CCP)

Certicate in Meeting Management (CMM) Certied Association Executive (CAE) A des-

A university-endorsed meeting professional des- ignation awarded by the American Society of
ignation, awarded by Meeting Professionals Association Executives that indicates an indi-
International (Web site vidual has demonstrated high levels of
certicate of authority (COA) License issued association management knowledge, ethics,
by a state to operate a health maintenance leadership, and activity in community affairs.
organization. Contact: ASAE, 1575 I St., NW, 12th Floor,
Certicate of Citizenship An identity docu- Washington, D.C. 20005-1103 (phone 202-626-
ment proving U.S. citizenship. Certicates of 2723; fax 202-371-8825; e-mail pr@asae.asa-
citizenship are issued to derivative citizens; Web site
and to persons who have acquired U.S. citi- Certied Benets Professional (CBP) A des-
zenship. See acquired citizenship and deriva- ignation awarded by the American Compen-
tive citizenship. sation Association (ACA) following achieve-
certicate of deposit (CD) A deposit at a ment of passing scores on nine examinations:
bank or savings institution that cannot be three common core exams, three required
withdrawn before a specied maturity date benets exams, and three exams chosen from
without being subject to an interest penalty a list of benets electives, each consisting of
for early withdrawal. approximately 100 multiple-choice questions
Certicate of Initial Mastery (CIM) A stan- based on the functional area being tested. The
dard of accomplishment initially set by the ACA also offers a wide range of courses
National Alliance for Restructuring Educa- designed to prepare candidates for specic
tion that is as high as standards the best-per- exams. See also Certied Compensation
forming countries expect of their students at Professional. Contact: ACA, 14040 N. North-
about age 16. Contact: NCEE, 700 Eleventh sight Blvd., Scottsdale AZ 85260-3601
St., N.W., Ste. 750, Washington, D.C. 20001 (phone 602-922-2020; FAX 602-483-8352;
(phone 202-783-3668; fax 202-783-3672; e-mail; Web site
e-mail; Web site Certied Coach A designation awarded by
certicate of need (CON) Requirement that the International Association of Certied
a health care organization get permission from Coaches to members who have demonstrated
an oversight agency before making plan competence in 15 coaching prociencies.
changes relating to facilities or facility-based Contact: IACC, Certied Coach Board
services. (e-mail; Web site
certicate of title A document issued by a
land court that shows the title, property Certied Compensation Professional
description, and any encumbrances on a parcel (CCP) A designation awarded by the Amer-
of real estate that has been registered or land ican Compensation Association (Worldat-
courted. The owner must retain physical cus- Work) following successful completion of its
tody of the certicate and return it whenever certication program, which includes a bat-
there is a transfer of the property. tery of nine examinations consisting of three
certication 1. The process by which a gov- common core, three compensation certica-
ernmental or nongovernmental agency or tion, and three elective exams, each containing
association evaluates and recognizes an indi- approximately 100 multiple-choice questions
vidual, institution, or educational program as based on the functional area being tested. The
meeting predetermined standards. It is essen- ACA also offers a wide range of courses
tially synonymous with accreditation, except designed to prepare candidates for specic
that certication is usually applied to individ- exams. See also Certied Benets Profes-
uals and accreditation to institutions. 2. The sional. Contact: WorldatWork, 14040 N.
European term for registration, the testing Northsight Blvd., Scottsdale AZ 85260-3601
process that determines whether a company (phone 877-951-9191 or 480-951-9191; fax
has met international standards. 866-816-2962 or 480-483-8352; e-mail
Certified Corporate Travel Executive (CCTE) 97 Certified Management Consultant (CMC); Web administration of EAP direct services, chem-

site ical dependency and other addictions, and per-
Certied Corporate Travel Executive (CCTE) sonal and psychological problems. Recerti-
A designation awarded by the National Busi- cation is required every 3 years. Contact:
ness Travel Association to individuals who EAPA, Inc., 2101 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 500,
have completed a 4-day series of topical sem- Arlington, VA 22201-3062 (phone 703-522-
inars on travel management. In January 1993, 6272; fax 703-522-4585; Web site www.eap-
a revamped program was developed by Cor-
nell University. The program requires comple- Certied Employee Benets Specialist (CEBS)
tion of a 2-week on-campus session, ve A designation awarded by the International
regional elective courses, a corporate appli- Foundation of Employee Benet Plans fol-
cation project, and a nal exam. After earning lowing successful completion of ten courses
certication, graduates must complete at least and examinations covering a comprehensive
one elective course per year to keep the CCTE range of benet issues. Jointly sponsored by
designation. Contact: NBTA, 110 North IFEBP and the Wharton School of the Uni-
Royal Street, 4th Floor, Alexandria, VA versity of Pennsylvania. Contact: CEBS
22314 (phone 703-684-0836; fax 703-684- Department, IFEBP, 18700 W. Bluemound
0263; e-mail info@nbta. org; Web site Rd., P.O. Box 69, Brookeld, WI 53008-0069 (phone 888-217-5960 or 262-786-6700; fax
262-786-8670; e-mail;
Certied Destination Management Execu-
Web site
tive (CDME) A designation awarded by the
Certied Financial Planner (CFP) A des-
International Association of Convention &
ignation earned by meeting basic and continu-
Visitors Bureaus following completion of a
ing educational, examination, experience, and
2-year program consisting of a series of 2- and
ethics requirements of the Certied Finan-
3-day classes taught by University of Calgary
cial Planner Board of Standards Contact:
and Purdue University professors on such sub-
CFP Board, 1660 Lincoln St., Ste. 3050, Den-
jects as leadership, destination marketing,
ver, CO 80290-2101(phone 888-237-6275 or
international tourism, and strategic planning.
303-830-7543; fax 303/860-7388; e-mail
Eligibility is limited to CEOs of bureaus, human; Web site
holders of the IACVB Continuing Education
Certicate, or professionals who have com- Certied Financial Planner Board of Stan-
pleted 36 hours of course work, have had dards A professional regulatory organiza-
senior destination management experience, tion that fosters professional standards in per-
and have been nominated by their company sonal nancial planning so that the public val-
CEO. Contact: IACVB, 2025 M St., NW, Ste. ues, has access to, and benets from
500, Washington, D.C. 20036 (phone 202- competent nancial planning. Individuals
296-7888; fax 202-296-7889; e-mail who meet rigorous certication requirements; Web site are certied by the CFP Board to use its cer-
Certied Employee Assistance Professional tication trademarks (CFP, Certied Finan-
(CEAP) A designation awarded by the cial Planner). Contact: CFP Board, 1700
Employee Assistance Professionals Associ- Broadway, Suite 2100, Denver, CO 80290-
ation to practitioners who have a minimum of 2101(phone 888-CFP-MARK; fax 303-860-
3 years of experience (direct employment, 7388; e-mail; Web site
internship, or contracted responsibilities),
including a total of 3000 hours, in employee Certied Management Consultant (CMC)
assistance programming and have success- A professional designation granted by the
fully completed a weighted written examina- Institute of Management Consultants USA
tion. The 250-item, multiple-choice examina- to those who meet membership standards of
tion covers work organizations, human practice, education, and experience. Certica-
resources management, EAP policy and tion is based on a point system in which credit
Certified Manager of Exhibits (CME) 98 Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

is given for documented education, work professional. Contact: CIC Headquarters,

experience, and professional activity; success- 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 300, McLean,
ful completion of an examination covering VA 22102 (phone 800-725-8982 or 703-610-
professional ethics; and a qualifying interview 9030; fax 703-610-9005; Web site www.con-
conducted by certied management consult-
ants. Contact: IMCUSA, 2025 M Street NW, Certied NurseMidwife (CNM) A desig-
Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036-3309 nation awarded by the American College of
(phone 202-367-1134 or 800-221-2557; fax NurseMidwives (ACNM) to nurses who
202-367-2134; e-mail;
have completed an accredited midwifery edu-
Web site
cation program.
Certied Manager of Exhibits (CME) A
Certied Personnel Consultant (CPC) A
designation awarded by the Trade Show
designation offered by the National Associa-
Exhibitors Association, the only associa-
tion-sponsored certication program that tion of Personnel Services to individuals who
recognizes professionalism in exhibit man- have demonstrated professionalism and com-
agement and marketing. Created to help mitment to the personnel services industry.
members earn valuable industry recognition Contact: NAPS, 10905 Fort Washington
and advance their careers. Industry peers Road, Suite 400, Fort Washington, MD 20744
continually monitor the certication program (phone 301-203-6700; fax 301-203-4346;
to ensure it meets the demands, challenges, e-mail; Web
and needs of the trade show industry. Con- site
tact: TSEA, McCormick Place, 2301 South Certied Professional Development Trainer
Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1005, Chicago, IL (CPDT) A designation awarded by The
60616 (phone 312-842-8732; fax 312-842- Chauncey Group International (a subsidiary of
8744; e-mail; Web site the Educational Testing Service of Princeton, NJ) to classroom trainers. The credential is
certied medical laboratory A facility certi- awarded following evaluation of a classroom
ed or licensed by the state or federal govern- trainers mastery of 14 fundamental instructor
ment to perform clinical diagnostic tests. If competencies identied by the International
such a facility participates in Medicare, it Board of Standards for Training Performance
must accept assignment of claims and cannot
and Instruction. Evaluation is based on assess-
bill the beneciary. Part B pays all charges
ment of a 2-minute video of candidates dis-
except in Maryland, where beneciaries can
playing their delivery skills and a 105-ques-
be billed for 20% coinsurance for hospital
tion, multiple-choice, computer-delivered test.
outpatient tests.
Certied Meeting Professional (CMP) A Contact: The Chauncey Group International,
designation offered by the Convention Ltd., 664 Rosedale Road, Princeton, NJ
Industry Council certifying competency in 08540-2218 (phone 609-720-6500; fax 609-
meeting management. Applicants must be 720-6550; e-mail; Web
currently employed in meeting management, site
have responsibility and accountability for Certied Public Accountant (CPA) An indi-
successful completion of meetings, have a vidual qualied by education and successful
minimum of 3 years of meeting management completion of a comprehensive standardized
experience, and successfully complete the examination graded by the American Insti-
application and examination process. The tute of Certied Public Accountants and
examination consists of 150 multiple-choice certied by the state, District of Columbia, or
questions relating to 25 meeting manage- possession as meeting all required professional
ment functions. Initial certication is valid standards. Contact: AICPA, 1211 Avenue of
for 5 years. Recertication is based on evi- the Americas, New York, NY 10036-8775
dence of continued accountability in the eld (phone 212-596-6200; fax 212-596-6213;
and continued development as a meeting Web site
Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) 99 change agents

Certied Speaking Professional (CSP) A business tools and resources that help senior
designation awarded by the National Speak- nancial executives quickly nd solutions and
ers Association to individuals who have access the most relevant information on the
achieved a proven record of speaking experi- Web. Contact: CFO.Com, 111 West 57th
ence, including a minimum number of fee- Street, New York, NY 10019 (phone 212-698-
paid presentations, continuing education cred- 9727; fax 212-664-1023; e-mail feedback
its, and consecutive years of professional; Web site
speaking experience. Contact: NSA, 1500 S. CFO Magazine Published monthly by CFO
Priest Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281 (phone 480-968- Publishing Corporation. One year subscrip-
2552; fax 480-968-0911; Web site www.nsas- tion: $50; free to qualied chief nancial ofcers. Contact: CFO Magazine, 111 West
Certied Technical Trainer (CTT) Program 57 St., New York, NY 10019 (phone 212-698-
A certication jointly sponsored by the Com- 9727; fax 212-664-1023). Subscription
puter Education Management Association Department, P.O. Box 1230, Skokie, IL
and the Information Technology Training 60076-9798; Editorial Ofces, 253 Summer
Association, Inc. The designation is awarded St., 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02210 (Web site
to technical trainers who have passed tests of
14 competencies identied by the Interna- chain of custody In law and in charges of use
tional Board of Standards for Training Perfor- of nonprescription drugs and alcohol, refers
mance and Instruction. Evaluation is based on to the chain of possession of evidence (such
assessment of a 2-minute video of candidates as drug tests involving urine or blood samples)
displaying their delivery skills and a 105- from the time the evidence is obtained until it
question, multiple-choice, computer-deliv-
is nally analyzed or used and reported and
ered test. Contact: The Chauncey Group Inter-
to the protection given to that evidence against
national, Ltd., 664 Rosedale Road, Princeton,
substitution or tampering during that period
NJ 08540-2218 (phone 609-720-6500; fax
of time.
609-720-6550; e-mail;
challenge courses In adventure training,
Web site
obstacle courses articially constructed of
Certied Temporary-Stafng Specialist
cable, ropes, poles or trees, beams, platforms,
(CTS) A designation awarded to temporary
nets, and hardware. Events involve a series of
placement professionals who have passed an
examination on employment law, temp oper- elements often connected to one another that
ations, and standards of business practice can be either elevated or on the ground.
administered by the National Association of challenged employees See handicapped
Personnel Services. Contact: NAPS, 10905 employees.
Fort Washington Road, Suite 400, Fort Wash- challenge/response A security procedure in
ington, MD 20744 (phone 301-203-6700; fax which one user/communicator requests
301-203-4346; e-mail Skennaugh@recruit- authentication by another user/communicator,; Web site and the latter responds with a pre-established
C. Everett Koop National Health Awards reply.
Awards presented annually by The Health CHAMPUS See Civilian Health and Medical
Project, a Washington D.C.-based private- Program of the Uniformed Services.
public organization, to recognize model work- change agents Persons or groups at any level
site health care programs that improve health either inside or outside an organization who,
standards and reduce costs. by reason of position, knowledge and skills, The leading resource for senior or personality, support and inuence change.
nancial executives on the Web. It provides They are invariably skilled problem-sensers,
news and articles on cutting-edge practices inquirers, and problem-solvers, open-minded
with the strategic insight and analysis to help and knowledgeable about the organization,
top nancial managers perform their jobs and able to obtain the full participation and
more effectively. The site also provides involvement of others.
change efforts 100 Chapter 13, Federal Bankruptcy Code

change efforts One of the three major stages bankruptcy. Major features of the legislation:
in learning (the others are unfreezing and (1) creates a means test those who can
refreezing). This is the point at which new repay $10,000 or 25% of debt, whichever is
behaviors are introduced, in formal learning less, over 5 years must le for Chapter 13,
situations, by a teacher or facilitator. Attrib- which governs repayment plans; (2) allows
uted to Kurt Lewin, a pioneer in experiential means test exemptions debtors earning less
learning. than their states median income can still le
change model A form of statistical HR fore- under Chapter 7; (3) creditor protection for
casting approach that assesses the impact of child support and expenses to protect the fam-
past employment practices and tries to project ily from domestic violence and elder care;
future human resource availability given cer- (4) house protects up to $100,000 invested
tain assumptions about organizational change. if bought within 2 years of ling and full value
change of scope In project management, any of homes purchased before then; and (5) credit
change in the amount or kind of resources card companies must provide more infor-
required for a project, deliverables, schedule, mation to consumers on lending practices.
or costs dened in the original contract or Chapter 11, Federal Bankruptcy Code
agreement. Must be in writing and agreed to When properly led in U.S. Bankruptcy
by all parties to the contract. Court, Chapter 11 protects a corporation from
channel In videoconferencing, a pathway its creditors. The corporation can continue
through which information is transmitted operations while it tries to reorganize its
between a sending and receiving point. nances and work out its problems. Also for
channel management In B-to-B marketing, individuals with too many assets to qualify for
the process of managing the interactions Chapter 13. Not available to stock and com-
between channel partners, whether they are modities brokers, it is the most expensive form
dealers, distributors, franchisees, or others. of bankruptcy to le and takes longer to nego-
These interactions center on product informa- tiate with creditors, resulting in higher attor-
tion and order transactions. neys fees. The individuals spendable income
chaos theory A management paradigm. is not taken away, nor is personal property.
Instead of attempting to impose structure onto The obligation assumed is simply to make
an organization from the top, business leaders payments as promised under the reorganiza-
surrender control and allow employees to tion plan. Individuals who have heavy debt
function as independent agents, interacting may work out with creditors a plan to reorga-
freely with each other to create new business nize their debt and devise payment plans so
and processes. See also complexity theory. that creditors get at least part of their money.
Chapter 7, Federal Bankruptcy Code T h e Chapter 13, Federal Bankruptcy Code A
most common form of bankruptcy. A proceed- proceeding in which a debt-ridden business
ing in which most of a business or individ- or individual having a regular income can ask
uals assets are taken away by a court ofcer a court to allow the business or individual to
and divided among creditors according to a hold onto personal assets and enough money
set listing of priority payments. Nearly every to live on while paying off at least some debt
asset the business or individual holds (except by installments. Some debtors may only have
the home, household goods, wages of individ- to pay 5 to 20 cents on the dollar spread over
uals, and most pension savings) can be taken 3 to 5 years. A trustee is appointed to receive
away, and the organization or individual has payments monthly and disburse them to cred-
no say in determining who gets paid and how itors. Eligibility is limited to entities that have
much. Discharges almost all debts (except no more than $100,000 of debts not backed
taxes due within the past 3 years, alimony and up by some security. Prior to a Supreme Court
child support, and most student loans). In decision in June 1991, for unsecured debts
March 2001, President Bush signed new leg- exceeding $100,000, the only options were to
islation that made it more difcult for people le Chapter 7 bankruptcy or liquidation. Now,
and businesses to eliminate debt by declaring however, individuals who have heavy debt
Chapter 20, Federal Bankruptcy Code 101 Charter School Expansion Act of 1998

may work out with creditors a plan to reor- charitable organization An organization that
ganize their debt and devise payment plans is operated exclusively for religious, charita-
so that creditors get at least part of their ble, scientic, literacy, or educational pur-
money. Creditors have veto power over such poses, if none of its earnings is used for the
a plan and typically insist that they get as benet of any individual and no substantial
much back as they would if the bankruptcy part of its activities involve propagandizing or
had been led under Chapter 7. Permits those other attempts to inuence legislation.
in nancial difculty to pay off a share of charitable remainder trust See charitable trust.
their debt instead of giving up their business. charitable trust An estate planning tool. To
Chapter 20, Federal Bankruptcy Code provide additional income and improve cash
A euphemism for a scheme that lets a person ow during retirement and to avoid the capital
unload personal debts while preventing a bank gains taxes that would result from selling
from foreclosing on his or her property. The stocks, bonds, real estate, or other holdings
debtor rst les under Chapter 7 and, when and put the proceeds into high-yield invest-
that has been done, the individual les again ments, retirees donate the investment property
under Chapter 13 to renegotiate payments on to a charitable trust, take a tax deduction based
the debts that are secured. on an age-related Internal Revenue Service
character generator (CG) In video produc- formula, and receive income for life. The main
tion, a device used to produce titles and other disadvantage is that the donation is irrevoca-
graphic displays electronically and directly on ble the principal cannot be touched.
a video monitor. charity care Physician and hospital services
characterization One of three main compo- provided to persons who are unable to pay for
nents of a color management system in desk- the cost of services, especially those who have
top publishing. Provides data proles that low income or are uninsured or underinsured.
determine the range of color that a scanner, charm school A derisive or mocking term
monitor, printer, or image setter is able to applied by cynics to military instructor train-
capture or reproduce. ing courses and civilian train-the-trainer
chargeback A system for funding training programs.
that involves charging back or billing the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) A des-
trainees department for costs incurred by the ignation conferred by the Institute of Char-
training department (instructors fees, training tered Financial Analysts under the auspices
materials, overhead costs, and so on). It can of the Association for Investment Manage-
positively affect the way corporations and line ment and Research upon successful comple-
managers perceive the value of training and tion of a study and examination program.
development. Contact: AIMR, P.O. Box 3668, 560 Ray C.
charge card A payment option for travel and Hunt Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22903-0668
entertainment expenses. A means of control- (phone 800-247-8132 or 434-951-5499; fax
ling costs. 434-951-5262; e-mail; Web
charged-coupled device (CCD) In desktop site
publishing, the most common type of scanner charter school An independent public school
contains a linear array of CCD that make up established under state law and operated by
the scanning head, which transforms light groups of teachers or nonschool organiza-
intensity into electrical voltage and produces tions. Schools receive public funding but are
digital images of excellent quality. allowed some freedom to develop and imple-
charitable gift annuity A contract by which ment innovative curriculums. A part of a cam-
a person transfers cash, securities, or other paign to make elementary and secondary edu-
assets to an organization or charitable foun- cation more competitive, innovative, effective,
dation to support an entity designated by the and accountable.
donor in exchange for xed payments for Charter School Expansion Act of 1998
life depending on the age or ages of the Amends Titles VI and X of the Elementary
beneciaries. and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to
chartist 102 chief diversity officer (CDO)

improve and expand charter schools. Included checkride See employee skills test.
grants for scal years 1999 through 2002. checksheet 1. An elementary tool of quality
Approved October 22, 1998. control used early in the problem-solving pro-
chartist A stock market analyst who uses cess to compile data from which other quality
graphs to track movements in the price and control tools can be developed. 2. A means of
volume of stock trades. exercising quality control over a process in
chat room A Web address that supports live which workers are taught to use checklists to
conversation. As one person enters text, it ensure adherence to standard procedures and
appears on another persons screen in real to check quality.
time. chemical dependency (CD) Addiction to pre-
The Chauncey Group International A sub- scription or nonprescription drugs, including
sidiary of Educational Testing Service nicotine and alcohol.
(ETS), it is the leading provider of certica- chemotherapy Cytotoxic medication given
tion and licensing examinations for profes- orally or by intravenous infusion to eradicate
sionals, business, and government. Contact: a cancer, prevent it from recurring, or control
The Chauncey Group International, Ltd., 664 its symptoms. The medication consists of mol-
Rosedale Road, Princeton, NJ 08540-2218 ecules that either destroy cancer cells or slow
(phone 609-720-6500; fax 609-720-6550; down their development by interfering with
e-mail; Web site their reproduction and growth. Patients under- going chemotherapy may experience side
check-in The hour established by hotels for effects such as hair loss, fatigue, nausea, and
room occupancy, usually later than check-out vomiting.
cherry picking The insurance industrys ver-
checklist A special form of the questionnaire,
sion of adverse selection, a form of discrim-
a checklist consists of sets of specic state-
ination. To reduce claims the insurance com-
ments, questions, or items used to collect
pany writes policies that exclude persons with
information about employee feelings, atti-
pre-existing conditions and experience-rates
tudes, or preferences, to gather job and task
the coverage to eliminate high-risk individu-
data, or to rate performance. It is prepared in
als, companies, and industries.
advance and used to collect objective data and
in problem-solving situations to uncover clues Chevron U.S.A. Inc., Petitioner v. Mario
for new solutions. The surveyor simply checks Echazabal On June 10, 2002, the Supreme
the appropriate items as they are observed or Court held that the regulation of the Equal
reported by the subjects of the survey. Employment Opportunity Commission autho-
check-off Deduction of union dues or assess- rizing refusal to hire an individual because his
ments from an employees pay for transfer to performance on the job would endanger his
the union. own health, owing to a disability, is permitted
check-out In meeting management: 1. The by the Americans with Disabilities Act of
hour posted by hotels by which room occu- 1990.
pants must vacate. A penalty of one days chief accountant See controller/comptroller.
charge may be imposed for failure to vacate chief accounting ofcer (CAO) The corpo-
on time, although a late check-out may be rate ofcer charged with overseeing policy
approved in advance by the hotel manage- development, policy compliance, and moni-
ment. 2. The procedure for the departure of toring and improving nancial and operating
hotel guests, including how accounts are to be control systems.
settled. chief diversity ofcer (CDO) The executive
check-out trip A trip taken by a buyer to a responsible for overseeing the recruitment,
location that has been selected for a future retention, and promotion of diverse workers,
event. The purpose of the trip is to nalize designing diversity programs, and monitoring
details with the conference center, hotel, or senior managers to promote company-wide
other host organization. diversity.
chief executive officer (CEO) 103 Child and Dependent-Care Voucher Plan

chief executive ofcer (CEO) The senior programs and services. Equivalent to a nance
executive responsible for the management of or marketing executive, the CTO uses busi-
an organization and the individual to whom ness skills to build comprehensive training
all other executives report. systems that support corporate goals and
chief nancial ofcer (CFO) The executive objectives.
responsible for overseeing the nancial affairs chief transformation ofcer (CTO) An exec-
of an organization, including recommending utive charged with responsibility for remodel-
alternative courses of action to the CEO and ing the entire organization, its business prac-
board of control on important corporate deci- tices, corporate culture, or parts of the
sions and establishing and managing a system company that do not perform well.
of internal controls (accounting policies, pro- Chief Warrant and Warrant Ofcers Asso-
cedures, and reports). ciation, U.S. Coast Guard (CW&WOA)
chief human capital ofcer (CHCO) The An organization of 3300 active duty, reserve,
corporate ofcer responsible for overseeing and retired Coast Guard warrant and chief
the hiring, retention, and development of warrant ofcers. Its mission is to advance the
employees and for making decision and set- professional abilities of members. Contact:
ting strategies for developing the workforce. CW&WOA, c/o James Creek Marina, 200 V
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 requires St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024 (phone
all federal agencies to hire a CHCO. 202-554-7753 or 800-792-5447; fax 202-484-
chief knowledge ofcer (CKO) A corporate 0641; e-mail; Web site
title given to the individual responsible for
handling the intellectual assets of a company Child Abuse Act of 1999 Authorized the
its creative, communication, and analytical Secretary of Health and Human Services to
resources and coordinating internal learn- establish an Ofce on Child Abuse and
ing and skills. Goes beyond traditional train- Neglect. The purpose of the Ofce is to exe-
ing and development in that the objective is cute and coordinate the functions and activi-
to tap the organizations knowledge base to ties of Chapter 67, Child Abuse Prevention
improve processes and develop knowledge- and Treatment and Adoption Reform.
based products and services. May also be Child Abuse and Prevention Act of of 2000
responsible for tracking performance using Established to reduce the incidence of child
traditional accounting and production criteria. abuse and neglect by enforcing child abuse
chief learning ofcer (CLO) The corporate and neglect laws, promoting programs
ofcer responsible for transferring knowledge designed to prevent child abuse and neglect,
and strategies; making better use of what indi- and supporting cooperative programs between
viduals, teams, departments, and plants know law enforcement and media organizations to
and can do; and moving knowledge and best collect and disseminate information useful in
practice around the organization. Also called the identication and apprehension of sus-
corporate learning ofcer, director of learn- pected criminal offenders. Approved March
ing and knowledge, director of shared learn- 10, 2000.
ing, leader of learning, and vice president of Child and Dependent-Care Voucher Plan
learning. A system offered to more than 500 employers
chief operating ofcer (COO) The execu- in over 35 states by The Voucher Corp. (TVC)
tive responsible for the day-to-day manage- since 1984. TVC contracts with employers to
ment of an organization. provide the plan on a pretax basis (up to $5000
chief technology ofcer (CTO) A corporate in annual benets) under Sections 125 and
ofcer with responsibility for determining 129, Internal Revenue Code. TVC provides
how best to apply new technology, primarily employers with the master plan document
information technology. necessary to satisfy federal tax code require-
chief training ofcer (CTO) A corporate ments. The money employees pay for depen-
executive position established to improve the dent care is deducted from their pay checks,
quality of work force training and retraining resulting in lower taxes for the employee and
child care 104 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act

lower FICA contributions for employers. their health and well-being. Under the law, 14-
Employees are given vouchers instead of cash, and 15-year-olds are allowed to work only 3
which are signed and turned in by providers, hours per day and a maximum of 18 hours per
who are paid by TVC. Contact: TVC, 5836 week when school is in session and only
Corporate Ave., Ste. 150, Cypress, CA 90630 between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. They
(phone 714-821-4540). may work longer hours on weekends and dur-
child care A relatively new employee benet; ing the summer.
providing day care facilities and personnel childrens disability As redened by the Per-
either on-site or near-site to care for the chil- sonal Responsibility and Work Opportu-
dren of employees, or providing full or partial nity Reconciliation Act of 1996, a disabled
reimbursement for such care. child must meet these requirements under the
Child Care Action Campaign (CCAC) A Supplemental Security Income program: (1)
national, nonprot coalition of individuals and the child has a physical or mental condition
organizations established to stimulate and that can be medically proven and that results
support the development of policies and pro- in marked and severe functional limitations:
grams that increase the availability of quality, (2) the medically proven physical or mental
affordable child care for the benet of chil- condition must last or be expected to last at
dren, their families, and the economic well- least 12 months or be expected to result in
being of the nation. CCAC provides informa- death; and (3) the child may not be considered
tion and original research to parents, the gen- disabled if he or she is working at a job that
eral public, and government and corporate is considered to be substantial work. The law
policy makers about the needs of families and also requires a redetermination of disability
children. CCAC emphasizes the connection for a child during the 1-year period beginning
between these needs and the nations prosper- on the individuals 18th birthday.
ity and advocates for additional investment in Childrens Health Act of 2000 Amends the
child care by employers, labor, and federal, Public Health Service Act of 1944 (as
state, and local governments. Contact: CCAC, amended in 1957, 1958, 1960, and 1976) with
330 Seventh Ave., 14th Fl., New York, NY respect to childrens health by addressing such
10001-5010 (phone 212-239-0138; fax 212- diseases and issues as autism, juvenile arthri-
268-6515; e-mail; tis, diabetes, asthma, mental health, and sub-
Web site stance abuse. Approved October 17, 2000.
child care facility A building or facility Childrens Internet Protection Act of 2000
designed or modied to provide child care. (CIPA) Passed by the Congress in Decem-
Ideally it provides a safe, healthful, and caring ber 2000, the Act requires public libraries
environment and child care resource and receiving federal funds and discounts to install
referral program (CCR&R) services pro- ltering equipment on Internet-accessible
vided to employees through in-house sources computers to prevent children from viewing
or by contract with a community-based pornographic material. On June 24, 2003, the
resource and referral agency. The agency may Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of
inform employees about the different forms the Act thereby allowing the federal govern-
of child care available in the community, iden- ment to withhold funding for libraries that
tify the ones that have vacancies, provide refuse to install the anti-pornography lters.
detailed information about each service, help Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act
parents choose the best arrangement for their of 1998 (COPPA) Requires commercial
child, help start new child care programs, and Web sites to obtain parental consent before
speak out on child care issues. collecting, using, or disclosing personal infor-
child-labor law The child labor provisions of mation from children under age 13. Sites are
the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 were required to provide notices about their policies
designed to protect the educational opportu- with respect to the collection, use, and disclo-
nities of youths and prohibit their employment sure of childrens personal information and
in jobs and under conditions detrimental to must obtain veriable parental consent
children with severe disabilities 105 Christa McAuliffe Teacher Program

before collecting, using, or disclosing chil- chiropractic care or medicine Provided by

drens personal data. Doctors of Chiropractic. Relies on muscle,
children with severe disabilities Children skeletal, and nutritional adjustment and
with disabilities that are so severe that they manipulation combined with professional
are presumed to be disabled and are therefore counsel to activate the bodys own recupera-
deemed eligible for Supplemental Security tive powers to heal or relieve injuries, disabil-
Income following review by a state ofce, ities, and pain without drugs or surgery.
usually called the Disability Determination chiropractic HMO A health maintenance
Service (DDS). Some of the disability cate- organization that provides managed care and
gories in which the DDS can presume that a specializes in chiropractic treatment.
child is disabled and is eligible for immediate chi-square test (X2) A statistical technique
payments: HIV infection, total blindness, total used to screen data to compare observed vs.
deafness (in some cases), cerebral palsy (in rhetorical frequencies of occurrence of events
some cases), Downs syndrome, muscular or phenomena. The test indicates whether the
dystrophy (in some cases), mental retardation, actual differences observed are greater than
and diabetes (with amputation of one foot, could be expected by chance alone. Critical
amputation of two limbs, or amputation of the values of x2 are specied for desired probabil-
leg at the hip). ity levels after allowing for a parameter called
Children with Special Health Care Needs degrees of freedom. The calculations are too
(CSHCN) Programs established under the involved for satisfactory explanation here and
are best left to a statistician.
Social Security Act that provide specialized
services for children with disabilities (who are chlorouorocarbons (CFCs) Ozone-deplet-
ing chemicals used in industrial cleaning oper-
eligible for Supplemental Security Income)
ations. Depletion of the ozone layer above the
through arrangements with clinics, private
earth allows high amounts of ultraviolet radi-
ofces, hospital-based out- and in-patient
ation to penetrate the earths atmosphere,
treatment centers, or community agencies.
increasing the incidence of skin cancer.
These programs are administered through
choke In desktop publishing, image size
state health agencies. Check the Yellow Pages
reduction. Choke involves spreading a dark
or the Youthlink Web site:
foreground object slightly into a lighter back-
child support enforcement (CSE) The respon-
ground object to maintain the visual edge
sibility of a variety of public agencies (e.g., in between the two adjacent colors.
Massachusetts, CSE is a division of the cholesterol An essential body product for
Department of Revenue). These agencies many functions. It is manufactured by many
track down child support evaders and collect organs such as the liver, the skin, and the
payments by intercepting tax refunds, mailing intestines and is also found in most foods of
demand notices, and assessing liens and levies animal origin. Plant foods are usually free of
or by arresting delinquent noncustodial par- the substance. Cholesterol comes from two
ents. In many cases such agencies have written sources: (1) foods high in cholesterol and sat-
agreements with the courts, law enforcement, urated fat and (2) the body itself, which pro-
and other agencies specifying in detail roles duces cholesterol primarily in the liver. It is
and responsibilities in the child support indispensable for brain and nervous system
enforcement area. growth as well as for the bodys manufacture
chip A very thin square or rectangular piece of sex hormones. However, high cholesterol
of silicon on which the circuit elements of a levels increase the risk of coronary heart dis-
semiconductor device have been printed or ease. Blood level (mg/dl) of total cholesterol
formed. less than 200 is desirable, 200 to 239 is bor-
chiropractic An alternative form of manipu- derline high, and 240 or more is high.
lative medical treatment involving adjustment Christa McAuliffe Teacher Program A pro-
of the spine and joints to relieve back pain and gram expanded by the Higher Education
other ailments and to improve overall health. Amendments of 1992. The program is
chrominance 106 Civilian Health and Medical Program

designed to recognize and retain outstanding chitis, and emphysema, or a combination of

teachers by providing grants to teachers to these, as COPD.
cover the expenses of sabbaticals or innova- churning 1. In health care, the unethical prac-
tive projects. tice of seeing a patient more often than is
chrominance In video, the color, saturation, medically necessary to increase revenue. Also
and other information encoded in a video signal. a performance-based reimbursement system
chromosome A component of human genes. with a heavy emphasis on productivity; for
Each of the 46 human chromosomes contains example, rewarding a provider for seeing a
the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) for thou- large number of patients. 2. In risk manage-
sands of individual genes, the chemical units ment, the illegal and unethical practice of per-
of heredity. suading customers to use the built-up cash
chronic care Care and treatment provided to value of older life insurance policies to nance
individuals whose health problems are long- new and more expensive ones and deceiving
term and continuing. Rehabilitation facilities, them about the cost of the transaction and the
nursing homes, and mental hospitals may be extent to which it damages the older policy.
considered chronic care facilities. 3. Turnover of employees, both voluntarily
chronic disease A disease that has one or and involuntarily. 4. Excessive (and illegal)
more of the following characteristics: is per- trading in a customers account to increase a
manent, leaves residual disability, is caused brokers commission.
by nonreversible pathological alternation, cipher text Data that have been encrypted
requires special training of the patient for with an algorithm and a key.
rehabilitation, or may be expected to require cirrhosis Chronic, permanent scarring of the
a long period of supervision, observation, or liver caused most often by alcohol abuse,
care. although viral hepatitis and some forms of
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) A syndrome gallbladder and biliary disease also cause a
of unknown causes and increasing frequency type of cirrhosis. If the damage continues,
characterized by combinations of such symp- progressive liver failure and death may result.
toms as emotional distress and/or depression, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the
extreme fatigue, headache, intestinal dis- Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) A pro-
tress, abdominal pain, low grade fever, sleep gram that entitles spouses and children of
disturbances, memory and concentration members of the uniformed services and
problems, lymph node swelling, muscle and retired members to health benets provided
joint pain, and recurring sore throats. Strikes by civilian sources (with some restrictions),
more women than men, and people who get such as hospitalization, outpatient care, pre-
it are typically in their 30s. Some believe that scription drugs, treatment of medical and sur-
it is due to a chronic infection with Epstein- gical and nervous, mental, and chronic condi-
Barr virus (EBV), the virus that causes acute tions, treatment of contagious diseases, and
infectious mononucleosis (mono). Symptoms immunizations when required as a part of
may persist for months or years. medical treatment. Eligibility is limited to
chronic illness An illness characterized by (1) dependents (including those between 21
repetitive episodes or continuous afiction, and 23 years of age and enrolled in a full-time
usually incurable. course of higher learning or are mentally
chronic mononucleosis-like syndrome See retarded or physically incapacitated) of ser-
chronic fatigue syndrome. vice members serving on active duty for more
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than 30 days or who died while serving on
(COPD) The fourth leading cause of death such duty and (2) retired members of the uni-
in the U.S., a major cause of death throughout formed services entitled to retired, retainer, or
the world, and the third leading cause for dis- equivalent pay or who died in such status.
ability in the U.S. The medical profession Upon reaching age 65, military retirees lose
refers to asthmatic bronchitis, chronic bron- eligibility for all types of civilian care under
Civilian Health and Medical Program 107 Civil Rights Act of 1991

CHAMPUS, although they retain eligibility physical examinations, formal tests, and
for health care in military facilities. assessment centers. The Act applies to state
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the and local governments and all public and pri-
Veterans Administration (CHAMPVA) A vate organizations engaged in interstate com-
healthcare benets program for (1) depen- merce, including employment agencies and
dents of veterans who have been rated by the labor unions, that have at least 15 employees.
Department of Veterans Affairs as having a The Act also established the Equal Employ-
total and permanent disability; (2) survivors ment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The
of veterans who died from VA-rated service- EEOC issued the Uniform Guidelines on
connected conditions, or who, at the time of Employee Selection.
death, were rated permanently and totally Civil Rights Act of 1968 The Act identies
disabled from a VA-rated service-connected federally protected activities. Among them are
condition; and (3) survivors of persons who willful injury, intimidation, or interference by
died in the line of duty and not due to mis- anyone, on account of race, color, religion, or
conduct who are not otherwise entitled to national origin, to dissuade or prevent partic-
DOD TRICARE benets. ipation in any benet, service, privilege, pro-
civilian reduction in force See Fiscal 1993 gram, facility, or activity provided or admin-
Defense Authorization Act. istered by the U.S. government, applying for
civilian workers The National Compensation or enjoying employment by any agency of the
Survey denes civilian workers as the sum of federal government, and enrolling in any pub-
all private industry and state and local gov- lic school or public college. The Act also
ernment workers. Federal government, mili- establishes penalties for violators.
tary, and agricultural workers are excluded. Civil Rights Act of 1990 A bill designed to
civil rights Cover a variety of individual modify or overturn six recent decisions of the
rights created by state and federal constitu- Supreme Court, including one in 1989 that
tions, statutes and regulations, or court deci- adjusted the burden of proof in cases involving
sions in such areas as education, employment, disparate impact in employment practices.
and medical care. Passed by both houses of Congress, the bill
Civil Rights Act of 1866 Established the prop- was vetoed by the president on October 22,
erty rights of all citizens in every state and 1990. The Senate sustained the Presidents
territory. veto October 24, 1990. It voted 66 to 34 to
Civil Rights Act of 1870 Established equal override one vote short of the number
rights for all citizens of every state and terri- needed to enact the bill over the Presidents
tory to make and enforce contracts, sue, give veto.
evidence, and enjoy security of person and Civil Rights Act of 1991 Section 106 of the
property. Act, which became effective November 26,
Civil Rights Act of 1871 Established liabil- 1991, states, It shall be an unlawful employ-
ity of persons who deprive any rights, privi- ment practice for a respondent, in connection
leges, or immunities secured by the Constitu- with the selection or referral of applicants or
tion to any citizen or any other persons within candidates for employment or promotion, to
the jurisdiction of any state or territory to an adjust the scores of, use different cutoff scores
action at law. for, or otherwise alter the results of, employ-
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (CRA) Title VII of ment related tests on the basis of race, color,
the Act prohibits discrimination in hiring, r- religion, sex, or national origin. In effect, the
ing, promotion, compensation and other Act placed the burden of proof on employers
terms, privileges, and conditions of employ- to show that there is a business necessity for
ment and facilities based on an employees their tests. The Act also expanded the law to
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. cover all aspects of the employment relation-
Applies to employers of 15 or more workers. ship, including discharges. It allows the EEOC
Provisions relate to application forms and to seek compensatory and punitive damages
photographs, help-wanted ads, interviews, for all job discrimination claims. On June 2,
Civil Rights and Womens Equity 108 claim

1993, the EEOC made this section of the law period that the pact remains in effect; (5)
retroactive even if the discriminatory behavior shortens the time during which an employee
occurred prior to November 21, 1991, the may challenge any employment practice that
effective date of the law. Seven federal circuit follows an earlier consent decree or order that
appellate courts ruled that the law should not resolved an employment discrimination claim
be applied retroactively, whereas the 9th U.S. under federal statute; and (6) expands the
Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it may be period for ling discrimination charges with
applied retroactively. In 1994, the U.S. the EEOC from 180 days to 2 years. The bill
Supreme Court ruled, 8 to 1, that the act is also encourages alternative dispute resolu-
not retroactive. Therefore, anyone with a dis- tion procedures (such as mediation and arbi-
crimination suit led prior to the enactment tration) to avert jury trials. The Act also made
date of November 21, 1991, is not eligible for it easier to sue for age bias at work by repealing
a jury trial or compensatory or punitive dam- the 2-year statute of limitations for ling job-
ages. The Act also allows women and employ- discrimination lawsuits under the federal Age
ees with disabilities to to sue for compensa- Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.
tory and punitive damages and allows jury Plaintiffs may now go into court at any time
trials in discrimination cases. The Act estab- following the ling of charges with the Equal
lished caps for punitive damages for compa- Employment Opportunity Commission.
nies with between 15 and 100 employees at Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA)
$50,000 and $300,000 for companies with Prescribed certain rights and obligations of
more than 500 employees. employees of the federal government includ-
Civil Rights and Womens Equity in Employ- ing the right to form, join, or act as a repre-
ment Act of 1991 Partially offsets seven sentative for a labor union, or to refrain from
Supreme Court decisions that made it more such activity. It identied specic unfair labor
difcult for victims of employment discrimi- practices, standards of conduct for labor orga-
nation, including the disabled, to sue and col- nizations, and grievances, appeals, and review
lect damages for job discrimination. In addi- procedures. The Act also outlined the charac-
tion to lawsuits for discrimination in teristics of a mandated performance appraisal
promotion and dismissal, the Act permits vic- system for federal employees.
tims of intentional sexual discrimination, Civil Service Retirement Spouse Equity Act
including sexual harassment, to seek compen- of 1984 (CSRSPEA) Requires any annu-
satory and punitive damages up to xed limits itant covered by the Civil Service Retirement
(ranging from $50,000 for companies with System who marries after 1986 to pay a
between 15 and 100 employees to $300,000 deposit to the Civil Service Retirement Fund
for organizations with more than 500 employ- if he or she wishes to provide a survivor annu-
ees). The bill (1) allows plaintiffs who litigate ity for a spouse. The deposit equals the dif-
intentional discrimination claims under Title ference between the full annuity and the
VII to have their claims heard by a jury and, reduced annuity for every month since retire-
if successful, to recover compensatory and ment that the annuitant had not been married,
punitive damages; (2) requires companies to plus a 6% interest charge.
establish the business necessity of any Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
employment practice deemed to have a dis- Until January 1984, CSRS was the only retire-
parate impact on members of a protected ment system available to employees of the
class; (3) provides that when an employees federal government. At that time the Federal
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin is Employee Retirement System (FERS) was
a contributing factor to an employment established to cover all new hires. CSRS, how-
decision, that decision is unlawful; (4) ensures ever, still has over 1 million participating
that seniority systems developed through col- workers, so it will be in effect for many years
lective bargaining agreements, which have to come.
the intent of discriminating against a protected claim A request to an insurance carrier or
class, may be challenged throughout the intermediary by a beneciary or a provider,
claims assistance professional (CAP) 109 Clean Indoor Air Act of of 1988

acting on behalf of a beneciary, for payment Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 (CAA) A
of benets. supplement to the Sherman Act of 1890. The
claims assistance professional (CAP) A spe- CAA was passed to prevent substantial sup-
cialist hired by an individual patient who pression of competition and the creation of
wishes to challenge a medical or health care monopolies. It proscribes restraining orders or
claims denial by a commercial insurer and injunctions by any court in any case between
facilitate payment. Some CAPs contract with an employer and employees or employees and
employers to provide their services for persons seeking employment involving a dis-
employees. Typically have a background in pute over terms or conditions of employment
insurance or have served on the staff of a unless necessary to prevent irreparable injury
medical provider. to property. The Act also covers mergers,
claims processor A contractor that handles acquisitions, and interlocking directorates. It
Civilian Health and Medical Programs of states that a corporation is entitled to expand
the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) by internal growth, but it may not do so freely
claims for care received within a particular through acquisitions and mergers.
state or country. Also called scal inter- Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 and 1990
mediary. (CAA) The Clean Air Act is the comprehen-
claims review In health care, a form of retro- sive federal law that regulates air emissions
spective review that occurs after a case is n- from area, stationary, and mobile sources. The
ished and the patient is discharged. It involves law authorizes the U.S. Environmental Pro-
the examination of claims and sometimes tection Agency to establish National Ambient
review of hospital records for improprieties Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to protect
public health and the environment. The goal
and errors.
of the Act was to set and achieve NAAQS in
claims substantiation Written benets state-
every state by 1975. The setting of maximum
ments required by an employer or insurer from
pollutant standards was coupled with direct-
a qualied and independent third party stating
ing the states to develop state implementation
the date and type and amount of medical ser-
plans (SIPs) applicable to appropriate indus-
vice provided by a health care professional or
trial sources in the state. The Act was amended
facility and afrming that those services were
in 1977 to set new dates for achieving
not reimbursed by another health care plan. NAAQS. The 1990 amendments to the Clean
clanning The inclination of people to join up, Air Act in large part were intended to meet
belong to, or hang out with groups with sim- unaddressed or insufciently addressed prob-
ilar beliefs, interests, or preferences to feel lems such as acid rain, ground-level ozone,
more secure and to validate their own values. stratospheric ozone depletion, and air toxins.
Attributed to Faith Popcorn and Lys Marigold, Clean Air Amendments Act of 1995 Amends
Clicking: 16 Trends to Future Fit Your Life, the Clean Air Act to provide an optional pro-
Your Work and Your Business. vision to reduce work-related vehicle trips and
class action A legal action or lawsuit brought miles traveled in ozone nonattainment areas
on behalf of a group of people who nd them- designated as severe. Allows states to require
selves similarly aggrieved, injured, or situated. employers in such areas to implement pro-
classroom conguration One of the basic grams to reduce work-related vehicle trips and
types of room layouts used for small group miles traveled by employees and may also
meetings and conferences. With or without require that employers increase average pas-
desks or tablet armchairs, the seating arrange- senger occupancy per vehicle in commuting
ment allows all attendees to face the speaker trips between home and the workplace during
and screens used for audiovisuals. peak travel periods. Signed by the president
classroom responder See trainee response on December 23, 1995.
system. Clean Indoor Air Act of of 1988 Mandates
classroom training Instructor-led training in that many public buildings, including post
a conventional classroom setting. ofces, open meetings of governmental bodies,
clean sheeting 110 climate survey

museums, libraries, elevators, supermarkets, deformities. CPF is also involved in educating

all public mass transit, and domestic airline professionals and the public about the prob-
ights (up to 3000 miles) be smoke-free. lems and treatment of people born with these
clean sheeting 1. In general, the practice of defects. Contact: American Cleft Palate-Cran-
scrapping a current policy, program, or system iofacial Association/Cleft Palate Foundation,
and starting over, establishing a completely 104 South Estes Drive, Suite 204, Chapel Hill,
new approach. 2. A ploy used by unethical NC 27514 (phone 919-933-9044; e-mail cleft-
insurance agents to exploit the fears and mis-; Web site
conceptions of people who are afraid of med- The C-level Top executives, such as the chief
ical bills. Here the agent deliberately fails to executive ofcer (CEO), chief nancial ofcer
mention ailments on the application form that (CFO), and chief information ofcer (CIO).
the buyer has so that the policy wont be click stream On the Internet, the path a sub-
denied by the insurance company. When the scriber follows while locating information.
insured party les a claim, the company may client A personal computer, laptop, or work-
refuse to pay it on the grounds that the appli- station that makes requests for data from a
cation contained false statements. larger computer or server.
Clean Water Act of 1972 Set specic stan- client-centered counseling See non-directive
dards for the maximum amount of various counseling.
pollutants allowed in discharges into surface client/server application development
water. The Act also set requirements for pro- (CSAD) Refers to the development of appli-
tection of wetlands. Signed by President cations for networked computing environments.
Nixon on October 19, 1972. client/server architecture Describes a new
Clean Water Act Amendments of 1977 and relationship between computers whether
1987 (CWA) The Act established the basic large-capacity mainframes, high-powered
structure for regulating discharges of pollut- minicomputers, personal computers, or pow-
ants into U.S. waters. It gave the Environmen- erful workstations permitting front-end and
tal Protection Agency the authority to imple- back-end computers to share computing
ment pollution control programs such as responsibility. One computer operates as the
setting waste water standards for industry. The client and the other as the server, instead of
Clean Water Act also continued requirements the earlier relationship in which the more
to set water quality standards for all contam- powerful computer served as the master and
inants in surface waters. The Act made it the less powerful as the slave. The identities
unlawful for any person to discharge any pol- of the client and the server are not xed; they
lutant from a point source into navigable depend on how the equipment is congured
waters, unless a permit was obtained under its by the manufacturer, vendor, or user. Also
provisions. Changes in 1987 phased out the known as cooperative processing.
construction grants program, replacing it with client-side A protocol that runs on a com-
the State Water Pollution Control Revolving puter. A Web browsers security system is cli-
Fund, more commonly known as the Clean ent-side.
Water State Revolving Fund. client-specic benchmarking A one-on-one
Cleft Palate Foundation (CPF) A nonprot form of benchmarking used to create tailored
organization dedicated to assisting parents solutions to improve management for a spe-
with birth defects of the head and neck and cic client or organization, evaluating its pol-
their families. CPF helps patients and their icies, processes, and procedures against a
families understand these birth defects database.
through informational brochures and fact cliff vesting A form of vesting schedule in
sheets. Through CLEFTLINE, a toll-free which full (100%) vesting occurs after 10
informational service, CPF refers interested years of service, with no vesting before com-
parties to groups of professionals in their area pletion of 10 years of service.
who are skilled in the management of cleft climate survey A variant of the attitude and
lip, cleft palate, and other craniofacial opinion survey, a climate survey attempts to
clinic 111 closed panel

measure employee attitudes toward factors clip art In desktop publishing, collections of
considered important in establishing the cli- digitally stored, professional-quality, high-
mate of an organization: clarity of goals and resolution art in a large number of subject
standards, working relationships, opportuni- categories packaged on oppy disks or CD-
ties for personal development, managements ROM disks for both Macintosh and IBM-
credibility, degree of authority and responsi- compatible computers.
bility, and so on. See also organization climate clock hour A measure of instructor work load
survey. and student course load and a means of con-
clinic A facility devoted to diagnosis and treat- verting time to credit hours in colleges, uni-
ment of outpatients. It may either include or versities, and technical schools. One clock
exclude physicians ofces, be limited to hour is a minimum of 50 minutes of instruc-
describing facilities that serve poor or public tion, including breaks. See also credit hour.
patients; or be limited to facilities in which close corporation A type of business venture
medical education is provided. that is limited by law to 30 to 50 stockhold-
Clinical Laboratory Amendments of 1988 ers, depending on the state in which the com-
(CLA) Implemented by the Health Care pany is incorporated. Close corporations
Financing Administration, effective Septem- allow business owners to work almost like a
ber 1, 1992, the amendments call for higher partnership without the formalities and
fees (as much as 6%) when employers send record keeping requirements of a general
employee and job applicant samples to a lab- corporation.
oratory for drug testing unless the laboratory closed captions Subtitles of the audio portion
is certied by the National Institute on Drug (dialog and narration) of a television program
Abuse. or home videocassette printed as large, easy-
to-read letters on the bottom of the TV screen
clinical/major depression A disabling medi-
or monitor. They are similar to subtitles in
cal illness that costs society billions of dollars
foreign movies. Closed captioning is a free
for worker absenteeism, diminished produc-
service of the television industry, but captions
tivity, and health care costs. Major depression
remain invisible or closed without a
interferes with working, sleeping, eating, and
decoder. Decoders are easily connected to any
enjoying pleasurable activities. Also called
TV and are usually compatible with VCRs,
unipolar illness.
cable TV hookups, and satellite receivers.
clinical practice guidelines Reports prepared
Captions enable deaf and hearing-impaired
by experts who have studied how a specic people to understand all of a programs con-
treatment works and which patients are most tent and are also used to teach or learn English
likely to be helped by it. as a second language. Contact: National Cap-
clinical psychological interview An interview tioning Institute, Inc. (NCI), 5203 Leesburg
conducted by a therapist (psychologist) that Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041 (phone 800-
emphasizes psychotherapeutic counseling and 533-WORD [voice]; 800-321-TDDS [TDD];
uses case-history data and active participation 703-998-2400 [Voice or TDD]).
by the counselor in the re-education of the closed-form questionnaire A questionnaire
client. that contains a list of items to be checked, a
clinic without walls See group practice with- list of alternative responses to be selected, or
out walls. blanks to be lled in with words or numbers.
Clintonesque A derogatory term used to closed-loop system In training, a system that
describe a style of leadership that is charac- is an organized and orderly whole with clearly
terized by shift in position, half-measures, denable and interacting components, has a
temporizing, and questionable strategizing. mission or objective, has several interdepen-
Clinton health care reform plan See Task dent and interacting components, and has
Force on National Health Care Reform. some type of feedback mechanism.
clip A portion of video or audio source mate- closed panel A managed care plan that con-
rial stored on a tape or disc. tracts with physicians on an exclusive basis
closed pay system 112 codependency

for services; that is, the providers are not snorted. Also called coke, snow, freebase,
allowed to see patients. rock, and crack.
closed pay system A pay system in which the cochlear implant A medical device for the
amount of pay employees receive is kept profoundly deaf that is surgically implanted
secret. Theoretically, no employee knows in the bone behind the ear with a thin, exible
what his or her fellow workers are being paid. coil containing electrodes threaded through
closed shop A union security measure that the cochlea, the snail-shaped portion of the
requires a company to hire only union mem- inner ear. The device bypasses parts of the
bers. It was outlawed in 1947 but still remains damaged inner ear and stimulates the auditory
in a few industries. nerve directly. Although it does not restore
Closing Agreement Program (CAP) An hearing, over time the implant provides sen-
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) enforcement sations of sound, improves compensation
vehicle for qualied pension plans initiated in skills, such as lip reading, and enhances abil-
1990. The plan allows employers to avoid plan ity to function fully in the hearing world.
disqualication by remedying certain types of cocooning The penchant of people to stay at
violations and paying a ne. The program home to protect themselves from the capri-
enables employers to talk to the IRS anony- cious realities of the outside world. Attributed
mously and negotiate nes without risk. Also to Faith Popcorn and Lys Marigold, Clicking:
called John Doe cases. 16 Trends to Future Fit Your Life, Your Work
Closing the Gap Publishes an annual resource and Your Business.
directory on adaptive equipment and the com- cocos See contingent convertible bonds.
panies that manufacture and distribute it. Con- codec From COmpressor and DECompressor.
Hardware or software that compresses and
tact: Closing the Gap, 526 Main Street,
decompresses digitized video.
P.O. Box 68, Henderson, MN 56044 (phone
code division multiple access (CDMA) A
507-248-3294; fax 507-248-3810; e-mail
form of digital wireless technology. Assigns a
i n f o @ c l o s i n g t h e g a p . c o m ; We b s i t e
code to all speech bits addressed to a single
wireless phone, transmits a scrambled trans-
clustering See mind-mapping.
mission of the encoded speech, and reassem-
coach fare A full-fare, economy-class pub-
bles the speech in its original format when it
lished airfare, usually referred to as Y class.
is received by its intended recipient.
coaching A one-on-one, face-to-face teach- code gaming Insurance scams, some border-
ing/learning/counseling relationship. Involves ing on fraud, by unscrupulous physicians and
a continuous ow of instructions, comments, other health care providers to maintain
and suggestions from coach to employee incomes that have been eroded by the
listening, questioning, relating learning to the increasing costs of operating a medical or
learners experiences, and providing guided related practice, such as malpractice insur-
practice. Also called tutoring. ance and laws against balance billing. The
co-applicant A person who agrees to assume most common are upcoding, unbundling,
responsibility for repaying a loan should the and exploding.
borrower fail to do so. Also called co-signer Code of Ethical and Professional Standards
or co-borrower in Human Resource Management A code
coaxial cable A type of cable that features a of ethical standards developed by the Soci-
central conductor surrounded by an insulator, ety of Human Resource Management to
a shield, and an outer insulating jacket. serve as a guide for HR workers in facing
co-branding Describes when two or more ethical dilemmas. Available online at
existing brands are combined into a joint prod-
uct or marketed together in some way. codependency Originally applied to spouses,
cocaine An illegal and highly addictive nar- children, and signicant others of alcohol-
cotic. Cocaine is a bitter crystalline alkaloid and drug-dependent people, codependency
made from coca leaves and is snuffed or now is applied to the disorder thought by some
code words 113 coinsurance

to reach all lives touched by substance abuse. classied into one of six categories: knowl-
It is characterized by loss of contact with ones edge, comprehension, application, analysis,
own feelings, denition of self in terms of the synthesis, or evaluation. 2. Applied to human
abuser, and attempts to manipulate and control learning, the area of learning that is repre-
the behavior of the substance abuser. It moves sented by facts, knowledge, and skills, rather
the center of balance of codependent individ- than feelings. See also affective domain; psy-
uals outside of themselves rather than focus- chomotor domain.
ing on their own well-being and personal cognitive enhancement Use of chemicals,
development. such as food supplements and prescription
code words Terms that when taken alone do drugs, to improve mental skills and abilities
not appear to be discriminatory, but in reality and memory.
may be inherently racist. For example, refer- cognitive impairment Deterioration of an
ring to a person of a different race as one of individuals intellectual capacity of such
them or another one indicates bias. severity that continual supervision is required
codicil An amendment to an existing will exe- to protect the person or others. It is typically
cuted with the same formalities as the original established by clinical evidence and standard-
will. ized tests that measure impairment in terms
coefcient of correlation A measure of the of short- or long-term memory, orientation to
extent to which a relationship exists between person, place, and time, and deductive or
two sets of measures for the same group of abstract reasoning. Such impairment can
subjects. The most common measure is the result from Alzheimers disease, other forms
product-moment correlation; others used in of senility, or irreversible dementia.
special situations are rank, biserial, and tetra-
cognitive modeling Techniques used to teach
choric. Coefcients range from 0.00, indicat-
conceptual skills, thought processes, and lan-
ing a complete absence of relationship, to
guage. The approach is rooted in the same
+1.00 and 1.00 indicating, respectively, per-
learning theory used in behavior modeling. It
fect positive or perfect negative relationships.
attempts to make covert mental responses
coercive power Power that exists because cer-
tain people are granted or assume the right to
cognitive psychology A theory that holds that
apply overt or covert sanctions to inict
people are self-responsible and that their
punishment or negative outcomes on others in
return for noncompliance with direction or behavior is entirely dependent on their origi-
desired behavior. nal thinking, values, and ethics.
coffee-cup counter A pejorative term for a cognitive skills See cognitive competencies.
logistics specialist. cognitive theory of learning A theory that
cognition The capacity for acquiring infor- works on understanding how the mind pro-
mation or knowledge; the act or faculty of cesses information; that is, how human
knowing. thought or reasoning occurs. Learning is seen
cognitive ability test A psychological test as internal to the individual the conse-
used in employee selection or training to quence of insight.
measure an individuals mental abilities or cognitivism See cognitive theory of learning.
ability to learn and reason. cognizant technical ofcer (CTO) The pri-
cognitive competencies Capabilities that por- mary contact at the U.S. Agency for Interna-
tend success in professional, technical, or tional Development for contractors.
managerial jobs. They include expertise, ana- coinsurance In employee benets, a cost-
lytical thinking, and conceptual thinking. sharing requirement. Coinsurance provides
cognitive domain 1. A classication of instruc- that a beneciary will assume a portion or
tional objectives that deals with the recall or percentage of the reasonable and customary
recognition of knowledge and the develop- costs of covered medical or other health care
ment of mental skills and abilities. According services, usually after paying the deductible.
to Blooms taxonomy, these objectives can be Under Medicare, it is the amount that a
coke 114 collaborative relationship

beneciary is responsible for paying, usually collaborative community 1. An employee

20%. technique that makes use of group meetings
coke The powdered form of cocaine that is to work on solving organization problems and
snuffed or snorted. establishing goals and plans. Attributed to
cold-calling A time-honored sales method for Ronald Lippett and Eva Schindler-Rainman.
gathering leads without the benet of personal 2. In B-to-B marketing, trading partners who
or business connections. Originally involved get together to share data and streamline pro-
obtaining lists of businesses that are potential cesses. Enables B-to-B partners to collaborate
clients of customers and then calling, writing, on process design, inventory, forecasting,
or visiting them. The Internet is now used insurance, procurement, and other business
widely to nd new clients and customers. functions.
cold leads A ploy used by private insurance collaborative conferencing A technology that
companies with ofcial-sounding names. allows people at different locations to share
They send out cards to senior citizens, pur- documents or applications. Also known as
porting to advise them about changes in their data conferencing or document conferencing.
income taxes or their Medicare insurance. The collaborative forecasting A forecasting pro-
recipients think that the card is from the gov- cess that brings together all partners who input
ernment or a nonprot organization. However, all the data that ows through the supply
when they respond, their names are sold for chain. It is a form of value-added service
anywhere from $10 to $25 to a medigap within an e-commerce trading network that
enables buyers and sellers to collaborate to
insurance company, which then sends sales-
meet market demands, which, in turn, permits
persons to the respondent.
improved inventory management.
collaboration The process in which employ-
collaborative learning Learning that focuses
ees at all levels work together, build consen-
on group or cooperative efforts among instruc-
sus, and establish alignment and ownership,
tors (faculty) and trainees (students) to
thereby producing self-esteem, mutual
achieve learning objectives. It emphasizes
respect, trust, integrity, and positive organiza-
interaction and participation through dialog
tion results. Believed by some to be destined
aimed at idea and information sharing.
to replace hierarchy as the organizing princi-
collaborative marketing See comarketing.
ple for managing and leading in the 21st
collaborative method A change process that
century. bonds the values of collaboration to the power
collaboration technology Uses such inter- of the workplace culture to produce long-last-
vention as voice conferencing, videoconfer- ing change and signicant results for the
encing, and Webconferencing. enterprise. Attributed to Edward M. Marshall,
collaborative appraisal Cooperative appraisal Transforming the Way We Work: The Power of
or evaluation of performance involving both the Collaborative Workplace, AMACOM,
the manager and the employee. They jointly 1995.
establish the standards, choose the perfor- collaborative negotiation Coined by a Har-
mance measures, evaluate progress and vard Law School study group to describe a
accomplishment, identify needed improve- new skill needed by HR people to exercise
ments, and establish an action plan. leadership and resolve organization conicts.
collaborative business The sharing of busi- In their roles as negotiators the Harvard
ness information within and across corporate group identied three roles: arbitrator, advo-
organizations to increase sales opportunities cate, and arbiter.
and cut costs. It involves the creation of a collaborative relationship 1. Any means of
broadly connected business world, from sup- dealing more effectively with the business
pliers to producers, to customers, to the cus- environment. 2. Arrangements in which two or
tomers clients, so that participants can react more companies share resources and risks to
more quickly to changes in supply and cut the costs of research and development and
demand. manufacturing. 3. Health care organizations
collaboratives 115 color gamut

that share expensive diagnostic equipment e-mail; Web site

such as CAT scanners.
collaboratives See compacts. College-Level Examination Program
collaborative workplace A work environ- (CLEP) Designed to help adults obtain col-
ment in which the organization is led and lege credits for the knowledge and skills they
managed by people working in teams but have acquired through life experience. Spon-
without team bosses, although one team mem- sored by the College Board, CLEP offers ve
ber is typically designated the contact person general examinations that test knowledge in
or spokesperson for the team. the liberal arts and 30 subject-matter exami-
collapsible corporation A company that nations in specic areas such as accounting,
occupies electronic networks rather than economics, foreign language, management,
buildings, which provides it with greater ex- mathematics, and psychology. Contact: The
ibility to change its size and conguration to College Board, 45 Columbus Ave., New York,
meet new market conditions and challenges. NY 10023-6917 (phone 212-713-8000; fax
Attributed to Wired magazine. 212-713-8277; e-mail
collateral Property that is offered to secure a; Web site
loan or other credit and that becomes subject to College Savings (Section 529) Plans Created
seizure on default. Also referred to as security. by the federal government to provide incen-
collective bargaining Good faith negotiations tives for families to save for college. The Eco-
conducted between a union and a rm to reach nomic Growth and Tax Relief Reconcilia-
an agreement or contract regarding work- tion Act of 2001 allows withdrawals to be
related issues and problems such as pay, bene- taken tax-free of federal income taxes after
ts, hours, working conditions, and the like January 1, 2002, so long as the proceeds are
and the execution of a written contract incor- used for college expenses (room, board,
porating agreements reached if requested by tuition, fees, books and supplies). The funds
either party. can be used at any accredited institution of
collective bargaining agreement See labor- higher learning in the U.S. and at many for-
management contract. eign institutions. The donor to the account
College and University Personnel Associa- fully controls the funds, even after the bene-
tion (CUPA) An international network of ciary reaches age 18.
approximately 6200 human resource adminis- colloquy Similar to a panel. Essentially a dis-
trators representing over 1800 colleges and cussion between two teams, each representing
universities. Established to promote the effec- different points of view.
tive management and development of human color correction In desktop publishing, any
resources in higher education. Contact: method of improving color rendition, such as
CUPA-HR, 1233 20th St., NW, Suite 301, dot-etching, re-etching, and scanning.
Washington, D.C. 20036-1250 (phone 202- color cycling In computer-generated imaging,
429-0311; fax 202-429-0149; e-mail aroth- a feature of the newer computer paint and ani-; Web site mation programs. Provides an easy method of
The College Board A nonprot membership adding special effects to static images and is a
association of more than 4200 schools, col- fast and efcient alternative to animation. For
leges, universities, and other educational orga- example, color cycling can create the effect of
nizations committed to promoting educational light ashing or glinting across an image.
opportunity and improving academic stan- color depth The number of colors in an
dards. The Board sponsors programs in admis- image, measured in bits; for example, a 24-
sions, assessment, credit-by-examination, bit palette yields 16.7 million colors.
nancial aid, guidance, and placement to color electronic prepress (CEP) All printing
assist in the transition from high school to operations prior to presswork.
college. Contact: The College Board, 45 color gamut In desktop publishing, the range
Columbus Ave., New York, NY 10023-6992 of color a device can produce. A 24-bit color
(phone 212-713-8000; fax 212-713-8277; monitor can produce 16 million colors.
color graphics adapter (CGA) 116 Commerce Business Daily (CBD)

color graphics adapter (CGA) In desktop digitally using electronic scanners and com-
publishing, a low-resolution bit-mapped puter programs. The original copy may be a
color video standard for IBM-compatible transparency, photographic print, drawing,
computers having a resolution of 320200 painting, or printed reproduction.
pixels and capable of displaying four colors. color space The unique subset of the visible
color healing An alternative form of medical spectrum that can be reproduced with an elec-
treatment in which colored light is shone on tronic device. RGB (additive color) and
the body to alter its vibrations or aura. CMYK (subtractive color) are the color mod-
color management system (CMS) In desk- els used by video displays and four-color
top publishing and prepress, a means of ensur- presses.
ing color consistency throughout a prepress comarketing Collaboration between compa-
system from the scanner to the monitor, the nies in such areas as logistics, selling, adver-
color printer, and the nal separations. It cor- tising, promotion, public relations, and distri-
rects for differences in device-specic color bution. Also called collaborative marketing
so that the displayed and printed image and alliance venturing.
matches its source. Composed of three major combination fee A fee charged by a lawyer,
components: characterization, calibration, consultant, contractor, or other nonemployee
and color mapping. that incorporates two or more of the following
color mapping One of the three main compo- types of fees: contingency fee, xed fee,
nents of a color management system in desk- hourly charge, reduced fee, retainer, or
top publishing. Uses the scanner, monitor, reverse contingency.
printer, or image setter proles built into the combined approach A form of a concepts-
system to compare color spaces and provide based, integrated curriculum. Incorporates
an electronic map to move a le from the aspects of the holistic approach, infusion
color space of one device into that of another approach, interdisciplinary approach, integra-
device. tive brainwork approach, mind/brain function
color scanner An electronic device used to approach, thematic approach, and topics-
produce color separations from color origi- within-discipline approach. Attributed to
nals. Color scanners perform one or more of Betty Jean Eklund Shoemaker, Education
the following functions: analyze the original; 2000 Integrated Curriculum, Phi Delta Kap-
input data from the original; compress the pan, June 1991.
tones for contrast, saturation, and brightness; comfort care Hospital care aimed solely at
produce the correct color hue; adjust the gray comfort, not therapy, resuscitation, or life
balance of the printing inks; increase the extension. Such care would be listed under a
sharpness for better resolution; and store the palliative or comfort code on Medicare
corrected information in a temporary buffer. forms.
Most desktop scanners transfer the data command An instruction that causes a com-
directly to the connected computer, but the puter to do something.
information can also be transferred to a page- command discipline See imposed discipline.
makeup system or be output as halftone pos- command-driven interface One of the basic
itives or negatives. types of user interfaces found in microcom-
color separation The process of preparing a puters. Used to get the computer to perform
separate electronic or photographic record of tasks simply by typing in a command (a word
the amounts of each process color (cyan, or phrase representing the desired action).
magenta, yellow, or black) needed to reproduce Commerce Business Daily (CBD) A publica-
an original image. The record may be a pho- tion of the Department of Commerce, the
tographic lm made through red, green, and CBD is the most comprehensive source of fed-
blue separation lters or a computer le. A set eral solicitation notices (RFPs) available.
of four separations (process colors) is required Each CBD contains up to 1000 procurement
to reproduce an original full-color image. notices with entries classied as services or
Separations may be made photographically or supplies. Another section lists the type and
commercial bank 117 committee

value of recently awarded contracts. Contact: (phone 800-279-1605 or 301-594-3360;

Superintendent of Documents, U.S. govern- e-mail; Web site
ment Printing Ofce, Washington, D.C.
20402-9325 (phone 202-783-3238). Commissioned Ofcers Association of the U.S.
commercial bank A nancial institution, Public Health Service (COA) An associa-
owned by stockholders and operated for prot, tion of 6900 active duty, retired, inactive
that is allowed to engage in varied lending reserve, and former commissioned ofcers of
activities and to offer more nancial services the U.S. Public Health Service. Its mission is
than the other depository institutions. to advance the Public Health Service Com-
commercial espionage See business espi- missioned Corps by uniting and serving Corps
onage. ofcers and advocating for their interests
commercial intelligence See business intel- through leadership and communication. Con-
ligence. tact: COA, 8201 Corporate Dr., Ste. 560,
commercial paper In investment, short-term, Landover, MD 20785 (phone 301-731-9080;
unsecured promissory notes issued to nance fax 301-731-9084; e-mail cbright@coaus-
short-term credit needs.; Web site
commercial rate In meeting management, a Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills
special room rate, lower than rack rate, for (CANS) A commission established by the
companies that have made prior arrangements Secretary of Labor to study the competencies
with the hotel property. that children must master to have workplace
commercial speech Oral presentations, press know-how. It drew upon educators, state
releases, written letters, ads in newspapers and public ofcials, business people, and labor
magazines, and radio and television commer- leaders and reported to the Secretary of Labor
cials designed primarily to sell a product. in 1991.
Such speech does not enjoy the same level of commission-only planner A nancial or
First Amendment protections as political other type of planner who charges no fees to
speech. The courts have upheld the govern- create plans but is compensated solely by
ments right to impose certain content restric- commissions received from the products sold
tions to protect consumers, but that may soon when the plan is implemented.
be overruled by the Supreme Court. Commission on Recognition of Postsecond-
commercial sureties Bonds that are used to ary Accreditation (CORPA) Created to
guarantee performance that has a nancial ensure the quality of postsecondary education
component; for example, most states require through the process of voluntary, nongovern-
companies that self-insure for workers com- mental accreditation. Establishes criteria and
pensation to post surety bonds guaranteeing provisions for the evaluation and recognition
coverage if they become insolvent. of accrediting agencies. CORPA was dis-
commissaries See Defense Commissary solved in April 1997 and replaced by the
Agency. Council on Higher Education Accreditation
The Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public (CHEA).
Health Service Established to provide Commission on the Future of Worker-Man-
highly trained and mobile health professionals agement Relations Established by Secre-
who carry out programs to promote the health tary of Labor Robert B. Reich and Secretary
of the nation, understand and prevent disease of Commerce Ronald H. Brown to nd ways
and injury, ensure safe and effective drugs and to enhance workplace productivity through
medical devices, deliver health services to fed- labor-management cooperation and employee
eral beneciaries, and furnish health expertise participation and to consider possible labor
in time of war. The PHS Commissioned Corps law reforms and the use of alternative dis-
is led by the Surgeon General and consists of pute resolution procedures in the workplace.
approximately 6000 ofcers. Contact: PHS, committee A device used by managers to
Ofce of the Surgeon General. 5600 Fishers improve communications, share information
Lane, Room 18-66, Rockville, MD 20857 and ideas, and provide a means of involving
common business-oriented language 118 Communications Media Management

employees in policy making and decision common stock Securities that represent own-
making. Essentially, it is a group of persons ership in a company for which holders of the
appointed or elected to perform a specic stock receive dividends, when paid, but only
function, the nature of which determines the after such obligations as oating debt, bond
composition of the group, its manner of oper- interest, and preferred stock holders are met.
ation, and its ultimate authority and responsi- common user access (CUA) A line of appli-
bility. Committees may take the forms of cations software that presents a common face
standing (permanent) or ad hoc (temporary) to the user regardless of the application.
committees and perform such functions as common user interface (CUI) Provides access
policy making (legislative), executive (admin- to network resources at all work stations using
istrative), judicial (adjudicative), advisory similar or identical screens, commands, and
(consultative), or research (investigative). control structures so that users do not have to
common business-oriented language learn new procedures.
(COBOL) A computer programming lan- communication The process by which facts,
guage used since the 1970s in many main- ideas, information, opinions, meanings, emo-
frame business computers to code programs. tions, and understanding are exchanged
common carrier A company engaged in among human beings. It employs speaking
interstate communications by wire or radio as and listening, seeing, reading and writing, and
dened in Section 3(h) of the Communica- motions, facial expressions, and body
tions Act of 1934, as amended. language.
common gateway interface (CGI) scripts Communications Assistance for Law
Enforcement Act of 1994 Mandates the
Web server extensions used to control access
installation of undetectable circuits for eaves-
to computer les.
dropping on wired and wireless voice and data
common hardware reference platform
communications from remote surveillance
(CHRP) Pronounced chirp. Computers
ofces located throughout the country. Phone
that run a variety of operating systems, such
companies are required to install these wiretap
as Mac OS, Windows NT, and UNIX (AIX). circuits or pay $10,000 per day in penalties.
common law employee test Applies between communications assistant (CA) Profession-
10 and 20 factors to determine an employees als who are specially trained to meet the com-
status (temporary worker or independent con- munications needs of people with hearing or
tractor). In a 1998 decision, the court hearing speech disabilities, including relaying conver-
the case brought against Microsoft by employ- sation in American Sign Language syntax.
ees misclassied as independent contractors They serve as telecommunications relay sys-
established the following ve factors to deter- tems operators who relay conversations using
mine whether a worker is an employee of a a text telephone and a regular telephone. The
temporary agency or the client company: communications assistant transliterates con-
(1) whether the company or the agency versation from text to voice and from voice to
recruited the worker; (2) the extent of training text.
the client company provides the worker; Communications Decency Act of 1996
(3) the duration of the workers relationship Banned indecent and obscene material from
with the client company; (4) the client com- the Internet and other telecommunications
panys right to assign additional projects to devices if there were a possibility that a minor
the worker; and (5) whether the client com- might receive the material. The Act covers all
pany may inuence the relationship between telecommunications equipment, including the
the worker and the agency. telephone. See also Reno v. American Civil
common procedural terminology (CPT) Liberties Union.
Codes approved by the American Medical Communications Media Management
Association for use in identifying common Association (CMMA) An organization of
medical procedures in automated systems for about 200 managers of media departments in
handling insurance claims. business and industrial companies. CMMA is
communications server 119 community rating

dedicated to the professional growth of cor- special health needs. Community health cen-
porate and education communications man- ters coordinate federal, state, and local
agers. Its major objectives are to strengthen resources in a single organization capable of
the management and technical skills of the delivering both health and related social ser-
membership and maintain an effective net- vices to a dened population. Sometimes
work for sharing ideas or seeking answers. called a neighborhood health center.
Holds two conferences and several regional community mental health center A specially
meetings each year. Contact: CMMA, P.O. qualied facility that provides partial hospi-
Box 227, 607 Arbor Ave., Wheaton, IL 60189 talization for mental health care. Under cer-
(phone 630-653-2772; fax 630-653-2882; tain conditions, Medicare Part B helps pay for
e - m a i l c m m a @ c m m a . n e t ; We b s i t e care provided by these centers. community of practice A network of people
communications server A computer dedi- in an organization who work together and reg-
cated to providing communications within a ularly share information, knowledge, and
local area network (LAN) and often external ideas. They may or may not be part of a formal
to the network, including e-mail. unit or workteam, but they often collaborate
communication training Training provided on special projects.
to improve the skills of employees at all levels Community Opportunities, Accountability,
of the organization in generating, transmitting, and Training and Education Services Act
and receiving information. It encompasses of 1998 Amends the Head Start Program,
training in listening, speaking, writing, and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act
reading. of 1981, and the Community Service Block
Communication Workers of America (CWA) Grant Program. Approved October 27, 1998.
A labor union afliated with the AFL-CIO community property A form of joint owner-
representing men and women in both private ship The law provides that any property
and public sectors, including employees in acquired by either spouse by the work, talent,
telecommunications, printing and news or other productive capacity or effort of either
media, public service, health care, cable tele- spouse during marriage is owned by both
vision, general manufacturing, electronics, spouses regardless of whose name is on the
gas and electric utilities, and other elds. title. Property acquired by one spouse by gift,
CWA has a membership of over 740,000 in device, bequest, or descent is not included.
the U.S. and Canada in more than 1,200 char- Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana,
tered unions. Contact: CWA, 501 3rd St., NW, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and
Washington, DC 20001-2797 (phone 202- Wisconsin are community property states.
434-1100; fax 202-434-1279; e-mail State laws differ considerably; however, they; Web site www.cwa- usually permit one spouse to leave his or her share of community property to whomever he
community-based care The combination of or she chooses. Community property is sub-
health and social services provided to individ- ject to probate.
uals or families in their place of residence to community rating A health care insurance
promote, maintain, or restore health or mini- plan under which an insurance company sets
mize the effects of illness and disability. its rates only on the basis of the benets
community groups Buddy lists, chat rooms, offered and the heath claims experience of all
and special interest groups that allow students those covered in a given community. There-
to collaborate over the Internet to collect ref- fore, subscribers in the community (such as
erence material, exchange ideas or documen- employers within a state), workers employed
tation, and post questions to peers. by large and small rms, and self-employed
community health center An ambulatory persons would pay the same premiums. Orig-
health care program that usually serves a inally designed to spread the risk of medical
catchment area that has limited or nonexist- costs by charging a single premium regardless
ent health services or a population with of age, gender, income, or medical condition,
community rating by class 120 company-owned life insurance (COLI)

over the last 20 years it has taken the forms tools are Interactive Support Group, Inc. of
of cherry picking and cream skimming. Chatsworth, CA; Script Systems, Inc. of
community rating by class A modied form Mohawk, NY; and Optimage, a Phil-
of community rating in which premiums are lips/Microware partnership based in Des
based on age and sex but not on claims Moines, IA.
experience. compact disc player (CDP) A means of play-
community relations Actions taken by an ing back compact discs.
organization to build cooperation and mutu- compact disc, read-only memory (CD-ROM)
ally helpful relationships and to win public Originally a medium for storing and reproduc-
support. It may take the forms of participating ing music, the technology can be used in train-
in community funding, voter registration, and ing and education, information systems, and
other types of drives and projects, volunteer- a wide range of other areas as a data publica-
ism, and cooperative educational ventures. tion and retrieval medium for use with per-
community standards Values and standards sonal computer systems. Each CD-ROM can
established by custom and accepted by the store approximately 550 MB of read-only
majority of the members of a region or indi- information more than 150,000 pages of
vidual community as right and proper behav- text.
ior for all people. Examples are concern for compact disc, read only memory extended
wildlife, participation in community political architecture (CD-ROM XA) An industry
and social affairs, sharing in harvesting activ- standard for adding audio and video le for-
ities, and support for youth activities and mats to a CD-ROM disc. Offered by Sony,
programs. IBM, Philips, NEC, Chinon, and many other
compact A partnership or alliance among manufacturers.
businesses, educational institutions, and compact disc-rewritable A compact disc that
municipal governments to achieve such goals can be erased and rewritten with new data.
as improved educational opportunity, higher company brand The sum of all the contacts
educational standards, reduction in the school intended customers and clients experience
dropout rate, increased attendance, and help- with a specic company. Examples: seeing the
ing high school and college students get sum- logo; watching ads on TV; talking with sales-
mer jobs, part-time jobs while in school, and people; visiting the ofce, store, plant, or Web
full-time jobs following graduation. site; calling service; and so on.
compact disc (CD) A distortion-free, long- company creed An organizations philoso-
playing digital recording. A means of storing phy of management to which all members of
data, the device makes use of small (5-inch) an organization are expected to subscribe. It
rigid discs that can store full text, still and is usually reduced to written form and consists
full-motion video, graphics, and audio, and it of a set of simple statements of beliefs and
permits random access. Data can be read into intents.
computers for display or manipulation. Stor- company identity The graphical representa-
age may be permanent (ROM) or erasable and tion of a company through the use of a symbol
rewritten once (WORM). Requires special (logo or mark), a typographic treatment (a
equipment to read and write. logotype), or a combination of both. See also
compact disc interactive (CD-I) An interac- brand strategy, graphic system, and company
tive multimedia device; a means of combining brand.
audio, video, and computer data on a single Company Information A directory of com-
medium. A relatively expensive technology pany information that contains mission state-
for CD-ROM-based consumer multimedia. ments, product descriptions, and annual
Consists of a separate device with its own reports.
built-in computer. To develop training appli- company-owned life insurance (COLI)
cations, the device requires tools to provide Life insurance policies owned and paid for by
emulation. A product of Philips Corporation. an organization. See also leveraged company-
The three main suppliers of CD-I development owned life insurance.
comparable factors 121 competency

comparable factors See compensable factors. compensation Remuneration for work per-
comparable worth Applies to job evaluation formed or services rendered in the form of pay
and the administration of compensation pro- and allowances, salaries, wages, stipends, fees
grams. It is a concept and a strategy designed and commissions, and bonuses and stock
to overcome the male-female salary gap and options. For some purposes, such as state
the pay inequities caused by what have tradi- taxes, compensation is dened as money paid
tionally been female jobs. It promotes the con- out over a period of less than 10 years.
cept of equal pay for work of equal worth. compensationers A term used to describe
Jobs held by women and those held by men, annuitants, employees, and Workers Com-
including dissimilar jobs, are compared and pensation recipients by the Federal Health
matched in terms of difculty and require- Benets Program.
ments (skill, effort, and responsibility), and compensatory education Educational pro-
matching salaries are established for the jobs grams designed to help low-achieving stu-
held by women. dents (the educationally disadvantaged) catch
compa-ratio The relationship, expressed as a up to and keep up with their peers.
percentage, of actual salaries to the midpoint compensatory opportunity See afrmative
of the salary range established for a job within action; race-norming.
the salary grade structure. For example, if an compensatory time Time off the job and
employee in Grade 9 has a salary of $32,000 away from the workplace earned by workers
and the Grade 9 midpoint is $36,000, the by working overtime, on weekends or holi-
employee has a compa-ratio of 88.9% days, or during scheduled vacations. Usually
($32,000/$36,000). limited to exempt employees; nonexempt
workers are paid overtime wages. In 1996, a
comparative ratings An approach to rating
law changing the minimum wage also speci-
that compares people (i.e., each person is rated
ed that employee commute time to and from
only in comparison to others). Examples are
work in company vehicles would not be
rank order, equal intervals, paired compari-
sons, and forced distribution rating methods.
compensatory training Training provided to
compatibility 1. The ability of a computer to
remedy worker deciencies in knowledge and
run software or use peripheral equipment
skills. Includes basic skills training, reme-
designed for another computer. 2. The ability
dial training, and retraining.
of all parts of a system (computer, printer,
competence A social concept involving a
software, and so on) to work together. comparative judgment about the value or
compbusters Measures taken to eliminate or worth of human performance. It is compara-
reduce the incidence of employee accidents, tive in that it compares typical performance
injuries, or other sources of claims for com- with exemplary performance.
pensation. competencies A generic mix of knowledge,
compelled self-defamation A legal tort that skills, and attitudes with broad application.
holds employers liable for giving a false or Taught in an integrated way to prepare an
incorrect reason to an employee for his or her individual for many jobs and tasks. Examples
termination, knowing that the employee will are problem solving, troubleshooting, and
have to pass the reason on to a prospective reasoning.
employer. competency 1. Tasks, results, and outputs as
compensable factors In job evaluation, the they relate to work. 2. Knowledge, skills, and
basic criteria used to to determine the relative attitudes (as well as values, orientations, and
worth of jobs. They consist of the attributes commitments) as they relate to the character-
that, in the judgment of management, consti- istics of people who do the work. Attributed
tute the basis for establishing relative worth; to Patricia A. McLagan, Competencies for
for example, knowledge, skills, training, expe- the Next Generations, Training & Develop-
rience, accountability, responsibility, working ment, May 1997, p. 41. See also attribute bun-
conditions, and so on. dles; knowledge, skills, and attitude compe-
competency assessment 122 complementary and alternative medicine

tencies; output competencies; result 2084; fax 703-684-2136; Web site
competencies; superior-performer competen-
cies; task competencies. competitive benchmarking Determining
competency assessment In selection for which company or organization, whether a
employment or promotion, evaluation of competitor or noncompetitor, provides the
potential based on appraisal of skills and abil- best products or services.
ities. competitive intelligence Information col-
competency-based pay Compensation based lected legally and ethically about how com-
on evaluations that focus on individual job petitors achieve superior performance and
skills and behaviors. productivity. Includes reviewing industry pub-
competency-based test In selection and train- lications, accessing electronic databases,
ing, a test that measures specic skills or com- probing internal company experts, and tap-
petencies, rather than job knowledge. ping industry observers and commentators,
competency-based training Training that is such as academics and consultants, and inter-
rooted in the skills and competencies required rogating customers, clients, dealers, and sup-
for acceptable job performance as determined pliers. Represents a necessary preliminary
by job and task analysis. step in the benchmarking process. See also
competency-based vocational-technical edu- business intelligence; business espionage.
cation (CBVE) Education based on perfor- competitive medical plan (CMP) In gen-
mance objectives that dene what the learner eral, a prepayment health care plan requiring
must do, under what conditions, and to what xed monthly payments and minimal copay-
standard. ments. CMPs with corporate or Medicare con-
competency evaluation An approach to eval- tracts offer beneciaries all services covered
uation that measures the effectiveness of a by fee-for-service Medicare or other private
training or other type of program by comparing plans. More specically, a CMP (1) is state-
the achievement of participants against estab- licensed; (2) provides health care on a prepaid,
lished competency standards. capitated basis; (3) provides care primarily
competency power Power derived from through physicians who are employees or
expertise. It is power and authority based on partners of the entity; (4) assumes full nan-
skills and experience and is exemplied by cial risk on a prospective basis with provisions
leading by example. for stop loss, reinsurance, and risk sharing
competition A characteristic of market eco- with providers; and (5) meets the Public
nomics in which buyers choose from among Health Service Act requirement of protection
alternative goods and services made available against insolvency.
in the market by two or more sellers. competitive price A price that surpasses
competition-based pricing The process of minimum accounting costs (production and
letting competitors establish prices and then distribution) by an amount that permits the
setting ones prices low enough to eclipse the seller to receive an ordinary return on the cap-
competition to maintain or improve market ital invested in the enterprise, but no more.
share. Obviously, price concessions can compiled list A computerized list of individ-
increase sales. However, irresponsible com- uals and organizations assembled from
petitive pricing often results in retaliation by existing public and proprietary data sources,
competitors. If carried too far, it can lead to such as phone books, trade show attendees,
price wars and price attrition. car registrations, association member directo-
The Competitive Advantage: The Newsletter ries, and product warranty cards.
for Sales and Marketing Professionals complaint The original statement made in a
A monthly publication of Capital Publica- civil case detailing the reasons the plaintiff is
tions, Inc. Cost: $99 per year. Contact: The entitled to the aid or relief of the court.
Competitive Advantage, 1101 King St., Ste. complementary and alternative medicine
110, Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 800-888- See complementary care.
complementary care 123 Comprehensive Environmental Response

complementary care Alternative treatments has taken reasonable steps to ensure that it
such as acupressure, biofeedback, chiroprac- could not occur again.
tic, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, medita- composite review and analysis Evaluation
tion, oriental medicine, prayer, reexology, of an organizations operating program as a
therapeutic touch, and yoga. Sometimes used whole, developed and presented by the head
with cancer patients as adjuncts to surgery, of the organization. It makes use of the verti-
radiation, and chemotherapy. cal reviews and analyses prepared by subor-
completed staff work Products of employ- dinate managers.
ees labor that arrive at their supervisors desk composite score A single score that combines
ready for his or her signature or in nal draft, several scores, usually simply by summing
ready for review and approval. them, but sometimes weights are assigned to
complete meeting package (CMP) A pric- the separate scores to increase or decrease
ing method used by conference centers. It is their importance in the total composite score.
based on per-person, per-day and typically compositing The process of combining mul-
includes room, food, beverage refreshment tiple layers of video or audio into one image.
breaks (except liquor and tax), conference ser- comprehensive benet package A health
vices (meeting room, breakouts, support staff, care insurance package in which each partic-
gratuities, and audiovisual basics), and recre- ipant is covered for as many essential services
ation facilities. as the system can afford.
completion item A test item that requires the comprehensive budgeting A general term
testee to ll in the blanks. covering all types of budgets used in a com-
pany such as the annual budget and supple-
complexity theory A spin-off from chaos
mentary budgets.
theory. Postulates that, in complex organiza-
comprehensive budget program Character-
tions such as businesses, simple agents obey-
istic of most for-prot organizations. Consists
ing simple rules can interact to create elabo-
of two major components: the annual prot
rate and unexpected behavior and positive
plan and the nancial budget.
Comprehensive Employment and Training
compliance program Criteria established by
Act of 1973 (CETA) Provided for block
the U.S. Sentencing Commission to determine
grants to 475 state and local units of govern-
whether a company has an effective program ment, which served as prime sponsors. Prime
to prevent fraud, theft, or antitrust violations. sponsors identied employment and training
Its seven elements: (1) the company has pol- needs in their geographical areas and planned
icies dening standards and procedures to be and operated job training and the services
used by its agents and employees; (2) a spe- needed to meet those needs. CETA funds were
cic high-level person in the organization has used for classroom instruction in occupational
been given responsibility for ensuring compli- skills and other job-related training; on-the-
ance with policy; (3) the organization has used job training by public and private employers;
due care not to delegate signicant discretion- recruitment, orientation, counseling, testing,
ary authority to persons whom the organiza- and placement; and support services such as
tion knew, or should have known, had a pro- medical and child care services. CETA legis-
pensity to engage in illegal activities; (4) the lation expired at the end of scal year 1982
company has effectively communicated its and was replaced by the Job Training Part-
standards and procedures to its agents and nership Act of 1982.
employees; (5) the company has taken reason- Comprehensive Environmental Response,
able steps to achieve compliance with stan- Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980
dards, such as monitoring, audits, and report- (CERCLA)(Superfund) One of ve major
ing systems; (6) the standards have been environmental laws, since signicantly revised,
consistently enforced by means of appropriate expanded, and extended. The Act identies 717
disciplinary mechanisms; and (7) when an hazardous substances and provides a federal
offense has been detected, the organization superfund to clean up uncontrolled or
comprehensive health planning (CHP) 124 Comp Time Act of 1996

abandoned hazardous-waste sites as well as or more times faster than the recorded version.
accidents, spills, and other emergency releases It makes use of the known fact that humans
of pollutants and contaminants into the envi- can receive and understand aural material
ronment. The Environmental Protection much faster than the typical person can artic-
Agency was given authority to seek out parties ulate it. Used in training to save time.
responsible for any release and ensure their compressed video Images that have been
cooperation in the cleanup. EPA cleans up compressed to eliminate redundant informa-
orphan sites when potentially responsible par- tion and reduce the bandwidth required to
ties cannot be identied or located, or when transmit them.
they fail to act. Through various enforcement compressed workweek A scheduling plan
tools, EPA obtains private party cleanup that allows employees to rearrange their work
through orders, consent decrees, and other hours to help balance work and family respon-
small-party settlements. EPA also recovers sibilities. For example, the 40-hour work
costs from nancially viable individuals and week could be compressed into four 10-hour
companies once a response action has been workdays, or a fortnightly schedule may be
completed. EPA is authorized to implement used to allow workers one additional day off
the Act in all 50 states and U.S. territories. every 2 weeks.
Superfund site identication, monitoring, and
compression 1. In wage and salary adminis-
response activities in states are coordinated
tration, pay differentials between classes of
through the state environmental protection or
workers (supervisors and workers, new hires
waste management agencies.
and experienced workers, and job grades, for
comprehensive health planning (CHP)
example) that are too small to be fair and
Health planning that includes all personal fac-
equitable. 2. Any one of several means of
tors and community programs that affect peo-
reducing the size of a computer le. Enables
ples health.
the user to t a large multimedia program on
comprehensive interview An employment
a disc or transmit it over a computer network.
interview in which the interviewer, in addition
compressor/decomposer (CODEC) Hard-
to asking specic, preplanned questions, is
encouraged to probe important points as they ware or software used to compress or decom-
arise in the interview. press data. Examples for computer video are
comprehensive medical coverage Medical MPEG, Indeo, Cinepak, and Quicktime.
insurance plans that cover hospitalization and comps Free airline passes; known to the air-
the fees of medical and surgical practitioners. lines as nonrevenue tickets. They are issued
Often includes prescription drugs. to travel agents, employees of the issuing car-
comprehensiveness One of the characteristics rier, employees of other airlines, corporate
of an acceptable test. A test is comprehensive meeting managers, travel consultants, fre-
when it takes liberal and complete samples quent ier award recipients, and game show
from whatever is being measured the or rafe winners. They typically have several
objectives of the training program or system. restrictions, such as vulnerability to bumping,
comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation blackout periods when tickets are not valid,
facility (CORF) A health care facility that and no advance seat selection or special meal
provides speech, occupational, and respiratory reservations.
therapies and counseling and related services. comp self-insurance An alternate way of
If prescribed by a physician and the facility nancing coverage for workers compensation
participates in Medicare, Part B, Medicare claims. Employers band together in self-insur-
will pay for services provided. ance groups that operate somewhat like risk
compressed hypertext markup language pools. Objectives include having funding at
(CHTML) A microbrowser standard for least match claims payments and building sur-
presenting Web pages on a mobile phone. pluses that can be returned to the employers.
compressed speech Spoken material recorded Comp Time Act of 1996 See Working Fami-
at normal speed and played back three to ve lies Flexibility Act of 1996.
CompuServe 125 Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening

CompuServe Provides comprehensive prod- computer-aided (assisted) instruction (CAI)

ucts and access for Internet online users at Training that involves the use of computers to
home, in the workplace, and around the globe. conduct, or assist in conducting, instruction.
For a monthly fee provides subscribers with It involves software and learningware that per-
instant access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, mit the individual learner to proceed at his or
to online information, communication, and her own pace through an instructional
entertainment products and services including sequence or package. Sometimes linked to
news, sports, and weather; electronic mail; video or other media, including written doc-
reference library; shopping; nancial informa- umentation. Also called computer-based
tion; travel and leisure; entertainment and training.
games; and membership support services. computer-aided software engineering
Contact: CompuServe Interactive Services, (CASE) Computer programs that capture
Inc., Customer Service Department, P.O. Box user requirements and automate the program-
17300. Jacksonville, FL 32245-7300 (phone ming process.
800-848-8990 or 614-457-8600; Web site computer-assisted design (CAD) A system that uses computers to execute graphic design
CompuServe An international personal and engineering analysis functions. In tandem
computer network that provides subscribers with computer-assisted engineering, engi-
with instant access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a neers and designers can manipulate symbols
week, to on-line information, communication, on a computer monitor, store earlier designs
and engineering data, and generate machine
and entertainment products and services for a
instructions directly from the design.
monthly fee: news, sports, and weather; elec-
computer-assisted engineering (CAE) A
tronic mail; reference library; shopping; nan-
stand-alone manufacturing technology used
cial information; travel and leisure; entertain-
to create systems applications. The approach
ment and games; and membership support
can also be used in conjunction with other
services. Contact: CompuServe Interactive
Services, Inc., Customer Service Department,
computer-assisted job evaluation (CAJE)
P.O. Box 17300, Jacksonville, FL 32245-7300
An alternative to the traditional point-factor
(phone 800-848-8990 or 614-457-8600; Web
method of job evaluation capable of automat-
ically producing a job description, a job eval-
computed tomography (CT) A medical uation, and a quality assurance report on the
diagnostic imaging technology that makes use accuracy of a job analysis. At the very least,
of x-rays, a powerful computer, and sensitive the computer-driven system speeds up the job
scintillation detectors and provides greater evaluation process, but the ultimate accuracy
speed, accuracy, diagnostic acuity, and patient of the system depends on the appropriateness
comfort than its predecessor, computerized and quality of the input and the techniques
axial tomography (CAT) scanning equipment. used to establish the standards.
Used in scanning the brain for infarcts, hem- computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM)
orrhages, and tumors; the chest for tumors and A system that uses computers to execute man-
mediastrinum (spaces between the pleural ufacturing processes.
sacs of the lungs); the abdomen for tumors Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening
and other anomalies in the kidneys, pancreas, System (CAPPS II) A nationwide comput-
and liver; and the spine and limbs for herni- erized system ordered by the Congress to
ated disks, tumors, and other anomalies. assign a threat level (green, yellow, or red)
computer A digital device that stores and to all commercial air passengers, which will
relays information and images using a series be encrypted on boarding passes and checked
of ones and zeros. Several types and many by Transportation Security Administration.
different makes exist: mainframes, minicom- screeners at checkpoints. Using full name,
puters, microcomputers, and microprocessors. address, phone number, and date of birth, the
Also applies to analog devices. system will check such things as credit reports
computer-assisted retrieval (CAR) 126 computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

and bank account activity and compare pas- computer conferencing An extension of the
senger names with those on government electronic mail concept or on the Internet. A
watchlists. system that permits several computer users in
computer-assisted retrieval (CAR) A system different locations and at different times to
that links a computer and a microform reader hold an electronic conference call on a par-
so that data and graphics can be accessed auto- ticular topic, contributing to a group discus-
matically, easily, and quickly. Used in records sion without the restrictions of time or space.
management. The systems makes use of modems and tele-
computer-based coaching Use of a computer phone lines or satellite communications. Also
as a job aid. The aid is controlled by the work- called computer-enhanced project manage-
ers, who initiate it and decide when they do ment, expert networking, and on-line brain-
not need it, based on their performance of job storming.
tasks. Computer Education Management Associa-
computer-based corporate videoconferenc- tion (CEdMA) A professional organiza-
ing A system that incorporates simultaneous tion made up of individuals who manage train-
document and data exchange as well as voice ing businesses in companies manufacturing
and video. computer hardware and software. Provides a
computer-based education (CBE) The use forum for managers and directors of computer
of computers in formal education programs at education organizations. Its goal is to shape
any level of public or private education. the future of the industry for excellence in
computer-based instruction (CBI) See com- education, training and learning in ways that
puter-based training. benet members, customers, partners, and
computer-based learning (CBL) Used by other employees within member organiza-
some to describe all forms of computer-driven tions. In collaboration with the Information
instructional strategies, such as computer- Technology Association, created the Certi-
assisted instruction, computer-based educa- ed Technical Trainer Program. Contact:
tion, computer-based training, and computer- CEdMA (phone 512/794-5832; e-mail
managed instruction.; Web site
computer-based learning resources (CBLR) computer-enhanced project management
Software used to make learning easier, more See computer conferencing.
appropriate, or more enjoyable. The program computer forensics Analysis of a computer
contains information useful to the learner but and the information on the computers hard
does not, in itself, teach (e.g., a database). drive or other component.
computer-based reference (CBR) Software computer graphics Sketches, drawings, charts
that delivers text on a computer terminal and graphs, and photographs, including three-
screen and supports such features as on-line dimensional images in black-and-white or
help, on-line manuals, directories, glossaries, color, either generated by a computer or
indexes, message boards, and connections to accessed from disks or stacks containing clip
or interface with computer-based training. art or photographs.
computer-based training (CBT) The use of computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
computers to deliver instructional packages A technology that integrates the process of
either at a central training facility or at the design and the digital output of design directly
workplace through modems. It is used to teach down to the loading of instructions onto the
job knowledge or skills. Lessons are presented assembly line. It combines the storage capac-
in the following modes: drill and practice, ity of CD-ROM with video technology and
tutorial, problem solving, instructional games, gives employees immediate access to
modeling, problem solving, and simulation. information right on the work site. The system
CBT is controlled by others in the sense that answers their questions, provides background
others schedule the training, structure the information, and furnishes video demonstra-
ow, determine alternative sequences, and tion of processes or procedures on request.
administer the tests. Also called exible manufacturing system.
computerized axial tomography (CAT) 127 computer simulation

computerized axial tomography (CAT) A presentations, demonstration, and hands-on

medical diagnostic imaging technology (CAT performance and practice.
scan) by which a three-dimensional image of computer-managed instruction (CMI) T h e
a body structure is constructed by computer use of a computer with its associated hard-
from a series of cross-sectional images made ware, software, and learningware to manage
along an axis by radiography. instructional systems and programs. CMI per-
computerized braces An experimental com- forms such time-consuming tasks as testing
puterized brace that controls muscle tremors trainees and tracking and recording their
in people with multiple sclerosis and other progress and accomplishment; developing and
diseases. implementing training prescriptions tailored
computerized numerically controlled machin- to the needs of individual trainees; maintain-
ing (CNCM) Stand-alone exible produc- ing inventories and records pertaining to train-
tion machines used with ancillary machines ees, training space, facilities, equipment,
or equipment. Includes systems that permit materials, and supplies; and performing other
digital control of machine tools such as cut- resources allocation, accounting, and report-
ting and stamping machines, using a series of ing functions.
binary-coded instructions. computer-managed training (CMT) S e e
computerized reservation system (CRS) I n computer-managed instruction.
travel management, computer systems pri- computerphobia Literally, fear of computers.
vately owned by airlines and commonly used Often a major hurdle following the installation
by travel agents to make inquiries about, of computer systems. Employees at all levels
reserve, book, and issue travel arrangements. sometimes have trouble adapting to the new
computerized tomography (CT) A medical system and continue to use manual methods
diagnostic technology. Employs scanners that of doing things.
use multiple x-rays to locate and determine computer program A set of instructions, usu-
injuries, abnormalities, tumors, and so on. ally written in a special computer language,
computer literacy Knowledge of the capabil- that a computer uses in processing data.
ities of data processing equipment, systems, computer-related training Training provided
and software and how to use the services of to employees at all levels of organization to
the data processing department. May or may ensure optimum and effective use of data pro-
not involve the ability to use a personal cessing facilities and services.
computer. computer reservation system (CRS) A sys-
computer literacy training Training designed tem used to service corporate travel accounts
to alleviate anxieties about automation, to effect savings, control policy, ensure con-
improve manager and user attitudes toward and sistency in the preparation of ofce reports,
satisfaction with data processing services, and and interface with electronic mailbox/mail.
teach employees how to communicate with From an airlines perspective, CRS contrib-
computers and computer personnel and how to utes to protability by adding booking fee
read and interpret the output of computers. revenues and enhancing market share. Regu-
Typically covers the capabilities of company lations for its use (except by corporations) to
data processing systems, hardware and soft- prevent anticompetitive practices are issued
ware components, data communications (tele- by the Department of Transportation.
processing and terminals, database inquiry sys- computer simulation The most widely used
tems, and on-line and off-line processing), data and versatile type of simulation. A mathemat-
processing personnel and their functions, data ical model that employs a digital computer to
security, and how to use computer services study the behavior of complex systems to rep-
(how to identify input requirements and how resent a real system by incorporating and
to read and use system outputs). Strategies manipulating large amounts of relevant and
include group discussion, study assignments, realistic detail. Computer simulations are used
computer-assisted instruction, multimedia in such areas as management, engineering,
computer-supported learning resources 128 concurrent authoring system

physical sciences, social sciences, and mili- functions depend on each other, how they
tary war gaming. interact, and how changes in one part affect
computer-supported learning resources all the others.
(CSLR) See computer-based learning concierge The hotel functionary responsible
resources. for personal services, such as making arrange-
computer synthetic voice translation A tech- ments and reservations for transportation
nology that converts printed text into articial (including airline reservations), dining, tours,
speech. Also known as voice synthesis. and theater and sporting events tickets for
concentration The number and size distribu- guests.
tion of the rms in an industry or market, most concierge benets On-site or near-site bene-
commonly expressed in terms of a concen- ts provided by employers, such as banking,
tration ratio (i.e., the percentage of produc- health and medical, ticketing, convenience
tion or sales accounted for by a relatively store, cafeteria take-out, dry cleaning, and hair
small number of rms, usually the four or salon services.
eight largest). concierge level In meeting management, an
concentration knowledge and skills One of entire oor or oors of a hotel reserved for
three types of industry standards to be devel- very important persons. Also called club level
oped by voluntary partnerships under guide- or tower level.
lines issued by the National Skill Standards concierge services Services provided to busy
Board: knowledge and skills that relate to a employees by a company for a monthly fee.
broad area within an economic sector. These Examples are shopping for groceries, picking
are more specic than core knowledge and up dry cleaning, running other errands, and
skills and less specic than specialty knowl- planning social events.
edge and skills. For example, for manufac- conciliation A formal request to conciliate
turing, concentration knowledge and skills (reconcile) made by the Equal Employment
might be concerned with product assembly. Opportunity Commission when it issues a
concept A form or level of learning that cause nding (reason to believe that dis-
involves the acquisition of complex ideas, crimination has taken place) following a fact-
models, and theories. nding conference to investigate a charge of
concepts-based, integrated curriculum A discrimination.
generic term used to describe several different Concurrent Admissions Program (CONAP)
approaches to the development and imple- A program for Army or Army Selected
mentation of an interconnected and coherent Reserve enlistees in cooperation with partici-
educational program. pating colleges and universities. If the soldier
concept search A World Wide Web search for meets the colleges admission standards, he or
documents related conceptually to a word, she receives a CONAP Student Agreement, a
rather than containing the word itself. student le is created, and the soldier is
conceptual framework A basic principle of assigned an academic advisor. While on active
learning. Maintains that the learner must duty, the soldier may earn credits by enrolling
understand where a lesson is leading and pro- in college courses, taking the College Level
vide a structure or pattern for organizing and Examination Program or other national
integrating the knowledge and skills that are tests, or completing Army Skill Training and
the desired learning outcomes. for experience in his or her Military Occupa-
conceptual skills Essentially, visualizing skills tional Specialty. The college CONAP advisor
that involve the ability to think incisively and helps the soldier transfer the credits to the
systematically about abstractions, develop and college and, when he or she leaves the Army
use conceptual models, see the whole picture or completes initial active duty for training in
without being constrained by any of its parts, the Army Selected Reserve, helps in making
and tolerate ambiguity. For example, for a the transition from soldier to student.
manager, they involve the ability to see the concurrent authoring system A system of
organization as a whole, how various language that has all of the components of a
concurrent engineering 129 conductive hearing loss

conventional language plus the ability to inter- concurrent session In conference and meet-
act with an executing application. Attributed ing planning, a session devoted to a particular
to Richard Getler (CBT Directions, November topic. Typically, several concurrent sessions
1991, p. 14). Five primary command elements are offered to registrants to enable them to
distinguish the system: (1) load and run an pursue their interests.
application program; (2) write on top of the concurrent validity In test construction, the
application screen to display prompts and practice of comparing the test scores of
explanations in the form of windows, text, or employees with their current performance as
graphics while the application is on screen; a means of verifying the validity of a test. The
(3) control which keystrokes typed by the user approach is questionable because current
are passed along to the application program; employees may not be representative of new
(4) generate keystrokes that are fed to the applicants for positions.
application as if they were typed at a physical conditional resident Any alien granted per-
keyboard; and (5) monitor the state of the manent resident status on a conditional basis
application by reading the status of the screen. (e.g., a spouse of a U.S. citizen) who is
concurrent engineering A means of speeding required to petition for the removal of the set
up the design of new products. Involves putting conditions before the second anniversary of
people from different departments together to the approval of his or her conditional status.
design the product, such as design and produc- conditioned response In learning theory,
tion engineers, quality assurance and reliabil- classical conditioning, a response that occurs
ity specialists, and marketing experts. Also in the presence of a neutral stimulus following
called integrated product development. repeated pairing of a neutral stimulus with an
adequate stimulus without regard to the sub-
concurrent receipt Simultaneous payment of
jects behavior.
military retirement pay and veterans disabil-
conditions The second element of behavioral
ity pay with no decrement to either. Until
objectives. Describe clearly and completely
2003, the law required the reduction of mili-
the conditions under which trainees must be
tary retired pay by the amount of veterans
able to demonstrate the behavior or perfor-
disability pay received, but because disability
mance. Conditions identify what the trainees
pay is not taxed, a net nancial gain accrues
will be given to use in doing the job (tools,
to the retiree with a disability. Amendments equipment, job aids, references, materials),
to the law would allow all retired veterans, not what they will be denied (tools, equipment,
just those 60% or more disabled, to receive and the like), what assistance they will have
both full disability and retirement pay. The (if any), what supervision will be provided,
Department of Defense has long opposed any and the physical environment in which they
change. However, the FY 2003 National must perform (climate, space, light, and the
Defense Authorization Act contains a com- like). The conditions part of the objective
promise on concurrent receipt for two catego- statement invariably begins Given:.
ries of retirees: (1) retirees with a disability conditions of employment Organizational
rating of 10% or more associated with the policies and work rules that apply to employ-
award of a Purple Heart for injuries sustained ees; for example, probationary periods,
in combat and (2) retirees awarded disability absences, tardiness, rest periods, vacations,
ratings of 60% of more for illnesses or injuries overtime, suspensions, layoffs, dismissals,
attributable to combat, combat training, haz- and such special circumstances as bereave-
ardous duty, or instrumentalities of war. ment, pregnancy, childbirth or adoption, and
concurrent review In health care, managing accommodation for religious observances.
utilization during hospitalization by tracking Such conditions must be clearly dened, cod-
length of stay, gathering information ied, and communicated to all concerned.
(utilization management nurses conducting conductive hearing loss The least common
in-person and telephone rounds), and planning cause of deafness. It affects the outer or mid-
and follow up on discharge. dle ear and results when sound waves are not
conduit IRA 130 confirmatory memorandum

properly conducted to the inner ear. Its causes conference packet In meeting management, a
include ear infections, immobilization of one comprehensive collection of conference mate-
of the bones in the middle ear, a punctured rials provided to all attendees, usually during
ear drum, or excessive ear wax. registration. Includes descriptions of program
conduit IRA See rollover. sessions, information on speakers and partic-
conference 1. A meeting of members of an ipants, agendas, schedules of events, and
association (e.g., an annual conference). 2. A logistical information. Also called informa-
meeting convened for consultation, discus- tion kit, program book or registration packet.
sion, or instruction. conference services manager The hotel func-
The Conference Board A worldwide net- tionary responsible for meeting room setups
work of more than 20,000 CEOs and other and audiovisual arrangements for small
senior executives in over 50 nations. Its pur- groups.
pose is to improve the global business enter- condence interval A range within which an
prise system and enhance the contribution of estimate is deemed to be close to the actual
business to society. The Board conducts man- value being measured. In statistical measure-
agement and economic research, holds a wide ments, estimates cannot be said to be exact
variety of meetings and briengs around the measures, but rather are dened in terms of
world, and provides forums for business lead- their probability of matching the value of the
ers to exchange information and ideas. Con- thing being measured.
tact: The Conference Board, 845 Third Ave- condentiality The need of organizations and
nue, New York, NY 10022-6678 (phone 212- individuals to protect themselves from others.
759-0900; fax 212-980-7014; e-mail For example, companies need to protect cor-; Web site porate goals, objectives, nancial status, prod- uct development, and other information
conference center A facility designed and against the forays of competitors. People, too,
operated to serve the needs of conferees for need to protect the condentiality of their per-
accessible, dedicated, functional, secure, and sonal, health, and family status and their career
attractive meeting, dining, recreation, and goals and objectives and job performance.
sleeping space that minimizes distractions and condentiality agreement An agreement
provides an effective learning environment. signed by an employee stipulating that he or
Meeting areas are equipped with podiums, she will not disclose company plans, designs,
lecterns, ip charts, white boards, audiovisual nancial position, or other proprietary matters
equipment (including front and rear screen either during employment with the rm or
projectors, television, and tape recorders), and following termination for any reason.
are wired for personal computers and satellite Conned Spaces Standard Rules established
down-links. by the Occupational Safety and Health
conference centers See corporate center; Administration pertaining to the identica-
executive center; university center. tion of conned spaces and the protection
conference conguration One of the basic of employees from safety hazards arising from
types of room layouts used for small group the use of those spaces. Those spaces are
meetings and conferences. Usually includes dened as areas not intended for employee
tables and chairs for two to four (or more) occupancy, such as storage tanks, boilers,
participants arranged in a hollow rectangle or silos, and process vessels, which could have
square. inadequate ventilation, hazardous atmo-
conference method One of the basic instruc- spheres because of toxic fumes, or limited
tional methods. Makes use of group discus- means of entrance or exit. The standards
sion techniques to reach an instructional became effective in February 1992.
objective. Techniques include questions, conrmatory memorandum A written sum-
answers, and comments from the group leader mary of key points discussed with an employee
in combination with answers, comments, and during a face-to-face performance review: per-
questions from group members. formance strengths and deciencies, needed
confirmatory test 131 connection power

accommodations (for persons with disabili- and provides housekeeping and sometimes
ties), and action plans. such additional social services as personal and
conrmatory test One of two categories of nutrition counseling.
urine tests for substance abuse. The other is a congress In meeting management, the term
screening test. Conrmatory tests are used used outside of the U.S. to describe a regular
when positive screening tests results occur, meeting of a large organization or group to
and they may be the basis for employers deny- discuss a subject or issue. A congress may last
ing employment or termination. several days and have several concurrent ses-
conrmed reservation/conrmation In meet- sions. National congresses are typically held
ing management, an oral or written agreement annually, while international congresses are
by which a facility accepts a request for usually conducted less frequently.
accommodations. To be binding, conrmation Congressional Accountability Act of 1996
must include the intent of the two parties to Ended Congress exemptions from discrimi-
the agreement, the date, the rate, type of nation and workplace laws and from lawsuits
accommodations, and the number to be by employees. Applies 11 labor laws to Con-
accommodated. An oral agreement usually gress, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
includes a requirement for a guest credit card Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
number. 1967, Occupational Safety and Health Act of
conict of interest Conditions or situations in 1970, Americans with Disabilities Act of
which the private nancial or other interests 1990, and Family and Medical Leave Act of
of an individual ofcer, manager, other func- 1993.
tionary, or group may prot or stand to benet
congruity In training, a program in which the
in some unacceptable or unfair way from an
strategy or approach used reects, parallels,
association, arrangement, or relationship with
complements, and supports the content cov-
another group or individual.
ered (i.e., mirrors the knowledge and skills
conformity assessment An industrial term for
taught in the program).
laboratory testing that relates to product per-
conjoint analysis A marketing tool that
formance, health, or safety considerations.
involves combining several features of a prod-
conformity Europe (CE Mark) The Euro-
uct or service and presenting them to potential
pean Unions standard for product health and
customers or focus groups as a single option
safety designed and intended to replace
national origins. The term is now only used or combining alternative levels of each of the
as CE Mark. desired features. The customers or focus group
congenital anomaly In health care, a condi- members then choose among the options.
tion existing at or from birth that is a signi- conjunctive ticket An airline ticket that has
cant deviation from the norm. Typically multiple parts for multi-city trips.
includes cleft lip, cleft palate, birthmarks, and Connecticut v. Teal A 1982 U.S. Supreme
webbed ngers or toes. Court decision relating to testing and discrim-
congestive heart failure (CHF) Occurs when ination. The Court ruled that although a large
the heart cannot pump enough blood to supply proportion of African-Americans passed a test
the rest of the body and causes blood returning that had not been validated and were pro-
to the heart to back up in the veins. That, in moted, that fact did not compensate for the
turn, causes uids to build up in the bodys possibility that the test discriminated against
tissues, resulting in shortness of breath and the African-Americans who failed it. Tests,
persistent coughing. Also called chronic heart therefore, must be validated.
failure. connecting In meeting management, two or
congregate (care) housing Typically spon- more hotel rooms with private, connecting,
sored by nonprot agencies, congregate hous- inside doors that permit access between the
ing is usually an apartment complex that pro- rooms without entering the corridor.
vides each occupant a full apartment with connection power A leaders power derived
kitchen, serves meals in a central dining room, from his or her associations with important or
connectivity 132 Consolidated Omnibus Budget

inuential persons in the organization, such conservatorship A legal means of managing

as key executives. the affairs of an individual who has become
connectivity Means of networking computers, incapacitated. A conservator or custodian is
accessing the Internet, and other networking appointed by the court and given either wide-
needs. Includes telephone, Internet, internal ranging power (such as authority to sell prop-
networks, virtual networks, and wireless Inter- erty) or specic authority (such as check-cash-
net access. The limiting factor of connectivity ing) to act for the individual.
is bandwidth. consideration A benet or value gained by the
consanguinity A blood relationship between signers of a contract. Without consideration,
people as a result of their common ancestry. no contract is valid.
The rules of consanguinity in the law dene consignee In employee relocation, the individ-
who is closest on the family tree, which in ual at the moving destination named as the
turn, for the most part, determines where receiver of the shipment. The consignee may
property will pass upon the death of an indi- be the relocating employee or someone else.
vidual who has no will. consistency leadership A leadership theory.
consciousness-raising training See New Age Holds that there are some constant, unchang-
Training. ing principles and concepts that provide a rm
consecutive days Sequential days that must foundation for sound and effective leadership;
be applied to the elimination period. If long- therefore, consistency in the application of
term care is suspended or changed to another those concepts and principles will provide bet-
venue (e.g., from home care to nursing home), ter results than attempting to adjust leadership
the original elimination period must be behavior to t the situation or change the sit-
restarted. See also cumulative days elimina- uation to make it more compatible with lead-
tion period. ership principles.
consent decree An agreement reached between consolidated medical group A medical prac-
two disputants to resolve a claim of some kind tice model in which physicians combine their
(e.g., an employment discrimination claim). resources to form a true medical group prac-
consent form A form used by employers to tice. The members of the group share assets
obtain written consent from employees for and risks, but they continue to practice med-
specied actions or practices. icine in their own ofces, although they often
consequentialism A theory of ethical reason- occupy the same facility.
ing that focuses on the consequences of Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
human actions. All actions are judged in terms Act of 1986 (COBRA) A comprehensive
of the extent to which they achieve desirable federal law with many provisions covering
results, and the concepts of right, wrong, and employee benet plans. It applies to employ-
duty are subordinated to the end or purpose ers of 20 or more workers; excluded are
of an action. There are two types of conse- church plans and government plans. COBRA
quentialist theory: (1) one that views right mandates continuation of group health care
action as consequences, weighed against all insurance plans for up to 36 months, at work-
available actions, that maximize ones good; ers expense, after they leave the company,
i.e., that benet one the most or hurt one the their work hours are reduced, or they die,
least; and (2) the more popular type, known divorce, legally separate, or their dependents
as utilitarianism, that maintains that right age out. COBRA has been modied by
action must maximize overall good; i.e., from virtually every comprehensive budget and tax
the standpoint of the entire community. law since its enactment. Effective January 1,
conservator Any person appointed by a pro- 1990, Congress extended COBRA coverage
bate court temporarily or permanently to make to 29 months (up from 18 months) for disabled
decisions on behalf of an incapacitated indi- employees who receive Social Security bene-
vidual. Similar to a guardian, but authority is ts. That measure includes a provision requir-
limited to managing the wards property and ing companies to offer continuation COBRA
making nancial decisions. coverage to former employees until after their
consolidation loan 133 consultative selling

new employers plans cover preexisting con- the Constitution, which include provisions
ditions. Other changes relate to new rules on relating to individual rights.
Medicare as a qualifying event; multiem- constructed fare A fare calculated by com-
ployer plans; controlled groups; self- bining two or more fares in a specic market
employed individuals, partners, outside direc- over either actual or ctional routing to yield
tors, and other service providers; and partner- a more economical fare than the published one
only plans. Recent court decisions, new reg- in that market.
ulations and changes to the law: (1) an constructive discharge Occurs when an
employer cannot drop COBRA as soon as a employer deliberately makes an employees
former employee is covered by another working conditions so unendurable that the
employers health plan if the new employers employee is forced to resign.
coverage contains a preexisting condition pro- constructivism A theory of learning that
vision and (2) the spouse and dependents of holds that the knowledge people acquire on
an employee on COBRA who become entitled their own (through experience) is easier to
to Medicare can elect 36 months of coverage retain than knowledge acquired from others.
starting on the Medicare entitlement date. Essentially it involves learning by doing.
consolidation loan See Federal Family Edu- construct validity 1. In assessment centers
cation Loan Consolidation Loan; Direct Con- and in other instruments and strategies used
solidation Loan. in selection, promotion, and evaluation, the
consolidator Similar to a travel agent. Con- requirement that the knowledge, skills, or
solidators buy blocks of tickets, mainly for other dimensions of performance to be mea-
international travel, and sell them at discount. sured be relevant to job performance. 2. In
tests, the extent to which a test measures some
consortium child care center A dependent
relatively abstract psychological trait. It is
care facility where the costs and responsibil-
used to judge the appropriateness of person-
ities are shared by several employers, some-
ality, verbal ability, and mechanical aptitude
times together with a community agency
and/or a union. The consortium may form a
consultant One who offers expert business,
not-for-prot corporation to fund a day care
professional, and technical advice and assis-
center located in downtown areas or in ofce
tance to managers and staffers in an organiza-
parks convenient to all businesses contributing
tion for a salary (internal) or a fee (external).
to the consortium. See also family day care
Consultants guide and assist in solving prob-
network. lems and conducting projects, studies, and
constant angular velocity (CAV) One of two surveys and apply methods and techniques to
videodisc formats, methods of placing video facilitate change and improvements in man-
frames on an optical disc. With CAV, the agement and operations. They may also pro-
frames are set in concentric circles, each vide training for employees at all levels.
frame having its own 360 track on the disc. consultation and referral (C&R) Services
This provides random access, making it pos- offered to employees to help them balance
sible for the laser reader to move from one work and life demands. Include personal
track to the next and from one frame to the assistance to resolve such issues and problems
next. as child, adult, and elder care planning; adop-
constant linear velocity (CLV) One of two tion assistance; school and college planning;
videodisc formats, methods of placing video school age programs and activities; summer
frames on an optical disc. This format permits camps and programs; in-home care consulta-
placing more than one frame on each 360 tion; sick and backup care planning; and fam-
track of the video disc, which provides longer ily legal issues. Said to be exible, personal-
playing time for the disc but does not provide ized, cost-effective, and easy to implement.
random access to frames. Formerly called resource and referral services.
Constitutional Law The 1st (1791), 5th (1791), consultative selling The process by which a
13th (1865), and 14th (1868) Amendments to seller identies the prospective buyers
consulting pairs 134 consumer-driven health (CDH) plans

specic needs and provides specic answers consumer credit report Written, oral, or other
using the solutions of the sellers company. form of communication of information by a
Also aligns sales representatives with cus- consumer reporting agency that relates to an
tomer and client interests and concerns and employees creditworthiness, credit standing,
acts as an adviser and consultant in jointly credit capacity, character, general reputation,
nding the best way to meet customers needs. personal characteristics, or mode of living that
consulting pairs See pairing; diversity training. is used or expected to be used or collected in
Consumer Bill of Rights Drafted by a presi- whole or in part for the purpose of serving as
dential advisory commission and endorsed by a factor in establishing the consumers eligi-
President Clinton in November 1997. The bility for (a) credit or insurance to be used
rights include (1) to obtain accurate and primarily for personal, family, or household
readable information about health plans, hos- purposes; (b) employment purposes; or (c)
pitals, doctors, and other health care provid- any other purpose authorized. Consumer
ers; (2) to a network of high-quality health credit reports are used by employers to decide
care providers; (3) to emergency health care whether to hire, promote, or retain applicants
when and where it is needed; (4) to participate and employees. See also investigative con-
fully in all decisions relating to their care; sumer report.
(5) to be treated with respect by health care Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act
providers and without discrimination; (6) to of 1996 Provides employees with additional
have access to their medical records, which rights arising from concerns about privacy and
should remain condential; (7) to a fair and due process. Requires employers to obtain
timely resolution of differences with their written (signed) authorization in advance, on
health plans and health care providers; and request, provide a summary of an individuals
(8) to shoulder some of the responsibility of rights, and, where there is an adverse action
staying healthy. (such as denial of employment), provide a
consumer-centric health plans Health care copy of the credit report to the individual and
group insurance plans that fully engage the a summary of his or her rights under the law.
consumer in the purchase of health care. One The Act also requires that employers who pro-
such plan combines the personal care account vide employment history information about
(health care reimbursement account) with current or former employees to consumer
health information tools and high-deductible reporting agencies are: (1) prohibited from
contingency health insurance. knowingly providing inaccurate information;
Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968 (2) prohibited from reporting information
The Act requires creditors to state the cost of after notice and conrmation of errors; (3)
borrowing in a common language so that con- required to promptly correct and update infor-
sumers can gure out what the charges are, mation and notify all reporting agencies of
compare costs, and shop for the best credit disputes about the completeness or accuracy
deal. The laws state that a person: (1) cannot of any information; (4) following receipt of a
be denied a credit card just because she is a notice of dispute, required to conduct an
single woman; (2) can limit risk if a credit investigation with respect to the disputed
card is lost or stolen; (3) can resolve errors in information, review all relevant information
monthly bills without damage to his or her provided by the reporting agency, report the
credit rating; and (4) cannot have credit denied results of the investigation to the agency, and,
just because he or she has reached age 62. if the information is found to be incomplete
Title III of the Consumer Credit Protection or inaccurate, report the results to other report-
Act also protects employees from discharge ing agencies to which the employer had fur-
by their employers because their wages have nished the information.
been garnished for any one debt, and it limits consumer-driven health (CDH) plans Plans
the amount of an employees earnings that that have the following standard elements:
may be garnished in any one week. employer-funded health care accounts
Consumer Price Index (CPI) 135 contact signing

combined with catastrophic coverage beyond motor vehicles, pesticides, aircraft, boats, and
a deductible that is set by the plan sponsor, xed-site amusement rides.)
rst dollar coverage for preventive health care, Consumer Product Safety Act of 2000 (CPSA)
and inpatient services and surgery and pre- Amended the CPSA of 1972 to achieve the
scription drugs for chronic conditions. following: (1) protect the public against
Consumer Price Index (CPI) A governmen- unreasonable risks of injury associated with
tally (Bureau of Labor Statistics, DOL) cal- consumer products; (2) assist consumers in
culated and published index reecting gains evaluating the comparative safety of consumer
or losses in consumer purchasing power. It products; (3) develop uniform safety stan-
measures the changes in the price of consumer dards for consumer products and to minimize
goods and services by making use of a prese- conicting state and local regulations; and (4)
lected and xed list of consumer products and promote research and investigation into the
commodities purchased by a hypothetical causes and prevention of product-related
average family. Used in wage and salary deaths, illnesses, and injuries. Passed January
administration and union contract negotia- 23, 2000.
tions. In 1998, the formula for calculating the consumer reporting agency A regular busi-
CPI (geometric mean estimator) was ness that assembles and evaluates credit infor-
announced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. mation about individuals or organizations for
The new formula reduces the annual rate of third parties.
increase of the CPI by approximately 0.2% to Consumer Reporting Employment Clarica-
tion Act of 1998 Eliminates a controver-
reect more accurately the impact that chang-
sial Fair Credit Reporting Act rule that
ing prices have on the average U.S. household.
required reference-checking companies to
Became effective January 1999.
withhold information from clients about a
Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage
job candidates or an employees criminal
Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W)
convictions longer than 7 years. Also allows
A governmentally (Bureau of Labor Statistics, employers to obtain consent from commer-
DOL) calculated and published index that cial truck drivers by telephone to have their
serves as the basis for computing annual cost- driving records and backgrounds checked.
of-living adjustments in federally indexed contact hours A measure of instructor work-
retirement programs, such as civil service and load. The number of hours per week that an
military retirement and Social Security. instructor is in direct contact with students in
Beginning in January 1999 the new geometric a classroom, laboratory, or other learning
mean estimator method (see CPI) will be used environment. See also credit hour.
to calculate the change (64% of the items contact manager (CM) Powerful software
tracked will use the new formula). that provides users with a means of managing
Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 (CPSA) their business relationships, rather than their
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commis- daily activities. Combines a database program
sions (CPSCs) umbrella statute. It estab- with word processing capabilities to enable
lished the agency, dened its basic authority, users to write letters and reports and send
and provided that when the CPSC nds an e-mail and faxes. Particularly useful for a
unreasonable risk of injury associated with a networked business environment because it
consumer product it can develop a standard to allows teams to share information and assign-
reduce or eliminate the risk. The CPSA also ments. Examples are ACT! 2.0 for Windows
provides the authority to ban a product if there and Goldmine from Lean Software.
is no feasible standard, and it gives CPSC contact signing Systems of signed English
authority to pursue recalls for products that that represent the English language using the
present a substantial product hazard. (Gener- hands, facial expressions, body movements,
ally excluded from CPSCs jurisdiction are and ngerspelling. They blend the features of
food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, American Sign Language (ASL) and English.
tobacco products, rearms and ammunition, They are not a language, per se, like ASL;
content 136 contingency fee

rather, they are a visual depiction of English. Context-Input-Process-Product (CIPP) A n

The number of signs is innite, and the rules evaluation model used to measure a program
are variable, depending on the signers skills, independently and in terms of its own stated
the situation, the topic, and so on. Pidgin Sign goals (rather than comparing it to other pro-
English, sometimes called contact signing, is grams). Evaluates a program in terms of (1)
used by deaf and hearing people to commu- context (the extent to which goals and philos-
nicate with each other, so the vast majority of ophy are shared by key program personnel and
hearing parents, teachers, physicians, psy- learners); (2) input (the resources available
chologists, speech therapists, religious work- during program development and implemen-
ers, and employers that contact and work with tation and the extent to which they were used
deaf people use Pidgin Sign English. effectively); (3) process (the extent to which
content The subject matter to be learned in a observed program development and instruc-
training or education program: facts, knowl- tion are congruent with program goals and
edge supports, specic concepts, principles, research on instructional effectiveness); and
and elements of skill required for performance. (4) product (the extent to which indicators of
content customization The process of blend- program effectiveness and potential for con-
ing enterprise-specic content with generic tinuation or expansion are present). Attributed
and vendor content, presenting it in an appro- to Stufebeam and Guba, 1971.
priate delivery mode, and packaging it in a context leadership A theory of leadership
relevant job context, certication, or project that advocates shifting (or creating) contexts
(how people and organizations see themselves
or dene their roles in the work environment)
content management A means of providing
instead of managing content (information and
indexing and research functions for media.
motivation). Human behavior is seen as a nat-
May include voice recognition software to
ural manifestation of context (beliefs or
index and perform full-text searches of video
assumptions) and not as a function of content.
les, thereby allowing users to nd video les
context-sensitive help See electronic support
that contain a certain word or phrase. After
the les are located, the user can quickly nd
context variables In training research stud-
the exact place in the video or audio le where
ies, variables that relate to conditions under
the word or phrase appears. which instructors teach, including such ele-
content mapping Identifying and organizing ments as trainee characteristics and the learn-
the meaning, intent, and signicance of a col- ing environment.
lection of electronic documents. continental breakfast Coffee and sweet rolls
content standards In curriculum, standards and/or bread with jelly or jam. No juice.
that establish what should be learned in vari- continental plan A hotel room rate that
ous subject areas. includes breakfast, dinner, and a room. Also
content validity Applies to selection, train- called Bermuda rate.
ing, and testing. A selection strategy, training contingency approach See contingency the-
program, or test has content validity if it sam- ory of learning.
ples adequately from actual job content; that contingency clause In contract law, a clause
is, selection mechanisms, training objectives, that relieves one or both parties of an
and test items require performance or simu- obligation or pecuniary or other type of lia-
lated performance of real job duties and tasks bility for the success of a venture due to the
and the testing procedure requires behaviors nonavailability or poor performance of a third
and conditions similar to those required on the party who is outside the control of one or both
job. of the parties to the contract.
context evaluation Assessment of the job contingency fee A fee for services that is paid
environment, including the attitudes of man- only under certain conditions agreed on in
agers and workers toward training and devel- advance; for example, a fee paid to a lawyer
opment. consisting of a certain percentage of the gross
contingency leadership 137 continuing care retirement community

amount awarded by the court as the result of policy unaffordable. Usually does not result
a successful law suit. If no cash is awarded to in a higher premium. See also policy down-
the plaintiff, the lawyer customarily expects grades and return of premium.
payment of out-of-pocket expenses only. contingent taker A person or persons named
contingency leadership See situational lead- in a will who will inherit property if the rst
ership. named person predeceases the writer of the
contingency planning In project manage- will.
ment, plans made in advance to correct or contingent worker Part-time, temporary, con-
ameliorate deviations from expected results at tract, and various types of freelance workers.
any point in the project. Typically receive low pay, few benets, and
contingency recruiting An agency that con- enjoy little or no job security. A cost-saving
ducts employee searches for an organization strategy adopted by more and more organiza-
on a contingency basis. The recruiter (1) is tions. As of 1992, numbered about 30 million
responsible for recruiting, screening, and inter- workers one in four in the U.S. Also called
viewing candidates; (2) is paid either a at fee disposable worker or independent contractor.
or a percentage of the hires 1st-year salary continuation of Medicare A Social Security
(usually 20 to 30%) upon successful hire; and work incentive that allows persons with pre-
(3) guarantees the placement from 90 days up mium-free Medicare hospital insurance who
to a full year. The job applicant does not pay start working 8_ years of extended coverage
a fee. See also retained recruiting. (including a 9-month trial work period). After
contingency theory of learning Rests on the that, they may buy Medicare coverage by pay-
assumption that, because people differ from ing a monthly premium.
each other in a great variety of ways, different continuation of pay (COP) Regular compen-
approaches to learning tasks are essential. sation (with the usual deductions for taxes,
Two key concepts in the contingency theory insurance, and so on) paid to employees who
are readiness to learn and the teachable have suffered on-the-job injuries. Also applies
moment. to compensation paid to employees for a set
contingency workforce See contingent work- period of time following layoff or retirement.
force. continued care Health care benets provided
contingent annuity In benets, an annuity when a subscriber or employee has a lengthy
that is payable to the annuitant until his or her illness or long recovery period. Typically pro-
death, at which point it becomes payable, in vided in skilled nursing facilities, chronic dis-
whole or in part, to a named survivor until his ease hospitals, noncustodial nursing homes,
or her death. home health care, or hospice care.
contingent convertible bonds The federal continuing care retirement community
tax code has allowed companies to deduct (CCRT) Usually sponsored by nonprot
only the stated interest rate of a convertible agencies and organizations for retired person-
bond (a debt instrument). Until recently, the nel, CCRTs are apartment complexes and
IRS has excluded convertibles from other individual housing units that provide health
types of contingent debt (for which a much care services and a nursing facility on the
higher comparable yield can be deducted.) premises for an entrance fee and monthly
Contingent convertible bond developers rental. The community makes a commitment
added extra contingencies, such as additional to care for patrons, regardless of the status of
interest payments activated by certain price their health, for as long as they reside in the
movements of the underlying stock, to tradi- community. In addition to drop-in assistance
tional convertibles. As a consequence, the IRS and medical care and guaranteed nursing
ruled that those changes were enough to allow home placement, weekly housekeeping ser-
the bonds to qualify for the larger deduction. vice, linen service, and exercise facilities are
contingent nonforfeiture A type of nonfor- provided. For an extra fee, residents can also
feiture benet that provides a reduced benet have dental care, prescription drug rells, and
in the event a premium increase makes the physical therapy.
continuing disability review (CDR) 138 contract

continuing disability review (CDR) An eval- professional after completing his or her degree
uation to determine continuing eligibility for and full-time postgraduate training. For phy-
Social Security disability benets required by sicians, some states require CME (usually 50
law. The time between reviews depends on the hours per year) for continued licensure, as do
beneciarys age and the nature and severity some specialty boards for certication.
of the medical condition on which the benets continuing professional education (CPE)
are based, including the chance of medical Seen by many as a means of preventing obso-
improvement. Following the review, bene- lescence, remedying deciencies, preparing
ciaries are placed in one of three medical reex- for specialization, and maintaining the com-
amination categories: (1) medical improve- petency of practitioners in most elds of pro-
ment expected review scheduled within 6 fessional endeavor. Employs a variety of
to 18 months of the most recent medical deci- learning strategies. Programs are best devel-
sion; (2) medical improvement possible oped by a team of planners representing the
status scheduled for review every 3 years; or professionals, employers, clients, professional
(3) medical improvement not expected sta- associations, and credentialing and regulatory
tus scheduled for review every 7 years. A full agencies.
medical review involves an in-depth eld continuing resolution (CR) To prevent clos-
ofce interview, evaluation of the medical evi- ing a department or agency of the federal gov-
dence of record by a state Disability Deter- ernment at the end of a scal year, a CR may
mination Services examiner, and a possible be passed by the Congress. Normally allows
consultative medical examination to obtain continued operation for a specied period of
any additional information needed to assess time at the level of funding approved for the
the possibility of medical improvement of the previous year. However, if the House of Rep-
beneciarys present condition. resentatives and the Senate have approved dif-
continuing education Programs of education ferent appropriations bills for a particular
and training offered by private and public edu- department but have not reached agreement,
cational institutions, professional and techni- the CR allows funding at the lower amount
cal organizations and associations, and private approved by the House or the Senate.
and public businesses to upgrade the knowl- continuous-auditing software See auditbots.
edge and skills of adult learners or to enhance continuous budgeting A budgeting process
and improve their general level of education. that involves a constantly revised time frame
continuing education unit (CEU) A mea- achieved by rolling the time interval of the
sure of nondegree credit awarded to partici- same length; for example, a semiannual bud-
pants in training programs by professional get is revised by dropping the month just
associations, educational institutions, and ended and adding the next month at the end
some private rms upon completion of of the cycle.
courses, seminars, or workshops. One CEU continuous learning A process for getting
equals 10 hours of participation in an orga- employees to learn the things they need to
nized educational experience under the spon- know as they work. It may take such forms
sorship and direction of a qualied training as group meetings of employees and their
organization. Sponsored by the nonprot managers to share ideas and work on real
Center for Professional Advancement of the corporate problems and use of in-house pro-
International Association for Continuing duced, self-guided learning workbooks cov-
Education & Training. Contact: The Center ering such topics as the corporate mission,
for Professional Advancement, Box 7077, culture, and values and the employees role
144 Tices Lane, East Brunswick, NJ in the organization.
08816-707 (phone 732-238-1600; fax 732- contract A document that, when it contains
238-9113; e-mail; Web site the following elements, is legally binding: (1) offer a clear, complete, and unambiguous
continuing medical education (CME) For- promise to perform a service or deliver a prod-
mal education obtained by a health uct; (2) acceptance a clear, unequivocal,
contract administration 139 contribution analysis

and timely expression of consent to the pro- management and training companies and
posed contract or agreement; (3) consider- consultants.
ation a legally sufcient price, bargained contractual allowance The difference between
and paid for an accepted offer; (4) legal and what hospitals or caregivers bill and what they
possible objective a purpose to be achieved receive in payment from third party payers,
that is both legal and possible to accomplish; most commonly government programs. Also
and (5) competent parties legal capacity of called contractual adjustment.
both parties to enter into the contract. contract work breakdown structure (CWBS)
contract administration The system by In project management, following contract
which a labor-management contract or col- award, the project manager expands the work
lective bargaining agreement is administered breakdown structure (WBS) into a contract
on a day-to-day basis; for example, following work breakdown structure (CWBS) as the ini-
the ling of a grievance, whether or not a tial step in the planning process. WBS expan-
contract provision has been violated. sion extends the CWBS at least one level
contract deliverables A detailed list of the below the external reporting level. This estab-
products that will be delivered by the contrac- lishes the framework for work scope deni-
tor. It gives the specications, qualitative and tions and assignments to the functional orga-
quantitative product data, and any other infor- nizations responsible for performing the work.
mation that will indicate precisely what the contract worker Employees who work under
contracting organization will get for the funds contract for technical service rms. They are
expended. not independent contractors or contingent
contracting Used in labor negotiations, con-
ict resolution, purchasing, performance Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards
Act of 1962 (CWHSSA) An Act mandat-
appraisal, coaching and counseling, and train-
ing that the wages of every laborer and
ing. It is the process of getting two or more
mechanic employed by any contractor or sub-
parties to arrive at an agreement and a com-
contractor of government (U.S. agency, Dis-
mitment as to what each will do under pre-
trict of Columbia, or territory) public works
scribed conditions to reach a solution or to put
contracts, or work nanced in whole or in part
a solution into effect.
by loans or grants by the federal government,
contracting ofcer Relevant to marketing be computed on the basis of a standard work
and sales in the government sector. Contract- week of 40 hours and that a rate not less than
ing ofcers are specialists in procurement and one and one half times the basic rate of pay
the managers of specic government procure- be paid for all hours worked in excess of the
ments. They have been issued warrants that 40-hour work week. The Act further states that
spell out the limitations of their authority and no contractor or subcontractor shall require
responsibilities. They manage fact nding, any laborer or mechanic to work in surround-
analysis, and planning as well as the actual ings or under working conditions that are
negotiating process in dealing with bidders. unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to health
contract technical workers An alternative and safety.
stafng option. Contracts with a technical ser- contrast effect A type of rating error that is
vices company to provide highly skilled work- due to the tendency of raters to compare peo-
ers, such as engineers and data processing spe- ple to each other rather than to some pre-
cialists, to oversee, manage, or conduct long- established standard.
term, highly complex projects. contribution analysis A means of identifying
contract training Use of outside sources noncontributing elements or activities in an
(either on-site or off the premises) to provide organization. It is a way of looking at a depart-
training programs for operative, supervisory, ments activities to determine whether they
or managerial personnel. Sources include col- contribute to the results that some other
leges and universities, professional societies, element of the organization produces or are
management institutes and associations, and wasteful.
contribution margin 140 convenience arrangement

contribution margin Revenue from sales less variables (hypothesized effects) while con-
all variable expenses. trolling all other variables. The technique
contributory benets plan Benets plan in requires the use of two groups of subjects: the
which employees contribute part or all of the experimental group (the one exposed to the
cost of benets and the employer covers the treatment being investigated) and the con-
remainder of the costs, if any. trol group (the group not exposed to the
control chart Invented in the 1920s by Dr. treatment).
Walter Shewhart and widely used until the end controller/comptroller 1. The staff ofcer
of World War II, when it was discontinued who has overall responsibility for the account-
until reinstituted in the 1980s. A quality con- ing function in an organization, organizes
trol tool used to monitor a process following nancial information, identies problems,
the solution to quality control problems by ensures that all relevant information is prop-
more modern methods such as design of erly considered in formulating strategic plans,
experiments. Experts maintain that the control and serves as the nancial disciplinarian for
chart provides minimal return on investment. the enterprise by exercising functional author-
It is a moving picture, rather than a snapshot, ity for nancial matters. 2. For meeting man-
of the variations in a process. It shows how it agers, the controller is the person who
is functioning currently, what its capabilities approves credit for groups and individuals and
itemizes the bills relating to a meeting. May
are, and how those capabilities are affected by
also be called the chief accountant.
changes in the process. Also designed to show
controlling The managerial function con-
how close a process comes on average to
cerned with ensuring that events, activities,
meeting desired objectives.
progress, and results match plans. It is the
means of keeping plans and performance syn-
28 chronized and on target. It is accomplished by
UCL establishing and applying measurable stan-
20 dards, assessing performance in terms of those
standards, and applying corrective measures
12 to remedy observed deviations. It ensures that

X what is done is what was intended.
04 control-share laws State antitakeover laws
that allow other shareholders to vote on
whether they want hostile acquirers in control.
96 LCL control systems Career development pro-
cesses used to monitor and control the work
of individual employees and the organization
as a whole (e.g., nancial reporting systems
and performance review).
control group In HR research and training convenience arrangement An estate plan-
evaluation, a group of people who do not par- ning strategy designed to simplify the process
ticipate in the intervention or training program of distributing a deceased persons assets
but who are similar to the experimental group without going through probate and with a
in all relevant respects. It is used as the basis minimum of difculty. Essentially, one person
for comparing the effects of the experimental (the transferor) conveys an asset held in his or
intervention or training program. See also her individual name into the name of a second
experimental group. individual (the transferee) as joint tenants with
controlled experiment The most rigorous the right of survivorship. The transfer results
form of research in which the researcher tests in ready access to funds in the event of death
causal hypotheses by manipulating one or or other catastrophe or to avoid probate. The
more independent variables (hypothesized transferee is usually a trusted family member,
causes) and measuring one or more dependent such as an adult child, a brother, or a sister.
convening authority 141 conversion insurance

convening authority Commanding ofcers of convention fare A special fare offered by air-
military organizations and units who exercise lines to attendees at the conferences and exhi-
prosecutorial discretion, determine whether a bitions of professional organizations. Dis-
service member will be court-martialed, deter- counts of from 45 to 75% off coach and 5%
mine the type of court-martial, select the ser- off supersaver fares may be offered.
vice members who will serve as jurors, and Convention Industry Council (CIC) Orga-
decide whether to approve or disapprove the nized to provide a forum for member organi-
ndings of the jury. zations to work together to enhance the meet-
convention A general and formal meeting of ings industry. CIC is composed of 30 leading
a professional, trade, social, economic, or leg- national and international organizations rep-
islative group convened to exchange informa- resenting more than 81,000 individuals and
tion or obtain agreement on policies and pro- 13,000 rms or properties involved in the
cedures. Usually has a written set of objectives meetings, conventions, exhibitions, and travel
and is of limited duration and often accompa- and tourism industries. Contact: CIC, 8201
nied by a trade show featuring suppliers of Greensboro Drive, Suite 300, McLean, VA
equipment, materials, and services. 22102 (phone 800-725-8982 or 703-610-
conventionalism An approach to interpreting 9030; fax 703-610-9005; Web site www.con-
the U.S. Constitution. The philosophy or
belief that says the judicial interpretation Convention Liaison Council (CLC) See Con-
should reect accepted community moral vention Industry Council.
principles and judgment. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
conventional mortgage A means of nancing of Discrimination Against Women
the purchase of property in which a lump sum (CEDAW) A treaty that would eliminate
is borrowed using the property as security and all legal and social distinctions related to sex
then repaying the loan by making monthly and marital status in private actions as well as
payments. government laws and regulations. Among
conventional stafng Employing full-time, other effects, if ratied and approved as writ-
permanent workers at all or selected levels of ten, CEDAW would invalidate all Defense
organization to carry out needed company Department regulations that treat women dif-
functions. ferently, including womens exemption from
convention and visitors bureau (CVB) A direct combat. First proposed by President
nonprot ofce established in most large cities Jimmy Carter in 1980 and approved by 170
that serves as the point of contact and source nations, the Convention has not been approved
of help to organizations and individuals plan- by the U.S. Senate.
ning for conventions and meetings. CVBs pro- convention services manager (CSM) In meet-
vide this assistance without charge. They are ing management, a hotel or convention and
funded by local appropriations and/or value- visitors bureau staffer assigned to assist the
added and goods and services taxes. Services organization with all aspects of meeting
include advice on value dates; audiovisual arrangements. Sometimes called a conference
presentations and brochures on local attrac- coordinator.
tions; brochure shells; calendars of events; convergent thinking See vertical thinking.
current local news advisories; facility, rate, conversational interview An employment
and contact information; group familiarization interview that is basically unplanned and
tours; itinerary assistance; local supplier and open-ended, more of a discussion than an
vendor contacts; media lists; meeting planner interview. It is considered inefcient and inef-
guides; multilingual brochures; off-site spe- fective as a selection device.
cial event coordination; press and public rela- conversion insurance Coverage that gives
tions kits; site inspection arrangements; slides former employees, whose Consolidated
and photos; restaurant and attraction guides; Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
spouse activity and event coordination; travel 1986 (COBRA) health insurance coverage has
posters; and videos. run out or who canot get health insurance
convertible 142 cooperative learning

elsewhere, the opportunity to buy coverage. It option (ownership) plans, gainsharing pro-
is more expensive than COBRA coverage, grams, and other cooperative efforts. The
requires higher deductibles and copayments, database is cross-referenced for easy access
has low lifetime limits, and does not include by industry, union, or program type. The
ancillary coverage (such as treatment for sub- Library contains more than 2700 books, pub-
stance abuse). It is most often purchased by lication abstracts, articles, and monographs in
people who are between jobs (short-termers) the area of labormanagement relations. Con-
and those who have chronic illnesses or are tact: CIC, Bureau of LaborManagement
older but under age 65 and therefore not eli- Relations and Cooperative Programs, U.S.
gible for Medicare (long-termers). Department of Labor, Room N-5402, 200
convertible In meeting management, a hotel Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, D.C.
room that contains a couch that opens into a 20210 (phone 866-4-USA-DOL; TTY 877-889-
double bed. 5627; e-mail; Web
convertible debenture A security initially site
issued as a long-term debt certicate with cooperative learning An interdisciplinary
scheduled interest payments that can, under approach to education in which learners are
certain conditions, be converted by the holder carefully assigned to basic and expert groups
into shares of stock. on the basis of certain criteria and engage in
convertible security In investment, a xed- formalized learning activities. One class ses-
income security, such as a bond or preferred sion per new unit is reserved for expert groups
stock, that may be converted at a stated price
in which one team member might be respon-
within a specied period of time into a spec-
sible for the social science perspective,
ied number of shares of common stock of
another for the physical science aspect, one
the same or a different issuer.
for art, another for literature, and one for
cookie A means of tracking activity on the
media. Each student is held individually
Internet. A cookie is a small le inserted on a
accountable for his or her own progress and
users hard drive when a Web site is visited
success. Although all work leads up to the
for the rst time. It tells the Web site who the
culminating activity, a unit essay, group
visitor is and what parts of the site the user
grades are not given because each student sub-
has visited before. Criticized as an invasion of
privacy. mits his or her own essay. A typical class
cooking the books The practice of faking or session consists of basic groups working
distorting accounting numbers and records together on a specic set of questions that
during or following an audit. Includes directs their attention and gets them to think
smoothing, materially misusing, and exag- in analytical and critical ways. Questions that
gerating estimates. encourage the use of high-order, cognitive
cooperative education Partnerships between thinking strategies are addressed to the entire
businesses, industrial rms, or professional group, which is then asked to discuss the issue
organizations and educational institutions to briey and come up with a collective answer.
provide internships or rst-hand experience, Then a group representative reports on what
with college credit and pay, for college or was discussed. information technology train-
university students engaged in studies relating ing (ITT) Computer/computer system-related
to the business, industry, or profession. Such skills training provided employees in the use
programs integrate classroom learning with of the organization's information technology
professional experience in an employment set- systems. May include instruction in software,
ting related to the students area of study. such as communications, databases, graphics,
Cooperative Information Clearinghouse and spreadsheets, and word processing and/or
Library (CIC) Provides a labor relations training for information technology profes-
database and services at no charge. Informa- sionals on programming, maintenance, and
tion is available on about 600 successful labor- administration of company information tech-
management committees, employee stock nology systems. liable In law, a party that is
cooperative processing 143 core curriculum

legally responsible for an event or action; one to give up any part of the compensation to
that has a legal obligation to another party. which he or she is entitled under a contract of
cooperative processing See client/server employment. Violators will be ned or impris-
architecture. oned not more than 5 years, or both.
co-op programs See cooperative education. co-preneurs Married couples who work
Coordinated Care Plan The federal govern- together as a team in either their own business
ments term for managed care. or in a private corporation. Attributed to The
Coordinated Care Program (CCP) A man- Organization of the Future, a newsletter pub-
aged care program and policy designed to lished monthly by Werner & Company of
improve the quality, access, and cost-effec- Atlanta, GA.
tiveness of Department of Defense health copyright Protects the creators or owners of
care. Key features: (1) beneciary enrollment; visual or written material, including software,
(2) changes in beneciary cost-shares; (3) cre- videotapes, and videodiscs, from use without
ation of local networks of military and civilian permission or infringement under penalty of
providers; (4) creation of specialized Military the law. An exclusive legal right to control the
Treatment Facilities; (5) merger of direct care copying, adaptation, publishing, performing,
and Civilian Health and Medical Program broadcasting, and sale of literary, dramatic,
of the Uniformed Services operating and musical, or other artistic work. Copyrights are
management funds; and (6) local accountabil- registered with the Library of Congress.
ity with central oversight. The CCP attempts copyright law Legislation that applies to orig-
to control health care costs by maximizing use inal works, whether published or recorded. It
of military medical treatment facilities, gives the authors or creators control over how
obtaining better rates for purchased civilian those works can be used and informs the pub-
health care, and encouraging better business lic of how it can legally use the materials. It
decisions at the local level. The Defense applies to original works of authorship or cre-
Authorization Act of 1993 mandated positive ation when they become xed in a tangible
incentives for enrolling, including reduced co- form of expression such as a manuscript,
payments and deductibles, reduced cost-shar- audio or video recording, drawing or painting,
ing for primary care services, and expanded or photograph. For a copy of the law, write to
benets, such a preventive services and U.S. Copyright Ofce, Library of Congress,
screening exams. Washington, D.C. 20559. For an application
coordination of benets (COB) Refers to form, write to U.S. Copyright Ofce, Library
provisions in a benets plan designed to pre- of Congress, Register of Copyrights, Wash-
vent double payments when an employee is ington, D.C. 20559. For 24-hour ordering
covered by two health care plans. The primary service call 202-287-9100. See also Sonny
plan reimburses the individual or the provider Bono Copyright Extension Act of 1998.
rst, up to the limits of the plan, and the bene- Copyright Remedy Clarication Act of 1991
ts of the secondary plan are adjusted so that (CRCA) An Act that seals a loophole in the
the total amount does not exceed the cost of Copyright Act of 1976. That legislation
covered services. restrained copyright holders from suing state
copay See co-payment. agencies, colleges, and universities for copy-
co-payment Refers to patient (employee) out- right infringements.
of-pocket expenses for health care. May be a core competencies 1. Employee skills and
percentage of the Medicare- or company- abilities needed to perform the operations that
approved charge or a at dollar amount, such are the heart of a business or industry. 2. The
as $5 to $10 per ofce visit. unique knowledge and skills that distinguish
Copeland Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 Pro- one company from another.
hibits contractors and subcontractors perform- core curriculum Training specically designed
ing on any federally funded or assisted con- and provided for people at each of several
tract from forcing, intimidating, or threatening levels in an organization. Typically, there is a
termination of employment of any employee central theme, and the only change lies in the
core knowledge and skills 144 corporate cop

scope and complexity of the content and the coats or jackets and ties for men. For women,
problems dealt with at each level. the attire most often includes suits, dresses,
core knowledge and skills One of three types and blouses and skirts.
of industry standards to be developed by corporate center A conference center oper-
voluntary partnerships under guidelines ated by a corporation, typically on company
issued by the National Skill Standards premises. Most often used for management
Board: knowledge and skills that are common meetings and training programs. Sometimes
to and essential for the entire economic sector. offers overnight accommodations.
For example, for manufacturing core knowl- corporate chaplain A clergyperson employed
edge might include understanding quality by a company to minister to employees
control and possessing the skill involved in through a faith-based employee assistance
applying quality control procedures. See also program, offering personal contact and a pro-
concentration knowledge and skills; specialty active approach to problems.
knowledge and skills. corporate charge card A means of control-
core operating earnings A new metric fac- ling travel and entertainment expenses. Com-
tored into debt and equity ratings that will pany-issued bank cards (American Express,
adjust (downward) traditional generally Diners Club, First Banks Visa, MasterCard,
accepted accounting principles (GAAP) net Visa Business Card, or other) that are nonre-
income by excluding such items as pension volving and involve payment of a negotiated
gains, gains or losses from the sale of assets, fee ranging from $5 to $35. Holders are
and goodwill writeoffs, including such items required to pay off the balance each month
as restructuring charges and employee stock- and either the company or the employee is
option grant expenses. billed and held liable for charges. Corporate
core process design See reengineering. management receives reports showing spend-
core values In a marketing context, what a ing by employee, vendor, category, and city
person or rm represents: honor, integrity, and other data to support negotiations.
respect for others, customer service, quality corporate/chief information ofcer (CIO)
products and services, and the like. The executive in charge of an organizations
core work activities The tasks that must be management information system and often the
performed if an organization is to fulll its person responsible for contacts with the media.
mission and achieve its goals. corporate college 1. A training and develop-
core workers Permanent employees who are ment organization, whether actual or virtual,
important to the survival and competitiveness centralized or decentralized, that focuses on
of a business or industry. They are considered one subject, discipline, eld of knowledge, or
to be indispensable. constellation of skills, such as engineering
core work team A group of workers engaged technology or computer repair. 2. An institu-
in similar jobs formed into a team based on tion operated by an organization that grants
their jobs, location, and the structure of the an academic degree, ranging from the associ-
organization. Work team activities are an ate to the doctoral level. Many corporate col-
integral, essential, and continuing part of the leges of this type are private and nonprot,
work to be done. and are accredited by the Council for Higher
corollary benets See ancillary benets. Education Accreditation or a regional
coronary heart disease The most common accrediting association. Degrees are typically
type of heart disorder. It occurs when choles- job-oriented. See also corporate university.
terol and other fatty substances build up and corporate compensation and benets execu-
clog the coronary arteries that deliver blood tive The ofcer responsible for all compen-
to the heart. sation and benets programs and services,
corporate anorexia A business disorder that including their design, implementation,
results from excessive downsizing. administration, and evaluation.
corporate attire Typically includes two- or corporate cop An outside private auditor
three-piece suits but may also permit sport engaged by corporations at least annually to
corporate culture 145 corporate-owned life insurance (COLI)

audit their nancial records as a double check information, incentives, motivation, or train-
on the adequacy of internal controls and to ing or to address problems and issues. 2. The
prevent nancial fraud and abuse by insiders. annual meeting of stockholders of a corpora-
Some members of Congress have proposed tion at which ofcers are elected and other
legislation to require outside accountants (cor- corporate business is transacted.
porate cops) to inform regulators (Securities Corporate Meetings & Incentives: The
Exchange Commission) directly when they Senior Executives Guide to Decision-Mak-
discover fraud or other illegalities in their cli- ing A monthly journal; cost: $65.00 per year
ent companies. See also Accounting Industry (free to qualied subscribers). Contact:
Reform Act of 2002. CM&I, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY
corporate culture The atmosphere or envi- 10170-1699 (phone 609-786-6892; e-mail
ronment surrounding an organization that; Web site www.meetings-
inuences and shapes the behavior of its peo-
ple and the quality of interpersonal relation- corporate memory An unquestioned and
ships within it. It is the sum total of the norms accepted understanding of an organizations
of behavior, communication, and management people, processes, or products.
adopted by the organization, and it is strongly corporate memory manager (CMM) A man-
inuenced by the values and behavior of top ager charged with responsibility for accessing
management. detailed and voluminous records of company
Corporate Fraud Task Force See Executive projects, programs, ventures, issues, prob-
Order 13271. lems, and solutions stored in the organiza-
corporate gridlock An organizational condi- tions computerized database, the repository
tion characterized by a shortage of manage- for corporate history.
ment positions and a surplus of talented corporate (organization) The highest report-
employees, many of whom will, because of ing element without any organization entity
the situation, reach a plateau and become dis- above it (i.e., a parent organization). Typically
satised or quit. the board of directors and management are
corporate identity The combination of responsible to shareholders for organization
attributes that make a company unique. It performance.
involves more than a name and logo. It denes corporate-owned life insurance (COLI) A
what a company is, where it is going, and how means of funding postretirement medical and
it is different from all others. death benets limited to executive employees
corporate image Consists of the sum total of by Congress. Consists of insurance policies
attitudes and opinions toward an organization on the life of key executives in which the
and its products and services by all of its corporation is the beneciary. The corporation
constituencies: employees, customers, cli- is the owner and beneciary of the policies
ents, suppliers, consultants, competitors, and and holds all ownership rights, including the
the public at large. It includes the companys right to death benets and cash value.
reputation for competence, responsiveness, Employees have no rights to the policies; how-
concern for clients and customers, and quality ever, if the insured dies while coverage is in
of products and services. It is polished by effect, the rm may make an equivalent unin-
quality products and services, top-notch cus- sured payment to the designated survivor(s).
tomer service and satisfaction, fairness and In any case, the corporation receives the pol-
ethical conduct, and general good citizenship. icy proceeds on a tax-free basis and uses them
It is tarnished by shoddy products and ser- to fund the benets or reimburse the corpora-
vices, inattention to customers, unethical or tion for benets already paid. Beginning in
unprincipled actions, and lack of community 1992, the Financial Standards Accounting
concern. Board required employers to include post-
corporate meeting 1. A meeting of corporate retirement benets on their balance sheets.
ofcers, managers, supervisors, or other cat- Also called janitors insurance or dead peas-
egories of employees held to provide ants insurance.
corporate performance management 146 corporate video

corporate performance management (CPM) and the probable actions of others mainly
Employs a set of of integrated software mod- competitors, customers, employees, suppliers,
ules to align an organizations overall strategy and government agencies. It consists of
with the plans of its separate divisions or ele- policies, objectives, actions, and decisions
ments, measure the effectiveness of that align- designed to attain organizational goals.
ment, and then make needed changes. Also Corporate Travel Index (CTI) An annual
known as business performance management report prepared by Corporate Travel. It pro-
and enterprise performance management. vides gures that corporate travel decision-
corporate portals Web sites that collect and makers and travelers themselves can use for
dispense information to various departments, travel budgeting. It includes per diem costs in
units, and groups of employees, customers, 100 cities, most expensive cities by cost cat-
clients, and suppliers. egory, (lodging, food, car rental, and total per
Corporate Reform Act of 2002 See Account- diem cost), luxury lodging rates, and daily
ing Industry Reform Act of 2002. travel cost by region.
corporate renewal See restructuring. corporate university (CU) 1. In its narrow
corporate responsibility Accounting prac- sense, typical of the 1950s through 1980s, a
tices at WorldCom and Enron and those that corporate-owned campus setting where
led to a 1990 SEC investigation and restate- employees are sent to be trained or developed
ment of Harkens earnings provided the impe- through formal classroom programs. 2. In its
tus for renewed concern about corporate broader sense, typical of the 1990s, a frame-
responsibility, auditing oversight, and the work and a process for learning by working
need for clarifying jurisdictional oversight and on real-life problems and issues on the job
ethical behavior of executives and boards of
rather than in an institutional setting.
control. The White Houses solution: An inde-
Designed to link training to the strategic needs
pendent regulatory board would be estab-
of a company and typically involves a process
lished and held responsible for making certain
that enables employees, key customers, cli-
that the accounting industry adheres to pro-
ents, and suppliers to learn continuously and
fessional standards, ethics, and competence.
improve their performance. 3. A training and
The SEC would be responsible for enforcing
development organization, whether actual or
securities law. The independent board would
ultimately be accountable to the SEC, which virtual, centralized or decentralized, that
would have the nal jurisdiction on disciplin- emphasizes an interdisciplinary organization
ary matters over the accounting industry. and approach one that teaches several dif-
corporate sentencing guidelines See U.S. ferent disciplines (such as basic skills, mar-
Sentencing Commission. keting, sales, customer service, technical
corporate soul A term that describes an orga- skills, and clerical skills) and often at several
nizations reputation and demonstrated con- levels (workers, technicians, supervisors,
cern about earning and retaining the trust and managers, executives, and so on).
condence of its internal and external custom- Corporate University Review: The Magazine
ers and clients. It is revealed by acknowledg- about Organizational Learning and Perfor-
ment of past mistakes; disclosure of aims, pur- mance A bimonthly journal published by
poses, motives, and aspirations; clarication Enterprise Communications Inc.; cost: $39
and acceptance of responsibility and account- per year. Contact: Corporate University
ability; and denition of pledges for quality, Review, 1483 Chain Bridge Rd., Ste. 202,
service, or other benets to constituents, cus- McLean, VA 22101-4599 (phone 703-448-
tomers, and clients. Attributed to trend 0336; fax 703-448-0270; Web site www.train-
watcher Faith Popcorn (The Popcorn Report).
corporate strategy A plan whose purpose is corporate video Video produced and distrib-
to achieve success for the organization in a uted via satellite communications or tele-
competitive environment, based on credible phone lines from a central corporate facility
estimates of future environmental conditions to outlying branches or ofces.
corporation 147 cost center

corporation An articial person, created cosmetic surgery A type of service or proce-

under the authority of law from a group of dure typically not covered by health care
persons that has a continuous existence and plans. Performed primarily to improve physi-
powers and liabilities separate from those of cal appearance and/or treat a mental condition
its members. through change in bodily or facial form.
corpus The principal or property that is in a Examples are removal of acne scars and breast
trust. reduction. Reconstructive breast surgery fol-
correcting The process of improving perfor- lowing a mastectomy is usually covered.
mance, progress toward objectives, and cost As used by economists, the term includes
results. It involves taking action to bring vari- not only the usual business costs as calculated
ances into line with plans. by the accountant ( i.e., the recorded costs of
corrective discipline See progressive disci- production and distribution), but also a nor-
pline. mal or competitive prot as well.
correlation The extent to which two sets of cost analysis An analytical process employed
scores or measures are related or the tendency to identify and track the costs of activities,
of one score to vary concomitantly with the programs, and services, including the cost of
other. For example, people who score high on full- and part-time company personnel, con-
intelligence tests often score high in reading tractors, consultants, and temporary employ-
ability. ees, real property, space and facilities, equip-
ment, materials, supplies, and services. It
correlational study A type of descriptive
encompasses the processes of collecting, val-
research study that investigates the extent to
idating, processing, and publishing cost histo-
which variations in one experimental factor or
ries, developing cost-estimating models from
variable correspond with variations in one or
those data, conducting research to develop
more other factors.
new cost analysis methods and techniques,
correlation analysis A statistical technique,
and developing cost estimates during all
employing manual or computer-assisted phases of acquisition and purchasing.
mathematical processes, used to determine the
cost-based pricing Involves identifying and
statistical relationship between two variables, assessing all the costs associated with the pro-
one independent and the other dependent. For duction, promotion, and delivery of a product
example, the procedure to forecast personnel or service, adding a factor for prot, and then
requirements by correlation analysis would setting a price based on cost plus prot.
involve determining whether two factors, such cost basis The price paid for a property, includ-
as some measure of HR departmental activity ing stock. See also gain.
and stafng levels, are related. cost-benet analysis A technique used to
correlation chart A chart used to test for a compare total resources required to total bene-
possible relationship between two process ts received from each organization program,
variables, show the strength of any relation- system, service, unit, or activity. Also, proce-
ship found, and potentially discover and doc- dures designed to provide a nancial compar-
ument possible cause and effect. ison between the full costs (direct, labor, and
correlation coefcient See coefcient of overhead) of the target system, program, or
correlation. activity and the savings realized by the inter-
correspondence study Education or training vention and opportunity costs of forgoing
conducted by mail or other means of deliver- other services.
ing training packages. It typically involves the cost center A separate and distinct cost
completion of reading, writing, problem-solv- accounting entity that has been identied to
ing assignments, and tests that are returned by provide a means of isolating and tracking
the trainee to the sponsoring organization for costs and to enhance management control by
review, correction, grading, or other form of pinpointing accountability for expenditures.
feedback. Also called home study and inde- More and more HR departments are being
pendent study. identied as cost centers.
cost containment lump-sum payment 148 cost-per-eyeball

cost containment lump-sum payment A one- off-campus students); and allowances for
time bonus given to employees for perfor- books, supplies, transportation, loan fees (if
mance above a stated level. It does not become applicable), dependent care, costs related to a
a part of the employees salary. disability, miscellaneous expenses, and
cost containment strategies See cost control reasonable costs for eligible study abroad pro-
strategies. grams. An allowance, determined by the
cost contract A Medicare option that allows school, is included for reasonable costs con-
subscribers to use medical services outside nected with a students employment as part of
their plan subject to the usual coinsurance, a cooperative education program. For students
deductibles, and charges that apply to regular attending less than half time, the COA
Medicare. includes only tuition and fees and an allow-
cost control See cost management. ance for books, supplies, transportation, and
cost control strategies Popular corporate dependent-care expenses.
cost control strategies include exible bene- cost of goods sold (CGS) Inventoriable costs
ts, cost shifting or higher deductibles, case that are expensed because the units are sold.
management, managed care (HMO or PPO), It is calculated as follows: CGS = beginning
precertied hospital admissions, second sur- inventory + cost of goods purchased or man-
gical opinions, utilization review, and well- ufactured ending inventory.
ness programs. cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) An across-
cost-effectiveness analysis A method of com- the-board adjustment to pay or benets, some-
paring alternative ways of achieving a specic times contractual, based on changes in the
set of results. Alternatives are compared on government-published (Bureau of Labor
the basis of the ratio of the cost of each alter- Statistics, Department of Labor) Consumer
native to its estimated future effect on objec- Price Index. It is designed to bring pay into
tives, which need not be measured in nancial line with increases in the cost of living.
terms. cost of living index Measures differences in
cost-improvement See cost management. the price of goods and services and allows for
cost management The process of tracking substitutions to other items as prices change.
and analyzing expenditures with a view A Consumer Price Index measures a price
toward eliminating, reducing, or containing change for a constant market basket of goods
the costs associated with all aspects of com- and services from one period to the next
pany planning and operations, or, at the very within the same city (or in the nation). The
least, maximizing the value derived from cap- CPI is not a true cost of living index and
ital and operating expenditures. Methods should not be used for comparisons between
include statistical analysis, standard hours places.
studies, process charts, line balancing, opera- cost of quality (COQ) 1. An accounting pro-
tions research, short interval scheduling, work cedure in which the actual costs of poor qual-
sampling, program evaluation and review tech- ity or the expenses incurred as a result of
nique (PERT), and machine capacity studies. substandard products or services are tracked
cost-no-fee contract (CNO) Used primarily and measured. 2. A total quality manage-
for research studies in which a nonprot orga- ment concept involving the application of
nization or university serves as the contractor. techniques to balance the costs of protection
Limits payments to the allowable costs of con- and detection activities against the costs of
tract performance. production failure (rejects, reworks, and cus-
cost of attendance (COA) For federal stu- tomer dissatisfaction).
dent aid programs, the total amount it will cost cost per applied person-day A workers full
a student to go to school, usually expressed cost per day divided by his or her applied rate.
as a yearly amount. It is determined by using cost-per-eyeball The cost of a marketers
a formula established by Congress. The COA investment in advertising on the Internet
covers tuition and fees; on-campus room and based on the total number of people viewing
board (or a housing and food allowance for his or her site.
cost-per-hire 149 cost-plus-incentive-fee contract (CPIF)

cost-per-hire A basic element of the employee cost plans One of two types of managed care
recruitment budget usually categorized by plans under contract with Medicare. Cost
exempt and nonexempt jobs and often by job plans do not have lock-in requirements. Per-
category. Sometimes used to measure the sons who enroll in a cost plan can either go
effectiveness of the recruitment department to health care providers afliated with the plan
and individual recruiters. Cost includes such or go outside the plan. If they go outside the
elements as advertising, applicant travel and plan, the plan usually will not pay, but Medi-
subsistence, recruiter travel and subsistence, care will pay its share of charges it approves;
employment agency or search fees, and new however, the subscriber is responsible for
employee relocation. Medicares coinsurance, deductibles, and
cost per hire A key human resources met- other charges. The only exceptions recognized
ric. It is calculated as follows: Cost per hire by cost plans are for emergency services,
= (advertising + agency fees + employee refer- which a beneciary may receive anywhere in
rals + travel cost of applicants and staff + the U.S. and for services urgently needed
relocation costs + recruiter pay and benets)/ when the beneciary is temporarily out of the
operating expenses. Attributed to Robert J. plans service area.
Grossman, Measuring Up, HR Magazine, cost-plus-award-fee contract (CPAF) An
January 2000, pp. 29-35. Reprinted with the incentive type of contract in which contractors
permission of HR Magazine, published by the are paid based upon the buyers judgment of
Society of Human Resource Management how well the contractor is meeting contract
(, Alexandria,VA. requirements. The contract provides no for-
mula for determining nal payment of prot
advertising + agency fees to the contractor, but it does provide reim-
+ employee referrals
+ travel cost of applicants bursement of costs incurred and usually
and staff + relocation costs allows a minimum xed fee to be added for
+ recruiting pay
and benefits the tasks completed by the contractor.
Cost per hire =
operating expenses cost-plus-xed-fee-contract (CPFF) T h e
predominant form of cost contracting used
cost-per-mile rate of change A benchmark when a private organization receives a con-
used by corporate travel managers to make tract. It pays the contractor for the actual mate-
better comparisons of travel costs than stan- rial and labor costs involved in fullling a
dard industry averages provide. The cost-per- contract, plus a negotiated xed percentage of
mile rate of change eliminates the factors of the overall cost as prot. It is used when devel-
specic market conditions and negotiated opmental risks are involved, an indetermin-
deals and allows the manager to compare the able amount of research and analysis is
change in cost per mile to that of the Amer- required, or the specications for the materials
ican Express database of 3,000 corporate cli- and services cannot be totally and accurately
ents. It is calculated by nding the corporate dened in advance. Frequently used in con-
cost per mile for any month and then apply- tracts calling for job and task analysis, training
ing the following formula. The corporate cost system development and validation, and other
per mile rate of change can then be plotted projects involving research.
on a graph and compared with the AmEx cost-plus-incentive-fee contract (CPIF) C o n -
database. Cost per mile rate of change = tracts that do not have a ceiling price estab-
(October 2003 October 2002)/October lished at the outset. They provide an incentive
2002 Attributed to Bonnie Barbareck, direc- for completion by the contractor ahead of
tor, MIS American Express Travel Related schedule. May take the forms of either an addi-
Services (Leading Travel Indicators, Cor- tional percentage of the value of the contract
porate Travel, November 1992, p. 8). or a predetermined dollar amount. Used when
the risk to the contractor is high but it is advan-
Cost per mile October 2003 October 2002 tageous for the contracting organization to
rate of change October 2002 complete the project as soon as possible.
cost-reimbursable contractor (CRC) 150 Council of Citizens with Low Vision

cost-reimbursable contractor (CRC) One of cost-shifting In benets, cost reduction strat-

the 200,000 companies whose federal govern- egies designed to transfer more of the costs of
ment contracts include direct reimbursable providing health care from the organization to
line items for travel expenses. There are four employees. It is accomplished by (1) higher
types of CRCs: (1) commercial companies deductibles and employee co-payments and
that provide products and services to the gov- contributions; (2) use of the Consolidated
ernment; (2) government programs that are Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
managed and operated by commercial com- 1986 to shift costs to other rms when the
panies; (3) government-owned, company- employee moves to a new employer; and (3)
operated facilities; and (4) federally funded getting employees to opt for managed care
research and development companies. They programs (HMOs and PPOs) with strong uti-
are required by the government to manage lization review.
travel with great attention to detail and level cost-to-complete information In budgeting,
of expenditures. Travelers must follow strict a category of costs often overlooked. It
spending guidelines to qualify for full reim- encompasses the costs of completing projects
bursement. currently underway that may be affected by
cost-share Under the Civilian Health and ination, higher interest rates, or increased
Medical Programs of the Uniformed Ser- labor costs.
vices and TRICARE, the portion of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
allowable charge the beneciary pays on (CAEL) A 600-member nonprot education
each claim. The cost-share depends on the association of individuals, colleges and uni-
sponsors status (active duty or retired). The versities, companies, and unions dedicated to
annual deductible for outpatient care, and serving the needs of adult learners. It provides
anything the provider charges above the services and information on adult and experi-
allowable charge, are paid in addition to the ential learning through workshops, publica-
beneciaries cost-share. The CHAMPUS tions, consultations, conferences, and work-
share is the difference between the allowable force development programs. Contact:
charge and the cost-share. Under TRICARE CAEL, 55 East Monroe Street, Suite 1930,
for Life, Medicare will be the the rst payer Chicago, IL 60603 (phone 312-499-2600; fax
and TRICARE will pay all Medicare copay- 312-499-2601; e-mail
ments and deductibles. CAEL; Web site
cost sharing A strategy to contain health care Council for Higher Education Accreditation
costs and the costs of other benets by giving (CHEA) An organization of 3000 institu-
employees more of the responsibility for their tional members established to serve students
own retirement and health care planning and and their families, colleges and universities,
nancing. Examples of legislation that has sponsoring organizations, government, and
passed responsibility to the individual and the employers by promoting academic quality
employer include Medicare Benets Cost- through formal recognition of higher educa-
Sharing, FASB Retiree Accounting Rules, tion accrediting bodies. Contact: CHEA, One
Social Security Tax, and the Consolidated Dupont Circle NW, Suite 510, Washington,
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of D.C. 20036-1135 (phone 202-955-6126; fax
1986. 202-955-6129; e-mail; Web
cost-sharing contract (CS) A contract in site
which the costs of performance are shared by Council of Citizens with Low Vision Inter-
the contracting organization and the contrac- national (CCLVI) An international advo-
tor. Usually limited in application to procure- cacy membership organization for partially
ment situations in which it is evident that the sighted people, family members, and profes-
contractor will gain substantial commercial sionals. It aims to establish the rights of peo-
advantage as a consequence of providing the ple with low vision to make full use of their
product or performing the service. Uncom- vision through the necessary aids, services,
mon outside of government contracting. and technology; to educate the public and pro-
Council of Peers Award for Excellence 151 course developer

fessionals about the needs and abilities of the 800-283-SHRM or 703-548-3440; fax 703-
partially sighted; to promote research and pro- 535-6490; e-mail; Web site
fessional training; and to establish outreach www,
programs to ensure that all partially sighted counseling The process by which two people
persons get the services they need. Contact: come together face-to-face and one-on-one to
CCLVI, 1155 15th Street NW, Suite 1004, attack a problem so that it can be more clearly
Washington, D.C. 20005 (phone 800-733- dened and the one with the problem can be
2258; Web site helped to understand, clarify, and nd a self-
Council of Peers Award for Excellence determined solution to it. It is essentially help-
(CPAE) Awarded annually to a maximum of ing people to help themselves.
ve members of the National Speakers Asso- counteroffer 1. A reply to a request for pro-
ciation for demonstrated platform excellence posal returned to the originator with changes
and professionalism. Contact: NSA, 1500 S. to any items in the original. Unless and until
Priest Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281 (phone 480-968- the changes are specically accepted in writ-
2552; fax 480-968-0911; Web site www.nsas- ing by all parties, there is no contract. 2. A means of retaining valued employees who are
Council on Economic Priorities Accredita- considering or have decided to leave their cur-
tion Agency (CEPAA) Formed in 1997 to rent positions to work for another organiza-
handle the international SA8000 accreditation tion. Involves proffering upgraded compensa-
process. Accredits independent auditing rms tion and benets packages to avoid the
to monitor compliance with SA8000. Contact: expenses involved in replacing the individual.
Elaine Kohl Kaufman, Council on Economic country-centric company A company that is
Priorities Accreditation Agency, 30 Irving based in certain countries using policies, pro-
Place, New York, NY 10003-2386 (phone 212- cedures, and practices that reect the laws and
358-7697; e-mail or Alice culture of the country in which it is located.
Martin (sister agency of Council on Economic See also global company; international com-
Priorities) at the same address (phone 212- pany; transnational company.
420-1133; Web site country executive program A program
The Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Insti- designed to assist in corporate globalization.
tutional Education (CHRIE) The interna- Top ofcers (usually divisional presidents)
tional advocate of hospitality and tourism edu- choose or are assigned a country or area of
cation. CHRIEs mission is to advance quality the world and make themselves responsible
education through proactive professional for learning its history, politics, culture, and
development, research coalitions, and net- sometimes language through training, individ-
works for all of its members and constituen- ual study, and frequent trips to the country or
cies. Offers individual, institutional, and cor- area. They are often responsible for oversee-
porate memberships. Contact: CHRIE, 2613 ing visits to the corporate ofce in the U.S.
North Parham Road, 2nd Floor, Richmond, by natives of the designated country and act
VA 23294 (phone 804-346-4800; fax as senior business diplomats.
804-346-5009; e-mail; Web country-specic training See relocation
site training.
Council on Human Resource Management course developer A professional training and
Associations (COHRMA) An organization development specialist. Course developers
of 17 human resource management associa- conduct occupational and job analysis; write
tions, representing more than 200,000 human performance objectives; sequence learning
resource professionals. Meets twice each year objectives and activities; identify, select, and
to discuss issues of mutual interest, acquaint organize course content; select and develop
each organization with the goals and opera- learning resources and materials, including
tions of the others, and examine best practices audiovisual aids; select or develop evaluative
and new products. Contact: SHRM, 1800 techniques and instruments; prepare programs
Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone of instruction, course outlines and schedules,
course manager 152 Cpk

instructor and trainee guides, and lesson beneciaries can now be made beyond age 18
plans; develop criteria for the selection of and can continue beyond age 30.
course participants; validate all phases of the covered care Health care services covered by
training and development program; write an insurance policy. It typically requires that
course descriptions and announcements; services be provided by a licensed physician
instruct individuals or groups in specic train- or nurse; a licensed physical, occupational, or
ing system strategies; and collect, analyze, speech therapist or other licensed health care
interpret, process, and report data obtained provider; a home health aide or personal care
from the use of internal and external evalua- attendant furnished by a home health care
tion instruments. agency; or an adult day care center.
course manager A professional training and covered employee A worker protected by
development specialist. Course managers (nonexempt from) the provisions of employ-
establish objectives for the training and devel- ment laws. For example, under the Omnibus
opment programs for which they are respon- Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, the term
sible; develop guidelines for the conduct and covered employees now includes indepen-
operation of programs; determine annual per- dent contractors, partners, and self-employed
sonnel, facilities, and funding requirements individuals covered under a group health plan.
for training programs; prepare specications covered period of connement The number
and statements of work for requests for pro- of days that a beneciary will be paid for
posals (RFPs) for training; review proposals inpatient services in a health care facility
and participate in the selection of contractors; under an insurance policy, usually beginning
evaluate the producers and services of con- with the elimination period.
tractors and provide feedback to procurement covered provider A health care professional
ofcials; evaluate program results; and pre- whose services are covered by Medicare or
pare reports and statistics on the programs for other health care plan. Includes licensed doc-
which they have responsibility. tors of medicine (M.D.s); licensed doctors of
courseware Software produced for use with osteopathy (D.O.s); chiropractors (D.C.s);
computer-based training systems; the pro- physicians assistants; nurse practitioners;
grams used for presenting the course content nurse midwives; nurse anesthetists; dentists
along with the books, lm, video, and audio (D.M.D.s and D.D.S.s); optometrists (O.D.s);
materials that support the training. qualied clinical social workers; qualied
court-martial A military trial. There are three clinical psychologists (Ph.D.s and Ed.D.s);
types: summary, special, and general. podiatrists (D.P.M.s); and speech, physical,
court rulings on racial policies and univer- and occupational therapists.
sity admissions See Hopwood v. Texas; covered services Health care services paid by
Regents of the University of California v. an insurance plan.
Bakke; Grutter v. Bollinger; Gratz v. cover your anterior (CYA) An expression
Bollinger. used to describe any action taken by an
coverage The percentage of penetration of a individual to protect himself or herself from
publication. It is calculated by dividing the criticism, an adverse action, or other penalty.
circulation of a publication in a given area by Actions may take the forms of memorandum
the number of households in that area. for record, alibis, or outright deception. Often
Coverdell ESA (formerly Education IRA) a less elegant, if not crude, three-letter syn-
The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Rec- onym is substituted for anterior.
onciliation Act of 2001 also expanded Cover- Covia A computer reservation system
dell ESAs. In addition to increased contribu- jointly owned by Air Canada, Alitalia, British
tion limits (in 2002, $2000), Coverdell Airways, KLM Royal Dutch, Swissair, United
accounts can now be used for elementary and Airlines, and USAir.
secondary education expenses, whether those Cpk A universal measure of process capabil-
expenses are for public, private, or religious ity. Used by engineers to specify quality level
schools. Also, contributions for special needs (parameters) when supplying items to a buyer
crack 153 creative problem-solving training

(in addition to drawings, specication sheets, cream skimming 1. In risk management, the
target costs, and the like). The lower the vari- unfair practice of offering modest health
ation in quality, the higher the Cpk. insurance premiums to low-risk groups of
crack A highly addictive street drug. Crack is people and then cherry picking the people
a rocklike, smokable derivative of cocaine. within that group who pose high health risks
Produces a high of less than 30 minutes, so and either raising their policy costs or denying
repeated use is typical. Crack may produce them coverage. Prohibited by law in 40 states.
bouts of severe depression and paranoia as 2. A corporate competitive tactic. Occurs
well as convulsions. Also called rock, slab, when an organization challenges the high-
and avor. prot segment of another companys market
cracker An ill-behaved and highly procient or customer base, usually by moving in with
programmer who uses his or her skills to pen- an improved second- or third-generation ver-
etrate the computer systems of others, some- sion of a product or service.
times by circumventing security systems. creative The marketing element that provides
Essentially, an electronic burglar who breaks the imaginative matter for presentation mate-
into computers using tools such as Trojan rials and media in all forms to express ideas,
horses, which let the cracker enter networks thoughts, and actions in a unique way that
and private les and hide his tracks when he stands out among all others.
leaves. Crackers often use passwords to com- creative faring See gray fare.
puters presumed secure, jeopardizing person- creative imagery The ability to search for,
nel and corporate information, bank accounts, nd, identify, and modify, synthesize, or oth-
and even national defense systems. See also erwise change the form, size, use, or some
hacker. other characteristic of an object, concept, or
cramdown During a bankruptcy proceeding, idea to make it truly new.
a court-ordered reduction of a mortgage to the creative learning A learning environment
level of a homes current market value to pro- characterized by exchange and interaction
tect a person whose property is worth less than between and among the learners and the facil-
his or her mortgage. The unpaid debt is con- itator (instructor). It requires original thought
verted to an unsecured liability. and input to the learning process, reexamina-
crank An addictive, mind-altering drug. The tion of assumptions, critical analysis of pro-
street name for methamphetamines (speed). cesses and trends, and sharing of ideas.
crash 1. The sudden failure of a computer sys- creative problem solving (CPS) The process
tem due to such causes as power failure, power of addressing problems with these character-
surge, and an undetected bug or virus. 2. The istics: the problem is vague; there are few or
suicidal depression that drug abusers, espe- no criteria of solution; lateral, nonlinear
cially crack users, experience almost immedi- thought, as well as convergent and divergent
ately after the burst of euphoria they feel when thinking, are employed; facts are considered
the drug hits the pleasure centers of the brain. but are not central to a solution; a large volume
crawls In video production, the movement of of ideas is sought; judgment of ideas is
credits (such as producer, directors, and so on) reserved until later; and the results are some-
or other graphic material horizontally across times unmeasurable and often involve risk.
the screen. creative problem-solving training Training
C-reactive protein (CRP) An indicator of a designed to unlock creative and innovative tal-
condition that causes arteries to become ents, help people discover their creative capac-
clogged with plaque. Testing for CRP levels ities, remove or mitigate obstacles to creative
in the blood is being widely accepted as a effort, and teach people to use creative think-
means of predicting heart attacks and strokes ing techniques. As a consequence, they
better than levels of bad cholesterol (LDLs, become more productive and open to new
or low-density lipoproteins). The test has ideas and gain increased capacity to generate
been covered by Medicare since January larger numbers of ideas. Strategies include
2002. small group discussion, demonstration of
creative staff 154 credit union

problem solving techniques, reading and credit card Any card, plate, or coupon book
study assignments, buzz sessions, brainstorm- that may be used repeatedly to borrow money
ing and brainwriting, checklists, morphologi- or buy goods and services on credit.
cal analysis, and ideational exercises, both credit fraud Workplace crime resulting pri-
individual and group. marily from theft of employee records.
creative staff People representing various dis- Includes such scams as credit card skimming,
ciplines and holding different jobs who mail theft, stolen purses or wallets, careless
develop dramatizations, programs, or shows disposal of credit card receipts and statements,
(writers, artists, drafting specialists, musi- and database intrusion.
cians, special effects technicians, set design- credit history The record of current and past
ers, makeup artists, costume designers, and so credit transactions that potential lenders use
on). to determine a potential borrowers ability to
creative thinking Cognitive activity that repay the debt.
results in signicant, original, and unique credit hour A measure of instructor work
solutions to problems. It is the process of solv- load and student course load and a means of
ing problems by adding imagination, inven- converting time to credit in colleges, univer-
tion, inspiration, and a different way of look- sities, and technical schools. One semester
ing at things to logic and competence in hour of credit is generally awarded for each
nding solutions when only a partial knowl- block of 15 clock hours of lecture, 30 clock
edge of the situation is available and some hours of laboratory, or 45 clock hours of
facts are missing. externship or clinical instruction. One quarter-
creative ticketing See back-to-back ticketing; hour of credit is usually awarded for each 10
gray fare; hidden city fare. clock hours of laboratory or 30 clock hours
creative visualization Visualizing an activity of externship or clinical instruction. See also
before engaging in it a sort of dress clock hour.
rehearsal for an upcoming event or activity. credit reporting agencies Maintain credit
Often used by athletes to prepare themselves reports on individuals. They may be free to
to excel in a sporting event, but can also be individuals who have been denied credit; the
used in teaching teamwork. Said to cause the most anyone can be charged is $8. The major
muscles to generate the same electrical credit reporting agencies are Equifax, P.O.
impulses they would were the imagined activ- Box 740256, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241 (phone
ity occurring, which teaches the muscles 800-525-6285 [to report fraud]; 800-685-1111
what the person wants them to learn. [to order a credit report], Web site
creativity An individual capacity. Bringing; Experian, P.O. Box 1017,
something into existence through imaginative Allen, TX 75013-0949 (phone 888-397-3742
skills, using hunches, intuition, and incuba- [to report fraud]; 888-397-3742 [to order a
tion. The generation of entirely new, uncom- credit report]; Web site;
mon, original, or unique and potentially useful Trans Union, P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA
concepts and ideas. 92834 (phone 800-680-7289 [to report fraud];
creator The individual who creates a trust. 800-916-8800 [to order a credit report]; Web
Also called a donor, grantor, or settler. site
credentialing Obtaining, reviewing, and veri- credit scoring system A statistical system
fying documentation of the qualications used to determine whether or not to grant
(professional or technical competence) of credit by assigning numerical scores to vari-
health care providers or other professionals, ous characteristics related to creditworthiness.
such as registrations, licenses, certications, credit union A nancial cooperative organi-
award of degrees in the eld, professional zation of individuals with a common aflia-
association memberships, insurance, malprac- tion (such as employment, labor union mem-
tice history, and so on. bership, or place of residence). Credit unions
credit bureau See credit reporting agencies. accept deposits of members, pay interest
crew resource management (CRM) 155 critical element

(dividends) on them out of earnings, and pro- products, productivity, client and customer
vide consumer installment credit to members. relations, time, funds, performance, and costs.
crew resource management (CRM) Train- 2. A standard by which the value or worth of
ing that focuses on communication, team a test may be judged. 3. The third and nal
building, work-load management, situation element of a behavioral objective. That is, the
analysis, decision making, and other safety- criterion establishes the minimum perfor-
related subjects. Developed by the airline mance requirements for a duty, task, or job
industry to train cockpit crews, ight atten- element. To do that, the objective statement
dants, operations agents, dispatchers, and must prescribe the quality of the work product
other workers as teams. Now being extended or service produced (accuracy, completeness,
to other industries concerned with teamwork clarity, tolerances, and the like); the quantity
and safety, such as medical and surgical of work products produced (the number of
teams, nuclear power plants, and the petro- work units completed); the time allowed to
chemical industry. complete the job, duty, task, or element; or
Crime Identication Technology Act of any combination of quality, quantity, and time
1998 Provides for the improvement of inter- standards. The criterion invariably begins, in
state criminal justice identication, informa- accordance with the following standards:.
tion, and communication. Authorized appro- criterion measure A means of evaluating the
priations to support the legislation for scal adequacy and effectiveness of an instructional
years 1999 through 2003. system. A test constructed to measure achieve-
crisis management 1. Implementing policies ment of required knowledge supports and
and preplanned procedures to deal rationally mastery of essential skills at the task or duty
and effectively with potentially catastrophic level of job performance.
events or situation with a view toward reduc- criterion-oriented validity See criterion
ing negative or damaging effects on the work- validity.
force, the community, security, corporate criterion-referenced measurement Measure-
assets, and the company image. See also crisis ment that compares the performance of indi-
plan; crisis prevention. 2. Reactive and unwill- viduals or groups against a predetermined
ing or rehouse management where the standard.
manager is driven by events. criterion-referenced test A test that is rele-
crisis plan A formal plan for reacting prop- vant to real-world job requirements; a perfor-
erly and in a timely manner to a crisis, such mance test that focus on the duties and tasks
as a chemical plant explosion, an oil tanker of a job.
leak, workplace accident, violence, or other criterion validity Applies to training and test-
emergency, including the corporate and ing. There are two types: criterion concurrent
human aspects of the catastrophe. Its purposes validity and criterion predictive validity. A
are to prevent crises, reduce uncertainty, and training program or test has criterion concur-
minimize the chances for error, omission, and rent validity when selection instrument scores
confusion during and following a crisis. It or criterion test scores correlate highly with
typically includes a trained emergency measures of job performance. It has criterion
response team, a hot line, mock crises, drills predictive validity when measures of actual
and exercises, contingency plans for counsel- on-the-job performance correlate highly with
ing (victims, their families, and fellow selection instrument scores or criterion test
employees), and employee assistance, sup- scores during or at the end of training.
port, accommodations, and emergency funds. critical access hospital A s m a l l m e d i c a l
crisis prevention Policies, plans, and proce- facility that provides limited outpatient and
dures designed to prevent catastrophes, disas- inpatient hospital services to people in rural
ters, emergencies, and tragedies. areas.
criterion 1. A standard relating to such things critical element A term used to describe job
as personnel, space and facilities, equipment, activities that are most important to managers.
materials and supplies, programs and services, The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978
critical incident 156 CRN News

mandated that federal managers evaluate and The sequence of tasks that takes the longest
rank all of their responsibilities in order of time to complete is called the critical path.
decreasing benet to the organization. All scheduling decisions are made on the basis
critical incident 1. In training needs analysis, of this critical path.
an analytical tool that involves collecting critical pathway A health care management
statements based on direct observation of job tool pioneered by a coalition of six Chicago
incumbents by supervisors or designated hospitals to reduce costs and improve the
observers or recall of job behavior by employ- quality of care of cardiac cases. The pathway
ees that typify both competent and incompe- is a planned progression controlled by stan-
tent performance of a job or task. The tech- dard physician orders for diagnostic tests and
nique underscores critical job behaviors for medication and anticipated activities and
emphasis in training and the supervision of treatments for each day of hospitalization,
workplace performance. 2. In performance from admission through discharge. The plan
rating, a descriptive approach in which the is also used to track variations, and when treat-
rater is asked to observe and record specic ment departs from the path the reason is
incidents of effective and ineffective perfor- recorded. Over time it is anticipated that vari-
mance during a rating period. The observa- ations can be linked to outcomes and cost. The
tions are matched against a predetermined concept may be applied to other types of cases
critical incident, often referred to as a behav- such as mental health and chemical depen-
iorally anchored rating scale. The incidents dency.
are discussed with the employee and are used critical skills Professional, leadership, mana-
as a basis for developing an improvement gerial, business, technical, and interpersonal
plan. skills and abilities required for successful per-
critical incident survey 1. A training needs formance of the HR managerial job.
assessment technique. Participants are asked critical success factors In project manage-
to describe in some detail a specic situation ment, the key items or issues that determine
or event that went wrong, identify the cause, whether or not a project has met the cus-
and determine whether the situation could tomers or clients expectations and require-
have been avoided and, if so, how. Responses ments as specied in the agreement or con-
are analyzed, tallied by problem type, and tract.
used in workshops to tailor training to the critical tasks Job tasks that are crucial and
needs of trainees. 2. A method of collecting indispensable to the proper performance of a
job and task data, it involves asking supervi- job. Some of the criteria for identifying such
sory personnel to recall, describe in detail, and tasks are universality, difculty, cruciality, fre-
record job behavior of incumbents that typify quency, achievability, quality, deciency, and
both competent and unsatisfactory perfor- retainability.
mance of a job or task. The data are tabulated critical tracking test A nonmedical drug test
and analyzed and then used to identify and that measures ne hand-eye coordination and
record critical job behaviors for training. reaction time. The test is used to detect drug
critical path method (CPM) A method of impairment, use of alcohol, sleep deciency,
planning and scheduling projects that usually emotional stress, and illness. Frequently used
includes both an arrow diagram showing the where safety is a critical factor.
sequence of related project activities and a critique In evaluation, fair, unbiased, unvar-
computer-based method of determining nished, and accurate feedback on perfor-
slack times before project activities become mance, highlighting strengths and weak-
critical, relationships between cost and time, nesses, provided to employees or trainees by
and total project time. It is a tool that denes trained, qualied, independent, and objective
the tasks that need to be done to complete a observers.
job or project, determines the sequence in CRN News: The Newsweekly for Builders of
which the tasks must be completed, and esti- Technology Solutions Published weekly by
mates the time needed to nish the project. CMP Media Inc. One year subscription in the
croak 157 cross talk

U.S., $199, in Canada, $224, overseas, $370, of the factors that will most signicantly affect
in Asia and Australia, $470. Free to qualied the development under consideration. The fac-
subscribers. Contact: CPM Media, One Jeri- tors are arranged in a matrix. The basic devel-
cho Plaza, Jericho, NY 11753 (phone 800- opment of other factors is listed down the left
577-5356; e-mail column, or y-axis, and the same arrangement
erservice; Web site of factors is used to form an equal number of
croak A street drug. A mixture of crack and columns across the top, or x-axis, of the
regular cocaine smoked like crack. matrix. The experts complete the matrix by
cross-cultural training Training provided by placing a notation, such as +, , or 0 to
multinational or multicultural organizations, indicate increase, decrease, or no effect,
public and private institutions and agencies, in each box to record the effect of each ele-
and the military services to increase manage- ment along the y-axis on each element along
rial effectiveness in domestic cross-cultural the x-axis (except on itself; that box is left
settings and international operations, negotia- blank). The results are analyzed and presented
tions, and decision making. Also used to help to the decision maker.
employees adapt to working, living, and learn- crossover arrangement A plan under which
ing environments in cultural settings that dif- Medicare Part B claim-paying ofces auto-
fer from their own; establish and maintain matically transfer information about claims to
friendly, cooperative, and favorable relation- the patients supplementary or secondary
ships with the people of the host country; and health benets insurer. Such arrangements
assist HR personnel to adapt training objec- make it unnecessary for medical care provid-
tives, strategies, methods, and materials to the ers to submit more than one claim or for sub-
people of the cultures they are charged to train scribers to submit a claim to their secondary
or develop. Also called cultural diversity insurers.
training. cross-promotion The practice of targeting
cross functional A worker who is required to identical customers by two or more companies
perform several disparate duties and tasks in to improve sales and marketing productivity,
an organization that has been so downsized using such tactics as putting coupons inside
that it is grossly understaffed. the packages or on the outside of containers
cross-functional mapping A basic tool for of the partner company or providing free sam-
applying the principles of total cycle time. ples of the partners product along with a
These process maps depict an entire cycle as service.
it moves through the various functional areas cross-section technique A form of genetic,
of a company. Attributed to Philip R. Thomas developmental, and growth studies that
and Larry J. Gallace with Kenneth R. Martin, requires at least a single measurement for each
Quality Alone Is Not Enough, American Man- individual within certain groups to calculate
agement Association, New York, 1992, pp. an average. Comparisons of the averages
7174. (norms or standards) of successive groups
cross-functional team A form of participa- indicate trends in the form of changes in the
tive management involving interdisciplinary groups as a whole with which individuals can
teams. Work teams are composed of represen- be compared, although the resulting central
tatives of different departments or the operat- trends are not accurate for an individual. For
ing and staff elements of an organization. example, leg, arm, and upper body strength
They are organized to address complex prob- measurements for men and women in specic
lems in which expertise of several kinds is occupations might be taken and the average
essential. for each group calculated.
cross-impact analysis An integrative technol- cross talk 1. Distracting side conversations
ogy forecasting technique that uses a small between participants at a meeting or training
group of experts to address external inuences session while the session leader or another
and the interaction of internal and external participant is speaking to the whole group.
forces. The process begins with identication 2. Mixed sounds or unrelated talk heard in
cross-ticketing 158 cumulative record

radio or telephone transmissions caused by Crystal Awards See SITE Crystal Awards.
interference from another transmitter. crystal healing An alternative form of medi-
cross-ticketing A form of booking fraud used cal treatment. A New Age therapy, its adher-
by travel agencies to increase their overrides ents maintain that healing energy can be
(commissions) from airlines with which they derived from quartz and other mineral
have marketing agreements. The practice crystals.
involves ticketing all trips on an airline that crystal meth See ice.
offers high commissions for sales out of a C-section See Caesarean section.
particular city. Regardless of U.S. city of ori- CU-SeeMe In multimedia, software that sup-
gin, the trips are ticketed from that city and ports desktop videconferencing over a net-
the tickets sent overnight to clients. work.
cross training A means of developing multi- cued speech A form of sign language that
skilled workers, people who can adapt to uses eight hand shapes and four hand posi-
changes in job requirements and advancing tions in various combinations to display voice
technology. Cross training is essentially a sounds rather than words (sounds or pho-
strategy to make an organization more com- nemes). The system offers the closest parallel
petitive, increase productivity, promote stabil- to spoken language because it shows what we
ity, respond more rapidly to change, avoid actually hear (phonetics), rather than words.
layoffs, and compensate for the shrinking pool cuing 1. A signal in any form a word,
of qualied workers. It is accomplished by graphic, phrase, gesture, or facial expression
such means as conventional training, on-the- that initiates a response or action or helps
job training, and peer training. Sometimes the learner to respond to a stimulus or problem
called upskilling or redeployment. correctly in a learning situation. 2. A form of
cross validation In test construction, the prac- feedback that indicates whether an activity or
tice of administering the test to additional action is proceeding well or poorly compared
groups of subjects to recheck the ndings of to some preestablished standard.
the rst validation study; that is, to determine cultural anthropology Used in intercultural
whether there is a signicant relationship (cor- training. The study of a given culture so thor-
relation) between scores (the predictor) and ough that one is able to see the world through
performance (the criterion). Sometimes called the eyes of a cultural group; that is, the ability
revalidation. to adopt the native view or perspective.
CRT-based projector The most commonly cultural diversity training See cross-cultural
used color projector in training and education. training.
It employs three cathode-ray tubes, one each culture See corporate culture.
to display red, green, and blue light. Most cumulative days elimination period Days
units require a trained technician to make con- applied to the elimination period, which need
vergence adjustments to ensure sharp images not be consecutive or associated with the same
every time they are moved. Newer models episode of long-term care. See also consecu-
make use of digital convergence technology tive days.
to simplify the adjustment process. cumulative record A record maintained for
cryoablation The process of using a freezing an individual employee, trainee, or client over
gas to destroy cancer cells by circulating it a period of years. Successive additions are
through a probe inserted into the tumor. It is made to the record at relatively frequent inter-
used to treat prostate and liver cancers and as vals, as when entering reports of training or
an alternative nonsurgical treatment for counseling. Typically contains all pertinent
benign breast tumors. information concerning the individual, such
cryptographic checksum A security function as personal data, test scores, subjective
applied to a le to produce a unique nger- impressions, work samples, behavior devia-
print of the le for later reference or as a tions, and adjustment procedures employed,
means of detecting le system tampering on obtained from the individual, supervisors,
computers running Unix operating systems. physicians, and technicians.
cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) 159 customer-based pricing

cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) Includes training and education programs regardless of
three trauma categories, typically computer- target group, content, or length from kinder-
associated: hand and wrist, eyestrain, and garten to graduate degree programs, foreign
back discomfort. language to mathematics, plumbing to com-
currency futures An investment technique puter design.
whereby a fund purchases and sells currency curriculum integration An interdisciplinary
futures contracts, enabling the fund manager approach to teaching and learning in which
to establish the number of U.S. dollars the separate subject areas are linked or fused into
fund will receive in a given delivery month a more seamless and thematic curriculum to
for a certain amount of a foreign currency. In prepare students for real-world demands.
that way, if the fund manager can anticipate a curriculum vitae A description of an individ-
decline of a foreign currency against the U.S. uals education, training, and experience, writ-
dollar, the fund can attempt to x the U.S. ten for an academic audience, that focuses on
dollar value of some or all of the securities providing evidence of scholarship in the per-
held in its portfolio that are denominated in sons eld of preparation, interest, and accom-
that currency. By purchasing foreign currency plishment.
futures, the fund can establish the number of cursive See script.
dollars required to pay for a specied amount custodial care One of three levels of long-
of a foreign currency in the delivery month. term care. Care provided primarily to meet
Thus, if the fund manager intends to buy secu- personal needs that can be provided by per-
rities in the future and expects the U.S. dollar sons without professional medical skills or
to decline against the relevant foreign cur- training but cannot reasonably be expected to
rency during the period before the future is restore health. For example, help in walking,
effected, the fund can attempt to x the price getting in and out of bed, bathing, dressing,
in U.S. dollars of the securities it intends to eating, and taking medication. See also inter-
acquire. mediate nursing care; skilled nursing care.
current assets The total of cash, accounts, and customary and reasonable charge See cus-
notes receivable for the sale of products or tomary charge.
services, operating supplies, and prepayments customary charge The amount that physi-
(insurance, interest, taxes, and the like), less cians or medical suppliers most frequently
reserves for bad debts, advances on merchan- charge for each separate service and supply
dise, inventories less any reserves, listed secu- furnished. This charge is the usually the max-
rities not in excess of market, state and munic- imum amount a health insurance plan will
ipal bonds, and U.S. government securities. allow for covered expenses.
current cost Cost stated in terms of current customary or usual charge See customary
values (of productive capacity) rather than in charge.
terms of acquisition cost. customary, prevailing, and reasonable (CPR)
current debt The total of all liabilities due Current method of paying physicians under
within 1 year of the date of the statement, Medicare. Payment for a service is limited to
including current payments on notes, mort- the lowest of (1) the physicians billed charge
gages, debentures, or other funded debts. It for the service, (2) the physicians customary
also includes current reserves, such as charge for the service, or (3) the prevailing
reserves for federal and state income taxes and charge for that service in the community.
contingency funds. It does not include customer Actual or potential users of a com-
reserves for depreciation. panys products or services.
Current Procedural Terminology, 4th Edition customer-based pricing A pricing process
(CPT-4) Lists ve-digit codes that apply to that starts with the market and works back into
medical services used by providers for billing the company. It sees pricing as a function of
purposes. what the market will bear for the benets
curriculum development The process of offered by the product or service. Theoreti-
designing, developing, validating, and installing cally, there is no limit on either the upper
customer capital 160 customer service specialist (CSS)

levels of pricing or protability other than disclosure, pricing, products, services, quality
what the customer is willing to pay. Review control, training, and so on.
and analysis of several factors are key to cus- customer relationship management (CRM)
tomer-based pricing: the nature of the market; Computer-assisted business strategies
the number, kind, and quality of competitive designed to optimize protability and revenue
offerings; the quality of products and services; but focus on customer satisfaction.
and market share. customer relations training Training designed
customer capital The value of an organiza- to improve customer relations and customer
tions relationships with its customers and cli- service.
ents. Includes customers preferences and Customer Satisfaction Barometer (CSB)
buying patterns, nancial stability, and loyalty An index based on an annual survey of cus-
to the supplying organization. tomers, both consumers and businesses, of
customer complaint rate The number of 100 leading companies to measure national
customer complaints about products or ser- quality. Initiated in Sweden, comparable mea-
vices reported to salespersons or dealers or sures are being instituted in Germany, Great
directly to the producer through telephone, Britain, and the U.S.
telex, fax, or correspondence compared to the customer self-checkout An information tech-
total number of products or services provided nology initiative that gives retailers a compet-
over a selected period of time. A measure of itive advantage by moving customers through
productivity. the checkout process faster.
customer experience management (CEM) customer service See customer service pro-
A process for learning from customer interac- gram.
tions (voice, e-mail, Web chat, screen sharing, customer service and support Software for
Voice-overIP, face-to-face contacts, corre- call center or Web-based services.
spondence, and others) that focuses the total customer service program Finding out what
organization on the customer experience. customers and clients really want, identifying
Involves capturing, analyzing, evaluating, and and analyzing customer service problems,
improving all types of customer interactions. establishing measurable objectives and reward
customer grouping In organization design, systems, coaching and training customer ser-
one of the basic organizational alternatives in vice representatives and sales personnel,
which elements of the organization are implementing the program, and tracking and
grouped by class of customers. For example, measuring results.
in the chemical industry, groups may be customer service representative (CSR) A
formed to serve farmers, the paper industry, person assigned to the customer service
and prescription drug manufacturers. department or ofce who is responsible for
customer partnering A means of improving providing support for eld representatives by
sales productivity. Involves linking various handling orders, credit, and adjustments. Also
company levels and functions between a sup- assists functional support groups (production,
plier and its customer, including market infor- distribution, customer nancial services,
mation, future products, contacts between scheduling, and marketing) in performing
management levels, accounting, problem their functions. Requires a thorough knowl-
solving, quality improvement, training, and so edge of company products and applications.
on. customer service specialist (CSS) Requires
customer rating (appraisal) system Tapping a higher level of expertise than that required
customers or clients for appraisal data on of the customer service representative.
employees such as salespersons, repair spe- Involved in independent problem solving, spe-
cialists, consultants, and the like. cial projects, hiring and training, and exercis-
customer relations The kind and quality of a ing leadership in the customer service func-
companys relationships with its clients and tion as well as providing technical assistance
customers with regard to advertising, nancial to functional groups.
customer window model 161 cycle time (CT)

customer window model A m a r k e t i n g when they surf for rsums, they would be
research technique in which product features wise to keep a careful record of the criteria
and customer requirements are compared on they use to select the rsums of individuals
two axes. The rst axis ranges from what the they may want to interview for a position.
customer gets to what he does not get, and cybering Participating in chat rooms that fea-
the second axis ranges from what the cus- ture erotic talk and invitations for cybersex.
tomer wants to what he does not want. cybernetics The comparative study of self-
customization/customizing The process of correcting systems characterized by closed-
tailoring products (including computer appli- loop devices or servomechanisms.
cation software) or services, marketing, Cybersmear Using the internet (bulletin
sales, and distribution plans and strategies, boards, chatrooms, listservs, and Web sites) to
packaging, advertising, and pricing and the disparage, slur, defame current or former
like to attract a specic target market. employing organizations. (Attributed to John
customized courses See custom training L. Hines and Michael H. Cramer, Protecting
program. Your Organizations Reputation against
custom training program A training pro- Cybersmear, Legal Report, The Society for
gram designed specically for a particular Resource Management, MayJune 2003,
group of people in a specic organization. pp. 12.)
Employs problems, situations, and other con-
cyberspace The new universe made up of
tent unique to the target group.
many planets that tie together the vast net-
cut A single transition frame inserted between
work of modern communications. Includes
two video clips.
cable networks, cellular networks, commer-
cut-off date In meeting management, a clause
cial online services, computer bulletin boards,
in a contract between a meeting planner and
satellite and broadcast television, and tele-
a property, such as a hotel, that species the
phone networks
date when the property will release a reserved
cybrarian A person whose job is online
block of sleeping rooms to the general public.
research and information retrieval. Also called
cut score The minimum passing score on an
achievement, criterion, or performance test. a data surfer or super searcher.
cyan One of the subtractive primaries, the hue cycles of learning Believed by some to be the
of which is used for one of the four-color ultimate tool in the quest for improved quality.
process inks. It reects blue and green light The system requires every manager to monitor
and absorbs red light. performance in every cycle of activity and
cyan, yellow, magenta, and black (CMYK) review feedback to identify clues to do the job
The four primary colors used in process-color better the next time. Similar to experience
printing. curve theory but relies more on the number
cyber A prex that indicates a person, place of different cycles completed and studied
or thing associated with the Internet (e.g., rather than on repetition of the same tasks.
cyberspace, cyberspeak, cyberpunk). cycle time (CT) The average start-to-nish
cybercafe Franchised or privately owned cof- time required to set up, change over, make
fee shops that offer wireless access to the checks, rework, deliver, and so on. It is a sin-
Internet to their customers. gle and automatic measure of quality, cost,
Cybergrrl A member of an Internet clique of delivery, and effectiveness and a means of
political activists. It was created to empower integrating those factors. It is calculated by
women by using the Net. Also call themselves dividing the number of units of work-in-pro-
Netchicks or Webgrrls. cess by the number of units completed with a
cyber hire Using the Internet as a means of given time frame. See also baseline perfor-
advertising for and recruiting prospective mance; entitlement performance; rst-pass
employees. Until the Ofce of Federal Con- yield; theoretical cycle time; white collar
tract Compliance Programs issues guidance cycle time. Cycle time = number of units of
for employers who want to be in compliance work-in-process/number of units completed.
cyrillic 162 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

cyrillic An adjective used to describe some- lungs and intestines and can interfere with
thing senseless or unintelligible, as in The vital bodily functions, such as breathing and
message went cyrillic after retransmission. It digestion.
originated as a reference to the difculty of Cystic Fibrosis Foundation A nonprot orga-
the Russian alphabet. nization established to fund research to nd a
cystic brosis (CF) One of the most common cure for cystic brosis and to improve the
fatal genetic diseases of Caucasians. It occurs quality of life for the 30,000 children and
equally in males and females and is present young adults with the disease. Funds its own
at birth. The disease causes the exocrine (out- network of 14 research centers in the U.S.,
ward secreting) glands in the body to fail to nances more than 112 CFF care centers
function normally. These glands normally nationwide, offers general information publi-
produce thin, slippery secretions, including cations, and supports public policy and edu-
sweat, mucus, tears, saliva, and digestive cation programs. Contact: Cystic Fibrosis
enzymes. With CF the mucus-producing exo- Foundation, 6931 Arlington, Rd., Bethesda,
crine glands often generate thick, sticky secre- MD 20814 (phone 800-344-4823 or 301-951-
tions that may plug ducts and other passage- 4422; fax 301-951-6378; e-mail;
ways. These plugs occur most often in the Web site
2DTC Two-way digital DEFRA Decit Reduction Act of 1984.
teleconferencing. DETC Distance Education and
DA 1. Department of the Army. Training Council.
2. Digital animation. DFAS Defense Finance and
3. Destination agent. Accounting Service.
DAA Deposit administration DFE Dilated fundus examination.
arrangement. DFVC Delinquent Filer Voluntary
DACOWITS Defense Advisory Committee Compliance.
on Women in the Services. DFWA Drug-Free Workplace Act of
DACUM Developing a curriculum. 1988.
DAF Department of the Air Force. DHHS Department of Health and
DAT Digital audiotape (recorder). Human Services.
DB Database. DHMO Dental health maintenance
DBA 1. Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 organization.
and 1934. 2. Daily benet DHS Department of Homeland
amount. 3. Doing business as. Security.
DBMS Database management system. DI Direct imaging.
DBO Docking base option. DIA Defense Intelligence Agency.
DBP Dened benet plan.
DIC Dependency and indemnity
D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic.
DCAP Dependent care assistance
DIGMA Drop-in group medical
DCF Dependent-care facility.
DIP Document image processing
DCHP Dened contribution health
DIPs Deferred income plans.
DCM Disability case management.
DL Distance learning.
DCP 1. Dened contribution plan.
2. Dental capitation plan. D.Lit. Doctor of Literature or Doctor
3. Dependent care program. of Letters.
4. Dental care plan. DLL Dynamic link library.
DCR Dependent-care DLP Digital light processing.
reimbursement. DM Disease management.
DCS Disk color separation. D.M. Doctor of Music.
DCW Dependent coverage waiver. DMA 1. Direct Marketing
D.D. Doctor of Divinity. Association. 2. Designated
DDAP Digital distribution of Market Area.
advertising for publication. DMC Destination management
DDE Dynamic data exchange. company.
DDS Disability Determination DMCA Digital Millennial Copyright
Service. Act of 1998.
D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery. DMCP Destination Management
DeCA Defense Commissary Agency. Certied Professional.
DEERS Defense Enrollment/Eligibility D.M.D. Doctor of Dental Medicine.
Reporting System. DME Durable medical equipment.

DMPA 164 damages

DMPA Deceptive Mailings Prevention DUR Drug utilization review.

Act of 1990. DV Digital video.
DN Department of the Navy. DVA Department of Veterans
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid. Affairs.
DNR Do not resuscitate. DVD Digital virtual disc.
D.O. Doctor of Osteopathy. DVD-ROM Digital video disc-read only
DOA Department of Agriculture. memory.
DOC Department of Commerce. DVH Domestic violence hotline.
DOD Department of Defense. DVI Digital video interactive
DOE 1. Department of Education. technology.
2. Department of Energy. D.V.M. Doctor of Veterinary
3. Design of experiments. Medicine.
DOI Department of Interior. DW Data warehouse.
DOJ Department of Justice.
DOL Department of Labor. daddy track The career path taken by male
DOMO Downwardly mobile employees who give priority to their families
professional. when making career plans. Such workers
DORS Defense Outplacement often demand more job exibility and invari-
Referral System. ably place family obligations and consider-
DOS 1. Department of State. 2. Disk ations ahead of everything, including oppor-
operating system. tunities for promotion. See also grandpa track;
DOT 1. Department of mommy track.
Transportation. 2. Dictionary daily benet amount (DBA) T h e a m o u n t
of Occupational Titles. allowed by an insurer for nursing home care
under long-term care policies. Usually in the
DP Data processing.
range of $100, many policies offer low,
D.P.A. Doctor of Public
medium, and high options to accommodate a
range of employees. The home care benet is
dpi Dots per inch.
a percentage of the DBA and may be as high
D.P.M. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine.
as 100%.
DPO Direct public offering.
daily maximum The largest amount that a
DPOF Digital print order format. health care insurance policy will pay for care
DPPO Dental preferred provider (other than for covered equipment purchases)
organization. that a beneciary can receive for any one cal-
DRAS Defense Retiree and Annuitant endar day of connement to a health care
Pay System. facility.
DRE Digital rectal exam. daily work log See daily work record.
DRGs Diagnosis-related groups. daily work record A method of job analysis.
DRM Device relationship Job incumbents are required to ll out daily
management. records of tasks performed over a period of
DRP Dividend reinvestment plan. weeks or months. Reports are tabulated and
D.Sc. Doctor of Science. analyzed to identify tasks performed by work-
DSL Digital subscriber line. ers. Results are used to prepare job descrip-
DSM III-R Diagnostic and Statistical tions and performance standards and as a basis
Manual of Mental Disorders, for training programs.
3rd Edition. damages Amounts paid by one party to a con-
DSS Decision support systems. tract to another for breaking an agreement.
DSVD Digital simultaneous voice and The law allows damages to return to the status
data. or position of the innocent party, where they
DTP Desktop publishing. would have been if the contract had been
DTVC Desktop videoconferencing. performed.
Darwin: Business Evolving 165 data mining

Darwin: Business Evolving in the Informa- database vendor An organization that offers
tion Age Published 12 times per year by Dar- standardized computer access to several data-
win Magazine. Contact: Darwin Magazine, bases for a fee.
492 Old Connecticut Path, P.O. Box 9208, data communications The technology that
Framingham, MA 01701-9208 (phone 800- enables computers to talk to each other
872-0080; fax 508-879-7884; e-mail (keypunched cards, magnetic tapes, diskettes,; Web site www.dar- mark sense forms, or computer les) and dis- tribute computer output (hardcopy reports,
data 1. A collection of information used or graphics, microche, tapes, or diskettes) to
produced by a computer program, including those who need the materials in their jobs.
numbers, text, graphics, images, or voice. 2. A data compression A technology that makes it
collection of related information in machine- possible to store data at lower cost by shrink-
readable form. ing numeric and alphabetic characters, photos,
database (DB) A collection of numeric data, and full-motion video for transport (via satel-
graphic data or textual information that is pro- lite or telephone lines) and storage and
cessed in computer-readable form and stored expanding it back to full size when needed.
electronically in a computers memory for Enables more efcient transmission or storage
later electronic publishing or distribution. of data.
Databases are in full-text, bibliographic, or dataconferencing Includes audioconferenc-
abstract form. Full-text means that all data and ing, videoconferencing, and other real-time
text are available; bibliographic and abstract electronic information-sharing.
mean that a prcis, brief summary, or citation data conversion Changing data stored in a
is all that is available on-line. computer from one form to another or from
database management system (DBMS) A one application system to another; for exam-
software package used to manipulate informa- ple, converting a text le from one word pro-
tion. It serves as a repository for stored data, cessing system to another.
logically unies all data les, gives multiple data element A single piece of data, such as
users with different needs and requirements an employees last name, date of birth, or
access to the same data elements, and auto- salary.
matically performs a variety of data integrity data encryption standard (DES) T h e r s t
checks. Database management systems elim- U.S. government standard developed by IBM
inate redundancy and superuous data in the and adopted by the National Bureau of Stan-
system and reports and thereby reduce costs. dards in 1977. Will be replaced by Rijndael.
database manager An individual who is data integrity Assurance provided by a data-
responsible for ensuring the technical correct- base management system that stored data
ness, cost-effectiveness, consistent usefulness, have not changed except in ways specically
and security of an organizations computer intended by the user.
les. Data Match A H e a l t h C a r e F i n a n c i n g
database producer Any organization that Administration initiative designed to access
produces, publishes, or distributes informa- information on cases in which Medicare bene-
tion in machine-readable form. ts are secondary to those provided by an
database record A collection of related items employers group plan in an attempt to recover
of information treated as a unit. For example, money from employer plans that should have
a bibliographic database would contain com- had primary responsibility for claims paid by
plete descriptive information about each doc- Medicare. Penalties will be assessed for vio-
ument listed: author, title, classication, date lations, including failure to supply the
of publication, number of pages, the identity requested information on current or past
of the publisher/sponsoring organization, and employees health care coverage.
an abstract of its contents. data mining Using technologically advanced
database server A computer that processes tools to nd, manipulate, and synchronize data
database queries. buried deep in corporate databases to support
data processing (DP) 166 deadbeat mom

decision making. Also called data drilling, income taxes and taxing military or federal
data surng, and data warehouse. retirees or limiting their exemptions would
data processing (DP) The use of digital com- constitute unequal treatment.
puters to organize, manipulate, and format day care center See child care facility; child
data in a business, industry, educational, med- care; elder care.
ical, military, or service organization. See also day care reimbursement account Payments
entries beginning with computer. to employees for day care expenses that are
data processing training See computer liter- nontaxable if certain rules are met: (1) the
acy training; computer training. annual amount reimbursed must be less than
DataStar Web Europes leading informa- the lower of the employees or spouses
tion service. Provides Web connections to a income; (2) the payment must be for the care
variety of databases, including scientic and of a dependent who is under the age of 13 or
business and European company information; who is physically or mentally incapable of
news on Eastern and Western Europe; bio- self-care; (3) payments cannot be made to a
medical, pharmaceutical, and health care person who is claimed as the employees
information; technical information; and world dependent on his or her income tax return; (4)
business, among others. Contact: Corporate when care is provided by a dependent care
Headquarters, 11000 Regency Parkway, Suite center or in an individuals home that provides
10, Cary, NC 27511 (phone 800-3-DIALOG for more than six individuals, the center or
or 919-462-8600; fax 919-468-9890; e-mail home must comply with all state and local; Web site www.dia- laws; and (5) the person providing care must sign the reimbursement claim form or provide
DataTimes A database vendor. DataTimes an invoice or receipt that includes his or her
Newspaper Abstract and Index covers articles Social Security or care center license number.
from U.S. and international newspapers. Arti- daydreaming An individual ideation tech-
cles include international current events and nique for generating possible solutions to a
nancial news from February 1996 to the problem simply by turning the problem,
present, with records added daily. Contact: issue, or idea over in ones mind rather than
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., addressing it directly. Sometimes called
6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017-3395 guided imaging.
(phone 614-764-6000 or 800-848-5878, U.S. day-of-the-week discount A special discount
and Canada; fax 614-764-6096; e-mail offered by airlines on days that have histori-; Web site cally been low travel days. Includes weekend
data warehouse (DW) A system used to store travel.
operational data from different functions, day rate A hotel room rate, typically one half
areas, or lines of a business in a central data- of the regular room rate for a room being used
base to provide a basis for enterprise-wide (up to 5 P.M.) by a guest during a given day.
information and decision making. days per thousand In health care, a standard
dating prenup See love contract. unit for measuring utilization.
Davis-Bacon Acts of 1931 and 1964 (DBA) day trader An investor who makes daily
Require most federal contractors, employers stock trades, usually on the Internet.
in construction, and those in related areas to deadbeat dad A term used to describe
pay prevailing wage rates. Amendments pro- divorced, noncustodial fathers who have
vide for employee fringe benets and mandate either failed to make court-ordered child sup-
records retention requirements. The Acts port payments or have fallen behind in their
apply to employers on contracts exceeding payments to their former spouses, who have
$2,000. custody of the children.
Davis v. Michigan A 1989 Supreme Court deadbeat mom A term used to describe
ruling that states must tax the pensions of state divorced, noncustodial mothers who have
and federal civil service retirees equally. For either failed to make court-ordered child sup-
example, exempting state pensions from port payments or have fallen behind in their
Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1998 167 debt service

payments to their former spouses, who have debentures Certicates of indebtedness, in

custody of the children. the form of promissory notes, issued by a
Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1998 company against its general credit and for
Establishes felony violations and punishment which no collateral is available.
for failure to pay legal child support obliga- debit card A means of controlling travel and
tions, including nes, mandatory restitution, entertainment expenses similar to a checking
and imprisonment. Approved June 24, 1998. account. Employees charge business expenses
dead-cat bounce A eeting and trivial come- to a card, which deducts the amount from an
back of stock prices following a precipitous established account (prepaid), thereby elimi-
decline (even a dead cat will bounce a tad nating the need for petty cash, cash advances,
when dropped from a sufcient height). and expense reimbursement payments.
dead peasants insurance See corporate- Offered by most major bank cards.
owned life insurance. debrief The process of questioning a partici-
dead tree edition Derogatory cyberspeak for pant in some activity, program, or learning
the paper version of a periodical that appears experience to assist that person to analyze his
in both paper and electronic (Internet) forms. or her performance or to gather information
deaf and hearing impaired People who are relating to the feelings and perceptions of the
totally or partially deaf and have sufcient individual about the experience.
hearing loss to place limitations of varying debrieng 1. An exercise following a training
severity on participation in personal, social, session, such as role playing, assessment, or
or occupational activities. eld trip in which trainees are questioned by
dealer training See sales and dealer training. the facilitator, evaluator, or other trainees
death care An employee benet offered by about their experience, what they have
some organizations. Such plans offer employ- learned, and what follow-up activities they
ees assistance in planning and/or nancing plan to engage in. 2. One of three crucial
funerals for themselves and their dependents. elements (and the most important) of all activ-
death benets Benets paid to survivors, ities used in adventure training. The others
such as lump-sum preretirement death bene- are framing and implementation. Debrieng
ts, preretirement spouse annuities, refunds of involves reecting on and discussing the activ-
employee contributions to pension plans on ity to uncover the learning. Also called pro-
death before retirement and accumulated cessing. 3. A discussion with a person or team
interest, insurance (such as individual policy following return from a trip or mission or
pension trusts or retirement annuities), and completion of an important project, conducted
death benets after retirement payable in one by management, to identify lessons learned.
of three forms: unreduced, derived by the debt avoidance Includes both legal and ille-
application of some formula, or optional gal, ethical and unethical strategies to evade
(elected by the participant). or escape nancial obligations, such as Chap-
death spiral Refers to a continuing increase ter 11 bankruptcy ling or transferring prop-
in health insurance premiums, typically in a erty to a spouse, a child, or another corporate
free-choice setting where losses from under- entity, and liquidation of assets.
writing, due to retention of members who can- debt nancing Bank nancing, sometimes an
not change plans because of benets restric- attractive investment option, particularly if the
tions or preexisting conditions, mount faster rm has assets that can be collateralized or
than the premiums can recover. has a secure cash ow.
death tax See estate tax; sponge tax. debt-loading See bust-out.
deauthorization See deunionization. debt service 1. Payments for interest on and
debarment A court order declaring a contrac- retirement of a debt. 2. The amount needed,
tor ineligible for the award of future contracts supplied, or accrued for meeting such pay-
or cancellation of current contracts. Debar- ments during any given accounting period. 3.
ment can be imposed for violation of equal A budget or operating statement heading for
opportunity laws or executive orders. such items.
debug 168 dedicated leased lines

debug Eliminating errors from newly devel- decision making The central job of all man-
oped computer software (programs). agers: consciously and deliberately choosing
decentralization The practice of placing what is to be done, who is to do it, and when,
operations and decision making of business, where, and, sometimes, how.
industrial, training, or other functional ele- decision-making training Training provided
ments of organizations near the customers or to supervisors and managers to improve their
clients rather than at a centralized headquar- decisions. Typically it focuses on the pro-
ters. Like departmentation, it divides func- cesses and procedures of problem solving and
tions, processes, and personnel into separate the nature of risk taking.
groups in an attempt to improve the achieve- decision matrix A form, table, or format
ment of the organizations objectives. Decen- within which a complex of elements takes
tralization has one additional feature: it dis- shape, permitting the selection of the best or
perses authority throughout the organization most promising option or choice of action.
by giving managers in subunits greater auton- decision room An arc-shaped room equipped
omy in planning and decision making. with 10 or more individual computer worksta-
decentralization of pay The practice of dis- tions, a large front-of-the-room viewing
tributing responsibility for compensation to screen, and state of the art audiovisual equip-
departmental managers instead of holding it ment. It is used for brainstorming sessions,
at the corporate level. group consideration of ideas and problem
deceptive advertising Occurs when a com- solutions, and decision making.
decision support systems (DSS) E xe c u t ive
pany or seller exaggerates the benets of a
information systems designed to help man-
product or service. In the case of insurance,
agement make human resources choices.
the agent or company may exaggerate what
decision template A model, device, pattern,
the buyer is likely to have to pay for an illness
or mold that serves as a gauge or guide to the
or surgery and overstates the benets of medi-
production of an object or tool, such as tem-
gap plans. Endorsements by celebrities on TV
plates for choosing a training delivery system.
have been especially deceptive.
decision tree A means of arriving at a deci-
Deceptive Mailings Prevention Act of 1990
sion when confronted by alternative routes to
(DMPA) An Act signed into law November
the attainment of an objective. It involves
6, 1990 that prohibits the use of ofcial-look- answering a series of carefully sequenced
ing emblems, titles, seals, or insignia on mail- questions, usually in terms of yes or no, which
ings that are solicitations from nongovern- leads the decision maker to a high-quality
mental organizations unless a disclaimer is decision.
used on the front of the envelope and on the deck A videotape recorder.
material contained within it. The disclaimer Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
must alert the recipient that the mailing is not Rights at Work Commits International
from a government entity but is a solicitation Labor Organization (ILO) member nations to
for the purchase of goods or services. respect a set of basic workers rights.
decertication See deunionization. Endorsed overwhelmingly (273 to 0 with 43
decile Any one of the nine scores or points abstentions) by the ILO in 1998.
that divide a distribution into ten equal parts, dedicated dened contribution plan account
each containing one tenth of all the scores or A plan for meeting retiree medical liabilities
cases. The rst decile is the 10th percentile, in which benets are funded by using a por-
the fth is the 50th percentile, and so on. tion of prot-sharing accounts to purchase
decision brieng An oral presentation insurance coverage or reimburse annuitants
designed to obtain a verdict or judgment on for medical expenses.
an issue from an individual or group empow- dedicated leased lines Lines provided by
ered to make that decision. Its purpose is to telephone companies used exclusively to
sell an idea or course of action based on facts transmit data between sites on a wide area
and logic. network.
deductible 169 Defense Enrollment/Eligibility Reporting

deductible The amount of expense a sub- Washington, D.C. 20301-4000 (phone 703-
scriber or beneciary of a health plan or sub- 697-2122; Web site
scriber must incur before the company plan, Defense and Military Construction Acts of
Medicare, or other plan (such as the Civilian 2002 Appropriations bills signed by Presi-
Health and Medical Programs of the Uni- dent Bush on October 23, 2002 that provide
formed Services) begins payment for covered a $37 billion increase over the previous years
services. That is, a deductible is the specic spending. Among their provisions: an across-
dollar amount the employee or beneciary the-board 4.1% pay increase with targeted pay
must bear before coverage on an insurance raises up to 6.5% for mid-grade ofcers and
policy begins. It is a form of cost-sharing. NCOs; full funding for the defense health care
deductive reasoning The process of reason- program including Tricare for Life; and
ing from the general to the specic of $10.5 billion for building and upgrading mil-
abstracting a general principle from a series itary installations and for military family
of experiences and then applying that princi- housing.
ple to other identical or similar situations. Defense Authorization Act of 1992 Created
de-employment See outplacement. a mail-order pharmacy benet for military
defamation Aspersions cast on another per- beneciaries. The Act also requires that all
son. Includes slander (oral statements) and DOD managed-care contracts awarded or
libel (written statements), which are legally renewed after January 1, 1993, include a man-
actionable if they are misleading or untrue, aged-care network of community retail phar-
result in injury to the persons reputation, and macies for military beneciaries and Medi-
are communicated to someone other than the care-eligible military retirees affected by the
employee. In selection, a potential hazard for closure of a health care facility as a result of
anyone who responds to requests for informa- the closure or realignment of a base. Fees,
tion about present or former employees. charges, or copayments will be assessed,
default Failure to carry out any legally bind- probably at 20% of the cost of the prescription
ing agreement, commitment, or promise. drug.
defective pricing Illegal pricing tactics, some Defense Authorization Act of 2003 Provides
of which can lead to criminal charges and jail signicant improvements for beneciaries of
sentences; for example, bait and switch and the Montgomery GI Bill: (1) offers full port-
fraudulent tagging. ability or the option of transferring GI Bill
Defense Advisory Committee on Women in benets to family members of the armed
the Services (DACOWITS) A Committee forces; (2) extends the time Reservists have
composed of civilian women and men to use their GI Bill benets from 10 to 14
appointed by the Secretary of Defense to pro- years; and (3) eliminates the disability offset
vide advice and recommendations on matters to military retired pay for certain qualifying
and policies relating to the recruitment and retirees. See also concurrent receipt.
retention, treatment, employment, integration, Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) Pro-
and well-being of professional women in the vides a nonpay benet for active and retired
Armed Forces. Beginning in 2002, the Com- military personnel and their dependents.
mittee began providing advice and recommen- Offers food at DeCA-operated commissaries,
dations on family issues related to recruitment similar to supermarkets, at cost (with a 5%
and retention of a highly qualied profes- surcharge to cover the cost of commissary
sional military. The George W. Bush admin- maintenance, operating supplies, and new
istration allowed the DACOWITS charter to construction) at military installations within
expire February 28, 2002. On October 18, the U.S. and abroad.
2002, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Defense Enrollment/Eligibility Reporting
Wolfowitz announced the appointment of a System (DEERS) A computerized system
new chairman, Lt. Gen. Carol Mutter, USMC used by uniformed services health facilities
(Ret). Contact: OASD (FMP) DACOWITS, and Civilian Health and Medical Programs
Room 3D769, 4000 Defense Pentagon, of the Uniformed Services contractors to
Defense Finance and Accounting Service 170 deferred fixed annuity

conrm an individuals entitlement to ser- pay accounts for retirees and annuitants of all
vices. Retired members receiving retired pay military services.
and surviving spouses receiving an annuity are defensive bonding Occurs when a group of
enrolled automatically; enrollment of depen- employees stick together out of fear of pun-
dents is the responsibility of sponsors. ishment rather than out of concern for each
Defense Finance and Accounting Service other.
(DFAS) Operates two centers (Cleveland, deferred annuity An annuity that provides
OH and Denver, CO) for the administration that the money invested in the contract be held
of the pay accounts of members of the military by the insurer until some future time (such as
services (Web site the normal retirement age), at which time pay-
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) DIA is a ments to the beneciary will begin. In the
Department of Defense combat support intervening time, investment earnings are
agency and a member of the U.S. Intelligence credited to the contract.
Community. With more than 7000 military deferred arrangements See Section 401(k),
and civilian employees worldwide, DIA is a Internal Revenue Code.
producer and manager of foreign military deferred benets plan A retirement plan
intelligence. The agency provides military designed as an incentive for employees to
intelligence to warghters, defense policy- remain with an organization for a full career.
makers, and force planners, in the Department It prefunds and guarantees the benets an
of Defense and the Intelligence Community,
employee will receive in retirement. Typically
in support of U.S. military planning and oper-
the employer calculates the benets based on
ations and weapons systems acquisition. Con-
average annual income during the employees
tact: DIA, The Pentagon, 1400 Defense Pen-
last 3 to 5 years of service. Usually a mini-
tagon, Washington, D.C. 20301 (Web site
mum period of employment is required to vest
in the plan.
Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 Legislation
deferred compensation 1. In general, any
signed by President Clinton on September 21,
compensation payments that accrue to an
1996 that denes marriage as a union between
employee at some time in the future (such as
a man and a woman, thereby limiting same-
sex marriages. The Act prevents gay couples pension fund annuities) and are sheltered from
from sharing federal benets, such as Social taxation until paid. 2. A form of economic
Security. Although states have the authority to reward for outstanding performance or
legalize gay marriages, the federal govern- accomplishments (usually executives). The
ment would not recognize them. It also allows company invests a specied amount of money
states the right not to recognize the validity of each year for a specic period of time in a
same-sex marriages performed in another mutual fund or other investment in the name
state. and ownership of the corporation. Each year,
Defense Outplacement Referral System the corporation borrows a certain percentage
(DORS) A national rsum registry and against the collateral of this investment to buy
referral network that was established to help a cash-value life insurance policy on the life
separating Department of Defense personnel of the insured that is owned by the employee.
make a transition into civilian life. DORS pro- Upon retirement, the executive or his or her
vides private and public sector employers beneciary receives an annual percentage of
immediate access to rsums from transition- the net value of the investment at the time of
ing service members and federal civilian retirement. The executive gets additional cur-
employees (and their spouses) that match the rent compensation, a substantial life insurance
skills and qualications needed. Contact: policy against which he or she can borrow,
DORS (phone 800-727-3677; Web site and deferred compensation at retirement. deferred xed annuity The most common
Defense Retiree and Annuitant Pay System type of annuity, it is an investment contract
(DRAS) Administers retiree and annuitant with an insurance company that allows the
deferred income plans (DIPs) 171 defined contribution plan (DCP)

money invested to grow tax-deferred. Distri- entire service or over a particular number of
butions are taken later, typically in retirement. years; (2) calculation of a at monthly pay-
deferred income plans (DIPs) 1. An execu- ment; and (3) setting benets based upon a
tive compensation plan designed to supple- denite amount for each year of service or as
ment executive earnings by helping overcome a at dollar amount for each year of service.
limits on the amount of compensation that can dened benet Keogh plan A plan for self-
be deferred as well as the timing restrictions employed individuals operating in unincorpo-
on distributions imposed by the Omnibus rated businesses. Similar to dened benet
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 and the pension plans.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of dened benet pension plan A plan that
1993. 2. A type of pension plan in which a entitles participants to retirement benets
portion of a companys prots is credited to established in advance. Each year the amount
each employees account, placed under the of annual contributions required to provide the
supervision of a trustee, and distributed to the dened benet is determined based on actu-
employee or his or her beneciaries upon arial assumptions such as pre- and postretire-
retirement or death. There are no guaranteed ment interest, mortality, turnover, salary scale,
benets. and so on. Although retirement benets are
debrillator An electronic device used to ana- xed, contributions vary from year to year.
lyze heart rhythm and deliver a shock to dened benet plan (DBP) A plan that uses
patients suffering from the potentially fatal a formula that includes earnings and length of
irregular heart rhythm known as ventricular service to calculate the retirement benets of
brillation. employees. The employer promises a certain
Decit Reduction Act of 1984 (DEFRA) level of benets at retirement regardless of
Federal legislation that proscribes inclusion of what happens. The level of entitlement is pre-
taxable benets as part of a exible benets dened in terms of any one or a combination
plans. It also requires employers to give of factors, such as level of pay, years of ser-
employees spouses age 65 or older the option vice, and age. The DBP is the type of plan
of enrolling in group health insurance benets used by most major companies nationwide.
plans as an alternative to Medicare. New sec- For example, a corporate pension plan is a
tions (419 and 419A) to the Internal Revenue dened benet.
Code limit the deductibility of contributions dened contribution Funding mechanism for
to welfare plans and the amount that can be pension plans that can also be applied to
set aside by such plans on a tax-exempt basis. health benets based on a specic dollar con-
They also require management to explain to tribution, without dening the services to be
employees the technical concepts introduced provided.
by the Employee Retirement Income Secu- dened contribution health plan (DCHP)
rity Act of 1974 and its amendments, partic- A health care plan that is designed to contain
ularly matters relating to pension plans. costs by more closely tying consumer demand
Decit-reduction Reconciliation Act of to price and by giving employees more control
1989 Established a fee scale for physicians over benet and provider selection and how
services under Medicare and limited the much to spend. Typically involve the
amount that physicians could bill patients employers contribution, a xed annual con-
above what Medicare pays. Medicare gener- tribution per employee into a personal care
ally pays 80% of the allowable fee for a par- account, and catastrophic coverage. Employ-
ticular service, and the patient pays the ees draw on their accounts as needed for med-
remaining 20%. ical care, and unused balances can be rolled
dened benet Funding mechanisms for pen- over to cover the following years expenses.
sion plans that can also be applied to health dened contribution plan (DCP) A retire-
benets. Typical pension approaches include: ment plan in which the benet is not set in
(1) pegging benets to a percentage of an advance but depends on plan earnings,
employees average compensation over his length of service, and the amount of annual
defrag 172 Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance

contributions. DCPs offer exibility and con- effect, it is a bonus for continuing to work
trol for both the employer and the employee. beyond age 65. The credit is worth 3.5% a
Retirement benets are determined by the year for those who became 65 in 1990 and
contributions made by the employee and the 1991, rising to 8% for those becoming age 62
employer and their earnings during the period in 2005 or later.
between the contributions and the date of de-layering Restructuring an organization
retirement. Benets are not guaranteed. The by reducing the number of layers or levels
employer merely promises to put in a certain of management and supervision.
amount of money (based on such things as delay procedure A means of communicating
prots, percentage of salary, or an employ- with a deaf person. The nondisabled person
ment-related formula), which the employee stands at least 3 feet from the individual and
may augment in most plans. Contributions are waits at least 5 seconds following a question,
invested on behalf of the named employee, direction, or request to see whether the indi-
and retirement benets are whatever accumu- vidual will give the appropriate response. If
lated contributions and their investment yield the person does not respond within the time
add up to when the employee ceases work. allowed, the supervisor or instructor then
These plans have the advantage of being models or provides the correct response.
portable. delegating A part of the organizing process by
defrag The process of locating data that the which a manager deliberately makes it possi-
disk operating system has scattered over a ble for subordinates to share in the work to be
hard disk and collecting it into contiguous done and the decisions to be made. It is the
clusters, resulting in accelerating performance process of assigning tasks to subordinates,
of the disk by up to 30% or more and at clearly dening what results are expected, giv-
the same time, the life of the disk is extended ing them a time limit for completion and
by reducing wear and tear on the head. It is enough authority to complete the tasks suc-
accomplished by a disk optimizer. cessfully, providing a means for the subordi-
degauss To render nonmagnetic by electrical nate to measure and evaluate performance and
means (e.g., erasing an audio- or videotape). guidance and assistance as necessary, and
degree See earned degree and honorary exacting responsibility for acceptable perfor-
degree. mance.
dejobbing The process of dismantling con- delete tracking A computer utility program
ventional approaches to the division of work that saves basic information about erased les
in an organization, such as jobs and job (where the le was stored and how many clus-
descriptions, and using a system in which ters it occupied) in a small log le. The pro-
employees complete tasks on a project-by- gram may permit the user to view deleted les,
project basis. Said to require new forms of estimate undeleted probability, and search and
organization structure and new hiring, evalu- recover data and le fragments.
ation, and compensation practices but to pro- deleverage/deleveraging The nancial strat-
vide greater exibility, clearer organization egy of lowering debt to avoid defaults and
focus, a larger pool of talent, and reduced bankruptcies by shrinking the equity base of
costs. Attributed to William Bridges, Jobshift: a company. Employs such means as repur-
How to Prosper in a Workplace Without Jobs. chasing a companys own stock to lower the
delay claim In employee relocation, a claim overall cost of capital.
led by the moving customer for expenses delinquency Failure of a borrower to make
incurred as a result of late pick-up or delivery, loan payments on time.
usually for lodging and meals expenses. Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance
delayed retirement credit Under the Social (DFVC) A Department of Labor program
Security system, people who continue to work that allows employers to reduce or avoid
and do not receive some or all of their monthly applicable civil penalties for failing to comply
checks because of the earnings test are given with the reporting provisions of the Employ-
what is called delayed retirement credit. In ment Retirement Security Act of 1974 and
deliverables 173 demographics

relief for employers who sponsor certain tomers, including product information,
apprenticeship and training benets programs demand forecasting, and pricing optimization.
or unqualied, unfunded pension plans for demand forecast A forecast developed from
highly compensated executives. analysis of the projected work load over a
deliverables In project management, the spe- specied time frame, usually 5 years. It may
cic products to be delivered to the customer take two forms: a core forecast, which consists
or client at the end or at some other specied of the most certain denition of personnel
time during the conduct of a project. needs, and a variable forecast, which incorpo-
delivery platform The computer operating rates less certain variables and permits the
system, such as Windows or System 8, needed inclusion of what if scenarios. Actual plan-
by users to run their multimedia programs. ning is invariably based on the core forecast,
delivery system 1. Means of conducting train- and the variable forecast is held in reserve.
ing or learning, from on-the-job training, use demand management A part of the evolution
of job or work aids, exportable training pack- of the wellness program concept, demand
ages, and correspondence courses to class- management is a means of educating employ-
room training, multimedia, interactive video, ees so that they can make better health care
computer-based training, and self-study. 2. decisions and, in so doing, reduce costs to
The specic computer equipment needed to employers. Focuses on how, why, when, and
run multimedia programs. where employees access the health care sys-
Delphi survey A projective technological tem and tracks what happens when they seek
forecasting technique involving original indi- professional services.
vidual anonymous input of opinion on a spe- demand pricing A pricing strategy that uses
cic issue or subject by a pool of experts, cost and minimum prot as the oor. The
tabulation and feedback of responses or pro- actual price is often considerably higher than
jections to participants, reconsideration of the oor price due to market demand for the
responses by the experts, retabulation of sec- product or service.
ond-round responses with explanatory com- de minimus fringe benet A fringe benet
ments, and retabulation and distribution of that is so small in value that it would be
projections and comments. The process can impractical or unreasonable for an employer
be repeated several times until consensus of to be required to account for it. It does not
the experts is achieved. have to be included in an employees gross
delusion Fixed, irrational idea not shared by taxable income. Examples are occasional tick-
others and that does not respond to logical or ets for entertainment or sports events, infre-
reasoned argument. quent parties for employees, meal money
deluxe hotel A hotel that features highly per- when an employee works overtime, and spo-
sonalized attention, services, amenities, and radic personal use of company tools and
care. In addition to customary services, deluxe equipment, such as the copy machine.
hotels greet guests by name; place fruit bas- de minimis rule An Internal Revenue Service
kets and fresh owers in rooms; supply fresh guideline that exempts business from paying
linens, room tidying, and bedding turn-downs taxes on fringe benets provided to employees
at the guests convenience; furnish around- from the 50% deduction for meals and enter-
the-clock room service; shine guests shoes tainment. For example, the subsidized meals
each night; and have secretaries and a con- provided in a company cafeteria are exempt
cierge on hand to assist in all ways possible. because the benet is small when compared
demand The number of units of a product that with the total compensation of the employee.
can be sold at the price an entrepreneur might demo A formal presentation (demonstration)
plan to charge. Demand is usually thought of of the capabilities of a computer hardware
in terms of a schedule that matches prices and/or software package.
and volumes in parallel columns. demographics Characteristics of a population:
demand-chain management Software designed race, color, national origin, religion, sex and
to extend the supply chain to clients and cus- age distribution, geographical distribution, and
demonstration method 174 department cost

work force changes in terms of sex, age, marital dental health services All services designed
status, handicapping conditions, occupation, to promote, maintain, or restore dental health,
and educational and literacy levels. including educational, preventive, and thera-
demonstration method A basic instructional peutic services.
method often used in combination with the dental preferred provider organization
lecture (lecture-demonstration) or with perfor- (DPPO) A dental plan in which an employer
mance (demonstration-performance) to teach contracts with a dentist or group of dentists to
manipulative operations and procedures, oper- provide dental care for its employees. Dentists
ation and functioning of equipment, team in the network are paid on a traditional fee-
skills, and safety procedures. In demonstra- for-service basis but at lower rates, typically
tion, the instructor actually performs an oper- giving employees a 10 to 30% discount.
ation or task, thereby showing the trainees deontology An approach to ethical decision
what to do and how to do it; he or she then making. Maintains that duty (rules and prin-
uses explanations to point out why, where, and ciples) should guide actions. There are two
when it is to be done. The trainees then repeat forms: (1) Kantian, which focuses on duty and
the operation or task under the guidance of universal rules to determine right actions,
the instructor. where reason, not inclination, should guide
demotion Assigning an employee to a job the will, and (2) Contractarian or social con-
with lower pay, less challenge, or reduced sta- tract theory, which focuses not on individual
tus and prestige. Although sometimes used as decision making, but rather on the general
a form of disciplinary action, demotion should social precepts or standards that reasonable
persons in ideal situations would accept,
be reserved for situations in which an
approve, and adopt.
employee has been erroneously promoted or
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) A compound
is no longer able to perform the duties and
found in the chromosomes of all living things
functions of the job due to physical, mental,
and viruses. It consists of long chain of mol-
or emotional problems rather than because of
ecules in two strands wound around each other
unacceptable behavior, conduct, or substan-
in a double helix. Two yards of DNA are
dard performance.
packed into each one of the 100 trillion cells
dental capitation plan (DCP) A plan that
in the human body, and each strand is more
pays dentists a small monthly fee per patient than 37,000 times thinner than a human hair.
whether service is provided or not. Every person gets one set of 23 chromosomes
dental care Typically includes such services from each parent.
as diagnostic and preventive procedures, departmental walls The invisible walls that
emergency care for treatment of pain or injury, separate functional elements of an organiza-
restorative care, oral and maxillofacial sur- tion and sometimes result in internal dissen-
gery, endodontics, periodontics, prosth- sion and competition for resources.
odontics, and orthodontics. departmentation The practice of dividing the
dental care plan (DCP) Similar to medical functions, processes, and personnel of an
and hospitalization plans, a DCP includes pro- organization into separate elements and
visions relating to eligibility, cost-sharing, and grouping these subunits in a manner that
the determination of benets. Full reimburse- promises to contribute best to the attainment
ments are limited to minor preventive and of the organizations objectives. The most
restorative procedures. Major restorative common bases for departmentation are by
(crowns and dentures) and orthodontic (cos- function, by process, by product, by geo-
metic) procedures are rarely covered for more graphic territory, and by customer or client
than 50 to 75% of the cost. class.
dental health maintenance organization department cost The benchmarked cost of a
(DHMO) A health maintenance organiza- standard procedure or process; the total cost
tion organized solely to provide dental per direct production, research milestone, or
benets. other output.
Department of Agriculture (DOA) 175 Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Agriculture (DOA) The Department of Defense Interim Rule on

USDAs mission is to enhance the quality of Drug-Free Work Force A rule that applies
life for the American people by (1) supporting only to Department of Defense contracts
the production of agricultural products; (2) involving access to classied information or
ensuring a safe, affordable, nutritious, and at such other times as a contracting ofcer
accessible food supply; (3) caring for agricul- determines it necessary for reasons of national
tural, forest, and range lands; (4) supporting security, health, or safety. The rule states that
sound development of rural communities; (5) contractors must have a drug awareness pro-
providing economic opportunities for farm gram that includes (1) random testing of
and rural residents; (6) expanding global mar- employees in sensitive positions; (2) an
kets for agricultural and forest products and employee assistance program that deals with
services; and (7) working to reduce hunger in substance abuse; and (3) personnel procedures
America and throughout the world. Contact: and practices to deal with drug abusers. The
USDA, 14th & Independence Ave. SW, Wash- rule became effective October 31, 1988.
ington, D.C. 20250 (phone 202-720-2791; Department of Education (DOE) E s t a b -
Web site lished to ensure equal access to education and
Department of Commerce (DOC) E s t a b - promote educational excellence throughout
lished to promote American businesses and the nation. DOE also supplements and com-
trade, its responsibilities include expanding plements the efforts of states, local school sys-
U.S. exports, developing innovative technolo- tems, and other instrumentalities of the states,
gies, gathering and disseminating statistical the private sector, public and private nonprot
data, measuring economic growth, granting educational research institutions, community-
patents, promoting minority entrepreneurship, based organizations, parents, and students to
predicting the weather, and monitoring stew- improve the quality of education. Web site
ardship. An overarching mandate requires provides education links, describes educa-
DOC agencies to work with the business com- tional grants and research reports and oppor-
munity to foster economic growth and the cre- tunities, and furnishes guides to the Depart-
ation of new American jobs. DOC is also a ment. Contact: U.S. Department of
source of contracting advice and assistance to Education,400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Wash-
rms wanting to do business with the govern- ington, D.C. 20202-0498 (e-mail customer-
ment. Contact: DOC, 14th & Constitution; Web site
Ave., N.W., Room H6411, Washington, D.C. Department of Energy (DOE) The Depart-
20230 (phone 202-377-1472; Web site ment of Energy has four major missions: national security, energy resources, environ-
Department of Defense (DOD) Responsible mental quality, and science. To meet its mis-
for providing the military forces needed to sion requirements, the department builds
deter war and protect the security of the U.S. large, interdisciplinary teams from the DOE
Under the president, the commander in chief, national laboratories, academia, and the pri-
the secretary of defense exercises the author- vate sector. The national defense programs of
ity, direction, and control over the department, the Department have four overriding priori-
which includes the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ties: (1) ensuring the integrity and safety of
National Guard, Army, Navy, Air Force, the countrys nuclear weapons; (2) promoting
Marine Corps, and Coast Guard (in time of international nuclear safety; (3) advancing
war). Web home page contains links to the nuclear nonproliferation; and (4) continuing
ofcial pages of the Army, Navy, Air Force, to provide safe, efcient, and effective nuclear
Marines, and National Guard. Contact: Direc- power plants for the U.S. Navy. Contact: DOE
torate for Public Inquiry and Analysis, Ofce 1000 Independence Ave., SW, Washington,
of the Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), D.C. 20585 (phone 800-DIAL-DOE, fax 202-
Room 3A750, The Pentagon, 1400 Defense 586-4403; Web site
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-1400 Department of Health and Human Services
(Web site (DHHS) The U.S. governments principal
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 176 Department of Labor (DOL)

agency for protecting the health of Americans Washington, D.C. 20410 (phone 202-708-1112;
and providing essential human services. Over- TTY 202-708-145 Web site,
sees more than 300 programs, including med- Department of Interior (DOI) As the nations
ical and social science research, prevention of principal conservation agency, DOIs mission
infectious diseases, assurance of food and is to protect Americas treasures for future gen-
drug safety, Medicare and Medicaid, nancial erations, provide access to our nations natural
assistance for low-income families, improve- and cultural heritage, offer recreation oppor-
ment of maternal and infant health, Head Start, tunities, honor our trust responsibilities to
prevention of child abuse and domestic vio- American Indians and Alaska Natives and our
lence, substance abuse prevention and treat- responsibilities to island communities, con-
ment, services for older Americans, and deliv- duct scientic research, provide wise steward-
ering comprehensive health services to native ship of energy and mineral resources, foster
Americans. Contact: DHHS, 200 Indepen- sound use of land and water resources, and
dence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20201 conserve and protect sh and wildlife. Con-
(phone 877-696-6775 or 202-619-0257; tact: DOI, 1849 C. Street NW, Washington,
e-mail; Web site www. D.C. 20240 (phone 202-208-3100; Web site
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Department of Justice (DOJ) Represents
Combines 22 federal agencies (among them, the citizens of the U.S. in enforcing the law in
the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the public interest and plays a key role in pro-
Secret Service, U.S. Coast Guard; Customs tection against criminals; ensures healthy com-
Service; Border Patrol; Federal Emergency petition of business; safeguards the consumer;
Management Agency; Transportation Security enforces drug, immigration, and naturalization
Administration; and the border inspection part laws; and protects citizens through effective
of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Ser- law enforcement. The Department conducts all
vice) into a new department consisting of suits in the Supreme Court in which the U.S.
about 170,000 workers. The department is is concerned. It represents the government in
dedicated to protecting the U.S. from terrorist legal matters, rendering legal advice and opin-
attacks. The new department also gives state ions, upon request, to the president and to the
and local agencies one point of contact for heads of the executive departments. The affairs
homeland security issues. The department is and activities of the Department are supervised
divided into four divisions: Border and Trans- and directed by the attorney general. Contact:
portation Security; Emergency Preparedness DOJ, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Wash-
and Response; Chemical, Biological, Radio- ington, D.C. 20530-0001 (phone 202-353-
logical, and Nuclear Counter-Measures; and 1555; e-mail; Web site
Information Analysis and Infrastructure Pro-
tection. Contact: DHS, Washington, D.C. Department of Labor (DOL) The DOL is
20528 (Web site charged with preparing the American work
Department of Housing and Urban Develop- force for new and better jobs and ensuring the
ment (HUD) Mission is eightfold: (1) create adequacy of Americas workplaces and is
a decent, safe, and sanitary home and suitable responsible for the administration and
living environment for every American; enforcement of over 180 federal statutes.
(2) create opportunities for home ownership; These legislative mandates and the regulations
(3) provide housing assistance for low-income produced to implement them cover a wide
persons; (4) work to create, rehabilitate, and variety of workplace activities for nearly 10
maintain the nations affordable housing; million employers and well over 100 million
(5) enforce the nations fair housing laws; workers, including protecting workers
(6) help the homeless; (7) spur economic wages, health and safety, employment, and
growth in distressed neighborhoods; and (8) pension rights; promoting equal employment
help local communities meet their develop- opportunity; administering job training,
ment needs. Contact: HUD, 451 7th Street SW, unemployment insurance, and workers
Department of Labor 404(c) regulations 177 Department of Transportation (DOT)

compensation programs; strengthening free 20520 (phone 202-647-4000; Web site

collective bargaining; and collecting, analyz-
ing, and publishing labor and economic sta- Department of the Air Force (DAF) Mission
tistics. Contact: DOL, Frances Perkins Build- is to defend the U.S. through control and
i n g , 2 0 0 C o n s t i t u t i o n Ave n u e , N W, exploitation of air and space. The service is
Washington, D.C. 20210 (phone 866-4-USA- organized in eight major commands through-
DOL; TTY: 877-889-5627; Web site out the world, which provide combat aircraft, airlift, refueling, reconnaissance, and other
Department of Labor 404(c) regulations support to the Unied Combatant Commands.
Among other things, establish rules and stan- Web home page provides links to other Air
dards for the kind of educational effort Force Web sites and information for retirees
employers must make to help their employees (
who have access to multiple portfolio 401(k) Department of the Army (DA) Mission is to
and other dened contribution plans under- preserve peace and security and provide for
stand their investment options. Employers are the defense of the U.S., the territories, com-
not permitted to give employees advice monwealths, and possessions and any areas
about investments but may provide educa- occupied by the U.S. and to support national
tion a distinction that will ultimately be policies, implement national objectives, and
claried by the courts. overcome any nations responsible for aggres-
Department of Labor, Section 508 A 1998 sive acts that imperil the peace and security
amendment to the Rehabilitation Act that of the U.S. Web site provides links to retiree
requires all federal agencies to make elec- services, useful addresses, and phone numbers
tronic and information technology accessible (
to people with disabilities. Department of the Navy (DN) Established
Department of State (DOS) The lead U.S. to maintain freedom of the seas for the U.S.
foreign affairs agency; the secretary of state is and its allies, to be prepared to conduct combat
the presidents principal foreign policy operations at sea in support of the national
adviser. The Department advances U.S. objec- interests of the U.S., and to maintain the ability
tives and interests in shaping a freer, more for power projection ashore. Web site provides
secure, and more prosperous world through its links to retiree services, useful addresses, and
primary role in developing and implementing phone numbers (
the presidents foreign policy. The Department Department of Transportation (DOT) Mis-
also supports the foreign affairs activities of sion is to serve the U.S. by ensuring a fast,
other U.S. government entities and provides safe, efcient, accessible, and convenient
important services to U.S. citizens and to for- transportation system that meets our vital
eigners seeking to visit or immigrate to the national interests and enhances the quality of
U.S. The services the Department provides life of the American people, today and into
include: (1) protecting and assisting U.S. cit- the future. Components are the Bureau of
izens living or traveling abroad; (2) assisting Transportation Statistics, Federal Aviation
U.S. businesses in the international market- Administration, Federal Highway Adminis-
place; (3) coordinating and providing support tration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Admin-
for international activities of other U.S. agen- istration, Federal Railroad Administration,
cies (local, state, or federal government), of- Federal Transit Administration, Maritime
cial visits overseas and at home, and other Administration, National Highway Trafc
diplomatic efforts; and (4) keeping the public Safety Administration, Research and Special
informed about U.S. foreign policy and rela- Programs Administration, Saint Lawrence
tions with other countries and providing feed- Seaway Development Corporation, and Sur-
back from the public to administration face Transportation Board. Contact: DOT,
ofcials. Contact: U.S. Department of 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20590
State, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, D.C. (phone 202-366-4000; Web site
Department of Treasury (DOT) 178 deposition

Department of Treasury (DOT) The mis- dependent care reimbursement (DCR) An

sion of the DOT is to promote prosperous employee benet in which the employer reim-
and stable American and world economies, burses employees for dependent care expen-
manage the governments nances, safe- ditures either fully or in part.
guard U.S. nancial systems, protect the dependent coverage waiver (DPW) A health
nations leaders, and secure a safe and drug- care cost reduction strategy. Employees are
free America. Contact: DOT, 1500 Pennsyl- allowed to waive dependent coverage.
vania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20220 deportable alien An alien in and admitted to
(phone 202-622-1260; fax 202-622-6415; the U.S. subject to any grounds of removal
Web site specied in the Immigration and Nationality
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Act. This includes any alien illegally in the
Mission is to serve Americas veterans and U.S., regardless of whether the alien entered
their families with dignity and compassion the country by fraud or misrepresentation or
and be their principal advocate in ensuring entered legally but subsequently violated the
that they receive medical care, benets, social terms of his or her nonimmigrant classica-
support, and lasting memorials promoting the tion or status.
health, welfare, and dignity of all veterans in deportation The formal removal of an alien
recognition of their service to the nation. Web from the U.S. when the alien has been found
site home page provides an index of services removable for violating the immigration laws.
and benets available to U.S. veterans, a state- Deportation is ordered by an immigration
by-state listing of veterans facilities, phone judge without any punishment being imposed
numbers, information on where to get help, or contemplated. The Illegal Immigration
special programs for veterans, and links to Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
other veterans sites ( of 1996 consolidated these procedures. After
dependency and indemnity compensation April 1, 1997, aliens in and admitted to the
(DIC) A federal program designed to com- U.S. may be subject to removal based on
pensate widows and other dependents of mil- deportability.
itary personnel who die on active duty or of deposed A legal term. Said of an individual
former service members who die from ser- who has given pretrial testimony under oath.
vice-connected injuries or diseases. Formerly See also pretrial deposition.
payments were based on the grade of the ser- deposit A sum of money paid in advance of
vice member or veteran. New rates went into receipt of a product or service, given as secu-
effect on January 1, 1993, although surviving rity for payment of the remainder or as a down
spouses of veterans who died before payment. For example, some hotels require a
January 1, 1993 receive the higher of the old deposit, as much as 50% or more, of sponsors
and new rates. of meetings.
dependent care assistance plan (DCAP) deposit administration arrangement (DAA)
Under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of A funding plan vehicle for annuity contracts.
1981, employers were given the opportunity Instead of purchasing or insuring pensions for
to offer dependent care assistance in the form active employees, the assets of these plans are
of payments or help in nding adequate child maintained in an accumulation account (an
care facilities as a fringe benet to their unallocated fund accruing interest). When an
employees. employee retires, his or her pension (the
dependent care facility (DCF) An employer- amount of which is then known) is purchased
sponsored dependent care option. from the insurance annuity account and the
dependent care program (DCP) Includes purchase price is subtracted from the accumu-
child care and elder care. There are four cat- lation account.
egories of options: nancial assistance pro- deposition A legal discovery device (a search
grams, establishment of child care facilities, for admissible evidence) conducted under
workplace information services, and person- oath outside of the courtroom (usually in a
nel policies. lawyers ofce) by which one party to an
depreciation 179 design/development cycle

action asks oral questions of the other party parents or, under certain circumstances, to for-
or of a witness for the other party. The person eign-born children adopted by U.S. citizen
questioned is called the deponent. The depo- parents, provided certain conditions are met.
nents answers are recorded and transcribed derived objectives Knowledge and skills that
verbatim by a stenographer and reviewed by contribute to the development of primary job
the deponent for accuracy. See also pretrial skills fundamental and integral (or closely
deposition. related) understandings, concepts, principles,
depreciation In nancial accounting, an and elements of skills that support the attain-
allowance deducted when calculating the ment of the primary objectives of a training
value of a property or business to account for program.
a deterioration in its condition and, conse- dermatologist A medical specialty for the
quently, its value. diagnosis and treatment of injuries and dis-
depression A feeling of sadness or melan- eases of the skin, including laser therapy and
choly that may vary from mild distress to com- skin surgery.
plete despair. In mild cases, the individual is descriptive order A type of instructional
typically quiet, restrained, inhibited, unhappy, sequencing in which the order of presentation
and unable to make decisions; in severe cases, is determined by the nature of the material. It
the sufferer is often dejected and defeated in is used when the content is highly descriptive
attitude and manner. Symptoms include loss or taxonomic; for example, programming and
of interest in sex and other activities once budgeting, data-handling and information sys-
enjoyed; feelings of sadness or irritability; tems, quality control procedures in which
feelings of unreality, worthlessness, or hope- there are carefully prescribed sequential oper-
lessness; inability to think, concentrate, ations, and descriptions of methodology,
remember, or make decisions; headaches; equipment, and the like.
changes in weight or appetite; fatigue or loss descriptive scale A rating scale that uses
of energy; sleep disturbances or changes in adjectives or phrases to rate levels of ability,
sleep patterns; and recurrent thoughts of sui- prociency, or performance. Includes behav-
cide or death. If an individual experiences at iorally anchored rating scales, essay appraisal,
least ve of these symptoms, including at least critical incident technique, graphic scales,
one of the rst two symptoms, for at least 2 forced choice scales, and checklists.
weeks, he or she may be depressed and should descriptive study A study in which data are
consult with a mental health professional. collected on a situation or area of interest sys-
Treatment includes antidepressant medication, tematically and accurately to determine what
psychotherapy, or a combination of medica- the situation really is. Includes opinion and atti-
tion and psychotherapy. tude surveys, case studies, anecdotal records,
depressive illnesses The most common of critical incident reports, action research, and
psychiatric disorders, illnesses that often performance records. Descriptive studies may
interfere with normal functioning and cause report results in either qualitative (verbal
pain and suffering not only to those with the descriptions) or quantitative (numerical counts,
disorder but also to those who care about frequencies, measures of central tendency, or
them. However, they are usually less persis- other measurements) terms. However, cause
tently disabling than schizophrenia. Depres- and effect relationships are not established.
sion affects twice as many women as men. deselection The practice of ring physicians
The primary disturbance is that of mood. or other health care providers when an HMO
depth interview See focused interview. has too many.
derivative A nancial instrument that does not Designated Market Area (DMA) A term that
constitute ownership of a commodity; rather, denes groupings of mutually exclusive tele-
it is a promise to convey ownership. Options vision marketing areas and is used by all
and futures are types of derivatives. media in dening service areas.
derivative citizenship Citizenship conveyed design/development cycle One of the two
to children through the naturalization of cycles that make up total cycle time. It
designer 180 destination management company (DMC)

encompasses all activities required to market has three components: a personal computer
new products and services from the time with graphics capability, a laser printer, and
when an opportunity is identied to the time DTP software.
when the product or service is ready for the DesktopPublishingIQ Offers a comprehen-
market. sive array of news, analysis, features and
designer A human resources/human resources reviews on the latest desktop products and
development (HR/HRD) competency. A services on the market today. From graphics
designer is the architect of a HR or HRD software to scanners, plug-ins to inkjet print-
system or program. ers, DesktopPublishingIQ provides the latest
designer drugs Drugs developed specically information available. Contact: DesktopPub-
to produce the mind-altering effects of their lishingIQ, 462 Boston Street, Topseld, MA
illegal counterparts. Include analogs of fenta- 01983-1200 (phone 978-887-7900; fax 978-
nyl (synthetic heroin, china white), ana- 887-6117; Web site
logs of demerol (synthetic heroin, MPTP desktop video An automated presentation
[new heroin]), analogs of amphetamines created with inexpensive software and a
and methamphetamines (MDMA, Ecstasy, micro-based computer (Macintosh, Amiga,
XTVC), and analogs of phencyclidine IBM PC, or other and compatibles) and used
(PCPy, PCE). for either training or promotional purposes. It
design of experiments (DOE) A tool used by has two key capabilities: animation and inter-
workers, usually in tandem with statistical activity. The presentation may include images,
process control and as a part of a participative animation sequences, text, charts, and graphs.
management strategy, to measure a machines desktop videoconferencing (DTVC) Com-
performance and average and chart the results bines personal computing with audio, video,
to improve its productivity. A powerful means and communications technologies to provide
of solving quality problems. real-time interaction with other groups of peo-
de-skilling The practice of dividing low-end ple from a personal computer. Employs a per-
manufacturing and service jobs into the small- sonal computer, hardware or software, a small
est and simplest tasks in an attempt to increase camera, and either a digital or low-speed ana-
efciency, measurability, and consistency in log phone connection.
performance. The reverse of up-skilling. destination agent (DA) In employee reloca-
desktop conferencing A form of video- tion, the agent located at the customers move
conferencing that makes use of a small video destination who serves as the point of contact
camera mounted on top of a desktop computer for the origin agent.
monitor. Individuals or small groups can see Destination Management Certied Profes-
and hear each other as they share data and sional (DMCP) A designation awarded by
graphics on the computer screen. the Association of Destination Management
desktop publishing (DTP) The process of Executives upon successful completion of a
assembling text and graphics using a com- test modeled after the test used by the Con-
puter and associated software to produce n- vention Industry Council for the Certied
ished, typeset-looking documents, as con- Meeting Professional designation. Contact:
trasted with word processing, which is used ADME, 3401 Quebec Street, Ste. 4050, Den-
to create text. DTP allows the user to experi- ver, CO 80207 (phone 303-394-3905; fax
ment with different layouts and designs, mix 303-394-3450; e-mail; Web
type sizes and styles, add rules, and insert site
graphics, line art, and photos. The camera- destination management company (DMC)
ready, black-and-white or color masters, In meeting management, a private, full-ser-
including text and graphics, for newsletters, vice professional organization that provides
brochures, advertisements, promotional mate- assistance and planning services to corpora-
rials, handouts, manuals, and so on are tions and their meeting planners for a fee.
composed by the writer, designer, or editor. Typically operates at overseas locations,
Any changes are made by the creator. DTP including Hawaii, but not exclusively so;
destination services 181 developmental disabilities

many offer their services in U.S. cities. Over- programs (such as a microsociety school or
seas DMCs make local arrangements before service academy) or new instructional strate-
an inspection trip; negotiate with suppliers; gies, such as cooperative learning, interdisci-
greet participants on arrival; nd bilingual plinary studies, and teaming. Requires careful
guides; arrange such things as baggage planning, overcoming objectors, thorough
retrieval, ground transportation, airport trans- teacher preparation, and the alignment of
fers, leisure activities, theme parties, and par- organization structures and practices to sup-
ticipant and spouse tours at the destination; port the new grouping arrangements.
and provide information on predeparture agri- deunionization The termination of union rep-
cultural inspections. Domestic DMCs provide resentation for a particular collective bargain-
baggage and shuttle services, leisure activi- ing unit. It is accomplished by a decertica-
ties, theme events, participant and spousal tion election in which workers vote to disband
tours, and other services. their union. Also called deauthorization or
destination services Services established to decertication.
help relocating or transferring employees to developing a curriculum (DACUM) A quick,
adapt to their new surroundings, such as home efcient, and relatively inexpensive approach
marketing assistance; school, child day care, to curriculum development oriented to current
and elder care information; and spousal reem- job requirements. Advocates state that the
ployment assistance. method cuts the time required for course
destination services company Often a divi- development to one tenth that of other job
sion of a home purchase company. Helps analysis methods. It uses a panel of 8 to 12
employees and their families transferring to a expert-workers and a facilitator to design
new location to learn as much as possible training. During a 2-day session, the panel
about the new area before purchasing or leas- develops an occupational competency prole
ing a home. Addresses such concerns as hous- for the target job: the duties, tasks, and entry-
ing and rental costs, utilities, taxes, commut- level tasks, the required supporting skills and
ing times and distances, and school quality. knowledge, and the personal traits of success-
Also called homending services or area ful workers. At a later meeting the panel devel-
counseling services. ops strategies for course development.
detection costs In total quality management, development 1. A planned set of learning
costs related to quality assurance measures experiences designed to improve the skills and
taken to prevent defects from moving from job performance of individuals in their current
one stage of a production process to another, positions in a dened career eld or a specic
such as inspections. job or to prepare them for advancement to
determination evaluation Evaluation strate- higher-level, more responsible positions in the
gies designed to assess needs, improve pro- organization. 2. In research and development,
grams, evaluate impacts, and assess processes. activities aimed at converting the results of
detoxication facility In health care, an insti- basic and applied research to practical uses,
tution licensed or certied by the state to pro- such as marketable products and services.
vide alcoholism or drug dependency treatment developmental counseling A form of super-
where such treatment is supervised by a phy- visory counseling in which the employee and
sician or qualied staff member of the treat- the supervisor share ideas and the process of
ment facility. identifying alternatives and selecting the
detracking An approach to the restructuring means of remedying a deciency or solving a
of schools or a means of promoting equal problem.
access. Detracking is billed as a means of developmental disabilities People whose lim-
ending inequitable student grouping arrange- itations rest primarily on lowered intellectual
ments and improving educational practice. capacity attributable to congenital or inherited
Essentially, it involves terminating such prac- defects, mental retardation, chromosomal
tices as ability grouping and replacing it with aberrations, disease or injury to the brain, acci-
grouping on the basis of interest-themed dents or illnesses in childhood or adulthood,
Developmental Disabilities Assistance 182 diabetes mellitus

or as the consequence of impaired maturation technical knowledge, skills, and abilities.

