Secret Law of Attraction Napoleon Hill 16.Mp3

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cosmic force of habit

a lot of nature
also on first hearing it seems to simplicity
the old final answer to that question of why the law of attraction works is that
it works be going back is what the mind does that is the mines have been
it is always fall when the law of nature
a lot nature is determined whether certain stimulus produces the same result tim
e after time
dylan is accepted that is it's nature to produce that result every time
all that talk
for thirty years napoleon hill had starving thousands of the most successful peo
and analyze the relationship between what they believed and the successfully ach
the connection between the law of attraction and great success happened so consi
stently to convince him that way in which the mind responded to was nowhere to r
un what was in fact a predictable wall of nature
i was like force of habit
and free will
the following is adapted from napoleon hills explanation exerted from lot of suc
cess the twenty first century edition
every living thing below the intelligence of man lives we produces itself and fu
lfilled its are fully mission in direct response to a book or of the cosmic forc
e of habit
what we call instinct
man alone has been given the privilege of choice in connection with his living h
and these teammates fixed by the patterns of this box
you make an for your desolate one astounding degree simply by exercising the pri
vilege of shaping your palm blocks
once these dogs have been shaken to definite patterns they are taken over by the
law of cars would have been forced and are made into permanent habits and they
remain as such unless and until they've been so blinded by different and stronge
r o'clock or
in all of nature there are fixed habits
water always as two weapons of hydrogen never won
apple trees never grow into orange trees
nobody ever falls off the earth for lack of gravity
every aspect of life relies upon the laws of nature to make sure that if we do a
then be will always be the result
cars which have been forced to the law of nature that says habits become part of
your nature prove repetition
if you keep repeating certain ideas in your mind cosmic habit force will take ov
er those patterns of fog and make them your natural reaction
it can work for you
or it can work against you
your mind will take whatever is given
and try to turn that into reality
if your mind is filled with the fear of failure
that is exactly what your mind will try make happened
but if you intentionally change your thinking and focus your mind on the anticip
ation of succeeding
your mind will work to give you success instead
they both cases no matter whether your mind was attracting failure or attracting
cosmic habit force was the reason why your mind transformed a fought
into reality

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