due to insufcient environmental stimulation Approaches include on-the-job coaching; spe-
from family or cultural sources. See also cial assignments; in-house conferences, clin-
autism; brain injuries; Down syndrome. ics, seminars, and workshops; membership on
Developmental Disabilities Assistance and task forces, committees, and research teams;
Bill of Rights Act of 2000 Legislation and organization development interventions.
designed to ensure that individuals with devel- development system The means by which
opmental disabilities and their families partic- interrelated and interdependent organizational
ipate in the design of and have access to cul- elements are welded into a unied and coher-
turally competent services, supports, and ent whole. Includes four subsystem catego-
other assistance and opportunities that pro- ries: (1) organization development and team
mote independence, productivity, and integra- building systems, (2) executive, management,
tion and inclusion into the community, and supervisory training, (3) employee tech-
through: (1) support to state developmental nical and operational and sales and dealer
disabilities councils to promote, through sys- training, and (4) self-development.
temic change, capacity building, a family cen- development time The number of hours,
tered, comprehensive system, and a coordi- days, or weeks required to design, develop,
nated array of services, supports, and other and validate an instructional package or
assistance for individuals with developmental system.
disabilities and their families; (2) support to device independence A characteristic of a
protection and advocacy systems in each state computer system or program that permits dif-
to protect the legal and human rights of indi- ferent output devices to image the same le
viduals with developmental disabilities; (3) more or less identically.
support to university-afliated programs to device independent color Refers to color
provide interdisciplinary preservice prepara- images that appear the same on different com-
tion of students and fellows, community ser- puter output devices, including monitors and
vice activities, and the dissemination of infor- various types of printers.
mation and research ndings; and (4) support device relationship management (DRM)
to national initiatives to collect necessary data, Software that enables automatic exchange of
provide technical assistance to state develop- accurate information (via the Internet)
mental disabilities councils, protection and between products at a customers facilities and
advocacy systems and university-afliated external service personnel or enterprise busi-
programs, and support other nationally signif- ness systems. Provides a means of monitoring,
icant activities. Signed into law by President accessing, diagnosing, and communicating
Clinton on October 30, 2000. with devices worldwide. DRM is a trademark
developmentalism See developmental theory of Axeda Systems (phone 800-700-0362; Web
of learning. site
developmental theory of learning Views devise A gift of real estate under a will that
learners as wanting to be actively involved in goes to the devisee as the recipient. See also
their own learning as oriented toward per- bequest.
sonal growth. Therefore, learning is facilitated devolution In government, reversing the ow
by a supportive training climate where learn- of power from the states to the federal gov-
ers choose their own learning experiences. ernment; decentralizing executive and legisla-
development costs 1. All costs incurred dur- tive authority; shifting power downward.
ing the development of a program or system. diabetes mellitus A disorder of the pancreas
2. In training, the costs from front-end analy- that takes one of two forms: Type I, insulin-
sis through the costs of design, development, dependent diabetes mellitus (formerly called
validation, tracking, evaluation, and redesign. juvenile diabetes), a genetic condition in
development program A program designed which the pancreas fails to produce insulin,
to encourage and promote improvement and thus preventing the body from metabolizing
growth in professional, managerial, and blood sugar, and the more common Type II,
diabetic retinopathy 183 Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT)

non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (for- for specic services. The DRG system is used
merly called maturity- or adult-onset diabe- in all states except Maryland and in the Dis-
tes), a condition in which the pancreas pro- trict of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Most hos-
duces adequate amounts of insulin but the pitals are required by law to accept the DRG
cells are unable to absorb glucose. Although payment for the inpatient care they provide.
its causes are unknown, researchers believe Beneciaries are not responsible for the dif-
that individuals can be born with a genetic ference between the hospitals billed charges
predisposition toward developing diabetes. and the DRG payment; they pay only their
Symptoms of Type I usually occur suddenly cost share.
and include frequent urination, excessive Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
thirst, sudden weight loss, extreme hunger, Disorders, 3rd Edition, revised (DSM III-
irritability, weakness and fatigue, and nausea R) Provides a coding system for mental and
and vomiting. Symptoms of Type II occur substance abuse disorders.
gradually and include any of the Type I symp- diagnostic-related group reimbursement In
toms; blurred vision; fatigue; recurring, hard- health care, a payment system in which a
to-heal skin, gum, bladder, or vaginal yeast health care provider, such as a hospital,
infections; itchy skin; and tingling or numb- receives a xed amount per disease category,
ness in legs, hands, or feet. Treatment for Type per admission, regardless of the services actu-
I involves daily insulin injections, a balanced ally provided.
diet, limited sugar and fats, and regular exer- diagnostic survey A survey designed and
cise. Treatment for Type II consists of a diet conducted to analyze a specic organizational
that limits sugar and calories to cause weight or employee problem or situation identied
loss and a regular exercise program. by some other means. The survey is conducted
diabetic retinopathy The leading cause of to uncover the reasons for it, probe feelings
new blindness among adults in the U.S. It is about the situation or problem, and get ideas
a complication of diabetes that is caused by for its solution.
changes in the blood vessels of the eye. When diagnostic test A test used to identify, locate,
blood vessels in the retina are damaged, they assess, and analyze an individuals specic
may leak uid or blood and grow brushlike areas of strength and weakness and, where
branches and scar tissue. This can distort the possible, to determine their cause. Com-
images that the retina sends to the brain. monly used to identify knowledge and skills
diagnosis The name given to a medical or deciencies.
health problem by the examining physician or DIALOG Information Services A database
specialist. that provides online-based information ser-
diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) 1. Medi- vices to organizations in such elds as busi-
care reimbursement levels passed by the Con- ness, science, engineering, nance, and law.
gress in 1983 to control the costs of govern- Contact: DIALOG, 11000 Regency Parkway,
ment health care programs. If a hospitals Suite 10, Cary, NC 27511 (phone 800-3-DIA-
charges for a particular diagnosis exceed the LOG [North America] or 919-462-8600; fax
standard established by the DRGs, reimburse- 919-468-9890; e-mail;
ment is reduced to the amount allowed and Web site
the provider must absorb the difference. See dial-up connection Allows computers to
also resource-based relative value scale. communicate over a network by means of reg-
2. Under the Civilian Health and Medical ular phone lines using a modem.
Programs of the Uniformed Services, a new Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT)
way of paying most civilian hospitals for An authoritative document published by the
inpatient services. Under DRGs, CHAMPUS Department of Labor, available from the Gov-
pays most hospitals a xed rate for inpatient ernment Printing Ofce, that lists and denes
services, regardless of whether or not the hos- (in terms of responsibilities, duties, and pro-
pital bills at a different rate. DRG rates are cedures) more than 20,000 jobs based on
generally based on national averages of costs analysis of more than 75,000 jobs. In addition,
didactic learning 184 digital photography

the Dictionary describes the physical where animation consists of simple transi-
demands of each job, working conditions, and tions (wipes and dissolves) and path anima-
the aptitudes, interests, educational require- tions (moving text and loops); (2) intermedi-
ments, and vocational preparation required of ate cell animation (used in cartoons) and
those seeking employment in each job. special effects, which include all types of dis-
didactic learning A learning strategy used by tortions and color effects applied to graphics,
humans (and to some degree by learning photos, or motion pictures; and (3) advanced
machines). It involves learning facts, princi- 3D animation as exemplied by the lms
ples, or concepts by means of instruction in Toy Story and A Bugs Life.
some form a teacher, manual, instruction digital audiotape (DAT) recorder A small
sheet, or multimedia. (2 1/4 inches long), expensive recorder that is
didactic teaching Traditional instructor-cen- capable of making distortion-free copies of
tered, pedagogic, or instructor-directed learn- compact discs and digital broadcasts.
ing. It makes use of presentation and question- digital certicate Issued by a certifying
and-answer (Socratic) approaches. authority, it acts like a passport or an ID. It
diet COLA A permanent reduction in the travels with an electronic message to ensure
cost-of-living adjustment for federal and mil- that the sender is who he or she claims to be.
itary retirees under the age of 62, resulting in digital distribution of advertising for publi-
one half of the full COLA. cation (DDAP) A graphics design system
differentiate In marketing and branding, cul- that provides advertising to publications in
tivating the ability of customers to distinguish digital form so that ads can be inserted into
between two or more brands at the same level. the digital ow of data used in publication
Factors include benets to potential customers production, thereby making it possible to go
or clients, such as online ordering, technical directly from computer to plate or computer
services, and innovative packaging. to press.
differently abled A term used as a substitute digitalis A prescription medication that
for disabled or handicapped persons. increases the hearts contractions.
differing abilities From the phrase people digital light processing (DLP) An Ameri-
with differing abilities, proposed by B. Freer can-made projection technology. DLP projec-
Freeman of Arlington, VA in a contest for a tors process light digitally using a microchip
new term to describe people with disabilities. invented by Texas Instruments that contains
Freeman was awarded the $50,000 rst prize thousands of tiny mirrors. See also liquid crys-
by the National Christina Foundation for his tal display.
entry. The phrase was chosen because it digital mammography A diagnostic tool that
focuses on the abilities of people with disabil- reads mammograms stored in a computer.
ities instead of their handicaps. Digital Millennial Copyright Act of 1998
difculty See item difculty. (DMCA) Made substantive changes to the
digital 1. In data processing, data represented U.S. Copyright Act in response to the growing
in discrete units, using coded signals (usually ease of access to and reproduction of copy-
a binary code) to express the variables in a righted material on the Internet. Amended
problem and provide solutions calculated Title 17, United States Code to implement the
mathematically. 2. In video, any device in World Intellectual Property Organization
which an electronic signal is represented by (WIPO) Copyright Treaty and Performances
computer-type binary numbers. 3. Informa- and Programs Treaty. Approved October 28,
tion and communication technology that 1998.
employs a format compatible with digital digital photography Using a still video cam-
computers; information is stored and retrieved era/scanner or digital camera that stores
as bits. images electronically on a magnetic disk
digital animation (DA) Electronically gener- rather than on photographic lm. Used prima-
ated movement of images on a computer rily for applications such as catalogs and
screen. There are three levels of DA: (1) basic newspaper work, due to current quality
digital print order format (DPOF) 185 digitize

limitations in terms of image size and resolu- sound and vision, interactive ease, and up to
tion. Examples of cameras are the Kodak 20 times the storage capacity of a CD-ROM
DCS-2000 and the Sony SEPS-1000. (for dual-layer format, 8700 megabytes).
digital print order format (DPOF) The stan- DVDs differ from compact discs (CDs) in that
dard format used to transfer images from cer- they use smaller pits of data, a more closely
tain digital cameras to compatible ink-jet spaced track, and special lenses that can focus
photo printers. narrowly on the densely packed pits, thereby
digital rectal exam (DRE) A medical exam- achieving great storage capacity. Also called
ination for early identication of prostate digital versatile discs.
problems, including cancer. Recommended digital video drive audio High-resolution,
annually by the American Cancer Society for surround-sound recording format.
men over the age of 40. digital video interactive (DVI) A hardware
digital simultaneous voice and data (DSVD) and software system, a computer peripheral,
A standard protocol adopted by major compa- a board that is inserted into an existing com-
nies in the computer and telecommunications puter or incorporated into a new computer
industry, such as Microsoft and Intel, to send equipped with DVI chips. Implements com-
both voice and data over a single line either pression of digital audio and video from any
alternately or simultaneously. source onto a chip set. DVI provides full-
digital studio A facility designed to use a motion video using a standard CD-ROM disc.
range of technologies, tools, and techniques Text, images, audio, and motion video can be
to create and produce audiovisual materials reduced to digital form (binary code) and
and presentations. It may be used to produce stored and manipulated like other data on a
DVDs, burn DVDs, or distribute content via computer. That is, once the audio, video, or
LAN or the Web; capture, encode, craft, and images are captured, the user can paint, edit,
publish content; and employ a fully-equipped and integrate those components into a multi-
production studio with high-end capture and media presentation. DVI is preferred by many
encoding hardware, sophisticated editing training and multimedia developers over vid-
equipment, or a complete digital audio work- eodisc. Offered by Intel Corporation.
station or recording studio. digital video player Looks like a videocas-
Digital subscriber line (DSL) A means of sette recorder but has a disc drive. Plays DVD
bringing high bandwidth (speedy access) to motion pictures and music CDs.
homes and ofces via copper phone lines. digital video-read only memory (DVD-ROM)
digital subtraction angiography An x-ray A computer-playable digital video. Stores
technique used to obtain detailed closeups of audio and video as well as text and graphics.
arterial blockage. Special dyes are injected Offers interactive content such as games and
into the arm or leg and the x-ray reveals the reference databases.
arterial sections that the dyes cannot easily digital video-read only memory drive A
penetrate due to blockage. removable software drive for PCs that looks
digital video (DV) 1. A representation of like a CD-ROM drive but runs DVD motion
video images and audio as binary values, ones pictures and DVD-ROM discs, CD-ROMS,
and zeros. 2. A consumer digital video stan- and music CDs.
dard. DV provides low-cost, high-denition digital virtual disc (DVD) A technological
images 500 lines of horizontal resolution, advance that provides high-quality images and
a signal-to-noise ratio of 54 dB, pulse code audio and can play back CDs and CD-ROMs.
modulation digital audio, and component A 5-inch DVD disc holds more than 4.7
recording. gigabytes per side about 2 hours of video,
digital video compression A new develop- music, games, and CD-ROM information,
ment in television distribution that will allow either separately or together.
more channels to be delivered to users. digitize In video, the process of converting an
digital-video-disc (DVD) A format for deliv- audio or video signal from its analog form into
ering images and sound. Offers high-quality computerlike digital code numbers.
dilated fundus examination (DFE) 186 direct deposit

dilated fundus examination (DFE) A test provider standards relating to diagnostic

conducted during eye examinations to detect examinations, treatment protocols, and cen-
indications and physiological effects of circu- ters for emergency access. Such systems are
latory, metabolic, and neurological disorders said to benet payers by improving network
such as hypertension, diabetes, and some management, controlling utilization, and cut-
tumors. The test can also aid in the diagnosis ting administrative costs.
and assessment of cataracts, cloudy vitreous, direct assessment See alternative assessment.
retinal tears and detachment, optic nerve dis- direct billing 1. In meeting management, the
ease, and glaucoma. statement of accounts receivable sent to indi-
Dilberted The mental and emotional state or viduals or rms with established credit. 2. In
condition of an employee after he or she has travel management, a system of invoicing
been mistreated or disparaged by an intemper- whereby the travel supplier sends the invoice
ate, malicious, or vindictive boss. Borrowed for travel services directly to the traveler who
from the comic strip character Dilbert. incurred those charges.
dilutive merger A merger that immediately direct consolidation loan Under student aid
reduces the acquiring companys earnings per programs, allows the borrower to combine dif-
share. See also accretive merger. ferent types and amounts of federal student
dining card A credit card that provides a spe- loans to simplify repayment. The loan pays
cial discount for subscribers (members) who off the existing loans, and the borrower then
dine at participating restaurants. With some repays the consolidation loan over a period of
cards, upon payment of an annual fee, sub- from 10 to 30 years.
scribers are allowed to use one or more ordi- direct contracting Describes a provider of
nary credit cards, such as Visa and Master- integrated health care services involving a
Card, to pay for meals, beverages, tips, and delivery system in which contracts are made
tax and receive a monthly rebate instead of a directly with employers rather than through
discount. an insurance company or a managed care
diploma A document that certies completion organization.
of a prescribed course of study. Although the direct contract model A form of managed
sheepskin that certies completion of a col- care in which the HMO contracts directly
lege- or university-level course of study may with broad panels of individual physicians
be called a diploma, the term is usually (both primary care and specialists) to provide
reserved for completion of nondegree-award- services to their members.
ing curricula, such as middle school, junior direct costs 1. Costs that are identiable
high school, and high school graduation, cer- directly with a particular activity, service,
ticate programs at the postsecondary school program or product of the program. These
level, and other educational, training, and costs are not allocated to a cost center to
development programs offered by private and which they are not specically attributable.
public for-prot and nonprot institutions and 2. Expenses associated with specic HR
organizations, including corporations. See projects, programs, or activities; for example,
also earned degree and honorary degree. the costs incurred in conducting a workshop
direct access In travel management, an elec- for supervisors. They include out-of-pocket
tronic link between two different computer- expenses (such as air and taxi fares, subsis-
ized reservation systems that allows a travel tence, and hotel charges incurred by attending
agent to access information and process res- a professional conference) and salary costs
ervations using both systems. (the salaries of instructors or consultants con-
direct access behavioral health system ducting a workshop and the salaries or wages
Offers consumers ease of access and freedom of trainees).
to choose from a select group of health care direct deposit An employee benet. Pay of
providers, ensuring that subscribers will employees is deposited to their bank accounts
receive services from qualied providers. The electronically a convenient, reliable, and
system can be enhanced by structuring safe method of depositing pay.
direct drive 187 Direct Marketing Association, Inc.

direct drive See hard disk. or inhibit satisfactory adjustment or solution

directed discussion One of three forms of the to the clients problem. Counselors may
conference method. The objective of directed advise, persuade, or explain.
discussion is to help trainees acquire better direct labor Labor required to produce or
understanding of and the ability to apply manufacture a product or provide a service.
known facts, principles, concepts, policies, or direct labor budget A budget that displays
procedures. The function of the instructor or the estimated costs of the direct labor,
course leader is to guide the discussion in such expressed in standard labor hours at expected
a way that the facts, principles, concepts, or average wage rates, needed to produce the
procedures are clearly articulated and applied. number of products or services to be sold and
direct ight A ight that requires no change held in inventory.
of aircraft prior to reaching the nal destina- direct lending A system for handling federal
tion, although stops may be made in cities on student loan programs proposed by President
the route to pick up or discharge passengers. Clinton and endorsed by the Congress in
direct imaging (DI) A printing technology 1993. Instead of allowing banks to provide the
that employs a color electronic prepress sys- loans while the government subsidizes the
tem where fully composed pages are prepared costs and guarantees the banks against
and stored in digital form. No lm or chemi- defaults, the banks and state guarantee agen-
cals are necessary for imaging or developing. cies are eliminated from the system, the fed-
The press system interfaces with desktop pub- eral government raises the money, and col-
lishing systems that use IBM and other MS- leges and universities make the loans.
DOS-based computers, as well as Apple Mac- Direct Link for the Disabled, Inc Established
intosh computers. to encourage, educate, and empower people
directing The managerial function concerned with health conditions, disabilities, and rare
with establishing and maintaining effective disorders. Maintains a listing of more than
face-to-face relationships with subordinates to 15,000 organizations and community resource
get them to do well what the organization has centers nationwide for all types of disabilities.
hired them to do, not to avoid reprimand or Responds to phone and mail inquiries without
punishment, but because they want to do it. It charge. Contact: Direct Link for the Disabled,
encompasses guiding and assisting, motivat- P.O. Box 1036, Solvang, CA 93464 (805-688-
ing and actuating, stimulating and encourag- 1603; fax 805-686-5285; e-mail Suharry@ter-
ing, communicating, building and maintaining; Web site
morale, correcting and disciplining, and lead- direct mail A highly effective but relatively
ing and inspiring. expensive marketing technique. It involves
directive appraisal One-way or one-sided identifying the marketing target, obtaining
evaluation. The superior observes, evaluates, lists of organizations and individuals for solic-
and provides feedback on performance to sub- itation, preparing the marketing media (bro-
ordinates, who are allowed little or no input chures and response cards), and sending the
to the process. The manager establishes the materials to the target audience by mail.
standards, chooses the measures, does the direct marketing Creating customers and
evaluating, reports ndings to subordinates at sales by means of mailed brochures and cata-
an appraisal interview, makes suggestions for logs, telemarketing, television shopping
improvement, and records the results. channels, and direct factory outlets. No inter-
directive counseling A process in which mediaries (distributors) are involved. The strat-
counselors serve as coaches and teachers. egy can be justied only if the products or
They collect, sift, organize, classify, summa- services command sizable gross margins, the
rize, and evaluate relevant information to number of accounts is manageable, and after-
arrive at a description of the circumstances sale service revenue is reasonably attractive.
surrounding the clients problem. They ana- Direct Marketing Association, Inc. (DMA)
lyze attitudes, motives, interests, emotional A nonprot organization of more than 4700
balance, and other factors that may facilitate member companies in the U.S. and 53 other
director 188 disability benefits

countries that represents the direct marketing dental and orthodontic procedures within a
industry through educational services, semi- matter of days on a xed scale; for example,
nars, consumer service programs, research 100% of the rst $100, 80% of the next $500
projects, and books and monographs on up to an annual maximum reimbursement of
aspects of direct marketing. DMAs members $750 per covered person.
include direct marketers from nonprot and direct salary costs The prorated salaries of
public organizations, including catalogers, people who conduct or participate in a specic
nancial services, book and magazine pub- program, usually calculated on a per-day or
lishers, book and music clubs, retail stores, per-hour basis.
and industrial manufacturers. Contact: DMA, direct transfer A means of moving individual
1120 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY retirement accounts (IRAs) without missing
10036-6700 (phone 212-768-7277; fax 212- deadlines or incurring taxes or penalties.
302-6714; e-mail; Website disability 1. As dened by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabil-
director The person responsible for the stag- ities Act of 1990: (1) a physical or mental
ing and performance, including talent delivery impairment that substantially limits one or
and execution, sound, lighting, camera angles, more of the major life activities of an individ-
and visual continuity and pacing, of a live
ual; (2) a record of such an impairment; or (3)
dramatization, lm, or TV production.
being regarded as having such an impairment.
director of food and beverage The hotel func-
It does not include such conditions as trans-
tionary who oversees all catering and food
vestism, transsexualism, voyeurism, gender
operations, as well as the hotels restaurants.
identity disorders not resulting from physical
Supervises the catering director and ban-
impairments, other sexual behavior disorders,
quet manager.
compulsive gambling, kleptomania, pyroma-
director of sales The hotel functionary respon-
nia, and psychoactive substance use disorders
sible for booking meetings and the primary
resulting from current illegal use of drugs. 2.
contact for corporate meeting managers. May
Under Social Security, a person is considered
also be called account representative, market-
ing manager, sales manager, and sales repre- disabled only if he or she is unable to do any
sentative. kind of work for which suited, and only if
directors and ofcers liability insurance inability to work is expected to last for at least
Coverage of corporate ofcers for liability in 1 year or to result in death. Therefore, it does
cases of negligence, malfeasance, misfea- not include partial disabilities or short-term
sance, or nonfeasance. disabilities. Benets continue as long as the
directory See search engine. individual remains disabled. 3. In general, dis-
direct public offering (DPO) An offer of the ability includes persons who are physically
sale of stock made directly to the general pub- disabled, mentally impaired, emotionally
lic. Regulatory authorities recently recognized impaired, or learning disabled.
that there are fundamental changes occurring disability benets Benets paid to a disabled
in the nancial markets and are making adjust- employee. A disabled employee is usually
ments to handle these changes. The with- dened as one who has a physical or mental
drawal of restrictive regulations by the Secu- condition that prevents the worker from
rities and Exchange Commission is making it engaging in any substantial gainful work and
possible for small and emerging companies to the condition is expected to last for a specied
do their own public offering with a decrease period (typically 12 or more months) or result
in paperwork and costs. See also initial public in death. Medical proof is invariably required
offering; limited offering. to support an application for disability bene-
direct reimbursement dental A means of ts. Includes Department of Veterans Affairs
saving time and money and increasing the disability benets; state and local government
exibility of employee dental benets plans. disability benets; private insurance disability
Employees are reimbursed directly for certain benets; Supplemental Security Income
disability case management 189 disclaimer

benets; Social Security disability benets; certain things or must do them another way.
Workers Compensation. Sometimes referred to as handicapped (objec-
disability case management (DCM) Case- tionable to some) or challenged (preferred by
by-case monitoring of the treatment of some).
employees with disabilities. disaster recovery Refers to actions taken to
disability compensation See Veterans Com- recover company data lost through terrorist
pensation Rates Amendments of 1993. acts or acts of God, such as oods, res, and
disability costs Expenses associated with pro- storms. The term has been replaced by busi-
viding income replacement and medical pay- ness continuity.
ments to workers disabled by accident, injury, disbursement Payout of loans by the lender.
or illness by such means as workers compen- disc Optical storage device or medium, such
sation insurance and long-term disability pol- as the laser video disc. See also disk.
icies. Other costs include medical costs paid discharge Termination of an employee for
by health insurance, managerial and supervi- cause. It represents the end of the disciplinary
sory time spent in completing reports and chain. It is reserved for people who cannot or
forms, nishing work started and replacing will not subscribe to the rules and who
disabled employees, disability management become recalcitrant, insubordinate, or other-
services, overtime requirements, and lower wise oblivious to their responsibilities to the
productivity. organization and their work groups.
Disability Determination Service (DDS) A
discharge planning A process used to limit
state agency that makes decisions for the
the number of inpatient hospital stays and
Social Security Administration as to whether
ensure appropriate care by transferring
an individual claimant qualies for disability
patients to less-expensive health care facilities.
benets. State DDS evaluation teams, com-
disciplinary layoff A form of disciplinary
posed of a disability examiner and a physician
action involving suspension, usually without
or psychologist, make the determination using
pay, for a specied number of days or weeks
very specic medical and vocational criteria,
although many such determinations are made but almost never for longer than 1 month.
solely on the basis of a treating physicians discipline 1. Traditionally, discipline has
evidence and recommendations. meant complete and total obedience to rules
disability management Assigning a single and regulations and to the orders and direc-
individual responsibility for coordinating and tives of superiors. Failure to comply resulted
managing disability benets within an orga- in punitive actions. Today, discipline is seen
nization. Designed to retain and rehabilitate as involving self-control and a sense of per-
employees with disabilities and put into place sonal responsibility for conduct, behavior, and
innovative disability management services. performance. A disciplined organization is
disability manager In the corporate environ- one in which members willingly adhere to the
ment, the individual responsible for develop- rules and principles governing conduct as set
ing and implementing policies and programs forth by the appropriate authorities. Because
to help persons with disabilities nd appropri- they accept the rules as right, they are willing
ate jobs and assisting injured, ill, and disabled to subordinate themselves to the organization.
employees return to work. 2. One of ve requirements of the learning
disability plan See disability benets. organization as described by Peter Senge (The
disabled and handicapped laws See Ameri- Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the
cans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Architec- Learning Organization, Doubleday/Currency,
tural Barriers Act of 1968. 1990). People must master mental models,
disabled person A person who is hearing-, personal mastery, shared vision, and systems
vision-, or speech-impaired or a person who thinking.
must use a wheelchair, crutches, cane, or disclaimer Refusal or renunciation of prop-
walker due to physical disabilities. A person erty by a beneciary of an estate or trust. It is
who has a disability is either unable to do usually executed for tax purposes.
disclaimer clause 190 disease

disclaimer clause In law, denial or disavowal discovery learning A system of active learn-
of authority or responsibility for or renuncia- ing where the learners existing knowledge is
tion of an event, activity, situation, circum- used to discover new information, concepts,
stance, act, interest, right, or property. A com- and principles through trial and error. It
plete and unqualied refusal to accept rights employs critical thinking, problem solving,
to which one is entitled. Recognized by all 50 small group process, and inquiring. It has been
states. For example, the most effective means criticized as inefcient, time-consuming, and
of defeating an implied contract claim based subject to error.
upon statements in an employee handbook is discretionary bonus See bonus; incentive.
to include a clear and emphatic disclaimer in discretionary effort Completely voluntary
the handbook that it is not a contract and that effort by employees to do more than is
workers are employed at-will. required by their job descriptions or their
disclosure The policy of revealing to the pub- supervisors.
lic and or employees situations, conditions, or discretionary expense budget See expense
incidents relating to company policies or oper- budget.
ations that cause or have the potential to cause discretionary income Total funds available to
environmental damage or pose health or safety an individual or organization minus total
disclosure agreement A document that clearly
discretionary trust A trust with the decision
describes the responsibility of employees to
vested in the trustee as to whether and how
protect company secrets or other items of
income and principal should be distributed.
value to the organization, denes what items
discrimination 1. Any policy, procedure, or
are included in that category, and identies
action that tends to unfairly place an individ-
the penalties for violation. It is signed by new
ual or group at a disadvantage in the recruit-
employees, witnessed by a corporate ofcial,
and led. ment, screening, selection, assignment, com-
pensation, testing, training, development, or
discount A deduction from the customary
price of an item offered for sale, or a reduction promotion processes. To prove discrimination,
in the amount due on a bill as a reward for an employee must establish that he or she
prompt or advanced payment. belongs to a protected group and was rejected
discount broker A rm that provides stock although qualied for the job and that the
buying and selling services to investors (and employer lled the position with an individual
sometimes banklike services such as paying not in the protected class. To rebut a claim
interest on deposits and extending loans) at of discrimination, employers must refute
lower costs than full-service brokers. An employees claims or establish a defense
example is Schwab. based on one of the following: discharge for
discounting 1. In banking, an interest deduc- gross misconduct, poor performance, or
tion made in advance on a note. 2. The prac- reduction in force. 2. In testing, the ability of
tices of using disparaging words or nonverbal a test item to discriminate or distinguish
negative messages when someone proposes an between persons who possess much or little
idea or a solution to a problem or simply of some trait. 3. In test theory, the correlation
failing to afrm the value of an idea or solu- of a test item with the total score. 4. In learn-
tion. Verbal examples include, Weve tried ing, the ability to make useful distinctions
that before, and it didnt work, or That is between and among a variety of situations and
ridiculous. Nonverbal examples are frowns, stimuli.
grimaces, stares, or such structural things as disease Inability of the adaptive mechanisms
differences in the size of work areas, ofce of a person to counteract normally or ade-
furnishings, or benets for salaried and hourly quately to stimuli and stresses to which they
workers. Attributed to W. Timothy Weaver, are exposed, resulting in a disturbance in the
professor of human resource education, Bos- function or structure of some part or organ of
ton University. the person.
disease management (DM) 191 displaced workers

disease management (DM) A cost-control disk-based media A means of storing large

strategy popular among managed care provid- amounts of text and graphics.
ers, pharmaceutical companies, and other disk cache Moving portions of a data le from
health care professionals. It involves identify- a mechanical disk to a computers electronic
ing expected outcomes for a certain disease, memory, a process that speeds up information
determining what outcomes a health care plan retrieval.
is actually achieving, and putting policies in disk color separation (DCS) In desktop
place to achieve the desired results. publishing, a data-le standard dened by
disenrollment The process of voluntary (the QuarkXPress to assist in color separation.
individual simply wants to discontinue mem- disk drive The mechanism that copies infor-
bership) or involuntary termination of cover- mation from a disk into the computers mem-
age (when the member changes jobs or com- ory and makes it available for use and copies
mits gross offenses such as fraud and data from the computers memory to a disk
nonpayment of premiums or copayments). for backup and storage.
disequilibrium The unsteady sensation that diskette See disk.
some people have when they have drunk too disk operating system (DOS) The operating
much alcohol and have to walk. Usually stems system of a computer, usually consisting of
from an abnormality (such as a tumor, a oppy disks that contain utility functions
degenerative nerve disorder, nerve damage, (e.g., copying, deleting information, format-
drinking too much, or overusing certain drugs, ting disks) and disk drives that read those
such as the anticonvulsant phenytoin [Dilan- functions.
tin]) in the areas of the brain responsible for disk optimizer A utility program that acceler-
coordination. See also faintness; vague light- ates disk operating system performance by
performing a variety of functions, such as sur-
headedness; vertigo.
face testing (nding and locking out media
disgurement People whose physical appear-
defects), low-level format refresher (rewriting
ance is very different from the norm, such as
tracks), defragging, and extending the life of
burn victims and those with physical deformi-
a hard disk by reducing wear and tear caused
ties that may be facial or associated with the
by repeated movement of the head.
body, back, head, or limbs. The source may
disparate impact A legal term relating to a
be hereditary, disease, or accident.
form of discrimination in which an employ-
disintermediation The practice of buying ment practice or procedure (such as a psycho-
directly from manufacturers and paying less logical test) results in discrimination against
because it cuts out traditional wholesalers a protected class. Such a practice is unlawful
the middle players. unless the employer can demonstrate that the
disk A magnetic storage device, such as a practice is either job-related or a business
oppy disk, hard disk, or diskette. A means necessity. Federal agencies have adopted the
of storing information, instructions, and other following formula to determine when dispar-
forms of computer data. Disks come in three ate impact exists: a selection rate for any
sizes: 31/2 -inch micro disks (single- and dou- racial, ethnic, or gender group that is less than
ble-sided), 51/4 -inch disks (double and quad), 80% of the rate for the highest selection rate.
and 8-inch single and double disks. See also Also referred to as disparate treatment and
disc. disparate rejection rates.
disk array Connects two disks through a sin- disparate rejection rates See disparate
gle controller, which may be hardware or soft- impact.
ware. A disk array solves the problem of disparate treatment See disparate impact.
small-computer standard interface (SCSI) displaced workers Persons age 20 years and
drive technology: the bottleneck that results over who lost or left jobs because their plant
from the inability of disks to read or write data or company closed or moved, there was insuf-
as fast as those data can be transmitted across cient work for them to do, or their position
the SCSI interface. or shift was abolished.
displacement 192 distributed work

displacement Describes workers who have distance learning Learning that is mediated
lost their jobs as a result of economic change, by a person (trainer or instructor) who is not
such as plant closings and layoffs due to shifts in the same location as the trainees. Essen-
in consumer preferences, foreign competition, tially it is two-way interactive telecommuni-
automation, and robotics. cation of audio, audiographic, and/or video
display advertisement A broad category of information using satellite, microwave, cable,
ads that includes type variations and graphics, telephone lines, or ber-optic lines.
in a full range of sizes. distance training/education In general, edu-
display bias In travel management, an illegal cation and training provided for adults at
practice in which the computer reservation remote locations by such means as satellite-
system (CRS) information screen displays delivered training and interactive video.
ight information pertaining to its owner Distinguished Contribution to Human
before showing the ights of another carrier. Resource Development Award An award
displays See exhibits. presented annually to a member of the Amer-
disposable worker See contingent work force; ican Society for Training and Development
sheddable worker. (or an individual nominated by a member) for
disputed claim A claim for insurance benets exceptional contributions over a signicant
period of time to the eld of human resource
for which the patient or plan enrollee dis-
development. Selected by an awards commit-
agrees with the carriers action. Usually, the
tee from nominees by reviewing documenta-
individual has the right to appeal and request
tion and direct contacts with the nominating
reconsideration of the claim by the carrier and,
individual and other person with direct knowl-
if not satised, by some higher authority. For
edge of the accomplishments of the nominee.
example, federal health benets plan enrollees
Contact: ASTD National Awards Program,
can appeal to the Ofce of Personnel Manage-
Attn: Dawn Temple, 1640 King St., Box 1443,
Alexandria, VA 22313-2043 (phone 703-683-
dissatisers Factors related to a jobs extrinsic 8100; fax 703-683-8103; e-mail info.cen-
content company policies and procedures,; Web site
assignments, type of supervision received, distractor In testing, any of the incorrect
working conditions, job security, and pay and choices in a test item, such as in a multiple-
benets that tend to demotivate people. choice test.
dissed A term invented by school-age city distributed database A computer database
kids. It means to be put down, humiliated, or whose components are stored in more than
disrespected. one location. By linking them over communi-
dissolve In video production, slowly fading cations channels, such as a local-area net-
one image and bringing another image into work or wide-area network, the location of
view in its place. the data becomes unimportant to the user.
Distance Education and Training Council distributed intelligence Active participation
(DETC) A nonprot educational associa- of people at all levels of an organization in
tion that serves as a clearinghouse of informa- solving problems, making decisions, taking
tion about the distance learning/correspon- action, and dealing with change without wait-
dence study eld and sponsors the Accrediting ing to be told to do so. Attributed to Patricia
Commission of the Distance Education and A. McLagan, Distributed Intelligence, T+D,
Training Council. The mission of DETC is to February 2003, pp. 5256.
promote sound educational standards and eth- distributed network A computing environ-
ical business practices within the distance ment in which processing capabilities are
study eld. Formerly the National Home divided among various workstations through-
Study Council. Contact: DETC, 1601 18th St., out the network.
NW Washington, D.C. 20009-2529 (phone 202- distributed work Describes any type of work
234-5100; fax 202-332-1386; E-mail e-mail done by groups of people who are separated; Web site in time and space.
distribution 193 dividend reinvestment plan (DRP)

distribution See frequency distribution. diversity program/strategy A plan and pro-

distribution method How information is gram designed to help employees at all levels
delivered to learners, such as audiotapes and of the organization learn new attitudes and
videotapes, cable and satellite TV; CD-ROMs; adopt new behaviors relating to cultural dif-
computer disks; e-mail and voice mail; Inter- ferences. Includes encouraging diversity in
net, intranets, and extranets; LAN/WAN net- the work force as a priority through hiring
works; simulators; and telephone. See also practices, creating new internal personnel
instructional method; presentation method. structures and systems to monitor perfor-
diuretics Prescription medications that reduce mance, holding managers accountable for pro-
excess uid in the body. moting a multicultural work environment, and
divergent thinking An unconventional way establishing diversity training and develop-
of thinking that generates new concepts, ideas, ment programs.
and approaches. It involves tossing, spinning, diversity training A generic term used to
and rotating a problem in your mind, ruminat- describe any type of training designed to help
ing and mulling it over in different ways, and people understand and value cultural differ-
looking at it from different angles without ences in the workplace. Usually provided for
actually trying to solve it. managers and supervisors in an attempt to
diversion program An alternative to disci- increase productivity and reduce the potential
plinary action for infractions of company pol- for legal actions resulting from employees or
icies or rules; for example, sexual harassment managements bigoted attitudes toward peo-
cases that do not call for more stringent pen- ple who are different.
alties. Typically consists of several hours of divestiture 1. The process of terminating an
intensive classroom training and an additional investment, an arrangement, a business, or an
several hours of individual counseling by afliation with another organization. 2. Con-
qualied practitioners paid for by the com- verting undervalued assets to cash as a part of
pany, the employee, or both. a capitalization reduction plan.
diversity In general, diversity refers to the dividend 1. In group insurance, return of all
ways in which people in organizations differ, or a part of the excess premiums (money not
including age, race, native language, gender, needed to pay claims, meet expenses, estab-
ethnic group, religion, personality, cognitive lish reserves, and provide a reasonable prot)
style, physical health, mental health, tenure, to the insured. 2. In investments, money paid
organization function, and many others. to stockholders according to the number of
Recently expanded to include sexual orienta- shares held.
tion and people with disabilities. In its narrow dividend equivalent plan A form of stock
sense, diversity includes only differences equivalent plan in which a number of units of
based on race and gender. Some writers dene phantom stock are granted to an executive,
diversity as the great variety of ways, relevant each of which creates rights to a payment
to an organization, in which people people can equal to to any dividends paid on a share of
be grouped, including abilities, age, career the companys stock.
aspirations, disabilities, education, family dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) Offered
background, geographic origins, interests, by dividend-paying companies to their share-
marital status, parental status, sex, skills, holders to provide an easy way to nurture the
vocation, or profession. growth of their investments. Such plans give
diversity audit Collects statistical data about investors the opportunity to purchase addi-
hiring, ring, promotion, and the like and sur- tional shares of a companys stock without
veys employees attitudes and perceptions paying high brokerage fees and without hav-
about diversity issues to identify existing or ing to make a large outlay of cash. Instead of
potential problems. Results are used to com- making a dividend payment and sending a
municate ndings to employees and manage- check to the shareholder, the company pur-
ment and to develop and implement action chases as many shares of stock as possible
plans to provide remedies. with the amount of money due the investor.
Dividends 194 document camera

Dividends: A Magazine for Staples Small docking rules Federal rules governing the
Business Customers Published bimonthly reduction of employee pay for time off the job
for Staples by Imagination Publishing, 820 for reasons other than sickness or accident;
West Jackson, Fourth Floor, Chicago, IL for example, tardiness or leaving the job
60607 (phone 312-627-1020); cost: $1.95 per before quitting time. Under the law, salaried
copy (free to qualied subscribers). Contact: workers cannot collect overtime pay or have
Staples, Inc., 1 Research Drive, Westborough, their pay docked for taking a few hours off to
MA (phone 800-793-3320). do such things as take care of personal busi-
dividend yield The amount of prot or payout ness. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
shown as a ratio of the stock price. of 1938, a salaried employee who is treated
division (organization) An independent like an an hourly worker is eligible for over-
entity held accountable for all organization time pay and can seek back overtime pay for
functions, typically for a selected group of up to 2 years. However, under the docking
organization product lines. Usually consists of rules, an employer can reduce the pay of a
a single prot center or operating unit that is salaried worker if he or she is absent for an
accountable to a corporate, subsidiary, or entire week, away from the job for an entire
group organization. day for reasons other than sickness or acci-
divorce benets A divorced person is entitled dent, or is absent for more than a day for
to Social Security benets on the ex-spouses reasons of sickness or disability when the
account if married for 10 or more years. Ben- employee is covered by a paid-leave policy.
ets are based on total contributions made by document analysis An individual creative
the wage-earner over the entire working technique that involves analyzing correspon-
career, not just during the marriage. A person
dence and reports to cull ideas to improve
married more than once, each time for at least
products and services Examples are travel
10 years, may claim benets against the ex-
reports, after-action reports, customer com-
spouse with the largest Social Security
plaints, client requests for assistance, sales
account. If remarried for less than 10 years
reports, consultant reports, and proposals.
and no longer married, benets are claimed
documentation 1. In contracting, the data
against the rst spouse. However, as long as
needed to solicit bids, select a contractor, and
a person remains remarried, no benets can
be claimed against the ex-spouse. Benets of monitor contract execution. It includes state-
the current spouse of the wage-earner against ments of work, a list of contract deliver-
whom the ex-spouse is making a claim are in ables, proposal evaluation criteria, proposal
no way reduced. Both the current and the ex- format, and quality assurance surveillance
spouse receive full benets. plans. 2. In training, job and analysis data,
DNA ngerprinting A forensic, genetically results of validation studies, and the like. 3. In
based identication technology. Said to be a disciplining, all transactions, notices, and
foolproof method of identication by its advo- forms relating to a disciplinary action, such as
cates; however, its use has been disallowed by records of supervisor-employee discussions,
courts in several states and at several levels. memos, copies of letters of reprimand, warn-
dock 1. A penalty for worker tardiness in ings, and so on. 4. The technical information,
which the employee loses pay for the lost manuals, users guides, and accompanying
time. 2. Sometimes used to describe other instructions included with computer hardware
penalties for tardiness such as the requirement or software.
to make up lost time or be subjected to disci- document camera In video transmission
plinary action. (including distance learning), a desk-
docking base option (DBO) Gives the user mounted, overhead camera and platform
the choice of using a laptop computer as a equipped with automatic and manual zoom
free-standing unit or connecting it to an ofce and focus capabilities; used to display text,
printer, other peripherals, or a local area net- graphics, transparencies, and small objects in
work. either black and white or color.
document conferencing 195 double dipping/dipper

document conferencing Software that allows common welfare and afrm that the relation-
users on different computers to share applica- ship is permanent; (2) that the partners reside
tions and jointly edit text and graphics les. together or share a principal residence; and
document image processing (DIP) system (3) that the partners are nancially interdepen-
A document storage and retrieval system used dent or mutually responsible for living
in such paper-intensive elds as law, medi- expenses for each other.
cine, education, communications, and trans- domestic partner benets Extends health
portation. DIP systems permit better control care coverage to unmarried same-sex or oppo-
of work ow in document handling through site-sex partners.
the integration of microform and computer domestic violence hotline (DVH) A hotline
systems. telephone number staffed 24 hours per day,
document management The technology that every day, for victims of domestic violence.
permits the creation, revision, distribution, Contact: 800-333-SAFE.
and storage of documents (word processing, domicile A legal term meaning the place
spreadsheets, presentations, graphics) on per- where an individual permanently resides and
sonal computers. Allows users to nd and will return to when away. An individuals
share documents and, at the same time, apply permanent legal home.
such controls as restricting access, check- domiciliary care See board and care home.
in/check-out, version rollbacks, audit trails, donee The recipient of a gift under a will.
and records management. donor The one who gives a gift under a will
document portal Software that allows instant or who creates a trust.
access to documents across platforms without Do Not Call Registry See National Do Not
the inconvenience of plug-ins. The originator Call Registry.
of documents is able to take information from
do not resuscitate (DNR) An order placed
desktop applications, such as Microsoft Word,
on a patients hospital medical chart directing
and create an easily accessible, automatically
that attempts not be made to restore heartbeat
updated intranet portal that requires no third-
or breathing that have stopped naturally.
party assistance, such as a webmaster or IT
dot matrix printer An impact printer that
forms characters consisting of close patterns
dollarization The practice of pegging the cur-
of small dots.
rency of a foreign country to the U.S. dollar.
For example, quetzuls, colons, balboas, and dots per inch (dpi) A measure of the resolu-
sucres (currencies of Guatemala, El Salvador, tion of computer monitors and laser and dot
Panama, and Ecuador, respectively) have been matrix printers. The standard resolution of
replaced or used in tandem with the U.S. computer monitors is 72 dpi; of laser printers,
dollar. 300 dpi; of image setters, 1270 to 2540 dpi.
domain name A means of identifying the com- double A hotel room with a double bed.
puter (e-mail) addresses of government double coverage Describes the situation
ofces; educational institutions, companies, where spouses with access to and eligibility
networks, organizations, and individuals. for work-related health insurance coverage
domains Organizational elements that focus both enroll in the program.
on components and subcomponents of exper- double dipping/dipper 1. Collecting two (or
tise. They include, but are not limited to, even three) pensions; for example, military
application domain, data domain, infrastruc- retirement, Social Security, and federal, state,
ture domain, and security domain. or municipal annuities. 2. Accepting federal
domestic partner Used by organizations, full-time employment following retirement
including insurance carriers, to describe a per- from military service with an annuity. 3. The
son who lives with an employee or the insured practice of counting a spouses monthly bene-
in a relationship, whether gay or straight. ts as income for the purpose of determining
Most denitions used by employers include alimony payments when a lump-sum settle-
the following: (1) refer to a shared commit- ment has been previously granted (disallowed
ment or joint responsibility for each others by the courts).
double/double 196 dread disease coverage

double/double A hotel room with two double downsizing A management strategy for
beds. streamlining an organization, making it more
double-occupancy ratio The ratio of double- efcient and cost-effective by eliminating
to single-occupant rooms over the given dates unnecessary and duplicatory functions and
for a meeting or conference. people. It may also have as its objective elim-
double truck An advertisement designed and ination of noncompetitive or obsolete prod-
placed across two facing pages within a pub- ucts, services, and processes or meeting the
lication. Also called a spread. demands of customers and clients for new
dower See community property. products and services. It may stem from an
Dow Jones Interactive An online database, unexpected market downturn, competition, or
a customizable, enterprise-wide business a hostile takeover.
news and research solution, that integrates Down syndrome A chromosome disorder that
content from top national newspapers, Dow usually causes delay in physical, intellectual,
Jones and Reuters newswires, business jour- and language development. Although the
nals, market research reports, analyst report, exact causes of the chromosomal rearrange-
and Web sites. Contact: Dow Jones News ment and primary means of preventing Down
Retrieval, 105 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor, syndrome are unknown at this time, it is one
New York, NY 10016 (phone 800-369-7466; of the leading clinical causes of mental retar-
Web site dation in the world. It is not related to race,
downer See sedative. nationality, or socioeconomic status. Individ-
downgrading 1. Moving a job or position to uals with Down syndrome vary widely in
a lower level in a general schedule or job mental abilities, behavior, and physical devel-
evaluation system. 2. Moving an individual opment, and each has his or her unique per-
job incumbent to a lower-level job or pay sonality, capabilities, and talents. The major-
grade. ity of individuals function in the mild to
downlink The transmission of a signal from moderate range of mental retardation.
an orbiting satellite to a receiving station on down time Time when equipment is not oper-
earth. ational due to a malfunction or other problem.
download Retrieving information or les downwardly mobile professional (DOMO)
from a distant or remote computer or the Typically applied to a person under age 40
Internet over phone or data lines by means who has given up a high-paying job to pursue
of a computer and a modem. a more satisfying way of life.
downloadable font A font whose printer font draw-a-person test A projective technique
information must be loaded down into the used to supplement other psychological tests
printer before it can be created on the page. in analyzing and assessing personality. The
downshifter/downshifting 1. Describes a testee is asked to draw a person, then the
career move that involves trading off higher examiner (a qualied psychometrist or thera-
pay and the power of a prestigious job for one pist) asks certain questions about the drawing
that provides a lower salary and status to fulll to identify associations the subject makes with
personal and family needs and priorities. For the sketch.
example, a fast-track middle manager or exec- draw software In desktop publishing, soft-
utive in a large corporation decides to resign ware that uses vector graphics to create
and accept a small town secondary school images.
teaching position. 2. A worker who attempts drayage In meeting management, refers to
to slow down work life so that he or she can materials handling charges for the transfer of
concentrate on other areas of living. 3. Down- equipment, exhibits, and materials from the
ward movement in the organization accepted point of arrival to the exhibit site.
by employees to acquire critical competencies dread disease coverage A life or health
and experience that will enable them to insurance policy that covers only specic dis-
change the long-term direction of their eases, such as cancer or AIDS. Banned in
careers. some states when some insurers were found
dream team 197 Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997

to be systematically misleading the public on Attributed to Edward Noffsinger, Kaiser Per-

the benets of their policies. manente, California, 1996.
dream team A work team composed of an drug abuse Occurs when an individual uses
organizations top talent who are brought any legal or illegal substance despite the neg-
together to solve a critical problem or develop ative effects it may have on his or her physical,
a plan for the future. psychological, social, or occupational well-
dress code A written company (or other orga- being. Initially voluntary, unless treated, it
nization) policy on ofce (or workplace) attire may progress to drug addiction a compul-
for employees. A relaxed or exible dress sion to use the substance to avoid the stress
code (casual attire) is considered an addi- of withdrawal. Although its causes are
tional employee benet by more than half of unknown, it is possible that a tendency toward
employees. See also corporate attire. addiction may be genetically transmitted.
dressing down See casual attire. There are several classes of drugs: stimulants,
dressing up See corporate attire. sedatives, opiates, cannabis, hallucinogens,
drill and practice A learning strategy that inhalants, and designer drugs. Treatment
involves practice under supervision of some involves getting the individual off the drugs
through a process of detoxication, psycho-
of the steps in a specic process with critique
therapy, after-care programs, and support
and feedback. For example, a drill in a golf
lesson might focus on hitting balls embedded
drugcondition interactions Drug side effects
in a fairway bunker (rather than balls lying
that may occur when an existing medical con-
cleanly on top of the sand in a bunker near
dition, such as hypertension, makes certain
the green).
drugs potentially harmful.
driver In desktop publishing, software used to
drugdrug interactions U n e x p e c t e d a n d
control a printer.
potentially dangerous side effects that may
driving regulations The Occupational Safety
occur when two or more drugs interact with
and Health Administration (OSHA) has pro- each other; for example, causing drowsiness
posed that employees who either drive com- that makes driving a car or operating machin-
pany vehicles or their own vehicles on com- ery hazardous.
pany business be subject to new safety drugfood/beverage interactions Side effects
regulations, including periodic training in that result from drugs reacting with food or
driver safety and the wearing of seat belts. beverages; for example, mixing alcohol and
OSHA would also mandate employers to some drugs slows reactions.
check the driving records of job applicants, drug formulary In prescription drugs benets
monitor driver performance to ensure compli- plans, a specic list of drugs by therapeutic
ance with regulations, and require employees grouping that must be prescribed before bene-
who are guilty of moving violations on the job ts are received (or are preferred). Formular-
to attend a defensive driving program. ies are designed by the pharmacy network
drop charge A special fee charged by car provider and a multidisciplinary committee of
rental companies on one-way rentals or for physicians and pharmacists (pharmacy and
returning a car to a different location. therapeutics [P&T] committee). Each thera-
drop-in group medical appointment peutic group is studied, and drugs are ranked
(DIGMA) A plan that allows patients to according to clinical effectiveness and cost.
spend more time with their physicians. Ten or The network provider then issues a request for
more patients, often with similar conditions, proposals to drug manufacturers. Upon receipt
meet for up to 90 minutes with their physician of the proposals, the provider and the P&T
and a behaviorist who leads group discus- committee designate the drugs within each
sions. Appointments cover the usual range of therapeutic group that will be included in the
care: vital signs are checked, charts are formulary.
reviewed, and prescriptions are written. Pri- Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997 Amends
vate time is allotted for brief physical exams. the National Narcotics Leadership Act of 1998
Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (DFWA) 198 dual career ladders

to establish a program to support and encour- workers, mariners on commercial vessels, and
age local communities that rst demonstrate pipeline industry employees promulgated by
a comprehensive, long-term commitment to the Department of Transportation in Novem-
reduce substance abuse among youth. ber 1989. Rules require pre-employment,
Approved June 27, 1997. periodic, reasonable cause, postaccident, and
Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (DFWA) random testing for marijuana, cocaine, opi-
Legislation that took effect March 18, 1989. ates, amphetamines, and PCP. In February
Requires organizations receiving federal con- 1994, the Secretary of Transportation
tracts of $25,000 or more to meet require- announced that, beginning in 1995, alcohol
ments designed to keep their workplaces free and drug tests are required for safety-sensitive
of illegal drugs. It also applies to any organi- transportation workers, including truck driv-
zation receiving a grant (including universi- ers, school bus drivers, mass-transit operators,
ties), no matter what the amount. To comply, dispatchers, and maintenance workers, pilots,
companies must publish and distribute a pol- ight attendants, and aircraft maintenance
icy prohibiting the unlawful manufacture, dis- personnel, railroaders, any other worker with
tribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a commercial drivers license, pipeline oper-
controlled substances in the workplace; notify ators and maintenance personnel, and crew
federal authorities of any convictions of members operating commercial vessels. Alco-
employees for illegal drug activity in the hol tests, formerly required only after a rail-
workplace; provide for penalties for employ- road or maritime accident, must be adminis-
ees convicted of drug-related violations on the tered on a random basis and at the time of
job; establish an employee-awareness pro- hiring, when a supervisor observes suspicious
gram on the dangers and penalties of work- behavior, and when suspended employees
place drug abuse; and notify employees of the
return to work after treatment and rehabilita-
availability of resources for drug rehabilita-
tion. The regulations also eased some provi-
tion and counseling. Violators are penalized
sions by cutting the number of random drug
by loss of all federal business or grants and
tests from 50% of the work force to 25% as
face possible disbarment from future oppor-
long as the number of positive tests in an
tunities for up to 5 years.
industry remains below 1%. Random alcohol
drug program A health care cost-reduction
tests will also be less stringent. If fewer than
strategy in which arrangements are made with
0.5% of employees in an industry test positive
local pharmacies to waive employee charges
for 2 years, required yearly random alcohol
if a generic drug is used, and the difference
tests would drop to 10% of safety-sensitive
between the generic and name brand is
charged if the employee chooses the latter. employees. On January 1, 1996, Department
drug testing 1. Testing employees for use of of Transportation drug and alcohol testing reg-
narcotics and alcohol. 2. Regulations issued ulations went into effect for all employers in
by the Department of Health and Human Ser- the U.S. See also Executive Order 12564.
vices in 1988 require employers of certain drug tests See balance and reex performance
types of workers to conduct ve kinds of drug check; conrmatory test; critical tracking test;
testing for the presence of marijuana, cocaine, enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique;
opiates, amphetamines, and PCP: random, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; hair
pre-employment, periodic, reasonable cause, analysis; pupillary-reaction test; screening
and postaccident. Workers include those test; urine test.
involved in airline-related functions, railroad drug utilization review (DUR) A program for
operations, interstate truck and bus driving, screening prescription drug transactions for
mass transit, the merchant marines, and natu- potential overdosing or dangerous drug inter-
ral gas and hazardous liquid pipeline opera- actions administered by in-house or con-
tions. 3. Rules for drug testing of interstate tracted utilization review ofcers, companies,
truck and bus drivers, aviation industry or committees.
employees, mass transit workers, railroad dual career ladders See dual career tracks.
dual career tracks 199 durable power of attorney for health care

dual career tracks An approach to employee evidence; and (4) the employee is given an
career development that involves permitting opportunity to question or refute the allegation.
people to move back and forth between man- dues check-off An arrangement negotiated by
agerial and technical or professional jobs over a union whereby the employer deducts dues
the course of their careers and at the same time from the workers pay and turns the money
allowing them to move up in status and com- over to the union.
pensation. The strategy is adopted to improve dummy In desktop publishing, 1. a prelimi-
retention, motivation, job satisfaction, and per- nary layout showing the position of graphics
formance as well as result in the production and text as they will appear in the nal doc-
of creative ideas, practices, and products. ument or 2. a set of blank pages made up in
Dual Compensation Act of 1964 Legislation advance to show the size, shape, form, and
that limited the pensions of military retirees style of a document.
if employed by the federal government. dumpster diver/diving 1. Originally referred
dual-mode phone A transmission device that to homeless people who scavenge garbage
can operate on a specic type of digital net- bins for food or collectables. 2. In business,
work, such as code division multiple access the unscrupulous practice of rummaging
or time division multiple access, on an ana- through a competitors trash to obtain private
log network. or proprietary information (a form of corpo-
dual motive case A provision of the Civil rate espionage). 3. Most recently, used by
Rights Act of 1991, in which an employer, identity thieves seeking credit card informa-
tion or other mean of obtaining personal infor-
while making an employment decision, relies
mation for illegal purposes.
on both permissible and impermissible fac-
duplex In meeting management, a two-story
tors. Where formerly the employer could still
suite with a parlor and bedroom(s) connected
prevail by proving that the decision would
by a stairway.
have been the same even if the unlawful factor
duplication factor In marketing, the percent-
were absent, the Act makes the burden of
age of names on list of organizations or indi-
proof more difcult. The employee charging
viduals that are also on another list.
discrimination will prevail if it is proven that
durable medical equipment (DME) Equip-
his or her protected status (race, sex, and so
ment that serves a medical purpose, cannot be
on) was a motivating factor in the decision
useful to people who are not sick or injured,
regardless of other factors. In essence, the
can be used repeatedly, and is prescribed by
employer must demonstrate that only lawful a physician for use in the home. It typically
factors were used to make the decision. includes such items as oxygen equipment and
dual option Describes the offering of both a wheelchairs and may include seat lift chairs,
health maintenance organization and a con- power-operated vehicles, equipment for care
ventional insurance plan by the same carrier. of pressure sores, and transcutaneous electri-
ductal lavage A diagnostic tool that uses a cal nerve stimulators.
hair-thin, exible catheter that is threaded into durable power of attorney A legal document
milk ducts in the breast to collect (and later prepared by an attorney that gives a named
analyze) cells that may become malignant. individual the power to act as an agent for the
due process In law, the principle that empha- maker or grantor. It can cover general areas
sizes the requirement to protect an individual of decision making or be limited to specic
from arbitrary, capricious, and unfair treat- areas. It is not affected by the disability or
ment. Essentially means that (1) an employee incapacity of the maker.
must be made aware that he or she has com- durable power of attorney for health care
mitted a rules violation, engaged in unaccept- A legal (in some states) means of appointing
able conduct, or failed to perform satisfacto- another person to make health care decisions
rily; (2) the organization supports the for incapacitated individuals. Because general
allegation of wrongdoing with credible evi- powers of attorney become null and void
dence; (3) the employee is informed of that when the maker becomes incompetent, some
dustbuster 200 dysthmia

states now permit a power of attorney to be dynamic scoring A system for calculating tax
designated as durable when stated in the reductions based on the assumption that some
document. An alternative to a living will and tax cuts produce economic activity and negate
often used in conjunction with one. the need for off-setting spending cuts dollar
dustbuster An e-mail or telephone message for dollar.
sent to someone after a long period of time dyslexia A language disability that takes three
without any contact in effect, shaking the forms: visual dyslexia (reversal of letters and
dust off to see if the connection is still viable. numbers; confusing the sequence of letters in
duty One of the major subdivisions of the words, numbers in series, and events in time;
work (job) performed by one individual. A and difculty in internalizing visual images),
duty has these characteristics: it is one of the auditory dyslexia (problems connecting what
incumbents major functions; it occupies all is heard with the written words representing
or a reasonable portion of the incumbents those sounds), and a combination of visual
time; it consists of a cluster of closely related and auditory dyslexia. The disability mani-
tasks; it occurs with reasonable frequency dur- fests itself in a variety of ways: sometimes
ing the work cycle; it involves work opera- confusion of one consonant with another, such
tions that use closely related skills, knowl- as bs for ds, ps for qs, or ts for fs, or as
edge, and abilities; and it is performed for a reversal of syllables, words, or entire sen-
some purpose, by some method, according to tences. For example, an aficted person may
some standard with respect to speed, accuracy, see a combination of letters as d-o-g and
quality, or quantity. For example, the duties another time as g-o-d. The language disability
of an electronics equipment repairer include typically develops into problems with reading
inspecting, adjusting, aligning, trouble-shoot- and writing. The causes of dyslexia are
ing, servicing, and repairing. unknown; however, researchers have found
duty analysis A form of occupation analysis evidence that the disorder exists in families
that is rarely used. It has been relegated to a and may be passed from parent to child. Dys-
back seat in the analysis area, where task lexia cannot be cured, but it can be alleviated,
analysis is now primary. depending on such things as the severity of
dynamic data exchange (DDE) See inprocess the disorder, the age of the individual, the
communications. expertise of the therapist, the frequency and
dynamic HTML A term used to describe a duration of learning sessions, and whether
training sessions are one-on-one or in groups.
combination of Hypertext Markup Language
Computer games show promise of helping
(HTML) tags, style sheets, and programming
overcome the disorder by elongating hard
that allows animation and event-driven
consonants, spacing them farther apart, mak-
ing them louder, and providing practice in
dynamic link libraries (DLL) See inprocess
differentiating among them.
dys-stress Tension caused by the pressures of
dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
work that are dangerous, cause anxiety and
A type of large memory semiconductor chip depression, and if unrelieved can lead to seri-
used in computers. A DRAM can store up to ous physical and emotional illness.
1 megabit (1 million bits of information). It dysthmia A less severe type of depression
loses memory when the power is cut off. See than clinical depression in that it involves
also dynamic random access; random access long-term, chronic symptoms that are not dis-
memory; read-only memory; static random abling but that keep the person from function-
access memory; video random access memory. ing at top speed.
dynamic revenue estimating A theory that
tax cuts stimulate the economy by means of
supply effects and largely pay for themselves.
EA Emotions Anonymous. EDWAAA Economic Dislocation and
EAI Enterprise application Worker Adjustment Assistance
integration. Act of 1988.
EAL Educational Assistance Ltd. E.E. Electrical Engineer.
EAM Enterprise asset management. EEA 1. Employee educational
EANGUS Enlisted Association of the assistance. 2. European
National Guard of the U.S. Economic Area.
EAP Employee assistance program. EEAA Employee Educational
EAPA Employee Assistance Assistance Act of 1978.
Professionals Association, Inc. EEO Equal employment
EBB The Electronic Bulletin Board. opportunity.
EBD Employee biographical data. EEOA Equal Employment
EBI Employee Benets Infosource. Opportunity Act of 1972.
EBIT Earnings before interest and EEOC Equal Employment
taxes. Opportunity Commission.
EBPP Electronic bill presentment EEPROM Electronically erasable and
and payment. reprogrammable memory.
EBRI Employee Benet Research EFA Epilepsy Foundation of
Institute. America.
EC European Community.
EFC Expected family contribution.
ECE Early childhood education.
EFTA European Free Trade
ECEDA Early Childhood Education
and Development Act of 1990.
EFTPS Electronic Federal Tax
ECF Extended-care facility.
Payment System.
ECHO Elderly cottage housing
EFTs Exchange-traded funds.
ECI 1. Economic Cost Index. 2. EGA Ethics in Government Act of
Employment cost index. 1978.
ECM Enterprise content EGTRRA Economic Growth and Tax
management. Relief Reconciliation Act of
ECO Employee Commute Option. 2001.
ECPA Electronic Communications EHA Emotional Health Anonymous.
Privacy Act of 1986. EHOP Employee home ownership
ECU European Community plan.
(monetary) unit. EHS Extremely hazardous
ED 1. Electronic document. 2. substance.
Emotionally disabled. EI Employee involvement.
EDC Exhibitor-designated EIA 1. Environmental Industry
contractor. Associations. 2. Employee
Ed.D. Doctor of Education. Involvement Association.
EDI Electronic data interchange. EIM Enterprise incentive
EDIS Employee driven idea system. management.
Ed.M. Master of Education. EIN Employer identication
EDP Electronic data processing. number.

EIS 202 ET

EIS 1. Executive information EPO Exclusive provider

system. 2. Environmental organization.
impact statement. EPP 1. Employee participation
EITC Earned income tax credit. plan. 2. Electronic print
ELOS Estimated length of stay. production. 3. Employee
EMA Employment Management partnership pay.
Association. EPPA Employee Polygraph
EMF Electromagnetic eld. Protection Act of of 1988.
EMG Electromyography. EPSDT Early and Periodic Screening,
EMI European Monetary Institute. Diagnosis, and Treatment
EMIT Enzyme multiplied Program.
immunoassay technique. EPSS Electronic performance
EMO Educational management support systems.
organization. EPVA Eastern Paralyzed Veterans
EMS Emergency medical services. Association.
EMT Emergency medical EQ Emotional quotient.
technician. ERA Ethics Reform Act of 1989.
ERC 1. Employee Relocation
EMU Economic Monetary Union.
Council. 2. Ethics Resource
ENDA Employment
ERIC Educational Resources
Act of 1996.
Information Center.
Eng.D. Doctor of Engineering.
ERIC/IT ERIC Clearinghouse on
Ens. Ensign O1 (Navy civilian
Information & Technology.
ERIP Early retirement incentive
ENS Ensign O1 (Navy military
ERISA Employee Income Retirement
E&O Errors and omissions. Security Act of 1974.
EO Executive order. ERM 1. European Exchange Rate
EOB Explanation of benets. Mechanism. 2. Enterprise
EOI Evidence of insurability. relationship management.
EOMB Explanation of Medicare 3. Employee-relationship-
Benets. management.
EOQ European Organization for ERP Enterprise resource planning.
Quality. ERTA Economic Recovery Tax Act of
EP 1. Electronic publishing. 1981.
2. Employee participation. ES Equity sharing.
3. European plan. ESEA Elementary and Secondary
EPA 1. Environmental Protection Education Act of 1965.
Agency. 2. Equal Pay Act of ESGR National Committee for
1963. 3. Epilepsy Foundation Employer Support of the
of America. Guard and Reserve.
EPCRA Emergency Planning and ESL English as a second language.
Community Right-to-Know ESOP 1. Employee stock option
Act of 1986. (ownership) plan. 2. The ESOP
EPIC Exemplary Public Interest Association.
Contribution. ESRD End-stage renal disease.
EPL Employment practices ESS Employee self-service.
liability. ET 1. Embedded training.
EPLI Employment practices liability 2. Enterprise training.
insurance. 3. Expenditure target.
ETC 203 early retirement incentive

ETC Estimate to complete. highly structured, teacher-controlled activities

ETDN Electronic ticket delivery focused on rote learning and memorization,
network. strategies used today emphasize imagination
ETR External training resource. and include one-on-one conversation, interac-
ETS 1. Educational Testing Service. tion, and other approaches. Some programs
2. Environmental tobacco are funded completely by states, cities or
smoke. towns, or private organizations; others are par-
EU European Union. tially subsidized by public or private organi-
EU DPD European Unions Data zations; still others are supported totally by
Protection Directive. parental tuition payments.
EVA Economic value added. early decision plan A college admissions plan
EVE Exemplary Voluntary Efforts in which applicants who apply by a specied
Award. date in the fall of their senior year in high
EWP89 Employee wellness plan. school are guaranteed admission to the college
See Section 89, Internal if they promise to enroll if accepted.
Revenue Code. early intervention services Medically neces-
sary services and supplies provided by a home
8-bit color A digital color standard where 8 health care agency (in a persons residence)
bits of information are used to describe each on a part-time, intermittent, or visiting basis
color pixel, yielding a total of 256 possible while the person is conned as a result of
simultaneous colors. 8-bit color is standard for injury, disease, or pregnancy.
color video graphics array displays but is early-out penalty A at fee ($25 to $50)
inadequate to dene the range of colors charged by hotels when guests check out ear-
required for graphic arts reproduction. lier than expected.
E-1 visa See Immigration and Naturalization early retirement incentive program (ERIP)
Service E-1 status. A strategy designed to encourage retirement
E-2 visa See Immigration and Naturalization of older employees or when budgetary pres-
Service E-2 status. sures require a signicant reduction in person-
The Ear Foundation A nonprot organiza- nel within a relatively short period of time.
tion established to lead the effort for better ERIPs have been adopted by many organiza-
hearing and balance through public and pro- tions since the passage of the Age Discrimina-
fessional education programs, support ser- tion in Employment Act (as amended in 1987),
vices, and applied research. Contact: The Ear which prohibits mandatory retirement for most
Foundation, 1817 Patterson Street, Nashville, jobs at any age. They have also been used when
TN 37203 (phone [voice/TED] 800-545- economic conditions require downsizing or
HEAR or 615-329-7809; fax 615-284-7935; restructuring. Essentially, such plans estab-
e-mail ear; Web site lish a period (open window) of from 30 to 90 days during which eligible employees may
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and voluntarily retire with a one-time monetary
Treatment Program (EPSDT) A program incentive as well as a full pension and
mandated by law as part of the Medicaid pro- sometimes additional fringe benets. Eligibil-
gram. Requires all states to have in effect a ity may be based on age (anyone over age 65
program for eligible children under 21 to or years of continuous service [e.g., the Rule
ascertain their physical or mental defects and of 75 whereby any combination of age and
to provide such health care treatments and years of service total 75 or more]). Examples
other measures to correct or ameliorate of benets, in addition to an unreduced
defects and chronic conditions discovered. accrued normal retirement benet, typically
early childhood education (ECE) Educa- include a special bridge benet based on
tion provided to children in the 2-to-6-year- years of service, such as a percentage of nal
old age group by public or private agencies, pay amounting to as much as 25% for a spec-
organizations, and businesses. Instead of ied number of years or age, and guaranteed
early retirement window 204 Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association

access to coverage of a comprehensive medical earnings test On April 7, 2000, the president
plan for the retiree and spouse. signed the Senior Citizens Freedom To Work
early retirement window See early retire- Act of 2000. The legislation eliminates the
ment incentive program. Social Security annual earnings test and the
earned degree An academic title awarded by foreign work test in and after the month in
a college or university upon successful com- which a person attains full retirement age
pletion of a prescribed course of study that (FRA). The FRA was age 65 in 2000 through
confers some power, privilege, or honor. It 2002 but is scheduled to increase in future
should not be used to describe secondary years beginning with 2003. Earnings at or
school graduation, as in high school degree. after FRA do not count toward the earnings
There are four levels or ranks of degrees; from test. Only earnings before the month of FRA
lowest to highest, they are associates, bache- count toward the earnings test. For persons
lors, masters, and doctors degrees (e.g., who are under FRA when they begin to
associate in arts [A.A.], bachelor of science receive Social Security payments, $1 in bene-
[B.S.], master of education [Ed.M.], and doc- ts will be deducted for each $2 earned above
tor of philosophy [Ph.D.]). See also honorary the annual limit. For 2003, that limit is
degree and diploma. $11,520; for 2002, that limit was $11,280. The
earned entitlements Work-related benets, retirement earnings test applies only to people
such as annuities and health insurance, which below the normal retirement age (NRA),
were paid for in part by deductions from which ranges from age 65 to 67 depending on
income during the work life of the beneciary. year of birth. Social Security withholds bene-
earned income tax credit (EITC) A federal ts if earnings exceed a certain level, called a
tax credit that provides certain people earning retirement earnings test exempt amount, and
less than $34,178 per year (in 2002) with cred- if the person is under the NRA. One of two
its against their tax liability. The amount of different exempt amounts apply, depending on
the credit depends on the number of children the year the individual attains the NRA. These
in the family; some families receive a check exempt amounts generally increase annually
from the government if the credit exceeds the with increases in the national average wage
tax liability. index. For people attaining NRA after 2003,
earned time off An employee incentive in the annual exempt amount in 2003 is $11,520.
which the individual is rewarded for produc- For people attaining NRA in 2003, the annual
tivity or other contribution to the organization exempt amount is $30,720.
by granting additional time off with pay. earn out Payments made to an acquired busi-
earned value In project management, an ness in addition to acquisition costs, based on
objective measurement of how much work has the acquired businesss estimated future earn-
been accomplished on a project; for example, ings above a specic amount. Used as incen-
the use of either manufacturing standards or tives to retain key managers for an extended
line-of-balance methodology for measuring period of time after the transaction.
accomplishment on the factory oor. Also easel See ip chart.
called performance measure/measurement, ease of navigation A desirable characteristic
management by objectives, and cost sched- of a well-designed Web site; for example, one
ule control systems. that is well-organized, allows users to move
earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) quickly and easily from one section of the site
A means of valuing a business. EBIT is the to another without backtracking, uses graphics
market comparison method. It is determined appropriately, and includes a search engine.
by multiplying earnings before interest and Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association
taxes by a multiplier ranging from 4 to 8 and (EPVA) A chapter of the congressionally
then comparing the resulting value to the sell- chartered Paralyzed Veterans of America.
ing prices and price earnings of other compa- EPVA is a nonprot organization of over 2000
nies in the industry. members residing in New York, New Jersey,
earnings penalty See earnings test. Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. EPVA is
EB-1/EB-2/EB-3 Priority Workers 205 Economic Cost Index (ECI)

dedicated to enhancing the lives of veterans Echo II Speech Processor Hardware that
with spinal cord injury or disease by ensuring allows Apple II series software to give oral
quality health care, promoting research, and instructions and provide reinforcement. It is a
advocating for civil rights and independence. required component of many TouchWin-
Contact: EPVA, 75-20 Astoria Blvd., dow-compatible programs and can be used
Jackson Heights, NY 11370-1177 (phone with many other educational programs. The
718-803-3782; fax 718803-0414; e-mail board installs in a slot inside selected Apple; Web site computers. It has an external speaker and vol-
EB-1/EB-2/EB-3 Priority Workers A l l ow s ume control and a headphone jack for private
aliens categorized as extraordinary (EB-1), monitoring. A registered trademark of Street
exceptional (EB-2), or other professional/ Electronics. Contact: Edmark Corporation,
skilled workers (EB-3) (in that order of pref- P.O. Box 3903, Bellevue, WA 98009-3903
erence) to work in the U.S. Currently the max- (phone 800-426-0856).
imum quota allowed is 40,000 visas per year eclectic counseling An approach to counsel-
per category. ing that attempts to make use of the best fea-
EB-1 visa See Immigration and Naturaliza- tures of both directive and nondirective meth-
tion Service EB-1 status. ods.
EB-2 visa See Immigration and Naturaliza- e-coaching Online mentoring or coaching
tion Service EB-2 status. assistance provided to individuals who are
taking a course via the Internet. Often deliv-
EB-3 visa See Immigration and Naturaliza-
ered by a real person by means of e-mail or
tion Service EB-3 status.
live, online chat.
E-based retailing See emotional retailing.
e-conferencing Technologies that allow peo-
Ebonics A form of the English language used
ple to communicate over the World Wide Web.
by many African-Americans. The term com-
Includes audioconferencing,videoconfer-
bines ebony and phonics. Recognized in
encing, collaborative conferencing, and
some places as a legitimate language, like webconferencing.
French or Spanish. Also called Black English. economic analysis A systematic approach to
eccentric viewing Not looking at what you assist HR managers to solve a problem of
want to see, a technique used by persons to choice. The full problem is investigated and
cope with macular degeneration, a spot on objectives and alternatives are searched out
the retina of the eye that becomes totally and compared in the light of their benets and
insensitive to light. It is done by moving the costs through the use of appropriate analytical
eyes (not the head) high right or high left of elements.
the object to focus the light entering the eye economic benet A term used by the Internal
on the retinal tissue beside the macula but not Revenue Service to identify and determine
directly on it. The technique moves the blind current tax liability when the employee can
spot out of the way. receive compensation (backed by a funded
echocardiography A noninvasive test used by plan and instrument, rights that are nonforfeit-
physicians to assess which patients are good able, and there is no risk of forfeiture) even
candidates for coronary artery bypass surgery. though he or she may elect not to do so.
The procedure uses an adrenalin-like drug and economic conversion A planned shift from
an imaging system to predict how well a military and other defense-related production
patient will recover from the surgery. to civilian consumer products and services to
Echo Headphone A device that permits train- preserve the industrial base and protect jobs.
ees to learn privately, lters out ambient noise, Economic Cost Index (ECI) By law, the base-
and prevents computer sounds from distract- line for setting military and federal civilian pay
ing other trainees or workers. A registered raises. For example, the September 1996 ECI
trademark of Street Electronics. Contact: measurement was the guide for setting the 1998
Edmark Corporation, P.O. Box 3903, Belle- pay raise. The lag between measurement and
vue, WA 98009-3903 (phone 800-426-0856). application is dictated by the 15-month lead
Economic Dislocation and Worker 206 Economic Security Stimulus Act of 2002

time for the budget process. Before 1994, fed- contributions can be made beginning in 2002.
eral civilian raises were supposed to match the The amount varies by plan type and tax year
ECI. This carried over to military raises, too, as follows: Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs,
because a separate law ties military raises to $500 from 2002 through 2005 and $1000
whatever federal civilian workers are paid. from 2006 through 2008; SARSEPs $1000 in
But in 1994, new legislation started capping 2002, $2000 in 2003, $3000 in 2004, $4000
federal civilian raises one half percentage in 2005, and $5000 in 2006 through 2008;
point below the ECI. The difference was used SIMPLE Deferral $500 in 2002, $1000 in
to fund a locality pay additive for federal 2003, $1500 in 2004, $2000 in 2005, and
civilians that varied by geographic location. $2500 in 2006 through 2008. It is now per-
Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjust- missible to roll over distributions of after-tax
ment Assistance Act of 1988 (EDWAAA) contribution from an employers retirement
Amended Title III of the Job Training Part- plan to an IRA. For table years beginning on
nership Act of 1982 dealing with dislocated or after January 1, 2002 through December
workers: terminated, long-term unemployed, 31, 2006, individuals may be eligible to
and self-employed but underemployed blue receive a tax credit on Traditional or Roth
collar, white collar, midlevel managers, other IRA contributions equaling a percentage of
self-employed people, and displaced home- qualied retirement savings contributions not
makers without any economic criteria for exceeding $2000. The credit will be allowed
assistance. Beginning July 1989, the program in addition to any tax deduction that may
was operated at both state and local levels and apply and may not exceed $1000 in a given
required states to allocate funds to provide year. In addition, businesses with 100 or fewer
services locally to dislocated workers, such as employees are eligible for a tax credit of 50%
classroom, occupational skills, and on-the-job of administrative cost up to $1000 for the rst
training. In addition, the Act provides read- 3 years of a new plan, provided that at least
justment services including testing and assess- one non-highly compensated employee is par-
ment and developing individual readjustment ticipating in the plan.
plans. Economic Monetary Union (EMU) An eco-
Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconcili- nomic monetary union, including a single cur-
ation Act of 2002 (EGTRRA) Signed into rency and central bank, for all members of the
law on June 7, 2002 by President Bush, the European Community.
Act (and new regulations pertaining to Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA)
required distributions) provides opportunities Authorized the establishment of incentive
for individuals to maximize the effectiveness stock option plans and granted deferral of tax
of their retirement savings. They include liability until the stock is sold. The Act also
increased contribution limits, simplication of permitted the establishment of individual
the required distribution rules, and increased retirement accounts (IRAs) for anyone who
portability of retirement assets. The maximum earned an income regardless of whether the
allowed contribution to a Traditional or Roth individual was already enrolled in a company
IRA is $3000 for 2002 through 2004. For 2005 pension plan. That provision has since been
through 2007, the limit is $4000, and begin- extensively modied.
ning in 2008 the limit is increased to $5000. Economic Security Stimulus Act of 2002
The limit for a Coverdell ESA (formerly Edu- Signed into law on March 8, 2002, the bill
cation IRA) is $2000 beginning in 2002. The was designed to stimulate the economy and
maximum employer deduction for contribu- provide assistance to dislocated workers. It
tions to a SEP or SIMPLE IRA is 25% of provides an additional 13 weeks of unemploy-
compensation or $40,000, whichever is less. ment benet, business tax relief, accelerated
The 2002 salary deferral limit for SEPs is depreciation for capital equipment, and
$11,000 and for SIMPLEs is $7000. For indi- extends the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
viduals age 50 or older, additional catch up and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit.
economic value added (EVA) 207 education

economic value added (EVA) A nancial format of certain electronic transactions relat-
metric used to measure protability at all lev- ing to health, including enrollment and pre-
els of organization from individual projects, mium payments. The rule also mandates the
through business units, to corporate. See also use of certain medical data code sets in those
market value added. transactions.
economy One of the characteristics of an Edison Project An educational undertaking
acceptable test. A test is economical when a designed to invent, develop, and privately
minimum of time, equipment, materials, and operate for prot 1000 new American schools
personnel is required to administer and score and, at the same time, help traditional schools
it. by demonstrating effective practices suitable
economy class The lowest-priced regular air to their purposes. Supporters describe the
fare. project as an attempt to create efcient schools
economy of scale Applicable to some but not driven by technology and the marketplace,
all organizations. A concept stating that as an schools whose students will achieve high test
organization gets larger its operations and scores and become highly skilled workers.
other costs per unit decrease. The concept is Using a core team of seven people led by
based on the learning curve and the experi- Benno Schmidt, former president of Yale Uni-
ence curve. versity, the objectives of the Project will be
economy of scope A concept stating that an achieved by a private, for-prot company with
organization with an extensive and varied a public agenda, according to its cofounder,
product line, broad contacts with potential Christopher Whittle. The rst new schools
customers, and wide distribution coverage opened in 1995 on 200 campuses, enrolling
can achieve substantial savings in operating 150,000 students between the ages of 1 and 6
costs (e.g., advertising and promotion and years. In 1998, additional campuses were
distribution). opened, and by 2010 enrollment will reach
ecotourism Travel that contributes to conser- 2,000,000. Ultimately, each campus will con-
vation. It is more than adventure and nature tain a day-care center and offer elementary,
tourism. It involves positive efforts on the part middle school, and high school curriculums.
of the traveler to protect the natural resources Annual tuition will be the equivalent of the
of the areas visited. annual cost per student in U.S. public schools
ecotours Trips, including meetings, incentive and 20% of the funds will be used for
travel, and educational tours, taken to show scholarships.
concern for the environment and advance the editing In video production, the process of
cause of conservation. Destinations and adding to, deleting, replacing, extending,
locales are selected where the area or country shortening, or otherwise changing a videotape
is known for its natural qualities of fresh air, from its original form to achieve the coverage,
wildlife, and pristine surroundings or where length, quality, and nal form desired. The
signicant progress has been made in reduc- source of the changes may be videotape
ing pollution or achieving environmental recorders, audiotape recorders, cameras, char-
improvements. acter generators, lm chains, special effects
e-cruiting Using the Internet to recruit and generators, and so on. Also, any point in a
screen qualied candidates for positions. videotape where either audio or video content,
Ecstasy See hallucinogens. or both, has been changed.
edge of the net The process of reducing con- educable A category of persons with mild
tent delivery by having Web content hosted mental disabilities. Such persons have fair
simultaneously at many different servers motor development, can learn to communi-
worldwide. cate, and with supervision and guidance can
EDI Rule A nal rule published by the perform acceptably in unskilled or semiskilled
Department of Health and Human Services occupations.
August 17, 2000 electronic data inter- education Learning programs and experi-
change, which established standards for the ences that are not directly job-oriented.
educational assistance 208 Education for All Handicapped Children

Education is designed to enrich a persons measurement, and evaluation; and urban edu-
general knowledge and capabilities over the cation. Materials, including annotated bibliog-
long term and not to prepare him or her for a raphies, are disseminated in print, microform,
profession or an occupation, although it often magnetic tape, and CD-ROM. Contact: ERIC,
provides the concepts, principles, and facts Processing and Reference Facility, 833 Rugby
upon which job-related skills are based. Ave., Suite 301, Bethesda, MD 20814 (phone
educational assistance See Section 127, 301-656-9723; Web site
Internal Revenue Code. The Educational Society for Resource Man-
Educational Assistance Ltd. (EAL) An orga- agement (APICS) An international organi-
nization that assists corporations to donate zation of 60,000 members that focuses on just-
excess inventory to colleges, which then pro- in-time, capacity management, materials
vide scholarships to disadvantaged students requirements, production activity, and master
equal to the value of the equipment or services planning. Sponsors an annual conference,
received. Contact: Educational Assistance seminars and workshops, exhibitions, profes-
Ltd., P.O. Box 3021, Glen Ellyn, IL 60138- sional certication, and professional publica-
3021 (phone 630-690-0010; fax 630-690- tions. Contact: APICS, 5301 Shawnee Road,
0565; e-mail; Web site Alexandria, VA 22312-2317 (phone 800-444- 2742 or 703-354-8851; fax 703-354-8106;
educational management organization e-mail; Web site
(EMO) A private company that operates an
individual public elementary or secondary educational technology The application of
school or an entire school system under con- technological advances to employee educa-
tract with the city, town, or school district and tion, training, and development. Includes
assumes responsibility for educating its stu- computers, EXPERT systems, telecommuni-
dents. See also charter schools. cations, and video.
Educational Research, Development, Dis- Educational Testing Service, Inc. (ETS) A
semination, and Improvement Act of not-for-prot organization that offers prod-
1994 Established a goal of 1% of the total ucts and services for clients in education,
amount of funds spent on education for government, and business. The purpose of
research. Established the Ofce of Educa- ETS testing is to provide useful and depend-
tional Research and Improvement in the able information that will enable individuals
Department of Education to serve as the center and organizations to demonstrate achieve-
and coordinator of efforts. ments, discover possibilities, and make deci-
Educational Resources Information Center sions. Contact: ETS, Rosedale Rd., Prince-
(ERIC) A nationwide educational database ton, NJ 08541-0001 (phone 800-258-4914 or
of materials collected by the U.S. Department 609-921-9000; fax 609-734-5410; e-mail
of Education. ERIC consists of two subles:; Web site
(1) Resources in Education (RIE), covering Education Amendments of 1992 Reautho-
documents, and (2) Current Index to Journals rized and signicantly changed the Higher
in Education (CIJE), covering approximately Education Act of 1965. Signed by the presi-
750 journals and serial publications. All dent in July 1992, the law increased the avail-
records contain abstracts. Sixteen broad sub- ability of aid for middle-income postsecond-
ject areas are covered by ERIC: adult, career, ary students and families.
and vocational education; counseling and per- education expenses Qualifying expenses to
sonnel services; elementary and early child- be covered by student aid, such as tuition and
hood education; educational management; school fees, books and supplies, room and
handicapped and gifted children; information board, and reasonable living expenses as
resources; junior colleges; languages and lin- determined by the school.
guistics; rural education and small schools; Education for All Handicapped Children
science, mathematics, and environmental edu- Act of 1974 Required the mainstreaming of
cation; social studies; teacher education; tests, disabled students into regular classrooms if
Education IRAs 209 elasticity of demand

appropriate and the establishment of individ- E-Factor Environment and economics,

ualized educational programs for students empowerment, and efciency, items that must
with disabilities. be incorporated into the way companies do
Education IRAs Established by the Tax- business if they are to prosper in an age of
payer Relief Act of 1997. Allow parents, rel- growing environmental awareness. Attributed
atives, and friends to contribute up to a total to Joel Makower, The E-Factor: The Bottom-
of $500 per year toward the cost of a childs Line Approach to Environmentally Responsi-
college education. Contributions to the ble Business.
accounts are not deductible, but contributors effectiveness In health care, a particular appli-
can avoid paying taxes on prots in the cation of efcacy (i.e., it reects the perfor-
accounts as long as withdrawals are used to mance of an intervention under ordinary con-
pay for qualied education costs such as ditions by the average practitioner for the
tuition, room, and board. Also known as Edu- typical patient).
cation Savings Accounts. efcacy In health care, the probability of ben-
Education Savings Accounts See Education et to individuals in a dened population from
IRAs. a technology applied to a given medical prob-
edutainment A combination of educational lem under ideal conditions of use.
and entertaining programming used in corpo- efciency 1. In health care, productive ef-
rate video. Edutainment employs such famil- ciency describes the performance of a service
iar network formats as magazine shows, news- or delivery of medical care of a given quality
with the least expenditure of resources.
casts, and game shows to inform, educate,
Allocative efciency concerns not only
train, and entertain.
whether care is provided as inexpensively as
EEOC revolving fund A 1992 amendment to
possible, given its cost and quality, but also
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Section 705).
whether the costs expended for the additional
Created a revolving fund within the Equal
care are worth the benets to be gained. 2. In
Employment Opportunity Commission
travel and meeting management, a hotel room
(EEOC) that allows the EEOC to charge
that contains cooking facilities.
employers and individuals reasonable fees for
egonomics Refers to the need of people to
some of its services to offset the costs of new
make personal statements as a response to the
services, such as developing training pro- bleak computer era. Attributed to Faith Pop-
grams and producing videos. corn and Lys Marigold, Clicking: 16 Trends
EEOC v. Wafe House, Inc. A 2002 Supreme to Future Fit Your Life, Your Work, and Your
Court decision in which the Court held that Business.
the Equal Employment Opportunity Com- E-Government Act of 2002 Enhances the
mission can sue for back pay, reinstatement, management and promotion of electronic gov-
and damages on behalf of an employee even ernment services and processes by establish-
though the worker was bound by an arbitration ing a federal chief information ofcer within
agreement preventing him or her from going the Ofce of Management and Budget and by
to court on his or her own behalf. establishing a broad framework of measures
EEOC waiver policy States that the right of that requires the use of Internet-based infor-
an individual to le a charge of employment mation technology to improve citizen access
discrimination cannot be waived; that an indi- to government information and services.
vidual cannot waive the right to testify, assist, Approved December 17, 2002.
or participate in a commission proceeding; eight-ball One eighth ounce of cocaine.
and that the no-waiver position is consistent E-key system Electronic key system that
with the commissions strong support of vol- employs a plastic card coded with a magnetic
untary agreements to resolve employment dis- strip. Used for hotel/motel room access.
crimination disputes. elasticity of demand The percentage change
EEO in the federal government See Execu- in the quantity demand of a product divided
tive Order 13152. by the percentage change in the price charged.
elder abuse 210 electromyograph (EMG)

Thus, if a 1% price raise results in a sales drop knowledge management systems); and learn-
of more than 1%, the demand for a product ing management (learner proles, registrar
would be described as elastic; if sales fell systems, and resource managers).
by less than 1%, its demand would be termed elective surgery Any nonemergency surgical
inelastic. procedure that may be scheduled at the con-
elder abuse An act or failure to act that results venience of the patient without jeopardizing
in serious physical or emotional exploitation his or her life or causing serious impairment
of an elderly person. Serious physical injury to bodily functions.
includes any injury, either internal or external, electromagnetic eld (EMF) The area sur-
bed sores, malnutrition, dehydration, and rounding electrical appliances (such as elec-
inappropriate or harmful administration of tric blankets and motor-driven can openers,
drugs and medications. Serious emotional mixers, clocks, and fans), electronic equip-
injury includes any extreme emotional condi- ment (such as computer video display termi-
tion such as anxiety, fear, depression, and nals and television sets), and power lines
withdrawal. Financial exploitation is an act by believed by some to pose health risks, such as
another that results in a loss of a substantial cancer. EMF is measured in milligauss.
amount of money to the elderly person with- Electromation Decision A December 1992
out his or her consent, or when the elder is decision of the National Labor Relations
tricked or forced into giving consent. Board on the legality of employee action com-
elder care Services provided to the elderly mittees or similar team-based work groups
(grandparents, parents, and spouses), includ- established to further the concept of employee
ing information and consultation, seminars participation. The board ruled that employee
and workshops, on-site peer support groups, committees formed at Electomation, Inc., an
and facilities for day care. Indiana electronics rm, were labor organi-
zations that violated federal labor laws
elder law The area of law that deals with
because of the employers alleged interference
estate planning, health care decisions, hous-
with and domination over the committees. In
ing, legal capacity issues, taxation, and gov-
August 1993, the NLRB issued guidelines to
ernment programs, such as Medicaid, which
its eld ofces regarding the ruling. The mem-
affect people over the age of 65.
orandum stated that an organization is a labor
elderly cottage housing opportunity (ECHO)
organization if employees participate, and the
An alternative housing solution for the elderly, organization exists, at least in part, for the
ECHO units are small, self-contained, porta- purpose of dealing with employees on man-
ble, factory-built housing modules that can be datory subjects of bargaining, such as griev-
placed by means of a crane on a prepared ances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay,
foundation in the yard of a single-family hours, safety concerns, or working conditions.
house. ECHO units retain the security of The memorandum deliberately left unresolved
closeness to others while retaining privacy. the issue of whether any program initiated by
e-learning Linking learning opportunities and the employer exists for the purpose of
events in a single, Web-based community. achieving quality or efciency or that were
Learning via computers over the Internet and designed to be a communication device to
intranets. Also called Web-based learn- promote generally the interests of quality or
ing,online learning,and distributed learning. efciency may constitute labor organiza-
e-learning systems Automated learning tions.
through the use of information technology. electromyograph (EMG) An instrument used
Components are content creation (multi- to convert the electrical activity of skeletal
media, HTML, XML, and authoring tools); muscles into a visual picture or a sound. It has
interaction (teleconferencing, e-mail, chat become one of the principal tools for the diag-
rooms, other means of collaboration, and sim- nosis of neuromuscular disorders, including
ulation); storage and distribution (content lower back problems, as well as for biofeed-
storehouses, Web and multimedia servers, and back in subsequent treatment.
electromyography (EMG) 211 Electronic Federal Tax Payment System

electromyography (EMG) A medical diag- including government and law enforcement

nostic technology used by neurologists and agencies and individuals, without proper
neurophysiologists to locate and determine authority, such as a search warrant. Although
the extent of nerve damage. The system uses designed to ensure privacy, absolute security
electrical impulses generated by machine and of interofce computerized systems is unat-
the human body to develop graphic record- tainable (unless encrypted by sophisticated
ings, which are then measured to produce a codes). They invariably leave an electronic
diagnosis. trail that can be used to recover the messages.
electronically erasable and reprogrammable Although it is illegal in some states for an
memory (EEPROM) Semiconductor com- employer to listen in on private conversations
puter chips that can be erased and repro- and telephone calls, there are no clear-cut
grammed. They are smaller, cheaper, and rules covering electronic mail. In some cases
more reliable than disk drives, and they retain the courts have ruled that, because the com-
their memory in the absence of power. pany owned the computer system, it had the
electronic bill presentment and payment right to read anything created on it.
(EBPP) A service provided bank customers electronic data interchange (EDI) Computer-
to pay bills. Many banks charge a minimum to-computer exchange of business documents
monthly fee, with a per-transaction charge over between departments, functions, and branches
a set number. Some banks deduct the fund in an organization, with suppliers and contrac-
immediately, but the appropriate accounts may tors, with trading partners, and government
not get credited for days or weeks. ofces (for reports, such as rst-report-of-
electronic brainstorming The use of com- injury). EDI technology is affecting internal
puters to assist in the ideation or creative prob- operations, such as purchasing and nancial
lem-solving process. In elaborate systems, management, as well as marketing and other
whole rooms are especially designed and fur- external contacts. Among its main advantages
nished for group use. They include work sta- are implementation and facilitation of the
tions with personal computers and specialized rms strategic plan, as well as reductions in
software for from 8 to 48 persons and several time, paperwork, and processing costs.
large wall screens. electronic data processing (EDP) See data
electronic bulletin board A comprehensive processing.
communication system employing microcom- electronic delivery system See distance
puters, software, modems, and phone lines. learning.
Used to transmit electronic mail to specic electronic distance learning See distance
addresses, post messages to all board users, learning.
and send les or other long documents to other electronic document (ED) A nonpaper docu-
users. It also allows distant users to tap into ment created by computer using specialized
the database of a central computer to review, software and expertise in document design
send, or obtain information. that automates the document construction pro-
The Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) For cess. Electronic publishing software, such as
online security tips for business travelers. SmarText used with a Windows-compatible
Contact: Private Sector Liaison Staff, U.S. computer, can create electronic documents
Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic using standard word processor and graphics
Security SA-11, Washington, D.C. 20522- les to build hypertext links, indexes, and
1003. For advisories on conditions affecting tables of contents.
travelers abroad, call U.S. State Department Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
Citizens Emergency Center (202-647-5225) (EFTPS) Requires all U.S. companies with
or U.S. State Department Crisis Center (202- 1995 federal employment taxes of $50,000 or
647-0900). more to deposit business taxes electronically
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of as of July 1, 1997, and continue to do so in
1986 Prohibits interception of electronic future years even when their tax liability falls
mail by any extra-organizational third party, below that level. Failure to le will result in
electronic filing 212 electronic print production (EPP)

penalties. Companies with 1997 federal taxes to help groups of people organize their
of $20,000 or more must le electronically by thoughts, develop ideas, create designs and
1999. A provision mandated by the North proposals, present reports, and solve
American Free Trade Agreement. problems.
electronic ling The process of submitting electronic monitoring Surveillance of employ-
documents (forms) by computer. A nal rule ees by such means as monitoring word pro-
published by the National Labor Relations cessing keystrokes, telephone conversations,
Board on November 26, 2002, in the Federal and e-mail. Employees object to it as an inva-
Register allows such ling using forms that sion of privacy. Employers maintain that it is
will be made available on the agencys Web a business necessity and can be used as a train-
site ( ing and coaching tool for such employees as
Electronic Freedom of Information Act of secretaries, receptionists, customer service
1996 Requires federal agencies to provide representatives, and telemarketers.
data electronically, including computer-gener- electronic page-turner Training programs
ated materials, when that form of response is that have simply been transferred from their
requested. current format to the computer, failing to take
electronic funds transfer Electronic distribu- advantage of the potential of the computer for
tion of funds from their source (for example, interactivity.
Social Security or a lending bank) to a bank electronic partnering Replacing conven-
account or a creditor. Includes Fedwire, Bank- tional order-taking, shipping, and invoicing
wire, automated clearinghouses (ACHs), and
process with electronic data interchange
other automated systems.
systems that hook computers together with
electronic immigrant A service worker who
modems and telephone lines.
performs work across an international border
electronic performance aid A job aid that
by means of a computer and modem and
makes use of the computer-based strategies of
thereby competes with workers in the more
articial intelligence (AI) and hypertext sys-
afuent country.
tems instead of paper.
electronic job aid A computer-based system
that provides online assistance to workers. electronic performance support system
electronic mail/mailbox Computer-based (EPSS) An integrated computerized system
message systems, communicating word pro- composed of a database and support functions
cessors, and communicating facsimile that provides online assistance to workers, in
machines connected by modems and tele- the forms of advice, assistance, data, tools,
phone lines/radio/satellite links. Anything that and images, as the main features of intelligent
can be input to a computer can be transmitted work stations. Designed to improve organiza-
(documents, photos, drawings, and so on). An tional and individual performance of work on
efcient way to transmit information their own and with minimum investment of
reports, memos, other written materials and the time of other workers.
an effective way to disseminate information electronic print production (EPP) The pro-
to people dispersed over a large geographical cess of assembling and formatting informa-
area. It is the most ubiquitous collaborative tion in a computer to serve as output for hard
Internet tool. Also called e-mail. copy (paper). It differs from desktop publish-
electronic management A term used to ing mainly in terms of the quality of the output
describe the phenomenon of top executives of the two processes. For EPP, the input device
appearing on television screens in cafeterias, and computer must be able to handle higher-
orientation sessions, seminars, or team meet- resolution les and deal with multi-image
ings reading carefully scripted speeches les. They must also be able to transmit layout
instead of appearing in person. information to the output device, provide elec-
electronic meeting A meeting using a per- tronic two-way communication between
sonal computer and presentation peripherals, workstations, and handle proong for offset
usually with some kind of outlining software, production.
electronic publishing (EP) 213 Elementary and Secondary Education

electronic publishing (EP) Use of such tools interaction between the learner and the sys-
as minicomputers or personal computers to tem, such as requiring the trainee to answer
write, edit, lay out, and produce sophisticated, questions on the material presented at frequent
professional publications, including text and intervals.
graphics. electronic ticket delivery network (ETDN)
electronic remittance standard Developed A fast and exible automated ticket delivery
by the Department of Health and Human Ser- service. Certied ETDN networks of printers,
vices to allow health care providers, including located in airports, hotels, and ofce build-
hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home ings, print tickets and, using their graphics
health care agencies, and hospices, to submit capabilities, print logos, itineraries, and car or
Medicare claims electronically and to receive hotel conrmation vouchers. With access to
notication of of payment decisions (remit- such a network, a traveler whose plans change
tance notices) electronically. en route or who must leave his home ofce
electronic signature A legally binding means on short notice can book a ticket through a
of approving contracts and other documents designated agency and receive it almost
sent over the Internet. It may be accomplished immediately and, in many cases, avoid the fee
by writing ones name on a scanner and then for ticket changes.
transferring it to a computer or by means of electronic yellow pages An online listing of
one of two types of digital signatures: (1) an organizations staff, its competencies, and
using an electronic code stored on a portable contact information, such as location and
smart card, which is inserted into a card e-mail addresses.
reader-equipped computer to authenticate the element The smallest unit of work activity
identity of the sender, or (2) using a set of described in occupational or job analysis. Ele-
encrypted codes attached to an electronic mes- ments are the smallest steps into which it is
sage, which lets the recipient know that the practicable to subdivide any work operation
person sending the message is who he or she or task without analyzing separate motions,
claims to be. movements, and mental processes. Elements
Electronic Signatures in Global and National are also the work units that deal with the
Commerce Act of 2000 Signed by Presi- details of how the methods, procedures, and
dent Clinton in June 2000, the act gives elec- techniques involved in a task are carried out.
tronic signatures the same legal standing as a They are very important to developers of train-
signature written on paper. It denes an elec- ing systems. For example, elements per-
tronic signature as a sound, symbol or pro- formed by an electronics repairer include sol-
cess attached to or logically associated with a dering and unsoldering connections,
record by a person with the present intent to activating switches, and tightening screws.
authenticate that record. element analysis In job and task analysis, the
electronic sweatshop A workplace in which process of dening the behaviors, conditions,
managers use technology to monitor and standards of an element, a component of
employee performance and productivity; for a task.
example, using the same computers on which Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
workers perform such routine tasks as word 1965 (ESEA) Made Title I, Chapter I, fed-
processing to count worker keystrokes and eral funding for compensatory education, a
errors per unit of time. reality. It provided extra instruction in reading,
electronic text Distribution of text by elec- writing, and mathematics for educationally
tronic means. disadvantaged children, thereby helping to
electronic textbook A computerized training equalize educational opportunity for needy
program that involves the use of graphics, ani- children.
mation, and icons to make learning materials Elementary and Secondary Education
efcient, effective, and visually attractive. Reauthorization Act of 1994 A major over-
Electronic textbooks take full advantage of the haul of most of the federal governments prin-
capabilities of the computer for meaningful cipal programs of aid for elementary and
eligible persons or individuals 214 embedded training (ET)

secondary education. Among other things, the or whose work force does not consist of more
Act requires that children who benet from than 30 full-time workers. Such businesses
federal aid be held to the same high academic may qualify for a deduction of up to $15,000
standards as all other children and that greater per year for expenses associated with the
exibility be allowed in the use of federal removal of qualied architectural and trans-
funds. The Act also makes in-service training portation barriers and a tax credit of up to 50%
available to all teachers and authorizes several of eligible access expenditures that exceed
new programs, including ones dealing with $250 but do not exceed $10,250.
technology education. elimination period The number of consecu-
eligible persons or individuals Persons eli- tive days an individual must be conned in a
gible to apply for long-term health care insur- nursing home or alternate long-term care
ance under the Federal Long-Term Care Insur- facility to qualify for benets under a long-
ance Program (FLTCIP), including federal term care insurance policy. The elimination
employees, annuitants, and deferred service period initiates a covered period of conne-
personnel and retirees, as well as spouses and ment. The elimination period can be any-
children 18 or older. Parents, stepparents, and where from 30 to 180 days.
parents-in-law of federal employees and ELISA test The most commonly used and the
active duty uniformed service personnel will least expensive test to determine whether an
also be eligible. Federal employees who individual is infected by HIV. It determines
retired with an immediate annuity are also the presence of antibodies, substances pro-
eligible for FLTCIP regardless of their Federal duced by the body in response to infection by
Employees Health Benets Program eligibil- a foreign agent, but not the AIDS virus itself.
ity in retirement. However, it cannot be relied upon in the
eligible program Under federal student aid absence of conrmation and retesting.
programs, a course of study that requires a e-mail In training, a form of learning technol-
certain minimum number of hours of instruc- ogy. See also electronic mailbox/mail.
tion and that leads to a degree or certicate at e-mail gateway Hardware or software (or a
a participating school. There are two excep- combination of both) that connects at least two
tions: (1) if the school requires the student to dissimilar e-mail systems.
complete certain courses to qualify for admis- emancipation age See age out.
sion into one of its eligible programs, a Direct e-marketing Interactive software marketing
Loan, an FFEL Program Loan, or a PLUS applications designed to facilitate e-com-
Loan can be obtained for up to 12 consecutive merce, digital direct maketing, and other Web-
months while the coursework is being com- based systems.
pleted, provided that the student is enrolled at e-marketplace An Internet-based market-
least half time; (2) if enrolled at least half time place for the exchange of goods and services.
in a program to obtain a professional creden- Also called automated purchasing hub, b-to-b
tial or certication required by a state for exchange, business exchange, buying hub,
employment as an elementary or secondary cyberspace hub, e-hub. e-market, inter-
school teacher, a Federal Perkins Loan, Fed- mediary, net market, net marketplace, net por-
eral Work-Study, and FFEL Stafford Loan, a tal, online marketplace, Internet marketplace,
Direct Loan, or a PLUS Loan can be obtained trading hubs, transactional portal, vertical por-
while the student is enrolled in that program. tal or vertal, or Web exchange.
eligible school Accredited schools and col- embedded support Support that is so tightly
leges (those that qualify for Title IV aid under integrated into the interface of an electronic
the Federal Higher Education Act) that award performance support system that it is trans-
degrees, diplomas, or certicates. parent (indiscernible) to the user. Also called
eligible small business In relation to the intrinsic support.
Internal Revenue Code and the Americans embedded training (ET) Training that is
with Disabilities Act of 1990, a business built into the software of computer applica-
whose gross receipts do not exceed $1 million tions programs the employee uses on the job
eMedia Magazine 215 emotional disabilities

rather than provided in a separate training victims of life-threatening illnesses or acci-

package. ET is on the same terminal or deliv- dents. Typically assigned to ambulance ser-
ery device as the product it supports (e.g., a vices, EMTs are trained to use sophisticated
program that teaches an employee how to use medical equipment, such as automatic heart
a spreadsheet while using the spreadsheet debrillators.
itself). Emergency Planning and Community Right-
eMedia Magazine: The Digital Studio Maga- to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986 EPCRA is
zine Published monthly by Online, Informa- Title III of the Emergency Planning & Com-
tion Today, Inc., 213 Danbury Road, Wilton, munity Right to Know Act (EPCRA) of
CT 06897-4007, cost: $55 per year, Canada, 1980. EPCRA was enacted by Congress to
add $9.00 postage (free to qualied subscrib- help local communities protect public health,
ers). Contact: eMedia, 520 University Ave., safety, and the environment from chemical
Suite 105, Madison, WI 53703 (phone 608- hazards. To implement EPCRA, Congress
251-2307; fax 608-251-2310; e-mail required each state to appoint a state emer-; Web site gency response commission (SERC). The SERCs were required to divide their states
EMedia Professional: Practical Solutions into emergency planning districts and to name
Using Optical Disc Technologies, Tools, and a local Emergency planning committee
Services Published monthly by EMedia Pro- (LEPC) for each district. Broad representation
fessional, 649 Massachusetts Ave., Ste. 4, by re ghters, health ofcials, government
Cambridge, MA 02139, cost: $55.00 annually. and media representatives, community
(phone 617-492-0268; fax 617-492-3159; groups, industrial facilities, and emergency
e-mail; Web site managers ensures that all necessary elements of the planning process are represented.
e-mentoring Employs teleconferencing, emergency response system A subscription
e-mail, and the Internet to allow students to system in which subscribers wear a pendant
interact with instructors, subject-matter around their necks (or use a wall-mounted key
experts, and mentors and share problems, pad) to summon assistance in an emergency.
exchange ideas, and provide and receive feed- emergency treatment Medical services pro-
back. vided in a hospital, trauma center, clinic, phy-
emergency child care services (ECCS) A sicians ofce, or other medical facility for an
form of direct employer-supported child care injury or condition that requires immediate
that involves making emergency arrange- care or treatment to prevent death or perma-
ments, especially when a child is ill, such as nent impairment.
helping pay for special sick child inrmaries Emerson plan An incentive plan that pro-
or family day care homes or providing health vided for bonuses to be based on a formula
care workers to go to the childs home. Some that increases amounts paid at an increasing
companies extend the service to situations rate as productivity increases. It is not in com-
where usual parental child care arrangements mon use today.
are upset. In such cases, a trained care giver emoticon Emotion icon. Symbols or icons
is sent to the employees home. used on the Internet in e-mail communica-
emergency medical services (EMS) Medical tions to express feelings or emotions. For
services provided to victims of accidents and example, :-) equals smiley face, indicating
illnesses by physicians, nurses, and emer- humor or sarcasm; :-( equals frowny face,
gency medical technicians in hospital emer- indicating sadness or anger.
gency rooms, clinics, ambulances, and emotional disabilities Attention-decit disor-
aircraft. ders (short attention spans), psychotic disor-
emergency medical technician (EMT) A ders (schizophrenia, paranoia, and manic-
person who has received 110 or more hours depressive psychotic reaction), psycho-
of medical training to enable him or her to neurotic disorders (anxiety, hysteria, hypo-
provide emergency medical assistance to chondria, phobic reaction, and depression),
Emotional Health Anonymous (EHA) 216 employed persons

personality disorders (antisocial personality), sales campaigns. Originated by Service Indus-

and substance dependence and abuse, includ- try Research Systems of R.R. Donnelly &
ing alcoholism. Sons, of Oak Brook, IL.
Emotional Health Anonymous (EHA) A Emotions Anonymous (EA) Offers a group
group of men and women who are not emo- approach to the achievement of emotional
tional health professionals but share their expe- health patterned after the 12-step program of
rience, strength, and hope with each other so Alcoholics Anonymous. Group meetings are
that they may recover from their emotional ill- conducted in which participants share their
ness and help others who still suffer to nd a experiences, strength, and hope with each
new way of life. The only requirement for other while practicing the 12 steps to this new
membership is an honest desire to recover from way of life, one day at a time. Contact: EA,
emotional and mental illness not related to sub- P.O. Box 4245, St. Paul, MN 55104-0245
(phone 612-647-9712; fax 612-647-1593;
stance abuse. Contact: EHA, San Gabriel Val-
e-mail; Web
ley Intergroup Emotional Health Anonymous,
P.O. Box 2081, San Gabriel, CA 91778 (phone
empathy The ability to see all sides of a situ-
626-287-6260; e-mail;
ation, issue, or dispute and to see a problem
Web site
or issue from anothers perspective.
emotional intelligence Demonstrated by self- employability doctrine A new approach used
awareness and the ability to manage emotions, by companies to deal with unstable economic
understand emotions in others, delay self-grat- conditions. Instead of offering employment
ication, repress antisocial impulses, achieve security, they offer workers opportunities to
acceptance, and exhibit conciliation skills. improve their skills and therefore their
Believed by some to be just as important as, employability. Employees are expected to be
and an even better predictor of success in life committed to the goals and objectives of the
and careers than, the intelligence quotient or company while employed, and the company
scores on the Scholastic Assessment Test and assumes the obligation of offering workers the
other standardized achievement tests. The opportunity to learn new, transferable skills.
term was coined by Yale psychologist Peter Employees behave somewhat like indepen-
Salovey and John Mayer of the University of dent contractors, assuming responsibility for
New Hampshire. managing their own benets, such as training,
emotionally disabled (ED) Although out of pension plans, and health care and developing
favor by many who work with people with their own careers.
disabilities, it remains in use. The preferred employed persons As dened by Current
terms puts people rst: people with emotional Population Surveys, persons 16 years and over
disabilities. in the civilian noninstitutional population
emotionally impaired Individuals whose who, during the reference week, (a) did any
work at all (at least 1 hour) as paid employees;
limitations rest primarily on psychopathology
worked in their own business, profession, or
(abnormal personality functioning) recogniz-
on their own farm; or worked 15 hours or more
able by easily discernible disturbances of their
as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated
behavior. These disturbances may be the result
by a member of the family and (b) all those
of heredity, rearing, traumatic experiences, or who were not working but who had jobs or
stress. businesses from which they were temporarily
emotional quotient (EQ) See emotional absent because of vacation, illness, bad
intelligence. weather, childcare problems, maternity or
emotional retailing Appealing to customers paternity leave, labor-management dispute,
emotions, their sense of excitement and fun, job training, or other family or personal rea-
their desire for reduced stress, and their con- sons, whether or not they were paid for the
cern for moral and family values, rather than time off or were seeking other jobs. Excluded
logical factors in marketing, promotion, and are persons whose only activity consisted of
employee 217 employee benefits laws

work around their own houses (painting, $94.00 (free to qualied subscribers). Con-
repairing, or own home housework) or volun- tact: EBM, 1325 G Street NW, Suite 970,
teer work for religious, charitable, and other Washington, D.C. 20005 (phone 202-504-
organizations. 1122; fax 202-772-1448; e-mail david.albert-
employee 1. In general, an individual who s o n @ t h o m s o n m e d i a . c o m ; We b s i t e
works for wages or a salary for a company or
an individual. 2. As dened by the Internal Employee Benet Plan Review Published
Revenue Service, an employee is a person monthly. Cost: $75.00 (free to qualied sub-
who works for wages or a salary, works hours scribers). Contact: Charles D. Spencer &
set by the company at the companys location, Associates, Inc., 250 South Wacker Drive, Ste.
is usually under anothers instructions or 600, Chicago IL 60606-5834 (phone 312-993-
direction, is paid hourly or on another periodic 7900; fax 312-993-7910).
basis, and whose labor and how it is per- Employee Benet Research Institute
formed are controlled by the employer. (EBRI) A nonprot, nonpartisan public pol-
Employees receive training, submit reports, icy research organization of some 250 mem-
are reimbursed for expenses, use tools or bers and 1500 subscribers. It is committed to
materials supplied by the company, and may the formulation of effective and responsible
be red. See also independent contractor. health, welfare, and retirement policies. Con-
Employee Assistance Professionals Associa- tact: EBRI, 2121 K Street, NW, Ste. 600,
tion, Inc. (EAPA) A nationwide organiza- Washington, D.C. 20037-1896 (phone 202-
tion of over 6200 professional employee assis- 659-0670; fax 202-775-6312; e-mail
tance practitioners and organizations in 30; Web site
countries that assist work organizations and employee benets See benets.
employees and their families with personal employee benets administrator See bene-
and behavioral problems, including health, ts administrator.
marital, family, nancial, alcohol, drugs, Employee Benets Infosource (EBI) A
legal, emotional, stress, or other personal con- comprehensive online database benets infor-
cerns that adversely affect employee job per- mation service offered by the International
formance and productivity. The Association Foundation of Employee Benet Plans.
also established policies, procedures, and Designed to help benets managers, nancial
standards of eligibility for the Certied ofcers, employer associations, labor unions,
Employee Assistance Professional creden- and others gain better and faster access to
tial. Contact: EAPA, Inc., 2101 Wilson Blvd., complex benets trends and issues, most of
Ste. 500, Arlington, VA 22201-3062 (phone which are now the objects of close govern-
703-522-6272; fax 703-522-4585; Web site ment scrutiny. Contact: IFEBP, 18700 W. Bluemound Rd., P.O. Box 69, Brookeld, WI
employee assistance program (EAP) A pro- 53008-0069 (phone 888-217-5960 or 262-
gram designed to help organizations identify 786-6700; fax 262-786-8670; e-mail
and diagnose a variety of problems and coun-; Web site
sel and assist employees in dealing with those employee benets laws See Consolidated
problems and issues, such as drug and alcohol Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986;
abuse, child and spouse abuse, emotional Decit Reduction Act of 1984; Economic
problems, family and social problems, nan- Recovery Tax Act of 1981; Employee Retire-
cial problems, career problems, legal con- ment Income Security Act of 1974; Family
cerns, stress management, vocational rehabil- and Medical Leave Act of 1993; Federal
itation, stress, and mental and emotional Insurance Contributions Act of 1935; Older
illness. Workers Benet Protection Act of 1990;
employee attitude survey See organization Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990;
climate survey. Pension Protection Act of 1987; Social Secu-
Employee Benet News A journal published rity Act of 1935; Tax Equity and Responsibil-
16 times per year by Thomas Media. Cost: ity Act of 1982; Tax Reform Act of 1986;
employee benefits manager 218 employee investment plan

Technical Corrections and Miscellaneous Employee Educational Assistance Act of

Revenue Act of 1988. 1978 (EEAA) Codied as Section 127 of
employee benets manager The individual the Internal Revenue Code, the EEAA
responsible for designing and administering exempted employees from paying taxes on
group health, medical, disability, life, retire- employer-provided tuition reimbursement
ment, prot sharing, and thrift plans and for benets for non-job-related college course
maintaining a competitive corporate benets work (but not those related to sports or hob-
posture. Often responsible for selecting and bies) through the 1983 tax year.
supervising benets consultants, brokers, Employee Educational Assistance Reform
trustees, and legal counsel. Act of 1996 In 1996, Congress approved
employee benets planning analyst See bene- measures to restore the exclusion of taxes on
ts planning analyst. employer-provided tuition reimbursement
employee biographical data (EBD) A form benets to cover the period from January 1,
required by the U.S. Agency for International 1995 through May 31, 1997. However, tuition
Development for people working on its con- for graduate-level courses that began after
tracts. It contains veried salary and academic June 30, 1996, will be taxed as income. For
data. undergraduates, up to $5250 in employer-pro-
employee care program See employee assis- vided tuition reimbursement remains tax-free.
tance program. employee education, training, and assistance
laws See Economic Dislocation and Worker
Employee Commute Option (ECO) A require-
Adjustment Assistance Act of 1988; Employee
ment of the Clean Air Amendments Act of
Educational Assistance Reform Act of 1986;
1990, which set November 1996 as the date
Job Training Partnership Act of 1982; Life-
by which employers with 100 or more workers
long Learning Act of 1976; Manpower Devel-
must reduce by 25% the number of automo-
opment and Training Act of 1962; Training
biles coming to work during the peak hours
Technology Transfer Act of 1984; Veterans
of 6 to 10 A.M. In 1995, the Environmental
Readjustment Benets Act of 1952; Vietnam
Protection Agency announced that it would
Era Veterans Readjustment and Assistance
accept recommendations of the Clean Air Act Act of 1974; Worker Adjustment and Retrain-
Advisory Council to relax the requirements, ing Notication Act of 1988.
such as allowing states or regions to assume employee-friendly benets and policies
some or all of employers responsibility to Include dependent-care spending accounts,
implement trip reduction programs. domestic partner benets, life-cycle accounts,
employee development See development. long-term care, parental leave, performance-
employee-driven idea system (EDIS) A based work/life reward and recognition pro-
redened and redesigned employee sugges- grams, pooled paid time-off programs, and
tion system that focuses on employee involve- sabbaticals.
ment and the generation of many relatively employee home ownership plan (EHOP) A
simple ideas instead of grand suggestions. benets plan designed to assist employees to
Management of the implementation of ideas nance the purchase of a home. Employers
by the person who suggested them is required, help their employees nd affordable housing
and all ideas are equally rewarded with small and help them nance its purchase. For exam-
awards. Attributed to Robin McDermott, Ray- ple, shares of stock contributed by an
mond Mikulak, and Michael Beauregard, employer could be used as collateral for bor-
Employee Driven Quality. rowing money loaned to employees toward a
employee educational assistance (EEA) down payment. The plan also allows rst-time
1. See Section 127, Internal Revenue Code. home buyers to use tax-sheltered retirement
2. An employee benet that takes the form of savings vehicles, such as IRAs and 401(k)
a stipend or tuition reimbursement for job- plans, toward a down payment on a home.
related or non-job-related education or train- employee investment plan See Section 401(k)
ing taken off the premises. plan.
employee involvement (EI) 219 employee-relationship-management

employee involvement (EI) The process of employee partnership pay (EPP) A com-
engaging workers as individuals and in groups pensation system in which part of a workers
at all levels of organization in making deci- pay is linked to the achievement of various
sions relating to their work. It is characterized goals or objectives, both nancial (prots,
by three elements: information, empower- earnings, or return calculations) and opera-
ment, and rewards. See also Electromation tional (attendance, cost reductions, output,
Decision; Gissel bargaining order; employee quality, or safety).
participation. employee performance evaluation See per-
Employee Involvement Association (EIA) formance appraisal.
An international organization serving profes- Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988
sional managers and administrators by provid- (EPPA) Prevents most private employers
ing quality educational programs, publica- from requesting or requiring any employee or
tions, and networking opportunities. prospective employee to submit to any lie de-
Employee involvement is key to organiza- tector test; requesting or using the results of
tional development through the empowerment such tests; or discharging, disciplining, or oth-
of people using team-building and suggestion- erwise discriminating against any employee
gathering methods. Contact: EIA, 525 SW 5th or prospective employee on the basis of the
Street, Suite A, Des Moines, IA 50309-4501 results of such tests. Exempt from the act are
(phone 515-282-8192; fax 515-282-9117; federal government agencies engaged in intel-
Web site ligence or counterintelligence functions (Fed-
employee involvement system See participa- eral Bureau of Investigation, National Secu-
tive management. rity Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, and
employee leasing An alternative stafng Central Intelligence Agency); organizations
option. Involves transferring all or selected that manufacture and distribute controlled
employees to the payroll of an employee leas-
substances; and those involved in the protec-
ing company or professional employer organi-
tion of nuclear power plants, public transpor-
zation in a formal joint-employment venture.
tation, currency, commodities, or proprietary
The employee leasing company then leases the
information. Polygraphs may still be admin-
workers back to the company and performs
istered under severely restricted conditions as
most of the functions usually assigned to the
a part of an investigation involving suspected
HR department, such as compensation and
wrongdoing. However, employees may refuse
benets administration and record-keeping.
to undergo a polygraph test, and they may not
See also temporary employee.
be discharged, disciplined, or denied promo-
employee leasing rm See professional
tions based solely on polygraph results.
employer organization.
employee motivation See motivation. employee prefunding A health benet cost-
employee opinion survey See organization reduction strategy for postretirement health
climate survey. care benets. The plan requires active employ-
employee organization plan A health bene- ees to contribute to their retiree health plan by
ts plan sponsored by an organization or asso- making monthly premium payments based on
ciation in which members of the plan are pri- age. Contributions are returned with interest
marily federal employees. if the employee leaves the company before
employee orientation See orientation. retirement.
employee outplacement See outplacement. employee privacy See Privacy Act.
employee outreach See outreach program. employee promotion See promotion.
employee participation (EP) See participa- employee records See records.
tive management. employee recruitment See recruitment.
employee participation plan (EPP) See par- employee relations See employee assistance
ticipative management. program; labor-management relations.
employee participation system See partici- employee-relationship-management (ERM)
pative management. A workplace performance technology that
Employee Relocation Council (ERC) 220 employee welfare benefit plan

uses a portal to unify and simplify access to information about their benets instead of
job-oriented software applications. Also going to company benets ofces or outside
called business-to-employee portals. vendors for assistance. See also manager self-
Employee Relocation Council (ERC) A pro- service ; enterprise resource planning.
fessional association of organizations con- employee services Services provided to
cerned with domestic and international employees by organizations at reduced or no
employee transfer. Members include 1250 cost to the employee, such as child care, coun-
representatives of corporations that relocate seling, recreation, and transportation.
their employees as well as nearly 10,000 indi- employee skills test A test of important
viduals and companies from the relocation workplace skills administered periodically to
industry. ERC was established to provide help workers maintain important skills and
leadership, services, and assistance to mem- remember little-used but critical procedures.
bers, enabling them to effectively serve relo- Originated by military aviation and adopted
cated families. Contact: ERC, 1717 Pennsyl- by commercial aviation to maintain the skills
vania, Ave., NW, Suite 800, Washington, D.C. of pilots but now used in a variety of occupa-
20006 (phone 202-857-0857; fax 202-659- tions. Also called checkride or recertication
8631; e-mail; Web site test. employee stock option (ownership) plan
employee retirement See retirement. (ESOP) Under such a plan, the benets of
Employee Retirement Income Security Act a capital owner are given to employees as an
of 1974 (ERISA) An act that regulates incentive. After they have become vested in
employee benets such as health care, sick- the program, employees can redeem their
ness and accident, disability, and death bene- stock when they leave the company through
ts as well as retirement and capital accumu- resignation, termination, or retirement. Com-
lation plans. It created government-run,
panies sell bonds; borrow funds from banks,
employee-nanced corporations to protect
savings and loan institutions, mutual funds,
employees against pension fund failures. The
insurance companies, and large institutional
Act covers eligibility, funding arrangements,
investors; or set aside stock. In 1989, Con-
duciary responsibilities, and other standards,
gress repealed the interest exclusion on loans
including nancing, vesting, and administra-
to employee stock ownership plans unless at
tion of pension plans in most private busi-
least 30% of company stock is in the hands
nesses and industries. It requires employers to
of employees.
maintain records on employee health and wel-
fare plans and pension plans and descriptions employee support benets I n c l u d e s u c h
of those plans and report to the DOL, IRS, benets as employee assistance, health and
and Pension Benets Guarantee Corpora- welfare benets, wellness and health promo-
tion. ERISA has been modied by virtually tion, and work/family programs.
every comprehensive budget and tax law since employee task log A means of collecting data
its enactment. for work measurement that involves mainte-
employee rights In the context of labor-man- nance by employees of daily or hourly diaries,
agement relations, employees are protected logs, or check sheets.
against unfair labor practices, enterprise inter- employee termination See termination.
ference with employee rights, discrimination employee testing See employment tests.
in conditions of employment that tend to dis- employee union See union.
courage or encourage membership in a union, employee welfare benet plan A plan that
and discrimination against an employee for provides benets to employees due to sick-
ling a grievance or giving testimony. ness, hospitalization, surgery, accident, death,
employee selection See selection. disability, or unemployment. Such plans may
employee self-service (ESS) Encouraging also provide vacation, day care, elder care,
employees to use direct access systems, such scholarship, prepaid legal services, holiday,
as kiosks or company intranet systems, for severance, and other training benets.
employee wellness plan (EWP) 221 employment cost index (ECI)

employee wellness plan (EWP) See wellness Contact: ECFC, 927 15th St., NW, Washing-
program. ton, D.C. 20005 (phone 202-659-4300; fax
employer 1. A person or business that em- 202-371-1467; e-mail; Web
ploys one or more people for wages or salary. site
2. The legal entity responsible for payment of employer-supported child care services See
quarterly unemployment insurance taxes or child care resource and referral program; con-
for reimbursing the state fund for unemploy- sortium center; dependent care assistance
ment insurance benets costs in lieu of paying plan; emergency child care services; family
the quarterly taxes. day care network; emergency child care ser-
employer coalition Originally, an informal vices; on-site or near-site centers, parent edu-
arrangement whereby management, labor, cation seminar, child care benets, voucher
insurers, and health care providers collected program.
and shared data on health care utilization. employment agencies Public or private orga-
Employer coalitions have now been trans- nizations that provide placement help to per-
formed into coalition purchasing groups sons seeking jobs. Some are staffed to do
called health care purchasing organiza- applicant screening and counseling; others are
tions. strictly in the business of placing clients. In
employer identication number (EIN) T h e some cases, the individual client pays a fee to
business equivalent of a social security num- the agency; in others the fee is paid by the
ber. Issued by the federal government to com- employer. Such fees are usually a percentage
panies for use in preparing tax payments, of the applicants 1st years wages or salary,
reports, and records. Also required by most but most will negotiate fees with employers.
banks to open a business account. employment-at-will A legal doctrine main-
employer mandate A legal requirement that taining that it is the right of an employer or
employers provide health insurance for their employee to terminate the employment rela-
workers. It may include such guidelines as the tionship at any time and for any or no
types of employers that must participate, the reason. The doctrine has been successfully
classes of employees to be included, and what challenged by employees in the courts in
part of the cost will be borne by the employer. recent years.
employer of choice A program and strategy employment benets Benets granted largely
designed to attract top management talent. or totally at no cost to the employee.
Involves emphasizing the companys distinc- employment contract A legally binding doc-
tive corporate culture, sterling industry and ument that contains the following: (1) dura-
community reputation, attractive compensa- tion of the contract (beginning and ending
tion plan, and abundant career development dates) and provision for extension or renewal;
and advancement opportunities. (2) compensation, including salary, raises,
employer sanctions The employer sanctions cost-of-living adjustments, bonuses, prot
provision of the Immigration Reform and sharing, and so on; (3) job title and job
Control Act of 1986 prohibits employers description; (4) benets, including pension
from hiring, recruiting, or referring for a fee plan, life and health insurance, sick leave,
aliens known to be unauthorized to work in annual leave, training and development, and
the U.S. Violators of the law are subject to a so on; (5) provisions for termination/resigna-
series of civil nes for violations or criminal tion; and (6) a process for resolving disputes.
penalties when there is a pattern or practice employment cost index (ECI) Often referred
of violations. to as total compensation cost. The Depart-
Employers Council on Flexible Compensa- ment of Labors National Compensation Sur-
tion (ECFC) An organization with the mis- vey program publishes data on trends in
sion of representing and promoting exible employment costs, including quarterly and
compensation through lobbying and publiciz- annual percentage changes in labor cost
ing exible compensation to help create a pos- (Employment Cost Index) and employer costs
itive climate for the growth of the concept. per hour worked for each component of
employment displacement 222 employment torts

compensation (Employer Cost for Employee Act (ERISA), Occupational Safety and
Compensation). Health Act (OSHA), Consolidated Omni-
employment displacement Involuntary ter- bus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA),
mination of a worker because the job has been and labor relations, securities, and workers
eliminated. compensation laws.
employment equity Relates to diversity and Employment Termination Act A model law
equal opportunity in the workplace. Said to adopted by a national commission after 4
occur when members of protected groups, years of deliberation and recommended for
such as African-Americans and people with passage by state legislatures. The law would
disabilities, are in the work force in numbers end the employment at will doctrine that
that reect their status in the community. has governed the American workplace since
Employment Management Association the mid-1980s by prohibiting companies from
(EMA) A 1000-member national organiza- terminating workers for capricious reasons. It
tion of human resource professionals and pro- also calls for speedy settlement of disputes
viders of employment support services that using arbitration instead of the time-consum-
provides a global forum to exchange ideas and ing procedures required to peruse an Age Dis-
become better informed about stafng and crimination in Employment Act or other
related human resources issues. EMAs goal legal basis for complaint. Terminations would
is to advance stafng as a profession by be allowed only for good cause, such as
encouraging member involvement to promote substandard performance, absenteeism, or
quality and add value to the stafng process other nonarbitrary grounds. The proposed law
through education, innovation, and the iden- would not apply to union members, part-time
tication of technology advances and best or temporary workers, or contract employees.
practices in the eld. Contact: EMA, Society employment testers Pairs of phony job appli-
for Human Resource Management, 1800 cants sent by the Equal Employment Oppor-
Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone tunity Commission or the Ofce of Federal
703-548-3440, fax 703-535-6490; Web site Contract Compliance Programs to apply for a position at a targeted employer. Testers have
employment of Hispanics See Executive similar job-relevant qualications but differ in
Order 13171. race, gender, or other characteristics. The ploy
employment practices audit A comprehen- is designed to detect possible discrimination.
sive survey designed to uncover potential trou- For scal year 1999, the EEOC agreed to
ble spots within an organization, such as dis- abandon the practice.
crimination. Usually conducted by an outside employment tests Section 106 of the Civil
contractor, typically a law rm. Rights Act of 1991, which became effective
employment practices liability (EPL) Expo- November 26, 1991, states, It shall be an
sure of an organization to wrongful employ- unlawful employment practice for a respon-
ment practice claims, such as sexual harass- dent, in connection with the selection or refer-
ment, discrimination, and wrongful discharge. ral of applicants or candidates for employment
Some protection against claims is afforded by or promotion, to adjust the scores of, use dif-
EPL insurance, particularly if those policies ferent cutoff scores for, or otherwise alter the
are reviewed and revised to identify and elim- results of, employment related tests on the
inate coverage decits. basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national
employment practices liability insurance origin. In effect, the Act placed the burden
(EPLI) A policy that covers the costs of lit- of proof on employers to show that there is a
igating such employee claims as discrimina- business necessity for their tests.
tion, sexual harassment, wrongful discharge, employment torts Grounds for employee
failure to promote, breach of employment lawsuits, the most common of which are inva-
contract, misrepresentation, and defamation. sion of privacy, deceit, intentional interference
Typically does not cover losses for violations with contractual relations, and wrongful dis-
of Employee Retirement Income Security charge.
employment visas 223 endorsement

employment visas The most useful types encryption A means of securing privacy on
under current immigration law are E-1 Treaty networks by employing complex algorithmic
Trader; E-2 Treaty Investor; EB 1/EB 2/EB 3 codes and keys.
Priority Workers; H1-B Specialty Occupation; encryption software Scrambles computer
H2-A/B Temporary Workers; J-1 Exchange data so that unauthorized persons will be
Visitor; L-1A/B Intra-Company Transferee; unable to read them without a key; includes
TN-Treaty NAFTA; 0-1 Alien of Extraordi- passwords that unscramble the data.
nary Ability; and Q-1 Cultural Exchange. encumbrance accounting A budget control
empowered prot sharing A means of en- that requires the obligation of funds in
hancing growth in employee morale and pro- advance of their disbursement. That is, a pur-
ductivity and corporate protability. Involves chase order must be issued and recorded prior
to the purchase of equipment, materials, sup-
combining or blending employee empower-
plies, or contractual services to reserve funds
ment and prot or gain sharing bonus sys-
for the vendor or contractor.
tems. It uses prot sharing plans, regular and
endarterectomy The most common surgical
frequent communication on nancial results,
procedure for the relief of carotid blockage or
corporate initiatives, and the solicitation of atherosclerosis. An incision is made to open
worker opinions on how the organization can a short section of the affected area and the
improve its operations to encourage workers plaque is removed to reveal the healthy arterial
to view themselves as partners in the business wall.
venture. endocrinologist A medical doctor who spe-
empowered training Training on demand and cializes in the diagnosis and treatment of
accessed at the time and in the form chosen patients with problems involving the hor-
by the learner. mone-secreting endocrine glands. These spe-
empowerment Helping people to take charge cialized internists consult with other physi-
of their work life. Giving employees respon- cians on such medical problems as diabetes,
sibility, ownership of their jobs, power over osteoporosis, thyroid disorders, infertility,
what and how things are done, decision-mak- high cholesterol, and hormone-producing
ing authority, and recognition for their ideas tumors.
and knowledge to improve their performance endocrinology and metabolism A medical
and productivity. Turning employees loose specialty for the treatment of injuries and dis-
with the proper training and motivation and eases of internal secretion glands.
encouraging them to get out there and do endodontics Dental care that encompasses
whatever needs to be done. pulpal and root canal therapy.
emulator An item of hardware or software that endodontist A doctor of dental medicine or
performs in such a way that it seems to be doctor of dental surgery who specializes in
treating diseases of the tooth pulp.
identical in function to (as well as compatible
end-of-course qualication test A test admin-
with), although it may not resemble, another
istered to trainees at the conclusion of training.
type of hardware or software it is designed to
It provides a comprehensive measure of the
imitate (e.g., the size of the device or its con-
trainees ability to perform the full range of
trol panel may be different). An emulator
job duties and tasks for which training has
often uses specialized software working with been provided. It replicates, as realistically as
a simulator to imitate real operations. possible, the conditions under which the
EN 29000 The European equivalent of inter- trainee will be expected to perform when
national quality assurance standard ISO 9000. assigned to an operating or managerial
encounter group See sensitivity training. position.
encrypted English International communica- endorsement A written stamp of approval
tion from someone whose command of praise for a product or service provided
English is at best marginal, although well- by someone, typically someone well-known,
intentioned. if not famous, and not connected with the
endoscope 224 enteral therapy

manufacture of the product or delivery of the when the disc is run in a computer compact
service. Used as an advertising vehicle. disc-read only drive.
endoscope An instrument that allows physi- Enlisted Association of the National Guard
cians to look inside body cavities, thereby dis- of the U.S. (EANGUS) An association of
placing conventional surgery for diagnosing 75,000 enlisted members of the Army and Air
many problems in the gastrointestinal tract, National Guard. Its mission is to promote and
urinary system, nasal sinuses, and, most maintain adequate national security and foster
recently, the ear. the status, welfare, and professionalism of
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) Persons enlisted members of the National Guard. Con-
with permanent kidney failure who need dial- tact: EANGUS, 3133 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alex-
ysis or a kidney transplant. andria, VA 22305 (phone 703-519-3846; fax
Enforcement Guidance on Preemployment 703-519-3846 or 800-234-3264; e-mail ean-
Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical; Web site
Examinations Under the Americans with enneagram Pronounced any-a-gram. An
Disabilities Act Guidelines issued in 1994 instrument that provides a detailed description
by the Equal Employment Opportunity of an employees personality as well as point-
Commission that identify the factors to be ing out directions for growth. Groups an indi-
considered when determining whether a psy- viduals values, tendencies, feelings, and
chological test is a medical examination (pro- motivations into nine distinct types, which can
hibited at the preoffer stage of hiring). In gen- assist him or her come to a deeper understand-
eral, the guidelines permit the administration ing of self. In addition, the enneagram allows
of IQ, aptitude, personality, and honesty tests the individual to see his or her areas of con-
during the preoffer stage because they mea- cern behaviors and other vulnerabilities
sure an individuals capacity to perform a task that act as barriers to on-the-job effectiveness.
successfully. However, tests that by design or Used in business and industry to get a quick
implementation assess the existence, nature, reading on employees or customers and to
or severity of an applicants mental impair- assist in hiring the right kind of people and in
ment or general psychological health may be self-development, career counseling, team
administered only at the postoffer preemploy- development, and coaching. Derived from the
ment stage. teaching of Su Muslims and introduced to
engineered expense budgets See expense the West by Russian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff.
budgets. enneagram retreat Use of enneagram instru-
engineering control A job injury or illness ments by secular and religious groups to help
countermeasure, such as removal of hazards people develop self-knowledge and awareness
and use of protective clothing, equipment of their personality compulsions so that they
guards, and other devices. can cope with life by improving themselves
engineering supervisor The hotel function- psychologically, socially, or spiritually.
ary responsible for ensuring proper lighting enrollment area The geographical area in
and air conditioning in meeting rooms, pro- which an enrollee must live or work to qual-
viding enough outlets for presentation equip- ify for enrollment in a health maintenance
ment, and making sure that draping is hung organization or a preferred provider
properly. organization.
English as a second language (ESL) Spoken enrollment fee A one-time charge made by an
and written English language training pro- insurance carrier or health care plan at the
vided for persons for whom English is a sec- time of enrollment to cover the costs of pro-
ond language. cessing the application and establishing
enhanced audio compact disc Although mar- records. It is not an annual membership fee.
keted as audio compact discs, meant to be enteral therapy Prescribed nutrition adminis-
played on a compact disc player, these discs tered through a tube that has been inserted into
contain video that can be viewed on a monitor the stomach or intestine.
enterprise application integration 225 entitlements

enterprise application integration (EAI) The management with a comprehensive, accurate,

process of designing and applying systems to and timely view of payout vs. performance.
ensure that the adaptability and scalability enterprise portals A means of consolidating
needed to make enterprise resource plan- several Web sites into a single entity to facil-
ning programs work are available. itate the ow of information and services to
enterprise asset management (EAM) A sys- organization units, departments, employees,
tem designed to manage accounting data, customers, clients, and suppliers.
equipment, facilities, inventory, personnel, enterprise relationship management (ERM)
and the like as they apply to capital construc- A business environment in which all of the
tion, facilities management, and maintenance players share a common application interface,
management. tailored to individual needs, that will link all
enterprise computing Integrated, organiza- elements of the internal enterprise with its
tion-wide computing networks that have these external customers and partners, regardless of
capabilities: (1) meet all computing needs; (2) the function of the application.
do distributed computing using dispersed enterprise resource planning (ERP) Soft-
databases; (3) provide communication among ware database systems that compile and dis-
all entities; (4) protect the security of infor- pense information; track who needs to know
mation; (5) adopt and use internal and inter- what, when, and in what form; set priorities;
national standards; and (6) are user-friendly. maintain records; and simplify the complex.
enterprise content management (ECM) Often accessible online.
Integrates several information management
enterprise training (ET) Using products that
applications (such as portals, document man-
allow a company to deliver training over the
agement, records management, Web publish-
Internet and manage all of the formal and
ing, workow, collaboration, business intelli-
informal (on-the-job) training (learning) that
gence, and retrieval technologies), thereby
takes place in an organization. Often narrowly
allowing users to store and manage large
dened as training delivered over the Internet
quantities of structured and unstructured data.
by computer.
Enterprise for the Americas Initiative A pro-
entities A type of knowledge object, they are
gram announced by President George H. W.
Bush in June 1990 for closer relationships devices, objects, persons, creatures, places,
with Latin American countries. It calls for a symbols, and things. Attributed to Utah State
new economic and political relationship professor M. David Merrill.
between the U.S. and its American neighbors entitlement performance Represents the best
involving trade investment and debt initiatives that an organization can do, in terms of pro-
to strengthen the economies of Latin Ameri- ductivity and quality of products and services,
can countries, and ultimately to establish a without adding resources. Entitlement perfor-
free-trade zone running from Alaska to Tierra mance is not limited by industry standards or
del Fuego. Framework agreements have been incremental benchmarking; it is almost
signed between the U.S. and Bolivia, Chile, always better than either baseline perfor-
Columbia, Ecuador, and Mexico and are in mance or the industry benchmark. To perform
process with most other Latin American at this level requires fewer resources than at
countries. baseline performance.
enterprise incentive management (EIM) entitlements 1. Benets that are totally asso-
A category of software and services designed ciated with private or public employment,
to automate variable compensation pro- such as vacations, holidays, overtime, educa-
cesses as well as enhance the role of human tional assistance, and matching gifts. 2. Gov-
resources practitioners as crucial business ernment (federal, state, or municipal) benets
partners in their organizations. EIM analyzes, such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,
tracks, and pays bonuses, commissions, and unemployment compensation, and so on that
other types of variable compensation, collat- are based on eligibility criteria established by
ing data from various systems to provide law.
entrance/exit interviews 226 environmental training

entrance/exit interviews Counseling sessions Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of

about loans that are mandatory for recipients 1980; Emergency Planning and Community
of Stafford loans and again when they leave Right-to-Know Act of 1986; Resource Con-
college. servation and Recovery Act of 1976; Super-
entranet A means of linking companies using fund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of
World Wide Web electronic technologies. 1986.
entrepreneur An individual who establishes, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
organizes, and manages a business and An agency of the federal government that
assumes the risks involved a rst-genera- administers and enforces federal environmen-
tion chief executive. Often a persons tal regulations such as the Superfund Amend-
response to an innovative idea for a product, ments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, the
service, realization of an opportunity, or dis- Emergency Planning and Community Right-
satisfaction with the values, goals, policies, to-Know Act of 1986, and the Resource Con-
hierarchy, managerial style, or some other servation and Recovery Act of 1976. It has
characteristic of a corporation. also identied extremely hazardous chemicals
entry-level training Training provided to new and set threshold quantities for each one.
employees to ensure that they get a good start. environmental risk A threat to health and life
It is usually provided for operative employees. stemming from exposure to hazards in the
It is invariably scheduled for technicians and environment, such as air and water pollution,
supervisory personnel upon their initial radon, and new risks such as gradual ocean
employment in an HR-related position. pollution, global warming, and erosion of the
environmental impact statement (EIS) A n ozone layer.
assessment of the likelihood of effects on the environmental safety laws See Clean Air
environment ensuing from the implementa- Amendments Acts of 1990 and 1995; Clean
tion of alternative courses of action; for exam- Indoor Air Act of of 1988; Clean Water Act
ple, constructing dams or designing septic of 1972; Clean Water Act Amendments Acts
waste treatment systems. of 1977 and 1987; Comprehensive Environ-
environmental impairment The result of mental Response, Compensation, and Liabil-
accidents or wanton, irresponsible, or terrorist ity Act of 1980; Emergency Planning and
activities causing air and water pollution. Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986;
Examples includes oil spills, oil-well res, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of
and improper disposal of hazardous sub- 1976; Superfund Amendments and Reautho-
stances. rization Act of 1986.
Environmental Industry Associations (EIA) environmental scanner See futurist.
An organization that represents waste service, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
engineering, cleanup, and equipment manu- Smoke produced by tobacco users. ETS has
facturing rms. Constituent groups are recently served as the basis for lawsuits by
National Solid Waste Management Associa- employees (passive smokers) for connecting
tion, Waste Equipment Technology Associa- passive smoking to heart and respiratory ill-
tion, Hazardous Waste Management Associa- nesses. In 1992, the Environmental Protection
tion, and Society for Environmental Agency science review board concluded that
Management & Technology. Contact: Allen ETS should be classied as a major cancer-
Haley, Director, Public and International causing agent.
Affairs, 4301 Connecticut Ave., NW, Wash- environmental training A form of technical
ington, D.C. 20008 (phone 202-244-4700; fax training, usually conducted by subject matter
202-966-4818; Web site experts such as chemists and engineers, that
environmental laws See Clean Air Amend- focuses on federal and state laws and regula-
ments Acts of 1990 and 1995; Clean Indoor tions governing air emissions, water polluting
Air Act of 1988; Clean Water Act of 1972; substances, and solid waste disposal. The
Clean Water Act Amendments Acts of 1977 training is designed to keep employees in
and 1987; Comprehensive Environmental compliance with laws and regulations and
enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique 227 Equal Employment Opportunity

communities safe from toxic waste and haz- They may vary both in terms of clinical con-
ardous emissions and conditions. Regulating dition and by the provider type being mea-
agencies include the Environmental Protec- sured. In obstetrics, Caesarean section rate
tion Agency, Ofce of Safety and Health and average length of hospital stay are
Administration, and Department of Trans- examples.
portation. EPO In meeting planning, each pays own
enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique where charges are divided between the
(EMIT) A drug test used to rule out negative master account and the individual or there is
urine samples that is not in and of itself evi- no master account.
dence of drug use. equal employment opportunity (EEO) A
epidemic A cluster of cases of a specic dis- policy guaranteeing equal opportunity to all
ease or illness unquestionably in excess of prospective and current employees and stating
what one would normally expect in a partic- that no employee or applicant will be discrim-
ular geographic area. inated against because of race, color, age, sex,
epidemiology The study of the patterns of national origin, religion, or handicap; that
determinants and antecedents of disease in afrmative action will be taken to ensure that
human populations. Epidemiology uses biol- equal opportunity is provided to all employ-
ogy, clinical medicine, and statistics to under- ees; and that positive actions will be taken to
stand the etiology of illness and disease. recruit, employ, and promote qualied per-
epilepsy A physical condition caused by sud- sons underrepresented or underemployed in
den, brief changes in how the brain works. the work force, with particular attention to
The persons consciousness, movements, or African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and
actions may be altered for a short period of Pacic Islanders, American Indians, Alaskan
time during a seizure. The cause is unknown natives, women, and persons with disabilities.
in about half of all cases. For the remaining These provisions also apply to screening and
half, epilepsy may be caused by head injury, selection, assignment and transfer, promotion,
brain tumors, genetic conditions, lead poison- compensation and benets, training and
ing, problems in brain development before development, discipline, and layoffs and
birth, illnesses such as meningitis or enceph- termination.
alitis, or even severe cases of measles. Also Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972
called a seizure disorder. (EEOA) An amendment to Title VII of the
Epilepsy Foundation of America (EFA) T h e Civil Rights Act of 1964 that made it unlawful
national, voluntary health organization dedi- to discriminate on the basis of race, color,
cated to the prevention and cure of seizure religion, sex, or national origin in hiring and
disorders, the alleviation of their effects, the discharge and in limiting, segregating, or clas-
promotion of independence, increased job sifying employees or applicants. Adminis-
preparation and employment opportunities, tered by the Equal Employment Opportu-
and an optimal quality of life for people who nity Commission.
have these disorders. Operates the Training Equal Employment Opportunity Commis-
and Placement Service (TAPS) program, an sion (EEOC) A regulatory agency estab-
employment initiative funded by the Depart- lished by amendments to the Civil Rights Act
ment of Labor that provides job search assis- of 1964 to ensure compliance with Title VII.
tance, training in job seeking skills, and The Commission publishes guidelines that
employer education. Contact: EFA, 4351 Gar- dene and explain the law, and it serves as the
den City Drive, Suite 500, Landover, MD initial forum for claims of illegal employment
20785-7223 (phone 800-332-1000 or discrimination. It has guidelines on employee
301/459-3700; fax 301/577-4941; e-mail selection, sexual harassment, and age discrim-; Web site ination. Federal laws enforced by the EEOC:
episodes of care In health care management Title VII of the Civil Rights Act; Equal Pay
and reporting, time-related intervals that have Act of 1963; Age Discrimination in Employ-
meaning to the behavior being measured. ment Act of 1967; Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
equal intervals 228 equivalent benefits

Sections 501 and 505; Titles I and V of the equitable estoppel A legal doctrine that stops
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and an individual or group from having a legal
Civil Rights Act of 1991. Most states and right based on his, her, or its prior act or
some localities also have equal employment conduct.
opportunity agencies, some of which have equity Ownership interest or assets held by
work-sharing agreements with the EEOC in stockholders in an organization.
handling discrimination charges. Contact: equity adjustment A permanent salary in-
EEOC, 1801 L Street, NW, Washington, D.C. crease added to an employees salary because
20507 (phone 800-USA-EEOC or 202-663- analysis has demonstrated that the persons
4900; TTY 202-663-4494; Web site salary, salary range, or grade increase was too
www.eeoc/gov/). low relative to comparable positions. Merit or
equal intervals A form of relative rating that cost of living is not a factor.
is essentially a variation of the ranking tech- equity benets Benets that increase in value
nique. Instead of ranking all items (or people) in connection with one or more of the follow-
in order, the rater places them in groupings ing: years of service, rate of pay, and age.
that seem to be equally spaced. Those that Examples are pension plans, prot-sharing
appear to be alike in characteristics, behavior, plans, thrift savings plans, cash-deferred
or performance are then placed in the same plans, individual retirement accounts, and
grouping. stock plans.
Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) An amend- equity draining See bust-out.
ment to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 equity model A form of vertically integrated
that prohibits sex-based pay differences where health care delivery system in which the pro-
the work performed is equal in terms of skills, viders or physicians are the owners.
effort, and responsibility (doctrine of equal equity sharing (ES) A form of employer-
pay for equal work). Exceptions include bona assisted housing benets. Formerly used
de seniority, merit- or production-based pay almost exclusively as loans to get employees
systems, or any other job-related factor other to accept assignments in high-cost areas, ES
than gender. It is applicable to private industry is now more broadly employed. For example,
as well as to federal, state, and local govern- some companies gradually convey full own-
ments. To ensure compliance, employers need ership of property to an employee without also
data to analyze pay and job content by sex. transferring potential nancial problems by
Administered by the Fair Labor Standards granting employees an annual equity transfer
Board. each year that the employee remains with the
equal treatment A legal doctrine pertaining company. In addition to spreading loans over
to cases of unlawful discharge. It asks, Has a longer period of time, insurance policies
the employer applied its rules and penalties to may also be taken out to help the employees
all employees even-handedly and without dis- dependents gain full ownership of the prop-
crimination? erty should the employee die or become
equating A statistical procedure used to cor- disabled.
rect differences in difculty between different equity theory A theory of motivation that
forms of the same test to make the test results holds that when people compare their work or
comparable. After determining how much the effort, educational level, or experience with
different test forms vary in difculty, the those of other employees their performance
information is used to adjust the raw scores will be affected if they perceive inequity in
on different forms of the test to account for pay, benets, or prestige.
those differences. equivalent benets All benets provided to
equipment-specic training Training that an employee by the employer (e.g., all types
combines instruction in general principles of insurance, sick and annual leave, educa-
with particular skills; for example, training in tional benets, and pensions) regardless of
electronics principles combined with the skills whether such benets are provided by practice
required to install electronic equipment. or written policy. Employees returning from
equivalent pay 229 ERISA bond

family and medical leave are entitled to and nondiscretionary payments as the
resume their benets in the same manner and employees original position.
at the same level as provided when the leave ergonomic hazard See repetitive strain
began unless the employees elect otherwise. injury.
However, the employees benets are subject ergonomics The science of making jobs, facil-
to the same changes that affected the entire ities, equipment, furniture, and furnishing t
workforce that occurred during their absence people. It deals with the peoplemachine
for family and medical leave. interface and its impact upon productivity and
equivalent pay Compensation that entitles an health. It includes the design of tools and
employee to (1) unconditional pay increases workstations; placement of furniture, equip-
that occurred while the employee was on leave ment, and materials; the posture and move-
(e.g., cost of living increases); (2) the same or ments required of workers; the size, shape,
equivalent pay premiums (e.g., shift differen- and height of work surfaces; the pace and
tials); (3) the same opportunity for regular repetitiveness of operations; vibrations, noise
overtime pay that existed for an employees level, and lighting; and the arrangement of
former position; (4) nonperformance-based storage areas, as well as the types and arrange-
pay bonuses (e.g., for safety and perfect atten- ment of controls and buttons.
dance); (5) performance-based bonuses (e.g., Ergonomic Safety Standards/Rules Regula-
for exceeding production goals) to the extent tions issued by the Occupational Safety and
that such bonuses are provided to other Health Administration (OSHA) designed to
employees taking paid or unpaid leave for rea- protect employees from repetitive motion-
sons other than the Family and Medical Leave related illnesses and injuries, such as carpal
Act of 1993; and (6) (unless it is the tunnel syndrome. OSHA is developing
employers policy or practice to do so for industry-specic guidelines for a number of
employees on regular leave without pay) sal- industries based on current incidence rates and
ary increases based on seniority or length of available information about effective and fea-
service (may exclude the time the employee sible solutions. Guidelines now available or
used family and medical leave for purposes of due in the near future: nursing homes, retail
calculating the increase). grocery stores, and poultry processing.
equivalent position Dened by the Depart- ERIC Clearinghouse on Information &
ment of Labor as a position that is virtually Technology (ERIC/IT) One of 16 clearing-
identical to the employees former position in houses in the Educational Resources Infor-
terms of pay, benets, and working condi- mation Center system. It specializes in
tions, including privileges, perquisites. and library and information science and educa-
status. It must involve the same or substan- tional technology. ERIC/IT acquires, selects,
tially similar duties and responsibilities, catalogs, indexes, and abstracts documents
which must entail substantially equivalent and journal articles in these subject areas for
skill, effort, responsibility, and authority. input into the ERIC database. It also offers
equivalent terms and conditions of employ- digests, minibibliographies, monographs, a
ment Means that employees are entitled semiannual newsletter, an online search sim-
under the Family and Medical Leave Act ulation package, and other user services. Con-
(FMLA) to: (1) reinstatement in the same tact: ERIC/IT, Center for Science and Tech-
work location or one that is geographically nology, Syracuse University, 621 Skytop
close (or afforded the same transfer options Road, Suite 160, Syracuse, NY 13244-5290
as all other employees if the original location (phone 800-464-9107 or 315-443-3640; fax
was closed while the employee was on leave); 315-443-5448; e-mail;
(2) return to the same work shift or to the same Web site
or an equivalent work schedule; and (3) the ERISA bond A delity bond required by fed-
same or equivalent opportunity for bonuses, eral law that insures tax-qualied pension
prot-sharing, and other similar discretionary plans against theft and embezzlement. Must
error of central tendency 230 estate tax

be obtained by all plan trustees and others who escorted tour A tour that is accompanied by
handle plan funds. the same tour director or tour escort through-
error of central tendency A rating error out the trip. The escort stays in the same hotel
caused by the tendency of some raters to as tour members and is available for advice
assign all ratees average ratings. The full and planning throughout the tour.
range of variability is not used. escrow account A means of protecting funds
error of contrast A rating error attributable should a facility be unable to fulll its com-
to the tendency of some raters to compare mitments under a contract. In an escrow
people to each other rather than to some pre- account, the buyer deposits 100% of the funds
established standard. required by the seller with an escrow agent,
error of halo A rating error caused by the ten- who holds the deposit until the service is pro-
dency of some raters to generalize either pos- vided. The agreement is nalized by the sig-
itively or negatively from one characteristic natures of both parties. The agreement also
of an individual to another characteristic of delineates the obligations of the supplier. See
that same individual. also standby letter of credit.
error of inconsistency A rating error that is The ESOP Association An organization of
caused by variations in the methodology or 2000 members whose mission is to promote
approach used to evaluate. employee ownership, especially in the form
error of instability A rating error caused by of employee stock options (ESOPs), as
the passage of time; forgetting. accepted public policy in the U.S. Contact:
error of projection A rating error caused by the The ESOP Association, 1726 M. St., NW, Ste.
tendency of some raters to allow their own char- 501, Washington, D.C. 20036 (phone 800-
acteristics or values to inuence their ratings. 366-3832 or 202-293-2791; fax 202293-7568;
error of recency A rating error attributable to e-mail; Web site
the tendency of some raters to focus on the
work performed most recently (within the last essay appraisal A method of descriptive rat-
2 to 3 months) by an employee, rather than ing in which the rater simply describes in a
taking a broader look at performance. narrative style an individuals performance
error of standards A rating error caused by based on observation of behavior and results.
unrealistic or inappropriate rating or rater essay test An instrument that calls for written
standards (too high or too low). (narrative) responses to questions or problem
error of stereotype A rating error caused by situations; testees are asked to discuss, com-
the tendency of some raters to classify or eval- pare, recall, classify, analyze, explain, criti-
uate employees in a certain way because of cize, organize, apply, describe, evaluate,
their membership in a particular group or cat- solve, or the like.
egory, such as religion or national origin. estate planning Preparation of legal and
error of subjectivity A rating error attribut- nancial documents by the principal to avoid
able to the interaction of such factors as lack complications and give clear direction to fam-
of rater training and experience, preferences ily, friends, health care groups, clergy, and
and values, thought processes, personality, attorneys when the principal dies or becomes
and situational inuences. incapacitated. Includes wills, trusts, powers of
errors and omissions (E&O) A form of attorney, durable powers of attorney, living
insurance similar to malpractice insurance wills, health care power of attorney, burial
purchased by physicians. instructions, and anatomical gifts.
escalator clause A provision in a collective estate tax A tax levied on legacies and suc-
bargaining agreement for making upward or cessions by the federal government and some
downward wage adjustments in accordance states (currently ve), often patterned after the
with changes in the cost of living. federal estate tax. The tax is placed on the
escheat The process by which a persons prop- receipt of property inherited by the beneciary
erty passes to the state in cases where there is upon the death of the owner. The federal tax
no will and there are no lawful heirs. currently applies to estates over $600,000 in
esteem needs 231 Ethics Resource Center (ERC)

value. It also allows a marital deduction for colleague asks for ones help in getting
all property transferred to a surviving spouse. approval for a needed and worthwhile project
The Internal Revenue Code of January 1, that clearly involves creative nancing.
1975 also excludes certain retirement benets ethics A major component of philosophy that
from the gross estate. See also sponge tax. is concerned with judgments about right and
esteem needs Human needs for feelings of wrong, good and bad conduct or behavior of
self-acceptance and self-worth and accep- individuals and groups. Ethics involves both
tance, appreciation, and respect of others. the how and the what of behavior and conduct;
estimated length of stay (ELOS) In health that is, the means by which actions are carried
care, an estimate of the number of days of out are ethically just as important as the ends
hospitalization required for specic proce- those acts are intended to achieve.
dures. Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (EGA)
estimate to complete (ETC) In project man- Established requirements for public disclosure
agement, the best estimate at any point in the of the nancial interests of high-level govern-
project of the resources required to complete ment ofcials, tightened rules restricting
it regardless of the amount of the original postemployment involvement with govern-
budget that has been spent to date. ment agencies by senior ofcials of those
estimation In project management, a means of agencies, and created the Ofce of Govern-
determining project costs in which gures are ment Ethics within the Ofce of Personnel
based on knowledge of the market and the Management. The Act also prohibited all fed-
internal and external costs of the project to the
eral employees from receiving honoraria for
rm rather than on past experience with sim-
lecturing or writing books and articles. This
ilar projects.
ban was lifted by the U.S. Court of Appeals
estoppel A legal prohibition against alleging
in 1993 for most executive-branch employees,
or denying a fact because of ones own actions
except senior executives for whom honoraria
or words by which the contrary has been dem-
are banned by other existing regulations. It
onstrated, implied, or admitted.
remains in effect for employees of the legis-
est training Aims to transform and expand
lative and judicial branches of government.
participants ability to experience living to the
ethics laws See Ethics in Government Act of
fullest. Founded by Werner Erhard.
1978; Ethics Reform Acts of 1989; Federal
Ethernet An access protocol or local area
network that operates over coaxial cable or Trade Commission Act of 1914; Foreign Cor-
twisted pairs of wires with a data transfer rate rupt Practices Act of 1977; Uniform Trade
of 10 million bits per second. The data link Secrets Acts (states); Sarbanes-Oxley Corpo-
protocol species how data are placed on and rate Accountability Act of 2002.
retrieved from a common transmission Ethics Reform Act of 1989 (ERA) Prohib-
medium. Because of its relatively low cost, it ited all federal employees, except senators and
remains a popular method of transmitting data senate staffers, but including military com-
over a local area network. In ascending order missioned and warrant ofcers, from accept-
of sophistication, the devices used by an eth- ing honoraria for speaking and writing even
ernet are repeaters, hubs, bridges, routers, and if the outside work was unrelated to their
switches. See also fast ethernet; gigabit duties or status.
ethernet. Ethics Resource Center (ERC) A private,
ethical behavior What should or ought to pre- nonprot educational corporation working to
vail. Unethical behavior is a violation of that strengthen public trust in business, govern-
standard: making decisions and taking actions ment, and education. Publishes and distributes
under pressure to do what is expedient or prof- literature on ethics and produces and distributes
itable instead of what is good and right. video programs to promote higher standards of
ethical dilemma Occurs when two or more ethical business conduct. Contact: ERC, 1747
moral values conict and one must search for Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washing-
the morally right thing to do. For example, a ton, D.C. 20006 (phone 202-737-2258; fax
Ethics Today 232 European Free Trade Association

202-737-2227; e-mail; Web e-ticketing Electronic ticketing. Similar to

site reserving a car or hotel accommodations, with
Ethics Today A quarterly publication of the passengers receiving only a faxed or mailed
Ethics Resource Center. Cost: $20.00 per year. conrmation form. In some airports, carriers
Contact: Ethics Today, 1747 Pennsylvania offer automatic teller machine-like devices
Ave, NW, Ste. 400, Washington, D.C. 20006 into which passengers insert a frequent ier
(phone 202-737-2258; fax 202-737-2227; card or credit card, select seats, and receive
e-mail; Web site www.eth- their boarding passes. Also known as paper- less ticketing or ticketless travel.
ethics training Training provided to execu- etiology A term used by epidemiologists. It
tives, managers, and supervisors, and some- means the cause of a disease or illness.
times to customer representatives, marketing, Euro The currency used throughout the Euro-
and sales personnel, to promote integrity and pean Community. It replaced such currencies
ethical practices within and outside the orga- as the French franc, German deutsche mark,
nization, prevent unethical conduct or prac- Irish pound, and Italian lira.
tices, help personnel overcome pressures to euromanagement training Training pro-
compromise their personal or company stan- grams designed to prepare managers and oth-
dards and values, and avoid violations of com- ers to accept the challenges, maximize the
munity standards and values. Coverage typi- opportunities, and deal with the problems
cally includes ethics in interpersonal posed by European operations following the
relationships; rules and proscriptions regarding 1992 merger of European markets. Euroman-
giving and receiving gifts and gratuities; the agement training includes language and cross-
pitfalls of cover-up and deception; the conse- cultural communications training as well as
quences of tolerating misconduct or violations management development, sales and market-
of policies, rules, and regulations; how to con- ing, technical, and team training.
front unethical behavior; proper relationships euromanagers Managers who can operate
with clients, customers, dealers, suppliers, effectively for global companies in Europe.
contractors, and consultants; responsibilities European Community (EC) See European
with respect to facilities, equipment, supplies, Union.
products, merchandise, funds, and other com- European Community (monetary) Unit
pany assets; and travel and expense accounts. (ECU) The European Communitys com-
Primary methods used are case studies, role mon currency, priced at about ECU 1.3 to the
playing, panels and group interviews, study U.S. dollar.
assignments, and problem-solving exercises. European Directive Legislation adopted by
ethnic categories Include African Americans, the European Unions Council of Ministers for
American Indians or Alaskan Natives, Asians implementation as law in its member states.
or Pacic Islanders, Caucasians, and European Economic Area (EEA) E s t a b -
Hispanics. lished by treaty in January 1994. EEA is made
ethnic group A group of people distinguished up of the European Union and the European
from other groups on the basis of religion, Free Trade Association.
color, or national origin. European Exchange Rate Mechanism
ethnography In intercultural training, the (ERM) A device designed to keep the value
study of the behavior patterns of specic of the currencies of the European Commu-
groups of people or cultures. nity members linked together in effect, a
ethnological analysis Involves an intense system of guaranteed exchange rates.
focus on recorded description what people European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
in a culture do day to day to capture the An association established in 1960. Currently
emic interpretation the native view of the includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and
sights, sounds, symbols, rites, customs, or Switzerland. In addition, member states have
mores of a culture. Attributed to Polish anthro- jointly concluded free trade agreements with
pologist Bronislaw Malinowski in the 1930s. several countries worldwide.
European Monetary Institute (EMI) 233 evidence of insurability (EOI)

European Monetary Institute (EMI) The cen- Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
tral bank of the European Union located in Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United
Frankfurt, Germany. Kingdom. Potential new members include
European Organization for Quality (EOQ) Switzerland and Iceland. The basic goal is
A nonpolitical, nongovernmental organization economic and monetary union, including cre-
of 34 national European quality organizations, ation of a single currency and a central bank,
as well as institutions, companies, and indi- by the end of the decade.
viduals all over the world. The mission of European Unions Data Protection Directive
EOQ is to facilitate the exchange of informa- (EU DPD) Designed to protect personal pri-
tion and experience on quality theory and best vacy and standardize privacy regulations
practice across Europe to enhance European throughout the 15-member union. Sets tough
competitiveness. EOQ pays special attention restrictions on personal information that can
to the needs of small and medium-sized enter- be collected and stored.
prises. Contact: EOQ, General Secretariat, eu-stress Tension in the form of a high
P.O. Box 5032, CH-3001, Bern, Switzerland caused by the pressures of work that is savored
(phone +41 31 320 61 66; telefax +41 31 320 because is interesting, stimulating, and chal-
68 28). lenging. See also dys-stress; stress.
European plan (EP) In meeting manage- EVA Economic value added.
ment, a pricing method used by hotels and evaluation 1. In general, a systematic means
conference centers. In residential centers, of measuring or estimating work in progress
price includes lodging only (no meals); in and results obtained. Performance measures
nonresidential centers, pricing is la carte.
tell managers where their people or their pro-
European Union (EU) A single European grams and services are that is, the status
market with more than 375 million consumers of programs and services without noting
and an economy worth $7 trillion a year.
whether they are good or poor. Evaluation
Established by the Treaty on European Union
tells them how well they are doing whether
(Maastricht Treaty). Its signers were Belgium,
progress and results are satisfactory or unsat-
Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain,
isfactory. In all applications, evaluation
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Neth-
involves the establishment of standards; mea-
erlands, Portugal, and Spain. Formerly called
surement of some sort; identication and
the European Community. As of January 1,
analysis of shortfalls; determination of the
1995, linked 15 nations politically and eco-
causes of deviations; identication, selection,
nomically through common foreign policies
and a single currency. The union became and execution of remedial actions; and follow-
effective November 1, 1993. In 1994, the up to ensure that needed corrections have been
Union agreed to admit Austria, Finland, and made. 2. In training, the use of tests or other
Sweden as members January 1, 1995. Nego- forms of appraisal to measure aptitude,
tiations were also underway to admit Norway achievement, progress, performance, or
but membership was voted down in that coun- potential. 3. In employee performance
try in November 1994. As of 2004, 10 new appraisal, a measure or estimate of the perfor-
members will be admitted to the Union: mance or potential of people.
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, evaluator A h u m a n r e s o u r c e s / h u m a n
Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland. Slovakia, resources development competency. A person
and Slovenia. Operating through its own who assesses the impact of HR interventions
European Economic Commission and Parlia- on individual or organizational effectiveness.
ment, the community will lower long-standing evidence of insurability (EOI) Used by many
barriers to trade and ease the transfer of goods, insurers as a primary means of combating
services, nances, and people among its mem- adverse selection by requiring employees and
bers. Member countries as of this writing are eligible dependents to provide proof of
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Fed- insurability for entry or reentry into a medical
eral Republic of Germany, Finland, Greece, benets plan.
exaggerating estimates 234 excluded costs

exaggerating estimates In accounting, the have allowed employees to to defer their sal-
deceptive practice of inating values and pro- ary for a shorter period. Payouts may be a
jections. lump sum or a series of payments, with terms
Excellence Index A free self-assessment instru- spelled out in the initial agreement.
ment useful in identifying strengths and exchanges Provide nonpay benets for active
weaknesses in seven areas of work-life devel- and retired military personnel and their depen-
opment: leadership, accountability, com- dents and some military reservists. Offer sub-
munication, infrastructure, measurement, rela- stantial savings on products and services,
tionship-building, and strategy. Available from including gasoline stations and automotive
The Center for Work & Family Roundtable, services, food services, lawn and garden
Center for Work & Family, Boston College, shops, department stores, owers, dry clean-
140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, ing, barber shops and beauty services, tax
MA 02467 (Web site preparation, video rental, car rental, wedding
ters/cwf)/). registry, photo developing, and optical shops.
Excellence in Human Resource Development Accept cash, personal checks, and several
Awards Awards presented annually to major credit cards. Include Army Air Force
national members of the American Society Exchange Service, Navy Exchanges, Marine
for Training and Development and to their Corps Exchanges, and Coast Guard
employing organizations for exemplary use of Exchanges located on military installations in
training and development, organization devel- the U.S. and overseas.
opment, and career development interventions exchange-traded funds (EFTs) Stock funds
to improve individual, group, or organiza- that trade on an exchange, such as common
tional effectiveness. A maximum of 12 awards shares of IBM, Procter & Gamble, or Coca
is given each year, with up to four individual, Cola. An EFT share represents an assortment
team, or organization awards in each of the of stocks or bonds typically pegged to a major
three categories. Contact: ASTD National
index such as the S&P 500.
Awards Program, Attn: Dawn Temple, 1640
exchange visitor An alien coming tempo-
King St., Box 1443, Alexandria, VA 22313-
rarily to the U.S. as a participant in a program
2043 (phone 703-683-8100).
approved by the secretary of state for the pur-
Excellence Through Employee Involvement
pose of teaching, instructing or lecturing,
Award Awarded annually by the Employee
studying, observing, conducting research,
Involvement Association following an inten-
consulting, demonstrating special skills, or
sive evaluation process that includes site vis-
receiving training.
its, similar to the Malcolm Baldrige National
Quality Award. Contact: EIA, 525 SW 5th excimer keratorefractive procedure Uses
Street, Suite A, Des Moines, IA 50309-4501 laser and computer technologies to correct
(phone 515-282-8192 ; fax 515-282-9117; nearsightedness and mild astigmatism. The
Web site laser, precisely controlled by a computer,
excess charge The difference between the reshapes the outer layers of the cornea of the
Medicare-approved amount for a service or eye to allow the eye to focus properly, thereby
supply and the actual charge, if the actual eliminating or reducing the need for corrective
charge is more than the approved amount. glasses or contact lenses.
excess plan A means of providing benets to excluded costs In contracting, items that can-
executives whose contributions to 401(k) not be included in bids or submissions for
plans are limited. In these nonqualied reimbursement as costs. For example, in con-
plans, higher-paid employees can make vol- tracts for training, advertising costs (except
untary deferrals of the portion of their salary for recruitment of personnel or procurement
that cannot be legally put into the qualied of scarce items), capital expenditures for
401(k) plan. For employees who qualify under improvement or acquisition of facilities,
these excess plans, deferrals are usually made entertainment costs (including social activities
until retirement, although some companies or cost of alcoholic beverages), interest costs
exclusion 235 Executive Order 11246

(including costs incurred to borrow funds), executive adventure See adventure training.
costs for attendance at conferences or meet- executive center A for-prot conference cen-
ings of professional organizations (unless ter specically designed to facilitate adult
attendance is necessary in connection with the learning. Most often used for management
project, included in the budget, and approved meetings and training programs. Sometimes
by the contracting ofcer), and costs for prep- offers overnight accommodations.
aration of continuation agreements and other executive chef The hotel functionary respon-
proposal development costs are ordinarily sible for ordering and purchasing food prod-
identied as excluded costs. ucts and kitchen supplies and for supervising
exclusion Prior to the Illegal Immigration all kitchen personnel.
Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act executive development Formal and informal
of 1996, exclusion was the formal term for education and training programs, either man-
denial of an aliens entry into the U.S. The agerial or functional, designed to improve the
decision to exclude an alien was made by an performance and potential of selected manag-
immigration judge after an exclusion hearing. ers and executives. Most common strategies
Since April 1, 1997, the process of adjudicat- are formal institutional training, seminars and
ing inadmissibility may take place in either an workshops, coaching, special assignments,
expedited removal process or in removal pro- and self-study. Specic training topics often
ceedings before an immigration judge. include leadership, strategic planning, policy
exclusions Health care services and supplies making, decision making, crisis handling,
resources allocation, programming and bud-
that insurance plans do not cover. Costs of
geting, nancial management, communica-
such items are not counted toward deductibles
tion, change management, time management,
or catastrophic protection benets limits.
and stress management.
exclusive provider organization (EPO) A
executive housekeeper The hotel functionary
form of managed care similar to preferred
responsible for room preparation and cleaning
provider organizations except that EPOs limit
and providing laundry and valet services and
beneciaries to participating providers for all
extra amenities.
health care services and usually do not cover
executive information system (EIS) A com-
services received from other providers. Offers
puter software program that analyzes the data
negotiated fee-for-service with bonus pools an executive identies as critical to his or her
and incentives for appropriate utilization, a business and delivers the analyses to a com-
more exclusive network, and higher incentives puter screen as graphics and text. For exam-
for using network providers than a preferred ple, such systems can spot a potential cash
provider organization. May include the option ow problem before it happens.
to go out-of-network for lower reimbursement Executive Ofce Accountability Act of 1996
rate. Provides employer with information on Requires the White House and several agen-
level of utilization and claims experience and cies to comply with federal employment laws,
greater control of plan design. including the Fair Labor Standards Act, Occu-
executable Internet Tools that enable users to pational Safety and Health Act, and Family
build interactive multimedia applications, and Medical Leave Act.
break up existing applications and deliver Executive Order (EO) Ofcial documents,
them for local execution in a Web browser, or numbered consecutively, through which the
develop a new programming language for president of the U.S. directs that something
creating interactive, visually rich browser be done or not done. EOs have the force of
applications. law. The text of EOs appears in the daily Fed-
executive A member of the top echelon or top eral Register.
positions in an organization, such as chief Executive Order 11246 An order that pro-
executive ofcer, chief operating ofcer, chief hibits discrimination on the basis of race,
nancial ofcer, president, and vice president color, creed, sex, or national origin and
of human resources. encourages afrmative action to remedy the
Executive Order 12564 236 Executive Order 13153

underutilization of minorities and women. It the federal government and in any outdoor
applies to federal contractors and subcontrac- areas under executive branch control in front
tors as well as to contractors operating under of air intake ducts. Does not apply to desig-
federally assisted construction contracts. nated smoking areas that are enclosed and
Executive Order 12564 An order that requires exhausted directly to the outside away from
every federal agency to establish a drug test- air intake ducts and maintained under negative
ing program for its civilian employees. The pressure. Signed by President Clinton
program must include testing for cocaine and August 9, 1997.
marijuana and may include testing for opiates, Executive Order 13111 Established the Pres-
amphetamines, and phencyclidine. Testing for idents Task Force on Federal Training Tech-
other drugs is not permitted without special nology to provide leadership regarding the
permission unless reasonable suspicion, an effective use of technology in training and
accident, or an unsafe practice exists. Tests education. Directed federal agencies to
must follow guidelines issued by the Depart- enhance employment training through the use
ment Health and Human Services. The order of technology. Signed by President Clinton on
became effective on September 15, 1986, January 12, 1999.
when it was signed by President Ronald Executive Order 13124 Amended Section
Reagan. 3301 and 3302 of Title 5, United States Code,
Executive Order 12954 Prohibited federal to give individuals with psychiatric disabili-
contractors from hiring workers to replace ties the same hiring opportunities as persons
permanently striking employees. The order with severe physical disabilities or mental
allowed the secretary of labor to terminate or retardation under civil service rules and per-
suspend federal contracts in excess of mit those individuals to obtain civil service
$100,000 with companies that permanently competitive status. Signed by President Clin-
replace striking workers. However, the order ton on June 4, 1999.
allows contractors to hire temporary employ- Executive Order 13145 Prohibits discrimi-
ees or subcontract the work during the strike. nation based on genetic information. Intended
Signed by President Clinton in March 1995. to ensure that executive branch applicants and
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce led a suit employees are judged on their current ability
against the Department of Labor claiming that to perform the jobs they seek or hold and not
the order exceeds presidential authority, and on the possibility that they might some day
nine trade associations have joined to le an develop a genetic disease or condition that
amicus brief with the appellate court in sup- hinders their ability to work. Accordingly, the
port of the Chamber of Commerces suit. In order places stringent limits on the collection,
the fall of 1995, both the House and the Senate use, and disclosure of protected genetic infor-
included provisions in the Labor Depart- mation. Signed by President Clinton on Feb-
ments appropriation bills that prohibits fund- ruary 8, 2000.
ing for enforcement of the executive order. Executive Order 13152 Amends Executive
The executive order was struck down Febru- Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity
ary 2, 1996 by the U.S. Court of Appeals for in Federal Government by substituting sex-
the District of Columbia Circuit. The Court ual orientation, or status as a parent for or
stated that the order was an improper and far- sexual orientation to prohibit discrimination
reaching attempt to set broad labor policy and based on an individuals status as a parent.
concluded that the executive order illegally Signed by President Clinton on May 2, 2000.
interfered with private employers rights to Executive Order 13153 Ordered actions to
hire permanent replacements. The administra- improve low-performing schools by providing
tion did not carry through with an appeal of technical assistance and capacity building,
the decision. providing states, school districts, and schools
Executive Order 13058 Prohibits smoking of receiving federal funds for school improve-
tobacco products in all interior space owned, ment to research and information, and
rented, or leased by the executive branch of required the secretary of education to take
Executive Order 13162 237 executive retreat

steps permitted by law to redirect the of a comprehensive national strategy to secure

resources and technical assistance capabilities the U.S. from terrorist threats or attacks.
of the Department of Education to assist low- Signed by President George W. Bush on Octo-
performing schools. Signed by President Clin- ber 8, 2001.
ton on May 3, 2000. Executive Order 13254 Established a USA
Executive Order 13162 Established a Fed- Freedom Corps, an interagency iniative bring-
eral Career Intern Program to attract excep- ing together executive branch departments,
tional men and women to the federal work- agencies, and ofces with public service pro-
force. Signed by President Clinton on July 6, grams and components to recruit, mobilize,
2000. and encourage all Americans to engage in
Executive Order 13171 Afrms ongoing poli- public service. Signed by President George W.
cies and recommends additional policies to Bush on January 29, 2002.
eliminate the underrepresentation of Hispan- Executive Order 13271 Established a Corpo-
ics in the federal workforce. Signed by Pres- rate Fraud Task Force within the Department
ident Clinton on October 12, 2000. of Justice to strengthen the efforts of the
Executive Order 13198 Established the Department and federal, state, and local agen-
White House Ofce of Faith-based and Com- cies to investigate and prosecute signicant
munity Initiatives to provide lead responsibil- nancial crimes, recover the proceeds of such
ities in the executive branch to establish pol- crimes, and ensure just and effective punish-
icies, priorities, and objectives for the ment of those who perpetrate nancial crimes.
governments effort to enlist, equip, enable, Signed July 9, 2002, by President George W.
empower, and expand the work of faith-based Bush.
and other community organizations to the Executive Order 13279 Provides equal pro-
extent permitted by law. Also required the tection of the laws for faith-based and com-
establishment of Executive Department Cen- munity organizations and furthers the national
ters for Faith-based and Community Initia- effort to expand opportunities for, and
tives within the Departments of Justice, Edu- strengthen the capability of, faith-based and
cation, Labor, Health and Human Services, other community organizations so that they
and Housing and Urban Development to coor- may better meet social needs in Americas
dinate departmental efforts to eliminate regu- communities. Designed to help churches, syn-
latory, contracting, and other programmatic agogues, mosques, and other religious groups
obstacles to the participation of faith-based receive the same chance as other organizations
and other community organizations in the pro- to win federal dollars to provide social ser-
vision of social services. Signed by President vices for the poor, hungry, drug-addicted, and
George W. Bush on January 29, 2001. homeless. Signed by President George W.
Executive Order 13201 Notication of Bush on December 12, 2002.
Employee Rights Concerning Payment of executive outplacement Generous outplace-
Union Dues or Fees. The order was designed ment services provided to senior executives
to promote economy and efciency in govern- that go far beyond the customary counseling,
ment procurement by making workers better rsum preparation, skills assessment, and job
informed of their rights, including their rights search techniques. Some companies set up an
under the federal labor laws. The order ofce in the executives home, furnish a ded-
directed the secretary of labor to adopt rules icated support staff or individual, provide net-
and regulations and issue orders as deemed working opportunities, make travel arrange-
necessary and appropriate to achieve the pur- ments, and provide access to compensation
poses of the order. Signed by President and employment law experts.
George W. Bush on February 17, 2001. executive retreat An executive development
Executive Order 13228 Established the Ofce strategy in which a total top management team
of Homeland Security and the Homeland moves to an off-premises location for two or
Security Council. The mission of the Ofce is more days to examine process issues and
to develop and coordinate the implementation engage in team building.
executive search firm 238 exhibitor-designated contractor

executive search rm A search organization tors, and sales personnel who are salaried
or consultant who works primarily with pro- and/or commissioned. On March 31, 2003 the
fessional and managerial openings on a Department of Labor issued proposed changes
retainer basis. Although some work on an to the Fair Labor Standards Act regulations
hourly or daily fee basis, most compute fees that determine who is exempt from receiving
on a percentage of the rst years earnings of overtime pay, including (1) a salary test
the person placed, plus expenses. increase to $425 per week; (2) establishment
executive staff meeting A high-level, face- of a new exemption for highly compensated
to-face meeting of the top executives of an employees ($65,000 per year); (3) modica-
organization, such as the president of a cor- tion of the pay docking rate; and (4) elimi-
poration and his or her executive president, nation of the discretion and independent judg-
functional vice presidents or chief operating ment clause in the duties test. See also
ofcer, and chief nancial ofcer. May be reg- nonexempt employee. On March 31, 2003, the
ularly scheduled or called in an emergency. Department of Labor issued proposed changes
executive transformation Learner-centered to the Fair Labor Standard Act regulations that
programs designed to convert functional man- determine who is exempt from receiving over-
agers and specialists into general managers time pay, including (1) a salary test increase
people who can manage across several orga- to $425 per week, (2) establishment of a new
nizational functions and make strategic deci- exemption for highly compensated employees
sions that overcome the inherently insular and ($65,000 per year); (3) modication of the pay
conicting goals of those functions. docking rate, and (4) elimination of the dis-
executor/executrix In law, the individual cretion and independent judgment clause in
(male or female) appointed by a testator (will the duties test.
maker) to execute his or her will.
exercise options Paying money and receiving
exemplar learning A learning strategy used
stock. See also cashless exercise.
by humans (and to some degree by learning
exercise program Sometimes a part of
machines). It involves learning facts, princi-
employee wellness programs, exercise pro-
ples, or concepts by exposure to examples pro-
grams are recreational and promote tness.
vided by a trainer or the learning environment.
They typically center on activities that
The learner generalizes from the examples.
involve oxygen intake at sustained levels such
Exemplary Public Interest Contribution
as calisthenics, aerobic dancing, hiking, and
(EPIC) Award Awarded annually by the
Department of Labor to public interest orga- bicycling.
nizations. exhaustion A phase in stress response follow-
Exemplary Voluntary Efforts (EVE) Award ing severe strain over a period of months or
Awarded annually by the Department of Labor years characterized by debilitating physical
to recognize federal contractors that, through and emotional illnesses, such as gastro-
innovative efforts, have increased job intestinal, cardiovascular, and behavioral dis-
opportunities for women, minorities, veterans, orders, that ultimately result in burnout. See
and the disabled. Eligibility is limited to fed- also stress.
eral public interest contractors or federal con- exhibit A collection of graphic or three-
tractors organizations covered by Executive dimensional aids grouped and displayed to
Order 11246 that have had a compliance accomplish a specic informational, educa-
review within the past 3 years and have had tional, instructional, or marketing purpose.
no substantive violations of federal laws or exhibitor-designated contractor (EDC) A
pending enforcement actions. person or company hired by trade show exhib-
exempt employee An employee exempt from itors to set up their booths, circumventing the
minimum wage and overtime provisions of the use of service contractors appointed by the
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. Exempt management of the trade show. Trade show
employees include bona de executives, man- managers sometimes charge fees to exhibitors
agers, supervisors, professionals, administra- who use EDCs to recoup costs.
exit interview 239 expedited removal

exit interview A structured interview con- expectancy theory A theory of motivation

ducted at the time of an employees termina- that states that challenging tasks and their suc-
tion for cause, resignation, or retirement or cessful completion elicit feelings of pleasure
prior to an employees internal transfer. In the and are therefore motivating. Explains human
case of resignation, the purpose of the inter- behavior as a function of the perceived value
view is to identify specic conditions or pat- of the reward that certain behavior yields and
terns of management behavior that may have the expectation in the doer that the behavior
contributed to the employees decision to will actually elicit that reward.
leave. In the case of dismissals, exit interviews expectational survey A survey designed and
are used to inform the employee of the termi- conducted to complement other means of
nation, the reasons for it, and his or her rights. forecasting. For example, expectational sur-
For retirement terminations, they may be used veys may be used to identify signicant
to inform the employee of his or her rights, changes in customer or client expectations and
benets, and options and to gather informa- intentions, such as those relating to the pur-
tion pertaining to organizational problems. chase of training materials and services.
expanded duciary laws State antitakeover expected family contribution (EFC) Under
laws that use language to state that corporate federal student aid programs (except unsubsi-
boards may or must consider constituen- dized student loans), an amount, determined
cies, including customers, employees, share- by a formula established by Congress, that
holders, and communities. indicates how much of a familys nancial
expanded leave/expanded leave options resources should be available to help pay for
Paid or unpaid extended periods of authorized education. Factors considered include taxable
time off from work without loss of employ- and nontaxable income, assets (such as sav-
ment rights for such reasons as medical atten- ings and checking accounts), and benets
tion, family responsibilities, education, and (such as unemployment and social security).
community service. expedited arbitration A form of alternative
expanded memory A type of electronic dispute resolution procedure used by the
memory that can be added to all personal com- American Arbitration Association to resolve
puters that use MS-DOS and any Intel proces- cases involving small claims under several
sor. Makes compatible programs run faster. sets of rules. Hearings are scheduled by phone
ex parte proceeding A legal term used to and are concluded in a day or less.
describe a hearing conducted by the court with expedited reinstatement of benets A social
only one of the parties present or even noti- security work incentive that allows people
ed. Such proceedings are often scheduled in who become unable to work again because of
bitter domestic disputes or where one of the their medical condition within 60 months after
parties (e.g., a battered wife) may fear con- their extended period of eligibility has ended
fronting her or his spouse. (and their benets were stopped because of
expat/expatriate An employee who is sent their earnings) to request reinstatement of
abroad to work for an extended period of time. benets without ling a new disability appli-
See also impat/impatriate. cation.
expatriate allowance See area differential. expedited removal The Illegal Immigration
expat training Intercultural training provided Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
to expatriates, both managers and employees of 1996 authorized the Immigration and Nat-
at all levels, to adapt to another culture, adjust uralization Service (INS) to remove certain
to an unfamiliar environment, learn different inadmissible aliens from the U.S. The author-
business and social customs, and become ity covers aliens who are inadmissible because
aware of the cross-cultural challenges and they have no entry documents or because they
opportunities facing the organization. have used counterfeit, altered, or otherwise
expectancy table A table used to show the fraudulent or improper documents. The
relationship between scores on a predictive authority covers aliens who arrive in, attempt
test and some related result or criterion. to enter, or have entered the U.S. without
expedited service 240 experiment

having been admitted or paroled by an immi- measured. They set limits on activities to be
gration ofcer at a port-of-entry. The INS has carried out and the level of effort to be
the authority to order the removal, and the invested in those activities to control costs.
alien is not referred to an immigration judge expense reimbursement system In travel
except under certain circumstances after an management, computer software used to pro-
alien makes a claim to legal status in the U.S. cess travel and entertainment expense reports.
or demonstrates a credible fear of persecution expensing stock options A means of making
if returned to his or her home country. corporate nancial statements more transpar-
expedited service In employee relocation, a ent and accurate in the wake of the corporate
special request for delivery on a specied date accounting scandals of 2001 and 2002. Under
for a shipment that weighs less than 5000 that plan, employee stock options, a feature
pounds. The customer pays for a 5000-pound of many compensation packages, are charged
shipment, which is more than the actual as expenses to earnings statements and result
weight of the shipment, for the service. in a lost earnings advantage.
Expeditionary Learning A project of seven experience-based training S e e a d ve n t u r e
partners, led by Outward Bound, USA. training.
Applies some of the experience, premises, and experience curve One of the underpinnings
language of the Outward Bound enterprise to of economy of scale. Postulates that, in addi-
the operation of entire schools. Schools tion to gains attributable to the learning curve
become communities where students learn to (employee learning and specialization), as an
think by taking programmatically related organization increases in size over time it
voyages and adventures led by adult guides acquires characteristics that tend to improve
or leaders who work with students organized efciency and economy. For example, a rms
into multiage groupings of 8 to 12, called reputation may make it able to hire better
watches. The watches, in turn, are clustered managers, construction costs for facilities that
into crews of 12 to 18. Schools offer residen- double available space do not cost twice as
cies to artists, professionals, scholars, and so much, costs of materials and supplies are
on and operate service projects on site, such lower because they are purchased in greater
as at theaters, recycling centers, and day care volume, and so on.
facilities. The academic structure is provided experience curve theory Attributed to the
by a world-class curriculum, the International Boston Consulting Group, it postulates that
Baccalaureate, which is integrated with the whenever a business cumulative volume dou-
rest of the program. bles, costs fall by a predictable percentage,
expenditure control rules Budget control producing a downward curve of costs and
rules established to constrain and manage prices over time.
commitment and disbursement of funds; for experience rating A method of establishing
example, proscriptions against authorizing the premium for a fee-for-service plan (and
expenditures or approving and issuing pur- some health maintenance organizations) that
chase orders unless sufcient funds are on uses the amounts actually paid for claims and
hand to cover the proposed expenditure or projected benets payments for the ensuing
encumbrance. year.
expenditure target (ET) In health care, a experiential learning 1. Training that empha-
means of adjusting fees based on how actual sizes hands-on experiences with the things to
expenditures in an area compare to a target be learned rather than hearing or reading
for those expenditures. about them. 2. See adventure training.
expense budget There are two types: engi- experiment A study designed and rigorously
neered and discretionary. Engineered expense managed to rule out as many variables as pos-
budgets describe the labor and materials and sible to isolate the cause of a particular effect
estimated overhead costs of producing a prod- (program, intervention, or treatment). The
uct or service. Discretionary expense budgets treatment is applied only to the experimental
are used when outputs cannot be accurately group and not to the control group. Statistical
experimental drug, device 241 exposition service contractor

tests are used to compare the performance, Also called case-based reasoning software
behavior, or results observed or measured. program.
experimental drug, device, medical treat- explanation of benets (EOB) A statement
ment, or procedure A drug, device, medical provided to the insured individual by the
treatment, or procedure that is investigational; insurer (such as TRICARE, Medicare,
that is, it is being tried out clinically to deter- CHAMPUS, or other insurer) explaining the
mine the maximum tolerated dose, its toxicity, disposition of a claim. Essentially, an EOB
its safety, its efcacy, or its efcacy as com- summarizes basic benets information: the
pared to standard means of treatment or diag- name and address of the provider, the date(s)
nosis. of the service, the service(s) provided, the
experimental group A representative group amount that was invoiced (the charge), the
of persons who are exposed to an intervention, amount approved for payment, an explanation
training, or treatment and whose perfor- of deductibles and copayments and claims that
mance or reaction is compared to that of the exceed the reasonable charge, and the
control group. amount the provider may charge above the
experimental research A research study con- approved payment (if any).
ducted under carefully controlled conditions Explanation of Medicare Benets (EOMB)
that rule out as many of the potential hypoth- See explanation of benets.
eses, theories, or explanations of the cause of explicit knowledge Knowledge that is easily
a particular effect or result as possible. It is grouped and organized and transmitted or
characterized by (1) systematic design; (2) use imparted to others. See also tacit knowledge.
of subjects randomly assigned to treatment exploding A form of fraud or dishonesty (chi-
(experimental) and control groups to ensure canery) practiced by unscrupulous physicians
that there is no bias on every variable or factor and other health care practitioners to increase
that could inuence the outcomes; (3) speci- their income. Exemplied by the submission
cation of how the treatment variables differ of a bill to the insurer for a series of tests that
between experimental and control groups; (4) have all been done on a single sample of
total control of the experimental treatment by blood, thereby tripling or quadrupling the dol-
the researcher; and (5) use of statistical mea- lar value of the claim.
sures to assess the outcomes that clearly rep- exponential smoothing A form of time-series
resent the variables of interest. forecasting involving comparison of actual
experimental treatments New approaches to and forecast values that includes an adjustable
the treatment of diseases and conditions under percentage of the error rate of past forecasts.
development and investigation at mainstream export Transmission of a data le or computer
medical institutions. Include such therapies as program to another unrelated program in
bone marrow transplants for breast cancer ready-to-use form.
patients. export license In meeting management,
expert networking See computer conferenc- licenses issued by the Department of Com-
ing. merce to track and control items leaving the
expert power Power that derives from follow- country for exposition and other purposes.
ers judgments that the leader has superior General export licenses are granted to control
knowledge or ability in the area of endeavor. high-technology items; validated export
Its source is specialized skills, knowledge, or licenses are issued on a case-by-case basis for
information. items that are related to armaments (such as
EXPERT system A computer program and radar equipment).
associated software that simulates the exper- exposition service contractor I n m e e t i n g
tise of human experts. EXPERT systems make management, a supplier of booth equipment,
use of a body of knowledge in a elaborate set rental furnishings, oor coverings, labor,
of if-then rules to narrow the range of pos- drayage, and signs for trade shows and expo-
sible decision factors, conclusions, or choices. sitions. Also called exclusive contractor.
expository learning 242 external e-mail

expository learning Passive learning where for any month in which earnings drop below
trainees are delivered facts and information by $780 ($1300 for people who are blind, effec-
a live instructor using lecture or telling with tive in 2002).
or without audiovisuals, expository video, or extended personal leave Unpaid leave that
audio tapes. allows a break of two or more years with a
ex post facto A legal term that literally means return-to-work guarantee for employees. Most
after the fact. For example, an ex post facto often granted to mothers with young children.
law is legislation or a set of regulations that extended stay hotel Targets business travel-
prohibits or outlaws an act after it has been ers who reserve rooms for ve or more nights.
performed. Such laws and regulations are are Typically features one room with a full
unconstitutional. kitchen, work desk with direct-dial phone
exposure 1. A general term used to describe number, weekly housekeeping, daily light
contact with a health risk factor. An exposure cleaning, and tiered pricing based on length
can be a physical agent (e.g., radiation) or a of stay. Some venues may offer grocery-shop-
behavior (i.e., excessive drinking). 2. The light ping service; in-room fax machine; dry bar;
received to create images. If the charged-cou- access to a pool, workout room, or other rec-
pled device in a digital camera (or the lm in reation amenity; and even a recording studio
a conventional camera) is exposed to too much and screening room.
light, the resulting image will appear washed- extensible markup language (XML) A spe-
out (overexposed). Manual exposure allows cialized Internet system used to transmit for-
the user to specify the amount of light used matted data. Conceptually it is related to
to create an image. HTML, but XML is not itself a markup lan-
extended care facility (ECF) A health care guage; rather it is a meta-language a lan-
facility that provides medical care for individ- guage used to create other specialized lan-
uals requiring extended care, including guages.
patients who have been discharged from a external audit An audit conducted by an
hospital. independent (outside) auditor. It provides a
extended family A form of nontraditional professional judgment on the accuracy and
household. Involves living with relatives other fairness of a companys nancial statements
than parents, spouses, or children, such as sib- using generally accepted auditing standards
lings, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and procedures. Usually required as a part of
or grandchildren. the annual report to stockholders.
extended leave programs Leaves of absence external benchmarking Comparing the oper-
granted to employees to meet their needs (edu- ations of ones organization with the opera-
cation and personal growth, social service tions of other (competitive) organizations to
assignments, and extended unpaid personal identify practices and processes that are most
leave to care for parents or children) and effective and identify ones that can be adopted
employer needs (rejuvenate the work force, or modied for use in ones organization.
save on temporary worker costs, or downsize external consultant 1. An expert engaged by
the work force). an organization for a fee to provide advice and
extended memory A type of electronic mem- assistance to executives, managers, or staffers
ory that can be added to all personal comput- or to conduct training programs or special
ers that use MS-DOS and a 286 processor or studies. 2. A form of employee assistance pro-
higher to make programs run faster. gram in which professionals, usually psychi-
extended period of eligibility Under social atrists or psychologists, are hired to handle
security, a special rule that provides cash employee diagnosis and counseling.
benets and Medicare to disabled persons external e-mail An external hook-up that
while they attempt to work. Following a suc- allows communication by computer with oth-
cessful trial work period if a person is still ers, such as suppliers, contractors, or consult-
disabled, for the next 36 months a disabled ants. Main vendors are Western Union
person is eligible to receive monthly benets Easylink, CompuServe, Telenet, Dialcom,
external evaluation 243 e-zine

MCI Mail, AT&T mail, and GE Information Commonly required of those studying at pro-
Systems. fessional, technical, career, and vocational
external evaluation 1. The application of schools and colleges. Includes, for example,
measures of progress and accomplishment to student physicians, teachers, nurses, electri-
assess the results achieved by any organiza- cians, and cooks.
tional function outside the organization. 2. In extranet A form of learning technology. A
training and development, assessment of the collaborative network that uses Internet tech-
results within or outside the organization nology to link organizations with their clients,
when employees are assigned to or return to customers, suppliers, or other organizations,
the job. Evaluation may focus on changes in enabling them to share information and les
job behavior and performance of employees in a secure, online environment. Other appli-
or organization changes attributable to the cations include database inquiries, chat ses-
program or programs offered. sions, and videoconferencing.
external marketing Has the primary goal of extremely hazardous substances (EHS)
either generating revenue by selling products Any one of 406 hazardous chemicals identi-
and services produced in-house or recovering ed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
part or most of the costs of developing pro- extrinsic motivator A behavior reinforcer
grams and services for in-house use by selling controlled by the organization, the work
them outside. The potential customers and cli- group, the boss, a work partner, a spouse, or
ents of external marketing, although not nec- a friend. Extrinsic motivators include pay,
essarily unreceptive to marketing efforts, must benets, promotions, and incentives, as well
be pursued, wooed, and won. as praise, smiles, nods, and pats on the back.
external support In performance support sys- extrinsic reward A reward not controlled by
tems, support that is not connected with the the individual; rather, it is controlled by the
interface between the system and the user organization, the work group, the boss, a work
(e.g., documentation, manuals, bulletin partner, a spouse, or a friend. Extrinsic
boards, job sheets, tutoring, peer assistance, rewards are not implicit in the achievement;
or classroom training). rather, they ow from the action or attainment,
external training expenditures Include tuition such as promotion, improved status, perks,
reimbursement, externally provided training praise, smiles, nods, and pats on the back.
and development, and contract training. Do eye care See vision care.
not include costs for attending conferences e-zine A paperless magazine available for
and seminars. Often used for benchmarking. readers exclusively on the World Wide Web.
See also internal training expenditures. Examples are Hotwired (
external training resource (ETR) See con- and Slate (
externship/clinical instruction A practicum
with indirect supervision provided to students.
1st Lt. First Lieutenant O2 (Air Force, FAAO Fellow, American Academy of
Army, and Marine Corps Opthalmology.
civilian abbreviation). FACC Fellow, American College of
1LT First Lieutenant O2 (Army Cardiology.
military abbreviation). FACOG Fellow, American College of
4GL Fourth-generation language. Obstetricians and
44 See Section 44, Internal Gynocologists.
Revenue Code. FACS Fellow, American College of
401(a)(4) See Section 401(a)(4), Internal Surgeons.
Revenue Code. FAFSA Free Application for Federal
401(a)(5) See Section 401(a)(5), Internal Student Aid.
Revenue Code. FAP 1. Financial assistance
401(a)(17) See Section 401(a)(17), program. 2. Full American
Internal Revenue Code. plan.
401(a)(26) See Section 401(a)(26), FAQ Frequently asked questions
Internal Revenue Code. (Internet abbreviation).
401(h) See Section 401(h), Internal FAR Federal Acquisition
Revenue Code. Regulation.
401(k) See Section 401(k), Internal FAS Financial accounting standard.
Revenue Code. FASB Financial Accounting
402 See Section 402, Internal Standards Board.
Revenue Code.
FAT File allocation table.
403(b) See Section 403(b), Internal
Fax Facsimile.
Revenue Code.
F&B Food and beverage.
410(b) See Section 410(b), Internal
Revenue Code. FBI Federal Bureau of
414(r) See Section 414(r), Internal Investigation.
Revenue Code. FBP 1. Fee-based pricing.
414(s) See Section 414(s), Internal 2. Flexible benets/ex
Revenue Code. benets.
415(b) See Section 415(b), Internal FC Facilitated communication.
Revenue Code. FCP Family care program.
415(c) See Section 415(c), Internal FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Revenue Code. of 1977.
417 See Section 417, Internal FCRA Fair Credit Reporting Act of
Revenue Code. 1969.
422(a) See Section 422(a), Internal FDA Food and Drug
Revenue Code. Administration.
457 See Section 457, Internal FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance
Revenue Code. Corporation.
501(c)(9) See Section 501(c)(9), Internal FECA Federal Employees
Revenue Code. Compensation Act of 1916.
529 Plans See Qualied State Tuition FEEO Federal Ethics Executive
FAA Financial aid administrator. Order of 1965.

FEGLI 246 facilitated communication (FC)

FEGLI Federal Employees Group Life FPR Fixed price-redeterminable

Insurance. contract.
FEHBARS Federal Employees Health FR 1. Fixed-rate contract.
Benet Acquisition 2. Federal Register.
Regulations. FRA 1. Federal Rehabilitation Act
FEHBP Federal Employees Health of 1973. 2. Fleet Reserve
Benets Program. Association.
FERS Federal Employee Retirement FSA 1. Family Support Act of 1988.
System. 2. Flexible spending account.
FFEL Federal Family Education FSC Foreign sales corporation.
Loan. FSEOG Federal Supplemental
FFM Five-Factor Model. Educational Opportunity
FFP Firm-xed-price contract. Grant.
FHA Federal Highway FTA Free trade agreement.
Administration. FTC Federal Trade Commission.
FHLBB Federal Home Loan Bank FTCA Federal Trade Commission Act
Board. of 1914.
FICA Federal Insurance FTE Full-time equivalent.
Contributions Act of 1935. FTP File transfer protocol.
FIFO First-in, rst-out. FUD Fear, uncertainty, and doubt
FIT Foreign independent travel. (about the economy).
FLIT Functional Literacy Program. FUTA Federal Unemployment Tax
FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act of Act.
1938. FWI Families and Work Institute.
FLTCIP Federal Long-Term Care FWIW For what its worth (Internet
Insurance Program. abbreviation).
FMCS Federal Mediation and FWS Federal Work-Study.
Conciliation Service. FYI For your information (Internet
FMG Foreign medical graduate. abbreviation).
FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act Plans.
of 1993.
fMR Functional magnetic F-1 visa See Immigration and Naturalization
resonance. F-1 status.
FOA Family Opportunity Act of face time In sales and marketing, the amount
2002. of time spent face-to-face conversing with
FOIA Freedom of Information Act of customers or clients.
1966. face validity A means of determining the rel-
FOS Front ofce suites. evance of a test or other instrument (perfor-
FPA The Financial Planning mance rating scale, for example) on appear-
Association. ances alone rather than on some more
FPE Fixed-price contract with objective means. It is not recognized by the
economic price-adjustment courts as justied.
provisions. facilitated communication (FC) The use of
FPI 1. Fixed-price-incentive special devices through which people with
contract. 2. Future payment autism, other speech disabilities, cerebral
index. palsy, or decient motor skills can communi-
FPLET Fixed-price level-of-effort cate. The devices include a keyboard input
term contract. device and a computer screen and often
FPP 1. Fetal protection policy. require help from an aide or instructor who
2. Faculty practice plan. supports the users arm or hand while the
facilitation 247 factory rat

message is being typed by the hunt-and-peck cases aimed at dening the issues and deter-
method. mining whether there is a basis for negotia-
facilitation A strategy for helping a group tion. However, in most cases the EEOC uses
improve its process for solving problems and the conference as leverage to push for a set-
making decisions. tlement.
facilitator 1. One who stimulates and helps factor analysis Refers to methods of analyz-
individuals or groups to develop their own ing the interrelationships or intercorrelations
solutions to problems and vision of the orga- among a set of variables, such as test scores.
nization by nurturing and coordinating the They are designed to identify the root fac-
efforts of the person or group rather than tors that account for the interrelationships
imposing solutions or visions from an external and determine how much of the variation is
position. 2. An individual who has the role of attributable to or associated with each of the
helping participants in an experiential learn- factors.
ing environment, such as group therapy, sen- factor comparison A quantitative method of
sitivity training, encounter group, or profes- job evaluation similar to job ranking. Com-
sional development group. 3. The person who pensable factors are selected for the jobs to be
is responsible for the process in any interven- evaluated. All jobs are then placed in rank
tion, such as quality circles or training pro- order on one of the compensable factors and
grams, but without the trappings of formal are assigned a score reecting their ranking.
authority. Responsibility is exercised through The process is continued for all compensable
persuasion rather than at. He or she serves factors, one at a time. The scores are totaled
as the teacher, trainer, instructor, moderator, for each job, resulting in a discrete job ranking
coordinator, counselor, negotiator, ombud- or worth/value ranking.
sperson, marketer, advocate, and record factor income One of the components of the
calculation used to convert gross national
keeper for the group or work team.
product (GNP) to gross domestic product
facsimile (fax) An electrical means of coding
(GDP). Factor income is measured as com-
and sending information over telephone lines
pensation of employees, corporate prots
or radio waves. Similar to a photocopier, fac-
(dividends, earnings of unincorporated afli-
similes send and receive exact copies of any
ates, and reinvested earnings of incorporated
type of document (print, handwriting, draw-
afliates), and net interest. To convert GNP to
ings, or photos) over ordinary phone lines,
GDP one must subtract factor income receipts
domestic or international, in from less than 5 from foreigners, which represent the goods
seconds to about 6 minutes, depending upon and services produced abroad using the labor
type. and property supplied by U.S. residents, and
fact-nder A neutral person appointed by the add factor income payments to foreigners,
president of the U.S. to study the issues in a which represent the goods and services pro-
labor-management dispute (in circumstances duced in the U.S. using the labor and property
he determines to be a national emergency) and supplied by foreigners.
make a public recommendation as to what a factor weight In job evaluation, a weight
reasonable settlement would be. assigned to compensable factors to indicate
fact nding An alternative dispute resolution relative importance. In a point-factor system,
procedure involving investigation of a dispute the factor weight is predetermined; for exam-
by a neutral third party who issues a report on ple, a rm may value experience twice as
the ndings, usually recommending a basis much as education and training and assign
for settlement. The report can also assist fur- maximum values of 100 to experience and 50
ther negotiations between the parties involved. to education.
fact-nding conference Informal meetings factory rat The chief of operations on a man-
held under the auspices of the Equal Employ- ufacturing companys factory oor or supply
ment Opportunity Commission between the warehouse now becoming more and more
employer and the complainant in discrimination involved in networking technology, which
faculty practice plan (FPP) 248 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA)

requires deeper understanding of tools such as 1991; Employee Polygraph Protection Act of
databases, Web applications, portal servers, 1988; Equal Employment Opportunity Act of
directory servers, and wireless computing. 1972; Mandatory Retirement Age Law of
faculty practice plan (FPP) A form of group 1978; Older Americans Act of 1965; Preg-
medical practice organized around a teaching nancy Discrimination Act of 1978; Rehabili-
program, typically a group of physicians pro- tation Act of 1973.
viding services to patients at a teaching Fair Housing Act of 1968 Title VIII of the
hospital. Civil Rights Act of 1968. Prohibited discrim-
fade 1. In video, gradually increasing or ination in the sale, rental, or nancing of hous-
decreasing the intensity or volume of the ing based on race, color, religion, sex, or
video or audio signal. 2. In video production, national origin.
overlapping video signals such that the one Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 A n
from the new image increases in intensity act that adds people with disabilities and fam-
while the old image decreases until it is no ilies with children to existing protected classes
longer visible. to protect those persons from unfair and dis-
failure costs In total quality management, criminatory housing practices. It protects any
refers to internal failures (rejects, reworks, and person who has a physical or mental impair-
retesting) and external failures (eld repair, ment that substantially limits one or more
return and replacement, warranty costs, prod- major life activities, has a record of such
uct liability, and so on). impairment, or is regarded as having such an
faintness A feeling that one is close to losing impairment. The law does not extend protec-
consciousness. May be accompanied by tions to anyone who is currently an illegal
sweating or nausea. Usually cardiovascular- drug abuser. The Act also provides for certain
related, signaling that there is not enough architectural accessibility and adaptable
blood owing to the brain, normally explained design requirements for new multifamily
by a drop in blood pressure. May also be housing built for rst occupancy on or after
caused by dehydration or hypertensive drug March 13, 1991.
misdose. See also disequilibrium; vague light- fair investigation A legal requirement that
headedness; vertigo. pertains to cases of unlawful discharge. It
Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1969 (FCRA) asks, Was the employers investigation of the
Regulates privacy and preemployment checks violation considered and conducted fairly and
and investigations. The Act protects candi- objectively?
dates for employment by covering reports Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA)
containing information on a persons charac- The basic federal wage/hour legislation cov-
ter, general reputation, or lifestyle regardless ering companies in interstate or foreign com-
of how it is obtained. If the prospective merce. FLSA established and dened
employer intends to use the information, the employee categories as exempt (compensa-
candidate must be advised in writing that such tion, usually salary, is exempt from the provi-
a report will be requested and also notied of sions of the act) and nonexempt (wages are
his or her right to request information about regulated by the act). The Act and its amend-
the report. See also Consumer Credit Report- ments mandated a minimum wage and 40-
ing Reform Act of 1996. hour work week for employees of businesses
Fair Credit Reporting Act Amendments of engaged in interstate commerce who are non-
1996 See Consumer Credit Reporting exempt. It also established the principle of
Reform Act of 1996 equal pay for equal work, right to time and
fair employment practices laws See Age one half for hours worked in excess of the
Discrimination Act of 1975; Age Discrimina- maximum (overtime pay), and prohibited the
tion in Employment Act of 1967 with amend- use of workers under the age of 16 in most
ments; Americans with Disabilities Act of jobs and under the age of 18 in hazardous jobs.
1990; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights In recent years, the courts have ruled that com-
and Womens Equity in Employment Act of panies activate an unintended aspect of the law
fair market value 249 Families and Work Institute (FWI)

when the pay of an exempt employee is the source of the material is identied. Fre-
docked or accrued leave is debited for partial quently used to prove innocence, the principle
day absences. Such actions change the status of fair use has not been fully tested to establish
of employees from exempt to nonexempt, its boundaries. Nonetheless, if only a small
making them eligible for overtime for the amount of the material is used or displayed,
extra hours worked. Other overtime compen- or if commercial use is strictly limited, use is
sation rules: (1) employers must pay employ- likely to be allowed without penalty. The
ees for all hours worked over 40 in a work determining factors: (1) the purpose or char-
week at 1.5 times their regular rate unless acter of intended use, including whether such
exempt; (2) there are no federal requirements use is commercial in nature or is for nonprot
to pay overtime on weekends or holidays, educational purposes; (2) the nature of the
except where the hours worked exceed 40 in copyrighted work; (3) the amount and impor-
the work week; (3) exempt terms are narrowly tance of the portion taken in relation to the
dened by the Department of Labor and can- original work as a whole; and (4) the effect
not be interpreted under common usage de- of use on the market for the copyrighted work.
nitions; (4) salaried is not a basis for exemp- faith-based charitable works See Executive
tion; (5) a salary must not be subject to Order 13279.
docking and must coexist with a valid exempt faith-based initiatives See Executive Order
term, supported by employment characteris- 13198.
tics, to create a valid exemption; and (6) when Fall Protection Standard A standard pro-
hourly rates are used in a contract for services, mulgated by the Occupational Safety and
agreements must specify that overtime is to Health Administration relating to the protec-
be paid at 1.5 times the regular rate for all tion of workers from falls and helping them
hours worked over 40 in a work week. to work safely.
fair market value For estate planning and tax False Claims Act Amendment of 1986 Leg-
purposes, what an unrelated party in a bar- islation that permits any citizen who knows of
gaining situation would pay for a particular a nancial loss to the the federal government
item or parcel of property. from fraudulent activity to go directly to court
Fairness in Music Licensing Act of 1998 and sue, in the name of the U.S., to recover
Exempts small retailers, restaurants, and bars for the government an amount equal to three
from paying royalties. The exemption is based times the governments loss, plus a penalty of
on square footage and requires the performing at least $5000 for each act of fraud. Successful
rights authority (ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC) plaintiffs are entitled to keep up to 30% of the
not to charge royalties for music played over proceeds from such suits. The act also gives
radios or TVs. The proscription does not apply full legal protection to an employee who les
to CDs being spun by a disk jockey or being or cooperates with a qui tam suit from any
played by a live band. See also Sonny Bono form of retaliation on the job, including rem-
Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998. edies of job reinstatement and damages dou-
fair reimbursement law A state law that bling the amount of any pay lost due to any
erects a barrier to managed care (currently on retaliatory treatment.
the books of 10 states). The law limits or Families and Work Institute (FWI) A non-
prohibits differentials in payments to network prot research and consulting organization
and nonnetwork managed care providers, with a staff of 22 committed to developing
thereby forcing insurance carriers to limit the new approaches to balancing the changing
amount of network provider discounts. needs of Americas families and the continu-
fair use A part of the copyright law that per- ing need for workplace productivity. The
mits people to use a quote, drawing, photo- Institutes program is unique in that it consid-
graph, or picture of a copyrighted work to ers the entire life-cycle of the family from
study it or use it for teaching, critiquing, news prenatal care through child care to elder care.
reporting, or scholarly research, without per- Contact: FWI, 267 Fifth Ave., Floor 2, New
mission and without paying a fee, as long as York, NY 10016 (phone 212-465-2044; fax
family 250 Family Support Act of 1988 (FSA)

212-465-8637; e-mail info@families and family day care network A form of direct; Web site employer-supported child care service in
family According to the Conference Boards which employers contract with local agencies
Work-Family Research and Advisory Panel, to recruit, train, and assist people to become
there are two denitions: (1) the narrow def- licensed child care providers in their own
inition relationship by marriage, birth, or homes.
adoption and (2) the broad denition eco- family leave A form of employee benet in
nomic dependence (the Internal Revenue Ser- which workers are allowed unpaid leave to
vice denition), used for medical, welfare, care for family members such as newly born
and regulated benets. or adopted children or seriously ill members
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 of the family.
(FMLA) A bill that requires employers of Family Opportunity Act of 2002 (FOA)
50 or more workers to provide up to 12 weeks Legislation that would expand eligibility and
of unpaid leave per year for childbirth, adop- benets for disabled children under the Med-
tion of a child, or medical circumstances icaid program. The bill would give states the
involving an employee or a close member of option of providing coverage to children who
his or her family. The Act covers employees meet the disability standard used in the Sup-
within a 75-mile radius and applies to non- plemental Security Income (SSI) program but
prot and government organizations as well are ineligible for SSI because they do not meet
as to businesses. Employees retain health that programs income or asset requirements.
benets while on leave and must be reinstated In addition, the bill would appropriate $12
in the same job or its equivalent upon return million in funding over the 2003 to 2005
to work. Leave is mandated only for employ- period for health information centers for fam-
ees who have worked for a rm for at least 1 ilies with disabled children and would autho-
year and worked at least 1250 hours, or 25 rize the appropriation of an additional $10
hours per week, during the period. Companies million for those centers for scal years 2006
have the option of applying an employees and 2007.
paid time off, including vacations and sick family planning services F DA - a p p r o v e d
pay, toward his or her leave. Key employees, ofce visits and procedures for the purpose of
who constitute the highest-paid 10% of the contraception. Ofce visits include evalua-
work force, may be excluded. In states that tions, consultations, and follow-up care.
require unpaid family leave, the most liberal family practice A specialty practice in which
law (state or federal) will apply. physicians provide continuing comprehensive
family benets See child care; elder care. primary care within the context of the family
family care program (FCP) An alternative unit.
to nursing home care for the elderly and phys- Family Sick Leave Act of 1994 Legislation
ically disabled established to provide a better that allows federal employees to use their own
quality of life and reduce costs. Care is pro- sick leave to care for ill family members and
vided by family members rather than profes- to transfer annual leave to other family mem-
sional health care providers. bers who work for the federal government.
family care programs Various types of child Family Support Act of 1988 (FSA) Focuses
and elder care offerings. Includes adoption on establishing paternity and withholding
assistance, child and elder care resource and wages for child support. Includes the dead-
referral services, emergency/back-up care, beat dad provision, effective January 1, 1994.
homework assistance, legal assistance, mildly The Act requires employers to withhold court-
ill child care, nanny/au pair selection counsel- ordered child support awards from the pay-
ing, school match and information services, checks of absent parents and send them to a
spousal relocation assistance, summer public agency that mails the payments to the
camp/after-school programs, voucher pro- recipient. Exceptions are made only when
grams, work/life seminars, and work-life separated or divorced couples agree on alter-
resource libraries. native arrangements.
family support programs 251 fax board

family support programs Programs offered Fannie Mae See Federal National Mortgage
by business, industry, community organiza- Association.
tions, churches, schools, and youth-serving Fantasia In travel management, a computer
organizations to help parents balance their reservation system owned by Japan Airlines
work and family responsibilities and compen- and Quantas Airlines.
sate for damaging aspects of the social envi- FASB Rule No. 106 A Financial Account-
ronment. Include family leave, job sharing, ing Standards Board rule that was passed in
exible schedules, part-time work, child care, 1991 and became effective December 15,
home-visiting services, parent-child centers, 1992. The Rule requires large companies to
life-skills training, mentoring, and self-help pay and account for retirees health insurance
programs. costs up front and acknowledge the future cost
family temporary disability insurance of the promise to pay for their retirees med-
(FTDI) A California benet under the ical claims. The Rule did not affect small com-
states current disability program, enacted panies until late 1994. Government employees
September 23, 2002, that provides 6 weeks of are not affected.
partially paid leave, capped at 55% of an Fast Company: How Smart Business Works
employees wages over a 12-month period and A bimonthly journal. Cost: $14.95 per year
available to any eligible employee of any size ($19.95 in Canada). Contact: Fast Company,
organization, including many state agencies. P.O. Box 52760, Boulder, CO 80321-2760
This is the rst state to mandate paid family (phone 617-973-0350; 800-688-1545; e-mail
leave to care for a new child or seriously ill; Web site www.fastcom-
relative or domestic partner.
Family Time Flexibility Act of 2003 Would Fast Ethernet A step up from Ethernet, the
amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to allow vehicle used to support the underlying trans-
private-sector employees to choose paid time port vehicles. It is 100-Mbps technology
off instead of overtime pay. Workers could based on the 10BASE-T Ethernet CSMA/CD
accrue up to 160 hours for later use as paid network access method. See also Gigabit
time off. The comp time would accrue at the Ethernet.
same rate as overtime, and the employee could fast-trackers Employees who have demon-
collect cash for any unused time. A vote in strated exceptional promotion potential and
the House of Representatives was postponed are being groomed for higher-level jobs
indenitely in June 2003. through coaching, training, and other forms of
fam trip One classication of free trips to development. Typically include knowledge
resort areas taken by corporate meeting plan- workers.
ners, users of incentive travel or travel agents, fat organization An organization that has
or by travel agents themselves. In a fam trip, more than four layers of management, includ-
the host property owner seeks out the potential ing the top person and the bottom layer (chair-
client and proffers an invitation, which man or president and rst-line supervisor).
includes complimentary air and ground trans- fax See facsimile.
portation, meals and accommodations, and fax board One means of combining the capa-
guided tours. The trips are a promotional bilities of personal computers and facsimile
device to attract meetings and conventions. machines. It is an electronic component
Fam trip is the shortened form of familiariza- installed directly on the PC by means of an
tion trip. Attributed to Michael J. Hurwitz, expansion slot. A fax board comes with soft-
president of the Society of Incentive Travel ware that allows the user to initiate fax com-
Executives. mands from the computer. A computer printer
fango An alternative manipulative treatment provides hard copies. A fax board can send
that involves applying mineral-rich, heated only documents created in the attached com-
mud to the body, which is then wrapped to puter, and it cannot operate while the com-
activate the mud to purge toxins from the skin. puter is using memory-intensive programs.
fax machine 252 Federal Education Improvement Act of 2002

fax machine A machine that scans a docu- Federal Bankruptcy Code See Chapter 7,
ment (text or graphics) and converts (digi- Federal Bankruptcy Code; Chapter 11, Fed-
tizes) it to a code that can be sent over tele- eral Bankruptcy Code; Chapter 13, Federal
phone lines to another machine, which Bankruptcy Code; Chapter 20, Federal Bank-
decodes the signal and converts it back to the ruptcy Code; cramdown.
original document. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) T h e
fax security A growing concern among busi- FBI is the principal investigative arm of the
ness travelers. In many situations a faxed doc- U.S. Department of Justice. It has the author-
ument containing highly sensitive, conden- ity and responsibility to investigate specic
tial material can be read by anyone en route crimes assigned to it. The FBI also is autho-
including the machine operator, hotel desk rized to provide other law enforcement agen-
clerks, and bellhops and may reach the cies with cooperative services, such as nger-
hands of competitors. Some solutions: (1) print identication, laboratory examinations,
have the sender call rst and set a denite time and police training. The mission of the FBI is
for fax transmittal and stand by the fax to uphold the law through the investigation of
machine and collect the material as it comes violations of federal criminal law; to protect
in; (2) use a personal computer to receive doc- the U.S. from foreign intelligence and terrorist
uments in the hotel room or ofce via direct activities; to provide leadership and law
modem-to-modem transfer. enforcement assistance to federal, state, local,
fear A short-term physiological response to and international agencies; and to perform
stress that is produced by both the brain and these responsibilities in a manner that is
the body. responsive to the needs of the public and is
feasibility study A study conducted to deter- faithful to the Constitution of the United
mine the need for a new project, product, ser- States. Contact: FBI, 935 Pennsylvania Ave-
vice, or other type of outcome that requires nue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20535 (phone
the commitment of enterprise resources. Such 202-324-3000; Web site
studies have the objective of determining Federal Career Internships See Executive
whether the intended results are desirable, Order 13162.
whether the plans are complete and effective, Federal Credit Reporting Act of 1969
whether the design is appropriate and accept- (FCRA) An act that governs how credit
able, whether the hardware and software are information can be used. It required that any-
efcient and economical, and whether the pro- one who uses credit information to deny an
cedures are foolproof. They typically require individual employment must tell the individ-
comparisons with alternative designs and ual why he or she has been denied the job and
alternative use of resources. In most organi- show the credit report. The Act also limits the
zations today, feasibility studies also include use of personal bankruptcy information to 10
cost-benet analysis to determine whether years and tax liens to 7 years.
the expected benets justify the costs. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
featherbedding An unfair labor practice in (FDIC) An agency of the federal govern-
which the union requires an employer to pay ment that insures accounts at most commer-
a worker for services not performed. cial banks and mutual savings banks.
featherbed rule A union rule that requires an Federal Direct Loans Low interest loans for
employer to create unneeded jobs, pay work- students and parents made directly by the fed-
ers for duplicate services, guarantee a certain eral government with participating schools
amount of overtime work, or adopt restrictive determining eligibility for a loan and disburs-
work rules, such as limiting the amount of ing the funds.
work to be done in a day or week. Federal Education Improvement Act of
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) A 2002 Provides resources for the improve-
collection of all the rules and regulations that ment of federal education research, statistics,
govern federal procurements, including a evaluation, information, and dissemination.
detailed section on pricing procedures. Approved November 5, 2002.
Federal Employee Retirement System 253 Federal Ethics Executive Order of 1965

Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) insurance policies is reduced 2% per month
A exible retirement program that became after age 65 until the value is reduced to 25%
effective January 1, 1987, and automatically of the original amount. Annuitants who retired
covers all new employees hired after Decem- after December 9, 1980 have two options: they
ber 31, 1983. It offers nancial security for may elect to have the face value reduced by
federal employees and their families and has 1% per month after age 65 until 50% of the
features that are portable. The components of value is reached or maintain the full policy
the system are social security benets, basic value at a higher premium.
benet plan, and thrift savings plan. Employ- Federal Employees Group Life Insurance
ees pay full social security taxes, a small con- Living Benets Act of 1994 The bill allows
tribution to the basic benet plan, and a con- a terminally ill employee or annuitant who has
tribution by the employees government BASIC FEGLI COVERAGE, with a life
agency of an equal amount, up to 1% of the expectancy of 9 months or less, to receive the
basic pay each period, into the employees proceeds of his or her Federal Employees
thrift saving plan. In addition, the government Group Life Insurance (basic life insurance
matches a portion of those contributions. amount less an actuarial deduction). Signed
Federal Employees Compensation Act o f by President Clinton on October 25, 1994 and
1916 (FECA) Administered by the Depart- became effective July 25, 1995.
ment of Labors Ofce of Workers Compen- Federal Employees Health Benet Acquisition
sation Program, FECA pays compensation to Regulations (FEHBARS) Regulations that
federal employees who are injured on the job, cover the Ofce of Personnel Managements
who develop job-related occupational dis- purchase of health care benets programs for
eases, or who have an impairment caused by federal employees.
job-related aggravation of a preexisting con- Federal Employees Health Benets Childrens
dition. FECA also pays claims due to the Equity Act of 2000 Amends Chapter 89 of
death of an employee to an employees widow, Title 5, United States Code, concerning the
widower, child, dependent parent, grandpar- Federal Employees Health Benets Pro-
ent, brother, sister, or grandchild if the gram, to enable the federal government to
employee suffers a fatal injury while working enroll an employee and his or her family in
or dies as a result of an injury sustained in the the FEHB Program when a state court orders
performance of duty or as the result of an the employee to provide health insurance cov-
occupational disease. Benets include pay- erage for a child of the employee but the
ments for medical services, supplies, and employee fails to provide the coverage.
appliances and transportation; continuation of Approved October 30, 2000.
pay for up to 45 days with no charge to sick Federal Employees Health Benets Program
or annual leave; compensation for temporary (FEHBP) A health benets program offered
total, temporary partial, permanent total, or under several optional plans for active and
permanent partial disability; and funeral and retired federal employees.
burial expenses (if death is the result of a Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act
work-related injury or disease). of 1990 Legislation that liberalized the Dual
Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Compensation Act of 1964. Enacted Novem-
Work Schedules Act of 1978 Allows fed- ber 5, 1990, the Act permits the director of
eral, state, and municipal employees to select the Ofce of Personnel Management, at the
comp time instead of overtime pay. Made per- request of the head of a federal executive
manent by Congress in 1985. agency, to waive the application of the dual
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance compensation restriction on a case-by-case
(FEGLI) Life insurance provided active and basis for employees in positions for which
retired (CSRS or FECA) federal employees qualied applicants are exceptionally difcult
with premiums withheld from pay or annuity. to nd and retain.
For most annuitants who retired before Federal Ethics Executive Order of 1965
December 9, 1980, the face value of their life (FEEO) Specically prohibits actions that
Federal Executive Agency Guidelines 254 Federal Long-Term Care Insurance

create the appearance of using public ofce 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20590
for private gain and bars government employ- (Web site
ees from creating the appearance of preferen- Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB)
tial treatment to any organization or person or The agency of the federal government that
affecting adversely the condence of the pub- supervises all federal savings and loan
lic in the integrity of government. associations and federally insured state-char-
Federal Executive Agency Guidelines tered savings and loan associations. The
Detailed explanations of the procedures to be FHLBB also operates the Federal Savings and
followed by federal employers in complying Loan Insurance Corporation, which insures
with equal opportunity laws issued by the accounts at federal savings and loan associa-
Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinating tions and those state-chartered associations
Council in the 1970s. that apply and are accepted.
Federal Facility Compliance Act of 1992 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
An act that permits state inspection of federal (Freddie Mac) Does not make individual
sites, such as those under the jurisdiction of mortgage loans to consumers but ensures a
the Department of Defense and Department continuous ow of funds to mortgage lenders.
of Energy, and authorizes heavy Environmen- As a secondary market for mortgage loans,
tal Protection Agency nes for violation of Freddie Mac purchases mortgages from lend-
laws against hazardous waste pollution. ers across the country and packages them into
securities that can be sold to investors.
Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) A
Through this securitization process, Freddie
low-interest loan for students and parents
Mac ultimately provides low- to middle-
made by private lenders, such as banks, credit
income homeowners and renters with lower
unions, and savings and loan associations.
housing costs and better access to home
Participating schools determine eligibility for
the loan and disburse the funds.
Federal Insurance Contributions Act of 1935
Federal Family Education Loan Consolida-
(FICA) The Act is the source of social secu-
tion Loan Under the student loan program,
rity and Medicare withholding requirements
allows the borrower to combine different
(the FICA pay deduction). The Act requires
types and amounts of federal student loans to employers to pay the current percentage of the
simplify repayment. The loan pays off exist- wage base and deduct an identical amount
ing loans, and the borrower then repays the from the employees pay and to remit the total
consolidation loan over a period of from 10 to the federal government. The Act also
to 30 years. requires employers to maintain records of all
federal gift tax A tax levied on the total value amounts paid to employees for services per-
of property and/or funds transferred or given formed whether payment is in cash or another
to an individual. For most gifts, a $10,000 per medium.
donee per calendar year gift-tax exclusion is federalization In government, increasing the
available for money or property of determin- ow of power from the states to the federal
able value. If the donees spouse elects to government; centralizing executive and legis-
share in the gift, the annual exclusion can be lative authority.
raised to $20,000 per donee. federalizing Replacing private U.S. airport
Federal Highway Administration (FHA) security guards with Transportation Secu-
Responsible for overseeing the implementation rity Administration employees.
of the drug testing rules developed by the U.S. Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Pro-
Department of Transportation in 1988. Tests gram (FLTCIP) A federal program for the
include random, preemployment, periodic following: (1) employees federal employ-
(during regular medical exams), postaccident, ees (including employees of the U.S. Postal
reasonable cause, and follow-up (for drivers Service and Tennessee Valley Authority) and
who have tested positive in the past). Contact: members of the uniformed services; (2) annu-
FHA, U.S. Department of Transportation. itants federal annuitants, surviving spouses
federally qualified health centers 255 Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance

of deceased federal or postal employees or site; National Rehabilita-

annuitants who are receiving a federal survi- tion Information Center, 4200 Forbes Boule-
vor annuity, members or former members of vard, Suite 202, Lanham, MD 20706 (phone
the uniformed services entitled to retired or 800-346-2742 or 301-459-5900; e-mail
retainer pay, and retired military reservists at; Web site
the time they qualify for an annuity; (3) cur-
rent spouses of employees and annuitants Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
(including surviving spouses of members (FMCS) An independent agency of the fed-
and retired members of the uniformed ser- eral government whose head reports directly
vices who are receiving a survivor annuity); to the president. The FMCS is authorized to
(4) adult children (at least 18 years old, institute procedures for a national emergency
including adopted children and stepchildren) injunction and stabilize industrial relations for
of living employees and annuitants; (5) par- the public welfare. It also provides assistance
ents, parents-in-law, and stepparents of living to labor and management in reaching compro-
employees (but not of annuitants). Open sea- mises or settlements when deadlocks or crises
son for enrolling in the program began July 1 occur in negotiations. It maintains lists of arbi-
and ended December 31, 2002. Facilities and trators for the selection of arbitration panels.
services covered include nursing home, It has regional ofces in various states
assisted living, home- and community-based throughout the U.S. Contact: FMC, 2100 K
care, respite care, and hospice care. See Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20427 (phone: 202-606-8100; Web site
federally qualied health centers Mainly Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977
consist of community health centers, Indian
Requires the Mine Safety and Health Admin-
health clinics, migrant worker health centers,
istration (MSHA) to inspect all mines each
and health centers for the homeless. They are
year. All underground mines receive at least
usually located in inner-city and rural areas
four inspections annually; all surface opera-
and are open to all Medicare beneciaries for
tions are inspected at least twice annually.
a full range of services.
MSHA is specically prohibited from giving
federally supported clearinghouses on dis-
advance notice of an inspection, and it is spe-
ability Include ERIC Clearinghouse on Dis-
cically authorized to enter mine property
abilities and Gifted Education, 110 North
without a warrant. Covers all mine operators
Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22201-5704 (phone
and miners throughout the U.S., including the
800-328-0272; e-mail;
Web site; Health Resource Center District of Columbia, Commonwealth of
(on postsecondary education for individuals Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa,
with disabilities), One Dupont Circle, WW, Guam, and Trust Territory of the Pacic
Ste. 800, Washington, D.C. 20036-1193 Islands.
(phone 800-544-3284; 202-939-9320 Federal National Mortgage Association
[voice/TTY]; fax 202-833-4760; e-mail (FNMA) Referred to as Fannie Mae, FNMA; National Clearinghouse is a congressionally chartered private corpo-
for Professions in Special Education, ration that makes available low-cost housing
National Clearinghouse for Professions in loans for low-, moderate-, and middle-income
Special Education, 1110 North Glebe Road, Americans. FNMA makes no loans itself but
Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201-5704 (phone buys mortgages from a national network of
800-641-7824; TTY 866-915-5000; fax 703- 3000 approved lenders. Contact: FNMA,
264-1637; e-mail; Web 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington,
site; National D.C. 20016-2892 (phone 202-752-7000;
Information Center for Children and Youth e-mail; Web site
with Disabilities, P.O. Box 1492, Washing-
ton, D.C. 20013 (phone 800-695-0285; fax Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance
202-884-8441; e-mail; Web See Social Security Act of 1935.
Federal Pell Grant 256 Federal Stafford Loans

Federal Pell Grant A Federal Pell Grant, when they must begin repaying the loan. They
unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. may be allowed up to 10 years to repay.
Generally, Pell Grants are awarded only to Federal PLUS Loan A loan made to the par-
undergraduate students who have not earned ents of dependent undergraduate students
a bachelors or professional degree to provide enrolled at least half time who meet estab-
a foundation of nancial aid to which other lished credit qualifying criteria. Two kinds of
aid may be added. Eligibility is determined by loans are available: Direct PLUS Loans and
applying a standard formula that produces an Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL).
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) num- Loans are limited to the cost of education
ber. Awards depend on program funding and minus other nancial aid with no annual or
on the EFC, cost of attendance, whether the aggregate limit. Interest rates are variable. A
student is full-time or part-time, and whether fee of up to 4% of the loan is charged and
the student attends school for a full academic deducted proportionately each time a loan
year or less. In some cases, an applicant might payment is made. Interest rates are variable
receive a Pell Grant for attending a postbac- and adjusted annually, but they never exceed
calaureate teacher certicate program. The 9%. Repayment begins within 60 days after
maximum Pell Grant for the 20022003 the nal loan disbursement. Maximum term
award year is $4000. A student can receive is 10 years; $50 minimum payment per month.
only one Pell Grant in an award year. How The yearly limit on a PLUS Loan is equal to
much he or she gets will depend not only on the cost of attendance minus any other nan-
cial aid received. For example, if the cost of
his or her EFC but also on the cost of atten-
attendance is $6000 and the student receives
dance, whether a full-time or part-time stu-
$4000 in other nancial aid, his or her parents
dent, and whether the applicant attends school
could borrow up to but no more than $2000.
for a full academic year or less.
Federal Register (FR) A publication of gov-
Federal Perkins Loans A low-interest (5%)
ernment regulations for comment prior to their
loan for both undergraduate and graduate stu-
implementation and the nal copies of laws
dents with exceptional nancial need. The
and regulations. Contact: Superintendent of
school is the lender. The loan is made with Documents, U.S. Government Printing
government funds with a share contributed by Ofce, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Web site
the school. Students must repay the loan to
their schools. Depending on when applied for, html).
level of need, and the funding level of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (FRA)
school, students can borrow up to $4000 for Legislation that aims to prohibit discrimina-
each year of undergraduate study (the total tion against disabled employees. It stipulates
amount borrowed as an undergraduate is that the terms of collective bargaining agree-
$20,000 following completion of 2 years of ments must be taken into account in protecting
undergraduate work; otherwise, the total that the rights of the disabled.
can be borrowed is $8000); $6000 for each Federal Stafford Loans A student loan pro-
year of graduate or professional study (the gram, open to either undergraduate or grad-
total amount that can be borrowed as a grad- uate students, that is based on nancial need
uate/professional student is $40,000, includ- as determined by a needs analysis document.
ing any Federal Perkins Loans borrowed as an Depending on the school attended, Stafford
undergraduate). If attending school at least Loans may be made either through the Direct
half time, borrowers have 9 months after grad- Loan Program or through the FFEL Program.
uation, leaving school, or dropping below Direct and FFEL Stafford Loans have iden-
half-time status before they must begin repay- tical eligibility requirement and loan limits.
ment (they may have longer than 9 months if Direct and FFEL Stafford Loans are either
on active duty with the military). If attending subsidized or unsubsidized. A student can
less than half time, students should check with receive a subsidized loan and an unsubsidized
their nancial aid administrator to determine loan for the same enrollment period. A
Federal Student Aid Programs 257 Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

subsidized loan is awarded on the basis of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs
nancial need. The borrower will not be To be eligible, a student must: (1) be a U.S.
charged any interest before repayment begins citizen or eligible noncitizen, (2) be registered
or during authorized periods of deferment. with Selective Service (if required); (3) attend
The federal government subsidizes the a participating college; (4) be working toward
interest during these periods. An unsubsi- a degree or certicate; (5) be making satisfac-
dized loan is not awarded on the basis of tory academic progress; (6) not owe a refund
need. The borrower will be charged interest on a federal grant or be in default of a federal
from the time the loan is disbursed until it is education loan; and (7) have nancial need
paid in full. A dependent undergraduate stu- (except for Unsubsidized Stafford Loans).
dent can borrow annually up to $2625 if a Federal student loan interest rates In July
1st-year student enrolled in a program of 2003, variable interest rates on federal student
study that is at least a full academic year; loans for graduates were reduced from 4.06
$3500 if the 1st year of study has been com- to 3.42% and from 3.46 to 2.86% for those
pleted and the remainder of the program is at still enrolled in school. Rates are adjusted
least a full academic year; $5500 if 2 years annually according to a formula based on the
of study have been completed and the remain- rate of the 91-day treasury bill.
der of the program is at least a full academic Federal Supplemental Educational Oppor-
year. An independent undergraduate student, tunity Grant (FSEOG) An FSEOG is for
or a dependent student whose parents are undergraduates with exceptional nancial
unable to get a PLUS Loan, can borrow annu- need that is, students with the lowest
ally up to $6625 if a 1st-year student enrolled expected family contributions (EFCs)
in a program of study that is at least a full and gives priority to students who receive Fed-
academic year (only $2625 of this amount eral Pell Grants. An FSEOG does not have to
be paid back. The U.S. Department of Educa-
may be in subsidized loans); $7500 if the 1st
tion guarantees that each participating school
year of study has been completed and the
will receive enough money to pay the Federal
remainder of the program is at least a full
Pell Grants of its eligible students. There is
academic year (only $3500 of this amount
no guarantee every eligible student will be
may be in subsidized loans); $10,500 if
able to receive an FSEOG; students at each
2 years of study have been complelted and
school will be awarded an FSEOG based on
the remainder of the program is at least a full
the availability of funds at that school. Stu-
academic year (only $5500 of this amount dents can receive between $100 and $4000 a
may be in subsidized loans). Generally, grad- year depending on when they apply, their
uate students can borrow up to $18,500 each need, the funding level of the school they are
academic year; only $8500 of this amount attending, and the policies of the nancial aid
may be in subsidized Stafford Loans. The ofce where they attend. The school credits
interest rate is adjusted each year on July 1. the students account, pays directly (usually
Federal Student Aid Programs The largest by check), or combines these methods.
source of student aid in America, providing Schools must pay students at least once per
over $60 billion a year in grants, loans, and term (semester, trimester, or quarter).
work-study assistance. Programs include Federal Trade Commission (FTC) An agency
Federal Pell Grants, Federal Perkins Loans, of the federal government empowered under
Federal PLUS Loans, Federal Stafford Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission
Loans, Federal Supplemental Educational Act of 1914 to take action against all unfair
Opportunity Grants, Federal Work Study, methods of competition and, by amendment
Martin Luther King, Jr., Scholars Program. in 1938, against all unfair or deceptive acts
Contact: Federal Student Aid Information or practices. The agency investigates and
Center, P.O. Box 84, Washington, D.C. prosecutes advertising and investment frauds.
20044-0084 (phone 800-433-3243; Web site Although it does not resolve individual com- plaints, it uses such complaints to develop
Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 258 fee-for-service plan or option

law-enforcement actions. Contact: Corre- FedWorld Information Network An ofce

spondence Branch, Federal Trade Commis- of the National Technical Information Service
sion, 600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, established to meet the challenge of accessing
D.C. 20580 (phone: 202-326-3553; fax 202- comprehensive U.S. government information
326-3197; Web site online. Includes a database of federal govern-
Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 ment job openings. Contact: National Techni-
(FTCA) An act designed to prevent unfair cal Information Service, Springeld, VA
competition and deceptive trade practices in 22161 (phone 703-605-6000; e-mail webmas-
interstate commerce. The FTCA proscribes; Web site www.fed-
misrepresentation of materials, ingredients,
and origin of products and false advertising, fee Payment for services rendered (e.g., by
trade restraints, and certain types of sales legal counsel or consultants). Fee arrange-
inducements. It also created the Federal ments may take any of several different forms:
Trade Commission as a separate antitrust combination fee, contingency fee, xed fee,
enforcement agency. hourly charge, reduced fee, retainer, or
Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) reverse contingency.
Finances unemployment insurance for work- fee-and-commission planner A nancial or
ers who become unemployed through no fault other type of planner who charges clients
of their own and who are able, available, and either an hourly rate, a set fee per plan, or an
actively seeking work. The tax paid by agreed-upon percentage of the value of the
employers is 6.2% on the rst $7000 of clients assets or income to establish a base
income per employee for calendar years 1988 fee for the plan. When the plan is imple-
through 2007 or 6.0% for calendar year 2008 mented, the planner may receive a commis-
and each calendar year thereafter. See also sion from some or all of the products pur-
State Unemployment Insurance.
Federal Work-Study (FWS) Provides jobs
feedback 1. Information given to people about
for undergraduate and graduate students with
their behavior and performance. Used in
nancial need, allowing them to earn money
supervision, performance appraisal, counsel-
to help pay education expenses. The program
ing, coaching, and training to reinforce or cor-
encourages community service work and
rect behavior or performance. It may be either
work related to the students course of study.
positive or negative the former afrming
Work-Study wages must be at least the current
that something was done correctly (usually
federal minimum wage, but they may be
higher depending on the type of work done accompanied by praise) and the latter pointing
and the skills required. The total Federal out that something has been misapplied and
Work-Study award depends on when applied must be corrected (usually accompanied by
for, level of need, and the funding level of the specic suggestions but sometimes censure,
school. Undergraduates are paid by the hour. reprimand, or other form of punitive action).
Graduate students may be paid by the hour or 2. In system thinking, means any reciprocal
receive a salary. The school must pay partic- ow of inuences; it is both a cause and an
ipants at least once a month, directly, unless effect and is always two-way causality.
the student requests that the school make pay- fee-based pricing (FBP) Paying an organiza-
ments to his or her bank account or use the tion, such as a travel agency, a fee for its
money to pay for institutional charges such as services.
tuition, fees, room and board. Work-Study fee-for-service plan or option A health insur-
jobs may be on campus or off campus. On ance plan that pays benets directly to physi-
campus, students usually work for the school. cians, hospitals, or other health care providers
If off campus, the employer will usually be a or that reimburses the patient for covered
private nonprot organization or a public medical services. It usually gives patients the
agency, and the work performed must be in latitude to seek whatever care they want wher-
the public interest. ever they want it. Also known as indemnity
fee maximum 259 fetal risk

plans. Examples are Blue Cross & Blue Shield and ethical conduct have passed a rigorous
and Medicare. evaluation and have been found to be consis-
fee maximum The maximum that a profes- tent with the high standards established and
sional provider may charge for a product or demanded by the College.
service. female think The tendency of people to shift
fee-only planner A nancial or other type of from conventional, goal-oriented, and hierar-
planner who charges clients an hourly rate, a chical patterns of thought to more caring, ten-
set fee per plan, or an agreed-upon percentage der, and sharing familial ones. Attributed to
of the value of the clients assets or income. Faith Popcorn and Lys Marigold, Clicking: 16
fee schedule A list of physician services in Trends to Future Fit Your Life, Your Work, and
which each entry is associated with a specic Your Business.
monetary amount that represents the approved fem fear Characterized by dread of saying
payment level for a given insurance plan. anything that feminists might not like or
Fellow, American Academy of Opthalmology object to.
(FAAO) A Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of feng shue or feng shui 1. The Chinese art of
Osteopathy, or equivalent medical degree who placing objects in alignment with the environ-
has satisfactorily completed a formal resi- ment. Usually applies to the placement of fur-
dency of at least 3 years in ophthalmology. niture and objects in ones house or place of
Must hold a valid and unrestricted license to business. According to the art, objects in their
practice medicine in the U.S. or the country environments give off energy, also know as
in which the practice of medicine is regularly chi. If your chi is in alignment, you will
conducted. Must be certied by the American achieve balance in your environment. Because
Board of Ophthalmology or be a Fellow of the energy of the objects in your physical
the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons space ows naturally, a sense of harmony and
of Canada. balance is created. 2. A hospitality discipline
Fellow, American College of Cardiology practiced throughout China. Guest rooms,
(FACC) Membership in ACC is open only executive rooms, and ballrooms are structured
to physicians and scientists who meet specic and furnished in such a way as to keep them
educational and/or certication criteria and in balance with spiritual forces.
have high ethical standards as determined by fetal protection policy (FPP) A policy that
their peers. Members who are both board cer- excludes fertile women from jobs involving
tied in internal medicine and cardiovascular hazardous levels of exposure to solid, liquid,
disease by the American Board of Internal or gaseous toxic materials, such as lead, to
Medicine and devote 75% of their time to the prevent exposure of unborn fetuses to physical
practice of cardiology are eligible for the most harm. Considered by some organizations,
prestigious category of membership: Fellow such as the American Civil Liberties Union
of the American College of Cardiology. (ACLU) and the United Auto Workers (UAW),
Fellow, American College of Obstetricians as discriminatory.
and Gynecologists (FACOG) M e m b e r s fetal risk A matter ruled on by the Supreme
must be physicians whose professional activ- Court in March 1991 (United Auto Workers v.
ity is devoted to the practice of obstetrics Johnson Controls, manufacturer of automo-
and/or gynecology. Primary requirements: bile batteries). The case relates to whether an
(1) graduation from an acceptable medical employer may legitimately exclude women of
school; (2) completion of an ob-gyn residency child- bearing age from jobs that might expose
program; (3) active license to practice medi- them and the fetuses they may carry to dan-
cine; and (4) attainment of high ethical and gerous levels of toxic substances, such as lead,
professional standing. glycol ethers, organic mercury (methyl), inor-
Fellow, American College of Surgeons (FACS) ganic mercury, and radiation. The Court ruled
The letters FACS after a surgeons name mean that fetal protection is nothing more than an
that the surgeons education and training, pro- intrusive form of job discrimination. The deci-
fessional qualications, surgical competence, sion stated, It is no more appropriate for the
fiber optics 260 FIFO method

courts than it is for individual employers to service provider or third-party administrator

decide whether a womans reproductive role who does not fulll his or her duciary
is more important to herself and her family responsibility. Under ERISA, such responsi-
than her economic role. Congress has left this bility is function-based rather than job
choice to the woman as hers to make. title-based.
ber optics A means of sending telephone or eld 1. The location in a database designed
video messages over long distances com- to accept a particular data element, such as
pletely interference-free. Consist of a bundle a zip code. 2. Every other line of an interlaced
of glass bers that transport light along the video image.
length of the bers at a speed of 100 million eld experiment A research methodology
bits per second. The sound, data, and images that is a type of controlled experiment.
are transformed into waves of light signals by Instead of conducting the study under articial
a laser beam. Advanced systems have laboratory conditions, the researcher chooses
increased capacity by using such techniques to study the variables in an actual organiza-
as time-division multiplexing (placing infor- tional setting. In every other respect the
mation into the spaces between words and approach is identical to that of the laboratory
data) and wavelength division multiplexing experiment.
(using another wavelength to carry more data eld interview A recruitment and screening
and increasing the rate at which the signals interview conducted away from company
are sent). headquarters literally in the eld. Field
bromyalgia A type of arthritis that affects an interviews are expensive because they require
estimated 3.7 million Americans, mostly travel, hotel accommodations, subsistence,
women, and is often misdiagnosed because and usually more than one interviewer.
many of its symptoms occur with other con- eld test A tryout under typical conditions of
ditions. Although patients do not show evi- a system or program to identify problems
dence of inammation, joint, or muscle before the system is installed as an operating
degeneration, the condition is marked by program.
widespread pain, along with fatigue, insom- eld training 1. In sales, training or coaching
nia, stiffness, and sometimes psychological conducted by a salespersons immediate
distress. supervisor on the premises of clients and cus-
duciary A person who is in a position that tomers in a live sales situation. 2. In military
requires trust, faithfulness, and loyalty, such training, unit or individual training conducted
as executors of wills, trustees of trusts, guard- in the eld, away from the classroom or
ians, and administrators. A duciary relation- laboratory.
ship exists when an individual or organization eld trip A carefully planned visit or tour to
has an explicit or implicit obligation to act in a place away from the training activity to pro-
behalf of another persons or organizations vide rst-hand observation of objects, pro-
interests in matters that affect the other person cesses, operations, and situations not trans-
or organization. portable to, or reproducible in, the training
duciary bond Guarantees compliance with facility. Field trips may be used to orient train-
the requirements of law for faithful perfor- ees to the work environment; provide oppor-
mance of duties relating to probate and bank- tunity for rst-hand observation of operations,
ruptcy. processes, or practices that cannot be readily
Fiduciary Income Tax Return The income or safely moved into the classroom or labora-
tax return that reports income for a trust or tory; stimulate trainee interest and participa-
estate. tion in discussion or other types of learning
duciary responsibility Basic day-to-day tasks activities; relate theory to practice; or intro-
involving the administration of employee ben- duce or summarize a topic.
et plans. Persons with this responsibility, FIFO method of inventory accounting
including HR professionals, may be liable for Leaves the more recent and inated acquisi-
benet plan losses if they fail to remove a tion costs in the inventory while recording a
fifty-fifty (50/50) dental plan 261 financial advisor

substantial inventory prot on the operating 203-847-0700; fax 203-849-9714; Web site
statement (First In, First Out). See also LIFO
method of inventory accounting; NIFO Financial Accounting Standards Board
method of inventory accounting. No. 44 Intended to clarify the Boards stand
fty-fty (50/50) dental plan A cost-cutting on options accounting under previously estab-
dental care plan that pays benets of $1000 lished rules. Its greatest effect has been in the
orthodontic maximum, $1000 annual maxi- area of stock option repricing making the
mum but requires no deductibles. repricing of underwater options to lower exer-
le In computers, information or data grouped cise prices potentially prohibitive, since it
and treated as one unit. A means of organizing requires that the repriced options be treated
stored information for quick and easy retrieval under variable accounting in which they are
and use. marked to the market.
le allocation table (FAT) Keeps track of Financial Accounting Standards Board
where data les are stored on a hard disk. No. 106 Issued in December 1990 and
le conversion See data conversion. became effective in 1993. It requires employ-
le server A work station on a computer net- ers to change from a pay-as-you-go approach
work that is dedicated to providing le and to funding medical benets for present and
mass data storage services to other work sta- future retirees to an accrual method of
tions on the network. accounting that calls for an estimate of the
le transfer protocol (FTP) Procedures that costs of future benets. That estimate must
allow the exchange of les between two com- then be carried on the corporate balance sheet
puters on the Internet. FTP sites are comput- as a long-term debt payable to employees.
ers dedicated to uploading and downloading Financial Accounting Standards Board
les. No. 119 Issued in October 1994, the rule
lmstrip An older type of audiovisual aid that requires new disclosures on the aims,
made use of a sequence of images on a roll amounts, and positions of derivatives effective
of 35-mm black-and-white or color lm. in scal year 1994 for companies with more
nal account An accounting provided by the than $150 million in total assets and in scal
executor at the conclusion of the settlement of year 1995 for all companies.
an estate showing the property received, Financial Accounting Standards Board
including income, the disbursements, legacies No. 133 On June 16, 2000, the FASB
paid to beneciaries, and a statement that adopted new rules on accounting for deriva-
nothing remains in the estate. Acceptance of tive transactions. Beginning with their rst
the nal account by the court closes the pro- scal year-end deadline, U.S. corporations
bate estate and discharges the executor from and foreign corporations with a stock listing
further liability. in the U.S. must include their derivatives on
nal program In meeting management, a balance sheets and adjust earnings to reect
nal mailing that contains the denitive con- changes in their market value.
ference and social program distributed just Financial Accounting Standards Board Nos.
prior to the conference or at registration for 141 and 142 New rules regarding the treat-
the event. ment of intangible assets and business combi-
Financial Accounting Standards Board nations. FAS 141 eliminates pooling-ofinter-
(FASB) A free-standing body in the private ests and requires the purchase accounting
sector, supported by the accounting profes- method for all transactions closed after June
sion and industry, that establishes generally 30, 2001. FAS 142 modies the treatment of
accepted accounting rules and standards for goodwill by eliminating its amortization and
publicly owned organizations and employ- requires that it be tested on an annual (if not
ers. Its standards may be rejected or over- more frequent) basis for possible impairment.
ruled by the Securities and Exchange Com- nancial advisor A person who, for compen-
mission. Contact: FASB, 401 Merritt 7, P.O. sation, provides advice to an individual or cor-
Box 5116. Norwalk, CT 06856-5116 (phone: porate client regarding strategies and actions
financial aid administrator (FAA) 262 financial ratio analysis

to achieve nancial goals and objectives based principal claims they issue: nondeposit inter-
on an analysis of personal and/or nancial mediaries include, among others, life and
condition, resources, and capabilities. property/casualty insurance companies and
nancial aid administrator (FAA) The indi- pension funds, whose claims are the policies
vidual at participating institutions who is they sell, or the promise to provide income
responsible for administering student nancial after retirement; depository intermediaries
aid programs. obtain funds mainly by accepting deposits
nancial aid package Under federal student from the public.
aid programs, the total amount of nancial aid nancial planning 1. The development of
a student receives, including federal and non- long-range (5-year) nancial plans to support
federal aid in the forms of grants, loans, and the long-range goals and objectives of the
work-study. enterprise and the HR organization based on
nancial assessment Measuring or estimat- study of forecasts, strategic plans, enterprise
ing the nancial position and strength of an and HR needs and priorities, anticipated orga-
organization by examining long-term, inter- nizational changes, and projected changes in
mediate-term, and short-term indicators and products, services, and processes. 2. The pro-
assessing long-, intermediate-, and short-term cess of providing advice and assistance to cli-
risk. ents for the purpose of achieving the clients
nancial assets Include cash and marketable nancial goals.
securities. Also called nancial capital. The Financial Planning Association (FPA)
nancial assistance program (FAP) A n A membership organization for the nancial
employer-sponsored dependent care option. planning community, FPAs primary aim is to
There are four types: exible spending be the community that fosters the value of
accounts, exible benets (salary reduction nancial planning and advances the nancial
plans), voucher programs, and vendor planning profession. FPAs strategy to accom-
programs. plish its objectives involves welcoming all
nancial audit An examination of the nan- those who advance the nancial planning pro-
cial position of an organization, including its cess and promoting the CFP mark (Certied
balance sheet and its accounting procedures. Financial Planner() as the cornerstone of the
nancial budget A major component of a nancial planning profession. Contact: FPA,
comprehensive budget program. A nancial 1615 L Street, NW, Suite 650, Washington,
budget consists of a budgeted balance sheet D.C. 20036 or 5775 Glenridge Drive, NE,
showing how the operations plan will affect Suite B-300, Atlanta, GA 30328 (phone 800-
the companys basic resources and liabilities. 322-4237 or 404-845-0011; fax 404-845-
It also includes the budget sheet supporting 3660; e-mail; Web
schedules, all in budget format, depicted in site
cash ow, receivables, inventory, capital nancial ratio analysis The interpretation of
expenditures, and depreciation. balance sheets and income statements of an
nancial counseling programs Include organization in which selected dollar items are
employee assistance programs, life-event compared with another series of dollar items
nancial counseling, and life-event funding and the resulting gures are related to
programs. accepted nancial performance standards.
nancial feasibility The ability of a provider Examples of commonly used balance sheet
to pay the capital and operating costs associ- ratios are current assets to current debt, cur-
ated with the delivery of a proposed health rent debt to tangible net worth, total debt to
care or other service. tangible net worth, xed assets to tangible net
nancial institution An institution that uses worth, net sales to inventory, inventory to net
its funds chiey to purchase nancial assets working capital, net sales to tangible net
(deposits, loans, securities) as opposed to tan- worth, and net prots to tangible net worth.
gible property. Financial institutions can be Commonly used income statement ratios are:
classied according to the nature of the (1) for gross prot gross sales, returns and
financial reinsurance 263 first-in-first-out (FIFO)

allowances, net sales, cost of goods sold, and expenses; intermediate nancial resources are
gross margin; (2) for operating prot determined by calculating the ratio of avail-
administrative and general expenses and oper- able fund balances to total operating expenses;
ating prot; and (3) for nal net prot or loss and short-term nancial resources are deter-
interest paid and net prot or loss. mined by calculating the ratio of current fund
nancial reinsurance A type of reinsurance assets to current fund liabilities.
purchased following a loss and after the cost nasteride A generic name for drugs used to
of claims has been determined. It is designed treat enlarged prostate glands; for example,
to allow buyers to take tax advantage of the Merck drug Proscar.
incurred losses while removing long-term lia- rewall A system or combination of systems
bility from the corporate balance sheet. used to establish a boundary between two or
nancial reporting The most common more networks to prevent unauthorized
method of budget control. Effected by requir- access.
ing subordinate managers and supervisors to rewall protections 1. Safeguards designed
submit monthly status reports showing to protect from their competitors pricing
encumbered funds and unencumbered bal- information of pharmacy benet manage-
ances. It is an effective means of regulating ment rms that offer drug benet formularies.
expenditures. 2. Software or hardware safeguards designed
nancial reward A reward given to employ- to protect internal computer networks from
ees for outstanding performance or contribu- hackers and other intruders by monitoring
tions to the protability or image of the orga- incoming and outgoing communications from
nization. Financial rewards include such items Internet applications, such as e-mail and le
as salary raises, promotions, cash bonuses, transfer. Firewall products include router
gift certicates, professional membership packet ltering, authentication, and encryp-
dues, tness club membership dues, and trips tion systems.
to meetings/conventions/exhibits of profes- rm-xed-price contract (FFP) The type of
sional associations for the employee and his contract most commonly used to acquire train-
or her spouse. ing programs and services because the items
nancial risk Long-term risk is estimated by to be purchased can be accurately described
calculating the ratio of long-term debt to total and the work effort required to produce the
revenue; intermediate risk is determined by items can be accurately calculated. The ven-
calculating either the ratio of restricted reve- dor guarantees successful performance of the
nues (obligated) to total income or the ratio terms of the contract within the proposed time
of xed commitments to total income; short- frame and species the price of the product
term risk is determined by calculating the ratio or service. The contractor cannot change the
of short-term debt to annual revenue. specied price or schedule. In return, the
nancial statement Any report or presenta- buyer agrees to pay the xed price as specied
tion of nancial data in any form or format in the contract without regard to the actual
derived from accounting records of an orga- cost of performance of the work required by
nization. Primary nancial statements include the contract.
the balance sheet, income statement, state- rst class An unrestricted air fare providing a
ment of retained earnings, and statement of special seating section, menu, and free bever-
changes in nancial position. Secondary ages at considerably higher cost than other
nancial statements include reports of admin- fares.
istrative expenses, cash ow reports, accounts- rst-in-rst-out (FIFO) A method of inven-
receivable reports, and capital expenditure tory valuation that assumes inventory rst pur-
reports. chased (rst in) is rst used or sold (rst out).
nancial strength Financial strength is When materials or products from inventory
assessed as follows: long-term nancial are used or sold, deductions from the inven-
resources are estimated by calculating the ratio tory account are made at the cost of the items
of market value of assets to total operating purchased rst, rather than last, thus making
first-pass yield 264 fixed fee

the value of the inventory on hand conform tness report The term used by the U.S. Navy
more closely to current prices. When procure- and U.S. Marine Corps to describe ofcer
ment prices are changing, FIFO strongly inu- efciency reports.
ences stated prots. For example, if prices Five-Factor Model (FFM) A personality
rise, the value of inventory also rises because assessment model that is based on the Myers-
the latest purchases remain on the books as Briggs Type Indicator but differs from it in
the accountant deducts from inventory the that it is based on experience rather than the-
lower-priced goods purchased rst. The result ory. Used in career development, coaching
is higher stated prots. Conversely, if prices and counseling, conict management, cus-
drop, the cost of goods sold remains at the tomer service, employee selection, job analy-
higher level and the value of inventory sis, management and leadership development,
declines. This has the effect of lowering stated team building, and training design. Propo-
prots. nents of FFM claim the following: (1) person-
rst-pass yield An indicator of effective per- ality has ve dimensions; (2) scores on those
formance and a measure of quality. First-pass dimensions fall along a normal distribution;
yield is the percentage of tasks completed (3) personality is best described by individual
right on the rst try (without reworks or cor- traits rather than by types; and (4) the strength
rections). Said by some to be the most impor- of scores indicates preferences.
tant internal measure of quality and competi- Five-Five-Five Plan (5-5-5 Plan) A work
tiveness. proposal featuring a 25-hour work week with
rst proviso In employee relocation terminol- 5 hours of training weekly, phased in over a
ogy, refers to individual family household 5-year period. Designed to improve produc-
goods and personal effects. See also second
tivity, employee motivation, and job satisfac-
proviso; third proviso.
tion. Attributed to futurist Alvin Tofer.
Fiscal 1993 Defense Authorization Act T h e
xed annuity An annuity that guarantees pay-
Act authorized additional transition assistance
ments of principal and interest. The interest
for military and civilian personnel affected by
rate changes one or more times annually but
the post-Cold War drawdown. Active duty per-
is guaranteed not to fall below an amount
sonnel in nontransferable skills, such as com-
specied in the contract.
bat arms, were authorized to apply for up to
1 year of educational leave of absence to xed assets The sum of the costs (or appraised
obtain civilian job training. Personnel in sur- value) of land and the depreciated book value
plus categories who had 15 but less than 20 of buildings, leasehold improvements, equip-
years of service were authorized to apply for ment, machinery, tools, furnishing and furni-
early retirement. The legislation also con- ture, and xtures.
tained incentives to encourage service mem- xed budget A budget that is based on xed
bers to leave active duty voluntarily. costs and therefore does not vary with uctu-
scal intermediary A private company that ations in activity. All costs are assumed to be
has a contract with Medicare to pay Part A xed costs. Also called static budget.
and some Part B bills. Also called inter- xed costs Costs that are unaffected by the
mediary. amount of work being done in an organiza-
shbone chart See cause-and-effect diagram. tional element or the total corporation. They
tness In the context of corporate programs, accumulate over time and include all costs of
tness consists of sound physiological com- operations such as salaries of managers, build-
ponents involving cardiovascular, strength, ing maintenance, and so on.
and exibility tness, body fat, and nutrition xed-dollar benets Health care or other
and diet. employee benets plans in which specic dol-
tness for work A document that contains lar limitations are placed on the insurance pre-
information obtained from employer inquiries miums or claims paid by the company.
into a job applicants background. xed fee A set amount paid to a nonemployee
tness program See wellness program. for completion of a specic service or services
fixed-focus camera 265 flat/flattened organization

regardless of the time or other resources agging 1. Used by technical nancial ana-
expended by the the contractor. lysts to study stock market trading volume and
xed-focus camera Has a permanently preset other market indicators to determine whether
focus that cannot be adjusted for distance. the market is going up or down. See also pen-
Also called point and shoot camera. nant. 2. See nonstandard administration.
xed-price contract with economic price- ag ofcer An ofcer of any of the military
adjustment provisions (FPE) A contract services in the grade of general or admiral (07
that allows adjustments to the price when spe- through 010).
cic and uncontrollable changes (such as ame/aming On the Internet, verbal abuse,
labor or materials costs or changes in indus- insults, or hate e-mail, usually sent to a user
trywide price levels) occur in the cost or price who has violated netiquette.
factors set forth in the contract. They have the Flanagan Aptitude Classication Test A n
effect of shifting the risks to the buyer. aptitude test that measures 16 different areas
xed-price-incentive contract (FPI) A type of knowledge and skill, including basic arith-
of contract in which the contractor is paid metic and English grammar.
more prot if performance is completed at a ash modes Both conventional and digital
cost below the expected or estimated (target) cameras offer several ash modes, including
cost agreed upon in the contract. Similarly, if autoash, red-eye reduction, and ll-in (used
the cost at completion exceeds the expected to light a backlit subject).
or estimated (target) cost, the contractor is ash technology Miniature computer mem-
paid less prot. ory chips, some encased in credit card-size
xed-price level-of-effort term contract packages, that have large storage capacity,
(FPLET) A contract that permits rm random access, immunity from damage by
description of and budgeting for the work to bumps and shaking, and the ability to retain
be accomplished by the contractor. Progress information when turned off and require only
in the direction of a goal is what is typically one half the power of conventional chips.
sought rather than completion of the research, They have become the memory for computer
such as achievement of a technological break- notebooks and personal digital assistants, such
through. Usually limited to research projects as Apples Newton.
of relatively small scope. at affect In mental illness, the absence of or
xed-price-redeterminable contract (FPR) reduction in the amount of emotional tone or
A type of xed-price contract that leaves the outward emotional reaction typically shown
nal negotiation of price until the work has in parallel settings or under similar circum-
proceeded to the point where costs are clear stances. Also called blunted affect.
enough to predict the nal costs and the price at benet retirement plan A type of de-
can be negotiated with condence. ned benets pension plan that provides bene-
xed-rate contract (FR) A contract in which ts that are unrelated to earnings, such as a
the nal amount to be paid to the contractor certain amount per month or per year of ser-
cannot be determined until performance has vice.
been completed. The xed rate includes direct at le database A database management
labor costs, overhead charges, general and system that uses a at le structure, where
administrative or selling expenses, and prot. all data about a particular subject, such as
All of these costs are summed and a rate for customers or dealers, are stored in one or two
reimbursement to the contractor is agreed very large les.
upon. Close monitoring of performance by the at/attened organization An organization
contracting organization is essential to ensure structure that has a limited number of hierar-
that deliverables are acceptable. chical levels (levels of management and
agged rates Rates paid to employees that fall supervision) from top to bottom and hence a
above the wage curve. Also called red circle wide span of management with many subor-
rates or overrates. dinates reporting to one superior.
flat rate 266 flexible work options/schedule

at rate The specic room rate for a group that managed care elements to their exible
has been agreed on in advance by the hotel or benets plans to make the plans more cost-
other property and group representative. effective.
Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) An orga- exible manufacturing system See com-
nization of 160,000 members open to active puter-integrated manufacturing.
duty, drilling reserve, and retired enlisted per- exible scheduling A plan to adjust employee
sonnel and commissioned ofcers with at least schedules as needed to accommodate the busi-
1 day of prior enlisted service in the Navy, ness cycles or to increase employee motiva-
Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. Its mission is tion, morale, and job satisfaction.
to represent its members on military personnel exible spending account (FSA) 1. A plan
legislative matters; safeguard the compensa- that allows employees to use pretax dollars to
tion, benets, and entitlements of Sea Services fund medical expenses not covered by their
personnel before the Congress; and help with health plans (and sometimes dependent care).
individual career problems through liaison The only cost to the employer is for adminis-
with the Department of Defense, Department trative expenses. Essentially a strategy to
of Veterans Affairs, and other government reduce health care costs, the plan is offered to
departments and agencies. Contact: FRA, 125 employees instead of rst-dollar coverage of
N. West St., Alexandria, VA 22314-2754
hospitalization and surgery. A specic sum of
(phone 703-683-1400 or 800-FRA-1924; fax
money is put aside for each employee for pre-
703-549-6610; e-mail FRA@FRA.ORG; Web
scription drugs and other outpatient services.
The employer decides how much money to
ex See exible benets/ex benets program.
put toward benets and the employee decides
exible benets/ex benets programs
how to use that money and may choose
(FBP) A program that allows employees to
expenses not ordinarily covered by the
adjust their benets to meet their needs. The
employer. A medical savings account is one
employer decides how much money to allo-
FSA touted as a remedy for the health care
cate to benets (e.g., medical) and the
crisis. 2. An employer-sponsored dependent
employee decides how to use those benets.
care option (DCAP) in which the employee
Such plans often feature less expensive core
coverage options with varying deductibles and chooses from a menu of taxable and nontax-
copayment requirements. Additional benets able benets. Dependent-care options are non-
may also be offered for purchase by the taxable. The dependent must be a child under
employee. 15; a dependent, elderly relative; or a mentally
exible budgeting A budgeting process that or physically handicapped dependent.
seeks to identify the factors or activity mea- exible stafng A strategy designed to effect
sures that correlate with increases or decreases substantial savings in salaries and fringe
in costs with changes in the volume of prod- benets, reduce vulnerability to periodic or
ucts or services produced. It helps managers seasonal layoffs, and cut turnover. It involves
to separate spending from volume variances. the use of temporary full-time and permanent
Examples of variables are units of output, per- part-time personnel, consultants, and sub-
son-hours, machine hours, number of shifts, contractors, such as secretarial, accounting,
and cost-center hours or days. Also called technical, managerial, or executive level
variable budgeting. employees.
exible hours See extime. exible work options/schedule Optional
exible leave A plan for personal and parental schedules and alternative work sites designed
paid, partially paid, or unpaid leave to allow to allow employees to balance work and fam-
employees to care for a new baby or for ill ily responsibilities. See also compressed
dependents. workweek; family support options; exiplace;
exible managed care A combination of a caf- extime; homeworker; job sharing/job split-
eteria plan and an open-ended health mainte- ting; phased retirement, V-time programs;
nance organization (HMO) plan adding work sharing.
flexiplace 267 follow-up

exiplace An accommodation employers movement, inspection, delay, and storage, for

make to help their workers change their life- example) to identify common activities that
styles. Involves the performance of a job in occur in most types of operations. It is also
whole or in part away from the companys used as a communications tool to help workers
premises at home or elsewhere. Also called visualize a process in the same way.
ex place or telecommuting.
ex-management Using strategies and tactics Systems Value
that are effective in managing a workforce analysis analysis

composed of females, minorities, older work-

ers, and people with disabilities. Attributed to
D. Jamieson and J. O'Mara (Managing Work-
force 2000: Gaining the Diversity Advantage, Mission System software, and
Jossey-Bass, 1990). procedures
ex plans Cost reduction strategies designed
to transfer more of the costs of providing health
care from the organization to employees.
Systems Value
extime Arrangements made to allow exi- engineering engineering
bility in start and nish times of the work
Design phase Evaluation phase
shift to accommodate employees whose
days, hours, or family responsibilities do not
match standard work hours. Employees are Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authori-
usually required to be present during core zation Act of 2000 See under Spence.
time a set time for all employees. Also focused interview A research interview with
called exitime. the following requirements: (1) subjects are
ipchart An easel used for illustration during known to have been involved in a particular
training sessions. The charts hold bond or qua- situation; (2) the investigator has previously
drille paper pads approximately 28 inches analyzed the hypothetically signicant ele-
wide by 34 inches high on a three-legged, ments of the situation and has arrived at a set
folding easel equipped with chart pad clamps of hypotheses relating to the meaning and
and marker storage trays. Colored markers of effects of critical aspects of the situation; (3)
several different widths are available for writ- based on the foregoing analysis, the investi-
ing on dry surfaces. gator has developed an interview guide that
ipping A term used to describe the practice denes the major area of inquiry and the
of subscribing to a new security offering and hypotheses that locate the pertinent data to be
quickly selling it in the aftermarket. obtained in the interview; (4) the interview is
ip the switch The exact moment when the focused on the subjects experiences in the
management information system department particular situation; and (5) the subjects
turns off the old management information sys- responses enable the investigator to test the
tem (MIS) and activates the new system. See validity of his or her hypotheses and identify
also systems; applications; products. unanticipated responses to the situation, thus
oppy disk A removable and transportable giving rise to new hypotheses.
computer disk measuring 3.5, 5.25, or 8 focus group An evaluation technique involv-
inches. Floppy disks provide a computers ing in-depth interactive interviews with
secondary memory, a repository for programs groups of 8 to 12 people who are in some way
and data storage and the information that pro- associated with the organization, interested in
grams process and produce documents, the topic, or use its products or services. Con-
applications, and software that a computer can ducted under the guidance of a facilitator,
use. participants share their thoughts, ideas, and
owchart A graphic representation of an oper- opinions.
ation used to study, standardize, and improve follow-up Monitoring results following the
work processes. It uses symbols (operation, completion of any type of HR intervention
font 268 forced-choice scale

(for example, training, disciplinary action, job (3) certain noncitizens who are legally admit-
and task analysis, and organization develop- ted for permanent residence and who are
ment) to ensure that results conform with active duty members, or who are honorably
plans and that required changes have discharged veterans of the U.S. armed forces,
occurred. their spouses and unmarried dependent chil-
font In desktop publishing, a complete assort- dren; (4) certain American Indians who are
ment of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, born outside the U.S. or who are members of
and so on of a given size and design used by federally recognized tribes; or (5) certain
the compositor (e.g., 12 point New York). other noncitizens may be eligible after 7 years
font caching A technique in which a graphics of residency. The program is administered by
card stores fonts on board in high-speed mem- state departments of public welfare, and appli-
ory instead of waiting for the computer to send cations are made to that ofce (or in the case
font information every time it displays text. of households in which one person receives
food and beverage (F&B) What attendees or applies for Supplemental Security
eat and drink at meetings. Requires consider- Income at the social security ofce). Financial
ation of attendees ages, nationalities, reli- eligibility is based on total assets (cash, bank
gions, and special dietary needs when plan- accounts, stocks and bonds, but not the home
ning meals. household and personal goods, life insurance,
food and beverage manager The hotel func- and certain vehicles), income (less than a
tionary responsible for all food and beverage gross monthly income standard and a net
sales, including dining rooms, coffee shops, income standard), and application of a for-
lounges, bars, room service, and catering. mula. If qualied, applicants receive an
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) A n Authorization to Participate card. In gen-
independent agency of the Public Health Ser- eral, a household cannot have more than
vice, a division of the Department of Health $2000 in resources unless it includes a person
and Human Services. Responsible for testing 60 or older, in which case the limit is $3000.
and controlling drugs, medications, and med- food stamps See Food Stamp Program.
ical devices and regulating food packaging, forbearance Temporary adjustment of a loan
labeling, and distribution. Contact: FDA, repayment schedule in cases of nancial hard-
5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 ship. Interest continues to accrue during that
(phone 888-463-6332; Web site period.
food services Services provided to enhance forced-choice 1. A rating method that uses
employee comfort, convenience, and morale; two to ve descriptions of behavior or perfor-
to protect their health; and to reduce travel mance in each section. Most forced-choice
time and time away from the job. Typical ser- instruments contain 25 to 30 sections. The
vices include beverage and snack vending rater is asked to select the statement that is
machines for coffee and lunch breaks on the most characteristic and the one that is least
premises, cafeteria or contract catering service characteristic. 2. In testing, any multiple-
or lunchrooms, and mobile food units or snack choice test item in which the testee is asked
bars for large plants or widely dispersed work to select one or more of the choices given.
areas. However, usage focuses on personality mea-
Food Stamp Program Provides low-income sures: testees must choose from among
households with coupons on a monthly basis options of equal preference value among the
that can be redeemed for food at participating group on which the test was standardized, but
stores and eating facilities (such as at some one of the options distinguishes between per-
soup kitchens and certain restaurants). To get sons high and low on the factor that the choice
food stamps, everyone in the household must measures and the others do not.
have a social security card and be in one of forced-choice scale A type of appraisal that
the following categories: citizens of the U.S.; resembles a test. The scale uses two to ve
(2) legally admitted for permanent residence descriptions of behavior in each of the 25 to
and have a total of 40 qualifying work credits; 30 sections of the scale. Both favorable and
forced distribution 269 foreign housing exclusion

unfavorable statements are included in each statistical, and other forms of data; informa-
section. Raters are asked to choose the most tion; systems; assumptions; principles;
appropriate statement in each section. hypotheses; theories; and laws to arrive at con-
forced distribution A rating method that is clusions and identify alternative courses of
essentially a modication of the graphic scale action to achieve corporate and HR goals and
to avoid errors of central tendency. Raters are objectives.
instructed to force their ratings into a normal forecaster See futurist.
(bell-shaped) curve: excellent, 10%; above forecasting The process of collecting, analyz-
average, 20%; average, 40%; below average, ing, synthesizing, and drawing implications
20%; and unsatisfactory, 10%. from study of future conditions and events that
forced ranking An employee performance are most likely to affect practice or operations
review system that requires raters to identify in a given eld over a period of ve or more
a xed percentage of their subordinates as top years. It is careful, systematic, and deliberate
performers (typically 20%) ready for advance- economic, social, and business analysis under-
ment and the bottom percentage (typically taken to obtain accurate information on future
10%) who must improve or leave. Attributed trends and developments in order to prevent
to Jack Welch, then CEO of General Electric costly mistakes in decision making.
in 1981. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
forced relationships A problem-solving tech- (FCPA) Legislation that (1) prohibits and
nique that involves forcing two or more nor- makes it a criminal offense for any company
mally unrelated principles, concepts, ideas, or to offer, directly or indirectly, bribes or pay-
objects together and squeezing, pressing, or
offs in exchange for foreign contracts and (2)
jamming them into forced relationships to
requires corporations subject to the Securities
develop new solutions.
and Exchange Act of 1934 to have adequate
force-eld analysis An approach used in cre-
and documented systems of internal account-
ative problem solving and in planning, orga-
ing control throughout their operations. Pen-
nization planning, and implementing training
alties for infraction of the FCPA are severe: a
and development interventions. In any situa-
corporation can face nes of up to $2 million
tion, there are forces in operation, some driv-
and an individual can be ned up to $100,000
ing and some countervailing. When the forces
and be incarcerated for up to 5 years.
are not in balance, change occurs. Therefore,
when change is wanted, the equilibrium of foreign country As dened by Section 911,
opposing forces must be disturbed, moved to Internal Revenue Code, any territory under
a new balance, and then immobilized in their the rule of a government other than the U.S.,
new state. A diagram of the driving and coun- not including American Samoa, the Antarctic
tervailing forces in a situation is prepared to Region, Guam, North American Marianas
identify potentially fruitful points of attack. Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Attributed to Kurt Lewin. foreign earned income As dened by Sec-
force majeure clause 1. In law, a termination tion 911, Internal Revenue Code, pay for
clause in a contract relieving the parties of personal services performed in a foreign coun-
their duty to carry out their commitments if try by individuals who maintain a tax home
performance is made impossible by an unfore- abroad and meet either the residency test or
seen event beyond the control of either party; the physical presence test in a foreign
i.e., an Act of God). 2. In meeting manage- country.
ment, an entertainers or artists contract foreign housing exclusion As dened by
clause that limits liability if the performance Section 911, Internal Revenue Code, the
must be canceled due to circumstances deductible costs of reasonable housing
beyond the artists control. Does not usually expenses of employees living abroad that
include weather. exceed 16% of the annual salary of a federal
forecast A prediction or projection of future employee at grade GS-14, Step 1. Reasonable
conditions or events making use of historical, housing expenses include furniture rental,
foreign income and housing exclusion 270 formulary

nondeductible occupancy taxes, real/personal for receipt of the total annuity at the time of
property insurance, rent or fair market value retirement from military service. Federal
if provided in kind, repairs, and residential civilian forgotten widows were granted annu-
parking fees. ities 10 years after their SBP was enacted.
foreign income and housing exclusion S e e Form A computer virus that simulates key
Section 911, Internal Revenue Code. clicks when the keyboard is activated on the
foreign independent travel (FIT) A trip 18th or 24th day of the month. The virus may
arranged specically for an individual or fam- also damage les on the disk. It is caught
ily by a travel agent. Usually the most expen- when the computer is booted from an infected
sive way to travel. oppy disk.
foreign medical graduate (FMG) A physi- Form N-400 Application for Naturalization.
cian who graduated from a medical school Contact: Immigration and Naturalization Ser-
outside the U.S. vice (phone 800-375-5283; TTY 800-767-
foreign sales corporation (FSC) A strategy 1833; Web site
created by a 1984 act of Congress to help Form 5500 ling Annual reports to the Inter-
counter the U.S. trade imbalance. An FSC is nal Revenue Service and the Department of
a foreign corporation established by a U.S. Labor on qualied retirement plans due within
exporter in a U.S. possession or in one of the 7 months of the close of the plans scal year.
more than 20 countries approved by the U.S. The reports cover such items as plan opera-
Treasury Department. More than 80% operate tions, level of employee participation, annual
in the Virgin Islands. An FSC must be a expenses, and information on the plans
wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent com- investment portfolio.
pany, have an ofce and principal bank
formal logic The science of deductive reason-
account in the jurisdiction where it is incor-
ing. It is the art of argument exemplied by
porated, and le pertinent papers with the
the syllogism with its major premise, minor
Internal Revenue Service.
premise, and conclusion.
foreign service premium A xed percentage
formal plan A long- or short-term plan based
of base pay paid monthly to employees work-
on an organized system involving reection,
ing overseas.
study, and research. Formal plans are often the
foreign travelers security See security of
product of a team rather than an individual
forensic accounting Integrates accounting,
auditing, and investigative skills to provide an formal sanctions Systems by which individ-
accounting analysis that is acceptable to the ual members of a group or organization are
court, which will form the basis for discus- held accountable for their behavior and
sion, debate, and, ultimately, dispute resolu- actions. They include disciplinary actions
tion. It encompasses both litigation support such as reprimands, warnings, suspensions,
and investigative accounting. and termination.
forensics The use of science in a court case, format 1. The logical arrangement of data
civil or criminal, to prosecute or defend an inside a le. 2. The physical arrangement of
individual, group, corporation, or other entity. data on a storage medium such as a oppy
Examples: analysis of blood samples, DNA, disk.
or matching dental records with remains to formative evaluation An approach to the
identify a victim. evaluation of training systems that focuses on
forgotten widows Widows of active duty mil- the systems adequacy in terms of achieve-
itary service members who died before enact- ment of objectives. It also identies correc-
ment of the Survivor Benet Plan (SBP) law tions or changes needed in the system as it is
in 1972 and widows of reservists who died being implemented. See also summative
before enactment of the Reserve Component evaluation.
SBP in 1978, both of whom are currently inel- formulary A list of drugs that a physician is
igible for SBP annuities. Their spouses opted expected or required to prescribe.
formulary drug 271 framing

formulary drug A brand name drug on a physicians and includes lay members, man-
list of prescription drugs specically approved ages the practices.
for special benet consideration after assess- four-color process In desktop publishing,
ment of its value, efcacy, and utilization by particularly when describing color press tech-
a formulary committee, usually consisting of niques, print that uses the four primary pro-
a group of physicians and pharmacologists. cess colors: cyan, yellow, magenta, and
See also generic drug. black.
fortress-hub In travel management, any city four fteen See Section 415, Internal Reve-
where 70% or more of the airline seats sold nue Code.
are concentrated in one carrier. Examples are four-fths rule A calculation prescribed by
Atlanta, Detroit, Houston, Minneapolis/St. the Equal Employment Opportunity Commis-
Paul, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Raleigh- sion to determine whether an employment
Durham, and St. Louis. Non-fortress hubs practice has an adverse impact on protected
include Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Los groups. Adverse impact exists where a selec-
Angeles, New York, and Phoenix. tion procedure results in hiring a protected
Fortune Published biweekly, except for two group of applicants (African-Americans, for
issues combined periodically into one occa- example) at a rate that is less than 80% of the
sional extra, expanded, or premium issue by rate for white applicants.
Fortune Magazine, 1271 Avenue of the Amer- four fty-seven See Section 457, Internal
icas, New York, NY 10020. Corporate sub- Revenue Code.
scriptions: $19.99 ($26.34 Canada). Contact: fourth-generation language (4GL) New and
Fortune, P.O. Box 61440, Tampa, FL 33661- advanced computer programming languages
1440 (phone 800-621-8000; Web site that speed up software development. frame A full screen of video data.
forum 1. In telecommunications, an online frame buffer In video production, a reposi-
message base that is limited to a specic topic. tory or block of memory that stores one video
2. In training, discussion groups. frame or still image in system memory for
forward averaging A tax accounting tech- later use.
nique that enables recipients of lump sum framegaming A 40-minute group game that
retirement payments to pay taxes on these dis- encourages participants to express, exchange,
tributions as if they had been received over a capture, and package their suggestions, ideas,
specied period of time, beginning in the year or opinions on any subject, problem, or issue.
of the distribution. Attributed to Sivasailam Thiagrarajan, editor
foster care 1. Arrangements for the personal of Performance & Instruction magazine and
care and family living of orphaned or abused reported in the September 1988 issue of the
children in private homes, usually with sub- Training and Development Journal.
sistence pay provided by the state. 2. A social frame grabber In video production, the elec-
service in which an older person in need of a tronic function that freezes one video frame
small amount of daily assistance is placed in or graphic image so that it can be manipulated.
a home environment for a small fee paid to frame rate The number of video frames dis-
the hosting family. In some areas all or a part played per second on a TV monitor. Broadcast
of the cost is borne by state social service video is transmitted at 30 frames per second.
agencies. frame relay A service provided by a long-dis-
foundation model An integrated health care tance carrier that receives data, packages it,
delivery system in which a hospital or other and sends it back over the network via the
entity creates a not-for-prot foundation, pur- least costly route.
chases physicians practices, and places those framing One of three crucial elements of all
tangible and intangible assets into the founda- activities used in adventure training. The
tion. The foundation, governed by a board that others are implementation and debrieng.
cannot be dominated by either the hospital or Framing is the preactivity of an event in which
franchise 272 free-form technology

the scenario is described, goals are estab- Free Application for Federal Student Aid
lished, and rules are announced. (FAFSA) An online application for federal
franchise A right conferred contractually by a student grants and loans that can be completed
business to an individual or group to provide and transmitted electronically. To be eligible
a service or sell a specic product in a certain to receive student nancial aid, applicants
community or geographical area. The franchi- must ll out a Free Application for Federal
see pays an initial fee, furnishes all the capital Student Aid every school year unless they use
needed to start the business, assumes full a master promissory note (Web site
nancial and operational responsibility for
running the business, pays a continuing roy- freebase See cocaine.
alty (usually a percentage of gross sales), and freebies Inducements provided by airlines,
often buys products from the franchiser. In hotels, suppliers, and other vendors to agents,
return, the franchiser allows the franchisee to travel managers, meeting planners, and trav-
run the business, assists the franchisee during elers. Include cruises, dinners, drinks, gifts,
the start-up period, and provides continuing free travel, loans, money, personal services,
support in the areas of advertising, purchas- promotional items, trips to supplier-sponsored
ing, and operations. trade shows, and vacations.
franchising A management system for pack- freedom of choice law State legislation that
aging, selling, and teaching a company-owned forms a barrier to managed care (currently 11
idea for marketing a product or service to states have such a law). The law restricts or
entrepreneurs. In HR-related areas, franchis- eliminates an insurers ability to limit a ben-
ing is now common in language schools, eciarys choice of providers or plans in return
insurance, day care, tness clubs, travel agen- for a discount on the premium paid.
cies, legal services, medical laboratories, freedom of expressive association See Boy
printing and photocopying businesses, Scouts of America et al. v. Dale.
accountancies, business training, eye care, and Freedom of Information Act of 1966 (FOIA)
career counseling. An act that provides for full and free disclo-
sure to the public information held by admin-
Franklins Law States that the item or equip-
istrative agencies of the federal government.
ment that you really want always costs twice
Exceptions follow: where disclosure would
as much as you can afford to spend.
cause harm to a governmental function, such
fraud Intentional deceit or perversion of truth
as national defense or foreign policy, records
to gain some advantage dishonestly or to
relating to internal personnel rules and prac-
induce another person or organization to part
tices of a federal agency, personnel and med-
with something that belongs to him, her, or it. ical les, properly classied national security
fraudulent tagging An illegal sales and pric- information, privileged or condential infor-
ing strategy advertising a sale and failing mation such as trade secrets or condential
to remark the products with the sales price. business information, audits of nancial insti-
See also bait and switch; deceptive pricing. tutions, and law enforcement investigative
Freddie Mac See Federal Home Loan Mort- materials. Records may be requested by pri-
gage Corporation. vate individuals or entities that are sufciently
free addressing Describes telecommuting particular to be identiable, and they are not
employees when they use whatever ofce required to show need or purpose. Doubtful
space is available on the days they come to requests for information must be checked with
work at the company location. See also hotel- a senior executive, lawyer, privacy ofcer,
ing. freedom-of-information ofcer, or public
free agent A person who takes charge of all information ofcer.
or part of his or her career, either by being his free-form technology An automated form of
or her own boss or working for others in ways data capture. Uses advanced combinations of
that meet their needs, either part time or full neural network technology and sophisticated
time. business rules to locate data anywhere it may
freelance trainer 273 fright mail

appear in a document. Once documents have the range, mean, median, and mode in a col-
been converted to digitized images, free-form lection of scores. Scores are arranged in order
systems apply advanced recognition technol- of size and the number of times each score
ogy, data lookups, data validations, and busi- occurs is entered to the right of the score.
ness logic to identify and capture addresses,
P.O. box numbers, or any other data point Test score Tally f
regardless of where it may appear on a page. 86 / 1
freelance trainer A temporary trainer who 84 // 2
moves from company to company solving 80 / 1
trainer shortages either in number or compe- 78 /// 3
74 //// /// 8
tencies; a viable solution to the stafng prob- 5
70 ////
lem when training needs expand rapidly. 69 / 1
Freeman Studies Landmark studies of union 67 // 2
inuence on fringe benets conducted by Pro- 65 / 1
fessor R. B. Freeman in 1978 and reported in 60 / 1
Total 25
his article The Effects of Trade Unionism on
Fringe Benets, NBER Working Paper No.
292, October 1978. Freeman analyzed data frequent ier programs Airline-sponsored
pooled from the 19671972 Bureau of Labor programs that reward frequent iers (usually
Standards census-style establishment survey, set at 25,000 miles per year of business travel)
Expenditures of Employee Compensation. with points for miles own or the number
free response questionnaire See open form of round trips and for dining at participating
questionnaire. restaurants. Rewards include travel class
freestanding ambulatory facility A medical upgrades (for example, from coach to business
structure that has permanent facilities and or rst class), free travel, priority seating, pri-
equipment for performing outpatient surgical ority placement on wait lists for sold-out
and/or renal dialysis procedures, provides ights, early boarding, free hotel stays or car
treatment by or under the supervision of phy- rentals, and free magazine subscriptions.
sicians or nurses whenever the patient is in the frequently asked questions (FAQ) A collec-
facility, does not provide in-patient accommo- tion of questions (with answers) that the new
dations, and is not used as an ofce or clinic users of the Internet ask most often.
for the private practice of a physician or other friendly takeover A strategy to improve mar-
professional. ket share, efciency of scale, or protability.
free-text search Describes the process of An agreement between two or more compa-
searching for terms or concepts by computer nies to consolidate by swapping shares or pur-
without relying solely on the words, acro- chasing shares of one or more of the merging
nyms, or abbreviations found in a glossary, companies by one organization for a combi-
thesaurus, or dictionary. It often involves use nation of cash and securities under mutually
of titles and abstracts of documents. agree-upon terms. Typically, the buyer
free trade agreement (FTA) An agreement agrees to honor existing stock options and
between two or more countries to permit eco- bonus plans of the merged companies.
nomic goods to ow across their borders free friendly visitors Volunteers who regularly
of duties. visit older, ill, and disabled persons who need
freeze (frame) In video production or play- companionship. They may write letters, read,
back, stopping motion in a video image. and run errands. No cost is involved.
French A high level of meal service in which fright mail Correspondence that aims to gen-
the waitperson serves from a platter and places erate fear of a loss of benets or some other
the food on each guests plate. vital asset, such as social security, at the hands
frequency distribution A means of shorten- of unscrupulous or bureaucratic forces. The
ing a list of test scores to facilitate statistical objective is to raise funds to support a special
manipulation. It is the rst step determining interest.
fringe benefits 274 full-time employee

fringe benets Such employee benets as tra- images of tissue with the objective of identi-
ditional health, retirement, and savings plans fying cancer, heart disease, or other poten-
and dental plans; vision care; prescription tially life-threatening conditions before symp-
drugs; life insurance; and long-term disability toms occur. Although endorsed by some
and accidental death and dismemberment physicians, the American Cancer Society,
insurance. May also include such items as cab U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and
fares and funds for dining for employees (by American College of Radiology, among oth-
a 1989 ruling of the IRS, these are taxable in ers, do not recommend full body scans for
total for management and $100 per trip for people without symptoms because they may
other employees). lead to unnecessary, expensive, and some-
front desk manager The hotel functionary times invasive procedures.
responsible for registration and check-in. full breakfast Usually consists of juice, eggs,
front-end analysis A tool or technique used to meats, cheese, and so on. Examples are Amer-
improve human performance by diagnosing the ican breakfast, English breakfast, Dutch
causes of employee performance deciencies breakfast, and Irish breakfast.
and determining whether they are due to a lack full coach Completely unrestricted economy
of skills or knowledge that can be remedied by class fares.
training or something else. It addresses perfor- full costs In cost management and cost-bene-
mance problems by asking these questions: ts analysis, the sum of direct and indirect
What are the indicators that a problem exists? costs. It is the most accurate measure of how
What are the performance deciencies
much it costs to deliver an HR service or
revealed by the data? What is the relative value
(in dollars) of solving the problem? Attributed
full duplex audio Allows participants at two
to Joe Harless, a member of the Human
or more sites to speak and be heard simulta-
Resources Development Hall of Fame.
neously. In half-duplex audio, only people at
front ofce manager The hotel functionary
one site can speak at a time.
responsible for reservations, room blocks, reg-
full inclusion The practice of having regular
istration services, early arrivals, late depar-
tures, and supervising the reservations man- teachers or instructors teach both nondisabled
ager and desk clerks (and the bell staff if there trainees or students and disabled or special
is no resident manager). needs students together, without the assistance
front ofce suites (FOS) Software designed of a specially trained teacher or instructor.
to help employees understand all customer full-service broker A rm that offers stock
interactions. buying and selling services to investors. An
front ofce system In travel management, the example is Merrill Lynch. See also discount
component of a travel agencys computer sys- broker.
tem, such as the computer reservation system, full-spectrum learning An approach to learn-
that interacts directly with customers. ing that attempts to integrate all the ways that
front-screen A projection system congura- people learn or process information: visually,
tion where the projector is positioned in, aurally, tactilely, palpably, olfactorially, gus-
behind, or above the audience. It is the most tatorially, and so on.
common and least expensive system but, in full-text index An index on the World Wide
high-ambient-light situations, the image is Web that contains every word of every docu-
washed out unless a very strong light source ment cataloged.
is used. full-time employee Employees are classied
full American plan (FAP) A pricing method as full time or part time in accordance with
used by hotels and conference centers. Price the practices of their organizations. A full-
includes lodging, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. time employee works a 40-hour week (usually
full-body computerized tomography scan not less than 35 hours per week) at all jobs
X-rays examination of the torso from the neck within an organization regardless of the num-
to the pelvis that provides cross-sectional ber of hours worked in the reference week.
full-time equivalent (FTE) 275 functional speech defects

full-time equivalent (FTE) The equivalent of location of the isotope and thus of the tumor
one full-time employee; for example, two cells.
part-time employees are 0.25 FTE each and functional language Communication that
one employee is 0.50 FTE, for a total of 1.0 permits interaction between two people, one
FTE. or both of whom have underdeveloped hearing
full-time worker One who usually works 35 and/or speech abilities. For example, a trainer
hours or more per week. may communicate with a deaf trainee by
full value protection In employee relocation, pointing with his or her nger, with or without
a property value option that holds the carrier words. The listener will indicate understand-
liable to the customer for either the full cost ing by nodding or pointing to a particular
of repairs or the replacement value of articles object or graphic. Functional language also
lost, missing, or destroyed during a move means that words that are to be used are words
without any deductions for depreciation of the that the individual will need in his or her inter-
articles. actions with others at work or socially.
fully funded pension plan A pension plan Functional Literacy Program (FLIT) A
with a funding ratio of 100% or more. U.S. Army program designed to upgrade train-
functional analysis In value analysis, the pro- ees ability to read well enough to locate infor-
cess of identifying and dening the primary mation, follow directions, complete forms,
and secondary functions of an HR component, and master and remember information they
program, or service. For example, the primary need on the job.
function of a TV set is to display motion in functional magnetic resonance (fMR) A n
color not to entertain or train. advance over positron emission tomography
functional authority Authority typically imaging in measuring brain function. fMR
exercised by staff ofcers. It is restricted to tracks brain activity by monitoring changes in
matters in the functional area assigned to the the amount of oxygen the brain cells are con-
staffer and is largely advisory, although it is suming, thus serving as an indicator of how
often complemented by the authority provided much blood is owing to various parts of the
by knowledge, experience, and expertise and brain, which in turn shows how active the
the ability to inuence decisions. nerve cells are. Patients are placed in a mag-
functional courses Training programs pro- netic resonance imaging machine and are
vided by the armed services that develop asked to perform mental tasks.
knowledge and skills needed in a variety of functional organization One of the basic
specialties (e.g., leadership training, language groupings of organizational elements, the
training, survival training, communications nature of the work activities performed and
training, driver training, and instructor related activities determine the placement of
training). the function. Examples are manufacturing,
functional illiterate In general, an individual marketing and sales, nance, management
who is unable to read or write well enough to information, and human resources.
meet the basic demands of everyday life and functional pricing Granting a special salary,
work. Specically, anyone who reads and usually higher, for a special company function
writes below the sixth-grade level, dyslexic or job category in response to market pressure.
adults, recently arrived non-English-speaking functional silos See departmental walls.
immigrants, and high-functioning mentally functional specialists Employees who have
retarded persons. expertise in a particular organizational func-
functional imaging radiography Used to tion such as training and development, infor-
determine the precise location of a tumor so mation systems, or nance.
that it can be treated. A radioisotope chemical functional speech defects Functional speech
is injected into the bloodstream, where it is defects are caused by psychological factors;
absorbed by active tumor cells. A positron they have no physical origins. Also called psy-
emission tomography scan shows the exact chogenic speech disorders.
functional team 276 FY 2003 Defense Authorization Act

functional team A group that has a specic Input was then pushed through a narrowing
and continuing responsibility for a function set of criteria to arrive at the best course of
within an organization. action. The commander (CEO) made the nal
function sheet In meeting management in the decision.
U.S., a document that lists all details relative fusion marketing Involves the use of such
to a meeting, such as scope or purpose of the strategies as joint or cooperative advertising
event, billing arrangements, room setup, and innovative bundling or packaging of prod-
audiovisual needs, food, beverages, informa- ucts and services.
tion on VIPs and attendees with disabilities, future payment index (FPI) A measure of
parking information, list of event ofcials, key nancial information created by Dun &
hotel/facility contacts and phone numbers, Bradstreet Information Services, a division of
check-in and check-out information, registra- Dun & Bradstreet Corporation. The FPI mea-
tion desk, public relations exhibit hall speci- sures the degree of risk that businesses will
cations, shipping, receiving, security, and encounter payment problems in the ensuing 6
signage. Internationally, it is a summary of all to 12 months.
the particulars relating to a meeting need. Also future purchase option Under the Federal
known as a banquet event order, rsum, or Long-Term Care Insurance Program
rsum sheet. (FLTCIP), this option increases the maximum
function space verication program A ser- daily benet amount every other year based
vice offered by the Professional Convention on the Consumer Price Index for medical
Management Association (PCMA), serving costs or other measure agreed to by Long-
as an independent third-party auditor, that Term Care Partners and the Ofce of Per-
measures and certies the true size of meet-
sonnel Management.
ing and function space. PCMA contracts with
futures contract A procurement concept.
licensed and bonded civil engineers to mea-
Involves selling a commodity at a xed price
sure hotel and conference meeting room space
today that will be delivered in the future. The
with computer-driven laser equipment.
contract provides a hedge against risk for the
PCMA then processes the measurements with
buyer in case prices become higher.
software that provides graphics depicting the
layouts of the function rooms in several con- future search An employee involvement
gurations, taking into account police and re technique involving meetings of the people
codes and physical elements such as columns, who have a stake in the meetings outcome
chandeliers, and beams that may affect usually a cross-section of the the whole orga-
visibility. nization designed to encourage innovation
fundamental analysis In stock market activi- and empowerment. Attributed to Marvin
ties, focusing on the actual health of compa- Weisbord, Discovering Common Ground:
nies that sell stock. See also technical analysis. How Future Search Conferences Are Used
funded debt Includes mortgages, bonds, Worldwide to Achieve Breakthrough Innova-
debentures, serial notes, or other obligations tion, Empowerment, Shared Vision, and Col-
with a maturity of more than 1 year from the laborative Action, Berrett-Koehler, 1992.
date of the statement. futurist A person who specializes in forecast-
funneling A planning and decision making ing or predicting the environment of the
technique practiced by General H. Norman future. Also called futurologist, forecaster,
(Stormin Norman) Schwarzkopfs central environmental scanner, and trend spotter.
command (CENTCOM) management team futurologist See futurist.
during strategic meetings to shape operations fuzzy search A World Wide Web search that
Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the Persian nds matches even when words used in the
Gulf. All participants came to daily staff meet- search are only partially completed or
ings where, having individually explored all misspelled.
possible options and projected outcomes, they FY 2003 Defense Authorization Act S e e
were ready to recommend a course of action. Defense Authorization Act of 2003.
FY 2003 Omnibus Appropriations Act 277 FY 2004 Budget Resolution

FY 2003 Omnibus Appropriations Act FY 2004 Budget Resolution Phased out the
Among other things, the Act prevents a 4.4% disability offset to military retired pay for
reduction in Medicare and TRICARE pay- retirees, including National Guard and
ments to health care providers that was sched- Reservists, with at least 20 creditable years of
uled for March 1, 2003. Instead, the new law service and a Department of Veterans Affairs
increases those payments by 1.6%. The Act disability rating of 60% or higher.
also gives Medicare the authority to change
the error in the formula that, without this leg-
islation, would have caused the erroneous
payment cuts. Signed by President Bush on
February 20, 2003.
G-7 Group of Seven. GM 1. Gross margin. 2. General
G-8 Group of Eight manager.
G&A General and administrative. GMAT Graduate Management
GAAP Generally accepted accounting Admissions Test.
principles. GNMA Government National
GATE Guaranteed Access to Mortgage Association.
Education. GNP Gross national product.
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs GP Gross prot.
and Trade. GPA Grade point average.
GAW Guaranteed annual wage. GPHMO Group practice health
GB Gigabyte. maintenance organization.
GBO Gissel bargaining order. GPO Government pension offset.
Gbps Gigabits. GPWW Group practice without walls.
GBWM Get back with me (Internet GRAT Grantor retained annuity trust.
speak). GRE Graduate Record Examination.
G-byte Gigabyte. GS General schedule.
Gbyte Gigabyte. GSA General Services
GCM Geriatric care manager. Administration.
GC/MS Gas chromatography/mass GSM Global system for mobile
spectrometry. communications.
GDP Gross domestic product. GST Goods and Services
GDSS Group decision support Tax/General Services Tax.
system. GULP Group universal life plan.
GED General education
development. gag clause/rule 1. Restrictions included in
Gen. General O10 (Air Force, Army, employment contracts to protect trade secrets
and Marine Corps civilian and proprietary information 2. Clauses in con-
abbreviation). tracts between physicians and health mainte-
GEN General O10 (Army military nance organizations that limit the ability of
abbreviation). the health care providers to talk freely with
GERD Gastroesophageal reux patients about treatment options and HMO
disease. payment policies and provide information
GHAA Group Health Association of about the benets, risks, and costs of various
America. treatments.
GIC 1. Guaranteed investment gain The difference between the selling price
contracts. 2. Graphic item of a property, including stock, and what was
count. paid for it (cost basis).
GIF Graphic Interchange Format. gain sharing A type of variable or incentive
GIG General inclusion group. pay typically used to increase production by
GIS Geographical information linking pay directly to specic improvements
system. in a companys performance. It is used prima-
GLBT Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and rily where quantitative levels of production
transgender. are important measures of business success.
GLS Group legal services. Gains are shared with all employees in a unit

gaishi 280 gas chromatography

monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually, activities, or tasks in a calendar time coordi-

according to a predetermined formula, calcu- nate, showing dates of start-up and completion
lated on the value or gains of production over and the status of projects between starts and
labor and other costs. A formula is used to completion, but not relationships or depen-
monitor some performance variables such as dencies as in program evaluation and
productivity. Using the formula to measure review technique and critical path method.
gains over a targeted baseline, the company As time elapses, the bars are lled in to show
shares the resulting benets with employees. the time remaining for completion.
The plan lets employees reap some of the Gantt Medal See The Henry Laurence Gantt
rewards of their efforts based on teamwork Medal.
and cooperation and by working harder and Gantt plan An incentive plan that provided
smarter. for large bonuses (30%) when productivity
gaishi A foreign company doing business in standards were rst met but then reduced
Japan. (1.3%) for each 1% increase in production. It
Galileo In travel management, a computer is not in common use today.
reservation system consortium owned by gap analysis A means of measuring and eval-
Alitalia, British Airways, KLM Royal Dutch uating how well a company is meeting the
Airlines, Swissair, and others. Shares data- needs and expectations of its customers and
bases with Apollo and Gemini in Canada. clients. It is done by intensive market research
Gallaudet University Funded by the federal involving feedback that is charted or graphed
government to provide a liberal higher educa- and analyzed to identify specic problems and
tion for deaf persons. Offers more than 80
shortfalls in such areas as promotion, product
undergraduate and graduate programs leading
quality, packaging, on-time delivery, pricing,
to A.A., A.S., B.A., B.S., M.S., Ed.D., and
complaint handling, technical service, and
Ph.D. degrees and a program of research relat-
professionalism of sales representatives.
ing to deafness. Provides information and
garnishee A person upon whom garnishment
publishes books and other materials on deaf-
has been served in a suit by a creditor against
ness. Contact: Gallaudet University, 800 Flor-
a debtor, when such person holds property
ida Ave., NE, Washington, D.C. 20002 (phone
202-651-5000; Web site belonging to the debtor or owes him or her
galley proof In desktop publishing, a proof of money.
text copy that is checked and edited before garnishment 1. An order issued by a court that
being made into pages. requires an employer to deduct a stipulated
games Contrived activities, involving goals to portion of an employees pay and deliver it to
be achieved and obstacles to be overcome, that a creditor to settle a debt. 2. The issuance of
are controlled by rules. In training and devel- a notice to a third party to appear in court.
opment, games are contests and matches used garnishment order An order issued by a
in training to develop management skills, court or other agency having legal jurisdiction
improve technical performance, foster coop- that directs an agency (such as social security)
eration and teamwork, and improve decision or employer to withhold a certain amount of
making ability. Applications include leader- benets or pay each month and either (1) send
ship and human relations training, military them to the court or agency or other party to
war games, research, problem solving, exec- forward them to the person or organization
utive testing and selection, marketing, inven- entitled to the payment (such as alimony or
tory control, and management and supervisory child support) or (2) pay the stipulated amount
development. directly to the entitled person or organization.
gaming See games. States have established maximums, but in no
Gantt chart Designed for management by case can federal maximums be exceeded.
exception, a device used in project planning, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
scheduling, and control. Essentially it is a (GC/MS) A laboratory test used to conrm
chart with bars representing subprojects, the accuracy of the results of drug testing.
gassbuku 281 general and administrative

gassbuku A Japanese term that describes an gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
off-site meeting conducted to break down (GLBT) policy Written company nondis-
communication barriers between and among crimination policies covering sexual orienta-
workers and managers to promote and facili- tion and gender identify and/or expression.
tate the exchange of ideas. gay rights See Romer v. Evans.
gastroenterologist A medical doctor who spe- Gemini In travel management, a Canadian
cializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diges- computer reservation system consortium
tive disorders ranging from intestinal pain and owned by Air Canada, Alitalia, British Air-
heartburn to ulcers, liver disease, and cancer. ways, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, PWA
gastroenterology A medical specialty for the Corp., Swissair, United Airlines, and USAir.
diagnosis and treatment of injuries and dis- gender gap The difference between mens
eases of the stomach and intestine. and womens pay for the same or comparable
gastroesophageal reux disease (GERD) A jobs. Also called wage gap.
painful, chronic condition caused by acid gene A fragment or sequence of deoxyribo-
reux (recurrent regurgitation of food and nucleic acid that holds the chemical formula
acid from the stomach into the esophagus) and for making a specic molecule, usually a
characterized by a burning sensation that radi- protein.
ates in an individuals chest. GERD can some- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
times result in serious complications, such as (GATT) A 44-year-old treaty that governs
narrowing of the esophagus, bleeding, block- international trade among nations. On
age, and a precancerous condition called Bar- December 15, 1993, representatives of 117
retts esophagus. nations approved an accord to lower tariffs
gate array On a semiconductor computer and eliminate other trade barriers. The agree-
chip, a matrix of transistors that is uncommit- ment opened foreign markets to U.S. nan-
ted or unassigned, thereby allowing a pro- cial institutions and agricultural products;
grammer to customize logic. protected patented computer chips, drugs,
gatefold An advertising unit whose full size and other products; scaled back export sub-
extends beyond that of the regular page, sidies on farm products; phased out protec-
folded to t within the page trim size. tive quotas on textiles and apparel in the U.S.
gatekeeper 1. An individual (such as a disabil- and other countries over 10 years; and cre-
ity case manager) or group (such as a health ated a World Trade Organization. In 1994,
care coalition) given responsibility for con- proposed GATT rules slashed tariffs 40%,
trolling costs by carefully managing a cut subsidies globally, expanded protection
patients therapy to minimize unnecessary or of intellectual property, and set rules for
duplicate tests and treatment. Usually a family investment and trade in services, and
practitioner, internist, pediatrician, or obstetri- extended global trading rules to such areas
cian-gynecologist. 2. A person who controls as agriculture, services, and intellectual
the informal organization and communication property. The Pension Benet Guarantee
network in an organization. Gatekeepers are Corporation provisions of the bill reduced
invariably in contact with other gatekeepers in the deductibility of pension plans and raised
the organization, and when important infor- corporate premiums for pension plan insur-
mation is identied it is quickly passed along. ance. The U.S. Congress approved the pact
gatekeeper system A form of managed care during its 1994 lame duck session, and the
in which a primary care case management legislation was signed by President Clinton
approach is used to control costs. on December 8, 1994. The accord became
gateway A device that connects two incom- effective July 1, 1995.
patible networks and translates and transmits general and administrative A category of
information from one to the other. overhead costs (indirect); the costs of doing
gay benets The extension of heterosexual business, such as rent, utilities, ofce equip-
spousal benets to homosexual couples. ment, and the like.
General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) 282 General Services Administration (GSA)

General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) employee involvement groups, and so on.
A battery of tests used by about 35 state and Attributed to Stanley M. Herman, manage-
800 local ofces of the U.S. Employment Ser- ment consultant (Lost in the System, Train-
vice for prehiring, selection, and making ing, January 1990).
referrals to businesses. The tests measure can- generalist As differentiated from a specialist,
didates verbal, numerical, perceptual, and a manager who either has more than one set
psychomotor skills. of responsibilities or who has the capability
general corporation The most common type to perform more than one enterprise function.
of business structure, a prot-making venture generalized anxiety disorder Excessive anx-
that can have an unlimited number of stock- iety or worry that occurs most days over a 6-
holders/owners. Stockholders liability is usu- month period. Results in difculty concentrat-
ally limited to the amount of investment in the ing or sleeping, restlessness, irritability, or
business. Requires considerable record keep- fatigue.
ing. Also called a C corporation. generally accepted accounting principles
general court-martial A military tribunal (GAAP) Broad rules, specic rules, and
that has jurisdiction over all personnel charged commonly applied conventions relating to the
with any (typically serious) Uniform Code of measurement, classication, and disclosure of
Military Justice (UCMJ) offense referred to it nancial activities, events, and transactions.
by the convening authority. No charge may general manager (GM) The hotel function-
be referred to a general court-martial until a ary who is responsible for overall policy mak-
thorough and impartial Article 32 investiga- ing, has duciary responsibility for the prop-
tion into the basis for the charge has been erty, manages daily operations of all
made, unless the accused waives this right. A departments, and serves as the ultimate hotel
general court-martial is composed of a mili- authority on problems and issues.
tary judge and not fewer than ve members, general naturalization provisions The basic
which may include commissioned ofcers requirements for naturalization that every
(and enlisted members at the accuseds applicant must meet, unless a member of a
request). In noncapital cases, military judges special class. General provisions require an
may conduct the trial alone at the accuseds applicant to be at least 18 years of age and a
request. A military lawyer is detailed to rep- lawful permanent resident with 5 years of con-
resent the accused member at no expense to tinuous residence in the U.S., to have been
the accused. The member may instead request physically present in the country for half that
that a particular military attorney, if reason- period, and to establish good moral character
ably available, represent him or her. The mem- for at least that period.
ber may also retain a civilian attorney at no general practice A form of medical practice
expense to the government. The prosecutor in which physicians without specialty training
must be a military lawyer (judge advocate). A provide a range of primary health care ser-
general court-martial may adjudge any sen- vices to patients.
tence authorized by the Manual for Courts- General Rule A tax rule that took effect with
Martial for the offenses that the accused is the repeal of the Three-Year Rule for recovery
found to have committed. of annuity payments until an employees total
General Educational Development (GED) contributions to a federal retirement plan were
Test A test used to establish high school recovered. Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986,
equivalency. Successful testees are awarded a all but a small percentage of the annuity is taxed
certicate that qualies them for admission to beginning with the rst annuity payment.
many postsecondary institutions and makes general schedule (GS) The salary classica-
them eligible for federal student aid programs. tion system used by the federal government.
general inclusion group (GIG) In workplace It ranges from GS-1 to GS-18.
improvement, GIGs consist of groups of General Services Administration (GSA)
employees such as quality circles, problem The federal agency responsible for procuring
solving teams, semiautonomous work groups, generic or common goods and services for
general session 283 Genetic Nondiscrimination Legislation

government ofces and agencies. A good generic drug A drug that is sold under its
source of help in locating specic government chemical name. For example, ibuprofen is the
buyers and completing contracting paper- generic name for Motrin. Generic drugs are
work. Contact: GSA, 17th and D. St., SW, required by law to meet the same standards of
Washington, D.C. 20407 (phone 202-501- purity, effectiveness, and strength, and they
0800; fax 202-219-1243; e-mail public.affairs are usually less expensive than their brand or; Web name drug counterparts. See also formulary drug.
general session In conference and meeting generic skills A term applied to certain skills
planning, a session at which all registrants are believed to be associated with a particular
entitled to be present. level of management, such as rst-line super-
Generation I Children born after 1994, the vision, middle management, and top manage-
rst generation to grow up with the Internet. ment.
Attributed to Bill Gates, chairman of genetaceuticals Pharmaceuticals for disorders
Microsoft Corp. associated with aging, such as Alzheimers
Generation X People born in the late 1950s disease, cystic brosis, Lou Gehrigs disease,
and 1960s (some say 1960 to 1980) who will multiple sclerosis, and osteoporosis.
inherit the worlds largest debt and a failing genetic, developmental, and growth studies
educational system. Sometimes called the Long-term investigation of the origin, direc-
twenty-something generation or Xers. The tion, trend, rate, pattern, limit, and decline of
latchkey generation. They look for improved growth. Its purpose is to identify causes, inter-
balance in their lives and want work to be fun. relationships, and patterns of development
Attributed to Douglas Copeland (Generation among such factors as attitudes, computa-
X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture). tional ability, experiential background, habits
Generation Y People born between 1985 and and procedures in problem-solving, interests,
the present; Americans between the ages of 4 learning procedures, length and intensity of
and 12, numbering 20 million, who could sig- instruction, materials of instruction, mental
nicantly inuence American society and the age, methods of instruction, motivation,
workplace by 2010. needs, physiological age, reading ability,
generative learning Learning that is under- social maturity, and socioeconomic status.
taken to change in accordance with what Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
might occur; to anticipate and react to an of 2003 Would bar employers from using
expected change. For example, a company is individuals genetic information in hiring, r-
using generative learning when it forecasts ing, placement, and promotion and allows
and prepares for new client requirements. Also workers to sue employers or health insurance
called predictive learning. companies for misuse of genetic information.
generic analysis A means of analyzing an Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar July
emerging operational system to collect data 31, 2003.
for the development of a cost-effective and Genetic Nondiscrimination Legislation Tw o
instructionally efcient training system while bills currently in the Senate are the Genetic
the operational system is being built. It makes Nondiscrimination in Health Insurance and
use of a generic database. Analysis of current Employment Act (S.318), sponsored by Tom
capabilities enables the analyst to develop pre- Daschle (D-SD) and Tom Harkin (D-IA), and
liminary task listings and objectives and, fol- the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination
lowing renement, to identify alternative Act of 2002 (S.1995), sponsored by Olympia
instructional strategies with associated cost Snowe (R-ME), Mike Enzi (R-WI), Ben Nel-
and personnel development factors. son (D-NE), and Jim Jeffords (I-VT). The
generic database Data derived from analysis bills provisions of interest to HR profession-
of information available from existing opera- als are: (1) eligibility for health care coverage
tional systems that perform functions similar and (2) methods of genetic testing and the use
to that of an emerging system. of genetic information.
genetics-based discrimination 284 gift splitting

genetics-based discrimination Requesting or and clients and tailoring products and services
requiring genetic information for hiring or to the requirements of seniors.
permitting on-the-job discrimination based on Gestalt psychology The school of psychol-
genetics testing. Legislation has been intro- ogy that sees behavior as a function of per-
duced in Congress that would prohibit ceptions and expectations and emphasizes the
employers from requesting such information. tendency of the human mind to organize per-
The bill would also ensure that genetic infor- ceptions into wholes by completing patterns
mation would not be disclosed without the from available stimuli. Human behavior is
specic permission of the affected person. See viewed as being composed of the cognitive
also Executive Order 13145. eld of the individual, life space with its
genomic engineering Technologies used to opportunities, challenges, and barriers. The
design, modify, and rearrange complex genes theory emphasizes the importance of reorga-
and the proteins they encode to develop new nizing, restructuring, and regrouping and the
drugs and protein therapies. individuals responsibility for making choices
genuine assessment See performance assess- and for his or her own behavior.
ment. gestural systems Visual means of communi-
geographical grouping See location grouping. cating with people who are deaf or hard of
geographical information system (GIS) A hearing. Uses pointing and natural gestures.
technology that combines the techniques of No equipment or materials are needed, and
automated mapping systems and statistical they are easily learned and readily interpreted
by both people with disabilities and nondis-
analysis. GIS provides a means of automati-
abled workers. In recent years, an attempt has
cally viewing, analyzing, and correlating data
been made to create a universal system of
in a new and easily understandable format.
gesturing called Gesticula, but it has been
geometric mean estimator A new formula
slow to catch on because most deaf people
for calculating the Consumer Price Index.
prefer to communicate in their own countrys
geriatric care manager (GCM) Professional sign language.
caregivers who assist individuals and families
ghost card A means of controlling travel and
to deal with issues relating to elders and aging entertainment expenses. Involves charging air
and employ local resources when possible and travel expenses to an account number at an
use private services when necessary to ensure agency instead of issuing individual cards to
that elders needs are being met. Most practi- employees. The company pays all expenses in
tioners are available for emergencies 24 hours a negotiated time period (from 10 to 60 days
a day, 7 days a week, and for short- or long- after billing). Offered by such card services
term assignments. GCMs can be located as Air Travel Card, American Express, Citi-
throughout the U.S. by contacting the corp Diners, enRoute, MasterCard, and Visa.
National Association of Professional Geriatric ghost work The additional workload inher-
Care Managers (Web site www.careman- ited by employees who have survived organi- zational downsizing and who typically lack
geriatrician A doctor of medicine who spe- the knowledge, skill, or background needed to
cializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ill- perform the tasks competently. Attributed to
nesses and ailments associated with aging. Hamilton Beazley, Chairman, Strategic Lead-
geriatrics A medical specialty for the diagno- ership Group, Arlington,VA. Also called
sis and treatment of the aged. speed up (because employees have to work
gerontologist An expert on the aging process harder and faster) and stretch-out (because
and the problems of older persons. Formerly employees have to work longer hours).
found only on college faculties and the staffs GI Bill See Montgomery GI Bill.
of institutes, growing numbers are appearing gift splitting Occurs when a spouse joins his
on the staffs of corporate training centers, or her spouse to use the annual $10,000 per
where they are assigned the tasks of sensitiz- year gift tax exclusion so that $20,000 is avail-
ing employees to the needs of older customers able as a gift exclusion amount, even though
Gigabit Ethernet 285 globalization

the property given belongs solely to one Glass Ceiling Commission A 19-member
spouse. commission established by the Civil Rights
Gigabit Ethernet A network access protocol. Act of 1991 to conduct a 15-month study of
Allows a tenfold increase in bandwidth, which the underrepresentation of women and minor-
helps the user cope with unplanned changes ities in the executive, management, and senior
and additions to the network. See also Fast decision making positions in business (Web
Ethernet; Ethernet. site
gigabits Billions of bits per second (in a dig- GlassCeiling/).
ital transmission system). glaucoma A disease of the optic nerve and a
gigabyte (GB, Gbyte, G-byte) A measure of leading causes of blindness in the U.S. Some
the storage capacity of a computer. It is equal cases are hereditary and some are due to com-
to 1,000 megabytes, or one billion bytes. plications of other eye disorders. Still other
Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp. cases are due to injuries, certain drugs,
A 1991 Supreme Court decision that sup- tumors, inammation, and abnormal blood
ported the growing use of alternative dispute vessels. The transparent uid inside the for-
resolution procedures to solve employee ward part of the eye does not drain normally,
conicts. The Court held that a claim under excess pressure builds up within the eye, and
the optic nerve is damaged.
the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
1967 is subject to binding arbitration based global company A way of organizing a busi-
ness across national boundaries in which the
on an agreement an employee signed with his
company operates on a global scale and
former employer.
attempts to deliver standardized products and
Ginnie Mae See Government National Mort-
services using global human, materiel, and
gage Association.
nancial resources. Reserved to describe com-
Ginnie Mae securities An agency that buys
panies that integrate all employees in overseas
home loans, backed by the federal govern-
ventures and establish multicultural teams.
ment, from lenders, pools them with other See also multinational.
loans, and sells shares to investors.
global distribution system In travel manage-
Gissel bargaining order (GBO) A National ment, a reservation system that provides uni-
Labor Relations Board directive that requires form and reliable travel booking services
an employer to bargain with a union that has throughout the world without regard to coun-
never won an election. Said to be a potential try, computer reservation system, or travel
adverse consequence of a nding that an agency.
employee participation plan is unlawful. global education Encouraging students to
giveback A benet, usually one with low understand, accept, and relate to diverse cul-
monetary value, that the employer requires tures and to celebrate differences while learn-
employees whether in groups or unions ing about the qualities, traits, and values they
to surrender to achieve cost savings. Examples share with others. Also called multicultural
are Christmas parties, personalized stationery education.
or notepads, magazine subscriptions, health global fee In health care reimbursement, a at
club memberships, and use of company cars. rate that encompasses more than one type of
glass ceiling The bias barrier that keeps many service; for example, a global fee for surgery
women from advancing beyond middle man- may include all pre- and postoperative care.
agement positions into the executive suite. globalization Operating a company without
Glass Ceiling Act of 1991 Short title for Title regard to international borders. Instead of
II of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. The legis- exporting goods and services from their
lation was designed to raise public awareness home countries, rms go where their cus-
of the underrepresentation of women and tomers and clients are, and, using foreign
minorities in line functions in the U.S. work- nationals, they establish manufacturing and
force, to eliminate barriers to their advance- service facilities to serve those customers.
ment, and to promote work force diversity. That is, they produce, sell, and service their
global learning system 286 Gold Awards

customers from foreign facilities rather than They identify the kind, direction, and degree
export those products and services from the of change, improvement, or results sought in
U.S. all programs, services, and activities. Goals
global learning system New courses and provide guidelines for critical organizational
other forms of learning systems designed to programs and activities and ensure that atten-
meet the standards, requirements, and tion and resources are focused on important
demands of another culture. ends. See also objective.
Global Paragon Awards Recognize innova- goal congruence That state or condition
tion and creativity in meetings sponsored where there is general agreement among exec-
by Meeting Professionals International. utives, managers, staffers, and employees on
Entrants are judged in the areas of goals, con- the purposes, goals, and direction of the orga-
tent, logistics, and results for meetings held nization.
between July 1 and June 30 of the preceding Goals 2000: Educate America Act of 1994
year. Contact: MPI, 4455 LBJ Freeway, Suite An education plan signed into law by Presi-
1200, Dallas, TX 75244-5903 (phone 972- dent Clinton on March 31, 1994. The Act
702-3000; fax 972-702-3070; e-mail feed- established a National Skills Standards Board; Web site www.mpi- to set educational standards as well as identify broad clusters of occupations for which skill
global pricing In health care, a reimburse- standards are to be developed. The legislation
ment system in which the provider is paid a also requires participating states to develop,
xed price for medical products and services but not implement, education reform plans
for one incidence of illness. Payment includes that set voluntary standards for U.S. schools
hospital costs, the primary physician, special- and certication for job training programs. It
ists, surgeon, anesthesiologist, and any other focuses on improved curriculum, student per-
changes incurred by the patient. formance, professional development for
global rotational opportunities A means of teachers, increased parental and community
developing international executives and a involvement, increased exibility of regula-
strategy for ensuring that employees selected tions, and greater accountability for schools.
for international assignments do not fail. Typ- goal-setting theory The motivation theory
ically, participants receive both formal and on- that suggests that the way to maintain the
the-job training and spend 6 months to 2 years motivation of all employees is to set difcult
on an assignment so that they can experience but specic and attainable goals and provide
a different culture and work environment. feedback on goal accomplishment.
global system for mobile communications going postal A euphemism for violence in the
(GSM) A digital wireless technology ser- workplace. It alludes to the rash of violent
vice that carries a subscribers data in a sub- acts, including murders and assaults, perpe-
scriber identity module or smartcard, which trated by U.S. Postal Service employees
is inserted into the phone to activate service. against their fellow workers.
global travel manager Typically, a senior- going public Said of a privately owned com-
level corporate travel position. The incumbent pany that tries to raise money by selling shares
is responsible for developing and managing that can be traded on the stock market.
worldwide travel operations. Gold Awards Annual awards presented to
glocal The aspiration of companies to achieve Convention & Visitors Bureaus and com-
a global posture and presence and, at the same mercial meeting facilities and services by
time, satisfy the demands of domestic prefer- Meetings & Conventions magazine based on
ences. the judgments of M&C subscribers. Three
goal A statement of desired long-term out- classes of awards are made: The Gold Service
comes or results of what an organization Award is presented to bureaus that demon-
wants to accomplish and where it wants to be strate professionalism, dedication, and service
5 or more years down the road. Goals are to corporate incentive and association meeting
typically qualitative rather than quantitative. planners; (2) the Gold Key is presented to
gold-collar workers 287 Goods and Services

properties that show consistent excellence in Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. (GSW)
serving the meetings industry; and (3) the An organization of wives who have lost a
Gold Platter Award recognizes food and bev- spouse during service in the armed forces.
erage departments that provide outstanding Offers members support services, volunteer
levels of quality, creativity, and professional- work and support in community, military,
ism. Contact: M&C, 500 Plaza Dr., Secaucus, and VA hospitals, and legislative information
NJ 07094-3626 (phone 201-902-1700; fax services. Contact: GSW, 5510 Columbia
201-319-1796). Pike, Ste. 205, Arlington, VA 22204 (phone
gold-collar workers Scientists, engineers, 703-527-7706 or 888-479-9788; e-mail
and other professional workers in short supply; Web site www.goldstar-
who are paid premium salaries to attract and
retain them. go/no-go standard The point in a training
golden bungee cord A means of avoiding the program at which trainees must demonstrate
permanent loss of talented executives. Exec- that they have acquired the knowledge and
utives displaced by mergers or corporate take- skills needed to progress further in the pro-
overs are allowed to collect their severance gram or graduate, receive remedial instruc-
packages but then bounce back as indepen- tion, or be eliminated.
dent contractors or consultants. good cause In unionmanagement relations, a
golden carrots Incentive programs that in- term often used to identify the standard by
volve the use of such inducements to motiva- which employers must justify their disciplin-
tion and productivity as company stock, schol- ary actions.
arships, all-expense-paid vacations, and This good faith bargaining In labormanagement
negotiations, serious and determined attempts
Is Your Career home videos.
on the part of both parties to negotiate and
golden handcuffs A means of retaining key
reach reasonable and mutually acceptable
employees, incentives and benets (such as
terms on issues in question.
salary increases or participation in stock
good faith effort strategy or system An
option plans) that are tied to continued
approach to achieving results in afrmative
employment with an organization. Termina-
action programs that involves changing poli-
tion of employment for any reason would
cies and practices that have tended to contrib-
result in forfeiture of the benet or incentive.
ute to the exclusion or underutilization of
golden handshake See early retirement incen- members of protected groups (minorities and
tive program. females), such as advertising vacancies to
golden parachute Lucrative severance salary reach minorities, providing child day care ser-
and benets contractual packages drawn up in vices, and establishing basic skills programs.
advance and activated and awarded to senior Good Samaritan laws Passed by most states,
executives upon a change in corporate control the laws protect individuals or groups from
and at least one of several other triggering liability if they provide assistance to people;
circumstances established by Congress in for example, giving rst aid to victims of an
1984. Examples are the ofcials subsequent accident or donating food to the homeless
termination without cause by the combined (soup kitchens, detoxication centers, day
company, reduction in the ofcials responsi- care facilities, and so on). However, there are
bilities, or mandatory relocation. Benets typ- certain laws that must be respected, such as
ically provide for an increase in or accelera- keeping hot food hot and cold food cold.
tion of payments or vesting or other rights of Goods and Services/General Services Tax
the employee. (GST) A form of national sales tax that went
golden passport A master of business admin- into effect in January 1991. It levied a 7% tax
istration degree from a prestigious graduate on all goods and services bought or sold in
school of business, which is often assumed to Canada (and additional GST of up to 7% from
be the credential for high-level CEO/COO individual provinces). The tax affected exhib-
positions, high salaries, and perks. itors and show managers, who have to pay the
goods producing industries 288 Government National Mortgage

tax on rental of Canadian exhibit halls and ghters or 12-hour sorties in two-pilot
other goods and services. However, exhibitors aircraft.
and meeting organizers may claim a refund gothic In typography, usually refers to sans
on hotel accommodations (for stays of less serif type designs, but sometimes applied to
than 1 month), meeting rooms, exhibit space, black letter types.
convention show services, audiovisual ser- gout A form of arthritis caused by an accu-
vices, photography services, electrical ser- mulation of uric acid in the body that migrates
vices, moving services, accounting and legal to the joints, where it forms crystals that cause
services, destination management companies, inammation and pain. It affects about 1 mil-
security services, speakers and educational lion Americans.
seminars, seminar materials, newsletter ser- governance The system of management used
vices, business equipment, exhibit design and to lead, direct, command, and control an orga-
display, and transportation into and out of nization.
Canada. Not included for rebates are food and government benets program A benets
beverages, tobacco, entertainment, car rentals, program supported by the federal government,
and other transportation not directly related to although some are cooperative programs with
the meeting or convention. Planners also have state governments and many are administered
to collect taxes paid on goods and services by state public assistance ofces. In addition
that they sell at Canadian trade shows before to social security, other benets programs
applying for rebates. In 1996 a change in the include Supplemental Security Income,
law required nonresident corporations (and unemployment insurance, food stamps, child
not individual travelers) to le for a refund of support enforcement, family and child welfare
eligible taxes paid by all of their employees services, workers compensation, veterans
in Canada and have the refund sent to the benets, railroad workers retirement, help for
the blind, and other special programs.
company. A reclaim form, Tax Refund Appli-
government contract laws See Armed Forces
cation for Visitors, is available in most hotels
Procurement Act of 1947; Contract Work
and shops. For more information, call 613-
Hours and Safety Standards Act of 1962;
996-7861. For information and rebate forms:
Davis-Bacon Acts of 1931 and 1964; Drug-
in Toronto, 416-954-0473; in Montreal, 514-
Free Workplace Act of 1988; McNamara-
426-8293; in Ottawa, 613-990-8584.
O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965; Walsh-
goods producing industries Include manu-
Healy Public Contracts Act of 1936.
facturing, mining, and construction.
Government Employees Hospital Associa-
goodwill 1. The positive attitude of a customer tion, Inc. (GEHA) A health plan for federal
or client toward a particular company, which employees, federal retirees, and their families.
causes the customer or client to continue Offers comprehensive coverage for physician
doing business with it. 2. In accounting terms, care, hospitalization, maternity, well-child care,
it is the difference between the fair market and prescription drugs. Contact: GEHA,P.O.
value of a business and the aggregate fair Box 4665, Independence, MO 64051-4665
value of its net separate assets. (phone 800-821-6136 or 816-257-5500; TDD
gopher On the Internet, a database of textual 800-821-4833; e-mail;
information organized by menus. Designed by Web site
the University of Minnesota, the computer Government National Mortgage Associa-
search system lets Internet users scan for text tion (GNMA) An organization that issues
and data les in large mainframe computers, government-backed securities (called Ginnie
particularly at college and university sites. Maes) that typically yield from 1 to 2 percent-
go pills Amphetamines, such as Dexedrine, age points more than a 10-year U.S. Treasury
used to improve the mental performance of Bond yet carry the same full and faith credit
people who are fatigued. Prescribed by Air guarantee by the federal government as to
Force ight surgeons for pilots who y mis- timely repayment of principal and interest. By
sions over 8 hours in length for single-pilot helping to ensure that mortgage funds are
Government Pension Offset (GPO) 289 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999

available throughout the country, Ginnie Mae grade point average (GPA) An index of stu-
has been instrumental in eliminating regional dent achievement. It is calculated through the
differences in the availability of mortgage following steps: (1) multiply the grade point
credit for American families and ensuring value (numerical grade awarded) by the num-
mortgage capital for government housing pro- ber of credits for each course, (2) take the
grams. Ginnie Mae links the capital and fed- products of those multiplications and add
eral housing markets by facilitating secondary them up; (3) add up the total number of cred-
market activities for federally insured hous- its, and (4) divide the sum of the products of
ing. Contact: GNMA, 451 Seventh St., NW, the grade point values and credits (see step 2)
Washington, D.C. 20410-9000 (phone 703- by the sum of the credits (see step 3). For
918-3907; Web site example: Where the grade point value for an
Government Pension Offset (GPO) Reduc- A is 4.0, for a B+ is 3.3, for a C is 2.0, for a
tion or elimination of social security benets
C is 1.7, and for a D is 1.3:
payments to federal workers or retirees who
rst became eligible to retire December 1982
Grade point Credits
or later. Enacted in 1977 and became effective value earned
in December 1982. Two thirds of the amount
4.0 3 = 12.0
of government annuity the retiree is eligible 3.3 3 = 9.9
for is used to offset whatever social security 2.0 3 = 6.0
the spouse (wife, husband, widow, or wid- 1.7 3 = 5.1
1.3 3 = 3.9
ower) benet is payable. Several exemptions
apply: (1) anyone eligible for a government 36.9
annuity before December 1982 and meets the
1977 law requirements; (2) anyone who is a 36.9 (total from step 2) divided by 15 (total
federal survivor annuitant; (3) anyone eligible from step 3) = 2.46 (grade point average).
for a government annuity before July 1, 1983, graduated benets Health care or other em-
and received one half support from the male ployee benet plans in which the amount con-
or female spouse; (4) Federal Employee
tributed by the employer is determined by the
Retirement System employees and Civil
number of years the worker has been em-
Service Retirement System employees who
ployed by the company, so shorter-term work-
transferred to FERS; and (5) former CR-SRS
ers pay more for their coverage than those who
employees rehired beginning January 1, 1984,
following a separation of 1 year or more. Dur- have been with the company for many years.
ing the 108th Congress on February 5, 2003, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) A
Representative Howard Buck McKeon (R- series of aptitude and achievement tests
CA) along with 91 original co-sponsors intro- administered by the Educational Testing
duced a bill, H.R. 594, that would repeal the Service of Princeton, NJ to applicants for
GPO and the windfall elimination provision admission to graduate schools. Registrants
(WEP). Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) must take three morning tests that measure
introduced her companion GPO/WEP repeal verbal, quantitative, and analytical aptitude
bill, S. 349, in the Senate on February 11, and an afternoon test that assesses achieve-
2003. ment in the registrants major eld of under-
grace period A set period of time during graduate study. Scores on the tests are
which a borrower does not have to make pay- reported to the registrant and to the admissions
ments of principal or interest on certain loans. ofces of graduate schools selected by the
graded vesting A vesting schedule in which registrant.
vesting occurs over a period of 5 to 15 years: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 Requires
25% vesting after 5 years of service, plus 5% nancial institutions in any business engag-
for each additional year of service up to 10 ing in nancial activities (such as retailers
years and 50% vesting after 10 years, plus an that issue credit cards) to notify their custom-
additional 10% for each year thereafter. ers of plans to share nonpublic information
grampies 290 graphic design

with a third party so that they can voice their grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT) A
opposition. means of avoiding estate taxes and gift taxes
grampies Describes the Growing number of by putting an investment portfolio into an irre-
people over 60 who are Retired, Active, Mon- vocable trust. For example, a parent could
ied People In an Excellent State. They are transfer $200,000 to an irrevocable trust with
seen as an overlooked source of workers. his or her children as beneciaries. The trust
Attributed to marketing expert Sandra Van der would provide that a specied percentage of
Merve. the initial value of the assets; for example, 8
grandiose delusion In mental illness, a delu- or 10% is to be paid out each year to the donor
sion in which the subject believes himself or for a denite time. Substantial gift-tax savings
herself possessed of great wealth, intelligence, would accrue because the gift tax would only
importance, power, and the like. be paid on a fraction of what is placed in the
grandparent caregiver A form of nontradi- trust. At the end of the period the trust termi-
tional household. Shared living arrangements nates, and the remaining assets are distributed
in which grandparents care for their grandchil- to the beneciaries with no further gift or
dren. Caused by greater distances between estate tax. However, if the parent should die
family members, higher housing costs, deaths before the expiration of the trust, the trusts
and divorces, less secure retirement, and assets would be included in the estate and
increased numbers of older Americans.
grant price The xed-price cost of shares in
grandpa track High achieving, seasoned, and
a company based on the trading price at the
valued executives, senior managers, scientists,
time of the grant of the option.
and engineers who have decided to leave the
grapevine An informal communication net-
fast track and pursue a less stressful and more
work or system that operates in most organi-
leisurely work pace and lifestyle. They have
zations, the grapevine consists of irregular
opted for less job pressure, fewer responsibil-
channels by which information, including
ities, and more time for family, friends, com-
scuttlebutt and rumors, is passed from one
munity, and other interests. Companies have
person to another. Its importance lies in what
begun to accommodate these employees by
is being transmitted and why rather than in
implementing human resources policies to who is on it or how it works.
prevent them from leaving. Policies include graphic aids Pictures, drawings, illustrations,
elimination of responsibilities, exible work photographs, blueprints, templates, chalk-
options, home-based work, job engineering, boards, bulletin boards, easels, magnetic plac-
sabbatical leaves, unpaid leave with full ards, embossograph placards, maps, charts,
benets, and personal leave. diagrams, and ip charts used in training or
granny dumping The practice of abandoning other forms of communication.
elderly family members at hospital emergency graphical user interface (GUI) Provides
rooms (or other public places) when their rel- users at work stations the ability to interact
atives no longer feel that they can (or want to) with software visually (e.g., using a mouse to
care for them. drag icons representing data from a main-
grant A sum of money given to an individual frame window to a work station window).
or organization that does not have to be paid Examples are Apples Macintosh Interface,
back. Microsofts Windows 3.x environment for
granted entitlements Benets given by Con- DOS and X Windows for UNIX.
gress on the basis of need or for some other graphic data display See area chart; horizon-
policy purpose, such as Aid to Dependent tal bar chart; line chart; pie chart; vertical bar
Children, food stamps, Medicaid, unemploy- chart.
ment insurance, and farm subsidies. graphic design The processes of creating and
grantor The person who creates a trust and assembling material that is readable, pleasing
names a trustee and beneciaries. Also to the eye, and visually logical for input to
called a settlor, donor, or creator. and manipulation by a computer; output of the
Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) 291 green card

nal product is hard copy. It is performed by graphoanalysis Assessing character traits by

talented and experienced artisans or practitio- analyzing handwriting. It is used much more
ners using desktop publishing or software for often in the hiring process in Europe than in
electronic print production. the U.S.
Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) The most grass See marijuana.
common format for graphic images on the Gratz v. Bollinger In October 1997, the plain-
Internet. tiffs led a suit charging that the point-based
graphic item count (GIC) A technique used admission system used by the University of
to analyze individual test items to determine Michigans College of Literature, Science and
where a multiple-choice test or a subgroup of the Arts, which automatically awarded minor-
testees went wrong. GIC is the rst step in ities one fth of the points needed to guarantee
determining the difculty of an item. It iden- admission, violated their civil rights. In a June
ties and tabulates the number of testees 23, 2003 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court
selecting each of the alternative answers to ruled 63 that the point system was invalid
every test item. because it was not narrowly tailored to
graphics Drawings, diagrams, photographs, achieve the interest in educational diversity.
transparencies, graphs, maps, and other mate- See Grutter v. Bollinger.
rials used as illustrations in documents, books, gray area reservists Military personnel who
handouts, projected visuals, videotapes and have completed the required 20 or more years
cassettes, and live presentations and televi- of service and are otherwise qualied to begin
sion. receiving retired pay but have not reached
age 60.
graphics-based training A computer-based
gray marketing Marketing and sale of a sup-
interactive training system that employs com-
pliers products by an unauthorized distributor.
puterized touch-graphics as the primary train-
gray matter Older, mature, and experienced
ing vehicle.
workers hired by young entrepreneurs to lend
graphic scale A rating scale that combines
credibility to their businesses.
both numerical scales and adjectives (or
Gray Panthers An activist coalition of about
descriptive phrases) that describe theoretically
70,000 young and elderly members and sup-
equally spaced degrees of performance placed
porters founded by Maggie Kuhn in 1970 to
below a horizontal line. The length of the line
eradicate ageism, or discrimination on the
represents the full range of the ability, perfor- basis of age. A primary objective of the
mance, or trait to be rated. groups research, organization, picketing,
graphic scanner An electronic device used in demonstrating, and lobbying activities has
the printing process to make color and tone- been to cause a revolutionary change in social
corrected color separations and in desktop attitudes toward older people and how private
publishing to convert drawings and photo- institutions and government agencies deal
graphs to computer-usable form. There are with older Americans. Campaigns have been
two types: line art scanners used for black- aimed at nursing homes, retirement develop-
and-white drawings and lettering and contin- ers, and mass-transit systems, and the organi-
uous tone scanners that can handle photo- zation has worked to ban mandatory retire-
graphs, shaded drawings, and color. ment, expand job opportunities, and improve
graphics technology Computer hardware and housing and medical care for the elderly.
software that allow desktop publishers, green A person or industry that is environmen-
designers, and artists to create original art and tally responsible.
photographers to retouch or manipulate pho- green card A permit issued by the U.S. Immi-
tos quickly and inexpensively. gration and Naturalization Service that entitles
graphic system Consists of all of the visual an alien to permanent residency and employ-
elements used to promote a company (statio- ment in the U.S. Unless revoked for cause, an
nery, advertising, Web site, collateral, T-shirts, alien admitted for lawful permanent resi-
and so on). dence can stay in the U.S. indenitely, work
green circle 292 grievance

anywhere, travel in and out of the country Seal certies that the product is ecologically
freely, and sponsor qualifying relatives for safe.
immigrant visas. green tax A tax levy, usually 1 or 2%, added
green circle Used in job plotting charts to to purchases of environmental goods or ser-
highlight an employee who is paid below the vices, such as lake and river cleanup, bike
minimum of the salary grade set for the job. paths, biodegradable refuse bags, recycling,
green executives Senior executives in service and so on.
and consumer-goods companies given respon- green training Training for executives and
sibility for developing and implementing cor- managers in environmental awareness. It is
porate environmental policies to avoid litiga- designed to educate personnel on the things
tion and Environmental Protection Agency- they can do to become environmentally sen-
imposed penalties, improve their image, cash sitive. In some companies these executives
in on the green marketing boom, and nur- have made wholesale changes in marketing
ture the earth. strategies and increased corporate spending to
green fund See green tax. improve the environment.
green guest rooms Environmentally clean Green Tree Financial Corp. v. Bazzle A
hotel rooms that have purer air and water than Supreme Court decision relating to the ques-
standard rooms. Special air lters remove tion of whether classwide arbitration is an
smoke, dust, pollen, and other impurities and option under a mandatory arbitration agree-
lters on shower heads and lavatories make ment that is silent on the subject. The Supreme
tap water pure and drinkable. Some hotels Court of South Carolina assumed jurisdiction,
charge extra for these rooms. consolidated the proceedings and held that the
green loan A bank loan offered to help cor- contracts were silent with respect to class arbi-
porate or individual borrowers meet legally tration, that they consequently authorized
binding environmental standards, such as class arbitration, and that arbitration had prop-
asbestos removal, septic system upgrading, erly taken that form. On June 23, 2003 the
underground fuel tank disposal, lead paint U.S. Supreme Court disafrmed the judgment
removal, pollution cleanup, and access for and returned the case to the Supreme Court
people with disabilities. of South Carolina for disposition.
green mail The strategy of buying a large grey fare A ticketing practice that exploits
amount of stock in a company so that man- fare loopholes, such as back-to-back ticket-
agement, suspecting a takeover attempt, will ing, hidden city fare, and meeting fare. Con-
buy it back at a premium price. sidered illegal by some airlines and unethical
green manufacturing Production of con- by some companies but considered smart cost
sumer goods that are ecologically friendly or reduction strategies by other organizations.
environmentally benign, such as biodegrad- grid training An approach to team building
able packaging and environmentally harmless developed by Blake and Mouton. Based on a
products. managerial grid representing several possi-
green marketing Marketing and selling prod- ble leadership styles (depending upon whether
ucts that are ecologically safe or environmen- the manager is more concerned with people
tally harmless. or production), the four-phase program
green rooms Hotel rooms with water systems (which may extend over a period of 3 to 5
that lter out chlorine, iron, sulfur, and other years) aims to develop 9,9 managers people
contaminants and air-cleaning systems that who are equally concerned about people and
remove pollen. production.
Green Seal of Approval Awarded by a non- grievance A dispute, claim, complaint, or alle-
prot organization funded by donors, attests gation by an employee or group of employees
that the product has been tested by environ- that a violation, misinterpretation, or misap-
mental experts and the product life cycle plication of a provision of the collective bar-
examined from raw materials and manufac- gaining agreement (union contract) has
ture to usage, recycling, and disposal. The occurred.
grievance procedure 293 gross profit (GP)

grievance procedure A carefully worded gross estate The value of all of a decedents
description of the process to be followed by property, regardless of location, to the extent
grievants, the union, and management in of his or her equity at the time of death.
resolving grievances. The grievance proce- grossing up. 1. Paying the recipient of an
dure is made a part of the collective bargaining incentive award additional money so that he or
agreement or contract and contains the various she can pay the taxes. However, the employee,
steps (up to six or more), time limits for each customer, or independent contractor who
step, and specic rules. receives the award and the additional money
Griggs v. Duke Power A case tried before the must pay taxes on the total amount received.
U.S. Supreme Court in 1971, relating to the See also incentive travel. 2. In computing
issue of employment tests, in which the Court estate taxes of nonresidents, the practice of
stated that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act valuing the whole estate of the decedent,
of 1964 focused on the consequences of regardless of the location of the properties, and
employment practices and not their intent. then determining the percentage of the prop-
erty located in each state and applying that
Although the Court criticized testing in gen-
percentage to what would have been the estate
eral, it left companies free to use tests, but it
tax if the decedent had died a domiciliary of
banned tests that have an adverse impact on
the state making the calculation.
a protected class unless they can be demon-
grossly retarded. See severely retarded.
strated to be related to job performance.
gross margin (GM). A measure used in direct
gross domestic product (GDP) An eco-
costing. Gross margin is the difference
nomic indicator that in 1991 replaced (by the
between marginal costs (variable or control-
Commerce Department) the gross national lable costs) and sales revenue.
product (GNP) as the primary measure of
how well the U.S. economy is doing. The GM = sales revenue marginal costs
GDP measures all the goods and services
produced by labor and property located in gross national product (GNP). An economic
the U.S. As long as the labor and property indicator, a measure of the performance of a
are located in the U.S., the suppliers (the nations economy or production. GNP is the
workers and, for property, the owners) may market value of all the goods and services
be either U.S. residents or the residents of produced by labor and property supplied by
other countries. The change makes the eco- U.S. residents whether located in the U.S. or
nomic indicator compatible with those of abroad. To be included, there must be current
most other countries; however, for the U.S. production as well as a market transaction;
the dollar levels of GDP and GNP differ lit- therefore, transfer payments (such as receipt
tle. In some countries the difference between of a pension or capital gain) or goods and
services produced for ones own use are not
GDP and GNP is much larger. In December
included in the GNP. To move from gross
1995, the Commerce Departments Bureau
national product to gross domestic product,
of Economic Analysis made major changes
one must subtract factor income receipts
in the way it calculates the GDP to correct
from foreigners, which represent the goods
aws in the method of calculation. Instead
and services produced abroad using the labor
of using certain xed-weight measures of and property supplied by U.S. residents, and
economic output, the BEA switched to what add factor income payments to foreigners,
it calls a chain-weighted GDP. For exam- which represent the goods and services pro-
ple, instead of measuring the production of duced in the U.S. using labor and property
a certain item at an index pegged to 1987 supplied by foreigners.
prices, the new calculation uses a weighted gross prot (GP) In costing and pricing, the
measure that is closer to current prices. As a difference between total cost (xed and vari-
consequence, productivity drops and yields able) of goods sold from sales revenue.
a slower growth in GDP than under the old
method of calculation. GP = sales revenue (xed costs + variable costs)
ground operator 294 group interview

ground operator See destination manage- group dynamics 1. The social processes by
ment company. which people interact face-to-face in small
group annuity An annuity that provides groups circles of people who are interact-
benets to a group of plan participants under ing with regard to a common, explicit goal. 2.
a single contract between the employer and A view of leadership as the property of a
the insurer. group or organization, not of a particular per-
group assessment See assessment center. son (the structured or imposed leader) but as
group auto insurance Employer-sponsored a set of functions that, under ideal conditions,
purchase of auto insurance, referred to as mass become distributed within the group.
merchandising by the insurance industry. The group facilitator An HR/HRD competency
employer selects the insurance carrier and involving skills in working with groups in
chooses an insurance agent to handle the either training or problem solving situations.
enrollment. There are two forms: franchise Group Health Association of America
group and true group programs. In the former, (GHAA) An organization concerned with
each employee is individually underwritten by developing alternatives to the way medical ser-
the insurance company, pays individual pre- vices traditionally have been delivered and
mium rates, and receives an individual policy. nanced. GHAA also provides its members
With true group programs, participation is with legislative representation, legal counsel,
based on conditions relating to employment educational programs, research, and publica-
without individual underwriting. tions. Contact: GHAA, 1129 20th Street, NW,
Ste. 600, Washington, D.C. 20036 (phone 202-
group benet plan accounting See batch
778-3200; e-mail; Web
processing; transaction-based valuation.
group bonus A bonus paid to all members of
group health coverage Health care coverage
a work team or task force based on outstand-
for which a person or covered dependent is
ing performance or productivity as a group.
eligible because of employment by, member-
group (event charge) card A payment sys-
ship in, or connection with a particular orga-
tem vehicle designed for corporate meeting
nization or group that provides payment for
planners to help them manage group and
hospital, medical, dental, or other health care
meeting expenditures. Such cards enable cor- services or supplies.
porations to track expenses by geographical
group home See licensed group home.
region, department, meeting planner, or event
group incentives A type of compensation
and track spending by vendor or destination. program built around bonuses awarded to
group college benets Providing employees small groups or work teams based on their
with a range of services, such as college performance. They are typically tied to a com-
entrance and nancing advice and assistance. panys strategic goals and objectives or pro-
Includes on-site workshops; individual con- ductivity measures.
sultations with professional advisors; person- group interview 1. A method of collecting
alized reports on schools that match a stu- job data in which a large number of job incum-
dents academic abilities, interests, and needs; bents are called together to provide informa-
and admission essay tips, in addition to nan- tion about their jobs. A trained job analyst
cial aid estimates. asks questions designed to elicit job perfor-
group/convention fare A special air fare mance data. Following the interview the job
offered to large groups of travelers. analyst combines the data into a single com-
group decision support system (GDSS) posite job schedule. 2. An employment inter-
A system that uses especially designed, inter- view conducted by a small group of the pro-
active computer hardware and software to spective employees peers. The format is
structure and facilitate ideation, brainstorm- usually structured and designed to allow the
ing, and decision making. Used by human candidate to demonstrate how he or she relates
resource professionals to lead successful to people. 3. A training technique involving a
group or team sessions. 30- to 50-minute dialogue scheduled and
group legal benefits 295 groupthink

conducted between an expert in the eld or or divisions. The group is accountable to a

topic under study and a group of trainees. corporate element similar to a subsidiary, but
Interviews are conducted to clarify and ana- it is not legally chartered and does not have a
lyze problems and issues; to obtain authorita- board of directors.
tive information, opinion, and impressions on group outplacement A cost-cutting approach
issues; and to set the stage for follow-on learn- to the provision of outplacement services to
ing activities. Interviewees are informed in employees, including senior- and middle-
advance of the kinds of questions they are level workers, who are losing their jobs
likely to be asked. because of corporate downsizing. Rather than
group legal benets See group legal plan. individual counseling, employees are given
group legal care See group legal plan. assistance in small, goal-oriented groups.
group legal plan A type of ancillary benet group pension plan A type of pension plan
illegal in some states but supported by some in which employers (and sometimes employ-
large unions as a way of ensuring that their ees) make set contributions to a pension fund.
members will be able to protect their rights. group practice 1. Three or more physicians
Such plans provide employees prepaid legal who deliver patient care; make joint use of
assistance with such problems as wills, facilities, equipment, and support personnel;
divorce, accidents, purchasing a home, and and divide their income by a prearranged for-
trafc matters, supported in whole or in part mula. 2. A training technique in which the
by the employer. Sometimes tied in with instructor leads trainees through a series of
employee assistance plans. questions and answers relating to the current
group legal services (GLS) See group legal lesson by either calling on volunteers or
plan. requiring choral responding (the group calls
group life insurance A type of life insurance out answers in unison).
policy often provided by organizations to their group practice health maintenance organi-
employees either without cost or at lower pre- zation (GPHMO) An HMO that contracts
mium rates than would be available to indi- with teams of multidisciplinary physicians in
viduals. Its main function is to provide death private practice who agree to provide health
benets, usually two or three times salary. care to plan members, often in collaboration
group model HMO A type of health main- with their continuing private practices. GPH-
tenance organization in which group prac- MOs deliver a wide range of services at one
tices are contracted to provide care to mem- location and provide in-patient services
bers of the plan. The HMO rents the services through afliated hospitals.
of the physicians in a separate group practice group practice without walls (GPWW) A
and pays the group a per capita rate. The form of health care delivery system that does
physician group distributes the payment not require the participation of a hospital. It
among its members and manages the practices is composed of private practice physicians
of its physicians. who agree to combine their practices into a
Group of Eight (G-8) An economic and - single legal entity but who continue to practice
nancial alliance of the eight largest industri- medicine in their independent locations. Also
alized nations: Canada, France, Germany, known as a clinic without walls.
Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the group process Deals with how a task force or
U.S. Replaced the Group of Seven. work group functions; the roles of the leader,
Group of Seven (G-7) An economic and facilitator, members, and resource persons;
nancial alliance of the seven largest indus- and their actions and interactions; rather than
trial nations: Canada, France, Germany, Great with the actual problems, issues, or content
Britain, Italy, Japan, and the U.S. Meets annu- addressed.
ally to discuss major economic and political groupthink The results of a leaders abuse of
issues. power and encouragement of group members
group (organization) An independent busi- to defer totally, deluding themselves into
ness unit consisting of multiple prot centers believing that the leader is infallible, and
group universal life plan (GULP) 296 guaranteed investment contract (GIC)

becoming blind to opposing points of view grounds and viewpoints. Although noting
or irrefutable evidence contrary to their posi- that race cannot be a determining factor, the
tion. Attributed to Irving L. Janis of Yale Court stated that higher education must be
University (Victims of Groupthink, Houghton accessible to all individuals. Although
Mifin, 1972). applied directly only to public institutions,
group universal life plan (GULP) An exten- private colleges are also affected because the
sion of group universal life insurance that decision forbids racial discrimination by edu-
combines term protection for beneciaries cation institutions that receive federal funds.
with an investment element for the policy- guarantee In contracts with hotels or other
holder. Such plans are nanced by employees properties for meetings, the number of meals
after-tax payroll deduction contributions. to be paid for, whether or not they are actually
Excess contributions may go into an invest- consumed.
ment fund that earns on a tax-deferred basis, guarantee agency Under federal student aid
and earnings can be used to pay premiums. programs, a state organization that adminis-
Participation is entirely voluntary. ters Federal Family Education Loans.
group videoconferencing Systems that can Although the federal government sets loan
accommodate large groups (as many as 16 limits and interest rates, these state agencies
users) and up to eight concurrent meetings and establish additional limitations within federal
allow simultaneous networking of digital net- guidelines. For further information call the
works in a single call. Computer graphics can Federal Student Aid Information Center at
be displayed on one high-resolution monitor 800-433-3243
while video can be seen on another monitor.
Guaranteed Access to Education (GATE)
Essentially, these systems are miniature video
A private pilot student loan program. The plan
studios controlled by computer.
requires no up-front fee and features deferral
groupware Computer software that expands
of interest charges (varying from 8 to 9.75%)
the concept of electronic mailbox/mail by
until after graduation and a 13-year repayment
including group management elements such
schedule with low monthly obligations the
as communication and interaction, document
rst 5 years. Participating colleges and uni-
preparation and tracking, project manage-
versities (named the National Collegiate
ment and record keeping, and scheduling.
Permits sharing of databases among comput- Trust) pooled loans into a bond issue that was
ers and team collaboration over time. sold to pension funds and other institutional
grumps Grown-up, mature professionals. investors.
They are former, and now aging, yuppies guaranteed annual income Consists of pay-
(young urban professionals) and are now a ments made by an employer when a plant
large marketing target. must be shut down for equipment repair or
Grutter v. Bollinger In December 1997, the replacement and is in addition to unemploy-
plaintiff, rejected for admission by the Uni- ment benets.
versity of Michigan Law School, challenged guaranteed annual wage (GAW) A compen-
the schools race-based admission system. In sation plan that guarantees a minimum annual
a June 23, 2003 decision, the U.S. Supreme income to employees.
Court voted 54 to uphold the schools afr- guaranteed investment contract (GIC) A
mative action program. The Court held that type of dened benet plan issued by life
the Law Schools narrowly tailored use of race insurance companies. A funding plan vehicle
in admissions decisions to further a compel- for annuity contracts. ICs pay a xed interest
ling interest in obtaining the educational bene- rate on a specied deposit for a dened period
ts that ow from a diverse student body is of time (typically 1 to 6 years) and most are
not prohibited by the Equal Protection Clause, carried under book value. Benets-responsive
Title VI. In other words, the law school is GICs permit employees who are eligible for
improved by the presence of students who a distribution from their plans to withdraw
represent the greatest possible variety of back- their investments at book value before the
guaranteed pickup and delivery service 297 gynecology

contract reaches maturity without taking any guardianship A legal means of managing the
market value adjustment. affairs of an individual who has become inca-
guaranteed pickup and delivery service I n pacitated. A guardian, who may or may not
employee relocation, an additional service in be known by the principal, is appointed by the
which specic dates of service are guaranteed court and given authority to make decisions
by the carrier and for which the carrier pays and act for the incapacitated individual.
a penalty for delays. Often subject to mini- guerrilla marketing A means of marketing
mum weight requirements. products and services that is nontraditional,
guaranteed piecework plan A piece-rate inexpensive, and effective. Targets prots,
plan in which employees are guaranteed a rather than the generation of sales. Used often
minimum hourly wage regardless of the num- by small businesses. Emphasizes a simple
ber of items they process or produce. marketing plan, follow-up after sales are
guaranteed renewable A right to require an made, fusion marketing, spying (gathering
insurance company to allow a subscriber to information on your own company and com-
renew automatically or continue his or her petitors), and giveaways (freebies). Attributed
Medigap policy, unless a fraud has been com- to Jay Conrad Levinson, author and marketing
mitted or premiums have not been paid. guru.
guaranteed room blocks In meeting man- guided imaging/imagery 1. A technique that
agement and travel management, a group of makes use of the imaginative powers, the
hotel rooms reserved by a customer who movies of the mind, to review the past, con-
agrees to pay for the rooms even if they are template the present, and speculate about the
not used. Usually requires established credit future to create pictures of possibilities and
with the hotel or cash prepayment. improbabilities. Sometimes called visualiza-
Guaranteed Student Loan Program tion or visualizing. 2. An alternative form of
Includes Stafford Loans, Supplemental Loans medical treatment in which patients are
for Students, PLUS loans for parents of encouraged to envision their own immune sys-
dependent students, and consolidation loans. tem to help it ght disease.
The Higher Education Reauthorization Act guided practice An instructional technique in
of 1992 expanded eligibility and raised loan which the instructor engages trainees in using,
limits, particularly to middle-income students. under close supervision, what they have
guarantors See guarantee agency. learned, evaluating performance and provid-
guardian A person or nonprot corporation ing feedback, and reteaching the skills as
given authority by a probate court to act on needed.
behalf of an individual, called a ward, who guideline An explanatory statement designed
has been certied by a licensed physician as to assist in the interpretation of canon and
unable to think, act, or make informed deci- rules, understand their underlying rationale,
sions concerning his or her personal health, and help apply them to real-life situations.
safety, general welfare, property, or nancial Guttenberg A person who prints everything
interests because of illness or mental incapac- on the computer monitor instead of reading it
ity. Has physical control or custody of a minor on the screen.
or incompetent person. A guardian must sign gynecologist A medical doctor who special-
and submit a bond for approval by the court izes in the diagnosis and treatment of prob-
in which he or she accepts the appointment, lems originating in the reproductive organs of
promises to perform the duties of a guardian, women. Linked with obstetrics, gynecologists
and agrees to make an annual accounting to provide counseling on contraception, prenatal
the court. care, and routine deliveries.
guardian ad litem An individual, usually an gynecology A medical specialty for the diag-
attorney, appointed by the court to represent nosis and treatment of injuries, disorders, and
the interests of a prospective ward. The diseases of womens reproductive systems,
guardian ad litem reviews the facts for the including infertility, urinary incontinence,
court. menopause, and gynecologic cancer surgery.
H Heroin or horse. HIV Human immunodeciency
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations, virus.
and Emergency Response. HKNC The Helen Keller National
HBA Health benets advisor. Center.
HBDS High bit-rate digital HLS Hue, lightness, saturation.
subscriber. HMO Health maintenance
HBR Harvard Business Review. organization.
HCE Highly compensated HMOA Health Maintenance
employee. Organization Acts of 1973 and
HCEA Healthcare Convention & 1988.
Exhibitors Association. HMSA Health manpower shortage
HCF Health care nder. area.
HCFA Health Care Financing HOBSO How Our Business System
Administration. Operates.
HCI Human capital index. HPI Human performance
HCO Hearing carryover. improvement.
HPO Health care purchasing
HCPCS Health Care Financing
Administration Common
HR Human resources.
Procedural Coding System.
HRA 1. Human resources
HCS Hazard Communication
accounting. 2. Health
Standard of 1988.
reimbursement arrangement.
HDCD High-denition compatible
HRCI The Human Resource
Certication Institute.
HDL High-density lipoproteins.
HRD Human resources
HDML Handheld device mark-up
HRE Human resources
HDR High dose rate environment.
(brachytherapy). HRIC Human resources information
HDTV High-denition TV. center.
HEA Higher Education Act of 1965. HRIS Human resources information
HEC Home equity conversion. system.
HEDIS Health Plan Employer Data HRM Human resources
and Information Set. management.
HF The Heritage Foundation. HRMS Human resources management
HFE Human factors engineering. system.
HFES Human Factors and HRO Human resources outsourcing.
Ergonomics Society. HRP Human resources planning.
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability HRPS The Human Resource
and Accountability Act of Planning Society.
1996. HRSOPH Human resource management
HIPC Health insurance purchasing practice sophistication.
cooperative. HRT Hormone replacement therapy.
HIPO High-potential employee. HRU Human resources utilization.

HS 300 halo effect

HS Hazardous substance. programmer who uses his or her skills to pen-

HSMAI Hospitality Sales & Marketing etrate the computer systems of others, some-
Association International. times by circumventing security systems. See
HSS See U.S. Department of Health also cracker.
and Human Services. hair analysis A method of screening for drug
HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste abuse among employees and prospective
Amendments of 1984. employees. The method is based on the theory
HTML HyperText Markup Language. that chemicals, including illegal drugs, circu-
HTT High-technology training. lating in the bloodstream are incorporated into
HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol. hair as it grows and remain locked in the hair
bers. Some courts, scientists, and govern-
ment agencies have warned that current tech-
H-1A visa See Immigration and Naturaliza- niques of hair analysis do not stand up as valid
tion Service H-1A status. drug testing measures.
H-1B visa See Immigration and Naturaliza- hai-ten A form of employment adjustment
tion Service H-1B status. used by the Japanese to reduce labor costs
H-1C visa See Immigration and Naturaliza- during a recession. It involves reassigning sur-
tion Service H-1C status. plus workers to different sections or divisions
H-2A visa See Immigration and Naturaliza- of the same company. See also shukko.
tion Service H-2A status. half-time (enrollment) Under federal student
H-2B visa See Immigration and Naturaliza- aid programs, a measure of the academic
tion Service H-2B status. enrollment time required to receive Direct or
H-2 Form A form required by the Department FFEL Program loans. For schools measuring
of Health and Human Services designed to progress by credit hours and academic terms
collect health care information with the same (semesters, trimesters, or quarters), half-time
ling date as W-2 forms. Employers must is at least six semester hours or quarter hours
report social security numbers of employees per term. For schools measuring progress by
spouses and other dependents; names and credit hours but not by academic terms, half-
social security numbers of all employees or time is at least 12 semester hours or 18 quarter
former employees who elect coverage under hours per year. For schools measuring
the employers health plan whether the cover- progress by clock hours, half-time is at least
age is single or family; the names, addresses, 12 hours per week.
and identifying numbers of the plans covering halftone In desktop publishing, the reproduc-
the employee or former employee; and the tion of continuous-tone artwork, such as a
period during the year the coverage was in photograph, by converting the image into dots.
effect. The rst ling of the report was Feb- In color printing, the process by which three-
ruary 28, 1995 for information pertaining to color dots (cyan, magenta, and yellow) are
the 1994 calendar year. The form is used by placed close together so the viewers eye
Health and Human Services (HHS) to estab- blends them into a full-color image.
lish a database to help recover improperly paid hallucination In mental illness, perceptions or
Medicare and Medicaid benets. images that occur without any external stim-
H-3 visa See Immigration and Naturalization ulus.
Service H-3 status. hallucinogens Mind-blowing illegal drugs
habeus corpus A legal term that literally that alter the individuals perceptions of real-
means to have the body. A writ of habeus ity, distort the senses, or cause hallucinations.
corpus is a legal document ordering an of- Include phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust),
cial, usually a warden, to release a prisoner. lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, acid), mes-
hack Breaking into a computer system with- caline and peyote (mesc, cactus), and psilocy-
out authorization. bin (shrooms, magic mushrooms).
hacker 1. A highly skilled computer program- halo effect The tendency to base an overall
mer. 2. An ill-behaved and highly procient favorable rating or judgment of an individual
Halsey plan 301 harmonizing

on one outstanding characteristic despite the handwriting analysis See graphoanalysis.

presence of negative factors. Here the rater happiness charts See smile sheets; partici-
fails to differentiate among discrete traits or pant reaction.
abilities and relies on the overall judgment. haptic tools/technology Related to virtual
Halsey plan An incentive plan that divides the reality. Provides users with simulated sense of
bonus gained from increased productivity touch and force, enabling them to feel the size
between the employer and employees on a set and shape of computer-generated 3-D objects
ratio, usually 50:50. It is not in common use in a simulated virtual world. Such products
today. are now used in the aerospace and automobile
hammer clause A clause in a liability insur- manufacturing industries and by medical stu-
ance policy that requires the insured to settle dents and physicians to feel the interaction of
a claim if recommended by the insurance car- surgical tools with various biological tissues
rier or be compelled to assume all costs and organs in simulated surgery. This allows
beyond the settlement amount proposed by the them to practice their technique before per-
insurer. forming actual procedures on real patients.
handheld device mark-up language (HDML) harassment Physical, mental, or emotional
One of several microbrowser standards for hectoring, badgering, intimidation, or torment.
representing Web pages on a mobile phone, hard-coded In multimedia production, a pre-
personal digital assistant, or similar device. determined series of statements whose order
handicap discrimination laws See Ameri- is not changeable by the user while running a
cans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Rehabili- program.
tation Act of 1973. hard data Information and observations that
handicapped As dened by section 504 of the consist largely of facts, often numerical and
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, any person who measurable, that are objective and indepen-
has a physical or mental impairment that sub- dently veriable.
stantially limits one or more major life activ- hard disk A device that is connected to a
ities, has a record of such impairment, or is computer to increase its data storage capacity.
regarded as having such an impairment. It is made out of rigid metal (aluminum) or
handicapped employees Workers in execu- glass and can be either built into the computer
tive, managerial, professional, scientic, tech- or externally connected.
nical, marketing, sales, clerical, or other posi- hard drive Provides a computers secondary
tions who have physical, mental, or emotional memory, a repository for programs and data
disabilities and therefore require workplace storage and the information that programs
accommodations of some sort to enable them process and produce.
to become and remain productive. Also called hardship premium A monthly payment, typ-
challenged employees, disabled employees, ically a percentage of base pay, paid to
or, preferably, employees with disabilities. employees assigned to areas in which unusual
handling time A term used in time manage- or environmental hazards exist.
ment to describe time used in getting com- hardware The mechanical, magnetic, elec-
pleted work out of the way of new work or tronic, and electrical components of a com-
getting materials and components in position puter system the actual equipment that you
for the production or development of new can see and touch that manipulate infor-
products or services. One form of handling mation. Examples: video display terminal,
time is travel time getting to and from the keyboard, mouse, printer, hard drive. See also
place where productive work is done. software.
handouts Materials prepared by a presenter or hard-wired mike An electronic amplifying
instructor for distribution to attendees or train- device that has a wire or cord connected
ees during or following a training session or between the microphone, the amplier, and
information brieng. They may take the forms speakers. May be on a stand or hand-held.
of printed or duplicated text or graphic mate- harmonizing A process that would establish
rials. Also called leave-behinds. international standards of production. In its
Harper v. Virginia 302 Hazard Communication Standard of 1988

best sense, harmonizing up, developing coun- program, provide opportunities for exibility
tries would adopt the standards of industrial- and creativity in the pursuit of performance
ized nations in terms of labor, environmental, improvement, stress higher-order thinking
and consumer laws and regulations. In its instead of drill and rote learning, and empha-
worst sense, harmonizing down, the lax stan- size parental involvement.
dards found in Africa, Latin American, the old Hawthorne effect Discovered by Elton Mayo
Soviet bloc, and much of Asia would prevail. in an experiment at the Western Electric Haw-
Harper v. Virginia A 1993 Supreme Court thorne Works in Chicago over 50 years ago
decision that made its ndings in Davis v. while trying to isolate factors that would yield
Michigan retroactive. That is, taxes levied by greater productivity. He changed the intensity
states on military or federal retired pay and of the lighting in production areas, and pro-
not on state retirement annuities prior to the ductivity rose. He concluded that the change
Davis decision are illegal, and retirees who in lighting did not make the difference. What
paid them may be entitled to refunds. did was that the experimentation convinced
Harris v. Forklift Systems Inc. A 1993 Supreme workers that management cared and was try-
Court decision that loosened requirements for ing to improve the work environment. He con-
workers suing employers for sexual harass- cluded that if you show concern for workers
ment. The ruling made it unnecessary for and treat them as human beings with needs
employees to prove psychological damage and wants, they will perform better.
when dening a hostile work environment in Hay Guide-Chart Prole Method A popu-
sexual harassment cases. In addition, the lar point-factor method of job evaluation.
Court made it easier for plaintiffs to bring Haynes plan An incentive plan that divides
lawsuits against employers convicted of productivity bonuses among the employer,
harassment. supervisors, and workers, usually 40, 10, and
50%, respectively. It is not in common use
Harvard Business Review (HBR) Published
bimonthly by the Harvard Business School
Hay system A traditional method of job eval-
Publishing Corporation, Harvard University, 60
uation that focuses on job incumbents job
Harvard Way, Soldiers Field Rd., Boston, MA
knowledge and skills, problem solving abili-
02163. Cost: $85.00 per year (professional
ties, and responsibility and accountability as
rate). Contact: HBR, P.O. Box 52621, Boulder,
compensable factors. Point values are
CO 80321-2621 (phone 617-495-6700; Web
assigned to job characteristics, and bench-
marking surveys are often used to calculate
hash Hashish, a concentrated form of mari- minimum salary amounts.
Hazard Communication Standard of 1988
Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993 (HCS) An Occupational Safety & Health
Amends Title 5, United States Code, to restore Administration (OSHA) requirement aimed at
to federal civilian employees their right to par- reducing the incidence of chemical-related
ticipate voluntarily, as private citizens, in the occupational illnesses and injuries in nonman-
political processes of the nation and to protect ufacturing workplaces. The regulation
such employees from improper political solic- requires employers of even one employee in
itations any type of enterprise to establish hazard com-
hauler In employee relocation, the driver or munication plans and programs to transmit
agent who actually performs the service of information on the hazards of chemicals to
transporting goods on his or her tractor-trailer. their employees by means of labels on con-
Hawkins-Stafford School Improvement tainers, publication and distribution of mate-
Amendments of 1988 Amendments to rials safety data sheets (MSDS), and conduct
Chapter I of the Elementary and Secondary of training programs. Training must cover
Education Act of 1965 that mandate account- how the hazard communication program is
ability for student performance and coordina- implemented in the company, how to read and
tion of the program with the regular school interpret labels and MSDSs, how to get and
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments 303 health and welfare benefits

use hazard information, the hazards of chem- illegal and must be closely monitored and
icals in the work area, measures employees controlled.
can take to protect themselves, methods of headhunters Recruiters. See also executive
detecting hazardous chemicals, and specic search rm.
procedures the employer has put into effect to head injury Results from traumatic damage
protect employees. Also known as the right- to the brain, most commonly due to motor
to-know standard. vehicle accidents, falls, assaults and violence,
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments and sports and recreation. Symptoms depend
of 1984 (HSWA) Amendments to the on the extent and location of the injury in the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act brain. Injuries to the left side of the brain may
of 1976, which directed the EPA to establish affect language and verbal processing skills,
new requirements to bring small-quantity gen- while injuries to the right side of the brain
erators of hazardous waste into the hazardous may affect visual-spatial problem solving
waste regulatory system. skills. Injury to the frontal lobes may inuence
hazardous substance (HS) Any solid, liquid, general problem solving, abstract thinking,
or contained gaseous material that could cause goal setting, attention, concentration, and the
injury, death, or damage or pollute land, air, ability to perform multiple tasks simulta-
or water. neously. Injury to the rear of the frontal lobes
may impair motor function, and injury to the
hazardous waste Any solid, liquid, or con-
parietal lobes (upper rear area of the brain)
tained gaseous material that could cause
may affect the ability to work with ones
injury, death, or damage or pollute land, air,
hands. Injury to the left side of the temporal
or water; is no longer used; and is either recy-
lobe (lower middle section of the brain) may
cled, discarded, or stored until the quantity is
affect understanding of spoken words and the
sufcient to treat or dispose of. These wastes
ability to speak coherently, and injury to the
are regulated by federal and state public health
occipital lobe (lower rear of the brain) may
and environmental laws.
inuence perception and interpretation of
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency visual information. Treatment involves reha-
Response Standard (HAZWOPER) An bilitative interventions and therapy to develop
Occupation Safety & Health Administration compensating strategies to overcome cogni-
standard (OSHA 1910.120) that requires tive decits. Also called traumatic brain
employees be provided training on hazardous injury.
waste operations. headquarters hotel In meeting management,
hazing A practice usually associated with col- the hotel where the administrative and hospi-
lege students, particularly fraternities and tality functions are located when more than
sororities, but also prevalent in the workplace one hotel is used for an event.
at all levels and in all types of positions. It is Head Start Program A federally funded,
a rite of passage found in corporate ofces, part-day, school-year educational program
hospitals, courts, law ofces, banks, factories, that serves about 20% of eligible disadvan-
construction sites, and service organizations. t a g e d p r e s c h o o l c h i l d r e n ( We b s i t e
Its purpose is to test new members of a group
and have them prove their mettle, pay their health See health benets; occupational health
dues, and learn the ropes. It includes practical services; wellness program.
jokes and assigning intentionally meaningless health and medical disabilities Conditions
or humiliating tasks. So long as hazing is mild that often affect not only the work lives of
and does not cause unreasonable emotional or people but also their activities of daily living
physical pain and suffering it is probably (e.g., alcoholism, epilepsy, heart disease,
acceptable; but if it creates excessive stress or HIV/AIDS).
a delay in learning and adjusting to the job or health and welfare benets Ancillary bene-
results in turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, ts that include dental, employee assistance,
depression, or physical damage, it may be legal, long-term disability, long-term nursing
health benefits 304 health care power of attorney

care, prescription drugs, short-term disability, health care cost reduction strategies Include
vision, and wellness programs. amateur auditor program, case management,
health benets The most common of all coordination of benets, dependent coverage
employee benets. Consist of medical and waivers, drug program, fty-fty dental plan,
hospitalization insurance provided on a group Medicare carve out, maintenance of benets,
basis to reimburse an employee (and often prescription plan, tiered premium system, and
family members) for all or part of the wellness program.
expenses relating to medical treatment or health care costs per employee A key human
hospitalization. resources metric. It is calculated as follows:
health benets advisor (HBA) A person at a
military hospital or clinic who can help Civil- Health care costs per employee = Total cost
ian Health and Medical Programs of the of health care benets/Total employees.
Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) and TRI-
CARE users get the medical care they need Attributed to Robert J. Grossman, Measuring
through the military and CHAMPUS. Up, HR Magazine, January 2000, pp. 2935.
health benets tax cap A proposal by the Reprinted with the permission of HR Maga-
Association of Private Pension and Welfare zine, published by the Society of Human
Plans, the Health Insurance Association of Resource Management, Alexandria,VA (Web
America, and the Health Policy Committee to site
the Business Roundtable to limit the tax-free Healthcare Employer Data and Information
treatment of employer-provided health bene- Set (HEDIS) A set of healthcare quality and
ts to the level of the cost of a basic health utilization standards developed and rened by
plan. Some proponents of the plan would the National Committee for Quality Assur-
make the tax cap a part of a health care reform ance, a nonprot organization that accredits
package and use the revenue derived from it and maintains information on health mainte-
to expand access to the health care system to nance organizations (HMOs).
insured people. Health Care Financing Administration
Health Care Amendments Act of 1974 Per- (HCFA) See Centers for Medicare & Med-
mits union activities in acute-care hospitals icaid Services.
but does not cover nursing homes, psychiatric Health Care Financing Administration Com-
or rehabilitation hospitals, or other types of mon Procedural Coding System (HCPCS)
health care facilities. Codes used by Medicare that describe services
Healthcare Convention & Exhibitors Associ- and procedures.
ation (HCEA) An organization of 700 health care nder (HCF) A person at a mil-
members established to increase the efciency itary hospital or clinic who helps match Civil-
and effectiveness of health care conventions ian Health and Medical Programs of the
and exhibits as an educational and marketing Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) users
medium, promote the value of exhibits and with care providers either through the military
industry as an integral part of these conven- or the civilian community.
tions, foster better understanding and cooper- health care power of attorney A legal docu-
ation between industry and health care asso- ment that appoints a person or persons who
ciations, provide information and services will have the authority to make medical deci-
useful to industry and health care associations sions for an incapacitated individual such as
in improving the quality of conventions and ordering or refusing surgery, ordering second
exhibit programs, and provide for the profes- opinions, refusing the services of an attending
sional development of its member representa- physician, and choosing a nursing home. If
tives. Contact: HCEA, 5777 Peachtree-Dun- family members disagree on any health matter
woody Rd., Ste. 500-G, Atlanta, GA 30342 involving the principal, the person who holds
(phone 404-252-3663; e-mail hcea@kellen- power of attorney has the nal right of; Web site decision.
health care prepayment plan 305 Health Insurance Portability

health care prepayment plan A Medicare encourage voluntary adaptions of behavior (in
option similar to a cost contract but may individuals, groups, or communities) condu-
cover only part of the Medicare benet pack- cive to health.
age; typically covers Part B expenses (physi- health facilities Physical plants and facilities
cians). Enrollees use traditional Medicare for used in the provision of health services; usu-
Part A (hospitals and other expenses). ally limited to facilities built to provide health
health care provider A person who is care, such as hospitals and nursing homes.
trained and licensed to provide health care or health insurance Medical and/or hospital
a place that is licensed to give health care. insurance coverage provided employees, usu-
Includes, among others, physicians, nurses, ally on a group basis, to underwrite or reim-
and hospitals. burse an employee (and often family mem-
health care proxy A legal document in some bers) for all or part of the expenses relating to
states that allows a person to appoint a health medical treatment or hospitalization.
care agent who may make health care deci- Health Insurance Deduction for Self-
sions for the principal if the principal lacks Employed Individuals Act of 1995 Amends
the capacity to make or communicate health the Internal Revenue Code to make perma-
care decisions. The agent may make a judg- nent the deduction for health insurance costs
ment based on all of the circumstances that of self-employed individuals. Became effec-
might prevail, instead of simply considering tive January 1, 1994. Also increased the
the circumstances envisioned when the health deduction from 25% to 30% effective after
care proxy was signed. December 31, 1994. Signed by the president.
health care purchasing organization (HPO) on April 11, 1995.
A form of managed health care. HPOs are health insurance indemnity plan See health
employer-sponsored purchasing groups orga- benets.
nized to buy health care directly from provid- Health Insurance Portability and Account-
ers (hospitals, physicians, and other profes- ability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Amends the
sionals) rather than going through health Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve
maintenance organizations (HMOs) or pre- portability and continuity of health insurance
ferred provider organizations (PPOs). coverage in the group and individual markets
health care reimbursement account An to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health
option under a exible benets plan. Expenses insurance and health care delivery; to promote
paid for uninsured medical, vision, hearing, the use of medical savings accounts; to
and dental expenses (such as deductibles, improve access to long-term care services and
copayments/coinsurance, exams, and the like) coverage; and to simplify the administration
are reimbursable by the employer on a non- of health insurance. Signed into law August
taxable basis provided that rules established 21, 1996, and became effective July 1, 1997.
by the Internal Revenue Service are met. Allows workers to keep their health insurance
Health Care Safety Net Amendments of coverage when they change their jobs and lim-
2002 Amends the Public Health Service Act its to 12 months the period in which a plan
to reauthorize and strengthen the Health Cen- could exclude enrollees from coverage
ters Program and the National Health Service because of preexisting conditions. The bill
Corps and to establish the Health Communi- also contains limits on medical malpractice
ties Access Program, which will help coordi- awards; imposes civil and criminal penalties
nate services for the uninsured and underin- on employers who disclose personally identi-
sured. Approved October 26, 2002. able health information without the consent
Health Care Task Force See Task Force on of the employee, increases the health insur-
National Health Care Reform. ance tax deduction for self-employed persons
health care worker protection rules See uni- from 30 to 80% by the year 2006, makes long-
versal precautions. term care insurance and expenses deductible
health education Any combination of learn- in the same manner as other health costs,
ing opportunities or interventions designed to allows dying persons, particularly AIDS
health insurance purchasing cooperative 306 health personnel

patients, to draw on their life insurance while subsidy to their HMO premiums equal to the
they are still living, and sets up a 4-year pilot amount they would otherwise be subsidized
plan that allows 750,000 Americans to buy under the company plan. Programs provide
experimental, tax-deductible medical savings prepaid routine, round-the-clock medical ser-
accounts to test whether they can help control vices at a specic site and usually stress pre-
health costs without beneting only the ventive medicine in a clinic. Costs to enrolled
healthy and wealthy. Self-employed persons employees are limited to a nominal fee (usu-
and employers with 50 or fewer workers ally $5 to $10 per visit), there are no claim
would also be eligible to participate in the forms to ll out, and the charges of medical
medical savings account program. Interim care providers to the employer are on a pre-
rules governing certication requirements of negotiated, xed annual payment per
HIPAA went into effect June 1, 1997. The employee basis. If an HMO-approved health
rules provide guidance to both employers and care provider is not used, there is no reim-
employees in the following areas: preexisting bursement except for life-threatening emer-
condition exclusions, creditable coverage, gencies when the HMO cannot be contacted
certicates of creditable coverage, special prior to a hospital admission.
enrollment rights, and discrimination prohibi- Health Maintenance Organization Act of
tions. In general, HIPAA rules impose obliga- 1973 (HMOA) An act designed to stimulate
tions on health plans, health care clearing- a nationwide prepaid health care system. The
houses, and certain health care providers. HMOA required employers to offer local
Effective in 2001, mandates protection for the HMO coverage to employees if the employer
condentiality of individually identiable is approached by a qualied HMO, a medical
information, including medical records cre- organization consisting of several specialists
ated by healthcare providers, hospitals and such as general practitioners, surgeons, psy-
health plans that are transmitted or maintained chiatrists, and so on.
electronically, and any paper printouts of Health Maintenance Organization Act of
those records. Data-privacy and security 1988 (HMOA) Legislation mandating a
requirements of the Act became effective new group-specic rating plan that allows
April 14, 2003. Contact: Pension and Welfare HMOs to set rates based on specic group
Benets Administration (phone 800-998-7542 utilization (similar to the way indemnity
or 202-219-8776; Web site insurers set rates); extends the dual-choice
dol/pwba/). mandate, which forces employers of 25 or
health insurance purchasing cooperative more workers to offer both an indemnity and
(HIPC) A state-based agency that arranges HMO plan until 1995; and renews the equal
insurance for business and individuals under contribution for indemnity or HMO plans.
managed competition plans. HPICs may also health manpower shortage area (HMSA)
enforce spending ceilings and limit premium An area or group that the U.S. Department of
increases. Health and Human Services designates as
health insurance reform See Health Insur- having an inadequate supply of health care
ance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. providers, including: (1) an urban or rural geo-
health maintenance organization (HMO) graphic area, (2) a population group for which
An organized health care system that is access barriers can be demonstrated to prevent
responsible for both the nancing and delivery members from using local providers, or (3)
of a broad range of comprehensive services to medium- and maximum-security correctional
an enrolled population. It is a privately estab- institutions and public or nonprot private res-
lished organization qualied by state or fed- idential facilities.
eral agencies to offer its services to employees health personnel Persons who provide health
and employers in a specied geographical services, whether as individual practitioners or
area. Subscribers who elect to participate in employees of health institutions and programs,
HMOs in preference to employer-sponsored whether or not professionally trained, and
health insurance programs are entitled to a whether or not subject to public regulation.
Health Plan Employer Data and Information 307 hedonism

Health Plan Employer Data and Informa- health-risk assessment Use of physical or
tion Set (HEDIS) HEDIS 3.0, released in biomedical screening for specic health con-
1996 by the National Committee for Quality ditions as a part of wellness programs.
Assurance, is a comprehensive health plan health-risk factors Items addressed in health-
database. It provides a set of performance risk appraisals and assessments as part of
measures designed to provide meaningful data wellness plans and programs. Include alcohol
that can be used to compare plans, make selec- use, blood pressure, body fat, chemical depen-
tion easier, and improve overall quality. It dency, cholesterol levels, chronic diseases
includes 60 standardized health plan perfor- (such as diabetes), tness, stress, and tobacco
mance measures. use.
health planning Planning concerned with health service area A geographic area desig-
improving health, whether undertaken com- nated on the basis of such factors as geogra-
prehensively for a whole community or for a phy, political boundaries, population, and
particular population, type of health service, health resources to improve planning and
institution, or health program. development of health services.
health privacy regulations Department of health status The physical or mental health of
Health and Human Services rules that went a specied individual, group, or population. It
into effect for most hospitals, doctors ofces, is measured by one or more of the following
insurance companies, and pharmacies on means: (1) by obtaining peoples subjective
April 14, 2003. The regulations prohibit dis- assessments of their health; (2) by one or more
closure, without patient permission, of infor- indicators of mortality and morbidity in the
mation for reasons unrelated to health care, population, such as longevity or maternal and
including the fact that a person has been infant mortality; and (3) by using the inci-
admitted to a hospital, and imposes new civil dence or prevalence of major diseases (com-
and criminal penalties for violators. municable, chronic, or nutritional).
health promotion Any combination of health hearing and speech disability cultures and
education and related organizational, political, languages Means of communication used
and economic interventions designed to facil- by people with speech and hearing disabili-
itate behavioral and environmental changes ties. Include American Sign Language, cued
that will improve or protect health. speech, nger spelling, manual English,
health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) speech reading, and speech amplication.
On June 26, 2002, the Department of the Trea- hearing benets Ancillary benets. Typically
sury and the Internal Revenue Service estab- cover audiology testing and may also provide
lished a new employer-funded health reim- hearing aid and rehabilitation benets.
bursement arrangement that circumvents the hearing carryover (HCO) A reduced form
limitations of health exible spending of telecommunications relay services where
accounts under tax code Section 125, Inter- a person with a speech disability can listen to
nal Revenue Code (cafeteria plans). HRAs the other end user, and in reply the commu-
must be funded exclusively by the employer nications assistant reads and speaks the text
without any employee salary deduction or from his or her display as it is typed on a
funding from a cafeteria plan and provide keyboard by the person with the speech dis-
benets only for signicant medical expenses. ability. The communications assistant does
health-risk appraisal Use of questionnaires not type any conversation.
and interviews as a part of wellness programs heart disease Takes several forms, such as
to appraise the health of employees. May congestive heart failure, heart block, and car-
also involve a computerized analysis of diac arrhythmia. Also called cardiovascular
employee health habits, such as examining disease.
how many employees smoke, are overweight, hedonism An extremist theory of ethics that
or have high cholesterol and how they man- holds that whatever gives pleasure is good and
age stress. whatever results in pain is bad. Therefore, the
heirs at law 308 The Heritage Foundation (HF)

pursuit of pleasure, la dolce vita, should con- 10019 (phone 212-586-8100; fax 212-903-
trol human behavior and conduct. 8168; Web site
heirs at law Persons designated by the court Hepatitis A A liver disease that accounts for
as the ones to inherit property of a person who about 65% of all viral hepatitis cases in the
dies without a will. Usually referred to as next- U.S., it is transmitted by food and water or
of-kin. fecal/oral avenues. It is so prevalent that 33%
The Helen Keller National Center (HKNC) of Americans show evidence of past infection.
The only national program that provides diag- The disease is characterized by jaundice,
nostic evaluation, short-term comprehensive fatigue, abdominal pain, and nausea/diarrhea.
rehabilitation and personal adjustment train- Although there is presently no medical cure
ing, and job preparation and placement for all available except rest and proper nutrition, the
Americans (youth and adult) who are deaf- hepatitis A vaccine is highly effective for
blind. Contact: HKNC, 111 Middle Neck Rd., prevention.
Sands Point, NY 11050 (phone 516-944- Hepatitis B A liver disease that is a growing
8900; TTY 516-944-8637; fax 516-944-7302; threat to Americans, with over a million car-
Web site riers. About one third of the 350 million long-
help for low-income Medicare beneciaries term carriers will develop serious redness,
swelling, and scarring of the liver, which leads
A social security work incentive. Persons who
to damaged cell growth or liver failure. The
receive Medicare and have low income and
remaining two thirds harbor the virus without
few resources may have their Medicare pre-
jaundice. About 25% of the carriers develop
miums (and in some cases, other out-of-
life-threatening cirrhosis of the liver, brain
pocket Medicare expenses, such as deduct-
swelling, hemorrhaging, kidney failure, and
ibles and coinsurance) paid for by the state.
bacterial infection.
Qualication is determined by the state wel-
Hepatitis C The most devastating of the hep-
fare agency or Medicaid agency.
atitis viruses, it is caused by another blood-
helping/service competencies C a p a b i l i t i e s
borne liver virus and is the most common rea-
that portend success in professional, technical, son for liver transplants in the U.S. Although
or managerial jobs. They include interper- about 15% of its victims are able to repel the
sonal understanding and customer-service ori- virus and lead normal lives, most develop a
entation. chronic case with varying symptoms.
hemiplegia A form of brain damage and the herbal medicine An ancient and alternative
most common type of neurologic disorder. It form of medical treatment that uses plant parts
paralyzes one half of the body, either the left or extracts to promote natural body functions
or the right side of the trunk and its limbs. and speed healing. Although there is evidence
The most common cause of hemiplegia is a that herbs may have health benets, some
cerebral vascular accident called a stroke have been linked to adverse reactions or more
(thrombosis of a cerebral or extracranial serious side effects.
artery, hemorrhage in the brain or cerebrospi- herbal wrap An alternative manipulative
nal space, or embolism). treatment that involves applying warm sheets
Henry Laurence Gantt Medal An award soaked in an herbal tea to the body to
presented annually by the American Society encourage the elimination of impurities
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the through perspiration.
American Management Association (AMA) The Heritage Foundation (HF) A research/edu-
to an individual from any eld of endeavor for cation institute with a staff of 160 whose pro-
distinguished achievement in management as grams are designed to make the voice of con-
a service to the community. Nominations are servatism heard in Washington and throughout
solicited for the award in ASME and AMA the world. HFs policy analysts have expertise
publications. Contact: Patricia Conway, Cor- in the full range of foreign, defense, domestic,
porate Secretary, American Management and economic policy issues. Contact: Heri-
Association, 1601 Broadway, New York, NY tage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Ave., NE,
heroin 309 Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA)

Washington, D.C. 20002-4999 (phone 202- whitewater river rafting, sailing, mountain
546-4400; fax 202-546-8328; e-mail climbing, and wilderness travel.; Web site www.heri- high bit-rate digital subscriber (HBDS) Used to transmit digital data over standard
heroin A morphine derivative, a narcotic copper telecommunication lines. It allows
diacetyl-morphine; a white, odorless, crystal- equal bandwidth in both directions.
line substance that is highly addictive. It is high-deductible medical insurance plan A
dissolved in a base and injected in a vein. Also health care plan with an annual deductible of
called horse, H, and junk. at least $1500 and no more than $4500 for
hickey In offset-lithography, a spot or imper- family coverage. Under a 1996 law, beginning
fection in the printing due to dirt in the press, in 1997 employees and self-employed individ-
paper particles, and so on. uals could make tax-deductible contributions
hidden-city fare An airline fare designed to of up to 65% of their plans deductible for
cut as much as 75% off the cost of a normal individuals and 75% of the deductible for fam-
fare. Essentially, it constitutes a loophole in ily health coverage to a medical saving
airlines yield management systems by allow- account.
ing travel agents to book a ticket at a lower high-def See high-denition TV.
fee, using the travelers real destination as a high-denition compatible digital (HDCD)
stopover. Travelers simply discard the unused A relatively new form of compact disc said
portion of the ticket upon arrival at their real to improve realism and natural ambiance
destination. Although not illegal, the practice when played through an HDCD decoder,
is denounced by the airlines, and it is certainly although the disc may be played on a conven-
questionable, if not unethical. tional CD player.
hidden disabilities Disabilities that are not high-denition TV (HDTV) An advanced
visible to the observer, such as alcoholism, television standard that offers six times the
depression, diabetes, drug addiction, epilepsy, amount of picture information and twice the
head injury, hypertension, and learning dis- number of scan lines compared to conven-
abilities. tional TV, so the picture is clearer and colors
hierarchy On the Internet, the broadest area are sharper.
of information covered by a newsgroup. high-density lipoproteins (HDL) Cholesterol
hierarchy of needs A theory that people con- attached to various fats and proteins (good
stantly seek the satisfaction of needs and that cholesterol). HDL appears to protect against
those needs determine human behavior. In atherosclerosis by carrying excess cholesterol
ascending order of potency, they are physio- away from artery walls, so it is associated with
logical (food, water, shelter, sleep, elimina- a decrease in heart disease. Blood level
tion, and other physical essentials), safety (mg/dl) of less than 40 is low; 40 to 59 is
(from the dangers of the environment), acceptable, and 60 or higher is optimal.
belongingness (social interaction), esteem high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy A
(feelings of self-worth and the appreciation means of delivering targeted radiation to a
and respect of others), and self-actualization tumor without passing through normal tissue.
(achievement and self-fulllment). Attributed A radioactive source is placed in the part of
to Abraham H. Maslow. the body that is to be treated, and a high dose
hierarchy of organization types From high- of radiation is given to a very limited area.
est to lowest, they are corporate, subsidiary, Used for patients with uterine, cervical,
group, and division. breast, lung, liver, gall bladder, and prostate
hi- High delity. Offers top-quality sound for tumors that have not metastasized.
prerecorded stereo tapes when coupled with a Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) Title
stereo TV or with multichannel sound hooked IV of the Act provided student aid to help
up to a stereo system. nancially needy students attain postsecond-
high-adventure activities In adventure train- ary education in colleges, universities, and
ing, such group activities as rock climbing, trade and technical schools. The forms of aid
Higher Education Act of 1998 310 high-technology training

included student loans, grants, work study the current or preceding year or (2) made more
assistance, and fellowships. PL 107-139, than $80,000 in the preceding year. The num-
signed into law February 8, 2002, amends ber of employees considered highly compen-
Title IV (Student Assistance) and sets interest sated based on compensation over $80,000
rates on unsubsidized new student loans made can be limited at the employers discretion to
after July 1, 2006 at 6.8%. 20% of the total number of employees.
Higher Education Act of 1998 Reauthorized high-margin industry A company that keeps
higher education programs. Major features: a high percentage of revenue as prot; for
(1) set student loan rate at 7.46% for graduates example, television. See also low-margin
starting to repay their loans, (2) capped rates industry.
at 8.24%, (3) raised the maximum authorized high-performance jobs Jobs that rely on
amount for Pell Grants from $3000 to $4500 worker problem solving, place heavy empha-
per year in 19992000 and in steps to $5800 sis on training to upgrade skills, require coop-
in 20032004, and (4) authorized $300 mil- eration between labor and management, and
lion to improve teacher training and quality. involve the integration of technology into the
Higher Education Amendments of 1998 production process. Proposed as a strategy to
Extend the authorization of programs under help industry and unions survive in a world
the Higher Education Act of 1965, including of intense global competition. Attributed to
institutional aid, grants to students, Federal then Secretary of Labor Robert Reich at the
Family Education Loan Program, Federal Conference on the Future of the American
Work-Study programs, and International Workplace held in Chicago in July 1993.
Education Program. Approved October 7, high-performance workplace/work system
1998. Organizing work and managing people to
Higher Education Reauthorization Act of make the work environment more effective;
1992 Legislation signed into law July 23, improve productivity, product or service qual-
1992, that boosted college assistance to mid- ity, and prots; increase market share and cus-
dle-level families, changed the formula for tomer satisfaction; and make the organization
calculating parental assets, simplied access more competitive. Although research has not
to student aid, raised the maximum of Pell validated any single set of high-performance
Grants from $3100 to $3700 and income ceil- practices, discussion typically focuses on self-
ings for students seeking them to $2400, managed teams, quality circles, at organiza-
increased the annual income limits for fami- tion structures, new technologies, innovative
lies of four from $30,000 to $42,000, and compensation arrangements, increased train-
extended the life of federal higher education ing, total quality management, strategic change
programs and authorized spending of $115 management, and continuous improvement.
billion over 5 years. high-potential employee (HIPO) Employees
highly compensated employee/executive who have above-average talent, skills, and
(HCE) A term standardized by the Tax education targets for recruitment, retention,
Reform Act of 1986 that is used to test for training, and development and grooming for
discrimination. At that time, HCEs were con- leadership positions.
sidered to be employees who are 5% owners, high science Used to describe leading-edge,
all those earning more than $100,000 from the world-class employees, systems, or equipment.
employer, all those earning more than $66,000 high season In meeting management, the
from the employer and in the top paid 20%, period when occupancy and room rates are
any ofcer earning more than $60,000, or one highest for the year.
of the highest-paid ofcer of the employer. In high-technology training (hi-tech training)
August 1996, the Small Business Job Pro- Developing and delivering training on lead-
tection Act was signed into law. The Act ing-edge technologies and evolving processes
changed the denition of a HCE. Instead of for technical professionals, scientists, and
four criteria, there are now only two: one who engineers. It aims to reduce product develop-
(1) was a 5% owner of the company during ment time and speed up technology transfer.
Hill-Burton Act 311 holistic management

Examples: the use of computers, telecommu- common activities that occur in most types of
nications, interactive video, optical discs, CD- operations.
ROMs, WORM discs, laser discs, digital historical study A type of research in which
video interactive, and EXPERT systems and a retrospective analysis is made of past events
the like to deliver training. and activities. By reviewing organizational
Hill-Burton Act See Hospital Survey and documents, data, and the testimony of the peo-
Construction Act of 1946. ple who experienced or observed the events,
hiring See recruitment, screening, and selection. the research attempts to determine causes and
hiring bonus A lump-sum bonus paid at the relationships between and among events.
time of employment as an incentive to accept hit A measure of a Web sites popularity. A hit
a job offer. represents one time that a site has been
Hispanic or Latino An ethnic or racial cate- accessed. Also refers to leads or sales.
gory used for federal statistical reporting and hi-tech Leading-edge technology.
the 2000 census. Persons of Mexican, Puerto HIV disease See human immunodeciency
Rican, Dominican, Cuban, Central or South virus (HIV).
American of either Indian or Hispanic (Span- hold harmless agreement 1. A document
ish) origin, regardless of race. signed by service organizations (such as test-
histogram 1. A graph that displays the distri- ing companies) stating that they will indem-
nify the employer from any damage claims in
bution of scores or measures on something
any and all legal actions arising from the use
being measured or evaluated. Each column
of their services (tests). 2. In meeting man-
represents the number of times a certain mea-
agement, a clause in contracts stating that a
sure or score appears. Because the columns
group, company, or other entity will not be
are all viewed together, they present a clear
responsible if a claim is led.
picture of the aggregate of the characteristic
hold harmless clause/disclaimer 1. In con-
measured over a specic period of time as well
tract law, wording that absolves one of the
as the trend of those characteristics when the
parties of liability for injuries or damages to
individual columns are converted to a curve.
the personnel or property of the other party to
2. One of the basic seven tools of quality the contract as the result of the misconduct or
control. A bar chart that shows the distribution negligence of its employees or others. 2. In
of a variance, providing a picture of the way health care contracts, a clause under which the
the data are distributed within a range of val- provider agrees not to sue or assert any claims
ues and across a broader spectrum of values. against an enrollee for services covered under
A graphic representation of an operation used the contract, even if the health plan becomes
to study and improve work processes. It uses insolvent or fails to meet its obligations.
symbols (operation, movement, inspection, holiday European term for vacation.
delay, and storage, for example) to identify holistic Treating the whole person or the
whole problem rather than one characteristic
or one aspect.
holistic approach May take one of two forms
in a concepts-based, integrated curriculum:
Number of Orders

150 (1) addresses the needs of the whole child by

integrating cognitive, physical, affective,
100 moral, and spiritual dimensions or (2) offers
a curriculum that provides the context in
which new knowledge and skills make sense
to the learner. Attributed to Betty Jean Eklund
Shoemaker, Education 2000 Integrated Cur-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 riculum, Phi Delta Kappan, June 1991.
Number of Days to Fabricate holistic management An approach to man-
agement that attempts to provide employee
holistic medicine/therapy 312 home health care

benets, educational programs, incentives, home automation system A s y s t e m t h a t

and rewards that help attend to their needs and allows centralized control of various home
total well-being body, mind, and spirit; devices, such as lights, security cameras and
their work/life balance; emotional health; and systems, thermostats, and TV and stereo sys-
their search for meaning in their personal and tems. A computer, remote control, voice, or
professional lives. reprogramming that controls and automates
holistic medicine/therapy An alternative med- the specied functions.
ical treatment that addresses the whole per- home-based work See home worker.
son rather than biomedical therapy of the homebound A person who is normally unable
affected organ. Characterized by its practi- to leave home, except that he or she may leave
tioners as an orthomolecular (treatment home for medical treatment or short, infre-
based on correct molecules found naturally quent absences for nonmedical reasons, such
in the body, especially vitamins), nutritional, as a trip to the barber.
ecologic approach to medicine. It makes use home care One of ve settings for long-term
of such tests and procedures as hair analysis care. Covers services delivered in a patients
for mineral levels, stomach pH tests with a home, ranging from skilled services provided
capsule-sized radio transmitter that the patient by nurses, social workers, and therapists to
swallows, 6-hour glucose tolerance tests for assistance given by health aides and home-
low blood sugar, chelation therapy (dripping makers. See also adult day care; assisted liv-
a solution containing an amino acid into the ing; nursing home; respite care.
bloodstream for four or more hours), injec- home-delivered meals See meals-on-wheels.
tions of various vitamins and minerals, and home equity conversion (HEC) Plans that
week-long diets of vitamin C and liquids. allow individuals to convert the value of their
Regarded by some traditional (mainstream) homes into cash without having to move out
physicians and some state department health or repay the loan each month. The plan
agencies as irresponsible, worthless, unethi- reduces home equity by making a lump sum
cal, or harmful. Has sometimes resulted in payment or gradually reducing the balance
charges of professional misconduct and mal- due by monthly payments.
practice suits. home equity conversion mortgage See reverse
hologram A means of viewing an image in mortgage.
three dimensions. Consists of a thin, at piece home equity loan A loan made by a bank or
of glass or lm that when used to view the loan company allowing an individual to bor-
image allows the viewer to see around differ- row against the equity he or she has in his or
ent parts of the replication by moving his or her home. The borrower must repay the loan
her head up and down or side to side. with monthly payments. Also called second
holographic projection system E q u i p m e n t mortgage.
that produces realistic three-dimensional home nding services See destination ser-
images used in simulations for training pur- vices company.
poses. homegrown Computer software that has been
holographic will A will written entirely in the developed in-house.
handwriting of the testator or maker of the home health agency An organization that
will. States vary in their acceptance of such provides home health care services, including
wills. skilled nursing care, physical therapy,
home adaptation C h a n g e s t o t h e h o m e occupational therapy, speech therapy, and
required to accommodate the needs of older care by home health aides.
and disabled persons. Range from simple home health care Health services (such as
change such as installing grab bars to major skilled nursing services and rehabilitative ther-
changes such as widening doorways for apy) and supplies provided to a covered indi-
wheelchair access and installing rst-oor vidual on a part-time, intermittent, or visiting
bathrooms. May be tax-deductible if required basis in the persons home while he or she is
and certied by a physician. conned due to injury, disease, or pregnancy.
home health care agency 313 homeopathy

Usually a physician must certify that the ser- for homeless veterans. Approved December
vices and supplies are provided as an alterna- 27, 2001.
tive to admission to a hospital or skilled nurs- home maintenance and repair program A
ing facility, the individual must be homebound, service typically sponsored by nonprot orga-
and the home health care agency providing the nizations that includes, for a nominal fee,
care must be approved by the Medicare pro- home maintenance, home repairs, and help
gram. May be covered in part by Medicare, with emergencies such as stopped-up sinks
Medicaid, and medigap insurance. and toilets. Does not include major repairs or
home health care agency A public or private improvements.
organization that provides nursing care and homemaker services Assistance provided to
therapeutic services under a state license or aging, ill, or disabled persons by a variety of
federal certication and maintains records and agencies. Services include assistance with
plans of care for its patients. Specializes in dressing and grooming and help with meal
giving skilled nursing services and other ther- preparation, food shopping, or light house-
apeutic services, such as physical therapy, in keeping. Not usually covered by Medicare but
a beneciarys home. may be covered by Medicaid or Medigap
home health care plan A written plan for insurance.
home health care established and approved by home marketing assistance A relatively new
a physician. employee benet instituted to reduce the spi-
home health monitoring system Uses a com- raling costs of relocating employees: purchas-
ing the transferees home, paying all home
puter to help monitor various aspects of an
sale expenses, covering the cost of nding a
individuals health from home or ofce, such
home in the destination area, helping the
as pulse rate, blood pressure, weight, and
employee to sell his or her old home, and
blood glucose, and the results are sent to
transporting the family and household goods
another computer. If the tests fall outside the
to the new location.
physicians limits for the patient, an alarm is
home medical equipment Equipment that is
transmitted to him or her along with the
prescribed by a physician, is medically nec-
patients name, phone number, date, time, and
essary, is appropriate for use in the home, lls
test results. The patient can then be contacted
a medical need, is durable, and is not useful
for additional assessments.
to people who are not sick or injured. Medi-
Homeland Security Act of 2002 Legislation care Part B will help pay for equipment that
that created a cabinet-level Department of meets those specications. Examples are oxy-
Homeland Security a move that launched gen equipment, wheelchairs, articial limbs,
the largest reorganization of the federal gov- braces, ostomy supplies, and hospital beds.
ernment in more than half a century. The home ofce An ofce set up in an employees
department is a direct result of the September home that substitutes for corporate ofce
11, 2001 terrorist attacks, which exposed space, usually with nancial support from the
security lapses and intelligence failures and employer.
led to demands for extensive changes to the homeopathic medicine A controversial form
nations defense, intelligence, and law of alternative medicine that involves the use
enforcement agencies. Approved November of carefully selected, harmless dilutions of
25, 2002. chemicals, plant, mineral, animal extracts, and
home leave A periodic leave (usually annu- other natural substances that are supposed to
ally) in the U.S. (or country of domicile) for stimulate healing reactions by working on the
employees and their dependents assigned bodys energy eld.
overseas. homeopathy An integrative approach to med-
Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Assis- icine that views the human body as a system
tance Act of 2001 Amends Title 38, United that can be healed by matching the character-
States Code, to revise, improve, and consoli- istics of an illness against small amounts of
date laws that provide benets and services plant or animal extracts that in larger amounts
homepage 314 honesty test

would cause the same symptoms as the ail- have students take regular standardized tests;
ment. It is postulated that these nutrients others leave the program completely up to the
briey mimic the illness and thus cause the parents.
immune system to react. Thus, instead of rely- home sharing A shared household arrange-
ing on drugs the body heals on its own. ment in which older persons may share their
homepage On the World Wide Web, the home with others, move into someone elses
opening screen of a site, which can contain home, or nd a new home that can accommo-
text, images (still and motion), and sounds as date several people. Costs are either shared on
well as hypertext links that can lead the user a pro rata basis or bartered by exchanging
to other pages with a click of the mouse. services, such as cooking or housework.
home purchase company An organization home study 1. Employer-directed or self-ini-
established to help transferring employees get tiated independent study conducted away from
the equity out of their old homes as fast as the workplace. 2. Dened by the Distance
possible so they can move to the new location Education and Training Council as an insti-
and settle in without worrying about their tution that (1) formally enrolls students and
property. Such companies buy the property. maintains student records, (2) retains a quali-
home sale program Designed to assist a ed faculty, (3) transmits organized instruc-
transferring employee with the sale of his or tional materials to students, (4) provides con-
her residence. Allows employees to sell their tinuous two-way communication on student
homes without incurring costs by (1) selling work and progress, and (5) offers courses of
the home, without costs, to a relocation com- instruction that must be studied predominantly
pany or corporation and (2) the acquiring at a distance from the institution.
companys reselling of the property in an inde- home worker An employee who performs his
pendent transaction. The value applied in the or her duties at a location away from the plant,
resale is determined through one of four shop, or ofce. A Department of Labor (DOL)
homesale programs: Buyer Value Option, rule allows DOL-certied employers to
Appraised Value Home Sale Program, employ home workers, which had formerly
Amended Value Home Sale Program, or been banned because of difculties in enforc-
Assigned Sale. ing labor standards. Recently the authoriza-
home sale protection A benet for relocated tion to employ home workers was extended
and expatriate employees that pays the costs to the knitted outerwear, gloves and mittens,
associated with selling a house to take an buttons and buckles, handkerchiefs, embroi-
assignment either overseas or in another geo- dery, and nonhazardous jewelry industries.
graphical area of the U.S. If the employee homogeneous grouping A type of trainee
elects not to sell the property, the company grouping for instruction, characterized by uni-
may offer home rental protection that provides formity of the trainee group in achievement,
some property management services and ability, aptitude, background, education,
reimburses employees for extraordinary training, or experience. Trainees are assigned
expenses (e.g., credit checks) associated with to a homogeneous group on the basis of selec-
the rental or lease. tion instruments or devices that indicate that
homeschooling A rapidly growing alternative they are alike in specic attributes, traits, or
to public and private school education chosen abilities. Although it cannot be assumed that
by parents because of perceived academic they are undiversied solely on the selection
shortcomings in formal school settings, safety factor, a narrower range of diversication is
concerns, drug use, or religious issues. established.
Describes the practice of keeping children at honesty test A substitute for polygraph exam-
home, where they are taught by their parents inations. Honesty tests make use of pencil-
using self-developed and/or self-guided learn- and-paper tests or projective techniques as
ing materials. Some states mandate that home- a part of an applicant screening and selection
schoolers submit curricula for approval, keep process to identify persons with tendencies to
records of subjects covered each year, and be dishonest. A study conducted by the U.S.
honoraria ban 315 hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Ofce of Technology Assessment in 1990 afrmative action at institutions of higher

determined that existing research is inconclu- learning nationwide.
sive as to whether or not honesty and integrity horizontal bar chart A means of displaying
tests accurately predict dishonest workplace data graphically. Most often used to compare
behavior. and rank items at the same point in time, such
honoraria ban See Ethics in Government Act as productions of goods or sales.
of 1989.
honorary degree An academic title conferred Percentage of trainees go (passing)

by a college or university on an individual 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

who has distinguished himself or herself in 1
some way and entitles the recipient to all the
privileges due holders of earned degrees.

However, the title Doctor (or Dr.) is not
ordinarily used when addressing or identify- 4

ing in writing a person with an honorary 5

degree. Honorary degrees are usually awarded 6

at the doctorate level (e.g., doctor of humane Standard

letters [L.H.D.], doctor of public administra-

tion [D.P.A.], or doctor of science [Sc.D.]).
horizontal management An organization
See also earned degree and diploma.
based on the association of functions that are
hook A means of attracting repeat business
involved in the same product or process.
from current customers or clients or luring
horizontal organization A attened orga-
new business by using such inducements as
nization, one with very few levels, typically
free room or travel upgrades, complementary
involving the use of interdependent cross-
breakfasts, wine hours or cocktails, special
amenities and room service, and so on. functional teams.
Hoover Institution A think tank on war, rev- horizontal programming One type of satel-
olution, and peace and a center for interdisci- lite-delivered video training. Programs that
plinary and advanced research in the social are applicable across industries, professions,
sciences and public policy on domestic and and occupations are packaged by subject. For
international affairs. It now has more than 70 example, many management, sales, commun-
resident scholars and houses one of the ication, computer literacy, and technical skills
worlds largest private archives and libraries programs have wide application.
on economic, political, and social change in hormonal contraceptives Alternatives to the
the 20th century, as well as a major scholarly birth control pill, they include injections
press. Contact: Hoover Institution, Stanford (Lunelle), medicated uterine devices (Mirena
University, Stanford, CA 94305-6010 (phone and Nuvaring), and adhesive medicated
415-723-0603; e-mail webmas- patches (Ortho Evra).
t e r @ h o o v e r. s t a n f o r d . e d u ; We b s i t e hormone replacement therapy (HRT) A combination of estrogen and progestin (hor-
Hopwood effect See Hopwood v. Texas. mones) prescribed for menopausal distress,
Hopwood v. Texas A federal appeals court heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer,
decision involving an admissions plan at the colon cancer, stroke, Alzheimers disease, and
University of Texas Law School, which con- other aging-related diseases. The Womens
sidered white and minority applicants on sep- Health Initiative (WHI), launched in 1991
arate tracks to increase the number of minor- by the National Institutes of Health, was
ity students admitted to the school. The designed to nd the most effective ways to
courts ruling found the approach unaccept- prevent heart disease, breast and colorectal
able and held that the school could no longer cancers, and osteoporosis. One part of the
use race or ethnicity as factors in admission. study of the effects of HRT involving more
That decision has begun ending or modifying than 16,000 women was halted in July 2002
horse 316 Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association

because researchers concluded that the risks one that provides inpatient care under arrange-
of HRT outweighed the benets. Although ments made by a hospice.
HRT may be appropriate as short-term therapy hospital connement indemnity coverage
for menopausal distress, it will not protect An insurance policy that pays a xed amount
women against age-related diseases. for each day that a subscriber is conned to a
horse See heroin. hospital, up to a specied maximum number
hoshin kanri A management planning system of days.
initially developed in Japan. It involves ana- hospital insurance The part of a health ben-
lyzing changes in the external environment, et plan (such as Medicare) that helps to pay
setting and linking annual objectives and stra- for inpatient hospital care, some inpatient care
tegic priorities, creating an integrated plan of in a skilled nursing facility, home health care,
attack, executing the plan, monitoring and and hospice care.
controlling progress, and making needed hospitalist A medical doctor who specializes
modications. A key element of the system is in overseeing the inpatient care of people in
the involvement of employees at all levels in the hospital from admission to discharge.
developing the methods and procedures for Sometimes hired by hospitals, by groups of
achieving the priorities. doctors, or by managed care organizations,
hospice A facility operated by a public or pri- hospitalists keep primary care physicians
vate organization primarily to provide pain informed of all major decisions made in the
relief, symptom management, and supportive hospital and furnish them with comprehensive
services for terminally ill patients and their discharge summaries.
families. Typically must be certied by Medi- hospitality A hotel room used for entertain-
care or licensed or accredited by the jurisdic- ing, such as for cocktail parties.
tion in which it is located, be supervised by a Hospitality Industry Humanitarian Awards
staff of M.D.s or D.O.s, at least one of whom Program Annual awards presented to cor-
must be on call at all times, provide nursing porations or local company units in any hos-
services 24 hours a day under the direction of pitality-related business, such as hotels, con-
an R.N., and have a full-time administrator. vention bureaus, national tourist organizations,
hospice care Programs operated by a licensed transportation companies, convention centers,
or accredited public agency or private organi- travel companies, and industry buyers and sell-
zation that engages primarily in providing ers associations and their local chapters by
pain relief, symptom management, and sup- Successful Meetings magazine. Eligible pro-
portive services for terminally ill people and grams include efforts in the areas of health,
their families. Such programs typically com- shelter, clothing, nutrition, literacy, environ-
bine acute inpatient, outpatient, and home care ment, and disaster aid. Judges consist of out-
for the patient as well as grief or bereavement standing civic leaders or private-sector indi-
counseling for his or her family. Typically pro- viduals who represent leadership positions in
vide care 24 hours a day, are certied by the category areas, selected from outside the
Medicare (or licensed by the jurisdiction it is hospitality industry. Contact: Hospitality
in), are staffed by at least one physician (M.D., Industry Humanitarian Awards Program, Suc-
D.O.), one R.N., one licensed or certied cessful Meetings Magazine, 355 Park Avenue
social worker, and have one full-time admin- South, New York NY 10010-1789. (e-mail
istrator. Provide skilled nursing services, med-; Web site www.suc-
ical social services, psychological counseling,
and dietary counseling. hospitality manager See bar manager.
hospital An institution that is licensed, pro- Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association
vides continuous medical and nursing care 24 International (HSMAI) An organization of
hours per day, and has facilities for diagnosis sales and marketing professionals with over
and major surgery. The term may also be used 5000 members from 35 countries and repre-
to describe a licensed ambulatory surgical senting all segments of the hospitality indus-
center or a facility operated by a hospice or try. HSMAI has become the industry leader
hospitality suite 317 hotel rep firm

in identifying and communicating trends in woman standard; sexual harassment; unwel-

the hospitality industry while serving as a come behavior.
voice for both hospitality and sales and mar- hostile takeover or merger A strategy for
keting management disciplines. Contact: effecting a leveraged purchase of a corpora-
HSMAI, 8201 Greensboro Dr., Suite 300, tion. It typically involves an overpriced bid
McLean, VA 22102 (phone 703-610-9024; fax for stock.
703-610-9005; Web site hostile work environment See sexual harass-
hospitality suite A hotel suite used for enter- ment.
taining that has at least one adjoining host site In distance learning, the site that
bedroom. originates the session or program; the place
hospital stay The time a patient is conned to where the instructor, moderator, or presenter
a hospital and incurs a room and board charge is located.
for inpatient care (other than custodial care). hot-desking Occurs when different employ-
Hospital Survey and Construction Act of ees use the same desk at different times of the
1946 Legislation that provided federal sup- day or week, such as when a job sharing
port for the construction and modernization of arrangement is used. The origin of the term is
hospitals and other health facilities. Also hot-sheeting, which refers to a practice of
called the Hill-Burton Act. having submarine sailors (who serve on dif-
host A computer to which one or more termi- ferent watch schedules) use the same bunk at
nals or other smaller computers are connected different times.
or netted. A host can use almost any Internet hotel classications In meeting management,
tool, such as WAIS, Mosaic, and Netscape. categories established to describe amenities,
host computerized reservation system In facilities, level of service, and cost of proper-
travel management, the primary computerized ties. They may vary by country. Typical clas-
reservation system (CRS) used by travel sications are deluxe/luxury (ve star), rst
agents. It is accessed from a satellite CRS. class (four star), standard (three star), and
hosted services Designed to help banks, bro- economy or budget.
kerages, and insurance companies comply hotel functional positions See bar manager;
with customer identication requirements of catering director; concierge; conference ser-
the Patriot Act of 2001. vices manager; controller; convention services
hosted tour A tour that uses the services of manager; director of sales; executive chef;
local agents or hosts at each major destination executive housekeeper; food and beverage
for a limited period of time per day to assist manager; front ofce manager; general man-
tour members with optional sightseeing and ager; maintenance engineer; recreation man-
independent plans. ager; resident manager; security chief.
Hosteur A term coined by the Council on hoteling In telecommuting, describes employ-
Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Edu- ees who call ahead to the companys location
cation to capture the essence of the hospitality or leased space to reserve a particular ofce
and tourism career eld. The rst syllable of on the day they come to work.
the word Hosteur relates to the basic mission hotel rate Guest room, suite, or meeting room
of of hospitality and tourism hosting and prices, usually excluding applicable taxes,
serving the guest; the second syllable, eur, is such as continental plan, day rate, European
a sound that is recognized internationally. plan, at rate, full American plan, modied
hostile bid A strategy for gaining ownership American plan, rack rate, and run-of-the-
and control of a business by making an over- house rate.
priced bid for its stock. hotel rep rm Hotel associations of private
hostile environment In the context of sexual companies that provide promotion, advertis-
harassment, suggestive comments, leers, sex- ing, marketing, and sales services for small
ually explicit photos, grafti, and so on. See and independent hotels that are not afliated
also quid pro quo harassment; reasonable with a chain or lack the funds to set up their
hot work group 318 HR self-audit

own people in branch ofces. Often used by (HRD) professionals. Sponsored by Training
meeting planners to save time and money. magazine. Contact: Training Magazine, Lake-
hot work group A work team composed of wood Publications, Lakewood Bldg., 50 S.
high-achieving, productive, and dedicated Ninth St., Minneapolis, MN 55402 (phone
members who are working on exciting, chal- 800-328-4329 or 612-333-0471; fax 612-333-
lenging, and rewarding tasks. 6526; e-mail; Web site
hourly charge A fee for services based upon
an agreed-upon hourly rate charged by the HR Executive of the Year Award and HR
contractor for such services. The rate may Honor Roll Created by Human Resource
vary based on the nature of the assignment Executive magazine to honor the top senior-
and its duration, location, and difculty. level executives in human resources. A panel
Travel time may or may not be included, and of judges evaluates nalists and selects a win-
minimum time limits may be established by ner and honor roll members from among nom-
the contract. inees, all of whom must be skilled profession-
hourly part-time worker A exible stafng als, have a record of innovative solutions to
option. Employees hired for part-time work signicant HR problems, be active in the HR
who do not receive any of the fringe benets profession as an integral part of an organiza-
given to regular employees. tion, and have made signicant contributions
house count In meeting management, a con- to the HR profession as a whole. Contact:
tract item that refers to the actual number of Human Resources Executive, Ste. 500, 747
sleeping rooms occupied during a particular Dresher Rd., Horsham, PA 19044-0980
(phone 215-784-0910, ext. 238; fax 215-784-
house list In direct marketing, a computerized
0870; e-mail; Web site
list of a companys clients or customers, indi-
viduals and organizations that have purchased
The HR Magazine Innovative Practice
products or services in the past
Awards Annual awards, sponsored by ADP
house organ A company publication prepared
Inc. and the Society for Human Resource
and distributed for employees. House organs
Management Foundation, that recognize cre-
present company news and other informa-
ative and successful projects, activities, prac-
tion relating to matters of interest or concern
to employees and their families. tices, or programs of HR departments or
housing allowance A differential paid to related staff functions. Entry forms for the
employees to adjust for differences, including awards are available at
both rent and basic utilities, between housing gazine.
costs overseas and comparable housing in the HR Magazine on Human Resource Manage-
U.S. ment A monthly journal. Cost: $60.00 per
housing assistance See Taft-Hartley Amend- year (free to members of SHRM). Contact:
ment of 1990. Society for Human Resource Management,
housing services Providing assistance with 1800 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
nancing, building, and maintining a home or (phone 800-283-SHRM [U.S. only] +1 703-
locating long-term emergency housing. 548-3440 [International]; fax 703-535-6490;
How Our Business System Operates Web site
(HOBSO) A popular corporate information HR self-audit A means of appraising the
program of the 1950s. Designed to help quality of the entire HR organization or any
employees understand their roles in the orga- of its elements, functions, services, or pro-
nization. grams and to institute changes to improve
HRD Hall of Fame Recognition for excep- them. Using a specic set of standards, an HR
tional contributions to the human resource self-audit examines every major aspect of HR
development profession over a long period of management, organization, programs, ser-
time. Inductees are selected annually by a board vices, facilities, resources, and outcomes in
composed of human resources development relation to the organizations goals, using
HR Service Excellence Award 319 human capital value added

observation, interview, and review of docu- the establishment of an occupational branch

ments. It analyzes purposes and objectives, for the NIAAA that granted funds for each
policies, procedures, budget, management, state to hire two occupational program con-
stafng, systems, programs, services, and sultants charged with developing programs in
facilities (buildings, space, furnishings, equip- both the private and public sectors, and man-
ment, and materials). It identies strengths, dated the development of programs for the
weaknesses, and problems in organizational prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of
structure, services, and programs. federal employees with substance abuse prob-
HR Service Excellence Award Presented lems.
annually to human resource departments in human capital Contrasted with nancial cap-
eight organization-size categories for out- ital or equipment capital. The assets or wealth
standing and quality service provided to their of an organization embodied in or represented
internal customers. Sponsored by the Human by the hands, minds, and talents of its employ-
Resource Executive and HR Solutions Inc. ees. Also describes what an organization gains
Contact: HR Service Excellence Award, from the loyalty, creativity, effort, accom-
Human Resource Executive, Ste. 500, 747 plishments, and productivity of its employees.
Dresher Rd., Horsham, PA 19044-0980 Said to contribute more than one half of an
(phone 215-784-0910, ext.238; fax 215-784- organizations productive capacity. It equates
0870; e-mail; Web site to, and may actually exceed, the productive capacity of machine capital and investment in
HR strategic plan Managements vision of research and development.
what the corporations human needs and Human Capital: Bottom-Line Solutions for
requirements will be in the future and what Executives and Managers Published seven
the HR organization must become to meet times per year by Douglas Publications, Inc.
those needs. Subscription prices: U.S. 1 year, $49; Canada,
huddle group A training technique used to $54; all other countries, $94. Contact: Dou-
make possible the exchange of experience and glas Publications, Inc., 2807 N. Parnham Rd.,
the sharing of ideas in a large group; to iden- Ste. 200, Richmond, VA 23294 (Web site
tify questions, issues, and problems that mem-
bers of a large group may wish to have con- human capital index (HCI) See Watson
sidered; to obtain the contributions of reticent Wyatt Human Capital Index.
trainees; to gather suggestions from the group human capital ROI A key human resources
for improving learning activities; and to eval- metric. Produces a ratio of dollars spent on
uate problem solutions. The group is divided pay and benets to an adjusted prot gure.
into units of six members, given the problem, It is calculated as follows: Human capital ROI
and allowed 6 minutes to discuss it and be = Revenue [Operating expense (Compen-
ready to report back to the total group. sation cost + Benet cost)]/(Compensation
hue In video, the color of light red, green, cost Benet cost), where Benet cost
and blue combined in any amount. excludes payments for time not worked.
hue, lightness, saturation (HLS) In desktop Source: Saratoga Institute; William Brown,
publishing, a model for color denition Ph.D. Attributed to Robert J. Grossman,
hufng Inhalant abuse. Using euphoriant Measuring Up, HR Magazine, January
inhalants, including such common household 2000, pp. 2935. Reprinted with the permis-
and ofce products as air freshener, nail polish sion of HR Magazine, published by the Soci-
remover, typewriter correction uid, and com- ety of Human Resource Management, Alex-
puter keyboard spray, to achieve a high. andria,VA (Web site
Also called snifng and wangling. human capital value added A key human
Hughes Act of 1970 Established the National resources metric. A primary measure of
Institute for Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse peoples contributions to an organization.
(NIAAA) as a separate entity from the It is calculated as follows: Human capital
National Institute of Mental Health, mandated value added = Revenue [Operating
Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003 320 human performance practices

ex p e n s e ( C o m p e n s a t i o n + B e n e t transmit the virus. HIV disease is now con-

costs)]/Total full-time employees, where sidered a chronic, treatable disease. Because
Benet costs exclude payments for time not people with HIV are living longer, more pro-
worked. Source: Saratoga Institute; Will- ductive lives, there are likely to be more work-
iam Brown, Ph.D. Attributed to Robert J. ers with the disease.
Grossman, Measuring Up, HR Magazine, humanistic psychology A theory of human
January 2000, pp. 2935. Reprinted with behavior that centers on concern for the rights
the permission of HR Magazine, published and resources of the individual and the devel-
by the Society of Human Resource Man- opment of open, caring relationships with oth-
agement, Alexandria, VA (Web site ers. Humanistic psychology focuses on such matters as creativity, self-realization, and inte-
Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003 gration of the whole person.
Would prohibit people from knowingly humanitarian awards See Hospitality Indus-
attempting to perform human cloning, try Humanitarian Awards Program.
whether for reproduction or research, or par- human nature ethics An ethical approach to
ticipating in such a procedure by shipping or decision and action. Human nature ethics
receiving an embryo produced from human assumes that all humans have inborn capaci-
cloning. Would impose a $1 million ne and ties that constitute the ultimate basis for all
up to a 10-year prison sentence for violators. ethical conduct and behavior. Actions, there-
The measure was passed by the House on fore, are judged in terms of whether they pro-
February 27, 2003, and awaits a senate vote. mote or hinder, harmonize or conict with
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society those human capabilities. So, the criterion for
(HFES) An interdisciplinary, nonprot judging the rightness of any action is whether
organization of 5000 members involved in the or not the action is compatible with ones
human factors eld. Promotes the discovery inherent human capabilities.
and exchange of human factors knowledge, as human performance The accomplishment of
well as education and training for students and a task in accordance with preestablished stan-
practitioners. HFES is part of the International dards of completeness and accuracy that are
Ergonomics Association. Contact: HFES, appropriate for evaluating an individuals
P.O. Box 1369, Santa Monica, CA 90406 work.
(phone 310-394-1811; fax 310-394-2410; human performance improvement (HPI)
e-mail; Web site A learning system engineered to identify and
human factors engineering (HFE) System- analyze deciencies in human performance. It
atic and controlled study and research to adapt involves planning, designing, developing,
the work environment and human tasks to the evaluating, and improving cost-effective pro-
sensory, perceptual, mental, physical, and grams and strategies to remedy those decits.
esthetic attributes, capacities, and preferences human performance practices or strategies
of people. HFE is concerned with workplace Include annual performance review, documen-
layout, equipment controls, instrument tation of individual competencies, employee
design, furniture and furnishings, and environ- access to key business information, employee
mental conditions (lighting, noise level, and apprenticeship training, employee involve-
so on). ment, employee stock ownership plans,
human immunodeciency virus (HIV) T h e employer-supported conference attendance,
virus that causes acquired immune deciency group or team-based compensation, individ-
syndrome (AIDS and associated conditions, ual development plan, individual incentive
such as AIDS-related complex). HIV is compensation, job rotation or cross-train-
present in the earliest stages of infection when ing, knowledge- or skill-based pay, line-on-
there are no symptoms as well as in people loan or rotational training staff, mandatory
with full-blown cases of AIDS. A positive annual training time, mentoring or coaching
HIV test does not mean that the individual programs, peer review of performance or
will develop AIDS; however, such people can 360-feedback system, prot-sharing or
human performance technology 321 Human Resource Professional

gainsharing, quality circles or problem-solv- Human Resource Development Quarterly A

ing teams, self-directed work teams, skills journal published quarterly by Jossey-Bass
certication, student apprenticeship training, Publishers and sponsored by the American
total quality management, training informa- Society for Training and Development. Sub-
tion system, training resource center, and scription rates: $97.00 per year for institu-
train-the-trainer courses. tions, agencies, and libraries; $61.00 per year
human performance technology See perfor- for individuals if payment is made by personal
mance technology. check. Contact: Jossey Bass Publishers, 350
human potential movement See human rela- Sansome St., San Francisco, CA 94104-1342
tions; personal growth training; sensitivity (phone 415-433-1767; Web sites www.jossey-
training; T-group.
human relations A term popular in the 1950s Human Resource Executive A journal pub-
and 1960s used to describe the integration of lished monthly, except semimonthly in Octo-
behavioral and social sciences principles as ber, November, and June. Cost: $69.95. Con-
they apply people at work. Essentially, human tact: Human Resources Executive, Ste. 500,
relations is the development and implementa- 747 Rd., Horsham, PA 19044-0980 (phone
tion of a productive and fullling group effort. 215-784-0910, ext. 238; fax 215-784-0870;
Also referred to as organizational behavior. e - m a i l h eve r s o n @ l r p . c o m ; We b s i t e
Human Resource Award of Excellence A n
human resource management practice sophis-
award designed to honor leadership and pro-
tication (HRSOPH) A measure or index of
fessional excellence in the practice of human
the effects of overall human resources manage-
resources management. Presented annually
ment practice strategy on company perfor-
by the American Management Association
mance. The scale, developed in a Department
and Olsten Stafng Services to the human
of Labor study conducted at Columbia Univer-
resource practitioner who has demonstrated
sity, is a tabulation of management best prac-
high levels of originality, innovation, creativ-
tices in the areas of attitude assessment, com-
ity, and inventiveness, implementing or pensation, grievance procedures, information
enhancing a program or service, and solving sharing, labor-management participation, per-
a dramatic challenge. Contact: Iris formance appraisal, and personnel selection.
Kapustein, Director, Trade Shows, Awards & Attributed to Mark A. Huselid (Documenting
Associations, The Olsten Corporation, One HRs Effect on Company Performance, HR
Merrick Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 (phone Magazine, January 1994, pp. 7985).
516-3l7-1680). The Human Resource Planning Society
The Human Resource Certication Institute (HRPS) A professional organization of 2500
(HRCI) A credentialing organization that individual members and 100 corporate spon-
works to dene the human resource body of sors. HRPS mission is to increase the impact
knowledge and assesses candidates on their of human resource planning and management
mastery of that body of knowledge. Awards on business and organizational performance.
the The Professional in Human Resources and The Society provides access to leading-edge
Senior Professional in Human Resources cer- thinking, initiates partnerships and establishes
tications, which attest that the holder has networks, and offers a broad range of learning
demonstrated mastery of the HR body of and growth opportunities. Contact: HRPS,
knowledge and has accepted the personal 317 Madison Avenue, Suite 1509, New York,
challenge to stay informed of new develop- NY 10017 (phone 212-490-6387; fax 212-
ments in the HR eld. HRCI is an afliate of 682-6851; e-mail; Web site
The Society for Human Resource Manage-
ment. Contact: HRCI, 1800 Duke Street, Human Resource Professional A journal
Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 800-283-7476 published six times per year. Cost: $105 per
or 703-548-3440; fax 703-836-0367; e-mail year. Contact: Human Resources Executive,; Web site Ste. 500, 747 Dresher Rd., Horsham, PA
human resources (HR) 322 human resources outsourcing

19044-0980 (phone 215-784-0910, ext. 238; The HRIC is an administrative element that
fax 215-784-0870; e-mail; serves as the interface between the system and
Web site its users. The center ensures that required
human resources (HR) 1. The people that information is being input to the system; that
staff and operate an organization the exec- required checks, edits, and corrections are
utives, managers, supervisors, scientists and being made; and that needed outputs are being
engineers, technicians, marketing and sales accessed, coordinated, and disseminated.
personnel, administrative and clerical person- human resources information system
nel, and hourly workers as contrasted with (HRIS) A computer-based system for col-
the nancial and material resources of an lecting, storing, maintaining, and retrieving
organization. 2. The organizational function data on people, jobs, compensation and bene-
that deals with the people who manage, pro- ts, and employment forecasts and conditions
duce, market, and sell the products and ser- to automate HR functions and provide data to
vices of an organization. managers on demand. Also known as human
human resources accounting (HRA) resources management system, human
A means of measuring employees costs and resources system, and personnel system.
value to an organization. A tool to help man- human resources management (HRM) The
agement make decisions based on facts, g- organization function that focuses on the man-
ures, and historical data in matters such as agement and direction of people. HRM deals
hiring, layoffs, transfers, training, and retain- with the human element in the organization
ing people. Typically performed by the people as individuals and groups, their
accounting department in conjunction with recruitment, selection, assignment, motiva-
the HR or personnel department. tion, compensation, utilization, services, train-
human resources development (HRD) ing, development, promotion, termination,
Refers to career development, training and and retirement.
development, and organization development human resources management system
programs offered to employees to develop (HRMS) An integrated system of human
new or replacement knowledge and skills; relations, payroll, benets applications, and
improve their performance, potential, and pro- the like.
motability; enhance their general personal human resources metrics Means of measur-
growth; and improve group and overall orga- ing the value of a business human capital and
nizational effectiveness. the effectiveness of human resources strate-
Human Resources Effectiveness Studies A gies in effecting business success or other bot-
joint project of the Society for Human tom-line outcomes. Includes cost per hire,
Resources Management and the Saratoga health care costs per employee, human cap-
Institute that provides gures for checking ital ROI, human capital value added, reve-
how well various HR functions are being nue factor, total compensation revenue per-
handled. Conducts annual surveys. Contact: c e n t a g e , t o t a l l a b o r c o s t rev e n u e
SHRM, 1800 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA percentage, training investment factor,
22314 (phone 800-283-SHRM or 703-548- turnover costs, and voluntary separation
3440; fax 703-535-6490; e-mail rate. Attributed to Robert J. Grossman, Mea-; Web site suring Up, HR Magazine, January 2000,
human resources engineering See human pp. 2935.
resources environment. human resources outsourcing (HRO) The
human resources environment (HRE) Con- practice of contracting outside for the perfor-
sists of organization-sponsored activities mance of human resources functions, prima-
designed to improve the workplace and work rily to reduce costs and improve employee
conditions and relationships. services. Outsourced work includes adminis-
human resources information center trative functions, benets administration,
(HRIC) One of the critical components of a employee services, payroll processing, or
human resources information system (HRIS). other non-core transactional activities.
Human Resources Outsourcing Today 323 hypertext

Human Resources Outsourcing Today Pub- hybrid pension plan A plan that combines
lished monthly. Subscription fees are $150.00 the best features of dened benet and
for 1 year and $250.00 for 2 years. Contact: dened contribution programs.
HRO Today, 124 Little Falls Rd, Unit B, Fair- hybrid projector A video and data projection
eld, NJ 07004 (phone 973-439-0060; fax system that combines two or more technolo-
973-439-0061; e-mail info@outsourcingto- gies, such as a combination of an integrated; Web site light source with its own lens and a slide
human resources planning (HRP) The pro- projector.
cess of ensuring that personnel in the numbers hydrotherapy Most often involves a reclined
and with the skills and experience required by whirlpool bath with an external water hose
the organization will be available when needed. used by an attendant to give a person a full
human resources self-service and portal body massage. Also includes mineral baths,
technologies Self-service solutions and Scotch showers, Swiss needle showers, and
strategies designed to support building high- other forms of whirlpool baths.
performance work forces and encouraging hypercard See hypertext.
manager and employee productivity. Manager hyperlink A highlighted word or graphic on
applications typically include budget manage- a World Wide Web page that, when clicked
ment, reporting, and staff management. on by a mouse, can connect the user to a new
Employee applications include communica- location.
tions information, compensation-related man- hypermedia 1. A form of computer-sup-
agement, health and welfare benets manage- ported learning resource, tools that integrate
ment, personal data management, retirement performance support for workers. Links dif-
management, and time management. ferent media under learner or worker control.
human resources utilization (HRU) Refers Hypermedia programs are stacks, and pages
specically to the utilization of people within (screen images) within a stack are cards.
an organization to maximize organizational 2. On the Internet, highlighted text linked to
benets as well as provide employees with the related pages at the same or other Web sites.
personal and job satisfaction they need to be hypertalk See hypertext.
productive, effective, and loyal. hypertension Occurs when an individuals
human resources valuation The assignment blood pressure is consistently higher than the
of value to employees based on the future normal range for his or her age group. It is
economic services they are expected to pro- measured by two numbers: (1) the higher
vide throughout their employment with the number represents the systolic blood pressure
company. when the heart is working at its maximum and
human skills The ability to work effectively exerts the maximum amount of pressure on
as a member of a group, to build cooperative the arteries and (2) the lower number repre-
effort within teams, and to deal effectively sents the diastolic blood pressure when the
with interpersonal conict. Requisites include minimum amount of pressure is exerted on the
understanding people and self-awareness arteries. In adults, hypertension is dened as
understanding ones own motivations, biases, a systolic blood pressure of 140 mm or greater
and blind spots. and/or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm or
humanware The resource that enables non- greater. Prolonged elevated blood pressure can
prot organizations, including educational lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and
institutions, to keep abreast with technology. atherosclerosis. Although hypertension can-
Attributed to CompuMentor, a computeriza- not be cured, it can be treated and controlled
tion consulting organization based in San with medication, losing weight, restricting
Francisco, CA. alcohol and sodium consumption, regular
hurricane writing See mind-mapping. exercise, quitting smoking, and reducing
hybrid organization An organization that stress. Also called high blood pressure.
balances the use of both horizontal and verti- hypertext A type of computer-supported
cal organization models. learning resources. The term is used
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 324 hypothesis

generically to refer to interactive media a Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) The

means of interacting with a computer in a Internet standard coding system that enables
nonlinear way, a manner that reects the way users to distribute information and data (links,
people think. Essentially a software program graphics, and text) across the World Wide Web.
that links graphics and text. Users can use a hypnotherapy An alternative form of medical
personal computer to browse rapidly through treatment in which therapeutic suggestions are
a document, select or word or phrase, and, made to relieve pain or speed the healing of
with the touch of a button, go directly to patients by placing them in a hypnotic trance
linked documents, cross-references, annota- state.
tions, or footnotes. hypochondriasis An obsessive preoccupation
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) with a particular illness based on an individ-
The formatting protocol used by World Wide uals misinterpretation of bodily sensations.
Web sites interpreted by Web browsers and People who suffer from this disorder frequently
used to create Web pages. believe themselves ill when they are not.
hypertext system A computer database (soft- hypomania A severe state of mania charac-
ware) that brings several elements together on terized by persistently euphoric or irritable
screen and responds to the nonlinear process moods, appetite disturbance, decreased need
of human thought. The user can begin with a for sleep, increased activity, pressured speech,
topic, locate one or more cases of it, and, and loss of judgment and self-control.
without having to return to a master menu, hypothesis A shrewd inference or guess that
branch to associated topics. In essence, users is specically formulated and provisionally
can follow their mental processes directly adopted to explain observed facts or condi-
through the text and save time and reduce tions and to guide in their further investigation
frustration. in the search for evidence. An educated hunch.
I~ Instructional technology and IAV Interactive video system.
long-distance education. IBEW International Brotherhood of
IAAP The International Association Electrical Workers.
of Administrative IBPP Internet billing, presentation,
Professionals. and payment.
IAAVC International Association of IBT 1. Instructor-based training.
Audio Visual Communicators. 2. Internet-based training.
IABC International Association of IC 1. Independent contractor.
Business Communicators. 2. Information center.
IACC 1. International Association of ICANN Internet Corporation for
Conference Centers. Assigned Name and Numbers.
2. International Association of ICC International Criminal Court.
Certied Coaches. ICCA International Congress and
IACET International Association for Convention Association.
Continuing Education & ICD-9-CM International Classication of
Training. Diseases, 9th revision, clinical
IACMP International Association of modication.
Career Management ICEO Internet chief executive ofcer.
Professionals. ICFA Institute for Chartered
IACVB International Association of Financial Analysts.
Convention & Visitor Bureaus. ICIA The International
IADAT Integrated Applications Digital Communications Industries
and Audio Trainer. Association.
IADEP Internal Association of Eating ICM 1. Individual case
Disorder Professionals management. 2. Institute for
IAEM International Association for Crisis Management.
Exhibition Management. ICPA Insurance Conference
IAES Interim alternative educational Planners Association.
setting. ICSA International Customer
IAF International Accreditation Service Association.
Forum. ICTA Institute of Certied Travel
IAFE International Association of Agents.
Fairs and Expositions. IDA The International Dyslexia
IAFP International Association for Association.
Financial Planning. IDEA Individuals with Disabilities
IAM&AW International Association of Education Act of 1997.
Machinists and Aerospace IDM Integrated device
Workers. manufacturer.
IAPBI Information Access Project for IDP Individual development plan.
Blind Individuals. I-DPO Internet direct public offering.
IAPP International Association of IDS Integrated delivery system.
Presentation Professionals. IDTV Improved denition television.
IAS International accounting IEAP Integrated Employee
standards. Assistance Program.


IEP Individual education plan. INFORMS Institute for Operations

IFAC The International Federation Research and the Management
of Accountants. Sciences.
IFB Invitation for bid. IP 1. Internet protocol.
IFEBP International Foundation of 2. Intellectual property.
Employee Benets Plans. IPA 1. Independent Practice
IFHOH International Federation of Association. 2. Individual
Hard of Hearing People. Practice Association.
IFTDO International Federation of IPG Immediate participation
Training and Development guarantee.
Organizations. IPMA International Personnel
IGLTA International Gay & Lesbian
Management Association.
Travel Association.
IPO 1. Independent physician
IHRIM International Association for
organization. 2. Initial public
Human Resource Information
offering. 3. Individual pays
IICS International Interactive
Communications Society. IPS Integrated performance
IIE Institute of Industrial support.
Engineers. IQ Intelligence quotient.
III Insurance Information IQC Indenite quantity contract.
Institute. IRA Individual retirement account.
IIRIRA Illegal Immigration Reform IRC 1. Internal Revenue Code.
and Immigrant Responsibility 2. Internet relay chat.
Act of 1996. IRCA Immigration Reform and
IIS Integrated instructional Control Act of 1986.
system. IRR Individual Ready Reserve.
IKWUM I know what you mean IRRA Industrial Relations Research
(Internet speak). Association.
ILEI Index of Leading Economic IRS Internal Revenue Service.
Indicators. IS Information systems.
ILO International Labor ISBN International Standard Book
Organization. Number.
ILS Integrated learning system. ISCEBS International Society of
IM Instructional management. Certied Employee Benet
IMC Institute of Management Specialists.
ISD Instructional systems
IME Independent medical
ISDN Integrated Services Digital
IMHO In my humble opinion (online
IMMAC 90 Immigration Act of 1990. ISES International Special Events
IMO In my opinion (Internet Society
abbreviation). ISMP International Society of
IMRT Intensively modulated Meeting Planners.
radiation therapy. ISO 1. Incentive stock options.
IMS 1. Interactive Market Systems. 2. International Standards
2. Instructional Management Organization.
Systems (Project). ISO 9000 International Standards
INA Immigration and Nationality Organization 9000 series.
Act of 1952 and 1997. ISP Internet service provider.
ISPI 327 identity management

ISPI International Society for time, the drug can cause permanent mental
Performance and impairment. Also known as glass, crank, rock,
Improvement. meth, and crystal meth.
ISS Interactive software iceberg training A consequence of corporate
simulations. downsizing, training budget cuts, and the
ISSN International Standard Serial demand of boards of control to do more with
Number. less. Involves training supervisors, techni-
ISTE International Society for cians, or skilled operative employees to train
Technology in Education. their employees in the essentials of a particu-
IT 1. Instructional technology. lar job (the tip of the iceberg), rather than
2. Information technology. attempting to teach them everything they
ITA Information Technology know. Coined by Walter DiMantova, Director
Agreement. of the Center for Corporate Training, Eastern
ITAC The International Telework Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI.
Association and Council. icebreaker An opener, warm-up, energizer,
ITI Industrial Technology and tension-reducer for training sessions and
Institute. workshops, such as games, simulations, exer-
Itrain International Association of cises, and brainteasers. Icebreakers help the
Information Technology trainer or workshop leader begin sessions with
Trainers. impact, acquaint participants with one another
ITS Intelligent tutoring system. comfortably, and reenergize group members
ITT Information technology during at periods.
training. icon In computers, a symbol that appears on
IVD Interactive videodisc. the screen (CRT) that, when signaled (clicked
IVLA International Visual Literacy with a mouse), causes a users command to
Association. the program to be activated.
IVR Interactive voice response. idea bank A manual or computerized le of
IVS Interactive video system. ideas, critical incidents, and events of impor-
IWRP Individual Written tance to enterprise planning, management,
Rehabilitation Plan. operations, and control. Used as a source of
IWS Intelligent work station. new initiatives or problem-solving approaches.
idea processor An electronic means of outlin-
I~ Pronounced eye tilde. An acronym for ing using a personal computer and software
instructional technology and long-distance that serves as a text editor operating on lines
education. of text instead of individual words. The user
iatrogenic injury See adverse medical event. enters one idea on each line and then can
IBM Accessibility Center Provides product arrange them hierarchically the broader
and service information for people with dis- concepts broken down sequentially into less
abilities and for human resource professionals comprehensive ones. The user can easily
who seek knowledge about solutions or means group and regroup ideas until satised with
of empowering persons with vision, mobility, the logic of the arrangement.
speech-hearing, and cognitive disabilities to ideation Piling up alternative ideas for the
ensure a productive working environment. solution of problems.
Contact: IBM Accessibility Center, 11400 ideational uency See thinking uency.
Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758 (phone 800- indemnity insurance Health insurance bene-
426-4832; Web site ts provided in the form of cash payments
ice An odorless, colorless, crystalline, smok- rather than services.
able, and highly addictive form of speed identity See company identity.
(methamphetamine), the drug makes people identity management A means of achieving
aggressive and violent. When smoked it pro- secure access to information and applica-
vides a high of from 4 to 24 hours. Used over tions across a range of internal and external
identity theft 328 immediate evaluation

computing systems and, at the same time, pro- and other documents as determined by the
viding access to a growing number of users, attorney general.
both inside and outside the organization, with- image See corporate image; self-image.
out compromising security or revealing sensi- image consulting Consulting practice that
tive information. It employs four tools: pass- focuses on public speaking (speech and
word reset, password synchronization, appearance) training and/or wardrobe/
single sign-on, and access management soft- color/style advising.
ware. For password management options, see image database Software that creates a data- base of images, animations, and digital video
wordmgmt.shtml. with a single command. It compresses images
identity theft Using, without authority, any to save disk space and allows the user to cat-
means of identication of another person with alog all image formats. The database keeps
the intent of committing theft. The most com- images organized on a hard drive and enables
mon objective is to obtain and misuse a social the user to obtain data on a specic image
security number. To report unauthorized use what drive and volume the image is on and its
of that number, call the Special Security Fraud name, creator, and the date it was last modi-
Hotline at 800-269-0271 and le a complaint ed. Some image databases can locate graph-
with the Federal Trade Commission, Identity ics les over a network on servers and on other
Theft Clearinghouse, 600 Pennsylvania, Ave., hard drives.
NW, Washington, D.C. 20580 (phone 877- image doctor See spin master.
438-4338; TTY 202-326-2502; Web site imagesetter 1. A high-resolution laser output device that transfers digitized type or images
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence onto photosensitive paper. 2. Typesetters con-
Act of 1998 The Act amended chapter 47 of nected to desktop publishing workstations
Title 18, United States Code, to make it a used to record halftones and line images as
federal crime when anyone knowingly trans- well as type.
fers or uses, without lawful authority, a means imagineering Visualizing as an individual or
of identication of another person with the as part of a group how things would be if
intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlaw- everything were perfect no problems, no
ful activity that constitutes a violation of fed- complications, no obstacles, no errors. The
eral law or that constitutes a felony under any exercise is said to open peoples minds to pos-
applicable state or local law. Signed into law sibilities and opportunities for improvement
Oct. 30, 1998. and, at the same time, foster teamwork and
illegal immigrants See A.P.R.A. Fuel Oil collaboration.
Buyers Group Inc., et al.; Immigration Act of imaging See creative imagery; guided imag-
1990; Immigration Reform and Control Act ing/imagery; reproductive imagery; specula-
of 1986. tive imagery; structural imaging/imagery.
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant imaging software Programs that drive per-
Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA) sonal computer graphics production such as
Reduced the number of documents that an CAD engineering/architectural drawing,
employer can accept as proof of identity and theatrical costume design, digital map-mak-
eligibility to work in the U.S. Employers can ing, three-dimensional modeling, and
no longer accept certicates of naturalization, photorealism.
certicates of citizenship, foreign passports, immediate annuity An annuity that provides
or birth certicates. Acceptable documents for for payments to the beneciary beginning the
both identity and employability (List A) are year following the purchase of the annuity.
limited to a U.S. passport, an alien registration immediate evaluation E va l u a t i o n t h a t
card, or other documents designated by the focuses on ongoing programs and activities.
attorney general. Acceptable documents for Its objective is to assess the quality of pro-
establishing employment eligibility only (List grams and services while they are in operation
C) are limited to a U.S. social security card to provide supervisors and employees or
immediate fixed annuity 329 Immigration and Naturalization Service

instructors and trainees the feedback they allocation of nonimmigrant employment-

need to improve their performance. There are related visas (H-1B employer-sponsored
three subcategories of immediate evaluation: temporary visas). An employer must now
participant reaction, measurement of behav- certify to the Department of Labor that the
ioral or attitudinal change, and self-evaluation company is offering at least the local prevail-
or self-audit. ing wages and working conditions to H-1B
immediate xed annuity An investment con- workers and all U.S. workers hold the same
tract with an insurance company that allows job at the employers facility.
the buyer to convert a lump sum of money Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
into a guaranteed payment stream that begins (INA) An act that made it unlawful for any
within 12 months of purchase. See also person or organization to hire, recruit, or refer
deferred xed annuity. for a fee an alien for employment in the U.S.,
immediate participation guarantee (IPG) knowing the alien is unauthorized for employ-
A funding plan vehicle for annuity contracts. ment or, after hiring an alien authorized
immediate relatives Certain immigrants who, employment, continuing to employ that indi-
because of their close relationship to U.S. cit- vidual knowing that the alien has become
izens, are exempt from the numerical limita- unauthorized with respect to employment.
tions imposed on immigration to the U.S. The Act also deals with the admission and
Immediate relatives are spouses of citizens, employment of special agricultural workers
children (under 21 years of age and unmar- and temporary workers and proscribes dis-
ried) of citizens, and parents of citizens 21 crimination against aliens authorized employ-
years of age or older. ment on the basis of national origin or citizen-
immersion See language immersion. ship status.
immersion environment A technical plat-
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1997
form (or platforms) that allows learners to be
(INA) Protects workers against the follow-
as involved in the learning as they are in a
ing types of discrimination: national origin (of
classroom. Attributed to Bryan Polivka
the applicant or employee because of his or
(e-mail Bryan, chief
her or an ancestors place of origin or the
learning ofcer with Caliber Learning Net-
physical, cultural, or linguistic characteristics
work, Inc., a Baltimore Web-based training
of a particular nationality), citizenship or
immigration status, document abuse (refusing
immigrant See Permanent Resident Alien.
to accept documents that reasonably appear to
Immigration Act of 1990 (IMMAC 90)
be genuine and that prove identity or requiring
Legislation enacted into law on November
more or specic documentation to prove an
29, 1990, that reconstructed the controlling
immigration statutes. The Act includes a new employees identity or work authorization),
classication and quota system for the allo- and retaliation (retaliating against an individ-
cation of immigrant visas (for temporary ual for ling a complaint, cooperating in an
workers) and affects all persons seeking per- investigation, or testifying at a hearing).
manent residency status in the U.S. One of Became effective in September 1997.
the most signicant features of the Act is that Immigration and Naturalization Service
persons seeking entry on the basis of an offer (INS) See Bureau of Citizenship and Immi-
of employment from a U.S. employer may gration Services.
do so as long as they present unique exper- Immigration and Naturalization Service B-1
tise, training, and experience. It creates a status Under the Immigration Reform and
separate category for professionals (such as Control Act of 1990, a program designed to
engineers, scientists, accountants, health allow foreign nationals to visit the U.S. a max-
practitioners, and teachers) with advanced imum of 1 year (with extensions possible) and
degrees and gives them priority over lesser- for multiple visits up to 10 years to attend con-
skilled workers. Another feature imposes ventions, look for business opportunities, or
annual caps on certain occupations for the negotiate agreements. Local employment is not
Immigration and Naturalization Service 330 Immigration and Naturalization Service

permitted. See also American Competitiveness to 20 hours per week after 1 year and for
and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998. 1 year after graduation.
Immigration and Naturalization Service B-2 Immigration and Naturalization Service
status A visa good for a one-time or multiple H-1A status An alien temporary worker
visits up to 10 years issued to aliens for rec- registered nurse (valid from October 1, 1990
reation, visits with family, or medical visits. through September 30, 1995).
May not work or receive any kind of remu- Immigration and Naturalization Service
neration. Applicants must prove intent to H-1B status Specialty occupation. Designed
return home. to allow employer-sponsored, nonimmigrant
Immigration and Naturalization Service E-1 professional workers to enter the U.S. tempo-
status Treaty trader. Available for foreign rarily to work in specialty occupations, which
nationals who are executives, supervisors, or typically require a bachelors degree or higher,
highly skilled workers and who are involved for a maximum of 6 years. The status is valid
in substantial trade or active investment prin- only for employment with the sponsoring
cipally between their home country and the employer, and the employer must demon-
U.S.; for example, employees of an airline that strate his or her status as a professional and
ies regularly to U.S. cities. Allows foreign may be required to have the aliens creden-
nationals to enter the U.S. to direct and tials evaluated.
develop substantial import/export trade Immigration and Naturalization Service
between the U.S. and the treaty country. H-1C status A l i e n r e g i s t e r e d n u r s e s
allowed to work in areas with a shortage of
Immigration and Naturalization Service E-2
health professionals under the Nursing Relief
status Treaty investor. Allows foreign
for Disadvantaged Areas Act of 1999.
nationals to enter the U.S. to direct and
Immigration and Naturalization Service
develop substantial investments made in a
H-2A status Alien temporary agricultural
U.S. business.
workers entering the U.S. to perform agricul-
Immigration and Naturalization Service
tural services or labor of a temporary or sea-
EB-1 status Designed for aliens with
sonal nature when authorized workers are
extraordinary ability, outstanding professors
unavailable in the U.S.
and researchers, and multinational executives
Immigration and Naturalization Service
and managers. H-2B status Temporary, nonagricultural
Immigration and Naturalization Service employer-sponsored alien workers entering
EB-2 status Designed for professionals the U.S. to perform temporary services or
with advanced degrees or aliens with excep- labor if unemployed persons capable of per-
tional abilities (a somewhat lower level of forming the service or labor cannot be found
knowledge and skills than is required for EB- in the U.S. Good for up to 9 months.
1 status). Requires a sponsoring employer and Immigration and Naturalization Service H-3
also permanent labor certication. status Aliens temporarily entering the U.S.
Immigration and Naturalization Service as trainees, other than to receive graduate
EB-3 status Designed for skilled workers, medical education or training.
professionals, and other workers who have Immigration and Naturalization J-1 status
a parent afliate or subsidiary abroad and Exchange visitor. Allows sponsored foreign
must have worked in a foreign facility for nationals to enter the U.S. for a limited time
1 year in the 3 years preceding entry into the to gain practical experience or to participate
U.S. Maximum stay in the U.S. is 7 years. in an approved exchange program. May work
Applicants must receive labor certication. temporarily, but there are no wage restrictions.
Immigration and Naturalization Service F-1 Some restrictions apply to professors,
status A nonimmigrant visa issued to alien research scholars, medical graduates, and
students enrolled in academic or language teachers.
programs full-time and in good academic Immigration and Naturalization Service
standing. Allowed to work off-campus for up L-1A/B status Intra-Company Transferee.
Immigration and Naturalization Service 331 Immigration Reform Act of 1996

Allows executives and managers (L1-A) or immigration judge An attorney appointed by

employees with specialized knowledge (L1- the U.S. Attorney General to act as an admin-
B) and the aliens spouse and minor unmarried istrative judge within the Executive Ofce for
children to transfer from a foreign country to Immigration Review. They are qualied to
a U.S. parent, branch, subsidiary, or afliate conduct specied classes of proceedings,
for limited periods of time. Participants must including removal proceedings.
have worked at the foreign company in the Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments
appropriate capacity for at least 12 months of 1986 Legislation passed to deter immi-
during the 3 years immediately prior to ling gration-related marriage fraud. Its major pro-
a visa application. vision stipulates that aliens deriving their
Immigration and Naturalization Service O-1, immigrant status based on a marriage of less
O-2, and O-3 status Temporary workers than 2 years are conditional immigrants. To
with extraordinary ability or achievement in remove their conditional status the immigrants
the sciences, arts, education, business, or ath- must apply at an Immigration and Naturaliza-
letics; those entering solely for the purpose of tion Service ofce during the 90-day period
accompanying and assisting such workers; before their 2nd-year anniversary of receiving
and their spouses and children. conditional status. If the aliens cannot show
Immigration and Naturalization Service P-1, that the marriage through which the status was
P-2, P-3, and P-4 status Aliens entering obtained was and is a valid one, their condi-
the U.S. with temporary worker status tional immigrant status may be terminated,
athletes and entertainers at an internationally and they may become deportable.
recognized level of performance, artists and
Immigration Nursing Relief Act of 1989
entertainers under a reciprocal exchange pro-
Exempts foreign nurses who have legally
gram, artists and entertainers under a program
worked as registered nurses in the U.S. for at
that is culturally unique, and their spouses
least 3 years and who began work before Sep-
and children.
tember 1, 1989 from the annual national
Immigration and Naturalization Service
quota. Designed to help U.S. health care facil-
Q-1, Q-2, and Q-3 status Aliens allowed
ities to deal with the shortage of registered
to enter the U.S. on a temporary basis
participants in international cultural exchange nurses.
programs, participants in the Irish Peace Pro- Immigration Reform Act of 1996 Signed
cess Cultural and Training Program, and into law September 30, 1996. Established three
spouses and children of Irish Peace Process voluntary pilot programs to enhance the ability
participants. of employers to conrm new worker eligibil-
Immigration and Naturalization Service R-1 ity: (1) an enhanced telephone verication sys-
and R-2 status Alien temporary workers tem, (2) waiver of certain paperwork require-
allowed to enter the U.S. for up to 5 years to ments if a new employee attests to being a
perform work in religious occupations and U..S. citizen, and (3) the use of machine-read-
their spouses and children. able documents. The Act also reduced the
Immigration and Naturalization Service TN number of acceptable documents an employee
status Under the North American Free can present for employer verication as fol-
Trade Agreement, allows citizens of Canada lows: for employability and identity, a U.S.
and Mexico engaged in professional-level passport, a resident alien or alien registration
activities to enter the U.S. Must show purpose card, or other documents designated by the
of entry, professional activity, educational Attorney General (possibly a visa or foreign
qualications, and compliance with applica- passport); for employability only, a social
ble state laws and must state anticipated length security card or certain other documents
of stay and remuneration. Canadians may found acceptable by the Attorney General
apply at the border. There is no specic limit (such as an employment authorization card);
on the total number of 1-year extensions for and, for identity only, a state drivers license
Canadians; there is a limit for Mexicans. or identication card.
Immigration Reform and Control Act 332 implacement

Immigration Reform and Control Act o f the occurrence of the central item, and their
1986 (IRCA) Designed to stem the inux of responses are placed in smaller circles around
illegal immigrants, the Act instituted a system the circumference of the initial entry, each
of penalties for employers or referral agencies connected to the base circle by a single line.
who knowingly recruit, hire, or refer illegal Then, participants are asked to identify the
aliens. Employers must le INS Form I-9, impacts of each of the rst-level conse-
Employment Eligibility Verication Form, quences, and they are placed in ovals sur-
certifying that all newly hired employees are rounding the rst-level entries and connected
not illegal aliens by ascertaining that they have to them with a single line. The process is
a U.S. passport, a certicate of U.S. citizen- continued with additional levels of conse-
ship, a certicate of naturalization, a resident quences placed in ovals in a series of concen-
alien card, or a combination of documents tric circles and connected by single dotted
(such as social security and birth certicates) lines to their progenitors until the process
showing authorization to work in the U.S. loses its usefulness.
immigration tracking See Immigration impairment Diminished bodily function
Reform and Control Act of 1986. resulting from accident or injury that may or
immunity from prosecution An agreement may not be disabling, depending on the occu-
that a witness will not be prosecuted for con- pation, age, education, work attitude, and so
duct to which his or her testimony relates. on of the worker. As dened by the Ameri-
Granted to an individual by a prosecutor in cans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any
exchange for testimony against the defendant physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic
in the case. disgurement, or anatomical loss affecting
immunosuppressive drugs Medication used one or more of the following body systems:
in immunosuppressive therapy to prevent the neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense
rejection of organ transplants. organs (including speech organs that are not
impact analysis Dening the desired, mea- respiratory, such as vocal cords, soft palate,
surable impact of a learning intervention on and tongue); respiratory, including speech
the organization before launching the inter- organs; cardiovascular; reproductive; diges-
vention. Attributed to Bryan Polivka (e-mail tive; genitourinary; hemic and lymphatic;
Bryan, chief learning skin; and endocrine. It also means any mental
ofcer with Caliber Learning Network, Inc., or psychological disorder, such as mental
a Baltimore Web-based training provider. retardation, organic brain syndrome, emo-
impact evaluation An approach to evaluation tional or mental illness, and specic learning
that focuses on the effects (bottom-line disabilities. Impairment does not include
results) of programs on individuals or depart- homosexuality or bisexuality.
ments, divisions, or corporations. Examples impairment-related work expenses A social
are the extent to which a wellness program security work incentive that allows certain
reduced absenteeism and accidents or the expenses for things persons with disabilities
extent to which an executive succession pro- need to work (because of their impairment) to
gram, coupled with a cross-cultural training be deducted when counting earnings to deter-
program, provided the executives needed for mine whether they are performing substantial
a global expansion program. work.
impact wheel A normative technological impats Impatriates highly skilled foreign
forecasting technique that employs a panel of nationals employed by U.S. companies to
experts to identify important but sometimes overcome labor pool shortages under the
obscure impacts and implications of carefully H-1B visa program. See also expatriates.
selected changes or developments. A descrip- implacement Helping workers whose jobs
tion of the event, change, or development is have been abolished to identify new career
placed in a circle in the center of a large sheet interests and options and develop the skills
of paper or on a chalkboard. The panel is needed to fulll them. May involve testing,
asked to identify the direct consequences of assessment, career counseling, and retraining.
implementation 333 inbasket exercise

Sometimes undertaken to avoid the costs of in the production of goods or services instead
recruiting and training new employees. of dollars or reduced costs as a measure of
implementation 1. One of the ve major steps results. Management and workers share the
in getting a computer system up and running. same goals and benet from the same results
In sequence, the steps are design, develop- productivity and reduced production
ment, installation, implementation, and oper- costs.
ation. It involves modifying or customizing improved-denition television (IDTV)
the system to meet specic user needs. 2. One Television sets that feature images that are
of three crucial elements of all activities used more accurate and have better denition and
in adventure training. The others are fram- less noise than conventional TV sets. The
ing and debrieng. Implementation is the scanning rate of the sets is doubled (from
actual conduct of the learning activity. 262 1/2 to 525 lines every 1/60th of a second)
import 1. The acceptance of a program or data so that scanning lines are almost invisible and
le by another computer program in a ready- vertical resolution is improved by 40%.
to-use form with all formatting codes intact. Improving Americas Schools Act of 1994
2. A good or service that is sold (import sale) Encourages the integration of vocational train-
to a person residing in the U.S. from a person ing into the school curriculum to produce
residing abroad. Imports include government skilled workers for the labor market.
and nongovernment goods and services; how- improvisational ability The capacity to ad-
ever, they exclude goods and services to the lib, jury-rig, extemporize. The ability to use
U.S. military, diplomatic, and consular insti- familiar objects, concepts, and ideals or their
tutions abroad. components in new ways or to transform the
imposed discipline Discipline that has its absurd or incongruous into logical, reason-
roots in the authority of managers. It makes able, and workable ideas.
use of deterrents and penalties to secure com- IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. An
pliance with organizational rules and policies. organization of educators, businesses, and
Sometimes called command discipline. government that is working on standardized
imposing See imposition process. search tags (metadata) so learners, trainers, or
imposition process In desktop publishing, a organizations can scour the Web for learning
part of the prepress process in which the var- resources (Web site
ious documents that will be combined to pro- inadmissible An alien seeking admission at a
duce a book are placed according to color, port of entry who does not meet the criteria
section, or content; the press plate is set up in the INA for admission. The alien may be
using the number of pages per plate, their placed in removal proceedings or, under cer-
orientation, the folding style, binding style, tain circumstances, allowed to withdraw his
margins for spines, press marks, and the impo- or her application for admission.
sition sequence that determines the actual inappropriate affect In mental illness, emo-
page order and signature sizes (plate styles). tional tone or outward reaction in disharmony
Once the plate has been set up, it is combined or at variance with the idea, object, or thought
with other plate styles to form a book style. accompanying it.
The last stage of the imposition process is inbasket exercise An instructional method
setting the book to lm, usually by outputting (also used as an assessment center valuative
the plates to an imagesetter. device) involving the use of a representative
impression In printing, the pressure of type, sample of a months or even a full years per-
plate, or blanket as it comes in contact with formance in all aspects of a job. It is used to
the paper. analyze and evaluate trainees decision-mak-
Improshare Translation: improved productiv- ing abilities or to provide practice in decision
ity through sharing. A form of gain sharing, making. Trainees are given background mate-
it is an employee involvement and productiv- rials and are then exposed to a structured array
ity scheme that emphasizes performance and of memos, reports, letters, telephone calls, vis-
reductions in the number of hours invested its, and meetings. In the role of manager, the
in camera 334 incidental graphics

trainee makes decisions on the incoming incentive retirement plan Incentives offered
mail. Time limits are established to intro- to encourage early retirement, used as a pain-
duce realism and cause stress. The decision- less method of reducing personnel during
making phase is followed by discussion and downsizing and restructuring. They involve
critiques of the actions taken and decisions enhancement of earned retirement benets
reached. All actions are analyzed, evaluated, and are paid to all eligible employees who
and relayed to participants. volunteer to retire during the period in which
in camera A legal term that literally means the program is offered.
in private. It occurs when a judge deter- incentives Bonuses offered to physicians by
mines that it is necessary to conduct a hearing health maintenance organizations for min-
or a part of it in chambers because the sen- imizing or reducing health care costs.
sitive nature of the matter in question pre- incentive stock options (ISO) Authorized by
cludes public exposure. the Economic Recovery Act of 1981, an ISO
incentive A tangible (usually) or intangible grants an employee, usually an executive, the
reward, nancial or otherwise, for perfor- right to pay the current market price for shares
mance or achievement that tends to induce, in the company at a future time. ISOs qualify
stimulate, or spur individual or group motiva- for favorable tax treatment under Section
tion and action. Examples are commissions, 422A, Internal Revenue Code.
bonuses, stock-sharing plans, merchandise, incentive travel Considered by the Internal
and travel. Revenue Service as a business vacation. In the
incentive adventure travel Travel rewards travel industry, it is dened as travel awarded
that strike a balance between physical or intel- to an employee, customer, or independent
lectual challenges and material comfort and contractor as a prize for the attainment of cor-
offer a variety of activities to accommodate porate goals or objectives. If the award is
varying tness levels of attendees; for exam- given for business reasons, the sponsor may
ple, travel connected with ecology, marine get the full deduction for all expenses incurred
wildlife cruises, hiking, or white water rafting. in providing the prize. However, the individ-
incentive bonus Additional pay awarded as a ual who receives the award must pay taxes on
means of recognizing peak employee perfor- the full, fair market value of the incentive
mance. travel.
Incentive: Managing and Marketing Through incentive work Used where work output is
Motivation A monthly journal. Cost: $48.00 measurable in units of product, pieces, items,
per year (free to qualied subscribers). Con- and so on and the rate of pay is stated as
tact: Bill Communications, Inc., 355 Park dollars paid for each unit or piece produced.
Avenue South, New York NY 10010 (phone Also called piece rate; piecework.
212-592-6400; fax 212-592-6459; e-mail incidence In epidemiology, the number of; Web site www.incen- cases of disease, infection, or accident during a prescribed period of time in relation to the
incentive pay Any form of compensation component of population in which they occur.
designed to motivate employees to produce incidence rate Represents the number of inju-
specied results or behave in a specic way ries and/or illnesses per 100 full-time workers
and to reward them for doing so. and calculated as: (N/EH) 200,000, where:
incentive plan A plan that provides nancial N = number of injuries and/or illnesses;
rewards to workers whose productivity or con- EH = total hours worked by all employees
tributions to the organization exceed some during the calendar year; 200,000 = base for
predetermined standard. Incentives for pro- 100 full-time equivalent workers (working 40
duction workers include piecework plans and hours per week, 50 weeks per year).
group incentive plans; for executives and man- incidental absence An employee absence of
agers, bonuses, stock options, and the like; for 1 to 5 days duration.
salespersons, commissions, bonuses, and spe- incidental graphics The use of a chalkboard,
cial awards. easel, or ip chart to illustrate concepts or
incident method 335 indemnification

principles by means of drawings, diagrams, this formula: value = avg. earnings years 1
symbols, or words during or immediately pre- and 2 price-earnings multiple (est. business
ceding the presentation of instruction. growth).
incident method A variation of the case in-company counseling A form of employee
method of instruction. With the incident assistance program (EAP). Hiring a trained
method, only a brief sketch of the climax of professional counselor or psychologist to con-
a case is presented. It is used to develop judg- duct all aspects of the EAP from diagnosis
ment, critical thinking, and problem-solving through treatment to followup. Also called in-
ability. Trainees are given a few minutes to house counseling.
study the incident and attempt to determine in-company diagnosis A form of employee
the information they need to nd out what is assistance program. The practice of hiring a
going on. Trainees then get the facts by asking professional to diagnose the problems of
questions of the instructor in a limited period employees and then referring them to appro-
of time. Questions must be of the type that priate external sources of help. Also called in-
can be answered yes or no or by a simple house diagnosis.
factual statement. The group then determines inconsistency One of the primary sources of
the nature of the problem and the decisions rating errors. Variations in the methodology
that are needed to solve it. or approach used in evaluation cause incon-
inclusion A commitment to educate or train sistency.
people with disabilities (and members of other in-country support An intercultural interven-
minority groups), to the maximum extent pos- tion in which persons assigned overseas are
sible, in the regular school or classroom. For provided specic contacts and help of all
people with disabilities, it may involve bring- kinds on an as-needed basis for the 3 or 4
ing support services, such as specially trained months of the foreign assignment.
teachers or instructors, to the person, rather incremental budgeting A budgeting system
than moving the person to the services. Inclu- that accepts and applies the basic premise that
sion is believed to result in increased produc- prior funding levels are required for continued
tivity in the workplace because it allows operations. It accepts the existing base and
everyone to participate, not only as employ- permits continuation of the activities, pro-
ees, trainees, and volunteers, but also as cli- grams, and services of previous years at a
ents and customers. minimum of the same level of funding. New
inclusive rate In meeting management, rates or expanded activities, programs, or services,
for sleeping rooms, function rooms, banquets, as well as ination, are evaluated in terms of
and other activities that include gratuities, ser- the costs to be added to the prior budget.
vice charges, and taxes. May also include incubation One of the primary steps in the
breakfast and other meals. creative problem solving process. Incubation
income-based entitlements Federal entitle- is a period of time in which the individuals
ment programs that pay benets only to those attention is deliberately or accidentally shifted
whose incomes or assets are below established or drifted away from the problem to encourage
levels, such as Medicaid, Aid to Families with or allow the development of new insights.
Dependent Children, food stamps, and Sup- incumbent worker training Training designed
plemental Security Income. Also called to update and change worker skills to help
means-tested entitlements. them maintain employment and qualify for
income statement One of the key nancial better jobs.
documents of an organization, the income indenite quantity contract (IQC) Contracts
statement includes the revenues and expenses that qualify organizations to provide services
applicable to a specic period of time, such when needed up to a specied maximum
as a quarter or year. amount of value.
income statement method A means of valu- indemnication A contract provision that re-
ing a business, it involves examining the com- quires a meeting sponsor to cover legal fees
panys current and projected earnings using and other payments assessed against a
indemnity 336 independent physician organization (IPO)

convention center or other property as a result perform the service; (16) cannot make a prot
of injuries or damage during the event. or suffer a loss from the services; (17) work
indemnity Repayment by an insurer for a loss for one employer at a time; (18) do not offer
suffered by the insured person or organization. their services to the general public; (19) can
indemnity insurance Insurance that pays for be red by the employer; and (20) may quit
specic covered services. work anytime without incurring liability. See
indemnity plan 1. An insurance plan that also Section 530 Relief.
offers protection against loss or damages, cur- Independent Contractor Tax Simplication
rent or future, by providing compensation or Act of 1996 Filed in Congress to be effec-
remuneration for losses sustained. 2. In med- tive for services performed by independent
ical and health benets, typically a benet contractors. It involves a reworking and
provided by an insurance company and that renement of the 20-factor test used to deter-
constitutes a plan, such as a major medical mine whether a company has the required
plan, that pays an insureds medical expenses direction and control over a person that
or reimburses an employee for usual and cus- denotes employee status. Three questions
tomary medical expenses in excess of a would decide the issue: (1) Is there a written
deductible of $100 a calendar year, 80% of agreement between the parties? (2) Does it
the next $5000, and 100% above that amount, appear that the worker has made some invest-
and is sometimes limited to a semiprivate hos- ment, such as the purchase of tools and equip-
pital room. ment, incurred signicant unreimbursed
indenture The bonds contract. It states the expenses, or is being compensated primarily
time period for repayment, the amount of on the basis of commissions? and (3) Does
interest paid, whether the bond is convertible the worker appear to have some indepen-
and if so at what price or what ratio, and the dence, such as other customers/clients, his or
amount of money to be repaid. her own place of business, or exibility in
independent contractors (IC) An alternative where or when to work? When the answer to
stafng option. Involves contracting with self- all three of these questions is yes, the worker
employed individuals to perform specialized is an independent contractor and both parties
functions or tasks typically those that must continue to report all payments for ser-
require high-level professional or technical vices in excess of $600 annually to the IRS
knowledge and skills. Common law rules (Form 1099).
adopted by the IRS classify workers as independent living Arrangements that allow
employees for tax purposes if they: (1) must persons with disabilities to live on their own,
comply with employers instructions about the although with some support.
work; (2) receive training from or at the direc- independent living center A publicly or pri-
tion of the employer; (3) provide services that vately funded agency, usually staffed at least
are integrated into the business; (4) provide in part by persons with disabilities, estab-
services that must be rendered personally; (5) lished to provide the support services and
hire, supervise, and pay assistants for the resources that persons with disabilities often
employer; (6) have a continuing working rela- need to live on their own.
tionship with the employer; (7) must follow independent medical examination (IME)
set hours of work; (8) work full-time for an An objective medical examination conducted
employer; (9) must do their work on the by an independent practitioner to provide
employers premises; (10) must do their work proof of disability in the case of a questionable
in a sequence set by the employer; (11) must claim.
submit regular reports to the employer; independent physician organization (IPO)
(12) receive payments of regular amount at set An alliance formed to help serve employer
intervals; (13) receive payments for business health needs and reduce costs by establishing
and traveling expenses; (14) rely on the a link between physicians and employee-
employer to furnish tools and materials; (15) patients. Services include those provided by
lack a major investment in facilities used to physicians and selected hospitals, employer
independent practice 337 individual education plan (IEP)

health insurance or reinsurance for companies indigent care Health services provided to the
with catastrophic claims, physician-directed poor or those unable to pay.
utilization review, and claim adjudication. indirect costs Items of expense that are not
independent practice A training technique associated with specic HR projects, pro-
that involves meaningful and challenging grams, or activities. That is, they are costs that
solo practice of a skill or task to set the result from common activities that cannot be
learning (e.g., homework). It is provided practically assigned to production as direct
immediately following guided practice. costs. Examples are fringe benets (medical
independent practice association (IPA) A n and health insurance, pension payments, and
HMO that contracts with individual physi- wellness programs) and overhead costs (such
cians in private practice or associations of as rent, utilities, ofce equipment, and
independent physicians to provide care to accounting services).
members within a private ofce setting at a indirect labor Labor needed to support the
negotiated per capita rate, at retainer, or production or manufacture of a product or
negotiated fee-for-service rate to HMO mem- provide a service but that is not directly
bers. Physicians maintain their own ofces involved in the production or manufacture; for
and often see non-HMO patients on a fee-for- example, training employees in the use of
service basis. Other health care services are equipment needed in production.
provided through afliated hospitals or spe- indirect measure A test that measures test-
cialists referred by members primary care ees knowledge, skills, or abilities by means
providers. other than actual task performance. For exam-
ple, obtaining data about testees ability to
independent student A person 24 years or
repair a carburetor through a paper-and-pencil
older, married, a graduate or professional stu-
test that asks them to list the parts of a carbu-
dent, a veteran, an orphan, a ward of the court,
retor, identify the most common failure points,
or one who has legal dependents other than a
and describe the steps required to repair the
faulty component.
independent study See correspondence study;
individual account dened benet plan See
home study; self-directed learning.
account balance pension.
index On the World Wide Web, a searchable individual annuity An annuity purchased
catalog of documents created by a search individually to meet the needs of specic plan
engine. participants.
indexing 1. Automatic adjustment of benets individual case management (ICM) M o n i -
payments to reect changes in consumer toring and inuencing the treatment of
prices, cost-of-living, or other index of ina- employees with personal, social, or emotional
tion. 2. A formula for calculating social secu- problems.
rity benets established to correct a aw in an individual development plan (IDP) A plan
old formula that overcompensated for ina- developed jointly by an employee and his or
tion and threw the system out of actuarial her supervisor to outline the employees
balance. Indexing expresses prior year Fed- career development goals, objectives, and
eral Insurance Contributions Act of 1935 training needs.
(FICA) earnings in terms of current dollars. individual differences In learning, differ-
Index of Leading Economic Indicators ences among humans in aptitude, ability, hab-
(ILEI) The Department of Commerces pri- its, ideals, appreciations, interests, learning
mary economic forecasting measure. Used to styles, education, and experience. One of the
project economic upturns and recessions by essential considerations in planning learning
tracking applications for unemployment bene- experiences.
ts, buyer trafc, business delivery times, individual education plan (IEP) A tool to
sales activity, stock prices, backlogs of address both academic and personal modi-
unlled orders, home building permits issued, cations, specic instructional needs, and mea-
and so on. sures to determine success and present levels
individual evaluation 338 individual retirement account (IRA)

of performance of students with disabilities. organized network of health care providers

It also charts out the daily class schedule and who treat their patients in their own ofces.
the percentage of time the individual must The providers agree to fees and medical pro-
comply with the regulations within the educa- tocols established by the IPA, which pays their
tion plan, and it identies the expectations the bills without having patients submit insurance
school has for the person with the disability. forms. Physician members can be paid on a
individual evaluation A form of immediate fee-for-service basis, a capitated fee, or by
evaluation that examines changes in the on- other means.
the-job behavior of managers, supervisors, Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) The armed
workers, clients, customers, dealers, franchi- forces reserve component that is composed of
sees, or suppliers following training or some ready reserve members who are fullling the
other type of intervention. It usually involves remainder of their 8-year military service obli-
questionnaires, rating scales, interviews, tests, gation or are serving in the IRR in a nontrain-
or observation. ing status voluntarily. They are carried on the
individual incentive A type of compensation rolls of the Reserve Component but are not
or pay-for-performance plan that ties all or a assigned to units. Although they are not obli-
part of an employees pay to his or her own gated to attend monthly drills or perform
performance. It is particularly appropriate annual training, they must keep administrative
where individual output is measurable and authorities informed of their addresses and
quantiable. Also called individual incentive report once each year for a records check,
compensation. usually at a local recruiting station.
individual interview A method of job analy- individual retirement account (IRA) A form
sis in which selected job incumbents are inter- of dened contribution plan and an induce-
viewed by a trained job analyst using a stan- ment to savings and investment. IRAs permit
dard interview form. Data are collected on deferral of taxes (and in some cases are tax-
duties and tasks performed, the frequency and deductible) on income placed in retirement
duration of performance, the sequence of accounts to be incrementally withdrawn at a
tasks, the importance and difculty of tasks, later date. To qualify, deferrals are prescribed
amount and kind of supervision received, and in terms of annual limits, withdrawal restric-
the tools and equipment used. tions, and penalties. In 1996, several changes
individualized instruction Instructional sys- were made to the law. Instead of requiring that
tems, programs, or modules designed to allow individuals begin withdrawing money our of
individual trainees to proceed at their own the plan no later than April 1 of the year fol-
rates through a sequence of learning activities. lowing the year he or she reached age 70 1/2,
Activities are designed to provide for individ- even if continuing to work, the new law allows
ual trainee differences in learning styles, expe- individuals 70 1/2 to delay making distributions
rience, aptitudes, abilities, interests, and until they retire, which allows the funds in the
needs. The objectives of such systems are to retirement plan to continue to grow on a tax-
reduce training time, increase learning gain deferred basis. For someone who is already
per unit of training time, lower trainee attri- over the age of 70 1/2 but is still working, the
tion, and reduce instructor requirements and law allows (but does not require) the person
training costs. Also called self-paced training. to stop making distributions until retirement.
individualized learning programs C a r e f u l l y Penalty-free IRA withdrawals to pay for med-
designed learning programs prepared for spe- ical expenses in excess of 7.5% of adjusted
cial needs trainees or students, including those gross income and penalty-free withdrawals by
with physical, mental, emotional, and learning the unemployed to pay for health insurance
disabilities. also became allowed in 1997. The new law
individual practice association (IPA) A type also allows deductible contributions of up to
of managed care. Similar to a health mainte- $2000 for each spouse, including a home-
nance organization, except that it does not maker who does not work outside of the home,
operate its own clinics. Rather, it is a loosely as long as the combined contributions of both
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 339 industrial psychology

spouses at least equals the contributed them to pursue a career that is within their
amount. This change rst applied to 1997 (in capabilities.
1996, the limit of total IRA deductions was induction Programs designed to introduce
$2250). new employees to the organization, the work
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act environment, and the job. They typically
Amendments of 1975 Established education include introductions to key personnel and
policy for children with disabilities. coworkers, tours of the ofce or plant and
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act facilities, and demonstration of selected work
Amendments of 1991 Extends grant pro- tasks.
grams for disabled children, including the inductive reasoning The process of reasoning
early intervention program for disabled from the specic to the general of combin-
infants and toddlers. The law also permits ing rules or principles to produce new conclu-
funding for preschoolers who reach their third sions, rules, or principles. The process of gen-
birthday during the program year. The legis- eralizing, going beyond the information at
lation used the phrase least restrictive envi- hand to discover new rules, and principles,
ronment to describe the obligation of educa- arguing from particular instances to the
tors to place children with special needs in general.
regular classrooms whenever appropriate for industrial democracy Describes the move-
their educational growth. ment toward employee involvement and
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act empowerment in organizations of all types:
Amendments of 1996 Contains provisions project management, task forces, quality cir-
relating to consolidation of special purposes cles, self-directed work teams, and so on.
and programs, discipline, early childhood, eli- industrial education Education and training
gibility, federal funding, exibility and waiv- provided at the secondary and postsecondary
ers, individual education plan components levels (diplomas, certicates, and associate
and teams, local and state funding formulas, and baccalaureate degrees) to prepare people
procedural safeguards, and professional for entry-level positions in industry.
development. industrial engineering A staff (service) func-
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act tion that is concerned with the design, instal-
Amendments of 1997 (IDEA) Reautho- lation, modication, and improvement of sys-
rized and signed by President Clinton on June tems composed of people, equipment, and
4, 1997. Set educational policy for children materials. It draws on the physical and social
with disabilities. Makes teachers from a stu- sciences, psychology, mathematics, and, most
dents regular classroom a part of his or her recently, group dynamics to analyze and eval-
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team, uate systems and procedures and recommend
writing transition goals for the period follow- changes to make them more effective and
ing high school into IEPs when a student is 14 efcient.
years old, and gives parents who disagree with industrial espionage See business espionage.
schools about the education of their child with industrial fetal protection policy See fetal
a disability the option to use mediation to protection policy.
resolve issues. Most provisions took effect industrial intelligence See business intelli-
with the signing; all others became effective gence.
July 1, 1998. Final regulations for IDEA were industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologist
released by the U.S. Department of Education A trained scientist/practitioner who has the
in March 1999. Changes from the 1997 law dual goals of advancing knowledge and work-
relate to eligibility criteria, individualized edu- ing with practicing managers.
cation programs, assessments, and discipline. industrial psychology The application of the
Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan science of human behavior to business and
(IWRP) A plan for rehabilitation services industry in the areas of organization plan-
for individuals with disabilities to enable ning and development; human resources
industrial rehabilitation 340 informal sanctions

management, development, and utilization; infertility The condition of a healthy individ-

human engineering; and research. ual who is unable to conceive or produce
industrial rehabilitation Programs and ther- conception.
apies designed to get employees back on the ination 1. Increases in prices and wages
job as soon as possible following accidents or caused by an increase in the money supply
injuries and reduce expenditures for compen- without a corresponding increase in the
sation claims. amount of goods and services available. 2. A
industrial relations See labor-management process of continuously rising prices or,
relations. equivalently, of a continuously falling value
Industrial Relations Research Association of money.
(IRRA) A 4000-member organization of ac- ination protection A long-term care policy
ademics and practitioners in the areas of labor option that provides for increases in benet
and industrial relations/human resources. levels to help pay for increases in the costs of
IRRAs mission is to share ideas and keep long-term care. Options compound and
members abreast of new developments and simple will both result in higher premiums.
practices. Contact: IRRA, 121 Labor and inuence competencies Capabilities that por-
Industrial Relations, University of Illinois, tend success in managerial jobs. They include
504 E. Armory, MC-504, Champaign, IL the ability to inuence others, organizational
61820 (phone 217-333-0072; fax 217-265- sensitivity, and the ability to build relation-
5130; e-mail; Web site ships. infobahn See information superhighway.
infonuggets Small bits of critical information
industrial trainee See temporary worker.
and segments of training delivered just-in-
industry A group of enterprises that produce
time, on the job, and online by computer net-
similar products or provide similar services.
works (corporate intranets with access to
For example, all establishments that manufac-
Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet
ture pharmaceuticals are in the same industry.
Explorer) to save time and increase produc-
A given industry, or a particular company in
tivity. Also called granulariation, chunks, and
that industry, could have employees in dozens mind snacks.
of occupations. The Standard Industrial Clas- informal care A care provider who provides
sication system groups similar establish- maintenance and personal care but is not a
ments into industries. formal caregiver, such as an insured persons
industry-specic ergonomic guidelines A child or housekeeper, as long as that person
series of guidelines issued by the Occupa- does not live with the insured at the time he
tional Safety and Health Administration or she becomes eligible for benets.
(OSHA). The guidelines are the result of an informal organization Groups outside of the
extensive and cooperative process involving a formal structure of the organization through
wide-ranging, inclusive review of both scien- which employees satisfy some of their needs
tic information and existing ergonomic prac- (primarily for affection and belonging) and to
tices and programs. The guidelines are in three which they pay considerable personal loyalty.
parts: management practices discusses the They typically interlock to form a network
importance of management commitment and through which communication moves very
employee participation in ergonomics train- quickly.
ing, occupational health management of informal plan A short-term, reactive, intui-
musculoskeletal disorders, and ergonomics tive, and unwritten plan based on past experi-
program evaluation. ence and managerial judgment. Informal plans
infastructure In webcasting, large, special- are typically the work of only one person.
ized networks of computer servers and informal sanctions Social pressures gener-
communication lines connected to the Internet ated within a group or organization to enforce
that speed the delivery of video, audio, or informal norms of behavior, conduct, and per-
interactive content. formance.
in forma pauperis 341 Information Week

in forma pauperis A legal term for a pauper Information Infrastructure. 2. A communica-

or destitute person. It signies a rule that tion system that has the capacity to intercon-
allows a litigant or party to a lawsuit to obtain nect every medium. 3. The use of the Internet.
a hearing without having to pay normal costs information system See management infor-
such as ling fees, lawyers fees, and other mation system.
charges. information systems (IS) Ways of organiz-
information Raw data or facts presented in ing and distributing computerized data; exam-
contextual form that can be processed into ples are human resources information sys-
knowledge. tems and management information
Information Access Project for Blind Individ- systems.
uals (IAPBI) A joint project of the U.S. information technology (IT) The full spec-
Department of Justice and the National Fed- trum of information processing, transmission,
eration of the Blind. Offers free consultation and storage of products, systems, and ser-
in meeting the Americans with Disabilities vices. Viewed by some as the key to enhanced
Acts information access requirements. See organization and individual productivity and
also Job Opportunities for the Blind. Contact: performance.
IAPBI, 1800 Johnston St., Baltimore, MD Information Technology Agreement (ITA)
21230 (phone 410-659-9314; fax 410-685-
A U.S.-crafted agreement signed in December
5653;Web site
1996 by the 28 countries that conduct most of
informational database A database that con-
the worlds info-tech trade. The pact will abol-
tains abstracts or full-text records (such as
ish import duties on computers, software,
periodicals, newspapers, and journals) that
semiconductors, and telecommunications
can be accessed when interfaced with an
equipment between July 1, 1997 and January
online catalog or by means of CD-ROM.
1, 2000. It will have the effect of reducing
information brieng An oral presentation
prices for personal computers and other equip-
designed to familiarize, interpret, inform, or
ment needed to access to the Internet.
report on something of interest or concern to
Referred to by some as a global tax cut.
the audience, rather than to inuence, pro-
voke, indoctrinate, or inspire. information technology training (ITT)
information center (IC) As distinguished Computer/computer system-related skills train-
from a library, a facility that contains (or has ing provided employees in the use of the orga-
access to) a mainframe computer, outside nizations information technology systems.
information systems, and either microcomput- May include instruction in software, such as
ers or minicomputers. It is used by profession- communications, databases, graphics, spread-
als, scientists, engineers, educators, techni- sheets, and word processing and/or training for
cians, administrators, and clerical workers for information technology professionals on pro-
information retrieval and reporting, spread- gramming, maintenance, and administration of
sheet analysis, word processing, and project company information technology systems.
management. information thieves See privacy invaders.
information dominance Military jargon used information utilities Large computer data-
to describe a person who has superior intelli- base and messaging systems to which anyone
gence and the ability to wreak havoc on infor- can subscribe for a fee. Users access the sys-
mation networks. tem by means of a modem and scan current
information renery A futuristic and some- publications, participate in electronic confer-
what arcane computerized system that screens ences with special interest groups, and send
large-volume les and documents for impor- messages via electronic mail. Examples are
tant and relevant information. America Online, BitNet, CompuServe, and
information superhighway 1. A means of Prodigy.
accessing information of all kinds via com- Information Week: Business Information Pow-
puter from homes, schools, ofces, libraries, ered by Technology Published monthly by
or businesses. See also I-Way; National CMP. Free to qualied subscribers (phone
informed consent 342 in-market merger

800-292-3642 or 516-562-5898; e-mail in-house diagnosis See in-company diagnosis.; Web site www.informa- in-house temporary employees An alterna- tive stafng option. Involves placing people
informed consent A basic requirement for on the company payroll for a specic period
responsible and principled research. Partici- of time to meet special production or other
pants in a study are told that they are involved work requirements.
in a study and are fully informed of the nature initial public offering (IPO) A stock offer of
of the study, the procedures that will be used, the sale of a companys stock to investors.
and how the results will be used and are Requires between $50,000 and $500,000 to
alerted to any risks that may be involved. launch and $250,000 or more annually to sat-
InfoSeek On the Internet, a search tool that isfy the Securities and Exchange Commis-
specializes in news wires, computer maga- sions reporting requirements.
zines, and company proles (Website initial training See entry-level training. or See initiative activities In adventure training,
also Lycos; Netscape; Yahoo! simple, low-risk, high-energy events, such as
infotainment A combination of information games, in which the main challenge is one of
and entertainment in TV commercials or on teamwork and mental problem solving.
the Internet (home pages) used to create leads injunction A court order forbidding an indi-
or sales vidual or an organization from doing or con-
infusion approach A form of concepts-based, tinuing to do certain things.
integrated curriculum. It integrates and artic- injunctive relief A legal remedy available to
ulates a particular subject, such as computa- individuals or organizations obtained through
tional or writing skills, across the curriculum. a court order. For example, an organization
Attributed to Betty Jean Eklund Shoemaker, may be ordered by the court to provide aux-
Education 2000 Integrated Curriculum, Phi iliary aids or services, modify existing poli-
Delta Kappan, June 1991. cies, or make facilities accessible to people
inhalants Substances that produce fumes that with disabilities.
can be inhaled to produce an immediate injury In health care benets and workers
high or rush. Used by young people and compensation, bodily injury, such as a wound,
even some adults. Called hufng, bag- bone fracture, laceration, or abrasion, sus-
ging, or snifng. Many such substances are tained accidentally by external means.
readily available in stores or in homes; for Injury and Illness Record-Keeping Require-
example, air fresheners, cleaners and solvents, ments Issued by the Occupational Safety
correction uids, furniture polish, glues, nail and Health Administration in 1997. Designed
polish, and whipped cream in aerosol cans. to simplify and improve the accuracy of data
inhalation therapy An alternative treatment used by the agency to enforce the law and
in which hot vapors, or steam mixed with develop workplace safety standards, the
eucalyptus oil, are inhaled (through equip- revised rules exempt some businesses that
ment or in a steam room) to decongest the have had low injury and illness rates and
respiratory system. employers with fewer than 20 employees in
inherent vice In employee relocation, the the manufacturing, utilities, wholesale, trans-
condition of an article that may predispose it portation, and agricultural industries. How-
to damage if transported; for example, fragile ever, the regulations were extended to indus-
materials or materials that are susceptible to tries that were formerly exempt from the
damage from heat or humidity. record-keeping requirements, such as auto
inheritance tax See estate tax; sponge tax. supply stores, cleaning services, real estate
inheritance tax system A death tax system ofces, and restaurants.
that establishes its tax rate by looking at the inkblot test See Rorschach test.
relationship of the beneciary to the decedent. in-market merger The marriage of similar
in-house counseling See in-company coun- organizations, such as banks, in the same
seling. market.
in-network 343 insourcing

in-network A term applied to exible benets inquiring The process by which facts, ideas,
plans where employees choose to subscribe to information, opinions, meanings, emotions,
health maintenance organizations (HMOs) or and understandings are obtained from others
preferred provider organizations (PPOs) each to inform oneself, to solve problems, to make
time they use medical services. decisions, to innovate, and to evaluate. It
innovating or innovation Deliberate, planned makes use of penetrating oral or written
change designed to improve operations, pro- questions.
ductivity, protability, products, services, or insider The Securities and Exchange Com-
the quality of work life for employees. It is mission (SEC) denes an insider as a person
usually a collaborative activity in which two in charge of a principal business unit, division,
or more people make a new concept or idea, or function or any person who establishes pol-
the product of individual creative effort, prac- icy in an organization. Whether a person is an
tical and usable. insider, therefore, is determined by function,
innovation and research center One model rather than by title.
of a teaching, learning, and technology cen- insider information Information accessible
ter. Consists of facilities and activities that only to persons working in an organization,
support work on cutting-edge technology such as a member of a board of directors or
applications, pedagogy, assessment, and employees of a brokerage house, that can be
related practices. used to the individuals own nancial advan-
inpatriate A foreign national employee who tage or made available to others for the same
has been transferred to the U.S. for a lengthy purpose. Divulging insider information is ille-
work assignment. gal. For example, Securities and Exchange
inpatient care Diagnostic, treatment, or other Commission regulations place restrictions on
health care received upon admission to a hos- stock purchases and sales by insiders.
pital or other health facility. insider trading The unethical and illegal
inplacement counseling Counseling pro- practice of trading (buying or selling) a com-
vided to current employees to help them move panys stock while in possession of material
to another job in the organization or adjust to and signicant nonpublic information.
the new job following a transfer. Insider Trading and Securities Fraud
input evaluation Assessing the relevance and Enforcement Act of 1988 Specically
adequacy of all resources invested in training addressed trading on insider information in
and development buildings, facilities, response to the actions of such infamous Wall
equipment, materials, instructors, support per- Street sharks as Ivan Boesky. The Act imposed
sonnel, and so on. greater controls on the securities business.
input-output technique Developed originally Inside Technology Training A journal pub-
as a method of solving dynamic-system lished eight times per year. Cost: $69.00 per
design engineering problems. The technique year (free to qualied subscribers). Contact:
has been adapted for group or individual use Inside Technology Training, Bill Communica-
in solving problems. The input(s) and out- tions Inc., Human Performance Group, 50 S.
put(s) of the system under study are rst iden- Ninth St.. Minneapolis, MN 55402 (phone
tied, the specications or limiting require- 800-328-4329; fax 612-333-6526; e-mail
ments are dened, and then an attempt is made; Web site
to nd ways to make the input(s) produce the
desired output(s) within the specied limita- insourcing Administering benet plans, such
tions. In that way, several possible solutions as exible benets, internally. Permits valu-
are generated that can then be developed, eval- able control and access to data. Also advanta-
uated, and used. geous when consulting rms and service
input technology Devices used to access and bureaus cannot support the employers objec-
interact with a computer. Includes keyboard, tives or their programs do not run on the com-
mouse, and pen and voice and handwriting panys existing computer system. Sophisti-
recognition. cated software applications are available
inspection 344 Institute for Operations Research

commercially for most minicomputer and form of shorthand to speed up communica-

mainframe computer platforms. tions; for example, Wsup (What is up?), ttul
inspection A preventive and control strategy (talk to you later), and lol (laughing out loud).
involving planned, scheduled, and sometimes With IM, a line typed on one personal com-
announced visits to administrative, opera- puter is seen almost instantly in a window that
tional, maintenance, training, or other areas of appears in one corner of the senders computer
HR operations to evaluate individual or team screen and those of one or more recipients.
performance; assess the adequacy of facilities, When not in use the window can remain hid-
equipment, and supplies; collect data on den until the user wants to send a message.
potential problems; or follow up on problem Also called IM-ing.
remedies. Institute for Chartered Financial Analysts
inspection trip One classication of free trips (ICFA) Offers the Chartered Financial Ana-
to resort areas taken by users of incentive lyst (CFA) Program, a globally recognized
travel or travel agents, or by travel agents standard for measuring the competence and
themselves, to inspect destinations for possi- integrity of nancial analysts. Three levels of
ble future use. These free trips do not result examination measure a candidates ability to
from a host property owners invitation; how- apply the fundamental knowledge of invest-
ever, the owner does provide complimentary ment principles at a professional level. The
air and and ground transportation, meals and CFA exam is administered annually in more
accommodations, and guided tours. No busi- than 70 nations worldwide. Contact: ICAF,
ness has yet been booked at the hotel or con- c/o AIMR, P.O. Box 3668, Charlottesville, VA
vention center. Attributed to Michael J. Hur- 22903-0668 (phone 800-247-8132 or 434-
witz, president of the Society of Incentive 951-5499; fax 434-951-5262; e-mail
Travel Executives.; Web site
instability A source of errors in rating due to Institute for Crisis Management (ICM) A
the passage of time (forgetting). research-based international consulting net-
installation One of the ve major steps in get- work of crisis experts who help corporations,
ting a computer system up and running. In nonprot organizations, and government
sequence, the steps are design, development, agencies prevent business crisis events or min-
installation, implementation, and operation. imize the damage when they cannot be
Installation involves loading the software onto avoided. Since 1990, ICM has maintained a
the computer and running tests to ensure that database of negative news coverage to analyze
the program works as designed. business crisis trends and assist those facing
Installment Credit Tax Correction Act of crisis situations to anticipate the likely com-
2000 Amended a federal tax repeal embed- plications and aftershocks. Contact: ICM, 950
ded in the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Breckenridge Ln., Suite 140, Louisville, KY
Improvement Act of 1999. Allows small busi- 40287-4687 (phone 502-891-2587; fax 502-
nesses that employ the accrual-accounting 891-2512; e-mail;
method to use installment sales rules as well. Web site
instant admissions A college admission pro- Institute for Operations Research and the
cess in which applicants meet with a school Management Sciences (INFORMS) An
ofcial who reviews their transcripts and test 11,000-member association dedicated to the
scores, asks a few questions about their extra- development, application, and expansion of a
curricular activities and academic interests, broad eld of endeavor encompassing opera-
and gives a nal decision about admission in tions research, the management sciences, and
less than an hour. Also called on-site admis- related information and decision sciences.
sions. Contact: INFORMS, 901 Elkridge Landing
instant messaging (IM) A faster version of Rd., Ste. 400, Linthicum, MD 21090-2909
e-mail that may include le-attachment, pic- (phone 800-4INFORMS or 410-850-0300; fax
ture icons, and buddy lists of friends online 410-684-2963; e-mail;
and available for chat. Most users employ a Web site
Institute of Certified Travel Agents 345 instructional management plan

Institute of Certied Travel Agents (ICTA) consulting the American Council on Educations
A nonprot organization that provides con- Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Edu-
tinuing education for travel professionals. cation (Web site
Awards the Certied Travel Counselor desig- institutional health services Health services
nation to those who complete a ve-course, provided on an inpatient basis in hospitals,
200-hour program and a minimum of 5 years nursing homes, or other inpatient institutions
of experience in travel. Contact: ICTA, 148 or services delivered on an outpatient basis by
Linden St., Box 812059, Wellesley, MA departments or other organizational units of,
02482 (phone 800-542-4282 or 781-237- or sponsored by, such institutions.
0280; fax 781-237-3860; e-mail icta-info institutional IRA An individual retirement; Web site account designed to help employers avoid the
Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) An 20% withholding tax on lump-sum distribu-
international nonprot association of 24,000 tions and in-service withdrawal plans man-
professional industrial engineers dedicated to dated by the Internal Revenue Service by fun-
advancing the technical and managerial excel- neling distributions into the plan instead of
lence of those concerned with improving the distributing the lump sums directly to
productivity of integrated systems of people, employees.
materials, information, equipment, and institutional partnerships Contractual part-
energy. The organization is committed to the nerships established by organizations and area
dissemination of information and continuing technical schools, colleges, and universities to
education to improve productivity in the develop programs, including undergraduate
workplace as well as provide products and and graduate degree programs, tailored to the
services to aid in this endeavor. Contact: IIE, needs and requirements of the organization.
3577 Parkway Lane, Suite 200, Norcross, GA The institution and the corporation jointly
30092 (phone 800-494-0460 or 770-449-0460; determine enrollment requirements, plan and
fax 770-441-3295; e-mail; develop the curriculum, and establish course
Web site or degree completion standards and require-
Institute of Management Consultants, USA ments. The school, college, or university pro-
(IMC) An association of private manage- vides the instructors (although some courses
ment consultants throughout the U.S. and may be taught by employees of the corpora-
abroad. Its primary purpose is to serve as a tion) and organizes and administers the pro-
voice for those in the eld and to establish gram. Courses may be conducted either on the
professional and ethical standards for man- premises of the corporation or at the institu-
agement consultants. IMC grants the designa- tion or both.
tion of Certied Management Consultant. instructional design See instructional sys-
Contact: IMCUSA. 2025 M Street NW, Suite tems design.
800, Washington, D.C. 20036-3309 (phone instructional management (IM) A delivery
202-367-1134 or 800-221-2557; fax 202-367- system for criterion-referenced evaluation. IM
2134; e-mail; Web site also combines a clearly dened curriculum made up of uniquely assessable instructional
institutional accreditation The most widely objectives with computer processing.
recognized form of accreditation for elemen- instructional management plan A plan used
tary, secondary, college. and university-level to guide the implementation of an instruc-
institutions. Such accreditation is granted by tional system. The plan includes the learning
regional accreditation boards. The Distance objectives; a description of the the training
Education and Training Council is a recog- setting (facilities, equipment, tools, and mate-
nized accreditation agency for distance learn- rials); instructor and instructor support
ing colleges (Web site In the requirements; the delivery system and instruc-
U.S., the Council for Higher Education is tional strategies; instructors role; and sched-
the agency that oversees accrediting agencies. uling, monitoring, and evaluation require-
An institutions accreditation may be veried by ments and strategies.
Instructional Management Systems 346 instructor training

Instructional Management Systems (IMS) (the process). 2. Computers, teleconferencing,

Project An initiative undertaken by a con- interactive video, EXPERT systems, audiovi-
sortium of 700 education and corporate insti- sual equipment, and so on used for education
tutions, called Educom, to address obstacles and training (hardware and software).
that impede organizations from fully exploiting instructional writer An HRD competency.
the Internet as a delivery vehicle for courseware. An individual who writes lesson plans, pro-
Educom and another nonprot group, Cause, grams of instruction, handouts, training
merged in 1998 to become Educause. manuals, and job aids.
instructional materials All the materials and instruction sheet A variation of the job pro-
audiovisual aids required to implement an cedures manual, instruction sheets provide
instructional system. They include the pro- written or printed directions to workers on a
gram of instruction; lesson plans; audio single sheet of paper. They typically cover a
only, video only, and audiovisual tapes and single task and may accompany a piece of
cassettes; programmed instruction materials; equipment to explain how to operate it or be
job aids; computer programs; manuals and a set of directions written for a temporary
texts; handouts; tests; exportable training employee.
packages; and so on. instructor An HRD competency. A teacher or
instructional method The basic approach to group facilitator.
instruction used: how the information is taught instructor-based training (IBT) Instruction
to learners. Examples are lecture, conference, in the traditional mode where the instructor is
demonstration, performance, individual study, the center of activity and attention rather than
programmed instruction, case studies, games, the learners or trainees. Also referred to as
role playing, and simulation. See also presen- instructor-centered training.
tation methods; distribution methods. instructor camera In distance learning, the
instructional objective See learning objective. camera(s) used to display the instructor
instructional strategy The combination of (moderator, trainer, or presenter). May include
methods of teaching, mediating devices, and pan, tilt, zoom, preset location, and autotrack-
the system of organizing trainees and instruc- ing capabilities.
tors to accomplish an instructional objective. instructor-centered training See instructor-
Selection of strategy is based on the learning based training.
objectives; the nature of the subject matter or instructor development Formal or informal
content; the trainee population; the number, programs designed to improve the perfor-
quality, experience, and competencies of the mance and potential of employees assigned to
instructional staff; and availability of space, instructor positions either full time or part
facilities, equipment, materials, and time; and time.
costs. instructor-led training The traditional ap-
instructional systems design See instruc- proach to training involving an instructor, a
tional systems development. group of trainees, and a classroom or labora-
instructional systems development (ISD) A tory and employing the standard lecture, con-
rigorous, systematic model for developing ference-discussion, demonstration, and per-
instructional systems that was initiated by the formance (practical exercise) methods of
armed services in the early 1970s. It consists instruction and such techniques as questioning
of ve phases: analysis, design, development, and audiovisual aids.
implementation, and evaluation. instructor-to-trainee ratio A common in-
instructional technique A means of instruc- structional standard, often established in the
tion that complements a method; for example, collective bargaining agreement. It is the max-
questioning, handling trainee responses, and imum number of trainees that can be assigned
using visual and auditory aids. to one instructor expressed as a ratio, such as
instructional technology (IT) 1. The systems 1:25.
approach to the design, development, and instructor training Instruction provided to
delivery of training and education programs train managers, supervisors, staff personnel,
insurance 347 Integrated Applications

technicians, sales personnel, and operative immediate access to a large data bank of insur-
employees in the principles, methods, and ance-related information. III also publishes
techniques of instruction or to orient and books and newsletters on insurance-related
retrain professional teachers in the procedures topics. Contact: III, 110 William St., New
and techniques of job training and organiza- York, NY 10038 (phone 800-221-4954 or
tional development. Instructor training typi- 212-346-5500; e-mail; Web site
cally includes training needs analysis; instruc-
tional planning; preparation of instructional insurance premium A fee deducted from
materials and lesson plans; methods of pre- loan proceeds and paid to the guarantee
sentation (lecture, demonstration, conference, agency to cover the loan if the borrower
and performance); using role playing, simula- defaults.
tion, and case studies; questioning techniques; intake interview The initial interview with a
operating audiovisual equipment; guiding client or patient in clinic or other diagnostic
learning activities; counseling techniques; and treatment facilities.
evaluating progress and accomplishment; and intangible assets Nonmonetary, nonphysical
practice instruction (with supervision, evalu- resources owned or controlled by a business
ation, and feedback), usually videotaped. that are expected to provide economic benet
insurance A contract whereby a carrier under- to that company when employed or exploited.
takes to indemnify or guarantee a person or The primary intangible asset is human capi-
group security or protection against loss from tal. Another is intellectual capital (patents,
a specied contingency, event, or peril such trademarks, product designs, and process
as death, dismemberment, injury, illness, dis- technology).
ability, damage, vandalism, re, ood, earth- intangible personal property Items of per-
quake, or hurricane/tornado loss or damage, sonal property that are either not physical in
product liability, and directors and ofcers nature, such as bank accounts, certicate of
liability, among others. deposit, stocks, and bonds, or that represent
Insurance Conference Planners Association something intangible, such as currency.
(ICPA) The insurance industrys meeting intangible reward A nonmaterial reinforcer.
planning association. With 455 members rep- Intangible rewards include social approval in
resenting major insurance companies and the form of praise, smiles, nods, and pats on
related associations in Canada, the U.S., the back; assignment to prestigious work
Mexico, and abroad, the association was groups, committees, task forces, and special
established to promote a high standard of eth- individual assignments; and such forms of
ical and professional conduct; support a net- recognition as public announcement of
work for exchange of information about con- achievements and honorary titles.
ference sites and procedures; disseminate Integrated Applications Digital and Audio
information on meeting management tech- Trainer (IADAT) A communications tool in
niques and trends; promote the professional the form of a sophisticated audio and digital
stature, competence, and career growth of tape recorder produced by Integrated Appli-
members, promote effective communication cations Inc. of Cleveland, OH. It is used pri-
with airlines, hoteliers, and suppliers; and marily for developing training and market-
improve cost efciency for member compa- ing/sales presentations and is limited to IBM
nies. Contact: ICPA, 2801 Woodbine Dr., DOS and ASCII applications. The unit does
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada V7R 2R9 (phone not use a camera or half-inch video tape for-
604-988-2054 or 604-988-3933; fax 604- mat; it is an interactive recorder that connects
988-4743; e-mail; directly to a terminal or personal computer
Web site and continuously records what is on the screen
Insurance Information Institute (III) A non- (audio and digital signals) without interfering
prot organization that works to improve pub- with the running application. It is said to cut
lic understanding of the property and casualty computer-based training development time
business. Its computer capabilities provide by 50 to 75%.
integrated computing 348 integrated training

integrated computing See enterprise com- computers. The courseware addresses a spe-
puting. cic content area, and the software provides
integrated curriculum See concepts-based, in- tracking and reporting capabilities. ILSs are
tegrated curriculum. designed to deliver networked-managed
integrated delivery system (IDS) An orga- instruction. Several manufacturers are exper-
nized system of health care providers span- imenting with CD-ROM technology, and oth-
ning a wide range of health care services. Also ers offer the ability to incorporate different
called Integrated Health Care Delivery hardware platforms into the same network.
system. Still others give instructors complete control
integrated device manufacturer (IDM) In of every aspect of ILS, allowing them to
the semiconductor industry, rms that design choose exactly which activity is delivered to
and/or develop small, fast, high-capacity chips trainees.
for leading-edge applications. integrated management system A s y s t e m
integrated digital videoconferencing Uses that integrates all critical aspects of the work-
video compression algorithms, modems on place, such as productivity, outputs or results,
dial-up lines, access to high-bandwidth com- corporate climate, meaningful and rewarding
munications, and a personal computer to jobs, positive discipline, adequate recognition
deliver image and sound over phone lines. and rewards, creativity and innovation, com-
integrated employee assistance program pensation and benets, participative policy
(IEAP) An upgraded and restructured form formulation and decision making, and oppor-
of employee assistance program. It retains tunities for training, development, and
all of the features and benets of the tradi- advancement for employees.
tional variety of EAP, but it is integrated with integrated media A subsystem that repre-
the organizations overall human resources
sents a complete merging of television and
strategic plan.
computers and thereby provides greater ex-
integrated human resource management sys-
ibility and a new environment to facilitate the
tem (IHRIS) A database shared by all cor-
development of applications software
porate human resources functions established
designed to solve interactive training and pre-
to provide a common language and integrate
sentation problems.
and coordinate all HR services. It includes
integrated performance support (IPS)
competency data on all organization jobs and
people and is used to manage succession plan- Describes the blending of e-learning and
ning, recruitment, selection, compensation, knowledge management in which the knowl-
performance appraisal, and training and edge, skills, and experience of a worker and
development. the work the person must perform are ana-
integrated human resources/payroll system lyzed and a set of support services, such as
A single computerized database used by both advice, tools, references, and training, is pro-
human resources and payroll, thereby elimi- vided automatically and online. Attributed to
nating duplicate date entry and processing Reinhard Ziegler, Viewpoint: The Integration
requirements. of E-Learning and Knowledge Management,
integrated instructional system See inte- e-learning, October 2002, p. 16. See also elec-
grated learning system. tronic performance support systems.
integrated learning An instructional strategy integrated services digital network (ISDN)
that employs teaching techniques to dissemi- A system that allows simultaneous digitized
nate information and produce learning on communications in almost any form voice,
seven levels of human intelligence: linguistic, data, video, and the like to be sent through
logical, musical, spatial, kinesthetic, interper- a single ber-optic line. It holds much promise
sonal, and intrapersonal. for business communications as well as dis-
integrated learning system (ILS) A unit of tance training or education.
sequenced courseware complemented with integrated training Use of a combination of
management software delivered by networked individually paced training tools and media,
integration (clause) 349 intelligence test

such as interactive video, CBT, and other applicants for positions to screen out those
courseware, to deliver training. who are potentially dishonest.
integration (clause) In law, when a contract intellectual capital Attributed to Hugh
has language stating that it is the complete McDonald of I.C.L., the United Kingdom
agreement between the parties and cannot be computer manufacturer, it is the knowledge
changed unless in writing. that exists in an organization that can be used
integrative brainwork approach A form of to create differential advantage. (In Thomas
the concepts-based, integrated curriculum. A. Stewart, Brain Power, Fortune, June 3,
Employs such information processing strate- 1991, p. 44.) Thomas R. Horton, former AMA
gies as concept attainment, inductive reason- CEO and chairman, maintains that intellec-
ing, advance organizers, concept mapping, tual capital is more than that: It is the sum
and clinical interviews. Attributed to Betty total of the useful knowledge of your employ-
Jean Eklund Shoemaker, Education 2000 ees and your customers(and is) far more
Integrated Curriculum, Phi Delta Kappan, valuable to your business than even your
June 1991. materials and nancial resources. (In The
integrative disorders Forms of learning dis- CEO Paradox: The Privilege and Account-
abilities. Manifest themselves as difculties ability of Leadership, AMACOM, New York,
organizing new information and relating it to 1992, pp. 3031.) Examples of intellectual
previously learned information. People with capital: emerging technologies, competitor
this condition are able to absorb a series of information, customer information, effective
facts but are unable to answer questions using practices, market trends, regulations and
those facts. They are unable to sequence and legislation, competencies and capabilities,
organize newly learned information and patents and licenses, formulas, employee
previously learned information into an inte- directories and rsums, conference and meet-
grated whole. ing notes, and innovations. (Source: Julia
integrative medicine Treatment that goes Kirby, Center for Business Innovation, Ernst
beyond traditional surgery and chemotherapy & Young).
for cancer and heart disease. May include intellectual property (IP) In law, the statutes
herbs, dietary supplements, acupuncture, and that protect ideas, trade secrets, inventions,
mind/body techniques for relaxation and and creative works from being copied or sto-
stress management. Provides physicians and len. Protection is provided by copyrights,
other health care professionals a means of patents, registered designs, trademarks,
enhancing the quality of life of patients and and trade secrets.
improving the effectiveness of their immune Intelligence Authorization for Fiscal Year
systems. 1992 Authorizes a $150 million trust fund
integrative techniques A category of techno- for foreign language and international studies.
logical forecasting techniques used to analyze The funds are available for undergraduate
the impacts of development factors on one scholarships to study abroad, graduate fellow-
another and for presenting decision makers ships for foreign language and international
with an integrated picture of projected events. study, and grants to universities to establish
Integrative techniques include cross-impact and improve foreign language and interna-
analysis, scenarios, mathematical models, and tional education programs.
the iterative approach. intelligence quotient (IQ) A measure of gen-
integrity test 1. A test used to determine eral cognitive ability and sometimes an accu-
whether tampering has occurred with urine rate predictor of worker productivity because
samples taken to identify drug users. The tests it predicts the learning of a job. However, due
may measure pH balance, creatine levels, and to several variables, including age and expe-
gravity levels to detect the presence of bleach rience, it is a much more useful measure for
or liquid drain cleaner, samples diluted with children than for adults.
water or animal urine, or the presence of soap intelligence test A test that measures learn-
or salt, respectively. 2. A test administered to ing or problem solving ability that may be
intelligent tutoring system (ITS) 350 interactive system

administered in written, oral, or nonverbal ability to see the results of their choices of
form. Intelligence tests are used in screening benets. Include special computer software
and selection, promotion, and training and programs, kiosks, and voice response sys-
development. Examples are tests of general tems.
mental ability (Wonderlic Personnel Test, interactive learning See computer-based train-
Adaptability Test, Weschler Adult Intelli- ing; creative learning.
gence Scale, and the Thurston Test of Mental Interactive Market Systems (IMS) An on-
Alertness) and tests of specic mental abili- line database. As the largest international
ties (such as the Differential Aptitude Test provider of information systems for the ad-
and the Armed Forces Standard Aptitude vertising industry, IMS serves more than
Battery). 1200 advertising agencies, advertisers, pub-
intelligent tutoring system (ITS) A system lishers, broadcasters, and researchers. Con-
that employs articial intelligence methods to tact: IMS, 770 Broadway, New York, NY
assist trainees to improve their problem solv- 10003 (phone 646-654-5900; fax 646-654-
ing skills by monitoring their reasoning, track- 5901; e-mail; Web site
ing errors to their source, and, based on the
diagnosis, providing advice and assistance to interactive multimedia 1. Presentation and
strengthen problem solving skills. Not as training media that make it possible to change
highly structured as computer-aided instruc- images, in terms of sequence and content, at
tion, which tends to be organized around deci- will. Liquid crystal display devices (used in
sion trees, ITS allows for more open-ended conjunction with overhead projectors), large
programs. video monitors, and video/data projectors
intelligent video learning system See com- allow presenters to share computer screen
puter-based training; interactive video system. images with large audiences. 2. The output
intelligent workstation (IWS) A workstation provided by combining a variety of formerly
that employs an interactive computer-driven independent sound and visual media, with a
job performance support system. computer in control. That has been made pos-
intensive day treatment Outpatient treat- sible by the conversion of analog phonograph
ment of a mental condition or substance abuse records and broadcast TV analog standards to
provided at and billed by a facility that meets digital formats and interactive performance
the denition of a hospital. Treatment consists accelerators. See interactive performance
of individual or group therapy and/or psycho- system; performance support system.
logical testing. interactive performance system On-demand
intensively modulated radiation therapy training and learner-controlled training. Com-
(IMRT) An imaging system used in cancer puter-driven systems designed to support
therapy. Allows precise targeting of cancerous workers at the job site by providing assistance
tissue by following its contours, with radiation when needed.
applied from different directions, thereby pre- interactive software simulations (ISS) A
venting the irradiation of healthy tissue. means of delivering the look and feel of an
intent One of four terms in employment law application, procedure, or process in a safe,
relating to cases of discrimination: disparate self-contained training environment, includ-
impact, intent, business necessity, and bur- ing Internet training. ISSs take two forms:
den of proof. In the case of intent, an (1) show me simulations, which demon-
employer who unwittingly discriminated by a strate how an application works (e.g., by ani-
business practice that seemed to be neutral but mating text entry and cursor movements
produced discriminatory results or effects through a series of steps while trainees watch)
would be held accountable because the courts and (2) try me simulations, which provide
look at consequences rather than intent. trainees with hands-on practice.
intentional survey See expectational survey. interactive system Computer application pro-
interactive communications In human re- grams that process input in real time and make
sources, devices used to give employees the the results immediately available to the user.
interactive television 351 interim alternative educational setting

interactive television One-way video com- traditional subject-matter boundaries while

bined with two-way audio or other type of aligning content and concepts from one disci-
electronic response system pline with those of another. Attributed to Betty
interactive training Individualized training Jean Eklund Shoemaker, Education 2000
provided by means of videotape or videodisc. Integrated Curriculum, Phi Delta Kappan,
interactive videodisc (IVD) A device that June 1991.
allows the user to interact with the video pro- inter-enterprise software solution A form of
gram or lesson stored on the disc. Uses 12- enterprise-application integration. In addition
inch discs that can hold thousands of images to product lines within a company, the practice
as animation cells or video frames. Using a is now extended across enterprises. It involves
computer and videodisc player, the user can both the integration of systems and the inte-
stop the video, search for other information gration of procurement.
or images, and create his or her own route interest A percentage of the principal loan
through the material. amount that is charged as a fee for borrowing
interactive video system (IVS) A system money.
that enables random access to the contents of interest inventory See interest test.
the training or other program by the user interest test An instrument that reveals an
through a keyboard, mouse, or nger touch individuals interests and values that guide and
(of the CRT) and responses of the system are motivate behavior. Interest tests are used in
determined by the users input. An example is screening and selection for employment and
a ight simulator. promotion and for training. They do not
interactive voice response (IVR) See voice predict managerial effectiveness. Examples
response system. are the Kuder Preference Record, Jackson
interactivity 1. The process of involving Vocational Interest Survey, Allport-Vernon
learners with the learning materials rather than Scale of Values, Purdue Job Preference Sur-
allowing them to sit and passively listen and vey, and Strong Interest Inventory.
observe. 2. Refers to any kind of two-way interface The connecting of two or more com-
communication/interaction over a computer ponents or entities (people, systems, equip-
network. ments, and so on) so that they can communi-
Interactivity: Tools + Techniques for Interac- cate and interact. For example, the most
tive Media Developers A monthly journal. common computer interface is the keyboard;
Cost: $59.95 per year (free to qualied sub- others are the mouse, touch-sensitive screens,
scribers). Contact: Interactivity, 411 Borel light pens, joy sticks, trackballs, scanners,
Ave., Ste. 100, San Mateo, CA 94402 (phone video cameras, and facsimile machines.
415-358-9500; fax 415-655-4360; e-mail interface charts Used by supervisors in; Web site www.eye- employee orientation and induction programs, they consist of charts showing by name and
intercultural training Training provided by position the individuals the new employee will
intercultural and multicultural organizations, interface and interact with on a continuing
public and private institutions and agencies, basis (supervisors, coworkers, staff, commit-
and the military services. It is provided to tees and workteams, suppliers, consultants,
increase managerial effectiveness in interna- and so on).
tional operations, negotiations, and decision interfaced human resources/payroll system
making; help employees adapt to working, liv- Separate computer systems linked to appear
ing, and learning environments in cultural set- to be sharing the same database when they are
tings different from their own; and establish actually separate. Data fed into one system are
friendly, cooperative, and favorable relation- transmitted to the other on a scheduled basis.
ships with the people of a host country or intergenerational care center A facility that
culture. provides both child care and elder care.
interdisciplinary approach A form of the con- interim alternative educational setting
cepts-based, integrated curriculum. It maintains (IAES) A placement selected by a students
intermediaries 352 internal criterion test

Individualized Education Program team which an employees condition prevents put-

that meets the needs of a student with disabil- ting in a full days work at the work site but
ities. An IAES must (1) allow the individual who is capable and often willing to do some
to participate in the general curriculum; (2) work from home. In addition, FMLA allows
offer special education services and modica- intermittent leave, with the employers con-
tions that enable the student to continue the sent, following the birth or adoption of a
IEP; and (3) include specic services designed child.
to teach alternatives to the problem behavior internal audit 1. A type of management con-
that resulted in the IAES placement. Required trol. A searching examination of one or more
by the Individuals with Disabilities Educa- functions of an organization, such as nance
tion Act of 1997. or human resources, performed by selected
intermediaries A private insurance organiza- members of the staff of the organization itself
tion that makes coverage and payment deci- rather than an outside agency or auditing rm.
sions on services in hospitals, skilled nursing It is designed to identify and remedy decien-
facilities, home health agencies, and hospices. cies in planning and the conduct of operations.
Some have contracts with the federal govern- 2. A nancial or HR audit conducted by a team
ment to handle Medicare payments paid of in-house auditors. 3. An audit conducted
through the hospital insurance program. by an independent, impartial, and autonomous
intermediate care facility (ICF) An institu- auditor. Internal audits may range from peri-
tion licensed under state law to provide health- odic verication of the effectiveness of inter-
related care and services to individuals who nal managerial controls to continuing surveil-
do not require the degree of care or treatment lance of all enterprise activities. The audit may
that a hospital or skilled nursing facility be conducted as a collateral duty by a manager
provides. Public institutions for care of the in a very small business or by an audit staff
mentally retarded or people with related con- of dozens of professionals in a large business.
ditions are included. internal auditor Post-Enron, an auditor who
intermediate evaluation Assessment of functions independently of either the chief
trainees reactions, learning, and performance at executive ofcer or chief nancial ofcer.
the conclusion of training. The evaluation may internal benchmarking Tracking perfor-
take either of two forms: individual or organi- mance of an activity, function, or project in
zational. Individual evaluation examines ones own organization over time.
changes in on-the-job behavior of managers, internal complaint procedure (ICP) A means
supervisors, workers, clients, or customers, usu- of formalizing the employee feedback and fol-
ally following training, development, or other low-up processes. It includes these elements:
form of intervention. Techniques include ques- (1) a standardized complaint form; (2) cen-
tionnaires, rating scales, interviews, tests, or tralized processing of complaints; (3)
observation. Organizational evaluation exam- acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint
ines organizational change in such areas as qual- in writing; (4) assignment of an investigator;
ity of communications, customer relations, job (5) consideration of options for action with
satisfaction, motivation and morale, and team- the decision maker; (6) a written report to the
work. Tools include observation, questionnaires, complainant; (7) documentation of the inves-
interviews, ratings, and review of records. tigation; and (8) an appeals procedure.
intermediate nursing care One of three lev- internal consultant A full- or part-time mem-
els of long-term care. Requires a physicians ber of the staff of an organization who provides
orders and trained personnel but is usually professional or technical advice and assistance
provided only two or three times per week. in a specied discipline or functional area to
See also custodial care; skilled nursing care. executive, managerial supervisory, staff, tech-
intermittent leave Recurring absences autho- nical, and operational employees.
rized by the Family and Medical Leave Act internal criterion test A test administered at
under the rubric of reasonable accommoda- a carefully selected point during the conduct
tions. Typically caused by situations in of training. Usually covers a single major task
internal customer evaluation 353 international accounting standards

of a job; however, internal criterion tests may Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Species the
also cover clusters of related tasks. Occasion- tax treatment of income and benets for both
ally, even job elements may be of sufcient employers and employees and the conditions
importance to warrant the development and that certain employee benet plans must meet
administration of separate criterion tests. to receive favorable tax treatment. Of most
internal customer evaluation A relatively concern to HR are IRC regulations pertaining
new form of performance evaluation in which to retirement and capital accumulation plans,
performance is measured by more than a sin- group term life insurance, and health care
gle boss. benets.
internal evaluation 1. Evaluation that focuses Internal Revenue Service (IRS) The IRS is
on ongoing, in-house HR programs, activities, the nations tax collection agency and admin-
and services. Its purpose is to assess the qual- isters the Internal Revenue Code enacted by
ity of the programs and services while they Congress. Its mission is to provide Americas
are in operation so that employees, supervi- taxpayers with quality service by helping
sors, managers, and the HR manager get the them understand and meet their tax responsi-
feedback they need to improve their strategies, bilities and by applying the tax law with integ-
methods, and performance. 2. In training and rity and fairness to all. Contact: Check the
development, evaluating training and develop- Yellow Pages for the ofce nearest you (Web
ment programs during their conduct. Its pur- site
pose is to provide feedback to instructors and Internal Revenue Service Restructuring
trainees and to keep the HR manager informed and Reform Act of 1998 Legislation that
of progress and accomplishment. The evalua- affected tax treatment of business meals, the
exclusion for employer-provided educational
tion may take the form of participant reaction,
assistance benets, options and limitations for
measures of behavioral change during train-
qualied transportation benets, and reporting
ing, or training self-audits.
internal marketing Promoting HR products
internal temporary pool worker A exible
and services within the organization to
stafng option. Hiring former workers or
achieve the goals and priorities of the com-
other people and placing them in an on-call
pany. The primary goal of internal marketing
pool managed by the organization.
is to contribute to the achievement of company
internal training expenditures Total expen-
goals and objectives by providing the pro-
ditures on company-sponsored training, includ-
grams and services the organization and its ing payroll for training staff, travel, facilities,
people need to survive and prosper. Customers equipment, materials, information systems,
and clients are friendlies who fully expect telephones, publications and catalogs, and
to be offered (or sold) the products and ser- internal marketing. Often used for benchmark-
vices of the HR department. ing. See also external training expenditures.
internal medicine A medical specialty for the international As distinguished from global,
diagnosis and treatment of injuries and dis- describes organizations that may have over-
eases. Offers primary care, such as inocula- seas operations but operate their offshore busi-
tions, prescription drugs, and referrals to med- ness separately.
ical specialists. international accounting standards (IAS)
internal motivation Thoughts or feelings, Standards used by about 50 foreign private
such as pride or satisfaction, that are evoked issuers of public shares to reconcile their
in an individual by his or her own behavior or nancial statements with the U.S. generally
in response to some external stimulus. accepted accounting principles. That num-
internal recruitment Canvassing the organi- ber will increase to between 500 and 600 com-
zation to identify employees who can be pro- panies as European companies convert from
moted, transferred, or temporarily assigned to their home-country standards to IAS. In
a different position within the organization or March 2002, the European Parliament ruled
one of its subsidiaries. that the consolidated nancial statements of
International Accreditation Forum (IAF) 354 International Association of Business

all companies with public shares listed in the Provides information, products, and services
European market (roughly 7000 now using and sponsors educational events and confer-
their home countrys GAAP) must follow IAS ences relating to human resource information
standards no later than December 31, 2005. management. Contact: IHRIM, P.O. Box
International Accreditation Forum (IAF) 1086, Burlington, MA 01803 (phone 800-
An international organization whose purpose 946-6363 or 512-453-6363; fax 781-998-
is to establish order among accreditation 8011; e-mail moreinfo@ihrim; Web site
boards, the bodies that set the rules for regis-
trars, worldwide. The International Association of Adminis-
International Association for Continuing trative Professionals (IAAP) A not-for-
Education & Training (IACET) Formerly prot professional association with 40,000
the Council on the Continuing Education members and afliates and 600+ chapters
Unit, IACET maintains a highly respected worldwide. The association works in partner-
position in the eld of continuing education ship with employers to promote excellence.
and training. The Associations activities in Its members include administrative assistants,
identifying and disseminating effective teach- executive secretaries, ofce coordinators,
ing and learning practices for adults have led information specialists, and related adminis-
to the widescale adoption of the CEU, princi- trative professionals. IAAPs purpose is to
ples of good practice, assessment, and evalu- provide information, education, and training
ation methods. Many professions, associa- and to set standards of excellence recognized
tions, and licensing boards utilize these by the business community on a global per-
criteria and principles to review and enhance spective. Contact: IAAP, 10502 NW Ambas-
their professional development programs. sador Drive, PO Box 20404, Kansas City, MO
Contact: The Center for Professional 64195-0404 (phone 816-891-6600; fax
Advancement, Box 7077, 144 Tices Lane, 816-891-9118; e-mail;
East Brunswick, NJ 08816-707 (phone 732- Web site
238-1600; fax 732-238-9113; e-mail International Association of Audio Visual; Web site Communicators (IAAVC) An association
International Association for Exposition of in-house and independent producers of cor-
Management (IAEM) An organization of porate and organization video, multimedia,
3600 members established to support the and audiovisual presentations involved in the
growth and effectiveness of the exposition creation of presentations for business, edu-
industry by (1) taking a leadership role in cation, entertainment, and government. Con-
enhancing and advancing exposition manage- tact: IAAVC, 57 W. Palo Verde Ave., P.O.
ment through education, information, and Box 250, Ocotillo, CA 92259-0250 (phone
member interaction and (2) promoting expo- 760-358-7000; fax 760-358-7569; e-mail
sitions as an effective marketing medium. s h e e m o n w @ c i n d y s . c o m ; We b s i t e
IAEM represents over 3600 professionals
who conduct and support trade shows. Con- International Association of Business Com-
tact: IAEM, 8111 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 750, municators (IABC) An association of more
P.O. Box 802425, Dallas, TX 75251-1313 than 12,500 communication practitioners in
(phone 972-458-8002; fax 972-458-8119; more than 45 countries encompassing the dis-
e-mail; Web site ciplines of employee communication, commu- nity relations, corporate relations, shareholder
International Association for Financial Plan- relations, public relations, public affairs, mar-
ning (IAFP) See The Financial Planning keting, advertising and audio-visual commun-
Association. ication. IABCs purpose is to serve the profes-
International Association for Human sion of organizational communication and
Resource Information Management public relations internationally through its
(IHRIM) A nonprot global organization member chapters, districts, and international
numbering more than 4000 members. afliates. Contact: IABC, One Halladie Plz.,
International Association of Career 355 International Association of Information

Ste. 600, San Francisco, CA 94102 (phone of 410 not-for-prot member bureaus in 28
800-776-4222 or 415-544-4700; fax 415-544- countries. These destination marketing orga-
4747; e-mail; Web nizations act as information clearinghouses,
site convention management consultants, and pro-
International Association of Career Man- motional agencies for the cities they represent.
agement Professionals (IACMP) An orga- Awards the Certied Destination Manage-
nization dedicated to building the profession- ment Executive designation. Contact:
alism of career management practitioners, IACVB, 2025 M St., NW, Ste. 500, Washing-
meeting the associative needs of career man- ton, D.C. 20036 (phone 202-296-7888; fax
agement professionals, and achieving recog- 202-296-7889; e-mail; Web
nition for that professionalism. IACMP also site
aims to unite internationally, for mutual and International Association of Eating Disorders
public benet, career management profes- Professionals (IAEDP) An organization of
sionals who meet a high degree of compe- 800 members established to promote a high
tence and integrity, develop and maintain high level of professionalism among practitioners
standards of professional conduct in career who treat people who suffer from eating dis-
management practice, and support the eld of orders, UAEDP establishes ethical and pro-
career management with information, educa- fessional standards, offers education and
tion, and research. Contact: IACMP, 204 E training in the eld, certies those who have
St., NE, Washington, D.C. 20002 (phone met prescribed requirements, promotes pro-
202-547-6377; fax 202-547-6348; e-mail fessional awareness of eating disorders, and; Web site assists in prevention efforts. Contact: IAEDP,
International Association of Certied Coaches P.O. Box 35882, Phoenix, AZ 85069-8552
(IACC) A not-for-prot and membership- (phone 800-800-8126 or 602-934-3024; fax
run organization of 17,000 members. Mem- 775-329-1597; e-mail; Web
bership is open to anyone who is coaching or site
wishes to coach. Voting privileges are granted International Association of Fairs & Exposi-
once a member has passed the Certied Coach tions (IAFE) A voluntary, nonprot corpo-
examinations by demonstrating competence ration established to organize state, district,
in 15 coaching prociencies and has earned and county fairs, state associations of fairs,
the designation. Contact: e-mail coop@certi- expositions, associations, corporations, and; Web site www.certied- individuals into one association dedicated to the improvement of the fair industry and
International Association of Conference related elds. Contact: IAFE, P.O. Box 985,
Centers (IACC) A global organization rep- Springeld, MO 65801 (phone 800-516-0313
resenting university, corporate, resort, nonres- or 417-862-5771; fax 417-862-0156;
idential, and ancillary conference centers. It; Web site
was founded to foster awareness and under-
standing of the conference center concept. International Association of Hispanic Meet-
Conducts an annual conference and provides ing Professionals (IAHMP) An organiza-
development workshops for conference center tion of 88 independent, association, and cor-
professionals. Membership is limited to con- porate meeting planners who are His-
ference centers that meet specic criteria for panic/Latino and non-Hispanics who actively
design and services and to allied businesses. pursue business with that market. Contact:
Contact: IACC, 243 North Lindberg Blvd., IAHMP, San Antonio, TX (phone 210-522-
Ste. 315, St. Louis, MO 63141 (phone 800- 2260; e-mail margaret.gonzalez@hispanic-
844-2327 or 314-993-8575; fax 314-993-; Web site www.his-
8919; e-mail; Web
site International Association of Information
International Association of Convention Technology Trainers (ITrain) A nonprot
& Visitor Bureaus (IACVB) An association association of 6781 information technology
International Association of Machinists 356 International Criminal Court (ICC)

(IT) professionals located in 166 countries. International Classication of Diseases, 9th

Dedicated to providing vision, leadership, and revision, Clinical Modication (ICD-9-CM)
opportunity for those involved in learning to A classication of diseases by diagnosis cod-
enable the effective use of information tech- ied into 6-digit numbers. ICVD-10 will use
nology. Contact: ITrain, PMB 451, 6030-M alphanumeric codes.
Marshalee Dr., Elkridge, MD 21075-5935 The International Communications Indus-
(phone 888-290-6200 or 410-290-7000; fax tries Association (ICIA) An association of
603-925-1110; Web site manufacturers, dealers, and installers of pre-
International Association of Machinists and sentation equipment. Provides training and
Aerospace Workers (IAM) A labor union services for dealers. technicians, and users of
afliated with the AFL-CIO representing air- audiovisual/presentation technologies. Pub-
transport and automotive mechanics and aero- lishes the annual Directory of Video, Com-
space and railroad machinists with a member- puter & Audio-visual Products and the Direc-
ship of 731,780. Contact: IAM, 9000 Machin- tory of Multimedia Equipment, Software &
ist Place, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-2687 Services. Contact: ICIA, 11242 Waples Mill
(phone 301/967-4500; e-mail webstew- Rd., Ste. 200, Fairfax, VA 22030 (phone 800-; Web site 659-7469 or 703-273-7200; fax 703-278-
International Association of Presentation 8082; e-mail; Web site
Professionals (IAPP) A coalition of corpo-
rate and independent producers of presenta- international company A company that has
tions in a variety of media, including multi- its headquarters in one country and operations
media, interactive media, slide, overheads, in several other countries but with each oper-
and prints. Its mission is to educate presenta- ation acting as a separate company having its
own policies and procedures. See also coun-
tion graphics producers in the effective use of
try-centric company; global company; trans-
software and hardware and to provide a forum
national company.
for networking. Contact: IAPP, 294 Arden
International Congress & Convention Associ-
Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15216 (phone 800-688-
ation (IC&CA) One of the most prominent
2748; fax 412-531-7739; e-mail;
organizations in the world of international
Web site
meetings. It comprises a membership repre-
International Brotherhood of Electrical
senting the main specialists in handling, trans-
Workers (IBEW) A labor union represent-
porting, and accommodating international
ing approximately 800,000 electrical workers. events. With members in more than 76 coun-
Contact: IBEW, 1125 15th St., NW, Washing- tries around the world, it is the most global
ton, D.C. 20005 (phone 202-833-7000; fax organization within the meetings industry.
202-728-7664; e-mail; Web Contact: ICCA, Entrada, 121, NL-1096 EB
site Amsterdam, The Netherlands (phone: +31-
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 20-3981919; fax: +31-20-699 0781; e-mail:
Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers; Web site
of America One of the largest U.S. labor International Criminal Court (ICC) A
unions whose 1.4 million members are largely court created by the United Nations to prose-
employed in trucking and warehousing. cute people accused of genocide, war crimes,
Improved wages and working conditions of and crimes against humanity. The U.S. signed
members and partially stabilized the trucking the treaty establishing the court on December
industry. Contact: Teamsters, 25 Louisiana 31, 2000. However, in May 2002, President
Ave., N..W.. Washington, D.C. 20001 (phone Bush announced that the U.S. would withdraw
202-624-6800; e-mail teamster@team- its signature because of the vulnerability of; Web site U.S. service members as well as current and
International Brotherhood of Teamsters v. future U.S. ofcials, politically motivated
Electromation Inc. See Electromation prosecutions, and the denition of aggres-
Decision. sion. He also threatened to withdraw from
International Customer Service Association 357 International Foundation of Employee Benefit

the United Nations peacekeeping missions organization consisting of national organiza-

unless American troops were given a 1-year tions of and for hard-of-hearing and deaf peo-
exemption from the court. The ICC came into ple, consumers, and professional organizations.
being July 1, 2002. Contact: IFHOH, 13 Chemin du Levant, CIB
International Customer Service Association Batiment A, F-01210 Ferney-Voltaire, France
(ICSA) A 3000-member association of cus- (phone +33 450 42 48 82; fax: +33 450 42 73
tomer service professionals dedicated to 56; Web site
developing the theory and understanding of International Federation of Training and
the total quality service process, advancing the Development Organizations (IFTDO) A
art and science of managing that process, and worldwide network of over 150 member orga-
encouraging professional dialogue in the nizations with more than 1 million members
achievement of customer satisfaction. Con- in more than 50 countries. IFTDO is commit-
tact: ICSA, 401 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, ted to identifying, developing, and transfer-
IL 60611-4267 (phone 800-360-4272 or 312- ring knowledge, skills, and technology to
644-6610; fax 312-245-1084; e-mail enhance human performance, productivity,; Web site personal growth, and sustainable develop-
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) ment. The federation is accredited to the U.N.
Formerly the Orton Dyslexia Society, IDA is and ILO, helping to ensure that members
a nonprot organization dedicated to helping voices are heard effectively by international
individuals with dyslexia, their families, and policy makers. Contact: IFTDO, P.O. Box
the communities that support them. IDA is the 33213. Washington, D.C. 20033-0213 (phone
oldest learning disabilities organization in the 202-333-1811; fax 202-342-6055) or IFTDO,
nation. Its goal is to provide the most com- Bureau 482, WCC5 route des Morillons, CP
prehensive forum for parents, educators, and 2100. 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland (phone +41
researchers to share their experiences, meth- 22 791 6714; fax +41 22 710 2377; e-mail
ods, and knowledge. Contact: IDA, Chester; Web site
Building, Ste. 382, 8600 LaSalle Road, Bal- International Foundation for Stutterers,
timore, MD 21286-2044 (phone 410-296- Inc. An organization established to elimi-
0232; fax 410-321-5069; e-mail info.inter- nate stuttering through speech therapy in con-; Web site junction with self-help groups. Provides edu-
The International Federation of Accountants cation for the public and professionals about
(IFAC) The worldwide organization for the stuttering. Contact: International Foundation
accountancy profession, it has 156 member for Stutters, Inc., P.O. Box 462, Belle Mead,
bodies in 114 countries, representing 2 million NJ 08502 (phone 609-275-3806 [evenings];
accountants. The mission of IFAC is the Web site
development and enhancement of the profes- International Foundation of Employee Ben-
sion to enable it to provide services of consis- et Plans (IFEBP) An international organi-
tently high quality in the public interest. zation of 34,000 individuals in the U.S. and
Developed and issued the Guideline on Eth- Canada that represents 7700 corporations,
ics for Professional Accountants, a code professional advisory rms, trust funds, and
designed to serve as a comprehensive standard public employee funds. Its purpose is to keep
for all accountants in public practice and in members current on industry issues, trends,
private industry worldwide. Available from and developments through its publications,
the American Institute of Certied Public information center, online benets database,
Accountants. Contact: AFAC, 535 Fifth Ave- and educational programs. The Foundation
nue, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10017 (phone cosponsors with the Wharton School, Univer-
212-286-9344 ext. 112; fax 212-286-9570; sity of Pennsylvania (and in Canada with Dal-
e-mail; Web site housie University) the Certied Employee Benets Specialist designation (CEBS). Con-
International Federation of Hard of Hearing tact: IFEBP, 18700 W. Bluemound Rd., P.O.
People (IFHOH) An international volunteer Box 69, Brookeld, WI 53008-0069 (phone
International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association 358 International Society for Performance

888-217-5960 or 262-786-6700; fax 262-786- International Organization for Standardiza-

8670; e-mail; Web site tion (ISO) A worldwide federation of national standards bodies from 140 countries.
International Gay & Lesbian Travel Associ- ISO is a nongovernmental organization estab-
ation (IGLTA) An international network of lished to promote the development of stan-
about 1200 travel industry businesses and pro- dardization and related activities in the world
fessionals dedicated to the mission of promot- to facilitate the international exchange of
ing and enhancing gay and lesbian travel goods and services and to developing cooper-
throughout the world. Contact: IGLTA, 4331 ation in the spheres of intellectual, scientic,
N. Federal Hwy., Ste. 304, Fort Lauderdale, technological and economic activity. ISOs
FL 33308 (phone 800-448-8550 or 954-776- work results in international agreements that
2626; fax 954-776-3303; e-mail iglta@ are published as International Standards, now; Web site numbering more than 13,000. Contact: ISO,
International Interactive Communications 1, rue de Varemb, Case postale 56, CH-1211
Society (IICS) An association of interactive Genve 20, Switzerland (phone + 41-22-749-
media professionals dedicated to the advance- 01-11; Telefax: + 41-22-733-34-30; Telex: 41
ment of interactive arts and technologies. 22 05 iso ch; e-mail; Web site
Members include professionals involved in
the rapidly integrating digital convergence International Personnel Management Asso-
ciation (IPMA) An organization of human
industries: multimedia, computing, telecom-
resource professionals representing the inter-
munications, education, mass media, con-
ests of more than 6000 individual and 1300
sumer electronics, publishing and entertain-
agency members at the federal, state, and local
ment, among others. Contact: IICS, 10160
levels of government. Among the Associa-
S.W. Nimbus Ave., Ste F2, Portland, OR
tions purposes and objectives is the promo-
97223-4338 (phone 503-620-3604; fax 503-
tion of excellence in human resource manage-
620-7857; e-mail; Web site
ment through the ongoing development of
professional and ethical standards. Contact:
International Labour Organization (ILO) IPMA, 1617 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314
A specialized, independent agency of the (phone 703-549-7100; fax 703-684-0948;
United Nations. Its mandate is to improve e-mail; Web site www.ipma-
working conditions, create employment, and
promote human rights globally. With a mem- international representative As a nonimmi-
bership of 173 countries, the ILO represents grant class of admission, an alien coming
virtually all nations of the world. The ILO is temporarily to the U.S. as a principal or
unique; it is the only UN agency in which the other accredited representative of a foreign
private sector, represented by labor and busi- government (whether ofcially recognized
ness, participate fully and actively with gov- or not recognized by the U.S.) to an inter-
ernment in decision making. Headquartered national organization, an international orga-
in Geneva, Switzerland, ILO recommends nization ofcer or employee, and all above
international standards for wages, hours of aliens spouses and unmarried minor (or
work, vacations, insurance, and other issues dependent) children.
affecting employees. Contact: ILO, Route des International Society for Performance
Morillons 4, 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Improvement (ISPI) An association of
(phone +41-22-799-7126; fax +41-22-799- 10,000 HR managers, training directors, per-
6926; e-mail; Web site formance technologists, and organization or Washington Branch Ofce development (OD) and human factors practi-
1828 L Street, NW, Suite 801, Washington, tioners throughout the U.S., Canada, and more
D.C. 20036 (phone 202-653-7652; fax 202- than 30 other countries. ISPIs mission is to
653-7687; e-mail; Web increase productivity in the workplace
site through the application of performance and
International Society for Technology 359 International Telework Association

instructional technologies. Formerly called International Special Events Society (ISES)

the National Society for Performance and An organization of over 3000 professionals in
Instruction. Contact: ISPI, 1300 L St., NW, more than 12 countries representing special
Ste. 1250, Washington, D.C. 20005 (phone event producers (from festivals to trade shows),
202-408-7969; fax 202-408-7972; e-mail caterers, decorators, orists, destination man-; Web site agement companies, rental companies, special
International Society for Technology in Ed- effects experts, tent suppliers, audio-visual
ucation (ISTE) A nonprot professional or- technicians, party and convention coordinators,
ganization of 12,000 teachers, administrators, balloon artists, educators, journalists, hotel
coordinators, teacher educators, information sales managers, specialty entertainers, conven-
resource managers, and educational technol- tion center managers, and many more. Contact:
ogy specialists active in learning and contrib- ISES, 401 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL
uting to the future of educational technology. 60611-4267 (phone 800-688-4737 or 312-321-
Provides information, support, and leadership 6853; fax 312-673-6953; e-mail info@
in the use and integration of computer-based; Web site
technology in the classroom. Contact: ISTE, International Standard Book Number
480 Charnelton Street, Eugene, OR 97401- (ISBN) A number used to identify individ-
2626 (phone 800-336-5191 or 541-302-3777; ual newly published books. Obtained by con-
fax 541-302-3778; e-mail info@; tacting Books in Print, R.R. Bowker, 121
Web site Chanlon Rd., New Providence, NJ 07974
International Society of Certied Employee (phone 908-665-6770).
Benet Specialists (ISCEBS) A nonprot International Standard Serial Number
educational association of 42 chapters open (ISSN) A number used to identify individual
only to individuals who hold the Certied issues of periodicals such as magazines and
Employee Benet Specialist designation newsletters. Obtained by contacting the Cata-
benets managers, consultants, insurance loging in Publications Division, National
company representatives, trust ofcers, Serial Data Program, Library of Congress,
administrators, attorneys, investment special- Washington, D.C. 20540 (phone 202-707-
ists, government regulators, and others 6454; e-mail; Web site
involved in employee benets. Its primary See also International Stan-
purpose is to provide continuing education dard Book Number; Library of Congress
opportunities for its members. Contact: Book Number.
ISCEBS, 18700 W. Bluemound Rd., P.O. Box International Standards Organization 9000
209, Brookeld, WI 53008-0209 (phone 414- (ISO 9000) A a series of standards applica-
786-8771; fax 414-786-8650; e-mail iscebs@ ble to products and services that denes qual-; Web site ity assurance systems and the management of
International Society of Meeting Planners the quality mechanism itself. It is based on
(ISMP) A worldwide network of 2000+ pro- British Standard 5750 and is used to deter-
fessionals involved in all areas of meeting mine whether companies have their quality
planning, from scheduling to supplying. ISMP systems under control and to certify the attain-
was established to improve professionalism ment of those standards in their operations.
and competency in the meeting planning EN 29000 is a modication of ISO 9000
industry as well as create new business oppor- adopted by the European Community.
tunities for its members. The Society also International Standards Organization 14000
offers the professional designations Regis- The ISOs environmental system standard.
tered Meeting Planner and Certied Desti- The International Telework and Association
nation Specialist to qualied applicants. Council (ITAC) A nonprot organization
Contact: ISMP, 1224 North Nokomis NE, dedicated to promoting the economic, social,
Alexandria, MN 56308 (phone 602-483-0000; and environmental benets of telework. Mem-
fax 602-998-8022; e-mail; bers share information about the design and
Web site implementation of telework programs, the
International Visual Literacy Association 360 interpersonal communication

development of the worldwide telework sec- such as .com, .net, and .gov. New names cur-
tor, and research. Contact: ITAC, 401 Edge- rently under consideration include .nom, .biz,
water Place, Suite 600, Wakeeld, MA 01880 .web, .health, and .union.
(phone 202-547-6157; e-mail info@telecom- Internet direct public offering (I-DPO) An; Web site offer to sell a companys stock to the general
International Visual Literacy Association public. For prices starting at $10,000, a com-
(IVLA) An organization established to pro- pany can sell up to $5 million in stock directly
vide a multidisciplinary forum for the explo- to the online general public.
ration, presentation, and discussion of all Internet newsletter Online publications. One
aspects of visual communication and their type of Internet newsletter is sent to subscrib-
applications through visual images, visual lit- ers through e-mail, while others are published
eracy, and literacies in general. The associa- on a Web site as electronic magazines.
tion serves as the organizational bond for pro- Internet protocol (IP) A technical specica-
fessionals from many diverse disciplines who tion that denes how information will be sent
are creating and sustaining the study of the over networks such as the Internet.
nature of visual experiences and literacies and Internet relay chat (IRC) A c o m m u n i c a -
their cognitive and affective bases and who tions system that accommodates real-time
are developing new means for the evaluation conversations among multiple users, such as
of learning through visual methods. Contact: America Online.
VLA, Darrell Beauchamp, Executive Trea-
Internet server Allows workstations to con-
surer, c/o Navarro College, 3200 W. 7th Ave.,
nect to the Internet.
Corsicana, TX 75110 (phone 903-875-7441;
Internet service provider (ISP) An organi-
fax 90- 874-4636; e-mail;
zation that provides access to the Internet.
Web site
Usually charges by the month and is faster
Internet A worldwide network of computer
and less expensive than online services but
networks connecting millions of computers in
provides few, if any, extras. To locate an ISP,
135 countries and territories worldwide oper-
check The List at http://the
ated by universities, governments, corpora-
tions, individuals, and others. It is neither Internet Week: The Information Source
owned nor controlled by any one entity. The for Internet-Driven Enterprises Published
Internet is virtual space in which users send weekly by CMP Media Inc. Free to qualied
and receive e-mail, log in to remote comput- management and professional personnel at
ers, surf or browse databases of informa- companies involved in the communications
tion, and send and receive les. industry. Subscription rates for all others in
Internet-based training (IBT) There are two the U.S. are $155 for 1 year and $275 for 2
forms: (1) text-based programs that use years and, in Canada, $163 per year. Contact:
simple printed materials and require very little CMP Media, 600 Community Drive, Manhas-
bandwidth (the capacity of a carrier to deliver set, NY 11030 (phone 516-562-5000; e-mail
information) and (2) multimedia programs; Web site
that use both sound and video and require
relatively large bandwidth. intern programs See cooperative education.
Internet billing, presentation, and payment internship The period prescribed for an
(IBPP) A system that allows companies to intern, in such professions as medicine and
present bills to their customers and clients and teaching, to prepare for entry into the profes-
pay bills from their suppliers online. Also sion.
called electronic billing, presentation, and interpersonal communication Communica-
payment. tion between and among individuals and
Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and groups in which information, ideas, and feel-
Numbers (ICANN) A government-backed ings are exchanged mainly by means of face-
organization formed in 1998 and given to-face contacts (spoken words, gestures, and
responsibility for approving Web site names, body language).
interpersonal communications training 361 intestate

interpersonal communications training sonal effects, between points in two different

Training designed to develop communication states.
skills among individuals and groups. May interstate move In employee relocation, a
include conict resolution, diversity training, shipment of household goods moving
stress management, and work team develop- between points in two different states.
ment. interval data Numerical data that can be
Interpretative Guidelines on Sexual Harass- rank-ordered and have equal distances
ment Issued by the Equal Employment between all adjacent values.
Opportunity Commission in March 1980, the intervention 1. A strategy used by managers,
guidelines detail employers responsibilities facilitators, or practitioners to accomplish
for maintaining a workplace free of sexual some human resources, human resources
harassment and intimidation. development, or organization development
interpreter/interpretation A professional objective. Examples: creative problem solving
linguist who translates the spoken word exercises, team building, counseling, coach-
oral communication from one language to ing, training. 2. A term used in public health
another. Used in conferences and training ses- to describe a program or policy designed to
sions. There are four forms of interpretation: have an impact on an illness or disease.
(1) consecutive, in which the speaker pauses interview A face-to-face meeting with indi-
after every few sentences to allow the inter- viduals or groups (superiors, peers, subordi-
preter to render the words in the other lan-
nates, other employees, customers, suppliers,
guage, (2) simultaneous interpretation, requir-
dealers, and applicants for positions) to give
ing the use of headsets, in which the
and receive information, identify leads to new
interpreter listens to speech in one language
or unperceived problems, determine the seri-
and after a few seconds delay, repeats the
ousness of problems spotted by other means,
content in another language, (3) oral interpre-
collect information and opinions, and share
tation using two interpreters (because the rst
information. Used in recruitment, screening,
interpreter is not a master of the second lan-
and selection, assignment, promotion, and ter-
guage), and (4) whisper interpretation, in
mination, appraisal, counseling, discipline,
which each person in a small group of people
is assigned an individual interpreter who attitude and opinion surveys, behavior model-
whispers simultaneous interpretation of what ing, evaluation, audits, performance assess-
is being said. ment, job and task analysis, market research,
interprocess communications In computer needs assessment, productivity improvement,
technology, the transfer and sharing of data salary review, outplacement, and training
between two processes running concurrently and development. Types include nondirec-
on the system, through facilities such as tive or client-centered, directive, structured,
dynamic data exchange and dynamic link and so on.
libraries. inter vivos trust See revocable living trust.
interquartile range The difference between intestacy rules Part of state law, they employ
the third quartile (75th percentile) and the rst the rules of consanguinity, or closest blood
quartile (25th percentile) in an ordered array relationship, when determining how to distrib-
of data or frequency distribution. It contains ute the property of a person who does not
the middle 50% of the data. leave a will.
in terroriam clause States that if anyone con- intestate A person is said to have died intes-
tests the will, he or she will receive $1.00 or tate if no will exists at the time of death. Under
lose completely any legacy designated for him those circumstances, property of the deceased
or her. Literally means in terror of disinher- passes to survivors under the states laws of
itance. Usually frowned upon by courts. intestate succession. Although the laws of the
interstate carrier A corporation (van line) various states vary, in most cases the estate
that has government-granted authority to will be split between the surviving spouse and
transport goods, including household and per- children. In some states, if there are no
intestate succession laws 362 inventory days

children, the estate must be shared with the intrusion upon seclusion Under common
decedents parents or brothers and sisters. law, one of two bases for employees to bring
intestate succession laws Laws that prescribe invasion of privacy claims against their
the persons to whom a deceased individuals employers. It becomes operative when an
property will be distributed if he or she dies employer intrudes upon the seclusion of
without a will. employees in a way that a reasonable person
intracompany transferee Allows executives would nd highly offensive; for example,
and managers (L1-A) or employees with spe- opening personal mail addressed to an
cialized knowledge (L1-B) to transfer from a employee. See also public disclosure of a pri-
foreign country to a U.S. parent, branch, sub- vate act.
sidiary, or afliate for limited periods of time. intuition training Training designed to teach
Participants must have worked at the foreign employees to become more intuitive to use
company in the appropriate capacity for at their instincts, their sixth sense or gut feel-
least 12 months during the 3 years immedi- ings as a supplement to or substitute for
ately prior to ling a visa application. more logical thought processes. Makes use of
intra-market merger See in-market merger. visualization.
intranet A private corporate network that con- intuitive skill The ability to employ instinc-
nects different types of computers in various tive knowledge or gut feelings, rather than
branches of an organization at widely dis- logic, hard facts, or experience, to solve prob-
persed locations. Workers at those locations lems, make decisions, innovate, create, and
use Web browsers to point and click through evaluate.
large databases and communicate with each intuitive thinking See lateral thinking.
other. Intranets can be integrated into the inventory 1. In testing, a checklist or ques-
Internet, allowing users to access data outside tionnaire, usually relating to self, designed to
the company. Software safeguards, called elicit noncognitive (affective) information.
rewalls, protect the intranet from unautho- Technically not tests, they are most often used
rized use. to identify personality traits, interests, atti-
intrapreneur An employee in a managerial tudes, motivation, and the like. 2. The total
position within an organization who is given dollar value of raw materials, materials in pro-
freedom and autonomy to do what needs to cess, and nished products on hand in a busi-
be done and is rewarded for results. ness, store, warehouse, factory, or processing
intrastate move In employee relocation, a plant at the time of the statement. 3. A physical
shipment of household goods moving from count of the number of items of various types
one point to another within a state. of property (goods or stock) on hand in an
intrinsic motivator A natural outcome of the organization at a given point in time usu-
job and the tasks associated with the work ally at the end of an accounting period, such
environment, such as feeling of satisfaction as a calendar or scal year. 4. A listing of an
and accomplishment following a highly suc- estates assets that is led with probate court
cessful decision brieng. for assets in the name of a decedent.
intrinsic reward A reward that is part and inventory budget A budget that uses the cost
parcel of an achievement, whether or not it is of purchases, direct labor, and overhead
recognized and applauded as such by others. expenses and budgeted cost of goods sold to
Whatever was achieved in and of itself pro- determine the budget value of nal inventories
vides positive feedback to the doer. for raw materials, work in process, and n-
intrusion detection Means of detecting ished products. That budget and the other bud-
break-ins or attempted break-ins either man- gets are then used to determine the budgeted
ually or by expert systems. cost of goods sold.
intrusion-prevention tools Antivirus soft- inventory days In calculating the cash con-
ware designed to prevent a hacker or version cycle, the inventory balance, divided
cracker from successfully attacking servers by the last 12 months cost of goods sold,
and computers. multiplied by 365.
invested capital 363 Italian boot

invested capital The funds an investor has IPO In meeting planning, individual pays
supplied to establish and operate a business own where charges are divided between
values ascribed to common stock, preferred the master account and the individual or there
stock, capital surplus, and earned surplus or is no master account.
retained earnings. IPRO, Inc. A major health care quality
investigation A legal doctrine that pertains to improvement organization based in Lake Suc-
unlawful discharge. Essentially it asks, Did cess, NY (Web site
the employer, before administering the disci- ipsative scores A means of measuring and
plinary action, make an effort to nd out reporting differences within an individual
whether the employee violated a rule or an rather than between or among individuals.
order? Used to control constant error in personnel
investigative accounting Typically associ- evaluation and rating, such as error of halo
ated with criminal matters; for example, inves- or error of standards.
tigations of employee theft, insurance fraud, ipso facto A legal term that means by the fact
securities fraud, and kickbacks. itself that the existence of one fact tends
investigative consumer report Information to prove the existence of another fact.
obtained by a consumer reporting agency IRA rollover See rollover.
about an individuals character, general repu- irrevocable living trust A legal document
tation, personal characteristics, or life style. It prepared by an attorney that allows the maker
is obtained by checking with former employ- to transfer ownership of property to a separate
ers. See also reference check. entity called a trust, which is managed in
investment techniques See call and put accordance with rules established by the
options; currency futures; leverage through maker for the benet of the beneciaries
borrowing; reverse purchase agreements; named in the trust. An irrevocable trust cannot
short-selling. be changed after it is established; however, it
The Invisible Industry The meeting planners may provide savings on estate taxes and pre-
and hospitality industry. vent the loss of government benets to the
invitational A graphic or other device used to beneciary.
lure Internet subscribers to a marketers Ishikawa diagram See cause and effect
home page. diagram.
invitation for bid (IFB) A government request ISO (isos) From the Greek word isos, which
for bidders, typically for goods rather than means equal. Often assumed to be an acro-
services. nym for International Standards Organization.
in vitro fertilization (IVF) A medical proce- issue All of a persons future lineage, includ-
dure performed in fertility clinics to make it ing children, grandchildren, great-great grand-
possible for infertile couples to produce a children, and so on, descended from a com-
baby. Involves hormone injections to stimu- mon ancestor.
late the production of eggs, extracting them, issue surviving by right of representation
fertilizing them with sperm, and inserting A bequest or gift to the closest living family
them into the womans uterus. Alternative pro- member whereby the child or children
cedures include assisted hatching; gamete (including grandchildren or great-grandchil-
intrafallopian transfer (GIFT); intracytoplas- dren) of a decedent takes what his or their
mic sperm injection (ICSI); intrauterine parent would have received if that parent had
insemination (IUI); zygote intrafallopian survived.
transfer (ZIFT). Italian boot A prosthesis designed to help
involuntary bumping In travel management, individuals with spinal cord injuries stand
cancellation of reserved seats of passengers and/or walk. It facilitates mobility, enhances
ticketed and already on board an aircraft or cardiovascular tness, and provides increased
ready to board. Caused by overbooking or potential for long-term usage. Lightweight
overselling ights. and easy to use, the boot is conducive to all-
involvement See employee involvement. day wearability while promoting standing
italic 364 I-Way

without the upper extremity support required item stem The question in a test item that
by traditional bracing. identies a single, clear, central problem, pro-
italic In typography, type that slants upward vides all the information needed for the
to the right, as in italic. Used for emphasis. response, and avoids ambiguity and negative
item analysis The process of analyzing and wording.
evaluating individual test items to determine iterative approach An integrative technique
such characteristics as difculty and discrim- used in forecasting. Several people are
inating power. selected as forecasters, but their identities are
item difculty A test item characteristic used not revealed to each other. Questions are sent
to determine the worth or appropriateness of to all participants in writing simultaneously.
individual test items. It is determined by cal- As each one replies, the name is checked off
culating the proportion of a testee group that on the participant list, the responses are sum-
answers an item correctly. An item with a marized and tabulated, and they are sent out
difculty of 0.30 is a hard item; one with a again to all participants for comment. The pro-
difculty of 0.90 or higher is an easy one. cess is repeated until consensus is achieved.
item distractor An alternative answer to a I-Way A massive network of government, uni-
multiple-choice test item. There are usually versity, and corporate computer databases that
three or four distractors per test item, along can be accessed either through an online ser-
with the correct or best answer. vice or by a local telephone call.
J-1 visa See Immigration and study of Japanese language, culture, and
Naturalization J-1 status. nancial management and a 4-month intern-
JAG Judge Advocate General. ship in major Japanese rms, institutes, and
JAIMS Japan-America Institute of government agencies. Contact: JAIMS, 6660
Management Science. Hawaii Kai Dr., Honolulu, HI 96825-1192
JAN Job Accommodation Network. (phone 808-395-2314; fax 808-396-7111;
JCAHO Joint Commission on e-mail; Web site
Accreditation of Healthcare In Japan, JAIMS, 11th
Organizations. Floor, Solid Square East Tower, 580
J.D. Doctor of Laws. Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi,
JIT 1. Job instruction training. Kanagawa-ken, 212-0013 Japan (phone +81-
2. Just in time. 44-540-4053 or toll-free in Japan 0120-222-
JOB Job Opportunities for the 390; fax: +81-44-540-4054).
Blind. Java Advertised as a simple, object-oriented,
JPA Job performance aid. distributed, interpreted, robust, secure, archi-
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts tecture-neutral, portable, high-performance,
Group. multithreaded, dynamic, buzzword-compli-
JPM Job performance measure. ant, general-purpose programming language.
JTPA Job Training Partnership Act of A means of creating a standard way to trans-
1982. mit functions, as well as data, over network
JTWROS Joint tenancy with right of lines. It could become the language for client/
survivorship. server development. (Web site
Jur. D. Doctor of Laws. docs/books/tutorial/).
JWV Jewish War Veterans. Jennifers Law of 2000 Authorizes the U.S.
Attorney General to provide grant awards to
Jaguar Apples operating system OS X 10.2, states to enable them to improve the reporting
a system that has embedded professional-level of unidentied and missing persons.
audio capability featuring 24-bit, 96-kHz Approved March 10, 2000.
audio resolution. Jerusalem A computer virus having many
janitors insurance See corporate-owned life strains. It reduces free memory and may play
insurance. Frre Jacques at 5-minute intervals on Fri-
January effect Refers to the period each year days, slow the system, or display a black box
when new money tends to come into the one half hour after a le is infected.
market. Jesse H. Neal Award The Pulitzer Prize of
Japan-America Institute of Management the trade press, the award is presented annu-
Science (JAIMS) A private, graduate-level ally by the American Business Press to inde-
institute that develops and enhances intercul- pendent business magazines for journalistic
tural communication through management excellence.
education, training, and research. Offers a pro- Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. (JWV)
gram for Japanese and American managers An organization of approximately 100,000
who wish to learn how to strengthen economic members open to veterans of wartime service
and political ties and develop an understand- of the Jewish faith. Its mission is service to
ing of industrial practices in the two countries. veterans, Americanism, and to provide a voice
The program includes a 5-month intensive on Capitol Hill for veterans legislation and

jitterati 366 job codes

benets. Contact: Jewish War Veterans of the job descriptions and applicant specica-
USA, 1811 R St., NW, Washington, D.C. tions; provide detailed job data that can be
20009-1659 (phone 202-265-6280; fax 202- used to identify personnel requirements
234-5662; e-mail; Web site resulting from installation of new equipment, tools, work methods, or processes, and from
jitterati The consequence when a member of development of new products and services;
the digital generation drinks too much project future personnel requirements result-
coffee. ing from restructuring or downsizing; estab-
job The duties and tasks that a single worker lish accurate and objective information for job
performs. The basic unit used by personnel to evaluation; provide guidance for decisions
carry out the actions of screening, selecting, relating to compensation and benets, assign-
classifying, training, assigning, developing, ment and transfer, on-the-job training and
and promoting employees. Examples of a job development, and promotion; aid in the devel-
are electronic equipment repairer and plant opment of more effective recruitment, screen-
superintendent. ing, selection, assignment, and classication
Job Accommodation Network (JAN) An instruments and procedures; establish measur-
international information network and con- able job performance standards; identify fac-
sulting resource to help qualied workers with tors that induce job satisfaction, raise morale,
disabilities to be hired or retained. It enables and improve productivity; identify and locate
employers, rehabilitation professionals, and health and safety hazards; and design training
people with disabilities to share information and development systems.
about practical ways, including methods and job bank A means of compensating for the
equipment, of making accommodations for loss of employees with essential skills. Job
employees and applicants with disabilities.
banks enroll retired employees for temporary
There is no charge for the information, simply
and part-time positions on an as-needed
a commitment to provide information about
basis. See also U.S. Employment Service.
accommodations made to JAN for incorpora-
JobBank USA A national search rm that
tion into the database. Contact: JAN, P.O. Box
specializes in employee networking and infor-
6080, Morgantown, WV 26506-6080 (phone
mation services to employers, job candidates,
800-526-7234; Canada 800-526-2262; com-
and recruitment rms. Contact: JobBank
mercial 304-293-7186; fax 304-293-5407;
e-mail; Web site jan- USA, Inc., Box 331, 1417 Sadler Road, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 (phone: 904-491-
The Job Act See Small Business Job Protec- 1771; e-mail; Web
tion Act of 1996. site
job aids Materials that provide step-by-step job bidding See bidding.
directions for performing specic technical job classication A method of job evaluation
tasks to reduce training time, error rates, and that involves segregating all jobs in an orga-
dependence on instructors. They may be in nization into occupational groups, establish-
paper (document or manual), computerized, ing and dening a series of levels within each
or visual (slides, motion picture, or videocas- group (noting required standards pertaining to
sette) form. knowledge and skills, training and experience,
job analysis The process of collecting, tabu- accountability and responsibility, and so on),
lating, grouping, analyzing, interpreting, and and, nally, matching each job to the appro-
reporting data pertaining to the work per- priate level described in the standards. The
formed by individuals who ll operative, cler- result is a series of classications within each
ical, technical, staff, supervisory, or manage- occupational group that are not necessarily
rial positions. Job analysis focuses on the comparable or equivalent from one group to
duties, tasks, and elements that make up a job. another.
The results of job analyses are used to identify job codes A means of identifying dened and
and organize content for writing and revising specic job tasks, typically numeric.
Job Corps 367 job hangover

Job Corps A public-private partnership, temperament used in the hiring process.

administered by the U.S. Department of Examples of abilities are analysis, planning,
Labor. It is the nations largest and most com- organizing, delegating, and written and oral
prehensive residential education and job train- communication. Examples of traits are judg-
ing program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through ment, decisiveness, independence, initiative,
24. Since 1964, the program has provided dis- leadership, tolerance of stress, and energy.
advantaged young people with the integrated job displacement Job elimination regardless
academic, vocational, and social skill training of whether the incumbent is terminated or
they need to gain independence and get qual- transferred.
ity, long-term jobs or further education. More job engineering A performance management
than 110 Job Corps campuses exist nation- technique or intervention in which the job is
wide, including those in the District of Colum- changed in some way made more simple,
bia and Puerto Rico. Contact: Job Corps, P.O. more challenging, more interesting to pro-
Box 193768, San Francisco, CA 04119 mote employee productivity.
(phone 800-733-JOBS or 800-Job-Corps; job enlargement See job enrichment.
e-mail; Web job enrichment Redesigning jobs to motivate
site people to work to their capacity and level of
job-cost system In cost accounting, cost ability; improve employee morale, job satis-
reduction, and cost-benets analysis, a system faction, and commitment to the organization;
for assigning production costs to products and remedy performance shortfalls or problems;
services used when production costs are of develop employee skills and abilities in con-
critical concern. The job-cost system inte- nection with afrmative action and upward
grates accounting for material and labor costs, mobility objectives and programs; make
use of overhead rates, and cost accounting as accommodations for employees with disabil-
a part of the formal ledger. Although time- ities; improve the quality of products or ser-
consuming and costly because of the paper- vices; give job incumbents more prestige and
work involved, it accurately determines fac- power, increased responsibility, more auton-
tory costs of a product where a variety of omy, or greater challenge; and preclude
products is produced. employee dissatisfaction, grievances, arbitra-
Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of tion, slowdowns, and strikes.
2002 Provides tax incentives for economic job evaluation A means of comparing jobs to
recovery. Provides tax relief for businesses establish their relative level, importance, and
and individuals to stimulate the economy. value in the organizational scheme of things,
Approved March 9, 2002. including the remuneration that will be allot-
job description A document that describes ted, usually resulting in a schedule of position
the major duties, functions, and authority grades or a hierarchy of classications.
assigned to a position and the relationships job fair A cost-effective recruitment strategy.
between the position and other positions in Several companies within a geographical area
the organization or department, and, when share advertising and site rental costs to stage
appropriate, the relationship of that job to an employment effort designed to attract can-
positions in other departments. It is one of the didates for positions as well as identify
main products of job analysis. employment and salary trends and changes in
job design The process of developing or rede- the labor market.
veloping the dimensions of a job by identify- job grade A class or group into which jobs of
ing major functions, duties, and tasks, describ- comparable value are placed for compensation
ing the relationships of the job to other purposes. Typically all jobs at a given grade
positions in the organization, and document- have the same pay range.
ing them in a written job description. job hangover Loss of enthusiasm that fre-
job dimensions A list of requirements, in quently occurs when, after several months or
terms of knowledge, skills, abilities, educa- a year in a new job, managers and executives
tion, training, experience, and traits and become deeply involved in the day-to-day
job instruction sheet 368 job pricing

details of a position and experience a decline Job Opportunities for the Blind (JOB) A
in their job satisfaction. joint program of the U.S. Department of
job instruction sheet A set of instructions, Labor and the National Federation of the
usually printed on a single sheet of paper. May Blind that provides free workshops, publica-
accompany a piece of equipment, explaining tions, and information about the ADA, reason-
how to operate it or maintain it. Or the instruc- able accommodations, and employing blind
tion sheet may be a set of directions written employees. JOB also provides a free, nation-
for a substitute or temporary employee wide service to employers in locating and hir-
explaining how to perform a certain task, such ing qualied blind applicants and assists
as typing a standard company memo. employees who are blind or become legally
job instruction training (JIT) A one-on-one blind while on the job. Contact: JOB, Targeted
training model developed during World War Jobs Initiative, National Federation of the
I. JIT included show, tell, do, and Blind, 1800 Johnson St., Baltimore, MD
check steps as well as the additional steps 21230 (phone 800-638-7518 or 410-659-
of preparation and introduction. The current 9314; e-mail; Web site
version includes these preparation steps: (1)
list all steps in the job in the correct sequence job paths or job pathing See career ladder.
and (2) identify a corresponding key point for job performance aid (JPA) A document,
each step. The steps show what is to be done, printed guide, audiotape, videotape, or com-
while the key points show how and why it is puter-driven program. It is provided to
to be done. employees for use on the job. Examples are
job inventory A shortcut method of job and manuals, charts, tables, checklists, and how
task analysis useful for identifying the training to instructions.
needs of selected occupations, such as store job performance counseling A manager-ini-
managers. The inventory lists all of the major tiated strategy for improving employee ef-
activities of the job incumbent, the importance ciency, effectiveness, and productivity to
of each activity or task, and the amount of achieve job adjustment, improve motivation
time expended in performing it. and morale, decrease absenteeism, reduce
job leaver An unemployed person who quits turnover, foster acceptance of change, release
or otherwise terminates his or her employment emotional tension, reduce stress, and promote
voluntarily and immediately begins looking teamwork. It lets employees know where they
for work. stand, what they do well, where they are de-
job lock Employees who remain in a job they cient, and how they can improve.
really want to leave to keep their current job performance measure (JPM) A test or
health benets and not chance any break in other evaluative instrument that provides the
their eligibility for those benets. Job lock is basis for developing training systems and con-
evidence of the growing concern about the trolling their quality. JPMs dene and
costs of medical insurance and health care and describe the job-related outcomes the training
the increasing numbers of employers who are should produce.
reducing benets costs by using cost-sharing job performance order A type of instruc-
strategies. tional sequencing in which the order of pre-
job loser An unemployed person who lost his sentation of subject-matter is based on the
or her last last job or who completed a tem- sequence in which a job, duty, or task is actu-
porary job. Includes persons who were on ally performed.
temporary layoff and counted as unemployed job posting Internal or external advertising
as well as persons not on temporary layoff. and recruiting for current position vacancies.
job opening A specic position of employ- Postings include listing the duties, authority,
ment at an organization; conditions include qualications, supervision received, work
that there is work available for that position, schedule, and pay rate.
the job could start within 30 days, and the job pricing The process of determining the
employer is actively recruiting for the position. appropriate rate of pay or salary for a specic
job procedures manual 369 job shadowing

job with due consideration for prevailing job rotation An informal method of training
industry and regional rates as determined by and development, often used in conjunction
systematic wage and salary surveys. with coaching. Job rotation is a technique
job procedures manual A manual written for whereby potential managers receive diversi-
employees that describes how a job procedure ed training and experience under close
should be done, including information on the supervision through rotation for specied
equipment itself; for example, the sequential periods of time in nonsupervisory or manage-
steps required to rebuild an automobile carbu- rial jobs, observational assignments, or train-
retor or design, develop, and validate an ing or assistant-to positions. It is designed to
instructional system. improve employees in their present jobs and
job proling A means of dening job require- prepare them for future positions. In some
ments based on job denitions and success cases, managers are rotated through all major
factors identied by subject-matter experts or departments in an organization for 1 month
supervisory personnel. Also used in employee each.
performance rating. job sampling A technique used in employee
job ranking The simplest method of job eval- selection, it involves observing or measuring
uation. All jobs in an organization are ranked how an applicant actually performs some of
by a knowledgeable person or group (usually the basic tasks of a job.
managers or supervisors) in order of their per- Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation
ceived importance and worth to the organiza- Act of 2003 See Tax Cut of 2003.
tion. job satisfaction The sum of an individuals
attitudes and feelings about his or her job
job redesign Restructuring a job by adding,
amount and quality of supervision received,
deleting, or changing duties, tasks, or ele-
working conditions, compensation, job char-
ments to make them more doable or more
acteristics and challenge, relationships with
interesting and challenging.
co-workers, and so on.
job reference immunity statutes Laws passed
job search campaign The use of search orga-
by 26 states designed to shield employers
nizations, employment agencies, or consult-
from lawsuits brought by an employee as a
ants to identify suitable candidates for key
result of providing information about the positions or to assist employees who have
employee to a prospective employer. The typ- been terminated to nd suitable employment.
ical statute provides qualied immunity to an Job Service See U.S. Employment Service.
employer who discloses information about the Jobs for Veterans Act of 2002 Amends Title
employees job performance or work record. 38, United States Code. Major provisions:
job-related literacy training Tr a i n i n g i n (1) gives veterans priority of service in any
reading skills provided to semiliterate and job training program funded in whole or in
illiterate employees either in the rm, under part by the Department of Labor; (2) requires
contract, or off the premises. the Labor Departments Assistant Secretary
job-relatedness An important legal concept for Veterans Employment and Training Ser-
that requires employers to demonstrate that an vice to establish and implement a comprehen-
action, requirement, or program is directly sive performance accountability system; and
related to the job. Job relatedness is only (3) gives states more exibility, and more
raised as a consideration when an employers responsibility, to help veterans nd jobs.
objection to an employees refusal to comply Approved November 7, 2002.
with direction is based on protected grounds. job shadowing A nationwide effort involving
job replica test A behavioral simulation used hundreds of thousands of workplaces that
to test for abilities required by the types of welcome millions of students annually, giv-
tasks that must be performed in the target job; ing them a chance to shadow a workplace
for example, a driving test for a delivery ser- mentor as he or she goes through a normal
vice position or a typing test for a secretarial day on the job. Sponsors include Americas
position. Promise, Junior Achievement, School to
job-sharing/job splitting 370 Joint Commission on Accreditation

Work Opportunities, and ASAE. For partic- client assessment, basic education and reme-
ipating students, job shadowing provides a diation services, job training, and placement
link between academics and careers. Con- services free of change for all JTPA partici-
tact: National Groundhog JobShadow Coali- pants. SDAs broker services buy them
tion,1901 L. St., NW, Washington, D.C. from community colleges, private proprietary
20036. (Web site www. schools, adult basic education programs, and
job-sharing/job splitting An arrangement vocational educational training training pro-
that allows employees to fulll their job grams run by local or state agencies. JTPA
responsibilities and provides more time for Title II serves economically disadvantaged
them to care for their dependents by dividing individuals. Title III is directed specically at
a job and the workday or work week between dislocated workers. The Act also allows
two part-time employees. For example, one employers a 50% wage reimbursement of the
employee may work from 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. rst 6 months of employment for disabled
and the other from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M., or one individuals who meet established economic
employee may work Mondays, Wednesdays, guidelines. The program is administered by
and Fridays and the other Tuesdays and Thurs- local private industry councils.
days. There is a distinction, however, between JOBTRAK See monsterTRAK.
job sharing and job splitting. Job sharing Johari window A model of communication
involves two employees whose duties overlap and interpersonal relationships; a graphic
and who think of each other as extensions of
means of describing an individual, a group,
themselves and therefore must communicate.
the psychological climate of an organization,
Their shifts may overlap to facilitate such
or an entire culture. A square (the window) is
communication, but it is not an essential fea-
divided into four equal parts to represent areas
ture because they may communicate by e-mail
as follows: (I) known to self and known to
or less sophisticated means, such as periodic
others, (II) not known to self and known to
meetings, phone calls, or notes. Job splitting
others, (III) known to self and not known to
involves creating two clearly distinct, sepa-
others, and (IV) not known to self and not
rate, and independent jobs from one job. No
communication between incumbents is known to others. Attributed to Luft and
needed. Ingman.
job specications See applicant specications. joint The cigarette form of heroin, cocaine, or
job tenure The length of time an employee marijuana.
has worked for his or her current employer. joint-activities staff Members of the staff
job title The specic designation, label, or paid by both union and management to patrol
name given to a job to distinguish it from all assembly lines and oversee work teams, cul-
other jobs. tivate cooperation, and identify opponents of
Job Training Partnership Act of 1982 union-management unity and meddlers or
(JTPA) The federal governments job-skills obstructionists of union elections. Also called
training program targeted at educationally dis- thought police.
advantaged and displaced youth and adults, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health-
especially women, minorities, disabled, disad- care Organizations (JCAHO) An indepen-
vantaged, disabled veterans, veterans of the dent, not-for prot organization that evaluates
Vietnam era, and veterans recently separated and accredits more than 16,000 health care
from military service. It funnels federal train- organizations in the U.S., including networks
ing funds to the states for local use. The Act and health plans, hospitals, home care agencies,
replaces CETA, the Comprehensive long-term care facilities, behavioral health care
Employment and Training Act of 1973. The organizations, laboratories, and ambulatory
legislation requires states to establish Service care centers. Its mission is to improve the qual-
Delivery Areas (SDAs), local areas in which ity of health care provided to the public. Con-
JTPA services are developed, implemented, tact: JCAHO, 1 Renaissance Blvd., Oakbrook
and provided. SDAs provide such services as Terrace, IL 60181 (phone 630-792-5000; fax
joint fare 371 junkfax

630-792-5005; e-mail; Type Happy Birthday Joshi! until the user
Web site obeys. The virus causes the system to write to
joint fare Special fare pricing established and format 5_-inch disks and 1.2-MB disks as
between two carriers for connecting ights or 360K formatted disks, making them unread-
business. able until reformatted. Joshi is caught by
joint labor/management committee A panel booting from an infected oppy disk.
consisting of representatives of employees Journal of Innovative Management: The
and management established to study prob- Professional Publication for Management
lems, ease conicts, and improve relation- Excellence A quarterly journal. Cost:
ships. Such groups typically have clearly $119.00 per year (with membership in
dened goals and responsibilities and conti- GOAL/QPC). Contact: GOAL/QPC, 13
nuity in their leadership and meet regularly. Branch St., Methuen, MA 01844-1953,
joint life An insurance policy that insures two (phone 800-643-4316; fax 508-685-6151;
persons, usually husband and wife. It pays Web site
only once on the death of one of the insured. Judge Advocate General (JAG) The senior
The cost is about 30% less than that of buying lawyer of each of the military services who
individual policies on two people. administers their justice system. Except for
joint ownership An arrangement whereby an the Coast Guards JAG (a civilian), all other
individual shares ownership of property with JAGs are ag ofcers (generals or admirals).
another. An example is a joint bank account. judge advocates Military lawyers who serve
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) on prosecution and defense teams and other
The committee that designed the photographic positions requiring lawyers, such as military
image-compression standard used on the judges when appointed by their service JAG.
Internet to compress full-color or grayscale
Jughead On the Internet, a search mecha-
photographic-type digital images.
nism that allows users to locate information,
joint tenancy with right of survivorship
les, and databases.
(JTWROS) A form of joint ownership
junior board A method of developing man-
often used with real property. It can act as a
agers. Junior boards involve the selection of
will to avoid probate, but it will not necessar-
promising employees for management posi-
ily avoid taxes. It vests the title to the property
tions, assigning them to committees or task
in the survivor upon the death of the rst joint
forces where they meet regularly to consider
proposals relating to the management of the
joint venture Businesses that have been for-
enterprise. The decisions of these groups are
mally and closely linked to improve market
share, engage in mutually supporting activi- forwarded to the responsible executive, who
ties and endeavors, achieve greater efciency, may adopt them, reject them, table them, or
and reduce costs. Joint ventures may or may refer them back for further consideration.
not involve the acquisition of subsidiaries by junior suite A large hotel room with a parti-
larger companies. Also called alliances. tion separating the sitting area from the
joint will A legal document, signed by both bedroom.
spouses, that provides that on the death of one junk See heroin.
of them, all or a specied portion of his or her junket In travel management, a free meeting
property will go to the survivor. Upon the trip given to lawmakers. Also called freebies.
death of the second spouse, that persons prop- junk fare A heavily discounted air fare,
erty, including the remaining part of the rst reduced by as much as 25%.
spouses wealth, will pass to specied rela- junkfax Using facsimile machines to deliver
tives, friends, and charitable organizations of unsolicited sales literature to prospective cus-
each spouse in amounts or proportions agreed tomers and clients, thereby tying up their fax
to when the will was prepared. machines and using their fax paper supplies
Joshi A computer virus that locks up infected for unwanted and unneeded promotional
systems on January 5 and displays the message materials.
jurisdiction 372 just-in-time workforce

jurisdiction The locality or court that has the the form of documentation showing that the
authority to determine a legal case. May be programs, services, or activities are effective,
where the event occurred or the city where the save time and money, and improve productiv-
plaintiff or defendant is located. Parties can ity and performance.
also agree to the jurisdiction where a dispute justied In desktop publishing, lines of type
will be resolved. that are ush at both the left and right edges.
jury of experts A reliable means of collecting In justied type setting, interword spaces are
and analyzing job data. A group of personnel varied to make both margins ush.
selected for their experience, expertise, and just in time (JIT) 1. In management, the
knowledge of the job is brought together to practice of waiting until the last possible
record the duties and tasks that make up the moment before intervening in a situation, such
job. The data are organized and recorded as in conict resolution. 2. In manufacturing,
under the direction of a trained job analyst in a Japanese approach to inventory reduction.
a predetermined and standardized format. The basic idea is to schedule the arrival of raw
just cause Legal terminology used in connec- materials and parts at the factory at the exact
tion with termination or discharge of an time they are needed and the immediate depar-
employee. To protect itself against litigation, ture of nished products, instead of maintain-
management must ensure that it has enforced ing costly stockpiles of materials, parts, and
its rules consistently; that it has made a fair, products. 3. In training, computer-driven per-
thorough, and impartial investigation of the formance systems designed to support people
facts in the case; that there are credible wit- in the workplace with help when they need it.
nesses to the offense; and that the penalty for just in time (JIT) II in-plant A worker who
the offense is fair under the circumstances. is employed by one company but works under
Seven tests apply: reasonableness, adequate contract in the ofce or plant of another rm.
notice, investigation, fairness, adequacy of JIT in-plants often have complete access to
proof, equal treatment, and appropriate penalty. the other companys operations, and they may
Justice and Equality in the Workplace A decide how much of their own companys sup-
public- and private-sector partnership pro- plies the other company needs and place the
gram designed to protect the employment orders themselves.
rights of Latino immigrants by educating and just-in-time mentoring Providing instant
informing both immigrant employees and linkage between an employee needing help
and someone who can give it by providing
employers of their rights and obligations in
access to a database and/or by using e-mail to
the workplace. Participating ofces and agen-
contact an expert who has dealt successfully
cies include the Equal Employment Oppor-
with the same or a similar problem.
tunity Commission, Mexican American
just-in-time training Training often (but not
Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the
always) provided in the workplace that is
Mexican Consulate, the Department of
given when it is needed and is directly related
Labors Wage and Hours Division and the
to the work to be done. Typically involves the
Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
use of hi-tech training strategies, such as com-
tion, the Department of Justices Ofce of
puters, compact disc interactive (CD-I) sys-
Special Counsel for Immigration-Related
tems, compact disc-read only memory (CD-
Unfair Employment Practices, and the consu-
ROM), or multimedia, but for some subject
lates of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Colom-
matter, such as leadership and diversity train-
bia. For more information see
ing for managers and executives, personalized
justication evaluation The form of evalua- classroom training is often the method of
tion most commonly used in the HR eld. It choice.
involves the collection of evidence to prove just-in-time workforce See contingent work-
the need for initial, continued, or increased force.
funding and other support for programs, ser-
vices, and activities. Evidence usually takes
k 1. Kilobyte. 2. A symbol used years ago. Characters are used to symbolize
by lawyers for a contract. various categories of things.
K&R Kidnap and ransom insurance. Kano model A means of demonstrating the
kbps Kilobits (thousands of bits) per relationship between the presence or absence
second. of a product or service characteristic or feature
KISS Keep it simple stupid. See and the relative satisfaction of customers or
KISS program. clients. Employs a survey. Attributed to Pro-
KM Knowledge management. fessor Noritaki Kano and reported in Perfor-
KMAT Knowledge Management mance in Practice, fall, 1996.
Assessment Tool. karoshi A Japanese term meaning death from
KSAs Knowledge, skills, and overwork.
abilities (or attitudes). keiretsu A Japanese term meaning business
group a group of companies that have
kaizen 1. Attributed to Masaaki Imai, a Japa- forged strategic alliances with other organiza-
nese term that basically means improve- tions, including competitors, to develop busi-
ment through self-critique in all aspects of ness, increase market share, and dominate
an individuals life personal, social, and their industry. Typically involves the estab-
work life getting better to be more produc- lishment of a network of essentially captive
tive and competitive. It is a basic principle of suppliers who provide the raw materials and
achievement motivation. 2. A Japanese man-
parts and meet the component requirements
agement concept that aims at gradual
of dominant manufacturers. Adapted and
improvement in the operation and functioning
adopted by some U.S. companies.
of an organization and achievement of per-
Keogh Plan A plan that gives a self-employed
sonal and organizational goals by involving
individual, under strict IRS rules and require-
everyone from top management to production
ments, the option to establish a qualied tax-
deductible pension or prot-sharing plan. Also
Kaleida A cooperative project initiated by
Apple and IBM. The objective is to develop known as an H.R. 10 Plan.
the multimedia computer of the future. The Kerberos An authentication system that
company will develop and license multimedia employs the governments Data Encryption
technologies that will operate across plat- Standard algorithm. Used to protect computer
forms. les from unauthorized entry.
kanban A Japanese term that describes the kern/kerning In typography, a term used to
display or instruction cards used to con- describe the practice of selectively adjusting
trol production and material movement the white space between letters of any size,
through an inventory (or kanban) system. whether adding or decreasing space. Kerning
Some kanban cards are request-and-authori- makes a page of text copy more attractive and,
zation forms that are passed from the assem- although believed by many to improve read-
bly line to production areas to indicate that ability, studies have shown that it does not
more work pieces are required. They also improve readers speed or comprehension.
reduce or eliminate production control per- Kevork/Kevorked To kill a project, idea, or
son-hours and related paperwork. discontinue an activity; for example, Lets
kanji Chinese characters adopted by the Japa- Kevork that effort and go play 18 holes. After
nese for written language more than 1000 Dr. Jack Kevorkian.

key 374 king

key 1. In video, a special effect achieved by interactive. Participants respond to ques-

electronically cutting or burning a hole of tions by pushing the buttons that correspond
any size or shape in the video image and to their choices. The computer processes the
inserting another image or color. The key hole responses and displays them on a matrix on
is made by a video camera or a character an overhead projector equipped with a liq-
generator. Keys are used most often for titles. uid crystal display panel. Also called deci-
2. In communication, a group of characters, sion support system; keyboard system.
usually connected to a password, that encrypts key points The main teaching points in a les-
(encodes) and decrypts (decodes) a message. son plan the action steps in a procedure,
3. Small, handheld hardware devices, similar the learning standards, or the most important
to pocket calculators or credit cards, or loaded facts or concepts covered in the lesson.
onto a PC as copy-protected software. key result areas Major duties or tasks of a job
keyboarding Operating a typewriter, word identied in job evaluation and used in man-
processor, computer terminal, calculator, key- agement by objectives and performance
punch, stenotype machine, or Addressograph. appraisal systems to establish objectives and
keyboard system See keypad system. standards.
key contributor program A compensation keyword search A World Wide Web search
plan used to recognize and reward individuals for documents containing one or more words
or teams whose skills, abilities, performance, selected by the user.
or contributions have improved or will signif- kidnap and ransom insurance (K&R)
icantly improve an organizations products,
Insurance coverage provided by some compa-
services, or processes and thereby improve
nies for their employees who work in areas
market position, productivity, or protability.
where there is the possibility of their being
key cost The cost that is the largest for a com-
taken as hostages by terrorists or maverick
pany or industry, such as payroll.
governments. Such policies are written on a
key employees 1. Under the Employee
worldwide basis, and currently there are no
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 as
restricted areas. Coverage provides for pay-
amended by the Retirement Equity Act of
ment of ransom expenses and sometimes
1984 and the Tax Reform Act of 1986, key
includes coverage for lost income. K&R may
employees are participants in a pension plan
also provide the services of a protection con-
who are ofcers of the employing organiza-
sultant who can assist a company to avoid
tion and participants who own a certain per-
difcult situations and respond appropriately
centage interest in the employing organiza-
to a crisis.
tion. 2. Salaried employees who are eligible
for Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 killer app A highly successful application of
protection and are among the highest-paid technology, particularly one that advances or
10% of all the workers employed by the broadens the use of computers and is easy to
employer within 75 miles of the employees use. Examples include World Wide Web
workplace. browsers.
key-man insurance An insurance policy that kill fee See cancellation fee.
can be combined with a nonqualied deferred, kilobits (kbps) Kilobits per second, a mea-
compensation arrangement when the sure of bandwidth.
employer needs both nancial protection kilobyte (k) A measure of computer storage
against the loss of a key employee through space. It is equivalent to storage space for
death and adequate additional retirement about 1000 characters of text. The actual num-
income for the employee in the event that he ber is 1024.
or she survives a serious accident, injury, or kinesics The exploration, research, and study
illness and returns to work. Sometimes called of body movements, facial expressions, and
key-person policy. the like as means of communicating.
keypad system A 10-digit keypad wired to king A hotel room furnished with a king-size
a computer used to make meetings more bed.
kiosk 375 knowledge ooze

kiosk A computer-based interactive system individual and organizational performance.

installed in corporate cafeterias and work Knowledge consists of the facts, concepts,
areas to perform a range of functions such as principles, meanings, understandings, abili-
accessing general information about benets, ties, and ideas that support skills and enable
checking the status of savings plans, making people to handle a broad range of duties and
calculations of benets coverage, and chang- tasks. KM begins with an intensive and
ing the mix of benets in a exible benet detailed study of the organizations culture,
program. values, work habits, and systems. It continues
KISS program A crude but basically correct with knowledge mapping, a means of taking
creed for marketers, sales personnel, and writ- a snapshot of the knowledge an organization
ers: keep it simple, stupid. needs to support its mission, goals, and pro-
knowledge Facts, concepts, principles, mean- cesses, and knowledge assessment, a means
ings, understandings, and ideas that support of evaluating the current knowledge of
skills and enable people to handle a broad employees at all levels in light of the organi-
range of assignments. Examples are nomen- zations needs. It uses the results of knowl-
clature, terminology, symbols, and principles edge mapping and knowledge assessment to
of leadership. design, develop, and implement strategies to
knowledge analysis A means of identifying cultivate, strengthen, and upgrade the perfor-
all the knowledge objects, knowledge com- mance of employees and the organization as
ponents, and relationships among those a whole.
knowledge objects and components. Attrib- Knowledge Management Assessment Tool
uted to Utah State Professor M. David Merrill.
(KMAT) A diagnostic set of procedures
knowledge assets The knowledge possessed
used by the American Productivity Center in
by an organization, its employees, customers,
collaboration with the Global Best Practices
clients, and suppliers in such forms as infor-
Group, a division of the Arthur Anderson con-
mation, facts, ideas, learning, understanding,
sultancy, to analyze the knowledge manage-
memory, insights, cognitive skills, technical
ment practices of 80 companies.
skills, and other capabilities.
knowledge mapping A means of developing
knowledge-based pay See pay for skills.
a snapshot of the knowledge an organization
knowledge-based systems See EXPERT sys-
tems. needs to support its mission, goals, and
knowledge broker A person or organization processes.
that identies junctions or intersections knowledge objects Small pieces of informa-
between knowledge searchers and knowledge tion that can be reused or customized to meet
providers and establishes a link between them. the instructional needs of learners. They may
knowledge ecology T h e c o m p o n e n t o f take two forms: (1) granular learning content
knowledge management that focuses on development components, activities, and top-
human factors, specically the study of work ics, which allow developers to choose the
habits, values, and organization culture. most appropriate level of learning pieces or
knowledge engineer A job analyst who uses fragments to customize a learning outcome,
special techniques to codify the knowledge of and (2) compound documents, which consist
experts about their specialties for use in of pieces of content that can be accessed and
expert systems. manipulated as needed to permit maximum
knowledge engineering The technique used use and exibility of each component. Also
by professional performance support engi- called learning objects.
neers (designers) to select and structure knowledge ooze E-learning initiatives that
knowledge for use in electronic performance result in learning and performance support
support systems. oozing out to people and organizations once
knowledge management (KM) The process cut off from learning by the company rewall
used to create, acquire, protect, and use and conventional learning approaches.
knowledge to advance, enhance, and improve Attributed to Eric Parks, CEO (and Web-based
knowledge, skills, and abilities 376 kurtosis

training designer), Ask International, Fair induce workers to quit their jobs or discourage
Oaks, CA (Web site applicants from seeking employment.
knowledge, skills, and abilities (or attitudes) KSOP benets Combined 401(k) and ESOP
(KSAs) Common elements in job descrip- plans. Viewed by many companies as a cost-
tions and applicant specications: the knowl- effective way of funding the matching contri-
edge (facts, concepts, principles, and so on), butions of a 401(k) plan despite the complex-
skills (learned and measurable physical and ities, regulatory snares, and additional admin-
mental behaviors), and abilities (innate or istrative expenses involved.
acquired physical or mental capacities), or Ku-band satellite A type of satellite used in
attitudes (predispositions or sentiments business TV, it is similar to police broadcast
toward others persons, objects, institutions, radio systems. See also C-band satellite.
practices, or ideas) required to perform a job. Kuder-Richardson formula A mathematical
knowledge, skills, and attitude competencies formula used to estimate the reliability of an
Subject matter (such as engineering knowl- objective achievement test in which all items
edge); process abilities (such as listening are weighted equally and in which speed of
skills); and attitudes, values, orientations, and performance is not a consideration. The for-
commitments (such as integrity and achieve- mula follows:
ment). (Attributed to Patricia A. McLagan,
Competencies for the Next Generation, ns 2 - M (n - M )
Reliability =
Training & Development, May 1997, p. 41, ns 2
American Society for Training & Develop-
ment. Reprinted with permission.) See also where n = number of test items
attribute bundles; output competencies; result s = standard deviation
competencies; superior-performer differentia- M = mean
tors; task competencies.
knowledge structure The relationships kurtosis The shape of a frequency distribution
between and among a set of knowledge when plotted on a graph. It may be either at
objects that are related to a given domain (platykurtic) or humped (leptokurtic). See also
subject. Attributed to Utah State Professor M. skewness.
David Merrill.
knowledge workers People whose work is,
for the most part, intellectual: planners, prob-
lem solvers, decision makers, managers, sci-
entists, course developers, instructors, techni-
cal writers, and so on.
koosh/kooshing A slang expression used to
describe rejection for a position.
Kraft joystick A tool to assist trainees to use
educational interactive software requiring cur-
sor movement for responses. Compatible with
Apple II+, IIe, IIc, IIgs, Franklin, IBM PC and
PC jr. Contact: Edmark Corporation, P.O. Box
3903, Bellevue, WA 98009-3903 (phone 800-
Krauel v. Iowa Methodist Center A 1996 rul-
ing by the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals
that a self-insured benets plan violates the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
only if an employer is proven to have reduced
or eliminated certain types of coverage to
LAN Local area network. LOC Library of Congress.
LBO Leveraged buy-out. LOL Laughing out loud (Internet
LBR Living benets rider. abbreviation).
LCA 1. Life cycle analysis. 2. Labor LOMA Life Ofce Management
Condition Application Association.
(program). LON Local operating network.
LCD Liquid crystal display. LOS Length of stay.
LCI Learner-controlled instruction. LP 1. Lesson plan. 2. Law
LCM Large case management. provider.
LCMS Learning content management LPN Licensed practical nurse.
systems. LPR Lawful permanent resident.
LD Learning disabled. LSAT Law School Admissions Test.
LDL Low-density lipoproteins. LSD 1. Lysergic acid diethylamide.
LED Light-emitting diode. 2. Lump sum distribution.
LEPC Local emergency planning LCDR Lieutenant Commander O4
committee. (Navy military abbreviation).
LEPs Light-emitting polymers. Lt. Lieutenant O3 (Navy civilian
LERN The Learning Resources abbreviation).
Network. LT Lieutenant O3 (Navy military
L.E.T. Light at the End of the Tunnel. abbreviation).
LGA Landrum-Grifn Act of 1959. LTC 1. Lieutenant Colonel O5
L.H.D Doctor of Humane Letters. (Army military abbreviation).
LIBOR London Inter-bank Ofcial 2. Long-term care.
Rate. LTCI Long-term care insurance.
LIFO Last in, rst out. Lt. Cmdr. Lieutenant Commander O4
Lit.D. Doctor of Literature. (Navy civilian abbreviation).
Litt.D. Doctor of Letters. LTCO Long-term care ombudsman
LL Laubach Literacy. program.
LLA Lifelong Learning Act of 1976. Lt. Col. Lieutenant Colonel O5 (Air
LLC Limited liability company. Force, Army, and Marine
L.L.D. Doctor of Laws. Corps civilian abbreviation).
LLL Lifelong learning. LTD Long-term disability.
LLP Limited liability partnership. LTG Lieutenant General O9 (Army
LMCA Labor-Management military abbreviation).
Cooperation Act of 1978. Lt. Gen. Lieutenant General O9 (Air
LMPT Labor-management Force, Army, and Marine
participation team. Corps civilian abbreviation).
LMRA Labor-Management Relations Lt. (j.g.) Lieutenant (junior grade) O2
Act of 1947. (Navy civilian abbreviation).
LMRDA Labor-Management Reporting LTJG Lieutenant (junior grade) O2
and Disclosure Act of 1959. (Navy military abbreviation).
LMS Learning management LTK Laser thermokeratoplasty.
systems. LVA Literacy Volunteers of
LOB Line-of-balance. America.

L-VIS 378 labor-management contract

L-VIS Live video insertion system. those employees as independent contractors,

L-1A/B visa. See Immigration or by hiring those workers through job
and Naturalization Service contractors.
L-1A/B status. labor costs The portion of the total cost of a
program, system, or activity that is attributable
labor agreement See labor-management to instructors, technicians, clerical help, and
contract. trainee wages or salaries.
labor certication Requirement for U.S. em- labor demand The highest wage or salary
ployers seeking to employ certain persons employers are willing to pay for a specic
whose immigration to the U.S. is based on job level of employment or number of employees.
skills or nonimmigrant temporary workers labor force 1. The total number of people of
coming to perform services for which quali- all ages in the civilian workforce and the
ed authorized workers are unavailable in the armed forces. 2. All persons classied as
U.S. Labor certication is issued by the sec- employed or unemployed.
retary of labor and contains attestations by labor-hour contract In procurement, a type
U.S. employers as to the numbers of U.S. of xed-rate contract in which the contractor
workers available to undertake the employ- is reimbursed only for the direct labor applied
ment sought by an applicant, and the effect of to fulll the contract.
the aliens employment on the wages and labor law posting Federal regulations require
working conditions of U.S. workers similarly four specic Equal Employment Opportu-
employed. Determination of labor availability nity labor law posters as of July 26, 1992.
in the U.S. is made at the time of a visa ap- Random inspections will be made by the
plication and at the location where the appli- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
cant wishes to work. (EEOC) and the Occupational Safety and
Laboratory Chemical Standard Regula- Health Administration to ensure compliance.
tions issued by the Occupational Safety and The posters must cover equal employment
Health Administration to minimize or elim- opportunity rights under the Equal Employ-
inate exposure to hazardous chemicals in lab- ment Opportunity Act of 1972 and the
oratories. The Standard requires lab operators Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
to train their workers in chemical safety and federal minimum wage rights under the Fair
develop a chemical hygiene plan. Labor Standards Act of 1938 and the
laboratory experiment A controlled experi- Amendments of 1990, job safety and health
ment in which the study is conducted in a protection under the Occupational Safety
laboratory (an articial setting) under con- and Health Act of 1970, and polygraph pro-
ditions selected or created so as to simulate a tection under the Employee Polygraph Pro-
real setting. tection Act of 1988. See also state employ-
laboratory instruction Application of theory ment postings.
through learner-centered training with an labor-management contract An agreement
instructor present and supplemented by out- reached in good faith by negotiators represent-
of-class assignments. ing a labor union and management and legally
laboratory training See sensitivity training. binding on both parties. Labor-management
Labor Condition Application (program) A contracts contain the following: (1) denition
temporary (H-1B) program designed to pro- of recognition and representation of the union
tect American jobs and wages from foreign as the exclusive bargaining agent for employ-
competition. Audited by the Department of ees and the jobs or categories of jobs included
Labor over a 1-year period, which concluded and excluded; (2) requirements for union
that it did not protect American jobs or wages. membership and termination of membership;
Some LCA employers were found to be using (3) wage rates and methodology for job eval-
foreign workers to reduce payroll costs, either uation, rate changes and adjustments, trans-
by paying less than prevailing wages to their fers, upgrading and downgrading, incentive
own foreign employees, by illegally treating plans, and extent of participation of the union
Labor-Management Cooperation Act 379 Landgraf v. USI Film Products

in the foregoing items; (4) management by the National Labor Relations Board. Pro-
rights; (5) union rights; and (6) union pro- tects the rights of union members to organize,
scriptions. Also known as collective bargain- choose their own representatives, and bargain
ing agreements. collectively. The Act also increased the power
Labor-Management Cooperation Act of of the Department of Labor (DOL) to inves-
1978 (LMCA) See National Labor Rela- tigate internal union nancial and political
tions Act of 1935. affairs, and it strengthened prohibitions on
labor-management participation team secondary boycotts and placed restrictions on
(LMPT) A unit of 8 to 10 hourly workers picketing to force recognition by nonunion
and supervisors that meets regularly to discuss companies. The law contains a union mem-
ways to reduce costs, eliminate waste, raise bers bill of rights, sets forth ground rules
product quality, and improve health and safety for union elections, regulates the kind of per-
conditions. son eligible for service as a union ofcer, and
labor-management relations Relationships expands the list of unlawful employer actions.
between unions and organizations under the Also known as the Landrum-Grifn Act.
provisions of federal statutes and court deci- labor productivity The relationship between
sions covering such things as collective bar- output and the labor time used in generating
gaining agreements (labor agreements), wage that output. It is the ratio of output per hour.
rates, management and union rights and pro- labor relations See labor-management rela-
scriptions, employee rights, seniority, conduct tions.
of negotiations, arbitration and mediation, labor supply A neo-classical theory the essence
grievance procedures, slowdowns and strikes, of which is individual choice. It assumes that
and adverse actions and discipline. individuals make rational decisions to maxi-
Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 mize their goals in whatever environment exists
(LMRA) An amendment to the National at the time of choice. Occupational choice is a
Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act). function of wages, cost of training, and the psy-
Proscribed certain union activities and thereby chic income attributable to a job.
balanced laws that had placed responsibility labor union See union.
for unfair labor practices mainly on employ- lag study A report that informs managers how
ers. The Act also prohibited unfair labor prac- old health care claims are being processed and
tices, enumerated the rights of employees as how much is being paid out each month (and
union members, enumerated the rights of for earlier months) and compares the payouts
employers, and allowed the president of the to the amount of money that was accrued for
U.S. to temporarily bar national emergency expenses each month.
strikes. The law also created the Federal lame duck session Applies to any session of
Mediation and Conciliation Service. Also the U.S. Congress, including both retiring and
known as the Taft-Hartley Act. defeated members, that occurs after the elec-
labor-management relations laws See Anti- tion of a new Congress but before the new
Injunction Act of 1932; Civil Service Reform members are sworn in.
Act of 1978; Economic Dislocation and lanai A resort hotel room, usually with a bal-
Worker Adjustment Assistance Act of 1988; cony or patio, that overlooks a garden, lake,
Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988; river, or ocean beach.
Labor Management Cooperation Act of 1978; Land Court property Land registered with
Labor Management Relations Act of 1947; the Land Court as evidenced by a Certicate
Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure of Title.
Act of 1959; National Labor Relations Act of Landgraf v. USI Film Products and Rivers v.
1935; Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989; Roadway Express Inc. A 1994 Supreme
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notica- Court ruling that workers who led discrimi-
tion Act of 1988. nation lawsuits before passage of the Civil
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclo- Rights Act of 1991 (enacted November 21,
sure Act of 1959 (LMRDA) Administered 1991) were not eligible for a jury trial or
Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 (LGA) 380 latency

compensatory or punitive damages allowed by laser-based projection system A projection

the law. technology that delivers lm-like color quality
Landrum-Grifn Act of 1959 (LGA) S e e and improved coherent light, thereby giving
Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure images more depth and vibrant color.
Act of 1959. laserdisc/CD player A combination of a
language immersion The practice of teaching laserdisc and a compact disc (CD) that plays
non-English-speaking U.S. students solely in any size disc, from music CDs to movies, with
the English language. a sharper picture than that provided by an
LANLord The person responsible for a com- ordinary VCR.
panys local area network. laserdisc technology Videodisc technology
laptop computer A small, portable computer that provides three types or levels of interac-
that can be operated on batteries, 12-volt DC tive systems for training, education, testing,
from a car or boat (with a power converter demonstration, desktop publishing, and sales:
that converts the DC to 115-volt AC), or from (1) basic laserdisc plus television or an
a wall outlet. Some laptops can also be con- audiovisual monitor; (2) intermediate
nected to distant systems by means of laserdisc player with internal manual pro-
modems. Weighs less than 12 pounds. gramming capability plus television or audio-
large case management 1. Management of visual monitor; and (3) advanced laserdisc
catastrophic illnesses. See also claims review; player plus computer plus interactive software
concurrent review; pattern review; precerti- plus audiovisual monitor.
cation; retrospective review. 2. Determining laser printer A light amplication through
the most effective and least expensive way to the simulated emission of radiation printer
provide health care services. May involve used to print high-quality text and graphics.
identifying medically appropriate alternatives laser thermokeratoplasty (LTK) A proce-
to traditional care and the coordination of the dure that aims to correct vision (mild presby-
revision of plan benets. opia) by surgically altering the shape of the
laryngectomy A surgical procedure that cornea.
involves removal of the larynx, usually due to laser videodisc A type of optical disc measur-
cancer. Individuals who have undergone the ing 8 or 12 inches across and used to store
procedure speak through a stoma an open- video images in analog format. Laser discs
ing in the throat just below the collar line provide better image quality than videotape
that enables them, following intensive train- and are particularly suited to training because
ing, to produce esophageal speech. Vocaliza- they are capable of true still framing and rapid
tion is achieved by forcing air into the stomach search for individual frames.
and then expelling it through the esophagus. last-in, rst-out (LIFO) A method of inven-
The process produces a husky speech, unvary- tory accounting as a means of reducing busi-
ing in pitch, that is made audible by a hand- ness taxes and improving cash ow. Users of
held, battery-operated, amplifying articial the system assume that the last items received
voice generator. are the rst items sold. During periods of ris-
laser barcode system A tool in technology- ing costs, the method enables the manager to
based training and education (similar to the deduct the most recent, higher cost of mer-
UPC code technology used on items in a gro- chandise as the cost of sale. That lowers tax-
cery store) that employs a barcode reader to able income and tax liability. The system has
provide an easy-to-use, exible means of con- the disadvantages of requiring additional
trolling Level II laserdisc systems (laserdisc accounting calculations that lead to increased
players with internal manual programming paperwork and costs and also make prot mar-
capability plus television or A/V monitor that gins appear lower, which sometimes makes it
can also be automatically programmed by more difcult to borrow money.
means of instructions from a disc), simplify- latency Relates to the lag in information ow
ing the integration of written text with laser- across telecommunication networks. The
disc-generated images and sound. Internet has increased the potential for
lateral thinking 381 leader-match training

efciencies (i.e., getting more information, laxatives Over-the-counter drugs for the tem-
more often, and more accurately). porary relief of constipation.
lateral thinking A nonlinear, unconventional, layoff 1. Temporary termination of employees
even nonlogical way of looking at problems. due to economic downturn, restructuring, or
It involves thought that challenges assump- downsizing; assembly line malfunction;
tions and employs methods other than straight equipment outage or replacement; or facility
logical thinking. Sometimes called intuitive rehabilitation. Employees usually have recall
thinking. Attributed to Edward deBono (Lat- rights to their jobs for a period of time, typi-
eral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step, Harper cally 1 year. 2. Separation of an employee
& Row, 1970). from an organization that is initiated by the
Laubach Literacy An international nonprot employer; an involuntary separation; a period
educational corporation that provides volun- of forced unemployment. 3. The nal step in
teer-based tutoring in English for Americans a progressive disciplinary system, termination
and nonnative adults, produces materials for or ring for cause.
tutoring, and trains tutors. Contact: Laubach LCD-based projector A low-cost alternative
Literacy, 1320 Jamesville Ave., Syracuse, NY to video and data projection. Current units
13210 (phone 888-528-2224 or 315-422-9121; incorporate three convergence-free, solid-
fax 315-422-6369; e-mail; state LCD panels (instead of CRTs), an inte-
Web site gral 20- to 100-inch zoom lens, a switch for
lavaliere mike An electronic amplifying rear projection, industrial video connectors,
device that can be independently adjusted for and connections for standard video sources
including computers. They can also be oper-
sound level and tends to reduce background
ated by a wireless remote.
noises because it is clipped on the speakers
LCD panel A liquid crystal display (LCD)
clothing. Also called tie-tack mike and lapel
projection panel is a form of projection system
that displays computer images. LCD panels
law A binding custom, practice, or rule of con-
are used in tandem with overhead projectors
duct prescribed by a governing or controlling
to project the computer image on large screens
authority, such as the Congress, state legisla-
for viewing by large groups. In effect, they act
ture, or the courts.
as electronic transparencies.
lawful permanent resident (LPR) Any per- leader 1. A person who deals with the human
son not a citizen of the U.S. who is residing aspects of an organization: the improvement
in the U.S. under legally recognized and law- of human performance. Leaders aim to make
fully recorded permanent residence as an the most of the human potential in the orga-
immigrant. Also known as Permanent Resi- nization. They may perform all of the func-
dent Alien, Resident Alien Permit Holder, and tions of managers, but they perform them dif-
Green Card Holder. ferently. Leaders inuence, motivate,
Law of Universal Jurisdiction Granted broad persuade, and empower people to take actions
powers of jurisdiction to individual nations for that are in their and the organizations best
the sole purpose of prosecuting stateless interests. Leaders use past decisions and intu-
pirates who roamed the high seas. Modern war ition as well as reason and logic to guide their
criminals continue to fall under state authority, decisions. Leaders do the right things right.
but the International Criminal Court would See also administrator; manager. 2. In desktop
circumvent that jurisdiction. publishing, a row of dots, dashes, or hyphens
law provider (LP) A person who provides used to guide the readers eye across the page.
legal services to clients for a fee or pro bono. leader-match training Training provided to
In the U.S., LPs include licensed lawyers and managers to teach them how to match their
paralegal professionals. In the United King- leadership style to the situation. The approach
dom, LPs include solicitors and barristers; in assumes that leaders can either exercise some
The Netherlands, advocaats; in Japan, ben- control over the situations they face or they
goshi. See also barrister; solicitor. can adjust their style to the occasion.
leadership 382 learning curve

leadership The function that deals with the of experience or practice (rather than matura-
human aspects of organization: the improve- tion), it is a relatively permanent change, and
ment of human performance in the attainment it is not directly observable.
of organizational goals and objectives. It is the Learning & Training Innovations Published
process of inuencing, motivating, and per- seven times per year. Subscriptions $35 in the
suading people to take a desired action that is U.S., $45 in Canada and Mexico, $55 in other
in their and the organizations best interests. countries. Contact: Advanstar Communica-
It is doing the right things right, rather than tions, Inc., 131 W. 1st St., Duluth, MN 55802-
simply doing things right. It is also a relation- 2065 (phone: 888-527-7008 or 218-723-9477;
ship between the leader and those led. Web site www.LearningandTrainingInnova-
leadership development Designed for all lev-
els of management, for supervisors, middle learning center A resource facility that offers
managers, top-level managers, and executives materials in a variety of formats for individual
and those preparing for such positions but is study: audio and videocassettes, computer-
conducted separately for each group. Focuses assisted and computer-managed instruction,
on the differences between management and interactive video, compact laser discs, 8-mm
leadership, inventorying leadership abilities, and 16-mm lm, programmed and conven-
types of leadership, analyzing organizational tional books and workbooks, periodicals,
culture, fostering innovation, learning to use manuals, organization documents, and a large
a variety of leadership styles in different sit- number of programmed materials in audiovi-
uations, and gaining the support and commit- sual forms (sound-lmstrip, 35-mm slides,
ment of subordinates. overhead projectuals, and so on).
leads Prospective customers or clients, quali- learning content management systems
ed individuals, groups, or organizations (LCMS) A product category that focuses on
identied by marketing and advertising cam- controlling and organizing the workow and
paigns that may result in sales. resources of content management as well as
leaky reply A message inadvertently sent to a personalizing the delivery. They attempt to ll
recipient using the reply-to-all option in an the gap between authoring tools and learning
e-mail program that may contain sensitive or management systems functionality with their
proprietary information. own sophisticated structure. They implement
learner A person who is either passively or a standards-based learning object methodol-
actively involved in a learning situation a ogy and provide storage, controls, and inter-
situation that either accidentally or purpose- faces for such things as learning and knowl-
fully helps people acquire knowledge, skills, edge objects, delivery platform, search
habits, attitudes, interests, values, and so on. engines, library functions, collaborative
learner-controlled instruction (LCI) 1 . A authoring and editing, testing, and integration
form of education or training in which the with learning management systems.
learner, rather than the instructor, plays the learning contract A contract made by a per-
primary role in such activities as planning, son with himself or herself or with an instruc-
objective-setting, selecting the delivery sys- tor, advisor, or mentor. Contracts are written
tem, instructional methods and techniques, documents that contain a statement of realis-
and evaluating results. 2. Computer-driven tic, attainable learning objectives, denition
performance systems designed to provide of the criteria of success in meeting the objec-
workers with assistance at the job site. tives, delineation of strategies and action plans
learning Not to be confused with training, to attain the objectives, and target dates for
learning is the process of acquiring facts, prin- the completion of each part of the plan.
ciples, concepts, habits, attitudes, interests, learning curve An underpinning of economy
values, appreciations, and skills that result in of scale, it postulates that as workers repeat a
a change in an individuals behavior or the task they are able to do it better and more
capacity for such change. It occurs as a result quickly.
learning disabilities 383 learning pattern

learning disabilities Disorders that interfere Learning Network, Inc., a Baltimore Web-
with an individuals ability to acquire, compre- based training provider.
hend, and express information; that is, with the learning management systems (LMS)
development, interpretation, and/or demon- Training administration software that tracks
stration of language or nonlanguage abilities, users, courses, and results. Provides storage,
including specic decits in one or more of controls, and interfaces for such things as
the following: academic skills, coordination, trainee performance data, career development
expressive language, integration, nonverbal records, learning maps, course catalogs and
reasoning, oral comprehension, organizational registration, resource management, reporting,
skills, perceptual disorders, social judgment, skills-gap analysis, and integration with
simple memory deciencies, or sustaining learning content management systems.
attention. Learning disabilities is a special cat- learning objective An objective that identi-
egory of impairment. Learning disorders are es and describes measurable behavior, con-
considered to be inherent in the individual and ditions, and standards needed to acquire
are believed to be due to dysfunction of the enabling or prerequisite skills essential to the
central nervous system. Learning disabilities achievement of terminal (job-oriented) train-
do not include learning problems that are due ing objectives. Learning objectives include
primarily to visual, hearing, or motor disabil- physical skills such as gross motor skills;
ities, mental decits, emotional disturbances, steering and guiding; placing and positioning;
or environmental deprivation. and operating and oral communicating and
learning disabled (LD) Not to be confused mental skills such as learning and applying
with visually or auditorially impaired persons principles and rules; recognizing and classi-
fying characteristics and patterns; identifying
or mentally retarded individuals, learning dis-
signs, symbols, and representations (reading);
abled persons are individuals who have dif-
and recalling information.
culty receiving and processing information
learning objects Chunks or pieces of training
and, as a consequence, have reading, writing,
content text, graphics, topics hyperlinks to
speaking, or computational deciencies that
Web pages, video and audio clips, and so on
get in the way of job performance and reduce
reused in different contexts. Also called
their trainability. Although out of favor with
reusable content objects.
many, the term remains in use; the preferred
The Learning Organization 1. A group of
term places people rst people with learn-
people who work to continually enhance their
ing disabilities.
capacity to create. It involves ve disciplines:
learning environment The building, facili- systems thinking, personal mastery, mental
ties, equipment, tools, materials, aids, instruc- models, shared vision, and team learning.
tors, facilitators, and other learners that sur- Attributed to Peter M. Senge (Training and
round a learner and in or with which he or she Development, October 1991, p. 42). 2. An
is expected to acquire knowledge, skills, atti- organization that focuses its attention and
tudes, values, and the like. resources on the continuous improvement of
learning guides Basic principles relating to its operations, products, and services rather
learning objectives, trainee participation and than on training per se. 3. An organization that
response, cues, assistance, guidance provided has developed and implemented a continuous
trainees, and feedback on performance used and enhanced capacity to learn, adapt, and
to guide the development of instructional sys- change.
tems and their supporting materials. learning outcome A basic principle of learn-
learning intervention Any formalized effort ing that states that the learner must clearly
to teach someone something. The expression understand what it is that he or she must be
includes a single communication, a course, or able to do, under what conditions, and to what
an entire corporate university. Attributed to standard following the learning activity.
Bryan Polivka (e-mail Bryan Polivka@edu- learning pattern The rate and pace at which, chief learning ofcer with Caliber a learner acquires knowledge and skills. Some
learning portal 384 leased list

start slowly and then learn with increasing observing, sensing (feeling, smelling, tasting),
speed. Others start rapidly and then slow inquiring, writing, and so on.
down. Still others appear to learn at a steady learning specialist See course developer.
rate. An essential consideration when plan- learning strategy The approach or plan an
ning learning experiences. individual uses to acquire knowledge or skills.
learning portal In general, an entry point to learning style The way that a person pro-
knowledge and skills. Applied most often to cesses information and learns. Some are most
Internet search engines, such as Yahoo! and likely to attend to, retain, and use information
Alta Vista, addresses that serve as entry points that is transmitted orally. Others depend most
to everywhere weather, sports, books, on visual stimulation body language and
stocks and other investments, travel reserva- images, whether live or in photographs or
tions, and on and on via a hyperlink. Learn- video. Still others learn best when they read,
ing portals are Internet sites with courses reect on what they have read, and then read
available for immediate purchase and use. again. And still others learn best when they
Among them: Click2Learn, eMind, are encouraged to explain a concept or prin-
GeoLearning, Headlight, Hungryminds, ciple to others or demonstrate a skill. An
KnowledgePlanet, SmartPlanet, and Training- essential consideration when planning learn-
net. There are also business-to-business, busi- ing experiences.
ness-to-consumer, and business-to-employee
learning technologies Technologies that are
portals as well as portals with learning man-
used to deliver information and assist in the
agement systems. Claimed advantages of
development of knowledge and skills. Include
learning portals are exibility, access, and
TV, computer-based instruction, e-mail, elec-
ease of maintenance. Disadvantages include
tronic performance systems, extranet, group-
limited, unreliable, or no technical and
ware, the Internet, intranet, local area network,
instructor support, little incentive for learners
multimedia, simulators, teleconferencing, vir-
to nish courses, the temptation to push train-
tual reality, voicemail, wide area network, and
ing into employee time off, and a U.S.-focus
that ignores Europe and the rest of the world. World Wide Web.
learning principles Principles that should Learning Tomorrow A national initiative
guide the planning and conduct of learning established by the National Foundation for
activities. They include conceptual frame- the Improvement of Education to stimulate
work, learning outcome, primacy or recency, and support the use of technology in restruc-
and relevance. tured schools. It is designed to expand the
Learning Resources Network (LERN) A n knowledge and efforts of teachers to effect
international nonprot organization of life- lasting educational change. Contact: Learning
long learning programming that serves a range Tomorrow, 53 W. Main, Bloomsburg PA
of institutions, organizations, and companies, 17815 (phone 800-722-1978; e-mail
including colleges, schools, recreation depart-; Web site
ments, hospitals, associations, trade and tech-
nical schools, private businesses, trainers, and learningware Computer software programs
companies. These organizations offer a vari- designed to teach trainees specic knowledge
ety of programs, including general interest and skills, such as troubleshooting, rather than
classes, conferences, contract training, leisure to perform operations, such as preparing
learning, certicate programs, continuing edu- spreadsheets.
cation, recreation, seminars, and staff training. leased list In direct marketing, a computer-
Contact: LERN, P.O. Box 9, River Falls, WI ized list bought or rented from its owner for
54022 (phone 800-678-5376; fax 888-234- one-time use only. Typically contains dummy
8633; e-mail; Web site names and fake addresses to protect them from unauthorized use. Costs average about
learning skills The skills and abilities that $100 per thousand names; customized selec-
enable a person to learn listening, reading, tions add $5 to $15 or more to the base cost.
least squares method 385 legalized aliens

least squares method In statistics (regression method is used to orient trainees to course
analysis), an objective means of tting a policies, rules, procedures, purposes and
straight or curved line to data plotted on a objectives, and learning resources; introduce
graph to determine the degree of correlation a topic, indicate its importance and job rele-
or signicance of the relationship between vance, and present an overview of its scope;
two variables. (The calculations are too give directions on procedures for use in sub-
involved to describe here. Consult a good text sequent learning activities; present basic
on statistics or use a commercially available information or data that will provide a com-
computer program.) mon background for subsequent learning
leave See annual leave; extended personal activities; set the stage for demonstration, dis-
leave; personal growth leave; sabbatical leave; cussion, or performance; illustrate the appli-
sick leave; social service leave; voluntary cation of rules, principles, or concepts; or clar-
leave. ify, emphasize, summarize, or review concepts,
leave-behinds See handouts. principles, or facts.
leave-related benets Vacation, sick leave, left-brained People whose left brain (the left
holiday leave, parental leave, and bereave- hemisphere) is dominant. Such people are
ment leave provided by employers. believed to have more ability to think and
leave sharing An employee benet that allows function vertically, logically, and traditionally
workers to serve as both donors and recipients rather than intuitively and creatively.
to provide greater nancial protection against legacies Applicants for college admission
serious illness or accidents. Employees con- whose parents attended the institution.
tribute unused annual and/or sick leave to a
legal assistance Provides advice, counseling,
coworker whose disability or illness requires
and representation on legal matters.
long-term medical care or temporary home
legal audit A detailed examination and
care. Employees must exhaust all their sick
assessment of personnel and employment pol-
and annual leave to become eligible as recip-
icies, application forms, handbooks, hiring
ients, and the amount of leave employees can
practices, performance appraisal systems,
transfer is determined by employers.
agreements, contracts, and the like conducted
leave stacking The practice of scheduling
by a qualied lawyer to prevent litigation by
annual leave in such a way that the leave
allowances for two calendar or scal years are identifying and correcting potential problems
continuous. For example, if an employer uses such as discrimination, performance evalua-
the calendar year to measure the 12-month tion, discipline, and discharge practices.
period in which the Family and Medical legalized aliens Certain illegal aliens who
Leave Act of 1993 allows an employee to take were eligible to apply for temporary resident
up to 12 weeks of leave and the employee status under the legalization provision of the
takes 12 weeks of leave at the end of 1997 Immigration Reform and Control Act of
and 12 additional weeks beginning January 1, 1986. To be eligible, aliens must have contin-
1998, 24 uninterrupted weeks of leave would uously resided in the U.S. in an unlawful sta-
be stacked. The use of the rolling year tus since January 1, 1982, not be excludable,
option prevents stacking. and have entered the U.S. either illegally
lectern A reading stand or small desk upon before January 1, 1982, or as temporary visi-
which an instructor or speaker places lecture tors before January 1, 1982, with their autho-
notes. rized stay expiring before that date or with the
lecture method One of the basic methods of governments knowledge of their unlawful
instruction. A lecture is a semiformal discourse status before that date. Legalization consists
in which the instructor presents a series of of two stages: temporary and then permanent
events, facts, concepts, or principles; explores residency. In order to adjust to permanent sta-
a problem; or explains relationships. Its basic tus aliens must have had continuous residence
purpose is to inform. Trainees participate in the U.S., be admissible as immigrants, and
mainly as listeners and questioners. The demonstrate at least a minimal understanding
legal plans 386 leveraged buy-out (LBO)

and knowledge of the English language and forth the objectives to be attained in a single
U.S. history and government. lesson or group of related lessons, the content
legal plans See group legal plan. (knowledge and skills) to be learned, and the
legal standards Formal regulatory standards means by which the objectives are to be
contained in such documents as the Federal achieved and the content acquired. It is cus-
Constitution and the Bill of Rights, state con- tomarily divided into six parts: identifying
stitutions, and the statutes laws passed by information, resources required, introduction,
legally constituted authority such as the Con- explanation, evaluation, and summary. It
gress, state legislatures, and local government serves as a reference for the instructor when
and interpreted and claried by the courts. preparing for the lesson and as a guide during
legitimated Most countries have legal proce- the presentation of the lesson.
dures for natural fathers of children born out Lets Face It The U.S. branch of an interna-
of wedlock to acknowledge their children. A tional mutual help organization dedicated to
legitimated child from any country has two helping people with facial difference, their
legal parents and cannot qualify as an orphan loved ones, and the communities in which
unless: (1) only one of the parents is living or they live to understand and to solve the prob-
(2) both of the parents have abandoned the lems of living with this disability. Its goals are
child. to (1) link and educate family, friends, and
legitimate power Power that occurs when fol- professionals; (2) educate the public to value
lowers believe that they should comply with the person behind every face; (3) assist
the direction of their leader. It derives from facially different people to share their experi-
group norms about role behavior and what is ences, strengths, and hopes; and (4) educate
considered reasonable, acceptable, and and provide continuing education to medical,
correct. nursing, and allied health professionals. Con-
Lehnert v. Ferris Faculty A 1991 Supreme tact: Lets Face It, P.O. Box 29972, Belling-
Court decision that reafrmed its earlier deci- ham, WA 98228-1972 (phone 360-676-7325;
sion in the Beck case by stating that specic e-mail; Web site
union activities, such as political lobbying,
ballot campaigns, and public relations pro- letter of credit A letter or certicate issued by
grams, could not be included in the fees a bank or other lending institution certifying
charged to nonunion employees. that the person or company named therein is
leisure discount fare An airfare group that entitled to draw on the issuer funds up to a
includes a wide range of restricted and/or pen- certain specied sum.
alty fares. Used mainly by travelers whose letterspacing In desktop publishing, adding or
plans are not subject to change but are some- reducing space between individual letters
times offered to business travelers as the low- within a line of type. That is, it species spac-
est available fare. ing behavior between text characters.
length of stay (LOS) In health care, the num- levels of signicance Used in determining the
ber of days of hospitalization. extent to which experimental results are valid
lens The glass element through which light and important. They are points or values
enters a camera. An optical zoom lens physi- referred to as the k percent point or points.
cally lengthens to focus on distant subjects; a leverage Debt in relation to equity in a com-
digital zoom feature makes subjects appear panys capital or nancial structure; the
closer by using the cameras internal software greater the long-term debt, the greater the
to interpolate pixels digitally. nancial leverage. In stock market parlance,
leptokurtic The shape of the curve of a fre- borrowing against stock owned to buy more
quency distribution when plotted on a graph. stock.
A leptokurtic curve has a narrow-humped, leveraged buy-out (LBO) A business strat-
peaked shape. egy designed to secure control of a company.
lesson plan (LP) A document designed to An LBO may be initiated by an independent
standardize instruction on a given topic. It sets investor or the top management of a publicly
leveraged company-owned life insurance 387 license

held company by borrowing heavily to buy or their families could prove the carrier to be
buy back all the common stock shares held by guilty of willful misconduct. In 1996, the
the public. An investor group, often headed Department of Transportation cleared a global
by a companys own executives, uses bank airline agreement waiving the ceiling on lia-
loans and high-interest junk bonds to buy a bility claims for injury or death on interna-
rm and take it private. They are risky ven- tional ights from the U.S. However, the
tures because the company becomes debt-rid- waiver does not apply to the entire trip. U.S.
den. LBOs invariably lose money at rst, and passengers who wish to sue foreign carriers
they invariably result in severe cost cuts. must do so in the country of the carrier.
leveraged company-owned life insurance liability coverage I n s u r a n c e p r o t e c t i o n
Once a popular strategy used by companies to against injury and damage claims by third par-
reduce taxes. The company borrows to pay ties purchased by individuals and organiza-
premiums for its company-owned life insur- tions.
ance (COLI) policies and deducts the loan liable In law, a party that is legally respon-
interest payments. Legislation has since dis- sible for an event or action; one that has a
mantled the tax-avoidance attraction of lever- legal obligation to another party.
aged COLI. libel Any defamatory statement in writing,
leveraged recapitalization merger A means issued without just cause, that tends to expose
of taking a company out of the market and another person to public contempt or ridicule.
going private. Involves proposing to merge A plaintiff establishes a prima facie case of
with an acquisition company created by man- libel by proving that a defamatory statement
agement and nancial sponsors. about him or her was communicated to a third
leverage points In systems thinking, obscure person.
points of inuence (small changes) that can library As distinguished from information
produce huge results. Finding those leverage centers and learning centers, a collection of
points requires careful observation, data col- books, periodicals, and other documents,
lection, and computer modeling. mainly in printed form, housed in a centrally
leverage ratio One of the traditional tests of located, easily accessible environment that is
operating performance, it is a measure of the conducive to study and learning. It is usually
extent to which an organization uses the funds staffed by qualied librarians (masters
of creditors. It is determined by calculating degrees in library science) who serve as chief
the ratio of debt (creditors) to equity (com- librarians, catalog and reference librarians,
panys) funds. and archivists. Other staff include technicians
leverage through borrowing An investment and microform specialists, clerical assistants,
technique in which a fund borrows for invest- and supply clerks.
ment purposes. This borrowing is usually Library of Congress (LOC) book number
unsecured, except to the extent that the fund Used to identify newly published books. Usu-
enters into reverse repurchase agreements. ally found on the back of the title page in the
Also known as leveraging. front of the book and used in libraries to cat-
LEXIS/NEXIS See Meade Data Central alog the books either in card les on in com-
NEXIS. puterized systems. Also appears on the spines
liabilities Sources of assets, such as accounts of shelved books. Obtained by contacting the
payable, retained earnings, current portion of Cataloging in Publications Division, National
long-term debt, accrued expenses and income Serial Data Program, Library of Congress,
taxes, stockholders equity (stock issued), and Washington, D.C. 20540 (phone 202-707-
reserve accounts (such as self-insurance, con- 6454).
tingency funds, and funds for lawsuits). license 1. Authorization granted to an individ-
liability claims In air travel, damage claims ual or organization by a competent authority,
(for injury or death). Under the Warsaw Con- usually public, to engage lawfully in a prac-
vention, $75,000 was set as the limit on such tice, occupation, or activity. See also licen-
claims unless the victims of an accident or sure. 2. A written agreement between the
license and permit bonds 388 life-cycle pension plan

creators or owners of visual or written mate- work for agencies such as the Central Intelli-
rials, including software, videotapes, and vid- gence Agency and the Federal Bureau of
eodiscs, and a licensee. A license allows the Investigation; companies that provide security
licensee to use or distribute the material (usu- services; and those that make or distribute
ally a grant of exclusivity) in a dened geo- controlled substances. Most states, however,
graphic area or for a specic market for a have laws prohibiting the use of lie detectors,
consideration payment of a fee. 3. Court- including the right of defendants in criminal
sanctioned permission, such as permission to cases to use the devices to support their alibis.
sell real estate that is part of a decedents Also called a polygraph.
estate. life care community A housing arrangement
license and permit bonds Used to qualify in which, in exchange for a one-time entrance
those who wish to obtain a license or a permit fee plus monthly fees, residents get a guaran-
to exercise a particular privilege or engage in tee of assisted living, personal care, and nurs-
a particular business. Guarantee compliance ing care as needed.
with the statute by law or regulation under life cycle A series of stages in the maturation
which the principal is compelled to act. of people, objects, or social organiza-
licensed group home An alternative to nurs- tions/structures; for example, conception,
ing home care for the elderly and the severely infancy, puberty, young adulthood, adulthood,
disabled. Licensed by the state, provides a late adulthood, and old age. Attributed to
family and less institutionalized atmosphere, Rothwell (Training & Development Journal,
typically more personal care and attention due November 1983).
to the limited number of residents, usually 8 life-cycle analysis (LCA) A means of identi-
to 10, and is 25 to 50% less expensive than fying a products environmental impact at
nursing home care. Also called residential- every stage from raw material acquisition
care facilities, adult foster home, and board- through design, manufacturing, distribution,
ing-care home. and use to disposal.
licensed practical nurse (LPN) A person life-cycle benets Programs and services,
trained in nursing skills, frequently at the offered by organizations to support employ-
2-year, associate degree level, and certied ees needs, that go beyond traditional work
and licensed following successful completion and family initiatives. In addition to child-care
of a qualifying examination. and elder-care support, typical programs
licensure The process by which a license is include counseling, educational materials,
granted. It is usually granted on the basis of referral services, support groups for gay and
examination and/or proof of education rather lesbian parents and HIV/AIDS and cancer
than on measures of performance. A license patients, and workshops on nancial planning,
is usually permanent but may be conditioned weight loss, and so on.
on annual payment of a fee, proof of continu- life-cycle cost analysis A means of analyzing
ing education, or proof of competence. the costs of a system, organization, or item of
lie detector A machine used to gather informa- equipment that will be incurred throughout its
tion about applicants for positions and to test entire life. The cycle begins with research and
the veracity of persons suspected of or charged development, continues through investment
with crimes. Operated and interpreted by a and operations, and extends to disposal of the
trained individual, the devices record uctua- system, organization, or equipment through
tions in blood pressure and heartbeat when the redistribution or phasing out.
person answers a series of carefully designed life-cycle pension plan An actuarial-based
and sequenced questions. A federal law that pension concept developed by Robert D. Paul,
took effect in 1988 prohibits most private-sec- vice chairman of the Martin E. Segal Com-
tor employers from using polygraphs to screen pany. Participants accrue a benet which, on
job applicants or to randomly test workers. a lump-sum basis, equals 10% of nal 5-year
Exempted from the rules were federal, state, average pay. The plan is readily communi-
and local governments; rms that do sensitive cated to employees because it denes benets
life estate 389 Light at the End of the Tunnel (L.E.T.)

in terms of a multiple rather than as a percent- needed to survive, live with others, and suc-
age of pay. The plan has been acclaimed by ceed in a complex society.
some as the dened benet plan of choice life stages Describes patterns of cycles
for employers seeking to attract and retain through which people go during their lives.
fast-track employees and meet the needs of Knowing what they are is believed to be useful
the next generation of employees. in personal and career planning. Examples:
life estate An interest in property that pro- childhood, adolescence, young adulthood,
vides for income, use, and possession of the adulthood, maturity (Erikson, Childhood and
property for that life tenants life. The inter- Society, Norton, 1963); growth exploration,
est terminates automatically at death, at which establishment, maintenance, and decline.
time the property is bequeathed elsewhere in Attributed to Super (The Psychology of
accordance with the directions of the individ- Careers, Harper & Row, 1957). See also
ual who originally created the life estate. career stages.
life insurance trust An estate planning life support systems Machines that make it
option for the afuent. A means of transferring possible to sustain or prolong life for severely
wealth to heirs without paying sizable federal injured, terminally ill, or incapacitated per-
estate taxes (as much as 55%). Combines a sons, such as respirators.
life insurance policy with an irrevocable lifetime caps Maximum dollar expenditures
trust. It has the disadvantages of loss of the or total number of days of hospitalization or
income and control of the trusts assets, pay- institutional care available to employees or
ment of legal fees to draft the trust and others under the terms of health benet plans
accounting fees for professional trustees to or insurance policies.
manage the trust assets, and payment of pos- lifetime reserve days Sixty days that Medi-
sible gift taxes when the trust is funded. care will pay for when a subscriber is hospi-
talized for more than 90 days in a benet
life-long learning (LLL) A c o n c e p t t h a t
period. Those days can be used only once in
holds that learning, and the need for it, never
a lifetime. Medicare pays all covered costs
stops. It must be a life-long pursuit.
except for a daily coinsurance amount.
Life Ofce Management Association (LOMA)
LIFO method of inventory accounting A
An international association of over 1250 life
method of charging the most recent (and
and health insurance and nancial services
inated) costs against current income (last in,
companies from over 60 countries. LOMA rst out), a process that leaves the asset value
was established to provide education, considerably understated on the balance sheet
research, and information on effective man- in terms of current replacement value. See
agement and operations for the insurance and also FIFO method of inventory accounting;
nancial services industry. Contact: LOMA, NIFO method of inventory accounting.
2300 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 600, ligature In typography, two or more charac-
Atlanta, GA 30339-8443 (phone 770-951- ters or letters linked together as a single ele-
1770; fax 770-984-0441; e-mail market- ment of type.; Web site Light at the End of the Tunnel (L.E.T.) A n
life planning Long-term plans for life, usually integrated set of programs designed to create
associated with retirement planning. Life and foster change and improvement in public
planning includes plans for all aspects of schools during an era of low funding and sup-
human living: physical, mental, emotional, port and increasing criticism and skepticism
social, spiritual, career, family, and decisions both inside and outside of education. It was
relating to work, recreation, leisure, housing, established by Sharon Ryder-Eckert, an orga-
nances, and use of time. nization behavior specialist, in 1988 in a mul-
life plans See group life insurance. tiracial urban high school in Little Rock, AR.
life skills Interpersonal and communication The programs are based on cooperative efforts
skills, self-regulation and control, decision by school administrators and teachers, support
making, and problem solving the skills by local businesses, positive reinforcement of
light-emitting diode (LED) 390 linear programming

students, and mentoring and coaching of stu- partnerships. Owners have the corporate bene-
dents by graduates of the program. Contact: ts of the LLC to protect their personal assets
Sharon Ryder-Eckert, L.E.T., P.O. Box 14371, from business debts as well as the tax advan-
Berkeley, CA 94701. tage of partnerships. LLCs also provide
light-emitting diode (LED) A display or pro- greater exibility in management and organi-
jection technology used to produce large- zation of the business and reduce paperwork
screen images and signage. LEDs consume and record keeping. In many states, LLCs
much less power per lumen than projector have a life limited to 30 years.
lamps, are cheap, and last anywhere from limited offering An alternative means of
50,000 to 100,000 hours. offering to sell stock in a company to the
Ligh-emitting polymers (LEPs) Plastics that general public. Rules and regulations of the
can conduct electricity and produce light. In Securities and Exchange Commission allow
the future may be used to produce large, fully companies to sell $1 million worth of securi-
plastic, full-color polymeric light-emitting ties yearly. In addition, most states allow com-
diode displays. Also called luminescent semi- panies to sell stock to investors who reside
conducting polymers. within the same state.
light headedness See vague light headedness. limiting charge Replaces the term maxi-
light-valve projector A unit that can produce mum allowable actual charge as the basis
an image of from 6 to 20 feet wide and can for Medicare Part B benet payments for phy-
be positioned up to 84 feet away from and sicians services. Doctors who do not accept
project clearly onto a 9 12-foot screen. The assignment of Medicare benets are limited
unit can interface with up to 16 different video in what they can charge their Medicare
and computer formats, thereby allowing it to patients. The maximum amount a physician
display images from PC, PS/2, and Macintosh may charge a Medicare beneciary for a cov-
computers. ered service if the doctor does not accept
Likert Scales Prole of organizational char- assignment of the Medicare claim is 15%
acteristics. A diagnostic and research tool above Medicares approved amount for a par-
used in organization-wide surveys. Consists ticular service. Limiting charge information
of scales on which respondents are asked to appears on the Explanation of Medicare
place a mark at the point that describes their Benets form sent to beneciaries after they
experience in the organization; they may also receive services covered by Part B.
be asked to indicate how they would like to limit order An order placed by an investor to
see the organization changed. Each scale has buy or sell stock at a specic price. See also
20 points with four areas identied and market order.
described. Organization variables measured Lincoln incentive system An incentive plan
include leadership processes (ve scales), in which employees work under a guaranteed
motivation (seven scales), communication (six piecework plan and, based on their perfor-
scales), inuence (ve scales), decision mak- mance (or merit rating), are given a share of
ing (seven scales), goal setting (three scales), the companys annual prots (less taxes,
control (ve scales), and performance and stockholders dividends, and reserves for rein-
training (three scales). Devised by Rensis vestment).
Likert. linear editing Editing done directly from vid-
limited franchising A franchising plan in eotape.
which the parent company leases only its linear program A form of programmed
product line and trade name; for example, car instruction in which the steps leading to the
dealerships and gas stations. acquisition of knowledge or skill are carefully
limited guardianship See conservatorship. sequenced.
limited liability company (LLC) A business linear programming An analytical technique
arrangement under some state laws that offers that uses a linear (straight line) programming
the liability protection afforded by a corpora- model to produce an optimal- or minimum-cost
tion with the benecial tax rules that govern solution to a problem. Linear programming can
linear regression 391 Linking Home and School

also be used to determine the marginal prof- line-of-balance (LOB) A monitoring tool for
itability of adding people, facilities, or equip- projects that uses the concept of control by
ment to a project to ascertain the sensitivity exception. Monitoring focuses on major
of a problem solution to cost or forecasting checkpoints in the overall project schedule
errors. The technique assumes that all re- and monitors progress as compared with
sources converted by operations have costs plans. Analysis provides information to the
that are variable and constraints that can be manager on elements of the project that are
stated as mathematical expressions. Where re- ahead, behind, and on target.
lationships are not linear, concave, convex, or line of business 1. A health care plan, such as
quadratic programming is applied. Learners a health maintenance organization, estab-
proceed through the program by performing lished as a separate business within another
all steps in the program in the order presented. larger organization, usually an insurance com-
linear regression The statistical process of pany, thereby legally differentiating it from a
tting a straight line to a set of x, y (two- freestanding company or a company that is set
variable) data, using the method of least up as a subsidiary. 2. A unique product type,
squares. Although too involved to describe such as Medicaid, within a health care plan.
here, the technique is based on the assumption line of credit Funds or charges that may be
that the relationship between the two variables used repeatedly up to a certain dollar limit.
is linear.
Also called open-end credit, charge account,
linear serial supply chain A supply chain
or revolving credit.
where the information moves from tier three,
line of progression A series of related jobs in
to tier two, to tier one, to the manufacturer.
a promotional sequence usually starting with
Demand is created and moves back and the
less skilled, lower-paying jobs and progress-
data are distributed across those entities.
ing to more difcult, higher-paying positions.
line chart A quality control tool used to plot
data graphically over a period of time, such link A location on a Web page that, when
as a year, quarter, week, or day. Most often clicked on with a mouse, causes a jump to
used to show changes, cycles, patterns, or another page with related information or
trends in continuously variable data over time, material, conceivably in a completely differ-
such as cash ow or production. Used to dis- ent Web site in another state or country. Also
play trends, cycles, or patterns. Also called called a hyperlink.
run chart or x/y graph. linked benet policy A means of planning for
long-term care needs. Linked benet policies
combine the benets of long-term care insur-
ance with life insurance. In return for the pre-
Count or Measurement

miums paid, the insured receives coverage for

long-term care if needed. If the insured never
needs long-term care, the policy is converted
into a life policy and the insured receives a
death benet for a selected beneciary.
linked support A type of support that is
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec loosely tied with or integrated into the inter-
face between the user and the electronic per-
line manager One who is responsible for formance support system and appears to the
supervising or managing and directing one of user to be a separate or secondary interface.
the levels in the central activity or production Also called extrinsic support.
aspect of a business or industry rather than a Linking Home and School Through the
support activity, such as nance or human Workplace A nonprot organization that
resources. Line managers have the authority offers courses for parents and others on family
to command and to give orders; they are reading, mathematics, science, and time man-
always someones boss. agement. Contact: Work in America Institute,
Linux 392 living benefits

700 White Plains Rd., Scarsdale, NY 10583- abilities, and skills and developing listening
5008 (phone 800-787-0707 or 914-472-9600; skills and techniques.
fax 914-472-9606; e-mail Info@workinamer- listservs On the Internet, special interest; Web site groups whose participants exchange messages
Linux A freely distributed, Intel processor- on topics of interest. Automates the creation
based alternative to Unix Web servers. and maintenance of mailing lists. Similar to a
liquidation The process of giving up a busi- bulletin board, but correspondence is sent
ness; unloading and closing out; terminating directly to subscribers e-mail boxes. A pop-
by agreement or litigation the precise amount ular collaborative Internet tool.
of indebtedness, settling accounts, and distrib- literacy training Training geared toward
uting the assets of a business. adults who cannot read or write well enough
liquid crystal display (LCD) 1. A device to ll out a job application or who are only
made up of rod-shaped molecules, thin polar- marginally competent in basic skills.
izing lters, and light to form another type of Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc. (LVA)
computer screen. LCDs are used mainly with A national nonprot organization that works
laptop computers. 2. LCDs also are the oper- to promote literacy through a network of com-
ational part of devices used in conjunction munity volunteer programs. LVA trains and
with overhead projectors and large video mon- helps individuals and organizations to tutor
itors to share computer screen images with adults in basic reading and conversational
large audiences. Although the resolution and English and provides training materials and
light output of LCD projectors cannot match services to literacy tutorial programs. Con-
those of CRTs, their low cost and compact tact: LVA, P.O. Box 6506, Syracuse, NY
13217 (phone 315-472-0001; fax 315-472-
size are an advantage.
0002; e-mail;
liquidity Describes the volume of transactions
Web site
in a given market. When a market reaches a
litigation A form of negotiation used to
critical mass, buyers are guaranteed that they
resolve individual and group disputes includ-
can buy what they want at any time.
ing labor-management disagreements. The
liquidity ratio One of the traditional tests of
issue is decided in a court of law and is invari-
operating performance, liquidity ratio is a
ably a win-lose situation. The judge (or jury)
measure of the ability of an organization to and legal counsel for both sides make use of
meet its cash obligations as they become due a large body of procedural law. The decisions
and payable. It is calculated by dividing cur- of the judge or jury are nal unless appealed
rent assets by current liabilities. to a higher court.
liquid learning A successful e-learning initia- litigation support One of two components of
tive, one that literally soaks an organization forensic accounting, it provides accounting
in knowledge by eliminating and scheduling assistance in matters involving existing or
barriers to learning. Attributed to Eric Parks, pending litigation and deals primarily with
CEO (and Web-based training designer), Ask issues related to the quantication of eco-
International, Fair Oaks, CA (Web site nomic damages. See also investigative accounting.
listening skills The ability to listen actively live video insertion system (L-VIS) P r o -
and completely and without evaluation; the nounced Elvis. An electronic-imaging system
ability to listen for meaning, not just words, used to place logos and ads in the viewers
speech, or style of delivery; the ability to listen eld of vision on the home TV screen without
to understand, not to oppose, object, or argue. interfering with the primary scene (such as
listening training Tr a i n i n g p r ov i d e d t o behind the batters box in baseball or the goal
improve the listening skills of employees. It posts in football). It uses customized com-
is a basic and necessary foundation for all puter-generated occlusion technology.
other types of training and development. It living benets Plans that pay up to 30% of a
involves assessing individual listening habits, life insurance death benet either in a lump
Living Benefits Bill of 1994 393 location grouping

sum or in staggered payments to cover cata- communicate instructions. It is legal in some

strophic or terminal illnesses ranging from but not all states. Living wills usually apply
cancer and bypass surgery to paying for nurs- to persons who are terminally ill and not to
ing home stays. people with such afictions as Alzheimers
Living Benets Bill of 1994 See Federal disease, strokes, degenerative disorders, or
Employees Group Life Insurance Living Ben- who are in a coma or persistent vegetative
ets Act of 1994. state.
living benets rider (LBR) A clause added loading The part of insurance premiums or
to insurance policies (usually whole or uni- pension programs that is added to cover
versal life policies) that provides payouts to administrative costs, contingency reserves,
the insured ranging from 10 to 50% (average and prot.
is 25%) of the face value of the policy follow- loading up A ploy used by insurance compa-
ing diagnosis of a grave or terminal medical nies and agents to exploit the fears and mis-
condition such as stroke, heart attack, coro- conceptions of people who are afraid of med-
nary artery disease, kidney failure, or liver ical bills. Here the agent sells several policies,
disease. Also called accelerated benet rider. with similar coverage, to the same buyer. Each
living case method A modication of the tra- policy contains one little benet that the others
ditional case method pioneered by the Har- do not.
vard Business School. Instead of using fabri- local area network (LAN) 1. Any multiuser,
cated cases or situations that occurred in the electronically linked system for communicat-
past, participants in executive development ing data in the same format, one-way or inter-
seminars work on real strategic or other major actively, in one building or at many sites in
unresolved corporate problems.
the same general area. 2. In training, a means
living life insurance See living benets.
of facilitating, distributing, or delivering train-
living trust A trust that is set up during a per-
ing to individuals and groups.
sons lifetime. The maker can put property
Local Emergency Planning Committee
into the trust while still alive, and the property
(LEPC) A committee established to develop
automatically goes to his or her heirs without
emergency response plans relating to hazard-
going through probate court. Such trusts can
ous chemicals.
be revoked by the maker at any time.
local guide/agent An individual subcon-
living wage Used in union contract negotia-
tracted by a tour company to assist tour mem-
tions, a wage rate that will allow employees
to maintain their standard of living. bers or to enhance the travel experience. May
living wage laws Statutes or ordinances that have other clients to serve.
require companies to pay employees specied local operating network (LON) Applies in-
minimum wages and benets. Usually address tuitive control systems to citywide electric
low-skilled, low-paying jobs, such as facility grids to all users, customers, or home owners
and building maintenance, refuse collection to enable them to remotely control various
and recycling, temporary employee services, utilities such as lights, electric meters, motion
janitorial and custodial services, pest control, detectors, and television sets.
security, and moving services. Local Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies
living will A document that provides the fam- Provide a variety of support services to indi-
ily, physicians, and others concerned with an viduals with disabilities and employers.
individuals care with specic directions as to Check the Yellow Pages under rehabilitation
how decisions will be made if the maker or call the National Association of Rehabili-
becomes unable to participate in decisions tation Facilities (phone 703-648-9300).
regarding medical care and is in an incurable location grouping One of the basic groupings
or irreversible mental or physical condition of organizational elements. The location of the
with no reasonable expectation of recovery. work activities performed and related activi-
The document designates a proxy to act in his ties determines the placement of the function
or her behalf should the maker be unable to to facilitate responsiveness to the unique
Lockheed Corp. v. Spink 394 Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program

characteristics of a particular region. Used London Inter-bank Ofcial Rate (LIBOR)

most in marketing and sales organizations. An interest rate that has provided exceptional
Lockheed Corp. v. Spink A 1996 Supreme stability and consistency for the past 20 years
Court decision that held that the Employee longitudinal technique A form of genetic,
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 does developmental, and growth studies in which
not prevent employers from conditioning the a particular group is followed year after year
receipt of early retirement benets upon plan and repeated measurements of some trait or
participants waiver of employment claims. ability are made. The resulting measurements
That is, employers can require participants in represent development, growth, or change
early-retirement programs to sign waivers that sequences for that group. For example, hand-
release any claims they may have against the eye coordination of a group of surgeons in
company. training and in actual surgical practice could
lockout Occurs when the owners of a com- be measured over a period of years.
pany shut down their operation to bar workers long-range plan A plan that forecasts what
from their premises due to work slowdowns, products and services might be offered and
lapsed contracts, or other labor disputes with where a companys sales and prots might be
union workers. in 10 or 20 years.
lockout/tagout rule An Occupational Safety long-term care (LTC) Long-term custodial
and Health Act of 1970 rule that became care provided for the aged and inrm, the
effective October 31, 1989. The rule covers chronically ill or functionally disabled, vic-
servicing and maintenance of machines and tims of catastrophic illnesses such as stroke
and heart attacks, and those with terminal ill-
equipment in which an unexpected start-up or
nesses. Care is provided in either home, med-
release of stored energy could injure employ-
ical facility, nursing home, or hospice for
ees. Employers must ensure that energy
active and retired employees, their spouses or
sources for equipment are turned off or dis-
other eligible dependents, or surviving
connected and that the switch is locked or
spouses, and sometimes parents-in-law, who
labeled with a warning tag. In addition, they
are severely and chronically impaired in per-
must develop an energy control system,
forming the activities of daily living (such as
ensure that new or repaired equipment can be
eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transpor-
locked, make use of additional safeguards
tation, or getting around inside homes or
when tags rather than locks are used, identify doing other chores).
and implement specic procedures for the long-term care insurance (LTCI) A vol-
control of hazardous energy and for release of untary insurance policy purchased to protect
lockout/tagout, obtain standardized locks and subscribers from the one of the greatest nan-
tags, conduct annual inspections of energy cial liabilities facing older people. New tax
control procedures, and train employees in incentives have made such coverage much
specic energy control procedures. more attractive than it had been.
lock-up period Restricts securities insiders Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
from selling their shares for a period of time (LTCO) Created by federal law in 1978
usually 180 days from the effective date under the federal Older Americans Act of
of the initial public offering. 1965. Every state is required to have an
logical order A form of instructional ombudsman to serve all residents in nursing
sequencing in which materials are presented homes and adult foster homes throughout the
either in order of difculty or in accordance state. A certied ombudsman is trained and
with a logical arrangement of the subject authorized to act as an advocate for residents
matter. rights and quality care in nursing homes and
logo A means of indicating origin, ownership, residential care in adult foster homes; investi-
or association or to reinforce the meaning of gate resident, family, or citizen complaints
a brand by using characters, emblems, icons, about long-term-care and services; use his or
letters, or other symbols. her skills in persuasion and mediation to
Long-Term Care Partners 395 lost worktime rate

resolve problems when they occur; and moni- end of the trachea or wind pipe that contains
tor the long-termcare system and make appro- and supports the vocal cords and associated
priate recommendations for its improvement. structures. Laryngitis, the most common ail-
Long-Term Care Partners The Metropoli- ment involving the voice box, is manifested
tan and John Hancock Life Insurance Consor- by a change in tone or quality of the voice to
tium selected by the Ofce of Personnel Man- a coarse, harsher sound; difculty in swallow-
agement as the ofcial federal long-term ing; and throat pain. Laryngitis is inamma-
insurance program vendor. tion of the larynx due to inhaling smoke,
Long-Term Care Security Act of 2000 chemical fumes, gases, or dust; excessive use
Signed by President Clinton on September 19, of alcohol; or diseases such as the common
2000. Authorizes a group long-term insurance cold, u, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, or
program for federal civil service workers and pneumonia; overuse or abuse of the voice;
annuitants as well as active-duty military per- polyps in the throat; or cancer. Cancer of the
sonnel and retirees, plus their family members larynx may result in a laryngectomy, removal
and survivors. The federal program will be of the voice box.
based on best practices used by private-sec- loss-on-sale assistance A relatively new
tor rms that offer group long-term care insur- fringe benet to help transferring employees
ance to their employees. make prudent home purchasing decisions in
long-term disability (LTD) A disabling con- their new location. Companies reimburse
dition, whether caused by accident or injury, employees for home appraisals and assist
that results in an employees inability able to those who have lost money on the sale of their
perform the duties of his or her occupation home if they have obtained such an appraisal.
and persists longer than 6 months. Most loss prevention See safety, protection, and
employer-sponsored long-term disability security services.
plans are governed by the Employee Retire- lost instrument bond Required when a per-
ment Income Security Act of 1974. The son or corporation has lost, mislaid, or
courts have been vigilant in protecting long- destroyed an original document that evidences
term disability claimants under ERISA. ownership, such as certicates of stock own-
long-term disability insurance Provides ership; life insurance policies; common or pre-
employees with an income based on a percent- ferred stock; or federal, provincial, municipal,
age of their gross base salary in the event of or corporate bonds. The bond provides that the
a disability. issuer of the replacement security will not suf-
long-term incentive (LTI) A type of com- fer economic loss should the lost instrument
pensation plan designed to reward executives turn up later. Also called bond of indemnity.
or other key personnel for corporate or unit lost time A term used in time management to
performance over a period longer than 1 year. describe time wasted, squandered, or misspent
Examples are performance share plans, per- due to poor planning; procrastination; day-
formance unit plans, phantom stock plans, dreaming; waiting for equipment, supplies, or
restricted stock plans, stock appreciation people; lack of skill or inadequate training;
rights, stock option plans, and stock equiva- false starts; or time expended between tasks
lent plans. or operations in a job or project.
long-term temporary assignments An alter- lost workdays Cases that involve days away
native stafng option. Involves hiring tempo- from work, days of restricted work activity, or
rary employees to supplement and stabilize both.
the work force over a relative long period of lost worktime rate Hours absent as a percent-
time. age of hours usually worked. Absences are
lossless Compressed video that when decom- dened as instances when persons who usually
pressed has no lost information and suffers no work 35 or more hours per week work less than
image degradation. 35 hours during the reference week for one of
loss of speech Caused by problems of the lar- the following reasons: own illness, injury, or
ynx, the cartilaginous structure at the upper medical problems; child-care problems; other
lottery system 396 lump-sum distribution (LSD)

family or personal obligations; civic or mili- ordinary eyeglasses, contact lenses, or intraoc-
tary duty; and maternity or paternity leave. ular implants cannot provide sharp sight.
lottery system In training research, random loyalty program In marketing, special pro-
selection of participants as members of the motional programs that reward customers and
experimental or control groups. clients for repeat purchases of goods or
lounge/forum One model of a teaching, services.
learning, technology center. It provides an lumens A measure of the amount of light that
attractive, comfortable environment for the emanates from a light source. Lumens can be
informal exchange of ideas. measured at either the light source (usually a
love contract A written and signed document lamp) or at the end point (where the light is
document stating that a relationship between focused, such as a projection screen).
coworkers (usually between a boss and a sub- luminance In video, the black-and-white
ordinate) is consensual and that neither party information, including brightness, sharpness,
was coerced into the relationship. Typically and contrast, that is encoded in a video signal.
includes a statement of the companys sexual lumps See lump-sum payments or distribu-
harassment policy. Also called love forms or tions.
love memos. lump-sum allowance plan A means of reim-
low-balling 1. A deceptive sales practice in bursing employees for expenses incurred dur-
which buyers are offered goods or services at ing transfer or relocation. Instead of requiring
a very low initial cost and then nd that costs expense reports and itemized documentation
are signicantly higher when they reorder the of expenses, transferring employees are
product or service. For example, unscrupulous granted a lump sum. However, typically
insurers offer coverage with very low initial employees are required to sign an agreement
premiums and later increase them dramati- stating that they will use the money for relo-
cally. 2. In health care, intentionally setting cation expenses and will not ask for additional
premium rates well below the actual cost of funding. If employees complete the move
delivering care. It is done to preserve or under the budget allocated, they may keep the
improve market share or to improve cash ow. balance. This approach offers exibility and
Also called predatory pricing. efciency, controls costs, saves administrative
low-density lipoproteins (LDL) Cholesterol time, avoids unreasonable relocation expense,
attached to various fats and proteins (bad cho- and gives employees more control over their
lesterol). High levels of LDL result in a moves.
buildup of plaque, so they are associated with lump-sum distribution (LSD) Payment of
an increase in heart disease due to athero- the total pension account to employees or
sclerosis. Blood level (mg/dl) of less than 100 their beneciaries when they retire, change
is optimal; 100129 is near optimal, 130159 jobs, or become disabled; when a company
is borderline high, 160189 is high; and 190 terminates its retirement plan; or when an
or higher is very high. See also cholesterol; employee dies leaving his or her spouse as
high-density lipoproteins. beneciary of a retirement plan. Under IRS
low-margin industry A company that keeps a rules, steps must be taken to defer taxes
low percentage of revenue as prot (e.g., gro- within 60 days of receipt of the lump sum or
cery stores). See also high-margin industry. the money will be considered money paid to
low-performing schools See Executive Order the recipient and may be included in taxable
13153. income for the year. Such distributions may
low season In meeting management, the also be subject to an additional 10% penalty
period when occupancy and room rates are tax if the recipient has not reached age 59 1/2
lowest for the year. during the year in which the distribution was
low vision Decreased visual acuity or visual made or if the distribution was not made
eld that is correctable to no better than 20/70, because of death or disability. A 1992 law
or a eld of 30 with best spectacle correction requires retirement plan sponsors to begin
in the better eye. Under these conditions, withholding federal income taxes (20%) on
lump-sum merit 397 lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

certain LSDs in 1993 unless the funds are lurk/lurking On the Internet, visiting news-
transferred directly to an individual retire- groups without participating in the discussion.
ment account or other qualied plan. It also luxury hotel A hotel that features highly per-
simplies access to the rollover option by sonalized, old-world attention, services, and
removing virtually all restrictions on employ- care. In addition to customary services, guests
ees rights to roll over amounts received from have access to a concierge, laundry, and valet
a qualied retirement plan (previously, partial service; round-the-clock room service and
rollovers were restricted, and an employers laundry and dry-cleaning services; and other
receipt of a partial rollover could threaten the amenities.
plans qualication status). Lycos On the Internet, a large electronic
lump-sum merit A form of incentive or vari- directory of Web sites that is updated weekly
able pay that allows employers to reward per- (Web site
formance without committing themselves to Lyme disease An infectious illness that
an increase in base salaries. Similar to a merit causes joint pain and inammation and, if
raise, but it is given all at once and only once. untreated in its early stages, produces compli-
lump-sum payments Pa y m e n t s m a d e t o cations involving the heart, joints, and nervous
employees in lieu of a general wage rate system. It is caused by a spirochete form of
increase. The payment may be a xed amount bacteria that is spread by the bite of a deer
as set forth in a labor agreement or an amount tick (also found on birds and rodents). It is
determined by a formula (e.g., 2.5% of an treated with antibiotics.
employees earnings [wages, cost-of-living lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) A plant-
allowance payments, shift differential pay- derived hallucinogen that produces vivid
ments] during the prior year). Lump-sum pay- alteration of perceptions and kaleidoscopic
ments are not incorporated into an employees visual hallucinations, often accompanied by
base pay rate or salary. schizophrenic reactions or panic.
lump-sum settlement A claims settlement
arrangement in which the plaintiff receives the
total award in a single payment.
lurker On the Internet, one who visits an
online service or newsgroup and only reads
the messages of other people but never posts
his or her own.
M Mean (average). MCO 1. Managed care organization.
M.A. Master of Arts. 2. Medicare carve out.
MAAC Maximum allowable actual M-commerce Mobile commerce.
charge. MCROA Marine Corps Reserve Ofcers
MAC Maximum allowable Association.
charge/cost. MD 1. Muscular dystrophy. 2. Mini
MAGI Modied adjusted gross disc.
M.D. Doctor of Medicine.
Maj. Gen. Major General O8 (Air Force,
Army, and Marine Corps MDTA Manpower Development and
civilian abbreviation). Training Act of 1962.
Maj. Major O4 (Air Force, Army, MEP Manufacturing Extension
and Marine Corps civilian Program.
abbreviation). MeSH Medical staff-hospital
MAJ. Major O4 (Army military organization.
abbreviation). MET Multiple employer trust.
MAP Modied American Plan. MEWA Multiple employer welfare
MB Megabyte. association.
M.B.A. Master of Business MG Major General O8 (Army
military abbreviation).
MBDA Minority Business
MGIB Montgomery GI Bill.
Development Agency.
MBE Minority business enterprise. MHRA Media Human Resources
MBGOOTW Management by getting out of Association.
the way. MHSS Military Health Service
MBO Management by objectives. System.
Mbps Millions of bits per second in MIC 1. Multiple incentive contract.
a digital transmission system. 2. Meeting industry council.
MBT 1. Management by trust. MIDI Musical instrument digital
2. Multimedia-based training. interface.
MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. MIPS Millions of instructions per
MBWA Management by walking second.
around. MIS Management information
Mbyte Megabyte. system.
M-byte Megabyte.
MITI Ministry of International Trade
MC Managed care.
and Industry.
MCA The Military Chaplains
Association of the USA. MIX Member Information
MCAI The Media Communications Exchange.
Association International. M-JPEG Motion Joint Photographic
MCCRA Medicare Catastrophic Experts Group.
Coverage Repeal Act of 1989. MLP Midlevel practitioner.
MCE 1. Medical care evaluation. MMAC MEDICARE maximum
2. Management Centre allowable charge.
Europe. MMTC Michigan Manufacturing
MCL Marine Corps League. Technology Center.

MNC 400 macro process

MNC Multinational company or MUD Multiuser dungeon.

corporation. See transitional MVA Market value added.
company. MVPS Medical Volume Performance
MOAA Military Ofcers Association Standard.
of America.
MOHP Multioption health plan. Maastricht Treaty The blueprint for the polit-
MOPH Military Order of the Purple ical and economic union of the European
Heart. Community (EC). The Treaty called for the
MOS Military occupational establishment of a Central European Bank and
specialty. a common currency by 1999 and closer coor-
MOSCA McNamara-O'Hara Service dination among the EC nations on economic
Contract Act of 1965. policy and, eventually, defense policy. It
MPC Multimedia personal requires members to coordinate their positions
computer. on political and security matters. On July 23,
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group. 1993, the Treaty was ratied by Great Britain,
MPI Meeting Professionals the last of the 12 member nations to do so. The
International. treaty became effective November 1, 1993.
MPN Master promissory note. machine learning C o m p u t e r s t h a t c a n
MPPAA Multiemployer Pension Plan acquire new knowledge and skills as opposed
Amendments Act of 1980. to simply processing and storing information
MPPP Money-purchase pension plan. to perform new tasks or organize existing data
MR Memorandum for record. to perform old tasks faster or better. The
MRAL Mandatory Retirement Age objective of research in machine learning is
Law of 1978. to develop machines with human-like abilities
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging. to accept and react to images, sounds, and
MRO Medical review ofcer. distorted or incomplete information. Attrib-
MRR Motivation/recognition/reward. uted to Diane E. Kirrane (Machine Learn-
MS Multiple sclerosis. ing, Training and Development Journal,
MSA 1. Medical service agency. December 1990).
2. Medical savings account. macro In computer, facsimile, and telephone
3. Multisource assessment. operation, a single keystroke that activates a
MSAA Multiple Sclerosis Society of sequence of commands designed by the devel-
America. oper of the macro to perform a specic func-
MSAWA Migrant and Seasonal tion or set of functions. For example, with
Agricultural Worker Act of some telephones and fax machines, users can
1983. program an 11-digit number into the
MSD Musculoskeletal disorder. machines memory and, by depressing a sin-
MS-DOS Microsoft disk operating gle key, initiate a call to that number. Com-
system. See Microsoft. puters can also be programmed with macros
MSDS Material safety data sheets. to save user time in actuating repetitive
MSGS Messages (Internet commands.
abbreviation). macrobiotics An alternative form of medical
MSI Marketing Science Institute. treatment in which dietary and health disci-
MSO Management service pline is achieved by balancing yin (passive
organization. energy) and yang (active energy).
MSS Manager self-service. macro lens A camera lens that takes extreme
MSSC Manufacturing Skill Standards close-up and magnication shots.
Council. macro process A process that cuts across
MTF Military treatment facility. departmental, divisional, company, or busi-
MTM Multitask management. ness structures or boundaries.
macular degeneration 401 major life activities

macular degeneration An impairment that mainframe 1. Large-capacity, high-speed

causes a loss of sharp, central vision due to a central computer systems (as contrasted with
spot on the retina of the eye that becomes personal computers, minicomputers, and
totally insensitive to light. Although macular microprocessors) such as the IBM System/36
degeneration reduces vision in the central part and System/38, Digitals VAX 9000 System,
of the retina, it does not affect the eyes side, NECs ACOS System 3800, and Hitachis M-
or peripheral, vision. Most people continue to 800 series. 2. A computers central processor.
have some useful vision and are able to take mainstreaming The practice of keeping spe-
care of themselves. cial needs trainees, those with mental, devel-
magenta In desktop publishing, one of the opmental, emotional, learning, or physical
subtractive primary colors; the hue that is used disabilities, in regular training classes rather
for one of the four-color process inks. than segregating them for separate instruction.
Magenta reects blue and red light and maintenance Scheduled servicing of hard-
absorbs green light. ware and software to keep computer systems
magnetic board A porcelain white, beige, or operating optimally.
other neutrally colored board backed with maintenance engineer The hotel functionary
metal. Commercially available, rubber-coated responsible for the maintenance and repair of
magnets can be used to hang paper, project all systems, including heating, lighting and
boards, charts and letters, numbers, or other electrical service, air conditioning, energy
symbols for instructional purposes. control, and safety facilities equipment and
magnetic disk A means of storing data, it can support. Also called maintenance manager.
be soft (oppy) or hard (rigid). It stores digital
maintenance fee A xed percentage of the
data in the form of text, still and full-motion
original cost of computer software paid annu-
images, and sound; permits random access;
ally to the supplier for regular maintenance
and requires electronic equipment to write and
and support.
maintenance manager See maintenance
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) A med-
ical diagnostic technology. Employs scanners
maintenance of benets A health care cost
that provide dynamic, comprehensive views
inside the body without the use of ionizing reduction plan in which employee benets are
radiation and with no known risk. The system paid by the secondary carrier only up to the
uses radio waves and a strong magnetic eld amount the employers plan would pay less
to excite hydrogen nuclei in the body, causing any amount paid by the primary carrier.
them to emit signals that are converted by maintenance of membership A union man-
computer into three-dimensional images on a agement agreement in which employees are
video display or lm. not required to join the union, but union mem-
magneto-encephalography (MEG) An imag- bers employed by the rm must maintain their
ing technique that allows scientists and phy- membership in the union for the duration of
sicians to study the human brain in real time. the contract.
MEG directly measures nerve-cell ring by major depression A serious mental illness
detecting changes in micromagnetic signals that involves depression (loss of interest in
produced by active brain neurons. normal activities, insomnia, low energy,
mailbox rule A tenet of contract law that chronic fatigue, feelings of inadequacy or
determines when a contract between two par- guilt, social withdrawal, or suicidal tenden-
ties is accepted. When a signed contract is cies) but not mood swings.
dispatched by one party to the other, it major life activities As dened by the Amer-
becomes binding when it is signed by the icans with Disabilities Act of 1990, they
recipient and placed in the mail. include such things as caring for ones self,
mailing lists On the Internet, a means of performing manual tasks, walking, seeing,
exchanging information with others with hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and
common interests. working.
major medical coverage 402 managed competition

major medical coverage S u p p l e m e n t a r y medical and nursing specialists to compare

insurance coverage (in addition to basic cov- proposed medical care with accepted stan-
erage) that provides protection against large- dards and provide reports to management. It
scale surgical, hospital, or other medical is a means of containing the costs of health
expenses, treatment, and services, including care benets plans, usually involving peer and
some health services not covered by Medi- utilization review, to eliminate overutilization,
care. Typically, benets are paid when a spe- unnecessary or inappropriate treatment, and
cic (large) deductible has been met. The pol- fraud. In the broad sense, it includes every-
icies are usually subject to coinsurance thing from hospital review programs and case
provisions, and they may not cover Medi- management to health maintenance organiza-
cares deductibles and coinsurance amounts. tions and preferred provider organizations.
make/market cycle One of the two cycles Two types of plans contract with Medicare:
that make up total cycle time. It encompasses risk plans and cost plans. 2. In its narrow
all customer-related activities from the time denition, managed care is the prepaid care
that a potential customer expresses an interest provided by health maintenance organiza-
in a product or service to the time when the tions and other groups to contain costs by
product or service is paid for. requiring preadmission approval for hospital
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improve- stays and closely monitoring other medical
ment Act of 1987 Legislation passed by the services. Typically, subscribers have one pri-
Congress to provide for the establishment mary care physician who acts as a gatekeeper,
and conduct of a national quality improve- knows the state of the subscribers present
ment program under which: (1) awards are health, refers the subscriber to a specialist
given to selected companies and other orga- within the system when needed, and maintains
nizations in the United States that practice a record of the recommendations of the spe-
effective quality management and as a result cialist in the subscribers medical record.
make signicant improvements in the quality managed care organization (MCO) A gen-
of their goods and services, and (2) informa- eral term applied to a managed care plan, such
tion is disseminated about the successful strat- a preferred provider organization or a health
egies and programs. maintenance organization.
malingering The intentional production of managed chiro Managed chiropractic care, a
false or exaggerated symptoms for a specic relatively inexpensive component of
purpose, such as avoiding work, fraudulently employee benet plans. Sometimes involves
obtaining money or medication, or seeking establishing a network of practitioners,
attention or sympathy from family or cowork- screened by a medical director, integrating
ers. The condition affects the body but origi- chiropractic services with traditional medical
nates in the mind. services, forging lines of communication
malpractice Professional misconduct or fail- between chiropractors and physicians, and
ure to apply ordinary skill in the performance instituting quality assurance procedures, such
of a professional act or service. A practitioner as medical review, peer review inspections,
is liable for damages or injuries caused by patient surveys, and performance tracking.
malpractice. To prove malpractice a plaintiff managed competition A form of health care
must demonstrate some injury and that the plan in which medical consumers, ranging
injury was caused by negligence. from individuals to small and mid-sized orga-
mammogram X-ray of the breasts. nizations, pool their buying volume and pur-
mammography X-ray screening for the chase services collectively from competing
detection of breast cancer. networks of health care providers, clinics and
managed account See wrap-fee program. hospitals, and insurance companies. These
managed care (MC) 1. A monitoring system consortiums, sometimes called health insur-
for health care benets plans designed by the ance cooperatives, negotiate for coverage on
employer (not health care providers) to elim- behalf of individual employers who then
inate overutilization by employing a staff of choose from a menu of plans, each of which
managed competition plan 403 management by exception

at a minimum offers a basic package of management It is the process of doing the

benets. right things. It is mostly concerned with plan-
managed competition plan A health insur- ning and control, allocating resources, and
ance plan under which health care providers solving problems. The role of the manager is
bid for the job of providing care while state to make the most of the resources alotted to
governments obtain coverage for the unem- his or her organization, including the human
ployed and part-time workers. Employers are potential in the unit. It encompasses ve func-
allowed to offer their own basic health policies tions: planning, organizing, stafng, directing,
or buy coverage through a nonprot purchas- and controlling. It makes use of reason and
ing organization (health insurance purchas- logic; it is objective.
ing cooperatives) set up by a state govern- management audit A searching and open
ment board. In each state, the board would evaluation of an organization with the objec-
negotiate the best rates from HMO-type man- tive of helping managers to perform their jobs
aged care networks that compete for consum- better. It does not appraise individual perfor-
ers in a given geographic area. Under some mance; rather, it deals with the functions and
plans, workers would pay taxes on part of the interrelationships of activities and the absence
money employers now spend to provide health of needed activities. The audit may encompass
care benets, that is, anything in excess of the the entire organization, the corporate manage-
cost of buying the least expensive basic health ment audit, or one of its functions, such as
plan, such as membership in a health main- human resources. It may be used to reconcile
tenance organization. Or employers might the conicting interests of different constitu-
lose their tax deductions on what they pay. Or encies; retain or restore condence in the
both. The idea is to get health care businesses organizations ability to perform its mission
to cut prices to attract customers to com- effectively; improve performance, prot, ef-
pete to provide customers with more for their ciency, and growth; and meet the demands and
money. challenges of the highly competitive eco-
managed disability The application of man- nomic environment. Although an offspring of
aged care principles and procedures to worker accounting, it is not just another accounting
disability and the integration of short-term process. Rather, it is broad-scale evaluation.
disability, long-term disability, and work- management by adultery A term coined by
erscompensation. Chaparral Steel to describe its management
managed indemnity A type of managed philosophy of treating workers like adults
care that requires simple precertication of instead of children and expecting them to use
elective hospital admissions and large case their brains in their work.
management of catastrophic cases, superim- management by exception 1. A system of
posed on a traditional indemnity insurance management that involves identication of
plan. critical deviations from plans and signals the
managed pharmacy network A consortium manager that solutions are needed but with-
consisting of one or more carefully selected holds the signal when variations are only
chain pharmacy organizations in a particular minor. Its purpose is to simplify and make
region supplemented by independent pharma- more efcient the management process itself
cies established to provide better geographic and allow the manager to focus on important
access and meaningful discounts below retail issues and problems. Such systems usually
pricing for employers. Pricing typically uses employ numerical measurement, selection cri-
the formula of average wholesale price plus a teria to separate important deviations from
$2.00 dispensing fee. In addition to offering those of lesser importance, and decision mak-
prices that are 15 to 20% lower than card ing protocols to assist the manager to take the
systems, managed drug systems take advan- action required to get performance back on
tage of point-of-sale technology, which allows track, adjust expectations and modify objec-
participating pharmacies to verify coverage tives, and exploit new opportunities. 2. The
before the prescription is dispensed. use of control strategies, such as inspections,
management by getting out of the way 404 management development

testing, and client feedback, that identify and subordinates that people have integrity and
bring to the attention of management key the desire and potential to fulll it.
problems and shortfalls so that it can concen- management by walking around (MBWA)
trate on resolving those deciencies. Managing by simply observing; collecting
management by getting out of the way data and impressions by informal visits to
(MBGOOTW) Empowering employees by work areas. Attributed to Tom Peters and
giving them something important to do, giving Nancy Austin (A Passion for Excellence,
them the authority to do it, and letting them 1985).
do it. Attributed to Bob Basso (with Judi Management Centre Europe (MCE) T h e
Klosek), This Job Should Be Fun!, Bob European Headquarters of the American Man-
Adams, Inc., 80 Summer St., Boston, MA agement Association International. Offers
02127. programs ranging from management training
management by inconvenience The practice and development to events that offer top-grade
of deliberately making things difcult and strategic information. MCEs portfolio of
vexatious inadequate number of phone products addresses the needs of individuals at
lines causing busy signals on toll-free lines, all management levels. Contact: MCE, Cus-
demands for redundant documentation, or tomer Service Department, 118 rue de l'Aque-
other irritating or onerous requirements all duc, 1050 Brussels, Belgium (phone +32-2-
made with the sole purpose of making the 543.21-20; fax: +32-2-543-24-00; e-mail
patient, physician, or other health care pro-; Web site
vider seeking services or payment give up and management circle A modication of the
go away. quality circle process, it involves managers
management by objectives (MBO) A means only in an attempt to overcome objections to
of improving management and productivity in the implementation of circles as well as to
an organization. It is a top-down, sequential, improve the practice of participating managers.
formal, and cooperative means of developing management competencies Capabilities that
organizational goals and their supporting portend success in professional or managerial
objectives at each level of organization. It jobs. They include assertiveness, ability to use
addresses key result areas: protability, pro- positional power, ability to develop others,
ductivity, competitive status, market share, and ability to lead teams.
customer service and satisfaction, creativity management consultant An individual who
and innovation, cost management, conserva- provides independent advice and assistance
tion of resources, management development about management processes, issues, and
and performance, employee attitude, training, problems to clients who have management
employee services and career development responsibilities in public and private organi-
and performance, and corporate image, public zations.
responsibility, and ethics. It includes ve management consulting A profession in
steps: identify key result area, establish stan- which members provide independent advice
dards of satisfactory performance, identify and assistance to clients in public and private
objective measures of performance, appraise organizations on management processes,
performance, and mutually determine ways to issues, and problems based on competencies
improve performance. gained through education, training, and
management by participation See participa- experience.
tive management. management development Programs designed
management by trust (MBT) A system of to meet the needs of an organization for suc-
management that downplays rules, regula- cessors to current managers, to help current
tions, and disciplinary actions and focuses on managers to become more effective, and to
establishing and maintaining mutual respect, provide additional managers to meet the need
faith, and trust between managers and their for expansion of the industry or organization.
subordinates. It is characterized by manage- The programs focus on the management of
ments belief that expectations will be met by environmental factors, workforce, employee
management-employee collaboration 405 managerial grid

attitudes and values, and technological operating information; ability to synthesize

change. They develop knowledge and skills in and reformat information; and rapid and sim-
leadership and group dynamics, strategic ple means of inputting, updating, and manip-
planning and goal setting, organization theory ulating information.
and applications, leadership styles, motivation management information system report I n
theory and applications, coaching and team travel management, a report compiled from
building, and managing change and innova- data provided by travel suppliers. It shows a
tion. Strategies include formal training and companys travel spending and usage patterns.
education, seminars and workshops, discus- management meeting A meeting of the ofc-
sion groups and team building, role playing ers and principal staff of an organization con-
and case studies, simulations, independent vened to plan business strategy.
study, guided self-analysis and assessment, management reinforcement workshop Train-
and coaching. ing provided to improve the reinforcing, feed-
management-employee collaboration See par- back, coaching, and modeling skills of man-
ticipative management. agers. It makes use of behavior modeling
management games Used in executive and techniques and role playing.
management development and in assessment management service organization (MSO)
centers. Exercises, usually computer-driven, An organization that provides services to phy-
require participants to engage in realistic sicians to support their practices (such as
problem solving and decision making, typi-
negotiating with managed care organizations),
cally as members of two or more simulated
although the physician usually remains an
companies competing in the marketplace. The
independent private practitioner.
objective is to assess participants planning
management style Describes a managers
and organizational abilities, interpersonal
approach to the managerial job: formal, infor-
skills, decision making skills, and leadership
mal, or nonformal; directive or nondirective;
person-, task-, or fusion-oriented; positive or
management improvement Plans that address
negative; democratic, delegative, or free-rein;
opportunities for improving the management,
organizational or personal; laissez-faire, cus-
operation, efciency, and protability of the
organization or department. Such plans todial, or coercive; entrepreneurial or bureau-
encompass the full spectrum of programs, cratic; authoritarian, autocratic, manipulative,
activities, and services with the goals of permissive, participative, or emergent; or
reducing or controlling costs, increasing rev- charismatic, psychologically distant, or
enue or return on investment, improving pro- supportive.
ductivity, or enhancing employee job satisfac- manager The ofcer who provides leadership
tion, motivation, and morale. to the whole organization or one of its major
management information system (MIS) A functional elements. Typically serves in super-
computer-based system designed to gener- visory roles, directing and controlling subor-
ate, organize, store, retrieve, and communi- dinates who perform the work. Responsible
cate information for management decisions for getting a job done through others. Manag-
relating to such things as government regu- ers are invariably responsible for planning,
lations, requirements and reports; customer, organizing, directing, and controlling the
client, and supplier requirements; union data resources of an organization. They are prima-
and requirements; employee, cost, and pro- rily concerned with planning and control, allo-
duction data; long- and short-range planning cating resources, and solving problems; they
and operations data; analyses; impact stud- make use of reason and logic to resolve issues.
ies; and model building. An MIS provides Managers do the right things.
online, instantaneous, interactive, real-time managerial grid Developed by Blake and
information access; rapid retrieval and dis- Mouton (The Managerial Grid, 1964).
semination of information; access to histor- Describes several managerial styles (1,1; 5,5;
ical data and statistics as well as to current 1,9; 9,1; and 9,9) representing various degrees
managerial skills training 406 mania

of emphasis on concern for people and con- mandatory assignment A state law that
cern for production. establishes a barrier to managed care. The law
managerial skills training Training provided prevents insurers from contractually requiring
employees to improve their ability to manage providers to accept the plans payment as pay-
projects and teams. Subjects may include ment in full, except for applicable deductibles
project management, process management, and coinsurance.
and planning and budgeting. mandatory bargaining item In labor-man-
manager self-service (MSS) A workplace agement contract negotiations, an item that
web application used to automate HR trans- must be considered and negotiated if it is
actions and workow. Usually prepackaged. introduced by either party (e.g., pay and
See also employee self-service and enterprise benets).
resource planning. mandatory drug and alcohol testing A part
manager-without-portfolio A manager who of the measure that nanced federal transpor-
essentially acts as a contract administrator, tation programs signed into law in October
monitoring the schedules, costs, and compli- 1991. The bill mandated random drug and
ance of contractors and outside consultants alcohol testing for transportation workers in
who are often separated from the manager by the airline, trucking, and bus industries, as
hundreds of miles. well as employees of local mass transit sys-
managing The process involved in securing tems. Drug and alcohol tests are also required
planned results with and through the work of before hire, after an accident, or when an
other people rather than the work performed employee is suspected of drug or alcohol
by the individual. The task is to establish and abuse. (Earlier laws required drug, but not
maintain an environment that will develop alcohol, tests for workers in those industries
people and facilitate cooperative, effective, whose jobs directly affected public safety.)
and efcient efforts in the attainment of orga- mandatory outpatient surgery I n h e a l t h
nizational goals. It is accomplished by per- care utilization management, requiring that
forming the functions of planning, organizing, certain procedures be performed on an outpa-
stafng, directing, leading, and controlling. tient basis unless prior approval is obtained
managing diversity Meeting the challenge of from the plans medical director. See also
embracing people of all racial, ethnic, reli- same-day surgery.
gious, and cultural backgrounds and tapping Mandatory Retirement Age Law of 1978
their positive and constructive skills and abil- (MRAL) An Act that prohibits forced retire-
ities to build a better society and produce a ment of any employee under 70 years of age.
more productive work force. Exempt are employees whose jobs have bona
Managing Smart A free quarterly newsletter, de occupational qualications, college pro-
published online by the Society for Human fessors, and business executives.
Resource Management, which provides manding A means of communication between
authoritative advice for HR professionals to a nondisabled person and an individual with
distribute to line managers. Members of a hearing or speech impairment. It demands a
SHRM are authorized to distribute copies, verbal or other response from the individual
excerpts, or e-mails of the newsletter for edu- with the disability. The nondisabled may say
cational purposes within their organizations to the individual, Tell me what you need.
(Web site Sometimes called mand modeling.
mandated benets 1. Benets that are Manhart Decision A 1978 Supreme Court
required by law. 2. In health care, benets that decision that the use of sex-based mortality
are above routine insurance-type benets, are tables for determining employee contributions
required by law, and usually apply at the state to retirement plans violates Title VII of the
level, such as dened days of inpatient mental Civil Rights Act of 1964 (sex discrimination).
health care or substance abuse treatment. See also Norris Decision.
mandated health care benets See Pension mania A mental illness, an affective disor-
Access and Simplication Act of 1991. der, characterized by periods of abnormal
manic depressive illness 407 margin

excitement, elation, irritability, increased manually coded English Systems invented to

energy, decreased need for sleep, excessive use signs for coding English. The best known
optimism, and increased activity See also are Seeing Essential English, Signing Exact
depression; hypomania. English, and Linguistics of Visual English.
manic depressive illness A serious mental The developers of these visual-gestural codes
illness also called bipolar disorder. developed guidelines and principles for
manic episode A form of bipolar disorder inventing new signs or changing existing
characterized by a distinct period of mood American Sign Language signs to represent
change that is either elevated (elation), expan- English words.
sive, or irritable. The condition may last from manual system An information and retrieval
several days to a few months. Symptoms system that is not automated, such as one
include decreased need for sleep, increased based on paper les.
pressure of speech, distractibility and/or irri- Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)
tability, excessive involvement in high-risk or A program of the Department of Commerces
painful activities, and inated self-esteem or National Institute of Standards and Technol-
grandiosity. ogy, MEP is a federal-state-private sector part-
manipulative power Power that resides more nership that helps small and mid-sized manu-
in the threat of sanctions or pressure rather facturers enhance productivity, improve
than on punishment. Followers are maneu- worker skills, and become globally competi-
vered and used; they are guided into beliefs tive by providing a network of services to
or actions that they do not fully understand by assist them in adopting contemporary technol-
plausible pretexts. ogies and business practices. Services are
manipulative treatment Hands-on treatment locally driven through a network of Manufac-
by a licensed physical therapist, chiropractor, turing Technology Centers so that they address
or osteopathic physician by direct manipula- the specic needs of area manufacturers. Con-
tion, exercise, movement, or other physical tact: MEP, Bldg. 301, Rm. C121, National
modalities applied to the body to relieve pain, Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaith-
restore function, and/or minimize disability ersburg, MD 20899-0001 (phone 301-975-
resulting from disease or injury to the neuro- 4676 or 301-975-5020; fax 301-963-6556;
logical and/or musculoskeletal system or fol- e-mail; Web site
lowing the loss of a body part.
manpower controls See personnel controls. manufacturing overhead expense budget A
Manpower Development and Training Act of budget based on the production budget that
1962 (MDTA) Forerunner of the Compre- includes expenses of factory and home-ofce
hensive Employment Training Act of 1973 buildings, maintenance and repairs, supervi-
and the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982. sors salaries, indirect labor, utilities, supplies,
manpower planning See HR planning. depreciation, insurance, taxes, and wages.
manual camera The user performs all func- Manufacturing Skill Standards Council
tions loading, setting shutter speed and lens (MSSC) A body that developed voluntary
aperture, and rewinding. standards for the manufacturing industry
manual English A means of communicating established by more than 150 companies,
with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing. labor unions, and education and community
The nondisabled person orally repeats a word groups. Organized to address the growing gap
as its sign is modeled for the individual. The between the need for and the availability of
modeling is accompanied by appropriate ges- skilled workers.
tures, body movements, and facial expres- map In video production, making one video
sions. Manual English may be used with dis- image conform to the size, shape, and/or tex-
abled individuals who have poor articulation, ture of another image.
speech intelligibility problems, minimum mapping See block diagram; mind mapping.
vocabulary, or inhibiting emotional problems. margin 1. The percentage of revenue kept as
Sometimes called total communication. prot; for example, the number of cents of
margin account 408 Marketing Science Institute (MSI)

every sales dollar kept as prot or revenue less The deduction is unlimited on the federal
specied expenses. 2. With regard to securi- level.
ties, refers to a fractional amount of full value, market 1. A group of individuals or organiza-
or the equity outlay (down payment) required tions that share a common need for products
for an investment in securities purchased on or services, such as educational institutions,
credit. hospitals, physicians, the elderly, and so on.
margin account A special kind of account 2. A geographical area in which a group of
with a stockbroker that lets the investor bor- sellers of some commodity, product, or ser-
row against stock he or she owns. See also vice and its near substitutes compete for the
leverage. business of a common group of buyers.
marginal analysis The process of comparing market-based reimbursement schedule A
factors that can be expressed in numbers to health care reimbursement plan that only pays
evaluate alternative courses of action and the market price of a particular medical or
arrive at a logical decision. surgical procedure. Designed to prevent cost-
marginal cost The cost of producing one shifting from HMOs to indemnity plans by
additional unit of a product or service. If the providers, which permits them to charge what-
total cost of producing 10 units is $100, and ever they want instead of the prearranged fee
if the total cost of producing 11 units is $110, schedules for various services under HMO
then marginal cost at that level of output is contracts with physicians and hospitals.
$10. marketer An individual who markets, sells,
marijuana An illegal narcotic, cannabis, and contracts to provide essential services
obtained from the dried leaves and ower either from outside or within the organization.
heads of the plant Cannabis sativa. Smoked marketing Long-range promotion of goods or
in cigarettes. Also called chronic, grass, hemp, services remote from the point of sale. Mar-
joint, pot, reefers, tasty greens, and weed. keting is the process of nding out what peo-
Marine Corps League (MCL) An organiza- ple need or want and then getting it to them
tion of 56,000 members open to all who have or identifying the people who need what you
served in the Marine Corps. Its mission is to have and making sure that they know they
preserve Marine Corps traditions, promote the need it and then getting it to them.
interests of the Marine Corps, and aid all marketing manager See director of sales.
Marines and former Marines and their widows marketing plan A written plan, containing as
and orphans. Contact: MCL, P.O. Box 3070, a minimum objectives, potential barriers to
Merrield, VA 22116-3070 (phone 800-625- success, strategies and tactics to overcome the
1775 or 703-207-9588; fax 703-207-0047; obstacles, time-phased schedules, measures of
e-mail; Web site progress and accomplishment, and a support- ing budget.
Marine Corps Reserve Ofcers Association Marketing Science Institute (MSI) An insti-
(MCROA) An organization of 5500 mem- tute with 60 sponsoring corporations that ini-
bers open to all Marine ofcers and ofcers tiates, supports, and disseminates leading-
of other U.S. services who have served with edge studies by academic scholars addressing
Marines. Its mission is to support and research issues specied by member compa-
strengthen the Marine Corps and its reserve nies. MSI functions as a working partnership
and reserve ofcers. Contact: MCROA, 110 and brings together executives from over 55
N. Royal St., Ste. 406, Alexandria, VA 22314- sponsoring corporations with leading
3234 (phone 703-630-3772; fax 703-630- researchers from more than 100 universities
1904; e-mail; Web site worldwide. Provides publications and reports on market research, marketing strategies, mar-
marital deduction An estate tax deduction ket entry, and marketing problems. Contact:
allowed for property in the decedents taxable MSI, 1000 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge,
estate and passing only to a surviving spouse. MA 02138-5396 (phone 617-491-2060; fax
marketing strategy 409 Martin Luther King, Jr., Scholars

617-491-2065; e-mail; Web site have a common interest in a particular product or service. Also called target marketing and
marketing strategy The art and science of positioning.
promoting goods and services with the least market share A nonnancial measure of per-
cost and the greatest exploitation of corporate formance at a specic point in time. Market
strengths and specialized resources, remote share can be examined nationally, by region
from the point of sale. A productive strategy or city, or by market segment or type of cus-
combines efciency of effort with concentra- tomer. It is simply the percentage of business
tion of force and employs such strengths as (actual customers) that belongs to your prod-
proprietary advantage (leading-edge technol- uct or service (percentage of total sales in
ogies and patented equipment, access to raw terms of the volume of goods sold or net dollar
materials, and so on), superior knowledge of volume of sales) in a product category. To
customer and client needs, and productive alli- determine market share, one needs to know
ances with other organizations. how many customers are out there, what they
market intelligence Knowledge of current are buying, how much they spend for the par-
and projected market share and the strengths ticular product or service, how many are sold
and weaknesses of self and of strongest com- by ones competitors, and how many ones
petitor(s). company has sold. One also needs to know
market maker A stock wholesaler who helps whether ones market share and those of ones
match buyers and sellers and makes a prot competitors are increasing or decreasing.
from the spread between what potential buy- market value added (MVA) A nancial met-
ers bid and potential sellers ask. ric that is an extension of economic value
market order An order to buy or sell stock at added. It measures the amount of wealth a
the market price at the time of the order. See company has created since its establishment.
also limit order. market value plan A type of executive incen-
market-oriented plan A mix of middle-class tive plan that permits executives to purchase
tax deductions and low-income tax credits company stock, usually with funds borrowed
proposed by the George W. Bush administra- from the company at a low rate of interest.
tion to offset the cost of private health The borrowed funds are either repaid or amor-
insurance. tized by means of credits representing com-
market penetration The percentage of buy- pensation for services or bonuses based on
ers an organization has compared to the total performance.
number of potential businesses in a given area. Markov chain A mathematical method used
market pricing Setting salaries or salary in human resources planning and forecasting.
ranges by functional areas or job families on A Markov chain permits the analysis of rates
the basis of salary surveys or market pressures of movement in specic categories of employ-
with little or no regard for internal ranking or ees on the basis of such variables as salary,
equity. Typically used where there are severe age, and sex.
shortages in certain skills areas. marriage penalty Occurs when a couple l-
market reform plan A plan to reduce the ing joint tax returns experiences a greater tax
costs of health care benets to individuals by liability than would occur if the two people
providing tax deductions to moderate-income were to le as single individuals. The penalty
Americans. can be high, especially for two-income couples
market segment A subdivision or subgroup where both incomes are fairly equal. When
of a market whose members have common both incomes are combined, many couples are
secondary needs, values, and concerns, such pushed into the next higher tax bracket.
as elementary education, teaching hospitals, Martin Luther King, Jr., Scholars Program
family practice physicians, and so on. A summer internship experience at the U.S.
market segmentation The process of match- Department of Education established in com-
ing company or department resources to the memoration of the late Dr. Martin Luther
appropriate market segment groups that King, Jr. and his contributions to civil and
mask 410 material safety data sheets (MSDS)

human rights in America. Up to ten outstand- master vendor arrangements An alternative

ing undergraduate or graduate students with stafng option. Involves contracting with a
an interest in education policy or public pol- single stafng company to supply all needed
icy and administration are selected to partic- temporary employees. Also called on-site pro-
ipate in the program. (Web site www.ed. grams or vendor-on-premises program.
gov/ofces/OSFAP/Students/fshea.html). mastery test A test that applies an absolute
mask 1. In desktop publishing, an intermedi- level of performance as the standard to be
ate photographic negative or positive used in achieved. That standard separates trainees into
color correction during the color separation two groups: those who are go and those who
process. 2. In offset lithography, opaque mate- are no-go that is, those who are allowed to
rial used to protect open or selected areas of continue in the program or graduate and those
a printing plate during exposure. who are recycled, given remedial training, or
mask works A class of intellectual property dropped from the program.
that protects the design of microchips. matching gift A means of discharging corpo-
massage Involves stroking, kneading, and tap- rate responsibility to the community. Involves
ping the skin along muscles and blood path- contributing jointly with employees to chari-
ways. May be light, which is more stimulat- table, nonprot, and educational agencies and
ing, or deep, which is more relaxing and more institutions by matching gifts (usually dollar-
benecial to tight, overworked muscles. for-dollar).
mass customization Finding out what cus- matching item An objective test item that
tomers or clients like and want and building requires the testee to match entries contained
in two columns of words, numbers, symbols,
those preferred qualities into all of the prod-
phrases, or the like.
ucts and services a company offers ef-
matchmakers/matchmaking agency A local
ciently serving customers uniquely. Attributed
or state government agency, private for-prot
to B. Joseph Pine II in Mass Customization:
broker, or nonprot organization that uses
The New Frontier in Business Competition,
marketing and sales techniques to identify
Harvard Business School Press, 1993.
pending contracts and, following an intensive
massively parallel computer S e e p a r a l l e l
canvass of its region, solicits bids and negoti-
ates deals. Instead of attempting to woo new
mass layoff Dened by the Worker Adjust- manufacturing plants with expensive incen-
ment and Retraining Notication Act of tive packages or opening costly trade ofces,
1988 as a reduction in force that is not the matchmakers seek out prospective purchasers
result of a plant closing and results in an of goods and services and pair them with
employment loss at a single site during any existing businesses in their state or region to
30-day period for at least 33% of the employ- improve the local economy.
ees and at least 50 employees or if 500 or material breach In contracting, failure to per-
more full-time employees experience employ- form that is so signicant that it deprives the
ment losses within the applicable time period. other of the benet of its bargain, which
mass marketing Targeting a very large part of allows the other party out of the contract. See
the total market (or several market segments) also breach.
for the sale of goods and services. materiality Relates to the size of accounting
master account In meeting and travel man- errors. See materially misusing.
agement, the form on which all authorized materially misusing In accounting, refers to
charges incurred by a group at a hotel, con- the deceptive practice of intentionally and sys-
ference center, or other facility for a specic tematically amassing a series of errors, while
meeting or event are recorded. claiming that each mistake is small, and even-
master budget See prot budget. tually achieving the large ctitious total that
master promissory note (MPN) A legally management wants.
binding contract between a borrower and a material safety data sheets (MSDS) Docu-
lender that remains valid for 10 years. ments required by the Occupational Safety
materials developer 411 maximum allowable actual charge

and Health Administrations Hazard Com- numbers to indicate the degree or magnitude
munication Standard of 1988 and the of the correlation.
Superfund Amendments and Reauthoriza- matrix grouping See matrix organization.
tion Act of 1986. The data sheets provide matrix management A scheme of organiza-
detailed information on chemical ingredients: tion that employs a two-boss or multiple
what and where they are, the health hazards management system and related support
they pose, symptoms of exposure, and appro- mechanisms, a compatible organizational
priate protective and emergency treatment culture, and appropriate behavior patterns.
measures. Employers must complete MSDS Matrix management attempts to solve the
for every type of hazardous chemical in the problems associated with the competition of
workplace and keep them accessible to two critical needs in complex organizations:
employees in their work areas. specialization and integration. Promotes the
materials developer An HR/HRD compe- interaction needed to resolve conicts and
tency. An individual who develops and vali- nd creative solutions to problems and at the
dates learning materials. same time improve motivation, coordination,
maternity and child care A fringe benet and cooperation. Under a matrix organiza-
that includes pre- and postbirth examination tion, senior managers are in change of an
with some child care. entire function, product, or service, but they
mathematical model An integrative technol- are not in full command of the individuals
who report to them; that is, they share power
ogy forecasting technique using simple math-
with equals.
ematical models usually manipulated by a
matrix organization An effective but com-
computer. Models are developed by construct-
plex means of achieving integration of plan-
ing a network of events that indicate signi-
ning and effort in an organization. The matrix
cant relationships and assigning values to
design is a synthesis of functional and sector
describe those relationships quantitatively.
departmentation and places employees under
When the model is completed, starting values
two bosses or supervisors: the functional boss
are assigned to important factors or parame-
who oversees the functional quality of their
ters, and the system is then simulated as the
work and project or program manager who
model progresses to determine how the oversees their task assignments, work sched-
parameters change. Different assumptions or uling, and assignments pertaining directly to
tactics can be tested by changing the input the project.
values. maturity curves 1. Used as incentives for
matrix diagram A means of graphically dis- professionals. Maturity curves predicate
playing the correlations between two sets of annual salary on performance and experience.
data or categories. The intersection of the two Individual curves are drawn to reect different
axes of the diagram may use symbols or performance levels and provide for annual
increases. Typically, curves for higher perfor-
Matrix of Training Delivered by Job Classification mance tend to rise to a higher level more rap-
idly than curves for lower performance. Also
Middle managers

Sales personnel

called career curves. 2. In engineering and


technical jobs, maturity curves are used to


determine the appropriate level of a job in an

occupational series. Level is determined by
the number of years of work experience fol-
Customer service 0 0 2 4 16 4 lowing attainment of a specic level of formal
Database 0 0 0 4 4 12 education where such years represent average
Disability awareness 2 2 6 2 6 2 or customary achievement for incumbents in
Diversity training 2 2 2 2 2 2 a particular job.
Finance 4 2 2 2 2 0 maximum allowable actual charge (MAAC)
Product information 0 0 0 2 8 0 Until 1991, the basis for Medicare Part B
maximum allowable charge/ cost 412 measures of central tendency

benet payments to physicians who did not government at a cost in excess of $2500 to
accept assignment of Medicare benets. The pay minimum (prevailing) wage rates and pro-
term has been changed to limiting charge. vide prevailing fringe benets, including med-
maximum allowable charge/ cost (MAC) ical or hospital care, unemployment benets,
The maximum amount that a vendor may life insurance, disability and sickness insur-
charge for a product or service; most often ance, accident insurance, vacation and holiday
relates to pharmaceuticals. pay, costs of apprenticeship or similar pro-
maximum daily benet The largest dollar grams, and other bona de fringe benets.
amount that can be spent on long-term care meal plans See American Plan; Bed and
per day. Breakfast; European Plan; Modied American
maximum lifetime benet The total dollar Plan; Table dHte.
amount that an insurance carrier will pay for meals-on-wheels Hot, nutritious meals, includ-
charges incurred by an insured person for cov- ing special diets, delivered once or twice daily
ered services. to the homes of aged or disabled persons by
maximum payment period The lifetime max- a variety of local agencies at a low, sliding-
imum number of days for which a health care scale cost.
insurance policy will pay for connement in a mean (M) A measure of central tendency. The
health care facility or alternate long-term mean is the average score in a distribution of
care facility, including any rider benets. scores; it is calculated by summing the scores
and dividing by the number of scores in the
McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 Legislation
distribution. See also median; mode.
that provides a limited exemption to the insur-
mean difculty A measure of the worth or
ance industry from the federal antitrust law.
value of a test; an index of the overall dif-
The act provides that the Sherman Act, the
culty of the test items that make up the mea-
Clayton Act, and the Federal Trade Commis-
sure. The mean difculty is calculated by nd-
sion Act apply to the business of insurance to
ing the average of the percentage scores on
the extent that such business is not regulated
the test. The resulting gure gives the analyst
by state law. That limited exemption from
an index of average testee achievement in
federal antitrust law does not extend to any
terms of the percentage of items answered
agreement to boycott, coerce or intimidate, or correctly.
act of boycott, coercion, or intimidation. The means-test Determining eligibility for certain
act also declares that the business of insurance services or benets, such as health benets,
shall be subject to regulation and taxation by by looking at income (salary or wages).
the states. After passage of the act, all states Income above a certain level makes the indi-
enacted some form of rate regulation to qual- vidual ineligible for the service or benet.
ify for the exemption. The effect of the anti- mean wage An average wage. An occupa-
trust exemption has been eroded in recent tional mean wage estimate is calculated by
years as courts have narrowed the denition summing the wages of all the employees in a
of the business of insurance and broadened given occupation and then dividing the total
the denition of boycott, and as an increasing wages by the number of employees.
number of states have subjected the industry measurement The use of numbers to describe
to state antitrust law. behavior and performance. Observations of
McKinnon v. Nashville Banner Co. A Supreme the way people behave or perform are
Court decision that effectively eliminated an assigned numerical values, and these numbers
employer defense against frivolous lawsuits. are then used to obtain new information or to
After-acquired evidence may be used to describe relationships among the people
limit the amount of damages but not to dis- observed. Measurement is obtained by tests
miss the case, as had previously been the rule. or ratings.
McNamara-OHara Service Contract Act of measures of central tendency Statistical
1965 (MOSCA) Requires federal contrac- measures useful in evaluating tests. They
tors who provide services to the federal include the mean, median, and mode.
measures of clinical performance 413 Medicaid

measures of clinical performance A form of more days and half involved less days than a
quality assessment that focuses on how well specied median.
a health care organization prevents and treats median wage An occupational median wage
illnesses and whether the health care needed estimate is the boundary between the highest
was provided at the right time and in the right paid 50% and the lowest paid 50% of workers
way. in that occupation. Half the workers in a given
mechanical In offset printing, a camera-ready occupation earn more than the median wage,
pasteup of type, photos, line art, and so on, and half the workers earn less than the median
all on one piece of art board. wage.
med-arb An alternative dispute resolution media player Client software that runs on a
procedure in which a neutral party is selected computer and allows the user to receive and
play back video and audio signals.
to serve as both mediator and arbitrator. Med-
mediating device A specialized piece of
arb combines the voluntary strategies of per-
equipment, or a system, specically designed
suasion and discussion, as in mediation, with
to assist in the presentation of instruction; for
an arbitrators authority to issue a nal and
example, teaching machines, classroom
binding decision.
trainee response systems, computers, and
media Printed or duplicated materials, graph- interactive video. Mediating devices are used
ics, projected still or motion photographic to supplement other instructional methods,
materials, video and sound recordings, and substitute for conventional instructional
three-dimensional aids and devices. approaches, relieve instructors from repetitive
The Media Communications Association teaching tasks, provide for automatic test scor-
International (MCAI) A global organiza- ing and trainee advancement, record and tab-
tion of professionals with focus on the busi- ulate trainee responses, control the sequence
ness and art of visual communication who of instruction and the form of trainee
work in video, lm, distance learning, web responses, provide immediate correction of
design and creation, and all forms of interac- errors and the reinforcement of correct
tive visual communications, along with all responses, and control instructional materials
associated crafts. Contact: MCAI, 9202 N. during the development and validation phases
Meridian Street, Ste. 200, Indianapolis, IN of instructional systems development.
46260-1810 (phone 317-816-6269; fax 800- mediation A form of negotiation used to
801-8926; e-mail; Web site resolve individual and group disputes includ- ing labor-management disagreements. Medi-
Media Human Resources Association ation is condential and private and always
(MHRA) A professional emphasis group of involves a neutral third party whose job is to
the Society for Human Resource Manage- help the individuals or groups to reach a vol-
untary settlement of the issue. Mediators have
ment. Membership is on an individual basis
no power to make decisions or judgments or
with no corporate or institutional members.
to enforce an agreement. Their role is that of
Contact: SHRM, 1800 Duke Street, Alexan-
facilitators and expediters.
dria, VA 22314 (phone 800-283-SHRM or
Medicaid Medical benets, including hospi-
703-548-3440; fax 703-535-6490; e-mail talization, payment of health care providers,; Web site prescription drugs, and the like, provided for
median A measure of central tendency. The the low income, the poor, and the indigent
median is the middle score in a rank-ordered without charge (no premiums and no deduct-
range of scores that is, one half of the ibles). Medicaid provides benets only to per-
scores are higher and one half are lower than sons who demonstrate a nancial need as
the median score. determined by federal guidelines and modied
median days away from work The measure by the states. Eligibility is determined by three
used to summarize the varying lengths of tests: (1) age 65 or older, blind, or physically
absences from work among the cases with or mentally disabled; (2) monthly income not
days away from work. Half the cases involved in excess of the maximum allowable amount
Medicaid Patient Protection 414 medical loss ratio

set by the state; and (3) total assets lower than medical and health insurance laws See
the established limits. The federal government Health Maintenance Organization Act of
reimburses states for a substantial portion of 1973; Health Maintenance Organization Act
Medicaid benets paid so long as the states of 1978; Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act
Medicaid program falls within prescribed fed- of 1988; Medicare Catastrophic Coverage
eral guidelines. In general, coverage is limited Repeal Act of 1989.
to Aid to Families with Dependent Children medical assistance company Offers a variety
and Supplemental Security Income, low- of insurance, medical, and communication
income pregnant women, low income children products and services for travelers, particu-
under the age of 5, and low-income persons larly targeting corporate travelers. Many offer
in institutions and nursing homes. medical records access, crisis assistance (such
Medicaid Patient Protection On September as emergency evacuation), overseas site
17, 1998, President Clinton announced new inspections, medical consulting, multilingual
consumer protections for Medicaid patients in assistance, and predeparture kits.
health maintenance organizations, effective medical audit A detailed retrospective review
later in 1998. The new rules require HMOs and evaluation of selected medical records by
to: (1) allow women direct access to obstetri- qualied professional staff. Usually applied to
cians and gynecologists without getting a the care of a given illness and is undertaken
referral or prior authorization; (2) guarantee to identify deciencies in that care in order to
that health plans will pay for emergency ser- design programs and strategies to improve that
vices whenever a prudent lay person would care.
consider them necessary; (3) have an adequate medical care evaluation (MCE) A compo-
number of medical specialists to meet the nent of a health care quality assurance pro-
needs of its members; (4) allow patients with gram that examines the process of medical
severe or chronic medical conditions to go care.
directly to a qualied specialist on the health medical durable power of attorney See
plans roster of approved physicians; (5) durable power of attorney for health care.
refrain from prohibiting doctors from telling medical equipment Includes canes, walkers,
patients about expensive treatment options and wheelchairs.
regardless of whether such services are cov- medical herbalism An alternative form of
ered by the health plan; (6) allow patients to medical treatment in which good health is pro-
challenge decisions to deny, limit, or termi- moted and illnesses are treated by administer-
nate coverage of services and allow consum- ing plant-derived potions or medications.
ers to le appeals with HMO ofcials and, if medical insurance The part of Medicare that
necessary, with an independent panel of med- helps pay for medically necessary physician
ical experts; (7) provide consumers with easy- services, outpatient hospital services, and a
to-understand information about the benets number of other medical services and supplies
they offer and any fees or copayments they not covered by the hospital insurance part of
charge; and (8) provide a list of names and Medicare, including some home health
addresses of doctors and hospitals that may services.
be used by its patients. In a January 2003 letter medical IRA A plan proposed by Republican
to state Medicaid directors, President George presidential candidate (1992) Pat Buchanan to
W. Bush stated that states can place limits provide health care funds by permitting indi-
on coverage of emergency services (item 2, viduals to establish accounts similar to indi-
above) to facilitate more appropriate use of vidual retirement accounts that could be used
preventive care. to pay health care bills.
medical and health benets See employee medical loss ratio In health care manage-
prefunding; xed-dollar benets; graduated ment, the ratio between the cost of delivering
benets; hospice care; Medicaid; Medicare; medical care and the amount of money taken
respite care. in by the plan.
medically necessary 415 medical screening

medically necessary In health care benets, a to most employees and their families. The pur-
requirement for payment of medical and sur- pose is to enable employees to make informed
gical charges. A service or supply is usually choices relating to wellness.
considered medically necessary when it is medical review ofcer (MRO) A qualied
offered by a physician, is effective in treating health care professional, usually a medical
the condition for which it is prescribed, is part doctor, who reviews for medical necessity
of a course of treatment generally accepted by medical and surgical care provided to employ-
the American medical community, does not ees for an insurance carrier or rm.
duplicate other services or supplies used to medical savings account (MSA) A health
treat the condition, is not experimental, and it care reform measure billed as an effective cost
is intended to restore health and extend life. cutter. It works this way: An employer estab-
medical necessity A benet trigger some- lishes a medical savings account, similar to a
times used in older non-tax-qualied policies savings account, for each employee. The
that enables insured persons to receive bene- employer then buys employees a health insur-
ts if they have a medical condition, such as ance policy with a high deductible (as much
coronary heart disease, that makes them too as $3000), resulting in savings of 50% or more
frail to care for themselves, even though they on premiums. A portion of those savings is
can perform all the activities of daily living. deposited annually into each MSA to be used
Medical Proxy Act of 1991 See Self-Deter- exclusively by employees for their medical
mination Act of 1991.
expenses, using health care providers of their
Medical Records Condentiality Act of 1996 own choice. Unused funds are rolled over each
Establishes uniform privacy protection for year and continue to grow. MSAs also follow
personally identiable health information
an employee from job to job, allowing the
whether the information is in paper or elec-
individual to use his or her funds to pay for
tronic form. Also establishes a federal right
medical bills or insurance premiums between
to review and request corrections to ones
jobs. The system is said to provide incentives
medical records and obligates all handlers of
for comparison shopping. The Health Insur-
patient records to protect their privacy.
ance Portability and Accountability Act of
Imposes civil and criminal penalties on vio-
1996 allows employees and self-employed
individuals who have a high-deductible med-
medical residents Students in resident train-
ical insurance plan to contribute up to 65%
ing at hospitals to learn and qualify for a med-
ical specialty. According to standards of their health plans deductible (75% for fam-
announced by the Accreditation Council for ilies) to a medical savings account.
Graduate Medical Education, an organizaton medical screening Preemployment medical
that accredits about 7800 medical residency examinations used primarily to make the best
programs in 26 specialties, such students use of employees by placing them in suitable
should be limited to working 80 hours per positions. Also used to reduce absenteeism
week, be given 1 day out of 7 free from all and turnover; avoid workers compensation
clinical and educational responsibilities, and and other claims against the organization;
be limited to 24 consecutive hours of duty. control costs; make needed adjustments to the
medical resource library A means of empow- work area to accommodate the employee;
ering employees, promoting self-care, reduc- safeguard the health and safety of the
ing stress and anxiety, and emphasizing the employee, other employees, clients, and cus-
importance of prevention. Involves establish- tomers; and identify substance abusers before
ing a repository and lending library for books, they are hired. Examples of preexisting med-
manuals, pamphlets, videos, audiotapes, and ical conditions that are the objective of the
other materials pertaining to such problems as screening include HIV/AIDS, sickle cell trait,
minor ailments, burnout, cardiovascular and and genetic markers that indicate a higher than
cancer prevention, and other health care infor- average susceptibility for illness such as
mation that is either unavailable or inaccessible breast cancer or Huntingtons disease.
medical self-care 416 Medicare

medical self-care Programs that encourage nancially need-based program; it provides

employees to become better consumers and benets regardless of the nancial status of
self-healers to achieve savings on medical the recipient. It consists of two choices of
plans. Instead of relying on specialized med- health plans: the original Medicare Plan, a
ical care, employees are encouraged to attend fee-for-service plan operated by the Health
seminars and use books, pamphlets, and other Care Financing Administration of the U.S.
materials dealing with preventing and treating Department of Health and Human Services,
common health problems, get more involved and Medicare + Choice Plans, including
in treatment decisions, and work with their Medicare Managed Care plans and Medicare
physicians to improve the quality and reduce Private Fee-for-Service plans. The original
the costs of their health care. Medicare Plan consists of Part A, hospital
medical service agency (MSA) A coalition insurance, which helps pay for inpatient hos-
of managed care organizations designed to pital care, some inpatient care in a skilled
overcome the problems of medical service nursing facility, home health care, hospice
costs and cost-shifting through increased care, and blood received in a hospital or
copayments, higher deductibles, balance bill- skilled nursing facility; and Part B, medical
ing practices, and so on. insurance, which helps pay for medically nec-
medical services Encompass the usual essary physicians services, outpatient hospi-
requirements for employee physical examina- tal services, some home health care, preven-
tions, immunizations, and other forms of pre- tive services, and a number of other medical
ventive medicine. May also include consulta- services and supplies that are not covered by
tion or referral for alcoholism or substance the hospital insurance part of Medicare. Part
abuse, emergency medical or surgical treat- A is nanced by part of the payroll (FICA)
ment for on-the-job illnesses and injuries, and tax that also pays for social security. Part B is
medical investigation of all accidents and nanced by monthly premiums paid by people
injuries. who choose to enroll. As of January 1, 2003,
medical social services Services that help these Medicare changes took effect: under
patients with social and emotional concerns Part A, Medicare hospital insurance, the
related to their illness. May include counsel- deductible for up to 60 days of inpatient care
ing or help in nding community resources. increased to $840; the daily copayment for
medical staff-hospital organization (MeSH) therapeutic care in a skilled nursing facility
See physician-hospital organization. following a hospital stay for 21 through 100
medical supplies Items such as surgical days increased to $105. The monthly Part B
dressings, splints, casts, canes, crutches, and premium, covering physicians fees and cer-
similar medical materials and equipment. tain services of dental surgeons, optometrists,
medical underwriting The use of physical chiropractors, podiatrists, and chiropodists,
examinations and tests of body uids (urine outpatient hospital services for diagnosis and
and blood) by insurers to screen out high-risk treatment, additional medical services includ-
applicants for life or health insurance (such as ing diagnostic x-rays and other tests, and
those carrying HIV, the AIDS virus). home health services (only if the subscriber
Medical Volume Performance Standard does not have Part A coverage), and other
(MVPS) A benchmark standard established items, increased to $58.70 in 2003 with a
by the Congress in 1989 to recapture exces- deductible of $100. Part B pays 75% of the
sive fees by capping annually total Medicare approved amount for covered services after
physician payments. If total fees exceed the the subscriber pays an annual $100 deduct-
standard in any year, Congress will set a lower ible. The subscriber is responsible for paying
cap in subsequent years to recover the excess. the other 25% of deductible charges and for
Medicare A federal health insurance program permissible physician charges in excess of the
for people 65 or older, certain disabled peo- Medicare-approved amount, plus all charges
ple under 65, and people with end-stage not covered by Medicare. Preventive care.
renal disease. Unlike Medicaid, it is not a Beginning January 1, 1998, Medicare covered
Medicare-approved amount 417 Medicare hospice benefits

annual mammograms for all women age 40, community (noninstitutionalized) spouse can
waived the Part B deductible, covered pap retain. Excluded from the computation of
smears and pelvic exams every 3 years, for assets is the value of the home, personal
women at high risk for cervical or vaginal effects, and household goods.
cancer, yearly exams, annual colorectal Medicare + Choice Medicare-approved plans
screening, sigmoidoscopies every 4 years, and operated by the private sector that became
colonoscopies every 2 years for high-risk indi- available to beneciaries in November 1998
viduals, and the cost of blood glucose moni- as an alternative to the conventional Medicare
tors and testing strips for Type I and Type II fee-for-service system. The Balanced Budget
diabetics (80% of the Medicare-approved Act of 1997 allows Medicare beneciaries
amount after the yearly Part B deductible). who have both Parts A and B to select the
Beginning July 1, 1998, Medicare covered existing Medicare fee-for-service program or
diabetes outpatient self-management training one of the following: a health maintenance
and bone mass measurements (80% of the organization, a preferred provider organiza-
Medicare-approved amount after the yearly tion, a provider-sponsored organization, a pri-
Part B deductible) for certain high-risk indi- vate fee-for-service plan, or a medical savings
viduals. Effective January 1, 2000, Medicare account. Out-of-pocket costs depend on
covered annual prostate screening tests for whether the plan charges a monthly premium
men over age 50. For more information, see in addition to the monthly Part B premium, or call 800-633-4227 or how much the subscriber pays for each visit
TTY/TED 877-486-2048. or service, the type of health care needed and
Medicare-approved amount The fee set by how often, the types of extra benets needed
Medicare as reasonable for a covered medical and whether the plan covers them, and
service the amount a provider is paid by whether the subscriber follows plan rules.
the subscriber and Medicare for service or Starting in January 2003, Medicare + Choice
supplies. That amount many be less than the plans may offer an additional benet by reduc-
amount charged by the provider. Sometimes ing the amount subscribers pay for their Medi-
called approved charge. care Part B premium.
Medicare carrier A private company that Medicare continuation Under Social Secu-
contracts with Medicare to pay Part B bills. rity, a special rule that provides continued
Medicare carve-out (MCO) A health care Medicare coverage to disabled persons for 39
cost-cutting strategy in which employee ben- months beyond the trial work period. If
ets are adjusted according to Medicare pay- Medicare coverage stops because of work sta-
out; if Medicare pays more, no additional tus, the individual may purchase it for a
benet is paid; if Medicare pays less, a sup- monthly premium.
plement is paid. Medicare hospice benets Available as a
Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 benet under Medicare Hospital Insurance
(CATCAP) A law that improved some (Part A) to individuals with very limited life
Medicare benets but imposed supplemental expectancy. Beneciaries who choose hos-
and graduated premiums on people 65 and pice care receive noncurative medical and
older who had income tax liability. support services for their terminal illnesses.
Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Repeal Act Home care is provided by a Medicare-
of 1989 (MCCRA) Repealed the CATCAP approved public or private hospice along with
surtax November 22, 1989 (retroactive to Jan- necessary inpatient care and a variety of ser-
uary 1, 1989) but preserved one of the features vices not otherwise covered by Medicare.
of the law protection against spousal Medicare covers nearly all of the costs of
impoverishment. It provides some nancial the following: physician services, nursing
protection for the at-home or community care, medical appliances, medical supplies,
spouse when the institutionalized spouse is in outpatient drugs for symptom management
a nursing home. The law also sets minimums and pain relief, short-term inpatient care,
and maximums for the amount of assets a including respite care, home health aide and
Medicare Hospital Insurance 418 Medicare supplement insurance plans

homemaker services, physical and occupa- some or all of Medicares premiums and some
tional therapy, speech/language pathology programs pay Medicare deductibles and
services, medical social services, and dietary coinsurance.
and other counseling. Medicare SELECT A type of medigap sup-
Medicare Hospital Insurance This is Part A plemental policy that allows senior citizens to
of Medicare. It helps pay for medically nec- buy extra Medicare coverage at a discount by
essary inpatient care in a hospital, skilled agreeing to use managed care and providers
nursing facility, or psychiatric hospital and for from an approved list. When a subscriber
hospice and home health care. receives covered services from a preferred
Medicare maximum allowable charge provider, Medicare pays its share of the
(MMAC) The fee that Medicare sets as rea- approved charges and the insurer pays the full
sonable for a covered service. That is the supplemental benets provided for in the pol-
amount a physician or supplier is paid by icy. Medicare SELECT insurers must also pay
Medicare and the patient for a service or prod- supplemental benets for emergency health
uct. By law, a provider cannot charge more care furnished by providers outside the pre-
than 115% of the MMAC for a Medicare- ferred provider network. Medicare SELECT
covered service. denies payment or pays less than the full ben-
Medicare Medical Insurance This is Part B et if a subscriber goes outside the network
of Medicare. It helps pay for medically nec- for nonemergency services. However, Medi-
essary physicians services and many other care will still pay its share of approved charges
medical services and supplies. in such situations.
Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) Medicare SELECT Act of 1995 Amends the
A Medicare health plan option made up of Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990
two parts: (1) Medicare MSA Health Insur- to permit Medicare SELECT policies to be
ance Policy with a high deductible and (2) a offered in all states. Signed by the president
special savings account into which Medicare on July 7, 1995.
deposits money to help subscribers pay their Medicare-sponsored prepaid health plan A
medical bills. plan that typically offers comprehensive,
Medicare Private Fee-for-Service Plan A coordinated medical services through a net-
private insurance plan that accepts people with work of health care providers (physicians,
Medicare. Subscribers may go to any Medi- hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities), usu-
care-approved provider that accepts the plans ally referred to as a health maintenance
payment. The insurance plan, rather than the organization or a competitive medical plan.
Medicare program, determines how much it Medicare subvention Legislation that autho-
will pay and what the subscriber pays for the rizes Medicare to reimburse the Department
service. Subscribers may pay more for Medi- of Defense (DOD) at a reduced rate for treat-
care-covered benets but may have extra ben- ing additional Medicare eligibles in military
ets not covered by the original Medicare hospitals and clinics. However, the authoriza-
Plan. tion was limited to a demonstration test of
Medicare risk contract A contract between a Medicare reimbursement for 3 years at six
health maintenance organization or com- locations beginning January 1, 1998. See also
petitive medical plan and the Health Care Balanced Budget Act of 1997.
Financing Administration to provide ser- Medicare supplement insurance plans At the
vices to Medicare beneciaries and for which direction of Congress, the National Associa-
the health plan receives a xed monthly pay- tion of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC),
ment for enrolled Medicare members and in with the help of consumer groups and industry
return must provide all services on an at-risk representatives, developed a new set of stan-
basis. dards for Medicare supplemental insurance
Medicare Savings Programs State-supported plans. Under these guidelines, beginning July
programs that help people with limited 30, 1992, insurance companies began to offer
income and resources. These programs pay up to ten standardized NAIC plans, designated
medigap coverage 419 meeting planner/planning functions

Plans A through J. Companies that sell Medi- ships, midtown hotels, resort hotels, and sub-
care supplement insurance must offer Plan A, urban hotels.
the most basic plan, and may offer Plans B meeting fare A special discounted airfare
through J, depending on market conditions. In offered to people attending a convention or
44 states and the District of Columbia, insur- meeting. The fare is accessed through a spe-
ance companies are now allowed to sell only cial star number in the computer reserva-
the ten new standardized medigap policies. In tion system that can be used on short notice
three other states, Delaware, Pennsylvania, never more than 7 days in advance and
and Vermont, insurers now sell six of the ten. often with no advance at all. Meeting fares
Three states (Massachusetts, Minnesota, and apply to discounted as well as full-fare tickets
Wisconsin) have created a standard plan plus and can also be combined with back-to-back
standard riders. ticketing to save additional money. Consid-
medigap coverage See Medicare supplement ered by some to be a form of grey fare.
insurance plans. meeting industry council (MIC) A coalition
Medigap Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act of of meeting organizations established to bring
1990 See Omnibus Budget Reconciliation together key elements of the hospitality indus-
Act of 1990. try to promote cooperation and collaboration
medigap insurance Private health insurance and improve the image of the specic desti-
designed to supplement Medicare (or com- nation. MICs are currently organized in more
pany insurance) by bridging the gap between than 20 destinations in the U.S. and Canada.
the approved rate and the deductible and the Some are dedicated to education and commu-
providers charge. Therefore, it typically pays nication, others provide opportunities for net-
some, but not all, of the medical bills that working, and still others focus on a single
Medicare (or the companys carrier) does not issue, such as limiting an increase in taxes of
pay. Part B Medicare pays 80% of the one kind or another. See Convention Industry
allowed amount. The remainder is paid by Council.
supplemental (medigap) insurance, Medicaid, meeting management The processes of plan-
or the patient. In all states, except Massachu- ning, organizing, stafng, directing, and con-
setts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, a medigap trolling corporate domestic and international
policy must be one of ten standardized poli- meetings, conferences, and exhibitions.
cies so that subscribers can easily compare Involves site selection, transportation, hous-
them. ing, amenities, food and beverage, and enter-
meditation An alternative to conventional tainment negotiations and arrangements.
medicine. Practitioners claim that it is a Meeting News: The Newspaper for Meeting,
method of calming the mind and controlling Convention, Incentive Travel & Trade
emotions by anchoring consciousness in the Show Professionals A journal published
present moment. Conscious breathing or rep- monthly in January, February, July, August,
etition of a saying or prayer (mantra) is often and December; three times a month in
used to focus attention. November; and semimonthly in March, April,
meeting See association meeting; corporate May, June, September, and October. Cost:
meeting; executive staff meeting; manage- $65.00 per year (free to qualied subscribers).
ment meeting; retreat; sales meeting; strat- Contact: Miller Freeman, Inc., Meeting News,
egy/planning meeting; trade show; training P.O. Box 1189, Skokie, IL 60076-8189 (phone
meeting; users group meeting. 800-447-0138; fax 708-647-5972; e-mail
meeting cost categories Include such items; Web site
as exposition space, food and beverages, hotel
accommodations, meeting space, trade show meeting planner/planning functions Include
services, and travel. budgeting, exhibit sales, ground transporta-
meeting facilities Include airport hotels, con- tion, hotel negotiations, housing, program-
ference centers, convention centers, cruise ming, promotion, and site selection.
Meeting Professionals International 420 Mental Health Law of 1991

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) generalized aches and pains, and a stiff neck.
An organization of 19,000 members in 45 Seriousness depends on the type. See bacterial
countries established to provide opportunities meningitis and viral meningitis.
for professional growth and development for mental conditions Mental diseases listed in
those in the meetings industry through educa- the International Classication of Diseases as
tional programs and services, communication, psychoses, neurotic disorders, or personality
recognition, special interest groups, and net- disorders or other nonpsychotic mental
working and to commit to excellence in meet- disorders.
ings, continuous international growth, mental disabilities Slow learners (IQ range
research, a strong chapter network, and high of 7590), retarded (IQ range of 5075),
ethical standards. Contact: MPI, 455 LBJ severely retarded or trainable (IQ below
Freeway, Suite 1200, Dallas, TX 75244-5903 50), and perceptually disabled (brain-
(phone 972-702-3000; fax 972-702-3070; injured).
e-mail; Web site mental health The condition or presence of emotional well-being. It is observable in
Meetings & Conventions: The Meeting & behavior that demonstrates awareness of self
Incentive Planners Resource A journal and a life purpose, a sense of personal auton-
published in 13 issues per year. Cost: $82.90 omy, and an ability to perceive and cope with
(free to qualied subscribers). Contact: reality; to interact with others and understand
Northstar Travel Media, LLC, 500 Plaza their needs, to achieve mutually satisfying
Drive, Secaucus, NJ 07094-3626 (phone relationships, to be active and productive, to
201-902-1700; fax 201-319-1796; e-mail respond exibly in the face of stress, and to; Web site www. receive pleasure from a variety of sources. mental health advance directive A docu-
megabyte (MB, Mbyte, M-byte) A measure ment, prepared and signed by a patient when
of the storage capacity of a computer. It is well, authorizing the treatment wanted if he
equal to 1,000,000 bytes. or she suffers a relapse.
megahertz (MHz) A measure of the speed at Mental Health Law of 1991 A section of the
which computers operate. One MHz equals 1 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 that
million cycles per second. became effective in July 1992. Once hired,
Member Information Exchange (MIX) A employees with a history of mental illness are
network of HR professionals administered by entitled to extra support and accommodation
ASTDs Information Center and available from their employers so long as they can per-
only to ASTD members. Contact: ASTD, form the essential duties and tasks of their
1640 King St., Box 1443, Alexandria, VA jobs. The rules were extended in 1994 to cover
22313-2043 (phone 703-683-8100; fax 703- companies with 15 or more employees. The
683-8103; e-mail; law covers a broad range of mental problems,
Web site including mental retardation, learning disabil-
memorandum for record (MR) A memoran- ities, and workers who have overcome sub-
dum written for le rather than dispatch. It stance abuse (recovering victims of drug and
serves as a memory tickler or documenta- alcohol abuse). Other covered illnesses
tion of events and decisions that may later be include schizophrenia, manic-depressive dis-
the object of scrutiny or even litigation. orders, major depression, anxiety disorders,
memory manager A software program that and personality problems. Kleptomania, pyro-
optimizes the extended and expanded memory mania, compulsive gambling, and certain
available in a computer, converting random types of sexual dysfunctions, such as trans-
access memory to either option as needed. vestism, are not covered. In addition, employ-
meningitis Inammation and infection of the ers cannot reject job applicants because they
membranes that cover the brain and spinal might add to the organizations medical costs
cord. Its symptoms are gradual or sudden onset but does not prevent them from limiting ben-
of illness, with fever, nausea, and vomiting, ets for treatment. Accommodations required
Mental Health Parity Act of 1996 421 mental wellness program

by the law for the mentally disabled have not no cost or reduced rates. 2. Generally
been identied but will be claried as a result describes a group of disorders that cause
of lawsuits. However, special provisions may severe disturbances in thinking, feeling, and
be as simple and inexpensive as providing relating and result in diminished capacity for
more frequent breaks and quieter work areas. coping with the ordinary demands of life, such
Mental Health Parity Act of 1996 Applies as schizophrenia, manic depression, obses-
to both self-insured ERISA plans and insured sive-compulsive disorder, and depression.
plans, as well as coverage provided federal Mental illness is not the same as mental
employees under the Federal Health Benets retardation. People with mental illnesses are
Act and collectively bargained plans. Requires usually of normal intelligence. The causes of
that annual and lifetime maximum dollar lim- biologically based mental illnesses are not
its be equal to those for medical benets when understood, although it is believed that the
an employer provides mental health coverage functioning of the brains neurotransmitters is
(although the act does not require mental involved. Heredity may be a factor, and stress
health coverage). Therefore, if a group health may contribute to its onset in vulnerable peo-
plan has no dollar limits to plan payments for ple. Recreational drugs may also contribute to
medical or surgical services, limits are not onset but are unlikely to be the single cause.
allowed for mental health services. However, Although there are no cures for mental illness,
the law specically excludes substance abuse treatment can substantially improve the func-
treatment, including alcohol abuse and chem- tioning of persons with those disorders.
ical dependency, from the requirement for mentally impaired Individuals whose limita-
equal maximum benets. Implementation was tions rest primarily on lowered intellectual
effective for group health plans years begin- capacity attributed to congenital or inherited
ning on or after January 1, 1998. Collectively defects; mental retardation; chromosomal
bargained plans ratied before the law was aberrations (such as Down syndrome); disease
enacted on September 26, 1996 were required or injury to the brain suffered before, during,
to comply with the act for plan years begin- or in the immediate period after birth; acci-
ning after January 1, 1998, or at the end of dents or illness in childhood or adulthood; or
the collectively bargained agreement, which- as the consequence of impaired maturation
ever was later. Congress passed a 1-year due to insufcient environmental stimulation
extension of the Act that was signed by Pres- from family or cultural sources.
ident Bush in December 2002. mental models In systems thinking, internal
mental health services Services designed to mind pictures of how things work. They may
help employees maintain good mental and be as simple as the sun always rises in the
emotional health, prevent a breakdown in east or as complex as the quadratic formula.
employee effectiveness, reduce emotional Systems thinking requires management of
stress, and treat emotional illnesses. They may mental models: testing and improving those
include individual and group therapy and internal pictures of how things work in order
invariably involve referral to mental health to improve system functioning.
specialists and agencies. mental retardation People who have dimin-
mental illness 1. Ofcially dened in May ished intellectual capacity present since birth;
1993 by the Federal Center for Mental Health that is, they are signicantly below average in
Services, Public Health Service, as adults who mental functioning and have difculty in
have or have had in the past year a diagnosable learning and performing daily life functions.
mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder that mental wellness program An offshoot of tra-
interferes with one or more major activities of ditional wellness programs, the program
life, such as dressing, eating, or working. Pro- attempts to get at the root causes of substan-
vides a national uniform standard to be used dard employee performance, inability of
by the states in determining eligibility for employees to get along with their supervisors
treatment in state and local clinics that receive and peers, alcohol and drug abuse, or
federal funds or where patients are treated at unhealthy lifestyles. In 4- to 10-hour sessions,
mentor 422 meta-tagging

employees are helped to understand them- in dollars or as a percentage of payroll. Also

selves and deal with negative, self-defeating called merit pool.
thoughts. They are also taught how to cope merit increase See merit pay.
with their irrational fears and their tensions merit pay Increased compensation paid for
and stresses. outstanding performance of assigned duties
mentor Senior, experienced, and respected and tasks. Focuses on how well work is done.
managers or staffers who serve as role models, The approach assumes, or at least implies, that
coaches, counselors, advisors, and advocates an objective performance appraisal system is
for younger or less experienced persons but in effect that adequately determines the per-
who are not directly involved in their charges formance of individual employees. If such a
personal or work lives. system does not exist, merit pay should not
mentoring center One form of a teaching, be used. And it should never be linked with
learning, technology center. Provides space economic conditions or increases in the cost
conducive to fostering one-on-one relation- of living (COLA).
ships among faculty or between faculty and merit pool See merit budget.
academic support professionals. merit rating A systematic and orderly means
menu-driven Software that uses a list of of appraising and rating performance; ratings
options called a menu that is displayed on used as a basis for incentive plans such as pay-
the screen of the terminal. for-performance.
menu interface Offers the computer user a merit review Performance review used in a
merit rating system.
choice of commands that are initiated by such
mesokurtic Describes the shape of the curve
means as typing a letter, pressing a cursor key,
of a frequency distribution when plotted on a
or pointing and clicking with a mouse.
graph. A mesokurtic curve is perfectly sym-
merge/purge In marketing, a software system
metrical a model of the normal distribution
that combines different input database types
or bell-shaped curve.
in varying formats into a common format to
meta-analysis A statistical study of the results
eliminate duplications for a promotional or
of previous research studies. For example, a
sales mailing.
study of the validity of tests to see whether
merger Consolidating or joining two or more individual studies consistently produced con-
organizations under a single ownership and sistent results.
management. May take the forms of leveraged metacognition The ability to complete a
buyouts (LBOs), friendly acquisitions, or hos- project or achieve a goal by monitoring ones
tile takeovers. Mergers are consummated to own thought processes; exercising the gov-
improve protability, market share, or some ernor of the mind by thinking about the pro-
other nancially related gain or advantage. cess of thinking.
See also dilutive merger; accretive merger. metadata An e-learning term that describes
merger clause In contract law, wording stat- standardized search tags used by learners,
ing that the terms contained in a contract rep- trainers, and organizations to search the Web
resent the total agreement of both parties and for learning resources.
that the agreement supersedes any other metaethics One of two subdivisions of the dis-
agreement. cipline of ethics. Focuses on analysis of the
merger-moratorium laws State antitakeover meaning of the terms used in ethical or moral
laws that prevent acquirers from completing argument.
a merger quickly. Some provide exception metaphor An analogy used by a developer to
levels, granting earlier mergers if a tender organize the content of a multimedia program.
offer scores a specied amount of shareholder Sometimes adds unnecessary expense to the
support. production without a reasonable return on the
merit budget A sum of money reserved for investment.
annual merit increases on a company, depart- meta-tagging A series of descriptive designa-
ment, or work unit basis. May be expressed tions applied to media resources, pages,
methadone 423 Microsoft Windows

information objects, and/or learning objects Technology Center to serve small and mid-
that describe the object so that it can be man- size manufacturers with fewer than than 1000
aged more effectively. employees. Offers direct assistance services
methadone An addictive synthetic narcotic and applied research to U.S. manufacturers
used to treat addiction to heroin and other to improve their bottom-line performance
opiates. It is taken orally. In some states, meth- and sustain long-term growth. Focuses on
adone clinics are classied by law as centers applied research, development, and deploy-
for the handicapped and are protected against ment of advanced manufacturing technology,
discrimination. such as computer-integrated manufacturing,
methamphetamine See speed. computer-assisted design, computer-assisted
method A basic approach to instruction. manufacturing, and network management.
Instructional methods include conventional Contact: MMTC, 47911 Halyard Dr., Ply-
lecture, conference, demonstration, and per- mouth, MI 48170 (phone 888-414-6682; fax
formance as well as tutorials, programmed 734-451-4201; Web site
instruction, case studies, and simulation, or a microcomputer See personal computer.
combination of the foregoing. microdisk See disk.
methods analysis A productivity improve- micromarketing Targeting highly specialized
ment strategy for new operations and existing market segments for clients and customers.
processes that involves looking at the job, Involves catering to a specialized clientele and
duty, or task in ne detail, questioning how typically requires the ability to produce a wide
and why everything is done, and searching for variety of goods or services at competitive
better and more efcient methods. costs.
methods engineering A systematic means of microphone An electronic amplifying device
improving production and product quality by
for meetings and conferences.
subjecting each phase of an operation or pro-
microprocess A process that remains entirely
cedure to close scrutiny and analysis to nd
within a departments or work groups control,
the most economical, fastest, most efcient,
direction, or management.
and best method of performing it. Then the
microprocessor A small electronic chip that
procedure is standardized (in terms of equip-
ment, methods, and work conditions), opera- contains a complete central processing unit
tors are trained in the method and, nally, the a computer on a chip which provides pro-
number of standard hours required by a typi- cessing capability at the device level and the
cal operator to do the job is measured. use of multiple microprocessors in the central
methods improvement See methods engi- processing unit of large computer systems.
neering. Microprocessors are often a part of microcom-
metrics Measurement systems used to deter- puters.
mine the value of human resources programs Microsoft disk operating system (MS-DOS)
implemented to improve employee perfor- Originally developed for the IBM personal
mance and increase prots. The systems computer. Most microcomputers, worksta-
include the evaluation of organization assets tions, and midrange computers can read disks
such as the creativity of the workforce and recorded by MS-DOS; however, DOS-based
other statistics that drive critical company application programs require a specic ver-
decisions. sion of the operating system to run.
Michelangelo A computer virus that over- Microsoft Internet Explorer A software sys-
writes the rst 9 MB of an infected hard disk tem that allows access to and navigation of
on Michelangelos birthday, March 6. Lost the Internet simply by pointing and clicking.
data are not recoverable. The virus is caught Microsoft Windows A graphical computer
by booting from an infected oppy disk. operating system. It replaces traditional key-
Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center board commands with on-screen symbols and
(MMTC) Formerly the Industrial Technology menus that the user can control with a mouse,
Institute. Established as a NIST-Manufacturing thereby increasing power and ease of use of
microwave 424 The Military Coalition (TMC)

computers and opening the way for integrat- wage rates to be paid; the crops and kinds of
ing voice, graphics, and video information. activities in which the worker may be
microwave A technology used to transmit employed; the period of employment; the
telephone messages and television programs transportation, housing, and any other benet
point-to-point. Transmissions can also be to be provided and their costs, if any; the
directed at satellites, which amplify and existence of any strike or other work stoppage,
retransmit the signal to other locations. Uses slowdown, or interruption of operations by
extremely high-frequency radio waves. employees; and any arrangements for com-
middleware Software used to connect appli- missions or other benets accruing to the con-
cations from different enterprise resource tractor or association resulting from sales to
planning (ERP) providers, thereby allowing the workers.
organizations to select, for example, a manu- migration The movement of data from one
facturing enterprise resource planning (ERP) computer to another.
module from one provider and a human milestone In project management, a key date
resources (HR) module from another. in a project when a specic event will occur,
midlevel practitioner Nonphysician health such as completing a task or delivering a
care providers such as physicians assistants, deliverable.
clinical nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, military appelate review courts Established
and so on. by each of the armed services to conduct for-
midlife crisis The end of young adulthood mal reviews of the disposition of court-martial
signaled by the approach of the 40th birthday. cases. See also U.S. Court of Appeals for the
It is said to be a time of change and adjustment Armed Forces.
physiologically, psychologically, socially, The Military Chaplains Association of the
nancially, maritally, and legally but more USA (MCA) An association of 1600 active-
than that, a time for reassessment of what one duty, reserve, retired, and former chaplains of
has accomplished and whether it was fulll- the Army, Navy, Air Force, Veterans Admin-
ing, what has not been achieved and whether istration, and Civil Air Patrol. Its mission is
it matters, and what remains useful and doable to safeguard and strengthen the forces of faith
in the remaining years. and morality of our nation; perpetuate and
mid-ofce system In travel management, a deepen the bonds of understanding and
computer system that communicates with a friendship in our military services; preserve
front end system, such as a CRS, and pro- our spiritual inuence and interest in all mem-
cesses the information to produce client man- bers and veterans of the armed forces; uphold
agement information system reports. the Constitution of the United States; and pro-
mid-range computer See minicomputer. mote justice, peace, and goodwill. Contact:
migrant A person who leaves his or her coun- MCA, P.O. Box 42660, Washington, D.C.
try of origin to seek residence in another 20015-0660 (phone/fax 703-276-2189;
country. e-mail; Web site
Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker
Act of 1983 (MSAWA) An Act designed to The Military Coalition (TMC) An alliance
protect migrant and seasonal agricultural of 33 associations representing more than 5
workers from unfair labor practices; unhealth- million current and former uniformed service
ful or unsafe living, housing, and working members plus their families formed to see that
conditions; or discrimination because they America keeps faith with them. TMC works
have, with just cause, led a complaint, initi- to protect their interests in such areas as com-
ated a proceeding, or testied in any such pensation, health care, military construction,
proceedings relating to the provisions of the base closures, and realignment, retirement
Act. It requires employers to obtain a certi- affairs, taxes and social security, and other
cate of registration as a farm labor contractor. quality of life issues such as morale, welfare,
They are also required to disclose in writing and recreation for active-duty and retired,
to each worker the place of employment; the reserve, and National Guard veterans, their
Military Health Service System 425 military training

families, and survivors. Contact: The Retired e-mail; Web site www.
Ofcer Association, 201 N. Washington St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314-2539 (phone 800-245- Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH)
8762 or 703-549-2311; fax 703-838-8173; Represents combat wounded veterans in the
e-mail; Web site www.the- nations capitol in the Congress, the Department of Defense, and the Veterans
Military Health Service System (MUSS) Administration. The organization is con-
Provides health care benets for active and stantly alert to any legislation that affects
retired military personnel and their families. members. MOPH also promotes patriotic edu-
military immunity In July 2002, the United cation in the nations schools. Contact: The
Nations Security Council acceded to the U.S. Military Order of the Purple Heart, 5413-B
demand that American service members be Backlick Road, Springeld, VA 22151-3960
given a 1-year renewable exemption from (phone 703-642-5360; fax 703-642-2054;
prosecution or investigation by the Interna- e-mail; Web site
tional Criminal Court. The immunity covers
16 current U.N. missions, including police military reduction in force See Fiscal 1993
training in Bosnia and peacekeeping in Bosnia Defense Authorization Act.
and Kosovo. military reservists rights Under the law,
military occupational specialty (MOS) A n employers are required to hold jobs open for
alphanumeric code used to identify specic reservists called to active duty for a minimum
enlisted occupations in the the U.S. Army and
of 4 years, extendible if an emergency contin-
Marine Corps. For example, 11B identies an
ues. They must be offered jobs with the same
Army infantryman; 05H identies an Army
pay, rank, and seniority they would have
Morse Intercept Operator.
enjoyed had their employment not been inter-
Military Ofcer Formerly known as The
rupted, but employers are not required to place
Retired Ofcer Magazine. Published monthly
returning reservists in their old jobs. A 1990
by the Military Ofcers Association of Amer-
ruling by the Internal Revenue Service man-
ica. Subscriptions are free to members; $20
dates that employers offer continuing health
per year for nonmembers in the U.S. and its
insurance coverage to their reservist employ-
possessions, and $36 per year foreign. Con-
tact: MOAA, 201 North Washington St., ees who are called to active duty. Activation
Alexandria, VA 22314-2539 (phone 703-549- of reservists under the ruling is considered a
2311; Web site Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconcilia-
Military Ofcers Association of America tion Act of 1986 event, and employers are
(MOAA) The new name of The Retired required to furnish notices of COBRA rights
Ofcers Association (TROA), an organization to their reservist employees. Such notices
established to serve the needs of all military explain that under COBRA a reservist
ofcers at every stage of their lives. MOAA employee called to active duty may continue
is an independent, nonprot association of to receive health insurance coverage from the
396,000 past, present, active and reserve, employer, but the employee is required to pay
commissioned, or warrant ofcers of the the full premium. Coverage ends when the
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast reservist becomes covered under another
Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric group health insurance plan.
Administration, and Public Health Service. Its military training Training provided ofcers,
mission is to support a strong national defense noncommissioned ofcers, and enlisted per-
and represent members and their dependents sonnel (and sometimes civilian employees) of
and survivors interests in a wide range of the armed forces to prepare them for combat,
compensation, benets, and retirement issues. noncombat, supervisory, managerial, and
Contact: M0AA, 201 N. Washington St., leadership jobs and positions. The training is
Alexandria, VA 22314-2539 (phone 800-234- provided in military schools and in the units
6622 or 703-549-2311; fax 703-838-8173; by means of formal and on-the-job approaches
military treatment facility (MTF) 426 Minimum Wage Exemption Certificate

by the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, used to solve complex problems, make deci-
and Coast Guard. sions, plan projects, or take notes. Also known
military treatment facility (MTF) A hospi- as hurricane writing, clustering, thought
tal or clinic operated by one of the armed trails, and brainstorming on paper.
services. Mine Safety Act See Federal Mine Safety and
Miller v. Cigma A 1995 U.S. 3rd Circuit Health Act of 1977.
Court of Appeals ruling that plaintiffs in cases minicomputer A computer that is consider-
litigated under the Age Discrimination in ably less powerful in processing capabilities,
Employment Act of 1967 must prove that uses less complex software, and has fewer and
their age played a denitive role in the simpler application programs than the more
employers actions, although not necessarily sophisticated and expensive general purpose
the only factor considered. The decision computer systems (mainframes).
reversed ruling of the U.S. Eastern (PA) Dis- minidisc (MD) A new piece of stereo equip-
trict Court in favor of Cigma. ment developed by Sony. At 2 1/2 inches in
millions of instructions per second (MIPS) size, the MD is small enough to be played on
A measure of the speed of the electronic a machine the size of a pack of cigarettes but
pulses with which a computer communicates holds as much audio as a compact disc.
with itself and a means of expressing a Although it does not provide the delity of a
computers price/performance ratio (gener- CD, it out-performs analog tape cassettes. The
ally, the higher the MIPS, the higher the MD also records as well as plays back, and it
price). will not skip when bumped.
mind-body exercise Activities that induce the minimalist testing An approach to testing
alpha state. They can be rhythmic aerobotic that employs the fewest and simplest test
exercise, such as swimming or running, or questions to determine whether a learner is
anaeroboic activities, such as meditation, tai go or no-go on a learning module that
chi chuan, or yoga. is, whether the trainee advances to the next
mind/brain function approach A form of module, repeats the module, or is provided
the concepts-based, integrated curriculum. remedial training of some sort.
Employs instructional strategies and class- minimalist training An approach to training
room organization that engage students in that uses the fewest and simplest training ele-
using mind/brain functions. Attributed to ments or modules and other resources to
Betty Jean Eklund Shoemaker, Education achieve a given learning outcome. Used to cut
2000 Integrated Curriculum, Phi Delta Kap- training time and costs, the approach is criti-
pan, June 1991. cized by many as inadequate and inappropri-
mindguarding A symptom of groupthink. ate because it is often carried to extremes and
The group discourages the expression of dis- fails to provide enough learner support and a
senting beliefs to protect itself from threaten- framework for further learning.
ing ideas and may even suppress documents mini-max budgeting An approach to budget-
that go against the direction or decisions of ing in which two budgets are developed, one
the group. for maximum assumed output (high point) and
mind-mapping A simple, useful method for one for minimum assumed output (low point).
thinking on paper. Mind-mapping employs a The difference in cost between the high point
nonlinear, divergent approach to thought. A and low point budgets divided by the differ-
mind map is a two-dimensional word sketch ence in volume will yield the variable rate.
that uses a whole sheet of paper to organize minimum-care package A health-care plan
ideas into a spider web. Random ideas are proposed by then presidential candidate Bill
recorded on paper, using only key words and Clinton (1992) in which coverage, funded by
phrases, on a subject, problem, or issue, as the federal government, would be offered for
rapidly as possible without judging their those currently without health care insurance.
value. These jottings are later subjected to Minimum Wage Exemption Certicate A
renement and judgment. The technique is certicate issued by Wage and Hour Division
minimum wage law 427 M-learning

regional ofces of the Department of Labor Contact: MBDA, 14th & Constitution Ave.,
that allows employers to pay between 75 and NW, Washington, D.C. 20230 (phone 202-
50% of the minimum wage to disabled work- 482-0404; e-mail help@mbda.go; Web site
ers depending on the severity of the disability.
Employers must demonstrate that the submin- minority business enterprise (MBE) A busi-
imum wage reects the workers low produc- ness or nonprot organization that is at least
tion capacity. 51% (varies by state) owned or directed by
minimum wage law A minimum wage level members of minority groups; in the case of a
established by Congress as a part of the Fair publicly owned business, at least 51% of the
Labor Standards Act. Overtime pay at a rate stock is owned by citizens or permanent res-
of not less than one and one half times the ident aliens from minority groups (African-
regular rates of pay is required for nonexempt Americans, Hispanics, Asians and Pacic
workers after 40 hours of work in a work- Islanders, and Native Americans).
week. States may have minimums that are mission The reasons for the existence of an
higher than those mandated by the federal organization, the purposes it was designed to
government. serve, and the limits of its operations mar-
Ministry of International Trade and Indus- kets, product line, services, geographic areas,
try (MITI) The powerful Japanese agency and distribution channels, both current and
responsible, according to many experts, for potential.
Japans economic vigor, dominance, and mission statement A means of communicat-
growth. At the beginning of each decade, ing the corporate vision, values, direction, and
MITI produces a position paper that outlines purposes. It identies its products, services,
10-year goals for Japanese industry. customers, markets, and overall strengths. The
mini-trial An alternative dispute resolution mission statement includes a snapshot of the
procedure involving condential, nonbinding companys reason for existing, outlines cor-
exchange of information with the objective of porate directives, and describes how the orga-
achieving a prompt and cost-effective settle- nization should operate. It describes what an
ment of complex litigation. The process seeks organization is, what it does, who it serves,
to narrow areas of disagreement, reconcile and what makes it unique. The mission state-
collateral issues, and encourage a fair and ment also forms the basis for strategic and
equitable settlement. operational plans and a vision that can be
minorities and women See Executive Order shared with the total organization
11246. mistake In a contract, an error that may be one
Minority Business Development Agency of two kinds: (1) a unilateral mistake is one
(MBDA) A federal agency that can answer made by one party, or (2) a mutual mistake in
questions minority businesses might have which both parties are mistaken about the
about selling products and services to the gov- same thing.
ernment. Created to encourage the growth of mixed model In health care, a managed care
minority-owned businesses in the U.S., plan that combines two or more types of deliv-
MBDAs mission is to (1) coordinate federal ery systems, such as closed panel and open
government plans, programs, and operations panel.
that affect minority business enterprise; (2) M-learning 1. A wireless tool for blending
promote and coordinate the activities of gov- face-to-face and remote training methods.
ernment and private organizations that help Includes anything from job aids and
minority businesses grow; (3) collect and dis- courseware down-loaded on a personal digital
seminate information that will help those assistant to Net-based, instructor-led training
interested in establishing or expanding a suc- via laptop computers. 2. Mobile learning,
cessful minority-owned rm; and (4) fund learning that employs face-to-face and dis-
organizations to provide management and tance methods of delivery. It may include
technical assistance to minority entrepreneurs. anything and everything from job aids and
mobile worker 428 mommy track

computer-assisted instruction to teleconfer- customers or clients by identifying similar and

encing and instructor-facilitated training. dissimilar characteristics.
mobile worker An employee who spends Model SEP Form 5305 Simplied Employee
most the time out of the ofce, on the road, Pension plan used by employers to make an
at the customers site, or in hotels. Typically agreement to provide benets to all eligible
uses a laptop computer with a modem to con- employees under a simplied employee pen-
nect to information sources and communicate sion plan described in Section 408(k).
with the home ofce. modem A modulator/demodulator device that
mobility and motion impairments Disabili- links distant computers by means of telephone
ties that involve the loss or loss of use of lines. A modem converts the computers dig-
limbs, bones, or muscles and result in inade- ital signals into analog signals that can be
quacy or incapability of an individual to transmitted over the telephone lines. When
respond to situations requiring movement of they reach their destination, the modem
the body, hands, arms, or legs and inability to demodulates the signals (converts them back
perform psychomotor skills. to digital).
mobility premium A lump-sum payment modied adjusted gross income (MAGI)
made to employees who accept international The sum of adjusted gross income, tax-exempt
assignment. interest, the exclusion available to persons liv-
mock-up Similar to a model. Used to simu- ing abroad, excluded income from Puerto
late environments, machines, systems, and Rico or other U.S. possession, and the
processes in orientation and training pro- excluded proceeds from U.S. Series EE bonds
grams to provide demonstrations and hands- used for college tuition and fees received dur-
on experiences. ing a year. That total must be reported on U.S.
mode A measure of central tendency; the income tax returns. It is also needed to deter-
score in a distribution of scores that occurs mine whether social security or railroad retire-
most frequently. ment benets are taxable.
model A representation of reality. Models are modied American plan (MAP) In meeting
facsimiles or simulations of the components management, a pricing method used by hotels
of a system or of an entire system in a dened and conference centers. Price includes lodg-
area of corporate interest and activity. They ing, breakfast, and dinner.
facilitate understanding, analysis, experimen- module 1. A format for individually paced
tation, and decision making. Models may be training. A module consists of a self-contained
used to develop managerial and leadership lesson typically including an audio- or video-
skills, improve technical performance, pro- cassette; a workbook; a packet of illustrations,
vide practice in decision making, and improve samples, or examples (forms, checklists, glos-
trainees understanding of management theo- saries, diagrams, and supplemental
ries. They may take the forms of physical resources); and a mastery test. Several mod-
models (typically miniaturized or greatly ules constitute a training program. Used to
enlarged representations of reality), analog teach ofce practices, standard procedures,
models (mechanical, electronic, or hydraulic assembly techniques, operator skills, and the
representations of systems or equipment that like. 2. In an integrated human resources
mirror reality), and mathematical models information system, different applications
(composed entirely of mathematical symbols that work together although each performs a
to characterize the dynamic processes found specic function. Can often be purchased
in the real system). The latter must use some separately.
computational device, preferably a computer, mommy track A term triggered by Felice
to trace the implications of the mathematical Schwartz (Management Women and the New
relationships. Facts of Life, Harvard Business Review, Jan-
modeling In marketing, a statistical technique uary-February1989). She commented on the
in which the marketer constructs a represen- need for corporate exibility to accommodate
tative customer or client from a database of two types of women who need quite different
money-purchase pension plan 429 Montgomery GI Bill

career paths: the Career and Family Woman at changes and development rst identied by
(women who opt for motherhood regardless scanning. It is more focused and disciplined
of the consequences for career development than the scanning technique.
and progression the Mommy Track) and monocultural Refers to a cultural that is
the Career Primary Woman (women who are largely undifferentiated in terms of aesthetic,
willing to make the most of every opportunity behavioral, religious, linguistic, moral, and/or
for professional development even if it means religious beliefs, customs, and practices.
sacrices in their personal lives). monoculturalism A term used to describe the
money-purchase pension plan (MPPP) A social world that existed for years and still
type of dened contribution pension plan in exists to some extent. It was a world that sep-
which the employer contribution is mandatory arated people into whites, Negroes, and ori-
and is usually based on a xed percentage of entals; religions into Protestant, Catholic, and
annual compensation. MPPPs are established Jewish; and people into men and wives. Gays,
and maintained to provide for payment of lesbians, bisexuals, Muslims, and other racial,
determinable benets to employees over a ethnic, and religious minorities did not exist
period of years, usually for life, following in this view.
retirement. mononucleosis An infectious disease that pri-
money surrogates Rewards such as company marily affects the lymph nodes, particularly
cars and planes for personal as well as busi- those under the jaw, under the arm, and in the
ness use; a chauffeured limo; rst-class travel groin; an enlarged spleen is also a symptom.
accommodations; low- or no-cost loans; part- It is caused by a type of herpes virus (Epstein-
time work with full-time pay; early retirement Barr) and results in mild to severe weakness
with full pension; payment of professional, and fatigue. It is treated by bed rest and avoid-
technical, or trade association or civic, health, ance of exercise or strenuous activity while
or recreation club dues and memberships; free the spleen is enlarged.
medical examinations; free dental care; busi- monsterTRAK Monster is the leading glo-
ness travel insurance; liberal expense account; bal online careers Web site and agship brand
in-town apartment; payment of spouses travel of TMP Worldwide Inc. (NASDAQ: TMPW).
expenses; moving expenses; free nancial or Monster connects companies with qualied
legal counseling; home security system; home career-minded individuals, offering innova-
entertainment expense allowances; savings on tive technology and superior services that give
vacations; vacation homes; domestic help; them more control over the recruiting process.
free vacation travel; tickets to theater or sport- The Monster global network consists of local
ing events; sabbatical leaves; personal liability content and language sites in the U.S., United
insurance; child or elder care; and spouse or Kingdom, Australia, Canada, The Netherlands,
children tuition payments. Belgium, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong
monitor 1. Equipment that consists of a cath- Kong, France, Scotland, Germany, Ireland,
ode ray tube (CRT) and a plastic or metal Spain, Luxembourg, India, Italy, Sweden,
casing that displays the computers informa- Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, and Finland.
tion, similar to a television set. Monitors can Contact: MonsterTRAK, 1964 Westwood
be either monochromatic or color. 2. In dis- Boulevard, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025
tance learning, television screens used to dis- (phone 800-999-8725; fax 310-474-2537;
play connected sites and provide real-time e-mail or
audio and video communication between the; Web site
host site and remote sites. www2.monstertrak
monitoring 1. In training, visiting training .com/).
classes to observe instruction and learning, Monte Carlo method See queuing the-
validate instructional approaches, rate instruc- ory/techniques.
tors, and improve learning and instruction. Montgomery GI Bill A federal program of
2. In technological forecasting, a surveillance educational benets for military personnel
technique typically used to take a closer look administered by the Department of Veterans
monthly earnings test 430 morphological analysis

Affairs. The basic monthly benet was origi- feelings and predispositions toward situations
nally $400 for active-duty, 3- to 6-year enlist- that affect and are important to people and call
ments, $350 for active-duty 2-year enlist- for self-discipline. High morale exists when
ments, and $190 for National Guard and an employees (or groups) attitudes are pre-
Reserve benets. On October 1, 2002, the dominantly favorable and morale is low when
monthly benet increased from $800 to $900. they are predominantly negative.
Enlistees may elect to contribute $100 per morbidity The scope or range of illness,
month for 12 months and the government con- injury, or disability in a dened population. It
tributes up to $9600 more. Combined with the is usually expressed in general or specic rates
Army College Fund (up to $14,400), for a 4- of incidence or prevalence.
year enlistment, an individual could earn up morphine An addictive drug used to reduce
to $25,200 for college. To qualify for MGIB pain. It is a bitter, white, crystalline, narcotic
benets, a member of the Guard or Reserve base, the principal alkaloid of opium.
must: (1) incur a 6-year obligation to serve in morphing 1. In multimedia, short for meta-
the elected Reserve and ofcers must agree to morphosing, a video special effects technique
serve 6 years in addition to their original obli- in which one image is seamlessly transformed
gation; (2) complete initial active duty for into another. It is accomplished by means of
training; (3) meet the requirements for a high fast, color Macintosh computers or Windows
school diploma or equivalency certicate with lots of memory (minimum of Macintosh
before applying for benets; and (4) remain Classic II with 5 megabytes of random access
in good standing while serving in an active memory and 10 megabytes of hard disk stor-
Selected Reserve unit and receive an honor- age, better with 8 MB RAM and 30 MB stor-
able discharge. See also Veterans Education age). 2. Doing two or more jobs at the same
and Benets Expansion Act of 2001. time.
monthly earnings test Under the social secu- morphological analysis 1. In creative prob-
rity system, during the 1st year of retirement, lem solving, a system for systematically list-
beneciaries are subjected to a monthly earn- ing and studying all of the possible combina-
ings test if the yearly limit on income is tions of alternatives that might be helpful in
exceeded in that year. Beginning with the solving a problem. It involves stating the prob-
month an individual reaches age 70, there is lem as broadly as possible and then breaking
no earnings test. it into its components for study and analysis.
mood disorders The most common group of Each of the components or characteristics is
serious psychiatric illnesses. Involve periodic treated as an independent variable and is spec-
disturbances in mood, concentration, sleep, ied or described and inserted into a two-
activity, appetite and social behavior. Also dimensional grid or a three-dimensional cube.
called major affective disorders, major
Each of the intersecting axes of the grid or
depression, and manic depressive illness.
cube is examined in turn and considered as a
moonlighting The practice of holding a sec- possible solution to the problem. The most
ond full-time or part-time job in addition to
promising alternatives are selected and tested,
ones normal, full-time occupation. Moon-
modied, evaluated, and developed. 2. In
lighting has been prohibited in many organi-
zations because management believes that it Instructor Centered
detracts from performance of the primary job Trainee Centered Lecture
due to either physical or emotional exhaustion Performance Conference
Role playing Tutoring
or both. Study assignments
B Team teaching

moonrock A street drug made of a combina- Inbasket exercises

tion of crack and heroin.
Moores law Asserts that the speed of com- A Mediated Learning
puter chips doubles every 18 months. Computer-based training
Teaching machines
morale The sum total of attitudes that employ- Teleconferencing
Programmed books
ees display toward the organization and their Interactive video
mortality 431 mouse potato

forecasting, a normative technique usually deliver full-motion, full-screen video with 16-
conducted by a group of people using a struc- bit stereo sound.
tured format, typically a grid. Requirements, motivation A goal-directed stimulus whose
functions, or characteristics of the issue or components are drives (needs, wants, and
problem are listed on one axis and alternative desires) and reinforcement (incentives,
means of meeting them are then entered on encouragement, feedback, and rewards). The
the other axis. A current or projected issue, former reside within the individual and the
change, or development is examined by deter- latter in the work environment. High motiva-
mining what the major functions of the devel- tion is manifested by the willingness of people
opment are, ascertaining what methods are to meet their personal needs, wants, and aspi-
being used in present systems to accomplish rations by directing their efforts and talents
those functions or deal with the issue, identi- toward attaining organizational goals and
fying alternative means of accomplishing each objectives.
function, and considering different ways of motivational counseling A form of counsel-
combining subordinate solutions or technolo- ing initiated by the employee when he or she
gies to suggest innovative approaches to feels the need for guidance or assistance. Also
accomplish the basic functions or deal with called consultative counseling.
the development. Motivation-Hygiene Theory The theory pos-
mortality Describes the correlation of deaths tulates that two separate and quite different
to the population in which they occur. The sets of factors operate in any work situation:
mortality rate expresses the number of deaths satisers and dissatisers. Satisers are
in a unit of population within a prescribed related to a jobs intrinsic content motiva-
time and may be expressed as crude death tors such as achievement, advancement, and
rates (e.g., total deaths in relation to total pop- a feeling of challenge and personal growth.
ulation during a year) or as death rates specic Dissatisers are related to a jobs extrinsic
for diseases and, sometimes, for age, sex, or content hygiene factors such as company
other attributes (e.g., number of deaths from policies, type of supervision, working condi-
prostate cancer in white males in relation to tions, job security, and pay and benets. The
the white male population during a given theory further holds that the absence of satis-
year). ers does not generate job satisfaction. Only
mortality table A graphic that depicts the rate when the motivators are activated will people
at which participants in various age groups in be productive and cooperative and turn out
a pension plan have died. Used by actuaries high-quality work. Attributed to Frederick
to calculate the average life expectancy of men Herzberg.
and women of a given age. motivation/recognition/reward (MRR) For-
Mosaic A popular software system that allows mal programs designed to give employees a
access to and navigation of the Internet feeling of belonging, let them know that they
(World Wide Web) simply by pointing and are important, motivate them, improve their
clicking. Created by the National Center for morale, enhance their productivity, recognize
Supercomputing applications at the Univer- their achievements, and promote their reten-
sity of Illinois. tion. Primarily involve noncash awards such
MOS-producing courses Technical and as gifts, general merchandise, and jewelry and
skills training provided U.S. Army personnel, related items.
usually in pay grades E-1, E-2, or E-3, which mouse A computer peripheral device used to
results in the award of a military occupational select computer functions and to enter and
specialty. Customarily provided immediately delete data. Employs a graphical user
following completion of basic training. interface.
motion picture experts group (MPEG) A mouse potato A person who has become
video compression technology that allows addicted to the computer; for example, one
personal computer users to play back televi- who spends an inordinate amount of time
sion-quality video. An MPEG board can daily on the Internet.
move-in/move-out 432 multimedia

move-in/move-out The agreed-upon dates of multiculturalist movement See multicultur-

arrival and occupancy of a set number of hotel alism.
rooms (move-in) and departure and vacating multidisk A new technology for a single disk
those rooms (move-out). drive, an array of eight or nine synchronized
moving agent The local company that afli- devices working in parallel. It allows faster
ates with an interstate carrier to provide data access, improved reliability, more storage
employee relocation services for companies. space, and less vulnerability to disk crashes
moving average A quick and dirty form of and loss of data.
time-series forecasting that involves using a multidomain job analysis The process of
rolling average of past data to predict future collecting job information and data relating to
trends. job duties and tasks, job knowledge, skills,
MPEG-2 See video compression. abilities, and job performance requirements.
MPEG-4 See video compression. multiemployer benets plan An employee
multiattribute evaluation A marketing tech- benets plan to which more than one
nique used to translate a customers impre- employer is required to contribute and that is
cisely stated requirements into objective spec- maintained in accordance with the provisions
ications by listing them in rank order, of one or more collective bargaining agree-
assigning weights to each in terms of impor- ments. The Employee Retirement Income
tance, and comparing the customers rating of Security Act of 1974 dened the original
each requirement against his or her rating of rules for such plans; the Multiemployer Pen-
competition. sion Plan Amendments Act of 1980
multicasting The ability to send data, includ- increased the number of rules. Also called
ing audio and video, simultaneously to more multiemployer pension plan.
than one location or address on a network. Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments
multicorporate health care Consortiums of Act of 1980 (MPPAA) Legislation that
organizations organized to provide health care completely revised Title IV of the Employee
to their employees by contracting with health Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 as
care management rms consisting of physi- it applies to multiemployer pension plans.
cians, registered nurses and nurse practitio- Although too numerous to describe here, the
ners, therapists, data and information special- additions included rules relating to adminis-
ists, and support staff. Such cooperative tration, reporting, duciary responsibility,
arrangements yield economies of scale. and enforcement and for pension plans, par-
multicultural Refers to the variety of cultural ticipation, vesting, funding, and termination
backgrounds characteristic of American soci- insurance.
ety the differences in aesthetic, behavioral, multiemployer welfare plan A plan spon-
religious, linguistic, moral, and religious sored by more than one employer that pro-
beliefs, customs, and practices of different vides nonpension benets for workers such as
racial and ethnic groups of people. life, sick, and accident benets.
multiculturalism A theory that avows the multilateral discounts In travel management,
need for social reform. Its goal is to prepare fare reductions of 15% or more offered by
people for a wider and more accepting world international air carriers to companies with
a world where racist, sexist, and homopho- high-volume and reliable global travel pro-
bic thoughts, as well as speech and action, grams. The goal is to achieve a better balance
have been eliminated. Advocates object stren- of trafc, retain loyal customers, and improve
uously to the use of such terms as freshman their global status.
instead of rst-year students, chairman multimedia Combinations of computer hard-
instead of chairperson, Indian instead of ware, software, and learningware in one easy-
Native American, disabled instead of to-use package that deliver text, audio, graph-
different abilities or challenged. Adher- ics, animation, and video and, eventually, will
ents are derisively described as politically include full motion, at one workstation or
correct. learning carrel. Include a variety of systems
multimedia-based training (MBT) 433 multiple-ticket fare/pricing

for bringing information, music, voice, anima- multiple-employer welfare association

tion, photos, and video images together on a (MEWA) A cooperative established to
screen. Represent the fusion of television, per- enable members, mainly small employers, to
sonal computers, and laser storage systems purchase health care coverage at lower costs.
such as videodiscs and compact discs and per- multiple-incentive contract (MIC) A t y p e
mit the user to navigate and interact with the of contract designed to provide motivation for
materials. For example, Apples hardware the contractor to achieve maximum perfor-
platform for multimedia is HyperCard. mance. It employs several variables, such as
multimedia-based training (MBT) Modules performance, schedule, and costs, to deter-
that use computer hardware, software, and mine the amount of incentive prot to be paid
learningwear to deliver training. to the contractor.
multimedia personal computer (MPC) A multiple-level password A means of protect-
personal computer with a built-in CD-ROM ing a computer from access by unauthorized
drive and added memory that can produce persons. Employs a series of characters,
interactive video. unique to each user, that must be entered
multinational A way of organizing a business before the computer will perform certain
across national boundaries in which the com- tasks.
pany expands its domestic market to the inter- multiple regression Too complex for descrip-
national market using domestic human, mate- tion here, multiple regression is a statistical
riel, and nancial resources. See also global. technique used to assess the impact of several
multinational company (MNC) See coun- different independent (x) variables on a
try-centric company; global company; inter- dependent (y) variable using the method of
national company; transnational company. least squares.
multinational pooling A cost-containment multiple sclerosis (MS) A chronic, episodic,
strategy in which several small insurance pol- and progressive disease of the nervous system
icies from each locale where the multinational that affects different parts of the brain and
has a signicant presence are combined into therefore produces symptoms in different
a single comprehensive policy. The purpose parts of the body. Its root causes are unknown,
of pooling is to give global companies nan- but it is a disease of myelin, the coating insu-
cial credibility and some savings on adminis- lation of the nerves in the brain, spinal cord,
trative charges. It may also make it easier to and elsewhere in the body.
deal with the problems of fragmentation Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
caused by distinct rules and regulations gov- (MSAA) A national self-help organization
erning insurance activities, including the mar- that offers support group meetings, informa-
keting and distribution of private benets pro- tion and referrals, phone support, conferences,
grams, in each country. counseling, and a newsletter. Contact:
multioption health plan (MOHP) See cafe- MSAA, 706 Haddoneld Rd., Cherry Hill, NJ
teria plan. 08002 (phone 800-532-7767; fax 856-661-
multiple The price earnings (P/E) ratio, calcu- 9797; e-mail; Web site
lated as the price of stock divided by its earn-
ings per share. The higher the P/E, the more multiple-ticket fare/pricing A means of sav-
investors are paying for their shares, and thus ing up to 30% over two full-fare round trip
the higher the expectations for the growth of tickets, appropriate for travelers with trips
earnings. to the same destination 2 weeks in a row.
multiple-choice item An objective test item Instead of buying two round-trip Saturday-
that requires testees to select the correct or stay fares out of sequence, the traveler books
best answer to a question from among four or the trip out as a one-way ticket, then a round
more provided alternatives. trip ticket back and forth over the weekend,
multiple employer trust (MET) See multiple- and a one-way return ticket. Endorsed by the
employer welfare association. airlines.
multiplexing 434 mutual savings bank

multiplexing Sending multiple information municipal bond A debt security issued by a

streams on a single carrier simultaneously. state, county, or city to nance its capital
Also called multipoint conference unit. expenditures. Municipal bonds are exempt
multipoint control unit (MCU) A device that from federal taxes and usually from state and
links three or more point-to-point videocon- local taxes, especially for residents of the state
ferencing systems. in which the bond is issued.
multipreneur Simultaneously developing mul- Murphy bed In meeting management, a bed
tiple skills and careers to meet the need to be in a hotel room that retracts into the wall.
prepared for change, enhance employability, Murphys Law A tongue-in-the-cheek bro-
and lock in career success. Attributed to Tom mide that says,If anything can go wrong, it
Gorman, Multipreneuring, Fireside/Simon & will. If it does go wrong, it is sure to get
Schuster. worse.
multipurpose Internet mail extensions muscular dystrophy A disease that is hered-
(MIME) A set of Internet functions that itary and progressive and produces a pattern
extends e-mail capabilities and allows com- of weakness of muscle groups. It takes several
puter les to be attached to e-mail messages. different forms; examples include Duchenne,
multirater assessment See three hundred Becker, Emery-Dreifus, facioscapulo humeral,
sixty degree feedback. limb-girdle, ocular, oculopharyngeal, distal,
multisided icon Developed and patented by and myotonic dystrophy. The primary cause
Apples Advanced Technology group. An icon of the disease is a genetic defect that results
that produces a new view of an image when in a gradual weakening and wasting of the
clicked on each side. muscles and may continue to advance over 20
multisource assessment (MSA) A perfor- or 30 years.
mance feedback system designed to improve musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) See repeti-
the fairness and accuracy of appraisals by tive strain injury.
increasing the numbers and expanding the lev- musical instrument digital interface (MIDI)
els of assessors. The process can be automated A communications prototype for electronic-
to save the time of respondents and reduce the music equipment developed in 1982 that has
workload of administrative personnel. since become available for computers. It
multisource editing router A device for revolutionized the recording industry by per-
facilities used for training, education, and mitting many instruments to be centrally con-
broadcast productions. Offers one-button con- trolled just as if they were one electronic
trol of audio, video, and serial port sources orchestra. MIDI consists of instructions for
and allows editors to control as many as four recreating a musical performance on devices
decks being used for sourcing and recording. such as digital synthesizers by dening notes
multitasking A system or program that is able by parameters, such as pitch, velocity, and
to perform two or more tasks simultaneously. modulation. It differs from digital audio,
multitask management (MTM) Describes which consists of sounds that are sampled
when individuals manage all the components from analog sources at various rates.
of an entire project. mutual learning An integrated approach to
multiuser A system capable of accommodat- learning and productivity improvement that
ing users at several terminals. involves face-to-face sharing of successes and
multiuser dungeon (MUD) Programmed con- failures, training materials, and business infor-
ceptualizations of rooms, compartments, time mation by representatives, usually senior
zones, and worlds. Used in computer games. managers and executives, of several different
Munchausen syndrome Describes individu- organizations.
als who lie pathologically about symptoms mutual savings bank A nancial institution
and illnesses, devoting their time and effort to that accepts deposits primarily from individ-
attempting to get admitted to or remain in the uals and places a large portion of its funds into
hospital. The condition affects the body but mortgage loans. Savings banks generally have
originates in the mind. broader asset and liability powers than savings
mutual wills 435 myotherapy

and loan associations but narrower powers The test also has its critics, who see it as
than commercial banks. Savings banks are encouraging managers to view personality
authorized to offer checking accounts. tests as the easy answer to organization prob-
mutual wills Separate legal documents, one lems. The test is based on the work of Carl
for each spouse, prepared after they have Jung and assumes that (1) personality is based
reached agreement as to how their property on a four-dimensional framework; (2) scores
will be disposed of following their death. on each dimension fall along a bimodal dis-
myelography (myelogram) A n i nva s iv e tribution; and (3) the judger/perceiver dimen-
medical diagnostic procedure used to identify sion is a key determinant of an individuals
and locate abnormalities and injuries such as preferences.
herniated disks (usually in the lumbar area) myopia Nearsightedness. A condition of the
and tumors. The procedure involves the injec- eye in which a person can see close objects
tion of contrast material into the space sur- but is unable to focus on objects farther away,
rounding the spinal cord and the use of radio- resulting in blurry or fuzzy vision. It is
graphic equipment to provide pictures for caused by the shape of the eyeball, which
diagnosis. causes light rays from objects to a focus
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) A psy- before they reach the retina. The condition can
chological test used primarily but not exclu- be corrected with special lenses or laser
sively in the corporate world by trainers and thermokeratoplasty.
organization development specialists for per- myotherapy A form of physical therapy that
sonality assessment in team building and com- uses trigger points to relieve the pain associ-
munications training. The MBTI divides peo- ated with various types of pain syndromes,
ple into 16 distinguishable personality types. such as bromyalgia.
NAA National Academy of NARCCW North American Resource
Arbitrators. Center for Child Welfare.
NAAS National Association for NARE National Alliance for
Alternative Stafng. Restructuring Education.
NAB National Alliance of Business. NARFE National Association of
NACCRRA National Association of Child Retired Federal Employees.
Care Resource and Referral NARIC National Rehabilitation
Agencies. Information Center.
NACE National Association of NAS Nonavailability statement.
Colleges and Employers. NASBE National Association of State
NACIQI National Advisory Committee Boards of Education.
on Institutional Quality and NASE National Association for the
Integrity. Self-Employed.
NAD National Association of the NATO North Atlantic Treaty
Deaf. Organization.
NAEP National Assessment of NATSS National Association of
Educational Progress. Temporary and Stafng
NAER National Association for Services.
Employee Recognition.
NAUS/SMW National Association for
NAEYC National Association for the
Uniformed Services/Society of
Education of Young Children.
Military Widows.
NAF National Amputation
NAVEX Navy Exchange.
NAVH National Association for
NAFE National Association for
Visually Handicapped.
Female Executives.
NAFTA North American Free Trade NAWBO National Association of
Agreement. Women Business Owners.
NAHR National Academy of Human NBDC National Business & Disability
Resources. Council.
NAICS North American Industry NBEA National Business Education
Classication System. Association.
NAIEC The National Clearinghouse NBPTS National Board for
for Information on Professional Teaching
Business/Industry Standards.
Involvement in Education. NBTA National Business Travel
NAMI The National Alliance for the Association.
Mentally Ill. NC Numerical control.
NAPEO National Association of NCADI National Clearinghouse for
Professional Employer Alcohol and Drug
Organizations. Information.
NAPFA National Association of NCBMP National Coalition of Black
Personal Financial Advisors. Meeting Planners.
NAPS National Association of NCD National Council on
Personnel Services. Disability.


NCEE National Center on Education NICHY National Information Center

and the Economy. for Children and Youth with
NCI National Cancer Institute. Disabilities.
NCL National Coalition for NIDCD National Institute on Deafness
Literacy. and Other Communication
NCLE National Clearinghouse for Disorders.
ESL Literacy Education. NIDRR National Institute on Disability
NCOA 1. National Council on Aging. & Rehabilitation Research.
2. Noncommissioned Ofcers NIFL National Institute for Literacy.
Association. NIH National Institutes of Health.
NCPD National Catholic Ofce for NII National Information
Persons with Disabilities. Infrastructure.
NCQA National Committee for NIST The National Institute of
Quality Assurance. Standards and Technology.
NCSA National Cued Speech NLA 1. Norris-Laguardia Act of
Association. 1932. 2. National Literacy Act
NCSTA National and Community of 1991.
Service Trust Act of 1993. NLP Neurolinguistic programming.
NCYD National Center for Youth with NLRA National Labor Relations Acts
Disabilities. of 1935 and 1937.
NDSS National Down Syndrome NLRB National Labor Relations
Society. Board.
NLT No later than (Internet
NEA National Education
NLUS Navy League of the United
NEPA National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969.
NMA National Management
NERA Naval Enlisted Reserve
NMB National Mediation Board.
NESRA The National Employee
NMFA National Military Family
Services and Recreation
NMMHMO Network and mixed model
NESS National Easter Seal Society. health maintenance
NFB National Federation of the organization.
Blind. NMOP National Mail Order
NFIE National Foundation for the Pharmacy.
Improvement of Education. NMSS National Multiple Sclerosis
NFP Natural family planning. Society.
NFTC National Foreign Trade NNF The National
Council, Inc. Neurobromatosis
NGAUS National Guard Association of Foundation, Inc.
the United States. NOAC Next operation as customer.
NGO Nongovernmental NOBC National Order of Battleeld
organization. Commissions.
NHCE Non-highly compensated NOCA National Organization for
employees. Competency Assurance.
NHN National Helpers Network, NOD National Organization on
Inc. Disability.
NHP National Health Program. NOL Net operating loss.
NICD The National Information N.P. Nurse practitioner.
Center on Deafness. NPD Navy Procurement Directive.
NQSO 439 National Academy of Human Resources

NQSO Nonqualied stock options. nanny tax Social security taxes paid by em-
NRA 1. National Rehabilitation ployers of household workers (housekeepers
Association. 2. Naval Reserve and child-care workers) who earn $50 or more
Association. in wages in a quarter.
NRIC National Rehabilitation nanotechnology A science that employs com-
Information Center. puters the size of molecules and smaller than
NRLYD National Resource Library on the diameter of a human hair that can travel
Youth with Disabilities. in the smallest blood vessels of the heart,
NSA 1. National Speakers brain, or any organ where disease may be
Association. 2. National starting. Nanorobots smaller than a speck of
Society of Accountants. dust may travel along arteries delivering pow-
3. National Security Agency. erful drugs to individual cancer cells, leaving
NSBA National School Boards normal cells undamaged.
Association. narrowband A telecommunications medium
NSC National Safety Council. that carries low-frequency signals, such as
NSCIA National Spinal Cord Injury voice telephone.
Association. nasal decongestants Over-the-counter drugs
NSEE National Society for for the temporary relief of nasal congestion
Experiential Education. due to cold, hay fever, or other respiratory
NSEP National Security Education
NASDAQ The worlds largest electronic stock
market. Trading is executed through a sophis-
NSSE National Survey of Student
ticated computer and telecommunications net-
work, which transmits real-time quote and
NTIS National Technical
trade data to more than 1.3 million users in
Information Service.
83 countries. NASDAQ lists the securities of
NTL National Training Laboratory
nearly 4100 of the worlds leading companies
Institute for Applied (e-mail; Web site
Behavioral Science.
NTOs National Tourist Ofces. national A person who owes permanent alle-
NTSC National Television Standards giance to a state.
Committee. National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) A
NVQs National Vocational nonprot honorary association of highly qual-
Qualications. ied and respected members who may be
NWA National Wellness Association. engaged directly as arbitrators. NAA was
NWVH Not working very hard. organized to foster high standards of integrity,
NYSE New York Stock Exchange. competence, honor, and character among
those engaged in the arbitration of industrial
nanny An ages-old means of obtaining capa- disputes on a professional basis. Members
ble and responsible child care formerly used come from the U.S., Canada, Australia, and
almost exclusively by wealthy parents. The New Zealand, with overseas correspondents
use of nannies has become an alternative to in England, Belgium, The Netherlands, Israel,
traditional group child care arrangements. Japan, France, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Fin-
Nannies may be either live-in or non-live-in land, Wales, Sweden, and the United King-
women, as young as 19 to as old as 70, who dom. Contact: NAA, Suite 600-A, 1121
provide child care in the home for infants or Boyce Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241(phone
small children or both. Some may have only 720-941-8220; fax 724-941-9235; Web site
a high school education; others may possess
college undergraduate and graduate degrees. National Academy of Human Resources
nanny placement service A new child care (NAHR) Formed in 1992 to recognize dis-
benet. tinguished achievement in human resources.
The National Academy of Public 440 National Alliance of Business (NAB)

Annually selects human resource leaders as has given outstanding public service to the
Fellows of the National Academy of Human human resource development eld while
Resources and a limited number of Distin- serving in the legislative or executive
guished Fellows and Honored Organizations. branches of the U.S. or state government or
Fellows are individuals whose contributions in any other national affairs/state policy-mak-
to the advancement of knowledge of human ing role. Selected by the ASTD National
resources, overall contributions to the nations Issues Committee. Contact: ASTD National
productivity and global competitiveness, sup- Awards Program, 1640 King St., Box 1443,
port of the broad principles and objectives of Alexandria, VA 22313-2043 (phone 703-683-
human resources, and overall achievement in 8100; fax 703-683-8103; e-mail info.cen-
human resource practice, management, and; Web site
theory warrant recognition by their peers. National Alliance for Restructuring Educa-
Contact: NAHR, 128 Grant Ave., Suite 218, tion (NARE) See National Center on Edu-
Sante Fe, NM 87501 (phone 505-983-5603; cation and the Economy.
fax 505-989-1556; e-mail; The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
Web site (NAMI) An organization of more than
The National Academy of Public Admin- 210,000 parents, children, spouses, siblings,
istration (NAPA) An organization dedicated and friends of people with serious mental ill-
to improving the performance of governance nesses as well as those people themselves.
systems the network of public institutions,
NAMI is dedicated to the eradication of men-
nonprot organizations, and private compa-
tal illness and improvement in the quality of
nies that now share in the implementation of
life of those whose lives are affected by those
public policy. As an independent, nonprot
diseases. It advocates for mentally ill people
organization chartered by Congress, the Acad-
by bringing their problems to the attention of
emy responds to specic requests from public
local, state, and federal governments. It pro-
agencies and nongovernment organizations.
vides information and resources to make it
Contact: NAPA, 1100 New York Avenue NW,
Suite 1090 East, Washington, D.C. 20005 easier for families to deal with mental illness,
(phone 202-347-3190; fax 202-393-0993; and it supports research into causes, treat-
e-mail; Web site ments, and cures. Contact: NAMI, Colonial Place Three, 2107 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300,
National Advisory Committee on Institu- Arlington, VA 22201(phone 800-950-6264 or
tional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) 703-524-7600; fax 703-524-9094; Web site
Established under the Higher Education
Amendments of 1992, Section 114 provides for National Alliance of Business (NAB) A busi-
a committee composed of 15 members ness-led, nonprot organization dedicated to
appointed by the Secretary of Education. The building a competitive American workforce.
law species that members should be represen- In partnership with schools and businesses,
tatives of, or knowledgeable concerning, edu- the Alliance works in communities to design,
cation and training beyond secondary educa- implement, evaluate, and replicate education
tion, including representatives of all sectors and and training programs that help students
types of institutions of higher education, as well make a successful transition from school to
as a student representative. Contact: Executive the workplace. The Alliance also researches
Director, NACIQI, U.S. Department of Educa- and chronicles best practices in school-to-
tion, 1990 K St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20006- work programs and disseminates this infor-
7592 (phone 202-219-7009; fax 202-219-7008; mation to businesses around the country.
e-mail; Web site Contact: NAB, 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 700; Washington, D.C. 20005 (phone
National Affairs Award An award presented 800-787-2848 or 202-289-2888; fax 202-
annually by the American Society for Train- 289-1303; e-mail; Web site
ing and Development to an individual who
National Amputation Foundation (NAF) 441 National Association for Professional

National Amputation Foundation (NAF) A NW, Washington, D.C. 20006 (phone 202-
nonprot organization with 2500 members 502-7300; Web site
and the largest amputee organization in the National Association for Alternative Stafng
U.S. Originally established to help veterans (NAAS) A nonprot organization estab-
who lost a limb in World War I, NAF now lished to educate and assist members. Also
serves serves both veterans and civilians of all works on the state and national level with
ages and both sexes by providing legal coun- governmental agencies, such as the IRS and
sel, vocational guidance, liaison with outside the Department of Labor, to promote a climate
groups, psychological aid, training in the use of trust and cooperation. Contact: NAAS,
of prosthetic devices, and publications. Con- 1666 K Street NW, Suite 1200, Washington,
tact: National Amputation Foundation, 40 D.C. 20006 (phone 202-293-8144; fax 202-
Church St., Malverne, NY 11565 (phone 516- 872-1431; e-mail;
887-3600; fax 516-887-3667; e-mail Web site; Web site www.nation- National Association for Employee Recogni- tion (NAER) Established in 1999, the asso-
National and Community Service Trust Act ciations mission is to promote general aware-
of 1993 (NCSTA) Amends the National and ness of the importance of employee recogni-
Community Service Act of 1990 to establish tion and to educate businesses about the
a Corporation for National Service, enhance multitude of ways to enhance employee per-
opportunities for national service, and provide formance through recognition. Contact:
national service educational awards to persons NAER, 1801 North Mill St., Suite R, Naper-
participating in such service. Permits direct
ville, IL 60563 (phone 630-369-7773; fax
government loans to students (up to $100,000
630-369-7773; e-mail NAER@recogni-
over 5 years) to nance their college education; Web site
as long as they pay it back with a small per-
National Association for Female Executives
centage of their income over time or with 2
(NAFE) A 125,000-member association
or 3 years of national service within the U.S.
that provides the resources and services
Participants will work for the federal mini-
through education, networking, and public
mum wage in community-designed program
and, after 2 years of full-time service, be eli- advocacy to empower its members to
gible for $9450 in education grants. A new achieve career success and nancial security.
program provides full-time educational Member benets include the publication
awards of $4725 per year and allows recipi- Executive Female, insurance programs, busi-
ents to work before, during, or after postsec- ness start-up guides, nancial planning pro-
ondary education. Funds can be used to pay grams, career development events, access to
either current education expenses or repay the Web site, and many corporate and travel
federal student loans. discounts. It conducts conferences, and pro-
National Assessment of Educational vides many other member services. Contact:
Progress (NAEP) A project mandated by NAFE, 30 Irving Place, Floor 5, New York,
Congress in the National Center for Education NY 10003 (phone 212-477-2200; fax 212-
Statistics, an organization that measures the 477-8215; e-mail; Web site
scholastic achievement of elementary, middle,
and high school students to compare and ana- National Association for Professional Em-
lyze what is occurring in American schools. ployer Organizations (NAPEO) Established
The primary federal entity for collecting and to enhance professionalism in the professional
analyzing data related to education in the U.S. employer services industry (companies that
and other countries. Also known as The provide integrated business services that man-
Nations Report Card. Contact: NAEP, age critical human resource responsibilities
National Center for Education Statistics, and employer risks for its clients). Formerly
Ofce of Educational Research & Improve- called leasing companies. Contact: NA-
ment, U.S. Dept. of Education, 1990 K Street, PEO, 901 Pitt St., Ste. 150, Alexandria, VA
National Association for the Education 442 National Association of Colleges

22314 (phone 703-836-0466; fax 703-836- National Association for Visually Handi-
0976; e-mail; Web site capped (NAVH) An organization that pro- vides persons with partial vision visual aids,
National Association for the Education o f information and referral services, counsel and
Young Children (NAEYC) A nonprot guidance, and free-by-mail large-print library
membership organization of over 100,000 loans and newsletters for adults and children.
members and a national network of nearly 450 Works with families, professionals, and para-
local, state, and regional afliates, NAEYC professionals dealing with the partially seeing.
acts on behalf of children from birth through Contact: NAVH, 22 West 21 St., New York,
age 8 by providing professional development NY 10010 (phone 212-255-2804; fax 212-
opportunities and setting and promoting stan- 727-2931) or NAVH, 3201 Balboa Street, San
dards of practice for the early childhood pro- Francisco, CA 94121(phone 415-221-3201;
fessional. NAEYC also administers a volun- fax 415-221-8754; e-mail;
tary accreditation system for early childhood Web site
programs. Contact: NAEYC, 1509 16th Street, National Association of Child Care Resource
NW, Washington, D.C. 20036-1426 (phone and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) A
800-424-246; e-mail; Web national membership organization of over 400
site www. community child care resource and referral
National Association for the Self-Employed agencies (CCR&RAs) in all 50 states. NAC-
(NASE) An organization of more than CRRAs mission is to promote the growth and
300,000 entrepreneurs, consultants, and pro- development of high-quality resource and
fessionals established to support the ability of
referral services and to exercise leadership to
small businesses to compete and grow. Edu-
build a diverse, high-quality child care system
cates legislators on the needs of small busi-
with parental choice and equal access for all
nesses and business people, addresses mem-
families. CCR&RAs work closely with com-
bers educational, family, and business needs,
munity leaders, including employers and
and publishes Self-Employed America, a mag-
unions. Activities include technical assistance,
azine on small business issues. Contact:
training for referral counselors, information
NASE, P.O. Box 612067; DFW Airport, Dal-
sharing, public education, and coordination of
las, TX 75261-2067 (phone 800-232-NASE;
fax 817-428-4210; Web site legislation initiatives. Contact: NACCRRA,
1319 F St., NW, Ste. 500, Washington, D.C.
National Association for Uniformed Services/
Society of Military Widows (NAUS/SMW) 20004-1106 (phone 202-393-5501; fax 202-
A military/veterans association of 160,000 393-1109; e-mail; Web site
members representing all services, ranks,
grades, and components Army, Navy, National Association of Colleges and Em-
Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public ployers (NACE) A nonprot association of
Health Services, National Oceanic and Atmo- human resource professionals and career ser-
spheric Administration ofcer and enlisted, vices counselors in 1800 member colleges and
reserve, National Guard, other veterans, their universities and more than 1900 employer or-
families, and survivors. Its mission is to rep- ganizations involved in career planning and
resent the interests of the military/veterans employment of college graduates. Serves as
community in government by supporting leg- the principal clearinghouse of information of
islation that upholds the security of the U.S., the college-educated work force. NACE
sustains the morale of the uniformed services, provides research and information through an-
and provides fair and equitable consideration nual employer/college surveys, a quarterly
of all. Contact: NAUS/SMW, 5535 Hempstead survey of starting salary offers to new college
Way, Springeld, VA 22l51-4094 (phone graduates, a quarterly journal and biweekly
800-842-3451 or 703-750-1342; fax 703-354- newsletter, and Job Choices, a job search and
4380; e-mail; Web site career opportunities guide for students. Con- tact: NACE, 62 Highland Ave., Bethlehem,
National Association of Personal Financial 443 National Association of the Deaf (NAD)

PA 18017-9085 (phone 610-868-1421; fax civilian federal retirement law. Contact::

610-868-0208; Web site NARFE, 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria,
National Association of Personal Financial VA 22314-1914 (phone 800-456-8410 or 703-
Advisors (NAPFA) An organization of fee- 838-7760; fax 703-838-7785; e-mail pub-
only nancial advisors, academics, and stu-; Web site
dents who are not associated with bro- National Association of State Boards of Edu-
kers/dealers and who are engaged in activities cation (NASBE) A nonprot, private asso-
directly related to the business of providing ciation of 700 members that represents state
comprehensive nancial advice. The Associa- and territorial boards of education. Its princi-
tion is devoted to promoting consumer and pal objectives are to strengthen state leader-
industry awareness of fee-only nancial plan- ship in education policy making, promote
ning through networking, publications, and excellence in the education of all students,
national and regional conferences. Applicants advocate quality of access to educational
for full membership must submit a compre- opportunity, and ensure responsible lay gov-
hensive nancial plan and meet education and ernance of public education. Contact:
experience requirements. Contact: NAPFA, NASBE, 277 South Washington Street, Alex-
355 West Dundee Rd., Suite 200, Buffalo andria, VA 22314 (phone 703-684-4000; fax
Grove, IL 60089 (phone 800-366-2732 or 703-836-2313; e-mail;
847-537-7722; fax 847-537-7740; e-mail Web site; Web site National Association of Temporary and
National Association of Personnel Services Stafng Services (NATSS) Originally
(NAPS) A trade association of 1300 member established to ensure that competent tempo-
rms that provide private permanent place- rary help services were available to business
ment and temporary stafng services through- and industry while simultaneously providing
out the U.S. The mission of NAPS is to serve, exible employment opportunities to the work
protect, and inform members regarding legis- force. NATSS members operate 14,500 ofces
lative and regulatory issues affecting person- throughout the U.S. with 69 chapters in 43
nel services. The Association is dedicated to states and the District of Columbia. NATSS
the professional advancement of the private members are active in all types of stafng ser-
personnel services industry through continu- vices, including professional employer ser-
ing education, public information, and leader- vices (employee leasing), managed services
ship. Offers two professional designations: (often called outsourcing), payrolling, place-
Certied Personnel Consultant and Certi- ment services, temporary-to-full-time ser-
ed Temporary-Stafng Specialist. Con- vices, long-term stafng, and others. Contact:
tact: NAPS, 10905 Fort Washington Road, NATSS, 119 South Saint Asaph Street, Alex-
Suite 400, Fort Washington, MD 20744 andria, VA 22314-3119 (phone 703-549-6287;
(phone 301-203-6700; fax 301-203-4346; fax 703-549-4808; e-mail;
e-mail; Web Web site
site National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
National Association of Retired Federal The nations largest organization for safe-
Employees (NARFE) A national voluntary guarding the accessibility and civil rights of
association of about 500,000 members in more 28 million deaf and hard-of-hearing Ameri-
than 1,700 chapters. Membership is open to cans in education, employment, health care,
civilians with at least 5 years of vested service and telecommunications. Focuses on grass-
in any agency of the federal or DC govern- roots advocacy and empowerment, captioned
ments, including retirees, employees, former media, deafness-related information and pub-
employees, and spouses and surviving spouses lications, legal assistance, policy development
of persons eligible to join NARFE. Its purpose and research, public awareness, and youth
is to promote and preserve the vested retire- leadership development. Contact: National
ment interests and general welfare of its mem- Association of the Deaf, 814 Thayer Ave.,
bers and secure legislation perfecting the Silver Spring, MD 20910-4500 (phone
National Association of Women Business 444 National Center for Youth with Disabilities

301-587-1788 [voice]; TTY 301-587-1789; members professional growth and develop-

fax 301-587-1791; e-mail; ment. Contact: NBEA, 1914 Association
Web site]. Drive, Reston, VA 22091-1596 (phone 703-
National Association of Women Business 860-8300; fax 703-620-4483; e-mail
Owners (NAWBO) A nonprot organiza-; Web site
tion that provides a strong and continuing National Business Travel Association
voice and vision for women business owners (NBTA) An organization of 1800 business
within the economic, social, and political travel managers, suppliers, and other travel-
communities. Its mission is to strengthen the related companies and individuals. NBTAs
wealth-creating capacity of members; pro- mission is to enhance the value of travel man-
mote economic development; create innova- agers in meeting corporate travel needs and
tive and effective changes in the business cul- nancial goals; provide a forum for members
ture; build strategic alliances, coalitions, and to network; cultivate a positive public image
afliations; transform public policy; and inu- for the industry; educate members about the
ence opinion makers. Local chapters provide industry; and promote the safety, security, ef-
managerial training and assistance. Contact: ciency, and quality of travel. Contact: NBTA,
NAWBO, 1595 Spring Hill Rd, Ste. 330, 110 North Royal Street, 4th Floor, Alexandria,
Vienna, VA 22182 (phone 703-506-3268; fax VA 22314 (phone 703-684-0836; fax 703-
703-506-3266; e-mail; 684-0263; e-mail info@nbta. org; Web site
Web site
National Board for Professional Teaching National Cancer Institute (NCI) One of 17
Standards (NBPTS) A board organized to Institutes of the National Institutes of Health.
establish high and rigorous standards for what The National Cancer Institute is the federal
teachers should know and be able to do, cer- governments principal agency for cancer
tify teachers who meet those standards, and research and training. Its mission is to elimi-
advance related education reforms to improve nate cancer and prevent the devastation that
student learning in American schools. Con- cancer imposes on individuals, families, and
tact: NBPTS, 1525 Wilson Boulevard, Suite society as a whole. Contact: NCI, Suite 504,
500, Arlington, VA 22209 (phone 703-465- MSC 8316, 6116 Executive Boulevard,
2700; fax 703-465-2715; e-mail info@ Bethesda, MD 20892-8316 (phone 301-496-; Web site 8510; fax 301-496-9949; e-mail can-
National Business & Disability Council; Web site
(NBDC) Formerly the Industry-Labor
Council. A nonprot organization of corpora- National Catholic Ofce for Persons with Dis-
tions, NBDC is the leading resource for abilities (NCPD) A nonprot organization
employers seeking to integrate people with established to foster the inclusion of people
disabilities into the workplace and companies with disabilities in all the celebrations and
seeking to reach them in the consumer mar- obligations of the Roman Catholic Church.
ketplace. Contact: NBDC, 201 I.U. Willets The organization works through a network of
Rd., Albertson, NY 11507-1599 (phone 516- diocesan directors who oversee access and
465-1515; fax 516-747-2046; Web site inclusion at the parish level. Contact: NCPD, McCormick Pavilion, 415 Michigan Ave., NE,
National Business Education Association Suite 240, Washington, D.C. 20017-1557
(NBEA) A professional association devoted (phone 202-529-2933; TTY 202-529-2934;
exclusively to serving individuals and groups fax 202-529-4678; e-mail;
engaged in instruction, administration, Web site
research, and dissemination of information for National Center for Youth with Disabilities
and about business. NBEA is committed to (NCYD) An information and resource center
the advancement of the professional interests focusing on adolescents with chronic illness
and competencies of its members and pro- and disabilities. Its mission is to raise aware-
vides programs and services that enhance ness of the needs of adolescents with chronic
The National Center on Education 445 National Committee for Employer Support

illness disabilities; expand the knowledge and base. Contact: NCLE, 4646 40th Street, NW,
involvement of those who provide services to Washington, D.C. 20016-1859 (phone 202-
youth; and promote programs and strategies 362-0700, ext. 200; fax 202-363-7204; e-mail
that enhance the ability of adolescents and; Web site
young adults to grow, develop, work, and par- The National Clearinghouse for Information
ticipate in community life to their fullest on Business/Industry Involvement in Edu-
capacity. Provides bibliographic and pro- cation (NAIEC) An internationally recog-
gram services, training materials, publica- nized advocate for promoting industry (business,
tions, and technical assistance. Contact: labor, government, and the professions) edu-
NCYD, University of Minnesota, Box 721, cation (public/postsecondary) cooperation and
420 Delaware St. SE, Room D-136, Mayo coordination in the areas of school improve-
Memorial Building, Minneapolis, MN 55455 ment, workforce preparation/school-to-work
(phone 612-626-2825 or 612-624-3939; fax and human resource/economic development.
612-6626-2134; Web site www.peds.umn. NAIEC is a nonprot, industry-education
edu/Centers/ihd/ncyd/). collaborative professional organization that
The National Center on Education and the focuses on channeling industrys resources
Economy (NCEE) A not-for-prot organiza- into education. Contact: NAIEC, 235 Hen-
tion whose hallmark is standards-based edu- dricks Blvd., Buffalo, NY 14226-3304
cational reform education and training (phone/fax 716-834-7047; e-mail naiec@
standards set for student achievement that; Web site
match the highest in the world, where progress The National Coalition for Literacy (NCL)
is measured against those standards, and the A consortium of 11 businesses and associa-
people closest to the students are given the tions that seeks to promote the cause of liter-
authority to determine how to get the students acy. Fosters collaboration at national, state,
to the standards and are then held accountable and local levels among public and private
for student progress. Created the Certicate institutions and serves as an information and
of Initial Mastery. Formerly The National communications source for the public and for
Alliance for Restructuring Education. Con- external organizations. Contact: Coalition for
tact: NCEE, 700 Eleventh St., NW, Ste. 750, Literacy, 50 East Huron St., Chicago IL 60611
Washington, D.C. 20001 (phone 202-783- (phone 312-280-3217; e-mail
3668; fax 202-783-3672; e-mail; or; Web site
Web site
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and National Coalition of Black Meeting Plan-
Drug Information (NCADI) Established ners (NCBMP) An organization estab-
by the Ofce for Substance Abuse and Pre- lished (1) to assist the advancement of Black
vention as a national resource of up-to-date meeting planners by sharing with them the
print and audiovisual materials about alcohol wealth of information available from their
and other drugs. Contact: NCADI, P.O. Box peers, hotel, travel, and convention bureau
2345, Rockville, MD 20852-2345 (phone representatives, consultants, and other sup-
800-729-6686 or 301-468-2600; TDD 800- pliers and (2) to enhance the professional
487-4889; fax 301-468-6433; e-mail status of Black meeting planners by provid-; Web site ing educational opportunities in support of
National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy their becoming Certied Meeting Profession-
Education (NCLE) An adjunct of ERIC als (CMP). Contact: NCBMP, 8630 Fenton
clearing house established at the Center for St., Ste. 126, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Applied Linguistics. Its mission is to provide (phone 202-628-3952; fax 301-588-0011;
practitioners and others with timely informa- e-mail; Web site www.
tion on adult ESL literacy education. Collects,
evaluates, and abstracts documents in the National Committee for Employer Support
scope of adult ESL literacy education and of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) An
native language literacy for the ERIC data- agency established in 1972 by the Congress,
National Committee for Quality Assurance 446 National Do Not Call Registry

a unit within the ofce of the Assistant NCD, 1331 F St., NW, Ste. 850, Washington,
Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, to D.C. 20004 (phone 202-272-2004; TTY
promote understanding, support, and cooper- 202-272-2074; fax 202-272-2022; e-mail
ation between National Guard and Reserve; Web site
members and their civilian employers to National Cued Speech Association (NCSA).
encourage employers support for a strong A nonprot membership organization
National Guard and Reserve system. ESGR founded to promote and support the effective
operates through a network of more than 4500 use of cued speech. NCSA raises awareness
volunteers through 54 committees located in of cued speech and its applications, provides
each state, the District of Columbia, Guam, educational services, assists local afliate
Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Contact: chapters, establish standards for cued speech,
ESGR, 1555 Wilson Blvd, Suite 200, Arling- and certies cued speech instructors and trans-
ton, VA 22209-2405 (phone 800-336-4590; literators. Contact: NCSA, Nazareth College
e-mail; Web of Rochester, 4245 East Ave., Rochester, NY
site 14617 (phone 800-459-3529, voice/TTY; fax
National Committee for Quality Assurance . 716-586-2452; e-mail; Web
(NCQA) An independent, not-for-prot site
organization dedicated to assessing and National Defense Authorization Act of 2002.
reporting on the quality of managed care Provides the resources needed to continue the
plans, including health maintenance organi- war against terrorism, accelerate programs for
zations. NCQAs mission is to provide infor- defense against biological or chemical att-
mation that enables purchasers and consumers tacks, pursue an effective missile defense, pro-
of managed health care to distinguish among vide support to members of the armed forces
plans based on quality. Efforts of the Commit- and their families, and begin the transforma-
tee are organized around two activities: tion of the armed forces to meet military
accreditation and performance measurement. requirements of the 21st century. Approved
Evaluates and accredits health plans according December 28, 2001.
to 50 nationally recognized standards for qual- National Defense Authorization Act of 2003.
ity in six categories: quality management and Funds the military portion of the war on ter-
improvement, physician credentials, mem- rorism and the continuing transformation and
bers rights and responsibilities, preventive modernization of the military. Among its pro-
health services, medical records, and utiliza- visions: an across-the-board 4.1% pay raise
tion management. Contact: NCQA, 2000 L and targeted pay raises of up to 6.5% for mid-
St., NW, Ste. 500, Washington, D.C. 20036 grade ofcers and noncommissioned ofcers,
(phone 202-955-3500 or 800-839-6487; fax an increase in basic allowance for housing,
202-955-3599; e-mail; and full funding for an army end strength of
Web site 480,000. Signed by President George W. Bush
National Construction Safety Team Act of on October 23, 2002. See also concurrent
2002. Establishes investigative teams to receipt.
assess building performance and emergency National Do Not Call Registry. Created by
response and evacuation procedures following the Federal Trade Commission and available
any building failure that resulted in substantial in the spring of 2003, it is coordinated with
loss of life or that posed signicant potential similar lists in 28 states. By registering online
of substantial loss of life. Approved October or by calling a toll-free number, people can
1, 2002. stop telemarketing calls made from outside
National Council on Disability (NCD). A n their state. Telemarketers who call listed peo-
independent federal agency that makes rec- ple could be ned up to $11,000 for each
ommendations to the president and Congress violation. Exempt organizations include char-
on issues affecting 54 million Americans ities, long-distance phone companies, airlines,
with disabilities and their families. Contact: and state-regulated insurance companies.
National Down Syndrome Society 447 National Federation of the Blind

National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) business management. NESRA promotes pro-
An organization that supports research regard- grams that serve to improve relations between
ing genetic, behavioral, and learning problems employees and management, increase overall
associated with Down syndrome; sponsors productivity, boost morale, and reduce absen-
scientic symposia and conferences for par- teeism and turnover. Contact: NESRA, 2211
ents and professionals; advocates on behalf of York Rd., Ste. 207, Oak Brook, IL 60523-
families and individuals affected by this con- 2371(phone 630-368-1280; fax 630-368-
dition; provides information and referral ser- 1286; e-mail; Web site
vices through its toll-free number; and devel-
ops and disseminates educational materials. National Energy Policy Act of 1992 Legis-
Contact: National Down Syndrome Society, lation signed by President Bush on October
666 Broadway, New York, NY 10012-2317 24, 1992 that focuses on conservation and
(phone 800-221-4602 or 212-460-9930; fax energy sources other than fossil fuel and is
212-979-2873; e-mail; Web designed to reduce U.S. reliance on oil
site imports. The bill provides tax incentives for
National Easter Seal Society (NESS) A nation- renewable energy sources, for some conserva-
wide network of 135 afliate societies serving tion measures, and for independent oil and gas
50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto producers. It also calls for new efciency stan-
Rico. The societies operate nearly 500 pro- dards on lights and other equipment, makes it
gram service sites to meet the needs of more easier for the nuclear power industry to build
than 1 million people annually. Established a reactors, and calls for more eet vehicles by
leadership role in developing quality rehabil- the end of the decade to use fuels other than
itation programs, promoting assistive technol- gasoline.
ogy, supporting the enactment of critical leg- National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
islation and programs, and producing award- (NEPA) The Act was one of the rst laws
winning public education campaigns for peo- written to establish a national framework for
ple with disabilities. Contact: NESS, 230 W. protecting our environment. NEPAs basic
Monroe, Ste. 1800, Chicago, IL 60606 (phone policy is to ensure that all branches of gov-
800-221-6827 or 312-726-6200; TTY 312- ernment give proper consideration to the envi-
726-4258; fax 312-726-1494; e-mail ness- ronment prior to undertaking any major fed-; Web site www.easter- eral action that signicantly affects the environment. NEPA requirements are invoked
National Education Association (NEA) A when airports, buildings, military complexes,
union and professional organization of 2.7 highways, parkland purchases, and other fed-
million elementary and secondary school eral activities are proposed. Environmental
teachers and administrators, college and uni- Assessments (EAs) and Environmental
versity professors, counselors, and others con- Impact Statements (EISs), which are assess-
cerned with education. Seeks support for ments of the likelihood of impacts from alter-
pubic education, professional excellence and native courses of action, are required from all
freedom, and economic and professional secu- federal agencies and are the most visible
rity for all educators. Contact: NEA, 1201 NEPA requirements.
16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036-3290 National Federation of the Blind (NFB) A
(phone 202-833-4000; fax 202-822-7974; consumer group of 50,000 blind Americans
e-mail; Web site whose purpose is to achieve the complete integration of the blind into society by
The National Employee Services and Rec- removing legal, economic, and social dis-
reation Association (NESRA) A nonprot crimination; educating the public to new con-
organization established to represent over 10 cepts concerning blindness; and ensuring the
million employees. NESRA is dedicated to right of all blind people to exercise to the
the principle that employee services, tness, fullest their individual talents and capacities
and recreation programs are essential to sound and work along with their sighted neighbors
National Foreign Trade Council, Inc. 448 National Information Infrastructure (NII)

in the professions, common callings, skilled National Health Awards See C. Everett Koop
trades, and regular occupations. With the National Health Awards.
U.S. Department of Labor, NFB sponsors Job National Health Program (NHP) A program
Opportunities for the Blind, a nationwide similar to the Canadian system of national
employment service for employers and blind health care introduced by Physicians for a
applicants. Contact: NFB,1800 Johnson St., National Health Program. A single insurer
Baltimore, MD 21230 (phone 410-659-9314; would be set up in each state and operate in
fax 410-685-5653; e-mail; Web accordance with national standards enforced
site locally. All Americans would be covered for
National Foreign Trade Council, Inc. medically necessary services including pre-
Established to develop policies designed to scription drugs and long-term care. Fees for
expand exports, protect U.S. foreign invest- services would be negotiated by the state
ment, enhance the competitiveness and prof- insurance company and representatives of
itability of U.S. industry, and promote and health care providers in the state. Physicians
maintain a fair and equitable trading system. would submit claims directly to the state
Focuses on international human resources and health plan. The plan would be nanced by
serves as a forum for thought leadership. Con- payroll tax contributions, which would go into
tact: NFTC, Rockefeller Center, 1270 Avenue a public health care trust fund. It would
of the Americas, New York, NY 10020-1702 replace current employer and employee pre-
(phone 212-399-7128; fax 212-399-7144) or miums for private medical insurance.
NFTC, 1625 K St., NW, Washington, D.C. National Helpers Network, Inc. (NHN) See
20006-1604 (phone 202-887-0278; fax 202- Young CitizensSM Program
452-8160; Web site National Information Center for Children
The National Foundation for the Improve- and Youth with Disabilities (NICHY)
ment of Education (NFIE) A n o n p r o t Provides sources of information and assis-
foundation, created by the National Educa- tance to parents, educators, care-givers, advo-
tion Association, dedicated to improving the cates, and others in helping children and youth
quality of education through the empower- with disabilities to become participating
ment of teachers. It assists teachers to design members of the community. Contact: NICHY,
and implement better learning environments P.O. Box 1492, Washington, D.C. 20013-1492
for their students and become leaders in the (phone 800-695-0285 or 202-884-8200: fax
national education reform movement. Con- 202-884-8441; e-mail; Web
tact: NFIE, 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, site
D.C. 20036 (phone 202-822-7840; fax 202- National Information Center on Deafness
822-7779; e-mail; Web site (NICD) Serves as a resource center provid- ing information on all aspects of deafness.
National Guard Association of the U.S. NICD collects, develops, and disseminates
(NGAUS) An association of 58,000 current vital, up-to-date information on deafness and
and former members of the Army and Air hearing loss and organizations, services, and
National Guard, corporations, and individu- programs related to people with hearing loss.
als. Its mission is to maintain the freedom and Contact: NICD, Gallaudet University, 800
security of the nation by guaranteeing a strong Florida Ave., NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-
national defense through the provision of a 3695 (phone 202-651-5051; TTY 202-651-
vital and dynamic National Guard, improving 5052 ; fax 202-651-5054; e-mail nicd@gal-
the readiness of the National Guard, and; Web site www.gallau-
providing personnel benets and entitlements
for its members. Contact: NGAUS, One National Information Infrastructure (NII)
Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. The federal version of the Information
20001 (phone 202-789-0031; fax 202-682- Superhighway, composed of telephone,
9358; e-mail; Web site broadcast, cable, and electronics networks, most of which were created by private com-
National Institute for Literacy 449 National Labor Relations Act of 1935

panies. Offers promise of ultimately providing and Human Services, whose mission is to
business, government agencies, hospitals, provide health information about human
homes, libraries, and schools access to voice, communication and disorders of hearing, bal-
data, full-motion video, and multimedia. ance, smell, taste, voice, speech, and lan-
National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) Cre- guage. In addition, NIDCD established a
ated by the National Literacy Act of 1991 and national resource center, the NIDCD Informa-
reauthorized under the Workforce Investment tion Clearinghouse, to help health profession-
Act of 1998, the Institute serves as a focal als, patients, people in industry, and the public
point for public and private activities that sup- locate health information about human com-
port the development of high-quality regional, munication disorders. Contact: NIDCD
state, and national literacy services. NIFLs Clearinghouse, 31 Center Drive, MSC 2320,
goal is to ensure that all Americans with lit- Bethesda, MD 20892-2320 (phone 800-241-
eracy needs have access to services that can 1044; TTY 800-241-1055; fax 301-907-8830;
help them gain the basic skills necessary for e-mail; Web site
success in the workplace, family, and commu-
nity in the 21st century. Contact: NIFL, 775 National Institute on Disability and Reha-
I Street, NW, Suite 730, Washington, D.C. bilitation Research (NIDRR) A national
20006-2401(phone 202-233-2025; fax 202- leader in sponsoring research, NIDRR is one
233-2050; Web site of three components of the Ofce of Special
The National Institute of Standards and Education and Rehabilitative Services
Technology (NIST) A nonregulatory fed- (OSERS) at the U.S. Department of Educa-
eral agency within the Commerce Depart- tion. Its mission is to generate, disseminate,
ments Technology Administration. Its pri- and promote new knowledge to improve the
mary mission is to promote economic growth options available to disabled persons. NIDRR
by working with industry to develop and apply conducts comprehensive and coordinated pro-
technology, measurements, and standards. grams of research and related activities to
NIST carries out its mission in four coopera- maximize the full inclusion, social integra-
tive programs: (1) NIST Laboratories, which tion, employment, and independent living of
conduct research that advances the nations individuals of all ages with disabilities. Con-
technology infrastructure; (2) the Baldrige tact: NIDRR, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW,
National Quality Program, which promotes Washington, D.C. 20202-2572 (phone 202-
performance excellence among U.S. manufac- 205-8134; TTY 202-205-4475;Web site
turers, service companies, educational institu-
tions, and health care providers; (3) the National Institutes of Health (NIH) One of
Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a eight health agencies of the Public Health Ser-
nationwide network of local centers offering vices, which are part of the U.S. Department
technical and business assistance to smaller of Health and Human Services, NIH is the
manufacturers; and (4) the Advanced Technol- federal focal point for medical research in the
ogy Program, which accelerates the develop- U.S. It conducts research in its own laborato-
ment of innovative technologies for broad ries; supports the research of nonfederal sci-
national benet by cofunding research and entists, universities, medical schools, hospi-
development partnerships with the private sec- tals, and research institutions throughout the
tor. Contact: NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop country; helps in the training of research inves-
3460, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-3460 (phone tigators; and fosters communication of medi-
301-975-6478; TTY 301-975-8295; fax 301- cal information Contact: NIH, 9000 Rockville
948-3716; e-mail; Web Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892 (phone 301-496-
site 4000; e-mail NIHInfo@OD.NIH.GOV; Web
National Institute on Deafness and Other site
Communication Disorders Clearinghouse National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA)
(NIDCD) An ofce of the National Insti- An act increasing government power to
tutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health ensure employee collective bargaining rights
National Labor Relations Act of 1947 450 National Literacy Act of 1991

and prohibiting management from engaging in rized to prevent unfair labor practices or order
the following unfair labor practices: (1) inter- the termination of such practices. (Web site
fering with, restraining, or coercing employ-
ees in the exercise of their right to join or assist National Labor Relations Board v. Curtis
in the organization of a union or to refrain Matheson Scientic Inc. A 1990 Supreme
from doing so; (2) dominating or interfering Court decision that upheld an NLRB policy
with the formation or administration of a labor barring companies from assuming that work-
organization, or contributing nancially or ers hired as replacements during a strike were
otherwise supporting it; (3) discriminating in instinctively opposed to the union. The ruling
hiring or tenure of employment or imposing had the effect of making it more difcult for
any term or condition of employment to employers to terminate negotiations on the
encourage or discourage membership in any basis of a lost union majority.
labor organization; (4) discharging or other- National Labor Relations Board v. Town &
wise discriminating against employees Country Electric Inc. A 1995 Supreme
because they have given testimony under the Court ruling that individuals paid by labor
Act; and (5) refusing to bargain collectively unions to nd employment at nonunion job
with representatives of its employees. The Act sites and to organize the work force by salting
also created the National Labor Relations
were still considered employees and entitled
Board to supervise and certify representation
to protection under the NLRB.
elections and prevent unfair labor practices.
National Leadership Coalition for Health
Amended by the Labor Management Rela-
Care Reform (NLCHCR) An alliance of
tions Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley), the Labor-
some of the countrys biggest unions, U.S.
Management Reporting and Disclosure Act
corporations (Chrysler Corporation, Bethle-
of 1959 (Landrum-Grifn), and the Labor
hem Steel, and food, utility, and paper com-
Management Cooperation Act of 1978 (Wag-
ner Act). panies), and two former presidents (Gerald R.
Ford and Jimmy Carter) that has proposed a
National Labor Relations Act of 1947
plan for a broad restructuring of health care.
(NLRA) An act administered by the National
The plan would require all employers to pro-
Labor Relations Board and general counsel.
The legislation made it the responsibility of vide private health insurance to workers or pay
the president, subject to senate conrmation, a payroll tax of 7%, matched by an employee
to appoint a general counsel to a 4-year term tax of 1.75%, to help the government provide
to serve as investigator and prosecutor in court the coverage a so-called pay or play plan.
cases involving unions, thereby protecting the Workers not covered on the job and the unem-
general counsels autonomy. The Act applies ployed would receive private insurance poli-
to virtually all industries involved in interstate cies purchased for them by the states using
commerce with a few exceptions. funds from the 7% tax and related taxes. To
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) reduce costs, a government board would set
A board created by the Wagner Act (National an annual target ceiling for national health
Labor Relations Act of 1935) to supervise spending and set payment rates for all physi-
and certify representation elections and pre- cians and hospitals.
vent unfair labor practices. The Board is National Literacy Act of 1991 (NLA) Leg-
authorized to act only after a petition is led islation designed to enhance the literacy and
to request an election or register a charge of basic skills of adults and ensure that all adults
unfair labor practice. NLRB representatives acquire the basic skills needed to function
monitor the balloting in elections to ensure effectively and achieve the greatest possible
that only eligible employees vote and count opportunity in their work lives. The Act pro-
the ballots. The Board issues a certicate rec- vides funds for research and quality program
ognizing the union as the bargaining agent for delivery at the federal, state, and local levels
the employees when a majority of the eligible involving public, community-based, volun-
employees vote for it. The Board is also autho- teer, business, and industry programs.
National Mail Order Pharmacy (NMOP) 451 National Organization on Disability (NOD)

National Mail Order Pharmacy (NMOP) fax 212-986-7981; e-mail;

See TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy. Web site
National Management Association (NMA) The National Neurobromatosis Foundation,
A professional leadership development asso- Inc. (NNF) A nonprot organization with
ciation, NMA is a not-for-prot organization associates in all 50 states (23 chapters) and 51
serving over 25,000 clients nationwide. Mem- other countries. Its purposes are to (1) sponsor
bers belong to company-based, in-house chap- research aimed at nding the cause and cure
ters or are members of community chapters. for both types of neurobromatosis, NF1 and
An individual membership program is also NF2; (2) promote the development of clinical
available. The mission of the NMA is to pro- activities that ensure individuals with the dis-
vide management and leadership development ease ready access to the best medical care; (3)
opportunities and related chapter activities develop programs to increase public aware-
that meet the needs of members and contribute ness of neurobromatosis; and (4) provide
to the effectiveness of sponsoring organiza- support services for patients and their fami-
tions. Offers the Certied Manager Program lies. Contact: National Neurobromatosis
through the Institute of Certied Professional Foundation, Inc., 95 Pine St., 16th Floor,
Managers at James Madison University. Con- New York, NY 10005 (phone 800-323-7938
tact: NMA, 2210 Arbor Blvd., Dayton, OH or 212-460-8980; fax 212-747-0004; e-mail
45439 (phone 937-294-0421; fax 937-294-; Web site
2374; e-mail; Web site National Order of Battleeld Commissions (NOBC) An organization of approximately
National Mediation Board (NMB) A medi- 1000 members open to any individual of any
ation board that only deals with the railways service who was commissioned in the armed
and airlines. See also American Arbitration forces of the U.S. as a result of combat action.
Association; National Academy of Arbitra- Its mission is to support a strong and respon-
tors; Federal Mediation and Conciliation sive national defense by supporting those
Service. Americans who follow our ag. Contact:
National Military Families Association NOBC, 4403 Robertson Blvd., Alexandria,
(NMFA) A national organization dedicated VA 22309-3231 (phone 703-780-1753; fax
to identifying and resolving issues of concern 703-780-1753) or Donald Van Roosen, Past
to military families. Its mission is to serve National Commander, 4 Meadowlark Lane,
military and other uniformed service families Pinehurst, NC 28370 (phone 910-235-0007;
through education, information, and advo- fax 910-235-0579; e-mail donvr@pine-
cacy. Membership is open to all uniformed; Web site www.battleeldcommis-
service (active-duty, retired, and reserve) fam-
ilies and interested civilians. Contact:: National Organization for Competency
NMFA, 2500 North Van Dorn Street, Suite Assurance (NOCA) Sets quality standards
102, Alexandria, VA 22302-1601 (phone 703- for credentialing organizations. Through its
931-6632; fax 703-931-4857; e-mail iamn- annual conference, regional seminars, and; web site publications, NOCA serves its membership as
National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) a clearinghouse for information on the latest
An organization that funds research in multi- trends and issues of concern to practitioners
ple sclerosis and provides information (bro- and organizations focused on certication,
chures, newsletters, and phone contacts); indi- licensure, and human resource development.
vidual, group, and family counseling; and Contact: NOCA, 2025 M Street, NW, Suite
self-help support groups for patients and their 800, Washington, D.C. 20036 (phone 202-
families. Provides help in obtaining adaptive 367-1165; fax 202-367-216; e-mail info@
equipment and short-/long-term equipment; Web site
loans. Contact: NMSS, 733 Third Ave., New National Organization on Disability (NOD)
York, NY 10017-3288 (phone 800-344-4867; A private nonprot organization supported by
national origin discrimination 452 National School Boards Association (NSBA)

the contributions of corporations, foundations, National Rehabilitation Information Center

and individuals. Its purpose is to increase the (NARIC) A library and information center
acceptance and participation in all aspects of on disability and rehabilitation serving educa-
life of all men, women, and children with tors, allied health professionals, administra-
disabilities. NODs principal programs are the tors, physicians, rehabilitation counselors,
Community Partnership Program, National information professionals, students, and con-
Organization Partnership Program, The CEO sumers. NARIC collects and disseminates the
Council Program, and the Religion and Dis- results of federally funded research projects.
ability Program. Contact: NOD, 910 16th St., The collection also includes commercially
NW, Ste. 600, Washington, D.C. 20006 published books, journal articles, and audio-
(phone 202-293-5960; TDD 202-293-5968); visual materials, totaling 70,000 documents,
fax 202-293-7999; e-mail; on all aspects of disability and rehabilitation.
Web site Contact: NARIC, 4200 Forbes Boulevard,
national origin discrimination National ori- Ste. 202, Lanham, MD 20706 (phone 800-
gin discrimination means treating someone 346-2742 or 301-459-5900; e-mail nar-
less favorably because he or she comes from; web site
a particular place, because of his or her eth-
nicity or accent, or because it is believed that National Resource Library on Youth with
he or she has a particular ethnic background. Disabilities (NRLYD) A database devel-
National origin discrimination also means oped and maintained by the National Center
treating someone less favorably at work for Youth with Disabilities that provides
because of marriage or other association with information related to adolescents, disability,
someone of a particular nationality. On and transition. Contains four les: biblio-
December 2, 2002, the EEOC issued updated graphic, programs, training/education, and
guidance on national origin discrimination in technical assistance. Contact: National
the form of a new compliance manual section Resource Library on Youth with Disabilities,
on the prohibition against national origin dis- National Center for Youth with Disabilities,
crimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights University of Minnesota, Box 721, 420 Del-
Act of 1964 (Web site aware St., SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
National Patient Self-Determination Act of (phone 612-626-2825, fax 612-626-2134;
1991 Effective December 1, 1991, requires e-mail; Web site
hospitals, nursing facilities, hospices, and
other health agencies to furnish information National Safety Council (NSC) A not-for-
to patients or residents about their right to prot, nongovernmental public service orga-
indicate their wishes regarding the use or nization devoted to the reduction of prevent-
refusal of medical care, including life-sustain- able deaths, injuries, and illnesses. NSCs
ing equipment and procedures. mission is to educate and inuence society
National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) to adopt safety, health and environmental pol-
An organization established to provide advo- icies, practices and procedures that prevent
cacy, awareness, and career advancement for and mitigate human suffering and economic
professionals in the elds of rehabilitation. losses arising from preventable causes. Con-
Members include rehab counselors; physical, tact: National Safety Council, 1121 Spring
speech, and occupational therapists, job train- Lake Dr., Itasca, IL 60143-3201(phone 630-
ers; consultants; independent living instruc- 285-1121; fax 630-285-1315; e-mail custom-
tors; and other professionals involved in the; Web site
advocacy of programs and services for people National School Boards Association (NSBA)
with disabilities. Contact: NRA, 633 S. Wash- A federation of all state school board associ-
ington, St., Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 703- ations in the U.S. and the boards of education
836-0850; fax 703-836-0848; TDD 703-836- of Hawaii, the District of Columbia, and the
0849; e-mail; Web U.S. Virgin Islands. Through this structure,
site NSBA represents and helps to serve American
National Science Scholars Program (NSSP) 453 National Society for Experiential Education

education through school board leadership. Its international relationships and worked and
mission is to foster excellence and equity in studied alongside foreign experts; (3) develop
public education through school board lead- a cadre of professionals with more-than-tradi-
ership. Contact: NSBA, 1680 Duke St., Alex- tional knowledge of language and culture,
andria, VA 22314 (phone 703-683-6722; fax who can use this ability to help the U.S. make
703-683-7590; e-mail; Web sound decisions and deal effectively with glo-
site bal issues; and (4) enhance institutional capac-
National Science Scholars Program (NSSP) ity and increase the number of faculty who
A scholarship program for graduating high can educate U.S. citizens toward achieving
school seniors, or individuals obtaining the these goals. Contact: Institute of International
equivalent of a certicate of graduation, who Education Headquarters (phone 212-883-
have demonstrated excellence and achieve- 8200; fax 212-984-5452; Web site www.
ment in the physical, life, or computer sci-
ences, mathematics, or engineering. Scholar- National Skills Standards Act of 1994
ships of up to $5000 per year of the cost of Establishes a National Skills Standards Board
attendance (whichever is less) for up to 5 years to (1) stimulate the development and adoption
of study in these academic elds at the post- of a voluntary national system of skill stan-
secondary level. Contact: Program Opera- dards that will result in increased productivity,
tions, Charles R. Brazil (phone 202-708- economic growth, and American economic
4609); Program Studies, Dan Goldenberg competitiveness; (2) assist employers to eval-
(phone 202-401-0182; Web site www. uate the skills of prospective employees and to train current employees; (3) enable workers
National Security Agency (NSA) The nations to obtain certication of their skills to protect
cryptologic organization, NSA coordinates, against dislocation, pursue career advance-
directs, and performs highly specialized activ- ment, or reenter the work force; and (4) help
ities to protect U.S. information systems and those offering training and education program
produce foreign intelligence information. A to determine appropriate services.
high-technology organization, NSA is on the National Skills Standards Board A 20-
frontiers of communications and data process- member coalition of leaders from business,
ing. It is also one of the most important centers labor, employee, education, and community
of foreign language analysis and research and civil rights organizations established by
within the government. NSA collects, pro- the Goals 2000: Educate America Act of
cesses, and disseminates intelligence informa- 1994 to build a voluntary national system of
tion from foreign electronic signals for skill standards, assessment and certication
national foreign intelligence and counterintel- systems to enhance the ability of the U.S.
ligence purposes and to support military oper- workforce to compete effectively in a global
ations. NSA also is tasked with preventing economy. Initial standards reecting core,
foreign adversaries from gaining access to concentration, and specialty knowledge and
classied national security information.Con- skills were developed for manufacturing,
tact: The National Security Agency. FOI/PA installation, and repair; wholesale and retail
Services (N5P51), 9800 Savage Road, STE sales; and business and administrative ser-
6248, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755- vices. Contact: NSSB, 1441 L Street, NW,
6248 (Web site Suite 9000, Washington, D.C. 20005-3512
National Security Education Program (NSEP) (phone 202-254-8628; fax 202-254-8646;
The objectives of NSEP are to: (1) equip e-mail; Web site
Americans with an understanding of less
commonly taught languages and cultures and National Society for Experiential Education
enable them to become integrally involved in (NSEE) A nonprot association of educators,
global issues; (2) build a critical base of businesses, and community leaders estab-
future leaders, both in the marketplace and in lished to serve as a national resource center
government service, who have cultivated for the development and improvement of
National Society of Accountants (NSA) 454 National Telecommuting Institute, Inc.

experiential education programs nationwide. injuries, and information and referral on archi-
NSEE is committed to fostering the effective tectural modications and building codes.
use of experience as an integral part of edu- Contact: NSCIA, 6701 Democracy Boule-
cation to empower learners and promote the vard, Suite 300-9, Bethesda, MD 20817
common good. Contact: NSEE, 9001 Brad- (phone 301-588-6959; fax 301-588-9414;
dock Road, Suite 380, Springeld, VA e-mail; Web site www.spi-
22151(phone 800-803-4170 or 703-426-4268;
fax 800-528-3492 or 703-426-8400; e-mail National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace A; Web site plan designed to protect the nations informa-
National Society of Accountants (NSA) A tion technology infrastructure unveiled the
nonprot organization that represents the week of September 12, 2002. Developed by
interests of more than 30,000 independent, the White House cybersecurity advisor Rich-
small business accounting and taxation pro- ard Clarke, the strategy calls for everyone
fessionals and provides education; govern- from large businesses to individual consumers
mental representation; information resources; to help the federal government track and mon-
and accounting, tax, and management assis- itor cyberthreats and prevent attacks, particu-
tance to small businesses. NSA is dedicated larly those that target nancial, government,
to maintaining high standards of prociency utility, and other key networks.
among its members and the accounting pro- National Survey of Student Engagement
fession. Contact: NSA, 1010 N. Fairfax St., (NSSE) A means of measuring the qualita-
Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 800-966-6679 tive aspects of college education by surveying
or 703-549-6400; fax 703-549-2984; e-mail freshmen and seniors at hundreds of colleges.; Web site www. The objective of the surveys is to nd out how much time students spend on activities that
National Speakers Association (NSA) An studies show correlate with learning such
organization of 3600 members dedicated to as asking questions in class, discussing ideas
advancing the art and value of experts who with faculty outside of class, writing, and col-
speak professionally. Its purposes are to dene laborating with peers. Contact: Center for
and support standards of excellence in profes- Postsecondary Research & Planning, Indiana
sional speaking; enhance the communication University, Ashton Aley Hall, Suite 102, 1913
competencies and business skills of profes- East Seventh Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-
sional speakers; promote the value of profes- 7510 (phone 812-856-5824; fax 812-856-
sional speakers as effective sources of exper- 5150; e-mail; Web site
tise, knowledge, and insight; and expand the
marketplace for professional speaking. NSA National Technical Information Service
offers the Certied Speaking Professional (NTIS) A U.S. Department of Commerce
designation. Contact: NSA, 1500 S. Priest central resource that includes over 2 million
Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281 (phone 480-968-2552; publications covering more than 350 subject
fax 480-968-0911; Web site www.nsas- areas, including technical reports and other analyses prepared by national and local gov-
National Spinal Cord Injury Association ernment agencies and their contractors. The
(NSCIA) A membership-based, 60+-chap- database contains technical reports on train-
ter private, nonprot organization established ing, including training in the armed forces.
by the Paralyzed Veterans of America to serve Contact: NTIS, U.S. Department of Com-
as a national clearinghouse and primary merce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springeld, VA
resource to its members, the general public, 22161 (phone 703-487-4600; TDD 703-487-
and the media regarding spinal cord injury. 4639; e-mail; Web site
Provides information and referral on job anal-
ysis, job modications, job accommodations, National Telecommuting Institute, Inc. A
job restructuring, new technology, adaptive nonprot organization that specializes in ll-
equipment for individuals with spinal cord ing nonprofessional jobs that can be held by
National Television Standards Committee 455 NATO official

home-based individuals who have disabilities. services include advice on value dates; audio-
National Telecommuting Institute uses federal visual presentations and brochures on local
and state vocational rehabilitation funding to attractions; brochure shells; calendars of
recruit, train, and equip individuals with dis- events; current local news advisories; exchange
abilities who need home-based work and rates; facility, rate, and contact information;
match them with companies who can employ group familiarization tours; itinerary assis-
telecommuters. Common types of work tance; local supplier/vendor contacts; media
include medical, legal, and business tran- lists; meeting planner guides; money trans-
scripts, customer service work, claims pro- fers; multilingual brochures; off-site special
cessing, proofreading, and indexing. Contact: event coordination; press and public relations
M.J. Willard, Ed.D., Executive Director, kits; slides and photos; restaurant and attrac-
National Telecommuting Institute, Inc., 1505 tion guides; spouse activity/event coordina-
Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02135 tion; travel posters; and videos ( Web sites
(phone 617-787-4426; fax 617-787-3806;;; or
e-mail; Web site www. National Vocational Qualications (NVQs)
National Television Standards Committee A competency-based vocational qualication
(NTSC) Established the color television system developed by the British, beginning in
standard used in the U.S. and Japan. This for- 1986. NVQs require individuals to demon-
mat uses interlacing for broadcasting images; strate occupational prociency by building a
resolution is 525 lines transmitted at 60 half- portfolio of evidence of their competence in
frames per second. It may be compared with the workplace, which is assessed by NVQ-
PAL (Phase Alternating Line), the system trained assessors.
used in much of Europe, which uses 625 lines National Wellness Association (NWA) A non-
of resolution. prot organization (the membership division
National Tourism Organization Act of 1996 of the National Wellness Institute) that serves
Signed into law October 11, 1996, the Act over 3000 health and wellness promotion pro-
established the 48-member National Tourism fessionals. NWA collects and disseminates
Organization (NTO), a federally recognized wellness information to its members and pro-
body that will replace the now-defunct U.S. vides the services and networking opportuni-
Travel and Tourism Administration. NTO is a ties necessary to enhance and manage suc-
private, nonprot, federally chartered organi- cessful wellness programs. Contact: NWA,
zation with responsibility for developing and 1300 College Court, P.O. Box 827, Stevens
implementing a national tourism policy, pro- Point, WI 54481-0827 (phone 715-342-2969;
moting U.S. tourism abroad, representing U.S. fax 715-342-2979; e-mail members@nation-
tourism at international trade shows, and con-; Web site www.nationalwell-
ducting tourism market research.
National Tourist Ofces (NTOs) Sources of Native Americans American Indian or Alas-
help in planning meetings in a foreign country. kan Native persons having origins in any of
Many maintain ofces in North America the original peoples of North America and
staffed by professionals who understand meet- maintaining identiable tribal afliations
ing planners needs. Most work closely with through membership and participation or
airlines, hotels, and destination management community identication.
companies; provide information on rates and Native Hawaiian or other Pacic Islander
social customs; serve as initial contact with An ethnic or racial category used for federal
hotels, meetings, and exhibition facilities and statistical reporting and the 2000 census. Per-
attractions, interpreters and professional con- sons with origins in any of the original peoples
ference organizers; and can arrange site of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacic
inspections. NTOs provide this assistance Islands.
without charge. NTOs are funded by value- NATO ofcial As a nonimmigrant class of
added and/or goods and services taxes. Other admission, an alien coming temporarily to the
natural family planning (NFP) 456 Navy League of the United States (NLUS)

U.S. as a member of the armed forces or as a dignity and rights. See also conventionalism;
civilian employed by the armed forces on positivism.
assignment with a foreign government signa- nature of injury or illness Identies and
tory to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organi- names the principal physical characteristic of
zation), and the aliens spouse and unmarried a disabling condition, such as sprain/strain,
minor (or dependent) children. cut/laceration, or carpal tunnel syndrome.
natural family planning (NFP) A method of Naval Enlisted Reserve Association (NERA)
observing the signs and symptoms of A 16,000-member association of active, inac-
womens recurring fertility and infertility tive, and retired enlisted reservists in the Navy,
cycle to act on the information obtained to Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Its mission
avoid or achieve pregnancy. is to promote and protect the interests, morale,
naturalization The conferring, by any means, well-being, readiness, and training of sea ser-
of citizenship upon a person after birth. vice reserve forces. Contact: NERA, 6703
naturalization application The form used by Farragut Ave., Falls Church, VA 22042-2189
a lawful permanent resident to apply for U.S. (phone 800-776-9020 or 703-534-1329; fax
citizenship (N-400). The application is led 703-534-3617; e-mail;
with the Immigration and Naturalization Ser- Web site
vice at the service center with jurisdiction over Naval Reserve Association (NRA) A 22,000-
the applicants place of residence. member association of active, inactive, and
retired Naval Reserve ofcers. Its mission is
natural language processing One area of
to maintain and strengthen the nations
articial intelligence: machines that under-
defense by ensuring a continued strong navy
stand and speak (or type) your language or
and naval reserve, provide an educational pro-
translate one language into another.
gram designed to be informative and profes-
natural language report writer A tool, not
sionally helpful to naval reservists and poten-
yet generally available, used to query the
tial members entering the naval service as
database and extract reports using ordinary
commissioned ofcers, and stimulate and sup-
English. port the naval sciences and programs. Con-
natural law An approach to interpreting how tact: Naval Reserve Association, 1619 King
the U.S. Constitution applies to individual St., Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 703-
human rights. The philosophy that individuals 548-5800; fax 703-683-3647; e-mail admin@
have certain basic human rights that are based; Web site
on universal moral principles or on a higher
law, which is not limited by the letter of the navigation 1. In multimedia, the indexing
civil law. As proof of the soundness of natural and directional tools in a software program
law and the need to protect individuals under designed to help the user nd information cat-
civil law, proponents point to the U.S. Decla- egories quickly and accurately. 2. The paths
ration of Independence, which says, We hold learners take as they move through a particular
these truths to be self-evident, that all men are program.
created equal, that they are endowed by their Navy Exchange (NAVEX) See exchanges.
Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that Navy League of the United States (NLUS)
among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit A 72,000-member association of civilians, mil-
of Happiness. In addition, the Declaration of itary reservists, and retired military. Its mission
Human Rights, Universal, was adopted by the is to maintain a strong U.S. maritime posture
UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. through support of the U.S. Navy, Marine
In this document, UN members pledged to Corps, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine.
guarantee not only civil rights such as life, Publishes Sea Power magazine. Contact:
liberty, and freedom from arbitrary arrest, but NLUS, 2300 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA
also so-called social rights, such as the rights 22201-3308 (phone 703-528-1775; fax 703-
to work and to education, on the principle that 528-2333; e-mail mail@;
all human beings are born free and equal in Web site
Navy Procurement Directive (NPD) 457 negligent retention claim

Navy Procurement Directive (NPD) In con- department. Used to develop a request for
tracting and marketing, procurement proce- proposal.
dures promulgated by the U.S. Navy to sup- needs inventory An instrument that describes
plement the Armed Forces Procurement Act the skills and abilities of a specic group or
of 1947. class of workers (for example, clerks, com-
Neal Award See Jesse H. Neal Award. puter programmers, managers) and requires
necessary work Work that consists of jobs, those employees to rate independently the
duties, or tasks that need to be performed to extent to which the skills and abilities apply
keep the organization operating but has no to themselves or their subordinates. Ratings
value to external customers or clients, such as are tallied by item. The distribution of scores
internal accounting, travel, and other types of yields a rank order, reecting the relative
internal reports. importance of specic skills. Decisions on
Need-Based Educational Aid Act of 2001 training can then be based on a cut score (e.g.,
Amends the Improving Americas Schools all items above a selected score will be
Act of 1994 to extend the favorable treatment included in training).
of need-based educational aid under the anti- negative symptoms In mental illness, behav-
trust laws. Approved November 20, 2001. iors that are not found among individuals with
schizophrenia but are present among normal
needs Essentials, necessities, requisites,
individuals. Also called decit symptoms.
things that people lack, want, desire, or hope
negligence In law, a tort or civil wrong, a care-
for. They include physiological needs (for
less violation of the rights of another. It
food, water, and so on), security needs (for
requires proof of a legal duty, breach of that
physical and psychological safety), and psy-
duty, that the breach of duty caused the injury,
chological needs (for acceptance, belonging,
and actual injury.
and so on).
negligent hiring 1. A legal tort recognized by
needs analysis Breaking down a need to iden-
more than 20 states. May be charged when an
tify its causes and its relationships with other
employer fails to exercise care and caution in
needs. It is one of the means of identifying
hiring and fails to note the consequences of
current or projected skills or decits among
hiring an unsuitable person for the position.
employees. It may involve the use of assess- Under some conditions, such as contacts with
ment centers, individual interviews, psycho- large groups of people and access to private
logical tests, and so on. property, this means that the employer is
needs analyst An HR/HRD competency. An expected to conduct an inquiry into an appli-
individual who identies performance de- cants background, short of an independent
ciencies (either individual or organizational) investigation into an applicants criminal
and identies the means of overcoming them. record. 2. Employment policies or procedures
needs assessment 1. A means of determining that omit or neglect to do things that a reason-
the training and development systems and able person, guided by ordinary consider-
programs needed by the organization, ations as well as the law, would do, or doing
employee groups, or individual employees to something that a reasonable and prudent per-
make the organization competitive in its son would not do. Therefore, employers have
industry, improve productivity, build the right and the duty to investigate a potential
employee morale and job satisfaction, and employees work-related background, and in
improve promotion potential and foster doing so they are generally protected by the
career development. Needs assessment iden- law.
ties gaps in capabilities, abilities, and on- negligent job references Failure to exercise
the-job results (performance) and places the due care in providing information about cur-
identied needs in priority order for resolu- rent or past employees when references are
tion. 2. The process of identifying the capa- requested by other organizations or agencies.
bilities a computer system needs to have to negligent retention claim Failing to take cor-
meet the requirements of a human resources rective, disciplinary, or punitive action when
negotiated first-class fare 458 netizen

an employee engages in abusive, hostile, centers coordinate federal, state, and local
threatening, or other unacceptable workplace resources in a single organization to deliver
behavior out of fear of litigation based on a both health care and related social services to
claim under the Americans with Disabilities a dened population.
Act or other employee-rights legislation. nemawashi A Japanese term that expresses
negotiated rst-class fare A means of at- the concept of consensus building.
tracting corporations that can deliver volume neonatal care Medical care provided a new-
by discounting rst-class fares from 10% to born infant. Intensive neonatal care for low
as much as 25%. Also used by airlines to birth weight and other problems can extend to
increase market share. 2 or 3 years.
negotiated meeting fare An airfare group nephrology A medical specialty for the diag-
that usually represents the lowest possible nosis and treatment of injuries and diseases of
unrestricted fare, amounting to 30 to 50% off the kidneys.
coach fare or 5% off the lowest available nephropathy Diabetic kidney disease. The
fare. disease may be slowed by lowering the blood
negotiating skills training Training for exec- fat levels (cholesterol).
utives, managers, corporate negotiators, and nepotism Favoritism shown to relatives, usu-
members of negotiating teams designed to ally in the form of patronage, such as in hiring
improve their ability to reach successful or promotion, based on the relationship rather
agreements and mutually advantageous con- than on merit.
tracts with clients, collective bargaining units, nerve deafness The most common hearing
consultants, customers, nancial institutions, disability. It is an abnormality of the inner ear,
and suppliers. Focus is on concepts, princi- the auditory nerve, or both. The two most
ples, procedures, and techniques; preparation common causes of the condition are the aging
and planning; recognizing and dealing with process and sudden or extended exposure to
conict; and overcoming barriers and resolv- loud noise, such as noise in the work environ-
ing issues, problems, and impasses. ment, motorized tools, loud music, and certain
negotiation 1. In labor-management relations, hobbies.
a process for reaching agreement between or net-booking pricing A payment plan offered
among two or more individuals or groups who by travel vendors in which airlines pay only
have conicting interests, acting either for for the number of passengers actually
themselves or as representatives of organiza- ticketed.
tions. It may take the forms of arbitration or net book value The difference between the
mediation. 2. In conict resolution, a form of assets and liabilities of a company. Often used
the confrontation strategy that may make use to set the price in a buy-sell agreement. Also
of indirect persuasion or a type of force agreed called net worth.
upon in advance by both parties (mediation, netcasting A term used to describe transmit-
arbitration, or litigation), which invariably ting streaming content, such as audio and
involves a third party. Negotiation is an alter- video, over the Internet.
native to argument and, because it is a direct NetGuide: The #1 Guide to Everything on the
and open process aimed at producing a win- Net A monthly journal. Cost: $22.97 per
win result, settlements are more likely to be year. Contact: CMP Publications, Inc., 600
durable than some other means of conict res- Community Drive, Manhasset, NY 11030
olution. (phone 516-904-445-4662; fax 516-562-7406;
neighborhood health center An ambulatory e-mail; Web site
patient health care facility usually serving a
catchment area that has limited or nonexist- netiquette On the Internet, unwritten rules of
ent health services or a population with spe- conduct for users.
cial health needs. Sometimes called a com- netizen A citizen of the Internet someone
munity health center. Neighborhood health who uses networked resources.
net operating loss (NOL) 459 net worth

net operating loss (NOL) A metric that maintenance organization. See also health
results from deductions in excess of gross maintenance organization.
income for a given year. network-based training A learning system
net present value (NPV) analysis U s e d i n that provides individuals at decentralized
cost and price analysis. Recognizes that locations virtually unlimited interactive learn-
money has a time value because a dollar paid ing and information resources through the use
or received today is worth more than a dollar of a network of computers.
paid or received tomorrow. The net present networked multimedia Storage of still
value of an item offers an opportunity to earn images along with digital audio on a central
interest or the cost of paying interest on bor- device that permits simultaneous access by
rowed capital. workstations of mixed types on a local area
net prot Net income after depreciation on network.
buildings, equipment, machinery, furniture network ow model A method of HR fore-
and furnishings, xtures, and other xed casting based on career planning. Concerned
assets; after reduction in inventory value to with the internal availability of people as
the lower of cost or market; after charge-offs shaped or xed primarily by training and
for bad debts; after reserves for federal and development programs. It forecasts human
state income taxes; and after all other reserves resources availability by developing projec-
and adjustment; but before dividends. tions of individual career paths using a sophis-
net sales The dollar volume of business over ticated career management system. The sys-
a period of 365 days, net after deductions for tem uses regularly updated, comprehensive
returned merchandise, allowances, and dis-
information about position requirements,
counts from gross sales.
organization needs, and the gaps between sup-
Netscape Navigator A software system that
ply and demand for people.
allows access to and navigation of the Inter-
networking The process of acquiring, culti-
net simply by pointing and clicking. Now
vating, and using a community of profession-
called Netscape Communicator (Web site
als to get advice, information, assistance, con-
tacts, and referrals. It is a means of expanding
netspeak The special vocabulary of the
ones learning resources at little or no cost.
net working capital The excess of current
net weight In employee relocation, the actual
weight of a shipment calculated by subtracting assets over current debt as shown on the bal-
the tare weight from the gross weight. ance sheet.
network 1. A group of interconnected com- network model health maintenance organi-
puters linked by cable. Networks make infor- zation A type of managed care in which
mation available to several users simulta- the HMO contracts with more than one group
neously. Enables users separated by practice to provide physician services to mem-
geography to communicate with each other. bers. These group practices may be broad-
2. An informal community of professionals based, multispecialty groups or several small
who exchange advice, information, assis- groups of primary care physicians. They may
tance, contacts, and referrals. Some are elec- be either closed or open panel plans.
tronically supported by means of modems and network model HMO A health mainte-
computers. 3. A diverse but interrelated and nance organization that contracts with two
closely linked group of businesses with a wide or more independent physician group practice
range of ownership structures. organizations to provide services and pays a
network and mixed model health mainte- xed monthly fee per patient. The groups
nance organization (NMMHMO) A com- manage themselves and determine how fees
bination of the following types of health main- will be distributed.
tenance organizations: group practice health net worth The sum of the original funds sup-
maintenance organization, independent plied by investors plus the accumulated net
practice association, and staff model health earnings of the business itself. May be thought
neurocomputer 460 new fringe benefits

of as the equity capital that a company has neurology A medical specialty for the diagno-
available for use. sis and treatment of injuries, disorders, and
neurocomputer A computer modeled after diseases of the nervous system.
the human brain. Developed by Ricoh Com- neurosurgeon A medical doctor who special-
pany, West Caldwell, NJ, the neurocomputer izes in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries,
has processing speeds about 500 times faster disorders, and diseases of the nervous system,
than a typical engineering workstation and brain, and spinal cord.
four times faster than the largest supercom- neutraceuticals Foods and dietary supple-
puter. The heart of the neurocomputer is a ments with medically proven health benets
large-scale integrated circuit operating on the (e.g., TakeControl, a cholesterol-reducing
principle of pulse density modulation, which margarine). Other foods are now being used
is similar to the neural connection used by the to lower blood pressure, control diabetes,
human brain. It allows the computer to com- reduce joint pain, and improve heart health.
pare its output to correct solutions and learn See also phytochemicals.
from its errors. This capability negates the New Age training Training whose avowed
need for slow, preloaded software. purpose is to increase the motivation and pro-
neuroleptic drugs Antipsychotic drugs; the ductivity of employees by encouraging partic-
standard drugs currently used to treat the ipants to bare their souls in discussion ses-
symptoms of schizophrenia. sions and other exercises. It may also attempt
neurolinguistic programming (NLP) 1 . A to get participants in touch with spiritual
model for understanding human behavior and guides, universal masters, higher conscious-
a set of communications and learning tech- ness, master teachers, and transformational
niques developed by Gestaltists. It draws from movements. The training may involve motiva-
philosophy, cybernetics, psychology, neurol- tional talks, relaxation response, brain train-
ogy, and linguistics and is rooted in the fun-
ing, guided visualization, self-hypnosis, tran-
damental belief that people have preferred
scendental meditation, therapeutic touch,
modes of acquiring and processing informa-
biofeedback, yoga, adventure learning, even
tion. Neuro refers to thought and brain pro-
walking on re. It may also make use of blind-
cesses; linguistic refers to verbal and non-
trust falls, tree-top team building exercises,
verbal communication, and programming
and group hugging and cheering. Supporters
refers to behavior, habits, attitudes, and per-
claim that it builds better people rather than
ceptions. Adherents maintain that there is a
attempting to teach job-specic skills and that
relationship between what happens within
it maximizes participants resources and
people and their behavior; that is, peoples
thought processes cause them to behave as potential. Critics maintain that it is a possible
they do. 2. A change process that has its roots source of psychological harm and is poten-
in psychotherapy. It is applied to evaluating tially offensive to employees values or reli-
and facilitating group processes, training, and gious beliefs. Also known as consciousness-
self-development. NLP involves dening pre- raising training.
cisely the goal to be reached, the obstacles newbie A newcomer to the Internet and
(lack of information, actions, skills, or beliefs) cyberspace. A patronizing term.
to be overcome, the purposes those obstacles the new breed Young people who are now
serve and how they are applied, what works joining the workforce, typically college-edu-
and when and what does not, what could work cated professionals.
better and when, and determining whether the new employee orientation training See ori-
group functions better as a result of the effort. entation.
neurologist A medical doctor who specializes new entrants Unemployed persons who never
in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of worked before and who are entering the labor
the brain and spinal column, such as low back force for the rst time.
pain, epilepsy, Parkinsons disease, and mul- new fringe benets Include paid long-dis-
tiple sclerosis. tance calls home while traveling on business
new hire tax credit 461 niche

and opportunity to earn airline frequent ier nexters People born after 1980. They are opti-
miles. mistic, eager to learn, tenacious, condent,
new hire tax credit See Work Opportunity and social. They value civic duty, achieve-
Tax Credit. ment, and diversity.
newsgroups On the Internet, special interest next operation as customer (NOAC) A con-
groups whose participants can read from or cept that employs the following principles
post messages to the entire network. A popular articulated by Keki R. Bhote (Next Operation
collaborative Internet tool. as Customer: How to Improve Quality, Cost
NewsNet An online database. Contact: News- and Cycle time in Service Operations, AMA-
Net, 945 Haverford Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 COM, 1991): (1) the internal customer is next
(phone 800-345-1301 or 215-527-8030). in importance to the external customer and
news puller On the Web, a service that pro- needs to be cultivated; (2) all work performed,
vides organized, free, personalized news regardless of organizational level, can be con-
based on a user prole dened at the time of sidered a process that receives input from an
registration. Subscribers select categories of internal supplier (the previous operation), and
interest, such as Computers, Entertain- each process has a user who adds value to
ment, Finance, Human Resources, and that input and converts it into an output for an
Sports, and the service sorts through news- internal customer (the next operation); (3) the
papers, magazines, and Web sites to deliver best measure of the effectiveness of a process
the news. Works much like basic surng: the is the internal customers evaluation; (4) there
subscriber must go to a Web site and reads its must be consequences, in the form of appro-
contents. Example: Excite News-Tracker priate rewards and punishment, of performing
(Web site See also news or failing to perform according to the internal
pusher. customers requirements; (5) the thrust of the
news pusher On the Web, a service that pro- system is continuous improvement in terms
vides organized, free, personalized news based of quality, cost, and cycle time; and (6)
on a user prole dened at the time of regis- employees must be made true partners with
tration. Subscribers select categories of inter- management. Attributed to Dr. Kaoru Ish-
est, such as Computers, Entertainment, ikawa, the father of the quality movement in
Finance, Human Resources, and Sports, Japan.
and the service sorts through newspapers, nexus A tax concept that is loosely dened as
magazines, and Web sites to deliver the news. a companys connection, and therefore tax lia-
Specialized software pushes information bility, to a place. For example, tax liability is
from various sources directly to the sub- assigned by some states if a company has
scribers desktop. Example: PointCast (Web licensed a trade symbol or made use of some
site See also news puller. other intangible within their borders. In other
newsreader Software used to participate in states, liability (nexus by agency) is estab-
usenet discussion groups. Allows the individ- lished if someone acted as the companys
ual to read or post to the discussion group of agent within a state, even though the company
choice. had no physical presence or employees in the
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) S e r ve s state. And in still other states, liability (tran-
investors, making every effort to safeguard all sitory nexus) is determined if a company has
market participants. Its mission is to add value sent employees to the state for a number of
to the capital-raising and asset-management trade shows or short visits. All types of nexus
process by providing the highest-quality and are being challenged in the courts.
most cost-effective, self-regulated market- nibbling In negotiating, asking for small
place for the trading of nancial instruments, concessions in a contract or other form of
promoting condence in and understanding of agreement.
that process, and serving as a forum for dis- niche A segment of a trade, business, or indus-
cussion of relevant national and international try held or targeted for exploitation by a ven-
policy issues (Web site dor of goods or services.
niche marketing 462 nominal group technique

niche marketing The process of identifying, accountable for test results, and offers free
analyzing, and selecting strategic marketing tutoring to poor students at failing schools.
segments that have the most potential for pay- Signed into law January 8, 2002.
off. node 1. On the Internet, a device that stores
niches Things that an organization has discov- or relays data. 2. Any device that is connected
ered it can do better, faster, or cheaper than to a network.
others. no frills health plan A new type of low-cost
NIFO method of inventory accounting A health policy made available to small busi-
method of inventory accounting that values nesses (typically fewer than 50 workers) by
inventories at anticipated levels of cost, costs laws enacted by the state legislatures of Flor-
that will reect replacement values over the ida, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland,
near term (Next In, First Out). See also FIFO Missouri, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vir-
method of inventory accounting; LIFO ginia, and Washington. The new policies cost
method of inventory accounting. less because the law exempts insurers from
Nike, Inc. v. Kasky The Supreme Court will covering several kinds of care mandated by
consider whether a corporation can be liable the states in most health plans. Examples are
for factual inaccuracies in statements it makes care by a chiropractor or podiatrist, drug abuse
during public debate. In May 2002, the Cali- treatment, and mental-health costs. The plans
fornia Supreme Court ruled that Nike could are designed to help businesses kept out of the
be sued for false advertising for statements it market by high and rising costs of health care
made in publicly defending itself against insurance premiums. Similar legislation has
claims that it used sweatshop labor in its Asian been introduced in Congress.
factories. No-Int (Stoned 3) A computer virus that is a
NLRB v. Kentucky River Community Care, variant of Stoned. It is undetectable while the
Inc. A directive ordered by the Supreme virus is resident in memory. It may disrupt
Court in 2001 that has far-reaching implica- utility programs and destroy the boot sector
tions for all professional and technical work- or the partition table.
ers who direct the work of less-skilled nominal data Data that only identify or clas-
employees. The Court ordered the National sify items into groups. See also ordinal data.
Labor Relations Board to redene its test for nominal group conferencing See nominal
determining who is a supervisor under the group technique.
National Labor Relations Act in certain cases. nominal group technique 1. In technological
no balance billing clause A clause in a forecasting, a projective technique that
health care contract stating that a provider involves a structured group meeting of ve to
may not bill a member for any payment owed seven experts conducted by a competent group
by the plan, regardless of the reason for the leader. The members of the group silently con-
nonpayment; however, the provider may bill sider a question or problem for about 20 min-
a member for any amount that the member is utes and list as many feasible solutions as
required to pay, such as copayment, coinsur- possible. Following silent listing of the solu-
ance, or for services not covered under the tions on a chalkboard by participants in turn,
schedule of benets. each one is discussed and may be modied,
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 A signif- combined with others, or divided. Then par-
icant revision of the Elementary and Sec- ticipants rate or rank each solution indepen-
ondary Education Act of 1965. Designed to dently and privately and the results are tabu-
close the gaps among accountability, exibil- lated and presented to the decision maker.
ity, and choice so that no child is left behind 2. In needs assessment, a structured group
educationally. Among its provisions: meeting designed to develop a list of problems
increases federal funding to schools by $3.4 that can be addressed by training. Five to nine
billion, allows public school choice, requires participants write down as many problems as
states to test all students in grades 3 through they can identify and then in turn present one
8 in reading and mathematics, holds schools idea from the list. The process continues until
nominalized experience 463 nondirective interview

all lists are exhausted. Structured discussion; Web site www.
of each idea follows. The session concludes
with individual, independent, private, and noncompete agreement A contract in which
silent balloting to select items and establish an employee agrees not to compete with an
priorities by rank order. employer during employment or for a speci-
nominalized experience A linguistic term ed time following termination of employ-
that refers to turning a process into a name ment. Such an agreement may restrict the
or event. Once named, the process can be employee from working for direct competitors
categorized. The procedure is used in neuro- when they leave. Not controlled by federal
linguistic programming. law, but in some states laws limit the way in
nomination A system of enrollment in com- which the agreement can be used by employ-
pany training that is based on nominations of ers. To be valid, such agreements must (1) be
employees for specic training by their imme- supported by valid consideration, (2) be
diate supervisors. Final selections are made made in connection with an employment
by a senior manager or a selection board. agreement, (3) be reasonable in terms of
non-availability statement (NAS) Certica- duration and geographic scope, (4) be neces-
tion from a military hospital stating that it sary to protect a legitimate company interest,
and (5) avoid imposing an unreasonable hard-
cannot provide the nonemergency inpatient or
ship on the employee. Also known as a restric-
certain types of outpatient care that a user
tive covenant.
needs. If Civilian Health and Medical Pro-
noncompetitive employment contract See
grams of the Uniformed Services (CHAM-
noncompete agreement.
PUS) users live within certain ZIP codes
noncompetitive price A price greater than
around a military hospital, they must get a
that which the ordinary forces of competition
NAS before obtaining nonemergency inpa-
would have established in a fully competitive
tient (and some outpatient) care at a civilian
hospital under CHAMPUS. CHAMPUS does
noncontributory benets plan A plan in
not determine eligibility, nor does it issue
which the employer pays the entire cost or full
NASs. The NAS must be entered electroni-
premiums of a funding plan for paying
cally in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility
employee benets.
Reporting System (DEERS) computer les
nondecision The absence or avoidance of
by the users nearest military facility. decision. Occurs when a manager either
Noncitizen Benet Clarication and Other ignores an issue or problem or decides to do
Technical Amendments Act of 1998 Clar- nothing about it in the hope that the problem
ies the provision of benets for noncitizens will resolve itself, that conditions will change,
and improves the provision of unemployment or that someone else will take action.
insurance, child support, and supplemental nondirective counseling An approach to
security income benets. Approved October counseling characterized by actions aimed at
28, 1998. establishing and maintaining the conditions
Non Commissioned Ofcers Association necessary for the counselee to achieve insight
(NCOA) A 160,000-member association of into his or her problem and thereby achieve
active, reserve, retired, and veterans of the control over it. Nondirective counselors do not
U.S. armed forces in grades E-1 through E-9. diagnose, interpret, advise, suggest, reason,
Its mission is to promote and protect the rights persuade, probe, or pass judgment. Rather,
and benets of active-duty and veteran NCOs they demonstrate warmth and acceptance and
and petty ofcers in all ve branches of the concentrate on reecting and clarifying
armed forces and provide opportunities for attitudes.
patriotic, fraternal, social, and benevolent nondirective interview Used in screening
activities. Contact: NCOA, 10635 IH 35 N, and selection, task analysis, termination, and
San Antonio, TX 78233 (phone 800-662-2620 outplacement. An approach to interviewing
or 703-549-0311; fax 703-549-0245; e-mail characterized by actions designed to establish
nondiscrimination 464 nonlinear regression

the conditions necessary for the interviewee nonforfeiture; policy downgrades; return of
to take the lead and discuss subjects of pri- premium.
mary concern to him or her. nongovernmental organization (NGO)
nondiscrimination See equal employment Major not-for-prot organizations that operate
opportunity. in many countries and rely on government and
noneconomic rewards Reward options in the philanthropic gifts and grants for support and
noneconomic category that include nonmon- funding.
etary perks. These are special privileges, non-highly-compensated employee (NHCE)
accommodations, or considerations usually An employee who owns less than 5% or who
associated with organizational rank and status, is not a family member of owners, who earns
although they are sometimes granted on an less than $75,000 from an employer, or earns
individual basis and even to lower-ranking less than $50,000 from the employer and is in
persons for specic periods of time. Perks the bottom 80% of employees, or any ofcer
include reserved parking spaces, plush ofces, who earns less than $45,000.
private washrooms, and access to executive nonimmigrant An alien who seeks temporary
dining rooms and airline VIP lounges. entry to the U.S. for a specic purpose. The
nonexempt employee A worker covered by alien must have a permanent residence abroad
(not exempted from) the overtime pay provi- (for most classes of admission) and qualify
sions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of for the nonimmigrant classication sought.
1938. Nonexempt employees include hourly The nonimmigrant classications include: for-
paid employees (most occupations related to eign government ofcials, visitors for busi-
production, maintenance, and services func- ness and for pleasure, aliens in transit through
tions where pay is directly related to the num- the U.S., treaty traders and investors, students,
ber of hours worked) and some nonexempt international representatives, temporary
salaried workers (clerical, administrative, and workers and trainees, representatives of for-
paraprofessional job categories). eign information media, exchange visitors,
nonnancial rewards Typically symbols of anc(e)s of U.S. citizens, intracompany
achievement or service (quality, length, or transferees, NATO ofcials, religious work-
retirement) to the organization in such areas ers, and some others. Most nonimmigrants can
as attendance, sales, fund raising, instruction, be accompanied or joined by spouses and
production, community service, bravery, cost unmarried minor (or dependent) children.
savings/avoidance, invention, creativity, sug- nonimmigrant visa A means of legally bring-
gestions, safety, or innovation. The rewards ing into the U.S. foreign nationals who do not
include such things as medals, plaques, want to reside in the U.S. permanently. In
badges, trophies, pins, and certicates; corpo- addition to employment visas, other common
rate Oscars, Emmys, or Nobel Prizes; visas include B-1 (business), B-2 (recreation,
ofce or work area improvements (furniture family and medical visits), and F-1 (student).
and furnishings); exible work schedules; nonjudicial punishment Military penalties
scrolls and VIP certicates, training comple- imposed by commanding ofcers for miscon-
tion and seminar attendance certicates and duct or disciplinary infractions, such as dis-
diplomas; and certicates of appreciation. obeying orders or insubordination. Punish-
nonforfeiture A feature of some non-tax- ment may include loss of pay, short periods
qualied, long-term care policies that returns of connement, or administrative discharge.
part or all of the premiums paid by the insured Also called Article 15.
if he or she cancels the policy or stops paying nonlinear editing Provides immediate, direct
premiums after a certain number of years. access to any frame of video and audio source
Results in higher premiums. material on a disc.
nonforfeiture benet Features of long-term nonlinear regression An arcane form of
care policies that return some value to the regression analysis that permits the analyst to
insured if he or she cancels the policy or stops construct a model of a nonlinear or curvilinear
paying premiums. See also contingency relationship between two variables.
nonparametric methods/statistics 465 nontraditional employment

nonparametric methods/statistics A class of nonqualied pension plan A plan that does

statistical techniques that is used when data not meet IRS rules and requirements, such as
cannot be quantied readily but can be scaled those that provide benets in excess of those
or ranked in order of relative magnitude and allowed, and therefore does not qualify for
identied as positive or negative in character. favorable tax treatment.
Nonparametric methods include techniques nonqualied stock options (NASO) A form
that permit easier collection of data from of stock option plan that does not meet all of
which distributions are unknown because the requirements of Section 422A of the
absolute measures are not needed and can be Internal Revenue Code for incentive options.
replaced by relative measures such as better Nonqualied options usually have a 10-year
or worse. The techniques are particularly option term and are usually priced at 100% of
useful where small samples are available and market value at the time of the grant. An
the costs of increasing the sample size are incentive pay strategy that grants executives
prohibitive. the option to buy stock at a xed price for a
nonparticipating physician A health care xed exercise period and where gains from
provider who does not accept Medicare- the grant are taxed at income tax rates.
approved amounts as full payment for ser- nonrefundable fare A special fare offered to
vices. Medicare currently pays 80% of the travelers who are willing to commit them-
approved fee and the patient is responsible for selves to travel plans well in advance of travel.
the remaining 20%. nonschedule interview A type of interview
conducted without a prepared schedule. The
nonpreference category Nonpreference visas
interviewer is thoroughly briefed on what
were available to qualied applicants not enti-
information is required and is then allowed to
tled to a visa under the preferences until the
vary the wording and the sequence of the
category was eliminated by the Immigration
questions for maximum effectiveness with
Act of 1990. Nonpreference visas for persons
individual respondents.
not entitled to the other preferences had not
nonsmoking areas See Executive Order
been available since September 1978 because
of high demand in the preference categories.
nonstandard administration Refers to the
An additional 5,000 nonpreference visas were
practice of marking test scores with non-
available in each of scal years 1987 and 1988
standard administration the scores of stu-
under a provision of the Immigration dents with disabilities (either physical or men-
Reform and Control Act of 1986. This pro- tal/emotional) who have taken the SAT I and
gram was extended into 1989, 1990, and 1991 ACT tests and given accommodation (usually
with 15,000 visas issued each year. Aliens more time) to take the test. As of the summer
born in countries from which immigration was of 2002, the College Board and ACT stopped
adversely affected by the Immigration and the practice. Also called agging.
Nationality Act Amendments of 1965 were nonstandard interview An interview in
eligible for the special nonpreference visas. which no attempt is made to direct the inter-
nonprot/not-for-prot corporation A cor- viewees conversation or to obtain the same
poration formed for educational, fraternal, information from every respondent. The inter-
religious, or social purposes. Members who viewer simply listens carefully and occasion-
abide by conditions contained in the corporate ally comments in ways that encourage the
bylaws make up such corporations. interviewee to talk freely about any subject of
Nonprot World: The National Nonprot interest.
Leadership and Management Journal A nonstop ight A ight that makes no stops en
bimonthly journal. Cost: $79.00 per year. route to its destination.
Contact: The Society for Nonprot Organi- nontraditional employment Applied to women,
zations, 6314 Odana Rd., Suite 1, Madison, occupations or elds of work in which women
WI 53719 (phone 608-274-9777; fax 608- constitute less than 25% of the individuals
274-9978). employed. Dened by the Nontraditional
Nontraditional Employment 466 Norris Decision

Employment for Women Act of 1991, an sex drive, and reverse the mental aging pro-
amendment to the Job Training Partnership cess. Some are prescription medicines. Physi-
Act of 1982. cians warn that there are risks involved in their
Nontraditional Employment for Women Act use.
of 1991 An amendment to the Job Training normal distribution See bell-shaped curve.
Partnership Act of 1982 administered by the normal origin service In employee reloca-
Department of Labor. Awards up to six grants tion, proper preparation of household goods
each year to a maximum of $1.5 million to shipments at the origin residence, with each
states having the best training programs for residence situated in an area that is readily
both blue-collar and skilled workers pro- accessible to a public highway or thorough-
grams designed to increase the range of train- fare.
ing and job placement for low-income women normative ethics One of two subdivisions of
over the age of 22. the discipline of ethics, normative ethics focus
nontraditional household Sharing living on the arguments used to attack or defend
arrangements with someone other than a specic actions or behavior as being good or
spouse and children. Caused by greater dis- bad. Normative ethics may be further subdi-
tances between family members, higher hous- vided into applied and professional ethics.
ing costs, deaths and divorces, less-secure normative forecasting A forecasting approach
retirement, and increased numbers of older
that is based on the premise that future devel-
Americans. Includes extended family, unre-
opments will be caused by future needs. If
lated roommates and unmarried partners,
future needs can be projected, the means of
and grandparent caregiver.
meeting them can also be forecast. Also called
nontraditional part time Offering workers
goal-oriented forecasting.
or retirees the opportunity to work 1 week
norm-referenced measurement A means of
on/1 week off, 1 month on/1 month off, and
measuring accomplishment and results that
so on.
compares the achievement of individuals or
nontraditional risk nancing/management
groups against each other (or groups that have
Establishment of captives or self-insurance
groups. preceded them through the training program).
nontraditional sabbaticals See extended norm-referenced tests See norm-referenced
leave programs. measurement.
non-value adding work Work activities that norms 1. Codes, standards, criteria, or mea-
result in rejects, reworks, overproduction, and sures and mores, customs, and traditions of
so on. conduct or behavior expected under certain
nonverbal communications or behavior conditions and that are commonly acknowl-
Audible or visible behavior used to convey edged and accepted by a group as correct,
thoughts, feelings, and emotions, such as appropriate, right, and proper. Conformity
facial expressions, posture, body movements, brings rewards; deviations result in withhold-
gestures, and the like. They may be descriptive ing of rewards or censure. 2. In testing, statis-
(used to illustrate visually), used for emphasis tical measures and indexes that provide a
(express a feeling or an idea), or be practical frame of reference to give meaning to test
and necessary (reaching for an object), and scores. They are derived from actual perfor-
they may or may not accompany language. mance of individuals of various ages, occupa-
nonverbal test A test that does not require the tions, or other descriptors in the standardiza-
use of words in test items or responses, tion group for the test. Norms represent
although oral instructions may be included average or typical performance on the test in
in the description of the task. An example is such terms as percentile or stanine.
the Differential Aptitude Tests of Abstract Norris Decision A 1983 Supreme Court deci-
Reasoning. sion stating that an annuity option in a retire-
nootropics Steroids claimed by some to rejuve- ment plan that paid smaller monthly benets
nate memory, improve the intellect, revitalize to women than to men discriminated on the
Norris-Laguardia Act of 1932 (NLA) 467 notch babies

basis of sex and was a violation of Title VII 1706 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43203
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (phone 614-252-0725; fax 614-251-6005;
Norris-Laguardia Act of 1932 (NLA) See e-mail; Web site
Anti-Injunction Act of 1932.
North American Free Trade Agreement North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
(NAFTA) A trading partnership involving NATOs essential purpose: is to safeguard the
the U.S., Canada, and Mexico that went into freedom and security of its members through
effect January 1, 1994. Over 15 years, the political and military means. NATO performs
Treaty will eliminate tariffs and other barriers the following security tasks: (1) security
to the ow of goods, services, and investment one of the indispensable foundations for a
between the three nations. The agreement cre- stable Euro-Atlantic security environment,
ates a trade zone stretching from the Arctic based on the growth of democratic institutions
Circle to the Yucatan Peninsula, making it and commitment to the peaceful resolution of
larger in GNP ($6 trillion) and consumer pop- disputes; (2) consultation NATO serves as
ulation (378 million) than the European Com- an essential transatlantic forum for consulta-
munity. The Agreement, signed by Presidents tions between North American and European
Bush (U.S.) and Carlos Salinas de Gortai members on any issues that affect their vital
(Mexico) and Brian Mulroney (Canada) on interests; (3) deterrence and defense NATO
December 17, 1992, was ratied by the legis- deters and defends against any threat of
latures of the three countries, the U.S. being
aggression against any NATO member state.
the last. President Clinton signed the legisla-
An attack against one or several members is
tion December 8, 1993. At a December 1994
considered an attack against all. Today, the
Miami summit meeting of the leaders of 34
alliance consists of 19 independent member
Western Hemisphere countries (only Cuba
countries: Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic,
was excluded), participants agreed to con-
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hun-
clude a treaty by the year 2006 to create a
gary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Neth-
free-trade zone (the worlds largest) for the
erlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain,
Americas. At that meeting, President Clinton
and the leaders of Canada and Mexico also Turkey, United Kingdom, and the U.S. On
agreed to admit Chile to NAFTA. Of interest November 21, 2002, NATO heads of state and
(and concern) to business owners for security government formally invited Bulgaria, Esto-
reasons, beginning January 1, 1997, NAFTA nia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia,
requires that federal tax deposit (FTD) trans- and Slovenia to accession talks with NATO.
fers of more than $50,000 (IRS Forms 720, Accession is planned for 2004. Contact: NATO
945, 990-C, 990-PF, 990-T, 1042, and CT-1) Headquarters, Blvd. Leopold III, 1110 Brus-
be made by electronic funds transfer. sels, Belgium (e-mail;
North American Industry Classication Sys- Web site
tem (NAICS) A system of classifying busi- no-show. 1. In travel industry parlance, an indi-
ness rms that will be used by the U.S., Can- vidual who has made a ight reservation but
ada, and Mexico. fails to cancel the reservation and does not
North American Resource Center for Child check in at the appointed time. 2. In meeting
Welfare (NARCCW) Independently en- management, a room reservation not used or
dowed, NRCCW was established as an um- canceled.
brella organization for these child welfare notch babies. About 12 million retirees born
agencies: Institute for Human Service, between 1917 and 1926 receiving social secu-
TRAINet, Center for Child Welfare Policy, rity payments that are as much as 20% smaller
and Family Trust Clinic. Together, these agen- than those paid to people with similar work
cies provide a comprehensive array of child experiences who were born earlier. The dif-
welfare services that ensures protection for ference in payments, viewed as an injustice
abused, neglected, and sexually abused chil- by many in the affected age group and more
dren. Contact: NARCCW, Gwinn House, than 230 members of the House, is due to a
notebook computer 468 nurse practitioner (N.P.)

major overhaul of social security passed by; Web site

the Congress in 1978. Legislation has been
led to increase benets for notch babies, but null hypothesis A statistical statement of the
opponents maintain that there is no discrimi- nonexistence of a relationship between two
nation against that group; rather, those born measures; that is, that any differences noted
earlier are receiving payments that are higher amount to nothing or zero.
than they should be. number-cruncher A cynical term used to
notebook computer A portable computer that describe people who deal with accounts, bud-
is battery-powered, weighs less than six gets, nancial matters, and the like, such as
pounds, and is about the size and shape of a accountants and corporate controllers.
looseleaf notebook. numerical control (NC) The process of con-
notice A legal doctrine that applies in wrong- trolling a machine by feeding it instructions
ful discharge cases. In effect it asks, Did the in the form of numbers on punched or mag-
employer give the employee forewarning of netic tape or by setting dials or actuating but-
the possible consequences of the employees tons on a control panel.
disciplinary conduct? numerical limit exemption Aliens accorded
Notication and Federal Employee Antidis- lawful permanent residence who are exempt
crimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 from the provisions of the exible numerical
Requires federal agencies to be accountable limit of 675,000 set by the Immigration Act
for violation of antidiscrimination and of 1990. Exempt categories include immedi-
whistleblower protection laws and to report ate relatives of U.S. citizens, refugees, asylees
quarterly on its public Web site statistical data (limited to 10,000 per year by section 209(b)
relating to equal employment opportunity of the Immigration and Nationality Act),
complaints led with the agency. Approved Amerasians, aliens adjusted under the legal-
May 15, 2002. ization provisions of the Immigration Reform
not in the labor force Includes persons 16 and Control Act of 1986, and certain parolees
years and over in the civilian noninstitutional from the former Soviet Union and Indochina.
population who are neither employed nor numerical rating The simplest form of rating
unemployed in accordance with the deni- scale. Numerical rating is an absolute method
tions contained in this glossary. of rating that involves the use of any number
not working very hard (NWVH) An approach of points on a numerical scale, although an
to career success as a manager attributed to odd number is typically chosen so that the
Donald Smith. He refers to the approach as middle point represents the average.
directed lassitude. nurse An individual professionally qualied
NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science by education and training and authorized by
A community of members and staff whose law (registered nurse) to care for the sick,
purposes are to advance the eld of applied aged, or injured.
behavioral science, eliminate oppression, and nurse case manager A registered nurse
foster core values by: (1) training in the theory employed to avert high case costs and other
and practice of group dynamics, organiza- managed care problems. Provides communi-
tional change, and societal change; (2) learn- cation liaison among all involved parties and
ing from these experiences; (3) sharing the serves as a central source for determining case
results of the learning; and (4) engaging in needs.
inquiry, knowledge building, and the publica- nurse practitioner (N.P.) A registered nurse
tion of ndings. Its 420+ members profes- (R.N.) with additional specialized medical
sors, consultants, trainers, psychologists, and training qualied to provide primary medical
organization development (OD) practitioners care, usually in remote or rural areas where
serve as its faculty. Contact: NTL Institute, no physician is available. Practices under spe-
300 North Lee Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, cic written protocols for treatment of specic
VA 22314-2607 (phone 800-277-4685 or injuries and illnesses. Supervised (sometimes
703-548-8840; fax 703-548-3179; e-mail from a distance) by a doctor of medicine or
nursing home 469 Nyetscape

osteopathy. Payment is authorized by Medi- the adjustment to permanent resident status of

care, although at lower rates than it would be certain nonimmigrants who as of September
for a medical doctor. 1, 1989, had H-1 nonimmigrant status as reg-
nursing home One of ve setting for long- istered nurses; who had been employed in that
term care. A licensed institution that provides capacity for at least 3 years; and whose con-
skilled nursing care and related services but tinued nursing employment meets certain
does not qualify as a skilled nursing facility labor certication requirements.
as dened by Medicare. Usually operated for nutritional supplements An alternative form
prot, nursing homes are for people who are of medicine in which vitamin and mineral
seriously ill or need extensive and extended nutrients are used to supplement a diet that
health or personal care. Medicare and private alone may not supply sufcient quantities to
medigap insurance plans reimburse only a maintain overall good health.
small portion of the costs. Medicaid covers nutrition programs Programs sponsored by
the costs for qualied individuals. See also the federal government or state or local gov-
adult day care; assisted living; home care; ernment agencies designed to provide people
respite care. with information about and access to a more
nursing home coverage An insurance policy nutritious diet. Include the Special Supple-
that pays a certain amount per day for services mental Food Program for Women, Infants, and
provided in a skilled nursing facility or a Children (administered by the Department of
smaller amount per day for services in an Agriculture through state health departments),
alternate long-term care facility. Typically the Nutrition Program for the Elderly (admin-
species a benet limit stated in terms of the istered by the Department of Health and
combined number of days for which the sub- Human Services through state agencies on
scriber will be paid. Also usually includes an aging), and several other food programs
elimination period, the number of consecutive administered by the Department of Agricul-
days of connement needed to qualify for ture (Food Distribution Programs, Child and
benets. Adult Care Food Program, School Lunch and
Nursing Home Resident Protection Amend- Breakfast Programs, and Summer Food Ser-
ments of 1999 Amends Title XIX of the vice Program).
Social Security Act to prohibit transfers or nutrition services Inexpensive, nutritious
discharges of residents of nursing homes as a meals served in group setting such as senior
result of voluntary withdrawal from participa- centers, churches, synagogues, or senior
tion in the Medicare program. Approved housing.
March 25, 1999. Nyetscape A derogatory term used to describe
Nursing Relief Act of 1989 An act signed what the speaker believes to be America
into law December 12, 1989 that provides for Onlines less than full-feature Web browser.
125 See Section 125, Internal OIC Oh, I see (Internet speak).
Revenue Code. OJT On-the-job training.
127 See Section 127, Internal OLED Organic light-emitting diode
Revenue Code. OLTP Online transaction processing.
190 See Section 190, Internal OMR Optical mark reader.
Revenue Code. ONA Organizational network
OA Origin agent. analysis.
OAA Older Americans Acts of 1965, OOH Occupational Outlook
1978, and 1992. Handbook.
OASDHI Old Age, Survivors, Disability, OOPS Object-oriented programming
and Health Insurance Program. system.
OASITF Old Age and Survivors OPCs Occupational program
Insurance Trust Fund. consultants.
OBE Outcome-based education. OPEBs Other post-employment
OBET Outdoor-based experiential benets.
OPEIU Ofce & Professional
OB-GYN Obstetrics and gynecology.
Employees International
OBRA Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Acts of 1987,
OPG Oculoplethysmography.
1989, 1990, and 1993.
OPHCOO Ofce of Prepaid Health Care
OBS Organizational breakdown
Operations and Oversight.
OBT Outcome-based training. OPIC Overseas Private Investment
OCR Optical character recognition. Corporation.
OD Organization development. OPL Other party liability.
O.D. Doctor of Optometry. OPM Ofce of Personnel
ODD Optical disc drive. Management.
ODN Organization Development OR Operations research.
Network. OS/2 Operating System/2.
OEHMO Open-ended health OSAC Overseas Security Advisory
maintenance organization. Council.
OEIC Optoelectronic integrated OSAP Ofce for Substance Abuse
circuit. Prevention.
OEM Original equipment OSDBU/MRC Ofce of Small and
manufacturer. Disadvantaged Business
OEO Open-ended option. Utilization Minority Resource
OEP Open-ended plan. Center.
OER Ofcer efciency report. OSEP Ofce of Special Education
OET Outdoor experiential training. Programs.
OFCCP Ofce of Federal Contract OSERS Ofce of Special Education
Compliance Programs. and Rehabilitative Services.
O&FM Organization and functions OSHA 1. Occupational Safety and
manual. Health Act of 1970.
OHS Occupational health services. 2. Occupational Safety and
OHT Occupational health team. Health Administration.

OSHA HCS 472 occupational analysis

OSHA HCS OSHA Hazard OBriens Law A law that states, Murphy
Communication Standard. was an optimist. See also Murphys Law.
OSTD Ontario Society for Training observation A management technique used to
and Development. identify potential or actual problems and mon-
OT Organizational transformation. itor and evaluate processes and worker perfor-
OTBH Out-of-the-box hiring. mance.
OTC Over-the-counter (drugs). observational learning A learning strategy
OWA Other weird arrangement. used by humans (and to some degree by learn-
OWBO Ofce of Womens Business ing machines). The learner learns by watching
Ownership. a demonstration or observing a procedure or
OWBPA Older Workers Benet event.
Protection Act of 1990. observational skill In appraisal and evalua-
tion, the ability to collect information about
0-1, 0-2, 0-3 visas See Immigration and Nat- situations and conditions in the environment
uralization Service 0-1, 0-2, and 0-3 status. using a deliberately and carefully worked-out
plan. It is directed toward fact-nding; is sys-
object-based learning software S o f t w a r e
tematic in terms of the timing, length, and
that is accessible, durable, reusable, interop-
number of observations; and is recorded.
erable, and updatable where data and pro-
observation interview A means of collecting
cedures are not separate.
job data. Essentially the same as the interview
objective A specic qualitative or quantitative
method except that, in addition to undergoing
target. Objectives specify what is to be accom-
an in-depth interview by the analyst, the
plished by whom and by when. They should
incumbent is observed in the job environment
be realistic and practicable; meaningful and
performing all or a substantial part of the job.
veriable; logically related to, derived from,
obsessive-compulsive disorder Preoccupa-
and supportive of goals; cover key result
tion with specic images, thoughts, or
areas; and be set forth in writing. They should
impulses, such as repetitive or elaborate ritu-
also cover a specic time frame. Objectives als (hand washing or checking and rechecking
are usually developed annually. switches or door locks).
objective-line forecast A type of time series obstetrician A medical doctor who special-
forecast. Objective-line forecasts are projec- izes in the care of women during pregnancy,
tions of future activities and operations labor, birth, and the postnatal period.
derived from analysis of historical data and obstetrics and gynecology (OB-GYN) A spe-
trends and current activities and operations. cialty that deals with womens medical condi-
Also known as development-line forecast. tions and problems, including birth control,
objective test Paper-and-pencil or perfor- pregnancy tests, prenatal care, delivery, infer-
mance test designed to eliminate the examin- tility, menopause therapy, and PMS treatment.
ers judgment or bias from the scoring. occupancy rate In meeting management, the
objectivity A characteristic of an acceptable percentage of the total number of sleeping
test. A test is objective when the judgment or rooms actually occupied in a hotel. The mea-
bias of a scorer is eliminated from the scoring; sure has a bearing on the rates charged. See
that is, different people scoring the same per- also high season; low season; shoulder season.
formance or test paper at different times will occupation 1. Ones principal calling, busi-
arrive at the same score. ness, or employment. 2. A family of jobs com-
object-oriented programming system (OOPS) mon to most areas and industries. 3. A set of
More powerful than a module. Contains not activities or tasks that employees are paid to
only program code but also data that the code perform. Employees that perform essentially
can manipulate. Used by programmers to the same tasks are in the same occupation,
write applications more efciently. whether or not they are in the same industry.
objects Computer software modules that can occupational analysis The process of den-
be combined into new, large applications. ing the total dimensions and the performance
occupational disability 473 occupational program consultants

requirements of an occupational eld as it is relation to his or her working environment and

now and is likely to become; describing the with the adjustment of individuals to their
job structure and career patterns of that eld; work. Replaced the term industrial health
and dening the duties, tasks, and elements of activities. The Occupational Safety and
each job in terms of behaviors, conditions, and Health Administration denes occupational
standards. Occupational analyses are used to health as the theory and practice of the sev-
collect the detailed information needed to eral related professional disciplines of medi-
identify requirements for new jobs, redesign cine, nursing, and industrial hygiene, whose
jobs, project future personnel requirements, specialized areas concern exclusively the
and design training and development pro- maintenance, restoration, or improvement of
grams. In addition, occupational analysis the well-being of the worker. It also involves
denes the boundaries of occupational elds the prevention of illnesses and diseases.
in terms of functions and processes; kinds and occupational health team (OHT) Consists
numbers of workers; job, task, and skill clus- of practitioners in the following disciplines:
ters; and skills hierarchies. occupational medicine (physicians), occupa-
occupational disability Inability to perform tional health nursing (nurses, clinical nurse
ones usual occupation or work for pay due to specialists, and nurse practitioners), and
accident or injury. Usually entitles the person industrial hygiene personnel (industrial
to workers compensation or similar benets. hygienists, occupational health engineers, and
occupational disease A disease that arises out industrial hygienist chemists).
of and in the course of employment and for occupational illness Any abnormal condition
which a person is entitled to benets under
or disorder, other than one resulting from an
workers compensation or similar law.
occupational injury, caused by exposure to
occupational education and training require-
factors associated with employment. Includes
ments categories Occupations are classi-
acute and chronic illnesses or disease that may
ed in 11 categories that describe the educa-
be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion,
tion or training needed by workers to become
or direct contact with toxic substances or
fully qualied. The categories are: rst pro-
harmful agents.
fessional degree, doctoral degree, masters
occupational injury Injury sustained on the
degree, work experience in an occupation
requiring a bachelors or higher degree, bach- job that results in medical treatment other than
elors degree, associate degree, postsecondary rst aid, loss of consciousness, restriction of
vocational training, work experience in a work, loss of one or more work days, restric-
related occupation, long-term on-the-job tion of motion, or transfer to another job.
training, moderate-term on-the-job training, Includes any injury, such as a cut, fracture,
and short-term on-the-job training. sprain, or amputation.
occupational eld The largest meaningful occupational orientation An individuals
conguration of human work performance. predisposition toward or preference for a cer-
An occupational eld consists of all logically tain career eld. It is believed by some to be
related or skills-related jobs. For example, the determined by an individuals personality,
health services occupational eld includes including needs, wants, motives, and values.
such jobs as physician, registered nurse, and Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) A
licensed practical nurse and a host of other companion volume to the Dictionary of Occu-
specialties and subspecialties. pational Titles. Provides information on jobs,
occupational groups Dened occupations occupations, employment locations, and labor
classied in one of the following groups: pro- market projections useful in human resources
fessional, technical, and related; clerical and planning.
sales; and blue-collar and service. occupational program consultants (OPCs)
occupational health services (OHS) Health Positions mandated by the Hughes Act of
services concerned with the physical, mental, 1970 (two per state). Incumbents are respon-
and social well-being of an individual in sible for developing occupational alcoholism
Occupational Safety and Health Act 474 offers in compromise

programs in both the public and private occupational safety laws See Comprehen-
sectors. sive Environmental Response, Compensation,
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and Liability Act of 1980; Emergency Plan-
(OSHA) Requires employers to provide safe ning and Community Right-to-Know Act of
and healthful working conditions and protec- 1986; Hazard Communication Standard of
tion against hazards that might cause illness, 1988; Occupational Safety and Health Act of
injury, or death, including hazardous work 1970; Resource Conservation and Recovery
conditions, methods, materials, and sub- Act of 1976; Superfund Amendments and
stances. Under OSHA, every employer must Reauthorization Act of 1986.
be familiar with mandatory OSHA standards occupational safety training Training designed
and make copies available for employees to to meet OSHA and environmental health and
review, inform employees about OSHA, safety requirements, right-to-know, and gov-
inspect workplace conditions to ensure that ernment mandated training.
they conform to safety and health standards, occupational skills See Dictionary of Occu-
remove or guard hazards, and report and keep pational Titles.
records of injuries and occupational illnesses occupational therapist See registered occu-
(rms with 11 or more employees). The Act pational therapist.
applies to all employers engaged in interstate occupational therapy Treatment and exer-
commerce and is enforced by the Department cises to help an individual perform daily activ-
of Labor. Also known as the Williams-Steiger ities alone, such as learning new ways to eat
Act. and dress.
Occupational Safety and Health Adminis- ocean shipping rule On February 1, 2003,
tration (OSHA) A Department of Labor the U.S. Customs Service began enforcing a
ofce created by the Occupational Safety rule that requires ocean shippers to le man-
and Health Act of 1970 that oversees the ifests of container-packed cargo 24 hours
application of the law. Contact: OSHA, 200 before leaving foreign ports so that authorities
Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. know the vessels contents before they enter
20210 (phone 800-321-6742; Web site American territory. The rule is designed to prevent terrorists from transporting a radioac-
Occupational Safety and Health Administra- tive or other dirty bomb inside of one of the
tion Standards Regulations (Standard Sec- millions of sea containers that enter the U.S.
tion 29 CFR) designed to eliminate or reduce annually.
hazards to workers. They include Abrasive oculoplethysmography (OPG) A technique
Wheel Guarding (1910.215); Bloodborne used to locate and determine the degree of
Pathogens; Conned Spaces (1910.146); carotid arterial blockage by measuring the
Employee Exposure/Medical Records Access arterial pulse behind the eye.
(1910.20); Flammable and Combustible Liq- off-duty hours Periods during which an
uids (1910.106); Hazard Communica- employee is completely relieved of duty and
tion/Construction Industry (1926.59); Haz- is free to use the time for his or her own
ard Communication/General Industry purposes. In general an employee who is
(1910.1200); General Electric Requirements required to wear a beeper while off duty is not
(1910.303); Guardrails (1926.500); Labora- working even if on-call unless he or she is
tory Chemical; Lockout/Tagout (1910.147); subject to additional restrictions that limit
Machine Guarding (1910.212); OSHA Notice activities. In the latter case, the time would be
(1903.2); Power Transmission Equipment converted to compensable on-call time.
(1910.219); Record Keeping (1904.2); Respi- offers in compromise Used by the Internal
ratory Protection (1910.134); Scaffolding Revenue Service when a taxpayer is unable
(1926.451); Spray Finishing (1910.107); Wir- to pay the full tax, interest, and penalties due
ing Design and Protection (1926.404); Wiring and there is doubt that the full amount can be
Methods/Construction (1926.405); Wiring collected in the future. Such offers settle the
Methods/General Industry (1910.305). taxpayers obligation at a lower amount.
Office & Professional Employees 475 Office of Special Education

Ofce & Professional Employees Interna- Ofce of Homeland Security See Executive
tional Union (OPEIU) An organization Order 13228.
representing white collar professionals such Ofce of Personnel Management (OPM)
as accountants, artists, attorneys, bank employ- The federal agency responsible for promulgat-
ees, computer analysts and programmers, ing human resource regulations and overseeing
copywriters, data entry operators, doctors, civilian personnel matters (workers and retir-
engineers, health care certied and licensed ees) in all agencies and ofces of the federal
employees, hypnotherapists, insurance work- government. Contact: OPM, 1900 E Street,
ers and agents, law enforcement ofcers and NW, Washington, D.C. 20415-0001 (phone
security guards, models, museum curators, 202-606-1800; Web site
nurses, secretaries, Wall Street employees, and Ofce of Prepaid Health Care Operations
many more job classications. The union rep- and Oversight (OPHCOO) T h e f e d e r a l
resents 140,000 ofce and professional agency, a part of the Health Care Financing
employees in the U.S. and Canada. Contact: Administration, that oversees federal quali-
OPEIU, 265 West 14th Street, 6th Fl., New cation and compliance for health maintenance
York, NY 10011 (phone 800-346-7348 or 212- organizations and eligibility for competitive
675-3210; e-mail opeiu@; Web site medical plans.
Ofce of Small and Disadvantaged Business
Ofce for Substance Abuse Prevention
Utilization Minority Resource Center
(OSAP) A component of the Alcohol, Drug
(OSDBU/MRC) An ofce within the U.S.
Abuse, and Mental Health Administration of
Agency for International Development. The
the Public Health Service, U.S. Department
Agencys advocate for U.S. small business,
of Health and Human Services. Created by the
small disadvantaged business, women-owned
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 (and signi-
small business, HUBZone small business, ser-
cantly expanded in scope and functions by the
vice-disabled Veteran-owned small business,
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988) to head the
and veteran-owned small business concerns.
governments effort to prevent and intervene
in alcohol and drug abuse. Its goal is to pro- OSDBU/MRC ensures that U.S. small busi-
mote the concepts of no use of any illegal nesses receive consideration and access to
drugs and no illegal or high-risk use of alcohol USAID-nanced procurement of goods and
or other legal drugs. services. Also serves as a clearinghouse for
Ofce of Career Opportunities, National businesses interested in participating in pro-
Technical Institute for the Deaf Provides curements of AID-nanced goods and ser-
special technical education for deaf students vices. Contact: Ofce of Small and Disadvan-
from all states. Contact: Ofce of Career taged Business Utilization/Minority Resource
Opportunities, National Technical Institute for Center, Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Penn-
the Deaf, One Lomb Memboria Dr., Roches- sylvania Avenue, NW, Room 7, Washington;
ter, NY 14623 (phone 716-475-6400; Web site D.C. 20523-7800 (phone 202-712-1500; fax 202-216-3056; e-mail; Web
Ofce of Federal Contract Compliance Pro- site
grams (OFCCP) A federal agency charged Ofce of Special Education and Rehabilita-
with responsibility for implementing execu- tive Services (OSERS) An ofce of the
tive orders and enforcing afrmative action Department of Education whose mission is to
regulations for government contractors. provide leadership to achieve full integration
OFCCP was established as an ofce of the and participation in society of people with
Department of Labor by Executive Order disabilities by ensuring equal opportunity and
11246. Contact: OFCCP, U.S. Department of access to and excellence in education,
Labor, Frances Perkins Building, 200 Consti- employment, and community living. Contact:
tution Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20210 USDOE, 330 C St., SW, Room 3132,
(phone 866-4-USA-DOL; TTY 877-889-5627; Washington, D.C. 20202-2524 (phone 202-
Web site 205-8241 or 202-205-8723 [voice/TTY]).
Office of Special Education Programs 476 Older Americans Act of 1965

Ofce of Special Education Programs offset lithography In printing, the process of

(OSEP) A subdivision of the Ofce of Spe- using an intermediate blanket cylinder to
cial Education and Rehabilitative Services transfer an image from the image carrier to
(OSERS). OSEP has major responsibility for the substrate.
programs relating to the free, appropriate edu- offset pension formula A formula that results
cation of children and youth with disabilities. in the subtraction of a portion (limited by IRS
OSERS is committed to improving results and regulations) of an individuals social security
outcomes for people with disabilities of all annuity from a dened amount to determine
ages and supports programs that serve mil- the benet from the pension plan.
lions of children, youth, and adults with dis- off-the-shelf program A training or other
abilities. Contact: OSEP/ED, U.S. Depart- type of program produced for other organiza-
ment of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, tions that is judged to match the needs of an
Washington, D.C. 20202 (phone 202-205- organization well enough although it may
5465; Web site not t either the organization or the industry
Ofce of Womens Business Ownership precisely.
(OWBO) Promotes the growth of women- Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health
owned businesses through programs that Insurance Program (OASDHI) A succes-
address business training and technical assis- sor of the Social Security Act of 1935. An
tance and provides access to credit and capital, omnibus social bill passed by the Congress
federal contracts, and international trade that covers retirement, survivors, and disabil-
opportunities. Contact: OWBO, Small Busi- ity insurance (social security), hospital and
ness Administration, 409 Third Street SW, medical insurance for the aged and disabled
Fourth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20416 (phone (Medicare and Medicaid), black-lung benets
202-205-6673; e-mail; Web for miners, supplemental security income
(SSI), unemployment insurance, and public
assistance in welfare systems.
ofcer efciency report (OER) The U.S.
Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust
Armys annual and special reports on the per-
Fund (OASITF) The largest of several trust
formance and potential of commissioned and
funds into which social security taxes go. Cur-
warrant ofcers.
rently has tens of billions of dollars in it,
ofce skills training Training given to ofce
invested in government-guaranteed invest-
support staff who provide administrative sup-
ments and drawing interest. According to
port services, such as clerical, secretarial, and present laws, the funds cannot be used by the
word processing activities. government for other purposes. However,
off-label drug A drug prescribed by a physi- creative bookkeeping by the administration,
cian for use for a condition not approved by with the help of an acquiescent Congress, has
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for used the mounting social security surplus to
that particular condition (although it may be mask the size of the federal budget decit.
approved by the FDA for a different old boy network People in business and
condition). industry who belong to an informal and exclu-
off-label prescribing Using a drug to treat a sive club, are successful, and have consid-
disorder for something other than its approved erable power to inuence what happens from
purpose. For example, prescribing Prozac, a a nancial, production, or other business indi-
drug approved by the federal Food and Drug cator in their industry (or country). They are
Administration to treat depression, to treat typically white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant
obesity. males; women and minorities are excluded.
off-line editing A form of video editing usu- Older Americans Act of 1965 (OAA) An act
ally done with small-format tape to produce to assist older people to secure equal oppor-
an edit decision list, which is used later to tunity to the full and free enjoyment of an
automatically assemble the nished program. adequate income in retirement, the best
offset See offset lithography. possible physical and mental health, and
Older Americans Act of 1978 477 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

opportunity for employment without discrim- standable and written agreement between the
ination because of age, among other objec- employer and the employee; (2) refer to rights
tives. Congress has reafrmed its support for or claims arising under ADEA; (3) be exclu-
OAA programs 12 times through amendments sive of rights or claims that may arise after
and reauthorization actions. The 1987 reau- the date the waiver is signed; (4) be in
thorization called for a national assessment of exchange for consideration in addition to any-
unsatised demand for supportive services thing of value to which the employee is
provided at senior centers and other sites. already entitled; (5) include a written notice
Older Americans Act of 1978 See Long-Term to the employee to consult with an attorney
Care Ombudsman Program. before signing the agreement; (6) allow
Older Americans Act of 1992 (OAA) employees at least 21 days to consider the
Amends the Older Americans Act of 1965 by agreement (or 45 days if part of employment
including support to family members and termination); and (7) include a provision that
other persons providing voluntary care to permits the employee to revoke the agreement
older persons needing long-term care services. within 7 days.
Provides training and employment counseling ombudsman A person appointed to investigate
to older Americans who have poor employ- employee complaints and serve as a mediator
ment prospects and economic need. Signed between two disputing parties. May also serve
into law by President Bush on September 30, as an advocate, counselor, and supporter of the
1992. grievant. Sometimes called ombuds.
Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
Reauthorized the Older Americans Act, which (OBRA) Made signicant changes to fund-
provides annual funding for nutrition, trans- ing and termination insurance rules applicable
portation, in-home care, day care, caregiver to dened benet pension plans as well as
support, long-term care ombudsman, elder changes that affect dened contribution plans.
abuse prevention, health promotion, disease The Act modied rules that limit the holding
prevention, senior center, community employ- of employer securities by employee benet
ment, and other support services for senior plans and restricts the availability of an estate
citizens. Approved November 13, 2000. tax deduction for sales of employer securities
Older Workers Benet Protection Act of to an employee stock option (ownership) plan.
1990 (OWBPA) An act signed into law by Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989
President Bush on October 16, 1990. It (OBRA) Modied several of the continua-
requires that early retirement incentive plans tion of health care coverage requirements of
be consistent with the relevant purpose or the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Recon-
purposes of this act. It also makes it clear that ciliation Act of 1986. Part of this bill relates
the Age Discrimination in Employment Act to Medicare as a secondary payer and specif-
of 1967 (ADEA) has authority over employee ically to periods of coverage for qualied ben-
benets. Although ADEA requires employers eciaries other than the covered employee,
to provide equal benets to all workers, it which shall not terminate before the close of
allows reductions in benets for older workers the 36-month period beginning on the date the
in cases where added employer costs are covered employee becomes entitled to [Medi-
incurred as a result of providing those benets care] benets under title XVIII of the Social
to older workers. The Act of 1990 restores the Security Act (36 months after the date of the
ADEA to what it was prior to Supreme Court original qualifying event). The Act also
decisions eliminating the requirement for required employers to report certain informa-
employers to justify lower benets for older tion to a Medicare data bank beginning with
workers by showing increased costs or other calendar year 1994.
economic considerations. Under the law, all Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990
waivers and releases of age discrimination (OBRA) One important provision of this bill
must be voluntary. Specically, all waivers of established a $22 billion package of tax cred-
ADEA rights must (1) be part of an under- its and grant money for poor working families.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 478 on-demand learning system

It was the rst federal child care legislation $250,000, creating a marginal tax rate of
passed since World War II. The Act provided 39.6%.
for a 3-year, $2.5 billion block grant for states Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing
to distribute to parents and day care providers. Act of 1991 Requires alcohol and drug test-
Recipients of grants could spend them as they ing of safety-sensitive employees in the avia-
wish, but they had to meet minimum state tion, motor carrier, railroad, and mass transit
health and safety standards, including being industries. Rules promulgated by the Depart-
immunized to prevent the spread of infectious ment of Transportation cover small employers
diseases. That requirement extends to situa- and large employers, dened as those with 50
tions where the money is used for child care or more safety-sensitive employees. Imple-
in private homes. The Act lay the groundwork mentation for large employers began
for a broad federal policy to encourage as well January 1, 1995 and for small employers Jan-
as regulate those who provide child care ser- uary 1, 1996.
vices. OBRA 1990 also expanded Medicare on-call pay plan Involves payment of extra
hospice benets; provided reimbursement for compensation to exempt supervisory and tech-
mammography screening for early detection nical employees who are required to provide
of breast cancer; mandated states to expand 24-hour services on demand. There are two
Medicaid coverage to poor children up to the types of plans: (1) sandman pay, a pay plan
age of 18 by the year 2000; required Medicaid that rewards employees for simply being
to pay Medicares Part B premiums, coinsur- available to work outside their regular hours
ance, and deductibles for people at the poverty with only the requirement that they must
be reachable and able to return to work within
line; gave states more exibility to provide
a specied period of time and (2) call-in pay,
home- and community-based, long-term care
in which employees are paid extra only when
services under Medicaid; and required phar-
they are called in to perform work, either at
maceutical companies to offer state programs
the job site or by telephone or computer at
with discounts on prescriptions.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993
on-call time Off-duty hours during which an
(OBRA) As of January 1, 1994, increased the
employee is required to remain on call either
amount of social security subject to tax from at the work premises or so close to it that he
the 50% base to 85% for individuals whose or she cannot effectively use the time for per-
adjusted base income from all sources sonal purposes. According to the Fair Labor
exceeded $34,000 and for couples with Standards Act, such restrictive on-call time is
incomes above $44,000. OBRA 1993 also compensable as working time. An employee
reduced the deduction for business meal and who is required to leave word where he or she
entertainment expenses from 80 to 50% and can be reached is not considered working
made expenses for spouses who travel with time, nor is one who wears a beeper while
an employee no longer deductible. The law off-duty.
eliminated the cap on earnings subject to the oncologist A doctor of medicine who special-
Medicare portion of the social security tax izes in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors
and prohibited publicly held corporations and cancer. Employs chemotherapy among
from deducting certain compensation in other treatments for cancer.
excess of $1 million per year for the CEO oncology A medical specialty for the diagno-
and the four other most highly compensated sis and treatment of tumors.
ofcers. The law increased income tax rates on-demand learning system A computer-
for high-income individuals from 31 to 36% driven learning package available to workers
for couples ling jointly with taxable income when needed for help on the job or off the job.
over $140,000, as well as single lers over The systems are designed to support workers
$115,000 and heads of households over at the job site with versatile and productive
$127,000, and imposed a 10% surtax for performance systems. Also called just-in-time
individuals with taxable income above training and learner-controlled training.
one best leadership 479 on-line services

one best leadership See consistency leader- one-time password A password that is issued
ship. and used only once in the challenge-response
one-group technique The simplest of the authentication process.
experimental procedures in which one thing, one-way satellite/microwave C o m m u n i c a -
individual, or group has had introduced, var- tion delivered via satellite or microwave. Par-
ied, or subtracted some experimental factor or ticipants watch, then respond by phone, fax,
factors, and the resulting changes are reported or e-mail.
or measured. For example, a group of trainees one-way satellite with keypad Communica-
might take equivalent forms of a test to deter- tion delivered via satellite but using an elec-
mine whether there is any change in their tronic keypad as a response device for par-
scores on the different forms as a result of the ticipants.
practice effect. on-label prescribing Using a drug to treat a
one-on-one training On-the-job, day-to-day disorder for which it was intended and that
learning experiences under the tutelage of a was approved for that use by the federal Food
conscientious and experienced coach or and Drug Administration.
supervisor. Strategies include telling or on-line Equipment or a process under the
explaining, questioning, showing or demon- direct control of the central processing unit
strating, drilling or practicing, and providing of a computer.
feedback and follow-up. on-line access A means of inputting and
One-Stop Career Centers Provide compre- accessing information (using a computer and
hensive career planning and employment ser- a modem) through the Internet. Also called
vices through a single statewide delivery sys- an Intranet.
tem, accessible to the general public. on-line brainstorming See computer confer-
Currently operating or under development in encing.
a majority of states. On-line Career Center A network of net-
online learning center A powerful, readily works that offers employment advertising,
accessible learning information source for an outplacement services, and communications
organization. Blends old (instructor-led train- (Web site
ing, audio- and videotapes, compact disks, on-line reference Availability of immediate
streaming video, books, articles, coaching, and access to instructions, cues, and other forms
mentoring) and new (the Internet, intranets, and of help while using a computer applications
e-delivered courses) instructional technology. program.
O*NET A member of the Occupational Infor- on-line services 1. Operations or processing
mation Network, O*NET is a comprehensive that involves immediate and direct interaction
database, developed for the Department of with the database, including inputs and cor-
Labor (DOL), that identies and describes rections, usually through video terminals con-
occupations, worker skills, knowledge, nected to the computer. They allow the user
abilities, and workplace requirements for jobs to enter information into the central computer
in all sectors of the economy. The DOL or display information contained in the com-
updated O*NET On-Line 4.0 in 2003. Con- puter; therefore characterized by random
tact: DOL, O*NET, Frances Perkins Building, transactions, immediate reports, responses to
200 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, one-time inquiries, and distributed data entry.
D.C. 20210 (Web site Examples are America Online, CompuServes
grams/onet/). Executive News Service, Delphi, Desktop
one-ten-one hundred (1/10/100) rule A rule Data Inc.s NewsEdge, Dow Jones Informa-
of thumb that holds that for every dollar spent tion Services Dow Vision, Genie, and Meade
on the prevention of product defects, it costs Data Centrals Lexis, and Nexis. 2. Provide
10 times as much to inspect products to dis- access to the Internet. Tend to be more expen-
cover defects and 100 times as much to recall sive and slower than Internet service provid-
or replace defective products. ers but are easier to get connected and provide
on-line transaction processing (OLTP) 480 open enrollment period

some extras. Examples are America Online, opaque projector A projector that shows an
Compuserve, and Prodigy. image of solid objects such as pages from a
on-line transaction processing (OLTP) Data book or a photograph on a screen.
processing that is performed while the user is open architecture A term applied to a sys-
communicating with the computer. An exam- tem, such as a computer, to which other ele-
ple: making airline reservations. ments can be added; that is, the system is not
On Magazine: Supplement to Time Maga- xed but can be altered or modied in some
zine Published monthly by Time Inc. meaningful way.
(e-mail; Web site open-book management An approach to management that emphasizes empowerment
on-site or near-site child care center A child of employees by opening the rms nancial
care facility for company employees either books to them, teaching them the language of
owned and operated by the employer, con- nance, and providing them with a continuing
structed by the employer and donated to non- ow of nancial information. The objectives
prot employee-operated groups, or con- are to get employees to think and act like
tracted by the employer with a for-prot or business persons and to make them more
not-for-prot organization. aware of how their daily decisions affect the
on-site services Services offered employees bottom line.
at their work sites to reduce time off the job, open-collar worker A telecommuter or
help them meet time constraints, and make other person who works at home and therefore
them more productive. Services run the gamut does not have to dress for success.
from auto repair, shoe repair, beauty salons, open-ended health maintenance organization
barber shops, dry cleaning, and banking ser- (OEHMO) A form of managed care plan
vices to take-home meals and massage designed to contain health care costs by lim-
therapy. iting employee choices through the use of
Ontario Society for Training and Develop- such techniques as preauthorization of hospi-
ment (OSTD) Canadas largest training tal admission and utilization review. They are
organization representing more than 1500 point-of-service HMOs where there is a pri-
training and human resource development mary care physician and utilization of medical
practitioners. The association acts as an advo- services is tightly managed.
cate for training in Ontario; establishes and open-ended option (OEO) See open-ended
maintains professional standards; and serves plan.
its members by providing certication, educa- open-ended plan (OEP) A plan offered by
tional programs, annual conferences, and pub- health maintenance organizations that allows
lications. Contact: OSTD, 80 Richmond members to seek health care from nonpartic-
street,W, Suite 508, Toronto, Ontario, M5H ipating physicians and other health care pro-
2A4 (phone 416-367-5900; fax 416-367- fessionals. In exchange for using these pro-
1642; e-mail; Web site viders, members pay higher premiums, deductibles, and copayments.
on-the-job training (OJT) Planned and open-end questionnaire See open form
organized training conducted at the work- questionnaire.
place; in the ofce, shop, or laboratory; in the open enrollment A system where enrollment
eld; on the production line or the construc- in company training programs is open to any
tion site; or behind the counter by a coworker employee upon application and approval by
or supervisor. It is provided by means of dem- his or her immediate supervisor. Enrollment
onstration and example, guided practice, and forms and schedules are mailed to branches
feedback on performance. and ofces with deadlines for applying.
on-time A measure of organizational, depart- open enrollment period 1. The period when
mental, or work team efciency determined an employee may change health plans. 2. A
by calculating the percentage of milestones or period of time during which individuals may
planned events achieved on schedule. sign up for medical or health insurance; for
open form questionnaire 481 operational plan

example, people who failed to sign up for when a person responds to a conict situation
Medicares Medical Insurance (Part B) when in a positive way is likely to result in a similar
they rst became eligible, normally age 65, or response to other conict situations.
who dropped Part B for some valid reason. operant conditioning Calls for strengthening
open form questionnaire A questionnaire a desired response by reinforcement. Attrib-
that allows respondents to present a more uted to psychologist B. F. Skinner.
complete description of a situation by encour- operating budget A budget that deals with
aging them to go beyond the numerical or individual items of expense, such as salaries
factual data to record attitudes and feelings, and direct labor, supervision, contractual ser-
the background of responses, or the reasons vices and utilities, equipment and supplies,
for preferences or opinions. travel and tuition, conference and membership
open panel A managed care health plan that fees, and insurance premiums. It also consists
contracts either directly or indirectly with pri- of two subdivisions relating to revenues, the
vate physicians to deliver health care in their budget income statement, and to expenses, the
own ofces. supporting schedules. The supporting sched-
open pay system A pay system in which ules include the sales, production, materials,
employees know what other workers in the procurement, direct labor, manufacturing
organization are being paid; for example, the overhead, inventory, administrative expense,
U.S. government general schedule is openly distribution, and appropriations budgets.
published. operating cost The nancial requirements
open season An annual period of about needed to operate an activity that provides
1 months duration during which federal goods or services. These costs normally
employees, annuitants (including survivors), include the costs of personnel, materials, over-
and those receiving workers compensation head, depreciation, and interest.
payments who are enrolled in health benets operating margin A measure of operating
plans under the Federal Employee Health efciency that is independent of the cost ow
Benets Program may change plans, options, assumption for inventory. It is calculated as
or type of enrollment (self only or self and follows: operating margin = revenues from
family), or any combination of those changes. sales current cost of goods sold. Sometimes
Federal employees who are not enrolled but called current (gross) margin.
are eligible for enrollment may enroll during operating system The software that controls
the open season. Annuitants who are not a computers basic functions, including read-
enrolled may not enroll during the open ing and writing data on disks, managing the
season. routing of data, and controlling the interface
open shop A nonunionized organization in with the user.
which workers decide for themselves whether Operating System/2 (OS/2) International Busi-
they join the union. ness Machines disk operating system, an
open software technology A computer tech- alternative to Microsoft Disk Operating Sys-
nology now in development that will facilitate tem combined with Windows.
interoperability. The system will enable users Operation Able Ability Based on Long Expe-
to integrate data, such as a spreadsheet, a rience. A nationwide source of help in nding
graphic, and a paragraph of text, each from a skilled, motivated, and dependable older
different vendor and located on one or more employees. Local ofces assist employers to
networks, and produce a seamless product. nd full- and part-time workers with long expe-
open window See early retirement incentive rience. Check your local telephone directory.
program. operational plan A short-term or mid-range
operant behavior Emitted responses that plan, usually t to a quarterly or yearly time
occur without known stimuli. They are condi- frame. Operational plans focus on the human
tioned by providing a reinforcing stimulus resources needed to support current, sched-
when a desired response is emitted. For exam- uled, or projected production or the types of
ple, providing praise or a reward of some kind output requirements for the time frame under
operational validity 482 opportunity cost

consideration and the strategies and tactics opiates Drugs that give an individual an
needed to achieve the desired results. immediate rush of euphoria, follow by sev-
operational validity The process and result of eral hours of relaxation and reduced anxiety.
achieving maximum benet from a test in Include heroin (smack, horse), morphine
terms of such things as administration, testing (pectoral syrup), opium (paregoric, Dovers
conditions and facilities, scoring, and use of powder), methadone (dolophine, methadose),
results. Coined by Bohemia and Spitzes (The and codein.
Law and Personnel Testing, 1971). opinion survey See attitude and opinion survey.
Operation Jobs An employer-friendly ap- Opportunity 2000 Award An award pre-
proach to solving the problem of illegal im- sented annually to organizations by the U.S.
migrant workers launched by the Immigration Department of Labor to a federal contractor
and Naturalization Service. Over a 30- to 60- who has instituted comprehensive work force
day period, INS agents work with employers strategies to ensure equal employment
to remove illegal workers. Companies are then opportunity and innovative programs and ini-
able to ll the vacated positions with unem- tiatives for managing diversity and working
ployed U.S. citizens and legal immigrants to break the glass ceiling. Eligibility is lim-
without slowing or stopping production. With ited to federal public interest contractors or
the help of participating organizations, such federal contractors organizations covered by
as state departments of human services and Executive Order 11246 who have had a com-
the Salvation Army (which have client bases pliance review within the past 3 years and
of workers with low-level skills) replacements have had no substantive violations of federal
are recruited and hired. laws or pending enforcement actions.
operation process chart See process chart. opportunity cost 1. The cost of foregoing
operations research (OR) The application of other services when an HR/HRD/OD inter-
the scientic method to the study of alterna- vention is applied in an organization. See also
tive courses of action in decision making. It labor costs; personnel costs. 2. The amount
involves careful denition of the problem and that a given resource (e.g., dollars of capital)
the objective, systematic collection and could have earned in its next best use. For
assessment of facts, orderly development and example, if savings banks are paying 2% inter-
testing of hypotheses, precise establishment est on deposited funds, then, when calculating
of relationships among the facts, meticulous the total cost of using those funds, the owner
formulation of predictions based on hypothe- must include that 2% in foregone interest. 3. A
ses, and painstaking design of measures to benchmark used by corporate travel manag-
evaluate the effectiveness of courses of action. ers to make better comparisons of travel costs
Operation Transition A massive outplace- than standard industry averages provide. It
ment program launched by the Department of allows companies to measure the cost of their
Defense (DOD) in 1991. The effort was travel policy enforcement in terms of lowest
designed to help companies tap the new fare opportunities missed by travelers (lost
source of labor that will be created by plans savings due to missed lowest fares). It is cal-
to cut approximately 25% of DODs military culated by determining the average segment
and civilian work force over the next 5 to cost for a specic month and then computing
7 years. the opportunity cost as follows:
ophthalmologist A medical doctor who spe-
cializes in the diagnosis and treatment of inju- Average Segment Lowest Fare
Opportunity Cost =
ries and diseases of the eye, such as macular Average Segment
degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and vision
correction with refractive surgery, Excimer Opportunity cost can be translated into dollar
Laser/LASIK. impact simply by multiplying actual travel
ophthalmology A medical specialty for the expenditures by the opportunity cost percent-
diagnosis and treatment of injuries, disorders, age as follows: Dollar impact = Travel costs
and diseases of the eye. July 03 Opportunity cost July 03.
opportunity-to-learn standards 483 organic light-emitting diode (OLED)

opportunity-to-learn standards In educa- marketing skills in a department or identify-

tion, standards that establish the conditions ing the working conditions most conducive
and resources needed to give students an equal to higher productivity.
chance to meet the performance standards. option The right, but not the obligation, to buy
optical character recognition (OCR) A soft- or sell a particular commodity at a specied
ware program that has data capture and rec- time in the future. This allows the buyer or
ognition capabilities. The program recognizes seller to participate in a big buying or selling
and processes documents by converting the opportunity but to walk away if the price goes
characters, including type face kerns and lig- in an unwanted direction.
atures, foreign language characters, and sci- optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) A
entic notation, into computer language. newly developed but not yet commercially
optical disc See compact disc; videodisc. available computer chip that transmits data by
optical disc drive (ODD) A new addition to means of light instead of moving electrons
the eld of computer accessories. ODDs pro- along silicon conduits. OEIC is up to 20 times
vide storage for 600 MB of existing data or faster than conventional chips.
pure storage space on a single 5.25-inch opti- optoelectronic technology Systems, mecha-
cal disc. They are especially useful for work- nisms, and circuitry used to increase the speed
ing with subjects that require large contiguous of computers. They permit electronic devices
les, such as CAD, video, and multimedia. to communicate using pulses of laser light as
Three types are currently available: compact the information conduits. The circuitry trans-
disc, read-only memory; write once, read lates laser beams into electronic language that
many; and erasable. Each drive uses a corre- computers understand and back again into
sponding type of disc, but they are not inter- laser light.
changeable. ODDs come in two congura- oral and maxillofacial surgery Dental care
tions: external units ready to be connected to involving surgery for tooth extractions; frac-
a computer and internal units designed to be tures of the jaw; reduction of dislocations;
installed inside a computer. manipulation, aspiration, or injection of tem-
optical mark reader (OMR) A type of scan- poromandibular joints; dental implants; and
ner that reads barcodes, such as those found other oral surgery, including preoperative and
on merchandise packages, and makes it pos- postoperative care.
sible to automate test grading, survey tabula- oral objective test Similar to paper-and-pen-
tion, management of library holdings, inven- cil tests except that the testee responds orally
tory control, accessing courseware, and many instead of in writing. Such tests consist of
other applications with savings of hundreds of carefully constructed items in the form of
dollars and hours of time. true-false, completion, multiple-choice, or
optical scanner A device that can read arrangement-type questions.
printed materials. For example, one applica- oral reprimand A reprimand given by his or
tion has software that can grade tests, assign her supervisor to an employee who has vio-
nal course grades, store the data by class, lated a work rule. The reprimand is given
and analyze results. Data can be used for privately, clearly and tactfully, and speci-
validity and reliability studies. cally and constructively. It focuses on the job
optical technology See optoelectronic inte- behavior, not on personality.
grated circuit. ordinal data Data that can be placed in rank
optimization model A statistical forecasting order.
model that attempts to provide the forecaster ordinal measurement A measure that indi-
with an ideal or best solution to a given set cates rank order of merit or performance, such
of needs or constraints to achieve optimal as the rankings of employees in terms of pro-
results. Optimization models always begin ductivity or some other measure of perfor-
with predetermined objectives instead of mance.
starting with past experience. For example, organic light-emitting diode (OLED) A dis-
determining the proper mix of technical and play or projection technology used to produce
organic speech defects 484 organization climate

images with higher brightness and contrast, a with current operating requirements. Such
wider natural viewing angle, improved color surveys consist of seven steps: planning, data
saturation, a wider color spectrum, faster pixel collection, interpretation of data, development
response, and lower power consumption. of solutions, presenting recommendations,
organic speech defects Caused primarily by installing and following up on recommenda-
physical factors, such as accidents, disease, or tions, and evaluating results.
heredity. organizational transformation (OT) A gen-
organizational analysis Detailed examina- eral term covering new or cutting-edge train-
tion of root causes and effects and how envi- ing programs designed to reshape or transform
ronment, beliefs, systems, structures, pro- organizations by stimulating motivation, inno-
cesses, roles, policies, rules and regulations, vation, and excellence through teamwork,
outcomes, and other variables interact and empowerment, and participation. OT is
affect each other. viewed as the nal stage of a continuum con-
organizational behavior See human relations. sisting of management-employee develop-
organizational behavior modication theory ment, organization development, and organi-
A theory of motivation that suggests that peo- zation transformation. In essence, it is a long-
ple behave in ways that help them avoid range program to involve all employees in a
unpleasant outcomes (punishment) and attain major effort to change an organizations cul-
pleasant ends (rewards). Therefore, the key to ture, values, and management processes and
motivation is to determine the conditions that thereby improve productivity, product/service
trigger desired behavior, establish them, and quality, results, and employee satisfaction.
reinforce by rewards when the behaviors organization and functions manual (O&FM)
appear. A document that describes the functions of an
organizational distance Differences in orga- organization and all its subordinate elements,
nizational levels that often create barriers to
denes the relationships between and among
communication because people at disparate
elements, and describes the authority and
organizational levels (executives, managers,
accountability of each unit.
technicians, hourly workers, and so on) have
organization breakdown structure (OBS)
different values, different goals and priorities,
A depiction of the project organization
dissimilar perspectives and perceptions, and
unique ways of thinking. arranged in a way that relates work packages
organizational evaluation The use of instru- (deliverables at the lowest level of the work
ments and strategies to assess organizational breakdown structure) to organizational
change in such areas as quality of communi- units.
cations, customer relations, job satisfaction, organization characteristics survey See orga-
motivation and morale, and teamwork using nization climate survey.
such tools as observation, questionnaires, organization chart A wiring diagram, a
interviews, ratings, and records. hierarchically arranged, clear, symmetrical,
organizational network analysis (ONA) T h e and unied block diagram that shows existing
application of social-network theory to an activities, functions, levels, and lines of
organization to sketch a quantitative and accu- authority in an organization. It includes the
rate picture of how the company actually title of each element and, by means of con-
works, shares knowledge, and completes pro- necting lines, shows who is accountable to
cesses. It reveals who knows what and whom whom and who is in charge of what activities.
and who works most often with whom how organization climate The corporate atmo-
much informal networks differ from the sphere, felt rather than observed or dened. It
ofcial reporting chain as depicted by organi- is the product of the collective impact of
zation charts. policies, goals, objectives, priorities, beliefs,
organizational survey Periodic and system- values, expectations, managerial techniques,
atic examination and analysis of the organiza- and leadership styles on the motivation and
tional structure to ensure that it is consistent actuation of people to accomplish the mission.
organization climate survey 485 organization development intervention

organization climate survey A data collec- dealing effectively with technical, managerial,
tion instrument used to obtain diagnostic and human problems; improving cooperation,
information about an organization and to collaboration, communication, and teamwork
study its climate and culture. Topics include between managers and their subordinates and
communication, creativity, pay and benets, among units; promoting openness and free
management practices, policies, product and discussion of differences, issues, and prob-
service quality, supervisory practices, the job lems; improving decision making processes
itself, work conditions, and so on. An organi- and promoting employee and union accep-
zation climate survey gathers employee atti- tance of decisions; building acceptance of and
tudes, beliefs, feelings, opinions, and percep- ability to deal with change; improving indi-
tions, not facts. Also known as employee vidual and team performance and interper-
attitude survey; employee opinion survey; job sonal relationships; and nding and articulat-
satisfaction survey; organization characteris- ing consensus and translating it into action.
tics survey; work climate survey. The Organization Development Institute A
organization culture An organizations basic nonprot educational organization established
beliefs and values about itself and its clients, to promote a better understanding of and dis-
customers, suppliers, and the public at large. seminate information about organization
It also encompasses an organizations view of development to the public and to members.
its value to society. Culture is embodied in the There are three categories of membership: stu-
way things are done in an organization as dent, regular, and professional consultant.
dened by both written and unwritten poli-
Annually publishes The International Registry
cies, procedures, and practices. It is mani-
of O.D. Professionals and O.D. Handbook.
fested in how the organization denes success
Contact: The O.D. Institute, 11234 Walnut
and how people are rewarded and punished
Ridge Rd., Chesterland, OH 44026-1299
the organizational norms that have become
(phone 440-729-7419; e-mail DonWCole@
accepted and encouraged (or prescribed) by; Web site
organization design 1. The skeleton that
organization development intervention A
gives an organization its form and denes the
strategy or technique used in the organization
limits of its growth and performance. Organi-
zation design encompasses purposes, princi- development process. Systems interventions
ples, policies, technical systems, information include management transition workshops;
and decision systems, and people and reward change in management strategies; action
systems. 2. The process of conguring or planning workshops addressing major issues
reconguring the structure of an organization and problems; benet-cost analyses for
establishing or changing the arrangement resource allocation; strategic planning; orga-
of functions, authority, and relationships nization planning and design; training and
between and among various elements of the development; job enrichment, enlargement,
organization. and redesign; management and HR audits;
organization development (OD) A planned and group decision making and participative
and systematic strategy for changing and or multiple-management strategies. Organiza-
improving the management and operation tion development interventions include action
of an enterprise to increase effectiveness, planning conferences, behavior modeling and
enhance productivity, boost return on invest- modication, communications training, con-
ment, improve the quality of work life, and ict resolution, creative problem solving, goal
raise the level of employee job satisfaction. In clarication, intergroup cooperation, leader-
more specic terms, the OD process is aimed ship training, management by objectives, man-
at clarifying the mission, goals, and objectives agement improvement conferences, meeting
of the organization; aligning and integrating and conference design and management, per-
individual employee, unit, and enterprise formance counseling training, process obser-
goals; making the organization more effective; vation, role clarication, small group problem
Organization Development Network 486 organizing

solving, team building, time management, and resulting plan denes policy; describes struc-
unit assessment surveys. ture, philosophy, and goals; identies com-
Organization Development Network (ODN) munication channels; and identies and
A professional association of organization describes key positions, authority, responsibil-
development practitioners and others inter- ity, and accountability.
ested in the eld of OD the management organization structure The actual congura-
of change in organizations. In addition to its tion of an organization that identies reporting
annual national conference, ODN sponsors chains and authority relationships. It is the
special-interest conferences on issues of cur- hierarchical arrangement of the various func-
rent concern to organizations and publishes tional elements, the authority framework, and
the quarterly OD Practitioner. Contact: ODN, the pattern of interrelations of an organization.
71 Valley Street, Ste. 301, South Orange, NJ organization survey Study of an organization
07079 -2825 (phone 973-763-7337; fax 973- by a team of qualied organization analysts
763-7488; e-mail odnet@lists.ODNet- to ensure that the structure of the organization; Web site or any of its major components is appropriate
organization diagnosis An important element and sound. The team completes a six-step pro-
of the organization development process. cess involving (1) planning, (2) data collec-
Organization diagnosis consists of the collec- tion, (3) data interpretation and evaluation, (4)
tion and analysis of data subsequently used to development of the revised structure, (5)
identify the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation, and (6) monitoring and fol-
organization and the changes that need to be low-up. The team reviews enterprise and
made to make it more viable and productive.
employee records, enterprise policies and pro-
organization documents All typewritten,
cedures manuals, and other corporate docu-
photocopied, or printed organization materi-
ments; administers and analyzes question-
als, including charts, maps, diagrams, photo-
naires; conducts interviews and occupational,
graphs, video- and audiotapes, computer
job, and task analyses; analyzes organization
printouts, and so on.
charts, organization and functions manuals,
organization history In meeting manage-
work distribution and workow charts; and
ment, a record of an organizations previous
directly observes people at work.
meetings provided to the host property to
organization taboos Concepts and practices
describe the needs of the group and its impact
that are fervently held, at least by the upper
on the property. Typically includes informa-
tion pertaining to room block, room pick-up, echelons of the organization, as universal,
meeting space requirements, and food and clear, correct, and accurate portrayals of what
beverage revenues generated. Also called cannot or should not be done. Violators are
group history. subject to penalties, although they may not be
organization learning How an organization overt.
uses the ability of its people to understand and organization vision Top managements artic-
interact with its environment. It also includes ulation of a picture of what the organization
individual learning as people interact with should be (in terms of its culture, climate,
their environment or create new knowledge or quality of work life, and performance) and
information. how it should operate in the future.
organization planning The process of trans- organized labor See union.
lating an organizations philosophy, vision, organizing The managerial function con-
goals, and objectives into policies, rules, and cerned with identifying the functions and
practices and taking into full account the rms activities that must be conducted, grouping
culture, structure, environment, competitive them into logical subdivisions, making clear
position, opportunities, and limitations. It aims delegations of authority, clarifying authority
at efciency, effectiveness, and balance relationships both horizontally and vertically
among functions that have the greatest impact within the organization and with other line and
on achievement of enterprise goals. The staff elements of the company, and assigning
organ transplant 487 OSHA Process Safety Rule

each group to a leader with the authority to orthodontist A doctor of dental medicine or
manage. dental surgery who specializes in the correc-
organ transplant An important means of tion of irregularities or abnormalities of the
maintaining the health and physical capacity teeth by mechanical means, such as braces.
of many people who in an earlier time were orthopedic and mobility impairments Peo-
destined for an early death (such as severe ple who have suffered the loss or normal use
heart disease) or for expensive and lifelong of limbs, bones, or muscles due to disease,
treatments (such as kidney dialysis). Today, accident, injury, or deformity (such as cerebral
many organs can be harvested immediately palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis,
following the donors death: heart, liver, tuberculosis of the bones or joints, congenital
lungs, kidneys, corneas, skin, and so on. deformities, and amputation). Many must use
orientation A program designed to provide wheelchairs, crutches or canes, or prostheses
new employees with complete and uniform (articial hands or grasping devices, arms,
information about the rm and its organiza- legs, or feet) of one type or another.
tion, mission, functions and policies, compen- orthopedic surgery Treatment of injuries or
sation, benets, services, work requirements, deformities of the foot, ankle, knee, or hip,
standards, rules, safe work habits, and desir- total joint replacement, arthroscopic rotator
able employee-management relations. The cuff repair, hand surgery, shoulder surgery,
objective is to develop condent, loyal, effec- and trauma surgery.
tive, and productive workers and to reduce the orthopedist A medical doctor who specializes
likelihood of rule violations, accidents and in surgery involving the bones, joints, and
injuries, discharges, resignations, and griev- muscles, ranging from total hip replacement
ances. Orientation programs are offered to and delicate hand or facial surgery to treating
people following initial hire, transfer, and athletes with knee or elbow injuries.
promotion. orthoptics Therapies used to treat vision prob-
origin The base of reference on a graph the lems, including vision processing decien-
zero point on both the abscissa (x-axis) and cies, which may be linked to learning disabil-
the ordinate (y-axis). ities. Employs eye exercises.
origin agent (OA) In employee relocation, orthotics Devices that can assist individuals
the moving agent at the customers origin with mobility, daily living, and workplace
location who handles estimating, scheduling, activities. They include such devices as braces,
and sometimes the packing and loading of a cervical collars, shoe inserts that correct foot
shipment at the place of departure. alignment, and hand splints to assist individu-
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) als with partial or spastic quadriplegia in such
The original producer of equipment or compo- tasks as eating, writing, and keyboarding.
nents that form a part of a delivered product. OSHA Under the 1990 OBRA (budget recon-
originality The capacity to be inventive and ciliation package), civil penalties for violation
imaginative. The ability to play with concepts, of the federal workplace health and safety
ideas, and relationships, juggle elements into standards have been increased by a factor of
improbable positions, develop wild hypothe- seven. Maximum penalty for willful viola-
ses, express the implausible, and think the tions of standards is now $70,000 (up from
unthinkable. $10,000) per violation. Repeat violators are
origination fee A fee that is deducted from subject to the $70,000 maximum penalty per
loan proceeds and paid to the federal govern- ne, and for serious violations and other
ment to offset in part the cost of the Federal than serious violations the nes have
Family Education Loan Program. increased from $1000 to $7000 maximum.
The Orson Dyslexia Society See The Inter- OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
national Dyslexia Association. (OSHA HCS) See Hazard Communication
orthodontics Dental care involving the super- Standard of 1988.
vision, guidance, and correction of developing OSHA Process Safety Rule A standard
and mature dentofacial structures. established to prevent catastrophic chemical
osteoarthritis 488 outcomes management

explosions that became effective May 26, prolonged inactivity, or certain drugs, such as
1993, and was fully implemented in May cortisone.
1997. Requires petrochemical and chemical osteoporosis screening A procedure used to
companies, natural gas manufacturers, and screen for abnormal bone mass density in men
other industries that transport or mix chemi- and women. The patients foot is placed in an
cals to analyze potential hazards at every step ultrasound unit and the density of the heel
of chemical processes, take action to avoid bone is measured.
and prevent chemical releases and explosions, other party liability (OPL) See coordination
adopt detailed management plans, and provide of benets.
written operating procedures for all safety sys- other post-employment benets (OPEBs)
tems and for each operating phase. The rule Primarily, retiree medical care or requiring
also requires employers to train their workers retirees to pay a larger portion of their medical
on the specic safety and health hazards, bills.
emergency operations, and safe working prac- other weird arrangement (OWA) A p p l i e s
tices applicable to the employees job tasks to any novel and unconventional managed
and requires contractors train their workers in care plan.
chemical processes to ensure the safety of otolaryngologist A medical doctor who spe-
both contract workers and those directly cializes in the diagnosis and treatment of
employed by a company and to document all problems of the ear, nose, and throat, ranging
training. from infected tonsils and sinuses to serious
osteoarthritis A degenerative condition in ailments such as head and neck cancers and
which the cartilage in the joints becomes deafness.
deformed and enlarged, causing pain and pre- otolaryngology A medical specialty that deals
with injuries or diseases of the ear, nose, and
venting normal movement of the joint. The
throat, including hearing and balance disor-
disease is caused by the erosion of cartilage,
ders, somnoplasty for snoring, allergy therapy,
the spongy tissue at the ends of bones that
and sinus treatment.
functions as a shock absorber. It is the most
outcome-based education (OBE) or training
common form of arthritis and occurs in
(OBT) Assessment of the success of train-
women three times as often as in men.
ing or education programs based on enrollee
osteopathic medicine Diagnosis and treat-
performance rather than inputs (number of
ment provided by medical practitioners called enrollees, length of training, and so on).
osteopaths (D.O.s). These medical doctors are outcomes analysis See outcomes management.
almost indistinguishable from doctors of med- outcomes assessment A strategy or strategies
icine (M.D.s). They prescribe drugs and per- designed to measure and evaluate the results
form surgery. Some use manipulation as a of instructional programs. May include all
main modality of treatment. types of tests (written, oral, performance, mul-
osteopathy Medical practice based on the the- tiple-choice, essay, and so on), observation,
ory that illness and disease are due chiey to interview, focus groups, surveys, and analysis
mechanical disarrangement of tissues. of portfolios of student work.
Emphasizes restoration of structural integrity outcomes-based education Involves describ-
by manipulation but also employs medication, ing specically what students should know
surgery, dietary regimens, and psychotherapy. and be able to do when they are promoted to
osteoporosis A crippling disease, caused by a higher grade or graduated and developing a
loss of minerals, particularly calcium, from curriculum that will enable them to achieve
the bones, mainly as a result of aging. Bones those outcomes.
become weak, brittle, and more susceptible to outcomes management A system for mea-
fractures, especially of the hip, spine, arms, suring and analyzing the impact of ordinary
and wrist. More common in women, probably medical care on the clinical status, function,
due to the lack of the hormone estrogen, and well-being of patients. The system relies
although it can also be the result of poor diet, on epidemiologic principles for making
outcomes research 489 outplacement

comparisons. Outcomes include better qual- menu and (2) the printer font that holds the
ity of life, how soon employees return to work, mathematical outline of the font that tells the
whether they have pain or resumed their nor- PostScript printer how to create the letter
mal activities, whether they feel better, and so forms with smooth lines and curves.
on, as well as such traditional clinical mea- out of network A term applied to exible
sures as lowered blood sugar, blood pressure, benets programs where employees choose to
and cholesterol level. Attributed to Paul M. use nonpreferred health care providers each
Elwood, Jr., M.D., developer of the HMO con- time they use medical services.
cept 20 years ago. out-of-pocket direct costs Expenses actually
outcomes research Studies of the effects of paid in check or cash for a specic project.
medical and surgical treatment or procedures For example, travel and per diem expenses,
on such things as whether specic interven- training room rentals, learning materials, and
tions actually save lives and effect cures, how coffee for seminar participants.
patients feel, their quality of life, presence or out-of-pocket payment Expending personal
absence of pain and its severity, and whether funds for health care not paid for by Medicare
they can pursue normal activities, as well as or private insurance, such as deductible and
typical clinical measures such as blood pres- coinsurance payments and other noncovered
sure, blood sugar level, and cholesterol level. products and services.
outdoor-centered program A training pro- out-of-the-box hiring (OTBH) 1. A new hir-
gram designed to build teamwork. Partici- ing concept. Examples are hiring a manager
pants sleep and eat indoors but many of their from outside of a companys industry or from
activities are conducted outdoors using spe- outside the expected specialty or a person
cially designed facilities such as rope courses whose background differs markedly from the
(high and low) where activities take place norm for that position. 2. A stafng strategy
above the ground. dictated by the need for functional competen-
outdoor experiential training (OET) A method cies rather than industry-specic skills under
of business-oriented training that combines conditions of changing markets, new technol-
conventional classroom methods and tech- ogies, mergers, and intense competition.
niques with hands-on experiences to develop Involves recruiting workers from other indus-
teamwork, often involving the active partici- tries having professional competencies that dif-
pation of upper-level managers as well as fer from those normally required for a position.
workers and their supervisors. It uses volun- out of wedlock A child born of parents who
tary physical activities that are challenging but were not legally married to each other at that
not life-threatening, such as rafting, rock time.
climbing, spelunking, and crossing rope outpatient A patient who receives ambulatory
bridges. Activities are usually preceded by care at a hospital or other facility without
classroom briengs on purposes and goals and being admitted to the facility.
are invariably concluded with a review and outpatient care Health care provided in a
feedback session at which the goals of the physicians or other health professionals
activity are repeated and lessons learned are ofce, in a hospital day-care facility, or in a
related to the business environment. clinic. Such services as surgery, radiology,
outdoor learning program See adventure pathology, and physical, mental health, and
training; Outward Bound. substance abuse therapy are commonly pro-
outdoor management development S e e vided. Other services include occupational
adventure training. and speech therapy.
outdoor training See adventure training. outpatient facility A facility designed to pro-
outlet In meeting planning, a restaurant or vide one-time or continuing health and med-
lounge in a meeting facility. ical services to individuals who have not been
outline font On the Macintosh computer, a admitted to hospital inpatient care.
font that has two parts: (1) the bitmap font outplacement Comprehensive and integrated
that is seen on the screen and appears in the services provided to both employees and
outplacement counseling 490 overhead

management in connection with termination outsourcing 1. The practice of hiring outside

of employment. For employees it involves consultants, trainers, vendors, or other types
job-nding counseling and assistance to dis- of professionals or technicians rather than
placed or terminated workers by the organi- employing full-time personnel. It is a strategy
zation dismissing the employee. Services may for freeing management to concentrate on crit-
include workshops and training, individual ical functions and activities by transferring
assessment and counseling, access to comput- routine and repetitive tasks to a third party.
erized data banks of job openings, rsum and to reduce costs. See also temporary
preparation, separate on-site facilities, even employee. 2. Using external consulting rms
private ofces, for conducting job searches, and service agencies to perform an enterprise
secretarial assistance, and nancial counsel- function, such as development and/or admin-
ing. For management, it involves providing istration of training or benet programs,
advice and assistance in planning and admin- equipment maintenance, food services, and
istering the termination process: how to ter- security. Advantageous for small employers
minate humanely and effectively, how to and when outside sources can support com-
realign human resources planning with corpo- pany objectives and existing company com-
rate strategic planning, how to formulate the puter systems can manage the program. Main
severance package, how to conduct the termi- disadvantage is loss of control and access to
nation interview, how to maintain the morale data.
and productivity of the remaining employees,
outsourcing-to-temps A stafng strategy that
and how to promote a positive company image
involves contracting with temp agencies to
to its various constituencies and the general
provide the resources required for entire func-
tions, such as benets administration or
outplacement counseling Counseling pro-
hiring an agency representative at a companys
vided to terminated employees to help them
worksite to manage temporary workers.
identify the reasons for the dismissal; accept
outventuring An alternative form of out-
the nality of the action; identify strengths,
sourcing, in which a department or division
skills, and talents that can be stressed in seek-
ing new employment; and provide leads for of a company scheduled for outsourcing is
and assistance in the job search. turned over to the groups own employees,
output competencies Exemplied by adding who form an independent business. The new
the words ability to do or produce to an business is owned by some or all of the
output that a person or team produces. (Attrib- employees, and their rst and primary cus-
uted to Patricia A. McLagan, Competencies tomer is the corporation they formerly worked
for the next generation, Training & Develop- for.
ment, May 1997, p. 41., American Society for Outward Bound Schools operating in 36
Training & Development. Reprinted with per- countries (plus the military services) that
mission.) See also attribute bundles; knowl- attempt to instill self-condence and cooper-
edge, skills, and attitude competencies; result ation in participants by placing them in unfa-
competencies; superior-performer differentia- miliar environments (often in a wilderness set-
tors; task competencies. ting) that develop their abilities to handle
output technology Means of retrieving data challenges. Usually involves physical as well
from a computer. Includes monitors as mental challenges and invariably stresses
(screens), sound (speech, music, and the like), trust and teamwork.
and printers. overhead The costs of operating an entity that
outreach program A means of keeping are allocated to all the revenue-producing
employees informed of the programs and ser- operations of the entity but that are not di-
vices available to them, such as the employee rectly attributable to a single activity. For a
assistance program. Makes use of group and hospital, these costs normally include mainte-
individual briengs, posters, memos, meet- nance of plant, occupancy costs, housekeep-
ings, kiosks, slide shows, and videocassettes. ing, administration, and others.
overhead costs 491 overtime exemption rules

overhead costs One of the primary categories programs on direct loans, loan guarantees,
in the total costs of an HR/HRD/OD program. and political risk insurance. Contact: OPIC,
They consist of support staff salaries, ofce 1100 New York Avenue, NW, Washington,
and classroom rentals, utilities, and the like. D.C. 20527 (phone 800-424-OPIC or 202-
overhead projector A training device that 336-8400; fax 202-408-9859; Web site
projects an image of anything printed, written,
or drawn on a transparent sheet of acetate. Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC)
overlap In education, an agreement among Established in 1985 by the U.S. Department
colleges and universities to award student of State to foster the exchange of security-
nancial aid on the basis of need, arrived at related information between the U.S. govern-
through meetings of participating institutions. ment and American private-sector businesses
At those meetings the formula for determining operating abroad. Provides liaison between
need and the amount to award students the State Department and the business com-
accepted at more than one institution are munity. Operates the Overseas Security Elec-
determined. The practice has been labeled as tronic Bulletin Board (EBB), which lists the
unlawful collusion and price-xing by the following information by country: State
Department of Justice. Department travel advisories, security and
overlay In desktop publishing, a proong crime reports, police and diplomatic emer-
technique in which four color-separated con- gency numbers, proles of terrorist groups,
tact prints can be viewed separately and over- and so on. Free to U.S. rms with business
laid on each other. overseas and accessible via personal com-
overlearning Repeating a fact or practicing a puter or telephone modem. Contact:
skill until the learning is ingrained or xed DS/DSS/OSAC, 22l6 Gallows Rd., Dunn Lor-
and will be retained even if not used and avail- ing, VA 22027 (phone 703-204-6185; Web site
able for automatic recall when needed, even
under extremely stressful conditions. over-the-counter (OTC) drugs Drugs and
overload clinic One form of teaching, learn- other types of medication, such as allergy
ing, and technology center. It provides facil- drugs, pain killers, and other medicines, that
ities, services, and activities designed to help can be purchased without a physicians pre-
faculty and others who are suffering excessive scription in pharmacies and other types of
stress for whatever reason. outlets.
overpricing In health care, premium rates that overtime Work performed in excess of 40
are unacceptably high in the marketplace. hours in any week for which, under the Fair
May be due to avarice, failure to control uti- Labor Standards Act of 1938, employees
lization, excessive overhead; human error, or must be paid one and one half times their
a panic response to previous low-balling. normal wage rates. Some organizations pay
overrates See agged rates. more than one and one half times normal wage
override In travel management, a payment, in rates, and some pay for hours worked in
addition to standard commissions, made by excess of 37.5 hours.
airlines to travel agencies for preferential overtime by plan Limiting the amount and
treatment when selling space to their custom- frequency of overtime assignments in an effort
ers and clients. The purpose is to increase the to avoid employee burnout, lowered produc-
airlines market share. tivity, and increases in rejects and reworks.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation Involves communicating the reasons for the
(OPIC) Organized to mobilize and facilitate overtime, limiting the duration of the overtime
the participation of U.S. private capital and program, monitoring employees, checking the
skills in the economic and social development quality of products and services, and provid-
of less-developed countries and areas and ing nancial and other rewards and recogni-
countries in transition from nonmarket to tion for employees efforts.
market economies. Provides information on overtime exemption rules New rules pub-
setting up a business overseas. Also offers lished for comment by the Department of
overtime exemption rules 492 overtime exemption rules

Labor in the April 3, 2003, issue of the Federal to qualify as white-collar employees from
Register. Section 541 of the Fair Labor Stan- $156 to $425 ($22,100 per year), eliminate
dards Act of 1938 established standards for the requirement that restricts exempt employ-
minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor ees from devoting more than 20% of their time
and set several duties and salary tests for per week to performing duties considered
determining whether an employee should be nonexempt, and allow deducting pay from
classied as executive, administrative, or pro- exempt employees salaries for full-day, but
fessional (white-collar workers) and there- not partial-day, absence due to disciplinary
fore exempt from overtime pay requirements suspensions. In addition, employees making
for work in excess of 40 hours per week. The more than $65,000 per year and performing
proposed rules would revise the denition of at least one exempt duty also would be
white collar employees, raise the minimum exempt.
weekly wage that salaried workers can earn
PA 1. Physician assistant. PDA 1. Pregnancy Discrimination
2. Privacy Act of 1974. Act of 1978. 2. Personal data
3. Professional association. assistant. 3. Personal digital
PAC Political action committee. assistant.
PACE Programs of All-inclusive Care PDCA Plan, do, check, act.
for the Elderly. PDK Phi Delta Kappa.
PAPA Participant action plan PDL Page-description language.
approach. PDP 1. Personal development
PAR Preadmission review. program. 2. Prescription drug
PASS Plan for Achieving Self- plan.
Support. PDPO Public Disability Pension
PAT Preadmission testing. Offset.
PATA Pacic Asia Travel PDSA Plan-Do-Study-Act.
Association. PE 1. Practical exercise. 2. Price
PATC Professional, administrative, earnings (ratio). 3. Private
technical, and clerical survey. equity. 4. Physical education.
PAYSOP Payroll-based stock option PEBES Personal Earnings and Benet
plan. Estimate Statement.
PBC Packed by carrier. PEGs Professional emphasis groups.
PBGC Pension Benet Guarantee PEO Professional employer
Corporation. organization.
PBM 1. Pharmacy benet PEPP Permanent-equity pension
management. 2. Prescription plan.
benet management. PERS Personal emergency response
PBO Packed by owner. system.
PBS Public Broadcasting Service. PERT Program evaluation and review
PBT Performance-based training. technique.
PC Personal computer. PESS Property Essential to Self-
P.C. 1. Politically correct. Support.
2. Professional corporation. PET Positron emission tomography.
PCHCARA Pepper Commission Health PFC Passenger facility charge.
Care Access Reform Act of PFK Pay for knowledge.
1991. PFS 1. Pay for skills. 2. Personal
PCMA Professional Convention nancial specialist.
Management Association. PGCM Private geriatric care
PCN Primary care nurse. management.
PCO Professional conference PGP Pretty good privacy.
organizer. Phar.D. Doctor of Pharmacy.
PCP Primary care physician. Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy.
PCS 1. Professional conference PHO Physician hospital
specialist. 2. Performance- organization.
centered system. 3. Personal PHR Professional in Human
communications services. Resources.
PD Public domain. PI Programmed instruction.


PIA Primary insurance amount. PONSI Program on Non-Collegiate

PIC Private industry council. Sponsored Instruction.
PIHRA Professionals in Human POP Point-of-purchase.
Resources Association. POS Point-of-service.
PIMS Personal information POTS Plain old telephone system.
management system. PPA 1. Preferred provider
PIN Personal identication arrangement. 2. Pension
number. Protection Act of 1987.
PIP Productivity improvement 3. Pollution Prevention Act of
program. 1990.
PIPE Private placement. PPBS Planning, programming,
PIT Performance improvement budgeting system.
technologist. PPE Personal protective equipment.
PLATO Programmed Logic for PPFP Prepared and perishable food
Automatic Teaching program.
Operations. PPI 1. Payment performance
PLC Permanent Labor Certication index. 2. Producer Price Index.
(program). PPM Project-portfolio management.
PLM Product life-cycle PPO Preferred provider
management. organization.
PLR Private letter ruling. PPP Point-to-point protocol.
PLS Please (Internet abbreviation). PPS Prospective payment system.
PQMI Process quality management
PLUS 1. Project Literacy U.S.
and improvement.
2. Parent Loans to
PR Public relations.
Undergraduate Students.
PRES Presentation (Internet
PM Participative management.
PMAA Personnel Management
PRK Photo-refractive keratectomy.
Association of Aztlan.
PRM Partner relationship
PMI Project Management Institute.
PMO Physician ownership model.
PRO Peer review organization.
PMP Participative management Progs Progressive proofs.
process. PROM Programmable read-only
PMPM Per member per month. memory.
PMPY Per member per year. PRWORA Personal Responsibility and
PMS 1. Premenstrual syndrome. Work Opportunity
2. Pantone matching system. Reconciliation Act of 1996.
3. Property management PS Performance support.
system. PSA 1. Personal security account.
PMT Photomultiplier tube. 2. Prostate specic antigen.
PNHP Physicians for a National PSAT Preliminary Scholastic
Health Program. Assessment Test.
PNI Psychoneuroimmunology. PSE Psychological Stress
PNR Passenger name record. Evaluator.
PO Provider organization. PSI Personnel selection inventory.
POA Power of attorney. PSO Provider sponsor organization.
POD Payable-on-death (account). PSP Performance share plan.
PODN Professional Organizational PSS Performance support system.
Development Network in PSSMT Professional Society for Sales
Higher Education. & Marketing Training.
POI Program of instruction. PST Performance support tool.
PT 495 packets

PT 1. Physical training. travel agencies, tour operators, and related

2. Performance technology. companies.. Contact: PATA, Unit B1, 28th
PTDN Professional and Technical Floor, Siam Tower, 989 Rama I Road,
Diversity Network. Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
PTMPY Per thousand members per (phone +66-2 658-2000; fax +66-2 658-2010;
year. e-mail; Web site
PTO Paid time off.
PTP Peer-to-peer. Pacic Islanders Persons having origins in
PTPA Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947. any Pacic island; for example, American
PTS Performance to schedule. Samoa, Caroline Islands, and Marshall
PTSD Posttraumatic stress disorder. Islands.
PUP Performance unit plan. Pacic rim Countries located on the perimeter
PVA Paralyzed Veterans of of the western Pacic Ocean, primarily the
America. economic giants of Japan, South Korea, Tai-
PVO Private voluntary organization. wan, Hong Kong, and Singapore and the
PVT Photovoltaic technology. nations of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippine
PWA Person with AIDS. Republic, and Thailand.
PWD People with disabilities. package A term used to describe any combi-
PWI Projects with Industry. nation of salaries and benets received by
workers as a result of collective bargaining.
P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4 visas See Immigration and packaged program S e e o ff - t h e - s h e l f
Naturalization Service P-1, P-2, P-3, and P-4 program.
status. packaging Designing and producing contain-
pacer A device used to speed up the reading
ers or wrappers for a product that (1) identify
process by reducing the amount of time the
the brand, (2) contain descriptive or persua-
eyes x on a group of words. In effect, the
sive information, (3) facilitate product trans-
device forces the readers eyes to move across
portation and protection, and (4) ease home
a line of type more rapidly.
Pacer Center, Inc. A coalition of 20 Minne-
packed by carrier (PBC) In employee reloca-
sota disability organizations established to
tion, describes when the packer or driver
improve and expand opportunities that
packs the customers household goods and
enhance the quality of life for children and
adults with disabilities (physical, mental, assumes all liability for damages to the goods
learning, and emotional) and their families. during the move.
PACER helps businesses hire people with dis- packed by owner (PBO) In employee reloca-
abilities, develops the support services busi- tion, describes when the household goods
nesses need to incorporate them into the work- owner packs cartons for the move. Under
force, and identies the school training these circumstances, the driver may make the
needed for them to become successful decision to repack any items to prevent dam-
employees. Contact: Pacer Center, 8161 Nor- age during transit. If the driver accepts the
mandale Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55437 customers packing as is, the carrier must
(phone 800-537-2237 or 952-838-9000; TTY assume liability for damage.
952-838-0190; fax 952-838-0199; e-mail packet network A system in which data are; Web site broken up and transmitted in small chunks
Pacic Asia Travel Association (PATA) An (packets) in random order. The packets are
association whose mission is to contribute to reassembled in their original order on the
the growth, value, and quality of travel and other end of the transmission system.
tourism to and within the Pacic Asia area. packets Bundles of data on the Internet, rang-
PATA provides marketing, research, and edu- ing in size from 40 to 32,000 bytes. Packets
cational opportunities to a membership of travel the network independently but are reas-
government tourist ofces, airlines, hotels, sembled at their nal destination.
page buffer 496 panel

page buffer In desktop publishing, a disk pain relievers Over-the-counter drugs for the
incorporated into an image setter that ensures temporary relief of minor body aches, pains,
consistent printer output quality. It buffers an and headaches.
entire page image before transmitting it to the paint 1. In video, altering or enhancing the
recorder. By sending the raster lines in one color, texture, intensity, or any other visual
continuous stream, the recorder never has to element of an image. 2. In desktop publishing,
stop in midjob. Therefore, the lm in the image software used to create bit-mapped graphics
setter is exposed smoothly and consistently. images.
page-description language (PDL) In desktop paired comparisons A relative rating system
publishing, a standard language, such as Post- that requires the rater to compare the perfor-
Script, that tells the printers engine how to mance of each member of a group with every
compose a page. For example, when a printer other member, one at a time. The number of
receives a PostScript le from a computer, it times a person is chosen as the better of the
is processed into a raster format that can be two is tallied, which yields an index of the
recognized by the print engine. number of times the person is chosen com-
paid family leave Paid time off to attend to pared with the number of persons being rated.
family needs. California is the rst state to The total scores for individuals identify
require it. Beginning July 1, 2004, most gov- reverse rank order of the group (the highest
ernment employees in California will become scorer is the best performer and the lowest is
eligible to receive family temporary disability the poorest).
insurance benets over a 12-month period to pairing Trains employees from diverse back-
cover periods when a worker is unable to work grounds to mediate disputes, foster cultural
because of a need to care for an ill child, sensitivity, and resolve interpersonal problems
spouse, parent, or domestic partner or for the among workers. Participants, chosen by man-
birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a agers from a group of volunteers to represent
child. a mix of genders, races, ethnic groups, and
paid leave bank A program designed to re-
jobs, learn how to examine all possibilities;
duce employee absenteeism by allotting a
overcome communication breakdowns, intol-
bank of time for sick leave, vacation, or per-
erance, and prejudices; and apply their knowl-
sonal leave. If employees exceed their allot-
edge of the companys culture to current
ment for a given time period, disciplinary ac-
issues. Following training, consulting pairs
tion is taken through a no-fault system. Costs
who mirror the racial and educational back-
are cut by reducing the number of sick days
grounds and experience may be assigned to
placed in the bank.
employees having difculties to help them
paid time off (PTO) 1. Vacation days (typi-
resolve their problems. Created by Pope &
cally 11 days per year the 1st year of employ-
Associates, a Cincinnati-based management
ment, increasing to 24 days after 30 years),
sick days (typically 10 days per year with consulting rm.
carryover allowed by almost half of American Pakistani brain A computer virus that can
companies), and personal days (provided by cause serious damage to computer-stored
only 25% of American companies) away from information.
the workplace paid for by the employer. 2. A palliative care A health care program in which
exible benet plan option in which employ- specially trained physicians and other care
ees are given the opportunity to buy and sell givers offer counseling, control symptoms,
paid time off. They can buy additional vaca- and provide pain relief.
tion time by trading other benets for it or sell palmtop A portable computer that is battery-
it for benets they prefer. powered and about the size and weight of a
paid time off banking program A system in personal organizer.
which a certain number of days of paid time panel A training strategy in which three to ten
off are allotted to employees to use a they see people, under the direction of a moderator,
t. Established to reduce absenteeism and present their views on a particular subject or
costs and give employers more exibility. problem or present assigned aspects of a broad
pan-European pension 497 parallel computer

topic. Panelists are drawn from operating and on the screen of a portable computer, rather
staff elements or from outside the organiza- than on paper. Instead of scrolling, the user
tion. Trainees themselves sometimes serve as turns pages by the touch of a button and can
members of panels. Following the presenta- ip back and forth, underscore passages, or
tions by panelists, trainees are encouraged to place notes in the margins. Readers can also
participate through questions directed to indi- enlarge the typeface, copy passages onto a
vidual panelists. Panels are used to explore notebook, and make detailed work, name, or
unsettled issues and problems, present differ- phrase searches.
ing points of view, identify and clarify the paradigm shift Looking at an issue or problem
advantages and disadvantages of a course of from a completely different perspective.
action, and make use of special knowledge, Paragon Awards Annual awards presented by
experience, or expertise. Corporate Meetings & Incentives magazine to
pan-European pension The European Com- the hotels, resorts, and conference centers that
mission, the administrative body of the Euro- did the best job of handling meeting and
pean Union, has called for the establishment incentive groups during the year. Nominations
of a system that would standardize pension of hotels are based on the quality of their
regulations throughout the EU. services to meetings and incentives, while
panic disorders An uncontrollable fear re- resorts are judged on their environment, ser-
sponse to ordinary, unthreatening situations. vices, and recreational amenities. Conference
They can occur in anyone unexpectedly and centers, which must be members of the Inter-
affect 2 to 5% of Americans, most often peo- national Association of Conference Centers
ple in their early 20s. Characterized by sweat- (or judged by the editors to be of equivalent
ing, hot or cold ashes, choking or smothering purpose and quality), are chosen on the basis
sensations, racing heart, labored breathing, of facilities, equipment, and stafng, particu-
trembling, chest pains, faintness, and disori- larly for small meetings. Contact: Corporate
entation or feeling of dying, losing control, or Meetings & Incentives, The Graybar Building,
losing ones mind. May be caused by chemical #1650, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY
or hormonal imbalances, drugs or alcohol, 10170-1699 (phone 212-338-9124).
stress, or other events. paralegal A law provider. A person who
pantone matching system (PMS) A set of works in a law ofce but is not a lawyer. May
standard color specications used by desktop have received formal training at the associate
publishing designers and printers to ensure or baccalaureate degree level.
precise color matching. paralinguistic behavior Audible sounds that
paper-and-pencil objective test A test consist- accompany oral language but are not actual
ing of carefully constructed questions in the words. Includes inection, volume, rate, artic-
form of true-false, matching, completion, ulated pauses (um, ah, er, and so on), and
multiple-choice, or arrangement items. coughs.
paper-and-pencil test A test that may include parallel communities The practice of inputting
objective-, subjective-, essay-, or projective- data from many companies, resulting in a sin-
type test items used to measure achievement, gle vantage point from which the processes for
mental ability, specic information, job and all of those companies can be optimized.
trade knowledge, mechanical aptitude and parallel computer A data processor that har-
psychomotor skills, cognitive skills, linguistic nesses tens or hundreds of relatively low-pow-
aptitude, supervisory and managerial abilities, ered computers to work on a single complex
interests, and personality and temperament. problem at superfast speeds, upwards of 9 bil-
Testees respond by writing their answers in lion calculations per second. These supercom-
longhand, circling or underlining responses, puters break up problems into thousands of
or marking machine-readable answer sheets. pieces and solve them simultaneously. Exam-
paperless book A book that is published in ples are the CM-200 developed by Thinking
electronic form; that is, the text is displayed Machines Corporation of Cambridge, MA and
on white pages that replicate ordinary books the Touchstone Delta computer produced by
parallel-group technique 498 Parent Loans to Undergraduate Students

Intel and installed at the California Institute where a breakdown has occurred in commun-
of Technology. ication. It is a restatement of what has been
parallel-group technique A group method of heard in different words.
experimentation in which two or more equiv- paraplegia A symptom of spinal cord injury:
alent groups are used at the same time under paralysis affecting the legs and lower parts of
conditions that are as carefully controlled as the body.
possible and where only a single factor or paraprofessional A person who occupies a
variable is manipulated or changed. The position with knowledge and skills require-
experimental factor is changed for one group ments that fall somewhere between those of
(the experimental group), while the parallel technical and professional jobs; that is, they
group serves as the control for comparative involve higher-order technical competencies.
purposes, undergoing customary, nonexperi- Examples include drafting specialist, com-
mental conditions. For example, a researcher puter software designer, x-ray technologist,
may require one group of trainees to take a and ophthalmic dispenser. Also referred to as
test under conditions of instructor encourage- semiprofessional.
ment, another group under conditions of para-site A Web site that surrounds other sites
instructor discouragement, and a third group linked from it with its own identifying frame.
using the regular directions for administration. Creates confusion as to who is responsible for
parallel processing computer See supercom- the content of the page.
puter. paratransit system Alternative public trans-
parallel team A team of employees whose portation or dial-a-ride systems for people
members participate only part time while con- with disabilities instituted because most tran-
tinuing to perform the duties of their regular sit systems, including stations and bus stops,
jobs. are not accessible for those who use wheel-
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) A non- chairs or people with hearing, vision, devel-
prot veterans service organization chartered opmental, or other disabilities. Most require
by the U.S. Congress to improve the care, 24-hour advance notice for reservations.
treatment, and rehabilitation of veterans who parental discrimination See Executive Order
have a spinal cord injury or disease. PVA 13152.
funds 58 full-time service ofces across the parental leave A fringe benet whereby em-
U.S. PVA programs include veterans benets ployees are allowed to use paid sick days or
counseling, spinal cord research, advocacy take extended leave without pay after the birth
and legislation, barrier-free design, wheel- or adoption of a child or to care for a depen-
chair sports and recreation, and public educa- dent child or parent.
tion. Contact: PVA, 801 Eighteenth St., NW, parent education seminar A form of em-
P.O. Box 96010, Washington, D.C. 20006- ployer-supported child care benet in which
3517 (phone 800-424-8200 or 202-872-1300; staff or outside consultants organize forums
e-mail; Web site www. to inform employees about community re- sources and provide support on work and fam-
paramedic 1. A military corpsman or physi- ily issues.
cian who parachutes into inaccessible areas to Parent Loans to Undergraduate Students
provide medical attention to persons in need (PLUS) Loans available to support tuition
of such services. 2. Persons who have received and fees for undergraduate students with inter-
1000 or more hours of medical training and est rates at the 3-month treasury-bill rate plus
are authorized to perform technically complex 3.1%, adjusted annually, and with a cap of
procedures such as administering intravenous 10%. PLUS loans allow participants to borrow
medications and surgically inserting airways the entire cost of education, minus anything
into the windpipe. received in student aid. Borrowers with no
paraphrasing A technique used in counseling nancial need pay a 6.5% up-front fee, and
and conict resolution to verify that a message those with need pay anywhere from 5 to 8%,
has been correctly received or to identify depending on the lender.
parent training 499 par provider

parent training Programs offered by nonprot example) to identify common activities that
and proprietary organizations to train corpo- occur in most types of operations.
rate trainers or volunteers to teach parents how par GIC Par guaranteed investment contract
to help their children in school. Examples are issued by insurance companies. Carried at
Linking Home and School Through the book value and benet-responsive, it is an
Workplace and MegaSkills. actively managed investment vehicle that sub-
Pareto analysis A method of establishing cost stitutes the credit backing of the insuring com-
target priorities developed by Alfred Pareto in panys separate account for the guarantee of
the late 19th century. The technique helps sep- the GIC issuer. Interest rates are guaranteed
arate the important from the unimportant. It in advance for 6 months to 1 year, although
is based on a natural phenomenon: that 80% par GICs have no maturity date. Funds may
of all outcomes result from about 20% of a be withdrawn by the plan sponsor at any time
given group of causes. For example, 80% of at their underlying market value.
rejected products will be caused by 20% of parking benets See qualied parking.
employees, and 80% of the prots will come parkinsonism A group of diseases in which
from the sale of 20% of the product line. A there is slow, progressive degeneration of part
Pareto analysis is depicted in graphic form, of the brain. Its four symptoms are resting
with columns arranged in descending order of tremors, stiffness, slowness of movement, and
importance. Each column represents a differ- instability of balance and posture. The most
ent element or problem. Also known as the common of these disorders is Parkinsons
80-20 rule. disease.
Pareto chart A bar graph ranking in order of Parkinsons disease A chronic, progressive
importance the causes, sources, types, or rea- nervous disease that occurs during middle age
and late years, mainly in men. It is marked by
sons for problems and/or opportunities. It
hand or head tremors and weakness of resting
serves as a means of exercising quality control
muscles and a shufing gate. It may not be
and is used extensively in industry. Essentially
incapacitating for many years. Although not
it employs the principle of management by
curable, it can be treated by medication.
exception. A Pareto chart displays problems
Parkinsons Law States that an individual
or causes by the magnitude of their effect.
employee will nd work to ll the time avail-
Defects or other variables are plotted by type
able. For that reason it is essential in designing
on a histogram. A graphic representation of
positions to ll the time with useful work.
an operation used to study and improve work
Also states that functions or cost centers,
processes. It uses symbols (operation, move-
established to meet a particular need at a par-
ment, inspection, delay, and storage, for ticular time, continue to exist or even expand
Client/Customer Complaints - January 1997
long after the need has passed. Attributed to
C. Northcote Parkinson.
50 parlor In meeting management, a living room
or sitting room in a hotel that is not used as a
40 Shipping bedroom. Also called a salon.
parolee An alien, appearing to be inadmissible
to the inspecting ofcer, allowed into the U.S.

for urgent humanitarian reasons or when that
aliens entry is determined to be for signicant
20 public benet. Parole does not constitute a
error formal admission to the U.S. and confers tem-
porary status only, requiring parolees to leave
10 Other
error when the conditions supporting their parole
Quality cease to exist.
0 par provider Shorthand term for participating
Complaint provider, whether an individual professional or
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 500 participative management process (PMP)

institutional health care provider, who has con- each activity. The record is supplemented by
tracted with a plan to provide services. interviews with the workers and their super-
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 visors by an analyst.
Bans partial-birth abortions, which are dened participant in CHAMPUS Health care provid-
as abortions in which a physician delivers an ers who have agreed to accept the Civilian
unborn childs body until only the head Health and Medical Programs of the Uni-
remains inside the womb (or in the case of a formed Services allowable charge (along with
breech birth, whose trunk past the navel is the users cost-share and deductible, if any, as
outside the mother) and commits an overt act the full fee for the users care. Those who par-
to kill the partially delivered fetus, usually by ticipate usually le the claim for the user and
puncturing the back of the childs skull with receive payment from CHAMPUS. Hospitals
a sharp instrument and siphoning the childs that participate in Medicare must, by law, also
brain out before completing the delivery of participate in CHAMPUS for inpatient care.
the dead infant. The Act includes an exemp- participant reaction The most common, easi-
tion for cases in which the life of the mother est, and most casual and subjective method of
is jeopardized but not for general health rea- evaluating training and development pro-
sons. Penalties include a ne and a jail term grams. Feelings and opinions of trainees about
of up to 2 years for violators. Passed by the the training received are collected by means
Senate on March 13, 2003 and by the House of questionnaires (sometimes by means of
of Representatives. Awaiting reconciliation of interview). Although not entirely lacking in
House and Senate versions and the signature merit, it is neither reliable nor valid. Results
of the President. do not correlate highly with job performance
partial disability Inability to perform certain or the amount and kind of resulting organiza-
types of work for pay, such as lifting. tional change.
partial retirement See phased retirement. participating physician or supplier A physi-
participant action plan approach (PAPA) A n cian or supplier who agrees to accept assign-
approach to external evaluation of training ment (the amount that Medicare or other
developed by the U.S. Ofce of Personnel insurance carrier allows) on all claims.
Management. It determines how participants participation The number of employees
change their job behavior following training granted pay increases, submitting sugges-
by examining what happened on the job as a tions, contributing to a fund drive, involved in
result of the training, whether the results were volunteer work, and so on, expressed as a
what was intended, and what may have inter- percentage of all employees in the group.
fered with participants using what they participation enhancement strategy See par-
learned in the training program. The program ticipatory management system.
requires that participants develop action plans participative management (PM) A strategy to
at the end of training describing the things improve employee motivation, morale, com-
they want to try out when they get back on mitment, job satisfaction, and productivity by
the job. Several months following the training, building mutual trust and respect among
participants are either interviewed or surveyed workers, supervisors, and managers while
by questionnaire. eliminating barriers between managers and
participant camera In distance learning, the workers. PM encourages employees at all lev-
camera(s) used to display participants (train- els to share in policy formulation and in mak-
ees or students) at either the host or remote ing decisions in areas that affect them. Mech-
sites or at both. Includes pan, tilt, zoom, preset anisms include work teams and task forces,
location, and autotracking capabilities. Scanlon Plan, committee assignments, qual-
participant diary or log A simple means of ity circles, suggestion systems, and assign-
collecting job data for use in job evaluation ment of special projects.
and training. Workers are asked to keep a list participative management process (PMP) An
of the things that they do during the work day employee-involvement effort tied to a gain-
and record the amount of time they spend on sharing plan, implemented by Motorola.
participative training 501 pass-through pension insurance

participative training A discussion-centered partnerships Advertised as an improved type

adult learning strategy that emphasizes inter- of work team, characterized by vision, em-
action and exploration of problems and issues powerment, focus and discipline, role model-
and the exchange of experience. ing, and initiative.
participatory management system A pro- part-time employee An employee who usually
gram that recognizes the dignity and potential works between 1 and 34 hours per week (at
of employees to become productive members all jobs within an establishment) regardless of
of the management team by playing an active the number of hours worked in the reference
role in the business, maintaining business lit- week.
eracy, and maintaining competence in their part-time employees An alternative stafng
own areas of responsibility. The programs option. Involves hiring people to work less
employ such devices as work teams, commit- than a regular 40-hour work week on a con-
tees and task forces, and quality circles and tinuing basis. Such employees may be on the
are enhanced by employee surveys and sug- company payroll or assigned through a tem-
gestion systems. porary service.
partnering 1. A purchasing trend in which part-time worker An employee hired on the
large organizations consolidate their business regular payroll to work less than a full 8-hour
with one partner for multiyear agreements. day, a 40-hour week, or 1000 hours per year
They often roll the deal over when the contract but who has job security and may receive a
expires rather than go out again for bids. Part- pro rata share of the benets received by full-
nering is believed to reduce costs and increase time employees. FICA and other taxes must
quality and protability because it eliminates be withheld.
stress and the expense of competitive bids, passenger facility charge (PFC) A user fee or
makes internal processes consistent, and tax (usually $3.00) applied by local airports
focuses attention on fewer suppliers. 2. See on passenger boardings for up to two board-
consultative selling. ings in one direction or four per round trip.
partner relationship management (PRM) The Federal Aviation Administration has ruled
Strategies designed to coordinate partner that frequent iers traveling on free tickets
activities and facilitate linkages by providing must pay the fee, but the Congress is trying
order management, lead sharing, joint market- to pass legislation that would keep free tickets
ing, and other forms of collaboration. The free.
objectives of PRM are to improve efciency passenger manifests Lists of passengers on
in collecting information, build relationships, domestic and international ights maintained
save time, cut costs, and increase revenue. by airlines. On international ights, the U.S.
partnership An association of persons legally Transportation Department now requires U.S.
joined as partners and co-owners of a busi- and foreign airlines to collect the full name
ness. There are two types: general partner- and address of each U.S. citizen on all ights
ships, where all partners have a say in running and request a contact name for each passenger.
the business and any individual partner can In the event of an aviation disaster, the airline
obligate the remaining partners, and limited is required to send the manifest to the State
partnerships, where the general partner runs Department so that next of kin can be notied
the business and limited partners have no say quickly.
and typically no tax or other form of liability passenger name record (PNR) In travel man-
beyond their initial investment. agement, information about a specic reser-
partnership program A program that lets vation that is identied by an alphanumeric
Civilian Health and Medical Programs of code and used to produce management infor-
the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)-eligi- mation system reports.
ble persons receive inpatient or outpatient pass-through pension insurance Pension
treatment from civilian care providers in a insurance coverage provided through an
military hospital or from uniformed services umbrella organization instead of directly to an
care providers in civilian health care facilities. individual. Currently $100,000 in pass-through
pass-through taxation system 502 Patriot Act of 2001

pension insurance is permitted for each plan effectively and whether members get the
participant. It is a means of protecting the health care they need.
security of retirement funds. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act
pass-through taxation system A plan under of 2003 The purposes of this Act are (1) to
which a corporations prots pass through encourage a culture of safety and quality in
directly to its shareholders on a pro rata basis the U.S. health care system by providing for
and are reported on the shareholders individ- a health care errors reporting system that both
ual tax returns. protects information and improves patient
password A code assigned to a user. May also safety and quality of health care and (2) to
be recognizable by a computer. Knowledge of ensure accountability by raising standards and
a password associated with a user ID is con- expectations for continuous quality improve-
sidered proof of authorization. ments in patient safety through the actions of
password reset An identity management tool the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
that enables users of secure computer systems Passed by the House on March 12, 2003.
to reset their own passwords and unlock their Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990
accounts through a standard browser or inter- Requires that patients be informed of their
active voice response system. Users are rights to prepare an advance directive, usually
authenticated by a set of questions to which a living will or durable power of attorney
only they should know the answers. for health care, in which they specify
password synchronization An identity man- whether they want life-sustaining medical
agement tool that requires users of secure treatments if they become incapacitated.
computer systems to know only a single pass-
Health care facilities, such hospitals, hos-
word when accessing different systems. How-
pices, home health agencies, nursing
ever, the user has to enter an ID and password
homes, or health maintenance organiza-
for each application.
tions, that receive Medicare or Medicaid
patch Special software designed to x a bug.
funds must inform patients and educate them,
patent Legal protection for independent devel-
medical personnel, and the community about
opment and marketing of inventions, such as
the sources and methods of obtaining the
computer algorithms, programs, and interface
appropriate forms.
devices, and equipment, for a period of 17
years. A patent prevents others from making, Patriot Act of 2001 Passed by both houses of
using, or selling the invention. And, if a device Congress on October 24, 2001, the Act was
or other patentable object infringes on an designed primarily to deter and punish terror-
existing patent, even if unknowingly, the ist acts in the U.S. and around the world and
patent owner may sue for damages. Patents to enhance law enforcement investigatory
must be registered with the Patent and Trade- tools. Allows the government to monitor reli-
mark Ofce. gious and political institutions without sus-
paternity leave Time off from work granted to pecting criminal activity in terror investiga-
the father of a newborn. tions; hold closed immigrant hearings;
patient advocate A medical professional, usu- monitor federal prison conversations between
ally a registered nurse with clinical experi- attorneys and clients; search and seize the
ence and medical/surgical background, papers and effects of Americans without prob-
assigned by an employer or an insurance car- able cause in terror investigations; jail sus-
rier to work with patients and their physicians pected terrorists indenitely without a trial;
and coordinate health care from preadmission conduct roving wiretaps; monitor e-mail with-
to discharge. Also called director of patient out a warrant; and access bookstore and
representatives; physician liaison; quality library records in pursuing terror suspects. A
management coordinator. proposed regulation requires all banks to
patient ratings A form of quality assessment implement a customer identication program
that focuses on such questions as whether (CIP) that is appropriate given the banks size,
physicians in a health care plan communicate location, and type of business.
pattern review 503 payment performance index (PPI)

pattern review In health care, a form of retro- reimbursements, and tax allowances paid on
spective review involving examination of pat- the employees behalf.
terns of utilization to determine where correc- pay card A card issued by credit card compa-
tive action must be taken to reduce costs. For nies, such as MasterCard and Visa, that allows
example, several hospitals could be compared employees to receive their pay by means of
on the bases of clinical outcomes, length of plastic cards that can be used like credit cards
patient stay, and charges. or at ATMs to receive cash.
Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program pay compression Describes the situation
Provides college nancial assistance to stu- where the normal differences in pay between
dents in exchange for teaching service, typi- successive job levels or grades gradually
cally 2 years. Provides up to $5000 per year, erode or actually disappear due to ination
not to exceed $20,000, to students who are in (new hires may receive equal or more pay than
the top 10% of their graduating class and who workers who have been in the organization for
meet other selection criteria established by years).
state agencies. pay-dock proposals A part of the campaign to
payable-on-death (POD) (account) A method update the depression-era Fair Labor Stan-
of avoiding probate. Allows the maker to have dards Act. Under these proposals, employers
full use of the funds until death and to name who violate FLSAs pay-docking rules for one
a beneciary for whatever remains in his or employee would no longer be required to con-
her bank account following death. There is no vert all of their white-collar workers to hourly
limit on the amount that can be passed on to
pay equity Said to occur when equal compen-
heirs, it costs nothing, and beneciaries can
sation is paid to workers for work of equiva-
be changed at any time. Also called a poor
lent value.
mans trust.
pay for knowledge (PFK) See pay for skills.
pay adjustment An effect of ination, restruc-
pay for performance A compensation system
turing, other changes in economic conditions,
in which employees share the risks of business
the competitive status of an organization,
with owners/investors. They earn more when
union demands, or the expectations of workers
productivity, sales, and prots rise and less
based on such traditional considerations as
when they decline. Such plans typically start
experience, seniority, increased responsibility,
with reduced base wages and salaries, but
or simply job tenure. Pay adjustments take the bonuses are awarded when production targets,
forms of raises and salary cuts. They may also sales, or other measures of performance are
be called general increases or across-the- achieved.
board adjustments. pay for skills (PFS) A program designed to
pay-as-you-go strategy A plan for meeting keep employee productivity, commitment, job
retiree medical liabilities in which benets are satisfaction, and morale high and turnover
funded as required. The company puts money down. Although there are several forms of the
back into the business instead of into a port- program, the most common approach is to
folio of securities. dene and document the specic skills and
payback agreement Essentially, a contract knowledge required for each job in the orga-
between a company and relocated employees. nization and communicate them to employees
Payback agreements state that if the employee along with notication that if and when they
voluntarily leaves the company within a spec- have mastered the requirements for a particu-
ied period of time (usually 1 or 2 years) from lar job they will be promoted to that position.
the effective date of his or her transfer and pay grades Pay classes, rates, or steps com-
receipt of relocation benets for any reason prising different jobs of approximately equal
other than to accept other employment at the difculty, importance, or value as determined
same company or one of its subsidiaries, the by job evaluation and used for pay purposes.
individual must repay the company, on a pro- payment performance index (PPI) A mea-
rated basis, all relocation-related expenses, sure of key nancial information created by
payroll-based stock option plan 504 peer appraisal

Dun & Bradstreet Information Services, a pay steps Specied levels within a pay range
division of Dun & Bradstreet Corporation. on a pay or salary schedule. Employees
The PPI measures the change in how fast com- progress from step to step on the basis of such
panies are paying their bills. factors as time in grade, performance, educa-
payroll-based stock option plan (PAYSOPS) tional level, or the acquisition of new job
Formerly called TRASOP. Dened contribu- skills.
tion plans, established under the Tax Reduc- pay structure A tabular or graphic representa-
tion Act of 1975, used to transfer employer tion of the rate or range of pay that has been
stock to employees to provide equity owner- approved for each job in an organization, but
ship to workers. Describes modications to it does not show the actual wage rates that are
tax regulations under the Tax Reduction Act paid. It provides the framework for all com-
of 1975 and its amendments relating tax cred- pensation practices in a company.
its to distributions that are proportional to pay- PC-based enhancement One means of com-
roll. bining the capabilities of personal computers
payrolling An alternative stafng option. and facsimile machines. Allows the user to
Involves identifying specic people to per- transmit computer-generated documents
form needed tasks or functions and referring sequentially to multiple addressees. It requires
them to a stafng company, which then the installation of a special circuit board in the
employs them and assigns them to work at the fax machine.
company. The stafng rm provides all pre- PC fax A mechanism that translates computer
employment and employment services, such les into a format compatible with a remote
as payroll, records, and workers compensa- fax machine that can then receive and print
tion coverage and locates replacements when the document.
needed. peace dividend An expected (by many) conse-
payroll method A standard means of counting quence of the end of the Cold War the
employees to determine coverage under Title reallocation of federal budget expenditures
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 estab- from military-related functions, equipment,
lished by the Supreme Court. The Court held and personnel to civilian programs, primarily
that the true test of whether an employer has funding for social programs.
an employment relationship with an individ- pedagogy A framework for learning. The prac-
ual is to examine the payroll register on the tice of teaching (vs. facilitating, as in andra-
day in question regardless of whether the gogy). Assumes that adults have many of the
employee, including hourly and part-time characteristics of children (they are depen-
workers, was physically present at work each dent, responsive to authority, and so on).
day of a given week. It should also be noted Places emphasis on the transmission of infor-
that both the Age Discrimination in Employ- mation.
ment Act of 1967 and the Family and Med- pediatric dentist A doctor of dental medicine
ical Leave Act of 1993 use similar means of or doctor of dental surgery who specializes in
determining when an employer is subject to the dental treatment of infants, children, ado-
the provisions of those laws. In addition, the lescents, and children with special needs.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commis- pediatrician A medical doctor who specializes
sion prefers the payroll method, and the U.S. in the diagnosis and treatment of childrens
Department of Labor has formally adopted it diseases and disorders.
for determining coverage under FMLA. pediatrics A medical specialty for the diagno-
payroll tax See social security. sis and treatment of infants and children.
pay secrecy An issue of considerable impor- peer appraisal Performance appraisal per-
tance in many organizations. Pay secrecy con- formed by an employees peers colleagues,
cerns whether or not employees should know team members, or other employees of equiv-
what other workers in their organization are alent rank who have ample opportunities to
being paid. observe performance. Typically used as a
peer coaching 505 pen-based technology

supplement to either collaborative or recipro- same software. So, PTP computing allows
cal performance appraisal. people to share les independently without
peer coaching A means of improving em- going through servers (client/server comput-
ployee effectiveness, performance, productiv- ing).
ity, cooperation and teamwork, and self-man- peer training Training provided workers by
agement. Involves developing partnerships highly skilled or experienced coworkers, usu-
between and among workers. ally on-the-job (in the shop, laboratory, ofce,
peer group learning A self-improvement store, eld, or other other operating element).
vehicle primarily used with executives and Pell Grant Program A Federal Pell Grant,
managers. Uses give-and-take periodic meet- unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid.
ings of peers from a variety of organizational Generally, Pell Grants are awarded only to
elements to share ideas, strategies, experi- undergraduate students who have not earned
ences, philosophies, problems, and issues. a bachelors or professional degree. In some
Formal presentations by outside speakers may cases, applicants may receive a Pell Grant for
be included, but the basic thrust is informal attending a postbaccalaureate teacher certi-
discussion. cation program. For many students, Pell
peer interview A hiring process that permits Grants provide a foundation of nancial aid
members of a work team or work group to to which other aid may be added. Awards for
help evaluate job candidates. May be con- the 20012002 award year (July 1, 2001 to
ducted as a group interview or a series of one- June 30, 2002) depended on program funding.
on-one interviews. Often a part of a 360- The annual maximum award for Federal Pell
degree process in which candidates are inter- Grants was increased from $3300 to $3750
viewed by their potential supervisors, subor- for the 20002003 award year. Students can
dinates, and peers. receive only one Pell Grant in an award year.
peer review 1. In health care benets, exami- How much they get will depend not only on
nation and study of surgical procedures and their expected family contribution but also
other forms of medical treatment by indepen- on the cost of attendance, whether a full-time
dent medical and health personnel either prior or part-time student, and whether they attend
to or following the procedure or treatment to school for a full academic year or less.
determine its necessity and appropriateness. penalty fare A fee of 25 to 50% of the value
2. In accounting, the practice of requiring one of a ticket charged for ticket changes or can-
audit rm to evaluate another at regular inter- cellations.
vals (auditing the auditor). A key feature of penalty fee 1. In travel management, a charge
self-regulation. added to the bills of hotel guests who check
peer review organization (PRO) A group out early. 2. A charge made by restaurants and
of practicing physicians and other health care car rental agencies for no-shows.
professionals under contract to a company (or pen and notebook system See pen-based
state or federal government) to monitor and technology; pen computer.
review the quality of the care provided to pen-based technology Devices that use a pen
employees (or Medicare patients). Typically, instead of a mouse as a means of inputting
PROs help decide whether care is reasonable data or instructions. Prototype systems oper-
and necessary, is provided in the appropriate ate on notebook computers. A pen-based
setting, and meets the standards of quality computer, formerly available only in Japan,
accepted by the medical profession. is now being introduced by more than 30 U.S.
peer-to-peer applications A communications manufacturers. It is a battery-operated, note-
technology that allows people to use the Inter- book-size computer that allows users to write
net to exchange les directly from their hard on a touch-sensitive screen with a penlike
drives. device instead of using a keyboard or a
peer-to-peer computing By downloading var- mouse. The writing is converted into type,
ious types of software, PTP users can connect which can be combined with electronic
with a network of other users who have the sketches or digitized doodles and printed out.
pension 506 Pension Protection Act of 1987

Also called pen tablet, stylus systems and down the lump sum, converting it into an an-
smart paper. nuity, or rolling it over into an individual
pension A stated allowance or annuity paid retirement account or another employers
regularly to a person upon his or her retire- plan. Attributed to Eric Lofgren, a consultant
ment or to dependents upon his or her death with the Wyatt Company, who helped develop
for past services, meritorious performance, the plan.
age, loss, or injury. For some purposes, such pension equivalent reserve credit plan See
as state taxes, a pension is dened as money account balance pension.
that is paid out over a period of 10 years or pensioner An employee who receives a monthly
more. or annual payment for services rendered upon
Pension Benet Guarantee Corporation retirement without having contributed toward
(PBGC) An agency established by the the benet while employed.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act pension plan A tax-sheltered savings plan
of 1974 to guarantee payment of benets to designed to provide sufcient income follow-
participants of dened benet pension plans ing retirement so that a reasonable standard
that meet IRS qualications. The agency of living can be maintained. There are three
thereby became a trustee for underfunded and types: group pension plans, deferred prot-
terminated single- and multiemployer pension sharing plans, and savings plans.
plans and provides nancial assistance to pension plan retiree medical account A n
those plans. This assistance is funded by pre- alternative funding vehicle for retiree medical
miums paid by participating organizations.
liabilities in which benets are funded through
Participating organizations are also required
an existing qualied pension plan.
to submit annual reports. In June 1990, the
Pension Portability Act of 1992 (PPA)
Supreme Court ruled that the agency could
Included in legislation that extended emer-
order an employer to resume its obligations
gency unemployment insurance benets and
for underfunded pension plans (rather than
signed into law by President Bush. The law,
shifting liabilities to the PBGC), thereby
which went into effect January 1, 1993,
removing a potential liability to the pension
agency and causing increases in premiums enhanced pension portability by (1) permit-
from the PBGC. ting direct transfers of lump-sum pension pay-
pension equity plan A pension design in- ments to an individual retirement account
tended to provide an equitable distribution of (or in some cases into the plan of a new
benets to diverse employee populations (ag- employer); (2) allowing employees to switch
ing baby boomers and mobile baby busters). any portion of their benets; and (3) giving
Each year, participants are credited with a per- employees advance notice of the tax advan-
centage of pay that will be applied to their tages of a direct transfer. One provision of the
nal average earnings. The percentage in- law requires employers to withhold 20% of
creases with age, typically ranging from 4% the withdrawal amount if the employee does
for employees under 30 to 12% for those 60 not directly transfer the money into an IRA or
and over. Additional percentages, typically other plan. The law was designed to encourage
ranging from 1% for participants between 35 workers to save their retirement funds.
and 39 and 3% for those 60 and older, are Pension Protection Act of 1987 (PPA) Re-
credited to earnings above the social security quires companies with underfunded pension
wage base to provide an additional benet for plans to pay additional contributions of $6 for
the portion of pay not eligible for social secu- every $1000 of underfunding, up to $34 per
rity benets. The sum of the accumulated per- employee. The legislation increased premi-
centages is applied to the participants nal ums that companies pay annually to the Pen-
average pay to create a lump-sum value. That sion Benet Guarantee Corporation. The Act
sum can be paid out directly to participants also reduced or eliminated the deduction for
when they retire or leave the company. De- contributions by employers for adequately
parting employees have the option of drawing funded plans.
Pension Protection Act of 1994 507 perceptual disorders

Pension Protection Act of 1994 A bill de- perceived disability Refers to a person re-
signed to overhaul underfunded pension garded by his or her employer as having an
plans. The Act changed the formula for cal- impairment although the individual does not
culating cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) meet the Americans with Disabilities Act
in retirement plan funding and contribution (ADA) denition of a person with a disability.
limits under Section 415 of the Internal Rev- Such a person may le a complaint alleging
enue Code. COLAs are indexed through the disability discrimination because perceived
end of the third quarter instead of the fourth disability bias is prohibited by the ADA.
quarter and rounded down in $50, $500, and percentage pricing In meeting management, a
$5000 increments, depending on which limits form of sleeping-room rate negotiation. Plan-
are involved. ners sign a contract agreeing to pay a percent-
people knowledge Knowledge of the wants age of the rack rate at the time of the meeting
and needs of people, their motivations and rather than an actual rate inked onto a contract
biases, and what makes them do what they do. weeks or months in advance. The practice
It involves the ability to observe and describe could boost hotel prots, but it could also
behavior in specic, objective, nonjudgmental make properties vulnerable to a market down-
and nonlabeling terms. turn.
people literacy Knowledge about and skill in percentage score In testing, a score obtained
dealing with people in a workplace setting. by dividing the number of correct responses
people performance programs Programs de- by the total number of items on the test.
signed to get the best performance from all percentile rank or score A means of indicat-
employees (not just the sales force) and cus- ing the position of a test score in a group of
100 scores. Percentile scores portray relative
tomers by involving them in motivational
standing on a test in terms of the percentage
training and offering incentives to link them
of the raw scores equaled or exceeded by any
to corporate goals.
given score. For example, the 95th percentile
people problems As contrasted with process
is the point below which 95% of the data falls.
problems in organizations. Include ofce pol-
Percentiles do not, however, indicate how
itics, demanding work environments, interper-
much better or worse one persons perfor-
sonal conict, disciplinary problems, sexual
mance is than anothers in terms of raw scores.
harassment, substance abuse, and untapped Percentile ranks may be calculated by arrang-
potential, among many others. ing the raw scores in order of decreasing mag-
people with disabilities The preferred term for nitude and nding for each score the number
referring to people with physical, mental, of scores equaling or lying below it. Each of
developmental, emotional, speech, or learning those numbers is then divided by the total
disorders. It is considered to be more sensitive number of scores, and the quotient is multi-
than such terms as handicapped or euphe- plied by 100. This formula provides approxi-
misms such as physically challenged. mate results; if more exact percentile ranks
Pepper Commission A commission estab- are required, consult any good measurement
lished by Congress to study health care plans. or statistics reference.
In 1990 the 15-member commission endorsed perceptual acuity Said to be a requisite for
a comprehensive plan for providing health leaders. It is the ability to analyze and evaluate
care coverage for uninsured Americans and a situation quickly and then negotiate a prac-
government-nanced long-term care for the tical solution among diverse and opposing
elderly and disabled essentially a blueprint groups.
for national health care and long-term care. perceptual disorders Difculty in understand-
per capita In estate planning and settlement, a ing, comprehending, processing, and inter-
class gift to only those who survive; for exam- preting information, concepts, and principles
ple, a bequest that contains the phrase to my or an inability to make ne discriminations
children who survive me would not pass on among objects or ideas. Perception and learn-
to a grandchild. ing are essential concomitants of the thought
perceptually disabled 508 performance audit

process. Perception is not sensation; it implies Performance can be improved by several

the recognition of an object, an image, or an means: training, development, coaching, men-
idea. It takes place only through a lengthy toring, networking, peer tutoring, self-devel-
process of repetitive experiencing of the opment, job rotation, job redesign (reengi-
object, image, or thought. Perceptual disabil- neering), and special assignments, such as
ities often leave a person confused, anxious, membership on committees and work teams.
and frustrated. A great amount of conscious 4. In legal terminology, the correct term for
effort and persistence is required to override attrition. If one party to a contract fails to
distorted visual and auditory information. perform any of its obligations, it can be
perceptually disabled A category of persons required to pay the other party damages for
with mental disabilities of varying severity. partial breach of the contract.
Also called brain injured. performance accelerator See performance
per diem reimbursement In health care, a support system.
payment system in which a provider receives performance achievement plan A long-term,
a xed amount per patient day, regardless of executive incentive plan in which shares of
services provided. stock are awarded for the attainment of pre-
performance 1. Output results and their out- determined nancial targets such as return on
comes obtained from processes, products, ser- investment, growth in earnings per share, or
vices, and activities that can be measured and prot.
evaluated in terms of organizational goals and performance analysis Broad-based assess-
objectives. 2. A basic instructional method in ment and study of either organizational or
which the trainee is required to perform, under individual performance. Performance analysis
controlled conditions, the operation, skills, or is a means of verifying signicant perfor-
movement being taught. The method is used mance deciencies and then determining the
as follow-on instruction to teach manipulative most appropriate means of remedying those
operations or procedures, operation and func- shortcomings.
tioning of equipment, team skills, and safety performance appraisal Systematic, periodic
procedures. There are four types of perfor- review and analysis of employees perfor-
mance: independent practice, in which train- mance with the objective of improving that
ees work individually and at their own pace; performance so that employees can realize
group or controlled practice, in which trainees their full potential. Ideally, it measures how
work together at a rate set by the instructor well people do the job as compared with a set
step-by-step and by the numbers; coach and of performance standards, communicates that
pupil, in which trainees are paired and mem- information to them, gets agreement on
bers of each pair perform in turn as instructor strengths and deciencies, and results in a
and trainee; and team performance, in which plan of action to enhance strengths and shore
a group of trainees performs an operation or up weaknesses.
function involving teamwork. 3. Performance performance assessment A test that directly
is a term that uses behavior as the means and measures skills and abilities, such as present-
its consequences as the end. That is, perfor- ing testees with appropriate materials and
mance is the act or manner of demonstrating tools and requiring them to produce a product
a skill or capacity. It is invariably measurable that meets certain specications. Although not
and involves systematic review and analysis a new concept, performance assessment is
of a specic behavior with the objective of currently being promoted as the most reliable
improving that performance. Ideally, it mea- means of assessing competency. Also called
sures how well people do a job or task as genuine assessment, authentic evaluation, and
compared with a set of performance stan- practical testing.
dards, communicates that information to performance audit Systematic, comprehen-
them, gets agreement on strengths and de- sive, and detailed examination and assessment
ciencies, and results in a plan of action to of the systems that comprise the conditions and
enhance strengths and shore up weaknesses. restraints in which people in an organization
performance award plan 509 performance interview

work. They establish baseline data for initiating averages of management practices or purchas-
improvement measures. ing and sales statistics, sorted by industry,
performance award plan A form of executive geographical locations, or sales volume for
incentive compensation plan in which formu- peer identication. Usually conducted by
las relating bonus distributions to selected means of surveys.
measures of the companys nancial perfor- performance budgeting A budgeting system
mance are used to make payments in cash, that places primary emphasis on the relation-
stock, or both to executives, usually prorated ship between input and output. It involves
according to the rank or function of the work measurement. Substantive data concern-
executive. ing units of work are developed, such as devel-
performance-based assessment Testing or opment hours, equipment hours, instructor
determining what a person has learned by platform hours, and output, such as training
observing or evaluating his or her perfor- programs produced or trainees completing a
mance of practical, hands-on tasks; for exam- program. Those data are related to the amount
ple, grading ability to repair a malfunctioning of input (resources) required to produce a
carburetor. Also called authentic assessment; given estimated output.
portfolio-based assessment. performance-centered design The strategy
performance-based budget See program and techniques used by performance support
budgeting. systems engineers (developers) to devise the
performance-based compensation A form of interface between the user and an electronic
incentive pay in which increases in compen- support system.
sation are based on the attainment of quarterly performance-centered objective See behav-
or annual targets established before the fact ioral objective.
by the manager for individual subordinates or performance-centered system (PCS) A form
jointly with the subordinate. It is often used of electronic support system that is usually
in conjunction with management-by-objec- networked, involves database access, and is
tives programs. used for several hours each day. Also called a
performance-based licensing In addition to good system.
tests of literacy and writing skills and satis- performance evaluation See performance
factory completion of an accredited teacher appraisal.
training program, performance-based licens- performance feedback See feedback.
ing requirements involve the use of high-qual- performance improvement technologists
ity assessments of teaching performance that (PITS) Describes the instructional technol-
would-be teachers would have to pass to ogists of the 1990s and beyond who will need
obtain a long-term teaching license. (Attrib- four qualities: (1) ability to think creatively,
uted to Richard J. Murnane, The Case for (2) rst-hand experience with improving per-
Performance-Based Licensing, Phi Delta formance on the job or in a class, (3) techno-
Kappan, October 1991, p. 140.) logical know-how, and (4) ability to be a team
performance-based training (PBT) A form of player. Attributed to Bob Yeager, President of
training used to improve substandard perfor- Intercom, Inc. of Woodlands, TX (CBT Direc-
mance in a specic area when the skill or tions, March 1991, p. 22).
knowledge deciency is clear. Designed for performance indicator Measurable evidence
skill mastery in technical areas or where cor- that a planned result has been achieved. Exam-
rect procedures mean the difference between ples are gains in prot, product quality,
life and death. PBT rests on behaviorist theory productivity, and reductions in interpersonal
and instrumental conditioning. Learners prac- conict, training time, costs, and the like.
tice the correct behavior and then are given performance interview A means of selecting
feedback and positive reinforcement to shape candidates for employment used mainly but
their responses. not exclusively by manufacturing and nancial
performance benchmarking A form of services companies for middle- to senior-level
benchmarking used to establish national positions. Involves giving the candidate a
performance management 510 performance support (PS)

business problem, asking him or her to dene quotas, identify problems, and provide a
and analyze the problem, develop a response basis for training and upgrading programs.
and outline a means of implementing the solu- Although a widespread practice, some forms
tion, and present the solution to a group of are renounced and fought by unions.
company executives. performance objective See behavioral objec-
performance management 1. A means of tive.
maintaining and improving competent work performance rating Adjectival description or
behavior employees who do their jobs well numerical index used to report evaluation of
and the relationships between managers job performance following observation and
and workers. Daily, year-round, continuing judgment by a qualied individual either with
appraisal, coaching, and feedback that in- or without a rating scale.
volves helping employees understand the na- performance review A less negative term to
ture and quality of their performance, identify describe what has traditionally been called
what they need to do to improve, and motivate performance appraisal. The purpose of perfor-
them to do it. That is, performance manage- mance review is to improve employee perfor-
ment employs strategies designed to foster mance rather than to judge or rate it.
employee personal responsibility, self-disci- performance share plan (PSP) A stock plan
pline, and individual decision making, rather that species the attainment of certain prede-
than traditional punishment, to maintain em- termined performance objectives before the
ployee self-esteem and encourage loyalty and employee has rights to the stock. The
commitment. Examples are management by employee pays income taxes on the fair mar-
objectives, participative management, and ket value of the stock at the time it is issued
performance appraisal. 2. A substitute for but can sell the stock at any time because there
performance appraisal said to emphasize are no holding period restrictions.
teamwork, values, and employee career re- performance shares A type of incentive plan
sponsibility and a process that focuses on the in which contingent shares of stock or a xed
needs of customers and clients instead of em- cash value are awarded to top managers based
phasizing judgment and labeling. The system on how well the company does rather than on
takes into account the changing values and how long the executive survives in his or her
new denition of the employee-employer position of power. The executive earns a por-
relationship. tion of the grant as his or her performance
performance measure A yardstick applied to goals are met.
gauge whether a product or service meets per- performance standards 1. In general, criteria
formance standards and the extent to which it used to measure performance in achieving
deviates from those standards. Performance objectives or results. 2. In employee perfor-
measures include assessment; inspection; per- mance appraisal, the yardsticks used to mea-
sonal observation; audits (quality, product, sure efciency and effectiveness in perform-
service, and procedure); questionnaires and ing a job, duty, or task. 3. In job performance
interviews; ratings, inventories, and check- measures, criteria that dene the amount of
lists; diagnostic, expectational, attitude, and time and resources required under normal
morale surveys; tests and other evaluative conditions to complete one unit of job or task
devices; reports and records; and special output and the characteristics of the product
devices such as Gantt and PERT charts, CPM, from the standpoint of quality. 4. In education,
and project charts. standards that dene the levels of learning that
performance monitoring Employee surveil- are considered to be satisfactory.
lance by electronic (telephone or computer) performance support (PS) The use of tech-
or visual (open or clandestine observation nology to integrate knowledge and learning.
and reports) means or interviews with cli- Employs software to improve individual and
ents, customers, and suppliers. Used to track organizational performance by bringing
productivity, accuracy, and cordiality, evalu- employees up to speed in performing their
ate individuals, establish standards and jobs and tasks as quickly as possible and with
performance support engineer 511 Perkins (Carl D.) Vocational

a minimum of support from other workers. than the supplier or vendor, sets the delivery
Also called electronic performance support; schedule.
integrated performance support; online per- performance unit plan (PUP) A stock plan
formance support. that grants units to an executive that can be
performance support engineer A professional exchanged for cash payments or their equiv-
whose job is to capture and structure knowl- alent in stock value at the time of the award
edge for electronic support systems and if predetermined objectives are achieved.
design and develop the interface between perinatal care Care provided the mother and
users and the system. infant at about the time of birth.
performance support engineering The disci- periodic budgeting Budgets prepared for a
pline that uses performance support methods specic time period, such as the annual bud-
and techniques to apply technology to the get, which is usually broken down into semi-
development of electronic support systems. annual, quarterly, and monthly budgets.
performance support system (PSS) A system periodontics Dental care involving the treat-
that gives users access, via workstations, to ment of tissues supporting the teeth.
the information, guidance, assistance, and periodontist A doctor of dental medicine or
other tools they need to learn how to do their doctor of dental surgery who specializes in
jobs and improve their productivity. Some- treating diseases of the periodontium (gums
times referred to as interactive performance and soft tissue).
accelerators. peripheral arterial disease screening A pro-
performance support tool (PST) A form of cedure used to screen for peripheral arterial
electronic support system that is usually disease in the lower extremities. Blood pres-
stand-alone, does not involve access to a data- sure cuffs and a Doppler ultrasound probe are
base, and is used only infrequently. Also placed on the leg arteries to locate abnormal-
called stand-alone EPSS; content software. ities that may indicate arterial disease as well
performance technology (PT) Systematic as high risk of coronary artery disease.
approaches to the improvement of human per- peripherals Components of a computer sys-
formance on the job; for example, training, tem: input devices, such as keyboards, the
organization development, incentives, job mouse, drawing tools, and scanners and out-
redesign, job aids, instructional technology, put devices such as printers and slide makers.
and ergonomics interventions that produce perjury Willfully and knowingly making a
results that benet the organization. false statement under oath in a judicial pro-
performance test A test that requires the testee ceeding on a matter material to the issue in
to perform a physical or mental skill that is litigation.
one of the duties, tasks, or elements of a job Perkins Loan See Federal Perkins loan.
under conditions similar or identical to those Perkins (Carl D.) Vocational and Applied
of the work environment. Includes instruments Technology Education Act Amendments of
that require the testee to demonstrate some 1990 and 1991 Replaced the old federal law
practical application, skill, or operation that is and established a new course for vocational
an essential part of a job or task. Sometimes, education. The amendments contain four ma-
some kind of apparatus, equipment, or mate- jor changes: (1) shifts the focus of vocational
rial is involved. The testees performance is education from its traditional job-skills orien-
observed and evaluated in accordance with a tation toward integration of academic/ cogni-
predetermined standard of performance tive and vocational skills; (2) places more em-
and/or product of performance. phasis on directing federal resources toward
performance to schedule (PTS) An indicator school districts in greatest need for reform and
of quality that is based on measurement of improvement in vocational education; (3) re-
the ability of an organization to deliver structures the relationship between the states
acceptable products to customers on or before and local school districts aimed at encourag-
a promised date. It is considered to be mean- ing the districts to provide more leadership in
ingful and valid only if the customer, rather improving vocational education; and
perks or perquisites 512 personal adjustment counseling

(4) distinguishes between secondary and post- to sell their stock until retirement or until the
secondary levels of vocational education and desired equity position is reached.
establishes postsecondary education as a sep- Permanent Labor Certication (PLC) pro-
arate program in federal legislation. One of gram Designed to protect American jobs and
the most signicant features of the act is that wages by excluding foreigners who seek
it identied the need to help states develop the admission to the U.S. or status as immigrants
means of measuring the performance of local for employment purposes, when qualied and
programs and of setting standards based on willing U.S. workers are available for the jobs.
that performance. The amendments that went permanent resident Any person not a citizen
into effect on July 1, 1991 gave states 2 years of the U.S. who is residing in the U.S. under
to devise performance measures of voca- legally recognized and lawfully recorded per-
tional-technical schools in areas including manent residence as an immigrant. Also
graduation rates and mastery of basic aca- known as permanent resident alien, lawful
demic and occupational skills. permanent resident, resident alien permit
perks or perquisites Incentives that involve holder, and green card holder.
special privileges and considerations in addi- permanent resident alien An alien admitted
tion to salary and benets. They are usually to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident.
associated with organizational rank and status, Permanent residents are also commonly
although they are sometimes granted on an referred to as immigrants; however, the Immi-
individual basis. Include athletic/recreation gration and Nationality Act (INA) broadly
denes an immigrant as any alien in the U.S.,
club membership, business-class or rst-class
except one legally admitted under specic
air travel, chauffeur-driven limousines, com-
nonimmigrant categories. An illegal alien who
pany car, country club membership, deferred
entered the U.S. without inspection, for exam-
compensation plan, dependent tuition reim-
ple, would be strictly dened as an immigrant
bursement, employment contract with or with-
under the INA but is not a permanent resident
out a takeover protection clause, ERISA
alien. Lawful permanent residents are legally
excess plan, executive dining room, executive
accorded the privilege of residing perma-
training programs, nancial counseling, free nently in the U.S. They may be issued immi-
reserved parking, legal counseling, low grant visas by the Department of State over-
cost/no cost loans, luncheon/supper club seas or adjusted to permanent resident status
membership, outplacement counseling, paid by the Immigration and Naturalization Ser-
travel for spouses, personal computer for vice in the U.S.
home use, physical tness program, post- permanent storage In employee relocation,
retirement benet continuation, supplemental warehousing all or a part of a household goods
executive retirement plan, supplemental life shipment for an indenite period of time.
insurance, supplemental long-term disability, Common during an overseas assignment.
supplemental medical insurance, supplemen- per member per month (PMPM) I n h e a l t h
tal vacation plan, vacation condominium, and care, applies to a revenue or cost for each
VIP lounge membership. member per month.
permanent-equity pension plan (PEPP) A per member per year (PMPY) In health care,
new supplemental pension concept for exec- applies to a revenue or cost for each member
utive compensation. Stock, rather than cash, per year.
is used as the funding vehicle to encourage personal adjustment counseling Counseling
key employees to develop and keep permanent provided to employees to help them gain self-
equity stakes in their company. The plan ties understanding, learn how to regulate their own
a portion of executive pensions to stock per- lives, achieve insight into difcult experi-
formance. Stock is granted based on a at ences, learn how to use their own resources
percentage of pay or begins as a small per- as well as the resources of the organization
centage of current pay and gradually increases and the larger community, and deal with emo-
until retirement. Participants are not permitted tional stress.
personal blogs 513 personal emergency response system

personal blogs Blogs written primarily by an recreational activities, stress management,

individual. They range from formal essays to and assertiveness training.
random thoughts and ideas, time-stamped and personal development program (PDP) A
archived. In future, may be used by workers voluntary program designed to help employ-
to record their job-related thoughts and ideas ees achieve personal growth and social and
during the workday or as a platform for col- spiritual fulllment and to help working par-
laboration among colleagues. ents handle work and family responsibilities
personal care attendant Assists the elderly and, as a consequence, make them happy and
and disabled with such daily tasks as getting more productive. Uses such interventions as
out of bed, bathing, toileting, and dressing, training in life skills and life planning, work-
thereby enabling people to live in the commu- shops on nancial planning, dual-career and
nity rather than in a nursing home or other single parent strategies, sponsoring support
institution. Supported by Medicaid payments. groups, and providing third-party mediation
personal care home See board and care home. services to resolve workplace conicts.
personal communications services (PCS) personal digital assistant (PDA) A hand-held
Digital wireless mobile communication tech- computer device that merges handwriting rec-
nologies that provide a variety of standard ognition, personal-organization tools, and
features at lower prices and with lower power state-of-the-art mobile communications in a
consumption than cellular services. compact package. Used to store and retrieve
information and may serve as a telephone, fax
personal computer (PC) Any computer de-
machine, modem, and electronic date and
signed for personal, home, or ofce use. Usu-
notebook. Some accept input by means of a
ally one that can t in a compact space or on
keyboard, mouse, stylus, scanner, or printer
a desk. May be stand-alone or networked with
and also plug into a workstation. The device
other computers, including minicomputers
can recognize handwriting and graphics.
and mainframes.
Newer models offer controllable backlighting
Personal Computer Memory Card Interna-
and non-glare screens and can share data with
tional Association (PCMCIA) A standard
Windows and Macintosh computers.
for credit card-size memory cards used with
Personal Earnings and Benet Estimate
personal digital assistants and personal com-
Statement (PEBES) A statement that con-
puters to store information, update software, tains (1) the number of quarters of coverage
and support data and fax capabilities. credits earned; (2) the number of credits
personal convenience services and policies needed to be eligible for disability, survivors,
Include casual dress days, concierge services, and retirement benets; (3) a year-by-year
tness centers, food shopping services, infor- listing of earnings subject to social security
mation nder services, lactation rooms, lei- tax; (4) estimates of disability and survivors
sure consultants, massage services, nap/med- benets for the wage earner and his or her
itation rooms, and take-home meals. family; and (5) estimates of monthly retire-
personal days A type of employee fringe ben- ment benets should the individual retire at
et. Workers are allowed a specic number of age 62, 65, or 70. Furnished without charge
paid days off (in addition to paid holidays, by the Social Security Administration. In
annual leave, and sick leave) for any personal 1995, Social Security began automatically
reason, such as attending to personal business, releasing the statement to all people 25 years
attending a school play, keeping a doctors old or older. Call 800-772-1213 or visit the
appointment, or just goong off. Some local social security ofce.
employers allow workers to use their personal personal effectiveness competencies Capabili-
days on an hourly rather than a full-day basis. ties that portend success in professional or
personal development Training and other managerial jobs. They include self-control,
activities that encompass such diverse resistance to stress, and exibility.
elements as individual and group learning personal emergency response system (PERS)
experiences, health and tness programs, A device worn by elderly or disabled persons
Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) 514 personalized benefits

or installed in their homes, connected by radio personal information manager Software that
to the telephone and in turn to a 24-hour mon- consolidates details about business contacts
itoring service. Used to alert emergency med- derived from business cards, messages, Rolo-
ical or law enforcement personnel of an acci- dex les, and other sources and arranges them
dent or medical emergency involving the in a usable form on a computer screen.
individual. personality Enduring personal traits or charac-
Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) A desig- teristics that make each individual truly
nation awarded to individuals who are certi- unique, such as assertiveness, self-reliance,
ed public accountants and have passed a dependence, responsibility, dogmatism,
6-hour examination given by the American defensiveness, openness, warmth, coldness,
Institute of Certied Public Accountants. haughtiness, and the like.
Contact: AICPA, 1211 Avenue of the Ameri- personality and temperament test Usually
cas, New York, NY 10036-8775 (phone 212- referred to as personality proles, inventories,
596-6200; fax 212-596-6213; Web site schedules, or scales, personality and temper- ament tests are used in business and industry
personal growth leave Paid or unpaid leave to evaluate personality in normal adults and
granted to employees, sometimes to pursue predict human behavior in business for career
further education. planning, selection, job placement, promo-
personal growth training Training provided tion, and counseling. They purport to measure
on a voluntary basis to workers at all levels to some dimension of human personality or tem-
perament, such as whether a person is with-
promote self-knowledge and self-acceptance;
drawn or outgoing, a team player or a loner,
improve their mental and physical health and
mature or immature, emotionally stable or
well-being; improve their ability to work with
unstable, or passive or aggressive, and they
others; reduce absenteeism, tardiness, acci-
are projective in that they disclose a persons
dents, and injuries; improve productivity;
needs and values. These tests are usually
reduce tension and stress; and provide positive
reserved for the task of selecting individuals
personality development. Typically includes
for executive or professional positions. They
medical evaluation prior to enrollment and
should be administered and interpreted by
may take such forms as physical and recre- qualied psychometrists, psychologists, or
ational activities (such as team and individual therapists. Examples are Guilford-Zimmer-
sports, aerobic dancing, exercise, orienteer- man Temperament Survey, Gordon Personal
ing, and wilderness backpacking), introspec- Prole-Inventory, Edwards Personal Prefer-
tive exercises (such as yoga and transcenden- ence Schedule, California Psychological
tal meditation), and small-group interactions Inventory, Wonderlic Comprehensive Person-
(such as encounter groups, discussion groups, ality Prole, Taylor-Johnson Temperament
and workshops). Analysis, Thurston Temperament Schedule,
personal image See self-image. Taylor Sales Attitudes Checklist, and Jenkins
personal information management system Activity Survey.
(PIMS) A system that manages information personality test A test used as an employment
with which professionals and researchers screening device by an estimated 6000 U.S.
work such as references, notes, and ideas employers. Although their legality or illegality
found in reports, research papers, and articles has yet to be proved, several states, including
as well as phone numbers, addresses, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Rhode Island, and
appointments, to-do lists, and other personal Wisconsin, severely restrict or outlaw their
database items. Traditionally limited to pencil use. Their legality is most likely to be chal-
and paper, PIMS now make use of computers, lenged in the courts on one or more of the
spreadsheets, and databases (some using following bases: disparate impact or treat-
hypertext) and avoid acquisition, format, and ment, unlawful inquiry, or invasion of privacy.
storage problems that limit the individuals personalized benets Legal, nancial plan-
ability to work with the data. ning, educational assistance, and other
personal protective equipment (PPE) 515 personnel selection inventory (PSI)

innovative benets such as discounts on home performance standards, identication of devi-

and auto insurance (through semimonthly ations from those standards, and the correc-
payroll deductions), massage, exercise and tion of deviations.
nutrition counseling, and so on. personnel costs The full costs of peoples time
personal protective equipment (PPE) Equip- including salary or wages and benets.
ment designed to safeguard employees from personnel director or manager S e e h u m a n
workplace illnesses and injuries, such as sur- resources manager.
gical gloves, welding gloves, hard hats, gog- personnel evaluation See performance
gles, masks, face shields, hot sticks (live elec- appraisal.
trical wire tools), cold weather outer wear, and personnel inventory chart A chart that de-
metatarsal and safety shoes. Occupational picts the status and potential of assigned per-
Safety and Health Administration regulations sonnel for advancement to higher-level posi-
require employers to determine the appropri- tions within the organization. The chart
ate PPE for each hazard, provide and pay for assigns each incumbent to one of four catego-
most such equipment, and provide worker ries: immediately promotable, potentially pro-
training on selecting, inspecting, using, and motable, adequate in present position but not
maintaining the equipment. promotable, or release (terminate). Using the
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportu- chart, a list of positions that will become va-
nity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) cant in the ensuing 2-year period is developed.
A comprehensive bipartisan welfare reform
It identies vacancies that will occur as a re-
plan that changed the nations welfare system
sult of promotion and transfer, retirement and
into one that requires work in exchange for
resignation, dismissal, and expansion of the
time-limited assistance. The law contains
strong work requirements, a performance
personnel management and administration
bonus to reward states for moving welfare
See human resources management.
recipients into jobs, state maintenance of
effort requirements, comprehensive child sup- Personnel Management Association of
port enforcement, and supports for families Aztlan (PMAA) A national organization of
moving from welfare to work, including 700 members whose purpose is to foster
increased funding for child care and guaran- awareness of career opportunities, profession-
teed medical coverage. Signed into law alism, cultural pride, and self-esteem; provide
August 22, 1996. a placement network; share information,
personal security account (PSA) Proposed as expertise, and ideas; and act as a resource for
a means of setting aside capital well in its members, employers, and the community
advance to help workers pay for their retire- to advance constructive HR policies and prac-
ment instead of the current government social tices that have a direct impact on minorities,
security program, which is in nancial dif- specically the Hispanic community.
culty. Instead of sending their payroll taxes to Contact: PMAA, P.O. Box 31893, Oakland,
the government to be paid out in benets to CA 94604 (phone 415-272-6456; Web site
current retirees, workers and their employers
would deposit all or part of those taxes into personnel planning See human resources
private accounts. Proponents of the proposal planning.
maintain that workers would benet since it personnel records See records.
could raise the declining rate of return people personnel research See research.
now earn on money paid into the system. personnel selection inventory (PSI) An in-
personnel administration The enterprise strument designed to measure such qualities
function that deals with the people aspects as emotional stability, personal values, hon-
of operations. esty, and work habits. Used to predict whether
personnel controls Curbs on personnel hiring, or not job applicants are likely to steal on the
utilization, and advancement to manage costs. job. Applicants are categorized as high-, bor-
Control is achieved by establishing realistic derline-, or low-risk.
person with AIDS 516 phased retirement

person with AIDS Identied by some as the can demonstrate that making such modica-
preferred way to describe an individual who tions would fundamentally alter the nature of
has the AIDS virus instead of using such suchaccommodations. On May 29, 2001,
phrases as AIDS victim, which some feel is the Supreme Court ruled that as a public
insensitive or inammatory. accommodation during its tours and qualify-
per stirpes Translated from the Latin as by ing rounds, petitioner may not discriminate
right of representation. Used in wills when against either spectators or competitors on
referring to a gift to children and issue and the basis of disability and that Title III of
provides that the gift shall go to the closest the ADA, by its plain terms, prohibits peti-
generational level; however, if anyone prede- tioner from denying Martin equal access to
ceases the writer of the will, that persons its tours on the basis of his disability. As a
share will be evenly divided among his or her result, Martins request for a waiver of the
children. walking rule (use of a golf cart) should have
persuasion or persuasive power Ability to been granted.
inuence, sway, or convince followers of the phantom stock plan The least common of the
rightness of a belief or action without using various forms of long-term incentives, usually
coercion or manipulation. limited to the top 2 or 3% of exempt employ-
persuasive behavior The ability to present a ees. Phantom stock plans provide payments in
product, service, argument, or proposal in cash or in stock based on hypothetical invest-
terms that others will respond to in a positive ments in company stock equal to the gain in
way. It is a particularly important skill for fair market value of a designated number of
salespersons, instructors, and briefers. company shares ascribed to each participant in
per thousand members per year (PTMPY) the plan on the date of the grant. Future pay-
A common way of reporting health care uti- ments may be based on future appreciation,
lization, such as hospital utilization, which is initial value plus future appreciation, and may
expressed as days per thousand members per provide dividend equivalent payments. Also
year. called stock appreciation rights plans.
Peter Principle A tongue-in-cheek bromide pharmaco-economist A professional specialist
coined by Laurence J. Peter, psychologist and with degrees in both economics and pharma-
professor of education (The Peter Principle, cology who examines the cost-effectiveness
1969), that states that in hierarchies a person and quality of life afforded by new drugs. For
tends to rise to the level of his or her incom- example, the pharmaco-economist determines
petence. whether one drug more than another can
pet insurance Typically offered to employees reduce the length of hospital stays or the
a part of exible benets programs. Employ- absences of employees sidelined by illnesses
ers contract with a pet insurance provider, or accidents.
arrange for a discount for employees who want pharmacy benet management/managers
coverage for their pets, and workers choose a (PBM) Private companies that provide drug
policy and pay the premiums, often by payroll benets packages to organizations advertised
deduction. When a pet gets sick or injured, the as lowering costs and improving health care.
employee can use the insurance to pay veteri- Working for employers and insurance compa-
narians bills, less a small deductible. nies, PBMs provide a variety of services,
p-funk A synthetic form of heroin. including promoting lower-cost generics and
PGA Tour, Inc. v. Martin Denied the use of a operating mail-order pharmacies. Examples:
golf cart in PGA tournaments, professional AdvancePCS, Express Scripts, Caremark RX,
golfer Martin led an action under Title III of and Medco Health.
the ADA, which, requires an entity operating phased retirement A plan for keeping older
public accommodations to make reason- workers on the payroll for an agreed-upon
able modications in its policies when length of time, at least in a part-time capacity,
necessary to afford such accommodations to as an effective way to keep long-time employ-
individuals with disabilities, unless the entity ees, strengthen the role of older workers, and
Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) 517 photovoltaic technology (PVT)

help compensate for the growing shortage of newsletter. Contact: The Phoenix Society for
workers. Burn Survivors, Inc., 2153 Wealthy Street SE,
Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) A national honorary #215, East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (phone
professional association for active and retired 800-888-2876 or 215-946-2876; fax 215-946-
educators at all levels and graduate students. 478l; e-mail; Web
PDK has both geographical area and campus site
chapters across the U.S. and Canada and has phonics Teaching children to read and write by
more than 139,000 members. It is concerned sounding out letters or syllables. See also
with educational research, service, and leader- whole-language instruction.
ship and emphasizes issues, trends, and poli- Photo CD A product of Kodak, a technology
cies in its activities. Contact: PDK, 408 N. for putting photographic images on compact
Union, P.O. Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402- discs. Photo CD technology includes a propri-
0789 (phone 800-766-1156 or 812-339-1156; etary CD player that hooks up to an ordinary
fax 812-339-1156; e-mail information@ television set. Requires a compact disc, read; Web site only memory extended architecture (CD-
Phi Delta Kappan A journal published ROM XA) drive. To insert photographic
monthly, except July and August. Cost: $35.00 images into a computer application, photos
per year. Contact: PDK, 408 N. Union, P.O. are shot with an ordinary 35-mm camera, the
Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402-0789 (phone lm is developed, the images are transferred
800-766-1156 or 812-339-1156; fax 812-339- to a compact disc, the disc is placed in a com-
1156; e-mail; Web puters CD-ROM drive, and the images are
site then selected and inserted directly into the
Phillips 66 See huddle group. application. Up to 100 images can be accessed
philosophy A statement of the fundamental on a Photo CD at ve levels of resolution:
beliefs or values that underlie and govern the thumbnail (128 lines 192 pixels), low reso-
actions of an organization and its people and lution (256 384), TV and computer display
provides guidelines for management planning resolution (512 768), HDTV resolution
and decision making. Philosophy deals with (1024 1536), and very high resolution
principles, truths, and ultimate ends. It typi- (2048 3072).
cally states the purposes and obligations of an photomultiplier tube (PMT) In desktop pub-
organization, its relationship to the enterprise, lishing, a type of high-end scanner that pro-
its subdivisions, its employees and other con- vides the means of converting light intensity
stituencies, the nature and conditions of from the scan into electrical voltage. Such
employee fair treatment, equity, job satisfac- scanners are known for high resolution and
tion, and development, the roles and relation- broad dynamic range.
ships of personnel involved, the nature and photonics The technology of light; the use of
need of employees at all levels, and the direc- particles of light to detect, store, transfer, pro-
tion in which the organization should move. cess, and display data of all types. Current
phobias Irrational, involuntary, and inappro- applications include supermarket scanners,
priate fear of, or response to, ordinary situa- CD players, laptop computers, laser surgery,
tions or things. Phobias are usually chronic, and the Internet.
and they can lead to other serious disorders, photo-refractive keratectomy (PRK) A surgi-
such as depression. Phobias can be success- cal procedure performed by ophthalmologists
fully treated by a combination of medication, to help correct nearsightedness. It uses an
therapy, and support. excimer laser to remove a few layers of cells
The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc. to reshape the cornea of the eye and thereby
An international organization of burn survi- improve the way light is focused on the retina.
vors established to assist people who have photovoltaic technology (PVT) The direct
been burned and their families during and conversion of sunlight into electricity. A non-
after the hospitalization. Holds national and fossil, pollution-free, long-lasting, lightweight,
international conferences and provides books reliable, efcient, and cost-effective power
and audiovisual materials and a quarterly source. Current applications include remote
phrase search 518 physical training (PT)

telecommunications, medical care, calculators medical limitations that must be taken into
and portable computers, satellites, and general account in placing the individual or making
lighting. other accommodations for a disability; estab-
phrase search A World Wide Web search for lish baseline data and a record for future insur-
documents that contain a word-for- word sen- ance or compensation claims; or detect com-
tence or phrase selected by the user. municable diseases that may be unknown to
physiatrist A doctor of medicine (M.D.) who the applicant.
specializes in the nonsurgical management of physical tness program See exercise pro-
persons with musculoskeletal and neurologi- gram.
cal disorders. Also skilled in managing care physically challenged employees See handi-
for amputees, prescribing prosthetic and capped employees.
orthotic devices, and performing diagnostic physically disabled People whose limitations
evaluations using electromyographic and are attributable primarily to lowered or
nerve conduction studies. impaired physical capacity caused by congen-
physical ability test A test that is used as a pre- ital or inherited physical defects, disease or
employment selection device for positions injury suffered before, during, or immediately
requiring physical performance. Physical abil- following birth, accidents or injuries in child-
ity tests involve actual performance of the hood or adulthood, the result of an inadequate
essential functions of a given job. Also called diet, or the consequence of impaired matura-
strength and endurance test. tion due to inadequate nourishment or insuf-
physical and mental impairment As dened cient physical activity and stimulation over
by the Americans with Disabilities Act of a prolonged period of time. Includes blind
1990, physical or mental impairment and vision impaired, deaf and hearing
includes, but is not limited to, such contagious impaired, speech problems, orthopedic and
and noncontagious diseases and conditions as mobility impairments, disgurement, and
orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing
health and medical problems.
impairments, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscu-
physical presence test As dened by Section
lar dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart
911, Internal Revenue Code, an employee
disease, diabetes, mental retardation, emo-
physically present and working in a foreign
tional illness, specic learning disabilities,
country or countries for 330 full days, includ-
HIV disease (whether symptomatic or asymp-
tomatic), tuberculosis, drug addiction, and ing vacation days, during 12 consecutive
alcoholism. It does not include homosexual- months. The days do not have to be consecu-
ity or bisexuality. tive and the 12-month period can begin on any
physical assets Tangible holdings such as day of any month. Applies to both U.S. citi-
property, plant and equipment, furnishings, zens and resident aliens.
and supplies and inventory. physical simulations Representations of a sys-
physical disabilities Totally or partially deaf, tem that deal with tangible (real-world) objects.
totally or partially blind, speech problems, physical therapist Professional health care
orthopedically handicapped (loss of normal providers who specialize in treating acute
use of limbs, bones, or muscles due to disease, injuries and postsurgical rehabilitation.
injury, or deformity, such as cerebral palsy, physical therapy Treatment provided by
muscular dystrophy, congenital deformities, health care workers to victims of accidents or
and amputation), and health or medical prob- injury to relieve pain, strengthen muscles, or
lems (such as AIDS, asthma, epilepsy, diabe- restore movement. Includes heat treatments,
tes, and heart conditions). ultrasonography, massage, electrical-impulse
physical examination In the screening and therapies, and information on how to use spe-
selection process, a medical examination con- cial equipment or do daily activities.
ducted either by the employers medical staff physical training (PT) Training provided by
or by consulting medical practitioners to organizations to build and maintain the
determine the applicants ability to meet the strength and overall physical condition of
physical requirements of the job; identify personnel.
physician 519 piggybacking

physician In its narrow sense, a medical doctor pica A printers unit of measurement, used
(M.D. or D.O.); however, in most health care principally in typesetting. One pica equals 12
contexts the term includes chiropractors, den- points, or about one sixth of an inch.
tists, podiatrists, optometrists, psychologists, pick list A computer reference le that shows
Christian Science practitioners, licensed inde- what can be entered into a specic eld of
pendent clinical social workers, and certied information in a human resources database.
nurse midwives. Most have had training in Also called choice list.
treating physical, mental, or psychiatric pick-up Meeting industry jargon for the num-
disorders. ber of hotel room block reservations lled on
physician assistant (PA) A person who has a specied date or dates. Most hotels impose
received intensive medical training in patient monetary penalties for failing to ll reserva-
care. Must be supervised by a licensed physi- tions, usually on a sliding scale. In addition,
cian. Charges for PAs are allowable under complimentary guest rooms and other meet-
most health care plans although at reduced ing-related amenities are determined on the
rates (typically not to exceed 85% of a phy- basis of room pick-up.
sicians allowable charge). pictograph A means of displaying data using
physician hospital organization (PHO) An pictures of objects typically representing
organization that at a minimum allows a hos- quantities.
pital and its physicians to negotiate with third-
party payers. It may also manage the relation-
ship between providers and managed care
organizations or provide more services.
physician network A group of doctors who
have banded together to accept the nancial
risks of covering the health care needs of their
patients a risk traditionally taken by insur-
ers. The objective is to maintain the autonomy
of the health care providers and cut costs.
physician ownership model (POM) A form of Harvest of Oranges, Peaches, and Avocados, 1996
integrated health care delivery system in (in thousands of bushels)

which the physician members hold a signi-

cant portion of the ownership and equity of piece rate In incentive piecework, the rate paid
the system (more than 51%, and sometimes to a worker per piece produced or worked on.
all of it). piecework See piece rate; incentive work.
physician proling A means of utilization pie chart A means of displaying data graphi-
review in which companies track physicians cally. Most often used to show proportional
patterns of practice to reduce the costs of relationships, such as budget allocations or
either inpatient or outpatient care. market share.
physician self-referral See self-referral.
physiological needs Human needs for food, Supplies (27.0%)
water, air, shelter, sleep, elimination, and other
physical essentials the things that maintain
and sustain life. Salaries, Wages &
physiotherapy The treatment of bodily weak- Depreciation (3.0%) Benefits (64.9%)

nesses, defects, or injuries, particularly of the Interest (2.7%)

Bad Debts (2.4%)
musculoskeletal system, by physical reme-
dies, especially massage and exercise.
phytochemicals Substances in fruits, vegeta- Operating Expenses
bles, and grains that may account for the can-
cer-ghting benets of foods such as soy and piggybacking In meeting management, the
tomatoes. practice of merging meetings with other
pilates 520 plan, do, check, act (PDCA)

organizations or associations to increase nego- are formed by the grid of horizontal and ver-
tiating power and attendance and save time. tical lines that form the screen.
pilates Pronounced peh-LAH-tes. A type of placement The process of assigning personnel
exercise developed in the early 1920s by to specic positions following selection and
Joseph Pilates. It uses equipment to stretch orientation (in the case of new workers) or
and strengthen the body. training, taking into account the needs of the
pilot A test vehicle for a program or system organization as well as the skills, abilities,
designed to make a dry run of a program or and, where possible, the needs and interests
system, such as a training system. A systems of the employee. Placement should always be
validation technique. Also known as piloting. followed by a period of induction.
pink-collar workers Women who work in place of public accommodation As dened by
low-paying jobs that are in many cases equiv- the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
alent to higher-paying white collar jobs typi- a facility, operated by a private entity, whose
cally lled by men. operations affect commerce and fall within at
pink slip An oral or written notice of dis- least one of 12 specied categories. Includes
charge, ring, layoff, or termination (either for (1) places of lodging; (2) establishments serv-
cause, downsizing, or restructuring). ing food or drink; (3) places of exhibition or
Pinnacle Award Program Cosponsored by the entertainment; (4) places of public gathering;
Society for Human Resource Management (5) sales or rental establishments; (6) service
(SHRM) and Olsten Stafng Services. The establishments; (7) stations used for specied
awards recognize original and innovative pro- public transportation; (8) places of public dis-
grams in human resources. All SHRM-afli- play or collection; (9) places of recreation;
ated chapters are eligible to compete for eight (10) places of education; (11) social service
$1000 grants from Olsten and national recog- center establishments; and (12) places of exer-
nition for outstanding achievement. Also cise or recreation.
known as the SHRM/Olsten Awards. Contact: plain English laws Laws passed by several
SHRM, 1800 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA states relating to the clarity, readability, and
22314 (phone 800-283-SHRM or 703-548- understandability of legal documents, such as
3440; fax 703-535-6490; e-mail shrm@ contracts. Although the intent is to structure; Web site documents so that their meaning is clear,
Pinnacle Awards Given annually to outstand- many such laws only require adherence to
ing meeting properties (resorts, suburban supercial measurements such as average
hotels, downtown hotels, airport hotels, and number of words per sentence and the average
conference centers) in ve geographical number of syllables per word.
regions of the U.S. and properties in two inter- plaintiff The person who brings a complaint or
national categories (Canada and Mexico and suit against another in a civil court.
all other non-U.S.) that have done an outstand- plan A guide to action; a map managers use
ing job of hosting meetings. Facilities are to get an organization from where it is to
evaluated in terms of overall service, meeting where it wants to be. Plans take the general
rooms and equipment, recreational facilities, forms of strategic, operational or tactical, and
quality of food, exhibit space, accessibility, human resources plans. Examples of plans are
and social consciousness. Voted by meeting goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and
planners and awarded by Successful Meetings budgets.
magazine. Contact: Successful Meetings, 355 plan administrator In benets, the person or
Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 organization (often the sponsor) designated by
phone (212-592-6403; fax 212-592-6600; the terms of the instrument as responsible for
e-mail; Web site administering a pension or welfare plan. plan, do, check, act (PDCA) An elementary
pixel Short for picture elements. Very small tool of quality control. Workers are taught to
square areas that construct the images on a plan the project or process, do it, check it, and
computer screen or bit-mapped images. Pixels correct it. Also called the Deming Cycle.
plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle 521 plasma

plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle A process all other managerial functions. Concerned

improvement methodology that may be used with assessing the present status of a function
whenever a project or waste or opportunity is or organizational element, articulating a phi-
identied: plan by describing the situation, losophy, predicting the environment of the
collecting the data, identifying alternatives; do future, determining goals, anticipating prob-
by making the changes; study the effects of lems, forecasting needs, setting objectives,
the actions taken; if satised with the out- establishing policies, developing procedures,
comes, act by standardizing the improve- preparing budgets, establishing special pro-
ments; if not satised, plan for further actions. grams, and, in general, designing a strategy
Attributed to Walter Shewart. that will overcome barriers to the achievement
Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS) A of desired results. 2. The rst stage in an
written plan, covering up to 3 years of activ- instructional sequence.
ities (extendible for one additional year), that planning, programming, budgeting system
lists the steps a person with disabilities will (PPBS) A budgeting system that stresses a
take to prepare for a job, the amount of money long-term approach. The system relates three
needed, the expenses that will be incurred, the elements: desired outcomes (planning), meth-
source or sources of the income to be used for ods of achieving outcomes (programming),
the PASS, and a timetable that shows when and allocation of funds (budgeting). It
each phase of the plan will be completed. The attempts to put goals, objectives, strategies,
plan must be approved by the local Social and resources into balance. It combines both
Security Administration eld ofce and is operating and capital programs in a consoli-
subject to periodic review. A PASS helps per-
dated nancial plan, and it also provides a
sons with disabilities keep income that other-
framework within which the manager can use
wise would disqualify them from receiving
program analysis techniques effectively. It
SSI. That income can be earned or unearned
typically uses a 5-year time span so that it
as long as it is set aside to help nd and keep
takes account of the costs of present programs
a job. PASS can be used to help keep workers
in future years. Each major program is ana-
compensation benets, insurance benets, or
lyzed, alternative methods of reaching the
settlement from a lawsuit and help save money
same goals and objectives are compared, and
given by the family.
ways to minimize costs and maximize return
planned progression In management and
on investment are identied.
executive development, a predetermined
sequence of lateral and vertical job moves for plan of care A written plan prepared by a phy-
junior or middle managers designed to pro- sician that describes the kind of care and ser-
vide them with exposure to challenges and vices a person must receive for his or her
approaches that will prepare them for broader health problem.
responsibilities. plant closing As dened by the Worker
Planners Choice Awards Annual awards pre- Adjustment and Retraining Notication
sented to hotels, resorts, conference centers, Act of 1988, the temporary or permanent shut-
and convention halls in recognition of delivery down of a single site of employment if the
of the highest levels of service, accommoda- shutdown results in an employment loss at the
tions, and meeting facilities by Meeting News. site during any 30-day period of 50 or more
Nominations are made by meeting profession- full-time employees.
als. Awards are given in ve categories: urban plasma A digital technology used in screening
hotels, convention/commercial hotels, confer- rooms to provide high-quality visual previews
ence centers, resort hotels, and convention of work in process. Because projectors work
centers. Contact: MN, Miller Freeman Inc., against a reective screen, the screen catches
1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 (phone contrast-lowering ambient light, which results
212-944-7363). in a washed-out image regardless of the lumen
planning 1. The keystone of successful man- power of the projector. Plasmas, on the other
agement and prerequisite to performance of hand, incorporate lters that reduce the effect
plastic surgeon 522 plenary session

of ambient light, leaving the image largely platform team See cross-functional team.
intact. platform-to-preparation-time ratio T h e
plastic surgeon A medical doctor who per- amount of preparation time allowed (or
forms cosmetic surgery for the correction or required by contract) per hour of instruction.
repair of facial or bodily injuries or defects. It varies with such factors as the complexity
plastic surgery A medical specialty involving of the content, availability of reference mate-
cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction; tummy rials, amount of research required, and num-
tucks; botox and collagen treatments; breast ber of times the block of instruction is
implants, reductions, and lifts; and correction repeated.
of defects or repair of injuries of the face, Platinum Partners Awards Awards presented
neck, eyes, nose, and chin. annually to merchandise suppliers and incen-
plateaued 1. People who have stopped grow- tive travel suppliers by Incentive magazine
ing, developing, and improving and simply go based on motivational appeal, quality and
through the motions of doing their jobs. speed of fulllment or professionalism of ser-
2. Employees in dead-end jobs. vice, and degree of customization or creativity
plateau program A type of incentive program. and promotional support. Contact: Incen-
Requires an individual to reach a certain goal, tive/Managing and Marketing Through Moti-
which leads directly to the award. For exam- vation, 355 Park Avenue South, New York NY
ple, offering a $100 gift certicate for selling 10010 (phone 212-592-6400; e-mail
$1000 worth of product.; Web site www.incen-
plated A type of meal service where each
guest is given a plate that has been prepared platykurtic Describes the shape of the curve
in the kitchen. Used when time is limited.
of a frequency distribution when plotted on a
platform 1. A computer, whether a personal
graph. It is a broad-humped, attened curve.
computer, mid-range computer, or main-
play or pay model An approach to health care
frame. Includes the operating system and
reform in which employers would be required
database management software. 2. In multi-
either to provide health insurance or pay a
media, the computer used in the production
special payroll tax surcharge to nance a pub-
or playback system. 3. Describes intercon-
lic system that would cover their employees.
nected computer hardware.
One plan would require businesses with 25 or
platform hours An instructor workload mea-
more employees to provide coverage or pay a
sure. The number of hours per day or per week
that an instructor interacts with trainees in an 7% payroll tax for uninsured employees, and
instructional setting. Most collective bargain- a federal board would monitor fees and sim-
ing agreements establish a maximum number plify the claims process.
of platform hours per week for instructors. play or pay plan A health care plan that
platform preparation factor A measure of requires employers to provide health care
instructor workload. The relationship between insurance to their employees or pay a payroll
the number of hours an instructor can teach a tax to help the government provide such cov-
specic block of instruction (determined by erage.
the platform-to-preparation-time ratio) and play space One form of teaching, learning,
the total number of teaching hours available technology center. Provides space and equip-
per day. ment for faculty and academic support profes-
platform skills The skills involved in present- sionals to putter and explore new ideas and
ing a speech or conducting instruction, such options.
as use of voice, speech, and word choice; pos- plenary session In conference and meeting
ture, gestures, and body language; use of planning, a session at which all voting mem-
notes, audiovisuals, and microphone; style bers of an organization are entitled to be
and tone of voice; handling questions, getting present. The business of an organization,
audience participation, and controlling a resis- including the election of ofcers, is transacted
tant audience. at a plenary session.
plug-and-play 523 political action committee (PAC)

plug-and-play Refers to a new employee who Uses scanners at checkout stations to input
does not need any training. data to a central computer.
plug-ins Small software programs that can be point of service (POS) plan A type of man-
downloaded to enhance the capabilities of a aged care. Consists of a formal network of
browser to play back audio, video, or other primary care physicians, organized by insur-
multimedia les. ers, who serve as gatekeepers to the services
plug-ins and clients Software programs that of other health care providers (specialists, hos-
run on a computer and allow the user to com- pitals, and so on). Members do not have to
municate with a web-caster or other distribu- choose how or where to receive services until
tor of online information. they need them, usually with varying costs.
plus-plus (++) In meeting management: 1. the For those using physicians on the point of
addition of taxes and gratuities to the price of service list of approved providers, a low fee,
hotel accommodations when not included in with no deductible, is charged. For using other
the rate quoted; 2. jargon for food and bever- providers, the charges are higher in terms of
age events billing cost per person plus tax deductibles and coinsurance.
and gratuities. point program A type of incentive program.
podiatrist A medical specialist (D.P.M.) who Rewards employees for performance in point
diagnoses and treats injuries and disorders of increments. Similar to airline frequent-yer
the feet. programs that award one point for each mile
podium A raised platform or stand (usually traveled.
small) used by instructors or public speakers. points Finance charges paid by the borrower
Also called a dais. or rostrum. at the beginning of a loan in addition to
point In desktop publishing, the basic incre- monthly interest; each point equals 1% of the
ment of typographical measurement. One loan amount.
point is equal to 0.0138 inch; twelve points point-to-point protocol (PPP) Allows a com-
equal one pica. puter to connect directly to the Internet using
point-factor method An approach to job eval- a modem and a telephone line.
uation in which the desired hierarchical clas- policy A type of plan that serves as a guide to
sication of jobs in an organization is thinking, discretionary action, and decision
achieved by identifying compensable factors making for managers, supervisors, and staff
and assigning to each one scores or points personnel. Policies provide common premises
indicating increasing degrees of intensity, for action. Policies help ensure coordination
scope, difculty, or value. Each job is then before decision or action and provide some
assessed in terms of the appropriate degree for assurance that recurring problems and issues
each compensable factor, and separate scores will be handled with some measure of consis-
are summed to yield a nal point score for tency throughout the organization. They typ-
that job. ically cover all critical areas of corporate or
point-of-purchase (POP) In advertising and departmental operations.
sales, advertising and sales strategies, devices, policy downgrades Allow insured persons to
and gimmicks used at the location where the pay lower premiums on their long-term insur-
goods or services are sold. For example, using ance policies in exchange for reduced cover-
window and door signs, nonilluminated signs, age or benet amounts. Policy downgrades are
mobiles and banners, oor stands, shelf tags, included in the Federal Long-Term Care
and danglers (those little pieces of paper or Insurance Program (FLTCIP) at no addi-
cardboard that hang off the edge of shelves tional cost.
promoting specials). political action committee (PAC) A commit-
point-of-sale terminal A replacement for cash tee chartered by an organization to admin-
registers. Used by retailers to ring up sales, ister, disburse, and disclose funds contrib-
collect consumer purchasing data, inventory uted voluntarily and used solely for political
control, and manage day-to-day operations. purposes, including decisions on which
political fundamentalism 524 pop-up and pop-under ads

candidate(s) for political ofce will receive usually older women. It causes muscle pain
contributions. and neck, shoulder, and hip stiffness.
political fundamentalism See politically Ponzi scheme A mail or e-mail message or
correct. offer, typically using a chain-letter-based
politically correct Describes people who con- pyramid plan, that informs recipients that, for
demn those who use terms considered to be a relatively small investment, they can make
racist, sexist, homophobic, or discriminatory enormous amounts of money in a short period
or practices considered to be multiculturally of time with very little effort. There are many
sensitive. Has resulted in language codes on variations on the basic theorem, but all employ
some university campuses, assaults on free- the same fraudulent concept victims pay a
dom of speech and expression, threats to the small amount of money to a few people above
continued employment of professors, and them on the pyramid with the expectation that
other forms of intimidation. large numbers of people will be making sim-
political risk insurance Insurance purchased ilar payments to them.
to protect corporate overseas assets against pooling 1. A exible benet plan option in
conscation, expropriation, and nationaliza- which employees are allowed to draw as
tion by the host country. needed from an account that combines vaca-
political speech Free speech, in the form of tion, holiday, sick, and personal paid time off.
oral presentations, press releases, written let- 2. See pooling of interests accounting.
ters, ads in newspapers and magazines, and pooling of interests accounting A merger-
radio and television commercials, that accounting measure in which the merging
addresses public issues and controversies and businesses combine their nancial statements
is protected by the First Amendment. See also
at historic costs. Critics claim that this method
commercial speech.
of accounting fails to disclose how the
polling survey A type of research study in
acquired assets were valued, thereby denying
which a survey is used to investigate current
investors a means of evaluating the future per-
techniques and practices. The results of a poll-
formance of an acquisition.
ing study are descriptive and are useful for
population In a research study, the total group
identifying trends, evaluating current prac-
of people or things being studied. See also
tices, or comparing ones practices with those
of another organization.
Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (PPA) population comparison A means of determin-
The Act focused industry, government, and ing or proving adverse impact (discrimina-
public attention on reducing the amount of tion) in screening and selection. Population
pollution through changes in production, comparison involves comparing the percent-
operation, and the use of raw materials. age of an organizations minority group
Opportunities for source reduction are often employees and the percentage of that minority
not realized because the industrial resources in the general population in the surrounding
required for compliance focus on treatment community. It is an error-prone method
and disposal. Source reduction is fundamen- because of the cruciality and difculty of
tally different and more desirable than waste dening the relevant labor market.
management or pollution control. Pollution population management A health care pro-
prevention also includes other practices that gram that coordinates, integrates, and inter-
increase efciency in the use of energy, water, venes in all aspects of care required by all
or other natural resources and protect our members of a disease-determined population.
resource base through conservation. Practices Focuses on maintaining health and returning
include recycling, source reduction, and sus- the unwell to optimum levels of health.
tainable agriculture. pop-up and pop-under ads Ad-covered
polygraph See lie detector. browser windows that open in front of and
polymyalgia rheumatica A type of arthritis behind the browser window a user is trying to
that affects an estimated 450,000 Americans, view.
port 525 positive-sum game

port A means of connecting hardware to a portfolio An itemized list of investments, com-

computer; a physical input/output access, such mercial paper, and securities owned by a bank,
as a serial port. trust, investment rm, or individual investor.
portability 1. In benets, a pension plan fea- portfolio thinking A way of managing people
ture that allows participants to move from one for the new world of work, where workplace
employer to another without changing the talent requirements increasingly emphasize
source from which benets, past and future, technical skills, exibility, continuous learn-
will be paid. 2. Guarantees that insurance cov- ing, teamwork, and communication. Portfolio
erage goes with the individual regardless of thinking is self-engineering and technology-
change in employment, foreign travel, or based. It employs new exible, nonhierarchi-
change of residence. cal thinking and continuous communication,
portable computer See laptop, notebook dialog-based goal setting, and anxiety-free
computer, palmtop, and transportable feedback on performance.
computer. position description See job description.
portable pension A pension plan that allows positioning See market segmentation.
workers who change jobs to have their bene- positioning statement A statement that
ts rolled over into individual retirement denes a companys exact target market, its
accounts, allowing workers to withdraw funds brands fame of reference, its key benets or
from a dened contribution plan as taxable statement of need fulllment, and the support
cash, or shifting retirement funds between needed to convey what the organization stands
employers (an uncommon and possibly unde-
sirable practice).
positive discipline Self-imposed discipline. It
portal Software that allows users to gain
comes from within the person and relies on
instant access to documents on intranets or the
self-motivation, on the willingness, if not the
eagerness, of people to do what is consistent
portal-like blogs Serve as content aggregators
with the goals and objectives of the organiza-
by offering links to personal blogs, news sto-
tion and the work group.
ries, discussion subjects, or other electronic
Positive Leadership: Improving Performance
Through Value-Centered Management Pub-
Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 (PTPA) An act
lished 12 times per year by Lawrence Ragan
designed to correct judicial interpretations of
Communications, Inc., 316 N. Michigan Ave.,
the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, the
Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act of 1936, Chicago, IL 60601. Cost: $139.00 (U.S.),
and the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 in disregard $159.00 (Canadian/international) (phone 800-
of long-standing customs and practices between 878-5331 or 312-960-4140; fax 312-960-
employers and employees. Specically, the Act 4106; e-mail; Web site
relieves employers from liability and punish-
ment under the cited laws for failing to pay positive reinforcement In managing employee
minimum wages or overtime compensation to behavior, work-team development, instruc-
employees engaged in walking, riding, or trav- tion, and most other interventions, the process
eling to and from the workplace or area in of using feedback (nods, smiles, complimen-
which the principal activities for which the tary comments, praise, pats on the back,
worker was employed to perform are con- rewards, and the like) rather than negative
ducted and for activities that are preliminary feedback (scowls, withering looks, criticism,
to or postliminary to the principal activity or condemnation, and punishment) following
activities. Exceptions include express provi- observation of behavior.
sions of a written or unwritten contract or a positive-sum game Competition between two
custom or practice in effect at the time of such individuals or groups where both contestants
activity between the employee, his or her win, although they may not win equally. For
agent, the collective bargaining unit, and the example, labormanagement contract negoti-
employer. ations, marketing, and so on.
positive symptoms 526 pourover trust

positive symptoms In mental illness, behav- audio enhancement, and the addition of spe-
iors that are not found among healthy individ- cial effects, graphics, and so on.
uals but are present among individuals with PostScript In desktop publishing, a page-
schizophrenia. description language developed by Adobe
positivism An approach to the interpretation of Systems. It consists of a specic set of soft-
the U.S. Constitution. A philosophy or belief ware commands and conventions that forms
that holds that the only basis for civil law is images on output printers and lm recorders
the will of the sovereign (in the U.S., that is when translated through a raster processor.
the Constitution or the actions of duly elected PostScript font In addition to screen informa-
ofcials). tion, the typeface also contains printer font
positron emission tomography (PET) A med- information that has been dened with the
ical diagnostic technology. Employs scanners PostScript language.
that use isotopes to track metabolism rates posttest A test administered following training
involving a variety of heart, brain, and other to determine passfail or the amount and kind
organ ailments. The system employs a cyclo- of behavioral change that has occurred as a
tron to produce short-lived isotopes that emit result of that training.
particles known as positrons. The isotopes are post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) A n
joined chemically to natural substances such emotional illness experienced by victims of
as glucose or oxygen and injected into the
assault, rape, and natural disasters (such as
patients bloodstream. The scanner then tracks
earthquakes, res, and oods) and by combat
the trace materials as they are metabolized in
veterans. The triggering event is traumatic to
the body.
most people and is accompanied by intense
post/posting Placing a message on a bulletin-
fear and a feeling of helplessness. Sufferers
board system or entering a message into a
relive the traumatic incident, sometimes for
network communication system.
years, whether awake or asleep, replaying the
postaccident testing Drug and alcohol tests
event over and over in their minds like a horror
administered to an employee following an
movie. Some experience ashbacks, halluci-
industrial accident. Such tests must meet stat-
nations, and illusions. Some enter a numbed
utory and/or regulatory terms, conditions, and
emotional state in which they become
post-claims underwriting The practice of detached and disinterested in what is going on
checking an insurance policyholders medical around them. Still others respond with hyper-
and health history only after a claim for bene- arousal, have difculty sleeping, are irritable
ts is led. and hostile, and have have trouble concentrat-
posters See labor law posting; state employ- ing. Unless successfully treated, sufferers may
ment postings. become victims of substance abuse, broken
postnatal care Medical care provided to the relationships, and ruined careers.
mother and infant during the period following pot See marijuana.
birth. potential-line forecast A type of time-series
postpartum depression A disorder that occurs forecast involving projections based on analy-
within a few days following the birth of a sis of all opportunities identied in a list of
child. It is characterized by insomnia, leth- HR (or other) planning issues.
argy, crying spells, anxiety, or even momen- POTS Plain old telephone system conven-
tary thoughts of harming the baby. tional analog telephone service.
postpartum psychosis A disorder that occurs pourover trust An estate planning strategy
abruptly, typically 3 days or more following designed to prevent individual beneciaries
the birth of a child. It is characterized by hal- from nding out how other beneciaries (such
lucinations, confusion, paranoia, intense agi- as brothers and sisters) have beneted. The
tation, and suicidal or homicidal thoughts. maker sets up individual trusts, each with a
postproduction In TV production, any process separate trustee and instructions. Upon the
that takes place after shooting, such as editing, request of each trustee, funds are provided by
poverty area 527 preauthorization

a pourover trust established by the creator and often redundant training programs so
of the trust. commonly offered in the past. Coined by
poverty area An urban or rural geographic Walter Di Mantova, director of the Centers for
area with a high proportion of low-income Corporate Training, Eastern Michigan Univer-
families. sity, Ypsilanti, MI.
Poverty Guidelines Issued annually by the practical exercise (PE) Involves mental or
Department of Health and Human Services physical hands-on performance of a skill or
and used for administrative purposes, such as job task. PE is used primarily as the culmi-
determining nancial eligibility for certain nating activity in a series of lessons that may
federal programs. For 2002, the guidelines make use of lectures, demonstrations, interac-
were as follows: tive learning strategies, and the like. Also
referred to as performance method.
Size of 48 Contiguous practical testing See performance assessment.
Family States and D.C. Alaska Hawaii
practice Rehearsal, repetition, and drill pro-
1 $8,860 $11,080 $10,200 vided to set or make permanent knowledge
2 11,940 14,930 13,740 or skill.
3 15,020 18,780 17,280 practitioner 1. In general, one who practices
4 8,100 22,630 20,820 a profession. 2. In health benets administra-
Source: Fed. Regist., 67, 69316933, 2002. tion, a Christian Science practitioner or nurse.
pragmatism An ethical theory similar to util-
poverty level See Poverty Guidelines. See also itarianism (see consequentialism) but with a
Qualied Medicare Beneciary Program; slight difference. Pragmatism holds that what-
Specied Low-Income Medicare Beneciary ever is right and proper for the greatest num-
Program. ber is good, even if it is hard-nosed or painful.
Poverty Thresholds The original version of Whatever is good only for the individual or
the federal poverty measure. They are updated the few, or is impractical or ineffective for the
each year by the Census Bureau. The thresh- many, is bad and should be eschewed.
olds are used mainly for statistical purposes preadmission certication See preadmission
for instance, preparing estimates of the review.
number of Americans in poverty each year. In preadmission review (PAR) A requirement
other words, all ofcial poverty population for certication of medical necessity before
gures are calculated using the Poverty an employee can be admitted to a hospital for
Thresholds, not the Poverty Guidelines. surgery or other medical treatment. Involves
power The ability to act or inuence decisions assessment of the appropriateness of in-hos-
and action and to affect persons or groups. It pital treatment and the duration of such treat-
resides in people, not in positions. ment. PAR typically includes psychiatric and
power of attorney A legal document prepared substance abuse as well as other hospital
by an attorney that gives a named individual admissions.
the power to act as the makers agent. It is preadmission testing (PAT) In health care, a
revoked by law if the maker becomes incom- plan that allows employees planning to be
petent. hospitalized, usually for a surgical procedure,
power test A test that measures performance to have certain tests, such as x-rays, blood
without regard to the speed of response. Test tests, and other presurgical tests, performed
items are typically arranged in order of on an outpatient basis prior to admission.
increasing difculty, and there is no time limit. preauthorization A requirement of health
power training A consequence of downsizing maintenance organizations, preferred provider
and the demands of boards of control for organizations, and other providers to evaluate
reductions in training costs. It is training that the necessity of certain costly medical and
is carefully designed and focused in short seg- surgical procedures before they are per-
ments on what trainees need to know and be formed. Preauthorization is used to determine
able to do, instead of the lengthy, nice-to-have, whether the procedure is necessary, eliminate
preaward survey 528 preferred stock

unnecessary expense, and help patients avoid conventional screening and selection devices
the costs, pain, and risks associated with such (and not the test results) to hire. Following a
procedures. Examples are angiography, lami- period of time on the job, such as 6 months,
nectomy, knee arthroscopy, upper gastro- the performance of the new hires is measured
intestinal endoscopy, and hemorrhoidectomy. and compared with the test results to deter-
preaward survey A survey made of a business mine the accuracy of the tests in predicting
by the prospective buyer following receipt of successful job performance.
bids. The purpose is to look for evidence that preemployment testing Drug and alcohol tests
the organization is a responsible and respon- administered by employers to prospective
sive rm, with an established quality control employees to avoid negligent hire claims. It
system, that can provide the product or service should be noted that to avoid potential liability
needed and on time. Often used by govern- for claims of defamation, employers should
ment agencies. involve an independent medical review ofcer
precert See precertication. in the testing process.
precertication In health care, a means of preexisting condition A disease or other type
decreasing utilization by requiring the admit- of health problem that predates and frequently
ting physician or the subscriber (and often the results in denial of coverage under a health
hospital) to notify the plan before a member insurance plan. Some health plans require a
is admitted for inpatient care or before sched- waiting period before covering such condi-
uling an outpatient procedure. Also called tions or will not cover them at all. See Health
preadmission review and precert. Care Reform Act of 1996.
precon meeting In meeting management, a
preferred provider A provider who furnishes
meeting of conference organizers and hotel or
health care services at a discounted fee in
property personnel prior to the arrival of meet-
exchange for patient volume. Also called pre-
ing participants. The purpose is to review the
ferred vendor.
details of the program and resolve problems
preferred provider arrangement (PPA)
and issues with regard to requirements and
1. Selective contracting with a limited num-
responsibilities of both parties.
ber of health care providers, often at reduced
precontrol A simple yet more statistically
powerful quality control tool than a control or prenegotiated rates of payment. 2. A
chart, it permits monitoring a product or pro- health care plan in which the employer (the
cess from the very start rather than waiting for payer) makes the arrangement rather than
100 or more readings to calculate control lim- the providers.
its. Used primarily in monitoring product. preferred provider organization (PPO) A
precursor developments See trailblazer devel- health care organization comprising medical
opments. groups, physicians, and/or hospitals under
precycle/precycling Making buying choices contract with corporations or insurance com-
that promote and support responsible products panies to provide medical or other health care
and packaging, make recycling simpler and products and services. In exchange for guar-
easier, and reduce the amount of trash and anteeing a certain volume of employee refer-
garbage one must throw away. Attributed to rals from their rms, employers are granted
Tim Connor, editor of Recycling World, the discount rates from the providers, thereby pro-
Newsletter of the Environmental Defense viding employers a means of monitoring the
Fund. Contact: EDF, 257 Park Ave. South, quality and quantity of health care and of bet-
New York, NY 10010. ter controlling costs. Members may choose
predatory pricing See low-balling. from a roster of physicians who provide care
predeparture training See relocation training. according to a set fee schedule. For a higher
predictive validity A dependable means of copayment, members can choose out-of-plan
determining the validity of a test. Involves providers.
administering the test to applicants before preferred stock A class of stock with a stated
they are hired and then using customary or dividend that must be paid before dividends
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 529 prepaid health care organization

are paid to holders of common stock. See also such as annual reports, books, catalogs, bro-
common stock. chures and pamphlets, company identica-
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (PDA) tion/stationery, directories, manuals, news-
An amendment to Title VII of the Civil letters, packaging, posters, and print
Rights Act of 1964. Prohibits discrimination advertisements. Contact: Pre-, South Wind
in employment practices, including disability, Publishing Co., 8340 Mission Road, Ste.
sick leave, and health care benets, on the 106, Prairie Village, KS 66206 (phone
bases of pregnancy, childbirth, or related med- 913-642-6611).
ical conditions. Essentially, the Act requires premier position A specied position within a
an employer to treat a woman unable to work publication, requiring that a premium be
because of pregnancy-related conditions added to standard rates.
exactly the same as any other employee unable premium The fee paid by an employee or
to work for other reasons and to provide health employer to an insurer for health insurance
care coverage for pregnancy on the same basis coverage.
as for other medical conditions. It is a violation premium pay Extra pay, in addition to regular
of PDA to require pregnant women to take wages or salary, for work performed outside
leaves of mandatory duration unless a similar or in addition to regularly scheduled work
requirement is imposed on male employees periods, such as Sundays, holidays, nights,
with disabilities that impair their job perfor- and so on.
mance. However, a mandatory leave policy
prenatal care Consists of medical care, health
that solely affects pregnant women may be
education, and social support services for both
justied by business necessity.
parents to improve the chances that a woman
preliminary program In meeting manage-
will bear a healthy baby and reduce infant
ment, a second mailing to attendees that
includes information on program structure,
prenatal program A worksite program de-
identies key speakers, and provides details of
signed to save medical costs by encouraging
conference activities and registration forms.
early and regular prenatal care to produce
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT)
healthier, less-complicated pregnancies.
Published by The College Board as a 10th or
11th grade practice instrument for students preneed plan A means of meeting nancial
taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) in obligations associated with ones death and
the 11th and 12th grades. The PSAT is burial. It has two elements: (1) specic
designed to help students identify academic instructions regarding the type of burial ser-
strengths and weaknesses in preparation for vice desired and (2) prepayment whereby
their last 2 years of high school. Contact: The money is paid, saved, or invested for services
College Board, Communications & Public at the time of need. Prepayment can be han-
Affairs Division, 45 Columbus Avenue, New dled by such means as an individual trust,
York, NY 10023-6992 (phone 212-713-8052; savings plan, regulated trust agreement, life
fax 212-713-8184; e-mail ccoletti@college- insurance policy, or annuity contract.; Web site prenuptial agreement An agreement made
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Irritability, before a marriage whereby a couple can pro-
depression, tension, pain, headaches, energy vide that, upon termination of the marriage by
loss, or other sensations occurring in some either death or divorce, each spouse waives
women during the days immediately preced- certain rights in the property belonging to the
ing the onset of menstruation. Can be severe other.
for some women. No treatment is completely prepackaged training See off-the-shelf
effective, although some medications have program.
shown some promise. prepaid health care organization An organi-
Pre-Miere Awards Annual awards presented zation, such as a health maintenance organi-
to creative and prepress production companies zation or competitive medical plan, that
by Pre- magazine in 20 or more categories, receives direct payments from the insurance
prepaid legal plan 530 prescription drug plan (PDP)

carrier (or Medicare) for the services it pro- enrollment in an instructional system or
vides to subscribers. employment/promotion. Prerequisites repre-
prepaid legal plan A taxable employee bene- sent a prediction of the aptitudes, knowledge,
t. May include a legal insurance policy, sim- skills, experience, and values required for suc-
ilar to an HMO. Other plans feature unlimited cess in the training or in a new position.
phone advice from and consultation with an preretirement counseling Assistance provided
attorney by employees and members of their to employees prior to their retirement to assist
families, will preparation, legal document them in making the transition from demanding
review, legal representation in the form of let- jobs to a useful and rewarding lifestyle. Typ-
ters or phone calls made by an attorney, and ically covers retirement benets, social secu-
referral services for more involved legal coun- rity, tax planning, budgeting, investment
sel. Few plans include representation by an options, wills and trusts, maintenance of phys-
attorney in court cases. ical and emotional health, psychological
prepaid tuition plan A safe haven for money adjustment, adult education opportunities,
needed to pay for college tuition. Such plans volunteer program opportunities, part-time
are guaranteed to keep up with rising tuition employment, interpersonal relationships, and
costs (although most plans tie the investor to travel opportunities. Personal consultation,
a particular school or group of schools). seminars or workshops, small group discus-
preparation The second stage in instruction. sion, and pamphlets and fact sheets are the
Involves researching the subject matter; iden- most commonly used delivery systems.
tifying the specic skills and knowledge to be preretirement planning See preretirement
taught; determining the delivery system, counseling.
methods, techniques, and media to be used
presage variables In training research, vari-
and the sequence in which they will be used;
ables that relate to the characteristics of
selecting the means of checking on the effec-
instructors and include instructors formative
tiveness of the instruction; readying the class-
and educational experiences and their traits,
room, shop, or laboratory; and rehearsing and
abilities, competencies, and skills.
practicing the lesson.
presbyopia Aging eyes, a condition that often
prepared and perishable food program
begins to affect people at about age 40. The
(PPFP) Private and public agencies and
organizations that collect surplus cooked and lenses of the eye become less exible, making
fresh food from supermarkets, restaurants, it more difcult to focus close-up, so that vic-
hotels, and caterers and turn it over to com- tims have to hold printed material farther and
munity organizations that feed the homeless farther from their eyes. Ultimately requires
or others who otherwise might go hungry. vision correction, usually in the form of
Examples are City Harvest in New York City, bifocals.
Daily Bread Food Bank in Miami, and Waste- prescription benet management (PBM)
Not in Scottsdale. Companies that provide prescription drugs to
prepayment A payment made to a provider for the employees of member organizations.
anticipated services (such as an expectant Some PBM companies are independent; oth-
mother paying in advance for maternity care). ers have been acquired by drug manufacturers.
prepayment health plan A health care plan in prescription drug assistance programs
which a health care provider, such as a health Programs that offer discounts or free medica-
maintenance organization or a competitive tion. For more information, see www.medi-
medical plan, is paid on a monthly basis for and select Prescription Drug Assis-
each covered beneciary. Medicare benecia- tance Programs or call 800-633-4227.
ries get all Medicare-covered hospital and prescription drug plan (PDP) A benets plan
medical insurance benets through such in which all or a part (percentage) of the costs
plans. of employees prescription drugs are paid by
prerequisites The minimum qualications a the insurer. Includes drug card plans, mail-
trainee or job applicant must have prior to service programs, and integrated plans (a
Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992 531 pretest

combination of both drug card and mail anxiety and stress; building and maintaining
service). rapport with listeners; handling questions and
Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992 objections; and dealing with hostility.
Requires drug companies to pay the Food and Presentations: Technology and Techniques for
Drug Administration (FDA) $100,000 for Effective Communication Monthly maga-
each drug tested for safety, increasing to zine. Cost: $24.95 per year (free to qualied
$233,000 in 5 years. FDA will also charge subscribers). Contact: Lakewood Publica-
$50,000 to each company annually, rising to tions, Presentations Magazine, 50 S. Ninth St.,
$138,000 in 5 years. It will also charge $6000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (phone 612-333-
annually for each product already on the mar- 0471; fax 612-333-6526; e-mail sheimes@
ket, increasing to $14,000 in 5 years. The leg-; Web site www.presenta-
islation is designed to cut the time for drug
testing in half (down to 6 months for critical Presenting Communications: The Magazine of
drugs and 12 months for all others) and help Presentation Technology for the Audio/ Visual
cover the costs to the government. Industry Published monthly by Atwook Pub-
preselection process A voluntary multiple- lishing LLC, 11600 College Blvd., Overland
step process by which current nonmanage- Park, KS 66210. Yearly subscriptions are free
ment employees are helped to assess their to qualied subscribers in the U.S.; also avail-
potential and desire for promotion to rst-line able at $50 in the U.S.; $59.99 in Canada and
supervisory positions. Such programs do not Mexico; $85 in other countries (phone 913-
focus on actual selection but on self-evalua- 469-1110; fax 913-469- 0806; e-mail dsan-
tion of leadership potential. Typically, the pro-; Web site www.pre-
gram begins with a session where the chal-
lenges and realities of rst-line supervision
Presidential ACCESS Scholarship Program
are explored. Those who continue with the
Created by the Higher Education Reauthori-
process are then exposed to strategies, such as
zation Act of 1992 to reward students who take
coaching, where basic leadership skills are
rigorous academic courses in high school.
developed. The nal step involves evaluation
Presidents Committee on Employment of
at two or more levels the coach level, self-
evaluation, and an executive-level selection People with Disabilities Offers a toll-free
panel. information service about job accommodation
presentation The third stage in an instructional methods, devices, and strategies. Contact:
sequence, it involves the implementation of Executive Director, Presidents Committee on
the instructional plan with the individual Employment of People with Disabilities, 1331
trainee or group of trainees. F St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20004-1107
presentation method How information is pre- (phone 202-376-6200).
sented to learners. Includes audio, computer- pretermitted child or heir A child or other
based training, electronic support systems, issue intentionally or accidentally omitted
electronic text, groupware, interactive TV, from a persons will. The state can provide that
multimedia, online help, teleconferencing, such a person is entitled to whatever his or her
and virtual reality. See also distribution share would be under the rules of intestacy.
method; instructional method. However, if an individual is deliberately omit-
presentation skills See platform skills. ted, and the testator wishes to avoid the pre-
presentation skills training Training pro- termitted heir statute, he or she must state in
vided for employees who must speak to groups the will that the omitted person is specically
and face cameras and microphones. Designed omitted and was not left out by oversight.
to build skills, condence, and control in fac- pretest A test administered prior to the initia-
ing an audience or the media. Focuses on plan- tion of training to determine trainee placement
ning, organizing, and delivering the presenta- (group or program) and serve as a baseline for
tion; projecting a professional image; measuring the kind and amount of behavioral
maximizing persuasive power; managing change attributable to the training.
pretravel quality control 532 prima facie case

pretravel quality control Software systems patients health over a period of several years
that access passenger name lists to review for so that a health problem is signaled before it
accuracy or other specied checks. becomes acute. Examples are prostate-spe-
pretravel reporting Software that accesses cic antigen screening (which can detect pros-
reservations prior to ticketing and produces tate cancer at a very early stage) and (possibly
management reports to enhance control. in the near future) DNA analysis to determine
pretrial deposition Testimony under oath a patients genetic prole and propensity for
given by adversaries in a litigation and third- disease well in advance of its appearance. Pay-
part witnesses elicited by often wide-ranging ment is made for preventive health care, as
questions from a lawyer following study of contrasted with indemnity plans, which pay
documents and interview of other knowledge- for losses incurred following accident or
able individuals. The testimony is transcribed injury. 2. Well-baby care consisting of physi-
and may be used for a variety of purposes at cal examinations, infant immunizations, mon-
a trial, to gain advantage in other lawsuits, or itoring of growth to detect nutritional prob-
to develop claims against a person or corpo- lems, treatment of infectious diseases, and
ration that have not been brought to litigation. checking for injuries or signs of neglect and
Permitted in virtually all federal and state abuse and providing guidance and emo-
courts. tional support to the parents. 3. Under Medi-
pretrial discovery An opportunity for litigat- care, mammography services, screening pap
ing parties to submit written documentation smears and pelvic exams, prostate cancer
based on depositions, interrogatories, and screening, colorectal screening, diabetes
research they have amassed. screening, bone mass measurements, and pre-
pretrip One classication of free trips to resort ventive injections such as u shots.
areas taken by users of incentive travel or preventive medicine Care that has the objec-
travel agents, or by travel agents themselves, tive of preventing disease or its consequences.
where business has already been booked and It includes health care programs aimed at
there is a signed contract. The purpose of the warding off illnesses (e.g., immunizations),
trip is to work out the details of the engage- early detection of disease (e.g., Pap smears),
ment. The host property owner provides com- and inhibiting further deterioration of the
plementary air and ground transportation, body (e.g., exercise or prophylactic surgery).
meals and accommodations, and guided tours. Preventive medicine is also concerned with
Attributed to Michael Hurwitz, president of general preventive measures aimed at improv-
the Society of Incentive Travel Executives. ing the healthfulness of the environment.
pretty good privacy (PGP) A public encryp- preventive services See preventive care.
tion method that is distributed freely. price earnings (price-to-earnings) (PE ratio)
prevailing charge A fee based on the custom- The market price of a particular stock divided
ary charges for covered medical insurance ser- by that companys earnings per share for the
vices or items. It is also the maximum charge last year or 12-month period. Used as a guide
Medicare can approve for any item or service. by investors for buying and selling stock.
prevailing wage rate The amount typically pricing The process of establishing a selling
paid by employers in a labor market or geo- price for goods or services. Two methods are
graphical area for similar work. commonly used: estimation and actual cost
prevention costs In total quality management, projection.
costs associated with the prevention of prod- primacy A basic principle of learning that
uct or service defects, such as training, prob- holds that people tend to remember best the
lem-solving meetings, quality circles, mea- rst and last things they see, hear, or otherwise
surement, preventive maintenance, and so on. experience.
preventive care 1. Health care services prima facie case A case in which evidence is
designed to prevent illness, such as periodic sufcient to establish or support a presumption
physical examinations. A new development of fact. For example, in most states with retal-
involves the use of historical data to chart a iatory discharge laws, an employee alleging
primary care 533 prioritization matrix

discrimination must establish a prima facie reduced PIA until the annuitants death, at
case. To win the case, the worker must prove which time the survivors benet is based on
(1) that he or she was seeking the benets of the unreduced PIA.
the workers compensation law, (2) was sub- primary memory The random access mem-
jected to discriminatory or retaliatory action ory component of a computer system, com-
while pursuing those rights, and (3) that there posed of integrated circuit chips and related
was a connection between the pursuit of those components. Primary memory is where the
rights and and punitive action. computers operating system resides and per-
primary care 1. Basic health care focused on forms its functions, and where programs run
the point at which a patient rst seeks assis- It is directly addressable by the computers
tance from the medical care system. Primary microprocessor and is almost instantaneously
care is considered comprehensive when the accessible.
primary provider takes responsibility for the primary method An instructional method that
overall coordination of the care of the patients is objectively judged to be the most effective
health problems, be they biological, behav- and efcient means of attaining an instruc-
ioral, or social. 2. Care provided by physicians tional (learning) objective.
in the specialties of family practice, internal primary objective One of the core learnings of
medicine, and pediatrics (and sometimes a training program or a major unit of instruc-
obstetrics/gynecology). tion and an objective of central and dominant
primary care nurse (PCN) A registered nurse importance in an instructional system. It may
who assists patients in assessing their medical deal with the development of a manipulative
needs, choosing a health care provider, and skill, a conceptual skill, or a special ability. It
deciding among treatment alternatives. Typi- gives meaning, clarity, and unity to all learn-
cally expected to be on-call 24 hours per day, ing activities in the training program.
7 days per week and have online access to primary research Research studies that are
physicians. conducted directly by the researcher and typ-
primary care physician (PCP) A health care ically involve such methodologies as eld
practitioner selected by an insured member of experiments, case studies, and organization
a health maintenance organization or a pre- surveys.
ferred provider organization to coordinate principal 1. The individual who appoints a
his or her health care and make necessary power of attorney or health care proxy.
referrals to specialists and hospitals. Usually 2. The amount of money borrowed or
a family practitioner, pediatrician, internist, or remaining unpaid. The principal balance may
obstetrician/gynecologist. See also hospitalist. include capitalized interest.
primary care provider A health care practi- principles of learning See learning principles.
tioner, such as a physician, who takes care of print deprived A person who cannot read due
all medical needs short of subspecialty care to blindness, vision impairment, or other
and surgery. For example, a primary care phy- physical disability, such as Parkinsons dis-
sician performs physical exams; treats diabe- ease (unable to hold a book or newspaper
tes-related ailments, heart problems, hyper- steady) or paraplegia (unable to hold a book
tension, and stress-related problems; and or turn pages).
counsels patients in a variety of areas. prioritization matrix A management and
primary health care See basic health care. planning tool used to help decide what prob-
primary insurance amount (PIA) The lem or opportunity to work on rst, second,
amount to which a social security annuitant third, and so on. It involves listing the items
is entitled by virtue of his or her average earn- to be evaluated; choosing the criteria against
ings before any deductions, such as windfall which the importance of items is to be evalu-
reduction. A spouses social security benet ated, the rating scale to be used, and the
is usually one half of the annuitants PIA; weight to be given to each rating; rating the
however, if the windfall reduction applies, the items; and tabulating the scores to establish
spouses benet is based on one half of the the priorities.
prioritization of resources 534 privacy regulations

prioritization of resources A means of deter- privacy invaders Networks or rings of thieves

mining the level of health care benets, in who inltrate social security computer les,
terms of which services or therapies should stealing condential personal records and sell-
be made available to Americans. Current or ing the information to whomever will buy it.
prospective methodologies include medical privacy laws See Employee Polygraph Protec-
effectiveness of a service (clinical outcomes) tion Act of 1988; Fair Credit Reporting Act of
and patient characteristics (such as employ- 1969; Freedom of Information Act of 1966;
ment potential or income). Privacy Act of 1974; Health Insurance Porta-
privacy Relates to genuinely personal bility and Accountability Act of 1996; Chil-
employee information, including such items drens Online Protection Act of 1998; Gramm-
as medical and health care information, Leach-Bailey Act of 1999; Safe Harbor Act
genetic data, lifestyle, conduct and behavior of 2000.
outside the workplace, nancial and credit privacy ofcer Corporate ofcials responsible
information, and social security numbers. Pri- for helping their companies manage online
vacy issues do not include in-company use of privacy policies, assess privacy risks emanat-
records of employee on-the-job performance ing from the collection of information about
or communications that involve the use of employees, audit company operations and
company facilities and equipment, such as activities that involve personal consumer data,
radios, telephones, computers, e-mail, and the and operate consumer complaint and resolu-
Internet. tion programs.
Privacy Act of 1974 (PA) A law designed to privacy regulations The Health and Human
protect people against invasions of privacy by Services Department (HSS) issued draft
federal agencies. Applies to all federal agen- health privacy regulations in November 1999
and President Clinton signed off on them on
cies and private rms that keep records for a
November 20, 2000. The regulations, which
federal agency under contract. The act permits
became effective April 14, 2001 (with a nal
individuals to decide what records kept by an
compliance date of February 26, 2003), apply
agency or department are important and to
to all health care providers, plans, and clear-
insist that they be used only for the purpose
inghouses and to all medical records and other
for which the information was collected. The
individually identiable health information
individual also has the right to see the infor-
that is held or disclosed by a covered entity
mation accompanied by a person of his or her
in any form, whether communicated orally,
own choice, le information to correct on paper, or electronically. The regulation
mistakes, amend and add details, dispute (1) limits the nonconsensual use and release
records he or she believes to be inaccurate, of private health information, (2) provides
and make or be provided a copy of all or any patients with the right to access their medical
portion of a record in a comprehensive form records and to know who else has received
upon request and payment of a reasonable fee them, and (3) restricts disclosure of health
that excludes the costs of research or review. information and levies criminal and civil sanc-
The law also requires that records be main- tions for improper use or disclosure. In August
tained showing to whom disclosures (other 2002, HSS nalized the rules on handling
than internal uses) were made and that they medical records and set aside the Clinton
be retained for at least 5 years or the life of administration proposal that would have
the record, whichever is longer. Doubtful required a patients written consent before
requests for information must be referred to hospitals and physicians share information
legal counsel, the privacy ofcer, or a senior about an individuals health with HMOs and
executive for decision. Reasonable adminis- insurance companies. However, health care
trative, ethical, and physical safeguards must providers must notify patients of privacy pol-
be established to ensure protection against icies and make a good faith effort to get
inadvertent disclosure and disclosure only to written acknowledgment under the new
authorized personnel with a need to know. policy.
privacy rights laws 535 probate process

privacy rights laws State laws making it ille- and their variant, convertible securities, have
gal to re workers for their private use of legal become a popular means of raising capital in
products (such as cigarettes) or choice of legal investment banking. Basically, a PIPE transac-
activities away from the job. Twenty-three tion is a privately negotiated sale of a com-
states have passed such legislation and most panys securities, bonds, or equity to individual
states have considered some form of privacy accredited investors or institutional funds.
law. private voluntary organization (PVO) Typ-
private equity: growth capital An investment ically, a charitable or philanthropic organi-
strategy. Refers to money that is raised inde- zation.
pendent of the public capital markets from privatization 1. The creation of new private
private institutions, such as large pension corporate entities (businesses and industries)
funds, insurance companies, or educational from what were formerly government-owned
endowments. and -operated enterprises. 2. Partial privatiza-
private geriatric care management (PGCM) tion has been proposed as a means of shoring
A private company that provides counseling up the social security systems nances, which
services and other forms of assistance for will be in serious trouble early in the next
dependent older adults. A PGCM company decade. If adopted, the proposal would impose
consists of a team of professionals that makes government-mandated savings; that is, work-
contacts with physicians and other health care ers and their employers would be required to
providers, answers questions, provides case funnel all or part of the social security taxes
workers, plans social activities, arranges for
currently paid to the government into private
qualied live-in assistance, sees that adult
accounts, such as personal security
children are made aware of the condition of
an aging parent living in another state, and
privileged communication A condential
otherwise serves as a surrogate parent.
statement made to a professional, such as a
private industry council (PIC) A business
physician, lawyer, priest, rabbi, minister, or
volunteer board that oversees local job train-
spouse, which may not be revealed in a court
ing programs authorized by the Job Training
of law.
Partnership Act of 1982 (JTPA). PICs often
work with postsecondary institutions to probability A statistical term used to describe
address local education and job training prob- the possibility or likelihood (the odds) of some
lems. There are approximately 600 PICS that event or phenomenon occurring. An abso-
work in partnership with local elected ofcials lutely impossible event has a probability of
to fund and direct training under the JTPA. zero. At the other extreme, an absolutely cer-
They must have a majority of private sector tain event has a probability of one. Events with
employer members, show innovation aimed at a likelihood of occurrence between the two
streamlining management, and emphasize extremes are expressed as a decimal fraction
building a base for private-sector ownership between zero and one. For example, an event
and nancial support of the system. Most PICs with a 5050 chance of happening has a prob-
provide job needs surveys. ability of 0.5.
private inurement Occurs when a not-for- probate process The court-supervised admin-
prot business operates in a way that results istration of an estate following the death of
in more than incidental nancial gain to a the owner the process by which the
private individual, such as a health care pro- deceased individuals property is transferred
vider. Prohibited by the Internal Revenue to the persons named in his or her will or to
Service. the persons who otherwise inherit the property
private letter ruling (PLR) A numbered or under the statess laws of intestate succession.
unnumbered document used by the Internal It typically includes proving the validity of a
Revenue Service to announce tax decisions. will (if there is one), supervising the payment
private placement (PIPE) An investment strat- of the taxes and other debts of the estate, and
egy. PIPEs, also known as private placements, the distribution of the remaining assets to the
probation 536 process action team (PAT)

beneciaries. May also be known as a Surro- problem-solving skill The ability to resolve a
gates Court or Register of Wills. troublesome situation or issue by following a
probation Policies and procedures relating to deliberate, logical, reasoned thought process;
the imposition of adverse disciplinary action keeping emotions and personal values in
involving a period of probation during which check; and using previously acquired or newly
the behavior and performance of the trans- gained knowledge, skills, and experiences.
gressor will be carefully watched. Such poli- pro bono work Legal or other types of services
cies invariably address the length (usually no provided employees or others without fee or
less than 3 and no more than 6 months) and any other charges.
terms of probationary periods, relief from pro- procedural simulations A representation of a
bation, and disposition of records of proba- system or situation in which the participants
tion. Probation should be imposed both orally have control over what occurs; for example,
and in writing, and the employee should be using a ship docking or a ight simulator.
told that it is a nal warning and will be fol- procedure 1. In health care, something done
lowed by dismissal unless performance to cure, ameliorate, or learn more about a
improves to an acceptable level. health problem, such as surgery, tests, and
probing An effective technique for identifying inserting an intravenous line (IV). 2. A type
the origin, nature, or solution of an issue or of plan that provides specic guides for
problem. Probing involves asking detailed and action. Describes what, when, where, how,
specic questions to uncover hidden feelings, and by whom an operation or task is to be
make subtle suggestions, get all the facts, performed. It includes all steps necessary for
identify the real problem, analyze the prob- completing the task and is established to
lem, and develop alternative solutions. ensure maximum efciency of performance
with minimum expenditure of resources.
problem An unplanned and unwanted change
Examples of common procedures: purchase
or result; a deviation, variance, or aberration;
of equipment and materials; operation of
a snag, pitfall, or tangle. A situation that
equipment; preparation and submission of
requires resolution and for which there
budgets; fund control; preparation of travel
appears to be no obvious answer.
requests, vouchers, and trip reports; recruit-
problem-centered order A type of instruc-
ment and advertising; and requisitioning
tional sequencing that employs a series of gen- supplies.
eral problems and then addresses alternative procedures audit An audit that compares
means of solving them. Problems are intro- ongoing operations and activities, including
duced in increasing order of difculty. training, against applicable procedures to
problem sensing The act of anticipating prob- determine whether documents, such as stand-
lems so that they can be headed off. ing operating procedures, are current, com-
problem sensitivity The ability to examine plete, understood, and used by personnel.
potentially troublesome areas to detect devia- process 1. A transformation or series of
tions from plans either before they surface or changes brought about throughout the life of
early enough in their development to prevent a system changes that shape size, function,
their growth into truly serious and costly or some other dimension or attribute of the
issues. system. 2. A set of interrelated and linked
problem solving Directed thinking; the pro- activities that take an input (raw or unproc-
cess of channeling thought toward a problem essed material) and transform it into an output
or situation that requires resolution and for (product).
which there appears to be no obvious answer. process action team (PAT) A problem-solv-
Problem solving thinking is deliberate, ing process. A PAT consists of people from
sequential, logical, analytical, and evaluative. different parts of an organization who use sta-
It uses previously acquired or newly gained tistical problem-solving techniques to attack
knowledge, skills, and experience to take and solve a specic organizational or business
action in an unfamiliar situation. problem. The recommended solutions are
process benchmarking 537 process reengineering

delivered to the appropriate executive or other process management A concrete, preventive

organizational entity for decision with respect approach to continuous improvement that
to implementation. evolved from total quality, systems theory, and
process benchmarking A means of building employee involvement. It provides a common
and sustaining competitive advantage by language and way of addressing problems,
achieving major improvements in corporate makes work easier and more efcient, and
performance. It involves comparing the com- enhances cross-functional teamwork. It
panys mission and functions, systems and involves (1) dening work as a process with
policies, and practices and processes with inputs, outputs, customers, and suppliers;
those of top-performing companies inside and (2) describing how a process really works;
outside its own markets to identify areas of (3) tracking and analyzing the performance of
competitive superiority and deciency and a process; and (4) redesigning a process to
then implementing actions to maximize the improve its performance. Also called horizon-
former and minimize the latter. Usually per- tal management. Adapted from The Organi-
formed in focus groups. zation of the Future, November 1991, Werner
process capability (Cpk) I n t o t a l q u a l i t y & Company, 1479 S. Ponce de Leon Ave., NE,
management, a universal measure. The ratio Atlanta, GA 30307.
of the specication (what the process is process observer A member of a work team
expected to do) to what is actually generated assigned responsibility for looking at team
by the process. That is, the capability of the processes, recording what is seen, reporting
process expressed as the proportion of expec- ndings to the team, and making suggestions
tations that will be satised by the current to improve team procedures.
process. process-performance test A test that measures
process chart See owchart. psychomotor skills or a testees ability to per-
process color printing In desktop publishing, form a task using a standard sequence of
four-color printing where all visible colors are actions while the task is being performed (or
reproduced using cyan, magenta, yellow, and evaluation of a videotaped performance) to
black inks. determine whether the testee followed the pre-
processes A type of knowledge object, they are scribed procedures.
events that occur in the world that affect some process problems As contrasted with people
entity, often as a consequence of some activ- problems in organizations. Include inadequate
ity. Attributed to Utah State professor systems and procedures, ineffective quality
M. David Merrill. controls, lack of total quality management,
process evaluation Assessment that focuses overemphasis on analysis, poor nancial
on ongoing training programs use of management, and weak hiring practices,
resources, traineeinstructor interaction, among others.
training activities, learning strategies, and so process quality management and improve-
on. ment (PQMI) A low-risk systematic ap-
process owchart See owchart. proach to the modication, simplication, and
process group See sensitivity training. streamlining of existing business processes.
process grouping One of the basic groupings May or may not involve technology. May re-
of organizational elements. The stages sult in incremental or modest improvements
through which the work or product moves and but usually leaves work structure intact.
related activities determine the placement of process reengineering A high-risk approach to
the function. For example, oil and natural gas improvement that involves the creation of new
companies often group for exploration, pro- processes and innovative changes to business
duction, rening, and distribution. practices and methods. Typically depends on
process improvement See quality improve- the use of technology. May result in dramatic
ment process. improvements but radically changes work
process innovation See reengineering. structure.
process simulations 538 productivity

process simulations A representation of a sys- the output of a seller as identical in all respects
tem or situation in which the participants do to that of all other producers of that product,
not have control over what occurs; for exam- the seller of a differentiated product enjoys
ple, replicating nuclear ssion. a favored position over its rivals, in that the
process variables In training research, vari- buyers consider it a superior product and are
ables that relate to what instructors and train- willing to pay a premium price for it.
ees do their behaviors, separately and inter- product evaluation 1. A means of assessing
actively, and their impact on each other. employee needs that involves the collection,
procurement budget Displays the timing, examination, and evaluation of products pro-
quantities, and estimated costs of each type of duced by managers, supervisors, technicians,
raw materials needed to meet production and or other categories of employees, using a set
inventory requirements. of quality standards developed for that prod-
PRODIGYSM Interactive Personal Service uct, to identify deciencies that can be cor-
An information network that links personal rected by training and development. 2. In
computers across the U.S. For a monthly fee, training, assessing the competencies, the
the system creates a le in its customers com- knowledge and skills, of trainees following
puters that provides access to a great variety training and noting changes in their on-the-
of sources of information, such as an encyclo- job performance.
pedia, stock market reports, and so on. product grouping One of the basic groupings
producer The individual holding overall of organizational elements. The products
responsibility for a live dramatization, TV, or manufactured or fabricated and related activ-
motion picture production from concept to ities determine the placement of the function.
postproduction activities. For example, a pet supply rm might have
Producer See AV Video Multimedia Producer. groups for pet food, identication and
Producer Price Index (PPI) A family of restraining devices (collars and leashes), med-
indexes that measures the average change over ication, and ea control.
time in selling prices received by domestic production budget Shows how many units of
producers of goods and services. PPIs mea- a product will be produced to meet customer
sure price change from the perspective of the requirements as detailed in the sales budget
seller. See also Consumer Price Index. and the number to be held in inventory.
producing Developing a creative, cost-effec- production company An organization that
tive live dramatization, video program, motion provides services to meeting planners and
picture, or show from concept through post- managers. They include three types: (1) event
production; overseeing or approving the con- production companies that create theme par-
cept, approach, treatment, budget, storyboard, ties or assume responsibility for entertain-
writing, script, casting, set/location selection, ment; (2) business theater companies that
shot list, equipment selection, lighting and enhance educational and sales meetings by
audio, shooting, visual continuity and pacing, designing sets and providing graphics, custom
and editing. songs, promotional materials, and live talent;
product audit An investigation and examina- and (3) combination companies that handle
tion of the production process that involves both types of functions.
reinspecting or retesting samples of the prod- productive time Used in time management to
uct previously tested and accepted. It can be describe time expended in producing the
applied to tangible products such as packaged desired product or service or any element or
training media and programs and the output component of that product or service.
of training systems personnel who have productivity 1. A measure of output or yield.
returned to the job following training. In its simplest form, it is determined by divid-
product differentiation The distinguishing of ing the amount of useful work to be done by
similar products from one another by adver- the number of people needed to do it. 2. Nar-
tising, promotion, and the like. Where buyers rowly dened as efciency the ratio of
of an equivalent or comparable product regard output produced for a given level of input.
productivity improvement program 539 professional, administrative, technical

More broadly dened as effectiveness the productivity tickets A travel industry perk:
extent to which the output of an activity or free tickets given to a meetings sponsor when
program meets a need or solves a problem. In a large number of delegates book ights to a
its broadest sense, productivity considers both meeting or convention on the organizations
output production and how well a product, ofcial airline.
program, or service achieves its objectives and product knowledge training Training designed
the quality or excellence of those products and to inform employees, customers, clients, and
services. 3. Dened by the U.S. Department dealers about the products and services
of Labor as output (products produced) per offered by a company.
number of hours worked. In these terms, product liability insurance Coverage for
increased productivity is essential to make potential suits by consumers for faulty
American products competitive in global mar- products.
kets and improve standards of living. 4. A product life-cycle management (PLM) Soft-
sales readiness metric that compares a sales- ware that supports the whole cycle of the prod-
persons performance with his or her interac- uct from creation and design, through devel-
tion with essential product and sales informa- opment, to maintenance, service, and support.
tion. 5. A measure of economic efciency that Done collaboratively, it is capable of driving
shows how effectively economic inputs are the products whole life cycle. It is the rst
converted into output. and most important step in supply chain
productivity improvement program (PIP) A management. Used mainly but not exclu-
program that involves employees at all levels sively in industries that manufacture products,
and assesses not only how well the organiza- such as automotive, aviation, high-tech and
tion is doing but also how well it ought to be apparel, PLM can also be used by nance,
doing. Applies operational analysis and con- sales, and service groups. In addition to han-
trol to measure the performance of each con- dling all the unstructured data associated with
tributing organizational element to enterprise product design and manufacture, it can also
goals and objectives and employs measures reveal wasteful spending.
to optimize the utilization of organization product performance test A test that
resources. PIPs should include analysis of the assesses the quality of the products produced
following factors: (1) efciency in terms of by the testee independent of the procedures
avoiding duplication, minimizing delays and or behaviors involved in the production. The
downtime, distributing workload evenly, and characteristics of the products are compared
applying approved standards; (2) effective- with those of a standard; for example, an
ness in terms of making valid assumptions actual item, a representation, or a template.
about the relationships between output and product-process performance test A combi-
desired results, identifying workable alterna- nation of the product and process performance
tive approaches, establishing relationships test where both the product and the process
between quality or frequency of outputs and are evaluated.
results, selecting proper targets for the appli- product specication standards Standards
cation of outputs, and achieving acceptable that describe what customers demand or
results; (3) quality in terms of clearly dened expect in product or service quality.
product and service specications, readily product variables In training research, vari-
assessable quality control and feedback ables that relate to instructional outcomes,
mechanisms, procedures, job aids, and train- including immediate, intermediate, and long-
ing programs, and favorable customer and range trainee effects.
client reactions and evaluation; and (4) time- professional, administrative, technical, and
liness in terms of establishing and applying clerical survey (PATC) One of three types
mechanisms to identify backlogs, the level of of annual salary surveys conducted by the
timeliness performance, and the importance Bureau of Labor Statistics. The other two are
of timeliness to production service. area wage surveys and industry wage surveys.
Professional and Technical Diversity Network 540 Professional in Human Resources

Professional and Technical Diversity Network public of a type that requires a license or other
(PTDN) A local forum for members of pro- legal authorization.
fessional and technical organizations to meet professional degree A college or university
with representatives of high-tech employers degree in such elds as medicine, dentistry,
in the Seattle-Tacoma metropolitan area. engineering, law, and pharmacy.
Considered a model for diversity outreach, professional development 1. A continuing and
PTDN targets organizations that cater specif- deliberate organization-sponsored process
ically to female and minority professionals. aimed at assisting, encouraging, and enabling
Its primary objective is to provide profes- professionals as individuals to improve their
sional development opportunities to its performance and potential developing their
members. Contact knowledge, skills, abilities, and values. 2. The
for additional information. process of keeping current in ones occupation
professional conference (congress) organizer or profession, maintaining competence in
(PCO) An independent meeting professional ones practice, and remaining open to new
who specializes in domestic and/or interna- theories, techniques, and approaches.
tional event management. Engaged by meet- professional emphasis groups (PEGs) Groups
ing planners to serve as primary liaison of members of the Society for Human
between their organizations and the local con- Resource Management with special interests.
vention bureau, hotel, and other meeting ser- See for further informa-
vices and provide logistical and administrative tion.
support, including consultation on protocol, professional employee Under proposed
customs, and security. Labor Departments overtime rules changes
(Fair Labor Standards Act), an employee who
Professional Conference Specialist (PCS) A
holds a job that requires education above a
designation offered by the Professional Con-
bachelors no longer denes one who is
vention Management Association to suppliers
exempt from time-and-one-half pay for
following completion of a series of self-study
hours worked over 40 in a week.
programs. Contact: PCMA, 2301 South Lake
professional employer organization (PEO)
Shore Drive, Suite 1001, Chicago, IL 60616-
An out-sourcing option. A rm that leases
1419 (phone 877-827-7262 or 312-423-7262;
downsized employees back to the client com-
fax 312-423-7222; e-mail cmp@ cmpon-
pany to solve stafng problems. The PEO pro-; Web site
vides benets comparable to those earned by
Professional Convention Management Associ- full-time permanent employees. A PEO
ation (PCMA) An association established to assumes the legal and administrative respon-
increase the effectiveness of meetings and sibilities for an employer who needs compe-
conventions through education and promotion tent performance of payroll, benets, and
of the meeting industry to the industry, mem- other human resource functions and leases
bers, and the general public. Membership employees to perform those functions. PEOs
includes meeting managers, CEOs, and sup- are not involved in recruitment. The client
pliers in the meetings industry. Offers the Cer- enters into a contract with the PEO and func-
tied Meeting Professional and Professional tions as a coemployer. The client directs the
Conference Specialist certication programs. employee in the performance of the job but
Contact: PCMA, 2301 South Lake Shore all other functions are handled by the PEO as
Drive, Suite 1001, Chicago, IL 60616-1419 the employer of record. PEOs are now
(phone 877-827-7262 or 312-423-7262; fax licensed by 13 states. Sometimes called
312-423-7222; e-mail; employee leasing companies.
Web site Professional in Human Resources (PHR)
professional corporation (P.C.) Identies a A designation awarded by the Human
one-person corporation organized by those Resource Certication Institute (HRCI) to HR
providing professional services (such as archi- practitioners, educators, researchers, or
tects, physicians, dentists, and lawyers) to the consultants who have a minimum of 4 years
professionalization 541 profit

of exempt-level HR experience, have mas- knowledge and skills, such as accounting,

tered the body of knowledge that constitutes banking, chemistry, consulting, electronics,
the human resource profession, and are cur- engineering, nancial services, legal services,
rently working the eld. Mastery is demon- manufacturing systems, materials science,
strated by successful completion of a written mechanics, medicine, optics, physics, and the
examination covering management practices, like.
selection and placement, training and devel- The Professional Society for Sales & Market-
opment, compensation and benets, employee ing Training (PSSMT) A professional asso-
and labor relations, and health, safety, and ciation of training executives dedicated to
security. Recertication is required every 3 helping their own corporations and each other
years. Contact: HRCI, 1800 Duke Street, achieve maximum productivity through excel-
Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 800-283-7476 lence in training. Contact: SMT, 180 N.
or 703-548-3440; fax 703-836-0367; e-mail LaSalle Street, Suite 1822, Chicago, IL 60601; Web site (phone 312-551-0768; fax 312-551-0815;
professionalization The achievement of social Web site
acceptance and approval, as well as high status professional temps A stafng strategy in
and pay, in an occupation through the estab- which companies unwilling or unable to
lishment and enforcement of such prerequisites afford the hiring costs and compensation asso-
as substantial educational requirements, a ciated with full-time, highly skilled profes-
denable body of knowledge and skills, a set sionals, such as lawyers, accountants, com-
of key values and code of conduct, licensing or puter specialists, and top-level managers and
certication by state boards of examination, executives, employ them as temps. Profes-
internship and practice of the specialty, and a sional temps are also hired to assist in start-
system of peer review and regulation. up, restructuring, or closing a business.
Professionals in Human Resources Association proffer An oral or written statement of what a
(PIHRA) A network of southern California witnesss testimony would be under oath on
human resources practitioners who wish to all elements of a case under investigation.
stay abreast of current trends, laws, and issues Usually offered by the witness under a guar-
affecting the eld. Among other member ser- antee of immunity from prosecution for state-
vices, offers a monthly newsletter, profes- ments made that could be self-incriminating.
sional development seminars, an annual con- prociency test A test that indicates relative
ference, and mentor services. Afliated with levels of performance or achievement whether
the Society of Human Resource Managers. in adjectival (poor, fair, good, or excellent) or
Contact: PIHRA, 888 S. Figueroa St., Ste. numerical (raw, standard, percentile, T, or sta-
1050, Los Angeles, CA 90017-5459 (phone nine) scores. Although a cut or passing score
213-622-7472; fax 213-622-7450; Web site may be established for them, prociency tests essentially establish relative ranks or stand-
Professional Organizational Development ings on the tasks or information tested.
Network in Higher Education (PODN) prole 1. In testing, graphic representation of
An organization of 1200 individuals in higher test results on several tests for either an indi-
education in the U.S., Canada, and other coun- vidual or group using identical or comparable
tries with responsibility on their campuses for measures such as standard scores and percen-
instructional, faculty, or organizational tile ranks. 2. In marketing, a method of
development. PODN is devoted to improving describing the target customer or client
teaching and learning in higher education. groups potential behavioral characteristics.
Contact: PODN, P.O. Box 9696, Fort Collins, Prole of Organizational Characteristics S e e
CO 80525 (phone 970-377-9269; fax 970- Likert Scales.
377-9282; e-mail; prot 1. A common corporate nancial objec-
Web site tive expressed as the excess of income returns
professional skills training Training designed or gains over expenditures during a given
to teach industry-specic, highly specialized period of time. 2. Gain, return, or yield. It is
profitability 542 Program Evaluation and Review

calculated by matching promised revenue upon the prots of the business. There are
with expenses related to those revenues. three types of prot sharing: broad coverage
protability A common corporate objective (all or most employees), limited coverage
that focuses on the ability of a company to (only certain classes of employees, such as
produce or create new wealth. Exists when supervisory or salaried employees), and exec-
there is a probability (or even a possibility) utive prot sharing (limited to a few people
that resources can be used to yield economic at the top of the organization). 2. A type of
values or outputs that are higher or greater compensation program used where collective
than the combined values of the inputs performance or teamwork is needed to pro-
required to produce them. Protability metric: duce results. It includes both traditional sup-
net earnings of a company expressed as a per- plemental retirement plans and cash bonuses
centage of sales. paid on the basis of a companys prots.
prot and loss statement A nancial state- prot-sharing plan Deferred compensation
ment prepared at the end of an accounting established and maintained to provide for the
period that provides an indication of the per- participation of employees or their benecia-
formance of the companys assets during that ries in company prots. Prot-sharing plans
period. It is a measure of the productivity of are dened contribution plans that are
the rms assets. employer-funded and contributions are exi-
prot budget A set of projected nancial state- ble; that is, the amount of the contribution can
ments and schedules for the ensuing year. A be changed annually. Prot-sharing plans do
prot budget serves as a prot plan and pro- not guarantee a xed level of benets; how-
vides a yardstick for measuring the adequacy ever, to meet qualication requirements they
of expense budgets. Sometimes called master must provide a denite predetermined for-
budget. mula for allocating the contributions and dis-
prot center See prot-center management. tributing the funds after a xed number of
prot center management The practice of es- years, on attainment of a stated age, or on
tablishing line or staff departments in an orga- occurrence of layoff, illness, disability, retire-
nization as prot centers, making the depart- ment, termination of employment, or death.
ment or staff element so designated responsible prot skimming See bust-out.
for planning, programming, budgeting, and program budgeting A budgeting system that
controlling expenditures in such a way as to deals primarily with broad planning and the
produce a prot at the end of each scal costs of functions, activities, programs, and
period. The rst recognized prot centers services. Each manager commits to paper spe-
were manufacturing and marketing. Later, ad- cic descriptions of the activities of his or her
ministration was added. Today, HR is more department for the coming year, expenses for
and more often so designated. each activity, and a deadline for completion.
prot maximization The practice of adjusting In HR, program budgeting focuses on the pro-
price and/or output volume in such a way as grams carried on and the cost of each program.
to earn the largest possible prots. This is For example, the training and development
accomplished by increasing production to the budget might be divided into such categories
point where the cost of the last unit of output as technical training, safety training, presuper-
just equals the additional revenue received visory training, organization development,
from selling that additional unit. and management development.
prot plan An annual plan designed to reach Program Evaluation and Review Technique
the return-on-investment target set by the (PERT) A manual or computer-based plan-
board of control or top management. ning, scheduling, and project analysis and con-
prot-sharing 1. Any procedure under which trol method originally developed by the Navy
an employer pays or makes available to all for the Polaris submarine project. It relates all
regular employees, subject to reasonable work on complex projects to time-dependent
eligibility rules, in addition to prevailing rates variables and events (nodes) between activi-
of pay, special current or deferred sums based ties. It makes use of statistical procedures to
program improvement evaluation 543 program of instruction (POI)

predict the amount of time required to com- University of Illinois and supported by the
plete any element or aspect of a job or project. Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force
program improvement evaluation Monitor- in the early 1960s. It is a multiple-student,
ing an ongoing program and remedying de- computer-controlled automatic teaching
ciencies as they are identied. Also called for- device. Now the property of a private com-
mative evaluation. pany, PLATO runs on microcomputer net-
programmable read-only memory (PROM) wo r k s a n d f o c u s e s o n c o l l eg e - l eve l
Semiconductor chips that retain memory in courseware. The current generation of instal-
the absence of power. lations includes color displays and exible
programmable robot A device that permits management software.
computerized control of mechanical arms or programmer A person who translates the
similar devices to do routine or hazardous requirements of software into functioning
tasks. Applications include materials han- codes that perform computer operations.
dling, tool changing, welding, painting, and programming language A software develop-
assembling. ment tool used by programmers. There are
program manager See course manager. two distinct types: (1) object-oriented systems
programmatic accreditation Special accredi- where related data and instructions are
tation for specic programs, usually within grouped together in hierarchies of reusable
colleges and universities, for careers regulated modules that represent specic entities in a
by state or national licensing boards. For a list program, such as people, products, or ser-
of recognized programmatic accreditation vices. (examples are Fortran, Java, and Small
agencies, visit the Council for Higher Educa- talk) and (2) aspect-oriented systems that help
tion Accreditation Web site ( manage system-level concerns that cut across
programmed instruction (PI) A method of hierarchies or objects. and where policies as
self-instruction in which trainees work through aspects of a program are encapsulated and
a carefully sequenced and pretested series of woven into the code whenever needed. This
steps leading to the acquisition of knowledge makes the software programs smaller and
or skills representing the instructional more manageable by sharing and reusing
objectives. Trainees proceed through the pro- more code across their parts. Examples are
gram at their own rates, respond actively (or Xerox Corp.s AspectJ and IBMs HyperJ
covertly) to each step in the sequence, and (both aspect-oriented tools for Java apps).
receive immediate feedback on the correct- program of instruction (POI) A document
ness of their responses before proceeding to that spells out the option or combination of
the next step. The method is used to teach options that will be employed in a training
facts, principles, concepts, and problem-solv- system. It is used to communicate to manag-
ing skills; provide practice, remediation, and ers, instructors, trainees, and evaluators
makeup instruction; maintain previously exactly what is to take place in the training
learned skills; upgrade production, adminis- system and when and how. The POI describes
trative, clerical, or other skills; accelerate all elements of a training or development sys-
capable trainees; provide vertical enrichment tem. It is essentially a training system blue-
(advanced work) or horizontal enrichment print, just as a lesson plan is a lesson blue-
(broader contact) in a discipline; or control print. Contents include (1) a title page with
the variables in an experimental learning sit- complete identifying data; (2) an introductory
uation. Largely replaced by interactive com- section dening such items as purpose and
puter and video systems. objectives, prerequisites for enrollment,
programmed learning See programmed length of training in hours, types of instruc-
instruction. tion, and personnel requirements; (3) job per-
Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching formance requirements with a list of duties,
Operations (PLATO) Originally a research tasks, and elements along with the behavior,
project in the eld of teaching machines at the conditions, and criteria for each duty and task;
Coordinated Science Laboratory of the (4) learning objectives; (5) performance
Program on Non-Collegiate 544 project collaboration

evaluation strategies; (6) sequence of instruc- printing and the result after each additional
tion; (7) space, facilities, and equipment color has been applied.
requirements; (8) master list of skills; and (9) progressives Progressive lenses, a special type
a degree of training matrix. of lens that provides clear, continuous vision
Program on Non-Collegiate Sponsored with no lines, such as those that occur with
Instruction (PONSI) A system for evalu- bifocal lenses.
ating and certifying corporate training pro- Project ACTION Accessible Community
grams for the award of college credit. Teams Transportation in Our Nation, a cooperative
of impartial faculty evaluators, trained by the model initiated in 1988 for accessible public
American Council on Education (ACE) and transportation involving national and local
representing appropriate departments in col- disability consumer groups and transit inter-
leges and universities, are invited by business, ests managed by the National Easter Seal
industrial, and military organizations and Society and funded by a cooperative agree-
schools to evaluate their courses for equivalent ment with the Urban Mass Transportation
college credit. Colleges are not obligated to Administration. The objective of the project
accept the credits, but more than 1100 do. is to improve relations between those groups
Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly and develop tools and techniques that can
(PACE) PACE combines medical, social, improve transportation services for persons
and long-term care services for frail people. with disabilities. Model projects: (1) identify
It is available only in states that have chosen
people with disabilities in the community and
to offer it under Medicaid. For more informa-
their transit needs, (2) develop outreach and
tion, contact a state medical assistance ofce
marketing strategies, (3) develop training pro-
grams for transit providers, (4) develop train-
ing programs for persons with disabilities, and
progression chart A document that depicts
(5) apply technology to solve critical barriers
planned progression, including alternative
to transportation and accessibility.
routes, from the lowest to the highest positions
Project Adventure A worldwide program that
in specic career elds or in an organization.
encourages participants to develop condence
In some cases, the chart shows progression to
positions in other elements of the organiza- by presenting them with increasingly difcult
tion. Progression charts are used as source physical challenges, many of which must be
documents for planning and designing train- met by a team. Used by corporations, com-
ing and development programs, building an munity groups, and educational institutions to
in-house source of candidates for vacated or build team spirit and to help participants
newly established positions, and motivating develop the condence they need to achieve
people by identifying specic opportunities goals.
for advancement to more challenging and project budgeting Budgets built around a spe-
remunerative positions. cic project rather than a time period. Com-
progressive discipline A system involving monly used when appropriating funds for cap-
increasingly severe penalties each time an ital expenditures.
employee is disciplined for the same viola- project collaboration Employs software
tion, a similar offense, or a very serious designed to give organizations, including glo-
offense. The sequence from least severe to bal organizations, the ability to manage mul-
most severe is as follows: oral reprimand, tiple, simultaneous projects or programs. Per-
written reprimand, written warning, suspen- mits dispersed work groups to communicate,
sion without pay (disciplinary layoff), demo- collaborate, track, and report project time,
tion (rarely recommended), and discharge or costs, progress, accomplishment, and team
termination. performance from a Web browser. Typically
progressive proofs In desktop publishing, includes document management, search,
proofs made from the separate plates in color automated forms and workow, scheduling,
process work, showing the sequence of and real-time collaboration.
project evaluation and review technique 545 project management training

project evaluation and review technique project management Organizing and manag-
(PERT) See program evaluation and review ing a complex research and development
technique. (R&D) or production effort on the basis of its
Project Genome Monumental medical technical, schedule, and cost objectives
research now shared by every major industrial instead of on the basis of existing organiza-
nation, the goal of which is to identify every tional structures, policies, and procedures. A
human gene in every cell and determine how dened set of activities designed to launch and
it works. The project will enable medical prac- complete a complex project: dening the job,
titioners to identify both normal and abnormal getting the people, estimating time and costs,
functions of genes and how they cause disor- breaking the job into tasks, tracking progress
ders and diseases. and results, setting up change procedures, and
projection In forecasting, an extrapolation into establishing acceptance criteria. Projects are
the future using observations and records of often unique business ventures, involving the
past events and data, often coupled with intu- interaction of time, people, money, and risk,
ition, judgment, and speculation, to arrive at to deliver products of clear and agreed-upon
a prediction of the environment to come. specications and quality that result in useful
projection system A machine used for and measurable improvements in an enterprise
function or functions.
video/data projection. There are three cong-
urations: front-screen, rear-screen, and Project Management Institute (PMI) Wi t h
almost 90,000 members worldwide, PMI is
retro. As distinguished from overhead projec-
the leading nonprot professional association
tors, these units interface directly with a com-
in the area of project management. PMI estab-
puter to display text, graphics, animation, and
lishes project management standards and pro-
so on. They include CRT-based projectors,
vides seminars, educational programs, and
rear projection systems, LCD panels, and
professional certication. Contact: Project
newer hybrid systems that offer versatility in
Management Institute, Four Campus Boule-
form and function. Many systems can display
vard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299
information from videodiscs, VCRs, cam-
(phone 610-356-4600; fax 610-356-4647;
corders, and other input devices.
e-mail Career; Web site www.
projective techniques 1. Classication of
technological forecasting approaches that The Project Management Journal The pro-
includes trend extrapolation, trailblazer devel- fessional journal of the Project Management
opments, substitution analysis, Delphi tech- Institute. It is published quarterly and avail-
nique, structured interviews, nominal group able to all members. PMJ publishes signicant
technique, and modied nominal group tech- and useful articles dealing with the broad
nique. 2. See personality and temperament interests of the eld of project management.
test. Contact: Project Management Institute, Four
projective test See personality and tempera- Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA
ment test. 19073-3299 (phone 610-356-4600; fax 610-
Project LINK: Link to Assistive Products 356-4647; e-mail; Web
A free information service connecting people site
with disabilities and others with manufactur- project management training Designed for
ers of assistive devices. Catalogs and project project managers responsible for construction,
information are provided via condential, tar- corporate planning, corporate relocation,
geted mailings. Contact: Project LINK, Cen- engineering, new products, research and
ter for Assistive Technology, State University development, and systems development and
of New York at Buffalo, 515 Kimball Tower, for other executives, managers, and staff ofc-
3435 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14214-3079 ers who may be assigned to project teams.
(phone 800-628-2281 or 716-828-3141; fax Focuses on project planning, scheduling,
716-829-3217; e-mail; implementation, and control concepts; princi-
Web site ples, processes, procedures, and resource
project-portfolio management (PPM) 546 property management system (PMS)

allocation; performance measurement; and and neglect; established a competitive grant

reporting procedures. program to establish and expand networks of
project-portfolio management (PPM) A mentoring services for children of prisoners;
means of helping chief information ofcers and created an education voucher program for
and other senior executives prioritize their youth aging out of foster care.
investments and improve the return on invest- promotion Advancement within an organiza-
ment by conducting a macroexamination of tion involving increased pay, prestige, power
the companys portfolio of ongoing projects and authority, status, or perquisites. Although
and helping them decide which are the most sometimes used as a reward for productivity
strategic so they can allocate resources and accomplishment, it should be reserved for
accordingly. people who have proved their potential and
Projects with Industry (PWI) Established by readiness for assignment to higher-level posi-
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended tions. It may be based on one or more factors:
(expired September 30, 1997). Its purpose was performance, special contributions to the
(1) to initiate programs that create and expand organization, potential, expansion of the com-
job and career opportunities for individuals pany, length of service, and so on.
with disabilities in the competitive labor mar- promotional airfare Usually the lowest far
ket by engaging the talent and leadership of available at any particular time. Examples are
private industry as partners in the rehabilita- APEX (Advance Purchase Excursion Fare) or
tion process, (2) to identify competitive jobs promotional names such as Senior Citizen
and career opportunities and the skills needed Fare.
to perform such jobs, (3) to create practical promotional fare A special, limited-time,
job and career readiness and training pro- lower fare for travel to designated airports
grams, and (4) to provide job placement and (typically for newly scheduled service) to
career advancement. Contact: PWI, U.S. encourage travelers to buy in advance of
Department of Education, Rehabilitation Ser- travel.
vices Administration, 400 Maryland Avenue, promotion progression chart See progres-
SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-0498 (phone sion chart.
202-732-1882; e-mail customerservice@ promotions Short-term incentives used to; Web site encourage trial or usage of a product or ser-
project team An ad hoc or temporary group- vice by trade or end-use customers.
ing of people who work together in perform- proof A legal doctrine pertaining to cases of
ing a specic job or task or in nding a solu- unlawful discharge. It asks at the investiga-
tion to a problem. Often multidisciplinary in tion, Did the judge obtain substantial
that the team is made up of people from dif- evidence that the employee was guilty as
ferent disciplines, such as engineers, market- charged?
ers, production workers, and trainers. Pro Patria Award Presented annually by each
promissory note A legally binding contract state to an employer who has adopted policies
between a borrower and a lender that includes that make it easier for employees to participate
the terms and conditions under which the bor- in the Army and Air Force National Guards
rower promises to repay the loan. and the Reserve components of all services.
promo A promotional product, a give-away properties A type of knowledge object, they
premium designed to induce qualied but are qualities or quantities associated with an
reluctant buyers to purchase a product or ser- entity, activity, or process. Attributed to Utah
vice. Frequently used before, during, or after State professor M. David Merrill.
exhibits and trade shows. property casualty executive See risk manager.
Promoting Safe and Stable Families Act of property management system (PMS) Hard-
2001 Reauthorized (through scal year ware and software that enable hotel chains to
2006) and improved the Promoting Safe and provide tailored and individualized guest
Stable Families Program, the primary federal services to customers and assist hotels to be
resource for services to prevent child abuse operated more efciently and economically.
Property Essential to Self-Support (PESS) 547 Protect Act of 2003

Typically interface with the computer reser- prospecting Canvassing, searching, exploring,
vation system which will enable a property or surveying potential markets to acquire new
to make property-to-property reservations, customers or clients. Typically employs direct
check another hotels reservations, collect mail, which continues to be the main source
guest information, and permit more efcient of new customers.
guest complaint response. prospective payment system (PPS) In health
Property Essential to Self-Support (PESS) A care benets, a process started in 1983 under
work incentive for persons with disabilities which hospitals are paid xed amounts on the
allowing them to keep property they own (or principal diagnosis for each (Medicare) hos-
may acquire) that is essential to a job or busi- pital stay based on payment categories called
ness at which they earn their living. All tan- diagnosis related groups. Also called pro-
gible goods, such as tools and vehicles, are gressive payment system.
covered completely, as is a home and land on prospective review In health care, methods for
which a business resides or crops are raised decreasing utilization, such as precertica-
for the consumption of the owner. Up to $6000 tion, preadmission testing, and mandatory
of equity in a nonbusiness property needed for outpatient surgery.
self-support is also included in the exclusion. prostate specic antigen (PSA) test The
proposal 1. A written or oral message designed antigen is a substance formed only by the
to obtain acceptance or to get a favorable deci- prostate gland. Higher levels may indicate an
sion. 2. More formally, a response to federal, enlarged prostate. The test is sometimes used
state, or local governments or public or pri- as a screening device, but not a denitive diag-
vate organizations requests for proposals nosis, for cancer of the prostate. Recom-
(RFPs), bids for the delivery of needed prod- mended annually by the American Cancer
ucts or services. Society for men over the age of 50.
Proposition 209 Passed in November 1996 by Prostatron A device that uses microwaves to
a majority of California voters. The measure destroy excess prostate tissue in treating
explicitly rejected the idea that women or enlarged prostate glands. Less expensive than
members of minority groups should get surgery and avoids surgerys worst potential
preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, side effects, impotence and incontinence.
color, ethnicity, or national origin when apply- prosthetic device Articial limbs and eyes;
ing for jobs, government contracts, or univer- arm, leg, neck, and back braces; orthopedic
sity admission. On November 3, 1997, the shoes (as a part of leg braces); corrective lens
Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal case following cataract surgery; colostomy or ileo-
on Proposition 209 and let the decisions of the stomy bags and related supplies; and breast
lower courts stand, which means that the pro- prostheses, including surgical brassieres, after
hibition on afrmative action in California has a mastectomy.
been upheld. This was not a decision by the prosthetics The science of developing articial
Supreme Court, and it arguably does not set replacements for limbs lost to amputation.
a national precedent. However, the House prosthodontics Dental care involving the con-
Judiciary Committee is set to continue its struction, replacement, or repair of xed pros-
work on legislation similar to Proposition 209. theses, removable partial dentures, complete
This legislation would ban the federal govern- dentures, and maxillofacial prostheses.
ment from granting preferences in hiring, con- prosthodontist A doctor of dental medicine or
tracting, and other programs. Also known as doctor of dental surgery (or a technician) who
California Civil Rights Initiative. corrects dental problems using bonding,
proprietary information Business, nancial, implants, crowns, bridges, or dentures the
or technical information that is not generally articial structures needed to replace missing
known or available to competitors and that teeth or injured parts of the chewing apparatus.
might provide a competitive advantage. Also Protect Act of 2003 An act to prevent child
known as trade secrets and condential infor- abduction and the sexual exploitation of chil-
mation. dren. Amends the criminal code to make the
protected characteristics 548 provider sponsor organization

unauthorized term of supervised release after by the 50,000 to 100,000 genes in the cell
imprisonment any term of years or life for nucleus.
kidnapping involving a minor, sexual abuse, protocol(s) 1. The original copy or draft of a
sexual exploitation of children, and related document or record of a transaction. 2. Rules
crimes. Signed by the President April 30, prescribing etiquette in ceremonies or codes
2003. dening deference to rank and position or
protected characteristics A legal term that order of precedence. 3. In communications,
relates to areas protected by statutes (e.g., that agreed-upon signals used to establish contact,
an action, program, or requirement conicts indicate receipt of information, end messages,
with peoples religious beliefs or discrimi- or correct errors. 4. Rules and procedures that
nates against them or that their privacy has two computers must follow to exchange data.
been or will be violated). People can object prototyping The process of testing a working
on some protected ground. model of a system or program, or a portion of
protected class A legal term used to describe the model, to ensure that the concept is sound,
women and minorities (African-Americans, practicable, and cost-effective. Used by inter-
Native Americans, Alaskan natives, Asians, active video producers and the TV industry in
Pacic Islanders, Hispanics, people over 40, general, computer software and course devel-
disabled persons, and Vietnam-era veter- opers, architects, engineers, and scientists.
ans) who are specically protected from provider An organization, institution, or indi-
discrimination by the law or court decisions
vidual who provides medical services and
interpreting the law.
supplies under an agreement or contract (such
Protecting Seniors from Fraud Act of 2000
as a health maintenance organization or
Authorizes appropriations to the U.S. Attor-
preferred provider organization, a hospital
ney General of $1 million for each of the scal
or nursing home, or an individual physician,
years 2002 through 2005 for programs of the
nurse, or therapist). Providers include physi-
National Association of TRIAD, a consortium
cians and other health care professionals, hos-
of sheriffs, police chiefs, senior volunteers,
pitals, ambulatory surgical centers, physical
elder care providers, families, and seniors to
and occupational therapists, clinical laborato-
reduce criminal victimization of the elderly.
ries, x-ray suppliers, dialysis facilities, and
(TRIAD was originally sponsored by the
National Sheriffs Association, the Interna- rural health clinics.
tional Association of Chiefs of Police, and the provider organization (PO) A direct contract-
American Association of Retired Persons ing system of comprehensive medical cover-
hence the acronym TRIAD.) Approved age that allows employers to deal directly with
November 22, 2000. hospitals and physicians. An alternative to
protection benets Benets awarded on a con- other types of managed care organizations, the
tingency basis only, such as accident, illness, objective is to lower costs and better or equal
injury, disability, or death. Examples are med- quality by creating competition for subscrib-
ical and hospitalization insurance, dental and ers at the care delivery level and changing the
vision care plans, life insurance, sick leave, role of insurers and managed care organiza-
and safety equipment and clothing. tions to that of providers of value-added ser-
Protection of Children from Sexual Predators vices only. Also known as physician-hospital
Act of 1998 Amends Title 18, United States networks, physician networks, physician-hos-
Code, to protect children from sexual abuse pital organizations, or provider service orga-
and exploitation. Imposed increased penalties nizations.
for illegal sexual activity. Approved October provider sponsor organization (PSO) A man-
30, 1998. aged care plan created through the formal
protein A key component of all human organs afliation of health care providers that seek to
and chemical activities in the body. Made up act as insurer for an enrolled population. May
of amino acids, the function of proteins be physician-based, hospital-based, or a com-
depends on their shape, which is determined bination of both.
Provincial Sales Tax 549 psychological test

Provincial Sales Tax A tax of between 5 and other psychological characteristics; how these
12% levied on restaurant meals and most characteristics affect what people choose; and
items sold in shops in the Canadian provinces the best way to reach them.
except for the Northwest Territories, Yukon psychological accommodation A means of
Territory, and Alberta (which imposes a 5% integrating disabled workers into the work
tax on accommodations). force. Includes (1) communicating to the staff
proximity search A World Wide Web search the individuals previous accomplishments
in which the user species that the search prior to their arrival; (2) asking disabled work-
terms in documents identied must be near ers what they would like to have communi-
each other. cated to coworkers about their disabilities; and
Proxy Act of 1991 See Self-Determination Act (3) demonstrating or modeling the tasks to be
of 1991. performed. Attributed to Harry Levinson, The
prudent layperson rule A requirement that a Levinson Letter, December 1, 1992.
managed care plan pay for emergency ser- psychologically necessary Psychological ser-
vices if a prudent person could reasonably vices that are considered to be appropriate
expect that the absence of medical care would and are generally accepted by qualied psy-
place the individuals health in jeopardy. chiatrists, psychologists, and other mental
psychiatric disabilities See Executive Order health practitioners to be reasonable and ade-
13124. quate for the diagnosis and treatment of the
psychiatric interview Similar to psychological illness, injury, or mental disorder.
counseling, but varying with the personality psychological needs Human needs for
and philosophical and therapeutic orientation belonging and acceptance, attention and affec-
of the counselor and the setting in which the tion, self-respect and self-esteem, achieve-
interview occurs. ment, independence, freedom, recognition,
psychiatric nurse specialist A registered nurse approval and prestige, and self-realization and
(R.N.), usually with a masters degree in psy- self-fulllment.
chiatric nursing, who specializes in treating psychological order A type of instructional
mental or psychiatric disorders. sequencing based on ease of learning. In
psychiatrist A medical doctor (M.D.) who has general, it means that older learnings serve as
served a residency in psychiatry and is board- the basis for new learnings and that, when
certied, licensed to practice medicine and possible, the trainee moves from the simple
psychiatry in the state in which he or she to the complex, from the near to the far, from
practices, and a member in good standing of the familiar to the unknown, and from the
the American Medical Association and the concrete to the abstract.
state medical association. Psychiatrists spe- psychological stress evaluator (PSE) A
cialize in the diagnosis and treatment of men- truth machine or lie detector, an earlier
tal disorders and other types of illnesses with model of the Verimetrics computer system
accompanying depression or dementia that coinvented by Charles R. McQuiston, retired
could lengthen a patients hospital stay. Chief of the Technical Committee, U.S. Army
psychoanalytic interview A diagnostic or Intelligence School, Fort Huachuca, AZ. The
treatment interview used by psychothera- machine detects deception by charting (much
pists. The approach rests on the theory that like a seismograph) stress patterns in the
abnormal mental reactions and aberrant voice. Used by some law enforcement agen-
behavior are due to repression of desires that cies and accepted as permissible evidence by
the patient consciously rejects but uncon- the courts in several states.
sciously accepts. psychological test A test instrument used to
psychographics 1. Study of the changing pat- screen, select, and assign employees; select
terns of worker values. 2. A relatively new employees for promotion and for training and
form of market segmentation based on development; classify and group trainees;
descriptions of peoples attitudes, beliefs, val- determine the effectiveness and quality of
ues, hopes, fears, prejudices, needs, wants, or instructional systems; provide a basis for
psychologist 550 public disclosure of a private act

guiding and assisting employees in career psychosis A mental illness or disorder that
development and trainees in improving their causes gross distortion or disorganization of
performance; diagnose mental and emotional a persons mental capacity, emotional
problems and illnesses; and keep management response, and ability to recognize reality,
informed about progress and results. Includes communicate, and relate to others to the extent
tests of mental ability, aptitude, spatial reason- that it interferes with his or her capacity to
ing, psychomotor skills, interests, and person- cope with the ordinary demands of living.
ality and temperament. psychosomatic disorder Real physical disor-
psychologist A person with extensive educa- der that can be diagnosed but is exacerbated
tion and training in psychology, usually pos- by stress. The condition affects the body but
sessing a Ph.D., Psy.D., Ed.D., or masters originates in the mind.
degree, usually with a concentration in clinical psychotherapy Treatment to correct or amelio-
psychology, counseling, psychotherapy, or rate mental and emotional disorders and ill-
psychological testing, certied or licensed by nesses provided by highly trained clinicians:
the state in which he or she practices, and a psychiatrists (M.D.s), psychologists (Ph.D.s,
member in good standing of the American Ed.D.s, or M.S.s), or psychiatric social work-
Psychological Association. ers (M.S.W.s).
psychology of entitlement An attitude, a way Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) A satel-
of looking at life. Those who have it believe lite-delivery TV organization that provides
that they do not have to earn what they get; narrowcast service, a horizontal type of pro-
rather, they get something because they are gramming (generic, preproduced video pro-
owed or entitled to it. Attributed to Judith M. grams) PBS is a private, nonprot media
Bardwick (Danger in the Comfort Zone, enterprise owned and operated by the
AMACOM). nations 349 public television stations. PBS
psychomotor domain Focuses on instruc- uses the power of noncommercial television,
tional objectives relating to motor skills. the Internet, and other media to enrich the
psychomotor test A test used as a preemploy- lives of all Americans through quality pro-
ment selection device, usually for semiskilled, grams and education services. Contact: PBS,
repetitive work that involves manual dexterity, 1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA
motor ability, and handeye coordination. 22314-1698 (phone 703-739-5000; Web site
Most psychomotor tests involve simulation.
Examples are the Purdue Pegboard, the Hand- public disability payments Benets paid
Tool Dexterity Test, and the OConnor Finger under a federal, state, or local government law
Dexterity Test. or plan that pays for disabling conditions that
psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) An emerging are not job-related. Examples are civil service
discipline concerned with the study of the disability benets, state temporary disability
chemical interplay between mind and body benets, and state or local government retire-
the chemical reactions that occur as the result ments based on disability.
of thoughts and feelings. It examines the con- Public Disability Pension Offset (PDPO)
nection between thoughts and emotional Treats civil service disability retirement as
events and illness and disease. Involves the workers compensation, which offsets social
manipulation of psychological factors to security disability benets. Enacted in 1981,
strengthen the bodys immune system and it affects anyone receiving a disability based
thereby either prevent illnesses or alter the on public employment such as federal civil
course of a disease. PNI is believed by some service.
to help explain such phenomena as the spon- public disclosure of a private act Under
taneous remission of cancer and hysterical common law, one of two bases for employees
blindness and paralysis. Beginning to be used to bring invasion of privacy claims against
by medical and other practitioners as a means their employers. It becomes operative when
of empowering employees to reduce illnesses an employer publicly discloses a private fact
and cut corporate health care costs. about an employee in a way that a reasonable
public domain 551 Pygmalion effect

person would nd to be high offensive. See punishment 1. In operant conditioning, an

also intrusion upon seclusion. approach aimed at reducing the frequency of
public domain Materials that can be published occurrence of undesired behavior. 2. See dis-
without obtaining permission or paying a fee. cipline.
Include literary works, music, lms, TV punitive damage award Monetary awards
recordings, photographs, and art no longer granted by the courts to individuals, groups,
covered by the copyright law. Also includes or corporations that have been victimized by
materials created and published by U.S. gov- illegal action, such as fraud or other offense.
ernment agencies. pupillary-reaction test A nonmedical, nonin-
public domain (PD) software Computer vasive alternative to the urine test to detect
software written, produced, and distributed by substance abuse. A trained professional uses
someone without charge or fee or who makes a ashlight to determine how the pupils of the
payment optional for use of the program. Also subjects eyes react to light.
called freeware and shareware. purchase accounting Requires a company to
public health The science of dealing with pro- document all of the assets it acquires, both
tecting and improving community health tangibles and intangibles, and show them on
through organized community efforts. Public the balance sheet.
health activities include: immunizations; san- pure research Research studies designed to
itation; preventive medicine, quarantine and add to general knowledge, which may or may
other disease control activities; occupational not be useful in nding answers to immediate
health and safety programs; assurance of the problems or solving current issues.
healthfulness of air, water, and food; health purpose The broad, enduring, and fundamen-
education; epidemiology; and others. tal reason that an organization exists.
public key encryption A means of translating push technology A system that relies on a
data into a secure code using a public key. users computer to pull content, via dialing in
The recipient of the communication uses a from servers at specic intervals. That is, a
private key to decipher the code. system in which information or services are
public relations (PR) The process by which an pushed from somewhere else to the user
organization demonstrates the excellence of instead of forcing the user to log on, type a
its products or services by communicating its URL, and pull content or services off the Web.
insights into solutions to problems to its Examples are Pointcast (Web site www.point-
potential customers and clients and the public, BackWeb, and Marimba.
at large. PR is an important means of attract- put option Worker entitlement to require the
ing and retaining customers, clients, suppliers, employer to repurchase employer stock dis-
and investors; minimizing the impact or dis- tributed from an employee stock option (own-
solving the consequences of conicts and ership) plan that is not readily tradable on an
problems; providing public recognition for established securities market under a fair eval-
employees; obtaining community loyalty and uation formula.
support; and inuencing favorable, or block- Pygmalion effect In managing or training peo-
ing unfavorable, legislation. ple, when the manager or the trainer expects
Public Service Act of 1993 See AmeriCorps. people to do well and provides positive feed-
pull technology The user of technology goes back, and they do. In effect, it is a self-fulll-
to the source to get information; for example, ing prophecy.
on the Internet, the use of e-mail, surng the
net, or downloading les.
QA Quality assurance. and potential payees when circumstances
QASP Quality assurance surveillance regarding the payment of benets arises.
plan. Employers must also follow an unwritten
QC 1. Quality control. 2. Quality practice by which they place a hold on a
circle. participants accounts once they receive con-
QCD Quality, cost, delivery. rmation from both parties involved in a
QCM Quality of care measurement. divorce that the divorce is nal or a QDRO
QDRO Qualied Domestic Relations was being sought.
Order. qualied interpreter As dened by the
QFD Quality function deployment. American with Disabilities Act of 1990, an
QI Quality Index. interpreter who is able to interpret effectively,
QIPs Quality improvement accurately, and impartially both receptively
programs. and expressively, using any necessary special-
QM Quality management. ized vocabulary. The focus is on the ability
QMB Qualied Medicare of the interpreter to facilitate effective com-
beneciary. munication between a public accommodation
QMCSO Qualied medical child and the individual with disabilities.
support order. qualied medical child support order
QRA Quarterly review and analysis. (QMCSO) Similar to a qualied domestic
QS Quality Standard. relation order, a QMCSO may be ordered by
QSO Quality strategic objective. a court to provide health benets for a child.
QTYS Quantities (Internet Employers must determine whether such a
abbreviation). court order is a QMCSO. The orders stem
QUALs Quality-adjusted life years. from the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
QWL Quality of worklife Act of 1993 that forbids employers from
denying health care coverage to children who
Q-1, Q-2, Q-3 visas See Immigration and are not claimed as dependents by a parent in
Naturalization Service Q-1, Q-2, and Q-3 the plan, who do not live with the parent, or
status. who live outside the insurers service area, nor
quadriplegia A symptom of spinal cord injury can they exclude children born out of
paralysis affecting the level between the wedlock.
neck and chest area involving both the arms Qualied Medicare Beneciary Program
and legs. (QMB) A special program for certain eld-
qualied domestic relations order (QDRO) erly and persons with disabilities as a protec-
A court judgment, decree, or order (including tion against Medicare out-of-pocket expenses.
property settlement) that relates to child sup- Pays Medicare premiums, deductibles, and
port, alimony payments, retirement plan bene- coinsurance for those entitled to Medicare
ts, or marital property rights to a spouse, Part A. The income of recipients must be at
former spouse, child, or other dependent made or below the national poverty level. Each state
pursuant to a state domestic relations law. Its administers QMB benets as a part of its Med-
purpose is to execute and enforce the court icaid program. See also Specied Low-
judgment. Section 414(p) of the Internal Income Medicare Beneciary Program
Revenue Code requires that employers pro- qualied parking As dened by the Internal
vide copies of their procedures to employees Revenue Service, parking for which an

qualified plan 554 quality assurance (QA)

employer pays (directly to a parking lot oper- any combination of full-time active duty and
ator or by reimbursement to the employee), or active participation in a Reserve status. Begin-
that an employer provides on premises it owns ning July 1, 1949, a Reservist must have
or leases. Employees must pay taxes for park- earned at least 50 points through training or
ing in employer-provided parking valued at other equivalent duty in the reserve program
more than $155 per month. Amounts below to be credited with a qualifying year of
that are tax-free, as is up to $60 per month for service.
employer-provided van pools, mass transit qualitative methods In judgments of worth or
passes, or a combination of both. Employers value, use of means other than numbers (for
must determine the taxable amount and example, estimation or adjectives) to measure
include it in the employees wages. achievements, shortfalls, progress, or results.
qualied plan A dened benet and dened Areas where such judgments may be made
contribution pension or prot-sharing plan include assessment and evaluation, budgeting,
that qualies under statutory requirements and forecasting, stafng, research, or any other
IRS regulations for certain tax advantages, area of HR management and development.
usually accruing to both the employer and the qualitative research Research studies that
employee. Generally, qualication is depen- rely on the use of nonquantitative information
dent upon a determination that the plan does and typically involve such activities as report-
not discriminate in favor of highly compen- ing, describing, and interpreting observations.
sated employees. quality How well a health plan keeps its sub-
qualied retirement plan Tax-advantaged scribers healthy or treats them when they are
means of accumulating retirement dollars, the ill. Good-quality health care means doing the
plans come in several forms: traditional right thing at the right time, in the right way,
dened benet pension plans, dened contri- for the right person and getting the best
bution plans, and 401(k) plans. The term possible results.
qualied means that the plans are eligible quality-adjusted life years (Quals) Pro-
for special tax treatment by both employers nounced qual-eez, a measure of the value of
and employees under the Internal Revenue medical and surgical treatments in terms of
Code because they meet certain requirements. both prolongation of life and quality of life.
Qualied State Tuition Plans State-spon- Quals rank therapies by considering how long
sored savings programs that provide federal a person will live following treatment and
tax benets and, in some states, state tax multiplying each year of life after treatment
advantages for funding higher education by its quality. The value of a year of life is
costs. Benets: (1) if used for qualied higher weighted from zero to one, with zero indicat-
education expenses, they are not subject to ing death, and one perfect health with no dis-
federal income tax; (2) there are no restric- ability. Thus, if a person lives for 10 years
tions on donors at the federal and most state with a minor disability measuring 0.8 on the
levels; (3) most allow total per-student contri- QUAL scale, the 10 years of life are reduced
butions of at least $100,000; and (4) the ben- to the equivalent of 8 nondisabled years.
eciary can be changed to another relative if Using the formula, the cost per QUAL of var-
the original beneciary does not need the ious treatments can be compared. Attributed
money for higher education. Also called 529 to Dr. James Bush of the University of Cali-
Plans. fornia in San Diego.
qualifying service The number of years of quality assessments of health plans Measure
military service required for entitlement to the results of healthcare practices and treat-
retired pay and associated benets, such as ments or outcomes research. There are two
use of commissary, exchange, and related forms: patient ratings and measures of clin-
facilities and medical care. To qualify at age ical performance.
60, Reservists must have completed at least quality assurance (QA) 1. Programs de-
20 years of qualifying service, which includes signed to ensure that products and services
quality assurance surveillance plan 555 quality improvement organizations

provided to clients and customers meet spec- quality, cost, delivery (QCD) A Japanese
ications and are uniformly and consistently approach to productivity improvement: Keep
of high quality. See also quality control. quality and delivery higher than that of
2. Plans and programs designed to ensure that competitors and hold costs down lower than
contract deliverables (products and services) those of rivals.
satisfy the requirements of the statement of quality function deployment (QFD) 1. A
work. technique developed by the Japanese in 1972
quality assurance surveillance plan (QASP) and used mainly by high-tech and transporta-
A plan prepared to monitor all contracted ser- tion industries. Its purpose is to improve the
vices and products based on systematic analy- process of developing and producing products
sis of the functions contracted. It includes key to achieve a competitive advantage in quality,
performance indicators, including realistic cost, and timing. The QFS discipline uses the
rates, times, accuracy levels, and the like; framework provided by statistical techniques
information sources, such as company infor- and quality circles to capture customers
mation systems, random sampling techniques, needs and focus on meeting as many of them
and customer or user complaints; surveillance as possible. It uses such tools as afnity dia-
tools, such as sampling guides stating what grams, matrix analysis techniques, Ishikawa
will be checked, the standard of performance, or shbone diagrams, fault trees, and Taguchi
and how the checking will be done; decision experimentation, all of which are too complex
guides or tables to establish fault if it occurs; for description here. In its simplest form, the
and checklists to record what has been methodology employs a matrix to visually dis-
checked and the results of those checks.
play customer requirements against different
quality audit An inspection conducted peri- alternatives for satisfying them. Subsequent
odically to assess the adequacy of a long-
matrices are used to relate different aspects of
established product or procedure to guard
design, test, manufacture, cost, reliability, or
against improper practices (due to such
technology, thus conserving or deploying the
things as turnover of personnel, new equip-
customers preferences and requirements
ment, rearrangement of work areas, or new
throughout the process. 2. In training, a pro-
facilities) and ensure that the product contin-
cess that involves the development of lists of
ues to conform to design criteria and match
requirements and then making comparisons
and correlations among the lists to identify
quality circle (QC) A participative manage-
ment technique. A quality circle consists of a relationships and bring order to the task and
carefully selected, homogeneous group of maintain focus on the objectives of the pro-
employees who meet regularly for an hour or gram. Used to understand, evaluate, and make
two each week to consider specic problems decisions when creating new training pro-
and develop recommendations for solutions grams. For example, to structure a training
for presentation to management. Knowledge program that is customer or client driven, the
workers should focus on problems relating to development team gathers and prioritizes
internal departmental and external organiza- information pertaining to customer and client
tional functions, relationships, and services needs and then uses that information to design
and performance and quality of worklife the training.
programs. quality improvement organizations Groups
quality control (QC) Plans, programs, poli- of practicing physicians and other health care
cies, and procedures designed and imple- practitioners who are paid by the federal gov-
mented before (materials inspection), during ernment to check and improve the care given
(in-process inspection), or immediately fol- to Medicare patients. They are required to
lowing (postproduction inspection) the pro- review complaints about the quality of care
duction of a product or service to ensure that given by inpatient hospitals, hospital outpa-
the nished product or service meets speci- tient departments, hospital emergency
cations and is of uniformly high quality. rooms, skilled nursing facilities, home health
quality improvement process 556 quartile

agencies, Medicare Private Fee-for-Service guidelines and special registration require-

plans, and ambulatory surgical centers. ments.
quality improvement process Any strategy quality strategic objective (QSO) Specic
designed to improve the quality of products targets for improvement and growth in an
and services produced by an organization. organization developed annually by top man-
quality improvement programs (QUIPs) agement. In the area of HR, examples are
Piecemeal programs instituted in the 1970s to human resources development, leadership
pinpoint specic shortcomings and nd spe- development, on-the-job training, and work
cic remedies for defects in products and ser- team development.
vices. Forerunners of total quality manage- quantitative methods In judgments of worth
ment efforts. or value, use of numbers to measure achieve-
Quality Index (QI) Similar to the Swedish ments, shortfalls, progress, or results. Areas
Customer Satisfaction Index, implemented where such judgments may be made include
in 1993. The U.S. version reports on the qual- assessment and evaluation, budgeting, fore-
ity of American goods quarterly. casting, stafng, research, or any other area
quality inspection See quality audit. of HR management and development.
quality management (QM) In health care, the quantitative research Research studies that
equivalent of quality assurance. rely on the collection, analysis (usually statis-
quality of care A measure of the extent to tical), interpretation, and reporting of quanti-
which health services meet established pro- tative or numerical data. It typically involves
fessional standards and offer value to the con- surveys or experiments using controlled
sumer. Quality may also be viewed as the groups.
degree to which actions taken or not taken
quantum meruit In legal terminology, literally
maximize the probability of benecial health
translated it means as much as he deserves.
Even when there is no written contract
quality of care measurement (QCM) In
between two parties, or when there is a prob-
health benets, a program to determine what
lem enforcing a contract, a court may award
employees are getting from a utilization
the injured party the value of what he or she
review system a means of measuring and
gave to the other.
achieving quality control and cost containment.
quarter hour See credit hour.
quality of work life (QWL) 1. A generic term
for programs designed to improve worker sat- quarterly review and analysis (QRA) A con-
isfaction and performance through participa- trol strategy used by managers to evaluate
tive management, quality circles, job enrich- each quarter the efciency of their organiza-
ment or enlargement, employee involvement, tions in the use of resources (personnel, equip-
or other job-related human factors strategies. ment, facilities, materials, and funds) as
2. Labormanagement efforts at all levels of related to progress and objectives. Status,
organization to enhance the dignity of trends, deciencies, progress, and results are
employees and tap their creative resources to reviewed, identied, analyzed, and reported to
develop a more satisfying and rewarding work top management and subordinate elements
environment. (departments, divisions, or branches).
quality review organization A group of prac- quartile 1. One of the three points (percen-
ticing physicians and other health care profes- tiles) in a frequency distribution that denes
sionals under contract to an organization or one of four equal parts. The rst quartile (Q1)
the federal government to review the care pro- is the 25th percentile (the value below which
vided to patients. 25% of the data falls; the second (Q2) is the
Quality Standard-9000 (QS 9000) The rst median or 50th percentile, and the third (Q3)
common quality standards to be used by the is the 75th. 2. A range between specic per-
Big Three automakers Ford, General centiles, for example, the rst, between 0 and
Motors, and Chrysler. Based on ISO 9000, the 15th percentile, the second between the
QS-9000 also contains industry-specic 25th and the 50th percentile, and so on.
quasi-experimental study 557 quota strategy or system

quasi-experimental study A research study number of people to minimize costs. It uses

undertaken under less than truly experimental mathematical models and statistical methods.
conditions, such as without participants who Monte Carlo methods are a common means
have been randomly selected (nonequivalent of solving queuing theory problems. Their
groups) or where data are collected under complexity prohibits treatment here; consult
varying conditions or at different times. any good statistics book.
Although far from ideal, such studies some- QuickTime System software produced by
times provide valuable information and Apple that allows the user to incorporate
insights. sound, graphics, and video footage into a pro-
queen In meeting management, a hotel room gram and play it back on a Macintosh com-
furnished with a queen-size bed. puter. Also available for Windows platforms.
query-by-example search A World Wide Web quid pro quo A legal term that means some-
search where the user instructs a search engine thing for something or what for what
to nd more documents that are similar to a giving something of value in exchange for
particular document. Also called nd similar. something of equal value.
questioning 1. An instructional technique quid pro quo harassment Requiring sexual
associated with the Socratic method of teach- favors in return for workplace partiality, such
ing. 2. In counseling, a fundamental means of as raises, promotion, perks, and so on.
inquiry, of gathering information, of probing. quiet period The period during which an
3. A means of fact nding and idea generation issuer of an initial public offering is prohib-
that can be used in staff meetings and confer-
ited from engaging in promotional activity for
ences, at information and decision briengs,
the issue. It begins during the preling period
during interviews, inspections, and casual
and lasts for either 40 or 90 days after the
walk-throughs, by means of questionnaires
effective date.
and surveys, and by snowakes and taskers.
Quimby An acronym for qualied Medicare
questionnaire A written means of collecting
information, opinions, and judgments on a
quit Separation of an employee from an orga-
variety of problems, issues, situations, and
subjects. Used for collecting job and task data nization that is initiated by the employee; a
and for assessing training and development voluntary separation; a resignation from a job
needs. Closed-form questionnaires contain a or position.
list of items to be checked, a list of alternative qui tam suit A suit brought in response to
responses to be selected, or blanks to be lled strong private incentives, such as entitlement
in by words or numbers. Open-form question- to keep personally up to 30% of the proceeds
naires allow the respondent to present a more from successful suits against government
complete description of a situation and cheats and other wrongdoers by whistle blow-
encourage the respondent to go beyond the ers. It is an abbreviation for a Latin phrase
numerical or factual data to get into attitudes that means who brings the action for the king
and feelings, the background of responses, or as well as for himself.
the reasons for preferences or opinions. quota strategy or system An afrmative action
queuing theory/techniques An approach to initiative involving steps to achieve balance in
waiting-line problems such as equipment an organization by mandating hiring and pro-
waiting to be serviced or the number of wait- motion restrictions that favor protected
ers needed for each shift in a large restaurant. groups. It also includes the risk of being sued
The objective is to arrive at decisions as to the for reverse discrimination.
optimum distribution of service times and the
r Coefcient of correlation. RGIMB Selected Reserve GI
RA 1. Return on assets. Montgomery Bill of 1985.
2. Rehabilitation Act of 1973. RIA Registered Investment
3. Revenue Act of 1987. Advisor.
RADM Rear Admiral O7 and O8 RIAH Radioimmunoassay of hair.
(Navy military abbreviation). RICO Racketeer Inuenced Corrupt
RAM 1. Random access memory. Organizations Act of 1970.
2. Responsibility assignment RIF Reduction in force.
matrix. RISC Reduced instruction set
RAMDAC Random access memory computing.
digital-to-analog converter. RK Radial keratotomy.
R&A Review and analysis. RLO Reusable learning objects.
RBM Right-brain management. RMD Required minimum
RBOCs Regional Bell Operating distribution.
Companies. RMI Repetitive motion injury.
RBRVS Revenue-based relative value RMP Registered meeting planner.
system. R.N. Registered Nurse.
RC Reserve Components. ROA The Reserve Ofcers
RCMA Religious Conference Association.
Management Association. ROE Return on equity.
ROI Return on investment
RCRA Resource Conservation and
ROM Read-only memory.
Recovery Act of 1976.
ROTFL Rolling on the oor laughing
RE Return on equity.
(an online abbreviation).
REA 1. The Retired Enlisted
RP Retinosis pigmentosa.
Association. 2. Retirement
RPA Retirement Protection Act of
Equity Act of 1984.
Rear Adm. Rear Admiral O7 and O8
R.P.N. Registered Practical Nurse.
(Navy civilian abbreviation).
RQ Reportable quantity.
RECD Received (Internet RRA Risk Retention Acts of 1981
abbreviation). and 1986.
REHABDATA Rehabilitation data. RRG Risk retention group.
REITs Real estate investment trusts. RRMIIP Ready Reserve Mobilization
RFA 1. Request for application. Income Insurance Program.
2. Radio frequency ablation. RRP Resource referral program.
RFC Request for comments. RSA Rehabilitation Services
RFI Request for information. Administration.
RFID Radio frequency identication RSI Repetitive strain injury.
(tags). RT Repeat trauma.
RFP 1. Request for proposal. RTFM Read the (expletive) manual
2. Request for price. (Internet abbreviation).
RFQ Request for quotation. RTK Right-to-know.
RGB Red, green, blue. RTM Read the manual (Internet
RGDS Regards (Internet abbreviation).
abbreviation). RTP Real-time transport protocol.

R-1, R-2 visa 560 radioimmunoassay of hair (RIAH)

R-1, R-2 visa See Immigration and Natural- persons propensity to act unlawfully. The
ization Service R-1 and R-2 status. actions in question involve stopping, search-
rabbi trust A supplemental pension benet ing, or employing other discriminatory mea-
plan in the form of a trust fund that allows sures.
executives to avoid being taxed on income Racketeer Inuenced Corrupt Organizations
earned by the trust until they begin receiving Act of 1970 (RICO) Legislation passed by
payments at retirement. the Congress to help the federal government
race Ancestry or bloodline. The U.S. govern- prosecute mobsters but now used for prose-
ment collects data for the following race cuting cases ranging from white-collar crime,
groups: white, black, Asian and Pacic such as securities fraud, to drug trafcking.
Islander, and American Indian and Alaskan rack rate The current rate charged and posted
Natives. Only data for whites and blacks are for certain types of rooms in a hotel or other
currently published because the sample size property. See also day rate; at rate; run-of-
for the other races is not large enough to pro- the-house rate.
duce statistically reliable estimates. radial keratotomy (RK) A surgical proce-
race-conscious remedy See afrmative action; dure performed by ophthalmologists to help
race-norming. correct nearsightedness. It consists of a series
race-norming The practice of adjusting of small spoke-like cuts around the circle of
scores on employment or job-placement tests the cornea of the eye, which serves to atten
to compensate for racial differences. For the cornea and improve the way light is
example, the scores of African-Americans and focused on the retina.
Hispanics on employment tests sometimes radiation therapy Used in the treatment of
have been segregated by racial groups, com- cancer. Involves controlled exposure of the
pared only with their own racial group, and cancer to measured amounts of radioactive
reported not in relation to all those taking the emissions.
test but only in relation to others in the indi- radio frequency ablation (RFA) A proce-
viduals racial group. That is, scores are dure used to shrink tumors without major sur-
ranked using one of three available scales: one gery and to eliminate pain. A small metal cath-
for African-Americans, one for Hispanics, and eter is inserted into the tumor under CAT Scan
one for whites and others. As a result, the (computerized axial tomography) guidance
percentile scores of minorities are increased. and connected to microwave radiation. The
The practice was in use for more than 10 years tumor is then heated to 110 to 140F, killing
and was commonly applied in about 34 states tumor cells and shrinking the mass.
and by some private employers. The practice radio frequency identication (RFID) tags
was prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of Tags that use tiny microchips (some as small
1991 because it banned any consideration of as a grain of sugar) to track products from
race or sex in employment decisions. The ban manufacture through distribution to sale, a
was implemented on December 15, 1991 by technological breakthrough in supply chain
an administration announcement that state management. They give manufacturers, ship-
employment agencies could no longer pers, and retailers control over inventory, ship-
increase the scores of minority applicants on ping and other logistics, including billing.
one federally sanctioned aptitude test (used Also used at automated highway tollbooths,
for low-level manufacturing or clerical jobs to nd lost pets, and to monitor footrace times
measuring skills such as math, reading, and accurately.
manual dexterity) to raise scores. radio generation A generational label applied
racial proling An allegation that a law- to people in the 50-something age group.
enforcement or security ofcer initiated action Said to be conservative people who want hard
based on stereotypes, attitudes, or beliefs that facts presented in a logical, slow, and cohesive
relied on the race, ethnicity, or national origin, manner.
rather than on the behavior, of the individual, radioimmunoassay of hair (RIAH) See hair
believing that those factors increase the analysis.
radiologist 561 random testing

radiologist A physician or technician who enhanced benets to employees and benecia-

uses or interprets the results of the adminis- ries. Approved December 21, 2001.
tration of various tests using x-ray, ultrasound, ramspecking Getting hired for a job with the
or other diagnostic machines or tools. federal government without meeting the usual
radiology A medical specialty for the diagno- civil service requirements. Credited to the
sis or treatment of injuries or diseases using Ramspeck Act, which gives congressional
x-rays, ultrasound, bone densitometry, mam- staffers special access to executive branch
mography, and computer-assisted diagnosis. positions.
radon gas A naturally occurring, radioactive RAND A private, nonprot institution that
gas produced by the decay of radium in the helps improve policies relating to the public
Earths soil. When released into the air out- interest through research and analysis. RAND
of-doors, it is relatively harmless, but when researchers, numbering more than 500, oper-
trapped indoors it breaks down into radioac- ate on a uniquely broad front, assisting public
tive particles that attach to dust and, at certain policy makers and private sector leaders in
levels of concentration, can cause lung cancer. their efforts to strengthen the nations econ-
Radon testing, disclosure, and remediation omy, maintain its security, and improve its
have become a concern of American corpora- quality of life. Contact: Rand, 1700 Main St.,
tions because of legal issues related to toxic P.O. Box 2138, Santa Monica, CA 90407-
substances. The Environmental Protection 2138 (phone 310-393-0411; fax 310-393-
Agency and the Surgeon General have recom- 4818; e-mail; Web site
mended that all dwellings be tested for radon
and that any home with levels of 4.0 pCi/l or random access memory (RAM) The work-
higher should be abated or reduced. ing memory of a computer. Used to run appli-
ragged In desktop publishing, lines of type cations programs and store data while work-
that are irregular on either or both ends or ing on them. Can be accessed directly and
margins, such as ragged left or ragged right. immediately. Information in RAM will be lost
In ragged type setting, interword spaces are if the power is switched off or the computer
not varied to justify the margins. See also crashes before it is saved to disk. See also
justied. dynamic random access; read-only memory;
Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc. A static random access memory; video random
March 19, 2002, Supreme Court decision that access memory.
held that the penalty provision of the Depart- random access memory digital-to-analog
ment of Labors regulation 29 C.F.R., para. converter (RAMDAC) A device in the out-
825.700(a) (the section that automatically put section of a graphics card that converts the
grants employees additional leave if the digital color information in the frame buffer
employer fails to designate time off as Family to red, green, and blue analog signals that can
and Medical Leave Act) is invalid. The ruling be sent to a monitor.
did not invalidate other sections of the DOL random sample or sampling In research and
regulation, such as requiring employers to statistical studies, samples of the target group
notify employees that their leave will be drawn completely by chance and not by some
counted against their FMLA entitlement min- judgmental quota or method that would be
imum or that time off will count as FMLA certain to introduce some statistical bias to the
leave. study.
raider An individual (or group of investors or random testing Drug and alcohol tests
professional operators) who attempts to administered by an employer whether man-
depress stock prices on the stock exchange by dated by the government or initiated by a pri-
concerted selling of stock. vate-sector employer. In neither case do such
Railroad Retirement and Survivors Improve- tests violate any constitutional rights of
ment Act of 2001 Modernizes the nancing employees. However, because in most states
of railroad retirement systems and provides there are laws relating to invasion of privacy,
range 562 rationed care

employer-initiated random tests may result in rating The process of evaluating the attributes
employee litigation. or characteristics of objects, processes, or
range A statistical measure of variation. The products or the traits or performance of people
distance from the highest to the lowest score through observation and judgment. Ratings
in a series of scores. It is calculated by sub- may be adjectival or numerical.
tracting the lowest score from the highest rating errors See error of central tendency;
score and adding 1. error of contrast; error of halo; error of incon-
sistency; error of instability; error of projec-
r = highest score lowest score + 1. tion; error of recency; error of standards; error
of stereotype; error of subjectivity.
rank-order or rank-ordered Data that have ratio analysis A simple means of forecasting
been arranged from highest to lowest or low- personnel requirements, it involves determin-
est to highest. ing the ratio between some causal factor, such
rank order/ranking method 1. A method of as volume of production, and the number of
rating where the performance of members of people to produce it. The resulting ratio can
a group or the relative value of objects, pro- then be used to determine the number of new
cesses, or products is determined by arranging hires required to support a given increase in
them in order from highest to lowest or best production.
to worst. 2. The simplest approach to job eval- ratio chart A variation of the line chart.
uation in which each job is ranked relative to Based on logarithms, the chart is set up so that
all other jobs based on some criterion such as equal percentage changes show as equal dis-
job difculty. tances. Often conveys more useful informa-
tion than the more common arithmetic chart,
rap session A meeting attended by a manager
where equal absolute differences show as
and a representative group of subordinates
equal distances.
(staffers, operative employees, or trainees)
without their immediate superiors or instruc- Log grid Arithmetic grid
tors to provide an opportunity for the repre- 200,000 160,000
sentatives to voice their problems and con-
cerns, discuss issues with a top-level decision
maker, and offer suggestions to improve the 120,000

raster Bit-mapped lines of data on a cathode 80,000
ray tube or computer screen (where every sin- 40,000
gle point is dened) horizontally scanned,
processed, or sequentially outputted, line by 40,000
line. Creates images on computer and video
screens by painting a series of raster lines that 10,000 0
change rapidly to produce moving pictures or 1995 1996 1997 1995 1996 1997
text. Sales 19951997
rasterize In desktop publishing, the capability Log vs. Arithmetic Scale
of a PostScript printer to take font informa-
tion, which describes the outline of the char- ratio data Data that can be rank-ordered with
acters, convert the outlines into dots, and tell equal distances between adjacent values and
the printer how to print it. have a zero point with a precise and unambig-
rate buster An individual worker who vio- uous meaning.
lates a work teams norms by producing more rationed care A controversial cost-contain-
than his or her fellow workers. Such employ- ment strategy that involves the establishment
ees are usually ostracized by the group. of a global budget for all health care deliv-
rate guarantees Bargaining chips in negotia- ered in a region, state, or nation. It limits the
tions between organizations and insurers. availability of specialists and sophisticated
rationing 563 realism

medical procedures by establishing a list of reading training Training provided by orga-

services, such as treatment for incurable dis- nizations to remedy basic reading skill de-
eases and infertility therapy, for which state- ciencies of workers or improve their reading
or federally sponsored insurance will not speed and comprehension to improve their
provide reimbursement. readiness for additional training or increase
rationing See prioritization of resources. their productivity and their promotion poten-
raw score Any direct or unconverted measure tial. The training may make use of techniques
of performance on a test, such as the number used with young children, such as phonics and
of correct responses to test items or the time ash cards, or sophisticated equipment such
required for performance. as tachistoscopes and reading rate controllers.
reach 1. A sales readiness metric. Tracking read-only memory (ROM) The part of com-
the participation of sales personnel in prod- puter memory that contains the information
uct/service information updates and sending the computer uses throughout the system,
reminders to those who fail to attend. 2. The including the information it needs to get itself
adult readership of a publication in a given started. It is permanently loaded onto the com-
area divided by total number of adults yields puter by the manufacturer. It is accessible to
the percentage of reach. users but is not easily altered. ROM is perma-
The REACH Awards for Reengineering nent; it does not vanish when the power is
switched off. See also dynamic random access;
Achievement Honors corporations that have
random access memory; static random access
identied key areas for change and the indi-
memory; video random access memory.
viduals who have successfully implemented
Ready Reserve See Selected Reserve.
new policies and procedures in those areas. In
Ready Reserve Mobilization Income Insur-
addition to a grand prize for outstanding
ance Program (RRMIIP) Enacted as part
achievement in nancial process reengineer-
of the scal year 1996 Defense Authorization
ing, awards categories include accounts
Act and became effective September 30, 1996.
receivable, accounts payable, billing, purchas-
Authorized Reservists to buy income-protec-
ing, controls and compliance, and information
tion insurance if involuntarily recalled to
management. Cosponsored by CFO magazine
active duty for more than 30 days in support
and MasterCard Purchasing Card. Contact:
of war, national emergency, or to augment
The REACH Awards Program, CFO Publish-
active forces for an operational mission. Insur-
ing Corp., 253 Summer St., Boston, MA ance is offered in coverage amounts of $500
02210. to $5000 per month, in $500 increments. Pre-
reaction evaluation An approach to evalua- mium rates were set at $12.20 per month for
tion that focuses on the reactions of trainees each $1000 of monthly coverage. By law,
and their supervisors (and sometimes the member premiums are supposed to cover the
instructors and their supervisors) on the effec- full cost of the program and can be adjusted
tiveness of training programs. as necessary to do that.
readily achievable In the context of the obli- real estate investment trusts (REITs) Pro-
gation to remove barriers under the Ameri- nounced reets Instruments that sell like
cans with Disabilities Act of 1990, readily stocks on the major exchanges and invest in
achievable means easily accomplishable real estate either directly through properties
and able to be carried out without much dif- or mortgages. Essentially, they securitize
culty or expense. It is a lower standard than ownership and/or operation and/or nancing
undue burden or hardship. of real estate. REIT mutual funds specialize
readiness In learning, the extent to which the in owning publicly traded REITs.
trainee is mentally, psychologically, or phys- realism A characteristic of an acceptable test:
ically ready, prepared, or primed for the learn- the extent to which the behaviors, conditions,
ing activity. Readiness is an important cues, and standards of a criterion test measure,
determinant of the success of a learning activity. match, or approximate those of the task. Ide-
reading rate controller See pacer. ally, test performance is identical to task
real-time quotes 564 reasonable rule or order

performance, but that is not always possible 1999, EEOC directive provided new guide-
because of difculty, danger, or cost. lines under the ADA: (1) the request for rea-
real-time quotes Up-to-the second prices of sonable accommodation no longer must come
the most recent sales and purchases of stock, from the the person with the disability; it may
a standard feature on the Internet. See also be issued by a family member, friend, or phy-
streaming quotes. sician; (2) the worker need not mention the
RealWare Awards A program that recognizes ADA or use the term reasonable accommo-
outstanding customer implementations of dation when discussing a disability; (3) the
innovative technology by technology users employer is allowed to submit a list of ques-
and suppliers in two categories: Best Enter- tions to the disabled persons health care pro-
prise Content Management (ECM) and Best vider but only after receiving the workers
Document/Data Capture Application. Criteria signed consent.
for the awards include return on investment, reasonable and customary The charge for a
architectural design, and innovation. The health care service or supply that is the usual
awards are overseen by Transform Magazine charge for that service or supply within the
and Intelligent Enterprise. Contact: Trans- geographic area in which the service or supply
form Magazine, 12 West 21st Street, New is provided.
York, NY 10010 (Web site www.transform- reasonable charge In health care benets, the amount that is usually charged for the same
rear-end analysis Follow-up of the results of or similar services or treatment in the same
training on the job to see whether the skills service area. However, reasonable charges
learned transfer to the workplace. are usually construed as the amounts approved
rear-screen A projection system congura- by insurance carriers, which are typically
tion that uses a special screen that allows the either the customary charge, the prevailing
audience to view an image projected from the charge, or the actual charge, whichever is the
other side. Although it is effective in high lowest.
ambient-light situations, it has the disadvan-
reasonable investigation A legal doctrine
tage of requiring at least 10 feet of throw
that pertains to inquiries relating to a job
distance between the projector and the screen
applicants tness for a job, such as preem-
(or the use of expensive mirrors to reduce the
ployment medical examinations, screening for
space required behind the screen).
physical disabilities, genetic testing, and so
reasonable accommodation 1. A legal term
on. It requires that reviews and inquiries be
relating to measures an employer must take to
proper, legitimate, and justiable.
accommodate an employees objections to
an action, requirement, or program on job- reasonable person standard Established by
relatedness or protected grounds to avoid a the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals as the rea-
lawsuit. 2. A requirement of the Americans sonable woman standard, the term was
with Disabilities Act of 1990 with respect to changed by a Supreme Court ruling in 1993
hiring or making workplace adjustments for in the Harris v. Forklift Systems case. In sexual
disabled persons: efforts to accommodate the harassment suits, it applies to behavior so
disability of a qualied applicant or employee, offensive that any reasonable person, male or
such as making existing facilities used by female, would agree that it should be illegal.
employees accessible to disabled individuals; reasonable psychological accommodation
job restructuring; part-time or modied work See psychological accommodation.
hours; reassignment to a vacant position; reasonable rule or order A legal doctrine
acquisition or modication of equipment or that pertains to determinations of wrongful
devices; appropriate adjustment or modica- discharge. In effect, it asks, Is the employers
tions of examinations, training materials, or rule or order reasonably related to the orderly,
policies; the provision of qualied readers or efcient, and safe operation of the business
interpreters; or other similar accommodations and the performance the employer has a right
for individuals with disabilities. A March 1, to expect?
reasonable suspicion testing 565 records

reasonable suspicion testing Drug and alco- recession A signicant decline in general eco-
hol tests administered to an employee because nomic activity extending over a period of
of inappropriate conduct and/or performance time.
deciencies, such as excessive or patterned reciprocal review An appraisal system in
absenteeism or tardiness; carelessness, negli- which the performance of both the manager
gence, or disinterest; poor or declining pro- and the subordinate is evaluated. The subor-
ductivity; erratic or aberrant behavior; or dinate evaluates the manager and the manager
inability to work cooperatively with superiors evaluates the subordinate based on perfor-
and/or coworkers. mance criteria agreed to in advance by both
reasonable woman standard A test that parties. They jointly determine progress and
expanded the denition of sexual harassment accomplishment, identify shortfalls, and
in the workplace. Essentially, the standard establish action plans.
asks: Would a reasonable woman consider recognition 1. Intangible, nonmonetary
the alleged act or action to be sexually harass- acknowledgment of outstanding performance
ing or intimidating? in the form of praise, accolades, commenda-
reassignment Moving employees to positions tions, thank-yous, and tributes. May be formal
where either their talents can be used to their or informal. 2. In collective bargaining, the
own and the organizations advantage or process of gaining acknowledgment of a
where they can perform the work at the union by management and the National
required level. In the former case, reassign- Labor Relations Board.
ment is recognition of the employees value
reconciliation The process of designing,
to the organization. In the latter case, it is a
debating, negotiating, and deciding on spe-
means of salvaging employees whose job per-
cic legislation to accomplish specic scal
formance requirements in their current posi-
goals as outlined in Congressional budget
tions exceed their capabilities.
rebundling Occurs when a health mainte-
reconciliation bills Legislation that enacts (1)
nance organization examines the charges that
increases or decreases in taxes and (2) changes
a physician or other health care provider has
in entitlement programs, such as Medicare.
submitted, analyzes them as if the patient had
Because spending is mandatory in entitlement
been treated by less expensive means, and then
pays only for the less expensive treatment. programs, the laws themselves must be
recall skills The ability to summon, revivify, changed to increase or decrease funding.
and review facts, experiences, musings, and reconstructive surgery Surgery performed to
reminiscences for use in collecting informa- improve or restore bodily function or correct
tion, associating events, solving problems, a functional physical impairment caused by
and making decisions. Also called retention an accident or injury. See also restorative
skills. surgery.
recapitalization A strategy for making a com- recordable injuries and illnesses Occupa-
pany less attractive to predators and takeover tional deaths, regardless of the time between
artists. Essentially, it is restructuring accom- injury and death or the length of the illness.
plished by repurchasing shares with borrowed recorder The member of a work team
capital to shrink the rms outstanding shares. assigned responsibility for keeping a running
recency 1. A basic principle of learning: prin- account of important items discussed during
ciples, concepts, facts, and so on acquired a meeting and recording the decisions or
most recently are recalled most easily. 2. In agreements proposed and reached for dissem-
marketing, describes how recently an organi- ination to participants and others and for
zation or individual has bought from your record.
company. records Information collected, recorded, led,
reception operator See destination manage- or included in a database about individual
ment company. employees that is essential to the efcient and
recertication test See employee skills test. orderly handling of personnel actions. In the
recovery 566 reduced fee

context of the Freedom of Information Act positions. The organization actively seeks
of 1966 and Privacy Act of 1974, records candidates by advertising both internally and
include any item, collection, or grouping of externally in newspapers and professional and
information about an individual in handwrit- technical publications, through search organi-
ten, typed, printed, microform, computer zations, notices, and personal contacts.
printout, or audio or video recorded form that recursive training An approach to training in
contains the name, identifying number, sym- which the program refers to and reects itself
bol, photograph, voice print, or ngerprint and that is, it provides a picture within a picture
associated data, such as education, training, or a story within a story. For example, a sem-
experience, medical history, nancial status, inar on assertiveness in which the instructor
or the like. is invariably assertive; in an instructor training
recovery Describes the truism that in any sta- program, where the instructor displays desir-
ble organization of at least several hundred able procedures and practices at all times.
employees, total salaries will decrease by Attributed to Hofstadtr (Godel, Escher, Bach:
about 1% per year in the absence of any merit An Eternal Golden Braid, Vintage Books,
increases. Recovery is caused by the termina- 1980).
tion of employees (due to death, transfer, and recycle A trainee who repeats instruction
retirement), promotions, and new hire replace- because, although his or her performance has
ments who are paid less than the former been below standard, he or she is judged to
incumbents. have the potential to complete training suc-
recovery during vocational rehabilitation cessfully. Also called turn-back.
A social security work incentive that allows recycling The practice of requiring a trainee to
persons who medically recover while partici- repeat a module or an entire course of instruc-
pating in a vocational rehabilitation program tion because of inadequate performance.
that is likely to lead to their becoming self- red circle Used on job charts to highlight
supporting to continue to receive benets until employees whose salaries are above the max-
the program ends. imum of the salary range set for their jobs.
recreation director See recreation manager.
red-circle policy Freezes current wage rates
recreation manager The hotel functionary
or salary levels for employees who have been
responsible for arranging and supervising rec-
demoted or assigned to lower-paying jobs
reational activities and events, such as tennis,
(usually because of downsizing or an
golf, water sports, jogging, horseback riding,
employees medical condition).
recreational games and contests, and some-
red circle rates See agged rates.
times supervision of workout and exercise
rooms. May also be called recreation director. redeployment Reassigning workers to open-
recreation services Services and facilities ings in other functional areas, departments, or
provided to attract and retain employees; branches rather than laying them off. See also
afford employees opportunities to meet, cross-training; implacement.
socialize, and get to know each other; and redesign See process redesign.
foster loyalty to the organization. They may red eye reduction A camera feature that
include individual and team participatory reduces the chance of a subjects eyes appear-
sports, spectator activities such as sports and ing red in the nished photo.
theater, attendance at cultural or public events, red, green, blue (RGB) The colors in which
group tours, arts and crafts, luncheons and computer monitors record color in pixels.
dinners, dances, parties, picnics, and travel. redlining In insurance and banking, the prac-
recruitment The rst step in the process of tice of denying insurance coverage or loans to
matching job descriptions and applicant spec- people who live in ghettos or neighborhoods
ications with people. The process of survey- considered to be at high risk for burglaries,
ing all sources of personnel, inside and outside arson, or other criminal activities.
the organization, to locate and attract the best reduced fee A fee arrangement where the
possible candidates for new or vacated contractor and the client agree on a discounted
reduced instruction set computing 567 referral

rate but typically set a minimum amount to be current jobs will be eliminated. Also known
paid by the client over a specied time period. as core process design and process innovation.
reduced instruction set computing (RISC) Attributed to Michael Hammer, a Cambridge,
A technology that provides the fastest printing MA consultant. See process reengineering.
available today. It employs a speedy micro- reentrants Unemployed persons who previ-
processor that is more adept at rasterizing ously worked but were out of the labor force
(placing an image on the screen of a cathode prior to beginning their job search.
ray tube) the more graphically oriented pages reentry training 1. Training provided to indi-
that laser printers are being used to produce. viduals who, for one reason or another (ill-
Examples are RISC-based PostScript control- ness, injury, child rearing, and so on) have
lers from RIPS and Eicon Technology, high- been out of the workforce for an extended
resolution laser printers from NewGen Sys- period of time and need either initial or
tems, and thermal, color PostScript printers refresher training in the skills and knowledge
from Seiko and CalComp. required by the job. 2. Training provided to
reduction in force (RIF) A common conse- returnees from extended overseas assignments
quence of or accompaniment to downsizing to help them adjust to the culture shock when
the layoff of employees. That is, voluntary they return to the U.S.
or involuntary termination of employees as a reference check/checking A means of verify-
response to competitive pressures, economic ing information provided by job candidates on
downturns, mergers and takeovers, and down- their applications or during interview. Until
sizing and restructuring. Voluntary RIFs usu- recently, most organizations (in excess of
ally include nancial inducements and other 90%) made use of this approach by telephone
early retirement incentives. Involuntary RIFs or personal contact with the applicants cur-
are simply layoffs. rent or former employer. Because of the recent
reeducation Education designed to help urry of charges of discrimination and viola-
teachers and college professors (and to a tion of privacy, many employers now refuse
growing degree, trainers and facilitators in to provide any information to other rms
business and industry) to learn the new meth- except the dates the applicant worked in their
ods and applications of technology that they organizations and the job title held. A total of
need to serve as facilitators of student learning 18 states (15 since 1995) have enacted laws
under an integrated curriculum. In addition to limit the civil liability of employers that
to teaching new skills, the programs convey provide good-faith job references to former or
the benets of technology and encourage a current employees. An additional 16 states
perception of learning as an ongoing part of have such legislation pending. See also back-
professional life. ground investigation; investigative consumer
reengineering A means of achieving gains in report.
productivity. The strategy aims to redesign reference desk One form of teaching, learn-
business and work processes, organizational ing, technology center. Provides a place
structures, organizational policies, and where faculty and academic support profes-
resources. Reengineering involves the appli- sionals can nd answers to questions about
cation of just-in-time inventory controls to all instructional options.
phases of a companys operations and using referent power Power that derives from the
such techniques as empowerment, restructur- personality and charisma of the leader, the
ing assembly lines and ofces, establishing identication of followers with that person,
work teams, and training employees in multi- and the desire of followers to please the leader.
ple skills. Proponents claim that reengineering referral 1. Permission from a primary care
should result in faster economic growth, physician for a patient to see a specialist or
improved international competitiveness, obtain special services. In many Medicare-man-
higher real wages for the average worker, and aged care plans, subscribers must get a referral
improved living standards. Critics point to the before receiving care from anyone except their
potential displacement of people whose primary care doctor. 2. A marketing tool.
referral agent program 568 Registered Meeting Planner (RMP)

Involves having clients or customers recom- area set annually by the president in consul-
mend that you contact friends, colleagues, or tation with Congress and are eligible to adjust
anyone else who might need your products or to lawful permanent resident status after 1
services. year of continuous presence in the U.S.
referral agent program A form of employee refusal to hire See Chevron U.S.A. Inc., Peti-
assistance program in which a person is se- tioner v. Mario Echazabal.
lected and given brief and minimum training regeneration The practice of focusing on
and information about available community employees to keep downsizing from under-
counseling services. The agents responsibili- mining the ability of an organization to be
ties are limited to listening to the employees competitive and productive. Includes such
diagnosis of his or her problem and referring strategies as training, empowerment,
the individual to an appropriate source of help, upskilling, tuition-assistance programs, and
usually a public agency. the establishment of work teams.
reexology An alternative form of manipula- Regents of the University of California v.
tive medical treatment in which various parts Bakke A 1978 Supreme Court decision
of the foot, such as the great toe and arches, declaring that special consideration based on
are manipulated to clear pathways and pos- race for admission to graduate school could
itively affect the remainder of the body. be acceptable under the Constitution if a
reformation In legal terminology, refers to a school used race as a plus factor while
courts ability to change the terms of a con- reviewing all applicants in one pool. That rul-
tract to meet the intentions of the parties ing is analogous to the argument that afrma-
involved or to conform to the law. Or, when tive action to help minority candidates is
parties make a mistake in drafting a contract, allowable but that xed quotas by race would
or when there are one or more clauses that be discriminatory.
have legal problems, the court may rewrite the Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs)
contract to reect the agreement of the parties The regional telephone companies that
more accurately. remained following the breakup of AT&T. In
reframing In counseling or problem solving, July 1991, the Federal Communications
a technique rooted in psychiatry used to help Commission ruled that RBOCs could provide
someone see a difcult problem from a new video dial-tone services into private homes,
perspective and identify and try a nonstandard at rst one or two channels of video over
solution when earlier, seemingly logical, solu- present phone lines and later more channels
tions have not worked. over ber optic cables. That privilege could
refreezing One of the three major stages in be used to provide interactive multimedia ser-
learning (the others are unfreezing and vices and/or deliver video programming, the
change efforts). Refreezing occurs when the latter allowing them to compete with the TV
teacher or facilitator attempts to get the learner cable industry.
to embed new skills into his or her regular registered design A form of intellectual prop-
behavior or repertoire of skills. Attributed to erty, the design of a product, that is protected
Kurt Lewin, pioneer in experiential learning. from use by others.
refugee Any person who is outside his or her Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) A
country of nationality and who is unable or designation granted by the Securities and
unwilling to return to that country because of Exchange Commission on submission of a
persecution or a well-founded fear of perse- completed registration form and payment of
cution. Persecution or the fear thereof must a $150 fee. There are no educational or expe-
be based on the aliens race, religion, nation- rience requirements for the designation.
ality, membership in a particular social group, Registered Meeting Planner (RMP) A pro-
or political opinion. People with no national- fessional designation awarded to qualied
ity must generally be outside their country of professional meeting planners by the Interna-
last habitual residence to qualify as a refugee. tional Society of Meeting Planners. Contact:
Refugees are subject to ceilings by geographic ISMP, 1224 North Nokomis NE, Alexandria,
registered occupational therapist 569 Rehabilitation Act of 1998

MN 56308 (phone 602-483-0000; fax rehabilitation Any program designed to

602-998-8022; e-mail; Web restore a former physical, mental, or emo-
site tional capacity. Involves the combined and
registered occupational therapist A health coordinated use of medical, social, educa-
care professional with special training and tional, and vocational measures to train or
expertise in advising people with disabilities retrain individuals disabled by disease or
in making the kind of adjustments and accom- injury to the highest possible level of func-
modations needed for daily life and employ- tional ability.
ment, including selecting the right types of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (RA) An act de-
wheelchair and adaptive driving equipment, signed to develop and implement comprehen-
bathing, shopping, cooking, and using special sive and coordinated programs of vocational
equipment. rehabilitation for persons with handicaps to
registrars Third-party auditors that issue cer- maximize their employability, independence,
ticates relating to quality system standards and integration into the workplace and
such as ISO 9000, QS-9000, and ISO 14000. community by assisting them to obtain
Registrars must be accredited to work in a employment and secure on-the-job accommo-
national or regional market. dations following hiring. It applied to govern-
registration The testing process used to deter- ment contractors and subcontractors, recipi-
mine whether a company has met the require- ents of federal aid, and government
ments specied in international standards. employees. The Act prohibited discrimination
registration software In meeting manage- on the basis of disability in local programs
ment, a computer program that stores names, and activities beneting from federal nancial
addresses, and other items of information assistance. The Act also proscribed barriers to
about meeting registrants. Allows the planner the employment of the handicapped in the
to sort and select by any of several data elds screening and selection processes, particularly
and print reports such as rooming and during the employment interview. It prohib-
arrival/departure lists. ited employers performing under federal con-
regression analysis A means of measuring tracts or subcontracts exceeding $25,000 from
the degree of correlation among variables such discriminating against handicapped persons.
as performance ratings and promotions. The Act mandated afrmative action to hire
Involves nding the best mathematical handicapped individuals and treat them fairly,
model to describe the dependent variable as a including making workplace modications.
function of the independent variable or to pre- The amendments of 1974 created the Archi-
dict the dependent from the independent tectural Barriers Compliance Board, which
variable. monitors compliance with the Architectural
regular part time See part-time worker. Barriers Act of 1968.
regular student Under federal student aid Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992
programs, an individual who is enrolled in an Legislation designed to embed the precepts and
institution to earn a degree or certicate. In values of the Americans with Disabilities Act
general, to receive federal aid, an individual of 1990 into the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
must be a regular student. and extend the Act through 1997. The amend-
regulation A detailed set of instructions or ments revise the Act to develop and implement,
directives that clarify and implement a law. through research, training, services, and the
Regulatory Fairness Act of 1996 Requires guarantee of equal opportunity, comprehensive
federal agencies that issue regulations to: (1) and coordinated programs of vocational reha-
consider the impact on small businesses, and, bilitation and independent living for individuals
where the impact is found to be substantial,to with disabilities to maximize their employ-
lighten the burden and (2) issue a booklet ment, independence, and integration into the
explaining new regulations in plain English workplace and the community.
so that they will not require interpretation by Rehabilitation Act of 1998 Required all
legal consultants. federal agencies to make electronic and
Rehabilitation Data (REHABDATA) 570 reject rate

information technology accessible to people ment accounts allowed by the Internal Reve-
with disabilities when they develop, pro- nue Service (health care and dependent day
cure, maintain, and use electronic and infor- care), but only if the following rules are met:
mation technology. (1) annual employee election of the amount
Rehabilitation Data (REHABDATA) A data- of contribution(s); (2) nontransferability of
base that contains bibliographic records with funds; (3) forfeiture of unused funds; and (4) a
abstracts of documents covering all aspects of contribution limit for day care (determined by
disability and rehabilitation, housed in the the employer) of up to $5000 per year for
National Rehabilitation Information married employees who le jointly or are sin-
Center library. Contact: NARIC, 4200 Forbes gle and $2500 for employees who are married
Boulevard, Suite 202, Lanham, MD 20706 but ling separately.
(phone 800-346-2742 or 301-459-5900; reimbursement contract See cost contract.
e-mail; Web reimbursement systems See capitation pay-
site ments; diagnostic related group reimburse-
rehabilitation physician A board-certied ment; global pricing; per diem reimbursement.
physician who specializes in physical, occu- reinforcement A key concept in the behavior-
pational, speech-language, and aquatic thera- ism theory of learning. Reinforcement con-
pies. or offers specialty programs in cardiac, sists of payback and other forms of positive
hand therapy, pulmonary, sports rehab, symp- feedback provided individuals and work
tom reduction, spine rehabilitation, orthonics, groups by supervisors, peers, top manage-
and prosthetics. ment, and the organization following comple-
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) tion of a project, training, or other learning
A subdivision of the Ofce of Special Edu- experience.
cation and Rehabilitation Services, RSA reinsurance Insurance policies contracted
administers programs to support employment with reinsurers to achieve any or all of the
and independence for individuals with disabil- following objectives: (1) increase the capacity
ities. Contact: RSA, OSERS/ED Room 3329- of the insurer to do additional business, (2)
MES, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washing- reduce written premiums to maintain strong
ton, D.C. 20202-2551(phone/TTY 202-205- premium-to-surplus ratios, (3) provide protec-
8 2 4 1 o r 2 0 2 - 2 0 5 - 8 7 2 3 ; We b s i t e tion for a portion of the insurers assets against catastrophic losses, and (4) improve compet-
rehab technology Machines and other devices itive (pricing) status. Reinsurance includes
used by the physically disabled those totally treaty, facultative, and nancial reinsurance.
or partially deaf, totally or partially blind, those reinsurance intermediary A person or com-
with speech problems, those orthopedically pany that serves as as reinsurance broker
handicapped (loss of normal use of limbs, providing a link between reinsurance compa-
bones, or muscles due to disease, spinal cord nies and their customers. Because of their
damage, or injury), and those affected by wide contacts within the insurance industry,
deformity (such as cerebral palsy, muscular intermediaries can provide negotiating exper-
dystrophy, tuberculosis of the bones and joints, tise, quality assurance, and valuable technical
congenital deformities, and amputation). advice with respect to underwriting, account-
rehearsal retirement Permitting older work- ing, and so on.
ers to work part-time while working unpaid reinsurers Insurers that assume for a premium
hours at a volunteer organization. some of the risks of insurance companies to
reimbursement account An option of most cover a portion of any losses they may incur.
exible benets programs (plans) in which The original insurer cedes a specic amount
eligible expenses are reimbursed on a nontax- of the risk to the reinsurer under a written
able basis. Contributions to these accounts contract.
come from two sources: employer residual reject rate A quality control indicator. Identi-
exible benets dollars and employee salary es the number of products or services
deductions. There are two types of reimburse- rejected as below standard or unacceptable
relational database 571 religious accommodation

either at the production level or at the supplier are asked to learn is pertinent and useful or
or consumer levels as compared with the num- that it will benet them in some way.
ber produced, shipped, or delivered. relevance tree A normative forecasting
relational database A means of storing and method particularly useful in selecting
retrieving information. Data are entered into courses of action that are consistent with orga-
a relational database in rows and columns, nizational objectives and capabilities. That is
much like a spreadsheet, thereby allowing done by dividing the relevant elements of a
users to add or remove elds as needed and decision into consecutively smaller and
to cross-reference any item of information and smaller components. These components are
relate it to any other. drawn on a sheet of paper with connecting
relationship addict One who has a close and boxes and lines showing relationships (much
continuing relationship with substance abus- like an organization chart). Criteria for deter-
ers, such as spouse, children, or signicant mining the relative importance of each com-
other people who themselves need to ponent are established, numerical values for
recover. The term is preferred by some ther- each component and criterion are assigned,
apists as a substitute for codependency. and then individual ratings are combined to
relationship marketing 1. Marketing pro- gain new insights about the decision.
grams that encourage the customer or client reliability A measure of the ability of a psy-
to use the product or service more often or chological test, achievement test, rating scale,
programs that demonstrate to the customers or other instrument of appraisal to evaluate
consistently whatever is being measured.
or clients the appreciation of the company for
Expressed as a coefcient of reliability.
their business. 2. A strategy that encourages
reliability coefcient The coefcient of cor-
and promotes frequent communication
relation between two forms of a test (alternate
between vendors and customers.
form reliability), between halves of a test
relative ratings See comparative ratings.
(split-half reliability), or between scores on
release agreement Primarily a means of pro-
two administrations of the same test (test-
tecting an organization against unlawful dis-
retest reliability).
charge suits. However, release agreements are
religion Religious beliefs that, according to
also designed to avoid litigation between an
the U.S. Supreme Court, warrant protection
employer and an employee or consultant, a under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act if they
maker and a distributor, or a producer and are: (1) sincerely held, (2) occupy a place in
talent (actors) or other performers. A release the believers life similar to that lled by the
agreement is a clearly written legal document idea of God, and (3) are distinct from mere
executed by either or both parties. In the case personal moral codes. Guidelines published
of employer-employee releases, they are usu- by the Equal Employment Opportunity
ally signed by the employee in exchange for Commission also reect the protection of sin-
some benet from the employer that the cere beliefs. They state that a belief is reli-
employer is not obligated to give following gious, not because a religious group professes
the employees discharge, resignation, or lay- that belief, but because the individual sin-
off. In exchange for the benet, the employee cerely holds that belief with the strength of
gives up all claims against the employer in traditional religious views.
connection with the employment, including religious accommodation In equal employ-
termination or resignation. In the case of talent ment opportunity, enjoining employers to rea-
or other performers, the release permits the sonably accommodate workers in terms of
public or private performance, broadcast, attendance at religious ceremonies, absence
exhibition, publication, or sale by the pro- due to religious observances and holy days,
ducer of the dramatization, comment, speech, Saturday or Sunday work, and the like. Work
article, or other product. rules that adversely affect certain religious
relevance A basic principle of learning: main- groups are excusable only if religion is a bona
tains that people learn best when what they de occupational qualication or the
Religious Conference Management 572 remote employee

employer is unable to reasonably accommo- remand To recommit or send a prisoner back

date without undue hardship. to jail.
Religious Conference Management Asso- remedial counseling Counseling given to
ciation (RCMA) An organization of 2924 employees to correct performance problems,
members limited to those responsible for careless behavior, or errors of judgment.
planning or managing meetings, tutorials, remedial training Repeat training and
conferences, and conventions for religious guided practice provided to remedy or correct
organizations. Contact: RMCA, One RCA deciencies in trainee performance. It is
Dome, Ste. 120, Indianapolis, IN 46225 given when it is needed. Remedial training
(phone 317-632-1888; fax 317-632-7909; may be provided to groups or to individuals,
Web site one-on-one.
relocating partner The wife, husband, or remediation Strategies and interventions
signicant other of employees being designed to overcome deciencies in the hab-
transferred. its, attitudes, knowledge, skills, or perfor-
relocation allowance A lump-sum payment mance of employees.
to domestic transfers or foreign-based remission A halt or actual reduction in the
employees to cover such things as remodeling progression of an illness resulting in discharge
living quarters, purchasing furnishings, and from a hospice care program with no further
obtaining licenses and permits. expense incurred.
relocation assistance Pretransfer and post- remodeling The process of generating leads
transfer assistance provided to domestic or for a new idea or solution to a problem by
overseas transfers, such as providing informa- changing the existing form of a concept,
object, or idea. That may be done by rearrang-
tion (briengs, information packages, and
ing doing it backwards, turning it sideways
individual counseling) on such matters as tax
or upside down, moving it from the end to the
and insurance forms required, critical policies
beginning or front to back, putting it together
and procedures, pay and benets, and sources
if it is now separate, separating it if it is joined,
of assistance and getting relocation payments
and so on. Or, the process of substitution can
to the individual, helping with the move, and
be used use a different material, a different
so on.
process, a different sequence, change the play-
relocation benets terminology The lan- ers/participants, and so on. Or, the processes
guage of moving people, furniture, equip- of addition or multiplication can be used
ment, and property. Covers types of carriers, duplicate the program, make it longer, bigger,
providers, costs and pricing, customer ser- more inclusive, add more units, and so on. Or,
vices, special services, technicalities, storage, the subtraction process can be used reduce
and real estate. the length, make it smaller, leave something
relocation reluctance Describes the attitude out, make it less inclusive, cut the number of
of employees who, for one reason or another units, and so on.
(spouse, children, locations, and so on) are remote conferences Virtual meetings, such as
unwilling to move to another city, region, or teleconferencing. Used as a substitute for
overseas, even for a promotion or salary travel, even for high-level meetings where
increase. sensitive information is discussed.
relocation training A form of intercultural remote e-lab Allows students to access
training. Designed to prepare a person remotely real software applications or net-
assigned to work in a foreign country to work devices at a scheduled time over the
understand the country and its people, their Internet. The service allows students to prac-
culture, norms of behavior, customs, and tice skills using actual command syntax, see
expectations. Also called country-specic errors, and perform complex troubleshooting
training or predeparture training. tasks.
relo policy Corporate policy relating to relo- remote employee An employee who (1) works
cation assistance. at a site removed from his or her supervisor
remote manager 573 reportable quantity (RQ)

or (2) is under contract and works on secret controversy agree to employ a judge, usually
projects to which his or her supervisor does a retired jurist, to render an opinion on the
not have access. dispute. The opinion may be either binding
remote manager A manager who supervises or nonbinding.
employees who perform work in places other rent-a-pro Any professional who contracts
than the companys location. with an organization to provide his or her ser-
remote site In distance learning, the receiving vices for a specied period of time.
or destination site(s) where the trainees are repatriate/epat An employee who returns to
located but where the instructor, moderator, the U.S. following a lengthy assignment
or presenter is not present. abroad.
remote ticketing system A system in which Repeal of the Mandate for Medicare and
tickets are not issued using a computer reser- Medicaid Coverage Data Bank Act of 1996
vation system. Amends the Social Security Act to repeal the
removal The expulsion of an alien from the mandate for a Medicare and Medicaid Cover-
U.S. This expulsion may be based on grounds age Data Bank (added by the Omnibus Budget
of inadmissibility or deportability. Reconciliation Act of 1993). Signed into law
Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union In a by the President on October 2, 1996.
1997 decision, the Supreme Court found that repeat trauma (RT) See repetitive strain
the Communications Decency Act of 1996 injury.
(CDA), an act designed to protect children repetitive motion injury (RMI) See repeti-
from exposure to pornographic material on the tive strain injury.
Internet, was contradictory to the First repetitive strain injury (RSI) Injury to the
Amendment in its regulation of indecent bones, tendons, muscles, or nerves of the
transmissions and the display of offensive back, hands, wrists, ngers, arms, shoulders,
material. That conclusion was based, in part, neck, back, or lower extremities suffered by
on the crucial consideration that the CDAs data-entry workers, computer programmers,
breadth was unprecedented. The ruling left or anyone who spends long hours typing on a
intact prohibitions on the use of various tele- computer or word processor keyboard. Also
communications media and equipment, applies to other workers whose jobs require
including the telephone, fax transmissions, the use of their hands in repetitive motions for
and e-mail, to abuse, threaten, harass, and long periods of time, such as auto assembly
annoy a third party, such as a coworker. After line and other factory workers, meat packers,
the Courts decision in Reno, Congress supermarket checkout clerks, and even musi-
addressed this concern in the Child Online cians and workers exposed to prolonged
Protection Act (COPA). Unlike the CDA, static postures, low-frequency machine vibra-
COPA applies only to material displayed on tions, and similar conditions. Also known as
the World Wide Web, covers only communi- cumulative trauma disorder, ergonomic haz-
cations made for commercial purposes, and ard, and repeat trauma.
restricts only material that is harmful to replacement charts See personnel inventory
minors. charts.
rent-a-boss A temporary executive service. report Oral or written communication de-
Ofcials needing a chief operating ofcer for signed to inform or explain problems, situa-
short periods of time (6 to 9 months, for exam- tions, or other facts to meet a legitimate orga-
ple) employ highly qualied and experienced nizational, employee, or management need.
individuals who require no employee benets Examples are trip reports, evaluation reports
and no executive perks. and critiques, minutes and summaries of
rent-a-doc Physicians or other medical prac- meetings, staff studies and decision papers,
titioners who provide in-house health care sales reports, and after-action reports.
under contract for specic periods of time. reportable quantity (RQ) The quantity of
rent-a-judge An alternative dispute resolu- hazardous chemicals released into the envi-
tion approach in which the parties to the ronment that exceeds the maximum allowed
report statistics 574 research skills

by the Environmental Protection Agency and proposal (RFP) to vendors and suppliers who
must be reported to the National Response are most likely to be able to deliver the needed
Center. product.
report statistics See aggregative statistics. request for price (RFP) A federal, state, or
rep payee See representative payee. local government or private corporation
representative payee A person designated by request for a price quotation from vendors,
a federal agency to receive government bene- suppliers, and consultants for products or ser-
ts on behalf of a person determined by the vices identied in the request.
agency to be incapable of managing such ben- request for proposal (RFP) A federal, state,
ets as social security, civil service retirement, or local government or private corporation
military retirement, and veterans benets. request for detailed bids from vendors and con-
Children under the age of 18 and adults who sultants to satisfy some need for a product or
are unable to manage their nances because service. An RFP is a written document prepared
of severe physical or mental limitations have for distribution to consultants and vendors
representative payees. May be a relative, before selecting products and services to assist
friend, or other interested party. them in preparing their bids. It includes func-
representative sample A sample taken from tional and technical requirements and speci-
a group of persons or objects that matches the cations; reporting, security, documentation,
characteristics of the group from which it was and training needs; and other criteria to be
taken; for example, the proportion of cases or used in selecting the successful bidder.
subjects of each age, sex, occupation, or request for quotation (RFQ) A formal doc-
socioeconomic level, and so on. ument distributed to vendors requesting a bid
reprimand A form of disciplinary action. An or price quotation for required products or
oral or written rebuke. services.
reproductive imagery The use of memories required minimum distribution (RMD)
of past events to search for, nd, identify, The amount required by Internal Revenue
modify, synthesize, or otherwise change the Service regulations to be deducted for tax
form, size, use, or some other characteristic payments from Individual Retirement
of an object, concept, or idea to make it new. Accounts and certain other retirement
repurchase agreement In investments, the accounts during the owners lifetime and for
acquisition of an underlying debt instrument, his or her heirs upon the owners death.
subject to an obligation of the seller to repur- research Meticulously designed and carefully
chase, and the buyer to resell, the instrument controlled investigative studies in any disci-
at a xed price, usually not more than 1 week pline, function, or area of interest and concern
after its purchase. Considered by the Securi- to nd solutions to important problems. It
ties and Exchange Commission as loans by accumulates all applicable facts, includes,
the seller. where appropriate, authoritative opinion and
repurposing In multimedia, reusing content, experimentation, discusses all pertinent facets
such as text, photos, or video, that is readily of the problem, accords full consideration to
available on-the-shelf. alternative courses of action, incorporates
request for application (RFA) A public gov- objective analysis of facts, reaches logical
ernment notice that a grant is available to qual- conclusions, and presents the results in an
ied organizations. understandable form and language.
request for comments (RFC) A document research skills The skills involved in select-
that describes Internet standards, such as net- ing, developing, and using objective, valid,
work protocols, as well as other technical and reliable data collection, reduction, analy-
informational comments. sis (including statistical analysis), and report-
request for information (RFI) A written ing methodologies to determine needs, evalu-
request sent to potential bidders to learn what ate programs, solve problems, resolve
products and services they have to offer. The conicts, compare methods and approaches,
RFI is usually followed up by a request for develop new approaches, meet reporting
reserve components (RC) 575 resort fee

requirements (including governmental), and resident, conditional resident, and returning

determine the causes of organizational resident.
problems. resident font A Type I font whose printer
reserve components (RC) Units and individ- information resides within the PostScript
uals either assigned to units or on the rolls of laser printer. The printer fonts for several type-
the armed forces as individuals who are avail- faces are built into the read-only memory.
able for call-up to active duty when ordered residential care facility See board and care
by the president. home.
The Reserve Ofcers Association (ROA) A resident manager The hotel functionary
100,000-member, independent, nonprot responsible for day-to-day management of the
organization of reserve, regular, retired, and property, serving as an assistant general man-
former ofcers of the seven uniformed ser- ager. Typically is responsible for front ofce
vices (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, operations, concierge services, bell captains,
Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and security, and housekeeping.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- resident physician workweek In 2002, the
tration). Its mission is to ensure an adequate Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
total force of all services including active and Education (ACGME) set an 80-hour limit on
reserve components and a force that can be resident physicians workweeks and mandated
mobilized to meet any contingency. It is oper- 10-hour rest periods between shifts and 1 day
ated to benet uniformed services personnel off per week. In July 2002, the AGCME began
and their families and survivors and to preserve imposing sanctions on hospitals that violate
the earned entitlements and benets of all the standards.
members of the uniformed services and their residuary estate The remainder of a persons
families. Contact: ROA, One Constitution estate not previously disposed of in the per-
Ave., NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-5655. sons will. Such property falls under the resid-
(phone 800-809-9448 or 202-479-2200; e-mail ual clause, which usually collects and distrib-; Web site utes the majority of the estate and should also
reservists benets Benets continuance provide for contingent beneciaries should the
mandated by law when military reservists are primary beneciary predecease the testator.
called to active duty. They include reemploy- res ipsa loquitur A legal term that literally
ment following return with the same position means the thing speaks for itself. It
or one of equal pay, rank, and seniority; the describes a legal theory sometimes used by
same treatment they would normally receive plaintiffs in jury cases who cannot denitely
under an employers leave of absence policy; prove negligence but argue that the defen-
and continuation of benets under COBRA. dants negligence is the only possible expla-
Employers are not obliged to continue salary, nation for the injury or damage they sustained.
contributions to pension or thrift plans, or resolution 1. The disposition of a disagree-
health insurance coverage. ment through alternative dispute resolution
resettlement Permanent relocation of refu- strategies. 2. The clarity, sharpness, or degree
gees in a place outside their country of origin of detail of an image on a computer screen,
to allow them to establish residence and photograph, photocopy, or individual light
become productive members of society there. sensors on a CCD. It is expressed in the num-
Refugee resettlement is accomplished with ber of pixels that run horizontally and the
the direct assistance of private voluntary agen- number of lines that run vertically (e.g., a
cies working with the Department of Health resolution of 680 dots 400 lines). The
and Human Services Ofce of Refugee Reset- greater the number of pixels per square inch,
tlement. the higher the resolution and the clearer the
reshaping See downsizing; severance. picture.
resident alien Applies to non-U.S. citizens resort fee A surcharge added to the daily hotel
currently residing in the U.S. The term is bill by many upscale hotels. In exchange for
applied to three categories: permanent a mandatory sum, typically about $10 per day,
resource-based relative value scale 576 response time

the hotel provides guests with such amenities usually live in the same neighborhood, have
as in-room coffee, an in-room safe, local tele- successfully reared children of their own, and
phone calls, health club access, and a daily can convey life skills that are most relevant to
newspaper. young mothers.
resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) resource person An expert on the subject at
A Medicare cost reduction strategy passed by hand invited to work team meetings, discus-
Congress in 1989 that changed the way health sion groups, or problem-solving groups to
care providers are paid for their services. The supply information on request when it seems
results of a Harvard research study, RBRVS to be needed or pertinent to the discussion.
forms the basis for new Medicare physician resource referral program (RRP) Usually
payment legislation that began in 1992 and contracted by an employer to assist employees
became fully operational in 1996. It replaces in locating dependent-care services.
the current usual, customary, and reason- resource room One form of teaching, learn-
able reimbursement system with uniform ing, technology center. Provides equipment
national set fees based on such variables as and materials, such as copy machines and
the practitioners time, effort, and training and computer software, for use by faculty in devel-
skill, as well as ofce overhead. Under oping instructional materials.
RBRVS, physicians with family medicine, respite care One of ve settings for long-term
pediatric, and internist practices receive
care. Short-term (typically 5 consecutive days
higher fees than they did formerly and doctors
or less) home care or inpatient care in a hos-
practicing more invasive medicine (such as
pice to a terminally ill patient to give tempo-
heart, thoracic, and orthopedic surgery)
rary relief to the person who regularly pro-
receive lower fees. Under the system, such
vides or assists with home care. See also adult
physician services as taking medical histories
day care; assisted living; home care; nursing
and counseling patients are valued as highly
as surgical procedures.
respondeat superior Literally, let the master
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
respond. An employment doctrine that holds
(RCRA) of 1976 Legislation designed to
an employer liable for his or her employees
provide cradle-to-grave control of hazard-
ous waste. It requires all facilities handling negligent on-the-job actions and does not
more than 100 kg of hazardous waste per depend in any way on the plaintiffs ability to
month to follow Environmental Protection prove the employers negligence.
Agency rules for handling waste on-site and respondent behavior Behavior elicited by
to train all workers to be thoroughly knowl- known stimuli. For example, people can be
edgeable regarding proper waste handling and trained to repair an equipment component by
emergency procedures. The Act also prohibits repeatedly presenting to them a series of
employers from placing workers in situations symptoms, demonstrating the correct proce-
that it reasonably expects would be danger- dure for xing them, and providing opportu-
ous, such as contact with toxic chemicals. It nities for practice.
mandates criminal liability if, in violating pro- response list In direct marketing, a computer-
visions of the Act, a party knowingly places ized list of people and organizations that have
others in danger. responded to a direct mail offer in the past,
resource loading/leveling In project manage- preferably by actually purchasing something
ment, establishing an optimum schedule for by mail.
the use of resources so that there is minimum response time 1. A quality control indicator.
variation in the number expended over an It is the average or mean time that elapses
extended period of time. between the identication of the need for a
resource mother A woman who provides product or service (receipt of the order) and
dependable and sympathetic social support to the date of shipment or delivery. 2. In auto-
an adolescent mother through the months of matic data processing, the interval between
pregnancy and beyond. Resource mothers the users input and the computers reply.
responsibility assignment matrix 577 restrictive policy

responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) In claims of defamation if the statements are

project management, RAM is a structure made in good faith.
developed by integrating the organizational restorative surgery Surgery performed to
breakdown structure (OBS) with the con- correct appearance that has been damaged by
tract work breakdown structure (CWBS). an accident or injury. See also reconstructive
This matrix displays the CWBS on one axis surgery.
and the OBS on the second axis. Integration restraining order A legal remedy available to
of the two structures into the RAM creates a individuals or organizations obtained through
home for each work statement of the con- a court order. For example, an organization
tract and provides a framework so that orga- may be ordered by the court to discontinue an
nizing, planning, budgeting, measurement action that may be discriminatory, such as ter-
monitoring, and reporting of the performance minating an employee with a disability rather
measurement can be properly implemented. than making a reasonable accommodation.
Each intersection point on the RAM denes restricted fares Fare categories used by cor-
a possible requirement for one or more spe- porate travelers to save money. They include
cic scopes of contractual work to be per- advance purchase excursion fares, day-of-the-
formed by the responsible functional organi- week discounts, and group/convention, non-
zation. This intersection point denes a point refundable, penalty, promotional, and round-
where one or more task plans may be formed trip fares.
and a point at which work is organized, sched- restricted stock An incentive pay stategy in
uled, and budgeted and progress is monitored, which executives are granted shares with
measured, and reported. restrictions placed on their sale, transfer, or
responsive behavior Audible or observable pledging. Shares are forfeited if the executive
responses to the actions, comments, or ques- terminates employment.
tions of others. It takes several forms: direct restricted stock plan A form of long-term
questions or closed probes (When did it hap- executive incentive plan that provides the
pen?), open-ended questions or comments employee with the benets of stock ownership
(Why do you feel that way?), summary or in the form of dividends; however, restrictions
reective responses (You feel that people are are placed on the disposal of such stock (usu-
not being very cooperative?), and body lan- ally that it revert back to the corporation).
guage (nods, smiles, shrugs, pats on the back, restrictive covenant The practice of requiring
arm around the shoulder, hugs, and so on). executives or other highly skilled employees
restatement of tort An advisory standard to sign agreements to limit their freedom to
used by the courts in liability cases. Essen- work for other organizations, usually for a
tially it states that anyone who, in the course specied period of time or in a certain geo-
of his or her business, profession, or employ- graphical area, or with companies that com-
ment, supplies false information to others to pete directly with the present employer. Other
guide them in their business transactions is forms relate to nonsolicitation of other
subject to liability for monetary loss to them employees, prior notice before quitting, or
by their reliance on the information provided, providing the employer with an opportunity
if the provider fails to exercise reasonable care to match any offer of employment. See also
in communicating the information. The stan- noncompete agreement.
dard also states that communications between restrictive on-call time See on-call time.
employers regarding the previous work his- restrictive policy Prima facie evidence of dis-
tory and character of an employee are pro- crimination in that it demonstrates that an
tected from claims of defamation if the state- employer (intentionally or unintentionally)
ments are made in good faith. Therefore, has been using a hiring policy or procedure to
although an employer cannot deliberately sub- exclude members of a protected group. For
mit false information about a former or current example, a policy against hiring women for
employee in response to a request from a pro- assembly line jobs or against hiring women
spective employer, he or she is protected from with young children.
restructuring 578 Retinitis Pigmentosa International

restructuring Changing the structure of an retainer 1. In compensation, payment of a set

organization to make it more efcient and to amount to a professional every month that is
effect savings. reconciled periodically on the basis of actual
result competencies Exemplied by adding use of his or her services, either as a prene-
the words ability to to a result, such as the gotiated discount on charges or on some other
ability to produce prots. (Attributed to Patri- objective measure. Ensures the availability of
cia A. McLagan, Competencies for the Next the professional to the organization and pro-
Generation, Training & Development, May vides a steady income for the practitioner
1997, p. 41, American Society for Training & while still allowing payment on the basis of
Development. Reprinted with permission.) actual utilization. 2. A fee paid to a contractor
See also attribute bundles; knowledge, skills, in advance of services as a deposit against
and attitude competencies; output competen- future fees. Such payments are applied against
cies; superior-performer differentiators; task fees as incurred on an hourly or projected
competencies. basis.
results The outcomes, returns, payoffs, or retainer agreement A written compact with
consequences of a process, plan, activity, or such professionals as attorneys, actuaries,
action put into effect. auditors, and consultants that describes the
results evaluation An approach to evaluation services to be provided what is to be done,
that measures the gains or benets of training by whom, and when. Used to avoid funding
(or other intervention) in terms of factors that for the fringe benets that would be a required
affect the organizations bottom line, such as to hire a full-time employee. Also called an
prot or productivity. engagement letter.
rsum A document provided by an applicant retaliatory discharge A form of workplace
for a position that identies his or her career discrimination: discharge designed to punish
objectives and outlines specialized skills, edu- workers for certain actions. Illegal in most
cation, experience, afliations, and any other states where, for example, statutes have been
information that supports the career objective enacted to prohibit termination of employees
and will help the decision maker in the screen- ling for workers compensation benets
ing and selection processes. retarded A category of persons with mental
rsum scanning system Computer hard- disabilities. As measured by an intelligence
ware and software that scan and store data test, the condition is represented by an intel-
from rsums and organize them in an appli- ligence quotient (IQ) between 50 and 75.
cant tracking system. retention skills See recall skills.
rsum tracking system See applicant track- retinal detachment Occurs when the retina of
ing system. the eye is pulled away from its normal position.
retailing Selling goods in small quantities The retina does not work when it is detached.
directly to the consumer. It is a very serious problem that almost always
retained executive search consulting A spe- causes blindness unless it is treated by laser
cialized branch of management consulting surgery or cryotherapy (freezing).
that helps client organizations identify, evalu- retinitis pigmentosa (RP) A condition char-
ate, and recruit senior executives. Executive acterized by degeneration of the retina and
search consultants work only on behalf of choroid (a pigmented vascular layer behind
organizations and never on behalf of individ- the iris), usually involving development of
uals seeking employment. excess pigment. It is hereditary and begins
retained recruiting Similar to contingency with night blindness, followed by tunnel
recruiting except that the client organization vision. Visual loss is progressive, and by the
pays a retainer fee (30% up front, 33% after time most individuals reach young adulthood
30 days of the search, and the remainder at they become legally blind.
hire) and expenses to the recruiter. The initial Retinitis Pigmentosa International An inter-
payment is made whether or not the search national nonprot organization dedicated to
results in a hire. the ght against retinitis pigmentosa, incur-
retired reserve 579 retro

able hereditary blindness. The organization 703-838-7760; fax 703-838-7785; e-mail

raises funds for research and helps individuals; Web site www.
and their families to accept and deal with the
diagnosis of impending blindness. Contact: retirement planning See preretirement coun-
Retinitis Pigmentosa International, P.O. Box seling.
900, Woodland Hills, CA 91365 (phone 800- Retirement Protection Act of 1994 (RPA)
FIGHT-RP or 818-992-0500; fax 818-992- Legislation designed to eliminate the problem
3265; e-mail; Web of underfunding of pension plans by strength-
site ening funding rules. The Act and subsequent
retired reserve Members of reserve compo- guidelines accelerated contributions to under-
nents of the armed forces who have completed funded plans, changed the mandated interest
20 or more years of active duty or a combi- rate for lump-sum calculations from Pension
nation of 20 or more years of active duty and Benet Guarantee Corporation rates to those
active duty for training. The latter group based on 30-year U.S. Treasury securities, and
becomes eligible for retired pay upon reaching eliminated the opportunities that employers
the age of 62; those who have completed 20 now have to avoid funding their plans by
years of active duty are eligible immediately enhancing the compliance authority of the
upon retirement. Under certain conditions and Pension Benet Guarantee Corporation
age limitations, members are subject to recall (PBGC) and establishing new reporting
to active duty in an emergency. requirements to provide information to the
retiree skill bank A cost-effective means of PBGC on seriously underfunded pension
attracting skilled and experienced employees
plans. The law also requires employers with
and an attractive option for former employees
pension plans less than 90% funded to provide
who want to continue to work. A retiree skill
an annual, least-to-read explanation of fund-
bank is a temporary pool of retired employees
ing levels of the plan and the limits of PBGCs
who are rehired by their former employer on
guarantees. Companies that fail to provide the
an occasional, temporary, or contractual basis.
notice face penalties of up to $1000 each day
retirement See preretirement counseling.
they fail to comply.
retirement benets Benets provided to
retirement test See earnings test.
retired employees, usually at age 60 or higher.
retouching In computer color prepress, edit-
They may include such things as retirement
counseling, relocation allowances, monthly ing the color of an image, pixel by pixel.
annuity payments, health care insurance, and retraining 1. Providing training in a specic
survivors benets. job or occupation to enable an employee to
Retirement Equity Act of 1984 (REA) A n perform new processes or procedures or to
act that liberalized Employee Retirement work with new tools, equipment, and materi-
Income Security Act of 1974s participation, als. 2. Providing employees with training in a
vesting, and service requirements. It extends new job because their old jobs are obsolete
preretirement surviving spouse protection to and no longer required. For example, retrain-
all vested employees and requires spousal ing assembly workers as accountants.
consent to waive certain benets. The Act also retreat See executive retreat.
requires employers to obtain written consent retrenchment Layoffs, staff cutbacks, and
from spouses of retiring workers who choose concomitant benet reductions effected by
pension benets payable only during their public and private organizations during peri-
lifetimes rather than a joint and survivor plan. ods of economic decline.
Retirement Life Published monthly by the retro A projection system conguration that
National Association of Retired Federal consists of a screen in front, a projector in
Employees. Annual dues include subscription; back, and some mirrors in between packaged
nonmember subscription rate is $25. Contact: in a roll-away box. It can be used in rooms
NARFE, 606 N. Washington St., Alexan- with high ambient light, does not require
dria,VA 22314 (phone 800-456-8410 or much setup, and can be easily moved.
retrospective reimbursement 580 revenue budget

retrospective reimbursement Payment made return on investment (ROI) 1. In nance,

after the fact for services provided based on the return on invested capital, which is mea-
the costs incurred by the facility providing sured as the ratio of reported income to bal-
those services. ance sheet book value. ROI has two compo-
retrospective review In health care utilization nents: rate of turnover of total assets and rate
management, a review that occurs after a case of earnings per dollar (prot margin) of sales.
is nished and the patient is discharged. It serves as a standard measure of performance
returning resident Any lawful permanent for each department or element of a business.
resident who has been outside the U.S. and 2. In training, ROI is calculated as follows:
is returning to the U.S. Also dened as a spe-
cial immigrant. If outside of the U.S. for net program savings or benefits
more than 180 days, residents must apply for ROI =
program costs
readmission to the U.S. If outside of the U.S.
for more than 1 year and returning to their 3. A sales readiness metric. Involves compar-
permanent residence in the U.S., residents ing the total return (cost savings and revenue
usually must have reentry documentation increases) on a specic sales event (such as a
from the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigra- sales meeting, training program, or product
tion Services or an immigrant visa from the launch) to the total cost of the event. 4. Other
Department of State. programs, including incentive programs:
return of premium nonforfeiture A feature
of some older, long-term care, non-tax-quali-
ed policies that return part or all of the pre- total net return program costs
miums paid by the insured if he or she cancels program costs
the policy or stops paying premiums after a
certain number of years. Usually results in reusable learning objects (RLOs) A distinct
higher premiums. and separate reusable collection (chunk) of
return on assets (RA) An internal auditing instructional content used to present and sup-
device that indicates how well the assets of an port a single learning objective.
organization are being put to use. It is calcu- revalidation See cross validation.
lated by dividing net prot by total assets. revamps Conference centers, training facili-
ties, tness centers, or hotels that have
recently been refurbished to bring them up to
net profit
RA = date and in line with current requirements.
total assets Revenue Act of 1978 Section 530 of the Act
provides full safe harbor relief from all
return on equity (ROE) An after-tax mea-
employment back taxes to businesses if the
sure used by economists to determine the
Internal Revenue Service reclassies workers
quality and vitality of a business. It is an esti-
from independent contractors to employee
mate of retained earnings for nonborrowed
status. To qualify, the taxpayer must satisfy
funds invested in a business, typically cor-
three requirements: (1) show consistent treat-
rected for dividends paid out and for ination.
ment of workers as independent contractors,
Or, it can also be calculated by dividing net
(2) apply a reasonable basis for treatment, and
earnings by ending stockholders equity. Here
(3) le information returns with respect to the
are the two formulas:
Revenue Act of 1987 (RA) See Omnibus
Real ROE = return on equity dividents paid out Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987.
inflation rate revenue-based relative value system
or (RBRVS) See resource-based relative value
net earnings revenue budget The dollar value of projected
ending stockholders equity sales of products or services. These projec-
revenue factor 581 review and analysis (R&A)

tions establish quotas that must be reached if saves the client, based on the penalties at
expense budgets and prot budgets are to be stake.
realistic and achievable. reverse discrimination See race bias; reverse
revenue factor A key human resources met- bias.
ric. It is the measure most often understood reverse mortgage A federal government-
by managers. It is calculated as follows: sponsored program that enables elderly home
owners to meet living expenses or get extra
revenue cash by tapping the equity in their property.
Revenue factor = Mortgages offered by lenders are authorized
full - time employee*
to make loans insured by the Federal Housing
Including regular and contingent employees. Administration (FHA). The loans are avail-
able to homeowners 62 years of age and older.
Attributed to Robert J. Grossman, Measuring The lender disburses money to the borrower
Up, HR Magazine, January 2000, pp. 2935. in monthly checks or a lump sum, or both.
Reprinted with the permission of HR Maga- The borrower keeps his or her home, and none
zine, published by the Society of Human of the loan has to be repaid until the borrower
Resource Management (, dies or vacates the property. At that time, the
Alexandria,VA. borrower or his or her heirs pay off the debt
Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990 Includes by selling the property or by using other
provisions for a new tax credit for barrier resources. Also known as a home equity con-
removal in existing buildings to specically version mortgage.
comply with the Americans with Disabilities reverse redemption Occurs when partners of
Act of 1990. airlines that sponsor frequent ier programs
reverse bias or discrimination 1. In afrma- (such as car rental companies, restaurants,
tive action plans, particularly with quota sys- telephone companies, orists, and the like)
tems, charges by the plaintiff that unfair pref- also redeem miles for their services.
erences were accorded minorities in hiring, reverse repurchase agreement An invest-
promotion, or layoff situations. 2. In compen- ment technique involving leverage through
sation and benets, the impact of the Revenue borrowing These transactions involve the
Reconciliation Act of 1993, which took effect transfer of an underlying debt instrument to a
in 1994. The Act reduced the compensation bank, broker, or dealer in return for cash pro-
limit on qualied retirement plans to $150,000 ceeds based on a percentage of the value of
from $235,840; established a new top mar- the security. The fund retains the right to
ginal income tax rate of 36% for high wage receive interest and principal payments on the
earners and placed a surtax on the highest security. At an agreed-upon date, the fund
income earners; applied the 1.45% Medicare repurchases the security at principal plus
tax to all wages; and limited the amount that accrued interest.
can be contributed in any year to a 401(k) reverse stock split A rarely used means of
retirement savings program to $9240. These taking a small company out of the market and
changes go beyond the near-term reductions going private. The split is designed to leave
in benet levels by extending them through minority shareholders owning fractional
retirement. Essentially, reverse discrimination shares, which are paid out in cash. The objec-
means that lower-level employees are allowed tive is to eliminate public reporting require-
to save a greater portion of their current ments rather than to recapitalize the company.
income for retirement compared with highly Also called the squeeze out.
paid executives. review A critical analysis of an activity to dis-
reverse contingency fee A fee paid to a con- cover achievements and deciencies at a given
tractor that represents the percentage saved point or for a specied period of time. Review
the client by the services rendered. For exam- emphasizes critical examination of facts.
ple, an attorney representing a company in a review and analysis (R&A) A meth o d o f
lawsuit receives whatever percentage he or she control used by managers to evaluate the ef-
revocable living trust 582 rigged deck approach

ciency and effectiveness of their organizations rework rate A quality control indicator. Iden-
in the utilization of resources (personnel, ties the number of products or services that
facilities, equipment, materials, and funds) as are substandard and must be reworked, xed,
related to progress and accomplishment. It is or remedied as compared with the number
concerned primarily with application of the produced initially.
principle of management by exception. Typ- rheumatoid arthritis An autoimmune disor-
ically, the R&A is presented orally to the top der that affects approximately 2 million
manager by subordinate managers and super- Americans, two thirds of them women. With
visors. The presentation is usually supple- this condition, the bodys immune system
mented by visuals. Each subordinate presents attacks the tissues lining the joints, usually in
the objectives of his or her department, sec- the hands, arms, and feet, causing inamma-
tion, or other element; describes accomplish- tion and swelling of the tissues lining the
ments and shortfalls; analyzes the ndings; joints as well as fatigue. Its underlying cause
and makes recommendations to exploit gains is unknown.
and remedy deciencies. rheumatologist A medical doctor who spe-
revocable living trust A legal document that cializes in the diagnosis and treatment of dis-
allows the maker to transfer ownership of eases of the muscles, bones, joints, and con-
property to a separate entity called a trust, nective tissues, ranging from arthritis to other
which is managed in accordance with rules types of physical disabilities.
established by the maker for the benet of the rheumatology A medical specialty for the
beneciaries named in the trust. The terms of diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other
a revocable trust can be changed. Revocable musculoskeletal disorders.
living trusts are used to avoid the probate rider An addition or amendment to a legal
process, probate administration fees and document, such as a contact or insurance pol-
expenses, and legal fees associated with icy. For example, some long-term health care
probate. insurance providers may offer coverage for
reward A special tangible (usually) or intan- home health care and adult day care benets
gible gain given in return for something done in addition to nursing home and alternate
or received to repay an individual or group. It long-term health care facility benets for an
can be recognition for some contribution or additional premium.
service to the organization or the community rideshare A pollution-control measure man-
or it can be compensation for exceptional per- dated by the Clean Air Act Amendments of
formance of duty, achievements, or service: 1990. Designed to reduce carbon monoxide-
remuneration, bonus, emolument, stipend, or and ozone-producing automobile emissions
honorarium. However, a reward is not pay, by encouraging workers to share rides or work
which is regular compensation for doing a job. at home. Targets for reductions, calculated by
reward power Power that derives from the dividing the number of commuters by the
ability of a leader to provide rewards or other number of passenger vehicles in which
positive outcomes in return for compliance of employees arrive, vary depending on the
followers with direction of desired behavior. severity of air pollution in each geographic
reward system A system for rewarding region. Enticements used by employers
employees for their achievement, perfor- include mass transit, car pool, and van pool
mance, or creative and innovative products subsidies; cab fare or preferred parking for car
and ideas. Includes awards and recognition or van-poolers; parking fees for solo drivers;
such as cash bonuses, merchandise, plaques, bike racks and shower facilities for employees
trophies, jewelry, certicates, and letters of who commute to work by bike or foot; hous-
appreciation and commendation. ing benets for employees who move closer
rework Work required only to redo, repair, or to the work site or mass transit services; tele-
remedy products or services not done properly commuting; exible work hours; compressed
the rst time. It does not add value to the work weeks; and job sharing and job splitting.
product or service. rigged deck approach See Trojan horse.
right-brained 583 risk analysis

right-brained People whose right brain (the organizations, by keeping them informed of
right hemisphere) is dominant. Right-brain the dangerous substances with which they are
thinking is more subjective, more centered on working, the hazards, and symptoms. Legis-
feeling and emotion. Right-brained people are lation directs that employers inform their
believed to have the ability to function later- employees of hazardous conditions, chemi-
ally, intuitively, and creatively. cals, vapors, and the like. A major provision
right brain management (RBM) A concept of the standard requires employee training in
of managing, developed for the American chemical safety.
Management Association Executive Effec- right-to-recovery A clause included in most
tiveness Course, that focuses on image build- insurance policies, it states that the carrier will
ing, communication, and, especially, team- have the right to recover from the person or
work to get managers to make a habit of organization to whom they made payments in
thinking for success. According to Daniel excess of the amount necessary at the time
L. Araoz (management consultant and AMA they were made.
executive course unit trainer), RBM is a right-to-sue letter Issued by the Equal
method of enriching ones management style. Employment Opportunity Commission to
RBM emphasizes the improvement of mana- relieve the backlog of employment discrimi-
gerial effectiveness by maintaining a balance nation cases and allow the Commission to
between logical (left-brained) and intuitive or concentrate on high-prole class-action suits
imaginative (right-brained) thinking and right while giving individual parties license to pur-
as contrasted with wrong or faulty manage- sue their charges in federal and state courts.
ment. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act gives
right of discovery 1. In litigation, the right to the EEOC 180 days to resolve a charge, le
ask for the other sides documentation of its a suit on behalf of the complainant, or issue
position. 2. Disclosure ordered by judicial a right-to-sue letter. An EEOC rule states that
authority of proof on an issue in dispute. the agency may issue such a letter at any time
rights Allow existing shareholders of a corpo- prior to the expiration of 180 days provided
ration to subscribe to shares of a new issue of that certain circumstances are present. In June
common stock before that stock is offered to 1996, an Indiana federal district court (Parker
the public. Typically has a time limit, is trans- v. Noble Romans Inc.) ruled that the commis-
ferable, and entitles the holder to buy the new sion does not have to wait the full 180 days
common stock below the public offering before it issues a right-to-sue letter.
price. right-to-work Legislation underscoring the
rightsizing A form of downsizing, it is a selec- right of employees to work. Many states now
tive approach to reduce stafng to adapt to have right-to-work laws that prohibit man-
change, cut costs, improve quality and pro- datory union membership.
ductivity, attain a competitive edge, and blunt Rijndael The newest encryption standard
the impact of labor shortages. In short, it is a (Advanced Encription Standard) adopted
strategy for avoiding laying off the wrong peo- by the National Institute of Standards and
ple by prioritizing jobs and tasks and targeting Technology (NIST) in October 2000. Pro-
unnecessary work rather than focusing on nounced rhine dahl, the algorithm will be
people. offered to the public for comment, after which
right-to-act Legislation pursued at both fed- it will become the ofcial government stan-
eral and state levels that would give workers dard and will most likely also be adopted by
more authority to refuse to perform duties they banks and other private organizations.
believe would put them at risk of serious ringi A Japanese terms that expresses the con-
injury. cept of shared decision making.
right-to-know (RTK) Occupational Safety risk analysis In project management, deter-
and Health Administration standards estab- mining in advance where things could go
lished to protect the health and safety of work- wrong and the impact if they do. Provides the
ers, including those in nonmanufacturing basis for contingency planning.
risk avoidance 584 risk/risk factor

risk avoidance Strategies and tactics de- ognized by such plans are for emergency ser-
signed and implemented to avoid or eliminate vices that may be received anywhere in the
nancial or other risks. They include such U.S. and for urgently needed services when
things as policies and work rules, protective the beneciary is temporarily out of the plans
devices and clothing, and safety training. service area. Some risk plans offer another
risk contract A Medicare option in which exception: for point-of-service care provided
Medicare pays a set amount to provide for an outside the plans network, the plan pays a
enrollees health care. That care includes all percentage of the charges, but subscribers are
Medicare-covered services and, depending on required to pay at least 20% of the bill in
the plan, may include additional services, such return for this exibility.
as prescription drugs and eyeglasses. risk rating Used by insurance carriers to
risk management Corporate insurance man- ensure fairness to all who apply for health insur-
agement. It is a means of coordinating the con- ance coverage, particularly those with lower
trol of risks to organizational solvency caused health risks. Direct risk rating (also called med-
by such fortuitous losses as re damage, ical underwriting) involves evaluating
liability for injury or death, loss of goods by applicants for insurance to identify those with
accidents to the carrier or embezzlement, or medical problems whose coverage is reduced
theft of trade secrets. Risk management is or their premiums increased. Insurers may
accomplished by systematic analysis of risks also exclude entire industries or drop specic
to company assets and protability and the use groups of workers when their claims become
of various techniques designed to reduce large. Indirect risk rating involves the impo-
potential loss from those risks. Includes such sition of waiting periods, copayments, and
tools as nancial risk management (insur- payment ceilings and the exclusion of certain
ance), technical risk management (safeguards procedures, tests, or drugs. The practice is
built into the infrastructures of the organiza- condemned by some as systematic discrimi-
tions physical environment), legal risk man- nation against disadvantaged minorities, older
agement (protections involving the use of reg- workers, and people with chronic conditions.
ulatory and legal compliance), and normative It is lauded by others who see it as a more
risk management (encouraging and develop- equitable system in which risk is assigned to
ing proper behavior among employees, sup- the responsible individual rather than pooled
pliers, distributors, and customers). among insureds.
risk manager The buyer and manager of lia- Risk Retention Acts of 1981 and 1986 (RRA)
bility and other forms of corporate insurance Believed by some experts to have allowed risk
coverage. Formerly responsible only for retention groups (RRGs) to form and, if
insurance, simple loss prevention, and predic- licensed in one state, they could operate
tion, risk managers are now involved in risk nationally without adhering to the capital and
nancing, control, and assessment and cost surplus standards of other states.
containment in benets health care. Fre- risk retention group (RRG) A type of alter-
quently they have the safety director, claims native market company established to meet
manager, benets manager, and risk analyst the specic needs of companies that experi-
reporting to them. enced difculty obtaining liability insurance
risk of loss rule See uniform coverage rule. coverages during the liability insurance crisis
risk plans One of two types of managed care of the mid-1980s. Risk retention groups ser-
plans that contract with Medicare. Risk plans vice the needs of such diverse businesses as
have lock in requirements, meaning that a nancial institutions, taxi owners, tness cen-
beneciary is usually locked into receiving all ters, ski resorts, physicians, and educational
covered care through the plan or through institutions.
referrals by the plan. In most cases, if the risk/risk factor 1. In insurance, the chance or
beneciary receives services that are not degree of probability of loss due to re, ood,
authorized by the plan, neither the plan nor war, or other catastrophy. 2. A term used by
Medicare will pay. The only exceptions rec- epidemiologists to quantify the likelihood that
risk-sharing arrangement 585 role negotiation

something will occur. A risk factor is some- discrimination. Most other antitrust laws are
thing that either increases or decreases an enforced by civil, rather than criminal, pro-
individuals risk of developing a disease. ceedings.
risk-sharing arrangement A managed care Robinson v. Shell Oil Company A 1997
contract that stipulates that both the insured Supreme Court decision that ruled that former
and the insurer share the risks and potential employees must be given the same protection
for gain. May involve rate guarantees depend- against retaliation as current employees and
ing on the size and clout of an employers job applicants under Title VII of the Civil
preferred provider network, the performance Rights Act of 1964. The ruling may discour-
of the managed cared care program, ination age employers from providing information on
of medical costs, changing technology, and or negative references for former employees
utilization patterns. to avoid lawsuits under Title VII.
risk transfer In purchasing and contracting, robot A reprogrammable, multifunctional
clauses or stipulations in a contract or agree- manipulator designed to move material, parts,
ment that shift risks from one of the contract- tools, or specialized devices through variable
ing parties to the other; for example, in leasing programmed motions to perform a variety of
equipment, the contract may provide that the tasks.
lessee will bear liability for third-party injury robotics An area of articial intelligence.
and damage resulting from a defect in the Relates to machine vision, movement, and tac-
equipment. tile sensing (touching/grasping) devices used
road show Occurs when investment-banker in repetitive or dangerous tasks in manufactur-
underwriters expedite the process of going ing or laboratory work. Robots invariably
public by marketing the company to big stock consist of three elements: a mechanical unit,
buyers during the companys SEC-mandated which performs manipulative functions, a
quiet period and then afterward by issuing brain or controller, which stores instructions
analyst recommendations praising the com- and data and directs the movements of the
panys prospects. machine, and a power supply, which provides
road warrior A traveler, such as a salesper- the energy to operate the machine.
son, customer service representative, consult- robust Any system or item of equipment,
ant, or entertainer, who makes frequent and including training equipment, such as a per-
sometimes extended business trips. May make formance support or multimedia system, that
use of high-tech devices, such as cellular has been designed to withstand extensive use
phones, laptop computers, and portable fax and rough handling, such as in an industrial
machines to communicate with clients, cus- setting.
tomers, and the home ofce. rock See cocaine.
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Pro- Roe v. Wade A January 22, 1973, Supreme
gram Expanded by the Higher Education Court decision that established a womans
Reauthorization Act of 1992, it is a program constitutional right to choose an abortion. By
for high school students who have demon- a vote of seven to two, the court ruled that a
strated outstanding academic achievement womans right to terminate her pregnancy
and show promise of continued excellence. came under the freedom of personal choice in
Eligible students receive $1500 per year for family matters as protected by the 14th
up to 4 years of postsecondary education; Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
however, the amount of the scholarship plus rogue executables Potentially destructive Java
any other aid received cannot exceed the cost aplets and ActiveX controls that may be
of attendance. unwittingly downloaded by users from net-
Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 An amend- works assumed to be secure.
ment to the Clayton Act of 1914. Prohibits role negotiation A team building approach
discrimination in prices where there may be that centers on the work a group is charged to
adverse competitive effects. Section 3 perform. It typically begins at the upper man-
declares illegal certain predatory acts of price agement level, but it can be launched with any
role playing 586 room audio

group. Signicant changes in work group federal taxes on lump-sum distributions can
effectiveness occur when two or more mem- be deferred (or avoided) by placing them in a
bers agree to change their behavior in rollover IRA. Or, if an individual is changing
exchange for some specic change on the part jobs, a rollover IRA (also called a conduit
of others. IRA) can serve as a temporary tax-deferred
role playing A laboratory method of instruc- investment vehicle until the distribution is
tion that involves the spontaneous dramatiza- moved to the qualied plan of a new employer.
tion or acting out of a situation by two or more Once funds are withdrawn from an IRA, the
individuals under the direction of an instruc- IRS allows only 60 days after receipt to rein-
tor. The dialogue grows out of the situation vest assets in a new IRA. Assets not reinvested
developed by the trainees assigned to the within that period are considered a taxable
parts. Each person acts a role as he or she feels distribution and, if the individual has not
it should be played. Other trainees serve as reached age 59 1/2 , are not disabled, and do not
observers and critics. Following the enact- fall within certain other exemptions, there is
ment, the group engages in discussion. also a 10% early withdrawal penalty. Only one
rolng An alternative manipulative medical rollover is allowed per year.
treatment that employs deep, sometimes pain- Roman 1. The Latin alphabet used in English
ful, massage to realign the body. and European languages. 2. Type that is
roll-about videoconferencing systems upright, rather than italic or cursive.
Include a camera, codec, monitor, micro- Romer v. Evans A U.S. Supreme Court deci-
phone, and network interface. Offer features sion of May 20, 1996 that declared illegal state
and exibility similar to room-based video-
and local laws that deny gays and lesbians
conferencing systems but are less expensive.
legal protection from discrimination. The
rolling budget See continuous budgeting.
Court ruled that gays and lesbians are entitled
rolling year A means of measuring leave
to equal rights, as opposed to special rights
taken by an employee under legislation such
that racial minorities and women are given
as the Family and Medical Leave Act of
through afrmative action programs. The
1993 to prevent leave stacking. Under
decision invalidated Colorado state Constitu-
FMLA, employers may choose any one of
tional Amendment 2 that proscribed legisla-
four methods measured backward from the
tive, executive, or judicial action at any level
date of an employees request for leave: (1) a
of state or local government designed to pro-
xed 12-month period for all employees,
(2) 12 months measured from the rst date tect the status of persons based on their
leave is used, (3) a calendar year, or (4) a homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual orientation,
rolling 12-month period measured backward conduct, practices, or relationships. The rul-
from the date leave is used, resulting in a ing is important for three reasons: (1) it may
constantly changing (rolling) date. So, for prompt adjustments in workplace attitudes
each day an employee requests leave, the and make the workplace more open to gays
employer must look back 12 months and and lesbians, (2) it may prod companies to
total the amount of leave the employee has draft sexual orientation antidiscrimination
taken to determine how much leave remains policies, and (3) it may improve the chances
available, if any. Once the choice of FMLA of Congress passing legislation making it ille-
leave policy is made, employers must give 60 gal to discriminate in the workplace based on
days advance notice to employees to change sexual orientation. In holding that homosexu-
it, and the transition to the new policy must ality cannot be singled out for disfavorable
permit employees to retain the full benet treatment, the Court contradicts a decision
of 12 weeks leave under whatever method of pronounced in 1986 (Bowers v. Hardwick, 478
calculation gives employees the greatest U.S. 186) that ruled that sodomy is illegal.
benet. room audio The sound equipment in a class-
rollover Transfer of funds from one account room or meeting room. It consists of micro-
to another without tax penalty. For example, phones, speakers, and control equipment.
room-based videoconferencing systems 587 Roth IRA

room-based videoconferencing systems Fea- periods of time. The objectives include assess-
ture cameras, microphones, screens, and aux- ing new employees interests and skills to
iliary equipment, such as personal computers, determine what position is the best t,
document cameras, and digitized whiteboards, immersing employees in the culture of the
permanently installed in a dedicated video- organization, adjusting employees to foreign
conferencing room. environments, and preparing future managers
room congurations Room layouts for meet- and executives.
ings and conferences. See classroom congu- rotational training staff The practice of
ration; conference conguration; roundtable assigning nontraining employees to training
conguration; theater/auditorium congura- duties, such as instruction or course design
tion. and development, on a temporary basis. Also
rooming list A list of the names of guests with called line-on-loan.
reservations furnished to the hotel by the cor- rotation-group technique A group technique
porate meeting manager at least 2 weeks in of experimentation in which groups of sub-
advance of arrival. jects (if possible, parallel or equivalent) are
room rates See continental plan; day rate; exchanged at intervals in terms of the methods
European plan; at rate; full American plan; or procedures followed. For example, one
modied American plan; rack rate; run-of-the- group of English-as-a-second-language train-
house rate. ees might begin instruction in reading, using
room types See adjoining rooms; cabana; the whole word recognition method, while a
concierge level; connecting rooms; convert- parallel group would follow the phonetic
ible room; double; double/double; duplex; approach. Then at intervals of 1 month the two
efciency; hospitality room; hospitality suite; groups would exchange methods. A major
junior suite; king; lanai; Murphy bed; parlor; limitation of the method lies in the carryover
queen; sample; single; studio; suite; twin. effect from one instructional method to
Rorschach Test Rorschach Personality another, which makes it difcult to determine
Assessment, a test used by therapists. Devised whether achievement at the end of a particular
in 1921 by Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss psy- month is due to the whole method, the
chiatrist, as a means of detecting fundamental phonics method, or a blending of both.
personality characteristics, although it does rotator An employee who works changing
provide some information about the testees shifts (e.g., changing periodically from 7 to 3
intellect. The testee is shown ten cards, on to 3 to 11 and 11 to 7). Such schedules are
each of which is a complex standard inkblot believed to disturb circadian rhythms (the
image with two symmetrical halves. Five of body clock); increase stress in employees at
the cards are dark gray but with many different work and at home; and result in fatigue, health
shadings; two are dark gray and red; three are problems, irritability, reduced job perfor-
multicolored. The testee is asked to state what mance, lower productivity, and higher acci-
he or she sees in each of the relatively form- dent rates.
less blots, what it looks like, what it makes rote learning A learning strategy used by
him or her think of, or what it suggests and humans (and to some degree by learning
thereby reveals fundamental traits and domi- machines). It involves memorizing informa-
nant trends in his or her personality. What the tion without regard to its meaning.
individual perceives and expresses provides Roth IRA A tax-free individual retirement
the material the psychologist or psychiatrist account that became effective in 1998 under
uses to determine the underlying conicts the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. Allows
against which the testees symptoms have annual contributions of up to $3000 for indi-
been constructed as a means of defense. viduals and $4000 for couples, but it does not
rotational training A means of staff develop- allow investors to deduct those contributions
ment in which new employees are rotated from their taxable income. However, they can
through a variety of positions, departments, withdraw earnings from their account without
units, and company functions for specied paying any federal income taxes, provided the
roundtable configuration 588 Rule 240

account is at least 5 years old and the investors mandatory and enforceable. Rules require pre-
are at least 59 1/2 years old. Eligibility for the determined and specied courses of action or
IRAs does not phase out until adjusted gross nonaction in a particular set of circumstances.
income reaches $95,000 for individuals and Rules are prescriptive or proscriptive; they do
$150,000 for couples. not permit discretion. Examples are safety
roundtable conguration One of the basic rules. 2. In typography, an element of print in
types of room layouts used for small group the form of a line.
meetings and conferences. Includes one or rule against perpetuities A common clause
more round tables and chairs for six to eight in a trust stating that property interest must
participants. vest or become current within a period of time
round-trip fare A discounted fare sometimes dened as the lifetime of all people currently
offered for travel to and return from a single living plus 21 years. Originated in English law
destination. to prevent property from being entangled for-
router A device that connects two or more ever in a trust.
computer networks by the most efcient route. Rule No. 106 See FASB Rule No. 106.
Can handle multiple protocols by sending Rule of 150 States that the number 150 repre-
data between dissimilar networks. sents the maximum number of individuals
routine physical examination A physical with which a person can have a close relation-
examination, x-ray, laboratory, or other test ship one that allows that person to know
made on a recurring (annual or semiannual) who those individuals are and how they relate
basis rather than triggered by symptoms of to him or her. Attributed to British anthropol-
illness, disease, or injury. ogist Robin Dunbar.
routine services/care Health care services Rule of 45 A vesting schedule based on age
provided periodically to prevent illnesses. and years of service. Provides 50% vesting for
Typically include routine physical examina- an employee with at least 5 years of service
tions and diagnostic laboratory tests, includ- when his or her age and years of service add
ing pap smears and x-rays, prostate cancer up to 45, plus 10% for each year thereafter.
screening, colorectal cancer screening, and
Rule of Seven A rule formulated by Dr. Jef-
frey Lant, marketing expert, that states that if
Rowan plan A type of incentive plan in which
one wants a prospective buyer to purchase
worker payments were based on a formula that
what one is selling one must connect with him
increased bonus amounts at a decreasing rate
or her a minimum of seven times within an
as productivity increased. Not in common use
18-month period.
Rucker plan A plan developed by Allen W. Rule of 72 In investment, a simple formula
Rucker in the 1930s to improve cost manage- used to determine how long (in years) it will
ment and cost reduction by emphasizing take for an investment to double in value,
employee involvement through suggestion assuming that earnings are paid annually and
systems, committees, improved communica- are reinvested in the same account. It is cal-
tion, and a bonus plan and the sharing of culated by dividing the number 72 by the
results with employees. stated interest rate.
rug ranking A colloquial term for compensa- Rule of 75 In early retirement programs,
tion policies that determine the pay of secre- where the basis for eligibility is established as
taries based on the level of the executive or any combination of age and years of service
managers they serve, rather than on perfor- totaling 75 or more.
mance the higher the rank of the executive rule of thumb A conventional or customary
or manager (and the more expensive the rug and nonscientic approach to decision making
decorating his or her oor), the higher the or the solution of a problem.
secretarys salary. Rule 240 A regulation that is a part of major
rule 1. A uniform and specic statement of a airlines contracts of carriage. It spells out
standard of conduct, action, or usage that is what the carrier will do for passengers when
runaround 589 Russian (butler)

a ight is delayed, rerouted, or canceled. Medicare pays for services provided in these
Although each airline has its own criteria, in facilities by physicians, nurse practitioners,
most cases the airline will place customers on doctor assistants, nurse midwives, clinical
competitors ights to get them to their desti- psychologists, and social workers that are a
nation on time. part of the clinic.
runaround In desktop publishing, type set to Rush Prudential HMO, Inc. v. Moran A 2002
t around an illustration, a box, or an irregular Supreme Court decision that the federal
shape. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
run chart See line chart. 1974 did not preempt an Illinois law estab-
running head In desktop publishing, type that lishing external reviews of Health Mainte-
is repeated at the top of every page, such as a nance Organization decisions. That decision
book or chapter title. endangers the ability of employer health plans
run-of-the-house rate An agreed-upon rate to maintain consistent claims procedures
for group accommodations for all available across state lines.
rooms except suites in a hotel or other property. Russian (butler) The highest (and most ex-
rural health clinic A specially qualied out- pensive) level of meal service. Servers present
patient facility located in an area designated the food on a platter and guests serve them-
as rural, where there is a shortage of health selves. Usually reserved for banquets and
care or rehabilitation practitioners or services. other special occasions.
2LT Second Lieutenant O1 (Army SBO Small business organization.
military abbreviation). SBP Survivor benet plan.
2nd Lt. Second Lieutenant O1 (Air SBREFA Small Business Regulatory
Force, Army, and Marine Enforcement Fairness Act of
Corps civilian abbreviation). 1996.
16 Section 16, Securities SBS Sick building syndrome.
Exchange Act of 1991. SCANS Secretarys Commission on
S Score. See test scores. Achieving Necessary Skills.
SA8000 SA 8000 Standards. SCM Supply chain management.
SAA 1. Standards of application SCMP Society of Corporate Meeting
architecture. 2. Sherman Anti- Professionals.
trust Act of 1890. SCORE Service Corps of Retired
SAD Seasonal affective disorder. Executives.
SADLs Signicant activities of daily SCORM Sharable Content Object
living. Reference Model.
SAFE Safety Advancement for SCSI Small-computer standard
Employees Act of 1998. interface.
SALT Society of Applied Learning SD Standard deviation.
S.D. Doctor of Science.
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental
SDA Service delivery area.
Health Services
SDI Selective dissemination of
SANs Storage area networks.
SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act of
SAP 1. Substance abuse
professional. 2. Systems,
applications, and products. SDWT Self-directed work team.
SAR 1. Stock appreciation rights. SE 1. Standard error. 2. Self-
2. Summary annual report. efcacy.
3. Student Aid Report. SEC Securities and Exchange
SARA Superfund Amendments and Commission.
Reauthorization Act of 1986. SEG Special effects generator.
SARS Severe acute respiratory SEIU Service Employees
syndrome. International Union.
SARSEP Salary reduction simplied SE meas Standard error of
employee pension. measurement.
SAS Systems applications SEP 1. Simplied employee
software. pension. 2. Self-employed
SAT 1. Scholastic Aptitude Test. Pension Individual
2. Scholastic Assessment Test. Retirement Plan.
3. Systems Approach to SEPPA Single Employer Pension Plan
Training. Amendments Act of 1986.
SBA Small Business SERCs State Emergency Response
Administration. Commissions.
SBIC Small business investment SERP Supplemental executive
company. retirement plans.


SFA Student nancial aid. SLOB Separate line of business.

SG&A Selling, General, and SLR Single-lens reex camera.
Administrative Expenses. SLS Supplemental Loans for
SGLI Service Members Group Life Students.
Insurance. SMA Self-managed account.
SGMP Society of Government SmarT Save More Tomorrow.
Meeting Professionals. SMCAF Society of Medical
SGTP The Society of Government Consultants to the Armed
Travel Professionals. Forces.
SHHH Self Help for Hard of Hearing S.M.D.I. Society for Muscular
People, Inc. Dystrophy Information,
SHIP State Health Insurance International.
Assistance Program. SME 1. Society of Manufacturing
SHMO Social health maintenance Engineers. 2. Subject-matter
organization. expert.
SHRM Society for Human Resource SMERF Social, military, educational,
Management. religious, and fraternal.
S-http Secure HyperText Transport SMHMO Staff model health
Protocol. maintenance organization.
SI Silicon Investor. SMOCTA Service Members
SIBP Self-insured benets plan. Occupational Conversion and
SIC See Standard Industrial Training Act of 1993.
Classication System. SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and
SIDS Sudden infant death Television Engineers.
syndrome. SMWIA Sheet Metal Workers
SIECUS Sexuality Information & International Association.
Education Council of the SMWT Self-managed work team.
United States.
SNF Skilled nursing facility.
SIETAR The Society for Intercultural
SNO The Society for Nonprot
Education, Training and
Research (International).
SOA Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
SIG Self-insurance group.
SOC See Standard Occupational
SIIA Self-Insurance Institute of
Classication System.
America, Inc.
SOFA Status of forces agreement.
SIM Single Internal Market.
SIMPLE Savings Incentive Match Plan SONET Synchronous optical network.
for Employees. SOP Standing operating procedure.
SISO Society of Independent Show SOW Statement of work.
Organizers. SPBA Society of Professional
SIT Storage in transit. Benet Administrators.
SITE Society of Incentive & Travel SPC Statistical process control.
Executives. SPD Summary plan description.
SKA Skills, knowledge, and SPEs Special-purpose entities.
attitudes. SPF Sun protection factor.
SLA Special Libraries Association. SPHR Senior Professional in Human
SLAPP Strategic litigation against Resources.
public participation. SPIMM Self-paced interactive
SLIP Serial line Internet protocol. multimedia.
SLMA Student Loan Marketing SPO Strategic project ofce.
Association. SQG Small quantity generator.
SLMB Specied low-income SQL Structured query language.
Medicare beneciary. SRAM Static random access memory.
SRM 593 Safe Harbor Regulations

SRM Supplier relationship sabbatical 1. In business and industry, a fringe

management. benet offered to employees by some compa-
SRMC Society of Risk Management nies to combat job burnout, promote personal
Consultants. growth, teach, pursue advanced training, or
S-R theory Stimulus-response theory. perform public service. Employees on sabbat-
SSA Social Security Act of 1935. ical receive full pay and benets for from 6
SSCRA Soldiers and Sailors Civil to 12 weeks and with a frequency range from
Relief Act of 1991. once every 4 years to once in a career. 2. In
SSI Supplemental Security education, a leave of absence sometimes
Income. granted to members of college and university
SSL Secure sockets layer. faculties every 7th year for rest, travel, or
SSO 1. Second surgical opinion. research for either a semester at full pay or a
2. Single sign-on. full academic year at half pay.
SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake Sabre In travel management, a computer res-
inhibitor. ervation system owned by American Air-
STAG Society of Travel Agents in lines. Also provides assistance on-site and by
Government. phone-in linking systems, including electronic
STC 1. Short-time compensation. mail systems and local area networks.
2. Society for Technical Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 (SDWA)
Communication. The Act was established to protect the quality
STD 1. Sexually transmitted of drinking water in the U.S. This law focuses
disease. 2. Short-term on all waters actually or potentially designed
disability. for drinking use, whether from aboveground
S.T.D. Doctor of Sacred Theology. or underground sources. The Act authorized
STEPS Severance trust executive the Environmental Protection Agency to
plans. establish safe standards of purity and required
STP Satellite ticket printer. all owners or operators of public water sys-
STS Sociotechnical system. tems to comply with primary (health-related)
SUB Supplemental unemployment standards. State governments, which assume
benets. this power from EPA, also encourage attain-
SUI State Unemployment ment of secondary (nuisance-related) stan-
Insurance. dards.
SV Still video. Safe fax See fax security.
SVD Simultaneous voice and data. Safe Harbor Act of 2000 The U.S. response
SW Software. to the European Unions Data Directive,
SWAP Short wavelength which establishes a high level of legal protec-
autoperimetry. tion for the privacy of individuals and personal
SYSOP System operator. data within the EU. Provides some legal pro-
tection to U.S. companies that, as part of their
SA8000 Social Accountability Standards European operations, gather personally iden-
Standards relating to social accountability in tiable data about EU citizens, including
the international arena. Include child labor, employees and customers. Mandates that U.S.
forced labor, health and safety, collective bar- companies notify EU citizens that they are
gaining, discrimination, disciplinary prac- collecting their personal information, give
tices, working hours, and compensation. The them access to that information, and provide
standards are derived from International them with the ability to refuse permission for
Labor Organization treaties, the Universal data collection.
Declaration of Human Rights, and the United Safe Harbor Regulations Regulations issued
Nations Convention on Rights of the Child. by the Department of Labor on September 3,
Created by the Council on Economic Priori- 1987, to interpret the requirements of Section
ties Accreditation Agency. 404(c) of the Employee Retirement Income
safe harbor relief 594 sales and dealer training

Security Act of 1974. In brief, the regulations professional employees, people who receive
offer employers relief from duciary respon- predetermined annual pay that is not affected
sibility for investment performance if they by the quantity or quality of the work they
offer participants in individual account plans perform.
a range of investment options, an opportunity salary-based deductible Health care cover-
to invest the assets in their accounts in a safe age that ties the deductible to salary to
investment, and control over assets. ability to pay. That is, the deductible increases
safe harbor relief See Revenue Act of 1978. for those who can afford to pay and decreases
safety needs Human needs for safety from the for those who cannot.
dangers of the environment. salary compression A consequence of ina-
safety, protection, and security services tion. Symptoms are higher salaries for new
Programs designed to protect employees from hires than for current workers and hourly pay
the devastating effects of accidents, injuries, increases for workers that have matched or
and personal attacks and the organization overtaken supervisory compensation levels.
from the loss of productive time, payments for salary continuation plan See supplemental
treatment and time away from the job, executive retirement plan.
increased insurance premiums, loss due to salary grade A level of compensation, usu-
theft, pilferage, industrial espionage, sabo- ally a salary range and not an individual
tage, or unauthorized disclosure, and the amount, established for a group of similar
expenses that result from litigation. Protective jobs.
strategies include visitor identication and salary range A band of salaries, from mini-
control, area entry and exit control, material mum to maximum, set for a specic job.
and document control, vehicle control, con- salary reduction plan See 401K plan.
duct of inspections and inventories, use of salary reduction simplied employee pension
alarm systems and security devices, guard sur- (SAR-SEP) A vehicle for retirement sav-
veillance, safes, vaults, and key control, train- ings. Instead of making payments to the com-
ing, and so on. pany pension plan, the company makes pay-
safety training Training provided to employ- ments to the employees IRA. Contributions
ees, clients, and customers to promote their are not currently taxed and accumulated earn-
concern for safe and healthful working con- ings are tax-deferred. If self-employed or a
ditions; reduce accidents, injuries, and ill- partner in a small business, individuals can
nesses by detecting, analyzing, and correcting also use SEPs. The salary reductions are sub-
unsafe or unhealthful conditions; ensure com- ject to FICA (social security) and FUCA (fed-
pliance with federal, state, industry, insurance, eral unemployment) taxes. Under tax law
and enterprise rules, regulations, require- changes, the amount that participants in SAR
ments, and practices; reduce the threat of lit- SEP plans may defer increased for tax year
igation; and train people in safety procedures, 2002 and beyond. In addition to the increased
practices, and the use of safety equipment. deferral limits, beginning in the year partici-
Strategies, processes, and techniques include pants attain age 50 they may defer an addi-
formal training involving demonstrations and tional amount as a catch-up contribution.
the use of multimedia, safety meetings and salary survey See area wage survey; profes-
conferences, safety publications, bulletins, sional, administrative, technical, and clerical
posters, safety contests, signs, slogans, exam- survey.
ple of supervisors, immediate correction of sales and dealer training Training provided
errors, and the elimination of hazards. to the sales force, franchisees, and dealers to
salaried planner A nancial or other type of teach them what they need to know about the
planner who receives compensation from his products and services they market and sell,
or her company, rather than from the specic how to demonstrate the effectiveness of their
products or services he or she sells. products and services, and how to conduct
salaried workers In general, dened by the their business and to help them develop the
law as executives and administrative and attitudes, skills, and habits they need to
sales budget 595 satellite ticket printer (STP)

inuence prospects and customers to make be hospitalized on an elective basis to undergo

decisions to buy. routine preoperative tests as an outpatient and
sales budget A sales budget displays pro- to be admitted on the day the surgery is to be
jected sales by month, product line, and geo- performed.
graphic areas. sample 1. In meeting management, a hotel
sales employee Under proposed Labor De- room used solely for display of merchandise.
partments overtime rules changes (Fair Labor It may or may not have sleeping facilities.
Standards Act), one who is regularly engaged 2. In a research study, a relatively small num-
away from the employers place or places of ber of cases drawn from the population.
business is exempt from time-and-one-half sandbagging Where compensation of execu-
pay for hours worked over 40 in a week. tives is directly tied to business plans, the
sales force automation Software that pro- unethical practice of establishing a plan that
vides salespeople with customer information is easily achieved in order to win a large raise
and a means of increasing sales and managing or bonus.
their time. May also include tools for manag- sandwiched employee An employee sand-
ing contacts, generating proposals, processing wiched between two generations. 1. Post-
sales, and tracking customers. World War II employees who are having chil-
sales manager The hotel functionary who dren late in their lives just at the time they are
books meetings, blocks sleeping rooms, being called on to take care of their aging
reserves meeting space, and negotiates rates. parents. 2. Adults who have reared their own
sales meeting A meeting of marketing and children, now gone and on their own, who
sales personnel convened to develop sales suddenly nd themselves responsible for the
forecasts and marketing and sales strategies care of a dependent parent or other relative.
and to motivate and urge personnel to renewed
sandwiched generation See sandwiched
sales readiness Refers to how informed a
sanity track People who have opted for a nor-
salesperson is about his or her companys
mal, 40-hour work week, instead of six
products or services.
10-hour days, to allow them to balance their
sales representative See director of sales.
personal and professional lives. Coined by
Sallie Mae See Student Loan Marketing
Harvard Business School Professor Lawrence
salt A worker who inltrates nonunion com-
panies to recruit employees and pressure man- Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOA) See
agers. Accounting Industry Reform Act of 2002.
salting 1. The labor union practice of paying satellite In telecommuting, a small ofce
organizers to apply for or hold construction designed to accommodate only a few employ-
and other types of jobs with companies the ees and usually located near their homes.
union seeks to organize. Protected by federal satellite broadcasting A f o r m o f v i d e o -
labor law. 2. A tactic of labor unions in which conferencing that uses satellite links rather
nonunion workplaces are inltrated in order than phone lines. Typically has two-way audio
to organize them. but only one-way video.
same actor inference A postulate or satellite communications A means of linking
ground rule adopted in the 1st, 4th, 6th, and 7th remote sites with corporate mainframe
U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals as a defense to computers and conferencing facilities, called
a claim of age discrimination. The inference very small aperture terminal systems, that
recognizes that it would be illogical for an provide up to 56-kbps interactive service.
employer to hire a person who is a member of satellite ticket printer (STP) In travel man-
a protected class and later re the employee agement, a device that prints travel documents,
because of membership in that class. such as tickets and itineraries, on ticket stock.
same-day surgery In health care utilization Found in airports, corporate ofces, and some
management, requiring a member who is to hotel lobbies.
satellite TV 596 Scanlon Plan

satellite TV Transmission of video signals by funded by employer contributions and allows

means of satellites. for employee elective salary reduction contri-
satisfaction A sales readiness metric that butions of up to $6000 annually on a pretax
employs polls of customers, clients, or others basis, thereby reducing their taxable income.
for their opinion of the scope and quality of Savings grow tax-deferred up to withdrawal.
materials used in a marketing or sales presen- Employers must either match up to 3% of
tation. participating employees compensation or
satisfactory academic progress Under fed- make nonelective contributions of 2% of each
eral student aid programs, to be eligible for employees compensation on behalf of eligi-
aid an individual must meet the schools writ- ble employees. Such contributions are tax-
ten standard of acceptable progress toward a deductible for employers. See also SIMPLE
degree or certicate. 401(k); SIMPLE IRA.
satisers Factors related to a jobs intrinsic savings plan A type of pension plan in which
content, such as achievement, advancement, employees set aside a xed percentage of their
and a feeling of challenge and personal weekly wages or salary for their retirement;
growth. the company usually matches from 50 to
Saturn Project A General Motors labor-man- 100% of the employees contributions.
agement experimental program involving total scalability In e-learning, the extent to which
redesign of G.E.s traditional manufacturing a computer application or component can be
plant, changes in management style and focus, expanded in size, volume, or number of users
downsizing, a team-based management sys- served and continue to function properly.
tem, redesigned jobs and tasks, and automa- scalable font A font that can be enlarged or
tion. reduced to any size, whether that size has been
sauna A therapy of Finnish origin that uses installed in the system or not. It will print
dry heat in a wood-lined room to sweat out smoothly at the selected size even if it looks
impurities in the body. A steam room is similar ragged on the screen.
but uses wet heat. scalar principle A principle of organization.
Save More Tomorrow (SMarT) A new kind States that there must be a hierarchical struc-
of 401(k) plan, it simply asks investors to ture in every organization that clearly depicts
agree to increase their future 401(k) savings superiorsubordinate, authorityaccountabil-
by a small percentage each year, ideally ity, and direction-reporting relationships.
scheduled to take effect at the time of annual scaled scores A procedure used to to convert
pay raises. the actual raw scores (number correct) on dif-
savings and loan association A nancial in- ferent forms of a test to a uniform scale fol-
stitution that accepts deposits primarily from lowing equating. This procedure ensures that
individuals and channels its funds primarily all testees are required to demonstrate the
into residential mortgage loans. Most savings same level of ability to achieve a passing score
and loan associations are owned by the depos- on the test regardless of whether or not they
itors, who receive shares in the association for took an easier or more difcult form of the
their deposits. Sometimes called building and test.
loan associations, cooperative banks, or scam trip One classication of free trips to
homestead associations. resort areas taken by bogus users of incentive
savings and thrift plan A type of dened travel or unethical travel agents who steal free
contribution plan in which an employees vacations by pretending that they are potential
contributions to a pension plan are matched clients. Attributed to Michael J. Hurwitz, pres-
in whole or in part by the employer. ident of the Society of Incentive Travel Exec-
Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees utives.
(SIMPLE) A part of the Minimum Wage Scanlon Plan A team approach to manage-
Bill that became effective January 1, 1997. ment initiated in the late 1940s similar to qual-
Allows businesses with 100 or fewer employ- ity circles. It gives employees a nancial share
ees to establish a retirement plan option in the productivity gains of an organization.
scanner 597 schizophrenia

Shares depend on cost reductions achieved. scattergram A tool used to compare salaries
Proposals for cost-cutting are screened by and determine the internal equity and effec-
committees prior to their implementation. tiveness of a compensation program. Shows
scanner A peripheral mechanism that auto- maximum, minimum, and actual salaries and
matically transfers information, from text to indicates higher and lower than maximum and
graphics, into the computer without need for minimum by using red and green circles.
keyboarding. It is essentially a tiny camera scenario 1. An integrative forecasting tech-
that converts optical information into digital nique involving the development of stories
electronic data that can be interpreted and or scripts about future real-world condi-
manipulated by a computer. The scanner soft- tions. Scenarios add depth and breadth to deci-
ware converts the digital image into a form sions about future plans and operations
that various applications programs can use. because they can present the interactions of
Scanners are most often used to capture illus- several factors and developments in an inte-
trations for insertion into other documents. grated way. 2. An outline or synopsis of a
They may produce black-and-white output dramatization or the plot of a video program
(even from color originals) or full color. prepared prior to production showing the
scanning 1. In self-development, the process development of the production scene by
of skimming research reports, books, profes- scene.
sional and technical magazines, newspapers, schedule A plan for allocating people, time,
advertisements, catalogs, brochures, and the space, facilities, equipment, and materials to
like (including materials that are only vaguely various activities and projects; monitoring the
related or totally foreign to the readers areas progress of those activities and projects; and
of interest and competence) to gain insight ensuring the smooth operation of the organi-
into what others are doing and thinking. 2. In zation or program. Examples are work sched-
forecasting, a surveillance technique that ules; production schedules; annual schedules
involves observation of changes and develop- of courses, classes, and programs; and weekly
ments in an area of interest to identify poten- training schedules.
tially important impacts on the organization schedule interview An interview in which
early. every respondent is asked for the same infor-
scatter diagram A quality control tool. The mation. The interviewer reads the questions
product of plotting a series of numbers from a prepared schedule to ensure consis-
tency in the wording and sequence of
8 Schengen Agreement Aimed at providing
7 visa- and passport-free travel throughout
6 Europe. Became effective March 1, 1995 in
Height (ft.)

5 France, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Por-

tugal, and Spain. Austria, Denmark, Finland,
Greece, Italy, and Sweden are likely to partic-
ipate in the future. Ireland and the United
Kingdom have elected not to participate.
schizophrenia A serious mental disease that
0 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
interferes with the brains ability to think
Weight (lbs.) clearly and logically a disorder of thought
processes and that can include such symp-
toms as confused or illogical thinking,
representing measures or readings on two nonsense talking, replacing words with
variables on the x- and y-axes of a graph. The sounds or rhymes, delusions, extreme with-
objective is to discover relationships or corre- drawal, hallucinations, or dulled or inappro-
lations (positive or negative), if any (but not priate feelings. Other symptoms include lack
cause-and-effect), between the two variables. of awareness of the feelings of others, failure
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 598 School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994

to show emotions on the face, avoiding eye school delivery standards A term included
contact, and making few gestures or move- in the the House of Representatives bill on
ments. Frequently results in withdrawal of the restructuring the public schools that makes it
individuals interest in other people. Schizo- incumbent on the education community to
phrenics may also display lack of energy, heed the need for standards. School delivery
spontaneity, and initiative; lack of interest in standards, as dened by the House, are those
activities that were once enjoyable; and dif- necessary to ensure that each student in a
culty concentrating. school has a fair opportunity to achieve the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) A 2 1/2 -hour knowledge and skills set out in the national
multiple-choice examination designed by the content standards and work force readiness
Educational Testing Service of Princeton, NJ standards. Evidence of fair opportunity
to measure reasoning and mathematics and includes: (1) that the school has formally
verbal skills and readiness for college adopted a curriculum that is in line with
entrance. The maximum score on each of the national standards, (2) that the curriculum is
two parts of the test is 800. Until recently, being taught in classrooms, (3) that teachers
most colleges required applicants to submit understand the curriculum and are able to
SAT scores. Criticism of the test has centered teach it, (4) that teachers have access to cur-
on the charge that the tests contain built-in ricular materials necessary for the mastery of
cultural and class biases and therefore dis- the standards, (5) that the school has instruc-
criminate against minorities. tional methods and policies in place to pro-
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Replaced mote mastery by all students, (6) that admin-
the Scholastic Aptitude Test in March 1994. istrators are well prepared, (7) that schools
Scores on the verbal and mathematics portions have the libraries and laboratories necessary
of the SAT range from 200 to 800, with 500 for learning, and (8) that the foregoing indi-
representing the average score, although test cators will be consistent with state policies.
norms are now based on a reference group of school holiday care A form of family and
1 million students who graduated from high work program, a fringe benet. The company
school in 1990 rather than the original grading provides care for school-age children when
scale of 1941, which was based on the results schools are not is session (including summer
of 10,000 testees. SAT I is a reasoning test vacation).
including both verbal and mathematics sec- school matching A service offered to em-
tions. SAT II includes subject tests of lan- ployees as a benet by a growing number of
guages (Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, companies. The service helps employees nd
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Spanish, and schools that match the needs of their children.
EPLT), mathematics, biology, chemistry, Initially offered to families who were relocat-
physics, writing, literature, U.S. history, and ing and wanted to buy homes in an area with
world history. A new SAT will be adminis- good schools, the service is now offered to all
tered in March 2005. Changes: (1) the former employees to enhance recruitment, retention,
SAT Verbal Exam will become the SAT Crit- and morale.
ical Reading Exam, (2) a new section called School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994
the SAT Writing Exam will contain multiple- Legislation designed to improve the transition
choice grammar questions as well as a written from school to jobs for the approximately 75%
essay, and (3) the SAT Math Exam will be of high school students who do not go on to
expanded to cover 3 years of high school math college. The bill (1) establishes a national sys-
and will contain concepts from geometry, tem of community partnerships among the
algebra I, and algebra II. Contact: The College education, business, and government sectors
Board, Communications & Public Affairs to provide apprenticeship training for high
Division, 45 Columbus Avenue, New York, school juniors and seniors, (2) provides fed-
NY 10023-6992 (phone 212-713-8052; fax eral seed money to develop combined aca-
212-713-8184; e-mail ccoletti@college- demic programs and supervised work experi-; Web site ences to give students career majors,
School Voucher Decision 599 screening test

(3) requires each school-to-work program to scope creep In project management, the grad-
contain work-based learning in the form of ual addition of extra effort or the number or
job training and paid work experience to size of deliverables in small, imperceptible
develop job skills, and (4) incorporates a pro- increments over time. Although small enough
gram of study based on academic and job to be overlooked, the cumulative effect is
skills standards identied under the Goals often substantial.
2000: Educate America Act of 1994. The scope of authority In legal terminology, ap-
program is jointly administered by the U.S. plies to what an agent is allowed to do for a
Departments of Labor and Education. principal. Even if the principal limits the au-
School Voucher Decision On June 27, 2002, thority of an agent, such as telling him or her
the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitu- to negotiate a contract but not sign it, if the
tionality of a school-voucher program in agent acts within what would appear to be a
Cleveland, OH that uses taxpayer money to normal scope of authority the agent can still
pay for private and parochial schools. At issue bind the party to a contract.
was Clevelands pioneering school-voucher score Impressing or indenting a mark on paper
program, which gives more than 3700 of the with a string or rule to make folding easier.
citys 75,000 students each a voucher worth Score Choice A plan that allowed students to
up to $2250 to attend private schools. Chief take SAT II subject tests multiple times and
Justice William Rehnquist, writing for the then decide which scores to release to college.
majority in the 5-to-4 decision, afrmed that Effective June 2002, the College Board
Clevelands vouchers are entirely neutral announced that all scores, high or low, will be
with respect to religion because parents automatically forwarded to schools.
retain a true private choice of where and S corporation A special tax designation
how to educate their children. applied for by corporations that are already in
scientic management Emphasizes the need existence. The status eliminates federal cor-
to evaluate each job scientically to determine porate income taxes and avoids double taxa-
the best method of performing it. Attributed tion. S corporations must be domestic, permit
to Frederick Taylor. only one class of stock, and require that stock-
scientist and engineer development P r o - holders be U.S. citizens. S corporations can
grams conducted to restore, refresh, and have up to 75 stockholders (formerly only 35),
update the professional and technical vitality and they can now include individuals, estates,
of scientists and engineers, improve their pro- one-person trusts, and tax-exempt entities.
ductivity, retrain personnel whose skills and Scotch hose An alternative medical treatment
knowledge have become obsolescent or that involves the use of high-pressure hoses
unneeded in the organization, extend their that alternate hot and cold water. Used to
productive life, and promote and support improve circulation.
learning and growth. Delivery systems screen In desktop publishing, the dot pattern
include formal and informal communication in a halftone, usually expressed as the number
networks among professionals within and out- of lines per inch.
side the organization; attendance at programs screening The rst step in the process of
and conferences sponsored by professional reviewing applicants for positions. It involves
societies; enterprise-sponsored seminars, review of application forms and rsums; tele-
symposia, workshops; lectures, and tutorials; phone checks to verify information supplied
laboratory observation and experimentation; by the candidate; the administration, scoring,
industrial, government, and university and analysis of psychological tests (aptitude,
exchange programs; and sabbatical leaves for job knowledge, achievement, and [sometimes]
study and research. personality and temperament tests); analysis
scleroderma An arthritis-related condition of self-reports; interviews; visits and observa-
characterized by thickening of the skin. It may tion; medical exams; and assessment centers.
also affect joints, blood vessels, and internal screening test One of two types of urine drug
organs. detection tests. A screening test is less
screen linking 600 second proviso

expensive, less time-consuming, and less Seattle foot A exible, lifelike prosthesis for
accurate than a conrmatory test, which is amputees that allows considerable freedom of
conducted when positive results occur. movement, including such activities as bas-
screen linking A tool featured by some hu- ketball, baseball, and golf.
man resources and other software that auto- SEC The Securities and Exchange Commis-
matically presents in correct sequence all of sion, charged by the U.S. government with
the screens needed to complete a particular responsibility for ensuring fairness in stock
task. When one screen is completed, the next market transactions and enforcing laws cov-
one appears. ering insider stock trading. Public companies
script 1. A carefully developed, painstakingly are required by law to le regular reports with
worded, written, and tested monologue or dia- the SEC (can be done online) on such things
logue used by the talent or actors in a live as quarterly earnings and stock sold by com-
or recorded dramatization or in making tele- pany executives.
marketing calls. 2. In desktop publishing, type secondary care Services provided by medical
designed to resemble handwriting or writing specialists who generally do not have rst
with a brush. Also called cursive. contact with patients (e.g., cardiologists, urol-
scuzzy A disk that uses the small-computer ogists, gastroenterologists, dermatologists).
interface, an industry standard way for secondary markets Companies that buy stu-
peripheral devices to communicate with small dent loans from lenders, which creates new
computers. funds to lend to students.
sealed bid An organizations bid for a contract secondary memory Computer devices, such
that is sealed and opened along with all other
as oppy disks and hard drives, and the cir-
bids at a set time and place to preserve the
cuitry that controls them. Secondary memory
element of competition.
is used for data storage, providing a repository
search In database management, examining a
for the information that programs process and
data le to locate records that meet a specic
set of criteria.
secondary method See alternative method.
search engine An electronic directory on the
secondary payer rules Federal government
World Wide Web that searches for docu-
rules that give private insurers primary cover-
ments, pages, or sites indexed by subject, key
words, or concepts. Also known as a spider. age responsibility for certain beneciaries,
Examples are AltaVista, Lycos, WebCrawler, resulting in substantial savings to Medicare.
and Yahoo! secondary research Research studies con-
searches See Web searches. ducted by individuals or organizations that
search rm An organization or consultant make use of materials and research ndings
who has employers as clients. Working on a found in journal articles and other published
retainer, hourly, daily, or xed-fee basis, the documents.
rm searches for qualied candidates for key second opinion The views of another health-
professional, scientic, engineering, and man- care provider about a diagnosis or treatment
agerial openings and sometimes recommends that may conrm, question, or refute the orig-
appropriate compensation packages. Also inal diagnosis.
called headhunters. second-party registration Occurs when a
search key One or more characters of infor- corporation or company audits its own suppli-
mation that are to be compared with le keys ers for conformance to international quality
to locate matches. standards.
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) A phe- second proviso In employee relocation termi-
nomenon associated with the impact of the nology, refers to shipments consisting of fur-
amount of daylight on the mental state of niture, xtures, equipment, and the property
workers. In winter, when light is less intense of retail stores, ofces, museums, hospitals,
and of shorter duration, workers often feel and other institutions. See also rst proviso
depressed, irritable, and unable to concentrate. and third proviso.
second surgical opinion (SSO) 601 Section 89, Internal Revenue Code

second surgical opinion (SSO) An opinion in needless Medicare premium deductions

provided by an independent physician, a from social security checks.
requirement of many company medical and Section 16, Securities Exchange Act of 1991
health benets plans, such as health mainte- Effected changes in the Act of 1934. Made it
nance organizations, designed to prevent mandatory for corporate insiders to le reports
unnecessary surgery or other therapy or of a stock purchase or sell in a timely manner
reduce or contain costs. as follows: Form 3, to designate an individual
second-to-die life insurance A policy that who becomes an insider and must comply
provides coverage for both spouses under one with insider report requirements; Form 4, to
policy, with the death benet paid at the time be led within 10 days after the end of the
of the death of the second of the two insured. month, to report all nonexempt transactions
Thus, the insurance payments enable the sur- that have liability attached to them; and Form
vivor to avoid the forced sale of assets to pay 5, to be led within 45 days of the close of a
estate taxes, administrative expenses, probate scal year, to report stock splits, deferred
charges, and executor fees. transactions, and gifts. Effective May 1, 1991.
Secretarys Commission on Achieving Nec- Section 44, Internal Revenue Code Allows
essary Skills (SCANS) A 31-member com- an eligible small business to elect a nonre-
mission formed by the secretary of labor in fundable tax credit equal to 50% of the
1990 to identify the skills needed by employ- amount of eligible disability access expendi-
ees in a high-performance workplace. The tures for any tax year between $259 and
report of the commission, Learning a Living: $10,250; consequently the maximum amount
A Blueprint for High Performance, published of the credit for any taxable year is $5,000.
in 1992, called for a partnership of employers, An eligible small business is dened as any
schools, parents, and government to make person or corporation that (1) had gross
education more relevant to the needs of the receipts (reduced by returns and allowances)
future work force. Five critical skills were for the preceding taxable year that did not
identied: (1) ability to use resources (time, exceed $1 million or (2) had no more than 30
money, materials, space, and staff); (2) inter- full-time employees and (3) elects the appli-
personal skills to work with people with cation of the disabled access credit for the tax
diverse backgrounds (in team building, teach- year. Eligible access expenditures include
ing, customer relations, leadership, and nego- amounts paid or incurred: (1) to remove archi-
tiations); (3) acquiring and evaluating data; (4) tectural, communication, physical, or trans-
understanding social, organizational, and portation barriers; (2) to provide qualied
technological systems; and (5) selecting and interpreters or other means of making aurally
maintaining technological tools. The Com- delivered materials available to individuals
mission emphasized (The SCANS Know- with hearing impairments; (3) to provide qual-
How) that workers must also be procient in ied readers, taped texts, and other methods
basic competencies: reading, writing, mathe- of making visually delivered materials avail-
matics, speaking, listening, and thinking skills able to individuals with visual impairments;
for decision making, problem solving, and (4) to acquire or modify equipment or devices
reasoning. In addition, the Commission iden- for individuals with disabilities; or (5) to pro-
tied personal qualities, such as responsibil- vide other similar services, modications,
ity, self-esteem, sociability, and integrity, as materials, or equipment.
necessary attributes. Section 89, Internal Revenue Code A pro-
secret benet Enacted by the Congress in vision of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which
1988, known as the Qualied Medicare Ben- made benets received by employees taxable
eciary Program. It provides protection unless employer-provided benet plans met
against Medicare out-of-pocket expenses for certain nondiscrimination requirements set
low-income elderly and disabled persons. In out by the IRS as Section 89, Internal Revenue
many instances, the government has failed to Code. The intent of the Act was to avoid giv-
make the rules known to eligibles, resulting ing tax-favored status to benet plans that
Section 125, Internal Revenue Code 602 Section 401(a)(5), Internal Revenue Code

benet only highly paid employees. The Act farecard, voucher, or similar items entitling
was repealed in 1989. As a consequence, non- the participant to use mass transit, including
discrimination and qualication rules were vanpooling. Parking rates for 2002 allowed
completely repealed; the pre-Tax Reform Act $185 per month or $2220 annually. The transit
nondiscrimination rules for group term life rates for 2002 allowed $100 per month or
insurance plans, self-insured medical plans, $1200 annually.
and cafeteria plans were restored; nondiscrim- Section 162(k), Internal Revenue Code
ination rules for dependent care assistance Species health insurance continuation
plans, with certain changes, were retained; requirements.
and relief from the separate-line-of-business Section 162(m), Internal Revenue Code
rules that apply to qualied pension and Imposes a $1 million deduction limit on com-
prot-sharing plans was provided. pensation received by the chief executive
Section 125, Internal Revenue Code A sec- ofcer and the next four highest-paid ofcers
tion of the Internal Revenue Code covering of publicly held corporations. The rule
exible spending accounts (FSAs) or cafete- exempts compensation, including amounts
ria style benets plans, in which employees received from stock options that qualify as
can choose from several different benets to being performance based.
make up largely individualized benets pack- Section 190, Internal Revenue Code
ages. Two types of exible spending accounts Allows an annual tax deduction of up to
may be established: health care FSAs or $15,000 by any taxpayer who removes barri-
dependent care FSAs. FSAs begin when an ers to people with disabilities in a place where
employee authorizes contributions to one or a business or trade is conducted, including
both types of accounts. Contributions to these places of public accommodation and transpor-
accounts are tax-exempt for all federal and tation systems. The deduction applies only to
most state and local taxes. the removal of barriers at existing places of
Section 127, Internal Revenue Code An on- business or trade. Areas covered include con-
again, off-again rule. Since its enactment by trols, doors and stairways, elevators,
Congress, Section 127 (Employee Educa- entrances, oors, grading, hazards, identica-
tional Assistance) has expired and been reau- tion, parking lots, public telephones, ramps,
thorized several times. It made employer-pro- toilet rooms, walks, warning signals, and
vided tuition reimbursement for tuition, water fountains. An additional provision cov-
books, or fees for non-job-related undergrad- ers removal of other substantial barriers to the
uate and graduate courses a tax-free benet. access or use of a facility or public transpor-
EEA allows workers to deduct employer-paid tation vehicle or a barrier to one or more
tuition reimbursements from their gross classes of people (such as blind or deaf per-
income. President Bushs tax package, sons or individuals using wheelchairs). To
enacted in June 2001, allowed employers to qualify for the deduction, the modication
offer employees up to $5250 in tax-free (non- must conform with design standards issued by
job-related) educational assistance for under- the U.S. Architectural and Transportation
graduate and graduate courses begun after Barriers Compliance Board and the Uni-
December 31, 2001. This is a permanent form Federal Accessibility Standard.
extension of Section 127 of the Internal Rev- Section 401 (a)(4), Internal Revenue Code
enue Code. Regulations governing retirement plan
Section 132, Internal Revenue Code Estab- discrimination released in September 1991.
lished a pretaxed voluntary election for work- Originally scheduled to be effective January 1,
related parking and mass transportation 1992, implementation of the rules was post-
expenses: (1) parking provided to an poned to the start of the plan year beginning
employee on or near the business premises of on or after January 1, 1994.
the employer or on or near a location from Section 401(a)(5), Internal Revenue Code
which the employee commutes to work by A regulation governing retirement plans (per-
transit, van, or carpool and (2) any pass, token, mitted disparity) that became effective at the
Section 401(a)(17), Internal Revenue Code 603 Section 404(C), Internal Revenue Code

start of the retirement plan year beginning on funding emergency unemployment benets.
or after January 1, 1994. Allows any portion of a distribution from a
Section 401(a)(17), Internal Revenue Code qualied pension or annuity plan or tax-shel-
A regulation setting a $200,000 annual limit tered annuity, other than a minimum required
on compensation that became effective at the distribution or a distribution of equal pay-
start of the plan year beginning on or after ments over the remaining lifetime or more
January 1, 1994. than 10 years, to be rolled over tax-free into
Section 401(a)(26), Internal Revenue Code an individual retirement account or other
See Section 414(r); separate line of business qualied plan or annuity. Requires qualied
regulation. plans to permit participants to elect to have
Section 401(h), Internal Revenue Code A any distribution eligible for rollover trans-
tax-exempt method of prefunding for retiree ferred directly to an eligible transferee plan
medical benets by which employers are per- designated by the participant. However, with-
mitted to make tax-deductible contributions holding is to be imposed at a rate of 20% on
(as well as interest on earnings) to retirement any distribution that is eligible to be rolled
medical accounts. In 1989, Congress repealed over but is not transferred directly to an eligi-
a 1989 IRS ruling liberalizing the use of trusts ble plan.
under Section 401(h). Section 403(b), Internal Revenue Code A
Section 401(k), Internal Revenue Code pension and annuity plan similar to a 401(k)
Deals with employee investment plans as plan except that it applies to not-for-prot and
modied by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, public organizations such as educational insti-
Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, tutions, churches, hospitals, and others of-
and IRS rulings. A type of dened contribu- cially classied as charitable under Sections
tion plan providing retirement or salary defer- 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Elec-
ral benets, also known as cash or deferred tive deferrals can be made of sums up to
arrangements. Plans can be funded entirely by $9500 annually. The main difference between
the employee, entirely by the employer, or 401(k) and 403(b) plans: the former were
jointly by both. Combined employer and established as a supplement to other pension
employee contributions are limited to 20% of sources, whereas 403(b) plans were intended
gross annual compensation to a maximum of to be a primary provider of retirement income.
$160,000, including annual employee contri- Contributions are deducted from base pay in
butions of up to $9500 (1997) (adjusted yearly a 401(k) plan, whereas salary is reduced by a
for cost of living) on a pretax basis. Employer preagreed amount under a 403(b) plan.
contributions are deductible from current Section 404A, Internal Revenue Code The
income, and both employer and employee Code prescribes stringent rules for recogniz-
contributions grow tax-deferred. Employers ing contributions to U.S. pension plans as tax-
have the discretion to allow only employee deductible expenses. Plans must meet quali-
deferrals, or to make employer matching con- cation standards and contributions must be
tributions at any rate, or to make a contribution invested in pension trust funds. Section 404A
to every plan participant without regard to was passed by the Congress to legitimize
employee elective deferrals. Employer contri- deductions for foreign pension contributions,
butions can be subject to a vesting schedule which formerly would not qualify under U.S.
so that employees are entitled to keep the total rules. In general, the Section makes
contribution after not more than 7 years of tax-deductible contributions eligible for U.S.
work. All plans must be written, and annual recognition without application of the full
reports must be led. Where there are more U.S. qualication standards if a foreign pen-
than 100 plan participants, the law requires sion plan has tax-deferred status in the foreign
audits of the plan. country.
Section 402, Internal Revenue Code Section 404(C), Internal Revenue Code A n
Included in the Unemployment Compensa- Employee Retirement Income Security Act
tion Amendments Act of 1992 as a means of regulation that governs qualied business
Section 410(b), Internal Revenue Code 604 Section 529, Internal Revenue Code

retirement programs. The regulation states Section 417, Internal Revenue Code Pro-
that if participants in a plan are allowed to mulgates rules for making qualied joint and
make their own investment decision by self- survivor preretirement survivor annuity elec-
directing their individual account balances, tions, including notication and consent
the employers are not generally liable for requirements and the periods during which
those investment decisions. On October 13, elections may be made and revoked.
1992, the Department of Labor issued new Section 419A(f)(6), Internal Revenue Code
regulations for compliance with Section Deals with executive compensation plans,
404(C) that became effective for most quali- such as severance trust executive plans and
ed plans on January 1, 1994. In general, to deferred income plans.
comply, sponsors must provide employees Section 422A, Internal Revenue Code P r o -
with a broad range of investment choices, vides favorable tax treatment for incentive
detailed information on investment options stock options, provided that the following
offered, and the opportunity to change invest- major requirements are met: (1) option term
ment funds frequently. does not exceed 10 years, (2) option price is
Section 410(b), Internal Revenue Code 100% of fair market value at the time of the
Regulations covering nondiscrimination cov- grant, (3) specic requirements of the plan
erage (coverage rules) that became effective have been approved by shareholders, and (4)
at the start of the retirement plan year begin- vesting is limited to $100,000 aggregate fair
ning on or after January 1, 1994. The rules market value during any calendar year.
require that qualied retirement plans must Section 457, Internal Revenue Code A sec-
cover enough employees to meet either the tion of the Internal Revenue Code modied
ratio percentage test or the average benets by the Tax Reform Act of 1986. It extended
test or qualify under the separate line of the section to cover deferred compensation
business (SLOB) exception. plans for nongovernmental tax-exempt orga-
Section 414(r), Internal Revenue Code A nizations to treat nongovernmental, tax-
regulation governing retirement plans (sepa- exempt employees the same as state and local
rate lines of business) that became effective at government workers for deferring income.
the start of the retirement plan year beginning Section 501 (c)(9), Internal Revenue Code
on or after January 1, 1994. See also separate The section of the InternalRevenue Code that
line of business pension regulation. exempts from tax entities (such as trust funds)
Section 414(s), Internal Revenue Code A that provide life, sickness, accident, or similar
regulation governing retirement plans (deni- benets for employees. Often used as a pre-
tion of compensation) that became effective funding method of nancing long-term dis-
at the start of the retirement plan year begin- ability benets and life insurance coverage for
ning on or after January 1, 1994. retirees. A trust fund is created in which the
Section 415(b), Internal Revenue Code A employer can deposit regularly an amount
section of the Internal Revenue Code that limits actuarially calculated to be necessary to fund
the amounts paid from dened benet plans. In the claims that can be expected to arise from
the case of single benet plans, the limit is the the benets provided to covered employees.
lesser of 100% of the high 3-year average pay To be tax-exempt, membership must be vol-
or, in 1997, $125,000 per year at the Social untary (not a condition of employment); the
Security Normal Retirement Age. For individ- fund must be operated only to provide life,
uals participating in one or more dened benet sickness, accident, or similar benets; benets
plans and one or more dened contribution for highly compensated employees cannot be
plans, there are combined plan limitations. disproportionately greater than those for other
There are also separate limits for workers par- employees; and funds cannot revert to the
ticipating in dened contribution plans. employer upon termination of a plan.
Section 415(c), Internal Revenue Code Section 529, Internal Revenue Code A sav-
Limits the annual contribution to an individ- ings plan that gives participating employees a
uals dened contribution account. federal tax break on payroll deductions
Section 704(a) of Title VII 605 sedatives

earmarked for higher education expenses. secure sockets layer (SSL) The standard for
Contributions are made with after-tax dollars, browser and server identication developed
and there is no federal tax on investment earn- by Netscape. Most servers and browsers use
ings withdrawn for higher education costs. SSL for e-commerce, and sites using it add an
The accounts have higher maximum lifetime S after the http in a Web address.
contribution limits (often more than Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
$250,000) than other college savings pro- An agency of the federal government charged
grams. Also, 529 plans have no annual con- with enforcement of the Securities Act and
tribution limits and no income limits on the promulgating rules and regulations on nan-
person who sets up the account. The plans are cial issues, such as insider trading and disclo-
created and sponsored by the individual states sures on executive compensation. Contact:
but are usually managed by nancial rms. SEC Headquarters, 450 Fifth Street, NW,
Section 704(a) of Title VII A section of the Washington, D.C. 20549 (phone 202-942-
Civil Rights Act of 1964 that protects 7040; e-mail; Web site
employer retaliation against employees and
job applicants who have made a charge, tes- security In communication, measures taken to
tied, assisted or participated in any investi- ensure that computers, software, passwords,
gation, proceeding or hearing. In a unani- documents, graphics, formulas, or other prop-
mous ruling in 1997, the Supreme Court erty belonging to an organization are pro-
extended the provision of the Act to former tected from disclosure to unauthorized per-
sons. One such means is encryption.
Section 911, Internal Revenue Code Allows
security chief The hotel functionary responsi-
employees of U.S. businesses working in a
ble for maintaining the security of hotel and
foreign country to exclude up to $70,000 of
guest property and guests themselves, for
foreign earned income from taxable income
planning and installing special security equip-
each year provided that the employees tax
ment, and for supervising security guards.
home is in a foreign country and the employee
security information See security of travelers.
meets either the bona de residence test or
the physical presence test. security needs Human needs for physical, psy-
Section 6672, Internal Revenue Code chological, and nancial safety and security.
Establishes guidelines on withholding security of travelers For online security tips
income, social security, and Medicare taxes, for business travelers. Contact: Private Sector
on processing tax payments, and on ling tax Liaison Staff, U.S. Department of State
reports. The regulation states that if income, Bureau of Diplomatic Security SA-11, Wash-
social security, and Medicare taxes are not ington, D.C. 20522-1003. For advisories on
withheld or are not truthfully accounted for conditions affecting travelers abroad, call U.S.
and paid to the IRS, a penalty of 100% will State Department Citizens Emergency Center
be imposed on all persons who are determined (202-647-5225) or U.S. State Department Cri-
by the IRS to be responsible for collecting, sis Center (202-647-0900).
accounting for, and paying these taxes, and security patch A temporary repair to a pro-
who acted willfully in not doing so. gramming bug that resulted in a breech in a
secular humanism A philosophical position security system.
that holds that there are no absolutes or nal security-related tests See drug testing; hon-
truths beyond debate. esty test; lie detector; psychological stress
secular trust Similar to the rabbi trust. An evaluator.
executive perk that provides taxable supple- sedatives Legal prescription drugs that serve
mentary pension benets for corporate exec- to reduce anxiety and, after causing a brief
utives. period of euphoria, produce calmness, tran-
Secure HyperText Transport Protocol quility, and sleep. Examples include barbitu-
(S-http) A protocol for securely transmitting rates (downers, barbs), methaqualone
data over the Web. (Quaaludes, ludes), and tranquilizers
Selected Reserve 606 self-designed pay plan

(Valium, Xana). Sedatives can be dangerous selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
when abused. A group of antidepressant prescription drugs
Selected Reserve A reserve component of the that work by slowing the brains absorption of
armed forces made up of reservists assigned the mood-enhancing neurotransmitter seroto-
to units or pretrained members of any of the nin. Examples are Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Cel-
armed services. Selected reservists are exa, and Luvox.
required to attend monthly drills and perform self-actualization needs Human needs for
annual active duty for training. achievement and self-realization or self-ful-
Selected Reserve Montgomery GI Bill of llment attainment of the highest level of
1985 (RMGIB) A federally funded educa- functioning that the person is capable of
tional benet for military reservists. Partici- being all that one can be. Attributed to Abra-
pants must agree to serve in the Selected ham Maslow.
Reserve for 6 years, complete initial active self-assessment See self-audit.
duty for training, and have a high school self-audit 1. In career planning, self-explora-
diploma or equivalent prior to eligibility start tion and evaluation to identify strengths and
date. They can use benets only while drilling limitations. 2. In performance appraisal, eval-
satisfactorily (except if separated for a disabil- uation of self carried out by the ratee. 3. In
ity not the result of willful misconduct or if intermediate evaluation, a technique used to
involuntary separated for reserve transition appraise the quality of the entire organization
benets). If combined with another DVA ben- or any one of its elements, functions, services,
et program, the total number of months of or programs and to institute changes to
entitlement cannot exceed 48. Maximum ben- improve the organization, function, or service.
et of RMGIB (full time) is 36 months. self-care Using various strategies to provide
workers with information on health self-man-
selection The process of matching people and
agement. Encouraging employees to manage
jobs. The decision-making process in hiring,
health care problems, such as allergies, back-
it typically involves multiple interviews and
aches, colds, cuts and bruises, headaches, and
interviewer ratings, and it may make use of
rashes at home and without the help of a health
performance tests and assessment centers.
care professional. Includes these options: (1)
Ideally, it is a deliberate, integrated, standard-
handbooks that contain quality health care
ized, comprehensive, efcient, and cost- information to care for oneself and thereby
effective system that is preceded by the for- reduce the number of acute visits or phone
mulation of job descriptions and applicant calls to health care providers, (2) use of com-
specications, design and distribution of munity group presentations of health-related
application forms and interviewer evaluation messages, (3) establishment of a health
forms, construction or selection of appropri- resource library, and (4) setting up a health
ate tests or other evaluation instruments, hotline.
preparation of advertisements, administration self-critical analysis See self-evaluation
and interpretation of tests, conduct of privilege.
employment interviews, use of group selec- self-defense training A new benet that com-
tion procedures such as assessment centers, panies are offering to their workers, particu-
making of reference checks, arranging for larly, but not exclusively, for women employ-
medical screening examinations, and evalua- ees. Typically contracted with outside
tion of candidates before the hiring decision self-defense schools, given on company pre-
is made. mises, often on company time, and supported
selective dissemination of information (SDI) in whole or in part by company funding.
An information service that automatically self-designed pay plan A form of executive
conducts a search of user-specied databases incentive plan that allows participants to
whenever the les are updated. The results of choose the form in which their incentive pay-
the search are stored in the users mailbox on ments are to be made. Sometimes called a
that system. cafeteria plan.
Self-Determination Act of 1991 607 self-funded plan of benefits

Self-Determination Act of 1991 Effective Self-Efcacy, No Performance, Training,

December 1, 1991, a federal law that requires April 1992, pp. 3236.), a member of the
hospitals and other health care facilities to Human Resources Development Hall of
inform patients of their state health care proxy Fame. According to Mager, the other three
law laws designed to safeguard a persons elements needed to perform a job successfully
autonomy. Such laws typically allow individ- are skill, opportunity to perform, and a sup-
uals to appoint an agent to make medical portive environment.
decisions for them, including decisions about Self-Employed Pension Individual Retirement
use of life-sustaining procedures and equip- Plan (SEP) A low-cost, limited paperwork
ment when the individual is not able to make plan that can continue even after a company
such decisions. has more than 100 employees. Such plans are
self-development A means of planning and set up through a nancial services provider. A
carrying out strategic career and life planning. SEP allows an employer to contribute as much
Self-development takes into account an indi- as 15% of an employees compensation or
viduals strengths, aspirations, challenges, and $25,500 (in 2001), whichever is higher. The
opportunities and seeks to identify and rem- contributions are tax-deductible to the
edy deciencies and shortfalls and integrate employer and are not a tax liability for the
strengths and aspirations into an optimal employee.
career and life plan. It includes all dimensions self-employed persons Include those who
of self personally, socially, professionally, worked in their own business, profession, or
intellectually, physically, mentally, emotion- on their own farm. Since 1967, published data
ally, experientially, and spiritually. It makes exclude those who operate their own incorpo-
use of such means as correspondence and rated business or farm.
home-study courses; technical school, col- Self Employed Professional: Technology
lege, and university study; membership in Management Lifestyle A bimonthly jour-
trade, technical, and professional associations; nal. Cost: $29.97 per year (free to qualied
membership in civic and community groups, subscribers). Contact: Business Media Group,
service clubs, and personal improvement Self Employed Professional, 462 Boston St.,
groups; and professional reading. Topseld, MA 01983-1232 (phone 800-874-
self-directed learning Self-motivated and 4113 or 978-887-2246; fax 978-887-6117;
self-managed planning and execution of a pro- Web site
cess of learning, changing, and improving. It self-evaluation See self-audit.
may be undertaken with the assistance of an self-evaluation privilege Protection for em-
advisor, mentor, or trainer, but it always ployers under the law of some states designed
involves learner control over the learning to promote an organizations self-criticism of
goals, strategy, methods and materials, and it policies and procedures. Investigations or
evaluation. self-evaluations, even if not conducted under
self-directed work team (SDWT) See self- the direction of the employers attorney or in
managed work team. anticipation of litigation, may be protected
self-discipline A standard of personal behav- from disclosure of the criticism, opinions, de-
ior, job performance, work habits, courtesy, liberations, and evaluative aspects of such a
consideration of others, appearance, and eth- report.
ical conduct that enables people singly or in self-funded indemnity plan A combination
groups to perform their mission, functions, of a self-funded plan of benets and an indem-
and duties efciently and effectively. nity plan of benets.
self-efcacy (SE) One of the requirements for self-funded plan of benets A plan in which
facilitating performance. Refers to peoples employers provide an indemnity-type plan to
judgments about their capabilities to use their their employees on a self-funded basis (not
skills to do specic things or their beliefs about through an insurance company) and purchase
their ability to inuence events that affect their stop loss coverage from a reinsurer to reim-
lives. Attributed to Robert F. Mager (No burse the self-funded plan when claims
self-funding 608 self-referral

exceed a set amount (usually $20,000) for any self-insured benets plan (SIBC) A benets
one individual. Typically such plans also have plan administered and supported in its entirety
an aggregate stop loss, which establishes that by the organization rather than by other insur-
if claims exceed a set amount, such as ance carriers.
$200,000, on all employees and dependents, self-inventory A list of an individuals knowl-
the reinsurance carrier would also reimburse edge, skills, and other attributes developed by
the self-funded plan for the excess aggregate the person and used in self-assessment to
amount. identify goals, objectives, capabilities, de-
self-funding See self-insurance. ciencies, constraints, and resources.
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc. self-knowledge Knowledge of who one is,
(SHHH) A nonprot, nonsectarian volun- what one would like to be and is not, and how
teer international organization of hard-of- others react to ones persona. Also knowledge
hearing people and their relatives and friends, of ones strengths and limitations, talents and
with local chapters in major cities. It is shortcomings, capabilities and faults.
devoted to the welfare and interests of those self-managed account (SMA) Allowing em-
who cannot hear well but are committed to ployees to choose from among such invest-
participating in the hearing world. Publishes ments as mutual funds, xed-income securi-
the bimonthly SHHH Journal. Contact: ties, and stocks listed on domestic exchanges
SHHH, 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 1200, when creating their investment portfolios with
Bethesda, MD 20814 (phone 301-657-2248; the intention of making them satised with
TTY 301-657-2249; fax 301-913-9413; Web their 401(k) plan.
site self-managed work team (SMWT) A work
self-image The way an individual sees himself team that has been given complete autonomy
or herself how he or she feels about himself in a specic area of work.
or herself. Self-image centers on the amount self-paced interactive multimedia (SPIMM)
of self-esteem an individual possesses. In the An indicator or measure of the appropriate-
workplace it is inuenced by actual job per- ness and effectiveness of computer-based
formance, how the person views his or her training programs using a checklist that
performance, and how the individual per- addresses three factors: (1) self-pacing (dif-
ceives that others view his or her job perfor- culty level and rate of instruction),
mance. (2) interactivity (ability of the program to
self-insurance 1. In risk management, risk reply to users questions and provide feed-
retention with a funded or unfunded reserve. back), and multimedia (quality of audio and
2. In benets administration, an arrangement video). Attributed to Charles MacNelly, Gen-
in which an employer pays claims for such eral Dynamics Corp., Fort Worth, TX (Train-
benets as medical care and short-term dis- ing, February 1993).
ability as they are incurred. self-paced training See individualized instruc-
self-insurance group (SIG) An alternative tion; self-directed learning.
means of obtaining insurance coverage for self-rating An approach to performance eval-
workers compensation claims in which uation in which employees rate themselves,
employers band together to nance exposure typically using a rating scale and in conjunc-
to insurance risk and, at the same time, earn tion with supervisors ratings.
investment income on the funds. self-referral The health-care industrys term
Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc. used to describe the practice of referring
(SIIA) An organization of 1000 members patients to clinics, clinical laboratories, or
established to promote and protect the concept other medical facilities in which the referring
of self-insurance. Contact: SIIA, 12241 New- physician is an investor (e.g., for magnetic
port Avenue, Suite 100, P.O. Box 15466, Santa resonance imaging [MRI]). In 1989, Congress
Ana, CA 92705 (phone 714-508-4920; fax passed legislation designed to restrict self-
714-508-4915; e-mail; referral. Starting January 1, 1992, the govern-
Web site ment prohibited physicians from referring
self-reflective learning 609 Senator Paul Wellstone Mental Health

Medicare and Medicaid patients to clinical seminar locators 1. Seminarinformation allows

laboratories in which the doctors have a nan- users free access to 360,000 seminars by key
cial interest. words, topics, city, state, date range, or any
self-reective learning A learning process combination of the foregoing and allows them
directed at personal change, it is a means of to enroll online. Contact: Seminar Informa-
encouraging learners to think about their expe- tion Service, Inc. 17752 Skypark Circle, Suite
riences; analyze their attitudes, assumptions, 210, Irvine, CA 92614 (phone 877-SEM-
and beliefs; and gain insights that will allow INFO or 949-261-9104; fax 949-261-1963;
them to change their behavior. Self-reective e-mail; Web
learning is often used to help individuals learn site 2. Train-
about their jobs and their roles on a work team ing and Seminar Locators (TASL) is a portal
or task force. on the Web for education and training
self-regulated work group See self-managed resources, a free education and training
work team. resource center/database for career/business.
self-reimbursement A means of controlling Includes the offerings of over 1000 universi-
travel and entertainment costs. Employees ties, industry associations, media, and training
submit their expense reports to the company companies. Contact: TASL (phone 925-735-
and write their own reimbursement checks on TASL; e-mail; Web site
one handwritten form or by electronic means.
self-report A personal history or inventory of seminar method A variation of the confer-
biographical information that has been sys- ence method in which the purpose is to nd
an answer to a question or a solution to a
tematically designed and statistically vali-
problem. The instructor, facilitator, or leader
dated in much the same way as a psycholog-
does not have the answer or solution; in fact,
ical test. The information is provided by
there often is no known best or correct solu-
respondents in a prescribed format.
tion. The leader simply presents the problem
self-study See self-audit.
and encourages full and free discussion aimed
self-timer A camera timer that allows the pho-
at identifying the real problem, determining
tographer to appear in the photo.
and evaluating alternative solutions, arriving
selling, general, and administrative expenses at a conclusion, and making recommendations
(SG&A) Include such items as executive to support or arrive at a decision.
salaries, promotional expenses, legal fees, seminar selling Selling products or services
supplies, and the like. A new focal point for to customers in groups, rather than one at a
reengineering of nancial and administrative time. For example, several organizations sell
components and benchmarking because those management training materials or audiovisual
items account for expenditures of upward of equipment and materials to groups of human
15% of the revenue of large public companies. resources development managers and trainers
semester hour See credit hour. at seminars with heavy educational content.
semiautonomous work group See work Instead of hard-sell sales pitches, they focus
team. on developing concepts and applications. The
semibundled services Investment services intent is to generate interest in the products
offered employees by organizations that per- and services among those who inuence cor-
mit workers to choose a combination of porate purchases.
in-house and outside sources, including those semiprofessional See paraprofessional.
offered by independent outside sources. Senator Paul Wellstone Mental Health Equi-
semiconductor chips The building blocks of table Treatment Act of 2003 An act aimed
computers and other electronic devices. at ensuring that employers and health insurers
seminar A meeting or conference at which a provide equal coverage for mental illnesses
group of people studies and discusses a sub- and other medical ailments. In addition to re-
ject or topic under the leadership of a facil- quiring that group health insurance plans
itator. provide the same annual and lifetime dollar
senescence 610 sequester/sequestration

limits for mental health and other medical sensitivity analysis A marketing technique
and surgical benets, the law bars them from used to assess the customers preferences for
requiring higher copayments, deductibles, or an increase or decrease in the cost of a product
coinsurance payments for mental health or service by varying each stated requirement
services. or specication slightly upward and down-
senescence Age-related dysfunction of brain ward.
molecules and cells that results in diminished sensitivity training A deliberate effort to
cognitive abilities and memory loss. apply behavioral science to problems of moti-
senior center A center established for older vation, communication, problem solving, and
people at usually no or a low fee. Offers a teamwork, it is small-group interaction under
variety of social, educational, and recreational stress in an unstructured group composed of
services. volunteer learners and a trained and skilled
Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act of leader. To attain the objective of behavioral
2000 Legislation signed on April 7, 2000, change, a permissive and supportive environ-
that allows older workers who have reached ment is established. Participants, guided by a
full retirement age (currently age 65) to work trainer, are encouraged to act their own roles,
and receive their full social security retirement receive feedback, examine their concepts of
benets. Previously, some retirement benets self, experiment with and practice new pat-
were withheld from workers age 65 through terns of behavior, and learn how to maintain
69 when they reached a certain earnings level changed behavior back on the job. Content of
($17,000 in 2000). The new law became effec- the training varies with the nature of the indi-
tive January 1, 2000. viduals and groups participating. Also called
Senior Fraud Prevention Act of 2000 I n - T-group.
creases efforts to educate older Americans
sentry strategy A computer utility technique
about the dangers of fraudulent investment
used to restore damaged or recover deleted
schemes and sweepstakes claims and reduce
les by storing deleted les in a hidden sub-
crime against the elderly.
directory. Its main disadvantage is that it uses
seniority Priority given to employees due to
a great amount of space on the hard disk.
length of service with a company or superior-
separate line of business (SLOB) pension
ity in rank or status and to which certain
regulations A nal set of IRS regulations
rights, such as promotion or retention, accrue.
published September 3, 1993, covering
Senior Professional in Human Resources
(SPHR) A designation awarded by the requirements of qualied retirement plans.
Human Resource Certication Institute Originally a part of the massive IRS rule-mak-
(HRCI) to HR practitioners, educators, ing effort for ERISA changes mandated by the
researchers, or consultants who have a mini- Tax Reform Act of 1986, the new rules are
mum of 8 years of exempt-level HR experi- promulgated by Internal Revenue Code Sec-
ence and who have mastered the body of tion 410(b) and become effective for plan years
knowledge that constitutes the human resource beginning on or after January 1, 1994. The
profession and are currently working in the regulations describe when employers can sub-
eld. Mastery is demonstrated by successful ject different benet plans covering distinctly
completion of a written examination covering separate operating divisions to percentage,
management practices, selection and place- ratio, and average benet tests under code sec-
ment; training and development; compensa- tion 410(b) individually rather than merging
tion and benets; employee and labor or lumping all plans together. Also known as
relations; and health, safety, and security. coverage rules.
Recertication is required every 3 years. sequester/sequestration A legal terms that
Contact: HRCI, 1800 Duke Street, Alexan- means to take possession of or withhold
dria, VA 22314 (phone 800-283-7476 or 703- property or funds until some demand is satis-
548-3440; fax 703-836-0367; e-mail ed. For example, cost-of-living adjustments; Web site for certain groups, such as federal and military
serial line Internet protocol (SLIP) 611 Service Contract Act of 1965

retirees annuities, have been withheld by the maintains an open connection between the
Congress in an attempt to balance the budget. browser and the server. With client-pull, the
serial line Internet protocol (SLIP) Allows connection is closed after each request.
a computer to connect directly to the Internet server-side A protocol that operates on the
using a modem and a telephone line. Also Web server. An application service providers
known as a dialup-IP (point-to-point protocol). password validation system is server-side.
serif In desktop publishing, the short cross line service animal As dened by the Americans
at the end of main strokes of many letters in with Disabilities Act of 1990, any guide dog,
some typefaces. signal dog, or other animal individually trained
serious health condition Regulations cover- to provide assistance to an individual with a
ing the Family and Medical Leave Act of disability. Examples include animals that
1993 provided a new denition that removed guide individuals with impaired vision, alert
the requirement of incapacitation for more than individuals with impaired hearing to intruders
three consecutive business days for conditions or sounds, provide minimal protection or res-
such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, and any cue work, pull a wheelchair, or fetch dropped
incapacity due to pregnancy. It also qualied items. The term is used in the context of the
substance abuse as a serious health condition. requirement that public accommodations mod-
FMLA denes a serious health condition as ify policies, practices, and procedures to
any illness, injury, impairment, or mental con- accommodate the use of service animals.
dition that involves either of the following: (1) service area The geographical area dened in
inpatient care in a hospital, including any a managed care plan within which the plan will
period of incapacity subsequent to or in con- provide health care services to its members.
nection with such inpatient care; (2) continuing service-based operations cycle time See
treatment by a health care provider, including white-collar cycle time.
one or more of the following: any period of service benchmarks A means of quantifying
incapacity due to pregnancy or prenatal care, the service a company receives from its sup-
a permanent or long-term period of incapacity pliers or service providers, such as travel
due to a condition for which treatment may not agencies. Standards are derived from assess-
be effective, any period of absence to receive ing the companys current arrangements as
multiple treatments for a condition that would well as making comparisons with other cor-
likely result in a period of incapacity of more porate/agency relationships to pinpoint prob-
than three consecutive calendar days if it were lems and improve service.
not treated, or a period of incapacity of more service bureau A form of integrated health
than three consecutive calendar days that care delivery system in which a hospital, man-
involves treatment two or more times by a aged care plan, or other organization provides
health care provider or, alternatively, requires services to a physicians practice at a fair mar-
treatment by a health care provider on only one ket price.
occasion but results in a regimen of continu- service charge In meeting management,
ing treatment under the supervision of the charges for the services of waitpersons, other
health care provider. food and beverage function personnel, house-
server A system that stores computer les and persons, electricians, and other technicians
runs applications for networks of personal (such as audiovisual specialists).
computers, called clients. Gives workstations service contract In purchasing and contract-
access to shared resources, such as printers ing, an agreement with a vendor to provide
and sets of les. services either on a preventive basis (regular
server-push/client-pull technology On the and periodic servicing) or a per-call basis (ser-
World Wide Web, animation techniques that vice when the equipment fails).
allow designers, with a single request, to cre- Service Contract Act of 1965 Requires pay-
ate graphics that move and change. The dif- ment of prevailing wage rates and fringe bene-
ference between the two approaches lies in the ts on contracts in excess of $2500 to provide
way the information is delivered. Server-push services to the federal government. And,
Service Corps of Retired Executives 612 servicing agency

where a collective-bargaining agreement cov- amount. Premiums are $8 per month for
ers such service employees, compensation $100,000.
must be in accordance with the rates for Service Members Occupational Conversion
employees provided for in the agreement, and Training Act of 1993 (SMOCTA)
including prospective wage increases. Legislation administered jointly by the Depart-
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) ments of Defense (DOD), Labor, (DOL), and
A 12,400-member volunteer program spon- Veterans Affairs (DVA) that offers employers
sored by the U.S. Small Business Administra- monetary incentives to hire and train eligible
tion (SBA). The program matches volunteers veterans. DOL is authorized by the Act to
with small businesses that need expert advice. reimburse employers up to $10,000 of a
Men and women business executives share trainees wages during the training period and
their management and technical expertise $12,000 if the veteran has a service-connected
with present and prospective owners/manag- disability. To be eligible, veterans must have
ers of small businesses. They offer free, con- served on active duty for more than 90 days
dential counseling in accounting, human and been discharged after August 1, 1990. The
resources management, marketing, real estate, veteran must also meet one of the following
nancing, inventory control, plant manage- criteria: (1) be unemployed for at least 8 of
ment, computer systems, and business and the last 15 weeks before applying, (2) as deter-
product analysis and low-cost training pro- mined by DOD, have a military occupational
grams. Contact: SCORE, 409 3rd Street, SW, specialty not easily transferable to the civilian
6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20024 (phone workplace, or (3) have at least a 30% disabil-
800-634-024; Web site To ity rating from DVA. To be eligible, employers
locate the nearest SCORE ofce, call 800-8- must provide training programs of between 6
ASK-SBA or 202-205-7064; fax 800-634-
and 18 months in duration and be approved
0245; TDD 202-205-7333.
by DVA. Training for seasonal or temporary
Service Delivery Area (SDA) A local area in jobs, jobs based on commissions, positions
which Job Training Partnership Act of
with the federal government, or jobs outside
1982 (JTPA) services are developed, imple-
the U.S. is ineligible.
mented, and provided. SDAs provide such
Servicemens Readjustment Act of 1944
services as client assessment, basic education
The original GI Bill.
and remediation services, job training, and
placement services free of charge for all JTPA service plan A type of managed care that has
participants. contractual relationships with providers to
Service Employees International Union address maximum fees, prohibit balance bill-
(SEIU) An international union of 1 million ing, and use the same utilization management
service workers, SEIU is dedicated to leader- techniques as managed indemnity. Examples
ship in ghting for good jobs, fair wages, are Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.
rights, and respect for American working fam- service provider An online service, univer-
ilies. Contact: SEIU, 1313 L St., NW, Wash- sity network, or corporate server that allows
ington, D.C. 20005 (phone 202/898-3200; users to connect with the Internet and the
e-mail; Web site World Wide Web. servicer See servicing agency.
Servicemembers Group Life Insurance services-producing industries Include trans-
(SGLI) Low-cost, group life insurance pro- portation, communications, electric, gas, and
vided to members of all branches of the mil- sanitary services; wholesale trade; retail trade;
itary service, active duty, Ready Reserve, and nance insurance and real estate; and services.
Retired Reserve. Maximum coverage was service worker Any person who provides a
increased from $100,000 to $200,000 as of service to others from housekeepers and
December 1, 1992. Eligible personnel may butlers to nurses and physicians.
purchase the additional $100,000 in incre- servicing agency A company that administers
ments of $10,000 to reach the maximum loans for lenders and secondary markets. It
servo-systems 613 sexual harassment

issues monthly statements, handles billing, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
and collects payments. A disease with symptoms like the u (very
servo-systems In organization development, high fever, shortness of breath, and a dry
training, marketing, and the like, closed-loop cough) that may be caused by a previously
processes that provide for organizational and unknown type of coronavirus, is believed to
individual feedback and responsiveness. be spread by close personal contact, and for
SESAC, Inc. An organization that works on which there is no known treament. The disease
behalf of composers by providing licenses for is thought to have begun in southern China
the use of music in business settings, such as and quickly spread to southeast Asia, North
meetings, conventions, and tradeshows. See America, and Europe in the spring of 2003.
also ASCAP and BMI. severely retarded A category of persons with
settling-in support See in-country support. mental disabilities. As measured by an intel-
settlor The person who creates a trust. Also ligence test, the condition is represented by
called the donor, creator, or grantor. an intelligence quotient (IQ) below 50. Such
severance program A program designed to persons are incapable of self-maintenance
ease the problems associated with unexpected and need complete care and supervision,
termination of employees. It may include the although they may have some motor and
award of salary and bonuses, continuation of speech capabilities.
benets for a specied period of time, and sex discrimination Discrimination, mainly
outplacement, career, and psychological but not exclusively against women, in such
counseling. areas as denial of employment, quality of
severance/severance pay A standard benet employment, differences in wages, pregnancy,
for employees who are terminated due to eco- and opportunities for advancement.
nomic downturn, downsizing, rightsizing, sexual harassment 1. Dened by the Equal
restructuring, redeployment, reshaping, or Employment Opportunity Commission as
job elimination (and sometimes even for sub- unwelcome sexual advances, requests for
standard performance). Usually uses years of sexual favors, and other verbal (such as telling
service as the basis for calculating the amount sexual jokes) or physical conduct (pinching,
of the benet and typically pays one weeks putting arms around a person, or touching) of
pay per year of service. For executives and a sexual naturewhen such submission to or
other key personnel payment is often based rejection of this conduct explicitly or implic-
on an employment agreement or contract. itly affects an individuals employment,
Often awarded to an employee in addition to unreasonably interferes with an individuals
base pay to lighten the economic and psycho- work performance or creates an intimidating,
logical impact of discharge and prevent litiga- hostile, or offensive work environment. 2. A
tion. Sometimes used as an incentive for vol- form of discrimination resulting from differ-
u n t a r y e m p l oy e e r e s i g n a t i o n d u r i n g ent treatment of the sexes, such as unwanted
downsizing and restructuring actions. Pay- overt or subtle sexual overtures leading to dif-
ments may range from 3 or 4 days pay to as ferential job-related outcomes. Unlawful sex
much as a years salary. discrimination may take either of two forms.
severance trust executive plans (STEPs) Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a
According to an IRS ruling, benets paid to supervisor conditions the granting of an eco-
executives in the event of job terminations nomic benet, such as promotion, upon the
resulting from unanticipated events that are receipt of sexual favors from a subordinate or
supported by a genuine business purpose as punishes the subordinate for refusing to sub-
long as they do not exceed two times nal pay mit to his or her request (termination, loss of
over a period of not more than 2 years. A salary increases, or demotion). Hostile work
strategy for overcoming the restrictions environment harassment occurs when super-
imposed by the Omnibus Budget Reconcili- visors and/or coworkers create an atmosphere
ation Act of 1993 and the General Agree- so infused with unwelcome sexually oriented
ment on Tariffs and Trade of 1993. conduct that an individuals reasonable
Sexuality Information & Education Council 614 Sharable Content Object Reference Model

comfort or ability to perform his or her job is tests, and the treatment of patients by health
affected. Examples of the latter include intim- care providers. The purpose is to help the sales
idation, hostility, physical contact, suggestive reps learn more about physicians jobs in
comments, off-color jokes, and pressure for order to improve their service to those who
dates. On November 9, 1993, the U.S. use their products. Also called preceptorship
Supreme Court provided greater leeway to le programs.
a sexual harassment claim, made it easier to shadow pricing 1. Setting health care pre-
win a sexual harassment suit, and allowed mium rates at a level just below the rates
more leverage for people convicted of harass- charge by competitors whether or not those
ment to seek legal redress. The Court ruled rates can be justied. The practice is unethical
that a plaintiff need not prove psychological and may be illegal. 2. Within a given employer
harm and rejected a standard adopted by sev- group, pricing premiums by HMO(s) based
eral lower federal courts that required plain- upon the cost of indemnity insurance cover-
tiffs to show that sexual harassment resulted age, rather than strict adherence to commu-
in severe psychological injury. Using the nity rating or experience rating criteria.
broad rule of workplace equality, the Court shadow stock plan See phantom stock plan.
stated that the law was violated when, for any shadow workforce Company teams that work
one of several reasons, the (workplace) envi- away from the primary ofce location to
ronment would reasonably be perceived, and ensure that business operations continue dur-
is perceived, as hostile or abusive and that ing emergencies, such as res, catastrophic
no single factor is required. The decision weather events, and terrorist attacks.
means that employers must consider all rele- sham union A nonunion organization that
vant facts when examining sexual harassment purports to represent workers but is com-
cases to determine (1) the severity and fre- pletely controlled by management. Prohibited
quency of the conduct of the accused, (2) by Section 8(a)(2) of the National Labor
whether the conduct placed the plaintiff in a Relations Act of 1935 as an unfair labor
physically threatening or humiliating practice.
situation, and (3) whether the conduct inter- shapeshifter A business that invades anothers
fered with the employees work performance currently underoccupied business space where
or access to promotion or caused psycholog- it can rewrite rules and create new value. Also
ical harm. called transmigrator.
Sexuality Information & Education Council Sharable Content Object Reference Model
of the United States (SIECUS) Develops, (SCORM) An effort, driven by industry and
collects, and disseminates information and pro- the market but fostered by the federal govern-
motes comprehensive education about sexual- ment (Department of Defense, Department of
ity and advocates the right of individuals to Labor, and the National Guard), to bring
make responsible sexual choices. It maintains together key players in e-learning, forge alli-
a library available to the public. Contact: ances in strategic technical areas, and accel-
SIECUS, 130 W. 42nd St., Ste. 350, New York, erate the pace of the adoption and implemen-
NY 10036-7802 (phone 212-819-9770; fax tation of technology for learning anytime,
212-819-9776) or SIECUS, 1706 R Street, anywhere. SCORM is also a roadmap that
NW, Washington, D.C. 20009 (phone: serves as a unied reference point for devel-
202-265-2405; fax 202-462-2340; e-mail opers of e-learning software. SCORM has; Web site evolved into a set of specications that
sexually transmitted disease (STD) A d i s - describe how to create Web-based learning
ease spread by sexual contact (e.g., genital content that can be delivered and tracked by
herpes, gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS, human papil- various SCORM-compliant learning manage-
lomavirus or chlamydia, syphilis). ment systems and identify what a SCORM-
shadowing The practice of allowing drug com- compliant learning management system must
pany sales representatives to observe routine do to deliver and track SCORM-compliant
checkups, the administration of diagnostic learning content properly.
shared services 615 short-term disability insurance

shared services Coordinated sharing of re- therapeutic acupressure massage using pres-
sponsibility for providing medical or nonmed- sure points.
ical services by two or more otherwise inde- shoppers Total market coverage publications
pendent hospitals or other health programs. distributed to households in most cities and
shareholder A person (or group) who owns a tows. They may contain only advertising or
share or shares in a corporation. they may be a weekly newspaper published
shareware Software produced and distributed on a markets heaviest shopping day.
free of charge, similar to public domain soft- shopping cart Software that acts as an online
ware, but that should be paid for if kept or used storefront. The shopping cart tracks all of the
by the recipient. See public domain software. items buyers want to purchase, lets them put
sheddable worker One that is a part of a force items back on the shelf, and allows them to
of contingent workers hired to supplement a pay for the whole order at once.
core group of full-time employees that oper- shop steward A union representative to
ates the business from day to day workers whom members of the union may go with
that can be laid off when not needed. complaints and who serves as an on-site con-
Sheet Metal Workers International Associ- tact for management on union matters.
ation (SMWIA) An international labor shorting stock See short-selling.
union with membership in the AFLCIO and short-selling An investment technique involv-
the Canadian Labour Congress with approxi-
ing transactions in which a fund sells a secu-
mately 150,000 members. SMWIA provides
rity it does not own in anticipation of a decline
policy direction and program support on behalf
in the market value of that security. The fund
of its membership in maintaining the unions
borrows the security to deliver it to the buyer.
jurisdiction over various types of sheet metal
The fund is then obligated to replace the secu-
and related work in the U.S. and Canada.
rity borrowed by purchasing it at the market
SMWIA members work in the building and
price at the time of replacement. The price at
construction trades, in production manufactur-
that time may be more or less than the price
ing, and in the railroad and shipyard industries.
at which the security was sold by the fund.
Contact: SMWIA, 1750 New York Avenue,
NW, Washington, D.C. 20006 (phone 202- Until the security is replaced, the fund must
783-5880; fax 202-662-0891; e-mail pay to the lender amounts equal to any divi-; Web site dends or interest that accrue during the term
shell A template for a CD-ROM training pro- of the loan, and it may also have to pay a
gram produced by instructional design rms premium, which would increase the cost of
for sale or lease to organizations. The discs the security sold. The proceeds of the short
combine high-resolution, digital video and sale are retained by the broker, to the extent
audio with interactive text and graphics. The necessary to meet margin requirements, until
template allows a user to customize, update, the short position is closed out. See also call
and revise digital les on the disc by changing and put options; currency futures; leverage;
or inserting text, graphics, and video. leverage through borrowing; reverse purchase
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 (SAA) A n agreement.
act that makes any contract, conglomerate, short-term disability (STD) A disabling con-
cartel, partnership, syndicate, association, dition, whether caused by accident or injury,
conspiracy, collusion, or plot in restraint of that persists no longer than 6 months. How-
commerce or trade and all monopolies or ever, in many traditional STD programs, the
attempts to corner and control trade illegal and employee controls the duration of the dis-
subject to criminal sanctions. It also grants ability. Generally, short-term disability
victims the right to recover damages. The law benets are offset by workers compensa-
was last amended October 8, 1982. tion benets.
Shiatsu massage A Japanese alternative manip- short-term disability insurance See work-
ulative medical treatment that employs ers compensation.
short-term income protection 616 signature file

short-term income protection. State-admin- SHRM Award for Professional Excellence

istered and, with a few exceptions, entirely Awarded annually to three outstanding HR pro-
employer-nanced programs designed to pro- fessionals in recognition of their consistently
tect workers during periods of joblessness. high performance and whose creative
short-term trust An estate planning strategy approaches have beneted both their employers
in which an individual transfers income-pro- and their business and professional communi-
ducing properties to a trust for the benet of ties. Contact: SHRM, 1800 Duke Street, Alex-
a person or an institution that receives all the andria, VA 22314 (phone 800-283-SHRM
income for the duration of the trust, which is or 703-548-3440; fax 703-535-6490; e-mail
selected by the grantor and must be longer; Web site
than 10 years. At the end of the duration, the shrooms Psychedelic mushrooms containing
trust terminates and the remaining principal psilocybin, an illegal drug.
goes to a predetermined beneciary or bene- shukko A form of employment adjustment
ciaries. The principal cannot revert to the used by the Japanese to reduce labor costs
grantor or his or her spouse unless the rever- during a recession. It involves sending surplus
sion applies in the case of a lineal descendant. workers to subsidiaries or afliated companies
Also called a give-and-keep trust. in the second layer of the Japanese economy.
short-time compensation (STC) The use of See also hai-ten.
partial payments from unemployment insur- sick building syndrome (SBS) Buildings in
ance systems for workers whose salaries have which there has been a high incidence of seri-
ous illnesses among occupants, such as cancer
been reduced to support continued employ-
and pulmonary diseases, or less critical ail-
ment rather than waiting until workers have
ments, such as headaches, nausea, and dizzy
been laid off. The practice has been facilitated
by legislation in Arizona, Arkansas, Califor-
sick leave Compensation paid to employees
nia, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland,
when they are absent from work because of
Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Oregon,
illness or injury. Most sick leave policies grant
Texas, Vermont, and Washington.
full pay for a specied number of sick days
short wavelength autoperimetry (SWAP)
accumulated at a specied rate per month of
A eld-of-vision test for the diagnosis of glau- service.
coma 3 to 4 years earlier than with older diag- sickness and accident insurance Provides
nostic tests. payments at less than full pay for a xed
shoulder season In meeting management, the period of time to workers who lose time from
period between high season and low season work due to a nonoccupational accident or
when hotel occupancy and room rates are sickness. Often, this insurance provides bene-
most negotiable. ts in the period after sick leave runs out and
shovelware A collection of materials from long-term disability begins.
existing (and often old) manuals, training side effect A health care problem caused by
lms, and computer-based training les place the treatment of a health concern; for example,
on CD-ROM, sometimes enhanced with medication prescribed for hypertension may
sound and visual effects. cause drowsiness.
shrinkwrap licensing A notice on a software sidestep Lateral movement within an organi-
box, visible through its plastic covering, that zation by an employee, rather than upward
spells out the terms of the contract and progress, accepted as a means of remaining
informs the buyer that opening the package employed or embraced to broaden ones
constitutes acceptance of the license agree- knowledge and develop new skills and com-
ment as a binding contract. Used to protect petencies.
the authors of the software from copyright signature le The block of text appended to
infringement (unauthorized copying) and the end of each e-mail message by e-mail
ensure them of prots from sales of the software. It is the Internet version of a busi-
product. ness card.
Signet Awards 617 simplified employee pension (SEP)

Signet Awards Sponsored by the Society of Corporate Values, Management Review, July
Incentive Travel Executives, a worldwide 1995, pp. 1014.
program of awards that recognizes the top Silicon Investor (SI) One of the largest
employers who motivate their employees with online sites for stock-related discussions and
incentive travel. Eligibility is limited to com- investor fellowship. Payment of a membership
panies that have used incentive travel as a fee is required.
means of achieving business objectives for 5 SIMPLE 401(k) Does away with many of the
years or more. There are two categories of traditional 401(k) fairness provisions and
awards: companies with up to 500 employees reduces complicated record keeping. However,
and up to $200 million in sales and companies the employer must still complete complex
with more than 500 employees and $200 mil- 5500 forms for the IRS. The plan requires that
lion in sales. Contact: SITE, 401 N. Michigan an employer either match employee contribu-
Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 (phone 312-321- tions on a dollar-for-dollar basis (up to 3% of
5148; e-mail; Web site pay) or contribute 2% of pay up to $3200 per See also SITE Crystal eligible employee, whether or not they choose
Awards. to participate. SIMPLE 401(k)s also lower the
signicant activities of daily living (SADLs) maximum contribution for both employer and
In the health care eld, to qualify for benets employee from $9500 in the usual 401(k) to
under a long-term care insurance policy, the $6000 (periodically adjusted for ination in
insured must be totally dependent on human $500 increments) plus matching.
assistance in performing a specic number SIMPLE Individual Retirement Account
(usually three) of the following signicant (SIMPLE IRA) Displaces the Salary
activities of daily living: bathing, eating, Reduction Simplied Employee Pension Plan
(SARSEP), grandfathered after January 1,
dressing, toileting, transferring from bed to
1997. SIMPLE IRAs are set up by the
chair, and maintaining continence.
employee, who is responsible for choosing
signicant gures Used by researchers and
and monitoring the accounts investments.
statisticians to indicate and report the accu-
Maximum contribution is 3% of an
racy of the original measurements used in a
employees pay (up to $6000, but the rules
study; thus the gure $46,221,000 could be
allow employers to contribute to the maxi-
reported as $46 million. The reported gures mum match in any 3 of 5 years; for the other
must not indicate a degree of accuracy higher two years they can contribute as little as 1%).
than that which exists, nor should they fail to See also Savings Incentive Match Plan for
indicate a high degree of accuracy when such Employees.
measurements have been obtained. simple memory deciencies A form of learn-
signicant other Describes a spouse, sweet- ing disability that results in such problems as
heart, lover, partner, parent, child, grandparent, inability to join ideas one to another in imag-
daughter/son-in-law, friend, or companion, an ining, conceiving, and other processes, and the
individual who has an important impact on formation of new ideas from these processes;
ones welfare, happiness, or emotional secu- disorders in the stream of thought a
rity. Attributed to Harry Stack Sullivan, noted coherent sequence of related ideas passing
psychiatrist. from an initial idea to a goal idea; or frequent
silent sabotage Includes a wide range of orga- lapses in ability to reproduce or recall facts
nization problems that occur when values per- and ideas.
ceptions become skewed. Examples are work- simplied employee pension (SEP) A group
ers who come in late and leave early; of individual retirement accounts (IRAs)
managers who equate achievement with mak- established by employees but funded by the
ing money; personnel who place greater employer. Allowed by the Revenue Act of
emphasis on making money than on serving 1978. New tax law changes allow employers
customers. Attributed to William M. Morin, to increase contribution limits to their SEP
Silent Sabotage: Mending the Crisis in plans for 2002. For plan years beginning after
simulation 618 SITE Crystal Awards

2001, the maximum amount an employer may Single European Act of 1987 Reinforced
contribute to a SEP increased from 15% to economic unication among European Com-
25% of cash compensation for eligible munity countries by detailing 279 European
employees participating in the plan, with a Community proposals for the elimination of
contribution limit of $40,000 for year 2002. trade barriers by 1992.
For 2003 and later years, this amount is sub- single-identity development Single-gender
ject to annual cost-of-living adjustments. or single-race programs that train women and
simulation 1. A technique that involves the use minorities within the context of their own
of a manual or computerized model of a large, unique needs and experiences.
complex, nonlinear problem. The approach Single Internal Market (SIM) A European
simulates or imitates operations and responses Community information service established
to problems and situations to test the ability of by the U.S. Department of Commerce to pro-
a person, system, or procedure to overcome vide background data, copies of proposed and
obstacles and meet variations. Simulations are approved laws, and help with problems. Con-
also used to predict results or provide answers tact: SIM, 1992 Information Service, Ofce
to what if? types of questions. 2. Sophisti- of European Community Affairs, U.S. Depart-
cated computer networks that integrate voice- ment of Commerce, Room 3036, 14th St. and
recognition software, articial intelligence, Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, D.C.
robotics, and holographic projections to pro- 29230 (phone 202-377-5276).
duce virtual reality. 3. A special participative single-lens reex camera (SLR) Views the
instructional method that may take any one of subject through the lens that takes the photo,
three forms: physical simulations, procedural rather than through a different lens. Results
simulations, or process simulations. in more accurate images. Can be automatic
or manual and has interchangeable lens
simulator A machine, device, item, or equip-
ment or system that replicates or imitates the
single-payer plan An advanced form of uni-
real system. It assumes the appearance, char-
versal health-care plan, similar to Canadas
acteristics, or capabilities of the real device,
health-care system, in which the federal gov-
equipment, or system. A simulator looks
ernment would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid,
exactly like and works exactly like the real
and employer-funded insurance, replace pri-
thing. It may be used in tandem with a live
vate insurers, underwrite the coverage, and
instructor (controlled simulation) or it may be negotiate physicians fees. The term single
a stand-alone device. Primarily used in train- payer refers to the the system of payment and
ing. For example, ight simulators are used to not to the delivery system of health care.
train military and commercial pilots. single sign-on (SSO) An identity manage-
simultaneous voice and data (SVD) A trans- ment tool that allows users to log on once to
mission capability used in products for the a PC or network and access multiple applica-
ofce and home. tions and systems using a single password.
single A hotel room with a double bed for one- Software authenticates users at logon and pre-
person occupancy. sents the available applications on the desk-
Single Employer Pension Plan Amendments top. When the user selects an application, the
Act of 1986 (SEPPA) Included in the Con- SSO system shows the authentication creden-
solidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act of tials in the background.
1986. Revised funding requirements for pen- sip and puff machine Computerized equip-
sion plans. Requires employers who maintain ment that persons without the use of their arms
dened benet or money purchase dened or legs can use to perform many actions, such
contribution plans to give due notice to as steering wheelchairs, switching on the TV
employees after adopting an amendment to and changing channels, telephoning, and
the plans not less than 15 days prior to the using computers.
effective date before implementing amend- SITE Crystal Awards Awards presented
ments that signicantly reduce benets. annually by the Society of Incentive Travel
site inspection 619 skills and technical training

Executives for innovative incentive travel skewness A measure of the positive or nega-
programs. Include awards for creative use of tive departures of frequency distributions from
incentive travel to solve a marketing problem, normality (the normal or bell-shaped curve).
promotion and communication, best incentive The degree of skewness varies between the
travel for non-sales program, trip delivery limits of 3 and +3. A normal distribution will
(four nights or less), trip delivery (ve nights have a value of 0. Skewness is measured by
or more), outstanding event, and achievement the following formula:
award for excellence. Contact: SITE, 401 N.
Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 (phone 3(mean median)
skewness =
312-321-5148; e-mail; Web standard deviation
site inspection A visit to a potential meeting skill Learned mental or motor behavior that
site by meeting planners, usually incognito requires some degree of facility in the perfor-
and at their own expense, to ensure that the mance of all or part of a complex act. Exam-
property is seen as it would be seen by par- ples are writing, calculating, problem solving,
ticipants during a meeting. counseling, and interviewing.
sit-in Organized, usually passive, occupation skilled care Medical services provided only
of an ofce, shop, or other facility to protest by a registered or certied professional
discrimination or express some other griev- health care provider, including registered
ance. nurses, licensed practical and vocational
situational HR Reacting to changes in the nurses, physical and occupational therapists,
business environment with ineffective prac- speech-language pathologists, and audiolo-
tices, such as eliminating training and devel- gists.
opment during a business down-turn. See also skilled nursing care One of three levels of
virtual HR. long-term care. Performed by a registered
situationalism The ethical theory that holds nurse or other skilled health care professional,
that nothing is absolute, demonstrably correct, such as a physical therapist, and provided
right, or good. The goodness of an action under the supervision of a physician. See also
depends on the circumstances and the condi- custodial care; intermediate nursing care.
tions surrounding it. Therefore, the situation skilled nursing facility (SNF) A specially
itself, and not moral or ethical concepts, rules, qualied institution or facility that has the
or principles, is the determinant of the right- staff and equipment to provide 24-hour-per-
ness or goodness of the action or behavior. day skilled nursing care or rehabilitation ser-
situational leadership The theory that there vices and other related health services by or
is no one best way to lead, but that there are under the supervision of a registered nurse
likely to be preferred or more promising ways (RN) and a physician.
of leading under certain conditions or cir- skill gap Basic skill deciencies in reading,
cumstances. Therefore, the best approach to writing, mathematics, and oral communication.
leadership at any particular moment depends skills How to procedures or techniques that
on the people being led, the task to be accom- apply to a specic situation. Typically taught
plished, and the circumstances surrounding to prepare an individual to perform a job or
the two variables. task. Examples are interviewing, keyboarding,
Six Sigma A statistical quality control strat- and soldering.
egy developed by Motorola in the mid-1980s skills and technical training Training pro-
to analyze and solve the root causes of busi- vided to compensate for deciencies in the
ness problems. Often used to cut costs, knowledge and skills of entry-level workers,
improve processes, and reduce business cycle remedy employee performance deciencies
times. Claimed by some to have the potential due to inadequate skill or knowledge, or
to help companies formulate and deploy busi- upgrade or retrain employees as required by
ness strategies and bring about organizational the introduction of new systems, equipment,
change. tools, processes, procedures, techniques, or
skills-based management 620 sleep apnea

products. Such training makes extensive use such higher-level skills as decision making,
of demonstration and performance, equip- skills tests can also reveal deciencies in job
ment, tools, models, mockups, and multi- knowledge.
media, task lists, and job aids. It focuses on skip-a-generation trust An estate planning
correct procedures, practice of cognitive and strategy designed to avoid payment of estate
manipulative skills, the development of safe taxes on transfers of property along genera-
work habits, and the use of protective clothing tional lines. Such a trust leaves a life interest
and safety devices. to the grantors children, with either a further
skills-based management An approach to life interest or a distribution to the grandchil-
management that involves (1) projecting dren, great-grandchildren, and so on. In 1976,
requirements for employees skills, (2) incor- Congress imposed a skip-generation tax that
porating needed skills in job descriptions, was repealed by a new law that was retroactive
(3) identifying current employees skills gaps, to 1976. The complexities of that law make it
(4) providing training and development to advisable that anyone contemplating a skip-
close the gap, and (5) tracking and measuring generation arrangement seek competent
performance. professional counsel.
skills-based pay A nontraditional form of skunk works Refers to a creative, innovative,
compensation; pay for what employees can do fast-paced, and somewhat unconventional
regardless of their positions, length of service undertaking operating at the periphery of the
with the organization, or whether the skills are organization. A term borrowed from the L'il
used. Typically based on the number of spe- Abner comic strip, it was applied to business
cic skills mastered by the worker under the by the Lockheed California Company, where
assumption that those skills may support the it is called Skunk Works, a registered service
organizations future needs. It works as fol- mark. The term was also used by Tom Peters
lows. Using the job description as a guide, and Nancy Austin (foreword to A Passion for
skills are identied and monetary values are Excellence, New York, Random House, 1984).
assigned to all components of the base job skyscraper A new type of Internet ad, it con-
(minimum to midpoint of the salary range). sists of an 800-pixel-tall ad that runs on the
New employees start at the minimum for that right-hand side of a Web page, thereby making
job, and salaries are adjusted only when an it hard for viewers to ignore because it remains
employee either gains new skills or loses within the readers eld of vision as he or she
existing ones. That is, employee compensa- scrolls down the page. Also called avalanche.
tion levels are based on individual initiative See also banner.
and mastery of job skills. Recent versions of slander A false oral statement or report mali-
the plan focus on payment for the acquisition ciously issued that tends to expose another
of core or strategic skills competencies that person to public contempt or ridicule. A plain-
are essential to the success of the organization. tiff establishes a prima facie case of slander
skills certication The formal process of con- by proving that a defamatory statement about
rming mastery of a set of specic skills him or her was communicated to a third
linked to an occupation, trade, job, or process person.
using predetermined standards. sleep aids Over-the-counter drugs for relief of
skills, knowledge, and attitudes (SKA) sporadic sleeplessness.
Categories of educational or training objec- sleep apnea A sleep disorder characterized by
tives. Conform with Blooms Taxonomy of frequent pauses in breathing of at least 10
Educational Objectives: psychomotor seconds each during sleep, causing chronic
(skills), cognitive (knowledge), and affective sleep deprivation and daytime fatigue in
(attitudes). turn causing irritability, depression, and a
skills test A test specically designed to yield decline in memory, alertness, and ability to
data pertaining to the training and develop- concentrate. The condition also stresses the
ment needs of employees. In addition to cardiovascular system and increases the risks
identifying skills inadequacies, including of irregular heartbeat, heart attack, and stroke.
sleep deprivation 621 Small Business Regulatory Enforcement

sleep deprivation An emerging workplace chases, contracts, and subcontracts, as well as

problem common to shift workers, chronic of the sales of government property; make
fatigue adversely affects productivity, benet loans to small business concerns, state and
costs, and industrial accidents and is linked to local development companies, and the victims
work and family conicts. Remedies include of oods or other catastrophes, or of certain
compressed workweek and encouraging types of economic injury; and license, regu-
naps during the day. late, and make loans to small business invest-
sleep room A hotel room designed to help ment companies. The U.S. Business Advisor,
long-haul travelers to recover from jet lag so an online service, provides businesses with
that they can be more productive following access to a full range of plain-language regula-
arrival at their destination or when returning tory guidance and compliance assistance, as
to their ofce from abroad. Rooms are well as to government forms, business develop-
equipped with soundproofed windows, white ment software, and topic-specic information.
noise and nature-sound machines, insulated Contact: SBA, 409 Third Street, SW, Washing-
carpet, door seals, and extra-heavy drapes. ton, D.C. 20416 (phone 800-U-ASK-SBA or
Rooms also stock a variety of blankets and 202-205-6600; TDD 704-344-6640; fax 202-
pillows, relaxation audiotapes, and provide 205-7064; Web site
continuous music of the guests choice. small business investment company (SBIC)
Instead of alcohol and caffeine-laden drinks, Organizations that provide loans and equity
minibars are stocked with milk, herbal tea, investments to small companies. Such invest-
fruit juice, cheese and crackers, and cookies. ments are backed by the U.S. government, but
slippage clause See attrition clause. they are administered by private companies
slogan A short phrase (or phrases) that con- that evaluate the merits of business plans just
veys descriptive or persuasive information as any banker or venture capitalist might do.
about a brand, product, or service. It functions Small Business Jobs Protection Act of 1996
as a hook to help consumers understand the Contains these important changes: (1) simpli-
brand and what makes it special. Ideally, a ed pension distribution rules and nondis-
slogan provides a core meaning but also crimination provisions that make it easier for
allows specic features to be introduced with- employers to establish and administer retire-
out detracting from the primary message. ment plans, including 401k plans, (2) retroac-
slotting allowance See slotting fee. tively extended Section 127, the tax exclusion
slotting fee A fee charged by large store chains, for employer-provided educational assistance,
mainly grocery stores but not limited to them, (3) simplied the denition of highly com-
as a kind of one-time price of admission for pensated employees, (4) raised the expensing
new products. Theoretically, and sometimes limit on business equipment the year it is put
in reality, a manufacturer who pays enough in in service to $18,000 (in 1997 and, by 2003,
slotting fees can get enough shelf space to to $25,000), and (5) created a new type of
squeeze out competing products. retirement plan called a Savings Incentive
slow learner A category of persons with men- Match Plan for Employees. Signed into law
tal disabilities. As measured by an intelligence August 29, 1996.
test, the condition is represented by an intel- small business organization (SBO) A busi-
ligence quotient (IQ) between 75 and 90. ness or nonprot organization that is indepen-
slow screw A form of computer sabotage, it dently owned and operated, not dominant in
is a computer virus that destroys a le bit by its eld of endeavor, and employs a small
bit over time. number of workers (typically 100 or fewer).
Small Business Administration (SBA) A n Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
independent agency of the federal government Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA) Places obli-
established to aid, counsel, and protect the gations on federal agencies and provides
interests of small and disadvantaged rights to small businesses. Under SBREFA,
businesses, ensure that small business con- the Small Business Administration has estab-
cerns receive a fair portion of government pur- lished an SBA ombudsman and SBA regional
small computer standard interface 622 snail mail

fairness boards. Contact: phone 888-734- controls (adjustable by attendees), and a sup-
3247, the local DOL regional ofce, or the port staff specially trained for high-tech trou-
Department of Labors Ofce of Small Busi- bleshooting.
ness Programs at 202-693-6460. smart paper See pen computer.
small computer standard interface (SCSI) smart phone Combines a computer and a cell
A receptacle (called a port) usually located phone in a single, hand-held device.
on the back of a personal computer used to smile sheet A trainee reaction form. A com-
connect high-speed disks, modems, and other mon approach to the evaluation of training in
devices to the system. which trainees are asked for their opinions
small quantity generator (SQG) Storers or about the value of the course, seminar, or work-
users of hazardous chemicals who generate shop, the instructor, and the training setting.
between 220 pounds (100 kg) and 2200 smile training. A cynical term recently applied
pounds (1000 kg, approximately 240 gallons) to customer-service training that focuses on
per month of hazardous waste or more than developing people who can act friendly
2.2 pounds (1 kg, approximately 1 quart) of toward customers by teaching nonverbal be-
acutely hazardous waste per month and there- haviors that convey friendliness.
fore must be in compliance with all require- smiley Internet terminology. 1. Key strokes
ments of the Resource Conservation and that convey emotion by means of faces. 2. A
Recovery Act of 1976. synonym for positive feelings (e.g., Give me
smart bars Pubs and lounges that dispense a smiley).
what are described as cognitive enhancing, smoke-free areas See Executive Order 13058.
amino acid cocktails instead of beer and hard smokerism Discrimination or prejudice against
liquor. smokers in the workplace by managers, super-
smart building An ofce building where visors, or peers; corporate policies that stig-
ofces are prefurnished with computer and matize smokers in the workplace.
telephone equipment and where temperature, Smokers Rights Bill A bill under consider-
lighting, and talking elevators are all com-
ation in a few states that would prohibit
employers from discriminating against workers
smart card 1. A cash card programmed to who smoke off the job. Smokers who believe
pay for items such as bus and rail fares, gro-
that they have been discriminated against could
ceries, lling prescriptions, and storing an
take their employer to court for damages,
individuals medical history. Resembles a
including attorneys fees and court costs. Com-
credit or debit card but uses embedded micro-
promise bills would allow employers to differ-
processor chips instead of a magnetic strip to
entiate between smokers and nonsmokers in
store data. Transactions are conducted by
cases where they can show a rational basis
passing the card through a terminal, like a
swipe card, or transmitting the funds over the related to the job.
Internet. 2. In security systems, a device the smoking gun approach See Trojan horse.
size of a credit card that has microelectronic smoothing The deceptive practice of altering
circuitry embedded to store information about accounting records so that prots appear to
an individual. increase each year. See also materially
smart computer See neurocomputer. misusing.
smart drugs See cognitive enhancement; SMPTE Simp-tee an acronym for the
nootropics. Society of Motion Picture and Television
smart meeting room A meeting room Engineers and also for the standards it estab-
equipped to handle computer and communi- lished for lm, video, and audio devices.
cation needs, such as abundant power outlets Simp-tee is represented by a series of digital
built into movable tables, videoconferencing bits, but the values of 0 and 1 are portrayed
equipment and conference telephones, Inter- on analog tape as two distinct frequencies.
net access via ISDN lines, digital light pro- snail mail Used by Internet sophisticates to
cessing projectors, lighting and temperature describe the U.S. Postal Service.
sneaker net 623 social security benefit categories

sneaker net Jokingly considered the simplest Social Security Act of 1935 (SSA) Legis-
form of local area network. One user copies lation that created and implemented a
a le onto a oppy disk and then runs it workeremployergovernment insurance pro-
over to another person who needs the data. gram covering retirement, survivors, disabil-
sniffer 1. An electronic device that allows one ity, and Medicare benets. In 2003 individu-
to tap into someone elses computer system. als pay 7.65% on earnings up to $11,520
2. A synonym for a spy. 3. Software that can through withholding. That amount is matched
read all the data that passes information into dollar for dollar by the employer and sent to
or out of a computer. It can be programmed to the Social Security Administration. Self-
search for keywords, such as proxies or employed persons pay 15.3% but can deduct
mergers, suggesting nancial transactions. one half of the tax paid as a business expense.
snifng The use of inhalants to get an imme- The amount attributable to social security tax
diate high. The practice often turns out to be for 2003 is 6.2% on the rst $11,520 of earned
a life-threatening experience. income and the Medicare tax is 1.45% on any
snow See cocaine. amount of earned income (2.9% for the self-
snowake A short (usually one page or less) employed). Retirement benets begin at age
memo sent to subordinate managers and staff- 65 (full benets) or 62 (reduced benets). On
ers to get facts, opinions, or ideas on a single April 7, 2000, President Clinton signed a bill
subject quickly, briey, and in writing. Some- that eliminated the so-called earnings test ret-
times called a tasker. roactive to January 1st. The measure repealed
social capital Describes the potential of net- a law by which people age 65 to 69 lost $1 in
works among individuals and the benets of Social Security benets for every $3 in wages
trust, cooperation, and information sharing above an annual limit of $17,000. See also
that arise from them to create economic value Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act of
for individuals, organizations, or both. 2000. Beginning in 2003, the age for full
social engineeering A technique used by retirement will be raised to 65 years and 2
unscrupulous operatives to obtain a computer months; by 2027, the age will be 67. Other
users password and identication to gain benets include Supplemental Security
access to computer les. The operative uses Income, unemployment insurance, food
cajolery to get the information. stamps, child support enforcement, family and
social health maintenance organization child welfare services, workers compensa-
(SHMO) A rare form of health mainte- tion, veterans benets, help for the blind, and
nance organization that provides social as several other special programs. Some are
well as medical care for its members. cooperative programs with state governments;
social, military, educational, religious, and many are administered by state public-assis-
fraternal (SMERF) In the meeting/confer- tance ofces. (phone 800-772-1213; TTY
ence industry, SMERFs are low-budget 800-325-0778)
groups, as contrasted with corporate business, Social Security Act Amendment of 1995
which are pursued by conference centers dur- Amended title XVIII of the Social Security
ing off seasons to provide income. Act to permit Medicare Select policies to be
social needs Human needs for acceptance, offered in all states. Became law July 7, 1995.
belongingness, appreciation, and respect of Social Security Administration For help
others. Also known as afliation needs. with problems or customer service com-
Attributed to Abraham Maslow. plaints, contact the nearest social security
social- or economic-based entitlements ofce (Yellow Pages) or write to Social Secu-
Federal entitlement programs, such as veter- rity Administration, Ofce of Public Inquiries,
ans compensation, deposit insurance, student Windsor Park Bldg., 6401 Security Blvd., Bal-
loans, farm price supports, foster care and timore, MD 21235 (phone 800-772-1213;
adoption services, and rehabilitation services, Web site
that provide benets based on criteria corre- social security benet categories Maximum
sponding to their intent. monthly benet for worker retiring at age 65
social security credits 624 social security survivor benefits

in 2003, $1741; average monthly benet ried children 18 or older if they have a dis-
(includes 1.4 COLA) retired worker alone, ability that started before age 22; (3) a spouse
$895; aged couple, $1483; widowed mother who is 62 or older (or any age if caring for a
and two children, $1838; aged widow(er) child who is under 16 or is disabled and also
alone, $862; disabled worker, spouse and one receiving benets); or (4) a disabled widow
or more children, $1395; all disabled workers, or widower 50 or older if the disability
$833. occurred before the death of the individual
social security credits Acquired by individu- covered by social security or within 7 years
als when they work in a job that requires pay- after his or her death (phone 800-772-1213;
ment of social security taxes. In addition to TTY 800-325-0778).
conventional employee jobs, self-employed social security earnings limits As of January
individuals and military personnel earn cred- 1, 2000, the benets of persons who work
its. Special rules for earning credits apply to while receiving retirement or survivors bene-
persons engaged in domestic work, farm ts are reduced until they reach full retirement
work, or work for a church or church-con- age (currently age 65), not up to age 70 as
trolled organization that is exempt from pay- was previously required. The deduction is $1
ing social security taxes. Ineligible for credit in benets for each $2 earned above the annual
are most federal employees hired before 1984 limit; for 2003, the limit was $11,520. In the
(but since January 1, 1983, all federal employ- year they reach full retirement age, $1 in bene-
ees pay the Medicare hospital insurance part ts will be deducted for each $3 above the
of the social security tax); railroad employees limit ($30,720 in 2003). After reaching full
with more than 10 years of service; employees retirement age, they can receive full benets
of some state and local governments that with no limit on earnings.
chose not to participate in social security; or social security earnings test Eliminated for
children under age 21 who work for a parent individuals age 65+ as of January 2000. It
(except a child 18 or over who works in the remains in effect for ages 62 through 64. A
parents business). The credits are based on modied test applies for the year an individual
earnings and are used to determine eligibility reaches age 65. The year an individual reaches
for retirement benets or for disability or 65, $30,720 ($2560 per month); under age 65,
survivor benets if the individual becomes $11,520 ($960 per month).
disabled or dies. Each year the amount of social security family benets Children eli-
earnings needed for a credit goes up as aver- gible for social security benets receive up to
age earnings levels increase. In 2002, one one half of a parents full benet; however,
credit is received for each $870 of earnings, there is a limit to the amount of money that
up to the maximum of four credits per year. can be paid to a family.
The earnings remain on an individuals social social security notch See notch babies.
security record even if he or she changes jobs social security quarter of coverage Earn-
or has no earnings for a period of time. Any- ings required for one quarter, $890; for four
one born in 1929 or later needs 40 credits to quarters, $3560.
be eligible for retirement benets; people born social security spousal benets Individuals
before 1929 need fewer credits. eligible for spousal benets who begin taking
social security disability benets Eligibility the benet at age 65 will receive 50% of the
is based on prior work under social security, amount the covered spouse receives. If the
inability to do any kind of work for which one eligible spouse elects to receive a spousal ben-
is suited, and the disability is expected to last et at age 62, the benet is 37.5% of the
at least a year or result in death. Disability amount the spouse receives. For qualied
benets can be received at any age. Certain spouses, the spousal benet is paid in addition
family members may also qualify including: to the earned social security benets (phone
(1) unmarried children (including stepchildren 800-772-1213; TTY 800-325-0778).
or grandchildren) under the age of 18 or under social security survivor benets Individuals
19 if still in high school full time; (2) unmar- eligible for survivor benets include widows,
social security taxes 625 Society for Muscular Dystrophy

widowers, divorced widows, divorced widow- knowledge and communication in the eld of
ers, children, and dependent parents of indi- instructional technology. The Society pro-
viduals who have worked, paid social security vides a means of enhancing knowledge and
taxes, and earned enough credits. The number job performance through its publications and
of credits needed depends on age and when professional meetings. Contact: SALT, 50
the death occurs. Benets can also be paid to Culpepper Street, Warrenton, VA 20186
children and a spouse who is caring for the (phone 800-457-6812 or 540-347-0055; fax
children if the decedent has credit for 11/2 540-349-3169; e-mail; Web site
years of work in the 3 years just preceding
death. Full benets are paid at age 65 or older Society for Human Resource Management
(or reduced benets as early as age 60 for (SHRM) Formerly named the American
widows or widowers and, if disabled, at ages Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA).
50 to 60). Benets can be paid to unmarried With a worldwide membership of 170,000
children under age 18 (or up to age 19 if professional and student members, SHRM is
attending elementary or secondary school full the worlds largest professional membership
time), at any age if disabled before age 22 and organization dedicated exclusively to excel-
remains disabled, and under certain circum- lence in human resource management and
stances to stepchildren or grandchildren. Sur- provides its membership with education and
vivor benets can also be paid to dependent information services, conferences and semi-
parents at age 62 or older.
nars, government and media representation,
social security taxes For 2003, employee
and publications. Contact: SHRM, 1800 Duke
7.65%; employer 7.65%; self-employed
St., Alexandria, VA 22314 (phone 800-283-
15.3%; maximum taxable $87,000; earnings
77476 or 703-548-3440; TDD 703-548-6999;
over the maximum are taxed at 1.45% for
fax 703-836-0367; e-mail;
employees and 2.9% for the self-employed.
Web site
social security windfall reduction Not to be
The Society for Intercultural Education,
confused with the government pension offset.
It is a formula that reduces a government annu- Training and Research (International)
itants own (not a spouses) social security ben- (SIETAR) An interdisciplinary professional
et. Anyone who rst became eligible for a and service organization whose purpose is to
government annuity not covered by social secu- implement and promote cooperative interac-
rity after 1985 is subject to a reduction of as tions and effective communication among
much as 50% unless he or she has 30 years of peoples of diverse cultures, races, and eth-
substantial earnings under social security. Fed- nic groups. Contact: SIETAR USA,
eral workers hired after December 31, 1983, 8835, S.W. Canyon Lane, Suite 110, Port-
are exempt from the windfall reduction. land, OR 97225 (phone: 503-297-4622;
social service leave A leave of absence e-mail; Web site www.
granted to an employee, often with full pay,
to serve for an extended period of time (fre- Society for Muscular Dystrophy Informa-
quently a whole year) with some social ser- tion, International (S.M.D.I.) Established
vice agency. to share and encourage the exchange of
social system A formal or informal set of rela- nontechnical, neuromuscular disorder and
tionships among people who must work (or disability-related information. Provides re-
play) together, perform tasks, and interact. ferrals to support groups, publishes a net-
social worker A person with a degree in working newsletter, and operates a publica-
social work, usually a masters degree t i o n s ex c h a n g e . C o n t a c t : S . M . D . I . ,
(M.S.S.W.) who has specialized training in International, P.O. Box 4790, Bridgewater,
counseling. Nova Scotia, Canada B4V 2X6 (phone
Society for Applied Learning Technology 902-685-3961; fax 902-685-3962; e-mail
(SALT) A membership society oriented; Web site
toward professionals whose work requires smdi/).
The Society for Nonprofit Organizations 626 Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

The Society for Nonprot Organizations; Web site

(SNO) A nonprot membership organization
of about 6000 members. SNOs mission is to The Society of Government Travel Profes-
draw together all elements of the nonprot sionals (SGTP) A nonprot educational
world; encourage open communications and forum consisting of travel agents, air/lodg-
sharing; identify the common ground that can ing/car rental suppliers, and federal and other
unify; and foster a sense of community in the government travel managers and contractors
sector by encouraging networking, alliances, throughout the U.S. Established to enhance
collaborations, and sharing; providing wide- the competence of travel agencies engaged in
ranging education, training, and support ser- providing travel services to governmental
vices; and conducting research to identify bodies through education and to promote pro-
emerging trends, issues, and opportunities for fessional standards. Contact: SGTP, 6935
nonprot organizations. Contact: SNO, 5820 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington, D.C.
Canton Center Road, Suite 165, Canton, MI 20815 (phone 301-654-8595; fax 301-654-
48187 (phone 734-451-3582; fax 734-451- 6663; e-mail; Web site
5935; e-mail; Web site Society of Incentive & Travel Executives
Society for Technical Communication (STC) (SITE) A worldwide, nonprot organization
A worldwide association of 20,000+ members of 2200 business professionals representing
in 141 chapters, dedicated to meeting the 80 countries dedicated to increasing corporate
needs of professional technical communica-
recognition and use of incentives, including
tors. Members include writers and editors of
travel, as motivators and rewards. Members
scientic and technical material and computer
include airlines, consultants, corporate execu-
documentation, managers, educators and stu-
tives, cruise lines, destination management
dents, graphic artists, audiovisual specialists,
companies, hotels and resorts, incentive travel
and consultants. Contact: STC, 901 N. Stuart
houses, trade publications, ofcial tourist
St., Ste. 904, Arlington, VA 22203-1822
organizations, travel agencies, and other sup-
(phone 703-522-4114; fax 703-522-2075;
porting organizations. Contact: SITE, 401 N.
e-mail; Web site
Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 (phone
Society for the Advancement of Behavior
312-321-5148; e-mail; Web
Analysis See The Association for Behavior
Society of Independent Show Organizers
Society of Corporate Meeting Professionals
(SCMP) A membership group consisting of (SISO) An organization geared toward CEOs
convention services managers, including and owners of for-prot exposition producers.
those who have sales responsibilities. Con- Has 194 member companies in 12 countries.
tact: SCMP, 217 Ridgemont Ave., San Anto- Excludes association executives and vendors
nio,TX 78209 (phone 210-822-6522; fax 210- from membership. Focuses on two major activ-
822-9838; e-mail; Web site ities: top-level networking and executive edu- cation. Contact: SISO, 7000 W. Southwest
Society of Government Meeting Profession- Highway, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 (phone
als (SGMP) A nonprot professional orga- 877-YES-SISO or 708-361-0900; fax 708-361-
nization of 2600 members who are involved 6166; e-mail; Web
in planning government meetings either site
on a full- or part-time basis and those Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
individuals who supply services to govern- A professional organization that focuses on the
ment planners. Its objective is to improve the advancement of manufacturing technology,
quality and promote the cost-effectiveness of including robotics and computer integrated
government meetings. Contact: SGMP manufacturing. Dedicated to serving its
Headquarters Ofce, Kristin Baucom (phone members in 70 countries and the manufac-
703-549-0892; fax 703-549-0708; e-mail turing community through the advancement of
Society of Medical Consultants 627 software

professionals, knowledge, and learning. Contact: SPBA, Two Wisconsin Cir., Ste 670,
Sponsors seminars, conferences, exhibitions, Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7003 (phone 301-
and technical publications. Contact: SME, 1 718-7722; fax 301-718-9440; Web site
SME Drive, P.O. Box 930, Dearborn, MI
48121-0930 (phone 313-271-1500 or 877- Society of Travel Agents in Government
JOIN-SME in the U.S. and Canada; Web site (STAG) See The Society of Government Travel Professionals.
Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed sociotechnical systems (STS) Systems that
Forces (SMCAF) Organized to: (1) assist in bring technology and people together based on
development and maintenance of highest stan- the belief that every organization is simulta-
dards of medical practice in the armed forces; neously a social and a technical system and that
(2) preserve and disseminate the experience ignoring either system is an invitation to disas-
and knowledge of military medicine gained in ter. Such concepts and strategies as organiza-
both armed conict and peacetime practice and tion design, labormanagement cooperation,
research; (3) foster an awareness of the obli- participatory management, and employee
gation of civilian physicians to participate in involvement and such organization develop-
the continued development of the medical ser- ment interventions as team building, job rede-
vices of the armed forces; and (4) constitute sign and enlargement have their roots in socio-
an organized group that will respond promptly technical theory. The objective of such
and effectively to the call of the surgeon gen- systems is to achieve high performance (tech-
eral for advice and assistance on problems of nology, equipment, materials, space, and facil-
professional importance in the armed forces. ities) and people working productively and in
Contact: SMCAF, Membership Chairman or
the Executive Director, C/O 5 Southern Way,
sociotechnical work design A means of rais-
Fredericksburg, VA. 22406 (phone 301-295-
ing both the quality of work life and produc-
1243; Web site
tivity, it gives the workers who actually per-
Society of Motion Picture and Television
form a job an opportunity to assist engineers
Engineers (SMPTE) An organization of
and other specialists to design the jobs. In that
over 10,000 members in 85 countries estab-
way, the human factors carry equal or greater
lished to gather and disseminate information,
weight than technical considerations in job
provide seminars and workshops, and organize
design and redesign.
conferences and forums on all aspects of
motion picture and professional TV arts and SOCKS A free computer product that allows
sciences. SMPTE also established the a user to modify a client program, such as a
standards by which lm, video, and audio le transfer protocol, and run a generic
devices could synchronize elements using the SOCKSied server.
reference of hours:minutes: seconds:frames. soft data Information and observations that
Contact: SMPTE, 595 Hartsdale Ave, White consist largely of individual personal percep-
Plains, NY 10607-1824 (phone 914-761-1100; tions, recollections, and impressions that are
fax 914-761-3115; e-mail; subjective and not independently veriable.
Web site soft skills Interpersonal skills such as speak-
Society of Professional Benet Administra- ing, listening, interviewing, counseling, nego-
tors (SPBA) A national association of 400 tiating, and conict resolution.
third-party administration (TPA) member software Any information in a form that a com-
rms that provide outside employee benets puter can use. Software includes the instruc-
administration to client employee benet tions or programs that direct the hardware.
plans. SPBAs member rms administer Software may be installed in the computer by
employee benet plans representing every the manufacturer or loaded into memory by the
size and format of employment and every type user by means of a disk and a disk drive.
of business. Its goal is to have TPAs provide Examples are applications programs such as
the best possible services to their clients. spreadsheets and word processing programs.
sokaiya 628 source tax

sokaiya A Japanese term used to describe solution A term used to describe almost any
extortionists who threaten to disrupt corporate kind of hardware, software, service, applica-
meetings unless they are paid to maintain tion, le format, company, brand name, or
order. operating system that provides a solution to
solar electric technology See photovoltaic a problem.
technology. somatization disorder Vague physical com-
Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act of plaints that last for several years but cannot
1991 Amended the Soldiers and Sailors be diagnosed. The condition affects the body
Civil Relief Act of 1940 to clarify veterans but originates in the mind.
reemployment rights and improve veterans Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act of
rights to reinstatement of health insurance. 1998 Extends the life of copyright protection
Temporarily limited the nancial obligations not only for the individual who has gained the
of military personnel while on active duty, as right to copyright but also for the sponsor of
well as creditors remedies against such per- the event or a third party who uses the copy-
sonnel in certain circumstances. Among its righted material. For works created after Jan-
vital protections for members of the armed uary 1, 1978 (books, songs and compositions,
forces called to active duty in the Persian Gulf movies, and cartoon characters), the extension
War, the Act increased from $150 to $1200 is for the life of the author and 70 years after
the monthly rent threshold protection against his or her death. If a joint work, the copyright
eviction, provided for the reinstatement of continues for the life of the last surviving cre-
employer-provided health insurance immedi- ator plus 70 years. For works created by a
ately upon return to civilian life, delayed until corporation, the copyright term is 95 years.
July 1, 1991, any civil actions against mem- On January 15, 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court
bers, and claried existing reemployment ruled that the Bono law is not in violation of
rights for reservists called to active duty for the Constitution. See also Fairness in Music
periods of 90 days or longer. Licensing Act of of 1998.
sole proprietorship An arrangement under soundboard See sound card.
the law that gives an owner the exclusive right sound byte A short (usually 30 seconds in
to transact business. It also has the advantage duration) bit of comment or conversation on
of allowing the proprietor to hire part-time or television or radio. Believed by many to be
full-time workers on a project basis without misleading because it often lacks context.
having to incur the long-term expense of com- sound card A device that ts into a bay or slot
pany benets. in the central processing unit of a computer.
solicitor In the United Kingdom, a law pro- It allows the user to hear all the sounds pro-
vider, one who is qualied to advise clients, duced by applications.
plead cases in lower courts, and prepare cases source of injury or illness The object, sub-
for barristers to plead in higher courts. stance, exposure, or bodily motion that
Solomon Amendment A 1996 measure that directly produced or inicted the disabling
requires schools and colleges to provide fair condition is cited. Examples are a heavy con-
access for military recruiters and ROTC units tainer, a toxic substance, re/ame, and bodily
on campus by requiring the secretary of motion of the injured/ill worker.
defense to deny federal funding to institutions source tax 1. A tax placed on income earned
of higher learning if they prohibit or prevent in the years an individual lived and worked in
ROTC or military recruitment on campus. a state. 2. A state income tax on retirement
This law has been codied in 10 USC Sec. income or other disbursements of qualied
983. The Amendment is being enforced by the pension plans to nonresidents. Assessed on
George W. Bush administration. former residents who have relocated.
solo practice Practice of a health occupation Currently California, Idaho, and Oregon have
as a self-employed individual common source taxes. Colorado, Florida, Louisiana,
among physicians, dentists, podiatrists, and Nevada, Texas, and Washington have laws
optometrists. protecting residents against source taxes.
space verification program 629 specialization

space verication program See function space special assignment A strategy for building
verication program. the data bases of employees by bringing them
spamouage Bulk e-mail messages delivered into contact with new and different people,
from generic e-mail addresses and using situations, problems, and ideas. They include
innocuous subject headers, designed to thwart assignment to investigations, studies, audits,
ltering programs and spam-aversive readers. quality circle membership, and assignment to
Attributed to Wired magazine. work teams and task forces, temporary posi-
spam/spamming On the Internet, the unwel- tions, and travel.
come practice of broadcasting an advertise- special cash award A form of variable pay.
ment to several newsgroups or mailing lists Cash awards are given to nonexecutive
(i.e., unsolicited commercials). Also called
employees who have done something note-
garbage or junk postings.
worthy and special for the company such
span of authority See span of management
as developing a new procedure or a means of
span of control See span of management.
cutting costs.
span of management A principle of manage-
special court-martial A military tribunal
ment that states that there is a limit to the
number of persons one individual can super- that has jurisdiction over all personnel charged
vise. In early management theory, the ideal with any Uniform Code of Military Justice
span of management was narrowly dened as (UCMJ) offense referred to it by the conven-
ve to eight subordinates. Today, span of man- ing authority. It is composed of not fewer
agement is seen to hinge on several factors: than three members, which may include com-
the nature of the process being performed, the missioned ofcers and enlisted members (at
complexity of the task, the ability of the work- the accuseds request) and is usually presided
ers, and the physical proximity of workers to over by a military judge. A military lawyer is
each other. detailed to represent the accused member at
speak out program A means of communicat- no expense to the accused. The member may
ing with employees and providing answers to instead request that a particular military attor-
their questions and responses to their con- ney, if reasonably available, represent him or
cerns. May employ a mail-in system, tele- her. The member may also retain a civilian
phone hot line, meetings, and employee attorney at no expense to the government. The
surveys. prosecutor is a military lawyer (judge advo-
Spearman-Brown formula A method for cate), unless precluded by military exigencies.
calculating the coefcient of reliability of a
The maximum punishment a special court-
test, which indicates how consistently the test
martial may adjudge is connement for 12
measures whatever it purports to measure. The
months, forfeiture of two thirds pay for 12
test is scored in two parts as well as in total;
months, reduction to the lowest pay grade (E-
that is, separate scores are calculated for the
total test, for odd-numbered test items, and for 1), and a bad conduct discharge.
even-numbered test items. The formula is as special-effects generator (SEG) In TV pro-
follows: duction and transmission, an electronic device
usually installed in the video switcher and
1 - sa2 + sb2 used to produce wipes, split screens, inserts,
rn = (Spearman - Brown formula) keys, and the like.
specialist A physician or other health care
where aa = standard deviation of the rst half provider who treats only certain parts of the
of the test (odd-numbered items) body, health problems, or age groups; for
sb = standard deviation of the second example, cardiologists, endocrinologists, and
half of the test (even-numbered geriatricians.
items) specialization An organizational principle
st = standard deviation of the total that states that as organizations grow, work
test must be divided, otherwise jobs will become
Special K 630 Specified Low-Income Medicare

so complex and require so many different investors and reduce their capital require-
skills that they cannot be performed by one ments. Manufacturers use them to nance
person. Therefore, clear areas of specializa- customer purchases. Hundreds of companies
tion must be dened at all levels of organiza- use them to nance real estate through tax-
tion and work divided accordingly. friendly leasing transactions.
Special K An animal tranquilizer snorted by special training Training programs provided
teenagers to get high. The drug is dangerous for special groups of workers, such as fast-
in that it causes delusions, irrational behavior, trackers and employees with disabilities.
and impairment of motor functions. It may specialty benets Additions to employee bene-
also cause cardiac and respiratory problems. ts packages such as mortgage assistance,
Also called cat. vehicle leasing, and company credit card
Special Libraries Association (SLA) A net- programs.
work of information professionals in more than specialty knowledge and skills One of three
70 countries whose areas of specialization types of industry standards to be developed
include the arts, business, education, engineer- by voluntary partnerships under guidelines
ing, environmental and resource management, issued by the National Skill Standards
law, medicine, information technology, news, Board: knowledge and skills that are the most
social science, and telecommunications. The detailed and specic jobs and functions within
Association provides support and services for an economic sector or rm much more
special librarians, including employment assis- specic than core knowledge and skills and
tance, continuing education, scholarship aid, concentration knowledge and skills. For
research, publications, conferences, consulta- example, for manufacturing specialty knowl-
tion, and networking. Contact: SLA, 1700 edge and skills might be those required of a
Eighteenth St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20009- computer repairer.
2514 (phone 202-234-4700; fax 202-265-9317; special work team A work team formed to
e-mail; Web site address specic problems or issues. Special
special performance targets A form of vari- work teams engage in cooperative efforts to
able pay in which employees are given spe- identify, analyze, and solve job-related or
cic performance goals, such as the number other problems, make recommendations, inte-
of pages of technical material produced per grate organization and individual needs and
day, and are rewarded for meeting or exceed- goals, or improve communication and under-
ing the target. standing. They are often interdepartmental or
special practitioner Specially qualied med- departmental. Examples are executive search
ical professionals who are not physicians but teams, task forces, quality circles, employee
are approved by insurance carriers and Medi- participation groups, and committees.
care to provide services to beneciaries. specic phobia A consuming fear of a spe-
Examples are certied nurse anesthetist, cer- cic object or situation that is often accompa-
tied nurse midwife, physician assistant, and nied by severe anxiety symptoms.
clinical psychologist. specied disease coverage An insurance pol-
special-purpose entities (SPEs) Off-balance icy that provides benets only if the subscriber
sheet nancial structures (usually debt) used becomes ill because of a particular disease, such
widely by U.S. companies across a variety of as cancer. Benets are usually limited to a cer-
industries. Essentially they are assets in the tain dollar amount. Not available in some states.
form of receivables, loans, or mortgages that Specied Low-Income Medicare Beneciary
serve as collateral to issue mortgage- and program (SLMB) A program for persons
asset-backed securities. By isolating assets in entitled to Medicare Part A whose incomes
an SPE, a company can, in many cases, are slightly higher than the national poverty
improve its access to capital markets and level. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997
lower its overall cost of capital. For example, requires states to pay the Part B premiums for
nancial services providers use them to sell individuals with incomes up to 135% of pov-
assets from their balance sheets to institutional erty. For those who have income levels
specimen integrity 631 Floyd D. Spence National Defense

between 135 and 175% of poverty, states must speech problems People who have speech
pay that part of the premium that represents difculties or impediments to oral communi-
the cost of moving some home health visits cation such as stuttering, aphasia, cleft palate,
from Part A to Part B. The increases were laryngectomy, lisping, and lallation.
effective through 2002. speech recognition See voice and speech
specimen integrity The condition of a blood recognition.
or urine sample. In drug testing, the need to speech synthesizer Converts various types of
ensure that samples used are authentic and text signals, such as keyboard, scanner, and
accurate in accordance with government (Fed- switch input, into speech for use by people
eral Drug Administration) guidelines regard- who are blind. Most synthesizers provide
ing measurement precision, storage and trans- inection, tonal quality, and variable pitch,
port, and time requirements. and many can be customized by the user for
speech and language disorders Individuals special acronyms, words, and trade terms.
who have difculty making themselves under- speed A addictive street drug, methamphet-
stood, due primarily to neurological or amine, taken as pills or injected.
mechanical disabilities involving the voice. speedball See moonrock.
An individual is considered to have a speech speed hiring Employing an outstanding per-
impairment or disability when (1) speech is son even when one does not have an opening,
so deviant that listeners pay more attention to does not have money budgeted for salary and
how the person speaks than to what is said, benets, or already has a qualied and com-
(2) speech is difcult or impossible to under- petent employee. The offer of employment is
stand, or (3) the speaker reacts to his or her made because top-notch job candidates are
own utterance in such a way as to affect the always in demand, and it is prudent to capture
communication adversely. There are two basic the stars when they are available.
causes of speech impairments, functional and speed learning See speed reading.
organic. Functional (or psychogenic) speech speed reading A means of rapid reading.
defects are caused by psychological factors; Overcomes such habits as word-for-word
they have no physical origins. Organic speech reading, excessive xations, vocalizing, inac-
defects are caused primarily by physical fac- curate return sweeps, loss of concentration,
tors, such as accidents, disease, or heredity. and so on. It emphasizes thinking, increasing
speech benets An ancillary benet. Typi- eye span, accurate return sweeps, skimming,
cally covers speech rehabilitation treatment, comprehension, and the like to increase speed
ranging from ten covered visits per year up to and comprehension. May make use of reading
unlimited visits. rate controller equipment and tachistoscopes.
speech/hearing benets See hearing benets; speed to learning The elapsed time from the
speech benets. moment the institution understands its need
speech-language pathologist A professional for learning until the target audience is
who helps people develop their communica- trained. Attributed to Bryan Polivka (Bryan
tion abilities as well as treat speech, language,, chief learning ofcer
and voice disorders. Services include preven- with Caliber Learning Network, Inc., a Balti-
tion, identication, evaluation, treatment, and more Web-based training provider.
rehabilitation of communication disorders speedwriting A technique for organizing
including stroke victims and those who have thoughts, packaging them for impact, and get-
language delays, stutter, or have other voice ting them on paper quickly.
and articulation problems. They also work Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authori-
with people who are nonspeaking and use zation Act of 2000 Provides lifetime health
augmentative communication aids ranging coverage for Medicare-eligible military retir-
from sigh language to computers. ees, family members, and survivors. It estab-
speech language pathology services Treat- lished TRICARE-for-life as a permanent enti-
ment and exercises to regain and strengthen tlement as of October 1, 2001, and gave the
speech skills. Department of Defense 1 year to set up the
spend down 632 sponge tax

program. crafting and spinning the right corporate

spend down 1. Reducing ones assets and image a company that is stable, healthy,
income to reach the low levels that will enable socially conscious, politically correct. Some-
an individual to qualify for Medicaid. 2. The times called image doctor.
amount of expenditures for health care ser- spinning A questionable nancial strategy in
vices, relative to income, that qualies an indi- which a bank allocates marketable, risk-free
vidual for Medicaid in states that cover cate- shares in a company about to go public to
gorically eligible, medically indigent executives of prospective client companies. In
individuals. return, the executives give the bank business
spendthrift trust An estate planning strategy believing that, in turn, their own stocks will
designed to protect a beneciary against his receive positive ratings.
or her own carelessness, voluntary extrava- SPIRE awards Gold, silver, and bronze
gance, or nancial misfortune. The trust is awards given annually by the American Mar-
established with income-producing assets, keting Association for outstanding promo-
and the trustee is given discretion as to when, tional campaigns, judged on creativity, plan-
under what conditions, and in what amounts ning, presentation, and success. Contact:
the beneciary will receive the income from AMA, 250 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 200, Chicago,
the trust. IL 60606 (800-262-1150 or 312-648-0536;
spent time A term used in time management fax 312-993-7542; e-mail;
to describe time consumed or used before, Web site
during, or after completion of a job, task, or split city fare A method of cutting fares by
project. Although work is done during spent splitting a trip into two legs. For example, a
time, it is unproductive. Examples are search- direct, full-fare ticket between two cities some
ing for equipment, tools, materials, or people; distance apart is often more expensive than
setting up and resetting equipment, machines, the sum of the lowest fares from the departure
or automated equipment; or redoing or cor- city to an intermediate destination and from
recting defective products or poor-quality the intermediate destination to the nal
services. destination.
spider A program that automatically searches split-dollar insurance An insurance arrange-
the Web for specic information (e.g., a spider ment involving an agreement between the
will allow you to search by topic). employer and the employee (usually an
spike A sudden burst of electrical power last- executive) to share or split the cost of insur-
ing less than a second. Spikes may damage ance premiums, the benets of the plan, or
computer hardware as well as unsaved data. both.
Protection against spikes is provided by surge split-half reliability See Spearman-Brown for-
suppressors devices that plug into regular mula.
electrical outlets and that have several recep- spondyloarthropathies A collection of disor-
tacles into which the computer and its periph- ders that tend to affect the spine. They include
erals are plugged. Reiters syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, intesti-
spinal cord injury A lesion of the cord that nal arthropathy, reactive arthropathy, and
results in paralysis of certain parts of the body ankylosing spondylitis (the most common
and corresponding loss of sensation and abil- type) in which the spinal bones fuse. Their
ity to move. There are two primary symptoms: causes are unknown.
paraplegia and quadriplegia. Other symp- sponge tax A means of recovering or reducing
toms may include impairment of bladder, the state tax paid on estates by applying credit
bowel, and sexual function, reduction in for taxes paid to the state against the federal
pulmonary function, impairment of the circu- estate tax. That is, the state takes a share of
latory system, muscle spasms, and chronic the tax the estate pays to the federal govern-
pain. ment when the tax exceeds the current federal
spin master Applied to a new breed of public exemption of $600,000 instead of adding a
relations personnel, people who are skilled at state estate tax. (Actually, the estate tax paid
spoofing 633 staffing

to the state is credited toward the federal estate to keep. Before 1989, all assets owned by a
tax effectively canceling out the state tax). patient in a nursing home had to go to pay for
The $600,000 federal exemption can be used care. Because the majority of institutionalized
for both gift of assets while living and when spouses were husbands, and because typically
leaving an estate to U.S. citizen beneciaries. the couples assets were held in the husbands
An unlimited amount of gift or estate assets name, the wife was rapidly forced into
can go to a U.S. citizen spouse without incur- poverty.
ring federal tax liability. The limit for non- spread In stock parlance, the difference be-
citizen spouses is currently $100,000. tween what potential buyers bid for a stock
spoong The deceptive practice of bouncing and what potential sellers ask.
back e-mail by someone sending spam, mass spreadsheet A computer program used to ana-
online mailings promoting a product, to avoid lyze numbers in row-and-column accounting
complaints about the product. It is done by format. Formulas can be entered to calculate
substituting the e-mail addresses of others totals, percentages, and other data summaries.
instead of the spoofers own, resulting in mul- Recalculations can be readily made by chang-
tiple copies of e-mails clogging victims ing inputs.
inboxes. spread spectrum See code division multiple
spooling Use of an intermediate computer access.
storage device, such as a disk, to overcome springing power of attorney A legal docu-
the bottleneck created by the production of ment permitted in some states. Prepared by an
output reports at a rate faster than they can be attorney, it gives a named individual the power
printed. The device accumulates reports in a to act as the makers agent. Unlike a general
le for later printing, allows the operator to power of attorney, it springs into effect
control when and in what order they will be when the maker becomes incompetent.
printed, and permits the operator to use the squatters In travel management, hotel guests
computer while the reports are being printed. who check in a day early and refuse to check
spot report A brief, handwritten, formatted out and remain an extra day or days, bumping
report of the observations of managers, super- those with reservations for those days. Used
visors, staff personnel, technicians, other by travelers and convention attendees whose
employees, customer service representatives, rst-choice hotel is booked solid. Some states
suppliers, or sales personnel to sound the alert have inkeepers rights laws that give
about problems and events that could blossom hoteliers the right to evict guests who fail to
into severe problems. vacate a room on their conrmed and intended
spot rewards Employer-to-employee cash checkout date.
awards, dinner or movie certicates, or debit stable-value funds An investment option.
cards given on-the-spot for ideas or behav- The investor buys either a portfolio of guar-
ior that benet the company or the work team. anteed investment contracts or a portfolio of
spousal impoverishment Individuals who short- to intermediate-term bonds with an
become penniless as a consequence of poor insurance feature guaranteeing that the buyer
nancial planning or massive medical or long- will not lose money.
term health care costs due to catastrophic ill- stafng The managerial function concerned
ness (and may therefore become eligible for with the acquisition (recruitment, screening,
Medicaid). Some protection against spousal and selection), orientation and induction,
impoverishment was provided by the Medi- training, assignment, compensation, develop-
care Catastrophic Coverage Repeal Act of ment, promotion, reassignment, and retire-
1989. ment or termination of personnel. It employs
Spousal Impoverishment Law of 1989 The personnel inventories, projections of position
law requires each state to build in protections vacancies, and promotion progression charts,
for at-home spouses and established certain carefully designed applicant specications,
maximums and minimums of income and job descriptions, recruitment and advertising
assets to be set aside for the at-home spouse strategies, and screening and selection proce-
staffing options 634 standard deviation (S.D.)

dures. The stafng function involves the use staff ofcers, although they almost always
of top-quality orientation and induction, per- have line authority within their own organiza-
formance appraisal, training and develop- tions. Examples are the controller and man-
ment, compensation, promotion, reassign- ager, training and development.
ment, and termination systems and programs. Stafford Loans The basic, government-subsi-
stafng options See contract technical work- dized student loan available to everyone. If the
ers; conventional stafng; employee leasing; individuals college application shows nan-
independent contractors; in-house temporary cial need, the government pays the interest on
employees; long-term temporary assign- the loan while the student is in school, and
ments; master vendor arrangements; outsourc- repayments do not start until the student
ing; part-time employees; payrolling; temp- leaves school. Maximum loans for freshmen
to-lease programs; temp-to-perm programs; total $2625 annually; for sophomores, $3500;
traditional temporary help. for juniors and seniors, $5500, and for grad-
staff leasing Used originally by small busi- uate and professional students, $8500. The
nesses and professional practices to minimize interest rate is pegged at the 3-month treasury-
the cost of providing benets to lower-skilled bill rate plus 3.1%, adjusted annually. These
employees, leased staff are now employed to loans are capped at 9% for everyone, regard-
save time and costs, provide professional less of income. If rates exceed that amount,
skills unavailable within the company, and the government will pay the difference. See
reduce turnover. Staff leasing differs from also Unsubsidized Stafford Loans.
temporary employees in that leased staff are stakeholder An individual who has a stake in
hired by the employing company, stay on the or an effect on a business, such as a customer,
job for an indenite period of time, and enjoy
client, dealer, franchisee, contractor, share-
portable benets, whereas temporary employ-
holder, trustee, partner, employee, or supplier.
ees are recruited by the temp agency, remain
stand-alone software A computer program
on the job for a limited period of time, and
that does not automatically share data with
lack comprehensive benets.
another program.
staff model A form of integrated health care
standard An objective criterion against which
delivery system in which the physicians are
employed by the system and integrated either methods, performance, products, services, and
through practice purchase or being hired results can be measured and evaluated. Stan-
directly. Often the system is a larger and more dards describe the conditions that exist when
comprehensive organization than a hospital. a job or function is being done in an accept-
staff model health maintenance organization able way or the characteristics of a product or
(SMHMO) An HMO that owns and oper- service when it meets requirements, conforms
ates health care centers staffed by physicians to design criteria, or falls within established
employed directly by the HMO. Centers may tolerances.
provide laboratory, x-ray, drug and alcohol standard cost method Recognized as an
treatment programs, prescription drugs, and effective means of planning, controlling, and
other medical services. Afliated hospitals measuring cost performance. By establishing
provide inpatient services to members. Also values of what the costs should be for a spe-
called closed panel HMOs. cic set of conditions, the differences between
staff ofcer or staff manager A head of an such predetermined costs and subsequent
organizational element who is not in the direct results can be expressed in terms of cost vari-
chain of command the line of authority ances, which make it possible to report sig-
leading from the CEO to the lowest hourly nicant trends on an exception basis.
worker. Staff ofcers are responsible for standard deviation (S.D.) A statistical mea-
advising and assisting line and other staff ele- sure of variation, it is derived by mathematical
ments. They serve as the heads of staff or formula from either a frequency distribution
support elements and have only functional (a or grouped data. It shows how the scores on
dened area) authority over line and other a test (or numbers in another type of distribu-
standard error (SE) 635 standardized test

tion) distribute themselves around the mean broad industrial divisions (labeled A through
score (or number). K), industrial groups (the two- and three-digit
SIC levels), and specic industries (the four-
Sfd 2 digit level). See the Standard Industrial Clas-
Standard deviation (s) = sication Manual, 1987 (Executive Ofce of
the President, Ofce of Management and Bud-
where = sum of get), available in many libraries.
f = frequencies standard infection control rules See univer-
d = deviations from the mean sal precautions.
N = number of scores standard interview See standardized inter-
A simplied formula for calculating the stan-
dard deviation, accurate for most purposes, is: standardizability A characteristic of an
acceptable test. A test is standard when a sys-
sum of the high sixth sum of the low sixth tematic sample of performance has been
Standard deviation =
half the number of testees obtained under prescribed conditions and
scored according to denite rules. Factors in
standard error (SE) A statistical estimate of
standardization include equipment, tools, and
the possible size or scope of error present in
working aids, materials, arrangement, dif-
an individual test score or a group measure
culty of problems, and the testing environ-
such as a mean or coefcient of correlation.
ment; all conditions must be identical for all
standard error of measurement (SE meas)
A statistical measure of the reliability of a
standardization Developing and establishing
psychological or achievement test expressed
uniform specications for systems, equip-
in the score units of the test. It indicates the
ment, machines, tools, materials, procedures,
upward or downward distance between the
practices, or any type of product or service.
theoretical true mean of a test and the actual
standardized interview An interview that
scores. An individuals true score is consid-
deals with exactly the same subject matter,
ered to lie within a band of scores on the total
using identical questions (and usually in the
score continuum; the width of the band
same sequence), and whose answers are com-
depends on the size of the standard error of
parable and classiable. Differences in
responses should reect actual differences
between interviewees and not to the questions
s meas = s1 1 - r11
they were asked or the meaning they attached
where s meas = standard error of to the questions.
measurement standardized lost time metrics Relate to the
s1 = standard deviation of the broader issues of employee health and pro-
test ductivity rather than focusing on absence and
r11 = reliability coefcient of disability. According to the Washington Busi-
ness Group on Healths council on employee
the test
health and productivity, examples include
standard hour plan Similar to a piecework short-term disability cost per employee, salary
incentive plan, the standard hour plan rewards continuation costs per claim, annual workers
workers by granting a percentage premium compensation costs as a percentage of payroll,
above the base rate that equals the percentage and sick leave (incidental absence) incidence
by which their performance exceeds the pre- per employee.
scribed standard. standardized test A test designed to provide
Standard Industrial Classication (SIC) sys- an objective and systematic sample of individ-
tem Used throughout the federal govern- ual performance when administered under
ment to group establishments into industries. carefully prescribed conditions and inter-
The SIC division structure makes it possible preted according to specied normative infor-
to collect and calculate organizational data by mation. Also called standard test.
Standard Occupational Classification 636 stanine score

Standard Occupational Classication (SOC) standards of care Standards that describe cir-
system A system used by all federal statis- cumstances under which certain medical or
tical agencies to classify workers into occu- surgical procedures should and should not be
pational categories for the purpose of collect- performed. They are developed and rened by
ing, calculating, or disseminating data. All expert physicians based on review of pub-
workers are classied into one of more than lished research and personal experience.
820 occupations according to their occupa- standards of performance See performance
tional denition. To facilitate classication, standards.
occupations are combined to form 23 major standard test See standardized test.
groups, 96 minor groups, and 449 broad occu- standby letter of credit A means of protect-
pations. Each broad occupation includes ing funds should a facility be unable to fulll
detailed occupations requiring similar job its commitments under a contract. It takes the
duties, skills, education, or experience. form of an agreement with a bank or nancial
standard report A template for a recurring institution that it will guarantee payment
report, usually delivered with the software that should the defaulting party, who provided the
is retained as a permanent part of a human standby letter of credit, fail to meet its obli-
resources information system so that it can be gation to pay. The letter also delineates the
reproduced as needed. obligations of the supplier. See also escrow
standards 1. Benchmarks, criteria, or yard- account.
sticks. 2. Criteria set by a competent authority standing operating procedures (SOP) Some-
as the rule for measuring quantity or quality. times mistakenly called standard operating
Conformity with standards is usually a condi- procedures. SOPs are painstakingly written,
tion of licensure, accreditation, and, some- carefully communicated, and thoroughly
times, payment for services. 3. Criteria agreed monitored procedures for performing recur-
upon by computer hardware and software ring functions, duties, or tasks.
venders that make it possible for them to work standing work team A group of employees
together. assigned to either identical or similar jobs and
standard score A derived score that takes into formed into teams based on their location, their
account the mean performance of a given jobs, and the structure of the organization. Work
group on a test and also the relative perfor- team activity is a regular and ongoing part of
mance of all people taking that test. If a test getting the work of the organization done.
is neither too easy nor too difcult for the stanine score A form of standard score (stan-
group tested, scores will be distributed nor- dard nine) that divides the score distribution
mally; that is, their arrangement will be sim- into nine groups. The mean of a set of stanines
ilar to the normal probability curve. Standard is 5, and its standard deviation is approxi-
scores are calculated by dividing the devia- mately 2. Each stanine represents a band of
tions of testees raw scores from the mean by scores on the baseline of the normal probabil-
the standard deviation of the group. Also ity curve of one half of a standard deviation.
called a z score. The formula follows (see also The entire range of scores is divided into nine
T-score): such bands. The middle stanine is the band
including one fourth of a standard deviation
raw score mean on each side of the mean. This is numbered
standard score (z) = the fth stanine. On either side are four sta-
standard deviation
nines; each is one half a standard deviation.
standards of applications architecture Those below the middle are numbered 1 to 4
(SAA) A set of common (industrywide) and those above, 6 to 9. The formula is as
standards by which all computer systems will follows:
be transportable and can interface. It allows
stanine = 5 + 2
users to operate different makes of computers raw score mean
with similar sets of commands. standard deviation
star measurement 637 statement of work (SOW)

star measurement In productivity improve- State Health Insurance Assistance Program

ment, measuring the quality of key processes (SHIP) A state agency that receives money
and results in ve areas: products and ser- from the federal government to provide free
vices; use of resources (people, funds, mate- health insurance counseling and assistance to
rials, equipment, facilities, technology, and Medicare beneciaries.
market position); work processes and environ- Statement No. 95, FASB Issued by the
ment; employee, management, and labor rela- Financial Accounting Standards Board in
tions; and customer, client, supplier, and pub- November 1987, Statement No. 95 requires
lic relations. public companies to replace the standard
star numbers Condential passwords or book- Statement of Changes in Financial Position
ing codes used to identify private discount (SCFP) with a Statement of Cash Flows in
airfares, such as convention fares, which offer nancial reports.
discounts of from 5 to 45%. These fares have statement of account In meeting manage-
often been advertised in convention brochures ment, a document that lists income and
or released by corporations, travel agents, and expenses following an event.
individual travelers to the detriment of the statement of non-availability See non-avail-
airlines concerned. ability statement.
Star Schools Program Created by Congress Statement of support A pledge make by em-
in 1990 to establish high technology learning ployers never to deny employment based on
centers throughout the country to provide edu- Reserve or National Guard service and to
cational programs and materials to low- grant leaves of absence for military training
income students. Technologies employed
of their employees.
include Web sites, interactive video and com-
statement of work (SOW) A complete, de-
puter systems, and teleconferencing.
tailed, and realistic statement or specication
State Childrens Health Insurance Program
of an organizations needs and requirements
(CHIP) In 1997, federal legislation created
upon which prospective suppliers base their
CHIP, a new Title XXI of the Social Security
bids to provide products or services. SOWs
Act. The program enables states to insure
are developed following systematic analysis
children from working families with incomes
of the functions to be contracted or procured
too high to qualify for Medicaid but too low
to afford private health insurance. The pro- using organizational, job, task, and perfor-
gram provides coverage for prescription mance analysis procedures. The SOW con-
drugs, vision, hearing, and mental health ser- tains the following: (1) denitions of all spe-
vices and is available in all 50 states and the cial terms and phrases; (2) description of the
District of Columbia. Contact: State Medicaid facilities to be used and maintained by the
agency or Web site contractor; (3) facilities to be constructed by
dren.htm/. the organization and by the contractor during
State Emergency Response Commissions or prior to contract performance; (4) a list of
(SERCs) Commissions or agencies estab- equipment, supplies, records, and publications
lished or designated under the federal law to that will be provided to the contractor; (5) pro-
enforce the provisions of the Superfund visions for accountability of facilities, equip-
Amendments and Reauthorization Act of ment, supplies, and the like; (6) obligations of
1986. the contractor at the end of contract perfor-
state employment postings Mandatory em- mance; (7) a list of all property that the con-
ployment postings required by all 50 states, tractor must furnish; (8) a description of the
although requirements differ from state to specic tasks to be performed by the contractor;
state. Most states require fair employment law, (9) denition of applicable professional and
minimum wage, state occupational safety and technical specications; (10) quality assurance
health, and workers compensation posters. provisions that detail how each task will be
State Taxation of Pension Income Act 638 statistical process control (SPC)

received and accepted; (11) a delivery sched- colored, for example, can be used to show the
ule; (12) criteria for measuring the effective- magnitude of the phenomena being analyzed
ness of contract performance; (13) a list of all or studied.
records that must be maintained by the con-
tractor; and (14) a list of all reports the con- Basel
tractor must provide. Baden
Zurich St. Gallen
State Taxation of Pension Income Act o f Biel

1995 Prohibits states from taxing the retire- Bern Lucerne

ment income of nonresidents. Important to Fribourg

human resources managers because without
the legislation employers would have been St. Moritz
required to recreate the retirement account Bellinzona
history of of former employees, including German

rollovers and other services in different states. French

The law mandates that anything that looks Italian

like a pension can be taxed only by the state Romansch

in which the retiree is a resident.

state unemployment insurance (SUI) Sup- statistical model Used in HR forecasting to
ports workers who become unemployed develop a clearer picture of forces and their
through no fault of their own and who are able, impacts on human resources availability.
available, and actively seeking work. Paid for There are two types: the change model and
by employers based on a companys unem- the optimization model.
ployment experience rating. Varies from 0.01 statistical process control (SPC) 1. A strat-
to 13% of an employers taxable wages, egy for avoiding massive unplanned manufac-
depending on state regulations. turing stoppages and controlling the quality of
static budgeting See xed budget. products delivered to customers by program-
static random access memory (SRAM) ming small breaks into the production system
Memory that is stored but requires a constant and checking quality at each step in produc-
supply of power to hold its content but does tion against standards set in advance. Those
not require refresh circuitry, unlike dynamic standards establish mathematical limits of
random access memory (DRAM). Is usually acceptable performance for each step to elim-
faster than DRAM but takes up more space inate as much variation as possible. Instead of
and uses more power. Used most often for focusing on the nal product as most quality
parts of a computer that require high speed, control (CQ) systems do, SPC focuses on the
such as cache memory. See also dynamic ran- process, the true source of QC problems. At
dom access; random access memory; read- prescribed intervals, workers measure a rep-
only memory; video random access memory. resentative sample of their output. The mea-
static scoring Assumption that a tax cut pro- surements are averaged, the difference
duces an equivalent drop in revenues; for between the high and low measurements is
example, a 10% reduction in tax rates inevi- determined, and the numbers are recorded and
tably results in a 10% drop in revenue. compared with preestablished standards. If the
statistical analysis An approach to determin- gures fall within tolerances the customers
ing or measuring the differences or relation- will accept, work is resumed. If not, the prob-
ships between variables, treatments, pro- lem is xed. 2. Techniques and tools manu-
cesses, or persons that are mathematically or facturers use to measure their output that are
numerically, rather than judgmentally, based. now being applied to the measurement of train-
statistical map A graphic device for depicting ing effectiveness and as a means of teaching
numerical information on a geographic basis. workers to become more productive. Although
The way the map is shaded, hatched, or used primarily in controlling product work,
status of forces agreement (SOFA) 639 Stimulus-Response Theory (S-R Theory)

they recently have been applied to services stereostatic biopsy Employs x-rays and a
and white-collar work. digital imaging system to evaluate abnormal-
status of forces agreement (SOFA) A formal ities (particularly breast cancer) quickly, accu-
agreement between the U.S. and another rately, and without using invasive surgery. A
country that hosts American military units. needle is guided by computer to the precise
Grants those forces landing, berthing, and biopsy site to collect a tissue sample.
extraterritorial rights and privileges, including stereotyping The practice of assigning traits
such items as legal jurisdiction and tax exemp- or abilities to people based on assumptions
tions. Sometimes called visiting forces agree- made that people with certain characteristics
ment. or representing certain races, nationalities,
statute of fraud A law that requires certain religions, regions, and so on have certain
contracts to be in writing in recognition of the traits, abilities, disabilities, and the like.
fact that the written word is more durable, still-frame storage unit A digital device used
reliable, and legally enforceable than the spo- to store an individual video frame that can
ken word. For example, an individuals prom- then be instantly retrieved by entering its
ise to pay the debt of another, to indemnify or coded address. The device eliminates the need
hold harmless another party, to sell real prop- for slides and camera cards in TV production.
erty, and any contract in consideration of mar- still video (SV) A method of imaging that
riage requires a written contract. Under this provides a useful and convenient alternative
statute, oral contracts are not enforceable to silver photography. Using still video
unless some kind of written document exists cameras, which resemble standard 35-mm
cameras in size, shape, and function, single
that is signed by the person against whom the
video frames (still images) are stored on a
terms of the contract would be enforced. The
mini magnetic disk, similar to a computer
purpose is to avoid memory lapses, preclude
oppy disk but only 2 inches in diameter. A
legal disputes, prevent parties from claiming
single disk can hold up to 50 images. Some
that there was a contract where none existed,
systems are capable of recording a few sec-
clearly identify the terms and conditions of a
onds of audio with each picture. The images
contract where one does exist, and improve
can then be played back over a conventional
business relationships. The statute of fraud is
TV set. Some cameras also have a built-in
the law in all 50 states and all Common Law playback mode. Hard copies can be printed
countries. out using a video printer. Its greatest advan-
statutory benets Benets mandated by fed- tage is that still video can be tied in with other
eral and state laws. They include social secu- electronic media. Images can be transmitted
rity (FICA), workers compensation, and to computers and modied using graphics
unemployment compensation. Sometimes software; they can be combined with motion
partly supported by employee contributions. video, or transmitted from one location to
steering In risk management, the ethically another just like regular video.
questionable practice of inuencing a patient stimulants 1. Over-the-counter drugs that
to deal with a particular insurance carrier or help restore mental alertness or wakefulness
viatical settlement rm when an agreement during periods of fatigue or drowsiness. 2.
exists between the health care provider and Drugs that create a feeling of euphoria or a
the insurance carrier or rm stipulating that high. Repeated use often make the user feel
the provider will receive a certain percentage anxious, hyperactive, and irritable. Include
of the face value of all life insurance policies cocaine (coke, snow), crack-cocaine
the carrier or rm buys. (freebase rocks, rock), amphetamines
stepped-up basis The new tax cost basis an (speed, uppers), and methamphetamines
appreciated asset receives when it is listed on (crank, crystal meth).
a decedents estate tax return. The capital Stimulus-Response Theory (S-R Theory)
gains received on such an asset escape income The stimulus-response theory of association
taxes. or the conditioning process of learning. The
St. Marys Honor Center v. Hicks 640 strategic alliance

theory states that connections are made stop loss 1. A provision in health or disability
between stimuli. insurance policies that places a ceiling on the
St. Marys Honor Center v. Hicks A 1993 amount the employee has to pay (the deduct-
Supreme Court decision that prevents an ible) as his or her share of a claim. 2. A pro-
employee from winning a job-discrimination vision that limits aggregate losses in self-
suit if he or she makes false statements in funded health or disability plans to a specic,
court, whether knowingly or unknowingly, agreed-upon annual amount. The carrier pays
about the reason a worker was treated less the employer (policyholder) for claims in
favorably than other employees. The plaintiff excess of the agreed-upon amount.
must prove bias based on race, gender, reli- stop words On the World Wide Web, conjunc-
gion, or national origin. tions, prepositions, articles, and other words,
stock appreciation rights plan (SAR) A n such as and, to, and a, that appear in
executive compensation plan that allows for documents but alone have little or no meaning.
the payment of undetermined amounts tied to storage Removable elements in a digital cam-
the dividend record of the company or to the era that allow the user to transfer images from
gain in the companys stock price over a spec- the camera to a personal computer. Examples
ied period of time without the actual pur- include SmartMedia, Compact Flash Cards,
chase of stock by the participant. Employees Sonys Memory Stick, Iomegas Click drive,
are credited with a number of stock units with- and oppy disks.
out ownership rights in the stock itself. storage area networks (SANs) Hardware
and software designed to provide database
stock equivalent plan A form of long-term
and business-continuance/backup/disaster
incentive plan. Includes book value plans,
recovery for end-customer businesses, most
phantom stock plans, and dividend equivalent
commonly manufacturing and government
stock grant A plan in which employees, usu-
storage in transit (SIT) In employee reloca-
ally executives, are given stock in the com-
tion, a shipment that has been placed in a
pany as an incentive to improve the organiza-
warehouse temporarily, usually because the
tions bottom-line performance. See also stock
owner does not have a residence at which to
options. accept delivery of the property.
stock incentives See stock grant; stock options. storing A learning strategy used by humans
stock options Financial incentives to improve (and to some degree by learning machines). It
effort and productivity, usually directed involves storing information in memory that
toward managerial, scientic, and technical is frequently needed to avoid the need for
employees. Employees are given the right to repeating the problem-solving process. Also
purchase a specied amount of stock at a cer- called caching.
tain price for a stated period of time when they storyboard In television or audiovisual pro-
have qualied for such as reward. Options duction, a document that contains statements
prices are usually considerably lower than the of the video, company, and audience objec-
prevailing market prices, and the difference tives and sketches showing the information to
between the option and the market price is the be covered, style of photography or video
value of the option at any given time. Includes shots, action ow, and transitions. It is used
incentive stock options, nonqualied stock to help management and other staff ofcers
options, and stock appreciation rights. visualize what the nal product will look like.
Stoned A computer virus that displays the straight piecework plan A type of incentive
message Your PC is stoned! on every eighth plan in which workers are paid on the basis
system boot-up. The virus may overwrite the of the number of units produced or worked
computers hard disk le allocation table and on; there is no guaranteed minimum wage.
make it difcult to retrieve les from infected strategic alliance A business relationship
oppy disks. The virus is caught from an involving a shared objective established between
infected oppy disk. companies or other types of organizations to
strategic future conference 641 stress

improve competitive status and/or reduce factors and their inuence on the organization,
costs. Alliances may last from only a few and see problems and solutions in a new light.
months to 10 or more years. strategy A compatible combination of goals,
strategic future conference See future search. objectives, policies, and programs that will
strategic leadership team A group of people enable a manager to accomplish optimum
who provide overall direction and guidance to results under a given set of conditions or cir-
a company, department, or unit. cumstances.
strategic litigation against public participa- Strategy + Business Published quarterly by
tion (SLAPP) Refers to lawsuits (SLAPP) Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc., 101 Park Ave.,
whose sole purpose is to promote or achieve New York, NY 10178. Annual subscription
a political agenda. rate is $38 in the U.S. and $48 in Canada and
strategic objectives Represent an organiza- elsewhere. Contact: Strategy + Business, P.O.
tions major change opportunities and/or the Box 548, Lewiston, NY 14092-9986 (e-mail
fundamental challenges the organization;
faces. Typically externally focused, they relate Web site
to important customer, market, product/ser- strategy/planning meeting A high-level,
vice, or technological opportunities. face-to-face meeting of key individuals
strategic plan A means of matching the devoted to the formulation of strategic, long-
resources of an organization with the internal range, tactical, or operational plans or the
and external conditions within which it must development of a stratagem to deal with a
operate to attain its mission and achieve its problem, issue, or crisis.
goals and objectives. It is a tool to plan for streaming Sound and video broadcast over a
the future and to develop more creative and Web site or the Internet in real time rather than
innovative solutions to organizational prob- requiring the user to download and play it back
lems. The strategic plan examines the effects after the download has been completed.
of potential changes in government policies, streaming media Streaming video with
demographic and social changes, economic sound. The materials are sent in a continuous
trends, and technological advances, among stream and are played as they arrive.
others. The plan also contains corporate goals streaming quotes Prices of the most recent
and objectives, organization structure, nan- stock sales and purchases updated on the
cial data, and break-even analysis. Internet, accessed by opening a window on
strategic planning The process of identifying the electronic trading oor.
the probable or most likely issues, opportuni- streaming video The process of sending a
ties, threats, and options that an organization video or audio signal across the Internet in
will face over the next 5 or more years. It real time instead of in the form of a download.
involves a look into the future as a means of street name Listing of stocks, bonds, or other
avoiding disasters and crises. securities in the name of a broker without
strategic project ofce (SPO) An ofce de- issuing certicates in the name of the real
signed to assist chief information ofcers to owner. Useful in the settlement of estates, the
prioritize their investments and improve their use of street names makes it unnecessary to
return on investment by examining and align- change the names on certicates from the
ing projects with company strategy. decedents name to the estate and then to the
strategic quality management (SQM) S e e beneciary.
total quality management. strength and endurance test See physical
strategic stafng The growing practice of ability test.
employing only a small core group of perma- stress The negative effects on people of any
nent employees and making frequent use of external stimulus, including unfavorable job
temporary employees for highly specialized or home conditions, threatening words, and
positions. unexpected loud noises. The conditions
strategic thinking The ability to think in adversely affect the physical, mental, and
terms of the total business, analyze external emotional health or productivity of people.
stress interview 642 structured settlement

Examples are role conicts, lack of peer or ies of the neck that may lead to stroke. An
superior support, responsibility for others, acoustic gel is applied to the neck over the
pressures of time, work overload, and marital carotid arteries. A painless instrument, a trans-
and family problems. ducer, is mover around the neck to produce
stress interview An employment interview in images that visualize the inside of the carotid
which the interviewer deliberately subjects the arteries.
candidate to tension and pressure to determine structural capital The processes, systems,
how he or she reacts. The practice is not rec- patents, and other structures that remain when
ommended because interviewees are already employees leave the organization.
under considerable stress. structural imagery The mental ability to
stress management training Training con- convert a two-dimensional image into three
ducted to eliminate or reduce the conse- dimensions.
quences of excessive stress to individual structured experiences Training activities that
employees, their families, and the organiza- involve participants in learning by doing, have
tion in terms of adverse effects on physical specic objectives, involve step-by-step direc-
and mental health, damage to personal and tions, and make use of prepared materials.
family life, increased absenteeism and tardi- They are particularly appropriate for manage-
ness, strained interpersonal relationships, ment development in such areas as leadership,
complaints and grievances, substandard per- negotiating, strategic planning, conict reso-
formance, and lower productivity on the job. lution, role clarication, team building, and
Strategies and techniques used include medi- internal consulting.
cal referral, psychotherapy, exercises and t- structured interview 1. In relation to fore-
ness programs, counseling and self-awareness casting, a projection technique that makes use
training, diet consultation and nutritional of a panel of experts in a series of face-to-face
assays, relaxation tapes and exercises, breath- interviews employing a prestructured, stan-
ing techniques, meditation, self-hypnosis, auto- dardized interview format, using identical
suggestion, autogenetic training, massage, bio- questions and procedures in the same
feedback, seminars and discussion groups, and sequence with each interviewee. The results
spouse or couples workshops. of each interview are recorded and constitute
strike A work stoppage, walkout, or sit-in of a database for the next interview. When all of
employees as a group (usually members of a the experts have been interviewed, feedback
union or collective bargaining unit) in an is furnished to participants by phone or in
attempt to force an employer to grant wage or written form. 2. In relation to interviewing,
salary increases or improved benets. see also behavioral event interview; compre-
striking employees See Executive Order hensive interview; conversational interview;
12954. group interview; nondirective interview; non-
striped-collar workers A blend of blue- and schedule interview; nonstandard interview;
white-collar workers. Possess a higher level standardized interview; stress interview.
of technical knowledge and skills than blue- structured query language (SQL) Computer
collar workers but do not have college software used to acquire fast and accurate
degrees, as white-collar workers typically responses from a relational database.
do. structured settlement An alternative to
stroke Occurs when the brains blood supply insurance lump-sum settlement. A nancial
is reduced due to the narrowing of arteries by arrangement that allows the defendant in a
the long-term buildup of plaque, a process lawsuit to pay off todays claims with tomor-
called atherosclerosis. May lead to long-term rows dollars clearing the books of every-
speech loss, memory loss, partial paralysis, thing from $3000 personal injury claims
and sometimes death. Also called a cere- through million-dollar malpractice claims to
brovascular accident or brain attack. multimillion-dollar class action suits by
stroke screening A procedure that visualizes stretching out payments over a period of 5,
the buildup of fatty plaque in the carotid arter- 10, or 20 years, or a lifetime. Typically, the
Student Aid Bill of 1992 643 stuttering

defendant buys an annuity from a life insur- operational support services for federally
ance company (or the annuity is self-funded insured student and parent loans. Purchases
by a corporation or institution) that makes loans from lenders to replenish their funds so
payments to the injured party over several they can make more student loans. Sallie Mae
years. The defendant also gets a fast settle- is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and
ment and reduced settlement costs. The plain- maintains education loan servicing centers
tiff receives tax- and worry-free guaranteed around the country. For more information, see
income tailored to his or her needs over the
payment period. Student Loan Reform Act of 1993 Amended
Student Aid Bill of 1992 Makes it easier for Part D of Title IV to make funds available to
students from middle-income families to pay eligible students (and their parents) attending
for college with government grants and loans. participating institutions of higher education
It extended the life of federal higher education by means of direct loans made by the partic-
programs and authorized spending of $115 ipating institutions, consortia, or alternative
billion over 5 years. The bill dropped equity organizations that had agreements with the
in home or farm and college savings accounts secretary of education to originate loans.
from the calculation of assets used to deter- Student Loan Repayment Program F o r
mine student aid eligibility. Raised student each year of service in the Reserve, 15% of
income ceilings for students seeking Pell the reservists student loans (Guaranteed Stu-
grants of up to $2400 per year. Students from
dent Loan, National Direct Student Loan, or
families of four with an annual income of up
Federally Insured Student Loan), or $500,
to $42,000 (formerly $30,000) a year qualify
whichever is greater, will be repaid, up to a
for the grants. The bill also required all lenders
total of $10,000, or up to $20,000 for selected
of federal guaranteed student loans to offer
military occupational specialties.
borrowers either graduated or income-sensi-
studio 1. In meeting management, a one-room
tive repayment options. The bill also estab-
hotel parlor with one or two couches that can
lished a new unsubsidized loan program for
students and families who do not qualify now be converted to beds. 2. One form of teaching,
because their incomes are too high. In addi- learning, technology center. Provides facilities
tion, the bill established a direct loan pilot for producing and delivering distance educa-
program at 200 to 250 schools that eliminated tion and multimedia instructional materials,
banks and other intermediaries, such as the including Web sites.
Student Loan Marketing Association. study assignment A traditional method of
Student Aid Report (SAR) Formal notica- instruction in which the instructor assigns
tion of a students Expected Family Contri- readings in books, periodicals, manuals, or
bution and eligibility for other federal nan- handouts; requires the completion of a project
cial aid. or research paper; or prescribes problems and
student aid sources Include scholarships, exercises for the practice of a skill.
grants, earning from work-study programs, stuttering Usually described as excessive rep-
veterans education benets, prepaid tuition etition or a break in speech rhythm. More
plans, military- or employer-paid tuition assis- accurately, stuttering is a deviation in the u-
tance, or other types of funds specically ear- ency of speech. There are three possible
marked for educational costs. causes: (1) physical or constitutional, (2) emo-
student drug testing See Board of Education tional problems, or (3) learned behavior or
of Independent School District No. 92 Pottsa- response. It is most likely to be the result of
watomie County, et al. Petitioners v. Lindsay environmental or hereditary factors or their
Earls et al. interaction. However, no theory about the ori-
Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA) gin of stuttering has been proved. People who
(Sallie Mae) One of the nations largest stutter are just as intelligent and well-adjusted
nancial services companies and the leading as nonstutterers. There are no quick cures.
source of funds, account servicing, and other Qualied speech therapists, however, can help
Stuttering Foundation of America 644 Substance Abuse and Mental Health

people at any age make signicant progress other notebooks yet has a keyboard large
in overcoming the disorder. enough for touch typing.
Stuttering Foundation of America Formerly subordinate appraisal system A system that
the Speech Foundation of America, a non- uses appraisal by subordinates to improve
prot organization established to work toward managerial performance. It may involve the
the prevention and improved treatment of use of opinion surveys and questionnaires.
those who stutter. Publishes books and bro- subornation of perjury The act of procur-
chures and provides information packets for ing, soliciting, or inducing another to commit
adults who stutter, parents of children who perjury (lying under oath) in an ofcial
stutter, speech-language pathologists, the proceeding.
American Academy of Pediatrics, and the subrogation The contractual right of an entity
American Academy of Family Physicians. (such as a health care plan) to recover pay-
Contact: Stuttering Foundation of America, ments made to a member for services after
3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603, P.O. Box that member has received such payment for
11749, Memphis, TN 38111-0749 (phone damages in a legal action.
800-992-9392 or 901-452-7343; fax 901-452- subsidiary (organization) An independent
3931; e-mail; Web element with majority interest held by a cor-
site porate entity. Often has multiple business
stylus system See pen computer. units and is responsible for all organization
subacute care Comprehensive health care functions. Typically is a legally chartered
provided immediately following, or instead entity with its own board of directors.
subsidized housing A relatively new benet
of, acute hospitalization. Typically involves
in which employers help employees buy their
conditions that do not require complex diag-
own homes, from providing loans to offset
nostic procedures or high-tech monitoring.
purchasing costs to forming coalitions with
sub-chapter S corporation A business ar-
local organizations to work with developers
rangement under the law, common among
and contractors to build houses.
smaller rms, that permits the organization to
subsidized interest Interest paid by the fed-
have as many as 35 shareholders and eliminate
eral government while a student is in college
dual taxation on income and corporation rev-
or during grace periods or deferment periods.
enues. Under Internal Revenue Service rules,
subsidized loan Under federal student aid
prots and losses are included on a personal programs, a loan awarded on the basis of
return, an alternative that is unavailable to nancial need. For qualied students, the fed-
larger C corporations. eral government pays interest on the loan
subjective disability A condition with little or until the individuals begin repayment and
no objective or concrete medical rationale to during authorized periods of deferment there-
support the premise that it is disabling. Exam- after.
ples include chronic fatigue syndrome, subsidized payment A means of controlling
chronic pain, bromyalgia, and some psycho- travel and entertainment costs. Employees pay
logical or emotional conditions. for all business-related travel expenses either
subject-matter expert (SME) A person with in cash or by personal credit cards and get
considerable training and experience in an reimbursed after payment.
occupation, profession, or discipline used by substance abuse Misuse of or dependence
training or course developers as a resource upon chemicals or other substances such as
person to help identify the knowledge and alcohol, narcotics, or hallucinogens. Usually
skills required for job performance. requires treatment in the form of therapy and
subnotebook A type of laptop or portable support.
computer produced by Dell Computer Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
(320SLi) and Gateway (2000 Handbook). Administration (SAMHSA) An agency in
Weighing 2 to 4 pounds and measuring about the Department of Health and Human Ser-
6 by 10 inches, it is smaller and lighter than vices, SAMHSA is the federal governments
substance abuse laws 645 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

lead agency for improving the quality and surface to prevent it from reecting back to
availability of substance abuse prevention, the viewers eye (different combinations of
addiction treatment, and mental health ser- cyan, magenta, and yellow create the appear-
vices in the U.S. Its Ofce of Applied Studies ance of the visible spectrum on the paper).
(OAS) collects, analyzes, and disseminates Successful Meetings: The Authority on Meet-
data on substance abuse in America. Contact: ings and Incentive Travel Management A
SAMHSA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD monthly journal. Cost: $48.00 per year (free to
20857 (phone 301-443-3875; fax 301-443- qualied subscribers). Contact: Bill Commu-
0247; e-mail; Web site nications, 355 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 (phone 212-592-6403; fax 212-592-
substance abuse laws See Anti-Drug Abuse 6600; e-mail; Web
Act of 1986; Drug-Free Workplace Act of site
1988; Transportation Act of 1989. Success in Recruiting and Retaining: Practi-
substance abuse professional (SAP) A per- cal Solutions for Creating a Stable Work-
son who is eligible to provide substance abuse force A monthly newsletter. Cost: $96.00 per
counseling and/or treatment. Includes medical year (regular $149.00 per year). Contact:
doctors and osteopathic physicians, psychol- National Institute of Business Management,
ogists, licensed or certied social workers, Inc., 1750 Old Meadow Road, Suite 302,
and alcohol and drug counselors certied by McLean, VA 22102-4315 (phone 800-543-2052
the National Association of Drug and Alcohol or 703-394-4921; e-mail;
Abuse Counselors. Beginning in 1996, all em- Web site
ployers with safety-sensitive employees are succession planning Specic plans devel-
required to follow federal Department of oped to ensure that the needs of an organiza-
Transportation regulations mandating that the tion for senior managers and executives will
services of SAPs be made available to em- be met. The plans identify current and pro-
ployees who test positive for alcohol and/or jected personnel resource requirements, cur-
drug abuse. rent and projected ll, and the sources and
substitution analysis A projective technique means to ll future vacancies with top-quality
used in forecasting that seeks to project the people. Succession planning involves identi-
rate of substitution that has either started or fying and analyzing key positions, assessing
not yet begun by examining the nature of the potential candidates against job and personal
substitution, and, based on regression analysis requirements, creating individual develop-
of a set of similar substitutions, develops a ment plans, and selecting the people to pre-
specic mathematical substitution formula. pare for assignment to the key positions.
The objective is to identify substitutes that can successor trustee In a trust instrument, the
perform a required function more effectively person appointed to take over the duties of the
or less expensively. Examples: teleconferenc- original trustee when that person is unable to
ing instead of travel; facsimile instead of over- serve.
night mail. sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) A medical
substitution of benets or employee stock emergency characterized by no breathing and
option (ownership) plan (ESOP) benets no pulse or the patients heart is beating with
A plan for meeting retiree medical liabilities a disorganized, ineffective rhythm that inter-
in which benets are funded by reducing the feres with the pumping of blood (brillation).
benets of the retiree medical plan and com- See also automated external debrillator.
pensating employees with other increased sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) T h e
benets such as pensions or ESOPs. sudden and unexpected death of an apparently
subtractive color theory The principle under- healthy infant whose death remains unex-
pinning the printing of cyan, magenta, and plained following an autopsy, investigation of
yellow inks on paper to absorb portions of the the circumstances of the death, and review of
red, green, and blue light illuminating a the medical history of the infant and family.
suggestion system 646 summer day camp

suggestion system A formal or semiformal summary jury trial An alternative dispute

systems that offers employees a ready way to resolution approach in which the parties to the
voice their complaints about policies, proce- controversy agree to employ a mock, six-
dures, and practices, and equipment, materi- member jury, impaneled by a court, to render
als, products, and working conditions, includ- a nonbinding verdict on the dispute. The pur-
ing hazards to health and safety. Suggestion pose of the procedure is to demonstrate to the
systems provide an effective means of collect- parties how a jury might decide the case.
ing employee ideas for more effective use of summary plan description (SPD) A written
human, material, and nancial resources and description of the key features and benets of
expand the body of technical, professional, a companys benet plan. An important part
and human knowledge to increase enterprise of a plan to communicate benets information
growth, productivity, and protability. to employees, required by the Employee
suggestology An instructional method that Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
uses the power of suggestion and allusion as SPDs should be specic, simple, complete,
a means of encouraging, facilitating, or accel- written in plain English, and meet these
erating learning. Examples include the requirements: (1) be led with the Department
phrases this is easy, and you can do it. of Labor; (2) be distributed to employees; (3)
Attributed to Ostrander, Schroeder, and be updated when signicant changes are made
Ostrander (Superlearning, 1979). to the plan or the law changes; (4) be repub-
suitcasing A traditional method of delivering lished and distributed to employees and the
classroom training to groups of workers at Department of Labor whenever changes are
remote locations. All materials required to made and every 5 years at a minimum. In the
conduct the training are packaged and either fall of 2000, DOL issued new regulations for
sent or hand-carried to the training location summary plan descriptions (SPDs) that con-
where they are used by a traveling trainer. tain the following requirements: (1) proce-
suite In meeting management, a hotel parlor dures must not hamper the processing of
connected to one or more bedrooms. claims; (2) procedures must ensure that claim
summary annual report (SAR) A summary determinations are made according to plan
of key nancial information taken from documents and are applied consistently; (3)
annual Form 5500 lings about a companys SPDs must contain a full description of the
retirement plan as required by federal law. plans claims procedures (including managed
Copies of the SAR must be distributed to all care procedures, such as preauthorization and
plan participants. utilization review); (4) notices of adverse ben-
summary court-martial A military tribunal et determinations must include statements of
that has jurisdiction over all personnel, except the claimants right to pursue a civil action
commissioned ofcers, warrant ofcers, under ERISA following an adverse benet
cadets, aviation cadets, and midshipmen, determination on appeal; and (5) following an
charged with a minor Uniform Code of Mil- adverse benet determination, claimants must
itary Justice (UCMJ) offense referred to it by be given access to all documents, records, and
the convening authority. It is composed of information relevant to their claims, free of
one commissioned ofcer on active duty, usu- charge upon request, regardless of whether
ally pay grade 0-3 or above. The maximum such information was relied upon in making
punishment a summary court-martial may the adverse benet determination.
award is connement for 30 days, forfeiture summative evaluation An approach to the
of two thirds pay for 1 month, and reduction evaluation of training systems that focuses on
to the lowest pay grade (E-1). the effectiveness of the program in terms of
summary judgment A legal motion made by the results obtained as compared with the
a defendant to a judge, following costly and resources expended.
time-consuming pretrial discovery, to summer day camp A form of employer-sup-
resolve a case before it gets to trial. If the ported child care service in which summer day
motion is denied, the case goes to trial. camps are organized by community agencies
sun protection factor (SPF) 647 Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS)

or unions and are partially subsidized by the & Development. Reprinted with permission.)
company. See also attribute bundles; knowledge, skills,
sun protection factor (SPF) Describes the and attitude competencies; output competen-
increased allowable time of sun exposure cies; result competencies; task competencies.
before a particular skin type burns. An SPF Super Six Awards of Excellence Awarded
value is assigned by manufacturers of sun pro- annually by Successful Meetings magazine to
tecting cosmetics for items such as sun- recognize event-planning creativity and
screens, creams, lipsticks, cosmetic milks, achievement in six areas: corporate meetings,
lotions, etc. For example, SPF4 means that a association meetings, incentive programs,
person can expose himself or herself to the special events, trade show management, and
sun four times longer without burning, com- a special Pathnder Award for innovation.
pared to not using any SPF. Contact: Bill Communications, 355 Park
supercomputer An ultrasophisticated, high- Avenue South, New York, NY 10010
powered number-crunching computer with (phone: 212-592-6403; fax: 212-592-6600;
the capability of solving problems (typically email:; Web site:
scientic) that defy solution by ordinary
means. One genre makes use of parallel com- Super VHS A recent development in VHS, it
puting architectures in which tens or hundreds offers picture resolution that is twice as good
of smaller processors are harnessed together; as the standard VHS picture. Super VHS is to
others consist of one ultrafast computer. video recorders what high-denition TV is to
super crip Term used by disabled persons to television.
describe their physically challenged peers supervisory counseling See job performance
who are overachievers or have triumphed counseling.
over their disabilities and become exception- supervisory development Training and devel-
ally competitive, remarkably independent, opment provided to selected employees with
and highly competent. the potential for promotion to supervisory
Superfund Amendments and Reauthoriza- positions or to incumbent supervisors to rem-
tion Act of 1986 (SARA 1910:120) An act edy performance deciencies.
relating to health and physical hazards of supplemental executive retirement plan
chemicals in the workplace and hazardous (SERP) A tailored nancial arrangement
waste operations. It signicantly revised, that functions as a retirement plan for key
expanded, and extended the provisions of the employees where there is no qualied retire-
Comprehensive Environmental Response, ment plan. SERPs help retain key executives,
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, make compensation packages more competi-
commonly known as the Superfund Law, to tive, help with necessary or desirable early
continue cleanup activities around the coun- retirement, protect benets in a merger situa-
try. Several site-specic amendments, deni- tion, and restore benets stripped from higher-
tions clarications, and technical require- paid executives by recent changes in tax laws.
ments were added to the legislation, including Sometimes called a salary continuation plan.
additional enforcement authorities. supplemental health insurance See medigap
Superfund Law See Comprehensive Envi- insurance.
ronmental Response, Compensation, and Lia- Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS)
bility Act of 1980. Government-subsidized loans for certain
superior-performer differentiators Compe- undergraduate and all graduate students. If the
tencies that superior performers have and individuals college application shows nan-
other workers do not. Typically focus on abil- cial need, the government pays the interest on
ities rooted in intelligence and personality. the loan while the student is in school, and
(Attributed to Patricia A. McLagan, Compe- repayments do not start until the student
tencies for the Next Generation, Training & leaves school. The interest rate is the 3-month
Development, May 1997, p. 41, Training & treasury-bill rate plus 3.1%, adjusted annually,
Development, American Society for Training and with a cap of 11%. Maximum loan for
supplemental pay benefits 648 supporting method

freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors is supplier relationship management (SRM)

$4000 annually and $10,000 for graduate and The enterprise resource planning-related
professional students. process of leveraging procurement, providing
supplemental pay benets Benets paid for an overall organizational expense picture,
time not worked. They include unemployment increasing the knowledge of suppliers and
insurance, vacation and holiday pay, sick pay, their role in the business, and steadying sup-
bereavement pay, severance pay, and supple- plier bases.
mental unemployment benets. supply chain management (SCM) 1. Track-
supplemental protection plan Benets de- ing products from the rst stage of manufac-
signed to afford additional protection to work- turing to the last until they are sold and every
ers while they are employed and after retire- step in between. 2. Changes in the relation-
ment. Examples are death, disability, and ships between manufacturers and suppliers
medical insurance policies that provide higher that tend to reduce the latency in information
amounts of coverage than the group plan in ow and break down boundaries between
effect and, mainly for executives, equity- businesses. With this type of management,
based plans funded by the company that pro- humans no longer complete purchase orders
vide postretirement income and equity. or communicate by phone or fax. The sales-
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) A order system of the buying company becomes
a part of the purchase-order system of the
joint federal and state program for low-
selling company. The goal of the strategy is
income persons that has no premiums and
to transform linear, serial supply chains into
deductibles. It pays monthly checks to people
parallel, collaborative communities, thereby
who are 65 or older, who are blind, or who
reducing cycle time, improving customer rela-
have a disability and who have little or no
tions, and increasing productivity.
property or income. A single person may be
supply side economics An economic theory
able to receive SSI with assets worth up to
that holds that an increase in the money supply
$2000; a couple may be eligible with assets
provided by lowering taxes will increase pro-
of up to $3000. In either case the home lived ductivity and, in turn, prots.
in and the land on which it is located do not support Services provided by a hardware or
count. Personal property, household goods, software vender after the sale, such as instal-
life insurance policies, and a car usually do lation, implementation, problem solving, and
not count. Disabled and blind children are also modifying software.
eligible for monthly checks. People who supported employment Arrangements made
receive SSI are usually eligible for the Food by social service and rehabilitation agencies
Stamp Program and Medicaid as well. At to buy or deliver coaches or tutors to help
$545 for one person and $817 for a couple, clients with severe disabilities to learn a job.
basic SSI payments are the same nationwide; support group A group of employees estab-
however, many states add money to the basic lished to provide attention to the needs or
check. special interests of certain categories of
supplemental unemployment benets (SUB) employees, such as recovering alcoholics and
Supplements to state unemployment insur- substance abusers, single working parents,
ance payments funded and paid by employers divorced or separated employees, women in
to unemployed workers. They are typically nontraditional jobs, disabled persons, and
paid during periods of layoff, reduced work gays and lesbians.
weeks, and relocation. supporting method An approach to instruc-
supplementary benets Benets provided tion that is objectively determined to be an
by employers, often partly supported by essential complement to a primary method;
employee contributions, such as health care, that is, it must be used in conjunction with the
life insurance, disability insurance, and primary method to ensure attainment of the
pensions. instructional goal.
surcharge 649 survivors benefits

surcharge 1. In pricing, a charge passed along survivor benet plan (SBP) An option
to the customer resulting from higher business offered to retired military personnel by which
costs at certain locations. 2. In employee relo- a surviving spouse receives a percentage of
cation, a charge that is separate from the usual the deceased retirees annuity, currently 55%
or customary freight charges. It may be due until the survivor is 62, after which the annuity
to increases in fuel costs or unusually high is reduced to 35% for life. The premium for
insurance costs. SBP is the lower of the current formula (2.5%
surety bonds Often used to guarantee com- of the rst $349 of retired pay and 10% for
pletion of work. For example, if a contractor the rest) or a at premium of 6.5% of retired
(the principal that purchases the bond) fails to pay, but the premium is dropped if the retirees
nish the bonded work, the surety company spouse dies before the retiree.
pays the property owner (the obligee) and then survivor benets A series of payments to the
recoups the money by completing the work. dependents of deceased employees. Survivor
See also commercial security. benets come in two types: rst, the transi-
surf/surng Scanning or browsing through tion type pays the named beneciary a
the information superhighway or Internet to monthly amount for a short period (usually 24
locate and access needed data or information months). Transition benets may be followed
of interest. by bridge benets, a series of payments that
surge A sudden ow of electrical power that last until a specic date, usually the surviving
can last several seconds and can damage hard- spouses 62nd birthday.
ware as well as unsaved data. Protection survivor insurance An insurance policy that
against surges is provided by surge suppres- insures two persons, usually husband and
sors or protectors devices that plug into wife, but does not pay benets until both
regular electrical outlets and that have several insured persons die. It is usually less costly
receptacles into which the computer and its than insuring the life of one person. Typically
peripherals are plugged. used to pay estate taxes and other obligations
surgical procedure A procedure performed at the death of the second person insured.
by a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.) or other survivors benets 1. Lump-sum or monthly
licensed medical practitioner that involves cut- payments made by an organization to the sur-
ting, suturing, treatment of a fracture, reduc- viving spouse or children of an employee or
tion of a dislocation, electrocauterization, annuitant. 2. In addition to private corpora-
radiotherapy, diagnostic and therapeutic tions, survivors benets are also paid by fed-
endoscopic procedure, injection treatment eral and state governments (social security
(hemorrhoids and varicose veins), or laser and armed forces annuitants, for example).
beam operation. Invariably, maximum payments are estab-
surveillance techniques Passive or observa- lished and age limits set for the surviving
tional techniques used in forecasting. They spouse and dependent children. Under social
require a large database, computer support, security, survivors benets are paid to survi-
and a responsive management system. vors of workers who have enough credits
survey 1. A means of collecting data for use (depending on age, from 6 up to 40 credits
in identifying and diagnosing problems, deter- based on 1 credit for each $540 in earnings
mining the expectations of people, measuring with a maximum of 4 credits in any single
employee attitudes and morale, and determin- year) for work in jobs or self-employment
ing status in specic areas of concern to man- covered by social security and, under a special
agement. Either or both the questionnaire and rule, benets can be paid to children and
the personal or group interview may be used spouses even if the individual does not have
to collect the required information. 2. In the number of credits needed. Widows or wid-
employee relocation, a document completed owers receive full benets at 65 or older or
by the origin agent during an assessment of reduced benets as early as age 60. A disabled
the household goods. It outlines the services widow or widower can receive benets at age
that will be required to complete the move. 50 to 60. Widows or widowers at any age
suspense 650 synthetic GIC

receive benets if they take care of the dece- switcher In television production, a device
dents child who is under 16 or of any age if used to control two or more video signals to
he or she is disabled and receives benets. create special patterns such as wipes, dis-
Unmarried children under 18 (or 19 if attend- solves, and keys.
ing elementary or secondary school full time) Syllabus: New Directions in Education Tech-
or at any age if they are disabled before 22 nology Published by Syllabus Press 10 times
and remain disabled receive benets. Depen- per year. Subscription: $39.50; free to educa-
dent parents at age 62 or older are eligible for tors. Contact: Syllabus Press, 345 Northlake
benets. Under certain circumstances, bene- Dr., San Jose, CA 45117 (phone 800-733-
ts can be paid to grandchildren. Former 0670 or 408-261-7200; fax 408-261-7280;
wives or husbands (divorced) can receive e-mail; Web site
benets under the same circumstances as a
widow or widower if the marriage lasted 10 symbiosis Two employees or others working
years or more. The 10-year rule does not apply closely with the result that each person, as
if the former spouse is caring for the dece- well as the organization, benets in some
dents child under age 16 or who is disabled fashion from the association or relationship.
and receives benets. In general, surviving symmetric encryption A system that uses the
spouses cannot get benets if they remarry. same key to encrypt and decrypt a message.
However, remarriage after age 60 (50 if dis- symposium A meeting or conference at which
abled) will not prevent benet payments. a particular subject or topic is freely and
suspense A deadline or target date for com- openly discussed and opinions are gathered.
pletion of an action, project, or task; a not symptomatic Said of someone who evidences
later than target date. or has signs of a disease or illness. Someone
Sutton Ruling A 1999 Supreme Court deci- who has smoked all of his or her life and has
sion (Sutton v. United Air Lines, Inc.) that cut a heavy cough is said to be symptomatic.
back the number of workers covered by the synchronous learning Real-time, instructor-
Americans with Disabilities Act. The high or teacher-led online learning events in which
court determined that employees who can sub- all participants are logged on at the same time
stantially control their conditions are not con- and communicate directly with each other
sidered disabled under the law (e.g., people (e.g., audio or video teleconferencing, Internet
who have easily correctable vision problems). telephony, or two-way live broadcasts).
Suttons Law A maxim that says, Go where synchronous optical network (SONET) A
the money is! Applied to health care man- category of ber-optic communication stan-
agement, it means, Pay attention to where the dards that allows transmission speeds ranging
money is spent. Attributed to Depression-era from 51.84 Mpbs to 2.48 Gpbs.
bank robber Willy Sutton who, when asked synectics A group problem-solving technique
why he robbed banks, replied, Thats where that makes use of analogy and metaphor. New
the money is. ideas are developed by joining two apparently
swash letters In typography, type characters irrelevant and incompatible elements. Exer-
that use fancy ourishes instead of a terminal cises are used to break rigid mind sets and
or serif. generate idea uency.
sweetheart contract A contract that is let to synergy The combined effects of any project,
favored bidders and sometimes provides process, or activity in which more can be
exceptionally favorable terms that result in accomplished by the cooperation and collab-
higher prots. In many cases they are illegal oration of two or more people than by their
because they involve collusion or fraud. separate efforts.
sweetheart deal Preferential treatment af- synthesis Putting the elements of ideas, prob-
forded to individuals or groups in such areas lems, or concepts together.
as contracts, perquisites, compensation (raises synthetic GIC Synthetic guaranteed invest-
and bonuses), and benets (retirement). ment account, carried at book value and
synthetic skills 651 systems validation

benet-responsive. Issued by banks or nan- to acquire a better understanding of the behav-

cial intermediaries, rather than by insurance ior and operation of the whole system by
companies, a synthetic GIC uses a passive studying the behavior and interactions of its
investment approach that substitutes the credit parts.
backing of the underlying bonds for the guar- systems, applications, and products (SAP)
antee of the GIC issuer. Synthetic GICs have An integrated, money- and time-saving, enter-
a maturity date that coincides with the maturity prise-wide information system; software that
of the underlying securities, but that date may replaces conventional individual production,
be uncertain when backed by mortgages. inventory, sales, purchasing, accounting, and
synthetic skills The opposite of analytical other system components with modules that
skills, but invariably used after analytical mesh and communicate seamlessly with each
skills. They involve a logical process of com- other.
bining or merging several facts, concepts, or systems applications software (SAS) The
ideas to create new or improved concepts and computer software that produces a needed
ideas. product: word processing documents, spread-
sysadmin Computer vernacular for the systems sheets, budgets, and the like.
administrator the person in charge of the Systems Approach to Training (SAT) The
corporate management information system. U.S. Armys streamlined approach to the
system life cycle All phases of a computer instructional systems development (ISD)
systems life, from design, development, process. The approach simplies and abbrevi-
installation, implementation, and operation to ates the ISD process and focuses on evaluation
eventual replacement. (control) throughout the ve-step process.
System One In travel management, a com- systems engineering A systematic search for
puter reservation system owned by Conti- ways and means of satisfying the functional
nental Airlines and Electronic Data Systems. requirements of a system, it relates mission
Also offers documentation of its systems, con- and system. Systems engineering also
sulting on-site and by phone, and certication translates concepts into procedures that pro-
in its laboratories. duce the desired system output.
system operator (SYSOP) The gatekeeper, systems language/jargon Includes feedback,
referee, or xer for a multiuser computer causal loop diagrams, archetypes, mental
system or bulletin board. models, and leverage points.
Systems I organization A n o r g a n i z a t i o n system software The internal programming
managed by people who have little trust or of a computer.
condence in their subordinates, so planning systems quality control Periodic checks on
and decision making remain centralized. the operation of an ongoing system (such as
Attributed to Rensis Likert. a training system) to ensure that it continues
Systems IV organization An organization to operate as intended and that the quality of
managed by people who have complete trust the output remains within design tolerances or
and condence in their subordinates and share standards.
planning and decision making with them. systems validation A means of determining
Attributed to Rensis Likert. the effectiveness of the various elements of a
systems analysis The process of breaking a system (such as a training system) and its
whole system into its component parts and suitability to serve the intended purpose prior
relating those parts to each other and to the to its nal acceptance and installation as an
whole. The objective is to enable the manager operational system.
TA 1. Task analysis. THA Taft-Hartley Act of 1947.
2. Transactional Analysis. Th.D. Doctor of Theology.
3. Transportation Act of 1989. THR Target heart rate.
4. Teaching assistant. THX Thanks (Internet
TAB Training Advisory Board. abbreviation).
TAMP Travel Agents in Meeting TI Toastmasters International.
Planning. TIA 1. Transient ischemic attack.
TAMRA Technical Corrections and 2. Travel Industry Association
Miscellaneous Revenue Act of of America. 3. Thanks in
1988. advance (Internet speak).
TAW Train Americas Workforce. 4. Total Information
TBA Transportation Benets Act of Awareness (Program).
1999. TIC Technical information center.
TBC Time-based corrector. TIFF Tagged image le format.
TBL Technology-based learning. TIPS Treasury ination protection
TBOR2 Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2. securities.
TBP Target benet plan. TL 1. Team learning. 2. Technical
TCM Total compensation literacy.
management. TLO Terminal learning objective.
TCO Total cost of ownership. TLTC Teaching, learning,
TCP/IP Transmission control technology center.
protocol/Internet protocol. TM Transcendental meditation.
T&D Training and development. TMC 1. Total market coverage.
TDA Tax-deferred annuity. 2. The Military Coalition.
TDCA Television Decoder Circuitry TMIS Travel management
Act of 1990. information system.
TDD/TTY Telecommunications device TMJ Temporal mandibular joint
for the deaf/teletypewriter. syndrome.
TDE Touchtone data entry. TMRW Tomorrow (Internet
TDMA Time division multiple access. abbreviation).
TDU Total defects per unit. TNA Training needs analysis.
TDUR Therapeutic drug utilization TNGT The Next Greatest Thing
review. (pronounced Ting-TEE).
T&E Travel and entertainment. TNSTAAFL Theres no such thing as a free
TEA Technology in Education Act lunch (Internet abbreviation).
of 1993. TODR Transfer-on-death
TEAM Teamwork for Employees and registration.
Management Act of 1996. TPA Third-party administrator.
TEFRA Tax Equity and Fiscal TPL/S Third-party
Responsibility Act of 1982. liability/subrogation.
TEI Total employee involvement. TPQ Threshold planning quantity.
TELNET An Internet protocol. TPS 1. Tiered premium system.
TF Technology forecasting. 2. Temporary protected status.
TFL TRICARE for Life. TPT Total person training.

TQC 654 TaftHartley Act

TQC Total quality control. organizational levels and external contacts

TQI Total quality improvement. (managers, supervisors, team members, peers,
TQM Total quality management. clients, and suppliers), including employee
TQO Total quality organization. self-assessment. Also called multirater feed-
TRA Tax Reform Act of 1986. back and 360-degree assessment.
TRASOP Tax Reduction Act (1975) T. 120 An interoperability standard that
stock ownership plan. describes how computers communicate dur-
TREA The Retired Enlisted ing a data conference.
Association. T1 line A dedicated data/video transmission
TROA The Retired Ofcers linkage that is capable of moving the large
Association. quantities of data required by multimedia over
TRS 1. Telecommunications relay a network.
services. 2. Time recorder T&E expense management system Software
system. that automates the entry, tabulation, and pro-
TS Technology sucks (Internet cessing of posttravel T&E expense data to
speak). traveler reimbursement and posting to the gen-
TSA 1. Tax-sheltered annuity. eral ledger.
2. Transportation Security table 1. A graphic display of data in tabular
Administration. form, containing headings and columns. 2. In
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act human resources information systems, a
of 1976. means of storing detailed data common to a
TSEA Trade Show Exhibitors class of employees (such as supervisors) or a
Association. set of procedures, referenced by a simple
TSP Thrift Savings Plan. code. For example, a benets plan table car-
TT 1. Text telephone. 2. Team ries all characteristics of the different plans in
effect, each with its own code. A benets
TTTA Training Technology Transfer
change, such as a new premium rate, can be
Act of 1984.
made to the table instead of changing the
TULIP Transurethral ultrasound-
records of all affected employees.
guided laser-induced
Table dhte A xed-price menu with limited
TURP Transurethral resection
prostatectomy. tabletop videocassette recorder (TVCR) A
TVCR Tabletop videocassette compact, portable delivery system that com-
recorder. bines a standard VHS videocassette player and
TWOV Transit without visa. an 11- or 13-inch television monitor in a sin-
TWWIIA Ticket to Work and Work gle unit.
Incentives Improvement Act tabloid A newsprint tab-sheet page that mea-
of 1999. sures 10 12 inches.
tachistoscope A device used to present visual
24-bit color The highest digital color standard stimuli (letters, words, phrases, gures, or col-
currently available where 24 bits of informa- ors) for one fth of a second or less. Used to
tion are used to describe each color pixel, increase reading speed.
yielding more than 16 million colors. tacit knowledge Experiential, how-to infor-
360-degree feedback A means of increasing mation derived from clues, indicators,
employee participation, demonstrating com- hunches, perceptions, instinct, and personal
pany commitment to the work force, and insight knowledge that people often cannot
identifying areas for both organizational and articulate. See also explicit knowledge.
individual improvement. Involves multi- tactical plans See operational plans.
rater assessment or group appraisal by col- TaftHartley Act See LaborManagement
lecting behavioral observations from several Relations Act of 1947.
TaftHartley Amendment of 1990 655 tariff

TaftHartley Amendment of 1990 Legisla- tare weight In employee relocation, the

tion that allows unions to negotiate for hous- weight of a truck, before a shipment is loaded,
ing assistance for their members. In addition including all essential loading equipment and
to earlier anticorruption provisions prohibit- packing materials.
ing management from making direct pay- target benet plan (TBP) A hybrid type of
ments to unions except for certain purposes dened contribution plan in which contribu-
such as employee education, health care, and tions are determined as though the plan were
retirement, the amendment adds housing to a dened benet plan; however, the amount
the list of exemptions. of benet received at retirement depends on
tagged image le format (TIFF) In desktop the value of the assets in the workers account,
publishing, a standard graphics le format for just as it does in a dened contribution plan.
bit-mapped images and a common format targeted jobs tax credit An employer tax
used by scanning software. credit of 40% of the rst $6000 earned by a
tailored training Training that is customized qualied disabled worker. To qualify for the
for a particular group of people in a specic credit, the disabled worker must be certied
organization so that it is relevant to the train- for the program by a state employment ser-
ees, real jobs, the organization, and the vice, a private industry council, or a state
industry. vocational rehabilitation program prior to
take-home pay An employees earnings after beginning work.
taxes, social security deduction, and other vol- target heart rate (THR) The safest number
untary and involuntary deductions (such as of heartbeats per minute that a persons heart
life, medical, and health insurance; union should pump during aerobic activity. To
dues; contributions to charitable organiza- improve cardiovascular tness, the American
tions; and garnishments). College of Sports Medicine and the American
takeover See merger. Heart Association advise that during workouts
takeover ads Advertisements that occupy the people should keep their heart rates within a
most prominent portion of a Web page or safe range; that is, somewhere between low
sometimes oat, y, or appear, and disappear and high heart rates. THR is determined as
seemingly at random. follows: (1) calculate the maximum heart rate
talent The professional or nonprofessional by subtracting your age from 220; (2) calcu-
actors in a live dramatization, lm, or TV late the high THR by multiplying the maxi-
production. mum heart rate by 0.80; (3) calculate the low
tall organization An organization with a nar- THR by multiplying the maximum heart rate
row span of management and many levels of by 0.60. Heart rate may be checked by taking
authority in which only a few subordinates the pulse immediately following exercise.
report to one superior. Count the pulses for 10 seconds and then mul-
tangible net worth The sum of all outstand- tiply by 6. The resulting number should be
ing preferred and common stock, surplus, and somewhere between the low and the high
undivided prots, less any intangible items THRs. The formulas for calculating maxi-
included in the assets, such as good will, mum, high, and low heart rates are as follows:
trademarks, patents and copyrights, lease-
Maximum heart rate = 220 age
holds, mailing lists, treasury stock, organiza-
High THR = maximum heart rate 0.80
tion expenses, and underwriting discounts and
Low THR = maximum heart rate 0.60.
tangible personal property Items of a phys- target marketing See market segmentation.
ical nature; for example, cars, furniture, jew- target plan See target benet plan.
elry, paintings, and antiques. tariff In employee relocation, a published
tangible reinforcer See tangible reward. schedule of rules, rates, and charges devel-
tangible reward A reward that is concrete oped for the transportation industry by the
and touchable, such as savings bonds, trophies Household Goods Carriers Bureau Rate
and plaques, certicates, and merchandise. Committee. The tariff provides the schedule
task 656 tax home

of rates and charges from which the carrier refund worth up to $400 per child in the sum-
computes the total cost of the services and mer of 2003, a reduction in the marriage pen-
materials provided for a move. alty as standard deduction, broadening tax
task A level in the structure of work. One of brackets, and use of new IRS withholding
the work operations that is a logical and essen- tables that will increase paychecks starting in
tial step in the performance of a duty. That is, June 2003.
every duty is made up of one or more tasks, tax-deferred annuity (TDA) See tax-shel-
and a task has the same relationship to a duty tered annuity.
as a duty has to a job. A task is a work unit Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of
that denes and describes the methods, pro- 1982 (TEFRA) Legislation that made
cedure, and techniques by which a duty is Medicare the secondary insurer and employer-
carried out. Each task has these characteris- provided plans under contract with health
tics: It is performed in a relatively short period maintenance organizations the primary
of time (seconds, minutes, or hours but rarely insurance source for active employees aged
days or longer); it occurs with reasonable fre- 65 to 69. The law has since been amended to
quency in the work cycle; it is an independent include working spouses younger than age 65
and nite part of a duty; it is performed by and active employees older than 69. Regula-
one person (not shared or divided with another tions implementing the act became effective
worker); it involves closely related skills, February 1, 1985. TEFRA simplied risk con-
knowledge, and abilities; and it is performed tracting requirements, brought them more in
in accordance with some standard. For exam- line with the way HMOs operate, and intro-
ple, an electronic equipment repairers servic- duced the practice of returning savings to
ing duty might include cleaning, lubricating, Medicare beneciaries rather than to the
replacing tubes, and lling reservoirs with government.
hydraulic uid. taxes on tips See United States, Petitioner, v.
task analysis (TA) The lowest practicable Fior DItalia, Inc.
level of analysis; the process of dening the tax extender A term used by some to describe
behaviors, conditions, and standards of a task legislative proposals giving tax-favored status
and identifying the elements that distinguish to employee benets such as group legal and
that task from other tasks. education assistance plans.
task competencies The tasks and activities tax gross-up In employee relocation, com-
that comprise a job. (Attributed to Patricia A. pensation provided to transferring employees
McLagan, Competencies for the Next Gen- by corporate employers to assist with the taxes
eration, Training & Development, May 1997, associated with taxable relocation benets.
p. 41, Training & Development, American Tax gross-ups are typically paid directly to the
Society for Training & Development. tax jurisdiction by the corporate employer on
Reprinted with permission.) See also attribute behalf of the transferring employee.
bundles; knowledge, skills, and attitude com- tax home As dened by Section 911, Inter-
petencies; output competencies; result compe- nal Revenue Code, the general area of an
tencies; superior-performer differentiators. individuals place of business, employment,
tasker See snowake. or post of duty, where he or she is permanently
tax cost basis When the cost of an item is sub- or indenitely engaged as an employee. A tax
tracted from the the proceeds of the sale of home is not necessarily a persons residence
the property, the result is the taxable gain. The or family home. If an employees regular
cost of something sold is seen as a return of abode is in the U.S., it cannot be in a foreign
capital and is not taxed. country. The location of the home is deter-
Tax Cut of 2003 On May 28, 2003 President mined, in part, by whether the overseas
Bush signed a 10-year, $350 billion tax cut assignment is temporary or indenite. A for-
package and $20 billion aid to state govern- eign assignment that is expected to last or
ments designed to fuel the economy. The Act actually lasts 2 years or longer is considered
includes giving many parents an advance indenite. Circumstances determine whether
tax law: incentive programs 657 Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA)

an overseas assignment that lasts less than in 1998 or later. Many of the new provisions
1 year is temporary or indenite. If the over- were phased out at differing income levels.
seas assignment lasts for more than 1 year but Individuals got a variety of new tax breaks.
less than 2 years, it is considered an indenite The law provided a tax credit for children
assignment unless the employee plans to under 17, created college tuition tax credits
return to the same home in the U.S. after the and education IRAs, and allowed penalty-free
assignment and the U.S. home is the individ- withdrawals from individual retirement
uals regular abode. accounts for qualied education expenses and
tax law: incentive programs Sales and non- rst home purchases. Capital gains taxes were
sales incentives are not tax-deductible. Length cut, and the rules for taxing home sales were
of service and safety programs are partially completely revised. Fewer estates will be
tax-deductible up to $400 per employee; subject to taxes, and special estate tax breaks
however, the employee will be taxed on any were provided for qualifying small busi-
sum exceeding the rst $400. If the rules of nesses and family farms. Many changes
the length of service or safety program are in affected businesses, including a revision of
writing and kept on le by the employer, up the rules governing home-ofce deductions,
to $1600 per person is deductible, but the aver- an exemption from the alternative minimum
age payout per employee must not exceed tax for qualifying small businesses, and an
$400. increase in the health insurance deduction for
TaxLink A system of reporting that became self-employeds. Signed by President Clinton
effective with the signing of the North August 5, 1997.
American Free Trade Agreement in 1994. Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 Made sweeping
The Internal Revenue Code was amended to changes in tax law that make it easier for
require employers to pay their taxes electron- individuals to accumulate savings for retire-
ically. Taxes affected include payroll, excise, ment as well as other nancial objectives. The
corporate, unemployment, and railroad law also created new, tax-favored individual
retirement. The program was phased in over retirement accounts that can be used for a
a 6-year period that began January 1, 1995 variety of goals. The Act makes it possible for
and was based on certain thresholds of tax people to deduct their contributions to IRAs
liability. and continue to defer taxes on the money they
Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2 (TBOR2) A sequel earn in IRAs. It also makes it easier for indi-
to the TBOR of 1988. Provides added protec- viduals to get at the money they save in IRAs.
tion against alleged Internal Revenue Service The Act also established Education IRAs.
abuses such as intimidating taxpayers, tax qualied policy A long-term care policy
placing liens on homes and businesses, and that conforms to standards established by the
conscating property by appointing a tax- Health Insurance Portability and Account-
payer advocate, speeding up agency responses ability Act of 1996 and offers certain federal
to disputes and refunds, giving IRS agents tax advantages.
more leeway to accept offers in compromise, Tax Reduction Act (1975) stock ownership
providing relief to innocent spouses (who plan (TRASOP) See payroll-based stock
signed joint returns containing understatement option plan.
of tax liabilities), and allowing higher dam- Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA) Established
ages (up to $1 million) for reckless and nondiscrimination standards for employee
intentional disregard of the law pertaining to compensation and benets; limited certain sal-
collection methods. ary deferral plans; and set new standards for
Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act of 1997 pretax benet plans, loans, and pensions. The
The tax law made more than 800 changes to Act greatly reduced the usefulness of IRAs by
the tax code that affected nearly everyone. The restricting the tax deductibility of contribu-
effective dates for the changes varied. Some tions, based on adjusted gross income for
provisions were retroactive, some took effect active participants in company pension plans.
immediately, and many others went into effect IRS regulations, effective January 1, 1991,
tax-sheltered annuity (TSA) 658 team incentive

provided guidance on the the retirement plan teaching, learning, technology center (TLTC)
nondiscrimination rules added or changed by A facility designed to facilitate faculty and
the Act. Among other things the regulations academic support professional staff collabo-
were designed to simplify the previously pro- ration in institutions of higher education and
posed minimum participation requirements to sustain and support their efforts to achieve
under Section 401(a)(26) and provide new the educational mission of the institution. See
tests to ensure that benet plans do not dis- also (Virtual) Teaching, Learning, and Tech-
criminate in favor of highly compensated nology Center.
workers. The Act also claried a travel issue: team See cross-functional team; functional
a corporation cannot deduct a cruise meeting team; parallel team; project team; strategic
as a business expense unless the ship is a U.S.- leadership team; work team.
registered ship whose every stop is in U.S. team-based pay A compensation plan that
ports, and such deductions are limited to uses work team performance measures to
$2000 per year. determine the amount of pay awarded or com-
tax-sheltered annuity (TSA) Provides retire- pensating members of a work team in such as
ment income for workers in certain tax- way as to encourage collaboration and pro-
exempt organizations. Amounts saved can ductivity. Also called group compensation and
accumulate tax-free and sometimes provide team-based compensation.
other tax advantages; however, amounts paid
team building A strategy for helping a work
to annuitants at retirement are treated as ordi-
group improve its unity of purpose and func-
nary income and so taxed. The Tax Reform
tioning by learning to identify, analyze, and
Act of 1986 modied the amount that may be
solve its own problems. The basic strategy is
contributed to TSAs. Also referred to as tax-
group discussion centering on encouraging
deferred annuity.
team members to listen attentively and express
T + D: Better Performance Through Work-
their ideas and feelings openly, insisting on
place Learning Formerly Training and
frankness in expressing disagreement, resolv-
Development. Published monthly by the
ing disagreement by consensus, maintaining
American Society for Training and Develop-
ment. Subscription as a part of membership focus on the tasks to be accomplished, and
$60; nonmembers U.S. $85; foreign $165. periodically examining how well the group is
Contact: ASTD, 1640 King St., Box 1443, doing and how its members are contributing.
Alexandria, VA 22313-2043 (phone 703-683- Content typically includes long- and short-
8100; fax 703-683-8103; e-mail subscriber- term planning, allocation and redistribution of; Web site resources, communication and coordination,
teachable moment That relatively brief and motivation and morale, conict resolution,
often unpredictable period when a learner is training and development of subordinates,
eager for advice, assistance, or training. decision making, and designing and imple-
teacher certication A credential that has menting controls.
historically been used to verify that an indi- team concept A view of on-the-job working
vidual is qualied to teach in the public relationships that emphasizes collaboration,
schools of a state. cooperation, and teamwork rather than indi-
Teacher Corps Programs Created by the vidualism, self-reliance, and competition.
Higher Education Reauthorization Act of team hiring Using organization teams to per-
1992 to provide college aid to prospective form signicant parts of the hiring process.
teachers in return for their commitments to Companies that use the approach typically
teach in underserved areas. train team members in the law, company pol-
teaching assistant (TA) A graduate student icy, how to ask questions and how to listen,
assigned to a university professor (or profes- what to look for in a candidate, and how to
sors) to help with their course loads by pro- rate or rank candidates.
viding assistance to students, grading papers, team incentive A reward earned and shared
and so on. by a small group, rather than an individual,
team learning (TL) 659 technical literacy (TL)

for meeting or exceeding special performance have amended the National Labor Relations
targets. Board ruling in the Electromation decision
team learning (TL) 1. A form of organization to permit employers to establish and maintain
in which a group of trainees, under one employee involvement programs, including
instructor, is subdivided into smaller groups joint labormanagement committees, without
or teams for instruction and performance. fear of litigation to discuss matters of mutual
Under the supervision and guidance of the interest, including issues of quality, produc-
instructor the teams engage in learning activ- tivity, safety, and efciency. Although passed
ities of a variety of types aimed at the devel- by both the House and Senate, the bill was
opment of verbal or manipulative skills. It is vetoed by President Clinton on July 30, 1996.
a means of handling individual differences, Team Work: Your Personal Guide to Working
teaching team skills, providing guided prac- Successfully with People A newsletter pub-
tice in developing verbal or manipulative lished by a division of Dartnell Corporation.
skills, and developing problem-solving abil- Contact: LRP Publications, 747 Dresher
ity. 2. An organization development strategy Road, Suite 500, P.O. Box 980, Horsham, PA
that provides a means of designing and deliv- 19044 (phone 215-784-0860; fax 215-784-
ering management training that focuses on 9639; TTY 215-658-0938; e-mail custserve@
work team problem solving.; Web site
team pay See team-based pay. techies Technical experts; usually used in con-
team selling A team approach to sales nection with the use of technical experts as a
designed to overcome the problems associated training resource.
with the complexity and global nature of cor- technical analysis In stock market activities,
porate business today. Teams may be cross- the search for patterns intrinsic to the buying
functional groups of people from various and selling of stock. See also fundamental
departments of the company such as research analysis.
and development, engineering, customer ser- Technical Corrections and Miscellaneous
vice, maintenance, and training; a coordinated Revenue Act of 1988 (TAMRA) The Act
group of salespersons that forms an interna- requires employers to report the total amount
tional team; or a team assembled from several of dependent care assistance provided for each
divisions of the company representing differ- employee.
ent product lines. technical education and training personnel
Teamsters Union See International Brother- A category of technical workers that includes
hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehouse- professors, teachers, and trainers who prepare
men and Helpers of America. technical workforce workers for their jobs.
team teaching (TT) A form of training that technical information center (TIC) See infor-
uses a team of two to eight instructors. One mation center.
member is designated as the team leader and technical literacy (TL) The ability to operate
the others, who represent a range of subject effectively computers and other devices, such
matter and teaching competencies, jointly as printers, VCRs, telephones, fax machines,
plan, conduct, and evaluate all learning activ- copiers, and other communications devices.
ities for a relatively large group (up to 30) of At lower levels, TL involves knowing how to
trainees. The system is used to handle large activate a computer or other device, start and
and diversied groups of trainees with greater stop application programs, communicate with
efciency, maximize the use of available networks, obtain information from the Inter-
instructor knowledge and skills, provide a net, use e-mail, save or print a le, and transfer
means of dealing more effectively with indi- les electronically. At higher levels, TL
vidual trainee differences, and individualize related to computers involves the ability to
instruction to the maximum. manipulate complex applications, install and
team training See team learning. remove software, organize and maintain le
Teamwork for Employers and Managers Act systems, and exploit the multimedia capabil-
of 1996 (TEAM) Legislation that would ities of computers and software, including
technical processes and procedures 660 technography

installing simple add-ons such as memory, technical trend extrapolation A projective

modems, and storage drives. Attributed to Dr. technological forecasting technique that
Robert K. Branson, Florida State University. begins by identifying the characteristics of a
technical processes and procedures training technology that are key to its performance
Training that focuses on an organizations pro- (such as accuracy, maintainability, cost, and
cesses and procedures used in developing, so on) and plots them against time in an
maintaining, and delivering its products and attempt to discern a regular development pat-
services. May include training for workers tern that can then be extended into the future
who operate and maintain machinery and to make the forecast.
equipment. technical workers Employees whose work
technical professionals A category of techni- requires technical knowledge and skills. The
cal workers that includes scientists, engi- category includes technical professionals;
neers, architects, and health professionals technical support personnel; technologists;
(physicians, dentists, podiatrists, and so on), technicians; blue-collar technical workers in
computer systems analysts, and computer manufacturing, transportation, and utilities
scientists. industries; and technical education and train-
technical skills Occupationally related, con- ing personnel.
crete, and functional skills the kinds of technical writer An HR/HRD competency.
skills that operating employees and managers Technical writers convert highly technical
have in common, although the specic skills materials into readable and usable form. They
produce technical manuals, instruction sheets,
the two groups possess vary both in kind and
job aids, and the like.
complexity. For example, a computer operator
technician An individual highly trained and
may be skilled in the use of Lotus 1,2,3; a
skilled in the methods and procedures associ-
training manager should be skilled in the
ated with any technical occupation, profes-
selection and use of instructional methods.
sion, or trade. A specialist or expert in a tech-
technical support employees A category of
nical eld.
technical workers that includes managers of
technobabble Language that sounds scien-
technical workers and marketing and sales
tic; the technication of ordinary language.
personnel who work in industries and institu-
It makes use of euphemisms and sometimes
tions where technical products or services are attempts to obfuscate ideas or replace accu-
produced or provided. They require some racy in descriptive language to make things
technical education and training. appear to be more positive or more believable.
technical systems analysis Examination of Examples are sleep decit for overtired,
the key variables that impinge on, interact human interface for human interaction or
with, or interfere with the accomplishment of human relations, and lethality system for
the core work or objectives of the organization weapon or weapons system.
and that detail the specic steps required to technographer An individual trained and
convert inputs into outputs. The analysis experienced in acting as a cofacilitator of a
includes statistical quality control and socio- meeting by selectively recording information
technical systems redesign. and displaying the evolving record for all par-
technical training Training that focuses on ticipants to see, edit, and reorganize on the
the application of mathematical and scientic spot. See also facilitator; technography.
principles to the creation of products, services, technography A computer-enhanced ap-
or processes. It is provided for workers who proach for organizing, managing, presenting,
use technology in their jobs. Most technical and distributing the information generated in
training in industry is geared to upgrading and meetings. It involves interactive recording and
updating skills in jobs that require certication employs two components: equipment and a
or licensing; for example, in health care. person who can manipulate software while
Sometimes called technical processes and listening for and organizing pertinent infor-
procedures training. mation.
techno hobo 661 telecommunications

techno hobo A freelance technology expert of technology for people with disabilities and
some sort who is often on the road pursuing national programs, including studies to inves-
his or her business calling. tigate the nancing of technology, the devel-
technoliteracy Knowledge of the capabilities opment of an information and referral network
of such technology-based equipment as com- (Title I), and a public education campaign to
puters, compact disks, interactive/multimedia, enable workers with disabilities to live more
and computer-assisted design and manufac- independently, perform a greater variety of
turing systems. jobs, or return to work more quickly (Title II).
technologist See technician. The Act encourages employers and employees
technology Industrial science; systematic in states that have such technology programs
knowledge in the industrial arts and sciences. to obtain help from the local organization to
technology assessment A c o m p r e h e n s ive develop technological accommodations for
form of policy research that examines the employees.
technical, economic, and social consequences technophobia Fear of complex machines,
of technological applications. It is especially such as computers, faxes, photocopiers, and
concerned with unintended, indirect, or videocassette recorders. Technophobes are
delayed social impacts. intimidated by complicated devices.
technology assimilation A goal of many orga- technotraining High-tech means of conduct-
nizations: ensuring that technology is being ing training such as computer-based instruc-
used to best advantage for both the organiza- tion, interactive video, and teleconferencing.
tion and its employees. techonomics The study of the impact of tech-
technology-based learning (TBL) A general nology on the economy.
term that describes computer-driven applica- Tech Prep Technology Preparation, a feder-
tions of educational/training technology. ally funded program established to prepare
Encompasses computer-based training students attending vocational-technical sec-
(CBT), computer-based learning resources ondary schools for the jobs of the future as
(CBLR), and computer-managed instruc- skilled technicians having 2 or more years of
tion (CMI). college training in such elds as manufactur-
technology forecasting (TF) Techniques used ing, communication, health care, and electron-
to predict, preferably in a quantiable, logical, ics. Tech Prep integrates the curriculums of
and credible way, the nature, direction, rate, the last 2 years of secondary school and two
and effects of changes in technology. See also subsequent years at a postsecondary institu-
integrative techniques; normative forecasting; tion, resulting in award of an associate degree.
projective techniques; surveillance tech- Students take some college-level courses
niques. while attending high school under a coopera-
technology in federal training See Execu- tive arrangement between a postsecondary
tive Order 13111. institution and a vocational high school.
technology integration A growing challenge teenies Stock market parlance for very small
for human resources personnel posed by the changes in bid and ask prices for stock. A
power of the personal computer, the variety teenie is 1/16 of a dollar.
of products being marketed, and the trend telecenter/telecommuting center A modi-
toward centralizing HR responsibilities. cation of work-at-home programs. Instead of
Involves the integration of combinations of traveling to their normal ofces, workers drive
hardware, software, and personal computer to a center established within their area con-
components to support HR projects and taining workstations, phone lines, modems,
services. fax machines, and copiers. The arrangement
Technology Preparation See Tech Prep. cuts commute time and eliminates the inter-
Technology-Related Assistance for Individ- ruptions they might encounter at home. Also
uals with Disabilities Act of 1988 An act called telework center.
that established grants to states to set up telecommunications Transmission of audio,
programs to encourage the use of assistive video, or both audio and video information,
telecommunications device for the deaf 662 telemarketing rule

documents, data, and visuals by means of tele- (1) video conferencing, which uses TV images
phone land lines, radio waves, or satellite plus sound at all locations; (2) computer con-
communication links. ferencing, where computers at several sites are
telecommunications device for the deaf/tele- netted; (3) audio-graphic conferencing, where
typewriter (TDD/TTY) See telecommunica- audio via telephone and visual images via
tions relay services. FAX are the means of communication; and
telecommunications relay services (TRS) (4) audio conferencing, voice communication
Telephone transmission services that enable by means of telephone, radio, or satellite.
individuals with hearing or speech disabilities telecourses Whole secondary- or college-level
to communicate by wire or radio with hearing courses dealing with a single subject available
persons in a manner that is functionally equiv- on videotape (or cassettes) supplemented by
alent to the ability of an individual who does ancillary materials.
not have a hearing or speech disability to com- telemarketing Contacting potential custom-
municate using voice communication services ers and clients by phone, either within the
by wire or radio. Hotline telephone numbers company or outside, to identify unmet needs
are staffed 24 hours per day, every day, for for HR products and services. It may also be
those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech- used to qualify sales leads; sell new products
impaired and cannot communicate by means or services to old and new customers, clients,
of a standard telephone. Within the U.S. or or prospects; renew service contracts; comple-
between the U.S. and Canada no limits on the ment standard marketing efforts; and obtain
length or number of calls are imposed. Spe- data from prospects for market research on
cially trained communications assistants company products and services.
(operators) connect users with hearing or
Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and
speaking persons. The system requires the
Abuse Prevention Act of 1994 Legisla-
installation of special telephone equipment.
tion that gave the Federal Trade Commission
Most states have 800 numbers. There are no
broad authority to regulate telemarketing by
extra fees or charges for the service. In most
adopting a rule that prohibited deceptive and
areas, discounted rates are given to those eli-
abusive telemarketing acts. The nal rule,
gible for direct-dial, station-to-station calls
outside the local calling area but within the which became effective in January 1996,
geographic area. To qualify, a physician, oto- includes a requirement for marketers to dis-
laryngologist, licensed speech-language close the following information: (1) cost of
pathologist, audiologist, or representative of the product; (2) restrictions or conditions on
an authorized agency must sign a form indi- the purchase of the product; (3) refund policy;
cating the service is needed for communica- (4) the odds of winning a prize, or if odds
tion over the phone line. cannot be calculated in advance, the factors
telecommuting/telecommuters Participants used in calculating the odds, that no purchase
in part-time or full-time work-at-home pro- is necessary to win, and how to participate in
grams, with or without computers and the promotion without making a purchase or
modems tied into the corporate home ofce. a payment; and (5) all costs that must be
telecomputer A utility that combines the tele- incurred or conditions that must be fullled
phone, television, and computer into a single to redeem a prize. The rule does not apply to
unit used to access information and convert it America Online, Prodigy, the Internet, e-mail,
into meaningful knowledge. The term is and other types of communication.
attributed to George Gilder. Telemarketing Fraud Protection Act of
teleconferencing Satellite or phone line TV 1998 Improves criminal law relating to fraud
point-to-point communication links estab- against consumers and imposes increased pen-
lished between two or more groups at two or alties for such fraud. Approved June 23, 1998.
more locations to provide instant interchange telemarketing rule See Telemarketing and
of aural and visual information or for training. Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act of
Teleconferencing may take any of four modes: 1994.
telematics 663 TELNET

telematics The blending of cars, computers, devices include a transparent screen that is not
and telephones, including such tools and visible to the audience.
instruments as voice-activated phones, land teleradiology A telecommunications technol-
navigation devices, and engine diagnosis ogy that allows health care providers to
systems. exchange medical and dental images for con-
telemedicine Use of telecommunications sultation and medical review purposes. It uses
technology to diagnose illnesses and injuries an all-digital, ber-optic telephone network to
and provide patient care over long distances. transmit diagnostic-quality angiogram, com-
Uses one- or two-way video over ordinary puterized tomography, magnetic imaging,
telephone lines or ber optics (or telephone positron emission tomography, sonogram,
communication tied in with satellites) with thermogram, and x-ray readings and images
digital signal compression to examine in seconds.
patients, discuss symptoms, and send the telerecruiting A nontraditional, low-cost, and
results of such diagnostic tools as echocardio- increasingly popular means of expediting the
grams, CAT scans, and fetal monitoring from hiring process. Potential candidates are
one physician to another. screened and interviewed for open positions
telephone checks A screening device used to by in-house or contract recruiters. It is con-
verify information supplied by candidates for troversial because it targets people who are
employment either on application forms or in currently employed.
interviews. telescoping Describes the phenomenon of
telephone monitoring Listening in on tele- women developing alcoholism more rapidly
phone conversations in the workplace. Con- than men. Although women tend to start
sidered an invasion of privacy by many drinking at a later age than men, they appear
employees and necessary to meet business for alcoholism treatment at about the same
needs by some employers. age.
telephone reassurance or support A service teletraining See teleconferencing.
offered by volunteers who call aged or dis- Television Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990
abled persons daily to check that all is well (TDCA) An amendment to the Communica-
with the individual called. See also home- tions Act of 1934, the Act required, as of
maker services; friendly visitors. July 1, 1993, that all television sets with
telephone service A means of transmitting screens of 13 inches or more have built-in
low-resolution multimedia over copper wires. decoder circuitry capable of displaying closed
Represents the lowest level on the bandwidth captions, making it unnecessary for the deaf
spectrum. and hearing-impaired to use portable decoders
telephonic health care services A call-in and to achieve compliance with the auxiliary
service offered by many managed-care orga- aids and services requirements of the Amer-
nizations to help employees make better- icans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
informed health care decisions and help teleworking A work environment change,
employers avoid unnecessary expenses. Typ- usually voluntary, in which employees no
ically use round-the-clock 800 numbers longer have ofces with desks and report in
answered by registered nurses and rely on person daily. Instead, each worker is given a
information technology, such as hundreds of personal computer, modem, answering
physician-approved protocols that serve as a machine, and fax so that he or she can work
basis for decisions with respect to a variety of at home or at another specied location. Hours
illnesses and injuries. and days of work and any type of exibility
telephoto lens (7580 mm) Brings the sub- allowed should be clearly dened.
ject closer to the camera. Useful for sporting TELNET An Internet protocol/application
events. program that allows a user to log in to another
TelePrompTer An electronic device that dis- computer remotely to retrieve data if he or she
plays a speakers script, running at a speed has the Internet address where the information
that matches the individuals delivery. Modern is stored.
temp 664 temp-to-perm programs

temp A person who temporarily lls vacated Grants of TPS are initially made for periods
positions. Includes hired gun nancial ofc- of 6 to 18 months and may be extended
ers and controllers, executives, professional depending on the situation. Removal proceed-
personnel directors and corporate counsels, ings are suspended against aliens while they
and high-rent managers, as well as accoun- are in temporary protected status.
tants, clerks, and secretaries. temporary resident See nonimmigrant.
temping Using contingent or temporary work- temporary restraining order In legal termi-
ers to provide labor exibility, acquire needed nology, an order of brief duration used to com-
expertise, control the number of employees pel someone to do or not do something. Avail-
following downsizing, ll in for absent able only in extreme situations. For example,
employees, screen candidates for future it can be used when a partys threat to breach
employment, and control benets costs. a contract would cause irreparable harm.
temporal mandibular joint disease/syndrome temporary trainer See freelance trainer.
(TMJ) Pain or discomfort, limitation of temporary worker An alien entering the
motion of the jaw, or cracking in the jaw due U.S. to work for a temporary period of time.
to inammation or degenerative changes in The Immigration Reform and Control Act
the jaw joint most often resulting from aging, of 1986 and the Immigration Act of 1990, as
arthritis, injury, or muscle tension caused by well as other legislation, revised existing
repeated jaw-clenching or tooth-grinding. classes and created new classes of nonimmi-
temporary agency hire A exible stafng grant admission. Nonimmigrant temporary
option. Hiring professionals or other workers worker classes of admission are as follows:
for specied time periods or projects. They H-1A, H-1B, H-1C, H-2A, H-2B, H-3, O-1,
remain the employees of the agency and not O-2, O-3, P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, Q-1, Q-2, Q-3,
of the company that contracts for their ser- and R-1, R-2.
vices. temporomandibular joint disorder A syn-
temporary employees Corporate executives, drome or dysfunction of the joint between the
managers, technicians, physicians, nurses, jawbone and skull and the muscles, nerves,
pharmacists, accountants, or ofce workers and other tissues related to that joint.
hired on a temporary basis to meet seasonal temp-to-hire A stafng strategy in which
or emergency requirements that cannot be met temps interested in full-time positions are
through organizational resources. Provide a recruited and assigned for a trial period during
means of remaining globally competitive and which time the company evaluates the temps
avoiding the ups and downs of market cycles skills and the temps evaluate the workplace.
and the growing burdens of employment rules, The temps are paid by the temp agency during
antidiscrimination laws, health care costs, and the trial period, and the company avoids the
pension plans. Also called contingent workers, cost of poor hiring decisions and saves money
contractors, disposable workers, extra work- in unemployment benets and workers com-
ers, ll-ins, freelancers, just-in-time employ- pensation.
ees, part-timers, per-diem workers, leased temp-to-lease programs An alternative staff-
employees, peripherals, short-timers, supple- ing option. Involves contracting with two
mentals, and temporary staffers. See also stafng rms, usually a temporary service and
common law employee test. a professional employee organization (PEO).
temporary protected status (TPS) A legis- The temporary service performs all of the
lative basis for allowing a group of persons screening, selection, and assignment functions
temporary refuge in the U.S. Under a provi- for what become long-term temporaries at the
sion of the Immigration Act of 1990, the U.S. client company. After a specied period of
Attorney General may designate nationals of satisfactory employment, the temporary
a foreign state to be eligible for TPS with a employee is moved to leased employee status
nding that conditions in that country pose a and transferred to the PEOs payroll.
danger to personal safety due to ongoing temp-to-perm programs An alternative staff-
armed conict or an environmental disaster. ing option. Involves hiring employees on a
tenancy by the entirety 665 tertiary care

temporary basis, typically through a tempo- terminal learning objective (TLO) In the
rary worker company, with the understanding design phase of instructional systems devel-
that if they perform well for a specic period opment, objectives written for each job per-
they will be offered regular (permanent) formance measure. TLOs include the behavior
employment. or action, the conditions of performance, and
tenancy by the entirety A form of joint the criterion or standard to be attained by the
ownership, recognized by about 24 states, in learner.
which property is owned by more than one termination Separation from the organization
person and cannot be sold without the consent for reason of transfer, resignation, retirement,
of all owners. layoff, or dismissal for cause (incompetence,
tenancy in common A form of joint owner- violation of policies or rules, insubordination,
ship in which the tenants in common own a and so on).
share in the property (for example, a one third termination-at-will The traditional rule that
or one half interest) and are free to do what- where there is no contract, the employment
ever they wish with their share sell it while relationship can be terminated at will (for
they are alive or leave it to someone in their any reason or no reason) by either the
will. Property held as a tenancy in common is employer or the employee. That rule has been
subject to probate. superseded due to litigation.
tender offer and merger A means of taking termination clause In contract law, wording
a company out of the market and going pri- that allows either party to the contract to can-
vate. Most common when there is an urgent cel for reasons of acts of God, war, civil dis-
need for speed (since the deal can be closed order, disaster, government regulation, strikes,
in 20 business days instead of the 3 months bankruptcy of either party, and so on. Also
or more needed for other approaches) and called force majeure clause.
when managements goal is to gain the 90% termination counseling See outplacement.
of shares needed to accomplish a short-form term life insurance A life insurance policy
merger. that remains in effect only as long as premium
tentalow A wilderness single or double payments are made. Such policies have no
camp rented for use by corporate incentive surrender value.
groups for team building. Features a combi- Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 R e -
nation tent and bungalow and includes a pri- quires all commercial insurers to offer terror-
vate bathroom. Usually has an adjoining open- ism coverage, but also protects the insurance
air pavilion for meals and socializing. industry from catastrophic losses due to future
teraops computer The next generation of terrorist attacks. Under the bill, the govern-
supercomputers. They can perform one tril- ment would not become involved in any
lion operations per second. claims less than $5 million. Insurance compa-
terazosin A generic drug for the treatment of nies would pay a deductible in 2003 equal to
enlarged prostate glands (e.g., Abbott Labora- 7% of the premiums they received the previ-
tories Hytrin). ous year. The deductible would rise to 10% in
terminal A peripheral device linked to a 2004 and 15% in 2005. The federal govern-
mainframe or minicomputer that includes a ment would then cover 90% of everything
keyboard, monitor, and a video generator. It above the deductible with insurance compa-
has little or no processing power. nies paying the other 10%. Federal payments
terminal emulation Occurs when a personal would be capped at $90 billion the 1st year,
computer or workstation communicates with $87.5 billion the 2nd year, and $85 billion in
a mainframe, performs no processing, and the nal year of the program. Signed into law
simply displays signals from the host com- November 26, 2002.
puter. When the communication is discon- tertiary care Services provided by highly spe-
nected, the equipment resumes its full pro- cialized providers (e.g., neurologists, neuro-
cessing power. surgeons, thoracic surgeons, intensive care
test 666 T.H.E. Journal: Technological Horizons

units). Such services frequently require highly test items The individual questions that com-
sophisticated equipment and support facilities. prise an achievement, aptitude, or other type
test A means of observing and describing how of test. The most common types of test items
people perform in a specic, controlled situ- are truefalse, multiple choice, matching,
ation. Tests are instruments used to measure arrangement, and essay.
such things as general mental ability (intelli- test-retest reliability coefcient A reliability
gence or scholastic aptitude), specic mental coefcient obtained by administering the
abilities (deductive, inductive, and spatial rea- same test a second time or different forms of
soning), specic information, job knowledge, the same test (after a short interval) and cor-
trade knowledge, mechanical aptitude and relating the resulting sets of scores.
psychomotor skills, cognitive skills, linguistic test scores Test results of all kinds. Scores are
aptitude, supervisory and managerial abilities, reported as adjectival; raw numerical; rank
interests, and personality and temperament. order, percentage, percentile, standard, and
testamentary capacity The legal ability to stanine scores; frequency distributions;
write a valid will, which includes awareness graphic scales; and descriptive statements of
of ones possessions (rational), knowledge of performance.
who would be eligible as heirs to inherit prop- test security 1. The right of a testee to privacy
erty, and the ability to devise and comprehend of information relating to test results and the
a plan for the distribution of that property. right to informed consent about the use of
testamentary trust A trust established during those results. 2. The right of a testee to expect
that no one taking the test has access to the
the lifetime of the maker that can be used to
test or information about its contents that
protect an estate at the time of the makers
would give him or her unfair advantage over
death. It comes into existence after the death
other test takers.
of the maker. It is created by drawing up a
tests of signicance See levels of signicance.
will which must go through the probate
text telephone (TT) Replaces the term tele-
communications device for the deaf (TDD).
testator A person who has made a will.
Machines, usually electronic devices that have
tester An individual dispatched by civil rights a keyboard and a readout display. Coded sig-
and community rights groups to masquerade nals are sent and received by text telephones
as a job or housing applicant and potential real through telephone lines.
estate purchaser to uncover discriminatory T-group See sensitivity training.
practices. The practice was endorsed by the thalassotherapy An ancient Greek treatment
Equal Employment Opportunity Commis- that uses sea water, seaweed, algae, and sea
sion but is now being litigated on the basis air to reduce stress and rejuvenate and cleanse
that testers apply for jobs they do not plan to the skin.
accept. In December 1990, the Equal Employ- theater/auditorium conguration A basic
ment Opportunity Commission began accept- type of room layout for meetings or confer-
ing complaints about testers in the area of job ences. Used for medium to large groups, with
discrimination. See also employment testers. seating that allows all participants to face the
testimonial A form of endorsement in which speaker and audiovisual screen. No tables are
the endorser speaks words of praise for a prod- provided. The conguration usually includes
uct or service. It is provided by someone, typ- a podium or stage.
ically someone well-known if not famous, not T.H.E. Journal: Technological Horizons in
connected with the manufacture of the product Education A journal published monthly,
or delivery of the service. Used as an adver- except July. Cost: $29.00 per year (free to
tising vehicle. qualied subscribers). Contact: T.H.E. Jour-
testing The quality assurance phase of soft- nal, 150 El Camino Real, Suite 112, Tustin,
ware development. Includes a search for bugs CA 92680-3670 (phone 714-730-4011; fax
and running sample data to assess software 714-730-3739; Web site www.thejournal.
speed and performance. com/).
thematic approach 667 thinking flexibility

thematic approach A form of the concepts- categories, such as ulcer, arthritis, and cardio-
based, integrated curriculum. Subordinates vascular medications.
subject matter to a core topic, causing bound- therapeutic listening Listening that focuses
aries between disciplines to become indistinct. on paying attention to an employee or coun-
Attributed to Betty Jean Eklund Shoemaker, selee, concentrating actively, and reacting
(Education 2000 Integrated Curriculum, Phi positively by words, facial expressions, and
Delta Kappan, June 1991). gestures. Its objective is to elicit comments
theoretical cycle time The time required for and content through the use of encouragement
a single unit to undergo every essential step and blocking or breaking techniques.
in the production process without encounter- therapeutic touch An alternative treatment
ing any delays. It includes only value-adding involving the laying on of hands.
actions. therapist A medical, psychological, physical,
Theory X The traditional assumptions and or other health-related and highly trained
beliefs about people: They dislike work, wish practitioner who provides treatment for phys-
to avoid responsibility, lack ambition, like to ical, mental, or emotional disorders, injuries,
be told what to do, and show little concern or and illnesses. Examples are psychologists,
loyalty toward their organizations. As a result, physical therapists, and psychiatrists.
Theory X managers use rm direction and The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA)
control over their people close surveil- An association of 80,000 enlisted retirees
lance, coercion, and threats or punishment. from all branches of the armed forces, their
Attributed to Douglas McGregor. surviving spouses, and active duty members
Theory Y Sees workers as people who nd with more than 15 years of service. Its mission
work as natural and either a source of satis- is to represent retired enlisted personnel
faction or a source of punishment (depending before Congress and other appropriate federal
upon conditions), who seek responsibility, agencies. Contact: TREA, 1111 S. Abilene
who become committed to objectives Ct., Aurora, CO 80012 (phone 800-338-9337
through the satisfaction of their esteem and or 303-752-0660; fax 303-752-0835 or 888-
self-actualization needs, and who have the 882-0835; Web site
capacity to demonstrate imagination, ingenu- The Retired Ofcers Association (TROA)
ity, and creativity in solving organizational See Military Ofcers Association of America.
problems. Theory Y managers, therefore, del- thermography A diagnostic tool that uses
egate authority, enlarge jobs, and permit heat to detect lesions and tumors such as
greater participation of workers in policy and breast cancer.
decision making in the areas that affect them. thermotherapy A nonsurgical outpatient pro-
Attributed to Douglas McGregor. cedure that uses microwaves to destroy excess
Theory Z Emphasizes the importance of job prostate tissue a treatment for enlarged
security and opportunities to gain recognition, prostate. It costs less than surgery and lacks
rewards, and advancement in motivating peo- surgerys worst side effects, including impo-
ple; the criticality of employee participation tence and incontinence.
in planning, problem solving, decision mak- thesaurus On the World Wide Web, a com-
ing, and quality control; and the importance puter search aid. It describes a list of cross-
or signicance of adapting managerial strate- referenced subject headings used by indexers
gies and tactics to the national culture and to assign titles or headings to items in a data-
lifestyles of employees. Attributed to William base. Contains a list of synonyms a search
Ouchi. engine can use to locate matches for particular
therapeutic drug utilization review (TDUR) words if the words themselves do not appear
Programs designed to reduce costs by identi- in documents.
fying inappropriate or overly costly prescrib- thinking exibility The ability to keep an
ing patterns of therapy regimens within an open mind and produce many ideas related to
employee prescription drug plan. Studies typ- each other. It requires receptivity and open-
ically target high-dollar-volume therapeutic ness to suggestions.
thinking fluency 668 thrift institution

thinking uency The ability to generate an of 1964, for which employers can be held
abundance of ideas quickly and seemingly liable even though they do not know the
effortlessly and to move easily from one idea offender personally.
to another. Also called ideational uency. third proviso In employee relocation, a ship-
think tank An organization that employs ment consisting of articles that, because of
futurists whose primary occupation is to fore- their unusual nature or value, require special
cast trends and developments in terms of such handling, including packing and loading by
things as demographics, politics, social specially trained personnel and transport by
change, technology, and so on; for example, specially designed vehicles.
Brookings Institution, Hoover Institution, thirty-something generation See baby
Hudson Institute, Rand Corporation. boomers.
third-party administrator (TPA) A com- Thomas Lawson syndrome Describes the
pany that handles Medicare and other health ruinous tendency of organizations to stick to
care insurance claims and utilization review old beliefs and values and obsolete technolo-
for the federal government or corporations. gies. The Thomas Lawson was a sailing ship
TPAs may offer precertication, a second that became obsolete when steam-powered
opinion program, and catastrophic case man- vessels appeared.
agement. Essentially the job of TPAs is to thoracic surgeon A medical doctor who spe-
settle claims problems. They also provide a cializes in chest surgery.
means of reducing costs by providing outside thoracic surgery A medical specialty for
experts to monitor, evaluate, and control injuries and diseases of the chest.
health care services. thought disorder In mental illness, a symp-
third-party appliance service In employee tom of schizophrenia, in which clear, goal-
relocation, preparation of appliances for load- directed thinking becomes increasingly dif-
ing onto a van performed by someone other cult as shown in redundant, repetitious, fuzzy,
than the mover usually an appliance tech- or muddled speech.
nician and under a contract between the thought police See joint-activities staff.
servicer and the movers corporate client. thought trails See mind-mapping.
third-party liability/subrogation (TPL/S) three hundred sixty-degree feedback A form
A process that enables an employer to recoup of performance evaluation that involves
funds from settlement proceeds recovered by direct and constructive verbal (oral and instru-
insured employees. Subrogation is the legal mented) feedback from an individuals supe-
right to sue a negligent third party. The pro- riors, peers, and subordinates.
cess requires automation to identify, investi- three-year rule A 3-year recovery rule that
gate, track, litigate, and recover money from allowed a federal retiree tax-free annuity pay-
negligent third parties and is typically man- ments until an amount equal to his or her total
aged by legal counsel or outsourced. contributions to the federal retirement system
third-party payer Any organization that pays had been recovered. The rule was repealed by
or insures health or medical expenses on the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
behalf of beneciaries or recipients. The indi- threshold planning quantity (TPQ) The max-
vidual receiving the service is the rst party, imum quantity of any of the 406 hazardous
the individual or institution providing the ser- chemicals listed by the Environmental Protec-
vice is the second party, and the organization tion Agency to be use or stored. If larger quan-
paying for the service is the third party. tities are used or stored, the organization is
third-party registration Occurs when a cor- required by law to notify the State Emer-
poration or company hires an independent gency Response Commission, its Local
organization to audit its suppliers for con- Emergency Planning Committee, and the
formance to international quality standards. local re department.
third-party sexual harassment Harassment thrift institution A general term often used
of an employee by a customer or client, a for mutual savings banks, savings and loan
violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act associations, and credit unions.
thrift savings plan (TSP) 669 tiered marketing

thrift savings plan (TSP) 1. A form of equity ticketing abroad In travel management, the
benet, a thrift savings plan serves as an practice of issuing tickets for international
adjunct or supplement to noncontributory travel originating in the U.S. from a foreign
pension plans. Employees are given the option location to get a lower fare. The ticket is then
of saving through payroll deductions a desig- mailed to the traveler.
nated percentage of their regular pay in one Ticket to Work and Self-Sufciency Program
or more available investment opportunities, The program, managed by the Social Security
usually matched dollar for dollar by the Administration, is the centerpiece of the
employer. 2. A retirement savings plan for Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improve-
both Federal Employees Retirement Sys- ment Act of 1999. It is a nationwide initiative
tem (FERS) and Civil Service Retirement designed to provide people with disabilities
System (CSRS) employees. Participants pay the training and support they need to go to
no taxes on TSP contributions or earnings work by increasing their choices. SSA bene-
until they withdraw their savings after they ciaries with disabilities can nd employ-
leave federal service. Participants covered by ment, vocational rehabilitation (VR), and
FERS may contribute up to 10% of their basic other support services from public and private
pay each pay period. The rst 3% contributed providers.
each pay period is matched dollar for dollar Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Im-
with agency contributions to the account, and provement Act of 1999 (TWWIIA) The
the next 2% is matched 50 cents on the dollar. Act has four purposes pertaining to persons
The agency automatically contributes an with disabilities: (1) to provide health care and
amount equal to 1% of basic pay each pay employment preparation and placement ser-
period whether an FERS employee contrib- vices that will enable them to reduce their
dependence on cash benet programs; (2) to
utes or not. Participants covered by CSRS may
encourage states to allow them to purchase the
contribute up to 5% of their basic pay each
Medicaid coverage necessary to enable them
pay period (up to the IRS limit), but they do
to maintain employment; (3) to provide them
not receive any agency contributions. There
the option of receiving Medicare coverage
are three investment options: Government
while working; and (4) to establish a return to
Securities Investment (G) Fund, Common
work ticket program ("The Ticket to Work and
Stock Index Investment (C) Fund, and Fixed
Self-Sufciency Program") that will allow
Income Index Investment (F) Fund. The 106th them to locate the services needed to obtain
Congress changed the laws governing 401(k) and retain employment and reduce their
plans, allowing workers age 50 and over to dependence on cash benet programs. Signed
contribute more toward their retirement plans. into law by President Clinton December 17,
thrombosis A clot or coagulation of a blood 1999.
vessel. When it occurs in a coronary artery ticket transfer In travel management, the
and completely blocks the ow of blood, the practice of transferring a nonrefundable ticket
result is a heart attack. When blood and the or part of a back-to-back ticket issued in one
oxygen it carries are cut off, damage to the travelers name to another traveler for use.
heart muscle or death can result. tiered benets plan A cost-saving device that
tic Involuntary but apparently purposeless expands employees eligibility for benets
movements of interconnected muscles. Tics over a specied period of time rather than
frequently involve the muscles of the eyelids granting full benets immediately upon
with blinking or squinting, repetitious frown- employment.
ing, grimacing, snorting, grunting, swallow- tiered marketing The practice of marketing
ing, head twisting or shaking, or explosive products and services by targeting potential
verbalizations. They often rst occur in child- customers separately in two or more groupings
hood and may disappear or continue through or channels, using different approaches for
adulthood. To some degree they can be con- each group. For example, using a direct sales
trolled by medication. for one group (top-of-the-line products),
tiered premium system (TPS) 670 time on tasks

resellers for another group (upper-range prod- is the determining factor. This alternative is
ucts), dealers for a third (midrange products), common in manufacturing and service orga-
and retailers for a fourth (lower-range prod- nizations.
ucts). time management The art and science of
tiered premium system (TPS) A health care using time prudently and well to achieve per-
cost-cutting strategy in which premiums for sonal, professional, career, and organizational
coverage are established at different rates for goals and objectives. It is the practical and
employee only, employee and spouse, and effective system of taking time to save time
employee, spouse, and children. so that one can do more of the things that have
time analysis A time study method that to be done and have time left over to do some
involves the employee directly. The individual of the things one wants to do. It involves a
records on a prepared form all of his or her systematic approach to the management of
activities and the time spent on them for a programs, projects, activities, priorities, and
week or longer. Originally used to establish a schedules.
standard time for items produced, such as rate- time management software Personal com-
per-hour, time analysis is now used as the basis puter programs that can maintain daily diaries
for analyzing how time is spent rather than and ofce schedules; track appointments; pro-
establishing a work measurement standard. vide memory ticklers for correspondence;
time and materials contract In procure- monitor referrals to leads; check sales calls
ment, a type of xed-rate contract in which, against closings; estimate stafng require-
in addition to the xed rate agreed upon in the ments for projects; schedule meetings; track
contract, there is a provision for the delivery
the scheduling of facilities, equipment, or
of materials required by the performance of
projects; monitor resource use; and print
the specied work at cost.
time and motion study The oldest of the
time management training Offered for em-
accepted work measurement techniques. An
ployees at all levels to improve their use of
approach that involves the study of the
and control over time on and off the job.
motions and time required for task perfor-
Focuses on a systematic approach to the con-
mance of workers using observation, stop-
trol of time, identifying and analyzing time
watches, or video recordings.
problems, avoiding procrastination, eliminat-
time-based corrector (TBC) In video pro-
duction, a device that allows synchronization ing time wasters, making the most of delega-
and editing of video materials produced by tion, and developing and implementing action
two different sources at different speeds. Used plans.
to correct technical errors in helical scan VTR time off benet Provides paid or unpaid leave
formats and permits the tape to be broadcast for specic uses, such as lunch periods, holi-
or dubbed up to larger tape formats. days and vacations, and maternity and pater-
time code Typically consists of four two-digit nity leave.
numbers, representing hours, minutes, and time off from work options Include adop-
seconds. Used to number video frames. tion leave, paid family leave, paid time off,
Time Digital: Supplement to Time Published paternity leave, personal days, sabbatical leave,
by Time Magazine (Web site www.timedigi- use of sick days for sick dependents, vacation buying/selling, and vacation carryover.
time division multiple access (TDMA) A time on tasks The most critical element of
form of wireless technology that sends bursts interactive systems or courseware design.
or packages of digitalized information The amount of time the system or courseware
through timeslots. The packets are reassem- can hold the trainee on a task the deter-
bled into a voice or data signal by the receiver. mining factor in achieving mastery. The
time grouping One of the basic means of amount of time required varies with the type
groupings organizational elements where the of knowledge or skill being presented and the
number of shifts required to perform the work objectives of the training session.
time recorder system (TRS) 671 Toastmasters International (TI)

time recorder system (TRS) A computerized three ways: (1) by matching the percentage of
time clock that can record time and attendance female athletes with the percentage of female
data as they occur and accumulate the data. students; (2) by showing a track record of
May be interfaced with a payroll system. increasing opportunities for women; or (3) by
time series forecast A method of forecasting showing that they are accommodating the
that makes use of past data to predict future interests and abilities of women. The Ofce
performance, taking into account seasonal for Civil Rights (OCR) in the Department of
factors and trends. It may take any of four Education (phone 800-421-3481) is responsi-
different forms: momentum-line, objective or ble for enforcing Title IX.
development-line, and potential-line forecasts Title VII Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
or model building. 1964, amended in 1972, which prohibits
time-sharing A system that includes a central employment practices that discriminate on the
computer that permits multiple users with ter- bases of sex, race, color, religion, or national
minals at several remote locations to access origin. With later executive orders, it requires
and interact with large-scale data processing employers of more than 100 workers to le
resources at a central location simultaneously. annual equal employment opportunity
time study See time and motion study. reports with the Equal Employment Oppor-
tinnitus An ear disorder in which the individ- tunity Commission. In 1997, the U.S.
ual hears sounds, such as buzzing, roaring, Supreme Court adopted the Equal Employ-
banging, hissing, or ringing, that do not really ment Opportunity Commissions method of
exist. May be caused by ear infection, a for- counting employees to determine whether an
eign body in the ear, loud music or noises, employer is covered by Title VII. The payroll
tumor, or otosclerosis. method, which counts all employees including
tin parachute A novel type of severance plan hourly and part-time workers who are on the
designed to protect employees when company payroll for each day of a given week regard-
ownership changes. A variant of the golden less of whether they are physically present at
parachute, which guarantees hefty payments work each day, is also used to determine cov-
to key executives in the event of takeovers or erage under the Age Discrimination in
mergers, tin parachutes assure lower-level Employment Act of 1967 by the EEOC and
employees of similar benets. For example, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
some plans entitle all employees to cash pay- by the Department of Labor. Since 1991, the
ments of up to two and one half times their law has allowed victims of intentional dis-
annual compensation, including bonuses and crimination to collect up to $300,000 in puni-
incentive pay, if company ownership changes tive damages if they showed that their
as a consequence of a hostile takeover. employer acted with malice or with reckless
Because of the number of employees they indifference to their rights. In 1999, the
apply to, the plans serve as a deterrent to raid- Supreme Court eased restrictions on damages
ers by making takeovers prohibitively expen- for job bias and dened criteria for punitive
sive. awards, but it continued to shield employers
tint In desktop publishing, an even tone area who act in good faith.
of a solid color. TN-Treaty NAFTA Allows Canadian and
Title I/Chapter I See Elementary and Sec- Mexican citizens to work in the U.S. in certain
ondary Education Act of 1965. professional occupations for which they are
Title IX Title IX of the Education Amend- qualied. Eligible occupations require post-
ments of 1972 (revised August 1998) prohib- secondary education, degrees, or licenses (see
its discrimination based on sex in education
programs or activities that receive federal NAFTA/index.htm/).
nancial assistance. The law requires schools TN visa See Immigration and Naturalization
to increase opportunities for women to Service TN status.
participate in school and college sports pro- Toastmasters International (TI) An inter-
grams and demonstrate compliance in one of national organization dedicated to the
token 672 total compensation

improvement of the oral expression of ing for each employee who has 2 years of
thoughts, ideas, and opinions and leadership service and 20% for each year thereafter until
potential through an educational program the employee is 100 % vested after 6 years of
that emphasizes learning by doing. Contact: service.
TI, P.O. Box 9052, Mission Viejo, CA 92690 topics-within-discipline approach A form of
(phone 949-858-8255; fax 949-858-1207; the concepts-based, integrated curriculum.
e-mail tminfo@; Web site Combines several segments of the same dis- cipline within the instructional setting (e.g.,
token A tool used to send and receive chal- integrated language arts and integrated math-
lenges and responses during the user authen- ematics programs). Attributed to Betty Jean
tication process. May be small, handheld Eklund Shoemaker (Education 2000 Inte-
hardware devices similar to pocket calculators grated Curriculum, Phi Delta Kappan, June
or credit cards. 1991).
Token Ring Technology adapted by Interna- Torch Awards Awards presented annually to
tional Business Machine Corporation to move national members (maximum of four) of the
great quantities of data through a local area American Society for Training and Devel-
network. opment whose leadership in ASTD over a
Top 25 An annual list of the travel executives signicant period of time has made a differ-
(travel buyers, suppliers, consultants, public ence in helping the society accomplish its
policy makers, or association leaders) who goals and fulll its vision. Selected by an
have most inuenced the industry. Selected by awards committee from nominees by review-
the editors of Business Travel News from indi- ing documentation and direct contacts with
viduals nominated by subscribers and the edi-
the nominating individual and other persons
tors. Contact: BTN, One Penn Plaza, New
with direct knowledge of the accomplish-
York NY 10119-1198 (phone 212-615-2212;
ments of the nominee. Contact: ASTD, 1640
fax 212-279-3945; e-mail;
King St., Box 1443, Alexandria, VA 22313-
Web site
2043 (phone 703-683-8100; fax 703-683-
top-hat account See nonqualied 401(k)
8103; e-mail; Web
wraparound plan.
top-hat plans A form of nonqualied
tort In law, a wrong or wrongful act commit-
employers compensation programs that pro-
ted against an individual or group or their
vide virtually unlimited opportunities to defer
income, which, if set up correctly, allow defer- property without a breech of contract (inde-
rals and earnings to accumulate tax free, tax- pendent of a binding agreement).
able only upon distribution. Such plans offer tort reform A proposal to restrict jury power
exemptions only if they are unfunded and and discretion in awarding punitive monetary
maintained and operated by an employer pri- damages to individuals victimized by fraud or
marily to provide deferred compensation for other forms of wrongdoing initiated in
top management or highly compensated response to the enormous sums awarded to
employees. plaintiffs in recent years. In a 1991 7-to-1
top-heavy plan A pension plan in which the ruling (Cleopatra Haslip v. Pacic Mutual
accrued benets or the account balances of Life Insurance), the Supreme Court refused to
key employees exceed 60% of the accrued limit such awards and left such decisions in
benets or account balances of all participants. the hands of state legislatures to adopt or
In addition, if an employer maintains more reject such reforms.
than one plan, the 60% rule may be applied to total compensation Represents the total
some or all of the employers plans in the amount paid annually to an individual.
aggregate. To be tax-qualied, a top-heavy Includes pay and benets, nonwage cash pay-
plan must comply with special vesting rules: ments, work environment and learning and
10% vesting for each employee who has com- development programs, and nancial planning
pleted at least 3 years of service or 20% vest- education.
total compensation management 673 totally disabled

total compensation management ( T C M ) which is to involve all employees in a program

Management of both cash compensation of continuous improvement in terms of self,
(direct pay) and all benets provided by an procedures, products, and services.
organization to attract and retain employees. total fertility rate (TFR) A measurement
Includes retirement benets, deferred com- used by demographers to document by coun-
pensation, tuition reimbursement, training and try increases and decreases in the number of
development, memberships, discounts, and births per woman during her child-bearing
stock. years.
total compensation revenue percentage Total Information Awareness (TIA) Program
A key human resources metric. Allows busi- A project of the Defense Advanced Research
nesses to see the return on investment if pay Projects Agencys (DARPA) Information
and benets are monitored in comparison to Awareness Ofce (IAO). The purpose of the
revenue per employee. It is calculated as program is to improve the ability of the U.S.
follows: to detect, classify, and identify foreign terror-
ists and interpret their plans, thereby enabling
Total compensation compensation cost + benefit cost the U.S. to take action to preempt and defeat
revenue percent revenue terrorist acts. The program objective is to cre-
ate a counterterrorism information system that
Attributed to Robert J. Grossman, Measuring
searches for terrorists by scanning informa-
Up, HR Magazine, January 2000, pp. 2935.
tion in Internet mail and the commercial data-
Reprinted with the permission of HR Maga-
bases of health, nancial, and travel compa-
zine, published by the Society of Human
nies in the U.S. and abroad. See also Wyden
Resource Management, Alexandria, VA (Web
totalization agreement An agreement between
total cost of ownership (TCO) An account-
the U.S. and another country to allow foreign
ing system that identies costs in the owner-
national employees transferred to the U.S. for
ship of a system or technology, including the
5 years or less to avoid paying U.S. social
cost of the hardware and software, of training
security taxes as long as they continue to pay
employees involved in the system, of refor-
into their home countrys welfare or retire-
matting data to make it compatible with the
ment system.
system, and of anticipating the changes
needed to keep the system performing total labor cost revenue percent A key
optimally. human resources metric. Allows managers
total cycle time The time required to com- to see the complete cost of human capital.
plete the two interdependent cycles involved Shows not only pay and benets but also the
in the production of any product or service: cost of contingent labor. It is calculated as
the make/market cycle and the design/devel- follows:
opment cycle. Improvement in performance compensation cost + benefit cost
and quality is achieved by simplifying both total labor cost + other labor costs
cycles of activity within an enterprise, elimi- =
revenue percent revenue
nating steps that do not add value, and reduc-
ing the number of tasks or actions in each Attributed to Robert J. Grossman, Measuring
process. Up, HR Magazine, January 2000, pp. 2935.
total debt The sum of current debt and any Reprinted with the permission of HR Maga-
outstanding funded debts (debts with a matu- zine, published by the Society of Human
rity of more than 1 year from the date of the Resource Management, Alexandria,VA (Web
statement). site
total defects per unit (TDU) A measure of totally disabled A person who has a disability
product quality. to the extent that he or she is unable to perform
total employee involvement (TEI) A form the usual and customary activities of a person
of participative management, the objective of in good health and of comparable age; that is,
total market coverage (TMC) 674 toxic mold

the individual is unable to perform the duties touchtone data entry (TDE) An automated
of any occupation. However, federal and state method of collecting data in which respon-
courts have rejected excessively stringent dents call a toll-free number and enter their
interpretations of total disability denitions. data using a touchtone telephone.
Courts have held that long-term disability TouchWindow A device that attaches to any
plans must consider all relevant circum- standard computer monitor with self-adhesive
stances, including the claimants age, educa- Velcro strips and plugs into a port on the com-
tional background, and training and availabil- puter. Users simply touch the screen to inter-
ity of suitable employment in the claimants act with the software. Available for Amiga,
geographical area. Apple II series, IBM and compatibles, and
total market coverage (TMC) See shoppers. Macintosh/GS-OS. A registered trademark of
total payroll All salaries, wages, and benets Edmark Corporation. Contact: Edmark Cor-
paid for full-time equivalent (excluding con- poration, P.O. Box 3903, Bellevue, WA
tract or temporary) employees during a year. 98009-3903 (phone 800-426-0856).
Often used for benchmarking. tour director An individual employed by a
total person training (TPT) See personal travel company to assist tour members. He or
growth training. she has no other passengers to attend to.
total quality control See total quality man- tour operator The originator of travel pack-
agement. ages sold through travel agents or other tour
organizers. Also called wholesaler.
total quality improvement (TQI) An ap-
Town and Country Electric v. NLRB A Novem-
proach to the improvement of the quality of
ber 1995 Supreme Court decision that
products and services that requires massive
reversed a federal appeals court ruling and
changes in an organization. In addition to the
protects the jobs of union organizers. Con-
traditional objectives of controlling, ensuring,
rms a National Labor Relations Board ruling
and guaranteeing quality, TQI aims to make
that a worker can be a company employee
certain that the needs of customers and clients
and at the same time be a paid union organizer
are identied early in the process of designing
in that company. The decision makes clear that
products and services and to revamp the or-
there is no inconsistency in loyalty to the col-
ganization to ensure that it responds to those lective bargaining process and allegiance to
needs. the company for which an employee works.
total quality management (TQM) An all- The Courts decision gives license to a new
out and integrated approach to organizational union organizing tactic known as salting.
improvement and the upgrading of production toxic air Air in aircraft cabins that contains
and service quality. TQM involves sweeping chemicals, cleaning agents, carbon dioxide,
changes in company culture and its way of pesticides, and germs from passengers caused
doing business. It focuses on quality as a cen- by recycling cabin air as a means of reducing
tral concern to meet customer needs and uses the cost of fuel. Toxic air results in headaches
measurement tools, techniques, and training and discomfort and possibly the spread of dis-
to analyze and solve quality problems. TQM eases and health risks, such as colds.
employs such strategies as employee develop- toxic mold A fungus that is becoming a prob-
ment, cross-training, and empowerment; team lem of monumental proportions. Exposure to
building; consolidation of jobs; redirection of mold growth in residential, public, and com-
unionmanagement relations; and enlistment mercial buildings is believed to have caused
of the assistance of suppliers. The term was serious medical conditions, which include
coined by the Naval Air Systems Command bleeding lungs, digestive problems, hair loss,
in 1985. nausea, loss of memory, reduced cognitive
total quality organization An organization that skills, and death. Property damage from mold
focuses its efforts on continuous improvement growth has destroyed millions of dollars in
strategies in all areas of operation and does it real estate and forced homeowners to the curb.
successfully. Mold cannot be eliminated; however, steps
Toxic Substances Control Act 675 trade show

can be taken to minimize the dangers of changes and developments of crucial impor-
indoor mold growth. tance to the organization.
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of trade down In travel management, encourag-
1976 The Act was enacted by Congress to ing or requiring travelers to use limited-ser-
give the Environmental Protection Agency the vice accommodations or economy hotels,
ability to track the 75,000 industrial chemicals which provide such amenities as complimen-
produced or imported into the U.S. EPA tary breakfasts but lack room service and lav-
repeatedly screens these chemicals and can ish lobbies, restaurants, and meeting rooms.
require reporting or testing of those that may trade loading pricing The traditional ap-
pose an environmental or human health haz- proach to pricing in which manufacturers
ard. EPA can ban the manufacture and import stockpile supplies and produce products
of those chemicals that pose an unreasonable around-the-clock to increase output for short-
risk. EPA also has mechanisms in place to term promotion; freight companies charge
track the thousands of new chemicals that higher prices to accommodate peak-and-val-
industry develops each year with either ley distribution cycles; manufacturers adver-
unknown or dangerous characteristics. EPA tise incentives and deals to encourage dealer
then can control these chemicals as necessary loading; dealers rent additional warehousing
to protect human health and the environment. space to store products and pass the added
Toyota Motor Manufacturing v. Williams A costs on to the consumer. Products sit in ware-
January 2002 Supreme Court decision that houses waiting for demand to catch up with
limited the applicably of the Americans with supply.
Disabilities Act of 1990 by narrowly constru- trademark A name, symbol, design, word, or
ing who is disabled. That is, a person must be phrase that distinguishes a product from the
substantially limited in a major life activ- products of other companies. It cannot be
ity to be considered disabled. The decision granted if it is being used by some other com-
reinforced the message that every situation pany in the same industry. A trademark cannot
must be analyzed and judged separately and be granted for general words, nor can it be
on a case-by-case basis. registered before it is used. It can be lost if it
Trace Research and Development Center is not used. Trademarks must be registered
Offers literature on adaptive technology and with the Patent and Trademark Ofce.
a public information program on computer trade name The name of a business or com-
access for people with disabilities, including pany, such International Business Machines,
a database of organizations and products. Chrysler Corporation, and Apple Computers,
There is no fee for mail or phone inquiries. Inc.
Contact: Trace, University of Wisconsin, trade secret Any device, process, or compila-
5901 Research Park Boulevard, Madison, WI tion of information used in a business that
53719-1252 (phone 608-262-6966; TTY 608- gives the owner an advantage over competi-
263-5408; fax 608-262-8848; e-mail info@ tors who do not know about it. To have legal; Web site www.trace- status, a trade secret (1) must not be public knowledge or generally known in an industry,
tracking 1. Grouping students by ability to (2) must not have been described in detail in
accommodate differences in career goals, tal- a trade journal or other journal available to the
ents, skills, abilities, and interests. For years public, and (3) must have been guarded or
it has been the standard practice in a majority protected from disclosure to unauthorized
of U.S. schools, although its unacceptability, persons.
on grounds of unfairness and unproductive- trade show A meeting and exposition, usually
ness, has been growing for several years. scheduled during national and regional con-
2. Used in technological forecasting. The ferences of professional and trade associa-
most focused, disciplined, and intensive form tions, at which manufacturers and producers
of surveillance. It is reserved for following of consumer products and vendors of services
Trade Show Exhibitors Association 676 trainer liability

display their wares. Rather than a sales focus, to having a negative connotation, the term is
trade shows are marketing ventures. inaccurate because many who move with
Trade Show Exhibitors Association (TSEA) transferred employees are not spouses
An organization of 1600+ members represent- because they are not legally married. An
ing the interests of rms that use exhibits as acceptable replacement term is relocating
a marketing or promotional medium, as well partner.
as suppliers to the exposition industry. Its trainability The degree to which a worker can
goals are (1) to foster programs that elevate take advantage of additional training and edu-
the exhibit managers professionalism and cation, either formal or on-the-job. Sometimes
improve the industrys overall effectiveness, referred to as the trainability index.
(2) to encourage effective communications trainable A category of mental disability. As
among all sectors of the exhibit industry, (3) to measured by an intelligence test, it is repre-
educate about the cost-effectiveness and mar- sented by an intelligence quotient (IQ) below
keting value of trade shows, and (4) to encour- 50. Such persons have poor motor develop-
age cooperation with international partners in ment and minimal speech. They may be able
the trade show industry. Also sponsors the to contribute to their own support under super-
Certied Manager of Exhibits program. vision and function at a minimum useful level
Contact: TSEA, McCormick Place, 2301 in a controlled environment.
South Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1005, Chicago, trainee response system A mechanical, elec-
IL 60616 (phone 312-842-8732; fax 312-842- trical, or electronic means of establishing
8744; e-mail; Web site www. two-way communication between an instruc- tional program or an instructor and trainees.
traditional licensing The issuance of a li- Systems of this type are designed to be used
cense to teach a particular subject or group of by instructors in conjunction with media such
grades based on satisfactory completion of a as projectuals, motion pictures, TV, audio
state-approved teacher training program of- recordings, and live lectures and demonstra-
fered by a 4-year college or university and, in tions to check on the understanding and reac-
most states, achievement of a score above a tions of trainees. Periodically throughout the
prespecied level on one or more multiple- presentation, all trainees are simultaneously
choice tests, most commonly parts of the Na- asked to respond to questions by depressing
tional Teachers Examination. keys or switches. Responses may be recorded
traditional temporary help An alternative on punched cards or paper rolls or displayed
stafng option. Involves assigning workers by indicator lights or meters that indicate the
recruited, screened, and hired by a temporary percentage of correct responses, thereby
help rm to work at a clients site for a spec- providing immediate feedback to the instruc-
ied period of time, usually to compensate for tor and the trainees.
temporary skill shortages, cover employee trainer 1. An instructor or facilitator in busi-
absences, meet unusual production require- ness and industry. 2. Equipment or system
ments, or perform special assignments. used to train individuals and groups, such as
traditional valuation See batch processing. ight trainers and simulators.
trailblazer developments A projective tech- trainer liability A very real, present-day legal
nique used in forecasting, it involves the iden- risk for trainers. Many situations have the
tication of technological developments in potential for lawsuits against trainers or
one area or discipline as harbingers of devel- coaches and for the injured party to seek dam-
opments in another area or discipline. Also ages: (1) the trainer (supervisor, coach, or
called precursor developments. instructor) had a duty to exercise a standard
trailing averages Used in technical analysis of care that represented the minimum required
to identify break outs, when a stock price to protect the trainee (or worker) from unrea-
moves out of its usual trading range. sonable risk; (2) the trainer failed to act
trailing spouse Describes the wife or husband according to that standard; (3) there was a
of an employee being transferred. In addition causal connection between the (in)action of
trainer malpractice 677 training investment factor

the trainer and the resulting injury; and (4) and operations, including philosophy and
there was actual damage or injury. Examples goals, plans, policies, and procedures, organi-
are injuries in the classroom, shop, or labora- zation and relationships, building and facili-
tory (negligence); injuries to the trainee or a ties, management and supervision, staff, cur-
third party caused by poor or incorrect instruc- riculum development and operation, and
tion (malpractice/negligence); or improper instructional support services. Self-audits may
supervision of trainees (negligence). be performed annually, biennially, or trienni-
trainer malpractice Grounds for a lawsuit ally. They determine where the training activ-
against an instructor who despite being ity is, where it is heading, and where revisions
unqualied to provide training does so. are needed to meet both organizational and
trainer training See instructor training. departmental objectives. Hosted by Linton Compa- training and development self-study See
nies, Hopkins, MN, and operated by the North training and development self-audit.
American Training and Development training center One model of a teaching,
Resource Center, is a compre- learning, technology center. An electronic
hensive database of training-related products classroom designed specically for training
and services (Web site staff or faculty or for teaching demonstrations.
training Formal or informal, group or individ- training conference A variation of the con-
ual, instructor-facilitated or media-delivered ference method in which the objective
short-term learning experiences designed to becomes one of pooling the knowledge and
impart or improve the skills, knowledge, and past experience of trainees to arrive at
job performance of employees, franchisees, improved or more clearly stated principles,
dealers, or clients. Its immediate goal is to concepts, policies, or procedures. The issues
develop new job skills or improve competency discussed in a training conference are less
in the performance of current skills to cre- likely to have pat answers than the issues
ate the ability to do something new or do it talked about in a directed discussion. The task
better. It takes place before it is needed. of the leader is to elicit contributions from the
training advisory board (TAB) A group group, based on past experiences, that have a
representing departments and staff elements bearing on the topic. Balanced participation is
of an organization established to keep the the goal.
training manager abreast of corporate issues training development See curriculum devel-
that relate to or affect training and develop- opment.
ment. Typically meets quarterly.
training director See training manager.
training aid A graphic, photographic, projec-
training document Printed, duplicated, or
tion, three-dimensional, or other form of audio
graphic materials used in developing, validat-
and visual equipment, device, software, or
ing, conducting, and evaluating training pro-
material used in training.
grams. Includes questionnaires and surveys,
training and development All of the planned
lesson plans, programs of instruction, training
learning experiences provided individual
management master plans, trainee handouts
employees to bring about changes in on-the-
and advance sheets, and tests and examina-
job behavior and performance that will pro-
mote the attainment of the goals and objec-
training investment factor A key human
tives of the organization and at the same time
resources metric. It is calculated as follows:
develop the potential, enhance the career
advancement, and improve the job satisfaction total training cost
of employees. Training investment factor =
training and development self-audit A tech-
nique used to appraise objectively the quality Training investment factor = Total training
of specic aspects of training and develop- cost/Headcount. Attributed to Robert J.
ment with the objective of upgrading and Grossman, Measuring Up, HR Magazine,
improving all facets of training management January 2000, pp. 2935. Reprinted with the
Training Magazine 678 Trainlit

permission of HR Magazine, published by the controlled conditions. The objective is to pro-

Society of Human Resource Management, vide data that will assist in decision making;
Alexandria,VA (Web site offer alternative solutions and new approaches
Training Magazine Published 12 times per to training problems; ensure adequate plan-
year by Lakewood Publications. Written for ning, programming, and budgeting for and
training, human resources, and business man- management during the execution of research
agement professionals in all industries. Con- efforts; and prevent duplication of research
tact: Training Magazine, Lakewood Publica- efforts and eliminate studies that have low
tions, Lakewood Bldg., 50 S. Ninth St., payoff potential.
Minneapolis, MN 55402 (phone 800-328- training resource center An area within an
4329 or 612-333-0471; fax 612-333-6526; organizational facility where training staff,
e-mail:; Web site www. equipment, materials, and information are located.
training manager The ofcer responsible for training systems development See instruc-
planning, developing, conducting, and con- tional systems development.
trolling corporate training and development Training Technology Transfer Act of 1984
programs and activities in any type of organi- (TTTA) Established the Ofce of Training
zation. Also known as human resources devel- Technology Transfer to facilitate the transfer
opment manager; training director. of training technology from the agencies of
training materials Documents (lesson plans, the federal government, including the Depart-
programs of instruction, tests, and handouts)
ment of Defense, to the private sector and state
in printed, duplicated, or graphic form and
and local governments with special attention
training supplies used in the conduct of train-
to the requirements of small business.
ing programs.
Training: The Human Side of Business A
training meeting A meeting of employees at
monthly journal. Cost: $78.00 per year. Con-
any level and in any profession or occupation
tact: Bill Communications, Inc. 770 Broad-
convened to provide training in specic
way, New York, NY 10003 (phone 646-654-
knowledge or skills.
4500; fax 646-654-7212; Web site www.
training needs analysis (TNA) The rst step
in the training process. Designed to identify
performance gaps that can be remedied by training via the Internet A growing means
training. It consists of surveillance, investiga- of reaching trainees separated by time, dis-
tion, and data analysis. tance, location, and schedules. Used primarily
training objective The desired outcome of a to deliver computer-based training and other
lesson, training session, seminar, workshop, distance learning strategies that do not require
course, or other means of training and devel- a great deal of video support. Due to band-
oping people. Training objectives include width and modem speed limitations, video
such learning outcomes as knowledge, skills, and complex graphics are time-consuming to
habits, attitudes, ideals, appreciations, and download. E-mail can be used to provide
interests. interaction between and among in-house sub-
training on demand A system of scheduling ject matter experts and trainers and trainees.
company training (courses, seminars, and training wage See minimum wage law.
workshops) whenever required or requested Trainlit A comprehensive literature database
by organizations or departments. on workplace learning and performance main-
training program design See instructional tained by the American Society for Training
systems design. and Development for its members. Includes
training program management See human more than 20,000 article and book summaries
resources management. on training, e-learning, human resources,
training research Carefully designed studies management, and business topics. Contact:
conducted to try out alternative solutions to ASTD, 1640 King St., Box 1443, Alexandria,
training and development problems under VA 22313-2043 (phone 703-683-8100; fax
transactional analysis (TA) 679 transient ischemic attack (TIA)

703-683-8103; e-mail training program to the performance of the

com; Web site job. 3. In job assignment, the practice of mov-
transactional analysis (TA) Training con- ing an employee from one job, location, or
ducted to improve the interpersonal skills and work shift to another.
productivity of personnel by developing their transfer of training See transfer.
self-understanding, self-acceptance, and self- transfer-on-death registration (TODR) A
condence; helping them gain insight into the means of avoiding probate in some states.
motivation, life scripts, and games played by Allows the maker to register ownership of
others; assisting them to analyze the causes of securities in a beneciary form that can be
interpersonal problems and facilitate support- changed until his or her death.
ive, cooperative, and productive relationships Transform Magazine: Reinventing Business
with subordinates; opening and improving with Content and Collaboration Technolo-
face-to-face communications; and learning to gies Published monthly by CMP Media,
develop meaningful, productive, and game- LLC. Free to qualied subscribers. Contact:
free relationships with others. Transform, P.O. Box 2050, Skokie, IL 60076-
transactional human resources Refers to such 9939 (phone 888-824-9792; fax 847-588-0698;
HR functions and activities as compensation, e-mail; Web
benets, recruitment and selection, and train- site
transformational leadership Leadership that
transaction-based pricing A payment plan
is focused on change, innovation, and entre-
offered by travel vendors in which airlines pay
preneurship. It is systematic, purposeful, and
for every transaction pushed through the com-
organized, and it looks for changes and move-
puter reservation system.
ment of resources from lesser to greater pro-
transaction-based valuation A form of daily
valuation specically designed for group ben-
transformative assessment An alternative to
et plans. The system can value any account
outcomes-based assessment. It views learners
on the date a transaction is effected, thereby
as key customers of programs of instruction.
giving participants more investment choices,
It suggests that educators and trainers recast
the ability to move funds between investments
quickly, faster access to withdrawals and course goals in terms of benets students may
loans, and up-to-date account information. gain rather than what instructors determine
Essentially it is a calculation of the value of that students need to know. Assessment should
an individuals account as of any given day, help instructors shift from a vision of courses
based on the amount of money in the account as bodies of knowledge dened by content and
and the actual performance of the funds in desired outcomes to one that helps them
which the account has been invested. understand a course of instruction as a com-
transcendental meditation (TM) An ap- munity of students and faculty engaged in a
proach to tension reduction, relaxation, and complex process that empowers them to shape
reection bordering on the idealistic, super- their own and societys needs. Such assess-
natural, or metaphysical. It employs a philos- ment considers evidence of student activity or
ophy based on the doctrine that reality can engagement to reveal the picture educators
only be discovered by emphasizing the intui- need to transform assessment into richer
tive and spiritual above the empirical. learning experiences for students. Attributed
transfer 1. In education, the transfer of learn- to Gary Brown, director of the Center for
ing, which is the ability to transfer knowledge Teaching and Learning at Washington State
or skills learned in one discipline or context University (Syllabus, November 2000, pp.
to another eld of endeavor or situation (e.g., 3639).
using the ability to solve algebraic equations transient ischemic attack (TIA) A form of
to solve problems in physics). 2. In corporate stroke that occurs when the brains blood ow
training, the ability, inclination, and habit of is reduced only for a short period of time. Its
applying knowledge and skills learned in a short-term symptoms include brief numbness
transit alien 680 transportable computer

of the limbs, weakness, and impaired speech movement from school to postschool activi-
or vision. ties, including secondary education, voca-
transit alien An alien in immediate and con- tional training, integrated employment
tinuous transit through the U.S., with or with- (including supported employment), continu-
out a visa, including (1) aliens who qualify as ing and adult education, adult services, inde-
persons entitled to pass in transit to and from pendent living, or community participation.
the United Nations headquarters district and transit without visa (TWOV) A transit alien
foreign countries and (2) foreign government traveling without a nonimmigrant visa under
ofcials and their spouses and unmarried section 233 of the Immigration and National-
minor (or dependent) children in transit. ity Act. An alien admitted under agreements
transitional employment Providing alterna- with a transportation line that guarantees his
tive work for a limited time that will be useful or her immediate and continuous passage to
to the organization and, at the same time, serve a foreign destination.
as rehabilitative assignments for employees translator A professional linguist who works
who have been absent due to illness or injury. with the written word and translates letters,
Rather than paying disability benets, the reports, brochures, proposals, graphics, and
organization brings workers back to the work- training materials from one language to
place as soon as medical providers approve of another. Additions or deletions are not
the return and places them in temporary mod- permitted.
ied-duty, light-duty, or restructured jobs until transmission Sending electrical or light sig-
they are sufciently recovered to return to nals via electrical wires, optical ber, or
their original positions. satellite.
transition assistance See Fiscal 1993 De- transmission control protocol/Internet Pro-
fense Authorization Act. tocol (TCP/IP) A language that controls
transition-assistance ofce One of 62 ofces communication among computers on the
established by the U.S. Army at major military Internet or intranets. The TCP protocol
installations worldwide in 1992 to ease the ensures the reliability of data transmissions
transition of army families to civilian life fol- sent across interconnected networks; the IP
lowing downsizing and base closures. The protocol controls how packets of information
ofces offer workshops on how to assemble a are sent over the networks.
portfolio, rsum, and cover letter; list pro- transnational A way of organizing a business
spective employers in an extensive database; across national boundaries in which the com-
counsel on entitlements and how to obtain pany operates on a worldwide scale with local
them; and assist in job searches up to 180 days responsiveness and global human, materiel,
before separation. Contact: Army Career and and nancial resources.
Alumni Program, PERSCOM, ATTN; TAPC- transnational company A company that does
PDC, 2461 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, VA business in countries other than the one in
22331-0479 (phone 800/445-2049). which it is headquartered. Formerly referred
transition planning A legally mandated, to as multinational company.
dynamic process involving students with dis- transparency Typically used in a pricing con-
abilities, their parents, educators, and commu- text in consumer e-commerce. In supply chain
nity agencies for developing a set of coordi- management and collaborative commerce,
nated plans and activities to promote school refers to the increased visibility of information
to postschool activities. as it becomes more readily available to part-
transitions Occur when organizations move ners.
from one stage to another during the corporate transplants Manufacturing facilities owned
life cycle. Corporations grow, develop, and and operated by foreign corporations in the
age, just like people. U.S. or U.S.-owned and -operated plants over-
transition services A coordinated set of activ- seas.
ities for a (disabled) student, designed within transportable computer A portable computer
an outcomes-oriented process, that promotes that weighs less than 20 pounds and has a
Transportation Act for the 21st Century 681 trapping

handle but is used on a desk while plugged passes or employer-provided parking on a

into an electrical outlet. salary reduction basis can save both the
Transportation Act for the 21st Century employer and the employee taxes. For the
of 1998 Legislation that: (1) includes a 20% employee, salary reduction amounts paid for
increase in GI Bill benets; (2) increases either benet will save them income tax as
funds to convert homes and cars for certain well as the workers share of social security
disabled veterans; (3) reinstates Dependency (FICA) tax. At the same time, the employer
and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for saves FICA taxes on salary reduction amounts
remarried widows of service-connected, dis- used to purchase these benets. Beginning in
abled retirees whose second or subsequent 2002, employers can provide up to $100 per
marriage ends in death or divorce; and (4) month for transit and vanpooling. The Act also
prohibits further awards of service-connected suspends indexing of all qualied transporta-
disability for smoking-related diseases. The tion fringes starting in 1999.
latter prohibition is effective immediately; the Transportation Security Administration
benet increases took effect October 1, 1998. (TSA) The goal of TSA service is to create
Signed into law by President Clinton on June an atmosphere that aligns with passengers
9, 1998. need to be secure while ensuring the freedom
Transportation Act of 1989 (TA) A bill that of movement for people. In doing so, TSA
includes mandatory drug and alcohol testing employees will ensure customer condence
of transportation workers. Specically, the bill and establish a standard for passenger satis-
calls for random, preemployment, post- faction through its people, processes, and
accident, and for-cause testing of employees technologies. Contact: TSA, 400 Seventh
in safety-sensitive positions in the airline, rail, Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20590 (phone
bus, and trucking industries. 866-289-9673; e-mail TSA-ConsumerRe-
transportation agreement In employee relo-; Web site
cation, long- and short-term contracts that transportation services Transporting and
allow the carrier and its corporate customer to accompanying individuals to doctors and to
agree in writing on the specic services and other appointments.
pricing that will apply to the companys transurethral resection prostatectomy
employee relocations. (TURP) The standard treatment for noncan-
transportation benet Payment to a health cerous enlargement of the prostate. With this
care plan beneciary for transportation costs procedure, an instrument called a resecto-
to travel to an approved medical facility for scope is passed through the penis and the
treatment. Usually includes reasonable and urethra and into the bladder, where the urol-
temporary expenses for the recipient and one ogist uses an electrical loop under direct
other individual (or, in the case of a minor, visual control to shave away the prostate from
two other individuals). within to improve urine ow.
Transportation Benets Act of 1999 Legis- transurethral ultrasound-guided laser-induced
lation that modied the tax treatment of prostatectomy (TULIP) An investigative
transportation benets provided by employ- technology for treating noncancerous enlarge-
ers to their employees. Employers can offer ment of the prostate gland. It uses a miniature
employees transit passes or parking benets ultrasound device to guide the delivery of laser
on a salary reduction basis. The law also energy to the site of prostate obstruction inside
permits an employee to exclude up to $65 the urethra.
per month in transit pass benets and up to trapping In desktop publishing (color pre-
$175 per month in parking costs for a space press), adjusting overlapping color areas to
that is at or near the employers business account for misregistration on the press. Typ-
premises or a location, other than employees ically, light colors are spread (enlarged) or
residence, where the employee parks his or choked (reduced) into darker colors. Trap-
her car to commute to work by some means ping may be done by desktop designers or
of public transportation. Offering transit publishers themselves by working within the
travel agent 682 travelers security

applications program or using a commer- president of the Howell Group, a Boston-

cially available dedicated trapping program. based research rm.
travel agent An individual or agency that pro- travel coordinator An entry-level travel posi-
vides full travel services, dealing with all tion responsible for booking reservations,
aspects of travel for all types of transportation, communicating with travelers, and adminis-
car rentals, and hotel reservations. tering various aspects of travel services.
travel and entertainment card A means of Reports to the travel manager.
controlling travel and entertainment costs. Traveler Brieng The Federal Aviation
Issued by the company, travelers use these Administrations (FAA) travel information
limited-use travel cards only to pay for air, Web site. This site was designed to provide
hotel, car rental, or other specied T&E costs. travelers with up-to-date information when
Some banks and other card companies offer preparing to travel by air in the U.S. or over-
this option. seas. The Department of Transportation
Travel and Transportation Reform Act of (DOT) oversees consumer issues such as
1998 Requires federal employees to use fed- denied boarding, lost baggage, overbooking,
eral charge cards for all payments of expenses and ticketing, as well as statistics on on-time
of ofcial government travel; amends Title 31, performance. The FAA is responsible for civil
United States Code, to establish requirements aviation safety, including developing safety
for prepayment audits of federal agency trans- regulations and certifying pilots and aircraft.
portation expenses; authorizes reimbursement The Transportation Security Administra-
of federal agency employees for taxes tion (TSA) is responsible for security for all
incurred on travel or transportation reimburse- modes of transportation. This site includes
ment; and authorizes test programs for the direct, one-click links to the DOT and the
payment of federal employee travel and relo- airlines, as well as a host of other useful sites
cation expenses. Approved October 19, 1998. such as airports, the Department of State,
travel and transportation services Services safety and enforcement statistics, the Centers
established to improve the efciency and for Disease Control and Prevention, and U.S.
economy of company operations and make Customs Service. Contact: FAA, Consumer
jobs involving travel more convenient, less Hotline, AOA-20, 800 Independence Avenue,
burdensome, and safer for employees. Such SW, Washington, D.C. 20591 (phone 202-
services may include provision of free or low- 366-2220; e-mail;
cost parking facilities; assistance in establish- Web site
ing and maintaining car pools; arrangements Other information online: for individual coun-
for convenient public transportation to and try assessments;
from the workplace; provision of special pub- State Department Travel Advisories: www.
lic, private, or company-owned or -leased con-; U.S. Customs Service Tips
veyances for disabled employees; provisions for International Travelers: www.customs.
for emergency transportation; arrangements gov/).
for short-distance travel for necessary busi- traveler information See passenger manifests.
ness activities; and long-distance travel ser- traveler rules Security measures that require
vices within the continental U.S. and overseas. all U.S. passengers and crew members arriv-
Travel Business Roundtable Index of Lead- ing or departing to supply the following infor-
ing Economic Indicators Provides a fore- mation: name, date of birth, citizenship, sex,
cast of changes in the future activity in the passport number and country of issuance, U.S.
travel industry on the economy of the U.S. visa number and other details of its issuance,
The index is based on data from ve industry address while in the U.S., and, when it applies,
and four government sources. Touted as alien registration number. Congressionally
encouraging lawmakers to enact policies that mandated legislation that was signed into law
will support the growth of the travel and tour- in May 2002.
ism industry. Developed by Dr. James Howell, travelers security See security of travelers.
Travel Industry Association of America 683 Treaty of Rome of 1958

Travel Industry Association of America travel management reporting Software that

(TIA) An organization of travel-related busi- produces reports after tickets have been
nesses, associations, and local, regional, and issued. Typically a part of an accounting
state travel promotion agencies. Represents system.
the common interests and concerns of all com- travel manager A midlevel corporate travel
ponents of the U.S. travel industry. Promotes position. Responsible for negotiating with ven-
travel, protects the industry from governmen- dors, communicating with travelers, and mon-
tal initiatives that would impede travel, and itoring policies, travel operations, and costs.
seeks to enlarge an understanding of tourism treasury ination protection securities
as an industry. Provides forums and marketing (TIPS) An investment alternative, TIPS can
programs and publishes a monthly newsletter. be purchased in the form of ination-protec-
Contact: Travel Industry Association of tion funds from large rms, such as Vanguard
America, 1100 New York Ave., NW, Suite and Fidelity, through the governments Trea-
450, Washington, DC 20005-3934 (phone sury Direct program (www.savingsbonds.
202-408-8422; fax 202-408-1255; e-mail gov/).; Web site www. Treasury obligations Debt instruments (notes
travel management Performance of the func- or bonds) backed by the full faith and credit
tions of planning, organizing, stafng, direct- of the U.S. government. The principal is
ing, and controlling policies, procedures, and repaid to the buyer at maturity dates ranging
budgets relating to corporate travel and trans- from 90 days to 30 years. Meanwhile, the
portation arrangements including air and interest is exempt from state and local taxes,
ground transportation, lodging, meals and but not from federal income tax. See also
entertainment, expense reports and reconcili- Agency obligations.
ation, enforcement, automation, selecting a treatment A written description of what the
travel agency, negotiating rates, ticketing, itin- viewer or user of a video or multimedia pro-
eraries, booking, and delivery. gram will see, hear, and experience in the pro-
travel management consultant An outside gram. Usually includes preliminary sketches
specialist contracted to work on corporate of graphics and sample sections of text.
travel projects, typically reporting to the treatment options The choices patients have
senior-level executive who is responsible for when there are alternative ways of treating
travel. their health problems.
travel management information system Treaty of Asuncion An agreement signed on
Computer software used to automate various March 26, 1991, by Argentina, Brazil, Para-
travel management-related functions. Includes guay, and Uruguay, a bloc of 190 million
software to (1) enhance the reservation process people, which called for the establishment of
at the point of sale and enable travel agents to a free-trade zone by the end of 1994.
book reservations in a computer reservation Treaty of Nice Established rules for expand-
system (booking software); (2) access passen- ing the 15-nation European Union by 2004
ger name records to check for accuracy and to include mainly Eastern and Central Euro-
alternatives (pretravel quality control); (3) pean countries once under the control of the
access reservations prior to ticketing and pro- Soviet Union. The 10 new members will be
duce management reports (pretravel report- Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,
ing); (4) generate reports following ticket issue Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland. Slovakia,
(travel management reporting); (5) provide and Slovenia.
agency accounting and prepare postticketing Treaty of Rome of 1958 The origin of the
management reports for clients (ofce European Community and the European
accounting system); and (6) facilitate entry, Union. It abolished tariffs and quotas among
compilation, and processing of posttravel its six nation (at that time) members (France,
travel and entertainment expense data through West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Neth-
to the reimbursement of travelers. erlands, and Belgium).
Treaty on European Union 684 tricky ticketing

Treaty on European Union See European health care providers and resources. Involves
Monetary Institute; European Union; Maas- a phase-in of a managed care approach,
tricht Treaty. which relies on arrangements with pools of
trend analysis A means of forecasting per- military and civilian health care professionals
sonnel needs, it involves studying an organi- who provide services to local beneciaries.
zations employment patterns over the last 5 Under the plan, active duty members continue
years or more with attention focused on such to receive care through the services military
things as the number employed at the end of facilities whereas their families and retired
each year or some other point in the year, the military families will be treated through TRI-
number of workers in each group and sub- CARE. TRICARE Prime, an HMO-type plan
group, and so on, to identify trends that might and the least costly option, requires an annual
be expected to continue. enrollment fee and copayments. Enrollees
trend extrapolation A projective technique receive health care through military treat-
used in forecasting that involves plotting the ment facilities (MTFs) or a supporting net-
values of key parameters or characteristics of work of civilian providers. TRICARE Standard
change in any area against time to detect pat- is a fee-for-service program that replaced
terns of development. When such patterns are CHAMPUS. Beneciaries have the greatest
established, they can be logically extended for choice of civilian providers but at higher cost.
a period of time into the future. Beneciaries are responsible for a deductible
trend guarantee See rate guarantee; risk plus copayments. With TRICARE Extra, mili-
sharing. tary members pay no enrollment fee, but a
trending A statistical process used to adjust yearly deductible is charged and heath care is
outdated survey data. For example, outdated delivered through a network of civilian provid-
wage and salary data may be updated by using ers who accept payments from the Civilian
the Employment Cost Index, Consumer Price Health and Medical Program of the Uni-
Index (both produced by the Department of formed Services (CHAMPUS) and provide
Labor), or other survey data. services at negotiated, discount rates. Bene-
trend spotter See futurist. ciaries also pay copayments, but they are lower
trialware Computer programs, similar to than those paid by standard CHAMPUS users
shareware, that allow users to try out a soft- (Web site
ware package before purchasing it. htm/).
trial work period Under Social Security, a TRICARE for Life (TFL) Military insur-
special work incentive rule that allows dis- ance (formerly CHAMPUS) that became sec-
abled persons to earn as much as they can for ond payer to Medicare for qualifying Medi-
a 9-month period (not necessarily consecu- care-eligible beneciaries enrolled in
tive) without affecting benets. The 9 months Medicare Part B, regardless of age, beginning
of work must fall within a 5-year period be- October 1, 2001.
fore the trial work period can end. A trial work TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (TMOP)
month is any month in which the individual Prescription drug services, formerly provided
earns more than $200. After the trial work by Merck-Medco of New Jerseys National
period ends, the work is evaluated to deter- Mail Order Pharmacy (NMOP), will be admin-
mine whether it is substantial. If earnings do istered by Express Scripts Inc. of Maryland
not average more than $500 per month, bene- Heights, MO beginning March 1, 2003. For
ts will usually continue. If earnings average more information, check or
more than $500 per month, benets continue phone the Department of Defense pharmacy
discontinued. call center at 877-363-6337.
TRICARE A reform of the Military Health tricky ticketing Unethical means of offsetting
Care System required by the Defense Autho- reduced travel budgets, such as back-dating,
rization Act of 1994. TRICARE is a triple- back-to-back ticketing, cross-ticketing, hid-
option health care program for all military ser- den-city fare, ticketing abroad, and ticket
vices that combines military and civilian transfer.
trigger clause 685 trust

trigger clause A provision in a contract (or an and other high-need subject area, and to assist
insurance policy) that activates a result. For military personnel to make successful transi-
example, most insurance companies used tions to second careers in teaching. It main-
activities of daily living to initiate payment tains a Defense Activity for Non-Traditional
for care. Education Support (DANTES) where job
triggering condition or event The physical openings and school/district information can
or mental circumstance or status that activates be searched. Pending availability of funds,
insurance coverage. For example, the inability nancial assistance may be provided to eligi-
of a person covered by long-term care insur- ble individuals as stipends of up to $5000 to
ance to perform two or more of the activities help pay for teacher certication costs or as
of daily living. bonuses of $10,000. Stipend and bonus recip-
tri-mode phone A transmission device that ients must agree to teach for 3 years in school
operates at 1900 MHz and 800 MHz analog. locations that meet certain Department of
trip chainer A person who combines trips to Education criteria. The No Child Left
or from work with such errands as delivering Behind Act of 2001 authorized the contin-
kids to school or day care and picking them uation of the program for an additional 5
up, grocery shopping, or picking up laundry. years. Contact : DANTES, Attn: Troops-to
triple option Offering a health maintenance Teachers, 6490 Sauey Field Rd., Pensa-
organization, a preferred provide organiza- cola, FL 32509-5243 (phone 800-231-6242;
tion, and a conventional insurance plan by a e-mail; Web site
single insurer.
triple option point-of-service health care true-false item A test item that requires the
plan A managed care model. Gives enrollees testee to indicate whether a statement is true
three options when they need health care: (1) or false.
go through their primary care physician (least true score A hypothetical and unreachable
expensive); (2) go directly to another network; value. A score that is entirely free of error.
or (3) go outside of the network (highest Theoretically, it is the average score from an
deductibles and copayments). innite number of measurements from the
trip-planning software Programs that dis- same or equivalent tests with all other vari-
play travel options to assist decision makers ables, such as the identity of testees, held con-
at corporate sites. stant. The standard deviation of the innite
Trojan horse 1. In connection with computers, number of samplings is the standard error
a potentially destructive computer program dis- of measurement.
guised as something friendly, such as a game. TrueType font A font that is scalable but is
It is designed by malicious employees or other not a PostScript font or a Type I font. True-
saboteurs to quietly change les or erase data Type uses a different outline and scaling tech-
from an existing program while one plays the nology, but it can be used with PostScript
game. 2. In forecasting, an approach that con- printers. Unlike PostScript, it has both screen
sists of nding out what has happened or is and printing information built into a single
about to happen in a given area before anyone unit.
else knows about it, or using information before true 24-hour coverage A single policy of
anyone else decides to use it. It involves rapid coverage for both health care benets and
use of insider information, whether the insider workers compensation purchased by an
is the forecaster or someone who will tell the employer; that is, the policy must include
forecaster what he or she needs to know in time management of disability benets as well as
to do something with the information. Also health benets.
known as the smoking gun approach or rigged trust A legal arrangement in written form that
deck approach. allows the maker to transfer ownership of
Troops-to-Teachers Program A program property to the trust. It is then managed by a
designed to help relieve the teacher shortage, trustee for the beneciaries named in the trust.
especially in math, science, special education, A trust can ensure that ones wealth or its
trustee 686 tutoring

income will be protected against inexperience, (HRIS) that is returned to the source of the
diminished abilities in advanced years, or the information for conrmation and return to the
impact of unpredictable events. HRIS.
trustee The person named in a trust document turnaround time In meeting management, the
who is responsible for managing the trust or amount of time required to disassemble and
has legal title to the trust property. remove equipment for a function from a room
truth machine See lie detector; psychological and then reset the room for another function.
stress evaluator. turn-back See recycle.
T-score A variation of the standard score. turnkey program A packaged program devel-
Because standardized scores are often frac- oped by an outside vendor, contractor, or con-
tional and those below the mean are negative, sultant, often tailor-made for the purchasing
it is often helpful to set up a distribution of organization, ready for installation without
standard scores with a mean sufciently modication and immediate operation by the
greater than zero to avoid minuses and a stan- buyer. Examples are wellness programs and
dard deviation sufciently greater than 1.0 to awards and recognition programs.
make decimals unnecessary. The result is a turnover Separation of an employee from an
T-score. A T-score is calculated by converting establishment (voluntary, involuntary, or
the mean of the distribution to 50 and the other). Usually expressed as rate of turnover.
standard deviation to 10. The formula is as Describes the change in the composition of the
follows: work force due to termination (disciplinary,
resignation, transfer, or retirement). Its impor-
10 z-score
T - score = + 50 tance lies in its impact on employee morale,
standard deviation recruitment, and hiring and training costs.
or turnover costs A key human resources met-
ric. It is calculated as follows:
10 ( raw score mean)
T - score = + 50
standard deviation cost to terminate
tuition-aid program A formal corporate pro- + cost per hire
Turnover costs =
gram and plan that provides nancial assis- + vacancy cost
tance to employees who take credit or non- + learning curve loss
credit courses from accredited schools and
colleges on their own time. In some cases Attributed to Robert J. Grossman, Measuring
nancial backing is provided only for training Up, HR Magazine, January 2000, pp. 2935.
and education programs that are directly Reprinted with the permission of HR Maga-
related to the employees current job. In other zine, published by the Society of Human
organizations, tuition aid is granted for high Resource Management, Alexandria,VA (Web
school equivalency courses (GED), general site
postsecondary education programs and cul- turnover rate The number of total separa-
tural courses, and advanced degree programs tions during the month divided by the number
for employees and sometimes for the of employees who worked during or received
employees spouse and/or children. pay for the pay period that includes the 12th
turkey trot The practice of transferring a mar- of the month (monthly turnover); the number
ginal, incompetent, or problem employee of total separations for the year divided by
from one department or job to another in the average monthly employment for the year
hope that a new environment and a new boss (annual turnover).
will give the person a fresh start. Used most tutorial Computer software that teaches com-
often to describe in a disparaging way the puter users how to perform a task. See also
transfer of incompetent, failing, or marginal wizard.
teachers to a new school and principal. tutoring A form of one-on-one instruction. The
turnaround document A report generated by instructor works with an individual trainee, ex-
the human resources information system plaining, demonstrating, questioning, coaching,
twenty-four-hour coverage 687 Typhoid Mary

and guiding practice. Used primarily to teach Similar to videoconferencing but with differ-
complex skills and operations, those that present ent equipment.
danger to the trainee or hazard to expensive type-A (personality) A behavior pattern char-
equipment, or for remedial instruction. acteristic of people who are aggressive,
twenty-four-hour coverage See true 24-hour intense, competitive, hard-driving, impatient,
coverage. and emotionally expressive, hostile, and often
twenty-something generation See baby angry workaholics.
busters. type-B (personality) A behavior pattern char-
twin In meeting management, a hotel room acteristic of people who are laid-back, calm,
furnished with two single or double beds. considerate, empathic, restrained, patient, kind,
twisting A ploy used by unscrupulous insur- trusting, slow to anger, and good listeners.
ance agents, particularly with the elderly. The typeface In typography, within a type family,
agent persuades the buyer to cancel his or her one of the different forms of type available,
present policy for a better one. A few such as Bookman Regular, Bookman Italic,
months later, the ploy is repeated. Then it and Bookman Bold. The term font has come
happens again. The agent earns more for new to mean the same as typeface.
policies than the small commission paid for type family In typography, a collection of all
renewals. That is the incentive. Constant the sizes and styles of a type design with the
replacement may leave the customer unin- same characteristics. Examples of type fami-
sured because of the waiting period on preex- lies are Bookman, Chicago, Helvetica, and
isting conditions. Times. Usual components are Roman, italic,
two-factor authentication In security systems, and bold.
authentication based on two factors: some- type I error An incorrect judgment or con-
thing the user knows, plus something the user clusion that occurs when an association is
has. To access the facility, equipment, object, found between variables where no association
or information, the user must have both fac- exists. In an experiment, for example, if the
tors. Similar to using an ATM card and a per- experimental procedure does not really have
sonal identication number (PIN) to retrieve any effect, chance or random error may cause
funds from a bank account. the researcher to conclude that the experimen-
two-tier pay structure A compensation plan tal procedure did have an effect. Also known
that brings new hires into the work force of as false positive or alpha error.
an organization at a lower rate of pay (as much type II error An incorrect judgment or con-
as 50% lower) than was given to employees clusion that occurs when no association is
hired earlier for similar jobs. found between variables where in fact, an
two-way digital teleconferencing (2DTC) association does exist. In a medical screening,
A high-tech training delivery method. for example, a negative test result may occur
Requires telecasting equipment at the trainers by chance in a subject who possesses the
and the trainees site. Employs compressed attribute for which the test is conducted. Also
video technology, which produces a slightly known as false negative or beta error.
jerky screen image. Permits more interaction Type I font Formerly an Adobe proprietary
than video teleconferencing. font, a Type I font is a PostScript font that
two-way interactive video In distance learn- is now open to everyone.
ing, the ability to see and hear presenters, types of research See analytical survey; ap-
moderators, participants, and trainees simul- plied research; basic research; case study;
taneously and continuously from comparably controlled experiment; experimental research;
equipped rooms at the host site and remote eld experiment; historical study; laboratory
locations. experiment; polling survey; primary research;
two-way satellite/microwave Communica- pure research; qualitative research; quantita-
tion delivered by satellite or microwave link tive research; quasi-experimental study; sec-
with television cameras at the participants ondary research.
location so there is two-way video and audio. Typhoid Mary See virus.
UAFA United Armed Forces USERRA Uniformed Services
Association. Employment and
UAW United Auto Workers. Reemployment Rights Act of
UBIT Unrelated Business Income 1994.
Tax. USES U.S. Employment Service.
UCC Uniform commercial code. USFSPA Uniformed Services Former
UCEA University Continuing Spouses Protection Act of
Education Association. 1983.
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military USSC U.S. Sentencing Commission.
Justice. USTDC U.S. Travel Data Center.
UCP United Cerebral Palsy. UTMA Uniform Transfer to Minors
UCR Usual, customary, and Act of 1994.
reasonable. UTSA Uniform Trade Secrets Acts.
UFCW United Food and Commercial U.S. VIP Uniformed Services Voluntary
Workers Union. Insurance Program.
UFTS Uniformed Services USWA United Steelworkers of
Treatment Facility. America.
UHWM Uniform Hazardous Waste
Manifest. ubiquitous computing Computers that will
be an invisible part of the infrastructure and
UI The Urban Institute.
keep the user connected to the world. Attrib-
ULPs Unfair labor practices.
uted to John Seely Brown, Director of Xerox
UM Utilization management.
Corps Palo Alto Research Center in Califor-
UMWA United Mine Workers of
nia (Computer World, August 17, 1992).
ultimate evaluation Examination and assess-
UNCCISG United Nations Convention on
ment of the changes in the results achieved by
Contracts for the International
organizations, departments, managers, super-
Sale of Goods.
visors, or employees when they have experi-
UPC Universal Product Code. enced or been subjected to some organization
UPG Unsightly paperwork growth. development or training and development
UR Utilization review. intervention. Measures used focus on such
URAC Utilization Review outcomes as increased productivity, improved
Accreditation Commission. quality of products or services, and reduced
URL Uniform resource locator. operating costs. Examples are decreases or
URO Utilization review ofcer. reductions in absenteeism, accident rates, cus-
USAs Universal savings accounts. tomer complaints, grievances, labor disputes,
USAWOA U.S. Army Warrant Ofcers machine damage and downtime, operating
Association. costs, rejects and reworks, and turnover and
USCPOA U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty increases or improvements in attendance, cus-
Ofcers Association. tomer satisfaction, new processes, new prod-
USDLA United States Distance ucts, product quality and quantity, prot and
Learning Association. return on investment, and sales.
USDOC U.S. Department of Ultimedia A new family of IBM multimedia
Commerce. platforms that embody powerful features,

ultrasound 690 underwriting

most notably a digital signal processor chip but who are unable or unwilling to pay their
that provides 16-bit audio capabilities and can bill.
handle image compression. The rst platform underinsured People with public or private
with the Ultimedia label was the PS/2, Model insurance policies that do not cover all neces-
M57 SLC multimedia computer. sary medical services, resulting in out-of-
ultrasound A diagnostic technique that uses pocket expenses that exceed their ability to
sound waves to create images of certain parts pay.
of the body. Similar to an x-ray but without understanding 1. A form or level of learning
the dangers of radiation exposure (although in which the learner is able to acquire, com-
the safety of the technique is being ques- prehend, and interpret concepts, principles,
tioned). High-frequency sound waves are ideas, and theories. 2. A sales readiness met-
directed toward a body organ or cavity, and ric that involves checking on a salespersons
the sound is reected back from the selected grasp of the essentials of a new product as
organ or tissue to form the image. demonstrated by a written or oral quiz.
unapplied billing entry Time spent on activ- understanding, urgency, direction, and dis-
ities that cannot be directly associated with a cipline (U2D2) A prescription for credible,
specic project or client and therefore cannot effective, and successful leadership: (1) work-
be billed. Examples are administration (han- ing to ensure that everyone in the organization
dling correspondence, attending meetings, understands why change is necessary; (2)
and so on), staff work (research, preparing injecting a sense of urgency into the organi-
reports, and the like), professional develop- zation; (3) ensuring that people in the organi-
ment (attending courses and reading profes- zation share a vision, a common philosophy,
purpose, and a set of values and ideals; and
sional books and journals), and holiday, sick,
(4) being consistent in the execution of disci-
and vacation time.
pline keeping ones word, rejecting lip ser-
unbundle When computer manufacturers
vice and expediency. Attributed to Oren
charge separately for software or services that
Harari, U2D2: The Rx for Leadership Blues,
had previously been included in the total price
Management Review, August 1995, pp. 3436.
of the computer system.
understudy assignment A method of provid-
unbundled services Options offered employ- ing management training and development
ees that permit workers to choose whatever that involves assignment of the trainee to a
investment alternatives they would like, competent senior manager or executive who
including those offered by independent out- tailors the training and coaching to the needs
side sources such as national full-service of the individual by providing experiences and
401(k) vendors. feedback that will enhance skills develop-
unbundling A form of code gaming practiced ment.
by unscrupulous physicians and other health underutilization In afrmative action, when
care providers to increase their income. It is determining the status of minority group
exemplied by the submission of a bill to the employment in a company by geographic
insurer for several separate surgical or other area, department, and job, the nding that
procedures, all of which were performed at members of protected groups are not ade-
the same time and customarily considered a quately represented or that there is a concen-
single procedure. tration of nonminority workers. Analysis of
uncompensated care Services provided by data provides a basis for remedies in the form
physicians and hospitals for which no pay- of afrmative action programs.
ment is received from the patient or from underwater The position of a stock option
third-party payers. Some costs for these ser- holder when the market price of the options
vices may be covered through cost-shifting. falls below the grant price.
Not all uncompensated care results from char- underwriting 1. Bearing the risk for some-
ity care. It also includes bad debts from per- thing, as insurance companies do for the pay-
sons who are not classied as charity cases ment of premiums. 2. Analysis of an entity to
undue burden or hardship 691 unfair labor practices (ULPs)

determine whether it should be offered insur- sometimes supplemented by federal funds

ance and/or the rates that should be charged (usually during periods of severe and general
for such coverage. 3. The process involved in high unemployment) and administered by the
reviewing medical and health-related infor- states.
mation furnished by individuals applying for Unemployment Compensation Amendments
insurance to determine whether they offer an Act of 1992 Extended emergency unem-
acceptable level of risk and are therefore ployment benets programs for long-term
insurable. Persons with an immediate or prob- jobless workers who had exhausted their reg-
able need for long-term care are unlikely to ular 26 weeks of benets. Included a provision
meet underwriting standards. designed to pay for the increased unemploy-
undue burden or hardship Under the Ameri- ment benets involving a change in qualied
cans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the term plan distribution and rollover rules. The law
means an action requiring signicant dif- requires that all qualied retirement plans per-
culty of expense to a business to make rea- mit rollover of any taxable portion of a distri-
sonable accommodation to the disability of bution from another qualied plan or tax-shel-
a qualied applicant or employee. Factors tered annuity, unless it is a minimum required
included for consideration in determining distribution or part of a series of long-term
whether a reasonable accommodation actually payments. Qualied plans making distribu-
constitutes an undue hardship include the tions must permit their distributions to be
nature and cost of the accommodation, the rolled over into an individual retirement
nancial resources of the employer, and the account or another plan specied by the plan
impact of the accommodation on the nancial participant. If the plan participant does not
resources of the employer. Undue burden is a specify a rollover into another plan or IRA,
higher standard than readily achievable. the employer plan making the distribution
unemployed persons Persons 16 years of age must withhold 20% of the distribution in addi-
and over who had no employment during the tion to any penalties for early withdrawal that
reference week, were available for work, apply. Signed by President Bush on July 3,
except for temporary illness, and had made 1992, and became effective December 31,
specic efforts to nd employment sometime 1992.
during the 4-week period ending with the ref- unemployment insurance See unemploy-
erence week. Persons who were waiting to be ment compensation.
recalled to a job from which they had been unemployment rate Represents the number
laid off need not have been looking for work unemployed as a percentage of the labor force.
to be classied as unemployed. unfair labor practices (ULPs) 1. As dened
Unemployment Benets Act of 2003 R e - by the Wagner Act of 1935, such employer
newed a program of 13 weeks of federal bene- practices as (1) interfering with, restraining,
ts for jobless workers who have exhausted or coercing employees in exercising their
their 26 weeks of state benets. The program legally sanctioned right of self-organization;
expired June 1, 2003. Signed into law by Pres- (2) dominating or interfering with either the
ident Bush on January 8, 2003. formation or administration of labor unions,
unemployment compensation A form of including bribery of employees, company spy
statutory benet. State laws or regulations systems, moving a business to avoid unioniza-
provide that employees who are involuntarily tion, and blacklisting union sympathizers; (3)
unemployed may receive compensation in discriminating in any way against employees
stated amounts and for a stipulated period of for their legal union activities; (4) discharging
time unless they are able to secure gainful or discriminating against employees because
employment. Programs are funded by payroll they have led unfair practice charges against
taxes levied entirely upon employers (except the company; and (5) refusing to bargain col-
in Alabama, Alaska, New Jersey, and Penn- lectively with their employees representa-
sylvania, where employees are required to tives. 2. As dened by the Labor-Manage-
make small contributions), although they are ment Relations Act of 1947 (TaftHarley),
unfairly discriminatory 692 Uniformed Services Employment

practices by unions such as (1) restraining or formation, and the problems of discrepancies
coercing employees from exercising their between the sellers standard form documents
guaranteed bargaining rights; (2) causing an (sales order and order acknowledgments) and
employer to discriminate in any way against the buyers standard forms (purchase orders
an employee in order to encourage or discour- and order conrmations).
age membership in a union; (3) refusing to uniform coverage rule An Internal Revenue
bargain in good faith with the employer Service rule. States that plan participants who
about wages, hours, and other employment elect health care exible spending accounts
conditions (and certain types of strikes and (FSAs) must be afforded uniform coverage
boycotts); and (4) engaging in featherbed- throughout the coverage period, just as with
ding (requiring an employer to pay for ser- other medical plans. Employers may not with-
vices not performed). hold FSA claims reimbursements until the
unfairly discriminatory Any policy or action FSA balance of employee pretax contributions
that results in unequal probabilities of selec- justies the reimbursement. Instead, employ-
tion for training, hiring, or other favorable ers must make reimbursements for qualied
outcome for persons (members of a minority FSA claims at all times during a year on the
group or women) who have equal probabilities basis of the total amount of annual contribu-
of success (with nonminorities) in the job or tions made by the employee during enroll-
training program. ment.
unfreezing One of the three major stages in uniform durable power of attorney An en-
learning (the others are change efforts and abling law passed by a state to allow an indi-
refreezing). Unfreezing occurs when barriers vidual to appoint another as an agent to man-
to the acquisition of new or replacement age his or her property and nances. Such a
knowledge, habits, or attitudes are reduced or power of attorney remains in effect even if the
eliminated. Attributed to Kurt Lewin, pioneer creator or principal is incompetent.
in experiential learning. uniformed services The U.S. Army, Navy,
unied credit A tax credit for federal estate Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Com-
taxes. The credit now amounts to $600,000 missioned Corps of the Public Health Service,
or the equivalent of the value of the taxable and the Commissioned Corps of the National
property. Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Uniformed Services Employment and Re-
Created by Congress and signed into law by employment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)
President Harry S. Truman on May 5, 1950, Replaced the Veterans Reemployment Rights
it governs the criminal justice system used by Act of 1940. Effective October 13, 1996, the
all U.S. armed forces and gives the military Act required all public and private employers
jurisdiction over all crimes committed by its to: (1) grant a leave of absence for members
personnel. The code expanded protection of of the National Guard and Reserve to perform
the rights of service members, including the military service whether voluntary or involun-
right to remain silent and to be informed that tary; (2) reinstate seniority, pay, and benets
any statement made could be used against at the level service members would have at-
them at court-martials, and provided free mil- tained if they had not left for military service;
itary defense counsel in serious court-martial (3) allow service members to purchase con-
trials. Later legislation provided for court- tinued health care coverage for up to 18
martial trials to be supervised by military months at a cost not to exceed 102% of the
judges and replaced review boards within each plan cost for individual or family coverage;
service with appellate courts. (4) reinstate insurance coverage immediately
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) P r e - for returning veterans; (5) restore all life and
scribes standards and procedures for commer- disability insurance benets as if the em-
cial operations and transactions within the ployee had remained on the job; and (6) credit
U.S. Included are treatment of the problems returning veterans with all benets accruals
of offer and acceptance, binding contract under a dened benet plan and all employer
Uniformed Services Former Spouses 693 Uniform Trade Secrets Acts (UTSA)

contributions to a dened contribution plan as insurance program available for purchase by

if the veteran had not left employment (for ex-members of the uniformed services and
plans involving employer matching funds, the their dependents and paid for entirely by pol-
returning vet must be permitted to and may icy holders. The plan provides up to 1 year of
be required to make up the contributions coverage and is designed to cover those
paid during military service in order to receive insured until they are enrolled in a permanent
the employers contribution. Applies to em- program or become eligible for group health
ployees returning from military service after insurance.
December 12, 1994. The Act also entitled em- Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard
ployers to (1) advance notice of upcoming (UFAS) Provides design specications to
military duty, (2) proof of an employees mil- provide accessibility to buildings and facilities
itary duty, and (3) timely return of the em- for the disabled. The Americans with Dis-
ployee upon completion of military duty. abilities Act of 1990 requires compliance
Uniformed Services Former Spouses Pro- with USFAS.
tection Act of 1983 (USFSPA) Authorizes Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection
state courts to treat military retired pay as Procedures Approved in 1978 by the Equal
either the property of the retiree or the property Employment Opportunity Commission, Civil
of the retiree and his or her spouse in accor- Service Commission, Department of Labor,
dance with the law of the jurisdiction of such and Department of Justice and published by
courts. Amended several times since its enact- the Equal Employment Opportunity Commis-
ment, the Act entitles an unremarried former
sion to help employers comply with regula-
spouse of a military member to certain mili-
tions on nondiscrimination. Contain highly
tary-related benets and privileges. For exam-
recommended procedures for such things as
ple, the act permits a court to award a portion
employee selection, record keeping, preem-
of military retired pay to a former spouse as
ployment inquiries, and afrmative action
his or her property (in addition to any other
court-awarded spousal and/or child support
Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest
and/or division of other marital property).
Although a court can award more than 50% of (UHWM) A multicopy shipping and track-
a retired service members pay to the ex-spouse ing document required by the Resource Con-
as property, the government is only authorized servation and Recovery Act of 1976 as
to send up to 50% of disposable retired pay essential to cradle-to-grave management of
directly to the ex-spouse as property. hazardous waste. The hazardous waste gener-
Uniformed Services Treatment Facility ator, the hauler, and the designated facility
(USTF) One of ten former Public Health must each sign this document and keep a copy,
Service hospitals and clinics that are now and a copy must be returned by the recipient
civilian-owned and -operated. Located in Bal- to the generator to acknowledge receipt of the
timore, MD; Boston, MA; Seattle, WA; Port- shipment.
land, ME; Cleveland, OH; Houston, uniform resource locator (URL) An address
Galveston, Port Arthur, and Nassau Bay, TX; for a Web site a specic site that identies
and Staten Island, NY, they provide a variety both the location and type of resources on the
of medical services from limited outpatient to World Wide Web. Also called universal
both inpatient and outpatient care. USTFs also resource locator.
provide an alternative to treatment at a mili- Uniform Trade Secrets Acts (UTSA) Acts
tary treatment facility under a USTF Man- adopted by 19 states that protect business
aged Care Plan. Those eligible to enroll are secrets that have independent value to peo-
military beneciaries, including retirees, who ple outside the company, are generally
reside within a 40-mile catchment area unknown to outsiders, are unlikely to be dis-
served by a USTF. covered by lawful means, and for which the
Uniformed Services Voluntary Insurance owner has instituted measures to try to main-
Program (U.S. VIP) A voluntary health tain secrecy.
Uniform Transfer to Minors Act of 1994 694 United Dominion Industries, Inc.,

Uniform Transfer to Minors Act of 1994 United Armed Forces Association (UAFA)
(UTMA) Replaced the Uniform Gifts to An organization open to E-1 through O-10
Minors Act. Allows stocks, bonds, insurance active duty, retired, Reserve, National Guard,
contracts, and real estate to be held by a cus- and veterans of all ve uniformed military
todian for the benet of a minor and provides services. UAFAs mission is to provide bene-
an alternative to a court-appointed guardian ts, consumer discounts, and information and
or trust to hold property for the benet of a to provide legislative representation before
minor until he or she reaches the age of 21. Congress on all matters affecting members.
union A formal organization of employees Contact: UAFA, P.O. Box 20672, Waco, TX
recognized by management and certied by 76702-2603 (phone 888-457-7667; e-mail
the National Labor Relations Board and; Web site
authorized by the Board to act on behalf of its United Auto Workers (UAW) International
members on such matters as working condi- Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and
tions, wages, benets, and job security. Agricultural Implement Workers of America.
union busting Strategies and tactics used by Members are employed as skilled and
management in an attempt to abolish or dis- unskilled workers and clerical, technical, and
solve a union. professional employees in both the public and
union contract See labor-management con- private sectors, including automobile, farm
tract. equipment, aerospace, aviation metal, parts,
union dues See Executive Order 13201. academic, and health care industries. Contact:
unionization The establishment of collective UAW, 8000 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, MI
bargaining between an employer and the work 48214 (phone 313-926-5000; fax 313-926-
force as a unit. 5009; e-mail; Web site
The Union of Needle Trades, Industrial and
Textile Workers (UNITE) Formed by the United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) A nationwide
merger of the International Ladies Garment network of 155 state and local afliated agen-
Workers Union and the Amalgamated Cloth- cies that provide direct services to people with
ing and Textile Workers Union in July 1995. cerebral palsy, act as advocates for people
Members work in basic apparel and textile, with disabilities, are involved in public and
auto parts and auto supply, millinery, shoe, professional information and education, and
laundry, glove and tanning, bag and packag- support research on cerebral palsy and the
ing, retail, and related industries. Dedicated to neurosciences. UCPs mission is to advance
advancing workers rights, leading in organiz- the independence, productivity, and full citi-
ing new workers, pioneering labormanage- zenship of people with cerebral palsy and
ment relations to better the lives of working other disabilities through commitment to the
people, and building international alliances principles of independence, inclusion, and
with workers around the world. UNITE rep- self-determination. Contact: UCP,1660 L St.,
resents workers in Canada, the U.S., and NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20036-5602
Puerto Rico. Contact: UNITE, 1710 Broad- (phone 800-872-5827 or 202-842-1266; fax
way, New York, NY 10019-5299 (phone 212- 202-776-0414; e-mail;
265-7000; fax 212-265-3415; e-mail dsand- Web site; Web site www.unite- United Dominion Industries, Inc., Petitioner v. United States Under 172(b)(1)(I) of the
union relations See labor-management re- Internal Revenue Code of 1954, a taxpayer
lations. may carry back its product liability loss up
union shop An accommodation or arrange- to 10 years to offset the income of prior years.
ment with a union whereby the rm can only On June 4, 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that
hire union employees. If the company hires the method used to calculate the product lia-
nonunion employees, they must join the union bility loss of an afliated group of corpora-
after a prescribed period of time and pay dues; tions electing to le a consolidated federal
if they do not, they can be red. income tax return must be gured on a
United Food and Commercial Workers 695 United Steelworkers of America

consolidated basis and not by aggregating United States Copyright Act of 1976 T h e
product liability losses separately determined fourth major revision of the United States
company by company. Copyright Act of 1790. See copyright law.
United Food and Commercial Workers United States Distance Learning Association
(UFCW) A labor union representing 1.4 mil- (USDLA) A nonprot association formed to
lion food and food service workers throughout promote the development and application of
the U.S. and Canada. Members work in doz- distance learning for education and training.
ens of industries for employers large and Constituents served include kindergarten
small, in multinationals, regional companies, through 12 education, higher education, con-
and local rms. Contact: UFCW, 1775 K. St., tinuing education, corporate training, and mil-
NW, Washington, D.C. 20006-1598 (phone itary and government training. The USDLA
202-223-3111; e-mail; carries out an international role through liai-
Web site son with other national and international orga-
United Food and Commercial Workers Local nizations and its annual International Distance
Union 751 v. Brown Group Inc. A 1 9 9 6 Learning Conference. The association has
Supreme Court Decision holding that a union also become the leading source of information
has the right to sue for damages on behalf of and recommendations for government agen-
members who do not receive sufcient notice cies, Congress, industry, and those entering
upon the development of distance learning
of a plant closing as required by the Worker
programs. Contact: USDLA, 8 Winter Street,
Adjustment and Retraining Notication
Suite 508 Boston, MA 02108 (phone 800-
Act of 1988.
275-5160; e-mail;
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)
Web site
An independent labor union representing coal
United States et al. v. American Library Asso-
miners and other workers throughout the U.S.
ciation, Inc. et al. See Childrens Internet
and Canada, with jurisdiction over both
Protection Act of 2000.
anthracite and bituminous coal mining. Con-
United States, Petitioner, v. Fior DItalia,
tact: UMWA, 8315 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA
Inc. On June 17, 2002, the Supreme Court
22031 (phone 703-208-7200; Web site ruled that employers must pay Federal Insur- ance Contribution Act taxes (social security
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the taxes or FICA taxes), calculated as a percent-
International Sale of Goods (UNCCISG) A age of the wages, including the tips, that their
law affecting international commercial oper- employees receive. This case focused on the
ations and transactions that became effective governments efforts to assess a restaurant for
in the U.S. and several other countries in 1988. FICA taxes based upon tips that its employees
As of March 1992, the number of countries may have received but did not report. The
that had adopted and completed the ratica- Court ruled that the law authorizes the Internal
tion process increased to a total of 30. Com- Revenue Service (IRS) to base that assessment
mercial documentation used in international upon its aggregate estimate of all the tips that
sales drafted prior to 1988 is now inadequate. the restaurants customers paid its employees.
The Convention applies to contracts for the United States Tourism Organization Act of
sale of goods between commercial buyers and 1996 Established a publicprivate national
sellers located in different countries. Con- tourism ofce, the U.S. National Tourism
sumer goods purchased for the personal use Organization, with responsibility for promot-
of the buyer are excluded, as are transactions ing all aspects of travel to the U.S., from vaca-
involving investment securities, negotiable tion travel to the meeting industry.
instruments, ships and aircraft, and purely United Steelworkers of America (USWA)
local transactions between businesses in the Represents over 700,000 working men and
same country. The Convention is signicantly women throughout the U.S. and Canada in the
different from the Universal Commercial steel, aluminum, and other metal rening
Code. industries. Afliated with the AFL-CIO.
Uniting and Strengthening of America 696 university center

Contact: USWA, Five Gateway Ctr., Pitts- Employers are required to provide, at their
burgh, PA 15222 (phone 412-562-2400; fax own expense, voluntary inoculations for their
412-562-2484; e-mail; employees to prevent hepatitis B. The regula-
Web site tions also require employers to institute engi-
Uniting and Strengthening of America by neering controls, such as puncture-resistant
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to containers for used needles, and protective
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of equipment, such as impermeable gowns,
2001 See Patriot Act of 2001. gloves, and face masks, and to enforce work
unity analysis The process by which the cost practices to reduce infections, such as hand-
or value of worker competency is determined. washing. The standard also requires appropri-
The difference between a marginal and aver- ate labeling and training to alert workers to
age or an average and superior performer is the risks posed by bloodborne organisms.
estimated to be between 40 and 70% of the Facilities that use concentrated viruses are
average annual salary for a job. That points to required to post warning signs. Employers are
the need for effective training to ensure opti- required to keep records of incidents of expo-
mum worker performance. sure, postexposure follow-up, hepatitis B vac-
unity of command An organizational princi- cinations, and employee training.
ple stating that no subordinate should report Universal Product Code (UPC) A rectangle
to more than one superior. of bold black lines with numbers underneath
universal and variable life insurance Poli- found on most retail packaged products. The
cies that allow policyholders to invest portions codes, when electronically scanned and input-
of their premiums in mutual funds or other ted to a computer, identify the product by
investment vehicles. name, type, size, and price on the register
universal coverage Providing health insur- receipt and also provide a means of updating
ance for everyone in the population regardless the inventory.
of health, employment, income, or other
Universal Product Code (UPC) Bar Code
Used by publishers to identify books and peri-
universal health care plan A plan by which
odicals. Printed on the back of most books
the federal government would draw up a cat-
and on the front or back of many magazines.
alog of minimum health care benets for all
Available from UPC Barcode CPDA (phone
Americans. Private companies would con-
212-818-0234); Publication Identication &
tinue to offer coverage to workers under
Processing, 436 E. 87th St., New York, NY
employer-funded plans and develop policies
to cover the costs of experimental or high-risk 10128-6502 (phone 212-996-6000; fax 212-
procedures. 410-7477); or (do it yourself software) Bear
universal precautions Mandatory regulations Rock Software Co., 6069 Enterprise Drive,
issued by the Department of Labors Occupa- Placerville, CA 95667 (phone 916-672-0244;
tional Safety and Health Administration in fax 916-622-4775).
December 1991 that became effective in universal resource locator (URL) See uni-
March 1992. Designed to protect workers, pri- form resource locator.
marily but not exclusively health care provid- universal savings accounts (USAs) Proposed
ers, from health risks associated with their by President Clinton as a means of giving
work. The regulations cover all health care people the opportunity to build wealth and
facilities, including hospitals, clinics, hos- save for retirement through a progressive tax
pices, nursing homes, and doctors and den- cut.
tists ofces. They also cover other occupa- university center A conference center lo-
tions in which workers may be exposed to cated on the campus of a college or university.
contaminated substances, such as funeral Most often used for management meetings
homes, emergency teams, law enforcement and continuing education programs. May of-
units, correctional facilities, linen services, fer overnight accommodations and recre-
and medical equipment repair companies. ational facilities.
University Continuing Education 697 Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan

University Continuing Education Associa- an associations purpose are tax-exempt. For

tion (UCEA) Consists of more than 400 example, if an association receives funding
accredited, degree-granting, higher-education from a corporation to nance a banquet, sem-
institutions and nonprot organizations with inar, or coffee break, that income is exempt
a substantial involvement in continuing higher from taxation. The Internal Revenue Ser-
education and about 2000 professionals. vice, however, could require meeting planners
Founded in 1915, the Association promotes to pay income tax on what they consider to
expanded opportunities and high quality in be advertising; for example, display of cor-
continuing higher education. Contact: UCEA, porate names and logos on souvenirs and
One Dupont Cir., Ste. 615, Washington, D.C. trophies.
20036-1168 (phone 202-659-3130; fax 202- unrelated roommates and unmarried part-
785-0374; e-mail; ners A form of nontraditional household.
Web site Shared living arrangements whether all men,
Unix A multitasking, multiprogramming envi- all women, or a combination, regardless of
ronment originally developed by AT&T and age.
commonly used as the basis of multiuser com- unretirement Rehiring individuals who have
puter-based training systems and human retired but have special talents, skills, experi-
resource applications. It enables CBT devel- ence, or other qualications that are needed
opers (as well as developers of other applica- by an organization.
tions) to take the software used to drive real unsafe acts Such causes of accidents and inju-
displays, introduce identiers and locations of ries as distractions (horseplay or startling),
targets, and have the software do the compu- failing to secure equipment or tools, failing to
tations. It makes it possible to invoke any wear safe clothing or use protective equip-
function of the system. It allows the CBT ment; lifting improperly; making safety
author to build instruction directly into an devices inoperative (removing or disconnect-
application as well as call up and run portions ing them); operating or working at unsafe
of an application. Two of its versions are speed (either too fast or too slowly); throwing
IBMs Aix and Microsofts Xenis. objects or materials; using unsafe equipment
unlimited access Means that a worker eligible or tools; using equipment or tools unsafely;
for health care benets may not be limited in using unsafe procedures in arranging, loading,
using the plan because of high deductibles, placing, combining, or mixing; and taking
copayments, or other restrictions. unsafe positions under suspended loads.
unnecessary work Jobs, duties, or tasks that unsafe conditions Such hazards as defective
are not needed for the operation of the orga- equipment and tools, hazardous arrangement
nization, such as internal reports that no one or congestion of machines or equipment, haz-
needs or reads, and work that does not add ardous procedures in using equipment and
value to a product or service. tools, improperly guarded equipment and
unpublished/preferential fare A specially tools, improper illumination, inadequate ven-
priced fare offered to a customer that has been tilation or impure air sources, overloading,
customized to meet the specic travel require- and unsafe storage.
ments of the buyer. unsightly paperwork growth (UPG) A b -
Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) A normally oversized and intimidating stacks of
policy that allows the government to tax non- paper (correspondence, memos, reports, con-
prot institutional or association revenues un- tracts, and other documents) that accumulate
related to the organizations tax-exempt status on a managers desk or in his or her inbox.
and purpose; for example, publications adver- Also called the cornucopian inbox.
tising income and royalties. UBIT statutes, unsolicited proposal A proposal to provide
rst enacted in 1950, outline the types of in- products or services initiated by a marketer
come that are exempt from federal income tax. and sent to a potential customer or client.
One standard is the relatedness test, which Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan (Depen-
says that activities substantially unrelated to dent Students) A loan program open to
Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan 698 upward mobility

dependent undergraduate students who do not amount of the loan and increase the amount
qualify in whole or in part for the Federal the borrower has to repay.
Stafford Loan. Interest rates are variable but unwelcome behavior Unwanted, undesir-
do not exceed 8.25%. For loans disbursed on able, unacceptable, or objectionable conduct
or after July 1, 1995, the interest rate during by workplace superiors, peers, or subordi-
in-school, grade, and deferment are 0.6% nates, such as touching or other types of sex-
lower than the rate during repayment. Borrow- ual advances. See also hostile environment;
ers can receive both subsidized and unsubsi- quid pro quo harassment.
dized Federal Stafford Loans totaling up to upcharges/upcharging Room rates that are
their applicable Federal Stafford limits of generally $15 to $20 higher for business-class
$2625 (lst year), $3500 (2nd year), $5500 rooms, which include such amenities as spa-
remaining years, and a cumulative limit of cious desks, special lighting, and business
$23,000. Payments of the principal are technology (fax and photocopy machine ser-
deferred until 6 months after the student vices and rental of desk- or lap-top computers).
ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time upcoding A form of code gaming practiced
basis, but the student is responsible for interest by unscrupulous physicians and other health
that accrues. Maximum term is 10 years with care practitioners to increase their income.
a $50 minimum payment per month. Exemplied by the submission of an insur-
Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan (Inde- ance claim form for removal of a tiny (3-mm)
pendent Students) Loans available to inde- squamous skin lesion as a relatively large (2-
pendent undergraduate or graduate students cm) basal cell carcinoma.
who are eligible for Federal Stafford Loans. upgrade An improved version (new edition)
Interest rates are variable but do not exceed of existing computer software or hardware.
8.25%. For loans disbursed on or after July 1, upload Sending information to another com-
1995, the interest rate during in-school, grade, puter(s) by means of a modem.
and deferment are 0.6% lower than the rate uppers See amphetamines.
during repayment. Independent undergraduate Upside: People Technology Capital P u b -
students may borrow up to these maximums, lished monthly by UMAC Inc., 731 Market
less any subsidized Stafford amounts: $6625 St., 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103-2005;
(lst year), $7500 (2nd year), $10,500 (remain- free to qualied subscribers. Contact:
ing years), cumulative $46,000. For indepen- UPSIDE Magazine, P.O. Box 3234, North-
dent graduate students the maximum loan is brook, IL 60065-3234 (phone 888-998-7743 or
$18,500 per year with a cumulative total of 847-291-5220; fax 847-291-4816; e-mail
$138,500. Payments of the principal are; Web site www.upside.
deferred until 6 months after the student com/).
ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time upskilling See cross-training; incumbent worker
basis, but the student is responsible for interest training.
that accrues. Maximum term is 10 years with upstream research In marketing, conducting
a $50 minimum payment per month. studies on prices and materials for products
unsubsidized interest Interest on a student still in the vision, dream, or early development
loan paid by the borrower rather than by the stages.
government. uptraining Training designed to improve
unsubsidized loan Under federal student aid employees performance of current skills and
programs, a loan that is not awarded on the teach new skills. Sometimes called redeploy-
basis of nancial need. The borrower is ment. Includes cross-training.
charged interest from the time the loan is dis- upward mobility 1. Readiness of employees
bursed until it is paid in full. However, the to assume more responsible or more demand-
borrower may choose to pay the interest or ing positions. Refers primarily to the prepara-
allow it to accumulate. If interest is allowed tion and promotion of minorities into more
to accumulate, it will be capitalized that is, demanding and remunerative jobs, including
the interest will be added to the principal managerial positions. 2. Programs designed to
The Urban Institute (UI) 699 US Airways, Inc. Petitioner v. Robert Barnett

identify specic jobs as targets for underde- usability testing 1. Testing the features of any
veloped employees; advertise projected system, including training systems, using such
vacancies in those jobs; identify and advertise techniques as paper and pencil studies, proto-
bridge positions leading to the target jobs; typing, behavioral benchmarking, and eld
identify specic qualications for each job; observations. In computer-based training
restrict competition for bridge and upward (CBT), for example, testing such features as
mobility jobs to underemployed, underdevel- screen design, navigation, and online help.
oped, and underutilized employees and appli- 2. Examining and analyzing the features of a
cants; prepare individual development plans Web site, such as download times and site
for selected individuals; and identify and search engines, to make it more functional.
implement specic training and development USA Freedom Corps See Executive Order
activities for each upward mobility position. 13254.
The Urban Institute (UI) A private, non- usage A sales readiness metric that measures
prot policy research and educational organi- the amount of content accessed or viewed by
zation with a staff of 200 established to inves- the sales force. It is calculated as follows:
tigate the social and economic problems Percentage of salespersons accessing the
confronting the nation and the government pol- material Average amount of material
icies and programs designed to alleviate such reviewed = Total usage.
problems. The Institutes objectives are to U.S. Air Force enlisted ranks From lowest
sharpen thinking about societys problems and to highest: Airman Basic E-1, Airman E-2,
efforts to solve them, improve government Airman 1st E-3, Senior Airman E-4, Staff Ser-
decisions and their implementation, and geant E-5, Technical Sergeant E-6, Master
increase citizens awareness about important Sergeant E-6, First Sergeant E-7, Senior Mas-
public choices. Contact: The Urban Institute, ter Sergeant E-8, First Sergeant E-8, Chief
2100 M. St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20037 Master Sergeant E-9.
(phone 202-833-7200; e-mail paffairs@ui. U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, and U.S. Marine; Web site Corps commissioned ofcer ranks F r o m
urgent care Medical treatment provided as lowest to highest: Second Lieutenant O1, First
soon as it can be arranged, although it is not Lieutenant O2, Captain O3, Major O4, Lieu-
immediately necessary to prevent death or tenant Colonel O5, Colonel O6, Brigadier
permanent impairment. General O7, Major General O8, Lieutenant
urine test The most common technique used General O9, General O10.
to detect drug use. There are two types: US Airways, Inc. Petitioner v. Robert Barnett
screening test and conrmatory test. Both The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
can result in false positives. prohibits an employer from discriminating
urologist A medical doctor that specializes in against an individual with a disability who,
the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the with reasonable accommodation, can per-
urinary tract in men and women, such as form the essential functions of the job. This
severe bladder infections, kidney cancer, and case raised the issue of how the Act resolves
reproductive disorders in men, mainly pros- a potential conict between: (1) the interests
tate cancer. of a disabled worker who seeks assignment to
urology A medical specialty for diagnosis and a particular position as a reasonable accom-
treatment of injuries and diseases of the uri- modation and (2) the interests of other work-
nary tract. ers with superior rights to bid for the job under
usability consultant Professionals who ob- an employers seniority system. On April 29,
serve how users interact with Web sites, eval- 2002, the Supreme Court ruled that the senior-
uate ndings, and recommend changes to ity system prevails in most cases because, to
make the sites easier to navigate. show that a requested accommodation con-
usability software Computer tools that can be icts with the rules of a seniority system is
purchased by companies to automate usabil- ordinarily to demonstrate that the accommo-
ity testing. dation is not reasonable. Such a showing
USA Patriot Act of 2001 700 U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces

would entitle an employer/defendant to sum- environmental protection, and national secu-

mary judgment on the question unless there rity. When directed by the president, operates
is evidence to the contrary. So, plaintiffs as a service in the U.S. Navy. Formerly a part
remain free to present evidence of special cir- of the Department of Transportation, it is now
cumstances that make reasonable a seniority a part of the Department of Homeland Secu-
rule exception in the particular case. Such a rity. Web site contains facts, images, and the
showing would defeat the employers demand history of the Coast Guard. Contact: U.S.
for summary judgment. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St. SW, Washing-
USA Patriot Act of 2001 See Patriot Act of ton, D.C. 20593 (phone 202-267-2229; Web
2001. site
U.S. Army branches of service Infantry, U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Ofcers Asso-
Artillery, Air Defense, Cavalry, Armor, Avia- ciation (USCPOA) An organization of ap-
tion, Engineer, Signal, Military Police, Chem- proximately 10,000 members open to active,
ical, Military Intelligence, Adjutant General, retired, and reserve Coast Guard chief petty
Chaplain, Finance, Judge Advocate General, ofcers. Its mission is to promote the welfare
Ordnance, Quartermaster, Transportation, of chief petty ofcers, to promote and protect
Medical (Doctor, Dentist, and Nurse), and the rights and benets of all armed forces
Civil Affairs. personnel, and to aid in Coast Guard recruit-
U.S. Army enlisted ranks From lowest to ing. Contact: USCPOA, 5520-G Hempstead
highest: Recruit E-1, Private E-2, Private First Way, Springeld, VA 22151-4009 (phone
Class E-3, Specialist 4 E-4, Corporal E-4, Ser- 703-941-0395; fax 703-941-0397; e-mail
geant E-5, Staff Sergeant E-6, Sergeant First; Web site
Class E-7, Master Sergeant E-8, First Sergeant
E-8, Sergeant Major E-9, Command Sergeant
U.S. Coast Guard enlisted ranks From low-
Major E-9, Sergeant Major of the Army E-9
est to highest: Seaman Recruit E-1, Seaman
(paid as an E-10).
Apprentice E-2, Seaman E-3, Petty Ofcer 3
U.S. Army Warrant Ofcers Association
E-4, Petty Ofcer 2 E-5, Petty Ofcer 1 E-6,
(USAWOA) An association of active duty,
Chief Petty Ofcer E-7, Senior Chief Petty
National Guard, reserve, and retired Army
Ofcer E-8, Master Chief Petty Ofcer E-9.
warrant ofcers. Its mission is to recommend
improvements in the U.S. Army and promote U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
technical and professional information among A ve-member civilian panel established to
warrant ofcers. Contact: USAWOA, 462 review ndings of the military appellate
Herndon Pkwy, Ste. 207, Herndon, VA 22070- review courts. The judges of the Court are
5235 (phone 800-5-USAWOA or 703-742- required by law to meet annually with the
7727; fax 703-742-7728; e-mail usawa@ judge advocates general of the Army, Navy,; Web site and Air Force, the chief counsel of the Coast
woa/). Guard, the staff judge advocate to the com-
U.S. Army warrant ofcer ranks F r o m mandant of the Marine Corps, and two civilian
lowest to highest: Chief Warrant Ofcer 1, lawyers appointed by the secretary of defense
Chief Warrant Ofcer 2, Chief Warrant to survey the operations of the Uniform Code
Ofcer 3, Chief Warrant Ofcer 4, Chief of Military Justice and to prepare a report to
Warrant Ofcer 5. the Congress on the number and status of
U.S. Bipartisan Commission on Comprehen- pending cases, together with any legislative
sive Health Care See Pepper Commission. recommendations relating to uniformity of
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) The primary fed- sentencing, amendments to the Code, and any
eral agency with maritime authority for the other matter considered appropriate. Contact:
U.S. It is an organization of people, ships, The Clerk of the Court, U.S. Court of Appeals
aircraft, boats, and shore stations and responds for the Armed Forces, 450 E. Street NW,
to tasks in four main mission areas: maritime Washington, D.C. 20442 (Web site www.arm-
law enforcement, maritime safety, marine
U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC) 701 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC)

U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC) discussion groups that can be read and
Through its 343 district ofces, USDOC addressed or posted.
employs international trade specialists who use of sick days for sick dependents A pol-
provide guidance to businesses on getting icy that allows employees to use their sick
started in exporting. Contact: USDOC, 1401 days to care for a spouse or other dependent
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. who is ill.
20230 (phone 202-377-5261; e-mail webmas- user fee 1. A charge, usually nominal, for ser-; Web site vices otherwise provided for free. 2. A fee
U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- proposed for outpatient care or for prescrip-
vices (HHS) The governments principal tion drugs when provided by a Military
agency for protecting the health of all Amer- Treatment Facility. Specically prohibited
icans and providing essential human services. by the Congress in 1988 and 1990 but
The department includes more than 300 pro- imposed on prescription drugs in Veterans
grams covering a wide range of activities; for Administration medical facilities only in the
example, medical and social science research, 1990 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
ensuring food and drug safety, Medicare and 1990.
Medicaid, nancial assistance for low-income user-friendly Describes the human-machine
families (AFDC), substance abuse treatment interface: hardware or software that is rela-
and prevention, and services for older Amer- tively simple to use.
icans. Contact: HSS, Hubert H. Humphrey userid A compression of user identication,
Building, 200 Independence Avenue SW, the unique signature of an Internet user that
Washington, D.C., 20201 (phone 301-443- usually precedes the @ (at) sign in an e-mail
3400; fax 301-443-0041; Web site www. address. users group meeting A meeting of consum-
use it or lose it rule An Internal Revenue ers of products and services that band together
Service rule that prohibits income deferrals to exchange information, discuss problems
(of benets) throughout the implementation and issues, and network; for example, users
of cafeteria plans. For example, unused exi- of desktop publishing equipment, computer
ble spending account credits from the current software, and computer hardware.
years plan may not be saved or deferred into U.S. government security In investments, a
a later plan year. If no other option is selected, security issued or guaranteed by the U.S. gov-
they are paid to the employee as fully taxable ernment or its agencies or instrumentalities.
income. Similarly, elective vacation purchases Includes U.S. treasury securities that differ
must be used in the year purchased or they only in their interest rates, maturities, and
are lost. times of issuance. Treasury bills have initial
U.S. Employment Service (USES) An agency maturities of 1 year of less; treasury notes
of the Department of Labor. Operates the Job have initial maturities of 1 to 10 years; and
Bank. Jobs listed by employers are matched treasury bonds generally have initial maturi-
by computer with people who are seeking ties of more than 10 years.
jobs. There is no charge for the service to Ushers syndrome An inherited disorder
either employers or job seekers, but it is used present at birth or early in life. It involves
primarily by the unemployed because they are hearing loss and a progressive loss of vision
required to register with U.S. Employment caused by retinitis pigmentosa. There is no
Service to collect unemployment compensa- treatment for the visual effects of the disease.
tion. USES has ofces in most cities and in Cochlear implants may provide some benet
all states. Contact: USES, DOL, Frances Per- for those with severe hearing loss.
kins Building, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) The Marine
Washington, D.C. 20210 (e-mail Webmas- Corps is organized, trained, and equipped pri-; Web site marily to: (1) provide eet marine forces of
usenet newsgroups On the Internet, upward combined arms, together with supporting air
of 7000 topic-oriented message bases and components, for service with the U.S. eet;
U.S. Marine Corps enlisted ranks 702 U.S. Travel Data Center (USTDC)

(2) provide detachments and organizations for administration is appealing the courts ruling,
service on armed vessels of the Navy, and arguing that the new limits inhibit the sharing
security detachments for the protection of of information between terrorism and criminal
naval property at naval stations and bases; and investigators.
(3) provide Marine forces for airborne opera- U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) An
tions, in coordination with the Army, the independent agency within the federal judi-
Navy, and the Air Force. Web site provides ciary, USSC provides guidelines for sentenc-
access to fact les and publications and con- ing corporations and other organizations con-
tains information on the history and traditions victed of federal criminal offenses such as
of the Corps. (Web site fraud, theft, or antitrust violations. The guide-
U.S. Marine Corps enlisted ranks F r o m lines offer corporations four mitigating factors
lowest to highest: Private E-1, Private First to reduce nes: (1) the offense was voluntarily
Class E-2, Lance Corporal E-3, Corporal E-4, reported or an effective program was main-
Sergeant E-5, Staff Sergeant E-6, Gunnery tained to prevent and detect violations, (2) no
Sergeant E-7, First Sergeant E-8, Master Ser- individual in a policy-setting position had
geant E-8, Master Gunnery Sergeant E-9, Ser- knowledge of the offense, (3) the company
geant Major E-9. cooperated fully with the governments inves-
U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard commis- tigation, and (4) the company accepted
sioned ofcer ranks From lowest to high- responsibility and took steps to remedy the
est: Ensign O1, Lieutenant Junior Grade O2, harm caused.
Lieutenant O3, Lieutenant Commander O4,
USTF Managed Care Plan An alternative to
Commander O5, Captain O6, Rear Admiral
health care in a military treatment facility
(Lower Half) O7, Rear Admiral (Upper Half)
(MTF), the plan is offered by Uniformed Ser-
O8, Vice Admiral O9, Admiral O10.
vices Treatment Facilities (USTF) to bene-
U.S. Navy enlisted ranks From lowest to
ciaries eligible under the Defense Enroll-
highest: Seaman Recruit E-1, Seaman Ap-
ment/Eligibility Reporting System who reside
prentice E-2, Seaman E-3, Petty Ofcer 3 E-4,
in the ZIP code-specic service area of a
Petty Ofcer 2 E-5, Petty Ofcer 1 E-6, Chief
USTF and are enrolled in the plan. Enrollees
Petty Ofcer E-7, Senior Chief Petty Ofcer
exchange their Civilian Health and Medical
E-8, Master Chief Petty Ofcer E-9, Master
Chief Petty Ofcer of the Navy E-9 (paid as Programs of the Uniformed Services and MTF
an E-10). benets for the benets of the USTF Managed
U.S. Navy warrant ofcer ranks From low- Care Plan. The USTF is responsible for meet-
est to highest: Chief Warrant Ofcer 2, Chief ing all of the enrolled beneciaries medically
Warrant Ofcer 3, Chief Warrant Ofcer 4, necessary health care needs.
Chief Warrant Ofcer 5. U.S. Travel Data Center (USTDC) The re-
U.S. Patriot Act of 2001 Amended the For- search and consulting afliate of the Travel
eign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Industry Association of America, the recog-
(FISA) to allow the Federal Bureau of Inves- nized source for domestic and international
tigation to conduct wiretaps or physical travel and tourism research. Members of the
searches to obtain evidence of a crime without Center receive annual and quarterly publica-
showing probable cause for such invasions of tions that examine U.S. domestic travel trends
privacy. Such wiretaps or searches can be and the economic impact of the travel indus-
authorized by FISA simply because a person try. The Center also performs proprietary mar-
is suspected of clandestine activities. On keting and economic research for corpora-
August 22, 2002, the U.S. Foreign Intelli- tions, associations, state and county
gence Surveillance Court rejected some of governments, and convention and visitors bu-
Attorney General John Ashcrofts guidelines reaus. Contact: Travel Data Center, Travel In-
for FBI terrorism searches and wiretaps as dustry Association of America, 1100 New
not reasonably designed to safeguard the York Ave., NW, Suite 450, Washington, D.C.
privacy of American citizens. The Bush 20005-3934 (phone 202-408-8422; fax
usual, customary, and reasonable 703 utilization review officer (URO)

202-408-1255; e-mail; Web relating to variations in practice among spe-

site cic categories, such as providers, facilities,
usual, customary, and reasonable (UCR) or geographic areas, and the severity of ill-
In it acronym form, used by insurance com- nesses, through sophisticated data analysis.
panies in connection with setting base fees. Following review and analysis of the prob-
UCR means that payment will be made for lems, utilization management programs are
charges the subscriber is legally responsible used to address the problems, the program is
to pay based on the normal, fair, and estab- implemented, results are audited and mea-
lished charge for a covered service or treat- sured, and information is fed back to the
ment (the same or similar) in the same service provider. 2. A process used for deciding
area. whether to approve treatment or referrals rec-
utilities Software programs provided by the ommended by health care providers. Typically
manufacturer, independent vendors, or devel- required in managed care plans and some tra-
oped in-house that increase the efciency of ditional plans.
computer systems and salvage deleted les Utilization Review Accreditation Commis-
and damaged directories. Examples are pro- sion (URAC) A voluntary, nonprot orga-
grams for sorting, cueing, merging, moving nization that evaluates external utilization
data, undeleting/unformatting, disk optimiz- review agencies, such as freestanding compa-
ing, backup preparation, memory managing, nies, utilization management departments of
and virus protection. insurance companies, and utilization depart-
utility programs See utilities. ments of managed care plans. Created as a
utilization 1. Use is commonly observed in subsidiary of the American Managed Care and
terms of patterns or rates of use of a single Review Association, which recently merged
service or type of service (e.g., hospital care, with the Group Health Association of Amer-
physician visits, prescription drugs). 2. Use is ica. Some states require certication by
also expressed in rates per unit of population URAC for authorization to operate a utiliza-
at risk for a given period. tion management organization. Contact:
utilization management (UM) Management URAC, 1275 K St., NW, Ste. 1100, Washing-
of health care programs to control costs. ton, D.C. (phone 202-216-9010; Web site
Involves data analysis of claims, identication
of specic utilization problems, evaluation of utilization review ofcer (URO) A medical
benets to ensure that employees have incen- practitioner given responsibility for precerti-
tives to use alternative, less costly, treatment fying the need for various medical procedures,
settings, and, based on ndings, revision of admission to a hospital, verication that con-
benets packages. tinued stay is essential, and discharge plan-
utilization review (UR) 1. A common part of ning, including tentative arrangements for
employees health benets packages. Involves continued care at home or in an extended care
a focused review of the use of the benets over facility.
time. UR seeks to identify specic problems
VA Value analysis. VRR Veterans reemployment
VADM Vice Admiral O9 (Navy rights.
military abbreviation). VRS Voice response system.
VAT Value-added tax. VSAT Very small aperture terminal.
VAWA Violence Against Women Act VSI Voluntary separation
of 1994. incentive.
VC Virtual classroom. VTC Video teleconferencing.
VCO Voice carryover. (V)TLTC (Virtual) Teaching, Learning,
VCR 1. Videocassette recorder. and Technology Center.
2. Voluntary compliance VTR Video tape recorder.
resolution. VTT Video teletraining.
VDT Video display terminal. V/TTY Voice/teletypewriter.
VE Value engineering. VVA Vietnam Veterans of America,
VEAP Veterans Education Inc.
Assistance Program. VWIN Veterans Widows
VEBA Voluntary employees International Network.
beneciary association.
VESA Video Electronic Standards vacation See annual leave.
Association. vacation buying/selling A time off from work
VetFran The Veterans Transition option. Employees are permitted to buy vaca-
Franchise Initiative. tion hours or days from other employees who
VEVRA Vietnam Era Veterans wish to sell them.
Readjustment and Assistance vacation carryover A leave policy that allows
Act of 1974. employees to keep unused vacation time in
VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars. one year for use in the next year.
VGA Video graphics array. vague lightheadedness Ill-dened wooziness
Vice Adm. Vice Admiral O9 (Navy that occurs while walking, especially in poor
civilian abbreviation). light or in a crowded, confusing place. May
VLAN Virtual local area network. be caused by a combination of hearing loss,
VNAA Visiting Nurse Associations of developing cataracts, and arthritis in the knees
America. or feet or by depression or anxiety disorders,
VNR Video news release. including panic attacks. See also disequilib-
VOD Video-on-demand. rium, faintness, and vertigo.
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol. validity An essential characteristic of tests,
VPN Virtual private network. ratings, and other psychological measures.
VR Virtual reality. Indicates the extent to which the instrument
VRA Veterans Readjustment Act of measures what it was supposed to measure
1952. and that scores or ratings provided by the
VRAM Video random access instrument predict or correlate signicantly
memory. with important aspects of job performance.
VRBA Veterans Readjustment validity generalization A concept that holds
Benets Act of 1966. that inconsistencies in traditional test valida-
VRML Virtual reality modeling tion studies are caused by statistical errors
language. that can be eliminated by meta-analysis.

valuation 706 values

When that is true, validity is judged to be focuses on the function of the product or ser-
generalized. vice and seeks to eliminate costs that do not
valuation A means of arriving at a fair esti- contribute to that function.
mate of the value of an industry, a sector, or value chain Refers to production in its en-
an organization. The most valuable valuation tirety, from the procurement of raw materials
metrics are earnings and cash ow; others to the point of consumption. It includes all of
include total enterprise value and net asset the entities that collect and process raw ma-
value, client base, competitive positioning, terials, the distributors, the manufacturers, and
pricing power, margins, and management. the end-product manufacturers.
value The perceived worth of a process, prod- value-creating work Innovative strategies
uct, service, asset, or function. and activities that enhance productivity and
value added 1. The value added to a product elevate quality. It is work that streamlines pro-
by the resources invested in the materials that cesses and improves products and services.
comprise it mainly the value that labor value engineering (VE) A systematic effort
added. Sometimes calculated as net sales to analyze the function of HR systems, equip-
minus inventory charge (increase) less mate- ment, facilities, procedures, methods, and
rial and supplies used equals production value supplies to achieve the necessary functions at
(value added). 2. In meeting management, ser- the lowest overall cost, consistent with
vices or items that are not regularly offered in requirements for performance, reliability,
the contracted cost but are negotiated between quality, and maintainability. In other words,
the meeting planner and the supplier. value engineering is a logical, organized
value-added tax (VAT) A tax levied on the method of studying hardware, software, and
increase in the value of a product or commod- procedures and design, construction, procure-
ity attributed to the labor involved in produc- ment, installation, and maintenance of sys-
ing, marketing, selling, and delivering it to tems to ensure that the required systems func-
customers or clients. An increment of value is tions are achieved at the lowest possible cost.
added at each stage of the production process, Value engineering relates the system to hard-
and the tax is ultimately borne by the con- ware, software, and procedures.
sumer. Also called a consumption tax. value pricing A new pricing strategy. Manu-
value-added tax (VAT) rebate services facturer keeps supplies at an as-needed level,
Firms that obtain VAT refunds for companies saving warehousing costs, and runs normal
that qualify for a VAT refund (mainly for- production shifts; freight companies distribute
prot companies) from Canada and European on normal schedule, saving on shipping costs;
countries that impose such taxes. Most charge products are sold at one value price, with
fees ranging from 15 to 40% of the refund. income from incentives passed on to the con-
value-adding work Activities and processes, sumer; dealer prots by selling rather than
from production to delivery, that transfer raw buying the product; need for warehousing is
materials, parts, and data into products and eliminated by implementing a just-in-time
services that can be delivered to customers. supply schedule, saving money for both deal-
Work that increases the value of a product or ers and consumers; products reach the con-
service to a potential customer or client. sumer earlier at lower prices.
value analysis (VA) A process that involves value research A subset or branch of value
the evaluation of basic systems functions and engineering. In marketing it seeks to deter-
alternative design approaches to determine mine the clients strongest preferences or dis-
which design contributes the most to overall likes and satisfactions or dissatisfactions, as
systems value in terms of effectiveness and well as features of the product or service on
costs. which the customer is neutral.
value analysis and engineering A produc- values The set of objects, activities, principles,
tivity improvement strategy that examines the or concepts that an individual or group con-
value added to a product or service by the siders important things that they will sac-
materials specied for its production. It rice for and work diligently to get or support.
values code 707 Varity Corp. v. Howe

In addition to compensation, achievement, variable compensation Any kind of pay

progress, and development, knowledge work- given strictly on the basis of employee or
ers value recognition by their peers, opportu- organizational performance and contributions
nities to provide professional assistance and to the achievement of organizational goals; a
leadership to groups of people, and accep- reward for outstanding performance. Options
tance and membership in closed and highly include special cash awards, special perfor-
select groups. mance targets, lump-sum merit, prot-shar-
values code See ethics. ing, team incentives, and gain sharing.
values education Programs designed to instill variable costs Total costs, less all xed or
certain principles considered to be fundamen- overhead costs. Variable costs are those that
tal to the continuation of a free society. Pro- change with the volume of output (e.g., labor
ponents believe that the nation cannot survive hours and raw material), increasing as produc-
unless the values upon which it was grounded tion rises and decreasing as production vol-
are fully comprehended and practiced by each ume contracts. See direct costing.
succeeding generation. The program is typi- variable focus lenses Eye glass lenses that
cally infused into elementary, middle school, eliminate the sharp cutoffs and distortion of
and high school curriculums. In earlier years, bifocal lenses, making it possible to see both
values education focused on inculcating and close-up and distant objects without changing
modeling such values as promptness, neatness glasses.
and cleanliness, working hard, and respecting variable interest An interest rate that is deter-
the property of others. Today the thrust is as mined by an index that periodically changes
much if not more often on helping students based on adjustments to the index.
clarify their own values and acquire moral variable pay See variable compensation.
reasoning and value analysis skills. variance 1. A measure of the dispersion in a
values statement A corporate document that set of data that is equal to the the average of
states precisely what is important to the orga- the squared deviations of each item from the
nization or business. Such statements have mean. 2. In project management, the differ-
been used as the primary means of changing ence between what was expected and the
the culture of an organization. actual outcome with regard to budget, sched-
value-sustaining work Activities essential to ule, specications, or deliverables.
sustain the production process. variance analysis In budgeting, the process of
vaporware Software that does not exist except isolating and identifying deviations from
in the minds of the producers yet is announced expected results and resolving signicant vari-
or discussed. ances into their components to determine
variable annuity A contract between a buyer causes. These ndings are presented to the
and an insurance company, under which the decision maker for appropriate remedial action.
insurer agrees to make periodic payments to variance forecast In human resources fore-
the buyer, beginning either immediately or at casting, a measure of an organizations ability
some future date. The buyer purchases a vari- to meet future personnel needs that drives the
able annuity contract by making either a sin- recruitment process. The variance forecast
gle purchase payment or a series of purchase makes use of both the demand forecast and the
payments. The amount paid to retirees varies availability forecast to calculate and graphi-
according to the investment yield of the funds cally display the variance between the two.
set aside to provide it. Variable annuities are Varity Corp. v. Howe A 1996 ruling of the
designed to be long-term investments, to meet U.S. Supreme Court on the issue of whether
retirement and other long-range goals. Vari- workers have the right to sue on their own
able annuities are not suitable for meeting behalf under the Employee Retirement
short-term goals because substantial taxes and Income Security Act of 1974. The Court ruled
insurance company charges may apply if that workers who have been denied benets in
funds are withdrawn early. violation of ERISA can seek individual reme-
variable budgeting See exible budgeting. dies and ready access to the federal courts.
vascular surgeon 708 vertical bar chart

vascular surgeon A medical specialist who nancing used by many high-risk companies.
diagnoses, repairs, and treats blood vessels, It involves commitment of funds by venture
such as by means of carotidectomy. capital rms following assessment of several
vascular surgery A medical specialty for factors: the background and skills of the man-
diagnosis and treatment of blood vessels. agement team, marketability of products and
VAT reclaim/refund The practice of recover- services, size and projected growth of the mar-
ing value-added taxes (VATs) on consumer ket, and anticipated return on investment.
goods and services paid to foreign govern- ventures In planning and marketing, separate
ments, particularly in Europe, and especially business units established by a corporation to
by organizations whose employees are fre- develop and bring new technologies and
quent international business travelers. By l- products to market as a means of dealing with
ing the appropriate forms, U.S. corporations the growing competitiveness of the business
can recover VATs on such items as hotels, environment.
meals, car rentals, gasoline, taxis, conferences, venturing Establishing partnerships with
phone calls, and other business expenses other companies to share costs and risks.
(ranging from 3 to 18%) because European Verimetrics analyzer A lie detector invented
governments consider businesses as interme- by Charles R. McQuiston, retired chief of the
diaries, rather than end-users, which are the Technical Committee, U.S. Army Intelligence
target of the VAT. Under terms of a 1966 agree- School, Fort Huachuca, AZ. The system is
ment, U.S. rms are eligible for refunds of the billed as a more accurate machine than its
15% VAT taxes paid in Germany. predecessor, the Psychological Stress Evalu-
VDT disease A hazard or occupational illness ator. It is said to detect lies by measuring and
attributable to the use of video display termi- graphically tracing changes in stress levels in
nals in the workplace: hand and wrist muscle the subjects voice and has been adopted by
strain, neck and back problems, other law enforcement departments in California,
musculoskeletal disorders, hypertension, eye- Florida, and Louisiana.
strain and vision problems, and potentially Veronica A software program that helps
dangerous levels of radiation as a consequence Internet users to nd the information they
of long-term exposure. seek by entering keywords to locate the site
vector graphics In desktop publishing, a type where the information is stored. An alternative
of software that uses a line between two to Archie.
points. Most illustration software uses vector vertical bar chart A means of displaying
graphics instead of the slower (but more pre- data graphically. Most often used to compare
cise) bit-mapped drawings used in earlier
computer graphics software. Vectors can be
Relative Importance of Managerial Skills
processed as a series of points and connec-
tions, making it easier and faster for a com-
puter to store and manipulate them.
veeper A talking head created from a single
photo or any other two-dimensional image
and an audio track. The veeper can be made
to smile, frown, nod, blink, or move its mouth
as it speaks, making lip synching completely
automated. Used to create educational or 10%
training materials for distribution via the Web.
vendor program In benets, an employer- 5%
sponsored dependent care option in which an
employer subsidizes dependent care slots in 0%
group day care centers or family day care














venture capital An equity nancing option


for growing businesses and the early stage of

vertical disintegration 709 Veterans Benefits Act of 1997

similar data in different time periods, such as remote sites with corporate computer main-
monthly sales or production, or to measure frames and conferencing facilities.
performance against a standard. vested or vesting 1. An employee is said to
vertical disintegration Describes corpora- be vested when he or she acquires a legal right
tions that shed layer after layer of full-time to accrued benets at retirement. A vested
workers until their operations are performed benet is a nonforfeitable immediate or
largely by contract employees. deferred benet that an employee has gained.
vertical management The traditional line and 2. A benet plan provision that entitles
staff organization structure, composed of the employees to all or a portion of accrued bene-
primary functions of engineering, manufac- ts in company pension plans even if they are
turing, marketing and sales, nance, and qual- placed on long-term or permanent layoff prior
ity assurance, each with its own manager, to retirement. The Employee Retirement
reporting to the COO or general manager. Income Security Act of 1974 species the
vertical organization The traditional line and standards for vesting of employee contribu-
staff structure, often with multiple levels of tions and was made more restrictive by the
authority and responsibility. Tax Reform Act of 1986. 3. That point in time
vertical programming One type of satellite- when an executive can exercise a stock option
delivered video training program usually or stock appreciation rights or some other
executive compensation plan can no longer be
programs aimed at a specic audience; for
example, software designers or professional
vestibule training Induction training pro-
vided to new hires outside the work site to
vertical review and analysis A review of the
acquaint them with the equipment, tools, and
performance of elements of an organization
procedures used on the job. Most frequently
by function. For example, review and analysis
used when the job involves costly equipment
in turn of the marketing, sales, and production
and materials or involves hazardous work or
departments an organization.
when inexperienced workers would slow pro-
vertical thinking The conventional approach duction. Sometimes makes use of simulators,
to thought. Vertical thinking uses techniques as in ight training.
to eliminate uncertainty and error, simplify vesting schedules See cliff vesting; graded
complexity, and improve decision making. It vesting; rule of 45.
involves breaking a problem into smaller and Veterans and Dependents Millennium Edu-
smaller pieces to get it to a manageable size cation Act of 2000 Upgraded the Mont-
and perspective. It focuses on an answer; for gomery GI Bill: raised the monthly education
example, it is the process involved in calcu- benet from $536 to $600 effective October 1,
lating ones tax liability. Also called conver- 2000, and to $720 on October 1, 2002;
gent thinking. increased the 4-year value of the benet from
vertigo Involves an illusion of rotary motion $19,296 to $23,760; gave active duty person-
where everything is spinning. Usually indi- nel another chance to convert from the Veter-
cates a problem in the vestibular system, either ans Assistance Program to the GI Bill;
in the inner ears or the nerves that connect increased survivors and dependents monthly
them to the brain stem or the brain stem itself. education assistance benets for full-time stu-
Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. dents from $485 to $600 on October 1, 2000,
May be triggered by a blow on the head, recur- and to $720 on October 1, 2002, with a pro-
rent changes in motion (such as in a moving portionate increase to part-time students;
car, boat, or aircraft), inner ear disorders, allowed the use of GI Bill benets to pay for
Menieres disease, tumors, impending stroke, a veterans civilian occupational licensing or
or multiple sclerosis. See also disequilibrium, certication examination.
faintness, and vague lightheadedness. Veterans Benets Act of 1997 Amended
very small aperture terminal (VSAT) A sys- Title 38, United States Code, to revise, extend,
tem of satellite communications that links and improve programs for veterans, including
Veterans Benefits Act of 2002 710 Veterans Education Assistance

treatment and rehabilitation for seriously December 1, 2002, rates of compensation for
mentally ill and homeless veterans. Approved veterans with service-connected disabilities
November 21, 1997. and the rates of dependency and indemnity
Veterans Benets Act of 2002 Amended compensation for the survivors of certain dis-
Title 38, United States Code, to improve abled veterans. Approved October 23, 2002.
authorizations of the Department of Veterans Veterans Compensation Rates Amendments
Affairs relating to veterans compensation, of 1993 Legislation that amended Title 38,
dependency and indemnity compensation, and United States Code, to provide cost-of-living
pension, education, housing, memorial affairs, adjustment in the rates of disability compen-
life insurance, and other benets and to sation for veterans with service-connected
improve the administration of veterans bene- disabilities and the rates of dependency and
ts relating to judicial review of veterans indemnity compensation for survivors of such
claims for benets. Approved December 6, veterans.
2002. Veterans Compensation Rates Amendments
Veterans Benets and Health Care Improve- of 2001 Amended Title 38, United States
ment Act of 2000 Amended Title 38, Code, to provide cost-of-living adjustments in
United States Code, to increase the rates of rates of disability compensation for veterans
educational assistance under the Montgom- with service-connected disabilities and the
ery GI Bill and improve procedures for the rates of dependency and indemnity compen-
adjustment of rates of pay for nurses em- sation for survivors of such veterans.
ployed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Approved December 21, 2001
The Act made other improvements in veter- Veterans Education and Benets Expansion
ans educational assistance, health care, and Act of 2001 Amended Title 38, United
benets programs. Approved November 1, States Code, to modify and improve authori-
2000. ties relating to education benets, compensa-
Veterans Benets COLAs Act of 2002 Au- tion and pension benets, housing benets,
thorized a 1.4% increase in veterans disabil- burial benets, and vocational rehabilitation
ity compensation, dependency and indemnity benets for veterans. As of October 1, 2002,
compensation, and related benets effective increased the monthly benet from the Mont-
December 1, 2002. Signed into law October gomery GI Bill from $800 to $900 and autho-
23, 2002. rized three increases that will raise the lifetime
Veterans Benets Improvement Act of benet from $24,192 (prior to October 1,
1994 Authorized compensation to Persian 2001) to $35,460 on October 1, 2003. The
Gulf Veterans suffering from disabilities nal increase, to $985, will take effect Octo-
resulting from undiagnosed illnesses possibly ber 1, 2003. The Act also increased the burial
incurred during service in the Persian Gulf. and funeral expenses allowance for veterans
Authorized the secretary of veterans affairs to who die as a result of a service-connected
compensate Gulf War veterans who suffer disability from $1500 to $2000 and the cem-
chronic disabilities that become apparent dur- etery plot allowance for certain other disabled
ing or within a specied time after their ser- veterans from $150 to $300. The law also
vice in the Gulf region. Signed by the presi- directs the VA to honor requests for govern-
dent on November 2, 1994. ment grave markers for veterans buried in pri-
Veterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Ad- vate cemeteries even if their graves have head-
justment Act of 2000 Increased, effective stones or markers furnished at private
December 1, 2000, rates of compensation for expense. Approved December 27, 2001.
veterans with service-connected disabilities Veterans Education Assistance Program
and the rates of dependency and indemnity (VEAP) Authorizes active-duty participants
compensation of survivors of certain disabled who entered service between January 1, 1977,
veterans. Approved November 1, 2000. and June 30, 1985, to switch to the Montgom-
Veterans Compensation Cost-of Living Ad- ery GI Bill program, which offers higher
justment Act of 2002 Increased, effective benets. Signed into law October 4, 1996.
veterans employment and training laws 711 Veterans Readjustment Benefits Act

veterans employment and training laws operational experience to the VA health care
See Job Training Partnership Act of 1982; Vet- system; and produce savings for the Medicare
erans Readjustment Benets Act of 1966; Trust Fund. Approved by President Clinton on
Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment and August 8, 1996, at which time he directed the
Assistance Act of 1974; Veterans and Depen- secretary of veterans affairs to submit the
dents Millennium Education Act of 2000. enabling legislation to Congress.
Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of Veterans Millennium Health Care and Ben-
1998 The Act adds points to a veterans civil ets Act of 1999 Legislation that includes
service examination, extends veterans prefer- long-term and emergency care, improved
ence provisions to nonpolitical federal jobs, benets, and homeless veterans programs.
including legislative and judicial branches of Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs
government and the General Accounting (VA) to provide nursing home care to enrolled
Ofce, allows veterans whose preference veterans who are rated 70% or more service-
rights have been violated to seek redress connected disabled and to veterans with a ser-
through the federal courts, prohibits hiring vice-connected disability who need institu-
personnel from violating veterans preference tional care for that disability. Also provides
rights, and expands employment opportunities noninstitutional, long-term care as part of the
for disabled veterans and Vietnam- and Per- basic benets package for VA enrollees and
sian Gulf-era veterans with vendors doing extensions of the Montgomery GI bill and
business under federal contracts. Became law establishes a quality assurance program
October 31, 1998. within the VA.
Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI) Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) An orga-
Low-cost group life insurance available to vet- nization of approximately 2.7 million mem-
erans of all military services following sepa- bers, open to all grades and ranks of past and
ration from active duty. Effective December present members of the U.S. armed forces
1, 1992, veterans may increase their coverage discharged under honorable conditions and
to a maximum of $200,000 but they cannot awarded a Department of Defense-authorized
obtain more coverage under VGLI than the campaign or foreign service medal. Its mis-
total of their coverage in force under Service- sions are fraternal, patriotic, historical, and
mens Group Life Insurance. Veterans are educational. Contact: VFW, 406 West 34th
also guaranteed VGLI coverage on a renew- Street, Kansas City, MO 64111 (phone 816-
able basis for 5-year terms. 756-3390; fax 816-968-1149; e-mail info@
Veterans Health Care Reform Act of 1996; Web site
Required the VA to establish an annual patient Veterans Programs Enhancement Act of
enrollment system. Mandated that, by October 1998 Amends Title 38, United States Code,
1, 1998, all veterans not enrolled would no to improve benets and services provided to
longer be able to use the VA health care sys- Persian Gulf War veterans, to provide a cost-
tem. Veterans requiring care for a service-con- of-living adjustment in rates of compensation
nected condition, or who are 50% or more paid to veterans with service-connected dis-
service-connected disabled, were exempt abilities, and to enhance programs providing
from the enrollment requirement. health care, compensation, education, insur-
Veterans Medicare Reimbursement Model ance, and other benets. Approved November
Project Act of 1996 The bill established a 10, 1998.
model demonstration project at a limited num- Veterans Readjustment Benets Act of 1966
ber of sites under which the Department of (VRBA) As amended by the Vietnam Era Vet-
Veterans Affairs would be reimbursed by the erans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974
Department of Health and Human Services for (P.L. 93-508) and by P.L. 100-212 of 1988. An
health care provided to certain Medicare-eli- act designed to meet the special employment
gible veterans. The purpose of the bill is to and training needs of disabled veterans and
expand the choice of health care for older Vietnam-era veterans and increase their oppor-
veterans; bring new resources, utilization, and tunities to obtain employment, job training,
Veterans Reemployment Act of 1994 712 Victims Rights Clarification Act of 1997

counseling, and job placement services. The veterans widows (survivors), reaching out to
Act established an assistant secretary of labor other veterans widows across the U.S. and
for veterans employment and training within overseas. Its goal is to: (1) inform them of
the Department of Labor to promulgate and benets and privileges for which they might
administer policies and programs to provide qualify, (2) help them gather needed docu-
employment and training services and pro- ments to submit their claims, (3) direct them
grams. to where they will receive best attention, (4)
Veterans Reemployment Act of 1994 S p e - keep them abreast of new legislative changes
cically protects the pension benets of through periodic newsletters, and (5) give
employees called to active duty in the armed them a sense of community with other veter-
services. Applies to any pension plan pro- ans widows. Contact: VWIN, 3657E South
tected under the Employee Retirement Lareto St., Aurora, CO 80013 (phone 303-
Income Security Act of 1974, including both 693-4745; e-mail; Web
401(k) and traditional pension plans. site
veterans reemployment rights Federal stat- viatical settlement A form of living benet
utes designed to encourage noncareer service by which companies (not insurance carriers),
in the military by reducing the employment backed by private investors and pension and
disadvantages that result from such service. corporate funds, purchase life insurance poli-
The original VRR law was passed in 1940 and cies for between 15 and 95% of their face
has been amended many times since. value in exchange for being named the bene-
Veterans Reemployment Rights Acts of 1993 ciary. The shorter the individuals life
and 1994 Guarantee that employees who expectancy, the higher the percentage paid.
enlist or are called to active military duty have The industry has come into being since 1989,
a right to return to a job of similar seniority, largely precipitated by the AIDS epidemic.
pay, and status upon release to civilian life.
People with huge medical bills and short life
The Acts also dened compensation for pur-
expectancies sell their policies to get immedi-
poses of dened contribution plans as salary
ate cash; companies purchase the policies to
or wages paid to the worker just prior to his
get a quick return on investment. Considered
or her entry into military service and deter-
unconscionable, even ghoulish, by some, but
mined that the length of time a returning vet-
realistic and defensible by others. Also called
eran has to make retroactive savings plan con-
death futures.
tributions should be any reasonable period
agreed to by both the employer and the vicarious liability The liability of a trainer or
employee. others responsible for training if injuries occur
Veterans Survivor Benets Improvement as a result of an employees application of the
Act of 2001 Amends Title 38, United States skills taught in a training program.
Code, to expand eligibility for CHAMPVA, Vichy shower An alternative treatment in
provide for family coverage and retroactive which hot and cold sea water is sprayed on
expansion of the increase in maximum bene- the body by means of low-pressure hoses.
ts under Servicemembers Group Life Said to cleanse and heal the body.
Insurance, and make other technical amend- Victims of Trafcking and Violence Protec-
ments. Approved June 5, 2001. tion Act of 2000 Combats trafcking in
The Veterans Transition Franchise Initiative persons, especially in the sex trade, slavery,
(VetFran) Allows veterans to acquire a and servitude. Reauthorizes certain federal
franchise with a down payment of 10% or programs to prevent violence against women.
less of the initial franchise cost, which gen- Approved October 28, 2000.
erally ranges from $45,000 to $150,000 for a Victims Rights Clarication Act of 1997
small business. Franchise companies absorb Amends Title 18, United States Code, to
the difference. ensure the right of victims of crime to attend
Veterans Widows International Network and observe the trials of those accused of the
(VWIN) An organization consisting of crime. Approved March 19, 1997.
video board 713 video information system (VIS)

video board Hardware that enables a com- systems, room-based videoconferencing

puter to play video. systems, and videophone videoconferencing
video capture card Equipment and associ- systems.
ated software that allow the user to run vid- video decompression In multimedia, the pro-
eotape signals into a computer, convert them cess of restoring previously compressed infor-
to digital video, play them back on a monitor, mation or images into the format from which
and save them as digital video les. it was compressed. With some processes some
video card A device that ts into a bay or slot information may be lost; with others, no infor-
in the central processing unit of a computer mation is lost.
and enables the computer to play digital video videodisc A means of storing data, it makes
les. use of large (12 inches in diameter), rigid discs
videocassette recorder (VCR) A device that using analog, rather than digital, technology.
allows the user to play videotapes on a tele- Such discs can store full text, graphics, still
vision screen and to record programs that are and full motion video, and audio. They hold
being received by a television set for playback about 30 minutes of linear play video on each
at a later time. side and can accommodate 54,000 still pic-
video codec An efcient video compression tures with limited audio per frame. Files can
technology for use in low-bandwidth environ- be accessed randomly, and images can be
ments, such as videoconferencing and inter- accessed by computer for display. Storage is
active learning. Also called H. 261. permanent (ROM). Requires special equip-
video compression 1. In multimedia, the pro- ment to read. Digital videodiscs may replace
cess of reducing the number of digital bits videocassettes and compact disc-read only
required to store information or images to save memory as a universal storage medium.
memory; in some cases no information is lost video display terminal (VDT) The viewing
by the process; in others, some is lost but screen of a computer on which the les and
enough information is retained to represent the data inputted by peripheral devices or out-
the original image. 2. In video products and putted by the computer can be seen and
systems, transmitting only the difference manipulated.
between frames rather than entire frames, Video Electronic Standards Association
thereby achieving compression ratios of as (VESA) An organization that creates, estab-
much as 50 to 1. The most common of these lishes, disseminates, and supports industry-
is MPEG-2, the heart of digital TV set-top wide video graphics standards for the benet
boxes, high denition TV decoders, digital of producers and consumers. Contact: VESA,
virtual disc players, video-conferencing, and 2150 North First Street, Suite 440, San Jose,
Internet video. A newer version is MPEG-4. CA. 95131-2029 (phone 408-957-9270;
an efcient compression technology that sup- e-mail; Web site
ports interactive graphics and interactive
multimedia. video, full-motion Broadcast-quality video
videoconferencing Point-to-point communi- full screen video that is played back at 30
cation between two or more groups at two or frames per second.
more locations using satellite communications video graphics array (VGA) A color graph-
or phone lines. Television screens, cameras, ics standard introduced by IBM. VGA has a
and microphones are located at all sites. Train- resolution of 640 480 pixels, providing an
ers and participants can see and hear each other. 8-bit color bitmapped display.
Includes point-to-point (only two sites video information system (VIS) A set of
involved), multipoint (three or more sites), specications for interactive compact disc
desktop (transmitted to individual computers), players that are simply connected to a televi-
and room-based (when displayed on a large- sion set and are operated by a remote control
screen monitor) videoconferencing. There device. VIS is an open system based on Win-
are four categories: desktop videoconferenc- dows 3.1 that will be licensed to both hard-
ing systems, roll-about videoconferencing ware and software vendors.
video news release (VNR) 714 Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment

video news release (VNR) Satellite technol- sites, thereby allowing instructors and trainees
ogy used by corporations, associations, and to see each other and conduct discussions in
government agencies to transmit to the public real time.
audio, visual, and textual information across videotex The transmission of text and graph-
the country or anywhere in the world. Video ics either by television broadcast or telephone
clips average 90 seconds and are accompanied lines, usually for display on the screens of
by background visuals. Prior to transmission conventional TV sets, data terminals, or per-
in the U.S., more than 750 TV stations are sonal computers.
sent a VNR alert by fax. Video Toaster A customized Commodore
video-on-demand (VOD) High-performance, Amiga personal computer that serves as a
real-time transmission, storage, and retrieval desktop video production facility. It manipu-
imaging systems. May be interactive. Employ lates video signals directly instead of having
streamed video and are digitized and made to convert them, and, by means of a video
available as searchable clips delivered to users digitizer, brings any image a camera can see
on demand at remote locations. Users employ into a computer. It integrates the output of as
a Web-based interface to search for video many as seven other devices to create video
clips. effects formerly produced only by expensive,
videophone A device that uses ber optics, large-scale production facilities. It has an on-
digital signal compression, and telephone lines screen icon display accessible by the click of
and satellite communications to transmit a mouse for 132 preprogrammed special
detailed still or motion pictures over very great effects.
distances. Used in telemedicine projects. Vietnam era veteran A person who served
videophone teleconferencing systems on active duty with any of the U.S. armed
Employ a small screen, built-in camera, video forces between January 1, 1963, and May 7,
codec, audiosystem, and keypad. Used prima- 1975.
rily for one-on-one communications and pre- Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment and
sentations, such as between executives. Assistance Act of 1974 (VEVRA) Legislation
video random access memory (VRAM) A passed by Congress to promote the hiring of
special kind of high-speed memory used for qualied disabled veterans and veterans of
the computers display and in frame buffers. the Vietnam era. The Act proscribes discrim-
video stream In multimedia, a sequence of ination against those veterans and requires
video images played back by means of com- afrmative action to hire and promote them.
puter command. Qualied disabled veterans are those who
video tape recorder (VTR) A recording and receive disability compensation for a 30% or
playback tape deck. greater disability or who were discharged or
video teleconferencing (VTC) A form of dis- released from active duty for an injury
tance training or education that links class- received or aggravated in the line of duty.
rooms at two or more locations with live, full- Veterans of the Vietnam era are individuals
motion video using telephone or satellite com- who were on active duty more than 180 days
munications. Enables instructors to be tele- between August 5, 1964 and May 5, 1975, and
vised live to multiple training locations. Inter- were not dishonorably discharged or were on
action between and among instructors and active duty between those dates and were
trainees can be achieved by means of open released for a service-connected disability.
telephone, fax, and computer lines. The Act requires employers to take afrmative
video teletraining (VTT) A delivery system action to employ and advance qualied dis-
used by the military services to provide train- abled and Vietnam era veterans. It applies only
ing at remote sites using satellite communica- to federal contractors and subcontractors with
tions. VTT differs from conventional TV train- contracts of $10,000 or more. Larger contrac-
ing in that it is two-way communication using tors (with contracts worth $50,000 or more
large-screen TV, video cameras, and audio and 50 or more employees) must also prepare
systems at both the sending and receiving afrmative action programs. The Ofce of
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. 715 virtual organization

Federal Contract Compliance is empowered virtual classroom (VC) The name is copy-
to bring actions in federal court to enforce this righted by the Computerized Conferencing
legislation. and Communications Center, New Jersey
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. (VVA) Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ. A teach-
Established to help, encourage, and promote inglearning environment contained within a
the improvement of the condition of the Viet- computer-mediated communication system;
nam veteran; advance the physical and cul- that is, it is a set of group communication
tural improvement, growth, development, work spaces and facilities fabricated in soft-
self-respect, self-condence, and usefulness ware rather than steel, bricks, and lumber. Its
of those veterans and others; eliminate dis- purpose is to facilitate distance or remote
crimination suffered by Vietnam veterans; and learning and to improve the quality of educa-
develop channels of communication that will tion and training.
assist Vietnam veterans to maximize self-real- virtual HR Use of technology, including the
ization and enrichment of their lives and World Wide Web, to provide self-service
enhance life fulllment. Contact: VVA, 8605 human resources programs, such as benets
Cameron Street, Suite 400, Silver Spring, MD enrollment, database updating, and employee
20910-3710 (phone 800-VVA-1316 or 301- performance evaluation. Examples of virtual
585-4000; fax 301-585-0519; e-mail commu- HR are interactive, multimedia computer pro-; Web site grams, information kiosks, and voice-
viewnder The part of a camera through which response telephone systems. Relieves HR
the user can see the subject. Digital cameras managers of routine or repetitive tasks and, at
have both optical and LCD (liquid crystal dis- the same time, empowers workers to take
play) viewnders. charge of their own careers.
Violence Against Women Act of 1994 virtual local area network (VLAN) A net-
(VAWA) Fills a gap in existing employment work that is mapped out by means other than
bias law by providing a means of obtaining physical location, such as using software
relief for violent sexual harassment (violation instead of switches. Its main advantage is ex-
of civil rights). Claimants may sue individuals ibility enabling users to switch network
for outrageous, humiliating, or degrading routing around without physically changing
behavior and are not required to exhaust anything.
administrative remedies before initiating the virtual mentoring Mentoring from a distance
suit. The Act also presents potential liability employing such means as e-mail and video-
for employers and supervisors who knew or conferencing.
should have known of sexual harassment per- virtual ofce The workplace (such as hotel
petrated by a coworker or supervisor. rooms, cars, and clients ofces) of sales peo-
viral marketing Occurs when a message ple, eld engineers, customer service repre-
(such as an e-mail or a free download) spreads sentatives, auditors, and other employees who
to other people online simply because the rst work off the company premises when and
recipients liked it and chose to send it on to where it is convenient and remain connected
others. It is unplanned; in fact, it is next to by computer links and telephone modems.
impossible to create a viral campaign that has Said to replace real estate with technology.
a fraction of the success of a chance event. virtual organization An organization built on
viral meningitis Inammation and infection, exibility and employee empowerment and
with one of several viruses, of the membranes valuing diversity, speed, teamwork, commun-
that cover the brain and spinal cord. Symp- ication, and a highly skilled workforce. Such
toms include fever, headache, sensitivity of organizations are based on networks or teams
the eyes to light, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, that are focused on a single problem. They
aches and pains, listlessness, and irritability. can be internal or external to the rm and can
Although uncomfortable, it is usually resolved be extended to include customers, clients, sup-
without treatment or serious aftereffects. See pliers, and even competitors in strategic alli-
also bacterial meningitis and meningitis. ances. Also called virtual teams. Attributed to
virtual private network (VPN) 716 vision care

Joseph R. Cleveland, president of Lockheed and control costs. See also base camp; inno-
Martin of Orlando, FL. vation and research center; lounge/forum;
virtual private network (VPN) Similar to a mentoring center; overload clinic; play space;
computer network in that there must be at least reference desk; resource room; studio; train-
two computers and a medium that connects ing center; work space.
them. In a regular network, such as Ethernet, virtual team A network of employees in dif-
there is a physical connection between the ferent locations who can be interconnected by
computers a wire or a wireless signal. With fax, phone, e-mail, videoconferencing, or an
a VPN, no medium is specied, so two or intranet and who focus on accomplishing a
more computers can be connected by a local goal, objective, or project as a team.
area network, a wide area network, or, most virtual workplace A term used by some com-
often, the Internet. The private part of VPN is panies to indicate a broader interpretation of
that computers connect to each other as the virtual ofce. Employees may work in
though they were wired together. Sometimes hotels, at the clients site, or elsewhere.
called a tunnel. virus A hostile short-code segment of a com-
virtual reality (VR) Systems that create com- puter program that attaches itself to the begin-
puter-generated, three-dimensional, multisen- ning or end of a code piece and gives com-
sory, real-time, interactive articial environ- mands to modify or destroy data. Computers
ments through the use of graphics and get sick when they pick up a virus that is
animation technology. Using sensing and hitchhiking on foreign oppy disks or pro-
interface devices (such as stereoscopic head- gram les downloaded from bulletin boards.
gear or eye phones) and software (such as data Viruses can attack any executable computer
suits and tracking equipment), the systems le, overlay le, allocation table, partition
create three-dimensional, directly interactive table, or boot sector. Some viruses instruct the
environments that immerse users into worlds system to do a variety of abnormal activities
that appear real and allow them to interact such as drawing a picture on the screen, print-
with those worlds. Used in training, manufac- ing a message, erasing les, or performing
turing, and entertainment. other destructive acts. Some are intelligent
virtual reality modeling language (VRML) enough to look for an unused piece of code
Codies into a standardized format such com- within a program. For that reason they are
plex tasks as simulating articial environ- difcult to detect.
ments; inputting control data; outputting Visa Waiver Program Allows citizens of
visual, aural, or feedback data; storing and selected countries traveling temporarily to the
manipulating three-dimensional worlds; and U.S. under the nonimmigrant admission
communicating virtual reality data to others. classes of visitors for pleasure or business to
Essentially, VRML is a means of describing enter the U.S. without obtaining nonimmi-
objects in three-dimensional space. grant visas. Admission is for no more than 90
(Virtual) Teaching, Learning, and Technol- days.
ogy Center [(V) TLTC] A means being vision 1. A leaders sense (that is, his or her
used by institutions of higher learning: (1) to intuitive feeling) that an idea is good, believ-
combine both online and on-site access, able, and worthwhile to attempt to carry out,
thereby enabling collaboration among aca- and that leaders ability to instill in others that
demic support service professionals and con- it was, in fact, their idea in the rst place. 2.
centrating their efforts to achieve the mission A view, shared by all constituencies of an
of the institution; (2) to help faculty and aca- organization, of the purposes, values, and
demic support professionals keep pace with principles toward which the organization is
changes in the needs, capabilities, and goals moving and around which it can shape its
of learners and teachers; and (3) to facilitate culture.
maximum use of the Web and related technol- vision care An ancillary benet that typically
ogy applications to increase access to re- provides one eye examination per year and
sources, improve the effectiveness of services, eyeglass frames and lenses as needed.
vision care plan 717 voice carry over (VCO)

vision care plan A form of protection benet, (images) and to create messages using visual
a plan by which reimbursements are provided symbols. 3. The ability to translate visual
to covered employees for limited optometric images into verbal language and vice versa. 4.
examinations and lens prescriptions. The ability to search for and evaluate visual
visioning Developing a vision statement for information in visual media. (As dened by the
an organization. Prophesying the future International Visual Literacy Association).
what the world of work and business will vital statistics Statistics relating to births
become, what the organization will become, (natality), deaths (mortality), marriages, health,
who it should be ready to serve, and how it and disease (morbidity).
might best serve them. vocational education Occupational education
visioning meeting An employee involve- and training provided at the secondary and
ment technique. A group of employees is postsecondary (vocational, technical, career
convened to develop a vision statement for institutions) levels in trades and semi- or para-
an organization. professions.
vision statement A description of the future Vocational Rehabilitation on-the-Job Train-
(typically 10 years ahead) as a planner would ing Program An incentive to hire disabled
like to see it. It includes key components of workers in the form of a wage reimbursement
the external and internal environments, the awarded to the employer for a limited period
position of the organization in its industry, and of time. To qualify, the disabled worker
the role and status of the HR department in employed must be an Ofce of Vocational
that context. Rehabilitation client and the job must be full-
Vision World Wide, Inc. Publishes materi- time and permanent.
als that are encouraging and motivating to peo- Vocational Rehabilitation Services Wo r k -
ple who are vision-impaired and their families; ers who are ineligible for social security dis-
supplies information to health care profession- ability benets may be considered for voca-
als, senior centers, radio reading services, and tional rehabilitation services by state
libraries; and enlightens the general public. vocational rehabilitation agencies. Those
Also provides information and referral services agencies provide counseling, training, and
through a nationwide, toll-free help line. Con- many other services that a disabled person
tact: Vision World Wide, Inc., 5707 Brockton may need to help him or her get back to work.
Dr., #302, Indianapolis, IN 46220-5481 (phone For more information and sources of state
800-431-1739 or 317-254-1332; fax 317-251- agencies see http://janweb.icdi.wvu.
6588; e-mail; Web site edu/SBSES/VOCREHAB.HTM/. voice-activated Computer software designed
Visiting Nurse Associations of America to recognize and perform commands spoken
(VNAA) Agencies licensed by a town, city, by the user.
county, or state that provide part-time, inter- voice and speech recognition Use of digi-
mittent skilled nursing services in a persons tized sound, recorded and integrated into a
place of residence. Members number 200 at program. In addition to identifying a speakers
400+ locations in 40 states. Check the Yellow speech patterns, systems can guess what a
Pages for the agency nearest you. Contact: speaker means and make corrections as feed-
VNA, 11 Beacon Street, Suite 910, Boston, back is received.
MA 02108 (phone 617-523-4042; fax 617- voice carry over (VCO) A reduced form of
227-4843; Web site telecommunications relay services where a
visualization See guided imaging/imagery. person with a hearing disability can speak
visualizing See guided imaging/imagery. directly to the other end user. A communica-
visual literacy 1. A group of vision competen- tions assistant types the response back to the
cies a human being can develop by seeing and person with the hearing disability and it
at the same time having and integrating other appears on a readout display. The communi-
sensory experiences. 2. The learned ability to cations assistant does not voice any conversa-
interpret the communication of visual symbols tions.
voicemail 718 voluntary employees beneficiary

voicemail Automated, electronic telephone offerings ones that will offer competitive
answering, recording, and playback systems. products and services, such as property and
voice-over In video and audio production, a casualty insurance, nancial planning, long-
voice speaking over music or other sound term-care insurance, real estate services, and
background; narration added to the original dental insurance programs. 2. Insurance plans
soundtrack during the postproduction phase. paid for by employees, such as group term life
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) A tech- insurance and disability and cancer assistance
nology that makes audioconferencing possi- policies.
ble over the Internet. voluntary bumping In travel management, a
voice recognition Software that enables users result of overbooking. Ticketed passengers
to enter text and numbers into a computer with reserved seats, either on board an aircraft
without using a keyboard, mouse, or pen. or ready to board, are offered a reward, such
voice recognition unit A device that can be as a free ight or cash, to give up their seats.
programmed to recognize and respond to oral Voluntary Compliance Resolution (VCR)
commands. For example, a computer user An experimental Internal Revenue Service
might say, Print the letter, and the device (IRS) tax amnesty program aimed at inducing
transmits the command to the computer, voluntary compliance with pension plan rules.
which responds by printing out the document. The VCR plan allows eligible, qualied pen-
voice response system (VRS) A means of sion plan sponsors to voluntarily disclose the
streamlining and speeding up benets admin-
defects in their operational plans, pay a xed
istration and making it more responsive to
compliance fee, agree to make full correction,
employees requests for information and
and, when necessary, implement procedures
assistance. VRSs are customized communica-
to keep the plan in compliance. The program
tions tools that give employees access to infor-
applies to plans that have received a favorable
mation stored in a computer by calling a toll-
determination letter from the IRS that consid-
free number at any time of the day or night.
ered the Tax Equity and Responsibility Act
A recorded message provides them with step-
of 1982, the Tax Reform Act of 1984, and the
by-step directions and a list of options. Spe-
Retirement Equity Act of 1984. Originally
cic information is retrieved when the
employee presses certain numbers on a touch- set to expire at the end of 1993, the VCR was
tone phone and enters his or her access code. extended to December 31, 1994. The program
voice synthesis See computer synthetic voice is an extension of the IRS Closing Agreement
translation. Program.
voice/teletypewriter (V/TTY) A telecom- voluntary departure The departure of an
munications device for the deaf/teletype- alien from the U.S. without an order of
writer relay center that provides assistance to removal. The departure may or may not have
deaf, hard-of-hearing, and communication- been preceded by a hearing before an immigra-
disabled persons using devices to make local tion judge. An alien allowed voluntarily to
and long-distance calls through the center. depart concedes removability but does not have
voids In travel management, the practice of a bar to seeking admission at a port-of-entry at
voiding or back-dating a ticket without impos- any time. Failure to depart within the time
ing a penalty on the purchaser. granted results in a ne and a 10-year barring
voir dire A legal term that means literally to from several forms of relief from deportation.
speak the truth it refers to the jury selec- voluntary employees beneciary associa-
tion process. tion (VEBA) Dened in Section 501(c) of the
voluntary bargaining item In union contract Internal Revenue Code as a separate organi-
negotiations, an item over which bargaining zation providing for the payment of life, sick-
is neither required (mandatory) nor prohibited ness, accident, or other benets to the mem-
(unlawful), and neither party can be com- bersor their dependents or designated
pelled to negotiate. beneciaries. Companies may establish
voluntary benets 1. Employee benets VEBAs for employees, subject to specic IRS
designed to ll existing gaps in their current rules and regulations, to which the VEBA
voluntary leave 719 vu-graph

makes tax-deductible contributions. The who volunteer to leave the service during
VEBA invests the funds for payment of bene- the downsizing of the armed services
ts to employees on a tax-exempt basis; how- (19921993). For Army personnel, it con-
ever, with the repeal of Section 89 of the Inter- sisted of 2.5% of basic pay per year of service,
nal Revenue Code (IRC), VEBA trusts will which applied to those who had served from
lose their tax-favored status unless the plans 6 to 20 years.
are nondiscriminatory under Section 505(b) volunteerism Promotion of volunteer em-
of the IRC. ployee service by means of company-spon-
voluntary leave Leave without pay voluntar- sored or paid leave for up to 1 year with full
ily taken by workers for a specied period of salary and benets for community service or
time to help an organization reduce costs. nonprot organization assignments.
voluntary reduced hours An arrangement that Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 Legisla-
allows employees to reduce their work hours tion that protects a volunteer from liability for
for a specied period with a corresponding harm caused while properly engaged in vol-
reduction in income. Also called V-time. unteer work unless the harm was caused by
voluntary reduced work time A program willful or criminal misconduct or conscious,
that allows workers to make time and agrant indifference or resulted from a crime
income/benets tradeoffs (reduced pay and of violence, international terrorism, a sexual
benets for a reduced work week) by prear- offense, or a violation of civil rights law.
rangement for specied periods of time and voucher program An employer-sponsored
with a dened process for returning to full- and -nanced dependent care option in which
time work. the employee submits monthly vouchers for
voluntary separation rate A key h u m a n dependent care expenses to the provider and
resources metric. Represents potential lost the employer covers all or a part of the cost
opportunities, lost revenue, and more highly of the services.
stressed employees (who have to ll in for voucher system A training plan that would
departed colleagues) as well as the time to ll replace some 50 federal job training programs
jobs. It is calculated as follows: with stipends of up to $2600 per year for 2
years to eligible people. Recipients would be
voluntary voluntary separations free to spend the money on education or class-
= room or on-the-job training.
separation rate headcount
V-time programs A type of alternative work
Attributed to Robert J. Grossman, Measuring schedule in which work time and compensa-
Up, HR Magazine, January 2000, pp. 2935. tion are voluntarily reduced. These programs
Reprinted with the permission of HR Maga- allow employees to make time/income
zine, published by the Society of Human tradeoffs by enrolling in a program rather than
Resource Management, Alexandria, VA (Web negotiating with their immediate supervisors.
site vu-graph See overhead projector.
voluntary separation incentive (VSI) An in-
centive bonus offered to military personnel
WA Wagner Act of 1935. WSA Williams-Steiger Act of 1970.
WAG Wild-ass guess. WSJ The Wall Street Journal.
WAIS Wide-area information WTO World Trade Organization.
servers. WWW World Wide Web.
WAN Wide-area network. WYSIWYG What you see is what you get.
WAP Wireless access protocol.
WARNA Worker Adjustment and W-2 Form The form employers give to work-
Retraining Notication Act of ers at the end of each calendar year that shows
1988. total earnings reported to the government and
WATS Wide-Area sums withheld for various purposes, such as
Telecommunications Service. federal state, local, and FICA taxes.
WAW Waiter-actor-webmaster. W-4 Form The form employers issue to work-
WBE Women-owned business ers for completion at the time of hiring to
enterprise. estimate and report probable tax liabilities for
WBS Work breakdown structure. withholding, considering such factors as num-
WBT Web-based training. ber of dependents and outside income.
WCA Wellness Councils of wage and salary administration The proce-
America. dures and processes used to plan and administer
WCRI Workers Compensation compensation programs for employees at all
Research Institute. levels of organization. They include job analy-
WELCOA Wellness Councils of sis and evaluation, job pricing, and pay struc-
America. tures for executives, exempt employees, and
WEP 1. Windfall elimination nonexempt hourly paid and salaried workers.
provision. 2. Wired Equivalent wage and salary survey An employee sur-
Privacy. vey designed to provide information to help
WFD World Federation of the Deaf. the HR manager deal with important compen-
WFS World Future Society. sation policy matters, including making sala-
WHA Work Hours Act of 1962. ries and wages attractive and competitive.
WHI Womens Health Initiative. Such surveys are also essential preliminaries
WHPCA Walsh-Healy Public Contracts to the conduct of other management actions
Act of 1936. such as union negotiations.
WIA Workforce Investment Act of wage curve Used to assign pay rates to pay
1998. grades (jobs of approximately equal difculty
WID World Institute on Disability. that have been grouped together). Depicts
WI-FI Wireless delity (technology). graphically the pay rates currently being paid
WIRs Work injury reports. for jobs in each pay grade relative to the points
WML Wireless markup language. or rankings awarded to each job or grade dur-
WOOPIE Well-off older person. ing job evaluation.
WORM Write once, read many. wage gap The difference between mens and
WPA Whistleblower Protection Act womens pay for the same or comparable jobs.
of 1989. Also called gender gap.
WRI World Resources Institute. wage garnishment A legal procedure through
WRT With respect to (Internet which the earnings of an individual are
speak). required to be withheld by an employer for

wages and hours laws 722 want list

the payment of a debt. Most garnishments are operational, or demographic failures. If re-
made by court order. See also Consumer quirements of the CAP are satised with re-
Credit Protection Act. spect to the failure, the plan sponsor pays the
wages and hours laws See Equal Pay Act of compliance correction fee and corrects the
1963; Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of failures in accordance with a closing agree-
1938; Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947. ment entered into by the IRS and the plan
wage structure Graphically depicts the range sponsor.
of pay rates (such as dollars and cents per walking clause A clause in a contract with
hour) to be paid each pay grade in a series of a hotel that describes the requirements for
jobs. Derived from the wage curve, but addi- obtaining a guaranteed reservation and the
tional information such as market wages, hotels obligations if a reservation is not hon-
compensation policies, and required rate ored due to overbooking.
changes are taken into account to produce the walking the talk Congruence between what a
nal wage structure the wages to be paid person says and how he or she actually
by the company categorized by pay grades and behaves. Doing something instead of merely
indicating rate changes. talking about it. Taking action expeditiously
Wagner Act of 1935 (WA) See National after committing to do something.
LaborManagement Relations Act of 1935; walk-out See strike.
unfair labor practices. wallpaper An Internet term for the often-dis-
waiter-actor-webmasters (WAW) Describes tracting background pattern behind the text on
shady graphics designers and Web consultants a page.
who try to exploit the current Web boom. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Contact: phone
waiting line problems See queuing theory. 800-975-8609; e-mail;
waitlist A list of names of individual air trav- Web site
elers present in the terminal without reserva- Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act of 1936
tions (in the order received) awaiting cancel- (WHPCA) An act that established basic
lations of ight reservations. Some airlines labor standards for such items as minimum
give priority to those on the waitlist for emer- (prevailing) wage rates, overtime, health and
gency reasons or to members of their clubs safety requirements, and fringe benets. The
and other VIPs. Act also establishes liability for breaches of
waiver 1. A document signed by employees or contract for the manufacture or furnishing of
candidates for positions by which they relin- materials, supplies, articles, and equipment. It
quish certain specied rights, such as the applies to organizations working on federal
release of personal information. 2. A document government contracts of $10,000 or more.
signed by candidates for positions prior to mak- Amendments require payment of minimum
ing their application stating that they take pre- wage rates and overtime pay on contracts to
employment tests (such as honesty tests) vol- provide goods to the federal government.
untarily and waive all claims against the Walters v. Metropolitan Educational Enter-
company for the administration of the tests. prises, Inc. A 1997 Supreme Court decision
walk In meeting management, a guest with a on how employees must be counted to deter-
conrmed reservation who is sent to another mine which federal laws, such as the Ameri-
property because of overbooking. cans with Disabilities Act, apply to a busi-
walk-away right A contract clause that per- ness. The court ruled that anyone who has an
mits an executive to collect full severance employment relationship with a business (a
benets if he or she resigns from employment person who is on the company payroll, includ-
for any reason during a specied time period ing a temporary or part-time employee) is to
following a merger or acquisition. be included, regardless of whether that person
Walk-in Closing Agreement Program (CAP) is actually at work on a particular day.
One of the Internal Revenue Services volun- want list A persons wish list consisting of
tary compliance programs. It permits a retire- things they want but that are not necessarily
ment plan sponsor to correct plan document, the things that they need.
Warchalking 723 Web site

Warchalking A means of bookmarking communication, job posting/application,

Internet locations with open wireless network- thrift/savings/401(k)/prot sharing, research,
ing nodes that allow the user to connect with and training and development.
those sites. Attributed to British Wi-Fi user Web-based training (WBT) Distance train-
Matt Jones. ing conducted via the Internet to reduce
ward A legal term that describes an incapac- training costs and increase accessibility for
itated person who is under the guardianship workers.
of a court-appointed temporary or permanent Webcasting Provided by application service
guardian who has the authority to make per- providers. Employs streaming video and
sonal, nancial, and medical decisions on audio over the Internet. Allows participants to
behalf of the ward. hear audio and view video in a teleconferenc-
warehouse handling charge In employee ing mode. See also Web conferencing.
relocation, an additional change placed on Web client A computer terminal that simply
shipments of household goods every time displays documents.
storage in transit service is provided. Web conferencing A collaborative Internet
warehousing Placing physically or mentally tool. Involves dozens of free and commercial
disabled persons in long-term care facilities, programs available to make any Web page
such as mental institutions, with the assump- interactive, often allowing discussions to be
tion that their disabilities are irremediable and started by anyone. Allows participants to hear
that they require permanent custodial care. and view audio and video and also share data
warning A form of disciplinary action; usu- les and pass control from one participant to
ally the rst formal stage of progressive dis- another.
cipline. It is invariably written: a letter WebCrawler A free service provided by most
describing the offense, reminding the commercial services as well as specic loca-
employee of a previous written reprimand, tions that allows the subscriber or user to
and informing the employee that a repeat of search the Internet.
the offense will result in more stringent disci- Webinar An online seminar held on the
plinary action. Internet in real time. The seminar leader pre-
warrant In investments, an instrument issued sents content using audiovisual materials. Par-
by a corporation that gives the holder the right ticipants log onto the Web conference and
to subscribe to a specied amount of the cor- communicate with the seminar leader through
porations capital stock at a set price for a their telephone or a Web-based chat room.
specied period of time. webmaster/webmistress In organizations, the
Washington Alert A database vendor (e.g., individual responsible for World Wide Web
Dow Jones News/Retrieval). site design, administration, and maintenance,
watchdog utilities Computer software pro- currently lled by professionals of widely
grams that help recover data from damaged or varying experiences. Some come from infor-
accidentally formatted les by making a copy mation systems backgrounds and others are
of the le allocation tables. former communications managers. Typically
Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust A 1988 have a high prole in the organization, report-
decision of the U.S. Supreme Court relating ing directly to the chairman or CEO or the
to tests and discrimination. The Court ruled chief information ofcer.
that subjective employment practices, such as Web searches Boolean search, concept
ratings and performance evaluations, are sub- search, fuzzy search, keyword search, phrase
ject to the same standards as are objective search, precision search, proximity search,
criteria, such as tests, used in making hiring query-by-example search.
decisions. Web server A computer terminal that re-
Web-based HR applications H u m a n r e - sponds to requests from users by sending a
sources functions performed by or with the help hypertext document.
of the World Wide Web. Examples include Web site An address on the Internet that
benet information/enrollment, corporate brings a user to the opening screen of a
Web Techniques 724 Wellness Councils of America

specic site. A Web site may contain many Under provisions of the Employee Retire-
pages. See also universal resource locator; ment Income Security Act of 1974 such
uniform resource locator. plans may also offer such benets as vacation
Web Techniques: Solutions for Internet Pro- or scholarship plans.
fessionals Published monthly by CMP welfare reform See Personal Responsibility
Media Inc., 600 Harrison St., San Francisco, and Work Opportunity Act of 1996.
CA 94107. Cost: $34.95; free to qualied sub- Welfare to Work Tax Credit Offers employ-
scribers (phone 800-444-4881; e-mail edi- ers an incentive to hire and retain long-term; Web site www. welfare recipients. During the 1st year an employer can claim 35% of an employees
webwrap licensing A notice on a Web page, 1st-year wages up to $10,000 for a maximum
readable on the users computer monitor, that income tax credit of $3500. During the 2nd
spells out the terms of the contract and year, an employer can claim 50% of an
informs the individual that downloading the employees wages up to $10,000 for a maxi-
package (accomplished by a click of the mum income tax credit of $5000. The credits
mouse) constitutes acceptance of the license apply to individuals who were hired after
agreement as a binding contract. Used to pro- December 31, 1997 and before May 1, 1999,
tect the authors of the software from copyright and became available January 1, 1998.
infringement (unauthorized copying) and well child care A health care benet that pays
ensure them of prots from sales of the
all or part of the reasonable and customary
charges for such services as doctor ofce vis-
webzine A paperless magazine available on
its, including the costs associated with routine
the World Wide Web. Originally noncommer-
physical examinations, laboratory tests, and
cial, communal, and free, online publications
routine childhood immunizations recom-
are beginning to carry advertising and bill sub-
mended by the American Academy of Pediat-
scribers. Also called E(lectronic)zine.
rics. Typically includes the rst routine
weed See marijuana.
newborn examination and routine inpatient or
Weingarten Rule (or Rights) Interprets the
outpatient screening.
National Labor Relations Act of 1935 in
wellness A state of physical, mental, and
relation to unfair labor practices and the ques-
social well being; a way of life that equips the
tioning of employees by employers. States
that an employer violates the NLRA by requir- individual to realize the full potential of his
ing an employee to take part in an investiga- or her capabilities and to overcome and com-
tory interview without union representation if pensate for weakness; a lifestyle that recog-
the employee requests representation. How- nizes the importance of nutrition, physical t-
ever, an employer may refuse to bargain with ness, stress reduction, and self-responsibility.
any union representative permitted to attend Wellness Councils of America (WELCOA)
an interview. An employee is not entitled to A national nonprot organization of 2000 cor-
representation at a meeting with management porate members in 27 councils established to
where management has already decided in promote healthier lifestyles for all Americans,
advance of the meeting to terminate the especially through health promotion activities
employee and the sole purpose of the meeting at the work site. WELCOA acts as a national
is to inform the employee of that fact. In July clearinghouse for information on workplace
2000, the NLRB extended Weingarten rights health promotion and has set national criteria
to nonunion employees in the Epilepsy Foun- to measure achievement in this area. Develops
dation case. It stated that nonunion employees products and services for any company any-
have the right to have a coworker present at where. Contact: WELCOA, 9802 Nicholas
an investigatory interview. St., Suite 315, Omaha, NE 68114 (phone 402-
welfare plan A benets plan that provides for 827-3590; fax 402-827-3594; e-mail well-
medical, surgical, or hospital care for sickness,; Web site www.wel-
accident, disability, death, or unemployment.
wellness program 725 White

wellness program A means of heading off desktop publishing, including Adobe Acrobat
employee illnesses and accidents, as well as and such design engines as Dreamweaver,
medical claims, by installing corporate tness Flash, Fireworks, and ColdFusion.
centers, supporting wholly or partially tness whipsawing A term used by labor to describe
programs off-site, and sponsoring health the practice of forcing plant-against-plant
screenings and wellness education. Wellness competition or bidding for jobs. The threat of
programs typically include (1) developing closings, whether specically made or only
awareness of the need for wellness; (2) implied, is used as a lever to gain approval of
assessment and monitoring of the overall cost-saving measures unless unions make con-
health of employees (occupationally, physi- cessions with respect to such items as com-
cally, nutritionally, intellectually, emotion- pensation, benets, scheduling, or work rules.
ally, spiritually and ethically, and socially and whistleblower An employee who reports
environmentally); (3) skills training and the unsafe, dishonest, unethical, or questionable
provision of supportive environments; (4) employer practices.
maintenance of minimal levels of perfor- whistleblower complaints On May 28, 2003,
mance by reducing risks through systematic the Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-
exercise and life-style modication (annual tration published in the Federal Register an
physicals, smoking cessation programs, interim nal rule establishing procedures for
weight reduction, blood pressure control, the handling of whistleblower complaints
drug and alcohol assistance, tness centers, under the Corporate and Criminal Fraud
comprehensive health risk assessment, stress Accountability Act of 2002, also known as the
management, exercise programs, back care, Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
and other educational programs); and (5) Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 (WPA)
demand management training. An act designed to protect the rights of federal
wellness services Include bereavement coun- employees who make disclosures of illegality,
seling, employee assistance programs, t- corruption, fraud, waste, abuse, and unneces-
ness/nutritional counseling, health fairs, mater- sary government expenditures, prevent repris-
nal and infant health care, smoking cessation als, and help eliminate wrongdoing within the
programs, stress reduction counseling, weight government. The Act established the Ofce of
reduction programs, and wellness newsletters. Special Counsel to receive and investigate
well-off older person (WOOPIE) Applied allegations of prohibited personnel practices,
to people who have retired with an ample bring petitions for corrective actions, le com-
annuity, supplemented by social security. plaints or make recommendations for disci-
Wells Notice A written notication from the plinary action, and, where appropriate, for-
Securities and Exchange Commission ward to the attorney general or an agency head
(SEC) indicating that the staff is considering disclosures of violations of any law, rule, or
recommending that the Commission bring an regulation, gross mismanagement, waste of
action against the company so notied relating funds, abuse of authority, or substantial and
to its actions on a matter of concern to the specic danger to public health or safety. In
SEC. Typically offers the company a chance 1997, the Labor Department expanded the
to explain its actions before the full Commis- whistleblower protection responsibilities of
sion makes its nal decision. the Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-
Western blot test A reliable but complicated tration by requiring the agency to prevent
and expensive test for the HIV antibody used retaliation against employees alleging viola-
to conrm the results of ELISA or other tests. tions of the Superfund Hazardous Waste
what-if? A common term for software func- Cleanup Act, Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking
tions that allows users to test hypotheses. Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recov-
what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) ery Act, Clean Water Act, Toxic Substances
In personal computer vernacular, refers to the Control Act, and Energy Reorganization Act.
capabilities of such aids to the user as graph- White An ethnic or racial category used for
ical software. Computer software used in federal statistical reporting and the 2000
white balance 726 wilderness training

census. Persons with origins in any of the tion tables and formulas to solve them. Critics
original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, refer to the strategy as fuzzy math or MTV
or North Africa. math.
white balance The ability to adjust a camera wholesaling Selling goods in large quantities
to specic lighting conditions, such as over- to jobbers or retailers rather than directly to
cast, bright sun, and low light. consumers.
whiteboard Document conferencing that wholistic See holistic.
accommodates multiple users and allows them wide-angle (35-mm) lens Takes wide camera
simultaneously to view and annotate those shots, such as large groups of people or land-
documents with pens, highlighters, and draw- scapes.
ing tools. Advanced programs handle multi- wide-area information servers (WAIS) A
page documents and provide tools for deliv- text search system that lets Internet users
ering them as presentations.
conduct topical or keyword searches of large
white-coat syndrome Describes the situation
text les.
in which a persons blood pressure increases
wide-area network (WAN) A group of com-
signicantly when it is taken by a health care
puters interconnected over long distances
professional in an ofce compared with when
using telephone lines or satellite links. There
its taken somewhere else. Typically caused
are basically two types: distributed networks
by anxiety in the setting of a physicians
ofce, a clinic, or a hospital. and centralized networks. Attributed to
white-collar cycle time A measure of quality. James H. Russell, Jr. (T.H.E. Journal, Novem-
It is calculated by dividing the number of ber 1991, p. 62).
actions in process (partially completed tasks) Wide-Area Telecommunications Service
by their completion rate. Examples of actions (WATS) An efcient and cost-effective
in process: number of positions being lled, long-distance telephone service for incoming
number of courses being developed, number or outgoing telephone calls or both.
of reports to be completed, and so on. wideband A communication channel that
offers bandwidth capacity greater than that
number of actions in process used for voice communications.
cycle time =
completion rate widow In typography, a line of type at the top
white-collar workers Salaried employees (e.g., of a page that is undesirably short, such as a
managers, supervisors, technicians, salesper- single short word or the end of a hyphenated
sons, and clerical workers) whose work does word, such as ing.
not usually include manual labor and therefore wild-ass guess (WAG) A crude term used by
they dress somewhat more formally than blue- engineers to describe conclusions reached by
collar workers. intuition or instinct rather than deduced from
Whittle New American School A project factual evidence.
launched by Christopher Whittle to build a wild duck Describes a creative and innovative
new American school to replace what he professional, often an engineer or technician,
describes as outdated and inadequate. The who lives and works by different rules than
venture is called the Edison Project. It is other employees. Wild ducks are not moti-
described by critics as a threatening step vated by traditional pay or other incentives,
toward privatization of public schools. nor do they respond well to conventional man-
whole language instruction Teaching chil- agement approaches and techniques. They
dren how to read and write by grasping whole require special handling. Attributed to IBM
words and phrases in context rather than by founder Thomas Watson.
phonetics the sounds of syllables. See also wilderness training As distinguished from
phonics. outdoor-centered programs, participants live
whole-math instruction Training students to outdoors and engage in relatively strenuous
reason through numerical problems rather physical activities such as mountain climbing,
than relying on memorization of multiplica- white river rafting, and sailing.
will 727 wireless technology

will A legal document that determines who quickly and more easily. Used in most leading
will receive the property of the maker upon disk operating systems.
his or her death. It also species how and wipe In video production, changing the video
when the beneciary is to receive the property. image from one scene to another by sweeping
Wills can often save taxes on estates. away the old one either side to side, top to
will advise In employee relocation, indicates bottom, bottom to top, or diagonally.
that a shipment is moving but that dates for Wired A monthly magazine published by
pickup or delivery have not yet been Conde Nast Publications Inc.; cost: $59.40.
established. Contact: Ofces, 1225 19th
willful misconduct Deliberate, conscious, Street, NW, Suite 400. Washington, D.C.
and premeditated violation of company rules 20036 (phone 202-466-8688 or 800-361-
or regulations. Willful misconduct requires 4132; fax 202-466-2565; e-mail info@
the imposition of sanctions or disciplinary; Web site
action. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) A secu-
Williams-Steiger Act of 1970 (WSA) S e e rity standard for 802.11 wireless networks that
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 employs encryption methodology.
(OSHA). wireless access protocol (WAP) A standard
Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) The built into phones and other devices that allows
users to access and interact with Web sites.
Social Security Amendments of 1983 include
wireless application protocol (WAP) A tech-
a provision that greatly reduces the Social
nology that enables wireless devices, such as
Security benet of a retired or disabled worker
mobile phones, to access the Internet. WAP
who also receives a government annuity based
translates Internet information so that it can
on his/her own earnings. It applies to anyone
be displayed on the screen of a mobile phone
who became 62 (or disabled) after 1985 and
or other portable device.
becomes eligible for his/her government
wireless data communications Wireless
annuity after 1985. Both must have occurred
local area networks that will offer greater
after 1985. Congress provided for a 5-year
convenience and mobility to millions of users
phase-in on the reduction so that the maxi-
by the year 2000 or sooner. Systems will con-
mum effect would not be felt until 1990. nect users by radio frequency (frequency
Those who became 62 in 1990 or reached that modulation), giving them data and voice com-
age after 1990 (and were not eligible for a munications anywhere, anytime.
federal annuity until after 1985), may have wireless delity (WI-FI) technology A means
their Social Security benet decreased by as of acquiring high-speed nationwide access to
much as 60%. An additional 20% is deducted the Internet from airports, cafes, lounges, and
for taking the benet at age 62. During the conference rooms. Also called wireless LANs
108th Congress on February 5, 2003, Repre- based on the 802.11b standard.
sentative Howard Buck McKeon (R-CA) wireless markup language (WML) A micro-
along with 91 original co-sponsors introduced browser standard for presenting Web pages
a bill, H.R. 594, that would repeal the GPO on a mobile phone; a programming language.
and the WEP. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D- wireless mike A hand-held electronic ampli-
CA) introduced her companion GPO/WEP fying device that has no cords or wires. It is
repeal bill, S. 349, in the Senate on February essentially a miniature transmitter that sends
11, 2003. Also called windfall reduction. radio waves to a receiver, which sends the
windows Refers to Microsoft Windows, a signal to an amplier and then to speakers.
graphical computer user interface that makes Allows the speaker to move about freely but
use of pull-down menus and intuitive com- is subject to radio frequency (RF) interference
mands, and what you see is what you get from electrical wiring or other electrical
displays. It permits users to do more with devices in or near the room.
personal computing than can be done with wireless technology Devices that enable peo-
character-based software and do it more ple to communicate (voice and data) over the
Wireless Telephone Protection Act of 1998 728 word processing

electromagnetic spectrum. Includes cellular installing software or writing a report. See

telephones, pagers, microphones, and package also tutorial.
delivery tracking systems. Wizard Award An award given by the Pro-
Wireless Telephone Protection Act of 1998 fessional Convention Management Associ-
Amends Title 18, United States Code, with ation that recognizes innovation in the meet-
respect to scanning receivers and similar ing industry. Contact: PCMA, 100 Vestavia
devices. Makes it unlawful to knowingly use, Ofce Park, Ste. 220, Birmingham, AL 35216
produce, trafc in, have control or custody of, (205-823-7262).
or possess a scanning receiver or hardware or Women for Sobriety, Inc. Established to
software congured to insert or modify a tele- help women alcoholics achieve sobriety.
communications instrument so that the instru- Addresses the need to overcome depression
ment may be used to obtain telecommunica- and guilt. Provides group meetings, confer-
tions services without authorization. ences, information and referrals, newsletter,
Approved April 24, 1998. and phone support. Contact: Women for
wireless terminology Business-to-employee; Sobriety, P.O. Box 618, Quakertown, PA
business-to-individual; business-to-mobile; 18951-0618 (phone 800-333-1606 or 215-
handheld PCl; mobile-commerce; personal 536-8026; fax 215-538-9026; e-mail
digital assistant; wireless application protocol;; Web site www.women-
wireless markup language.
women-owned business enterprise (WBE)
Wiretap Act of 1986 Part of the Electronic
A business enterprise or nonprot organiza-
Communications Privacy Act of 1986. Pro-
tion that is at least 51% owned or directed by
hibits the interception (acquired during trans-
women. In the case of a publicly owned busi-
mission), recording, or disclosure of wire,
ness, at least 51% of the stock is owned by
electronic, and aural communications through
citizens or permanent resident aliens who are
any electronic, mechanical, or other device.
women. Such ownership is real, substantial,
The Act contains one exception: employers
and continuing.
may monitor telephone calls in the ordinary
Womens Health Initiative (WHI) One of
course of business.
the most comprehensive studies of womens
wish list See want list. health ever conducted, it was launched in 1991
withdrawal 1. In drug culture, deprivation of by the National Institutes of Health. More than
recreational drugs, resulting in depression, 160,000 postmenopausal women, ages 50 to
sweating, and delirium tremens. 2. In mental 79, participate in a variety of trials designed
illness, retreat from society and relationships to nd the best way to prevent heart disease,
with others. Typically indicated by aloofness, breast and colorectal cancers, and osteoporo-
apathy, lack of interest in socializing, and dif- sis. The study will continue until 2005.
culty in communicating with others. 3. An womyn Coined by feminists and now listed as
arriving aliens voluntary retraction of an an alternative spelling of women in the Ran-
application for admission to the U.S. in lieu dom House Websters College Dictionary.
of a removal hearing before an immigration wonk A theorist and expert in any line of work
judge or an expedited removal. Withdrawals who invariably exhibits singular dedication
are not included in nonimmigrant admission and intensity toward his or her occupation.
data. woo woo factor Tongue-in-cheek descrip-
within-group score conversion See race- tion, attributed to Philip Jones, former editor
norming. of Training magazine, of training activities
wizard Software that automatically performs that are pseudo-job-related and highly subjec-
tasks for computer users, prompting them tive, whose goals are personal and individu-
only when they must make a decision. It is alistic, and that people accept as being cost-
a performance support tool. Involves a struc- effective on faith alone.
tured series of dialogs that applies user word processing Systems designed to pro-
responses to produce a result, such as duce company publications, correspondence,
work 729 Worker Adjustment and Retraining

advertising copy, contracts, training and as classroom training (e.g., youth appren-
development materials, instruction sheets for ticeships). The term was coined by the
dealers and distributors, technical manuals, Ofce of Work-Based Learning of the U.S.
installation, and assembly, operating, mainte- Department of Labor. Sometimes called
nance, and repair instructions quickly, accu- structured work-based learning.
rately, and relatively inexpensively. work breakdown structure (WBS) In project
work Jobs, duties, or tasks performed by peo- management, the process of subdividing a
ple, machines, computers, energy, chemical project into specic tasks and subtasks to
processes, water, air, and so on, to meet an determine the resources required and their
objective or produce a product or service. scheduled use. Results in a deliverable-ori-
Work is measured by the time taken, its cost, ented grouping of project elements that orga-
and the quality of the output. nizes and denes the total scope of the project.
work addict A person who works to satisfy Each descending level represents an increas-
an emotional need; because the need cannot ingly detailed denition of a project compo-
be lled, the individual develops an attach- nent, which may be products or services.
ment to work and cannot stop working. work climate survey See organization cli-
workaholic In its complimentary sense, de- mate survey.
scribes people who work harder, longer, and work count chart The last step in the work
smarter than others. They are people who have simplication process. Its objective is to col-
an overwhelming need to keep active doing lect information that can be used to balance
productive work. They spend more time on employee workloads by determining how
their jobs than the jobs require, and they often much work is being done at each work station.
give up important family, social, and recre- The count is made by using the stroke or oper-
ational activities. They are not depressed and ation tally method (counting the strokes or
typically are physically healthy and are often operations), recording items using a meter, or
regarded as top performers. In its worst sense, recording the numbers of the rst and last
workaholics are people who cause problems documents handled if they are numbered
in organizations by their refusal to delegate, serially.
their arrogance, or other bad traits. Less dif- work distribution chart A device used to
cult are workaholics who compulsively re- improve workow, allocate time to work pro-
work, rewrite, and redo tasks. cesses, distribute work evenly, and reduce
work and family programs Work accom- employee boredom or fatigue. The chart is
modations and benets programs designed to developed by determining what tasks are
help equalize benets, serve as recruiting and being performed in a work area, who by name
retention incentives, and build good will is doing them, and how much time is spent on
among employees. Examples are adoption each one. The chart is analyzed by a knowl-
assistance program, dependent care assistance edgeable supervisor to improve task assign-
plan, employee home ownership plan, family ment and performance.
care program, exible leave, exiplace, home Worker Adjustment and Retraining Noti-
leave, home marketing assistance, home sales cation Act of 1988 (WARNA) An act requir-
protection, job sharing/job splitting, mater- ing that as of February 4, 1989, workers in
nity and child care, and parental leave. companies with 100 or more full-time em-
work-at-home A form of work and family ployees receive a minimum of 60 days writ-
program in which employees are allowed to ten advance notice in the event of a massive
work at home one or more days each week layoff (50 or more people) or plant closing.
(although they may maintain a desk or ofce The law allows employers to provide less than
at the company site) so that they can care for 60 days notice when they are seeking new
their children or others. customers or trying to raise capital or when
work-based learning Job-related training the closures or layoffs are due to unforeseen
training in which the learners get prac- conditions or natural disasters. See also mas-
tical, hands-on practice on the job, as well sive layoff; plant closing.
worker gang 730 work-family benefits

worker gang A new corporate security prob- public policy issues involving workers com-
lem that consists of workers who band to- pensation systems. Those who benet from
gether and conspire to steal from their com- the Institutes work include public ofcials,
panies. They use the companys facilities and insurers, employers, injured workers, orga-
time to conduct their outside drug, money nized labor, and others affected by workers
laundering, and mail fraud businesses. compensation systems across the U.S. and
workers comp EAP A new form of em- around the world. Contact: WCRI, 101 Main
ployee assistance program designed to help St., Cambridge, MA 02142 (phone 617-494-
employers and injured employees address the 1240; fax 617-494-5240).
emotional and psychological aspects of work- Workers GI Bill See Workforce Investment
place injuries to speed up claims procedures, Act of 1998.
keep employees satised, and avoid lawsuits. work ethic An attribute whose strength is
It involves one-on-one counseling by trained considered by many managers to be more
counselors who act as liaisons between work- important than intelligence, education, or
ers who le workers compensation claims enthusiasm when hiring employees. It is
and a claims adjustor, determine what, if any, exemplied by industriousness, commitment
emotional needs exist, and provide treatment to quality, conscientious attendance, practical
and follow-up. knowledge, helpfulness to coworkers, high
workers compensation Statutes passed by levels of motivation, subordination of self,
all states designed to protect workers from the coolness in crisis, company loyalty, willing-
hazards and consequences of accidents, inju- ness to take responsibility, effectiveness in
ries, illnesses, and death to themselves and team situations, and attention to customer/cli-
their families as a result of their employment. ent needs.
Benets are paid to workers suffering job- work-family audit A step-by-step procedure
related physical, mental, or emotional acci- for exploring dependent care and related
dents, injuries, disabilities, or disgurement issues within a company. It involves two
or who aggravate preexisting physical or men- stages: preplanning, where the company
tal conditions at work. In addition to death addresses key aspects of the company, the
benets, they typically include weekly pay- labor force, and the community to determine
ments, based on earnings and size of family, the need for and feasibility of initiating work-
medical and hospital bills, scheduled loss family programs; and the audit itself, which
(amputation, loss of use or loss of a bodily involves ve steps: (1) identifying work-fam-
function), payments for scarring, rehabilita- ily options; (2) establishing objectives; (3)
tion, retraining, settlements, travel expenses, developing an implementation plan; (4) spec-
and attorney fees paid to the employee or his ifying outcomes and benets of each program;
or her surviving spouse or children. Busi- and (5) measuring outcomes and costs. Devel-
nesses must either have adequate funds to pay oped by Raymond C. Collins, president of
claims or carry appropriate workmens com- Collins Management Consulting Inc., and
pensation insurance coverage. The laws also Renee Magid, president of Initiatives: The
provide some protection to employers against Center for the Advancement of Work and
excessive liability. Family Life (reported in Work and Family
workers compensation payments Benets Issues, Chap. 15 in Mary F. Cook, ed., The
paid to workers because of job-related injuries AMA Handbook for Employee Recruitment
or illnesses. Such payments may be made by and Retention, AMACOM, 1992).
federal or state workers compensation agen- work-family benets Ancillary benets that
cies, employers, or insurance companies on include alcohol and substance abuse counsel-
behalf of employers. ing, child care, education benets, elder care,
Workers Compensation Research Institute family leave, family/marital problems coun-
(WCRI) An independent, not-for-prot re- seling, exible work hours, mortgage assis-
search organization with a staff of 30 that pro- tance, part-time work options, psychologi-
vides high-quality objective information about cal/emotional stress counseling, sabbaticals,
work-family programs 731 work incentives

savings plans for child care, and work-at- Workforce Investment Act of 2003 (WIA)
home programs. Reauthorized the WIA of 1998 and improved
work-family programs See child care; elder employer input and participation, strength-
care; family leave; exible scheduling; job ened performance measurement and account-
sharing/job splitting; work-at-home. ability, and increased funding of the system.
workow automation 1. The practice of workforce planning See human resources
moving documents, materials, and parts planning.
among workgroup members in an organization Workforce: The Magazine for Leaders in
to improve efciency and productivity. One of Human Resources A journal published
the last steps in reengineering undertaken to monthly by ACC Communications Inc.; cost:
achieve optimum efciency in delivering $59 per year. Contact: ACC Communications
information, ensuring completion of transac- Inc., 245 Fisher Ave., B-2, Costa Mesa, CA
tions, tracking the effectiveness of processes, 92626 (phone 800-444-6485 or 714-751-
and providing positive returns to the organiza- 1883; fax 714-751-4106; e-mail mailroom@
tion. It involves examining specic events,; Web site
processes, and ways of managing a given
activity and then integrating new technologies Workforce 2000 Revisited A sequel to the
developed specically to support and improve Hudson Institutes Workforce 2000, published
workow. 2. In human resources, the practice in 1987, which became a denitive document
of moving documents to improve information on the changing workplace. Considers the
ow and services between HR and its custom- impact of globalization, technology, and
ers and to create, strengthen, and maintain the
demographics on workers and businesses and
links between customers and HR systems. It
calls for a new educational model to prepare
employs such technologies as rsum track-
both young and older people for work.
ing, interactive voice response systems,
work hardening Four- to six-week programs
kiosks, and most recently, the Internet.
provided for injured workers following phys-
workow software Uses computers to con-
ical or occupational therapy to give them the
nect human resources systems and payroll,
self-condence and stamina needed to resume
time, attendance, accidents and injuries, and
an active role in the work force. Frequently
other related functions and records. Designed
simulates the work that got employees injured
to reduce redundant data entry and provide
in the rst place to get them back on the job.
immediate access to employee information.
workforce development boards C o m m i s - Work Hours Act of 1962 (WHA) Mandates
sions established by states to steer work pro- that wages be computed on the basis of an 8-
grams for at-risk youth. Members typically hour day, 40-hour week, with payment of
represent business and industry. overtime for all hours in excess of the basic
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) day and week to certain classes of laborers.
Replaces the Job Training Partnership Act of Work Incentive Act of 1999 On December
1982. Consolidates more than 70 federal job- 17th, 1999, President Clinton signed the
training programs and provides states with the Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improve-
means to develop exible, universal workforce ment Act of 1999, legislation that will allow
development systems in partnerships with local millions of people with disabilities to return
governments. Designed to meet the needs of to work. The president asked the Social Secu-
business for skilled workers and to meet the rity Administration and the Health Care
training, education, and employment needs of Financing Administration to expedite the
individuals based on the one-stop concept, in implementation of several key provisions of
which information about and access to a wide the Act, including the Work Incentives Plan-
range of training, education, and employment ning and Assistance Program and state Med-
services is provided. Signed into law August 7, icaid buy-in programs.
1998. All states must be operating under the work incentives Special social security rules
Act by July 1, 2000. that provide cash benets and Medicare for
Work Incentives Improvement Act 732 work methods analysis

disabled workers while they attempt to work. represent an entry level, whereas a level 15
They include trial work period, extended demonstrates mastery.
period of eligibility, expedited reinstate- work life initiatives Policies and strategies
ment of benets, continuation of Medicare, designed to make workers feel part of a sup-
impairment-related work expenses, recov- portive, caring organization. Designed to win
ery during vocational rehabilitation, help their support and loyalty and increase product
for low-income Medicare beneciaries, and service quality and productivity. Include
plans for achieving self-support, and special such services as emergency dependent, depen-
rules for persons who are blind. dent care referral, income tax preparation,
Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 legal information, on-site child care, on-site
Allows Americans with disabilities to keep tness centers, personal or family counseling,
their Medicare and Medicaid health benets subsidized tutoring for children, and summer
when they return to work. The bill was signed day camp for children.
into law by President Clinton on December work/life metrics Measures used to estimate
17, 1999. the value-added (return on investment) contri-
work incentives rules Designed to provide butions of work/life programs to the organi-
support for disabled social security and Sup- zation. Measures currently used include em-
plemental Security Income (SSI) benecia- ployee surveys, anecdotal evidence, and
ries who want employment. Although there statistics on employee absenteeism and turn-
are different rules for social security and SSI, over.
both programs provide cash benets and con-
work/life programs Human resources pro-
tinue Medicare or Medicaid while the dis-
grams designed and implemented to improve
abled person attempts to work on a regular
the performance, productivity, job satisfac-
basis, help with the work expenses resulting
tion, retention, or other values related to
from the disability, help with vocational reha-
employee welfare. Examples are pension
bilitation, and provide training for a new type
plans, prot-sharing, employee involvement,
of work.
health care, child care, extime, job sharing,
working capital The sum of an organizations
parental leave, stress management programs,
short-term or current assets including cash,
or other means of meeting employee wants
marketable (short-term) securities, accounts
receivable, and inventories. Net working cap- and needs. See
ital is dened as the excess of total current (click on HR Metrics).
assets over total current liabilities. work measurement A method of determining
work injury reports (WIRs) Used by the the amount of output produced by a specic
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department amount of input during a set period of time.
of Labor to identify and describe in WIR sur- It involves these steps: denition of the basic
veys the occupational injury and illness situ- units of measurement (e.g., words per
ation in the U.S. The surveys are based on minute); development of data collection
employee questionnaires, workers compen- instruments and procedures; collection, tabu-
sation reports, and led claims and show the lation, and analysis of work data; denition of
number of injured workers in various catego- work standards; and implementation, follow-
ries and the percentage who reported that they up, and (when necessary) revision of the new
did not receive safety training for the tasks standards.
they were assigned. work methods analysis The process of ana-
work levels Levels of work within an occupa- lyzing procedures, operations, and systems,
tion. The duties and responsibilities of a job establishing standards of performance, and
are typically evaluated using nine factors controlling performance to reduce labor costs.
(such as knowledge, supervision received, and It involves systematic study of each job in an
complexity of the work) in determining a organizational element or process to eliminate
work level. Levels vary by occupation, rang- unnecessary operations; standardize equip-
ing from 1 to 15. For example, a level 1 may ment, tools, procedures, and working condi-
Worknet 733 workplace search

tions; and measure the time required to per- employees on a voluntary basis to provide spir-
form each operation. itual guidance and counseling. The objective is
Worknet A term coined by Human Resource to show compassion and concern, improve
Executive magazine to describe a category of communication between employees and man-
products that includes the Internet, intranets, agement, reduce stress, and meet other special
and extranets. needs of employees for assistance.
Work Opportunity Credit Pre-Screening workplace diversity Having a work force that
Notice and Certication Request, IRS at all levels is representative of the general
Form 8850 Required by the IRS to be sub- population in terms of ethnic, racial, religious,
mitted by the employer (signed by both the and cultural backgrounds and genders and
employer and the employee) to qualify for the lifestyles.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit. The form workplace information services An employer-
must be submitted to the state employment sponsored dependent care option. May
service agency within 3 weeks after the include parent seminars and resource referral
employee starts work. programs.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Encourages workplace know-how Five competencies
businesses to hire from welfare rolls and other identied by the secretary of labors Commis-
targeted groups, such as a member of a family sion on Achieving Necessary Skills. In 1991
who has received Temporary Assistance to it reported that children must master the fol-
Needy Families, Aid to Families with Depen- lowing: (1) resources allocating time,
dent Children, a veteran and member of a money, materials, space, and staff; (2) inter-
family who has received food stamps for at personal skills working on teams, teaching
least 3 months within 15 months preceding others, serving customers, leading, negotiat-
the date of hire, or an individual with physical ing, and working well with people from cul-
or mental disabilities who has completed or turally diverse backgrounds; (3) information
is completing rehabilitation services under a how to acquire and process data, including
state rehabilitation plan. Was available to busi- le management and computer literacy; (4)
nesses until June 30, 1998. systems understanding social, organiza-
work orientation factors Approaches or ori- tional, and technological systems, monitoring
entations to work that people prefer and under and correcting performance and designing or
which they are most motivated to work best improving systems; and (5) technology
that is, the conditions under which a job is selecting equipment and tools, applying tech-
most effectively and efciently performed. nology to specic tasks and maintaining and
Attributed to Stephen L. Cohen, The Future troubleshooting technologies. In addition, the
and HRD, Chap. 4 in William R. Tracey, commission stated that young people also
Human Resources Management & Develop- need a foundation that stresses thinking skills:
ment Handbook, AMACOM, 1993. being able to make decisions, solve problems,
work participation method See work perfor- and reason.
mance. workplace no-show An unscheduled absence
work performance A time-consuming and of an employee, typically for personal
expensive (yet effective) method of collecting business, such as an annual physical, family
job data, it involves performance of job tasks problems, or closing on a home purchase.
by the job analyst. Simple operations may be Workplace Safety and Health Program
performed without prior instruction; more Standard A standard developed by the
complex job activities require training and Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
supervision until learned. tion that was implemented during scal year
workplace basic skills training See literacy 1997. The standard requires employers to
training. institute comprehensive safety and health pro-
workplace chaplain A member of the clergy grams in the workplace.
(minister, priest, rabbi, or other) employed workplace search The practice of conducting
by an organization and made available to probes and surveys to locate contraband,
workplace surveillance 734 workspace

stolen property, or illegal nonprescription Analysts also report the amount of time used
drugs. to produce each unit of work output.
workplace surveillance The practice of ob- works council Councils established for the
serving or eavesdropping on workers by hu- information and consultation of employees.
man or technical means (such as video cam- Required by the European Union of any
eras and telephone taps and recordings) to company in Europe, including American com-
prevent or detect criminal activity or viola- panies, with more than 1000 employees and
tions of company policies and rules. more than 150 employees in each of at least
work practice control Any one of several job two countries, effective September 22, 1996.
injury countermeasures, such as information, work sharing An alternative to layoffs during
education, training, and supervision. recessions or restructuring in which all or part
work process chart A work simplication of a companys workforce temporarily
technique that documents the ow of a single reduces hours and salary. In some states,
unit (form, document, equipment part, com- employees can collect unemployment insur-
ponent of a system) through an operation, ance to offset part of the wages lost.
series of operations, or series of workstations workshop A meeting or conference at which
and enables analysis of the process and sub- a group of people, under the leadership of an
sequent improvement of efciency. Symbols instructor or facilitator, intensively studies,
are used to create a chart showing stages in discusses, and applies principles, procedures,
the work process: operation, transportation, and processes.
inspection, and storage or delay. workshop method A program designed to
work-related entitlements Federal entitle- involve participants directly in the learning
ment programs that base eligibility for benets process. It makes use of such methods and
on a work history, usually in combination with techniques as panels, discussion, group
an age requirement, such as social security, interviews, group problem solving, and role
Medicare, civil service retirement, military playing.
retirement, and unemployment compensation. work simplication A systematic attempt to
work rules Workplace requirements and pro- improve the way work is performed; that is,
scriptions established, communicated, inter- make work simpler and easier to do. It uses
preted, and enforced to guide the actions of work distribution, work ow, and work pro-
employees, supervisors, and collective bar- cess charts to determine exactly how a duty
gaining units, maintain discipline, prevent or task is performed; reviews, analyzes, ques-
injuries and accidents, and maintain produc- tions, and challenges every step in the work
tivity. They deal with such items as absence process; develops and tests alternative meth-
and tardiness, rest periods and coffee breaks, ods; implements the best and most workable
safety procedures, and protective equipment methods; modies the new method as needed;
and clothing. and repeats the process after an appropriate
work sample test An assessment test that period of time.
requires the testee (job candidate) to perform worksite marketing Originally dened as the
one or more of the tasks of a job. Commonly sale of voluntary insurance products by
used to select cashiers, computer operators, employers to employees at the workplace
secretaries, stenographers, and so on. through payroll deductions, the term is now
work sampling A method of measuring work used to describe such voluntary benets as
that requires a trained analyst. The job is bro- discounts on prescription drugs, movie and
ken down into tasks, random observations are airline tickets, savings and retirement offer-
made of individuals performing the job or ings, and even consumer goods in addition to
tasks using mathematical formulas to estab- discounted insurance products.
lish the proper sample size, and a report is workspace One form of teaching, learning,
prepared describing how job incumbents spent technology center. Ofce space and equip-
their time and the number of work units ment for use by faculty and academic support
produced during a specied period of time. professional staff, such as adjunct faculty,
workstation 735 World Resources Institute (WRI)

graduate teaching assistants, and consultants by refusing to write letters of recommendation

who have no ofces of their own. for student applicants for college admission
workstation A stand-alone position for one and scholarships, perform after-school tutor-
person consisting of a personal computer and ing, conduct evening parent interviews, or
associated peripherals or keyboard entry to a sponsor clubs.
computer along with a desk and chair and stor- World at Work Formerly the American Com-
age space (and sometimes a communications pensation Association. A nonprot association
interface with other positions or stations). of more than 20,000 human resource execu-
work stoppage Cessation of work by employ- tives, practitioners, consultants, and academi-
ees in sympathy with a cause or to express a cians engaged in the design, implementation,
grievance. and management of employee compensation
work-study Federal programs that allow stu- and benets programs. ACA is committed to
dents to work and earn money while attending excellence in and the advancement of the total
postsecondary education programs. compensation profession. It holds periodic
work team 1. Employees who work perma- meetings to exchange information on com-
nently and exclusively as members of a team. pensation trends, conducts salary surveys, and
2. A form of participatory management conducts training programs. Sponsors certi-
designed to place management and decision cation program for Certied Benets Profes-
making authority at lower levels in the orga- sional. New focus: total rewards the
nization. Teams are trained and then given rewards that make up the work experience.
autonomy in specic areas of work or for car- Contact: World at Work, 14040 N. Northsight
rying out specic functions. Three of the most Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85260-3601 (phone
common types are: (1) problem-solving 480-951-9191; fax 480-483-8352; e-mail cus-
teams, consisting of 5 to 12 volunteers who; Web site
meet weekly to discuss ways of improving the
work environment; (2) special teams, consist- World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) Advo-
ing of 2 to 12 members, established to serve cates for the rights of deaf people around the
a variety of purposes, such as designing and world. Promotes the exchange of research
introducing new technology or meeting with ndings, ideas, and reports about deafness.
customers, clients, and suppliers; and (3) self- Encourages national federations of deaf peo-
managed teams, consisting of 5 to 15 workers ple to establish aid programs for deaf people
who learn all production tasks, rotate from job in developing countries. Contact: World Fed-
to job, order materials, and schedule work. eration of the Deaf, P.O. Box 65 00401 Hel-
work team development Provided for lead- sinki, Finland (TTY +358 9 580 3573; fax
ers and members of committees, project teams, +358 9 580 3572; e-mail;
quality circles, self-directed work teams, and Web site
task forces to improve their performance. World Institute on Disability (WID) A pub-
Focuses on the selection and development of lic policy center that uses research, public
members, how to structure and manage the education, training, and model program
team, how to resolve conict, and how to development to create a more accessible and
increase collaboration and productivity. supportive society. WID is a nonprot, public
work to the rule A tactic used by members policy center dedicated to promoting indepen-
of collective bargaining units to underscore dence and full societal inclusion of people
their dissatisfaction with management policies with disabilities. Contact: WID, 510 16th St.,
or practices. Instead of going on strike, the Suite 100, Oakland, CA 94612 (phone 510-
workers refuse to engage in any work-related 763-4100; TTY 510-208-9496; fax 510-763-
activities that are not specically identied in 4109; e-mail; Web site
the labor contract as their responsibility. For
example, unionized teachers express their World Resources Institute (WRI) An inde-
frustration and anger over low salaries, lay- pendent center for policy research and techni-
offs, imposed pay cuts, and larger class sizes cal assistance on global environmental and
Worldspan 736 written reprimand

development issues. Dedicated to helping academic performance on international

governments and private organizations of all assessments.
types cope with environmental, resource, and worm A malicious computer program de-
development challenges of global signi- signed to propagate itself as the user unknow-
cance. Through policy research and technical ingly performs routine functions, such as
assistance, WRI helps address the question of copying les. It can continue to propagate
how societies can meet human needs and nur- across a computer network or over a modem.
ture economic growth without destroying the wrap See wrap-fee program.
natural resources and environmental integrity wraparound plan 1. A deferred compensa-
that make prosperity possible. Contact: WRI, tion plan designed to augment existing 401(k)
10 G Street, NE, Suite 800, Washington, D.C. investments to enable highly compensated
20002 (phone 202-729-7600; fax 202-729- employees to save for their retirement.
7610; e-mail; Web site 2. Insurance or health care plan coverage, often used for Medicare, for copayments and
Worldspan In travel management, a com- deductibles that are not covered under a mem-
puter reservation system jointly owned by bers basic plan.
Abacus, Delta, Northwest, and TWA. Also wrap-fee program A program that allows an
offers phone consultation, technical speci- investor to dene and cap the expense of
cations, compatibility certication, and investment advice and brokerage execution
marketing. costs by paying a fee (usually a percentage of
World Trade Organization (WTO) Created the dollars invested) for such services. Origi-
by the General Agreement on Tariffs and nally consisting of a simple at fee in lieu of
Trade on December 15, 1993, the WTO, a commission, or a fee covering both money
approved by the legislatures of the countries management services and brokerage execu-
involved, is a permanent institution estab- tion fees, wrap-fee programs now offer such
lished to enforce trade rules covering more services as evaluation of investment objec-
than 10,000 products and nearly all business tives, assistance in allocating assets among
services in 117 nations. A rules-based, mem- various types of investments, custodial ser-
ber-driven organization, all decisions are vices, securities transactions, and portfolio
made by the member governments, and the management.
rules are the outcome of negotiations among write once, read many (WORM) Compact
members. The decisions of the WTO are bind- disks that are erasable and can be rewritten
ing unless unanimously reversed by it mem- only once but read many times.
bers. Contact: World Trade Organization, rue write protection A method of protecting a
de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Swit- disk so that its information cannot be altered.
zerland (phone +41-22 739 51 11; fax +41-22 Users can read the contents of a protected disk
731 42 06; e-mail; Web but they cannot add or delete any information
site unless the disk is unlocked.
World Wide Web (WWW) A weblike net- writing training Training provided employ-
work of Internet information sources, the ees at any level to improve their writing ability
WWW is the multimedia-rich part of the through content, exercises, and activities
Internet with pictures, sound, and text. It designed to develop skills for creating specic
involves a hypermedia information storage pieces of writing, such as correspondence,
system that employs software and a graphical decision papers, reports, job descriptions, pol-
user interface to assist the user in browsing icy statements, proposals, and performance
or navigating through the Internet simply by evaluations.
pointing and clicking. written reprimand A short memo or letter
world/world class standards In education, addressed to the employee that clearly and
standards that are based on the content pre- succinctly describes the offense or unaccept-
sented to and expectations held for students able behavior, underscoring the fact that the
in countries that have demonstrated superior incident represents repeat behavior. It reminds
wrongful discharge 737 Wyden Amendment

the employee of previous discussions about Wyden Amendment An amendment to an

the behavior and states that additional inci- omnibus spending bill proposed by Sen. Ron
dents will result in more stringent action. Usu- Wyden (D-Oregon) and passed unanimously
ally a copy of the memo or letter is placed in by the Senate January 23, 2003. The Amend-
the individuals personnel le. ment bars research, development, and deploy-
wrongful discharge Unfair or unjust termina- ment of the Pentagons Total Information
tion. A corollary to the legal doctrine of Awareness Program within 90 days of enact-
employment at will. In a decision by the ment of the bill unless the Department of
Supreme Court in June 1988, employees cov- Defense submits a detailed report about the
ered by a collective bargaining agreement who program, including its costs, goals, impact on
have bargained for grievance and arbitration privacy and civil liberties, and prospects of
of discharges that violate their contracts have success in stopping terrorists. Research could
the additional remedy of going to court to sue continue if President Bush certies to Con-
for compensatory and punitive damages. gress that the report could not be provided or
There are three basic grounds for such a suit: that a halt would endanger the national secu-
breach of contract, violation of public policy, rity of the United States. It should be noted
and breach of an implied covenant of good that while the system could be used to support
faith and fair dealing. lawful military and foreign intelligence oper-
wuppies Wired, upwardly mobile profession- ations, it could not be used in the U.S. unless
als. Acionados of electronic devices, micro- legislation specically authorizing its use
chips and cybergadgets, and the World Wide were passed by the Congress.
x-axis The abscissa on a two-dimensional Car- (19601980) following the baby boomers,
tesian coordinate system (a graph) for locating the twenty-something generation brought up
points in a plane; the horizontal line that inter- on video and accustomed to technology, that
sects the origin and the ordinate (the vertical came of age in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
line that intersects the abscissa and the origin). Said to be risk-takers, skeptical, family-ori-
It is one of the elements of reference by which ented, pragmatic, highly competitive, self-
a point, as on a curve, is referred to in a system and fulllment-oriented. Attributed to Dou-
of xed, rectilinear, coordinate axes. glas Copeland in the novel Generation X:
Xers A label for a generation, a demographic Tales for an Accelerated Society.
generalization applied to the generation XML See extensible markup language.

Y2K Year 2000. yield management A marketing and sales
YIU Yes, I understand (Internet technique, often computerized, that combines
speak). human behavior forecasting using historical
YOYOW You Own Your Own Words data and just-in-time product pricing (moving
(Internet speak). the product out of inventory at just the right
YR Your (Internet abbreviation). moment). The yield manager makes sales pro-
YSA Youth Service America. jections while changing the pricing. Used by
airlines to continually adjust the number of
Yahoo! On the Internet, a search engine that seats to be sold at a given fare and hotels to
enables the user to type in a key word to nd quote prices for blocks of rooms 2 years in
homepages of sites that include the same advance.
word. (Web site yifes Translates to young, individualistic,
y-axis The ordinate on a two-dimensional Car- freedom-minded and few persons. Applies to
tesian coordinate system (a graph) for locating persons under 26 who decide for themselves
points in a plane; the vertical line the inter- where they are going, are not totally dedicated
sects the origin and the abscissa (the horizon- to their jobs, and are in the post-1964 gener-
tal line that intersects the ordinate and the ation of people more interested in job satis-
origin). It is one of the elements of reference faction, a laid-back lifestyle, and having fun
than they are in money.
by which a point, as on a curve, is referred to
yoga An alternative treatment involving men-
in a system of xed, rectilinear, coordinate
tal and physical exercises designed to
develop mental, physical, and spiritual health
Year 2000 (Y2K) Computer language used to
by withdrawing the senses from all external
describe the Millennium bug the fact that
objects. Concentrates on postures, poses, and
most computer programs assumed that all
years began with the same two digits, 1 and
You Own Your Own Words (YOYOW) A n
9; therefore, at 1 second past midnight on the
Internet acronym meaning that an individual
rst day of the new century, computer clocks is responsible for the things he or she says and
that had not been made Y2K-compatible did has the right to challenge any unauthorized
not change to the year 2000. In many cases, use of the words.
the effect was that all data and software Youth Service America (YSA) An alliance
became inaccessible. In others, the clock was of 171 National Service Afliates committed
changed to 1900, making it impossible for to community and national service. YSAs
users to share data, get on the Internet, or work mission is to build healthy towns and cities
on a network. and foster citizenship, knowledge, and per-
yellow-dog contract An agreement not to sonal development through a powerful net-
joint a union forced on employees before they work of service opportunities for young
were hired by employers. The practice was Americans. Provides technical assistance,
prevalent in the early days of unions (prior to materials, policy development, and national
the 1930s), but it is now illegal. See also newsletter. Contact: YSA, 1101 15th St., NW,
LaborManagement Relations Act of 1935. Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20005 (phone
yield A measure of the income generated by 202-296-2992; fax 202-296-4030; Web site
an investment; for example, the amount of
interest paid on a bond divided by the price. yuppie u See chronic fatigue syndrome.

yuppies 742 yurt

yuppies Young, upwardly mobile, urban pro-

yurt A wilderness accommodation rented
for corporate incentive groups and team build-
ing activities. Features a circular tent on a
raised platform, canvas siding, French doors,
and a skylight. Each unit includes a bed and
a private bathroom.
ZBB Zero-base budgeting. Z-list Four tables of hazardous substances
identied in the OSHA Hazard Communica-
zero-base budgeting (ZBB) A budgeting sys- tion Standard. The list is available from the
tem in which management carefully exam- Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern-
ines the basis for allocating resources during ment Printing Ofce, Washington, D.C.
the period when budgets are being formu- 20402-9325.
lated and programs and services are being Zoe Baird problem Failure to pay social
planned. Rather than using the previous security taxes (7.65% paid by the employer
years funding levels as a base, ZBB uses and a matching amount withheld from the
zero funding as the starting point. So, prior wages) on a domestic employees wages every
funding levels are essentially ignored, and all 3 months when those wages exceed $50 per
activities and programs compete on an equal quarter. Baird is the corporate lawyer whose
footing for funding. nomination for the position of attorney gen-
zero-based stafng A stafng strategy com- eral in the Clinton cabinet was withdrawn
monly used after extensive downsizing and after disclosure that she had failed to pay
restructuring. Involves eliminating, reevaluat- social security taxes for her maid and chauf-
ing, and redesigning positions within the orga- feur, who were illegal aliens.
nization structure and requiring employees to zone fare A marketing initiative; a method of
reapply for congured positions. fare calculation used to simplify fare struc-
zero defects A program designed to achieve tures and budgeting for the customer and
the objective of zero defects in products and a good buy for companies with 100 or more
services delivered to customers and clients. persons traveling to a meeting when their
zero-sum game Competition between two departure points are scattered geographically.
individuals or groups where only one of the Rates are quoted based on geographic zones
contestants is the winner and the victor wins within a region (usually four to ve zones).
at the expense of the loser. For example, zoom lens A camera lens that combines sev-
labormanagement contract negotiations, eral lens capabilities in a single unit. Moves
marketing, and so on. from wide angle (28-mm) to close-up (70-mm
zine A Web journal no paper, no printing, to 105-mm).
no postage, no delay, and no waiting. For exam- Z-score See standard score; T-score.
ple, Word (, Salon
(, Slate (www.slate
.com), and Feed (

Part II
Index of Key Terms
Note to the reader: This section contains a sample list of key items arranged by HR area. They are
included to assist the user in recalling or locating terms in a given area of interest. The list does
not contain all of the terms included in the Glossary. The HR Areas and the pages in this part on
which they begin follow.
Key Terms Headings
1 Associations 748 30 Learning and Behavior 794
2 Benets 751 31 Management 796
3 Budgeting 754 32 Marketing, Pricing, and Sales 797
4 Child Care and Elder Care 754 33 Measurement and Evaluation 799
5 Communication 755 34 Medical Terms 800
6 Compensation 755 35 Meeting Management 803
7 Computer-Related Terms 757 36 Military and Veterans Organzations 804
8 Cost Management 762 37 Motivation, Incentives, and Awards 805
9 Creativity and Innovation 763 38 Organization Design 806
10 Desktop Publishing 763 39 Organization Development 807
11 Disability 764 40 Performance Appraisal 807
12 Education 766 41 Problem Solving 808
13 Employee Development 767 42 Productivity, Standards, and
14 Employee Discipline 768 Quality Control 808

15 Employee Participation 768 43 Professional Journals 809

16 Employee Services 768 44 Project Management 810

17 Equal Employment Opportunity 769 45 Purchasing and Contracting 810
18 Ethics 770 46 Recruiting, Hiring, and Promoting 811
19 Finance and Accounting 770 47 Research Organizations and
Institutes 812
20 Forecasting 773
48 Research, Statistics, and
21 Health Care 774
Information Systems 812
22 Health, Fitness, and Wellness 779
49 Safety and Security 814
23 Instructional Strategies and
50 Service and Information 814
Techniques 780
51 Substance Abuse 815
24 Instructional Systems Development 781
52 Teams and Team Building 816
25 Job Analysis and Job Evaluation 781
53 Technology 816
26 Jobs and Functions 782
54 Tests and Testing 819
27 LaborManagement and
Industrial Relations 785 55 Training 820
28 Laws and Legal Terms 786 56 Travel Management 822
29 Leadership 794 57 Work Measurement 824

Index of Key Terms 748

1 Associations American Marketing Association, 29

American Medical Association, 29
ABLEDATA, 6 American National Standards Institute, 29
AboutFaceUSA, 6 American Nurses Association, 29
ADARA, 12 American Nurses Credentialing Center, 29
Al-Anon, 19 American Physical Therapy Association, 29
Alateen, 20 American Printing House for the Blind, Inc., 29
Alcoholics Anonymous, 20 American Productivity & Quality Center, 30
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, American Psychological Association, 30
21 American Self-Help Clearinghouse, 30
Alliance of Work/Life Professionals, 21 American Society for Healthcare Human
(The) American Academy of Financial Resources Administration, 30
Management, 23 American Society for Industrial Security, 30
(The) American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 23
American Society for Quality Control, 30
American Action Fund for Blind Children and
American Society for Training and Development,
Adults, 24
American Arbitration Association, 24
American Society of Association Executives, 31
American Association for Adult and Continuing
American Society of Composers, Authors &
Education, 24
Publishers, 31
American Association for Higher Education, 24
American Society of Pension Actuaries, 31
American Association of Occupational Health
American Society of Travel Agents, 31
Nurses, 24
American Speech-Language-Hearing
American Association of Retired Persons, 24
Association, 31
American Association of the Deaf-Blind, 24
American Technical Education Association, 32
American Association on Mental Retardation, 24
American Vocational Association, Inc., 32
American Bar Association, 25
Arthritis Foundation, 42
American Cancer Society, 25
American Chiropractic Association, 25 Association for Applied Interactive Multimedia,
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 44
25 (The) Association for Behavior Analysis, 44
American Compensation Association, 26 Association for Continuing Higher Education, 45
American Council of the Blind, 26 Association for Educational Communications
American Council on Education, 26 and Technology, 45
(The) American Council on International Association for Experiential Education, 45
Personnel, 26 Association for Investment, Management, and
American Counseling Association, 26 Research, 45
American Creativity Association, 26 Association for Quality and Participation, 45
American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association for Worksite Health Promotion, 45
Association, 27 Association of Collegiate Conference and Events
American Dental Association, 27 Directors International, 46
American Diabetes Association, 27 Association of Corporate Travel Executives, 46
American Educational Research Association, 27 Association of Destination Management
American Federation of Government Employees, Executives, 46
27 Association of Executive Search Consultants, 46
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Association of Information Technology
Industrial Organizations, 27 Professionals, 46
American Federation of State, County and Association of Management Consulting Firms,
Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, 27 46
American Federation of Teachers, 28 Association of Meeting Professionals, 47
American Foundation for the Blind, 28 (The) Association of Outplacement Consulting
American Heart Association, 28 Firms International, 47
American Hotel & Lodging Association, 28 Association of Recognition Professionals
American Hospital Association, 28 Autism Society of America, 51
American Institute of Certied Public Better Hearing Institute, 64
Accountants, 28 Burns United Support Groups, Inc., 77
American Management Association, 28 Business Marketing Association, 79
749 Index of Key Terms

(The) Calix Society, 85 Information Access Project for Blind Individuals,

Canadian Labour Market and Productivity 341
Centre, 86 Institute for Chartered Financial Analysts, 344
Carnegie Corporation of New York, 89 Institute of Certied Travel Agents, 345
Catalyst, 92 Institute of Industrial Engineers, 345
Center for Assistive Technology, 94 Institute of Management Consultants, 345
Center for Creative Leadership, 94 Insurance Conference Planners Association, 347
Certied Financial Planner Board of Standards, International Association for Continuing
97 Education & Training, 354
Child Care Action Campaign, 104 International Association for Exposition
Cleft Palate Foundation, 110 Management, 354
(The) College Board, 115 International Association for Financial Planning,
College and University Personnel Association, 354
115 International Association for Human Resource
Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Information Management, 354
Accreditation, 117 International Association of Audio Visual
Communications Media Management Communicators, 354
Association, 118 International Association of Business
Computer Education Management Association, Communicators, 354
126 International Association of Career Management
(The) Conference Board, 130 Professionals, 355
Convention Liaison Council, 141 International Association of Certied Coaches,
Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, 150 355
Council of Citizens with Low Vision International Association of Conference Centers,
International, 150 355
(The) Council on Hotel, Restaurant and International Association of Convention &
Institutional Education, 151 Visitors Bureaus, 355
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 162 International Association of Eating Disorders
Direct Link for the Disabled, 187 Professionals, 355
Direct Marketing Association, Inc., 187 International Association of Fairs & Expositions,
Distance Education and Training Council, 192 355
(The) Ear Foundation, 203 International Association of Presentation
Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association, 204 Professionals, 356
Educational Assistance Ltd., 208 International Communications Industries
Educational Testing Service, Inc., 208 Association, 356
Emotional Health Anonymous, 216 International Congress & Convention
Emotions Anonymous, 216 Association, 356
Employee Assistance Professionals Association, International Customer Service Association, 357
217 (The) International Dyslexia Association, 357
Employee Benets Infosource, 217 International Federation of Accountants. 357
Employee Relocation Council, 220 International Federation of Hard of Hearing
Employment Management Association, 222 People, 357
Environmental Industry Associations, 226 International Federation of Training and
Epilepsy Foundation of America, 227 Development Organisations, 357
(The) ESOP Association, 230 International Foundation for Stutterers, Inc., 357
Ethics Resource Center, 231 International Foundation of Employee Benets
European Organization for Quality, 233 Plans, 357
FedWorld Information Network, 258 International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association,
(The) Financial Planning Association, 262 358
Group Health Association of America, 294 International Interactive Communications
Healthcare Convention & Exhibitors Association, Society, 358
304 International Personnel Management
(The) Helen Keller National Center, 308 Association, 358
Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association, 316 International Society for Performance
Human Resource Planning Society, 321 Improvement, 358
Index of Key Terms 750

International Society for Technology in National Board for Professional Teaching

Education, 359 Standards, 444
International Society of Certied Employee National Business Education Association, 444
Benet Specialists, 359 National Business Travel Association, 444
International Society of Meeting Planners, 359 National Cancer Institute, 444
International Special Events Society, 359 National Catholic Ofce for Persons with
(The) International Telework Association and Disabilities, 444
Council, 359 National Center for Youth with Disabilities, 444
International Visual Literacy Association, 360 National Center on Education and the Economy,
Job Accommodation Network, 366 445
Job Corps, 367 National Clearing House for Alcohol and Drug
Job Opportunities for the Blind, 368 Information, 445
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy
Organizations, 370 Education, 445
Laubach Literacy, 381 (The) National Coalition for Literacy, 445
(The) Learning Resources Network, 384 National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners,
Lets Face It, 386 445
Life Ofce Management Association, 389 National Committee for Quality Assurance, 446
Literacy Volunteers of America, 392 National Council on Disability, 446
Management Centre Europe, 404 National Cued Speech Association, 446
Media Human Resources Association, 413 National Down Syndrome Society, 447
Meeting Professionals International, 420 National Easter Seal Society, 447
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, 433 National Education Association, 447
National Academy of Arbitrators, 439 (The) National Employee Services and
National Academy of Human Resources, 439 Recreation Association, 447
National Alliance for Restructuring Education, National Federation of the Blind, 447
440 National Foreign Trade Council, 448
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 440 National Foundation for the Improvement of
National Alliance of Business, 440 Education, 448
National Amputation Foundation, 441 National Helpers Network, 448
National Association for Alternative Stafng, 441 National Information Center for Children and
National Association for Employee Recognition, Youth with Disabilities, 448
441 National Information Center on Deafness, 448
National Association for Female Executives, 441 National Institute for Literacy, 449
National Association for the Education of Young (The) National Institute of Standards and
Children, 442 Technology, 449
National Association for the Self-Employed, 442 (The) National Institute on Deafness and Other
National Association for Visually Handicapped, Communications Disorders Clearinghouse,
442 449
National Association of Child Care Resource and (The) National Management Association, 451
Referral Agencies, 442 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 451
National Association of Colleges and Employers, National Neurobromatosis Foundation, Inc.,
442 451
National Association of Personal Financial National Organization for Competency
Advisors, 443 Assurance, 451
National Association of Personnel Services, 443 National Organization on Disability, 451
National Association of Retired Federal National Rehabilitation Association, 452
Employees, 443 National Resource Library on Youth with
National Association of State Boards of Disabilities, 452
Education, 443 National Safety Council, 452
National Association of Temporary and Stafng National School Boards Association, 452
Services, 443 National Society for Experiential Education, 453
National Association of the Deaf, 443 National Speakers Association, 454
National Association of Women Business National Spinal Cord Injury Association, 454
Owners, 444 National Telecommuting Institute, Inc., 454
751 Index of Key Terms

National Wellness Association, 455 Special Libraries Association, 630

Ofce of Special Education and Rehabilitative Stuttering Foundation of America, 644
Services, 475 Toastmasters International, 671
Ofce of Special Education Programs, 476 Trade Show Exhibitors Association, 676
Ontario Society for Training and Development, Travel Industry Association of America, 683
480 United Cerebral Palsy, 694
Organization Development Institute, 485 United States Distance Learning Association, 695
Organization Development Network, 486 University Continuing Education Association,
(The) Orson Dyslexia Society, 487 697
Pacer Center, Inc., 495 U.S. Travel Data Center, 702
Pacic Asia Travel Association, 495 Utilization Review Accreditation Commission,
Paralyzed Veterans of America, 498 703
Personnel Management Association of Aztlan, Video Electronics Standards Association, 713
515 Vision World Wide, Inc., 717
Phi Delta Kappa, 517 Visiting Nurse Associations of America, 717
(The) Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc., Wellness Councils of America, 724
517 Women for Sobriety, Inc., 728
Professional Convention Management World at Work, 735
Association, 540 World Federation of the Deaf, 735
Professional Organizational Development World Trade Organization, 736
Network in Higher Education, 541 Youth Service America, 741
Professionals in Human Resources Association,
Professional Society for Sales & Marketing
2 Benets
Training, 541 accessorial services, 7
Project LINK, 545 accidental death and dismemberment, 8
Project Management Institute, 545 accrued benet, 9
Rehabilitation Services Administration, 570 accumulated benet obligations, 9
Religious Conference Management Association, acknowledgement card, 9
572 actuarial reduction, 11
Retinitis Pigmentosa International, 578 adjusted funding ratio, 12
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, 608 agreed delivery date, 18
Self-Insurance Institute of America, 608 alternative work options, 23
Service Corps of Retired Executives, 612 adult day care, 13
Sexuality Information & Education Council of age-based dened contribution plan, 16
the United States, 614 age out, 17
Society for Applied Learning Technology, 625 Aid to Families with Dependent Children, 18
Society for Human Resource Management, 625 Amended Value Home Sale Program, 23
Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and ancillary benets, 34
Research (International), 625 annual leave, 35
Society for Muscular Dystrophy Information, annuity, 36
International, 625 appliance service, 38
Society for Nonprot Organizations, 626 Appraised Value Home Sale Program, 39
Society for Technical Communication, 626 Assigned Sale Program, 43
Society of Corporate Meeting Professionals, 626 association health plan, 46
Society of Government Meeting Professionals, authorization to participate, 51
626 automobile handling charge, 52
Society of Incentive & Travel Executives, 626 average nal compensation, 53
Society of Independent Show Organizers, 626 Baby UI, 56
Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 626 backdoor rationing, 56
Society of Motion Picture and Television Benny Awards, 63
Engineers, 627 bonanza babies, 69
Society of Professional Benet Administrators, booking agent, 69
627 bottomline discount, 71
Society of Travel Agents in Government, 627 bulky article charge, 75
Index of Key Terms 752

buy-back plan, 80 employer-supported child care services, 221

Buyer Value Option, 80 employment benets, 221
cafeteria plans, 85 enrollment area, 224
call letter, 85 enrollment fee, 224
capital accumulation plan, 86 entitlements, 225
career centers, 88 equity benets, 228
cash balance pension plan, 91 ERISA bond, 229
cash deferred (401[k]) plan, 91 Excellence Index, 234
Certied Benets Professional, 96 excess plan, 234
Child and Dependent-Care Voucher Plan, 103 exchanges, 234
Child Care Action Campaign, 104 exclusions, 235
Childrens Special Health Care Needs, 105 executive outplacement, 237
cliff vesting, 110 expedited service, 240
Closing Agreement Program, 112 extended period of eligibility, 242
community rating, 119 family care program, 250
community rating by class, 120 family leave, 250
compensationers, 121 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 250
comprehensive benet package, 123 Federal Employees Group Life Insurance, 253
concierge benets, 128 nancial assistance program, 262
consignee, 128 rst proviso, 264
consultation and referral (services), 133 at benet retirement plan, 265
consumer-centric health plans, 134 exible benets/ex benets program, 266
consumer-driven health plans, 134 exible leave, 266
contingent annuity, 137 exible spending account, 266
contributory benets plan, 140 exiplace, 267
conversion insurance, 141 food stamps program, 268
corporate-owned life insurance, 145 forgotten widows, 270
credit reporting agencies, 154 Form 5500 lings, 270
crossover arrangement, 157 fringe benets, 274
day care reimbursement account, 166 fully funded pension plan, 275
dedicated dened contribution plan account, 168 full value protection, 275
Defense Commissary Agency, 169 gay benets, 281
dened benet plan, 171 government benets program, 288
dened contribution plan, 171 Government Pension Offset, 289
delay claim, 172 graded vesting, 289
dependent-care assistance plan, 178 graduated benets, 289
destination agent, 180 granted entitlements, 290
direct access behavioral health system, 186 group legal plan, 295
directors and ofcers liability insurance, 188 group model HMO, 295
disability benets, 188 group pension plan, 295
divorce benets, 194 guaranteed pick-up and delivery, 297
earned entitlements, 204 hauler, 302
earnings test, 204 health and welfare benets, 303
elimination period, 214 health benets, 304
Employee Benet Research Institute, 217 health benets tax cap, 304
Employee Benets Infosource, 217 health care reimbursement account, 305
employee benets laws, 217 Health Care Task Force, 305
employee care program, 218 health insurance purchasing cooperative, 306
employee home ownership plan, 218 health maintenance organization, 306
employee organization plan, 219 high-deductible medical insurance plan, 309
employee self-service, 220 home leave, 313
employee stock option (ownership) plan, 220 home marketing assistance, 313
employee support benets, 220 home sale program, 314
employee welfare benet plan, 220 home sale protection, 314
employer mandate, 221 housing allowance, 318
753 Index of Key Terms

hybrid pension plan, 323 permanent storage, 512

incentive retirement plan, 334 personal days, 513
income-based entitlements, 335 personal growth leave, 514
indemnity plan, 336 pet insurance, 516
indexing, 337 point-of-service plan, 523
individual retirement account, 338 pooling, 524
inherent vice, 342 portability, 525
insourcing, 343 portable pension, 525
institutional IRA, 345 Poverty Guidelines, 527
intermittent leave, 352 Poverty Thresholds, 527
interstate carrier, 361 preferred provider organization, 528
interstate move, 361 prenatal program, 529
intrastate move, 362 prepaid legal plan, 530
key employees, 374 prescription drug assistance programs, 530
kidnap and ransom insurance, 374 primary insurance amount, 533
KSOP benets, 376 prospective payment system, 547
leave, 385 protection benets, 548
leave-related benets, 385 psychology of entitlement, 550
leave stacking, 385 Public Disability Pension Offset, 550
life cycle pension plan, 388 qualied parking, 553
living benets, 392 qualied plan, 554
long-term care insurance, 394 rabbi trust, 560
lump-sum allowance plan, 396 rationed care, 562
managed care, 402 red-circle policy, 566
managed competition, 402 reimbursement account, 570
Medicare, 416 relocation benets terminology, 572
Medicare continuation, 417 reservists benets, 575
military reservists rights, 425 retirement benets, 579
Model SEP, 428 rider, 582
monthly earnings test, 430 rolling year, 586
moving agent, 432 Rule of 45, 588
network model HMO, 459 Rule of 75, 588
net weight, 459 sabbatical, 593
new fringe benets, 460 Save More Tomorrow, 596
noncontributory benets plan, 463 savings and thrift plan, 596
nonqualied pension plan, 465 Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees, 596
normal origin service, 466 school holiday care, 598
notch babies, 467 school matching, 598
nutrition programs, 469 second proviso, 600
origin agent, 487 secret benet, 601
other post-employment benets, 488 Section 162(k), 602
outplacement, 489 Self-Employed Pension Individual Retirement
outsourcing, 490 Plan, 607
packed by carrier, 495 self-managed account, 608
packed by owner, 495 sick leave, 616
paid leave bank, 496 sickness and accident insurance, 616
paid time off, 496 SIMPLE 401(k), 617
pan-European pension, 497 SIMPLE Individual Retirement Account, 617
parental leave, 498 social- or economic-based entitlements, 623
parking benets, 499 Social Security credits, 624
pension equity plan, 506 social security disability benets, 624
pension plan, 506 social security earnings limits, 624
pension plan retiree medical account, 506 social security family benets, 624
performance share plan, 510 social security spousal benets, 624
permanent equity pension plan, 512 social security survivor benets, 624
Index of Key Terms 754

social service leave, 625 work/life metrics, 732

specialty benets, 630 work/life programs, 732
split-dollar life insurance, 632 workplace chaplain, 733
State Childrens Health Insurance Program, 637 work-related entitlements, 734
state unemployment insurance, 638 work sharing, 734
statutory benets, 639
storage in transit, 640
summary annual report, 646 3 Budgeting
summary plan description, 646
capital expense budget, 87
Supplemental Security Income, 648
cash budget, 91
supplementary benets, 648
comprehensive budgeting, 123
surcharge, 649
continuous budgeting, 138
survey, 649
cost-to-complete information, 150
survivor benets, 649
direct labor budget, 187
tare weight, 655
expense budget, 240
tariff, 655
nancial budget, 262
tax extender, 656
xed budget, 264
tax gross-up, 656
exible budgeting, 266
third-party appliance service, 668
incremental budgeting, 335
third-party liability/subrogation, 668
inventory budget, 362
third proviso, 668
lump-sum allowance plan, 396
thrift savings plan, 669
manufacturing overhead expense budget, 407
tiered benets plan, 669
mini-max budgeting, 426
time off benet, 670
operating budget, 481
top-hat account, 672
performance budgeting, 509
top-heavy plans, 672
periodic budgeting, 511
total compensation management, 673
planning, programming, budgeting system, 521
transportation agreement, 681
procurement budget, 538
transportation benet, 681
production budget, 538
trial work period, 684
prot budget, 542
TRICARE for Life, 684
program budgeting, 542
triple option point-of-service health care plan,
project budgeting, 544
revenue budget, 580
tuition-aid program, 686
sales budget, 595
uniform coverage rule, 692
zero-base budgeting, 743
universal coverage, 696
unlimited access, 697
use it or lose it rule, 701 4 Child Care and Elder Care
variable annuity, 707
vested or vesting, 709 accessory apartment, 8
vesting schedules, 709 adult day care center, 13
viatical settlement, 712 Area Agencies on Aging, 40
voluntary benets, 718 board and care home, 68
voluntary employees beneciary association, continuing care retirement community, 137
718 cybering, 161
voluntary leave, 719 early childhood education, 203
V-time programs, 719 elderly cottage housing opportunity, 210
warehouse handling charge, 723 family support programs, 251
welfare plan, 724 foster care, 271
will advise, 727 friendly visitors, 273
Windfall Elimination Provision, 727 gerontologist, 284
work and family programs, 729 granny dumping, 290
workers comp EAP, 730 Gray Panthers, 291
work-family benets, 730 home adaptation, 312
work incentives, 731 home health care, 312
755 Index of Key Terms

home maintenance and repair program, 313 Integrated Services Digital Network, 348
homemaker services, 313 internal complaint procedure, 352
home sharing, 313 internet, 360
housing services, 318 interpersonal communication, 360
legal assistance, 385 interpreter/interpretation, 361
licensed group home, 388 interview, 361
life skills, 389 key, 374
meals-on-wheels, 412 keypad system, 374
nanny, 439 kinesics, 374
nutrition services, 469 kiosk, 375
parent training, 499 leaky reply, 382
personal care attendant, 513 National Information Infrastructure, 448
prenatal care, 529 networking, 459
preventive care, 532 nibbling, 461
resource mother, 576 nonverbal communication or behavior, 466
senior center, 610 organizational distance, 484
support group, 648 paralinguistic behavior, 497
telephone reassurance or support, 663 personal blogs, 513
transportation services, 681 personal communications services, 513
work and family programs, 729 portal-like blogs, 525
presentation method, 531
Pretty Good Privacy, 532
5 Communication protocol(s), 548
rap session, 562
algorithm, 21 Rijndael, 583
alts, 23 roll-about videoconferencing systems, 586
asymmetric encryption, 48 room-based videoconferencing systems, 587
audioconferencing, 50 secure sockets layer, 605
call center, 85 security, 605
cipher text, 106 service provider, 612
collaborative conferencing, 114 spamouage, 629
conrmatory memorandum, 130 surf/surng, 649
corporate portals, 146 symmetric encryption, 650
cybersmear, 161 teleradiology, 663
data encryption standard, 165 translator, 680
dead tree edition, 167 universal resource locator, 696
decision brieng, 168 videoconferencing, 713
desktop videoconferencing, 180 videophone teleconferencing systems, 714
digital certicate, 184 voicemail, 718
discounting, 190 voice response system, 718
distribution method, 193 Webcasting, 723
e-conferencing, 205 Web conferencing, 723
electronic text, 213 Webinar, 723
encryption, 223 Web site, 723
enterprise portals, 225 whiteboard, 726
extranet, 243
facsimile, 247
6 Compensation
global system for mobile communication, 286
grapevine, 290 ability to pay, 6
groupware, 296 area differential, 41
house organ, 318 area wage survey, 41
informal organization, 340 bad boy clauses, 56
information brieng, 341 base rate, 59
information superhighway, 141 behavior-based incentive compensation, 61
instant messaging, 344 benchmarks, 62
Index of Key Terms 756

Bennett Amendment, 63 golden bungee cord, 287

bona de residence test, 69 golden handcuffs, 287
bonus payment, 69 golden parachute, 287
bridging pay, 73 green circle, 292
broadbanding, 74 guaranteed annual income, 296
bronze parachute, 74 hardship premium, 301
bundled case rate, 76 Hay Guide-Chart Prole Method, 302
call-back pay, 85 highly compensated employee, 310
call-in pay, 85 hourly charge, 318
capitation, 87 incentive plan, 334
case rate, 90 incentive stock options, 335
cash plan, 92 job grade, 367
Certied Compensation Professional, 96 job pricing, 368
check-off, 102 key contributor program, 374
closed pay system, 112 living wage, 393
combination fee, 116 living wage laws, 393
compa-ratio, 121 long-term incentive, 395
competency-based pay, 122 lump-sum payments, 397
compression, 124 market pricing, 409
concurrent receipt, 129 mean wage, 412
contingency fee, 136 median wage, 413
continuation of pay, 137 merit budget, 422
cost-of living adjustment, 148 merit pay, 422
decentralization of pay, 168 minimum wage law, 427
deferred compensation, 170 mobility premium, 428
deferred income plans, 171 modied adjusted gross income, 428
dependency and indemnity compensation, 178 nonexempt employee, 464
dividend equivalent plan, 193 nonqualied stock option, 465
dock, 194 offset pension formula, 476
docking rules, 194 on-call pay plan, 478
Dual Compensation Act of 1964, 199 open pay system, 481
Economic Cost Index, 205 pay adjustment, 503
employee partnership pay, 219 pay card, 503
equity adjustment, 228 pay compression, 503
escalator clause, 230 pay for performance, 503
exempt employee, 238 pay for skills, 503
fair employment practices laws, 248 pay grades, 503
Federal Employees Compensation Act of 1916, pay secrecy, 504
253 pay steps, 504
Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of pay structure, 504
1990, 253 performance-based compensation, 509
federal unemployment tax, 258 performance share plan, 510
fee, 258 performance shares, 510
xed fee, 264 performance unit plan, 511
agged rates, 265 phantom stock plan, 516
foreign country, 269 physical presence test, 518
foreign earned income, 269 piece rate, 519
foreign housing exclusion, 269 premium pay, 529
foreign income and housing exclusion, 270 prevailing wage rate, 532
foreign service premium, 270 professional, administrative, technical and
functional pricing, 275 clerical survey, 539
gain sharing, 279 rate buster, 562
garnishment, 280 recovery, 566
general schedule, 282 red circle, 566
global fee, 285 reduced fee, 566
757 Index of Key Terms

restricted stock plan, 577 American Standard Code for Information

retainer, 578 Interchange, 31
reverse contingency fee, 581 analog, 33
rug ranking, 588 antivirus programs, 27
salary continuation plan, 594 applets, 38
salary grade, 594 applicant tracking system, 38
salary range, 594 application, 38
sandbagging, 595 application programming interface, 38
scattergram, 597 application software, 38
Section 911, Internal Revenue Code, 605 architecture, 40
sequester/sequestration, 610 articial intelligence, 42
severance/severance pay, 613 asymmetrical digital subscriber line, 48
severance trust executive plans, 613 asynchronous learning network, 48
short-time compensation, 616 audit, 50
source tax, 628 authoring system, 51
stock appreciation rights plan, 640 Avatar, 52
stock equivalent plan, 640 Azusa, 53
stock options, 640 backbone, 56
supplemental pay benets, 648 back up, 56
survivor benet plan, 649 bandwidth, 58
tax home, 656 barcode, 58
team-based pay, 658 base camp, 58
tin parachute, 671 batch, 59
top-hat plans, 672 batch processing, 59
total compensation, 672 baud, 59
total compensation management, 673 beta version, 64
total payroll, 674 bit, 65
training wage, 678 blogging, 67
trending, 684 bookmark, 69
two-tier pay structure, 687 Boolian logic, 69
unemployment compensation, 691 Boolian search, 69
variable pay, 707 boot up, 70
wage and salary survey, 721 bridge, 73
wage curve, 721 broadband, 74
wage gap, 721 browser, 74
bug, 75
wages and hours laws, 722
bulletin board service, 75
wage structure, 722
bulletin board system, 75
walk-away right, 722
bundled software, 76
workers compensation, 730
byte, 80
Workers Compensation Research Institute, 730
CD-recordable, 93
work levels, 732
CD-rewritable, 93
Zoe Baird problem, 743
centralized network, 95
central processing unit, 95
7 Computer-Related Terms chip, 105
click stream, 110
access control list, 7 client/server architecture, 110
acquisitions software, 10 client-side, 110
ad hoc query, 12 coaxial cable, 112
advance booking, 13 command, 116
advanced distributed learning initiative, 13 command-driven interface, 116
advance editing, 14 common business-oriented language, 118
agents, 17 common gateway interface, 118
alternative computer input device, 22 common user access, 118
America on Line, 32 common user interface, 118
Index of Key Terms 758

communications server, 119 database producer, 165

Compact Disk-Read Only Memory, 120 database record, 165
compatibility, 121 database server, 165
compressor/decomposer, 124 database vendor, 165
CompuServe, 125 data communications, 165
computer, 125 data compression, 165
computer-aided instruction, 125 data conversion, 165
computer-aided software engineering, 125 data element, 165
computer-assisted design, 125 data integrity, 165
computer-assisted engineering, 125 data mining, 165
computer-assisted job evaluation, 125 debug, 168
computer-assisted manufacturing, 125 dedicated leased lines, 168
computer-assisted retrieval, 126 defrag, 172
computer-based coaching, 126 delete tracking, 172
computer-based corporate videoconferencing, demo, 173
126 desktop conferencing, 180
computer-based education, 126 desktop publishing, 180
computer-based instruction, 126 device independence, 182
computer-based learning, 126 device relationship management, 182
computer-based learning resources, 126 dial-up connection, 183
computer-based reference, 126 digital, 184
computer-based training, 126 digital video-disc, 185
computer conferencing, 126 direct drive, 187
computer-enhanced project management, 126 disk cache, 191
computer graphics, 126 disk drive, 191
computer-integrated manufacturing, 126 disk operating system, 191
computerized axial tomography, 127 disk optimizer, 191
computerized braces, 127 distributed database, 192
computerized numerically controlled machining, distributed network, 192
127 documentation, 194
computerized reservation system, 127 document conferencing, 195
computerized tomography, 127 document image processing system, 195
computer literacy training, 127 document management, 195
computer-managed instruction, 127 document portal, 195
computerphobia, 127 domain name, 195
computer program, 127 dot matrix printer, 195
computer-related training, 127 download, 196
computer reservation system, 127 downtime, 196
computer simulation, 127 dustbuster, 200
computer synthetic voice translation, 128 dynamic HTML, 200
concept search, 128 dynamic random access memory, 200
concurrent authoring system, 128 e-coaching, 205
connectivity, 132 edge of the net, 207
cookie, 142 e-learning, 210
cost-per-eyeball, 148 electronically erasable and reprogrammable
courseware, 152 memory, 211
crash, 153 electronic bulletin board, 211
customization/customizing, 161 electronic data interchange, 211
cybercafe, 161 electronic document, 211
cybering, 161 electronic job aid, 212
cyberspace, 161 electronic mailbox/mail, 212
data, 165 electronic management, 212
database, 165 electronic meeting, 212
database management system, 165 electronic performance aid, 212
database manager, 165 electronic performance support system, 212
759 Index of Key Terms

electronic print production, 212 host, 317

electronic signature, 213 hypermedia, 323
e-mail, 214 hypertext, 323
e-mail gateway, 214 Hypertext Markup Language, 324
embedded training, 214 hypertext system, 324
emoticon, 215 Hypertext Transfer Protocol, 324
encrypted English, 223 icon, 327
encryption, 223 idea bank, 327
enterprise computing, 225 idea processor, 327
enterprise resource planning, 225 imaging software, 328
entranet, 226 implementation, 333
Ethernet, 231 import, 333
executive information system, 235 index, 337
expanded memory, 239 informational database, 341
EXPERT system, 241 information dominance, 341
export, 241 information renery, 341
extended memory, 242 information utilities, 341
extensible markup language, 242 InfoSeek, 342
extranet, 243 infotainment, 342
fax board, 251 innovation and research center, 343
ber optics, 260 installation, 344
eld, 260 instant messaging, 344
le, 261 integrated human resource management system,
le allocation table, 261 348
le conversion, 261 integrated human resources payroll system, 348
le server, 261 integrated learning systems, 348
le transfer protocol, 261 integrated services digital network, 348
rewall, 263 intelligent workstation, 350
ame/aming, 265 interactive communications, 350
ash technology, 265 interactive system, 350
at le database, 265 interactivity, 351
oppy disk, 267 interface, 351
form, 270 Internet, 360
format, 270 Internet protocol, 360
fourth-generation language, 271 Internet relay chat, 360
frame relay, 271 Internet service provider, 360
free-text search, 273 interprocess communications, 361
full-text index, 274 intranet, 362
fuzzy search, 276 intrusion-prevention tools, 362
gate array, 281 invitational, 363
gateway, 281 Jaguar, 365
gigabyte, 285 Java, 365
gopher, 288 Jerusalem, 365
graphical user interface, 290 jitterati, 366
graphic design, 290 job codes, 366
Graphic Interchange Format, 291 Joint Photographic Experts Group, 371
groupware, 296 Joshi, 371
hack, 300 Kaleida, 373
hacker, 300 Kerberos, 373
hard disk, 301 keyword search, 374
hard drive, 301 killer app, 374
hardware, 301 kilobyte, 374
high bit-rate digital subscriber line, 309 laptop computer, 380
homegrown, 312 laser printer, 380
homepage, 314 learning management system, 383
Index of Key Terms 760

learning portals, 384 Netscape Navigator, 459

learningware, 384 network, 459
link, 391 neurocomputer, 460
Linux, 392 newbie, 460
listserv, 392 news puller, 461
local area network, 393 news pusher, 461
lounge/forum, 396 node, 462
lurk/lurking, 397 No-Int (Stoned 3), 462
Lycos, 397 notebook computer, 468
machine learning, 400 Nyetscape, 469
macro, 400 object-based learning software, 472
magnetic disk, 401 object-oriented programming system, 472
mainframe, 401 objects, 472
maintenance, 401 on-demand learning system, 478
maintenance fee, 401 on-line, 479
manual system, 407 on-line reference, 479
mathematical model, 411 on-line transaction processing, 480
media player, 413 open architecture, 480
megabyte, 420 open software technology, 481
mentoring center, 422 operating system, 481
menu interface, 422 Operating System/2, 481
Michelangelo, 423 optical character recognition, 483
microcomputer, 423 optical disc drive, 483
microdisk, 423 optical mark reader, 483
microprocessor, 423 optoelectronic integrated circuit, 483
Microsoft disk operating system, 423 optoelectronic technology, 483
Microsoft WindowsTM, 423 overload clinic, 491
mid-range computer, 424 packets, 495
migration, 424 Pakistani brain, 496
millions of instructions per second, 426 palmtop, 496
minicomputer, 426 parallel computer, 497
modem, 428 PC-based enhancement, 504
module, 428 peer-to-peer computing, 505
monitor, 429 peripherals, 511
Moores Law, 430 personal digital assistant, 513
morphing, 430 phrase search, 518
Mosaic, 431 pick list, 519
mouse, 431 platform, 522
multicasting, 432 play space, 522
multidisk, 432 plug-ins, 523
multimedia, 432 plug-ins and clients, 523
multimedia-based training, 433 point-to-point protocol, 523
multimedia personal computer, 433 port, 525
multiple-level password, 433 portable computer, 525
multipurpose Internet mail extensions, 434 portal, 525
multisided icon, 434 post/posting, 526
multitasking, 434 primary memory, 533
multiuser, 434 product life-cycle management, 539
multiuser dungeon, 434 programmable read-only memory, 543
natural language processing, 456 programmer, 543
natural language report writer, 456 programming language, 543
navigation, 456 protocol, 548
needs assessment, 457 prototyping, 548
netcasting, 458 proximity search, 549
netiquette, 458 public domain software, 551
761 Index of Key Terms

pull technology, 551 structured query language, 642

push technology, 551 studio, 643
query-by-example search, 557 subnotebook, 644
QuickTime, 557 supercomputer, 647
random access memory, 561 support, 648
read-only memory, 563 surf/surng, 649
reduced instruction set computing, 567 synchronous optical network, 650
reference desk, 567 system life cycle, 651
relational database, 571 system operator, 651
request for comments, 574 systems, applications, and products, 651
resource room, 576 systems applications software, 651
response time, 576 system software, 651
rsum scanning system, 578 table, 654
robotics, 585 technography, 660
rogue executables, 585 technology integration, 661
router, 588 TELNET, 663
satellite broadcasting, 595 teraops computer, 665
scanner, 597 terminal, 665
screen linking, 600 terminal emulation, 665
scuzzy, 600 testing, 666
search, 600 thesaurus, 667
search key, 600 time recorder system, 671
secondary memory, 600 time-sharing, 671
semiconductor chips, 609 Token Ring, 672
sentry strategy, 610 TouchWindow, 674
serial line Internet protocol, 611 training center, 677
server, 611 transmission control protocol/Internet protocol,
server-side, 611 680
service provider, 612 transportable computer, 680
shareware, 615 trialware, 684
simulator, 618 Trojan horse, 685
slow screw, 621 turnaround document, 686
smart computer, 622 tutorial, 686
snail mail, 622 Ultimedia, 689
sneaker net, 623 unbundle, 690
social engineering, 623 universal resource locator, 696
SOCKS, 627 Unix, 697
software, 627 upgrade, 698
solution, 628 upload, 698
sound card, 628 usenet newsgroups, 701
spam/spamming, 629 user-friendly, 701
spider, 632 utilities, 703
spoong, 633 VDT disease, 708
spreadsheet, 633 Veronica, 708
stand-alone software, 634 videoconferencing, 713
standard report, 636 video graphics array, 713
standards, 636 video random access memory, 714
standards of applications architecture, 636 virtual classroom, 715
static random access memory, 638 virtual local area network, 715
Stoned, 640 virtual private network, 716
stop words, 640 virtual reality, 716
storage area networks, 640 virtual reality modeling language, 716
streaming, 641 virus, 716
streaming media, 641 voice-activated, 717
streaming video, 641 voice response system, 718
Index of Key Terms 762

waiter-actor-webmasters, 722 cost-sharing, 150

wallpaper, 722 cost shifting, 150
Warchalking, 723 debit card, 167
watchdog utilities, 723 dependent coverage waiver, 178
Webcasting, 723 detection costs, 181
Web client, 723 development costs, 182
Web conferencing, 723 direct costs, 186
WebCrawler, 723 direct labor, 187
Webmaster/mistress, 723 direct salary costs, 188
Web searches, 723 drug program, 198
Web server, 723 employer coalition, 221
Web site, 723 employment cost index, 221
webzine, 724 failure costs, 248
what-if?, 725 fty-fty dental plan, 261
what you see is what you get, 725 exible stafng, 266
wide-area information servers, 726 ex plans, 267
wide-area network, 726 full costs, 274
windows, 727 general and administrative expenses, 281
wireless delity (WI-FI) technology, 727 group outplacement, 295
wizard, 728 health care cost reduction strategies, 304
Worknet, 733 Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set,
workspace, 734 307
workstation, 735 human resources accounting, 322
World Wide Web, 736 human resources outsourcing, 322
write once, read many, 736 indirect costs, 337
write protection, 736 indirect labor, 337
industrial rehabilitation, 340
insurance, 347
8 Cost Management job-cost system, 367
activity value analysis, 11 life-cycle cost analysis, 388
actual cost projections, 11 maintenance of benets, 401
administrative services only, 12 medical self-care, 416
applied billing entry, 38 Medicare carve out, 417
applied rate, 39 multinational pooling, 433
black box approaches, 66 opportunity cost, 482
capping, 87 out-of-pocket direct costs, 489
captives, 87 overhead costs, 491
card system, 88 Pareto analysis, 499
carve-outs, 90 personnel controls, 515
centers of excellence, 95 personnel costs, 515
check-out trip, 102 physician proling, 519
collaborative relationship, 114 preferred provider organization, 528
compbusters, 121 prevention costs, 532
composite review and analysis, 123 product liability insurance, 539
comp self-insurance, 124 quality of care measurement, 556
computer reservation system, 127 queuing theory/techniques, 557
Corporate Travel Index, 146 risk retention group, 584
cost analysis, 147 self-insurance group, 608
cost-benet analysis, 147 therapeutic drug utilization review, 667
cost center, 147 tiered premium system, 670
cost containment strategies, 148 trade down, 675
cost-control strategies, 148 unapplied billing entry, 690
cost of quality, 148 unity analysis, 696
cost per applied person-day, 148 utilization management, 703
763 Index of Key Terms

9 Creativity and Innovation color scanner, 116

color separation, 116
afnity diagram, 15 color space, 116
attribute listing, 49 cyan, 116
block busting, 67 digital photography, 184
brainstorming, 71 direct imaging, 187
brainwriting, 72 disk array, 191
creative imagery, 153 downloadable font, 196
creative problem solving, 153 draw software, 196
creative problem-solving training, 153 dummy, 199
creative thinking, 154 font, 268
daydreaming, 166 four-color process, 271
electronic brainstorming, 211 galley proof, 280
forced relationships, 269 gothic, 288
force-eld analysis, 269 halftone, 300
guided imaging/imagery, 297 hickey, 309
huddle group, 319 image database, 328
hurricane writing, 323 imagesetter, 328
idea bank, 327 imposition process, 333
idea processor, 327 impression, 333
ideation, 327 International Standard Book Number, 359
imagineering, 328 International Standard Serial Number, 359
imaging, 328 italic, 364
imaging software, 328 justied, 372
incubation, 335 kern/kerning, 373
lateral thinking, 381 leader, 381
mind-mapping, 426 letterspacing, 386
morphological analysis, 430 Library of Congress Book Number, 387
prioritization matrix, 533 ligature, 389
reproductive imagery, 574 magenta, 401
mask, 410
mechanical, 413
10 Desktop Publishing offset, 476
outline font, 489
Adobe Type Manager, 13 overlay, 491
bitmap font, 66 page buffer, 496
bit-mapped graphic, 66 page-description language, 496
blanket, 66 paint, 496
bleed, 66 pantone matching system, 497
blues, 68 photomultiplier tube, 517
body type, 68 pica, 519
bold/bold face, 69 pixel, 520
calibration, 85 points, 523
camera-ready, 85 PostScript, 526
characterization, 101 PostScript font, 526
charge-coupled device, 101 Pre-Miere Awards, 529
choke, 105 process color printing, 537
clip art, 111 progressive proofs, 545
color correction, 115 ragged, 561
color cycling, 115 raster, 562
color electronic prepress, 115 rasterize, 562
color gamut, 115 reduced instruction set computing, 567
color graphics adapter, 116 resident font, 575
color management system, 116 resolution, 575
color mapping, 116 retouching, 579
Index of Key Terms 764

Roman, 586 cerebral palsy, 95

rule, 588 childrens disability, 104
runaround, 589 clinical/major depression, 111
running head, 589 closed captions, 111
scalable font, 596 common carrier, 118
scanner, 597 communications assistant, 118
script, 600 computerized brace, 127
serif, 611 computer synthetic voice translation, 128
subtractive color theory, 645 conductive hearing loss, 129
swash letters, 650 congregate housing, 131
tagged image le format, 655 contact signing, 135
tint, 671 continuation of Medicare, 137
trapping, 681 continuing disability review, 138
TrueType font, 685 cued speech, 158
typeface, 687 cystic brosis, 162
type family, 687 deaf and hearing impaired, 167
Type I font, 687 delay procedure, 172
Universal Product Code Bar Code, 696 depressive illnesses, 179
vector graphics, 708 developmental disabilities, 181
video graphics array, 713 diabetes mellitus, 182
widow, 726 diabetic retinopathy, 183
windows, 727 differing abilities, 184
disability costs, 189
Disability Determination Service, 189
11 Disability disability management, 189
accessible format, 7 disgurement, 191
accessory apartment, 8 Down syndrome, 196
acquired immune deciency syndrome, 10 dyslexia, 200
adult day care center, 13 dysthmia, 200
Air Carrier Access Act of 1986, 18 eccentric viewing, 205
alcoholism, 20 Echo Headphone, 205
alteration, 22 Echo II Speech Processor, 205
American Sign Language, 30 educable, 207
American Standard Code for Information Education for All Handicapped Children Act of
Interchange, 31 1974, 208
amyotropic lateral sclerosis, 33 eligible small business, 214
aphasia, 37 elimination period, 214
articulation disorders, 42 emotional disabilities, 215
assistive listening device, 44 epilepsy, 227
association discrimination clause, 44 expedited reinstatement of benets, 239
asthma, 48 extended period of eligibility, 242
attention decit disorder, 49 facilitated communication, 246
audiologist, 50 Fair Housing Act of 1988, 248
autism, 51 Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 256
auxiliary aids and services, 52 functional language, 275
barriers, 58 functional speech defects, 275
Baudot, 59 gestural systems, 284
bipolar disorder, 65 glaucoma, 285
blind and vision impaired, 67 guardianship, 287
board and care home, 68 health and medical disabilities, 303
borderline intelligence, 70 hearing and speech disability cultures and
Boston arm, 70 languages, 307
brain injuries, 71 hearing carryover, 307
cancer, 86 heart disease, 307
cataract, 92 help for low-income Medicare beneciaries, 308
765 Index of Key Terms

hemiplegia, 308 personal care attendant, 513

human immunodeciency virus, 320 phobias, 517
IBM Accessibility Center, 327 physical disabilities, 518
impairment, 332 physically disabled, 518
impairment-related work expenses, 332 physical/mental impairment, 518
independent living, 336 place of public accommodation, 520
independent living center, 336 Plan for Achieving Self-Support, 521
individual education plan, 337 Presidents Committee on Employment of People
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of with Disabilities, 531
1975, 339 print deprived, 533
Information Access Project for Blind Individuals, Project ACTION, 544
341 Property Essential to Self-Support, 547
integrative disorders, 349 prosthetic device, 547
interim alternative educational setting, 351 quadriplegia, 553
interpreter/interpretation, 361 qualied interpreter, 553
Italian boot, 363 readily achievable, 563
Job Opportunities for the Blind, 368 reasonable accommodation, 564
Kraft Joystick, 376 recovery during vocational rehabilitation, 566
learning disabilities, 383 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 569
learning disabled, 383 Rehabilitation Data, 570
licensed group home, 388 rehab technology, 570
long-term disability, 395 retarded, 578
loss of speech, 395 retinal detachment, 578
low vision, 396 retinitis pigmentosa, 578
macular degeneration, 401 rheumatoid arthritis, 582
major life activities, 401 schizophrenia, 597
managed disability, 403 Seattle foot, 600
manding, 406 service animal, 611
manual English, 407 severely retarded, 613
manually coded English, 407 short-term disability, 615
mental illness, 421 simple memory deciencies, 617
mental retardation, 421 slow learner, 621
Minimum Wage Exemption Certicate, 426 speech-language pathologist, 631
mobility and motion impairments, 428 speech problems, 631
multiple sclerosis, 433 speech synthesizer, 631
muscular dystrophy, 434 spinal cord injury, 632
National Council on Disability, 446 spondyloarthropathies, 632
National Information Center for Children and stuttering, 643
Youth with Disabilities, 448 subjective disability, 644
National Information Center on Deafness, 448 super crip, 647
National Institute on Disability and supported employment, 648
Rehabilitation Research, 449 Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals
National Rehabilitation Information Center, 452 with Disabilities Act of 1988, 661
National Resource Library on Youth with telecommunications for the deaf/teletypewriter,
Disabilities, 452 662
nerve deafness, 458 telecommunications relay services, 662
organic speech defect, 484 text telephone, 666
orthopedic and mobility impairments, 487 Ticket to Work and Self-Sufciency Program,
orthotics, 487 674
osteoarthritis, 488 TouchWindow, 674
panic disorders, 497 Toyota Motor Manufacturing v. Williams, 675
paraplegia, 498 trainable, 676
paratransit system, 498 transition services, 680
perceived disability, 507 translator, 680
perceptually disabled, 508 trial work period, 684
Index of Key Terms 766

undue burden or hardship, 691 earned degree, 204

Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard, 693 Edison Project, 207
Ushers syndrome, 701 educational management organization, 208
Vocational Rehabilitation on-the-Job Training educational technology, 208
Program, 717 education expenses, 208
voice carry over, 717 edutainment, 209
voice/teletypewriter, 718 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965, 213
eligible program, 214
12 Education eligible school, 214
academic year, 7 employee education, training, and assistance
accreditation, 9 laws, 218
alternative assessment, 22 entrance/exit interviews, 226
American College Test, 25 expected family contribution, 239
Army College Fund, 41 Expeditionary Learning, 240
Army Reserve Tuition Assistance Program, 41 externship/clinical instruction, 243
at-risk student, 49 Federal Direct Loans, 252
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Federal Family Education Loan, 254
Education Program of 2000, 58 Federal Pell Grant, 256
Be All You Can Be Program, 59 Federal Perkins Loan, 256
B-school, 75 Federal Student Financial Aid Programs, 257
Byrd Scholarship Program, 80 Federal student loan interest rates, 257
Campus-Based Programs, 86 Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity
charter school, 101 Grant, 257
Christa McAuliffe Teacher Program, 105 Federal Work-Study, 258
clock hour, 111 nancial aid administrator, 262
College Savings (Section 529) Plans, 115 nancial aid package, 262
combined approach, 116 agging, 268
compensatory education, 121 forbearance, 268
competency-based vocational-technical Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 272
education, 122 General Educational Development (GED) Test,
computer-based education, 126 282
concepts-based, integrated curriculum, 128 global education, 285
Concurrent Admissions Program, 128 Goals 2000: Educate America Act of 1994, 286
consolidation loan, 133 grade point average, 289
constructivism, 133 grant, 290
content standards, 136 guarantee agency, 296
continuing education, 138 Guaranteed Access to Education Stafford Loans,
continuing education unit, 138 296
continuing professional education, 138 Guaranteed Student Loan Program, 297
cooperative education, 138 half time (enrollment), 300
cooperative learning, 142 Hawkins-Stafford School Improvement
correspondence study, 142 Amendments of 1988, 302
cost of attendance, 148 Higher Education Act of 1965, 309
Coverdell ESA, 152 Higher Education Act of 1998, 310
credit hour, 154 Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 1992,
curriculum development, 159 310
curriculum integration, 159 home schooling, 314
degree, 172 honorary degree, 315
diploma, 186 inclusion, 335
direct consolidation loan, 186 independent student, 335
distance training or education, 192 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
diversity program strategy, 193 Amendments of 1991, 339
early childhood education, 203 industrial education, 342
early decision plan, 203 infusion approach, 344
767 Index of Key Terms

instant admissions, 344 Student Aid Bill of 1992, 643

institutional accreditation, 345 student aid report, 643
institutional partnerships, 345 student aid sources, 643
Intelligence Authorization for Fiscal Year 1992, Student Loan Marketing Association, 643
349 subsidized interest, 644
interdisciplinary approach, 351 subsidized loan, 644
laboratory instruction, 378 Supplemental Loans for Students, 647
Learning Tomorrow, 384 teacher certication, 658
legacies, 385 Teacher Corps Programs, 658
Light at the End of the Tunnel, 389 teaching assistant, 658
mainstreaming, 401 Tech Prep, 661
mind/brain function approach, 426 thematic approach, 667
Montgomery GI Bill, 429 topics-within-discipline approach, 672
National Alliance for Restructuring Education, traditional licensing, 676
440 Troops-to-Teachers Program, 685
National Science Scholars Program, 453 Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan
National Security Education Program, 453 (Dependent Students), 697
National Survey of Student Engagement, 454 Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan
No Child Left Behind Act of 2002, 462 (Independent Students), 698
nonstandard administration, 465 unsubsidized interest, 698
occupational education and training requirements unsubsidized loan, 698
categories, 473 values education, 707
opportunity-to-learn standards, 483 veterans employment and training laws, 711
origination fee, 487 visual literacy, 717
outcomes-based education, 488 vocational education, 717
overlap, 491 Webinar, 723
Parent Loans to Undergraduate Students, 498 whole language instruction, 726
Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program, 503 whole-math instruction, 726
Pell Grant Program, 505 work-study, 735
performance-based assessment, 509 world/world class standards, 736
performance standards, 510 Youth Service America, 741
phonics, 517
Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test, 529
13 Employee Development
Presidential ACCESS Scholarship Program, 531
professional degree, 540 assistant-to assignment, 44
programmatic accreditation, 543 buddy system, 75
Program of Non-Collegiate Sponsored career audit, 88
Instruction, 544 career counseling, 88
Qualied State Tuition Plans, 554 career development, 88
quarter hour, 556 career management eld, 89
reeducation, 567 career management prole, 89
regular student, 569 career mobility, 89
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program, 585 career path, 89
Sallie Mae, 595 career planning, 89
Scholastic Aptitude Test, 598 career plateau, 89
school delivery standards, 598 career progression chart, 89
Score Choice, 599 career stages, 89
Secretarys Commission on Achieving Necessary Certicate in Human Performance Improvement,
Skills, 601 95
Selected Reserve Montgomery GI Bill of 1985, coaching, 112
606 conrmatory memorandum, 130
semester hour, 609 daddy track, 164
Stafford Loans, 634 development system, 182
standards, 636 diversity program strategy, 193
Star Schools Program, 637 dual career tracks, 199
Index of Key Terms 768

employee education, training, and assistance good cause, 287

laws, 218 imposed discipline, 333
enneagram, 224 informal sanctions, 340
executive development, 235 just cause, 372
grandpa track, 290 layoff, 381
human performance improvement, 320 notice, 468
human resources development, 322 oral reprimand, 483
instructor development, 346 pink slip, 520
intervention, 361 positive discipline, 525
job rotation, 369 probation, 536
junior board, 371 progressive discipline, 544
knowledge assets, 375 punishment, 551
life planning, 389 reasonable rule or order, 564
life stages, 389 release agreement, 571
management development, 404 self-discipline, 607
management games, 405 warning, 723
mommy track, 428 willful misconduct, 727
multipreneur, 434 written reprimand, 736
Outward Bound, 490 wrongful discharge, 737
personal development, 513
personal development program, 513
planned progression, 521 15 Employee Participation
professional development, 540
Project Adventure, 544 committee, 117
scientist and engineer development, 599 cross-functional team, 157
self-audit, 606 distributed intelligence, 192
self-development, 607 Electromation Decision, 210
self-knowledge, 608 employee-driven idea system, 218
seminar method, 609 employee involvement, 219
special assignment, 629 industrial democracy, 339
time management training, 670 labor-management relations laws, 379
understudy assignment, 670 participative management process, 500
uptraining, 698 participatory management system, 501
workshop method, 734 quality circle, 555
quality of work life, 556
Scanlon Plan, 596
14 Employee Discipline sham union, 614
social capital, 623
adverse action, 14 suggestion systems, 646
appropriate penalty, 39
total employee involvement, 673
compelled self-defamation, 121
conditions of employment, 129
demotion, 174 16 Employee Services
discharge, 189
disciplinary layoff, 189 behavioral risk management, 60
diversion program, 193 career audit, 88
dock, 194 career counseling, 88
downgrading, 196 career development, 88
due process, 199 career planning, 89
employee-relationship-management, 219 client-centered counseling, 110
employment-at-will, 221 clinical psychological interview, 111
equal treatment, 228 coaching, 112
exit interview, 239 developmental counseling, 181
fair employment practices laws, 248 directive counseling, 187
fair investigation, 248 disabled and handicapped laws, 189
formal sanctions, 270 eclectic counseling, 205
769 Index of Key Terms

employee assistance program, 217 17 Equal Employment Opportunity

employee educational assistance, 218
employee home ownership plan, 218 adverse impact, 14
environmental safety laws, 226 adverse selection, 14
exit interview, 239 afrmative action, 15
afrmative action plan, 16
group outplacement, 295
African Americans, 16
implacement, 332
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967,
in-company counseling, 335
inplacement counseling, 343 Alaskan Natives, 20
internal complaint procedure, 352 Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 20
job performance counseling, 368 American Indians, 28
just-in-time mentoring, 372 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 32
medical services, 416 Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, 40
mental health services, 421 Asians, 43
motivational counseling, 431 bona de occupational qualication, 69
networking, 459 business necessity, 79
nondirective counseling, 463 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 107
occupational health services, 473 Civil Rights Act of 1990, 107
occupational safety laws, 474 conciliation, 128
Operation Transition, 482 Connecticut v. Teal, 131
outplacement, 489 disabled person, 189
outplacement counseling, 490 disabled and handicapped laws, 189
personal adjustment counseling, 512 discrimination, 190
disparate impact, 191
preretirement counseling, 530
disparate treatment, 191
preventive care, 532
diversity program strategy, 193
private geriatric care management, 535
dual motive case, 199
psychiatric interview, 549 EEOC waiver policy, 209
psychoanalytic interview, 549 Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, 227
recreation services, 566 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
redeployment, 566 227
referral agent program, 568 ethnic categories, 232
reframing, 568 Executive Order 11246, 235
rehabilitation, 569 fact-nding conference, 247
relocation assistance, 572 fair employment practices laws, 248
remedial counseling, 572 Federal Executive Agency Guidelines, 254
remedial training, 572 four-fths rule, 271
resource referral program, 576 gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender policy,
safety, protection, and security services, 594 281
safety training, 594 genetics-based discrimination, 284
severance program, 613 good faith effort strategy or system, 287
short-term income protection, 616 Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 293
supervisory counseling, 647 Hispanic, 311
intent, 350
supplemental protection plan, 648
Interpretative Guidelines on Sexual Harassment,
supplemental unemployment benets, 648
support group, 648
job relatedness, 369
termination counseling, 665 minority business enterprise, 427
therapeutic listening, 667 national origin discrimination, 452
therapist, 667 Ofce of Federal Contract Compliance Programs,
travel and transportation services, 682 475
virtual mentoring, 715 Pacic Islanders, 499
voucher program, 719 population comparison, 524
work and family programs, 729 Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, 529
workplace chaplain, 733 protected characteristics, 548
Index of Key Terms 770

protected class, 548 accounts-receivable days, 8

quota strategy or system, 557 accretive merger, 9
reasonable accommodation, 564 accrued interest, 9
reasonable woman standard, 565 acid test, 9
religious accommodation, 571 activity ratio, 11
restrictive policy, 577 actuarially sound, 11
retaliatory discharge, 578 adjustable annuity, 12
reverse bias or discrimination, 581 ad valorem tax, 13
sex discrimination, 613 affordability index, 16
sexual harassment, 613 after-hours trading, 16
smokerism, 622 aftermarket performance, 16
tester, 666 aftermarket trading, 16
Title VII, 671 agency obligations, 17
underutilization, 690 allotment system, 21
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection allowable costs, 21
Procedures, 693 amortization, 33
upward mobility, 698 amortization of training expenses, 33
Vietnam era veteran, 714 analyst recommendation, 34
wages and hours laws, 722 angel, 35
Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust, 723 annual percentage rate, 35
annual percentage yield, 35
annuity, 36
18 Ethics arbitrage, 40
asset allocation, 43
accountability, 8
asset disposition, 43
business ethics, 78
assets, 43
business intelligence, 78
audit, 50
community standards, 120
auditbots, 50
company creed, 130
auditing, 50
condentiality, 130
average maturity, 53
condentiality agreement, 130
axes, 53
conict of interest, 131
balance sheet, 57
consequentialism, 132
balloon payment, 57
corporate responsibility, 146
basis point, 59
deontology, 174
bean counter, 59
ethical behavior, 231
bear market, 60
ethical dilemma, 231
blue-chip stocks, 68
ethics laws, 231
Board Certied Financial Analyst, 68
Ethics Reform Act of 1989, 231
bond, 69
ethics training, 232
bond rating, 69
fair employment practices laws, 248
book value, 69
hedonism, 307
break-even analysis, 73
human nature ethics, 320
break-outs, 73
industrial espionage, 339
bull market, 76
metaethics, 422
buy and hold, 80
normative ethics, 466
buydown, 80
pragmatism, 527
call and put options, 85
privacy laws, 534
call option, 85
situationalism, 619
call price, 85
cap, 86
19 Finance and Accounting capital, 86
capital appreciation, 87
absorption costing, 6 capital costs, 87
Accounting Industry Reform Act of 2002, 8 capital depreciation, 87
accounts-payable days, 8 capital expenditure, 87
771 Index of Key Terms

capital gain, 87 current cost, 159

capital gains tax, 87 customary, prevailing, and reasonable, 159
capitalization of interest, 87 Current Procedural Terminology, fourth edition
cash, 90 (CPT-4), 159
cash conversion cycle, 91 day trader, 166
cash ow, 91 dead-cat bounce, 167
cash ow return on investment, 91 debentures, 167
cashless exercise, 91 debit card, 167
C Corporation, 93 debt avoidance, 167
cease-and-desist order, 93 debt service, 167
certicate of deposit, 96 deductible, 169
Certied Financial Planner, 97 default, 169
Chapter 7, Federal Bankruptcy Code, 100 deferred xed annuity, 170
Chapter 11, Federal Bankruptcy Code, 100 deleverage/deleveraging, 172
Chapter 13, Federal Bankruptcy Code, 100 delinquency, 172
Chapter 20, Federal Bankruptcy Code, 101 demand, 173
chargeback, 101 depreciation, 179
charitable gift annuity, 101 derivative, 179
charitable trust, 101 dilutive merger, 186
chartist, 102 direct costs, 186
co-applicant, 112 direct public offering, 188
cocos, 112 disbursement, 189
collateral, 115 discount broker, 190
commercial bank, 117 discounting, 190
commercial paper, 117 discretionary income, 190
commercial sureties, 117 divestiture, 193
common stock, 118 dividend, 193
conict of interest, 131 dividend yield, 194
Consumer Price Index, 135 dollarization, 195
contingent convertible bonds, 137 dynamic scoring, 200
continuous-auditing software, 138 earnings before interest and taxes, 204
contribution analysis, 139 earn out, 204
contribution margin, 140 Economic Cost Index, 205
controller/comptroller, 140 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation
control-share laws, 140 Act of 2002, 206
convertible debenture, 142 economic value added, 207
convertible security, 142 electronic bill presentment and payment, 211
cooking the books, 142 electronic funds transfer, 212
core operating earnings, 144 employment cost index, 221
corporate cop, 144 encumbrance accounting, 223
Corporate Reform Act of 2002, 146 equity, 228
cost basis, 147 European Exchange Rate Mechanism, 232
cost effectiveness analysis, 148 exaggerating estimates, 234
cost of goods sold, 148 exercise options, 238
cost shifting, 150 expenditure control rules, 240
covered services, 152 external audit, 242
credentialing, 154 factor income, 247
credit bureau, 154 Fannie Mae, 251
credit card, 154 FASB Rule No. 106, 251
credit history, 154 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 252
credit scoring system, 154 Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 254
credit union, 154 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 254
currency futures, 159 Federal National Mortgage Association, 255
current assets, 159 duciary bond, 260
current debt, 159 FIFO method of inventory accounting, 260
Index of Key Terms 772

Financial Accounting Standard 133, 261 indenture, 336

Financial Accounting Standards Board, 261 Index of Leading Economic Indicators, 337
Financial Accounting Standards Board Nos. 141 ination, 340
and 142, 261 initial public offering, 342
nancial advisor, 261 insider, 343
nancial assessment, 262 insider trading, 343
nancial assets, 262 insurance, 347
nancial institution, 262 insurance premium, 347
nancial planning, 262 intangible assets, 347
nancial ratio analysis, 262 interest, 351
nancial reinsurance, 263 internal audit, 352
nancial reporting, 263 internal auditor, 352
nancial risk, 263 Internal Revenue Code, 353
nancial statement, 263 international accounting standards, 353
nancial strength, 263 Internet direct public offering, 360
xed annuity, 264 inventory, 362
xed assets, 264 inventory days, 362
xed costs, 264 invested capital, 363
agging, 265 investigative accounting, 363
exible spending account, 266 investment techniques, 363
ipping, 267 January effect, 365
forensic accounting, 270 letter of credit, 386
Franklins Law, 272
leverage, 386
Freddie Mac, 272
leverage ratio, 387
full-service broker, 274
leverage through borrowing, 387
fundamental analysis, 275
leveraged recapitalization merger, 387
funded debt, 276
liabilities, 387
future payment index, 276
license and permit bonds, 388
futures contract, 276
life insurance trust, 389
gain, 279
LIFO method of inventory accounting, 389
generally accepted accounting principles, 282
limit order, 390
geometric mean estimator, 284
line of credit, 391
Ginnie Mae, 285
Ginnie Mae securities, 285 liquidation, 392
going public, 286 liquidity, 392
government contract laws, 288 liquidity ratio, 392
Government National Mortgage Association, 288 litigation support, 392
grace period, 289 lock-up period, 394
grantor retained annuity trust, 290 lost instrument bond, 395
grant price, 290 low-margin industry, 396
green loan, 292 margin, 407
green mail, 292 margin account, 408
gross domestic product, 293 marginal analysis, 408
gross national product, 293 market maker, 409
gross prot, 293 market value added, 409
guarantee agencies, 296 master promissory note, 410
guarantors, 297 materiality, 410
high-margin industry, 310 materially misusing, 410
home equity conversion, 312 merger, 422
home equity loan, 312 multiple, 433
human capital, 319 municipal bond, 434
human resources accounting, 322 mutual savings bank, 434
immediate xed annuity, 329 net book value, 458
income statement, 335 net operating loss, 459
income statement method, 335 net present value (NPV) analysis, 459
773 Index of Key Terms

net prot, 459 servicing agency, 612

net sales, 459 short-selling, 615
net working capital, 459 smoothing, 622
net worth, 459 special-purpose entities, 630
nexus, 461 spinning, 632
NIFO method of inventory accounting, 462 spread, 633
nonqualied stock options, 465 spreadsheet, 633
nontraditional risk nancing/management, 466 Statement No. 95, FASB, 637
operating cost, 481 static scoring, 638
operating margin, 481 streaming quotes, 641
option, 483 surety bonds, 649
overhead, 490 tangible net worth, 655
Overseas Private Investment Corporation, 491 teenies, 661
par GIC, 499 tender offer and merger, 665
payment performance index, 503 thrift institution, 668
physical assets, 518 total debt, 673
points, 523 trailing averages, 676
pooling, 524 Treasury obligations, 683
portfolio, 525 underwater, 690
preferred stock, 528 U.S. government security, 701
price earnings (PE ratio), 532 valuation, 706
principal, 533 variable annuity, 707
Producer Price Index, 538 variable costs, 707
product liability insurance, 539 variable interest, 707
prot, 541 venture capital, 708
protability, 542 Voluntary Compliance Resolution, 718
prot and loss statement, 542 warrant, 723
prot center, 542 whistleblower, 725
prot plan, 542 working capital, 732
promissory note, 546 wrap-fee program, 736
purchase accounting, 551 yield, 741
quiet period, 557
raider, 561
20 Forecasting
real estate investment trusts, 563
real-time quotes, 564 availability forecast, 52
recapitalization, 565 benchmark studies, 62
recession, 565 Box-Jenkins technique, 71
reinsurance, 570 change model, 100
repurchase agreement, 574 exponential smoothing, 241
restricted stock, 577 futurist, 276
return on assets, 580 impact wheel, 332
return on equity, 580 iterative approach, 364
return on investment, 580 Markov chain, 409
reverse repurchase agreement, 581 mathematical model, 411
reverse stock split, 581 monitoring, 429
rights, 583 morphological analysis, 430
risk avoidance, 584 moving average, 432
road show, 585 network ow model, 459
rollover, 586 nominal group technique, 462
Rule of 72, 588 normative forecasting, 466
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 595 objective-line forecast, 472
savings and loan association, 596 optimization model, 483
Securities and Exchange Commission, 605 potential-line forecast, 526
semi-bundled services, 609 projection, 545
servicer, 612 projective techniques, 545
Index of Key Terms 774

ratio analysis, 562 assignment of benets, 44

relevance tree, 571 assisted living, 44
scanning, 597 assisted reproductive technology, 44
scenario, 597 association health plan, 46
SEC, 600 authorized provider, 51
shorting stock, 615 auxiliary services, 52
Silicon Investor, 617 average payment rate, 53
statistical model, 638 balance billing, 56
stock options, 640 basic medical coverage, 59
structured interview, 642 benet limit, 62
substitution analysis, 645 benet period, 62
surveillance techniques, 649 benet trigger, 63
technical analysis, 659 binding third-party dispute resolution, 65
technology forecasting, 661 biofeedback, 65
time series forecast, 671 Blue Cross Plan, 68
total cost of ownership, 673 Blue Shield Plan, 68
tracking, 675 board certied, 68
trailblazer developments, 676 bundled case rate, 76
trend analysis, 684 bundled services, 76
trend extrapolation, 684 capitation, 87
variance forecast, 707 capitation payments, 87
cardiac rehabilitation program, 88
cardiac rehabilitation treatment, 88
21 Health Care cardiac surgeon, 88
acceptability, 7 cardiologist, 88
access, 7 care coordinators, 88
accreditation, 9 carve-outs, 90
activity of daily living, 11 case management, 90
acupressure, 11 catastrophic cap, 92
acute care, 11 catastrophic health insurance, 92
acute disease, 11 catchment area, 92
adjusted average per capita cost, 12 catchment-area management, 92
adjusted community rate, 12 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 94
adult day care, 13 certicate of authority, 96
adverse selection, 14 certicate of need, 96
Advisory Council for Health Care Quality, 15 certication, 98
afliation, 15 certied medical laboratory, 98
afnity plan, 15 C. Everett Koop National Health Awards, 99
allied health personnel, 21 CHAMPUS, 99
allopathic medicine, 21 charity care, 101
allowable charge, 21 chemotherapy, 102
alternate long-term care facility, 22 children with severe disabilities, 105
alternative medicine, 22 Children with Special Health Care Needs, 105
alternative therapies, 23 chiropractic HMO, 105
ambulatory care, 23 chronic care, 106
ambulatory setting, 23 chronic disease, 106
ambulatory surgical facilities, 23 churning, 106
AmeriCare, 32 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the
amortization, 33 Uniformed Services, 106
ancillary services, 34 claims processor, 109
anesthesia, 35 claims review, 109
anxiety, 37 clinic, 111
anxiety attack, 37 clinical practice guidelines, 111
appeal, 37 cognitive impairment, 113
approved charges, 39 coinsurance, 113
775 Index of Key Terms

comfort care, 116 diagnostic related group reimbursement, 183

community-based care, 119 direct contracting, 186
community health center, 119 direct reimbursement dental, 188
community mental health center, 119 disability case management, 189
community rating, 119 disability costs, 189
competition, 122 Disability Determination Service, 189
competitive medical plan, 122 discharge planning, 189
complementary care, 123 disease, 190
comprehensive health planning, 124 disease management, 191
comprehensive medical coverage, 124 disputed claim, 192
comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation domestic partner benets, 195
facility, 124 drop-in group medical appointment, 197
concurrent review, 129 drug abuse, 197
consecutive days, 132 drug formulary, 197
Consumer Bill of Rights, 134 dual option, 199
contingent nonforfeiture, 137 durable medical equipment, 199
continued care, 137 Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and
continuing medical education, 138 Treatment Program, 203
contractual allowance, 139 early intervention services, 203
Coordinated Care Plan, 143 effectiveness, 209
Coordinated Care Program, 143 efcacy, 209
coordination of benets, 143 efciency, 209
eligible persons or individuals, 214
copayment, 143
elimination period, 214
cosmetic surgery, 147
emergency medical services, 215
cost contract, 148
employee benets laws, 217
cost plans, 149
employee prefunding, 219
cost-share, 150
endocrinologist, 223
covered period of connement, 152
enteral therapy, 224
covered provider, 152
epidemic, 227
credentialing, 154
epidemiology, 227
critical access hospital, 155
episodes of care, 227
cumulative days elimination period, 158 equity model, 228
custodial care, 159 etiology, 232
daily benet amount, 164 evidence of insurability, 233
daily maximum, 164 exclusive provider organization, 235
days per thousand, 166 expenditure target, 240
death spiral, 167 experience rating, 240
deductible, 169 experimental treatments, 241
Defense Enrollment/Eligibility Reporting explanation of benets, 241
System, 169 exposure, 242
dened benet, 171 extended care facility, 242
dened contribution, 171 faculty practice plan, 248
dened contribution health plan, 171 family planning services, 250
demand management, 173 family practice, 250
dental care, 174 family temporary disability insurance, 251
dental care plan, 174 Federal Employees Health Benets Program, 253
dental health services, 174 Federal Long-term Care Insurance Program, 254
dental preferred provider organization, 174 federally qualied health centers, 255
dependent coverage waiver, 178 fee-for-service plan, 258
deselection, 179 fee maximum, 259
detoxication facility, 181 fee schedule, 259
developmental disabilities, 181 nancial feasibility, 262
diabetes mellitus, 182 re wall protections, 263
diagnosis, 183 scal intermediary, 264
Index of Key Terms 776

xed-dollar benets, 264 home medical equipment, 313

at rate, 266 homeopathic medicine, 313
exible managed care, 266 hormone replacement therapy, 315
exible spending account, 266 hospice, 316
foreign medical graduate, 270 hospice care, 316
formulary, 270 hospital, 316
freestanding ambulatory facility, 273 hospital connement indemnity coverage, 316
future purchase option, 276 hospitalist, 316
gag clause, 279 hospital stay, 317
gastroenterologist, 281 Hospital Survey and Construction Act of 1946,
gatekeeper, 281 317
general practice, 282 hypnotherapy, 324
geriatric care, 284 immunosuppressive drugs, 332
geriatrician, 284 incentives, 334
global fee, 285 incidence, 334
global pricing, 286 indemnity insurance, 336
Government Employees Hospital Association, independent physician organization, 336
Inc., 288 independent practice association, 337
Group Health Association of America, 294 indigent care, 337
group model HMO, 295 individual case management, 337
group practice, 295 individual practice association, 338
group practice health maintenance organization, infertility, 340
295 ination protection, 340
guaranteed renewable, 297 informal care, 340
guided imagery, 297 inpatient care, 343
gynecologist, 297 institutional health services, 345
handicapped, 301 integrated delivery system, 348
health benets, 304 intermediate care facility, 352
health care prepayment plan, 305 intermediate nursing care, 352
health care provider, 305 intervention, 361
health care purchasing organization, 305 lag study, 379
health care reimbursement account, 305 large case management, 380
Health Care Task Force, 305 license, 387
health education, 305 licensure, 388
health facilities, 305 lifetime caps, 389
health insurance, 305 lifetime reserve days, 389
health insurance purchasing cooperative, 306 limiting charge, 390
health maintenance organization, 306 line of business, 391
health manpower shortage area, 306 long-term care, 394
health personnel, 306 Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, 394
health planning, 307 Long-Term Care Partners, 395
health promotion, 307 low-balling, 396
health reimbursement arrangement, 307 magnetic resonance imaging, 401
health service area, 307 major medical coverage, 402
health status, 307 malpractice, 402
Hill-Burton Act, 311 mammogram, 402
hold-harmless clause, 311 managed care, 402
holistic medicine/therapy, 312 managed chiro, 402
homebound, 312 managed competition, 402
home care, 312 managed pharmacy network, 403
home health agency, 312 management by inconvenience, 404
home health care, 312 mandated benets. 406
home health care agency, 313 mandatory outpatient surgery, 406
home health monitoring system, 313 manipulative treatment, 407
homemaker services, 313 market-based reimbursement schedule, 408
777 Index of Key Terms

market reform plan, 409 nursing home, 469

maternity and child care, 411 nursing home coverage, 469
maximum allowable actual charge, 411 obstetrician, 472
maximum daily benet, 412 occupational disease, 473
maximum lifetime benet, 412 occupational health services, 473
maximum payment period, 412 occupational illness, 473
Medicaid, 413 occupational injury, 473
Medicaid Patient Protection, 414 occupational therapy, 474
medical and health insurance laws, 414 Ofce of Prepaid Health Care Operations and
medical audit, 414 Oversight, 475
medical equipment, 414 off-label drug, 476
medical insurance, 414 off-label prescribing, 476
medical loss ratio, 414 Old Age, Survivors, Disability and Health
medically necessary, 415 Insurance Program, 476
medical necessity, 415 oncologist, 478
Medical Records Condentiality Act of 1996, 415 on-label prescribing, 479
medical review ofcer, 415 open-ended health maintenance organization, 480
medical savings account, 415 open-ended plan, 480
medical service agency, 416 open panel, 481
medical social services, 416 open season, 481
medical supplies, 416 ophthalmologist, 482
Medicare, 416 oral and maxillofacial surgery, 483
Medicare-approved amount, 417 orthopedist, 487
Medicare carrier, 417 osteoarthritis, 488
Medicare + Choice, 417 osteopathic medicine, 488
Medicare Medical Savings Account, 418 otolaryngolist, 488
Medicare Private Fee-for-Service Plan, 418 outcomes management, 488
Medicare risk contract, 418 out-of-pocket payment, 489
Medicare Savings Programs, 418 outpatient, 489
Medicare SELECT, 418 overpricing, 491
Medicare subvention, 418 palliative care, 496
medigap insurance, 419 par provider, 499
meditation, 419 participant in CHAMPUS, 500
mental health, 420 patient advocate, 502
mental health advance directive, 420 patient ratings, 502
mental health services, 421 pattern review, 503
mental illness, 421 pay-as-you-go strategy, 503
midlevel practitioner, 424 pediatrician, 504
military treatment facility, 426 peer review, 505
mixed model, 427 peer review organization, 505
morbidity, 430 pension plan retiree medical account, 506
mortality, 431 per diem reimbursement, 508
myelography, 435 personal emergency response system, 513
National Committee for Quality Assurance, 446 pharmacy benet management, 516
nature of injury or illness, 456 photo-refractive keratectomy, 517
neighborhood health center, 458 physiatrist, 518
network model HMO, 459 physician assistant, 519
neurologist, 460 plan of care, 521
no balance billing clause, 462 play or pay model, 522
non-availability statement, 463 play or pay plan, 522
nonforfeiture benet, 464 point of service, 523
nonparticipating physician, 465 policy downgrades, 523
nurse, 468 population management, 524
nurse case manager, 468 positron emission tomography, 526
nurse practitioner, 468 post-claims underwriting, 526
Index of Key Terms 778

preadmission certication, 527 risk/risk factor, 584

preadmission review, 527 routine services/care, 588
preadmission testing, 527 rural health clinic, 589
precertication, 528 salary-based deductible, 594
predatory pricing, 528 same day surgery, 595
preexisting condition, 528 secondary care, 600
preferred provider arrangement, 528 second opinion, 600
preferred provider organization, 528 self-care, 606
premium, 529 self-funded plan of benets, 607
prepayment, 530 service area, 611
prescription drug assistance programs, 530 shadow pricing, 614
prevailing charge, 532 side effect, 616
preventive care, 532 signicant activities of daily living, 617
preventive services, 532 single-payer plan, 618
preventive medicine, 532 skilled care, 619
primary care, 533 skilled nursing care, 619
primary care nurse, 533 skilled nursing facility, 619
primary-care physician, 533 specialist, 629
privacy regulations, 534 special practitioners, 630
private inurement, 535 specied disease coverage, 630
procedure, 536
Specied Low-Income Medicare Beneciary
Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, Program, 630
speech language pathology services, 631
prospective payment system, 547
staff model, 634
prospective review, 547
State Childrens Health Insurance Program, 637
provider organization, 548
State Health Insurance Assistance Program, 637
provider sponsor organization, 548
stop loss, 640
prudent layperson rule, 549
subacute care, 644
public health, 551
subrogation, 644
qualied Medicare Beneciary Program, 553
Suttons Law, 650
quality, 554
quality assessments of health plans, 554 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982,
quality improvement organizations, 555
quality of care, 556 tax qualied policy, 657
Quimby, 557 telemedicine, 663
radial keratotomy, 560 temporomandibular joint disorder, 664
radiation therapy, 560 therapeutic touch, 667
reconstructive surgery, 565 toxic mold, 674
referral, 567 transportation benet, 681
reexology, 568 treatment options, 683
rehabilitation, 569 TRICARE for Life, 684
reinsurance, 570 TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy, 684
remission, 572 trigger clause, 685
resource-based relative value scale, 576 triggering condition or event, 685
respite care, 577 triple option, 685
restorative surgery, 577 triple option point-of-service health care plan,
retainer, 578 685
retrospective reimbursement, 580 underwriting, 690
retrospective review, 580 Uniformed Services Treatment Facility, 693
return of premium nonforfeiture, 580 universal coverage, 696
rheumatoid arthritis, 582 upcoding, 698
rheumatologist, 582 urgent care, 699
rider, 582 urologist, 699
risk contract, 584 user fee, 701
risk plans, 584 utilization review, 703
779 Index of Key Terms

Utilization Review Accreditation Commission, environmental tobacco smoke, 226

703 eu-stress, 233
well child care, 724 exercise program, 238
wraparound plan, 736 fetal risk, 259
yoga, 741 bromyalgia, 260
Food and Drug Administration, 268
gout, 288
22 Health, Fitness, and Wellness handicapped employees, 301
acquired immune deciency syndrome, 10 health benets, 304
aerobic exercise, 15 Health Care Financing Administration, 304
AIDS-related complex, 18 health care power of attorney, 304
AIDS tests, 18 health care proxy, 305
allergic rhinitis, 21 health care purchasing organization, 305
alpha state, 22 health insurance, 305
amateur auditor plan, 23 health insurance reform, 306
ambulatory care utilization review, 23 health maintenance organization, 306
anaerobic exercise, 33 health-risk appraisal, 307
angina pectoris, 35 health-risk assessment, 307
ankylosing spondylitis, 35 health-risk factors, 307
rhythmia, 42 heart disease, 307
arthritis, 42 home health agency, 312
asthma, 48 home health care, 312
atherosclerosis, 48 hospice care, 316
behavioral health care, 60 human immunodeciency virus, 320
biofeedback, 65 hypertension, 323
boutique health care, 71 injury, 342
burnout, 77 mammography, 402
call letter, 85 median days away from work, 413
cancer, 86 medical resource library, 415
cardiac rehabilitation program, 88 medical self-care, 416
cardiac rehabilitation treatment, 88 mental wellness program, 421
cardiovascular exercise, 88 mind-body exercise, 426
case management organizations, 90 myelography, 435
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 94 National Health Program, 448
chiropractic care or medicine, 105 National Leadership Coalition for Health Care
chlorouorocarbons, 105 Reform, 450
chronic fatigue syndrome, 106 nature of injury or illness, 456
cognitive enhancement, 113 no frills health plan, 462
competitive medical plan, 122 nootropics, 466
co-payment, 143 occupational illness, 473
coronary heart disease, 144 occupational injury, 473
customary charge, 159 osteoarthritis, 488
Data Match, 165 outcomes management, 488
demand management, 173 physical examination, 518
detoxication facility, 181 physical tness program, 518
disabled and handicapped laws, 189 physical training, 518
double coverage, 195 physiotherapy, 519
dread disease coverage, 196 phytochemicals, 519
drug formulary, 197 pilates, 520
drug testing, 198 polymyalgia rheumatica, 524
durable power of attorney for health care, 199 positron emission tomography, 526
dyslexia, 200 post-traumatic stress disorder, 526
dys-stress, 200 premenstrual syndrome, 529
electromyography, 211 prosthetic device, 547
emotional disabilities, 215 psychotherapy, 550
Index of Key Terms 780

radon gas, 561 discovery learning, 190

rheumatoid arthritis, 582 distance learning, 192
risk rating, 584 document camera, 194
scleroderma, 599 drill and practice, 197
seasonal affective disorder, 600 experiential learning, 240
second surgical opinion, 601 expository learning, 242
sexually transmitted diseases, 614 eld trips, 260
shared services, 615 framing, 271
skilled nursing facility, 619 games, 280
sleep deprivation, 621 graphic aids, 290
solo practice, 628 group interview, 294
specialist, 629 guided practice, 297
spend down, 632 handouts, 301
standards of care, 636 high adventure activities, 309
stress, 641 home study, 314
substance abuse laws, 645 homogeneous grouping, 314
symptomatic, 650 host site, 317
target heart rate, 655 implementation, 333
tertiary care, 665 inbasket exercise, 333
third-party payer, 668 independent study, 337
thrombosis, 669 individualized instruction, 338
totally disabled, 673 initiative activities, 342
transcendental meditation, 679 instructional management plan, 345
uncompensated care, 690 instructional method, 346
underinsured, 690 instructional objective, 346
usual, customary, and reasonable, 703 instructional strategy, 346
utilization, 703 instructional technique, 346
utilization review, 703 instructor camera, 346
vital statistics, 717 instructor-led training, 346
workaholic, 729 interactive multimedia, 350
work hardening, 731 interactive performance system, 350
yoga, 741
interactive video system, 351
job aids, 366
23 Instructional Strategies and job instruction training, 368
job procedures manual, 369
Techniques laboratory training, 378
behavior, 60 learning center, 382
blended learning, 66 lecture method, 385
challenge courses, 99 mediating device, 413
collaboration technology, 114 method, 423
colloquy, 115 mockup, 428
computer-aided instruction, 125 model, 428
computer-managed instruction, 127 monitor, 429
conditions, 129 multimedia, 432
conference method, 130 one-on-one training, 479
content, 136 on-the-job training, 480
creative staff, 154 panel, 496
criterion, 155 participant camera, 500
critique, 156 peer group learning, 505
cuing, 158 performance, 508
debrieng, 167 performance support system, 511
demonstration method, 174 physical simulations, 518
didactic learning, 184 preparation, 530
didactic teaching, 184 presentation, 531
directed discussion, 187 procedural simulations, 536
781 Index of Key Terms

process simulations, 538 integrative brainwork approach, 349

programmed instruction, 543 interactive software simulations, 350
questioning, 557 interdisciplinary approach, 351
recycle, 566 job performance order, 368
remote site, 573 learning environment, 383
role playing, 586 learning guides, 383
room audio, 586 learning objective, 383
scalability, 596 learning objects, 383
seminar method, 609 learning skills, 384
sensitivity training, 610 learning strategy, 384
shell, 615 learningware, 384
simulation, 618 lesson plan, 386
structured experiences, 642 logical order, 394
study assignments, 643 mind/brain function approach, 426
suggestology, 646 module, 428
supporting method, 648 multimedia, 432
team learning, 659 needs assessment, 457
team teaching, 659 needs inventories, 457
teleconferencing, 662 nominal group technique, 462
telecourses, 662 objective, 472
trainee response system, 676 pilot, 520
training conference, 677 problem-centered order, 536
tutoring, 686 producer, 538
two-way interactive video, 687 program of instruction, 543
prototyping, 548
psychological order, 549
rule of thumb, 588
24 Instructional Systems script, 600
Development Sharable Content Object Reference Model, 614
storyboard, 640
accomplishment-based curriculum development,
Systems Approach to Training, 651
systems validation, 651
behavior, 60
thematic approach, 667
branching program, 72
topics-within-discipline approach, 672
conditions, 129
training needs analysis, 678
content management, 136
training objective, 678
course developer, 151
training program design, 678
criterion, 155
training systems development, 678
critical incident, 156
decision matrix, 168
decision template, 168 25 Job Analysis and Job Evaluation
decision tree, 168
delivery system, 173 accountability, 8
descriptive order, 179 benchmarks, 62
duty analysis, 200 comparable factors, 121
element, 213 comparable worth, 121
element analysis, 213 compensable factors, 121
eld test, 260 computer-assisted job evaluation, 125
front-end analysis, 274 critical element, 155
generic analysis, 283 critical incident survey, 156
high-technology training, 310 critical tasks, 156
holistic approach, 311 documentation, 194
infusion approach, 342 duty, 200
instructional systems development, 346 factor comparison, 247
Integrated Applications Digital and Audio factor weight, 247
Trainer, 347 group interview, 294
Index of Key Terms 782

Hay system, 302 Certied Benets Professional, 96

individual interview, 338 Certied Coach, 96
job, 366 Certied Compensation Professional, 96
job analysis, 366 Certied Corporate Travel Executive, 97
job classication, 366 Certied Destination Management Executive, 97
job description, 367 Certied Employee Assistance Professional, 97
job design, 367 Certied Employee Benets Specialist, 97
job dimensions, 367 Certied Financial Planner, 97
job enrichment, 367 Certied Financial Planner Board of Standards,
job evaluation, 367 97
job inventory, 368 Certied Management Consultant, 97
job paths, 368 Certied Manager of Exhibits, 98
job ranking, 369 Certied Meeting Professional, 98
job redesign, 369 Certied Nurse-Midwife, 98
job title, 370 Certied Personnel Consultant, 98
jury of experts, 372 Certied Professional Development Trainer, 98
key result areas, 374 Certied Public Accountant, 98
knowledge, skills, and abilities, 376 Certied Speaking Professional, 99
multi-domain job analysis, 432 Certied Technical Trainer, 99
occupational analysis, 472 Certied Temporary Stafng Specialist, 99
occupational eld, 473 change agents, 99
participant diary or log, 500 Chartered Financial Analyst, 101
task, 656 chartist, 102
task analysis, 656 chief accounting ofcer, 102
work participation method, 733 chief diversity ofcer, 102
work performance, 733 chief executive ofcer, 103
chief nancial ofcer, 103
chief human capital ofcer, 103
26 Jobs and Functions chief knowledge ofcer, 103
actives, 10 chief operating ofcer, 103
administrative employee, 12 chief technology ofcer, 103
administrative support services, 12 chief training ofcer, 103
administrator, 13 chief transformation ofcer, 103
agency relationship, 17 civilian workers, 107
agent, 17 claims assistance professional, 109
alpha geek, 22 claims processor, 109
audiologist, 50 (The) C-level, 110
authorized provider, 51 coffee-cup counter, 113
bean-counter, 59 cognizant technical ofcer, 113
benets administrator, 63 commission-only planner, 113
benets manager, 63 contingent worker, 137
benets planning analyst, 63 controlling, 140
bitnick, 66 convening authority, 141
blue-collar workers, 68 convention and visitors bureau, 141
blue-collar technical workers, 68 co-preneurs, 143
Board Certied Financial Analyst, 68 core competencies, 143
boomerang workers, 70 core workers, 144
brieng room program manager, 74 corporate chaplain, 144
brown-collar jobs, 74 corporate compensation and benets executive,
business coach, 78 144
call center, 85 corporate memory manager, 145
cardiologist, 88 course developer, 151
Certicate in Human Performance Improvement, course manager, 152
95 creative staff, 154
Certied Association Executive, 97 crossfunctional, 157
783 Index of Key Terms

curriculum development, 159 gatekeeper, 281

customer, 159 generalist, 282
customer relations, 160 ghost work, 284
customer service representative, 160 global rotational opportunities, 286
customer service specialist, 160 gold collar workers, 287
Cybergrrl, 161 governance, 288
cybrarian, 161 grampies, 290
daddy track, 164 grandpa track, 290
database manager, 165 gray area reservists, 291
data processing, 166 green executive, 292
decision making, 168 group facilitator, 294
dejobbing, 172 Gutenberg, 297
dermatologist, 179 gynecologist, 297
designer, 180 health benets advisor, 304
directing, 187 health care nder, 304
director, 188 high-performance jobs, 310
disability manager, 189 high potential employee, 310
displaced worker, 191 home worker, 314
displacement, 192 hoteling, 317
disposable workers, 192 image consulting, 328
distributed work, 192 impats, 332
downshifter/downshifting, 196 independent contractors, 336
downwardly mobile professional, 196 industrial engineering, 339
dumpster diver/diving, 199 industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologist, 339
electronic immigrant, 212 internal consultant, 352
electronic partnering, 212 job leaver, 368
electronic sweatshop, 213 job lock, 368
employed persons, 216 job loser, 368
employee, 217 job opening, 368
employee benets manager, 218 job shadowing, 369
endocrinologist, 223 job sharing, 370
ergonomics, 229 job tenure, 370
exempt employee, 238 joint-activities staff, 370
expat/expatriate, 239 Judge Advocate General, 371
facilitator, 247 judge advocates, 371
fee-and-commission planner, 258 just in time (JIT) II in-plant, 372
fee-only planner, 259 knowledge broker, 375
Fellow, American Academy of Ophthalmology, knowledge workers, 376
259 labor force, 378
Fellow, American College of Cardiology, 259 LANLord, 380
Fellow, American College of Obstetricians and layoff, 381
Gynecologists, 259 leader, 381
Fellow, American College of Surgeons, 259 licensed practical nurse, 388
duciary responsibility, 260 management consultant, 404
nancial advisor, 261 manager, 405
nancial planning, 262 manager-without-portfolio, 406
ag ofcer, 265 managing, 406
free addressing, 272 marketer, 408
free agent, 272 materials developer, 411
free-lance trainer, 273 medical residents, 415
full-time employee, 274 meeting management, 419
full-time worker, 275 mentor, 422
functional specialists, 275 military appellate review courts, 424
futurist, 276 mobile worker, 428
gastroenterologist, 281 mommy track, 428
Index of Key Terms 784

moonlighting, 430 reentrants, 567

mouse potato, 431 registered meeting planner, 568
needs analyst, 457 registered occupational therapist, 569
neurologist, 460 remote employee, 572
neurosurgeon, 460 remote manager, 573
new entrants, 460 rheumatologist, 582
nonexempt employee, 464 risk manager, 584
nontraditional employment, 465 road warrior, 585
not in the labor force, 468 rotator, 587
number-cruncher, 468 salaried planner, 594
nurse practitioner, 468 sales employee, 595
occupational analysis, 472 sandwiched employee, 595
occupational education and training requirements salt, 595
categories, 473 sandwiched employee, 595
occupational groups, 473 satellite, 595
occupational health services, 473 self-employed persons, 607
off-duty hours, 474 services-producing industries, 612
ombudsman, 477 service worker, 612
on-call time, 478 shareholder, 615
oncologist, 478 sheddable worker, 615
open-collar worker, 480 sidestep, 616
opthamologist, special work team, 630
organizing, 486 stafng, 633
orthopedist, 487 staff ofcer or staff manager, 634
otolaryngologist, 488 stakeholder, 634
paramedic, 498 standing work team, 636
paraprofessionals, 498 strategic planning, 641
part-time employee, 501 striped-collar workers, 642
pediatrician, 504 subject-matter expert, 644
performance improvement technologists, 509 substance abuse professional, 645
performance management, 510 sysadmin, 651
performance support engineer, 511 systems quality control, 651
personal care attendant, 513 talent, 655
pharmaco-economist, 516 teaching assistant, 658
physiatrist, 518 techies, 659
physical therapist, 518 technical education and training personnel, 659
physician, 519 technical professionals, 660
physician assistant, 519 technical skills, 660
pink-collar workers, 520 technical support employees, 660
placement, 520 technical systems analysis, 660
plan administrator, 520 technical workers, 660
planning, 521 technician, 660
plastic surgeon, 522 technographer, 660
plug-and-play, 523 techno hobo, 661
podiatrist, 523 technologist, 661
privacy ofcer, 534 technology forecasting, 661
producing, 538 telecommuting/telecommuters, 662
professional employee, 540 teleworking, 663
programmer, 543 temp, 664
psychiatrist, 549 temporary employees, 664
psychologist, 550 temporary trainer, 664
public relations, 551 third-party administrator, 668
quality assurance, 554 trainer, 676
quit, 557 training director, 677
radiologist, 561 training manager, 678
785 Index of Key Terms

travel management, 683 fact-nder, 247

unemployed persons, 691 fact-nding, 247
urologist, 699 fact-nding conference, 247
U.S. Air Force enlisted ranks, 699 fair employment practices laws, 248
U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, and U.S. Marine featherbed rule, 252
Corps commissioned ofcer ranks, 699 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 255
U.S. Army branches of service, 700 Fiscal 1993 Defense Authorization Act, 264
U.S. Army enlisted ranks, 700 giveback, 285
U.S. Army warrant ofcer ranks, 700 good cause, 287
U.S. Coast Guard enlisted ranks, 700 good faith bargaining, 287
U.S. Marine Corps enlisted ranks, 702 grievance procedure, 293
U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard commissioned industry, 340
ofcer ranks, 702 internal complaint procedure, 352
U.S. Navy enlisted ranks, 702 International Association of Machinists and
U.S. Navy warrant ofcer ranks, 702 Aerospace Workers, 356
vascular surgeon, 708 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
virtual ofce, 715 356
webmaster/webmistress, 723 International Brotherhood of Teamsters,
whistleblower, 725 Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of
white-collar workers, 726 America, 356
work-at-home, 729 International Labour Organization, 358
workplace no-show, 733 job bidding, 366
joint labor/management committee, 371
just cause, 372
27 LaborManagement and Industrial labor agreement, 378
Relations Labor Condition Application (program), 378
labormanagement contract, 378
agency shop, 17
labormanagement participation team, 379
alternative dispute resolution procedures, 22
labormanagement relations laws, 379
American Federation of Government Employees,
Lehnert v. Ferris Faculty, 386
litigation, 392
American Federation of Labor Congress of
Industrial Organizations, 27 lockout, 394
American Federation of State, County, and maintenance of membership, 401
Municipal Employees, 27 mandatory bargaining item, 406
American Federation of Teachers, 28 med-arb, 413
arbitration, 40 mediation, 413
authorization cards, 51 military reduction in force, 425
Beck case, 60 mini-trial, 427
bump/bumping, 76 National Academy of Arbitrators, 439
burden of proof, 76 National Education Association, 447
call-girl principle, 85 National Labor Relations Board, 450
civilian reduction in force, 107 National Mediation Board, 451
closed shop, 112 negotiation, 458
collaborative negotiation, 114 noncompete agreement, 463
collective bargaining, 115 North American Industry Classication System,
Communication Workers of America, 119 467
conditions of employment, 129 Ofce & Professional Employees International
deunionization, 181 Union, 475
due process, 199 open shop, 481
dues check-off, 199 Permanent Labor Certication program, 512
Electromation Decision, 210 rent-a-judge, 573
employee rights, 220 salting, 595
employment contract, 221 Service Employees International Union, 612
expedited arbitration, 239 sham union, 614
Index of Key Terms 786

Sheet Metal Workers International Association, American Servicemembers Protection Act of

615 2002, 30
sit-in, 619 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 32
stakeholder, 634 amicus curiae, 33
strike, 642 ancillary probate, 34
transition assistance, 680 annual exclusion, 35
unfair labor practices, 691 Annuitant Protection Act of 1994, 35
union, 694 anti-discrimination laws, 36
union busting, 694 Anti-Kickback Act of 1986, 36
union contract, 694 antitakeover statutes, 36
unionization, 694 antitrust and fair trade legislation, 37
Union of Needle Trades, Industrial and Textile antitrust laws, 37
Workers, 694 any willing-provider law, 37
union shop, 694 appropriation bills, 39
United Auto Workers, 694 arbitration, 40
United Food and Commercial Workers, 695 Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act of 2003, 41
United Mine Workers of America, 695 Article 15, 42
United Steelworkers of America, 695 Article 32 investigation, 42
walk-out, 722 assault, 43
Weingarten Rule (or Rights), 724 Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of
whipsawing, 725 1997, 44
work rules, 734 Assistive Technology Act of 1998, 44
work stoppage, 735 association discrimination clause, 44
work to the rule, 735 asylee, 48
wrongful discharge, 737 attestation clause, 49
yellow-dog contract, 741 attorney-in-fact, 49
attrition clause, 49
authorization bills, 51
28 Laws and Legal Terms Authorization for Use of Military Force, 51
Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001,
Accounting Industry Reform Act of 2002, 8 53
acquired citizenship, 9 Baby UI, 56
administrator, 13 Balanced Budget Act of 1997, 57
Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, 13 bankruptcy, 58
adverse impact, 14 barrister, 58
afdavit, 15 battery, 59
afrmative action, 15 BE&K Construction Co. v. NLRB, 61
after-acquired evidence, 16 bequest, 63
Age 60 rule, 16 Betts legislation, 64
agency relationship, 17 Birth Defects Prevention Act of 1998, 65
agent, 17 blackout period, 66
agricultural worker, 18 Board of Education of Independent School
agricultural worker law, 18 District No. 92 of Pottsawatomie County,
Air Carrier Access Act of 1986, 18 et. al., Petitioners v. Lindsay Earls et al., 68
Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, 19 bond, 69
Air Travel Industry Enforcement Guidelines, 19 Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002, 70
alien, 21 Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale, 71
alien employment laws, 21 breach, 73
allowance, 22 breach of contract, 73
Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 1998, 22 Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and
Amber Alert Act of 2003, 23 Treatment Act of 2000, 73
American Competitiveness and Workforce budget resolutions, 75
Improvement Act of 1998, 26 bullying federal law protections, 76
American Competitiveness in the 21st Century business necessity, 79
Act of 2000, 26 business nonimmigrant, 79
787 Index of Key Terms

Business Records Act of 1999, 79 community property 119

Buttereld Ruling, 80 complaint, 122
calculating product liability loss, 85 compliance program, 123
cancellation clause, 86 Comprehensive Environmental Response,
canon, 86 Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, 123
Can-Spam Act of 2003, 86 computer forensics, 126
captains mast, 87 conditional resident, 129
caretaker, 89 Congressional Accountability Act of 1996, 131
caveat emptor, 93 consanguinity, 132
certicate of citizenship, 96 consent decree, 132
certicate of title, 96 conservator, 132
Chapter 7, Federal Bankruptcy Code, 100 conservatorship, 132
Chapter 11, Federal Bankruptcy Code, 100 consideration, 132
Chapter 13, Federal Bankruptcy Code, 101 Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968, 134
Chapter 20, Federal Bankruptcy Code, 101 consumer credit report, 134
Charter School Expansion Act of 1998, 101 Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996,
Chevron U.S.A. Inc., Petitioner v. Mario 134
Echazabal, 102 Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972, 135
Child Abuse Act of 1999, 103 Consumer Product Safety Act of 2000, 135
Child Abuse and Prevention Act of 2000, 103 consumer reporting agency, 135
child-labor law, 104 Consumer Reporting Employment Clarication
Childrens Health Act of 2000, 104 Act of 1998, 135
Childrens Internet Protection Act of 2000, 104 contingency clause, 136
Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998,
contingent taker, 137
continuing resolution, 138
civil rights, 107
contract, 138
Civil Rights Act of 1866, 107
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
Civil Rights Act of 1870, 107
of 1962, 138
Civil Rights Act of 1871, 107
convenience arrangement, 140
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 107
convening authority, 141
Civil Rights Act of 1968, 107
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Civil Rights Act of 1990, 107
Discrimination Against Women, 141
Civil Rights Act of 1991, 107
Copeland Anti-Kickback Act, 143
Civil Rights and Womens Equity in Employment
copyright, 143
Act of 1991, 108
Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, 108 copyright law, 143
Civil Service Retirement Spouse Equity Act of Copyright Remedy Clarication Act of 1991, 143
1984, 108 corporation, 147
claim, 108 corpus, 147
class action, 109 court-martial, 152
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 and 1990, cramdown, 153
109 creator, 154
Clean Air Amendments Act of 1995, 109 Crime Identication Technology Act of 1998, 155
Clean Indoor Air Act of 1988, 109 damages, 164
Clean Water Act of 1972, 110 dating prenup, 166
Clean Water Act Amendments of 1977 Davis-Bacon Acts of 1931 and 1964, 166
and 1987, 110 Davis v. Michigan, 166
Clinical Laboratory Amendments of 1988, 111 Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1998, 167
codicil, 113 Deceptive Mailings Prevention Act of 1990, 168
commercial speech, 117 defamation, 169
Communications Assistance for Law default, 169
Enforcement Act of 1994, 118 defective pricing, 169
Communications Decency Act of 1996, 118 Defense and Military Construction Acts of 2002,
Community Opportunities, Accountability, and 169
Training and Education Services Act of 1998, Defense Authorization Act of 2003, 169
119 Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, 170
Index of Key Terms 788

Decit-reduction Reconciliation Act of 1989, 171 employer identication number, 221

deportable alien, 178 employer sanctions, 221
deportation, 178 employment of Hispanics, 222
deposed, 178 employment torts, 222
deposition, 178 employment visas, 223
derivative citizenship, 179 environmental impact statement, 226
Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of environmental safety laws, 226
Rights Act of 2000, 182 equivalent benets, 228
devise, 182 equivalent pay, 229
Digital Millennial Copyright Act of 1998, 184 equivalent position, 229
disabled and handicapped laws, 189 equivalent terms and conditions of employment,
disclaimer, 189 229
discretionary trust, 190 ergonomic safety standards/rules, 229
discrimination, 190 escheat, 230
disparate impact, 191 estate planning, 230
disparate treatment, 191 estoppel, 231
divestiture, 193 ethics laws, 231
DNA ngerprinting, 194 Ethics Reform Act of 1989, 231
domicile, 195 European Directive, 232
donee, 195 exchange visitor, 234
donor, 195 exclusion, 235
Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997, 197 Executive Ofce Accountability Act of 1996, 235
Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, 198 Executive Order, 235
drug testing, 198 Executive Order 11246, 236
due process, 199
Executive Order 12564, 236
durable power of attorney, 199
Executive Order 12954, 236
durable power of attorney for health care, 199
Executive Order 13058, 236
earnings test, 204
Executive Order 13111, 236
Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation
Executive Order 13124, 236
Act of 2002, 206
Executive Order 13145, 236
Economic Security Stimulus Act of 2002, 206
Executive Order 13152, 236
Educational Research, Development,
Executive Order 13153, 236
Dissemination, and Improvement Act of 1994,
Executive Order 13162, 237
Education for All Handicapped Children Act of Executive Order 13171, 237
1974, 208 Executive Order 13198, 237
Education IRAs, 209 Executive Order 13201, 237
EEO in the Federal government, 209 Executive Order 13254, 237
EEOC v. Wafe House, Inc., 209 Executive Order 13271, 237
E-Government Act of 2002, 209 Executive Order 13279, 237
elder abuse, 210 executor/executrix, 238
elder law, 210 exempt employee, 238
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, expanded duciary laws, 239
211 ex parte proceeding, 239
Electronic Freedom of Information Act of 1996, expedited removal, 239
212 ex post facto, 242
Electronic Signatures in Global and National fair employment practices laws, 248
Commerce Act of 2000, 213 Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1969, 248
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, 248
1965, 213 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 248
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to- fair market value, 249
Know Act of 1986, 215 Fairness in Music Licensing Act of 1998, 249
Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988, 219 fair reimbursement law, 249
employee benets laws, 217 fair use, 249
employee education, training, and assistance faith-based charitable works, 249
laws, 218 faith-based initiatives, 249
789 Index of Key Terms

False Claims Act Amendment of 1986, 249 guardian, 297

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 250 guardian ad litem, 297
family leave, 250 guardianship, 297
Family Support Act of 1988, 250 guideline, 297
Family Time Flexibility Act of 2003, 251 handicap discrimination laws, 301
Federal career internships, 252 Harper v. Virginia, 302
Federal Credit Reporting Act of 1969, 252 Harris v. Forklift Systems Inc., 302
Federal Education Improvement Act of 2002, 252 Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993, 302
Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Hawkins-Stafford School Improvement
Work Schedules Act of 1978, 253 Amendments of 1988, 302
Federal Employees Health Benets Childrens Health Care Amendments Act of 1974, 304
Equity Act of 2000, 253 health care power of attorney, 304
Federal Employees Pay and Comparability Act of health care proxy, 305
1990, 253 Health Care Safety Net Amendments of 2002,
Federal Employees Compensation Act of 1916, 305
253 Health Insurance Deduction for Self-Employed
Federal Facility Compliance Act of 1992, 254 Individuals Act of 1995, 305
Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, 255 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 258 Act of 1996, 305
duciary, 260 health privacy regulations, 307
Fiduciary Income Tax Return, 260 heirs-at-law, 308
duciary responsibility, 260 high-deductible medical insurance plan, 309
nal account, 261 Higher Education Act of 1965, 309
Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Higher Education Act of 1998, 310
Act of 2000, 267 Higher Education Amendments of 1998, 310
foreign sales corporation, 270 Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 1992,
forensics, 270 310
franchise, 272 Hill-Burton Act, 311
fraud, 272 hold harmless clause, 311
freedom of choice law, 272 holographic will, 312
freedom of expressive association, 272 Homeland Security Act of 2002, 313
Freedom of Information Act of 1966, 272 Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Assistance
FY 2003 Defense Authorization Act, 276 Act of 2001, 313
FY 2003 Omnibus Appropriations Act, 277 Hopwood v. Texas, 315
FY 2004 Budget Resolution, 277 Hospital Survey and Construction Act of 1946,
gag rule, 279 317
garnishee, 280 hostile environment, 317
garnishment order, 280 Hughes Act of 1970, 319
general court-martial, 282 Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003, 320
general naturalization provisions, 282 Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 1998, 328
2003, 283 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
genetics-based discrimination, 284 Responsibility Act of 1996, 328
gift splitting, 284 immediate relatives, 329
Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 285 immigrant, 329
Glass Ceiling Act of 1991, 285 Immigration Act of 1990, 329
good cause, 287 Immigration and Nationality Act of 1997, 329
Good Samaritan Laws, 287 Immigration and Naturalization Service H-1B
government contract laws, 288 status, 330
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, 289 immigration judge, 331
grantor, 290 Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments of
Gratz v. Bollinger, 291 1986, 331
green card, 291 Immigration Nursing Relief Act of 1989, 331
Green Tree Financial Corp. v. Bazzle, 292 Immigration Reform Act of 1996, 331
Grutter v. Bollinger, 296 immunity from prosecution, 332
Index of Key Terms 790

Improving Americas Schools Act of 1994, 333 joint tenancy with right of survivorship, 371
inadmissible, 333 joint will, 371
in camera, 334 Judge Advocate General, 371
indemnication, 335 judge advocates, 371
indemnity, 336 jurisdiction, 372
Independent Contractor Tax Simplication Act just cause, 372
of 1996, 336 key employees, 374
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of Krauel v. Iowa Methodist Center, 376
1975, 339 labor certication, 378
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act labor law posting, 378
Amendments of 1991, 339 labormanagement relations laws, 379
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act LaborManagement Reporting and Disclosure
Amendments of 1996 and 1997, 339 Act of 1959, 379
industrial trainee, 340 lame duck session, 379
in forma pauperis, 341 Land Court property, 379
inheritance tax, 342 Landgraf v. USI Film Products and Rivers v.
injunction, 342 Roadway Express Inc., 379
injunctive relief, 342 law, 381
Injury and Illness Record-Keeping Requirements, lawful permanent resident, 381
342 Law of Universal Jurisdiction, 381
Insider Trading and Securities Fraud law provider, 381
Enforcement Act of 1988, 343 legalized aliens, 385
Installment Credit Tax Correction Act of 2000, legal standards, 386
344 legitimated, 386
intangible personal property, 347 liable, 387
integration (clause), 349 libel, 387
intellectual property, 349 license, 387
Intelligence Authorization for Fiscal Year 1992, life estate, 389
349 limited liability company, 390
intent, 350 living will, 393
Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Lockheed Corp. v. Spink, 394
Reform Act of 1998, 353 Long-Term Care Security Act of 2000, 395
International Brotherhood of Teamsters v. love contract, 396
Electromation Inc., 356 low-performing schools, 396
International Criminal Court, 356 mailbox rule, 401
international representative, 358 mandatory assignment, 406
in terroriam clause, 361 marital deduction, 408
intestacy rules, 361 marriage penalty, 409
intestate, 361 material breach, 410
intestate succession laws, 361 McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945, 412
intracompany transferee, 362 McKennon v. Nashville Banner Co., 412
intrusion upon seclusion, 362 McNamara-OHara Service
inventory, 362 Contract Act of 1965, 412
investigative consumer report, 363 medical and health insurance laws, 414
ipso facto, 363 Medical Records Condentiality Act of 1996, 415
irrevocable living trust, 363 Medicare SELECT Act of 1995, 418
issue, 363 Medigap Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act of
issue surviving by right of representation, 363 1990, 419
Jennifers Law of 2000, 365 Mental Health Parity Act of 1996, 421
Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, merger clause, 422
367 merger moratorium laws, 422
job reference immunity statutes, 369 migrant, 424
Jobs for Veterans Act of 2002, 369 Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural
joint ownership, 371 Worker Protection Act of 1983, 424
joint tenancy by the entirety, 371 minorities and women, 427
791 Index of Key Terms

mistake, 427 Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000, 477

Montgomery GI Bill, 429 Older Workers Benet Protection Act of 1990,
mutual wills, 435 477
national, 439 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, 478
National and Community Service Trust Act of out of wedlock, 489
1993, 441 overtime exemption rules, 491
National Construction Safety Team Act of 2002, paralegal, 497
446 parental discrimination, 498
National Defense Authorization Act of 2002, 446 Parkinsons Law, 499
National Defense Authorization Act of 2003, 446 parolee, 499
National Energy Policy Act of 1992, 447 Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2002, 500
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 447 patent, 502
National Labor Relations Board v. Curtis (The) Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Matheson Scientic Inc., 450 Act of 2003, 502
National Labor Relations Board v. Town & Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990, 502
Country Electric Inc., 450 Patriot Act of 2001, 502
National Literacy Act of 1991, 450 payable-on-death (account), 503
national origin discrimination, 452 payroll method, 504
National Patient Self-Determination Act of 1991, Pension Portability Law of 1992, 506
452 Pension Protection Act of 1987, 506
National Skills Standards Act of 1994, 453 per capita, 507
National Tourism Organization Act of 1996, 455 performance, 508
NATO ofcial, 455 Perkins (Carl D.) Vocational and Applied
naturalization, 456 Technology Education Act Amendments
natural law, 456 of 1990 and 1991, 511
Need-Based Educational Aid Act of 2001, 457 perjury, 511
negligence, 457 permanent resident, 512
negligent retention claim, 457 permanent resident alien, 512
Nike, Inc. v. Kasky, 462 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
NLRB v. Kentucky River Community Care, Inc., Reconciliation Act of 1996, 515
462 per stirpes, 516
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 462 PGA Tour, Inc. v. Martin, 516
Noncitizen Benet Clarication and Other plain English laws, 520
Technical Amendments Act of 1998, 463 plaintiff, 520
nonimmigrant, 464 political speech, 524
nonjudicial punishment. 464 Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, 524
nonpreference category, 465 Ponzi scheme, 524
nonsmoking areas, 465 pourover trust, 526
Nontraditional Employment for Women Act of Poverty Guidelines, 527
1991, 466 Poverty Thresholds, 527
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 467 power of attorney, 527
Notication and Federal Employee prenuptial agreement, 529
Antidiscrimiination and Retaliation Act of Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992, 531
2002, 468 pretermitted child or heir, 531
numerical limit exemption, 468 pre-trial deposition, 531
Nursing Home Resident Protection Amendments pre-trial discovery, 532
of 1999, 469 prima facie case, 532
Nursing Relief Act of 1989, 469 principal, 533
Occupational Safety and Health Privacy Act of 1974, 534
Act of 1970, 474 privacy laws, 534
occupational safety laws, 474 privacy rights laws, 535
ocean shipping rule, 474 privileged communication, 535
offers in compromise, 474 probate process, 535
Ofce of Homeland Security, 475 pro bono work, 536
Older Americans Act of 1992, 477 proffer, 541
Index of Key Terms 792

Promoting Safe and Stable Families Act of 2001, retainer agreement, 578
546 Retirement Protection Act of 1994, 579
Proposition 209, 547 returning resident, 580
Protect Act of 2003, 548 Revenue Act of 1978, 580
protected class, 548 Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990, 581
Protecting Seniors from Fraud Act of 2000, 548 revocable living trust, 582
Protection of Children from Sexual Predators Act rideshare, 582
of 1998, 548 right-to-recovery, 583
psychiatric disabilities, 549 right-to-sue letter, 583
public disclosure of a private act, 550 Risk Retention Acts of 1981 and 1986, 584
public domain, 551 Robinson v. Shell Oil Company, 585
punitive damage award, 551 Roe v. Wade, 585
qualied domestic relations order, 553 Roth IRA, 587
quantum meruit, 556 rule, 588
quid pro quo, 557 rule against perpetuities, 588
quid pro quo harassment, 557 Rush Prudential HMO, Inc. v. Moran, 589
qui tam suit, 557 Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, 593
racial proling, 560 Safe Harbor Act of 2000, 593
Racketeer Inuenced Corrupt Organizations Act same actor inference, 595
of 1970, 560 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 595
Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc., 561 School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994, 598
Railroad Retirement and Survivors Improvement School Voucher Decision, 599
Act of 2001, 561 scope of authority, 599
Ready Reserve Mobilization Income Insurance Section 16, Securities Exchange Act of 1991, 601
Program, 563 Section 132, Internal Revenue Code, 602
reasonable accommodation, 564 Section 704(a) of Title VII, 605
reasonable person standard, 564 Section 911, Internal Revenue Code, 605
reconciliation bills, 565 self-evaluation privilege, 607
reformation, 568 Senator Paul Wellstone Mental Health Equitable
refusal to hire, 568 Treatment Act of 2003, 609
Regents of the University of California v. Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act of 2000,
Bakke, 568 610
regulation, 569 Senior Fraud Prevention Act of 2000, 610
Regulatory Fairness Act of 1996, 569 sequester/sequestration, 610
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 569 Service Contract Act of 1965, 611
Rehabilitation Act of 1998, 569 Servicemens Readjustment Act of 1944, 612
religion, 571 Service Members Occupational Conversion and
remand, 572 Training Act of 1993, 612
removal, 573 settlor, 613
Reno vs. American Civil Liberties Union, 573 sexual harassment, 613
Repeal of the Mandate for Medicare and short-term trust, 616
Medicaid Coverage Data Bank Act of 1996, shrinkwrap licensing, 616
573 Single European Act of 1987, 618
required minimum distribution, 574 skip-a-generation trust, 620
resettlement, 575 slander, 620
resident alien, 575 Small Business Jobs Protection Act of 1996, 621
residuary estate, 575 Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness
res ipsa loquitur, 575 Act of 1996, 621
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of smoke-free areas, 622
1976, 576 Smokers Rights Bill, 622
respondent superior, 576 Social Security Act of 1935, 623
restatement of tort, 577 Social Security Act Amendment of 1995, 623
restraining order, 577 Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act of 1991,
restrictive covenant, 577 628
restrictive policy, 577 sole proprietorship, 628
793 Index of Key Terms

solicitor, 628 testamentary capacity, 666

Solomon Amendment, 628 testamentary trust, 666
Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of testator, 666
1998, 628 third-party sexual harassment, 668
special court-martial, 629 Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement
spendthrift trust, 632 Act of 1999, 669
sponge tax, 632 Title IX, 671
Spousal Impoverishment Law of 1989, 633 tort, 672
springing power of attorney, 633 tort reform, 672
state employment postings, 637 Total Information Awareness Program, 673
State Taxation of Pension Income Act of 1995, Town and Country Electric v. NLRB, 674
638 Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, 675
statute of fraud, 639 Toyota Motor Manufacturing v. Williams, 675
stepped-up basis, 639 trademark, 675
St. Marys Honor Center v. Hicks, 640 trade secret, 675
strategic litigation against public participation, transfer-on-death registration, 679
641 transit alien, 680
street name, 641 transit without visa, 680
striking employees, 642 Transportation Act for the 21st Century of 1998,
structured settlement, 642 681
student drug testing, 643 Transportation Benets Act of 1999, 681
Student Loan Reform Act of 1993, 643 Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998,
sub-chapter S corporation, 644 682
subornation of perjury, 644 Treaty of Asuncion, 683
substance abuse laws, 645 Treaty of Nice, 683
successor trustee, 645 Treaty of Rome of 1958, 683
summary court-martial, 646 trigger clause, 685
summary judgment, 646 trust, 685
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act trustee, 686
of 1986, 647 underutilization, 690
tangible personal property, 655 Unemployment Benets Act of 2003, 691
tax cost basis, 656 unied credit, 692
Tax Cut of 2003, 656 Uniform Code of Military Justice, 692
Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, Uniform Commercial Code, 692
656 uniform durable power of attorney, 692
taxes on tips, 656 Uniformed Services Employment and
tax home, 656 Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, 692
Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2, 657 Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection
Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act of 1997, 657 Act of 1983, 693
Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, 657 Uniform Transfer to Minors Act of 1994, 694
Tax Reform Act of 1986, 657 union dues, 694
technology in federal training, 661 United Dominion Industries, Inc., Petitioner v.
Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals United States, 694
with Disabilities Act of 1988, 661 United States, Petitioner v. Fior DItalia, Inc.,
Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse 695
Prevention Act of 1994, 662 United States Tourism Organization Act of 1996,
Telemarketing Fraud Protection Act of 1998, 662 695
temporary protected status, 664 Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing
temporary resident, 664 Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
temporary restraining order, 664 Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, 696
temporary worker, 664 unwelcome behavior, 698
tenancy by the entirety, 665 upward mobility, 698
tenancy in common, 665 U.S. Airways, Inc., Petitioner v. Robert Barnett,
termination clause, 665 699
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, 665 USA Patriot Act of 2001, 700
Index of Key Terms 794

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, 700 webwrap licensing, 724
U.S. Sentencing Commission, 702 Wells Notice, 725
Varity Corp. v. Howe, 707 Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, 725
Veterans and Dependents Millennium Education will, 727
Act of 2000, 709 Windfall Elimination Provision, 727
Veterans Benets Act of 1997, 709 Wireless Telephone Protection Act of 1998, 728
Veterans Benets Act of 2002, 710 Wiretap Act of 1986, 728
Veterans Benets and Health Care Improvement withdrawal, 728
Act of 2000, 710 Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notication
Veterans Benets COLAs Act of 2002, 710 Act of 1988, 729
Veterans Benets Improvement Act of 1994, 710 Workers G.I. Bill, 730
Veterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 731
Adjustment Act of 2000, 710 Workforce Investment Act of 2003, 731
Work Incentive Act of 1999, 731
Veterans Compensation Cost-of Living
Wyden Amendment, 737
Adjustment Act of 2002, 710
Veterans Compensation Rates
Amendments of 1993, 710
Veterans Compensation Rates Amendments of
29 Leadership
2001, 710 Clintonesque, 111
Veterans Education and Benets Expansion Act coercive power, 113
of 2001, 710 collaborative negotiation, 114
veterans employment and training laws, 711 competency power, 122
Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998, connection power, 131
711 consistency leadership, 132
Veterans Group Life Insurance, 711 context leadership, 136
Veterans Health Care Reform Act of 1996, 711 contingency leadership, 137
Veterans Medicare Reimbursement Model expert power, 241
Project Act of 1996, 711 high potential employee, 310
Veterans Millennium Health Care and Benets leader, 381
Act of 1999, 711 leader match training, 381
Veterans Programs Enhancement Act of 1998, leadership, 382
711 leadership development, 382
Veterans Readjustment Benets Act of 1966, 711 legitimate power, 386
Veterans Reemployment Act of 1994, 712 managerial grid, 405
Veterans Reemployment Rights Act of 1993 and manipulative power, 407
1994, 712 one best leadership, 479
Veterans Survivor Benets Improvement Act of perceptual acuity, 507
2001, 712 persuasion or persuasive power, 516
vicarious liability, 712 power, 527
Victims of Trafcking and Violence Protection referent power, 567
Act of 2000, 712 reward power, 582
Victims Rights Clarication Act of 1997, 712 situational leadership, 619
unity of command, 696
Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment and
vision, 716
Assistance Act of 1974, 714
Violence Against Women Act of 1994, 715
Visa Waiver Program, 716
voir dire, 718
30 Learning and Behavior
voluntary departure, 718 accelerated learning, 7
Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, 719 achievement-motivation theory, 9
wages and hours laws, 722 action learning, 10
Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act of 1936, 722 action-reection learning, 10
Walters v. Metropolitan Educational Enterprises activities, 11
Inc., 722 adult learner, 13
ward, 723 advanced distributed learning, 13
795 Index of Key Terms

affective domain, 15 individual differences, 337

anagogic or metaphorical learning, 33 inductive reasoning, 339
andragogical e-learning, 34 industrial psychology, 339
andragogy, 35 innovation and research center, 343
Articial Intelligence Learning Systems, 42 Instructional Management System Project, 346
association, 44 integrated learning, 348
asynchronous learning, 48 integrated learning system, 348
attribute bundles, 49 integrated performance support, 348
base camp, 58 intelligence quotient, 349
behavioral psychology or behaviorism, 60 interactivity, 351
blended learning, 66 Internet billing, presentation, and payment, 360
blended learning solutions, 66 knowledge analysis, 375
brain cycles, 71 knowledge objects, 375
brain training, 71 knowledge ecology, 375
change efforts, 100 knowledge mapping, 375
cognition, 113 knowledge ooze, 375
cognitive domain, 113 knowledge, skills, and attitude competencies, 376
cognitive enhancement, 113 knowledge structure, 376
cognitive modeling, 113 language immersion, 380
cognitive psychology, 113 learning disabilities, 383
collaboration technology, 114 learning environment, 383
community groups, 119 learning outcome, 383
computer-based learning, 126 learning pattern, 383
concept, 128 learning principles, 384
conceptual framework, 128 learning skills, 384
conceptual skills, 128 learning strategy, 384
conditioned response, 129 learning style, 384
constructivism, 133 learningware, 384
content customization, 136 life-long learning, 389
content mapping, 136 liquid learning, 392
contingency theory of learning, 137 lounge/forum, 396
creative learning, 153 mainstreaming, 401
cuing, 158 mentoring center, 422
deductive reasoning, 169 meta-tagging, 422
developmental theory of learning, 182 M-learning, 427
didactic learning, 184 Montgomery GI Bill, 429
discovery learning, 190 needs, 457
discrimination, 190 neurolinguistic programming, 460
distributed intelligence, 192 nominalized experience, 463
dyslexia, 200 nootropics, 466
e-learning systems, 210 observational learning, 472
electronic performance support systems, 212 operant behavior, 481
e-mentoring, 215 operant conditioning, 481
emotional intelligence, 216 outcomes assessment, 488
enneagram retreat, 224 output competencies, 490
entities, 225 overlearning, 491
explicit knowledge, 241 overload clinic, 491
expository learning, 242 physiological needs, 519
feedback, 258 play space, 522
full-spectrum learning, 274 practice, 527
functional illiterate, 275 primacy, 532
Gestalt psychology, 284 processes, 537
holistic, 311 properties, 546
humanistic psychology, 320 psychological needs, 549
human performance improvement, 320 readiness, 563
Index of Key Terms 796

recency, 565 complexity theory, 123

reference desk, 567 corporate memory, 145
refreezing, 568 corporate performance management, 146
reinforcement, 570 correcting, 147
relevance, 571 country executive program, 151
remote e-lab, 572 crisis management, 155
resource room, 576 critical path method, 156
respondent behavior, 576 cross-functional team, 157
responsive behavior, 577 customer relationship management, 160
result competencies, 578 data warehouse, 166
reusable learning objects, 580 decision making, 168
right-brained, 583 delegating, 172
rote learning, 587 devolution, 182
Rule of 150, 588 Dilberted, 186
scalability, 596 directing, 187
security needs, 605 disaster recovery, 189
self-efcacy, 607 discretionary effort, 190
self-reective learning, 609 domains, 195
skills, knowledge, and attitudes, 620 electronic data interchange, 211
social needs, 623 empowerment, 223
strategic thinking, 641 enterprise application integration, 225
studio, 643 enterprise asset management, 225
superior-performer differentiators, 647 enterprise content management, 225
synchronous learning, 650 enterprise relationship management, 225
tacit knowledge, 654 enterprise resource planning, 225
task competencies, 656 entrepreneur, 226
teachable moment, 658 euromanagers, 232
teaching, learning, and technology center, 658 federalization, 254
training center, 677 feedback, 258
transformative assessment, 679 ex management, 267
understanding, 690 ip the switch, 267
unfreezing, 692 franchising, 272
vertical thinking, 709 friendly takeover, 273
workspace, 734 front ofce suites, 274
functional authority, 275
functional team, 276
31 Management
generalist, 282
accordion management, 8 generic skills, 283
actual cost projections, 11 globalization, 285
administrator, 13 goal congruence, 286
analysis, 34 governance, 288
application service provider, 38 group decision support system, 294
archetypes, 40 hai-ten, 300
behavioral risk management, 60 high performance workplace/work system, 310
benchmarking, 62 holistic management, 311
business continuity, 78 hoshin kanri, 316
business process management, 79 human capital, 319
business-to-business, 80 human resources, 322
causal loop diagram, 93 human resources environment, 322
chaos theory, 100 human resources management, 322
client/server application development, 110 human resources outsourcing, 322
collaboration, 114 human resources planning, 323
collaborative business, 114 human resources utilization, 323
collaborative method, 114 instructional management, 345
collaborative workplace, 115 integrated management system, 348
797 Index of Key Terms

internal audit, 352 total cost of ownership, 673

internal complaint procedure, 352 training advisory board, 677
just in time, 372
keiretsu, 373
knowledge ecology, 375 32 Marketing, Pricing, and Sales
knowledge management, 375 advertising, 14
knowledge mapping, 375 advertorial, 14
leverage points, 387 Air Force Procurement Instructions, 19
long-range plan, 394 antitrust and fair trade legislation, 37
management audit, 403 Army Procurement Procedure, 41
management by adultery, 403 ASCII le, 42
management by exception, 403 average cost, 53
management by objectives, 404 bait and switch, 56
management by trust, 404 banner, 58
management by walking around, 404 benchmarking, 62
management improvement, 405 beta testing, 64
management meeting, 405 blind ad, 67
management style, 405 bots, 70
manager, 405 brand, 72
managerial grid, 405 brand attributes, 72
managing diversity, 406 brand awareness, 72
matrix management, 411 brand book, 72
mental models, 421 brand contract, 72
middleware, 424 brand doom loop, 72
Ofce of Personnel Management, 475 brand equity, 72
operational plan, 481 brand exploratory, 72
organizational network analysis, 484 brand extension, 72
organizing, 486 brand hierarchy, 72
outsourcing, 490 brand identity, 72
overtime by plan, 491 brand image, 72
Parkinsons Law, 499 branding, 72
partner relationship management, 501 brand loyalty, 72
performance management, 510 brand measurement, 72
policy, 521 brand name, 72
portfolio thinking, 525 brand personality, 73
process capability, 537 brand recall, 73
project management, 545 brand recognition, 73
project team, 546 brand strategies, 73
property casualty executive, 546 brieng center, 73
reengineering, 567 broadsheet, 74
regeneration, 568 business costs, 78
scientic management, 599 business ecosystem, 78
shukko, 616 business espionage, 78
single-identity development, 618 business format franchising, 78
skills-based management, 620 business intelligence, 78
span of management, 629 Business Marketing Association, 79
strategic alliance, 640 call center, 85
strategic leadership team, 641 call-girl principle, 85
strategic objectives, 641 camera ready, 85
strategic plan, 641 campaign management, 85
supplier relationship management, 648 catalog sales, 92
temping, 664 client-specic benchmarking, 110
Theory X, 667 co-branding, 113
Theory Y, 667 cold-calling, 114
Theory Z, 667 comarketing, 116
Index of Key Terms 798

company brand, 120 fee-based pricing, 258

company identity, 120 foreign sales corporation, 270
competition, 122 franchising, 272
competition-based pricing, 122 fraudulent tagging, 272
competitive benchmarking, 122 free trade agreement, 273
competitive intelligence, 122 fusion marketing, 276
competitive price, 122 gap analysis, 280
compiled list, 123 gatefold, 281
complete meeting package, 123 General Services Administration, 282
concentration, 128 global company, 285
conjoint analysis, 131 globalization, 285
consultative selling, 133 glocal, 286
core values, 144 Goods and Services/General Services Tax, 286
cost, 147 government contract laws, 288
cost-based pricing, 147 graphic system, 291
coverage, 152 gray marketing, 291
cream skimming, 153 green marketing, 292
creative, 153 Green Seal of Approval, 292
cross-promotion, 157 Group of Seven, 295
customer-based pricing, 159 guerrilla marketing, 297
customer experience management, 160 hook, 315
customer partnering, 160 house list, 318
customer relations, 160 import, 333
Customer Satisfaction Barometer, 160 internal marketing, 353
customer service and support, 160 inventory, 362
customer service program, 160 joint venture, 371
customer window model, 161 Kano model, 373
customization/customizing, 161 key cost, 374
deceptive advertising, 168 leads, 382
defective pricing, 169 leased list, 384
demand, 173 leverage, 386
demand-chain management, 173 life cycle analysis, 388
demand pricing, 173 limited franchising, 390
demographics, 173 limited offering, 390
Designated Market Area, 179 logo, 394
differentiate, 184 low-balling, 396
direct mail, 187 loyalty program, 396
direct marketing, 187 Maastricht Treaty, 400
discount, 190 marginal cost, 408
disintermediation, 191 market, 408
display advertisement, 192 marketing plan, 408
double truck, 196 Marketing Science Institute, 408
duplication factor, 199 marketing strategy, 409
economy of scale, 207 market intelligence, 409
economy of scope, 207 market penetration, 409
elasticity of demand, 209 market pricing, 409
electronic data interchange, 211 market segmentation, 409
e-marketing, 214 market share, 409
e-marketplace, 214 mass customization, 410
ethics laws, 231 mass marketing, 410
European Community, 232 merge/purge, 422
external marketing, 243 micromarketing, 423
face time, 246 modeling, 428
Federal Acquisition Regulation, 252 multi-attribute evaluation, 432
Federal Trade Commission, 257 National Do Not Call Registry, 446
799 Index of Key Terms

Navy Procurement Directive, 457 total quality improvement, 674

niche, 461 trade loading pricing, 675
niche marketing, 462 trademark, 675
noncompetitive price, 463 trade name, 675
North American Free Trade Agreement, 467 trade secret, 675
OBriens Law, 472 trade show, 675
opportunity cost, 482 understanding, 692
packaging, 495 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
percentage pricing, 507 International Sale of Goods, 695
performance benchmarking, 509 Universal Product Code, 696
point-of-purchase, 523 upstream research, 698
Ponzi scheme, 524 usage, 699
positioning statement, 525 value pricing, 706
premier position, 529 value research, 706
pricing, 532 variable costs, 707
privatization, 535 ventures, 708
process benchmarking, 537 venturing, 708
product differentiation, 538 video news release, 714
productivity, 538 viral marketing, 715
prole, 541 wholesaling, 726
prot maximization, 542 yield management, 741
promo, 546
promotion, 546
proposal, 547
33 Measurement and Evaluation
proprietary information, 547 absence management metrics, 6
prospecting, 547 analytics, 34
psychographics, 549 anecdotal, 35
quality function deployment, 555 appraising, 39
reach, 563 Baldrige National Quality Program, 57
recency, 565 behavior evaluation, 61
referral, 567 benchmarks, 62
relationship marketing, 571 competency evaluation, 122
request for proposal, 574 construct validity, 133
response list, 576 content validity, 136
retailing, 578 context evaluation, 136
return on investment, 580 Context-Input-Process-Product, 136
Rule of Seven, 588 correlation, 147
sales force automation, 595 criterion measure, 155
sales meeting, 595 criterion-referenced measurement, 155
sales readiness, 595 criterion validity, 155
satisfaction, 596 critical incident survey, 156
seminar selling, 609 critique, 156
sensitivity analysis, 610 cross validation, 158
shapeshifter, 614 determination evaluation, 181
skyscraper, 620 diversity audit, 193
slogan, 621 employment practices audit, 222
slotting fee, 621 external evaluation, 243
Small Business Administration, 621 factor analysis, 247
spin master, 632 fair employment practices laws, 248
tabloid, 654 Five-Factor Model, 264
team selling, 659 focus group, 267
telemarketing, 662 follow-up, 267
telemarketing rule, 662 forced-choice, 268
testimonial, 666 forced distribution, 269
tiered marketing, 669 forced ranking, 269
Index of Key Terms 800

formative evaluation, 270 34 Medical Terms

go/no-go standards, 287
graphic scale, 291 abdominal aortic aneurysm screening, 6
immediate evaluation, 328 acid reducers, 9
impact evaluation, 332 acupressure, 11
individual evaluation, 338 acupuncture, 11
input evaluation, 343 acute care, 11
inspection, 344 adverse medical event, 14
intermediate evaluation, 352 affect, 15
internal audit, 353 affective disorder, 15
internal evaluation, 353 age-related cognitive decline, 17
International Standards Organization 9000, 359 age-related macular degeneration, 17
interval data, 361 Alexander technique, 21
job evaluation, 367 allergy and clinical immunology, 21
job performance measure, 368 alternative medicine, 22
justication evaluation, 372 anatomical gift, 34
anesthesia, 35
management audit, 403
angina pectoris, 35
measurement, 412
angiogram, 35
measures of clinical performance, 413
angeotesim converting enzyme inhibitors, 35
metrics, 423
antacids, 36
monitoring, 429
anti-angiogenesis, 36
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 435
antiemetics, 36
National Vocational Qualications, 455
antihistamines, 36
nominal data, 462
antitussives, 37
norm-referenced measurement, 466
anxiety, 37
null hypothesis, 468
aromatherapy, 41
observation, 472
arteriography, 42
ordinal data, 483 arteriosclerosis, 42
participant reaction, 500 assistive device, 44
performance, 508 astigmatism, 48
performance measure, 510 atherosclerosis, 44
procedures audit, 536 audiologist, 50
process evaluation, 537 autologous transfusion, 51
product evaluation, 538 automated external debrillator, 52
program improvement evaluation, 543 aviophobia, 53
purpose, 551 ayurvedic medicine, 53
qualitative methods, 554 baby blues, 55
quality assessments of health plans, 554 bacterial meningitis, 56
rank order/ranking method, 562 balloon angioplasty, 57
ratio data, 562 benign prostatic hyperplasia, 63
reaction evaluation, 563 bioenergetics, 65
reliability, 571 biofeedback, 65
results, 578 bipolar disorder, 65
results evaluation, 578 body mass index, 68
smile sheet, 622 brachytherapy, 71
standardized lost time metrics, 635 brain diseases, 73
standards, 636 brand name drug, 73
summative evaluation, 646 breast self-exam, 73
training and development self-audit, 677 bronchodilators, 74
transformative assessment, 679 Caesarean section, 84
ultimate evaluation, 689 cardiologist, 88
utilization review, 703 cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 88
validity, 705 carotid surgery, 89
value, 706 cataract, 92
work/life metrics, 732 chiropractic, 105
801 Index of Key Terms

cholesterol, 105 gastroenterology, 281

chronic fatigue syndrome, 106 gastroesophageal reux disease, 281
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 106 generalized anxiety disorder, 282
cirrhosis, 106 generic drug, 283
clinical practice guidelines, 111 genetaceuticals, 283
cochlear implant, 112 geriatrician, 284
cognitive enhancement, 113 geriatrics, 284
color healing, 116 glaucoma, 285
complementary and alternative medicine, 122 go pills, 288
computed tomography, 125 grandiose delusion, 290
computerized axial tomography, 127 guided imagery, 297
congestive heart failure, 131 hallucination, 300
C-reactive protein, 153 haptic tools/technology, 301
critical pathway, 156 Hepatitis A, 308
cryoablation, 158 Hepatitis B, 308
debrillator, 171 Hepatitis C, 308
delusion, 173 high density lipoproteins, 309
depression, 179 high dose rate brachytherapy, 309
dermatologist, 179 holistic medicine/therapy, 312
digitalis, 184 homeopathy, 313
digital mammography, 184 hormonal contraceptives, 315
digital rectal exam, 185 hormone replacement therapy, 315
digital subtraction angiography, 185 hydrotherapy, 323
dilated fundus examination, 186 hypnotherapy, 324
disequilibrium, 191 hypochondriasis, 324
diuretics, 193 inappropriate affect, 333
DNA ngerprinting, 194 independent medical examination, 336
do not resuscitate, 195 integrative medicine, 336
Down syndrome, 196 intensively modulated radiation therapy, 350
drugcondition interactions, 197 internal medicine, 353
drugdrug interactions, 197 Italian boot, 363
drugfood/beverage interactions, 197 laser thermokeratoplasty, 380
drugformulary, 197 laxatives, 381
ductal lavage, 199 life support systems, 389
echocardiography, 205 lightheadedness, 390
electromyograph, 210 limiting charge, 390
emergency medical services, 215 low density lipoproteins, 396
emergency medical technician, 215 Lyme disease, 397
emergency response system, 215 macrobiotics, 400
emotional disabilities, 215 macular degeneration, 401
endarterectomy, 223 magnetic resonance imaging, 401
endocrinology and metabolism, 223 magneto-encephalography, 401
endodonics, 223 major depression, 401
endoscope, 224 malingering, 402
end-stage renal disease, 224 mammogram, 402
epilepsy, 227 managed chiro, 402
excimer keratorefractive procedure, 234 mania, 406
faintness, 248 manic depressive illness, 407
fear, 252 massage, 410
nasteride, 263 measures of clinical performance, 413
at affect, 265 medical equipment, 414
formulary drug, 271 medical herbalism, 414
full-body computerized tomography scan, 274 medically necessary, 415
functional imaging radiography, 275 medical social services, 416
functional magnetic resonance, 275 medical supplies, 416
Index of Key Terms 802

medical underwriting, 416 plastic surgeon, 522

meningitis, 420 plastic surgery, 522
mononucleosis, 429 podiatrist, 523
mood disorders, 430 podiatry, 523
Munchausen syndrome, 434 positive symptoms, 526
myopia, 435 positron-emission tomography, 526
myotherapy, 435 postnatal care, 526
nanotechnology, 439 postpartum depression, 526
nasal decongestants, 439 postpartum psychosis, 526
natural family planning, 456 post-traumatic stress disorder, 526
negative symptoms, 457 premenstrual syndrome, 529
neonatal care, 458 prenatal care, 529
nephrology, 458 presbyopia, 530
nephropathy, 458 primary care physician, 533
neuroleptic drugs, 460 procedure, 536
neurology, 460 prostate specic antigen (PSA) test, 547
neurosurgeon, 460 prosthodontics, 547
neutraceuticals, 460 prosthodontist, 547
nootropics, 466 psychologically necessary, 549
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 472 psychoneuroimmunology, 550
obstetrics and gynecology, 472 psychosis, 550
occupational therapy, 474 psychosomatic disorder, 550
oculoplethysmography, 474 quadriplegia, 553
off-label drug, 476 quality-adjusted life years, 554
oncologist, 478 radio frequency ablation, 560
oncology, 478 radiologist, 561
ophthalmologist, 482 radiology, 561
ophthalmology, 482 referral, 567
oral and maxillofacial surgery, 483 reexology, 568
organ transplant, 487 repetitive strain injury, 573
orthodontics, 487 rheumatology, 582
orthodontist, 487 rolng, 586
orthopedic surgery, 487 sauna, 596
orthopedist, 487 schizophrenia, 597
orthoptics, 487 Seattle foot, 600
osteopathy, 488 second opinion, 600
osteoporosis, 488 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, 606
osteoporosis screening, 488 self-referral, 608
otolaryngology, 488 senescence, 610
outcomes research, 489 severe acute respiratory syndrome, 613
over-the-counter (drugs), 491 shadowing, 614
pain relievers, 496 Shiatsu massage, 615
panic disorder, 497 short wavelength autoperimetry, 616
paramedic, 498 side effect, 616
paraplegia, 498 sip-and-puff machine, 618
parkinsonism, 499 sleep aids, 620
Parkinsons disease, 499 sleep apnea, 620
pediatric dentist, 504 sleep deprivation, 621
pediatrician, 504 somatization disorder, 628
pediatrics, 504 specialist, 629
perinatal care, 511 specic phobia, 630
periodontist, 511 speech language pathology services, 631
peripheral arterial disease screening, 511 spinal cord injury, 632
physical therapy, 518 stereostatic biopsy, 639
phytochemicals, 519 stimulants, 639
803 Index of Key Terms

stress, 639 catering director, 92

stroke, 642 check-in, 102
stroke screening, 642 check-out, 102
sudden cardiac arrest, 645 classroom conguration, 109
sudden infant death syndrome, 645 commercial rate, 117
telemedicine, 663 concierge, 128
teleradiology, 663 concierge level, 128
temporal mandibular joint disease/ concurrent session, 130
syndrome, 664 conference, 130
thermography, 667 conference center, 130
thermotherapy, 667 conference conguration, 130
thoracic surgeon, 668 conference packet, 130
thoracic surgery, 668 conference services manager, 130
thought disorder, 668 conrmed reservation/conrmation, 131
tinnitus, 671 congress, 131
toxic mold, 674 connecting, 131
transient ischemic attack, 679 continental plan, 136
transurethral resection prostatectomy, 681 controller/comptroller, 140
transurethral ultrasound-guided laser-induced convention, 141
prostatectomy, 681 convention and visitors bureau, 141
treatment options, 683 convention services manager, 141
ultrasound, 690 convertible, 142
urologist, 699 corporate center, 144
urology, 699 corporate meeting, 145
variable focus lenses, 707 cut-off date, 161
vascular surgeon, 708 day rate, 166
vascular surgery, 708 Destination Management Certied Professional,
vertigo, 709 180
viral meningitis, 715 destination management company, 180
white-coat syndrome, 726 direct billing, 186
withdrawal, 728 director of sales, 188
double, 195
double/double, 196
35 Meeting Management
double-occupancy ratio, 196
adjoining, 12 drayage, 196
amenities, 23 duplex, 199
American plan, 29 early-out penalty, 203
association management company, 46 efciency, 209
association meeting, 46 European plan, 233
attrition charge, 49 executive center, 235
attrition penalty, 49 executive chef, 235
banquet event order, 58 executive housekeeper, 235
bar manager, 58 executive staff meeting, 238
bid document, 64 exhibitor-designated contractor, 238
bid manual, 65 export license, 241
blocked space, 67 exposition service contractor, 241
breakout session, 73 fam trip, 251
budget chart, 75 feng shue, 259
buffet, 75 nal program, 261
business center, 77 at rate, 266
business class amenities, 78 food and beverage manager, 268
business meeting, 79 force majeure clause, 269
cabana, 84 French, 273
cafeteria, 85 front ofce manager, 274
call brand, 85 full American plan, 274
Index of Key Terms 804

function sheet, 276 recreation manager, 566

gassbuku, 281 registration software, 569
general manager, 282 remote conferences, 572
general session, 283 resident manager, 575
Gold Awards, 286 resort fee, 575
Goods and Services Tax, 287 retreat, 579
green rooms, 292 room congurations, 587
group (event charge) card, 294 room rates, 587
guarantee, 296 room types, 587
guaranteed room blocks, 297 roundtable conguration, 588
high season, 310 run-of-the-house rate, 589
hold harmless, 311 Russian, 589
hospitality, 316 sales meeting, 595
Hospitality Industry Humanitarian Awards sample, 595
Program, 316 security chief, 605
hospitality suite, 317 seminar, 609
hotel classications, 317 service charge, 611
hotel functional positions, 317 shoulder season, 616
hotel rep rm, 317 single, 618
house count, 318 site inspection, 619
inclusive rate, 335 smart meeting room, 622
(The) Invisible Industry, 363 sokaiya, 628
junior suite, 371 statement of account, 637
keypad system, 374 strategy/planning meeting, 641
king, 374 studio, 643
lanai, 379 symposium, 650
low season, 396 TelePrompTer, 663
maintenance engineer, 401 tentalow, 665
management meeting, 405 theater/auditorium conguration, 666
master account, 410 trade show, 675
meeting cost categories, 419 training meeting, 678
meeting facilities, 419 turnaround time, 686
twin, 687
meeting industry council, 419
university center, 696
meeting planner/planning functions, 419
Unrelated Business Income Tax, 697
modied American plan, 428
users group meeting, 701
move-in/move-out, 432
value added, 706
Murphy bed, 434
value-added tax rebate services, 706
no-show, 467
walk, 722
organization history, 486
walking clause, 722
outlet, 489
workshop, 734
parlor, 499
yurt, 742
pick-up, 519
piggybacking, 520
Pinnacle Awards, 520 36 Military and Veterans
plated, 522
plenary session, 522
plus-plus, 523 Air Force Association, 19
pre-con meeting, 528 Air Force Sergeants Association, 19
preliminary program, 529 Air Force Women Ofcers Association, 19
professional conference (congress) organizer, 540 (The) American Legion, 28
professional employer organization, 540 AMVETS National Headquarters, 33
property management system, 546 Army Aviation Association of America, Inc., 41
Provincial Sales Tax, 549 Association of Military Surgeons of the United
queen, 557 States, 47
rack rate, 560 Association of the U.S. Army, 47
805 Index of Key Terms

Chief Warrant and Warrant Ofcers cash plan, 92

Association, U.S. Coast Guard, 103 compressed workweek, 124
Commissioned Ofcers Association of the U.S. comps, 124
Public Health Service, 117 Council of Peers Award for Excellence, 151
Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association, 204 deferred benets plan, 170
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the deferred compensation, 170
U.S., 224 dissatisers, 192
Fleet Reserve Association, 266 Distinguished Contribution to Human Resource
Gold Star Wives of America, 287 Development Award, 192
Jewish War Veterans of the USA, 365 employee stock option (ownership) plan, 220
Marine Corps League, 408 employer of choice, 221
Marine Corps Reserve Ofcers Association, 408 empowerment, 223
(The) Military Chaplains Association of the USA, Excellence in Human Resource Development
424 Awards, 234
Military Ofcers Association of America, 425 Exemplary Public Interest Contribution Award,
Military Order of the Purple Heart, 425 238
National Association for Uniformed Exemplary Voluntary Efforts Award, 238
Services/Society of Military Widows, 442 expectancy theory, 239
National Committee for Employer Support of the extrinsic motivator, 243
Guard and Reserve, 445 extrinsic reward, 243
National Guard Association of the U.S. 448 fam trip, 251
National Military Families Association, 451 nancial reward, 263
National Order of Battleeld Commissions, 451 extime, 267
Naval Enlisted Reserve Association, 456 golden carrots, 287
Naval Reserve Association, 456 golden handcuffs, 287
Navy League of the United States, 456 golden parachute, 287
Non Commissioned Ofcers Association Hawthorne effect, 302
of the USA, 463 Haynes plan, 302
(The) Reserve Ofcers Association, 575 Henry Laurence Gantt Medal, 308
Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed hierarchy of needs, 309
Forces, 627 home ofce, 313
United Armed Forces Association, 694 hoteling, 317
U.S. Army Warrant Ofcers Association, 700
HRD Hall of Fame, 318
U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Ofcers
HR Executive of the Year and HR Honor Roll,
Association, 700
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 711
HR Magazine Innovative Practice Awards, 318
Veterans Widows International Network, 712
HR Service Excellence Award, 319
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., 715
incentive pay, 334
incentive plan, 334
37 Motivation, Incentives, and incentive retirement plan, 334
incentive stock option, 334
incentive work, 334
achievement-motivation theory, 9 intangible reward, 347
achievement need, 9 internal motivation, 353
ASTD Best Awards, 47 intrinsic motivator, 362
ASTD Member Unit Awards, 47 intrinsic reward, 362
autopoesis, 52 job satisfaction, 369
award, 53 job sharing/job splitting, 370
Baldrige National Quality Program, 57 key contributor program, 374
Bedeaux plan, 60 Lincoln incentive system, 390
(Gordon M.) Bliss Memorial Award, 67 long-term incentive, 395
book value plan, 69 lump-sum merit, 397
Donald Bullock Memorial Dissertation Award, 76 market value plan, 409
capital accumulation plan, 86 maturity curves, 411
cash-deferred (401[k]) plan, 91 money surrogates, 429
Index of Key Terms 806

motivation, 431 corporate (organization), 145

motivation/recognition/reward, 431 customer grouping, 160
National Academy of Human Resources, 439 decentralization, 168
National Affairs Award, 440 departmentation, 174
Neal Award, 457 dilutive merger, 186
noneconomic rewards, 464 division (organization), 194
Opportunity 2000 Award, 482 downsizing, 196
people performance programs, 507 economy of scale, 207
performance achievement plan, 508 employee leasing, 219
performance award plan, 509 experience curve, 240
performance shares, 510 at organization, 265
phased retirement, 516 friendly takeover, 273
Pinnacle Awards, 520 functional organization, 275
prot-sharing, 542 general corporation, 282
Pro Patria Award, 546 global company, 285
RealWare Awards, 564 group (organization), 295
recognition, 565 hierarchy of organization types, 309
reinforcement, 570 hostile takeover or merger, 317
restricted stock plan, 577 hybrid organization, 323
reward system, 582 in-house temporary employees, 342
Rowan plan, 588 job displacement, 367
sabbatical, 593 job engineering, 367
satisers, 596 job redesign, 369
scam trip, 596 leveraged buy-out, 386
secular trust, 605 limited liability company, 390
SHRM Award for Professional Excellence, 616 location grouping, 393
special cash award, 629 long-term temporary assignments, 395
spot rewards, 633 master vendor arrangements, 410
stock grant, 640 matrix organization, 411
stock options, 640 merger, 422
Super Six Awards of Excellence, 647 mission statement, 427
supplemental executive retirement plan, 647 multinational, 433
tangible reward, 655 nonprot/not-for prot organization, 465
team incentive, 658 organizational analysis, 484
telecommuting/telecommuters, 662 organizational evaluation, 484
Top 25, 672 organizational survey, 484
Torch Awards, 672 organization and functions manual, 484
voluntary reduced hours, 719 organization chart, 484
work-at-home, 729 organization diagnosis, 486
work orientation factors, 733 organization documents, 486
organization planning, 486
organization structure, 486
38 Organization Design
organization survey, 486
accretive merger, 9 outsourcing-to-temps, 490
adhocracy, 12 process grouping, 537
blended workforce, 67 product grouping, 538
centralization, 95 professional corporation, 540
close corporation, 11 professional employer organization, 540
collapsible corporation, 115 professional temps, 541
committee, 117 reduction in force, 567
compact, 120 restructuring, 578
contract technical workers, 139 rightsizing, 583
conventional stafng, 141 scalar principle, 596
core work activities, 144 S corporation, 599
corporate anorexia, 144 small business investment company, 621
807 Index of Key Terms

stafng options, 634 competency assessment, 122

tall organization, 655 contrast effect, 139
temp-to-hire, 664 critical element, 155
temp-to-lease programs, 664 critical incident, 156
temp-to-perm programs, 664 customer rating (appraisal) system, 160
traditional temporary help, 676 descriptive scale, 179
transitions, 680 directive appraisal, 187
transnational, 680 diversity audit, 193
vertical organization, 709 equal intervals, 228
virtual organization, 715 error of contrast, 230
virtual team, 716 error of halo, 230
visioning, 717 error of inconsistency, 230
zero-based stafng, 743 error of instability, 230
error of projection, 230
error of recency, 230
39 Organization Development error of standards, 230
error of stereotype, 230
appreciative inquiry, 39 error of subjectivity, 230
Excellence Index, 234 essay appraisal, 230
management by objectives, 404 face validity, 246
management reinforcement workshop, 405 fair employment practices laws, 248
organizational analysis, 484 feedback, 258
organizational evaluation, 484 tness report, 264
organizational survey, 484 forced choice scale, 268
organizational transformation, 484 forced distribution, 269
organization climate, 484 graphic scale, 291
organization culture, 485 ipsative scores, 363
organization design, 485 key result areas, 374
organization development, 485 merit rating, 422
organization development interventions, 485 merit review, 422
organization diagnosis, 486 multisource assessment, 434
organization vision, 486 observational skill, 472
part-time employees, 501 ofcer efciency report, 476
payrolling, 504 ordinal measurement, 483
performance analysis, 508 organizational network analysis, 484
performance audit, 508 paired comparisons, 496
peer appraisal, 504
performance indicator, 509
performance analysis, 508
subsidiary (organization), 644
performance management, 510
team building, 658
performance measure, 510
time management, 670
performance monitoring, 510
performance ratings, 510
performance review, 510
40 Performance Appraisal performance standards, 510
absolute ratings, 6 privacy laws, 534
alternation ranking, 22 rank order/ranking method, 562
assessment center, 43 reciprocal review, 565
behavior, 60 self-rating, 608
behaviorally anchored rating scale, 60 stereotyping, 639
behavior-based performance appraisal, 61 three hundred sixty-degree feedback, 668
central tendency, 95
Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, 108 41 Problem Solving
collaborative appraisal, 114
comparative ratings, 121 abstract reasoning, 6
competence, 121 action research, 10
Index of Key Terms 808

action skills, 10 cause-and-effect diagram, 93

analytical skills, 34 cell manufacturing, 94
analytical thinking, 34 certication, 96
association skills, 47 channel management, 100
attribute listing, 49 checksheet, 102
basic seven, 59 churning, 106
block busting, 67 collaborative community, 114
brainstorming, 71 collaborative forecasting, 114
brainwriting, 72 computer-integrated manufacturing, 126
cause-and-effect analysis, 93 concentration knowledge and skills, 128
cause-and-effect diagram, 93 conformity assessment, 131
checklist, 102 conformity Europe, 131
checksheet, 102 control chart, 140
climate survey, 110 core knowledge and skills, 144
closed-form questionnaire, 111 correlation chart, 147
control chart, 140 cost of quality, 148
creative imagery, 153 cost per hire, 149
creative problem-solving training, 153 cross-functional mapping, 157
decision tree, 168 cross-training, 158
deductive reasoning, 169 customer complaint rate, 160
diagnostic survey, 183 customer relationship management, 160
document analysis, 194 Customer Satisfaction Barometer, 160
economic analysis, 205 cycles of learning, 161
electronic brainstorming, 211 cycle time, 161
funneling, 276 design/development cycle, 179
histogram, 311 design of experiments, 180
inductive reasoning, 339 detection costs, 181
input-output technique, 343 empowerment, 223
inquiring, 343 EN 29000, 223
intelligent tutoring system, 350 entitlement performance, 225
intuitive skill, 362
experience curve theory, 240
lateral thinking, 381
failure costs, 248
linear programming, 390
rst-pass yield, 264
marginal analysis, 408
shbone chart, 264
morphological analysis, 430
Five-Five-Five Plan, 264
Pareto chart, 499
ow chart, 267
problem sensitivity, 536
handling time, 301
problem solving, 536
health care costs per employee, 304
problem-solving skill, 536
histogram, 311
reframing, 568
human capital ROI, 319
run chart, 589
human capital value added, 319
scattergram, 597
human resources self-service and portal
synthetic skills, 651
technologies, 323
thinking uency, 668
Improshare, 333
inter-enterprise software solution, 351
42 Productivity, Standards, and International Accreditation Forum, 354
Quality Control International Organization for Standardization,
absence management metrics, 6 ISO 9000, 326
acceptable quality level, 7 keiretsu, 373
advanced manufacturing technology, 14 labor force, 378
assembly line manufacturing, 43 labor-management relations laws, 379
baseline performance, 58 labor productivity, 379
best practice group, 64 latency, 380
block diagram, 67 (The) Learning Organization, 383
809 Index of Key Terms

linear serial supply chain, 391 total cycle time, 667

make/market cycle, 402 total labor cost revenue percent, 667
methods analysis, 423 training investment factor, 677
methods engineering, 423 transparency, 680
mutual learning, 434 turnover costs, 686
necessary work, 457 unnecessary work, 697
next operation as customer, 461 value, 706
non-value adding work, 466 value-adding work, 706
on-time, 480 value analysis and engineering, 706
operations research, 482 value chain, 706
parallel communities, 497 value-creating work, 706
Pareto chart, 499 value-sustaining work, 707
partner relationship management, 501 voluntary separation rate, 719
peer coaching, 505 white-collar cycle time, 726
performance, 508 workow automation, 731
performance to schedule, 511 work simplication, 734
plan, do, check, act, 520 zero defects, 743
precontrol, 528
prevention costs, 532
process, 536 43 Professional Journals
process benchmarking, 537 AV Video Multimedia Producer, 53
process capability, 537 Benets & Compensation Solutions, 63
process management, 537 Boston Business Journal, 70
product evaluation, 538 B to B: Advertising Ages Newspaper of the
productivity, 538 Marketing Revolution, 75
productivity improvement program, 539 Business 2.0, 77
product life-cycle management, 539 Business & Health, 77
product specication standards, 539 Business Brand Leadership, 77
purpose, 551 Business Travel News, 80
quality control, 555 Business Week, 80
quality function deployment, 555 CFO Magazine, 99
quality improvement process, 556 (The) Competitive Advantage, 122
quality improvement programs, 556 Corporate Meetings & Incentives, 145
Quality Index, 556 Corporate University Review, 146
queuing theory/techniques, 557 CRN News, 156
reengineering, 567 Darwin, 165
registrars, 569 Dividends, 194
registration, 569 e-Media Magazine, 215
reject rate, 570 EMedia Professional, 215
results, 578 Employee Benet News, 217
return on investment, 580 Employee Benet Plan Review, 217
revenue factor, 581 Ethics Today, 232
rework, 582 Fast Company: How Smart Business Works, 251
rework rate, 582 Fortune, 271
run chart, 589 Harvard Business Review, 302
schedule, 597 HR Magazine on Human Resource Management,
social capital, 623 318
specialty knowledge and skills, 630 Human Capital, 319
standard cost method, 634 Human Resource Development Quarterly, 321
standardized lost time metrics, 635 Human Resource Executive, 321
star measurement, 637 Human Resource Professional, 321
statistical process control, 638 Human Resources Outsourcing Today, 323
supply chain management, 648 Incentive, 334
theoretical cycle time, 667 Information Week, 341
total compensation revenue percentage, 673 Inside Technology Training, 343
Index of Key Terms 810

Interactivity, 351 organization breakdown structure, 484

Internet Week, 360 private voluntary organization, 535
Journal of Innovative Management, 371 project collaboration, 544
Learning & Training Innovations, 382 Project Management Institute, 545
Managing Diversity, 406 project-portfolio management, 546
Managing Smart, 406 resource loading/leveling, 576
Meeting News, 419 responsibility assignment matrix, 577
Meetings & Conventions, 420 risk analysis, 583
Military Ofcer, 425 scope creep, 599
NetGuide, 458 strategic project ofce, 641
Nonprot World, 465 variance, 707
On Magazine, 480 work breakdown structure, 729
Phi Delta Kappan, 517
Positive Leadership, 525
Presentations, 531 45 Purchasing and Contracting
Presenting Communications, 531
acceptance, 7
(The) Project Management Journal, 545
agency relationship, 17
Retirement Life, 579
agent, 17
Self Employed Professional, 607
Air Force Procurement Instructions, 19
Strategy + Business, 641
Armed Forces Procurement Act of 1947, 41
Successful Meetings, 645
Army Procurement Procedure, 41
Success in Recruiting and Retaining, 645
Commerce Business Daily, 116
Syllabus, 650
contract, 138
Team Work, 659
contract administration, 139
T.H.E. Journal, 666
contract deliverables, 139
Time Digital, 670
contracting, 139
Transform Magazine, 679
cost contract, 148
Upside, 698
cost-no-fee contract, 148
(The) Wall Street Journal, 722
cost-plus-award-fee contract, 149
Web Techniques, 724
cost-plus-xed-fee contract, 149
Wired, 727
cost-plus-incentive-fee contract, 149
Workforce, 731
cost-sharing contract, 150
Department of Commerce, 175
44 Project Management derivative, 179
disclaimer clause, 190
actual to date, 11 documentation, 194
analytics, 34 ethics laws, 231
bid, 64 excluded costs, 234
budget, 75 rm-xed-price contract, 263
change of scope, 100 xed-price contract with price-adjustment
contingency planning, 137 provisions, 265
contract, 138 xed-price-incentive contract, 265
contract work breakdown structure, 139 xed-price level-of-effort term contract, 265
critical path method, 156 xed-price-redeterminable contract, 265
critical success factors, 156 xed-rate contract, 265
deliverables, 173 futures contract, 276
earned value, 204 government contract laws, 288
estimate to complete, 231 guaranteed investment contract, 296
external benchmarking, 242 import, 333
Gannt chart, 280 indenite quantity contract, 335
internal benchmarking, 352 invitation for bid, 363
milestone, 424 labor-hour contract, 378
multitask management, 434 liquidity, 392
non-governmental organization, 464 multiple-incentive contract, 433
organizational network analysis, 484 Navy Procurement Directive, 457
811 Index of Key Terms

Ofce of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, defamation, 169

475 disclosure agreement, 190
option, 483 e-cruiting, 207
preaward survey, 528 employee biographical data, 218
precycle/precycling, 528 employer of choice, 221
private voluntary organization, 535 employment agencies, 221
proposal, 547 employment-at-will, 221
quality assurance surveillance plan, 555 employment displacement, 222
quality audit, 555 Employment Termination Act, 222
quality control, 555 enneagram, 224
request for information, 574 European Unions Data Protection Directive, 233
request for proposal, 574 executive search rm, 238
risk-sharing arrangement, 585 fair employment practices laws, 248
risk transfer, 585 Federal Credit Reporting Act of 1969, 252
service contract, 611 FedWorld, 258
statement of work, 637 eld interview, 260
sweetheart contract, 650 tness for work, 264
time and materials contract, 670 exible work schedule, 266
turnkey program, 686 General Aptitude Test Battery, 282
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the golden passport, 287
International Sale of Goods, 695 graphoanalysis, 291
group interview, 294
headhunters, 303
46 Recruiting, Hiring, and Promoting helping/service competencies, 308
achievement competencies, 9 honesty test, 314
agricultural worker law, 18 Immigration Act of 1990, 329
alien employment laws, 21 immigration tracking, 332
Americas Job Bank, 32 inuence competencies, 340
Americas Talent Bank, 33 interface charts, 351
analysis exercise, 34 internal recruitment, 353
applicant les, 38 internship, 360
applicant specications, 38 interview, 361
applicant tracking system, 38 investigative consumer report, 363
application forms, 38 job bank, 366
assessment center, 43 job design, 367
attention, interest, desire, and action, 49 job dimensions, 367
at-will employment, 49 job fair, 367
auxiliary personnel, 52 job posting, 368
background check, 56 job sampling, 369
background investigation, 56 job search campaign, 369
behavioral event interview, 60 job sharing, 370
behavioral simulation, 61 JOBTRAK, 370
bidding, 64 knowledge, skills, and abilities, 376
bounty program, 71 lie detector, 388
brain drain, 71 management competencies, 404
CareerPath, 89 monsterTRAK, 429
casual employment program, 113 national origin discrimination, 452
cognitive competencies, 113 nondirective interview, 463
comprehensive interview, 124 nonschedule interview, 465
consent form, 132 nonstandard interview, 465
consumer credit report, 134 nontraditional part time, 466
contingency recruiting, 137 One-Stop Career Centers, 479
conversational interview, 141 O*NET, 479
corporate gridlock, 145 On-Line Career Center, 479
cyber hire, 161 Operation Able, 481
Index of Key Terms 812

Operation Jobs, 482 FedWorld Information Network, 258

out-of-the-box hiring, 489 Food and Drug Administration, 268
Overseas Security Advisory Council, 491 (The) Heritage Foundation, 308
peer interview, 505 Hoover Institution, 315
performance interview, 509 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 320
personal effectiveness competencies, 513 Industrial Relations Research Association, 340
personnel inventory chart, 515 Institute for Crisis Management, 344
phased retirement, 516 Institute for Operations Research and the
prerequisites, 530 Management Sciences, 344
preselection process, 531 Institute of Industrial Engineers, 345
professional employer organization, 540 Insurance Information Institute, 347
progression chart, 544 Japan-America Institute of Management Science,
promotion, 546 365
reasonable investigation, 564 Marketing Science Institute, 408
reassignment, 565 National Assessment of Educational Progress,
recruitment, 566 441
reference check, 567 National Institute on Deafness and Other
rehearsal retirement, 570 Communication Disorders, 449
rsum, 578 National Institute on Disability and
retained recruiting, 578 Rehabilitation Research, 449
retiree skill bank, 579 (The) National Institutes of Health, 449
schedule interview, 597 National Rehabilitation Information Center, 452
screening, 599 National Technical Information Service, 454
search rm, 600 RAND, 561
staff leasing, 634 (The) Urban Institute, 699
standardized interview, 635 Workers Compensation Research Institute, 730
strategic stafng, 641 World Institute on Disability, 735
stress interview, 642 World Resources Institute, 735
structured interview, 642
succession planning, 645
team hiring, 658 48 Research, Statistics, and
telephone checks, 663 Information Systems
temp, 664
termination-at-will, 665 aggregative statistics, 18
U.S. Employment Service, 701 analysis of variance, 34
veterans employment and training laws, 711 analytical survey, 34
work sample test, 734 applied research, 39
area chart, 40
auto-regression, 52
47 Research Organizations and basic research, 59
Institutes basic seven, 59
Bayesian statistics, 59
Arthritis Research Institute of America, 42 bell-shaped curve, 62
(The) Brookings Institution, 74 case study, 90
(The) Cato Institute, 93 causal-comparative study, 93
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 94 cause-and-effect diagram, 93
Department of Health and Human Services, 175 checklist, 102
Educational Resources Information Center, 208 checksheet, 102
Electronic Bulletin Board, Inc., 211 chi-square test, 105
Employee Benet Research Institute, 217 CompuServe, 125
ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & condence interval, 130
Technology, 229 context variables, 136
Ethics Resource Center, 231 control chart, 140
Families and Work Institute, 249 control group, 140
Federally Supported Clearinghouses on controlled experiment, 140
Disability, 255 correlational study, 147
813 Index of Key Terms

cost of living index, 148 parallel-group technique, 498

cross-section technique, 157 Pareto chart, 499
database, 165 payroll method, 504
database management system, 165 personal information management system, 514
DataStar, 166 pie chart, 519
DataTimes, 166 platykurtic, 522
descriptive study, 179 polling survey, 524
DIALOG Information Services, 183 population, 524
Dow Jones Interactive, 196 presage variables, 530
Educational Resources Information Center, 208 primary research, 533
employment cost index, 221 probability, 535
enterprise content management, 225 process variables, 538
expectancy table, 239 product variables, 539
experimental group, 241 Program Evaluation and Review Technique, 542
experimental research, 241 pure research, 551
feasibility study, 252 qualitative research, 554
eld experiment, 260 quantitative research, 556
generic data base, 283 quasi-experimental studies, 557
genetic, developmental, and growth studies, 283 range, 562
hard data, 301 ratio chart, 562
histogram, 311 regression analysis, 569
historical study, 311 reliability, 571
horizontal bar chart, 315 reliability coefcient, 571
human factors engineering, 320 research, 574
human resources information centers, 322 research skills, 574
human resources information system, 322 rotation-group technique, 587
hypothesis, 324 sample, 595
information renery, 341 scattergram, 597
informed consent, 342 secondary research, 600
interquartile range, 361 selective dissemination of information, 606
kurtosis, 376 signicant gures, 617
laboratory experiment, 378 skewness, 619
least squares method, 385 soft data, 627
leptokurtic, 386 Spearman-Brown formula, 629
levels of signicance, 386 standard deviation, 634
library, 387 standard error of measurement, 635
linear regression, 391 Standard Industrial Classication (SIC) system,
line chart, 391 635
longitudinal technique, 394 Standard Occupational Classication (SOC)
lottery system, 396 system, 636
management information system, 405 statistical analysis, 638
matrix diagram, 411 statistical map, 638
mean, 412 touchtone data entry, 674
measures of central tendency, 412, 677
median, 413 training research, 678
Member Information Exchange, 420 trending, 684
mesokurtic, 422 turnover, 686
meta-analysis, 422 turnover rate, 686
multiple regression, 433 type I error, 687
National Technical Information Service, 454 type II error, 687
NewsNet, 461 types of research, 687
nonlinear regression, 464 unemployment rate, 691
nonparametric methods/statistics, 465 validity, 705
one-group technique, 479 variance, 707
organization climate survey, 485 vertical bar chart, 708
Index of Key Terms 814

Washington Alert, 723 occupational safety laws, 474

work injury reports, 732 one-time password, 479
password, 502
password reset, 502
49 Safety and Security password synchronization, 502
polygraph, 524
access control, 7
privacy invaders, 534
access management software, 7
Protect Act of 2003, 547
Advanced Encryption Standard, 14
psychological stress evaluator, 549
Asbestos Regulations, 42
public key encryption, 551
authenticate, 50
race, 560
authentication systems, 51
recordable injuries and illnesses, 565
authentication token, 51
right-to-know, 583
authorization, 51
secure HyperText Transport Protocol, 605
background check, 56
security of travelers, 605
biometric access control, 65
security patch, 605
Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 67
single sign-on, 618
business electronic countermeasures, 78
smart card, 622
challenge/response, 99
social engineering, 623
Comprehensive Environmental Response,
source of injury or illness, 628
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, 123
token, 672
Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening
Total Information Awareness Program, 673
System, 125
two-factor authentication, 687
condentiality agreement, 130
Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, 693
Conned Spaces Standard, 130
universal precautions, 696
credit fraud, 154
unsafe acts, 697
credit reporting agencies, 154
unsafe conditions, 697
cryptographic checksum, 158
Wired Equivalent Privacy, 727
data encryption standard, 165
worker gangs, 730
dumpster diver/diving, 199
work injury reports, 732
encryption, 223
Workplace Safety and Health Program Standard,
engineering control, 224
Environmental Protection Agency, 226
work practice control, 734
environmental risk, 226
Wyden Amendment, 737
environmental safety laws, 226
ergonomic safety standards/rules, 229
Fall Protection Standard, 249 50 Service and Information
rewall, 263
Hazard Communication Standard of 1988, 302 American Board of Medical Specialties, 25
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Ask-a-Nurse, 43
Response Standard, 303 Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services,
hosted services, 317 76
identity management, 327 Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, 76
identity theft, 328 Bureau of Immigration and Customs
incidence rate, 334 Enforcement, 76
information thieves, 341 Bureau of National Affairs, 77
key, 374 Business Leadership Network, 78
Laboratory Chemical Standard, 378 Business Process Management Initiative, 79
Lockout/Tagout Rule, 394 Canadian Labour Market and Productivity
lost work days, 395 Centre, 86
lost worktime rate, 395 Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 94
material safety data sheets, 410 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 95
median days away from work, 413 Certied Financial Planner Board of Standards,
National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, 454 97
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Council of Citizens with Low Vision
474 International, 150
815 Index of Key Terms

Defense Intelligence Agency, 170 Sexuality Information & Education Council of

Defense Outplacement Referral System, 170 the United States, 614
Department of Agriculture, 175 Trainlit, 678
Department of Commerce, 175 Transportation Security Administration, 681
Department of Education, 175 USA Freedom Corps, 699
Department of Energy, 175 U.S. Department of Commerce, 701
Department of Health and Human Services, 175 Wiretap Act of 1986, 728
Department of Homeland Security, 176 Youth Service America, 741
Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Department of Interior, 176 51 Substance Abuse
Department of Justice, 176 abuse/suppression program, 7
Department of Labor, 176 alcohol testing, 20
Department of State, 177 amphetamine, 33
Department of Transportation, 177 bad trip, 56
Department of Treasury, 178 balance and reex performance check, 56
Department of Veterans Affairs, 178 Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 94
Educational Assistance Ltd., 208 Clinical Laboratory Amendments of 1988, 111
Educational Resources Information Center, 208 codependency, 112
Educational Testing Service, Inc., 211 conrmatory test, 131
Electronic Bulletin Board, 227 crack, 153
Epilepsy Foundation of America, 227 crank, 153
ERIC Clearing House on Information Resources, crash, 153
229 critical tracking test, 156
Immigration and Naturalization Service, 329 Department of Defense Interim Rule on
Insurance Information Institute, 347 Drug-Free Work Force, 175
International Association of Information Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, 198
Technology Trainers, 355 drug testing, 198
Job Accommodation Network, 366 drug tests, 198
Justice and Equality in the Workplace, 372 enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique, 227
Linking Home and School Through the Executive Order 12564, 236
Workplace, 391 Federal Highway Administration, 254
Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, 423 hair analysis, 300
monsterTRAK, 429 hallucinogen, 300
(The) National Academy of Public hash, 302
Administration, 440 heroin, 309
National Business & Disability Council, 444 hufng, 319
National Center for Youth with Disabilities, 444 Hughes Act of 1970, 319
(The) National Clearinghouse for Information on ice, 317
Business/Industry Involvement in Education, joint, 370
445 lysergic acid diethylamide, 397
National Down Syndrome Society, 447 mandatory drug and alcohol testing, 406
National Foundation for the Improvement of marijuana, 408
Education, 448 methadone, 423
National Information Center on Deafness, 448 methamphetamine, 423
National Organization on Disability, 451 moonrock, 430
National Rehabilitation Information Center, 452 morphine, 430
National Security Agency, 453 occupational program consultants, 473
National Spinal Cord Injury Association, 454 Ofce for Substance Abuse Prevention, 475
North American Resource Center for Child p-funk, 516
Welfare, 467 pupillary-reaction test, 551
Overseas Private Investment Corporation, 491 relationship addict, 571
Overseas Security Advisory Council, 491 screening test, 599
seminar locators, 609 specimen integrity, 631
Service Corps of Retired Executives, 612 speed, 631
Index of Key Terms 816

speedball, 631 application service provider, 38

substance abuse laws, 645 array, 42
support group, 648 articial intelligence, 42
urine test, 699 asynchronous, 48
withdrawal, 728 asynchronous transfer mode, 48
audioconferencing, 50
audiographics, 50
52 Teams and Team Building audiographics conferencing, 50
authoring platform, 51
action learning, 10
authoring system or software, 51
action-reection learning, 10
automated voice response system, 52
autonomous work groups, 52
automatic camera, 52
collaborative community, 114
automation, 52
concurrent engineering, 129
bandwidth, 58
dream team, 197
bar code technology, 58
facilitator, 247
BetaSP, 64
future search, 276
bin, 65
group dynamics, 294
bits per second, 66
group facilitator, 294
blendo, 67
group incentives, 294
blogging, 67
groupthink, 295
Bluetooth, 68
groupware, 296
bookmark, 69
hot work group, 318
bots, 70
human relations, 321
brieng center, 73
mindguarding, 426
brightness, 74
neurolinguistic programming, 460
bulletin board system or service, 75
parallel team, 498
business television, 80
partnership, 501
cable television, 84
peer coaching, 505
camcorder, 85
process action team, 536
C-band satellite, 93
project team, 546
character generator, 101
recorder, 565
chrominance, 106
role negotiation, 585
client/server architecture, 110
role playing, 586
clip, 111
self-directed work team, 607
codec, 112
self-managed work team, 608
code division multiple access, 112
self-regulated work group, 609
collaboration technology, 114
semiautonomous work group, 609
collaborative conferencing, 114
shadow workforce, 614
color depth, 115
sham union, 614
compact disc, 120
special work team, 630
compact disc interactive, 120
standing work team, 636
compact disc, read-only memory, 120
synectics, 650
compact disc, read only memory extended
synergy, 650
architecture, 120
team building, 658
compact disc-rewritable, 120
team concept, 658
compositing, 123
team hiring, 658
compressed hypertext markup language, 124
visioning meeting, 717
compressed speech, 124
work team, 735
compression, 124
work team development, 735
computer, 125
computer-assisted design, 125
53 Technology computer-assisted engineering, 125
computer-assisted manufacturing, 125
aperture, 37 computer-assisted retrieval, 126
appliance, 38 computer-based coaching, 126
817 Index of Key Terms

computer-based corporate videoconferencing, EXPERT system, 241

126 exposure, 242
computer-based learning resources, 126 external support, 243
computer conferencing, 126 Fast Ethernet, 251
computer-integrated manufacturing, 126 fax machine, 251
computerized numerically controlled machining, ber optics, 260
127 eld, 260
computer simulation, 127 xed focus camera, 265
computer synthetic voice translation, 128 ame/aming, 265
constant angular velocity, 133 ash modes, 265
constant linear velocity. 133 frame, 271
corporate video, 146 frame grabber, 271
CU-SeeMe, 158 frame rate, 271
customer self-checkout, 160 free-form technology, 272
cut, 161 freeze (frame), 273
cybernetics, 161 full duplex audio, 274
dataconferencing, 165 Gigabit Ethernet, 285
deck, 168 global system for mobile communications, 286
delivery platform, 173 graphic scanner, 291
delivery system, 173 group videoconferencing, 296
desktop publishing, 180 handheld device markup language, 301
desktop video, 180 hardware, 301
desktop videoconferencing, 180 high denition compatible digital, 309
digital animation, 184 high denition TV, 309
digital audiotape, 184 hologram, 312
digital light processing, 184 home automation system, 312
digital photography, 184 home health monitoring system, 313
digital print order format, 185 host site, 317
digital simultaneous voice and data, 185 hue, 319
digital subscriber line, 185 human resources self-service and portal
digital-video-disc, 185 technologies, 323
digital video interactive technology, 185 humanware, 323
digital virtual disc, 185 information superhighway, 341
digitize, 185 information systems, 341
direct imaging, 187 information technology, 341
disk-based media, 191 instructor camera, 346
disk drive, 191 Integrated Applications Digital and Audio
disk operating system, 191 Trainer, 347
distance learning, 192 integrated digital videoconferencing, 348
dual mode phone, 199 integrated performance support, 348
e-conferencing, 205 integrated services digital network, 348
educational technology, 208 interactive television, 351
edutainment, 209 interactive videodisc, 351
e-learning, 210 interactive voice response, 351
electronic data interchange, 211 interactive video system, 351
electronic job aid, 212 Internet, 360
electronic mailbox/mail, 212 Internet protocol, 360
electronic management, 212 Internet service provider, 360
electronic meeting, 212 I-way, 364
electronic performance aid, 212 keypad system, 374
electronic performance support system, 212 kilobits, 374
embedded support, 214 knowledge engineering, 375
emulator, 223 Ku-band satellite, 376
enhanced audio compact disc, 224 laser barcode system, 380
Ethernet, 231 laser-based projection system, 380
Index of Key Terms 818

laserdisc/CD player, 380 performance support tool, 511

LCD-based projector, 381 personal emergency response system, 513
LCD panel, 381 personal information management system, 514
learning portal, 384 Photo CD, 517
lens, 386 photonics, 517
light-emitting diode, 390 photovoltaic technology, 517
light-emitting polymers, 390 plasma, 521
linear editing, 390 point-of-sale terminal, 523
linked support, 391 programmable robot, 543
liquid crystal display, 392 projection system, 545
live video insertion system, 392 radio frequency identication tags, 560
local area network, 393 red eye reduction, 566
lossless, 395 Regional Bell Operating Companies, 568
luminance, 396 repurposing, 574
lurk/lurking, 397 robotics, 585
macro lens, 400 room audio, 586
manual camera, 407 satellite communications, 595
map, 407 satellite TV, 596
metaphor, 422 scanner, 597
Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, 423 self-timer, 609
microwave, 424 Sharable Content Object Reference Model, 614
minidisc, 426 shovelware, 616
modem, 428 simulator, 618
monitor, 429 single-lens reex camera, 618
motion picture experts group, 431 smart building, 622
MPEG-2, 432 sociotechnical systems, 627
MPEG-4, 432 software, 627
multidisk, 432 soundcard, 628
multimedia, 432 spam/spamming, 629
multipoint control unit, 434 special-effects generator, 629
multisource editing router, 434 spread spectrum, 633
musical instrument digital interface, 434 still-frame storage unit, 639
netiquette, 458 still video, 639
networked multimedia, 459 storage, 640
nonlinear editing, 464 supercomputer, 647
numerical control, 468 Super VHS, 647
one-way satellite/microwave, 479 surf/surng, 649
one-way satellite with keypad, 479 tabletop videocassette recorder, 654
on-line access, 479 technical literacy, 659
optical mark reader, 483 technology assessment, 661
optoelectronic technology, 483 technology-based learning, 661
organic light-emitting diode, 483 telecommunications device for the
overhead projection, 491 deaf/teletypewriter, 662
pacer, 495 teleconferencing, 662
packet network, 495 telematics, 663
paint, 496 telemedicine, 663
paperless book, 497 telephone service, 663
participant camera, 500 telephoto lens, 663
PC-based enhancement, 504 time-based corrector, 670
peer-to-peer applications, 505 time code, 670
pen-based technology, 505 time division multiple access, 670
performance-centered design, 509 touchtone data entry, 674
performance-centered system, 509 treatment, 683
performance support, 510 tri-mode phone, 685
performance support engineering, 511 two-way interactive video, 687
819 Index of Key Terms

two-way satellite/microwave, 687 arrangement item, 42

ubiquitous computing, 689 battery, 59
usenet newsgroups, 701 beta testing, 64
vaporware, 707 checkride, 102
Verimetrics analyzer, 708 cognitive ability test, 113
Veronica, 708 competency-based test, 122
very small aperture terminal, 709 completion item, 123
video board, 713 composite score, 123
videocapture card, 713 comprehensiveness, 124
video card, 713 concurrent validity, 129
videocassette recorder, 713 Connecticut v. Teal, 131
video codec, 713 construct validity, 133
videocompression, 713 content validity, 136
videoconferencing, 713 correlation, 147
videodisc, 713 correlational study, 147
video, full motion, 713 correlation analysis, 147
video news release, 714 criterion measure, 155
videophone, 714 criterion-referenced test, 155
video stream, 714 criterion validity, 155
video teleconferencing, 714 cross validation, 158
viewnder, 715 cut score, 161
virtual reality, 716 diagnostic test, 183
voice and speech recognition, 717 distractor, 192
voicemail, 718 draw-a-person test, 196
Voice over Internet Protocol, 718 employee skills test, 220
voice recognition, 718 end-of-course qualication test, 223
voice recognition unit, 718 enneagram, 224
voice response system, 718 equating, 228
Web casting, 723 essay test, 230
Web conferencing, 723 face validity, 246
Webinar, 723 fair employment practices laws, 248
white balance, 726 eld test, 260
wide-area information servers, 726 Flanagan Aptitude Classication Test, 265
wipe, 727 frequency distribution, 273
wireless access protocol, 727 General Aptitude Test Battery, 282
wireless data communications, 727 graphic item count, 291
wireless delity technology, 727 Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 293
wireless markup language, 727 histogram, 311
wireless technology, 727 honesty test, 314
workow automation, 731 indirect measure, 337
workow software, 731 intelligence test, 349
World Wide Web, 736 interest test, 351
write once, read many, 736 internal criterion test, 352
zoom lens, 743 inventory, 362
item analysis, 364
54 Tests and Testing item difculty, 364
item stem, 364
ability test, 6 job performance measure, 368
achievement test, 9 job replica test, 369
adaptive test, 11 Knowledge Management Assessment Tool, 375
adaptive testing, 11 mastery test, 410
administrability, 12 matching item, 410
Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 20 mean difculty, 412
alternate-form reliability, 22 minimalist testing, 426
aptitude test, 40 mode, 428
Index of Key Terms 820

multiple-choice item, 433 validity generalization, 705

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 435 Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust, 723
nonverbal test, 466 work sample test, 734
norms, 466 Z-score, 743
objectivity, 472
operational validity, 482
oral objective test, 483 55 Training
outcomes assessment, 488 ability to benet, 6
paper-and-pencil objective test, 497 active duty for training, 10
percentage score, 507 adjunct programs, 12
percentile rank or score, 507 advanced individual training, 14
performance test, 511 adventure training, 14
personality and temperament test, 514 alternative assessment, 22
physical ability test, 518 amortization of training expenses, 33
postaccident testing, 526 apprenticeship programs, 39
posttest, 526 assertiveness training, 43
power test, 527 asynchronous computer conferencing, 48
preemployment testing, 528 attrition, 49
predictive validity, 528 audience analysis, 49
pretest, 531 audioconferencing, 50
process-performance test, 537 audiographics, 50
product performance test, 539 audiovisuals, 50
product-process performance test, 539 authoring system, 51
prociency test, 541 autogenetic training or learning, 51
prole, 541 Basic Instructor Training Course, 59
psychological stress evaluator, 549 Basic Skills Education Program, 59
psychological test, 549 basic skills training, 59
psychomotor test, 550 basic training, 59
race-norming, 560 behavioral objective, 60
random testing, 561 behavior management training, 61
raw score, 563 behavior modeling training, 61
reasonable suspicion testing, 565 behavior modication, 70
recertication test, 565 boot camp, 70
reliability, 571 business practices training, 79
reliability coefcient, 571 Certicate in Human Performance Improvement,
scaled scores, 596 95
security-related tests, 605 chargeback, 101
skills test, 620 charm school, 101
Spearman-Brown formula, 629 classroom training, 109
standard deviation, 634 cognitive modeling, 113
standard error, 635 compensatory training, 121
standard error of measurement, 635 competency-based training, 125
standardizability, 635 computer-aided instruction, 125
standardized test, 635 computer-based training, 126
standard score, 636 computer conferencing, 126
stanine score, 636 computer literacy training, 127
test, 666 computer-managed training, 127
test-retest reliability coefcient, 666 computer-related training, 127
test scores, 666 concentration knowledge and skills, 128
test security, 666 contract training, 139
transformative assessment, 679 core knowledge and skills, 144
true-false item, 685 creative-problem solving training, 153
true score, 685 crew resource management, 155
T-score, 686 cross-cultural training, 157
validity, 705 cross-training, 158
821 Index of Key Terms

customer relations, 160 literacy training, 392

custom training program, 161 managerial skills training, 406
data processing training, 166 military training, 425
dealer training, 167 minimalist training, 426
decision-making training, 168 New Age training, 460
delivery system, 173 Nontraditional Employment for Women Act of
desktop videoconferencing, 180 1991, 466
developing a curriculum, 181 occupational education and training requirements
distance training or education, 192 categories, 473
diversity training, 193 ofce skills training, 476
embedded support, 214 one-on-one training, 479
embedded training, 214 one-way satellite/microwave, 479
employee education, training, and assistance one-way satellite with keypad, 479
laws, 218 on-the-job training, 480
empowered training, 223 orientation, 487
enterprise training, 225 outdoor experiential training, 489
entry-level training, 226 Outward Bound, 490
environmental training, 226 pairing, 496
equipment-specic training, 228 parent training, 499
est training, 231 participative training, 501
ethics training, 232 performance-based training, 509
ethnological analysis, 232 performance-centered design, 509
euromanagement training, 232 performance-centered system, 509
expat training, 239 performance support, 510
external support, 243 performance support engineering, 511
external training expenditures, 243 performance support tool, 511
functional courses, 275 personal growth training, 514
global rotational opportunities, 286 platform skills, 522
graphics-based training, 291 power training, 527
green training, 292 presentation skills training, 531
grid training, 292 private industry council, 535
high-technology training, 310 product knowledge training, 539
HOBSO, 299 professional skills training, 541
horizontal programming, 315 Program on Non-Collegiate Sponsored
human performance improvement, 320 Instruction, 544
iceberg training, 327 project management training, 545
individual development plan, 337 reading training, 563
induction, 339 recursive training, 566
infonuggets, 340 reentry training, 567
information technology, 341 relocation training, 572
instructor-led training, 346 remedial training, 572
instructor training, 346 retraining, 579
integrated training, 348 roll-about videoconferencing systems, 586
intercultural training, 351 room-based videoconferencing systems, 587
internal training expenditures, 353 rotational training, 587
International Association of Information rotational training staff, 587
Technology Trainers, 355 safety training, 594
Internet-based training, 361 sales and dealer training, 594
job instruction training, 368 seminar locators, 609
just-in-time training, 372 sensitivity training, 610
knowledge engineering, 375 skills and technical training, 619
leader match training, 381 skills certication, 620
learner-controlled instruction, 382 smile training, 622
linked support, 391 special training, 630
listening training, 392 specialty knowledge and skills, 630
Index of Key Terms 822

stress management training, 642 back ofce system, 56

suitcasing, 646 back-to-back ticketing, 56
tailored training, 655 beta-test software, 64
technical processes and procedures training, 660 Black Book, 66
technical training, 660 booking code, 69
technotraining, 661 booking software, 69
teleconferencing, 662 business card, 77
time management training, 670 business class amenities, 78
trainability, 676 business class club, 78
trainer liability, 676 business class services, 78
trainer malpractice, 677 business coach, 78
training, 677 business discount fare, 78
training aid, 677 buy-back program, 80
training meeting, 678 calling card, 85
training on demand, 678 cancellation fee, 86
training resource center, 678 cash advance, 91
training via the Internet, 678 centralized billing, 95
Trainlit, 678 charge card, 101
transactional analysis, 679 coach fare, 112
two-way digital teleconferencing, 687 computerized reservation system, 127
two-way satellite/microwave, 687 computer reservation system, 127
uptraining, 698 conjunctive ticket, 131
vestibule training, 709 consolidator, 133
veterans employment and training laws, 711 constructed fare, 133
videophone teleconferencing systems, 714 continental breakfast, 136
video teleconferencing, 714 continental plan, 136
video teletraining, 714 convention fare, 141
Video Toaster, 714 corporate charge card, 144
visual literacy, 717 cost-per-mile rate of change, 149
Web-based training, 723 Covia, 152
Webinar, 723 cross-ticketing, 158
wilderness training, 726 day rate, 166
work-based learning, 729 debit card, 167
writing training, 736 deluxe hotel, 173
destination management company, 180
destination services company, 181
56 Travel Management
dining card, 186
Abacus, 6 direct access, 186
access code, 7 direct billing, 186
add-on fare, 12 direct ight, 187
advance purchase excursion fare, 14 display bias, 192
afnity card, 15 drop charge, 197
Air Carrier Access Act of 1986, 18 economy class, 207
Air Carrier Accessibility Regulations, 18 ecotourism, 207
Air Carrier Liability Cap, 18 ecotours, 207
airfare groups, 18 E-key system, 209
air fares, 19 electronic ticket delivery network, 213
Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, 19 escorted tour, 230
airside hotel, 19 E-ticketing, 232
Air Travel Industry Enforcement Guidelines, 19 European plan, 233
all-inclusive, 21 expense reimbursement system, 240
ATM card, 49 extended stay hotel, 242
automated ticket/boarding pass, 52 Fantasia, 251
Aviation Excise Tax of 1997, 53 feng shue, 259
back-dating, 56 rst class, 263
823 Index of Key Terms

at rate, 266 penalty fare, 505

foreign independent travel, 270 pretravel quality control, 532
fortress-hub, 271 pretravel reporting, 532
freebies, 272 productivity tickets, 539
frequent ier programs, 273 professional conference (congress) organizer, 540
front ofce system, 274 promotional fare, 546
full American plan, 274 property management system, 546
full breakfast, 274 rack rate, 560
full coach, 274 remote ticketing system, 573
Galileo, 280 restricted fares, 577
Gemini, 281 reverse redemption, 581
ghost card, 284 road warrior, 585
global distribution system, 285 round-trip fare, 588
global travel manager, 286 Rule 240, 588
green guest rooms, 292 run-of-the-house rate, 589
green rooms, 292 Sabre, 593
grey fare, 292 satellite ticket printer, 595
grossing up, 293 Schengen Agreement, 597
group/convention fare, 294 self-reimbursement, 609
guaranteed room blocks, 297 Signet Awards, 617
hidden-city fare, 309 SITE Crystal Awards, 618
home purchase company, 314
sleep room, 621
host computerized reservation system, 317
smart card, 622
hosted tour, 317
split city fare, 632
hotel rate, 317
star numbers, 637
incentive adventure travel, 334
subsidized payment, 644
incentive travel, 334
System One, 651
involuntary bumping, 363
techno hobo, 661
joint fare, 371
ticketing abroad, 669
junket, 371
ticket transfer, 669
junk fare, 371
tour director, 674
leisure discount fare, 386
liability claims, 387 tour operator, 674
local guide/agent, 393 trade down, 675
luxury hotel, 397 transaction-based pricing, 679
management information system report, 405 travel agent, 682
meal plans, 412 travel and entertainment card, 682
meeting fare, 419 travel coordinator, 682
mid-ofce system, 424 traveler rules, 682
modied American plan, 428 travel management consultant, 683
move-in/move-out, 432 travel management information system, 683
multilateral discounts, 432 travel management reporting, 683
multiple-ticket fare/pricing, 433 travel manager, 683
National Tourist Ofces, 455 trip-planning software, 685
negotiated rst-class fare, 458 United States Tourism Organization Act of 1996,
negotiated meeting fare, 458 695
net-booking pricing, 458 unpublished/preferential fare, 697
non-refundable fare, 465 upcharges/upcharging, 698
nonstop ight, 465 VAT reclaim/refund, 708
no-show, 467 voids, 718
opportunity cost, 482 voluntary bumping, 718
override, 491 waitlist, 722
passenger facility charge, 501 walking clause, 722
passenger manifests, 501 Worldspan, 736
passenger name record, 501 zone fare, 743
Index of Key Terms 824

57 Work Measurement platform hours, 522

platform preparation factor, 522
applied person-day, 38 platform-to-preparation-time ratio, 522
applied rate, 39 process owchart, 537
automated data collection, 51 time and motion study, 670
daily work log, 164 work count chart, 729
daily work record, 164 work distribution chart, 729
development time, 182 work measurement, 732
employee task log, 220 work methods analysis, 732
Gantt chart, 280 work process chart, 734
instructor-to-trainee ratio, 346 work sampling, 734
measures of clinical performance, 413 work simplication, 734

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